trainitright · 2 years
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Life lately #change #growth #friends #training #pro #minicut #prep #ifbb #toronto (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJy2ubunr8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arcadebroke · 7 months
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ross-nekochan · 3 months
Resoconto della prima settimana del nuovo lavoro.
Sono stanchissima e non so bene il perché. Forse è perché è tutto un insieme di abitudini nuove, forse perché fa pure un sacco di caldo, però alzarmi la mattina sempre alle 6:40 è stata una botta in fronte più delle settimane precedenti.
È stata dura abituarsi a tutto nuovo: il vecchio ufficio era la mia seconda casa, sentivo tutto parzialmente mio e, sebbene sapessi che staccarsi da quei comfort sarebbe stata dura, viverlo è stato pure più pesante del previsto. È una cazzata, lo so pure io, ma ora abituarsi al caffè e ai caffellate acquosi dei konbini è tosta, oltre allo sbatti di doverci andare e pagare pure per quella mezza merda. Sto pensando di portare qualcosa da casa perché io non sono il tipo da fare ste spese stupide che a fine mese un poco si sentono; questa settimana è stata di rodaggio e di indulgenza, non a caso ho mangiato pure un po' più del solito nonostante sia un periodo in cui non mi vedo particolarmente bene. Avevo fatto un minicut prima di andare in India che non era nemmeno andato troppo bene a livello di kg persi, poi ovviamente ho ripreso qualcosa perché figurati se in viaggio mi metto a fare la dieta, poi tra preciclo e ciclo la bilancia non l'ho voluta vedere nemmeno col binocolo, finito il ciclo mi sono sentita un poco più me stessa e ora questa settimana nuovamente gonfia come un pallone e quindi più mi sento gonfia più mangio per disperazione (non fa una piega proprio). In verità sto pensando di farmi seguire da qualcuno da Settembre perché dopo 2 (diciamo 3) anni mi sono un po' stufata di fare quasi tutto da sola, però dato che ovviamente pagherei un PT in Italia dovrei pagare in euro e, data la situazione disastrosa dello yen, parte di me è un po' restia - pure perché è da tempo che voglio pure cominciare la psicoterapia, perché anche là sia altri soldi sia altri euro e quindi boh che palle sto paese di merda, uno già rischia la povertà con uno stipendio normale poi ci si mettono pure le politiche economiche di merda.
Il lavoro in sé per sé non mi dice niente, quasi mi fa schifo (come quello vecchio) e questa è stata l'ennesima conferma che a me i lavori d'ufficio fanno proprio cacare. Non hanno proprio senso e mentre stiamo tutti cacati per l'IA, io non mi capacito di come tutti sti processi non siano stati ancora automatizzati: cioè spiegatemi il senso di dover compilare decine di moduli al giorno A MANO e di controllare se le info scritte in documenti diversi siano giusti. Sono sicura che l'IA lo saprebbe fare pure meglio, però eccoci qua a perdere tempo per qualche spicciolo. Il problema è che non sono nemmeno una sognatrice e seppure vorrei fare lavori meno monotoni e fighi, voglio pure i soldi, per cui almeno per il momento, mi tengo il lavoro d'ufficio bello stretto finché dura. Il lavoro vecchio mi manca perché ormai sapevo quasi fare tutto, però come mi ripeto da sola e come mi ha detto la mia amica "alla fine hai cambiato SOLO per i benefit", ed è vero, quindi pensiamo che ho avrò più ferie e smart (sebbene ancora devo capire come funziona perché a quanto pare non danno lo smart in giorni fissi ma li richiedi tu ogni tanto) e non ci pensiamo più.
Un'altra cosa buona è che il livello di giapponese che devo usare adesso mi pare più alto (oltre a dover usare ancora meno l'inglese). Sarà pure che è pieno di termini nuovi (ormai quelli del vecchio lavoro li avevo imparati quasi tutti), ma mi sento più in difficoltà (ed è una cosa buona perché significa che ho solo margine per migliorare). Problema grosso sono le telefonate: mai stata amante nemmeno in Italia, figuriamoci a parlare al telefono in una lingua non tua e con persone che ti parlano a manetta in maniera inutilmente cerimoniosa (e tu devi esserlo altrettanto)... spero non mi dicano mai di cominciare a rispondere perché penso che mi ci vorranno tantissimi mesi per sentirmi pienamente in grado.
