#missed my squishy silly silly boy
kaiju-krew · 1 month
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please consider donating or boosting if you can<3
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scara-hater · 1 year
Cuddles and plushies. Pt.2
Characters - Alhaitham, Childe, separate!
On days where you feel lonely, missing his presence, you make a little plushy of him to cuddle and love while he’s away.
For @seirenspinel , a mini continuation of my previous request posted. I feel I strayed a bit from the original, apologies!
Pt. 1 here!
Not proofread! I never do <3
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Is not one to be bothered.
He’s composed and professional, even with you he likes to keep that front.
So there was no doubt that knitting a stoic faced a friend would heal the void that should be next to you. And oh my is it the squishy and most grabbable filler you’ve ever seen. Holding it just builds up the happiness forming in your chest. It’s little rested face is so teeny on with it’s round face.
Send help, you may die from an overload.
And so, your obsession with it grew, never letting go of it. Even when the man is right in-front of you. “Dear, would you mind lowering that thing out of my face.” Alhaitham’s voice is neutral, but you can see he’s falling quite irritated to how you are shoving the plush against his cheek.
Deepening your voice to imitate his own, you shake the knit work right by his eyes, “dear, could you hand me my paperwork.” Giggling, “Beloved would you like some tea?”
You can’t help but continue, when you see him grip his pen, with his jaw clenched, you’re mocking him. “Please could you just-“ loosely throwing his work to his desk.
“Okay sorry sorry, I just love you so much, and I love my little son so much! I just love seeing my boys together.” You exclaim raising the doll over your head.
But if looks could kill, you wouldn’t be dead, but probably severely injured. “y/n that is yarn.” What a loser.
“Are you saying you’d like something like a real baby?” Oh? All of a sudden his face is bright red.
“That’s absolutely not what I was suggesting, all I want is for you to quit shoving that thing in my face.” not so composed now. Fake gasping you defend the silly little object, “I’ll have you know that this thing, has a name - in fact! his name is Alhaitham junior.” Holding it your face and pointing at it.
“So maybe if you were around more often without me asking you, you could be the one in my hands.”
Shit, you had a point.
Letting out a deep breath, he picks up his writing once again.
Is this ass really going to say nothing? No, give him time, this secret idiot is just trying to find the right words.
pausing, his head still forward and eyes off his work, he sates “When in my company next time, you’ll have my undivided attention. I hope to see I have the same?”
“Oh my god I wanna kiss you.”
Yeah, he’s glad he has you, and maybe that baby you mentioned wasn’t such a bad idea.
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This idiot probably told you to make it, not knowing how much you miss him.
He’s a harbinger and a competitive person by nature, so it’s not rare to wake up to an empty bed, if there’s work, he’ll take it. And that makes you feel small, knowing that if something comes up, you’ll always come second best.
So yeah, you took his joke seriously and made something to keep you company. It’s soft and easy to fall asleep with, right now it’s doing more than he is.
Yet, he has no idea how much his leaving affects you, he just assumed you understand because you never said anything. Archons he’s stupid.
It’s only until the day he found it resting on your legs did he realize.
He came home in the afternoon, four days after leaving you without a word. You’ve probably seen him a total of a week this past month, and now he finally comes home.
“Oh? What’s this? A little friend to keep my lonely y/n from loosing their mind ~?” A playful smirk graced his face as he looks down at your seated figure. “Well.. yeah! I guess so… it just get’s lonely during the nights when you aren’t with me.” Admitting, you look down a little flustered, as you weren’t expecting him to come back so early in the day.
But this strokes his ego quite a bit. That desire to see your face make even cuter expressions than the one you are wearing right now really persuades him continue. Though, with him being gone for so long, he slipped by forgetting to drop to fatui act, “Darling, there’s no need to make something as pathetic as that!” He laughs “You have me right here, did you really think I was serious when I told you to make that thing?”
You feel stupid, he made you feel stupid. “Oh.” You sit there staring at the small little Ajax that lay in your lap. You put so much effort into it because you were excited to show him once he came home. He must hate it.
Throwing it off yourself and onto the floor you end your thought, “ yeah no sorry, that is weird.. I shouldn’t- I shouldn’t have done that, sorry.”
Wait, what?
That’s not what he wanted, no. Why did he say that? “next time I’ll wait for you to come home, yeah?” You turn his way with a half smile.
No, don’t do that, please. Yet that moment makes him realize, all those countless nights and endless days, and he never once thought about how you felt to wake up to an empty home. He really is the worst.
making his way over to you, he places his bags on the floor, and carefully picks up what you had discarded. Looking at it up close, he smiles, You really did think about him a lot.
Childe places the item in your grasp while you look at his hand holding your own, he opens his mouth only to close it once again. “I- hmm. Y/n.. I’m sorry” he sighs, “that was unfair to you and I was only teasing, but I see now that I took it too far, I didn’t mean it.” He lifts your face to meet his gaze, eyes carrying genuine care, “I think it’s adorable, so please don’t rid yourself of it.”
He waits for your face to soften before he leans in to kiss your cheek “ I promise to make more time just for you, because at the end of the day, you’re all I want!”
“Ajax you’re so stupid.”
That was definitely called for.
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4townie · 8 months
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 1…part 10
Jesse was staring out the tour bus window like a dog as they approached his stop.
“I swear if he had a tail, it’d be wagging like crazy right now.” T joked as Z and Taeyoung snickered.
“Oh, leave him alone guys.” Robaire rolled his eyes. “He’s just excited to—is he panting?”
Courtney shook her head and chuckled at the boys as the bus rolled to a stop. “Hey, Jes, this is your—”
“Thanks, Courtney. Love you, guys. Bye!” Jesse said quickly before sprinting off the bus.
Everyone stared.
“Do you think he’s gonna come back for his stuff?” T asked.
“Give it a second.” Robaire nodded. “I’m sure he’ll figure it out.”
They waited a few seconds. Nothing happened.
“Okay, gimme his things.” Robaire got up. “I’m gonna race him.”
Up in the building, Jesse flung his apartment door open. “HONEY, I’M HOME!” He paused. “Oh, hi, Daunte.”
Daunte scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Daddy!” Marcel came running.
“Squishy!” Jesse picked him up. “Ugh, I missed you so much. It’s been too long since I’ve pinched those chubby cheeks.” He said as he got a handful of cheek. “Your uncles wouldn’t let me buy you every toy I saw, but I did get you a couple of things.” He looked around. “That I’m assuming Robaire is bringing up here because I forgot all my stuff.”
Marcel giggled. “Daddy’s silly.”
“Yeah, he’s very silly. He just wanted to get back to you and Mommy as soon as possible.” Jesse smiled at his son. “By the way, do you know where Mommy is?”
Marcel pointed in the direction of the bathroom.
“Hey, Daunte, how’s she doing?” Jesse asked.
“You got her pregnant and then left her alone with a two year old.” Daunte glared at him. “How do you think she’s doing?”
“I mean, I was kinda hoping for a real answer, but go off I guess…” Jesse muttered. He knocked on the bathroom door. “Baby? Can I—”
The door opened and Selina stared up at him with wide eyes. “Are you actually here or am I dreaming again?”
Jesse chuckled and caressed her face with his free hand. “I’m really here. Finally.” He leaned and kissed her deeply. “I missed you like crazy.”
“Ugh, that was the longest two months of my life.” Selina hugged him tight. “I was holding it together on the phone for you, but really I just wanted you to come home and hold me.”
“I know, babe. Me too.” Jesse hugged her back. “I’m not letting either of you go for at least a week.”
“Okay well as cute as this little “family reunion” is, I’ve got to get home so I can sleep before work.” Daunte got up from the couch. “Selina, Marcel, love you both, see you later. Jesse, be good to my sister or you’re dead.” He headed towards the door. “Also there’s some weird kid standing outside your door.”
“Is that who I think it is?” Selina perked up.
“Hey, hey, Lina.” Robaire awkwardly waddled in with Jesse’s bags.
“Baby bear!” Selina rushed to hug him.
“And there she goes.” Jesse watched her run away. “At least you won’t leave me, right, Marcel?”
Marcel shook his head and hugged Jesse again. “Don’t leave, okay?”
Jesse was quiet for a moment. “Selina, I think I’m gonna need those tissues in my bag.”
“Okay, honey, time for bed.” Selina called to Marcel. “Actually it’s past your bedtime.”
“No, I wanna stay with Daddy.” Marcel clung to Jesse.
“Awww, but he’s so comfortable.” Jesse whined a bit. “Can’t he stay with me a little longer? I don’t think he’s ready to let go yet.”
“Jesse, you literally haven’t let go of him since you got home.” Selina chuckled a bit. “If he doesn’t do it now, then when?”
Jesse looked back at Marcel. “Your mom kinda has a point there, Squish.”
Marcel whined and hugged Jesse tighter. “I don’t wanna.”
“How am I supposed to say no to this?” Jesse looked at Selina. “No. I’m not ready to let him go yet. We need a bigger crib.”
Selina sighed. “I guess I have an idea.” She rolled her eyes.
A few minutes later, Jesse and Selina were laying in their bed with Marcel in between them.
“I didn’t wanna spoil him.” Selina said quietly. “This is a pretty hard habit to break once it starts, but I can’t pull you guys apart.”
“I don’t care if this becomes a habit.” Jesse stared at Marcel, gently rubbing his arm to help him fall asleep. “This is perfect.”
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seiwas · 9 months
BABAYY!! i am so curious . . 🧸🪢🎶 for our dearest silly boy gojo <3 mwah mwah i hope you’re having a great day today 💝💘
sweet dilly!! ☁️ i miss you so much!!! 🥹 thank you for sending these in for our dearest silly boy!!! i hope you're doing well my love!!❣️
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
oh god, itty bitty squishy baby satoru 🥺 i honestly don't think he had much of a childhood to begin with ☹️ he probably had to grow up while he was young, i mean, having all that power and a bounty on his head—i don't think he had a choice 😢 lots of training and lessons with the higher ups, and not much interaction with kids his age, definitely ☹️
if there's one happy memory from his childhood, i think it's when he manages to sneak away from everyone once he learns how to teleport 🤧 he does it by accident first, then eventually learns how to do it on his own 🥹 and he doesn't get found out until after a while, so he manages to visit a few places like convenience stores, playgrounds, and parks all on his own 🥹
i feel like his own experiences as a child explain why he's so playful now, grown up—because he actually can be now 😭 and even more than that!! it reinforces how strongly he feels for the younger generation actually being able to you know, be young 🥲
more under the cut because this got long!! (i talk abt mama gojo! 🥹)
🪢 A headcanon about their family
i love thinking about this question because there are so many ways it can go!! i've seen hc's of both his parents being absent, and can completely see that happening!! but i personally really like the idea that his momma tried to love him as much as she could, given all circumstances 🥹 against all odds 🥲
he definitely had a strained relationship with his dad, if not, no relationship at all, but his momma—i think he loved her, for all that she tried to do for him despite everything 🥺
when baby satoru didn't have friends, he had his momma, and i like to imagine that she did play with him, read him bedtime stories—tried to indulge his little pranks and games 🥺 she’d tickle him every night before going to bed, and he'd laugh freely, innocently, like the child he should have been 🥺🤧
she got punished for it, for sure, but i like to believe that she loved her baby, so she endured 🥺☹️
🎶 A headcanon about music
i firmly believe gojo listens to pop music, specifically, girl idol pop music 😭 like, think feel special by twice omfg 😭 other than that, i don't think he listens to anything else other than what's popular atm! he already gets sensory overload from his eyes, so i don’t think he seeks out more stimulus to interfere with that! 🤧 still, he probs memorizes some of the dances and sings it in the shower too ngl 😭
send me any of these emojis with any character you have in mind and i’ll answer!
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imperfectly360 · 2 months
This is a poem called loml, I hope you enjoy it.
