#miss knives paper lily
loomize · 5 months
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Losing hope that people will see these lol but I'm insane crazy about this game right now so I had to draw some of my favs
Highly recommend Paper Lily! I ended up going through and getting all the achievements for chapter 1 so I could see as much of it as possible. I think Miss Knives (far right) is my favorite idk why I'm so crazy about her but I think she's interesting.
Steam link under the cut! ミ☆
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I'm going to fight a 6th grader (ms knives)
art below the cut because blood and knives oooo
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ily miss knives paper lily
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ardentem-iustitia · 6 months
finally 100%ed paper lily i'm soooo autistic about this game
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i'm in the top 6.4% of players!!! yippee
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evilkitten3 · 5 months
paper lily theory: iris was the witch, not miss knives
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ariapmdeol · 7 months
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finished Paper Lily (chapter 1)!!! We got the True End, and a handful of game overs.
I liked it a lot!!! very very charming, and a lot longer than we expected! the Miss Knives boss fight was VERY VERY GOOD. the difficulty overall was challenging enough to be fun, and i think it was very sweet of the devs to give the option to skip the fights. (i did not take this option but thats bc im a Gamer so i will suffer and learn asasdkljd). Project KAT had so many unique game overs, I really want to take the time to mess around in there and get the different variations!!
the characters were all very charming! and the art style is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous, i loveeee the spritework and all the little details!!!
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elisysd · 1 year
2. Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: The Loneliest - Maneskin
He didn’t remember what happened yesterday. Well, that was not true. He remembered going to Jimmy’z, drinking, dancing, flirting with some girls and going home with one. He remembered the kissing, the tearing each other clothes part and the sex that he knew was good. But he failed to remember the name of the brunette laying naked next to him. But at least he was at home.
He got up of the bed, threw a tee shirt over his head and open the curtains letting the sun shone bright in the room. The girl started to move and slowly woke up. Her blue eyes met his and she smiled softly at him.
“Good morning, Ethan.”
“Yeah, yeah, good morning. Well, it was nice and all but I kind of have somewhere to be, like right now so can you leave? Now.”
It was true. He was invited by his mom for a brunch before he had to leave for Bahrain. And he was late. Not that it was unusual, Ethan had a hard time understanding the notion of being on time.
“Are you not even going to get me a coffee before throwing me out? That would be the least you could do.” said the girl.
She was cute. Definitely Ethan’s type.
“I don’t have coffee.” he simply answered, dressing up without giving her a second glance. He heard her sighing in frustration, but he didn’t care. He didn’t have the time to care.
“Come on, who doesn’t have coffee at their place?”
Him. Because he didn’t really live here. It was his flat, yes. On paper. He was not in Monaco most of the time. And when he was, he would rather be with his family. His flat was only useful to bring girls and organise parties. For the rest, he was staying with his mom and dad. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his phone screen lightning up, announcing the arrival of a new notification. He was starting to get annoyed. He was not really patient, and the girl was starting to get on his nerve.
“Excuse me…”
“Tess. Right. I’m not kidding when I say that I have somewhere to be. I’m not trying to let you down gently. So again. You have to leave. Right now. And don’t make me repeat myself or I’m calling the security.”
“Fine. I’m leaving. No need to be an ass. Drunken Ethan was way funnier than sober Ethan.”
He didn’t bother to react and get on with his routine as fast as possible. He was screwed. He was so screwed. A few minutes later he closed the door of his flat and went to the underground parking lot to find his Maserati. In the comfort of the leather seat, he breathed in and breathed out before typing a quick text to his mom to say that he was on his way. Twenty minutes later he was crossing the door of the elevator and entered in the penthouse. The table was dressed, the bottle of wine was already opened, and a soft jazz music was playing in the background. A nice smell was coming from the kitchen as he was about to go there to greet his mother he was intercepted by his father.
“If you had at least one inch of survival instinct you would have bought lilies on your way.” Max Verstappen told him.
“I overslept. I’m sorry. Is she mad, mad?”
“Madder than mad, Ethan.”
“Okay, perfect. I’ll let you handle my manager if I’m not coming out of this kitchen alive in ten minutes.”
“Beware of the knives, Ethan.”
Ethan ignored him and took a big breath before steeping into the kitchen.
“Hey mom.” he greeted her.
“Shut your mouth, Ethan Christian. I’m not in the mood to hear whatever excuses you’re coming up with. Is it too much to ask you to not be late, for once?”
“I get that saying sorry will just no do…”
“Bring the salad in the dining room and the lemonade. In silence.”
He gulped but did as tell. He knew better than to argue with his mother. His dad was playing with a cat that Ethan knew all too well. A cat that he didn’t like. The cat didn’t like him either and was never missing an opportunity to scratch him whenever he could or to even pee in his shoes. Ethan was persuaded that the cat was sent by Satan himself to make his life hell whenever he was home.
“I see you came out of the kitchen alive and well. Congratulations.” said Max.
“A part of me can’t wait to leave tomorrow because I won’t see mom anymore and she won’t be on my back 24/7.”
“And the other part of you?”
“It’s always weird. I love racing, I can’t wait to be back inside the car but at the same time… being free of obligations, being able to do whatever the hell I want… Feeling like a normal 23 years old… I miss that, sometimes.”
“I understand, son.”
Once his mother was back, they started to eat. It wasn’t long before his mother started to stop ignoring him and try to convince him that racing was dangerous and maybe it would be better for him to stop and find a normal job. Every time, it was the same thing and the same speech. If Ethan was used to it, it didn’t make it less annoying.
“I met Lyanna when I went grocery shopping.” she nonchalantly said.
Ethan knew what she was about to say and tried to ignore her thinking that if he would, she would just drop whatever she was about to say. But he knew it was pointless.
“Julia got a job for Skoda. She is going to work as an engineer for them.”
His mom always had a weird obsession for Charles Leclerc’s daughter, much to Ethan dismay. At one time she was obsessed with the idea of the two kids getting married. Just the thought of it was enough to make Ethan want to throw up.
“Yeah, Charles told me during one of our gym sessions. He is so damn proud of her. But it’s great, she worked her ass off for that position.”
“That means you are going to see her a lot, Ethan.” told him his mother, emphasising the end of the sentence.
“Well technically, I won’t. She won’t work with Maserati or Lamborghini, so…”
“But she will be around.”
“Great. fantastic. Amazing. Can’t you see how happy this information is making me? I’m throwing up rainbows and shitting glitters. That’s how happy it makes me.”
“First, don’t be sarcastic. Second, language please. Third, don’t roll your eyes at me.”
Her mother put down her fork and looked at him straight in the eyes.
“I don’t understand why you don’t like her. She is a really sweet girl. She is smart, she is hard working, she loves motorsport too, she is nice, and she is really pretty.”
“Nice? Nice? Are we still talking about Julia? The girl who bit me when we were three? I still have the scar from that time!”
“Oh, come on, you were kids.”
Ethan sighed and shook his head. He was not going to have this conversation. Julia liked to make people think that she was an angel when he knew full well that she was just an annoying and stuck-up girl. He hated the idea to have her near him. For as long as he could remember they always had been some sort of competition between them, no matter what it was. And most of the time she was the best. Racing was the only field where they never had to compete against each other therefore he never had to endure people, or his parents say how Julia was better. She already was a better child and better student than him but at least she would never be a better racer. And it relieved him. And to know that she would now be near him, almost every weekend, it was bringing back feelings he thought were buried deep inside.
Seeing her son tensed his mom finally gave up on the subject.
“So, what are your thoughts about the season? Any goals you want to achieve by the end of it?” Asked Max.
“The only thing I want is to finally be able to move to Lambo. That’s the dream. It’s my third year in Maserati and I love the team but… I will never be World Champion there. I will never be like you.”
“You know what you have to do to move up there. A seat in Lamborghini has to be deserved.”
“Or you could talk to Christian…”
“Ethan, no. It’s not because you are my son that it will give you an easy access.”
“It helped in the past…” tried to argue the youngest.
“But everyone could see that you were talented. You know that in F1, you are all the best drivers in the world. What will differentiate you from the others is how you’ll be on the track. If you want that seat you have to prove that you are the best.”
Ethan sighed. He wanted nothing else than to prove it but how could he when he didn’t have the car? They finished to eat and Ethan excused himself saying that he needed to finish packing. Truth be told, he would rather be away from his parents. He loved them but between an overprotective mother and a father that didn’t understand that sometimes he needed help, he felt like suffocating. He kissed his mother cheek, shook his dad’s hand, and left. He didn’t feel like taking his car, he would retrieve it later. His feet took him to the marina where all the yachts were.
He liked the sea; it was always calming him down. Growing up he had some anger issues and even if the karting had helped him managed them, taking a boat, and going on the sea had a better effect on him. He kept walking until he reached the beach and took off his shoes to let the sand under his feet ground him. He ended up sitting down and took his phone out of his pocket. He needed to forget about the pressure, he needed to let loose.
“Ludwig? It’s Ethan, are you in Monaco? I need a drink, care to join me?”
Ludwig Martinelli was one of Ethan’s best friend. He was driving for Lamborghini alongside his other best friend, Kyle. They knew each other since karting and grew up together. They probably were the ones Ethan was the closest too. They had gone through the same things in life, had done the same mistakes and had been stupid together. They still were.
“I can’t, man, tonight. We are on a strict health plan. Can’t drink before the beginning of the season.”
“Yeah, I understand. It’s fine. I guess, it’s going to be me, myself and I, tonight.”
“Sorry. Take care, okay. We still flight out together tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah. See you tomorrow, Lu.”
Well, it seemed that he would party on his own tonight.
The next morning was just a redo of the previous one but instead of a pretty brunette, it was a gorgeous blonde that was lying naked next to him. He said to her the same thing he said to the other girl and then rushed to the airport where his two best friends were waiting for him, a disapproving look on their faces.
“You’re late.” noted Kyle.
“If we can still board the plane, that means I’m right on time.”
They didn’t try to argue with him, they were used to his antics. They finally made it to the private jet owned by the team and they soon took off.
“So what did you guys do, yesterday?”
“Training, eating, sleeping early. It was pretty boring. What did you do?”
“Went one last time to Jimmy’z to cool down. But on my own, it was not very fun.” he shrugged.
The two Lamborghini’s drivers looked at each other. They knew how Ethan could get when he was feeling alone, it was never really pretty. He was ruthless and overconfident on the tracks, but outside of them, he often felt alone. He was not handling loneliness very well and that often resulted in him ending up in situations he should definitely not be caught in. Not that Ethan cared very much. His name might not help him professionally anymore but it still came handy in other areas of his life.
Ethan slept during the whole journey and after a very long flight, they finally landed in Bahrain. As he was thinking of having a nice night with his best friend he was surprised when they told him that they were going to stay at another hotel.
“Mid-fields and back of the grid teams are staying in another hotel than the top teams.” told him Kyle as they were heading out of the airport.
“Since when?”
“I don’t know, I’m not in charge of the organization.”
“But that means I’m going to be alone!” complained Ethan.
“See that as an opportunity to focus on yourself. And try to sleep alone in your bed tonight.” joked Ludwig.
The ride to the hotel was silent. His teammate, Haru, was going to land later since he was in Japan. He nonchalantly gave his name to the receptionist who gave him his keys and as the doors of the elevator were about to close themselves to take him to the eighth floor, a voice almost screamed to him to keep them open. Reacting fast, he pressed the button just in time for a feminine silhouette to engulf herself in the cabin. When she turned her head towards him to thank him, her smile dropped.
“And fuck… Out of all the people that I could have taken the elevator with, it had to be you.”
“Leclerc… what a displeasure it is to see you.”
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Author's note: And chapter 2 is here. After Julia, it's time to meet Ethan! I'm sooo curious to know what you all think of him. But now that introductions are done, the real story and the real drama can begin heheheheh 👀
I can't wait to read your thoughts about it, so don't hesitate to leave a comment or an ask, as well as reblogging and leaving a like. It helps a lot for the story to find its audience. I also have a taglist for this story, so if you want to be added so you never miss a chapter, let me know.
@herondalism @aundercover @musingsbyshreya @karmabyfernando @reengard @mycenterfold @smoooothoperator
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sundove88 · 2 years
Cookie Run Kingdom: A Cheesy Vow Renewal (Based on Tangled Ever After) (Part 2)
This is a gift for @thetropicalfairy/@interstellarwizard2019 for being such a great moot! Princess Professor Mozzarella Cookie, Prince Professor Macaroni Cookie, Mac N Cheese Cookie, Fusilli Cookie, Ravioli Cookie, and Bakewell Cookie belong to her. King Parmesan Cookie, King Elderberry Cookie, and Queen ChocoPearl Cookie belong to me. Btw, this is based on an RP we did. Also, this will be split into two parts, so enjoy it while you can! Here’s Part 2!
Synopsis: Earthbread is in a festive mood as everyone gathers for the royal vow renewals of Princess Professor Mozzarella Cookie and Prince Professor Macaroni Cookie. However, when the Brave Gang and the happy couple’s son Mac N Cheese Cookie, as flower girl and ring bearers respectively; lose the rings, a frenzied search and recovery mission gets underway. As the desperate heroes try to get back the rings before anyone discovers they’re missing, they leave behind a trail of disastrous chaos that includes sky lanterns, a flock of cream doves, a berry juice barrel barricade and a very sticky finale. Will the friends save the day and make it to the chapel in time? And will they ever get Macaroni’s face right?
At the same time with Team A, Mozzarella’s ring was bouncing down a tilted sidewalk, which could’ve been worse than a really bumpy one. “Come on! Come on! Come on!” Wizard said, only for the ring to Land in a paper sky lantern a Cheesebird was holding and for said lantern to drift away. Espresso gasped. “After it!” He cried. “Follow that lantern!” Princess said.
The gang then chased the lantern down the street, only to let out a gasp at the same time. Their lantern floated underneath a tarp filled with hundreds of other sky lanterns, which were both held down by mole helpers and gonna be released during the wedding reception. Cream Puff was shocked at the amount of lanterns there were. “How are we gonna find it NOW?!” She said. Gingerbrave, however, found a solution. “One of the lanterns has to have the ring inside! Let’s go!” He said, and Team A hurried into the net to search for the lantern that held their friends’ ring.
Meanwhile, with Team B, they were busy in the getaway car, chasing after Macaroni’s ring. “Hurry, Lil Mac! Grab it… yes!!!” Chili Pepper said after holding Mac N Cheese out of the car, enabling him to grab his father’s ring. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, until they heard these words: “Frying pans! Commemorative frying pans here!” Said many merchants as they held out frying pans with the happy couple on them. “Oh no…!” They all said in unison. “Allow me to take the hit for you.” Madeleine Cookie said, being the noble Paladin that he was.
BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! Madeleine was hit by so many consecutive pans in a row, only to be followed by a deafening CRASH! He had hit the store sign without warning. The gong master was confused. Had someone done his job for him? But the Creme Republic’s cream dove keepers mistook the deafening crash for their signal anyways. “That’s the signal! Get the cream doves!” One said, getting out flocks of Cream Doves immediately. “There go the doves! Release the lanterns!” Said a mole helper, seeing the cream doves in the sky and releasing the sky lanterns. “Where is it, where is it?!” Princess Cookie said as she frantically searched for the ring, only for Strawberry Cookie to spot it. “There it is!” She said as she grabbed the ring before it could fall. But everyone noticed that they were a little too high up. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” They yelled.
Meanwhile, with Team B, Madeleine had been hit so many times in the face, he felt more than just a little dizzy. “Yo, Madeleine! How many knives am I holding?!” Asked Chili Pepper as she held up her daggers. “15…?” Madeleine assumed, still dazed as he saw his aunties run around his head. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Chili Pepper replied, only for the two of them to get a warning from Tiger Lily Cookie. “Hurry!!” She said, pointing to a nearby dead end. With Butter Tiger hitting the brakes, The car came to a screeching halt against a dead end, and Team B was sent flying yet again.
“AAAAAAHHH!!!!” They screeched as they were sent into the air a second time, only to meet up again with Team A in the air and for Butter Tiger to land on the very top of the royal tapestry. Suddenly, the flock of Cream Doves flew by and spun the lantern around and around, causing Team A to let go of the ring. “No!” Wizard cried as the ring bounced from place to place, only to land on the leg of a Cream Dove far above. “The Ring!” Chili Pepper said as Butter Tiger dropped down and screwed up Macaroni’s face big time on the royal tapestry. “And Papa’s face!” Lil Mac replied as he saw the destroyed banner.
All of a sudden, the barrels above, which were loosened by the ring, crashed down on the juice barrels and released a massive flood of Berry Juice. CRASH! The Hollyberrians who were managing this massive pyramid of juice ran at once. Team B landed on the ground safely, with a flower cart mostly breaking their fall. “Whew… it’s safe!” Madeleine Cookie said as he put the ring on his ring finger to keep it safe until they reached the chapel. But they weren’t out of danger just yet. “Juice…WAVE!!!” Shouted Tiger Lily Cookie as she pointed at the massive wave of Berry Juice heading towards them. “START RUNNING!!!” Yelled Chili Pepper Cookie. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” Everyone screamed. They immediately ran for it, with Tiger Lily, Mac N Cheese, and Walnut hopping onto Butter Tiger’s back.
Meanwhile, Team A had landed, and Espresso saw the berry juice flood from the corner of his eye.“Oh no…!” He uttered. Madeleine Cookie ran over and picked up Espresso Cookie bridal style. “Run for your lives, everyone!” He shouted. Chili Pepper Cookie followed. “IT’S A JUICENAMI!!!” She screamed as she carried Custard III on her shoulders. Tiger Lily and Butter Tiger got Princess and Cream Puff up on Butter Tiger’s back in the Nick of time. Gingerbrave knew exactly what to do. “Run, guys!” he shouted. Everyone else ran, too. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” They all yelled, only for Custard III to spot the ring up above on the very same Cream Dove. “The ring!” He pointed. The gang was quickly approaching a dead end, but Chili Pepper saw the perfect opportunity. “Wait! That line of flags! A good bandit is prepared for every occasion.” She said.
She dug into her dress skirt and pulled out her trusty grappling hook attached to her tuxedo on the inside, convincing everyone else to hold onto her in the process. “Hold on, everyone!” She said as she aimed her grappling hook around the line of flags, flinging herself and both teams into the air and away from the “Juicenami”. “WHOAAAAAAA!!!” Everyone shouted as they shot up into the air, giving Custard III the opportunity to grab the trinket from the dove. “The Ring!” He said; only to miss it by an inch. “NO!!” He shouted while descending. “Lemme try!” Wizard Cookie said. “Hurry, kid!” Espresso added. “I’ve got this. Ringicus… Returnicus!” Wizard shouted, and shot a blast of Magic at the ring, which teleported into Wizard’s hand.
“We did it!!!” Everyone cheered as Madeleine and Wizard presented both of the rings. They had gotten back the rings, but they still hadn’t stopped crashing into stuff. CRASH! SPLAT! “Ewwww!!” Everyone shouted. They didn’t land in a car, a mountain of pillows, or on a trampoline by any chance, but instead fell into a Molasses Factory, Sour Candy Goo Workshop, and a Worm farm respectively. They were all covered in filth!
“Mom’s not gonna like this…” Madeleine Cookie said as took off Macaroni’s ring and handed it to Wizard Cookie, with both of their entire bodies, hair included, covered in molasses. “But the rings are safe, and that’s what matters.” The young sorcerer said as he placed both of the rings on a velvet pillow to keep them safe. “Speaking of which, WE should probably get back.” Walnut said. Everyone raced back to the chapel, knowing that both of the gold bands were safe and sound.
