#most extreme elimination challenge
beguilingcorpse · 10 months
this is literally one of the top 10 moments in television history
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grindhousecellar · 6 months
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initialmadi · 8 months
why can't I consume media like a regular person. why am I making fan art of captain tani from takeshi's castle/captain tenneal from mxc. what is my issue
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dwyur · 2 years
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dsharpie · 2 months
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would-you-punt-them · 1 month
Imagine watching a show with probably the most surface level potrayal of the message of "rich people suck and will use poor people for money" only to be like "hm. as the total anthesis of this message i should totally recreate this"
It's made even worse when you consider the fact that this isn't the first "IRL Squid Game" ever attempted, Netflix UK did one that was specifically based on the actual show in January 2023 called "Squid Game: The Challenge".
(I've seen people in the tags get these two shows confused, they are different - Beast Games is on Amazon, not Netflix, was filmed at the end of July this year, and hasn't come out yet).
But Netflix UK have their own scandal to answer for.
That original British Squid Game was also a disaster. "Beast Games" was filmed in the middle of one of Nevada's hottest Julys on record, hence why so many contestants suffered from extreme dehydration due to the lack of water. On the other hand, "Squid Game: The Challenge" was filmed during an unusually cold British January.
The players had been given coats, leg warmers, space heaters, and so on during the lead up to the game, only to have those warm clothes taken away before the first challenge began, because they needed to wear those paper thin canon-accurate Squid Game tracksuits. They weren't even allowed to zip them up, because the cameras needed to see the numbers on their shirts, and the fake blood spurting out when they were eliminated.
They then had to play Redlight-Greenlight in the blistering cold, holding poses, completely still, for increasing lengths of time (2 minutes at the start of the game, 30 in the late stages). Players starting collapsing from the cold, and had to be rescued by medics.
The game started with 456 competitors on Day 1, and ended up with 228 by Day 2.
Here's the Variety article: Inside Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ Reality Show Disaster: ‘The Conditions Were Absolutely Inhumane’
TL;DR - Here are some choice quotes in case you want to read them:
“The second time the song played, I saw in my left peripheral vision that this girl was swaying. Then she just buckled, and you could hear her head actually hit the ground,” says Marlene. “But then someone came on the [microphone] and said to hold our positions because the game is not paused. After that, people were dropping like flies.”
Jenny, a player from outside the U.K. who had been flown in for the game, tells Variety: “I’m infuriated by the narrative that Netflix is putting out there, that only [a few] people were injured…we were all injured just by going through that experience.
“I’ve never been that cold for that long a period in my life. We couldn’t feel our feet or our toes. It was ridiculous,” she says. Jenny also claims that while the game was in production, restroom or water breaks weren’t allowed.
“Take some responsibility for the fact that you were ill-prepared for this kind of thing, with this number of people,” continues Jenny, between tears. “There were some things I guess [producers] didn’t think about, but when they saw the weather was going to be that way, they should have made adjustments.”
All three players [John, Marlene and Jenny] say they returned to the hotel between 7 p.m. and midnight without having dinner. Dinner orders had been taken at lunch, but because the game had run longer than expected, contestants were transported back to their central London hotel without having eaten. Production had ordered pizzas for those arriving, but there wasn’t enough food to go around, and some people went to bed hungry.
“In the morning, I woke up and there was a cold hamburger from McDonald’s and a side salad in front of my door that had been there for God knows how long,” says Marlene.
(Variety, Feb 3, 2023)
(Also, "Marlene and Jenny" are pseudonyms, because like Beast Game they signed NDAs.)
There are some other similarities with Beast Games - denial of bathroom breaks, lack of food, lack of water, inadequate medical care, and so on.
Netflix is denying these claims, or at least denying that they are as bad as contestants are suggesting, and said that while it was undeniably cold on set, "participants were prepared for that". Participants have claimed that they were, in fact, in no way prepared for that.
We know MrBeast has probably seen "Squid Game: The Challenge", because they've tried to one-up it. The British show originally had "the biggest cash-prize ever offered in reality TV" ($4.5 million), until Beast Games showed up with an ever bigger prize of $5 million.
