#ride or die 2 fanfiction
monaownsmyass · 8 months
Book: Ride-or-Die (2)
Pairing: Mona x MC (Ellie Wheeler)
Genre: ANGST (and just some general fluff)
Rating: PG13, Mona has a colourful vocabulary
Word Count: 3,930
A/N: So since we now know what was supposed to happen in Book 2, I HAD to write Mona reuniting with MC again for the first time in 5 years. The idea of them seeing each other after so long, the tension, mhmm! Since I'm working with the bare bones, I'm only guessing how most of the plot was suppose to go down. So if there's any plot holes in my own story, just ignore it :3
I never thought I'd be posting a fic again. And yet, here I am, years later writing for Mona cuz we were ROBBED of Book 2. I feel like I've come full circle cuz my very first fic was for Mona and I'm pretty sure this is gonna be my last. At least for a while. The last fic I posted was the last time I think I properly wrote anything so forgive me if I'm rusty, but anything for my baby Mona <3 Lmk whatcha think of this fic!
Ellie stared unblinkingly at the still face looking back at her from the screen. Her jaw clenched as her mind raced. Five years, it's been five years since she had seen her, five years since she's heard anything about her and there she was. And tomorrow, if everything goes to plan, she'll be right in front of Ellie. She'll actually be there, with her in the same physical space and not the one she had shared with her in her mind over the past half decade.
Just the thought alone was enough to make Ellie want to throw up, either from excitement or nervousness or both, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that she had been imagining this moment constantly ever since she last saw her. Ellie always thought about what she would say, what she would do, but she could never quite figure out what that would be. And for the longest time, she thought it wouldn't matter. She thought she would never see her again.
Until now, that is.
Ellie inhaled deeply and let out a shaky breath, trying to get her thoughts in order. But she never seemed to be able to whenever she looked into those sly brown eyes and at that infuriating smirk on that gorgeous face. It was no different now, apparently.
She slammed her laptop shut. She'll worry about it when she's there.
Ellie was hyperaware of everything around her. The heat emanating from her coffee into her palms, the espresso machine whirring, the music in the background, the grains of the wooden table.
Suddenly, she heard the shop doorbell ring and her heart fell to her stomach.
She just knew.
Ellie didn't turn to look, she just couldn't bear the weight of it. Instead, she heard, she felt.
She heard the familiar footsteps of boots walking towards her that awoke distant memories. She felt her eyes shut on its own accord. She heard a soft sound of curiosity coming from where the footsteps had stopped. She felt her heart drumming so hard in her chest, she could hear it in her ears. She felt a presence looming over her. She heard a hand slap against the metal backing of the chair across from her.
And then nothing.
Ellie slowly opened her eyes and gulped. When did her throat get so dry?
The first thing she saw was a perfectly manicured hand gripping the chair in front of her that lead up to a familiar fully tattooed arm. She forced her gaze upwards, finding it exceedingly difficult, feeling as if she was fighting against an invisible force, as if the more she dare to look up, the more her own eyes were denying her.
She took in the other hand resting against the waistband of dark pants. She noticed a black tank top covered by a black leather jacket and the way the necklaces worn rested against it. Her breath hitched and her heart stopped when her gaze finally met the one of the woman she had been dreaming of for 5 years now.
And goddamn, was she just as stunning as Ellie had remembered, even more so maybe.
"Mona," she softly breath out as if she was hoping it was true. The name sounded foreign yet familiar against her lips. Oh, how she had missed saying that name.
There Mona was, a hand on her hip and the other propping herself up by the chair, a brow raised and the corner of her lips quirked upwards, as if fighting a smile back. Her pretty brown eyes gazed down deeply into Ellie's and Ellie felt as if she was losing an unspoken uphill battle.
"Well, well, well," Mona whispered and Ellie nearly laughed in relief at being able to listen to her voice again. It was surreal. "If it isn't Ellie fucking Wheeler. Hello, princess."
The entire situation was so overwhelming for Ellie, she didn't know what to do with herself. She was between a constant push and pull state of fidgety and paralyzed. It was like a dream and a nightmare come true and Ellie wasn't even sure if she wanted to be woken up if it was one.
But it wasn't, and Ellie still wasn't sure what she'd say or do now that she was face to face with the woman that had been haunting her thoughts since she met her.
Ellie took in Mona who was now sitting opposite her. She was leaned back with her arms crossed and her lips pursed. Everything about her posture would suggest to Ellie that Mona was being standoffish. The only thing that was making her second guess herself were those damn eyes. Mona made no effort to hide the fact that her eyes were blatantly flickering up and down Ellie's form. They finally settled back on Ellie's and she swore she saw Mona's gaze soften just the tiniest bit. Ellie had no clue if she was assessing her as well or checking her out.
Despite her many psychology classes on body language and facial expressions, she still couldn't read Mona. She never had been able to. It was something that Ellie had appreciated every now and then, she liked that Mona kept her on her toes. But now wasn't one of those times.
"I didn't think you'd come," Ellie blurted out and finally broke the silence, not being able to stand the way Mona was looking at her anymore.
Mona cocked an eyebrow at her and shrugged a little. "It's not everyday I get a letter from a girl I took a bullet for 5 years ago. Had to see for myself." Ellie had no idea how to respond but she didn't need to because almost immediately after, Mona leaned in forward and glowered at her. "How did you find me?"
Mona was so near, Ellie could smell her perfume and she'd be lying if she said it didn't make her a bit heady. Ellie leaned back into her chair, feeling the need to put some space between the two of them. She saw the corners of Mona's lips twitch in a flash as she did.
Unlike Ellie, Mona always could've read Ellie very much easily, probably even a bit too easily.
Ellie shut her eyes tight, trying to think of an easy, gentle way to break the news to Mona. There was no easy, gentle way.
"Look, Mona," she sighed and looked up at her. "I was hoping to warm you up a little before I jump into it but since you asked...," Ellie drifted off and paused for a moment to try and figure out the best way to phrase her next sentence. "I'm working with the FBI and I need your help."
Just as Ellie had predicted, Mona was mad. Her hands gripped the armrests of her chair and leaned in even closer to Ellie, her eyes wide in disbelief.
"What the fuck, Ellie?!" Mona whispered angrily, her voice low. "If you're working with the cops, then you know that I fucking broke out of prison, right? You're basically leading them back to me!"
"Mona, listen," Ellie leaned forward and placed a hand on Mona's, not knowing how else to reassure her. It was a mistake, Ellie's breath hitched being so close to her. Both their eyes flickered down at their hands before meeting each other's again. Mona jaw unclenched just the slightest bit and didn't pull away so Ellie continued. "They agreed to clear your remaining offenses and even your criminal record if you cooperate with them."
Mona finally pulled her hand away and she folded her arms again, leaning back into her seat. Ellie leaned back as well, thankful for a way out. She knew she was on the verge of doing something stupid.
Mona considered what Ellie had told her. "What makes you think I want that? If you're working for the pigs you'd know that I'm still involved."
"I'm working with them, not for them," Ellie corrected. "And from what rumors I heard, your current situation is more of a necessity than a want, it's transactional."
Ellie looked at Mona expectantly. If she was honest, she was hoping Mona would fill in the gaps for her because that was all she knew. She hadn't gotten any details. Instead, Mona asked, "Why are you working with them, anyway?"
"There's a heist crew that Logan was in that obtained list of important informants and the FBI thinks I can help 'cuz I have ties with him."
"And where do I fit into this?" Mona questioned, unamused.
"Your current... involvement... appears to have connections to them, so we need your help to gather intel," Ellie put it plainly, no point sugarcoating it and wrapping it up in a pretty bow, especially since she knew Mona would appreciate the directness more.
"Hm," Mona squinted at Ellie and Ellie tried her best to maintain composure which was proving to be very hard in Mona's presence. "Very bold of you to assume I'd risk my neck by going behind the backs of one of the most dangerous crime families just to helps out a bunch of cops. Very stupid, but very bold too. I'm not sure if I'm impressed or disappointed."
Ellie couldn't help but grin. It was the most Mona-like thing she had said and just for a little while, it felt like old times. She decided to push her luck a little further. "Can you... is it okay if you explain to me why you're with them?"
Mona glared at Ellie and then let out a huff, running her fingers through her hair, clearly frustrated. Ellie just watched in silence, unsure what to make of it.
"After all this time and you still can make me want to talk, it's embarrassing," she mumbled and Ellie had to strain to listen to her. Ellie felt her heartbeat start to pick up again at Mona's words. "I'll make it quick. Escaped prison, cops chased, crime family protect, work for them, safe from cops." She gestured with her hand lazily, explaining with complete disinterest as if she's told this story a million times which was ironic since this was probably the first time she told this to anyone.
"Well, think about it this way," Ellie had offered in response after taking some time to ponder. "If you help the FBI, you'll help bust them and clear your offenses, which means you'll be free, Mona."
Ellie could practically see the gears turning in Mona's head, or more like, she could practically see her weighing out the pros and cons on a scale. Mona's eyes flitted from staring at her table up to meet Ellie's and Ellie forced herself not too look away, daring to challenge Mona to accept her offer.
Mona sighed and unfolded her arms to gesture with her hands. "It's a very tempting offer, believe me."
"But there's a reason they're the biggest crime family," Mona said in a hushed yet hurried tone. "If they haven't gotten caught for this long, I doubt me throwing a wrench in their plans and schemes would do jackshit!"
Mona was frustrated, but Ellie could tell it was more so about her situation than at Ellie which kept Ellie at least a little calm for now.
"Not to mention, law enforcement fucking sucks, I don't exactly trust them to catch every single member."
Mona's eyebrows furrowed and her lips were set in a displeased line, the wrinkles at the corners of her mouth prominent with her scowling. Ellie found herself missing it.
"I know, I know you're not their biggest fan and I know what I'm asking of you-"
"NO!" Mona slammed her palm against the table, not loud enough to attract unwanted attention but that didn't stop Ellie from jumping in her seat at her sudden outburst. "I don't think you realise exactly what you're asking me to do, princess," she spat out the nickname venomously and Ellie fought hard not to flinch.
"Listen, I took a bullet for you, I went to fucking prison for you. You get in touch with me again after all this years only to ask me to die for you." Mona paused and closed her eyes, exhaling slowly. Ellie watched in silence for a moment, her heart beating a mile a minute in realisation.
"You're right, I didn't think of it like that, I'm sorry." Mona snorted but Ellie continued. "But that's not the only reason I wanted to get in touch with you, I promise."
Mona opened her eyes and looked at Ellie. Ellie could sense she was trying to read her expression, decide if she was being sincere. She was.
It was quiet for a moment.
Mona crossed her legs at the knees and leaned forward. Ellie could see the anger in her expression dissipate into subtle smugness. Mona whispered, "What's the other reason then?"
There it was. Ellie knew Mona knew just from the slight pull of her upper lip and the way she was gazing at her with such intent. Over the past 5 years, Ellie had so much she wanted to say to Mona. Far too much to condense into a one sentence answer, but she tried anyway by saying, "I missed you, Mona."
"After all this time, and you still haven't learnt to save yourself." Mona let out a short, soft chuckle and shook her head. She stood up and tugged at the collars of her jacket, fixing it before shoving her hands in her pockets and turning around.
"Where are you going?" Ellie stood up in alarm, dumbfounded by Mona's actions.
Mona turned to face Ellie again, shrugging slightly. "I have to go, I came here on borrowed time."
"Will you consider it? At least?" Ellie was pleading at this point, but mostly because she knew if Mona said no, this would be the last time she saw her. She was very desperate for it to not be.
"I'll find you," Mona said and started to walk away again.
Ellie sighed softly, relieved that she's got Mona's word that she'll at least hear from her. But Ellie couldn't help herself, she had to ask, she had to know.
"Did you miss me?"
Mona stopped and and turned her head to the side to quickly glance at Ellie at the corner of her eye over her shoulder. She faced head on again and exhaled, as if the question itself exhausted her.
"I haven't learnt either. If I did, I wouldn't be here."
Mona walked away and left Ellie standing there speechless, mind and heart racing.
Ellie looked around cautiously as she walked down the dingy back alley. Only a singular, dim streetlamp illuminated the street. Every small sound or movement caused Ellie to whip her head around in it's direction.
Leave it to Mona to pick the most unsavoury, suspicious place at the darkest hour of the night to want to meet up.
All of a sudden, she spotted a car headed in her direction. The headlights so bright, it temporarily blinded Ellie. She would've ran if she didn't catch a glimpse of the familiar purple of the car in the midst of being rendered sightless.
The car stopped right beside her and the door popped open to reveal Mona looking expectedly at her.
