#monthly sketch wrap up
samkuchingdraws · 2 years
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Me sketches for the month of October. Quite a lot of Jack Quaid because I am still absolutely crazy about the guy, plus one of him and Erin Moriarty. Then some of Florence Welch, then of Connor -- this was spontaneously inspired by a hilarious post by a mutual on Twitter. Then, to end the month, three sketches of musicians whose works I love and support. Luke Levenson, Malingo and finally, Ryan Karazija of LOW ROAR, who had sadly passed just end of this month (Rest in love, Ryan.)
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 1 month
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x f! wife reader
The soft morning light filtered through the heavy curtains, casting a warm glow across the grand bedchamber. Y/N stirred beneath the covers, her mind slowly rousing from the depths of sleep. She stretched her hand to the other side of the bed, expecting to find the familiar warmth of her husband, but instead, her fingers brushed against cold, empty sheets. Benedict had already risen, most likely absorbed in his work within the confines of his study.
She lingered in bed, her thoughts muddled by the lingering remnants of slumber, until a sharp pang of anxiety tightened in her chest. For several days now, a persistent worry had taken root within her, growing with each passing hour. She hesitated before throwing back the covers, her heart heavy with apprehension. Y/N’s gaze fell upon the bed linens, scrutinizing them with bated breath.
The sheets were immaculate, untouched by the crimson hue she had half-expected, half-dreaded to see. Her heart sank, frustration welling within her as she realized the implications. Another morning, another check, and still no sign of her monthly course. The absence of blood was both a blessing and a curse, for she knew what it likely meant.
They were still newlyweds, just months into their marriage, and while they had spoken of starting a family, Y/N had envisioned more time to enjoy their youthful union before the responsibilities of parenthood descended upon them. The thought of carrying Benedict’s child filled her with equal parts joy and trepidation. Was it too soon? Would he be ready for such a change, for the duties and demands that would come with fatherhood?
She rose from the bed, her movements languid as she wrapped her robe around herself. The silk fabric felt cool against her skin, a stark contrast to the warmth she yearned to feel. Y/N padded down the long hallway, her feet silent on the plush carpet as she made her way to Benedict’s study. She could hear the familiar sound of his pencil scratching against parchment, the melody of his creative process.
She paused in the doorway, taking in the sight of her husband. Benedict was bent over his work, his brow furrowed in concentration as he sketched, utterly absorbed in his task. Despite the seriousness of his expression, there was an undeniable gentleness about him that made her heart swell with love.
For a moment, Y/N considered turning away, letting him remain in his world of art and imagination, but she knew she couldn’t delay the conversation any longer. The uncertainty gnawed at her, and she needed to confide in him, to share her fears and hopes.
“Benedict,” she called softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
He looked up immediately, his features softening the moment his eyes met hers. A warm smile spread across his face, and he set his pencil aside, rising from his chair to greet her.
“Good morrow, my love,” he said, his voice filled with affection as he crossed the room to her. “I did not intend to wake you so early.”
“You did not wake me,” Y/N replied, attempting a smile as she stepped closer to him. “I simply found myself alone in our bed and wondered where you might be.”
Benedict wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his embrace. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin. “My mind was alight with ideas,” he explained, his tone light and teasing. “I had to capture them before they faded away like the morning mist.”
Y/N rested her head against his chest, her ear pressed to his heart. The steady rhythm soothed her, but the anxiety in her own chest remained. She knew she couldn’t keep her secret any longer. “Benedict, I must speak with you about something of great importance.”
He pulled back slightly, concern flickering in his blue eyes. “What is it, dearest? You seem troubled.”
Y/N took a deep breath, her hands gripping the lapels of his dressing gown as she gathered the courage to speak. “I have missed my monthly course,” she confessed, her voice trembling. “It has been late for several days now, and I believe I may be with child.”
The words hung in the air, a delicate truth that had the power to alter their lives forever. Y/N braced herself for Benedict’s reaction, her heart pounding in her chest. She feared he might be taken aback, that the prospect of fatherhood might overwhelm him, especially so soon after their marriage.
But to her surprise, Benedict’s expression changed not to one of shock or apprehension, but to one of pure, unadulterated joy. His eyes widened, and a broad smile broke across his face as he processed her words.
“You think…?” he stammered, his voice laced with wonder. “You believe you carry our child?”
Y/N nodded, tears welling in her eyes as she watched the happiness unfold across his face. “I did not know how to tell you… I feared it might be too soon, that you would be unprepared…”
Benedict’s hands cupped her face, his touch tender as he gazed down at her with all the love in his heart. “Too soon?” he echoed, his voice filled with emotion. “My love, there could be no greater news in the world. You have just given me the most precious gift I could ever receive.”
Before she could respond, Benedict swept her up into his arms, spinning her around in a joyful circle. Y/N’s laughter mingled with his, the sound of their happiness filling the room. When he finally set her down, he held her close, his forehead resting against hers as he whispered, “We are to be parents, Y/N. I can scarcely believe it.”
Y/N’s tears spilled over, but they were tears of relief, of joy, of overwhelming love. She pulled him into a deep kiss, pouring all of her emotions into the tender embrace. When they finally parted, she looked up at him, her heart full to bursting. “I love you, Benedict,” she whispered. “And I am so grateful that we will embark on this journey together.”
Benedict’s arms tightened around her, his voice a soft murmur in her ear. “I love you more than words can express. You will be the most wonderful mother, and I will strive every day to be the father our child deserves.”
As they stood there in the warmth of the study, wrapped in each other’s embrace, Y/N knew that whatever fears she had harbored had been unfounded. Benedict’s love for her was unwavering.
A few weeks had passed since Y/N had first shared the news with Benedict, and their excitement had only grown with each day. Though they had reveled in the secret together, they both knew it was time to share the joy with their families. The Bridgerton clan was nothing if not close-knit, and such news was sure to be met with elation.