Back at the chapel, Pure Vanilla was just getting to the ring part. “In everlasting, crispy peace.” He said, causing the crowd to aww… save for Bakewell Cookie, who scoffed. Captain Caviar stared him in the eye, and gave him a piece of him. “One more word outta you, Bakewell, and I'm breaking yer face.” He said. “Yes, Captain Caviar…!” The doubtful House Head replied as he sunk back in his seat.
“May I have the rings?” The Vanillian King replied. Mozzarella gasped, Macaroni’s jaw dropped, and Pure Vanilla and White Lily were shocked at the sight of the gang- they were covered in molasses, sticky sour candy, and worms + mud, plus three of them wearing dresses. “Hehe! We’re back!” A breathless Gingerbrave said. “Sorry we’re late…” replied a hyperventilating Wizard, holding out the rings for the happy couple. The entire chapel gasped in horror- they did not want to know what happened during such a short period of time, with Mint Choco’s violin music screeching to a halt.
Outside the chapel, The Cookies of Darkness had been watching the whole thing, and Licorice was throwing a laughing fit. “Hahahahahahaha!!!” He cackled. “That was rather entertaining!” Pomegranate Cookie added. But back inside, all of the guests, vow renewal party members, and even security were shocked and horrified at what happened to the ring bearers, flower girls, two of the groomsmen, and two of the bridesmaids. Gingerbright and Skater Cookie couldn’t believe what had happened.
“My baby boy…!” Grand Madeleine Cookie cried as she stared at her son, who was covered in molasses from head to toe. Latte and Almond’s jaws dropped, while Eclair Cookie continued sniffling. “Espresso, where were you?!” Questioned Tea Knight Cookie. Jungleberry and Royalberry gasped at the sight of their daughters. “Girls!” They said, covering their mouths. Raspberry Mousse let out a girly scream, and even both sets of parents stared in horror. Financier Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie gasped as well. “In the name of the divines, what happened?!” The Creme Republican knight said. “We thought you went to the bathroom!” Clotted Cream exclaimed. Strawberry began to stutter. “D-Don't ask...” she replied in her usual timid fashion. “Take them! Take the rings! Quick!” Wizard said as he thrust the pillow in front of the happy couple. “Before anything! Worse! HAPPENS!” Panicked Chili Pepper, much to the stares of everyone. Macaroni awkwardly took the rings and handed one to his wife. Mozzarella did the same, but the couple still couldn’t take their eyes off of the gang.
Just outside the Chapel, Schwarzwalder had joined the laughing fit, wheezing and tears falling from his eyes. “Did you see that?!” He said, laughing. “Yes!” Licorice added, still laughing from what he had seen. Back inside, Pure Vanilla Cookie was so taken aback by the situation, he had almost forgotten to speak! “Y…Y-Your vows have officially been renewed. Smooch to your hearts content!” He hastily said, not taking his eyes off of the gang. Macaroni smiled. “Hehe! Don’t mind if we do!” He said. Mozzarella grinned in return. “Come'ere, ya big lug!” She cheered, just before she picked him up and kissed him. The royal couple’s vows were renewed at last! The entire chapel, security and The Watchers included, leapt to their feet and went wild with joyous cheers. And around Earthbread, households big and small cheered for the couple as well. “Whew!” Gingerbrave said as he wiped away dirt from his brow.
Golden Cheese and Parmesan were especially proud about the fact that the moment they had waited decades for had finally arrived. “I’ve waited for this day for so long… I’m gonna cry!” Golden Cheese said just as she started tearing up. “There, there, my Queen. We all have.” Parmesan said as he leaned into his wife. Fusilli Cookie and Ravioli Cookie were just as happy. “That’s my son and daughter in law!” She said through the happy tears she shed. “I’m so happy for them!” Ravioli added. Pure Vanilla smiled as he watched everyone cheer for the happy couple. “Congratulations, you two.” He spoke. “We’ve believed in the two of you since the very beginning.” Added White Lily.
“An early toast to the bride and groom!” Hollyberry shouted as she raised her goblet. “And on the most joyous day of their lives, too!” Elderberry replied as he raised his glass as well. Dark Cacao also couldn’t contain his happiness. The stoic warrior king’s emotions overflowed as he burst into tears of joy and leaned into his wife. Queen ChocoPearl also wiped away her own tears and leaned into him, drying his eyes with a handkerchief. Eclair, on the other hand; was bawling his eyes out. “C-Congratulations, you two!!!” He sobbed as he blew his nose on a napkin. Tea Knight comforted him. “It’s enough to make even the most hardened soldier cry; my friend.” He replied and saluted the couple as a single tear fell down his face.
Raspberry Cookie and her friends, Blueberry Cookie, Bumbleberry Cookie, and Cranberry Cookie were overjoyed as well. “YAY!!!” They cheered as they threw confetti and flower petals into the air. Clotted Cream sniffed and wiped a tear away. “On behalf of the Creme Republic, it’s safe to say that we’re all so happy for and proud of the both of you! And it’s ok to cry; mom.” He cheered as he gestured towards his mother, Light Cream Cookie, who wiped a tear away as well. “Yes, son.” She replied. Captain Caviar gave the couple a captain’s salute, while Oyster Cookie stood at his side, weeping tears of joy. “Oh, I always cry at weddings.” She said as she Wiped her tears away with a handkerchief she had brought along as the other House Heads cheered.
Dark Choco Cookie and Whipped Cream Cookie gave each other a side hug as everyone else cheered. “Congratulations, Mozz.” He said; knowing that his friend was truly at her happiest. Whipped Cream smiled as well. “Yes, congratulations!” He replied. Custard III bounced around with excitement. “We did it!” He shouted. Poison Mushroom couldn’t resist cheering for the happy couple. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” They yelled as a yipping Chiffon bounced around; despite getting stares from members of the wedding party. Royalberry was one of the most ecstatic of all. “That’s my friend!” He cheered. Jungleberry Hugged him from the side, a tear falling from her eye. “Congratulations, Princess Professor.” She said.
Rye Cookie couldn't have been more festive on that day. "Congratulations, Princess Professor! Yeehaw!!" She cheered as she tossed her sheriff's hat in the air. A few other hat wearing cookies did the same. Capsaicin Cookie and Prune Juice Cookie were downright sobbing tears of joy, with Kouign Amann Cookie between them wiping their tears away. Outside, the Cookies of Darkness were watching as well. “Whatever happens, we mustn’t cheer…” Licorice began. “You can’t make us cheer!” Red Velvet Cookie shouted. “Congrats, you two!” Schwarzwalder unironically cheered, only to get stares from his comrades.
But Moonlight Cookie was without a doubt, one of the most proud of the couple; due to the fact that she was the founder of Parfaedia- the very school they worked at. "Congratulations, Princess Professor!" She said; applauding. "It's so beautiful.." Sea Fairy Cookie replied, smiling. "Woot Woot!!" Fire Spirit Cookie whooped; giving a thumbs up to the couple. Wind Archer Cookie gave a smile of approval, knowing that the couple would surely have a great love life together. His parents, Millennial Tree Cookie and the Sugar Swan, were applauding the happy couple as well.
As everyone cheered and applauded for the happy couple, Chili Pepper Cookie let out a sigh of relief. “Phew…..Crisis averted!" She said as the others followed; not expecting the fact that she had accidentally leaned on the cake cart, and it started rolling out the door. "So, who wants a piece of cake?" Macaroni Cookie asked the excited guests. The Brave Gang turned around in shock, knowing they'd have to do another emergency rescue. "Oh no!" Wizard said. "Here we go again!" Cried Gingerbrave.
The End…?
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Written in the Stars
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A/N: I actually wrote this like so long ago. I just didn't know how to end it but today I was like- fuck procrastination. Let me finish it already. And I did. Took me so long tho. Lmao. Sorry.
REQUEST @lilypraimheda : Hello there queen of angst! I don't know if you take request, but I had this in my head for a while and I absolutely LOVE your writing so I figured I could ask ! I was thinking about a James Potter x Slytherin reader where they are nemesis but with a crush on each other and they end up hooking up in secret but the marauders and Lily confronts him about it and he gets annoyed and tries to prove them wrong by pranking the reader but goes too far and hurts her! Sorry for the bad English I'm French!
SONG INSPO: Zac Efron, Zendaya - Rewrite The Stars
The best seat in class was always the second row from the back, next to the windows. It was perfect for somebody like James Potter. He wouldn't be on professor's eye but he also wouldn't be missed by it as well. Because if James Potter needed something to live by, was attention.
Since the First year, he wanted nothing more but catch your attention. The pretty girl who sat in the middle row, a desk in front of him but enough for him to keep his eye on you. The First year you haven't even noticed him until he started to throw tiny pieces of eraser into you. You started to get frustrated with him but you never switched seats because of it. What you did was snitch on him instead and he could never forget the pleased, evil look in your eyes when you did. God, his eleven year old body could have never been filled with more rage than that day.
Since then, he would constantly tease you, pull your pony tail whenever you put your hair up and even embarrass you in front of the whole class. The good thing about you was that you were enough intimidating to everybody that nobody dared to make fun of you, unless it was the Gryffindor asshole.
It wasn't up until the Fourth year when you started to get more sassy back at him. Before, it were always your eyes that cut knives into him but from Fourth year on, it were your words that started to cut deeper than your eyes ever could.
You were better than him, he was better than you. A competition between two people, two houses, two teams... all because he threw chunks of erasers in you in that First year. Neither of you wanted to let each other have anything by themselves. You took Quidditch from James, becoming Chaser yourself on the Ravenclaw team and he took Care of Magical Creatures way too serious.
You wouldn't even let him be the Head Boy alone. You had to become the Head Girl yourself and you had to admit to yourself, if it wasn't for James, you wouldn't have had pushed yourself so hard in achieving things as you did. And the same went for James. He remembers spending a whole four days, cramming for Herbology exam that was your academic strength and his academic weakness.
When the class was over, he ran from his group of friends, to stop in front of you. "An E, (y/l/n)? Only an E?" he quirked his eyebrow at you, fanning himself with his own paper. "Got a bit distracted during the exam by my handsome good looks?" he wiggled his eyebrows, meanwhile you only narrowed your eyes a little and smiled.
"Actually it was your awful odour of socks and sweat." you brushed past him and his O paper. "Reckon your mum never thought you how to shower after practice." you turned around and sent him a wink, walking forwards and leaving him smiling defeated there for a bit.
And before you knew it, he was waiting for you around the corner. His secret apparating skills, of course. How could you ever not be annoyed by that? The corridor was empty and he was standing closely to you.
"We're bringing mothers into this, are we, (y/l/n)?"
"Into what?" you asked innocently, causing him to close the little space between the two of you. "What are you doing, Potter?" you asked as he continued to come closer to you.
"Uncomfortable, (y/l/n)?"
"Since the First year." you quirked an eyebrow and tried to leave out of his little trap. "Now, let me go. You're wasting my free period." you growled a little, causing him to smirk from pleasure.
"Oh, somebody is really not in a good mood today?"
"In a good mood? Who? Me?" you scoffed. "I'm cherry as always, and clean unlike you." you dusted off his shoulders and tried to walk away.
"I think you're mad because I got and O and you only got a poor E."
"I didn't think you would care about my feelings, Potter, at all." you continued to say as you walked away.
"I don't but when it comes in besting you, then maybe I do care in the feeling better than you." he continued to walk along side you. "Being better than you... in everything." he started to boast, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Don't you have a Quidditch practice or something right now?" you started to get annoyed.
"I do have a Quidditch practice, actually. Glad you care enough to remember." he let out a laugh- that annoying laugh of his that only let your blood boil.
You really didn't like to get a lower grade than him and him shoving it into your face didn't help your temper.
He noticed. He definitely noticed when your jaw clenched and your forehead tensed a bit. You tried so hard to hide it but he lived 7 years off your jealousy and anger. He had to consume every moment of triumph right now.
"I only remember because the locker room smells like shit when we come and the shitties smelling Quidditc team from all four are you." you turned around sharply at him, amusing him even more. "Maybe as a Captain of my team, I should tell Flitwick if we could switch with the Hufflepuffs. The two of you are quite identical. Both lazy to clean after yourself. Slytherins for surely wouldn't be that uncivilised to leave the locker room like a pigs' den."
There it was. The little vein that popped out in the shadow of his head. You always knew that mentioning Slytherin house as the better house would pull some of his temper nerves. It plastered a winning smile on your lips.
"That O doesn't help you and your ugly habits, Potter. Just look at your hair." you continued. "Have you heard of a comb?" you tried to comb his hair with your fingers but he roughly grabbed your wrist and pushed it away.
"You really piss me off, you know that?" he spoke through his gritted teeth.
"It's a pleasure. Always." you said cooly.
"Cold ass Ravenclaws." he growled, still holding onto your wrist and pulling you closer against his hot-radiating body.
"Nasty ass Gryffindors." you spoke in a taunting voice, emphasising on the word nasty.
"You really..." he growled lower, pressing his body against yours until you were backed against a wall and looking up at him with the most wicked twirl in your lips. "...piss me off." and he kissed you harshly on the lips, hands roaming your hips and pressing you onto him.
His finger traced up and down on your back; shoulders, neck until his lips touched them, kissed your shoulders, nibbled on them and causing you to smile in from your nap. You opened your eyes slowly, feeling everything inside of you pulse from his rough yet slow kisses.
"Gorgeous..." he whispered as he continued to kiss the nip of your neck and leading up to your lips, kissing your passionately.
You turned around and wrapped your arms around him and your legs around his waist. He was pinning down your wrists with only one hand, looking down on your body with a smirk on his lips. You could feel his bulk on your thighs and that only aroused you more.
It took him off guard when your arms tightened around his waist and your hands broke free before you pinned him down, kissing him deeply. "You take too long." you pulled away slowly, your hands brushing up and down his chest. You brought yourself up to see him grinning up at you with his gorgeous plush lips. His hands rested on your hips, tracing up to your breasts and trying to pull you down but you only took one of his hands and kissed it gently. "You had your turn, Potter." you tilted your head to the side, smiling maliciously. "It's my turn."
Both of you were laying in the bed covered in sweat, both sticky but both pleased with yourselves. He kept grinning so coyly, resting on the bed with his arms under his head and his elbows pointing out. You knew he was also showing you off his triceps and biceps, which you took a nice bite on before.
You got off the bed and started to stretch your arms over your head, knowing darn well, he was watching you from behind. You picked up your clothes and started to dress.
"You already leaving?" he asked, pulling himself up on the elbow.
"Yes. I have a Quidditch practice." you smiled, pulling up your skirt. "Unlike you, I show up as a captain."
"And unlike you I'm not that stiff to show up on every practice and every class just to prove I'm better." he winked and you rolled your eyes.
"Haven't you thought ever that maybe if both of us wouldn't show up at a Quidditch practice people would start to suspect?" you quirked an eyebrow and could see his smile fading. "And you wouldn't want Evans to know you're hooking up with someone who is not her?" you put your socks on and started to crawl to him. You placed your fingers under his chin and pulled him into a kiss, his arms quickly wrapping around your waist.
"You made me miss out on my practice. What if I make you miss out on yours?" he smiled against your lips, causing your stomach to flutter inside of you.
God, sometimes you wanted to stay with him here forever.
But reality was calling.
"It's not written in the stars for us, Potter." you pulled away and crawled away, losing his touch.
Though you didn't mean what you said just in one way. Sometimes you really wished that it was written different for the two of you. You'd look back into his lustful gorgeous eyes and think that if it wasn't for his girlfriend, for your social differences, for your little masks you wear in school, the two of you would actually work great together.
But maybe not in this world.
"I wouldn't go to the Quidditch practice, if I were you." he let out a chuckle, watching you walk away from him. You tried so hard to walk as normally and elegantly as possible but when the two of you hooked up, the two of you let out every piece of rage, passion, stress, emotions out in sex. He knew every inch of your body already. Every mole, every scar, every skin cell... He was pretty much sure, you knew his body just as well. You're a Ravenclaw and Ravenclaws study well to do well, whether that is academic or sexual.
He shoved his head into the pillow, the pillow you laid on, consuming your scent into his lungs. Space... space where nothing but the two of you existed. He hoped starting to date Lily would make him get more serious about the two of you. Two people meant on two very different paths but the more time he spent with Lily, the more he started to realise that Lily isn't you and will never be you. There are no challenges with Lily. No passion... he had wanted her so much, thinking that if he finally gets her, he'll forget all about you and now where did that lead him? Into a bed with you.
Thank God the Room of Requirements exists or else he wouldn't know how he would handle this situation without being seen.
When James came to the dinner, he was wearing his usual pleased smile. He tried really hard to avoid the Ravenclaw table but where his friends sat, you sat a few tables down.
How could he ever avoid you when you were always there?
Lily was glaring at him, joking with Sirius and laughing out loud. His eyes always drifted somewhere away... somewhere away from her. If he was really her boyfriend, why can't he notice her? Why can't he notice that she is furious with him?
"What's wrong with you?" he smiled, trying to wrap his arm around her. "Haven't gotten neither my kiss nor a hello. You keep looking at me like I've done something." he nudged her a bit.
"Oh, so you have noticed?" she spoke harshly, pushing his arm off her. "Where have you been?"
He rolled his eyes but kept his cool. "Library. Getting the best grade in class today motivated me to study for Herbology next week."
"Oh, cut the crap, James." Lily snapped. "We both know you don't need a week to learn for Herbology exam and that you weren't in Quidditch practice today."
"Stalking me, Evans?" he raised his eyebrow.
"No. I was waiting for you like a fool after your practice, so maybe we could spend some time together but to my surprise, Marlene told me you didn't even show."
"I was exhausted. That O didn't come out of thin air. I've been practicing all year for Quidditch, studying my arse off and so sorry Lily if I wanted to take some bloody rest." he started to get irritated. He didn't need to feel suffocated.
He moved away from her a bit and leaned forward, his eyes catching yours from the other side of the table. They weren't happy nor malicious, nor enjoying the view of him being miserable at the moment as they usually did. You were just as miserable as he was, seeing Lily nagging him a bit. Though what you and James did was wrong... not you. You didn't do anything wrong. You slept with James. He's the one that's cheating, not you.
But that didn't push the horrible feeling inside of you away. You wanted James. It was that simple. You wanted to hold his hand and kiss him whenever you wanted. You dreamed of that sometimes, to believe that world could exist where the two of you weren't enemies with benefits.
He didn't feel the same way. - You told yourself. He's using you and you're using him... right?
"And why do you keep looking at her?" Lily blurted out as she had seen the two of you looking at each other.
"Looking at who?" James looked tiredly at Lily.
"(Y/N), James. The girl you've constantly bugged since the First year. It makes me believe that you secretly fancy her!"
"Bloody hell, Lily!" He started to get even more frustrated. "I don't like her. She constantly pisses me off, why would I fancy her."
"Then why do you keep looking at her?"
James felt himself stuck a bit, so he blurted the first thing that came to his mind. "Because I want to prank her but I don't know how yet."
"Oh, goody!" Sirius finally spoke after feeling a bit uncomfortable by his best friend's argument with his girlfriend. He started to get a bit giddy at the idea. "Why didn't you say anything?! I have plenty of ideas and Remus can totally plan the whole thing with his brainy brains." he tapped Remus' shoulder.
"I wouldn't mind." Remus said. "Though you know the deal."
"Yeah, nobody knows you're involved." said James, looking at you and smiling at the idea.
You were worried if anybody would suspect the two of you. After he pulls a prank on you, nobody would suspect a single thing. It was a great idea!
You had just finished painting your nails, which meant... you had to do absolutely nothing with your hands for at least an hour. Of course, it all depended on the nail polish but this was his favorite colour on your nails. Purple. Odd for him to choose purple but it didn't take a witty Ravenclaw to find out why he chose purple. He said it was because it looks beautiful on you but you knew it was a mixture of red and blue. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.