"Well, c'mon, get in."
"Mona! You still have your car?"
She rolled her eyes. "Questions later, get in now."
Ellie silently obeyed. As soon as she slammed the door shut, Mona sped off, leaving Ellie clumsily grabbling for her seatbelt. She managed to click it into place before turning to Mona who had a smirk on her face.
Mona looked at ease as always behind the wheel. Leaned back in her seat with one hand on the steering and the other on the shift stick, Mona was definitely in her element. And definitely looked hotter driving than Ellie remembered.
"Not used to the speed anymore, princess?"
"It's been a while," Ellie reminded and looked out the passenger's window, watching the buildings whip past them. "Some things never change though."
Mona drove in silence, not even humming along to the hip-hop music she had playing on the radio. Ellie cleared her throat and decided to speak up. "So, are you accepting the offer?"
"We'll talk later." Mona looked at Ellie briefly before averting her eyes back on the road.
Ellie looked around outside, roughly recognising their surroundings but not exactly being able to place her finger on it.
"Mona, where are we going?"
"You don't remember?" Mona quirked an eyebrow at her as they pull into an open area where a bunch of cars were parked. A video was projected onto a huge display screen right at the front. Ellie's eyes lit up in realisation.
"The drive-in theatre! The one we came to with Mercy Park Crew!"
"The one and only," Mona confirmed as she put her car into park and pulled the hand break up. "Literally."
She pulled the lever of her chair and leaned so far back, she was almost laying down. She raised both hands behind her head and stared at the projection in front of them.
Bewildered at Mona, Ellie's brows furrowed in confusion as she looked at her. "What are you doing? What are we doing?"
"We're watching a movie, duh," Mona replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Mona was being difficult, Ellie had enough experience with her to at least know that. And lucky for her, she also had enough experience to know how to annoy Mona into talking.
Mustering up the most gushy and enthusiastic voice she could, she said, "Aww, Monaaaa!" Ellie grabbed Mona's knee and Mona looked at her, with both brows raised, clearly confused and maybe even looking a little weirded out by her sudden change in tone. "If you wanted to take me on a date you could've just said so!"
"Pft! A date?" Mona sputtered, taken aback. "You wish, princess."
"What is it then? Are you feeling sentimental?" Ellie cooed and Mona lightly slapped her hand away, the one that was on her knee.
"Hah! Definitely not."
"It's okay if you are, it's actually so cute of you."
Mona gasped and sat up straight as if it was the most offensive thing to mankind.
"I am not cute," she glared at Ellie and Ellie fought hard to hide her bubbling laughter.
"Then what is it?"
"Fine!" Mona threw her hands up in defeat. "I just wanted to relax before we got down to business but since this is so much more stressful let's just talk now." Mona leaned back against her seat and motioned Ellie to copy her seat position.
Ellie smiled to herself as she adjusted her seat lever. "Why are we leaning back?"
"'Cuz it's less suspicious. Also it's more comfortable."
"So," Ellie turned to face Mona. "Why are we here?"
"Because, we needed a private place to talk in public at 9 p.m. and this was what I thought of. They have eyes and ears everywhere, this is the safest bet." Mona looked at Ellie. "I need to know the exact terms of this agreement before I give my answer."
"Yes, yes, of course," Ellie replied eagerly, hopefully that Mona was considering the offer.
"I will be exempted for all my crimes, correct?"
"And my record will be a clean slate?"
Ellie nodded.
"The leak must be anonymous, the gang won't know the mole was me. And I don't want the FBI to be tailing my every move either."
"Okay, that can be done."
"While working with them, I want the FBI's word that I'm under their protection and I get full immunity. I know it'll get messy. I need all of it in writing."
Ellie saw a flicker of emotions pass Mona's face. They both knew how dangerous this proposition was for Mona. Ellie gentle placed her hand on Mona's thigh and Mona stiffen at the soft contact, not daring to even look at it.
"I'll be with you the whole way, Mona. I promise, I-"
"Don't," Mona interrupted, sounding pained almost. "How many times must I tell you. We don't do promises, we don't do loyalty. It's each man for themselves, if you need to run, you run."
Ellie was quiet, letting out a shaky breath and squeezing Mona's thigh. Mona finally looked down at the contact and winced as if she was hurt, as if she could tell what Ellie was going to say next.
"And yet, you're still here."
Mona stared deep into Ellie's eyes, her gaze so intense it was hypnotising.
"I'll do it," Mona said softly. "I'm in."
Relief washed over her. Ellie smiled a little a nodded. As she did, a strand of hair came loose and fell in her face. As if on reflex, Mona's hand came up to brush the hair away, tucking it behind Ellie's ear. The gentle touch of Mona's fingers against her face made her sigh in contentment. Ellie had missed Mona's touch so much, she thought she could cry. It felt like an oasis after years of being parched.
Ellie thought Mona would pull her hand away, but she didn't. Instead, she let it rest on Ellie's cheek. Mona's warm hand cupped Ellie's cheek and Ellie leaned into it. She closed her eyes, reveling in the comfort and familiarity of it after 5 years. She moved her hand that was resting on Mona's thigh up her wrist, holding Mona's hand there, afraid Mona will move, afraid of missing the contact. But she didn't move. Instead, she whispered her name.
Ellie's name coming out of Mona's mouth sounded so intimate, so precious. Ellie opened her eyes and her heart skipped a beat when she saw Mona staring back at her. She had never seen Mona look at her like that before. She looked soft, conflicted, as if she was fighting back. Ellie's lips parted and she noticed Mona's gaze look down at her mouth.
Ellie breathe her name out slowly, a praise, a hope, a gift. Silently wishing Mona would do what she'd been dreaming of for the past half decade. She was so close to getting what she wanted- no, what she needed. The touch, the gaze, the shallow breathes, it was all too much to handle. Ellie was ready to burst out of her skin, it was all too overwhelming.
"Fuck," Mona cursed, her resolve crumbling. She leaned into Ellie while pulling her closer as well. Their lips met halfway in a gasp and Ellie arms immediately wrapped around Mona's neck, her fingers playing with the baby hair on the nape of her neck. Mona moved her free arm around Ellie's waist and securely held her close.
Ellie could help but whimper at how good it felt to be in Mona's arms again, to be kissing her and holding her and savouring her. She had waited years to be able to do this again and it was beyond what she had hoped. She had forgotten how good Mona felt, she almost laughed at how she ever wondered why no one else could make her feel even a fraction of what Mona did. How could they when Mona made her feel like this.
Their lips moved in tandem and their grips on each other tightened. Even though Ellie had been waiting for so long for this, it was hard to believe any time had even passed between them with how in sync they were with each other.
Mona moaned softly into Ellie's mouth when she grabbed Mona's hair in her fist. Mona reluctantly pulled away and rested her forehead against Ellie's. Their hold on each other never ceasing as they tried to catch their breath.
Ellie felt delirious, she thought she would ascend at any moment. Mona softly brushed her thumb against her cheek. Ellie hummed softly at the touch and turned just the slightest bit to kiss the palm of Mona's hand. Mona sighed.
"I can't believe I'm still here."
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nightbystarriver · 1 year
Nights At The Radio Station | Originshipping
If you ask Wallace, it's true that he is no stranger to odd calls every now and then. It's part of a radio host's work, after all.
The green light switched on, and from the corner of his eyes, Wallace sees his radio crew milling about around the room. Amber eyes meet his gaze — and here May is, sending him a quick wave before quickly turning back to her equipment. The other crew members are also working hard tonight — Brendan next to May, tongue stuck out in concentration, yet gaze still occasionally drifting to the girl next to him, secretly and with longing. Ah, to be young and in love, though Wallace supposes he is also not exactly in a position to complain.
Shaking his head, Wallace turns back to the mic before him. Three minutes more, and the night will fall once the green light turns up, and the studio will get running on their job. May and Brendan, for example, among a few others, are in charge of taking up listeners' calls before letting them through to the radio host — Wallace, in this case. Today's work is going to be rather relaxing compared to usual, for Saturdays are reserved for light chatting and music recommendations. 
(And Wallace would not admit it, but Fridays are usually when the stories really go wild, what with it being labelled as 'for letting out all your heart's troubles and feelings' after all. Yesterday he had to listen to a fifteen-minute-call that detailed all the travails and ordeals worth of a person's life; and while he would always try his best to help his listeners no matter who they are, such a load of information at one time can be a little... exhausting.)
And the light switches on, and the crew give him many little smiles and warms up, and a smile naturally blooms on his face as he embraces the night with a hearty and blooming 'hello and good evening, my dear listeners!'. Time flows into words weaved into stories, and as it flows on, Wallace sits back on his chair and relaxes himself, feeling the many knots in his heart over the long week slowly untangle themselves away.
Perhaps it was this sense of ease and the fact that nothing too surprising has ever happened on Saturdays that led to Wallace letting down his guards.
The next call rolls in, and Wallace thinks he saw May widen her eyes for a split second in surprise before she presses the button to forward the call to him, hand covering her mouth in what could be a giggle. How curious. But he doesn't need to wonder for too long as the beeping sound rings out, which means the call has gone through. A smile comes naturally to the corners of his mouth (he loves doing his job, after all), and he greets his beloved caller with a hearty laugh: "Hello and welcome, my dear listener! May I ask what brought you here to us on this wonderous night?"
There is no respond. Worry starts creeping on his mind after a few seconds of listening closely and waiting. Has the connection been cut out? Is his caller lagging-
"Wallace." A warm, vaguely annoyed and deeply familiar voice rings out, and Wallace freezes. "Where did you leave my ring? I specifically told you to it on the bedside table before I went out this morning and now it's nowhere to be found."
Words get stuck in his throat for seconds that stretches seemingly to eternity. Shit, Steven's ring. The weight of that very same ring rests in his left pocket as if it did not just knock his world off its axis for one awkward moment. How does he convey that without sounding suspicious as fuck in front of his audience?
From the corner of his eye, he catches the director moving his hands in a flurry, signaling that he still has not spoken a word since. The mental image of Steven crossing his arms and tapping his shoe on the ground, the frankly cutest pout on his face crosses Wallace's mind as he visibly recomposes himself and leans into the microphone.
"Well, you see, dearest listener, the ring must have been mistakenly taken outside..."
"Dearest listener... hmph. New petname, I see. Isn't 'pampered prince' enough for you?" Someone in the room chokes, and Wallace feels like doing so too.
"In my defense, you are a little pampered."
"By who, I wonder." The voice cannot be dryer. "No dinner tonight for you."
"But you never cook, dear."
"I'm getting takeout." Yes, the voice can get dryer. "Don't forget the ring when you come home."
The call ends.
No one speaks for exactly five seconds. Then someone — probably Brendan — made a move towards the control board, and Wallace has to physically pick himself up for the second time in the span of five minutes as the next call goes through. At least his "Hello!" afterwards sounds natural enough.
After the Saturday's session finishes wrapping up and everyone bids their goodbyes, he tries to quickly leave the studio (and return to a very irritated dear person at home). May stops him dead in his tracks.
"Is that your roommate?" May whispers almost scandalously. Wallace decided to play dumb.
"Who?" Okay, maybe not that dumb.
"The person who called and talked about the- the ring, or- whatever that was. Was that your roommate?"
He would not exactly call Steven his roommate — more like his dearest lovely husband for two years and running strong now, with even more years of mutual pining before that — but Steven was the one who insisted on keeping their relationship a secret only to themselves, their dads and some other close friends. He was a relatively new celebrity when they first got married, and Steven did not want other people to think that his rise in fame is due to the Devon Corporation's money funding him from behind and not thanks to his incredible charisma — honestly, what happened to subtlety, Steven? Did he change his mind? Was he seriously angry? Why did Wallace forget to return his precious ring to its place? Oh, he might as well has fucked up their whole relationship! Sure he might be overreacting a little, he has always had a flair for drama, just leave him be — but the notion of Steven actually being angry at him refuses to leave his mind.
Alas, May is still waiting and the damage has already been done, so he just cracks a half-smile and nods curtly, trying to push through her to walk away. May just grins mischievously. Very foreboding.
"Roommates who also happens to use really cute petnames?"
"Good friends can also use petnames, you know."
May just chuckles and mumbles something along the line of "and historians call them roommates" — Wallace feels like he is being referenced without knowing what the reference is, but that is beside the point. He quickly waves goodbye and head towards the parking lots. He has more... important matters to deal with now.
Said more important matters is also sleeping on the living room couch when he gets home at the wee hours of two in the morning, his chest rising rhythmically in tandem with his breaths. On the table lies two boxes of takeouts, one still wrapped up nicely and one half empty, he could see it was his favourite — ah. Steven was not actually angry, then. Affections swell up in his heart like that of a boy on his first date as he kneels down besides the couch and tenderly presses his lips against the other's exposed forehead.