The day was sunny, with a pleasant breeze that made the leaves rustle in the grand trees lining the estate. The entire Bridgerton family was gathered in the drawing room of Aubrey Hall, the laughter and chatter filling the air as the siblings exchanged stories and playful jests. It was a rare occasion when they were all together, and Benedict couldn’t help but feel a rush of warmth as he looked around the room.
Y/N sat beside him, her hand resting in his, their fingers intertwined. She was calm on the surface, but he could sense the slight tremor in her hand, the only sign of her nerves. He gave her a reassuring squeeze, meeting her eyes with a smile that spoke of all the love and support he had for her.
Finally, when there was a lull in the conversation, Benedict cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the room. “If I may have your attention, everyone,” he began, his voice carrying a note of seriousness that was unusual in their light-hearted gatherings.
The room quieted, all eyes turning to Benedict and Y/N. There was a mixture of curiosity and concern in their expressions, each sibling wondering what news might be so important.
“We have something we would like to share with you all,” Benedict continued, his voice steady but filled with emotion. He glanced at Y/N, his gaze filled with encouragement. She nodded, and together, they turned back to the family.
“We are with child,” Y/N announced, her voice soft but clear.
For a moment, there was silence as the words sank in. Then, as if on cue, the room erupted in a chorus of exclamations, cheers, and laughter. Daphne, ever the nurturing one, was the first to rush forward, her face alight with joy as she embraced Y/N.
“Oh, Y/N! That is the most wonderful news!” Daphne exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness. “You are going to make such a wonderful mother.”
The rest of the siblings quickly followed suit, surrounding the couple with congratulations and hugs. Even Anthony, who often took on the role of the stern eldest brother, couldn’t hide the smile that spread across his face.
“Well done, brother,” he said, clapping Benedict on the shoulder. “You’ve managed to outdo yourself this time.”
“Thank you, Anthony,” Benedict replied with a grin, knowing that beneath his brother’s teasing exterior, there was deep affection.
Violet, their mother, had tears in her eyes as she enveloped Y/N in a warm embrace. “My dear, I am so happy for you both,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “You are bringing such joy to this family.”
Y/N felt overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support. She had known that the Bridgertons would be thrilled, but the reality of it was even more touching than she had imagined. Benedict stood beside her, his arm around her waist, his pride and happiness evident in every gesture.
The rest of the day was filled with celebration. The family insisted on toasting the couple’s happiness, and there was much talk of the future, of names and nurseries, of the roles each sibling would play in the life of the new addition. Colin, ever the joker, made a grand show of predicting whether it would be a boy or a girl, while Eloise teased that she would teach the child all the ways of mischief.
As the evening drew to a close and the family began to disperse, Benedict and Y/N found themselves alone in the garden, the quiet night a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere of earlier. The stars were beginning to twinkle in the sky, and the soft rustle of the leaves provided a gentle melody to their solitude.
Benedict turned to Y/N, his expression tender as he took her hands in his. “Are you pleased, my love?” he asked, his voice low and intimate.
“More than I could ever put into words,” she replied, her heart full to bursting with the love she felt for him and for the family they were building together.
He smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. “We are going to be wonderful parents, Y/N,” he murmured against her skin. “And our child will be surrounded by so much love. I cannot wait to begin this new chapter with you.”
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears, not of sadness but of overwhelming joy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close as she whispered, “Nor can I, Benedict. Nor can I.”
And so, beneath the canopy of stars, they stood together, holding each other close as they looked forward to the future, their hearts filled with the promise of the life they would share a life of love, of family, and of unbreakable bonds.
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velvetfoxgames · 8 months
Infinite Blue - February 2024 Update
Hello! We're back from our holiday break. We hope everyone has had a lovely December and January.
As we head into the new year, we've been putting a heavy focus on wrapping up assets and scripts. Check out our progress!
Along with the sprites, chatroom art and item art are all finished!
For chatroom art, you'll see six on the common route and two on each character's route. Here's a preview of one that appears on Rory's.
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I enjoy how a lot of the chatroom art are seemingly quite random.
And here's one of the finished item art as well. Yum!
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As for CGs, Alexei's four sketches from the last update have been completed.
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Up next are Rory's CGs. We posted part of one of his sketches last week :)
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Very good news here - Rory's route, which was in shambles for a very long time, has been rewritten and is currently being edited in a second passthrough. Other routes are being updated with username changes and fancy chat bubbles along with a few final passthroughs. We're on track to finish the scripts!
Finish up the music, UI and backgrounds. There's approximately three 'main' BGs left.
Finish the CGs - should be done in the next few months!
Finish the scripts
Start preparing for voice over
You can now sign up as a free member to Patreon, so if you'd like to be notified of monthly headcanons of the Infinite Blue boys, please feel free to sign up. You can check out our headcanons collection by clicking HERE. There's two so far.
We're very motivated as we approach these later stages of the game! Thanks for following along and for all of your excitement about Infinite Blue 💙
Thanks for reading!
🌦️ For weekly updates and extra content, join our Patreon!
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dca-fanart-gallery · 1 year
The DCA Palooza is finally here! We're so excited to have you here.
After years of hard work...
The DCA Palooza is finally here.
And here's the intro post.
Why was the Palooza created?
Recently, I made a note commenting on the atrocious reblog-to-like ratios for the Daycare Attendant Fandom. As @chandlelures calculated using their own art, 18 percent of their notes were reblogs, and the rest were likes. Now some are fine with this. For them, likes are any other type of validation except that logic falls flat when you consider how this site works. Reblogs put art on your follower’s dash, keeps the art circulating, and you can leave nice compliments in the tags which artists will probably screenshot and read when they’re feeling sad. It’s about a feedback loop of good vibes and participating in community.  The ratio particularly affects smaller artists who may average 10 notes at best, and when over half of those notes are likes–well, it hurts their chance of growing their audience and having more people see their hard work. 
That’s why I’m excited to introduce the DCA Palooza! 
