#can this still be considered a mike day fic if its two days late
smalltown-babygirl · 1 year
i saw a post about how the watches aren't actually matching in canon so instead of being heartbroken by the realization I'm making a ficlet about if they actually got matching watches (this ended up being a part one lets see if i can do multiple parts!)
Enjoy! and happy belated mike day!
origins of the matching watches
Mike was having his ideal birthday. A day at the arcade with his best friend Will. Hopping from machine to machine, endless choices in front of them to spend their Saturday.
Will stops before the claw machine, rotating rainbow lights bouncing off his cheeks.
Mike followed Wills' eyes. In a plastic pod, framed by mini stuffed animals, was a bright yellow plastic watch. Will started immediately digging around for quarters, pulling one out and slipping it into the machine.
Will's hands fall over the controls, fingers beginning to dance across the buttons. Mike barely hide his staring at his best friends hands, the ones that created drawings of spaceships and other creations of their collective imaginations. He barely noticed when the machine buzzed GAME OVER.
Will's eyebrows creased together as he slipped in one quarter after another, and concentration returns to his face. Mike looks down at Will's tongue unconsciously poking through his bunny teeth and hears the claw descend around the watch's pod right before the buzzer goes off. The plastic pod slips through the claw's hold and Will's shoulders sink, face falling.
How dare the game not deliver the prize Will wanted?? it was Mike's Birthday
"Dang it, that was my last quarter."
Mike caught Will's gaze, looking up at him with kicked puppy eyes.
Sometimes Mike's eyes do this weird thing. The edges of his vision blur and wherever Will is, typically in the center, is sharpest. Mike's eyes broke the spell by moving down to the floor before falling back on Will.
Mike feels his hands immediately start fishing around in his pocket for more, pulling a few out. It made Mike sad to see Will upset(and it was illegal for Will to be upset on his birthday).
"Can I try?" Mike approaches the machine and slips a quarter in, it was his mission to win Will that watch. Mike zoned in on his target and gripped the joystick. The last few hours of intense gaming had warmed up his fingers to move the claw with ease.
Mike felt a surge of determination went he caught his best friend's hazel gaze. Will's eyes fall on the claw, never breaking contact as it steadily lurches towards the watch.
The claw widens and drops down, closing its grasp around the pod. The friends stare as the watch rises above the remaining stuffed animals, closer and closer to the exit chute. Mike feels the artist's hands squeeze around his arm in anticipation.
"Mike!! you did it!" Will's bright smile sprouts from the corners of his mouth as his new watch rolls out from behind a clear plastic flap. Mike couldn't help but smile back, bending down to pick up the pod and pop it open.
Mike takes Will's wrist in his hand and wraps the matching yellow strap around and secures it down.
"Do you like it? Does it fit correctly?" Mike searches Will's glowing face for answers.
"Mike are you crazy?? this is the coolest prize in the whole machine!"
Mike feels his cheeks burn with how wide his smile grows. Seeing Will happy made it all worth it.
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plaidbooks · 3 years
I get SO EXCITED when your fic requests open up!!!!! I would love to request some mutual pining/yearning between Dodds and one of his SVU detectives. Prompt "I'd do anything for you," maybe where his dad has noticed them eyeing each other secretly and gives Mike the old "WE've worked too hard to get you to this position." (Idk, maybe those should be 2 different requests? You can choose whichever you prefer!)
Every request i send in gets more and more long-winded 😅😳
Exchanging Glances
A/N: This was a fun prompt! I'm sorry it took me so long to write it, but I hope you enjoy it!
Tags: shootings, otherwise none
Words: 1918
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @berniesilvas​ @qvid-pro-qvo @averyhotchner @imalostredheadinablondeworld
Mike being assigned to SVU was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because the squad was short staffed, and he more than pulled his weight. He was also a great detective, and a great leader. The curse was how goddamn attractive he was.
He was your superior; there was no chance of a relationship with him. But you couldn’t stop the butterflies in your stomach when he smiled at you or complimented your work. The worst was when you walked into the locker room one day and found him in his undershirt, his dress shirt hanging open. The soft, white shirt left nothing to the imagination as he stretched against his broad chest, and it was a struggle to not stare…or drool.
He hadn’t even seemed embarrassed about it, talking easily with you as he slowly buttoned his shirt, his long fingers moving deftly. You had quickly made an excuse and practically fled the room. But after that moment, you couldn’t help but picture those strong arms holding you against his broad chest.
You often caught yourself staring at him while at your desks, before you’d look back to your computer screen, hoping no one noticed. Though of course, both Rollins and Carisi saw, and they teased you relentlessly for it.
“Why not ask him out?” Carisi asked you one day during lunch.
You choked on your egg roll. “A—absolutely not! He’s our boss,Carisi!”
“For how much longer?” Rollins chimed in. “I heard daddy’s tryin’ to move him.”
That made you pause; if Mike left SVU, you wouldn’t see him anymore…but maybe you could ask him out then. “Well, I’d rather wait until he’s gone before asking,” you replied, picking at your food.
“Come on, he’s a good guy,” Carisi said. “I bet Mike would love—”
“Love what?” Mike asked, coming into the break room and snagging a takeout box.
You felt how hot your face got, and you ducked your head, pretending to eat. Thankfully, Liv came into the break room, saving you all.
“We have a hostage situation. Let’s go,” she ordered before leaving. You all glanced at each other, fun times fading, before you were up, scrambling for your things in your desks.
You were huddled outside the door to the kitchen, gun in hand. Mike was on the other side of the doorframe, eyes locked to yours, gun in his hand as well. You were both flanked by the squad and officers, waiting for the go ahead from Liv. You knew she wanted to be in there with you, but as Lieutenant, she had to be outside, calling the shots for everyone involved.
“Green light,” she said into your earpieces. Mike nodded at you, and you nodded back. Then he took a step back and kicked the door in. You cut in front of him as he caught his balance, heading into the kitchen, eyes scanning. You had your gun up, and once you found your perp, you swiveled to aim at him. But he was faster; he fired before you even had the chance.
You grunted as you took a bullet in the ribs, your vest absorbing most of the impact. You still stumbled, though, the wind knocked from you. You being off balance turned out to work perfectly, as Mike was able to get a shot off, clipping the guy in the shoulder.
Both Carisi and Rollins headed for the perp while Fin checked on the woman who was being held hostage; she was shaking in a corner, hands and mouth duct taped. Mike, however, went straight to you.
“Are you okay?” he asked, face full of concern. He helped guide you towards the door, hands on your hips to help you walk.
You nodded. “Fine, fine. Got the vest,” you grunted, hand on place you were shot.
Mike led you down and out of the house, out onto the street. Liv read the situation and quickly came over, but you waved off her questions. Both of them guided you to a waiting ambulance, and the paramedics helped you get the vest off. They gently lifted your shirt to inspect the spot, which was already deeply bruised, a small bit of dried blood there from where the bullet broke skin.
Your face heated as you caught Mike’s eyes glued to the injury. “I’m fine, really. Just a bruise,” you muttered, trying to pull your shirt back down.
“We should take you in, make sure you didn’t break anything, or have internal bleeding,” one of the medics said.
You sighed, knowing you couldn’t argue. They helped you in the back, and you sat on the gurney.
“I’m riding with her,” Mike said to Liv. He handed her his gun before he climbed in, sitting next to you. You ducked your head in embarrassment as the doors closed and the ambulance pulled away.
You sat on the hospital bed, and Mike was outside the room while you were patched up—mostly because your shirt was off. Once considered decent, though, he came in, giving the nurse a smile and nod in thanks.
“How’re you feeling?” he asked, that concern still in his eyes.
You smirked. “Like I was shot.”
Mike shook his head, grinning. “Glad to see you still have your sense of humor…. Thank you, though.”
“For what?”
“I was going to go in first, but you ran in front of me before I could stop you. In a sense, you took that bullet for me,” he explained.
You blinked at him, then blurted out, “I’d do anything for you.” Your face heated, and you dropped your eyes to the floor. “I mean, y—you’re my sergeant; of course, I’d take a bullet for you….”
“Well, I’d do anything for you, too, including taking a bullet, if it came to that,” he replied softly. At first, you thought he was just saying that. But the meaningful look he gave you made you pause. Was he saying what you thought he was?
Slowly, timidly, you reached out and took his hand in yours. He didn’t pull away; in fact, he stepped up close to you. His free hand came up to your face, and he cupped your cheek lovingly. You leaned into the touch, and his face got closer and closer—
“There you are, Mike! Benson said you were at the hospital with a detective,” a voice called from the door. Mike quickly moved away from you, dropping your hand, and you swallowed in fear as Deputy Chief Dodds stood in the doorway to your room.
He gave you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, and you wondered how much he had seen. Then he strolled into the room, fixing his gaze onto his son.
“Uh, yeah, sorry dad. She got shot during our raid today—”
“Oh no,” he lamented, though it almost sounded sarcastic. “Well, it at least looks like you’re fine. Listen, Mike—” his eyes went back to his son’s— “I need to talk to you about an opportunity. If you’ll excuse us,” he said to you, then turned and strolled from the room.
Mike gave you an apologetic look before following his dad, closing the door behind them and leaving you alone.
“What the hell were you thinking?” William asked as he headed out of the hospital. “Getting close with a detective.” He said the word like an insult, and Mike flinched.
Once on the street, Mike replied, “she’s a fantastic detective, and I like her a lot. Why does my romantic life involve you?”
“Because we’ve worked too hard to get you to this position," he responded, poking Mike in the chest.
He rolled his eyes, fighting the urge to ask “we?” Instead, he said, “If I follow your plan, then I’m leaving SVU anyways. Why can’t I date her?”
“You need someone on your level, someone who’s as eye-catching as you are,” William explained. But Mike knew the truth; his father wanted him with a trophy wife, one who knew how to keep her head down and attend to her husband’s wants and desires. In other words, someone Mike wanted nothing to do with.
“With how good she is, she could make sergeant in no time,” Mike countered. He wasn’t just saying that, either; he believed it. You were incredible. He almost wanted you to go to Joint Terrorism with him, be his number two. But then, you couldn’t have a relationship together.
“Who cares about sergeant—”
“I’m a sergeant, dad.”
William waved his hand dismissively. “That’s just a placeholder until you’re lieutenant. Come on, Mike; do you really want someone with the same profession as you? Where you work late nights, weekends, holidays?” Translation; do you want someone who won’t be home to cook your meals or run the household?
“We’d have the same life experiences, we’d understand each other on a deeper level because of it,” he shot back.
William rolled his eyes. “Deeper level—”
“And I’m not going to stand here and defend her or myself from you. I’m sorry dad, but I don’t really care what you think about her. We haven’t even started dating or anything. But I’m going to go back upstairs and ask her out. I hope you can find it in yourself to come to terms with that,” Mike said before turning on his heel and marching back inside. William was too stunned to say anything back.
You collected all your items and were just about to leave the room when there was a knock on the door.
“Uh, come in?” you called, wondering if the nurse had more info outside of “it’ll heal on its own, but it’ll be sore for a while.”
But your stomach dropped when it was Mike peeking his head in, giving you a sheepish smile. “Uh, hey, sorry about that.”
“O-oh! No, it’s, um, it’s fine. Hopefully that was nothing too important,” you replied, laughing nervously.
Mike rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a mumble of, “no, no, it’s nothing…” before trailing off. Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at you intently. “Would you like to go get dinner with me? Tonight?”
You were stunned; true, you were both off after the raid—you to heal and pass a psych evaluation, and him while IAB investigated the shooting—but you never expected him to ask you out. “I—I would love that…but could we? Unless the Chief just transferred you, you’re still my boss.”
“He didn’t, but I don’t care. I’ll be leaving the squad soon enough as it is. Plus…I know you’re not seriously injured, but the thought of you being shot on the job…it worries me. I’d rather shoot my shot now, while we’re both still alive and well,” he finished.
You nodded slowly, your mind swirling. “Well…as long as neither of us will be fired over it…. I’d love to have dinner with you, Mike.”
You noticed how his eyes narrowed when you mentioned getting fired, and you wondered if the possibility never crossed his mind until you said it. He quickly masked his face with a smile, then held the door open for you.
“You won’t get fired; I’ll make sure of it,” he promised, and you wondered if it was a legit possibility. Either way, a date with Mike Dodds seemed like a good payoff. Plus, if you were fired, you could continue dating without the fear of 1PP.
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catharrington · 4 years
Vanilla Cake and Strawberry Ice Cream.
My first fic requested by donation to Harringrove for BLM. Anon asked for a simple prompt. “Billy trying his best to do something nice for Max's birthday, thus surprising both her, himself and just about everyone else ...? Just, something nice and sweet, because I think we need nice things now.” Anon your iconic and I love your brain. Please enjoy!!!
What he’s struggling with was still two weeks off, but Billy was getting nervous. He doesn’t get nervous. Yet when he does, like right now as he flicks a magazine nervously glossy page by glossy page through his calloused fingers, he loathes it.
Nothing was catching him like he thought it would. The pictures, the pretty singers and models in their flashy jewelry and clothing, all ran together.
Propping himself up on one elbow, he stretched out one leg while keeping the other bent. Felt cranky and cramped as he started from the top of the magazine again. Then two sharp knocks jarred his focus. And there was only two seconds before his door opened to Max’s head of wild hair.
“Hey, idiot!” She paused as he watches him scramble to shove the magazine under his ass. Billy grumbles while trying to act casual, it doesn’t really work.
“Yeah, whatever,” Max starts again, “Mom says you have to give me a ride to the arcade! And I’m leaving like now- so...,”
Billy groans out, running his hand down his flushed face, “I’ll be out be in 5,” he points at her with a sharp look. “Now get out of my room, shit bird!”
She slammed the door with a huge swoosh of wind and a click. Billy rolled off his bed with an equally loud thump. He pulled the magazine now crumpled out from under his blanket and shoved it deep into his closet. Running his hands through his hair, then he toed in his boots. His shirt was unbuttoned down farther than he usually has it, Billy only smirked as he left it open.
He walked out to the living room and jingled his keys in Max’s sour face to get her to follow out to the Camaro.
The arcade was packed. Billy snarled his top lip as he parked and got out. He figured with the bright sunlight beating down they would be at a park, or the community swimming pool, not clambering to get inside a dimly lit arcade. But he only narrowed his eyes through his golden aviators as Max ran to join her group of friends inside.
Billy let his eyes travel farther up the strip mall. There were a few shops dotting the line up, a couple empty ones and a bustling Family Video, and the one that caught Billy’s eye. A quaint looking boutique labeled ‘In Style Girls’ across the top in curling cursive writing.
Billy had his hands shoved deep into his jeans back pockets, acting casual as he took the sidewalk to peer into the glass. But it was the same as the magazine. The cluttered racks of clothes and jumbled rows of clunky jewelry all ran together for him. A cashier was inside applying bright red lipstick, and he considered maybe that could be an idea for a gift, but he wasn’t ready for that.
He doesn’t notice as Max sneaks back out of the Palace Arcade to press herself along the brick walls and spy on him. The party follows, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, then slightly timid at the end follows Will.
They listen intently as Max rants. “He’s got some weird thing happening. Like he’s- shopping for a girlfriend. It’s gross.”
Mike scoffs. “Why is that gross?”
Lucas nods at her shoulder. “Yeah, getting gifts is pretty normal for a couple Max, I get you gifts all the time?”
“No, stalker,” Max huffs. She rolls her eyes at them and turns back to see Billy all but pressing his nose to the glass of the ladies’ boutique. “This is Billy. He doesn’t do gifts or romance. I would know. He’s never bought gifts for my birthday or like Christmas. And oh- he really doesn’t do long term girlfriends!”
“Who’s got a girlfriend?” The party jumps almost in sync as Steve speaks up. He’s fitted himself behind Will, who didn’t notice he was there, and was watching the party curiously over the top of a can of coke.
“Hey Steve,” Will greets meekly, knowing his job as the look out was a bust.
Max straightens up from the wall. Trying to act casual, and mostly failing just like Billy had. “No one, what’s it matter to you?” Max snaps at him as she starts back to the arcade.
Steve blinks. Mike and Lucas sigh as they try and fill him in. “Billy,” they say in sync then Lucas continues, “she’s obsessed with how he’s been acting weird lately.”
Steve furrows his brows. “How has he been acting weird?” he asks.
Dustin snorts laughter like a pig as he follows back into the arcade, doesn’t notice as Steve lingers in the doorway. “Doesn’t he always act weird? He’s a douchebag.”
The party shares a good laugh at that before trotting back into the blinking lights of the dark arcade. Steve stays behind to watch as Billy jumps down from the curb and stomps across the parking lot to get back into his Camaro. This time, he’s the one who jumps when Will speaks up at his shoulder.
“It’s not polite to stare, y’know? Not supposed to be caught looking too long.” Will speaks low and quiet, says it secretive. Makes Steve’s skin chill with goosebumps. He knows, maybe too well, he isn’t supposed to stare. He only shrugs in reply, taking a long swig of his cold coke, then walks away from the younger Byers.
Steve doesn’t ask about Billy again. Takes the looks Will flicks at him every now and again on the chin with no comment. Steve goes to work the next day casually, tries not to think to long about what Billy could be doing. When, just as he’s scolding himself for thinking about it to much, Billy walks right in.
Comes right up to the counter, a white Hawkins pool shirt cut just below his nipples and red swim shorts pulling tight around his thick thighs every time he takes a step. Steve adverts his eyes. Focuses them on the flavor of the day, Extra Strawberry Sunshine, instead of letting his eyes linger.
“Harrington,” Billy’s voice ripped his attention up. “Delivery,” he drawled.
Steve blinked at his baby blue eyes, took in his curly hair made even frizzier with the fluorescent lights. Drifted down to his sunglasses clipped on the front of his shirt. Bit his lip and forced himself to look farther down at Billy’s outstretched hand holding a folded piece of paper.
Steve tried to smile casually as he plucked the piece of paper. Tried to keep his breath from hitching as Billy’s red hot suntanned fingers brushed his own. Messed up both times, ended up snatching the paper and unraveling it furiously with wide blown black eyes.
The paper had handwritten blocky letters spelling out a date and time for Max’s upcoming birthday party. It read: Must wear something cute! Must bring presents! Steve blew out the side of his mouth in a huff, but smiled as he spotted his name at the top.
“You better show up. Max is pretty adamant about it being a big deal and all. Big 14.” He leaned forward on the counter and kept his voice low as he spoke. “When are we gonna let that rat pack in on the bad news that it’s all down hill from there, pretty boy?”
Steve held his breath. Didn’t reply. Didn’t want to taste too much of banana sunning lotion. Billy leaves with a wave over his shoulder, doesn’t ask for any ice cream. Not surprising with his cut abs, he does have to keep the figure for the ladies. For his girlfriend.
“Oh hey,” Billy spins, watches him over his shoulder, coy smile on his lips, “can you give me directions to the Radio Shack in this damn labyrinth?”
Steve props his head up on the counter with one hand, shoving his fingers into his rosy cheek. “Second level, just off the elevator. You can’t miss it.”
Billy salutes him, “thanks, sailor boy,” before leaving.
Steve groans deep and long thinking about how much he dreads meeting Billy’s girlfriend if he brings her to the party. But also dreads what the party will do to him if he doesn’t go.
So he does, pulls into the Wheeler house where the invite demanded him to be at this specific hour. Steve smiled at Mrs. Wheeler nicely as he pushed past to rush down the steps to their basement. He sighs in relief as he gets to their little set up of colored streamers and half inflated balloons. Letters cut by hand spelling out Happy Birthday taped above the couch. And a lopsided vanilla cake sitting on a table with goofy surfer themed paper plates and napkins next to it.
Steve sets his quart of strawberry ice cream, Extra Strawberry Sunshine, down right next to it. He brought a present, okay, even if it’s food and even if he might have stolen it.
“Steve, my man,” Dustin sighs from where he’s sitting at their card table fumbling with a miniature figurine. “Finally someone who isn’t with their girlfriend.”
That word sends a spike of ice into Steve’s good news. He runs a hand down the back of his neck, forgets its cold from carrying the ice cream and makes himself shiver.
