#more specifics mwahaha
smol-and-trashy · 11 months
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caitlinsclark · 2 months
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GOOD LUCK BABE! caitlin clark PART I. IT'S FINE, IT'S COOL caitlin clark x reader ✰ bree's notes: bet y'all weren't expecting this one yet mwahaha. had to write about this specific game.. for no specific reason! you'll see xoxo gotta keep you on edge. as always, i hope you all love it! thank you for all the support, you guys make me love writing again, i adore you. word count: 3.2k series masterlist masterlist and tag list
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“You’re gonna be there early tonight, right?” Caitlin cringed at the longing tone that always somehow slipped in when she was talking to you. She was thankful she’d called you so you couldn’t see the way her palm hit her forehead in a silent scolding.
You remained perfectly unaware on the other end of the line, the same way you’d remained unaware the last few years. The brunette could’ve watched a closed gallon of paint dry in the time it took you to notice that she was hopelessly in love with you.
“Of course!” Your sweet voice had her forgetting entirely about the slip up, “I’m just running out with Luke and then I’m on the way.” 
Any joy from talking to you was suddenly washed away by the  natural disaster referred to as your boyfriend Luke. Luke, who you’d been with for three years now.
Three long, agonizing, pitiful years and counting that Caitlin had been skillfully avoiding a gag at the mention of his name. 
The brown eyed girl didn’t know when exactly the light changed and she suddenly saw you in a rose-tinted lens, surrounded by hearts and rainbows every time her gaze met yours. 
If she had to think, it was probably years ago during high school, a time where you were both unexperienced and eager to get your firsts done. You were just as attached to the hip as you were now, only Caitlin wasn’t knowingly burdened with the weight of loving you yet.
As you did many nights in your high school years, the two of you were having a sleepover tucked away in the comfort of your room. You were being entertained by the screen of your phone in the late hours of the night, texting an older guy in one of your classes. He’d offered to come pick you up and take you for a drive if you were willing.
As a teen who had never done anything remotely rebellious, you jumped at the opportunity to agree. You’d peaked over next to you, finding Caitlin deeply asleep and cuddling into your side. She had her head laying on the edge of your shoulder, undisturbed by the bright light of your phone when she was so cozy with your skin against hers.
You leaned over to kiss her head softly in an apology, sliding out so slowly from under her and replacing yourself with a pillow. Being so careful to be quiet despite Caitlin being one of the heaviest sleepers you knew, you tiptoed over to bathroom to make yourself look presentable and freshen up.
It was only two minutes later when the door gently pushed open and Caitlin groggily entered the bathroom with you, a blanket draped around her shoulders and her ponytail askew. 
“What are you doing? How did you even wake up?” You looked at her in the mirror, confused on how she woke up so fast.
She put her head on your shoulders, keeping her eyes closed as she used her arms around you to make sure the blanket enveloped both of you.
“Go back to bed, Cait,” You giggled, rubbing moisturizer onto your skin as you looked at her tired figure, “you’re so tired.”
She nodded without argument, “Okay,” and wrapped her fingers around your arm to tug you back with her. You tried to fight against her hold, softening at her childish pout.
“Dave wants to pick me up,” You informed, too busy to see how her face fell when you started applying lip gloss. She shifted on her feet, suddenly a lot more alert at the mention of the boy you’d been fawning over.
Maybe it was manipulative at best but Caitlin needed to stop you from going, “You’re not scared he’s gonna make a move on you? What if you’re not ready?”
You frowned, anxiety now building at the possibility she pointed out, “Do you think I’ll be bad?” Toying with your rings, you started to bite your bottom lip and Caitlin couldn’t stop her eyes from focusing on the action.
“Even if you are, you’re too hot for him,” She put her hands on your shoulders encouragingly and squeezed them, “But we can always try really quick to get your nerves down.” Caitlin spoke far too casually for what she was proposing and you did a double take at her in the mirror. 
Though she kept her eyes on you in the reflection, trying to gauge your reaction and you tried not to shake under the intense gaze. 
“Stop.” You shook your head like she was kidding, continuing to brush product onto your skin. Though she could tell you were doing this out of nervousness as you started fumbling around and looked anywhere but her.
She grasped both your hands in hers, successfully stopping you from ignoring her, “I’m offering.” Regardless of your previous nervousness, the sure look in Caitlin’s eyes had you and your heart beat settling down in the blink of an eye.
It would be a lot less embarrassing to be told nicely that you suck at kissing by your best friend than a possible boyfriend making fun of you. Worst case scenario, you were still more comfortable taking the leap with Caitlin than anyone else.
With the confirmation that she wasn’t kidding, you leaned into her and exhaled out slowly as her hands slip down to hold your hips. 
The gentle touch of your hands on Caitlin’s face was committed to memory, an intimacy she could still imagine to this day if she tried. But the softness of your lips was a feeling she kicked herself for not being replicate.
And the fear of how much she enjoyed it kept Caitlin from ever mentioning it again. The fragility of how close to her heart she held that moment could never hold up if you were to downplay it in a conversation.
“He’s not coming to the game though?” The athlete shook away from the everlasting memory and held her breath, closing her eyes and crossing her fingers during the moment of silence.
“No,” You sighed and Caitlin has never felt more apologetic for being so ecstatic at your disappointment, “him and Courtney are working on a pitch tonight.” 
The brunette thanked whoever the hell Courtney was and moved on, impatiently changing the topic to something that couldn’t be poisoned by the mention of that guy.
“Are you ready for game day?”
Tonight was a game that had both of your nerves rising. You could taste the redemption calling to you, eager to beat New York Liberty after having been bested the last three times before. 
“Wait, can I FaceTime you really quick?” You’d asked and it was a little embarrassing the speed in which Caitlin said yes. But the opportunity to see your pretty face wasn’t one she’d ever pass up.
She didn’t answer the second call right away when her screen flashed the contact picture, pausing instead to admire it as it continued to ring. It was a picture from the draft, when you’d exited the stage to see her standing and waiting for you. The matching Fever jerseys in each of your hands were proof of your dreams being within reach, the fabric wrapping around you both as you jumped into Caitlin’s arms unexpectedly. You were wearing beaming grins in the picture, as you pulled back just slightly to be face to face with her and say a small, sentimental ’we did it’ when the flash went off. Courtesy of Kate. 
Caitlin shook out of her infatuation fueled daydream and pressed accept, patting herself on the back when she got rewarded with the sight of your dazzling smile so close to the camera.
You set the phone down, doing a quick twirl in frame to show off your outfit, “Does this look good?” The black pantsuit hung off your figure deliciously in Caitlin’s eyes, framing you perfectly with a white cropped top showing off your soft skin. 
If the way she was ogling you didn’t answer the question, the stuttered ‘yes’ she let out did. You’d giggled, stepping out of frame to slightly fan yourself at the sudden heat spreading unexplainably through your body. 
“Thank you,” You had black heels in your hands, ready to slip them on when Caitlin stopped you.