You thought... really thought that if what you saw today between Lily and James- "No." you told yourself smiling and shaking your head. He wouldn't break up with her for you. He wouldn't. The two of you were complete opposites. It just wasn't written in the stars for the two of you thought every time you were with him felt as if the two of you were dancing among the stars.
You walked into the broom closet with the rest of the Quidditch team, all of you in such high spirits to finish this last practice before the match with the Gryffindors. This practice and then the House Cup. All you had to do was get the Snitch before James. That was your main goal, though he did love Quidditch more than you ever could. You shouldn't have just taken the House Cup from his fingertips, could you?
You opened the door and as you turn on the light to get your brooms, fireworks started to go off. You felt somebody grab your hand and pull you out of the shack, one of your teammates possibly. There was so much ringing in your ears, some of your teammates cursing, other people from the background laughing.
Everything seemed so muffled at first but you could know that laugh anywhere. Before your sight got back and you finally started to find yourself in the surroundings you were in, a liquid poured onto you and half of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. The laughter rose up from a far but whatever liquid was on you, got into your eyes as well.
You lost your sight, your hearing and your sense of orientation. The person who held you by the hand slipped and pulled you down with him. The laughter continued to get louder and louder, meanwhile you could feel the embarrassment get the better of you. God, all you wanted was to see what was happening. You were so confused, so lost...
One of your teammates, the one that held your hand cupped your face and washed off what seemed to be red pain. He kept looking at you, asking if you were okay.
Ashamed, you nodded. He helped you get up.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" one of your teammates shouted.
"Calm down, will you?" Sirius laughed.
"It's just a harmless prank before the House Cup." said James, beaming and trying to catch your eye but you didn't look. You didn't want to look at all. Actually, for the first time in forever, you didn't have the strength to look, to stand, to live.
"Gotta show not to mess with the Gryffindor house!" Lily laughed spitefully, pleased in your reaction.
"Exactly! We beat you here! We're going to beat you on the field!"
"Harmless joke?" the teammate who held you left your side and stormed to the laughing crowd. "YOU ALMOST BLINDED HER, YOU FUCKERS!"
"If it wasn't for Matias to pull her out last minute, she would have gotten hurt!" a girl from your team pointed to you but saw the confused look in your face and started to get a bit worried. She rushed to your side and took a hold of you.
The point was. They did blind you because all you saw was blurry grass that kept fading into blackness.
"Poppy. Are my eyes closed?" you asked her, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. Before she could answer, you started to panic. "Poppy, I can't see."
"Your eyes are not closed- what do you mean you can't see?!"
"I CAN'T SEE! I CAN'T SEE, POPPY!" you started to get a bit hysterical at the loss of your sight.
You felt some strong arms take a hold of you and you jumped away.
"It's me. It's John." said one of your teammates.
"Don't joke, (y/l/n). Tis' isn't funny." said a voice you could recognise from a mile away.
Angry, frustrated, embarrassed, ashamed, you turned to wherever that voice came from and pointed it at him. Though you were pointing and looking somewhere at the bleachers behind him. "Joke?! The fuck, Potter?! Gryffindor my fucking arse, you bloody cunt! You couldn't have waited for a fair play on the field so the best thing to do was to blind the Seeker of the opposite team!" you screamed at him, not seeing his reaction, not knowing whether he was smiling or shamefully frowning. "One bloody week before the match! One week!" you continued to shout, seeing red, not black. "YOU MIGHT HAVE DONE PERMANENT DAMAGE TO MY EYES, YOU BASTARD!" the tears in your eyes started to fall down your cheeks and your voice started to shake. "AND YOU COULD BET MY ARSE, WHETHER I'M BLIND OR NOT, I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL ON EARTH! I WILL GO TO DUMBLEDORE AND TO THE PROFESSORS AND I WILL SNITCH THE HELL OUT OF YOU AND I WILL PULL CONNECTIONS FROM ALL OF MY FAMILY AND MY FAMILY'S FRIENDS AND THEIR FRIENDS AND THEIR FRIENDS FAMILY TO EXPELL YOU BEFORE YOU EVEN START TAKE A SEAT FOR ANOTHER EXAM!"
You felt another arms take a hold of you. "Be careful, (Y/N)."
"How the fuck am I supposed to be careful when I cannot see!" you snapped.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)." you heard him say but you were quite literally blind to see whether he's sincere or mocking you. Though he never called you by your first name but you were too angry to think that this boy could have any bit of kindness and decency in him.
"Let us just take you to the Hospital Wing." you heard Poppy from your left.
"Please..." you said and walked along side her.
You sat in the hospital wing, not being able to do anything. Madam Pomfrey made your teammates leave and you really couldn't do much than see black. Your eyes were bandaged and Madam Pomfrey said that you will get your sight back quite soon. By good luck, there will be no consequences to your temporary blindness.
You missed seeing the world though. Having a bandage over your eyes made you feel anxious and not seeing always tricked you into thinking that you had to sleep. If you could just open your eyes and see. That's all you wanted. To see colours and shapes and people.
Your eyes were shut and you took a deep breath in. 'I could use my imagination.' - you thought.
You tried to get as comfortable as possible. You took another deep breath and thought of the lake first. First time you had seen the lake. What was the lake at Hogwarts like? - Pretty ugly, if you were honest with yourself. It didn't differ from any other lake you had seen in your life, though most of other lakes were quite beautiful compared to this one. Though if you really tried to look the beauty in it, you could say that in the winter, when it was all frozen and covered with ice, it really put a charm to the whole area around Hogwarts. Everything was covered with snow and there in the middle of everything was this enormous chunk of ice. The lightest shade of blue you had ever seen. Then in the spring it would start to unfreeze and you could see the grass poking out of the snow, the lake starting to get turquoise colour in the beginning of spring but late in the season it would start to get dark shade of blue.
A creak near you woke you up from your thoughts and you quickly snapped back to reality. You pulled yourself up and started to look around- though there wasn't anything to look for, was it?
"Who's there?" you demanded, rather than asked. No fear in your tone, only anger.
The floor creaked again and you could feel feet shuffle near you.
"I swear to God, I may have lost my sight but not my mind. I can hex you." you grabbed the wand in your hand and gripped it tight.
"Calm down, (Y/l/n). Sheesh." you heard him say.
If you could roll your eyes, you would. I think you even did roll your eyes behind that bandage. "I swear, Potter. You are the last person I want to see right now."
"Well, you can't really see, can you?" he said then at the sight of your pursed lips shut his eyes from the choice of his words. "I'm sorry. Shouldn't have said that."
"You really are a dick, you know that?" you turned away from him, making him to roll his eyes at you.
He sat on the edge of your bed, shuffled his body for a few moments and looked at you in silence. He reached his hand in front of you and waved it a little.
"Why the hell are you waving your hand at me?" you snapped your head at him. "Just because I lost my sight, doesn't mean I lost my other senses."
"I'm sorry, okay." he lifted his hands in defeat.
"Too late for sorry now, Potter." you turned your head away again. There was silence again - silence filled with so much tension. "Why did you do it?" you turned back to him, not upset nor angry. You just wanted to know. "What was the point of it all? And please be honest with me."
"Honest?" he asked himself, laughing in misery. "My friends were on to us and I didn't want them to find out. So to get them off the track, I pulled a prank on you."
"To show that you do not care."
"To show that I do not care." he repeated after you.
"And you do not care about your secret hookup?" you asked casually though your heart was throbbing inside.
He shut his eyes at the last two words. "No." he shook his head. "I do not care." he lied; to you and himself.
Your heart fell apart. "Oh... okay. Glad to make things clear about that. I do not care too." you lied as well but you only lied to him, not yourself.
He felt something swallow his heart. "Oh... So that means we don't hook up anymore."
"That means exactly that." you spoke coldly. "You go back to Lily, I go back to my books. We go back to our rivalry, just like we did before. Nothing changes. You got your prank. Nobody will suspect a thing. It's as if it never happened."
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. And everything he heard, he hated it.
"Can't we still hook up?"
"Why not? They don't suspect anything." he started to get a bit furious.
"I don't want to anymore, James."
"Why not? I thought we-" he stopped himself and you furrowed one of your eyebrows at him.
"We what?"
"I-" he choked on his words. "I thought we..." he calmed himself down, looked at you with soft, kind eyes, then at your hands, your fingers... your nails... your purple nails? He didn't know whether to smile or frown at the sight. He looked up at you, still waiting for an answer. "I'm sorry." he started over. "I thought I was doing the right thing when I pulled the prank on all of you but when I saw that I hurt you.... I didn't want that. I didn't want to hurt you." he continued and saw your shoulders relax. He was so afraid to take your hands, to the point he didn't want to risk it but he still reached out to hold them.
When you felt his hands touch yours, you thought your whole body was sweating, inside and out. You wanted to pull away, to show him that you're stronger than him but his hands were always so perfect to you. His touch, soft and tender. God, you didn't want to let him know he had such power over you.
He caressed the back of your hand with his thumb and scooted over to you. He was close to you, pressing your hand to his cheek and whispering: "I didn't want to hurt you... I made love to you so many times that hurting you the way I did was so foreign to me. It broke me in half. It broke me into pieces. It crushed me into dust. God, I just want to make things right between us. I'm so tired of loving you in secret."
He lied. He lied before. He does care! He cares! - Your heart fluttered into the clouds.
"Loving me?"
"I loved you from the moment you snitched on me in First year, when I threw the eraser on you. You were just too stubborn and too oblivious to see it."
"Are you saying that so that I don't go through with the threat of expelling you?"
"I couldn't care less about being expelled. I can live with expulsion, I couldn't live without you in my arms..." he smiled and kissed the top of your hand. "I think we can rewrite the stars. I think it is possible for us, no matter how different we are."
You smiled and for the first time you wished he could see the tears in your eyes. How happy he had made you by saying those simple words. You didn't need to see to know he was sincere. You just knew. "Okay..."
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Okay what?"
"I'm in for the long run, Potter." you smiled and he let out a relieved laugh.
"Long run, huh?" he pressed your hand to his cheek again. "Alright then. Let's see what the stars had written for us."
"Let's see then."
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Moonacre Week 2022
Day 3: Flower crown/s
“I still don’t quite understand what it’s got to do with Pride.”
Maria sighs as she grabs Robin’s wrist and pulls him with her through the clothing stalls. “I told you. It doesn’t have a deeper meaning, it’s about the vibe.”
“Oh, come on. Indulge me.” She smiles at him, and thinks that for a split second, Robin actually smiles back.
Then he is scoffing again, rolling his eyes. “The things I do for you, Merryweather.”
Maria stops in front of the florist’s shop she has been heading towards and looks at him. Robin’s tone has been teasing, but he has been a bit reserved lately.
He squeezes her hand and smiles, fully and genuinely this time. “Hey, I’m here, aren’t I?”
Maria squeezes back before they step inside the shop.
The scent is the first sensation that reaches her, that typical scent of a florist’s shop, green and moist and sweet and a bit mouldy. As they walk past a bouquet of lilies, Maria catches a whiff of their perfume-like scent, the one that always reminds her of ripe bananas.
It’s green and humid in the shop and there is the occasional leaf and stem scattered across the floor and the scratched counter. The florist smiles at her. “Ah, Miss Maria! I got the order containing the material for your ideas just this morning, perfectly fresh!”
“No baby’s breath?” she asks with a conspirational smile. Not that it isn’t pretty – but maybe not the right kind of flower for the occasion.
“None at all. Nothing pink, either, and no geranium.”
Maria can see Robin’s grin from the corner of her eye. She knows that he knows about her particular dislike towards pink, geraniums, and pink geraniums.
“Let’s have a look, then, shall we?”
“Please lead the way, Mr Digweed.”
The workshop at the back contains the chaos the front room merely hints at. Petals, leaves, stems cover half the floor. The other half is covered in either soil or water. Buckets filled with twigs or water and plants are lined up along the walls; a tower of precariously stacked empty buckets leans in the corner. One wall is taken in by a huge table littered with half-finished bouquets, more plant parts, and tools – knives, scissors, tongs, secateurs. From the massive cupboard above, ribbons, crepe, wire, and floral foam are threatening to spill onto the surface of the table.
From God knows where, Mr Digweed produces a large plastic box and places it on the least chaotic spot on the table. Maria barely has the time to look at the contents before he makes one, two, three quick picks, and holds them out next to her head. She thinks one of those is rosemary.
“Yes. I think this will work nicely. I’ll add some yellow roses from the garden.” Mr Digweed tilts his head, places the assortment on the table, and turns. “And for you?”
Robin looks like a deer in headlights. “For me?”
“Well, I wasn’t aware Miss Maria would bring a friend, but it’s absolutely no trouble.”
Scratch that, Robin looks positively terrified. Maria puts a hand on his arm. “Hey”, she says. “I know that wasn’t the plan. But it’s just flowers, if you want – and – we’d match?”
Robin takes a deep breath. “It’s Pride, right? Won’t be the strangest thing around.”
“No. And no-one is going to revoke your Man Card for it, really.”
A strange expression flickers across his face, and he lifts one corner of his mouth. “Alright. Why not. But I’m not putting roses in my hair.”
“Oh, no. Yellow is absolutely not your colour, anyway.” The florist turns again, mutters something under his breath, makes another pick.
Maria smiles at Robin, lets her hand slide down his arm a bit, and squeezes his fingers.
 They go for a coffee while Mr Digweed prepares their pieces, take a stroll through the stalls, buy a type of candy Maria absolutely must send to Mama Jane on the nearest occasion, and then they return to the florist’s.
In two white boxes lined with paper – like oversized wedding rings, Maria thinks absurdly for a moment – there are their flower crowns: dark green and yellow, rosemary and roses and sprigs of gorse for Maria; blueish green and white, lavender and chamomile and eucalyptus for Robin. Additional greenery fills the crowns, makes them look sturdy enough to survive a day outside. Maria beams at Mr Digweed.
“They are gorgeous, Mr Digweed, you are brilliant!”
“You like them?”
“I do, I absolutely do –” Maria glances at Robin. He is smiling, more at her than at the crowns, but she lets it count. “Thank you!”
They pay, and part with instructions on how to keep the flowers alive until tomorrow.
“All right”, Maria says back at their flat, when they’re sitting at the kitchen table working, each with a mug of tea in front of them. “Spit it out.”
Robin lifts his gaze from his tablet. “Hm?”
“You’ve been meaning to say something all day, I can tell.”
Robin sighs, leans back, runs long fingers through messy curls, stares at the ceiling. “It’s two things.”
“Okay. What’s the first one?”
He stays serious for another moment before a wide grin splits his face. “I can’t believe your florist is called Digweed.”
Maria’s groan is drowned out by his laughter. She rolls her eyes, but finds that she can’t be mad, really. It is funny, and it’s nice to finally see Robin so relaxed, after the restraint he has been exerting all day. “I’m almost afraid to ask what the second thing is.”
Robin sobers up immediately. He draws his shoulders forward, fiddles with one of the dozens of metal applications on his trousers. His voice is small, Maria almost doesn’t hear him say it.
“I’m nonbinary.”
Maria sits there frozen for a second. Robin, nonbinary? How – why – when –
Robin looks up. Stares at her with wide, kohl-rimmed eyes.
Does it matter, really?
She gets up, gives Robin a half-hug, places a kiss on a blushing cheek, and takes both of their empty mugs to the kitchen. “I’m getting another one, you too?”
“Yeah.” A cough. “Please.”
“’kay.” She puts the kettle on. “You want anything with it? Milk, sugar, new pronouns?”
Robin snorts. “Honey, and they/them, please.”
Maria turns her face towards the cupboard to hide her wide, silly grin. She can’t even say why this makes her so happy. Just – the fact that Robin trusts her with this, that they’re still talking about the tea at the same time…it’s another aspect of them living in this flat that makes it even more home. Their home.
“We’re out of honey”, she informs Robin. “But they/them I can do.”
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dat-town · 3 years
poison like you
Characters: princess!you & guard!Xukun feat. king!Yixing
Genre: historical, fantasy, royalty, bit of enemies to lovers, bit of childhood sweetheart to lovers, bit of i’d die for you, angst with hopeful open ending
Warnings: blood, violence, murder, poisoning and death
Summary: If you wanted to kill the last son of the Dragon Clan, first you needed to get through his right hand man. Too bad he knew you too well but it felt like you didn’t know him at all.
Words: 11.1k
Author’s note: please note that even though this historical fantasy is inspired by ancient China, it is not historically accurate because it isn’t set in any certain era or even at any existing place. the governor structure and politics might be confusing but this is basically about a lot of small kingdoms (called clans) having a never ending war for more power over the area. Chinese mythical creatures exist in this world but have gone almost extinct during the wars. to know how i imagine this world, watch Lay’s Lit mv!
for the one&only @lily-blue​ 💕
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As the only daughter of the Jade Clan's head, you had your responsibilities. To your father, his men and all the people under them. Most importantly, you had to do everything in order to protect the Clan. When the Dragon Clan started expanding its territory, winning over more and more land, becoming more and more powerful, you knew that no army could fight theirs, so you had to go to the war with wits instead of swords.
When your father proposed the idea of a reunion between the two Clans by marrying you to the son of the Dragon, you hated it. The other Clan was everything you despised: ruthless, brutal, selfish and while you knew arranged marriage was your future, you didn't want to rule next to a tyrant. But when your father said that this would be the perfect chance for you to kill their leader and rule over the united clans yourself, it suddenly wasn't that bad of a plan. Although you never wanted a huge empire and you didn't want the responsibility over so many people, freeing them from a bloody rule sounded like the best you could do. Especially now that the man needed an heir to secure his bloodline and power.
It took ridiculously few letters between your father and Zhang Yixing before you were off, on the road with only a chest of your belongings and another one full of gold and other jewels as marriage gifts. You had your most trusted maids and soldiers with you but otherwise you were alone, alone with your plan to poison your husband-to-be. Surely, you didn't think it was going to be easy while being surrounded by his people in a palace but getting there, the dark monstrum of a building wasn't like how you imagined your future to be. Everything wore the pattern of dragon scales, the city burned in the colours of fire and ash, even the waters were dark. People wore black clothes and wore their hair down without many accessories but despite the grayness of the place, the men and women you ran into didn't seem unhappy or living in fear. They must not have known any other life, so you felt sorry for them.
You were escorted to a chamber right away and compared to the light flowery room you were used to at home, this was very different but you didn't complain. Instead you inquired about Zhang Yixing's whereabouts and when you could meet him but the maid told you that he had a meeting with his generals, so you couldn't see him until the next day when you were supposed to have lunch together. You thanked her for enlightening you and after blaming your fatigue on the long voyage, you requested to be left alone. Opening your box of accessories, you pulled out a small glass bottle with yellow liquid inside. A few drops of it was enough to put a man to sleep, a whole spoon was surely death, so your only job was to get time alone with your fiance. Until then, you needed to play your cards well.
You were quite restless and maybe a bit paranoid but you couldn’t sleep during the night fearing that someone might attack you. Even though you knew you were now under the protection of the ruler of the Clan just by being Zhang Yixing’s fiancée, it didn’t calm your traitorous heart. You have seen enemies in every corner and yet, you raised your chin high, confident and proud when you were called to that lunch with your man to be.
Followed by a bunch of maids, you walked to the room on which Yixing decided and you took your seat on the opposite end of the long table full of delicious goods. The young king was already there, his pitch black hair falling into his almond-shaped dark eyes as he looked up at you sternly, eyes narrowing as if he wanted to see through you. His skin was pale against his black clothes that were simpler than you would have thought of a tyrant. You had never met him before but you heard stories of him and you heard descriptions of his looks. However, he was younger than you had expected, only a few years older than you, but with his defined jawline and rigid expression you could imagine him being the one behind the destruction of your neighbours.
He didn’t greet you but signalled that you should start eating and tentatively you reached out for the rice, chopsticks freezing in your hold as soon as he spoke up in a raspy voice.
