i gotta hair cut :3
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its been....7ish months since i got my long-long hair cut into my short hair, and now that's its getting warmer-i dont wanna deal with my long thick hair again-so i did it again~ this time the back of my head is shaved :D
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
I want to know everything about Nia!
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Nia The Dragon Nomad,born just Nia,just Nia and is 16 at the start of the series
His version of the franchise is called 'Avatar:The Airbender Legacies' and it's 4 books instead of 3 and the 4th one is 'Book 4:Air'
He's half Air Nomad,half Fire Nation but specifically the black etchnic subgroup in the comics you helped me discover which is what led to his creation!!As pointed out by jewish Atla fans,it would be more realistic for the AN to have a small surviving population that went into hiding after the Air Nomad Genocide and Nia's mom is a descendant of them!His parents names are Yung and Dahla and Nia's mixed heritage is symbolism for the coming era of peace
Nia was born in the Fire Nation as lower class,Dahla a homemaker and Yung a chef at the Fire Nation Palace.Dahla has Air Nomad features but never practiced her culture for safety so nobody could point it out without sounding like a maniac and Yung's job led to Nia meeting Zuko when they were 4 years old and becoming best friends and keeping it a secret since Zuko and Azula weren't allowed to befriend 'peasents'(hence why Ozai encouraged Azula to only interact with Mai and Ty Lee).Nia was unaware of not being fully FN but his dad was one of the first prisoner's of The Boiling Rock for a crime he didn't commit and this led to to his mom using Airbending publicly to try to stop him from being taken away so the next day,their house was burned down with her in it by Fire Nation supremacists and Nia being only 13 at the time had no choice but to run away and become a Nomad,leaving Zuko a tear stainned letter in pink ink explaining what happened and telling him how much he loved him as a person and for being his best friend(Nia wouldn't find out Dahla had been an Air Nomad for a long time,not being present when she bended and Zuko got a lot meaner after he left since he was his only real loved one due to Ursa's dissaperance and desperately looked for clues on him,seeing him everywhere even though he was gone)
Nia learned firebending on his own and made a name for himself on his travels by helping people with kindness and resources and fighting for them,committing various anti-imperialist crimes.During this time,he realized he's trans and is a woman and a man at the same time and his gender presentation is very feminine but he uses only masculine ponouns!!He's also autistic,adhd,mdd and anxious and his hair is 4b textured
Personality wise,Nia is very much an Air Nomad-He's super bubbly,openly kind and gentle,silly,optimistic,unrestrained and open-minded.He follows the no kill rule as a buddhist but also believes in severe brutality and has anger issues,low self-eestem and a snarky sense of humor,is very older sisterly/pseudo-momish as a coping mechanism from having almost no positive adult figures as a kid and being picked on by other kids and even adults all the time and his interests are pink/pastel things,suncakes,art,games,animal life and dancing!!!