“Wait,” She bit her lip at the idea, wondering if she was basically torturing herself at this point but she couldn’t stop, “Do you have those beige ones?” 
To the side she glanced at her outfit laid out, almost a reverse of yours. She had her beige set and black heels planned for about a week, though you had no idea.
You paused to scrunch up your face mid thought, Caitlin bit back her smile when your tongue poked out like it always did.
“I think so,” and you disappeared off camera for a moment while ruffling could be heard from little ways away. You walked back into frame, hair slightly messy and adorable in Caitlin’s point of view, with a pair of beige heels in your hand that managed to match the shade of Caitlin’s outfit. 
You slipped them on and took a step away, doing another twirl to show off the completed look. Caitlin started clapping from the other end of the line when you posed, cheering and wolf whistling loudly in a way that had your face heating up bashfully.
“Alright, alright,” You waved her off with a laugh, “I’m gonna see you to walk in, right?” 
She loved the fact that you knew she’d be waiting, confident like you didn’t even have to ask, “Right, I’ll be waiting.” And the tiny sigh that she let out afterward held all the dreaminess she’d been clinging to for the last 3 years she couldn’t speak on.
And you were about to respond when a knock rang out on your door. Right on time, Caitlin hid her growing smile behind her hand as you excused yourself to get the door.
When you came back, you were not only sporting a large bouquet but possibly an even bigger smile that made your eyes crinkle and face scrunch up.
“Caitlin.” You said with a monotone voice, trying not to let excitement overwhelm you as your insides lit on fire with a blazing adoration. She swore she even saw a row of tears start budding on your waterline, wishing she was there to wipe them away for you.
“What are these for?” You clutched them to your chest, a beautiful array of dipped roses that had a little navy blue bow on them.
She simply grinned, a sweet sight that you took a live photo of, “I wanted to wish you luck today. And I made sure they were safe for cats too so Perry would be okay with them.”
The outward ‘awe’ you let out was loud and still incapable of showing how touched you were, as you brought the phone to your lips and kissed the screen with a louder ‘mwah’.
She did the same back, hating the way she craved for it to be real. You lifted the gray cat up off the ground where he was circling your feet, “That was the sweetest and most thoughtful thing ever. Perry says thank you too.”
Caitlin took her own live photo, her heart growing in size as she admired you while you held the flowers tucked in one arm and cuddled the furry animal in the other. 
“Just as pretty as you,” She muttered just loud enough for you to hear, slipping your face behind the flowers to try and shield the fact that you were most definitely reacting to the praise.
Your best friend knew you too well, chuckling on the other end and you knew that she knew, “I’m gonna go finish getting ready, I’ll see you in like five days.” Caitlin groaned the last part dramatically all while you watched with an amused delight.
“I’m seeing you in like three hours, not days, C,” You laughed with a small head shake. You set the flowers in a vase as you side eyed the camera and put them on display in the center of your table where they deserved to be.
She still kept up her disappointment, “Feels about the same if it’s time without you.” 
“I’ll see you in a little bit,” You promised, sending her an air kiss which she caught obediently and saluted to you. If you had to hang up quickly to giggle like a school girl, that was no one’s business.
You’d sat dazed with a lingering smile as you slipped your phone into your side pocket. You hummed a tune, in a delightful sort of daze and you twirled a petal of the rose between your fingertips. Your blissful environment was halted by the presence of an incessant buzzing and you groaned at the caller ID of your mother. You went into the living room and sat on the couch, debating letting it go straight to voicemail.
Luke had walked in at the same moment, barely saying a word to you as he headed right into the kitchen. He popped his head out a few seconds later as you were preparing to press the green answer button
“Who are those flowers from?” 
The first thing that he’d cared to speak to you about and you stopped from rolling your eyes. Your voice came out monotone and hesitant, “Caitlin.”
He made a face you couldn’t quite describe and nodded before disappearing back into the kitchen. With fingers pinching the bridge of your nose, you tried to get back even an ounce of happiness you’d felt earlier.
“Hi.” You’d spoke curtly into the phone, trying not to sound too displeased, though you most definitely were. And talking to your mother never helped that.
“What is the attitude for?” She questioned, already adding a layer of tension and you muted the call to scream into a pillow before unmuting it.
“Sorry, I was just moving laundry, out of breath.” You’d rolled your eyes at your own lie, “What’s up?” The quicker you could get off the phone the better.
She made a noise like she didn’t believe you, “How are things with you and Luke?” There was no segway to the conversation, treated like a simple business interaction of information rather than a comforting mother and daughter exchange.
Should have expected it, you thought as you squeezed your eyes shut, “We’re great, he’s working on a big project at work right now.” With a silent prayer that the conversation would stop there, but it never did.
“I don’t see why you and Luke haven’t gotten married already, you’re settled in the league, he has a steady job, he loves you. What more are you looking for?” 
Opening your mouth for a rebuttal, you couldn’t find one in your chest. What more were you really looking for? In reality, you were content with the way your life was going. You were playing professionally basketball with your best friend in the world like you’d dreamed, you had a healthy and adorable little cat, and you had a steady boyfriend. Though your face scrunched up at the order in which you casted your priorities. 
“I don’t know, I’m not in any rush. We haven’t been spending much time together with his work and mine.” You hated having to clue her into any part of the negativity that your relationship had been facing.
You loved Luke, you truly did, but you felt like he resented the fact that you had gotten into the WNBA. Things had shifted once you got drafted and it seemed like Luke was the only one falling behind. It was a stark difference to the way he’d supported you in your career during college and you weren’t a fan of the change.
Your mother made yet another hum of disapproval, “You know, your father and I aren’t going to be around very long. You should be rushing to get married and having a family for us to see. As long as I can remember, you’ve always run away from people who treat you better than you deserve. You’ll never find someone else like, Luke.”
You could’ve mouthed the words in sync with her, knowing exactly what the conversation was going to come to, “I’ll keep that in mind while I’m prepping for one of the most important games of my season, mother.” A bitter undertone slipped its way in and you quickly hung up the phone with a loud groan.
The white picket fence life was one that was forced onto your mother, one that she seemed not too happy with. And it showed in the way she forced it onto you since such a young age. Find a nice man, get married, have kids. Nothing else in between or after mattered to her.
You were tense and rigid when Luke entered the room again about twenty minutes later, with your head in your hands and tears forming. It didn’t seem like he had any idea of your state, or maybe he did and didn’t care.
“You look hot,” Luke commented and you lifted your head to stare at him for a silent minute. When he didn’t seem to have anything else to say, you nodded in weak acknowledgement.
It was a quick decision, moving away from his lustful eyes that seemed to devour your figure. You wished it made you feel the way it used to, the way you used to melt and have to shy away from his gaze purely because it made you nervous. Now you shied away from his gaze because it made you anxious. 
“You excited for the game today?” Luke put his hand on your waist now that you were standing and you resisted the urge to protest by running far away, “You’re playing the Knicks right?”