Steven stirred awake while Wallace gently holds up the other's hand resting on his stomach and return the missing ring to its place. He looks up to a pair of half closed eyes blinking up bearily at him, letting out some mumbled sleepy noises that sounds something like "welcome home", and Wallace feels his heart stepping one step closer to imploding at those words, the way it does everytime ever since they moved in together.
"I'm home." He brought the bony fingers up and pressed another kiss against it. The tired, yet honest grin that blooms on Steven's face melts all the worries of the diligent, professional Wallace away, leaving only the Wallace who cries over every cheesy romance movie and stays in the bed for five more minutes just to keep staring at his beloved's sleeping form. God, he loves his husband so much.
"Let's go inside, you will catch a cold like this." He gently lays rocks Steven back and forth. "Sorry about the ring, dear."
"It's fine, I didn't really mind." And then Steven swung his arms over his neck, and oh, Wallace's heart might have just actually imploded. "Carry me back to bed."
"Huh- Wait, my dear-"
And Steven is already asleep again, his arms somehow not loosening for one moment. Wallace merely shakes his head exasperately, his hands already moving down the other's back to lift him up.
After all, who is he to disobey the whims of his pampered prince?
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𝐓ɦ𝖾 𝐑𝗂ᑯ𝖾-ⱺ𝗋-𝐃𝗂𝖾 𝐂ɦ𝗋ⱺ𐓣𝗂𝖼ᥣ𝖾𝗌 is an epic collection of books that follow Logan and Bronwyn Ellis on an extraordinary journey as they face the rollercoaster of life's challenges and triumphs. Their unbreakable bond carries them through the stages of life and love, from their teen years well into adulthood. Based on the main character (renamed Bronwyn Davis) and love interest Logan (Ellis - surname by Kneshele) from the Pixelberry Choices visual novel app story Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance. My stories contain the background stories of the MC/LI by Pixelberry. All other plots, ideas, and foreground stories are original works by K. Neshele (Choices.lady). All stories are written and designed by K. Neshele also known as Choices.lady.
*DISCLAIMER Most characters, background art, and audio are property of Pixelberry Studios. All rights reserved to Pixelberry Studios. Stories authored by K. Neshele.
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Started: 11/17/2020
Updated: 8/08/2024
Total Works: 11
Ride-or-Die Book 2 ⚠️🔞
15 episodes ~ Completed 2/15/21
Ride-or-Die Ever After ⚠️🔞
13 episodes ~ Completed 7/05/21
Ride-or-Die Torn Asunder ⚠️🔞
14 episodes ~ Completed 6/21/22
A Ride-or-Die Christmas Story
3 episodes ~ Completed 12/25/22
Ride-or-Die Intentions ⚠️🔞🔥
20 chapters ~ Completed 1/08/24
Bronwyn's Journal ⚠️🔞
13 chapters ~ Updated 5/27/24 (on a brief hold)
Devore Archives 🔞🔥
9 chapters ~ Completed 8/8/24
*These fics are NOT a part of The Ride-or-Die Chronicles serialized books. They are loosely based on the series and/or set in an alternate universe.
Permission 🔞🔥
cowritten with @callmeteach
17 chapters ~ Completed 1/15/24
Missing Piece
One Shot ~ 3/27/24
The Game Changer
Part 1 ~ 11/25/23
Part 2 ~ WIP
The Forgotten Heir
7 chapters ~ Completed 6/28/22
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Look I just realized that, with the show still in it's early years, Perrin is going to be shipped around a lot. At least thru season 4 when they introduce and wed Faile to Perrin.
So I just thought I'd let my allegiances be known.
If I can ship anyone with Perrin it's Gaul.
If not Gaul, then Egwene.
If not Egwene, than anyone the show let's him have a little chemistry with.
I love Faile as a character. I think she's neat. But her and Perrin's relationship was the WORST part of the books for me.
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dannymayevent · 5 months
Dannymay 2024
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Welcome back to Dannymay! We sincerely apologize for the delay this year, as we're releasing this just a day before the event is due to start. Life's been a bit hectic for all of us, but we're here now and ready to get this event started for you!
If you aren't aware, Dannymay is a yearly event where creators are given a daily prompt and are free to run with it! Any and all art is allowed; fanfiction, fanart, music, poetry, and anything else will be welcomed!
Feel free to complete as many or as few prompts as you'd like, and remember to have fun! When you're done, post your creations to Tumblr with the #Dannymay2024 tag so we can see it!
Like last year, we'll be compiling an ao3 collection under the tag Dannymay 2024, and we'll fire up the Dannymay discord for another year - the link is in our FAQ!
Full text prompt list and AU explanations are below the cut
2. Wish
3. Invisible
4. Wander
5. Nails
6. Immortal AU: What if Danny/Halfas couldn't die?
7. Mind Control
8. Style Challenge: A unique prompt to kick off the second week! Take the characters and draw them in the style of a different piece of media, or experiment with your own style and see what you can make!
9. Hunger
10. Mausoleum
11. Mutation
12. Time Travel
13. D&D AU: Drop the characters into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, or imagine them playing the game!
14. Light
15. Field Trip
16. Glowing Veins
17. Equilibrium
18. Revenge
19. Iron
20. Pitch AU: What if the show had aired as presented in the Pitch Bible, where Danny is a human with an owl named Spooky, rides a motorcycle, and has a psychic connection with Sam? For more information, the Bible has been uploaded to the Internet Archive
21. Funeral
22. Song Lyric: Just one week left! Take a line from a song you like and use that as inspiration!
23. Reflection
24. Electricity
25. Games
26. Shoes
27. Zombie AU: What if the ghosts were zombies, or what if canon Amity Park were to face a zombie apocalypse?
28. Healing
29. Fireworks
30. Goodbye
31. Free Day: You made it, thanks for participating in the event! For the last day, create anything you'd like!
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dark-fics-4-you · 7 months
Sophie’s World
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⋆ 18+ Only ⋆
All of my works contain dark themes, including dubcon, noncon (aka rape), abusive relationships, forced pregnancy, incest, and possibly more (each fanfic will have individual content warnings)
Recent Fics
Power Trip - corrupted!peacekeeper!Sejanus can’t hold himself back when he finds district!Reader drunk in a back alley
In the Night - ghostface!stepbro!Rafe doesn’t like how close you’ve been getting with JJ
Old Grudges Die Hard - Rafe Cameron had made your life hell ever since you first met him in elementary school. When you moved away for college, you thought you were finally done with your bully, but your life changes when you come face to face with him at his party a year later.
Crying in the Country Club ch. IV
Crying in the Country Club ch. III
Crying in the Country Club ch. II
Crying in the Country Club ch. I
Softcore - Dilf!Rafe retaliates when younger!Reader jokes that he needs viagra
Number One Fan ch. V - Rafe tightens his control over you, continuing to shut you out from the rest of the world
Number One Fan ch. IV - your step brother can’t stand to watch you flirt with JJ Maybank, and he finally decides to take what he believes he’s owed.
After Hours Lesson - After class dinner, your professor, Coriolanus Snow, offers you a ride home
Faking It - Rafe gets pissed off after he realized you faked an orgasm
Love Plus One - After you get pregnant with your boyfriend of 3 years, you start to notice him becoming much more controlling of you
Equal Exchange - After accepting help from a stranger on a back road in the dead of night, you realize Rafe Cameron expects you to pay him back, one way or another
About Me
I go by Sophie! I’m 23 years old and I use she/her pronouns.
I have been writing fanfiction since I was 14 (yes there is an incredibly cursed blog full of kpop fanfic that I wrote in middle school still floating around on tumblr to this day). I first got into reading dark fanfics when I was 19 or 20 and I’ve been writing and posting my own dark fanfics for about 2 years.
Who I Write For
Sophie’s Masterlist
I mostly write for Rafe Cameron and Coriolanus Snow, but I have written for Sejanus Plinth, Loki, and Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) in the past.
In addition to my Rafe Cameron fics, I have also featured Topper Thorton as a character in a smut.
Requests are allowed and encouraged but I can give no guarantee that I will get around to writing all of them. I currently have over 100 messages in my inbox, so if I don't end up taking your request, it's nothing personal, I just have a lot of them :)
Here is a list of what I will not write about
Recommends tag is #recrecrec
I reblog many fics written by other authors onto this blog but here are just a couple of my favorite authors on tumblr that I have to rec
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blogthebooklover · 8 months
30 Things I Learned As An Adult
In honor of me turning 30 in January, I’ve decided to write out a list of 30 things I learned as an adult.  Now, some of these worked for me through trial and error, while others did not.
1. Self Care Is Important
I cannot stress this enough.  We all need to practice self care, to take time for ourselves.  It takes baby steps to find a good self-care routine, and there’s plenty of online resources to find one to your tastes.  Remember it is all about trial and error, and don’t worry about perfecting it right away.  Research some different self care routines online as a starting point.
2. Read Books, Not Fanfiction
Okay, don’t get me wrong, I do love reading some good ole fanfiction, and current events.  However, definitely pick up a book once in a while.  Whether it’s a graphic novel, comics, manga, please develop a reading habit.  It definitely helped me out a lot as a former college dropout, there are reading lists on sites like Goodreads, here on Tumblr, even colleges have lists what books students are required to read.  And it does help with expanding your knowledge and vocabulary.  As I’ve previously said, I’m a former college dropout who’s currently back in school, however, developing a healthy reading habit is what kept me grounded.  If you need a starting point, I recommend reading a fiction book, preferably in the SciFi/Fantasy genre; or reread a book from your childhood.  Also, PLEASE GET A LIBRARY CARD!  You’ll definitely be saving a lot of money, and we need to support our public libraries now more than ever.
3. Say “No” More Often
If you don’t feel comfortable going out, or if your manager calls and asks to cover a shift, just say “no.”  Remember, you have the power to set boundaries, especially with family, friends, and work.  This correlates to number 1 on my list, self care is super important, and you cannot put your health at risk for anyone.  I’m going to repeat that last part: SELF CARE IS SUPER IMPORTANT, AND YOU CANNOT PUT YOUR HEALTH AT RISK FOR ANYONE!
4. Register To Vote, And Vote In Every Election
With politics being so polarized and divisive in the past decade, and the upcoming 2024 US Presidential Election, please register to vote.  And voter suppression has been very rampant in the past two, arguably three, decades.  To anyone about to turn 18 here in the US, please register to vote ASAP!  And vote in every goddamn election, both national and local.  I seriously cannot stress this enough.
5. Eat Healthy, No Seriously
I love some fast food once in a while now, however, please take some time to learn about healthy eating.  It will catch up with you in the future, and our US healthcare system is already fucked as all hell.  I know the rising costs of everything, including food, is insane right now; but please keep informed about how to prepare good healthy food.
6. Take Breaks From Current Events, Social Media, and the Internet
This also correlates with number one.  While it is very important to stay informed with what is happening in the world/country of origin; especially with the US Presidential Election year.  Remember, it’s okay to take breaks from reading too much news, and scrolling through social media feeds.  It really does have an effect on your mental health, and unfortunately too many people tend to fall down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole on all sides of the political spectrum.  To the teenagers and young adults, take breaks and focus on your mental health and well-being.  To the adults, read the previous sentence.  With everything so polarizing, take care of yourself first.  
7. High School Friends DO NOT LAST!
My friends from high school and early college years were definitely the “ride and die” type of  friends, metaphorically speaking.  If you have that one friend who was/is the “give the shirt off their back” type, check in on them once in a while.  However, with the former, just move on.  The friends I had in high school definitely had a lot of childhood trauma, and in one aspect, I’m glad that they were honest about it; it was/is a way to heal.  However, any “friend” who just doesn’t want to better themselves and use you for any convenience, DUMP THEM AND CUT OFF ALL CONTACT!  Remember just as you set boundaries with your toxic family members, and even for your job, you should do the same with friends.
8. Change Jobs, ASAP!
This is a very important one.  I didn’t really have a job as a teenager, I wanted to enjoy being a kid for a little longer, however, I did have an occasional babysitting job.  At 23 years old, I got a job at a fast food place.  While I do appreciate part of the experience, like how to use the “customer service” voice, however, any red flags that pop up in your head, change jobs, ASAP!  It was toxic, too political (for some weird reason) and a lot of drama (and not from the teenagers).  The grocery store I work at now does have its busy times, however, it’s much more calmer, and I don’t see too many “Karen” types. 