Bae is my favorite boy toy. He's the flashiest piece of heavy weight plastic out there and he looks like a dumpster truck mated with a g.i Joe and I hope you can fit all that in a picture. He makes me want to buy a knock off Barbie from the dollar store and swing hammers at her squishy hallow non metallic head. That action figurine sits at the top of a pile of dirt and watches as I bully stupid dollar store Barbie because she's from a weird country, is basic, has no style, boring, and has no personality. Then I pop her head and limbs off and put them in a dollar store brand trick or treat bucket and pour hot cinnamon apple juice inside it. She has no hair to begin with but I make sure to snip off all her hair along with the mixture. Then I put dirt inside the bucket so she knows her true self worth and dignity as a loser. Infact, I stole that stupid girl named []. I then proceed to clothes pin that bad boy up in a electric line and hope she gets hit by lightning or eaten by wolves. She deserves it for being born a monster. I hope she suffers. Bae comes clunking around. I tell him there's nothing left to see. She is gone with the wind. So you can scuttle along. What is there to miss? Her weirdly pale, tan smooth skin with a line of plastic where the two molds meet. The way her toes are webbed cause she's an imposter, or the way her hair looks like she has lichen planus. So no thank you. Girl who has no mouth or tongue or esophagus. Creepy. We cannot accept this kind. She needs to be destroyed. If I had not snipped off that hair, the synthetic hair of hers would surely have gone to her ribcage. Whatever that means. Her body is distorted, how good could her actual person be. I'm pretty sure her name is Mallory at this point. Gay ass Mallory. She loves ropes. Nerd ropes, fruit rollup, ropey hair, ropey belt, ropey watch. Ropey earring. Get a life. Sheesh. What is she, nautical and boho? Yeah right. She can dangle her new rope engagement ring from the literal shed and moo a long. Cause she's marrying a cow that I'm eating for dinner. Oh and you know what else?. Your lipstick looks like turd shit. Haha. And by the way, Mr. Clunker does not want to fadangle with you. He's too busy telling the world that poor people need to marry poor people cause that's how the earth is turning on its axle. Like only then will a poor boy find true love. And a poor girl lose weight. So honk honk right back at you. Also, girl with no lips. You look like you eat food with no fingers cause you just bop apples all day like a horse. Yeah. Neigh neigh. So no more spa ghetto for you. Adios. "One that is destined for failure". We don't want your kind here. Remember that. And also silly girl... Weird boy toy feels bad for you. But there is nothing that can be done now. It is too late. So we are gunna shed no more tears for you- loser. You are nothing but a mud pie. Continue to eat snails and your mucus membranes will call you mom. "Mommy" have a good life. We don't want your kind here.
Kiss my Mallory.
And freak you
I hate you. End of story.
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prvtocol · 4 months
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@badtrigger : "Mama come swimming with us!" Mon'te tugs on Bri's skirt, then her tail,  needy for her attention, while his brother Mi'kwel nods along excitedly and bounces on his feet. "Can we go play in the corals? Ira'na and Po'lo are there! I wanna play with them!" // wonderfully random asks ( always accepting ) ᠂ ⚘ ˚
“Oh my goodness!” Little Mon’te’s unexpected tail tugging has her unhindered reaction accidentally chiming in English. Even to a heart sometimes heavy, their excitement is infectious. In their presence, it easily reclaims its buoyancy.
With a face brightened by a wide smile, she peers back at her needy little boy before kneeling down and capturing him in her arms. “Come here, my silly,” she muses, “You too, my love.” An arm reaches around Mi’kwel, who already hopped over to her other side because he too cannot miss one of Mama’s loving hugs and knows she’s poised to give them in abundance. Each boy gets an equal soft nuzzle of her nose to their squishy cheek, an all too common sign of her affection before settling on her knees in front of them. Each of her hands reach and hold one of theirs forming a circle of mother and two sons. 
“< Mama, you were speaking the Sky People language again. >” Mon’te tells her, a quizzical look in his big blue eyes.
“< Oh, was I? >” Brianne plays aloof, head canting to one side. She realizes that yes, she continued that line of communication. It’s fine if they think her forgetful since the desire to communicate unhindered in her native tongue sometimes gets the best of her. “< Well. I think you might have understood. >”
“< I did! >” Mi’kwel exclaims first, believing the words must have matched her motions as she opened her arms for him. 
“< Me too! >” Mon’te is swift to follow, never wanting to be left out regardless.
“< Ah. My smart boys. >” She squeezes their little hands as her chin lifts proud as a mother can be. “< Now what was this about playing with Ira’na and Po’lo? >”
“< In the corals, Mama. Can we all go? >” Mi’kwel answers, tugging her hand.
“< Oh, please. >” Mon’te pleads with another tug.
“< That sounds fun. I think we should. >” With that, she’s lifting her knees from the sand, her hands finding theirs again. She already suspects her friend Ira’vo sent along her children to pull Brianne and the boys over to keep them company. What a perfect way to spend this quiet mid-afternoon.
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noellawrites · 2 years
It’s Always Been You - Moody Spurgeon x reader
synopsis: your father wants you to marry Gilbert, but you only have eyes for Moody
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“How about that nice Gilbert boy? Have you spoken to each other recently? You know he is set for life, with being in possession of his father’s house and becoming a doctor and all,” your father asked as you set the table for breakfast.
“Father, Gilbert is simply my friend! I couldn’t see him in a romantic way. Plus, Anne is practically infatuated with him,” you explained.
Your father nodded apprehensively as he took a seat at the table. You grabbed the skillet with eggs and felt the warmth even through the oven mitt. That was how your insides felt whenever you were near Moody Spurgeon.
You had kept your crush on Moody a secret from your parents since you began falling for him. You didn’t want them to get any silly ideas and you certainly didn’t want them to disapprove of him because he wasn't rich. You wanted to find love on your own terms.
You lifted your baby brother out of his cradle and set him in his bench at the table. At sixteen months old, he was simply the most adorable and squishy baby.
“Breakfast is ready!” you yelled upstairs, where your mother was helping your little sister dress in her day clothes.
Your younger sister ran down the stairs followed by your mother. Your sister squealed as she sat down at the table. “Sissy made breakfast! Sissy made breakfast!”
“She sure is doing a splendid job learning to cook, isn’t she? In a few years, she’ll be ready for marriage!” your mother grinned, making eye contact with your father. Good grief.
Your walk to school alone was uneventful and pleasant. You never could get over the beauty of Prince Edward Island. Even though your secret dream was to attend college, you still hoped you’d return here later. Maybe you could be a schoolteacher like Miss Stacy. You thought you’d enjoy that.
The bird’s whistles in the treetops above caught your ears and the music put a smile on your face. It was late fall, and the leaves crunched under your toes like freshly-washed lettuce.
As you approached the schoolhouse, you noticed that all of your classmates were gathered around the side of one of the wooden walls.
As you began to nudge your way through, everyone stepped away from the board. There was one single note:
“Gilbert escorts (y/n) home every day.”
You swung around angrily. “Who did this!?” you yelled, staring into the eyes of your classmates as you accused them. Gilbert was nowhere to be seen, so you stomped away as your classmates began to snicker.
You threw the door to the schoolhouse closed behind you. Gilbert was the only one inside, not even Miss Stacy had arrived yet.
“Gilbert, what in the lord’s name did you put on that stupid board?”
“(Y/n), I’ve been meaning to ask you if—“
“Are you seriously about to court me? Gilbert, you’re just a friend and I don’t love you. I’m sorry.”
“It just crossed my mind when your father spoke to me. We have been alone together many times, and it isn’t customary to do so unless we are courting,” he shrugged.
“Gilbert, you know that’s a stupid rule. And when did you speak with my father?”
“He came to me while I was cleaning the house one day. Said he thought I was a fine young man and wondered if I was thinking about marrying you. He tried to persuade me into asking for your hand in marriage, but—“
“Oh lord, I think I’m going to be sick,” you moaned. Gilbert reached for you, but you shoved him hard and ran out of the schoolhouse.
You ran in the opposite way from where your house was, towards the forest and away from your classmates.
Tears flew from your eyes and your braids whipped at your neck, but you kept going.
You reached the end of the clearing and collapsed in the brush below the trees, sobbing and heaving. You couldn’t even worry about not looking pretty, you were so anguished by what your parents did to you. What they tried to do to you.
You felt even more sick thinking about how you already take care of your siblings. It wouldn’t be long before you would be expected to raise your own children. Especially with Gilbert Blythe, whom your parents tried to pawn you off on.
“(y/n), is that you? Are you okay?” Moody said as he emerged from the forest path he walked through every day on his way to school.
“N-no,” you sniffled, wiping your eyes on the sleeve of your dress.
Moody sat down on the grass next to you, grabbing a handkerchief from his pocket.
“M-my father is trying to marry me off t-to Gilbert,” you said, sobbing harder.
Moody opened his arms to you, and you leaned in.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n). I-if I could something I would. But I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want me to court you,” he explained, rubbing your back gently.
“Moody, I have been in love with you for months and if you couldn’t see that, you must be blind!” you cried, tears streaming down your face.
“Y-you love me back?”
“You love me too?”
“Would you like to court me?”
“Moody, I would love to! I’ve never felt the way I feel about you for anyone else,” you explained, looking up into his beautiful eyes.
“I know it’s not very traditional but I would really love to kiss you right now,” Moody mumbled.
“Oh just kiss me already!” you laughed, leaning up to meet his lips.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
A/N: It's ramdan and that's one of the reasons, I'm not writing smut but all the damn cliches of my dreams. Hope ya'll understand :)
Bf!H pictures, sweet!H, Masterlist, ask me here
He'd be super sappy in your special moments, worse than your mum that sometimes you'd have to drag him away from the crowds to escape from embarrassment.
Would come to pick you up from work, like always, and when you're busy would entertain your co-workers and the staff of building with his charm +
It'd make everyone cooe and awe at the fact you've got such a sweet boy.
Would give up his seat for you and make funny faces down at you, standing between your legs.
Cuddles! As many cuddles as possible he could squeeze into a day.
When you'd get annoyed with your tangled headphones he'd leave everything and take them away from over your head without a word doing it for you and placing it back with a kiss on your head.
He'd totally be the boyfriend that takes care if you're layered enough in winters and that your favourite socksies are warmed up in the dryer.
He just loves, loves and loves going out with you on cute shops to try out different sakura coffees and cheesecakes.
Him watching you sleep in the wee of night and you knowing that he's admiring you but let him do it anyways + sometimes giving him a jump scare by smacking a kiss to his lips and giggling about it sleepyly.
Alone, Making instant noodles together in the middle of night and playing footsie like a 12 years old.
Your shoelace undone as you walk infront of him and he watches you for a minute before stopping you himself, squatting down to tie them back + you'd just blush as the passers by gushed over you both. 
Coming home to him making dinner for you in his cute frilly apron [We all think we're bigger than that -- but we're not :") ]
Him mimicking your moans out aloud from your previous naughty nights and it'd heat up your cheeks like no other.
You missing your girlfriends and he'd take you out to drink mimosas saying, "We can have a girls night out! We can have a girls night out!" While, slipping into his shoes excitedly and grabbing your coats in a haste.
He couldn't keep his hands to himself when you're out in public +
His love language being reassurances and physical touch makes him want you close to him everytime.
He's just so soft in bed -- so happy taking weird selfies and almost blurred pictures of sunsets from the window, with you sleeping on his tummy.
His comfy position to sleep in is with his tucked between your squishy tits +
He sleeps anywhere, it's adorable, in the most uncomfortable furnitures snoring with his mouth wide open +
Not admitting that he snores even though you record him.
The way both of you looking at eachother getting a reference to your private joke and bursting out laughing loud and everyone not knowing what's going on.
Stroking your hair and sniffing your sweet smell with his face smashed into the crook of your neck.
