#modern knowledge like the current tallest
random-iz-stuff · 2 years
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One of the first things Zim does upon having his PAK calibrated is point out the mistakes. 40 shmillion mistakes. 40 shmillion defects right from birth. And he almost immediately tells the downloading robot what they are, almost revealing his defects before he even learned what defects are.
Right from the start Zim knew something was wrong with him, but didn’t know what to call those mistakes until he was properly in the academy for a few days and was told exactly what defects were.
I can barely imagine the horror that a young Zim would feel in that moment. He’s known that there were mistakes in his PAK for the last week or so of his existence, but now he’s being told that those mistakes (that he’s come very close to telling people about) are:
Actually called defects
Are flaws in his BRAIN instead of just errors in his PAK
Turn otherwise flawless irkens into mistakes that actively go against the empire
Must be handed it to the authorities so the defective Irken can be “fixed” (actually deleted, but that fact is kept as an open secret until the Irken is a few years older and more used to it. It also tricks young defectives like Zim that know they they’re defective into handing themselves and those around them in)
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Era IV - V Ghouls HCs (part 1)
Color shows who made what hc - reblogs are appreciated!
Phantom and Aurora are siblings with Aurora being the older sibling. Back in the Pits since they were ghoul kits they've been inseparable. They were summoned together. Can be a bit chaotic with each other if left alone together, but the moment Swiss joins in they'll all need to be watched like a hawk.
It took a while for Mountain, Sodo, and Aether to warm up to Copia as frontman since they were used to Terzo
Ghoulettes have girls night every week. They blast white girl bangers all night
Ghouls send Copia the ant with bindle photo when he scolds them to get out of trouble (it always works)
While most ghouls like to play fight, Swiss and Aurora do it the most and it’s usually pretty intense so the others avoid with them unless feeling particularly worked up. You would think they were actually trying to kill each other but no
Cirrus, Cumulus, Sodo, and Swiss watch those shitty reality TV shows to point fun at humans and the awful things they do. This is nearly a weekly thing if any of them have time to hang out with free time.
Cumulus and Cirrus always would send messages with at least one emoticon
We know Mountain is the tallest, but the smallest current ghouls are both Cumulus and Aurora at 5’3”. However, they are not the smallest ghouls of modern day Ghost (that title goes to Mist at 4'10" aka three sauces tall.)
Summoning day is June 21st, 2015
Favorite animal is pangolins because they look like dragons
Transmasc (ftm)
Went by Dewdrop when water ghoul, but changed it to Sodo when he became a fire ghoul
Middle child energy
He still has some fin-like features on him, but not as much as before. Some water ghouls could have scales like fish, so you'd have to squint to see the patches of scales on Sodo now. They were larger when he was still water. The fire features kinda override it.
Not mean (unless it's Aether /j), just easily irritated
Would never get angry at any ghoulettes. He drinks respect women juice everyday. He most definitely fears Cirrus sometimes
Sometimes joins the ghoulettes with their girls night just to get away from all the chaos, especially after a rough week
Will sell Aether's non-existent soul for a single corn chip
Ok he actually does care about Aether, but he just has limits to his shenanigans.
Since he was transformed into a fire ghoul instead of naturally born like that, the features a fire ghoul would normally have are weaker with him (ex: he doesn’t radiate much heat from his body)
Wants affection and then bites when he’s had enough like a cat
Doesn’t take criticism very well
Summoning day is June 24th, 2015
Favorite animal is tigers because of how big they are and goofy they can be at times
One of my three weed smoking girlfriends
Little sibling energy that Sodo is the main victim of
One of the most kindest ghouls you'll meet
He has some knowledge in healing and health, so if any of the ghouls, or anyone who is close to him in general, are sick or injured they go straight to Aether
He does that thing where he gets his hands wet and flings his fingers out to get water on Sodo
Helped take care of and watch over ghoul kits back in the Pits
He is still around the Ministry after leaving Ghost and still hangs out with the others when they're not touring.
If he could wear socks in sandals all the time he would
Very sensitive. Cries at those sad dog ads and donates the Ministry’s money
Summoning day is June 19th, 2015
Favorite animal is ram since he has similar horns like them and how tough they are when butting heads with each other
Gentle giant
Has long, dark black hair that is super soft to touch and doesn’t mind the others playing with his hair
Ghoul equivalent to a golden retriever
Like a big brother to Sodo and Aether
Doesn't hunt like the other ghouls. He is able to control his urges, and plus there's already food inside so why bother
Plant dad. Even if you give him a fake plant he'll still love and cherish it. Names them all
Usually will have to stop Sodo from trying to lunge for Aether’s throat
Taller than the average earth ghoul at 7’3”. There were bruises on his face because of walking right into door frames when first summoned. Gets front passenger seat privileges
Keeper of air jail (lifting somebody up if they are causing trouble) Grabbing em by the scruff when the others are fighting
Any pronouns
Summoning day is July 18th, 2016
Favorite animal is blue marlin because of how fast it can swim and the sword-like appendage on their noses
Likes to keep fishies
Can only sleep when it’s pitch black
Has shark like features (the teeth, tail, sense of smell, etc)
Not shy at all, but just not very social. Possible social anxiety? Yes social anxiety bc projection
Eats the rainbow aquarium rocks like they're Nerds candy.
Mainly sticks around with Mountain since the two have good chemistry.
Gets mad at his own hiccups
Summoning day is April 4th, 2016
Favorite animal is mourning dove because of how they coo
Wine aunt
Anxiety. Not too terrible, but it still is awful
Would bring a dead animal inside after hunting and call it her Girl Dinner™
Literal Disney princess. She could sing and birds would fly to her to sing along
Terrified when first summoned. Glued to Cirrus’ side for the first six months
She is one of the sweetest ghoulettes, but she has quite a bit of weird and creepy pictures and items that will freak people out. Her and Swiss send each other cursed images and videos
Very motherly and protective of the others
Loves to wear fluffy, cloud-like clothing
Link to part 2 will be here soon!
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emptymanuscript · 2 years
I'm wondering if it might be more valuable to state what sort of drives or beliefs might come out of being raised in X country. So, like:
Hesswarn might give a character beliefs in:
divine rights
It's likely to produce above average:
Comfort with risk
Desire for Unity
Pride in a job well done
Being raised in Hesswarn might give character drives like:
Prove yourself naturally superior to another
Lead another to act daringly despite fear or doubt
Help someone grow, learn, or improve
Set up a clever plan and then take advantage of it
Give hope or cheer to someone who needs it
Reveal the failings or falsehoods of another
Discover new or forgotten knowledge
Discover how something works
Teach someone else the ways of your people
Refuse to give up despite objection or setback
Cause difficulties through curiosity
Prove the superiority of being Civilized
Spur others to decisive action
Create or discover something that helps
Create / Restore / Protect something of lasting value
Provide or be a catalyst for change
Uphold your personal code of honor when inconvenient
Punish an oathbreaker
Command the respect of others
Tame a wild place / Reclaim a ruin / settle
Uncover Hidden Truths
Coordinate an action impossible to do without teamwork
Take a calculated major risk and succeed
But, of course, someone living as a Tri Poke out beyond the firm boundaries of Civilization might just as well be there as a way to distance themselves from the way people are back home.
Hesswarn is the current dominant imperial power in the known world. They idealize their nobility, the Skirmish Queen has a growing cult of belief in her divinity growing around her. They see themselves as naturally at the peak of the world because of their virtuousness, particularly their values of cleverness, risk-taking, teamwork, and meticulousness. Hesswarners believe in the future and believe in striving toward it. Most "high tech" comes out of Hesswarn factories and science institutes. Their the first nation in the Known World to enact universal education and anyone who can make is not just allowed but encouraged to go as far as they can. Part of the Noble's game of one-upsmanship with each other is trying to prove that whatever they've enacted in their area produces a better class of citizen. The particular climate of the moment makes everyone feel very safe in their social strata, allowing for an unusual amount of social mobility. The huge amounts of wealth that their expansion is bringing in is allowing public works and safety nets to bloom. They're at the top of the wheel of fate, they know it, and they're sure they're never coming down.
The great sprawling capital of Wargsdun has grown so large it has become a new sort of wild of its own, the first modern metropolis with more than a million inhabitants. The tallest building in the Known World is the new Senate building where the Nobles and the Skirmish Queen gather to run their empire in an awe inspiring 15 story tower. The Hess-Mark is valid currency in more nations than it isn't. Even where it isn't, you can usually find a Hesswarner bank. While most Hesswarners are multilingual even the prideful Anpeos, who claim the rest of the world are the barbaian descendants of their exiled bastards, are learning to be fluent in Hesseg. And countries that claim Hesswarn has stolen every advancement they've made still buy Hesswarner products for their reliability.
But what scares the leaders of other nations most is that none of them get the Skirmish Queen, they have no clue what she'll do. While few outside of Hesswarn believe that she, personally, took her 15th birthday gift of 700,000 head of Pachycephalosaurus and drove them to bore out the way into the Long Wild, they know she is responsible for it. And when a few surrounding countries tried to move on her to access the resource she broke apart her empire and theirs to make The Free States, independent of her power with the order to make sure everyone had equal access as a peace offering to the world.
A Tri Poke who grew up Hesswarner is a character who was raised to know they were the pinnacle of Civilization and had a manifest destiny to bring it everywhere else.
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
Will Brook Die in One Piece? Can the Musical Swordsman Lose his Life?
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One Piece is one of the long-running anime series to ever come out of Japan, which has taken over the world with its popularity. It is based on the manga by Eichiro Oda. The anime premiered in Japan in October 1999 on the Fuji Tv channel. It has aired over a thousand episodes and has been exported to numerous countries all over the world. The anime has been among the top five animes in Television viewer ratings since its inception. The series follows the story of protagonist Monkey D. Luffy whose body gained rubber-like qualities after mistakenly eating a Devil Fruit. Luffy sets out on a journey to find the legendary treasure left by the legendary pirate Gold Roger. His crew of pirates is named the Straw hat pirates. And Brook is the musician pirate of the crew and one of the two swordsmen in the group. He joins the group during the Thriller Bark Arc of the animated series and is the eighth person to join the pirate crew. Who is Brook? Brook is the musician and swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates crew. He is nicknamed 'Soul King' Brook because of his affinity towards music.  Brook was initially a member of the Rumbar pirates crew, but he died. He was resurrected through the power of the devil fruit 'Yomi Yomi no Mi.' However, it took a number of tries for his soul to finally enter his body again, which is why his body was reduced to a skeleton. Only his afro remains from his original look. He drifted alone in the Florian Triangle for 50 years before meeting Luffy and becoming a part of his pirate crew. He currently has a bounty of 83,000,000. Brook's Appearance: Before his death, Brook was a tall, tan, and lean man with quite a distinctive face. He had a goatee and sideburns on his cheeks as well. He would always wear sunglasses that covered his eyes. His sense of style and look resembled that of rockstars like Ozzy Osborne, Slash, and Jimmy Hendrix. There was a scar on his forehead resembling a diagonal omega symbol. After his death, Brook became a skeleton that stood tall with a height of 266cm. His scar is still there as a distinctive crack across his skull. He has also retained his afro hair as it has strong roots, according to Brook. However, he could not keep any other body part as his soul took too many tries to be resurrected. His fashion changes in every arc, but his clothes usually have a similar theme. Brook always wears coats as he is very tall and they suit him very well. He is the tallest member of Luffy's pirate crew. Brook's Abilities: Before Ressurection Brook ate the Yomi Yomi no Mi to resurrect himself back to life once. He eventually learned to tap deeper into the powers of his Devil Fruit, and it gave him significant control over his own soul and the souls of others. Brook's ultimate dream is to unite with his old friend, Laboon, at the Reverse Mountain where he lives with Crocus. He is a veteran pirate as he was in a crew before his death as well. However, the time he spent in the Florian triangle has eroded his knowledge of modern society. Brook always has a comic element to his fights, like making his crewmates fall asleep during the fight, tricking his opponent, playing dead in the middle of the fight, or launching himself at the opponent without any prior thought. Brook's Abilities: After Ressurection Although he has a very silly personality, he is a formidable swordsman. Brook had proved to be an asset to the Straw Hats crew during their encounters with Thriller Bark's dangerous inhabitants. He can be quite smart and shrewd during fights, even being able to deceive his opponents to think that he was on their side. Since Brook has a skeletal body, he can perform certain acts that would otherwise be impossible for him. He will be alive as long as his skeleton remains solid and intact, and he can also easily repair any bone damage by just drinking some milk (Intermezzo: Preparation). He can even survive having his head totally severed from his body, continue to talk, smell, and see while it is detached. But he still does feel pain. Brook is also resistant to lightning strikes, high or low temperatures because he does not have any flesh left to burn. He does not age and still keeps on growing stronger despite being 90 years old by now. He can store objects inside his skull, such as a Tone Dial and Poneglyph rubbings, as seen in the anime. Brook also has the power to shield himself from Caesar's Shinokuni gas. Because of his light body, he can jump extremely high, run on water without sinking, and is the fastest member of the pirate crew. He uses this speed in battle, which allows him to easily and quickly take down his opponents. Brook was able to purify all the soldier zombies before any of them could react and was capable of catching Emperor Big Mom and her homies off guard during their battle. Will Brook die in the anime series? Brook is shown to be immortal as he has already died once. During his time with the Rumbar pirates, they travelled across the Grand line and fought all the challenges the sea had to offer. However, their captain Yorki and a few others caught an incurable disease while exploring in a forest. Yorki and the infected few decided to take the Rumbar pirates' first ship to escape the grand line by sailing through the Calm belt. Brook and the other uninfected pirates continued on their journey on a new ship, with Brook acting as the captain. Their exploration was going well till they reached the Florian Triangle. Here, they were attacked by enemy pirates who turned out to be too powerful for them. Brook and a few of his crewmates were barely able to survive the attack. They escaped, but their weapons were laced with poison, and their team doctor had also been killed. They were slowly wasting away. Brook knew his body would not be able to survive this attack, so he ate the Yomi Yomi no mi Devil Fruit. He died after some time due to the poison but got resurrected again in his skeleton form as he had eaten the Devil Fruit. But he could only retain his skeleton form as his soul took too many tries to be resurrected again. Since Brook has already died and come back to life once, I think the real question fans want to ask is, can Brook die again? The answer is yes, if his skeleton is destroyed, and if not then could live an eternal life. Also Read: Will Keisuke Baji Die In Tokyo Revengers? Read the full article
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starrysnowdrop · 2 years
Character Profile 🎋
R’angi Tia
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Since it is VERY long, it is under a cut. Thank you so much for reading!!! 🥰💖
((Updated as of patch 6.1, 06/13/22))
Name: R’angi Tia
Name Meaning: Taken from the Maori name “Rangi” meaning “God of the Sky”.
