#morning after merrick
viscerax · 1 year
Nature Channel
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Tim isn't exactly a deep sleeper by any means. Years of being awoken by nurses doing checks, nightmares, or things along those lines, sort of messed up his circadian cycle. So he's not surprised when even the faintest of murmurs wakes him up.
He hesitates to even open his eyes or get up, but as his brain continues to wake up, he realizes that hearing talking in his situation wasn't exactly ideal. There was a possibility it was just his brain playing tricks, but in case it wasn't, in case someone else really was in the room with him and Jay, he needed to check.
Tim sat up with a groan, eyes adjusting as they were bombarded with a blaring light from the TV. As his eyes adjusted, he found the source of the noise to be the shitty hotel TV. He thought Jay might have left it on before he went to sleep, but a swift glance to the bed next to his disproved that. Jay was sat nearly at the foot of the bed, eyes fixated on the TV screen like it was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.
"Jay?" Tim called out in a groggy voice, and the other snapped his head back to look at Tim.
"Shit, sorry Tim. Did I wake you?" Jay scrambled to find the remote and turn the TV off, but Tim cleared his throat and shook his head.
"No, no its fine. I was bound to wake up soon anyways." Tim sighed and looked back over to the TV. "What are you watching?"
Jay sighed and looked back to the program on the TV. "Oh. Uhm, the nature Channel. They're doing a documentary on birds. It's kind of dumb, though. I was gonna turn it off soon and-"
Tim let out a chuckle, shaking his head as he sat up and scooted to the end of his own bed so that he was closer to Jay.
"Oh yeah. You looked real bored staring at that screen like a kid watching cartoons." Tim teased, although it didn't have the sour edge that Jay was used to when it came to Tim's mockery. Come to think of it, Tim had been a bit less antagonistic as the days went on. He supposed that was sort of necessary since they were practically living together. Still, the soft banter was something Jay was so unadjusted to ever since him and Alex stopped talking. At least when Tim was being rude, Jay knew how to deal with that. He knew how to retaliate. Now, though, Jay didn't have a clue on what he was supposed to say or do.
He didn't have to say anything, because Tim spoke up for him. "Im just messing with ya. I don't really care if you like nature documentaries. I just don't get why you feel like you need to hide it." Jay dared to glance over and found Tim staring back at him. He caught his eyes for a moment before turning his head back to the screen.
"They were talking about common bird species in Eastern America. They were talking about blue Jay's and-" Jay let out a soft chuckle, as if he were reminiscing on old times. "That's where I got my name, y'know. I just always thought Jay had such a nice ring to it."
Tim smiled, a soft smile that Jay just hated because it made him feel so vulnerable and understood and he couldn't stand it. He wished Tim would just make fun of him already.
"I think Jay fits you." Tim added, and Jay sighed, pulling his knees close to his chest and resting his chin on them. "There was a group of birds that used to nest outside my window at the hospital. You remind me of them."
Jay, curiosity piqued, looked over to Tim. "How so?"
"Annoying, mostly. Waking me up way too early than necessary." And there it was, the antagonistic remarks that Jay was used to. But they still didn't feel right. They didn't hold the same weight. "But they were alright, sometimes. They felt like my only conpanions sometimes, I didn't really get along with a lot of the other kids. Turns out I was even more crazy then the 'crazies'. But the birds didn't know that. Or they didn't care." Tim let out a chuckle, that sounded more like he was trying to clear his throat before words started bubbling in his throat.
Jay feels his lips pulling into a smile, his own face betraying his will to remain straight-faced and uncaring.
"Birds are like that. Unbothered by their surroundings. Doesn't always do them good though, if the countless times I've seen a bird slam into a window has anything to say about it." Tim remarks and Jay grimaced. He thinks about the loud thump and a bird falling limp, and he can't help but mourn the imaginary bird he just watched die in his head.
If Jay thinks about it too hard, he feels like he can pick up some implications of his and Tim's relation to eachother. But he decides he doesn't want to think about it too hard. Doesn't want to consider that Tim might be growing fond of him, and doesn't want to consider himself being the bird flying into the glass window. So, he just nods and turns his attention back to the TV.
The two of them sit, absorbing eachothers presence while their gazes are fixated on the screen, the both of them stealing glances when they think the other isn't looking. Jay makes a few comments here and there about the show, dropping a plethora of facts on Tim that he surely will not remember in a few days.
Soon enough, the program is over and the channel tells of some upcoming program about some fishermen going out and catching 'lake monsters'. Jay laughs at the absurdity and switches the TV off, crawling back to his spot on his bed. Tim falls back asleep, and Jay is left to listen to his snores until he eventually does the same.
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strlingsav · 11 months
Bestie. Can I request Keegan. He needs the Savannah treatment. Tension with reader and they bang. That’s all I need.
Can be enemies, can be friends who refuse to acknowledge the tension, what ever you fancy. ✨🌚❤️
Anything for you and your man 🫶🏻 ily
– Keegan P. Russ x F!Reader
— Tension between yourself and Keegan comes to a boiling point post-mission.
Explicit sexual content under the cut. Read at your own risk.
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Your recon-patrol mission had finally come to an end, an exhausting endeavour among the rubble of No Man's Land with a short detour. Alex, having been successfully extracted from the stadium, was all too keen on retreating to safety and crashing for the evening. You yourself found the invitation for sleep nearly impossible to resist, but your stomach had been growling loudly for majority of the evening.
You'd showered, scrubbed every particle of blood, dirt and sweat from your body, still sore from the day's work. Your arms ached, legs stiff and your back tight; the warm water worked at the knots in your muscles, but a good night's rest was still calling to you. You opted to find something to settle your stomach, before heading to bed.
Elias and Thomas busied themselves in the kitchenette, raiding the cabinets for some form of liquor to wash down the stress of the day. You tried to slink into the room unnoticed, hide your presence under the loud laughter and talking from only a few feet away. Your eyes shifted as you caught a glimpse of Keegan, hands on the table, nodding along with the conversation.
You'd first met Keegan under complicated conditions- working with the Federation to further their cause, you'd only recently come to join the Ghosts and their efforts against the organization.
He'd nearly killed you when you met, filled with unbridled rage as he demanded to know Rorke's whereabouts and what exactly you knew of him. It was a long night of interrogating, shouting, swearing; threats passed between you before it crumbled with your confession. News of your commanding officer's betrayal spurred your decision to leave, whether it meant joining Keegan or being executed.
You were shown mercy, recruited to their task force with the overwhelming knowledge and insight you held of the federation. You were valuable, though still sat on the outskirts of their brotherhood, a stranger.
Your feelings for Keegan were layered between pure hatred and attraction, though they had softened over the last few months while working with him. In fact, to your reluctant dismay, you even had moments of weakness where he was endearing.
It grew from a vague fondness to entertaining the thought of his hands and lips on your body. Even now, noticing the swell of arousal seeping into your lower stomach.
You'd never admit it- you clung to the shadows, kept yourself hidden from the spotlight and cooperated as best you could to avoid ruffling feathers. Making yourself obvious was not in your interest, nor was drawing attention to your conflicting feelings about Keegan.
You were a bit annoyed with yourself for finding Keegan's presence, physical appearance, even his voice from across the room- to be attractive instead of irritating.
You'd be lying if you hadn't imagined what it would be like to kiss him- after a long day, to pull the mask off his face and taste words of affection and praise in that gruff voice that gave you goosebumps. Only late at night would you let the thoughts snowball, otherwise, he was still as far out of arm's reach as he'd always been.
You noticed most of them, including Keegan, were half-way to intoxicated. You tried to wiggle your way in unnoticed, but Merrick drew attention to you as soon as you stepped in the room, calling out your name.
"Join us," He gestured, waving you over to the aged table. "Long day calls for a drink."
"Just getting something to eat. I'll see you in the morning."
You'd managed to find a ration hidden in a scarcely-stocked cabinet, and held it up to show him.
Keegan's eyes followed you in your military-issued T-shirt and sweatpants that you managed to fit into so well. Ghost trails plagued his vision, watching you dig through the cupboards for a utensil of any kind, then straighten again. He took a shot of the cheap liquor being shared, his eyes narrowed at you, when you turned and met his gaze.
"The Rookie's too good for a drink with us," Keegan spoke up, indifference in his tone, but you picked up on a sour note. "Let her go." He shrugged.
You wanted to pretend it didn't sting- the rejection hurt more than you cared to admit, especially given the man it came from. It wasn't like you were trying to weasel your way into their good graces, but some slack would've eased your nerves.
Keegan didn't look away when your eyes met his, instead, he took it as a challenge. A dare, of sorts- who would cower from the exchange first. It wouldn't be him, couldn't be him; not with the alcohol in his bloodstream and sudden onset of intrigue - or something like it- simmering in his gut.
His eyes moved to the outline of your curves. Sometimes, he swore you knew exactly how you made him feel; infuriatingly aroused. It always irked him, the feeling of betrayal, like allowing himself to picture you in any way other than the enemy made him a traitor.
His brain hadn't yet entirely rewired itself to see you as his teammate. He still held contempt for your past secrecy and cooperation with the federation. It was only a coincidence that this contempt manifested itself into a sick irony of attraction, admiration, lust.
He had been impressed by your commitment to your cause, though your new-found loyalty to the Ghosts was much easier to digest. He was still suspicious, of course- good looks and a glimpse of your ass wouldn't change that, but his mind always wandered to what you felt like, sounded like, especially if it were to involve him.
He'd spent more than a few frustrating evenings with his legs spread, head against his pillow, fist wrapped around his cock as he imagined you riding him- something he desperately wanted to stop doing but couldn't. You didn't help, either; always unknowingly adding to the collection of mental images he'd circle back to in the darkness of his bunk.
"Nothing you could say would interest me anyway, Russ." You answered, watching him drop the bottle from his lips.
Elias and Merrick hid their grins, watching Keegan's face drop.
You bowed out, a sliver of pride settling in your chest, and strode away to your bunk to devour your meal. It wasn't worth the extra effort to stay and argue, wasn't worth destroying the already delicate ecosystem between yourself and Keegan. Anything tipping it off balance would be potentially catastrophic for you and the task force.
Your nerves had settled after retreating to safety, though were quickly rattled again as Keegan appeared at your door nearly half an hour later. You set the rations aside, standing to meet him, before he entered of his own accord.
"Do you like being alone, rookie?" He asked, leaning against the door frame. His question came in the form of an accusation, rather than genuine curiosity.
You hated the nickname- your rank was equal to that of Keegan's, though he liked to be poignant about how he viewed you. You weren't yet truly a part of the task force.
"No, I'm just tired."
Your argument was cut short as he neared you, uncharacteristically bold. You'd known him as a quiet man, a bit antisocial when he wasn't working- but his demeanour had changed, his tone cutting your words in half. You suspected the alcohol had something to do with it.
"I've seen you sneaking off. Makes me think you're hiding something."
You quirked a brow up, knowing you'd hurt his ego with your snide remark. You wanted to scoff in his face, but swallowed your attitude for later. As he came closer, you felt a familiar tremble of arousal beginning in your gut- the same one that shouldn't be there.
"Not hiding, just staying out of the way." You insisted.
"I know your history."
"I don't have anything to hide," You said, lifting your head to meet his eyes.
You gulped, hoping he was oblivious to the unsavoury thoughts and feelings you'd been experiencing about him. Surely, he was suspicious because of your past with the federation- still, your heart raced in your chest for all the wrong reasons.
"Seems like you do. And I don't think you've forgotten how it ended last time."
You breathed out, now imagining his large hands punishing you. The bittersweet sting of his palm against your ass while his hips rocked into you- it made you shiver. You squeezed your thighs together, hoping it was more subtle than it was.
He closed in on you, nearly chest-to-chest.
"I have nothing to hide," You repeated, watching his brows furrow.
"Bullshit," He scoffed. "I can see it on your face."
"Sergeant," You warned, feeling flustered and overwhelmed, but now filled with a bit of contempt for his relentlessness. "If you have reason to believe I'm hiding something, say it. Otherwise, I'm going to bed."
He set his jaw, taken aback by your sudden influx of confidence. He was almost confused, the liquor amplifying every emotion he was feeling, including the strange sensation in his gut that yearned to touch you, feel your lips just once even if never again.
"You're trouble, rookie. I just know it." He shook his head.
"Maybe," You said into the air, locking eyes as he licked his lips. "Or are you just looking for it?" It wasn't meant to be laced with a sultry tone, or sound so deviously sexual, but it hit Keegan's ears and caused a rush of blood to his groin.
He shook his head again, trying to lose the wild thoughts that snuck up on him. He knew you were trouble- maybe not a traitor, but a damn tease. His cock was already pushing against his jeans just watching the furrow of your brows and small pout you put on. Everything about you was inviting- your eyes, your lips, your smell.
"I don't need to look, I know it when I see it."
"You're just looking for a reason to get rid of me, Russ."
"I'm looking for you to be honest," He growled. "You've got something you're not sharing with the rest of us."
"I'm entitled to my privacy."
"Not with your past offences."
"Are you always an asshole to your teammates, or do you save it for me?"
"You'd know if I were being an asshole."
"I'd hate to be around when that happens."
"I think you can handle more than you let on, Rookie."
"If my position on this task force is too much for you to handle-"
His hand came up to rest beside your head, his body moving closer yours, leaving barely an inch between you. It became clear when his next words passed his lips, what exactly his intentions were.
