#musical soulmates
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love going through old interviews and this ones great
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daydream143 · 2 years
Fic Challenge for @jatp-valentine-week
Julie finds herself with a blind date on Valentine's Day. Juke.
“Why am I doing this?” Julie asked herself, staring up at the sign hanging over the doorway: Eats & Beats, the cute little bistro where Julie was supposed to meet her Valentine’s Day blind date.
How did she find herself in these messes?
Oh, right. Her well-intentioned friends.
“Meeting someone that doesn’t run away when I start a musical tangent? Or meeting someone who is a musician themself and understands the innate calling that’s always been inside me and how much music means to me? Or someone who already knows the most important music in the world to me and knows it intimately? No, it’s not exactly how I saw my day going.”
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takeawaythepain · 3 years
the way taylor and aaron talk about each other makes me so soft
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spiritul-lumii · 4 years
mă surprind cum te caut bezmetic în muzica pe care o ascultai odată.
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kannabia · 4 years
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But Cris and Mel are much more than that: Risketos in the middle of an interview; their favourite food (ramen) seven days a week at Ramen Nogacu; pizza at any time; Fisk shots at El Muro; escaping to the rehearsal room when a party’s in full swing; fleeing from a working dinner in Oslo and racing off to arrive for the end of the La Luz concert; hollering from the ‘La Ranita’ (the frog ride at Malaga fair) to announce their performance at El Canela; and, above all, song dedications to the people they love during their gigs.
Or at least this was Dreyma’s image in Malaga. Now, they’ve moved to Barcelona, ​​live together and are composing their new album in their rehearsal room, ‘Hawaii’, which is also their home. We don’t know if soulmates exist in romantic love, but we can certainly swear by the existence of musical soulmates, their case being the prime example. In this interview, we talk with Mel and Cris about the changes they’re experiencing in their lives and their music after moving to Barcelona. We also talk about the medicinal CBD they’ve discovered thanks to Yuyo Calm, and is very much present in their artistry and their personal lives.
Read the full post here: https://bit.ly/DreymaKnEN
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movementofsound · 5 years
Favourite Song: Used To Be (2008 version)
Victoria Leg.
Personal Background:
Beach House was my first introduction to dream pop, I came across them earlier this year and though at first I didn’t fully ‘get’ it I definitely did after a few listens and a shuffle session in my bed in the middle of the night. As I listened I came across the 2008 single version of ‘Used to Be’ with the faded greenish swimming pool cover and as I listened to it I don’t know how to describe what it did to me other than saying that I felt it. This might have been one of the first times a song managed to make me cry for reasons I don’t know how to explain. I then went on to slowly work my way through the rest of their releases and I don’t think I’ve come across any song I can say I didn’t like, though some are more memorable than others and I have my own favourites, there’s something about the music this band produces that is just too good. I remember Victoria Legrand once said something in an interview that really resonated with me, she said something along the lines of that she wouldn’t consider herself to be a master at playing instruments or anything like that, and that she doesn’t consider herself an expert, but rather she’ll sit down and play around with the instruments until she hears something she likes the sound of. That’s what music is all about really, at it’s most basic level, its not about showing off, or focusing on only intensely difficult techniques, its about finding something that sounds or feels good to you, and creating something that you’re proud of.
I think every Beach House song is good, and I think the albums are very carefully crafted to hold an overall sound within each song that pieces the album together really well. The synth sounds throughout their songs are amazing and definitely an inspiration to me, and Legrand’s vocals are, of course, phenomenal. Alex Scally’s guitar playing frames a lot of their songs really well, and in the occasions where he sings alongside Legrand his vocals bring something different but necessary to the tracks. Honestly when I listen to Beach House the thing I focus more on is the way I feel, so when it comes to the bit of my post where I try to write about the more technical stuff words are failing me a bit. I think I’d quite like to see them live some day.
Bonus Point:
‘Musical Soulmates’ is a pretty sweet term to describe their relationship.
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chitownpunkgirl · 6 years
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caker-baker · 2 years
“No?” Villain chuckled. “I don’t think that’s how it works, Hero of mine.”
“No. No! You’re a villain. You’re an awful person. A monster wrapped in human skin. If you think for a second that I believe we share the same-” The hero felt their breath hitch. For some reason, the words couldn’t quite find their way out. “This is a trick!” They hissed.
Looking down at their exposed arm, where their soul mark lay, the villain chuckled again. “And if it’s not?” Their eyes flicked towards the hero’s exposed arm, where the same soul mark in the same place happened to reside. “I just coincidentally knew where and what yours looked like? Planned the fight so that both of our sleeves would rip, conveniently exposing our marks to each other? Painstakingly recreated the symbol perfectly? I don’t think so, love. Face the truth.”
“Go to hell. Fight me.”
“I don’t find myself too keen on fighting my soulma-”
“Shut up!” The hero shouted, a beam of energy blasting towards the villain, who dodged just as quick.