9. Declutter More Often
This is also a definite must as you get older.  Whatever you don’t need anymore, donate them.  Whatever is completely broken, throw it away!  Whatever it is that is in good condition, sell it or maybe give it to someone as a birthday/holiday present.  Any old makeup, throw it away!  It’ll help reduce the amount of clutter and mess.  If you need a starting point, I suggest the KonMari method.  It really did help me out a lot.
10.  Use A Planner
This is a life-and-time saver.  Write down any appointments, cleaning days, paydays, bill charges, etc.; into a physical planner.  If you’re in college, please use one!  And write down any assignments to work on/turn in BEFORE the deadline.  Also, anything important, put into your calendar app on your phone and laptop as a reminder.
11.  Have A Skin Care Routine
Okay, I know having a skin care routine isn’t for everyone, and we all have different reactions to skin care products; however, don’t be afraid to experiment with a good skin care routine.  In my early teen years, I used Proactiv skin care for my acne, and it helped out a lot.  Remember: cleanse, tone, any serum of your choice, and moisturize.  This also helps out if you don’t feel like jumping into the shower.  Also, use sunscreen, seriously.
12.  Don’t Get Married, Until You’re Ready
This is coming from someone who is single, lol.  If you plan on getting married to your romantic partner, I’m proud of you! Marriage is about communication, being honest, and doing equal amount of work (finances, household chores, etc.)  Save money if you’re planning for a wedding, or go to your local courthouse to get a marriage license if you don’t want the big, fancy reception.  
13.  Don’t Have Kids, Until You’re Ready
Again, this is coming from someone who is single and childless, lol.  Having kids is a lot of work: physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.  Not everyone is capable of being a parent, and I have read PLENTY of posts on here and other websites about toxic parents/parenting styles.  Take time and think about if you’re ready to become a parent.
14.  Learn How To Budget Your Money
This is for anyone of any age out there.  Please learn how to budget your spending.  Look for stuff on sale or clearance, or cut back on certain types of spending. I know most people have no idea where to start, but there is! There’s some great websites and YouTube channels on how to budget your money. Another great tool to use are spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. I use a Google Sheet template to help track my spending and budget my finances. Also, if you have gift cards from your birthday/holidays/etc; definitely use them, you won't be breaking your bank account :). Also, definitely have some paper cash in your wallet for emergency use.     
15.  Open A Savings/Emergency Funds Account, ASAP!
This is a huge one to have as an adult, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Anything left over from paying the bills, from a side hustle, or from your tax returns, put that into savings.  Certain banks will also have the option of creating “financial goals” in savings accounts; so I highly recommend using that as well.  This also correlates with number 14.  If you’re interested, open two or three savings accounts, the last one should only be for emergency funds.
16.  Get A Physical Hobby, AKA Exercise!
It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you do, please do it!  And for anyone who is physically disabled, there are modified options provided on YouTube.  We do lose certain motor functions as we age, so definitely pick an exercise that’s right for you, as they say. Even if it's just going outside for a walk for 30 minutes, please do some type of exercise.   
17.  Learn How To Meal Prep
It doesn’t have to be for every meal of every day, pick a meal you want to make and prepare ahead of time.  And prepare that meal the day before, so it will be on hand when you leave your house. There are some great videos on YouTube, and some ideas from Pinterest if you need a starting point.
18.  If You’re Able To, Go To The Dentist!
Seriously though, try and go for a checkup/teeth cleaning.  You’re only given one set of teeth after all your baby teeth fall out, and you need to take good care of them.  If you’re able to, or live near to one, local colleges have free cleanings through their dental training programs.   
19.  If Your Job Offers a 401K, GET ON IT NOW!
My old job at a fast food restaurant didn’t have retirement benefits, but my current grocery store job does.  I jumped on it right away, even if it’s not the job I want right now.  And it’s a good starting point to have some money saved up for retirement. If you leave the job that has a 401k, you can do what's called a rollover. This will put the money that was set into the first retirement fund into another one; you can do this with your bank or if your new job has a 401k.
20.  If You Don’t Have Health Insurance, Sign Up With The State, or Through Your Job.
In my experience, I have insurance through the state at the moment.  If your job offers health insurance as well, jump on it right away, even if it’s not the job you want, it’ll be a starting point that correlates with number 19.
21.  It’s Okay To Not Go To College
This is coming from someone who was a college dropout at 19, and currently back in school.  If you don’t feel ready to go to college, that’s okay too.  College is very expensive, especially here in the US, and not everyone can get a scholarship, even if they did apply for a lot of them.  Maybe get a part-time job or two (for some income), explore some hobbies you enjoy, and take some time to think about some goals.     
22. If You’re In College, It’s Okay To Stay At Home
Again, coming from a former college dropout, I stayed at home while attending a nearby community college in another state.  However, out-of-state tuition and housing is also very expensive.  If you have a good relationship with your parents, and if you’re going to school in-state, talk to them about staying home while going to school.  If you don’t, then talk to a trusted friend or family member about getting an apartment together that isn’t on-site housing while you’re attending school.
23. Watch Non-English Language Movies
If you’re a movie lover like me, take some time to watch some foreign language films once in a while; and I know we anime fans do, lol.  To be honest, it does get very boring watching English language films all the time, whether from the States, England, or Canada.  Watching foreign language movies will definitely help you to understand the world a lot better, if you don’t have the means for traveling yet; and they will help you to understand that no matter where we live, we all have similar issues, hopes, dreams, etc.  If you need a starting point, I recommend any of the Studio Ghibli movies, I would start with Kiki’s Delivery Service; or Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth.  
Remember: toxic family members and friends are not worth it.  You are worthy and valid for love and respect.  This correlates to number 7.  This is also very useful in the workplace.  
25. Express Yourself Through Fashion
Like everyone else, I feel most comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt myself; however sometimes I like to dress up just for fun, or to build up my self esteem and image.  This also helps when learning to pair an accessory with an outfit.  Play around with different color palettes and clothing styles, and find the one you feel the most “you.”  For example, I’ve always looked my best in jewel tones and a cooler color palette.  Read some fashion articles or watch some YouTube videos about how to pick out an outfit.
26. It Is Not Selfish To Prioritize Yourself
This correlates with number 3.  I have noticed it’s mostly a Western/American/Christian culture norm, we’re always told to take care of others before taking care of ourselves; or we’re selfish for prioritizing ourselves over others. It is not selfish, it is part of self care. Again, this is tied in with number 24.
27.   Failing and Making Mistakes Is Part of Growing
There is so much societal pressure on trying to be successful in life and work, especially in the Western/American hemisphere. However, making mistakes and failing at something is part of growing, and learning as an individual.
28. It's Okay to Not Have a Label to Define Yourself
Hear me out. I understand the use of labels in society and culture in general; everyone wants to belong somewhere and feel accepted. However, it is okay to not have a label to define who you are, and who you want/choose to be. Take all the time you need to figure out what's best for you. And sometimes people don't realize a label will fit them until they are much older in life. Or they couldn't at the time.
29. Don't Compare, You'll Get There
We are human, and we all have the tendency to compare ourselves to others. Unfortunately, this doesn't end after high school and college. And that needs to seriously change, especially in the Western/American hemisphere. Simply writing down "don't compare, you'll get there" is a great reminder to have for yourself. Everyone learns and grows at their own pace.
30. It Really Is The Little Things That Keep Us Going
When life seems to get too hard, it really is the little things that keep us going. Whether it is something as simple as someone holding a door open for you, or someone complimenting* you on your outfit or your work ethic; those moments are the ones that matter the most. Remember those moments, hold on to them.
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unlimitedlust · 4 months
Good Girl Gone Bad (Javier Peña x Reader)
A/N: Heyyy, another Javier Peña thristy fanfiction for you!!! Now heads up for initial details I noted people appreciate:
Word count: 4.3K
Disclaimers: it’s a female Reader x Javier story, +18 (very explicit scenes ahead guys) 🌶️🔥👄💦, unprotected p in v, tinges of sub Javi and breeding kink!!!
When you see this “-0-”, I recommend you to put “Ride or Die, Pt. 2” by Sevdaliza, Villano Antillano and Tokischa for ambiance purpose!!!
Please let me know if you enjoyed it, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated and also encourage me to keep writing (if you like my writing ofc 😅)
Enough said: Enjoy your reading!!!
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Javier seized the burning sensation from the freshly brewed coffee down his throat as he took a big gulp from his mug, as if the bitter liquid was going to turn off his mind from all the work he had to do for at least a few seconds. His eyes scanned the big piles of files around him, the full ashtray almost falling off the front border of his table and next to the telephone he’d left off the receiver on purpose.
DEA staff ran up and down their office talking on the phone, receiving and printing new information from loud fax machines, typewriters keys clicking annoyingly loud, both English and Spanish being spoken all the time. For an ordinary person who wasn’t used to such a busy dynamic it was a maddening environment itself, not to mention the main part of their job, which was chasing after narcos.
Javier knew all their faces and names, but he was under such stress he just didn’t care to engage in any kind of small talk conversations with his coworkers anymore, and day after day he understood the wallflower that sat in the farthest corner of the office, just doing her job like a horse on a winker.
He knew she worked there for a while now, but all the knowledge he had about her was her name and that she was a great investigator. She was so quiet the only times he’d heard her voice was when someone greeted her and she greeted them back. At first Javier thought she was a weirdo, but now not only he admired her invisibility and discretion, but also understood why she wanted to be left in peace in a corner just doing her job.
The fact that she was a beautiful woman didn’t go unnoticed by him of course, even without ever seeing her smile, but she kept herself shut to any contact with anyone in that place he just didn’t dare to bother the peace she seemed to hold and he envied so much.
Sadly his position in the DEA didn’t allow him to have that luxury, after all, he was The Javier Peña.
Hours flew by and by the time Javier broke his attention away from the files in front of him, he realized it was dark outside and he was alone in the building again.
He knew he still had endless work to do for the day, but he’d had enough, his head would explode if he spent another night in that office, he needed to leave and blow off some steam.
“Fuck this shit”
Grabbing his car keys, Javier left the empty DEA office and drove mindlessly around the city looking for the first place that would grab his attention enough to drag him inside.
Tonight he wasn’t looking for a hooker to spend a few hours by his side, if he wanted that he’d just head home and call one of his contacts and get it over with.
He wanted something different, something cheerful and with heavy drinks, he desperately needed to forget his job and all the shit he had to deal with everyday just for a few hours.
A club with big pink neon lights adorning its name caught his attention as he parked his vehicle on the side of the street, the loud reggaeton beats coming from the inside drawing him in as he made his way to the entrance.
Just as he stepped inside he was swallowed by a sea of sweaty and drunken people dancing, twerking, grinding on each other, hands all over the place, allowing the sensual and captivating beat to take over their bodies and desires.
It was perfect for what Javier needed at that moment.
He made his way through the crowd to one of the bars, checking out a few asses on his way there, feeling more comfortable and confident as he received some flirtatious glances in his direction.
With an ice cold beer in hand he checked out the dance floor in front of him once again, but this time a woman in a dark pink skin tight dress caught his attention. He hadn’t seen her face yet as she had her back turned in his direction, but the way she swayed her hips and how that tantalizingly short dress hugged her body in all the right places made his mouth water at the sight. He couldn’t help but wonder how she would look like moving like that on his dick, riding him in a reverse cowgirl position with that juicy ass and bouncy hips. The thought alone made his jeans feel tighter on himself.
Javier took a larger gulp of his beer as he got ready to approach her, ready to use all of his charm and unfailing game with women in hopes to be the one to take her home tonight.
But as soon as she turned in his direction, his jaw dropped when he realized the woman he was lusting on was the wallflower from the DEA, the one that no one knew nothing about other than her name and the info on her files, held a naughty smile on her face as she danced in the most provocative way possible, dragging not only Javier’s but many other men’s attention, and she knew it, she meant it.
Every now and then men tried to approach her to dance with her and maybe get a little taste, but she ditched them all gracefully. She didn’t want them. She wanted to feel desired and lusted on, but for her the real fun was in taking the candy out of their mouths, which was drawing them in like a mermaid, to then ditch them off like nothing.
The new discovery only encouraged Javier to take his shot with her. He was well aware that working with her could be both a leverage or a weakness, and there was only way he could find out.
She hadn’t seen him yet, the dim and colorful flickering lights over her didn’t allow her to see faces clearly from a certain distance, so he used that to watch her, waiting for the perfect window to go after her.
And just as she left the dance floor to the bar at the other side of the club the window was open.
“Good girl only during business hours?” Javier purred in her right ear just as she rested her forearms on the counter.
He didn’t miss the way his low voice caused goosebumps on her skin, the thin hairs on her arms standing immediately as he got by her side on the counter, waiting for her answer as she displayed a sly smirk on her plush lips.