Clothes sharing!!! Even though your clothes wouldn't fit him but when you guys are too bored he'd try your skirts and flaunt them as if he's on runway + blowing kisses to you like those victoria secrets models.
Teasing. Loads of teasing, sitting across the couches and bantering off + making you a whining mess upon teasing you sexually till days and fucking you so good for finally.
Kisses. Soft, sloppy, slobbery, affection and passionate kisses anywhere he could manage to + kissing every inch of your body because he's too in love with you.
Sending you pictures of random objects like a guitar pic he incarved your name upon, a stick that just broke and fell at his feet while he was walking, a chewing gum sticking to his boots, pictures of fluffy kittenssss.
Silly texting such that;
Harry: fight me!
You: come at me, huh.
Harry: Hits you.
Harry: On your lips.
Harry: With my lips.
Harry: SOFTLY.
You: can we fight like this daily?
Harry: course lovie' next fight in 10, be ready sweet cherry ;)
Keeping you in his lap while reading and his fingers interlocked with yours while his plush lips remain pressed to your knuckles, murmuring his words softly against your skin.
"It's too cold, come back! I'll freeze without you honey baby !!" He'd whine pulling you back under the duvet if you'll try to go for the piss.
He'd be extra gentle and caring with you on your periods, heating bottles for you, making soups and feeding it to you himself spoon by spoon since you loose appetite, going out to buy pads or tampons for you and reading the benefits of them because he's that awfully sweet.
Stargazing together, laying like starfishes on the roof and deciding the names of your future children.
Braiding your hair, "shh stop squirming pet 'm braiding your hair." You'd nip at him teasingly, "Oh. . .I see."
Playful kisses on the tip of noses, saccharine heartwarming kisses on temple, laying overlapped eachother on the couch and kissing eachother's shins and knees, inside of wrists, inside the thighs, and infinite pecking because he couldn't resist +
When you're too clingy worming up his waist kissing his neck. He'd ask you smirking, "What's this?" You'd just keep on going lapping at his skin murmuring, "Affection." His tummy rumbling with chuckles as he scrunched his nose up, "Disgusting." Then a long pause as you grumble and he'd push you back closer to make your lips touch his neck, "Do it again."
Sharing a large blanket together on cold days and rolling into a burrito with you wrapped around him like a koala.
His head looping at your shoulder with sleep and you embrace him in a hug instead letting him sleep peacefully.
Your arguments would be too funny to hear since you're besties and the fights would be over the silliest thing or your favourite football teams, "Fuck you!" You'd scream frustrated at his smugness, "Later you little shit –- " Then the war starts ending into a hot make out session on the couch.
You picking your food or candy from the floor according to the five minutes rule being very sneaky and he'd yell from the other corner, "I saw that!" +
"Oh shut up!" You'd blow him off and he'd yell back, "Make me!"
Calming and comforting him when he wakes up from bad dreams, snuggling him and showering him in kisses to assure hime you're there.
"Mine." He'd murmur against your lips out of blue while doing the most random thing.
The word that'd run shiver down your spine when he growls it out because you're being batty or too greedy to chase ecstasy while riding his thigh, "Behave."
Exchanging jewellery, he'd choose from your collections and give you one of his most precious meaningful ones (sobs) +
Stealing hoodies and he's too accustomed with it that he has his hoodies dipped in his scent, tucked into a safe drawer only for you.
Sneaking inside your changing room to steal a single glimpse of how you're looking in a certain dress/lingerie/pair of cute silk night pyjamas and doing live commentary on it.
Love eating food with you. Becoming this happy baby with rosy cheeks when you'd turn all chirpy and utterly gooey on the sight of greasy cheesy food.
Him baking for you and writing the most funniest thing on top of it that make you roll your eyes but nevertheless kiss him it.
Bringing teas from different countries he went to.
Farting and blaming some non-existent ghost in your house.
His godchildren loving you and always asking about you when you couldn't visit them for some reason.
Clumsy affection and infatuation.
"I love yous." Anytime, any moment. Everytime with same sentiment he held when he told you the first time +
You never failing to make him blush returning it with same affection, "I love you too." +
The soft warm morning I LOVE YOUS in bath robes while brushing teeth standing side by side infront of the mirror, with hair ruffled and states dishelved +
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Baby Mine
➟ pairing(s): YoungJae x Reader
➟ genre(s): Fluff
➟ word count: 1K
➟ warnings: A little suggestive at the end ;)
Lullabies: You Are My Sunshine | Baby Mine | Beautiful Boy | You Make Me Happy
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Your phone rang and Youngjae's sister's name flashed on your screen. You slid the green phone icon across the screen and balanced the phone on your shoulder. You and your new husband had only been home a week from the honeymoon, and you were still trying to make room for everything. It was beginning to feel like a 2 bedroom apartment wasn't big enough.
"Hello," you chirped into the phone, "How is the family?" She had given birth to her son a few months ago and you were smitten with the child. You've only been able to video chat with them so far, but you were itching to get your hands on his squishy cheeks.
"Everyone is great, thanks for asking," she said. She pulled the phone away from her mouth, but you could still hear her tell her daughter to calm down and not wake the baby. "We were thinking about taking a weekend trip to visit you two newlyweds. Would that be ok?"
"Yes," you exclaimed and clapped your hands. I missed seeing you guys at the wedding!" You and Youngjae had chosen to elope and just spend weeks away on the honeymoon. "Youngjae will be so excited to see you."
A few days later your sister-in-law stood at your front door with her husband and two children. You ushered them in and directed them into the living room. Youngjae stood and hugged his brother-in-law and niece. You held your arms out to his sister and mouthed 'Can I?'. She reached out and handed you the tiny baby boy.
"How long are you staying," Youngjae asked his sister. He absent-mindedly played with his niece. "There is a nice restaurant you should try while you're here. Y/N loves it."
"If we can find a babysitter," she said, "It would be nice to have a night alone." She smiled at you and her son fondly. "We haven't had a night alone since that little one."
"We'll keep them," you butted in, rocking the baby in your arms.
"We will?" Youngjae asked. You gave him a pointed look.
"Of course we will," you said, "It'll be great practice." Youngjae chocked on his drink and looked at you with wide eyes. "Calm down. In the future, silly." He let out a sigh of relief as his sister laughed.
"If you don't mind," his sister said softly, "That would be great." She smiled at you again.
A few hours later the small family left you alone with your husband again. You leaned against his body and slapped his arm.
"You seemed a bit freaked out when I mentioned kids," you mused, "Have you ever thought about having children?"
"Have you," he looked at you sideways, "Thought about having kids?"
"Of course I have," you laughed at him.
"With me," he tried to clarify. You laughed harder.
"Who else would I want to be the father of my children," you said, kissing his cheek.
A few nights later, your apartment was filled with the laughter of your niece and YoungJae. He was chasing her around the room trying to tickle her. They had finished a tea party and played princesses. After dinner you got her changed into her pajamas and tried to soothe her baby brother.
"Auntie," the little girl tugged on your shirt, "Mommy sings to him sometimes. It helps him sleep." You looked at the little girl and smiled.
"I know someone else that works for, too," you said softly. "Come on, let's see if you can help me get him to sleep, ok?" You had YoungJae set up the travel bassinet in the spare room so he could be near his sister. You laid the baby on the bed and started to change him into his pajamas. You gently squished his cheeks in your fingers, making kissy noises. You then started to sing a soft lullaby to the children.
Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine
You swayed side to side singing softly as you brushed the hair back on your niece's head with your free hand.
Little one, when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let your eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine
She climbed into the bed and laid her head down. She smiled up at you and yawned, "That's pretty, auntie." You leaned down and kissed her forehead. You carefully laid the baby in his bassinet and wiggled his toes.
From your head to your toes
You're not much, heaven knows
But you're so precious to me
Sweet as can be, baby of mine
Youngjae found himself leaning against the door, watching you interact with the children. He crossed his arms and smiled fondly at you. His heart fluttered every time you smiled. You leaned down and kissed the top of the baby's head.
Oh, baby of mine
Oh, baby of mine
Oh, baby of mine
You finished the lullaby and turned to leave. You gasped and grabbed your chest when you saw Youngjae standing there. His smile grew as you walked closer. He held his arms out to embrace you.
"Is that what you're going to sing to our children," he asked softly, placing a kiss on your head. You hummed a response and pulled away.
"Now we're having children?" you asked. You eyed him carefully.
"I have thought about it," he admitted, "And I'd be pretty upset if you had babies with someone else." He hugged you closer. "Come on," he said grabbing your hand.
"Where are we going?" you asked. Youngjae only led you to your shared bedroom and kicked the door closed.
"We're going to have a baby," he laughed, pulling his shirt off. "I read it doesn't happen right away. We need to practice... a lot." He busied himself with your belt.
"We just put them to sleep," you scolded him playfully, pulling him closer by his pants.
"Then I guess you'll need to be very quiet," he leaned in and kissed you deeply.
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moxfirefly · 4 years
Okay, I was recalling today the story of my aunt who had triplets, but the worst part of the story is that she had several ultrasounds and in all of them it appeared that she would only have one child, I would like to ask for one where s / o is pregnant but everyone thinks it's just a baby and when they are born they realize that there are three, how each boy would react to this.I know it sounds kind of silly so if you don't want to write I understand.
Ufff I see this being pretty damn cute so let’s get some cute turt!dads headcanon’s here
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Listen boy thinks he’s got everything figured out, probs did the ultra sound himself but he totally misses it
So come delivery day which happens at the crack ass of dawn like he’s just coming in from patrol
And it happens, your water breaks
Donnie hasn’t gone from dead tired to AWAKE™️ so quickly
It’s a whole ordeal, you’re rushed to the lab, everyone’s helping out but you just want Don
Lads never been this scared in his life but he’s so focused on making sure you’re safe and the baby is that once that kid comes out he doesn’t register that there’s something amiss
Splinters already grabbing that grandkid and just Feels™️
That’s when Don notices that...there’s another one?
Ok now he’s actually freaking out but he can multitask lmao
Somehow with kid #2 in one arm he notices kid #3 and that’s when he loses it
Wow he helped make that? 3 whole precious babies? He’s a mess of emotions and so are you
Please picture you ko’d on the bed with two on you and Donnie next to you just as ko’d and one little bundle on him
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Listen are we not aware this man will probably almost faint if not he will?
He’s already Nervous™️ not just cause he’s gonna be a dad but he’s worried for you, this won’t be a normal pregnancy and he wants you and the baby to be safe
He refuses to let you lift any above a pound. Honestly he follows you around and just does everything for you
Also let’s be real your water breaks cause the two of you were getting pretty frisky
Oh he’s a mess when you start getting those contractions any instance of pain and discomfort just absolutely makes him feel like crap
He apologizes for putting you through this, you almost laugh if you weren’t busy pushing an entire kid out your hoohaa. But man when that kid comes out and Raph sees them
He holds that little thing and he’s just pleased as punch just so much pride that he almost misses the commotion that continues and Donnie saying “oh?”
And obviously that catches Raph’s attention and before he can scream at his brother what’s wrong he just pulls out another baby. Raph feels faint right then and there.
Leo basically holds him up when kid #3 comes
Once you’re safe and everything settled he’s just smitten, he’s looking at all 3 of them and telling you they got this or that from him and you. He’s so ready to lay down his life for them right then and there, it’s just instinct. These 3 kids are gonna be his life.
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Ok this lad knows he’s gonna be great with kids but obviously when you tell him he feels so fucking worried and nervous
Truly fascinated with your changes, totally hands on in feeding you whatever crazy food craving you get
Was a M E S S when your water broke boy seriously thought you were dying
Cries along with you when you’re getting your contractions. Listen he hates seeing you in so much pain. He also never expected to see one his ‘favorite places’ like that
But once that first baby comes like omg he is just mesmerized. He gets handed this squishy gooey thing and he’s in love right there and then
So when baby 2 and 3 show up he’s just ovwhelemed in the most incredible way. He’s got a little gang of misfits and they are part you and part him. He’s got a little family and those nervous jitters throughout these months melt away.