"It's quite unexpected, your father's wish to join hands," he said calmly and it sounded like a challenge or a test, you couldn’t tell but you didn’t like the tone he was using to talk about your father. As if he was a weakling crawling to his feet.
"Is it?” you raised an eyebrow, daring to look straight into his cold eyes, watching his every move, every twitch. “I think it's a very reasonable timing. After all, you just reached our borders," you explained because he must have known there were not many choices you could take: it was either seeking peace or a war and your nation was a peaceful one, hence you would have done anything to keep it that way.
“Is your father afraid of me?” Yixing questioned and you bet he wanted to believe that, that he could scare the Jade Clan’s head. But your father was a born strategist, he always had a plan.
“Isn’t that why you’re doing this? You want other nations to fear you?” you counterattacked with a question, knowing the lesson yourself as well: If you cannot be loved, you must be feared.
You were well aware that it was a reckless thing to challenge the king. He might have been your fiance on paper but he could have just lifted his hand and have you killed and everybody you had with you to make it look like you were attacked on the road, never reaching his palace. However, for the first time since you had seen him, the man ahead of you looked amused, the corners of his mouth curling upwards.
"You have a sharp tongue for a princess," he said and it almost sounded like a compliment. You took pride in that with a raise of your chin.
"I'm the only child of the Jade Clan's head. I have learned how to wield any kind of weapon," you answered confidently. You might not have been an undefeated warrior but you had learned how to protect yourself and you knew too well that spoken words could cause just as harm as knives sometimes. But still, it seemed to make the young king interested as he bobbed his head towards you, leaning forward with his elbows balancing on the table.
"We could test that. Are you good at archery?" he asked, probably with the intention to invite you for a game. But his smugness irked you because he made it sound like he expected you to lose no matter what. So you did the least princess-like and least wise thing you could have done in that moment: you pulled your hairpin out, letting your long locks fall onto your shoulders before swinging your arm forward and letting the pin fly forward.
In the next moment two interestings things happened. Not only Yixing’s guards weren’t by your side, forcing you down or even killing you for your brazen act but he himself didn’t move. He looked into your eyes without fear and without anger. At the same time, you saw a shadow move so fast you didn’t think it was possible for a human and his sword hit you hairpin out of its path before it could have landed in the painting behind Yixing’s throne, hitting the dragon on it in the eye. The soldier, guard or whoever he was, wore black just like his ruler but there was a textil mask in front of his face, so he must have been a special kind of warrior. Not that you cared, your attention was back on Yixing immediately.
"You tell me... do you think I would be good at it?" you asked, finding the silence a bit unsettling, it was almost like the calm before the storm. But then the king laughed and you were baffled.
“What a bride you will make,” he tilted his head and then finally, you started eating.
 You were aware that you were lucky that you hadn’t been executed for that bold move you had made but it only ensured you that Zhang Yixing needed you. Or at least what you represented: the peace deal with your nation and a secured future bloodline. He could have probably forgiven as much. Or was he really that sure that either you miss the target or his guard would save him? You weren't sure but since you needed to know about his most trusted men anyways, you asked your maids about the masked figure. They didn’t know much, so you gave them the task to ask around among the Dragon Clan’s servants. You needed to know who your enemies were and where they laid. You also needed to know the palace as best as you could in case you needed an escape route or a secret passage to get to Yixing faster than anyone.
Hence, your night escapades started: once night have fallen, you pulled out a dark, comfortable clothing usually men wore and tied your hair high to not get into your way as you climb out of your window, up to the roof from where you could see the U-shaped building complex, knowing exactly where you should go: towards the king’s quarters. Running from rooftop to rooftop reminded you of your childhood when you practiced hide and seek in the palace back home. Your father had taught you how important it was to remain invisible and his advice still stayed with you as you made sure to dissolve into the shadows as you jumped to the gardens: step lightly, breath lightly like air in the morning but listen well and open your eyes because the smallest sounds, the smallest movements can be your enemy’s.
There were two guards in front of what you thought was Yixing’s suite but you didn’t care about that. You were more interested in the room where he planned his strategies to see if he really wanted to march through your home and bring war there just to conquer your other neighbours too. But before you could reach for the wooden door, you heard a shush and you crouched down just in time for the dagger to land in the wood instead of you. You bolted immediately, making a run for it, stepping up on a barrel you jumped onto the roof, so you could find a hiding place. You were prepared for such a thing. If things went South, you just needed to sneak back to your room, under the blanket and act alarmed when they banged on your door. You might have been from another Clan but nobody would have disrespected a princess by checking what she wore while sleeping and none of your maids would have said anything against you.
But you didn’t reach your quarters. No matter how lightly and in the shadows you tried to step, the one who followed you must have been really good because from one moment to another you felt yourself being hauled down from the roof, onto the ground. You and the man (based on his build) fell down together and lucky for you, it was him whose back hit the grass first with you on top of him. It gave you a bit of advantage to get to your feet immediately but you didn’t get far away. Dodging the man’s attacks, you had to admit that his training was very good, no fighter made it so hard for you to get even one hit and you grunted in annoyance when your back hit the wall of the stable. It was a full moon, so it was dark, only some tinkling light illuminating the palace for which you were grateful but it also gave you disadvantage because unlike your attacker you didn’t know this place. You felt a sudden pressure on your chest as a strong arm was pressed against it, a blade close to your neck but you only saw a silhouette.
“Speak, are you just a thief or a spy?” he asked, his voice sounding younger, softer than you expected but there was something dangerous to it. You didn’t wait enough to find out what it  was. You tightened your grip around the ceramic cup you had picked up earlier and smashed it against his head. You had indeed learned how to use everything as a weapon.
For a moment, it looked as if the guard’s eyes flashed gold in the moonlight but you were too busy running away, into the stable, scaring the horses and hiding behind a straw pile, controlling your breathing until the man who had come after you gave up and left.
You hissed when you touched the wound on your fair skinned neck. It wasn’t deep and didn’t hurt a lot but it was obviously a blade wound, one that a princess shouldn’t have. So to hide it, you brushed your head over your shoulders before you left for your archery practice with Zhang Yixing who wished to see your skills for real. He greeted you with an expectant smile to which you bobbed your head politely.
You didn’t talk much while taking turns, shooting arrows but you carefully and discreetly eyed his guards when it was the king’s turn, wondering if one of them was the one from the day before. Not that you could have told with their masks on.
After practice (you lost but only because you didn’t try too hard), you went to eat fruits in the gardens and you learned that Yixing was about to leave to check on his Eastern borders. He would be away for at least a week but promised to get the wedding preparations started with his servants. You knew that was why you came but still, it made you nervous as it meant you had less time.
“Princess!” A sudden, unexpected voice called after you when you were ready to leave with your maids. Nobody other than Yixing had initiated a conversation with you since you arrived, everyone waited for you to step first. So you were curious what this man, one of the king’s closest guards, could have wanted from you. Turning around, you saw him holding out your hairpin, the one you had thrown towards Yixing the first time you had seen him, the one someone dodged, could it be…
You looked up at the young man, his hair, somewhat ruffled in his forehead, mask covering his face under his eyes. He didn’t look at you, he casted his eyes down like a good servant would.
“Thank you,” you spoke up, a bit uncertain and there was a flicker in the guard’s eyes the moment he glanced up at you after his gaze lingered on your neck: something familiar yet scary but you blinked and it was over. You took the hairpin and left, your dress sweeping the floor behind you. That guard made you feel uneasy for some reason.
The next day Yixing indeed left and when you didn’t bump into the man from the other night for the next three days you were starting to think that he went with the ruler as well. It was only after you managed to sneak into the king’s room and out when you had to realize just how wrong you had been. You knew something was off the moment you stepped into your quarters. Your guards weren’t outside of your doors and the candle you left there lit up burnt out. It was already cold to touch when you lit it again which meant it must have blown out when your intruder opened the door earlier. You pulled out your sword and pointed it ahead of you, alarmed. Your shadow danced on the walls as the candle light flickered.
“It’s been a while… Princess,” the intruder spoke up much too calmly for someone who broke into a royal’s room. You could have gotten him killed for that but you froze. Not only because he must have known about your night adventures but because the playful tint of his voice was somewhat familiar.
The shadow stepped out from the corner, hands held up, defensive, revealing the guard from earlier. You furrowed your brows, not lowering the sword, not until the other pulled down his mask and the man you faced made you gasp.
“Xukun...” you whispered, almost whimpered, and you felt your knees weaken. But he– you thought he was dead.
“I think we have a lot to talk about,” he suggested with a hint of a smile and you couldn’t agree more.
You could still barely believe that it was Cai Xukun in front of you, alive and grown up unlike the boy you had last seen him as. The boy you practiced fighting with, the son of your father’s general, your childish first love. He had never known, of course, you never had a future to begin with but still. You remembered being sixteen and so in love, secretly gushing everytime he had brought you wild roses saying they reminded him of you. But then at eighteen, he had gone off to a battle and never came back. You remembered the crinkle around his eyes as he joked, telling you not to worry, he wasn’t that easy to kill. Apparently, he was right but you didn’t understand what he was doing in the Royal Palace of the Dragon Clan as one of the high rank guards when he was supposed to be back at your home. If his father still lived, what would he have said about his son becoming a traitor?
“I knew it was you,” he spoke up, eyes a mixed colour, mouth in a thin line. You looked at him questioningly. Then he pointed at your neck without a word and you reached for the now scar on your throat. “Obviously, I didn’t know then. Sorry.”
“Why didn’t you report me then?” you asked directly, looking straight into his eyes and you let your gaze linger on the slope of his nose, the corners of his mouth, the sharp line of his jaw. He had grown up, he was more handsome than ever. “Or why didn’t you kill me during the past two days when you were following me?”
“So you knew,” Xukun nodded at you, impressed but you just raised an eyebrow. You had a guess. Everything was too easy, too quiet. When you didn’t answer, the once boy now man standing in front of you sighed as if he carried the weight of the world with him. “You should know I would never hurt you.”
You scoffed at him. You would have been naive to believe him and you weren’t a child anymore. Hell, you came here to kill the king.
“How could I be sure? It’s been years, Xukun, and you were nowhere! You gave no signs that you were alive and here you are, in an enemy clan serving their ruthless ruler?!” you spat at him and you knew that your words were harsh, that your tone was cold but honestly, you knew a barely 18 years old boy and not the young man who was in front of you. You were conflicted to say the least.
“Zhang Yixing isn’t ruthless,” Xukun corrected you. Of all things you said, he found this the most obnoxious thing you had told him out of all, he decided to correct that. You wondered why. Why was he loyal to him? Why when you had only known him to be a murderer and someone who dared you to show him her best shot?
“Isn’t he? Then how does he keep destroying these nations around us? He burnt the Moon Clan to the ground for the deities’ sake!” your voice rose by the end and you had to remind yourself to stay quiet. It would have been a scandal if someone knew you had a man in your room while your fiance was away. Your whole plan would have gone down the gutter if your reputation was ruined just like that. But you heard all the stories: the massacre in the West, the burnt towns in the South, the sunk ships at the sea. They were his doing or so people said.
“That… that wasn’t him,” Xukun objected, so sure of himself that it almost made you feel sick. “And it’s a war either way. There are no saints here. Your father isn’t one either.”
You knew how wars were fought, you knew that everybody including you was a sinner, you had both grown up in a world where you knew nothing but neverending fights, losing loved ones and never knowing safety. Yet, when the boy who your father thought of fondly dared to call him out, anger flared in you.
“My father sent his only daughter to marry a tyrant to save his people from suffering, so don’t talk about him like you knew him!”
Maybe it wasn’t what you said but how you said it, the sword you still hadn’t let go of trembling in your hand but Xukun paused, licked his lip in consideration and his voice was softer when he continued:
“I can prove that Zhang Yixing isn’t as ruthless as you think he is,” he claimed but you didn’t really care about that. You wanted to know why he was there, in the Dragon Clan instead at what you had known as a home.
“Does it have something to do with why you never came back? Like you promised,” you reminded him, sounding bitter at the memory. Gosh, you had been such a child. But who could have blamed you? He smiled and it tipped your whole world back then. But he just visibly gulped now, so you must have been right.
“I owe him my life,” he said curtly and you sucked in a breath, wondering whether he meant it figuratively or literally. You didn’t have to ask, Xukun kept talking as if now that he started, a river flood. “When the Phoenix Clan attacked us 5 years ago, I was captured. They must have known that my father was a general and they wanted to get to him. When they took me in front of their leader, Yixing was also there, barely a boy not much older than me, caught while sneaking into the tent while stealing maps on a mission for his father. They confused him for someone from the Jade Clan and thought he came for me. They let him go to pass a message to my father and then they left me in the desert far enough from the battlefield with an open wound. I was so sure I would die.”
You had imagined before how it happened. How he died, or so you had thought. You’d had nightmares about it. Seeing his beautiful eyes wide open in shock and pain. You’d imagined it on the battlefield but his body was never found. The nearby river had been red though, so you thought maybe… But it was all wrong. He was never really there.
Xukun unconsciously touched his abdomen with a grimace on his face and you wondered whether he felt the phantom pain of the stab but he kept talking without addressing that.
“The next thing I remember is waking up to being carried on horseback and Yixing yelling for a medic. I wouldn’t have thought he would come back for me, we didn’t even know each other after all,” he stopped short at that as if he was still dumbfounded that the heir of the Dragon Clan saved him then. Honestly, in his place you had been too. Maybe Yixing hadn’t had his reputation back then but you were still enemies. “When the royal medic told him I’m a lost case, he took me to a shaman and they made me drink something that cured my wound by the next day.”
“Dragon blood,” you whispered in shock when Xukun gave you a meaningful look.
There was no other way but the magical powers of dragons. Although there were more rumours than credible sources on that, nobody denied that any essence of the heavenly, snake-like creature could save lives. But there were too few of them, maybe exactly because humans dared to hunt them down for either their scales, antlers or their blood, you wouldn’t have thought it was still possible. Yixing must have paid a fortune to save someone whom he barely knew.
“See why I can’t go back home?” Xukun asked and mouth open in agapé, you casted your eyes down.
Such medication… such witchcraft was illegal in Jade nation. He would have been branded as a monster and exiled even if he went back. Dragons and creatures like that were considered sacred in your home.
“Where did they even get dragon blood from? Nobody has seen a dragon in years,” you took a shallow breath, trying to work through your messy thoughts.
“What do you think caused the fire at Moon nation?” Xukun asked knowingly and with hope in his eyes resembled the boy you had once known. He hoped you would believe him and you did but it wasn’t easy to digest all this new information.
The two of you just looked at each other in silence, a heavy one, before the sounds of the midnight patrol startled you. Hushed, you blew out the candle light, leaving you in the dark, speaking in hushed voices.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to do but… please, don’t go against Yixing. I might not be able to save you then,” Xukun spoke up, his deep voice echoing in the room, you clenched your hands in fists. As if he was there to save you in the last years when you would have needed him.
“I don’t need you to save me,” you told him, hurt clear in your voice but he didn’t say anything. He left without saying a word, wind whizzing into your room as he became one with the shadows outside. His last words left you wondering. Would he have died for Yixing, even in his place even if the weapon was in your hands?
You told yourself it wasn’t because of Xukun but you didn’t sneak into the king’s quarters in the next few days. Instead you wrote a letter to your father telling him about recent events and what you have found out about the Dragon Clan’s plans based on what you had found in the strategy meeting room. You entrusted one of your best guards with the letter and sent him home.
Days had passed uneventfully then but only until Zhang Yixing and his men came back with news that knocked air out of your lungs: the Eagle Clan attacked the weakened eastern wing of your nation. You knew they had become daring lately no matter how your father wished to keep it a secret from you but it was still all too sudden. Your army wasn’t ready to not only stand guard in case you got attacked from the South but now from the sunrise side as well.
“You cannot tell me to just wait it out!” you rose from your chair at lunch when Yixing told you the news. You felt offended at how calm he was. It must have been just another attack for him, but for you, it was your home.
“What else could a princess do?” he raised an eyebrow at you challengingly and you would have liked to sneer at him.
“I’m not the type of princess you think I am,” you claimed, hating that he probably thought you were used to letting other people fight your battles for you. Just because your father didn’t let you go into the war because you were the sole heir of the clan, it didn’t mean you couldn’t have. But now, as Yixing’s fiancée you didn’t even have much choice. You knew you shouldn’t go against his words or he might dance back on his agreement with your father. But you panicked, so you did the only thing you could possibly do in such a situation. “What do you want? Do you want to marry immediately, so you would help? Or would you let them destroy my home even then?”
You were desperate, so you would have agreed to anything only if he sent a handful of soldiers to help your people. Hell, if you had become the queen you could have commanded them yourself. But the king seemed to have different ideas.
“I will help. On one condition,” he said slowly, tasting every word and you were holding your breath, waiting for him to reveal what he wished from you. “Show me what type of princess you are then. Let’s not lie to each other about these things, Princess.”
Well, you certainly did not expect that.
“What do you mean?” you stuttered and your heart skipped a beat when the man slid an overly familiar envelope onto the table. You were smart enough to not be obvious about what you wanted to discuss with your father but there were still hints in your letter about things you shouldn’t have known if you were just picking flowers and practicing embroidery like an ordinary princess would have.
“You don’t want to marry me,” the man said and even though it was an accusation, he didn’t make it sound like one. And yet…
“You don’t want to marry me either but it hardly matters what we desire. We come from the bloodline of royals, we have our responsibilities to our people. And my people need me,” you slammed your hand on the table, spilled rice wine pouring like melted snow. You caught one of the masked guards - probably Xukun - turning his head towards you at that.
“You don’t want to be a princess,” Yixing continued and it baffled you. As if you had a choice! “You have the heart of a warrior.”
Well, you couldn’t argue that, so you just gulped, looking over the table, at the man who was a mystery to you. What did he want you to say? You couldn’t possibly admit that you planned to kill him.
“Come with me,” the king said as if it was his ultimatum and there was something knowing in his dark eyes when he explained: “Come with me to the front. Fight with me and then I’ll help the Jade Clan.”
His offer was an interesting one, you didn’t quite get his reason but you nodded anyway. You were ready to fight alongside your people but you didn’t even have to look at Xukun to know he was frowning.
You left the next day, at dawn. You took all your guards with you and Yixing added his own as you departed towards the North… your home. You wore your comfortable man clothes, hair swirling in the air around you as you galloped on your horse next to the others. It took about two days to reach the endangered border, so on the night when you had to set up a tent you could be finally alone a bit. Since you were the only woman you got a separate place and nobody should have bothered you but the tent wasn’t empty when you got in there. Gosh, were your guards so imcompetent or how?
“Reckless of you to sneak into my tent. What would your king say?” you asked, words a bit biting. You didn’t have a chance to talk with Xukun ever since that night in your room and you knew, it could have been indecent to exchange words in front of others even if you explained that you knew each other from before.
“I came exactly because of that,” the once boy explained, sitting near your small table as if you had invited him over for tea. Only because you had known him before you noticed his fidgety fingers as a sign of nervousness. “Did you write about me in the letter he got his hands on?”
Oh. So that was what he was worried about. Disappointment made you taste bile in your mouth. You hated this feeling.
“I’m not stupid,” you told him curtly and turned your back on him to indeed pour some boiled water over tea leaves to soothe your nerves. Honestly, you thought about telling your father about Xukun but then you realized you didn’t know what to write. You weren’t sure what you should have. It wasn’t your place to decide and maybe it was for the better if your father still thought that he was dead.
“He… he has a man watching you. He told me he can’t trust me with that,” Xukun who once had jumped to hover above you when a wooden house fell upon the two of you during a heavy storm sounded pained admitting that. You gulped hearing his words and the worry lacing through them. You didn’t want to think of him caring. He disappeared from your life years ago, he didn’t get to worry about you now.