He's introduced in 'The Warriors of Kyoshi' as he was on Kyoshi Island due to his travels and joins the Gaang because of his instant platonic connection with Aang.Aang says there's something familiar about Nia he can't quite place and he takes on the mom friend title instead of Katara since he's the eldest now and actually did it to himself instead of parentification like her.The two girls bond over being feminine and him and Sokka bicker all the time due to opposite personalities but they really are friends and Kataang is still a thing here so Nia wingmans them
It takes a hot minute for Zunia to reunite(as in several episodes)but Zuko gets hints to it through reports from his crew and is in denial of it at first only because he dosen't want his hopes to be crushed.We get flashbacks to their childhood days,including Zuko drawing both of them as dragons and Nia making strawberry suncakes for the first time for them to share as foreshadowing and this makes their reunion all the more upsetting because they don't even recognize eachother at first due to Nia's complete style change and Zuko's scar,plus the puberty,on top of his old best friend hunting down his new best friend at the order of his dad who he always made him feel safe from.There's a lot of tears and yelling and Nia has to be comforted by his honorary younger siblings afterwards and Zuko has to pretend nothing happened for the sake of not putting him in danger
Nia's very strong and smart so he's a pretty useful addition to The Gaang and provides comedy/jokes too and Aang tells him about The Air Nomads for funsies which leads to
The 'Dahla was actually an Air Nomad' drops happens in 'The Avatar State' when Aang and Nia are trying to figure out Avatar stuff together and it leds to spiritual magic jizz revealing it through Nia's soul.They're heavily shocked but Aang bursts into happy tears and tackle hugs Nia,rambling about how happy he is that he's not actually The Last Airbender and Nia smiles and agrees,telling him he already thinks of him as his little brother and Aang views him as his older sister so they officially dub eachother 'The Flight Siblings',Sokka telling them it's a stupid name and Katara drops water him for it.In 'The Blue Spirit',Nia had romantic moments with Zuko in his Blue Spirit suit so he gains a dreamy crush on him that's played for irony and second-hand embarrasment humor.Aang becomes Nia's Airbender Master starting in 'Nomads,Leafs and Forevers' and this strengthens their bond big time
Nia rejected Jet's attempted flirtatiouns on first meeting by saying 'I came here to make friends-Only friends so instead of trying something,try covering my back' and they got along well from then on even post 'betrayal',Toph dissed him at first because of how girly Nia but after they actually talked they clicked perfectly,'The Tale of Nia' replaces Iroh's section and it's about him saving a group of kids from Earth Kingdom propaganda by impressing them and being sweet to them and it's implied they grew up to be freedom fighters and 'The Tale of Zuko' is a gag bit where girls keep trying to hit on him but he keeps comparing them to Nia subcounciously so none of them stick,Ty Lee let's out a loud squee when she meets Nia again face to face and squishes him up in a hug as she says she's missed seeing his pretty pink face(platonically)and Mai drawls that he's gotten even weirder and Azula adresses him as 'Nini' when she was younger but also 'The Avatar's babysitter' now and they don't know eachother at all well since Ozai didn't even know about Nia being best friends with his son
Jet survives his attempted assisination by the Dai Li and joins the Gaang as it's 'token bad' teammate(not really,he's just genuinely radical).The shippy undertones between him and Katara are gone as they turn into platonic close friends and he acts as the cool bitchy but reliable older brother.Hama is also never villanized but potrayed as a tragic figure and a badass who gets reperations from the Fire Nation and basically adopts the Gaang as her grandkids,Katara still being scared of Bloodbending and choosing not to kill Yon Rha so Hama does the job for her since Kya was her childhood friend's daughter and she's built for killing fascists already,not being only 14.Yung and Dahla are given big significance on Nia's story as his parents and how they influenced him as a person like Zuko and their own life experiences did and 'The Dragon Nomad' is a title given to him pre-series because of being a traveling firebender but also has a double meaning that wasn't even intentional in-universe and there's quips about it as a running gag
Nia's none too eager to return to The Fire Nation but powers through and teaches his teammates how to blend in and takes them to a clothing store he used to go to as a kid and they have a positive talk with the owner not recognizing them until they all leave and as they exited,they make a comical expression and whisper 'I always knew that kid wasn't dead!I don't think that little airhead can even die!'.As they settle in,Nia can't help but go visit where his old home used to be to see nobody had even bothered picking things up or replacing it with a new building and it makes them tear up and he brakes down on his knees,screaming about how much he hates fire as he breathes pink flames from his mouth and dosen't even notice.He stays that way for a solid onscreen 30 seconds and is found by Zuko who frantically picks him up and hides him in an ally with him before soldiers can find him.He dosen't get to comfort him for long as Nia fully registers the situation and shoots up,curtly saying with a glare 'Thanks for the shoulder to cry on,Zuko'.Hope you're enjoying your new life perfect life without me' and runs off back to the Gaang's temporary residence and Zuko dosen't even bother getting up,struggling to find the words until Nia's too far to hear him,yelling out 'BUT IT'S NOT MY LIFE WITHOUT YOU!YOU'RE THE CLOSEST THING I'VE EVER HAD TO PERFECT!'