It made sense that they were evenly matched, of course they were. That’s why there was never a victor in all their fights.
“I wonder...are the stories true?” The villain began, their own energy sparking at their fingertips. “What would happen if one of us were to die?”
“We’re about to find out!” The hero lunged. 
The villain stood still. “Oh, I don’t think we can.” As the hero reached them, they disappeared. “Think for a moment.” They seemed to speak from the air. 
The Hero hated this one. They weren’t sure if Villain was constantly teleporting, or if they were invisible, or maybe just dissipated. Whatever it was, it was frustrating, and made Hero circle the surrounding area without stop, constantly keeping their head over their shoulder.
“Soulmates aren’t too common these days, but in all the tales, do you ever recall one living on without the other?” Their voice was echoing throughout the air, and the hero shuddered. “Think this through, love, you kill me, you die.” 
Silence for a moment, then a hand on Hero’s shoulder, breath on their ear, low voice speaking into it. “And if I kill you, I’ll die. Is there anything so tragic?”
Though they had tensed, the hero snapped back into action quickly, placing a hand on the one clasping their shoulder, ready to flip the villain over, but the villain was already in action. 
That energy that coursed through the villain’s fingertips now flowed freely through the hero. Alone, it was fine, Hero could handle some electricity, but Villain held them there. And they kept holding.
“I will admit, I felt slightly guilty about hurting you in the past.” The villain admitted, pushing the hero to their knees. “I always wondered why. Now I know, I guess. Believe me, I’d be content to ignore this, to mock you over it, but you are far too bloodthirsty. I’d rather neither of us die. I’d rather no one know of this weakness.”
The hero grit their teeth, almost glad the villain forced them on their knees. If they hadn’t, the hero would have fallen on their own. They had to get them off, if they could just get Villain’s hands off of them.
“Now’s not the time to try and fight back, love.” The villain whispered. “Don’t worry.”
The hero fell to the side, still awake, breathing heavily. In their blurred vision, they saw the villain’s boots in front of them, then the villain’s face. 
“This is really an inconvenience, you know that? I liked this city. I didn’t mind fighting you. I’m afraid I’ll need to leave, change the identity again.” They sighed, looking directly at the hero’s eyes. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll meet again.” 
They stood. 
“I apologize about the crude method, truly. But you can be positively feral, I can’t risk you following and trying to fight me. What a mess. Hm. Goodbye, Hero.”
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yeryuzugokyuzu · 2 years
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Giulia Rosa
♪ ♥ “ feel your heart... ”
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daydream143 · 3 years
Together, Forever
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina/Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer
1000+ words
Also here on AO3.
Julie had given in and allowed them to stay, but since then, they had eavesdropped on an intimately private moment and conversation and broken into her room. Interfering in her life further was a sure-fire way to earn Julie’s ire, and Alex feared the results of Luke’s surely less than reasonable plan.
What made him give away a song — a song Luke had always claimed wasn’t ready, that there was something missing — a part of his soul to a girl he had met 24 hours ago?
He and Julie were cut from the same cloth, capable of working in synchrony, tandem, reading each other’s motions, hear what they weren’t saying.
Something was starting right now, and they would shine together, bright forever.
“Boys!” Luke announced, poofing into the garage. “I need your help!”
Alex tensed, his mind racing with horrible scenarios, still unacclimated to being dead, and therefore unbreakable. There was nothing in the world that could harm a ghost – and if there was, he didn’t want to know – but Alex’s anxieties didn’t listen to reason. “What’s wrong?”
“We’re going to get Julie back into the music program,” Luke declared, grabbing his guitar.
“Cool,” Reggie nodded chipperly.
Alex blinked, relieved that nothing was amiss, but he continued to envision all the ways this could go wrong. Yes, Julie had given in and allowed them to stay, but since then, they had eavesdropped on an intimately private moment and conversation and broken into her room. Not to mention last night, when they tried to get on Julie’s good side, when they were furious at them for making her look crazy in front of her family. Interfering in her life further was a sure-fire way to earn Julie’s ire, and Alex feared the results of Luke’s surely less than reasonable plan. “No, Luke.”
“Alex with a voice like hers she has to be in the music program,” Luke argued. “If they kick her out… then I don’t want to know what it takes to make it in…”
Alex relinquished his firm stance, hating the undertones in his best friend’s voice.
If Julie couldn’t cut it, what chance did they ever have?
It was doubt, and it was something Alex rarely ever heard come from Luke.
“I don’t disagree,” Alex admitted, “but how are we supposed to help her? Dude, we’re ghosts.”
Luke brightened, grin stretching across his face and fingers twitching on the neck of his guitar. “Julie’s going to sing for her teacher, not take no for an answer.”
Alex raised an eyebrow skeptically, because that sounded suspiciously like Luke, and less like the impression he got of Julie.
“Once her teacher just hears her sing again,” Luke continued, “she’ll have to let Julie back in.”