“What makes you think I’m not a good girl full time?” She batted her eyelashes, a challenging glimmer in her orbs as her eyes traveled from his brown ones to his mouth, watching him lick his lips for a second as he seemed to get lost in his sinful thoughts for a moment.
Taking him off guard, she rested her right hand on his chest and slid her index finger over the first sets of buttons of his cream shirt, opening the them skillfully in a swift motion, revelaving part of his tanned and smooth chest, the light touch of her fingertip being enough to make his heart race.
“I like you better that way” The playful smirk never leaving her lips “Charming”
“Charming enough to buy you a drink?”
“I like shots better”
Javier was now by her side, right elbow propped on the counter as he signaled the bartender for two shots of tequila. He put two shot glasses in front of them along with a salt cellar and served them a small plate with pieces of lime, producing the bottle containing the golden liquid for last.
“Leave the bottle” He demanded just as the bartender finished filling the glasses.
They put salt on their hands, licked it and downed their first shot, the section of lime coming right after to soothe the bitter oaky punch, the alcohol instantly warming up their bodies.
“How did you find me here?” She asked, running her thumb in the corner of her lips to clean off the excess of lime juice.
“Are you upset about that, cariño?”
He faked a pout.
“Well…” She paused, pretending to be thinking deeply about the answer “I’m actually glad you found me”
“Is that so? Mind telling me why?”
“If you play my cards right, might as well show you” She teased him, pouring them another round of tequila.
“Then teach me how to play them”
They took their second round of tequila, but this time their eyes never broke their contact, a silent dispute of power between them, hunters hunting one another, testing each other to see how far their teasing would go, who would lose the battle and give in first.
Javier was both amused and tempted.
Amused because he still couldn’t believe that in front of him, challenging him, was the shy reserved woman from the DEA, claws out and ready to attack.
Tempted because she was the temptation herself. But Javier was a competitive man and he wasn’t going down without a fight.
“Do you dance, Mr. Peña?”
“Javi” He corrected “You’ll have to find out by yourself”
“I’ll take my chances”
She winked and handed him another shot, both of them sinking it fast, the spicy-woody liquid didn’t even burn their throats anymore as their bodies already felt like in flames, not only from the alcohol, but also from the heated exchange between them as every second, every word, every glance felt like electric shocks, like adding fuel to the fire.
Javier waited for her to give the next move as she sized him up, the smug look on her face making clear she had nothing but bad intentions in her mind, and oh boy how he wanted to get into her trouble.
“Come on”
She hooked her index finger in one of his pant’s belt loops and pulled him, the sudden move making Javier jolt forward, his body halting less than an inch away from hers, a dangerously short distance separating them as she watched amused his surprised reaction over her small stunt.
Colorful lights beamed over them as they were now in the middle of the dance floor, a loud song with heavily provocative beats and lyrics guiding their bodies, her arms resting loosely around his neck and one of his hands keeping her close by the end of her back as they danced together, their hips moving in sync, up close, almost intimate, but never brushing against each other, one of his legs strategically positioned between hers as they swayed sensually.
She slid one of her hands down his chest seductively, but this time, he was the one in control.
The hand on her back slid to her waist and spun her around, his hands now keeping her in place and practically locked against his body by her lower belly and waist, her ass now rolling irresistibly close to his crotch.
Javier loved how her skin reacted to the way he manhandled her, goosebumps all over as she bit her bottom lip and threw her head back, leaning against his shoulder as she let herself get lost in her own lustful thoughts for a moment, the suggestive lyrics only adding to her imagination.
Taking advantage of her exposed neck, Javier got intoxicated by her smell, the jasmine and warm notes of cocoa overpowered his senses as his lips traced the sensitive skin towards her ear, the light touch of his lips along with his mustache intensifying the goosebumps she still hadn’t recovered from yet.
“Am I up to your expectations?” He whispered in her ear, his lips moving just above her lobe. His teasing affected her more than she’d like to admit.
They lost track of the time they spent dancing together, teasingly of course, but also having a great time singing, laughing and smiling at each other.
Javier, who'd never seen her smile before that night, couldn’t take his eyes off her lips every time they curved upwards, revealing not only her beautiful lined teeth, but also the dimples on her glowing cheeks, lighting up her already cheerful face.
And again he caught himself admiring her, as they were now outside of the club. Javier stood leaning his back on his truck’s passenger door while she stood on his opposite side, leaning herself on the wall behind her.
A comfortable silence hung between them as he lit up a cigarette and she drank the last bottle of beer she got on their way out. Javier inhaled the smoke, enjoying the feel of the nicotine kicking in his system as he watched her take a gulp from the bottle, her lips wrapping around it softly as she reciprocated his gaze.
He wondered what her lips felt like, not only against his lips, but all over his body, plump and soft kissing him, caressing him, marking him, sucking him, the thought alone making his pants feel tight once again.
The sound of her heels clicking on the pavement took him out of his reverie as he now realized she was coming to him, slow and steady steps. She left the half empty bottle on his truck’s roof behind his head and then took the cigarette from his hands, bringing it to her own lips as she held it between her manicured nails.
And just as she leant on his vehicle by his side, he took his cue to leave his position and imprison her between his body and the truck, his arms hovering on each side of her head, the smug smile indicating she had him right where she wanted him to be: his body inches away from hers, the muscles on his arms twitching with the force he held onto the truck’s roof ledge, trying not to lose the last bit of restraint he still had.
She puffed the smoke out of her lips towards his, the simple yet enticing gesture making him snap and take the cigarette off her hands in a swift motion, throwing it away just as he crashed his lips against hers.
Their tongues met right away initiating an erotic dance, devouring each other, euphoria rushing through their veins as their teasing had finally reached its goal.
Javier cupped her jaw and pressed his body against hers urgently, the jolt against the truck making the beer bottle fall and shatter on the ground, the loud noise and green glass on the pavement not bothering them at all as she pulled the soft curls on his nape and grazed her teeth against his lower lip.
His big hands slid down her waist behind her and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling her up and making her wrap her legs around him for support, her short dress rolling up to her hips leaving her almost half naked on the street.
Using the leverage he had with the position, Javier ground his raging erection trapped inside his jeans against her core, covered only by already drenched black lace panties, earning a strangled whimper from her.
Part of him wanted to just pull her panties aside and take her right there on the street against his truck, raw and rough. But the other part wanted to take his time with her, after all it would be a shame to just resume the last few hours of teasing in just a few minutes. And also, he didn’t know if he’d had another shot with her after they got back to their professional facades.
“Are we getting inside your truck or you want to give our audience explicit content?” She tilted her head, indicating the group of people next to the club’s door, a few curious eyes lingering, waiting for their next step “Either way I’m in”
“You’re mine only, at least for tonight” His teeth dug on the soft flesh of her neck as he fished the car keys in his back pocket “But as long as I can fuck you I’m into anything you want, bonita”
Javier put her down and opened the truck’s back door, revealing the brown leather cushion dimly illuminated by the street lights.
He let her in first and watched with hungry eyes the way she crawled inside the vehicle and then rolled her body upwards, resting her back on the other door only to then slide her panties down and off her legs, spreading them open in a seductive way, offering herself to Javier, who hurriedly got inside the truck and closed the door behind him.
He pulled her by her ankle and hovered over her, his gaze connecting deeply to hers as he fished the panties she’d dropped on the car floor and put them in his back pocket, the simple yet unexpected action arousing her even more.
Javier’s hand made its way to her nape, bringing her head up for a breathtaking and passionate kiss, their hungry tongues invading and exploring each other's mouth as her fingers slid down the buttons of his shirt, undoing them without breaking their kiss.
As they devoured each other frantically, her hands explored his broad chest and abs, enjoying the feeling of his soft golden skin under her digits and the way his muscles flexed with the thrusting movements he made every now and then, purposely grinding his clothed erection against her exposed core.
Their kiss got sloppy as Javier’s hand found its way down her body, feeling her soft breasts, the curve of her hips then down the smooth skin of her thigh and leg, hooking it on his back before his hand slid up her body again but this time, skipping no beat towards her intimacy.
Javier growled when he finally felt how wet she really was for him, her arousal coating his fingers sliding up and down her pussy in feather-like touches just to tease her.
Whimpering, she rolled her eyes and clawed his back under his shirt when he increased the pressure with his digits and traced tight circles against her needy clit, her whole body melting under him as it got overpowered by shameless waves of pleasure.
Drinking in her sexed expression, Javier slid a finger inside her wanting a bigger dose of satisfaction out of the intoxicating woman under him. The unexpected invasion of his thick
finger made her moan louder and arch her back against his body, which only encouraged him to add another one right after, stretching her further, her slick pussy clenching around his fingers in response.
She bit his shoulder as he finger fucked her, his fingers massaging the magic spongy spot inside her as his thumb roled lazy circles on her clit, making her nails drag angry scratch marks down his back while her other hand pressed hard on the leather backrest, nails desperately digging in it.
Javier trailed small nips and kisses along her collarbone and neck while his fingers kepting working on her, all of it adding to the building pleasure in her lower stomach, getting her closer and closer to bursting at each expert rub of his rough digits against her clit and g-spot.
But she didn’t want to come yet, much less in that submissive condition.
Fighting against her own urges, she pulled his hand out of her, bringing it to her lips to lick her own juices off his fingers, her dark orbs drawing him in as she sucked his fingers suggestively, swirling her tongue around them.
“Now sit” She commanded, cheeks still red and heart racing from his finger fucking “And take of your shirt”
She didn’t need to ask Javier twice for him to comply, he knew she was close on his fingers, and now he wanted to see and feel what she had in mind.
Just as he took his shirt off and straightened his back against the seat, she straddled him and pulled down the top half of her dress, exposing her breasts, hard perky nipples at his mouth’s level and he couldn’t help but to dive in.
Javier fondled and squeezed them hard with both hands before he took a mouthful of one of them, teeth grazing the hard bundle of nerves, then rolling and sucking in with his flat tongue, and then repeated the same stimulation on the other one, feasting on the soft mounds before him as she unfastened his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.
Catching up with her intentions, Javier lifted his hips from the seat, enough to take both pieces of clothes off, allowing her to undress him completely, all while he still delved into her breasts.
With his thick and hard manhood free, she spread his leaking precum over his tip with her thumb, tantalizing him before she finally took it and held it against her clit, rocking her hips back and forth, arching her back towards the front seat behind her and getting herself off against his shaft, her slick blending with his precum.
Javier broke apart from her chest to gaze down between them, his cock sliding easy against her drenched folds, teasing him shamelessly.
“Condom?” He asked, but only out of politeness.
“No” She leaned in, foreheads touching as she whispered against his lips “I wanna feel all of you”
Her answer got his cock impossibly harder and dying to feel her, and for his luck, she was also getting impatient.
Javier held his breath the moment she stopped her motions right when his tip was lined to her entrance, the thrill of anticipation of finally having her making his heart race faster as his hands flattened on her thighs.
“Tell me what you want” She demanded seductively, teasing his tip pressed against her opening, torturing him with slow rolls of her hips, threatening to slide down on him at any second.
“I want you, cariño” He gasped, chest heaving up and down.
“Yeah? And what do you want me to do with you?” One of her hands cupped his jaw and brought his lips close to hers, close enough to feel his ragged breath against hers.
“Ride me, bonita, I’m yours”
She placed a soft kiss against his lips before she leaned back between the front seats and placed her hand over her mound, fingers spreading her folds apart allowing him to have a full view of where his tip met her pussy, until she finally sank on his cock, her opening slowly welcoming and swallowing him in, his thickness stretching her walls each inch as his name came out of her lips in the sexiest moan he’d ever heard, and he swore that that scene alone was enough to make him cum.
But he needed to last, he needed to feel more of her, see her, have her, every detail in front of and on him, getting him terribly pussy drunk on her at each second as he felt their bodies merging and watched his cock disappear inside of her, her walls tightening around him in a slippery and warm embrace.
He threw his head back and rolled his eyes as she started to ride him at a deeply addictive pace, his fingertips digging in the flesh of her hips, pulling her harder down on him at each thrust forward.
“Eyes on me, Javi” Her command came out as a needy whine as her hand slid down his neck towards his shoulder, the skin slapping sounds getting louder as her bounces got harder.
Javier moved one of his hands to the back of her head, fingers tangling in the roots of her hair as he now thrusted his hips up to meet hers, the new and unexpected angle made her cry out his name again and dig her nails onto his shoulders, looking for an extra leverage.
He hooked his other arm on her lower back keeping her body against his, and the way she melted in his arms only made him keep on, thrusting harder and faster against her while she held onto him for her dear life.
