#monster camp parody
veravalentine1337 · 2 years
Mmmmmm…. 64 slices of American cheeeeeese.
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rosemaryblossoms · 1 year
I am planning to write a parody of peaches. Is basically about ranboo and the character Milo from monster camp. I’m still working on it, wish me luck.
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bubblequartz · 2 years
Have some cute weird webtoons that need more love! Initially I was just going to link to Anomaly Epoch (which is very unique but doesn't seem to get any attention at all), but then I thought of four more. :B Space Pack and Camp Beastie are both completed, and If We seems to be on hiatus but is still worth a look just for its beautiful aesthetic.
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borisbubbles · 28 days
Eurovision 2024: #32
32. THE NETHERLANDS Joost Klein - "Europapa" 26th place (Disqualified)
Decade ranking: 120/153 [Above Ochman, below Andrew Lambrou]
Yeah, #NotForMe. Don't like the blue chicken, don't like the awful murine clickbait faces, don't like how he tried appropriating Käärijä's legacy for his own benefit. In fact, there's a lot I don't like about Joost Klein. Get used to it. Feelings are mixed but they are trending towards the NEGATIVE.
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The face of a man I want to trap inside a garbage truck.
What is funny to me though, is that I certainly could have liked "Europapa" if the Dutch hadn't made certain decisions. I have to remain honest. My ranking, my rules, my lack of taste. It didn't work for me.
The song's not without merit though. It's a fun eurodance number at a glance. "Europapa" works best when you hear it live after a few drinks and blurt along with its lyrics. It's an EXCELLENT concert and streaming entry, whipping up a good time out of thin air with few pretences.
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As a Eurovision entry though... eh. It tried to be a lot of other things: A tribute to his dead parents, an introspective unspooling of his mental health, a spoof, a meme, a middle finger to society, like all at once? It has that Subwoolfer-like quality of straight men in a mancave brainstorming on how what a Eurovision entry looks like: stupid nonsense. How does that work? The answer to that is "barely", and only if you take it at face value.
The song is not really about Joost dead's father and his world view. That ... I think... is deliberate false advertisement. It's not untrue, but presenting it as the sole truth is a deception. If you delve into the song, you'll find that it's a little bit more complex (and less wholesome) than that.
Verse 1 is about desperately running away from your problems (Joost naming all of the destinations, clawing at people for money, having lost everything but time) and verse 2 tackles validation, desperately craving it and yet not feeling sated. "Europapa" is a coping mechanism first and a song second. It's a deep dive into Joost's inner workings and his soul, but one that exposes him as insecure and vulnerable and putting up a front of irreverence as a mask to the outer world. As per the second verse:
"I'm running from myself, I'm crying out for help - I even give people loads of money and there's nobody who gives me aid [...] turn the radio on, I hear Stromae's "Papaoutai" I won't stop [feel satisfied] until they say "yeah, he [Joost] is doing well, eh?"
Now, this is actually... not a bad thing. It proves that "Europapa" is authentic and has surprising complexity and layers. That's what distinguishes it positively from Finland, which is hollow and cringe.
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The problem with the emotions is that they clash with the rest of the song?
Fewer sentiments kill the party mood quite AS hard as one of "Are you feeling alright? 😨 Is everything OKAY?😨 should I call a therapist?" 😨". For me it defo kills the vibe. I don't want to END a fun party song with concern for the singer's wellbeing. The fact that Joost is cishet and therefore incapable of talking about his feelings and yet PUT THESE VERBALIZED EMOTIONS IN PLAIN VIEW IN HIS EUROVISION SONG is enough to set the alarm bells ringing.
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Of course it could have worked if the live got it right, but um lol. Let's be honest here: The live was BAD. It was INTENDED to be So-Bad-It's-Good, sure, because that's the only way cishets know to do camp. I don't mind a spoof of a 2008 joke act. It just was... performed and staged so poorly it became the thing it intended to parody.
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You sir, are NOT Käärijä.
The best parts of the entry (the emotional complexity and the hak break) are completely washed away by a combination of the awful clickbaity faces, TERRIBLE vocals (the post-chorus "EUROs" in literal Cookie Monster Voice are amongst the ugliest sounds anyone created for Eurovision), nightmare fuel visuals and that ghastly, ghastly outro.
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Actually, about that outro. That is what made me turn against Joost. It's the WORST section of ANY song this year. It's the combination of whiplashing from extreme rapture into literal mourning at the drop of a pin (which is kind of... really icky human behaviour when you think about it) with pushing it down our throats by including it in the recap. Make The Guillible Cry With Cheap Emotional Manip, it's not a tool exclusive to Israelis.
