#more things & like; even if they suppose they're fine enough for Now & Could be happy w/a billion or their own place or something like
thelov3lybookworm · 6 months
White Roses And Lies.
Summary: Rhysand and Y/n realise they might not make it to starfall. They make the most of what they have to celebrate.
A/n: im convinced rhysie poo is going to murder me because all the fics i have ever written for him are sad 😇
Anyways, this is a lil smth for the third prompt for @starfallweek
(also you can all fault @thehighladywrites for making me hurt rhysie poo because she picked him to be hurt)
Y/n glanced up from where she was picking chamomile from the wild bushes in her backyard, her eyes squinting to make out the shape materialising out of nowhere.
"Rhys? Is that you?"
No sooner had the words left her lips that he appeared fully, stumbling forward.
A wide smile split her lips, and she moved too, just happy to see her lover.
It was just one moment before the two of them were wrapped in each other's embrace, but it was enough for Y/n to realise that he did not have the big smile he usually had on when he met Y/n.
He looked haggard, like he hadn't slept or eaten in decades, but what scared Y/n more was the fact that those were tear stains on his cheeks.
He crushed her to his chest, his arms wrapped so tight around her it was hard to breathe. Concerned, Y/n tried to push away from Rhys.
He wouldn't let go.
"They're hunting us." Rhys spoke directly into Y/n ear, pressing his face into her hair.
Y/n froze, her struggle to breathe now forgotten.
If possible, he pulled her even closer. "My father. He told his courtiers to hunt us. You and me."
All of a sudden, it all clicked for Y/n.
She didn't even bother to pull away from him and ask for an explanation then. She just wrapped her arms around him, and let her head rest on his shoulder, under his jaw.
After all, she knew low born fae and high fae, especially a high lord's heir, were never supposed to even talk, let alone be involved.
She'd always known it was all a moment's bliss, but who could have faulted her for having hope?
"We were always doomed." She mumbled into the expensive fabric of his shirt, a tear escaping her left eye and staining the fine material.
She felt Rhys shaking his head against her, and her heart clenched when a torturous sob ripped out of him.
"Why Y/n?" He questioned, his voice wobbling and choked with tears. "Why us?"
She said nothing, because there was nothing to say. She simply rubbed his back, and let him cry.
"Why couldn't we have been an example that the class system was bullshit? Why could I not have had a better father? Why could I not have been born as a lower fae-"
"Why did he find out about it? Why-"
"Why hasn't he fucking died yet? Why-"
He stopped then, stiffening a little.
"Rhys please." Y/n's voice broke, and he finally loosened his hold on her. She quickly drew in a deep breath, her first full one since Rhys had showed up, and looked up at him.
She did not let go of him, but leaned back so she could see him better.
"Its starfall." She smiled a little as she spoke, but apparently that was the wrong thing to say, as another tear escaped those eyes that had captivated her since the moment hers had met them.
"Exactly. I was planning on sneaking away to meet you once the stars started making the journey, and he found me. He broke my mental walls, and he found out."
Y/n swallowed, looking around for anything to help her. She found a flower staring back at her.
A white rose.
The white rose he had gifted her once he had started courting her, one she had decided to plant.
Quietly, she untangled herself from Rhys and walked over to study it. He followed her like she knew he would.
"Do you remember when you first gave me this rose?"
A smile bloomed on his face just like everytime she reminded him of that day. "I can never forget it."
Her face split too at the sight of his happy face. "Me neither."
He stared a the flower a moment longer, then turned to her, the look on his face knowing. "You're trying to distract me, aren't you?"
She grinned sheepishly. "I mean, whatever works, right?"
He laughed, the sound wet and full of sorrow, yet so full of joy as he sat back, his arms coming to rest on his raised knees.
"Y/n... I hope you know I love you. That no matter what tomorrow holds for us, whether they do hunt us down, I will love you forever. Even when I'm nothing but bones and dust in the wind, I'll be yours."
Y/n had to look away at that in order to stop herself from breaking down.
"I do. I love you too Rhys, more than you can know. More than words are capable of expressing."
Rhys glanced up, towards the clear sky, just as a star shot past.
His eyes lit up. "Look!"
Y/n followed his gaze, nodding and laughing at the childlike glee in his voice.
"Starfall has begun." Y/n mumbled, laying her head on his shoulder.
Suddenly, his demeanour changed. "This could be our last starfall."
Y/n sighed. "So let's enjoy it Rhys."
She knew he had a retort at the tip of his tongue, so she pulled away, meeting his eyes as she began pushing him to the dirt so he would lay down.
"It's our last starfall Rhys, so let us enjoy it." She stared at his eyes intensely to make sure he understood. "Hmm?"
He nodded, and she smiled again, laying down next to him, uncaring that her clothes were getting dirty as she lay her head on his chest.
His heartbeat was calm, so at odds with the erratic rhythm it had beat when he arrived.
And so, there, in the middle of nowhere, on the hard ground in front of Y/n's small hut, under the star filled sky, Y/n got lost in the soft sounds of Rhys's breathing.
And sure, those were the sounds of warriors and fae males who served the high lord coming closer, and those were definitely the barks of the hunting hounds, but here, nothing existed other than Y/n and her lover.
Not an heir, not a high born fae. Not a low born fae, not the scum stuck under the boot of the higher ups.
Just him, and her.
And as she felt his presence in her mind, grabbing hold of her conscious, she smiled and closed her eyes- the white rose twinkling in the light like an enchantment her last sight, a testament to their love- content and satisfied despite the unexpected and quick end to their story.
Go to sleep my love. I'll be there when you wake up.
Y/n didn't point out that she knew it was a lie, for right now, that was all she needed as she lost herself.
Lost herself in the sound of his voice in her mind, his scent in her lungs and his love in her heart.
Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175 @starsinyourseyes @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady
@artists-ally @riddlesb1tch @clairebear08 @thehighladywrites @berryzxx
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katzkinder · 1 month
I just thought about how Tsuna would have to learn how to put his “seal” on official documents. The guy who still hasn’t figured out “not ending up in his underwear” and only remains clothed thanks to some very generous handmade clothing from Reborn and Leon.
Which at least tells me he’s got some subconscious idea of how to not turn his clothes to ashes
Using test papers doesn’t work, and using identical duplicates of actual important items doesn’t work because of Tsuna’s stupid intuition, and using real important papers is out of the question
So Reborn asks the kids to draw something for Tsuna
It’s fine if it’s burned but Tsuna really will not want to. There aren’t any “real” consequences if he fails… Except for the ones Tsuna gives to himself
“You’re so evil…” Tsuna mutters, staring hard at the crayon drawings in front of him. Out of all three, I-pin shows the most talent, though Lambo has the most. Interesting. Interpretations. Is that supposed to be a grasshopper or the couch?
“I could have made you use your birth certificate y’know.” Reborn says it so casually Tsuna almost doesn’t register it at first. “That’s what I did to Dino”
Tsuna gapes at him, “You’re really super evil?! That’s dangerous!”
Reborn shrugs. “It also failed.”
“So I tried it with Romario’s next. Perfect score.”
A long, drawn out sigh. Really… Reborn’s methods always produced so much misery. “I really don’t want to burn this…”
“And why not?”
“Because the kids made it for me!”
“Don’t you think they’d be happy to have your mark on it?”
Tsuna blinks, lips parting slightly in question. “My…?”
“The flame seal is something that cannot be copied, replicated, or forged.” It’s easy to tell, now that they’ve known each other for long enough, that Reborn is just the slightest bit relieved by Tsuna’s interest. “It’s more unique than even a fingerprint. A truly, one of a kind signature.”
Tsuna mulls those words over, and his eyes slide sideways. Contemplative, and just a little bit shifty. Something about it is reminiscent of Gokudera. “Can I see yours? Like. Really look at it. You showed me but I didn’t get to observe it much…”
“Observing isn’t going to do you much good.”
“Please?” Tsuna’s voice pitches with the plea, verging on whining. “Just… One more time. Let me look at how your Flame acts when you do it.”
Reborn sighs. “Sun and Sky—“
“I know! I know they behave differently. Still… I think I’ll get something out of it!”
“… Fine.” Lately, it feels like Reborn has been giving in to Tsuna more and more. It makes him happy. It also gives him the courage to reach out and stop Reborn before he can apply the seal to a random scrap of paper, instead looking carefully at the way his Flame appears when still on his finger, face pinched with concentration.
He knows what sun flames look like usually, but this is a tighter control than that. Even if they're different, he's noticed that Sky and Sun are the most similar when it comes to their "resting" states. So, logically, this should help give him an idea of how his own should look when it’s ready. Shouldn’t it?
“What happens if you try and apply it to a person…?”
Reborn stares at him. And stares. And stares. "Tsuna,” he starts, slow, incredulous. “You happen.”
Tsuna blinks back at him. “I was born?”
“The seal, you idiot. The one from when you were a toddler.”
“They’re the same thing?!”
“I dearly wish I could have started with you earlier. Much, much earlier.”
Despite the earlier acid, Reborn sounds fond when he speaks of the prospect. Tsuna thinks that’s worth something.
“Now that you’ve had your fill of looking.”
He manages not to turn the drawings he’s been given to cinders.
It really is all about having the right material to work with.
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S/O brought Skeleton to a pride parade
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Undertale Sans - You are a bit worried because the crowd is gigantic and your skeleton is very small. After like ten minutes, you completely lose him and starts to freak out, only to find him an hour later on a float full of trans people, just hanging there, charming everyone around. He usually doesn't have an opportunity to show off his trans puns because people don't know he's trans so he's having fun!
Undertale Papyrus - He got immediately kidnapped by the lesbians. Undyne wanted him, Alphys wanted him, so now all the lesbians want him. He is now in bright pink, with flags painted on every bone visible, and he's a very proud lesbian as well right now! He's a little confused about what's going on to be honnest, but everyone is happy so he's happy! He was supposed to say he's aromantic though? Oh well, that works too!
Underswap Sans - He's a little too excited, and the people screaming everywhere is not helping. Blue is on hyper mode, running everywhere as well, carrying flags, water bottles and banners from one part of the pride to another. He's like the official messenger between the two ends of the parade. He's having fun, and for once he's even tired when it's time to go home!
Underswap Papyrus - He accepted to take care of a child for five minutes, and now everyone is giving him their children and he's so confused??? He's hanging at the end of the parade with ten children or so as their parents are walking and parading. It's fine with him though. He feels safer out of the crowd, even though it means he gets to be insulted more often by the stupid queerphobe people waiting for the pride to arrive to insult them. But that's fine, he doesn't care. He has his three service dogs with him and they're big enough to scare the pests away.
Underfell Sans - He ditched you to flirt with the gay float people. You're a bit offended until you realize he's doing this only to climb on the float because he's so tired of walking and would gladly sell all of his limbs if it means he can sits on one of the floats lol. If it doesn't work, he goes to flatter the acearo people. And he's going to try this with every float he finds.
Underfell Papyrus - You're surprised not so much people are insulting you this year. That is until you notice Edge giving a death glare to a Karen about to insult some trans people. What's even cuter is that he has Frisk on his shoulders the all time and a unicorn horn on the head that the kid insisted he wore. He's acting more as a royal guard than he is having fun though.
Horrortale Sans - He has no idea how the hell he ended on a float in the middle of a huge crowd. He's so confused what's going on. His hands and face are painted with random colour flags and he's staring at everyone in complete confusion. Some random people he pretty sure he never met kept checking on him once in a while to give him water and food so it's not too bad. It's rare people are friendly with him.
Horrortale Papyrus - People noticed he was struggling to walk, but was very determined to parade with everyone. He cried when a random person proposed to give him their wheelchair to rest for a bit. He's a bit overwhelmed by everyone kindness. He talked with a lot of disabled queer people during this pride and learned quite a few things. He's a bit sad when it ends and insistes to stay in touch with everyone.
Swapfell Sans - He went just because his S/O wanted him to come, he got out of there having an existential crisis as he realized he might be asexual. He's not sure what to do about it, he needs to think this a little more.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's on high heels, dancing on a float, and he's having so much fun. He didn't know pride were a thing and now he wants to go to every of them. He had no idea people could celebrate being gay. It's just so normal for Monsterkind it's a little cultural shock. He loves it though! He can show off his body, look at him go!
Fellswap Gold Sans - He had no idea humans could be genderfluid too??? Why does he discovers this only now? He spends the day talking with enby people and has his mind blown as he discovers there's a ton of differents way to be non binary??? He promised all of them once he takes the control of the world, they will have good places in his kingdom. Everyone is a bit confused, but ok???
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's holding your hand for dear life and he's terrified to let go. There are too many people around, too much noise and too much colours everywhere for him to focus. He's probably going to have a panic attack in ten minutes or so, but he's holding on!
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ryker-writes · 1 year
I loved your broken sibling relationship with Azul! Can I request the same scenario BUT with Vil?