You couldn’t help the sigh, a difficult swallow to hold back the words you wanted to say, “We’re playing Liberty. The Knicks are the NBA.” It was a gentle reminder, but the tiredness was evident in the way you spoke.
Luke had the audacity to look surprised, “Oh, you didn’t tell me that.” He squeezed the skin of your waist and you suddenly started to feel suffocated.
You did the other three times you played them. But that was beside the point. A sigh was your response as opposed to correcting him, turning to grab your keys from the kitchen counter.
You were about to completely leave when you noticed the absence of a very colorful and bright part of your day. The flowers that Caitlin had delivered were missing and you almost ran around your apartment looking for where they could’ve been moved.
“What happened to my flowers in the kitchen?” The question was frantic when you approached Luke on the couch, a little too frazzled but those were beautiful flowers. 
“They were dying, so I replaced them with new ones,” Luke smirked with a shrug, seemingly unapologetic as he nodded toward the trash. The attitude he had made you more mad than anything. 
You sped walked over to the can, ripping out the cartons littered on top of the beautiful flowers Caitlin had gotten you. A part of your heart broke when you saw half of them bent and broken.
“These were brand new, Luke,” You scolded him like a child, sighing in disappointment as you laid them out on the counter to save them the best you could.
“And those will kill Perry.” You sighed with a point to the flowers he had gotten. Not even feeling the slightest bit bad as you pulled out the Lilies and tossed them in the trash to replace where Caitlin’s used to be before heading out the door.
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taglist: @lovermcres @glorioushamsterqueen @miedmead @blueagle45 @pbloverr @cavillary @elizabethkitley @1-800-fantasy @into-f0lkl0re @mysticchildsuit @sapphicmermaid @ureleesian
series taglist: @wnbaforthewin @stefanshope @sewiouslyz @kaelaheartsyou @caitlin-clark-obsessed @trinscam @julienbakerloverr @muhlsfilm @paigebueckresfan8282 @sadie-bug7 @madismadmad @dinosaurstrandedonnublarisland @kenzlovesyou @gaydonutdino @jujubuckets @elliewilliamsthang @princes21w
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Coming updates for popular RPGS
GURPS: Good news! After getting 5 PhDs, 20 million in funding and solving one of the millennium maths problems, someone finally played GURPs!
D&D: God I wonder, do you think it will be another overpowered spell and a new colour of dragon?
FATE: I can't roast FATE. Partly because its good, but mostly because my Aspects are pretty bad and I can't risk them getting invoked.
Shadowrun: Indefinitely cancelled due to dice black hole :(
Powered by the Apocalypse: Having now made a game for literally any conceivable circumstance, look forward to a PBTA game about you specifically coming to stores this fall.
Witch-Fated Souls: Mwahaha! That's right Witch-Fated Souls fans! I'm coming for your obscure dark urban fantasy warlock game!
Chronicles Of Darkness: New Gameline announced: Bastard the Asshole Chronicles. You play a very unpleasant man who rolls 40 dice to inflict the "punched" condition on everyone (the condition gives you a beat every time you say "owie" and is resolved when you get a little smooch on the nose)
World of Darkness: Bastard the Assholing: you're a very unpleasant man in an MCR t-shirt blasting the Cure. The game revolves around avoiding becoming a landlord.
Call of Cthulhu: Bored of Cthulhu now. Game will be centered entirely around Vthyarilops for the foreseeable future.
Warhammer 40k: No more gameplay. They've decided to cut out the middle man and just have a guy dressed as a Tyranid mug you IRL.
Nobilis: Good news! After getting 5 philosophy PhDs, hiring several poet laureates and taking a good portion of the world's LSD supply, someone finally played Nobilis!
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pauliesangel333 · 2 months
groupie love, 60s! paul mccartney x virgin! reader *:・゚✧*
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・゜゜・paulie wants to show you a good time after you please him first 🎀
- oral , f! recieving
- fingering
- handjob , m! recieving
this is my first fic so please be nice <33 + also i loveeee writing sub! paul mwahaha ;)
You looked at paul meekly, blinking your long eyelashes at him and fidgeting a little with your skirt , miniskirt, to be specific.
He softly placed a hand on your thigh, cupping the underside of it and pulling you gently onto his lap, letting you straddle him as his head grazed the wall and the back of his neck touched the headboard. His mouth lightly grazed your ear as he mumbled,
“‘ts okay sweetheart, i’ve done this hundreds of times, ill take care of you”
Pauls voice was like honey, he was such a sweet talker. You slightly rutted against his lap, feeling his member press into your leg. You breathed out at the slight friction and put a hand into the back of his hair. His pretty eyes looked up at you through his eyelashes as his hand traced up your back,
“what is it angel, hm?”
He could sense your slight hesitation but didn’t know why,
“its just…”
You breathed , pouting slightly whilst trying not to let anything slip,
“mhm? tell me baby , c’mon”
His encouragement only caused the heat between your thighs to grow,
“paulie , you’ve had so much experience and i just- , i just don’t want you to be bored or not feel good, i wanna make you feel like no one else can..”
The words hung in the air as a gentle blush spread across your cheeks, grazing them a light pink
why did i even say anything? god, i’ve ruined the moment now-
You felt paul’s breath catch in his chest, and you looked down at him, feeling a slight change in the dynamic, his hair was deliciously messy and his cheeks now also had a similar pink hue
“paulie? what is it?”
You trailed a hand down to his belt and began to play with the metal buckle, slightly grazing his v-line, causing his breath to hitch even more, you were suprised at his sensitivity considering his reputation, the liverpool bull, as they called him
“ah, baby, you make me feel like, no one else, god, when i see you in outfits like this, even when your on my arm, it gets me so worked up, ‘can hardly concentrate when your around”
You felt a newfound confidence knowing your boyfriend underneath you isnt really that tough afterall
“oh really?”
You cocked an eyebrow up as you pushed yourself off his lap to lay down by his side, he whined softly at the lack of contact now on his hard member,
‘honey, mm- c’mere”
He placed his hands firmly on your hips and leant his face towards yours, lips touching as he passionately kissed you, you could taste tobacco and mint on his breath and it drew you in even further. You moved your hand down to his cock, tracing your fingers over the raised fabric and you began to massage his member through his tight pants. He whined at the hypnotic movement and bucked his hips into your hand.
“ah, m~ baby, gotta see ‘ye, body, fuck, please?”
He whined into your touch, you pulled your hand off him and began to slide off your skirt, along with your panties and your bra, revealing your whole chest. He looked at you in awe as you lay next to him.
“angel, ‘yer so perfect all for me”
He cooed softly into your ear and placed a few small, loving kisses along each breast. You looked at him and began to tug on his collar, letting your nails lightly scratch his neck, causing him to shiver
“cmon you too paulie”
-⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
You tugged on pauls member, sliding up and down as your spit ran down his cock, your hands twisting gently when you reached the tip. His hard breathing pounded against your chest and neck as he peppered you with sloppy, open mouthed kisses.
