#mk oc short story
bihanspookies · 6 months
What’s the story (if they’ve had it) behind your ocs first kiss?
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mkninja18 · 10 months
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Tomas manages to control his inner demon [Enenra] so he decides to look for Yinyang who had been the cause of her kidnapping since she had escaped from the temple, he finally finds her with minor injuries and cornered by enemies but Tomas without problems kills each one, then he approaches Yinyang who had some blood stains, after Tomas spoke seriously with Yinyang he tries to calm her down but Yinyang knows that it was his fault that now Tomas has a demon inside, little by little Tomas's body was filled with marks, In the temple he hid them but Kuai Liang began to notice something strange in the shots, his warm attitude became cold... was he controlled?..
[these 3 parts will be like a prologue to a story that I will upload to wattpad and Ao3 in a few weeks where Yinyang and Kuai Liang will try to save Tomas from this demon that little by little takes over him so much that Bi-Han begins to show a kinder side made shots to save him from corruption, also within the story will be Hanzo Hasashi, you could say that this line is a mixture of mk9 and mk1]
Part 3/3
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cyberfox123 · 13 days
I missed you
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Short story Of Sub-zero and Cyberfox making peace with Hanzo in MKX.
* It's cold up on the mountain. The snow is always blowing. But it's home... The sky is dark grey. It makes me feel like I am missing something. Someone I find myself thinking about her a lot. I wonder the Hall's they are full of people walking. But I still feel like I am alone. Without you here. Are kid's are growing up. I see a part of you and me in them....*
* Sighs as I puts my pen down. *
" Grandmaster. "
* Stands up from my desk and look over my shoulder. * " Yes what is it ? "
* They stand at attention dressed like the other Lin Kuei members. * " We have word that Hanzo is on his way. "
* I look forward. * " Thank you ... Do you have word of how close ? "
* His voice sounds worried. * " About a day away. "
" Thank you.... you may leave now. "
* He leaves the room. I hear his footsteps as he walks off. I sit down again I hold my head. As I think about all the ways this could. Go wrong. * " Fox I hope this Goes well. Please get back before him. "
* I get up and walk down the hall it is. Dark only fire to light the way. My footsteps echo down the hall. Reminding me I am alone I walk outside it is snowing again. It's always welcoming I sit down at the table. I wiped the snow off with one Swift movement. I hear someone is behind me. " Welcome home Fox glad you are back. "
* She walks around the table she smiles softly eye's sparkle. She sits down I see the light go from her eye's I look down then back up. *
" Why are you sad love ? " * She said in a worried tone. She takes her mask off and puts her katana down beside he across from me. *
" Just have a lot on my mind Fox. " * Sounds down. *
" Kuai you know that you can tell me anything. " * she puts her hand on mine on the table. *
* I smile a little. * " I was waiting for you to get back. I found out what happened Sektors head. What the Lin Kuei have done. "
* She rubs my hand gentle worry is all over her face. * " Oh kuai I am sorry. "
* I look at her and smile softly. * " It's not your fault my love. I know you have been through a lot. Because of the Lin Kuei. " * My eye's shift down. * " You lot's everything just like I did. "
* I feel her touch my face gentle. As she rubs my cheek with her thumb. It feels warm and welcoming. I look up at her not saying a word. I new what she was going to say. *
" We have each other. "
* She smiles her eye's sparkled as I said it. Still gently rubbing my cheek with her thumb. She let's out a giggle. * " You know me well kuai. "
* I can't help but smile. * " You are my wife of course I do. " * I put my hand on hers agent's my cheek. I feel her warm hand in mine. My cold hand welcomes the feeling. " Fox there is something I want to talk about. "
" Yes what is it kuai ? " * She look's at me still holding my hand. *
" I invited Hanzo to tell him what happened. To make peace with him. I know you been wanting that for a long time. "
* Her smile Goes away she speaks. It sounds like she was holding back tears. * " Really all get to see. My old Master again. "
* I kiss her forehead softly. * " Yes I would like you to. Be there as we'll Cyberfox. "
* She smiles her eye's sparkled and light up. They look so beautiful. * " Hehe I better go clean up my outfit is all torn. "
* I smile as she walks off leaving me to my thoughts. The sun peaking from behind the clouds. * The warm sun's rays hitting my cheeks and body. It feels like forever waiting for her. *
* I see blue flames appear before me. I smile as I know who it is. * " Welcome back Fox "
* She appears with a smile she is in her Grandmisstriss close. " Sorry I took so long. " * She has tea on a tray and puts it down in front of me. *
" Thank you Fox I am surprised you didn't bring. Cookies this time. " * I smirk warmly. *
" Oh do you want some I didn't think. It would be a time for them. " * She puts her hand agent's her chest. *
" Haha it's alright I was just joking. "
* She sighed in relief as I see her breath. * " Oh good hehe. " * She sits down beside me. *
" It may take a while Fox I can call you when he. Gets here if you like. "
" I am fine Kuai besides. Who else is going to keep you company. " * She said in a silly voice. *
* I chuckled as I am glad she is staying. * " I see your last mission didn't go without a fight. " * I see she has a cut on her arm. *
" Yeah but I am fine don't worry love. " * She pulls her sleeve down. *
" I wish you didn't have to fight. I wish you .. we could have a normal life. "
* She look's at me. * " But it keeps things interesting. " * She said trying to cheer me up. *
" True but makes me worry something is going to happen to you. "
" Same here love but we are still here. " * I feel her put her hand on my hand. * " we still have each other. "
* I hold her hand. * " Yes we do you have been there. For me through it all I know I haven't. Always been there for you I am sorry for that. "
* She holds my hand back. * " It's alright you are working I understand. As long as you come back to me. And are happy and healthy that is what matters. To me my love always. "
* It starts to snow a little bit more. We both look up at the same time. I feel the snow hit my cheek. *
" If you get cold tell me alright Fox. "
* Still looking up at the sky the snow melts down her cheeks. * " Alright. "
* I smile. *
" The Little moments like this. Us just being are self's. Are the one's I miss and the one's I keep close to me. " * She smiles and look's at me slowly. *
" Same here love I have been. Busy a lot lately and so have you. I have been missing you. " * I hold her hand tighter. * " I know I don't say it much. But I love you and I am grateful for you in my life. You make my life better you and the kid's. "
" Kuai I love you too you make me so happy. " * She said softly as she rubs her thumb gently agents my hand. *
" He should be here soon if it becomes too much. Let me know you don't have too stay. "
" All be fine. " * Smiles as we let go of each other's hand. *
*Time passed as we waited in the Lin Kuei tempul. For him to arrive Fox seems eager.
