#modern Aphrodite
hemeraomara · 24 days
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littlle-foxx · 1 year
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ㅤㅤ❝Афродита гуляет по улочкам ㅤㅤВ коротких шортах с высокой талией и открытой футболке. ㅤㅤОна обрила волосы, ㅤㅤИ губы её окрашены кровью. ㅤㅤДесять лет назад она ела ㅤㅤОдин раз в день и плакала, ㅤㅤЕсли не получалось. ㅤㅤОна всё время была усталой и, ㅤㅤКогда смотрела в зеркало, ㅤㅤНе узнавала запавшие глаза, ㅤㅤЧто смотрели на неё. ㅤㅤ(Или, быть может, узнавала, ㅤㅤВедь они походили на все те статуи её, ㅤㅤЧто она когда-либо видела.) ㅤㅤСегодня она смеётся и ест мороженное ㅤㅤИ пиццу. Её тело округлятся, ㅤㅤИ ей это нравится. ㅤㅤНикто не смотрит на неё, ㅤㅤНо ей всё равно. ㅤㅤПусть у них остаются только статуи их идолов, ㅤㅤЗастывшие и холодные. ㅤㅤОна больше не видит себя в них. ㅤㅤЗавтра, завтра и завтра ㅤㅤМожет прийти и облачиться в мрамор, ㅤㅤНо её кости так просто не рассыплются. ㅤㅤЕё кожа, её кости, она касается их снова и снова, ㅤㅤШепчет: «Моё, моё, моё». ㅤㅤИ когда она придёт, это её же имя ㅤㅤБудет на её устах. ㅤㅤАфродита отыскала красоту, ㅤㅤИ она не откажется от неё снова.❞
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eraenaa · 4 months
Stereotypical (Demi-God AU)
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Aemond, Son of Ares x Reader, Daughter of Aphrodite Tag List
Synopsis: The daughter of Aphrodite falls for one of the sons of Ares— the second coming of their parents. 
Warnings:  Mature, 18+, Dry Humping, Semi-Public Relations, Not Proofread
Word Count: 2, 720
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It’s stereotypical, you were aware—a whole cliche. But what were you to do when you realized that you were growing attracted to one of the sons of your mother’s past paramours? It did not help that he was the strongest fighter in camp— the most mysterious and illusive Demi-God there. You watch him by the benches whilst you sit and chat with one of the daughters of the Goddess Demeter, Helaena. “You’re staring at him again,” She teased as her fingers twirled the stem of a dandelion whose buds she blew away. You rolled your eyes and shifted your gaze, denying the accusation. “Just speak to him; I’m sure he won’t be as standoffish as he seems.” Helaena hummed, but you shook your head. 
“What are you two talking about?” Aegon, the son of Dionysus, appeared, seemingly intoxicated, even though wine was banned from camp. “No— let me guess,” he quickly said. “I’m guessing… the brooding swordsman? Hm?” He asked you, and you felt color bloom on your cheeks. Were you that obvious? You groaned and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear in frustration. “I do not understand! They… usually fall at my feet, trying to get my attention! But not him,” You complained, making Aegon and Helaena smile in amusement at the expense of your irritation. “Whatever, I’m going for a walk,” You grumbled and stood, trying hard not to let your gaze fly over to Aemond, who trained with a sword. 
You find yourself in the woods, threading closer to the lake where you often stare at your reflection in the water. You took in a deep breath and stared at your face blessed by your mother— the prettiest girl in camp, they say. You attracted all sorts of attention, good and bad, but the only attention you wanted was never bestowed upon you. He denied you of his lone gaze. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?” You hear a voice ask. You sighed and cast your gaze upward, landing on Jacaerys, son of Hephaestus. “Hello, Jacaerys,” You say politely. 
“Do you mind if I join you?” He asked, dark eyes hopeful. “I… I’d actually prefer to be alone right now,” You reasoned. Watching his face drop. You sigh; if only Aemond were this excited to be in your presence. “Oh,” Jacaerys said, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. “I’ll see you at dinner, Jace,” You give him a fleeting smile, and you thank the gods that he actually took the hint and left. You returned to stare at yourself, trying to define which aspect you could improve upon, highlighting them in hopes that it would catch the attention of one of the sons of the God of War. 
