#minor invincible spoilers
puddiitatofficial · 1 year
***Minor vague spoilers for Seasons 2 & 3 of Invincible***
(nothing too serious unless you want to go into the new stuff completely blind and/or don't want to read ahead)
Honestly Invincible gets so ludicrous later down the line that it essentially turns into R-Rated Dragon Ball Z.
Can't wait to see how folks lose their collective shit over what comes next. The fights get fucking CRAZY.
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sequids · 10 months
(invincible comic spoilers ahead)
i really really love shapesmith's portrayal in the show so far, but i was initially a little sad they didn't show us more of the remorse and guilt he felt about coming to earth and possibly ruining the actual rus' life after losing "his" job at nasa ussa. in hindsight i kinda appreciate the way they decided to show him feeling lost and isolated on earth (they put him in that depression outfit just for me) while being less open about his actual motivations & reasons for being here, and i hope it will lead to the eventual reveal of his identity & backstory to the guardians having more of an impact. i've seen a few people who aren't familiar with the comics speculating that he might be scheming something more nefarious, and while people painting him as some sort of supervillain always makes me laugh it is also kind of interesting to see how people who are only familiar with his current show-self are reacting to him. i can also see why people would be led to believe he might be in cahoots with the sequids regarding their plan to conquer mars/earth, and whether or not that was the writers' actual intention or just people generally being kind of confused by the sequids storyline, that sort of ambiguity does feel more compelling than revealing a large part of his backstory right away.
i still hope the show will eventually devote a little more time to actually exploring his feelings, especially after the death of rus livingston.....the fact that he was clearly struggling with guilt over what he's done and yet we never even saw him react to or being affected by his death in any way whatsoever in the comics was always super frustrating to me and i hope the show's gonna take a different approach to that (please just give me anything please). i love the humor he brings to the show (and i really really appreciate what ben is doing with the role!!), i just don't want him to only serve as comic relief and i hope he actually gets the chance to have a few more serious/somber moments as well.
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 7 months
I recently re-read the Invincible comics, and wow it’s kind of crazy how much the show movies around events for the better.
(Minor comic spoilers ahead)
In the comics, the whole thing with Robot regrowing a new body happens after the Omni-Man fight. Like way after. And the mission to Mars happens after too. There are probably some more examples that I’m blanking on right now.
I think it makes way more sense for these events to happen before the Omni-Man fight. It makes everything feel so…developed. More so than the comics. I don’t really know how to describe it.
Anyways I’m hyped for Part 2 of Season 2!
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fabled-fiction · 1 year
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Hobie Brown x Spider!Reader)
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Summary: When Hobie hasn’t seen you in a while, he starts to come to the realization that he might be missing you for the wrong reasons. So when you come back, all those feelings reasons come bubbling up to the surface.
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: This kinda took a mind of its own, but I LOVED writing every second of it. Hope you enjoy it!! ☺️
Request by @its-me-ig-101: I was wondering if I could request for you to write a fluff Hobie Brown x GN reader, where the reader visits Hobie in his universe, or reverse? (Kind of like what Gwen does)
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It had been 127 days since he last saw you,
14 since you last spoke.
It wasn’t like he was counting or anything. Nah…no he was completely able to be his own person. I mean, he had a whole Earth to protect as Spiderman.
But if he was being honest with himself, he didn’t think four months apart would take such a toll on him.
You both were just always together. It didn’t cross his mind that there could be more than two to  three days of you being away…from him especially. Gwen always joked about how quickly you both became so close so quickly. How Hobie was usually a steel trap and you were the key.
And he couldn’t even visit you! You were away on Spider business! Miguel had you consistently going after anomalies. It didn’t help that you had an insanely good success rate. Hell! Hobie couldn’t remember the last time you didn’t catch one of the anomalies!
“I’m sure they’ll be back soon! This is the ultimate test before the big question! Will their relationship prevail over this unexpected test?!”
Pavitr placed his hand on his chest, spinning around before collapsing onto Hobie's bed, where he was currently lounging. His fingers fiddled with his watch, flicking through all the channels. Maybe if he clicked on the right one, he would end up on the Earth where you were. Miguel had stopped telling him what Earth you were visiting, knowing he would just tag along. But Hobie could come up with something on the fly, he didn’t give a damn at this point if Miguel was pissed at him for interrupting your mission.
He would like to see him try and keep you from him any longer at this point.
“Hello, Earth to Hobie. Hey!”
Catching the plush that Gwen had thrown at him, he huffed and sat up. Pav smiled when he caught a glimpse at Hobie’s watch, and the roulette wheel of universes were still going. 
“ Dude, they’re fine! (Y/N) is like…an invincible spider.”
“You know why he’s being more quiet than usual! He’s realizing he’s in looove. Our Hobie is head over he-” A well shot pillow from Hobie landed Pavitr on the floor.
“Am I not allowed to miss a friend? I remember ‘ow upset you were whenever you’d talk ‘bout Miles.” He scoffed, crossing his arms. He smirked when he saw how red Gwen’s face got.
“Ooooh we’re starting to enter the grumpy Hobie stage!” Pav shot up into a sitting position, this time dodging the second pillow that he had thrown.
Scoffing, he waved his hand at them as he pulled his phone out of his pant pocket. Unlocking it, he scrolled through his photo album and sighed.
They always teased him like this when he was down in the dumps. It had just been more recent as of late, seeing as you were rising in the ranks. Meaning you were gone more and more.
That also meant your friendship was tested more and more. He had noticed the change, he wasn’t completely blind to his emotions. He had noticed that as of late whenever you were gone he got a bit more snippy, and a bit more cynical-well more cynical than usual. Some had even told him that his color seemed more drained the longer and longer you were away.
This time had just been the longest. But it was also the most eye opening.
It's odd how you don’t notice how consistent someone is in your life until they’re gone.
He was mindlessly scrolling with a thousand yard stare off into the distance, when his phone suddenly anchored him back to reality.
Specifically your text tone.
Flicking to his messages, he felt his heart rate pick up.
(Y/N): heey! im finally back!! i missed you (cry emoji) (heart emoji)
Before his head could reminisce on the heart emoji and brew up any meaning behind it, he heard Pav gasp. Quickly looking up from his phone, he saw Pav squeal in excitement and Gwen chuckle as she shook her head.
“Look at him G! Do you see how much brighter he is? Ugh! Our boy has it bad.”
Sliding off his bed, he grabbed his bag and mask. Both Gwen and Pavitr could see that there was some pep in his step as he slung the bag over his shoulder. Fastening his web shooters on, he slid his mask into his pocket before entering your Earth into his watch.
“Oh oh! Where you heading Hobie? Thought we were having some serious bro time!”
Flicking them off, Hobie felt the portal open below him. Glancing through, he could see the flickering lights of your Earth.
“Piss off.”
Jumping through the portal, Hobie braced himself as he felt a quick rush before landing on your bed. The flickering and crackling of the portal remained only for a second before it snapped shut, dropping everything in the room along with its departure.
You stood in the opposite corner of the room, barely even unpacked. Your bag sat at the foot of your desk, unzipped with some of your clothes spilling out. You must’ve just texted him, because you were still in your spider suit…with one of his jumpers on.
Turning around, a smile spread across your face in an instant. Whatever you were doing was soon abandoned as you ran towards him. He was quick to stand, enveloping you in his frame. Feeling your aura mix with his, as he buried his nose into your hair felt nice. It awoke whatever nerves that had gone into hibernation after your departure, activating his senses once more.
Because he became highly aware of how right when you entered his arm, the hairs on yours stood under your suit. Your heart rate calmed but also picked up. Hell, he could even feel the blood rush to your cheeks as you buried your head into his chest.
“You really did miss me aye?” He teased, pulling you back by your shoulders to get a good look at his face.
“Mmm, only like…thiiiiiiis much.” Holding up two fingers, he watched as you held them close together and very very slowly pulled them apart. 
“Oh wow, and here I was in absolute agony.” He hummed, sitting on the edge of your windowsill.
“Oh really?” You laugh, leaning over him. He looked up at you, nodding as he placed his hands in his pocket.
“Absolutely, almost died.”
Watching you laugh was something he knew he needed. It wasn’t too hard, at least for him. Your back and forth quips and teases were something that usually ended in you laughing or him chuckling. Inside jokes and knowing stares were usually exchanged to test the waters whenever others were around. It happened so often people usually felt excluded whenever you were both in each other's presence.
It was something he didn’t know he could miss. 
“Wanna go for a swing?”
Watching the way your eyes lit up, he knew he had his answer.
Slipping his mask on, he was quick to open your window. He knew you were right behind him as he swung into action.
This was a dance you both did whenever you visited his world, swinging between buildings and each other. Finding ways to play off the others webbing and moves.
He loved watching you swing and flip. Hearing you laugh as you gave him a heart attack with how close you’d like to fall before yanking yourself back up into the air.
He felt a rush of similar emotions in the two weeks of you going dark. Whenever it was just him alone in his room, his mind would wander. He knew that if anything had happened he would have been the first told, both a blessing and a curse. But it still didn’t stop him from…worrying.
When did his worry for you become such a crutch?
Reaching to your normal hang out, what was atop your Statue of Liberty (which was still bronze here on your earth), both of you sat atop her torch. With shoulders touching, he watched as you leaned back and looked at your city.
“So, how many anomalies did you catch on this little spree of yours?” 
With a big sigh you ripped your mask off and stuffed it into your-no, his jacket pocket. Bringing a knee to your chest you placed your cheek on it as you looked at him.
“Twelve. Probably the most in a row.”
Tisking, he leaned back on his hands now as he also took his mask off.
“Wow, remember which ones?”
“Most of them were Vultures. They were the only ones that could reach the portals that opened in their respective worlds. I might as Miguel if I can take a break though.”
That piqued his interest. But he didn’t show a reaction, in fact he just hummed and watched as you put your forehead to rest on your knees.
“I appreciate how much Miguel…trusts me to keep the multiverse intact, I really do. I went through hell with his stupid tests in order to get into the Spider Society and its…its lead me to meet some of my favorite people but recently I've been more Spider than Person…”
Hobie sat up now, putting his elbows on his knees and smirking. He knew what you needed to hear in this moment. He knew you like the back of his hand, in the year that you two have gotten to know each other it is safe to say he almost knows you better than he knows himself. The same could probably be said about you knowing him.
“Favorite people aye? Where do I fall on that list?”
Watching you lift your head to give him a quick glance, a small smile graced your lips before you lifted your head fully to clear your throat.
“Atleast top…let's say ten? There's a lot of competition BB.” You chuckle
“Oh yea? That jumper you’re wearing says otherwise.”
Your eyes grew almost as wide as the lenses on your mask as you looked down. Your hands gripped the edge of the jacket for a moment before shoving into the pockets.
“Oh I uh…yea I dunno what to say…”
The gears were turning in your head, he could tell. Something was brewing.
“..y’know I didn’t even realize I had packed this until I was subconsciously putting it on the first night. I'm being dead serious when I tell you I only ever took it off whenever I was about to go into battle…I didn’t wanna ruin it.”
He smiled to himself listening to your words. Something similar to what was brewing in your head was brewing in his chest.
These past few months, more specifically the past two weeks where you couldn’t contact him, there was a confession building. Words that were just waiting in the dark until he was at his most vulnerable to come into the light were bubbling up in his throat. The only thing keeping them from spilling right at this very moment was the seal of his lips.
It was nice, having you back. But all these realizations that he was having just in these last few days, especially now in these moments he was sharing with you, told him all he needed to know.
Especially with those words that you had just said to him, he knew his realization was not far from out of the blue.
“ Y’know those two weeks were you went dark were ‘ell. Pav and Gwendy were up my arse the entire time. It irked me how well they read me those two weeks..”
Watching you grow still and turn towards him, and sighed before turning towards you as well.
“I'm sorry about that Hobbie…my communicator died and Miguel told me I wasn’t allowed a new one until I finished my assignment. Which made everything so much harder to do since I had to wait for texts from Lyla and code instead of her just being able to talk me through it.”
“I knew it ‘ad to be somethin outta your control…and I also had a keepsake that ‘elped me keep my cool.”
Pulling back his cuffs, an array of bracelets both woven and made were on both of his wrists. They were all yours, but ones you hadn’t seen in a while and ones you were sure you had left on your desk before you had left.
What he couldn’t show you was the shirt he had of yours that was also on his pillow. He had it for the same reason he was sure you had his jacket for the entire trip…
Though it was starting to lose your scent.
There was a comfortable silence, at least he hoped there was. He could barely tell based off the thumping of his heart…
When he finally made eye contact with you, he saw a dopey smile on your face. It made him smile too. No matter how long you two were apart, no matter how raw the two of you got it never changed anything.
Well, he hoped nothing would change after what he was about to do.