It’s not just about fixing numbers, or asking people to reblog more. It’s creating an event space where we can share our ideas and art, while also promoting image accessibility (writing IDs, tagging for eyestrain and flashing, etcetera) for disabled fans too! It’s addressing the wider cultural shift that many older fans have complained about, where we’ve started treating ourselves as content creator and consumers, instead of fans all obsessed with the same blorbos. To do our part in fighting against this and building community…
Here are our main goals: 
Encourage fans to reblog and support smaller artists.  
While we love the concept of “gallery spaces” from @roachworks Gallery Jamboree! You don’t need to create a sideblog to become a curator. If you want to join Monthly Wrap Ups (where you promote new artists and AUs you found) all you need to do is tag @dca-fanart-gallery to join the event! We’ll see your tag, reblog from you, and then go hunt down those artists you mentioned and reblog from them too :D! 
Host weekly magmas and community events 
Magmas are a place where multiple artists can draw on the same canvas. It’s a great way to find new artists and their art styles, and have fun with their community. They’re currently hosted by @venomous-qwille every Saturday, and we post the art pieces in our Discord
Raise awareness about accessibility 
In the Discord Server, we ask that you write short IDs for every image you post and hopefully learn to write IDs for your own art. The main gallery will promote accessible artists and link to resources for writing image descriptions, as well as write IDs for much of the art we reblog. It doesn’t take too long to learn, and as the original artist, you’ll know what to emphasize in an ID than we’ll ever can! 
How can you support us?
Check out and follow @dca-fanart-galleryl! It’s run by a blind Y/N who’s trying to understand where the heck these blorbos came from. Donate your abandoned sketches to become coloring pages for the @dca-coloring-book! Look at the ID guides tag and make your art accessible for your fellow blind/visually impaired fans. And most excitedly...
Join our discord server and have loads of fun!
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fanterfane · 5 months
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Welcome to the Star Pride! (Sketch)
Here's a thing I've been working on with OccPixTFs (https://www.deviantart.com/occpixtfs)! Fayne beefcake lionification/twinning into Pix's OC Leo! Fayne had never really been a fan of old console games... Especially from consoles older than he was by more than a third of his lifespan. He'd just never understood the appeal of them, with their strange 8-bit graphics and esoteric genres. But when the local game shop closed down they had a closing sale where everything had to go, he had some spare time so figured he might as well give it a chance! The store owner seemed especially keen on getting rid of a specific Sega Genesis and a game for it named Star Pride Voyagers... (https://www.deviantart.com/occpixtfs/art/Star-Pride-Voyagers-199X-Mockup-Pixel-Art-959597243) He gave Fayne such a discount that he got the cartridge AND the console for just 20 bucks! What a steal!! It was honestly too good to be true... He took it home and with some effort, removed it from it's unassuming packaging. It was wrapped in a way that made it seem like they wanted to keep whatever was inside in, rather than keep it safe from whatever was outside... Which was strange to him but Fayne tried not to overthink it like he usually does. When he launched the game and dusted off the old console, the ginger boy was hit with a loud intro, narrated by a campy sounding macho lion! Sitting down, Fayne prepared for a blast from a past he'd never seen before! "Welcome to Star Pride Voyagers! We can see you're new here, but you've got the courage and power of a lionhearted Captain~! After this Training Tutorial, you'll be an ace pilot in no time!" Played the crispy ancient audio from his speakers... Sending a chill up the boy's spine. It was a strange intro, for sure. But Fayne wasn't worried at all until the console started crackling, and he felt static in the air. Then, he started to grow... and grow... and then bluish fur appeared on his skin and he knew he was in for it! Fayne had heard before that a group of lions is a pride, but he definitely wasn't ready to experience a lion's pride firsthand! Now he just needed to find his flightsuit...and his ship, for that matter~ This is probably one of the gayest things I've ever drawn. It took a lot of willpower for me to get myself to make a true male on male transformation/corruption piece with a masculine framing, but it worked out in the end! Tell me what you think. Is it too far for your tastes? Or are you happy to explore new things? I for one am excited to learn more about masculinity and gender in a positive way!! Originally finished in September 2023!
If you like the art I make and have decided that you want to support me and help create more of it, please consider joining my Patreon at www.patreon.com/FanterFane for all of these benefits and more!
Preview all completed art at least two weeks or more before it's publicly posted!
View early sketches of all the things I'm working on! (On Discord)
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And my eternal gratitude!
Alternatively, if Patreon isn't your style, you can also support me via a tip on ko-fi.com/fanterfane, or by subscribing on fanterfane.fanbox.cc!
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crystalkitty1220 · 1 month
What’s Curse!IBVS? :0
Guess this is gonna be my monthly check-in
Curse!IBVS is an IBVS horror AU heavily inspired by Razmerry's Warriors AU "The Cursed Three". I thought the concept of "What if the main characters' powers were actually harmful?" was really cool and wanted to see if I could twist the IBVS characters' powers in a similar way. I think I've deleted most of my old posts about it because I quite simply just didn't like it, and I've slowly been reworking it ever since.
Trigger warning for general spooky stuff, non-graphic body horror, major character death, child death, unintentional hanging, unintentional self-injury and probably a bunch of other things.
The easiest powers to curse-ify were Nevin and Edward's. Admittedly, Nevin's curse was really just a mix of Lionblaze and Jayfeather's from Razmerry's AU (because Lion has super strength and Jay has empathy, and Nevin has both plus a secret third thing and also an aura). Since last time I've posted anything about it, I've shimmied the curse around a bit into something that feels more unique and fitting for him.
Most difficult was between Chris and Dez. I've still got nothing for Dez because I don't want to make it too similar to Nevin or Edward's "be super careful at all times" curses. Chris, on the other hand, doesn't even really have a power of his own?? In the first and second versions, Charlie was some demon with a grudge against the entire Jackson family or whatever, but I just don't really feel like that works. So I've kept him and Chris being a bit closer to their originals, but Charlie's ghost situation is worse, and Chris gets no benefits. As I implied in my last post, if I actually wrote some kind of fic or something, Chris would be the main character as to ease the reader into the curses.