"I can handle you, rookie," He said; quiet, but filled with the deep husk of his voice in your ear. "I promise you that."
Your knees nearly melted, dropping an inch as you met his gaze. Your hands flattened against the wall, your stomach tying itself in knots.
A surge of arousal awakened your confidence once more- fairly certain that his interrogating was not the result of suspicion, but lust. You straightened your legs, finding his eyes as you stood up.
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Sergeant. I'd hate to be disappointed." You pursed your lips, afraid that you'd gone too far, that he hadn't meant what he'd said the way you perceived it.
But he cracked a smile- a twitch of his lip that made you exhale harshly. He liked a challenge. Didn't back down from dangerous or difficult conditions- he was notorious for his resiliency. You weren't going to be an exception, not when he wanted you so badly.
The air stood still for a moment- the two of you silently reading the unspoken words settled in your eyes. It was tense- undeniably rigid, heat passing between your bodies.
Without another moment passing, he lifted his hand to the back of your neck, rough callouses scraping your skin as he pulled you closer. His lips engulfed yours so quickly, it shocked you, caused your teeth to clash together and your brain to pause for a moment while you registered the chain of events.
Whether passion or frustration, he opened his mouth, forcing yourself to do the same, and slid his tongue against yours.
Your small squeaks and quick breaths turned to quiet moans as his other hand snaked around your waist, pulling your groin flush with his. You could feel the thick length of his cock pressing against your abdomen, and a flutter of excitement tickled your insides.
Your hands lifted to his shoulders, wrapping around to feel the hair on the nape of his neck, pulling him closer into you, pressing your breasts against his chest.
"Shit," He cussed, low and quiet. He prompted you to jump up into his arms, his hands gripping your ass as he held you close to his groin.
You clung to his waist, reconnecting your lips as he travelled slowly to the small bed against the wall. With each step, your lips and teeth knocked against each other, tongues sliding together, hands tangled in his short hair.
He dropped you down, eyes locked on yours like a predator about to devour his prey. He used his hand to push the waist band of your sweatpants down, finding you bare beneath them. In response, he groaned.
"Damn, you infuriate me," He breathed.
"Shut up," You replied.
You pressed your lips against his again as his fingers crept toward your pussy, two of them beginning to rub circles over your clit, in turn causing your back to arch off the mattress. He watched with parted lips, so focused on your expression of pleasure he nearly forgot about the aching in his pants.
He listened to your sweet moans of desperation, watched your lips part as you breathed deeply, moaned quietly. Your arms had tangled themselves around his shoulders, holding onto him tightly as he slowly forced his fingers inside you.
His head dropped, eyes wandering to your breasts, hard nipples pressing against your T-shirt, and the view of his fingers inside your wet cunt as he yanked your sweats off.
He could hardly believe how soft you were- tight around his fingers and almost moulding around them. He flicked them inside you, massaging the spongy dome that made you clench around him, while his thumb returned to your clit.
He took a deep breath in, resisting the urge to slide inside you without anymore delay.
"You are trouble," He breathed, his head dipping down to your ear. "Were you thinkin' about me before I came in here?"
You opened your eyes to find his, your mouth opening and closing as you tried to find the words to respond. Haphazard strokes over your clit were already helping lead you closer to orgasm, and his fingers filling you only pushed you over the edge.
"I-" You gulped, pausing to catch your breath. "I was thinking about you," You answered. It was honest, vague- there were too many things you'd thought about.
"Thinkin' about the guy you hate making you cum?" He sped up his pace, earning a tortured squeak from your lips.
"Asshole," You breathed.
"Give it up, baby. I know you wanna cum."
You wanted to be irritated, but his fingers were still inside you and he showed no signs of relenting until you climaxed, which meant there was no focusing on anything other than the building suspense in your gut.
It unraveled quickly, especially with his confession to paint a vivid picture in your mind. Your pussy convulsed around his fingers, and his lips found yours amongst your open-mouthed moans.
You were muffled by his lips, whimpering quietly into him when he removed his fingers and undid his belt in one fell swoop. He had hardly dropped his pants off his hips before he was pulling your shirt over your head and lavishing your breasts with hot kisses.
Your breathing increased, chest heaving as he savoured the taste of your skin, ran his warm tongue over your nipples. At the same time, he guided his cock to the heat of your pussy, gently probing before sliding deep into your soft, silky depths.
He groaned harshly, matching a soft moan that bubbled up from your throat as you felt his cock fill you. Your chest flooded with warmth, abdomen clenching as he reached your cervix and pulled back.
He cursed, gathering your hands in one of his and pinning them above your head.
"You feel just as good as you look," He grumbled, his hips moving slowly.
Your nostrils flared as you tried to regain some semblance of control, widening your legs to allow his hips to become flush with yours. Your back arched again, unintentionally wrenching against your flesh restraints before settling beneath him.
"Keegan," You whimpered, meeting his gaze as his pace began to pick up.
His breaths of exertion fanned your face, disappearing until he was beside your ear and you could hear every moan and groan that left his lips.
His cock continued to penetrate your walls, shifting your hips to angle it in a way that made your teeth clench. His cock rubbed against your clit, simultaneously stimulating your G-spot.
Your eyes squeezed shut, hands flexing open and closed while he met your hips with aggressive thrusts. Your breasts were pressed against his chest, quiet moans escaping between deep breaths.
"You're hard to resist, you know that?" He grunted.
You turned your head, watching him as he watched you. His hand released yours, and you took the opportunity to force him beside you, sliding over his lap as he lay back.
His brows lifted in shock, lying back as he helped guide you over his lap.
"It doesn't have to be that way," You breathed, repositioning yourself until you were comfortable. "Stop the interrogating, and I'm willing to surrender- anytime."
You gently sat down, his hand helping to guide his cock back inside you with a short grunt.
He grinned softly, until you moved your hips forward and rode his lap. His hands flew to your hips, grabbing at your flesh. His palm left a quick smack against your ass.
"Deal," He nodded. "Just don't stop now."
You continued, grinding your hips against him, thrusting his cock inside you. Your hands planted themselves on his chest, your hips moving at a pace that began to cause a build up of tension in your stomach.
His fingers began to rub circles over your clit again, causing a shudder to run through you before you continued.
"Shit-" He cursed, feeling you pulse around him. "Shit baby, that's it."
You exhaled, throwing your head back and watching the ceiling as you tried to avoid cumming, to avoid giving him the satisfaction of making you orgasm twice; but your stomach twisted with pleasure.
Your fingers dug into his skin, your head falling as your orgasm descended and you froze. Aside from your hips grinding sloppily, your lips were agape, breath stopped.
Keegan continued, gently thrusting up into you as he neared his own orgasm, watching your eyes meet his with desperation, pupils blown from the adrenaline and oxytocin in your veins. His hands moulded to your hips, gliding around your waist and thighs until he reached your hands on his chest.
"I'm gonna cum, baby," He moaned, squeezing your hands before letting go.
You didn't relent, continuing to ride his cock until he went rigid. His fingers probed your flesh, grabbing harshly as he released inside you and his hips stuttered. He shivered, blinked a few times before he regained sentience and met your gaze.
"You're trouble," He grinned, exhaling harshly. "But I won't hold it against you."
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cumikering · 7 months
Werewolf Keegan x reader 6
2.6k | fluff, angst It didn’t end up like how it was supposed to (part 1) (part 7)
Keegan was officially Raider’s handler.
A single day in the field showed how proficient the K9 was, assisting in explosives detection and hostiles tracking. Coupled with Keegan’s seemingly ever-accelerating reflexes and sharper sight in the dark, they became a formidable pair, working in tandem on taking out opponents and clearing paths for their teammates.
The rest of the team appreciated Raider’s presence too, not only a service in the field, but also in the safe house during their down time, when he was in a good mood. He still didn’t like people for the most part, preferring to mind his own business chewing on things and shooting people dirty looks when he was bothered. Exactly like his handler, the team decided.
Keegan was lucky the toy phone he got didn’t squeak, or else Merrick would have shot it. He especially despised high-pitch noises.
He’s trying, really, but his thumbs are a bit short, he texted you, along with a picture of Raider on his belly, paws on his toy as they waited for their ride back home.
Can’t wait to see my fave boys!
He was flying back a day earlier than expected. You, however, had already made plans for a night out with your girls that Friday.
I’ll pick you up later. Don’t forget to take my gift and jacket.
He smiled to himself. My gift.
The morning after his rut, he’d made up his mind to come clean to you. Before his deployment, he gifted you a small push dagger with his initials engraved onto the handle - one of his favourites in his collection - as a commitment to himself.
He knew he couldn’t ride the whole ‘no label’ thing forever, and he didn’t want to either. There was no way around it: either you wanted him despite his terrible secret or you didn’t. His brain knew he shouldn’t be this scared of telling you, but even the slightest chance of you leaving made his stomach knot into a tangled mess.
So he gave himself a deadline. 30 days to grow the balls to tell you. 30 days to prepare himself of the possibility of never seeing you again, suffering the memory of his sweet peanut much longer than you were in his life.
But if you were to stay, which he desperately wished you would, he couldn’t even begin to think how ecstatic he’d be. He couldn’t wait for his team to meet you, the people the trusted the most, smiling at the thought of telling them how you met and how odd it was.
For years, Ajax poked fun at him for his seemingly permanent scowl, saying no woman would want to spare him a glance when he constantly looked offended, like one insulted his mother and his grandmother in the same sentence. Well, he could finally rub it in his face that his resting bitch face landed a beauty like you anyway. Perhaps Ajax should smile (and snore) less.
Hell, maybe soon enough he could take you home to his mum. He knew she would love you. In the future, she might even give her blessing in the form of an heirloom and finally stop worrying about his son dying miserable and alone.
He was still smiling to himself when he pulled up in front of the club, the moon full in the sky. When you saw him, you hurried over. You wore a sheer off-shoulder top paired with skinny jeans and heels, showing off your soft curves.He bit his lip. You were gorgeous and he knew you were going to smell amazing.
“Keegan!” You hugged him over the console.
“Hi, peanut,” he said lowly against your temple. Yes, you smelt fantastic. From the backseat, he pulled out a stalk of red rose.
You beamed, leaning in for a peck. He, however, had different thoughts in mind. He pulled you into a deep kiss, a hand on your waist, the other trailing up your arm.
Fuck. He punched way above his weight. He couldn’t believe he got to pick you up, touch you and kiss you, more than once.
“Oh, people are looking!” You pulled away and leaned into his neck, hiding your face as you let out a giggle.
He looked out the windshield, at the couple giving him dirty looks a few feet away. He smirked. He kind of liked that, he realised, when people knew you were with him. His.
As soon as the door to your apartment shut, with his hands on your waist, he backed you up against the wall.
“Missed you too much,” he said between hasty kisses.
It was easier to kiss you now with the added height from your pretty heels. You hummed, tugging on his hair as his lips trailed along your jaw and neck before abruptly stopping.
“Did someone touch you?” he growled. “Did a man touch you?” He didn’t need to ask. He could smell it on you, clinging on your skin like acrid smoke, tainting what was his.
“We were on the dancefloor. It was just the shoulder.”
“No one’s supposed to touch you.” He continued kissing your exposed collarbones and shoulder. “I told you to wear my jacket.”
“But it doesn’t go with my outfit.”
“I don’t care.” He nipped at your skin. “People need to know you’re mine.”
“Am I?” He heard the smile in your voice.
How dare he have the audacity to want you all to himself. It was his fault that he hadn’t made you his, that you went around thinking you weren’t. But he couldn’t keep you in the blind. You needed to know who he was entirely before he could, in good conscience, make you his.
He pressed against you, trapping you with his body with a hand under your chin, the other kneading your hip.
He sucked and nipped and licked and savoured, his grip on you ever tightening as his chest heaved against yours. You hummed in delight as your hips bucked, breathless as you tried to keep up, hands roaming, pulling him closer by his belt loops.
Mine, mine, mine.
“Ow- OW!” You yelped.
He jerked away. You frowned as you brought your fingers to your lower lip. It was bloodied. His body ran cold as shame poured over him. He hurt you.
“I…“ He took a step back. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it.” You reached for him, but he pushed your hand away, harder than he intended.
“I need to go.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry.”
With that, he rushed to his car, heart racing. Hands grasping the steering wheel, an attempt to regulate his breathing, but the burning of his skin wouldn’t let him. He raced to the mountains, shifting in the bushes, giving him immediate relief from his scalding body before taking off to the top. He basked in the grace of the full moon as he ran and ran. Beneath his large paws, twigs and leaves crunched, the tension melting off his aching muscles.
The movement in the corner of his eye brought him to a screeching halt. He turned. It was a brown rabbit, ever bountiful in the expanse, but for the first time, it wasn’t merely a passing sight. It was an invitation, and he wanted a chase. Desperately.
With no hesitation, he took off and it didn’t take more than a few seconds for him to pin the rabbit down under his deadly claws. His nostrils flared, snarling as he leaned in, heart thumping from anticipation. The poor animal, like a deer in headlights, looked up the unforgiving predator with its doe eyes.
At the realisation of what he was about to do, he pulled away, the bunny scurrying away instantly. Wide-eyed, his breath caught in his throat as he staggered back. His stomach turned in utter disgust as he raced to his clothes before shifting back. On his knees, his breath came in pitiful gasps as he stared at his trembling hands.
You said he didn’t mean it. But what if he did? What if he wanted to? What if your blood was the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted?
The memory sent chills down his spine. What was happening to him?