Hobie wasn’t scared of a lot, practically nothing. But you scared the ever loving shit out of him. Both with all the stunts that you pulled and just the way you made him feel. He used to be this hardass corruptor but now? He wasn’t sure what he was without you.
“Hey Hobie..”
“You should totally kiss me right now.”
His hand fit perfectly on the crook of your neck, and so did his lips with yours.
Whatever you were feeling spilled into him, and he with you. A full year's worth of pent up emotion exploded into the kiss as he seemingly took your breath away. In recent months he could only imagine how your lips would feel against his, but it was nothing compared to what he was experiencing right now. Yours and his molded together in a flurry of silken passion, fitting together perfectly just like he knew they would.
Your hands found their place resting on his cheeks, just as his found theirs. With one resting on your neck and the other finding its way onto your side to pull you close. So close that he could feel the drum of your heart match his when your chests collided.
He wanted to curse whatever being made it so that the human body needed oxygen. When you pulled away his lips followed yours in chase, and it wasn’t until you held his face in place so that your bruised lips could take in a breath. Your finger ran over his bottom lip, playing with his lip ring as he panted in time with you.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that…how..how being away from you for so long made me realize that's all I’ve ever wanted to do.”
“I ‘ave an idea.”
His hand that rested on the edge of your neck came around to hold your throat, with his fingers resting on your pulse.
It was going a mile a minute just like his.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Hour of the Wolf (2)
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Summary: The trials begin
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, threats of mutilation, death, I think is considered genocide because is a bunch of people, DRAGONFIREEEE. SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon 
Wordcount: 3.7 k 
Notes: Reader has purple eyes and silver hair!
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They opened the door to your chambers slowly, to not scare you, to let you know of their arrival
“Lord Cregan Stark”, muttered the guard posted at her door
You didn’t even looked at him, you didn't care, you just looked over at Blackwater Bay, where hundreds of ships were making port, the banner of the House Arryn was waving in the highest masts
Too late
You thought
The Arryns, The Starks, the Tullys, all your mother’s bannermen had come to the capital, to you
Important, unprecedented, powerful
And yet
it meant nothing
it was too late 
Your mother, your father figures, your siblings, they were all dead, gone, killed, betrayed, slain, devoured, sunk
“Your grace”, the wolf called, “I have taken the city in your mother’s name”, he said firmly, “in your name”, he continued, “and if you allow me, I will bring justice to her”, you looked at him then, and only nodded.
“I need your words, your grace”, he was not asking, he was demanding, he was at your service, and yet, you immediately felt like you had to give him something in return.
He got to look at you then.
Like all the women in your family, and even some men, your beauty was beyond what words could describe, you were there, emaciated from years of trauma, death and war, and yet, you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Your beauty did not belong to this world, he thought, you were a goddess in human form, with those silvery strands and purple eyes
And he was the most imposing man you had seen in return, he felt like this… God, a god of war and justice, wisdom and prowess, like the colossus of Braavos, nothing could tumble him down, he had been here for hundreds of years, and he was going to continue there for hundreds more. it felt like with him by your side, nobody could hurt you, with him by your side, you were safe. Invincible 
Nobody needed to tell you who he was, just by looking at him you would have known, even though you had never seen him before 
“... And I need it in writing”, he said slowly and calmly, “do you trust me to seek justice in your name?”, did you? your brother befriended the man and after he came back, having promised your hand to him in marriage, he had say he was his best friend, and the most honorable men he had met, and that you were going to be happy and safe by his side
There was no one better than him
You went to the small desk in the corner of the room, parchment and quill in hand, you had no clue what you were doing, but you scribbled on the paper that you gave Cregan Stark the authority to act in your name, with long, pompous and unnecessary words of politics, those you knew well, your mother had make sure of it
“Cregan Stark”, you called, turning to him, your decree in hand, he stood still, raising his head and straightening his posture, “I command you to seek justice for my mother, the late Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen” you said, your voice sounds strained, just because you hadn't spoken in so long, “I command you to imprison the ones who conspired and usurped her, and to punish them in my name”, you said then, giving him the paper
“I will be the hand that brings justice, my queen”, he sentenced, reading your words, he nodded approvingly. And you could not hide your surprise
“They named… me?”, you asked
“We did”, he said, “The Tullys, the Arryns, the Starks, the Tarlys, Tyrells…”, you only nodded
“I will come after, to make the announcement of the trials and those who will be put to them”
“Should I go?”, you asked
“A queen should not concern herself with such matters of justice”, he said
“Very well”, he nodded, and just like that, he exited your chambers
With him on the helm, you would be safe
You were a Queen know
Rhaenys, the Queen that never was, and then your mother The Black Queen
They had failed
And now, here you stood
Were you going to fail too?
Cregan walked slowly, the people that came across him would move away from him, letting him passed uninterrupted, bowing their heads
It was a good sign
The castle that had looked like it was abandoned, was slowly returning to life, people from all the most important families were here, and the first thing he needed to do was to send even more ravens, to all corners of the realms.
There was a New Queen, and all the most important families and their banner men had to be here for her coronation
The staff, maids, servants, soldiers, they did not had armies to fight of gold to use, but they had access to places and that access could be bought by enemies still lurking in the shadows
He had to make sure everyone who was to inhabit the Red Keep was completely loyal to their new Queen. A queen who just turned into a woman, if barely, a broken young woman, who had seen the death of everyone in her family but her baby brother. He had more work than he thought. He came with the purpose of installing the princess on the throne, make her Queen, and then pursue those traitors and turncloaks with his army, lead them to the gates of the citadel itself
But he was starting to think that this was going to be more politics and ink that swords and blood
Cregan Stark needed to relegate, and for that, he needed trusted men, loyal men to the cause of the late Queen and the new one now
And this is how he was going to accomplish that
When he walked into the throne room 
The small council, and their families where inside
It was to his knowledge that Baela Targaryen was also in attendance. The betrothed of the deceased Crown Prince Jacaerys. He basically know the girl, because of how much Jace would talk about her
As he made his way to the throne, he opened the decree and show it to everyone
“I have in my hand a royal decree from the Queen”, he said loudly, “In it, she declared me as her hand to seek justice for the late Queen Rhaenyra”
“Seek justice?”, of course Corlys Velaryon was the first to contradict him
“I will hold trials for the traitors and turncloaks”, he said, and everyone in the throne room began to either whisper nervously, gasp audibly, or said lowly words of disapproval.
His men entered the room, alongside the three of the seven remaining white cloaks he had send for, loyal to Queen Rhaenyra
“Ser Erryk Cargill”, he called, the man stood in front of him with his brothers, “Ser Adrian Redfort and Ser Loreth Lansdale”, the three of them bowed his heads, “do you recognize the true line of succession?”, he asked out loud
“Yes M’lord”, answered Erryk
“Do you recognize Queen Rhaenyra’s eldest daughter as Queen of the seven Kingdoms?”, he asked
“Yes my lord!”, they chanted at the same time, “we swore towards the Queen!”
“Great, do you recognize me, by this decree, hand of the Queen?”, he asked showing them your words, they look amongst themselves and nodded
“Yes my Lord”
“Very well, today, as my first act as hand, I will hold trials, to apprehend traitors who conspired against the true heir, resulting in a bloodied civil war and the death of thousands, do you stand by me?”, he asked
“Then apprehend Lord Corlys Velaryon, Lord Tyland Lannister, Larys Strong…. for starters”, he muttered
The court was submerged in chaos 
And he didn’t stop there
He arrested twenty men, including Alard Baratheon, who was new to court and also Gyles Belgrave, former king’s guard to the usurper 
On charges of treachery, conspiracy against the rightful Queen, and other charges.
To every man he placed in chains, he held trails for.
Those on trial had the chance to defend themselves, justify their treachery, present witnesses and evidence of what they had done and why, and ultimately, offer their repentance.
It felt to Cregan to stand as judge, and sentence to death those who were found guilty 
The first day was slow, mostly sentencing, and organizing the witnesses and defenses. The night fell over the Keep rather quickly, soon all servants lit up the torches, as Cregan dismissed them all
He wanted to see you
Rather, he needed to see you
“Ser Erryk, it is to my knowledge that you had been a part of the Queen’s Guard the longest”
“Yes my lord”
“You are the new Commander of the Queensguard, when all of this is over, you alongside the Queen will choose another four to complete the brotherhood”
“It will be my honor, Lord”, he said firmly
“Good”, he said shortly, “one of your brothers will be posted with the Queen at all times, another with the prince Aegon”, he continued
The guard posted at your rooms nodded at his sight, and announced him, entering in your chambers
He found you with your baby brother, having supper.
It was the first time he got to see the young boy in detail, he was small for someone his age, but his ghostly eyes had seen things no child nor adult should ever seen, and he could tell just by looking at them, the pain and sorrow he suffered
“My Lord Cregan, please join us”, you invited him
You and your little brother, all that was left of the greatest dynasty of Westeros
He accepted your offer, sitting across from you. The small boy didn’t meet his eye, he was just playing with his food in front of him, he noticed than when he spoke, he shook like a leaf in the wind
“I made twenty arrests”, he said firmly, “Including Corlys Velaryon, Tyland Lannister and Larys Strong…”, you nodded, “not sure yet, but many are already too guilty, like Larys, or a former while cloak of the usurper…”
“Any hightower?”, you asked. Prince Aegon rose from his seat then, and walk silently to a small door in the other side of the chamber, disappearing from sight 
“Sorry about that”, you said, “he barely speaks to me, and I’m the only one who he talks with”
“He will heal, so will you”, he said, you nodded
“So what about the hIghtowers?”, you asked again
“Those who led armies… are dead… Otto Hightower, his sons, his brother and his oldest son as well…”, he continued, you took a sip of wine, trying to gain some courage 
“What about Alicent?”, you asked, he looked at you
“The Dowager Queen is in lockdown, in the Tower of the Hand your grace”, he said gently. You took a long breath
“I want her dead”, you said brokenly
“You want your first command as Queen to be the death of the former one?”, Cregan asked severely
“She is the cause of everything that happened”, you said, finally looking at him, “she hated my mother, she made her life miserable while we lived here as children, she filled my uncles with poisonous hate for me and my brothers, she turned the entire court against us, she called us bastards and made everyone else say it too, she manipulated her children to usurp my mother’s throne, she was the cause, of everything, I want her dead”, you said, and he looked back at you with warning
“Many would argue, that she herself was manipulated by her father, besides, your mother forgave her”
“I won’t”, you said, “and because she was a cunt and a fool everything should be forgiven? Ignorance is not a crime, but perhaps it should be, why should she draw breath while my entire family doesn’t?”
“I am your hand, your Grace, you wanted it so, so as your hand, my job, is to advice you”, he said gently, “and my advice is to imprison her, yes, but not execute her”, you looked at him with eyes filled with tears and he looked back at you, worried, “The Hightowers are decimated, yes, but they still remain a powerful family… one of the most powerful”
“That could be easily fixed”, you retorted, he frowned
“What do you mean?”, he asked softly, you kept quiet
“You said you wanted to bring justice to the realm, I want the HIghtowers dead, all of them”, you sentenced, “Lannisters, Velaryons… Baratheon… they all riled to Aegon’s side because of them”
Cregan looked at you, and you broke down crying in front of him
You tried to wipe your tears quickly, you held so strongly, but to no avail, you were crying in front of Cregan Stark
“I’m sorry”, you cried, wiping the tears that just wouldn’t stop falling
“I understand your anger, your rage”, he said softly
“My entire family is dead!”, you cried, broken, weeping, you had been holding onto your emotions for so long that now, that you felt safe, the fake wall you had sustained for all these tumultuous months as a hostage in the Keep finally broke down. You cried for long minutes, taking it all out of your chest, freeing yourself, even if just a little, of the sorrow of loss.