“What are you doing?” A different voice asked, a reflection joining yours on the surface of the water. You yelped and backed away in surprise. “Gods, Aemond,” You said as he finally cast his eye upon you. “What were you doing?” He asked once again, leading out his hand to assist you to stand. “Staring at myself,” You mumbled, feeling heat rise to your cheeks as he caught you. You hear him scoff, “Of course,” He said and let go of your hand that tingled from touching his. “Best you be reminded by the fate of Narcissus,” Aemond stated. You bit back your tongue; this is what you wanted. He was speaking to you— his attention on you, but now it came; why were you frozen as if you had gazed at Medusa? 
“Do you not have to train?” You asked Aemond as you perched yourself upon a log near the river banks. You watch him take a pebble into his fingers, skipping it on the water. “I’ve just finished,” he said and moved to take a seat next to you. You took your lower lip between your teeth as you felt your shoulders brush, the heat of him reaching you. “What do you think we’re doing here?” You suddenly ask as both of you stare off into the orange sun that reflects on the lake. “What do you mean? We’re here to train. We’re here for protection from the outside world.” Aemond stated the obvious, but you shook your head. “Train for what?” You asked, “A war.” 
“Is there one?” Your eyes locked upon his. “I… I just do not understand why I was brought here,” You confessed as you saw the confusion in his lilac orb. “They say the world of mortals was filled with danger— but mine wasn’t. I was living comfortably— I do not understand why my mother had summoned me if I am not to do anything here,” 
“The gods have a purpose in every action they make— even if we do not understand it,” You hummed at his statement. “Do you truly believe that?” Aemond looked at you with a question once more. “I just… feel like we’re pawns being played here— born to do their bidding. We make the sacrifices; they get the glory.  I just think that the minuscule scrap of recognition they throw is not at all  worth it.” You saw a smirk rising to his lips despite the seriousness you posed. “What?” Aemond shakes his head; you feel him inch his way closer to you. “My sister seems to think that you’re filled with air in that pretty little head of yours,” You blinked at his statement; should you be offended or flattered?
“And do you agree?” You ask, fearing for his statement. Aemond hummed, gazing at your face. It was the first time in your life that you felt insecure under someone’s gaze— the first time you felt fear that someone might not think you agreeable and comely. “I agree with her when she said that you were pretty… very pretty,” You bit your cheeks as his eyes flew to your blushed cheeks and then ever so quickly to your lips. “But, no, she was completely mistaken to underestimate you,” You feel your lips twitch, catching Aemond’s attention. You inch towards him, your desires swirling with your assumptions. Aemond stayed rooted where he sat; he did not lean in, nor did he pull away. When your nose brushed, you hear him take in a harsh breath. “We should head back,” he said and pulled away, leaving you confused and overly embarrassed and rejected. 
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You were so close— you took the courage to move first. It was all Aemond wanted— all that he had dreamed of. All his offerings to the gods were for this moment, which was why he was greatly disappointed and infuriated with himself when he backed away and left like a coward. It was too much— it was so much more than he could handle. Ever since you’ve arrived at camp, all he did was try and keep your attention on him. He trained day and night, purposefully choosing grounds where you would pass by. He would relish with each moment that he would feel your gaze upon him. Watching intently as he would fight and show off his skill, hoping that it would impress you. Knowing that it was how his father had caught the attention of your mother. 
Aemond’s eye would fly to you during dinner, you sitting with your brothers and sisters. There was no smile on your lips, unlike the previous nights; you sat limply and played with your food, your cheek resting on your palm as a pout formed itself on your luscious lips. What had he done? How could he subject the most beautiful girl his eye has ever seen to such a sullen state? Aemond dug his nails into his palms. You were the daughter of beauty and love, and he was the son of war and strife. He did not deserve anything so precious and delicate as you. He could only offer you ruin and struggle. The thought of bringing you conflict only fortified his decision to back away. To instead protect you from afar— to relinquish his desires to be with you, to hold you, kidding himself that gazing at you was enough. That simply looking at you had to be enough. 
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Days passed as both you and Aemond avoided each other. You, embarrassed by your wanting actions and him, controlling himself from giving in to his desires. You no longer watched as he would impressively train with the sword, and he would no longer silently trail you wherever you went. Aemond only picked specific moments to follow you and made certain that no danger would find you— even though the two of you were in the safety of camp where no danger could reach, Aemond was just simply cautious. 