Nia infilters the Royal Fire Academy For Girls and disrupts everything as he encourages the other female students to fight for their rights and proves to them the anti-Air Nomad things they were taught are lies and burned the academy down using his pink fire and his new friends help out with their own firebending.He cracks a couple eggs on the way too and 'The Beach' confirms Mai as a comphet lesbian,Tyzula as a mutually canon ship even if they don't get together and Nia is on Zuko's mind a lot and the fun summer-y setting he's in dosen't help.Nia's swimsuit is a pastel pink two piece and he has a crown of matching hisbiscus him and Aang made for eachother
Zuko and Nia finally make up in 'The Western Air Temple' as Zuko's decided to give up evil by becoming Aang's Firebending Master.Katara immediately rejects him as per canon,Aang welcomes him with open arms as always and Nia dosen't really know what to do with him.Zuko does his best to reassure him he's truly changed for the better in both words and actions and tries to recreate what they were like as kids until Nia puts his foot down and tells him 'We're not the same as we used to be........And i'm okay with that.I love the Zuko here like i did the old one' and Zuko's entire face goes beet red and Aang connects the dots and grins cheekily as he had a feeling they were a thing from the start.They act as the Team Mom and Team Dad of The Gaang or 'The Dragon Parents/Dadko and Momia' and Katara makes a snide comment on how she'd be expected to be with Zuko over Nia by the public
'The Boiling Rock' has Nia,Zuko and Sokka rescuing Yung and Hakoda and a conversation between Nia and Azula as they fight that's basically just Nia going 'You're not a perfect sexy calculated villaness,you're 14 with an abusive fascist dad and you deserve a therapist and some goddamn friends and fruit pies so you can calm down' and Azula responding 'FUCK YOU MEAN???NUH UH!!!!' and Yung and Nia have a heartwarming reunion and he eventually legally adopts Aang,Jet and Toph since they don't have living/good parents like the Water Tribe Siblings do.Nia's Ember Island Player counterpart is played by a nonblack actor who jokes about having no gender and reminders everyone he's still half Fire Nation not JUST Air Nomad because they're 'both equally important' and Nia'd never cringed harder in his life.Kataang went a bit differently since Aang asked Nia for romance advice since him and Zuko were unspokenly unofficially together so their only season 3 kiss is the finale one and the remaining run time is used on developing the other characters,including The Air Nomads in flashbacks.Nia is given a half dragon soul as a blessing by Avatar Wan to help Aang and it dosen't actually take much adjusment for him to get used to it
Mai and Ty Lee came to Nia on the Day Of Sozin's Comet to help him takedown Fire Nation Soldiers and the three girls fought viciously and had banter and peer support.They're nicknamed 'The Riot Gyals' and Ty Lee still joins the Kyoshi Warriors while Mai takes up a blacksmithing mentorship and Nia grows up to found his own children's education and protection system called 'Nia's Kidbender Program' that was built up by him with big help from Zuko but first,we get to Book 4 aka Book Air,which is something of a playable epilogue in cartoon episodes form of that makes sense and an improved version of the comics where we see The Gaang's lives and their world post-Ozai.This includes Kataang's dating dynamic,finding Ursa again,how they further helped the world with even more activism and direct action,Toph realizing she's a transmasc girl instead of just a tomboy,Nia being the Aang to Azula's Zuko by befriending her and thus her gaining character development that leads to a redemption arc and finally dating Ty Lee and last but not least,Zunia getting together
