#mob boss saga
maxwell-grant · 3 months
Thoughts on The Penguin trailer?
This one has a more generic mob show vibe out of the ones we've seen so far, and I'm not gonna lie a part of me is still skeptical regarding it, but the emphasis on post-flood broken Gotham besieged by a crime family fighting for the scraps of the kingdom kept me piqued, and then the words "Post-Apocalyptic Sopranos" crossed my mind in the elevator and oh Yes, Ha Ha Yes
It's one thing for a show about mob power struggles and troubled dynamics to happen in a regular society where they exert power and there are structures in place to abide to, it's another thing entirely for said mob power struggles and troubled dynamics to be happening in the wrecked ruins of a city in the process of rebuilding all of it's structures and for said mob to be simultaneously on free-fall and poised for new beginnings as the world itself is changing (if anything Tony Soprano wishes he could be living like this, with more carte blanche to cut through his stresses with a machine gun every now and then)
It's a decent shake-up on a crime show formula even on it's own, without factoring that oh yeah this is Gotham City and said destruction was caused by a nerd obsessed with riddles and all of these mobsters will have to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives in case the freak in power armor decides to show up and suplex them into the pavement, and things are only going to get worse and weirder from here on out.
Clancy Brown once again showing up to play the Final Boss / All-Father / Divine Judge of organized villainy, we love to see it, it's what he does and he does it better than anyone. Here breathing a whole new life and power and significance into the other major throwaway Gotham gangster.
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What I'm interested in regarding Sofia and the Falcones in general is that they've said several times in the past that Oz is modeled after Fredo Corleone, and this trailer goes out of it's way to paint Sofia as the Michael with direct references. For the contrast between Penguin and the actual gangsters to exist, for this to explore the divide and collapse on regular crime vs super crime that the movie kicked off, this thing needs a standard Prestige TV Crime Show protagonist to work, and that seems to be Sofia, the protagonist of a story, just not this one.
The trailer's placing a big emphasis on Oswald as a guy who's still a long way from the top, contrasting with Sofia holding what's left of the reigns of power. Sofia stares at political protestors behind windows and attends fancy dinner conversations and dwells on the scars of her past and makes threats on how she's been pushed aside too long and it's her turn now, and Oz is out there in the ruins hauling corpses and mentoring an understudy and getting into machine gun fights and doing all the grunt work himself.
She gets the dramatic close-door boss shot, and the trailer ends with her cornering Oswald and leaning in real close to tell him she was always onto him and threaten him, because again, she is entirely convinced he is just the Fredo, and that she is in her girlboss Michael Corleone era. She does that, and then it hard cuts to all the violent destructive cool shit Oz is gonna be doing instead, because she is catastrophically wrong about how this thing is gonna work.
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Sequel this, Reevesverse that, Trilogy whatever, none of that is gonna cut anymore. I will no longer accept any way of referring to this that isn't The Batman Epic Crime Saga. I'd say the crimelords of Gotham are asking Oswald if he has it in him to make it epic but he's already giving his answer.
The Falcones are right, Oswald IS just a goon who'd never hack it in the old system. It's just that there isn't an old system anymore, and the future looks a lot more like him than it looks like them. She and Alberto think of themselves as troubled scarred underdogs next in line for succession poised to get what is owed to them, while Penguin opens this by walking up to the former ruler of the entire city and telling him, hey head's up, I'm calling the shots now, as he laughs and snorts and plots to burn down the empire and shank them at their weakest and machine gun battle for what he's decided is his. Even if his name wasn't in the title, it wouldn't even be up to debate who's going to win this fight.
Really what is Batman as a whole about, if not Epic Crime?
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Age of Khonshu, or as I like to call it: Oh no. Oh no no no no.
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Age of Khonshu, written by Jason Aaron. 2018.
Who is Jason Aaron? A big writer at Marvel, he is best known for PunisherMAX (the ultras violent and non-marvel universe version of the Punisher), some runs of Thor (the one where Jane Foster becomes Thor), and certain runs with Wolverine: Weapon X. He also wrote Southern Bastard, which is a big name over in Image comics.
Another important fact? He was raised Southern Baptist that has since become an atheist.
That history out of the way, let's look at the sort of comic this is.
I have been putting off reading this little doozy for YEARS. Why? Three reasons.
This was not a good year for me personally. In fact, this was the start of some REALLY bad years to follow for the next 4 years.
I missed the original release and when I tried to find it to read it, no one had it. Not even the library. (This should have been my first clue).
This is a Marvel tie in event.
Now, I have ranted about these before and I'm going to rant about it again.
What is a tie in event? It's a big Marvel World event that attempts to do a large story-line that involves a lot of other big names (usually the avengers).
In Events, you have the main story line that involves the main character. So say, DareDevil is fighting a super ninja. You have the main story that takes place in DareDevil's comic "DareDevil vs. the super ninja" and in that comic, it's such a big fight that the avengers have to get involved, and maybe Dr. Strange and perhaps Brother Voodoo is getting a movie next spring so they want to showcase Brother Voodoo working with familiar faces so he's involved now too.
BUT. All these people involved also have their own comics running. They don't just want to keep going and ignore this big ninja fight that's happening. So then we have side event tie ins that pause their normal story-line to respond in some way to the event that is happening.
So Let's say Ms. Marvel has her story line going where she's been fighting some evil mob boss. She's suddenly going to pause that story. She'll suddenly come up on a hole hoard of evil ninjas and have to fight them for a single issue. But they don't want to loose steam with her evil mob boss because they have to get back to that in the next issue! So it turns out her evil mob boss HIRED those ninjas in some sort of attempted partnership with the evil super ninja. Just to highlight how evil the mob boss is!
Oh, and if you haven't been reading DareDevil or the Avengers or ALL THE OTHER COMICS INVOLED good luck trying to keep up with what's going on. So by the end of the event, you have to compile a LOT of comics together in a particular order so that you can fully understand what's going on.
Even worse? Sometimes the responding tie in comics that aren't really involved with the main story line try to solve the issue. So, going back to my example, Ms. Marvel not only defeats the ninja gang, but she discovers something amazing that will in the end help defeat the Super Ninja! She has single handedly helped bring it down! …In her own comic. It makes her look like the big hero and like she was crucial to the event….When in truth, she has nothing to do withthe main story line over in DD world and her little discovery won't have anything to do at all with how to bring down the Super Ninja in the end.
With me so far?!
If this sounds familiar to you, then congratulations, you may have read "Moon Knight Shadowland", which was infinately better than the main story line of Dare Devil Shadowland. (I'm still bitter about that one). Or the original Civil War saga. Or Seige. Or Dark Reign. Or Age of Khonshu.
Today, I'm here to talk about Age of Khonshu.
In which Moon Knight gets his own special event under an Avenger's title.
So how did they compile this event under an Avenger's title? We start with something that makes no sense to someone that has not been following the Avenger's comics.
Stepping further into it? This event follows directly after the 2017 BEMIS run. So we are moving from the worst run in MK history into Aaron's Age of Khonshu. The next comic after this didn't come out till 2021! That's a three year gap!
