stealingpotatoes · 1 month
Skywalkers Apart AU thought of Cal being teen Leia’s celebrity crush but instead of boyband posters or magazine pages like irl it’s his wanted posters.
They finally meet Cal and Cal barely notices her because holy kriff he’s talking to Anakin fucking Skywalker
LOL that's fun but if you change one letter in the name, it's even MORE fun
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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bunnis-monsters · 29 days
Ahh your bee hybrids are making me think of the dynamics of the bulls and cows ♡♡ So doting and loving~ Soft and fuzzy!
I keep thinking about a nearby wasp or hornet colony getting a little jealous hearing about such a pretty queen - they're so big and scary..
Just rambly thoughts hehe, enjoy your day/night~
Let’s just say that you had a good relationship with the wasp hybrids before becoming the queen of the bee hybrids. You may have even had a fling with one or two, and they told the others.
For a while they watched on in jealousy, wanting you for themselves, until some got brave.
A few wasps get in and mate with the queen, filling you with their own eggs. It’s different than mating with the bees, they fuck and stuff you, leaving you with bite marks and hickeys… it feels so good…
The bee hybrids are devastated when they find out and aren’t sure what to do… while they hate the idea of sharing you, they’d also prefer to not go to war with the wasp hybrids. Hive vs Hive won’t end well, and your safety is their top priority.
So they find the wasps responsible and execute them… but you don’t really like that. Now the bees have made their beloved queen sad, and their next suggestion only angers you further.
They want to just kill the eggs, but that upsets you! They’re your eggs, and you get to decide if you carry them or not! The bees are at a loss. While killing them isn’t allowed by you, they can’t stay in the bee hive, that’s dangerous. Wasps are aggressive and they’re afraid they’ll hurt your bee hybrid babies.
The wasps send an ambassador, who says the other hive will go to war with them for the queen… but they offer a compromise.
Since both hives love you and neither of them wants to suffer through a war, they suggest sharing you.
So they hesitantly accept the offer to share their queen, the only stipulation being that they have more access to her and their eggs are the priority. The wasps don’t really plan on obeying that rule, but they agree because god they want you so bad.
Now imagine being surrounded by the aggressive and rough wasp hybrids that are deliciously rough on your fat cunt while you’re also being worshipped and adored by the bee hybrids who mate with you however you please…
You’d spend your days going from one hive to another, being given more and more love and affection as both hives try to stay in your favor and possibly convince you to stay with them forever.
They’re both very possessive species, and aggressive when it comes to their hive and queen. Who knows how long this treaty will last.
This scenario could be explored more if anyone’s interested.
I think the bees would usually not do this, but with the added lore that the queen was once friendly with the wasps and they are more desperate to have her means the bees would rather share than potentially lose to war. In their minds they can’t comprehend that the wasps would never hurt you, they think that they will take out the entire hive along with you.
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hedgehog-moss · 27 days
I really love it when you make entirely French posts that I Cannot Read (not sarcasm). There's just something so lovely about "Oh look!! People with entirely different cultures than me so vastly different I can't even read it!! But also so closely like mine that we're both here on tumblr!! People do the people things in so many ways and I'm privileged to see it even when I can't understand it!"
And I just think it's neat
Oh I know what you mean, I love finding posts in other languages on my dash and discovering that my mutuals are from more varied countries than I initially suspected! Especially a language that's completely inscrutable to me, I like trying to guess what the post is about and being wrong. I'm like, there's a heart emoji, this person is talking about her crush, and then I run the post through google translate and it's about a dog.
I'm afraid I'm not unpredictable in this way though... If you guessed that 100% of my French posts are me hating my government and wondering if burning down Paris again would help, you'd be right.
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weekly-eons · 1 year
Emo leafeon? OvO
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Most emo of leaf
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pigdemonart · 6 days
ITS PIG DEMON. not pidgemon. ohhh my god. i cant believe this.