Like Kataang,it happens in the last episode of the season and the ultimate series finale but in the opening so it's almost entierly about Aang and how far he's come and Zuko and Nia being boygirlfriend and girlboyfriend it's titled 'Air,Fire,Dragon,Love' with the last word being about Zunia,The Flight Siblings and The Peace Brothers since their love for eachother is equally strong and important cosmically.The previous episode was a cliffhanger of Zuko asking Aang for help since he knows Nia as well as he does and them doing a grand romantic display with pink,dragon and summer themes that looked ridicioulous and Nia is pleasently stunned speechless and they think he hated it until he bursts outlaughing and drags Zuko off to start their date as he yells over his shoulder to Aang that he loves him and is proud of him and then calls Zuko 'such an old lord' for the cheesy display and he sputters back that he was trying to treat him like the future Fire Lady.It's Nia's turn to blush,entire face glowing like a pink version of The Avatar State and it's Zuko's rare turn to be the cocky one but as always it dosen't last for him
Their date consists of doing both romantic Fire Nation traditions and romantic Air Nomad traditions,including Zuko gifting Nia Air Nomad earrings he made with Aang's guidance.There's zero restrainment in their pda except not kissing until they get back to the Fire Palace and lean in for their first kiss at the same time which turns into several more chaste kisses and we get a final narration that's done by the entire Gaang in bits,flashing forward to their older years and we see Aang and Katara's wedding amongst many other things and this includes Zuko and Nia having a daughter named Zara
And 'The Airbender Legacies' refers to Aang and Nia for obvious reasons but also Aang choosing to keep their culture alive by not killing Ozai and Zara herself as the first Air Nomad born in a long ass time who'd live without persecution
@nogender-onlystars @moonage-gaydream @refrigeratedboombursts @cam24fan @biandbored @sarasanddollar @insomniac-jay @floof-ghostie @9ragonmew @mayameanderings @fandomunsexyman
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hydr0phius · 9 months
Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good spoilers below. I'm half way through and the most recent events are sending me lmfao
What do you mean Jixtus holds meetings in the space equivalent of comfy beanbags? lmfao.
Thrawn started off as mildly chaotic in this book and then next thing i know he's doing something (putting the Magys in hibernation) and being like "lol, im not actually going to tell the Syndicure, Lakinda, so don't worry about what they'll think of that," and everyone collectively thinks "ah yes, it's going to get more insane after this, isn't it?" And they would be right.
Also, Lakphro, my beloved.
And Che'ri using third sight to get to the door early and have a squiz at the Magys' hibernation coffin they shoved in Thalias' room (she suggested it) like 👀👀👀👀 "momish, what is that-" it's something that's not for Chisslings, Che'ri sjsjd.
It's a good read.
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amukmuk · 10 months
One More Step
Eli is different. He’s physically different, of course—dull, brown eyes, short. But there is also something different about him. He counts. Un’hee isn’t certain if anyone else notices, but he tallies things all day, every day. When he is lost in his thoughts he counts under his breath, other times, he keeps touching his fingers against his thumb, but most of the time she can see it in the way his eyes dart from side to side. 
“Why do you do that?” she asks one day, mid-count of steps from his room to the bridge. She’s technically not supposed to be there, in his quarters. But she is just helping identify weak points in the shipwide ventilation system. She is doing her duty, much to the dismay of her momish and the admiral, she is certain. Besides, she feels safer walking with him. 
“Do what?” he asks. 
“Oh,” he says, his face lighting up like her nightlight. “It just kind of happens.” 
Keep reading
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graaaaceeliz · 9 months
Bestiiieeee I'm so happy you're reading Thrawn. I need all your opinions stat!
Ar'alani and Thrawn would overthrow the Empire/end the clone wars I know this because if she'd gone with Thrawn and met the anakin-padme mess she'd have clocked on sight the political mess and just pointed Thrawn at the armies boom done h
ALSO! THRAWN WOULD NOTICE PALPS WAS SIDEOUS. I don't know if that comes up in the Thrawn trilogy I don't remember well but ! Canon to me
Thalias is just so cool also I saw a post saying that her weirdnesses about thrawn/being Mithh make her so much deeper and rounder and I totally agree. She's such a good caregiver/momish for Che'ri, too, and I really think she'd balance Ar'alani and Thrawn so perfectly.