“Yeah, buddy,” he swallows thickly.
Doesn’t know what to say. Turns his gaze to the ceiling as heavy boots fall on wood.
Upstairs the party is pulling a few things from Mike’s room, a couple dungeon manuals and a few extra chairs from the kitchen when the door rasps. Mrs. Wheeler is there to open it with a kitten’s grin as she steps aside for Billy and Max. He smiles right back, brilliant white teeth and wrinkles around his blue eyes melting Mike’s mom right to the ground as he walks past.
They both head to the stairs, Max leading with taking two steps at a time and Billy slower. Letting the rest of the children flow in as they wish Max happy birthday’s.
As the party descends on their card table and set up extra chairs, circling around a small mountain of gifts, chanting something like ‘open them quick so we can eat the cake’, Steve takes a few steps towards Billy.
“Hey,” he greets cooly.
“Hey,” Billy bids back. His hands buried in his denim jacket.
Steve shuffles around, glancing left and right like he’s looking for something. For someone.
“Harrington?” Billy leans closer, shoulder checks him, maybe in a way to bully but to Steve it made his heart flutter. “What’s up?”
“Your- uh, Thought this party was a big deal, and your girlfriend couldn’t make it?” Steve keeps his eyes focused on the kids.
From next to him he can hear Billy rolling his eyes. Stomping around in his big boots as he moves into Steve’s line of sight. “What would make you think-,”
“Hey, jerks,” Steve whips his head away from Billy’s serious eyes like he got caught. He sees Dustin motioning them over. “All the presents then we can eat cake!”
Steve moves past Billy, holding his breath from the onslaught of cologne, and points to the ice cream. “You nerds didn’t notice a whole tub of Max’s favorite flavor? It’s right there!”
Max picks up a piece of wrapping paper trash thrown across the table and smiles bright as she finds the quart. “Thanks, Steve,” she beams.
Billy is suddenly right at Steve’s side, breath close enough to ghost down his arm and over his tshirt sleeve to his naked skin. “Don’t get too excited until you unwrap mine, Maxine.” He finally takes his hands out of his pockets and shows a messy wrapped gift. Max looks confused, Billy is blushing and not making eye contact. But she reaches forward and takes the present.
Plucks the orange wrapping paper off one tape piece at a time. She pulls out a Sony Walkman glossy and new, with a gaudy neon design her eyes just light up for. And under it, as she picks the Walkman up gently, a cassette of Madonna falls into her hand. She smirks out one side of her mouth, rolls her eyes. Says, “thanks, idiot,” with a fond tone.
Billy doesn’t reply, just sucks his tongue over the top of his teeth and shrugs. The party pulls Max by her shoulder and reminds her it’s time to cut the cake.
Billy’s still standing shoulder to shoulder with Steve. Still breathing hard and heavy, smelling good. Not moving for any cake. Steve swallows the spit gathering in his mouth. Doesn’t want to get his hopes up too much, but he has to ask. Thinks briefly about Robin’s tally board as he flicks his hair over his forehead and steadies his voice.
“So the shopping, and directions to radio shack? That was all for Max? No...,” Steve tips his head, let’s his breath be the one ghosting over Billy’s turned up jacket collar, “no girlfriend?”
Billy rolled his head back on his shoulders, flexing under Steve’s attention. “No girlfriend,” he confirms quietly.
Then he turned to meet pretty brown eyes, sparkling with a promise like ocean water at sunrise. Gives Steve a vanilla cake sweet smile.
“Hum, Interesting, Hargrove,” Steve smiles back cool as strawberry ice cream melting down the side of a waffle cone in the afternoon sun.
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hadererer · 4 years
slice of pie
@it-fandom-exchange gift for @s-onora! 
prompt: a fic with young adult reddie, fluff and side stanlon-stanlonbrough
summary: of course richie would cause eddie and him to get detention on free apple pie day at the diner
“Psst….psst….Eds….Eds, look!”
Eddie continues to stare at the chalkboard straight ahead, determined. He didn’t want to talk to Richie right now. Richie is the reason they were stuck spending the next hour and a half with Mrs. Landers. Richie is the reason they are missing out on visiting Bill at work at the diner. Richie is the reason they’re missing out on free slices of apple pie. 
“Eds...c’mon…” Richie’s voice rose slightly from its original, soft whisper to a slightly higher whine, still low enough to avoid the attention of Mrs. Landers. Eddie just continued to stare ahead, showing no sign of having heard him. Mrs. Landers clears her throat, a not-so-subtle warning that ‘yes, I heard that.’ He is pulled from his thoughts when a wet, balled up piece of paper hits the side of his head.  
“Are you fucking serio--?” 
“Boys,” Mrs. Landers’ already stern voice was hard. Peeking over the top of her paperback, her eyes strained and stern behind thick glasses. “What is the problem?” Her voice made it clear to them that she wasn’t actually asking. And, honestly, knowing Mrs. Landers, she was more annoyed they were interrupting her latest dollar store paperback than that they were not following the rules of detention. 
“Nothing, ma’am,” Eddie tells her, then tilting his head slightly to the left, calls Richie an “asshole” under his breath. Without even looking, he can feel Richie’s smile.
The next few minutes are filled with blissful silence, only the clock ticking to interrupt it. 
“Eddie...check it out…”
Not wanting to deal with the incessant nagging for the rest of detention, Eddie turns, eyebrows raised.   
Richie held up his hand. On the back of it is a big heart with an arrow going through it. In the center, ‘Sonia’ is inked in red bubble letters, surrounded by hearts.  
“You’re the worst.”
“That’s not what your m---”
Eddie’s hand is in the air almost immediately. “Mrs. Landers, may I please use the restroom?” He ignores Richie’s high pitched “what?” 
She doesn’t even look up from her paperback while responding, tone uninterested and monotone, “Is it an emergency Mr. Kaspbrak?” 
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Fine. Take the pass and no funny business.” She gestured with a flimsy hand to the piece of laminated, bright red cardstock hanging next to the door, still not looking up. 
Eddie was out of his chair before she finished her sentence, flipping Richie the bird behind his back. … Eddie goes up two floors to the single bathroom above the auditorium, which was further from the classrooms so it was always empty. Plus, apparently it used to be a prep room turned bathroom, so it was larger than a usual single stall bathroom, able to fit a minimum of eight people into it comfortably. Over their four years in high school, this bathroom became a sort of meeting spot for the losers club, no one bothering them there. 
Looking out the large window overlooking the baseball field, Eddie tries to see if he can spot Stan on the field or even Mike, always a supportive boyfriend, in the stands. 
Eddie knows he just has to kill time until Richie joins him. This isn’t their first time in detention, or their second or third, so by this point they have a routine. Mrs. Landers never stops them anyway. She doesn’t get paid enough to care. True to routine, Richie is coming through the doors not five minutes after with his own pass, tossing it down on the ledge next to Eddie’s.  
“She didn’t even wait for me to ask this time,” he laughs, pulling out his pack of Camels and the Troll lighter Ben bought him for his birthday. 
Opening the window on the far wall next to the sinks, Richie hops onto the bathroom sink closest to it, lighting up his cigarette. Taking a deep drag, he blows it out, watching the team practice for a few seconds, before turning to Eddie. Seeing the look on his face, Richie takes the cigarette out of his mouth, blowing out a stream of smoke.  
“You owe me two slices of apple pie, Dick.” 
“Two slices?” 
“One to make up for the free slice we missed today, and another because you spat a spitball at my head, you asshole.” 
Richie laughs, full and loud, before nodding as he takes another drag. As usual, Richie’s laugh is infectious. It echoes in the tiled bathroom, encompassing them even more. Eddie’s face cracks into a grin, annoyance dissolving. 
“I think Bill works until 8 tonight.” Richie wags his eyebrows. “And I can probably convince dad to let me use his car after dinner.” 
Eddie considers it. Obviously he’d rather go to the diner with Richie and Bill than spend the night doing a puzzle and watching, but getting away from his mom would be difficult. Especially since he’s already late coming home after school. 
“Don’t worry about Mrs. K, I’ll use the Tozier charm--ow!” Richie moves his leg away from where Eddie kicked him. 
“Shut up. I’ll tell her I’m tired after dinner and just sneak out.” 
Eddie clears the short distance between them. Taking the cigarette from between Richie’s fingers and snubbing it out, Eddie pulls him down for a kiss, which Richie warmly returns. It’s not the best kiss, the taste of cigarettes so strong. 
Pulling apart, Richie rests his head against Eddie’s. “So, does that count as one slice of pie?” 
“Actually, it’s up to three slices now.” 
Richie pulls away, face twisted in confusion but smile still present. “What? How?” 
“Because I had to kiss your cigarette breath, Trashmouth.” They’ve talked about this before. Eddie’s tried to help him quit, always stocking his pockets and fanny pack with gum, which he read in the pamphlets at the drugstore helps to soothe the cravings. 
Richie tips his head back in a laugh. “Woooow, very smooth, Eds.” 
Eddie doesn’t respond, just pulls out a stick of gum for Richie, which is gladly received. Chewing it obnoxiously loud, he leans back down to press their lips together. Now, all Eddie tastes is vanilla peppermint, Richie’s favorite. ‘Cause it’s sweet and fresh, just like me, he hears Richie repeat in his head. Richie kisses him three times, and in between each counts off. 
“One slice.” 
Another kiss. 
“Two slices.” 
Another kiss. 
“Three slices.”
A third kiss, this one longer than the last. 
When Eddie pulls apart, he smirks up at Richie, fingers playing with the mop of unruly hair. “That’s cute, but you still owe me apple pie.”
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borkthemork · 5 years
Nightly Escapade (A Messy Drive Date Connverse Fic)
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: General
Words: 5,158
Pairings: Steven/Connie (Connverse)
Summary: Movies are perfect. What's not to like about them? They're stories told on the big screen, they could leave you shaking from the flood works or clammy from the explosions and ticking timers, and, most importantly, it's the best plan if two lovers ever wanted to go on a date. For Connie and Steven: planning a movie date was easy, there's nothing better than preparing a good ole' car of refreshments for a long drive, but executing it (without it going wrong) was another thing entirely.
Reblogs are appreciated!
He should've gotten them sooner.
One could retort that he only heard of the movie details today, but he felt guilty regardless when he eyed the lack of vacancy when he tried to apply his—newly gained—credit card to it. It was a one-in-a-million (or was it a billion? He'd have to ask Connie later) experience, and since his jam bud now had access to PG-13 movies just like he did, they thought it would be a great time to start something. An adventure. Or was it a date? A cool date adventure!
Hahaha, he was a genius!
When she arrived at his house—naïve to the idea being dashed to shreds—he told her of the lack of tickets, feeling the crummy jumble of his heart with each shift in expression Connie had. She was looking forward to this film; she would rant and rave about Ghibli films like they were cinematic masterpieces, leaving him confused but intrigued. He never touched a Ghibli film before, so it was a beginning bout of interest that made him ask what was so special about them in the first place.
"You don't understand," she lamented when asking days prior, "Princess Mononoke was way ahead with its themes and dynamics regarding nature and humans. I would trade my own hands—not really since I need them—to see it on the big screen! To see it on any type of high-definition!"
Who knew Delmarva starved for this kind of content? Well, he should've recognized this when Ronaldo brigaded him with film advice but he never really took those consolations in a serious light. Even if he did, he still would've been short of time.
Now they’re here: Connie pacing in his room under the beating weather; fingers on her chin, her shoes clicking on the floorboards with hardened focus. "Well, we could see another movie since it's not that big of a deal."
Steven was fumbling with the wrinkles of his bedsheets, the screen of his laptop closed in a subtle defeat. The guilt fettering his torso. "I'm sorry, Connie. I know that you really wanted to see it."
"Hey, it's all right." She smiled at him. "Even if we can't see the movie, why not just go on the date, anyway?"
She stumbled with the word when it came down to it, shooting him an awkward glance. His stomach was bound in a knot; this was the first time they ever mentioned it out loud.
"Yeah!" He piped up, cheeks flushed in heat. "Nothing can stop us, we're jam buds after all!"
A petal-soft laugh. "Jam buds 'til the very end."
With that, they got started. The problem with planning—and the advantage of their duo—came down to the many ideas flung around the room like paper balls in the occurring scuffle for supplies. Steven would suggest something and then Connie would add to it—flinging it back to Steven and then back to her—until the ideas they've manifested became more like snowballs the size of boulders. So the tiny notion of a movie date transformed into a nightly car date, the dondai befitting blankets, a radio, a grocery bag of snacks, and other accoutrements such as the medkit bunched in the back. When asked about it, Connie remarked with a simple, albeit embarrassed, "better safe than sorry" as they listed off their roster.
"So, let's get this plan straightened out one more time," she announced in the car, Steven saddling up his seatbelt and fiddling with the ignition. "We're only following the routes near the coastline. I have some money we could use if we ever run out of gas cans. If we see an ice cream stand, we're definitely stopping for it. And—"
"We'll drive to Viewover Point so we can watch Unfamiliar Familiar at the drive-in," he concluded, churning out a carnie accent. "Now in 3-D with a limited purchase of Archimicarus and Lisa chibi plushies for only nine ninety-five!"
She laughed. "Correct! And we'll buy ten of them, five for you and five for me."
"What about fifteen?"
Both of them exploded into giggles, Connie playfully smacking with his shoulder. "Just drive!"
The engine growled to life. With the sun still perched in the sky, the two of them drove off with a rumbling trail of radio music and road-crunched gravel, not a single worry in mind; just two best friends against the long-winding asphalt lines.
There’s a thing Steven had to learn the first time he began his traverse into the world of semi-adulthood: that driving had a few loopholes that society was okay with trespassing into. In one particular memory, he attempted and went with the minimum speed range in Ocean Town—following the procedures, being loyal to the rules for the sake of being a good Samaritan—only for a cop car to drive alongside his window to force himself to speed up, whose eyebrow quirked in irritation. Apparently, the road he occupied was one lane, and the townies (ranging from a mile long) behind him weren’t happy about it.
He tried to laugh it off, brush it off like it was sand peppering his shoulders, but Connie was with him when it happened. She never let him down for it. Ever.
And that’s what lead to them bolting past the Beach City safety limits, windows popped open—gushing them with the wind—as the two hollered over the Mike Krol ratatat’ing their space. Overall, he’d like to thank Beach Town for this valuable lesson. He’ll never forget it.
“What if I told you that the world was gonna end!” Connie held an unopened granola bar, singing into it as Steven did a clean turn, the tail of their car following the drift in consecutive ease; the windows displayed to the right reflecting sheens of the calm ocean, skies bearing unrestrained galaxies from light-years away.
She directed the granola towards him, who yelled out in glee, “and you had fifteen minutes to spend with me or your friends!?”
“I guess we don’t even need to use the phone!”
“I don’t need your answer, I’ll be spending it alone!”
Cue the dance break. Connie did a little jig in her seat as he rocked his head to the remainder of the rhythm, heart battling in his chest, hoping that his attentiveness could keep them alive at the presence of the cliff that loomed to the right of them. Their laughter was of pure delight, wild and untamed, the childlike initiative riling them like cinders.
At the introduction of the woods behind an impending crossroads, he made a left turn, cutting into the Delmarva wood.
“Wait, that’s the wrong way!” Connie said.
“What!” He tried to turn it around but it was too late. The car clipped from the road, leading them scrambling in a quaking mess, the vehicle gatling its way into the unknown, into the webs of branches and darkness.
Ears pounding with the tremors.
The violent shudders.
Dissonant heaves.
And groans.
It then stopped. A warmth enveloped them in a luster of pink, the car remaining still as the creaks of its metal came to a halt. He looked over to Connie, easing his heart when he saw that she looked fine. Disoriented, confused, but fine. The windows were crowded by brambles, of hardwood needles, trickles of murk peaking in between.
He groaned, rubbing his head. The dizziness settled down. "Strawberry, you okay?"
"Roger that, biscuit." She unclipped her belt, heaving out breaths as the two of them calmed their frazzled senses, inspecting the enclosed space around them with unease. They were settled in the belly of a mechanical beast, brittle with cracked glass and wretched frame, the outside covered in dimly lit brush. "That was a close call though. The air bags didn't even work."
"Either that or my bubble’s forcing it down." He considered the sturdy barrier. It wasn't a bubble, looked more of a compartment that twitched and receded when they moved too much in the limited spacing, glowing its familiar hues and glint. He needed to meddle with this later. "We should get out though."
A brief nod. "Agreed."
He didn't know how long it took. All he could focus on was the buzz in his ears and the careful work he did to keep the bubble (morphing and melding to his command) under control as they crept out by the backseats; courtesy of Connie, who didn’t hesitate to pierce one of his windows with the medkit when the doors didn’t budge.
In the final shimmy, the two of them plopped onto an unsteady incline of dirt—the bubble dissipating—keeping hold of one another until the pathway below them cleared to unrooted ground. Glancing through the canopy overhead, Steven thought of it as a giant colander; how the moon pouring into his sights a few moments ago was now trying its best to sneak past the floral arms, to catch him even while shrouded in cold.
"Okay," Steven felt Connie's hand wrap around his, easing up as she started to move, his eyes trying his best to follow her outlines. She pointed to a mess of lights opposite the car, meshed with the silhouettes of broken-limbed shrubbery. "We came from there. Let's try to get some cell service, that way we can get a tow truck to our location and the dondai."
"Oh, man." Steven looked back at his car, a wheeze in his throat. "Yeah, we definitely need a truck because the car's donedai!"
Nothing but an awkward chuckle. "Stay focused, Steven. Let's go."
The woods were thick with underbrush. Portions coddled them in aggravating clumps, having them push and shove their way through. A good thing about Steven, however, was that they ignored this with a snap of his bubble, hamster rolling their way out through the elongated tunnel they burrowed through the brier. He would minimize it when the arching leaves and branches were too stubborn to part, and sometimes the spikes protruded from them like machetes, ready to press and nip them into splinters.
"How far did we drive in?" Connie mumbled after a few minutes passed. Leaves nested themselves in her hair, the scuffs on her arms still muddied from their vehicular escape. In all honesty, it reminded him of earlier days, where they wandered the Delmarva wood with nothing big to solve, their imagination pulling their way to the next great exploit. "It looks like we’ve gotten way off the mark."
He winced. “Don’t worry, we’ll be okay.”
“Steven, are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” He told her. “I’m just pining for a way out, you know? We’ll be fine in no time.”
“Steven, we've been at it for five minutes.”
"If that’s the case we're in a sticky situation then," Steven said, letting out a high-strung chuckle. "If I just took the right turn, we woodn't be here."
She halted in her tracks—the boy tripping from the stop, saving himself before he slammed into the bubble. "Steven, tell me."
"Hm?" He looked over, scrambling straight. "Why d'you stop?"
"Something's on your mind," she said. "And we'll not take another step until you spill the beans."
"Well, the beans are back in the trunk."
He jumped. "Okay, okay! Sorry, I won't joke about beans anymore."
"That's not what I'm talking about here." She rubbed the bridge of her nose, fatigue on her lips. "Something's bugging you; I don't want to make any assumptions so you need to be honest with me." Her countenance softened, Steven bristling at the slight squeeze of his hand. "Please."
He wasn't the kind to turn the other way, especially with the plaguing memory of separation that tailed him ever since he lied to her two years ago. A promise was a promise, a solid bond of trust he’d never wanted to break, and even if the anxiety toiled and fought against him, he couldn't help but be reassured that Connie would still be there regardless. She was his jam bud. His confidant when the times oozed by. One of the few people he could open up to in a clear fashion. What was he afraid of? Nothing, hopefully.
He released a sigh—ladened, heavy-like. "I don't know, I just feel like such a dunce sometimes."
She knitted her eyebrows. With a swift beckon of her hand they sat down, still enraptured in rose pink; words soft, gesturing him forward. "And?"
"We were having such an amazing time," he crossed his legs, not helping the lean for warmth as she pulled him towards her, the thump of her pulse meeting with his own, "and we had these plans, these amazing plans, but I was able to ruin it in a single minute because I didn't follow the route." A scoff. "A new world record. It makes me wonder why I deserve you sometimes if I could mess up something simple like a dateventure."