You traded the lake for the beach. Walking alone on the sanded path, the moonlight shining bright atop the water. Your mind consistently loops your foolish actions, making you cringe at yourself. You called for your mother the other night, trying to find guidance or perhaps comfort, as rejection did not sit well with you. The thought of someone not falling for your charms when everyone so easily did, scared you. She ignored your offerings and pleas, leaving you to face your confusion and fears by yourself, only solidifying your beliefs that you and all the children in this camp were simply pawns by the gods. Expected to answer their call when it first rings whilst they constantly ignore yours.
You sighed heavily, staring off into the sea where your mother was born. Stepping foot into the water, you tried to connect with the woman who disrupted your peaceful, mortal life only to bring you here and ignore you. You took deep breaths, walking deeper into the water, not caring that you were still clothed as you submerged yourself in the sea. Aemond watched by the shore, battling with himself if he should follow. When you disappeared under the water, with each passing second, you did not emerge; it only put forth fear in the bravest demi-god in camp. 
Aemond shook his head and ran to the sea, diving to where you disappeared only to catch you resurface, shocked as you realized his presence had joined you. “Aemond,” You breathed out, wiping away the salt water from your eyes, the boy holding your arm, the waves pushing him closer to you. “What… what were you doing?” He asked, concern lacing his deep, silky voice. “I wanted to swim,” You reasoned, hoping that the water would clean you from embarrassment and shame. You feel his eye grow downward, looking at the clothes you fashioned. “In your night dress?” He asked, the silk fabric thin, the cool water clinging to your body. “It was a spontaneous decision,” You mumbled, your gaze shifting away from him as your cheeks heated. The both of you floating in the sea. 
“Why are you here?” you asked, realizing that he had gone in the water, fully clothed as well. You met his eye, the sapphire orb shifting around. His thin, pink lips parted as he tried to find a reason. “I… I—“ You bit your lip, as you had never seen him so flustered. The most fearsome son of Ares is at a loss for words when faced with the prettiest daughter of Aphrodite. 
Aemond stayed silent, only the crashing of waves reaching your ears. It took a while for the both of you to realize that you floated in each other’s arms— the past events of the other day returning to your mind, both making you conscious. “I’m sorry about the other day,” You whispered as you saw it best to address your actions in order for the both of you to forget it and your mind to free you from the torment of your idiotic presumption. “It was wrong for me to assume… I have misread your intentions and made you uncomfortable; I apologize.” You say sincerely. 
You hear Aemond sigh, the waves pushing your bodies closer together, his breath fanning your face, your scent invading his senses. “You did not misread anything,” He admitted. Making your brows furrow. “I… I wanted you to kiss me, wished for it for a while now.” He confessed with a small smile, trying to lighten the tense air with his rare but charming smile. “Oh,” was all you could say as you tried to comprehend his words. “Then why… “ you trailed as you had trouble wording out what had transpired in the lake. Aemond sighed, and you stilled as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, flushing your bodies together as the both of you floated. The moonlight lighted your face, illuminating his silver hair as well as your milky skin. “I got scared,” He admitted, daring to cup your cheek. Your skin was soft against his calloused palm. 
“You? Got scared? The favored son of the god of war got scared by the prospect of a kiss?” You asked in confusion, resting your hands on his shoulders. You hear him let out a small chuckle. “I was only frightened because it was you who I would be kissing,” He stated, caressing your cheek. “The most beautiful girl I was ever blessed to see… now, I hope you’d understand why I panicked,” Aemond smiled as the blush on your cheeks deepened. You set your gaze downward, staring at the water that sparkled under the silver light. Your heart stilled when you felt Aemond place a finger under your chin to raise your gaze once more, finally having the courage to place his lips against yours. 
Aemond wanted to be slow and cautious, to not frighten or pressure you to succumb to all his desires. But as a sigh left your throat when your lips finally met, all restraint he had disappeared. Pulling you impossibly closer to him, making you wrap your legs around him, letting your arms cling to him. Deepening your kiss, his tongue asked for entrance, which you were hesitant to give but relished the feeling when you did. Aemond’s chest rumbled with a sound as you accidentally nipped his lip, enjoying your mistake that only fueled his desires further. 