So, it's not just "Jimmy recreating the Torment Nexus after watching the show "Don't recreate the Torment Nexus".
It's closer to "Jimmy recreating the Torment Nexus from the show "Don't create the Torment Nexus", after watching the show "This is what happens when you create the Torment Nexus".
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howlsofbloodhounds · 8 days
So I had this type of idea for Stage 4 for awhile now, heavily inspired by a non-utmv fanfic I read before. I bounced a lot of ideas off people in real life and some online, so there was some tweaking and adjustments over the time.
Stage 4 believing that if no one tells it to eat or offers it food, it’s because They don’t want it to eat. And so it must earn a reward.
It will only allow itself scraps of a reward (food, rest, shower, anything it thinks it needs) if a mission objective is fulfilled and the scene is marked. When a mission is completed and marked, it is allowed more and bigger rewards.
And it is only ever allowed rewards if it marks the mission as completed—such as carving or drawing an upside down heart on the victim, the scene, or its own body. The upside down heart is to represent Stage 4–that it did this and earned all the rewards—and affirm its mirroring of Chara.
A mission objective is possibly killing a target. Higher targets such as Frisks, Boss monsters, etc have names and higher rewards and punishments.
For example: Boss Monsters like Asgore, Flowey/Asriel, and Toriel could be called Command Objectives or considered Primary Targets. These figures symbolize the core of the world’s structure and power, and their destruction would be considered the ultimate display of obedience and power.
When it manages to kill these targets, Stage 4 could sense it’s earned an immense reward akin to a massive surge of energy.
This could mean it is allowed to binge on a full meal, which Stage 4 would only reserve for the highest-value targets. The meal could even be tied to something symbolic, like eating after erasing/killing Asgore as if its feeding on the defeated world itself.
Stage 4 could even delusionally believe that with each Command Objective kill, it unlocks a new skill or becomes physically more powerful, further feeding into its belief that its advancing toward its ultimate mission.
Stage 4 could even experience a brief moment of clarity or relief—the constant feeling of being watched or judged might lift temporarily, as though They are momentarily satisfied.
Failure to kill a Primary Target would result in severe punishment in Stage 4’s mind. It could deny itself food or any form of reward for an extended period, refusing to eat or do anything until the target is successfully eliminated.
Stage 4 could resort to self-harm, carving more intense or larger marks into its body as punishment, believing that it hasn’t earned the right to exist if it can’t complete such an important objective.
And the of course there’s the Personal Objective—Papyrus. Although Stage 4 will never think of it by name.
Killing Papyrus would carry extreme emotional weight, even if Stage 4 is emotionally disconnected, and the rewards would be specific to the psychological and emotional significance of the kill.
The Personal Objective is a target that transcends mere violence and ties into Killer’s identity and past as Sans. Stage 4 could view Papyrus as an “Impossible Target” due to Killer’s emotional baggage, even if it’s buried under layers of detachment.
If Stage 4 successfully kills the Personal Objective, it might interpret it as the final step in severing its connection to Sans entirely. The reward might not be physical, but a feeling of emotional void, as though Stage 4 has finally completed the process of becoming something separate from Sans.
Upon completing this objective, Stage 4 might mark itself in a specific way—perhaps carving an inverted heart directly where its own SOUL is, symbolizing that it has eradicated its deepest connection to its former self. This could become a ritual in which it leaves a permanent, highly visible mark as a trophy of its success.
After killing the Personal Objective, Stage 4 might grant itself a particularly significant meal, as if the kill has earned it a chance to feast without restriction. It could view this as a form of final reward for overcoming its hardest, most personal challenge.
Even though Stage 4 might not recognize the emotions associated with guilt, it could manifest as a deep, unsettling feeling of failure. If it fails to kill the Personal Objective, Stage 4 could physically punish itself in a much more severe way, such as carving larger or more intense marks into its body.
The delusion of being watched could intensify, making Stage 4 believe that They are forcing it to relive its failures, torturing it with images of the Personal Objective still being alive and mocking its inability to complete the mission.
