#miwi fluff
smalltown-babygirl · 1 year
i saw a post about how the watches aren't actually matching in canon so instead of being heartbroken by the realization I'm making a ficlet about if they actually got matching watches (this ended up being a part one lets see if i can do multiple parts!)
Enjoy! and happy belated mike day!
origins of the matching watches
Mike was having his ideal birthday. A day at the arcade with his best friend Will. Hopping from machine to machine, endless choices in front of them to spend their Saturday.
Will stops before the claw machine, rotating rainbow lights bouncing off his cheeks.
Mike followed Wills' eyes. In a plastic pod, framed by mini stuffed animals, was a bright yellow plastic watch. Will started immediately digging around for quarters, pulling one out and slipping it into the machine.
Will's hands fall over the controls, fingers beginning to dance across the buttons. Mike barely hide his staring at his best friends hands, the ones that created drawings of spaceships and other creations of their collective imaginations. He barely noticed when the machine buzzed GAME OVER.
Will's eyebrows creased together as he slipped in one quarter after another, and concentration returns to his face. Mike looks down at Will's tongue unconsciously poking through his bunny teeth and hears the claw descend around the watch's pod right before the buzzer goes off. The plastic pod slips through the claw's hold and Will's shoulders sink, face falling.
How dare the game not deliver the prize Will wanted?? it was Mike's Birthday
"Dang it, that was my last quarter."
Mike caught Will's gaze, looking up at him with kicked puppy eyes.
Sometimes Mike's eyes do this weird thing. The edges of his vision blur and wherever Will is, typically in the center, is sharpest. Mike's eyes broke the spell by moving down to the floor before falling back on Will.
Mike feels his hands immediately start fishing around in his pocket for more, pulling a few out. It made Mike sad to see Will upset(and it was illegal for Will to be upset on his birthday).
"Can I try?" Mike approaches the machine and slips a quarter in, it was his mission to win Will that watch. Mike zoned in on his target and gripped the joystick. The last few hours of intense gaming had warmed up his fingers to move the claw with ease.
Mike felt a surge of determination went he caught his best friend's hazel gaze. Will's eyes fall on the claw, never breaking contact as it steadily lurches towards the watch.
The claw widens and drops down, closing its grasp around the pod. The friends stare as the watch rises above the remaining stuffed animals, closer and closer to the exit chute. Mike feels the artist's hands squeeze around his arm in anticipation.
"Mike!! you did it!" Will's bright smile sprouts from the corners of his mouth as his new watch rolls out from behind a clear plastic flap. Mike couldn't help but smile back, bending down to pick up the pod and pop it open.
Mike takes Will's wrist in his hand and wraps the matching yellow strap around and secures it down.
"Do you like it? Does it fit correctly?" Mike searches Will's glowing face for answers.
"Mike are you crazy?? this is the coolest prize in the whole machine!"
Mike feels his cheeks burn with how wide his smile grows. Seeing Will happy made it all worth it.
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byleriscanon713by · 10 months
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Wait a damn minute Mike doesn’t know Wills gay… he’s projecting…
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marinhosh · 1 year
they are judging you :)
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existingonthisplane · 2 years
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Sleepy together
Close up below c:
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kuumara · 1 year
Carnival boy
Mike never wanted to go to this thing. He still doesn't, but he has no choice really, which is unfair. He has no choice because if he doesn't get in the car, Max and Dustin won't stop shouting at him to "get in already" and "stop being such a boring vermin" until his brain explodes and he dies and they finally drive off.
So, here he is, in El's car with unbrushed teeth, a damned D&D logo shirt on and barely conscious, for he literally just woke up (Lucas was carrying him to the car).
He really doesn't know if the group keeps him around because they actually like him, or because he's fun to laugh at.
But, soon enough he's singing "Call Me" by Blondie, along with Lucas. El would've be singing as well if she weren't driving. She loves driving, because when she drives it's "like the only thing that exists is me and the road", as she told him herself.
It was a short ride, but they had to stop like five times because Dustin isn't great with motion sickness. In the end it was worth it. Relatively clean walkways, a lot of shade, blue skies, cheap ice cream and, for once, enough sun screen for all of them.