You pulled away from him, suddenly feeling cautious as the both of you were being so intimate in such an open space where anyone could see. You tried to speak reason, to speak caution that the both of you may be caught, but as Aemond placed his lips on your neck, kissing it and leaving his marks, you no longer had the capacity to speak. Pleasure freezing your mind at the new sensation. Aemond hummed as he heard your heavy breathing, your sweet taste mixing with the salted water as he indulged in the feel of your skin. Aemond closed his eye tightly as you, who had your legs wrapped around his torso started to move your hips. Squirming as you felt urgency for something you were yet to know consuming you. 
Aemond’s hand moved downwards from your waist to your bottom, cupping them and aiding your movements that sought for friction. You let go of a shaky breath against his lips, your eyes looking deeply at his sapphire eye that turned dark and glazed with deeper desires and restraint. “Aemond,” You whimpered, filled with anticipation of what was to come. You ground your hips further, making him utter a foul word and turn his head to the heavens. Aemond moved one hand to cup your cheek, bringing you closer to kiss your lips once more. “I… I— Aemond,” was all you could utter as you were uncertain what the sensation was building inside you. It was sharp and urgent and pleasurable— an odd mix. “Are you to come, my pretty girl? Hm?” Aemond gritted as his hips met yours. He bent his head down and placed a kiss atop your chest; his head felt light at the whimpers of his name that your mouth spewed. 
“Aemond!” You shrieked as all finally fell, your body feeling alight as you came at the sensation of riding against the boy you had desired for long. Aemond gritted out your name as he, too, came, spilling himself in his trousers. You hummed as he kissed you again, tasting him and the sea that was witness to your desires and pleasures being fed. 
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Sequel: Jealousy, Jealousy
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lunian · 1 year
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brain worms told me to try modern au with them and here i am.. trying something
wonder what happened there......
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agnel · 5 months
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The Birth of Venus
Odilon Redon, 1912
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hecates-corner · 6 months
Even though there’s not a single myth on it, I’d like to think Aphrodite couldn’t give a shit about her sexuality.
She gets bored one day, and particularly curious, and heads down to earth. As she wanders around the markets in her mortal disguise, her attention is caught by a kind woman buying apples. Aphrodite wanders over, curious. She’s so beautiful, not so much that she challenges the goddess’ beauty, obviously, but she’s got these delicate features mixed with a sharp nose that stand out to Aphrodite. She likes how she looks.
The woman notices her, smiles politely, but seems captivated by Aphrodite’s beauty, even in her mortal state. She greets her, and Aphrodite likes that. Her voice.
She reaches for an apple, so Aphrodite picks it up and studies it, as if it’s at all interesting to her. She twirls it in the light, then looks up, and extends it to the woman, offering it.
As the woman takes it carefully, she twines her fingers in Aphrodite’s, for just a moment. It couldn’t have been an accident.
So Aphrodite, smiling softly, asks for her name.
The woman gives it.
Days later, Aphrodite is lounging on Olympus, twirling a strand of her hair and thinking about that woman she’d met. She was like no other, beautiful and prim and yet so powerfully attractive. Aphrodite bids her lover farewell on Olympus, Ares is gone to fight another war. A small one, but a war nonetheless.
She is bored. And roused. She wishes to go and have some sort of good time, but does not know what precisely to do. With Ares gone, and the others truly uninteresting, she huffs in annoyance. Then a thought occurs, perhaps she should simply go and find that woman again. Or attend some festival, who knows?
So Aphrodite takes the form of a dove, and soars through the air, searching. Her eyes land on a stream, sensing there is someone there she wishes to meet.
When she lands, she transforms into the same maiden she had been days ago. She tousles her skirts, and slinks out from behind the tree she used as coverage, and spies a woman with her back turned.
The woman is tying back her hair, perhaps readying herself to wash her face, or take a swim. It is awfully balmy that day, so either is plausible. She turns, and is surprised by the sight of Aphrodite, in disguise.
She blinks, but smiles a moment later. “I knew I had not seen the last of you.”
Aphrodite raises a brow. “You were so sure?”
“I would believe so, goddess. For you must know I was not finished seeking your company.”
