#mobile answers
mobilenotgideon · 4 months
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hellshoard · 1 year
Happy birth, friendo!<3
Thank you!
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bewitchingbaker · 4 months
how's it make you feel to know on have to give gifts on your birthday?
“What ya talking about? My family made me my favorite cake and let me have the day off. Jess got me records and then Greta got me some headphones. It was a chill birthday Beth had some plans too.”
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giordirossi · 9 months
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theredviper · 1 month
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— @perotovar asked: spawn astarion or ascended astarion
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shmunter · 3 months
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dancing with friends is good for the soul
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Where does "ants on him" come from?
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It comes from this daydream hour extra!!
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smokestarrules · 11 months
When do you think Suletta and Miorine fell for each other, and when do you think they actually realized that they had caught feelings?
I've thought about this probably too much, and I have exact moments for you.
Miorine is easy, because it's my opinion that she's been down bad from the very start and the moments that she 1) catches feelings and 2) realizes it are one and the same.
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Again, from the very start. She has zero chill (and she knows it). Miorine is a very self-aware character, I think; for all her faults, she understands her own self very well, and she isn't often confused by her own feelings on things, including and especially Suletta.
I mean... it's episode two when she gives up her escape to Earth for a girl she'd hardly known a day. Episode two.
As for Suletta...
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This is when she started falling for Miorine properly, I'm positive.
Suletta is such a deeply unselfish person; she usually takes whatever she can get from people, even if that's just the bare minimum, on the basis that she isn't going to be good enough for them anyway and that any and all affection expressed towards her is precious.
So this moment, when Miorine is wholly focused on Suletta and the things Suletta loves, when Miorine is putting herself in an incredibly vulnerable spot just for her--of course it shifts something. It has to.
Suddenly, Suletta knows she matters. She's never really mattered like this before--or, at the very least, she wasn't aware that she did.
But I also think it takes her a little while to figure it out.
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In fact, I think it takes almost losing the connection between them for Suletta to realize just how much Miorine matters to her, and in the end, this scene is very similar to the other. Miorine declaring her vulnerability in a situation that has arisen purely because she cares about Suletta.
The creation of GUND-ARM was incredibly meaningful to Suletta for a lot of reasons, but this scene is reaffirming that moment in a powerful way; Miorine is saying I haven't changed my mind, is saying You still matter and always will.
And Suletta needs that, maybe more than anything else.
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theartingace · 29 days
What’s your opinion on centaurs vs stairs. How (un)successfully do you think they’d try and get up and down stairs?
ohh I think it would depend entirely on the stairs, but they would be able to manage most stairs, depending on the setting and what kind of hooves they have! As obviously a draft-type taur may have more trouble keeping their big ol dinnerplates gripped onto some narrow stairs than a mini would with their delicate little tippers who could probably manage stairs that would give humans trouble!
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But I think the biggest factor would be how steep they are, if you want to make sure any centaur will be able to climb your stairs, just make em shallow and then they're only slightly more slippy than rough terrain!
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but the steeper they go past 45 degrees or so and you're closing in fast on a ladder, and we've already established how that goes for centaurs (NOT GOOD. TOO MANY LIMBS)
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hey did you hear about the yoi movie news i'm devastated 😭😭😭 not surprised but still. damn
i saw it in the discord server me and like fifteen other obsessives pop into whenever we think about it and we're just bitching and posting the twitter memes ;-; im so angry lol.
i already knew it was dead because of some leaks from 2022 that it would never come out but i'm just mad that it took so long for them to admit. mappa sux lol.
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mobilenotgideon · 4 months
Hi babyyy-
I got a surprise for you
-W.W ⭐️💙
should I be scared darling?
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you know what i think. i think women are starved for meaningful art and that’s why they get into witchcraft/wicca/tarot/etc. I stay as far away as possible from that stuff now, but I have to recognize that it is visually attractive. it has a history. it has a metaphysical meaning that tells a story. where else in our culture can we find that? we may see some in certain movies and video games, but those are inherently escapist; the art contained within them is not something we live out in our day-to-day.
I also think there is art in nature and our technological age is so cut off from nature, whereas witchcraft/wicca is very nature-based. it is the same sort of reaction to modernism the romanticists had, but much more nefarious. that’s why pre-Raphaelite art looks Like That. and it’s why the witch aesthetic borrows so heavily from pre-Raphaelite art. this is why Christianity must reclaim the arts and a high view of nature. in this essay i will —
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dark-wil-wheaton · 3 months
dark wil wheaton give me a tarot reading
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
Hi! (age is at my profile)
If MC is going on a vacation outside the city, who would tag along and who would wish them safe travels?
ANSWERED: I think everyone would tag along if Angel asked! It might be fun to imagine it as a group outing ghhdsj
Similar to the beach and Disneyland asks:
Elanor and Conan would be the ones who take shifts driving the minivan into the city.
Teo would be awkwardly sandwiched in the first row scrolling through his phone while Olivia tries to get his attention (she keeps "accidentally" shifting closer to his seat every time the van goes over a bump) and Kiara busies herself with her work laptop.
Violet, Leon, and Jae (and by extension, Maple) would all be in the next row either talking about some random topic or leaning on each other's shoulders and snoring away.
Finally, Ren would claim the entire back row for for himself and Angel, and would gladly let them use his lap as a pillow if they wanted to sleep during the whole trip!!
...Except it proves difficult when Alice is right there in the middle. (Conan trusts Angel to look after his kid!!)
Once in the city, everyone would probably branch off to do their own thing before meeting up for lunch, or something.
Teo and Kiara (SEPARATELY!!!) would go off to look at high-end fashion brands and blow a hole in their wallets.
Conan would take his daughter Alice to a quiet (fast food) restaurant or cafe to unwind and have lunch, before going on a walk and taking in the sights.
Elanor would tag along with Violet to do some window shopping, and maybe even visit some cute cat cafes and candle shops! El might buy some souvenirs for everyone, even if the city is only a few hours away from Corland Bay.
Jae and Leon would see if there are any bustling activities or recrooms nearby (like bowling, indoor sports, a gym, or even go nightclubbing)
And Ren would happily tag along with Angel to meet their online friend for the first time at the airport! ...Then awkwardly third wheel while they talk about finally meeting, AoG updates, and of course; Haruko.
In between these moments, however, Moth would be not-so-subtly teasing Ren and Angel for their... relationship(?? girl help, even Moth doesn't know what to call it lmao)
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canisalbus · 8 months
This is Vasco. To me. when the floppy ear perks up
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sorry I forgot his beauty marks
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msdanvers · 1 year
Do you have any favorite really long supercorp one shots?
hi i’m sorry this took a while!! so first of all you should absolutely immediately read they don't love you like i love you by @searidings (M, idiots to lovers). yes, also if you have read it before. do it again
and this ask made me realize i read a lot of multichapter fics BUT here are some great one shots that are at least 15k words!!
we are what we pretend to be by @c--and--b (T, fake dating, idiots to lovers, do i need to say more)
lena luthor vs. the outdoors, by @jazzfordshire (E, mutual pining, sharing a bed)
don't let her stick it to your heart by @searidings (G, enemies AND lovers, uni professors AU)
an animal within an animal, by @mooosicaldreamz (E, sexiest fic you will read this year)
let all your damage damage me by @searidings (M, soft & sad & horny). gonna stop myself here and tell you to just read all of faye searidings’ masterpieces because they are ALL great ok. thank you
shaken by @unnecessary-database (mutual pining, friends/idiots to lovers, absolutely amazing, got distracted and reread the entire thing instead of replying to this ask)
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