I could keep typing, or I could just copy-paste all of my rewrite notes into this post. Keep in mind these were written in a google doc that I shared with @echosoftheflower, so I might have some stuff directed to them.
Updated Curse!IBVS notes
•Isaac: Drawings will always be alive, even if he doesn’t take them off the page. Drawings removed from the page will always move in strange and unnatural ways, and look kinda fucked up. When they run out of time, the drawings die a gruesome death (unless they remain on a page, in which case they stay alive and watching until the art is destroyed). Just a minor god complex. Appearance does change to look more sketch-like over time, though I'm removing the part about his specific sketches getting tattooed onto his skin.
•Edward: With any sudden movement of his hands, strings will grab and strangle/destroy anything in front of them. They will actively seek out something to wrap around, and never miss their target. He never told his family because of guilt over what happened to Barry. [Added note: I'll elaborate later.] He wears gloves, but that only directs the strings back to his arms, where they dig in. He’s grown quite used to that pain by now. His bones are really strong, they basically just can’t break (except a half-hearted punch from Nevin would crack them quite easily). His skin's also pretty tough. [Note: I really only made his bones and such stronger so that his hands don't just get snapped by his own strings. That's not due to a lack of him trying.] His intuition is also strengthened, so it’s less like random hunches and more like just knowing things. He never learned about anyone else’s powers, and he doesn’t remember a certain time when he realized they had them, at some point he just knew. His intuition will probably never break the fourth wall, but no promises. (Debating: His intuition also tells him about things happening in other AUs, so he can never be sure which hunches are real and which aren’t.) [Note: Still considering that one.]
•Chris: honestly he might just be normal. charlie’s the supernatural one. No knife privileges, that's for sure.
•Charlie: things really can’t get much worse for him. Stronger? He can possess Chris for longer? I definitely want it to be impossible for him to be separated from Chris - maybe one or the other will die if such a ritual is attempted.
•Nevin: Super-strength so strong that touching anything with too much force will crush it. Empathy so strong that it’s nearly impossible to differentiate others’ emotions from his own. Aura so strong it’s.. actually not that bad compared to some multiversal entities I can name. He can prevent himself from destroying things by staying calm/positive and focusing (since his powers are tied to emotions), but the empathy combined with the aura makes it really hard to do that. [He needs to stay positive to control his strength, but he unintentionally causes fear in others, and then he's forced to feel that fear. Oof.] Goop shenanigans tbd.
•Drew: Colors take up most of his vision. Instead of his powers simply healing him, branches weave in and out of his skin, trying to patch up whatever’s wrong. Was hugged by Nevin once when they were kids. Got a bit of a Snow White situation going on at the moment, but more crushed and looking vaguely like the aftermath of hanahaki. The blossoms [apple blossoms] are more vibrant than the universe’s color palette generally allows, and change color depending on nearby [or his own] emotions (if there are any). Sometimes people will hike near where Drew is, and if Nevin’s nearby he will always scare them away. Nevin can still sense Drew's emotions, and Drew can even kinda tell what Nevin’s feeling when he’s nearby.
•Dez: [Very small image of "He hurls his thunderbolt!"] [Suggestions from Echos:] Forgetfulness? Seizures?
•Bullet point for Harley [I'm still anticipating the reveal of him having powers]
Aesthetic [Personal notes for when I'm drawing, or for Echos]
•Artstyle inspiration: Courage the Cowardly Dog, BatIM, Tim Burton, abitfrank, LavenderTowne, Paprikup, Litchi Kitti, and ofc Razmerry themself.
•All colors are dull, except for the ones in Isaac’s drawings (mostly monochrome, but the colors that are there are uncomfortably saturated) and the flowers from Drew.
•Constant cloudy day. The sun and moon aren’t visible, but there is a lighter patch in the sky around where they would be. No stars either. Sunsets and sunrises are sepia yellow, or sometimes a desaturated red. It seems like there are always fewer clouds on nights when Nevin visits Drew - stars are actually visible then, and so it the moon (fullness of moon should reflect Nevin's current state).
•Tree branches curl a lot and tend to have thorns. Knots are large and cause the tree’s shape to be curvier. Roots stick close to the surface. Most leaves are gone, despite it still being early fall.
•Bushes are similar to trees but with more thorns and fewer leaves.
•Animals will usually just be drawn as shadowy figures with unnaturally fast and sudden movements. When drawn with more detail, they’re spiky with pencil-thin necks, small eyes, no other facial features, needle-like teeth (if mouth is open), and bug-like limbs. They’re generally rare, as the impression should be given that there’s not much nature or life nearby.
•NPCs [background characters] are uncommon despite the school having the same number of students as in OG. When shown, they should be undetailed and unresponsive to the main characters, as if the school is populated by ghosts. In fact, there should be a lot more hushed, overlapping voices than visible NPCs, and none should be able to be traced back to any single person. NPC numbers should be increased when Nevin is the main focus, and they should be even more ghost-like, but louder. NPCs should be less ghost-like when Edward is the main focus.
•Water is dark and murky, but is water.
•The school has some murals around it, most of them courtesy of Isaac. The eyes in those paintings always seem to be watching you. A lot of the murals are of gray foxes attacking other schools’ mascots, in honor of wins Foxfield sports teams have had against those schools. I’m purposefully leaving how realistic/distorted/unsettling the paintings are up for interpretation because that depends on what you headcanon Isaac’s style to be.
[Describing the appearances pretty vaguely on purpose because I prefer when designs are left up to interpretation. The only canon details about their designs are the ones listed here. Any other details I draw should be considered headcanon - yes, even for my own AU]
•Funnily enough, Isaac is more similar to my original plan for him than the previous version was.
•Isaac’s appearance: Same fashion sense as OG (light clothing, which I find surprising considering this man looks like he has no body heat), and for the most part unchanged if not for the half of him that looks like it was drawn.