Una cosa di cui sono contenta è che, dopo un anno, scrivere mail in keigo non è più un problema. A volte sono così fiera delle mail che scrivo che faccio le foto e le invio alle mie amiche (con cui non faccio che bestemmiare questo popolo per queste inutili cerimoniosità). In più a volte quando parlo mi escono parole che nemmeno ricordavo di sapere e mi sento in grado di affrontare la maggior parte delle situazioni quotidiane senza troppe preoccupazioni (andare al comune, visite mediche ecc) anche se non capisco tutto, in qualche modo si fa. Insomma, il motivo per cui sono venuta era principalmente questo e sono felice di star migliorando. Certamente avere attorno continuamente persone straniere che parlano letteralmente come fossero native è deprimente, però oh, loro sono qui da anni e anni, per me questo è il secondo anno in totale e anche se lo studio dal 2014 si sa che non è la stessa cosa che vivere la lingua tutti i giorni.
Questa domenica ho il test per la certificazione linguistica di giapponese livello N2 (il secondo più alto), ma già so che non passerò per la seconda volta perché oggettivamente non ho studiato molto e nelle ultime settimane non ho proprio aperto libro. Ho speso altri 7000¥ a vuoto e pazienza...
Nella metà di Agosto a quanto pare ci sarà una settimana intera di festa per l'Obon (la festa dei morti) e non mi pare vero. È dal 7 maggio che lavoro senza sosta e sono oggettivamente molto stanca. Manca un altro mese quindi non possiamo far altro che farlo passare. Madonna bella.
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earthnashes · 2 years
Heyoooo everyone! I’m gonna gush a little bit about my gym rat hobby so please feel free to ignore me! I’m just super excited with the results I got this week. :)
For those of ya who are curious:
As of this coming April, I’d have been weight training consistently for a year. The past 5 weeks I entered a prep block to get myself prepared, and this week was the self-appointed Personal Record test I set for myself. The goal of the test is to... well. TEST how strong I’d become and the progress I made in comparison to when I first started out by finding my 1 Rep Max (and in the case of pullups, how many I can do before I can’t do anymore in one go).
The lifts I used for the testing were Barbell Bench Press, Deadlifts, and Pullups. I would’ve also tested for Squats but an old injury in my knee started acting up, so for my own safety I opted against it until I can retrain it and try later at the end of the year.
ANYWAY! The results of those tests are:
Bench Press: Last 1RM-150lbs | Current 1RM- 170lbs
Deadlift: Last 1RM- 210lbs | Current 1RM- 265lbs
Pullups: Last max: 0 pullups unassisted | Current max: 9 pullups unassisted
Numbers aren’t necessarily important in the grand scheme of things, BUT they’re very good for me to know in order to calculate how much I should be lifting in order to become stronger and for how many reps/sets, as well as giving me an additional visual representation of the progress I’m making outside of photos.
I am naturally competitive --specifically toward myself-- so what I see when looking at these numbers is defaulting to “Cool but now I need to get stronger”. But I’m trying to make myself take a step back and actually appraise the progress I’ve made thus far and to remember to be proud of it, even if it may not feel like I made a lot of progress at all.
And taking that step back: overall? I’m very happy with the results! And quite frankly very surprised. I went into the test with base goals and trying to be open that there’s a very high likelihood of failing to reach those goal PRs this time. But I managed to outperform my own expectations, and while small part of me will forever whisper “it wasn’t you. You did it wrong. You’re lying to yourself,” it’s a little harder to deny it when I had another person actively watching me and recording the tests so I can actually see myself do it.
“You are your biggest critique” is ever the true statement man. But I’m definitely trying to learn how to be more open to success in the gym. I mean c’mon; I started at barely being able to do one pullup with 100lbs of assistance. Now I can do nine with no help? It’s not a big number, but it’s still a much bigger number than where I was, and I can be proud of that.