Without disconnecting their bodies, Javier laid her on the backseat, eager to be the one fully in charge, especially because holding his release back was being a lot harder than usual.
One of his hands took support in the car’s windows, which was completely humid and foggy and entrentched with sex as he fucked her hard, her back arching and her walls tightening around him with her climax right around the corner.
She closed her eyes and moaned even louder as he put one of her legs over his shoulder, the new angle allowing him to go even further, deeper and drive her into oblivion in record speed.
“Look at me when I’m fucking you” He demanded, bossy as the Javier Peña she was used to watch on duty, and that was the line for her to feel the knot on her lower belly snap hard, strong waves of white hot pleasure through her veins, making her cum hard and milk his cock looking deeply in his dark eyes.
The mesmerizing scene together with the clenching from her climax on his shaft also made him cum seconds after her, exploding inside her, his hot seed filling her in long spurts, the feeling of his dick throbbing inside her riding her high for a few extra seconds before they collapsed, the hand on the car window leaving a wet trail as it lazily slid down.
She moaned when he finally pulled out, instantly missing him inside her as he carefully took her in his arms and laid next to her, nestling her body against his, both their breathings and heart beats still racing fast.
“We have a problem now” He muttered looking at the car’s ceiling.
“What?” Her answer was low and unconcerned, too fucked out to care about anything at that moment.
“Office hours are gonna be challenging from now on.”
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bettyfrommars · 10 months
hi loves
a wee announcement/bit of reflection below the cut
nothing heavy, just some thoughts & updates
First of all, I want to say I love this fandom so much. Truly I do. It has carried me though possibly the hardest, loneliest year of my life (and this ol' girl has been though some dark times). I've made friendships here that I hope to cherish for the rest of my life.
I came into fanfiction in October of last year, after not writing anything substantial for almost a decade. My dear friend at the time said she was looking for a specific Eddie Munson story, so I wrote it for her. I wrote it in first person because I didn't even understand how "reader perspective" was a thing, that's how wet behind the ears I was to this world. My friend, on the other hand, is a well-versed fic reader, and I distinctly remember messaging her like, "okay, what the hell is a Y/N??"
I spent that entire dark, cold winter writing and passing it to her in parts like notes in a classroom. The rush of getting back to something I loved so deeply after so much time away turned me into a monster. I lived and breathed that story. We sent endless messages back and forth every day about what each character would do next, imagining ourselves in that world, with Eddie. We made playlists, we cried. We screamed and giggled and kicked our feet when they finally kissed. We mourned the loss when it ended and moped around a bit before going back to read it all over again. Some 40k words and four months later I realized, holy shit, I think I write fanfiction now?
In a way, fanfiction saved my life. It brought me back to a part of myself I had buried, a part of me that worried it might never see the light of day again. It came crawling out of the ground, gasping for air like, "you better stretch your fingers bitch because I have a lot to say."
In April, I started posting here when the fandom was notably beginning to wane, but I was happy to see there were so many still going hard for our man. I kinda creeped in, like a little scuttling crab, and was grateful to find that a handful of you embraced me.
Long story short, I am NOT leaving, not at all. I know the tone is there, but that is not what this is, lmao. I will hopefully keep this blog for as long as you will have me. I plan to finish writing I'm on Fire and Death Becomes Us, as well as maybe another bit for gargoyle!Eddie, and nightmare!Eddie, but the other series I've started (or planned to start) will stay on hiatus for a while, possibly forever. I will continue to post blurbs and hc's and whatnot, but I won't be committing to any new series or long fics.
My masterlists will remain intact for the time being for those who want to enjoy what is there. That being said, The Nightmare Factory and Stop the World and Melt with You, might be taken down in the future only because I plan to re-work them into original stories. I have a second non-fandom blog in the works that is dedicated to monsters, nightmares, and magic realism, and I will let those who are interested know about it when the time comes.
Mostly, I wanted to let you know that, even if you notice some changes, I will continue to persist with "My 2 Joe's" delulu era, possibly until the earth swallows me up. I am no longer taking requests, but my asks will always be open for thots, blurbs, obsessions, etc. You know how much I love hearing from you.
That's all really. Perhaps this is simply one of those "end of year" thought dumps, but I also wanted to say a heartfelt Thank You to those who continue to support me, enjoy my work, and share it. My Ride or Die monsterfuckers and biker Eddie enthusiasts. My nightmare Eddie dreamers, my Twilight Zone Eddie pineapple heads. My gargoyle Eddie romantics who cheer on our Stone Boy, and my Hybrid Steve lovers who leave their windows open at night. My True Blood friends who appreciate a vampire Eddie who is nothing like Bill Compton. My darlings, my fellow rebel rousers and misfits, my friends.
This is a very symbiotic relationship, and I could not/would not do this without you ❤️
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ymaohoh · 8 months
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So I've fallen right into the deep end of the HellCheer fandom. Ride or die. I'm in love with Chrissy Cunningham and Eddie Munson. The fans are fucking talented too, alright? I've been binging fics and the artwork but there's certain troupes/ideas/prompts that keep rattling away in my brainbox. I'm going to note them here for if (or when) I maybe write something for the two...but (public service announcement) if anyone knows a fic out there which can scratch these little itches please link me up.
Updated: 18.04.24
My Completed Fics
Chrissy starts dating. Eddie's not thrilled - Dating Chrissy - oneshot
Eddie wants to buy something nice for Chrissy. Candles are romantic, right? He ventures on a quest to the mall - Yankee Candle Baby - oneshot.
Chrissy is such a Brat with Eddie and Jason watches it (while hiding). Jason's POV - Chrissy Cunningham is a Brat - oneshot - mature
What if Chrissy ran from Eddie after her vision? What if it pushed them apart? They later share a joint and things get much much worse. My take on 'Chrissy lives' but it takes a little while for them to get back on the same page - Chrissy Runs Away - Chapter 3/3.
Eddie and Chrissy have unprotected sex against a brick wall after his gig because they can't wait - “We could always just…do it anyway?" - oneshot - mature
Eddie and Chrissy die but they're summoned again for the final fight Ft. time travel and angst - my hope for season 5 - Howl - oneshot
Gender Swap AU where Ellie Munson saves Chris Cunningham - a play on 'Chrissy Lives' - Rule 63' - oneshot
Vecna keeps Chrissy in hell - 'and she's a bride of the fucking devil' - 2/2 chapters.
My Mess of Drabbles
Eddie dies and Chrissy is waiting for him - end of passion play, crumbling away - short drabble only
Chrissy the Vampire Slayer AU
Labyrinth AU
X-Files AU
Pirates AU
Stardust AU
Jason joins the good side AU
Photocheer moodboard (Chrissy x Jonathan)
Headcannon Prompts
Max's relationship with Hellcheer
Dustin's relationship with Hellcheer
Chrissy and Wayne Munson's (beautiful) relationship
Chrissy and The Party headcanons
Favourite Fanfictions Masterlist
Need a new fic? Not sure where to start? Check out these INCREDIBLE Hellcheer fanfictions
In need of/ Prompts
Chrissy gets her first tattoo. A cliche at this point no? I'm torn between her getting this done without Eddie knowing as a surprise, or if I want him right there holding her hand.
Eddy eyeing her up in the school cafeteria or class. Basically Eddy simping over Chrissy.
Anything with Eddie and Chrissy reuniting after death / or in the upside-down (manifesting the second).
Chrissy and Eddie getting high together. Maybe a dash of 'will I remember any of this tomorrow?' as they confess their feelings and frustrations.
Eddie loves Chrissy in a sundress. The more feminine, girly, and flouncy the better. He wants to get his hands under it.
He also loves her in a Hellfire top. Anything really that marks her subtly as his.
Other character POV's watching them flirt. Sweet sweet music to my...eyes?
He loves it when she wears one of his rings. She has plenty of her own jewelry (and it's all real gold/expensive/fit for a princess) but it doesn't mean anything really. Her eyes light up at his rings, though.
Together they create a D&D character for her to practice with. They discuss what type she's most likely to be (Eddie's a bard right?). I'm feeling Chrissy might also have that bard energy (she's THE hype girl, right?) or a healer? They definitely get distracted though and don't actually finish it.
He is a rambler. He talks when he's nervous - and Chrissy finds it easy to keep up.
Chrissy tells the jocks to leave the Hellfire club alone in the school corridor. She gets annoyed when she hears them referring to the kids as 'freaks'. Eddie adores the fire and nerve he sees in her eyes because it only really ever comes out when she's in protective mode (bonus points 1) if she tells Jason to fuck off 2) she walks away with the Hellfire club after).
Chrissy is the only one who gets him to study (and pass). He knows he has a reason to now, you know? They've got plans and he isn't wasting time.
Eddie has doubts about Chrissy really truly loving him - she's way out of his league, after all, so she makes sure to create visual reminders. She takes their photo together and tacks it up in her locker for all to see.
Eddie loves fucking Chrissy in her cheerleading uniform. She loves fucking him when he's backstage. They will want to mark their place in each other's bizarre worlds.
Eddie worries about his future with Chrissy (what's his dumbass supposed to do while she excels at college?) but he likes the way his last name suits her.
Eddie is ONLY soft for Chrissy. A scene where he's trying to be big and scary for the club and she unknowingly fractures this image by doing something oh so achingly cute. Maybe she giggles or squee's during a D&D session? It takes him ages to drag himself back into his DM role.
I'll be adding to this , fo' sure.
Is there an official name for this dynamic? Unpopular baddass x sunshine princess?
All aboard the ship. Ahoy ahoy.
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khepiari · 8 months
LawLu Nation Help: Our Stories Are Being Stolen And Published On Wattpad Without Our Permission!
Hello, people, I just learned my most precious Fic: My Little Husband has been stolen entirely and uploaded on Wattpad without my consent.
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Thanks to kind people, who immediately informed me! Thank you so much.
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Similarly beloved Fics like Loving Luffy, Broken Heart Syndrome, Chasing The Sun, Ride or Die, Smiling Seas have been stolen as well. This person’s list is over 100 titles. And some titles are full off one shots clustered on titles like ao3 2 or ao3 1.
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My Little Husband is almost an decade old fic with over 100k views on FFN, and 30k+ hits on Ao3, so spotting this story in the long list of the stories this Thief, who goes by the name of Ten Lee, is easy. But some stories have very niche readerships who might not venture outside our limited fanbase hence people take the opportunity of this and still our stories.
This is extremely hurtful because when I was uploading My Little Husband on Wattpad, my story was reported for rule breaking content. I was not even sent a warning or email, my fic was deleted overnight. And here it is thriving under a thieving person. I am so angry, that fic has been my baby, its is exhausting and extremely frustrating to try to prove to wattpad now that it is my story.
So I am asking your help, only reporting this account as a thief will remove the entire list as Wattpad has such complicated and deliberately obtrusive guidelines when it comes to reporting for right reasons. They want our real names and address to prove our stolen fics are our own.
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Hence I request you all readers and fellow One Piece fans to report this “author” account. Please report this account under every possible plagiarism and crime.
And here are proves this is my fic.
Here are original links:
Ao3: My Little Husband 2019
Fanfiction dot net: My Little Husband 2014
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PS Update: I just found out this User has stolen more of my stories!
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monaownsmyass · 9 months
Are any Mona lovers still alive here?👀 I’m writing a lil snippet of how I’d picture RoD2 to go down, more specifically, Mona and MC meeting again for the first time. I think I’ll be posting the fic soon so keep an eye out and lmk if you wanna be tagged 😙
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for...
1. itmf fics where wwx time travels to cloud recesses era but thinks he's dead? in the vein of Contrapuntal by WithBroomBefore. could be crack, treated seriously, or wump angst
2. Hi, do you have any Wangxian fanfiction recommendations with WWX/LWJ being concerned about LWJ/WWX being too skinny or losing weight & then taking care of the other/eachother?
💖 the absence of hunger by parsnipit (M, 27k, wangxian, angst w/ happy ending, eating disorder, PTSD, food as a metaphor for love)
a kind of emptiness by ScarlettStorm (E, 11k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Eating Disorders, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Eating Disorder Recovery, tricking your brain into better habits, bad choices, followed by good choices, low angst, Happy Ending, Tender smut, Frottage, Praise Kink, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note)
#2 of the recent ITMF reminded me... does anyone else remember the modern AU where LWJ doms WWX into taking better care of himself using a smart watch? thanks!