•The style of the sketch half is up for interpretation, depending on what you headcanon Isaac’s art style to be. It might be cool if you could see the style change as it gets closer to the non-sketch side, showing the progression of his style over time. So his ear would just be like a circle and his nose would be his current style. I didn’t do that in my concept sketches tho.
•He's gradually painting a design on his jacket, but only has half of it done at the moment.
•[Echos and I tend to come up with nicknames like this, just in case. Habit from the UTMV.] His multiversal nickname could be Sepia or Vignette, but Vignette might be more fitting for Ghost of Foxfield. Bistre could also work.
•Isaac's room is very decorated. His blanket is embroidered to look like a pile of snakes, which he thinks are pretty silly, but will try to constrict around anything (that isn't him) that the blanket is wrapped around. His closet doors are painted like a cave opening, but the handles look like two little glowing eyes in the darkness, and the stalactites and stalagmites look like teeth. His carpet has a dead tree on it, which looks an awful lot like a hand. There are eyes painted on the bottom ridge of his bedframe.
•At some point, Edward started chilling in the lair with the previous king’s squad, completely uninvited. This confused everyone who was not high school royalty. [Edward just kinda knew that he was gonna be the next king, and the current king knew it, too. No exchange necessary.]
•Edward? Blaming himself for the death of one of his peers? In an AU by one of us? It’s more likely than you’d think.
•[This part wasn't on the doc since it hasn't changed much, but I'll put it here for you] Some of you might be wondering why Barry hasn't been mentioned yet. That's because when Edward first got his powers, when he was trying to save Barry from the cliff, the strings caught onto Barry's neck. Edward was missing for a while - his strings caught on everything, digging deep into trees, cutting through branches and bushes, tugging him around, damaging his own skin - and when he was found, he was in his family's own garage, wearing a pair of heavy-duty gloves that were much too big for him. Barry was found before Edward, but Ed remained silent about the death, or anything that had happened while he was missing. Growing up, he's regularly brought to speak to therapists (and sometimes police), but he still refuses to talk about it.
•Edward’s appearance: Outfit almost identical to OG, plus a pair of gloves. He usually keeps his hands relaxed in his letterman’s pockets. His hair is a lot messier, as he doesn’t spend much time on it.
•Was gifted a pair of gloves from Isaac. These gloves have bramble thorns embroidered on them.
•Chris and Nevin become friends very quickly, but a part of it was just because Nevin thought Chris might be able to talk to Drew. Zombie bush things are kinda similar to ghosts, right? Right?
•Man, I wonder whose aesthetic should be based on black-and-white movies? Does anyone quite fit that description? Maybe a certain oreo?
•I’m in love with the Murder By Bramble color palette. Definitely going with something like that. The pop of red is just *affectionate popcat noises* [For context, Murder By Bramble is a really cool Warrior Cats Multi-Animator Project which I have on my playlist for Curse inspiration.] [Also, any time I draw anything for Curse, the style will be changed a bit to fit the character it's centered around. For Chris, the colors would be almost full black-and-white. Normally (or when centered around Isaac, who has the default), however, they'd just be desaturated.]
•Drew-centered vibes are heavily inspired by the Brokenstar Absinth PMV. Psychedelic, bright contrasting colors with complex, cluttered patterns and very shaky lines. Hollyleaf Look Away PMV vibes, too, but more for Nevin. Litchi Kitti’s art is such a huge inspiration for me and I will not stop gushing about it, actually.
•Apple blossoms and thorns. That’s so much of his aesthetic.
•I’m vaguely imagining those flameless fireworks from MLP for the flowers, but in apple blossom form.
•How did Drew get to Foxfield? [Comment from Echos: trunk] Good question. I’m going to say after the mess Nevin made when he got his super strength, his grandmother showed up because his father and stepmother were afraid of him. She took Nevin back to where she was living and Drew was moved to a hospital near them because she thought he should be where Nevin could easily visit. Then the doctors started pointing out the fucking tree branches growing in this boy and making it nearly impossible to perform surgery, and cutting the branches seemed to be painful, so at some point, Grandma Jovel took him home. It was a little difficult to get him to Foxfield when they moved, but they managed to do it.
•Religious Nevin? In my Horror AU? It’s more likely than you’d think.
•Nevin was homeschooled up until middle or high school, to get better control of his powers before going into public spaces with a lot of emotions. Instead of having moved to Foxfield in 2017, another possibility is that he moved there after the incident and just wasn’t in public school until 2017. While that would clear up Drew’s half of the plot a little, I think Nevin’s experiences in previous schools are an integral part of his character, so keeping at least one year of that feels crucial.
•Nevin’s appearance: Hair is curly because trying to use a flat iron would probably be dangerous. His eyes are constantly cyan, but usually not glowing (too brightly). Wears a smart watch and a second ‘watch’ with a little keycard in it. He’ll sometimes put his hands in his pockets but he’s usually afraid of ripping his jacket.
•His vibes shall be weirdcore-y in the sense that some things are hyperrealisitc. Consider: making him much less defined (scribbly, lineless, etc.) at points, or adding some hyperrealistic pieces of stuff nearby (petals of a flower, etc.) into his hair or stuck on his clothes. [All to symbolize how much of him his environment makes up, and how little he can be sure of what's really his own feelings.]
•Nevin has a little pencil holder thing that attaches to his pointer finger so he can still write, he just has to be careful not to break the part that goes around his finger.
•The Jovel house is set up to make it as easy as possible to do everything while applying the least amount of force necessary. The front door has a card reader that reacts to Nevin’s watch. Voice-activated things are very handy, especially Siri or Alexa or whatever the Jovels have. The electricity bill is a bitch, but the constant repairs would have been worse. Anything that can’t be used electronically has some sort of contraption attached to it, mostly of Nevin’s own design.