When you finally calmed down, reduced to only sniffles, Cregan dared to speak again
“My own uncle betrayed me and took my lands from me”, he confessed, you looked at him, barely able to see him
‘I was very young when my father died, he was supposed to act as Lord regent, but he usurped me as Lord of Winterfell”, he told you, “my cousins supported him”
“What did you do?”, you asked, more calm
“I gathered the great houses of the North everyone supported me, I stormed my home, took him prisoner, him and my cousins”, he looked at you softly, gently, “I decreed them traitors, and took their heads with the millennial sword of my house”
“You did?”, you asked
“He who passes the sentence must swing the sword, my queen”, he said gently, “but that applies only to Lords I’m afraid”, you smiled
“I don’t want them dead”, you continued, “I mean, I do, but, I understand why I shouldn't’...”, he smiled softly
“Good”, he said
“But I want them to think that I do, I want them to beg, I want them to empty their coffers to please me, to reinstate the treasury”
“That we can do”, he said firmly, “we will use them as examples, of what happens when you mess with the dragon”, you nodded, “I will call them to court”
Cregan wondered what you meant by “that can be easily arranged”, he also thought about his army, it was great, yes, but he wasn’t sure it was enough to fight the might of the hIghtowers, it had to be, he did plan on marching to Old Town
“Tomorrow you will tell me, how much time passed between now, and when she went to sleep alright?”, he asked your Queenguard on the door
His second in command Jon Dustin was waiting for him
“Tomorrow before the trials but after the young Queen is tended to, you will gather all the servants and maids, everyone who works in this castle, and you will bring them to me”
“Very well my lord”, he nodded 
You were worse than he thought, you were angry, understandably so, but he needed to find a middle ground, punishments hard enough to please your rage, but not that extreme that the Kingdoms start to rebel themselves against their New Queen
The next day, the second day at court, Lady Baela presented herself in front of the Wolf of Winterfell, to plead for her grandfather
“Your grandfather is being charged of Regicide, he is the main suspect of poisoning the Usurper”, he said firmly, “Even though we repudiate his reign, the murder of a monarch cannot stand unpunished”
“He did it to prevent the death of a thousand more my Lord! he did it to protect the Queen, the prince, and me”, she fought
Corlys Velaryon was pardoned after that day, thanks to Baela, and then you, who approved of such forgiveness. Even though you did not wish to see your named grandfather and cousin
Tyland Lannister came then, and the Lion knelt before the wolf. Rhaenyra had him severely tortured, and some words scape him, but he had returned the treasury in his entirety, and pleaded for a space in the small council
He had been good to you and your brother, and Aegon made you forgive him, and you did
In the fourth day of the trial, Alard Baratheon was forgiven too, he belonged to a lesser branch of his house, now the main thanks to the death of Lord Borros, he had no part in the Dance, and as such, he bend the knee to the New Queen’s rule 
The other eighteen men were not so lucky, they were all found guilty of treason,  on the fifth, sixth and seventh and final, including and especially Larys Strong, the maester, and others. 
And in all those days, you were receiving updates by Cregan himself, and you were… meditating
People were being trialed and sentenced to death, they were going to pay for what they had done, this was your comfort, justice, simple and pure justice, for your mother, for your family.
You had promised yourself that this was going to be enough
If you kept punishing these lords, the people was going to reject you as their Queen
And you couldn’t fail
You had seen what happens when you failed
So the sentence of these Lords, and then the Hightowers, and then, you had to calm yourself.
Wanting it or not, the crown had fallen on your head, against all odds, for better or worse.
But here is the catch, the crown was now attached to your head, loose one is loose both
And you owed it to your mother, Daemon, your father, whoever it is, to Jace, Luke, Rhaenys… you owed it to your family to keep your crown over your head, and your head over your shoulders.
So as the days turned long, you were preparing yourself too
You only appeared in court the seventh and last day of the trial
You wore black, you were still in mourning, it was a fearsome dress, you too it from your mother’s coffers, and a magnificent crimson red cape dances behind you as your walked
Your hair was braided with magnificent braids, instead of the crown
You entered the throne room, for the first time as Queen, everyone there bowed to you, everyone except those on trial
Cregan wanted you to take the oaths of House Lannister and Baratheon.
And both lords, Tyland and Alard bowed to you, kneeled in front of you, sincerely, atoning 
You gave him the pardon yourself 
The eighth and last day, you demanded those found guilty to be brought to the cliffs on the outside of King’s Landing
Ser Erryk was holding Blackfyre, right by your left side, and Cregan with his sword Ice, was standing in your right, soldiers, all of them wearing your colors, black and red, brought forth the eighteen men who had been sentenced to death
You could see in the small crowd those who had been pardoned as well, along all the great Lords and Ladies of your households who had sailed to the Capital from Dragonstone in the week after Cregan summoned them
“Pass me the sword Ser Erryk”, you commanded, he nodded, and passed you the sword of your family, it was heavy, you couldn’t raise it above your head to strike even if you wanted to
“My Queen, I can…” Cregan murmured
“He who passes the sentence should swing the sword”, you said firmly, looking at him, the exchange was only heard by you three, not loud enough for the others.
It was a windy day, and you could barely hear the voice above the whistling
“My Queen, I did not mean…”, with one look, he kept quiet, you grabbed the sword of the Conqueror in your hand. You turned to the men in front of you, Cregan moved away, just like Erryk to stand by the side. 
“You had all be found guilty of treason against the legitimate heir of the seven Kingdoms, you conspired against her ascent and work to usurp her”, you said loudly
“Aegon was the true heir!”, screamed Gyles Belgrave, “I'd rather die than serve a bastard! daughter of a whore! you are no true Targaryen!”, those screams and accusations didn’t even bothered you, not anymore
“Oh I am not a true Targaryen?”, you asked
The whistle of the wind was dimmed by a way more stronger, menacing sound
You saw, with pleasure, everybody shake in their places when they heard your dragon roar
“All the dragons were dead!”, cried that small man you didn’t even want to learn the name of. Even Cregan was surprised 
Vhaelar growled in the air, you heard the flap of her wings, and she landed heavily by your side. She roared loudly, menacingly. You felt her anger, or perhaps, what you were feeling was the mirror of your own emotions. 
You caressed the side of her face softly, Vhaelar purred
You saw how the former King’s guard peed his pants, shaking uncontrollably. Larys Strong, you alleged uncle, was only looking at you and smiling sickenly, 
“I Queen (y/n) Targaryen, Queen of the Rhoynar the Andals and the first men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the realm, sentence you all to die by dragon fire”, you sentenced, grabbing the pommel of Blackfyre tightly, you were nervous, but this was nothing you haven't seen before
This was it, this single act had to be the outlet of your rage.
Soon when you look at those men kneeled in front of you, they all took the faces of everyone you hated, Alicent, Aegon, Criston Cole, they were all there, dressed in green, looking at you in fear and reverence, kneeling on the ground 
“Dracarys”, you said firmly
You felt the joy of Vhaelar who set them on fire, you felt your skin getting warm by the heat of the flames
You saw the men turn to inhumane forms and then to dust
You saw it like that day in Dragonstone, and yet… now you felt nothing.
Only relief
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@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia262006 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd @aestmilky
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megamindsecretlair · 2 months
Hey gurl hey 😄🙌🏾 didn't I tell ya, that I was just gonna just show up in your inbox one day. Well that day has come 😆 I'm putting in my request for Candy Kane. Do you think it's possible if we can get a Shy Reader type feeling insecure about meeting Kanes friends? 🤔 Feeling like she doesn't fit in with them or his world really, but Kane giving her that reassurance that she's right where she needs to be? Yeah, yeah. I think that will be a jam. 😌👏🏾
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A/N: And a jam it was!
So Into You
Pairing: Kane x Shy!Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Use of n-word. PIV, fingering (fem receiving) cursing, teasing, all consensual. Established relationship. Spoilers for the show.
Summary: Being with Kane was starting to get serious. He invites you out to a kickback, wanting you to meet his crew. You didn’t come from his world and didn’t know all of the rules. It made you nervous. You hid out in his office while you contemplated ending the relationship. Kane has to convince you to stay.
AO3 Link
Word Count: 3,561k
A/N: Forgive me! I didn't know yall. I didn't know it'd been so long since a Kane fic. I'm sorry I've taken forever to get to this request. I hope it serves! Toss a coin to your blogger by leaving a comment, reblog, or unhinged ask.
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @dayjlovesromance @flydotty @eggnox @blackerthings @hopelessdisasterr @sevikasblackgf @wide-nose-and-wonderful @monaeesstuff @notapradagurl7 @lovedlover @darkskinchristiandiorpostergirl @slippinninque @henneseyhoe @amyhennessyhouse @miyuhpapayuh @theyscreamsannii @luvvforanimatedmen @amethyst09 @ciaqui @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz @harmshake @00aijia00 @judymfmoody @multiversefanfics @tvchi
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You were hiding. You knew you were hiding but your nerves were tearing up your stomach. Quick, painful twists that made you want to lean over or lay on the floor in the fetal position. But Kane’s warehouse was…rugged to say the least. You wouldn’t trust the floor considering what Kane did for a living.
You were not shocked. These days, Black men came in a limited variety of flavors. Growing up as you did, you did not see yourself with a banker or investor. Kane was beyond good to you and a top boss. He wasn’t running the streets anymore. He didn’t have to. 
However, that didn’t mean that it didn’t make you nervous as hell. He lived a dangerous life. It was a fact of life at this point. You had strength for days, able to somehow push it from your mind. Kane was invincible in your eyes. He had to be. You couldn’t live in a world where he didn’t exist. 
Your sweaty hands began to itch. You rubbed it on your jeans and tried to still your jumping leg. Sounds filtered in from the main part of the warehouse. The place was rapidly filling up with his top lieutenants and their significant others, women who chased the gangsters, and the women they brought along for support. 
Large crowds made you nervous. You couldn’t speak right. Couldn’t pluck words in a coherent order. You missed cues for jokes or your heart thumped too loud for you to hear what anyone was saying. You were terrible at first impressions. 
People assumed you were mean or stuck up. When in reality, you were shy to the point of being embarrassing. You didn’t speak first or follow up with people because god, why was it so hard? You felt like you were bothering people at best, being a nuisance at worst. 
And somehow, this kickback felt worse. These were Kane’s top people. The guys willing to follow him to the grave. That type of loyalty meant something. Kane was not like these young dudes, running around playing with guns or drugs or spitting in the face of those who came before them. No one had respect anymore. 
These people were the inner circle. These were the people you needed to impress. You were very much in your head, wheezing at the prospect of not standing up under their scrutiny. What if they decided that Kane was whole ass tripping by being with you?
You hated being shy most times. Hated that people couldn’t see you and know that there someone amazing underneath the shyness. That once you got comfortable, you were practically the life of the party. The problem was, it took you too long to feel comfortable and people lost their patience too quickly. 
A door opened and you jumped up from your seat at Kane’s desk. It was the farthest, safest place you could manage around the warehouse. Everyone too afraid to enter. You looked over the railing to see Kane searching the floor. 
He looked so good. Thick in all the right places. His shoulders were wide and broad and he had a slow gait that never failed to drive you wild. You noticed everything about him. Everything. Down to the twitch of his eye when he was truly upset. 
Kane’s eyes swept up and you gave him a small wave. He scrunched his face in confusion and then started making his way over to you. He climbed the stairs, eyes softening as he reached you.
“Why you got me looking everywhere for you?” He asked. He kissed your cheek but pulled back too quickly, denying you the pleasure of rubbing your cheek against his stubble. 
“I’m sorry. I needed…air,” you said. Kane gave you a funny look and you giggled. “Like, space to breathe.” 
Kane nodded and leaned against his desk. You sat back down in his chair, getting more comfortable. He’s brought you to his place a few times so you felt comfortable mixing amongst his things without feeling like he would be upset with you. You usually hung out in his office while he handled business outside, in the main warehouse. 
“I’d very much like to show you off, beautiful,” he said. He caressed your chin and made you look up at him. Your eyes drifted over his features. His dark brown eyes, his pouty lips, and his wide nose. “I want everyone to get to know you.”
You nodded and swallowed around the lump in your throat. “What if they don’t like me?” You asked, your voice sounding small even to you. 
Kane scooted closer on the desk, so that your chin was nearly laying against his stomach. You blinked at him while he looked into your eyes, tone as serious as you’d ever heard him.
“What’s not to like, mama?” He asked. 
A flush of heat ran through you at his little pet name for you. But on topic. You smiled, not sure what to say. He already didn’t like you putting yourself down. But how could you make him see? Make him realize? That you just weren't like other people. That other’s opinions shouldn’t matter but they do. They always have.
“Talk to me,” he demanded. 
You huffed. “There’s plenty of things to like. But you’re…important,” you said.
Kane reared up as if he was getting ready to stand up and punch the wall. You placed your hands on his arms to keep him still, keep him sitting next to you. He smelled amazing. Like soap and sandalwood. His adorable mouth twitched.
“I’m not saying I’m not important. I’m saying that these guys look up to you. They respect you and follow you. And…” God, this shouldn’t be so hard to say. But it was pressing against your throat, a live thing, waiting to be said. 
“What if you should be with someone a little more like them? A little more like you?” You asked. 
Kane needed someone strong enough to stand in a crowd and not flinch. Someone who put others at ease and made them laugh. The kind of girl who didn’t take shit and the kind of girl who people didn’t confuse soft for weak. The kind that could help grow his gang, grow his empire, get them to look forward to something outside of slanging dope and getting bitches. 
Kane sighed. “I don’t want someone like me. I want you,” he said.
He would get tired, one day, of constantly trying to reassure you. Your shyness was your business. It wasn’t on him to make you feel better all the damn time. That was exhausting. But what was also exhausting, was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for Kane to wise up and quit while he was ahead. 