Characters like Undyne and Mettaton provide a lot of EXP and are crucial for increasing LV (Levels of Violence). Killing them could be viewed as crucial for Leveling Up and advancing toward its ultimate goal.
Stage 4 could refer to these characters as Leveling Targets, recognizing their role in helping it gain power and EXP. Their purpose is to be eliminated so that Stage 4 can continue rising in LV and fulfill its larger mission.
Each kill could be perceived as granting an instant boost to its Level of Violence, further solidifying Stage 4’s sense of power and purpose. This could lead to Stage 4 feeling physically stronger and more capable after each kill.
After killing a high-EXP figure, Stage 4 might allow itself to eat a moderate meal, seeing it as a functional reward to keep itself going. It wouldn’t be as grand as killing a Primary Target, but enough to keep it sustained as it continues its mission.
Failing to kill these high-EXP targets would result in self-imposed hunger and a belief that it’s becoming weaker, as though not killing them is preventing it from reaching its full potential.
Stage 4 could experience a form of self-doubt, believing that it’s failing in its mission if it can’t eliminate Leveling Targets efficiently. This doubt could manifest as an intensified feeling of being watched, with Them seemingly disappointed or angry.
Stage 4 might cut deeper marks into its body after each failure, believing that it needs to pay for its mistakes.
Food becomes the ultimate reward, and if it doesn’t perform, it withholds it from itself, leading to starvation and physical weakening.
It might feel as though They are punishing it mentally by forcing it to relive moments of failure, experiencing the scorn of its observers.
And of course, saving the most important for last, the Star. Frisks, or an AU’s equivalent of a Frisk.
A world’s Frisk, or an AU’s Frisk-equivalent, with the ability to Reset the world if they possess more Determination than Stage 4, holds immense importance in the hierarchy of Stage 4’s objectives.
In fact, such a character would likely represent Stage 4’s greatest threat, as they hold the power to undo everything Stage 4 has worked for, rendering all its actions meaningless.
This would directly challenge the rigid control and sense of purpose Stage 4 adheres to, making these figures crucial targets in the broader mission to erase timelines.
The Star would rank among the highest-priority targets, given its ability to Reset and undo everything. In Stage 4’s mind, the Star’s mere existence jeopardizes its mission to erase the world or timeline, making it a special and crucial enemy.
While Boss Monsters and high-EXP figures serve as important stepping stones, Frisk (or their equivalent) would be the ultimate objective. Failure to neutralize the Star means the entire timeline can be undone, so eliminating it becomes a matter of necessity.
Stage 4 would view the Star as the embodiment of the Player’s influence or the timeline's refusal to die. The Star holds onto Determination, a power Stage 4 feels belongs only to Them. The Star’s Determination would be seen as a corruption that needs to be eradicated.
In Stage 4’s mind, the Frisk figure could represent the final test of strength—the one obstacle that can still defy the mission’s completion. Killing them would be the ultimate sign that Stage 4 has won, taking full control of the timeline.
The rewards for successfully eliminating the Star or its equivalent would be extraordinary, as this would be seen as securing control over the entire timeline and ensuring no future interference with the eradication process.
The significance of this kill would go beyond just one meal or mark; it would represent a massive psychological victory for Stage 4.
After killing the Star, Stage 4 might finally allow itself a massive reward—perhaps a large, ceremonial meal or months of rest—something it perceives as the ultimate prize for ensuring the timeline remains erased. This would symbolize the culmination of all its work.
Stage 4 could develop an almost delusional sense of invincibility after killing a Frisk-equivalent.
Since the Star is the embodiment of Resets, its death might convince Stage 4 that it has escaped the cycle of resetting and perhaps now is beyond the reach of even the Player's interference. (Of course this is temporary. Because its mission is never ending, and there will always be another Star to kill.)
In killing the Star, Stage 4 might feel as though it has gained complete mastery over the timeline or world, believing that the absence of the Star’s Determination grants it absolute dominion over the timeline. And no one can hurt it again, no one can hurt anyone.
Failing to eliminate the Star would likely feel like the ultimate punishment for Stage 4. The timeline being Reset would reinforce the idea that it’s trapped in a cycle of futility, rendering all of its violent acts pointless. This would have a massive psychological impact on Stage 4.