And you CAN actually blame this intrusive display of emotional expoitation squarely on Joost because he's a known perfectionist and therefore must have planned the execution of the outro the moment he and his cronies decided to include it in the song.
It did tie the ending together alright. But because it wasn't a showing of personal growth, or strength or accomplishment, which it could have been, it did not align with the rest of the song. Instead it underlined that Joost hasn't moved on and is hopelessly stuck in the past, desperate for validation.
Instead of underlining the cheerful, fun aspect of Europapa it instead brought my attention the dark, emotionally disturbing bits as the last thought, and that ultimately is what killed it for me. The song is a cry for help, which is nothing to be cheerful about.
Aaaaand that's the opinion on the song and the live performance. But we're not done yet because I must address what came after that. 🙄
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So, let's tackle the press conference first. Zero complaints about that. I was annoyed with Joost before due to how desperately he tried to push himself as "Käärijä's" successor and fabricated his own PR campaign on TikTok (DIE TikTok), but his behaviour at the PC made me do a complete 180 on him. Him shooting pure unfiltered truth pellets at the EBU and Eden with no regard for the consequences was fucking GLORIOUS. All the things he said needed to be said and were said without a filter. It was pure oxygen and precisely what we all needed to hear, spoken because of its TRUTH and not for clout.
Then, the disqualification. It was 'a valid DQ' purely from a rules perspective but come on now. This was not a DQ worthy incident. He didn't touch the woman and she deliberately, repeatedly refused to respect his privacy despite multiple warnings AND an agreement he made with the EBU. How has this even been reported as a 'crime'? He APOLOGIZED profusely to the lady in question and she refused to hear him and called the police on him. Sometimes you just have the misfortune of running into a Karen on a bad day. And given how riddled with tension this year's backstage was, every day of rehearsals was a bad day for everyone involved.
The DQ went through because the EBU can't fucking clear up the slightest inconvenience. By the time the police became involved, there was no turning back, and they were forced to DQ as per their bureaucracy. The rest is backpedaling.
Both of these things made me feel more sympathetic towards Joost as a person. At the end of the day he's a deeply troubled, complex, tragic figure who (barely) functions on copium and is really terrible at expressing his true feelings and the events surrounding his DQ check out with that. He needs support from those who love him (and enter therapy.) The other delegations taking his side (other than ofc KUN(ts)), is a wholesome signal and proves that Europe can be United By Music even when it is Divided By Politics first. If this disqualification is what leads to some much-needed overhauls for next year (ideally the sacking of Österdahl, the cancellation of the MorroccanOil sponsorship and KAN's expulsion, in any order), I will gladly accept Joost's role in that as the proverbial sacrifce that needed to be made.
Ironically, it was the disqualification that made me realize I shouldn't bump Joost higher out of sympathy for his personality. I didn't miss Europapa on Saturday and barely noticed its absence. The results in the Grand Final were great, specifically because Switzerland won and Croatia beat Israel in the televote. If Joost competes, Swizterland and Croatia's TVs go down in western Europe, while Israel is still top five (since she beat Joost in the semi). He also shoves Bambie out of their serendipitous 6/6/6 placements to boot.
That realization is why I need to eliminate him NOW and not later down the road. I don't care for the song as a Eurovision entry, I DISLIKE the live performance and his presence could have made the results worse for me. Easy elimination at this stage.
Those that care about "Europapa" can keep singing its praises and should. Joost will need and shall appreciate the support after this nightmare Eurovision.
Ultimately though, I am not of his fans.
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thecreaturecodex · 4 months
One specific question, one general one.
The specific - What's a good monster, related to plants, undead, or both, to use when representing something that, let's say, fell from the sky, crashed in a lumber yard, and when a usually cold-hearted, fearless boss comes to investigate, it scares him so much for the rest of his life that he tells nobody and immediately abandons the camp? Something that's terrifying, but something that wouldn't just kill him outright. I wanna introduce a bit of terror to my party since in-game, it's coming close to the equivalent of the Halloween season.
The more general (and maybe more important one) - How do you manage your own disparate ideas into a more cohesive homebrew storyline? I've got a lot of ideas and themes but I'm realizing my choice paralysis and desire to do something cool for my players is hindering me in tying together themes to make something that will actually be in service to the players fun.
Big fan for actual years, btw. You're one of the best homebrew writers and a vital part of our group's games in Red Hand, Shackled City, and eventually Age of Worms. Thank you for your work.
Thank you so much for your kind words!
Now, for your first question, I do have a fair amount of plants from space in the Codex, since it's a popular SF trope. The hyphal brain, vegalpree or beula could all serve the role you have in mind.