They were once happy, they both were actors, modeling and all that stuff Vil does. Reader barely ever got recognized but one fateful day they did and Vil was upset. Jealous even that reader was getting the spotlight and it damages their relationship with an argument and he says hurtful things and ignores reader. Reader tries to make things right between them but you know how Vil is. So stuckup and selfish and mean. Spitting poison laced words and even spreading rumors about reader damaging his own sisters reputation.
But after Vil overblots and Vil tries to fix his relationship with his sister aka reader, they're like "You decided to talk to me now? After you overblot? It took you so long to realize what you did was wrong? I tried to make things better but you ignored me, neglected me. There's no second chance between us." Or something? (I wanted to give you an idea on what I wanted when I wrote this btw) I want all the angst. So now the reader doesn't like Vil and avoids him at all cost.
Fem or gn reader is fine. But can u do fem? You don't have to if you don't want to.
(I felt like I was too specific and I already did the fic with this ask. I'm sorry if I was too specific and you don't know what to do with this ask ;-;)
Yes of course! And no worries you may have given me an outline but I can provide the details! I actually made a couple posts about Vil as a sibling (good and bad relationship) where the beginning of your request kinda matches one of them. So I hope you don't mind but I'm basically going to be writing the second part of your request (after the overblot). I'll link the other parts tho. Many people have been asking for more angst between Vil and Azul as siblings. Especially endings where the reader doesn't forgive them.
the first part
Request rules and masterlists
Vil as a sibling (Broken relationship with no forgiveness)
The one person who you're supposed to be able to rely on at NRC, absolutely hates you
your dear brother Vil had made it very clear
he would insult you, and embarrass you in front of everyone
he was going to be the most beautiful, and he would tear down anyone who got in his way
it doesn't matter that you're his sister
eventually he managed to insult you enough that everyone started to avoid you and hate you just as he did
you had even tried to make things better between you two
but he didn't accept that
he wouldn't stop as long as there was a chance someone could see you as better than him
so he pushed you away and only insulted you further
he even told you that he had no interest in ever being close with you
eventually, you gave up on even trying
you simply wanted a good relationship with your brother
and he's done nothing but hate you and try to ruin you
after everything he's done, you were tired of it
he hated you, so why should you give him the time?
you refused to continue just taking this treatment
now the two of you were just avoiding each other
not even talking or in the same space
after his overblot, Vil had taken the time to reflect on his actions
and he deeply regrets how he treated you
is it so bad that it's his sister who gets some of the spotlight?
surely he should be able to accept it if it's you
so Vil tries to work on it
it can take him a bit because he has to figure out the right way to speak to you after everything
one day, he walked up to you and tried to casually start a conversation
"What have you been up to recently?"
a simple conversation starter really
but you weren't just going to give in and forgive him after everything
"You decided to talk to me now? After you overblot? It took you so long to realize what you did was wrong? I tried to make things better but you ignored me, neglected me. There's no second chance between us."
with that, you just walked away
there was no way you could forgive him after everything
your reputation and even part of your confidence have suffered because of him
he was just so cruel to you for so long that it wasn't possible to forgive him
throughout the next few weeks, Vil was lingering in spaces around you
like he was testing to see if you would change your mind
you wouldn't
it was way to late for him to try and make things right
he even had sent some gifts to your room like that would make it better and get you to talk to him
as you continued to ignore him and his efforts, he eventually backed off
he couldn't force you to like him (he wanted to tho)
he completely understood why you didn't want to forgive him for everything
and while he respected your decision, he still cared about you despite it all
he kept his distance, but was still looking out for you
if he heard someone talking bad about you or causing you trouble, he would still defend you while keeping his distance
Vil holds on to the secret hope that you would someday forgive him
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s3raphimssins · 9 months
hi hi! :3 idk if you take chuu requests but id really like if you could do like a relationship reveal where the ada find out that reader is dating chuuya?? :3 much love <3
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷summary: they weren't supposed to know! but now that they do how do you make it less awkward.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷pairings: chuuya x fem!ada reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷warnings: none!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Felix's note: yes! ofcourse! i write about chuu! sorry i took too long! <3 have a great day/night! hope you like it! heart divider by: @cafekitsune <3
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the taste of wine lingered on your tongue as the gravity manipulator was holding you on his lap. His tongue roaming your mouth, the kiss never seemed to stop. You were making out since a few minutes and you pulled away to breathe.
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"missed ya" he said putting his head on your shoulder.
"I missed you too, but i have to go"
You were in his tinted car in the backseat with him .This wasn't the first time you two met like this. You two had kept this relationship a secret for a while now. You were out to buy some stuff for the agency when chuuyas car stopped by and he pulled you in. Thankfully no one thought you were getting kidnapped this road was always silent, no one really passed here at 8 in the morning.
You two talked for a bit before you opened the car door to leave, when all of a sudden you heard someone whisper. "gotcha"
You yelped in surprise to see your co-worker Dazai standing behind you. "DAZAI?!" you heard chuuya scream as he got out of the car ready to launch at him.
"i see the chuu chuu here has got himself a girl, took you long enough" he smirked.
Chuuya grabbed his collar and asked harshly "you've been stalking us haven't you sly bastard"
You didn't even bother hearing their little bickering because what really took over your thoughts was the sight of the whole agency standing before you disappointed. You suddenly asked "does...everyone know?"
the pair stopped arguing and Dazai said "Ranpo had already figured it out, after i had my suspicions he agreed, i haven't told anybody but ranpo probably has" he said in an oddly cheery tone. Chuuya pushed Dazai away and put his hands on your shoulder "it's-kay doll, don't worry, it'll be okay". You nodded and smiled.
You and Dazai walked back to the agency. You were mostly the one talking asking questions and everything. As you came to the door of the agency you stopped in your tracks when you heard
"THEY'RE GOING TO REGRET THIS" as a fuming Kunnikida rushed out as if to tackle you. "DO YOU REALIZE THE SEVERITY OF YOUR ACTIONS?!" you let out an awkward chuckle and slid past him. Ranpo pointed at you "nothing can hide from the greatest detective!" as he shoved a lollipop in his mouth. You are so screwed. Kunnikida angrily wrote something as Dazai only fueled this anger making his pen snap.
Yosano on the other hand was not fazed. Like seriously at all. She came over to you and started asking questions about your relationship. "If he ever lets his anger get the best of him i wont hesitate to make him my next patient" she cracked her knuckles. "haHA! I can assure you um everything will be fine" you said awkwardly and held her hands down. Naomi and Tanizaki were doing..there own thing. Kenji was actually very happy and said "that mister was very nice! i would like to have lunch with him!" mind you they did. Atsushi on the other hand didn't know how to feel about it. He didn't have an opinion on it but also was a little intimidated by Chuuya, He congratulated you nonetheless.
Everything was going...well? no one really cared except for Kunnikida who keeps scolding you and literally has smoke coming out of his ears.
"i need to meet him" he says angrily.
"woah there old man, relax, slow down" you pat Kunnikidas back as he gently but passive aggressively smacked your hand away.
atleast it went well...you hope the agency does not have secret murder plans against Chuuya; as if they already didn't; but now Dazai seems more set on annoying Chuuya the next time they meet.
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Apparently, Boot Camp Doesn't Have Lessons in Subtlety
Rating: T - Word Count: 3.5k
Read on Ao3
Benny DeMarco doesn't get paid enough to sleep in the same barrack as the Bucks at the POW camp in the winter months once everyone has to start sharing bunks…
Buck and Bucky are sharing a bunk and let's just say they are not subtle about anything that is going on in that bed. If anyone was oblivious to the feelings going on between the two of them before, it's never been more obvious than now.
Benny DeMarco is pretty over it, but he'll also defend them to his dying breath. Oh, and he's taken to gossiping about them with John Brady.
A companion fic to my 5+1 Clegan bedsharing fic In your arms (I think I might survive) giving a humorous outsider perspective from the men of the 100th and those sharing the barrack with Buck and Bucky.
Benny DeMarco does not get paid enough to put up with petty shit in life. Specifically, the Bucks. Specifically how not subtle they are about their obvious feelings for each other.
God, could they be more obvious?
It was obvious from the moment Bucky came walking in the gates asking if Buck made it. Sure, the two were best friends and that was a normal question, but anyone who has eyes could've seen the way Bucky's whole demeanor changed once he caught sight of his "best friend."
Best friends my ass.
Best something, though, that's for sure.
It's usually not horribly distracting or overt, though. They pass as friends most of the time unless Bucky is drunk, Benny supposes, or they're arguing in which case they act like a goddamn married couple. They fly under the radar pretty easily at the prisoner-of-war camp for that reason. No danger, really. The Nazis would have their heads for any kind of association. Everyone knows how the Germans feel about that sort of thing. It's not spoken about. Hell, most people everywhere don't look too kindly on it, but DeMarco's not the kind of man who thinks somebody should be murdered because of the way they're living their life. It's not like some happiness in another person is worthy of the death sentence. That's just madness. And Buck and Bucky are some of DeMarco's best friends, he could never feel hatred toward them.
Annoyance? So much. And in increasing amounts...
See, they were fine until it got cold at night then Benny is certain everyone in the whole of their Barracks became painfully aware of the fact that they were painfully in love with each other because — goddamn it — they were sleeping in the same bunk and if it wasn’t obvious before that the two were hopelessly smitten with each other, well, after that it certainly was.
For one thing, Buck Cleven has the worst case of puppy dog eyes that Benny has ever seen. He’s had it bad for a while now (since before Benny went down and was still back at base) with his little soft smiles that he thinks he hides so well and mostly (mostly!) only gives Bucky when he’s not looking — but everyone else is.
LORD give him strength.
And then there’s Bucky.
That man antagonizes the fuck out of Buck at any given chance and Benny doesn’t even think he realizes it. And the worst thing is they both seem to like it. It’s the strangest thing and Benny is sure that this is their way of flirting.
Which is entirely infuriating because it’s the most annoying thing in the universe to be around.
Bucky’s antics only increase once they start sharing a bunk, and Benny’s not sure if it has more to do with his close proximity to Buck or his general cabin fever due to the German winter at the Stalag. Whatever the cause, Bucky is incorrigible, and his behavior at times is nigh impossible to deal with. Though, Benny has to admit, the moments of levity do bring several of the other men out of their low moments more often than not, himself included, so he can’t fault Bucky too much for his attitude. Even when he pisses Benny off, he is a light in the dark camp.
Still makes Benny want to punch him in the face half the time, but in a brotherly way.
And if the two of them are bad during the daytime, that’s nothing compared to how transparent they are when they’re actually snuggled together at night.
Now, Benny’s not an idiot. It’s winter. Even he is sharing a bunk. It’s cold as fuck outside and even he understands the necessity to shove aside pride and get in close quarters with a buddy for the foreseeable future. But, the Bucks have taken this situation and turned it into a nightly slumber party.
After the lights turn out they stay up whispering and giggling with each other like a couple of school girls. He’s convinced if their hair grew out long enough while they were here in the camp, the two of them would spend the nights braiding each other’s.
It’s not like Benny is especially complaining that they’re talking. They’re not that loud; he can’t even tell what they’re saying and he’s not sure anyone could even those in the bunks closest to them (though, the men in the bunks above and below them soon found themselves migrating away due to the way the Bucks consistently stayed up talking at night— nobody wanted to be in their bubble. They were a whole world unto themselves. Again— not subtle). So, it’s not the volume that bothers Benny about their conversations at night. It’s not even really that he’s bothered. It’s just that, really? It’s every night. And maybe Benny can admit to being just a little jealous because it’s not like he has a best friend here. Or anyone to talk to. Not that he would really want someone so important to him to be experiencing the Stalag alongside him, but it’s significant that in a place like this, the Bucks have each other. They seem to be holding together better individually because they have one another.
It pisses Benny off as much as anything else does. It’s not rational, but it makes their voices carrying across the room at night irritate him. He tries not to let it get to him because it’s not fair that them having a sliver of happiness should make him feel that way, but he’s just a man.
He starts to get over it when he starts gossiping with John Brady who is in another barrack, but also from the 100th and knows as well as he does what it is to know the Bucks.
“Brady, you have no idea— Bucky has it so bad. Yesterday we were all sitting around shootin’ the shit after lunch and— I swear to god— Buck gave him this look like he was being an idiot — because he was — and Bucky just leaned in real close to him like none of the rest of us were even there, face almost touching, no sense of personal space whatsoever—“
“Well, hey, it’s not like Bucky’s ever been good at personal space with his buddies much anyway—"
“Yeah, but usually he’s drunk. But listen to this next bit. Bucky leans in real close to Buck, fully sober, grinning like an idiot, and says ‘I could show you a thing or two.’” Benny lets it hang in the air, waiting for Brady’s response. He has his hands splayed in a well? gesture. Brady’s eyebrows fly up and he leans toward Benny in interest.