After that night, Keegan went quiet. You didn’t know what happened, or if it was something you did. His texts had slowed to a few a day, hours apart. He was in town so he had no reason for his absence.
You’d asked multiple times if he was alright, demanding some sort of explanation, but his long awaited answers were dismissive, withdrawn. You felt more like a nuisance than joy to him, like you felt you once were.
Apparently, with him, it was too easy to forget where you stood. It took you a week to realise and accept that what you’d always feared was happening, like what always happened: he, too, decided you weren’t enough to settle down for.
You thought he was different. You wanted him to be different. When you let him kiss you, when you let him stay the night. As it turned out, it didn’t mean anything for him to leave the way he did.
It was glaring now, how he hadn’t let you meet any of his friends. What about those nights he was radio silent, only replying in the dead of night? It was one thing if he didn’t like you enough, but the thought of another woman made your stomach turn.
Suddenly, Keegan was a stranger. The secrets you shared didn’t feel sacred, the stories of his childhood told under the covers didn’t ring sweet anymore. Or that time he ran your hands over the scars of his beautiful body, and when your gaze locked and he held you like he was never letting go.
In moments like those, you witnessed how his lips parted, breath held, like he – you hoped – was finally going to say something about this, but always swallowed whatever it was at the tip of his tongue. It all felt like a trick of the mind.
No, you weren’t about to cry. You wouldn’t let yourself do that. You swore you never would again when someone you thought was special left at the first inconvenience. As if you weren’t worth enough to fight for, as if the moments shared were all in your head.
Were they? Your friends had warned you, that these military men were trouble – riddled with holes in their souls which might never heal up. Built different with no more space for sentiments, no one could make them change their mind except themselves.
It was your fault you didn’t press for exclusivity, for certainty. You knew he was closed up, probably heavy with baggage you couldn’t even fully comprehend, but you didn’t want to push him away. You were willing to wait for him. He was worth it, you thought. Yet it was your fault you got yourself hurt at the end. Always too worried about asking, for being too much, taking up the space you needed.
It was easier if he completely stopped texting, stopped pretending that he still wanted to have anything to do with you. He might as well block you, because how could you stop wanting more at this point.
You didn’t understand why you were so drawn to him from the start, the quiet, unsmiling man with the icy stare. Was it the eventual bloom of his smile, the way he whispered and purred into the phone those nights he was away? Or was it the way he held you, firm and strong, safe as he looked at you like he’d never say no to you?
That late Saturday afternoon, when you decided to stop moping around, you found yourself mindlessly walking too far from your neighbourhood. You sighed. A cup of hot chocolate sounded like exactly what you needed, but you didn’t want to be alone. Not that day.
You pulled up your contacts. You weren’t calling any one of your girls - seeing them would reduce you to a pathetic puddle of tears - especially not Lauren. You weren’t ready to tell her she was right all along.
You found yourself calling Blake instead. You’d texted occasionally, but never got to meet up again after Nick’s dinner. None the wiser about your heartache, he would make you feel normal even for a bit.
At the quiet coffee shop, he slid your drink across the table for two.
“I’m surprised you wanted to meet,” he said, his English accent gentle as he sat.
“Why would you say that?”
“Well… You never said anything about my gift.”
You frowned. “What gift?”
He let out an awkward chuckle. “The flowers? I sent them to your work.”
“Wait,” you said as realisation dawned on you. “The bouquet last month?”
He nodded.
“There was no sender, no card. I didn’t know it was you.”
“I did write you a card.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Well, I figured when you didn’t say anything it was enough of an answer that you weren’t interested.”
“Oh, Blake.” Your shoulders sagged with guilt. “You know I would have said something if I knew it was you.”
A hopeful smile graced the Brit’s face as he met your gaze. “Does that mean- Can I take you out? I’d love to get to know you again.”
With his brown hair styled, perfectly trimmed stubble lining his sharp jaw, he was still as handsome as you remembered, still kind with his twinkling green eyes. Yet you felt nothing towards him.
“I can’t,” you breathed, the words heavy. “I’m sorry.”
There was a long pause before he swallowed. “Thank you for your honesty.”
“There’s… Someone I really like, but I don’t think I’m the only one.” You laughed humourlessly.
“Talk to him. You deserve your closure.” He let out an empathetic sigh. “If I’ve learnt anything from this, from you and I… I’m guilty of leaving like that, like there was nothing between us. It was unfair for you, and I owe you an apology.”
You didn’t want to, but your lips quivered.
“I wish I’d told you how much you meant to me, and that I’d been more daring about the things I wanted instead of just wishing for them to turn out.” A resigned smile flickered on his lips. “I think it would have been worth it.”
You choked out a sob. He dragged his chair next to you, pulling you into a bear hug. He rubbed your back as your tears spilt onto his shoulder.
You didn’t know you needed that. Blake soothed that little piece of you, you never knew was bruised. To know you meant enough for an apology even years after, even when the feelings were but a memory to you.
You deserved your closure.
“Thank you so much for saying that.” You pulled away, wiping your face with the serviette he handed you.
Your hot chocolates had long gone cold. It made you smile through your drying tears when he got two glasses of ice. Like those times you waited for your teas to cool as the both of you studied, but inevitably forgetting them entirely. He turned them into iced teas instead.
Even if it doesn’t become what you want it to, it can still be as nice, sometimes even better, he always said.
“Just like old times?” He raised his glass of iced chocolate.
“Just like old times.”
@tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mangoguy @astraluminaaa @dead-cipher @shadowlali @reelovesfictionalmen @eve-lie
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graysnetwork · 1 year
OML YOUR KEEGAN CONTENT HAS ME WEAK!!! pleeeease how would Keegan react if you were taken hostage/kidnapped 🙏🥹
Awww omg I love the prompt and it’s so angsty
Notes: not proofread, I kept this gn, so lmk if there’s accidental mentions of a specific genders, I don’t think there’s any mentions of it though
warnings: mentions of: blood, bloody noses, bruises, kidnapped/taken hostage, going missing, being tied up, being heavily wounded.
Summary: You were taken hostage when Keegan was on his deployment
Keegan would’ve never left that day, if he had known that you wouldn’t be there when he returned. He would’ve been by your side, nothing would’ve happened to you, maybe if he didn’t convince you to stay at home; resign from your job and relax, maybe then the day would be different. You would’ve been home when he was returning from his deployment.
Maybe if he had stayed home; did as you asked in the morning to be call in sick, even if Merrick would be upset, he could’ve stayed in bed; fallen asleep and have his arms wrapped around you tall morning.
Keegan made his work his top priorities, he left for work that day, he’d only be gone for a few days, just like every other day, this shouldn’t have happened.
You shouldn’t have been tied up to a chair, bloody and beaten all because the federation soldiers used you as bait. You should’ve been asleep on the couch; a movie playing when Keegan walked through the door that night he came home.
He walked in through the door and could see the the messed up pillows that had been tossed around the living room, the few drops of blood on the wood floor, the messed up bed, and you were nowhere to be found, he tried calling you, your phone was in the bedroom on the floor.
Keegan couldn’t think of anything else to do other than call merrick and ask for help to find you, you were the love of his life, he’d do anything to see you, alive and see that smile again.
The three weeks he spent looking for you with his team was crucial, he could barely get into bed at night but Merrick forced him to sleep, Logan could see the difference in Keegan’s mental health, physical health. The way dark circles appeared under his eyes, he drank more coffee than usual.
He couldn’t bare those three weeks anymore, without you he felt like he was nothing, he always said you had his heart.
And now you’d taken it with you while you were gone.
Nightmares began and he couldn’t fall asleep even if his body needed it, his mind couldn’t rest, not when you were away.
The blood drops on the floor of your guy’s home only made him feel worse, he couldn’t even clean it because it was the last trace of you other than your phone.
Maybe if he smelled your shirt he could feel better but he couldn’t enter that house without feeling a sharp pain in his chest. He didn’t protect you and that’s all he’s ever tried doing since you too have been together.
Finally when they did infiltrate the building he found you, Merrick following behind him, your head hung low as you your were bruised up and had a bloody nose, several wounds were visible; Keegan couldn’t even stomach what kind of wounds would be under your clothes.
All he could do was hope you’d hear him and smile, wake up, hug him again.
The two men quickly untied your hands from the chair and Keegan pulled the blindfold off of your face, the light alone was blinding, you opened your eyes only to close them again, before you recognized the same deep, and raspy voice you loved to fall asleep to.
“Y/n” his voice so soft, the same tone he used when he woke you up, “keegs?” Your voice was weak, your voice was strained from the shouting and screaming in pain you had been through.
“Yeah it’s me honey” he whispered and picked you up, he noticed the squint in your eyes when your tried looking up at him. He took you out the room and finally you could look at him without that bright white light behind him.
You could see his eyes were red from the nights he’d cried his heart out, all you could do was hug him back, as tightly as you could, and he did the same kissing your cheek gently, your head tucked into his shoulder, his grip was firm but he made sure not to hurt you, he could never forgive himself if he hurt you.
He felt healed, happy with the way you kissed him gently. It felt like the breeze after a storm.
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joanofexys · 2 months
random fun facts?
- Merrick and Jude are the first openly queer couple in professional exy. Their team makes it semi-finals and they fully tackle each other and make out on the court
- Florian has a prosthetic solely for stickers. It’s not the one he usually wears but kids tend to be obsessed with it so if he’s doing any sort of press stuff where he knows there will be kids, bam stickered up prosthetic. Many of the stickers come from teammates kids or siblings.
- Emiko almost solely listens to FOB and MCR. Good luck getting her to put on anything else. And if she’s driving you’re listening to her music.
- Angel does have one of Phoebe’s drawings tattooed on him.
- Ilya volunteers at his local shelter. Despite this Ilya and Flor’s first cat doesn’t come from the shelter. She jumps in Flor’s car when he’s leaving the court at night and he has to take her home. Even though he had been telling Ilya he didn’t want a pet.
- Anytime he’s in town and agrees to go to Eden’s with the monsters, Florian has a single drink and promptly naps on Neil or Andrew the entire time. Baby boy is a homebody
- Mara’s favorite animals are turtles. Aquarium dates are the dream.
- Merrick is better with kids than Jude is. Jude’s great with kids but they just flock to Merr.
- Merr’s love language is bullying and a lot of people wonder how the fuck he and Jude ended up together (“why the fuck are you wearing that eyesore at 8 in the morning?”, “sorry I don’t kiss losers” (said as he is letting Jude pull him in a kiss), etc)
- Flor’s favorite song is Helena
- Ilya’s a big of silent films when he needs to stare at a screen and zone out and he manages to get Flor a little bit into them (good for sensory overload)
- Get that boy (Florian) a pair of noise cancelling headphones
- Emiko and Florian are the two who tend to argue the most. They’ll get into full blown screaming matches on the court
- Angel is very sure he’ll never have/never wants to have another kid. Phoebe’s the greatest thing to happen to him but he’d never willing do it all over again
- Jude’s tendency to not realize when people are into him physically or romantically also transfers to his platonic relationships. He is fully unaware of how many friends he has
- Merrick has never lost a game of Clue and Jude refuses to play with him until he figures out how Merr’s cheating
- The US Court has been banned from playing Uno as a form of team bonding
- Florian on bad pain days where he can’t wear his prosthetic still shows up to practices. He sits on the bench in pjs with a blanket and suffers. Stubborn asshole
- Flor plays a game shortly after a breaking wrist. Nobody knows how he got cleared to play. He scored the winning goal and immediately got benched for the next month cause the shakiness in his hand the bruising was not pretty
- Jude collects comic books
- Mara is a Kesha girly
- Florian let Mara pierce his nose at 3 am after they had both had a few shots. He loves it now, but the morning after he had never felt so much dread.
- Harper was on the robotics team in high school
- Emeryk has terrible insomnia. He regularly pulls all nighters and spends most nights on the couch watching a documentary or listening to a podcast
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You are, I’m sure, familiar with Occam’s razor. It’s the old philosophical theorem that holds that the simplest explanation for an event, the one requiring the fewest assumptions, is probably the best explanation. If you wake up in the morning and there’s snow on the lawn, there are any number of possible explanations. Maybe some friends played a practical joke on you and dumped snow in your yard. Maybe space aliens visited during your slumber and dusted your lawn with the white stuff. Or—maybe it snowed last night.
Republicans keep asking, completely dishonestly, why so much criminal suspicion surrounds Donald Trump. They say it’s all being orchestrated by Joe Biden and Merrick Garland. They insist it’s an effort to interfere with his election campaign. They say a lot of things, but if ever there was a case where Occam’s razor applied, it’s this one. Trump is surrounded by criminal suspicion because he’s a criminal.
He’s been doing criminal things for decades. He just finally got cornered and caught on something. I’ve been writing recently that Democrats have to make sure every voter in the country remembers by Election Day, having heard it said thousands of times, that Donald Trump is a convicted felon. That’s true, and so far, Democrats and affiliated groups aren’t doing a terrible job of this. It’s a little sad that the best expression I’ve seen of this so far comes from a Republican—fiercely anti-Trump Republican Sarah Longwell’s group, Republican Voters Against Trump, has put up some blunt billboards around the country featuring photos of voters, with their names, under the statement: “I won’t vote for a convicted felon.”
But Democrats need to do more. Trump’s criminality, both past and future, should be central to the campaign. There’s a story to tell here, and it’s all true. No matter what the pollsters and the messaging gurus say, it’s impossible that all of this, taken together, doesn’t matter to swing voters.