•Nevin and Edward kinda mirror each other, having similar curses and backstories. But while Edward will slowly recover, I have absolutely no intention of letting Nevin do so.
•Dez [yeah i got nothing]
•Louis? [Comment from Echos: Puella Magi Madoka magic]
Aaand that's all in my doc. I don't think I'm forgetting anything? You can ask more questions but I probably won't answer until next month.
Concept art below (mostly for writing; it helps me remember what to describe, or get into the vibe)
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winding-maze · 3 months
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The June 2022 journal is now public!
- Beta testing Corel Painter 2023 - When a picture is a sketch, even if it may look "finished" - Complex feelings on war, fanart, and fucking up a painting - Personal photos, art process WIPs!
Read it here: https://ko-fi.com/Post/Monthly-Wrap-Up-June-2022-L3L8DKD90
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littlemisspractical · 9 months
I wanted to do a monthly reveiw, but then realised that due to Life I haven't been consistent enough to do that this year. So, a Top Three instead of stuff I'm proud of this year. First this one, which I am still really proud of. The lighting and the posing and the detail I am very pleased with.
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OG post: https://www.tumblr.com/littlemisspractical/707271740163801088/a-dramatic-scene-from-my-tuesday-game-that-i-have?source=share
This is the next one, which I drew for my DnD party when our game ended and I ... may or may not have forgotten to post here. Oh well! I am still pleased with how it came out!
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[Image description] Talari, on the left of the group, stands with her hands held in front of her and a slight smile. She is a white half-elf with ginger hair cut in a bob. She is wearing a white shirt, brown trousers, and a black open-fronted robe with a silver holy symbol on the front. Nadia is standing just behind and to her right. She is a tall, muscular, white human woman. She is similing with her eyes closed and her head tilted, with one arm around Krusk. She is wearing a cream tank top decorated with red tufts of fur, brown trouers and fur boots. She has a necklance in the shape of an oak leaf. Krust is standing to Nadia's right with one arm on her shoulder, also similing with his eyes closed. He is a tall half-orc man wearing blue-grey plate armour and a dramatic red cloak. His other hand is resting on Dezeldmiir's shoulder. Ulva the direwolf is stood behind Nadia and Thoradin. She has jumped up to put her front paws on their shoulders, and has her tounge hanging out. She has brown-grey fur and the air of a wolf well pleased with herself. Thoradin is stood in front of Nadia and Krusk. He is a very muscular, white dwarf man, with long, flaming ginger hair and beard. His is grinning confidently with his arms crossed. He is shirtless, with many black tattoos. He wear a wide wrestlers belt, green plaid trousers, and large boots. A small black housecat sits on his foot. Dezeldmiir is standing on the right. She is a petite drow woman with purple skin and lilac hair. She is wearing a blue wrap dress, a silver brooch, and a flower in her hair. She is barefoot. [End image description]
My third pick for the year is a sketch I did for a little art exchange, of my character Mina talking to another OC with very similar interests. It came out really well!
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Overall actually a good year for my art, I've drawn a lot more even if I haven't posted, and I've been usign Tumblr more and more so hopefully NEXT year I'll have more stuff!
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crescencestudio · 1 year
Devlog #34 | 08.27.23
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Hi everyone!
Another month has flown by, and we are already entering the month of September soon! It's crazy it's already Fall......... Hope you all have been doing well <3
Since we're getting into the latter half of the year, I wanted to sit down and talk to you about the usual monthly progress as well as do a check in on where Alaris is sitting. This is a longer one, so without further ado, let's dive in, shall we?
We continue to move forward with writing. But it's extremely refreshing this month since I've Finally moved into Etza's route! Already, the route is feeling relatively different from the past three routes I've been writing---not necessarily because the past three routes are repetitive, but moreso because Etza's route (and the Fae ones moving forward) is very different regarding plot content. I can't say much more than that because then we start getting into spoiler territory. But it's been exciting since Etza, Kuna'a, and Aisa have always been the "final stage" of writing for Alaris to me.
I'm aiming to have Etza's first draft done by the end of next month. We'll check in next month to see my progress, but that's my goal at least! I also wrapped up the finishing touches for Druk's route this past month and moved his onto developmental editing, so we are just moving into New Stages all across the board yay!
Most of my attention was actually on art this month though! Specifically, on finalizing Kickstarter merchandise so I can ship it out. I finished the updated Mermay prints as well as the character postcards.
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they r beauty they r grace
I will have some extra prints that I'm happy to send off. Obviously, you will have to pay for them LOL. But if you're interested in any, I'll have an extremely limited stock. Patrons will get first dibs, so if you are interested but aren't subscribed to my Patreon, I'd recommend getting on that for this upcoming month since I will not be restocking the Mermay prints ever again!
We also continued to get backgrounds from Vui. These are spoiler territory, so I will not be showing them this month teehee. But they're beautiful per usual Vui fashion!
Now that we're in the latter half of the year, I wanted to talk to you all about overall Alaris progress and some more specific parts of development.
As of right now, we have about 210k written for Alaris (including the demo). And the end estimate is about 350k. For art assets, we have 20 CGs out of an estimated 48 CGs finished and/or sketched out. For BGs, we are on background 18 out of 25. The GUI is for the most part finished, save for some small finishing touches. And we have 6 out of 8 original tracks completely done.
If it's not clear, Alaris will definitely be a 2024 release rather than an end of 2023 release, which may be disappointing news for those of you eager for Alaris. But realistically, even if I make absolutely cracked progress on the assets from now until the end of the year, I would still need time to polish the full game, especially considering how long it took me to polish intertwine for Otojam, which was significantly smaller. And that's excluding my team members, who I don't want to force into a crunching position. All that being said, I hope to get some playable content to you all before the end of the year, namely the updated demo and maybe Kayn's beta build!