"Hey, now!" They held contact, her voice stern. A shudder overcame him, feeling the slivers of grit in the way she spoke. "That's not true. Trust me when I say this: you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'll not let your self-doubt believe anything else. You messed nothing up, I’m serious about that."
"But the tickets."
"They were out before we even checked on them."
"The dondai."
"We'll find a shop that'll fix it up."
"But what about Viewover Point?"
"From what I've heard the reviews weren't that good." She shrugged, fingers weaving through his chocolate curls, careful and diligent, each press to his scalp making his lids heavy. "And I wasn't gonna enjoy the movie anyway if you weren't there to have fun with me."
“So, you’re not mad.”
“I could get mad,” Connie murmured, “but what’s there to be mad about? We’ve been through worse stuff than this, way worse, nothing will make me full-on angry with you, period. You’re important to me, and I’d rather fix our messes than leave someone else to fix it for us.”
The dance of her fingertips made him hum, clouded, lifted elsewhere to a softer portion of his mind; he wondered if Connie always had this effect on people, to calm them with the rationality and pin-point affection that they needed? Or maybe it was just him who felt that way? Maybe he cared too much? Perhaps...it was enough.
He allowed himself to breathe—in and out—until the tension in his shoulders melted to nothing; heaviness still resided, but everything appeared more comprehensible now, less complicated than what he described in his brain. With it came an idea. A goal. Something to accomplish. He affixed her a look. "When we find some wifi, would you like to stargaze with me?"
She chuckled. "Why wouldn't I, you dork?"
"I just wanted to ask." He stood up from his place, inviting her with an outstretched hand. She reciprocated, comfort collecting in his palms. "Because if we’re going to make the most of it, we might as well enjoy each other’s company."
Her hand tightened on his, thumb brushing down on his knuckles. “An adventure then.”
Steven nodded, beaming of joy—heart rattling in his chest. “A dateventure.”
“Fine.” She snorted, motioning them forward, the light at the end growing to the size of a faint firefly. “A dateventure.”
Their trek was masked in the brilliance of pink, holding on to the other as the illumination in front of them grew to the size of golf balls—relieved that the bubble saved them from bumbling ceaselessly in the dark. With their advancement, they went faster. Each spike pierced the natural fetters, leaving Steven in a fit of elation when they pushed through, their barrier popping at the final trudge.
The floor was a mess of tickling thicket. He giggled at the brambles, dirt crawled up into the niches of his jacket. Connie was beside him, stretching her legs as she stood up, noticeable in the newly acquired light.
The environment returned to quiet solitude. Steven gave it a mindful gaze: in front of him were the dug-in trenches left from the remainders of the dondai's wheel tracks, each recess printed with its cross-cross and trailing-black smears; the moon brought itself past the covering of shaded evergreen like an angel, leaving them doused in glare; the road was discernible against the earth, cracked and marked with fading yellow lines, making him wonder how deep the direction would've gone if he kept course.
Connie ushered them to walk.
The trek emulated his reveries. Calls of the night sang to them in a cacophony of rustles, hoots, and night creature scuttles; Connie, in her rousing, stopped at certain points to name plants and animals that festered around them, easy to find when she raced off to examine a retreating mammal or lizard.
"That is an owl, of course." She noted the furry-cocoon from a faraway tree, who, if one faltered their blinking, shot them split-second glances with worn yellow specs. "Probably a great-horned owl; look at the tufts on its head!"
Steven squinted. Above the brow, the bird adorned furry wisps, reminiscent of a character from Connie's favorite series. "Wow! How did you know?"
"I had a book about Delmarva geography before. I sold it since I didn’t have much use for it when I finished, but I'm surprised it came in handy now."
He pointed over to the trees. "Then what are those?"
She rubbed her chin. "If I could recall, they’re sweet gum trees...or maybe black gum. I don't remember the difference between them," she admitted.
"That's cool, though." He told her, surveying the wildlife, a wonder pooling on his own. "How come we never do nature walks? It's so peaceful here." Even if the shadows lingered, he emitted of pleasure, the crave of curiosity like a boy first exposed to something new. This was one of the few times where he didn't feel like he was about to perish under some forsaken weight; the concept of having himself run around in terror or disgruntlement long over.
“We just never had the time to. With the two years you’ve been busy and my space camp involvement, the prospect of it never hit me,” she nudged him, a zephyr trailing past them. “But it wouldn’t be too late to start now.”
He grinned. “You see any hills, captain?”
A tilt of her head. Then a pointed finger to a far off ascent. “There!”
“Race you there!” Without hesitation, Steven broke off into a sprint.
Connie, in a fit of snickers, darted after him with an undignified yell.
Fast-smeared colors. Blur of the tenebrous. The rush of one’s ears, laughing in bounding race, lighting the sky with ardor. Fireworks—music—bursting with each spring and skip, Steven crying out in gaiety. Pain and guilt weren’t his master, for he took the reins of the woodlands and made them his own; satisfaction kindling his heart to the size of a bonfire.
When he stopped he took his time gulping down air, throat blazing with invisible fire. He couldn't stop his giggles, the feeling of euphoria that rushed over him like a hyper song; Connie enduring the same, their giddiness flowing to the remains of the land—down below, sprinkling the billowing leaves of their victory.
The ground became their beds, lounging them in verdant cushion as the sky opened up to glowing display. Stars. A cascade of twinkling fires that Steven tried to frame in his hands. Bringing them to his eyes, he examined each one with starry wonderment, Connie whispering to him now and then when he asked a question.
"What about that one?" He directed a finger to the corner of the night sky.
"That’s the Big Dipper."
"And that one?"
"Mmm," she fumbled, clicking her tongue. "Aquarius? It's hard to pinpoint from all the stars—they're so bright you'd think I'm mistaking Orion for something else."
"I don't think that's a problem." He commented, fingers lifting towards the speckles, connecting each one with imaginary twine. "It just means we'll have to work harder to solve the puzzle, and as long as we got each other it shouldn't be that hard."
She released a cool wisp of air from her lips. "You're so sappy, but the sap was definitely needed."
A frown. "What's wrong about being sappy?"
"There's nothing wrong with it," she told him, sincerity leaking through. "You're the sappiest guy I've ever met and...I can't help but adore how loving you are, it just fits you so well.”
"Who, me? I'm just being my wittle self," he cooed, her laugh accompanying it.
"See?" Her hand returned to his, brushed by the moonlit turf. He felt light, the world appearing to slow down with each breath he took, heart bumping like a wave-carried boat. "Who wouldn't love to have someone like you? If I never arrived at Beach City on the day we met, then we wouldn’t even be here. Just enjoying the view."
Joy rose from his chest. "Enjoying you."
"What was that?"
"That, that was a—!" He sputtered.
She burst into laughter, cheeks dark under the light. "Oh my lord!"
"I'm sorry! It just slipped!"
"I meant that I enjoy your company," his voice was desperate, cracking like a misaligned symphony. He sat up in a panic. "Not like in a weird way, I'm sorry!"
"Steven, Steven!" He went taut; she didn't look mad or grossed out or judgemental. Instead, she was hugging him, keeping him still with each moment that passed—arms returning the gesture in a tight embrace. "It's okay. It's really sweet of you!"
Steven groaned. "But it sounded so weird, I didn't mean to gross you out."
"You didn't." Connie kept him close—fondness pulling on her lips, chuckle carried off into the cool Delmarva breeze. "You're just being yourself."
Steven considered it. Even through his panic he never restrained his smile and the rush of closeness that came with it, he kept put, taking in her proximity. "Did we call a tow truck yet?"
"Oh." They pulled away. Connie rummaged for her phone. "Nope, we still have to do that."
Steven placed himself back onto the ground as she started a conversation on the phone—shadows painting her in a soothing color, moon cradling her figure. Slow and winding, gifting them of a connection that pushed him down to rest. The natural, the dark and hushed, all of his surroundings gestured to a lullaby, massaging him of burdened weight. His eyes drew closed. Exhales lingering, languid in the crisp weather.
A click of the phone resounded. Then a rustle, settling down close to him with a small grunt. Crickets chirped their song, hoots traveling overhead. "I gave them our location. We'll just have to stay put."
"That should be no problem." He stretched out. "We're the masters of it, after all."
A snort. "You’re right."
Listening to the shuffle of grass, Steven added on. "We should plan another one after this."
"Another call?"
"No, I meant the thing we're doing right now."
“The dateventure?” She asked.
Hesitancy. "Uhm, I guess."
"Well," Steven flinched at the noticeable lilt in his voice. "If you don't want to do another one, then that's okay."
"No, no," she blurted. "I want to. I'm just thinking about something."
"What are you thinking about?" His gaze still prepped up at the sky, coursing by them in a crawl.
"Just a few questions...about us." The sigh from her left him restless. What about them? "We've always been close, really close. You've noticed it, right?"
A few moments came to mind: movie nights on the weekends, blanket nests sheltering them in watchful rest; boardwalk strides with cotton candy and snow cone mouths, carrying a blue-striped bear won over from a ring toss stand; close talks at sleepovers, imagining the hereafter, breathing in the possibilities they have—which was what they're doing right now as they speak.
"I've noticed."
"It always made me wonder." She started fumbling with her fingers. "Why haven't we started dating sooner?"
"I," a quick exhale, "didn't think it would be such a big deal."
Quiet. The question raised high above their heads, Steven squirming in his place. That was a good question, why didn't he ask her earlier? He never gave it much thought, for the idea seemed unnecessary—they were good enough as is. Nothing stopped their cuddling, nothing stopped their intimate affection when consequences encumbered them above, nothing stopped them when they had their first kiss. The only thing they’re presumably missing was a label. They didn’t need it. They would still be close even without the titles of 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend'. Or 'lovers'. Or even 'jam buds'. The question left was:
"Does it matter?"
"It does to me," she spoke under her breath. "We've always been close; I'm just curious about why it took so long on my end. Was I antsy? Afraid?"
"For me, I guess I was just waiting for you." The words stunned him. It was the only answer he had, the rest of him trying to pinpoint a more exact reason. "I felt comfortable with what I had, just being there by your side, so the only change between us is if you made it official...if you get what I mean."
"I get it." The flight in her reflection—pulling out from the dip in tone prior—brought him to relief. "Then I'm glad I asked." An idyllic hum. "Clarifications are everything, well, communication in general; I didn't want to worry about going on an assumption, or just toeing around it like last time."
"You're right," he said, pulling overgrown bits of grass under him. "I should've told you when you first kissed me."
The noise she made piqued of chagrin. "Oh man, you still remember that?"
Steven smiled overhead, hoping the stars humored them. Out of all the personal disasters they’ve done together, he didn’t mind that their affection lead to their foreheads banging together—it was his favorite memory. "In clear detail."
Connie groaned, hands wringing through her hair. "That was so embarrassing."
"I don't see it that way. I'm thankful for it." He snickered.
"Steven, noooo."
"It made me realize you were flirting with me before that!" Her hand pressed against his mouth, leaving him to struggle and teeter under her in muffled hysterics.
"Steven Quartz Universe, you need to stop talking right now!" She was in hysterics too, Steven trying his best to wrestle his way out. "Cease your lies!"
"Never!" He wheezed, face red as an apple. "You can't deny the fact that you were!"
"Shut your mouth!"
The struggle continued. He didn't know how long it went—seconds, minutes—but the next thing he could perceive was the taste of mint. Bubblegum. Pine needle. Face cradled in her hands. He couldn't conjure a word when she parted from him, mouths agape, keeping them bathed in lunar splendor on their glorious hillock.
A moment of breath. Then another. Each one keeping their eyes on the other, lips turned in candy-sweet beams.
"You didn't use Wikihow this time?"
She smirked down at him; a pepper-light kiss pressed to his forehead. "Steven, I'm already beginning to regret this."
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” He reassured her, happiness emanating from his smile.
Contentment. A solid form of trust he wanted to cherish for hours and hours on end. If all he could do was just ask for the day to become never-ending, tend to a cycle of rendezvous and silver lining with her by his side, then things would’ve been perfect, but he knew the future waited for them—to grow up, to adore each other without the pressure of failure, to seek comfort in times of rock bottom.
There was no going back, huh? The label was there, they just had to use it. Nothing would change even if he uttered it. "I love you, Connie."
But there was satisfaction in hearing it. "I love you too, Steven."
Then came the rotund buzz—vibrating between them with a shocking velocity—both of them clambering back to their regular positions as Connie, who dug her fingers into her pockets, conjured her phone to the edge of her ear. "Hello, who's this?"
Pinpricks of noise sputtered from the receiving end. She bit her lower lip, nodding sparingly throughout. "Okay, okay. Pearl, we're fine, but please bring the emergency medkit just in case."
"Wait, Pearl is on the other end?"
Connie nodded before returning to the call. "Garnet's right. We went through an accident but we have our location if you want to come pick us up."
“Can I say hi to them, Connie?” He tried to look over her shoulder.
"Yeah, sure!" She then rebounded back to the caller. "Steven wants to talk to you guys; yeah, we’re on a hill, and I have a moderate battery life so you could call us when you get here." She handed him the phone.
“Steven, are you there?” The high-strung inquiry left him sweating.
“Yes, it’s me, I’m fine!”
“Oh thank goodness, Garnet told us you two were in trouble a few minutes ago and we were worried sick.” Something gushed against the speaker, clipping of the audio for a second. “Amethyst is bringing us there as we speak so it won’t take long!”
"That’s great." He peered over to Connie. "We got out of the car with no bruises, and we're just on a hill waiting for help."
Pearl’s tone sharpened. “I know you two will keep together but stay where you are, make a smoke signal if you have to.” Staying put was enough as is. “We’re on our way!”
“All right, I love you guys!”
"I love you too, Steven, keep in touch. Use your powers if you find a scratch, we don't want an infection."
"Will do."
With that, the cell went dark. Steven placed it back to Connie’s palms as they reclined, allowing themselves to wade in the sea of green; the wind picking up now, billowing through their locks, as they busied themselves with the heavenly sights. Pondering on the situation at hand.
“Hey, Connie.”
“Why didn’t we just ask the gems to lift the car out instead of calling a towing service?”
“Oh.” Silence. “Oh my God, you’re right.”
He shot her a sheepish look. “Well, at least I got to spend time with you, I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”
Even with his limited view, he knew that she was flushed, Steven grunting at the half-hearted punch to his shoulder. “You’re showing your sap again, dork.”
"At a time like this, sap ain't that bad, especially if it means I get to do a sneak attack!"
Falling on her like a tilted stone, she shrieked as they resumed back into a fit of wrestling, hearts strung to the sound of their mirth. There’s nothing wrong with a little sap, he thought, for the night was still young. And the future was theirs.
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mychemicalficrecs · 5 years
hi, do you know any good vampire frerard fics? :)
Hi Nonny!
I do know a few of those: check out this list that's all about Gerard as a vampire (and mostly Frank/Gerard). If that can't quench your thirst, try this list!I've read the first four of these (no. 2 & 3 are the same universe) but there are A LOT of fics about Vampire Frank/Gerard on AO3 and all of these looked really interesting, so there should be something for every taste!Some fics on this list have multiple pairings, I've added those to the descriptions when they seemed more than a background or past relationship.
Vampire Frank/Gerard
Gerard Way's (Vampire) Detective Agency by jjtaylor, Pennyplainknits, more ships in later fics, 164k, Mature, Teen And Up Audiences, General Audiences. Pete, in Decaydance Mansion, with a yarrow stake. Frank and Gerard, in the greenhouse, with a plant of questionable origin. Bob, everywhere you look, with a gang of assassins for justice. Vampires, valets, pamphlets, haunted furniture, dub-thrall, disembodied voices, zombie couriers, and sinister rituals.
They Came From Outer Jersey! by thatsfinewithus, Gen, Frank/Gerard, 25k, Rated R. New London Fire is an elite fringe government force assigned the task of protecting the earth from some of its more interesting threats: those from beyond the atmosphere or even the universe. They've handled dangerous cases before, but they've never seen anything like...ZOMBIES FROM SPACE. Vampires, long hunted in lore and legend, are now the earth's only saviors. There is little information as to who sent the creatures until Mikey Way, head of the NLF, finds out more by being abducted. Is it too late for him? Is it too late for the earth? Find out how six vampires, one government general, and one frustrated comic book artist save the earth in...THEY CAME FROM OUTER JERSEY!!
I Think I Thought (I Saw You Try) by thatsfinewithus, 3k, NC-17. Vampires, and MCR, and porn. Welcome to some weird AU world in which Gee only does awesome comics and Frank is a vampire.
A State Of Orange by gala_apples, Frank/Mikey, Frank/Gerard, 20k, Explicit. Being a halfling in a red state can sometimes cause issues for Frank Iero. He’s the weakest at Jett Clement High School, and probably the entire state (not counting the meal plans). His moods are oddly stable, as much as he tries to be mercurial. And being able to withstand the sun for up to twenty minutes only allows him more time to be forced into chores. Still, his parents are insane if they think he’s going to be happy about their decision. Frank doesn’t want to move to a Mixed state. How is he supposed to get great friends? How is he supposed to find great food? How is he supposed to have great sex? But Frank doesn’t have a choice. He’s New Jersey bound for the next year, if not longer. He’ll be surrounded by tame vampires who have been nagged out of a sex drive, and humans he’s not allowed to eat. Mixed states suck. Lucky for him, not every person in Jersey sucks.
All's Night by MizErie, 16k, Explicit. The war between humans and vampires has been raging for centuries. Too long according to Frank Iero. But if all humans aren't considered equal, what chance do vampires have in the fight for equality? That's why when Frank bought and began running his small bar, The Jukebox, he also implemented All’s Night. All’s Night began as an all-inclusive Tuesday night for tolerant humans and vampires to come together and socialize. Its popularity in the community has grown, and Frank has since started hosting All’s Night on Thursdays as well. Those are his two favorite nights of the week.
Life as a Process by ViciousVenin, 57k, Explicit. Frank's college experience isn't exactly what he was hoping for. He has no idea what he wants to do with his life, his RA scares him, and his roommate Gerard seems pretty weird. Really weird, actually, but not in a bad way. As the two of them get closer, Frank finds that Gerard is one of the most interesting people he's ever met, and cute as fuck to boot. Frank just wishes he could figure out what Gerard is hiding...
The Life You Always Dreamed Of by caffienedcold, 180k, Mature. You’d think having grown up in New Jersey, Frank would’ve outgrown his horror movie fixation. But no, he’s thirty, teaching Italian in fucking Rhode Island and he actually believes the student gossip that the art teacher is a vampire. So what if Frank has had an awful crush on him since the school year started? He’d helped Mr. Way move into his classroom and carried a box containing issue one of Doom Patrol, a Batman figure, and splattered tubes of screen printing ink. You really couldn’t blame him for the crush. And the vampire rumors? Icing on the cake. At least until it’s Frank’s blood on the line.
'Til the Sun Goes Down by BasementVampire, 2k, Explicit. Frank wants to fuck his best friend. Gerard wants to drink Frank's blood.
I Think I'd Go Insane Without You by hellborn, 3k, Mature. Gerard just smiles, his lips closed, eyes dark red and eager. Mikey covers his face with his hands and squeezes the empty bag between his calloused fingers, "I must be out of my goddamned mind for even considering this." A dangerous, thin-lipped smirk spreads across Gerard's face and Mikey can see row after row of long, sharp, teeth gleaming from between his bloodstained lips, "Come along, Mikes, it's time to dig up my boyfriend's dead body!"
Mortui Non Mordant by Tezy, 32k, General Audiences. “Does that matter right now? I’m – fucking dead, man. I wanted to do so much shit with my life before I died!” “You still can,” the guy said. “Like, nothing’s stopping you.” Gerard leapt to his feet, aghast at how casually he was treating his death. That wasn’t very good manners. “Except being dead.” “What did you want? Fucking ballet dancing at your funeral? Get over it, we all did.”
Those Cemetery Eyes by corruptedkid, 11k, Explicit. Every second Gerard was absent, Frank felt like there was a hole in his chest. The day Mikey showed up at his doorstep blotchy and tearstained, the hole collapsed into a supernova, turning him inside out and swallowing him whole.
at midnight all the agents by orphan_account, 18k, Mature. "I'm so, so sorry, I didn't meant to kill you," the black-haired man said in a distressed voice.
we only come out at night by cemetery_driven, 2k, Teen And Up Audiences. Gerard and Frank are just stupid vampire boyfriends.