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Honestly if he could give birth so you don’t have to go through this pain he would
Also mesmerized by your changes but lowkey concerned over your cravings
Loves massaging those sore ankles and just generally making sure you don’t hurt yourself
Your water breaks when he’s out handling some gang fights for the cops
That man R A N like he had never run in his life I mean he broke some fucking record cause he got there a sweaty panting mess when baby one was starting to come out
He doesn’t even have time to be mad at himself because he’s on you and he’s seeing that beautiful little squishy thing and it’s in his arms and he’s a mess of sweat and tears
He doesn’t register that you’re still pushing and in pain and then there’s kid #2 and his eyes are wide as saucers, he’s goes over to see it wiggling about on the little bassinet and that’s when he sees Donnie go back in and there’s kid #3 and that’s it, his mind is absolutely blown and he’s SCARED but so in love
He’s sits that night on a bed with all 3 of them while you sleep on another bed and he’s obsessed with all the little details here and there and right then and there he’s knows that for them and you he will set the world on fire if it meant protecting them
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝐷𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
꧁𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰꧂
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"Mom! Dad's being annoying again!"
You walked into the office only to see your daughter huffing with arms crossed as your husband sat in his chair, busy writing something down.
"What is it this time?" You mentally prepared yourself to hear some silly thing.
"It's nothing dear. I already told her I'm considering allowing her classmate to take her to the school's dance." Hongjoong responded as if he wasn't guilty of anything.
"See? He usually says no. So what's the problem?" You asked your daughter.
"He's making an 'application to date my daughter' to give to my date!" Your daughter exclaimed.
"What?" You walked over to Hongjoong and snatched the paper away from him and began quoting some of it:
"Thank you for your interest? Please allow 4 to 6 years for processing? If you've been rejected, you will be notified by 2 men carrying violin cases? Any false information may result in punishment by dismemberment, crucifixion, Chinese water torture?!"
"Kim Hongjoong!" You threw the paper back at him.
"What?! I'm only trying to look out for my baby! I only want the best for her." He defended himself.
"At this point, you might as well send me to a convent!" Your daughter furiously marched away to go lock herself in her room.
"Are you happy now?" You raised an eyebrow at Hongjoong.
"Not yet. But once I finish these last details on the application, I will be." He smiled as he resumed his task.
You threw your hands up in anger. "You're unbelievable!"
Hongjoong looked back at you and stuck his tongue out.
"If you were me, you'd do the same!"
꧁𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪꧂
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Seonghwa kept pacing back and forth in the living room, unable to calm down.
"Would you please stop it?" You finally told him, annoyed by his fidgeting.
"Stop what?" He asked rather confused.
"That! Stop being so dramatic about this. You knew this would happen sooner or later." You reminded him.
"And I sincerely hoped it'd be a lot later. Waaay later." Seonghwa sighed.
"It's just a first date. It's not like sending one of your rookies out on their first mission." You joked to lighten the mood.
"There's a huge difference... this is my daughter we're talking about! My daughter! My beacon of light in this dark world." He pouted.
"Speaking of which, here she comes!" You pointed to your daughter, who is happily skipping over to you two.
"Look mom! What do you think?! Do you think he'll like it?!" She asked as she twirled around in a sparkly red dress.
"You look gorgeous honey. Of course he'll like it! Right Seonghwa?"
You turned to Seonghwa, who just stood there awkwardly, his eye was visibly twitching.
"Does.....does it have to be that short?" He asked.
He let out a yelp of pain when you elbowed him on his side. He looked over at you and you silently warned him to behave.
Sighing, he smiled at your daughter. "You're absolutely beautiful darling."
She beamed with happiness and hugged you both before running out the door once she heard a car beeping. Seonghwa just watched her as she left.
"See? That wasn't so bad right? The overprotective dad mode isn't necessary."
Seonghwa laughed awkwardly at that.
"Haha....yeah right."
As soon as you were out of sight, he took out his phone and dialed a number.
"All units on sector 3 better report to me any sign of physical contact that happens between them. Over."
꧁𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸꧂
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"It's already 2:31, she's late." Yunho blurted out.
"What are you talking about?" You asked him.
"I mean school is over at 2, it's only a 30 minute drive from here to there and vice versa. They're late, we gotta make sure they're all right."
You grabbed his arm when he sprinted from the couch.
"Yunho, it's only been 1 minute-"
"2 minutes now actually." He corrected you.
You sighed, praying for patience.
"Point is, it's her first day of school, maybe there was a lot of traffic and you're overreacting. She'll be here soon." You tried to calm him down.
Yunho sat back down and huffed. "I still say we should have just home schooled her."
"Public school isn't going to kill her!" You argued.
"I got the best tutors and professors on speed dial. They're more than willing to give my daughter the best education money can buy!" Yunho repeated what he's been saying for months.
"She needs to learn to interact with people, develop social skills. You're making a fuss over nothing. It's only the first day, and see? Where's the danger? What's the problem so far?" You tried reasoning with him.
"Problem is..... she's not here!" He exclaimed.
Right at that moment, your 6 year old daughter came running in, straight to her father's arms.
"She's here now, and in one piece." You told him.
"Hi sweetheart. Did you have fun today?" He asked as he bounced your daughter in his lap.
"Very! We got to paint, and play around, and at recess, a boy asked me to be his girlfriend and I said sure!" She babbled happily.
Yunho's smile dropped when he heard that last part. He looked over at you, and you were just on the verge of laughing at his reaction.
"See?! Now we got a problem! Some boy is already trying to take my daughter away and corrupt her!" He whined.
"Oh relax Yunho! They're 6 years old! The worst that can happen right now is he gets her sick or something." You shook your head at him.
Yunho held your daughter and looked at her seriously.
"Honey, listen to me. Stay away from boys, they have cooties and they're evil vicious villains who'll just hurt you. Ok? Can you do that for daddy?" He made puppy dog eyes at her.
You face palmed at him.
꧁𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰꧂
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"You know Yeosang, you've been having a lot more drinks than usual...." San pointed it out to him.
"I wanna drink tonight to forget and pretend like today didn't just happen." Yeosang said as he downed another shot.
"Yeosang, we've all been there like you were tonight. Trust me, you'll get over it." Wooyoung reminded him.
"Not me! I was the most supportive out of all of you! I was the perfect dad." San smiled, his cute dimples on full display.
"Hey! I was supportive as well!..... sort of. ." Yeosang replied sheepishly.
"Oh yeah? What happened then? Do tell us." Mingi rested his face in his hand, ready to hear Yeosang's story.
Yeosang began reminiscing about what happened a few hours before:
He stood there awkwardly, the young lad that was taking his daughter to prom right in front of him, trying his best to make a great impression of him. But Yeosang wasn't making it easy with his cold icy stare. He just couldn't believe someone was daring to come between him and his daughter.
"I'm ready!"
They both turned and looked over at you and your daughter, all dressed to perfection. The boy's breath was taken away and he was almost drooling. Meanwhile, Yeosang was clenching his fist so much it almost drew blood. After taking so many pictures, she hugged you both goodbye. The boy went to shake Yeosang's hand, but Yeosang instead pulled him in for a caring and ,somewhat suspicious, hug.
"Well then?" Hongjoong asked, snapping him back to reality.
Yeosang gulped.
"Ok. So I may or may not have threatened to cut off his balls if he tried anything...."
꧁𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷꧂
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Even though San was extremely close to your daughter and yes he was protective of her, he was also overjoyed and very supportive when she asked for permission to go on a date. He immediately stood up and began bombarding her with questions:
"Who was the boy? Where did you meet? How long have you two known each other? Where do you guys wanna go? How much will you need? Want me to set you guys up at an expensive restaurant? Are you two in love?"
On the day of the actual date, he seemed more excited than your own daughter. He actually hired a photographer to capture every single moment.
"Ok honey I think that's enough photos, the kids might lose their reservation." You tried to make sure they actually made it to the date.
San gasped. "Oh right right! Well you kids have fun and don't worry about paying! I rented the whole thing out for you two!"
He pulled your daughter in for a tight and squishy hug, reminding her how much he loved her and to take care. He also gave the boy a firm pat on the back before watching them get in the limousine and drive away. Even after a few minutes, he stood there silently.
He sighed happily.
"They grow up so fast.....it feels like it was only yesterday when I held her in my arms for the first time....."
You watched San and could tell he was getting emotional.
"Are you going to cry?" You asked him.
"Me? Cry? Pssht! I'm Choi San, the manliest man of all mafia leaders and I do not cry!" He declared bravely.
He then stood there awkwardly before turning back to you. Sighing, you opened your arms.
"Come here. Let it all out." You assured him.
Instantly, San held onto you, crying his eyes out, his heart full of so many emotions.
"Oh my god my babygirl is all grown and soon she'll be leaving me, and I'm sad but I'm so happy at the same way cause I love her so much, and I love you so much and I just miss my baby already even though she's still here!"
You only patted his back and nodded at his sobbing. At least he wasn't putting a tracking device on her.
꧁𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲꧂
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You knew it was all bullshit when Mingi said he was desperately needed at the headquarters with the boys. And Seonghwa even confirmed it when you called him and he said that everything was fine, no one called a meeting. You thanked him and hung up. Grabbing your car keys, you sped to your daughter's location, hoping to get there before something embarrassing happened.
You looked around the place, trying your best so your daughter wouldn't see you. She didn't, however you spotted a very familiar shade of red hair hiding behind some bushes. Discreetly, you crept up behind him and smacked his head.
"Ow! What was that for?!" He cried out.
"Song Mingi! You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Spying on your own daughter on her first date!" You yelled at him.
"It's my right as a father to make sure my daughter is safe!" He protested.
"Well you can do that....from a distance!"
Without warning, you grabbed his ear and pulled him back to your car to take him home.
"Ok! Can you let go?! I'll go back home with you!" He gave up and walked back with you.
"Good. Honestly, what were you thinking? Oh wait! You weren't." You huffed as you got in the driver's seat.
"There's nothing wrong with wanting your daughter to be safe and make sure her date treats her decently." He pouted like a little baby.
"Well like I said, you could do that from a distance. There's no need to be stalking her out like one of your snipers." You told him as you started the car.
"Yeah.....you're right...." Mingi sighed.
You smiled, proud that he was willing to accept his mistake. That was until he opened his mouth again.
"I mean, why put a tracking device on her phone and not use it?" He stated nonchalantly as he took out his phone
"Song fucking Mingi! I swear to God, if you did that I will make you roll out of the car!"
꧁𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰꧂
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"For the last time....No!"
Wooyoung was stubborn. No matter how many times your daughter begged him to let her go to the school dance, he stood his ground and refused. She tried every single approach: she behaved like an angel, tried bargaining and even rebelled like a teenager but to no avail.
"Give me one good reason why I can't go!" Your daughter pouted.
"I'll give you three reasons: One, boys. Two, boys. And three, which is actually the most important one... boys!" Wooyoung was practically dramatic at this point, as if he wasn't already.
"You're going to have to let me date someday!" Your daughter retaliated.
"Absolutely....when I'm cold in my coffin or when hell freezes over. Whichever comes first." Wooyoung said.
Your daughter ended up locking herself in her room, refusing to see her father. It hurt him to have her rejection, but he only did it because he loved her. Unbeknownst to him though, you gave her permission and even arranged for her to be picked up by your friend so she could go to her dance. You hoped Wooyoung didn't notice.
"Where is she?" Wooyoung asked you, crossing his arms over his chest, his foot tapping on the floor.
You sighed in defeat. "She went to the dance. I gave her permission."
Wooyoung began screaming at the top of his lungs, getting agitated.