* We see Hanzo approach us looking around. Like he would rather be anywhere but here. *
* Me and Fox walk down the steps to great him. * " Master Hasashi. " * I bow and so dose Fox. *
" I am grateful that you have come we are grateful. "
* Cyberfox Smiles a little. *
" Sub-zero..... Cyberfox. " * He said in a unhappy tone. * " Why did you ask for me I have nothing to say. To ether of you. "
* I see Cyberfox look to the side. *
" I have asked for you here to talk. " * I gesture for him to sit down. *
* He turns it down with discussed. *
*I let it pass. *
" I have reformed the Lin Kuei as you have the Shirai Ryu. We both wish to Shed are clans dark past. And detached them to the protection of earthrealm. Are common interests give us a chance to end old rivalries. "
* He look's at me and Cyberfox with hate. * " Do you have anything to say traitor. "
* Cyberfox look's up at him and doesn't say a word. *
* He look's away trying to avoid eye contact. * " I thought as much. "
* I feel like saying something I bite my tongue. As I know it would just make it worse. *
" Then you will finally admitted it. That the Lin Kuei are stained with the blood of the. Shirai Ryu. The blood of my family. " * He said with anger. *
* I feel sadness. * " Are honor is indeed stained. " * My eye's reflect sadness. *   
* I feel Cyberfox put her hand on my shoulder. Then pull away slowly. *
" Don't conferred him Cyberfox. " * He snarled. *
* She looked up as Hanzo hardly making eye contact. * " He is not done telling you. "
" She speaks. " * Still sounding angry. * " You can talk all you want it won't change anything. "
" Master Hasashi please let me explain. " * I say calmly as not to anger him more. *
* He turns his attention to me. *
* I gesture him to sit again. *
* He sits this time seeming more interested. *
" You and I after we were free from Quan Chi's control. I seeked out my clan I hope that a rebellion. Would help stop the old Grandmasters plans. " * I start to make tea. * but Sektor had realized his father's vision. The Lin Kuei had been fully cyberized. My attention turned to kill all of sektors followers. And free the Lin Kuei and restore are Honor. "
" I am not interested in Lin kuei politics sub-zero. "
" When I killed Sektor I discovered that the Lin Kuei. Did not sacrifices are Honor with the cyber program. We abandoned it long before that we lost it long ago. " * Offer's him tea. *
* He look's at it he takes out his katana and ice blast hits the table braking it. *
* Cyberfox gets out of the way. * "Frost what are you doing? " * She said with anger and confusion. *
" There will be know peace between us Scorpion. "
" Frost the Lin Kuei are still without Honor. "
* Frost and Hanzo start to fight. *
" Kuai are you alright ? " * She look's at me with worry. *
" I am alright. "
* He defended Frost with ease. And turned his attention back to me. *
" Please let me explain. "
" There is know more talking sub-zero I will have your head. "
" Please stop Hanzo. "
" After I am done with him you are next Fox. "
* Hanzo and kuai start fighting. *
* I fight with Hanzo I have know other choice. I keep freezing him trying to stop him. But he keeps braking free. I see Cyberfox looking for a chance to brake up the fight. * " Cyberfox stay back I don't want you to get caught in the cross fire. " * I get hit in the head I turn back to Hanzo and keep fighting. *
" I new I couldn't trust you. "
* I freeze his foot. * " I am not your enemy Hanzo. Please stop this Fox. "
* His eye's become blinded by rage as I said Fox he brakes free. Hitting me with his fire not stopping. * " You took everything from me EVERYTHING ! "
* I fall to the ground my body hurts and can hardly stand to get up. * " Hanzo wait " * I put my head up I feel so weak. *
* He takes his katana out. * " You will finally pay for what you have done. " * He raised his katana. *
"Hanzos please. " * Cyberfox crys.*
* I see Frost was about to kill him I freeze her. He look's back then to me. * " I did not bring you here for treachery. "
" Kuai. " * She helps me up. *
"What is this? " * He look's confused. *
" Frost never wanted peace. And doesn't listen to me. Her anger clouded her judgment All deal with her later. "
* Cyberfox look's angry at Frost. *
" Don't worry I am alright Fox. "
* Hanzo puts his katana away. *
" Please I have something to show you. Both of you. " * I look slightly towards Cyberfox. She look's back at me we walk inside the temple. To the room that has sektors head. * " When I took sektors head it revealed. What happened to the Ryu clan. " * I push a button a small red Quan chi appeared. *
* Hanzo and cyberfox watch. *
" I did as you wished you owe me. " * Quan chin said. *
" We agreed on the killing of the Ryu and the sole. " * We hear Sektors voice. *
" I did as you wish they are know more. "
" we did not agree with the sole we owe you nothing. " * It stopped playing. *
* Hanzo look's upset. *
" For years I thought you wrongly accused the Lin Kuei. Of the death of your family and the Ryu clan. But now I see we did have a part in it. "
* Cyberfox puts her hand over her face. And her eye's water. * " I I am so sorry. "
" Fox it's not your fault. " * I put my hand on her shoulder. And look back to towards Hanzo. *
" My family Kana and Jubei I I thought... " * He Look's at me with pain and regret. * " Your Brother I. "
" Quan chin is responsible for Bi-hans death. "
* He look's at me then Cyberfox. * " Fox I Blamed you as well. I called you a Traitor it must of broke your heart. "
* They just look at each other for a moment. It felt like time had stopped. She just ran into his arms. He hugged her back. He was surprised but happy as he hugged her. *
" I am just glad you finally see. And that you are here. "
" I missed so much I. " * He stopped Hugging her. *
* She let's go and smiles. * " You will just have to make up for it. My kid's look up to you Hanzo. It's not to late. "
" I will Fox. " * He look's back to me. * " But there is something I must do first. He will pay for his wrong doing. I promise you this Sub-zero. "
* We bow to each other. He walks away to face what comes next. *
" I am glad it's over now. "
* I smile and look at her. * " Same here my love. " * I touch her face gentle. * " I am glad you are happy. "
" Same here look's like we need a new tea table. "
" Haha Fox I am glad you are back. " * I hold her close she feels so warm I want to hold her and never let her go. All always protect her my Fox my love. *
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crackshipsart · 1 year
Spanish: Al llegar a la tierra, Soren hizo muchos amigos incluyendo al queridísimo Johnny Cage que presumió de las películas que protagonizó y le enseñó varias cosas, costumbres de los humanos, cosas básicas para encajar en un mundo desconocido para Soren. Tempest quería darle su gratitud a Raiden pero ni siquiera sabía cómo, y como Johnny "sabía" de cosas, acudió a el y así fué
English: Upon arriving on Earth, Soren made many friends including the beloved Johnny Cage who bragged about the movies he starred in and taught him various things, human customs, basic things to fit into an unfamiliar world for Soren. Tempest wanted to give his gratitude to Raiden but he didn't even know how, and since Johnny "knew" things, he turned to him and so it was.