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mrghostrat · 10 months
In regards to the doodle requests, maybe Crowley eating a bite of cake? Streamer au or canon, since both of them have Aziraphale knowing how to bake.
ok BUT have you considered
triple choc devil's food cake 👀
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mewtwoandme · 3 months
I was showing my friend your account, but now they won't stop talking about how 'attractive' they find Jericho and ect. How do you feel about that?
I mean...
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Yeah no...I can't imagine why they think that, crazy XD
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svtskneecaps · 7 months
oh good news for those of us who only saw the english version of the french union call for testimony, or who don't speak french:
when in english they said quackity "half-heartedly" acknowledged things, in the french version the word they used was "demi-mot". having consulted a few dictionaries i THINK it's not a direct translation or at least not a wholly accurate one. from what i'm seeing, "reconnaître à demi-mot" roughly means "to admit indirectly". translation of "demi-mot" directly seems to be something like "implicitly" or "without spelling things out".
i've linked the sources where i found the translations for any english speakers who want to double check and please, any native french speaker who disagrees PLEASE tell me if you have a different translation than was provided, or have insight on the connotation!!
"half-heartedly" implies a lack of personal or emotional investment which i think got a lot of us on the defensive (certainly raised my eyebrow) but i think that's just an imperfect translation. from what i'm seeing, 'demi-mot' doesn't have those same connotations.
(incidentally, putting 'reconnaître à demi-mot' into google translate does produce 'to acknowledge half-heartedly'; no shade, to be clear, considering they're a FRENCH union i wouldn't blame them if they had to use online translation tools, and 'demi-mot' is hard to translate, at least for me)
both english and french versions of the call are linked in this post
@selemina : "French speaker here, you are very right! In this context, it could mean "he recognized, without saying so explicitly [...]". Or it is a notion of not enough being said on a subject. There is a layer of secrecy to something said 'à demi-mot', which often implies dishonesty. Applied to this context, I think the union is suspicious of Quackity's latest declaration (probably from seeing many dishonest people in charge before) but still reporting the facts." (THANK YOU!!)
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Morning, Mon
I'm thinking about after Hotch was in the bombing in Mayhem and lost some of his hearing, with reader who would be careful to always be on the side of his 'good' ear, or always really enunciate their words and try to speak with their mouth clearly in front of him since he has to rely on lipreading a bit more these days. Plus! they would totally show Jack to do the same since he loves to babble happily to his dad, but he sometimes misses what's being said. Being hotch though he's always too embarrassed to admit when he needs help or can't hear.
Have a blessed day, Beautiful
A Helping Hand
Warnings: Hearing loss, brief mention of the bombing, Hotch being too proud to ask for help (but eventually does), fluff.
Word count: 806
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader
A/n: Oh yes yes!! This is one of the more recent ones I've seen when rewatching some of CM. It might be less of a fic?? Idk. BUT I'm posting it as one anyway 😌. Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted </3. I hope it's still enjoyable though :) This one was also not proofread so I apologise if there are any mistakes.
Forever tags: @greg-montgomery @boredelle @hotchsdoormat @ssahotchnerr @criminalskies @beardedhotchh @hotchnerbau @mrs-ssa-hotch @ssamorganhotchner (let me know if you want to be added🫶)
After the bombing and Aaron losing some of his hearing in one ear you've tried to be considerate of his new situation and how he lives now. You know he doesn't always catch everything that's being said to or around him but you also know he hates asking for people to speak louder and more clearly because of his hearing.
You've taken it upon yourself to do whatever you can to help him. And if everyone thought you liked being around him before, they should see you now. You're by his side almost constantly when you're on cases. It started when you noticed Aaron furrowing his brows even more and trying to lean in and turn his head so he could hear the officer more clearly, whether he realised he was doing it or not. When he still looked puzzled as to what was said you had walked over to him and made sure you repeated the officer's words into Hotch's good ear. He thanked you, though he did seem a bit embarrassed that you'd had to do that for him.
Hotch needs some extra care and consideration right now and though you know he hates needing extra help, or any help for that matter, he does need it. And you're happy to help him however you can. You're stuck to his side often. Even outside of work.