Aphrodite is surprised. No one speaks to her in such a way, or calls her on her bluff so quickly.
“You are hasty to supplicate me, dear.” She says, just so.
“No, I am not hasty.” The woman replies. “I am bold.”
Aphrodite smiles.
“If I were a goddess, perhaps,” she begins. “Would you have me?”
The woman chuckles. “I think I am much too consumed by my thoughts of you to care whether or not you are a goddess.” She glances Aphrodite up, and down. “I would have you only if you sought me.”
And the line of the stream between them is much too large, suddenly. Aphrodite reaches for the pins of her dress.
“Come.” She says, a light smile playing at her lips. “Let us swim. It is much too hot to be standing here exchanging polite words.”
When all is said and done, and Aphrodite lays back against the bank of the river, her sweat and exertion mixing with the cleansing drops of water slipping from her locks of hair, she holds the woman close to her. Skin upon skin, tender and simple, for a moment. Pleasant. Just to be here, just to be. Just.
She cards her fingers through the woman’s hair. “I am sure you wonder which goddess I am.”
The woman hums, her throat making a sweet buzz against Aphrodite’s breast. “Perhaps. Only so I may call your name again.” She runs a finger down the goddess’ arm, from shoulder to wrist, then lingering there. “But I have my wits about me.”
Aphrodite smiles. “Oh? And who might you seek me as?”
The woman takes Aphrodite’s hand, now. “I shall love you no matter who you may be, Aphrodite.”
It is not the last time they meet, nor the last time they lay together. They dabble in fields, laugh over wine, and speak to one another late in the night. As it would occur, the woman is a poet, a good one at that, and writes hymns for Aphrodite in her lustrous love for the goddess.
The woman holds such court in Aphrodite’s heart for so many years, that Aphrodite soon fears, actually fears, her death. She laments the fact that the woman is mortal, and will die. The woman does not.
“I have lived a lifetime dappled with you. I do not weep for it, such a blessing.”
But Aphrodite still feels the knowledge gnaw at her. She knows she cannot make a god of the woman, but she may be able to place her judgement in the realm of the dead.
Decades pass, still enjoying one another. The woman ages, and she does not. But they still find each other in the darkness, in the light.
One day, decades and decades later, the woman dies. A peaceful death, a life prolonged by the proximity and life of a goddess. It would have surprised her to know she did not die of a tragedy, like all other lovers of gods. Perhaps that is why she is left out in history.
Aphrodite weeps for her, as she did Adonis, and select other lovers that were as golden to her as her own divinity. She carves a tomb, in memorial, that over time crumbles and breaks. She carves her name into it, but in centuries, it will be lost.
Her battle is not over. She composed herself, and urges her way to a field, near a crack to Erebos.
It is springtime. She may call for her.
At the invocation of her name, Persephone comes to the call.
“Aphrodite.” She greets, a mix of warmth and ice.
Aphrodite pauses, the request tingling on her lips. “You may not care, but we have had our moments, dear Persephone.”
They could not be called friends, no. But they could not be denied of the ways of the flesh they had once- twice, perhaps, shared.
She continues at the silence. “I come to request a placement for a soul.”
Persephone raises a brow. “I see.”
“She is virtuous, and a good woman, besides. I believe you should place her in Elysium.”
Persephone narrows her eyes. “Give me her name. I may see what I can do.”
Aphrodite gives it. Persephone returns a blank look. Then it shifts to an amusement.
“She has found her eternal rest, I confess.”
Aphrodite frowns. “I know. That is the reason for my request.”
“You misunderstand.” Persephone laughs. “She had drank from the river Lethe twice over. She has lived three virtuous lives, with this one her third.”
Aphrodite’s eyes widen.
“She resides on the Isle of the Blessed?”
Persephone nods, smiling still. Aphrodite does not know why.
But her heart leaps. There is that, she thinks. She has lived three virtuous lives.
Then a thought crosses her mind. “What made her virtuous, in this one?”
Persephone smiles. “She will write a history, in years to come. Perhaps all because of one lover she had in particular.”
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Stop saying that the gods and goddesses are mysoginists or feminists… They aren't, they weren't! I'm sick of reading or listen how some gods are insulted or acused of mysoginists or some others are acused of feminists… No! They not!