What's the story?
Mephisto (I hate Mephisto. He has been made basically into Marvel's version of the Christian Devil.) is messing with the time line and is going back in time to amass soul contracts with people and is slowly taking over the world or destroying it or building up hell. It isn't ever properly explained, but most evil things like this usually aren't.
For some reason Khonshu has seen the future of a world where Mephisto has destroyed it and done terrible things. So he puts these images into Marc's head. Marc, thinking Khonshu is out to fuck with him again (when isn't he?) tracks down Khonshu in one of his Moon Cult temples.
Khonshu tells Marc that he's terrified of Mephisto and Marc realizes that Khonshu isn't just fucking with him this time.
That's right. As someone told me, it's like watching a ten year old talking about how their character is the most powerful and can beat up all the other characters.
Moon Knight beats up Dr. Strange with the power of Khonshu and steals his magic. Then he beats up Danny and steals the Iron fist. Then steals the GHOST RIDER'S fire of vengeance. He goes after Thor on the MOON. Turns out Thor's hamer is made out of moon rock so Moon Knight laughs as he steals the hammer because he has the power of moon. He goes after the Black Panter and T'challa is just like "LOL No. My power comes from my ancestors. You can't steal that."
So they lock up T'challa in a pyramid.
YOU KNOW WHAT MARVEL MOVIE WAS COMING OUT IN 2018?! That's right, the first Black Panther movie.
So in this comic, it's going to feature heavily that Black Panther is super powerful and the hero of the story.
Giving Khonshu all these powers, he remakes New York into Khonshu World and imprisons anyone that fails to worship him, because he's an all powerful god that will stop Mephisto.
And he does fight Mephisto and kill him, but there are so many versions of him now, because he's the devil and you can't kill the devil.
And throughout this, Moon Knight worships and prays to Khonshu, calling him his god and how he's a follower, and believes that Khonshu is a powerful god.
The Avengers keep asking him to stop, that he's off his meds or something and mentally ill and they can help him stop Mephisto if he stops Khonshu.
Eventually Moon Knight realizes that Khonshu can't stop Mephisto and he's gone too far.
He prays to a different god and THE PHOENIX fire shows up and he becomes Moon Knight Phoenix.
He betrays Khonshu because now he is his own god I guess? Helping them take Khonshu down, he gives back all their powers and they lock Khonshu away in Asgard.
Now he expells the Phoenix from his own self before he becomes Dark Moon Knight and destroys the world.
Now the Avengers story moves on to them dealing with Mephisto in a later run, but Khonshu is defeated and that's the important part!
T'challa offers Moon Knight a place in the Avengers, rather than a jail cell in Wakanda for his crimes. Moon Knight turns him down and returns to a small part in Manhattan that he'd rather protect.
And that's how it ends.
Aside from the main story aspect of this particular volume of MK avengers, here are the MAJOR problems:
Throughout the entire run, there is HEAVY christian imagery and language.
They talk about the devil and how scary the devil is. They talk about Hell. They talk about angels. They talk about gods.
They especially show Moon Knight worshiping and PRAYING to Khonshu or Phoenix.
Moon Knight himself discusses fighting the Devil and going to Hell as a construct of the horrors he has seen and done.
2. Throughout the run, Aaron tries to pull out bits from Lemire. Referencing him and doing callbacks. It falls SO flat.
There is a scene early on where he does the "I am Marc Spector. I am Steven Grant. I am Jake Lockley. And we are Moon Knight" bit. But it's followed by a prayer to Khonshu because he is the Moon God's accolyte.
Later he talks about how Marc expelled Khonshu from his mind and had healed and was his own man again. He talks about how Khonshu had put horrors in his mind that made him ill.
He then talks about how he frequents a certain mental hospital.
Not only is he referencing Lemire, but he's taking it in the wrong context. This man read it and went "Yeah sure I got it" when he clearly didn't.
In Lemire's run, we see Marc dealing not just with how KHonshu used and abused him and how messed up he was, but we also see him coming to terms with his own mental illness and trying to understand himself. To understand that he himself had been abusive towards himself. His self harm attributes. His pushing people away. We see him learn to embrace the 'what if' aspect of after mental illness. We see doubt and we see room to heal.
In this it's just "Khonshu did it."
3. We're back to the mental health topic. While they DO acknowledge Steven and Jake twice, offhandedly, we don't see them. It's just MARC. And I find it hard to believe that either of them would either let Marc go this far off the rails to hurting his friends, but that they would go along with it without having a discussion or working as a team if they found it to be the only solution.
They also have NUMEROUS remarks from the others about "We all know Moon Knight is crazy but I didn't think he was this crazy". It carries on the old conversations that everyone in the Avengers and so on all see Moon Knight as mentaly unwell. Unfit. Crippled, even. He's not well enough to do things. He pretends to be a hero but we all know he's likely to melt down any minute and do something crazy, attitude.
And repeatedly he's told to take meds, go to the hospital, check himself in… Even T'Challa tells him "Wakanda has made great strides in Mental Health. We can cure you!"
Cure him from what? Trauma? Take away his DID? Or implying that he's some sort of other unwell causing him to not think straight?
It's these three things combined that just really set me off.
The absolutely disgusting use of Christian vocabulary and idealism to portray a Jewish character. Even if Marc isn't observant of Jewish beliefs, he is culturally Jewish and raised by a Rabbi. Unless he blatantly converted, he would not find himself worshiping and praying to another god. He wouldn't believe in the devil or use such language to describe Mephisto. He wouldn't talk about Angelic idealations or even Hell.
Then the blatant use of his mental illness to further how it's easy for Moon Knight to fall into such ways. Of course he did this. He's crazy. He'll do anything!
Of course he made his god Khonshu into an over powered dick.
I've discussed this before with a good friend, but there is a difference between following Khonshu and worshiping Khonshu.
I love the use of Yehya Badr to show this in MacKay's run. One has converted and religiously believes and follows Khonshu. The other follows a path that he himself set down as a result of his experiences and own needs.
Moon Knight never outright worships Khonshu (when properly written). Even in Moench's old run, he believed that he had been resurrected by Khonshu and therefore his power and life was in Khonshu's hands. This was more following Marc's thinking that he himself was nothing more than a ghost. Without Khonshu, it was more of an existential dread that he was nothing. Not that Khonshu was a god figure.
In later runs this translated into a sort of worship and it never should have. In Moench's run, Khonshu was some unknown force. Perhaps a god, perhaps a spirit, perhaps some form of something ancient that represents the moon and protecting those who travel by night. Considering the Marvel universe and such loose terms of applying all powerful beings under the phrase of 'god', it makes sense. Thor is technically a god. But he is not a god to be worshiped.
Moon Knight takes his own Jewish upbringing. He is here to cherish all life. To protect those who fall into the margins and cry for help.
What's most insulting is that this comic directly followed the run by Bemis. The one that was so laced with antisemitism and blatant disregard for mental health topics.... So we jump from blood libel and Nazism into fighting the actual Devil and praying to gods and worship.