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loverofthewindgod · 2 years
Came across this adorable picrew and had a blast!
Aww, Haven picked a flower for his mama 🌷
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Sienna: "Aww, thank you baby. As a trade, you have to cuddle and enjoy these donuts with mama. ^_^ 🍩🍩🍩
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Celeste is reading while chillin with papa Fujin in the Sky Temple library 📚
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Aella and Rayan went to a festival and it was pretty fun!
Aella: "Ooh! I want a candied apple too!"
Rayan: "You had 2 burgers, 4 corn dogs, and that massive funnel cake. How are you not full?
Aella: "My stomach is a bottomless pit, little brother"
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Tagging: @ninibear3000, @darialovesstuff, @huepazu, @roofgeese, @vivilovespink, @ghastlyrider, @scentedcandleibex, @bar10du, @theelderhazelnut, and @zoetheneko
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lmk-oc-competition · 14 days
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Ji Daiyu belongs to @azora-ink
Li Sania belongs to @sallyvanna
Learn more about them below the cut!
Ji Daiyu:
She lived with her grandparents, biological ones unknown, she lived a casual routine until she was notified of a permanent stay of one of her far neighbors, she was told it was her older cousin. She eventually grew close enough to him to start being babysit by them, often hanging out in the lab like basement, she soon became obsessed with his pet snake, even mimicking its actions at times. Soon she wouldn’t have to pretend anymore.
Li Sania:
She's a celestial, descendant from Huli Jings (fox spirit). Her main powers include 9 celestial blades, which she can make appear and manipulate, and has a kaiju form of the nine tailed fox spirit. She's a celestial guard in the celestial realm who usually handles diplomatic stuff with other realms too, even underworld sometimes, so a pretty trusted person. She has met the monkie kids, through fights and stuff, in S4 and S5, so she isn't close with any of them. She knows red son the best though (still not well), as (my hc) he and his mother lived in the celestial realm for a short period of time (during dbk was locked away) and she met him. She appears somewhere after S5, so most of her story isn't canon. she assists MK in finding out more about the Chaos' origin, because even if the pillar is fixed, as the nine headed demon said Chaos is collecting power slowly, and the Monkie kid is trying to find ways to stop it.
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vsm4k · 5 months
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i've rise from hell
after eid mubarak meeting many relatives chatting n stuff, it's not hell but school is.
I'm using my main oc into yassifying mk cuz I ran out idea but why not. Creating another ocs is a big responsibility to remember these gremlins so im not gonna force my brain to forget sometime cuz I'm VERY dyslexic.
Raz (razael for short) had been my first main oc for half a year since I was like what..uhh maybe 2021..? whatever, his origin are incomplete cuz me n my sister r sharing ocs together like rivals but she still working on our stories, it's dysfunctional family tree lore that she's making of but vampire, hybrid n stuff like that. (Like castlevania biblically accurate even tho I never watch it before). The origin raz (modern day), he's just an old immortal guy but billionaire bs man and role model, has been living for millennium n pretty much his life really sucks ass after been through a lot, dealing his half vampire n half demon genes (insta ahh oc) and problematic family.
Now in mk1 version, he is like younger version of him. However, his origin (AGAIN forgot to mention) is just genocidal maniac, taking the demonic role n abandoned his vampire role being. Back to mk version, this raz is different. He is caring, quirky, less energetic, and a dumbass. Aside his personality, he's an assassin n we'll get into that later. (Maybe not idk) Him being hybrid r half demon n now a half dragon. His backstory not too sure and still work in progress. Anyway here they are
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I thinks that enough for me to write shi I'm being completely brainless rn (and yes, rivalry accurate)
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 6 months
OC in fifteen
Thanks for the tag @space-writes!
Rules: post 15 or less lines of dialogue that describe the personality or essence of your OC - the less context the better but you can include it
So I realized when making this Picrew post I didn't have any post like this for Akash!!
Which shocked me because he's one of the faves????
People must know that I love this kid!!!
Already did OC in fifteen for Lexi, Robbie, and Noelle!
Akash Singh (TSP)
...Akash bowed midair and gestured toward the entrance. “Milady.”
“...The APTA room should be right across the hall from the mystery section. [...] I remember because when Alii first come here from Ceteri, their powers are a mystery.”
(after a racist bullying incident) “Like, dude, there’s a whole other stereotype of Indian Americans who’re neurologists or something. Like, get with the times, pick a better insult. I could be loaded for all they know. I’m not, but I’m also not on financial aid, so they’re stupid.”
Akash smirked. “Kinky.”
“And I believe you. [...] Why would you make it up? That’s weird, I agree with you.”
“A child means someone between infancy and puberty,” Akash confirmed. “He definitely has hit puberty. Do you want me to tell you about the erection he got—”
“You kick pretty high, for a short person.” I cringed. “Didn’t mean that the way it sounded. It was supposed to be a compliment.”
“You want some disemboweled innards served directly in the flesh sack?”
“When you feel velociraptor, you’ll know,” said Akash.
“Who said I wanted spontaneous?!”
“If you were a worm, how long would you be?”
“It’s all good,” I said. “So long as we’re trauma-dumping....”
“Eh. This is something that has to be done. It can’t wait any longer, and I’ve been a coward.”
“I see why you like your sweater; it’s good to cry in.”
(Robbie was a supporting role in a play) “I think Chorus Member #4 was my favorite,” Akash quipped.