When everything happened and Aaron was spending time at home more, you visited every day if there wasn't a case. The first couple times you were there, you noticed Jack rambling about everything that popped into his head but Aaron was clearly not catching most of what was being said. He was trying to see the boy's face which was directed downwards as he played with his toys. Aaron would hum and nod even though he wasn't getting most of it.
When Aaron stood up to get you all a snack, you explained in a very nice and simple way to Jack that his dad can't hear very well right now. That it will help Aaron if he can see his mouth when he speaks and that it's best to speak as clearly as he can. "You understand what I'm saying, bug?" He nodded and said everything back to you so you knew he understood what you meant. For such a young child he was very intelligent and very understanding. He made sure to do just what you'd explained and you could see the look on Aaron's face when he was able to hear so much more of what the boy said to him.
Aaron didn't know you'd said this to his son. But if he knew, he'd have been very grateful regardless of the embarrassment he'd have felt. Because knowing what his son loves and wants to tell him all about is far more important to him than anything else.
Whenever Aaron was on the plane you always sat next to him, making sure to be on the side of his good ear. He noticed this after the first few times. He never mentioned it, though you knew he'd figured it out quickly.
He appreciated it. You always made sure he was fully informed and aware of what was happening. If someone threw an idea into the open and he looked a little lost, you would repeat it in his good ear. Or if you hadn't realised he missed something he would look to you and if you made eye contact he leaned in a little closer to you and you'd tell him then. Or if you hadn't been looking at him he would give you a slight nudge to get your attention. He was starting to get more comfortable asking for help, but only with you. He still wouldn't ask anyone else.
Everyone tried to be mindful and considerate. But they didn't go to the extent that you did.
Aaron's new situation was frustrating and irritating to him. It caused him more stress than he already had, which you knew was quite a bit. Sometimes it would overwhelm him and you were always there to pull him back down and comfort him. You were always there for him to lean on for support. He knew you didn't do all of this out of pity, but rather out of love and care and understanding for him.
There were a couple of times that he came to you in need of a shoulder to cry on. Both times it was mostly about him being afraid he'd never hear the same and that he would miss things he had taken for granted when he could hear them. He wasn't embarrassed around you anymore, especially not about this. He knew he could always come to you for support and he was always thanking you for how much you've helped him.
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intotheelliwoods · 3 months
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[WIP] @cupofcappuccy LMAO I was JUST working on that..... I will probably finish it up to post sometime tomorrow since work has me hostage til Thursday o7 But I do have this older uncolored ref over here-
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... This is hilarious, the tag for the arc has been accepted, I will soon go back to tag all the fusion stuff with this tag, thank you anon! haha!
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@belleyells Something something, Avocado Toast is the Steven Universe style fusion of Sprout and Poptart! Might be a bit hard to explain if you have never watched Steven Universe, but its the two of them mashed into one singular Leo, creating a whole new guy!
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copalcetic · 2 months
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"Living, 1980-1982" memes: Andor edition.
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lestappenforever · 6 months
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Charles Leclerc of Lec Ice Cream after realizing that Max Verstappen is hot as hell
The way I cackled. 😂
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andorshitdaily · 2 months
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My compatriots forced me to submit this 😔
So thankful to have lived my life in such a way that I do not understand what’s happening here
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wrylu · 8 months
oh oh art request: AroAce König
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your wish is my command
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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I present you this smol baby
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I love so much about this image shine I efbuhwebfyshef TOO MANY WORDS
I actually briefly worked on doing a small young sun and moon thing but I stopped when I had the idea for the biggin comic. Specially cause I realized most of the comic would be (please excuse the messy sketches)
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Sun and moon just fighting to survive
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mrghostrat · 7 months
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for those who like numbers: bnf has officially passed mon horrible chéri’s hits! it’s my dearest fic, has been since the moment i started planning it, so i’m exceptionally proud and thrilled to see it finally approaching ATWS’s popularity.
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i think atws is great too, but all of you who were there at the start will know that it was just a silly aesthetic idea that tripped and stumbled into a fic. i’d been planning bnf since before streamer au turned into anything, so it’s just real rewarding to see something i’ve put so much effort into earning such a huge response 💕
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