They were religious deities! They still are, because there's an Hellenistic community of worshipers! But i'll talk of the Ancient Greece… I'm not Greek, but i don't like how some gods and goddesses are treated just for their myths and the same people say that were the Greeks whose actually treated the gods like that! What's i'm saying?
"Zeus is a dick, a mysoginist, a r*pist even worse that his son Apollo, he can't kept his pants on and that's how the greeks portrayed him, so… the greeks says that Zeus is a dick"
What? Seriously??? The Greek whose worshiped him? Zeus the most important god in the Greek Pantheon? Zeus the king of the Olympians and the father of the gods?
I know many of the male gods assaulted women in the myths… But please I'll say it again… Don't took the myths as literal! Neither the ancient greeks do it that because they worshiped those male gods… They took the myths as metaphores, lessons and stories…
But i advice you if you're not sure: talk with a greek person! Ask the greeks theirself because they know much better of their own culture and history!
Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, and a can continue with all of them…. I will defend all of them because i love them and i know the context and history behind the myth! I know the myths were written by persons (HUMAN PERSONS) whose "humanized" the gods to be more close with them, so that is why in the myths the gods aren't perfect! I know there's people who worship them (i'm not hellenic polytheist yet, but i would like to worship Artemis one day of these) and i respect the deities! I know the symbolism and metaphores of the myths and stories!
Zeus is NOT a dick! Hera is NOT a bitch! Aphrodite is NOT a whore! Apollo is NOT a asshole! Ares is NOT a idiot! Dionysus is NOT dumb drunk! Artemis is NOT a cruel and bad friend! Poseidon is NOT a piece of shit! Demeter is NOT a bad helicopter mother! Hades is NOT the villain… But neither was Zeus, Demeter, Apollo or Aphrodite! No!
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Spending some time with Lady Aphrodite🌳🛤️🌊🐚🌅💜 the only altar space I have right now is this spot next to my bed but that’s okay i think lol
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royal-wren · 6 days
In my love for her, I carried an apple from my many trees of such a vivid red like the heart that beats in the chest. Surely, there is no better way to grab the attention of the honey-toned goddess with a face most fair. My heart was captured the moment I saw her walk on the sea, shining more than the waters below her feet. If I can't woo her, I'll be at a loss for another handful of years.
With this, Hermes moved swiftly, quicker than anyone else, but not enough to dishevel. The cultivated fruit was cradled close to his chest while his heart fluttered wildly from excitement and adoration as the wind he commanded had him flying by. All the love, every emotion he felt was literally poured as magic into his work given physical form. One dream that haunted him for so long as the ram god did his best to ignore it before it felt like it was too much. Hermes' thoughts raced like his feet while he saw her come into view, golden and blinding in form. With her vision before him, he slowed without a sign he moved at the speed of sound.
"A gift for you, Queen of Heaven gowned in stars and jewels that you easily outdo. Though this apple falls short of matching your beauty, I hope it pleases you still," his arm outstretched for her to take the gift. A look of shock, as Aphrodite's face started to flushed as her gaze caught herself staring back on the apple's surface, "-How? It isn't every day I see myself reflected in food." Quizzically, she stared as Hermes' lips curled into a playful, teasing smile, "That's a secret." A little mystery was good for everyone, after all, and why share all his workings yet with her. "It holds every heartfelt thought, that's why it reflects the goddess of love and passion," he winked with the lie that came out like truth. What helped it spill out like a truth was the bit of honesty in how he felt, and with it said he stepped back and sat down. The decision of her accepting or rejecting the gift all on her, he could never dare to do more to push her decision, he cared too much about her honesty and freedom for that.
Aphrodite's lips parted ever so slightly in contemplation and his heart seized "I -- what else is there that comes with your physical gift? Tell me before I make up my mind on whether I draw close or flee fast." Endless were the gifts he had prepared with a number currently on him as he stood up and drew closer to her, a ball of light in his hand like a shrunk star. "The constellations and all the stars above that make them, what is old, new, and yet to exist." He affixed many like it like a crown of flowers through her illustrious hair, before slipping precious metals and a myriad of jewels into her hands that still held the apple. "Everything the earth has to give no matter how much you wish for, but most importantly, there is something more precious I can give."