I guess the roundabout of me talking about this is to remind ya to take a step back and be proud of the progress you’ve made up to this point, no matter what it is. Any progress is still progress, and you can’t brush that off.
The game face can be put on; aim for that higher number, strive for more, but don’t forget to take inventory of where you started vs where you are now. You may surprise yourself. :)
BUT YEAH! TL;DR I think I have gotten a little stronger. I’ll be taking a couple of days break away from the gym to rest up, then will be back on my bullshit with the new training block + my 1st attempt at a minicut. We’ll see how that goes ;w;
Anyhow, if you stuck around and read my rambling, treat yourself man. Thank you so much for listening, and I will talk to ya soon! :)
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pictjoe · 19 days
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kd-bzh · 3 months
🟡 Minimal Tech Beats 003 🟡 All Tracks By Bosphorus Underground Recordings Joy Marquez, Ploughman, Robert Noise, Aiho, Andre Bergmann, Salvatore Polizzi, AndReew, DoubKore, Ende, Julien Lecoq, Justin Carey, Larry BAAAAM!, Lucent, Mr. Wise, Manu Sami, Minicut, Miss K, MorganJ, Mouthy Raw, Phase Difference, Waveback Luke, Zareh Kan, Sickwave, Selep & Luigi Peretti
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idliketobeatree · 9 months
just had an earth-shattering dream in which Aziraphale and Crowley were doing a theatre play in something resembling the Globe. the plot was loosely based of their time spent on Earth, but only the really fun bits, where they could enjoy each other's company in some drunken hijinks. the costumes were a bit mismatched and the set budgety to the core, but the vibes? so heartwarming and real. in Rome, they were rolling on the floor in their robes on a party and Aziraphale got gifted a whole charcuterie board by some interested patron. in 1793 we got an internal monologue from the angel as he waits in the Bastille; if he planned this fit specifically for the occasion, who's to know? he's just fretting over the minicuts on the frilled jacket when Crowley appears, and then they have a lovely time with the crêpes, a rickety table between them with a real awful cardboard cutout of a parisian café wall, notwithstanding the sounds of revolution in the background. Aziraphale was extremely unprofessional because he keept giggling and forgetting his lines and looked to Crowley for cue, and Crowley stole the show so hard, kept it modern and insane and and and. they had so many heated moments it was agonizing to see. like one of them lays a head on the other's shoulder and it seems to last for hours. such a blast I almost cried a little. help
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you10tubesworld · 2 years
This video will discuss what a Mini Cut Is. When you should implement it during your Bulk. As well as my top tips and strategies on how to get the best results possible from a Mini Cut without sacrificing muscle and performance in the gym. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COACHING: https://bodiesbyangel.com/start EVL NUTRITION: https://www.evlnutrition.com/ Code: Angel20 for 20% OFF your order. Instagram: www.instagram.com/fiftyshakesofwhey_/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiftyshakesof... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #fitness #bodybuilding #offseason #bulking #bulkingseason #natty #naturalbodybuilding #gym #gainz #contestprep #muscle #musclebuilding #training #legday #legdayeveryday #neverskiplegday #bodiesbyangel #fiftyshakesofwhey #leangains #nutrition #exercise #exercisescience #kinesiology #gymlife #gymtraining #hardgainer #weightloss #fatloss #minicut #cutting #cuttingseason 
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Carbide Milling Cutter Market, 2022 Technology Advancements and Research- Growth Status and Outlook 2022-2029
Carbide Milling Cutter Market Overview
For the global industry’s Carbide Milling Cutter market analysis, a research team did thorough primary and secondary research. Secondary research was carried out in order to supplement existing data, segment the market, estimate overall market size, and anticipate market size and growth rate.
Expected Growth is expected to be 3.8% during the forecast period and the Carbide Milling Cutter market size is expected to reach nearly US$ xx by 2029.