They found a parking spot and started walking around to see if they find anything fun. Of course, they did- Lucas volunteered to sit in the thing where you have to hit a target to dunk the person sitting in the chair. Mike hit the target immediately, which was very funny to the kids watching them.
Then, they went on the rollercoasters. Dustin couldn't handle it, and he literally passed out for a moment while on there. So, Mike waited with him while the others were on the rides. He didn't like rollercoasters that much, anyway.
The crowd got thicker the moment the skies started to tint purple. And of course, he lost Dustin. He tried to wait for a moment in one spot, to look for him, but the constant flow of people pushed him into one of the stalls. He figured it's probably not that big of a deal, so he stood in a random stall and looked around the crowd to possibly spot Dustin.
"Uhm- you need help?"
Mike jumped. Turned around. There was a guy- a pretty guy standing there. He's never used 'pretty' to describe guys, and he preferred 'handsome', but this guy- he was pretty alright. Even with his dumbass neon-colored vest.
Pretty guy was now coming closer to him, he's been quiet for too long. He reached his arm out, and Mike's heartbeat skyrocketed.
"Oh! I'm sorry, I lost my friend and there's too much people there, I couldn't find him, I can go," Mike finally got his tongue back, and was already one foot out the stall, when
"Oh, no, you can stay then- I mean, going back out there and constantly moving would just make it harder to find your friend, wouldn't it?" Pretty guy chuckled.
"You really don't have to do that, heh, but very sweet of you," Mike said, out of politeness. He actually didn't want to go, of course, but he would rather leave a good impression than come off as clingy and desperate, or something.
"No, really! You need to find your friend, and I could use some company. I mean- my brother has been handling the business for, like, an hour now, and I've got nothing to do," Pretty guy cringed at what he's said, perhaps knowing Mike sensed the desperation in his voice. But Mike just smiled, he liked that pretty guy wanted him to stay.
"Alright, then. Thank you- I'm Mike. By the way. Michael- But Mike. Y'know."
Pretty guy smiled. Mike stared.
"Hey, Mike. I'm Will. William," Now it was Mike's turn to smile. He offered out a hand, cuz he's a gentleman like that, and Will shook it. Will looked down at Mike's chest, and smiled even more brightly.
"Haha! You know D&D?" He asked. Mike felt embarrassed- maybe Will wasn't such a great guy after all...
Will must've noticed the change in expression from Mike, and hurried to add, "I love D&D! Well, I would love it even more if I had anyone to play my campaigns with. I wanted to teach my mom or my brother to play, but nothing came out of it. They think it's 'alright'. 'Alright'!"
Never mind. This is getting better and better! This guy is literally the guy of his dreams. And he's had no one to play D&D with? A chance with him literally handed on a plate-
"THERE HE IS" "MIKE WHEELER!" He heard in the distance. His friends.
They all rushed to the stall Will and Mike were in.
"You left us-" "Didn't even come looking for me!" They all started talking at once. Will found it entertaining, so Mike let them, trying his best to cover up his smile.
"Who's your new friend?" El asked. Mike couldn't tell if she was teasing him.
"Hey- I'm Will, hi," He smiled nervously. The others stared at him for a while, before all smiling back and reaching out to shake his hand.
"I'm Lucas-" "I love your vest!" "Can you give us free stuff?" "Do you have popcorn," et cetera et cetera. Will just nodded and smiled.
Max cut in. "Guys! Stop. Let's go play the game, look!"
It was a balloon game- the one where you have to aim balloons to hopefully get a prize. They all agreed and stepped in front of the stall, while Will got everything set up.
"You guys know how to play?" Will's brother asked. They nodded, and Lucas started throwing the mini arrows. He popped 9 out of 12 balloons, got a rabbit plushie with terrifying eyes staring at him.
Next was Max, hitting 5 out of 12, which Mike laughed at. After she threw an arrow at him, it was El's turn, and she got 2 out of 12. Everyone cheered. Dustin got 11, impressively. Then, Mike's turn.
"Good luck, Mike," Will said sweetly, and smiled from under his long lashes. He hasn't said that to anyone else. Mike's heartbeat skyrocketed again.
Alright, he has to impress him, now. No going back. If only he can unfocus from Will's flirty- flirty? Definitely flirty- gaze.