“Why are you telling me this?” you asked, slowly, tentative as you sat by the table across him, putting cups of tea between you. Xukun waited until you looked up, into his deep brown eyes that had the most beautiful golden specks in them you had ever seen. Maybe it was just the lights’ doing but he still took your breath away, unfairly so.
“You need to be careful. He knows you’re up to something,” he pressed, desperate and you forced a smile, a charming, confident one. Oh, Zhang Yixing had no idea what was coming for him if he betrayed you.
“If he helped my people, our people, I wouldn’t have a reason to plot against him, would I?” you voiced out your thoughts, the decision you made on your own. If the king proved to be not as ruthless, just as your old friend claimed, maybe he deserved another chance. So you meant it but Xukun didn’t look convinced.
“Princess, I have something to discuss,” the cold, authoritative voice of the Dragon Clan’s head could be heard from outside and the pace of your heartbeats picked up, whipping your head towards the entrance of your tent then back to Xukun… or where he had been just before. Now, nothing but a smell of smoke lingered after him. You had no idea how he did that.
As it turned out Yixing wanted to discuss the reports he had gotten from the battle and if he had noticed the two cups of steamy tea, he didn’t make a comment on it. The situation was quite bad, the enemy had already gotten over the walls you had pulled up all those years ago. He had already had a man of his own let the Jade Clan general there know that Dragon soldiers were coming to rescue and not to attack, so if things worked out, you could crowd out the attackers from two sides. If you were lucky enough you could bait them towards the river where they were more vulnerable. It didn’t sound like a bad plan at all and hearing Yixing’s strategies, you understood why he had won so many battles but what surprised you was that he didn’t intend to drown everyone in the river or kill them on the spot, he sounded like he hoped they would give up and retreat. You wouldn’t have thought that of the ruthless Zhang Yixing.
Knowing how wars worked was different than being there, in the middle of a battle, sweaty, limbs tired, blood dripping from the end of your sword and a painful bruise blossoming on your left shoulder. You saw red and adrenaline carried you as you shouted and attacked the next man with mace in his hand coming at you.
“Princess!” Someone screamed and you dodged the sword aiming at you just in time but its owner stepped closer, pushing you backwards on the slippery ground. You weren’t strong enough to push him back.
“Princess, huh? How interesting,” the man, covered in dirt and blood not his own, grinned at you, a hand clasping his hand around your throat, squeezing hard. You gasped, clawing at his arm with your free hand because he pushed the one that held the sword close to your chest with his. For the first time in your life, you felt powerless even with a weapon in your hand. You tried to kick and get away from the soldier but you couldn’t and felt disgusted by the names this disgusting leech called you.
You didn’t know how long you had fought back but the noises of the battle started to fade out when suddenly the man was yanked away from you but you still felt his blood splatter across your cheek as a sword pierced through his chest. Panting, gasping for air, you stared at Xukun behind the fallen soldier and he stared back at you, eyes glowing dark and golden. You smelled something burning...
You heard the screams before you had seen the source of sudden panic and shock.
You looked up to where everybody was pointing while running and you had seen a huge dragon appearing above the walls of Jade. Its fur and scales were dark like the night sky except a few gilded ones that looked like burning fire from afar while his antlers were long and ivory. It was terrifying yet beautiful. Its honey-coloured eyes gazed down upon you mere humans and it seemed to have a concrete target in its mind as it flew above you rippling the water and air behind.
Xukun grabbed your arm, trying to pull you away but his touch felt burning too and you couldn’t take your eyes off the dragon that halted in the air, levitating just above the ground, its huge head merely an arm away from Zhang Yixing who stood there alone, unmoving. It reminded you of the day when you threw your hairpin at him, how calm he was and you still couldn’t believe what you saw when the Dragon Clan’s leader lifted a hand and put it on its head as if he was trying to discipline a dog.
Thunder roared above and Xukun managed to pull you away now that everyone had scattered all over hell's half-acre. He took you farther, inside the wall of your nation and you only noticed that he must have been hurt when he stumbled and you had to catch him before he fell.
“Kun!” you shrieked, scared, the old nickname slipping naturally as you put his arm around your shoulder and pulled him inside of a half-destroyed house nearby. Your hands trembled as you let him sit down and then looked around to look for a lantern to light it.
In the dim lit room you kneeled next to the guard, his clothing soaked with his blood and you could see sweat forming on his forehead. How did it happen, you questioned, but it wasn’t the important thing. With a shaky breath, you reached out to peel off the bloody material from his chest to see the sword cut across one shoulder. You hissed seeing the fresh wound and all that blood. You cursed in frustration.
“Shh… it’s okay,” the boy whispered with droopy eyes, taking your hand, weakly pushing it away from the cut.
“It’s not okay,” you argued and you could feel tears in the corner of your eyes. Did he get hurt while trying to get to you? Did he forget to pay attention to himself because he saw you? You felt guilty and you hated that, you didn’t want to be the reason why he was hurt.
“There’s something you should know…” Kun coughed and grunted at the pain flashing through him. He had his eyes shut, teeth clenched and it hurt to look at him. “I– I heal faster than normal… The dragon blood that saved me…”
“I know,” you cut him off, not wanting him to exhaust himself with speaking. You could see him struggle, his eyes bright gold when he opened them briefly. His blood was working its magic.
To be honest, you didn’t know, you just had a guess up until now. His golden flashing eyes, the warmth radiating off him, how fast and soundless he could move or disappear leaving only smoke behind… It was because of the dragon inside of him.
There were legends saying that if a person spared a dragon, it would be bound to him for life and the blood of an alive dragon in a human would create a connection between the two. A connection that could call the other half if one felt threatened. Although it was just a theory, with the intensity of Kun’s eyes on you, the beautiful burning fire in his pupils made you believe you were right, that the dragon appeared because he feared for you.
There was a short cut growl leaving the boy’s mouth and you grabbed his hand, letting him squeeze yours while you could see his skin basically knitting itself back together, the wound closing in as if it had never been there. It might have been only a few minutes but it felt too long with how much it seemed to hurt the boy you had just saved your life. When it was over and he opened his eyes, they were plain brown again – your favourite though – and he looked tired.
Oh, thank the deities, you let out a relieved choked sound and you didn’t even notice you had been crying until Xukun didn’t wipe your tears off your cheek. He looked at you as if he had seen you for the first time, properly at least and you felt your lips tremble. Heavens, you had mourned him once and now you almost lost him again. Suddenly, a rush of emotions rippled through your body, your fingers tentatively touching the freshly healed skin.
“You’re so warm,” you whispered in awe since his skin was hotter than expected and you knew it wasn’t fever caused by the wound.
“Princess...” he muttered oh so gently and his hand, wet with your tears, slipping from your cheek to your neck, caressed your skin just like his voice caressed your soul.
“No,” you stopped him firmly and when confusion flashed in his orbs you told him to call you by your own name. It was a command, a request, a plea. It was everything and a sweet little nothing at the same time.
Kun’s eyes widened at the permission but pushed himself away from the wall to lean closer and he sighed your name into the seam of your mouth. You closed your eyes feeling his hot breath tingling on your lips and when he kissed you, you melted against him like wax melted near fire.
Once the storm passed, you could still feel Kun’s touch on you. It was like a vivid memory and it tasted sweet on your tongue even if you knew you were being naive.
You didn’t talk about it. About what it meant because you both knew you couldn’t. But you were stupid enough to forget about your other problems when you had seen the retreating army. Your people could be a bit more safe at least for a little while.
“Cai Xukun!” Another guard called out when he caught sight of his comrade next to you. He looked panicked and it scared you. What now? The man walking up to your duo looked at you warily before answering the question about his worried expression. “The king is injured.”
Oh. Interesting how it was what you had wanted since you had left home but now that Zhang Yixing was bedridden, you found yourself worrying and by the looks of it Kun too. The two of you were escorted to the king who lay on a makeshift bed, chest wrapped with a cloth that he had already bled through.
“What happened?” you questioned, looking from one soldier to another. This didn’t look like something caused by the dragon’s claws or teeth, it was definitely a human-caused injury and your guess was confirmed when one of the men told you that while he was trying to calm the dragon, someone from afar shot an arrow through him. It made you anxious because what if they captured the dragon? What would that have meant to your people, to Kun?
“And the dragon?”
“It chased them away and is probably in the mountains,” the man said and that made you a bit relieved even though you weren’t sure you were allowed to feel that while your fiance was bleeding out only a few steps from you. You nodded in acknowledgement and made a hand movement to excuse the soldiers. Soon, you were left with only Xukun in the room.
“Why isn’t he healing? Doesn’t he...” you looked at the boy, not understanding why the injury took its toll on the king when Xukun healed within an hour. Was it some kind of special arrow damped in poisonous liquid? Was it...
“No,” The guard cut your words off but you could already tell by the look on his face that it wasn’t how you thought. “He saved the dragon and it now serves him but he never got its blood and I… I think the dragon is hurt, too.”
“What?” you were dumbfounded how he could tell something like that when you had left the field together, so he couldn’t have known about this. Not by seeing it happen. But as Xukun clenched his hand in front of his chest as if he was hurting, you started to understand. They were indeed connected after all.
“I can feel it. I can’t explain but its energy...”
A hurt dragon in the mountains. A hurt king in the desert. Gosh, things really weren’t on the path you hoped them to be. You suddenly weren't sure what worried you more.
“Do you think the dragon is in danger?” you turned to Kun, fingers fidgeting with the handle of your sword by your side. If those from before knew that they managed to wound the creature, were they looking for it? Anyone who got control over a dragon could have immense power, you didn’t even want to think about it. Especially the dragon that had this special connection with the boy beside you.  “Go then. Help the dragon!”
He seemed surprised and conflicted at your nudging. He didn’t move, eyes flickering to the bed behind you.
“But Yixing...” His protest fell short when you quickly explained:
“I will stay with him and wait for the medic,” you promised but weren’t sure Xukun trusted you with something like this until he reached out to take your hands in his. His palm was warm like every other part of him too, his fingers felt nice against your dirtied, dry skin. He squeezed your hand gently in agreement.  
“Call for a shaman, too,” he added and you nodded with a lump in your throat. You needed to get prepared for any kind of situation.
You could have been called a loyal fiancée based on how you spent day and night next to Yixing, watching over his recovery. However, he didn’t get much better over the course of days and you didn’t hear about Xukun either. The only reassuring thing was that you weren’t attacked there, at the border of three Clans. You couldn’t leave either way because the king wasn’t well enough for such a long voyage and you wanted to be as close as the mountains anyway.
The medic said the arrow hit Yixing so close to his heart that it was a miracle that he was still breathing and it scared you more than you had expected. You let him change the bandage and stayed by the unconscious man, putting fresh wet cloth over his feverish forehead.
That night, marking the third without Xukun, the king stirred awake.
You looked up from your place beside his bed, startled. It was the first time he seemed more conscious than just to drink a bit of water or ginger soup because his eyes looked alert. For the first time since you had met him, he seemed scared.
“The dragon...” he croaked out with a hoarse voice due to not speaking for days.
“Xukun is looking after it,” you told him reassuringly and held a metal cup to the king’s chin, urging him to drink a bit. He gulped down the fresh water as if it was healing potion and once he finished with the entire cup, he fell back onto the sheets with a painful sigh. Closing his eyes, he traced his ribs until he reached the bloody bandage over his wound and hissed. He must have suffered more than he showed.
“I would have never thought I would have my fiancée look after me after a battle,” the man whispered, deep voice weak and uncertain, a little playful though. Although his words were conveying the truth, it made you feel like someone who committed adultery. You knew you didn’t swear either loyalty nor love to each other with the king but after learning how he had saved your first love from certain death, you didn’t want to do something like this to him. You needed to come clean even if the timing was quite off. 
“With all due respect, Zhang Yixing, I’m afraid I can't marry you,” you said quietly, expecting a frown or a scolding but none of it came. Maybe because he was injured but he didn’t react at all and for a moment you thought he had fallen back asleep but then he slowly opened his eyes again and turned his head to be able to look you in the eye.
“I had a feeling,” he nodded calmly. He didn’t seem angry nor disappointed. He had already said your father’s proposal was an odd one, one with interesting timing. There was nothing interesting about it, it was just a strategy, a plan you didn’t want to follow anymore. But before you could have spoken up, to apologize, to ask whether it meant your alliance was off, Yixing continued: “Xukun treasures you too much. He was the one who urged me to trust your father.”
“He… Did he tell you about me before we met?” Words stumbled out of your mouth before you could have stopped them. You were more than dumbfounded to know that. Had Xukun known about your father’s wish to marry you to Zhang Yixing even before he agreed? Was it him because of whom the king agreed at all? And here you thought that he had been just another guard, loyal to his king until death.
“He talked about you all the time,” the man reminisced with a faint smile on his lips as he stared at the ceiling. “He always says how I saved his life back then but with him here, not being able to return home, I feel like I have taken his life instead. Taking you from him would have been even worse.”
You cast your eyes down bashfully as you listen to him talk. Yixing’s side of the story was an interesting one as well. Learning how he didn’t save Xukun out of the kindness of his heart but because he wanted intelligence was something you could understand, something you could relate to as you lived in a world like that after all. You couldn’t even be angry, not when he told you how they had become friends over the years. As the king drifted back to sleep, you thought that maybe you could become friends as well, maybe you could still be allies. You didn’t necessarily have to be enemies.
But once being enemies, it was hard to forget and not everybody had the same insights as you.
You woke up to a small noise, only to open your eyes to see one of your own soldiers from Jade Clan stepping inside the tent. You had always felt safe next to your guards but this time, something was off.
“What are you doing here?” you questioned as you sprang to your feet from the seat you accidentally fell asleep in.
“Princess,” the guard bowed with respect. Though, he was clearly surprised to see you still there and you could see the hint of hesitation in his eyes before he answered. “I am here as per your father’s wish.”
You furrowed your brows. You hadn’t been notified of anything like this.
“My father’s wish?” you raised a brow, looking at the man expectantly but he didn’t reply, not with words at least. Instead he took out a small glass bottle with familiar yellow-ish liquid inside. It made the blood freeze in your veins.
“That wasn’t the plan,” you reminded the man even though you hadn’t even known your father told anybody else about it. Didn’t he trust you or… 
“It wasn’t your plan but your father had doubts whether you could do it with a cold heart. That’s why he sent me,” your guard informed you dutifully and your brain kept coming up with reasons why this was a terrible idea. It would have been much easier if Zhang Yixing was indeed the tyrant you had imagined him but after learning about his personality and starting to form an amicable acquaintance with him, it just didn’t make sense.
“I’m not the queen yet,” you objected but the guard didn’t seem to care.
He explained how the public sentiment had changed in your favour just because you stayed with the injured king in the last few days and there was something in his explanation that was quite logical: if Yixing passed away now, nobody would have looked for a murderer because he was already on his deathbed. Nobody would have known he didn’t die from the arrow. Nobody needed to know. But… it wasn’t the plan. If he died then, without a queen or heir, the Dragon Clan would remain without a leader and neighbouring nations would all want their pieces of it. If they got to know about the dragon too…
“It’s a chance we can’t waste. We need to prioritize the safety of Jade Clan,” your guard reminded you and for a moment you were stuck. If it hadn’t been for Xukun, you might have done it within a heartbeat, not even considering other options because Zhang Yixing was a dangerous man but now… you were torn, unsure what to believe. Your uncertainty must have been written on your face because your guard pushed the bottle into your hands, encouraging you to make a move and you gulped, too busy with your internal turmoil to react fast enough when you got company.
Four of the masked guards of Yixing stepped into the tent, one of them immediately slicing the throat of your man which made you scream. Two guards held you back from behind, not letting you move, to get any weapon while another one walked up to you, his dark eyes trained on you, his bloody dagger aimed at your throat. He forced the little glass bottle out of your hands.
“There was always something off with you, Princess. You should have been hung the moment you dared to fling your hairpin at the king,” he said, disgusted and you couldn't quite blame him. You raised your chin though, proud because as a royal it was expected of you even when you looked into the eyes of death. You weren't afraid of dying, you had walked out to the battlefield earlier with that mindset too, it was just… you wished you could have said goodbye to Kun.
You knew that the only reason the guard didn't kill you off like he did with your man was because you were a royal. If you died by a hand of a guard of the Dragon Clan, you knew your father would have gone to war against them and you also knew he would have lost which broke your heart even more. 
"So what now? Will you kill me too, in the name of justice because one of my men blabbered? You have no idea what we even talked about!" you accused the guard of making a scene over nothing because as of now prolonging the conversation was your best chance. Either Yixing could wake up and stop them, if he believed you didn't want to hurt him any more, or your other guards could show up as well.
"I have a good enough guess, Princess, but of course, you can prove your innocence by drinking this. If it isn't poison, you have nothing to lose, am I right?" the man turned the small glass bottle between his fingers. You didn't show reaction to that even though you knew you were going to die if you drank it all. But at least it was said to be a fast killer. You were contemplating whether you should have taken it and then spit it out saying it was bitter for your 'princess taste' because he wouldn't have been able to prove anything then. He could still kill you though but maybe it was worth a chance.
However, before you could have decided the tent's entrance flew open and a very dishevelled looking Xukun showed up. He looked like he was running and hadn't slept properly in days. The presence of guards, his comrades, seemed to surprise him, the dagger at your throat even more.
"What's going on here?" he asked in an authoritative voice even though you weren't sure he had a bigger rank just because he was friends with Yixing.
"The princess and her guard were caught trying to poison the king."
"That's not true!" You protested heavily looking for eye contact with Xukun, hoping he would believe you. It was all just a terrible misunderstanding. Once you might have wanted to cause harm but you had no reason anymore, not if you signed the Lotus pact with Yixing like you had agreed. When you met Kun's gaze, it was confused but not unkind.
"Then prove it, Princess," the older man said and pushed the blade closer to your neck where your earlier scar was still visible. The situation seemed to scare Xukun but you didn't want him to save you again, you only needed him to believe you. He seemed to think differently though.
"Let her go and lower your weapon, we don't have time for this," he stood in front of you pushing the man's hand away and flashing his golden eyes at the guards you kept you caged. Their hands immediately loosened their hold as Kun lifted his bag. "I have the dragon blood. Where is the shaman?"
One of the guards ran off with the bag to fetch the shaman but you could only breathe peacefully for a moment. Then the masked man with a slit across his eye crowded you and Xukun into a corner.
"My bad. Why would I have thought that you of all people can be rational? Do you think you were so discreet about disappearing, just the two of you? Are you maybe in it too? Did the two of you, Jade bastards, plan to get rid of our king to take over?" With each of his words, he poked Kun's chest with his index finger until the younger swatted his hand away. His voice didn't waver as he answered:
"If you really think that after all the fights we fought together, I feel very distraught," he said with his voice so cold like you never heard it before. Xukun's pride must have been on the line with his loyalty being questioned just because of his connection – maybe affection? – to you because the next thing you knew was him grabbing the glass bottle out of the other man's hand. "You know what? I'll prove it to you!" 
“Kun, no!” You grabbed his hands in panic, closing your fingers around his, so he couldn't lift the poison to his lips. Was he crazy? Did he want to die just for you to follow?
Or oh… he believed you. He really believed you and that it wasn't poison in the first place or maybe he believed you had nothing to do with it and knew nothing of it because when his eyes locked with yours, he seemed surprised that you stopped him.
You were both startled when the shaman arrived with the finished potion but before he could have stepped to the injured king, the man in front of you lifted his hand. Although you couldn't see his mouth, you would have bet he pulled it into a malicious smirk.