For the second, well, I'd say don't be afraid to be self-indulgent. Not every idea needs to tie into a Big Theme, and the players, if they're bought in, might end up supplying some of the linkages for you. Probably the best homebrew game I've ever run was Sharn Freelance Police, which was a D&D 3.5 game set in Eberron, where the PCs were detectives. It was intended to be a case of the week investigative game, and by the end of it had all sorts of recurring plots, villains and an overarching theme. By the end, it was about the arms dealing House Cannith working with the Order of the Emerald Claw in order to cause a civil war in Kaarnath, ending with Vol coming out of the shadows to claim the throne and start openly engaging in eugenics. But that plot wasn't in every session, and a lot of the cases they took were random one-offs that tied into stuff I had on hand or things I was into. There was a session that was a parody of Sweeney Todd, but it turned out it was dire rats being baked into pies when they thought it was people. There was a scientist interested in monsters who consulted on cases about aberrations and symbionts, who ended up using what he got from the Freelance Police to mutate himself and try his hand at supervillainy. There was even an arc where one of the characters died, came back as the undead, and didn't tell anyone for a couple of weeks. And despite the big mishmash of tones and themes, everyone had a great time, and that game and its characters are still remembered fondly almost 20 years later.
And looking at those APs you mentioned, they also kind of go all over the place. Age of Worms, for example. Telling the story of discovering and fighting against the cult of a undead-themed demigod doesn't need to have a tournament arc, or a fancy dinner party in a palace full of sideshow performers, or a canyon where giants breed carrion crawlers to make siege weapon ammo... but all of that makes the game a lot of fun.
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Starring Jordan Boatman, Arnie Burton, James Daly, Ellen Harvey and Andrew Keenan-Bolger. 
Written by Gordon Greenberg and Steve Rosen.
Directed by Gordon Greenberg.
Playing at New World Stages – Stage 5 – 340 West 50th Street – New York. Run: Through January 7th, 2024.
A New Live Production, Dracula, A Comedy of Terrors, Reveals A High Camp Side to this Story of The Undead Count
One thing you can count on every Halloween is an appearance of Dracula or, at least, some form of a vampire added to the mix. That could mean a re-run of the many classic films with the undead count such as Universal’s original version of Dracula (with Bela Lugosi) or Hammer’s The Horror of Dracula (with Christopher Lee). But this scary season doesn't necessarily require an appearance of the original bloodsucker himself. It could include some resurrection of his character in a movie, play or live visual presentation in some haunted house.
In 1897, when Irish author Bram Stoker published his long-wrought novel Dracula for just six shillings, he didn’t realize that he’d created one of the most iconic figures of all time. Though this story of an aristocratic, undead mastermind was popular in its day, little did Stoker know that his blood-drinking, soulless monster of the night would become the source of countless permutations, reinterpretations, and re-examinations of this creature and its implications. There’s even a Bram Stoker Festival in Dublin which celebrates the Gothic, the supernatural, the after-dark and Victorian as well as the Count himself.
Of course, along with Stoker’s horror classic, the inevitable humorous satires, parodies, and various send ups cropped up. From a tale of the ageless Count needing to leave his ancient homeland to resettle in England to tap fresh blood, the original gothic narrative has often been revised with sometimes hilarious results.
Now, through Dracula, A Comedy of Terrors, this battle with the master of the undead receives an outlandish rethink. Enabled by a compact, five-person cast – Jordan Boatman, Arnie Burton, James Daly, Ellen Harvey, and Andrew Keenan-Bolger – this rapid-fire comedic reimagining of this archetypal tale garners guffaws and lots of snickering. 
Taking off from the original’s classic characters, they’re transformed into these versions: sweet Lucy Westfeldt, vampire hunter Jean Van Helsing, insect consumer Percy Renfield, and behavioral psychiatrist Wallace Westfeldt, among others. Here they find themselves in a faux British country estate which doubles as a free-range mental asylum. With its cast of slapstick, quick change comics who switch roles with the aplomb of fast handed pickpockets, this Dracula not only makes you scream, but it does it with laughter. The show also exposes a fundamental ridiculousness that illustrates just how resilient the original concept is: it can take jabs even at its core of terror and still retain a certain majestic-ness.
Through its compact 90-minute show, elements of goth, camp, and variant sexuality are thrown into a gender-bending, quick-change romp. With all the wacky characters, a pansexual Gen-Z Count Dracula tops the list of existentially challenged characters. 
As a buddy of notorious gay Victorian author Oscar Wilde, the actual Stoker was believed to be a closeted gay man in a repressive England, so his novel was rife with suggestive sexuality and gender reversals. Director/co-writers Gordon Greenberg and Steve Rosen’s send-up of this novel is meant to be viewed through a very contemporary lens. 