Unsundered Name: Achilles
Age: 32 by EW
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (February 27th)
Gender: Male
Race: Miqo’te
Tribe: Seeker of the Sun
Nationality: Hingan
Languages: Modern Hingan, Most Far Eastern Dialects, and Eorzean Common Tongue
Profession: Vagabond
Education Level: Home schooled by private tutors in Hingashi
Father: Lord R’bhasa Nunh (48 in ARR)
Mother: Lady R’tekmi (45 in ARR)
Siblings: 2 brothers, elder brother R’behzi (Aged 35) and younger brother R’rhen (Aged 28); Numerous half-siblings born of his father
Extended Family: Large extended family, but his best friend is his brother R’rhen Tia
Children: None
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic and Demiromantic
Significant Other: None at the moment (Open to RP a ship with him, or suggestions of an NPC to ship him with!)
Past Relationship: No long term relationships, but he has casual sex occasionally
Place of Birth: Born in the R Tribe’s territory not too far outside of Kugane, Hingashi
Current Residence: No permanent residence at the moment
Canonical Jobs: Geomancer and Martial Artist that uses a Bō staff; Will come up with a proper name for this job in the future
Abilities: Geomancy, Martial Arts, Marksmanship, Dancing, and Polyglot
Bad At: Kenjutsu and other styles of swordplay, reading overly poetic or flowery language, controlling his emotions at times, and admitting when he is wrong or that he has failed at something.
Hair: Medium, warm brown in color, long, straight that reaches just past his shoulders with no bangs. Usually wears a small braid that hangs just to the side of his head.
Eyes: Bright, cobalt blue in color; wide set, hooded eyes
Face: Oval-shaped, with a straight nose
Lips: Full, plump lips
Complexion: Warm, golden tan
Blemishes: None
Scars: Though he has many minor scars on his body, the most prominent one is a large, deep scar on his face that runs across his right eye, though it doesn’t keep his eye from opening.
Tattoos: Several red ink miqo’te tribal tattoos on his face
Height: 5 fulms 8 ilms (Tallest Height for male Miqo’te)
Weight: 180 ponze
Build: Medium build, athletic, muscular
Features (Miqo’te): Typical miqo’te ears and tail, with his tail being long and thin; has the slanted irises of a Seeker but also with small fangs like a Keeper.
Usual Clothing: Eastern robes with many embellishments, usually in shades of green, white, and red.
Face and Voice Claim: Japanese actor Ken Watanabe speaking in any language.
Introverted / Extroverted / Ambiverted (bold what applies)
Positive Traits: Courageous, brave, strong willed, loyal, generous, respectful (to those he deems worthy of respect anyway), wise, honest, adventurous, open minded, insightful.
Negative Traits: Rude, arrogant, prideful, aggressive, vengeful, cynical, reckless, impulsive, judgemental, lustful.
Fears: Living in shame, bringing dishonor to his name, and failure.
Aspirations: To regain his honor for himself and his family, to expand his knowledge of Geomancy and other forms of magic, and to see the wider world.
Traumas: When he fought Yume in order to win her hand in marriage, he instead was defeated and cut across his face by Yume’s katana. He was then shamed and dishonored by Lord Aino for his arrogance; this event has been very traumatic to him and he’s been out for vengeance ever since, wanting to kill Yume in order to regain his honor.
Hobbies: Training in Geomancy and Martial Arts, traveling, shopping, eating exotic food, and dancing.
Vices: Spending his money frivolously, overeating at times, and frequenting brothels.
Faith: Believes in the Kami and worships Susano, the kami of the sea and storms, in particular. Believes in the concept of karma.
Turn Ons: Courage, Loyalty, Honor, physical or magical prowess, inner strength, Intelligence, an ample chest, and a round butt (the last two apply to any gender).
Turn Offs: Cowardice, dishonesty, disloyalty, lack of discipline, rudeness, greed, uncleanliness.
Temperament: Choleric
Soul Type: The Warrior
Elements: Earth and Lightning
Gemstone: Tiger’s Eye
Songs: “Earth, Wind, and Water” and “Revelation”, both from FFXIV SB
Book: None (He really doesn’t read much.)
Deity: Susano, the Kami of Storms (In game, I chose Oschon the Wanderer for his deity.)
Holiday: Starlight Celebration
Month: 5th Umbral Moon
Season: Fall/Autumn
Weather: Thunderstorms
Time of Day: Dusk
Places: Kugane, Ruby Sea, Swallow’s Compass
Sounds: Flutes, Taiko drumming, thunderstorms, crashing waves on a beach.
Scents: Rain, musk, patchouli, sandalwood.
Tastes: Sushi, Hibachi steak, Ramen, sake, rice wine, chocolate cake.
Feels: Cool water, Hingan silk, smooth river stones, beach sand.
Flower: Spider Lilies
Animal: Tigers
Number: 13
Colors: Multiple shades of Green, Pure White, and Dalamud Red
Quotes: “For one who has been honored, dishonor is worse than death.”
History (Pre-EW): R’angi Tia is a middle brother in the R Tribe of Hingashi, an off shoot of the main R Tribe in Eorzea. The tribe lives on land that is ruled by the daimyo Lord Masanori Aino, Yume’s father.
Since his eldest brother is to be the next Nunh after his father, R’angi needed to have a marriage arranged that strengthened their political alliances with other nobles in the region, so he would need to marry outside of the tribe.
R’angi’s father soon got word that the daimyo Lord Aino himself was looking to find a proper suitor for his daughter Yume. R’angi jumped at the chance, as he always admired Yume from afar whenever his father paid tribute to the daimyo.
When he got to Aino Castle with his father and two brothers, R’angi was shocked to learn that Lord Aino had just two requirements in order to arrange a marriage with his daughter: 1) Had to be of noble birth and 2) Must fight his daughter in one-to-one combat and win.
R’angi, being skilled in Geomancy and with a bō staff, said that he will fight Yume, and he boasted that he will win. Yume, on the other hand, had no intention of allowing him to beat her.
The two fought in a duel, and though R’angi was a tough opponent for her, Yume did not hold back. She cut his face, leaving a large scar over his right eye and won the battle.
R’angi was shamed and disgraced, especially after he had boasted that he would win. He shouted that this was a dishonor not only for him but for his family. Lord Aino did not have any sympathy for him, however, and said merely that he either must die and reclaim his family’s honor, or to live with the shame.
Instead of doing what was expected of him, he leaves the tribe, as he has no intention of dying just yet. His youngest brother R’rhen Tia, @faerieearthangel’s OC, goes with him, as R’rhen also does not want the same thing that happened to R’angi to happen to him.
A few years later, R’angi gets word that Yume herself was going to commit seppuku but was instead banished by Lord Aino after disobeying him for refusing to marry whom Lord Aino had chosen for the arranged marriage.
It is then that R’rhen gives his brother an idea: R’angi can track down Yume, kill her, and bring a trophy back to show that he finally has beaten Yume in combat and he can reclaim his honor.
R’angi has since been training hard and tracking Yume down so that he can finally regain his honor and be welcomed back into his family and go back home.
NOTE: R’angi is not a Warrior of Light, and he is not present for any of the major events of the MSQ, unless I decide to write an AU in the future. He might be a part of events in the MSQ post EW but I am not certain yet.
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xryn-art · 4 years
What type of leaders do you suppose Tallest Myuki and Spork were? It was implied that Myuki was the more beloved or elder of the two and held the seat the longest.
Finally I get to go apeshit over these two-
Both Miyuki and Spork have actually already appeared in the AU! Miyuki as her usual Tall Self and Spork as the Tallest's Chief Adviser.
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In this AU potential Tallest candidates serve as the Chief Adviser to the current Tallest in order to gain experience in a leadership role. It also has the added benefit of keeping them off the battlefield and out of harms way, just in case. 
Spork here is pretty much the Irken equivalent of a stressed out Intern. Except this intern also has to live with the knowledge that at any moment he might suddenly become the CEO. 
He... probably would have been pretty good at it, actually. Poor guy. 
As for Miyuki... I have a couple of ideas on why she might have been so well liked. They are not nice reasons.
Firstly, she was the longest reigning Tallest in Irken history by a long shot. This is partly due to the fact that she was young when she took the top job (the youngest ever, before Red and Purple), but also because she ruled in a time of rapid technological advancements. This was by design. Miyuki invested countless resources and introduced a new generation of Irkens to the engineering and medical sectors in a time when Military personnel outnumbered all other professions 10 to 1. She basically forced Irk to stop fighting with the neighbours long enough to drag them kicking and screaming into the modern era. 
Sure, Miyuki ended up with less soldiers overall, but with better medical interventions and PAKs becoming more advanced, those soldiers lived longer. Instead of churning out new recruits to replace the ones that died, the military could spend more time training the ones they already had. 
Miyuki saw the value in Quality over Quantity. Intergalactic conquest was still the primary objective, of course, but Miyuki knew how to play the long game. A smarter game. 
Also, she had a lot of fixing to do after the last guy.
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Miyuki served as the Chief Advisor just like Spork did. Except Miyuki’s boss was a moron and she kinda ...demoted him. Permanently.
She was the first Irken ever to take the Tallest position by force. And because Irkens are violent little sadists, everyone adored her for it. She challenged a Tallest. No one had ever done that before. No one knew you could. 
More importantly, she challenged him and won. 
It helped that the Control Brains saw the guy as a liability. Miyuki presented herself as a convenient solution at a time when the execution orders were already being finalised, so to speak. (And if her programming shouldn’t have allowed her to consider harming a Tallest in the first place, the Control Brains certainly didn’t say anything about it.)
So yeah. Miyuki did a bunch of good things, sure, but she was also a traitor and a murderer and allowed dangerous criminals to live not out of mercy, but because it amused her (i.e. Zim). 
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She’s Irken. She can have a little awfulness, as a treat.   
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3E Exam
On the second floor of the Library was a classroom where the 3E exam was held. Exam day was always exciting for the current students. I was like a horse race and bets were cast on who would come up on the top of the class. Tigre’s name appeared on the roster with no last name and no preliminary ranking. Some people thought it was a prank. A few others thought it was an error. Others, seeking to buck the trend, put down money on his name as a dark horse.