Primary and secondary research is used to identify market leaders, while primary and secondary research is used to assess market revenue. In-depth interviews with important thought leaders and industry professionals, such as experienced front-line staff, CEOs, and marketing executives, were conducted as part of the core research. Primary research comprised in-depth interviews with key thought leaders and industry professionals, such as experienced front-line staff, CEOs, and marketing executives, while secondary research included a review of the main manufacturers’ annual and financial reports. Secondary data is used to calculate global market percentage splits, market shares, growth rates, and breakdowns, which are then compared to primary data.
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Market Scope:
By defining and assessing market segments and predicting market size, the study aids comprehension of the Global Carbide Milling Cutter Market dynamic structure. In addition, the report includes a competitive analysis of significant firms based on pricing, financial state, application expansion ambitions, and geographical presence. The research also includes a PESTLE analysis to help shareholders prioritize their efforts and investments in the Global Carbide Milling Cutter Market.
External and internal factors that are predicted to have a positive or negative impact on enterprises have been researched, presenting decision-makers with a clear picture of the sector’s future. By studying market segments and projecting Carbide Milling Cutter Market size, the study also assists in understanding the dynamic structure of the Global Carbide Milling Cutter Market. The study acts as a resource for investors by depicting the competitive analysis of prominent businesses in the Global Carbide Milling Cutter Market based on price, financial status, growth strategies, and geographical presence.
Market Segmentation:
Segment by type
Tungsten Carbide, Cobalt, Other
Segment by Applications
Auto Industry, Shipbuilding Industry, Equipment Manufacturing, Other.
Carbide Milling Cutter Market Key Players:
Major Key Players are DIXI Polytool, ATA Group, Euroboor BV, Friedrich Gloor AG, HITACHI TOOL, FRAISA, ALESA, Minicut International, Arno, Advent Tool & Manufacturing, B.g. Bertuletti, CERATIZIT, Biltks Makina,  and Others and Others.
Regional Analysis:
A study of the Carbide Milling Cutter Market at the national level focuses on categories indicated as potentially high-growth, nations with the biggest market share, and countries with the highest development potential. North America (USA, Canada), South America, Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Korea), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy), and Other nations are the geographical breakdowns in the Carbide Milling Cutter Market study.
To Gain More Insights into the Market Analysis, Browse Summary of the Research Report:
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Carbide Milling Cutter Market: The report covers COVID-19 impact on Carbide Milling Cutter market.
Key Questions Answered in the Carbide Milling Cutter Market Report are:
What will be the Carbide Milling Cutter market’s CAGR throughout the projected period?
Which market category emerged as the market leader in the Carbide Milling Cutter market?
Who are the key players in the Carbide Milling Cutter market?
How big will the Carbide Milling Cutter market be in 2029?
Which firm had the biggest market share in the Carbide Milling Cutter market?
About Us
Market Report Service began its journey in 2021 with a simple goal to help entrepreneurs know market insights effortlessly. It is a platform that serves businesses with accurate analysis and market insights reports that help in making smart decisions.
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otocolle · 6 years
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Image: Minicut
Game: Sleeping Delivery
Location: Dream Note
Character: Leo
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teddygirllifts · 6 years