He had to hurry, to not become suspicious to his friends and them teasing him about this for at least two weeks.
He threw the arrow, completely missed. Another one, missed. So on and so on. His friends booed him every time. Until eventually, he hit one of the moving ones, and everyone cheered. Will, too- which is really all that mattered.
He is staring directly at him. Mike held eye contact. Kids are screaming. The group is laughing. The carnival lights shining everywhere. People whooping on the rollercoaster not too far away. Everything, yet only them.
Lucas shook him by the shoulders.
He whispered. "Dude." Will walked to the back of the stall. The moment was over, so Mike scowled at Lucas.
"What do you wa-"
"Ask for his number. Like, right now,"
Mike was confused.
"What- Do you like him?" He asked, a little bit hurt. He doesn't want to compete for Will's affections, especially not with Lucas. He would never get a chance if that happened.
"No, dumbass! I'm not gonna steal your man, who d'you think I am!"
Oh, alright. That makes more sense- Except Mike's never been good at directly hitting on someone. But it's too late, Max and El are already saying goodbye to Will's brother-
Lucas pushes him to the back of the stall. There's way less people here, now. He figures the kids have gone home, thankfully. He hates screeching, crying, sneezing little babies. He doesn't understand how people even-
"Hey, Mike," a soft voice says. Mike spots him. Will, finally with him again. He remembers what he's here to ask.
"Oh- hey, Will!" Oh, God, why can't he ever control his voice. He definitely sounds clingy and desperate. Fortunately, Will smiles fondly, and all Mike can do is smile back goofily.
Will laughs. "You need anything?"
"Ah- no- well, yes. Your number. Well- I mean-" He sighs. "Can I... get your number? You- mentioned you don't have anyone to play D&D with, and since we both wanna play it, why not play it together, y'know? My friends are also kind of nerds about it,"
Will beams. "Really? I don't, like, wanna be a burden or anything..."
"No! No! You would never be a burden- Just don't worry, they've all told me they want you to come to our next meeting. They like you." Mike assures him.
"And I do, too- We all do! I'll give you my number, and you can think about it. Incase you would feel anxious, because they're new people, or something. That happens to me all the time, so I get it- Well, in case that happens, you should still, uh, call me and we could- have a one-on-one session, would be fun. Yeah,"
Will giggles. His charms must've worked on him, then.
"Alright. But, I think we should have a one-on-one session in any case."
He's flirting? He is. Alright, Mike, be smooth now. And stop staring at his lips, goddamnit.
"Anytime you want,"
Good enough. Will's blushing, now. Mike is enjoying this, he wants to make Will blush all the time, actually.
Mike writes down his number and gives the paper to Will. Their fingers brush, Mike feels like a firework.
"Thank you, Mike,"
"No- thank you! And, uh. Call me."
Will laughs, smiles at him through his lashes again. Mike's gonna go crazy if he does this on their one-on-one session.
"Alright. Goodnight, then,"
"Sleep tight."
And if Mike was looking like a zombie the next day at work because of his lack of sleep... You couldn't resist Will Byers asking you to stay on the phone a little bit longer either, could you?
im getting good at this hoyl shit
inspired by this guy
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my babygirl
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Mike’s bunkbeds in s1 always make me think of him begging his parents for bunkbeds so Will had a bed when he sleeps over
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Stranger Things | Byler | One-Shot, Fluff | 719
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@ wednesday-the-lover 2023, do not repost, modify or translate my work, carrd link
summary: Soft s1 miwi in the hospital
requests/inspo: inspired by this post by @bylertruther
warnings: vomitting, set in a hospital, depictions of illness, mentions of trauma
a/n: apologies for the huge gap between posts, id hoped to post bi-weekly at the least but adjusting to a new routine has taken its toll
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Will Byers’ short while being “lost in the woods” had led to a, somehow unpredicted, binder-full of medical issues. He was deficient in just about every vitamin and mineral that existed, often fatigued and dizzy, his digestive system struggled to take large amounts of food, seizures, trouble breathing, the list went on and on. None of this went unnoticed by Mike, who was with Will nearly every day for weeks after the incident. 
“Hey, go easy on that!” Mike exclaimed as he watched Will gobble down his hospital-made scrambled eggs. “That doctor said you should eat slowly and avoid eating large meals!!” Will did nothing but frown at the darker haired boy. 