This is not a good look, Marvel.
Here's the thing, we need a Jewish writer.
I don't mean someone that was formerly Jewish that converted to some other following. I don't mean an atheist that has a special interest in other religions (as Aaron claims he is). We need a born and raised practicing Jewish writer.
We need someone to use the proper terminology that isn't Christian based. We need Jake to speak more Yiddish. We need Steven to be seen putting money into the Tzedakah box. We need Marc to discuss his conflict with his Orthodox Rabbi father and his current path in life and how, like it or not, he has become the epitome of the Jewish struggle to exist.
I appreciate Mr. MacKay, but when his run is done and Marvel looks for the next Moon Knight writer, I'd really like to see a Jewish voice step in and not only respect their own people (despite what Marvel may tell them to do) but to also continue to represent and respect the mental health aspect of Moon Knight.
Maybe I'm asking too much? But this issue...
TLDR: Do not read Bendis, Bemis, and Aaron when it comes to Moon Knight.
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walks-the-ages · 9 months
ah, can't find the original post to respond to it, and tumblr was refusing to let me actually post with the usual bullshit of "sorry there was an error processing your post" . anyways.
If you see a post going around about Jewish restaurants being targeted for harassment by pro-palestine protestors "solely for being Jewish", stop what you are doing and actually look up the incident in question, because that is not what happened at Goldie's restaurant!
Full article below for accessiblity, and because we all know Tumblr only looks at headlines and doesn't click links to news articles.
Long post!
Bolding is my own for emphasis.
A protest against a top Israel-born chef was called antisemitic. Staff tell a different story
Wilfred ChanFri 8 Dec 2023 16.55 GMTFirst published on Fri 8 Dec 2023 12.00 GMT
The 21-second clip went viral almost as soon as it was posted early on Sunday evening. It showed hundreds of protesters, some with Palestinian flags, united in a rhyming chant: “Goldie, Goldie, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide!”
They were protesting outside Goldie, a vegan falafel restaurant owned by Michael Solomonov, the Israel-born celebrity chef best known for Zahav, an Israeli-themed restaurant widely considered one of the United States’ finest eateries. It was one brief stop along a march traversing Philadelphia that lasted about three hours.
Many of the protesters hadn’t even returned home from the march when the condemnations began to pour in. The Pennsylvania governor, Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, posted on X: “Tonight in Philly, we saw a blatant act of antisemitism – not a peaceful protest. A restaurant was targeted and mobbed because its owner is Jewish and Israeli. This hate and bigotry is reminiscent of a dark time in history.”
Even the White House piled on: it was “antisemitic and completely unjustifiable to target restaurants that serve Israeli food over disagreements with Israeli policy”, said the deputy press secretary, Andrew Bates. Douglas Emhoff, husband of Vice-President Kamala Harris, wrote on X that he had spoken with Solomonov and “told him @POTUS, @VP, and the entire Biden-Harris Administration will continue to have his back”.
It was the apex of a saga that has resulted in at least three workers fired from Solomonov’s restaurants over, as they see it, their pro-Palestine activism coming into conflict with their bosses’ views and policies, and at least one other worker who has resigned in protest – thrusting the renowned Israeli eateries into the thick of bitter US disagreements over the Israel-Hamas war.
The street protest against Goldie has sparked heated debate. As the war on Gaza rages on, with over 17,000 people killed in Gaza since 7 October – 70% of them women and children, according to Gaza’s health ministry – are Israel-linked businesses in the US implicated? Was Solomonov, a chef who has credited Palestinian influences in his cooking, an appropriate target?
Interviews with protesters and current and former employees at Solomonov’s restaurants paint a more complex version of events than what the video clip may have suggested. They reject the notion that Goldie was singled out because of the owners’ ethnicity, arguing that their objections stem from management using the restaurants to fundraise for Israel after 7 October in spite of worker concerns. Activists also say their protest shines a necessary spotlight on the political commitments of one of the highest-profile restaurateurs in the United States.
Tensions at work
There were political tensions simmering at Solomonov’s restaurants before Sunday’s march. The Guardian spoke to three Goldie workers who say they were fired due to their pro-Palestine advocacy: two who wore Palestinian flag pins in violation of a newly announced dress code that forbade non-Goldie branded adornments, and another who tweeted in support of Sunday’s street protest.
Their discomfort at work began following a fundraiser in October, during which Solomonov and his business partner Steve Cook announced they would donate all of the restaurant group’s profits from one day, over $100,000, to United Hatzalah, an Israeli medical non-profit that has supplied the Israel Defense Forces with protective and medical gear during the current war against Hamas.
And in early November, Solomonov’s Zahav hosted a private fundraiser by a prominent political action committee dedicated to supporting political candidates “who reflect Jewish values”. Attendees at the event, which has not been previously reported, included the Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer; and dozens of other pro-Israel officials and lobbyists, according to a current Zahav employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The employee said that in recent weeks, Solomonov had also booked and paid for multiple, lavish private dinners at Zahav for IDF members preparing to deploy to fight for Israel.
“The amount of material support that we’ve lended to pro-Israel causes and Israeli military personnel has been really discomforting,” the Zahav worker told the Guardian.
In an email to workers on Wednesday, Solomonov and Cook apologized for not communicating about their political stances with staff more directly. The pair had sought to “avoid discussing politics at work … to make everyone as comfortable as possible in the restaurant,” the owners wrote. “But perhaps we created a void that had the opposite effect. For that, we are sorry.”
The fraught politics of food
The protest and its fallout have produced the biggest controversy ever faced by Solomonov, one of America’s most prominent Israeli cultural figures and someone who for years has cast himself as a culinary bridge between Israel, Palestine, and the United States.
Solomonov’s brother, a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, was killed in 2003 by Hezbollah snipers; Solomonov wrote in his first cookbook, Zahav, that the tragedy made him briefly consider joining Israel’s army. Instead, he decided to channel his emotion into food, something he found allowed him to “expose people to a side of Israel that had nothing to do with politics”. That led him and Cook, an investment banker-turned-restaurateur, to found Zahav in 2008, followed by other prominent Israeli-themed eateries: Dizengoff, Goldie, K’Far, and Laser Wolf, under a restaurant group called CookNSolo. In 2017, Israel’s ministry of tourism named him a culinary ambassador.
The restaurants have never been completely free from controversy. Debates over the origins and ownership of Middle Eastern food have raged for years; many culinary experts have argued that Palestinian contributions to Mediterranean cuisine have been used by Israeli chefs without sufficient respect or acknowledgement. Yet while Solomonov and Cook have always branded their food as Israeli, their menus and cookbooks cite Palestinian influences on many dishes. For years, Solomonov also spoke of his friendship with the Palestinian writer and cookbook author Reem Kassis – though the two are no longer speaking, according to the New York Times.