"Oh relax you drama queen! Her date isn't a bad boy! In fact, he's the sweetest boy ever! You know him, it's San's son!"
As soon as he heard that, Wooyoung felt like he was going to get a heart attack.
"Of all people, she chose San's kid?! Is she insane?!"
Wooyoung took out his phone and furiously tapped on the screen.
"San you little piece of shit! Why are you letting your devil of a son seduce my little angel? Hmm?..... Oh don't give me that! He's just like you! Behind that innocent dimple smile lies a demon, waiting to prey on the innocent and pure so they can corrupt them!! Curse you and your cute dimple genes! I will get you back for this!"
꧁𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸꧂
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"So....what are your intentions?" Jongho asked the boy sitting in front of him.
"Excuse me s-sir?" The boy didn't quite understand.
"What are your intentions with my daughter?" Jongho repeated as he reached for one of the apples that were on the table.
"Well I... I....I'm not sure. I guess-"
"Oh? Not sure?" Jongho locked eyes with him as he effortlessly split the apple in half with his bare hands.
The boy noticeably gulped and stared at the crushed fruit.
"I I mean! It's only a dance! It's nothing serious-"
"Are you saying my daughter's a joke? Are her feelings nothing to you?"Jongho reached for another apple and split it apart just like the other one.
"I didn't say that!" The boy exclaimed.
Jongho nodded and reached for yet a third apple.
"Listen very carefully to me boy. I love my daughter so much. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I only want her to be happy."
He split the apple and set it down on the table.
"So let me make this clear: break my daughter's heart and I will break you. You know like what?" Jongho tilted his head at him.
"Like.....those apples?" The boy hesitantly pointed at the murdered fruit in front of him.
"Hmm? Oh no. Not like those apples."
Jongho smiled and pulled out a watermelon from one of the cushions.
"I'll break you like this watermelon."
Jongho's fist slammed down on the watermelon, effortlessly breaking it in half. The poor boy was now pale, fearing for his life.
"Daddy! I'm ready! Is the driver ready- what's with all the split fruit?" Your daughter asked when you and her walked into the living room.
"Oh! Nothing sweetheart. I was just splitting these for our guest. Gotta have a little snack before. Right?"
Jongho held out a parted apple to the boy, his eyes silently warning him not to say anything of what really happened. The boy simply nodded and took the apple.
"Y-yeah. Your father is really n-nice."
You frowned at Jongho when your eyes met. You knew what really happened. But he simply smiled innocently at you, like nothing happened.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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kpopscenario · 3 years
A day on the beach
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Pairing: Vernon x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: You finally managed to organize the much needed day trip to the beach with your boyfriend - and some other friends who would cause some mixed feelings in Vernon.
A/N: Mentions of jealousy
A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I looked out of the window and finally saw the beach. The weather was just right- not too cold, not too hot. Just perfect not to freeze in only a bikini but also not to sweat like a pig under the sun. I was sitting on the passenger’s seat, next to my boyfriend Vernon, who always wore a content little smile on his face while concentrating on the road. 
“If it takes us ten more minutes to arrive-”
“If you complain one more time, I’m gonna yeet you out of the car”, Chan groaned towards Soonyoung who was now pouting like the immature adult he was. Vernon just took a turn left and then already could drive onto the parking area. 
“Look outside, we’re already here, relax”, the male next to me said in his calm voice. 
Minutes later, we were ready to wander to the actual beach, with all our bags and umbrellas. It was actually hilarious how we kinda looked like we were going on a week trip with everything they insisted on taking with us. As we finally decided a spot that wasn’t in a crowded area, Chan took the towels out, I arranged the umbrellas, Vernon got himself something to drink and Soonyoung immediately got rid of his shirt. That man had been whining during the whole ride about how badly he missed the sea and being able to just lay down on the sand or play beach volleyball. It was cute how excited the pink-haired male was and it didn’t take him more than a minute to run into the waves, making us laugh. He clumsily tripped one meter inside the water- falling face first. Chan only shook his head, half ashamed for his friend, but then got undressed as well. 
“Are we going in too?”
Within a minute, both Vernon and I were ready to join our clumsy clown and so we all went into the quite cold water. While Chan was very passionate about swimming (just like Vernon and Soonyoung), I was quite respectfully approaching them. Not because of the temperature, but because I was paranoid what might swim around my feet without me knowing. Luckily, they knew that and they didn’t splash me with water to rush me. Vernon was patiently waiting for me, like the gentleman and good boyfriend that he was, even asked if I wanted to hold his hand, which I then gladly took to get deeper. Meanwhile the other two were already dipping their heads underwater or splashed each other. 
Although I wasn’t the biggest fan of being in the water, Vernon made sure to always be around if the other two were occupied with something else or too far away. A few minutes in, the three of them started playing with a soft ball while I preferred to watch them being all silly and excited. The sweet thing was Vernon keep checking how far I was away, or if I was comfortable - something I really appreciated him for. His supportive, caring and low-key soft personality made me feel safe in wherever we were and I loved him for that. After a while, I felt my body shivering and I bet my lips were turning purple. 
“I-I think I'm gonna lay down a bit”, I explained before seeing my boyfriend approve with a nod. So I left the water and headed to our place, wanting to feel the soft towel underneath me. As soon as I was out of the ocean, I felt myself relieved, the ocean just wasn’t my thing. But lying on the towel with a book and something to drink was so much better. Therefore I did exactly that, casually watching the three friends playing or making challenges who could swim the fastest. It was clear that we all needed this day off. They hadn’t had a free fully day off in a long while, therefore it was a hell to organize this day trip. But here we were and I couldn’t have been happier. 
I was on the verge of falling asleep with my open book covering my face, as someone was nudging my leg. 
“Whaaat”, I whined and peeked up - only to see Chan with a grin on his face, all wet and his grey hair being stuck to his forehead. 
“I was gonna get myself some ice cream, are you joining?”, before I answered, my eyes gazed towards my boyfriend. “They keep coming up with new challenges.” 
Amused by them, I giggled and then got up and got my purse. The ice cream stand wasn’t too far away so I didn’t mind getting a shirt over the bikini, why should I? 
“One chocolate and one strawberry please”, I ordered, already knowing that Chan would want nothing else but strawberry ice cream, it was always the same. “I still have no idea how you can actually enjoy strawberries.”
“Uh excuse me when that’s the best flavor?”, he scoffed and contently started eating (deliberately using mmmmmmmhs a million times, which made me nudge him). “Not at you coming for me when you’re ordering the most boring flavor. Chocolate- how creative.”
“Aye! I'm gonna give you a brown nose if you don’t stop disrespecting my amazing taste.” 
Back on our towels, we sat next to each other and both enjoyed our ice cream. Eventually, my eyes met with Vernon’s and he waved back with a wide smile that made me giggle. Chan leaned back and supported his weight on his elbows. 
“From afar, Vernon looks like a stick figure dancing in the water.”
That comment from Chan made me burst out into laughter.
“WHERE did that come from?”, still giggling, we now both observed my boyfriend who definitely looked more handsome than a fucking stick figure. But I kinda knew what Chan meant. Vernon wasn’t the one with the broadest shoulders, not that buff, event that didn’t mean he was exactly skinny. he was perfectly fit. I hit Chan’s chest nevertheless and whined. “Vernon DOESN’T look like that, mister. Just because he’s not as buff as Seungcheol? You’re not that buff either, lil boy.”
That caused Chan to sit straight. 
“DON’T call me that, you dwarf. And I am buff! At least more buff than half a year ago, look!”, he then sucked in some air to appear in a more adequate position, flexing not only his broad upper body but also his arms, which indeed have gained muscle weight overtime. 
“Well, okay maybe a tiny little bit. But look”, I started poking the faded outlines of abs. “still squishy here.” 
Little did I know that Vernon’s expression dropped when he looked over - only to see me touching Chan’s body. 
He just wanted to check what I was doing or if I got bored with him still being in the water. But apparently I had very good company. 
When Vernon’s jealous, he doesn’t seem like it from the outside. He wouldn’t look too different than when he’d just woken up or when he’s bored. Just staring but being rather silent. However, he stopped playing with Soonyoung for quite a moment, his eyes fixed on me and how I giggled to things Chan were saying. What was that funny? He was very well aware that Chan had been my closest friend and that since a long time. But something in Vernon’s head told him that we were being more than just friendly right then. 
“Everything okay?”, Soonyoung asked, impatient with his friend not passing the ball back but Vernon then shook the feeling off as well as possible to continue playing. He was very rarely jealous and even if he was, he mostly was mature enough to know what I was doing, or if I was doing it deliberately or accidentally. He didn’t like being jealous. You were in a strong relationship and he was proud to be my number one safe place, although Chan surely counted as one too. One side of him tried to shake it off and let me have fun with my friend, just like Vernon did with Soonyoung. But the curiosity and slightly anxious feeling of jealousy tingled in his fingertips and he kept sighing when looking over, still seeing us talking passionately, pushing each other or even laying down together. 
‘What am I even jealous of’, he mumbled to himself over and over. Literally to the point where he just couldn’t keep looking over. 
“Hey sorry, I need a break”, he mumbled and gave Soonyoung a pressed smile before leaving the water. He couldn’t take his eyes off us not even seeing him approaching until he was literally standing infront of my towel. Like that, he was blocking the sun for me, which made me whine. 
“Step away, love”, I sat up. 
With that, Vernon nodded and lied exactly next to me, on the same big towel which now didn’t leave any more space. 
“Soonyoung called for you, Chan”, he said casually, rubbing his nose to not seem suspicious about lying. His friend surprisedly looked at him and then stood up.
“Alright then, see you later.”
Vernon waited until the distance was big enough to lie on his back and wrap an arm around my shoulder. This made me smile and roll towards him. He didn’t say anything for a while, not knowing if he should even mention being jealous. He literally felt unnecessarily dramatic with this feeling, especially cause it was rare for him. 
“What was that?” “Huh?”
“You touching Chan, giggling and having fun.”
It took me a moment to know what he even meant, and why he was pointing it out in the first place. 
“Is it bad that we were having fun?”, he sighed.
“Of course not, but...”
“Wait”, I interrupted him as I sat up and looked down at him. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous? Are you?”, now he definitely felt embarrassed about his feeling. Him hiding his face behind his hands proved the whole point, making me giggle. “Babbbyyyyyyy, no reason to get jealous of!”
“I know, I know. Ugh sorry, it’s stupid”, he groaned as he felt my weight now half on top of him as I made sure to cuddle him. Giving reassurance would be enough to calm himself down again. It always helped to kiss his shoulder and explaining the context. 
“We .... uh.... he said that you looked like a stick figure in the water. So I defended you by calling him a lil boy and then, you know, he had to flex.” 
That explanation already was enough to make Vernon start laughing, he could imagine the scene way too well. We were now just laying there, giggling and making fun of the situation. And like that, Vernon felt lighter. 
“Thanks for not calling me a stick figure.” “I got you, baby! But it’s cute when you’re jealous.”
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sleepstates · 2 years
who out of your ocs is most likely to pull on a door that says "push"
THIS IS SUCH A GOOD THING TO THINK ABOUT OMG... i'm gonna do one from each story since that's easiest on me! :3 (skipping a few that are non-applicable!)