“baby, mm , ‘want ya to feel good too, ah- you deserve it”
Paul sat up slightly and put his hand up to grab your chin, his silver wrist chain lightly grazing your cheek. He placed two fingers into your mouth and lightly pressed on your tounge as your spit coated his digits. Your hand began to stroke him more lightly as he began to pay attention to you, he slid his fingers over your clit, drawing circles as you moaned slightly in his ear,
“oh- paulie, yes, mm”
He smirker cockily as you began to let out more sounds. He knew what he was doing to you. You continued your sweet nothings into his neck and gradually felt him get more rapid and animalistic with his movements,
His fingers began to slide in and out of you quickly, the room was filled with wet noises, causing your face to heat up slightly
“yer such a dirty girl, all for me ‘eh?”
He curled his fingers inside of you and began to kiss your clit, his body shifted to hover over you and kiss all over your lower half.
“o-oh my g- , paul , ‘m so close”
You cried out, a knot began to build in your stomach and you tugged on his hair as your thighs pressed into his face
“‘ts okay angel, let go for me, ‘yer such a good girl for me”
You released all over Paul’s fingers and mouth, he continued to lick a gentle pace on your clit as you came down, driving you slightly mad with the overstimulation. White coated his fingers and he pulled out of you gently. He reached to kiss you as his body was fully on top of yours.
“yer so pretty, my sweet girl”…
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takiflirt · 11 months
EEEK another &team writer mwahaha please spare some jo thoughts :0 what kinks do u think he'd have 😇
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— kinks jo would have.
hii fellow luné writer, how are you doing? i don’t even know if half of these are considered kinks but whatever. hope you like this one. word count: 0.3k
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fingering. have you seen his long slender fingers? he’s good with them. loves when you cum on his fingers too. just know damn well he’ll be licking everything off of them too. loves fingering you to prep you for his monster cock. (bc literally all of luné smut tumblr agree he has one) (i don’t make the rules here)
size kink. he is a giant. an 188cm giant if you wanna be specific with numbers here. would love anyone smaller than him. he would feel so much more dominant with you lying under him looking so much smaller. he would also like how much stronger he is with you because of your size.
hairpulling. (giving) 100% loves pulling your hair, especially when you two are rough fucking. he would also like pulling your hair when he’s about to cum.
overstimulation. he loves seeing you fucked out and whining for him. he’ll keep going till there are tears in your eyes and the only word you can moan out is his name. he also loves watching your cum dripping out of you afterwards as well.
face sitting. absolutely loves eating you out. also loves massaging your thighs while doing so. he is a master at giving you head. and yes, he can and will go at it for hours, even if you’re crying and begging him to stop. sooo.. long night ahead of you i guess.. ;)
© takiflirt. all rights reserved
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berylcups · 5 months
Abbacchio x Reader :drabbles
“Just Friends”
Cw: drinking, dubious consent? (It’s like tipsy consenting but imma tag it as dubious just in case. Drink wisely lovelies 🍷) also this is OOC AF but for it’s myself indulgence lol MINOR DNI
Notes: here’s some drabbles from my storage. Hopefully this will keep y’all full until I got my other work completed. Let’s just say there’s some cuck fuckery going on mwahaha 💜 Beryl
Y/N was the 2nd to last addition to Bucciaratis' team. They were quiet,and reserved. They didn’t like to talk much so it was a breath of fresh air for Abbacchio. The last thing he needed was another talkative brat to annoy him. He did find them to be a little suspicious…of course it turned out they just had social anxiety.
The rowdy boys would scare Y/N back into their shell and they’d stop opening up for a while. Much to bucciaratis dismay he would have to scold the others into behaving properly so Y/N felt comfortable enough to open up and bond with the rest of the team.
What’s a way for Y/N to loosen up? Alcohol of course. Specifically wine. The team was celebrating another win for taking down a rivaling group in their territory. It was past hours at the restaurant so they all drank and ate as much as their hearts desired. Now all that’s left is Abbacchio and Y/N. Y/N is much more relaxed and talkative when they are tipsy. They 're pretty fun to be around!
“Prosecco? Pfft you’re a lightweight and a wine newbie.” Abbacchio teased.
“I only like what tastes sweet. The dry stuff makes my face pucker and upsets my stomach.” Y/N stuck their tongue out.
“Of course it upsets your stomach. You’re drinking it way too fast. You’re supposed to sip it.” He snickered. “ Here, try some of mine with the dark chocolate since you like sweet things so much.” He offered his glass to them and they took a sip and ate a piece of chocolate.
“Hmm…tastes better this time .” Y/N said concentrating on the flavors lingering in their mouth.
“See? I told you it’s better when you drink it slowly. Now you don’t have to rely on those cheap newbie wines anymore.” He said acting smug.
“Yeah but… I still like the sweeter one better .” Y/N teased.
“ You uncultured brat.” He chuckled.
Abbacchio was surprised to find someone that he could genuinely get along with. This was the first time Y/N truly bonded with any of the team. When sober, Y/N was still a little shy and pretty reserved but around Abbacchio they felt completely at ease. They were low key about it but they became close friends.
When Y/Ns CD player stopped working they were pretty frustrated. He offered one of his ear buds to listen to his music. This raised a few eyebrows, abbacchio never shared his music before.
You two had an evening ritual that just seemed to develop on its own where you would be the last ones up at night. You both enjoyed each other’s company and the comforting silence that came with it. Just drinking wine and listening to music. An occasional conversation would eventually pop up whenever he felt the need to say something.
“You should really stop biting your nails Y/N. It’s a bad habit and can cause nail damage.” Abbacchio would gently scold. “ Let me paint your nails. That will help you curb your habit. I think this color would look good on you.” He held your hands and filed your nails to an even length. Feeling how soft and small your hands are compared to his larger ones made him feel some sort of way… he never felt a feeling like this before. Is this what love is? No way, you wouldn’t like someone like him. Better suppress those feelings. He doesn’t realize how his low confidence is blinding what he’s seeing in front of them. He can’t see that you like him just as much but lack the confidence yourself as well.
When Giorno joined he saw how quickly you went back into your shell again. Great- we made all this progress and this brat waltzes in and fucks everything up. You always clam up around new people and get shaky. He’ll gently place his hand over yours under the privacy of the table to calm you down. He’s gonna put you at ease by doing an old party trick…perfect for tea parties. You completely forgot about your anxiety seeing him put his back to you and hear him pissing into the teapot.
“You gotta be shitting me…” You thought in shock.
“Here… I hope you enjoy it. I made it myself.” He said deadpan to the newbie.
“?!” They clasped a hand over their mouth to keep themselves from bursting out laughing. They could feel the tears beginning to prick their eyes.
Of course your laughter would turn to horror when you see the young blonde down the “special tea” like it was his first drink he’s had in days.
Giorno would be a hindrance to your peace of mind but if it wasn’t for him, Abbacchio wouldn’t feel the desperate need to hold onto you tighter.