But the conflicts aren’t just over cultural appropriation. They’re about “the way Israel as a state has weaponized food against the Palestinian people”, says the Palestinian American chef Reem Assil, who owns Reem’s, a Arab street food joint in San Francisco. “Even before these last 60 days, Israel has restricted what Gazans can access in terms of food and water. They target bakeries, they target farms, they target markets. They uproot our olive trees, they make it illegal for us to forge our own ingredients, like za’atar.” The UN warned last month that Israel’s military operations in Gaza had put residents there at “immediate” risk of starvation.
A controversial fundraiser
Since the 7 October attacks, Solomonov has publicly sought to caveat his support for Israel. “I personally believe in the right of Palestinians to have their own state, and the right for self-determination, and I don’t deny those things,” he said at an event last month in New Jersey, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. “And I believe the Israeli government oftentimes does things that I would not do at all … and it can be quite damaging.”
But internally, Solomonov and Cook were using their restaurants to steer resources toward Israel.
On 10 October, Solomonov and Cook announced a fundraiser that would donate all the profits across CookNSolo restaurants on 12 October to United Hatzalah. “It is not associated with any military,” the restaurant group assured staff in a Slack message – something that simply wasn’t true, workers soon realized with alarm.
Goldie staff were caught off guard because they considered the restaurant a politically progressive institution. The vegan falafel restaurant proudly displayed an LGBTQ flag and Black Lives Matter flag on its wall. Many of the workers were young and identified as queer. There was a casual dress code: Noah Wood, a 25-year-old who uses they/them pronouns, said they did shifts at Goldie while wearing hats with slogans supporting indigenous rights.
The night before CookNSolo’s fundraiser, Goldie’s store manager at the time, 24-year-old Sophie Hamilton, says she discovered public videos by United Hatzalah about how the non-profit supplied protective gear to IDF soldiers. She rushed off an email to Goldie’s general manager, Emma Richards, saying she felt “deeply betrayed and misled”. “I feel like I’ve been left with no choice but to refuse to come to work tomorrow unless [CookNSolo] commits to also raising donations for a Palestinian humanitarian organization, of course with no connection to any military.”
But Hamilton’s suggestion was ignored, and Richards simply told her someone would cover her shift the next day.
When Hamilton returned to work, she decided to keep working but while wearing a small Palestinian flag pin. “There’s just a point where you can’t leave your humanity at the door,” she said. No customers complained, but two weeks later, management announced a new rule: staff were not to wear stickers, pins, or patches that were not Goldie-branded.
Wood, the other server, started wearing a Palestinian flag pin in open defiance of the new rule. Another worker, June, 24, wore a green shirt, black pants, and a red bandana – a reference to the colors of Palestinian flag.
On 15 November, the restaurant asked Hamilton to send Wood home for violating the dress code. Hamilton refused, and the next day they were both fired, Hamilton for “poor performance for failing to enforce the uniform policy”. Wood was not given any official reason, they say.
In the Wednesday email to staff, the owners wrote: “We recognize that people have different views on the war between Israel and Hamas, and we respect your rights to your own views. Many of our guests have passionate feelings about the current conflict and, knowing that not all of you feel the same way, our approach is to simply avoid discussing politics at work.”
They did not provide details on the firings beyond writing: “It is also important for you to hear directly from us that we have never terminated employees based on their support for Palestine.”
The owners added: “We think it’s important to say that our support of Israel is not unqualified. We have plenty of criticisms, particularly in the way that the government has stymied the prospects for Palestinian statehood in recent years.”
In a statement shared with the Guardian, United Hatzalah’s senior vice-president for international operations, Michael Brown, said that the nonprofit and the IDF “often train together, especially when conducting mass casualty training drills, or search and rescue training drills in order to hone our skills and help the IDF sharpen theirs, as well as to allow for an easier flow of collaborative life saving efforts should the need ever arise in the field, similar to what happened during October 7th.”
The restaurant group declined to respond to a detailed list of questions by the Guardian about the fired workers, but a spokeswoman said in a statement: “CookNSolo exists to create community through food. We are committed to fostering an open, safe, and supportive workplace for all of our employees who have varying backgrounds and political views. Like many hospitality companies, we have standard policies for our employees, which we consistently enforce.” Solomonov declined, through a representative, a direct request for an interview.
Justin Sadowsky, an attorney at the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights non-profit, says the firings of Goldie workers are the first time he’s heard of restaurant workers allegedly fired for supporting Palestine since 7 October. “We’ve seen it in hospitals, we’ve seen it at large corporations, we’ve seen it in law firms, but it’s sort of spilling into everywhere,” he said. The organization says it’s received a “staggering” 2,171 requests for help and reports of bias in the 57 days since the Israel-Hamas war began, equalling nearly half of the total complaints it handled in all of 2022.
Call for a boycott
Meanwhile, CookNSolo’s fundraiser for United Hatzalah had caught the attention of local activists in a group called the Philadelphia Free Palestine Coalition. The activists weren’t in touch with the restaurant workers, but drew the same conclusion: by funneling restaurant proceeds toward a group associated with the IDF, CookNSolo was complicit in Israel’s war crimes.
In mid-October, the activists called for a boycott. Natalie Abulhawa, a Palestinian American organizer at the Free Palestine Coalition, helped write an Instagram post for the boycott that named three of Solomonov’s restaurants – Goldie, Zahav, and Laser Wolf – as well as a number of other Middle Eastern restaurants in the city. “Restaurants and businesses claiming to sell ‘Israeli’ food, fruits, vegetables, and products are part of an ongoing colonial campaign of stealing, appropriating, and profiting off of Palestinian food and culture as a means of erasing Palestinian existence,” the call read.
The boycott made waves in the food world, and Solomonov addressed it at a closed-door event in November at a New Jersey Jewish Community Center. Speaking to the crowd of several hundred, he called the boycott misguided, adding that it wasn’t affecting his sales, according to the Inquirer. While acknowledging that “part of Israeli food is Palestinian influenced”, he argued that any suggestion that Israeli food was stolen from Palestinians was akin to saying Israelis “don’t have a right to be there”. Solomonov added that his restaurants credited Palestinian influences on their menus and claimed Zahav imported more Palestinian wines than any other Philadelphia eatery.
But privately, Solomonov and Cook were using their restaurants to platform Israel’s war effort. On 1 November, Zahav hosted a fundraiser by a major political action committee called Democratic Jewish Outreach Pennsylvania, whose guests included Whitmer and as many as 80 other pro-Israel officials and lobbyists, according to the unnamed Zahav employee. “It was an explicitly pro-Israel reception and speeches made were about that support,” the employee said.
The employee said that Whitmer, who delivered a keynote, opened with the Jewish expression of solidarity “Am Yisrael Chai”, or “the people of Israel live”, and called for providing material support to Israel, and that Solomonov, who was in the audience, was afterward “emphatically talking and thanking all of the attendees”.
In the following weeks, the employee became even more disturbed as Solomonov hosted and paid for at least two private dinners at Zahav for small groups of Israelis, including soldiers who were preparing to fly home to fight the Gaza war. Solomonov explained with “a level of reverence” that the restaurant would cover the bill because of the diners’ roles in the Israeli military, the employee says.