You were looking down at your palms trying to find the words to make him see. Make him see that it only took a few months for you to be head over heels in love with him. With the safety he offered. The lifestyle. The loyalty. Kane wasn’t perfect, but he was perfect for you. You needed the words to make him see that you would love to be with him for the rest of your life. But, he needed someone equally capable of taking care of him and you were big enough to admit that and give him an out.
Kane moved too quick for you to see, too quick for you to defend yourself as he lifted you from the seat and switched places with you. You leaned against the desk now, caged in by Kane’s arms on either side of the desk, on either side of you. 
He brought his face close to yours, his lips brushing against yours as he spoke, his eyes to your eyes. “Tell me the words I need to say to make you see that it’s you and me against all this bullshit. Tell me what I need to say, what I need to do, who I need to kill to make you see, mama?” He asked. 
You shook your head. “Kane, that’s not–” 
“You are the only person I want. The only person I would ever want. You don’t have to worry about these niggas not liking you. I like you. That’s all they need to see. I don’t expect you to suddenly pick up a gun and be a down bitch.”
You giggled. You played with the hem of his shirt, kicking your legs a little bit. He didn’t need to reassure you but damn if it didn’t feel really good when he did. You smiled. “I don’t expect that either. I…you’re their leader. And they need a strong old lady too.” 
Kane chuckled. “You don’t think you’re strong? You almost dropped kick my ass when we met,” he said. His voice never sounded so sexy than when he was teasing or joking with you. You realized what a treat it was to hear him like this. To see the secret softie underneath all that hard living. 
“I had been drinking and you spilled the drink I just paid for,” you said, giving him a playful huff. 
Kane kissed your cheek once, twice, and then nuzzled his stubble against your cheek, just how you liked it. Your core burned so you shifted on the desk, to relieve some of the tension. 
“You called me everything under the sun you could think of. You get a potty mouth when you’re drunk,” he said. He licked your neck and your moan was too quick to be coy. You couldn’t pretend to be anything other than completely obsessed with this man. With his strength, with his playfulness, or with his jokes and smiles. 
You rolled your eyes and smiled. “That’s not true,” you said. Drinking just made you feel more like who you really were. Alcohol ensured that you didn’t care about doing the “right” thing all the time. You just lived. Outside of that, you were too conscious. Too aware. Too worried about someone making fun of you because people were fucking cruel. 
“Mhm, your girls tried to tell you ‘bout me but you just kept going. I’d never seen someone so beautiful,” he said. He reached the sensitive spot under your ear, against your neck, where he lightly nipped. You shivered, bringing your hands up and around his neck to keep him close. If he kept doing things like this, he’d make it impossible to let him go. 
“Kane,” you said, but it came out too breathless. 
Kane kissed his way back to your mouth where he spent ample time kissing you and licking your lips. “Tell me what I need to do, then. Please. I want you here, with me.” 
You sighed into his mouth, letting his lips do the talking for him. He didn’t get it. Wouldn’t ever get it. So while you kissed him, while your mind was supposed to be on him, you had an important decision to make. Walk away now or keep going and learn to live with this anvil over your neck. 
You broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. Into his beautiful, wonderful eyes. The wave cop on his head. The teardrop tattoo. You wanted him. So badly that the brief thought about giving him an out was a distant memory. 
“I want to be here, Kane. With you. But are you sure? Like really sure that it’s me you want?” You asked. A sick part of you was waiting for him to say it. Waiting for him to change his mind about all of the questions you asked him, all of the reassurances you needed, all of the times you ducked out of doing something if it involved large crowds or places where the only person you knew was Kane. You didn’t want to hang onto him like a spider monkey, but he was the only safe person you knew while you were out.
Kane smirked. He kissed you again, letting his lips ghost over yours. He brought his hands up to cradle your face. “I’ll tell you every day that it’s you that I want. That you’re the only one for me. Think I wanna run behind these niggas at the end of the day?” He kissed down your neck, leaving you breathless in a matter of seconds. 
You shook your head. “No. You need a place to lay yo head, cut out the bullshit,” you said. 
“And that place is right here, with you,” he said. He brought his hands up to palm your breasts over your shirt. He found exactly where your nipples were, running his thumbs back and forth over them and driving you wild. Your pussy throbbed, getting unbearably wet. 
“Kane,” you moaned, dragging your hands across his back. You needed to feel his skin. Feel him. You searched under his shirt to find the heat of his body. Your nails scratched his back and he moaned against your skin. He moved his hands from your face, down to your jeans. He began to unbutton them, dragging the zipper down. It sounded so loud in between you both.
“Here? Now?” You asked. 
“Here. Now.” Kane kissed you again, while his hands slipped past your panties and found you wet. He moaned, his finger easily sliding between your folds. He zeroed in on your clit, gathering up your essence to rub until you were a quivering mess.
Your hands clutched at his shoulders, holding on for dear life. Kane continued to kiss your neck, moving up to your ear. “You so fuckin’ sexy when you moaning, mama. You’re quiet, until you get like this. Shaking. Hmmm. Holding onto my hand between these legs like you don’t wanna let me go.” 
With his filthy words, you closed your thighs because he was only speaking the truth. You did not want to let him go. You wanted him closer. 
Your whines turned desperate, getting close to the edge if only he would let you fall. He pulled his hand back, moving down to your entrance and pushed one finger inside. You gasped for air, but you also began to cry, scooting your ass against the desk to get his fingers back to where you needed him. 
“Aww, you need something else, mama?” He asked. You nodded. 
“Talk to me, then. Tell me what you need from me,” he said.
“Kane, please,” you moaned. You were close. A few more moments of rubbing your clit and you would have came. 
“That don’t sound like what I want to hear,” he said. He moved his finger in and out of you, slowly. In a moment, your impending orgasm would go away. You were too greedy, too desperate to allow that to happen. 
“Kane, god, please!” You moaned. 
Kane licked your neck and you dropped your head back, giving him better access. He took the opportunity to nibble against your skin. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip, biting hard enough to ache, and you shook your head. 
“I need you to rub my clit, Kane. Please. Please. I’ll do anything,” you said. You were weak for your man and you weren’t too proud to show it. You didn’t have the patience to draw this out like him. To play coy or confident or like you were that bitch. You just wanted him, plain and simple. 
“Anything? You gon’ cum on this dick and then come hang with my friends?” He asked.
You nodded, your neck aching since you still had it tilted back. “Yes, baby, I’ll cum on that dick,” you said. 
“And?” He asked, his hand stilling inside you.
You giggled. “I’ll come hang with your friends,” you said.
Kane grunted in satisfaction and then resumed fingering you. While his fingers were pumping into you, his thumb circled your clit. Your pleasure tingled through your veins, turning you to jelly. You clutched him to you, holding onto him and squeezing your thighs while you rode his fingers straight to an orgasm. 
You moaned and shook, twitching on Kane’s desk. The music was still thumping outside the door, the sound of Black folk having a good time rising like a tide. That’s what you loved about Kane. He made it seem like you were always in your own little bubble whenever you were together. 
“There’s my girl,” he moaned against your sweaty skin. 
He helped push your jeans further down your legs. You yelped from the cold of his desk hitting your ass. Kane made quick work of his own pants, pushing it down low enough to free his dick. 
You held him, held the velvety steel in your hand and tugged on his dick. Kane groaned, taking his dick out of your hands. You pouted and he winked at you. “Save that for later when I let you play with it,” he said.
You grinned as he lined himself up and pushed in without any fanfare. You growled, loving the sweet burn of his dick stretching you out. “Oh baby, feel so good baby,” you moaned. Kane nudged your face with his, catching your eyes with his. He stared into your eyes while you took him in, legs trapped by the fabric of your jeans.
He groaned, stroking into you. You clutched onto the back of his neck, holding him in place. “You think I’ma let you go and you do shit like this? You need me, huh?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yes, I need you, baby. You hit this shit so good,” you cooed to him. Your words made him jerk and he chuckled before finding his rhythm again. 
Kane’s strokes were exactly what you needed. You forgot about the party outside. You forgot about meeting his friends. You forgot your own name as he growled while he hit a spot that made you cry out. 
“I can’t let you go when you sound like this. When you feel like this. Taking this dick like you do,” he moaned in your ear. 
“Kane, oh god,” you moaned. 
“Beautiful. You’re so beautiful,” he moaned. He lifted one of your legs, sliding deeper and you growled in return, moving your hips in time with his thrusts. Kane kissed you while his thumb circled your clit again.
Your mouth dropped into a pretty little ‘O’ as your hands clutched his shirt in a death grip. Your orgasm was swift, brutal, punishing, as your eyes rolled back in your head and you screamed in his ear. 
Kane’s strokes increased, getting faster. You were still sensitive from your orgasm so you were crying, shaking, whimpering on his dick. A few pumps later, Kane found his own pleasure, grunting with deep relief as he spilled over and over inside of you. His dick twitched with each pulse of cum. He grunted once more, pulling out when he was softened enough. 
You felt his cum leak out and you shivered. Kane kissed you while he grabbed some tissue and cleaned the both of you up. 
“Why do you have tissue here?” You asked.
“I can’t sneeze sometimes?” He asked. You giggled. He was such a goof. You each got yourself together, kissing in between smoothing down your wrinkled clothing. Oh god. There was no way of walking out of here without everyone knowing exactly what you did. 
Although…a deep fucking was effective against your anxiety. His cum was inside of you and while that didn’t mean much to guys, it felt like he had claimed you in a beautiful, primal way. No one would know, but you would. You’d walk around his party knowing that he came looking for you. He reassured you. He pumped you full and let you cum twice now with promises of more later. 
Kane zipped up his pants and gave you a kiss. “Sometimes a nigga needs to rub one out while he’s missing his best girl,” he said against your cheek. 
You bit your lip, flustered and unable to form a thought. A sentence. A word. Something. Oh, this….this you did not know. You didn’t know that he masterbated here, at his office, to thoughts of you. It brought up so many ideas for later…
“Come on, a promise is a promise,” he said. He grabbed your hand, pulling you down the stairs. At the door, you stopped him. He lifted an eyebrow at you.
You leaned up and gave him one last, scorching, heated kiss before you looked at him. “Guess now would be a bad time to tell you that I stroke my pussy almost daily thinking of all the nasty things I want you to do to me,” you said.
Kane’s mouth dropped as you opened the door. A promise was a promise after all. The wall of music and laughter hit you square in the face. You were still nervous and you weren’t sure that they would accept you, but for now it didn’t matter.
The sound of Kane’s laughter was everything to you. “I’ma get you back for that,” he promised in your ear before leading you around the party, introducing you to his top guys. You managed to bump fists, laugh, and meet his world with open arms.
Did you know where your life would take you? No. But you had a feeling that you’d be okay in Kane’s capable hands.
The end.
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There's more of Kane to love! The Secret Kane Files
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weebsinstash · 10 months
Can you make pretty please write some yandere thragg headcannons
Sure can! (Also some minor spoilers with a like more mild spoiler that's in an image so like, it's censored but poorly so, yeah just a warning!)