Main Project Stories:
Starwort: Definitely Sasha! She's a little bit of a dummy baby, since she's based on a silly looking tiger plushie I own, so I can imagine she struggles often with things like that ;0; Creed: Timber! I think that even though he works in construction, he gets confused pretty often about smaller things like which way the hinges are facing. He's probably not allowed to hang doors himself anymore haha Cake It: Doxi for sure, but probably just because he wouldn't be paying attention >~< Draw it Again: Clover! He's too excitable for his own good and legit would just not be looking where he's going and slam right into a closed door Mistden: RUSSEL oh my god his entire thing is that he's a foolish litlte man, a beloved himbo doggie, he does not understand doors. Seiseki/Mandrake Lake: Ricro cannot FUNCTION, they are. so aimless. they have no idea how anything works
Other Stories below the cut! <3
BFC: Eventide! Book smarts can only go so far..... and they're so busy all the time trying to make friends that they're gonna bust their nose trying to get places Wayward: Brelt is... very soft and slow, like a squishie. Due to being dead and confused about... everything... and having flowers and blood in his eyes, I think that he can not read very well anymore ;0; Glory's Fall: Lovett. He's an idiot, basically. My braindead vulture culture anime protagonist of a boy. (affectionate) Mushcape: Rory! (though they might be moving stories) He's really reckless and rarely looks where he's going Incipient: Holt for sure.. he's.... oh boy he's got alot to learn and he is not retaining any of it Elderwillow: Bellamy! He's sweet and a good boy, but he's very much a sillyhead Paradise: Dustin! He may be a janitor but that doesn't mean he can't make a fool and a mess when he steers his mop bucket right into something. Zodiac: Aries........................ please look where you're going.... Merawild Studios: Icarus! He was trained for combat and didn't make it to the "being stealthy and smart" part of being a hitman, so he's.................... oh boy he is dummy.
Fandom Stories!:
Minecraft: Feroci AND Dynamite! As a wolf and a creeper, they do not know how to use doors at all. Pokemon: Leo! He never really grew out of bein a little silly baby kitty MLP: Shimmershroom! She's very bad at being indoors in general, and also is very bad at doing things... on time? She physically moves very slow and has to think things over a lot, so I can imagine that a door would have her solidly stopped for like 5 minutes until someone else opened it. Warriors: Honeydrop! She was taken in by her clan's leader and he was always super soft on her, which lead to her not being put through the same training as others, and I think that if she walked in a cat door on accident she wouldn't know how to get back out... Club Penguin: Definitely Jolt. He's....... he gets stuck behind things and stubs his feet a lot. Animal Crossing: Floral! She's always been very cute and sweet and i adore her, but she is a little scatterbrained and would likely be distracted and not read the signs Soul Eater: Tea! Due to missing a part of his soul and also probably an eye, he is very very bad at reading now, and would mentally flip a coin to figure out which way he was gonna try to open a door first.
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bluepallilworld · 3 years
Here we are again! Time for the last big writing of my dark cream family stories ! This time it's better to read the other writings before or you're gonna be confused for some parts I guess XD.
Here a link to the other writings ^^.
It's really long so it's cut into parts, I'll post one each day in case you wanna do theories between OwO.
Characters of mine that will appear: Mimosa, Mu, Fancy and Lint ✨
Meeting or missing (part 1)
The cold air was tickling his bones.
He grabbed his blanket harder and rolled it around his body before spreading himself on the bean bag he chose to sleep on for the night. The returned warmth he felt after a few minutes made him sigh with contentment. Comfy clouds.
He didn’t have the slightest idea of what hour it could be but he must still have some time to go back to sleep. He rubbed his face into the soft fabric. Well, it couldn’t hurt to stay there for a bit longer. Or forever.
He opened his eyes to the darkness of his room, blinking sleepily. Now on his back, he let his eye lights trailed the star path on the ceiling. Orienting himself towards his door, he peered at the luminous words written on the paper hanging on it.
“We’re in the house!” it said, followed by hastily drawn doodles of two faces.
It was quite silly, he knew that. Now that he was nine years old, he shouldn’t need to be reassured that he wasn’t alone anymore like that. Mimosa blushed as he remembered the tantrum he threw once when he had thought they had left the house without telling him first.
He should have told them that he didn’t need that paper anymore. Perhaps. But the thought of a cold and empty house came back to his mind and he shuddered.
Cuddling his squishy tendril, the child took a deep breath. He didn’t really need to breathe, all skeleton he was, but he found the action was soothing. He focused on the faint noise of the air coming in and out.
In and out.
His eyes closed again, he imagined some wind blowing through the room, creating invisible swirls and making the fabric of the curtains move. It was a peaceful sensation and he felt himself slowly being pulled back to sleep by the soft daydream…
He didn’t fall asleep, however, as he felt something was wrong.
Upon cracking upon a socket, he noticed the window was open. Didn't he close it before going to sleep?
He put his weight on his elbows to upright his upper body and gazhed around in the darkness.
A shriek escaped him when something heavy fell on him from who knows where.
The newcomer was now sitting on his ribs, a malicious smile on her face.
He should have expected that, it wasn’t the first time his friend -or more his “half-sibling from another multiverse”- sneaked inside his room.
Lint was just like that.
He would have greeted her as cheerfully as usual if it wasn’t for the slumber determined to keep him trapped half-asleep. So he just grabbed a pillow, searching to hit the too awake girl.
The sloppy hit didn’t touch the target. But his friend slipped from her seat anyway and dramatically faked her death as she flopped on the floor.
Silence filled the room as Lint kept wiggling until she stopped moving at all.
Mimosa stared at the fellow skelekid as if waiting for something else to happen.
The girl made the longest fart noise he ever heard.
The boy lost it and started wheezing like crazy. He slided down to the floor and the two children laughed together for a little while.
Each time they thought they were done, a glance at the other and they were set again for another round.
When the bubbly noises finally died down, Mimosa felt finally fully awake. He guessed there was no bad way to wake up!
He shot a look at the door, nobody came to investigate their noisy feat. Perhaps they were still asleep or just at the other side of the house. Shine should be awake as she was often at night but maybe Malignance was still in bed. He tilted his head, lost in his thoughts.
He realized his mistake when two enthused hands suddenly grabbed his shoulders.
“Let’s go!”
The room was now empty, the two monsters having abruptly disappeared.
A post-it slowly fell on the bean bag.
On it, was written in bright colors:
“I’m borrowing your bro <3”
[End of part 1]
[Go to part 2?]
Shine and Malignance are Mimosa's adopted siblings, they belong to @creative-firebug ❤️
That's it @zu-is-here ! I finally finish it XD
@turtleduckrabbit dark cream shipkid's time ahead UwU
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meetmymouth · 4 years
when sunny met harry (2) : harry styles imagine
read part one here summary: harry and y/n break up but they’re not the only ones suffering. their -now her- golden retriever sunny thinks harry’s coming back.
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Just like everyday, as soon as she turns the lock, Sunny comes running to the front door, nails ‘clicking’ on the wooden floor as he jumps up and down on the other side of the door. As soon as the door’s unlocked and opened fully, Sunny leaves no time for hellos or any other form of greeting before he’s on her. It’s Friday night which is why there’s a bag for life full to the brim with groceries next to her backpack and Sunny takes it upon himself to sniff around the packaged food as if he’s looking for food.
It’s also the night Harry’s finally coming to see Sunny.
A month has passed since the phone call and it was last week when Harry’s name appeared on her phone, messaging to see if he could visit Sunny soon. Truth be told, she wasn’t ready to see him just yet. She knew she could’ve said no, or told him she would let him know when it would be a good time to visit but one look at Sunny’s way, she had caved in. Or was the look for reassurance only? She had accepted it in a heartbeat because deep down, she knew Sunny wasn’t the only one missing him.
And now there she was, trying to ignore Sunny as he barked relentlessly at the hoover.
When she reaches the corner of the sofa, Sunny comes closer to her and barks directly at Hetty the Hoover as if he’s trying to set some ground rules.
“Sunny, no!” The hoover is now turned off and she tries moving Sunny away from poor Hetty.
“Leave her alone! Sunny, down. Come ‘ere!”
Sunny does come, and she sits his bum down at her feet and stares at Y/N as if she’s going to reward him for being a menace.
“Why are you such a dickhead, huh,” she gives a pat to his fluffy head. “Do you know who’s coming to see you? Wanna wear your nice collar?”
As the pets continue, she feels a sudden pang of sadness at the memory of seeing Harry for the last time in this flat.
She thought about the look on his face; his beautiful eyes all glassy and lips pouty. Dark circles under his eyes and a large box full of his own share of vinyls to accompany his reluctant posture. How alien and hesitant he had looked in the middle of their, now her, living room.
She tries remembering the last conversation they had, last proper conversation before everything happened but Sunny’s heavy panting interrupts her thoughts and she heaves a sigh.
“Do you...” she extends the word deliberately knowing it will hype him up. “...know who’s comin’ to see your squishy mug today?”
This does nothing to hype him up though. Sunny remains seated at her feet, tongue slightly out as he stares at Y/N’s face as if she’s talking nonsense. “Harry’s coming, Sunny.”
At the mention of Harry’s name, Sunny’s goes crazy. He starts jumping up and down -as much as he can with the limited space between him and the sofa- and his tail keeps wagging in sync with his hoarse barking.
Although she too feels giddy about having Harry in the flat again -though she has to repeat the reason why he’s visiting in the first place every five minutes-, she’s also worried that her next door neighbour Mr. Yoni will knock on her door with puckered lips and slit eyes. As soon as she opens the door, Mr. Yoni will sigh and Y/N will start apologising, trying to bribe him with a cuppa and Tesco’s bourbon biscuits she knows he likes.
As she writes and plays the scenario in her head, she also keeps tidying up the living room, fixing up the pillows, collecting empty mugs and some pens scattered around. When she starts doing the washing up, she hears Sunny chewing the bone Harry’s gotten him and can’t help but roll her eyes at how sentimental she’s being. Exes and a dog.
So what, she thinks, are we going to co parent a bloody dog now? Saying yes to him visiting was a weakness on her part. She knew it was. She’s also not expecting them to get back together just because Harry’s coming to see Sunny. No. She has to get her shit together.
Harry’s charming. Interesting. Lovable and endearing. From the first night she’s laid her eyes on him; in his stupid corduroy trousers and a fuzzy striped cardigan, she knew she couldn’t forget him after that night. She was totally mesmerised by him. By his face. Yes, he was handsome- he is handsome. But he was also beautiful. Pretty. He had soft features, delicate... but there was also a sharpness to him, could cut you with his affection as soon as your eyes met across the room. His love could kill you. He could’ve told you the earth was flat and you would think ‘well, this kid is onto something’. It was his charm and the general aura to him that held you back from questioning him and his actions.
When they first met, he had just gotten out of a relationship. She knew because they ran in the same circles. She knew of him. They’ve been to the same birthday parties and even one or two weddings. Despite that, they had never spoken to each other before that night. So when they shook hands at a close friend’s birthday party that night, his hand still damp from the beer bottle he was holding, she knew she had to get closer to him, she wanted to be the reason behind that dimple appearing and the crinkle by his eyes when he smiled, his two larger front teeth peeking between his parted lips.
Though, much to her dismay, they didn’t hit it off like it happened in the movies. Theirs was a civil introduction. Nice… friendly. She couldn’t say much and the conversation died quickly as he was swept away from her by his friends. She had later learned that he found her annoying at first. In his words, she looked like she was better than anyone in that room. In her defence, it was because she was mesmerised by him and well, she wasn’t exactly the social butterfly Harry seemed to be. They always laughed it off though, with drunken smiles and chuckles between wet, sloppy kisses. It took them six months of friendship until she had enough and asked him out. One day while sipping margaritas in her garden, she had had enough and called him out. ‘Bloody hell you’re stubborn as fuck’ she said, ‘you’ve been looking at my arse all day and I’m pretty sure you’ve been eyeing my lips since like last month. So either come kiss me or just… keep it in your pants’. And then there he was, making a move.