To tell the story, you go through Trump’s record:
• convicted on 34 felony counts • determined by a court to have raped a woman and ordered to pay her $83 million • found by a court to have overvalued his assets and ordered to pay $364 million • ordered to pay a $2 million settlement after admitting that he misused his charity, which the state of New York shut down • found by the Justice Department to have refused to rent apartments to Black applicants; settled out of court • sued by the Justice Department for violating proper procedures in the purchase of stock; paid $750,000 in civil fines • charged by the New York State Lobbying Commission with violating state lobbying laws while purchasing a casino; paid $250,000 to settle fines • found by the courts to have grossly defrauded students at the so-called Trump University and ordered to pay them $25 million in restitution
This list isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. It’s the tip of the tip. Trump has spent four decades being sued for something or other, typically not paying his bills, like those famous cases where he stiffed the poor vendors for his casinos, filing his own ridiculous countersuits and libel suits, and paying fines to make things go away. If indeed he actually paid the fines. I wonder if anyone has ever really gotten to the bottom of that. And I haven’t even mentioned the current charges around January 6 and the stolen classified documents because, so far, they’re just charges. But whatever the courts end up saying on those two matters, we’ve all seen with our own eyes the insurrection that he obviously incited (as of this January, 718 rioters had pleaded guilty to various federal charges, and 139 had been found guilty in court) and the photos of the boxes of documents at Mar-a-Lago that he refused for months to turn over to the FBI.
Another important point: The criminality around Trump isn’t limited to Trump. Eight Trump associates were sentenced to prison time: Steve Bannon, Michael Cohen (joined the good side but still served time), Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Peter Navarro, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, and Allen Weisselberg. Others copped pleas: Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Cheseboro, and Scott Hall, another Georgia defendant.
This is not a coincidence. As GOP strategist Rick Wilson said, “Everything Trump touches dies”; he corrupts everything and everyone around him. And does anyone seriously think that if he gets back to the Oval Office, the same thing isn’t going to happen again? It’s going to be worse.
It’s going to be far worse. First, he’s going to start, on that dictatorial day one, by pardoning himself. Joe Biden and the Democrats need to try to get voters focused on this. If it happens, people will be completely outraged. Yes, the 38% or so who are MAGA world will be fine with it, but majorities will be flabbergasted at such an act. Is it possible to get voters pre-outraged about something that hasn’t happened? The polls will say no. But as I’ve written over and over lately, polls can either be accepted—or they can be changed.
Right now, what’s most terrifying to me about the polls is that they tell us emphatically that people forget. They forget all the horrible things Trump did. That includes presidential actions, like his lies to the American people about the pandemic, but it also includes his history of criminality and the way that history guarantees he’ll keep behaving that way.
In sum: Trump’s criminal record hardly begins and ends with Stormy Daniels. Somebody needs to make sure that, by November 5, voters know the entire, sordid history.
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milkteaarttime · 1 month
First Date
this is the first half and the happier part of the first date. I hope everyone enjoys this cheesy piece of writing lol. (Edited)
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Never in Hesh’s life had he thought waiting for the following weekend to arrive could be this torturous. After he and Latte exchanged contact information, the pair began texting when their busy schedule would allow it. The contents of their chat weren’t extraordinary or very detailed. It mainly consisted of good mornings, sending each other pictures of their food when it was meal times, a few memes, chatting about how Hesh saw a recruit get his ass handed to him by Merrick, and stories about Latte being hounded by patients’ families. They would often end their day with a goodnight and something about looking forward to seeing each other on Saturday, the decided day of their date. Just a week after when they first met. 
The days leading up to Saturday have been crawling at a snail's pace, and every second of the day felt stagnant, at least on Hesh’s end. His excitement to see her again was palpable when Saturday finally arrived. There's an almost uncharacteristic spring in his step. A crooked smile keeps creeping back onto his face despite Merrick yelling at him to stay focused during training drills and wipe ‘That damn smirk’ off his face. Even Elias watched in confusion as his eldest son sat on a raised ledge, kicking and swinging his legs during lunch. Elias locked eyes with Logan, nodding his head in Hesh’s direction with a questioning look as if asking ‘What's up with your brother?’ Logan simply shrugged, pretending to be unsure. 
Hesh didn’t want to admit it, but he felt giddy. The rest of the Ghosts can tell something good happened to him, but every time someone inquires, he comes up with an excuse and avoids the question. Citing that he was simply excited about having some free time this weekend, which wasn’t exactly a lie. 
For Latte, the week sped by fast. Opposite to how Hesh experienced it, for her the days leading up to the date were a blur. She told her brother, Viktor, about how she has a date lined up. The news was met with a thumbs-up emoji and a ‘FINALLY. Took ya long enough’ from Viktor.
Other than texting Hesh and kicking her feet on the bed like a teenage girl (unaware that Hesh was doing the same.) All she did was wake up to work, fight with her manager about her assignments at work, eat and meal prep, and fall asleep when she could no longer keep her eyes open to look at her phone. It was already Saturday morning before she knew it. After a lengthy battle over the phone with her manager, She informs her that she absolutely cannot come in, no matter how big of a bonus was offered. Hanging up before her manager tries to offer Latte her first born child in exchange, she giddily picks up her phone and shoots him a quick morning message.
‘Morning Hesh, can’t wait to see you again :)’
Latte waits for him to read her text, the 3 dots signifying his incoming response. She smiled wearily as she sipped on her tea, hoping it would drown the stupid butterflies—no, the swarm of agitated hornet nest of nerves in her stomach. She isn’t a stranger to dates, she has been on a few in high school and some casual relationships in her early college years. Nothing came of those brief connections. Unfortunately, as excited about this date as she was, she was just as crestfallen. Already believing that this connection with Hesh may not last or develop further. A part of her wishes to become something special with Hesh, or anyone. However, Him being a part of a special task force that is known for its elusiveness only adds to her anxiety. Especially with the current situation in the States being so dire. A simple first date or a stable relationship that would otherwise be mundane, are now a rarity. Not to mention trying for a successful long-term relationship with a soldier would be even more complicated. But it has been 4 years since she came to the States, 4 years she hasn't seen anyone. 
The notification sound of her phone perks her attention.
‘Mornin’! I’m excited to see you as well! Is the place I mentioned is still okay for you?’ 
‘Of course! I enjoy a nice scenery :)’
’Great! See you then!’
’See ya :)’
Hesh chuckled, liking the frequent smiley faces she would put after her texts in place of proper punctuation, and put his phone back in his pocket. The rest of the day went by, with him rushing through his routines, and getting concerned looks from his teammates. 
“So, what's the hurry man?” Kick asked as he strolled up to the water station where Hesh was taking a drink from the fountain. Intercepting him for questioning.
“You got something special coming up?” He teased as he filled his water bottle next to Hesh. Determined to get some answers. Hesh hesitates before answering him, rubbing the short hairs on his buzzed head awkwardly.
“Uh...something like that.”
”A date with that little nurse?”
”Ye— Wait how’d you know?”
”Goddamn it.”
Kick chortled at Hesh’s annoyed reaction. He gulps down some water, before speaking up once more.
”Where are you taking her?” 
“That pond nearby.”
“Ooh, I take Livi there sometimes when she's back from the border. There ain't much to do here, but the ponds nice. Have fun you two.”
With a light smack of encouragement to Hesh’s back, Kick leaves him to his thoughts. After Odin, there weren't many places for a proper date. Sure, new places are slowly popping up again, but this country is still considered an active warzone. Gone are the traditional courting spots. No more fancy Italian restaurants, fun bowling alleys, or adorable Asian cafes that Hesh was used to in Socal. It was between the aforementioned pond and some dingy bar just outside the base. And he does NOT want to expose Latte to rough and rowdy military folk that loitered there. 
Upon arriving back in his room, Hesh began to sift through his bleak closet. Brushing past his heavy-duty uniforms and gear, he glanced at the options. Many plain-coloured army-issued shirts, 4 pairs of cargo pants, and 3 of the same black beanies greet him. He tsked, annoyed by his lack of choice before picking out what he usually wore and running to the showers. Since he was only planning to share a small meal, and chat while enjoying the scenery of the pond, he prayed Latte would forgive his lacklustre wardrobe. He wished that they could have met under better circumstances, then he would have the chance to take her on a proper date. 
Running to the cafeteria after most of the soldiers had cleared out, he managed to convince (bribe) a cook to make him a couple of burgers so he could bring them out to share with her. Swiping a few extra ketchup packets and shoving them in the bag, he checks his phone for any updates.
‘I will be here in about 5 mins!’ 
Latte’s text from 10 minutes ago reads. He jumps to his feet and speed walks(bolted) to the entrance of the base. By the time he got to the gate, She was already there, standing by the guards and chatting casually with them. Her familiar silhouette was illuminated by the last rays of daylight.
“Latte!” He called out to her, waving as he reached her. She snapped her head to the sound of his voice and beamed, giving him a small hug. After she quickly waved goodbye to the guards, the pair walked towards the pond’s location, with Hesh leading the way.
The pond Hesh led her to was not a small one. It was surrounded by sand, and almost resembled a small beach of sorts. Lots of trees from the woods surround them, adding a nice private seclusion for the pair. With a few rectangle-shaped stone blocks acting as a staircase, they walked down to get closer to the water. Finding a large dried driftwood log, Latte and Hesh sat down, relaxing and resting their legs.
”How do you like it?”
Hesh watched Latte as she swept her gaze across the body of water, taking in the beautiful scenery of the pond, the colours from the start of a sunset bleeding into it. A Cool breeze picks up, rippling the water. It laced through the layers of her hair, fluttering it around her face and shoulders. She runs a hand through her fringes, getting the hair out of her face before looking back at Hesh to answer him.
“The water is gorgeous…I didn’t know there was a pond this close!” She gave a squinting smile, a rosy blush across her cheeks. Too shy to tell him that the dark green of the water reminded her of his eyes.
‘Yeah, gorgeous…’ He thinks, but not about the scenery at all, his eyes lingered on her form as the two basked in the cool evening air. After a little while, he recalls the bag of food he brought. He takes it out, not wanting it to get cold.
“I got something for us. I remember you mentioned loving cheeseburgers, so I got the cook at the base to make some!”
“Oh my gosh, thank you! You didn't have to!”
Latte gratefully accepts it, feeling the warmth of the burger radiate out the tin foil and into the pal of her hands. At the same time, a fuzzy feeling stirred in her chest.
“Oh before I forget, here!” Latte took out a container, opened it and showed its contents to Hesh.
“They are Portuguese-Cantonese style egg tarts, it's a staple in Chinese bakeries!”
”Oh wow, where’d you get these? I don’t think any Chinese bakeries exist around here.” Hesh picked up a tart, observing the flaky buttery crust and the perfectly charred sweet egg filling.
“Hehe, I made these! My family used to serve these at our restaurant, I was the only person who knew how to make them in the family, they were very popular with kids and adults!” 
“You made these? They look incredible!” 
The two began eating and enjoying each other’s company under the setting sun. Casual conversation regarding hobbies, music, and childhood stories were exchanged. stopping to offer a napkin to the other, and pointing out crumbs or sauce near each other’s cheeks. The sound of their laughter absorbed and hidden from the rest of the world by the wide open space of the pond. After the food was all gone, a deeper conversation began taking place.
”You said your family owned a restaurant?”
“We had a small Chinese place in Canada! My brother and I helped out every day, he manned the register while I was cooking and taking orders.”
“Oh you got a brother too? Is he close to you in age?”
”Mhmm! We are a little more than a year apart!Speaking of family, Commander Walker is your father no? I noticed you all have the same last name.”
”Yep, we are all military since he inspired us and trained us for it. I was shocked when he told me and Logan that we get to join him in the task force.”
”That's incredible, I think it's wonderful that you can have your dad and brother in one place.”
“How about your family? Are they still in the restaurant business?”
Latte freezes a little before recollecting herself. Flashing a small melancholic smile. 
“My parents are gone. It's just me and my brother after Odin—“
“Oh I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have—“
“No no! It's okay, you didn't know.” She put a hand on his shoulder and reassures him before continuing.
”We were on our way to Washington from BC, we were just out of the immediate blast radius, but still close enough to be possibly fatal, my brother and I managed to make it out…My parents just weren't so lucky I suppose.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, she tries to frame the horrific experience as lightheartedly as she can, wanting to keep the atmosphere somewhat comfortable for Hesh. And to avoid dampening the mood any further.
“It's honestly such a freak accident, we sure know how to pick a day for the vacation.” She sarcastically jokes, voice trembling. An unfruitful way to distract herself from the memories resurfacing. 
“It's the first time our family got to have a chance to vacation…in the 14 years since we immigrated to Canada…”
It started with Latte turning to see a bright glare from her brother’s side of the car window, and before her mind can processed what she witnessed, a strong blast knocked over trees, snapped road signs, and destroyed most of the vehicles on that road. She remembers waking up to her mother screaming her name from the passenger seat, the shrill car alarms from the surrounding damaged cars, and a ringing in her ear. The sticky feeling of her blood dripping down her forehead into her eyes from a cut. The crumpled metal frames of the car encased them, trapping her parents in the front. Hearing her mom’s pleas to get Viktor out, and her wishes for Latte to care for her brother. Not realizing those would be her mother’s last words. Seeing her father’s blood-drenched face and body, he was killed from the moment the shockwave flipped them. She remembers stumbling and dragging an unconscious and equally injured Viktor out to a safe distance, before returning and attempting to get her mother out of the flaming vehicle. Futile as her mother died not long after she got her brother out. The hot metal seared her palms as she yanked at the handle on the mangled car door. The sharp pain of glass shards embedded in her back with every yank she attempted. The pungent smell of burned flesh, plastic, and leather stung her sinuses. She remembers wailing and crying for help among the sea of flames and destruction, and trying to wake Viktor up—
”—Atte!! LATTE!”