These events, in addition to the firings of Goldie staff, have made many of Zahav’s staff deeply uncomfortable. “Most of the employees here are not particularly interested in the support of Israel,” the employee said, but the workers fear retaliation if they speak out. CookNSolo declined to comment on the events at Zahav.
A clip goes viral
Pennsylvania’s Jewish and Muslim communities have been on edge since the Israel-Hamas war began. On Monday, a Jewish daycare in Philadelphia reported that vandals had spray-painted “Free Palestine” and other graffiti on its windows. On Tuesday, a pair of students sued the University of Pennsylvania, claiming it had become an “incubation lab for virulent anti-Jewish hatred”. Last week, a South Philadelphia mosque reported that it had been vandalized by anti-Muslim graffiti. And last month, a man was arrested for pointing a gun and yelling racial slurs against a group of pro-Palestine demonstrators at the state’s capitol.
The Goldie protest also followed a growing number of incidents that have entangled Middle Eastern food businesses. Palestinian restaurants such as New York City’s Ayat have reported being flooded with negative reviews since the war began; last month, an ex-Obama aide was charged with a hate crime for harassing a halal food street vendor.
But Goldie’s attempts to head off pro-Palestinian activism were futile.
On 3 December, the Free Palestine Coalition led hundreds of protesters in an evening of marches around Philadelphia to renew calls for a ceasefire. Starting from Rittenhouse Square in Philly’s Center City neighborhood, the march took a wrong turn, which brought it past Goldie, says Abulhawa. The encounter with the falafel restaurant wasn’t planned, she says, “but we ran with it”.
June, who is Jewish, was one of the employees working inside Goldie that night, and said the protest – which lasted just a few minutes – was completely peaceful: “There was nothing violent, no hint of antisemitism.” The store was devoid of guests when the marchers arrived, though one customer came in partway through to pickup an online order and displayed no reaction. June even thought about going outside to join the protest, but thought better of it and instead quietly chanted along to the slogans from inside the store.
Someone placed two small stickers on Goldie’s door and window. One read, “Free Palestine,” and another contained a statistic about the number of children Israel had killed in Gaza (Abulhawa says that whoever placed the stickers were not asked to do so by protest organizers). One protester briefly posed in front of the door with a Palestine flag. Then the protest shuffled on.
A few minutes later, a user named Jordan Van Glish posted a 21-second clip of the protest to X, where it quickly went viral. Comments flooded in: “Once again proving that this is about hating Jews,” one user wrote. Stop Antisemitism, a prominent pro-Israel group, posted that it was a “failure” that no anti-riot police were dispatched and no protesters were arrested.
But Philadelphia’s police force told the Guardian that officers observing the march “did not see, hear, or record any threats to persons inside or outside Goldie”, and the department received “no 911 calls or complaints” during the event.
Some marchers have acknowledged how the clip, taken out of context, could have been misinterpreted. “I’d say in hindsight, maybe [the organizers] should have spent another minute explaining why we were stopping there,” says Joe Piette, a photographer who joined the protest. “It would have been better to explain some of the details of the owner of that restaurant. Our mistake was not explaining it on the spot.”
June felt that frustration when they got home that night and saw the clip gaining traction. “So I felt like I should give the context that was missing from that tweet,” they said. June published a post explaining that the restaurant group had raised money for Israel-linked causes and punished pro-Palestine employees. “If you don’t want to be directly funding genocide, you should probably stay away from Goldie” and other CookNSolo restaurants, they wrote.
On Monday, June got a phone call while on the bus to work: they were fired as well. The manager gave no explanation, but June didn’t need to ask why. “Honestly, I didn’t really feel that bad or surprised,” they said. “I had no pride in this job.”
High-profile officials have continued to argue that the protesters were motivated by antisemitism. Governor Shapiro doubled down on his tweet after visiting Goldie and meeting with Solomonov on Wednesday. “A mob protested a restaurant simply because it’s owned by a Jewish person,” the governor claimed. “That is the kind of antisemitic tropes that we saw in 1930s Germany, and it’s the kind of thing we should not tolerate.” In a statement to the Guardian, his office reiterated: “This was not a peaceful protest”.
Two days after the march, Tess Rauscher, a 25-year-old barista at the CookNSolo-owned Israeli cafe K’Far, resigned, citing the company’s fundraiser and firing of Goldie workers, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. “It was these actions, not the identity of the owner, that changed the nature of my job,” she said.
This article was amended on 8 December 2023 to delete an incorrect reference to a manager taking down an LGBTQ+ flag. Also references to Governor Josh Shapiro attending an event at Zahav on 1 November were deleted. Governor Shapiro’s office have said he was not at the event.
[end article]
Goldie's restaurant and 2 other restaurants owned by the same famous Israeli chef were part of a general boycott starting in October.
The famous israeli chef, Michael Solomonov, has been directly funding the Israeli military with fundraisers at his various owned resteraunts (including donating over $100,000 in a single day)
Michael Solomonov has also hosted multiple, lavish "going away parties" free of charge for people deploying to go fight in Gaza (you know, just, going on over to help commit genocide!)
Multiple staff were fired for being pro-palestine, including for wearing pins with the Palestinian flag, or wearing the colors of the palestinian flag to work.
June, A jewish staff member who was working when the protestors arrived outside the restaurant, did not feel threatened in any way, affirmed it was a completely peaceful protest, and actually considered stopping their work to go out and join the march, but ultimately decided to stay for the rest of their shift and quietly chant along with the protestors. They were fired a few days later, and not given any explanation.
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pluto-planitia · 11 days
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The Space Saga of Pluto Planitia! #27
The Dance of the Diamond Comet commences, and Pluto & Doubline outmaneuver the mob boss and his minions, saving both the comet, and the planet blow!
<= Back // To Be Continued!
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bittersweet-in-boston · 6 months
Latest installment in the ongoing saga of boxer Steve and mob boss Bucky if you’re so inclined…part 3 of Number one with a bullet
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que3rduckling · 6 months
HELLO!!!! I have realized I have never done one of these before so I thought I would make an intro :DDD
The name is Duck/Muffin/Bizly (or Bebo)!!! Any of them works for me!!
I go by They/xe/it
🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 (I’m Canadian!!)
Current hyperfixations (in order): Batfam, Mob Psycho 100, Xmen, Jrwi
My interest: Jrwi, Stranger Things, IT, ianowt, Good Omens, Ofmd, Doctor Who, Sherlock, mcyt, The Folk of the Air, Hazbin hotel/hellva boss, SCU, X-men, Mob Psycho 100, Dirk Gently, Rugby, Batfam and more !!
My asks are always open if you want to send something I will literally start jumping up and down I love getting asks!!
Also I always love getting new mutuals!!!! I have bad social anxiety that transports onto here so I may be bad at reaching out but I love y’all sm!!
I love to be tagged in stuff so pls do it you want too!!