Seven months into their relationship, Sunny became a member of their- well mostly Y/N’s family. They were happy. Sometimes too happy that it kept her up at night, wondering if the universe was plotting something against them soon. Turns out it wasn’t. They were just Harry and Y/N. Too comfortable with each other. Too in love. Too happy. Until the bickering had begun. At first it was mostly because Y/N kept putting his clothes in the wash before they got ‘really dirty’. Or how Harry kept making a mess in the shower, never cleaning up after himself, leaving his hairy razor on the counter. And it didn’t help when he started spending most of his free time in Los Angeles while she worked in London. It wasn’t only his fault. She had also stopped making time for regular phone calls as he kept them no longer than ten minutes and it went from long, meaningful chats to Harry talking more about his friends and their adventures than himself. In return, Y/N more or less, and perhaps without realising, started cutting their conversations short and vague because ‘I think the chicken’s ready, I’ll ring later’ or ‘Sunny’s chewing my shoes again, gotta go’.
When he came back from LA, everything started going downhill as if they weren’t bad enough before. Y/N started feeling uneasy in his presence; feeling self-conscious, mostly when they ate, when he came to have a wee while she showered or when they had sex. It also didn’t help how they always had people around. They didn’t get much free time to themselves. It was always Harry and Y/N… and the others. So it was a gradual thing, the fall of their relationship. And when they officially ended things, he not only left her heart in pieces but also another, much tinier heart was more or less broken. Sunny’s.
She puts those thoughts away and focuses on the washing up in front of her, snorting at how she’s been rinsing the same mug since God knows when despite it looking squeaky clean. Taking off one of the gloves, she touches the screen of his phone and her eyes widen at the time. Harry would be here any minute and she didn’t even have the heart to change into something more comfortable.
She decides on a cup of tea and spots the opened package of cheese twists and perches on the sofa. TV’s on, filling the flat with Alan Carr’s distinct voice as Sunny comes up and places his head on Y/N’s leg, looking as precious as ever.
“God forbid I eat anything by myself. You silly boy,” She breaks one of the cheese sticks in half and throws it next to his paws. “There you go.” As soon as the stick hits the floor, it’s gone in seconds as Sunny tries to lick the remnants of the cheese stick off of his face and the wooden floor.
Two more cheese sticks later, she gets a text from Harry letting her know that he’s here, at the door.
As she makes her way towards the front door, Sunny follows behind. Her heart starts beating faster and she feels her cheeks heat up, having an epiphany that Harry’s here, on the other side of the door. Sunny barks once as her hand reaches the door handle as if he knows who’s here. As soon as the door opens, their eyes meet and it’s like someone’s pouring hot water down her head. Harry opens his mouth but he gets interrupted when Sunny spots him.
Y/N watches as the two go crazy for each other, Sunny jumping up and down, trying to get his paws on every part of Harry’s body as Harry tries crouching down to pet him.
“Dear God you’ve gotten huge! Sunny! Bloody hell- ouch- stop biting m’ankles!”
“Come inside, he’s inviting you in,” she mutters and immediately regrets that stupid remark. As if it’s Harry’s first time meeting Sunny.
He looks up again and gives her a smile. “Are you inviting me in?” He says, tone as playful as ever. He glances down at Sunny again before she catches his eyes.
“Come in before he has a heart attack trying to get all your attention.”
“Always been an attention seeker, am I right Sunny boy?”
After he takes his shoes off, they make their way inside, careful not to trip and fall since Sunny’s still trying to catch Harry by his ankles. She sits on the far end of the sofa as Harry crouches down to give Sunny a proper cuddle.
The dog looks like he’s having the time of his life as Harry scratches his head, massages behind his ears and gives him gentle pats on his furry bum and Y/N tries hard not to cringe at the dog hair swirling in the air. He looks mesmerised by Harry and Y/N can’t blame him. When Sunny sneaks in a couple of licks, they both laugh as Harry wipes the sticky saliva with the arm of his thick jumper.
“Alright, alright, chill.” He gets up despite Sunny’s whines and his attention is now on Y/N.
“Hi,” she can’t help but give him a little wave from the sofa.
“Mhm. Want a cuppa?”
“Would kill for one actually,” he grins impishly and Y/N’s already on her feet, walking towards the kitchen.
When she glances back, Harry’s following and just like before, Sunny’s following close behind as if he’s being pulled by an invisible string. Clingy dog. She wonders if he’s feeling the things she’s too afraid to feel ever since Harry’s stepped into her flat.
They wait for the kettle in a slightly awkward silence as she takes the time to get used to his presence in her home again. It’s bittersweet, having him in the kitchen. Like when he used to wake up in the mornings and make a mess which he referrer as making breakfast. If it weren’t for the sound the kettle was making, she swears she could still hear the clatter of cutlery and Harry swearing loudly whenever he dropped something on the floor.
“Thanks for, you know, thanks for this.”
“Don’t worry about it, Harry. He’ll probably go ballistic as soon as you leave but I know you were missing him so… yeah.”
He gives her a sad smile and looks down at the dog who’s laying at his feet.
“Does he bark... always? Like, how bad does it get?”
“Well,” she puts the teabags in the mugs. “He sits in front of the door and barks non-stop as soon as I’m home. He usually tires himself out by the time I’m out of the shower but it’s been worse lately.”
As she pours the water, Harry glances at the fridge and a snort leaves her mouth at how reluctant he looks.
“I know you wanted to get the milk out. Just- don’t make this awkward. You can open the fridge without my permission.”
He gives her a pout and she has to turn her back to him and fiddle with the spoons for an unnecessary amount of time so that she doesn’t reach out and pinch his lips.
“I didn’t want to act like I own the place,” he mutters, milk in hand and Sunny all perked up at the sound of the fridge.
“Don’t worry about it. Honestly.”
The milk is back in the fridge, teabags stored back in the cupboard, kitchen light is turned off and they find themselves on the opposite sides of the sofa. Y/N sits cross legged on the spacious sofa while Harry’s looking oh so formal, one hand holding his tea and the other scratching Sunny’s fluffy neck who’s still not letting him out of his sight.
“You comfy there?”
Harry looks up, startled, and chuckles. “Erm, yeah. Why?”
“Dunno, you just look like you’re ready to run as soon as your tea’s finished.”
She knows she’s not subtle, judging his every move ever since he laid foot in the house. It’s not like she wants him to feel uncomfortable or guilty. It’s the opposite really; she doesn’t want to see him look so uncomfortable and on edge. It’s selfish really because it’s only been months after their breakup. Of course they both felt uncomfortable and awkward. And when he looks like his one foot is out of the door, Y/N feels horrible. She feels like it’s her own fault that he’s not feeling welcome.
“I just- I don’t know the limits? Like…” he places his tea on a coaster and clears his throat. “Like how comfortable should I get? Or- should we get? Am I allowed to sit all relaxed on the sofa…”
“Look, I get it. I’m sorry. I’m acting like a kid,” she takes a sip from her tea.
“Maybe- maybe I shouldn’t have suggested it this soon?” Harry more or less whispers, as if he’s walking on thin ice and he is. They both know it.
And well. Is he wrong? Were they stupid? Was she stupid, having his ex over for the sake of a bloody dog? Who was she kidding? She selfishly wanted to be in his presence again and she used both Harry and Sunny.
The awkward silence now increases as she tries to find something to say.
She wishes she was Sunny. Not because he’s still at Harry’s feet, head laid upon his socked feet but because he’s probably clueless to what’s been going on.
When she looks up, Harry’s still looking at her. His eyes are full of concern and she hates how familiar it looks.
“I’m really sorry. I don’t feel unwelcome at all. I know that’s what you’re thinking,” he gives her a tiny smile and her eyes fall to his dimple.
“You’re right though. I think we both acted without thinking. I mean, it’s kind of my fault anyway. Calling you like that-”
She shakes her head feverishly. “Yes. Ringing my ex as if Sunny’s a baby and he won’t fall asleep until his daddy wishes him good night.”
It’s dead silent until a snort comes out of Harry’s mouth and Y/N raises her eyebrows.
“Well he kinda is a baby, in’ he?” He reaches and pats Sunny in the head, making him perk up at the attention being given to him again. “And I am the daddy so…”
When he looks up though, Y/N’s watching him with an unimpressed look on her face.
“Too soon?”
“Not surprised at your inability to read the mood. Always cheeky. You done seducing that tea?”
When she stands up, Sunny does too. He knows she’s making her way to the kitchen with her tea in hand so he would normally follow close behind, thinking she’s going to fetch him more snacks.
He laughs at that though. He does because they get each other’s weird sense of humour.
“Nah I’m trying to see if I can finish it.”
“I won’t even take offence at that. I know I make a mean cuppa so, suit yourself.”
She tries passing him but he stops her.
“Come on, please sit down. I won’t get mad if you do the washing up after I leave,” he gives her a smile and surprisingly, it’s enough to make her sit down.
He waits for her to speak but it never comes. They sit in silence while Harry pets Sunny aimlessly.
“Can we- can I continue what I was saying before?”
“What? About you being a daddy?”
He snorts at that, the same hand that was petting Sunny now coming up to his head, fingers running through his hair so effortlessly. She watches as the hairs glide smoothly between his long, ring cladded fingers.
“No,” he rolls his eyes but a there’s a hint of smile there somewhere.
When their eyes meet, she smiles at him, properly smiles at him for the first time that night. When he returns it with his own dimpled smile, she almost forgets. She forgets why he came and for a second, it feels like they’re back in time. Back to when they spent most of their nights in front of the TV. Sunny curled up and snoring by the sofa while Y/N played with Harry’s hair, their legs tangled and his back against her chest. It takes her a minute to understand why Harry looks so confused.
“Sorry, I’m just really tired,” she murmurs.
“’s okay. I’m kinda glad you didn’t hear what I so bravely confessed there,” he chuckles at the ground and the sound makes Sunny lay his head against his legs, asking for more pets.
Despite his vagueness, she smiles at his boyish charm. “What was it?”
“Nah, not tellin’ you now,” he smirks, never once looking up from his petting session with Sunny.
A sigh leaves her mouth and that’s when he looks her way.
Were they flirting? Could exes flirt? Should they flirt?
And wait, did he get a new ring?
“Was it about my poor taste in cushions again?” She smirks, trying to sound as nonchalant as she can.
He tries getting comfortable on the sofa, leaning back and crossing his legs but Sunny starts barking as if to complain about Harry’s divided attention. He reaches down and gives him a pet but never once takes his eyes off of her.
It’s quiet after that. None of them speak. They lose the eye contact as soon as Sunny abruptly gets up from his laying position and walks to his water bowl, both of them watching him leave.
“He’ll bite my ear off as soon as you leave tonight,” Y/N mumbles, trying to pass it off as a joke but Harry doesn’t smile.
Instead, he sighs and scratches his knee. “I actually saw Sunny the week you called me… your brother was walking him near Gemma’s house and- well, yeah.”
At the news, she feels an anger bubble up inside her. Not towards Harry -maybe a little- but towards her brother. Since her brother’s not here, she’s going to take it out on Harry.
“Why didn’t you tell me when I rang? You- I, oh God. I’m such a fucking idiot. You came here out of pity and not because you missed Sunny, right?” She keeps going as if someone’s been timing her. “You probably laughed after right? At how pathetic I was? You should’ve told me!”
“Well, I didn’t! It’s not a big deal-” he tries again but she cuts him off and he’s slightly taken back by her widened eyes.
“Not a big deal? You came here because you pitied me! Well fuck, I know it’s pitiful but you shouldn’t-”
“I wasn’t missing the bloody dog, I only saw him that week! I used him to see you!”
She freezes, trying to process his words but as always, Sunny steals the show.
This time, he’s choking on his water.
⋆                           ⋆                                 ⋆
            ⋆                              ⋆   
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I Pity the Grave That Tries to Keep Me From You
Bull Randleman x Reader One-shot
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Summary: it’s just fluffy angst about Bull coming back from Market Garden bc I’m a soft squishy sad little tall person who is dealing with some major feels
Warnings: shitty writing (mostly cuz I don’t feel like editing WHOOPSIE), angst, fluff, rushed ending, bleh, idk man it is what it is....
Ya’ll know I listened to Hozier’s Work Song for part of this, I didn’t even try to be subtle about it.