Hesh’s clear voice snapped her out of her thoughts, she looked at him, her sight blurred with tears threatening to spill over. Quickly wiping them away, she opens her mouth to try and apologize to him for making it awkward when suddenly, Hesh pulled her into his chest.
“It's okay, you are okay, don’t apologize for being vulnerable.” He immediately attempts to ground her back to reality. Rubbing her back in a comforting way.
“Listen to my heartbeat, and breathe. You were having a flashback”
Wrapping her arms around his torso, she pressed her ear against his broad chest. She listened to the ‘lub dub’ of his heart. Shakily inhaling and exhaling, taking in the scent of his cologne. The blended notes of cedar wood, bergamot and lavender gradually eases her. They stay like this for a little while. Hesh only letting go of her when her breathing stabilizes and no longer trembling in his arms.
A moment of silence goes by, with neither of them saying anything for different reasons. Latte feeling that she ruined the date with her flashback, rubbing her arms awkwardly. Hesh feels guilty for triggering her and causing her be transported back to the traumatic experience of ODIN. Eventually, he speaks up first. 
”Hey…Uh, I enjoyed the time I spent with you today." he mustered out, and glanced up at the edges of the horizon, watching the final moments of the sunset. 
“Aren’t you uncomfortable with me? After all that...”  she trailed off, her eyes studying the muscles on his face. Trying to catch even a twitch of a negative expression.
”Not at all, I am no stranger to traumatic flashbacks, and neither is anyone in our team. You must have gone through really tough times, I’m sorry about your parents.”
He reached out and enveloped her hand with his larger one. Feeling his heart race, he swallows down his nerves and decides to get the question out of his system.
”I know it's sudden, and it's only our first date. I also know that things are risky and unstable right now.” He sighs, before drawing in a deep breath.
”But I like you, and I wanna see how this goes. Wou—Would you…be my girlfriend?” He finally spits out the question. Waiting anxiously for her response.
”Girlfriend? Like a serious relationship or casual? I mean, uh…It's a yes to both but I just wanted, you know...to clarify.” Latte stuttered, stunned by the turn of events. Since she was so sure he was gonna give her the ‘I-had-a-good-time-but-we-might-not-work-together-but-I-wish-you-the-best’ type of rejection.
“Let's do it seriously, I never liked casual stuff.” He affirms giving her a bright smile, observing the expression on her face shift from disbelief to relief. She wraps her arms around him tightly once more.
“I’d love to be your girlfriend Hesh!”
(Its 6 am hahah i gotta sleep. Sorry for any errors im so out of it, thankyou @blacktacmopsi for letting me reference her OC Livi❤️❤️❤️)
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indelicateink · 3 months
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something that haunted me waking up this morning after ep6 is honestly not knowing which way louis is going to go in ep7?
[what follows is speculation, i don’t know anything/don’t want spoilers, i’m just going off what we’ve been shown in show/in promo]
louis’s in a surprise murder trial and he says he can’t think beyond the knowledge that lestat is alive/here? i did not expect them to foreground that in the trailer.
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this is the guy who was wandering the moors eastern europe and paris FOR YEARS hallucinating his dead ex—and for most of those years, apparently, one who was appearing as he last saw him, soaked in blood with a gaping neck wound, right? that “i’m gonna fucking kill you” guy.
paris!dreamstat was a softer iteration. he’ll eat your criticized art photos and talk about his sentimental suit and scoff at the awkward fumblings of your new bf. but he’ll also tell you to show him you love him the only way you gruesomely know how to love.
louis still feels GUILTY. and then his guy shows up alive.
so when faced with these attempted murder charges is louis going to buckle? the man is disoriented, freshly betrayed, and has been cracking under guilt and sadness of the murder for YEARS.
but also: fuck the TdV. fuck this kangaroo court. fuck santiago. louis despises them all. and he has to protect claudia and madeleine.
but lestat shows up to (I'm guessing) to condemn his daughter. how does louis cope?
bc I get the sense lestat has been put in a position where he has to put on a show. the dude was literally forgiving louis as he was cutting his throat open, he's proud of Claudia's moxy (per SR), we know blame's not an issue where lestat’s coming from.
there was a promo photo of claudia’s diaries being used at the trial, and if they contain what they contained in Merrick, it’s an understatement that that’s going to momentarily kind of fuck louis up in regard to his solidarity with claudia, or maybe just his self-loathing. so I can’t guess where it would go from there
(I know ultimately things go to shit and presumably louis goes Carrie White.)
IDK I JUST NEED YOUR SPECULATION. tell me your thoughts about Louis. about everyone.
the others--
as for claudia, I can't anticipate anything but furious outrage. had no problem tossing that dude on the grill, even if she'd known anything about these rules she's sworn to uphold, fuck these vampires.
and Madeleine's just hanging on reliving her post-war mob justice.
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thornsandtulips · 4 months
Love your nsfw alphabet for Tim & Brian! Is it possible to get one for Alex or Jay?
Of course!! I must warn you I haven’t written for Jay before so if it comes off a little ooc, I’m sorry 😭😭🖤- Tulips
Jay Merrick NSFW A-Z
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jay 👏🏻 Mothefuckin 👏🏻 Merrick👏🏻 gives the best aftercare.
This man will clean you up, tuck you in, bring you some candy and water. He will do literally anything to make you feel loved and special.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part on you would have to be your lips. He loves seeing your lips curve into a smile. It makes his heart warm up seeing you smile, especially at him. Jay also loves when you use that lovely mouth on his neck.
His favorite body part on himself would be his hands, he loves grabbing onto you and seeing you jump a little at his touch. He loves seeing you hold his hand or play with his fingers. He also loves using his fingers on you
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves to cum outside of your body, mostly on your stomach. The rush of thrusting up into you and getting so close to cumming. The sight of you getting close yourself, the pressure building up before you cum around his cock. You think he’s going to come inside you only to feel him pull out and cum on your belly.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He will steal your underwear. He’s embarrassed about doing it, but some of the undies you got are cutely patterned and he uses it as material whenever the rare times he’s horny and you’re not around.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Man has little to no experience, he tries to save himself for people he’s grown attraction for ( I feel like he gives a lot of Demi-sexual vibes.)
Once you start having sex, please tell him he’s doing a good job, it’ll make him more comfortable.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
His favorite positioning would be missionary and cowgirl.
He loves how close you both are in missionary, he can see every reaction you have when he’s deep inside you.
Jay also has liked the few times you’ve both done cowgirl positioning. Watching you bounce on his cock, making him just watch you in awe and pleasure. He loves seeing you take action on him and tell him what to do. The man will nut quick.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He tries to be serious during the act, but he’s so awkward it’ll come off as a little goofy. Of course just reassure him he’s doing a good job, and he’ll be back to bringing you down to pound town.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
His hair does in fact match the drapes, the only thing different is that his hair is slightly darker down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Man is a bit awkward sexually, but he does his absolute best with the romantic aspects. He’ll buy you food and flowers, spend time with you, tell you how much he appreciates and loves you. He wants to cover all the bases just to show you how special you are to him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
This man doesn’t really jack off as much unless he’s really wanting to relieve some stress.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Maybe slight role play
Blind folds
Orgasm control
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
By far his favorite location would have to in his apartment. He feels safest there and not feel like someone’s watching him all the time.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Definitely seeing you in his clothes or hat. It helps set a mental image of what the next morning with you in bed or around the house would look like.
You playing with his hair really makes him feel sparks . The feeling of your fingers slowly moving around his scalp makes him all flustered.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No humiliation or degradation, it’ll make him feel unsure he’s doing a good job and feel discouraged to keep going.
Nothing out in public, he’s always anxious about someone following him and watching him, he doesn’t want you to be put in some sort of situation with him in public.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This man is a giver to the extreme. He prefers to pleasure his partner more than receiving anything . This man can go down on you for almost an hour if you really wanted to see how long he could do it. He’ll probably keep going until his jaw gets tired. He loved feeling you squeeze your thighs around his head.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This man loves to go slow and sensual when he’s feeling good and the atmosphere is calm. He’ll stop a few times just to see if you’re okay and feeling good. He’ll offer to go in different positions and thrusting at different angles if there’s a sweet spot you want hit.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He seems more of an old fashioned guy, he’d definitely would want to take his time with you and give you all the pleasure possible, however if you told him you actually prefer quickies, he wouldn’t say no to that.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Nope! The anxiety of being caught naked with you in a building somewhere sends chills down his spine. The most he’d ever do is maybe the woods, and that’s if you begged him on it. He preferred his apartment or maybe his car.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He’s not really the athletic kind of guy so he would definitely go about 2-3 rounds at most. He gets winded easily.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
This man has never owned toys, but he definitely seems like the type of guy to enjoy them if you introduced him to them. Of course he loves using any vibrators or dildos on you, but if you use it on him I think he’d really be happy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jay seems like the type to want to tease you , but he’d be too awkward to actually try and do that with you.
Now if you tried that with him, he’s probably going to become super flustered. I’m talking tomato red.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
This man literally pants and whines when he’s getting close to cumming. He likes to press his sweaty forehead against yours before he cums, he wants to be close as possible. When this happens, he’ll probably let out little whines about how he’s going to cum.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
This man has at least thought about filming y’all having sex once. But definitely chickens out whenever trying to ask you about it. He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything, so you���ll probably have to bring it up if you’re into that kind of stuff.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Jay has a 6 and a half inch cock, definitely on thicker side. He definitely gives the vibes that he tries to shave down there periodically, but eventually gives up and just trims.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Jay doesn’t peg me as a guy with a high sex drive. He’s mostly has sex with you whenever he knows you’re in the mood, otherwise he’s pretty content with just cuddling and kissing you.
It’s not that he’s not into you or anything in fact he’s very in love with you. He just isn’t super horny.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Jay isn’t much of a sleeper. He’ll try to fall asleep after his session with you, but he’ll probably just watch you fall asleep next to him instead.
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mango-parfait · 29 days
10 Years
Part 1/?
Pairing: Keegan P. Russ x Lyusya 'Lou' Melnikova (OC)
Warnings: MDNI 18+, strong language, canon typical violence, war related topics, mentions/descriptiond of a miscarriage, implied trauma, hunting of an animal.
Word Count: 2.8k+
A/N: Just a bunch of drabbles I've written of Keegan and Lou with the intention of exploring their relationship during the years right after ODIN, to the current events in Cod Ghosts. I thought that they deserved a little bit of spotlight instead of gathering dust as unfinished drabbles. The years will not be in order unless I ever decide to continue the series. Thank you to @moosch, (And a few other mutuals) for encouraging me to post this because I'm way too scared to do it ;;u;; And also thank you for encouraging and enabling my russian literature brainrot that has influenced my writing style <3
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Chapter summary: Lou goes out hunting beyond the walls of Fort Santa Monica. Her mind racing and muscles tensed and tight - Keegan had called her a liability, looking at her with a look she could only describe as contempt. Her mind wanders, memories comes back. Keegan comes looking for her to bring her home.
Year two, 2018, Fall
Leaves crunch under her boots- a sound filled with the childhood joy of running and leaping into gathered leaf piles in the backyard of her home, now just a thrum in Lou’s mind. Instead of the passing of a season, it’s a bone cracking under her weight. Orange hues of the trees and foliage- a reminder of lasers coming down from the sky, it’s still hard to forget the sound the ground made when it cracked open, and the screams of the people around her. 
"Eyes on the ground, Lyuda. Look for movement in the leaves, dips in the soil. Nature tells you everything you need to know." Her father’s voice rings in her ears. Rough and scratchy, an indication of one cigar too many. Back then, she'd do anything to avoid going into his study every Saturday morning because of the smoke and stench that clouded every inch of nose - but now, she'd give anything to see him again.
She walks on, each step a tense moment- her eyes darting around the ground. Tracking for games, tracking for Federation movement, it was the same. Maybe there’s game out here in the safe zones - a deer maybe, or a squirrel, or a rabbit. Maybe she’ll get a rabbit or two and bring it back to the guys at base, Merrick would be happy, so will Ajax, Torch, Kick and- 
Her chest surges in anger and bile rises in her throat. She swallows it down and presses her rifle closer to her body.
"Civvie like you shouldn’t be here, could’ve left with the trucks to the camps and yet you chose to stay. Dumb move, rookie."
His voice, low and serious- as it always was, rings out in the silence of the barracks hall. Cerulean eyes burning into hers as he folds his arms across his chest, gazing down at her with a dissatisfied look- or perhaps disgust, she cannot remember. 
"Elias thought he was doing you a service, taking you in and then throwing your ass at me to babysit. You’re not Ghost material, you’re a liability, should’ve left when you could."
No, her mind is wandering. He didn’t say all that- he wouldn’t.
"You’re a liability, not a Ghost."
That was all.
Reaching a small stream, she kneels down to brush her fingers along the dirt. A dip. A tiny indent in the soil, a rabbit maybe- It made sense for animals to gather near a stream for a quick drink.