I like to write and draw so expect that from me :DDD
#Que3rduckling for all my Original ish posts
#duck’s rambles for all my rambles :3
#ducks mutuals for all my mutual related posts
#duck interacts with rps for when I interact with all the silly little rp blogs <3
#duck asks for all my asks
#ducks art for all my art posts
#jrwi rp blog list for all my rp blog list posts
#ducks boops the booping saga posts
#day in ducks life for me rambling about me life
#Duck loves Rugby for me talking about rugby
Fanfics/writings stuff links!!
Stanley uris gossiping, Reddie Valentine’s Day, Reddie hair dye, Stoneflame kid fic
If y’all ever need prompts make sure to check out @celestialwrites she makes the best ones!!!!
My magnum opus :3
The Jrwi rp blogs Master list
Mutual Tags:
#Lei-lei for @lei1600
#cheri-sol for @s0lar-ch3ri
#eldie <3 for @gilliontidestriderfan
#sillypirate <33 for @thesilliestpirate
#TRIPLET-RIP for @ripells
There will be more added!!!
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menequillo · 8 months
My biggest issue with opla is them cutting out a lot of the anti capitalist messaging that's present during the east blue saga.
Buggys mindless obsession with money and treasure is completely gone, axe hand Morgan's mob boss like activities are entirely removed and kuro doesn't even threaten to kill his whole crew for him to survive.
It just feels kinda odd to remove the very strong political aspects of one piece and instead replace them with marine propaganda.
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ao3feed-ateez · 28 days
A Gangster's Paradise
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/46y3Sdt by SAGA (Skyla09) Kim Hongjoong was a quiet bookstore manager who minded his own buisness and kept to himself, until he managed to catch the attention of Star Mob Boss, Park Seonghwa. What happens when Hongjoong starts to feel something other than anger at the big bad boss? Will his family secrets be spilled? Will he have to continue hiding his secrets from his friends? Find Out in Gangster's Paradise. Words: 4219, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band), atee Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Kang Yeosang, Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Choi San (ATEEZ) Relationships: Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho/Choi San/Jeong Yunho/Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang/Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa/Song Mingi, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Jeong Yunho & Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Kim Hongjoong & Park Seonghwa, Choi San & Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gangsters, Gangsters, Alternate Universe - Bar/Pub, Business, Community: kpop-fixmix, Mentioned ATEEZ Ensemble, Jeong Yunho is Whipped (ATEEZ), Bottom Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Bottom Park Seonghwa, Top Kim Hongjoong, Kim Hongjoong is Whipped, Soft Kim Hongjoong, Crime Boss Park Seonghwa, Minor Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung is a Little Shit (ATEEZ), Minor Choi San/Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Kim Hongjoong-centric, Park Seonghwa is Whipped, Mentioned Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Mentioned Kang Yeosang, Actor Kang Yeosang, Bottom Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Princess Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Bartender Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Alternate Universe - Normal Life read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/46y3Sdt
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lewmagoo · 1 year
I love that you are doing a positivity evening, it's such a beautiful idea, so thank you 🥰
I just wanted to say that this fandom means so much to me and brings me so much joy - it's the first fandom I've ever been a real active part of and the first fandom that's given me the confidence to share fics on tumblr too!
A few shout-outs from me (but honestly everyone I have had the pleasure of interacting with has been wonderful so this is by no means an exhaustive list)
@shanimallina87 - A true fandom cheerleader, reblogger and fic promoter extraordinaire
@potato-girl99981 - The funniest posts and the coolest vibes
@whoreforseresin - Gorgeously hot smutty fics that are full of so much love
@bobfloydsbabe - Mob Boss Bob has taken up permanent residence in my brain
@horseshoegirl - Her Jake story has me in a chokehold; a queen of the slow burn
@theharddeck - Her fics were some of the first TGM stories I ever read, so they will always have a special place in my heart
@vivianeelisabeth - A meme queen and a sweetheart who has been so supportive of my fics
@ryebecca - Makes incredible mood boards that give me so much inspiration
@ereardon - Writes stunning emotional sagas that I think about all the time
@cherrycola27 - In the mood for fics that are action-packed thrill rides? Look no further
@babyrooster - Keeping this fandom fed and watered
@sometimesanalice - Has been so welcoming and sweet to me
Thank you everyone 🥰
so much love to all of these wonderful people!
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pumpkinmetaphor · 2 months
this has been a very wild journey. both on gacha kaoru and the 4 kyokao'ers keeping up with this chain of asks. if you ever get gacha kaoru returned to you let me know what the kids put him through.
also yea i'm sure the children are. enjoying whatever is happening in the real ouran gacha animatics but unfortunately i cannot watch them without cackling. i wish the world was a better place and perhaps one day we could be free of cringe. but alas it is not. and seeing someone make gacha life kyoya verbally say "*blushes*" is simply too much for me. i'm sorry. very lovely tag you've chosen for this saga btw.
It's such a beautiful saga, the kyokao tag has truly been blessed by the chaotic thought processes of teenage Kaoru. I wish future him a long and happy marriage, even if it is to a boring CPA and not a demon mob boss.
I also cannot bring myself to watch them. I'm sure they're very inventive but I feel like I might break out in hives. I know it's exactly the sort of thing I would have done as a kid if I had access to gacha life, if only because I was one of those (rps in the author's notes) kind of kids.
Not Kyoya verbally rping out loud like he's Jake English or something... a thought that haunts me
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fancoloredglasses · 10 months
The saga of the Huntress and the Question (so what do you think their ship-name should be? Let me know in the comments!)
[All images are owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros Discovery. I hope I’m too small-fry to sue...]
In Justice League (Unlimited), and in fact the entire Dini-verse, despite the fact that it was written for a younger audience, there are a large number of themes that surprisingly mature. One theme is romance.
Obviously Batman has Catwoman and Talia Al-Guhl and Superman has Lois Lane. However, the two Justice League series has four (including a love triangle)!
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Green Arrow and Black Carnary
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John Stewart and Hawkgirl…
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…as well as Vixen
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Batman and Wonder Woman (they never go anywhere with this, but it’s obvious they have feelings for one another. I’ll have to do a deep dive on this one of these days)
And finally, the subject of this week’s review. First, let’s discuss the participants, as most people aren’t comic geeks who love the minor heroes more than the marquee ones…
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The Huntress debuted on Earth-2 (where DC stashed their Golden Age heroes until they were needed) prior to Crisis as Helena Wayne, the daughter of Bruce and Selina Wayne. Following Crisis, she was reimagined as Helena Bertinelli, the last surviving family member of a slain Mob Boss, who became a ruthless vigilante in an attempt to avenge her dead family.
Huntress makes her debut in a brief appearance fighting a bunch of robot spiders (but that’s not important for this review)
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The Question was created by Steve Ditko as part of Charleton Comics’ “Action Line” (which was ended a year later). When Ditko joined DC Comics, the company (as a “gift”) bought the rights to the Action Line, dumping them on Earth-4 in the DC Multiverse and forgetting about them until Crisis (though they were re-imagined in Watchmen, with the Question being the inspiration for Rorschach)
In the comics, the Question was a very philosophical hero (starting out following the teachings of Ayn Rand in Charlton, and Zen Buddhism following Crisis). However, in JLU the Question is a cynical conspiracy theorist looking for everyone’s “angle”.