“You were all talking about baseball, right? But still, that is… very not subtle. A blatant flirtation.”
“I know.”
“Buck must know that too, right?”
“Please, Buck is always flirting with Bucky. He just does it differently. That man is not subtle either.” Brady seems confused by that, not convinced.
“Wait, what do you mean, I’ve never seen him flirt with anyone. Doesn’t he have a girl back home he’s writing to? I thought they were pretty serious!”
Benny makes a placating gesture and leans back in his chair. “I’m not saying he’s not serious with his girl back home or anything, but the way he makes eyes at Bucky is not a made-up thing. And anyone who’s ever read the Bible knows a man can have more than one lover.”
“I’m just saying…”
But the thing is, the Bucks really aren’t subtle. Like, at all.
And if Bucky thinks he’s quiet in any sense of the word then he’s a damn fool.
Buck may be able to keep quiet most of the time in the daylight, being that he keeps mostly to himself and is pretty private, not saying too much, and isn’t overtly given to random outbursts of sound. But Bucky? Bucky is the pure opposite of Buck. In the daytime, he’s impulsive and will make stray comments on any conversation whether he’s a part of it or not, whether it’s appropriate or not. The only time Benny has ever seen Bucky hold his tongue is when it’s in a professional capacity in front of a superior officer, and even then half the time Bucky is mouthing back and risking his career.
To say this translates to the situation with the Bucks is to say that the sky is blue.
Meaning in December everyone in the Barrack with the Bucks is aware there is a change in the nature of the relationship between the two of them.
They are not subtle. Heavy breathing and the occasional low moan from their bunk is not an unusual occurrence starting sometime in December with increasing frequency.
Nobody says anything about it.
The Bucks are both happier for the shift in their dynamic and anytime somebody goes to complain about it, all of the men from the 100th noticeably stiffen and glare. They’re protective of their Majors to the end. All of them would likely die for either of the Bucks, let alone sucker punch anyone who criticized the men for finding happiness in wartime.
It’s not really a conscious decision on Benny’s part, to defend the Bucks and their relationship, it’s just that any time he hears anyone start to get a little tetchy about it, he gets defensive. So what if they’re keeping you up a bit? Shove off, put some wool in your ears, and deal with it, it’s the damn war. Stop being such a damn child about it.
They don’t complain anymore after that.
It’s just the way it is after that. Nobody says anything about it to anyone else. If the 100th is this protective of the Majors for mere comments, imagine how they would be with an actual threat? DeMarco’s not sure the 100th would be able to leave a man alive. Or at least unscarred— probably scare a man into secrecy if they even thought about saying anything about their Majors.
The days surrounding Christmas are perhaps some of the most awkward days of DeMarco’s life. Not only because it’s Christmas and he’s trying to ignore the holiday, not get caught up in his complicated feelings about the Holy Day that he wished he was spending with family back home, or even on base in more favorable circumstances with more friends, but also because the Bucks are acting weird. There’s a definite tension between them like they’re fighting. It carries into the next day too and the itchy feeling permeates into the air like a bad smell and affects everyone. It’s frankly awful.
Even Brady, who’s not in the same Barracks takes note of it at meal time.
“Benny, why does it feel like Mom and Dad are fighting and it’s my fault?”
“Thank GOD I’m not the only one who noticed!”
“I mean, look at them! They’re sitting right across from each other, and they keep glancing at each other when the other isn’t looking and they’re all moping sad eyes! What is going on?”
“Fuck if I know, Brady.”
“How long until they make up?”
“God, I hope it’s soon.”
Brady has a wild smirk on his face. “My bets are on tomorrow night. By the next morning, they’ll be acting back to normal— just you see.” His eyes are like a madman and Benny can’t see any logical conclusion to what he’s saying.
“No way in hell, kid. I’ll take you on that.”
But when he wakes up the next morning to Bucky’s horrible renditions of the birthday song, Benny knows he’s beat. That little shit knew too much. If Benny had known today was Gale Cleven’s birthday he never would have doubted that the Bucks would reconcile today.
And reconcile they do.
By the end of the night, Benny is convinced anyone in the Barrack who didn’t already know about the Bucks surely does by now because—
They. Are. Not. Subtle.
Sometimes Benny wishes he could bleach his brain.
He loves his friend, but really, the two of them are colossal idiots.
There was more moaning tonight than usual and the culprit was none other than Buck, which is honestly surprising too since he’s the quiet one between the two of them for most of his life. But it is his birthday.
And— goddamn it— Benny does not need to think about what kind of present Bucky must be giving Buck tonight. Because that is just way too much.
But really? REALLY? In front of all of them?
Benny DeMarco is not getting paid enough to deal with the Bucks.
Benny shuffles into the mess in the morning and sits at his usual table waiting for Brady with his head in his hands. When he sees the Bucks walk in shoulder to shoulder, practically glued to the hip once again, talking quietly about the fuck knows what Buck smiling with his eyes and Bucky practically vibrating out of his skin with wild energy—
Well, Benny knows he’s lost the bet.
Damn, Brady.
Speak of the devil. The younger man takes a seat at the table across from him with a smirk, inclining his head toward the smitten couple a ways down the mess, but doesn’t say anything.
“Oh, shut up, Brady, I got enough of an earful last night.”
Brady’s eyebrows go up comically high at that. “Wait, no! Now you have to dish!”
Benny glares. “As if you didn’t know already that it was Cleven’s birthday yesterday.”
Brady has the decency to look sheepish at that. “I’ll admit, I may have had some insider knowledge there— but how was I supposed to know you didn’t also know? All’s fair, and that.”
“Whatever. You really sure you want to hear this one, Brady?”
“Since when have you been shy about the exploits and drama of the Bucks, Benny?” He’s sure his face must be red. Benny glances over his shoulder where the men are sitting across from each other, chatting like the tension of the last few days never happened.
“Okay, fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. They— well, obviously I don’t know anything for certain, but…”
“But what? Spit it out, Benny!”
Benny covers his eyes with his hand. Why is this so hard to say? Is it because it’s his friends? Is it because they’re men? He doesn’t know, but it feels so secretive like he can’t say it in the daylight. He takes the hand away and leans in a little closer. “Well, I’m pretty sure that Bucky got Buck off last night. There was so much moaning and most all of it was Buck. Some sort of birthday surprise. It’s never been like that before, ya know?”
Brady’s eyes go comically wide, his jaw falling slack just so. His eyes dart over Benny’s shoulder to where the Majors are. Benny wonders if he’s broken the poor kid. After a moment, the biggest grin Benny has ever seen splits Brady’s face.
Benny is so confused.
Several people around them look over at Brady’s outburst.
“Brady, shut up!” Benny hisses between clenched teeth.
“Sorry! Sorry, it’s just. I mean, it’s kinda romantic, innit? I mean, you know they met at bootcamp, right? They always tell stories about falling in love during hopeless circumstances and how love overcomes everything— to actually see it happen? I mean, c’mon! Look at them! They’re beating the odds! They keep surviving everything and even though they both got downed in Germany, they both made it here to the same place? Beating the odds again? How can I not be excited that their friendship destined for more is becoming that? And that they’re making it work despite that?” Brady’s staring off into the distance, a goofy-looking smile on his face, his eyes practically filled with hearts, and Benny—
Benny is just staring at him with a dumbfounded expression.
What the actual fuck is going on here.
Benny gets it on a superficial level. What the kid said makes sense in a girly romance-novel sort of way, but it doesn’t connect for him the same way. The Bucks are just his friends and they’re just two guys who like each other and maybe had sex last night way too close to him in the barracks.
Brady is something else.
After that, everything escalates. The Bucks are all over each other day and night it seems, and Brady is always either talking to Benny about them or hounding him for information. It’s like the Bucks bring Brady hope in the camp, but Benny is concerned that it’s bordering on obsessive. As for the Bucks themselves… well, they’re still flying under the radar during the day to anyone who doesn’t know them, but for the love of all that is holy Benny just must know them because it’s like all he can see are their little glances and nods. The way they leave things around for each other in hidden gestures that mean something to the other. How one of them will quirk an eyebrow or leave space for the other to fill.
He doesn’t mean to notice things. He’s trained his whole life to be an observant man! It’s in his nature to pick up on interpersonal dynamics. He could do this with his eyes closed. (At night he does this with his eyes closed and he wishes he could just knock himself unconscious but he swears those men are making out in the bunk across the way. He just knows it).
So, when it’s Valentine’s Day and Buck gets a letter from his sweet, sweet Marge and Buck absolutely shuts down, Benny really should have seen that coming. It surprises him that he didn’t see it coming, actually.
“Brady they’re acting like idiots.”
“Why? It’s Valentine’s Day! They’ve been dating since at least Buck’s birthday— what could possibly have happened?”
“That’s the thing, Brady. I have a theory.”
“Uh-oh. What is it.”
“Listen here, kid, I dunno how well you’ll take this.”
Brady’s eyebrows draw together.
“You don’t think they broke up on Valentine’s, do you?” Brady sounds horrified even at the thought. Before Benny can get in a word edgewise to calm him down, Brady is talking again. “But even if they did have some big blowout fight— Benny! They would never stay apart for long! Look at those two through everything! I mean—“
“Brady! That’s not it at all!”
All the stress instantly drops from Brady’s frame and is replaced with confusion in a moment.
“It’s not? Then… what is it.”
Benny heaves a sigh and runs a weary hand through his hair. Not paid enough for this…
“Listen, Buck got another letter from Marge today, right, ‘cause it’s Valentine’s and all, and Bucky got all sad about it—“
“Right! That makes sense.”
“Stop interrupting me.”
Benny glares.
“Sorry,” Brady says again, hands up in a peace offering.
After another moment of staring Brady down, Benny continues. “As I was saying, Bucky got all hurt about the letter, so my theory is that these two idiots,” Benny leans in closer and drops his voice for security’s sake as he continues, “have been dicking around this whole time and never actually talked about the fact that they’re both in love with each other.”
Brady gasps— loudly. He looks even more horrified than when he thought the Bucks broke up.
“SHUT UP!” Benny hisses, looking around to make sure nobody is watching them. “But think about it for a minute.
“There’s no way they haven’t talked about it, Benny! You said so yourself, they’re always up at night talking and whispering— for hours sometimes!”
Benny gives him a wary look. “Yeah, but you honestly think either Buck or Bucky is willingly talking about their feelings for hours and hours?”
Brady purses his lips. “You got me there.”
There’s a beat of silence between them as they both sit with the revelation of it all.
“What happens now, then?”
“Well, one thing is for sure, if Bucky mopes around the barracks for one more goddamn minute I’ll lose my fucking mind, so I’m going to go tell Buck that his boyfriend is being an idiot. And frankly? That he is too.”
“Well, you better let me know how it goes tomorrow! This is SERIOUS, Benny!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure whether I want to or not, you’ll find a way to get it out of me.”
Brady does, in fact, get the story out of Benny the next day.
“Brady, would you calm down? And shut the hell up? I just told you what happened!”
“I know, I know! I just can’t believe it. You really mean to tell me that Bucky was moping in his own bunk after MONTHS of sleeping in Buck’s and when Buck confronted him about it he stood at the foot and talked and then suddenly aggressively climbed on top of Bucky for some sexually charged fight until they eventually just started making out?”
“That’s what I just said, Brady, yes.”
Brady starts laughing and doesn’t stop until there are tears in the corners of his eyes.
“I’m also pretty sure they said I love you, but I never can actually hear them. Just from the context.”
“Brady SHUT UP!”
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inkmemes · 2 months
never stop blowing up  (  2024-  )  e02 : and that's whirred up sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  dimension 20's 22nd season.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“i'm just a lanky boy.”
“hello! nobody's home.”
“don't mess with brooklyn.”
“and what if i swallow it?”
“i wish you wouldn't.”
“i'm not hearing no!”
“it's beautiful.”
“you gettin' a little fucked up already?”
“i mean, i feel pretty fucked up.”
“that's for… that's for me? you want me to put that in my body?”
“okay, why don't you try some first?”
“you all right? you're looking a little green around the gills.”
“we can't afford this.”
“oh, um… i'm just being funny today.”
“i didn't get it. it didn't seem funny to me.”
“when you do drugs, sometimes you have ego death and it doesn't feel like you're you anymore.”
“this is paid for? this is, we got this? this is fine?”
“what are you asking?”
“i actually thought we were bonding.”
“wait, so you're not mad at me?”
“nothing you could do would ever make me mad.”
“i'd date him.”
“god, cutie alert.”
“this guy brought dogs to a nightclub!”
“he's really old. he has like, no teeth.”
“just taking notes on a fucking conspiracy.”
“see, when someone doesn't answer right away, you feel the need to keep going.”
“oh, okay, so you're making accusations.”
“i'm like, a little nervous that we left things in a weird place.”
“i don't even know this guy.”
“snort some and then sell the rest for money.”