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- first and foremost to give some very minor future spoilers, there is something you have to understand: even by Viltrumite standards Thragg is considered Way Too Hardcore and there are men like Conquest who are even worse, more shortsighted, and bloodthirstier than him. There ARE Viltrumites who think their society is way too unfeeling and heartless and they DO want to love and be normal and have loving families but this is a... a society with an ancient culture with traditions that are being upheld by force that keep the general Viltrumite populace living in misery and Thragg is a huge enforcer of this unhappy lifestyle. Like shit in one of the newest episodes of Invincible a bunch of Viltrumites rocked up to Mark and beat the absolute shit out of him and Kregg (eyepatch guy) was like "yeah you survived getting the shit beat out of you which proves you're strong and worthy of your viltrumire heritage, so I'm drafting you into the Viltrum army, do what we say or we'll beat the shit out of you" AND THATS ONE OF THE GOOD VILTRUMITES. Like literally Viltrum society is terrifying and once you start learning the lengths with which they enforce their beliefs and rules you'll see why Nolan was like, trying to force Mark to be like him; you resist and they DEMOLISH YOU. Nolan was and still is TERRIFIED of Viltrum and rightfully so
- a yandere thragg is quite literally a character who does not know affection or how to display or receive it in any way whatsoever because his entrenchment in the "traditional viltrumite mindset" and his own greed for power and absolute control makes him incredibly impersonal. Like I'm serious even with the like magical yandere cooties that make him finally understand what love or obsession is, he will literally have to learn the ropes of caring for you as another person and this is a man who has been taught empathy and kindness make you weak so like. Yeah. Like we're talking about a guy who at some point is gonna watch his hybrid children literally splatter as he throws them, literally throws them, at enemies too strong for them and then blames his kids for not being stronger, like. Thragg is a monster and there's no ifs ands or buts about it
-the most romantic this man can come up with is walking straight up to you and telling you "I want to mate" to your face and having gifts made for you from planets he's conquered or things he's killed and that's the best he's got. He doesn't understand the more emotional psychological side of love but he at least understands that sex is something mates do and that it's a bonding experience between you and him and it's a physical pleasure, vulnerability thing. Mated animals have sex and human mates have sex so the two of you are going to have sex alright? He also won't admit it but like. Holding you after sex or letting you rest against him afterwards is the closest you'll get to cuddling because like. He's not gonna ask to cuddle with you just for the sake of cuddling. And even if he ever wanted to (the desire grows with time lol), he would just sit down beside you and pull you into his lap, he wouldn't ask your permission
-like seriously you'll be in bed and it's like 2 am and you'll be woken up by him suddenly rolling you over without any sort of warning, "i want to mate" and that's just. It. You get to lie there as he folds you like a pretzel
-this man fucks just to cum and I think the only way he could be a good lover is if he's big with stamina and you'll reach orgasm through sheer overstimulation and time dedicated because, you want me to believe this man knows foreplay? You think Thragg can eat ass? Please. I feel like in the depths of. Yandereness he would develop a taste for giving oral but like I'm, I'm pretty positive you would be the first ever person he's done that to
- thragg showing affection is like. You're taken along with him to where he works and you walk into the room and he's just absolutely soaked in blood and there's some sort of creature being dismantled in front of him and he turns to you, "this creature has a carapace that can be crafted into fine armor. does its color please you" "y-yes?" "Very well. We shall have a matching set ready by the evening and then we shall mate" "o-ok... thank you Grand Regent" "begone, this area is not safe for you, return to the central hall and await my return" "ok, sure, yeah... I mean, yes Grand Regent"
- yes, even as his mate you'll be calling him his title all the time, although I imagine once he starts really "softening up" he'll demand you call him his name or even "husband" and not doing so and using his title on purpose in defiance will anger him
-absolutely convinced I shit you not that Viltrumites have a duality of "their photos/shrines of you have you either looking as soft and harmless and helpless as possible or they have entire collages of you looking absolutely pissed or doing violent shit" and I'm convinced Thragg would find you being angry hot. Idk. I feel like it's entirely contextual. You give HIM too much lip, he may have to physically punish you, but maybe you get furious at someone else and start tearing into them, even wanting to fight? Obviously depending on context he'll encourage you to tear that person to shreds
- I'm stuck on whether he's a "will watch you get your ass beaten because he wants you to toughen up/fight your own fights" or "if anyone scratches you they're paste" kind of guys. Like can you imagine some, tenured centuries old Viltrumite manages to just absolute piss you off and you're yelling and screaming and swinging on them (maybe you're a human, hybrid, Viltrumite yourself, whatever) and they're just. Forced to stand there and take it. Because the SECOND they so much as GRAB YOU, there's the Grand Regent to absolutely beat their ass. You could almost kill them and Thragg is like goading you on but if they BRUISE YOU like, that's it, it's so one-sided
-I'm just saying, like. Nolan literally used Mark to tear apart an entire subway car of people and was casually offing humans left and right because his status as an almost immortal alien has made him kind of indifferent to other forms of life so like. What the fuck would Thragg do to a Reader who just got their powers and didn't want to work for the Empire or be part of it or even be around him. You cannot convince me this man wouldn't kill so many people directly in front of you. Or even just as a human yourself. Imagine him just tearing through tons of other people because he's trying to scare you onto line. I mean. Nolan was literally ripping people's heads and faces off and tearing out chunks of their body with their bare hands. These people casually break each other's bones and CAN SURVIVE DISEMBOWLING EACH OTHER like. You cannot tell me Thragg wouldn't just literally tear a human in half right in front of you like a kid with a butterfly.
- Thragg is absolutely on that "goes from being extremely distant and nonverbal to all but spending every second of the day with you and gets agitated if you're in a different room for too long" yandere pipeline. This man goes from not knowing how to properly hold a conversation with you to Oh My God If You Don't Sit In My Lap During My War Council Meeting I Will Be SUCH A Bitch About It
Can we like. Can we like talk about THIS
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Did he like. Did HE decide this. Is this a Thraxan custom without his input amd this is just a thing the monarch gets. I mean. Comic readers know this man gets MAD pussy for the sake of breeding but like. Is this HIS harem. Did HE build this. Did he tell them to dress like this or is this a Thraxan tradition and he's just like so unbothered by the ass and tiddies. Is this just so people can tell these are His Designated Hoes. Like. Is he secretly being horny on main and pretending he's not a perv or was this done for him and he's just like meh. Yandere Thragg who absolutely HAS to dress you up in custom Viltrum wear or armor or cloaks that match his own, like literally him decking you in armor or like a nicely padded flightsuit is like his version of, giving you lingerie or publicly marking you idk. Like is seeing you covered in sweat and blood just as hot as a normal person would find like, nudes. Lmao
- LASTLY I'm sorry long post. I know I said something conflicting earlier in a different context but. Oh my gosh this man would be THE WORST but also dedicated yandere father. Oh my fucking god. Helicopter parent. Let's just say if you're shooting the shots, you can impregnate as many creatures as you want but if you're the one capable of being pregnant he doesn't want to let you do SHIT because he doesn't want his baby carrying inferior spawn or having a risky pregnancy. Like seriously you could be his son and fucking like as many fucked up weird looking aliens and impregnating all the chicks you want and Thragg doesn't care, and as his daughter it's "father when will I be allowed to date, I came of age over a century ago" "quiet, I have yet to find a suitable mate for you, just continue being obedient and accompany me on this mission" "yes father...."
I can't even imagine like. Being his kid and being powerless, or like temporarily powerless. You have one of those manhwa level neglected childhoods and you grow into a depressed husk and suddenly your powers appear and you're naturally gifted and like above average in everything and Thragg wants to suddenly bond with you and you just look right through him like you wouldn't care if he suddenly dropped dead right in front of you. Someone disrespected you and you just take it because you still remember running up to your father as a child and being shoved away amd he literally doesn't even understand why you have no respect for yourself so he then tries to smother you to make up for lost time
Idk. I'm caught between multiple ideas because I like the idea of Thragg going "oh so you're fragile and powerless? You're literally never leaving my side ever again, if something wants to harm you they'll have to kill me first" and this extends to you just having no life of your own. Maybe he forces you to be a clerk or something for him, papers and desk work and whatnot, something that keeps you safe and close and if you get so much as a sniffle there's an entire array of royal doctors to treat you
That being said, daughter, son, wife, husband, partner, whatever, you're not getting away from this guy. The only things capable of hurting him are essentially alien technology, Viltrumite strength, being a species stronger than a Viltrumite, magic, like... he's invulnerable, he's invincible, he's way too strong, way too fast, and way too mean. He'll keep you on your toes and he'll casually pop heads in front of you like it's talking about the weather if it keeps you in line. If he wants you to be his soldier, you'll be his soldier. If he wants you to be his personal guard, you will be. His mate? No objections need be considered. He's always taken what he wants - that's how he was raised and what his society encourages - and that means acquiring you and absorbing you into his life is no different
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spooklies · 10 months
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# Fairytale - Yan!Mark Grayson x F!Reader
♡ ... › “Life itself is a most wonderful Fairytale.” - In which she comes to terms with a reality that doesn’t feel real.
── Words - 1.1K
♡ ... › Warning(s) - Graphic depictions of harm. Domestic abuse. Minor character death. Brief mentions of a panic attack.
── A/N - This is based off that version of Mark where he’s evil. No spoilers for that though! Think of this as an au of an au.
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She figured the last of her friends were now dead as she watched their hideout burn from outside on the street, her knees bloodied from the concrete she slid on and her shoulder dislocated from the compact. Her friends didn’t scream – they were never given the opportunity to before he rigged the place to blow. 
Opening her trembling fingers revealed a picture of herself from childhood. She stared into her younger counterpart's eyes, already knowing the way they viewed the world differed due to recent events. She lived in an apocalypse while her younger self lived every day as if it were a fairytale and she was the princess the story centered on. Except now there weren’t sparkly dresses or even flashier tiaras. Just death. Every street she walked on was a reminder of the kind of world she lived in with a dead body occupying every other mile. For a while, she was able to tell herself that despite all of this chaos, she still had people to keep her afloat and from drowning in all that grief. 
But because of her, they’re gone now – dead from an explosion caused by her carelessness. They had warned her about going out and the risk she posed on their whole operation being found if she did. But Y/n had insisted she grabbed at least one piece of memorabilia before they hunkered down for an indefinite amount of time. If only she had listened. It wasn’t worth it, they were right. And she’d tell them as much if they were still around to listen. 
She could only hope their deaths were quick and painless. But knowing Mark he would somehow find a way to draw out their ends in the worst way possible if only to prove a point to her. She found it hard to believe that a man she once loved was capable of such cruelty. It was as if a switch had been flipped the moment he and his father had that argument. The Mark she’d fallen in love with had become more rash, not at all caring about the consequences of his actions even if it meant those actions put her in harm's way. His new viewpoint on life was pessimistic whereas it was once optimistic. His trust in her had diminished into nothing and he’d become strict, not letting her do as she pleased if she didn’t have his permission to. He had explained that he’d made more enemies and that going out was dangerous since they most likely knew how much she meant to him. 
After many arguments, she was forced to come to terms that the man she’d fallen in love with was gone. This new sinister version of her boyfriend contrasted too greatly with the sweet and selfless version she’d been in love with. All of the love that once warmed her chest lost its warmth and turned cold. Staring into Mark’s eyes no longer filled her with butterflies and instead made dread coil deep within her gut. Danger. Mark was dangerous, sure, she’d always known what he was capable of once he’d revealed his identity as Invincible. But she never once suspected that he’d use that power for bad – never once believed he’d use that power to make her life as well as others a living hell.
So she ran and never looked back. It had been a good six months since they last saw each other and she knew he’d find her eventually with all of the influence he now holds. She had just hoped he wouldn’t have gone this far and that the Mark she loved was still in there with all of that humanity that made him who he was.
Mark’s yellow uniformed feet landed in her peripherals, an eager skip to his step as he approached her and crouched down, his hand gently placed on top of her head. If she shut her eyes she could delude herself into thinking she wasn’t trapped in a nightmare and instead back to the time when everything was good in her life. When she was treated like a princess from a fairytale by the man who acted as her doting prince.
“Y/n…” He whispered lowly, his actions now mirroring that of an owner disowning their pet when his grip tightened on her hair. She winced, and Mark paid no mind to it. “Look where running got you.” She didn’t respond and Mark took that as his cue to continue speaking. “Aw, don’t be like that. Your friends were lucky to have survived this long, those who are part of the resistance die in worse ways than they did.” At the mention of your friends his tone turned ominous, a clear distaste apparent. 
She tilted her head up so she was looking at Mark, mirth absent in a place where it was once believed to be forever stagnant. He showed no authentic sympathy for everything he’s done, though that should have been something she expected.
“You’re bleeding all over. C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up. I know someone who–” 
She smacked his hand away and backed up as much as she could before her ankle was grabbed in a vice-like grip, Mark’s strength keeping her from moving any further.
“Y/n, you’re not going to make this any more difficult than you already have, are you?” He asked in that same sing-song voice, an obvious threat hidden underneath the tone that did not go unnoticed. She opened and closed her mouth, begging for her mind to get out of her thoughts but ultimately coming up empty. Mark made a noise of disapproval and grabbed onto her leg with both hands. “You’re lucky this is all I’ve done so far, I could have done so much worse by now.”
The crack her leg made when Mark split it in two was booming and was heard over the blood pumping in her ears and soon after she was screaming out in agony. Mark had his hand back over her hair, stroking it in downward motions as he hushed her as if she were throwing a childish tantrum.
“It hurts, doesn’t it?” He said softly. “Now imagine this pain but worse then you’ll know exactly how I’ve felt all this time without you.” If she was frantic before then she was beyond that now. She shook her head back and forth, letting out incoherent words between sobs. Mark watched on with disinterested eyes and then grabbed onto her other leg. Y/n tried to wring her leg out from his grasp before he inevitably broke that one too. But her attempts were all futile. She had passed out from the pain not too soon after her legs were both broken and when she came back into consciousness she was being carried by Mark through the air. The burning sensation that encompassed her thighs down was now a dull throb in the back of her mind as she cried silently in Mark’s arms. The picture that had cost her friends their lives nowhere to be found.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 6 months
Okay now that Anissa is in the show, I have to talk about THAT storyline. There's not much particularly new I can say that hasn't already been discussed but I need to gather my thoughts on what the show has to do to be successful in this regard. With that being said,
Spoilers for things the show has not covered yet
And massive Trigger Warning for discussions of sexual assault and post-assault trauma.