Tagging @little-peril-stories @gottestod-writes @cowboybrunch @herrmannhalsteadproduction @mysticstarlightduck @eccaiia @mk-writes-stuff @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @stesierra with no pressure + ANYONE WHO WANTS
And @blind-the-winds I know you're running out of characters with enough dialogue but I'm tagging you cause well I like your tags you don't have to do this lol
Or you can make it an OC in five or something
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester who of course get special privileges to tag games if they want
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pupp0ccino · 20 days
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Okaoka, questions,, questions... uh
Do you have any headcanons have fell like gender? Orr? Story! Maybe even how they act!
Do you have any ocs in utmv? (I remember seeing one back in a older post with a little gremlin child! Their really cute!)
Are you in any other fandoms ORRR? Just utmv? Or is it like utmv as main and little side others
Have you ever tried cheesecake... (it's so good)
Anddd thoughts and opinions onn... Monster kid!! I LOVE THEM. Anyways, MK is my favorite eheheh
What is your least favorite art stage? (Ex: sketch, coloring, etc)
Lastly!! How long have you been doing art??
(Also IDK if you wanted questions on you or fell, if fell so sorry!)
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Anyways Baii!!
1. My Fellvette is my Sona! So he's pangender meaning that he identifies with all genders and doesn't really care what he's called or referred to as. He mostly acts like me + cannon fell mixed together. Very anxious.
For Fell himself , Rex/Rust/Red. I feel like he'd be unlabeled, not really caring about identity so he'd probably be a guy that's some form of queer. Probably Bisexual just doesn't actually care enough to use the label
2. I have a lot of ocs! Some being Leech, Trixtr, Stitches , Patch , Citric, Lullaby , Mosaic, and more that I can't remember off the top of my head
3. For fandoms, I wouldn't really consider myself too deep into any other fandoms like I am with Undertale. I was hyperfixated on spookmonth for a short while so I was in that fandom for that time being and still have plenty of mutuals from that period.
4. Yes, I absolutely love cheesecake
5. Monster kid is such a cutie, I've drawn him a few times back in 2018!
6. Least favorite art stage is honestly sometimes sketching, I usually like doing this but it's usually when I'm having art block I have trouble with it because I have to sit there and piece everything together and make sure things look perfect or I'll get overwhelmed and angry with myself
7 I've been doing art since I was around 3 years old, but remember it as a genuine hobby when I was around 7 ! So a really really long time
Thank you for your questions hehe I don't mind any questions!!
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mrstsung · 17 days
The only kids shang tsung would have and loves is his own. From himself.
NOT MILEENA. sorry not sorry i hate that hc with a burning passion from fandom.
If it's not made from him,the ol fashion way. He wouldn't be as keen with it. Im not saying if there was a child in the equation with you before (single parent) that he wouldn't step up. He would. But if it's a child made by magic or something like that. It would bring back not so nice memories. Ptsd even.
So i doubt he'd be dad to an experiment like mileena or milly herself. Too much baggage there. I've been over why that hc from Fandom isn't a good one because it's so ooc and ignoring his tramas from shao kahns court and the crap he went through. It's ignoring key parts for a short lived thing that honestly could be easily remedied by MAKING AN OC OR FANKID.
If you want him to have a half tarkatan child make an oc. Leave mileena alone!
She needs kitana,her sister,not a father. If anything. Raiden is right fucking there. Have him step up.
Shang tsung i love him to death but kids,is a touchy subject i feel for him. And honestly,not everyone is ok with parenting. Even people who like kids,want kids but cant have em,etc.
Sorry for this rant but i just do not like this hc. And i myself as much as i dont mind kids,they are a lot of work,and even reading hcs about parenting drains me. Don't get me wrong shang would be an excellent father,just not to mileena. Mileenas father IS SHAO KAHN. that's right there,plain as day. No matter what you think,say or hc. Shao kahn is millys dad. Now like i said kitana stepping up,squashing the unnecessary beef,and ACTUALLY WRITING THEM WITHOUT TARNISHING EITHERS CHARACTER BY WRITING MILEENA AS A FUCKING DISEASED ANIMAL THAT CAN EASILYTUNR BACK INTO A CONVENIENTLY ATTRACTIVE EYECANDY UGH. is what needs to happen. Kitana and mileena despite her being a clone,actually being sisters and ruling outworld side by side.
She doesn't need a man. To make her great. Father or otherwise.
Plus mileena being treated like she has no agency. Even as a fictional character. Pisses me off. Women of mk get this too often. Sadly.
Plus shang doesn't like mileena nor treated her like a person. And mileena hates shang for creating her. Tanya was the only other person who actually gave a rats ass about her other than reptile. Kitana if they weren't cowards. Sindel cared for mileena but was selfish because kitana was actually born form sindel. Not milly. So.....sindel a bit vain. Unless you want mileena to be of a tarkatan affair and add drama to the kahns. Lol. (I actually have a whole ass story idea for that. But again. It's only an idea. Not what actually happened) either way. Mileena doesn't need a man to be amazing.
Tanya is her daddy *wink*. Lol. I joke i joke.
But yeah i just hate when fandoms ignore the obvious traumas and problems for a cute short hc that doesn't even make sense. MAKE AN OC. it's ok. It's not cringe. Police wont bust down your door for making a fucking kid oc for shang tsung. God!
Anyways. I have fankids with shang tsung. But it's more of an exploration idea than anything. Not nessicarly an au,but eh. I dont mind the idea. Just not nessicary for me in my self ship. I like being kidless in my self ship. It's easier to manage. But eh shit happens.
But anyways. If y'all wanna see the fankid au. Or my juicy outworld court drama idea. Lemme know.
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OC Questionnaire tag!
Thanks @the-golden-comet for the tag.
I will answer for our travellers Paeliae and Xaeren.
Do you speak more than one language?
Paeliae: Yes, I speak Edrelian including the regional dialects of tieleri and Emresian which are so different they might as well be their own languages. My mother also taught me a little elvish and a bit of old ossenic to translate stories. I learnt it fluently when she left me her old books. I know enough Illeri to hold a conversation but no one would call me fluent. I was learning Druidic and draconic to read more into the history of somni magics, but then the war started, so I never truly learned them.
Xaeren: Yes. I speak Altic, Zaireli (a dialect of general Wysindi) and Disaris also known as runic. I grew up speaking Altic and Disaris with the runics then I lived in Zairel for 5 years so I learnt a bit.