Tigre walked in through the morning rain accompanied by Toyama. Behind the desk was a cold-eyed man in rimmed glasses. Tigre didn’t recognize Manstein but Toyama was friendly and nodded. “Morning.”
“Coming in early? You’re the first student here.”
“I felt it would be wise to get him accustomed to these new surroundings first.”
This was a morning of great change for Tigre. It was the first time he put on a Cassell uniform, putting on a tie all by himself, understanding how his outfit put together. Toyama insisted on pulling his hair back and tying it even though Tigre found that a bit uncomfortable. It made him look less like a potential rockstar and more like a proper student.
Manstein frowned. “His eye color is a bit audacious.”
Tigre was used to wearing contacts by now, but his contacts were blue. Toyama had taught him to order his own. The blue mixed with the natural color of his eyes and made a striking aquamarine.
“We had ordered black but the contacts came in as blue. It is not a natural color but it couldn’t be helped. It was too late to order new ones.” Toyama explained.
Manstein shook his head. “Regardless, you explained to him the importance of the test so I trust he’ll be well behaved. No disruptions of this test can be tolerated. Do you understand?”
Tigre looked at Manstein. They were about the same height with Tigre being a fraction of an inch taller. Tigre just smiled. “I understand.”
Manstein glared a bit longer. It was supposed to be intimidating but Tigre felt more intimidation from Cassell's snarling raccoons.
Toyama led him around the classroom pointing at the desk with his name on a paper label. “Are you comfortable here?”
“Yes. But… you keep telling me I’ll do fine on the test and the test is simple. But you seem very worried. There’s something you’re not telling me.”
“Just relax and be kind to the other students. Sit quietly and wait for the test to begin.” Toyama patted Tigre on the shoulder and quickly left him alone in the room.
Tigre wanted to follow him out. Such an abrupt goodbye without any more chances for questions left him uneasy. But his last instruction was to sit quietly and be kind to the other students so there wasn’t anything else he could do. He just sat at the desk and waited. 
Outside the window the sky was dark and the rain poured down a constant steady shower.
His mind thought back through all his experiences with Toyama, from learning words and phrases, to understanding how to use a cellphone. Pointing to things, Toyama would explain what they are and how they worked. But for this, Toyama gave him a little information and nothing more. And that’s why he felt so uneasy. Toyama was always free with his explanations and knowledge but suddenly that free flow of information had shut off, leaving him dry at the tap and wondering.
“Well, well, well, someone got here before us?” A tall black woman with a cloud mass of curly locks stood in the door. Behind her walked two other women. The differences between them were subtle. The one in front was the tallest but only by about an inch and a half. They all wore the same uniform but each one had a pin that was different. The one in front had a ladybug, the one in middle had a butterfly, and the one in back had a dragonfly. 
Other than that he would definitely have a hard time telling each one apart. 
The one in back, the dragonfly, sat next to him, the butterfly sat next to her and the ladybug filled the end of the row closest to the door. Dragonfly leaned over. “Hey I’m Porsche Smith. Nice to meet you!” 
“Porsche… that’s a car right?”
The Ladybug laughed outloud and Porsche Dragonfly Smith turned to her and stuck her tongue out. “Anyways. What’s your name?”
“Tigre…” He said shyly.
“Tigre?” She stood up and looked at his name tag. “Like… Tiger? That’s an animal, right?” She said putting one hand on her hip.
She tilted her head quizzically. “Is that your real name or do people just call you that?”
“I…” Tigre was taken aback. No one had asked him if his name was real before. What made a name real? Did people just call him Tigre? Was Tigre not a ‘real name’? If not, what was his real name?
The Ladybug sighed. “Two seconds in and you’ve already given someone an existential crisis. I’m Celeste Smith and this is my sister, Ruby.”
“We’re all sisters.” Porsche sat down. “So where are you from?”
“Really? You don’t look Mexican? Are you parents from there?” Celeste “Ladybug” Smith asked.
“I uh…”
Celeste tilted her head and squinted. “¿Hablas español?”
“Sí un poco.” Tigre responded.
“You’re just shy.” Celeste smiled kindly at him. “Don’t worry, we don’t bite!”
Ruby glanced over at him. ��I’m just a little nervous about the test. That’s all. We got here early to see if maybe there would be some instructions but we haven’t received any.”
“Yeah it’s kinda rude. They tell you how this one test is going to set up some arbitrary placement in the whole college and yet they don’t even give you anything to study!” Porsche said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I was hoping maybe we could ask someone and get more info.”
“I wasn’t told much either. Only that I would hear a series of questions in a language I’d never heard before. And I was supposed to write my best answer.” Tigre said helpfully.
“Wait, the questions aren’t in ENGLISH?!” Celeste slammed her hand on the table and all three girls stared at him.
“I… Well, I don’t know about that…” Tigre mumbled.
“It better be in English or I’m suing. How are they going to give us a foreign language test and expect us to pass?”
“Maybe it will be in Latin?” Ruby suggested.
Other students walked in and the girls suddenly raised their fingers to their lips. “Our secret.” Porsche said.
The girls all raised their heads at once and flashed their white perfect teeth at the people walking in, meeting eyes with all the men. 
A man with a pair of grey eyes and a rakish playful smile leaned on the desk in front of Celeste. “So these are the triplets that’s got everyone talking.”
“Really? Everyone?” Celeste said. “Not one is left out?”
“I’m certainly not. The name is Moses. Moses Anderson. It’s a bit old-fashioned, but that’s how my family rolls.”
“Old-fashioned in a modern world? Isn’t that another word for backwards?”
“Nothing wrong with tradition, so long as those traditions are good.” Moses crossed his arms over his chest.
Celeste sneered. “I happen to disagree with that. Tradition has never done me any favors and I’m here to break it!”
“Fiery, I like it.” Moses said. 
“Your name starts with A, so that means you’re at the front of the classroom right?” Porsche examines her nails and then pointed to the front of the room as a signal for this guy to move along.
Tigre shrank a little, happy that the women were absorbing most of the attention in the room. He’d never been around so many people before and was happy to disappear into their collective shadow.
“Woah so… Tigre isn’t a glitch in the matrix?”
“Huh?” Tigre asked, not understanding anything in that sentence. His mouth dropped open at the dark haired boy in front of him.”
“I’m Charles. Charles Xavier. Welcome to the school for the gifted.” He held out his hand.
“I… I’m Tigre…”
“That your superhero name or what?” ‘Charles Xavier’s’ eyes looked him up and down.
“Um…” Tigre glanced away. He got a bad feeling. He didn’t like how this person was looking at him. That half smile and those narrowed eyes stirred up a painful sensation in his chest and he imagined reaching across and grabbing his throat.
This reaction only seemed to intrigue Charles who lowered his hand. “What’s the matter? Tigre got your tongue?”
Before anything could happen, Manstein entered and spoke up. “Now that everyone is here, I will now tell you the rules of the test.”
"Cheating is absolutely forbidden, and violators will be disqualified! In the name of the chairman of the discipline committee, I ensure that the learning atmosphere at Cassell College is relaxed, but my rules are the strictest. Do not try to peek at other people's test papers. Cameras cover the entire classroom. There are no blindspots! And don't try to carry any little electronic devices. Radio waves are monitored in the classroom too! I know you are all geniuses, but I can tell you that people even smarter than you have also taken exams in this classroom, and all the cheating methods you can think of now have already been tried.”
Tigre looked over at the girls sitting next to him. He had already told them about what he heard on the test. Was that cheating? Was he already disqualified?
A flash of lightning burst through the clouds and brightened the classroom in brilliant light.
“if you do not pass this exam, what awaits you will not be a first class education in the world at Cassel College, but a disqualification." Professor Manstein continued, "The exam will officially begin in three minutes, now turn off your cell phones and place them on the corners of your desks along with your student ID cards."
Celeste, Ruby and Porsche immediately complied, their dark hands moving in unison, like a set of three perfectly trained dancers. Tigre’s breath stilled at the sight.
Manstein tapped his wristwatch and a black curtain silently emerged from above the carved wooden windows. The classroom was dark for only a moment. At the same time the classroom wall lights jumped and flickered on, and Manstein walked along to give each new student an white paper and a sharpened pencil.
Tigre was suddenly wracked with uncertainty. If the test was wrestling a bear or climbing a cliff face, he would be very happy and confident. But this was nothing like he’d ever done before. He didn’t want to let Dr. Toyama down. If he failed he would be kicked out and he would never see the Doctor again!
A whisper made him look and the three girls were smiling and giving him a thumbs up. He nodded and took a deep breath to calm himself. Toyama said he would do fine. He just had to believe him.
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messinwitheddie · 4 years
The Unravelers current whereabouts
By @sketchydesertghost
In the modern era, The Weaver's swarm has followed Irkens into space. They unravel soldiers who are killed in battle or where unable to complete their invasion assignment. They have also taken to unraveling other species when the Irken Armada comes to attack. They do occasionally go back to Irk to play w/the smeets in the smeetery.
They're also found in the Massive where they sneak snacks from the Tallest when they're not looking. On more than one occasion Purple would be talking w/Yeet & turn around only to find an empty plate where a fresh stack of doughnuts had once been. He'd also catch a quick glance of a smeet turning the corner. When he himself would follow, there would be no one there, but the sound of giggling & tiny footsteps would still be heard. Red heard & saw them too when he was alive. He & Purple would mention their encounters, but not get too conversational about it. Red's experiences became more frequent as his death date drew closer, something that Purple does realize in hindsight. 
The Unravelers also hang around conquered planets, especially those that have been turned into snacking systems or places of entertainment, such as arcades. Frylords are well aware of The Unravelers. Stories of them stealing food have been passed through the centuries. In order to remedy this, they leave out extra food as an offering. New frylords usually scoff at such superstitious behavior only to have food go missing & their supplies mysteriously dwindling. In desperation, they leave an offering & the stealing stops. 
Just a little 'Where are they now?' story. I liked the idea of The Unravelers stealing Purple's doughnuts behind his back. I continued on from there.   
(The words to articulate how amazing I think all of this is just disappeared out of my brain AAAAAAHHHH!! So amazing!!
The curious unraveler smeets are the perfect blend of macabre and adorable.
Why do they take snacks? Is it to pass them along to hungry living beings? Is it to mimick the enjoysble behaviors of the living? Are they trying to get their thread-bearer's attention? Are they trying to remind the living their alive by playing harmless tricks?
It's adorable either way. Red was unraveled by good hands. ^^
And fun fact, (at least in my head canon) besides the Control Brains themselves, frylordx have thd most extensive knowledge of ancient Irk because of the hands-on training apprentices go through. Storytelling in the kitchen is an everliving tradition. Sizz-Lorr would proudly leave the Unravelers offerings and encourage Gir to do the same.)
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ckret2 · 5 years
And because I'm also curious, what is the weirdest thing you have had to learn/research for a story - to the point of "Damn, that's weird. Even for me"?
Every single time I’m writing a nonhuman character—like, say, a dragon, or a giant pteranodon made out of rocks, or a robotic spider—and I realize that the character is gonna be banging sometime soon and that means I have to put at least a little thought into the mechanics of how that works for their species, I have to go to google and type in “spider genitalia” and go please show me scientific diagrams and not weird horny things, please show me scientific diagrams and not weird horny things, please show me—
At this point, my weirdometer is broken. In the past year, off the top of my head, I’ve had to look up:
- what color smoke does a fish give off when you toss it in a volcano? (answer: boring gray smoke. I thought it might be black, which is why I checked, but nah.)
- almost a whole day on researching how volcanos melt rocks when magma is actually colder than their component rocks’ melting points (answer: the melting temperature of rocks is lowered when the pressure on them is reduced or when they’re mixed with water, both of which happens when rocks are forced up through the mantle toward a volcano)
- I was only looking up how rocks melt into magma because I was trying to figure out how to build a glass melting kiln and realized lava wasn’t hot enough to melt glass (much less rocks), so how does a fire get hot enough to melt glass? (answer: if you add extra oxygen to a fire it gets hotter, so you’ve gotta have some way to pump extra air over the fire fast enough to increase the heat but not so fast it also blows extra heat away)
- listen. listen I did… a lot of research on lava. (did you know that most volcanoes form on the borders of tectonic plates but a few come from tiny pinprick holes in the middle of tectonic plates instead? These are called “hotspot volcanoes” and Hawaii is one! The reason Hawaii is a long line of islands is because the tectonic plate on top of the hotspot keeps moving and so the volcano keeps punching new holes up through the plate! The biggest island is the newest and the smallest are the oldest & most eroded, and if you look off the southeast coast of Hawaii a new island is currently being formed by a volcano underwater, and if you look northwest off the coast of Hawaii there’s a bunch of eroded-away underwater islands going off in a dotted line! If you keep following it long enough at one point the underwater islands make an abrupt turn in a different direction because millions of years ago that’s when the tectonic plate Hawaii is on hit another plate and started floating in a different direction! Did you know that we didn’t even know tectonic plates existed until like the 60s?!)