Sure enough, not even thirty minutes later, the sickly 12 year old was hunched over a white bucket hurling his guts out. Mike crawled up next to him on the bed and gently smacked Will’s back to help him through the coughing and spluttering. Micheal cringed a little, Will ate so little most of the time, it was awful to see and oh god, to hear Will’s body trying to cough up nothing. 
“It’ll be alright,” Mike soothed, rubbing Will’s back. “It’ll be over soon, don’t worry.” 
Will spluttered and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his expression painted with disgust, “Blergh.” 
“Are you okay? Do you need anything? I can get you whatever you need - or the nurses can if I can’t and I can call the nurses so you-” Will slapped a hand over Mike’s mouth, the other resting on his own head in which an awful headache was brewing.
“Maybe a glass of water?” 
Mike nodded silently and rushed out of the room, grabbing a plastic cup and filling it at the water dispenser. None of the nurses paid any mind to him, they’d pretty much given up on reminding him (and the Byers) when they were actually allowed on the premises. Mike carefully watched the water slosh around as he rushed back to Will’s room, carefully handing him the cup.
“Thanks,” bubbles formed around Will’s mouth as he spoke into the water. Mike couldn’t help but softly observe every detail of the boy before him. His skin had a sicky green-grey tinge to it, but it was considerably healthier than the first day after he was rescued. The tinge was worse around his lips, they were practically colorless. Neither Will nor Hopper or Joyce would admit any information on what had happened in the upside down - Mike wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to know, anyway. Will’s hair was tousled and messy from the endless days spent resting in bed, but there were still dark purple eye-bags under his considerably duller green eyes. It was obvious the boy had been to hell and back. 
“Do you think you can stand?” Mike tore his eyes away from Will and glanced over to the bathroom. “I thought maybe you’d wanna brush your teeth, wash away the.. taste.” 
Will nodded and set the plastic cup down on his bedside table as Mike rushed to move the throw-up bucket off the bed, setting it down on the floor and letting Will grip onto his shoulder to pull himself off the bed. He steadied himself and let go of the brown-eyed boy, fearful of being too clingy and scaring him away. But Mike caught his hand just as he started to take a step, his other arm wrapped around Will’s waist as he hooked the ill boy’s arm around his neck for his balance. Together they slowly walked over to the bathroom, Mike let Will sit down on the toilet seat as he quickly ran back to the bed to grab the toothbrush and toothpaste in the side pocket of Will’s bag that sat at the foot of his bed. 
Mike prepared the toothbrush for Will as Will just sat and smiled slightly, he found it endearing how often the slightly-younger of the two would fuss and worry over him. He pulled himself up to stand at the sink and frowned at his appearance as he brushed his teeth. 
“I still look like a corpse.”
“No, you don’t!!” Mike reassured, standing behind the boy and smiling. “I think you look… squishy.” 
“Squishy?” Will’s face split into a smile as he turned to face Mike. 
“Yeah!! Squishy.”
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oldfashionedmorphine · 8 months
chapter 22
Mike sees his sister’s name listed amongst the other dancers, but he was already aware of which part she would be playing, since she had been talking about it incessantly and preparing for the role for months. Nancy was dancing the role of Clara. All Mike knew was that it was an important part in the show and that his sister had taken the role very seriously, which at times drove their family crazy—well, it drove him crazy. Because Nancy had been spending all of her spare time outside of school practicing at the town’s local dance studio, but whenever she couldn’t physically be there she’d be waltzing around the house, always dancing to the same songs for hours on end and if he was down in the basement he’d constantly have to hear the sound of her feet thumping from above. Plus she’d always like to put on mock shows for them right after dinner and his parents insisted they all watch to be supportive. It was so annoying.