2. What is your favorite thing to eat?
Paeliae: I like the sweet cakes that they only make right in Tielere. They are made by one baker in a small back room down the side alley next to the market and they are incredible.
Xaeren: I never really had much choice of food until I got to Zairel so I associate spiced Zaireli bread and meats with a new freedom. They make me feel more at home than the Altic lands ever did
3. What drives you to succeed?
Paeliae: I want to earn a legacy. I will do something great enough that I will never be forgotten. I can’t stand the idea of just living one short life and dying irrelevant, I want to exist for centuries in the public mind for an act I am proud of.
Xaeren: I need to kill a goddess. Schaeres of Tamir’sul will die by my hand.
Your questions are:
If you could be one age forever what age would you pick?
is the worst injury you have ever had?
What element would you pick to control and why?
Tagging @drchenquill, @somethingclevermahogony, @theink-stainedfolk, @phoenixradiant, @ominous-feychild
@mk-writes-stuff and @tildeathiwillwrite.
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crzyimp · 7 months
Author note: Finally finished this story! This one is for @digitaldoeslmk AU lmk by the book. Featuring their OC Zhenfu and mine. No warnings on this. Enjoy!
The sound of waves rolling onto the beach, the gentle breeze, the warm sun on her fur reminds Zhenfu of Puppet. Calm, peaceful, and safe, this small hideaway made her feel at home compared to the vast manor she grew up. Surrounded by walls, darkness, thousands of eyes on her and the looming threat around the corner. But here, despite the small home and the lack of luxury that’d fit for her status and station. She wouldn’t trade it, nor would she trade Puppet for her father back.
It’s been months, or was it a year? She wondered. Since Mk sealed her father away, the six ear Macaque, the man who was there, but wasn’t there. Always busy, always absent, only there during her fumbles. Rarely handed praise and eagerly delivering punishments; for her own good, he added.
Her childhood has always been lonely and short-lived, growing up too fast among his horde, his commanders, Lady Bone Demon, and his puppet. Puppet a weapon made for bloodshed and thirsty for blood like a feral rabid dog. Teeth bared at anything and everyone one.  
‘View it as a guard dog’, her father commented to her one day after she witnessed first hand of what it was capable of. ‘it’s here to protect you but it’s incapable of loving you, unlike me.’ Zhenfu remembered that day and how small she was, trembling from her father’s bitter touch who left her alone with it. 
And yet, it was the first warmth that’s been part of her life since she could remember, a plushie that no matter how hard she throws it or how venom drips from her mouth, it always comes back. A guard dog, yes, but more importantly, a nanny dog to her. Zhenfu thought that thing was following orders from her father; the hugs, the honey coated words, the spoils of affection, she thought it was an act. A role to fulfill while her father is absent. It never loved her, but her father did. Until she realizes it was all lies on that day.
The day her life crumbled from her feet, how alone she was without her father, his horde, and his puppet, all abandoned or dead. Oh, how the heros celebrated the defeat of her father; all rushing to hug each other while she sat among the rubble, eyes on them. The sight of smiles, their tears, and words spoken as they all held onto each other dearly. She was once part of the group, even if it was all a lie. 
Finally, a taste of genuine community and love only to have it ripped away from her arms like how her father did with her beloved plushie as a little girl. So small, so lost, so helpless, and so very alone. Then, all eyes were on her, so many eyes with thoughts of what to do with her. Hateful, hesitant eyes and mummers of what to do to hear, how to dispose of her. She remembered how she barely kept herself from crying. Warriors don’t cry; a lesson father drilled into her, even when she so badly wanted to. Someone stepped forward with a hand to reach for her and-
“There you are Zhenfu, sunbathing in the sands again, I see.” A voice broke her thoughts and suddenly she’s back on the beach again. Puppet placed a hand on her shoulder, smiling down at her; a once rare, but daily, occurrence now.
“Hi…” she replied, her orange eyes looking up into their brown eyes, eyes she hasn’t seen that color before their change; their transformation from human to yaoguai monkey, like her, but is it really fair to compare a puppet to a human? She thought so, but now, after everything? Her hands fiddle her braids, grounded and out of her head, her eyes cast down to her notebook in her lap. Words jolted down, thoughts, feelings, plans, and a goal.
Names scribbled and crossed out one after another in her notebook, the reason she’s out here at the beach resting under the shade. This place, in a way, reminds her of Puppet and the hopes inspiration will strike. Puppet needs a name, a real name, not the one her father forced on it. No, them; they are not a cold, heartless object, but a living being who always gave her the best hugs. Zhenfu never heard their real name and after all these years, there is a good chance Puppet doesn’t even remember their name either. Puppet has done so much, give so much, even when heaven demanded her for familial connections to her father, they bare their teeth and been on the run for her. She never realized they’ll go to such lengths for her, she’ll find a name that fit them. A perfect name for them, and the growing dread of them if they reject the name. Reject her.
“Is something the matter?” they ask. 
“Just...just thinking about something, but I’ll let you know once I’m done.” She said with a chirp and a smile. “This place is helps. I feel safe here.” Her eyes moved to look at the vastness of the ocean. The waves gently roll onto the sands and the distant sound of gulls’ cries.
 They hum, “That’s good and I’ll patiently wait for that something.” Their eyes, soft and full of loved to her, only her, stared out into the ocean. “I need to travel into town. I’ll be back before sundown.” Puppet said, eyes back on her. They give her a reassuring smile when her smile drops. “I promise to be back by sundown, or I’ll pick up Dragon’s Beard Candy. How does that sound?”
“You promise?”
“Good, come back late.” Zhenfu said her smile returned and her ears twitched at the sound of Puppet’s laughter before they pat her shoulder. Alone again with her thoughts and her scribbled in notepad on the cozy beach. She’ll have time to think while they’re out. All she has to do is write on the pages. Just think of a name, one that Puppet won’t reject and regret being with her or. Zhenfu puts her head in her hands and groans. Her tail thumped against the sand, her chest slowly and steadily rise and falls. A name, a fitting name, that it’s theirs and theirs alone. A name that won’t leave her. 