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Hump workout on hump day wearing the perfect hump day hump enhancing @gluteywear 😂 (use code NIKKI at checkout)⁣ ⁣ Here’s my heavy lower body day for increasing strength! Plus the HIIT I did afterwards for DA SHREDZ⁣ ⁣ 1️⃣ barbell squat 5 x 5⁣ 2️⃣ Romanian deadlift with barbell 5 x 5⁣ 3️⃣ barbell lunge 5 x 5⁣ 4️⃣ barbell hip thrust 5 x 5⁣ 5️⃣ HIIT: apparently these are called propulsions 😂 8 rounds of 20 secs on 10 secs rest (my fave for time efficiency!)⁣ ⁣ When you’re trying to lose fat how do you train? I always advise continuing to lift HEAVY but I’m really interested to know what you do! 🤔⁣ ⁣ PS YouTube video for the mini cut series day 2 is up - the link is in my bio if you’re interested, I really appreciate the views/likes/subs pls and thk u ❤️ . . . #gluteywear #strengthbeautypower #bootyworkout #teamsexso #teamsexsochallenge #minicut #fatlosschallenge #tattooedchicks #tattooedgirls #rockabilly #rockabillygirl #pinupgirl #pinupstyle #pinupfitness #girlswholift #girlswholiftheavy #heavylifting #strengthtraining #liftheavyshit #badassbabes #altgirls #fitgagementz (at Phoenix Gym Norwich) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpUpD9hnWrd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dxcr1qqriz3i
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woventrends · 6 years
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Texture ribbed bodycon mini dress. Turn up the heat with this flirty look🔥🔥🔥 #shopnow #woventrends #bodycondress #bodyconfidence #hotlook #linkinbio. . . #hotdress #flirtylook #flirtydress #bodycon #shortdress #shortdress #minidress #minicut #fashion #fashionboutique #smallbusiness #hotfashion #fashionaddict #fashionshop #fashionistas #fashionboutique #fashionkilla #fashionable #instagood #instafashion #throwback🔙 #throwback #throwbackthursday
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shanvir27 · 4 years
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Need to add on some lats. #bodybuilding #minicut #fitnessmotivation #backday #covid19 #staysafe (at Stanger, KwaZulu-Natal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPGhQSgaPf/?igshid=1daavhnst74wz
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pictjoe · 25 days
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•Made In CHINA
•GENTLY USED : 9/10 SPECIAL Condition as you see
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kd-bzh · 3 months
🔴 Minimal Tech Beats 001🔴 All Tracks By Bosphorus Underground Recordings Ahmet Sendil, Aiho, Gruw Frequency, Mason Bach, Manel Diaz, Doubkore, Lorenzo D’Amario, Stephen Advance, Droplex, Luigi Peretti, Phase Difference, Avrosse, Glitter, ENDE, Vincenzo, Joy Marquez, Larry BAAAAM !, Rodrigo Melo, Mark Dekoda, Steve Kid, Nacim Ladj, Minicut, Lucent & Zareh Kan
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ketoing-life · 4 years
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3 weeks in, the mini-cut is doing its thing. 👌🏼 This is how I do a mini-cut 👇🏻. . First, it helps to know what maintenance calories are for you. Basically, the average amount of calories taken in per day that keeps you at a stable weight. For me, that is around 2700 calories per day. . When cutting I stick to a more strict keto approach (instead of cyclical keto), and then finish up with some Carnivore keto. A mini-cut is a short term cut that lasts about 2-4 weeks. This will be a 4 week mini-cut for me (I just wrapped up week 3) and it is setup like this: . Week 1 - Strict keto. Reduce calories by about 10% per day. About 250 less for me. Last day is a caloric refeed equal to my maintenance. 2700. . Week 2 - Strict keto. Reduce calories by another 10%. About 500 less per day for me in all. Last day is a caloric refeed equal to my maintenance. 2700. . Week 3 - Strict keto. Eat calories equal to BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). About 2000 total calories per day for me. 1 caloric refeed day about 300 calories below maintenance. For me, 2400. . Week 4 - Carnivore keto. Eat calories equal to BMR. Add some steady state cardio of about 30 min on at least 3 days during the week. 1 caloric refeed day 10% over BMR. For me, 2200. . After this mini-cut, I add back about 75-100 calories every 2 or 3 days until I am back at maintenance. So, 2100 for 2-3 days, 2200, for 2-3 days, 2300 for 2-3 days, etc. The longer the cut lasts, the slower you should add back the calories. More cutting = lower metabolism. Slower increase = less fat gain. Jumping right back to maintenance immediately will likely result in a little extra body fat increase. . Note: Expect the workouts to get tougher the longer you cut. After the 2nd week, you will likely start to feel it impact your workouts. . This type of mini-cut should help you to lean out a little without totally wrecking your metabolism. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. . . . . . . . . . . #ketoing #ketoinglife #minicut #fitliving #ketocut #carnivorecut #fatlosscut #fittips #stayinglean #fitnessfam #ketofam #ketocommunity #shredzresults #ketoaf #fatadapted #fitover40 #npcphysique #npcmasters https://www.instagram.com/p/CD32tuXAZAx/?igshid=1qx58z8n6q1jg
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