His hand moved to hers, brushing against it, pausing for rejection as his face softened, "A friend in love. A companion to tell you all the honeyed words you long to hear, all the praise and song you deserve. From me and immortalized on the minds and tongues of mortals, sang endlessly and written for future generations to inspire. You will be the greatest Muse, the call of all songs and romantic, beautiful thoughts all others have until the end of time. Those that would be normally resist, untouched by your influence will have a chord struck in them with your inspiration a source of delight with my assistance."
Aphrodite made no move to turn away from him, to remove his presence from being so close to her, no attempt to escape Hermes' hand resting on hers still holding his gifts. "Let me hear the honeyed tongue that everyone regards and praises, promise me every sweet, adoring thought felt spoken for me no matter where you are. Swear it, be my companion, and only you will be the one to influence the scales of love with me." Her hand moved, unsatisfied by having his hand simply resting over hers and entwining her fingers with his. He kissed her hand, hearts singing between them as she had no intentions of letting go of his gift for now. "My oath upon the Styx to you, all we have promised to each other is now forever as long as you'll have me."
At that moment, Hermes let all the sealed love from the apple escape it, leaving her breathless and reeling as it sank in as he kept his promises between kisses, sweet touches, and the honeyed-tongue speaking words that were music to her ears as days continued to pass.
*Inspired by the PGM spell involving Hermes and Aphrodite, the tradition of wooing the person of your affections with an apple, best shown in the two poems at the bottom of this page. It also includes their cult worship as a couple and their art depictions together as Weighers of Love.
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
Dₐₜᵢₙg Bₗₐcₖ ₚₐₙₜₕₑᵣ! ₙₑₜₑyₐₘ ᵢₙ ₐ ₘₒdₑᵣₙ ₐᵤ
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴘᴀɴᴛʜᴇʀ! ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: secrets, injuries, mentions of a breakup, Neteyam is a prince?, mainly fluffy couple stuff.
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You were the first to know about Neteyam's secret. It all began when he began to show up late to class, or how he'd stud you up a couple dates back. Not only that but you noticed some bruises on him. They were not from football, they were much worse.
One night Neteyam had asked if he could sneak in your room, in which you allowed him to. But when you saw his Black Panther suit, you thought he was cosplaying, but that was when he confessed about his secret.
Now everything made sense, the bruises, why he'd miss a class, why he'd arrive late, and how he stood you up a couple times. It was because he was out risking his life to keep the city safe.
You had asked questions on how was it possible that he was The Black Panther. Neteyam explained the whole thing involving his mom side of the family, about his ancestors and stuff. So, you were basically dating a Prince.
Since then you began to refer to Neteyam as Prince and he'd call you princess as a Joke, but sometimes he'd joke that one day he'd be a king and you'll be his queen.
After that, you then began to scold him for getting hurt as you began to patch him up. You were also mad that he was keeping this a secret, what happened to trust and all that stuff?
But you forgave him since you had understood that he couldn't just be telling everyone that he is the Black Panther. So, you kept it a secret.
From then on, you had began to cover for Neteyam. Since you both had a class together, you'll always tell the teacher why he is late or absent.
Every time he'd go to your house, injured, he'd get scolded by you. He doesn't really argue with you since he understands that you're constantly worried about him and how he was doing while fighting.
You'd cuddle him for a bit before he had to go back home. It scared you seen Neteyam getting hurt, you understood that it was his job in making sure the citizens weren't in any danger, he really liked to help people and he cared, but at the same time, who'd care and worry about him?
Besides his family knowing, you were the other person that knew who he was. His family trusted you, you've known them your entire life for crying out loud.
For some odd reason his siblings thought you were going to exposed them, but you didn't, you could never tell anyone a secret like this. They didn't mean it in a rude way, they were just worried about their older brother.
The one that would worry the most was Neytiri, she herself was a the Black Panther and so was her sister, but being Black Panther was risky, specially since he was putting himself in danger, something could happen to him.
One time Neteyam had the idea to break up, since you were the only one trying to keep the relationship and he thought that it wasn't fair to you. But you didn't break up, instead you made your relationship work better.
You and Neteyam still have a stable relationship, despite him being busy and all, you both still managed.