Just as the book transcended other Gothic horror of its day, this comedy rises above being simple holiday fare. Make your way to the Westside’s New World Stages for a comedic jab at the jugular.
Brad Balfour
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: November 8, 2023.
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socialistexan · 4 months
After my full series watch through, I've put together a list of guilty pleasure Doctor Who stories.
These are stories that are either 1) rated poorly by the Doctor Who fandom but I really enjoy, 2) stories that I ranted poorly but really enjoyed, or 3) have aspects that are widely mocked but I love. I'll try not to count stories that are rated above a 7 by the fandom that I am even higher on (like Warriors' Gate, Kinda, The Haunting Of Villa Diodati) with one notable exception.
(formated as Story (my score / fan score): reason why)
The Chase (7.9 / 6.6):
I adore the campy and just flat out wacky vibe of this serial. From the companions dancing to the Beatles on the Time-Space television to the Daleks fighting Dracula, the Frankenstein Monster, and a Banshee and LOSING. Just so much fun. Pure 60's nonsense.
Monster of Peladon (6.6 / 5.3):
Anyone noticing a pattern? I love camp. I love wacky designs. I love off the wall ideas and bizarre design. I love Alpha Centari. Is this story good, oh g-d no. Did I have fun? You bet.
Invasion of the Dinosaurs (8.0 / 7.5):
Only because people love to hate the rubber Dinosaurs in this episode, but I absolutely adore them. I'm a sucker for kinda crappy practical effects, like, that's why I'm watching this show. I ordered the lemonade!
More under the cut since this is a long post
Image of the Fendahl (8.1 / 5.8(!)):
How is the story not more embraced as a near-classic by the fandom? I'll never know. It has fantastic direction, acting (even from the guest cast which was a rarity in classic Who at times), tone, atmosphere, and vibes. The story is a little derivative of, say, The Daemons, and it has a slightly slower pace with more quiet scenes (though that's a positive for me), but that's really it.
Black Orchid (7.8 / 6.5):
I tended to be higher on shorter serials that felt right for their length and didn't overstay their welcome, and this is that kind of story. Was it amazing? No. Did we get a few fun moments in a non-scifi story? Yeah.
Timelash (4.0 / 4.2)
This is one of the worst episodes the show has ever done, but at least it's the fun kind of bad. It's just so out there and takes so many chances, I kind of commend it for that. It's in that So Bad It's Good territory for me.
Paradise Towers (7.4 / 6.4):
This was camp from the lens of the late-80's. The aesthetics and tone are like a surrealist dream. I think Happiness Patrol is a better version of this story, but you really can't top the neon crab eyes, the roving girl gangs in bright colors, the Monty Python style farsical parody of fascism, or the evil lesbian cannibal grandmas.
New Earth (7.3 / 6.1)
This might be nostalgia talking, but I love this episode. Tennant and Piper are delightful. The cat nurses are so much fun. AND CASSANDRA MY BELOVED. I know 10's first season was rough, but man I loved this.
The Halloween Apocalypse (8.0 / 6.6)
I can could put A LOT of 13's episodes on here, because I was higher on a lot of her episodes (Eve of the Daleks is another I could have chosen here), but I'll pick this one because I was just delighted the whole way through. Big ouppy! Dan's house shrinking! A Nitro-9 reference! And it's set on the best day of the year, Halloween!
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Well @conker-shell you chose an excellent day to ask because I have so much time I'm willing to waste
Introducing to you:
The Frankenstein Adaptation Rankenstein
(Guaranteed to be highly subjective and capricious!)
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Described and discussed under the cut
We start with
Tier F, for Frankenstein
This contains Mary Shelley's book, as arguably the source material itself is the most perfect adaptation
Young Frankenstein the musical comes in on here, not necessarily because it adapts the book well (it's a musical adaptation of a film which parodies another film which finally adapts the book), but because I had a lot of fun going to the theatre to watch it. Deeply silly show and I say that with all the love in my heart.
The second entry is the Royal Ballet production, which I've been going insane about all morning. In some ways, it follows the source material too closely (we get through almost all Act 1 before Victor even goes to university and it's almost exactly as uninterestnig as you might predict), but Steven McRae as the Creature was phenomenal.
Finally, Frankenstein, the song by the Mechanisms, in which there is no longer a Creature but a sentient AI. It's one hell of a duet between the AI and Victoria Frankenstein and makes the tragedy the two are trapped in into something very real. How can I have a soul when you gave me no name indeed
Tier B, Walk this way
Young Frankenstein the film is here, because it's a fun film and I like how it parodies the 1931 Frankenstein film. It's still not really a book adaptation, but you can argue with textual evidence that Frankenstein is transmasc, which is never a bad thing.