She crumbles some of her biscuit rations onto the dirt and puts a good amount of distance from the stream to hide behind some boulders.
She waits, her mind starts to wander.
Anya, her baby sister- only a teenager when Lou left Russia to study in America. She promised that she would be home for New Year last year. Now she’ll never see her again. Was her hair still as golden as the wheat fields and eyes as brown as wet soil? Whatever she’s doing now, hopefully she's happy doing it. 
Time passes as Lou sits quietly in her hiding spot, eyes scanning the stream to see whether any animals have taken the bait. A rabbit appears and she readies her rifle the way her father had taught her as a young girl.
But she doesn’t listen to her father's words this time- it’s the Ghost Sergeant's. The anger surge in her chest once more at the thought of him. 
"You’re a liability."
Oh, she should’ve socked him in the jaw for calling her that.
The Sergeant knew how to get under her skin, spot her weaknesses and make her correct it immediately, his gaze always hard, sometimes even bored- either way, it's hard to read his expressions sometimes. He was strict and had taught her how to fire a rifle more efficiently, tackle long distances, control her breathing, to kill quickly, to survive one more day- one more op.
To survive.
To fight.
To live.
"Tuck your elbows in. Hips tight. Shoulders don’t pass your heels. Stock against your shoulder. Again. Do it again. One more time. Nice shot. Good job. Not bad."
Four months as his mentee. ‘Rookie’- he called her, part of the team and not yet part of it. The name had stuck and everyone started calling her that. It had even gotten to Elias, his hard face blurting out said nickname in a mission debrief. She hated it. 
A bullet fired from her rifle- the rabbit falls. Perhaps this will do for now, Lou can clean the carcasses and then bring them back to the butcher’s for processing and get meat jerky out of them. More meat in her ration packs and something she can share with the guys. Picking up the carcass and clearing it out right by the stream, her focus remained sharp as the carving knife in her hands twists and cuts its way through the tendons of the rabbit- stripping it of its skin.
Keegan had asked her once whether she had any knowledge of wildlife during a training hike after she had pointed out bare patches of grass in a passing field, saying that it was caused by one too many deers going through the same route over and over again. 
"No, sir. I just read it in a book once."
She wasn’t really sure why she lied to him.
Dunking the rabbit into the water and letting the water carry its blood along its streams, she keeps the image of the sergeant’s face in her thoughts. The day he called her a liability, his brows were furrowed a little more than usual, the frown was obvious even with the knit layer of his skull mask. The op wasn’t a tough one- if it could’ve been considered an op, just some quick scouting trip to a mall with minimal Federation patrols that they avoided easily. Afterwards, it was just a matter of setting up a vantage point, collect intel for Command, pack up and head home. It was easy, even for a rookie like her.
But she couldn’t recall what she had done wrong to make him call her a liability- maybe she adjusted the scope on her rifle incorrectly, maybe she had worn her shirt inside out. Or maybe he just felt like saying what he always thought. Either way, Lou couldn’t deny the emptiness in her chest when he said it to her face getting back to Fort Santa Monica, his eyes burning down at her as he folded his arms.
All she could do was just stare up at him with confused hurt. 
She impatiently digs the knife into the carcass, incision ragged and forced to get its guts out.
Her father’s voice rings in her head once more. "Be careful, daughter. Nice and easy- like painting a brush or like when you’re helping mother sew." She ignores him again.
The way she twisted the knife felt like the first person she had killed. A federation soldier- most probably a recruit sent out to scout the area where the hospital was. She would’ve let him pass if he didn’t choose to turn the corner that led to the room where she was hiding with a couple of the kids.
A stab into the neck with a crooked screwdriver, she held onto him even when her hands were slick and slippery with his blood. Only letting go when his body went limp in her arms.
A liability. Liability. Might as well make it a cuss word at this point, judging from how much it pissed her off. How can she be a liability when she went through basic training, did so well at long distance shooting that Elias had a long talk with about joining the Task Force?
Why a liability when she went through another month of training under Elias just so that he could start her way up to becoming part of the Ghost team?
Why a liability when she had suffered what she had suffered in No Man’s Land for four months when ODIN’s missiles scorched and cracked land for miles?
Why a fucking liability when she has fought, killed, starved and scavenged for those four months?
Dipping the carcass into the stream once more, Lou watches the blood staining the water and lets itself be led away by the current. The sight reminds her of sooty tiled floors of the bathroom in the ruined hospital, her lower half soaked in the blood that pooled beneath her. A miscarriage- that was what the medical staff told her. They said that it wasn’t her fault, supplies were running out, and with Federation soldiers constantly swarming around the hospital- it made it hard to scavenge from the other buildings in the vicinity.
The memories of deep dark blood made her nauseous and Lyusya takes in a deep breath, exhaling slowly. The baby she had lost, Constantine for a boy and Anya for a girl.
The mother she could’ve been. Now she’ll never get her chance.
So why would Keegan call her a liability when she had suffered what she suffered. What was all the pain, tears and blood for then? If she had gone through all of that just to be tossed into civilian camps and coaxed to live like normal then all that she had gone through in No Man’s Land would’ve been for nothing. 
Nothing at all.
Memories return. The piercing pain on the day it happened was like a million daggers to her stomach. The pitiful stares of the women as they tried to help her. Tried to. There was nothing much they could do.
Dirty bathtub. Tap not working. Ash and soot in the air. Blood flowing from between her legs. Gunfire in the distance. Her mother's face comes into view. She'd be there to wipe her tears and clean the blood off her.
Her thoughts come to a complete silence. The voice- so familiar. So hated.
She turns to look over her shoulder, unable to mask the scowl on her face.
He’s unmasked this time, dark stubble all throughout the jaw and around the lips. The blues of his eyes dimmed significantly without all the black fabric covering his entire body she sees him in so often. The bane of her existence fully clad in issued USMC shirt and pants with his dog tags hanging off a beaded chain around his neck.
Keegan wasn’t smiling, but she could detect the tiniest hint of amusement in his eyes. Oh, how she must look to him right now- the woman that attacked him in No Man’s Land, his rookie- cleaning game by the stream on an autumn morning just outside base.
“Knew you were lying to me about not knowing how to hunt.” Keegan takes a few steps forward and tilts his weight ever so slightly to loom over Lou to see what she was doing- it took everything in her not to bristle at his intrusion, he was not a welcomed sight at the moment.
“Ajax said you were outside for a walk. Never heard of someone going for a walk with a pocketful of knives.”
She turns away from him and lowers her gaze back to the task at hand and gets to cleaning the second carcass. “Just needed to clear my head, sir.”
“To hunt?”
“I was hungry.”
“That you have to hunt?” He takes another step closer and kneels beside her to watch. If he couldn’t sense her irritation growing just by being near her, then it’s clear that he’s deliberately ignoring it. “Could eat the chow back at base.”
“The rations are not sustainable, sir.” She hurriedly follows up, dumping out some bullshit excuse.
Keegan snorts and then stays silent. Watching her cut the guts out of the rabbit carcass with such practice and precise movements as if she had done this a million times. When he guessed that Lyusya knew how to hunt, he pictured coffee by the campfire, holding daddy’s guns and cheering him on- something he’d see in a movie.
How much did he know about the woman that he saved from No Man’s Land? Not much, that’s for sure. Something’s off about her today- he already knew why.
A gust of wind passes and Lou could smell the sea on the man. She knew he’d gone for a naval op with Merrick to do some scouting on a Federation submarine last night- they’d left out the details because she was a ‘rookie’. A full night of swimming, scouting and fighting. What the hell is he doing here then?
“You could have just asked to use the shooting range for a bit, clear your head that way.” 
“Out here is better..” She plucks the carcasses out of the stream. “Go back to base without me, sir. I won’t be long.” 
He stands up with a grunt and places his hands on his hips, eyes scanning their surroundings. The safe zones outside the Fort were as safe as they could be - if the Federation keeps to their word. As nice as this patch of grassland was, it wasn’t as safe as his rookie would like to think.
“Like hell you are.” He tells her with a sigh, frown forming on his lips- she’s so fucking stubborn sometimes. “You’re lucky enough to catch game out here, but it’s gonna run out the longer you sit on your ass. Time to go.”
Lou doesn’t look his way- the scowl on her face is better hidden from his eyes as she works on wrapping old newspaper around the carcasses and places the bundles in a canvas bag.
And to be honest? She doesn’t want to go back anytime soon. Her heart aches to wander around the open fields a little bit more. To be able to feel like a girl once more, not the broken woman she was after ODIN, and certainly not the woman that’s training as a recon sniper, fighting to survive one more day and being trained by the blue eyed son of a bitch that called her a liability.
Fuck, she’s so pissed about that and him being here right now isn’t making it easier to not snap. 
“Just leave me alone.” She stands up and sweeps dirt off the knees of her pants. “Why do you care? I'll be back in an hour.”
He huffs and folds his arms, eyes glaze around their surroundings once more. “You're not making this easy.”
“A liability never does, sir.”
His eyes narrow at her, only to be received by defiance. But Keegan's eyes didn't hold any malice just irritation and maybe a tinge of confusion. He remembers what he said to her after their mission- the hurt on her face was enough to be seared into his memory.
A year since ODIN, a year of constant fighting. This war was expensive, tiring and a drain on resources. Keegan was tired- he’s been tired since Sand Viper. If it weren’t for the loyalty for his fellow marines and the entire Ghost Team, he would’ve packed up long ago. Move to the property in Missouri that’s been on his mind, and maybe even raise some chickens.  
But here is his little rookie, the woman who spent her childhood in drama school reciting Shakespeare and reading Classics like drinking water, a woman who could- with every chance she got, choose to leave when she could. But she didn’t. Elias told her that she'd make a recon sniper, and like a little puppy, she lapped up the compliment like canned wet food.
Keegan had never meant to hurt her the way he did. She could’ve lived a normal life again and yet- she’s here. 
His rookie.
One can’t help but shoulder the responsibility.
“Whatever you are, it's time to go back to base.” He turns to walk back in the direction of the fort, its walls safely within sight.
Lou was reluctant. She could follow- then again, she could turn in the other direction and walk further into the treeline. But when Keegan turns - she freezes, her mind fights to stay. 
“Come on, rookie.” He says to her, voice unexpectedly softer. “I'm not leaving you behind.”
He doesn't walk until she does. A couple of steps in his direction, a tentative gaze in his direction- he continues down the trail back to the fort with her in silence.
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[sign on a local bar in Milwaukee]
* * * *
July 15, 2024
JUL 16, 2024
This morning, after a day of Republicans insisting that it is political polarization to suggest that Trump is a danger to our democracy, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who was appointed by Trump in the last days of his presidency, dismissed the classified documents case against the former president. She wrote that “Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution.” 
Other federal courts have tested this argument and dismissed it, but Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas, whose wife Ginni was part of the attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, suggested earlier this month that it could be the basis for getting rid of Jack Smith. Cannon cited Thomas repeatedly in her decision. 
When he left office in January 2021, Trump took with him to Mar-a-Lago hundreds of pages of classified national security documents, some of which bore the highest level of classification. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), where by law presidential papers must be deposited, noted that many documents were missing from the materials Trump released to them and, in May 2021, emailed Trump’s lawyers to get them back. 
When his lawyers tried to push him to do as the law required, they told FBI investigators, Trump answered: “It’s not theirs, it’s mine.” Finally, in December 2021, after Trump had personally gone through the documents, a Trump representative told NARA that they had found “some records,” and in January 2022, NARA retrieved 15 boxes from Mar-a-Lago. Archivists found more than 150 documents marked classified, making up hundreds of pages of classified national security information. 
By April the Justice Department had convened a grand jury to investigate Trump’s removal of the documents. Trump’s lawyers tried to keep those documents out of the hands of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) by claiming they were covered by executive privilege, but in May 2022, NARA gave the FBI access to the records. In June 2022, Trump representative Christina Bobb certified that “a diligent search” at Mar-a-Lago had turned up nothing more and that they were returning “any and all documents” they had found. Concerned about the sheer number of documents turning up, the Department of Justice subpoenaed security video tapes, which showed people moving the documents. 
Federal officials obtained a search warrant for Mar-a-Lago. When they executed it in August 2022, they found 13 more boxes with classified documents: a total of more than 11,000 government documents and photographs. They also found 48 empty folders labeled “classified,” but they did not check a locked closet on which Trump had recently changed the lock, or a “hidden room” in Trump’s bedroom. They found that the boxes, which contained the most valuable intelligence of the United States government, had been stored haphazardly in public areas, including a ballroom stage and a bathroom. 
In November 2022, after Trump announced his presidential candidacy—an early announcement that many thought was an attempt to avoid criminal prosecution—Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to oversee the two federal investigations that touched on the former president, thus deliberately moving those investigations outside the department so they could not be seen as part of the presidential race.
In June 2023 a federal grand jury indicted Trump on 37 criminal counts under the Espionage Act, including scheming to conceal documents; three more charges were added the following month. Trump allegedly compromised national security documents from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, the National Security Agency, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (surveillance imagery), the National Reconnaissance Office (surveillance and maps), the Department of Energy (nuclear weapons), and the Department of State and Bureau of Intelligence and Research (diplomatic intelligence). He was a one-man wrecking ball, aimed at our national security. 
The case fell randomly to Cannon, who has appeared to be trying to delay the case since it came into her hands. Today, she threw it out altogether.
