#mine was cheap tho
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it's not that deep but if she's writing anything to add to the series I'm going to kill myself pls just let this be exclusive editions or different covers amen
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neopuppy · 3 months
the besuty standard in korea is a small nose…. jeno’s nose is like half his face and has always been like that. why would they make his nose bigger with surgery ☠️☠️☠️
I dont wanna keep this topic going, so pls lets stop it here lmao
but his nose very much fits their beauty standards bc he has such a high nose bridge which is an uncommon east asian feature, and definitely seen as more ‘western’/european
I wouldn’t say SMALL nose is the standard for men? as you can see many actors tend to have larger noses and are considered some of the most handsome from there. either way I’m happy he hasn’t touched his nose(and im sticking to that because I’ve stared at that nose from his predebut thru debut to now analyzing every corner and crevice and haven’t seen any unnatural change or clocked any surgical scarring either! cant say the same for……99.9% of the rest!)
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j-esbian · 23 days
one of my biggest pet peeves and my smallest hill to die on is when people act like parchment is just The Old Fashioned Paper, or worse, use those terms interchangeably. it’s especially egregious in the fantasy genre, of course.
and i can kind of see how they got there: a lot of surviving texts from medieval europe are on parchment and that influences the way people perceive things; because ofc western fantasy draws a LOT of things from medieval times, that just gets exported along with the ideas that thatched houses are constantly falling apart and gothic churches come pre-blackened with soot
there’s a lot of ground to cover with the history of the written word, but the thing about paper is that it really took off because the gutenberg press made it fast and cheap to make books and paper was CHEAP and much easier to produce. parchment is expensive and, quite frankly, a much more limited resource (and it also didn’t disappear after the printing press took off. i’ve seen books printed on vellum, but by that point it was for the novelty/explicitly because it was so expensive). but it does have significant longevity vs paper, so of course it was usually reserved for important cultural items. people wouldn’t be using parchment to make a flyer for the county fair or to advertise a job, and probably only used it for correspondence if they’re very rich. granted, before the printing boom galvanized literacy levels (because it made reading material cheaper and more accessible), generally only rich people were literate and would have a need for something to read and write on, but there have been pamphlets forever
paper existed before the 13th century and honestly, whether it was anachronistic in real life shouldn’t bother you in a made up setting and anyway PLEASE remember that paper and parchment are not the same thing
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runimanio · 29 days
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Nintendo Youtubers taking about my baby boy, the Gameboy Micro
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aviatrix-ash · 8 months
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cryin at this ad listing for another ultra pup cause they said the plane was born and has a birthday. the builder loved this little plane <3
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sexynetra · 4 months
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lux and crystal nose heart and heart blush :) for you :) (also PLEASE look at that picture of luxx standing behind crystal like🧍it makes me laugh every time)
I saved this ask just so i could look at it for reference for the Crystal show tonight :))) heart nose heart blush lux lip we are in the groove <333
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bratzfag · 10 months
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Tonights Nicky progress. I couldve continued till I was done but I accidentally snapped my needle in half so work is halted until further notice
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ii-zi · 9 months
This is gonna sound so extremely pathetic and sad but I met a dear friend today and hugged them and I was so startled by it like the height difference took me by surprise despite not forgetting about it but I have hugged only like my mom n my aunt (and just a couple inches taller than me) and a while ago my grandma for Quite A Long While so I literally lost practice regarding interacting with people 🧍 I cursed within earshot of their parents bc i kept forgetting I couldn't n I had to keep reminding myself to not lay down bc i wasn't at home n to speak to them n not only my sister n the fact that there were more ppl present..
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ijustcantfigureout · 11 months
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sueniia · 1 year
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bria went on a (definitely) friendly date with a cute girl she met in the cafe and i think they’re hitting it off well...!
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welcome home M|O|O|N <3
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starlightkun · 3 months
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llycaons · 4 months
I think one thing that drives me crazy about living with these specific other people is that they think nothing of watching videos with full volume in common areas and I would N E V E R do that like I don't want to say anything but it's part of the reason I rarely go out and stay in the living area. also they literally own the tv so what am I going to tell them, put in headphones? for their tv? at 4pm? on a sunday???? they turn it down when it's late even on weekends which I appreciate but I feel like it makes for such an exclusionary and unwelcome environment
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dixiedingo · 7 months
Yawns I'm baby
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geddy-leesbian · 8 months
deciding on a title for the flashbacks thing is the hardest thing ive ever done in my life
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