Vampire AU by Andromedas_Void, 26k, Explicit and Teen And Up Audiences. Mister Francis Anthony Iero, Junior, Your presence is requested this evening at 221 Upper Birch Lane, North London. A carriage will be awaiting you at 3:00 pm sharp. Cordially yours, Gerard Arthur Way, Esq.
burning up in the sun by akamine_chan, 12k, Explicit. Life hasn't been the same since the Rift. Frank hadn't been planning on getting stuck in this stupid town, kept captive in the sketchiest bar in the universe, chained to the counter like an animal. And just when he'd been sure that nothing could surprise him anymore, he was rescued by a rock 'n' roll band of vampires. He hadn't seen that one coming.
There's A Lot Of Vampires Out There by iamdali, 27k, Explicit. In the year 2025 over 90% of the word's population are vampires. These days, vampires don't have to prowl alleys for human victims, massive medical co-operations mass produce blood and inject it in to every day food. Gerard Way is an office boy for one of the biggest companies in the US, and when he's not paper pushing for Vladimir Co he's plotting to find his still human brother with his companion, Frank.
Like a Secret In Your Throat by frankie_ann, 10k, Explicit. Frank sells himself as a live-in housekeeper/boyfriend. Gerard is a vampire (and independently wealthy artist) with a deeply unhealthy blood addiction who could use a hand around the house now that Mikey is off at school. …Mostly there’s a lot of porn. And blood. And I do believe in happy endings.
(To Die Will Be) An Awfully Big Adventure by FayJay, Frank/Gerard, Lindsey/Gerard, 73k, Mature. Gerard has always vaguely liked the idea of being a vampire, in much the same way he's always vaguely liked the idea of time travel, or of being a pirate - but it's only when he wakes up dead that he realises that not all his fans (or friends) are actually human. This is rather a shock to the system, but Gerard does his best to deal with the fact that he's now an undead American, and he's lucky enough to get a little help from an unexpected corner. Just as he thinks he's starting to get the hang of being a vampire, however, everything suddenly goes to hell in a handbasket, and before he knows it there are angry vampires slayers chasing him around LA, and an urgent appointment with the Fairy Queen looming before him... A story about love, family, metamorphosis, art, trust and geekery.
Cycle of Souls by Green, Gerard/Mikey, Frank/Gerard, Brian/Gerard, 49k, Explicit. Gerard loses his brother in the 17th century, and is turned shortly after. He grieves for his lost brother for centuries, but becomes content when he meets a man named Frank. Now, in the 21st century, he sees someone who looks exactly like his lost brother. In fact, he's positive the young Mikey is his dead brother come back to life. Will Mikey accept a vampire into his life, or is Gerard destined to lose him yet again?
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serendipitous-magic · 5 years
Do you have a master list by any chance on here of your works? I really need to binge read rn
I could simply direct you to my AO3 account, but let me highlight a few of (what I consider) my best stories real quick, just to give you kind of a representative selection:
The Red Envelope: 
This fic is my baby. It’s fully completed, and actually it’s only Part 1 of a 2 part series (I’m currently working on finishing up the sequel, The Unmarked Mixtape).
Rating: T 
When Will needs to get his thoughts out of his head, he writes a letter he never intends to send. He addresses it to Mike, and tells him everything.
Feeling lighter than he has in weeks and buoyed by the adrenaline of writing it all out, Will acts on an impulse and ends the letter with, "If you’d be willing to give me a chance, I’d be really happy to date you. If you’re open to trying it, please meet me in Castle Byers this Saturday at 2:00pm. I’m not asking for any promises, I’m not asking for forever or anything like that; all I’m asking is that you give me a chance. Come if you want; if not, I completely understand, no hard feelings, and I’ll never, ever mention this again."
He forgets all about the letter, and the distinctive red envelope he stowed it in, until he turns around to find it missing. Now, Will has to think of some way to stop Mike from reading that letter - or should he wait at Castle Byers on Saturday at 2:00pm and pray for a miracle?
Punch Drunk:
The visuals and dialogue for this story are so clear in my mind. Especially the dialogue between them in the first chapter... Oof. I was planning that scene out in my head for a long while before I ever wrote it down. 
Rating: T
Will didn't know the punch at the party was spiked. He drank way too much of it, and when he manages to slice his palm open, Mike is the one who gets him home and cleans up the wound.They've both had a lot to drink. And Will has an idea. If they're both drunk, then they probably won't remember any of this by tomorrow... right? So, really, there's no harm in making a confession or two. Even if Mike is mad at him, they will have both forgotten it by tomorrow, and everything will go back to normal.But the best laid plans... well. You know the rest.
Geography Notes and Doodles:
This is the first byeler fic I ever wrote, and it still holds a special place in my heart. You can tell, reading it, that I hadn’t quite found the right voice yet (you can tell it’s a bit older than some of my other stuff), but I think it still holds its own.
Rating: G
When Will accidentally hands Mike a personal sketchbook instead of a school notebook, he may as well have just handed Mike a full confession. Will realizes just a tad too late. Mortified, ashamed, Will flees to Castle Byers. Mike follows.
It's a sweet coming-out story with a happy ending, yo. Because Will Byers deserves a good day, okay?
The Unmarked Mixtape:
Yeah, it’s technically a sequel. However, it can be read on its own. This story has one of the more intense angst scenes I’ve ever written for a fanfic (spoilers: it involves someone getting outed by their parents and kicked out of their house), and it also has probably some of the best m-rated scenes I’ve written, in my humble opinion. Plus, while I do love me some pre-relationship pining, this is a fic where it’s established!byeler from the start, which is a fun change of pace.
Rating: E
The impossible happened: Will asked Mike to be his boyfriend. Even stranger? Mike said yes.That's how it started. A letter, an accidental confession, a Saturday afternoon. And that? That was the easy part.Now, what they do - what they are - is secret. Because if anyone finds out... they don't even want to imagine. Lonnie would kill them both on sight. Mike's parents would send him away to some boarding school. They'd never see each other again. They'd be marked forever. Everything would come crashing down around them.But they try not to focus on that. They're busy, after all, trying to navigate this new relationship. Kisses, dates, prom, couples' quarrels. And in the meantime, Will has a problem on his hands; a power he needs to learn to control, before it blows up in his face.It's a crazy end to their school year - but there's more going on behind the scenes than they realize.
Pure fun and fluff, wrapped up in a teeny little ficlet. I just like this one ‘cause I think it’s cute.
Rating: G
Prompt: "Picture The Party playing Truth or Dare and one of them dares Mike or Will to kiss the other and they become extremely flustered" (from an anonymous ask on Tumblr). I liked the prompt so much I wrote a tiny oneshot about it. Pure fun and fluff. Tiny little ficlet. Enjoy.
Aaaaand those would be my suggestions! Like I said, all the rest is on my AO3 account, but those are just some that I would bring attention as a kind of “representative selection” of my writing in this fandom haha.
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snapshots at the end of the world (01/?)
[ I finished my first playthrough of Days Gone and started writing fic for it in the notes on my phone and this is what I’ve gotten. It’s not much and it’s rough and very lightly edited but idk maybe someone will like it 🤷🏼‍♀️ ]
The sound of rapid knocking at her front door is enough to jolt Kendra out of her light sleep, hand already clenched around the knife that stays next to her pillow, a burst of adrenaline trying to clear the fogginess from her mind as she takes in her surroundings. She’s in her cabin, in her own bed, nothing out of place. Her knife is still in reach, her gun not much further on the little stool, the chair still wedged under the handle of the front door. As she listens more closely she can hear Addy’s voice calling to her through the wood, something about someone new being brought in and needing help. Kendra goes across the small room and opens the door, knife still in hand and a little wild eyed but that doesn’t surprise the Lost Lake doctor. She gets more details, more of the urgency, and promises to be down there as soon as she’s dressed. The door gets closed and the chair wedged back into its place and Kendra makes quick work of getting dressed. Slipping on the jeans she’d had on earlier and stepping back into her boots, she tucks her knife into its sheath, holsters the handgun on her thigh and throws on a flannel to fight the chill in the autumn air.
Most of the camp is quiet as it always is this time of night. Once the sun goes down, most people turn in if they can, sleep being a hot commodity in their little community. The infirmary isn’t as quiet though, the sound of things being shoved about and voices bickering over what to do. She ducks into the building, making a beeline for the bowl filled with clean water to wash her hands as best as can before going to where Addy’s at work. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees the familiar sight of a dog biting through a chain, the name of her hometown resting below the logo. She stops dead and stares and when Addy calls her name and she doesn’t move all the adults turn to her.
His hair’s longer, a beard on his face instead of the stubble she was used to, and there‘s a tired look on his face that she doesn’t remember ever seeing in him before. But there’s no denying that Deacon fucking St. John is alive and standing before her after all this time.
“Daddy?” The word comes out softer and smaller than anything Addy and Rikki have ever heard from her and for a second they’re all reminded that if the world hadn’t ended she’d still just be a kid. And for a second they’ve all forgotten about the problem at hand until a painful groan echoes and her attention finally breaks from Deacon. “Boozer? What the fuck?!”
And just like that the moment’s passed and the two medics are back at work, dealing with the third degree burns on Boozer’s arm and the fever that’s burning through him and Rikki’s dragging Deacon out of the infirmary on Addy’s orders which is almost impossible considering the two people he’s being told to walk away from.
Honestly Deacon only hears half of what Mike has to say about his sudden reappearance at the camp. All he can think about is Kendra. Kendra, his baby girl who’d been begging him to let her learn to drive his bike and stay up late watching movies with him the last summer they were together. His baby girl who had managed to convince big bad Boozer to take her out for ice cream every Saturday for a summer when she was twelve and who had been the one to help him pick out the official ring he gave to Sarah. His baby girl who he’d thought was dead for the last two years. His baby girl who wasn’t a baby anymore.
She’s taller, about her mother’s height, skinnier than when she was at fifteen. Baby fat burns off quick when the world goes to shit. Her green eyes have more steel to them and he couldn’t help but notice the start of a scar peeking out from the collar of her flannel. He wants to know everything, wants to know how long she’s been here, so close to him. He wants to know where Christine is, if she’s here at the camp or if she’s met a fate similar to countless others in their world.
When Mike’s done talking, it’s him and Rikki walking out together and he can’t help it. He snaps. “So you gonna tell me why the fuck you didn’t mention my daughter was living here when you saw me the other day? Because I don’t care what you think of me but that’s some horseshit, Rikki.”
“I swear, Deek, I didn’t know, none of us did.” He scoffs at that but that doesn’t stop her. “Half the people here don’t talk about their lives before this and Kendra’s no different. Hell shes been one of the hardest to get to open up about anything. She’s never even told any of us her last name. All I know is her name, her age and a tiny fraction of what she went through before we brought her here.”
That makes his blood run cold, the thought of all the things she could’ve gone through out there. The thought of what this world might have done to her in the years since they last saw each other. “When - when did you find her?”
“About seven months ago, back in February. Found her walking along the road covered in blood. Thankfully it wasn’t all hers. But she’d gotten cut up pretty bad by some ripper who’d tried to snatch her for a sacrifice or something. Took Addy about forty stitches to get her patched up but that’s nothing compared to the body we found. He’d been completely gutted before the freaks had even had a chance to get to him.”
He can feel a sick mixture of nausea and pride fill him at the same time. He’d gladly butcher any piece of shit who laid hands on her and he’s grateful that she was able to keep herself safe when he couldn’t. “She say anything about her mom?”
Rikki frowns and he knows the answer probably isn’t a good one. There’s a shrug and a little shake of her head. “She’s never mentioned anyone, not really. Said something about being with a camp over in Waterloo last year but that’s about it. Like I said, she doesn’t talk much. But... It seems like she was on her own for a while before we found her.”
He swears under his breath, more to himself than anyone else. Hands clench into fists, anger and sadness and guilt all roll around in his gut and he wants to lash out. Wants to break something, hit something, unleash hell on something to compensate for the reality that after years of promising to always be there for her he failed. He wants to scoop her up and take her back up to O’Leary Mountain, her and Boozer and keep what’s left of his family safe from this world. But leaving’s not an option yet and there are Freaks he can track through the marshes as a way for dealing with this mess in his head. At least for now.
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byeleriscanon · 7 years
Lucky (Reddie fluffy fic)
Thanks so much to @lukemybieber for the prompt/idea! I’m certain there’s been plenty of variations of reddie coming out but here is my take. It’s a little long (and rubbish but oh well) but I hope you all enjoy this! I made Richie the hesitant ones because I always see Eddie as the hesitant one in coming out fics so I decided to mix it up This fits in with my other reddie fics: Now and Forever (here) and Kisses At Sunset (here) which could be read chronologically I suppose but can also stand alone. I hope you like it!
Summary: Richie and Eddie have been dating for about a month, and they finally tell their friends.
Richie Tozier really didn’t think he could be more lucky.
Sure, Henry Bowers had broken his glasses again last week, and his parents were still drunks who didn’t realise his existence, and yeah most of his classmates found him insufferably annoying, but none of that mattered; he had the Losers. More importantly, he had Eddie Kaspbrak. Beautiful, smart Eddie Kaspbrak. As he thought of his boyfriend, Richie’s gaze was drawn from the biology textbook he was reading on top of Eddie’s bed and pulled eagerly towards Eddie, as if he were a magnet and Richie was a fleck of iron. He sat a few feet away at the desk beside his bed, scrawling arcane looking mathematical symbols onto a piece of paper.
All thoughts of his biology homework flew from his mind like leaves caught in a rogue wind as he gazed lovingly towards his boyfriend. Everything about him was simply perfect. The way his brown hair rested in a messy combover, his round, innocent features, the spattering of freckles that decorated his cheeks, the way his brow furrowed in concentration as he considered the math that occupied him. Yes, he was perfect. There really was no other way to describe him.
“How am I supposed to focus on my homework if you keep staring at me like that, Richie?” Eddie feigned annoyance without looking up from his work, but the smile that spread across his face betrayed him.
“Well how am I supposed to focus when you’re sitting there being all cute?” Richie retorted. “I didn’t realise I wasn’t allowed to look at my boyfriend” My boyfriend. Richie’s stomach fluttered, and a warm tingling seemed to flash across his body as the words left his lips. It had been just over a month since they started dating, but Richie still couldn’t believe he got to call Eddie his boyfriend.
Eddie melted as those words escaped Richie’s mouth and fluttered over to him. Giggling, he closed his book and moved from his pristine desk and over to his bed where Richie sat, his long legs folded beneath him and a biology book in his lap. He took his place beside Richie, and pressed his lips to Richie’s allowing his taste to dance and spark tantalizingly across his lips.
“Woah there Eds, if your mom catches us she’ll be jealous,” Richie joked when their lips separated.
“Richie, that’s so gross, way to ruin the moment,” Eddie made a noise of disgust.
“So sorry your highness,” Richie responded, his voice reshaping into an awful imitation of a British accent.
“That was the worst accent I’ve ever heard,” Eddie teased. “But I could get used to being called your highness,” Eddie’s laughter was sweet and soft, like windchimes in the autumn air, and Richie smiled as the melody reached his ears. He wasted no time leaning forward and connecting with Eddie’s lips, taking in the slightly saccharine taste of his chapstick, and allowing his tongue to graze teasingly over Eddie. Eddie leaned further into him as he did and placed his hand on Richie’s cheek. Richie felt as if electricity was arcing between them wherever they made contact. He didn’t want to pull away. Not now, not ever. He was meant to be with this boy he could feel it.
Eddie finally pulled away, and Richie noted a more serious look flash across his face as their eyes met.
“Richie…I think we should tell the others,” he said delicately, as if he was dancing around shattered glass. “You know, about us.” He looked worriedly into his boyfriend’s eyes, searching for a reaction.
“I don’t know they might get pretty jealous,” Richie chuckled, and to anyone else they might have believed he was joking. But Eddie knew his boyfriend better than anyone else, and he saw differently. As he spoke, something flashed through his eyes. It looked like, fear? Eddie let out a breath and reached down and grabbed Richie’s hand.
“Richie, why don’t you want to tell them? You said no last time I mentioned it but you won’t tell me why,” Eddie’s worry crept into his voice, and it was not lost on Richie, who all but flinched at the sound. Doubts began to dance around Eddie’s mind, and he could feel his anxiety rise in his chest. “Are you, are you ashamed to be dating me?” Eddie’s voice quivered as he spoke. Rationally, he knew differently. But why else would Richie be so opposed to telling the Losers? His mind continued to race and he could feel himself growing more anxious by the second.
“What? Eds, no! I love you! I just –” Richie’s voice caught in his throat, and his heart pounded in his chest as he considered his next words. “I’m scared, Eddie. I’m scared.” His words were thick, and as he said them he slouched, a look of defeat etching its way across his face.
“What do you mean?” Eddie asked. He’d never seen his boyfriend this way before. “Scared of what?”
“What if they don’t approve? What if they don’t like that we’re dating? My whole life my parents haven’t cared about me, nobody at school cares about me. But that’s okay because I’ve always had you guys. Especially you,” Richie smiled despite himself. “And I know it’s stupid, but I don’t want to lose them. I don’t want them to hate us.” Richie tried to keep from crying, but a tear managed to escape his eyes and roll down his cheek, leaving behind it a watery trail on his face. Eddie’s spirits nearly shattered, and he could feel a lump in his throat. He hated seeing his boy this way.
“It’s not stupid,” he said softly. “But I promise Richie, they’re not going to hate you. Or us. They love us. You’re not losing them, and you’re not losing me. Not now, not ever. I’ll be right beside you, the whole time.” Eddie gave Richie’s hand a squeeze and used his other hand to lift Richie’s gaze. He did his best to summon a reassuring smile, and Richie felt his fears quickly melting as his eyes met his boyfriend’s.
“Okay. Lets do it tomorrow. We’ll take them to the Barrens and we’ll tell them,” Richie returned Eddie’s squeeze. “But I can’t promise that they won’t be jealous that you got to snag someone with such good looks.” He grinned stupidly and Eddie playfully nudged him, laughing again.
Richie and Eddie found an excuse to go to the Barrens the next day, and called the rest of the Losers, telling them all to meet them. Both boys had spent the entire day full of nervous butterflies. They spent the entire day at the Barrens, even though they had told the others to meet them that afternoon. Richie tried to bring a picnic but he was so nervous that he had forgot all of the supplies aside from the blanket at home. The sun had begun to sink low into late afternoon, casting everything with a warm glow, before the rest of the Losers began showing up. Bev was the first to show up, smiling and waving enthusiastically at the two boys as she waded through the golden grass, the sun warming her face and fiery hair. Next came Bill and Stan, who must have been hanging out together, because they showed up together. Mike came next, dirt from his farm caking his worn jeans. Ben was the last to show up, huffing and talking about how he had lost track of time at the library.
The motley group spent a couple minutes talking and joking before Richie and Eddie decided it was time to get it over with. Richie cleared his throat and Eddie moved to stand beside him.
“H-hey everyone, so uh, I just, uh, well I –” Richie began, fumbling and tripping over his words like he was blindfolded and trying to make his way through an obstacle course.
“Jesus Richie take a breath, will you? I thought you were supposed to be good at talking!” Bev laughed
“Yuh-yeah Rich, you’re s-starting to sound l-l-like me,” Bill joined in.
“Sorry, I really just don’t know how to say this,” Richie continued. Eddie grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, and looked reassuringly at him.
“What Richie’s trying to say is –” Eddie started, before Richie finally found his words
“ThatEddieandIaredatingandwehavebeenforaboutamonth!” Richie’s words tumbled and crashed out of his mouth as if someone had just removed a dam that had been holding back a river for hundreds of years. Eddie looked out at his friends, each one of them looking stunned, as if they had just been smacked.