- when was vaseline invented (patented in 1872; also it wasn’t “invented” so much as “discovered,” it’s a byproduct of pumping up oil)
- is it safe to put vaseline on snake junk (yes, in fact it’s often used by veterinarians when they have to prod around to figure out what a snake’s sex is)
- Which frequencies do AM and FM radio operate on, no the EXACT frequencies, how different are they from each other (AM is on 535 kHz to 1605 kHz, or 535 thousand Hz to 1,605 thousand Hz. FM is on 88 to 108 MHz or 88 million Hz to 108 million Hz. Humans can hear from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. A Hz, or Hertz, is basically “how many times does this thingy vibrate per second.” So the lowest AM frequencies are vibrating about 26 times faster than the highest sound a human can hear, and the lowest FM frequency vibrates about 55 times faster than the highest AM frequency)
- What was gay life in the 1920s in New Orleans like, no not the 1920s in San Francisco or New York I want New Orleans, no not what gay life in New Orleans is like today I want the 1920s, no not gay history in New Orleans back to the 1940s I want the 1920s and only the 1920s and specifically the 1920s, I will take earlier if you have it but don’t you dare try to tell me about the first gay Carnival krewe in 1958 again— (… this one’s a work in progress)
- how to translate “in the grass” from Old English into modern English in a way that lets you make a grass/grace pun in Middle English (as best I can work out, Old English for “in the grass” is “in þæm græse,” and græse evolved like græse > græs > gras > grass, where “gras” in Middle English is a potential spelling for either “grass” or “grace”)
- I mean, we’ve all had to look up “what were historically-used terms for queer people in the 30s/in the 20s/in the 10s/in the 1800s/etc” and then, tiredly, had to look up “were there any historically-used terms for queer people that don’t sound even more queerphobic than they did back then?” (Fun Victorian trivia: “Greek love” was used as code for gay love because Greek mythology was one of the only places where gay romance was readable—if you had a good enough education to learn that—because it’s Greek and therefore it’s Art and that makes it okay. Another late Victorian term, based on a now-outdated presumption of a correlation between gender identity and sexuality: “sexual inversion,” which means that a given person inverts the assumed gender roles for their assigned sex. So someone AMAB who’s called a sexual invert would, under this theory, be expected to act/dress/present as a woman AND want to/try to fulfill a woman’s gender roles AND would, “like a woman,” be sexually & romantically interested in men. Obviously, this is uhhhh, Not Good by modern standards—but it was an idea put forth by some of the first modern European psychologists to be like “the healthiest thing to do for these folks is let them live out the gender they say they are and to let them screw the way they wanna screw!” so it was an actual step in the right direction. AND it was put forth in an era when sexual preference wasn’t seen as something you’re hardwired or born with but as simply an action you can choose to pursue or not pursue, like deciding to participate in or not participate in a sport. As far as I can see this is one of the first European frameworks that presents queerness as something you are rather than something you do, so a step toward our general modern perception. What I don’t know is how widely the term was known/used in queer communities rather than in psychiatric circles.)
- Exactly how deep is Charles River in Boston (sorta 15 to 20 feet deep, it only gets deeper than 30 feet in a few small spots)
- Exactly how tall are the mountains around Death Valley (god I don’t wanna look this up again, thousands of feet, the tallest is like 11k feet)
- If you’re flying from New Zealand to Mexico but like, not in a plane, you’re just out there flying, what islands are in the area that you might pass over (if you don’t hit either French Polynesia or the Pitcairn Islands you’re kinda SOL until you reach the Galapagos. Also, all three of these island chains are over volcanic hotspots!)
- how fast can a bigass US battleship go (the bigassest ship the US Navy has is Nimitz-Class Aircraft Carriers and they can go 30 knots, which is 34 mph, which sucks. screw that, just get in a car and drive across the ocean)
So like. Aside from bracing in terror every time I have to google animal junk because I KNOW what nightmares are out there? It’s kinda hard to sort out what’s weirder than the rest, because like. I’ve gotta look up everything. Nothing’s weird when everything’s on the table.
Speaking of the potential nightmare-inducing potential of researching animal junk: I wasn’t even looking for this information, I was trying to find out what the breeding season for deer is, but this is what I found out: did you know that when male deer are planning to go get laid, they bend their heads down and pee on their own faces?
You, you know exactly what character had me doing deer research in the first place.
If I have to be haunted by this unwanted unasked-for knowledge, so does everyone else.
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almostarchaeology · 6 years
Archaeotrolling the Wall
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By Adrián Maldonado
There’s been a lot of commentary over the weekend on the effect of two years of the Trump presidency. One overlooked aspect of this is the surprising amount of archaeology-related activism that has arisen over the same period. From peer-reviewed takedowns of populism to fact-checking Trump’s theory of ‘wheels and walls’, archaeology has become one of the most consistent methods used to troll Trump.
The most interesting part about this is that it is not only archaeologists who are archaeotrolling Trump. The best example of this is the way journalists have begun reading up on the famous border walls of history. They have not done so of their own volition, of course, but because of Trump’s repeated misuse of ancient monuments to lend justification to one of his signature campaign promises. It is one of the most obvious ways in which archaeology is being dragged into current events, and thus deserves comment as ‘pop culture’ archaeology.
Trump’s argument for the wall has increasingly relied on citing historical walls, both specific (the Great Wall of China) and nonspecific (“medieval”), as precedent. It is the kind of ‘common sense’ argument that sounds legit as long as you don’t think about it. In response, several news sources have found themselves rushing to slap together short pieces on famous historical walls (usually just the ‘big three’: Great Wall, Hadrian’s, and Berlin), in which some light Wikipedia research is dressed up as fact-checking. But even a cursory reading of past border walls quickly allows journalists to troll Trump’s intentions. Archaeology is powerful this way.
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Famous walls of history
Notably, several scholars of archaeology, anthropology and history have also taken part in this trend, whether by being cited in these pieces, or having original pieces published in news outlets. Denigrating Trump’s Wall using facts and a long-term perspective is now a whole subgenre of political commentary and is allowing archaeology to take centre-stage in matters of global import.
However, it should also be clear by now that the combined heft of these pieces have not remotely dissuaded Trump or his base from believing that the Wall is a good idea. So this subgenre of journalism is due a bit of source criticism. Here follows a preliminary, non-scientific survey of online news and commentary on ‘famous walls of history’ in light of the Trump Wall.
I am choosing here to divide the genre into two groups – those led by journalists (including some with academic credentials, but whose main output is through an online periodical) and those led by academics (whether in a blog or periodical). This is to roughly distinguish between public archaeology (in which experts share knowledge for public benefit), and the reception of archaeology by the public (in this case, journalists).
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History via Google search (source)
Much of this work consists of little more than going through the ‘big three’ in turn, conflating three very different times and places in the assumption that a wall is a wall.
Why Trump’s comparison of his wall to the Great Wall of China makes no sense 
8 March 2016 – early in 2016, when Trump was by no means the frontrunner in the Republican primaries, he began making outlandish comparisons between his wall and the Great Wall of China. In response, Michelle Ye Hee Lee put together a fact-checking piece for the Washington Post highlighting some unsavoury aspects of the famous world wonder. “Labor conditions were so appalling that some 400,000 people are estimated to have died building the wall…through most of Chinese history, the wall was a negative symbol of oppression, cruelty and death…the wall as a symbol of strength and resourcefulness is a part of the myth and misconception of its true history.”
The walls before Trump’s Wall
11 December 2016 – long read by Thomas de Monchaux (design and architecture critic) for the New Yorker. Shows he’s accessed good scholarship on Hadrian’s Wall, pointing out all the ways its design shows it was not meant as a hard border. Concludes with some incisive archaeotrolling: “some distant Anglo-American memory of [Hadrian’s Wall] may help to explain the political power behind the idea of a wall—even as theories suggest that this wall’s purpose may have been very different, perhaps directly opposite, from that of the wall evoked by our President-elect.”
How Trump’s Wall compares to other famous walls
25 January 2017 – Cheap rundown of the ‘big three’ for BBC Newsbeat, featuring embarrassing graphics about which is the longest and the tallest with barely hidden phallic undertones, which I’m sure Trump would actually retweet.
Trump’s Wall vs the Great Wall of China, Hadrian’s Wall and the Berlin Wall
29 January 2017 – off-the-shelf roundup of the ‘big three’ again for a history news blog, including howlers like “Hadrian’s Wall was built as a defensive measure to keep out nomadic tribes, in this instance the Picts of Scotland”. (Fact-check: Scotland did not have ‘nomadic tribes’, nor was the wall built as a defensive measure against nomadism, nor did the Picts exist in the second century.)
The history of walls is long. Here’s where Donald Trump fits in
30 January 2017 – Time correspondent Olivia B. Waxman provides a very hazy history of no specific ancient walls, but does better in modern times. Notes that walls attract and bind communities of their own, as seen in the afterlife of the Berlin Wall. Sadly ends on the facile lesson that walls are some kind of inevitable social logic: “one thing is certain: walls are not going anywhere…it’s an impulse that’s only human.”
What can Scotland teach Donald Trump about walls?
2 Feb 2017 – featuring yours truly. I was approached by a reporter during this wave of wall histories for a lighthearted feature on BBC Scotland. The focus was on the lesser-known Antonine Wall, and marks its only appearance in this list. Abandoned by the Romans after little more than a generation, “The Antonine Wall is the epitome of a symbolic victory.”
The (anthropological) truth about walls
7 February 2017 – In a post for the Anthropology in Practice blog on Scientific American, Krystal D’Acosta uses a few ancient walls, but mostly Hadrian’s Wall, to troll Trump’s vision of a wall as a hard border. “As a concept, the idea of a wall suggests permanence, security and identity. Physical boundaries help define people by establishing a shared experience of place and time. But this is a very simplistic view of national barricades. It overlooks the ways in which these monuments function as sites of exchange, and the ways in which they generate their own experience of identity and place.” Negative points for, again, mistakenly making the Picts into Hadrian’s antagonists.
The fears that fueled an ancient border wall
26 April 2017 – decent history of Hadrian’s Wall by Carly Silver for the Smithsonian, with Trump slotted in as the lede. Featuring guest appearance by wallchaeologist Rob Collins, but despite expert advice still manages to make the mistake that Hadrian was fighting the Picts, who, again, did not exist yet. Valuable observation that it was fear, not strength, which fueled Hadrian.
What walls mean from Hadrian to Trump
2 May 2017 – another flying survey of walls through time from the BBC, but does well to cover the modern wall-mania sweeping the world beyond Trump. “Of course, walls remain practically rather useless barriers, rendered increasingly obsolete by new technologies like drones. Yet they clearly retain their psychological value as demarcations of a dream of purity, keeping out all those threats to self-identity.”
Building walls may have allowed civilization to flourish
5 October 2018 – National Geographic featured this interview with David Frye, author of Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick. Judging solely from this summary, it is clear the author equates wall-building with ‘civilization’, splitting peoples into ‘wallers’ and everyone else, denigrating those who didn’t build empires as the uncultured losers of history. In doing so, he ends up parroting the propaganda of emperors and autocrats through time.
Undergirding all the above commentary were the archaeologists and anthropologists who have weighed in, producing new pieces rather than waiting to be approached by journalists. Notable here is how early these voices began to weigh in, many well before Trump was elected president. Here in the ‘expert’ column I am including early career and student voices which have joined the fray.
How Trump’s Wall would trample hundreds of archaeological sites
21 March 2016 – One of the first to enter the field was public archaeologist Kristina Killgrove in her widely-read Forbes column. Here she drew attention to the violence the Wall would perpetrate upon indigenous heritage, a symbol of the ethnocentric agenda that embodied the Trump campaign.