Former attorney general Eric Holder called Cannon’s dismissal “so bereft of legal reasoning as to be utterly absurd.” Legal analyst Mark Joseph Stern called it “an extreme outlier view with no basis in precedent” and noted that “Cannon’s indefensible opinion will still serve its purpose of delaying this trial indefinitely.” 
Global politics scholar Brian Klaas wrote “Trump appoints judge. Trump does something that virtually all legal experts—including Trump’s own former Attorney General—see as a clear-cut felony. Judge that Trump appointed dismisses case.” Washington Post global affairs columnist Ishaan Tharoor wrote: “if this happened in another country, the DC establishment would immediately point to the erosion of the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary.” 
Special Counsel Jack Smith has said he will appeal Cannon’s ruling.
Trump responded to the news exactly as yesterday’s Republican demands that Trump’s opponents stop calling out his lawlessness suggested he would. He posted: “As we move forward in Uniting our Nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the Lawless Indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts—the January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia “Perfect” Phone Call charges. The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to 
END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!”
The Thomas opinion on which Cannon relied was his concurrence in the July 1, 2024, decision in Donald J. Trump v. United States. In that decision, the Supreme Court overturned the central principle of American democracy when it said that the U.S. president cannot be prosecuted for crimes committed as part of a president’s “official duties.” Cannon’s decision echoes the idea that Trump cannot be held accountable even for what is allegedly the most serious breach of our national security in our history. Indeed, MAGA Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) posted a picture of Cannon on social media with the heading: “Future Supreme Court Justice Cannon.” 
Legal analyst Keith Boykin listed the many excuses and arguments Trump enablers have made over the years. “He can’t be prosecuted in office,” Boykin wrote. “He can’t be impeached because the courts should decide. He’s immune from prosecution after office. He can’t be prosecuted by Biden’s DOJ because that’s ‘lawfare.’ And he can’t be prosecuted by a special counsel. We have created a dictator.”
Legal analyst Norm Eisen noted that Cannon’s decision will boost Trump on the first day of the Republican National Convention, held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from Monday through Thursday of this week. So will the weekend’s shooting, which has inspired MAGA Republicans to insist that all their party members must rally around Trump. 
While Trump has been the presumptive nominee for years, that anointment was contested. Around 20% of Republican primary voters, who tend to be the most loyal and fervent partisans, consistently voted for former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley rather than Trump. Those voters seemed to be concentrated in the suburbs, thus making up a constituency Trump needs to win.
On the other end of the party’s spectrum, the fringe right has been saying that Trump is too soft for them. Antisemitic white nationalist Nick Fuentes has told his followers that he and his “groypers” are fed up with Trump because they are sick of “battling the Jews in the White House, battling the neocons, battling the Israel-firsters.” 
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and right-wing provocateur Ivan Raiklin have speculated for months that removing Trump from the running—they speculated about assassination—would open the way for Trump’s far-right former national security advisor Michael Flynn, and appeared to be putting pressure on Trump to name Flynn as vice president. Yesterday, Raiklin posted on social media a “Trump/Flynn 2024” graphic with the legend “FAFO,” under the words “Assassination-Proof.” 
This afternoon, perhaps in hopes of avoiding an embarrassing floor fight, Trump dashed the hopes of both ends of the Republican spectrum by naming Ohio senator J.D. Vance as his vice presidential pick. Vance is 39 and was elected to the Senate in 2022 with the help of $10 million from right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel. In the short time he has been in office, he has echoed Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 presidential race was stolen, has said that he does not believe in rape or incest exceptions for abortion bans and that people should stay in violent marriages, and has praised Project 2025. He is pro-Russia and against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 
It “will be interesting to see how the RNC attempts to spin Vance as a candidate of Unity,” journalist Anne Applebaum wrote. The Fox News Channel helpfully reminded viewers that Vance has, in the past, said that Trump “might be America’s Hitler,” “might be a cynical a**hole,” and is “cultural heroin,” “noxious,” and “reprehensible.” 
Still, factional differences might not matter in today’s Republican Party. This afternoon, in the hall of the RNC convention, attendees chanted, “Fight, fight, fight,” as they punched an arm in the air, in an eerie echo of Germany in the 1930s.
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ai-luni · 2 years
I headcanon despite him being obsessed with impressing his dad he’s a sneaky little bastard who likes to take risks with the reader. Like in your fanfic, he pulled her down the hallway. I see him doing that all the time!! He wants to cop a feel!!!!
OH ABSOLUTELY STOP you've unleashed something within me. Happy valentines day, take this horny mf.
David "Hesh" Walker NSFW headcanons
I think this man is an ass man through and through. Whether it’s big or small or no matter, he will always become so mesmerised by your hips and how they move. I’ll get into that later but for now
I think he learns very quickly when to pick his battles. His job and serving his country means so much to him so I don’t think he’d even think about getting intimate on a mission, in a situation that could really easily result in either of you losing your jobs and NEVER in a combat setting. 
That being said, if you’re in between missions, at base or occasionally hiding at a safe house and he’s certain you guys are safe and have time, he’ll shoot his shot. I feel like his kind of risky is people risky rather than situation risky. He’ll fuck you in a closet with the ghosts next door, but the offers off the table the moment any element of physical danger is implied. 
The only exception I can see to this rule however is patrol. In fact if the ghosts have been hiding out in a safehouse for longer than two days and one of you is on a night patrol shift, that almost seems like prime time to him. So long as you're not expecting any action to pick up soon. 
He's never afraid to slap your ass though. Like annoyingly so. You haven't spent a single day on base without him trying to slap it at least once.
Look. Elias has been there, done that. He knows how it feels to be young and in love. He couldn’t be more thrilled that his son’s found that in someone he trusted as well. He 100% knows you guys sneak off and in all honesty, he thinks it’s good for Hesh. Hesh got his father’s hot headedness and there’s literally no better way to offload that kind of tension. 
Don’t you think it's kinda odd you’re always put on patrols together or one after another in the very early mornings. Every. Single. Time! Everyone knew but if Merrick and Keegan ever tried to pry for fun, Elias would always respond with “Whenever Hesh gets too tense, I set them up at night and magically he’s got lazer set focus the next day.” 
So if Hesh is ever cheeky, it’s only because his father enables it. 
He has often fantacised about taking you in the back on a truck or helicopter after a successful mission. He knows it’s likely just pure adrenaline draining down south but the way you look in your tactical gear when you take off your helmet and balaclava. 
He’s only ever almost pursued it once. Logan and Keegan were driving a small cargo truck, sat in the front while the two of you sat in the back. It was after what was supposed to be a quick mission in the midst of no man’s land that had turned into a showdown of excessive gun fire. No one was hurt but his heart was beating so fast. 
The entire bumpy ride, his eyes flickered between you stretching as best you could to the little metal bar separated window between you and the front seats. 
Off deployment though, the two of you would happily drive your truck into the woods at night and stargaze. You two do whatever your little heart's desire until the sunrise.
Hear me out. This man has an obsession with just the act of humping, like almost embarrassingly so. Moving your hips is a sure fire way of teasing him and getting him in a mood. Swaying your hips when you walk, bending over a railing, stretching, sparring especially. Everyone knows you can hold your own but whenever Hesh is in sight while training with a sparring partner, you’re always sure to put on a show. 
He has on multiple occasions came in his pants from you riding his thigh alone. It’s his favourite video on his phone (he has other photos of you and his dad and Riley and Logan of course! But he only really uses his phone for those videos, let's be honest).
You guys were on his bed, his phone perched on the bedside table watching from a three quarter angle. He sat with his legs spread enough for you on the edge of the bed, forearms resting over his head. You were in your underwear, hands gripping his triceps as you grounded yourself on his clothed left thigh. 
You would pant, rock your hips, whimper, repeat. For a good excruciating minute you told him to keep his arms up while asking him about his day. He’d stutter out words that didn’t really make a whole lot of sense while his eyes worked overtime following your hip movements without missing a beat. 
At exactly the 1:24 mark, your head dropped onto his shoulder and your hips started to rut onto him. Your hands slid to his chest and his newly freed arms flew to your hips to guide you. He was groaning as much as you were. 
2 minutes in, you were letting out soft mewls into his left ear. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his face obscured yours from the camera. One hand was sprawled out on your lower back pushing you to him while the other hand was gripping your thigh pushing you back out. 
His head had fallen back as far as you let it, eyes squeezed shut as he let himself get engulfed by you. The noises you were letting out to the warm breath down his back. The way your spine curled in one hand to the softest flesh being squished in the other. The way your thigh would graze the fabric of his crouch just enough to feel it. 
He started to bounce his thigh for you, a little too rough in the moment that it made you giggle in surprise. Your giggle always made him smile but the moment he looked at the small screen and the way your ass jiggled at the action, the man was a goner. 
He let out a noise that could only be written out like a strained “GE-Heh” of pain followed immediately by “aAHO Oooh” of release. 
By 3:30 you had stopped all movements, watching in amazement as Hesh was now rutting into your thigh. Once his high was over, he met your eye with a look you couldn’t entirely read. He’d later tell you he was thinking he should’ve been embarrassed but it felt too good. Whatever you thought it was in the moment though was irresistible and you pushed him onto the bed in a sloppy kiss the camera could clearly pick up. 
That video continued rolling for another 20 minutes until one of you remembered it was still going.
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Hesh and Logan Head-Canons?
This was too fun to write. And a tad self indulgent (with no shame)
| Blog HQ | Ghosts Masterlist | Merrick's Version | Price's Version |
Pros and Cons of Dating Hesh and Logan Walker
He is incredibly sentimental
"What's this?" You smiled one afternoon, noticing a small Polaroid and note on his nightstand. Upon closer inspection you saw yourself staring back, a picture he had taken one afternoon years ago when you two had first started dating.
Humming in response, he glanced away from the game he was playing to look. A smile breaking out on his face.
"That is the first picture I have of you since we started dating. Underneath is the first letter I wrote you, but never sent" 
His ears turned varying shades of red when you asked to read it, curious as to what his lovestruck brain came up with.
That night ended with you using his lap as a pillow while he continued gaming. Giving you the occasional kiss or running a hand over your hair between matches; while you read the words written in his boyish writing over and over.
Acts of service KING; and incredibly thoughtful about it too
You're cold and having a hot shower to warm up? He's grabbing your pjs and towel to throw them in the dryer to keep you nice and toasty after you get out.
He's also sitting in the bathroom with a bag of chips and a pop hoping to catch a glimpse of your soapy body if you'd be so kind.
Feeling sick? Mama Hesh at your service. Making sure you have tissues, a garbage can, home-cooked meals and the proper medication.
Feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities? How can he help, what can he do? At the very least he's right there beside you, offering ways to break down the big overwhelming tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.
His brain holds an endless supply of fun facts, most of which you'll likely never use
Most of these relate to the world wars, or cars he grew up around. But every so often he'll throw out a random:
"The end of a shoelace is called an aglet" just to keep you on your toes
Dead silent when half asleep. Combine this with his inability to sleep well without you? Good luck.
You were standing in the bathroom, brushing your teeth and getting ready for bed. The house was shut down for the night, lights (outside of the bathroom) off, doors locked, all that was left was your nightly routine then cuddling with your boyfriend. 
Who had fallen asleep hours before you, exhausted from work this morning.
Which would explain why you jumped and almost choked on the toothpaste in your mouth when you heard him softly speak from the doorway.
Incoherent mumbles about missing you, not getting the same sleep when you're not there to cuddle, and when are you coming to bed?
Spitting the foam out of your mouth, you responded with a "I need to tie a bell around your neck or something. Let me finish up here and we'll go to bed"
Spontaneous in a not great way.
It's not unheard of for your text chains to look like:
I was thinking, we could get a house goat. Theyr great little weed machines, cute, maybe cuddly if we train them right
David, you live 5 minutes from the pier. You barely have a lawn, and the goat would eat the underwear you leave on the bathroom floor.
You didn't have to use my full name, ouchhhhh.
Logan and I are going on a snack run, well pick you up in 10.
Wait wait wait, who said I'm awake for starters. It's literally 3:47 in the morning
What would you do if I wore ONLY an apron and was standing at the oven cooking when you got home :D <3?
Assuming you didn't burn your dick off, I'd turn around and walk out.
For some reason, he's a cougar magnet (and has grown to hate it)
Let's use the first time it happened as an example...
"I can't wait" you smiled over at your boyfriend, the two of you sitting in an arena waiting for the main act to come on.
As he was about to respond, a voice from his right spoke up. Asking if he's seen this band before, and if he would be dancing when they come on. The woman, possibly tipsy but clearly closer to Keegan or Ajax's age smiled over at your boyfriend. Finding quite a bit of interest in his answers.
Hesh being, well Hesh fell into easy conversation. Politely entertaining her questions as you let yourself fade into the background. That was until you heard:
"You're such a baby! That explains the babyface" eyebrows raising as she laughed a bit too hard at this. Glancing over, you smiled and discreetly placed your hand on his. 
Eyes bouncing between the two of you, her jaw fell slack as she realized. With a quick apology she ended the conversation and left you two alone for the night.
Hesh later asked if you got the same strange vibes from the nice lady. You had to take a minute before answering, as you were laughing so hard.
Very creative and open to date ideas. Anything is an adventure when you're together.
Dates including, but not limited to:
1). A rage room
"You taught that toaster who's boss. Is it just me or do you feel lighter now? Like things are balanced in the world.