Alex sighed, relenting.
For whatever reason, this was important to Luke, and anyway, it would be nice to do something for Julie to show their gratitude for how she’s handled the craziness dropped into her lap. “How do we help?”
Luke grinned excitedly. “I already gave her ‘Bright’,” — Alex did a double-take and frantically turned to Reggie, who was gaping at their lead singer.
Music — melodies, harmonies, lyrics — was the blood running through Luke’s veins, filling his heart. He didn’t give it away lightly.
Despite his craving for a connect through music, Luke was extremely protective of his, due to its pure representation of his soul, the vulnerable revealing of him through every song. It had been almost a year before Luke had even told him, Reggie, and Bobby he was writing music and then it took a couple more months before he had shown them his songs, way back before they had formed the band.
So why did he show Julie?
What made him give away a song — a song Luke had always claimed wasn’t ready, that there was something missing — a part of his soul to a girl he had met 24 hours ago?
And why did Luke not notice what he was doing?
“—It’s – It’s perfect for her range, but we’ll need to transcribe it for the piano so she can play —“ Luke continued, until Alex interrupted him.
“Sorry,” he said, “can we go back to the part where you gave her ‘Bright’?”
“Man, that was, like, three sentences ago,” Luke whined.
“You gave it to her,” Alex repeated, waiting for the metaphorical punchline. “Just like that?”
“Alex, what’s the problem?” Luke questioned.
“Uh…. Well… nothing,” Alex stuttered, glancing at Reg in confirmation, who shrugged, “if… you don’t have a problem with Julie singing your song,” he finished pointedly.
“Why would I?” Luke wondered incredulously.
“No reason,” Alex quickly reassured, mentally noting to be on the lookout for and discomfort from Luke. “You do know how difficult it is to transfer music to a new instrument, right?”
“Julie can do it,” Luke declared.
Luke had always managed to collect really talented people around him, his intuition guiding him, and he could inspire them to greatness, drawing them into his orbit and never letting go (not even in death — no, Alex, it’s too soon for jokes). Julie was just the latest in a long line with Alex, Reggie, and Bobby.
“What can I do?” Julie inquired curiously, arriving unnoticed in the garage.
“You’re going to rock ‘Bright’,” Luke said giddily.
That was another Luke-is-acting-weird-about-Julie moment.
He was always excited about music, sure, but he always preferred playing it himself, not listening to others.
It was just curious, Alex noted, taking his seat behind the drums. As the drummer, he didn’t have much input — not like Reggie who had just begun experimenting with the keyboard before they died when they were alive after all of Luke’s complaints about a missing sound — but it gave him the perfect view to watch Luke and Julie work.
They sat at the keyboard, Luke’s guitar pushed across his lap, as they puzzled through the chords written haphazardly around the page. It was fascinating.
Alex knew what it was like, making a song with Luke. How enticing it was, the rush of adrenaline Luke’s energy provided, but also how frustrating it could be, because he knew exactly what he wanted but couldn’t verbalize it. He made vague motions and comments, trying to describe his vision, and his notes were indecipherable scribbles.
But Julie had no problems. She understood him perfectly, with no extra explanation needed.
And then, probably just to screw with Alex’s head, Luke let Julie take the reins, giving her power over his song. Never had the guitarist allowed him or Reggie (or Bobby) to workshop one of his songs like Julie was doing. Sure, Julie needed to transform the song from something for a band into something for a single musician, but that wasn’t all she was doing, and Luke let her.
He and Julie were cut from the same cloth, capable of working in synchrony, tandem, reading each other’s motions, hear what they weren’t saying.
It was magical in the frightening way that something new felt so inherently right.
Something was starting right now, and they would shine together, bright forever.
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dominik528 · 2 years
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Did Bernie really just propose to Elton that they go live the cottagecore life? 🍃
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No but what when Taylor Swift sits down and writes a song with Hozier and then we get the whole song with them singing and a fvcking choir in the background. The song would be a mix between Don't Blame Me and Take Me to Church. I don't think anybody gets it but heaven would unleash on earth with a tinge of poison from hell and we would all gladly succumb.
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Layne, Jerry
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poetrybyonur · 2 years
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The melody of your soul is my favourite song. I want to learn the lyrics and sing it to you.
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meer-prinzessin · 2 years
Soulmates aren’t found, they’re made.
Spencer Crandall - Made
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misty-doodles · 2 years
Hamilton fic idea for jeffburr/hamburr
Soulmate au where both Jefferson and Hamilton are Burr's soulmates, but not each others.
They can feel his pain and injuries, except burr is a trouble magnet and a clust so they have to put up with each other to make sure he doesn't get himself killed. If you want, they could have a constant rivalry on who's the better soulmate/boyfriend.
Jefferson and Hamilton in the middle of a debate when they both get a sharp pain in their foot like fuck. Burr just stubbed his toe. I think it would be funny and cute.
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