‘They have a vast qi like the ocean.’ She thought, eyes back on the ocean, but it wasn’t good enough for her or at least, there was something missing to add. They did so much, their love and compassion so vast despite everything that happened to them. Always holding her close and letting her listen to their heartbeat, the thrums reminded her that Puppet is alive and here. Zhenfu quickly opens her notepad to write; inspiration finally strikes. A name; vastness like ocean for their empathy, and heart for always keeping it open and loving; Haoxin. A perfect name for Puppet, for them. Now all she has to do is wait for their return. 
Plopping her back onto the warm sand, she gets herself comfortable and closes her eyes. A nap to unwind and reward for a job well done, she can commit to chores after. She sighs as the tension washes away and drifts off to sleep at the sound of waves.
“The bastard is dead and so must his kin,” a voice called out, drawing a sword and marching towards her. Even in her dreams, scenes of the aftermath haunt her. The figure grows and towers over her, all eyes everywhere on her, all chanting for her death. “No need for a trail. Heaven will execute her and have her head on a pike.” Her body can’t move, hands of the dead, those who died by her father, by her, hold her down. Zhenfu opens her mouth to object, but more hands stop her and forces her to stare at the executioner. Smiling down at her as he reaches forth to grab her, sounds of crackles and sparks in the air. 
“Zhenfu.” She’s jolt awake and on her feet, Puppet staring at her with a box in hand and the sun already set. 
“Um…I..” grabbing her braids, hands playing with it to the point it frays. “I…” her shoulder slumps and head is down. Something small and white catches her eye, she blinks, and it was gone. ‘Must be a spirit’, she thought. “You’re late.” She mumbles, attention back to the older monkey beside her.
“I am.” They said, their voice low and soft. “And I kept promise.” They shake the box, sweets rustle inside. Their eyes drift from her to the notepad still on the sand, then back to her again. “I know the nightmares are rough, but I’m proud you’re journaling. It helps just to get it out of your head and-”
“That’s not what I’m using it for.” she cuts them off and continues, “I…I..” Breath in, breath out. “I was writing down a name for you. I hate calling you Puppet and you deserve better, Haoxin!” Their breath hitch and Zhenfu pause.
“What did you just call me?” Their tone is incredulous and Zhenfu can feel her heart drop. She didn’t mean it to slip out and now they’re staring at her with disbelief. The name is stupid and stupid for thinking that they will even accept it, accept her. She can’t look, not with that face they’re giving her; brows shot up and mouth agape, the box of sweets slowly slipping from their hands.  They hate it and now they’ll hate her too; what was she thinking for even trying to name them? Zhenfu doesn’t have the right to give a name, much less without their permission. “How..how..” sand rustles beneath their feet and hands suddenly on her shoulders. “Zhenfu... please look at me.” She doesn’t want to, but a hand cups her cheek and she leans into it; finally she looks at them with tears.
Similarly, the two match with teary eyes, “How did you remember my name? I only said it when we first met.” Did they? Zhenfu never knew they had spoken their name before, Haoxin, to her or to anyone, for that matter. They have been a part of her life as far as she could remember, present since she was a baby. Her body quickly pulls against them, arms trapping her as they hold her close to their chest. The warmth, the familiar warmth, seeps into her like a blanket. The two stay quiet as they held each other. And when she’s carried liked all the countless times, carried into home and tucked into bed.  
The aftermath haunts her again, even nuzzled in Haoxin’s arms and chest. Placing her right back where the executor, a heaven’s official, was about to reach out to her calling for her head. Paralyzed and stricken with fear, the chants for her death grow louder with the distant sound of thunder. Thousands of hands, claws, and shadows all reach out from all angles. Zhenfu only has enough will to curl herself into a ball. The air cackles with sparks before a deafening sound and the earth rumbling with rage. She still doesn’t look up, not even when screams and the sound of blades clashing, or when sounds of flesh tearing. 
“I don’t care what you do to me,...” a voice booms, something white and very large brushes against her and Zhenfu cautiously peeks up; tattered, dirty clothes with blood smeared and dripping off a curved sword. The owner’s back facing her as they point their blade at the shocked eyes. Her body finally moves, and she rushes towards her protector, sobbing loudly as she clings onto them.  “.. but you’re not laying a hand on this child.” Haoxin declared with teeth, scooping her up with one arm, holding her close and protectively; much like a loving father for their daughter.
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mysticstarlightduck · 6 months
OC Questionnaire Tag
I was tagged by @illarian-rambling for this one (here)! Thanks for the tag!!!
Rules: Answer the questions provided with your own OCs perspective. Then create new questions for those tagged to continue the game.
My Questions
What's the best thing you've ever eaten?
What's the worst injury you've ever had?
Do you wish you looked different?
Your Questions
What's your worst fear?
What's your love language?
When are you the happiest?
I'll go with Eidan Delythen (from Of Starlight and Beasts) for this, because I love this character so, so much!!!!!! (:
(TW for mentioned amputation (loss of an arm) for the worst injury question though.)
What's the best thing you've ever eaten?
(Eidan )- "The kingdom where I grew up used to have these great and vibrant Spring Festivals every year, it was a very big deal. I remember there were these great banquets in the town's square, along with colorful stalls filled with so many different kinds of candied delicacies one could loose count.
I'd rarely had the opportunity to partake in it. It was a party for the locals, and the wealthy citizens of Monbern - not indebted orphans like we were. Or that was what most people seemed to say. So, for the longest time, I had just watched it from afar.
But there was one year in particular where my cousin had managed to truly impress a local vassal with his sword making skills, and got a lot of coin for it. So we used our lucky break and snuck out into the festival, and he bought us this beautiful light blue pie from one of the vendors. I can still remember how amazing that sweet was - it had just the richest chocolate taste, wrapped in an almost flowery dough. I think that, even to this day, that pie is the best thing I've ever eaten."
2. What is the worst injury you've ever had?
(Eidan) - "When Monbern's duchy fell, the city was seized by, well... the Traitor's forces. It was chaos - utter, absolute chaos and bloodshed the likes of which I wish to never see again. We knew that, when the dust settled, we'd be the next on the chopping block, and there was no doubt about it. But things didn't go as planned during our very hapharzard escape, and to make a long story short, I lost one of my arms to the blade of one of the soldiers. My memory is, unsurprisingly, fuzzy after that, but I can almost still feel the sheer, blinding white pain as someone dragged me away from the slaughter, before I passed out."