"Ah look at that, trying to save him from harm, how touching," he tsked, mocking before he pointed at the potion in the shaman hands and then at the bottle in Xukun's. “How about this? One cup has dragon blood that could save the Dragon Clan’s last son. The other which you claim isn't poison was retrieved from your room by your own guard. Choose wisely, Princess, what to give our king because your hero will drink the other one.”
“Why are you doing this?” you shrieked, having enough of this mind game of his. You knew he was just a loyal guard of Yixing and you couldn't blame him for not trusting you but did he have to go this far to make you suffer?
“I cannot let the filthy Jade Clan take over the Dragon Clan. So you either save him or be executed for killing him which was your original plan, wasn’t it?”
"Save the king, Princess," Xukun told you, determined and maybe he had a plan, a better one than you or at least you hoped. You looked him in the eyes mouthing Please don't at him but he just smiled. How could he act so nonchalant? "Trust me," he whispered.
You let go of his hands and maybe it was a mistake because he had told you: he owed Yixing his life. You barely stepped to the bed of the king, lifting his head to help the shaman give him the potion when you heard glass breaking. When you lifted your head you saw Xukun swaying, barely grabbing on a chair to stop him from falling and the broken glass was by his feet. The liquid from inside was nowhere which meant…
"Kun!" you screamed trying to run up to him, to help, to do anything but the guards turned towards you with their sword out and you could only do one thing, listen to the boy who had once saved you when the stable's roof collapsed onto you, he hovered over your body with his to save you from the impacts of the falling pieces. He always did.
So when Kun told you to run, you ran. Back to your own tent to get your sword to be able to fight off and it was ridiculous how only a few days ago you fought alongside these men but now they wanted to kill you. Oh, how fast the tables turn but maybe you deserved this, maybe you deserved to die for killing the boy you loved since you had been 16 and had given him your first kiss under the stars. You might not have a future but you wanted to believe nevertheless, but you ruined it all.
You felt tears running down on your cheeks as you dodged the daggers and swords coming your way, hissing when one managed to cut your arm. You ran, you didn't look where, you just wanted to get away. If you killed Yixing's men, peace wouldn't have been an option, so you needed to escape, that was the only way to stop another war.
You stumbled when a huge shadow overtowered you and heard the scared muffled sounds of the soldiers following you as well. Gulping, you looked up at the majestic dragon in front of you, its nostrils flaring and smoke coming out of its mouth as it huffed. It stood above you, staring at the soldiers behind you as if… as if it was protecting you. It made you feel safe, like Xukun, and gosh, you just cried harder because he was trying to save you even now. You fell onto your knees, not knowing what to do with this information and then…
"It isn't nice of you to chase my fiancée away from me, is it?" Yixing roared in a forever calm voice and through your tears you could barely believe your eyes when you saw him walk towards you. And not just him, it was Xukun who helped him move because he must have still been in pain. But how?
The masked guards seemed just as flabbergasted as you were. But Kun, oh the deities, Kun looked almost smug as he passed by them after Yixing pushed him towards you. Then he ran, ran until he knelt next to you, taking your face into his hands. You touched him as if you didn't believe he was real.
"I didn't want to…"
"I know," he assured you with a stupid smile on his stupid face like he did back in that ruined house where he kissed you like you were his life line.
"I can't believe you drank the poison! How could you be sure your blood would fight it off?" you whisper-yelled at him, hitting his chest all too weakly and he laughed, too. The nerve of him!
"I wasn't but Princess, I would drink poison over and over again if it tasted like you," he said with a smirk and you would have bet Yixing told him about your agreement because otherwise he wouldn't have been so daring. Or was it the near death experience? Or the thought of losing each other all over again? The wars might have been still messy, politics stressing, but in that moment, you didn't care, you just closed your eyes and kissed Kun back when he pressed his lips against yours, happily burning with him.
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
multiples of five for character of ur choosing
(this is the netherwing-dragonflight/legendary-renegade-stance main lmao)
Hey there! (I'll admit it took me a minute for the ask to click, lol - but multiples of 5 it is! This might get long...)
I do have a ton of alts, but I'll really just be looking at Lily, and the AU-pally-version of her I brought in from the Shadowlands.
Character Development “Hard Mode” Meme
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
A battered, silver filigreed cigarette case with an inscription on the inside that reads 'Once crew, always crew' - it also holds several black-papered cigarettes, though there's likely always a few missing, depending on the time of day and how many she's had already...
A lighter, naturally.
A flask
potentially drugs of various sorts
(Pally!Lily...IDK. Nothing, really. She only needs the Light, and herself. No idea what she'd carry otherwise.)
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
I feel like these days, less is more in Lily's mind - but it depends on the kind of image you're trying to project, really. She may dress up nice in clothes that cover her almost entirely, when she's trying to project the idea of a proper noblewoman/hide her weird fel-tattoos, or wear very little when she's out partying and just being her half-demon self - there's lots of tight leather in her wardrobe now. But she's not the demure woman she used to be. Alternate Lil, the one that's still a pally...she prefers to remain clothed. Eyes off. She doesn't have the time or patience for roving eyes.
(More below the cut, because this is a lot of questions! Long post!)
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Hm. Yes and no? After the fall of Quel'thalas, most people lost everything. Many noble houses fell, never to rise from the ashes - and hers was almost one of those. It hung on by a thread, a mere shadow of its former self, and she caught a lot of shit for not being a proper noblewoman and prioritizing the care of those who depend upon their nobility - so these days most of her crime results in her funneling those funds back into the people who rely on the Whitedawn estate. She also likes any archaeological studies to do with ancient Elven culture, and hoards little trinkets she finds from those digs, but in the end she's not really that fixated on gold...it's just a means to an end. It just so happens to make the world go round - in the end, it's about power, not money, for a woman who lacked agency in so much of her past. It's her turn to have power, now.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Ah, a long-standing issue for her! For Fel!Lily, anyways. She was abused in a lot of ways, early on, and ended up as a people-pleaser. Always trying to be what others wanted out of her - always comparing, and trying to be 'better'. These days, that isn't the reason she might compare herself - she's tainted by fel, and it's pretty obvious, and it's almost impossible not to look at normal elves and then look at yourself with these obvious marking and protrusions and whatnot, and compare yourself. She's tried to make this less about self-criticism (she's struggled with dysphoria since long before she had horns, and those didn't help) - and more about self-validation, however. If she's stuck like this? May as well embrace it. Love who you are, and find what's strong, and beautiful about it. It's a work in progress. (Pally!Lily has a different backstory, a bit, that culminated in a much more confident young woman who really doesn't care to compare herself to others. What's the point? She's good at what she does, and she is true to herself, and that's what matters.)
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
Fel!Lily is paranoid, anymore - and frankly, that paranoia probably spikes if she is close with that person, because all the betrayal in her life has come from people who claimed to care. All the hurt in her life is from being told one thing, while the people closest to her did another; always being the one on the outside, looking in. She doesn't trust anyone, really - people are in it for themselves, and so she will be, too. Pally!Lily... well, if you're sus, you're sus. She's not paranoid, but she's a pretty staunch Paladin in the Light, so... if you give her reason to suspect you, she will.
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Uh...anything most normal people find disgusting? Also orcs. Her racism has toned down a lot over the years, and with getting to know some trolls and whatnot, but... orcs burned her home, and she will never forget that. Plus, Durotar is hotter than hell, and I imagine a city that's as hot as it must be in Orgrimmar, and is full of half-clothed, sweaty orcs/goblins/trolls, doesn't smell the best (mmm, the smell of fresh mojo in the morning). Other than that...pretty much anything any typical person IRL would find gross - gross smells, disgusting surroundings, etc. No one wants to be around filth, really.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
No idea, frankly! I haven't RPd her in many years, and she's not at all like who she used to be. Until I have someone she likes to hang out with...IDK. What little I played her off and on in recent years...she was just a supportive friend. Who then got blown off. Again. By another friend who claimed to care, but the instant someone she was romantically interested in showed up, she'd disappear on Lily again (nor did she like accountability, and Lily is all about that now - no more push-over Lily). So... she may well be distant for quite a while, given that it feels like, to her, that people just get close so they can see how much it hurts when they fuck her over. I imagine she's just as loyal as she's ever been, though, if you are patient enough to make that connection. Pally!Lily hasn't been RPd yet! I dunno about her, really. She seems a bit dry, and like she might take time to connect emotionally, and open up.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
With respect!
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Well, the Shadowlands exists and tells people exactly what will happen to them when they die - and the whole premise of Pally!Lily is that Fel!Lily found her in Bastion and was like...yo, you deserve a second chance - the one I never got. But as for Fel!Lily? She's A) Not sure she can die, given that she's as much demon as elf, so who's to say she wouldn't just come back? That stuff is up in the air anymore. And B) If she does die, and it doesn't send her to the Nether to re-coalesce, she'll probably end up in Revendreth, she figures. (I love a little Indy film called 'Devil's Carnival', and she used to be the epitome of the girl in that film who was sent to hell for... what seems to be 'willful naivete'; always making the wrong choice, and willfully trusting people she knows will hurt her. In a way, this is like her own personal hell - she became what she hated most, by virtue of putting her faith in people she knew wouldn't, ultimately, care about her more than they cared about themselves.) Does it scare her? Well...I think the not-knowing is what worries her. She's not afraid, so much as...just concerned? She's a freak. Who knows what happens to her, when a freak dies? Pally!Lily already died and went to Bastion, so she has a good idea of what death means for her... though she was one of those who struggled to want to let go of who she used to be, so she was glad to get to slip away from death, during all the commotion. Maybe it'll be different next time! Or maybe she'll be more at peace with death, after getting a second chance, and be ready for Bastion, by then.
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alyss01 · 4 years
|[New blood]|
[Comfy cartel!Rae x GN! reader]
Genre: mafia AU
Word count: 2.5K
Requested by: @another-fantasy-world
To request: requests are open! You can request anonymous or with your account so I can tag you in it if you send a message instead of an ask.
Synopsis: Rae joins the cartel, Toast appoints you as her handler. Mostly platonic with a implied date at the end.
Warnings: fighting, weapons, blood, death, crimes (if i missed any, let me know!)
A/n: my first and only request I've done so far! I really enjoyed it and although it took some time, I'm happy it turned out the way it did. Please enjoy!
"i want you in charge of her." Toast's voice was stern as he looked at you, the documents in your hands and you skimmed through them.
You hummed, nodding your head along before closing the document and locking your eyes with Toast.
Usually you'd partner up with toast yourself, but these days he was busy recruiting new blood for the cartel. Besides that, you were itching to do some field work once more.
"What makes you think we're a good match?" Similarly to your capabilities in the field, Toast was well known for his scarily accurate perception of people. You didn't doubt his skills, but you were curious to know why he thought you'd be best suited as her handler.
It had been a while since you trained the new blood, and though you weren't opposed to it, there were others that would probably do a better job.
A small confident smirk formed on his face, the light on his sunglasses hiding the confident look in his eyes that you knew was there, "I'm sure you'll understand what I mean when you meet her."
You slid the files over the table, back to Toast as you stood up, "then I'll see her this afternoon, correct?"
Toast raised a curious eyebrow, in your eyes he could see your intentions, "you're not joining the meeting?"
"I'll catch her on her way out, don't worry about it. Just send me our task before she arrives."
Toast nodded at your words, wordlessly watching you stand up and walk out of the room.
Besides Poki, Lily and Toast himself, you were one of the capo's that had been part of the cartel since the beginning when the Don created it. Besides him, the four of you carried the most power in the ranks.
You met Poki in the hallway, her eyebrow curiously lifted as she undoubtedly had overheard your conversation.
"It has been a while, huh?" The question underlaying her words was obvious. It was well known that generally you didn't bother with the new blood of the cartel.
Shrugging your shoulders you replied, "i trust Toast's judgement." A small chuckle escaped her lips as she nodded, walking with you deeper into the building.
"Won't you scare the new blood away?" The smile on her lips told you she didn't mean it in a bad way.
"If anything, she'll scare herself." A small smile tugged your lips as you locked eyes with Poki, "although I have the feeling that won't happen to this one."
• • •
That afternoon you leant against the wall, just outside the meeting room you had spoken with Toast earlier that day. You could hear his voice and a contrasting female voice besides his.
It was obvious they were wrapping up, and you had arrived not a second too late as the door opened.
You were met with a shorter female, long dark locks that grew lighter at the ends framing her face and a mischievous smirk that rested on her lips.
She stood in the doorframe as she seemed to take in your appearance, Toast behind her letting out a small chuckle.
"Meet your handler Y/n." You gave a nod as greeting to Toast, who returned it with a small smirk, watching the satisfied expression hidden on your face.
You could see why Toast had matched you with her, the confidence in her pose and the mischievous smile on her face telling you that she was ready for what you would throw at her.
She followed you as you walked through the building. You knew that she had known you, the spark in her eyes once she heard your name obvious enough.
Despite any of that, your voice was filled with authority as you spoke, "tomorrow I will meet you in the training room." You looked at her curious face, a raised eyebrow conveying the silent question, "you don't have to worry about the field work for now."
You eyed her from the side, "is that clear?"
She nodded her head eagerly as you walked, she seemed alright enough to join the cartel, but despite that you knew how important it was to establish the ranks once more with the new ones.
In her file you had read that she'd been in the business on her own for a small while before attempting to join a organization to stay at. Because of that, she knew you, and the reputation that you carried.
The comfy cartel was a big organization, although it hadn't started as such. It had earned a reputation early on, not leaving anyone standing that opposed you.
On top of that reputation stood you, beside Toast. Even in the early start of the cartel you had partnered up with the male, making a scarily powerful duo.
Yet your loyalty stayed by Don Scarra, despite the damage the two of you could have done if you had left, or taken over, the cartel.
Over the years Toast had retreated himself to the shadows of the business, recruiting new blood and expanding the cartel exponentially.
That left you in the field, and as the cartel grew, so did your power and reputation. You had become one of the reasons why people didn't meddle with the cartel.
Judging from her reaction, the female besides you was wholeheartedly aware of that.
You split off with her after showing her how to reach the training rooms and telling her you wanted her there, tomorrow morning at ten.
You returned to your office after that, sitting behind your desk as you looked at the files on it. On top of it laid what undoubtedly was the task assigned by Toast to test your recruits skills.
Reading the papers inside a few times, you nodded, it would make a fine trip to observe.
The door to your office opened, leaving Toast leaning against the doorframe as you met his eyes.
"Knocking is a thing y'know?" A chuckle left his throat, "what did you think of her?"
You shrugged your shoulders, "could've been worse." Toast could see the pleased expression behind your words, "I'll be sure tomorrow however."
He nodded his head as you produced a phone from your pocket, typing in a number as you spoke to Toast, "that reminds me."
The phone rang for a second or two before it got picked up, "Edison, can you get me a few ready for tomorrow 10?"
Edison was in charge of those captured by the cartel to pay for their debts, or those that had turned out as a spy in hindsight.
Generally the only reason to get those out of their confinement was for the training of the new blood getting into the cartel. The only other reason would be if one of them had actually done something big enough to catch the attention of one of the higher ups.
A chuckle came from the phone, "it's been awhile since you took in someone new, what changed?"
"Toast did." Toast gave you a small smirk as you met his eyes. You could hear some scratching on paper on the other side of the call, "got it, they'll be ready at 10, what training room should they be sent to?"
"Training room four." Edison confirmed the order once more before saying his goodbye and hanging up.
You put the phone away as Toast spoke up, "I'll hear your opinion of her later."
• • •
You leant against the wall of the training room. It was similar to a gym, but connected to the main area was a shooting range, on the walls were multiple weapons to train with displayed. Pushed against one wall stood training equipment, although you wouldn't make much use of it today.
The middle of the floor was padded, the cushiony material breaking all the falls that were bound to happen on the mat. In the corner stood three males, each bound by handcuffs that were in turn fastened against a wall. Not that it mattered, even if they could get loose they wouldn't make it far before you'd take them down.
Their files laid on the bench beside you as you waited, twirling a butterfly knife in your hands with complicated movements executed with practiced ease.
Beside you stood a small rack with different knives, brass knuckles, nun-chucks and other weaponry to use.
Right as your gaze watched the clock move to exactly 10 AM, the door to the training room opened.
Rae stepped inside, her curious eyes automatically gliding towards you. You stood in comfortable clothes, Rae in her own as she walked in.
You could see how her eyes made contact with the three men that accompanied you in the silent room. It wasn't hard to see the glint flicker in her eyes, you were more familiar with it yourself.
She stood still on the mat, turning to you in silent question as you watched her.
Pointing to the cases of paper that laid beside you, you spoke up for the first time since you entered the room, "pick one"
Once she reached you, she opened the files, her eyes gliding across the words as she picked one out. A small smile formed on your face, her pick was perfect.
You walked over to the males, singling one of them out as you produced a small key to unlock his handcuffs from his wrists.
He glared as you moved, leaning behind him to unlock him.
As expected, the moment his wrists were freed he threw a punch your way. He could barely see you move away from the movement before he could feel a pain in his stomach as he dubbeled over.
Pushing him away, he fell to the floor, and you made simple eye contact with Rae.
"He's a feisty one." Your feet rested on the man's back as he laid on the floor, a small smirk on your face as you turned to him, "up boy, you're not done yet."
You allowed Rae to go loose on the man.
Although the fight could have finished within a few minutes if she had tried, you could see the extra, unnecessary, effort she put in to make it painful. There was a certain hint of sadism in her movements, and you couldn't help but feel satisfied as you watched.
She dragged it on, but with your simple command her arms locked around his neck, her grip unrelenting as the man fought for his life.
It had never been a fight he could've won.
Nevertheless you moved on, handing the woman in front of you a knife, before handing another one to her new opponent. He had seen what had happened mere minutes before and the discarded body that had been thrown off the mat.
The weapon shook in his hands as Rae went to work once more. Her fighting style was elegant and fast, calculated as she moved with precision and made small nicks that turned into deeper gashes.
Once more, the fight was over before it ever had begun. You were happy with the display of skills, although it was too early to judge just yet.
For this she'd have to approach it with a more tactful technique.
You freed the last man, pushing him on his knees as you dragged him to the middle of the room.
Ripping the handcuffs loose from the short chain that connected it too the wall, you returned the metal objects to the man's wrists as you pulled him to the middle of the room.
Your foot was dominantly placed on his back as he laid face down on the floor, "this man possesses the information you'll need for your field work next week. "
Not wasting anymore words, you could tell Rae knew what you wanted her to do. You stepped back, watching as she went to work, pulling the man in a sitting position as she gripped the collar of his shirt.
"Speak." The man shook in her hold, scared big eyes watching her carefully as her piercing gaze was focused on him.
He didn't know what to say, had he not told the cartel all there was to know already?
"I don't know!" The man clenched his eyes shut as Rae looked over at you, a question in her eyes as you shrugged. He had indeed given the cartel the information they needed, so for now, Rae had free reign.
The still blood stained knife was still stuck in her hand, the dangerous metal eerily close to the soft tissue of the man's neck, "I'm sure you do know."
Warm blood trickled down slowly and got absorbed by the fabric of his shirt.
"I- I.. don't know!" He voice shook as you spoke up, "tell her what you told us."
"He's! H.. He's- hiding in a safe house." The words finally left his mouth as he shook, not dating to make eye contact with the woman in front of him that held his life in her hands.
"Wrong." The word was simple as it left your mouth, but the man shook and shivered in Rae's hold, "no! No- its- NO!" Rae's eyes were cold as she retracted her knife, her free hand releasing his shirt as she gripped his chin, forcefully pulling his head upwards.
"I don't like liars," tears cascaded down his face at her words, "you've seen what I did to the two others, it makes me curious to what I can do with you." Her voice velvety smooth as she spoke.
This time you were certain as you realized you were liking this woman more and more as time passed.
A scream echoed through the hall.
The handle of the blade the only thing protruding from the man's thigh as his pants rapidly started to colour red around it.