The Wall: a monument to the nation-state
17 April 2016 – Maximilian Forte, Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Concordia University, for his Zero Anthropology blog – the densest academic tone of the pieces reviewed here, a rebuke against those that rail against Trump's 'fascism' while ignoring the forces of globalisation and neoliberalism that brought us to Trump. Some alarming rhetoric about 'globalists' and George Soros, though, and the 'Let’s watch and see' conclusion certainly did not age well.
Hole(s) in the wall: Trump’s implausible solution to the problem of immigration
22 July 2016 - Rosemary Mitchell, Professor of Victorian Studies at Leeds Trinity University, punctures the myth that Hadrian’s Wall separated civilisation from barbaricum, but in fact acted as an “economic magnet for people and goods”, similar to the way the actual southern border in America currently acts. Negative points, and I can’t believe I have to say this again, because the wall is said to border onto the Picts, which, how many times can I say this, did not exist for the first two centuries in the life of Hadrian’s Wall.
For five millennia, politicians have proposed walls like Trump’s. They don’t work
29 July 2016 – Adam T. Smith, Professor of Anthropology at Cornell University, takes us straight back to Mesopotamia for some top-notch fact-based archaeotrolling, where “walls were spectacular failures…Barrier walls are not simply clumsy, imprecise solutions to problems of population movement, past and present; they also represent a catastrophic failure of political imagination endemic to totalitarian thinking.”
Archaeology in Trump’s America: borders, immigration, and revolutionary remembering
10 November 2016 – a fiery call to action from PhD candidate Patricia Markert, published on Binghamton University’s public archaeology blog, just days after the election in 2016. “Contemporary archaeology of the border opens spaces to critically engage those who fear undocumented migration in new conversations that include real people rather than abstract villains, foster empathy rather than hate, and lead to constructive conversations about immigration policy in our country…Trump’s discourse is one of forgetting, and a dangerous one at that. Archaeology is a discipline of remembering, and that may be one of the most revolutionary tools we have for the fight ahead.”
Trump, Brexit and the archaeology of exclusion
10 November 2016 – across the Atlantic, PhD candidate Cait Scott also submitted her take on the catastrophic politics of 2016 for her blog Archaeology Stories right after Trump’s election. Linking Trump’s unsubtle wall with Brexit’s conceptual walling off of Britain from Europe, she notes their symbolism is directed inward. “Imagined safety, though, is a seductive idea; the election of Trump and the Brexit referendum results demonstrate its power. The manipulation and misuse of immigration narratives by politicians legitimises and reinforces the desire in everyday people for this imagined safety.”
The Trump Wall in archaeological perspective
14 November 2016 – An archaeological volley written soon after the election in November 2016. Howard Williams, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Chester, argues that we can use history to understand Trump’s Wall, but we can also use Trump to help us understand archaeology. Extra credit for introducing the early medieval Offa’s Dyke, which rarely makes it into the discussion but may be one of the closest archaeological parallels to Trump’s Wall. “Was Offa’s hegemonic project incomplete or subverted once it was realised just how unsustainable it was as an enduring frontier work?” One of the few blogs cited here that has crossed over into academic literature, cited by Gardner in his archaeological reflections on Brexit.
Clovis anthropologist challenges Trump’s Wall
7 April 2017 - Manuel Peña, in an editorial for the Fresno Bee, argues that we forget the past when we wall it off. "I happen to be a descendant of the colonists who first settled the Texas side of the river. We did not immigrate to this country: it migrated to us… the promotion of the wall is at base a symptom of the historical amnesia that defines a surging neo-nativist ideology. Besides denying the diverse origins of our nation, this nativism is of a piece with the ethnocentric/racial intolerance that rages through several European countries at this moment."
How walls like Trump’s destroy the past and threaten the future
24 October 2017 - Andrew Roddick, Associate Professor of Anthropology, McMaster University submitted a post on The Conversation on the problems that come with walls throughout history. Archaeological perspective advises us “to carefully think about the material impact of fear and xenophobia…anthropologists and archaeologists working with contemporary migration issues demonstrate that the costs of such walls can have long-term unintended consequences, including an increase in violence and insecurity.”
Crossing between the Great Wall of China and the ‘Great’ Trump Wall
14 November 2017 – the only journal publication I’ll mention here as it is open access. Mimi Yang, Professor of Modern Languages and Asian Studies at Carthage College goes far beyond the usual explainer about the Great Wall of China, producing a meditation on the fundamental difference between the Great Wall as the violent establishment of a new empire, and Trump’s Wall as the dying cough of an imperial era. “The Trump Wall has its foundation cemented on fear, bigotry, and above all, fundamental intolerance for difference.”
How do the walls around the world function differently?
2 December 2018 – This is a student blog submitted as part of coursework for ANTH 100 at Vassar College, but credit for being one of the few to discuss the anthropology of modern walls. “Hungary and Slovenia are two countries with the region’s largest expanse of fences. …It is revealed that people living near these barriers often find that they serve little purpose and can be psychologically damaging.”
Hadrian’s Wall, education and the heritage presenced in US ‘security’ and immigration policy
5 December 2018 - A short case study by Chiara Bonacchi, Lecturer in Heritage at Stirling University. This snippet text-mines 1000 tweets mentioning Trump and Hadrian’s Wall, showing that the public forges links between them, even if only as defensive barriers and not as “places of encounter” as wallchaeologists might prefer. Notably, these tweets often refer to Brexit as well. “It is a wall that divides, but also connects regions and peoples who are experiencing populist nationalism today… it remains a powerful but contested image and heritage site, of great resonance in today’s world.”
Trump says medieval walls worked. They didn’t
10 January 2019 - In late 2018, Trump began mentioning nonspecific ‘medieval’ walls as proof that walls always work, prompting medievalists to enter the fray. Matthew Gabriele, Professor of Medieval Studies at Virginia Tech went straight to one of America’s leading newspapers. “[C]alling the proposed 700 to 1,200 mile border wall ‘medieval’ is deeply misleading because walls in the actual European Middle Ages simply did not work the way Trump apparently thinks they did. If anything, their true function may speak to Trump’s intentions: Poor tools of defense, medieval walls had more to do with reassuring those who lived inside them than with dividing self from other.”
The Wall isn’t medieval
11 January 2019 – Gabriele was soon joined by David Perry for CNN, reinforcing the point that Trump’s use of the term medieval is not just lazy, but shows how wall-logic appeals to those with the least historical awareness, and along the way, gets in some exquisite fact-based burns. “[T]he wall won’t work – not because it’s a throwback to imagined medieval barbarism, but because it’s a con.”
What works, and what doesn’t
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It is clear from the above charts that the academic-led responses largely preceded the journalists’ interests, and have carried on continuously, responding dynamically as Trump shifts his narrative. It shows that archaeologists and anthropologists are actively fulfilling their responsibility for public education. In comparison, journalists really began to take interest when it was too late, in response to one of Trump’s first acts as president, the Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements executive order which formally directed the government to seek funding and design proposals for a physical barrier along the southern border.
And while this survey begins in 2016, archaeologists and anthropologists have been trolling the impulse to build border walls for years. For instance, on this very blog, I wrote an exasperated piece bemoaning the abuses of Hadrian’s Wall in the run-up to the Scottish independence referendum of 2014, as did Britain’s eminent wallchaeologist, Richard Hingley, for The Conversation. Long before 2014, the work of Laura McAtackney and many others around the Belfast ‘Peace Walls’ has shown the value of recording the human effects of walling people from one another in real time.
On the other side of the Atlantic, archaeotrolling the Border Wall takes us much further back to its first major fortification (fencification?) during the xenophobic Cheney presidency. No discussion of archaeotrolling is complete without mention of Jason de León’s Undocumented Migration Project, with its devastating revelations of the violence perpetrated by fortifying borders. Similarly, the Migrant Quilt Project materialises the human costs of a fortified border, promoting cooperation and understanding. David Taylor’s photography has documented the border’s transformation from imaginary line to irrational severing of living communities since 2007.
All these projects put the focus squarely on the people and communities terrorised by the Wall, but also their continued resistance to it. As activist archaeologist Randall McGuire put it in 2013, the wall unintentionally “enables agency that the builders did not imagine or desire, and crossers continually create new ways to transgress the barrier.”
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‘Walled In’ by John Cuneo (source)
So what hasn’t worked? It is clear that despite decades of archaeotrolling border walls, dating back to the days when Trump was known only as a walking reminder of failed 80s economic policies, the urge to build them has not abated, and has in fact increased. Despite demonstrating “A Wall Is an Impractical, Expensive, and Ineffective Border Plan” way back in November 2016, here we are, still debating it two years into the Trump era.
The problem lies with walls’ own brutal physicality. We can academically deconstruct these ancient walls all we want, but we are at the same time always told that they are wonders to be marvelled at. The way they remain standing after millennia gives them an obviousness that is blinding. Their recurring role in history makes them seem inevitable, as several of the pieces listed here concluded. And even those with the best intentions, even a fair few of the experts listed above, are hoodwinked by the mythical quality of the stories that grow up around these walls – like the notion that Hadrian’s Wall was ever seen as the end of the Roman Empire, and that it was put up against Pictish aggression, when it would be more accurate to say that Roman frontier policies created the Picts.
In his Myth of Nations, Geary called ethnic nationalism the 'poison' of modern history, but these famous walls seem to exude the same venom. Border walls are the toxic waste of empire, spread around the globe by short-sighted regimes with no regard for the future, which continue to poison us and cloud our view of the foibles of the human past by their stubborn monumentality. If Trump gets his wall, it will not only be his legacy, but all of ours. Don’t pollute the future with another one.
Follow us on @AlmostArch 
The title image is not my creation, but an unwitting self-parody by the president himself; I’d rather not link to his Twitter account, so read this instead.
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riyaraj-19 · 2 years
The Best Elevator Companies in 2022
Picking the right lifts for your structure is an overwhelming errand. You want to find a lift that has every one of the capabilities you want as well as being protected, dependable, and simple to utilize. There are many elevator industries in pune that offers their own special advantages and innovation which we'll investigate in this article.
As our general surroundings modernizes and changes, lifts are the same. They transport north of a billion workers consistently, and in this way, there is a major drive to upgrade the time use related with these frameworks. With the assistance of consolidating new innovation for lifts, savvy lifts can cut travel time by a normal of half. With frameworks like Kisi Access Control, you can oversee and keep up with your lifts all the more proficiently.
Access control frameworks oversee building access and footfall to guarantee everybody's wellbeing. Furthermore, it considers a no-hands access framework - bringing about a cleaner and better climate.
To assist you with finding the right lifts for your structure, we assembled this rundown of the top lift brands in 2021.
1. Otis
An illustration of Otis lift
The Otis lift is generally recognized as truly outstanding on the planet. These lifts can be found in famous structures, for example, the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building, and Burj Khalifa.
The harmony among style and maintainability makes these lifts so famous. Riding in one of these lifts makes a sense that everything is safe and secure and extravagance.
Otis utilizes Standby ETA+, LED lighting, and ReGen drives, which decreases their energy utilization by 60%. Likewise, they utilize 98% less oil than most organizations, making their lifts considerably more eco-accommodating.
2. Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi Electric is one of the more current lift brands. Notwithstanding, their ground breaking innovation makes them one of the top lift brands in the US.
They hold records for having the absolute tallest and quickest lifts on the planet and keep on stretching the boundaries of lift innovation. Regardless of being centered around more quick, fresher innovation, Mitsubishi lifts guarantee that the wellbeing of their lifts is among the best. This brand is well versed in lifts for business structures and modern plants.
3. Schindler
The starting points of Schindler date back to 1874, making it one of the most established and most believed organizations in the lift space. You will track down their lifts everywhere, in places of business, shopping centers, air terminals, and other all around trampled regions.
The Schindler brand centers around making lifts that are protected, easy to use and agreeable for all to utilize. The elevator industries in pune thoroughly test their innovation to guarantee proficiency and unwavering quality.
4. Kone
Kone is a Finnish organization that works in mechanical or modern designing. They give driving lifts based on the groundwork of satisfying a reasonable obligation for the structure instead of stylish allure. This organization got its situation as one of the top lift brands on the planet by zeroing in on the progression of individuals.
Kone understood that each building has its own extraordinary traffic stream, and their lifts are designed to help this. This takes into consideration more cognizant designing and a superior item.
Moreover, Kone has been making lifts for north of 100 years, so they are knowledgeable in furnishing refined arrangements and managing complex designing issues.
Lift industry incorporates the structure of transport gadgets used to life materials or people in a ceaseless stream. It is a fundamental and essential gadget utilized in business and private structures, as well as modern purposes.