Next is The Monsters We Deserve, the book by Marcus Sedgewick. Again not, technically, an adaptation, it's instead about the responsibilities of creation, whether that's creating life only to run from the Creature to built, or a book which thousands of people will interpret in thousands of ways, even after your death. I read it in one sitting it thoroughly rattled my brain. Marcus Sedgewick author that you are.
Tier C, See what's on the slab
The Rocky Horror Show, versions both film and theatrical. It's camp, it's fun, it's good to watch at the theatre especially if the Narrator can riff off the audience well. It's so low down because it's only an adaptation on a technicality, and is probably better described as an "influenced by".
Tier D, Dead and gone
Look I KNOW okay I know it's rich me (Young Frankenstein and Re-Animator fan) putting the 1931 film so low down I KNOW it was incredibly influential but in adaptation terms it's not good and in film enjoyment terms I didn't. Look what you did to the Creature's legacy, he wanted love and you made him a senseless monster :(
Tier ?, ?
Frankissstein: A Love Story, the book by Jeanette Winterson. I have read this book, thus onto the Rankenstein it goes. I don't actually remember anything about it, other than I don't think I enjoyed it much, despite some rave reviews
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
Dumb ways to die twst edition
Exactly as the title says. A parody based off of the many many shenanigans the twst gang goes through. Not exactly deaths for many of them but it’s still fun.
Wrote this for myself to take a small break from asks hopefully that's ok with y'all. also needed to hop on the inspiration while it lasted. you all know the song.
Warning: there is some book 6 spoilers!! no book 7 stuff though. Also mentions of death and some body horror.
Grim flinging fire at the ceremony: set fire to the place mc in ramshackle: avoid death from a ghostly embrace Ace moments before disaster: eat a tart and you got seen Riddle's overblot incident: Get collared and fight an overbloted queen!
Grim on fire: Dumb ways to die Ghost mc: So many dumb ways to die Ace holding his decapitated head: Dumb ways to die-ie-ie Deuce with blot spears through his front: So many dumb ways to die
The group chasing after Ruggie: Get involved in a hyenas work Leona sending his goons to fight the group: mess with a prideful jerk Leona’s overblot incident : almost get turned into sand Mc facepalming at the trio with anemones on their heads: don't shake that shady octo mers hand!
Riddle in a full body cast: Dumb ways to die Jack covered in cuts and bruises: So many dumb ways to die Ruggie as a pile of sand: Dumb ways to die-ie-ie Ace covered in bite marks: So many dumb ways to die
Azuls overblot incident: fight an octomer and drown Mc behind a barred window: get locked up in a desert town The octatrio+mc and kalim flying to the edge of the desert: Get flung away to another place Jamils overblot incident: fight a snake guy with a crazy face
Deuce looking anemone creature: Dumb ways to die Skeleton mc: So many dumb ways to die Kalim frozen and blue: Dumb ways to die-ie-ie Azul with hypnotized eyes: So many dumb ways to die
Ace and deuce on the ground paralyzed: get poisoned in the night Dancing practice for the SDC: dance with all of your might Vil’s overblot incident: fight some blot ful of jealous rage Ortho causing chaos on the island: be careful with the phantoms in that cage!
Zombie looking epel: Dumb ways to die Jamil exhausted: So many dumb ways to die Rook half dissolved: Dumb ways to die-ie-ie Old withered vil: So many dumb ways to die
Bean blaster pointed right at the camera: fight eachother for a harp during bean fest. Ghosts going after the students collecting mirror shards: get chased down and captured by a ghostly guest Magicam monsters causing chaos: deal with people messing up your horror Vargas chasing down the students: get chased by a beast when you're out camping The guys getting slapped by Eliza: flirt with a ghost and try to woo her
Mc shaking their head as they stand next to a mirror with Mickey in it: They may not make sense but they're quite possibly Azul covered in gullet holes: Dumbest ways to die Possessed students: the dumbest ways to die magic cam monster wrapped up in mummy stuff: Dumbest ways to die-ie-ie-ie~ The first years: So many dumb Mc and grim pointing at Crowley: So many dumb ways to die
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stillwaitin76 · 1 year
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So I’ve recently got into Monster Prom/Camp, and so my little gremlin brain had to make some ocs for it! From left to right we have;
-Verne (20???), a young alien shapeshifter who’s UFO crashed into a antique store. Due to this, they have a strong connection to retro items, fashion, and knick knacks.
-László (around 200), the zombie of a soldier during the Seven Years War, who’s now Spooky Acadamy’s resident theatre nerd. (Totally not a Peter Lorre parody.)