He begged for the pain to stop, for her to pull the knife out and help him.
She was unrelenting until he had spilled every last bit of information he knew.
The life faded from his eyes as Rae pulled the knife from his thigh, the blood spurting out from the massive wound and the smaller ones that now littered his body.
Blood stained her clothing, but she stood proud amongst the corpses that littered the ground.
The happy glint in her eyes as she waited on your praise.
"You did well." A satisfied smile on your face, "we'll continue this evaluation Monday. Then you'll be tested on your aim, but for now this will do. At the end of next week we'll head into the field."
Rae nodded, the smile on her face bright at the words of praise you granted her.
You walked towards her, a satisfied smile painted on your features as you spoke, "then, would you like to join me for coffee this weekend?"
A small tint of red dusted her cheeks at your words. Nevertheless she accepted the offer.
Comfy cartel tag list:
@another-fantasy-world @and-claudia @lo-manburg @stickystrawberrysyrup @in-fucking-deed @jadesbabylon @victoria-a567
To be added, or removed from this tag list, please message me!
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thewriteflame · 2 years
Unusual Character Associations
I was tagged by @megarywrites Thank you~ This looks very interesting and fun to do!
I'm not sure who to do because I want to do all of my ocs but that's like a lot so I'll just do: Shuntala and Nahuel (aka Natala)
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S- cardamom, cinnamon, and peppercorn (think garam masala)
N - coriander, cardamom, and cumin
S - the sun finally breaking through storm clouds
N - bright, warm spring days
S - royal blue // N - pale, sunshine yellow
S - cloudy sunsets // N - golden sunsets over the ocean
S - waterbending // N - healing
HOUSE PLANT: I don’t know many houseplants help
S - peace lily // N - aloe ferox (is that a houseplant?)
S - anything sharp but especially throwing knives
N - madu (a defensive weapon for my cinnamon roll)
S - marine biology // N - world history
S - twitter. She argues about politics and post sea puns
N - facebook. He's all about that family
S - kohl // N - I know it’s not makeup but African face paint
S - ginger chews // N - skittles
S - losing loved ones
N - missing chances (I really don’t know what to put)
ICE CUBE SHAPE: this is by far the most interesting one how do I even
S - flake // N - crescent
S - oil painting like Victor Figol
N - Van Gogh’s flower paintings
S - selkie // N - a white cadejo perhaps
S - fancy blue fountain pen
N - sheet of aged paper with a poem penned neatly on the bottom
S - 🗡🐬⚔ // N - 💖🌻⚓
S - Carina, Puppis, and Vela constellations // N - Sun
Tagging: @emelkae @the-finch-address and anyone who wants to do it
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magnoliasinbloom · 5 years
Crash Course Love
In between classes (which I’m still doing online with my lovely 7th graders, no sarcasm), here’s another chapter of these two fools. And it’s looooong!
As always, infinite thanks to @anna-swims​ and @lcbeauchampoftarth​ for being awesome betas.
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AO3 :: Previously
9: Lallybroch [Jamie]
“We’re here,” I said, glancing through the Jeep’s windshield.
“Oh, wow. I didn’t think the ride would feel so… short,” Claire said, peering up at the house. It was kind of intimidating, I supposed; a giant stone manor in the middle of rolling fields. Like something out of a fairytale.
Except the wolves were waiting inside, ready to pounce on us.
“Are ye nervous?”
“A little. I’ll be fine.” She turned to me and gave me a smile, shouldering her black purse. I smiled back and ducked out of the Jeep to open her door. Claire climbed out, stepping carefully. “Wait! The flowers!” She turned to the backseat door and pulled out yellow lilies wrapped in butcher paper and tied with a silver ribbon. Slamming the door behind us, we walked up the steps to the door.
I wondered if we should hold hands to make it seem more realistic. When I’d picked her up at her flat—my eyes darting around like mad in case Annalise appeared—and I saw her dressed up, I’d wanted to reach out and take her hand immediately.
We had driven over in comfortable silence. Claire had mentioned she didn’t know what to expect from lunch, so she’d had a small breakfast—more Weetabix. I laughed when I thought of the amount of food Mam always cooked. She commented occasionally on the songs from my Spotify playlists, and we kept up an easy conversation.
My hand was halfway to the doorknob when my mother appeared, and immediately engulfed Claire in a hug. I stood there like an idiot while my mam practically suffocated her; all I could see of Claire was her bewildered expression over my mother’s shoulder.
“Um, hello?” Claire managed.
“Oh, Christ, I’m so happy to meet ye, Claire! Ye are Claire, aren’t ye? Oh, do come in, ye must be freezin’! Can I take yer coat? What’s this?” My mother interrupted her gushing welcome as Claire tried to press the flowers into her hand.
“Aye, Mam, good to see ye too,” I grumbled, leaning in to kiss her cheek. Completely ignoring me, she patted my back and turned to Claire once more.
“They’re just flowers, you know, as a thank you for the invitation,” Claire stammered, blushing. She gestured with her hands as she spoke, clearly nervous. “Sorry I didn’t bring a vase.” My mother hugged her again tightly.
“They’re beautiful! Ye shouldn’t have!” Mam sniffed the lush blooms and ushered us further into the house. I trailed behind them, all but forgotten. I took off my own coat and followed them into the living room.
Mam was introducing Claire to my Da, William, and Jenny. My siblings, in turn, presented each of their partners. Jenny lost it completely and practically hurled herself at Claire in a vise-like hug. Claire couldn’t seem to lose the bewildered expression when confronted with the whole Fraser clan at once.
“Jenny, let the poor lass breathe,” I called out. I gave my Da a one-armed hug and clapped William and Ian on the back. I gave Jenny a gentle shove to get her to release Claire, which she returned twice as hard. “Ifrinn, Janet, that could bruise!”
“Jamie, language!” Mam warned. She led Claire over to Mary, who gave her a peck on the cheek and a warm smile. Jenny glanced over at me and gave me a discreet thumbs-up. I rolled my eyes at her approval.
“Where are the children, Jenny?” I missed the sounds of my rambunctious niece and nephew.
“Oh, off with Ian’s parents this weekend. Give us a bit of a break, ye ken.”
“When’s lunch then, Mam?” William asked.
“Will ye leave anything for the rest of us, Willie?” Ian joked, leading Jenny into the dining room. They both traded quips and insults while everyone made their way to the table.
“Here, Claire, sit next to Jamie.” Mam pointed out her seat and raised her eyebrows at me. I immediately stood behind the chair and held it out for Claire. She sat with a soft murmur of thanks. Da took his seat at the head of the table and winked at Claire, who smiled back and seemed more at ease.
“I’ll just bring the dishes in,” Mam called over her shoulder as she walked to the kitchen.
“Can I help with anything?” Claire asked, half-rising from her chair. Jenny and I both reached out to stop her.
“Nah. This is my mam’s thing. She doesna like for people to interfere with her cookin’. Even if it’s just servin’ it,” I said, while William nodded in agreement and stuffed a roll into his mouth.
“Really?” Claire looked around the table. Da leaned over to explain about Mam’s love affair with cooking, engaging her in conversation.
Mam came in with multiple dishes and trays, all laden with meat, chicken, salad, fresh bread, ham, and vegetables. It was all artfully arranged, in true accordance with her Cordon Bleu education.
Everyone dove in, while Claire watched in horrified fascination as food was served. I reached for her plate when she showed no inclination to dig in herself; she regarded me gratefully when I got her a bit of everything, unsure of what she’d like.
There was no silence at the table. Forks and knives clattered on dishes and conversations sprang all around. Mam gave Claire the third degree about her life; she tried to answer as politely as possible around a mouthful of food. Da insisted Claire call him Brian and asked about her flower shop, being somewhat of an amateur gardener himself.
Finally, after everyone had eaten their fill (and then some), my mother moved in for the kill. “So, Claire, how did ye and Jamie meet?”
Claire looked at me, and I nearly choked on the last bite of carrots. “Um, well…”
“It was at a coffee shop. She spilled her drink on me and offered to buy me another.”
“Yes, that’s it. And then we got to talking and exchanged numbers—”
“I asked her out and she said yes, that was a few weeks ago, and now here we are!” I added hastily.
My mother seemed on the verge of spilling joyful tears and Da positively beamed. Claire squeezed my hand under the table while we regrouped.
“Mrs. Fraser, everything was delicious. Could I help you clear up, make some tea or coffee?”
“Dear, please call me Ellen. And no, ye may not make the coffee, ye are our guest! Let's leave the dishes to the men, shall we? Ladies, care to join me in the living room?”
“Should I be worried, do you think?” Claire asked as she looked at my mother and the women.
“I think I’m the one who should worry,” I muttered, as Jenny and Mary pulled Claire away from me. Next thing I knew, Mam would pull out old photo albums of me with braces or as a toddler in the bath.
I was dragged into the kitchen to help wash up. The rule was, since Mam cooked, the rest of us had clean-up duty. Seemed only fair—except my mother used a ridiculous amount of kitchenware and appliances which had to be left spotless again. I kept my hands busy scrubbing away, until William sidled up to me.
“Sawney, a brathair,” Willie said, using my old nickname and clapping me hard on the shoulder. I jerked and he laughed, mussing up my hair.
“Stop it, ye eejit, I’ll break something,” I growled, spraying him with water.
“Well, I can certainly see what ye saw in Claire, she’s lovely,” Da commented, setting empty glasses next to me. I felt a twinge of guilt.
“Aye, Jamie, she’s grand,” Ian agreed, leaning against the kitchen island. “Ye look good together. Ye have a real connection.” I couldn’t tell from his tone if Jenny had appraised him of the truth.
“Have ye slept with her yet?” Willie asked.
I dropped the glass I was rinsing and it bounced in the sink with a clatter. I turned to gape at William, who was grinning.
“Willie, that is none of yer business!” Da chided, glaring at his firstborn.
“Arsehole,” I mumbled under my breath. Ian cleared his throat behind me.
“We understand if ye dinna want to tell us, it’s yer private life and—”
“I’m not telling ye anything about my sex life, aye?” I finally said, chucking the scrubbing sponge at Willie’s head. “And you!” I turned to Ian. “We could hear ye and Jenny in yer room at Christmas last year, and man, for Christ’s sake, it’s my own sister!”
They both had the good grace to look abashed for a moment, before offering apologies and heading back to the dining room for more dirty dishes. Da frowned, but said nothing.
I fetched the sponge from the floor and got back to scrubbing a frying pan before he spoke up.
“So Jamie, lad, are ye being safe?”
- - -
In the living room, Claire was perched on the big couch, with a photo album on her lap.
“Jamie, these pictures are amazing. Your mum has saved all these memories of you,” she commented, obviously delighted with the albums. Fortunately, Mam had updated the technology and newer photographs were stored in ‘the cloud’.
“Aye, she keeps one for each of us, full of birthdays, Christmases, all of it,” I said, casually claiming the space next to her. Claire bit her lip for a moment, misty-eyed. Having lost her parents so young, I didn’t imagine she had much in the way of photographs. A peek at her expression confirmed it. I touched her hand lightly in sympathy and she smiled.
“You’re lucky, you know. To have all of this. Your parents, your brother and sister.”
“I do know. They seem to really like ye, too.”
I realized that my family had left the room, and there was only Claire and me, our hands touching on our laps. I turned to look at her, and I could catch her scent—something like growing green things and jasmine. That strange spark from the coffee shop surfaced again, vibrating in the empty room, and I felt the urge to lean in and kiss her like I had almost done before. I was drowning in her amber eyes and they seemed to get closer and closer…
“Oi, it’s snowing!” William called out suddenly, and Claire and I sprang apart in shock.
The family all crowded around the windows in the living room, watching fat flakes fall in a white flurry.
“Well, the roads will be impassable,” Da said with a frown.
“There’s a snow storm headed this way, according to BBC,” Ian commented, scrolling on his mobile.
“Och, weel, ye’ll just have to spend the night here,” Mam said briskly. “Ye can sleep in yer old rooms.”
Ifrinn! Share a room with Claire? My parents would expect that? A hint of panic welled in my chest.
“Oh, Mrs. Fraser,” Claire began, glancing at me with worry in her eyes, “I can take the couch right here. If you have a few spare blankets—”
“It’s Ellen, dear, and please, dinna be silly! We’re all adults here. Ye can sleep wi’ Jamie in his own room.”
- - -
A/N: Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there! Thank you for your likes, reblogs, and comments - they mean the world. <3
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claudeng80 · 4 years
An Earthly Knight 3: Changeling (Witness Protection AU)
Obi won’t talk about the coronation on the way back to Lilias, but that comes as no surprise. Shirayuki means to press him for explanations later, once the initial strangeness has faded into the past, but time and hard work are excellent distractions. Wistal and its secrets fade once more into the distance, and Shirayuki forgets.
Yuzuri shows her how to encircle a stone in a cage of fine wire and wear it as a necklace, so the glowing stone takes its place around her neck next to her identification tags. It’s not nearly so elegant as the walnut-stone jewelry she finds in the market, delicate silver lacework surrounding carved stone bells that chime soothingly when the mountain winds stir them, but she made it herself and that counts for a lot. Obi still won’t take it, though, although he’s no more forthcoming about why.
Shirayuki yanks the pin from her hair and shakes it at him, once when he’s a few dill short but won’t let her buy him lunch. The bead bumps against her knuckles as the bar is, as always, a cool line against her palm. “What is this, if not a gift? Why are you allowed to give me things and I can’t reciprocate?”
He slurps the thin soup that was all he could afford, as imperturbable as though it were a full meal. “We’re even, miss. This is as it should be.” And that’s all he��ll say on the subject, although his eyes are steady on her until she twines the pin back into her hair. It’s getting longer now, not enough to hold the pin unassisted but enough to give her options.
Midsummer in Lilias is its most colorful season, the city earning its name when the deep blue of the sky is joined by riots of trumpet lilies in gardens and window-boxes. Bulbs are bought and sold in the marketplace at the first thaw, and now that the soil’s warm, the bees have their pick of landing-places.
They do like Obi best of all, though. He’s perched in a window while Shirayuki writes, and she has to pause and smile at the sight of the bee bumbling cheerfully around his fingers. She’s just been copying uses for honey from a country beekeeper’s letter in the archives, and “The hive fed on locust-nectar is well satisfied, and its honey sovereign for ailments of the heart,” lies on the paper by her idle pen as she watches Obi turn up his hand into an amusement for the visitor.
She doesn’t miss that his hand falls to his knives at the sound of the door. Even after all this time, after a year and a half of safe living in Lilias, he still sees threats in the shadows. She turns to see who the new arrival is, whether it’s a patient in search of her or another researcher arriving for their own research needs, and sends her chair screeching backwards at the sight of a prince of Clarines.
“Zen!” She hasn’t expected him, hasn’t received a letter or any kind of news that would have sent him north, but it’s a pleasure to have him here for midsummer. She thinks she’ll enjoy taking him out to their favorite restaurant in the long sunny evening, sharing her adopted city with the first friend Clarines gave her, but there is no joy in Zen’s face when he greets them. His hands are dry and soft against hers as she welcomes him, but his gaze tracks over her shoulder, searching the shadows between bookshelves. “I have to admit I’m here on an errand. They told me at the guardpost that I could find Obi here.”
Shirayuki follows his gaze, twisting back to find the window now empty. He’d been in plain sight not even a minute ago. “Obi?”
He’s just there when she turns back, so close beside her she should be able to feel the wind of his passage, the warmth of his skin, but there’s nothing. She startles sideways, sending her inkwell rattling on the table in a way that should provoke laughter and teasing from Obi, but he doesn’t even look. His entire attention is held by Zen, who stands as firm as the earth. “It’s time,” Zen says.
The room tilts around them. Or it must, even though Shirayuki feels nothing, because Obi staggers at the words. It’s as though Zen has punched him in the chest, his shoulders caving in and his breath shallow. “I didn’t think-”
Zen searches the empty room for unknown listeners, eyes moving like a knight under threat, and Shirayuki steps forward to close the door and drop the latch. It’s not done to lock the library in the center of the day, but Obi wouldn’t want anyone to see him like this. She doesn’t want anyone to see him like this. His hands still dangle, slack, by his sides, and without thinking she slips her fingers into the gap between his.
Zen’s eyes track to the movement like a magnet to iron. He raises an eyebrow when her eyes meet his, and she has no response, so he shrugs. Obi closes his eyes, but his fingers twitch against her own, then tighten.
Zen takes a deep breath. “They’re waiting for you now. You know what you need to do.”
Obi’s eyes open once more, the momentary spell of anguish wiped from his face. What Shirayuki reads there now is resolve, as he slowly reaches back to draw out Zen’s knife. The blade shines like silver, brighter than it should be in the midafternoon still of the library, and the wooden hilt is black against Obi’s hand. With a flick more suited to one of his smaller blades, he reverses the weapon, offering it to Zen without a word. There’s an inlay in the hilt she never noticed before, a sinuous pattern of thorns. Zen takes it gently, letting it drop by his side.
She never seriously considered she’d lose him, certainly not with no warning. “Will you come back?” She doesn’t need to know the details Zen clearly doesn’t want to share, but this she has to ask.
The cast of Obi’s eyes is all the answer she needs, but his body doesn’t turn away from her. She waits to hear how he intends to tell her that she’ll never see him again. He evades it instead, as she should have known he would. “Would I be welcome, if I could?”
She nearly interrupts him with the answer, because of course he would be, of course she would never turn him away, but his finger lies across her lips before she can make a sound. His tags swing forward with the motion, tapping against her cheek before coming to rest in the air between them. She searches his eyes, amber like a cat’s, wishing that just this once he would be direct and clear.
Zen clears his throat, and Obi nods, and with a sharp yank he breaks the chain of his tags. The snap so close to her face makes Shirayuki flinch, blinking with surprise, and when her eyes open again Obi’s tucking the tags in his pocket and he’s- different.
Barely changed, yes, he’s always been out of the ordinary in some ways, but somehow for the first time it matters. His gold eyes are unchanged, an odd, catlike color. How has she never questioned that? Even the slightly off shape of his pupils never concerned her before, but now she knows it’s not human. His teeth, as he grins watching her study him, are sharper.
But he’s still Obi. The bristle of his hair, the shade of his skin, the space he takes up beside her, all these things are unchanged. She steps forward to get a closer look and his eyes track her every motion. “Even now?”
“You’re not going into a fairy ring, are you?” It’s barely a question, but she doesn’t know what to say when her best friend, her constant companion for the last two years has suddenly shown himself to be something she never really believed in. Suzu would gloat so, if he knew.
“I told you the doors were not that easy.”
“Can you tell me why?” Why he lied to her, why he’s going - she doesn’t know which she’s asking, but she needs to know something. If this were Zen’s whim or the kind of trick that Suzu swears the fae can’t resist- her heart feels brittle and easier to break in this moment than she’s ever known it before.
“He has to,” Zen interjects, and Shirayuki starts. She’d almost forgotten he was there.
“I’ve learned something we were never meant to know,” Obi says. Her hairpin appears between his fingers, loose wisps of hair suddenly falling over her shoulders. He twirls it once, then tucks it back behind her ear. “If the enemy found me first, I’d be dead and my secret lost. I’ve had some close calls before.” The scar above his eye glares like a flag, and it’s terrifying to hear him speak so casually of dying, when all of Lilias is convinced he can’t be killed.
“So we kept him hidden, here,” Zen finishes. “Among allies. You kept him safe, let him be human.”
“Now you know what this is payment for,” Obi murmurs as though Zen hasn’t spoken at all. He taps the bead with a gentle chime and she has to restrain herself from grabbing his hand. Instead, she pulls the stone’s loop over her head. Obi’s still bent down close, close enough that she settles it around his neck before he can stop her. He grabs her wrist, keeping her from pulling back. “You know I can’t-”
“Too late, I’ve given it to you,” she says. “A gift you may not refuse.”