So first things out of the way, I do not believe they should cut it. The changes the show has made are ultimately pretty minor. A character change, order of events swapped. With them sticking as close as they are to the comic, I think it would be a massive problem to skip over it from a story telling standpoint.
From a real world standpoint, it's even more important. Male sexual assault is something that rarely gets depicted properly. It's usually a joke or a moment of triumph and that very much has had an effect on the way we look at it in the real world. And since Invincible is now a show pretty much everybody has their eyes on, choosing not to talk about it would be missing an opportunity to have a very real, very important conversation that very well could educate men on how to navigate and survive what they are going through.
I'm also worried that they'll be too afraid to actually say the word "rape". Lots of modern adaptations delete important discussions like Sokka's sexism or the gender discussions from Cowboy Bebop in order to avoid properly handling them and usually replace them with something worse in a sort of "all bark and no bite" liberalism. Directly saying it as it is is incredibly important to showing that talking about it is not only NOT shameful, but also necessary in getting the help you need and the healing that is necessary to survive.
And from a storytelling standpoint, saying it is important too. The moment where Mark tells Eve what happened is not only great in showing that telling someone is important but is also the moment where Mark is forced to admit the truth to himself. "She raped me." Those three words are a massive turning point for the whole story. Character dynamics change, this becomes a focus for most of Mark's loved ones, and it fundamentally changes his life.
Markus. This is a piece of the puzzle I don't see many talk about. While the rest is a showcase of what to do, Markus as a character is a showcase of what not to. It is so, so rare that a child conceived of a rape is properly depicted, nevermind discussed. From Mark's POV, he holds no ill will towards his son. He simply wants him to live a life on Earth with his family like he did and just can't be with him because he is needed in space. But to Markus, his dad hates him. He thinks his father keeps him on Earth so that he doesn't have to think about him. And this idea of his father's disgust contorts his image of himself. He begins to feel self-hatred, hatred towards his mother for making him this way, and hatred towards his father for abandoning him and leaving him to despise what he sees in the mirror. "You made Terra with love. I was made with hate."
Whether Mark meant it or not, his neglect of Markus ruined his early life. No matter how many friends he made, what groups he joined, they could never fill that hole. He idolized his father. I mean, how could he not? His father was, IS a great hero. A man who was out at that very moment leading the movement for universal peace. But because Mark barely visited him, he only had an idea of what his father was like. A man who sacrificed so much to help the world, who fought in space and yet still managed to save the Earth dozens of times. A man who had the time to help everyone and yet couldn't make time for him.
(Important edit: in no way do I mean to say Mark is obligated to be a part of his son's life, I meant that Mark chooses to be there but ultimately fails to do so and that causes issues)
And don't get me wrong, this story has some pretty glaring flaws. For example I think they tried a little too hard to teach Mark that the person who hurt him is human too and has positively affected the lives of many. Like absolutely there is a conversation to be had there but because they had to move on with the plot they kinda just went "HEY MARK DON'T BE SAD SHE'S COOL NOW AND ALSO SHE'S DEAD SO THERE'S NO POINT IN LINGERING OKAY BYYEEEEE". But I think instead of these flaws scaring the show away they should invite the show forward. It's an opportunity to improve on the story and discussions rather than shy away from it.
Oh and also harking back to my previous point in paragraph 2, there's another aspect that makes it stand out in an important discussion. If I'm remembering correctly, the comic makes it pretty clear that Mark could have overpowered Anissa but didn't for a couple of reasons, namely not wanting to hurt her. And that is SO important and SO rare. A discussion surrounding an assault victim who could have fought back but didn't where the victim is NOT portrayed as in the wrong and in fact just as worthy to be traumatized as any other victim is SO DAMN IMPORTANT and could legit change a lot in the way we look at these topics.
So yeah, I think the series should adapt it. Also I think it would be great if they brought on actual victims and experts and whatnot so their depiction could be just that much more focused around what needs to be said. Sorry if all this read as klunky, I have a lot of thoughts bouncing around up here that I kinda just spewed onto the page with no particular order. I'm also obviously not the most educated on the topic. My personal experiences with this were relatively minor and not something I've ever felt comfortable addressing. And yeah I know it's important no matter how "small" or "minor" it seems and I'm not trying to downplay any of that but I just don't really have the words to phrase that differently. Which is exactly why I think we NEED education and discussions about this stuff so that we DO know the words to navigate the topic.
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theravenzzz · 6 months
Oh no, it's him..
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fionajames · 4 months
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Most of this is Star Wars (and mostly the Clone Wars), but there are a few other things ! ! !
WARNINGS: THIS WRITING CONTAINS: depicted gore, character death, death, war, violence, mentions of throwing up, mental health difficulties, and general star wars warnings.
spoilers for the clone wars, the bad batch, and star wars.
PLEASE NOTE: this took me a very long time, and so it is not very neat because i am very tired. this is roughly arranged in order of release, just because that is how i did it. i know there are a few pieces of writing missing so PLEASE, if you stumble upon something that isn't here but should be, dm it to me with the link so i can add it :)
✉ -> requested ☘ -> stuff i'm particularly proud of/fan favs
Star Wars
General One-Shots
carnivorous -> (rex learns about togrutas)
carnivorous pt. 2 -> (rex and anakin learn about togrutas)
tally marks -> (the reason behind rex's tally marks)
pre-christophosis -> (rex before the battle of christophosis) ✉
pt. 2 of pre-christophosis -> (rex before the battle of christophosis, 2) ✉
chicken soup -> (fluffy anakin and obiwan) ✉
two times newly knighted -> (how both obi-wan and anakin felt after getting their padawans)
how the wound heals -> (post order 66 ahsoka and rex) ✉
tonight -> (not all jedi are invincible, especially padawans)
the dress -> (fluff with ahsoka and padme) ✉
sorrow and solace -> (force ghost talks with anakin and obi-wan) ✉
return -> (disaster trio fluff) ✉
five times -> (fives and echo, but really just the death of palpatine) ✉
the victim with blood on his hands -> (cody comforts rex) ✉
guilt -> (a tiny snippet of angst) ✉
over-worked -> (the 501st convince kix to take a break) ✉
scars and stitches -> (how did anakin really get his scar?) ✉
cold outside - codywan -> (codywan stuck in the cold) ✉
three broken ribs, a concussion, and a broken femur -> (cody scolds rex) ✉
the blue death -> (the blue shadow virus taking it's toll) ✉
the unimaginable -> (some deaths are harder than others)
skako minor and beyond -> (headcanons about echo's time at skako minor) ✉
christmas -> (fluffy disaster trio christmas) ✉
wait for it -> (the way ahsoka views anakin)
me and the devil -> (palpatine controlling anakin)
rescue of the crazed -> (after being captured by the separatists, ahsoka is a little... out of it) ✉
captured -> (things don't always end happily)
war is over -> (how the clone wars should have ended)
tunnels -> (obi-wan and anakin get separated from their troops (slight codywan))
blood and bandages -> (rex after the kadavo arc) ✉
limbo -> (hunter doesn't do so well with the underground) ✉
early mornings -> (ahsoka and obi-wan's friendship) ✉
flocks of fireflies -> (disaster trio fluff) ✉ ☘
dreams of home -> (disaster trio angst, post order 66, sad obi-wan) ✉
Longer Series (although i'm horrible at continuing them)
delinquents club guide (includes links to the chapters) -> (a story about my oc fenrir in a fix-it-au of mine)
tcw circus au -> (an au in which the republic and separatists are rival circuses) ✉
circus barrisoka -> (barrisoka in the republica circus) ✉
jedi circus headcanons -> (headcanons about the circus au) ☘
ethereal pt. 1 -> (a mysterious mansion piques the curiosity of our five) ☘
ethereal pt. 2 -> (the mysterious yet beautiful mansion isn't the only strange thing about this world....) ☘
moonlit dances -> (part of my 'ethereal' au, but no spoilers really. soft and romantic codywan) ☘
My OCs
my ocs -> (an introduction to my ocs; dhole, vector, menace, dice, bloodshot, xi, mit, vick, meerrt.)
menace and the guard -> (menace pranking the guard) ✉
dhole and fives -> (headcanons about my oc dhole and fives interacting) ✉
satsuki meets rex -> (my oc satsuki meets rex for the first time)
my ocs aesthetics -> (aesthetics for my ocs; dhole, vector, menace, dice, bloodshot, xi, mit, vick, meerrt.)
a trip to 79s -> (the bad batch and my ocs meet) ✉
family - my oc -> (dhole gets injured during a battle) ✉
good enough - my oc -> (a little vent writing through my oc - satsuki)
slipping - my ocs -> (fox comforts dhole) ✉
thievery -> (dhole and anakin do something morally correct, legally not) ✉
human - my ocs -> (a view of my ocs; vick, meerrt, dice, dhole, xi, mit, bloodshot, and menace)
music in the winter - my ocs -> (my ocs and some others as musicians in a fix-it-au) ✉
icy comfort -> (bloodshot and dhole have a heart-to-heart) ✉
missing - my ocs -> (satsuki is captured, and no must escape, maybe with the help of someone new) ✉ ☘
nightmares on kamino - my ocs -> (iniko seeks some comfort, and finds it in captain rook) ✉
the beginning - my ocs -> (how brontide become captain of the 323rd)
unrequited love - my oc -> (xi has feelings for someone he can't love) ✉
heartache -> (xi has to deal with simple tasks complicated by feelings) ✉
the great wolf -> (ahsoka, rex, jesse and fives fight off an intruder)
the creepers, clone force 97 - overview -> (an introduction to some new ocs of mine, a defective batch) ☘
the attack -> (an oc of mine finds himself in a very terrifying situation) ☘
x Reader
oil smudges - captain rex -> (captain rex x mechanic! reader, fluff)
headache - kix -> (a very soft kix x sick! reader) ✉
cold and cookies - echo -> (echo x reader, echo returns after a few weeks) ✉ ☘
puppy love - howzer -> (just purely fluffy howzer x reader)
cuddles - rex -> (just a sleepy golden retriever rex x reader) ✉
are you awake yet - rex -> (absolutely fluffy rex x reader) ✉ ☘
line of fire - rex -> (rex x reader, reader stands up for the clones... and rex is concerned) ✉ ☘
hot chocolate - rex -> (fluffy, winter, rex x reader) ☘
boiling water - rex -> (fluffy, winter, rex x reader)
3am - rex -> (rex x mechanic! reader) ✉
t-shirt - cody -> (fluffy cody x reader)
dangerous - rex -> (concerned rex x civilian! reader) ☘
pancakes - rex -> (fluffy rex x civilian! reader) ☘
cyar'ika - rex -> (fluffy rex x civilian! reader) ☘
blankets - rex -> (fluffy rex x reader) ✉
fix-it-fox -> (the basis of this au, with lots of headcanons) ✉ ☘
bad batch halloween -> (halloween with the bad batch) ✉
christmas with the clones headcanons -> (christmas with the clones) ☘
holofilms -> (bad batch movie night) ✉
home - the bad batch -> (fluffy bad batch) ✉
Other Fandoms
sam golbach x reader -> (fluffy sam x reader)
sodapop x reader -> (fluffy sodapop x reader)
christmas with the greasers headcanons -> (christmas with the greasers)
shark toy -> (darry gets a present) ✉
lams; almost gone -> (when alexander 'almost' died)
why, pt1. lams -> (lams angst)
the man -> (female teen wolf characters) ✉ ☘
devoid of all emotions -> (void stiles, platonic sterek) ✉
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(tagging: @skellymom, @techs-goggles9902, @transmascanakin)
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bugsbenefit · 11 months
Who’s going to die in s5 and does anyone even need to die?