-Claude (22), an invisible person who wants to rule the world… through minor inconveniences.
-Yuya (19), an excitable akaname who’s greatest wish in life is to be a janitor.
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boxingcleverrr · 16 days
I usually just give a tired, long-suffering sigh when a fandom dropkicks the women to the side to go feral over shipping two bland white twinks with no actual chemistry, HOWEVER!
Man did Dune pt. 2 get The Cousin Fight so very correct.
Much as I love the first few books, Frank Herbert was a raging homophobe. Like, wouldn't allow his gay son to be by his dying mother's bedside homophobe. In the text, the Harkonens are absolute piles of grotesque homophobic stereotypes. Can't be bothered to read, just watch the David Lynch version (who isn't homophobic himself but was very much about keeping the great Houses as they were on the page).
So while I was happy that DV removed that, I was a little headtilty with the first film cause, take away that grotesque parody of gay camp, what are the Harkonens? Okay, they're still torturers and polluters and selfish assholes...why?
And MAAAAAN did Feyd bring home what they are in this adaptation. They're still power-hungry flesh-crafters who don't care that they've killed their planet, but this time the focus is on how they craft people into weapons, and that hunger translates into brutality, with no tenderness or touch that doesn't end in pain. You don't need to see leacherous old gay men preying on boys, you can show these men who use people, all people around them, and then crumble them up and throw their bodies against a wall.
And there's Feyd. He's insatiable, he's experienced every kind of pleasure and inflicted every kind of pain and it's never enough, cause no one has ever loved him, and in the text it is far, far too late for that to be remedied. He killed his mother, he is an absolute monster.
There's Paul, who grew up just as privileged, just as well-trained, just as handsome and groomed for greatness. But he had a father who loved him, told him all he ever had to be was his son. Yeah Jessica manipulates him but it's still a mother's unconditional love, she'd still love him if he'd fucked off and never drank the worm kool-aid.
They're cousins, they face off, they stab each other through, one lives and one dies and it's the closest thing Feyd has ever felt to familial closeness.
Yeah no I 100% get why this one has folks going absolutely feral.
...though yeah again they do be cousins guys but do you!
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sashkapi · 9 months
Heeeyyyy 👀🌸 i wanna know what KBSD episodes that you didn’t like and why? D:
Shania hiiiiiiii :D
Damn, I actually had to take a minute to think about that (what obsession with daredevils does to a mf)
I guess it's "Jock wilder nature's camp" and "Shh!"
Jock Wilders nature camp was kinda forgettable and not so entertaining for me tbh. I guess they just wanted to do "lost in the woods" episode again (Kick already was lost with Brad and, technically, Gunther) but with cautious/crazy character but idk, I just kinda didn't like it.
"Shh!" Is more of 50/50 for me. I mean, sure, KBSD already had crazy concepts like bikes having consciousness, fish growing into monsters, straight up ghosts... Kick himself jjxjckxmmckx
But idk, nuzzlet felt like way out of place idea (I mean at least "Kyle E. Coyote" was a parody and "Rocked" was a dream)
But on the other hand everything else was great. I like that Librarian's animosity towards Kick was kept
In this house we love and appreciate senior women who hold grudges against literal middle schoolers :)
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mitochondriencocktail · 5 months
Honestly i love each and every AU you graced upon us
Let’s say 6 11 18 28 plus one you would like for the Monster AU 🫶🏻
This is so sweet of you to say, thank you ;o; <3
6. Do they go out often or prefer to stay indoors?
I think, realistically, since this is still the ESC-universe in a way, going out can be hard because they'll be recognized. But, I think when they're together, they do try to have at least one night out because they're both fairly sociable, but definitely ensure that they have at least one night in together. (And not just for the bedroom... though that's certainly involved.)
But it's trying to soak up what domesticity and privacy they can, cherishing those quiet moments together. Cementing their relationship in new, wonderful ways.
11. What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
So this is an AU with a playlist, but that playlist is just the most unhinged music possible. Despite that, there are bangers so I'll share a few different flavors of their relationship:
This one is self-explanatory:
so is this one:
and a sweet one:
Looking at these, I think what makes them so funny to write is the absolute emotional whiplash of insane balls-to-the-wall almost parody-level sex they have combined with the utterly sincere and earnest romance.
18. What does a date night out look like for them?
When they have a moment to visit one another, I like to think they either go to a cabin in Finland or Bojan takes Jere somewhere camping and scenic. They both love the outdoors, so that - combined with privacy - is an easy choice.
Lots of basking in the sun and stars and laying by the water.