“Yeah, that,” Eddie sighed and giggled despite himself. “We’ve been dating for a month, and I know that we should have told you but we were just getting used to everything, and I really hope that you guys can accept that I’m gay and that he’s bi and we’re dating…” There were a few seconds of silence in which Eddie and Richie held on to each other’s hands like they might get ripped away, hearts pounding in their ears, before Stan finally broke the silence.
“Well its about time. Looks like I win, Marsh,” Stan said almost matter-of-factly.
“Stan!” Beverly laughed despite herself. “Guys, of course we accept it. To be honest Stan and I kind of knew something was up between you two,” She smiled stepped forward and wrapped the both of them in the warmest hug she could. Richie and Eddie both let out impossibly long breaths, and Richie felt like ten thousand pounds of pressure had just been let off his chest.
“Good f-for you guys!” Bill said as he joined the hug. Ben came up and hugged the two boys from behind.
“Aww that’s so sweet you guys,” he said as he joined. Mike wormed his way to Richie and just laughed as he hugged his friends. Stan joined in last and chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the jumble of bodies
“I just want everyone to know I called it,” he joked. The group stayed in the embrace before they let the two boys go, who grinned stupidly, hands still intertwined.
“We love you guys, and that won’t ever change,” Beverly said. The group nodded, their affirmations forming a chorus to which Richie’s heart swelled, and a warmth spread across his entire body. Eddie grinned, and the group laughed as he wiped away a tear.
The Losers stayed at the barrens the rest of the afternoon, joking and talking. Richie stayed beside his boyfriend the whole time, never letting go of his hand. His boyfriend. He smiled and looked down at Eddie, the way the sunlight glinted off his brown hair, the way his joy danced in his large, brown eyes. Eddie returned the smile, and then laughed as Stan and Beverly informed the group of their bet to see when Eddie and Richie would come clean about their relationship.
“I want to hear all about it!” Ben said. “How did you tell each other! What was your first date?”
“You sure you want all of it? It gets a little –” Richie began before a chorus of six “beep beeps” sent him and everyone else into a fit of laughter.
Richie looked at each and every one of his closest friends as they laughed. Here they all were. They loved him, and he loved them. His parents didn’t care about him but that didn’t matter. Because his friends did. His boyfriend did. And that’s all he needed. Their laughter formed the symphony that the joy within him swelled and danced to. He could feel their love, as warm and sure as the late afternoon sun that bathed them all. He felt Eddie’s hand in his, and he knew the truth:
Richie Tozier really couldn’t be more lucky.
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80smikewheeler · 7 years
Byeler Headcanon 🚲💗-Oneshot
This is my ‘Byeler Headcanon 🚲💗’ post, that I’ve turned into a full-length fic, as requested by @otpgod1 I’m sorry it took like a million years to finally post, {In all honesty, I had forgotten about it for a while, I’m so sorry!} But, as requested, here is the fic version of my headcanon! I really hope you enjoy it, and just a little heads up about the sentences…I have no idea, why tumblr has messed with my sentences, there was supposed to be a new line for a new sentence of course, but I’ve tried to get around it a few times, and it keeps arranging my sentences this way! So apologies on that, it was not done intentionally, but I hope you guys really enjoy this, it took me sooo long to write and rewrite etc! Please enjoy, and share if you did enjoy it! Beta by: @noahsbyers A few people to tag who either asked me to tag them, or I’m pretty sure would be interested: @michaelxbyers @sincerely-millie @elevenmlke @come-float-down-here-with-me On a cold, frosty winter’s morning in 1981, the atmosphere around the small town of Hawkins was unusually quiet. The sun had just started to peek its head over the frosty mountains and small rays of sunshine dimly lit the abandoned streets of the town. Old, screwed up newspapers danced across the empty roads like tumbleweeds in the wind. Frost lay thick on car windows, and a deathly chill could be felt in the air. But this unforgiving winter’s morning was different. Mixed in with the cold and the frost was a feeling of joy. The air seemed crisp, and a touch of something magical could be felt all around. The kind of magic only young hearts feel. The kind of magic that all children believe in, untainted by harsh realities or adulthood. It was a special kind of magic - Christmas magic. As the sun rose and the fresh snow started to melt, sunlight crept in through Will’s bedroom window. It sent rays through his blinds, creating a streaky effect across his room, illuminating every corner of it. It rested on his face, the sudden light resting on his eyelids waking him up. Will rose out of bed and looked over to his alarm clock in excitement. The time read ‘7:15am’ in a dull, crimson colour. He couldn’t help but smile. It was earlier than last year, and he couldn’t wait to race into the living room to see what gifts Santa had left for him. In his red Rudolph pyjamas he crept quietly out of his room, slipping into Jonathan’s on the left. The room was murky, with the tiny rays of light forcing themselves through the window. Will could just about make out a figure of his brother lying in his bed, his body sprawled across the covers like a spider. Will silently assessed his brother’s breathing for a moment or two, watching the rise and fall of his chest slightly heighten the bed covers before bringing them back down again. Will waited for his moment, and then pounced. “Wakey-Wakey Jonathan! It’s Christmas Day! It’s Christmas Day!” Jonathan rolled over for a moment, expressing his displeasure of being woken so early by his brother’s yelps with a husked groan before finally opening his eyes to see Will practically on top of him with a look of pure excitement glistening in his eyes. “Okay okay! I’m up, I’m up! Stop yelling!” laughed Jonathan. Will smiled and signalled for him to follow him into Joyce’s room. “Should I just run in and fling the curtains right open?” Jonathan asked playfully. Will grinned. “Yeah, and I’ll give her a morning wake up call!” The two boys ran into their mother’s room, Jonathan heading straight for the curtains and Will launching himself belly first onto her bed. He adopted the same routine that he had used on his brother, bouncing like crazy all over her and shrieking at her joyously that it was Christmas Day and that she needed to get up. Like Jonathan, she groaned and grunted for a few seconds before waking up with a smile on her face at seeing her two sons looking so happy and excited. She gave Will a little tickle around his sides as she followed him into the living room. Laid out on the floor under the Christmas tree were a few small boxes all wrapped in different coloured paper, glistening under the light. Will immediately dived into his presents and started carelessly ripping and tearing all the paper off, a magical glow in his eyes. Shrieks of excitement came when opened gifts containing X-Men comics all in mint condition and fresh in their shiny packaging were revealed. Another gift was torn open rapidly revealing a painting set with mini canvases and an array of brightly coloured acrylics. Will sprung up on his feet at this and began bouncing up and down in excitement, rushing over to his mum to thank her for the paints. Joyce knew how much her son loved to paint and draw. He was pretty skilled at it too, often hanging his masterpieces on the fridge or on the walls around the house. So seeing him so delighted in this gift made her smile beamingly. Finally, after wading through a scatter of discarded wrapping paper and tiny red ribbons that lay strewn across the mahogany carpet, Will eyed the last gift that lay almost hidden under the branches of the tree. It was small and rectangular. Will wondered what it could be. He reached for it, this time slowly and carefully unwrapping the paper to reveal a small piece of white paper. He stared confusingly at it for a moment, before turning it over to reveal what looked like in Joyce’s handwriting, written in black ink, ‘For your final present, you must go outside.’ Will peered out of the window curiously. What could it be? As his mind stared turning over excitedly, wondering at what it could possibly be that he had to go outside for, his heart started racing rapidly and he felt a pang of ecstatic-ness in his stomach…Could the final present be what he’d wanted for so long? What he’d practically been dropping hints at left, right and centre all year? He pressed his feet into the slightly snowy floor beneath him as Joyce and Jonathan followed. The instant touch of ice on his skin made him shiver and shudder, to which his mother and brother shared a giggle at. He didn’t mind the cold though. For some reason, Christmas Day was the only day he could enjoy the cold and smile at the icy gusts of wind batting in his face. It must have been the magic and the atmosphere that Christmas gave to it that made him happy rather than grimace and frown like he would any other day. His arm hairs pricked up at their ends as he turned the corner of the house, hoping to see the bike he so desperately wanted propped up against the wall. However, what he saw was not what he was expecting. Instead, a small, somewhat dingy brownish dog kennel stood in the middle of the white sheet of snow on the grass. Will felt a little disappointment for a moment that it wasn’t the bike that he wanted but soon found a smile, knowing that it was for Chester who needed a new kennel anyways. Will being the happy and grateful little child that he was beamed anyway, knowing that his mum wasn’t very wealthy and was doing her best to make this a good Christmas for him and Jonathan. After all, he’d still gotten some really cool X-Men comics which he knew couldn’t have been cheap considering they were new and not secondhand like most of his other stuff. He knew that must have set her back a bit and he felt grateful that he had even gotten that. So although it wasn’t the shiny blue bike he had his eye on, he still leapt up and down, running towards his mother and embracing her in a warm hug, thanking her for Chester’s new home. Joyce knew that her presents weren’t exactly fantastic, nothing like Mike Wheeler or any of Will’s other friends would be getting, but seeing him always so happy with whatever she got him reassured her and she let out a little laugh of joy as her son squeezed her in a hug. She held his head in her frozen hands and lightly kissed his forehead. “Merry Christmas Will! I’m glad you like your presents. Shall we go inside for some breakfast?” Will nodded and tugged at his mother’s hand, pulling her back inside away from the cold, feeling satisfied with his gifts. Joyce and the kids were just finishing pulling the last of the Christmas crackers after dinner, the popping sound making Will jump every time, producing laugher out of Joyce and Jonathan again when the shrilling sound of the phone ringing interrupted their childish table-side giggles. Joyce answered and told the caller to ‘hold on just a moment’ as she gestured to Will that the phone was for him. Will leapt up in a flurry, guessing that it was either Mike, Lucas or Dustin calling to wish him a ‘Merry Christmas’ and talk about what they each got. As he put his ear to the speaker, his mouth curled up at its ends when he heard his best friend Mike’s soft, gentle voice practically squealing down the phone, wishing him a ‘Happy Christmas’ as he had expected and instantly asking him what he had got. Although afterwards Mike didn’t begin to tell Will what he had got, but rather simply asked, “Are you allowed out for a bit?” in an excited tone. Will smirked at this request and quickly flipped 'round to face Joyce. Without even having to ask, Joyce nodded, smiling. “Yes. You can go over to Mike’s for a bit, but don’t be back too late. I want you home for 10pm, alright? And no more 'just 5 more minutes’ games, alright? We have your grandma coming over tomorrow and you need to get a good night’s sleep, okay?” teased Joyce. Will nodded in obedience and returned back to the receiver. He picked up his handmade card for Mike, as well as a small plastic box which contained another handmade item - a woven green and brown friendship bracelet which he was so excited to give to his best friend. He grabbed his jacket and made his way up the slippery streets towards Mike Wheeler’s house, looking forward to seeing him. A few weeks after Christmas, when all the excitement had died down and the snow and ice had began to fade away, melting and evaporating into the soggy street’s pavements and the bittersweet feeling of knowing that school was starting back up again, Will got himself all wrapped up, wearing the scarf that Mike had gifted him and the small, blue bobble-hat that accompanied it as he made his way to the corner of the streets that met in the middle to meet Mike, Lucas and Dustin for their walk to school together. It was approximately 8:30am as Will approached the corner, his feet trudging a little through the remaining icebergs of snow. He smiled realising that he was the first one there again, like he always was. He stood alone for a few moments, breathing in the fresh morning air whilst snuggling his slightly chilly, stinging face into his fluffy scarf, relishing in the warmth it gave him and the slight hint of Mike’s smell embedded into the fibres. He suddenly heard voices and the turning of bike wheels. He looked up and saw his three friends cycling towards him through the mist. “Hey Will!” Shouted Dustin, skidding and stopping just before Will’s feet. “Buddy! I’ve not seen you in ages! Sorry I couldn’t come and visit you over the holidays! I had to go visit my family out of town. It sucked. They didn’t even have real Nilla wafers!” Dustin joked. Will laughed. “It’s okay Dustin. I’m glad to see you! And you Lucas!” Will said, as he began walking besides the boys bikes as they ambled up the street. “What about me Will? Aren’t you happy to see me? I see you’re wearing your new scarf and hat! I take it you like it then?” teased Mike with a small smirk etched on his cheeks. “Of course Mike! I love them! Thank you so much!” rejoiced Will. As the conversation went on and they made their way up the road, the chatter turned to bikes and more specifically, asked by Dustin, why Will wasn’t riding one. Will blushed, feeling a little bit embarrassed. “Oh,-I-I didn’t get one this year…” Will answered nervously. Dustin frowned, “What? Even after all those hints you dropped? Even though you’ve literally wanted one forever?” Lucas shoved Dustin a little at this comment, giving off a discreet, but clear death stare. Mike noticed that Will felt embarrassed, and a little bit disappointed. At this, he began to feel guilty that all three of them were on new, shiny bikes that they had got for Christmas and poor Will was just walking beside them, looking tiny compared to them all. “I’m sure you’ll get one for your birthday Will!” reassured Lucas. Will smiled in agreement as they continued to wander up the chilly streets of Hawkins, next discussing Dustin’s unhealthy obsession with Nilla Wafers and how he could tell so well if they were real or not. The boys laughed as they all playfully teased at Dustin. A few days later, after sensing his friend’s low mood, Mike caught Will after school and asked him if he wanted to go for a ride around Hawkins before stopping off for some sweets from the corner store. Will smiled, but then a small frown began to furrow in his brows. “But, I don’t have a bike. How am I going to ride up there without a bike?” Will asked sadly. Mike grinned as he held out his hand, “You can ride on the back of my bike if you like?” Will laughed, “Yay! Are you sure?” Mike nodded happily. “Of course! It’ll be fun! I’ll be like your little chauffeur or something! What do you think? Master Mike will be your chauffeur today sir, please be careful when getting on and off the bike.” Will responded in fits of laughter, running over to his friend in joy. He grabbed his bobble-hat, gifted to him by Mike and placed it on his black curls. “What’s this for?” chuckled Mike. “It’s your chauffeurs hat Mike, don’t be silly.” laughed Will. Mike’s eyes creased as he laughed at his little friend’s imagination. Will always had an idea for everything, a story for every occasion, for every person. He admired his sense of humour and pure childlike mind. Will carefully clambered onto the back of Mike’s bike, wrapping his arms around Mike’s waist, feeling a sudden rush of butterflies as he did so. Mike beamed as he felt Will’s warm hands resting around his sides. It almost tickled him a little bit, but he didn’t dare laugh – he knew that Will, who had the exact same tickle spot was an expert in knowing how to tickle the hardest in that spot, since he’d had it done to himself so many times before and Mike was due for tickle revenge off Will anyway since last time Will was over at the Wheeler’s house Mike had tackled him to the floor for the 'dog’ monopoly piece and tickled his sides until he screamed, begging him to stop. Will won the fight however, Mike letting him use the 'dog’ piece as Will excellently argued that it reminded him of Chester. But he swore to get Mike back for the agonizing tickle when he least expected it. So Mike kept quiet, not wanting to alert Will of being tickled in fear of his revenge as he started pushing on the pedals and riding away, feeling Will’s tightening grip on his jacket as the bike sped up. As the boys rode along through the more rural areas of Hawkins, the few spits of rain falling down off tree branches and splashing into their faces, Mike began to feel a ticklish feeling on his back. For a moment he panicked a little. Will wasn’t getting his revenge now, was he? 'Oh god no,’ thought Mike. He let out a small acknowledging giggle, as his back started to squirm at this peculiar feeling. “Will! Will!” he struggled to speak through the inflicted laughter. “What are you doing?” “I’m drawing” Will responded casually. “Drawing? What do you mean? Drawing what?” Mike enquired. “You have to guess…” giggled Will teasingly. “What is this? Am I your art canvas now?” joked Mike. “Okay erm…a dog?” “Is it Chester by any chance?” wheezed Mike. “Noooo! Guess again.” replied Will, giggling at his friend’s inability to breathe properly from the tickling sensation it was giving to his back. “Okay…erm…a rhino?” answered Mike. “Do you give up?” teased Will. “Yes! Yes! You’re tickling me now! Please stop!” squirmed Mike playfully. “Okay, it was Rory.” “What? Rory as in my dinosaur I have at home?” asked Mike, shocked at the answer. “Yeah, why?” quizzed Will. Mike tittered, “Will, you know I think you’re like the best artist around. I have several of your drawings hung around my house, but I’m telling you, that did not feel like a dinosaur to me!” Will shook his head, playfully nudging Mike’s back as he did so. “What? You have no idea what you’re talking about! That was definitely a dinosaur! Your senses must be all messed up or something.” Mike chortled in reply, living for this time he spent with Will alone. He loved Lucas and Dustin, they were like brothers to him, but Will… Will was something special to him. He felt like Will was somehow more than a best friend to him. They had this special bond, everyone knew it. Lucas and Dustin had often commented on how they’d always end up getting side tracked whilst playing D&D over at Mike’s, because Will and Mike would somehow always end up bantering and messing around with each other to the point where eventually Dustin and Lucas would give up trying to get them back on track and join in with whatever they were doing. Tickling each other, playfully arguing or calling each other names or play-fighting. Dustin had often said on many occasions that playing any type of game with Mike and Will was like playing with an old married couple and Lucas had taken it a step further by jokingly referring to either one of them as the others 'husband’, or 'wife’ if they were feeling particularly cheeky and mischievous. This always sent them both blushing profusely, or having Mike whine, “Shut up.” to them as Will smirked, embarrassed. Mike definitely felt closest to Will out of his group of three friends and as much as he loved hanging out with all three of them, he cherished the little moments he got with Will. Like this one. After this one occasion, Will made riding on the back of Mike’s bike a more occurring and permanent thing. Every morning before school Will would walk up to the corner to meet his friends and jump on the back of Mike’s bike, gripping into his clothing and feeling the warmth of being next to his best friend. This, of course, gave Lucas and Dustin more of an excuse to call them a married couple and jocularly tease them about sharing their 'first means of transportation as a married couple’, which made Will blush more and more every time. He couldn’t lie, he too loved spending time with Mike. Riding on the back of his bike made him feel safe and all warm and tingly inside, if he was being honest with himself. He loved the smell of sweet apple scent that often wafted his way every now and again when the wind would pick up and waft some of Mike’s shampoo his way. He felt delight in the fuzzy feeling it gave him. A feeling of butterflies and warmth…a familiar warmth actually. A warmth he had felt around Mike quite a lot. He liked it. The wind blowing through his hair, the closeness he had with his best friend, the enjoyable ride on Mike’s bike and the nice feelings that came with it were all his favourite things. He cherished it. Until one Sunday afternoon where Mike called him over to his house to 'give him a present’, which made curious Will elated to go… When he arrived at the Wheeler’s, Mike was stood outside with a huge grin on his face. He looked like he was going to explode from excitement. “What is it, Mike?” questioned Will. Mike smiled teasingly at Will, looking into his deep blue eyes and saying, “Follow me, and you’ll find out…” Will looked puzzled, but trustfully tailed his friend into the garage. Mike turned to hit the lights, a buzz and an electric hum that filling the the air, before the rusty-smelling garage was illuminated by bright, clinical blue-tinged lighting. Will’s eyes adjusted and he scanned the room for what he was supposed to be looking at, when he spotted something which had an electric blue ribbon neatly tied to its outside. On closer examination, he realised it was Mike’s bike. He looked over at Mike, in hope for an explanation or some sort of answer. “It’s for you!” Mike said, cheerfully. Will’s face froze momentarily in shock. “What?! What do you mean?” “It’s yours Will, that’s what I mean. I don’t need it anymore, I got a new bike, I said my tires were too rusted on this one.” Explained Mike. Will looked up at Mike, looking him in the eyes in utter amazement, his mouth agape. “I don’t understand…I…” Mike cut him off. “Look Will, I know how badly you wanted that bike at Christmas and how disappointed you were - even though you tried not to show it - that you didn’t get it. I hated having a bike when you didn’t. Now I can teach you how to ride it and we can go on bike rides together now and stuff…I mean…if you want?” nervously stuttered Mike. For a moment, only silence passed between them. Will ran up to his friend as fast as his legs could carry him, throwing himself into Mike’s chest, squeezing him tightly and feeling that ever so familiar fuzzy feeling again as he did so. “I take it you like it then?” asked Mike. Will didn’t say anything, but his tightening grip on Mike made the answer abundantly clear. Will looked up at Mike for a moment, meeting his dark brown eyes. “M-Mike? Erm, would it be okay if I…erm…?” Before Will had a chance to finish off his sentence, Mike leaned down and kissed him. Will couldn’t believe what was happening. His heart began to soar and he quickly kissed back. The warmth and the growing intensity of the feeling of butterflies in his stomach made him smile immensely, sending the corner of his mouth peeking upwards. Mike felt it, and it only made his heart beat faster than it was in the moment before he kissed him. Mike stood back up, breaking away from Will as they both gazed into each other’s eyes, still in awe and disbelief at what had just happened. Mike blushed a little more and said, “Come on then. We’d best get started on those lessons! I can’t be your designated chauffeur forever, you’ve got to be mine sometimes too, you know!” Will gleamed, and walked out to the driveway with his newly acquired bike, Mike trailing beside him. After a few weeks of training from Mike, Will got to be as good as Mike, and they often had races together to the corner of the street in the morning before school, the winner always getting a kiss off the other. Mike would purposely take his time and let Will win, as he loved receiving the kisses, and he knew Will loved giving them. Just as from time to time Will would pretend his bike was in for a repair, just so he could ride on the back of Mike’s again and draw all over his back in his most ticklish areas. Mike knew his bike wasn’t in for a repair, he knew it was just something Will said so he could share a bike with Mike and he didn’t mind. In fact, he loved it. Jokingly bickering with him over what exactly it was that Will was drawing on his back was what made Mike smile the most. Perhaps Dustin and Lucas were right after all. Perhaps they were an old, married couple…
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
prompt: Mike/Blip/the team's reaction to the video of Ginny's dunk into the pool.