I wanted to take a moment to mention one thing concerning the updated demo. As you all may know from past devlogs, I've updated many of the assets for the enhanced demo. Initially, I had wanted to release the updated demo quite a while back, but there was one set of assets that ended up getting held up in production. For full transparency, since I've talked about the updated demo for a while but haven't been able to show much more progress beyond that, I wanted to touch on (generally) why it's been held up, mainly because I don't want you all to think I'm just Not Delivering on it!
My GUI artist is the same person who made the Alaris logo (re.Alice). She's wonderfully talented, which is why I wanted to work with her for the Alaris GUI as well! As many may know, sometimes life happens and so without getting into any specifics, this is what has been holding up the enhanced demo since I haven't been able to update and code in the new GUI.
Based on recent updates from Alice, I'm hopeful that I'll be receiving the new GUI this upcoming month, and I'd love to release the updated demo (T e n t a t i v e l y) in October! Of course, when the September devlog comes around I'll be able to update you all more concretely. But I wanted to communicate where things currently (and have been) standing since I've been wanting you all to experience the updated demo so badly but didn't want you all to feel like I've been forgetting about it/dropping the ball on it/etc. etc. etc.
Thank you, as always for being so patient and supportive of me! As we head into this final half of the year (jesus), I hope the progress I've been making behind the scenes for Alaris will start to come to fruition through the enhanced demo and some playable beta builds of the individual routes <3
Market Research
I did ~some~ market research this month, but it's honestly been pretty sparse, mainly because my usual market research time was actually replaced by Jam Time this month.
Specifically, if you didn't get the chance to check them out, I helped with two games this month for a 10 day jam. I think they're both pretty top-notch if I'm allowed to humbly brag since the teams behind them were very talented!
The first is Oblivisci Memorias
After receiving a mysterious request, you create a potion meant to erase memories. But the process is a grueling one, and as you add ingredients to your potion, you may find yourself reminiscing on memories you thought you had long since suppressed.
And the second is Titan Arum
Alone, you find yourself catsitting in your family's new house as they traipse through Europe. But incidents slowly signal to you that something's... off about this house. What story exists behind its walls? And more importantly, are you brave enough to uncover it?
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samkuchingdraws · 2 years
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Did less sketches this month, but definitely finding myself slowly leaning into Jack Quaid/Hughie Campbell -- because I have recently started watching 'THE BOYS' (finished all three seasons) and I am obsessed with it. Also, managed one portrait of Newt Pulsifer from GOOD OMENS. Dude is an absolute boi XP .
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sinkingnotsoslowly · 2 years
Dating Hyunjin as a trainee hcs
Don't ask me how you two meet each other while living in the dorms this is fiction.
Autumn's sighs- little soft thoughts about our favourite boys
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* A little hesitant at first because he didn’t want to distract you from your training but the rest of the boys convinced him that it would be for the good. * So supportive because he knows it gets hard. * Since both of you have a busy schedule, you do a lot of video calls cause that baby won’t survive a day without seeing you. * Definitely keeping your relationship a secret since it can put you into great trouble. * You go to him for help when you’re stuck with some difficult choreography. * He gets so excited to help you and always asks for kisses as payment. * Sneaks into the training centre to bring you food and water, he’ll take every chance to meet you. * When it gets especially hard and you feel like giving up, he convinces you to come outside and meet him.  * He wraps you up in his arms and whispers in your ears about your dreams and how hard you were working for them to come true. * He’ll remind you that you were almost there, so close to debuting, you couldn’t give up now. * Helps you calm your nerves before monthly evaluations by distracting you cause he knows you'll do well. * Expect head pats after the said evaluations, he's proud of you. * Gets jealous if you start talking about a fellow trainee who's been helping you out. * Hyunjin’s always rambling about you to the boys about how beautifully you dance and sing. * He buys you little stuff that reminds him of you. * Also gives you so many self-care products. * He loves to spoil you. * Very disapproving if you're put on a strict diet which doesn't let you eat much. So he sneaks you food. * Hyunjin has drawn several sketches of you which he hasn’t shown you yet cause he’s a shy baby. * He drew on a phone case as a gift for you on your birthday albeit after Felix told him a hundred times that you would love it.  * Overall very supportive boyfriend, 10/10 would recommend.
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henriediosa · 3 months
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pilar and sophia, sophia and pilar ✨
a codependent personal assistant and the reluctant cult leader that she adores, for a The Walking Dead ttrpg campaign that ended recently. sophia is the preacher archetype, except with essential oils and crystals instead of a standard religion. she's also canonically schizophrenic, and it was really fun to play a character who was like me that way. in my heart they are played by vic michaelis and jiavani respectively. bonus points if you know which scene of vic and jiavani this pose was referenced from. special thanks to my monthly ko-fi supporters, the minamahal: ate emily, ate rachel, and jo! 💕
id in the alt text and under the cut
id: greyscale digital sketch of pilar and sophia, shown from the chest up, leaning into each other and smiling. pilar, facing the viewer, is a fair-skinned woman with sharp features and long, curly hair. she is wearing glasses with round frames, a white shirt, a dark cardigan, and a necklace with a wire-wrapped crystal pendant. sophia, facing left, is a medium-skinned woman with soft features, long straight hair, and bangs. she is wearing a sleeveless black top, pearl earrings, and a necklace with a wire-wrapped crystal pendant and small crystal shards along the chain. both of their eyes are closed. rays of light emanate from behind sophia. in the top right corner is "pilar and sophia" in cursive. id ends.
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twoandahalfstudios · 1 year
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Here's a quick wrap up of some of our Patreon posts this month!
By becoming a member, you get:
🌸 Exclusive monthly artworks (SFW & NSFW) 🌸 Beta builds of our games 🌸 Sketches and completed game art 🌸 Our forever love
Support on our Patreon is what makes games like A Date with Death possible, and every single Patron counts!
Check out the free wrap up post on Patreon here!
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dca-fanart-gallery · 1 year
Before we get into it—Join Our Discord!
What's the fanart gallery?