24. What are their favorite places to kiss on their partner(s)? What are their favorite types of kisses?
Everywhere. There is nowhere Bojan won't put his mouth for better or worse. Man shoved his whole head into a chest cavity and kissed Jere's beating heart. If that's not romance, I don't know what is.
Jere kisses Bojan all over as well, but he's noticed he responds particularly well to his neck, the crook of his elbow, the inside of his thighs.
When they're not being saucy though, just little pecks on the cheek, on the lips. Always coming up behind the other one, leaning in with a silly shimmy, going 'smack!' with their lips, and then giggling and bouncing away.
28. What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
Due to the distance, and being in the ESC-adjacent monster universe, I think they'd have to keep things low key. So no phone backgrounds or something people could easily spot. But, deeeefinitely lots of stolen clothes, especially from Bojan's end.
He has a hoodie that he particularly loves and can't bring himself to wash.
Jere keeps a polaroid of Bojan from the Nordic Tour :) I like to think they had some yet-untold adventure during that tour in this AU :)
Also re-reading some of the fic now and cackling because I'm so happy you all enjoyed our sopping wet pathetic version of Bojan who had bangers such as:
And then Bojan careens the metaphorical car off a bridge because he keeps speaking. 
“Whether that means being a 24/7 toy for monster cock or spending the rest of my life in complete abstinence with you, I’d take it all. Whatever you want.”
Jere answers quickly in the form of grabbing Bojan’s hand and slotting them together.
There’s a definitively wet sound to it that surprises him though, and Jere does a poor job of hiding his comically horrified expression.
“Sorry… I’m kind of nervous right now.” Bojan says.
Bojan’s hand is slick with sweat. A veritable slip-and-slide of nerves bodily represented. To think that this man — actor, songwriter — who’s been assigned a national heartthrob by the media gets nervous holding hands. 
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folieadeuxserver · 2 years
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Announcing Ten Days of Horror, Folie à Deux’s first quarterly event! We’ll be hosting a ten-day horror fest for Hannibal and HEU creators, running from October 22nd through October 31st.
The fest is open to all creators, ships, and mediums! We have no minimum requirements and only ask that you adhere to each day's general theme. How you interpret that theme and whether or not you use our subprompts is up to you! You don’t have to create something for each day, but you’re welcome to do so if you so choose.
When you post your work, please tag us and use #HannibalHorror! The fest is also running on our twitter and discord server, and we have an Ao3 collection as well.
While the goal is to post your fill on the day for which it was created, you're welcome to post late fills at any time.
You can find each day’s information and unabridged prompts below!
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Day 1 (10/22): Creature Feature Calling all monster lovers! today we celebrate them all – from reanimated corpses to undiscovered species, there’s a little something for everyone.
things that go bump in the night / the monster under the bed / transformation / vampires & werewolves / trapped with the monster / an imaginary friend / the living dead / a cold, wet hand / doppelgänger / the glint of inhuman eyes
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Day 2 (10/23): Bathed in Blood It would be remiss not to pay tribute to the grosser, gorier side of horror, so today is all about the blood and guts! Splatterpunk, torture, graphic violence... show us your nastiest creations!
torture porn / body horror / uncanny valley / mutilation / a slow and sickening mutation / parasites / medical horror / blood & gore / revenge / an excess of bodily fluids
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Day 3 (10/24): The Twilight Zone Today’s prompts are an ode to sci-fi horror! Pay homage to classics like Frankenstein and Alien, or try out your own twist on a well-loved subgenre.
outer space / a hostile new world / technology taken too far / eldritch abominations / a parallel universe / alien species / trapped in a time loop / an unsanctioned experiment / something beneath the ice / mother nature’s revenge
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Day 4 (10/25): Born This Way Today we honor the human monsters, which are sometimes the scariest of them all. Killer horror, psychological horror, slashers... Show us something horrifying and all too real.
cults / the final girl / the dark side of the human psyche / institutional horror / descending into insanity / governments & corporations / abuse of power / obsession / indoctrination / hierarchies of oppression / paranoia
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Day 5 (10/26): Instruments of Torture Today’s theme honors the many weapons, torture devices, and other horrific implements spanning the horror genre!
nail bat / an improvised weapon / chainsaw / crucifix / wooden stake / shards of glass / a bloody kitchen knife / needle / meathook / whip
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Day 6 (10/27): Welcome to the Funhouse Today’s theme centers around the funnier and more absurd side of horror! Comedy horror, camp, black comedy – the opportunities are endless.
splatstick / absurd phobia / parody / the horror-movie stoner / ridiculous deaths / accidental transformation / black comedy cannibalism / bumbling slasher / fuck and die / a lack of self preservation
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Day 7 (10/28): Once Upon a Time Today’s theme is Dark fantasy! Bring out your Grimms-style fairytales, mythical creatures, or just a touch of magic.