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Question made his debut working with Supergirl and Green Arrow trying to find out why Supergirl was having disturbing dreams (while I won’t cover that for this review, it is kinda important as you’ll soon discover)
And now that we’ve established the players, on to the story!
NOTE: I will mainly be focusing the scenes involving Huntress and the Question. Any elements beyond their involvement I will likely ignore (unless it’s important later) If you would like to view the episodes in their entirety, they’re available on Max or behind your favorite paywall.
Following the events of A Better World, an organization known as Cadmus (a government shadow ops group with off-the-books funding from Luthor) emerges of the League’s radar, performing such acts as illegal cloning (including a clone of Supergirl, which was the source of her bad dreams (told you it would be important)) The Question begins poking into Cadmus’s business after helping Supergirl and Green Arrow, trying to find the bottom of that rabbit hole.
Meanwhile, Lex Luthor has announced his candidacy for President (and is apparently doing well despite his criminal past. A criminal billionaire with no prior political career running for President? Like that could ever happen!)
Now, on with the show!
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We open at the estate of Mafia Boss Steven Mandragora where a couple of his bodyguards are arguing about their secret scone recipe (sure, why not?) when they hear a noise in the bushes. Suddenly a figure from the bushes makes short work of them (but, this being for kids, doesn’t kill them despite using a crossbow) The figure then scales the building and enters the study.
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You were expecting someone else?
Huntress uses an aerosol to spot the alarm beams and evade them. She then enters Mandragora’s bedroom and shoots the figure under the blanket (OK, this got dark quick!) However…
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…as you may have guessed, Mandragora isn’t there. She then gets contacted by J’onn in the Watchtower and teleported.
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Guess who’s in trouble? J’onn expels Huntress from the Justice League. As she goes to her quarters to gather her things…
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Huntress enters the Question’s quarters, makes fun of his looks (what she thinks he looks like under his faceless mask) and his obsession before offering to help him with Cadmus in exchange for helping her track down Mandragora. (Something tells me she knows two things about Cadmus: Jack and Squat)
And where is Mandragora?
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In a safe house being guarded by the FBI, Green Arrow, and Black Canary. Turns out Mandragora has promised to turn State’s Evidence against his fellow Mob Bosses in exchange for Witness Protection.
Meanwhile, the Question has found out about Mandragora’s location, and offers to tag along with Huntress.
Later, Mandragora’s goons, dressed as cops, attack the FBI while Canary and Arrow are on lookout duty outside. Then…
(Thanks to Princess Darkseid)
A wee bit later, as Huntress and the Question head to the waterfront, the Question reveals he knows Huntress knows nothing about Cadmus. Further, he knows about her connection to Mandragora.
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So, if the Question knows why Huntress wants Mandragora, and that she has nothing to offer in exchange for his help, why is he helping?
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Meanwhile, Canary (with Arrow riding behind) has caught up with them and demands that they stop. Question drives his car into a rail tunnel. Just one problem…
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Question manages to turn into the side tunnel before the train hits him, but Arrow has to call for J’onn to teleport him and Canary. J’onn does so…over the bay where they land safely in the water.
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Meanwhile, Question reveals that there’s a freighter from Mandragora’s country arriving shortly.
(Thanks to Unlimited)
So now the Huntress and the Question are An Item, but it’s not their last appearance together. This episode focused primarily on the Huntress’s obsession, while the next is all about the Question.
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We open on Metropolis, where a warlord from Apokolips named Mantis is tearing up the city.
Fortunately, Superman is on the scene with an assist by Captain Atom (another Charlton import: Captain Nathanial Adams (USAF) was condemned for a crime he didn’t commit. He exchanged his death sentence for being a guinea pig for an experiment that turned him into a living nuclear reactor (similar to Firestorm, but with energy conversion instead of matter manipulation)) After a brief battle, Superman manages to activate Mantis’s Boom Tube and Captain Atom blasts Mantis through.
Following the attack, Lois Lane shows up looking for alone time with Superman, so Captain Adam makes himself scarce. After leaving, Captain Atom is summoned by General Eiling (calling the good Captain by his actual name)…
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…and drafts him into Cadmus.
Meanwhile, the Question and the Huntress have a “date night” where they break into LexCorp to dig up information about Cadmus.
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Eventually, Question manages to download the files, but Huntress now wants an actual date in return. (Exactly how can they have a date night like regular people when Huntress hasn’t even seen Question’s face? It’s not like he can eat while wearing that mask!)
Later in Question’s apartment (wait, why does he have an apartment? He has free housing in the Watchtower!)
(Thanks to Blue Kryptonite)
The Question goes to the Watchtower to confront Superman about this. Question reveals he knows what the Justice Lords did…and that events are lining up to make those same events happen in our universe!
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Despite Superman’s assurances, the Question storms out of the Watchtower and to…
(Thanks again to Unlimited)
Huntress guesses that Cadmus must have Question.
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Superman agrees to help Huntress rescue Question.
Obviously, Cadmus was expecting this. Fortunately for Huntress, Cadmus’s weaponry doesn’t affect Superman so she can hide behind him. Then Superman spots something and flies off, leaving Huntress to deal with Cadmus’s goon squad.
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I think she's fine, if a bit annoyed.
They eventually find Question and free him…
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…though he’s still a bit loopy (even for him) As they prepare to leave…
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(You thought I casually mentioned Eiling drafting Captain Atom?)
The episode ends there and picks up on the next episode…
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Fortunately, Superman manages to keep Captain Atom busy and gives Huntress his comlink so she can contact the Watchtower once she’s clear. One problem…
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Huntress tell J’onn what he can do with his attitude and demands transport to save the Question (who, despite everything, is still a Member in Good Standing)
Later, in the infirmary, Question tells Huntress about the aerosol that seals/removes the mask from his face and changes his hair color, since he was having trouble breathing through it. After using the spray…
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Now they can have a proper date night once he recovers!
Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know if there are any other JLU characters you would like to see a deep dive on (not that many got enough screen time to be able to)
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popculturebrain · 3 months
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litrpgburrito · 4 months
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Pondering a fresh story idea where the main character's avatar looks like mob boss Cell...
There exists a fantastic online manga (it might be available in book form?) that follows a young man who dies and is reincarnated as Yamcha, from our beloved #DragonBallZ.
The character proceeds to become the version of Yamcha we all know he dreams of ACTUALLY being.
Running with that line of thought, here's a version where our main reincarnated as Perfect Cell. Knowing perfectly well how Cell's short life played out the first time, he faces his new reality, equipped with a bizarre but helpful video game like HUD display and the ability to level up, and aims his ambitions at becoming universe 7's most powerful ruler...
Title: Dragon Ball Z: Cell’s New World Order
Synopsis: The Z fighters have fallen. Cell, the ultimate bio-android, emerges victorious and seizes control of Earth, declaring himself the supreme ruler. His reign is ruthless, his power unchallenged, and his ambition knows no bounds. With Earth under his iron grip, Cell turns his gaze to the stars, seeking to dethrone Frieza and become the new Emperor of the Universe.