putting my thoughts on this out there now because i'm curious how they will hold up with s5 canon or if the characters that i think are narratively untouchable will bite it in the opening
because objectively, no, no one needs to die. not every story needs to kill off major characters to be "dramatic". strangers things has even gone out of it's way to avoid doing that since it’s first season. the characters that Do die are always ones that were introduced in the same season with the specific purpose of dying. Barb, Alexei, Eddie, all the vecna victims
they even skirt killing main characters, like how Eddie in s4 seems to be the placeholder for Steve since they didn’t want to kill him yet. there’s also interviews saying they wanted to kill him in s1 or 2 but then didn’t because they liked his character and wanted to keep him in the story. (also a fan favourite character too yk). similarly El was also supposed to die in s1, but even before st becomes a multi season show it's implied she’s alive right in the last minutes of s1
so while St sure loves killing people (see just how many people died in lab massacre 1 in 1979, lab massacre 2 in 1984, and the flesh flayer human meat incident) you’re pretty save as long as you’re a main character and survived your first season on the show
so s5 continuing with that and not killing any main characters is definitely an option, they don't need to kill. no matter how much the audience is waiting for "stakes" to be set, not every story needs to kill it's characters
on the other hand, there’s also a lot that suggests they might kill someone for real this time. challenging the perceived safety of main characters in the last season with a world ending stakes set up in s4 seems reasonable. there’s also the more theoretical perspective that we're in the final season now and there’s no coming back for any of these characters anyway, no matter if they live or die. the logic of making it to the next season that saved some of their asses before no longer applies
it would also make sense and not be uncommon for a story to kill someone important during the final installment to make it apparent how BadTM it is. most of the audience is also aware by now that the show isn't killing long running mains so changing that rule would serve the final season well (especially if it happened before the last 2 episodes and put people more on edge for the finale, now that mains apparently aren't completely invincible anymore)
so leading up to s5, I really think the chance of them killing at least one major character for real this time is the highest it’s ever been. the question would just be, who? and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone agree on this ever so I just want to go it over myself, get my thoughts on this out pre s5 spoilers rolling in. trying to evaluate how solid a build up for a death would be
going over various characters under the cut
there’s obviously some side characters that could reasonable die but I think would be the weakest choices, if not an outright joke at an attempt of “emotional impact” on the story
for example, they could kill Murray, there’s really nothing stopping them, but it wouldn’t be a very impactful death. the only one who has a real connection with him is Joyce. if they wanted to kill more than one character I can see them going for it, especially if they killed Murray earlier and had a bigger character die towards the end of the season. but otherwise, if he’s the only one dying it’d be funnily underwhelming. this also goes for Dimitri (depending on if he will be back for s5). easy to kill but would suck phenomenally as the only death
same for characters like Vicky and Argyle, who are both incredibly new characters so killing them would be very underwhelming. here with the added aspect of them both being minorities, and while you can obviously kill minority characters just fine, if they were the only characters dying it would look pretty bad compared to the 90% white and het cast that’d be alive. killing Vicky with her ongoing romance plot where they need to establish an entire relationship first would also be obviously stupid
moving to main and secondary characters of the show that have more significance. secondaries like:
Robin, who like Vicky and Argyle, would also be a weak choice. killing her at the end of her romance arc set up for s5 would be extremely unsatisfying in a way that doesn’t fit any of the shows themes. also again, killing just her would look horrible, and even if two people died, she’s been the public queer rep of the show before they officially had Will too post s4, would be kind of an insane choice to kill her
Steve on the other hand has much more merit to him. he’s the character we know the Duffers wanted to kill years ago and only held back due to the actors charisma and potential they saw for his story. and both of these points would be moot in a final season of the show. there’s also been enough foreshadowing of a death that would stand out on a rewatch and make it feel more planned. like the funnily long handshake he and Dustin have in s3 including Dustin stabbing Steve and him “dying”. killing him would also work to impact a significant number of characters as well as the audience since he IS a fan favourite. on the other hand, it would be a bit questionable to kill the other "guy that's close with Dustin" right after he had Eddie die on him. Eddie was a pretty clear place holder for Steve in s4, so killing Steve the season after wouldn’t be very different from a storytelling pov. but I could see them go for it, easy death, enough set up, potential to be upsetting, not whole show-vibe ruining
because compared to that, Hopper is someone I honestly don’t see dying at all. he not only had a full fake out death, the whole of s4 russia arc was about getting him back alive. if they just kill him anyways most of s4 will feel pretty pointless, especially after he’s Just at the point where he might see that he isn’t a curse on all the people around him. killing him would negatively impact his character growth AND fall flat with him already having died and come back right after. killing him fr right after he came back would honestly just be really funny, like, i don't know how serious people would even take it, i'd just expect him to come back again tbh
Joyce… is just kind of out there. killing her off would be brutal with how central of a character she is. her and Mike really were the two plot leading characters all the way back in s1 and her character seems to be a bit of a face of ST alongside with characters like El. it would also be rough on Will and Jonathan, like, character altered forever rough, so if she died these characters would have to change drastically. which would need her death to happen before the last two episodes if they wanted to do it justice. and killing her that early on would also feel odd with how much she’s a part of the core story. and of course there’s the whole deal with her just having gotten together with Hopper which should at least give her a few episodes of protection to explore that. overall, I think they could do it, but they would have to be insanely careful to pull it off well and I’m not sure it’s something they’d go for or something that's even possible to do well with only 8-9 episodes
Jonathan is someone a lot of people seem to think could die, but I also feel like a that idea comes from general lack of interest in his character. he Could die, yeah, it would also be interesting how characters dealt with it, but just like with Joyce, killing him off in the last episode would very much feel like a cheap kill for shock value since the strongest aspect of killing a character like him would be seeing the ripples it has over the story. and killing him would also put an extremely tragic end to his character arc which he hasn’t finished yet. he’s constantly parentified, steps back in favour of other people, he still couldn’t tell Nancy he wants something different than her for college, and so on. his s5 arc would have to focus more on his own growth over the series and accepting himself and his worth, so dying would be insanely tragic for him. again I feel like they Could do it, but it’s questionable if they’d be able to do it justice and not make it feel like his character is from a Shakespearean tragedy while everyone else is from a different genre
Just on reflex, Nancy is someone I don’t see dying. killing her would be really bold. all with her being one of the few women, and a character that's always been near the center of the story, and with her being the deciding party in the middle of a love triangle. but on the other hand, I could see some merit in killing her. she was the main leader in s4 and arguably already had her moment to shine when she shot Vecna (even if they still lost, it was arguably the most epically framed “win” moment of the season). she also finally got some closure on Barb’s death, ie. knowing Vecna killed her. you could also definitely argue that it would be interesting if Nancy was the one to ultimately die instead of the vision where she saw her mom, Holly, and Mike, dead (or implied to be dead, she doesn't say the word). so the longer I think about it, the more I could see a positive impact on the story. but it'd still be rough, and it would mean upsetting both Jancy and Stancy shippers by having neither have a happy ending, which, actually, would be kind of interesting, but I’m not sure the Duffers would go for
and then there’s of course the kids where it gets really hard imo. both based on the tone of ST and how it would be insanely dark
Erica is just someone I genuinely don’t think they can kill, ever. she’s the absolute youngest, also one of their 3 poc characters. don’t see any reality where she dies. they already didn't handle her character particularly well since her introduction so, no way they're insane enough to kill her
similar to my point about Hopper earlier, I also don’t see Max dying at all. she almost died in s4 during her initial encounter with Vecna, barely survived, and then got got for real and was dead pre El reviving her. her dying for real in s5 wouldn’t hit particularly hard anymore after she starts the season lost in some variation of a coma. her s5 arc already has to be about finding her, and presumably her dealing with the trauma of waking up. also whatever role she plays in the season, since we don’t know how many episodes it'll take before we can get her thoughts and actions again. killing her at the end would be kind of repetitive and absolutely fuck her character arc over since she just realized how badly she wanted to live regardless of her depression
El's character would also not have any benefit from dying, it would actively cut her character arc short, which has been a central point of every season up to now. her whole deal is learning that she’s not a monster that’s responsible for everything and figuring out who she actually wants to be as a person that can make her own decisions. her ending the series dying or sacrificing herself like so many people seem to think she will would be very weak writing imo. having her finally reach a point in s5 where she's free of Brenner, and guilt over what happened, and her het relationship with her boyfriend who doesn’t love her, and finally starts to realize who she wants to be, only to have her make the decision to die for the people she loves would just suck. it’d be compelling... if ST was a drama story and trying to tell a story of hopelessness. which is not at all what ST has been up until now and is also not what anyone involved has said s5 to be
Will is also unkillable without completely breaking the genre of the show. people are right that him dying in s5 would be full circle to s1. and showing the inevitability of the UD killing him after all and how he couldn’t get away would be fun sure, but it’s not stranger things. aside from actors already having said Will gets some form of happy ending, killing him just wouldn’t work. everyone was trying to get him back alive all the way back in s1. him eventually dying after all is a cool concept in theory, but it doesn’t work with the show at all
Mike is also hard to kill. with Byler happening, it would be insane to kill either of the two parties right after having them get together or confirm each other’s feelings. Mike is one of the characters with the most consistent allusions to something bad happening, especially in s4, with the whole set up of “hasn’t unpacked yet”, jaws poster, “death count is going to rise”, and Nancy’s whole vision about him presumably dying, but it’s much more likely he just won’t have a good time in s5, not die. he already had a fake out death as far back as s1 with the cliff, so if they want the show to go “full circle” they could just have him almost die again, or have someone Think he died for a bit. perma killing him just doesn't work with the mleven to byler arc they set up for s5
Lucas doesn’t have any death flags and there would be no benefit in killing him. killing Will for example would at least be interesting on a meta writing level if you disregard the genre of the show, but killing Lucas would just… feel insanely unjust, he's just a kid who already went through writing fuckery in s4. he also almost lost Max, and his s5 arc seems to be very focused on her and helping her. killing him off right after Max survived would just be plain bad. do not see Lucas dying in any reality
And Dustin is my "if they had to kill a kid". there Are some lines you could definitely catch on a rewatch post death that would make it feel less out of nowhere, be it the “if you die I die” said to Steve, or Suzie talking about Dustin feeling like it could foreshadow a death. Dustin also doesn’t have the protection someone like Mike has, where he’s in the central gay childhood best friends to lovers plotline
overall, I think Vicky and Argyle are essentially guaranteed to be fine. there’d be not much emotional payoff for the audience and only the killing of the few diverse characters of the cast. Robin would also be hard to kill without making it look weird with her just introduced romantic interest. Hopper and Max are too much “been there done that” to die for real. and the kids dying would at best seriously derail the expectations the show set until now and negatively fuck some of their character arcs over at worst
so. tldr, my thoughts on this: killing Joyce is possible imo, but extremely hard to do justice. similar sentiment about Jonathan, even more so bc it directly conflicts with his character's core struggle. killing Nancy would probably be the most interesting choice to go for, to me, if done well, but it’s something I don’t really see happen in the show. Steve seems like the most likely choice to die since he’d be a pretty easy kill, the audience and a significant amount of characters like him so it would have impact, there’s enough death flags to make it seem foreshadowed… would just work really well. and if any of the kids died it would have to be Dustin imo, even though I’m still of the belief that they won’t touch the kids when it comes to killing characters
also, Murray's just a free kill to me, not impactful enough on the characters to fully derail character arcs but still with the show long enough to be a bit sad to see go. if they’d kill only him it would be a bit wasted because it would feel like a copout of killing an impactful character, but if they want to kill a primary character and make stakes higher by killing someone else, Murray is the easiest to turn to for that, especially if they want someone to die in the earlier episodes
and this is just about the "main" characters (as a broad term here). characters that could also ofc die are other kids parents, police officers we know like Callahan, other side characters like Mr Clarke or the mayor. but most of these would not really have much impact on the story and would pass more as casualties along the way
the Wheelers are a bit of an in-between here, because while none of them get regular main character focus and don’t even know about the UD, they still come back every season on a personal level and have the most solid characterization out of side characters. Karen even has a noteworthy character arc, which none of the other side characters have. Holly will be fine honestly, Ted is really just there, not much screen time, i don't really see much benefit in having him die, if he did it would most likely have to be in passing or in mass casualties. so Karen would be the one I could realistically see be compelling to kill. as a side character I’d put her on a Murray level, where she’s consistently on screen and everyone knows her but she’s not really someone people would be upset for days about
the Murray treatment also goes for someone like Owens btw, where I could easily see him die as a side note (not as the main death). he's been with the show for a while but doesn't have enough impact on the story to really force you to keep him alive. there's for sure info we can still get from him in s5, but after we have a full picture of what happened with El and Henry at the lab and how Owens was involved there's really nothing keeping him alive as a character
and everyone's done, wall of thoughts over!
that’s where I’m at with all the characters as of now, especially from looking at their past arcs up to s4. I’m just really curious how this will hold up with the actual s5. Maybe they’ll just go in bold and kill someone I would have said has a 0 chance of dying right away, who knows who knows
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Wait so was that it for episode 1 of HOTD S2?
I know it’s early in the second season but…ehhh.
Major Spoilers Below! Basically recounting most of the episode tbf though I did leave out a few minor scenes/characters. Whooop whoop, Spoilers below for House of the Dragon, Season Two, Episode One!
Hah! Hypothetical Alicent Hightower hooking up with Ser Criston Cole, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
You know, when we first got the short scene with Jace and Cregan, I was like cool, so they’re taking their time to build up the alliance whatever, maybe more north scenes then! But that was it?? Jace just flies back, with Cregan only promising the 2,000 men? Why couldn’t we have gotten them bonding with say a hunting scene or feast or something more? And no Pact of Ice and Fire? Like, Jace promising one of his future children to Rickon Stark (Cregan’s son) was what sealed the deal so to speak. (Granted, I’m no die-hard book fan, haven’t had the chance to read Fire & Blood yet but I did know of some of the canonical events either way). And no mention of House Manderly yet? Granted, not sure if that alliance by betrothal was made during the Arryn/Stark alliances or sometime later? But the future marriages that Jace set up in the books were what gained him the support of the more reluctant regions (Joffrey betrothed to a Manderly girl).