Lessons in Kink by preciousbunnynoiz (E, 23k, wangxian, modern, Dom/sub, Sub WWX, Bondage, Biting, College/University au, Comedy, Humor, Hair-pulling, public display of dominance, Kink Negotiation, Rough Kissing, Dom LWJ, Safe Sane and Consensual, BDSM, Blindfolds, Food Kink, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Safewords, Aftercare, Cock Warming, sub space, Gags, Self-Destructive Tendencies, Pampering, Lingerie, Vibrators, Overstimulation, fleching, Rough Sex, Possessive Behavior, Falling In Love, Mirror Sex, Crying During Sex, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Masturbation, Exhibitionism, Failed Sex, Emotional Sex, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Feels, Feelings, Porn with Feelings, Riding, Face-Fucking, Kinbaku, Shibari)
3. Hello! For the next itmf, I would love to get recs for first where wwx falls in love first (preferably not modern aus). Thanks to all the contributors and mods for your work 😘
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together) I'm not sure if this is what they're looking for, but -- is a time travel fic with a post cannon wwx going to CR arc and is already in love with LWJ
if you can’t beat them, recruit them by moeblobmegane (T, 228k, Time Travel Fix-It, Conspiracy, Spies & Secret Agents, Team as Family, Found Family) the same thing, but to the start of th SSC instead of CR arc
4. For the next “I’m in the mood” serial killer Lan Wangji.
singularity by azuresummer (E, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, Dom/sub Undertones, Dominant LWJ, Submissive WWX, Serial Killers, Dark LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Protective LWJ, Serial Killer LWJ, Doctor LWJ, Stalking, Manipulation, Obsession, Mentions of Murder)
Who Else Knows? by thewanderingcat (M, 2k, wangxian, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Modern, Police au, Police Procedural, Forced Prostitution, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, Underage Prostitution, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Child Abuse, Child Abandonment, Murder Mystery, Murder, POV Outsider, Abuse of Authority, but not at WWX's expense, Angst with a Happy Ending, Age Difference, Dark LWJ, Protective LWJ, POV LWJ, Serial Killers) is a modern AU with outsider POV on a SK!LWJ
Oh! My Empress! by dandelion_san (T, 3k, wangxian, F/F, Royalty au, Humor, Female LWJ, Female WWX, Dark LWJ) is a royalty AU where all of f!LWJ's fiances all mysteriously die before reaching the wedding bed.
🧡 scienter Series by synonemous (E, 67k, WangXian, Modern AU, Serial killer WangXian, Eventual happy ending, WangXian's Canon Kinks, Smut, A/B/O, Mpreg, Smut, Wangxian's Canon Kinks, Modern Yi City arc, Angst with a happy ending, Family Feels)
5. Hi for the next IMTF can I pls request for smtg modern au that deals with social issues? It doesn't have the be the main focus of the fic but I don't want it to be something that's mentioned in a throwaway line and never touched on again. So maybe something similar to A Temporary Fix by bosgood which touches on immigration or you know you'll get in trouble by SecretStorm that deals with the treatment of Uyghur ppl in China? @some-random-person-hi
Hot sun, cool fire by bylambd (E, 34k, WangXian, Modern AU, Porch AU, Neighbors, mentions of LWJ/others, Mentions of WWX/Others, Minor XiYao, Past NieLan, Light Angst, Accidental Voyeurism, Summer Vibes, hyperspecific setting, immigration & diaspora, family and community feels, Getting Together, poor sound insulation as a plot device) I found it! It was this one! I liked the way it touched on immigration in America without being the main focus of the fic
social issues, I wonder if the roots in my heart (also grow in yours) by halfdemonvash (M, 16k, WangXian, Modern AU, Plants, Botanist WWX, Botanist LWJ, the burial mounds are a greenhouse, Fluff, Mild Smut, WWX POV, Getting Together, A-Yuan being adorable as always, Falling In Love, Sexual Content) would fit? wwx starts an illegal garden to grow food to give to others in need (the Wens, I think?)
6. for itmf - it would be amazing to read something like this post!!! (wwx has to respond to inquiry post burial mounds since he came so close to death)
7. Hi! I think what you're doing is great. I have an ITMF request. I recently read a MDZS fic that was in the format of a reddit post (an AITA one specifically) and really enjoyed it, I was wondering if you knew of more in that style (Reddit format to clarify), it doesn't have to be from a specific characters point of view, just the style. @i-like-snakes-and-spiders
r/relationships by vespertineflora (T, 8k, WangXian, Modern AU, Social Media, Viral Reddit Post, Pining, Crushes, Friends to Lovers, Awkward Flirting, Romantic Gestures, Romantic Comedy, Love Confessions, Kissing, Happy Ending)
Honk, Honk by sassybluee (M, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, reddit, Forum Posts, Relationship Advice, Implied Sexual Content, Humor, Fluff, Age Difference)
8. Hey, I was wondering if you could rec some BAMF/ Protective Wei Wuxian (in character and not totally consumed in revenge) like silk threads and precious metal by Sevidri (I have read all recs under the tag) thank you and sorry for bothering…
9. Hi! I am in the mood for fics where Lan Wangji has friends among the Lan clan? So often he is portrayed as this very isolated character, but I would love to see him interacting with other disciples his age. Thank you so much!
Vagabond by xantissa (E, 65k, WangXian, Slow Burn, Mystery, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Frottage, Case Fic, murders, Supernatural, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, extreme fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, badass!LXC, top!LWJ, Bottom!LWJ)
A Mother’s Love by FirefliesNLightningBugs (M, 170k, WangXian, XuanLi, Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Mostly combo of the Untamed and MoDaoZuShi timelines, Unreliable Narrator, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Miscommunication, Family Feels, Found Family, PTSD, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Political Intrigue, Mystery, POV Multiple, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Strong Female Characters, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note, Good Brother In Law JZX, Genderbent WWX, Intersex WWX, not a/b/o, POV Original Character, Expanded Universe, Unplanned Pregnancy, Golden Core Reveal, WWX Has No Golden Core, Cultivation Sect Politics, Bisexual WWX, YLLZ WWX, Yunmeng Shuangjie, Pining WangXian, Parent-Child Relationship, Getting Together, Protective Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect, MXY Lives) not quite what ur asking for, but in -- lz's BFF is a girl named Lin Huang who lives in the woods near the sect, and Lan Jingyi's parents Chen Aizhong and Lan Heng are like his and lxc's doting gossiping older cousins. Also in rise of the divine oracle by blaksalt u meet lz's childhood BFF as adults (BFF grew up in caiyi) and he was like a bountyhunter or something. Both canon era
10. Hi! ITMF spicy fics like Lead Me On Through, On The Way, and Fentao-laoshi’s Guide to Cut-Sleeve Pleasures please! thank you so much for your hard work!
❤️ Teach Me The Ways by likeafox (E, 58k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, The Porn Is the Plot, lots of banging in here folks, [slaps side of fic] this baby can hold so much weird sex stuff in it, but also many many feelings)
Man on My Mind by brooklinegirl (E, 50k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sex Cam Worker WWX, Identity Porn)
11. fic where lsz is lwj and wwx's son pls thankyou!!
12. Hi I've never done this before but I was hoping someone might have recs for my very specific craving? I really want more lwj centric long fic preferably with some angst or an intense secret like A Narrow Bridge by FrameofMind, Turn Left by kianspo or Lan Yuan’s War by BurningTea. In Narrow Bridge I like how despite Lwj's secrecy wangxian still develops a deep emotional connection with smut plus a focus on Wen remnants is always great! Sorry if this is vague and thanks for all the work y'all do♥️ @fellerbat
13. hello!! (^▽^) for ITMF I would like something where WWX sets a boundary with JC, like he is tired of doing all the emotional labour between the two if them or something like that (^▽^) thank you and have a great day!
14. Hello! For the next ITMF, I would love any fics dealing with the Guanyin Temple scene, any canon and any rating. Whether it’s more wangxian focused, or more generally about the scene/characters present, either would be great. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ @dottie-wan-kenobi
15. This blog is like one of my comfort places. Thank you for still continuing this.
ITMF nerd Wei WuXian. Like he's in Stunted, Starving Juvenility. @tinyfoxpeach
💖 Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing)
Alter by DarkStunning (E, 149k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, except a few bad guys, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, Sex Pollen, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Swearing)
🧡 CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder)
Free Wifi for Heroes by JJSparrow (E, 50k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, Pro Heroes (MHA), Switching, Engineer!WWX, Hero!LWJ, CEO!WWX, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Inventor!WWX, Top/Bottom Switch WangXian, Explicit Sexual Content, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff and Smut, First Kiss, First Time)
Wind Rose in the Clouds by PaidSubscription (M, 202k, wangxian, post-canon, slow burn, hurt/comfort, getting together, first time, smut, fluff & angst, case fic, social commentary, ptsd, sick fic, communication, inventor WWX)
🧡 One Can Keep A Secret (If He Does Not Know It's There) by H_Belle (T, 5k, WangXian, Modern Cultivators, Inventor WWX, Secret Identity, Identity Reveal, YLLZ WWX, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Pining LWJ, POV WWX, Background Wangxian Getting Together, Jiangs are only mentioned in the passing, inspired by a tumblr post)
Whistler by carriecmoney (T, 108k, WangXian, ZhuiZhen, Modern AU, Office, Texting, artifact fiction, Canada, Embedded Images, Epistolary, Animated GIFs, Mutual Pining, Multimedia, Inventor WWX, Lawyer LWJ, Implied Sexual Content, COVID Happens)
🧡 To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 78k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Major character injury, CQL verse, Happy Ending)
16. for the next ITMF, can you guys suggest some fics with:
a) wwx secretly protecting lwj (bonus: if lwj doesnt know about it)
b) underrated modern w/o magic/university completed fics.
c) innocent wwx + dark lwj
thank you so much!
Concord by Deastar (T, 41k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Gūsū Lán Sect Rules, Depression, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
A Soft Storm by AvoOwO (Not rated, 47k, wangxian, modern au, hurt WWX, LWJ pov, protective LWJ, not SS friendly, car accidents, hurt/comfort, heavy angst w happy ending, sexual harrasment, stalking, crying, blood & injury & gore, major character injury, college, slut shaming, insults)
Just Ask Me To Stay by mrcformoso (M, 21k, wangxian, modern, no powers, past JXN/WWX, Dancer WWWX, Musician LWJ, Roommates, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Break Up, Post-Break Up, Recovery, Family, Realizing Your Best Friend is the Love of Your Life, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, And LWJ is not having it, Sex as Self Worth Reaffirmation, Fluff, Light Angst, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Size Queen WWX, Belly Bulge, Porn With Plot, WWX Has Friends, LWJ Has Friends, Hurt/Comfort, Romantic Comedy, Cute, Feel-good)
A Matter of Time by mrcformoso (E, 41k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, LWJ goes crazy, Manipulation, Grooming, Except Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are physically the same age, but Lan Zhan kept his 30 year old mind, wangxian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Conditioning, Come Eating, Come Swallowing, Anal Fingering, Lan WWX, Minor Character Death, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX not Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, not Jiāng Family friendly, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, QHJ Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, Self-Lubrication, Plot Twists, PWP, Sunshot Campaign, not Lánlíng Jīn Sect friendly, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX, BAMF NHS, Burial Mounds Lore, Sentient Burial Mounds, Married wangxian, Implied Mpreg, Adopted LSZ, Breathplay, Dark WWX, Yandere LWJ) LWJ snaps, kills a bunch of people, goes back in time, & grooms WWX to be his perfect partner
17. ITMF canonverse fics where JC is forced to fix his anger issues (or at least someone calls him out on them). Not necessarily outright JC-bashing (though I'm open to that). But his anger is always brushed aside as 'how he shows love', & JL picking up those same traits is treated as cute instead of lowkey horrifying, & I want to see fics where he gets told that he can't just treat people as punching bags @thispatternismine
A Mother’s Love by FirefliesNLightningBugs (M, 170k, WangXian, XuanLi, Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Mostly combo of the Untamed and MoDaoZuShi timelines, Unreliable Narrator, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Miscommunication, Family Feels, Found Family, PTSD, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Political Intrigue, Mystery, POV Multiple, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Strong Female Characters, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note, Good Brother In Law JZX, Genderbent WWX, Intersex WWX, not a/b/o, POV Original Character, Expanded Universe, Unplanned Pregnancy, Golden Core Reveal, WWX Has No Golden Core, Cultivation Sect Politics, Bisexual WWX, YLLZ WWX, Yunmeng Shuangjie, Pining WangXian, Parent-Child Relationship, Getting Together, Protective Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect, MXY Lives) link in #9 not quite what ur asking for, but in -- there is a bit of a theme of wwx and jc both trying to work through those type issues w/ each other? Like both trying to be more open and confiding with each other? Like actively attempting to
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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elle4228 · 3 months
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Look how cute he is; anyway, I've got a Kylo Ren x reader fic I'm working on that I wrote the first chapter for in December and then got super busy. But! I'm back now and chapter 2 should be done by tomorrow. I have massive, very self-indulgent plans for this fic🤞
That being said a little bit about it under the cut.