This is a kind of/sort of prequel to right between the ribs from Mike’s POV. Both fics can stand alone, though.
it’s sinking in | ao3
Mike rolled into the clubhouse later than he’d been in weeks. If his hangover of pretty epic proportions weren’t sufficient as an excuse, the fact that he’d spent last evening in the company of first his pissed off pitcher and then his ex-wife plus her current fiancé—in the house where Mike had once dreamed of starting a family—more than made up the difference. 
That he’d also had to drive all the way back to La Jolla from the dinner party from hell, painfully sober and replaying the way Rachel’d lingered in his arms, smelling so familiar and like everything he’d once wanted, hadn’t helped. Maybe if he hadn’t had those two interminable hours to himself, mulling and obsessing over every detail of the night and how he couldn’t seem to keep even one woman in his life, Mike wouldn’t have gotten home and immediately raided his bar to drown his sorrows and uncertainties.
But he had, and now he was stuck nursing both an ugly hangover and the usual parade of regrets.
And a few new ones.
Stalking through the bowels of Petco, sunglasses firmly in place even in the low lighting, Mike tried to shake Amelia’s parting shot to him, but his mind was like an echo chamber.
You know, your head wasn’t really in it, anyway. You should figure out where it’s been.
Well, he knew the answer to that. With Rachel. It was why he’d gone over there, after all. 
Wasn’t like Ginny’d miss him from her ridiculous party with all her fawning fans, anyway. In fact, she hadn’t seemed to miss him, or their evening chats or their morning workouts or their ability to exist in the same space, at all. 
Which didn’t matter because Mike still wanted Rachel back. 
She was the only one he could want. Back. She was the only one he could want back.
With great effort, Mike shut off that train of thought and tried to start coming up with retorts for all the ribbing he was bound to endure the minute he walked into the clubhouse, late and clearly worse for the wear. It wasn’t that he’d stopped loving his grand entrances, but maybe he could admit that showing up with more than enough time to suit up and stumble onto the field before BP was helping his game. It’d been a while since he’d cut it so close. The sudden reappearance of his old habits was bound to stir up some shit. 
Which was why it was more than a little bizarre to walk into the clubhouse and have his presence go completely unnoted. Never mind the comebacks he’d crafted that now had no outlet. He was their captain, god damn it! His arrival should mean something. 
That was definitely not the case today. His team of lazy losers all had their noses practically glued to their phones and tablets, either couched out at their lockers or gathered in little knots around the clubhouse. 
All of them but one. 
Blip sat with his back to the room, shoulders hunched and a worried pucker denting his forehead as he methodically rolled a bat between his palms. He didn’t even look up at Mike’s approach.
Not until he huffed a grouchy, “Hey,” that was.
That startled the center fielder out of his thoughts and got him to at least acknowledge his friend and captain. Rather than say anything about his tardiness, though, Blip demanded, “Man, where’d you disappear to last night?”
Taken aback, Mike lied, “Had to pick up some of my stuff from the house,” and threw his bag in his locker and dropped his sunglasses on a shelf. He couldn’t help but wince at the glare from the overheads. God, he definitely should’ve taken more aspirin this morning.
Blip seemed doubtful, but was apparently willing to let it slide, which was absolutely a first in their friendship. What the hell was going on today? “Well, we could’ve used you,” was all he replied, like that made any sense, and went back to warming the barrel of his bat. 
Mike just rolled his eyes, slumped into his chair, and started unbuttoning his flannel. Used him for what? No one at that party was remotely interested in his presence. Certainly not whatever “we” Blip meant.
“Yo, Lawson!” called… someone.
Honestly, he was too fucking exhausted to care who it was. Still, he grunted his acknowledgement, continuing to change out of his street clothes and get ready for warmups. Was it too much to wear both eyeblack and sunglasses? Considering the way the soft incandescents in here were stabbing into his brain, the San Diego sun was going to be murderous. 
He almost missed the follow up question in his deliberations.
“You seen what Baker got up to last night?”
Mike swiveled his chair around to face the room as a whole. If Stubbs, who must’ve been the one to ask considering how close he was, startled back at the forbidding frown on his captain’s face, that wasn’t high on Mike’s list of priorities. 
“What d’you mean, ‘What Baker got up to?’ She was at her party.”
“Nah, man,” replied Sonny, from all the way across the room. “Girl went rogue.”
Suddenly, Amelia’s texts last night, long after he’d left the Nike shindig, made much more sense. He’d ignored both the, Have you seen Ginny? and the follow up, ??? five minutes later in favor of trying to pick apart his wife’s fiancé. Now, he wished he hadn’t, and not just because he hadn’t managed to ruffle any of David’s feathers. He should’ve realized something had actually gone wrong if Amelia was actually reaching out to him. 
Not that he would’ve been able to do anything if he had. Certainly not with how pissed Baker’d been at him last night. After she walked away from him on the step and repeat, she hadn’t let herself come within five feet of him all evening. And it wasn’t like she’d’ve taken his call, not if the past week had been any indication. 
Okay. Maybe she’d been pissed for longer than just last night. 
Still, that didn’t do much to ease the guilt settling in his gut. He could’ve tried to call.
(He had, in fact, stared at Ginny’s contact information in his phone for a long time last night. Had been this close to calling her, begging her to let him back in. But, moody and drunk as he’d been, he hadn’t been stupid. Mike still knew she wouldn’t pick up. He’d tossed his phone away and opted for more bourbon.)
Sweeping his gaze around the clubhouse, it wasn’t lost on Mike that everyone was very interested in his response. The next chair over, Blip was very still.
He played it cool. 
“Rogue, huh? Now this I’ve gotta see.”
Immediately, three phones were shoved in his face, all with the same video cued to play. 
Mike took the closest one and watched the scant minute of footage: all the way from Ginny bouncing eagerly on the mini trampoline, her quest for shoes, the grinning banter with someone off camera, the superhero leap and dunk, her burst through the surface of the water, crowing, “What else you got?” before falling back, a feral grin on her lips.
He watched it all. 
(Right up to her clambering out of the pool, nimble fingers already reaching around to tug down the zipper of that god damn, dress. That dress that clung even more stubbornly to her after its impromptu soaking.)
He flung the phone back at its owner before he could see more and tried to come up with something, anything, to say that didn’t hint at the roiling in his gut which suddenly had nothing to do with last night’s drinking.
“Well, boys, looks like Baker can wipe the floor with you on the court, too.”
His (weak) joke seemed to open the floodgates. Immediately, the clubhouse filled with excited chatter that Mike made himself wade through. 
“Told you! Girl’s got mad hops!”
“She’s killing it on twitter. There’re at least three trending hashtags devoted to that dunk!”
“Kinda funny she couldn’t find a pair of Nikes, though.”
From what Mike could tell, the team consensus was largely positive. The few holdouts on the Ginnsanity front could admit that she knew how to blow off steam like a real major leaguer. The rest of the team was absurdly proud of her poolside antics. Her dunk was their dunk. It didn’t matter that this was all the press would ask about today and probably for the rest of the week. With one leap, Ginny’d proven she had the balls to hang with them. 
Mike, however, wasn’t so sure. 
In the nearly two months that he’d known her, he’d come to realize that Ginny’s calm, unflappable facade wasn’t just an act. She wasn’t a robot, felt things acutely, in fact, but she was pragmatic, too. Why waste all this energy losing her cool at every slight provocation? Sure, she knew how to stand up for herself, but most of the time, she picked her battles wisely. Better to buckle down and prove that she deserved every opportunity that came her way. Let her success speak for itself.
But that Ginny was nowhere to be seen in the video he just watched.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t the same person, though. It was still Ginny Baker, just gone off the rails. 
Which was when it occurred to Mike that maybe they’d been heading to a blowout like this for a while now. Maybe Ginny could be calm and unflappable because she’d known there were people who had her back. She had her friends and the team. She had him. She had Amelia. 
But maybe that was hard to believe when he and Amelia suddenly had each other. 
Without a word, Mike pushed to his feet, fully intending to set the record straight.
“I doubt she wants to see you, dude,” came his center fielder’s voice. When Mike turned, Blip had his arms crossed over his chest, a frown on his face.
“I’m her captain,” he rumbled. “Doesn���t matter if she wants to see me. She’s gonna.”
Blip’s eyes narrowed and he came in close, though it was more likely an effort to keep anyone else from putting their nose where it didn’t belong than an intimidation tactic. 
“She’s already had a long day, Mike. She doesn’t need anyone ragging on—”
“I just need to know she’s okay,” Mike interrupted, trying to tamp down on the indignation burning in his chest. Like he’d actually go rub her nose in whatever bad decisions she’d made last night. Like he could judge. “That’s all.”
Blip evaluated him for a long moment before offering him the barest of nods and stepping away. 
Still, Mike was fully aware of the other man’s eyes on him as he stopped outside Baker’s door and knocked. 
It was a good thing, he told himself, that Ginny had such good friends on her side. He’d feel better, though, when he could count himself among that number again.
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staniel-the-maniel · 7 years
Shortly after I got into IT (2017) I had the idea to make an Until Dawn au because I LOVE that game and I thought it’d work really well so today I finally started working on the rough plans, here’s how the prologue will go (under a read more because wow this is long, there’s more about the rest of the fic at the end)
-it starts out in December 2008, Bill's family planned on renting out a cabin on a Canadian ski hill for Christmas holidays and in order to make him happy his parents talked with the other losers' parents and they all split the bill to send all their kids up for two weeks of fun in the biggest lodge house available
-and it is HUGE and grand and secluded away from the smaller cabins closer to the ski lodge/hills, so much so that they need a lift to get back and forth and Richie holds onto a nervous and panicking Eddie the entire way up
-so they all go up and decide to have Christmas together and mostly the parents go off and have fun and leave the kids to play on the mountain when they're not skiing because too young, and they all take turns watching over Georgie, it's a lot of fun
-Bill and Georgie are used to the cold because they go every year and everyone else is either underdressed (Richie) or overdressed (Eddie), so the first day there is filled with snowball fights and hot chocolate by the fire when Eddie starts to yell that he's definitely catching a cold
-there's tons of board games and video games to play provided by the owners and when they're not outside they're crowded around the TV, unless Bill's parents are out, then they're totally playing hide and seek because there's so many places to hide
-one particularly snowy day they're all forced to stay inside and when they become too bored with watching the same Christmas movie over and over they all gather in the living room with pizza and a mountain of snacks, and Ben and Mike gather around the old dusty books on the bottom shelf of the old bookcase, and everyone but Bev notices how Ben keeps looking up at her
-Richie jumps on one of the two loveseats with Eddie to bother him as he plays on Bill's DS, but eventually they get comfortable enough where Richie is just sideways over Eddie and the arm of the chair and Eddie's still playing while he watches with a blush on his face
-Bill and Bev and Georgie are working on one of the 1000 piece puzzles on the large coffee table and like Ben, Bill keeps sneaking glances at her that she sneaks back and they're both blushing
-no one notices when Stan's eyes glance up over his bird book to look at Bill
-Christmas day is AMAZING and everyone feels so loved and happy and it's literal Perfection
-Bill gets Georgie gets a new sled and he wants to ride it CONSTANTLY but Bill spends a little too much time outside leading up to New Years and has to go to bed early because he's feeling sick
-all the losers decide to stay in after Bill heads upstairs and have a game tournament to celebrate the countdown and Georgie thinks that's boring because while he's offered a seat he'd rather play outside
-the parents say they're going out for a new year's party and tell them all to keep a good eye on Georgie and they promise but he ends up slipping away to get Bill to come outside with him. Bill refuses, and he goes outside by himself
-it's dark by this point and he ends up going a little too far, falls off the sled, and loses it in the trees
-feeling bad because his parents (especially Bill) are gunna be so mad, he pulls out his emergencies-only Nokia flip phone to search the area, and it's cold and dark and the snow is coming down heavier now as he goes deeper in
-he stops when he reaches what appears to be a burrow and he sees the sled marks leading into it and he just starts sobbing because that sled is fuckin GONE son
-suddenly he sees two eyes staring at him and at first he thinks it's some kind of animal and he gets ready to book it but a voice comes out and he stops because what the hell is this person trapped did they need help?
-and of course it's Pennywise and IT shows Georgie that IT found his sled and Georgie asks if he's stuck and if he should get his dad and IT says no, he lives down there in the mines, and Georgie gets curious and asks about the mines
-they're all underneath the mountain, like a great big spider web hidden in the snow, and Georgie feels uneasy and asks again why he lives down there
-and Pennywise just stares at him and says that his circus was travelling to the ski lodge when they fell in, and now they all live down there, the whole circus
-and suddenly Georgie can smell it drifting up from the burrow, and he feels a warm summer's breeze and instantly recalls all his Derry Fair memories
-and then it's gone and he's definitely uneasy and says that he'd better get back home to Bill, he must be worried about him
-Pennywise asks who Bill is and Georgie says his brother without thinking, because talking about Bill makes him feel less afraid, and Pennywise says that he should invite all his friends to the circus, it's always waiting for new visitors
-Georgie just says no one would believe him if he said there was a circus under the mountain
-so Pennywise offers him a balloon as proof, and it floats up out of the burrow, not at all affected by the wind or the cold, and when Georgie reaches for it Pennywise lets it go and it floats up and up until it gets caught in a high branch
-Pennywise apologizes, it's so cold his hands are going numb, and IT asks if Georgie wants a new one
-Georgie says no, and Pennywise offers the sled again, holding it up for him to see, and Georgie knows it's his, he can see where he and Bill wrote S.S. GEORGIE on the side
-so Georgie goes to reach for it before saying maybe he'd get it tomorrow, it was getting late and he wasn't supposed to take things from strangers, and a look of SOMETHING flashes across IT's face before IT formally introduces ITself as Pennywise, and introduces Georgie for him, and ITs desperation to get him to stay was very apparent, and while he can't deny they aren't strangers he still wants to leave, so he plans on grabbing the sled as fast as possible in the hopes that IT's hands are as numb as IT said
-Pennywise holds out the sled and he reaches for it, but every time he's about to grab it it moves further back and he has to get down further until it's getting hard to see through his phone's weak light
-he grabs hold and Pennywise grabs him, and Georgie's screams echo over the mountain as his arm is torn off
-the cold numbs the burning wound and he kicks off from the burrow to get up, dropping his phone in the process, but IT grabs his ankle and drags him inside, leaving a bloody trail that's quickly covered up by the heavily falling snow
-no one notices that Georgie is gone until they call him for the countdown and when he doesn't come they search the house and find one of the side doors slightly ajar with covered footprints leading into the darkness
So that’s all I got written down so far, I’ve got a ton of ideas for this fic, trying to find a nice blend of both IT and UD at the moment. The prologue takes place at the end of 2008 so the present will be ten years later in 2018, when Bill decides to get everyone back together to stay at the lodge to try and fight away the bad memories and rebuild his fractured friendships, seeing as most of them separated after highschool ended to go to different colleges. 
Main ship is going to be eventual stenbrough, but there’s also going to be reddie (naturally) and benverly with hints of billverly (current relationship but both know it’s ending), and I might delve into Ben/Mike (ship name???) because I had never thought of that ship before and it is amazing, but benverly will be endgame.
Also because this will take place at a ski lodge mountain and not just the Denbroughs owning the whole mountain like the Washingtons in the game, there will also be the Bowers gang either working there or also visiting, if they work there then they’ll be Canadian so the Losers won’t know how awful they are until they go back when they’re 23-24.
There won’t be any windigos, just Pennywise living in the mines, and so far I’m debating on how much death will be involved between canon deaths, letting all the Losers live, just killing the Bowers gang, etc, as well as sexual content for when they return, like when relationships flare up when they’re all reunited at the lodge, considering they’re all adults now, either way there is going to at least be some making out between being scared, and it will also take place over a week or two instead of one night.
Any feedback on what anyone would like to see from this au for the final fic would be greatly appreciated and when I start writing it I’ll post the chapters here and on AO3 ^^
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Gift Return - Eruri - ErwinWeek - Day 7: Birthday
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Relationship: Levi/Erwin Smith Characters: Erwin Smith, Levi, Hanji Zoe (mentioned), Eren Yeager (mentioned), Mikasa Ackerman (mentioned), Armin Arlert (mentioned), Mike Zacharias (mentioned), Nile Dok (mentioned), Dot Pixis (mentioned) Additional Tags: erwinweek, Day 7, Birthday, birthday fic, Prompt Fill, Prompt Week, last day of prompt week, last day of Erwin Week, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, confessing without actually confessing, awe its so cute, Fluff, Banter, sort of, what is tagging, not enough angst to be tagged angst, maybe light angst, okay fine, Light Angst, im so sad erwin week is over now, Canon Universe, but obviously not canon, cause ya know..., they kiss, happy birthday Erwin! Language: English
Erwin thought Levi had forgotten about his birthday. Turns out he was just conflicted.
Erwin really didn't care much about his birthday. Honestly, he wouldn't have minded if everybody just pretended it was no different than another day, mostly because he didn't think it really was any different. The Titans were still out there and still winning, and humanity should focus all of their attention on fighting them - regardless of what day of the year it was.
And yet at breakfast, Mike clapped him on the shoulder and gave him well wishes, congratulating him for surviving yet another year in the Scouting Legion.
Hanji took time away from her experiments to congratulate him in typical Hanji-like fashion - overly loud and chaotic, but with good intentions behind the madness.
Eren and Armin pitched in their well wished as well - Mikasa had simply nodded in respectful acknowledgement, which he appreciated - and Nile even sent a message from Wall Sina to congratulate him. It arrived around noon, so he must have sent it at bare minimum the day before in oder for it to have reached him on the right day. Pixis, too, sent him something: a bottle of wine, which was entirely according to his general character.
Erwin was touched by the gestures, even if he hadn't thought them necessary. He was pleased that, despite everything happening, the people around him felt he was important enough to celebrate. All of them had been very thoughtful.
All but one.
Erwin told himself that he wasn't disappointed that Levi hadn't even given the same level of acknowledgement as Mikasa Ackerman. Levi had seen him at every meal, had discussed several matters in his office, and had passed him in the halls half a dozen times, but he'd never given a single clue that he even remembered that it was Erwin's birthday at all. He told himself he didn't care one bit, but he was unused to denial, and the lie sounded foreign to his own mind.
He had considered if Levi knew, had known all day, but knew that Erwin didn't want to make a big deal out such inconsequential things. He wondered if Levi had simply respected that wish and went about pretending the day was no different than any other - because it really was.