Hmmm what else
Karyn's passengers and PASSENGERS bit and all round vader hate make me laugh every time I think about her and that's a lot
I know people be like "Good day Leiutenant Vanto is no way to greet your bestie/friend/whatever" but that's soooo Thrawn to me. Like. Ar'alani is his bestie????? She doesn't understand all his thoughts but she gets him so well that they're so unstoppable. Even Thurfian knows it. Everyone sees it
I've just started Greater Good and when Thrass got mentioned I literally leaned out of my chair and went ??????????!!!!!!!!!! Because I'm excited to meet him I've seen so many references to him
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Stella and Flora Moodboard
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Stella and Flora are always holding hands, leaning foreheads and just being so soft (Stella totally jokingly flirts with her)
Flora was one of the first to see Stella casually with her glasses
Stella and Flora are the moms of the group… well actually, I feel like Flora has momish, big sisterish vibes and Stella has huge big sister energy
They bond over their newer powers after s3. Having magic tied to something that they don’t really love all that much
They’re the best with hairstyles and often help the other girls
Evil by Melanie Martinez, NDA by Billie Eilish (especially after s3) and things i wish you said by Sabrina Carpenter are their songs
All Friendships Masterlist
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themarginalthinker · 11 months
Hey there I have another headcanon for you @themarginalthinker
What would happen if Lucy got really mad at the boys about something like they made a joke about her or something and she gets mad at them,like the motherly type of mad at them and yells at them.
What do you think? Do you think they wouldn’t be afraid of her or would they be so scared that they immediately change their tune?
Well, I think it depends on the boy.
David: If he'd insulted someone or made a joke at their expense then I think he knew exactly what he was doing in the first place, and while maybe doesn't LIKE having consequences, does know that they're a possibility. He'd be more laid-back than anything. A bit like that kid you yell at and they just smile, because your words don't mean much to them. Pretty infuriating, honestly. David is a smug cat in just about any situation.
Paul: A little more skittery. Paul is in a weird space with authority at any given time, but particularly with male authority. If some guy were to admonish him at best the words wouldn't even register, and at worst...well. Hope that man had a living will and testament. But a female authority - he gets weird about that. Honestly, it would depend the most on whether or not he gets called out alone or not. If he's with the others, he can laugh it off a lot easier, but if he's on his own, he gets squirmy. Especially when Lucy breaks out the 'young man' and 'disappointed' angle.
Marko: Almost just as irreverent as David, but may actually make a sincere apology. Marko doesn't like being yelled at, less because he feels bad, and more that it gets annoying when it goes on for what he considers too long. The fun from the joke itself doesn't outlast the backlash from being called out, so it gets boring and no fun. What's more, he's the least likely to do it again after being told off for it.
Dwayne: The least likely to make a joke or insult in the first place, and when he does, he usually makes sure he's NOT caught doing it. And if he is, then that was the point to begin with, and if you can muscle up the gumption to say something to him about it, then he'll take it all with barely a flinch. Dwayne is usually very particular with his words, and doesn't usually say things he doesn't mean. If he feels someone's done him wrong enough to earn a harsh word, he usually skips the taunting and goes for something a lot more. Um. Direct. In Lucy's case, he'd see no reason to crack a (verbal...) joke at her expense, unless she's done something well and truly Momish.
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sc0tters · 7 months
Aurora is a sweetheart
Aurora is just a ball of sunshine and energy and that’s why one of the physios actually suggested Gi’s ballet classes. The girls together (once Jack and her get together) are literally keeping him up in the afternoon cause they keep on giggling about things. But beforehand Gi and Aurora literally have this good sister relationship where Gi just does all of the momish tasks for Aurora without ever thinking anything about that.
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querldyke · 1 year
In a traditional story, in a different story, Vah’nya would have been the hero. Or at least a protagonist. The chosen one, blessed to retain her ability far past the norm, the one who could change things for the Ascendancy forever.