Cell’s strategy is cunning and brutal. He extends an ultimatum to all sentient beings across Universe 7: join his colossal galactic army or face immediate execution, followed by the annihilation of their entire species and homeworlds. Fear spreads like wildfire, and countless races submit to his rule, bolstering his forces with warriors, scientists, and strategists from a thousand worlds.
As Cell’s empire expands, a resistance begins to form, spearheaded by the few surviving members of the Z fighters and new allies who refuse to bow to tyranny. Among them is a mysterious Saiyan warrior, wielding power unseen and motives unknown. The stage is set for an epic saga that will span galaxies and test the limits of power, loyalty, and the spirit of freedom.
Will the resistance be able to overthrow Cell’s New World Order, or will the universe succumb to the reign of the ultimate bio-android? The battle for the future has begun.
[ Mustache Latte #Vegeta shirts!!! ]
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 year
if it's not too much of a bother, 🐮 please and thank you 💖💖
Anya, my darling, it’s no trouble at all. I present to you the most Mob Boss Bob coded moodboard to date in the saga of this ask game. Enjoy 🥵
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send me a 🐮 and i will refresh my pinterest and give u my first four pics as a random moodboard
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steampunkforever · 1 year
John Wick Chapter 4 is only worth the watch if you’ve seen the other films in the franchise. John Wick is tired and so is Keanu, and frankly so are we. It’s a good thing that this is the last one, but if we’re being honest they should’ve merged the plotlines of John Wick 2 and 3 in order to make this feel like less of a slog.
That said, for all the instances where John Wick 4 stumbles (like an extended martial arts fight scene where every altercation serves to remind you that this was in fact written by stuntmen and their crew wants to show off) I’m too charmed by the one thing this movie gets right even when it gets a scene wrong: campiness.
*Writes “John Wick 4=camp?” Into notebook margin and is instantly subpoenaed to testify in front of Congress*
I’m not entirely joking here. There’s a blind assassin (played by Donnie Yen) named Caine. The movie makes him play cards and also engage in mid-range pistol duels hinging on accuracy. There’s an attack dog that has a vendetta against one goon in particular (this is a goon movie btw). There’s a flavor of ninja goon I can only describe as “tacticool samurai.” John Wick’s suit is bulletproof and allows him to take an improbably amount of bullets with just a flinch and a growl. There’s a bad cover of Paint It Black, done in French. It’s campy!
The villains here are where the camp truly shines. The third (and frankly also the second) chapters of the Wick saga we’re trying too hard to be cool, introducing villains and concepts that shot for “over the top” but fell into the realm of silly. Part of the reason that each Wick sequel required a higher percentage of NYC to strive to collect the price on his head. The threats needed to be memorable, and these weren’t that.
John Wick Chapter 4 fixes this. The principle rival (not counting various beard-and-tattoo-identifiable goons led by said rival) in this film is Caine, the blind guy they force to play cards (mean!) and who uses motion sensing doorbells to locate his enemies (memorable, clever, wacky!) obviously is both memorable and a bit silly, but there’s also a beefy German mob boss Wick has to axe-fight in the midst of a Berlin warehouse rave, and Bill Skarsgard doing a bad french accent and brooding over an artistic but geographically inaccurate not-to-scale diorama of Paris. At one point he breaks his cell phone in a fit of rage and makes a goon bring him a rotary phone replacement. 
Not to say that the film is goofy in its entirety. The Berlin warehouse scene is visually ambitious, and for as overdone as “John Wick killing people during a party” seems to be getting, it was still engaging and enjoyable. The best part of the movie for me was an extended top-down Hotline-Miami-Style shootout scene utilizing Genesis Arms Gen-12 shotguns and “dragonsbreath” pyrotechnic ammo that ranked as not only the best shootout of the film but one of the best sequences in the entire franchise.
John Wick 4 is not a masterpiece. It’s not even the particularly the best outcome in what we’d hoped for as the final installment in John Wick’s story. It’s a 3-hour mixed bag that you’ll only appreciate if you’ve seen the preceding three films, but no matter if you’ve watched it from the beginning or if this is your intro to the saga, you’ll be glad that it’s over when the credits roll.
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innocentanimegirl · 2 years
Dragon ball + z
One piece
Mob psycho 100
One punch man
Hunter x hunter
Black clover
Silent voics
Your name
Spirited away
A whisker away
Blue lock
Your lie in april
The promised Neverland
Yuri on ice
My neighbor tororo
Death note
Tokyo ghoul
Fruits basket
Kamisama kiss
Blue period
Demon slayer
Saiki k
Komi can't communicate
To your eternity
Reincarnated as a slime
Rising of the shield hero
Tiang guang shi fu/heaven's official blessing
Redo of healer (sorry)
Black butler
Madoka magic
Yona of the dawn
Kakuriyo bread and breakfast
Maid sama
Wolf girl and the black prince
Wonder egg priority
Weathering with you
Maqia when the promised flower blooms
Achi kocchi
Beyond the boundary
Dr. Stone
Jujutsu kaisen
Chainsaw man
The world's finest assasin
Seven deadly sins
Fairy tail
Snow White with the red hair
Food wars
Asobi asobase
A silent voice
Tamako love story
Link click
Brother's conflict
Josee, the tiger and fish
Gakuen babysitters
The demonic king chases his wife
The yakusa's guide to babysitting
The misfit of demon king academy
Welcome to demon school iruma kun
The god of high school
Ascendance of a bookworm
If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord
Kono subarashi sekaii ni shufuku
Kuroko no basket
Assassination classroom
Toilet bound hanako kun
Bonguo steay dogs
Millionaire detective(bank unlimited)
Tokyo revengers
Tokyo ravens
High rise invasion
Full metal alchemist
Sword art online
Ouran high school host club
Little witch academia
Cyberpunk edge runners
From me to you/kimi ni todoke
Kaguya Sama love is war
Himouto! Umaru chan
Tonari no sekki kun
Haven't you heard? I'm sakamoto!
Aono exorcist
Ao haru ride
Jojo's bizzare adventure
Tomodachi game
Magatsu no wahreit
86 eighty six
Shikimori San is not just a cutie
Death parade
Violet evergarden
Code geass
Diabolik lovers
Blue Exorcist
Ousamu ranking
Seraph of the end
Moriorty the patriot
Phsyco pass
Death parade
Sk8 infinity
Cowboy bebop
Black lagoon
Yarichin bitch club
Cells at work
Skum's wish
Fire force
The way of the house husband
Romantic killer
I'm a villainous daughter so I'll tame the final boss
So im a spider, so what
God troubles me
Sasaki and miyano
The children of the whales
Buddy daddies
Record of ragnarok
Vinland saga
The witcher
7 seeds
The great pretend
B the beginning
By the grace of the gods
Oshi no ko
Hell's paradise
Kabaneri the iron fortress
Great pretender
Campfire cooking in another world with my abnormal ability
Musuko tenshou
Mo dao zu shi
My anime list so far lol
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