Erwin wasn't sure if that was the case, and it was the uncertainty that was killing him.
Sometime around dinner, Erwin just decided to do his best to put the issue to the side as best he could and focus on his work. Because of his wandering thoughts throughout the day, Erwin hadn't been half as productive as he usually was, and he decided to stay up late to catch up. He left his office to take care of a few things and make a few deliveries that would normally done by subordinates had it not been so late. By the time he returned to his office it was fully dark outside and nearing midnight.
He'd put out all the lamps before he left to save fuel. When he entered his office it was pitch black, but he had no difficulty navigating it in the dark. It was simple and bare of all embellishments or decorations - his office was for working, not getting distracted - so the only things for him to trip over were his desk, his chair, and the two chairs in front of the desk for meetings. Neither were by the lamp, so he had nothing to avoid as he made his way over.
He grabbed the matches off the shelf upon which the lamp sat and lit one. He held it to the wick and waited a moment for it to catch before snuffing the match and replacing the glass bulb. He turned around to go to his desk but froze before he took a single step.
"Hey," Levi said quietly from his perch on the edge of Erwin's desk.
Erwin kept his expression neutral as he nodded. "Levi. Can I help you with something?"
"It's you birthday," was all Levi said, and, though it wasn't much of an answer to Erwin's question, he couldn't help a small smile.
"You remembered."
Levi gave him a look, minuscule though it was, that was clearly hurt. Or at least, it was clear to Erwin, who had long ago learned to decipher many of Levi's minute expressions. "You thought I forgot?"
Erwin took a deep breath, trying to decide how best to answer the question without offending the man. "Well, you didn't say anything. So I assumed that you either forgot or were choosing not to make a big deal out of it as I usually request every year. It wasn't as though I minded, Levi."
One of Levi's delicate eyebrows rose into his forehead. "You didn't mind," he repeated dubiously.
"No, I didn't."
"I thought you had decided not to lie to me. Or yourself."
Erwin sighed, rubbing a hand over his face as he internally ceded the point. "What do you want me to say, Levi? That the only person I wanted to remember seemed to be the only person who didn't?"
There was silence in response, and Erwin mentally shook his head in disappointment. Not with Levi, but with himself. He should have known better than to say something like that. It cut far too close to the truth at his heart, and he knew Levi was smart enough to connect the dots, if he hadn't already done so long ago.
Erwin swallowed around the lump in his throat and started to walk around to behind his desk. He was parallel with Levi when the shorter man broke the silence. "I was trying to decide what to get you."
For the second time that night, Levi had stopped Erwin in his tracks. "What do you mean?" he asked, hoping an elaboration on Levi's part would help Erwin get his head back on straight.
"For your birthday. I was trying to decide on a gift. I haven't had any leave to go buy something and the only thing I know how to make is tea. You don't drink tea."
The small smile from earlier had returned to Erwin's face. "You didn't need to get me anything, Levi. You still don't."
Levi shook his head. He turned to look at Erwin and, after some hesitation, stood up straight. "I know I didn't have to, Eyebrows. I wanted to. I still want to."
Erwin's eyebrows furoughed, unsure of where Levi was going with this. Whatever gift Levi had in mind must have been small enough to fit in a pocket, because he didn't see anything else.
Levi continued. "I've spent the last week trying to come up with something, but I could only ever think of one thing. And since nothing else came to mind, I spent all day today trying to decide if I wanted to go through with it or not."
Now Erwin was really confused, because Levi wasn't really much for hesitating or second guessing himself. "Did you come to a conclusion?"
"Would I be telling you all this if I decided against it?"
Erwin tilted his head to cede the point. "Fair enough. So what have you been debating for so long?"
Levi had moved closer to Erwin throughout the conversation. Now he was only a couple feet away from the man. "I had actually decided against it when I came here. I was just going to wish you a happy birthday or whatever so you knew I didn't forget." Levi smirked. "Then you were gone so long I thought your birthday would be over by the time you got here."
Erwin smiled softly. "Yes, well, I've been a little distracted today. I had some things to get done."
Levi took another step closer. "Distracted by everybody's well wishes, or distracted by waiting for the one person you wanted to remember to show that they had?"
Erwin managed to stop himself from blushing, but it was a very close call. "Levi, I-"
"I had decided against it," Levi interrupted, and Erwin wondered when was the last time Levi had said so much in one conversation, if he ever had. "But then you said that, about wanting me to remember, and I changed my mind. You changed my mind."
Erwin swallowed, wondering what exactly Levi could be talking about and wishing he would get to it because this conversation was making him nervous. "Oh?"
Levi took one more step and now there was less than a foot of space between them. "It's not midnight yet," Levi said, and his expression changed, making it look almost like he was smiling. "I can still give you your birthday gift."
Erwin didn't have time to ask him what it was before Levi slid his hands behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
It was... amazing, especially considering how short it was and how long it took Erwin to overcome his shock and return it. In fact, by the time he was ready to participate, Levi was already pulling away, his expression neutral once more. "Sorry if you don't like it, Eyebrows. It was the best I could come up with." Levi hesitated for half a second, then he gave him a curt nod and turned as if he was going to just leave. As if Erwin would let him just leave after that.
Like hell, he was.
Erwin grabbed him by the arm, just above his elbow, which stopped Levi in his tracks. "You're right, Levi."
Levi stiffened, and it seemed as if he had even stopped breathing. He said nothing, nor did he look at Erwin.
Erwin smirked to himself as he continued. "I'm not satisfied with my gift." Then he used his grip on Levi's arm to pull him back and spin him around until their chests were pressed together and he was holding Levi in his arms. "I'd like to return it."
This time Erwin kissed Levi and it lasted a whole lot longer.
When they pulled apart, Erwin was pretty sure he was smiling like an idiot, and Levi was blushing red as a tomato and unsuccessfully trying to hide it. The shorter man cleared his throat, probably as a means to distract from the rosy tint to his porcelain cheeks. "Oi, Eyebrows. Don't you know it's rude to refuse a birthday gift?"
Erwin nodded in faux consideration. "I suppose you're right, Levi. I must apologize. I suppose I'll just have to take my gift back."
This time when they kissed, neither of them stopped at all, until the clock in Erwin's office chimed midnight. Levi pulled away, his expression the most vulnerable Erwin had ever seen it. "So how was this year's birthday, Erwin?"
Erwin smiled at him and gave him a peck on the nose, which Levi wrinkled in faux disgust. "Best ever, as far as I'm concerned."
"Good then. No more returns after midnight."
Erwin sighed in pretend disappointment. "Well then, I suppose I'll just have to come up with another excuse to kiss you."
Levi rolled his eyes. "Or you could just kiss me because you want to. Baka."
"Yeah," Erwin agreed, "I suppose that would be a pretty good excuse."
Levi didn't look amused, but he still let Erwin kiss him again, so that seemed like a win.
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televinita · 7 years
Zoo 3.12
Preview: Sam can go DIAF with Abigail, Interrupting Dariela is the worst and the writers need to stop using her to squee-block me, Mitch/Jamie is my everything and I need Jackson to come back into the fold with them, and how the hell did I come up with so many words for an episode that was mostly plot advancement and only had like five standout scenes.
Mitch/Jamie 1. Looks like at least part of my headcanon last week about Mitch letting Jamie out can't be jossed! I'm so glad we got this scene in a sneak peek, because I replayed Jackson's indignation and Mitch's cheerfully dismissive response to it about 80 times. 2. Would it be irresponsible of me to assume that they spent last night together? Because part of me is still wondering if they've even touched in the wake of everything, but I would really like to believe they drowned their sorrows in each other. I don’t know how to reconcile the easy banter of the next number or the fact that they don’t touch in this episode. 3. I love the glee Mitch takes in pestering Jamie about her apparent fear of babies, all geared up to tease her mercilessly -- this must be the most fun he's had in days -- and how fast the truth wipes the smug smirk off his face. It's beautiful and terrible and I hope it socked him right in the gut to see the extent of the damage his words did. If he didn't introduce the thought into her head, he sure cemented whatever doubts she already had. 3.5. And kudos to Kristen Connolly for being able to sell those lines with a straight face, because on paper it looks hella dramatic to be like "I'm so awful that I will physically curse a baby if I touch it" 4. I am little embarrassed that my headcanon gets shot down when Mitch not only doesn't take back the darkness line, he doubles down to include himself in it -- but I also really, really like him admitting he would have killed Abigail himself?  "I've been thinking" is a fic prompt and I would love a little character study of Mitch coming to this realization, but either way, I’m intrigued by Dark!Mitch. I want the antidote in hand, I need to be able to believe they will eventually run away and find the light at the end of tunnel, but right now I could be very into a Dark & Twisty OTP of Pain and Feelings. 5. "She kept me away from everything and everyone I ever cared about. Everyone I love." Said with bold and unflinching eye contact and I am 6% frustrated that this is about the third time he's confessed his feelings and Jamie is still batting a hundred on insufficient reactions to them, but 94% overjoyed that the L word is out there to more than just some thugs in a bar. Sometimes there are more exciting ways to hear it than the standard 3-word way. (not that I would turn that down) 6. Now I just need to know who is responsible for Interrupting Dariela arriving on TWO SEPARATE OCCASIONS instead of extending either "darkness" convo scene literally ten or twelve more seconds for some kind of proper resolution before a scene change. Tell me he wasn’t about to reach for her hand in the first one. (Also. It takes a magnifying glass and freeze framing, but I'm pretty sure in the split second before they get interrupted the second time, it looks like their hands were or about to be in contact and are drawing apart as the shot goes wide?) A Series Of Live Viewing Reactions To Clem's Baby Daddy 1. Awwww @ Sam hoping (in vain) that Mitch will accept him as a real member of the family. 2. WHAT THE SHIT, SAM. I TRIED TO BE NICE TO YOU. 3. All right, abort that whole plan from last week about letting him be HOH, Sam can fuck off and die and I hope Mitch takes such full ownership of the baby* that he takes to introducing him to people as "my kid, once removed." I'm not Jackson and I don't care who was raised by a madwoman. If Abe's voice + everyone's love for Clementine didn't convince you you're on the wrong team, you are beyond help and I’ll put you down.
*I don't think I can fully convey to you the amount I love Mike Baxter's relationship with Boyd on Last Man Standing, mostly because I'm not sure how many people know this show exists. 4. ...ABIGAIL R U SERIOUS. (Guys, I'm sorry if I previously claimed to be off the sympathy-for-the-devil train; those were lies but I am sure as hell off it now with her baby-snatching reveal and subsequent taunting. That's not even emotional torture porn, that is just cruelty for its own sake.) 5. Welp, I think you know what this means, Mitch and Jackson bonding over shooting straight from raising a baby to parenting a 20-year-old Y/Y?? 6. But seriously, I am so upset at not even considering this theory before today. He's the right age! He's a conveniently random orphan! This show is all, "People love twists!" I kept assuming the father of the Miracle Baby had to be someone super significant! The biggest kicker of all is that I've assumed from the get-go that Jackson's late wife was black (which I hope is not somehow racist to assume?), and Sam is right there looking plausibly biracial as heck, and somehow not once did those two threads of thought ever cross. Come On Guys, Be Bros When I made this tongue-in-cheek request last year re: Mitch and Jackson, I could not in my wildest dreams have imagined them to one day share a grandchild, so while I honestly don't care how Jackson's being-a-daddy issues will play out, I care VERY MUCH what it means that he and Mitch are now on the same family tree, starting with how he now has an ironclad excuse to bond with Clementine and never be out of her life again. (I guess he can bond with his actual kid too. if he must.)
But that short chat on the upper level, just listening to them talk about their respective families is like catnip to my ears. I don't know how I'm supposed to read Mitch's expression after Jackson walks off in his "you worry about your family, let me worry about mine" huff, so I've elected to interpret it as "You're my family too, dumbass." (hush and let me have my dream) (Also I would kind of like to know why Jackson is still as willing to talk rationally with Mitch as he is given that Mitch is on Team Jamie, or as Jackson prefers to call it, She Devil Incarnate. I mean, it boils down to Jackson being a sexist jerk, but I still want to have All The Thinky Thoughts about how Mitch functions as a go between.) Beta Ship 2.0 MY SHIP RADAR IS BACK ON AND FULLY FUNCTIONING. I don't want to scare it away by being too excited about it. Just know that my heart burst into bloom when they got their reunion hug*, crescendoed for the kiss, and by the time they were fawning over the baby together it was pretty well at a tea kettle pitch. *Abe and Dariela take over as the center of the frame immediately, but am I looking at it or listening to them at all? No. I'm trying to shove them out of the way and peering at the edge of the screen where my new faves are nearly out of the frame, persistently tracking Jackson's hands on Tessa as they examine her cut and cup the back of her head and asdlkasjdfasd time to go dig up the 3x01 Time Capsule O' Sweetness. Various and Sundry -I enjoyed the writers finally acknowledging how awfully prone to hacking / general failure this plane is. -This was going to be its own category, but it's late, so suffice to say that Mitch + Not Being A Mess Of Emotions About His Dead Father was very nicely dovetailed with concern for Clem and a cute debate about baby names, and I'm just happy they addressed it all, if still annoyed that the impact of Max's death on Jamie was not. -Jackson takes up Mitch's vacated seat next to Clementine when the plane starts falling and has his hand bracing the baby's head and yes hello I am dying. -Clem is so excited to offer her baby to Jamie for holding, even eager to reassure her "you won't hurt him," and yes hello I am dying again. -"I know I'm right. Want to be more specific?" = thank u for this small slice of "sass that totally happens in the Normal World AU of Domesticity" (also, the pushing up his glasses bit here? ridiculously cute)
-"I don't need you to tell me what needs to be done [about Abigail]." OK Jackson, but like...you kinda do.   
-I told you before I had 18 heart attacks watching this episode live, so I don't think it's unreasonable to mention dying again re: the part where Jamie has the baby foisted upon her before she can protest, and Baby immediately stops crying*... Wait, no, this is the opposite of dying. This moment is Life.
-*nice insufficient reaction to noticing her finally holding the baby, Mitch. Who is directing this episode, because they are Bad at it. -I literally could not be more neutral about Logan's face or potential longevity. I am a 0 on the PH scale of feelings. -Everything about Jackson's final face off with Abigail and her stupid endless villain gloating was the wooorst. -I am a little concerned that reaching the barrier is supposed to qualify as our traditional episode 12 "get off now if you want this series to have a happy ending" exit, both because it's not that satisfying and because there is way too much left unresolved. I can only hope this means that we'll get it near the end of the real finale, with only a tiny twist at the end to set up a hypothetical season 4 that can be easily pinched off and forgotten if need be. Up Next: I'm not sure if I can watch the finale live. I have to have all my work done 6 hours earlier than usual, and then I'm taking off to go dog-sit all day, and if I watch it live I am gonna be useless from the time it starts airing until I drop from emotional exhaustion around 3 AM. If I can get enough work done by 9 PM, I probably will, but I also kind of want to savor it in case this is the last new one I ever get.
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natasha-cole · 7 years
Ready Steady Part 8
Summary: Rob returns to L.A. while the reader stays in Nashville for the remainder of her trip. Reader finds herself in a terrifying situation and believes that she only has one person to turn to.
Word Count: 3397
Warnings: a little bit of fluff, hints of past abuse, seriously guys… for some reason this turned out pretty dark. I’m sorry.
Note: For the sake of the remainder of the fic, I’m using some old Louden Swain songs and making them new ones. Also, as you can tell, my reader is a singer/songwriter and a country girl at heart… so for her, instead of trying to write my own lyrics, I’m using songs by Miranda Lambert and claiming them as the reader’s own. Hey, this way, you can listen to the actual songs after you read!
Catch up: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
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When Monday morning came around, you found yourself in a poor mood. You had woken up to Rob draped over you again, which made you smile. He made you feel happy and safe. But your happiness washed away quickly when you remembered that it was Monday, which meant he was leaving today. You nestled up against him again while he continued to sleep, not wanting this moment to end. Your moment was cut short however; when Rob’s alarm went off, waking him.
“I’ve got to go pack,” he stated, rubbing his eyes. “I’ve been here so much that I’m not even ready to catch my flight yet.” With that, he got up and began dressing quickly.
You watched him from the bed, “I could get used to watching you scramble around my room looking for your clothes.”
“I could get used to it too,” he said as he winked at you.
“You sure you don’t wanna come back to bed, just for a little while?” You placed your hand on his spot next to you, rubbing circles in the sheets indicating that you wanted him back in bed.
“You know I do,” he sighed as he began to put his phone and wallet back into his pockets. “Meet me downstairs in 20? So I can say goodbye before I head to the airport?” He gave you a half-smile.
“Sure, I’ll meet you at the same place we met for the first time.” You grinned.
Rob let out a chuckle as he remembered your first meeting, “Ah, you’re so romantic.” He walked over to you and gave you a quick kiss before leaving again.
You found yourself at the hotel lobby before Rob had made it down, standing in the same spot that you had promised to meet him at. Sure, it was sort of corny; but if anyone could appreciate the sentiment, you knew it was Rob. You waited for some time before you saw some familiar faces enter the lobby.
“Hey guys!” you said cheerfully as Billy, Mike, and Stephen walked toward you. You hadn’t had a lot of time to talk to Rob’s friends over the weekend, but you had managed to talk music with these guys at one point. It had been a long and deep conversation. If nothing else, at least you had music in common with these men.
“Hey, Y/N, how are you?” Mike asked.
“I’m well. Just waiting for Rob.”
“Yeah, he’s been running late a lot this weekend,” Stephen added, smiling at you.
You laughed at the fact that you knew that you were the reason behind this. But you didn’t feel shy about it anymore. Sure, Rob’s friends still teased you endlessly; which always made you blush like crazy, but you were feeling a lot more comfortable around them now. The long conversations during their downtime in the greenroom had helped your anxiety about getting to know his friends a lot better. You had talked to these people so much that you sort of already felt like you fit into their little family somehow.
“Gonna go check out,” Stephen said as he headed to the front desk, Mike right behind him.
“Hey,” said Billy, who was still standing with you as his friends walked away, “I just wanted to let you know that Rob really is into you.”
“I know,” you said, “I’m pretty into him too.”
“Good, because… he’s a good guy. He’s had a rough go of it lately, but this weekend… it’s probably the best mood I’ve ever seen him in,” Billy assured you, “Hell, that was probably the best show we’ve done in years.”
You looked down at your shoes, a little embarrassed by Billy’s confession. You felt your heart swell a little bit at the fact that Rob had been in such a great mood because he had met you.
“I’m sure you guys are always great,” you argued.
“No, really. I think you’re good for him. He needs a good woman in his life.” You glanced up at Billy who was smiling warmly at you, “and, the rest of us really like you too.”
“Thanks,” was all you could manage in reply.
“Better go check out, see you around soon.” Billy said as he also headed for the front desk.
You smiled to yourself as he walked away. They were all so nice to you, something that you weren’t sure you really deserved. Yes, you and Rob had decided to see where this ‘thing’ between the two of you went, but it was not something set in stone. There was no name to it, no definition of what you were… but his friends seemed to have accepted you as one of theirs. This was something new to you. You didn’t have many friends, and the friends that you did have at one point were all but lost as you drove them away during your relationship with Chris. It had been easier to be alone at that time than it was to deal with his constant need to control you.
You were startled from your thoughts by a pair of hands snaking around your waist, which made you yelp.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” Rob promised as you turned to meet him, you only wrapped your arms around his shoulders with a smile.
“It’s okay,” you said. You made sure to look into those gorgeous blue eyes for a little longer than usual. You were going to miss him. Your heart ached a bit, knowing that he was leaving and you would spend the next four days without him around.
“I’ll see you when you get back to L.A.?” he asked, pulling you in closer.
“You’ll be the first person I call,” you replied.
You brought your hands to his face, taking a moment to run your fingers across the patch of gray in his beard that you had found yourself becoming weirdly obsessed with. He smiled and you pulled his face to yours, meeting his lips in a deep kiss. It only made the ache in your chest grow. Four days. Four days you had known him. In those four days, you had found yourself falling in deep with this man. You found yourself feeling lonely when he wasn’t with you. It was crazy really, but now all you could think about was if you could get through four more days without him.