This is the hub for any events involving Tumblr and artist support. We'll have things like Monthly Wrap-Ups, no-like challenges, etcetera. Our dream is to encourage people to create side-blogs, or gallery spaces as inspired by @roach-works and their Gallery Jamboree. It's a little different with us though because we're also going to have a wider Palooza, and strive to create an event space for the community.
If you made a side-blog! Tag us! If you didn't make a side-blog but you like the idea of Monthly Wrap-Ups where you talk about the artists you've discovered and supported, tag us! We'll reblog from you and hopefully, things will gain traction.
We already have a few masterlists already that we're planning to add to as more people join the palooza:
A list of curators and gallery spaces who want to show off their blorbos. You don't need to make a sideblog for this. If you frequently reblog DCA fanart, you very well qualify for this list.
These guys write IDs for their work, and can be counted on for some level of image accessibility. Reblog and support them! And if you want to learn how to write IDs yourself., because after all, artists can describe their own work the best, well...
Here's a compilation of all the ID guides we have reblogged. They are beautiful. You have no excuse. 
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[ID: The “you can always pirate Nintendo” meme, now edited to say, “You can always copy and paste the image descriptions people make for your art into the original post / it’s always the most accessible option. 99% of people who make image descriptions will thank you endlessly if you do this. Just don’t put it under a read-more or in tiny, italicized, or colored text. If you have trouble telling where it begins and ends, you can indent it. Thank you”. With a smile face emoji at the end. End ID.]
Other Palooza blogs in collaboration with us:
@dca-coloring-book. Great guy. Donate your abandoned sketches here, and they’ll be made into coloring pages that the community can enjoy!
Be warned, some of the content here may contain:
Suggestive elements
Gore/or blood
Scopophobia/Eye contact
About YN: 
YN lives in the Old House by the River that they inherited from their grandma, and is now a gallery space for the Sun and Moon fandom. They love these celestial jesters and advocate for image accessibility so they have more art to devour. They consume unhealthy amounts of cheesecake to the dismay of their guide dog, Cheesecake. Please write image descriptions under any art you send them because they use a screen-reader, and they don’t want to spend the remaining 40 percent of their vision squinting at a screen. 
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[ID: A drawing of curator Y/N drawn from mid-torso, smiling at the camera.They wear a black fabric headband tied off in a bow at the side of their head. They wear a dark-green jacket with yellow stars stitched on their sleeves. Underneath the jacket, they have a white T-shirt with a constellation of five-pointed stars running diagonally across their chest. End ID] 
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lazar-codes · 7 months
16/02/2024 || Day 14 (dop)
🔸 practised ASL fingerspelling
🔸 worked on switching the payment amount based on payment frequency (i.e. monthly to yearly, vice versa) and started code for dynamically outputting the results for Frontend Mentor project
🔸 sketched a page in my sketchbook
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Frontend Mentor - I started to tackle the big things today in a very distracted manner. The first thing that I needed to do was to figure out how to access object properties dynamically, so that way I don't need to have a million if-else statements and hard-code the values. So I created a user object that will contain all the appropriate info for the user that I can then display at the end (in step 4), and a payment plan object that'll contain the name of the plan, and the monthly and yearly rate. This way, when filling out the user info for the plan, I can use my local variables to find the info in the payment plan object and "copy" it to the user's info. It was a pain in the butt to do and I still don't understand it, but hey, the code works! Essentially, I created a variable that was a template literal containing the specific field I want, but making it be a template literal allowed me to have the variable change and not be hard-coded. Then, the code goes to the correct object property and I can assign that value to my user object's appropriate property.
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Now with this janky code working, I can start to wrap up the functionality of this project!
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xxmissarichanxx · 7 months
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✨XMACX Monthly✨ | March 2024
It's March WOOHOO~ sobs thank you again for voting for this month's Cover Model, Kiki! Look how pretty she is!! sobs beautiful
you may read this month's update on PTRN for free or below the cut! you can also view the previous issue here.
Happy March! Hope you're all excited to welcome spring! Lowkey burned myself out last month from day job shenanigans and trying to do a lot of things, so my plan this month is to relax after releasing Froot Basket: Dark Chocolate's update. My birthday's this month anyway too, so I'm gonna take it easy haha.
Cover Model polls are up on social media now if you'd like to vote for next month. I'll drop the outfit/theme poll for patrons tomorrow to stagger posts a bit.
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March 1 - Cover Model Poll
March 2 - Cover Model Outfit/Theme Poll
March 8 - Art Process/BTS
March 15 - Froot Basket: Dark Chocolate voiced update releases, Kiki's Bday
March 20 - New Meet the Artist
March 22 - "Kaimanga" Updates
March 29 - Cover Story
March 31 - Sketch Dump
Cover Story Preview | Kiki's Sakura Date
Kiki meets up with a friend in Tokyo to see some sakura blossoms and have a nice picnic!
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March OC Birthdays
Kiki's birthday is on March 15! But I'll be releasing FBDC that day and she's already the Cover Model, so we're already celebrating her this month.
VN Development Update | FBDC Voiced Update Releases this month!
Other than partial voice-acting, it'll have some new CGs for you to collect! I hope you'll enjoy it! On release day I'll also publish a changelog.
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Other Goals this Month
Wrapping up a zine project and still working on commissions, but I'd like to relax. Chill. Catch up on some manga or tv shows or something. Maybe finally finish Baldur's Gate 3. 
I'll drop some "Kaimanga" stuff I've been working on. I'm considering developing Fleeting and drawing the Kaimana comic at the same time since both projects are related to each other... In any case, it'll be a fun space adventure!
Next Month
I'll pick up development on Froot Basket White next month. Froot Basket White is the third and final chapter in Momo's story. It takes place after Froot Basket Valentine and players will assume the role of Jordan once again. I had worked on some assets for it previously, but I'd like the script to be more solid before I start working on more assets again. Here's some of what I'd worked on before:
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April 1st is Satoru's bday, but the Monthly will still drop on that date! We'll celebrate Satoru some time later.
Aloha nui, Ari
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