3. Do you wish you looked different?
(Eidan) - "No, not really. I'm very happy and satisfied with how I look today."
Tagging (gently) - @thepeculiarbird, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @little-peril-stories, @littleladymab, @clairelsonao3, @oh-no-another-idea, @conkers-thecosy, @crowandmoonwriting, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @mk-writes-stuff, @anyablackwood, @rickie-the-storyteller @lassiesandiego,@steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @trancetales, @doublegoblin, @gummybugg, @winterandwords @forthesanityofstorytellers and OPEN TAG
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OC Beach Episode
Rules: What would your ocs do in a beach episode?
Thanks @illarian-rambling! This looks like a fun one!
Narul: Wading out and sitting, the water just below his nose, his knees tucked beneath his chin, Bop in one hand. He would just enjoy the relaxation of being in the water and looking at any little fish or crustaceans that might want to investigate him.
Otilia: Laying in the sand and taking a little bit too much pleasure in terrifying Ninma with stories of Toe Crabs, an old Korithian wives tale used to scare children from wading into unknown water.
Shela: Laying with Otilia, chastising her for messing with Ninma, even though she secretly thinks that its funny too.
Ninma: Being simultaneously terrified of having her toes eaten by a Toe Crab and desperately wanting to know why Narul is just sitting in the water. She would pace the water's edge for a while, walk in a little ways, feel something touch her toes (its just a piece of seaweed, this girl has faced death on multiple occasions), scream and run out of the water. She would spend the rest of the day writing in the sand and looking for seashells.
Istek: Swimming out way too far while Dati and Sihunu yell at him to get back.
Dati: Trying to enjoy some damned sun without worrying about Istek drowning himself or getting eaten.
Sihunu: The same as Dati.
Penetinos: Hiding somewhere in the shade, trying to keep sand off of his manuscripts.
Suru: Trying to bother Narul but being to short to go that far out in the water.
Bop: More than likely they would be with Narul, maybe chatting about the water and the various types of sealife.
Wadikir: Complaining about too much sun.
Akard: Trying his very best not to get any sand on his rashes. Probably standing awkwardly to one side or laying on a sheet/blanket.
Zenit: Laying with Akard and enjoying the sun. Unfortunately she does get horribly sunburnt in the process.
Zatar: Building sandcastles and then destroying them.
Tagging @paeliae-occasionally, @just-emis-blog, @sableglass, @mk-writes-stuff, @kaylinalexanderbooks
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onegianthotmess · 1 year
✨Amelia’s Peachy Blog Rules✨
Hello to all of my fellow weirdos! Welcome to the hot mess that is my blog! Here, I will establish my rules and the fandoms I write for and will talk about with all of you!
But, a small note to add before we start is that I will not tolerate any sort of hatefulness or rudeness on my blog towards myself or anyone. This will be a free space to debate and discuss opinions and for people to feel safe and comfortable. If you do not like what I post or reblog, please just move along and go about your day without even sparing a glance at my blog.
Also, if I post anything of my own, I will not tolerate it being taken and edited without my permission or reposted without my permission, but reblogs are greatly appreciated. Thank you and I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night/overall day and stay safe out there!
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I Will Write:
🍑 “X Reader” to the best of my abilities (Maybe some OC inserts if I’m up for it, it’ll depend what is requested of me)
🍑 “X Reader” will always have a female or gender neutral reader as I am a female myself and am not comfortable writing for a male reader, but I will do a gender neutral reader if that is requested of me
🍑 Fluff
🍑 SOFT Angst to Fluff (I’m an emotional, sappy wreck, can’t handle hardcore angst)
🍑 Family/Domestic Headcanons
🍑 Romantic Headcanons
🍑 Overall cuteness
🍑 Little Space (Little space is sort of a thing that some people use to destress like me or cope with trauma by mentally aging down to a headspace or age that is younger than they actually are and sometimes some people, either good friends or a romantic partner or someone else, act as a caregiver towards them. It’s not like an adult being attracted to a child in the case of a romantic partner, but rather an adult attracted to another adult who regresses)
🍑 Some suggestive content, depends on what is requested of me
I Will Not Write:
🍑 HARDCORE Smutty Smut
🍑 Character Deaths (I can, but it depends on my mood and the story and who I have to kill off. You can request it, but it may or may not be possible depending on the factors previously listed-)
🍑 Pedophilia (Fuck off if you came here for that shit)
🍑 Incest (The fuck is wrong with you people? GET SOME GODDAMN HELP IF YOU INTO THAT!)
🍑 Little Space smut (If it’s your little space, you can do what you’d like, but I’m personally uncomfortable with writing this kind of thing and I’m going to keep that boundary in place.)
🍑 Anything to do with racism, homophobia, transphobia and just discrimination against anyone in general. This is a safe space for people to enjoy some nice fanfiction, not to be haters and to be hated on!
Fandoms I Partake In:
🍑 MHA/BNHA (I have not finished the anime nor the manga, I don’t have any services to watch it, so no spoilers please!)
🍑 IkemenVampire (I might try out a few more Ikemen games, so be aware of that)
🍑 IkemenVillains (I’d like to be in the middle of a William and Ellis sandwich. That will be all-)
🍑 Fruits Basket (Haven’t watched the third season, in the middle of trying to rewatch the first two because it’s been so long)
🍑 TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Specifically 2012, Bayverse, Rise, and Mutant Mayhem)
🍑 HTTYD (How to Train Your Dragon)
🍑 MK (Mortal Kombat. I was a late 2000’s baby that grew up playing MK9 as my first ever Mortal Kombat game, so I don’t know the full cast of characters from previous games, but I have a good list of characters and story from earlier games in my head from the videos I’ve watched from my wormy brain hyperfixating on Mortal Kombat)
🍑 Harry Potter (I’ve only watched the movies, but I have seen videos about the books, so I do know what the books were like, to an extent at least)
🍑 Mariolore (It’s these cosplay shorts by this amazing cosplay couple named DinoBunny that are a sort of a spin-off of the Mario franchise, but with its own unique story involving adaptations of the characters and different events based on what happens in the original story/franchise. I watch them on YouTube, just in case that is relevant to how much of the story has actually been released)
🍑 Resident Evil (I’m not too well versed on the overall story, but I know the story from the RE1 Remake, the RE3 Remake, the RE4 Remake, the RE4 Remake DLC: Separate Ways, RE7: Biohazard, RE8/Village, and RE8/Village DLC: Shadows of Rose. I just know, in summary, that Umbrella Corporation bad and pulled some fuckery with the T-virus and bioweapon shit, the Connections are bad and made bioweapon shit, Mother Miranda pretty much started it all in hopes to revive her daughter, and Rose is doing some shit working with Chris Redfield who helped to raise her in honor of Ethan’s dying wish during the whole village incident. I’ll try to get better versed on the story and characters in the future, but that is all I know at the moment)
🍑 My Happy Marriage (Anime watcher! No manga reading here yet!)