She had eyes on her for as long as she could remember. sky-walkers always did. Valuable resources were carefully maintained within the Ascendancy, and sky-walkers were a particularly valuable resource. But the eyes of momishes looking after her or crew members aiding her shifted.
She was fourteen and it wasn’t fading. This was rare, but it happened. Some sky-walkers managed to hold onto their third sight until they were sixteen, though that was even rarer. It just meant more time in the stars, more time aboard the ships that had become her home.
She watched her friends, the other sky-walkers she had come to know throughout her time among them, age and fade and leave. They got to grow up, to have a family, to have normalcy.
Vah’nya got to navigate a ship, where the controls were gradually were becoming more and more impractical for her growing body. She was seventeen and still aboard her ship. She had tests and trials to make sure she really could still navigate but the answer remained the same.
Each time she passed with flying colors and each time she was back on the ship. They offered to alter the navigator’s station for her, but she declined. It’s not like this would last forever, and she didn’t want to inconvenience who came after she left.
The child who would come after she left. The child who would actually fit in all the ways she didn’t. Part of her wants to resent them, the faceless girl who take her place one day, guiding the ship-her ship- through the stars. Another shameful part wishes they’d show up soon.
This is all she has ever known. All she remembers. Who is she separated from being a navigator, a sky-walker? Who would she be, with some family name tacked on the front, as if she had always been just a Chiss citizen? She had been Vah’nya for so long, how could be anyone else?
She isn’t like the other sky-walkers she met. She doesn’t get to start over when she’s twelve or thirteen of fourteen. She’s twenty-two now. And she’s still on this ship, still guiding it and the controls are still the same size they were when she was fourteen, thirteen or twelve
They’re the same as they were when she was seven, when she was first brought aboard. And they will be the same when she leaves.
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whatshisfaceblogs · 1 year
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BTVS “Every Outfit” “Lessons” Xx
You guys … it’s season seven … I haven’t exactly speeded through this series but I kinda can’t believe I am season seven already?!
The final Buffy premiere!!!
What a premier to finish on though! A short episodes with only two looks but these two looks are everything I love about Buff’s fashion!!!
That first look is so casual but with the added lace detailing and slits on the side give it that Buffy edge! Her hair is back to it’s full glory this season, long and blonde just the way I like it!!!
Now Buffy has rocked a casual updo many a time but this one is something new and fresh and in no way “momish” ! Are you blind Robin?! Her all light number is so chic and smart casual that it occurs to me that she dressed nice for Dawns first day! Sooooo cuteeeee!!!
I can’t wait to get through the rest of this final season with y’all! It’s been a hell of a ride so let’s enjoy this final lap while it last!!!
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contentment-of-cats · 2 years
WIP bit
Un'hee watches in fascination as Ivant cuts out the soft, plushy purple fabric into two identical shapes and then takes a small machine in his hand and a spool of thread. He is her… not caretaker or momish. Her… friend? Protector? He is many things, and his light gleams warm and steady - a beacon when the darkness closes in  around her. That light can blaze up, too, though he's good at hiding it.
"What is it, Eli? What do you make?" she prods.
"Oh, when I was on my family's ships, my mama used to make these for the littles." His hands move quick and sure, guiding the machine as it places stitch after stitch. "As we got older, we'd help - because there were always more littles coming."
Sad. He'd get sad, but happy when he talked about them. "We could go there, to your home. I could fly ships for your family."
"Maybe someday." 
She doesn't push, instead coming to sit beside him and look out at the stars. The lights of Vah'nya, the momishes, and her sister sky-walkers are either sleeping or busy, so she leans against Eli and looks out at the stars. They finally have him proper quarters and a proper office, but most people still treat him as an outsider - the way they treat her. Un'hee strokes the scraps of plush, then rubs one over her face and brow ridges. So soft.