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sarafangirlart · 2 months
In Lucian's Dialogues of the gods, there's one between Hermes and Apollo where Hermes comments how Hephaestus has two wives despite being a cripple. Apollo also comments but he is more so concerned with Hephaestus' hygiene like how Hephaestus is always sweaty and his face is covered with soot (which is funny to me cause does he think Hephaestus doesn't take a bath?)
Oh wow ok a lot to unpack here (I really need to stop procrastinating on reading all of Lucian’s dialogues bc it’s a goldmine of comedy and character interactions)
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Aglaia/Charis being so affectionate and loving 🥺🥰
Also Aphrodite being affectionate too is so funny considering you constantly see the claim that she hated him yet here they are being a half decent couple (almost as if they are extremely complicated figures with a complex relationship but whatever), not to mention in the dialogue between Leto and Hera, Hera makes the claim that Aphrodite dotes on Hephaestus.
The implication that Hephaestus is married to Aphrodite and Aglaia at the same time??? And they don’t seem to mind each other??? Tho it could be a translation issue. Also it’s interesting how Hermes says that Hephaestus doesn’t seem to mind that Aphrodite cheats on him but keeps talking about making a net, almost makes me wonder if Hephaestus doesn’t mind if Aphrodite sleeps around as long as she’s a bit classy about it and didn’t do it in their house and marital bed.
Also it’s funny how I’ve never seen anyone who headcanons that Aphrodite and Hephaestus have an open relationship ever bring this up since it’s the strongest bit of evidence they have to their headcanon.
Also fuck Apollo and Hermes for saying that shit I hope Hephaestus cuddles Aglaia while looking at them like this:
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davidluongart · 4 months
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For the first illustration, I dedicated this one to @capelinssm & @/saliannn on Bluesky & Discord. Currently just finishing the Lunar New Year art gift to both Japanese illustrators whose art I often admire & fell in love with the most!!!!! 🎇🧧🥂🍾
Honestly, this is the first time I drew them lovebirds Ares and Aphrodite in a much more stylized slice-of-life/ shoujo-centered anime style, tbh, inspired by the ones that I grew up in the ‘90s-mid-2000s. Boys over Flower, Nana, Paradise Kiss, Slam Dunk, etc. I have a very soft spot for their use of soft light colors and lineart a lot, as well as their use of patterns & textures in the clothing design too!!
Aphrodite’s look was still hugely inspired by Beyoncé’s outfits in the classic “Crazy in Love” music video; since there is always something both contemporary and modern with her sparking tank top, the denim jean bottoms, and candy apple red pumps that I can’t explain. The 70s psychedelic miniskirt shorts that the goddess wore were inspired by the Emilio Pucci one that I found on Vogue UK-softer colors with an experimental touch. And for the pumps, I based them on these classy but affordable Charles & Keith. 👠👠
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For the second one, wanting to do something just for the Greek ladies for a long time: modern-day Ares as that hot Greek dad/fitness trainer and the main chef at their own home who just finished his early morning workout (a bit inspired from @thelonelylemonsquare and from the previous convo with @alatismeni-theitsa in this case), while Aphrodite in her hot lingerie outfit for the special occasion (recommended by my Greek fella, @konstantinos_palamidas on IG). The food that he cooked for her included Greek crustaceans fish soup, spicy seafood pasta, gyros wraps, Mediterranean salad and finally morning coffee!!!🥙🥗🍛🍲🥘
I’m so sorry for this took long enough, so have a happy belated Valentine Day also, too, everyone!!!!!
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finelythreadedsky · 1 year
obsessed with the idea that the phaeacians are the only ones who consider hephaestus the husband of aphrodite. it isn't even in the main narrative voice of the odyssey, it's just within demodocus' story. in the iliad hephaestus' wife is charis and i so want to say that in the odyssey hephaestus is actually still married to charis and it's only the phaeacians who think he's married to aphrodite and they're wrong.
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lunian · 1 year
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didn’t plan anything for valentine’s day but i could finish ares/aphrodite moment for my random modern au i’ve been doing recently👉👈💕
luv them actually (very obvious about it)
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aphrodite-s-dove · 1 year
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I love offering Aphrodite flower shaped candles ♥
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theaskew · 3 months
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George Woodman (American 1932–2017), Aphrodite with Lilies, 1986. Oil on canvas, 70 x 22 in.
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