“i don't want me to be happy!”
“i guess let's have some more of these drinks.”
“i didn't write down where i was supposed to go.”
“what's going on?”
“oh my god, he's dead.”
“you're on top of a building.”
“wait, a man just jumped off of a building?”
“i think [name] is attracted to this man.”
“is this a gun?”
“wait! come with me!”
“did i love him?”
“it was all a blur. i was getting thrown around like you can't believe.”
“yeah, he really gave it to, huh?”
“i wanna go out on the town.”
“we don't have the same room?”
“he left me up here on the street?”
“that was cool, man. i don't know what you want me to say.”
“i've been shot!”
“i've never been in a hotel this nice.”
“it's so hot. it's so hot.”
“there's dead guys all over the ground.”
“the floor is sleek with blood.”
“don't know how to spell that.”
“what the fuck?”
“sneak is like their primary fucking thing.”
“it's crazy that they just straight-up advertise that.”
“dude, this movie fucking rules!”
“i'm gonna need that from you.”
“tell me what i was supposed to do.”
“i think he's just starting to sweat.”
“you are wearing a tuxedo, baby.”
“just getting my sea legs, man.”
“could you send me a ping?”
“come on, man. we got bigger fish to fry. you gonna get hung up on this right now?”
“i've watched this.”
“i can't wait to see you.”
“i'm not the only one feeling pressure.”
“i'm probably not even gonna show up to work.”
“you told me what to do, i'm gonna do it, no argument.”
“i hate doing what people tell me to do.”
“he didn't think you were a shithead. there was trust there.”
“you were given an impossible thing to do.”
“i'm going so fast.”
“i'm still on my learner's permit!”
“i don't know who you're talking about!”
“does it look like the car is like, toast?”
“get outta there. those guys are some bad dudes.”
“i fucking love it.”
“i didn't know!”
“i fucking think it's a great fucking choice.”
“none of these are good enough.”
“[name], i thought you were dead.”
“that's why he hates me and that's why he stabbed me.”
“that's why he hates me and in turn why i hate him.”
“that was a weird interaction you just had.”
“oh, don't worry. i'm not gonna do anything with it. i'm just kinda holding it 'cause it feels necessary.”
“they can take care of themselves.”
“i'm getting it under control.”
“oh my god. this must be my fault. what did i do?”
“i hate new technology.”
“how the hell did you get that number? never call me on that line.”
“they're dancing together.”
“why the fuck are you calling me at the bureau?”
“can i get a second one?”
“oh fuck, they're all dead. they're all fucking dead.”
“goddamn it! [name], did you fuck us?”
“no, don't you fucking hang up on me!”
“we are gonna find a way to make this right.”
“did you get nabbed by the feds? what happened?”
“what do they want you to do?”
“but you know who you are.”
“it made so much sense in my brain.”
“what are you talking about?”
“yes! oh my god, fuck!”
“you had it in you all along, kid.”
“it's crazy. it was crazy down there.”
“can't say i'm surprised.”
“you must not have been invited.”
“that's a really interesting question i'm not willing to open up.”
“don't tell me what to do.”
“and it's weird 'cause it's not… it's like an emotional feeling. it's not a logical thing, right?”
“you're the guy from the movie!”
“i have a motorcycle.”
“we should go to a bar or something.”
“let's go get a drink. i wanna see the town!”
“i'm already deciding that i'm making that for you.”
“i mean, we're in a fucking movie together.”
“it's the '80s, baby.”
“i'm fucking pissed.”
“i wanna get out and i wanna solve this crime!”
“oh, are you looking for companionship?”
“oh, she sounds mean.”
“i think you're getting your groove back.”
“i want an appletini.”
“we're doing a drink crawl or something like that.”
“you look awful. you look bad. worst i've ever seen.”
“what, you want me to pretend i'm happy to see you, [name]?”
“watch where you're going!”
“i was just trying to like, prank.”
“someone wants to decapitate you.”
“you're probably the strongest dude i've seen.”
“just really good to be touched.”
“i think you need it.”
i'll go find parking, but i'll meet you at the hotel bar.”
“oh my god, [name], how are you doing? you look great.”
“oh, you've been waiting for that for so long.”
“wait, what?”
53 notes · View notes
bigasswritingmagnet · 7 months
Stop. Talking.
Fandom: Girl Genius Pairing: Gil/Tarvek/Agatha Summary: Tarvek and Gil are perfectly happy sharing Agatha. They're getting along really well these days. Except...for some reason, all of a sudden, Gil just can't seem to stop insulting Tarvek. He's not even trying to do it! It's just like when he was trying to propose to Agatha-
Uh oh.
AO3 link
‘The consorts are fighting again.’
Agatha didn’t look up from the clockwork spread out on the workbench in front of her.
“They do that,” she said, distractedly.
‘In my experience, such restlessness is usually caused by particular needs going unfullfi-’
Without looking up, Agatha picked up a small death ray from a nearby stool and pointed it at a particularly pretty mosaic on the wall.
“What is my rule?” she asked, using her free to hand to rearrange the cogs.
‘My presence and opinion are unwelcome in the bedroom,’ the castle said, quickly.
“Correct,” Agatha said, and set the death ray back down.  “Don’t worry about it. Bantering is how they communicate.”
‘It seems a little one-sided for bantering…’ the castle said, uncertainly.
Gil’s plaintive calls fell on deaf ears as Tarvek stormed down the hallway.
“It was a compliment,” Gil insisted, hurrying after him.
“It was not,” Tarvek snapped, white-faced. “My family practically invented the art of devious, backhanded fake compliments so believe me, Holtzfӓller, when I say that that was an insult.”
Gil winced. Tarvek only made that particular nominal slip-up when he was really, really mad.
“Well, it was supposed to be a compliment!”
Travek entered his study and slammed the door shut so abruptly Gil nearly walked right into it. Gil opened the door and immediately ducked as a letter opener sliced by, directly where his ear would have been.
Gil stared in shock at the letter opener—apparently having been sharpened more than Gil felt was necessary for merely cutting paper—vibrating half-buried in the wood of the far wall.
“Were you trying to—”
Stars burst in his eyes as something heavy slammed into the back of his head.
Rubbing the back of his head, Gil turned around and had just enough time to dodge volume 2 of the Encyclopedia Horrifica (which covered chanting, ominous through corn)
“Get! Out!”
“I’m trying to apologize!” Gil protested.
“No, you’re not!” Tarvek shot back. “You’re explaining to me why I shouldn’t be angry! That is not the same thing!”
“I—! Okay, fine! I’m sorry that you thought my compliment came across like an insult!”
He managed to avoid volume 3 (cosh through dzyzxs) but not volume 4, 5, or 6 (all of the letter E), which knocked him straight off his feet. Before Gil could rise, Tarvek slammed the door shut again. This time, Gil heard him lock it.
Agatha’s tongue stuck out in concentration as she picked up the fragile blown-glass bulb with the tips of her gloved fingers. Slowly, she lifted it up and set it in the gap between two pipes, holding it in place with one hand. With the other, she turned a dial, fraction by fraction, slowly increasing the pressure on the seal that would lock the whisper-thin—but extremely necessary—bulb into place.
Gil burst into the room with a crash of the door.
“You have to talk to Tarvek!”
Agatha didn’t even flinch.
“What did you do now?” she asked, keeping her eyes fixed on the task at hand.
“Wh-! Why do you think I did anything?” he demanded, indignantly.
“Because when he starts it, you have no problem finishing it. You only ever come to me when it’s your fault.”
“Wh-! You-! That-!” Gil sputtered.
“There!” Agatha said, as the pressure gauge clicked green. She locked the mechanism in place and stepped back, tugging off her gloves and looking at Gil.
“So. What did you do?”
“I gave him a compliment!” Gil said. “And he got mad at me!”  
Agatha gave him an I do not believe you look.
“We were talking about that big conference with the neighboring city states, and he made a couple of suggestions that were, y’know, Tarvek level sneaky.”
“And I said…I don’t remember exactly what I said, but he asked me what I meant and I said we all know you’re a devious underhanded weasel, but this is the best double-crossing you’ve done since Sturmhalten’. And he—” Gil paused at the look on Agatha’s face. “What? It was a compliment! He managed to outplay the Other! That’s impressive!”
“He was also outplaying me!" 
Gil scoffed.
“Well, yeah, but I wasn’t talking about that.”
“You didn’t specify!”
“Why should I? We forgave him for that, he knows that!”
Agatha shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“He’s sensitive about it.”
Gil snorted.
“Yeah, no kidding.”
Agatha pointed back at the door.
“Go apologize.”
“But I didn’t do anything—!”
“You know what he’s like! He expects double meanings and power plays everywhere, all the time! You gave a compliment; he heard you trying to dig in the knife by reminding him of what he considers one of the worst things he’s ever done.”
Gil opened his mouth, outraged. Gil considered what Agatha had said. Gil closed his mouth.
“What is with you lately?” Agatha demanded. “It’s like every time I turn around you’ve said something stupid enough to make him go storming off—Gil?"
Gil had gone pale.
“Oh no,” he whispered.
“What? Gil, what is it? What’s wrong?”
Gil did not answer. He was staring into space, gazing at some unseen horror. Agatha took him by the shoulders and shook him.
“It’s pathological,” he said, hoarsely. “It has to be. I thought it was just you, but no, this is, this is just what I’m like—”
“What are you talking about?” Agatha exclaimed. He lowered his head slowly to look at her, his eyes haunted and hollow.
“I’m in love with Tarvek.”
Agatha stared at him for a moment...then she put her hand to her mouth and let out a soft gasp. “Oh, it is pathological.”
“This is all my father’s fault,” he snarled, fists clenching. “All that work he put into protecting me and making me physically stronger and faster and he didn’t do anything that could save me from my own big fat mouth!” He collapsed forward, head on the workbench, arms flung over his head.
Agatha put her hands on his shoulders, patting reassuringly.
“I’m doomed,” Gil wailed.
“No, no, you’re not. Come on, Gil, you weren’t thinking about it before, but now that you know—”
“No!” Gil said, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. “Don't you understand? Tarvek and I hated each other for years! It took dying to get us to have a civil conversation, and now—!”
He clutched at his face, his imagination dancing nightmare scenarios before his eyes.
“I’m going to ruin everything,” he moaned. “I’m going to destroy everything we’ve built. You’re going to have to choose between us. When we have dinner he’s going to ask you to ask me to pass the salt because he won’t even want to talk to me enough to–Ack!”
Agatha spritzed him with the squirt bottle again.
“Stop that!” she said.
“You stop that!” he said, blinking water out of his eyes. “What is that?”
“It’s von Zinzer’s. He uses it when I start talking about dismantling the town for parts. Now listen to me.” She set the bottle down firmly and put her hands on her hips. “You are not going to ruin everything. You managed it with me, you can manage it with him.”
“Are you joking? We had to be trapped in the castle and almost permanently die about ten different times before you could trust me! And then we had all the–" Gil waved his hands around in a gesture that quite succinctly managed to sum up the overlay, his father freezing the town, two years of Agatha being missing in time, the collapsing empire, Martellus, Paris, England, god queens, inter-dimensional disasters, exorcism engines, and Martellus again. "–everything before we could be together!"  
"You and Tarvek were mad at each other for years, and it took you two days in the castle to get over it."
"By dying!"
'If you think it might help, I could always kill you again,' the castle suggested.
Without looking away from Gil, Agatha picked up the death ray and shot out a light.
"Gil, relax. You're overthinking this. Give Tarvek time to cool off, then go to him, and tell him you love him. No big explanation, just 'I love you'. You can do that, can't you?"
"Yes," Gil said. "I can do that."
He straightened up.
"I can do that," he said, confidently. Then he sagged "No I can't."
"I'll just start babbling! You know me! I'll open my mouth to say it and explanations will come out! Can't you tell him for me? He likes you." 
"He likes you, too!"
"But he doesn't love me!"
Gil swallowed hard, his eyes going overbright.
"I can't tell him," he whispered. "Not when he doesn't...and he doesn't."
Agatha sighed, softly.
"Gil..." She picked up her gloves and began whacking him with them. "Are you joking? After everything you two have been through together? Of course he loves you! That's why he doesn't stab you when you're an idiot!" 
Gil caught the gloves and pulled them out of her hand.
"You don't know that!" he insisted.
"I absolutely do! You, me, and Violetta might be the only people in the world who really know Tarvek, and I hear the way he talks about you when you're not there–" She grabbed the gloves back and punctuated her statement with three solid whacks. "So I am telling you! With confidence! That he loves you!"
She pointed at the door.
"Now go think about what you're doing to say to him. Plan it out. Give him time to cool off. And then go tell him how you feel, or so help me Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, I will tell the Jӓgers you want their help."