“Eggplant parmigiana again Y/N? You don’t wanna try anything new? Here, try my Pasta alla Genovese. You’ll like it I promise.” He knew you were afraid of trying new things in case you didn’t like it and end up offending someone. He didn’t really understand the fear of offending someone but he knew it was just how your personality is. You were considerate of everyone and he thought that endearing but could also be a hindrance to you.
He pushed his plate closer to you so you could get a forkful, and you hesitantly put it in your mouth. He was right! It was delicious, you kinda regret not getting it.
“Wow you were right. That is good. It’s super meaty.” You said covering your full mouth while talking.
“I’ll give you half of mine if you give me half of yours.” He offered.
“Yessssss” You said excitedly.
“But you can only drink Chianti.” He smirked
“ fine— you wine snob.” You huffed pretending to be annoyed.
“Hey- how about sharing with us huh? Give me half of half your Genovese and you can have half of half of my fagioli!” Narancia complained.
“Shut u-“Abbacchio says before getting cut off by a fuming Fugo.
“Half of half?! Don’t you mean a QUARTER?! Have you LEARNED NOTHING?! you STUPID BASTARDO!.”Fugo blew a gasket and stabbed Narancias with a fork…again.
You have a habit of falling asleep during long travels and you always somehow end up with your head on Abbacchios shoulder knocked out like a log. The smell of his shampoo and his cologne blend together perfectly and listening to the music he shares just puts you into another world where you forget about being crammed in a van with a bunch of rowdy boys.
“Aww aren’t you sweet letting Y/N sleep on you like that!” Mista teased. “You both look adorable ~”
“Shut the fuck up. You’re gonna wake them up and we’re just friends.” He gave Mista and the rest of the giggling crew the middle finger.
“…just friends…” you repeated in your sleep.
“Suuuuurrrreee buddy.” Mista teased as he gave him the finger guns and a cheesy ass wink.
“Get bent.” Abbacchio proceeded to throw an empty water bottle at him for that.
“…Are we there yet..?” You yawn, squinting your eyes as you adjust to the light.
“Not even close…” he growls. “ just go back to sleep. Y/N.”
Abbacchio gives Mista a scornful look that could kill him.
“H-hey don’t look at me like that! You throwing shit is what woke them up!” Mista said, trying not to fuel Abbacchios anger further.
It was another night of you two drinking together but you decided to take it up into his bedroom for some privacy since a couple were still up playing video games in the living room. You were admiring the amount of makeup he has.
“You always know how to look so nice. I don’t even know how to put the stuff on other than foundation and mascara.” You sheepishly confessed .
“You have a nice natural look. But if you’d like I can show you how to use some of mine to change it up a bit. I have a few lipstick colors that would look amazing on you” he said getting some makeup off his makeup vanity.
His hand was gentle when he held your face, his ametrine eyes felt like they were staring directly into your soul as he applied the eyeliner on your face. You could feel your face getting red from the intense eye contact, his eyes were so gorgeous. You have never seen a 2 toned eye color before.
“If your eyes are hooded it’s best to go with a thinner line so it doesn’t smudge…” he said, focusing on the other eye now. “You can go thicker if you want but you need to wait a little bit to make sure it dries.”
“Okay…” was all you could mutter out. Him being so close made you get a little shy again like when you first met.
He wanted to keep staring into your pretty eyes, they were hypnotizing up close but he had to break contact to get out the lipstick.
It was your favorite color and it compliments your skin tone well. Looking at your lips as he put it on you was giving him impulsive thoughts. The way he instructed you to pout your lips made you look so kissable. His mind went into autopilot mode, he moved closer to you and you did the same. He kept staring at your perfectly colored lips and gently brushed his lavender ones against yours.
“Shit!” He realized what he did and jumped back and started apologizing profusely.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do that—I’m kinda drunk so I’m not thinking straight-“
You cut him off by kissing him back.
“?!” If it wasn’t for his full coverage foundation his entire face would be red.
“You’re fine.”you say. “I…uh… kinda always wanted to do that.“ you confessed looking away sheepishly. “I really like you a lot .”
“Oh? And you kept this from me all this time?” He said trying to regain his confidence.
“And you didn’t notice all this time?” You gently teased.
“You brat.” He smirked and roughly pulled you closer to kiss you deeply.
You never did get a good look at how he did with your makeup. Confessing your feelings and making out is much more confidence boosting than a makeover.
You two decided to be lowkey about your relationship, the last thing you two wanted was to be teased by the others. Also neither of you are a fan of PDA, it just adds unwanted attention and it’s kinda gross having people watch you.
That doesn't mean he doesn’t mean doesn’t make his affection known. Under the privacy of the table he likes to hold your hand. If he’s feeling flirtatious his hand is on your thigh. He'll run his hand up your inner thigh, give a good squeeze and massage it a bit. You have to do everything you can not to blush or just cream yourself.
At the restaurant he would sneak off with you into the bathroom to have some impromptu alone time. Around you he just gets so needy so easily. He has you against the wall with one of your legs hiked around his hip as he grinds his clothed erection into your crotch. He’s muffling your moans with open mouth kisses and lots of tongue. He always tastes like his favorite wine and with how good he makes you feel it’s like you could get drunk off of his kisses.
He always has to have a handkerchief and an extra tube of lipstick on him to keep both of your little secrets a secret. He’s definitely looking for a transfer proof brand of lipstick for both of you to wear so you don't have to worry about all the smudging. But… seeing his lip prints all over you gets him off hard.
When you don’t have missions together and you’re spending a few nights apart it’s tough on you both. But distance does make the heart grow stronger, and so does your neediness for him. You both make the best of the situation with what you have. Late night conversations that end up leading to some heavy sexual topics. He texts the lewdest things that you have to go read in private and even touch yourself to due to how graphic he’s being.
“Oh the things I would like to do to you right now... I’d kill just to have you with me.”
“You think you could ride me when I get home? I love watching your cute face as you try to take me all in.”
“ I want to watch your mascara run down your face as I make you cry my name.”
“You think you can take my entire load or do you think it will leak out? The thought of creampie-ing you is making me feral.”
“I can’t wait to get out of this hell hole. These brats are annoying me. The minute I get home I’m going to blow your back out. I swear I’m going to fuck the living hell out of you”
When you have missions together you make sure to get a room. Bucciarati spares no expense and makes sure that everyone has at least a decent place to stay for the night. You think a nice hotel would have thicker walls but poor Narancia and Fugo did NOT get any sleep that night.
He had you on to your back in a mating press pounding mercilessly into your sopping wet cunt.
“Shit Leone~!”you mewled clinging on to him.
“That’s right bambina. You keep saying my name” he panted while nibbling on your ear.
“Fuck you’re tight… I’m never sharing you. You’re all mine” he growled.
Your feet were hitting the wall as he buried his cock deep into your tight cunt at a brutal pace. He let go of one of your legs and rubbed circles on your clit.
“Oh god~ Leone~ you’re going to make me cum!” You cried as tears ran down your cheeks.