You don’t react when Hoobler tells you about Bull.  
Martin can’t look at you, but you hug him just the same.
I’m sorry he’d blurted after he returned your embrace, voice breaking painfully. I’m so fucking sorry.
But you’d just shook your head from side to side and given him the closest thing to a reassuring smile you could muster.
Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m glad you’re here.
You weren’t sure how many times you’d said those three sentences since D-Day, but it was the only thing you could think of to say to your broken friends telling you through tearful apologies the names of the soldiers you all had loved and lost. As if it was their fault... as if they’d failed in keeping them safe for you.
Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m glad you’re here.
Martin had let out one quiet sob against your neck before stepping back and turning and leaving. Everyone let him go. 
You understood- everyone grieved differently. Your grief had to wait a bit longer- you still had things to do.
No one made to stop you when you excused yourself, Webster having the presence of mind to give you a nod when you mumbled something about checking in with Nixon.
You and Bull had always known the risk of one or both of you dying- hell, you’d even discussed the likelihood of one of you dying in front of the other. You’d mentally prepared yourself as much as you could for that inevitability.
Missing, though? Missing wasn’t sitting well with you.
Becoming an intelligence officer hadn’t been a career path you’d stumbled across by mistake- you liked information, found comfort in details and strategy. 
You hated being blindsided, and since you’d been small you’d gone to great lengths to ensure you never entered a situation without being fully aware of any and all potential outcomes that could occur. 
Surprises aren’t always good, my darling. Remember that. 
Your mother’s words had echoed in your head the first time you’d met Bull, when he’d caught you off guard by introducing himself to you in the same manner he had introduced himself to all of the other men in Easy- with solid eye contact, a firm handshake, and a gentle drawl of “Randleman, nice to meet you.” 
The idea that you wouldn’t hear his voice again, in either friendly introduction or intimate devotion, made you feel achingly hollow.
“If you think something as silly as a grave can keep me from coming home to you, you got another thing coming, Little Lady”. 
“That sounds like you’re saying you’re going to haunt me, Den—”
“You should be so lucky….plus, I’d make it fun, so don’t even worry about it.”
You start to walk in earnest towards the officer’s area now, biting the insides of your cheeks in an effort not to cry. 
You had to keep going. 
You’d promised him you would, just as you’d made him promise in kind.
When you finally found Nixon, you instantly frowned at the bruise blossoming on his forehead.
“What happened to you?” you ask, ignoring the man’s glare and walking over to get a closer look. “Looks like you tangoed with Joe Toye’s brass knuckles and lost.”
“Got shot in the helmet.” Nix grumbles at the same time Richard perks up and squints at you while asking “Toye’s got brass knuckles?”.
You wince, both in response to Nix’s injury and your accidental snitching on Joe. “Whoops.”
Lewis’s eyes catch yours and his brow softens. 
You instantly know what he’s about to bring up, and shake your head preemptively.
“Lew,” you begin with a heavy sigh, only to be shushed like a child before he spoke over you.
“They don’t know anything for sure yet.” he insisted, and you knew that he knew you saw through his bullshit. 
He sometimes tried to be less pessimistic when he knew you were already way ahead of him in that department, but the two of you knew each other well enough by now for you to see it for what it was- him trying to make you feel better, coddling you to make you feel better.
Lying to make you feel better.
Information is truth, everything else is probably a lie.
Your mother was a bitter cynic, but you’d also never once known her to have her heart broken.
Maybe she’d been on to something.
“Yeah,” you’d offered, quickly brushing past him to look at the map on the table. “Maybe. Anyway, when exactly did Market Garden start going to shit? Do you think we were undermanned? Were our maps wrong? Did they have unexpected weaponry….?”
Distract the sad voice in your head offered as you threw yourself into work, using the churning pain in your belly to fuel your motivation to reclaim the town. 
No one gets to hurt you and get away with it. No one gets to take Bull from you and remain unpunished.
You decided then and there that you were going to make the SS bleed for what they’d done, and you knew that if Bull were there he’d tell you to rein it in.
Got murder in your eyes, darling. What’s got you so cross?
But Bull wasn’t here. And you? You had to get over it.
It’s what he would want.
You had barely slept that night, throwing yourself into rereading all of the intelligence reports until Dick finally ordered you out of the CP tent.
At first you’d fought him on it, still too afraid of being let alone with your own thoughts. But he’d been firm, literally snatching the paperwork from your trembling hands and hovering over you until you relented.
“I don’t want to see you until morning, is that understood?”
With more patience than you deserved he’d held your coat up and helped you slip into it, making a point to pull your knit hat down over your ears before turning you in the direction of where all the soldiers were sleeping.
Even though Bull had promised to be the one to haunt you, it was you who felt like the ghost.
But, like the obedient soldier you were, you walked to the spot where you and Bull had set up camp with Perconte and Luz. Neither man happened to be there at that moment, which was a small blessing because when you saw Bull’s unattended duffel bag in the same spot he’d left it that morning you’d been unable to stop the sob that slipped past your lips.
Like a child, you’d curled around his rucksack and held it close, your fingers tracing over the airborne patches that denoted it as his. 
Had it truly been this morning that you’d woken up in his embrace, groaning in sleepy protest when he refused to let you out of his arms?
“Jus’ a bit longer,” he’d mumbled, bringing a leg up and over your hip to pin you beside him. “Let the boys start fightin’ without us, we’ll catch up later…”
You wish that had been possible. You wished it could have been that simple.
Tears had leaked out of your eyes as you squeezed them shut and the next time you opened them it was morning. At some point in the night either George or Frank had tossed a wool blanket over you.
For a few glorious moments, you had thought Bull’s furnace-like chest had been what was keeping you warm. The blanket was a kindness, but an unintentionally cruel one.
After rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you’d gotten yourself ready and packed up to head out.
Bull’s duffle bag seemed to be filled with bricks as you hefted it over your shoulder with your own, and with each stride you took it only became heavier. You knew the protocol- take the deceased’s belongings to CP for redistribution and personal effects collection. 
It felt like defeat, as if you were giving up on him.
Defeat and reality were seeming to become one and the same, these days.
Your throat was so tight by the time you made it to CP you were barely able to explain what you were doing to Lewis, your arm trembling as you held out the pack to him.
The moment Nix had taken it from your hands, tears began to spill from your eyes and for once you did nothing to stop them.
Nixon had been about to say something to you when Perconte rushed in breathlessly with a call of your name, almost forgetting to salute Lewis when he saw him.
“Oh! Sir. Uh, Y/N- there’s, um,  something you should see—”
You glared at him, trying and failing to hide the fact that you’d been crying from your friend.
“I’m in the middle of something, Perco. Can it wait?”
In the distance you could hear the sound of truck engines, and a new anxiety began to blossom in your chest at the idea of leaving Bull behind.
“But, Y/N…” he protested, clearly tongue-tied and overexcited.
“Oh my God, what?!”
“It’s Bull!”
Your blood froze in your veins, sucking in a breath that felt too big for your body.
You could feel your heartbeat behind your eyes as your lungs screamed for more air, but your body was refusing to blink or breathe or move…..
“That’s….no. W-what’re you—?”
The sight of a truck driving toward a group of Easy and Dog soldiers came to a halt, and you swore you say a familiar glimmer of sandy curls standing at least a foot above the group.
 No. There’s no fucking way….
With wide eyes you turn back to Lewis, seeing an equally confused look on his face. 
You barely wait for his nod of dismissal before looking to Frank again.
“C’mon, I’ll—”
You don’t wait for him to finish, sprinting away from them with a single-minded focus on reaching the horribly familiar silhouette of the man you[d begun to mourn.
Bull Bull Bull BULL DENVER BULL!?!?
With no care for decorum or professionalism, you shove people aside and rush through the throng until you violently skid to a halt before Johnny and Hoob.
And Dever fucking Randleman.
A silent sob twists your face, vision doubling as more tears well in your eyes.
It was him. It was him.
When your eyes find his, you force yourself to take a breath.
He’s dirty and scraped and a little bloody but he’s alive and he’s here and—
You throw yourself at him, arms latching around his neck and legs locking around his hips as he catches you easily in his arms.
“Oh my God,” you whisper shakily, shaking like a leaf and clutching at him as if he were the last lifeboat in a storming sea. “Oh my GOD, Den—!”
Bull’s got one arm across your backside and the other is pressing your torso to his as if he means to fuse the two of you together, his heartbeat loud and strong and powerful against your chest as he twists his cold face into your neck and just breathes you in.
You know that Martin is trying to talk to you, that someone else is telling you to take it easy but you can barely hear them through the roaring sound of life returning to your body.
When he sighs your name you swear that you’ve never heard a sound so sweet.
As you turn your head to press a kiss to his temple, you open your eyes and blink your tears away.
Of course, once you clear your eyes, you see the mess of blood staining his shoulder.
“Jesus Christ!” you gasp, untangling yourself from him in an instant and trying to get out of his arms. “Why didn’t you tell me you were hurt, you idiot?!”
Bull allows you to unwrap your legs from his waist but refuses to let you go, the arm that had been under your bottom coming up to hold the back of your head lovingly.
A pained yet playful grin breaks across his lips as he eyes you. “Oh, am I?”
You smile stupidly, sniffling at his ridiculous attempt at nonchalance. 
Using his hold on the back of your neck he ducks down and presses a long, meaningful kiss to your lips. You sigh into it, and just as you cup his face in your hands someone clears their throat and you’re reminded that the two of you have an audience.
When you break apart he makes sure to wrap his good arm around your shoulders, and you wince when you catch the looks of surprise being sent your way by the replacements.
Whoops, that was certainly unprofessional….
Bill Guarnere barks a laugh as you shift uncomfortably, slinging his own bag back over his shoulder.
“Shit, if that’s the hello you give to someone who’s been MIA- I’m definitely getting lost more often!”
Martin rolls his eyes, and enough people laugh that some of the tension is broken. 
You turn back to Bull and try to get him to let him show you his shoulder. But Bull has never been an easy man to physically move, especially when moving is something he doesn’t want to do.
This time is no exception.
“Let me see it,” you huff, only to have him smirk and shake his head. “Denver, I could’ve made it worse, I need to make sure—”
“Nah,” he says with a shrug he immediately regrets doing. “How about you kiss it better after Roe gets a look at it, hmm?”
As you open your mouth to reply there is a cry from above that it’s time to get moving, the reminder that there are more pressing matters to attend to shaking you from your anxious worrying.
Because it’s Bull, he hollers for his men to get on the truck as if he had been with them the whole time. 
“I need to go get your stuff, our stuff from CP….”
Bull shakes his head before you’ve finished talking.
“Perco’s got it,” he says with a nod in the man’s direction. “Don’tcha buddy.”
Without waiting for a reply, Bull pulls you along with him towards the trucks, refusing to let you leave his side despite your insistence that Roe needed to take care of him.
Getting into the truck, you help unbutton his shirt so Doc can start cleaning the ragged wound on his shoulder.
Bull brings your knuckles to his lips as the truck begins to move, eyes never leaving your face as he answers Gene’s rapid-fire questions about what had happened in the time Bull had been separated from the group.
“...you lost some blood, how’d you manage not to pass out?”
With a wink in your direction Bull chuckles.
“Considered it, Doc. But then I remembered my missus here was waitn’ and thought better of it.”
You shake your head admonishingly at his explanation.
“You’re really something else, you know that Bull?”
In a move that surprised both you and the Doc, Bull used his grip on your hand to pull you so you were straddling his lap.
“Course I do, Little Lady. I’m yours.”
Well, goddamn.
“Damn right, now shut up and stop flirting.”
The smile he gave you only widened at the command.
“We’ll see, darlin’. We’ll see.”
~ ~ ~ (is it trash? Yes. But is it garbage? Also yes. Love you all and thanks for reading the feels)
taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​
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