Gil waited two days. Not because it took Tarvek two days to stop being mad at Gil, but because Gil was sure his nerves would eat him alive if he waited any longer. Tarvek had stopped leaving the room when Gil walked in, and Gil would just have to hope that that would be enough.
Tarvek was in the library, flipping idly through a book on poisons and occasionally making corrections in red ink. He didn't look up when Gil cleared his throat.
"I'm busy."
"I need to talk to you."
"Write me a note."
"Would you please just—" Gil sighed. "Just hear me out?"
Tarvek, every motion extremely pointed and deliberate, set the pen aside, slid the bookmark between the pages, shut the book, and gave Gil his full attention.
Gil's palms began to sweat.
“And let me actually finish, before you start yelling at me.” Gil said, and winced internally. No, that was much too rude, now Tarvek was narrowing his eyes and bristling. Quick, quick, the speech! You practiced the speech! What was the speech?
“The reason I've been so rude lately is because you—” No, no, no, no, you are NOT starting a love confession with it's your fault I'm insulting you. “I know I’ve been acting like an idiot lately—”
He paused, expecting Tarvek to make a comment, but Tarvek just raised his eyebrows.
“The thing is,” Gil said. “The thing is, I…” He took a deep breath. “I’m—”
“You’re in love with me,” Tarvek finished for him.
Gil’s jaw dropped.
“You knew?”
Tarvek snorted.
“Of course I knew. I knew months ago. It was so obvious.”
“It wasn’t obvious to me!” Gil blustered.
“Really? You didn’t notice that you’ve been acting exactly like you used to act around Agatha?”
“Eventually!” Gil sputtered. “So all of this being mad and throwing things at me, you were just winding me up?”
“No,” Tarvek said, plainly. “You were genuinely insulting and I didn’t see any reason to let you off the hook just because I knew why it was happening.”
Gil stared at him, and Tarvek’s mouth curled up into a smirk, the cat construct that ate the mutant canary.
"And I was winding you up."
Gil stared, speechlessly. Tarvek tossed his book onto the cushion beside him and stood. 
"Actually, I was kind of hoping you'd take longer to put it together—it’s fun watching you flail around.”
“I take it back,” Gil said, flatly. “I hate you. I hate you forever and ever and ever.”
Tarvek put his hand on the back of Gil’s head, and kissed him.
It was a very, very good kiss. Gil was relieved to find he enjoyed it exactly as much as he enjoyed kissing Agatha, which had been a concern, but then Tarvek put his arm around Gil and pressed in close and opened his mouth against Gil’s and that was about it for any sort of higher brain function for Gil for the remainder of the kiss.
“Um,” Gil said, finally. “You’re. Very good at that.”
“I am,” Tarvek said, sweetly.
“I still hate you.”
“Sure you do.”
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six-eyed-samurai · 6 days
Hello ! (I’m not sure if your requests are open but I love your fics so I really wanted to try 😭) Could you maybe write a Genya x Male reader one ? Where like Genya deals with confusion and internalised homophobia after realising he fell in love with a guy ? IM SO SORRY IF YOU DONT DO MALE READERS OR SMTH LIKE THAT, HAVE A GOOD DAY !!
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SUMMARY: Genya's emotionally constipated. It's the Shinazugawa genes - but even more so when it comes to...guys?!
A/N: KYAAH Ty anon glad you enjoyed, and DW my inbox is open anytime I'm just a little slow in writing rn because of exams and I'm moving house. I have done male reader before but I'm not too used to writing gay T-T so I'm sorry if this turned out the way you wanted
WARNINGS: Male reader in case you don't read the asks and only warnings/Minor swearing
Much romance happens at Kimetsu Academy.
There's Zenitsu and Nezuko, although Genya considers it more of an obsession on the blonde’s end seeing as Nezuko doesn't openly display any signs of liking him back romantically, whatever the delusional idiot thinks. There's also Tanjiro and Kanao, the perfect epitome of friends to lovers. And whatever Aoi and Inosuke have going on.
But none of that ever happened to Genya. Sure, he thought the occasional girl was pretty or nice, but aside from the fact he explodes into a tomato just from a simple “hello” he's never been actually interested. Of course that occasionally made him feel a bit left out amongst his friends, like he was missing something great, but hey, Muichiro and him would be single pringles forever and that was fine.
(Genya's very betrayed to find out Muichiro had received a confession…and was considering accepting it.)
But it was a little unbelievable to the Kamaboko Squad that in all of the sixteen years of his life he had never had a crush, hence the interrogation they were giving him that particular day during lunch.
“Have you never fallen in love? At all?!” Genya wants to snort; as if Zenitsu would ever notice anybody else's love life but his own.
Tanjiro calmly shoved Inosuke away from a fuming Genya, smiling brightly. “I'm sure Genya has one! And we'll be more than happy to help him confess!”
“Aren't crushes supposed to be secret-”
“Then we have to figure out who it is first!” Zenitsu hollers.
“Is it Kocho?!”
Kanao, Tanjiro and Genya both look scandalised but Zenitsu barrels on. Aoi face palms. Inosuke steals everyone's food.
“Is it Kanrojii?!”
“Why is everyone you're listing so much older than me!”
“OKAY, OKAY! Uh…Koyuki-”
“Sheesh, I got it, stop yelling! That Shabana girl?”
“Just why-”
“Maybe Genya does like someone but just doesn't realize it,” Kanao offers timidly.
“That's a good point, Kanao!” Tanjiro beams, causing Genya and Kanao to flush red but for entirely different reasons.
“How am I supposed to know if I like someone?”
“If you find them cute?”
“That seems really superficial,” Aoi says disapprovingly.
“You'll get really nervous around them, like your heart speeds up. You'll probably stare at them a lot too, and want to do lots of things for them, maybe hold open doors?” Tanjiro nods wisely.
“And they're the first person you look at to see if they're laughing at a joke,” Kanao agrees.
Genya considers. “Then none of the girls you just listed, honestly.”
“It's alright, you'll find the one for you one day. There's no rush now.”
Truth be told Genya had lied.
It wasn't a lie exactly either. More of…an avoidance of the truth. He didn't feel that way about any girls Zenitsu had mentioned, or any of the girls at school.
But he did like someone, yes.
Or no. Definitely not. It couldn't possibly be.
“Oh, hey, Shinazugawa.” Your simple wave as you joined his side outside the classroom door was enough to get his heart pounding and slightly sweaty like he had just suffered an entire class with the gym teacher Tomioka.
“Thanks for holding the door!” You call out over your shoulder, flashing him a bright smile while entering the class and taking your seat. You immediately turn to start talking with your friends, something Genya's extreme thankfully for because then you can't see the tomato red that's painting his face as he's still stuck, frozen and speechless, by the door. Only Iguro-sensei’s cold “Do you plan to have the lesson by the door or something?” Shook him out of it.
You're so confusing, Genya thinks, averting his eyes when you catch his with a mouthed “oops” and raised eyebrows, because he wants to revel in your attention and hide in a hole from it at the same time.
It was a pleasant kind of confusion, though. The kind he wouldn't mind thinking about forever; it gave him an oddly warm, fidgety feeling inside like he had just drunk an entire thermos of hot chocolate and got marshmallows to top it off. Then he promptly slaps himself (mentally) because he shouldn't be thinking about this, that and you.
Not like it stopped him from staring at the back of your head all through class. He doesn't realize it until your friend turns their head around and makes a face at him, leaning closer to you to whisper something. Genya panics and ducks his head, burying it into his arms for a few minutes before he judges it's safe to look up.
And when he does you're smiling at him knowingly, as if the both of you knew something the rest don't. Oh good lord.
Your laughter is something Genya wishes he could make as well, when the whole class watches Iguro-sensei trying to tell Inosuke off, but the dumbass can't get the teacher’s name right at all. He finds himself laughing as well, a combination of that and because of you before it hits him.
“You'll get really nervous around them, like your heart speeds up. You'll probably stare at them a lot too, and want to do lots of things for them, maybe hold open doors?”
Oh shit. Check, check, check.
“And they're the first person you look at to see if they're laughing at a joke.”
And check?!
Shit shit shit shit shit-
Genya groans. He does like you after all.
But that's not right, it's got to be wrong.
You're a boy. Genya's not gay…at least he didn't think so…Then again he's never actually liked a girl. But he's never liked a boy either. Until you.
Forget it! You're not a crush, you're the reason why Genya is going to drive himself crazy right now! Hell, why did the idea feel so wrong but so right at the same time?
Genya rubbed his temples. If he was being honest the idea only seemed so wrong because…well, because he's just never considered that possibility before. It just hasn't really occured to him he might be attracted to the same gender. It's a new concept, yes, but…not really a terrible one. He got all red with girls yes but it wasn't because he like-liked them or thought they were cute.
Was crushing on a guy really going to be any different than a girl then? Genya groaned again. Judging by his behaviour these days…yeah, not really.
Okay, then if hypothetically he DID like you and he liked guys…how would Sanemi and his friends react? Would they still want to hang out with him? Would Sanemi still…consider him his brother? What would his mom think?
What a headache. What would…you think? It'd be pretty embarrassing to like you and you're straight, Genya thought. Then again was he even sure he was gay, even certain he had a big fat crush on you?
“Hey, you alright?” The voice startles Genya out of his thoughts. He lifts up his head and looks around, startled to see everyone's left. Shit, he hadn't even realized class was over. Idiot.
He glances to his left and nearly dies of fright.
You cock an eyebrow. “Um, seeing a ghost, Genya?”
“No!” He just about shouts, flailing his arms as he tries to stop himself from falling out of his chair. “I'm fine! Really! Sorry…just, just kinda out of it.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
Yeah, let's talk about how I've just realized I might be-
“It's fine, it's nothing important.” Genya notices your fidgeting however. “What about you?”
You hesitate. You're playing with your sleeves quite nervously. It's making him paranoid.
“I'm just…there's a new arcade that just opened up.”
“Sounds fun,” Genya offers. He's got barely enough brain cells still functioning from the close proximity between you both.
“I was wondering - um, do you wanna go with me? I can buy all the tokens,” you quickly blurted out and held your breath.
“N-no. Just you and me. Like on a date.” You rub the back of your neck, looking away. “No - no pressure or anything! I know you might not be into guys, you might already like a girl-"
“You're gay.”
You wince at his tone. Genya wishes he hadn't sounded so accusing. “Last I checked, yeah.”
“Sounds fun,” Genya repeats dumbly, because holy shit, you like him you like guys too he likes guys he really wants to go to the arcade with you oh thank god-
You blink. “So that's a…yes?”
“Absolutely.” Genya waves his hands frantically. “If you're still up for it! Nothing’s awkward! I - I do want to go as a date, not as friends, and, uh-"
He snaps his head away, embarrassed, but he glances back long enough to see you grinning like you've won the lottery.
"Does 2 pm work for you?"
Shit. He really does like you after all. And with the way you're smiling at him like that maybe he can deal with whatever bullshit that's going to come next.
“Hey Genya, do you want to come over this weekend?”
“Muichiro wants to go to that pizza place again.”
The Tokito twins stare at him expectantly over the usual din of the Kamaboko Squad's usual shenanigans. Now or never.
“Sorry, I'm busy.”
“With what?” Muichiro looks out off; Yuichiro frowns in surprise.
“With someone.”
The silence was so thick you could've cut it with a knife - or Zenitsu's screaming.
“Is it a date?” Tanjiro managed to slap a hand over the blonde's mouth while Aoi deals with Inosuke. The twins and Kanao's mouths hang open in surprise.
Genya picked at his food. “Yeah. At the new arcade.”
“I thought you were planning to be single forever-”
“Shut up, Mui!”
“With who?"
He says your name and again the silence is thick.
Tanjiro's eyes light up in recognition and shock. “Isn't that the new boy?”
Genya nods stiffly.
“You're…gay?” Kanao asks tentatively.
Genya nods again.
“I had no idea! I never would've guessed either.” Tanjiro shakes his head, stunned. Much to Genya's relief…he's smiling? “But good for you, Genya, I'm sure you'll enjoy the date!”
This wasn't so bad after all. It's like a weight’s been lifted off his shoulders. Now it's just how well…Sanemi will take it and his family. Probably not as easy.
“I thought it was a little weird you rejected that cute girl the other day.” Muichiro looks excited. “Now I've got a gay best friend!”
“What are you, twelve?” Yuichiro grumbles, but turns to Genya. “Have a good time then.”
“THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! DON'T SHOCK US LIKE THAT, GENYA!” Zenitsu finally squawks, clutching his heart.
“Wait, what's gay?” Inosuke's lost. “Is Genma happy or something?!”
Never mind.
“Damn, I knew you were good at shooting, but basketball too?” You wiggle your eyebrows at him, pretending to throw an imaginary ball as Genya throws an actual one through the basket easily.
“Heh, this one's just easy since it's so near.” The machine flashes lights and beeps, displaying a new highest score. “And kinda short.”