A lift (in North American English)[1] or lift (in Commonwealth English)[2] is a sort of link helped, water powered chamber helped, or roller-track helped machine that in an upward direction transports individuals or cargo between floors, levels, or decks of a structure, vessel, or other construction. They are ordinarily controlled by electric engines that drive foothold links and stabilizer frameworks like a derrick, albeit a siphon water powered liquid to raise a round and hollow cylinder like a jack.
In farming and assembling, a lift is any sort of transport gadget used to lift materials in a constant stream into receptacles or storehouses. A few kinds exist, for example, the chain and can lift, grain drill screw transport utilizing the guideline of Archimedes' screw, or the chain and oars or forks of roughage lifts. Dialects other than English, like Japanese, may allude to lifts by loanwords in view of one or the other lift or lift. Because of wheelchair access regulations, lifts are many times a legitimate necessity in new multistory structures, particularly where wheelchair slopes are unrealistic.
Lift Dealers
Sellers of All kinds of Spares, Stockiest Of all driving brands in lift world.
Lift Manufacturing
Assembling of Tech. Determined Elevator Components and enclosure.
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nightbearers · 6 years
LFRP : Apa Zenko (U’Apa Tia)
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[ Is pretty long sorry ;A; ]
NAME: Apa Zenko
AGE: ?? (He never seems to say or jokes about it)
RACE: Miqo’te
ETHNICITY: Seeker of the Sun
SEXUALITY: Unknown (He’s never given it thought)
SERVER: Balmung
Always seems to wear a mask
One of the seemingly few miqo’te with green hair
Appears to sound sleepy most of the time
Slightly taller then the average of tallest male Miqo’te
Above average tail floof, but not extreme floof
The bangs swooped to the side of his face are actually longer completely covering his blind eye. Or in his case the mask lens.
Apa appears to have a very high aetherial level
His aura/aether appears to be a mixture of pure white, black, gold, and light teal that swirl actively.
His aura/aether feels calming, warm, collected, and soothing
He apparently made someone’s aetherial level scanner explode--pleasenoexplodethingsonkitty.
He’s had a past issue where a voidsent thought he looked like a buffet table...Pleasenoeatkitty.
PROFESSION: Questionable Scientist, Researcher, and mage
HOBBIES: experimentation, technological advancements, spellcraft
BIRTHPLACE: Forgotten Springs
FEARS: losing anything deemed important
extroverted / introverted /in between
disorganized / organized /in between
close minded /open-minded/ in between
calm/ anxious / in between
disagreeable /agreeable/ in between
cautious/ reckless/ in between
patient/ impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved /in between
empathetic/ unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic /in between
traditional/ modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured /in between
loyal/ disloyal / in between
faithful/ unfaithful / in between
Potential clientele, potential business partners, general contacts,  casual interactions, long term interactions, potential FC involvement etc. I am not too picky about if you’re a paragrapher or one liners, so long as there is much communication OOC when needed and many fun times I am content.
OOC Notes––––
I am lore flexible as long as you don’t do anything too crazy.
If you are lore strict I can easily not mention many things, since Apa is mysterious by nature anyways. Please inform me beforehand.
I am on Pacific time and only RP on Balmung or Discord.
Any Discord RP will become canon to my character AFTER it is completed.
Any Discord RP will be canon to my character in game--no alternate universe separating discord from actual game please.
I’m fine with generally all types of RP--but if somehow you manage to get to the point with Apa (HAHgoodluck) that would involve ERP it will be fade to black.
Any long term imprisonment, kidnapping, slave driving or likewise will have to be discussed beforehand.
Any severing of limbs, sever wounding physical or mental, death, etc must be talked about. Generally the answer will be no.
If you wish to RP with Apa to further a stuck plot point or give it a little nudge that is perfectly fine with me. Just tell me what you’re looking for and I’ll tell you if he may have that information or know where to get such.
I am a fan of game and discord RP--discord RP especially as I can reply on phone or other devices.
Apa’s a rather ‘old’ character in the sense of creation, dating back to 2015. He’s got a good nice chunk of development on him, but I’d love to develop him even more as he’s enjoyable to RP. (Specially if he’s comfortable enough around current party to ‘be himself’.)
Please note that things my character may say, do, think, etc. are to that character and not relating to me the Player. Do not mix IC and OOC.
Doctor and Healer: Apa is a healer in both typical and aetherial sense. Alchemy, magics, surgeries, mechanical--he’s got an idea for many things. He stands on neutral grounds so long as he is paid by either trade, information, or gil he will heal. Even if the client in question is a villain or enemy to many. Routine checkups and files can be kept depending on how long someone wishes for his services.
A Mage in many Fields: Apa is studied in many fields of magic and understanding of aether. He specializes in defensive and supportive magics such as barriers, wards, enhancements, disabling and sabotage. While not a stranger to offensive spells, he doesn’t seem to prefer them.
Equipment Enchanter: Sword too boring and bland for you? Wish you could chuck it and have it sing through the air like an arrow--but also be able to call it back to you with a slight charge of aether? Look no further! With enough pay in coin, information, or materials--you too can have your weapons or armors or even your kitchen sink magically enchanted. *Depending on what you want to enchant onto anything whether it be for story or personal use a typical trade off may happen in the event of one-shot RP to gather materials required for more advance types.
Fountain of Knowledge: Apa has studied many things, experimented with many things, performed many things, and successfully done what others would think impossible or questionable. Not only does he have such knowledge, but he is capable of understanding and translating into Common Eorzean, Doman, Hingan, the language of the steppes, Garlean, and Ancient Allagan. He is shotty with the Seawolf language and a hit/miss with dragonic. While there are some things impossible for him to know or find out, he gets by. With enough coin, material, information, or persuasion you too can get information out of catman!
Morally Grey: While he does not parade around shouting to the world his questionable deeds, his view on many things are morally grey. From ‘illegal’ and ‘questionable’ experimentation with both technology and magic to actions. One never truly knows what this cat means or why he does what he does and perhaps no one will ever know.
Masked Cat: Apa is always wearing a mask in Eorzean territories. Rumor has it someone once tried to demask him in public, only to find another mask right under!
Odd Behavior: Apa is difficult to explain, and best experienced in small doses. Or large ones if you don’t catch him in a ‘playful’ mood. Snark, Sass, and trolling may arise from this smartass. Be warned!
Walk up and chat!: Apa doesn’t bite he’s pretty laid back and easy to talk to or ask for company from. He will not talk much about himself, and if he does you may want to question if he speaks truth or not!
Tumblr Messages
In-game on Balmung
Discord (Send a message via tumblr for it)
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karingudino · 4 years
A tall order | Irrigation and Green Industry Magazine
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There’s a typical saying about having to hike uphill to and from faculty or work, enduring a tricky trek with out the assistance of contemporary conveniences.
Mike Garcia, sustainability knowledgeable and founding father of Enviroscape LA Landscapes, Redondo Seashore, California, put his crew’s toughness to the check with a current hardscape and pond challenge that required a number of hand-digging and climbing flights of stairs with a great deal of filth. Though his crew may need felt like this challenge required them to trek uphill each methods, the outcome gave his purchasers the sensation of strolling on water.
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Garcia, who has been a panorama contractor for 40 years, obtained his begin gardening and mowing lawns in highschool. He moved on to get his diploma in decorative horticulture. As he developed his enterprise, he began to note that he obtained higher outcomes along with his work when utilizing fewer chemical substances and specializing in creating all the panorama with a view towards permaculture.
That apply continues into his present initiatives, the place he works on landscaping and hardscaping components that mix and help one another, he says.
Discovering methods to attach these completely different elements of the panorama requires having a stable understanding of what each bit entails. That’s very true when working with hardscaping and a pond.
“There’s nothing extra enjoyable than to have a koi pond, however I actually must qualify what folks actually need,” he says. “You actually must know your definitions and be in your recreation.”
Garcia had labored with these purchasers prior to now doing panorama work earlier than they began working by the concept of putting in a koi pond to offset a high-stress job. A structured, pure house may assist relieve some stress with out the necessity for blood strain treatment. It solely made sense to start out the dialog with Garcia.
On the lookout for cues
Discovering the best hardscaping and pond design wasn’t as simple as simply ordering off a menu. It’s extra much like going to get a haircut, he says, the place a seasoned skilled works on their craft day-after-day. When prospects are available in, they usually know what they need, however they don’t know the identical jargon or technical work that goes into that. “All this language, it’s simply meaningless to them,” Garcia says. Beginning with reference photos will get you a lot additional alongside in each conditions, whether or not you’re in search of an inviting out of doors residing house or a mohawk.
It additionally provides you visible cues which can be helpful in figuring out precisely what the shopper is actually after, he says. “Whenever you see an image, you resonate with it,” he says. “You’ll be able to see the look of their eyes, once they mild up. That’s when you recognize you’re on the best path.”
That is one space the place new know-how has helped, as Garcia used to result in 10 albums of pictures to shopper conferences to gauge reactions, he says. There are not any shortcuts to getting at what the shopper is after. It takes time to work with a shopper to get the rules for the design and discipline expertise to have the ability to clarify what’s concerned in getting the challenge to that time.
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The purchasers had been in search of an immersive expertise, the place a customer may get the sense of strolling over the water’s floor. As they talked concerning the hardscape and pond design, the purchasers frolicked trying by pictures and visited public areas to get extra concepts for what they wished of their yard. The home had extra of a contemporary inside, so a full natural design would look misplaced, Garcia says. “They had been in search of a extra fashionable, modern design.”
One of many tallest obstacles for the general design was simply top itself. From the road, the shopper’s home appears to be like like a single-story design. Nevertheless it really extends down two extra tales, with the yard set on the bottom flooring. The house had no out of doors or automobile entry from neighboring yards, blocked by concrete. The one level of entry was by three stairwells main again as much as road degree. That meant that every one the supplies needed to be carried by hand right down to the job web site, and all of the eliminated soil needed to be carried up and out.
“There’s actually no technique to get equipment or a Bobcat again there,” Garcia says. “You haven’t any thought how heavy soil is till you’ve obtained to hold about 30 cubic yards of it up three flights of stairs.”
The crew needed to dig by hand, then carry the 5-gallon buckets throughout the yard, up three flights of stairs by the home, to the entrance yard and the bin on the street, he says.
“It could’ve been good to have a helicopter,” he jokes.
Taking over a challenge with these sorts of restrictions wasn’t going to be a straightforward promote to his crew, however Garcia stayed in contact along with his workers and made plans to verify they might be as much as the duty. The work wasn’t set to be achieved through the hottest a part of the summer time, and the cooler temperatures made the work slightly bit extra manageable. He additionally scheduled the challenge to have work achieved each few days reasonably than each single day to stagger the heavy work out and provides the crew time to get better. The lunches supplied on robust days didn’t damage, both.
“You simply don’t wish to put on your guys out as a result of they’re human,” he says. “They respect figuring out that you’ve got their again.”
An interactive design
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The precise design of the koi pond and hardscaping was achieved by placing Garcia’s previous expertise to work, utilizing the sketched-out plans from the purchasers. “The client had a number of religion in what was getting into,” he says. They wished a singular, interactive expertise that introduced a customer up near the water. That lined up with Garica’s traditional strategy of incorporating water in his panorama and hardscaping areas. “Any time you do a water function, you need it to be ‘in your face.’ You need it to be as interactive as doable and as near the home as doable. You need your shopper to work together with it,” he says. “This case is extra artwork than simply constructing a field, so it made it tougher.”
Garcia used tile and stone to border the pond, bringing the refined edges of a contemporary look to a pure view. However the design stayed related to extra natural roots, with uneven going through of the blocks making up the partitions of the pond and waterfall. “Having it unfinished gave it an earthiness,” he says. One other a part of the pond’s framework incorporates wooden patio flooring to convey one other texture in. The hardscaping grew to become one of the vital interactive components with a sequence of sq. stepping stones nearly at water top throughout the pond, bringing the customer up shut and private with the resident koi and the sequence of waterfalls.
The highest pond and waterfall are utterly decorative as a backdrop, he says.
The decrease pond is 4 toes deep and has filtration to maintain the water clear and the koi blissful. Garcia selected tile and stonework that may react and emphasize their colour when moist, given the shut proximity to the water.
“That provides it some wow issue. Anyone can dig a gap and throw in a liner and put some water down,” he says. “They pay you to be an artist, so that is artwork.”