2). A themed movie night (right down to the snacks)
It was his idea, but you insisted that you both make the snacks. Cue icing being smeared on each other's faces and other chaos throughout the kitchen. Hearts full and bellies sore from laughter.
3). A target/shop date night challenge
"And a fun snack!" You pulled out a the bags of bizzarw candy you bought for your boyfriend. Surprised when he merely held up one finger and turned on the TV.
"The name of the skin is Snack, and I know you play as this character"
4). Nerf gun battles around your house
You two may or may not have played strip nerf battle once or twice.
A sponge for information (especially about people) - which proves to be very helpful for birthdays and holidays
Holiday shopping is incredibly easy, the two of you walk hand in hand while Logan has the list he's compiled on his phone.
Hesh has been talking about maybe getting Riley a proper grooming one day -- but can't justify the price when he easily does it at home. He mentioned this back in April, but Logan made a note and bought him a gift certificate for a free dog grooming this December.
Keegan mentioned that he really should update his headphones (partially due to Kick testing the limits of what noise canceling truly is). Logan kept this information until his birthday when he bought him a new pair.
Anything you'd mention liking, or thinking of he takes extra special note of. Any occasion, if he can either buy or bring you to something that makes you smile he feels like he's in his own personal paradise.
An incredible eye for decorating
For a younger guy living on his own, it was fairly unexpected. Appreciated, but unexpected.
He keeps his space tidy, organized and all around aesthetically pleasing. It's especially surprising since he doesn't care too much about a theme. Every part of his personality (and yours) he finds a way to blend into the masterpiece you call home.
He can totally look at a inspiration photo and change the theme and aesthetic to your home up with ease though.
Will get too focused on his task at hand sometimes (gaming especially) and forget to message back. He feels pretty bad about it though and does everything he can to make it up to you
Eyes scanning the screen, smirk widening as the message of victory flashed across the screen. Another mission complete. 
Reaching forward to grab a sip of the drink he had open, he froze for a brief second. 
It's been three hours. 
Grimacing, he flipped his phone to see your messages, unknowingly left unanswered. Some asking if he wanted to join you for dinner tonight. Dinner that was an hour and a half ago.
Game now forgotten, he dialed your number and laughed awkwardly when you responded. Knowing exactly what happened, again.
"I'll make it up to you, I'll make you dinner tomorrow night. Something nice"
If you're spending any time at his house, you need to go grocery shopping first. His fridge is 95% empty (minus energy drinks and pop), and his freezer is half pizza rolls.
Eyebrow raising as you noticed the barren state of his fridge, closing the door slowly you called out to him.
"Do you just not eat?" You laughed, gesturing toward the wasteland he was calling a fridge. Watching as he raised an amused eyebrow.
"Of course I eat" freezer door now open, the boxes of pizza rolls and pre-made meals staring back at you. A sigh escaping your lips as you reached over to close the freezer door, then grab the keys to his front door. "What's going on?"
"We need to go grocery shopping, Lo. For real food"
So laid back and open about things he sometimes lacks an opinion (totally not calling myself out with this as well). While he truly doesn't mind any option, he also isn't keen on choosing
"Where do you want to eat?" You asked, fingers laced with your boyfriends as the two of you walked down the street. 
"I'm open to just about anything" he shrugged, "whatever you want"
Stopping dead in the road you looked over at him, repeating your question once more. Only to sigh when you received the same answer.
"I really don't mind where we eat, I'll find something I like on any menu" he lightly chuckled.
Eyebrows raised, you continued slowly blinking at him until he offered your favourite restaurant with a shrug. 
"Good, thank you for choosing"
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @bowtruckleninja
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itsscromp · 8 months
Hello! I'd like to request Logan Walker. There's not many Logan x reader stories around. Anything works but degradation. Thank you! 😭
Being best friends with Logan Walker
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Just a friendly reminder, I am still currently playing the campaign, so some things may be incorrect But I wanted to get this one out in the open, This will be personal headcanons of my interpretation of Logan so far.
When you first met Logan, It was when you managed to finally scurry your way out of no man's land, surprisingly alive.
Being brought back to Elias, He decided to give you a chance and have you join the ghosts alongside him, Keegan, Hesh and Merrick.
Logan warmed up to you pretty quickly.
In my head I kind of see him as Johnny in a way, Always tries to find the good in everything.
It was evident how big his heart was when on missions, He noticed how small you felt originally.
While sure you can fight, Keegan and Merrick would shut you down immediately, Hesh constantly kept to himself.
It was a built-up frustration, when you headed back to base, ripping the mask off.
Giving a moment to calm you down, He gently went inside your room and sat down next to you.
"I know what it feels like y/n... To be the underdog initially. They don't mean to be that way... They're just a little stressed about trying not to die" He chuckled softly and patted your back. "But remember I got your back ok ??"
You nodded and started to smile "Ok..."
Turns out, you two had a lot in common.
Before the attack from the federation in San Diego, Logan loved to play video games.
And one day when you two were out on a mission, You began to walk back to base.
But there was something on the path inside a house that Logan missed, He saw a box seemingly undestroyed after the attack.
"Logan, come on we gotta head back to base" You noticed him stop and inspect the box.
"Gimme a minute" He opened the box and his eyes went wide. "No way !!" You could see the crow's feet in his mask.
Walking over, you found a games console inside, looking still intact 10 years later. "That's cool... But I don't know if it'll work" You chipped in.
"Well only one way to find out" He lifted the box off the ground and carried it back to base.
Meeting each other again, you found yourself trying to configure the damn thing. After some minor tweaking, you got it running.
"Looks like they still have some games in here" You pulled them out and inspected "Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn... Oooh Resident Evil 7"
"Oh we are so playing that" He swiped the case off of you and placed the disc in.
You watched in immense horror as he continued to play, Both jumping at the scares, Making you both laugh.
It was nice with moments like these during your downtime.
But Logan was also an amazing shoulder to cry on when things got way tough.
One mission having you come back from failing to save hostages from the federation, It broke you...
Walking to the bathroom to wash your face, Looking in the mirror. Seeing what an utter failure you were, You didn't save them.
Gripping the sink, You began to punch the mirror repeatedly, Not caring about how loud you screamed, Not caring hour your knuckles started bleeding.
Soon you felt a pair of arms pull you away from the mirror and gently sat you down.
"It's ok... I'm here y/n" He gently rubbed your back.
"I could've saved them, I could've..." You hicced.
He gently moved your face to his chest, Encouraging you to scream your emotions out. "It's ok... Let it out" He reassured.
To which you cried louder and started to scream, Screaming to the point of exhaustion.
You didn't even realise you passed out until it was the following morning.
And you found yourself, wrapped up in logan's arms, holding you close, comforting you and keeping you safe.
You two were as thick as thieves, You weren't leaving each other behind.
Not now, Not ever.
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beardedmrbean · 30 days
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — A federal judge has thrown out major felony charges against two former Louisville officers accused of falsifying a warrant that led police to Breonna Taylor’s door before they fatally shot her.
U.S. District Judge Charles Simpson’s ruling declared that the actions of Taylor’s boyfriend, who fired a shot at police the night of the raid, were the legal cause of her death, not a bad warrant.
Federal charges against former Louisville Police Detective Joshua Jaynes and former Sgt. Kyle Meany were announced by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in 2022 during a high-profile visit to Louisville. Garland accused Jaynes and Meany, who were not present at the raid, of knowing they had falsified part of the warrant and put Taylor in a dangerous situation by sending armed officers to her apartment.
But Simpson wrote in the Tuesday ruling that “there is no direct link between the warrantless entry and Taylor’s death.” Simpson’s ruling effectively reduced the civil rights violation charges against Jaynes and Meany, which had carried a maximum sentence of life in prison, to misdemeanors.
The judge declined to dismiss a conspiracy charge against Jaynes and another charge against Meany, who is accused of making false statements to investigators.
When police carrying a drug warrant broke down Taylor’s door in March 2020, her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, fired a shot that struck an officer in the leg. Walker said he believed an intruder was bursting in. Officers returned fire, striking and killing Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman, in her hallway.
Simpson concluded that Walker’s “conduct became the proximate, or legal, cause of Taylor’s death.”
“While the indictment alleges that Jaynes and Meany set off a series of events that ended in Taylor’s death, it also alleges that (Walker) disrupted those events when he decided to open fire” on the police, Simpson wrote.
Walker was initially arrested and charged with attempted murder of a police officer, but that charge was later dropped after his attorneys argued Walker didn’t know he was firing at police.
An email message sent to the U.S. Justice Department seeking comment was not immediately returned Friday morning.
A third former officer charged in the federal warrant case, Kelly Goodlett, pleaded guilty in 2022 to a conspiracy charge and is expected to testify against Jaynes and Meany at their trials.
Federal prosecutors alleged Jaynes, who drew up the Taylor warrant, had claimed to Goodlett days before the warrant was served that he had “verified” from a postal inspector that a suspected drug dealer was receiving packages at Taylor’s apartment. But Goodlett knew that was false and told Jaynes the warrant did not yet have enough information connecting Taylor to criminal activity, prosecutors said. She added a paragraph saying the suspected drug dealer was using Taylor’s apartment as his current address, according to court records.
Two months later, when the Taylor shooting was attracting national headlines, Jaynes and Goodlett met in Jaynes’ garage to “get on the same page” before Jaynes talked to investigators about the Taylor warrant, court records said.
A fourth former officer, Brett Hankison, was also charged by federal prosecutors in 2022 with endangering the lives of Taylor, Walker and some of her neighbors when he fired into Taylor’s windows. A trial last year ended with a hung jury, but Hankison is schedule to be retried on those charges in October.
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swemory · 8 months
Messy CoD: Ghost's headcannons ::
on the topic of CoD charachters as animals, Merrick strikes me as a bear. dunno ENTIRELY why. i saw this other post montttthhhssss back(more like a year ago) of someone headcannoning that Merrick kind of instinctively starts watching out for the Walker brother's/doting on them more after Elias' death and i REALLY resonate with that.
he takes care of his cubs :) definitely gets protective of the two brothers after his best friends death. (also headcannon that Elias and Merrick were closer buds than we got to see. those two definitely drink beer together.) Merrick seems like the kind of guy to have never seen himself as a father figure, its just an instinctive move after Elias dies since the two boys are still pretty young adults. (dunno if the person said all this in their posts, i have zero way of finding them again 😭😭)
(i was getting stuffed animals from build a bear nd making them themed as CoD charachters and i have a bear one as Merrick because of this[lmk if you want a bear!Merrick reveal because i also have doodles of him with bear ears])
Merrick, Merrick, Merrick..
honestly dont really know what to say about this man. i feel like he's extremely un-tech savvy unless its military technology. definitely does that dad squint with his eyes while reading something/trying to figure out how tf a phone works.
OHHH and on the topic of being horridly bad with tech and internet shi, if Logan and Hesh were to ever show Merrick tiktok for any reason, Merrick would probably find himself an addict of the app and incidentally pick up a shit ton of Gen Z humor but have zero idea what ANY of it means.
catch him throwing around old 2019 jokes or being one of those awkward father's who try to relate to the younger demographic by using outdated slang. thats IF he has the confidence to use any of the humor. if anything, i feel like he'd be awfully self conscious about doing so due to his lack of knowledge on it all.
no idea where im going with these headcannons. it is 12am and i am doing my workout routine as i wrote this while sleep deprived. dw im going strong.
but on the topic of HEADCANNONS,,,
Keegan, i feel like, leaned alot on Elias (probably without realizing it). i just see a kinship between Keegan, Elias and Merrick. Keegan seems to be by Merrick's side ALOT and i feel like HE feels he belongs there. not reliant just.. connected. soul brothers, really.
and if it wasnt Logan and Hesh who were fucked up over Elias' death, it was Keegan and Merrick. Merrick lost a bestfriend, Keegan lost a friend maybe even a father/uncle figure.
mostly Merrick gives me uncle vibes, though. Elias is a father figure, someone to lean on / someone to really show you how to do something and help you through hard times with insanely good advice. and Merrick's just the awkward, un-tech savvy uncle. i refuse to elaborate any further.
my personal headcannon for Logan is that hes semi-mute. i dont, personally, headcannon him as someone with full mutism but i do feel like he doesnt speak 90% of the time and shocks everyone whenever he does speak.
Keegan going about his day, saying a brief good morning to Logan and the Walker boy saying a quiet ''morning'' back to the man. has Keegan freeze on the spot, taking a full minute before looking up at Logan. takes a glance at Hesh and the brother merely shrugs, used to Logan's rare speaking.
out of everyone, Logan mostly speaks to Hesh. whenever Logan does speak, i feel like its aimed, USUALLY, at Hesh and nobody else in the room. keeps ot brief but sometimes has an actual back and forth while Merrick and Keegan are just reeling.
Merrick, wanting to help understand Logan better and show he cares more after Elias' death, put time aside to learn sign language for Logan's 'no talk days'. definitely mixes up a few signs and still has alot to learn but it surprises Logan and the man feels heard. definitely better than Logan having to rely on Hesh fully to communicate what Logan's trying to say / Logan having to fumble and point out different things and use unconventional means to try and get something across.
no hcs for Hesh rn..i THINK. actually i think i do have some but i cant remember and am tired. i spent likr an hour writing this yw im so eepy
gonna make a post strictly for Elias hc's because i have ALOT. (can you tell i have daddy issues)
A/N:: if anyone else has done these hcs tell me, im losing my mind over if ive actually seen anyone else have the same thoughts as me or not.
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