“You are pretty tall,” you agreed, counting the leftover tokens. “Hey, we still have enough for that claw machine!”
So far the date's going pretty well. Genya hadn't made a fool of himself when you showed up dressed up in that letterman jacket and excitedly tackled him yelling about how you managed to get about an entire bag's worth of tokens. You both had spent your time mostly fooling around playing air hockey, shooting games (he had a moment of crisis before sitting next to you in the cramped space), he got forced to dance with you, you claimed he cheated at the racing, he won you a figurine as an apology for accidentally smacking your hand during Whack-A-Mole. Genya was kind of regretting that now, because you were now convinced Genya had amazing luck and could continue to win you more prizes. But as Sanemi said - a million times - those things were a scam, so Genya compromised by saying if only there was tokens leftover from the basketball game.
Alas and alack, he supposed, but you were already speeding towards the claw machine.
“Come on, come on, almost there, almost there!” Your chanting is barely heard over the obnoxious arcade music but you're practically breathing down his neck.
“Okay, okay, I got it, shut up for a sec.” Genya's grip on the controls is so tight he's actually afraid he might rip out the joystick by mistake like Sanemi last time…although Sanemi had done that on purpose during his rage quit and since had been banned from that particular arcade.
“Dear Kami-sama, please, please, please-”
“NOOO! So close!” Your head's tossed back in an exaggerated groan, flipping off the stupid claw that let go just a second too early. “I could've won that Hashira figurine!”
“I was the one playing!” Genya protested.
“I got the tokens!”
“I offered to pay you back! You said no!”
You punched his shoulder playfully. “Hey, this was supposed to be my treat. You can pay for the next date.”
“Next - next what-"
“Oh jeez, your face is so red now. Let's get some fresh air; I know a good dessert store.”
Genya's down bad alright.
“Where the hell have you been?”
It's already late by the time Genya lets himself into the house. His siblings should've been asleep, his mom too, so hopefully he could…uh, break the news the next day, when he's written and planned everything out, chewed off his nails and get that support you promised him earlier.
Luck had decided to abandon him since his second attempt at the claw machine however, since now he's been caught kicking off his shoes and smiling down at his phone, at the picture you've sent him of the figurine in your shelf.
>>Maybe I'll get more from you
You wi<<
He shuts off his phone quickly. Sanemi’s sitting on the sofa, arms crossed and does not look like a happy camper. Genya tries for an innocent smile. He probably looks like he has a stroke. If Sanemi were a cop, every criminal would be cracking in less than a minute under his interrogations.
“Out with a friend. Sorry I'm late, I was talking them back home.”
“Really? Saw all your friends - Tokito twins and that Kamado kid - earlier today. Try again."
“Someone else.”
“Cut to the chase, Genya, you were out on a date, weren't you?” Sanemi barks.
Genya's shoulders slump. “Yeah. Please don't be mad, I did tell Mom.”
“You should focus on studying. Your math grades are still too low.” Sanemi's expression softens, just slightly. "Who's the lucky girl?"
“I swear to god, if it's that Shabana girl-”
“It's a guy.”
A very awkward beat of silence.
Genya almost expects to be attacked when he says your name. Or mauled after Sanemi demands every detail of what went down at the arcade. Maybe thrashed while finally confessing yes, he's not straight. But not stand there while Sanemi stares at him, strangely quiet.
“You two didn't do anything suspicious?”
Nope. You'd been quite understanding when he admitted he was still kind of getting used to the newness of…all this and offered to save a kiss for next time, causing him to explode into scarlet and try to poke you with his straw. “Aniki!”
“Is this a new thing or have you been…keeping this from me?” Unbelievable. His older brother almost looks hurt by that notion.
“A new thing, I swear, I wasn't planning on keeping anything from you, I was just waiting for the right time and right thing to say and I - I didn't know how you'd react.”
“Well…” Sanemi mutters something unintelligible, eyes moving away slightly.
Genya couldn't stop his grin. “Really? Thank - thank you, Aniki, and okay, I will.”
“And don't do anything too intimate before you're married!”
You spat out your straw. “He said what?”
Genya takes a long sip of his latte, slipping his hand into yours. “I didn't make that up.”
“No,” You say, shaking your head. “That sounds like Shinazugawa.”
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suckerforcate · 10 days
pretty please request for kate/reader, captured together and locked in adjourning cells or something similar. maybe they get treated cruelly, maybe they're just left there🤷🏻
Shared Captivity
Pairing: Kate Lethbridge-Stewart x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1855
Warning: I think none? Used Y/n like once or twice maybe, some insecurities maybe
Summary: Kate and you have been put in neighboring cells after going undercover at an event and being found out. You spend the time talking and finding our some stuff about each other
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A/n: Hope you like it!!! I wasn't exactly sure how to end it, so I just went for this. Hope that's okay? Somehow? Would be so happy about a comment, like or repost!!!
Being held captive had definitely not been how you had imagined your day to go. But here you were, in a dark and dirty cell with a flimsy excuse of a light. You were all alone, though you knew Kate had to be somewhere close. The cell had no windows, nothing to give you any sort of information about neighboring cells or where you even were.
Kate and you had been undercover on a high-class event. It was one of those typical companies that had very suddenly gotten very popular and managed to get their products into nearly every home in Great Britain. And in 99 per cent of the cases that meant problems. Big, big problems. Home invasion kind of problem.
You had originally simply meant to try and gather some intell, but one thing had led to another, and you'd been caught and thrown into cells. Which was where you were now. You were torn between kicking the uncomfortable heels off you'd been wearing and keeping them on as to not stand barefoot on the disgusting cell floor. In the end you chose the latter option and let out a sound of disgust as you felt something wet on the soles of your feet. The hemline of your dress trailed over the dirty floor, and you were already making plans on how you'd burn it later.
You hoped the walls between cells weren't too thick as you knock against the wall loudly. "Kate?" You yelled hoping she was close by and could hear you. You heard some very faint shuffling, clicking of heels and then...
"Y/n?" Kate's voice rang through your cell, a bit muffled by the wall but clear nonetheless. You let out a relieved breath and closed your eyes for a second.
"Yeah, it's me. Are you alright?" You asked a bit concerned. You hadn't been hurt, but that didn't mean she couldn't have been hurt.
"I'm fine. You?" That was good. You both hadn't been hurt. Yet, at least.
"I'm fine." You replied and slid down along the wall until you were sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. You figured your dress was already ruined, so it really didn't matter anymore.
"You're still wearing your heels." You stated, remembering that you had heard the click on the floor a few minutes back. You heard very quiet chuckling.
"Bloody uncomfortable." Kate replied, and you heard her kick them off and suddenly her voice was much closer to your ear again.
"Don't know why I kept them on." She spoke, her voice sounding a bit clearer. You supposed she had sat down as well.
"Don't sit down! Your suit was so beautiful, you'll ruin it." You protest. It really had been gorgeous. A nice blue, tailored to her body with a white blouse underneath. You hadn't been able to keep your eyes off her.
"Too late." She simply said. It really was a shame about the suit. But you supposed she had enough other ones. And truth be told the suit really wasn't the important thing right now. You were unharmed. Kate was unharmed. That was enough for now.
"The others will know something's wrong if we don't report to them." You said after a few silent moments, probably more to calm yourself down. Kate was trained and more experienced in situations like these. She probably wasn't half as nervous as you.
"They will. And they'll find us." Your happy she indulged you for a moment and simply assured you. No judgment. You had always been a bit more fidgety and nervous about stuff like this. And dark underground rooms, without even a window really didn't sound like things that you'd put on your list of 'Things I absolutely love'.
"What's your favourite colour?" You suddenly asked, it had been the first thing that had come to your mind. You wanted to distract yourself and talk to Kate. And you'd always wanted to know more about her. Though you could have asked a more intelligent question.
"Blue." She simply answered. To be fair, you could have guessed that. Made absolutely sense. For a moment you stay silent again.
"Mine's purple." You said. She hadn't asked. But she was Kate. She'd talk to you about the greatest nonsense and listen to you babble on for hours if it calmed your mind.
So you asked more questions. Unimportant ones. But they took your mind off the matter. You asked her what her favourite book was. The thousand autumns of Jacob de Zoet. You didn't know it, which surprised you not one bit.
You asked about her favourite movie, her favourite musicians and bands, what she did in her free time besides gardening and playing bridge. You asked why she started working at UNIT and why she had become a scientist.
The questions morphed from unimportant and superficial, to personal and intimate to absolutely ridiculous.
"Do you have tattoos?" You asked next. A surprised snort was heard from the other side of the wall. You raised your eyebrows, though of course Kate couldn't see that.
"God, no." She replied finally and that made you laugh.
"You sound awfully negative about the matter." You stated, curious on her take on tattoos. You had a few yourself. Not really visible and all rather small. But you wouldn't be opposed to more.
"I wouldn't mind one with a meaning. For my kids for example. But even that would have to be small and easy to hide. I think they can look good. Just not for me." She explained, ever the polite and supportive Kate. Never to judge people for what they chose to do. It was one of the reasons she was such an incredible boss and head of UNIT. You hummed in response, your head lent back against the cold stonewall.
"Do you? Have tattoos I mean." Kate asked back. You nodded and then remembered she couldn't see you. So you answered.
"I do actually. But not a lot and I can hide them." You thought, but maybe you imagined it, that you heard Kate hum softly. She asked about the tattoos after a moment, and you told her about every one and the story behind it. She just let you speak and after some time you weren't even sure if she was still there. You panicked slightly and stopped talking.
"You still there, Kate?" You spoke, voice just slightly worried. Scenarios of the most horrible things filled your mind for the few seconds that it took Kate to answer.
"I am. Sorry. Your voice is very soothing, and I'm really tired." You felt warmth rise into your cheeks and a stupid smile graze your lips. She liked your voice. But she was right. It was late, and it had been a long day. You couldn't see the sky, but you assumed it was long dark.
"Maybe you should sleep a bit." You offered, tone a bit softer. "I'll stay awake. I'm not tired." A lie. And Kate probably knew that it was a lie. But she didn't comment on it. She simply thanked you, and then you didn't hear her talk for quite some time. Quite frankly you were bored out of your mind. You couldn't watch the stars, not that they'd be visible in London, you didn't have a phone or a book or anything that would be remotely interesting. You didn't even have something to tell the time, so you had no idea how much time had passed since Kate fell asleep.
"Y/n?" A very sleepy voice asked from the other side of the wall. You smiled fondly. "Yeah?" You asked softly.
"Thought you might have fallen asleep as well." She responded and then yawned loud enough for you to hear. You chuckled.
"I promised to stay awake, didn't I?" You sweetly answered, getting simply a hum from Kate as an answer. She was probably still half asleep.
"You know...when we get out of here, we could go to dinner." You said after a few minutes of silence. It was a bit pathetic that the time you finally found the courage to ask was in a cell where you couldn't see her, but at least you asked. As an answer you simply got silence. At least for a few seconds.
"Do you mean that?" The hidden question was clear. Do you really want a date with me? Or is this just a heat of the moment thing 'cause we're captured together. Your answer was as simple as the question.
Silence again. You already expected her to just ignore you and act like it never happened. "Ok." Her voice was soft, nearly hesitant. Again it was silent. You were the one to break it.
"You could wear a dress. I've never seen you in one." You spoke softly. You really never had. Whenever you went with her to any sort of event, like today, she'd worn a suit.
"I bet you'd look amazing." You added after a moment as Kate hadn't yet answered. Your voice was careful but sincere. You were sure Kate would look amazing in a dress.
"You think?" She asked back and sounded uncharacteristically unsure of herself. Smaller and more hesitant. It surprised you.
"'Course. It'd look great. Maybe one that shows off your legs." Silence. You already thought you had said something wrong. Had been too forward, maybe crossed a line. But then she spoke again.
"They're really nothing special. And besides, I've gotten old." Silence again. But simply because you didn't really know what to answer. Was she being for real? Did she actually think that was a problem?
This evening had brought out many truths. From personal and maybe a bit too private questions asked earlier, over your revealed crush on her, to insecurities you had never guessed even existed. But then again, everyone has them. You have them. People you see in the street have them. Why not Kate?
"Are you pulling back out of that dinner?" She asked, voice small and quiet. She nearly sounded afraid that you actually would.
"No, of course not. Don't be ridiculous." You quickly answered and leaned your head back against the stone. "I just guess I hadn't ever thought about the fact that someone as beautiful as you could have insecurities about the way they look." You admitted softly, shrugging more for yourself than anything else. She couldn't see it anyway.
"Thank you." She eventually replied. A bit stronger again, more like the Kate you're used to. You'd gladly remind her of it every day.
It was no surprise that a few hours later when Osgood and the guys had finally found you and gotten you both out of that dirty shithole Kate hugged you a bit longer than usually. It hadn't surprised you either that her cheeks were tinged pink just a tiny bit and when you gave her a kiss on the cheek.