The design incorporates landscaping by a number of decorative crops and flowers dropped at the water’s edge with the stonework. It additionally meant being aware of a neighbor’s set of hedges close by. The pond needed to be positioned far sufficient away in order that when the hedge was trimmed, clippings wouldn’t fill both pond and require cleansing.
“I’ve seen jobs the place they put these proper up subsequent to hedges,” Garcia says. “It’s a must to take into consideration issues like future upkeep.”
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Garcia’s design stored a small patch of grass close by in addition to a spot for the shopper’s small canine, however he wished to strategy it with a water-conscious focus, he says. The house is irrigated utilizing dripline to maintain water utilization nicely throughout the area’s restrictions and to make sure the water is utilized exactly the place he wished it.
In the long run, Garcia’s crew gained an award from the California Panorama Contractors Affiliation for the challenge.
Planning forward
Hardscaping work might be troublesome as a result of it’s simple for contractors to shortchange themselves for the quantity of labor that’s being achieved, Garcia says. For a challenge like a hardscaped pond and out of doors residing house, a contractor wants to recollect each step of the work that must be accomplished and consider the price.
“You’ve obtained to know, you want guys to dig that gap and transfer the soil,” he says.
Meaning ensuring early within the course of that the shopper is conscious of the potential value of the challenge and is ready to afford it, he says. That’s a part of ensuring the shopper is aware of what comes with a hardscaped out of doors residing house, particularly with a water function concerned.
“It’s crucial to teach your shopper on expectations,” Garcia says. “I all the time inform folks that algae will occur, fish will die. However you need to inform them so that they don’t arrange false expectations.”
Guaranteeing that purchasers know preserve the residing house and options will assist them benefit from the challenge for years to return and show you how to preserve them as a longterm shopper as nicely.
The writer is editor-in-chief of Irrigation & Inexperienced Trade and might be reached at [email protected].
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source https://fikiss.net/a-tall-order-irrigation-and-green-industry-magazine/ A tall order | Irrigation and Green Industry Magazine published first on https://fikiss.net/ from Karin Gudino https://karingudino.blogspot.com/2020/12/a-tall-order-irrigation-and-green.html
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demandanomc · 5 years
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Los Dangeles 9.2: Completions and Replacements Hey everyone, I'm back with a new update! Like with the previous update, the rigid section-by-section concept that has been going since the beginning has gone completely out the window. Therefore, there are a few different areas that have been updated. (I won't be listing every tiny change because that would be a long list... and I've forgotten some of them) Central Hotel - The BH has been replaced by two towering skyscrapers, one that is a hotel, and a taller one (tallest in the city) apartment block. But don't fear, visitors, the swimming pool has been put underground and is now a lot larger, has a diving board, and a Jacuzzi. All the modern marvels that a discerning traveller would require. Central Library - The Central Library has also been completely rebuilt, now with an adjoining office tower and trees on the roof, the Library has been more than doubled in size to spread the gift of knowledge even further. The Sub-Surface Connection - As part of the redevelopment, the Hotel, Library, and all the Central stations have been linked by a subsurface shopping and dining arcade, providing a covered walk to Central Station. Also, Central Library has received a new entrance, and Central Station has gained 4 new platforms for terminating trams. Amsterdan - Phase 2 of Amsterdan is now complete, so the entire delightful area is now built out to provide an oasis of calm in the middle of the city. Other things include an expansion to the eventual tram system, and an area of development currently in Phase 1 adjacent to LD Mall. That's all for now my dudes, see you next time :)
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
When someone in charge of their particular operates and also job it assists a country to create any sociable plus economical progress surroundings. Now college students usually are confident and have a feeling of good results to join higher education soon after prosperous realization education instruction. Modern manages to graduate were being a lesser amount of eager compared to old graduated pupils, only the current graduated pupils who seem to acquired a lot more than 50,Thousand with loans had been less likely so that you can agree their particular degrees had been really worth the things they paid for. Even though getting accepted right into a good higher education is an excellent get started, each student themselves need to be encouraged, accomplished, and creative so as to make importance of the price tag and become effective. This shows the necessity for lots more people to venture to school to acquire a college degree because doing so receives these a position that should grow their income by means of 20 to 30 million money.
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Which creates me personally to my latest issue: How will i convince college students honest safe music downloads of which institution will be worth the while? Instructors let you choose a certain part. Based on Clayton (The new year), “Individuals with bachelor’s qualifications receive concerning 60 % above people that have only a school degree or diploma, whom consequently receive regarding Forty percent above senior high school dropouts.” This kind of truth will provide a powerful incentive for kids to wish to venture to college, being more productive economically than others that happen to be a lesser amount of qualified. Jill’s tale is like that regarding so many of my personal alternative pupils which function themselves into fatigue merely to be around in college. Kravitz connected George as much as a device in which measured his brain surf. Being a university as well as student, you will notice precisely how important it’s to comprehend people.
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wheresanne · 6 years
The Ultimate Guide to Naju: 50 Places to Visit in Naju in South Jeolla
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Where's Naju?
Naju (나주시) is a small populated "city" in South Jeolla Province, South Korea. The capital of South Jeolla was located at Naju until it was moved to Gwangju in 1895. The name Jeolla (전라) actually originates from the first character of Jeonju (전주) and the first character of Naju (나주).
Despite being a relatively small, remote city, Naju offers quite a bit to the dedicated tourist or to the expat who happens to find Naju home.
Cool history: In 1986, the governmental name changed into modified from Geumseong to Naju. In 1995, Naju city became extended to include Naju county.
What's Naju famous for?
If you watch k-dramas or visit Seoul in South Korea, you may see "나주 곰탕" Naju gom-tang soup restaurants or hear about the delicious "나주 배" Naju pears.
Naju is a city with history and modern culture.
"Its beauty comes from the harmony of history and modern culture within. The spiritual healing offered by Naju comes from this harmony."
Naju has plenty of rice fields and pear farms on the outskirts of the new "Naju Innocity Bitgaram" which is located in the eastern section of the Naju province. As of 2018, there are 12 Korea public service companies and business workers in Bitgaram, the Naju Innocity.
Here are 50 activities, cultural museums, delicious restaurants, cool cafes, and other places you should visit in Naju, South Korea. 
Naju Travel (나주 여행)
There are mostly four sections of Naju: north, south, east, west.
1 - Naju Innocity / Bitgaram (빛가람동)
Naju has a new inno-city called Bitgaram (빛가람동) which became an Innovative City and the outlet ceremony for metropolis construction started on November 8, 2007. Former President Roh participated within the beginning activities. As the town received the name of "Innovative City", several Korean public companies of work transferred from Seoul, to the Naju area. Naju's creation changed into 4th began after Jeju, Gimcheon, and Jinju. Upon entering Bitgaram city, you'll immediately see some tall buildings of the companies: KEPCO, Knowledge Information Service Center, Korea Information Security Agency, Radio Research Laboratory, Korea Radio Station Management Agency, Program Deliberation & Mediation Committee.
2 - Lake Park (빛가람 호수공원)
A quite large park with both bicycle and walk paths all around the Innocity lake. Water fountain and light show starts at 8 p.m. on weekdays. And live busking music performances are scheduled on Wednesday evenings. Sometimes you’ll find other planned events, sponsored by KEPCO, KDN, Korea Council of Arts, or other companies, for families or couples to enjoy in Lake Park. 
Also a bridge connects for walkers to hike up to the Bitgaram landmark observatory, or have picnics under the trees.  
Address:  Jeollanam-do, Naju-si, 호수 로 77
3 - Bitgaram Observatory
The Bitgaram Observatory looks like an alien ship! The facilities for the observatory include an exhibition hall, restaurant, Hole Cafe, gallery and parking lots.You can ride the Monorail for 1,000won to the top of the observatory for a view of the Bitgaram city. 
4 - Business Hotels
Some of these business hotels have excellent gyms or delicious restaurants! Or behind them, is the main Bitgaram road with a Daiso, Burger King, Hyundai and Kia car dealership, Dunkin' Donuts, Paris Baguette, Tous Les Jours, Lotteria, Gongcha, Twosome Place, Tom n Toms, etc.
5 - Restaurants Street on Sangya 2-gil, Naju-si
This is a great area with a lot of restaurants. 
6 - Starbucks or Drop Top cafes on Sangya 2-gil, Naju-si
7 - Go naked in jjimjilbang spa.
There’s a Eco Sejong for a family spa, across from the Starbucks, or a few jjimjibang spas for women-only or for business workers. 
8 - VR Rooms
9 - Father's Bagel for a good New-York-style bagel
10 - Arcade/Singing Rooms
11 - PC Rooms
12 - KEPCO botanical garden and lotus flower reservoir pond
Go see the tallest building in Bitgaram and Naju. Even from the two bridges and rural parts of Naju, you can see the KEPCO building.
13 - CGV movie cinema building
There’s a CGV movie theater, arcade room, bows and arrows, lots of Vietnamese restaurants, a dog cafe, Pizza Etang, New York Bread, boutiques, and other places you should visit. 
14 - "No Brand" supermarket
15 - Chinese restaurants
16 - More Business Hotels with great buffet restaurants
17 - Virtual Golf Rooms
18 - Olive Young, other beauty stores, NH Bank, Office Depot, a pillow and blankets store
19 - Golf Course on Lake Park
20 - Library
21 - Innocity bus terminal
22 - Bowling Alley
23 - Cute coffee shops in Innocity:
Some of my absolute favorite cafes in Bitgaram city include,
Cafe 115 (54, Hosu-ro, Naju-si)
Father's Bagel 
Bucket114 Cafe (Fancy and good macaroons)
감성커피 Gamseong Cafe (16, Sangya 2-gil, Naju-si)
Double U Cafe (72, Ujeong-ro, Naju-si)
5BLOCK Cafe (Delicious bread and desserts) (19-3, Baemet 3-gil, Naju-si)
RUSTIC Cafe (23-20, Domin-gil, Naju-si)
Cafe Innovation (165, Ujeong-ro, Naju-si)
Things to do in Naju, old Naju and history.  
Metasequoia-Tree Road (나주 산림자원연구소) 
Many visitors and Koreans know about the famous Nami Island Metasequoia Tree Lane; however, there’s actually a similar one here in Naju!! It’s a botanical garden and research institute, so you can see a wide variety of trees, flowers, and other plants. There’s also some benches and large grass area for picnics! 
I love this photo and need it http://koreatourinformation.com/blog/2015/05/01/naju-hometown-of-historic-figures/
Address: 산23 Sanje-ri, Sanpo-myeon, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do
Old Nampyeong Station.
Geumseongsan Mountain
Geumseongsan Mountain is a relatively low mountain with its peak at 450m above sea level; however, it is the tallest mountain in Naju.
Address: Gyeonghyeon-dong, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
Naju Station
Naju Station on the Honam Line is a busy station, servicing 29 KTX and 18 SRT trains every day. The line between Naju and Mokpo Stations is also being expanded to include Muan International Airport from October 31. While the current Naju Station is quite nice, the old Naju Station is worth a visit due to its historical importance; the former station was the starting point for the Gwangju Student Independence Movement.
Learn the Significance of Old Naju Station - It’s now the Gwangju Student Movement Memorial Hall 
At Old Naju Station, you can learn more about the Korean students of Gwangju and Jeonnam resisted the oppression of the Japanese imperialists. It sparked with the incident of the Korean girl being harassed at Naju Station on October 30, 1929 and an anti-Japanese protest was staged on November 3. However, this small movement spread into a nation-wide Anti-Japanese and is also significant to Gwangju’s history too. 
Understand History of the Statue of Peace Woman Statue (평화의 소녀상) 
The Statue of Peace, also often called Sonyeosang in Korean pronunciation, is a symbol of the victims of sexual slavery, known as comfort women, by the Korean military during Vietnam War and the Japanese imperial military during World War II. 
Address: 20 Jukrim-gil, Geumnam-dong, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do
Visit Naju’s best palace site, Geumseonggwan Hall (금성관)
The top attractions of Naju are Geumseonggwan Hall, a guesthouse operated by the Naju Government Office for visiting officials during the Goryeo and Joseon periods, and Geumhakheon House, a reconstruction of the private residence of the Naju Moksa (highest government official in the region).
I recommend starting at Geumseonggwan Hall for a history tour and then enjoying the peaceful five-minute walk to Geumhakheon House. You’ll be able to find the residence when you spot a grand hackberry tree towering over all the other trees. There are also many cherry blossom trees in the area, making it a popular attraction in spring. Unlike Geumseonggwan Hall, guests can actually spend the night at Geumhakheon House. Book a night here to feel like a traveling dignitary from the Joseon dynasty!