• Reader is from Earth and chose to join a First Order doctor she helped who had crash landed.
• She decided to leave her life behind mainly to get away from a crazy ex-boyfriend who wouldn't leave her alone, but also because she wanted that experience for herself (who wouldn't??)
• Either way, she ends up working under this doctor for 3 years before the story takes place. Puts reader in her mid-20s or so.
• Cliche, I'm sure you know where this is going, she's tasked with helping Kylo after Rey rocks his shit in TFA.
• Reader pulls no punches; I pull no punches. She's bitchy, she's cunty, she's delusional, she's dramatic, and she's a major man hater because what's the point of fanfiction if it's not self-indulgent?
• Best friends with Hux, she waltzes in unannounced to complain or gossip or talk about Taylor Swift (love of my life😔😔)
• Hux will 100% be a Swifty
• He thinks Reader is annoying at first but they end up 🤞 and he starts talking to her too
• I'm gonna give him a cute little boyfriend that Reader instigates
• On that note Bisexual!Reader
• Slowest slow burn EVER it will be agonizing but don't worry I'll add all the little scenes that everyone eats up in a slow burn, the tension will be unmatched
• Kylo? mean at first, for sure, but so is the reader. He'll warm up to her, start asking questions when she won't shut up instead of telling her to be quiet and do her job
• His puppy dog eyes will be entirely unreasonable but who doesn't love a tortured soul
• Reader will eventually be assigned as his personal medic and will go on missions with him which leads to a lot of chapters based around planet exploration, I have a LOT of ideas for that
• Might get raunchy, might get philosophical, maybe a little personal idk I just went through a breakup and had just been through a different breakup when I planned this fic and both guys were EVIL‼️‼️ beware Reader will be working through it and so will I
• on that note self indulgent Protective!Kylo 🤭
• Reader's mother is wonderful, ride or die bitch
• Reader's father is mostly absent
• Expect lots of cute scenes, character development, and angst because I LOVE angst.
• You thought the planet exploration would be safe? 😬 you would be wrong
• It'll verrrry loosely follow TLJ and will be a spread-out timeframe
• Jealous!Reader who is crazy and out of pocket but only because I am
I'll be posting on AO3, you can read it here if you're interested!
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talk-danmei-to-me · 3 days
Ranking my Summer of Danmei Results: Favourite Couple
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My Answers:
1) Ranwan
It had to be, tbh, favourite danmei and confession. Both things hinge on the main pairing. They've got the perfect blend of shenanigans, angst, smutty payoff (I side stepped into danmei from Japanese and Korean bl). There's also an element to them that is the gift that keeps on giving. Xue Meng's reaction is going to be insane and it's probably the thing I'm most looking forward to in the upcoming volumes. They make each other better, but they also have the capacity to make each other worse and I think thats fascinating.
2) Ximang
The appeal of Yuwu is Ximang. Both are completely fascinating characters and have their own goals. The discussions of class around them also make for super compelling world building. Even though they're not my top pairing, they are the couple that I'm most invested in having a happy ending.
3) Wangxian
My love for Lan Wangji probably puts them above Hualian for me. I love the ride or die, throw away morals vibe Lan Wangji serves when it comes to Wei Wuxian. It's definitely a trope that's guided me when reading future danmeis, though I think it might hit harder elsewhere. Fans of Wangxian will definitely vibe with Ximang and Cezhou I think. (Or maybe that's just me)
4) Hualian
Their lack of angst put them here. They're too perfect in a way because they are so ride or die for each other and have excellent communication skills. They spawned the tag hualian invented love for a reason. The fact their angst came in the form of Hua Cheng accidentally losing his game for a bit. They didn't serve up any angst in the main story, but I can write it in my fanfiction.
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xxstorywriterxx · 1 year
Your local barista / Part 3
Larissa Weems x fem reader fanfiction
You´re a barista working at Weathervane. A tall blonde, beautiful woman comes in from time to time to get a coffee and talk to you. She seems nice at first but after a while you find yourself wondering if you could become more than friends?
Thank you so much for your support! I´ll try to post updates every week!
Link to the following chapter is at the bottom.
Warnings: a little spice, nothing physical, mainly fluff
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'Good morning!' 'Oh, good morning to you too. You´re already awake?' 'Ugh, yes. Again a long night. Can I get a coffee? And a chat with a nice barista?' 'Of course. Like everyday. I´m at work already.' 'Sounds wonderful. I´m on my way. Looking forward to seeing you! xx' 'Me too! Drive safe!'
Your heart was racing in excitement. Since Larissa drove you home two days ago all you could think about was her. The way she talked, the way she dressed but especially her smell. God, she smelled so good. And, of course, the way her skin felt on yours. When she touched your hand with her fingers... so soft and gentle. A shiver ran down your spine and you felt the back of your hand tickle. The same spot she touched.
The coffee machine was running, everything was clean and you sat down at a small table in the middle of the cafe, trying to control your feelings. Something changed that day. You both knew but you didn´t talk about it. When Larissa came around you both felt more... relaxed. So calm but nervous at the same time. Only seeing her in the mornings used to be your highlight but now you also feared those moments. Because now you would get sad as soon as she left and you were only able to focus on the next day, on which you would finally see her again. But texting helped. When you got home after the car ride you texted her. And ever since you both tried to text each other as often as you could. Isaac was already annoyed and called you 'love birds' which made you furious. Because 1 nothing serious has happened between the two of you and 2 you haven´t talked about what has happened in the car. Especially the last minutes before you got out. The moment you felt like you would kiss...
"Y/n! Oh, I´m so happy to finally see you, Darling!" Larissa came into the cafe with a big and excited smile. "Finally? We saw each other yesterday, remember?" You chuckled. You tried to seem cool but of course you felt the same way Larissa did. "I know, I know. But it never seems to be enough time we get to spend together, does it?" She sat down in the chair in front of you. "It really doesn´t." You looked at each other, smiling. You smelled her scent. Bloomy, yet fresh with a hint of vanilla. You felt your heart racing. What would it be like to lay in her arms? Being able to take in even more of her scent? You tried to block these thoughts for now. "Want a coffee?" you asked with a grin and winked at her. "Oh, I would die for one of those right now!" "You don´t have to. I can just get you one. Besides," you got up from the table and stood behind the counter "loosing you would really ruin my day. And I´ll have an online exam later. I can´t afford that right know." You said it with a dramatic look on your face. Larissa just stared at you for a few seconds. Then, all of the sudden, she burst out into laughter. You´ve heard Larissa laugh many times before. But she´s never laughed this much and this loud. She had tears running down her cheeks, which were red and hot. God, you admired her so much. You tried to look at her as long as possible. You tried to block out any noise exept for her wonderful voice. You wanted to remember this exact moment forever. Every detail was perfect. The soft morning light on her pale skin. Her sparkling eyes. Her perfect bright teeth. The way she threw her head back while laughing. Just everything. Larissa breathed heavily and tried to control herself. After a couple of seconds she stopped laughing and smiled at you. "Noted. I will not leave earth until you give me permisson." She winked at you. "Great. But that means 'never'. Be careful with the words you use." You had a cheekish smile on your lips as you placed a hot coffee in front of Larissa. "Should I be?" She asked with a devilish grin. "What could happen if I don´t want to be careful?" She teased you. God, you loved it. And she could tell. You felt your cheeks getting red. All of the sudden you felt extremely hot. "You, as a principal, should know that consequences will follow in case someone crosses lines." You teased her back. You didn´t want to give in. And you could tell she loved it too. Her eyes widened a bit and you could see a fire burning in them. “Mmh, tell me more about those ‘consequences’, Darling!” You sat back down in your chair. You and Larissa were now staring at each other across the little table. She placed her elbow on the tabletop and rested her chin in her hand. Your eyes were now on the same level. She had a dark, seductive look on her face. Beneath the table you feet touched. You were rubbing them against each other very gentle. You barley breathed. You were so nervous but self confident at the same time. You could tell she was attracted to you. Just like you were to her. “Tell me.” She whispered as she leaned over to you a little more. "Tell you? And giving up the little amout of mysteriousness I have? Never." Your voice was low and raspy. You leaned over to Larissa, you had to get on your tiptoes to reach over the table, and placed your lips very close to her left ear. You breathed in her scent and it caused your hands to shake. Larissa´s face was pale and hot, you could feel her warmth against your skin. "If you want to know, you will have to find out yourself. Try me, Larissa Weems." She sucked in a sharp breath. Just as you wanted to get back on your chair, Larissa grabbed your left shoulder and moved you closer to her. "Trust me. I will, y/n." Her breath was shaky but apart from that she seemed to have a clear mind. She was determined to show you, that she was in control. She was the dominent one. For now at least.
She let go of your arm and you got back to your seat very slowly, keeping eye-contact with the blonde goddess. You both had slight reddish cheeks and devilish grins on your faces. As you sat down, your feet touched again. It was gentle and peaceful. You still looked at each other for a few seconds. Then Larissa grabbed her coffee, which you both completly forgot about, and you watched a few people walking past the window of the cafe. "Y/n, I was wondering..." You turned your head back at Larissa who still held her coffee mug in her hand. As she met your eyes she took a deep breath and asked "What are your plans for tomorrow evening? Since it´s a Friday I thought that maybe we could... meet up?" She sligthly tilted her head and hid her face behind the mug, though you could still see her blush. Your heart jumped in your chest, it almost hurt. A big smile lit up your face. Larissa wanted to be with you. Not just on a car ride. Not at work. She wanted to hang out with you on a Friday night. You couldn´t believe how lucky you were. "Yes. Yes, I would love to!" Larissa finally put down her mug and smiled at you. Her red lipstick made her smile seem even more lovely. "Ok, great. I thought that we could go to a restaurant maybe? There is a nice Italian restaurant not far from here." It was a great suggestion but you had a better idea. "Sounds lovely. But I was thinking, how about you come to my place tomorrow? I could cook a nice meal and buy some snacks. We could be more spontanious about what to do. Just have dinner or watch a movie. Whatever you want. I mean, if you´re ok with that of course!" Larissa seemed suprised about your idea. She quickly thought about it, then nodded. "If it´s not too much work for you... yes, I would love that, Darling." She smiled her most irresistible smile. Good thing you already sat down, otherwise you felt like your knees would simply give up. "Then it´s setteled. Tomorrow at 6:30 if you´re ok with that?" "I am more than 'ok' with it, Love." She reached over to you and softly stroke the hand you had placed on the tabletop. It was electrifying. Larissa glanced down at her phone that was laying next to her. Then she opened her mouth in suprise, jumped up and grabbed her coat and bag. "I´m fifteen minutes late! I have to get back to Nevermore!" She ran towards the door but stopped just before she opened it. She turned around to face you and saw you silently laughing. She chuckled and blew you an air-kiss. "I really can´t wait to see you tomorrow, Darling." "Me neither." You smiled and waved at her, then she opened the door and rushed out of the cafe. You continued sitting at the table for a minute. Then you got up and cleaned the coffee mug with the beautiflu red liptick stains.
It was unusally busy at the Weathervane, so you were only able to check your phone when you got home in the evening. You had already bought ingredients for a Lasagne you wanted to cook for Larissa and you the next day. You checked your inbox. You´ve had 10 unread messages, two from Isaac, 3 from other friends and 5 from Larissa. You opened Larissas chat first.
'I was way too late for work today. I really need to work on my time-management. But it was absolutley worth it.'
'Talking to you is such a pleasure. I really enjoy your company.'
'I hope you have a great day left, Darling'
'Do you like redwine? I could get some for tomorrow night'
'Ugh, I´ll just bring two bottles'
You smiled as you read the messages. You quickly replied.
'I´m glad it was worth it haha. But I must admit, I don´t feel bad for you being late at all ;)'
'Sure. Redwine sounds good to me! And my day was fine but the best part was BY FAR my morning! Hopefully you had a great day as well?'
Then you went on to text Isaac. You ignored the memes he had sent you throughout the day and texted:
'Isaac. I need your help. It´s important. I need an outfit-check'
'Outfit-check? How come?'
'Larissa will come to mine tomorrow night and I need to look good. Please, HELP' 'Sure thing. I´ll get to you asap'
You put down your phone and looked outside your bedroom window. Your life has changed a lot in the last couple of days. You couldn´t believe how lucky you were. You closed your eyes and saw Larissa´s perfect face right in front of you. No view outside a window could ever be better than this.
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