A minute later she was all business again, and you smiled amazed at her ability to slip into the role of the leader so easily.
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thoughtsofatransboy · 5 months
I hope you know you're really worth it.
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Hello fellas!! Are you guys doing well? Sleeping and eating? I hope yes! I'm happy to be back writing by my own will, not just for full fill requests (something my little burnout brain can't do perfectly) There's another MCR fanfic, since this fellas are the reason I smile everyday 👾
Warnings: This fic contains pet names such as: angel, sweetheart, darling and pretty thing; multiartist!reader, sex, gn!reader, implicit afab!reader (I'll try my best to not describe genitals), kind of dom!Frank Iero, grammar mistakes cuz my English sucks. Some angst and a scar (implicit SH) mention. If any of this things can make you feel uncomfortable, feel free to leave and maybe read something else from my blog
1st of August, another month, another week, another day. Honestly, your life's being a stupid watercolor blur, the hours and the moments and the pain just mix with your emptiness.
You've been feeling real down, a horrible self-esteem and lack of creativity. Basically, you're experiencing a severe burnout. Being an artist, you know how much the quality of your creations tends to decrease when you're going through something like this.
But... in the middle of your chaotic situation, you have someone who can always make you laugh, flush, giggle, smile and have pleasure. Your beloved one, Frank Iero. Which you call as "Frankie"... You can't understand how you got so lucky in your life to have someone as sweet as him to love and take care of you.
Well, as sweet and adorable as it looks like, you've been having struggles with him too. Not because of his actions, but because of your fear of losing him. Anytime you went to a walk with him, and you see him looking to someone, you couldn't help but feel insecure, afraid that he might be desiring them.
You know it's just some paranoia and he would never do something like this to you, at least is what your rational part wants you to believe.
8 p.m, you're laid down on your sofa, with a small blanket covering your legs. You're waiting for Frank to arrive home. You're looking around your living room, trying to distract yourself from the scars on your arm, they really aren't helping your self-esteem. You notice that your cat is there, she seems happy, meowing around and chasing a little fly. God... How much you wish you were happy like a cat.
You couldn't do anything but feel overwhelmed with your pain. Your work, art, family, your partner, yourself. Before you could notice, you're collapsing into tears, and so focused in your crying, you don't listen to the key turning in the door. Frank arrived, but instead of a happy partner, he finds you crying and hopelessly on the couch.
"Sweetheart! Are you ok?" Frank said, no taking too long to go towards the couch and hug you. "Shh... shh... it's ok... I'm here, it will be fine.." Honestly that's all you needed. You let yourself focus on the moment, while he strokes your hair gently. After some minutes in completely silence, he decides to ask. "What happened angel? Why were you crying?" You really want to answer him, but all you could say was "Frankie, am I worth your love?"
Frank was surprised, there wasn't many questions in this world that would make him feel so sad as he was now. He wasn't showing his partner enough love? How could he be so fool to let his own partner think something like this?
"Oh sweetheart... you are the prettiest person I ever met in my whole life. Of course you're worth it" You finally could feel yourself calming down a little, In the heat of the moment, he kisses you on the lips, sweet but really sloppy.
What was supposed to be an innocent little kiss turns into a make out session, with some naughty hands and pleasure moans. Your tears couldn't even be noticed anymore, they're drying more and more as Frank caress your face with so much caring and love.
Your senses are filled by his scent, your body sensitive to his hands caressing through your favorite spots. He breaks the kiss, not gasping for air, but on the way to kiss and suck at your neck.
His kisses send shivers down your spine and his hickeys makes you feel something else down there. He seems more desperate than you, alternating between kissing you mouth and your neck.
Noticing that you're aroused, Frank finally decides to act, passing his hands through your body, until he arrives your waistband, lowering your pajama pants down. Getting on top of you, he starts grinding against your crotch in anticipation.
"Darling, I wish I could give you my eyes... My ears... My thoughts, so you could understand that everything you do is incredible, so you could see yourself the way I see you" His soft words making the perfect contrast with his hands lowering your underwear in a quick movement, throwing it somewhere on the floor.
"Frankie, I love you so much" he smiled to you. He starts to undo his belt, getting rid of his pants and underwear, not bothering in looking where he threw it at. Oh, how could you hold yourself when he is stroking his cock while looking in your eyes? You left out a desperate whine. "Please! C'mon Frankie!"
Who he is to deny you your pleasure? He aligned himself to your entrance, before pushing in slowly and delicate, making you let out sweet moans and some curses. You and Frankie mostly fuck, but not today, today he was making love to you, passionate and pleasuring love.
His thrusts delicate but deep, a sensual pace that made him be able to touch all your sweet spots. Your hole clenching around him, your bodies so connected and heated, his sweating face, your moans, his whines. All of this was too much for you, you couldn't help but let it out go, cumming without advise.
"Hell yeah! Pretty thing... so beautiful when you cum" his attention suddenly goes to your neck, once again he decided to use all his effort to mark your neck. Despite he never stops the rhythm of his thrusts while he goes to your neck, his legs are shaking a little, his moans are getting louder. A sign that he's going to cum very soon.
After some minutes, he couldn't help anymore, cumming inside of you. Collapsing over the couch, next to you. "Hey sweetheart... I hope you know you're really worth it" with a small giggle, you let yourself fall asleep slowly next to your love. Maybe you still going to have troubles to create and maybe you still feel a little sad... But at least you have the sweetest lover in the world, right there for you.
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
a tuppence for your bi4bi Clois thoughts 🪙... I'm luv them so much and I'd love to hear if you have any specific headcanons about them 🥺
YESSSS!!! i DO have some thoughts. i love them,
generally i think lois has her bisexuality figured out by the time she's in her mid-20s. she and cat grant have had some rage-filled makeouts on at least one occasion, but an actual relationship would never in a million years work out between them. they respect each other but do not see eye to eye nearly enough. she never bothered to come out to her father, but just knows it's one more thing about her that he'd hate.
clark, by contrast, does Not have it figured out. he has spent his entire life repressing every single thought, feeling, and ability that set him apart from the classic good all-american boy because he had to fit in. and being superman, exploring his kryptonian heritage, etc., has helped, of course, but he is still. so repressed. he has no idea that he's ever experienced attraction to guys before. he's got some internalized homophobia to work through, about himself. He Has To Be Normal. so as far as he's concerned, there was lana, and then there was lois.
to me, clark's journey toward self-acceptance is very intrinsically tied to his family. there's kara, talking about how sexuality and gender stuff on krypton wasn't like it is on earth, especially in western culture. there's kon, suffering through his own repression and depression and trying to pretend he's fine. there's chris and jon, both too young to fully grasp it all (probably), who make clark incredibly aware of every step he makes in terms of parenting them.
so one day, after kon's finally come out to the family, and kara's muddled through trying to figure out earth labels that she's comfortable with, the two of them decide they wanna go to pride, and ask lois and clark if they want to make it a family affair. lois says hell yeah, and clark says yes of course he's happy to support them! and jon says YAY, GLITTER!! CAN I GET STICKERS? and chris says if you get glitter all over my nintendo ds again i will punt you into the ocean, baby brother or not.
and there's just this innocuous moment while they're out when kon goes "here i got you these!" and hands lois and clark two simple lil heart-shaped bi flag buttons. and lois is like aw thanks squirt! and ruffles kon's hair. clark meanwhile goes oh i think there's been a misunderstanding... ... . . . .. . .. .. . or. has there?
and that night he's just sitting on the edge of the bed holding this tiny like $3 button in his hands having a whole crisis. lois hooks her chin over his shoulder and asks what's wrong? and he's like. lois i'm not. i'm. except maybe i'm not not. but i don't know, i thought i... i never thought i could think about it. clark kent is supposed to be normal. i... i'm already an alien, lois, i thought i was already set apart enough, and if i'm... if i'm this, even when i'm clark, not superman, then... then...
and lois digs her matching little $3 bi flag heart button out of her purse and bumps it against his and says, even if you are queer, you're still not alone. and then clark gives her the patented kent family big soft puppy-dog eyes. that night, he falls asleep in her arms with his head tucked snugly under her chin. it's where he feels safest.
but the next year, he lets kara get him a flag, and lets kon tie it around his shoulders like a cape. and he's here as clark kent, but it's kind of funny when he looks at his shadow. because he might not be superman right now, but the silhouette still looks the same.
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quodekash · 4 months
I didnt get enough sleep last night but its not my fault qtoey fuckin kissed
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hes literally the most babygirl in this entire show
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I love this more than I can ever possibly describe
it's so silly
so goofy
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they should kiss again I think
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babes your voice just got three octaves higher, do better at lying next time
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who the FUCK is this guy and why is he being introduced in episode 7 of 16 (apparently 16??? it's wild that this show is supposed to be 16 episodes long (according to mdl?) cos we're not even halfway through the show and 2 out of 4 of the main couples have officially kissed, and 1 is officially together. which is insane when you think about how msp is 12 episodes long and tinngun didnt properly kiss til thE END OF THE LAST FUCKING EPISODE)
(no im never getting over this, they COULD have counted 67 FUCKING TIMES throughout the show and they fucking DIDNT)
anyway this guy is probably gonna be a main part of the drama that's gonna go down in order to keep this show long enough 😭
why cant we just keep the light and fluffy show as it is and keep spreading joy and dopamine straight to my bones
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two adorable little munchkins standing next to each other
theyre my sons
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whAT rEAlLY???
he asked if he could hit on you, then asked if he could KISS you, AND THEN YALL FUCKIN MADE OUT IN A HAUNTED HOUSE
so I suggest you all give up on this "plan", and change to this real plan: march up to him, ask him out, plant a kiss on his cheek, take your fuckin artist easels and canvases to a fuckin beach at sunset, paint and make out
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oml pun's an astrology girlie
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what the fuck no why does it look like its gonna get angsty, I cant do this :(
dont make me watch toey sob, I dont want that, I want them to make out again :((
im so confused dude why is he so angry
I genuinely dont get it
I mean im watching at 2x speed so I can get through this quickly so I might've missed some dialogue somewhere or smth, but still
why's he angry
idk why he's angry but I do know one thing: satang is too fucking good at portraying anguish
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im too tired to process words so im not entirely sure what he means but I think it sounds poetic so we're gonna go with that
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brb just gonna rip my fucking SOUL out
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"its like im sitting in a vast grassy field with a gentle breeze under a bright sky" OKAY WTF ARE THE GMM WRITERS READING MY TUMBLR POSTS OR SMTH
its why his heart doesnt beat fast for sound, he just doesnt have that kind of crush, its more of a relaxing crush, like a gentle breeze
ill fucking find the post if I can
I literally wrote an extended metaphor poem combined with a fic about it
what the fuck dude
if they're watching my posts then why havent they given us my satang and perth siblings agenda yet
and where is the markford series
gmm I know you're looking at this, answer my fucking questions guys
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they all just make me so happy 😭😭😭
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okay but he didnt know you were milk frappe boy when hE FUCKING MADE OUT WITH YOU IN A HAUNTED HOUSE
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theyre holdin hansssss
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is what I think and want to happen about to happen
that wasnt grammar but its fine
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oh fuck yes next week theyre goi g to a volunteer camp
volunteer camp episodes are always comfort episodes so thjis is gonna be GOOD
well anyway I just wanna see qtoey kiss again :(
ill rewatch that one scene in the meantime
buhbye for now my friends, see yous next week
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car-sounds · 8 months
Attic Club "Sandwich" Meeting
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Beelzebub x (GN)reader
912 words
Summary: Belphie helps Beel confess his feeling for Mc
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“Barely, why?”
“Belphie, are you still awake?��
“Do you think you love them?”
“I was hanging out with MC today… We went out to eat and seeing their happy face when they tasted something they liked made me feel full in a way. Like I would want to give them my food, not in exchange to taste what they had or anything like that, but to make them happy… When I’m with them getting the most food leaves my mind and all that remains is wanting to see them smile”
“So am I going to have to force you into telling them how you feel or are you going to do it yourself?”
“Why not? I’m not one for meddling in others affairs but for you I’ll help set you up.” He chuckles while rolling over and pulling his blanket up “We can start a game plan in the morning, I’m not going to be able to stay awake for much longer. Good night.”
“Tell them? Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Thanks, Belphie. Good night.”
Breakfast is chaotic as usual, the human of last night's discussion is arguing with a few of the brothers about a recently released movie.
“Hey, MC…” 
Belphie woke up late as usual and started a conversation with you rather than listen to Lucifer's scolding.
“Do you wanna have an attic club meeting later tonight?”
“If Beels down than yeah”
Belphie glances at Beel flashing him a smirk as if it wasn’t obvious enough what his plan was going to be.
"Okay we can pick up snacks after RAD.'' Once Belphie had finally started on breakfast everyone else was already rushing out the door shouting behind them about they're not going to wait around for him.