Address: 109-5 Gwawon-dong, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do 전라남도 나주 금성관길 8 (우) 58257 Recommended food: Naju gomtang
Eat Gomtang Soup on Gomtang Street (near Geumseonggwan Hall)
Naju is also famous for gomtang (beef bone soup). What makes Naju’s version of gomtang so special is their use of plate and shank cuts of beef for the flavoring of the broth instead of the standard beef bones used in other regions. It has also remained true to its original recipe throughout the years, drawing people back again and again. The area around Geumseonggwan Hall and Geumhakheon House is filled with gomtang restaurants, making it an easy choice when visiting!
Address: Area of Geumgye-dong, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do (전라남도 나주시 금계동)
Then eat gomtang soup at the famous restaurants and/or visit this cafe. 
Among them is the ginkgo tree grown on the grounds of the Naju hyanggyo, a Confucian academy. It’s said to have been planted by King Taejo himself.  나주 학생독립운동 기념관Address:  전라남도 나주 죽림길 26 (우) 58260 Yeongsan area: East of the city center is the Yeongsan River (영산강) which flows southward through the city, then west out towards Mokpo. 
Ride a traditional Korean boat, a Dotpae (돛배), on the Yeongsan River.
To do this, you need to go out to the Yeongsan-Po District. The boat is located across the street from Skate Street. You get a ticket - free for Naju residents and maybe 3,000won for non-residents - and you get to go on a 10 minute boat ride a good ways up the Yeongsan River. The boat ride offers exceptional views of the Naju countryside, and occasionally, they have musicians on the boat who play traditional "river boat" music. It can be quite a nice time.
Also quickly visit the Yeongsangpo Museum for free admission. 
Yeongsanpo Skate Festival (영산포 홍어축제) 
Some history myths: The myth says that Arangsa and Abisa fell in love with each other in the vicinity of the Yeongsangang River during Korea’s Three Kingdoms Period (57 B.C.-A.D. 668). In jealousy, young villagers threw Abisa into the river, but she was brought to life in the form of a giant snake. Alas, then both of them fell into the river near the Angam Rock (pictured). This area is known for its rapid currents which have overturned numerous riverboats. 
See the Yeongsangpo Boat & In-Land Lighthouse 
Smell the Skate Fish on Skate Street in Yeongsanpo
Or eat Eel Fish 
Visit this cafe Breeze for a view of the Yeongsanpo River.
Across the street of this cafe Breeze, you’ll see an old movie theater and the Yeongsan Church. 
Japanese Teahouse & Yeongsang Church & Yeongsan Bus Terminal 
Daeungjeon Hall of Dabosa Temple
Address: 주��83, Geumseongsan-gil, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
Naju Image Theme Park (영상테마파크)
This is one of Korea's most interesting and underrated tourist attractions. The name is horribly misleading as are many of Korea's "theme parks.”. This place is actually a movie/TV drama set built as an elaborate Joseon-era castle with rooms you can walk in, traditional clothes you can try on, musical instruments you can play, vendors with traditional cheledon pottery you can buy, etc. -- all of which culminates in a spectacular view of the Naju countryside from atop the castle walls. It's a good 20 minutes outside the city. Tickets cost 5,000w, and if you are a Naju resident, you can get a discount (this applies to foreigners, too, so long as your ARC lists Naju as your official address). Check out their official site for more information: http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/ATR/SI_EN_3_1_1_1.jsp?cid=495604
This is the Naju Image Theme Park, where the soap operas "Jumong" and "Kingdom of the Winds" were filmed. Located in the southwestern parts of the country, the city of Naju was occupied by the Baekje Kingdom during Korea's Three Kingdoms Period (57 B.C.-A.D. 668). First-time visitors to the theme park can reflect on the nation's history and may have questions about the Goguryeo-style architecture.
The Naju Image Theme Park is one of the most sought-after locations to film historic soap operas, especially those set in Goguryeo (37 B.C.-A.D. 668) and Baekje (18 B.C.-A.D. 660) times. The park is surrounded by some 95 buildings.
This is the Naju Image Theme Park, where the soap operas “Jumong” and “Kingdom of the Winds” were filmed. Located in the southwestern parts of the country, the city of Naju was occupied by the Baekje Kingdom during Korea’s Three Kingdoms Period (57 B.C.-A.D. 668). First-time visitors to the theme park can reflect on the nation’s history and may have questions about the Goguryeo-style architecture.
The Natural Dyeing Culture Center (한국천연염색박물관)
Naju is famous for their natural dyeing, recognized as Important Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 115, and is known for developing silk weaving techniques and discovering a way to create a deep navy color for fabrics. As such, Naju is home to the Natural Dyeing Culture Center. You can easily lose track of time exploring the exhibit hall, materials room, shop, and experience hall here. The experience hall in particular offers many opportunities to make your very own souvenir, ranging from naturally dyed scarves and items of clothing to coloring and woodcraft kits.
Address: 379, Baekho-ro, Dasi-myeon, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do (전라남도 나주시 다시면 백호로 379)
Naju National Museum (국립박물관)
Naju National Museum displays artifacts found near Yeongsangang River region and preserves artifacts excavated from throughout the South Jeolla region.
Address: 747, Gobun-ro, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do
Naju Mary
Naju Pear Museum (나주배박물관)
Naju Pear Museum is a museum that was opened in the year 1992 to study more about the Korean pears including the history of the fruit, process of growing them, sorting them and storing them. Located in Naju, visitors can take a guided tour of this museum. The tour lasts 20 minutes and will help you know more about your favourite breakfast food.Address:  
Address: 5838, Yeongsan-ro, Geumcheon-myeon, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do
And of course what's a trip to Naju without going to the Naju Pear Museum? It's free. It's fruity. It's the Pear Museum! Learn more about this place at: http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/ATR/SI_EN_3_1_1_1.jsp?cid=815382
Abandoned Bowling Alley
Nearby Dongshin University, there is a large bowling alley which has been abandoned since the 1990s. Koreans don't seem to have the same fascination with abandoned buildings as Westerners do, so there aren't any drug addicts or vagrants hiding in the place. It's definitely worth a visit. If you feel so inclined, you can go bowling with ghosts and ghouls; there are plenty of bowling balls, pins, and even bowling shoes available. After you've finished your game, you can head downstairs and sing to your heart's desire at the abandoned norae-bang. If you don't believe in the netherworld, however, you can pilfer through boxes of unused shot glasses and mugs. To get there from Hoban Apartments: walk towards the university, turn right at the street that's in front of the university. Walk about 25 yards, then, you'll see paths that lead you towards the bowling alley on your right.
#1 of 5 Things To Do in Naju-si
Relax at Jungheung Gold Spa & Resort (중흥 골드스파 & 리조트)
A bit further out, there's Naju's water park. According to other websites, it costs about 37,000w to enter the park and additional money to ride the rides and eat. To learn more about this place, check out the following website: Band Adventures
Bike the Yeongsan River. 
One of the best things about Naju and much of Korea is the access to the kilometers and kilometers of bike trails. Theoretically, you can bike all the way around the country from any one of the trails. In Naju, the trails are breathtaking in their beauty, personified by majestic farm lands, cattle yards, and truly sublime views of the River. Every 5 kilometers or so, there is a rest station; some offer maps. If you manage to bike through this area, it's recommended that you try to pass by Neureoji Observatory (느러지전망대), which is a lookout tower, where you can stare out across an oxbow in the River. You can read more about that here: Namu Wiki
Hike Geum-seong Mountain (금성산). 
It's not a particularly tall mountain, but it does offer some stunning views and as with most mountains in Korea, quaint, enlightening Buddhist Temples nestled here and there. What makes this mountain interesting is its history: With its several jutting peaks, three in total, it has the look of a dragon's back, and so, dating back to Korea's shamanistic days, Geum-seong Mountain has been worshiped as a holy place. Also, during the Korean war, a group of North Korean soldiers got stranded up there after MacArthur's famous attack on Incheon; those soldiers set up landmines around the mountain and held out until the bitter end. There's a South Korean military base up there now, making the highest peak inaccessible. However, there is a water park located over the first ridge of the mountain; it's only open in the summer and may look out-of-business, because they drain the pools every day (strange), but it's definitely worth a visit.
Check out the Naju Culture Center 
Located between the Daebang area and City Hall, the Culture Center offers several surprisingly good theater and dance performances, and it also serves as a movie theater on occasion while the new movie theater in Innovation City is being build. The 160 and 196 buses go by here. Check out there website here: http://najuart.naju.go.kr/
Yearly Festivals in Naju
Naju also hosts several festivals throughout the year.
Naju Pear Blossom Festival (나주 배 꽃 축제) - April - Pear blossoms give cherry blossoms a run for their money in terms of their beauty and soft colors.
Naju Rapeseed Festival (나주 유채 축제) - May - Odd sounding name but a lovely festival with breathtaking tall yellow-grass flowers.
Naju Yeongsanpo Skate Festival (영산포 홍어축제) - May - Celebrates skate fish. Click the link to find out more: Asia English Visit Korea
Naju Reed Festival (억새풀 축제) - September - Celebrates the reeds that grow near the river, which are quite beautiful. Walking around there, you get the feeling you're in a horror movie or something.
Mahan Culture Festival (마한문화축제) - October - Celebrates the traditional culture of the Mahan Kingdom, which ruled before the Three Kingdom period
Dongshin University Festival (동신대학교 축제) - Fall - 3-day festival with live music, games, and food, which is held in the fall.
Also read my post about how-to travel from Naju to Gwangju! 
How to get from Gwangju to Naju Innocity without a car:
From Gwangju-Songjeong Station, use the 02 bus for 30 minutes to "Lake Park" or use the 160 bus for 30 minutes to Innocity. Or ride on the train for 10 minutes to Naju Station and then take the 700 or 701 bus to the Innocity.
- Naju-Innocity bound buses: 02
How to get from Gwangju to (Old) Naju without a car:
From Gwangju-Songjeong Station, use the 02 bus for 30 minutes, or ride on the train for 10 minutes.  - Naju-bound buses: 160, 600, 601, 602, 603, 1160
Or Reasons I'm Happy to Live near Gwangju!
1913 Songjeong Station Market
☞ Address: 38, Songjeong-ro 16beon-gil, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju (광주광역시 광산구 송정로16번길 38)
☞ Directions: Walk approx. 3 min from Gwangju-Songjeong Station, Exit 5
☞ Operating hours: Mon-Thu 11:00-22:00 / Fri-Sun 11:00-23:00 * Closed second and fourth Monday of each month
☞ Inquiries: +82-62-942-1914 (Korean only)
☞ Website: 1913songjungmarket.modoo.at (Korean only)
Yangnim History & Culture Village
☞ Address: 201-64, Yangnim-dong, Nam-gu, Gwangju (광주광역시 남구 양림동 201-64)
☞ Directions: Walk approx. 15 min from Namgwangju Station (Gwangju Subway Line 1), Exit 3
☞ Operating hours: Open 24 hours (Hours vary by shop)
☞ Inquiries: +82-62-607-4502 (Korean only)
☞ Website: visityangnim.kr (Korean only)
Muan International Airport
Mokpo Station
Gatbawi Rock and the coastal walkway to reach it are a must when visiting Mokpo. Gatbawi Rock, Natural Monument No. 500, is said to look like two men wearing gat (traditional Korean hat). In the past, people had to ride a boat if they wanted to see the rocks. However, with the installation of a coastal footpath, visitors can easily walk to the rocks over the sea, enjoying the breeze on their way.
Gatbawi Culture Town is within walking distance, perfect for travelers who enjoy getting to know the local culture and arts. The tourism complex is comprised of the National Maritime Museum, Mokpo Culture & Arts Center, Mokpo Natural History Museum, Local Culture Hall, and Namnong Memorial Hall.
Or take a Professional Naju Tour
Leave a comment if you have any other Naju travel recommendations, corrections, or questions of life in Naju, South Jeolla province, or South Korea. 감사합니다! 
Disclaimer: All text, photos, and videos are my own and property of Where's Anne, unless stated otherwise.
Disclaimer: All information comes from my experience of Naju tours, Naju travel information pamphlets, and the sources below:
Korea.net - News Focus http://www.korea.net/NewsFocus/Travel/view?articleId=127237
WikiTravel https://wikitravel.org/en/Naju
KoreaTourInformation Blog http://koreatourinformation.com/blog/2015/05/01/naju-hometown-of-historic-figures/
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