“I should go check out. The guys are waiting, I’m sure our car is here…” he trailed off. You could tell he was hesitant in leaving you.
“Go,” you insisted, “before I change my mind and make you stay.”
Rob smiled at you, giving you another kiss. As he started to walk away, he stopped in his tracks to rush back to you. “I forgot,” he spoke quickly, “I have something for you.” He started to rummage through one of his bags until he found what he was looking for.
He held out a book to you which you gladly accepted. It was a brown leather-bound journal. You opened it, flipping through its empty pages, not really understanding.
“I got this for myself a while ago, thinking I would need a new one soon… but I noticed that your notebook was almost filled. I thought you could use it while you’re here.”
You felt yourself smiling hard. You looked up at Rob, genuine appreciation in your eyes. It may not have been a fancy gift that was even meant for you in the first place, but the fact that he had noticed that you needed a new one really meant something to you. You loved that he paid attention to those little things and that he was willing to give up what was his so that you could keep doing what you did.
“It’s perfect,” you whispered, “thank you.”
Rob smiled at you again, leaning in for one more kiss. And in just moments, he was gone.
You stood in the same spot for some time, replaying everything in your head. The moment you glanced up from the ground and saw those blue eyes, running into him again at the bar, watching him on stage all weekend, meeting his friends, that first kiss, and the nights you spent together. Behind your smile, the ache was still there. Hopefully you could hold out for the next few days.
The next four days went slowly and rather painfully. You found yourself missing Rob more than you had thought you would. Your days were filled with writing. Eventually, you had needed a new notebook when your old one filled up quickly. You smiled to yourself every time you opened that leather-bound journal to write. You worked tirelessly on music. Some days, things flowed freely; other days, you grew frustrated and antsy. Your nights were lost in long phone conversations with Rob, who would call you in between working on various projects. You didn’t get to talk on the phone as often as you had thought you would. He was a busy man. But, when you did talk late at night, it was for hours at a time; just talking about everything and anything.
During the times that you just couldn’t sit and focus on music, you would huddle up in bed with your phone and watch ‘Supernatural’. You had started from season 1, even though you found out that Rob’s character didn’t even show up until season 4. Rob insisted that you watch from the beginning or you would be lost. You were overwhelmed when you found out that there were already 12 seasons of the show.
You also found yourself suddenly dodging phone calls and text messages from Chris. You hadn’t heard from him since Saturday, but by Monday evening, he was blowing up your phone. It was just like him to know the perfect moments to come along and try to ruin things. A few times, you had considered answering his calls. But thinking about Rob made you take a different route. You were constantly ignoring his calls. Unfortunately, the text messages were harder to avoid. Even when you’d see his name pop up on notifications, you couldn’t help but skim through what he was sending you. You really wished you hadn’t read them. They weren’t nice and often were so cruel, that you found yourself crying over them. Sometimes they were weirdly sweet, complimenting you on your looks; most times, they were threatening to point that it made your skin crawl. You never replied. You felt a little stronger knowing that you didn’t have to reply to him or answer his calls.
By Wednesday afternoon, you had become so adept in screening calls and text messages, that it felt like a bad habit. But you stood your ground, refusing to keep contact with him. That is, until one text message caught your attention…
Chris: I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I’ll be waiting at home.
You felt your chest tighten at the words. You had told him to be gone before you returned home, but you should have known better. He lived there just as much as you did. He had a key, he could come and go as he pleased. In his moment of wanting you back, he wasn’t going to listen to you. You knew that he could very well still be at the house when you got home tomorrow. You felt nauseated suddenly at the thought. You felt yourself begin to panic, tears welling up at the thought of being face to face with him when you got home. Your first instinct was to call Rob, which you found yourself doing almost immediately after reading the text.
“Hey, Y/N,” came his voice on the other end. You let out a ragged breath when you heard him.
“Hey, Rob.”
“What’s up? What are you doing?” he asked cheerfully.
“N-nothing, I just… I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“Is everything okay?” he asked, pausing for a moment, “you sound upset.”
“I’m okay,” you thought about telling him everything. You thought about telling him about Chris and the phone calls. You thought about telling him about the possibility of Chris being at your house when you got home. You thought about telling him how afraid you were. In the end, you still didn’t want him to know about this part of your past… and your present apparently. “I just really needed to hear your voice.”
“Aw, I miss you too.” He sighed. “One more day though, right? We get to see each other tomorrow night.”
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered, still trying hard to hold back tears.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, you could almost see his brow raise as he questioned you.
“I’m just having a really rough day.” You choked out. You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. You found yourself crying openly over the phone.
“Y/N, it’s okay,” he reassured you, “please don’t cry,” now he sounded upset.
You took in a deep breath, attempting to calm yourself. You hadn’t meant to make him worry, but hearing his voice sent you over the edge. Yes, you missed him terribly, but you knew you were going to see him soon. The real issue was that text. The gut feeling that you had that when you returned home, things could go really bad. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell Rob the truth. Not this time.
“I know,” you said, drying your eyes on the back of your hand, “I’m just being stupid. I’m sorry to bug you with this.”
“Never be sorry for bugging me,” he replied, “I like when you bug me.”
You laughed half-heartedly, sniffling a little.
“I’ll let you go,” you said softly, “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“Call me again if you need to hear it more,” he insisted. You smiled. He really was the sweetest.
“Okay, bye. I’ll see you soon,” you said, you felt calmer just hearing him. And having him confirm that you would see each other soon helped a lot.
“see you soon, beautiful.”
You ended the call, letting out a loud sigh. He had made you feel better, but the message you had received lingered in your mind. Chris was pretending that nothing had happened, something that he did often. There were countless times when he would leave or the two of you would fight, and he would come back days later, pretending that all was well. He would become sickeningly sweet, buying you things, telling you that you were beautiful… and you fell for it every time. It was a vicious cycle that never ended with him. But, you knew that you were as much to blame considering you had always taken him back and forgiven him.
This time, you weren’t about to allow him to do this again. Especially now that you had Rob. So, with shaky hands, you found his number in your contacts and hesitantly pushed the call button.
Your heart raced, tears struggled to escape as the phone rang. You intended to be strong. You knew you had to be firm and insist that it really was over and that he needed to leave. When he answered the phone, all of your bravery disappeared. You found yourself turning back into that broken girl who couldn’t stand up to him.
“Y/N, I thought you’d never call me back. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” Chris’ voice came through, sounding too cheerful. Your stomach turned at the words. “Y/N? Baby, are you there?”
“Don’t call me that,” you whispered. Your voice was gone, as it often was when you spoke to him. You wondered what had happened to the girl who stood up to him just days ago. Perhaps you felt less brave knowing that he was possibly waiting at your house for you.
“Why are you being like this, Y/N?” He kept his voice tender and sweet. You had to remind yourself that this is what he did. This is what he always did. It was his way of making you feel like the crazy one.
“I-I told you to leave me alone,” you stuttered.
“Why would I leave you alone? I’m here, at home… just waiting until I get to see you tomorrow.” You closed your eyes and flinched at this revelation. He really was doing this, and you had to make it stop.
“You need to leave my house,” you felt some of your bravery returning. It wasn’t much, but you felt safer on the end of a phone call, “I want you to get your things and leave.”
He was silent for a moment, “why would you say that?”
“Are you kidding me?” you spat out, “you left, and I am done now. I already told you I was done.”
He was quiet again, this time for a lot longer.
“Did you hear me?” you asked, feeling anxious now, “I want you to leave and never contact me again.”
More silence. You choked on the tears you were holding back. Beginning to cry as he remained silent. Covering your mouth to stifle the sobs, Chris took that as his cue.
“I’m not going anywhere,” his voice was no longer kind, it had turned threatening very quickly.
“Please,” you cried, “please just leave me alone.”
You could almost hear him grinning over the phone, “good, you’re frightened. I’ll just see you when you get back tomorrow.” The line went dead as he hung up.
You dropped your phone; sinking down onto the floor of your hotel room, as you sobbed into your hands. He was serious. You also knew him well enough that things were quickly going back to how they had been months ago. Fear raced through your body. At least at this point, you had a number of choices. You could return to your home, where you knew he was waiting for you, and see what would happen. A large part of you knew that this would not go in your favor. This would also mean that you would continue to avoid telling Rob the whole truth. Another option was to get law enforcement involved. Say that you feared for your safety, send them to your home, and risk that information getting out into the public. Now, you weren’t famous by any means; but your name was one that people would notice if it ended up in police reports. Your other option was to confess everything to Rob, and hope that he would help you.
Your head began to hurt. You thought mainly about your relationship with Rob. Your ran your options through your head repeatedly, weighing the pros and cons of each one. Given your history with Chris, going home when you knew he was there was no longer an option. You had to rule that one out, especially when just thinking about the possibilities of what could happen filled you with so much fear that you felt like you couldn’t breathe. Involving the police was a stretch for you. You weren’t sure why you even considered it. Word would get out and everyone would know that you were a victim. Who knows what that could do to your career?
You were left with one option. Tell Rob and hope that he could help. Of course, this too came with its own pros and cons. You wondered if he could continue this with you if he knew the truth, the truth that you had been keeping from him. You also took into consideration that you had known each other for almost a week, and this was some really heavy stuff to confide in someone with. Your fear of losing Rob over something like this ate at you. How could he continue to care about you if he found out how damaged you were?
Sitting for hours, thinking things through, and unable to decide between your options; you began to feel defeated. It was almost as if your choice was meant to be impossible. And then, you remembered that you might have had one other option. There might be one other person who could help you. You didn’t want to call her. God knows, you wanted to avoid this conversation with her at all costs.
Ultimately, your fear and your confusion won. You picked up your phone, searching through until you found her number.
Tag List: @tas898, @wolfyangel-is-a-pluviophile, @narisjournal-blog, @dont-hate-relate-pls, @waywardswain, @nerdyforyourbooks, @perksofbeingafangirl26, @crowley-you-sinnamon-roll, @pepperwoodatnight, @idk-fandom, @please-stop-killing-dean, @b-northington, @sclerafantrash, @itsilvermorny, @jannalionheart, @feelmyroarrrr, @capital-eyyyy-ohhh, @prlncess-nuala, @nekodresden85, @thebookisbtr, @internationalfandomgirl,​ @smoothdogsgirl, @chantelle-c333. @emilywells19 @laffytaffyhumor @lucifersxvessel @thefelinemedia78 @onlyanothersocialcasualty @typicalweirdbookworm @littleshone
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ephemeralem0tions · 7 years
Hi! I would love a LeviHan fic - perhaps a modern AU at a house/dorm party with games? Thanks!
Thank you for sending in the very first request! Yay! Of course, your wish is my command ;) so here! Have a dose of Levihan!
Some Shitty Boyfriend (LeviHan AU - House party)
Theme: House/ Dorm Party
Rating: PG
Warning: Has curse words, Mention of Cannabis and Beer
Summary: When Hanji and Levi partake in the game of Never Have I Ever, he discovers things about her and even deeper.
For the twelfth time around, he made his way through the crowd, bumping, shoving and pushing sweat covered bodies which he thought was hell.
He would have never went to this fiasco if ‘Eyebrows’ had not bribed him with a month’s supply of tea and Windex. ‘It would be fun’ he said, yet it was nothing but suffocating to him. The stench of booze, smoke and perspiration was enough torture to him, yet it did not end there. His clean freak side was ticking like a time bomb, ready to wipe away all the crumbs of food, spilled vodka, and occasional stains of vomit on the carpet any moment.
He needed some space, yet outside was not an option as some people smoked pot in the backyard or made out on the porch swing. The bathroom was not available as well as it would be filled by either disoriented horny people, or those that starting puking out of all the alcohol they consumed. The rooms upstairs would be a danger zone as well, who knows which room was vacant or not?
He continued making his way out of the 'dance floor’ which could be seen as a tiny living room any other day. He thought Mike’s house wouldn’t be able to hold a huge crowd, but he was proven wrong. It seemed like every single crevice of the small flat had been useful, with the owner probably already too drunk to recognize that his place could blow up any minute with all the people in it.
“Levi!” He heard Erwin’s voice as soon as he made it out alive from the maze of people. He had ended up in the kitchen where there were surprisingly very few people.
“I’m actually surprised he had not stormed off to leave soon” Nanaba laughed handing a newly opened bottle of beer to a drunkard and shooing him away. They must’ve kept people away from the kitchen and gathered here. Everyone also seemed sober, except for Mike who was always drunk out of his mind whenever there is liquor laying around.
“Erwin hid my keys” he answered with a 'tsk’
“I knew you would leave the second I take my eyes off of you. I wouldn’t give you compensation of tea and Windex anyway if you just go here for a minute and leave” he rolled his eyes at the man.
“Werr- since you here Revi- come pray wif us” Mike slurred attempting to open another bottle of beer before Nanaba stole it out of his grasp.
“What he means is play. Get yourself together Mike!” She groaned. The two had not opened up about their relationship but everyone else was sure that they were getting there if they aren’t there.
“I’m not participating in your shitty game” he sat down on one of the stools near the counter.
“Sorry I was late! Ohh- sorry” the familiar voice boomed as she pulled her foot from the crowd behind her.
“Ohh Hanji, its nice of you to join us dear. I thought you’d be stuck forever in our dorm” Nanaba welcomed her
“As much as I want to continue my research about the healthy benefits of cannabis oil for our final thesis before we graduate, I want to spend a few hours with my friends. Oh hi Levi!” She explained, greeting him in the latter and facing him with a smile while she waved.
“Tsk, shitty glasses. You smell like shit. Tell me you took a bath after crapping” he told her partly expecting a non- favorable answer.
“As a matter of fact I did not. But its nice to see you adapting and surviving in a new habitat where clean freaks like you would’ve been extinct any moment” she shot back at him.
“Hanji!- pray wif us!” Mike asked her.
“You mean play right?” She cleared out, earning a nod from Nanaba. “Depends on what game”
“Its Never have I ever. Erwin wanted to play Poker but Mike insisted he wanted some booze game” Nanaba explained
“Alright then, I’ll just call Moblit to pick us up if we get drunk” she laughed. “You’re playing too Levi!” She shot him a 'dead serious look’. Levi remembered she was another heavy drinker, yet her tolerance was lowest among them. He on the other hand, would not get drunk no matter how many cups of beer you would give him, a fact that always fascinated Hanji. She would take any chance to get him drunk so she could observe but always failed to do so as she would get drunk first and forget about the whole ordeal.
“Alright then!” Nanaba clapped her hands and prepared shot glasses from the cupboard and bottles of beer enough for everyone. “So the rule is take a shot if you’ve done it. I’ll start, never have I ever cut my own hair”
Levi took a shot and looked at everyone around him if they had done the same. Only Hanji tipped her head back a bit, drinking the contents of the glass in front of her before refilling it for the next round.
“Never have I ever kiss- somebodeh” Mike slurred prolonging the ’s’ of the kiss before taking a swig. Nanaba and Erwin shortly followed him while Hanji and Levi stayed still.
“Never have I ever went to the parlor and got my eyebrows fixed” Erwin took a shot right after he spoke and looked at the others who only looked at him back amused. “No one did it too? Levi, your eyebrows look well kept too. Thin, but well kept”
“Unlike you I don’t give a shit about mine” he replied while the others chuckled
“You can go next” Erwin laughed at him.
“Never have I ever wanted to take a shit but my crap seemed to be having a shitty day and won’t come out” he watched as everyone else took a shot.
“Everyone becomes constipated at least once in their life Levi” Hanji stated.
“Must be the product of all the cleansing tea if he had not experienced it” Erwin followed shortly but he only looked at the man bored.
“Never have I ever fallen in love” Hanji stated, almost as if it was a whisper. He wasn’t shocked to see Nanaba and Mike drink, as well as Erwin as he had Marie, yet he was surprised to see Hanji drink.
“Oi shitty glasses! Don’t recall you having a shitty boyfriend” he called her out.
“I don’t need a shitty boyfriend to be in love” she responded. “I can stay silent if I want to”. There was something about her eyes, as if they wanted to say something to him. They looked lonely and longing for something, something he could not quite get.
“Don’t worry Hanji, whoever this lucky man is, he would probably come around soon” Nanaba assured her with a pat on the back.
“I don’t expect him to, but if he would, then it would be a cup of tea” she laughed directing her stare back to him once more. He furrowed his eyes in confusion.
“You don’t even like tea four eyes” he shot at her only to earn a small hum before Nanaba spoke and continued the game.
“-And I was pretty sure that cannabis oil would be beneficial because I interviewed an epileptic person who uses it to stop his seizures and saw it with my own eyes that it works when he tested it. But I’m also sure we cannot legalize selling it in the market because people would make it an excuse to get high!” He heaved her up as her weight seemed to shift to him more each minute that passed by. It didn’t help that the woman was about ten centimeters taller than him, making her slump down to him occasionally.
Just as they thought they can count on her lab partner to get her home, she had realized she left her phone in their dorm when she was already drunk. Nanaba had decided to stay the night at Mike’s house and help him once the morning comes while Erwin had already gone his own way. He was left to take care of Hanji and bring her back safely as he would pass it anyway on his way home to his own apartment.
Like any other moment when she was drunk, she’s ramble about facts or thought she had stuffed inside the huge brain of hers. She was indeed smart, a scholar of their university, but in times like these, her smart ass can be annoying. Babbling about things no normal human being can understand, but then again, their clique couldn’t be considered normal. That’s why they were all friends in the first place.
He placed her on the passenger seat and clicked the seat belt in place. He sure didn’t want the damn mad woman jumping out the window of his old Sedan when he drove. He jogged over to the driver’s side and trued to start the ignition for about three times before it finally roared to life. His company had been unusually quiet for the past seconds, she had only been staring at him which he tried to brush off, yet her doe eyes kept on bothering him as a pout started to form on her lips as well.
“What do you want?” He asked her groaning, revving the engine momentarily so it doesn’t stop halfway along the road.
“Levi, what big eyes you have” she mumbled making him sigh and finally drive out of Mike’s house.
“I can say the same for you four eyes” he responded keeping his eyes on the road.
“What big nose you have” she chuckled.
“Not as ridiculous as your fucking bird nose” he shot back.
“What small height you have” she whispered with a smile.
“Are you shitting with me shitty glasses?” He asked turning his direction to her and pulling out to the side of the road just before they left the street of their place of departure.
“I just love teasing you” she faced him with a taunting smile.
“Just shut up and crap all the shit out tomorrow, maybe out of your mouth or something” he hissed facing the road again and starting to drive once more.
Their banter was replaced with silence for the next ten minutes, her stare still never left him as they drove through the city, lights complementing Levi’s face in her sight every time they passed a street post.
“God I’m so in love” she blurted out, clearly something she wouldn’t remember the next day.
“To your imaginary shitty boyfriend?” He asked. Surprisingly, he was interested yet he did not know why.
“No he’s real” she smiled directing her gaze to outside her side of the window and leaning there.
“As if someone would ask a slob like you out” he 'tsked’ with the though of some other man asking her out. But why was he so worked up about it?
“Yeah you’re right” she sighed. “I don’t expect a short clean freak like him to like me” his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel tighter. “I’m not asking for him to love me back. But I am thankful” she faced him while he pulled the break right in front of her dorm building. “Thankful that at least for one night, we drove through the city at exactly 60 kilometers per hour while I admired him through the lights and fell deeper in love for him”
He felt like his heart would burst any moment. It wasn’t the first time when he felt like his heart beat was irregular and racing, he felt it when he was in danger or when he is in fear, yet this was different. He was unsure and confused of what he was feeling, but more importantly, he couldn’t understand why she had such an effect on him.
“You asked me if I wanted something awhile ago right?” she reminded as he pulled the breaks to stop right in front of her dorm building. “I want Levi to be my shitty boyfriend” she stated, leaving his mouth agape in surprise as she exited the car and walked down the pavement.
He couldn’t muster out any words, he was shit at that anyways and he knew it. He was lost, trying to calm down the strange feeling down his chest. He watched as her silhouette grew fainter, darker, and finally disappeared. But what intrigued him more, was the way she walked; straight and normal, as if she wasn’t drunk at all.
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