🍑 Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (My fifth grade teacher read the first couple books to me and my class while also showing us the Netflix series to show the differences between the two and make it more fun. I ended up watching the whole series as it progressed outside of school and was partially traumatized by the episode where Sunny almost died from a fucking fungus. That scared the shit out of me, but it’s still a damn good series if I do say so myself.)
🍑 Poppy Playtime (I find it an interesting concept and I may write something for it at one point!)
🍑 Sofia the First (It was one of my favorite shows as a kid and I’m so sad we never got a continuation of the story to see them grow up! ALSO I’M SO FUCKING MAD WE NEVER GOT SOFIA AND HUGO’S WEDDING!!!)
🍑 Komi Can’t Communicate (Komi Shouko is my wife. That’s it.)
🍑 The Way of the Househusband (Anime watcher!! And I think Tatsu would be such a cool and funny dad with all his yakuza lingo!)
🍑 Monster Prom (Haven’t seen any other full playthroughs, I’m watching a Monster Camp one rn, and I wanna makeout with Damien and gossip with his little sister that he DEFINITELY has because I fucking said so, fuckers-)
🍑 Buddy Daddies (You know that scene where they’re running away into the woods while Rei shoots back at that guy’s goonies?? Yeah, I wanna do that with Rei because I love him and want to take care of him while also forcing him to learn household chores!)
🍑 Twisted-Wonderland (My current “Holy Trinity” contains Riddle, Deuce, and Malleus-)
🍑 Aphmau (Were you a MyStreet kid or a Diaries kid? I was a MyStreet kid!)
🍑 Nimona (Ambrosius and Ballister are definitely girl dads and I’d like to petition for a sequel to Nimona, pwease!!!)
🍑 Law & Order: SVU (Olivia and Fin are my favorite characters and I know the show is probably bad for my anxiety, but I shall still continue to watch it!)
🍑 I’ll add onto the fandoms list if anymore come to mind
Thank you for reading my rules and I look forward to your requests! I hope you enjoy your journey on my blog, fellow weirdos! Have a peachy time!
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madameaug · 1 year
Finish Him || JJK x OC
Pairing: Jungkook x Jennette
WC: 656 (purposefully short)
Context: Jungkook is playing the story mode of Mortal Kombat. After he finishes the story he extends an invitation for Jennette to play with him.
Note: I'm excited for MK 1. (Tanya looks AMAZING and I hope they add Jade too)
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"I'm not gonna go easy on you." Jungkook handed Jennette the Playstation controller. Mortal Kombat 11 had just been released, and Jungkook was one of the few streamers who could play it earlier than the rest of the general public.
The past few days, his streams comprised him completing the story and competing in online tournaments. His favorite character by far was Liu Kang. How could he not? He was a powerful Asian martial artist with wicked cool fire powers. It was natural for him to gravitate towards the character.
"I've been going at it for six hours just today." Jungkook tried to warn Jennette. His girl had just come back home from visiting her parents. Taking off her Crocs, she got comfortable on the loveseat. Back in high school, she would play fighting games like Street Fighter with her dad but wasn't a full-fledged fan of the genre. Jennette preferred role-playing and decision-based games.
"I think I'm gonna choose her." Jennette moved the select icon over the character named 'Jade.' She, too, wanted to choose a black character to play with, and Jade looked cool. The staff in her hand, being her choice of weaponry, would be a great advantage over her opponent, who would have to be up close and personal to attack her.
The match begun with the two characters taunting each other. With a swift slide, Liu Kang started a string a combos on Jade. Jungkook laughed cockily as he continued his assault.
Trying not to lose, Jennette started to mash the buttons on her controller. Landing a few uncoordinated hits on Liu Kang. Things were not looking good. Jungkook completed the combo for Liu Kang's fatality to add more salt to the injury. Jungkook leaned back into the couch, watching Jennette's facial expressions. Waiting for her to turn and look at him gloat.
"GG, babes." He stuck his hand out, but Jennette just smacked it away. She knew Jungkook well enough to know that his attempts at sportsmanship were rarely genuine.
Jennette sat up, leaning, closer to the TV. Her hands gripped the controller tighter. "Run that back."
"Don't say you didn't ask. for this." Starting another match, Jungkook demonstrated his skills by stringing combos. His character managed to trap Jennette against the wall. Sparing her no opportunity to counter his attacks. This battle ended quickly, with another win under Jungkook's belt.
Jennette refused to look anywhere remotely to her side. She already knew Jungkook would have that stupid grin on his face. His ego was growing by the minute.
"One more round?"
Jennette agreed, but this time with a plan. She was tired of these humiliating losses. Jungkook was always finding a way to hop around Jennette and push her into an invisible wall. To effectively beat Jungkook, she planned on tagging some of the move lists. Once she entered the new game, she immediately paused the game. Searching for simple combos that she could execute.
Jungkook didn't think much of it. He firmly believed that he could still molly-whop Jennette's character regardless. Resuming the game, Jennette entered the simple combos, finally landing attacks on Jungkook's character. Like an inverse relationship, Jennette's smile grew, and Jungkook's shrunk.
"Are your fingers getting sweaty?" Jennette taunted, winning the first half of the match.
Like the old saying once said, Don't count your chickens before they hatch." Jungkook soon regained the upper hand in the match. Leaving Jennette silent. Jennette should have known how Jungkook would react when he lost. It is the fastest way to light a burning blaze under his ass. All of a sudden, Jungkook became a pro player. Blocking Jennette's attack and using his meter to execute the perfect counters.
"Fuck this."
Jennette didn't even stay to watch the end of the match. Once Jungkook activated Liu Kang's fatality, Jennette had enough. With his hands behind his head, Jungkook kicked up his feet. Enjoying the sweet, sweet, sweet taste of victory.
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