“That’s right- you cum for me. Cum with me!” He grunted.
You felt the warm release inside making you feel pleasantly full. The knot in your belly tightened and legs spasmed, your toes curled, you felt the fire in you intensify and the knot finally snapped.
“Oh fuck~ Leo I’m cumming!” You howled as you arched your back.
You didn’t have time to bask in the afterglow, you both suddenly felt weightless for a brief second and a loud crash. You both broke the hotel bed!
A zip sound came from the door-“ I heard a commotion! Abbacchio are you being attacked?!” Bucciarati burst in and his eyes fell on the both of you and his face went red.
“!!!” You quickly covered your chest with the sheet. “Uh-um….” You couldn’t form any sentences.
“Let me guess…Just friends huh?” Bucciarati teased with a shit eating grin
“Bucciarati…with all due respect-please get the fuck out.” Abbacchio said deadpan trying not to get embarrassed.
“Oh alright… but you’re paying for the damages.” He smirked as he opened the door and left.
So much for keeping everything a secret…
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person25 · 6 months
i need someone to fan girl (in the gender neutral sense) with over the dynamic “has been painfully pining over two specific people for years, just for those two people to get into a relationship together”
may even more painful pining ensue mwahaha
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mira-likes · 2 months
Anyway, thoughts now that I’ve finished the season
- really wondering why the emperor chose to reveal the fact that Fan Xian is his son, and do it at this specific time. What does he gain by it? (The novel spoilers could probably tell me, but I’m avoiding all of those.)
- I needed to see everyone’s reactions to the parentage reveal and there were hardly any from the imperial family!! Except from the Princess Royal, whose reaction I cared about a lot less than the Second Prince’s! But he didn’t get to have a proper reaction of his own because his feelings took a backseat to hers. But he had to have so many feelings!!! You can’t tell me that this little gremlin who’s been obsessed with Fan Xian didn’t feel a lot of emotions upon finding out that they’re brothers!
- though I guess for him murder (attempted) is an emotion
- the Crown Prince got even less of a reaction—we see him after the fact. But what did he think!!! I know what he told his mom in that chilling conversation, but what does he actually feel!!
- also the Crown Prince never resembled his father more than during that convo with his mom. My god. She’s telling him her traumatic backstory and his reaction to this is like, wow, yeah this is hella difficult for me politically. I think it’ll be fine though if you beg an apology from the guy you just said you wanted super dead. Oh, was I insensitive? Sorry. Here are some tears. (He’s looking forward to the time when he won’t have to pretend to cry or care anymore.)
- even the First Prince’s reaction would be interesting. This troublesome kid he met is his brother. Does he even care? Then again, he seems to have checked out of the family entirely, minus his affection for the Third Prince. But he looks at the Second Prince and the Crown Prince like he’s internally dreaming about being as far away from them as possible at all times. He’s so “not my zoo, not my monkeys” with them, he doesn’t even care when Fan Xian maybe poisons the Second Prince. What’s another brother to this, especially one embroiled to the neck in political struggles? Maybe he views Fan Xian, the Second Prince and the Crown Prince as enrichment in each other’s enclosure
- the Third Prince so doesn’t get what’s happening, I’m not sure he even actually understands that Fan Xian is his brother. I think he has long been schooled by the First Prince to keep away from all political struggles, and also that knowing as little as possible is a great virtue. But now he’s a duckling who’s following Fan Xian, who’s likely to instil different if also useful lessons
- also Fan Xian may say what he likes about the Fan ancestral hall, but I’m pretty sure the emperor will have Thoughts about it. Because we’re circling back to the original point—the emperor revealed Fan Xian’s identity for a reason. I don’t think Fan Xian slinking away and saying, “hehe, nothing to see here, just an ordinary law-abiding Fan son,” is going to cut it.
- (if not for that, I could’ve seen the emperor being content that his secret kid is running the Imperial Treasury and the Inspection Bureau, and so both these powerful assets effectively are in his descendants’ possession. Others would’ve thought he’d given them away, but mwahaha little do they know he’s kept them in the family. And he could’ve let Fan Xian stay an uncontested Fan if that were his goal. But why drag his identity into the light? What is he hoping to achieve?)
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mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
👍 kabru, heh
thank you so much mwahaha
1. Bottom Line by Dom Fera
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I think this song is very Kabru in a this has big "customer service" vibes, lmao.
"Drive me somewhere you've been liking" -> hes a people pleaser, letting someone take the reins while he supports them and hangs back is kind of his thing. Even though he plans stuff out and chooses his words deliberately, sometimes he goes along with ppl's wants and expectations for him a bit too much...
"Order something I don't want, I'll drink it anyway" -> basically Kabru when he had to eat the harpy eggs Laios offered lmao. 'Right, i hate this so much this is Monster. okay. wow i need to kill you' hes literally triggered (in the ptsd term sense and not the. warped internet meaning of it) and he's still like okay ! i will dig in ! to prove a point ! so laios likes and trusts me! (... what point kabru . cmon man. )
"Take a little time, it's funny how you're fine when I'm away -> he needs to be needed. He needs to help others, save them even, to protect them from the tragedy he has experienced. He's used to being dismissed and he does swallow it and take it but ik he was so 🤨😧😠 abt laios ignoring him and all the attempts to get to know him... so its like take a lil tine its funny how ur fine when im away ... Kabru knows Laios is the closest to conquering the dungeon. and hes like. I rlly wanna help u do this but . ik ur probably fine without me (... man he makes me . so 😭)
"It's natural to see a bottom line with me / A bottom line I'll be" -> A bottom line in business is like the final total right. The sum of everything thats written at the bottom. The ultimate outcome... the core. The fate of the dungeon is something he wants to decide and get a say in as well. Even though he knows he isn't the one thats going to conquer it, he chooses to stop Mithrun from beating up Thistle and grabs him and they free fall into that pit. Because he decided, yeah, the fate of this dungeon the one to conquer it has to be us short-lived races/humans. He is such an action oriented character . He makes such decisions. He is so determined to make sure that Utaya doesn't repeat itself. Man.
Anyway that's song 1. moving on to song 2.
2. Smoke and Mirrors by Gotye
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This entire song is So Kabru coded its insane to me . but I grabbed these lyrics from Verse 3 Because the last line specifically makes. me go crazy.
"You're a fraud, and you know it" -> the freaking masker . he is such a liar and he knows it... theres not much else to say here. Playing the hero, the saviour, while knowing he doesn't actually have the skills to defeat the dungeon but hes just so desperate . man
"And every night and day you take the stage" -> he should get an acting award fr... always adjusting his personality and carefully planning his steps with each person he interacts with man... also inchtresting to me that he gets to be more #real with Mithrun. thats a whole nother analysis can of worms I won't get into but like they rlly drove each other's character development...
"And it always entertains, you're giving pleasure" -> To quote Holm, Kabru is the typa guy who would do anything to get someone to like him akdjskhf hes so real for that...