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PS: this chapter is 4k words of pure MiWi fluff and can be read as a one-shot for anyone not interested in reading the rest of this incredibly angsty story lol
@across-thestars @boahey @magentamee @daydreams-in-the-moonlight @greenfiend @rebellius @booksandpaperss @castelobyers @total-serene560 @karenchildress @sparks-olivarpente @hazmatazz @suzieburself @krakoansam @mandycantdecide @robin-therobber @foodiewithdahoodie @soyboystan @trvbblemaker @itsacleanmachine (if you want to be added or removed, let me know!)
and when i say i wrote this in 2022 i’m not lying 😆
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h0n3yp0tz · 14 days
should I write miwi fluff
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voydhund · 9 months
rare non-fandom(ish) post wowie
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if i get. like. 5,000 total notes on this blog i'll finish & post this miwi fluff fic promise
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marinhosh · 1 year
I was looking through my old drawings and found this one.
It's a scene from that comic that I forgot the name of....
Anyway Miwi zombie.
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sillylittlerock · 1 year
heyy i'm so overwhelmed with ideas for bylerween so please help me decide what to work on first!! (DISCLAIMER there is a high probability i will ignore the results but i also might not so??)
Haunted house fluff fic, You Can Hold My Hand (...If You Want To), the party break into a creepy "haunted" house, sort of miwi (they're like 12-13?) FICLET
Deal with the devil fic, Will makes a deal with the devil when he gets drunk one night; Mike will fall in love with him, but in return Will will owe the devil... MULTI CHAPTERED
Came back wrong fic, Zombie Boy, s1 Mike tried to bring Will back from the dead but it went a bit wrong... miwi, MULTI CHAPETRED I THINK??
Cleradin D&D fic, Mike and Will go on a quest together, there's only one bed, Will heals Mike's wounds, getting together, FICLET
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suzieburself · 1 year
Screaming into the void about my Bylerween fics because !!! The creative juices were really flowing today!
Just a quick synopsis of all my ideas if anyone is interested!
Day 1- my pride and joy the Beetlejuice inspired fic<333 Enemies to lovers modern ghost Will au
Day 2- As You Like It (Shakespeare) loosely inspired drunk Halloween party fic (I know it sounds ridiculous but iykyk) where Mike doesn’t realize he’s talking to Will in costume and says a little more than he means to say…
Day 3- Byler meeting in the Underworld and falling in luuuuuv
Day 4- A series of October firsts with sweater sharing !!! Featuring miwi, plenty of fluff and a little bit of fluff (because who am I without it?)
Day 5- s2 Jancy paralleled Byler in a haunted funhouse
Day 6- Established adult Byler giving out candy on their porch when they meet a kid who reminds them of how they used to be
Day 7- DnD came back wrong with zombie Will
Anyway I’m sleep deprived and felt the need to share plus there’s only so many Wednesdays to share wips
My to be added to AO3 Bylerween collection
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Do you prefer
- jealous Mike fics
- jealous Will fics
- both Mike and Will being equally jealous
Also are you team miwi or byler, fluff or angst, s2 byler vs s4 byler
Sorry if I'm spamming all the questions at ya 😂
Hello💗💗 thank you for spamming hahahah
I fucking LOVE jealous Will fics! Especially when they also show the uglier side of jealousy because I think depicting Will’s jealousy as: “she is such a cool person omg she’s so great and if she makes Mike happy I’m so happy but I’m sad” is very tiring. Let Will really be jealous! Let him be annoyed! Let him cry! Let him impulsively say something mean! Let him make some remarks! Basically, just let Will be flawed! Will is not some perfect angel who keeps all of his emotions under complete control! Yes, Will is selfless and kind and these are huge things for his character. They make Will Will but his flaws are exactly as important!!! Especially when the fan fiction is from Will’s perspective, let him at least think ugly jealous thoughts to himself! Depicting Will as perfect is super boring!!
Do you mean just the names or teen byler vs. baby byler? Because if you just mean the names I definitely like miwi better because it sounds adorable, but if you mean teen vs. baby then I am refusing to choose!! Though I do like s2 byler a tiny bit better than s4 byler. Simply because they’re all soft and gentle with each other and do not fight once! Like, I’m just tired of Mike and Will fighting….. and s2 was like before they tumbled into all the complications that growing up presents sooooo. Yea, s2 byler is so so so so much comfort for me <3. And I love that we also focus on how Mike feels in that season :))). In s4 that’s pretty blurry. Though of course s4 byler is super great! Just for different reasons.