Do wish we got a scene of Jace and Lady Arryn.
More scraps of Lady Baela and Rhaena but I’ll take what I can get so far. Baela walking with Jace to Rhaenyra’s room was a nice background touch, sounds how close the two are. Rhaena crying at Lucerys’ funeral made me cry. JOFFREY! Jace holding Joffrey, Joffrey throwing the seahorse in the funeral pyre, the seahorse that Corlys gave Lucerys in S1.
Tangent: I get why they’re paralleling / juxtaposing Luke’s funeral with Alicent remembering the dead but I don’t like it. Why is she saying Viserys’ name? Why bother with doing such a ritual(?) of honoring/remembering the dead with a man who you seemingly didn’t like / was coerced to marry / hated how he treated you and your children. It feels weird for her character? Also the nerve she has to say Lucerys’ name made me to hit her because only a few scenes ago she had the audacity to try and excuse Aemond and somehow still think Rhaenyra would accept any sort of peace after the death of her son. They (the writers) need to just have Alicent commit to a characterization because she’s felt so wishy-washy throughout S1 and the start of S2! “I love Rhaenyra!” “I HATE Rhaenyra!” “Rhaenyra will kill my children!” “I am plotting to usurp Rhaenyra and put Aegon on the throne!” “How dare you (Otto and everyone else) plot to put Aegon on the Throne!” “I still love Rhaenyra”.
Aemond, funnily enough, says it quite aptly himself. “She blames me for starting this war after she plotted with my father’s council to usurp his throne. “Her Grace” speaks with two tongues.”
S2 EP1 is a perfect show of why Aegon is unfit to be King, and I imagine any casual fans of the show would be further persuaded to think Rhaenyra is the one to be rooting for. As they should. I do like how they’re showing how Otto is getting pushed out by Alicent’s sons who are driven by their emotions, anger, and their own pride that makes them think they are invincible.
Aegon doesn’t love his wife nor his children, the only time he’s shown to bother with any of them (so far) is in episode 1 s2. He shows that he only views Jaehaerys as an extension of himself, as something to further boost his ego. Think I’ll make a separate post (with spoilers) about the scene with Aegon and Jaehaerys in the Quiet Council
Blood & Cheese: Changing Daemon to arranging for Aemond’s death rather than Helaena’s children is certainly a move. I can see why that would be changed, though I’m not sure if it really worked. It feels like an illogical change, that a ratcatcher and hired man would be able to kill a trained Prince (he’s what? 19? 20?). Why not just have Daemon either ambiguously say “a son for a son” rather than specifying Aemond or just outright say he wants one of Aegon’s sons killed? Having him kill Rhea Royce was a change I think was unnecessary but if they were already trying to make him even more darker than what was written, what not do it for the big scene of Blood & Cheese?
I do like the foreshadowing(?) with the man and his dog (Cheese) constantly walking back and forth in the background of scenes in the Red Keep before Daemon arranges it. It gives you this kind of tension because we (well most of us) know what’s going to happen, it’s only a matter of when.
(I’m partially writing as I watch)
You have got to be kidding me! What the fuck did they do to Helaena’s character? Why didn’t they give the actress (Phia Saban) anymore lines? Oh fucking spare me. Look, I’m pretty solidly Team Black, but having Alicent and Criston having sex during the Blood & Cheese ordeal felt stupid. Unless we’re supposed to dislike Alicent and Criston more than we already do?
Comparison Time because fucking hell how do you make such an anticipated scene so underwhelming at the end? It’s like screwing up shooting the Red Wedding.
As quoted from The Princess and the Queen (I love a Search for Ice and Fire), “The hidden doors and secret tunnels that Maegor the Cruel had built were as familiar to the rat-catcher as to the rats he hunted. Using a forgotten passageway, Cheese led Blood into the heart of the castle, unseen by any guard. Some say their quarry was the king himself, but Aegon was accompanied by the Kingsguard wherever he went, and even Cheese knew of no way in and out of Maegor’s Holdfast save over the drawbridge that spanned the dry moat and its formidable iron spikes.” So, fair, there were rumors that Aegon was a target, so the show seemingly references that + makes Aemond an explicit target.
“The Tower of the Hand was less secure... Instead they slipped into his daughter’s chambers. Queen Alicent had taken up residence there after the death of King Viserys, when her son Aegon moved into Maegor’s Holdfast with his own queen. Once inside, Cheese bound and gagged the Dowager Queen whilst Blood strangled her bedmaid. Then they settled down to wait, for they knew it was the custom of Queen Helaena to bring her children to see their grandmother every evening before bed…”
This line establishes their relationship, shows that Helaena and Alicent were at least somewhat close or that Helaena at least liked taking her children to see their grandmother. Yet we get none of that in the show / by fundamentally changing the setting of Blood & Cheese.
“Queen Helaena kept her calm, it is said. “Who are you?” she demanded of the two. “Debt collectors,” said Cheese. “An eye for an eye, a son for a son. We only want the one, t’ square things. Won’t hurt the rest o’ you fine folks, not one lil’ hair. Which one you want t’ lose, Your Grace?”
“Once she realized what he meant, Queen Helaena pleaded with the men to kill her instead.” I know that everyone’s favorite argument for and against their own favorite characters are “these are historical accounts with heavily biased narrators.” And yeah sure, but it’s not wild to imagine a mother sacrificing her own life for her children or at least offering to. We know Helaena has somewhat of a personality! She can be blunt with others, attempts to wield what little power she has / can be firm (demanding Aegon not interrupt Jaehaerys’ lessons, have I mentioned I fucking hate Aegon?) Yet what little they gave her was stripped away during the scene! Once she realized they were adamant and refused her offer of her expensive necklace, she should have been pleading for her childrens’ lives.
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 6 months
Invincible Season 2 finale spoilers + very minor comic spoilers
So now we have confirmation that Rex’s voice actor is voicing adult Rudy. Yikes…that is going to be brutal.
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unforeseen-idiot · 6 months
Shrinking Ray/Rae
spoilers for Invincible Comics/Show
I randomly became attached to Shrinking Ray in the comics, I think it was because he hardly did anything and I thought that was funny (I always make up these weird obsessions with minor characters). When he died I was pissed. I haven’t watched the show but I heard that they made the character more important and strong in the show so I was hoping that maybe she wouldn’t die, or at least not in the stupid way he did in the comics. Well, I guess her death wasn’t as dumb in the show, I’m still pissed though.
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celemee · 1 year
Tumblr media
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Pairing: Male Dark Urge x Enver Gortash Rating: Mature Tags: Pre-canon, pre-relationship, seduction, unresolved sexual tension, intimate touching Warnings: Graphic violence, minor character death, normalised murder, blood, spoilers for The Dark Urge [previous part (tumblr) (ao3)] [read on ao3 instead?]
Day 2: "Don't worry, I got you."
Ravendras likes it best when they fight back.
There's a flash in the dark — a knife, maybe a dagger — and he jumps out of the way with a breathy laugh. 
The man is outmatched, out of luck, having challenged the Murder Incarnate himself, but there's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun at work — and tonight Ravendras wants some fun. 
And so, Ravendras taunts the man, skipping out of the way as the blade swooshes in the air. To add injury to insult, he abandons his own daggers onto the ground. Levelling the playing field. 
"Come on," he laughs as another slash narrowly misses him. "You can do better! I believe in you!" 
The guy lunges at him blindly in the dark backstreet, far too noisy for Ravendras's taste. He should finish this soon, before the Flaming Fists show up, but blood pumps hot inside of him and he feels quicker than lightning. 
Invincible, almost. 
Just then, the man lands a lucky slash on his thigh, exposing a stripe of his skin to the cool air. 
Right, that's enough play. 
Ravendras kicks at the man's head. He falls with a thud, Ravendras quickly following in pursuit and landing on top of his stomach. Hands wrap around the man's throat, squeezing with practiced ease. 
The horror and desperation in their eyes dimming into dull nothingness never gets old. The man trashes, kicks, claws at his arms and sides, but nothing stops the inevitable. 
Ravendras's grimace of joyous rage softens into a smile as the fight runs out of his victim. It's so… intimate, almost. To think his smile is the last thing this man sees. 
"Are you hurt?" 
Ravendras blinks, turning to the source of the voice. 
Enver Gortash. He should have guessed. 
They've worked together a while now, but the man seeks him out more than what's strictly required — they've even gone to the theatre together. As if they're… friends. And what's worse, Ravendras doesn't mind. 
He shakes his head, rising from his now lifeless victim. Wincing as the unmistakable sound of tearing fabric cuts through the night. The world spins a little as the rush of the fight leaves him, and he must have stumbled a little, because Enver hurries to his side to steady him. 
"Don't worry, I got you," Enver says, his arm steady around Ravendras's shoulders.
Ravendras chuckles, tensing slightly under the touch, "I'm fine.”
“I saw you get hit,” Enver counters, his hand giving Ravendras’s shoulder a little squeeze.
So, he must’ve seen the whole job. Ravendras chews on the inside of his cheek; “It's just a scratch."
Enver stares at him, the strangest expression on his face. Bites his lip and tilts his head a bit, as if in a wordless question. 
How the fuck is Ravendras supposed to read all of this? He leads a cult, dedicates his entire life to the service of his Father. If there's strife, it's settled with knives. If there are questions, he consults his Father. If there are… involvements between cultists, it's never involved him. 
What he knows is how flesh is cleaved from bone. Where to hit to crush a windpipe, how to make someone disappear. 
While Ravendras muses in silence, Enver lets him go and slides to his knees. Pausing where the tear exposes Ravendras's thigh. 
They stare at each other, perfectly still until the tip of Enver's finger traces the scratch. The man's eyes are dark like charcoal — impossibly inviting. 
"Ravendras," Enver whispers, making him swallow. 
He's given Enver an in, and lost sight of his own out. 
"Do you know what it feels like to watch you do what you do?" 
Sickening. It's supposed to look sickening, and yet the admiration in Enver's voice couldn’t be more obvious. 
The Chosen of Tyranny kneels by him, but it's no accident. It's a trick. Some sort of trap — a power play to bring Ravendras to his knees and cede his power away. Sadly for him, Ravendras is no idiot—
Something soft and warm presses against his skin, right on top of the languidly bleeding wound. 
Ravendras's eyes fly open. 
Enver's hand holds the inside of his thigh, as gently as his lips kiss. 
Had he no need for the man, Ravendras could strike now. Smash his head into the cobblestones and bash it repeatedly until its shape was unrecognisable and every stone was painted with gore. 
Instead, breath catches in his chest, his eyes close and, most crucially, he can’t bring himself to move away. 
"It's intoxicating," Enver murmurs into his skin. "It makes me wonder."
Ravendras doesn't ask — doesn't trust himself to speak. Enver's lips are stained coppery red, and when he licks them and sighs at the taste, Ravendras's mouth opens at its own accord. 
He wonders, too. Of so many things. Of the night at the theatre, of the cloak left in his care that still smells of Enver. Of hands on his body. Nobody's touched him this way, and no matter how many times he tries to think things through, he always seems to find himself here. 
Frozen under Enver's touch. Shivering like a weakling. 
"Don't you want to find out?" Enver says softly, his hand sliding upwards, dangerously close to Ravendras's heated crotch. 
It's only when a finger brushes at his balls over the fabric that he moves. A quick strafe to the side, breath hard and fast, and a dagger pointed at Enver's throat. 
He draws it back as fast as it came out, closing his eyes and shaking his head. 
"Well, can't fault a man for trying," Enver says, rising to his feet. Voice jovial, but there's more in those eyes. Ravendras would give anything to master these silent tells, but alas. The man isn't easy to read. 
"What do you want?" he asks, resorting to his words. 
"Isn't it obvious?" Enver sighs. "I want you. I want to see what we could be."
Ravendras chews on the inside of his cheeks. "Bhaal would kill me."
"I can protect you."
It must be a trap. It must be! 
Ravendras stares at Enver, trying to discern signs of insincerity, but finds none. What he does find, however… 
Too much to decipher. 
"I need to get back to work," Ravendras tilts his head towards the corpse, eyes still glued to Enver's. "I… need to think."
Enver nods, taking a couple of steps back before turning to leave. "You know where to find me."
Ravendras nods, and finally returns to the corpse to drag it out of sight. The first body of the night, but certainly not the last; he always does his best thinking while he's working. 
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