She looks to Zen, who nods and then rolls his eyes. Having witnessed the gift, he turns and slips back out the door. “I’ll be right outside. Don’t be long.”
Alone with Obi, silence falls. His presence feels different now, the space he takes up in the room. “Come back, if you can,” she says one more time.
“You know very well I have to, now.” She watches closely, but neither his voice nor his look betrays any kind of resentment. If anything, he looks like she’s given him a challenge he can’t resist. “You have no idea of the trouble you court, but I am in your debt and I will repay.” He leans in, and his breath against her lips is a taste of something earthy and strange. His eyes, so close, slitted like a cat’s but the same warm gold as always, blow wide, then his eyelids fall shut as he leans into her. His lips caress hers so softly, the edge of teeth just a hint of promise.
A wisp of air brushes her face as his lips part from hers, and when she opens her eyes, he’s gone.
This isn’t what she was asking for, what she ever expected-
But she’d be lying if she said she didn’t like it.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Azula Week 2020: Day 7 - Repaired
Prompt: Success Pair: N/A Song: 69feetofsmoke - Ppl That I Luv
Summary: Zuko comes across Azula's paintings and sketchbook and finds startling self-portraits. 
The paintbrush slashes across the canvas leaving a thick and heavy trail of black. One harsh, angry brushstroke after another and another and another and…
Red comes next, vivid and bright. There is nearly as much red as there is black. It is thrown and spattered by flicks of the brush from a distance.
A touch of gold. Only the faintest trace of it.
The painting is cast to the side amid the rest of them. She curls herself up on the bed feeling drained. She is well aware that painting shouldn’t leave her feeling such. But it always does.
Azula has become a ghost of herself. Zuko sees it in her dulled eyes, in her loose stance and her slouched sitting posture. He sees it in her disheveled robes and her disarrayed hair. Sees it in her paled skin and hears it in the dejected way she speaks.
She hasn’t been the same since their Agni Kai. She isn’t as unkind, on some days she is actually rather pleasant to talk to, but she is deeply sad. Even when she smiles it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I’m fine, Zuzu.” She insists again. They sit in the shade of a dragon maple.
“You aren’t acting like yourself.”
“Everybody wanted me to change.”
He presses his lips together. He hates when she does that. Even if she doesn’t mean anything by it. Even if she only means to lay down facts as she sees them. He never knows how to reply to that because she isn’t entirely wrong, but she is missing some critical aspects. “That’s not what I mean.” He finally settles.
“Then what do you mean?” She asks, eyes fixed on her hands, clasped atop her knee.
“You just seem...really...unhappy.”
“I’m fine.” She repeats as though rehearsed. She does this a lot too, has him talking in circles.
“I just want you to be okay.”
“I am.”
He has to hold back a frustrated sigh. He has run out of things to say. But he doesn’t think that it is a good idea to leave them in silence. “The pond looks nice today. Katara said that she saw you decorating it?”
Azula shrugs. “I moved a few rocks around because I didn’t like where they were placed.” She pauses. “And I thought that a couple of fire lilies would look nice around it.”
He recalls that her bedroom window faces the pond and wonders if this is a small way of trying to lighten her mood.
“It does look nice.” He smiles. She doesn’t return the smile.
It feels weird talking to them. Talking to any of them. Every time she begins to feel secure, like she might be fully accepted, she makes a mess of it. And it is usually over the most mundane and trivial things.
Today’s argument has an extra bite considering that she’d taken something positive and turned it sour.
“You’re really going to choose flowers over people!?” Katara asks.
“They’re just flowers” Mai adds nonchalantly, “Sokka did even know that they were yours.”
Azula fixes him with a cross stare, his arm is slung over Suki’s shoulder. Suki who now wears Azula’s fire lilies in her hair. They aren’t just flowers. They are her flowers. Were her flowers and they made it, if only a little, easier to pull herself out of bed. They gave her something pretty to look at. They made her feel as though she could create something beautiful. She folds her arms across her chest. But even when she does create something beautiful it becomes vile in the end. “They were mine.” She says flatly.
“They were in the palace gardens.” Zuko says gently.
“Which are also mine.”
Zuko sighs, presses his hands together, and holds them to the bridge of his nose. “They’re my gardens too and…”
“And what!?” Azula asks. “And I think that you’re overreacting, a little.” He replies.
“A little?” Mai quirks a brow. “They’re a bundle of flowers, she can grow more.”
Azula clenches her fists beneath the table. “I shouldn’t have to. People should know better than to touch what belongs to me. They should know better than to disrespect…” She hisses.
“I didn’t even know that they were yours!” Sokka throws his hands up.
They are all looking at her. Glaring at her with such hatred and aggravation.
“Ya know we’re trying so hard to be nice to you.” Katara interjects. “We don’t have to and we really shouldn’t. You’re lucky that we’re giving you a second chance.”
But she feels neither lucky nor like she truly does have a chance. In fact, all she feels right now is anxious and angry. But she thinks that she might be angry at herself. She buches the fabrics of her robes beneath the table.
“And you aren’t even putting in any effort!” Toph declares.
“We thought you changed.” TyLee adds softly.
“Who gets mad over flowers?” Suki mutters. “I thought that they were pretty enough to wear.”
Azula bites the inside of her cheek, she hadn’t thought of that. Hadn’t considered that she had created something beautiful after all. Something so beautiful that someone wanted to wear it. Beautiful enough that it could have created joy for someone else. And suddenly she agrees with them, that she has made a problem out of nothing at all. Suddenly she feels horrible.
“They were my flowers…” Is all she manages.
She wants to cry, but, Agni, she can’t do it now. Not in front of so many enemies, especially ones that already gnash at her with razor teeth. She gnaws her lip that much harder. She can feel the tears building behind her eyes and they keep talking. She isn’t quite listening but they are still talking and they are still chastising.
She feels like a little girl. She feels pathetic and immature and an assortment of other dismal things. She can’t cry and she can’t look away, she is already being ridiculed enough. She feels as though they are closing in on her, she has to take her mind somewhere else… She has too…
The heat comes to her fingers before the tears have a chance to come to her eyes. She presses her fingers into her forearm and heats them much further. Everyone hates her again, they probably always will. She keeps her mind fixed on the burning sensation. It isn’t potent enough yet so she heats her fingers further still.
“Azula!” Zuko is loud enough to break through her concentration.
She stands up and pushes her chair in. She thanks Agni that her sleeves are long enough to cover the burn marks beneath. It isn’t as though she hasn’t done this before. She’d just never done it with other people in the room.
“Azula, we’re not done talking.”
But she is. She is done with a lot of things; hope and creating joys for herself among them. She pulls out her sketchbook and a fountain pen and begins slashing at the paper.
Azula’s room is vacant when he comes to check on her an hour later. The servants assure him that she has gone for her bath. He seats himself upon her bed. An hour later he sighs to himself, he is nodding off. He forgets how long she takes in the bath.
He stands to stretch his legs when he glances at her nightstand. At first he thinks that it is a journal, and in some sense it might be. It rests face up and open, an image done with thick ink. He knows that he ought not to, especially since their entire argument just hours ago had been about touching her belongings. But curiosity gets the better of him. He takes note of the picture she’d left open and flips to the first page. This one is just as dark, maybe more so.
The ink is applied so heavily that he can see indents on the page beneath it. The figure is hunched over, its face obscured. A plethora of weaponry juts from its back. Some arrows and a few throwing stars, but mostly there are knives. Red ink is used generously.
He turns the page to see another figure this one also has its face obscured, this time by hair. But he can sense the wild eyed gaze beneath. It wraps its arms around itself, nails clawing into its skin. Azula’s artistic talent is so much that it almost feels real, like he is looking at actual flesh that is being gripped to tightly. All around the figure are shadows, faintly human in shape, some are only hands.
The next page is much simpler; another dark-haired figure but the face is violently scribbled out. And the one next to it is similar but instead of ink, Azula blotted the face with paint. Deep, dark, paint.
The fifth image reveals a face. It’s eyes are dark and empty. There is such a deep sadness in them. He wasn’t aware that a single painting could convey such an emotion. He is so distracted by the face reveal that he almost doesn’t notice that the rest of the figure is in shambles. It’s right leg is seperated at the knee and the left is obviously broken. The left arm is twisted and bent. And its right arm is cracked and covering a large hole on its head, the cracks spiderweb onto the forehead. There is no blood, somehow this leaves him more unsettled. In the teeniest font at the bottom of the page he sees the word, ‘broken’.
He quickly flips the page. This one is not much better. Fierce and angry golden eyes look up at him. Golden eyes... The figure emits such an air of hatred that he almost closes the sketchbook as he should. But he can’t tear his eyes away. It is bleeding, its throat slashed from side to side and its wrists mutilated. Zuko finds more tiny writing. ‘Deserved.’
He comes to the page he’d first happened upon. The newest one. The worst one. It is the same figure, this time its eyes look dead and empty, thick black ink runs down its cheeks. It holds a dagger in its right hand, it’s blade adorned with red ink. The figure is naked and upon its stomach is the word, ‘monster’. His stomach sinks, in an instant he becomes aware that he has been referring to the figure as ‘it’. It is a human. It is undeniably a twisted, mutilated self portrait.
On her portrait self’s forehead, Azula had scrawled, ‘crazy’ and in smaller print, ‘lunatic’. It doesn’t matter where on the image he looks, it is full of words. Her left arm read, ‘disappointment’, ‘dishonor’,  ‘bitch’. and ‘hateful.’ Her right arm  is marred by, ‘ugly’, ‘damaged’, and ‘a mess.’
Her legs are decorated with various synonyms and the red ink drizzles down them pooling at her watercolor feet. Her chest is censored with two words, ‘heartless’ and ‘unlovable.’ The background is made of more words still but these are all overlapping one another so much that he can’t make out any of them. He doesn’t have to, to know that they are just as demeaning.
He looks back into those gold ink eyes. The sorrow within them is so complete that it is overwhelming. He hears footsteps and hustles to put the sketchbook back in its place. And pretends to be observing the dragon mural hanging at the other end of the room.
“What do you want, Zuzu?” She grumbles. Her hair is dripping, she smells like the bath she’d just taken. He might have mistook the grumble for an argumentative growl, but now it only seems dreary.
“Just to check on you.”
“For what?”
He shrugs. “I just. I know that it’s hard to try to fit in with a group of people that you hurt.”  He wants to bring up the sketchbook, but he isn’t sure how without rousing her temper.
She shrugs and sits herself back on the bed. Her eyes look nearly as vacant as they do in her portrait. “Are you okay.” He hears her insist that she’s fine in his head before she opens her mouth.
“Are you?” He asks with a pointed stare to her nightstand.
She goes very tense.
“I told you not to...we just fought over…” Her voice seems to catch. “You shouldn’t go through my things.”
“You left it on the nightstand…”
“You shouldn’t be in here at all.” Her demand lacks its usual sting.
He takes the sketchbook, “it’s not true, we don’t think those things about you.”
“You do think them.” She insists. “You just don’t say them. Not to my face. But I overhear Mai and Suki. I overhear the palace staff. Iroh…” She pauses.
His mind runs in circles trying to figure out which thing Iroh had said. Perhaps heartless...or crazy, he’d heard his uncle call her crazy before.
“I doesn’t matter anyways because even if you don’t, I…” she stops herself. Her eyes seem to go hollower still.
He rubs his hands over her face. “It wasn’t just about the flowers today, was it?” He asks.
“No.” She replies.
“What was it about?”
She waves her hand. “It doesn’t matter.”  Her head seems to droop ever so slightly. He’s going to lose her if he doesn’t do something.
“Will you come downstairs with me?”
He takes her by the wrist and she flinches and pulls her hand out of his grasp. “Sorry,” he mutters, “I forgot that you don’t like to be touched.”  He furrows his brows. “What happened?”
She doesn’t resist as he takes her hand again to inspect it.
“No.” He shakes his head sadly. “No. Don’t don’t do this.” He gestures to the burn marks.
Usually when she makes him cry it is because she’d hurt him. She always imagined that he would be delighted to see her hurt. She isn’t sure why he isn’t thrilled. This is what he wanted, to see her fall and hit the bottom so that he could have the top.  
She doesn’t know why he is babbling apologies to her. He never did anything wrong. That is her job. She’s the cruel one. She’s the one who hurts people. She is hurting him now and all she had done was hurt herself.
He gives her a light shake. “Answer me?”
But she hasn’t much to say. He can pretend to care...he can actually care but it makes little difference when everyone else  hates her. When no one else does. In time, he’d be better off anyhow.
But he doesn’t let her go, Agni she wishes that he would. He only releases his hold to let her lie down but he doesn’t leave. Hours go by and he sits there quietly, occasionally nodding off. It makes her feel teary all over again, but she can’t distract herself with pain with him watching so closely.
Azula squeezes her eyes shut as the first few tears free themselves. She must have made the smallest noise because his hand now rubs small circles on her back. She tries to force herself to stop crying but his hand on her back only makes her weep harder.
And then harder still when she hears footsteps heading their way. She doesn’t know who it is, it doesn’t matter. One person seeing her like this is bad enough. “Is she gonna be okay?”
Zuko glances down at her. “I hope so, Ty.” He gives her a small nudge. “I want her to be okay.”
She swallows. She wants to be okay. But she isn’t, there isn’t one okay thing about her.
He can’t seem to get her to move, not for the first week. For the first week she stays in bed. During the middle of the second week is when she emerged. She was sluggish and untalkative, a silent presence at the breakfast table.
But he was thankful to see her at least up and about. He wasn’t sure exactly what had motivated her to finally leave her room. But, Agni, was he relieved. If he’d known she’d be joining them for breakfast, he would have had them cook her favorite, pancakes with mango slices mixed into the batter. An eccentric choice if he must say. He’d requested it for her the next morning.
Still she didn’t talk. She sat with them but her presence was like that of a specter or a doll. It is her sixth day of not speaking a word. He sits the pancake before her. This time she finishes a little more than half of it before staring blankly at it.
“Hey, let’s go for a walk?” He offers.
“To where?” She speaks up for the first time in ages. He never thought that he’d be so relieved to hear her voice.
“Just out back.” He smiles.
She looks around the table, “where is everyone?”
“Come on.” He helps her out of the chair and leads her outside.
She squints against the sunlight, she wants to go back to her room. Instead she lets Zuko lead her towards the palace gardens. They are all there; Mai, TyLee, the Avatar and his gang, and Iroh. The smell of tea, jasmine, she believes, dances on the breeze.
“What is this?” She mumbles.
The little crowd parts and she sees them. A dozen or so vividly orange fire lilies. She looks up at Zuko in both confusion and a sudden wave of distress. He must sense it on her because his hand is on her back again, “sit down and let Iroh pour you some tea.”
Azula feels shaky, she thinks that she ought to sit down. She lets Zuko lead her to the foldout table that Iroh has assembled. He pours her a cup and she takes it in her hands. She wishes that her hands weren’t trembling so obviously and that the tea cup in them didn’t make them tremble moreso.
“I’m sorry about the flowers.” Sokka says, “I didn’t realize that it bothered you that much.”
She shakes her head, “it wasn’t just about the flowers…” She pauses. She has already made herself plenty weak, they haven’t taken advantage of it yet. And so what if they do, they can’t make her feel too much worse than she already does. “They helped me wake up in the morning. To see them out there. And then I woke up and I didn’t see them…”
A little thing to latch onto. To keep her going and she couldn’t even have that. She rubs the petals of a new one between her fingers. But she does have that. Yet they aren’t the ones that she planted.
She swallows. They are the ones that were planted for her though. Maybe the thought that went into them has more weight. “Why?”
“Because you haven’t been okay for a long time and we want you to be okay.” Zuko says.
She hopes that she hasn’t told them about the sketchbook.  She stares into her empty tea cup. Iroh offers her a refill.
Things were different after that. Azula still didn’t talk very much in the beginning but she would tag along when they went out to eat or to see a play. She wouldn’t necessarily part take, but at least she was getting out of the palace.
He is surprised to see her on the beach, digging her toes into the sand. Every now and then she scoops a handful of it and watches it slip from the space in her fist to reach the ground it had come from.
He takes a seat next to her. “I can get you some ice cream, if you want.”
She stands up and brushes the sand off of the back of her legs. “It’ll melt by the time you get it back to me.” She lets him lead her to the stall that is selling all of the cool beverages. She decides that she wants a pineapple drink instead.
He watches her drink it down, it is hard for him to gauge how she feels. Over the next few days, they talk to her, mostly sharing stories that have no relevance to the war. Sokka tells the most horrendously unfunny jokes. She finally opens up, near the end of the week. She is more sociable and her eyes have more life in them, tired as they still are.
He catches her firebending once or twice and on another occasion he sees her teaching Aang some techniques. After that he suggests that they each have some one on one time with her. An idea she protests but goes along with.
Azula still feels awkward and out of place. Her stories don’t seem to have the right amount of lightheartedness, they all have somewhat of a dark edge or undertone to them. Yet they listen to her anyhow. Mai, with the faintest trace of an amused smile. The same one she always gives when Azula shares the flaming apple and fountain story.
TyLee and Katara weave hibiscus into her hair as she talks. The shell bracelet around her wrist tinkles in the breeze. Sometimes she catches one of them staring. She follows their gaze to her lightly scarred arms.
“What are you staring at?” She asks crossly, without thinking.
“Same thing I always stare at.” Toph shrugs. “Absolutely nothing.”
She manages a small snicker. It feels so normal. It all just feels so normal. She thinks that she needs normal.
Azula is painting different things now. He opens the door to her beach house bedroom to see several larger canvases. Most of them are recreations of the sunset. One of them is a painting of a pineapple drink.
She isn’t in her room but she has been recently. There is a scatter of seashells on her nightstand that hadn’t been there a few hours ago.
He peers out of the window and finds her playing kuai ball with Mai, Tylee, and Suki. On the other team are Aang, Toph, Sokka, and Katara. He makes his way down to the beach and waits for them to tag him in.
Their month on Ember Island is coming to a close. In just a day or so they will be making their way home. Azula, decently taken by cactus juice, has fallen asleep not quite on the couch. He hadn’t taken her for a lightweight. He especially hadn’t taken Toph for one. But the two of them are out for the night and the others aren’t far behind. Zuko doesn’t know how he has become the designated babysitter.  
Their final day on Ember Island is coming to a close. Zuko finds himself on the balcony, looking out at the sun as it casts its warm glow on the waves. Sparkles dance across the surface bathed in pinks and oranges.
He turns around and smiles. ‘I’m glad your trip ended up going well. It did go well, right?”
She doesn’t say anything, simply pushes her sketchbook into his arms before padding away, presumably to help Mai and TyLee start their bonfire.
He opens the book to find several familiar pages of artwork. He cringes to himself as he turns to the first of the new pages. The inkwork is much lighter, less aggressive now, but the image is still melancholy. The ink rendition of Azula is laying on the ground with her hair swept out in front of her, five small burn marks are the only color on the page.
The next one over shows a familiar broken and beaten body. But this one has little plants sprouting from the cracks and insufficiently small bandaids patching them up. The next few pages to follow don’t pertain to Azula at all, not without context anyhow; there is another pineapple drink, a very lifelike shell, and an elaborate door knocker--the one they pounded furiously with at Chan’s house before running away. Of course she would draw that.
He flips to the final page. He sees another figure. Like all of the others, its resemblance to her is unmistakable. More so now that there is life in the golden ink eyes. This image exudes as much cheer as her old ones had exuded sorrow. This one has color too; bright orange watercolor paint makes a crown of fire lily around her head.  He realizes that there are a few figures in the background, little yellow blurs that glow on the page where he is used to seeing deep dark shading. He finds a single word at the bottom.
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