Definitely enjoy reading fluffy established byler fics very much!! Especially if they’re dating in secret💫. Though I haven’t read a lot of those at all. I don’t really read fanfictions that often anyway so maybe that’s why… BUT if you have any fluffy-established-byler-secret-dating-fanfic recommendations for me I’ll take them!!! I’ll take them all! I do also love angst though! Like…. A good fanfic with Mike having an angsty nervous breakdown? YES!! I will eat it up every fucking time!!
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quinnick · 2 years
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
Okay, here goes nothing. Sorry if I miss anyone because I am speed running this with 28 minutes exactly until 2023 !!!
Without further a-do (yes? no? yes? no?), in no particular order, my list
@kidovna - just like... They make art on a different level. I love all their art and may have felt super cool when they followed me back. I love all her art an unrealistic amount and just follow for some cool art and a nice person <3
@nnilkyway - Like, he's just so cool and sweet and truly has a unique art style. I think all their art is super squishable. (Sorry, I want to pick it up and squish it all that one gif of someone petting a cat). I love seeing his art so much and also, every time I see one of their outfits I get a little jealous honestly. Love ya mwah /p
@sleepymrshmllow - cuddly art. Seriously, I wanted to squish yvie's art but Kas' art is just cuddle up with 40 blankets with hot coco and just stare at their art for eternity. I love it all and by far my favorite drawings of Mike in a skirt. Love to see it.
@strangeswift - Mwah mwah mwah (I am obsessed with mwahing right now ignore me). Obsessed with her writing forever and ever and ever and ever and -[gunshot] She's official now with her AO3 and has the most perfect Byler fluff fic up like.... shut up forever politely. Super sweet and I always love chatting with her. Everyone send her extra love because she is sick right now, btw. Always super supportive and sends me free pics of animals. I just... mwah mwah. My 2022 would have been a little lonelier without her
@elekinetic - firing all other script writers. They are the most script writer ever. They are also super nice and supportive and mwah mwah. Like, seriously. I said I wanted to try script writing and she helped me at least get some good places to start and honestly they are just so passionate about their craft and I love that. I love ya Ella /p. And yeah, super sweet as always also does some bomb edits and mood boards. I am seriously obsessed and like can't believe we are moots and friends because she is built better then me
@untitled-byler-blog - my fav fr. Love chatting with her and just got the cozy vibes. Has a lot of killer fic that makes for great bed time stories (sorry, I always say your fics are bed time story material because I love them). Forever stuck enjoying all her fics. Truly the only one who should be allowed on AO3 ever /j. A super nice person tho who I think deserves a hug. Mwah love ya /p
@ratt-duffer - RATT, sadly Ratt is in prison. Next /j /inside joke (forgot the / for that). Seriously tho!! Everyone follow them and watch their edits and read his analyses NOW. And also the track mood board?? only acceptable Will sports hc I accept forever and ever and ever. Such a sweet person and deserves all the hugs, highfives, or whatever they would prefer. thank you. Good day
Speed run because 5 minutes until midnight
@crazycoven - hasn't been super byler active at the moment but I think it the inventor of MIWI? i am not making that up? Either way, the best person forever and ever and he makes me want to watch breaking bad. I do not like breaking bad akjfhgkfhkjf <3333
@frodohaven - the coolest blog ever forever and ever. I mean?? The name??? MUST I SAY MORE???? So sweet so sweet
@finalgirlbyers - has the best url choices ever. Funny, cool, correct, and most importantly, the best ever. So a fun person. Love seeing her random posts and how many names can get said to her. Always a treat to see her on my dash. much love forever and ever mwah <3 /p
@mlchaelwheeler - We haven't talked in a minute but always love your posts hope you know you can never change your pfp. I connect you to it forever. Seriously love seeing them on my dash. Forever and ever love ya <33333 /p
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howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
"look at you looking at me" was you???? ouuuyggvvhbvbsb. sss it was so...goood... head empty
yes i wrote that!!!!! 😳😳 hehe thank you!!!!
idk if there are a lot of fics of will realizing he likes mike (bc for some reason i don't read enough byler fanfic 🤨), but i had a fun time thinking of that scenario, and writing little miwi being just oh so miwi, and will working to improve his art. i usually write such dramatic angsty teenage stuff, but this fic was a nice change of pace for just some nice, simple fluff!
fic link is here
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