"And that's admirable, you tell yourself" -> (kabru voice) im so cool for this ahaha everyone loves me (guy who genuinely fucking loathes himself) /ref
"And so you'd gladly sell yourself to others" -> smile of pain. I just think hes a real business man sometimes . Goodness Kabru stop being a charismatic salesman of your own personality im going to explode .
Right. we're on to the last one I guess...
3. Dear Arkansas Daughter by Lady Lamb
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GENUINELY cannot really do this analysis lyric by lyric or I will go ... well. I'll go into the deep end but . like . right. anyway. this set of lyrics above aka the most popular line is very Kabru appearance. (Goodness i need to make an AMV of this. I will one day once the executive dysfunction stops fighting my autistic hyperfixation ass)
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THIS WHOLE . SET OF LYRICS IS JUST BIG KABRU VIBES (SOURCE: JUST TRUST ME BRO)... His heart is full of swords... the sword fighter (he is proficient in many weapons)... im not big into tarot (or well i havent researched it much) but the annotations for these lyrics said that its referencing the Three of Swords tarot card, which represents painful sorrow. and like.. man like a fundamental sorrow in Kabru is so oughh its just so . real. and again i need a whole nother analysis post for this since this is already So long
Tie my hands & knock my knees. he is so stressed he is so . nervous all the time and these r like. the freeze . trauma response. to me. he goes freeze and fawn a lot (fawn not specifically with abusers per say but like people pleasing tendencies again) and like kind of visibly looking nervous and stressed out up before saying smth next is smth he does a lot I feel.
And like the vibe of like sinking to the sea with a heavy heart but also being someone who brings hope in a way to others (ex: Rin and Mithrun, he ends up being their anchor and helping them start like living with their lives after the burden of their traumas and hellish experiences) but Kabrus own traumas are so immense and then the person who rises . who foils him and who brings him hope is Laios. like a ripe red apple like. something bright and tempting and also dangerous (smth smth the forbidden fruit symbolism. theres so much . like Kabru that I can dissect with like Biblical symbolism themes but like anyway he sees Laios as both the key to humanity's victory against the dungeon and as sin / a distraction from his goal because Laios makes him do selfish things and its just AAAAHGHH rahhhh. man. im normal)
ANYWAY YEAH ... that wraps this up. Thank you for sending this ask ❣️💌 I am very normal abt Kabru of Utaya dungeon meshi
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not-so-rosyyy · 4 months
ur anons specifically always get proven wrong not even 24 hours later every time and i love it lmao
it's like they start going insane on all the other blogs first and I'm the final vanguard 😭 like, they need to get to me somehow to cast the last hex and seal their fate (except they don't know how much more powerful of a bruja I actually am soooo...mwahaha)
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monbons · 5 months
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WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @thewholelemon! Your snippet looks hilarious!!! I need more details (Baz, you’re a killjoy!)
Today's post is dedicated to @cutestkilla, who is determined to figure out all my secrets when it comes to The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch. So here is a DELUGE of clues to put up on your murder wall and connect with pins and string. MWAHAHA!
A fabulous playlist. You know what goes well with the angst buffet I'm serving up on AO3? An epic soundtrack. Do the songs match up to specific chapters? Do the lyrics mean anything? Is it just vibes? Who knows. Enjoy. (Spotify Link)
Tidbits from my Dead Darlings doc. No spoilers here. All tidbits are from an entire subplot that I cut very early and all names and identifying details have been redacted.
Apparently, such were the times in which [redacted] was living. People kept all manner of useless things in their homes. Shelves with books they didn’t read. Baskets whose sole purpose was to display knick-knacks. And, apparently, time pieces that did not actually keep time.
Or this little bit of dialogue:
“[Redacted]! How can you not know this?!” [Redacted does a highly specific motion I cannot include]. [Redacted] groans. “[Redacted pet name that should not be a pet name but for some reason is and must also be scratched], what am I going to do with you?” “Love me anyway, I imagine.” [Everything after this point definitely needs to be redacted...]
3. A couple beta comments from @thewholelemon. Have I mentioned she's the best beta in the world? Seriously, all the kudos for this fic should be sent directly to Jenny.
happy kitten or grumpy kitten? lol
HORRIFYING. like something out of a scary movie.
LOL braden!!! polycule!!! this is so funny!
Side note: fuck this guy
Have fun unraveling that knot of nonsense, Dre. [Cackles like the dark and disappears in a cloud of smoke.]
For everyone else, if you got this far, thank you. Have a little chapter 3 snippet under the cut, this time featuring current Baz.
Baz could make this difficult. He could wait for the boy to hit on him some more. To ask him his name or if he’d like to have dinner. But, Baz is feeling rather lonely after his unsuccessful hunt for a one-night stand yesterday and this boy can be good enough. So, he takes a step closer and lifts the boy’s chin with a careful finger instead. The boy’s eyes meet his immediately, which is precisely what Baz wanted. The whole scene sets off another round of barking from the tiny dog. “Take me home with you,” Baz whispers.
Hellos and high-fives. Tag, you're it.
@thewholelemon, @roomwithanopenfire, @noblecorgi, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @cutestkilla, @bookish-bogwitch, @emeryhall, @valeffelees, @beastmonstertitan, @raenestee, @arthurkko, @iamamythologicalcreature, @hushed-chorus, @rimeswithpurple, @aristocratic-otter, @cattocavo, @larkral, @drowninginships, @artsyunderstudy, @whatevertheweather, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @comesitintheclover, @shrekgogurt
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bluecatwriter · 1 month
oh shit there's more under the cut and it's an OLD post so it opens a new tab, this is an archeological discovery. anyhow:
34. Was there any fic that you wrote that really surprised you in the fandom reaction? Was it just by the numbers or did they take it an entirely different way?
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
49. Has anyone in your life ever read your fanfic just because you wrote it?
Mwahaha, more asks! :D :D :D
34. Was there any fic that you wrote that really surprised you in the fandom reaction? Was it just by the numbers or did they take it an entirely different way?
The most notable one that comes to mind is how readers reacted to my characterization of Mrs. Westenra in my fic Rewriting Fate. There are several ways to interpret her character in canon, but I came into the story specifically wanting to explore the idea of a certain kind of abuse— I wrote her in a way that clearly showed her causing harm in the way she controls Lucy and reacts to her life. But I got several comments justifying her behavior because of past trauma, misogyny, etc. I tend to lean toward "death of the author" even in fanfiction, so like, people are free to interpret her character however they want and come up with whatever backstory they find interesting— but I was surprised by the impulse to try to soften her abusive behavior. It seemed like a few readers at least really wanted her characterization to be different, which was a reaction that I hadn't really gotten in my fics before.
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
I feel like I'm accidentally writing Quincey/Lucy into Rewriting Fate, I have to keep checking myself. XD (It can be hard to convey the feeling of, "You can be monogamous and happily married and still have a crush on someone else.") I also had to put a disclaimer on one of the chapters of Love Multiplying because I realized that a scene between Arthur and Mina felt more shippy than I intended. Usually my fics aren't long enough to surprise me with a ship, though.