Beel was the only one who waited around, reason being he wanted to continue last night's conversation.
“I know what you're up to, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“I thought you got over thinking that last night.”
He did remember agreeing but his worries are resurfacing all over again. “So, are we doing this or not?” “Well-” 
“Nevermind, I just decided it’s already set in stone.” Is all he said before walking away to not let Beel go back on his decision.
The time has come a couple hours after dinner, the three of you made your way to the attic with snacks in hand. Beel was obviously nervous, he hoped you wouldn't be able to notice but of course you knew him well enough to know this not how he normally acts.
“Beel, is everything alright? You’re looking a bit uncomfortable.” you asked
“Oh, yeah I’m fine. Don’t worry” trying his best to reassure you with his usual smile. 
“Well if you say so, anyways what snack did you too end up choosing.”
The conversation continued like regular. Beel started feeling less and less on edge as time passed. He still didn’t know what Belphie plan was going to be or when it was going to happen, for all he knows it could happen at any moment-
Belphie stood up “I’m going grab one of my pillows downstairs.” 
“I could grab it for you if you’re too tired.” Beel offered
“No. Why don’t you and MC just chat with each other for a little while”
Was that it? I guess it’s expected that his plan wouldn’t be too elaborate and this did end up getting you two alone and less likely to be interrupted by the rest of the brothers, the lighting was also dimmer and felt more romantic than in just MC’s room.
Even if it’s not the most extravagant plan, if it ends up working it ends up working. 
“Oh, I almost forgot Belphie told me you wanted to talk to me about something.” Well this makes things harder to go back on now. 
“Yeah…” He should have planned this part out better. Everything he thought he wanted to say in this moment is gone, all he needs to do is tell them his feelings and phrase it in a way that doesn’t make them uncomfortable. 
“Well? What is it?”
“You’re like a cheesesteak to me.” Panic, what sentence just came out of his mouth can that even qualify as a confession? You, for obvious reasons, look confused and all you can really ask is “What?” What was he supposed to say now? “I- uh…” 
The moment you both find out part of Belphie’s plan involves staying just outside the entry to the attic’s bedroom is when he decides to intervene. “Beel, I expected better from you. I really hope that wasn’t the planned out confession you decided on”
“See they didn’t even know that, that was supposed to be a confession” Belphie was exasperated at this point.
“Sorry, I had a few lines planned out for what I wanted to say but I just panicked a little at the moment. MC, what I meant to say was I have feelings for you and wanted to know if you felt the same way” Shock was still evident on your face, it takes you a moment for your brain to catch up with what was happening, but when it does and he sees your smile he starts feeling hopeful
“Aw, Beel! You’re like a cheesesteak to me too.” you run up to hug him. You’re all happy, Beel’s a little embarrassed, but even though it was a bit of a disaster it ended well.
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 1 year
Write something about Marceline meeting up with Simon after the finale?
"You know I love you, right?" Marceline flat out asks him, because this girl has never gone around or over anything that she could plunge straight through. Simon always admired that about her even when this trait of hers caused him a fair few heart attacks.
Simon adjusts his glasses, clearing his suddenly dry throat. "Yes, I am aware."
They're at his house, with boxes of his things piled up around him. Bonnie, Finn, and Marcy all came over to help Simon move out of his old house into a new, more private arrangement. But Finn and Bonnie cleared out some time ago, when Marcy sat him down with a mug of his favorite tea. It was an ambush in everything bit name.
Simon supposes that he deserves it. He hasn't exactly... made time to speak with Marceline and happily allowed her to divert her focus away from him. Someone snitched on him, clearly.
"Hmmm..." Marcy squints at him, absently spinning the mug in front of her. The now dull grey drink sloshes lazily within. "When... When you had your big revelation about Betty, that musta messed you up pretty bad."
Simon stares at the woman that was essentially his daughter. Even as a little girl, she had always been prodigiously insightful and observant.
"This... This was different. Betty was my partner. I was supposed to check in with her, make sure we were on the same page. You, on the other hand-"
"Are you about to explain my feelings to me, Simon?" Marcy cuts in. "Or make an assumption about me based entirely on your perception of me?"
Oooh. Even if she didn't have fangs, Marceline could cut with the sharp edge of her tongue. A conflicting sense of pride and shame tightens his chest. He looks down at his mug of tea, taking a very long drink.
Marceline sighs. "I'm not five years old. I'm fully capable of making decisions - healthy decisions even."
"I know that!" Simon snaps back, thumping a fist on the table. "It's precisely because you're all grown up that I didn't want to say anything. Look at you, you're so happy! You don't need to bother with a sad old man like me."
Marceline gently grabs hold of his fist. "If you did tell me, what was the worst case scenario?"
"It doesn't matter, I'm doing better now. I'm going through therapy. I'm fine -"
"Please answer the question."
Simon stays stubbornly silent for a few second. Marceline squeezes his hand until her grip begins to hurt. He shoots her a petulant glare and she offers an innocent smile.
"I could make you sad. There. I said it."
"Well... I've been sad before. I got better."
Simon stares at this woman who he used to carry with only one arm. She's near his height, possibly taller. If he tried to carry her, she'd float to spare his ego. She grew up and he was there but not really and it's just another one of the Crown's costs.
"Simon." Marceline is hovering over the table now. "I lost you for a second there. What's that big brain of yours overly complicating now?"
Simon frowns at her. "I have no idea what you mean."
"Uhuh, listen. My partner is a certified genius, so I know for a fact that you geniuses tend to lack a lotta common sense."
"Have you told Bonnie this?"
"Verbatim. But this isn't about her, or me. This is about you."
Simon grits his teeth. "It's been 'about me' for long enough, hasn't it?" He shoves away from the table, gets onto his feet, and picks a random box to start piling stuff in. This will absolutely ruin Bonnie's meticulous organization, but that's just...
He sighs, steps back, looks at the label on the box before picking up Bonnie's abandoned clipboard to figure out the correct items for the box. In that whole time, Marceline doesn't speak. But he can feel her eyes on him like the sun through a magnifying glass. He sorts his stuff. She lets him.
Simon takes a deep breath. "I thought... It's bad enough that you spent all those thousand years watching over me. Then it turns out that even before I had the Crown, Betty was doing all of that. I just... I'm so useless."
"You're not-"
"Yes, yes, yes. But I... I need some time to work on myself, you know? I'm tired of being so..."
A hand settles on Simon's shoulders. He turns and jolts as he sees Marceline with a thin film of tears over her eyes. He immediately reaches over, pressing his palms against her face, thumbing the space beneath her eyes.
"Oh see, now I've made you cry."
Marceline shrugs. "It won't kill me."
"But that's the thing! You don't have to-"
"It's not that!" Marceline pulls away from him. "I don't have to do anything, you're right! But I want to stay with you!"
She blows out a short, ragged breath, running a hand through her hair. Simon slowly lowers his hands, crossing his arms and hunching over as if to protect his soft underbelly.
"I'd be rotten company."
Marceline fiercely shakes her head. "Not to me. Not if it's you."
Simon bites his lip. There's a tightness in his chest as if his heart was bloated from too much blood. He can't look away from her and yet he can't stand to stay seen.
"You don't want my help, fine. You've got professionals looking after you. And that's great. But please don't shut me out. I can't. Not again."
Marceline looks away for him. And this looks familiar even a thousand years later. The way she holds her head high, the way she clenches her jaw, the way she stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the tears trailing down her face - it's all the same.
Simon wraps both arms around her. She struggles for a second, trying to squirm away before she gives up, leaning into his hold.
"Okay," he murmurs into her shoulder.
Marceline coughs out a tiny giggle. "Are we just gonna keep saying okay to each other until the world ends or what?"
Simon readies a joke but swallows it at the last second. He lets her question hang in the air until it becomes heavy and leaden. She stiffens up, limbs locking and spine straightening.
"I think... I can do that."
"Yeah?" Marceline's voice is sooo small, half disbelief, half hope, and all pure, raw heart.
"Until the world ends... You and me. We're survivors. Remember?"
Marceline laughs, a frail, watery sound from the hollow of her throat. "Yeah. I remember."
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luveline · 2 years
Could I request reader convincing bodyguard!james to take a break with her like they just get tea and he’s able to relax around her
thank you for your request! i think this is like they both know they're basically dating but james doesn't wanna admit to it because he feels like it goes against his job? that's not the focus of this tho♡ fem!reader
James is rarely surprised by you. You suppose he must know every movement you might make, every cadence to your voice. He can probably tell what mood you're in from the slightest shift forward onto one foot.
Which is why he's so stoick when you stop in front of him in the foyer and take his face into both hands.
He nods at your current bodyguard as they 'pass the anchor', the anchor being you.
"Jamie," you greet softly, rubbing your thumb over one of his cheeks and waiting for a sign that he's happy to be touched before you continue. Sure enough, his eyelashes twitch just so, and you beam and stand on tiptoes to kiss the place where his ear and jaw connect.
"Come on, sweetheart. You know I'm working."
"You don't look very busy."
"Do I ever?"
What he means to say is, I don't really want the rest of your security detail to see you kissing me.
"My dad's not here," you say.
"I know."
"Of course you do. Wanna go eat biscuits in my room?"
He laughs in disbelief at your asking. "I'm- I'm really working right now."
"I know... thought maybe you could make somebody else do whatever it is you're doing, though. Please?" You haven't seen him in a day and a half. It feels like a really long time, and you'd missed him like crazy.
"You mean gaurding you?"
He stares at you. You stare right back, a leveling gaze.
James doesn't acknowledge you any further as he reaches for his radio. He clicks it on and says a bunch of nonsense words down the line, waiting with it near his mouth until somebody answers. Then he drops it back to where it's clipped against his shoulder and waits.
"Well?" he asks. "Are we going?"
You beam. "Yes!" you say excitedly, fingertips gracing the curve of a big, thick curl toward the nape of his neck as you pull back.
Even on his off times James still looks as though he's escorting you places. He walks a pace behind you, footsteps neat and sound to your clumsy mismatch. Though, quite unlike when he's on duty, his hand eventually catches at the back of your shirt, and slides up your spine as you approach your bedroom.
Bedroom is a silly word to describe it. It's more like you've your own apartment within your house. There's a cushy living room, a huge bedroom with soft pillows and silk sheets, and an ensuite that boasts a full body waterfall shower. James used to tease about it being a two body shower, but now that things are a little more serious between the two of you he holds his tongue.
"Think in here'll be just fine," James says, stopping near your sofa.
You pout because you'd really hoped to entice him into bed with you. Not for anything major, but sometimes if you're persuasive enough James will relax enough for some under the covers hugging.
"Fine fine fine," you say, spinning back toward him. Your tights are slippery over hardwood and you almost trip.
Once James is firmly situated between two huge cushions, you meander back to your door and ask your new bodyguard (who's frowning, likely annoyed to be put on duty when it's supposed to be James) stationed down the hall if he'll find your attendant, and when he appears a few seconds later you order some tea and biscuits.
Before long you've two mugs of tea and all the biscuits you could ask for on a tray in front of you, kneeling beside James where he's slouched expectantly.
He sips his tea. "Why are you looking at me?" he asks.
"Are you gonna make me beg?"
"I quite like when you beg," he says, taking another sip.
You pick a loose thread off of his short-sleeved polo. You don't want to say please. You don't want James to kiss you at all if it's not what he wants to do.
He sets down his mug and leans back in his seat. You wait. He opens his palms and flexes his fingers forward, the universal sign for 'come here'.
Despite all his reluctance in front of other people, his hands tell a very different story. He grabs your back, arms crossing over themselves as he pulls you right up against his chest and tips his head back. You're still laughing at his ever-surprising strength when he kisses you, giggles muffled by his lips.
You're so happy you squirm, hands coming up to hold his face as you had down in the foyer.
"I missed you," you say between kisses, and mean it.
"It was barely a whole day."
"It was more than a whole day," you say, though any further argument gets lost in kisses. He's warm, he's soft. He tastes like tea and he smells like almond oil, curls sleek and sweet between your fingers as you push your hands into his hair.
You don't kiss him for very long. You're too anxious to talk to him, and be close to him. You force your head over his shoulder and breathe, nose tickled by curls.
"I missed you," you say again, desperate for a return.
"I missed you too."
You shift in his lap. "Really?"
"Of course I did." His hands still at the small of your back. "You know how I feel about you."
You push your lips into his hair and sigh. "I know." That's kind of the problem. He likes you. Enough to kiss you and praise you and spend near every waking second of his trying to make you laugh so he can hear the sound.
For a while, it's just you and James. You toy with his hair, picking apart curls and scratching lightly at his scalp. His breath warms the slops of your shoulder, his hands stroke the length of your back. It doesn't take long before you've both turned to jelly.
"Wanna Lady and the Tramp a shortbread?" James asks eventually.
"You sure? I promise to keep my crumbs to myself."
You don't believe him. "Yeah, okay."
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