Next, Eli takes a bunch of khuffa wool and stuffs it into the opening left between the two pieces, then turns the edges in before stitching them together. He picks a pair of buttons next - brown with sparkly black middles. Little snips of felt make a smiling mouth - with a pair of fangs. When Eli holds it our to her she acceptes it, rubbing her cheek on the softness, squeezing it to her makes something ache and heal at the same time.
"What is it, Eli?" Made for her. With warmth and care. Her vision shimmers. "Is he really mine?"
"All yours, hunbun. It's a tooka. Or an abstract representation of one. They're pets in most every part of space I've been to." Un'hee crawls into his lap, his Human warmth against her back, and the fluffy purple tooka against her front. "They're covered in soft fur, warm and cuddly, and they purr-"
Un'hee makes a small, soft, rusty sound in her chest. "Like that? We can do it when we're happy and safe and comfortable-"
Oh. Oh. A feeling like a terrible bruise flows out of him, and suddenly his brown eyes are wet.  Oh, he hurts and it’s a dark and awful hurt. Un'hee doesn’t understand the hurting, only that it is hurting, and ramps up her purring to comfort him.
"I-" his voice cracks. "I didn't know Chiss could purr."
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natashasbitxh · 8 months
15 for the smosh ask game!!!
oooo this is so tough I'm so bad at stuff like this
okay so the cast member I think I'm MOST like is probably Amanda tbh
Silly humour, kinda momish, laughs at like everything, silly voices, takes a sec to understand a joke sometimes, competitive but also not? When something makes me laugh I will keep on repeating it, it will become a catchphrase, I laugh at myself
But some other Smosh members I think I take certain aspects of are Garrett, Angela and Shayne
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ao3feed-birdflash · 9 months
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hydr0phius · 7 months
For your fic title prompt: "Fantastic Yeets and How to Throw Them"
This feels like it would be a chaotic "Admiral takes care of sky-walkers for an hour and the sky-walker suite looks like it's been through a hurricane" type of fic.
Post Thrawn: Treason, maybe? I feel like Wutroow (Tro'owmis) would be an Admiral by then. She seems the most likely to educate the chisslings in all types of yeetable objects and how they should be yeeted (much to the caregiver's disgust). 10 ways to use a hairband in combat, perhaps??
"Right, you wanna line this bit up here. Yep, like that, aim for the eyes: good job! Now you've gotta pull the band back, hold this hand steady, and let her rip."
"Nah, nah, you can't throw Ay'llana at them, mate, we're trying to keep you both out of their way."
"I would teach you to throw knives, but your momish would lose her mind and I would lose my job."
That sort of thing that is wholesome until you remember that these are kids on a warship and they're at risk of being taken by the grysk etc and probably won't be taught how to defend themselves unless someone high up in the chain of command takes initiative.
(Also yes I do hc Wutroow as Aussie. She has the same energy lol).
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
Holy Nightwing! I'm...Bruce
by Night_Skye_Gazing Typical Nightwing and Batman behavior where they get hit with a gun, run tests, nothing happens, and then they wake up in each others beds. Not the worst thing, but low-key traumatizing waking up in bed with you momish person. Also low-key traumatizing having your son's boyfriend try to have good morning sex with you, not knowing you're not your son. Bruce and Dick swap bodies and wake up in each other's beds because of it. Will there be any emotional conversations because of this? Of Course!... not. They're bats, they don't talk. Words: 3151, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: DCU, Batman - All Media Types, Nightwing (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Wally West, Selina Kyle, Zatanna Zatara Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: body swapping, Magic, that's not the point, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Somewhat explicit- But not really, That's all the way at the end, Implied/Referenced Torture, it's in the past, Dick Grayson Calls Selina Kyle "Mom", Dick Grayson Calls Bruce Wayne "Dad", Kinda, Not Beta Read via https://ift.tt/6uvnZK0
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cassieuncaged · 11 months
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Losing it because my mom made the most momish halfling I’ve ever seen 😂
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