49. Has anyone in your life ever read your fanfic just because you wrote it?
No one in my offline life has ever read my fics (one of my friends asked if she could and I was like, "…Well, it won't mean much if you haven't read the books"). But I do have a few subscribers on Ao3, so presumably people do want to read my fics because of me being the author, which makes me really happy! :D
(Ask game here)
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nemmet · 11 months
ok ok ok i know you def headcanon fred autistic too (besides mystery inc which is canon lol) so you were the first person i could think to say this to after reading your posts sooo
i bet !!!! he was autistic coded the whole time and the creators themselves just did not know what they were doing!!!
before autism had a name and well known rep and stuff, before people really knew what it was, higher functioning autistics were just “quirky” or whatever. and say, if you were making a tv show or book, you wanted to take inspiration from real life. and you gave one of your characters traits you’d seen in those quirky individuals. you didn’t know what it was nor did anyone else, it was just a personality trait you gave them based off of what you’d observed !
neither the creator nor viewers would know that person was autistic. it was just mimicking traits you’d seen irl. and that’s why i strongly believe fred is autistic coded whether they planned it or not, even — almost especially — in a time where autism wasn’t well known !!!! that’s an argument given a lot from what i’ve seen, that an old cartoon wouldn’t purposely have an autistic character. but they would and they have. they just don’t know that’s what it’s called. it’s just a part of life, which people forget. buddy’s just undiagnosed lol /hj
autism is everywhere mwahaha >:)
anyways sorry for rant and quite possibly stating the obvious 😭😭
the way my face lit up when i saw this in my inbox!!! always so happy to talk about autistic fred :)
autistic coding absolutely happens in cases where the writer doesn't intend it, and early versions of fred very well could be one!! a lot of his "quirky" moments in the older shows come from the odd scene where he does something so bizarre and spontaneous that it flips his well-put-together exterior on its head, like running down the joker & penguin in a rolling tire. this source of comedy from his character very much continues into his later incarnations, just in a way that seems more thoughtful/purposeful. like, at first glance he seems to be a very average, simple, good-looking boy!! but then he opens his mouth and he's a lame grandpa who will tell you about the history of nets regardless of whether or not you're listening, and impulsively start cheerleading routines to raise his friends' spirits.
and all of that just feels like such an autism thing, or at least one i can relate my own personality and experiences to. i love the idea that the writers of pre-mystery inc versions of fred may have taken character inspiration from similarly undiagnosed or unrecognised neurodivergent people in a time when those traits were merely considered "quirkiness". the idea that he's undiagnosed up until mystery inc is so canon to me now.
and to top it all off, yeah fred can be the butt of the joke sometimes, but he's still always a character we feel endeared to and want to root for! his strengths are unconventional and concentrated in specific areas, but he's highly competent and caring while also feeling human in his moments of awkwardness and insecurity!! and that's why i think he's such a great autistic character in both coding and canon, and why it makes me happy to see people celebrate this about him.
your ask was such a lovely thing to read and respond to, thank you! and thank you if you're still here and have read nem's ramble number 1000000 about autistic fred. goodnight coolsville ohio
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
Did I see a box set of batman the court of owls comic and mask and get it specifically because I thought of the court of owls au you talked about a while ago? Yes. Yes I did.
That box set is a treat 😩💚
And you have no idea how happy it makes me that I’ve infected more people with my Court of Owls love MWAHAHA 💚💚💚💚💚🦉🦉🦉
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Ok great the Barbatos brain rot is here T-T
So my MC is like not a super great cook, but it is an activity she enjoys. And I feel like she would just really love spending time with Barb just to learn new recipes and tricks haha
(and to spend time with him cough cough) Sorry, I must be catching a cold :)
Also my phone literally just corrected Barbatos to barbecue lol
Mwahaha welcome to the Barbatos brain rot!
We have evidence that Barb likes to teach other people who to cook/bake, so I think he'd be thrilled to take on a new student. He would keep it casual, let your MC set the pace. Like if she's really determined to learn a whole bunch of stuff at once or maybe she's got a specific dish she wants to be able to make or if she's just there to have fun and learn a thing or two. He would do whatever your MC is most interested in!
I also think he'd be aware of your MC's ulterior motive, but he would pretend he wasn't. Might take it upon himself to impress upon her the fact that he is happy to see her at any time. So she comes by more often~
Honestly, my phone no longer tries to correct Barbatos, but the barbecue correction is hilarious! All mine ever managed was Barbados and I was always like... close, but no cigar.
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desceros · 6 months
hi 👋🏼 you've probably seen me in your notes before (i check your blog, like... every day - both for updates and to see all of the wonderful fan art and stuff you reblog, like a lot of other people do, apparently). i've sent you asks on anon in the past 'cause i'm so very shy (with people in general, not just you), but lately, i've been thinking about finally being a Big Brave Boy and coming off anon, and now! i am! doing that!
i just wanted to say that i typically avoid Fem!Reader fics 'cause i am, uh, very much not a woman and it often will activate my dysphoria (no offense to people who like those terms but every time i hear "flower" or "petals" be used to describe a vagina, i die a little bit more inside). However. the way that you write the Reader character - especially in Symphony - is... how do i put this... i'm able to sort of distance myself in a way where i can still put myself in her shoes without feeling the ick i feel with most other Fem!Readers. i think you phrased it best when you described her as something along the lines of falling between an OC and the reader themselves
of course, sometimes i still do get that feeling - it's not completely inescapable, sadly - but 1. it's far more tolerable with your work and 2. i enjoy it too much to want to stop reading it
ALSO. you 🫵🏽 are to blame for turning me into a Leo Girlie™️ (gender neutral). Just a little. 🤏🏽 i'm too much of a Donnie kinnie/lover to not want to punch him 99% of the time. but you made me CONSIDER the fact that MAYBE he's hot and MAYBE i kind of want to fuck him. whatever
anyway, i said far more words than i meant to, but i know that you don't mind long asks, so i won't be apologizing for that. i love everything that you write (Euclidean Line and Electromigration are so. they're everything to me) and i'm both excited for and dreading the new Symphony update! take care of yourself, including that wrist! ♡ ~('▽^人)
rahh!!! pops a party popper welcome to the off-anon club!!! :D
there are people out there who write male readers if that's what you're looking for, but they're a lot less common for sure. it's unfortunate!
for me, i like writing female readers mostly because female eroticism to me is. hhhhh. well. i'm really into making girls come. hehe
that said! i'm glad that you find them more readable! i have a few gender-neutral fics around, which as an enby myself is something i just gotta do sometimes. girls are great, but you need a good they-slash-them on your resume. nods.
EXCELLENT on the leo girlie (gn) thing, mwahaha! truth be told, i would be leonardo hamato number one fan were it not for the fact that rise donnie was actually built in a vat specific to my taste. chin hands at both of them but a little bit harder at donnie oops
anywho, thanks for the sweet words!! always fun to talk to people C:
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