fairytale gone wrong / the gods are not kind / a darker timeline / black magic / the chosen one / evil overlord / a sumptuous feast / necromancy / cursed kingdoms / forsaken
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Day 8 (10/29): Occult Activity Today’s theme is all about supernatural horror! show us your paranormal investigators, your exorcisms, your folk horror AUs or characters with psychic powers.
possession / the old gods / ghosts & hauntings / an accidental summoning / cursed object / an unconventional priest / sacrifice / dreams bleeding into reality / psychic powers / the veil between the worlds
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Day 9 (10/30): A Dark & Stormy Night Today’s prompts center around the impact of setting. Whether atmospheric horror, gothic horror, ecological horror, or another genre, location matters!
snowed in / sun-drenched horror / gothic horror / the purgatory of white picket fences / a house with a history / an unexplored cavern / the bottom of the sea / a town you can’t seem to leave / a condemned building / apocalyptic horror
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Day 10 (10/31): Insatiable Appetites Today is all about erotic and sensual horror. Blur the line between fear and desire, arousal and repulsion, or show us flat-out sexual horror.
the sensuality of violence / oviposition / teratophilia / tentacles / succubus/incubus / wound fucking / the need to consume / hunger / traumatic insemination
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sadgirlnoga · 1 year
heres an mpgis parody i made where alex is placed in the aphrodite cabin. pt. 1
piper: so i was like fr and he said no way, so than i said slay and he was like yass queen and i was like i know what you are, and than i said EVERY BITCH CANT BE YOUR SON!...and than he gave me a speeding ticket so now im in my ethel cain coded dorian electra type beat villain era. drew: i soooooo need a gay best friend. piper: im literally right here and yesterday you called me a slur! drew: anyways, should i go hunting in the dennys parking lot or the taco bell one? piper: didnt you step down from here? drew: DONT QUESTION ME F- alex: *walks in with an off the shouder camp halfblood shirt, jeans and 6 inch demonias, places her vintage juicy couture bag on the bed and her vintage dior suitcase next to it* drew: EHEM! alex: *lipsyncs to kim petras* drew: EHEHEM!! alex: I SeE yOuR mOnStErS, i SeE yOuR pAiN- drew: who the fuck are you?! alex: who the fuck are YOU?! drew: i asked you first ewzuku middoriya! alex: i asked you second burnette burdine maxwell! piper: oh thats drew tanaka, daughter of aphrodite, former head councler of this cabin and the 69th most popular ariana grande stan account on twitter. *rolls eyes* alex: she looks like the maddy from euphoria we have at home. drew: who the fuck are you?! alex: oh im jules, i just moved here...sike bitch my name is alex, im new. drew: who the fuck let you in here?! alex: mr. D piper: mr. D is a fucking alcoholic! hes not even allowed to be in charge of the drinks! drew: so, ALEX! let me tell you how we roll around here! alex: i already know how y'all roll around here, according to those outfits y'all rollin with the LGBT. piper: isnt chiron incharge of the dorms?! what is he doing letting mr. D take his place?! drew: you arent a greek demigod, are you?! alex: unfortunately my boyfriend brought me here and we had to move here from hotel valhalla and get this ugly ass prison suit looking shirt. drew: miss girliepop that sounds like a made up hotel for people who choke on setting powder. your not fooling anyone! alex: your not wrong though, its kinda like tartarus but with terfs. drew: let me tell your pronouns in bio grinch looking ass how things roll around here in the aphrodite cabin! alex: for the last time, miss crack von d, i already know how things work around here in the aphrodite cabin! jason grace told me all about it! drew: what the fuck are you doing talking to jason grace?! alex: percy jackson gave me his number. piper: em, thats my fucking boyfriend bitch! alex: thats not what silena beauregard told me. drew: SILENA BEAUREGARD IS A LYING ASS TRAITOR!!!!!
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royalreef · 4 months
excitedly holds my hands out! i'd love to see who you think i could write from monprom
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(( I would suggest Jacqueline! She's a very cute farmgirl in Monster Road Trip, effectively serving as their parody Stardew Valley character!
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Alternatively, if you want more substance and lore to break into, I think you would write one of the Coven very well: Hope, Joy, and Faith! They're long-running characters through the games, with their bit being that they are leads of a serialized TV show happening independently to the dating sim narrative, as a reference to the show Charmed. Joy, in the middle, is a romantic option in Monster Camp, though the joke in the first game is that other people don't necessarily care about all of their lore and plot, and keep either interrupting them or thinking the three of them are one entity. Liam also used to be a member of the Coven!
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