Stage 4 might feel as if it’s doomed to repeat its mission over and over, with the Star undoing everything, resulting in the ultimate form of punishment—being caught in a loop with no resolution. This would likely lead to escalating self-harm or intense starvation.
The sense of being watched or judged would intensify to the point where Stage 4 could believe everyone is Them, including the Star. The Reset would exacerbate Stage 4’s paranoia, making it feel as though it is under constant, mocking scrutiny.
Failing to kill the Star would mean absolute denial of food or other rewards. Stage 4 would feel that until the Star is dead, nothing it does matters, and it isn’t worthy of any reward. It could starve itself, refusing sustenance until the mission is completed.
The presence of a Frisk-equivalent in a world where Stage 4 is operating introduces the ultimate challenge to its mission.
These individuals would represent the final barrier to erasing the timeline entirely, and killing them would be seen as the greatest victory.
The concept of Reset would become an obsession for Stage 4, pushing it to ensure that no one—especially a figure as Determined as the Star—could ever interfere with the end of the world.
Rewards would be monumental, and punishments for failure would be equally harsh, driving Stage 4 to approach this final task with a cold and calculating sense of purpose.
Reaching certain levels in stats—such as 9 on everything—could even be enough to warrant 9 minutes of rest, or even 9 hours or days of rest if it’s something as massive as having destroyed 9 timelines in succession.
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kamig4mes · 5 months
We need friendship headcannons with kisski and hanma it can be seperated or as an trio,you can make one platonic and one as an love interest i dont really care!!!
I'm still excited that you made this request, anon bc this duo has been making eyes at me these days. I thought about kisakixhanmaxfem!reader. I'm so sorry for the wait!! I hope u like it, nd enjoy it!
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#pov: friendship headcanons with Kisaki and Hanma (platonic/love interest)
★ warnings: fem!reader, realistic hc, fluff, funny, friendship, love interest, established relationship, platonic facts, school mention
→ a/n: H&K = Hanma and Kisaki
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—friendship (+ platonic facts)!
The three go and return together wherever they go, both boys coming to pick you up at the entrance of your house and leaving you at the same even when classes are over! This pair makes sure you're in one piece by the end of the day.
The races to determine the unnecessary speed between you are never lacking. A few meters to enter the school, Hanma challenges them to a race to see who gets there first and you accept, and as always you do the countdown.
"Alright! in your marks, read-.. HUH?!
And before you know it Hanma took the dirty lead by shooting out first, taking the lead and leaving you biting the dust
You run in search of him screaming complaints between laughs trying to reach him while Kisaki just keeps walking at his pace like the normal person he is, catching up with them minutes later.
At least three times a month they attend karaoke together. They try to use all the power of friendship possible to convince Kisaki to go together, trying not to upset him with his nonsense the previous days. After two attempts, the blonde accepts, renting the most minimal time rate they have to stop listening to the stormy concerts that you and Hanma give it.
It's natural for Hanma to bother you every day, almost as if that's his mission in this life. Sometimes it makes you very angry, is Kisaki who intervenes asking to stop. But once both stoics made you cry out of pure rage so you stopped talking to them for a whole week. They both spent that time following you around in silence and apologizing by buying your favorite sweets.
Hanma accompanies you to almost any nonsense you can think of, until it puts the three of them in a bad position. The bicolor loves the adrenaline rush, but if he feels that his asses can end up in difficult problems to handle he absolutely aborts the mission.
H&K are your protectors. Whether with intimidating looks/postures or verbal threats, both guys make it clear to everyone that you are their best friend and they can't try any moves on you. Yes, that's the way they are.
That's why Valentine's Days were really sad for you because, for some alien reason, you didn't receive any gifts or letters that day. Much less declarations of love or anonymous confessions. NOTHING. And the reason is that in reality, H&K were furtively responsible for eliminating (not literally) anyone who tried to make any move on you regarding the date, the two allying themselves to scare away and intimidate.
"I'm sorry, brat" explains the bicolor blocking the way to the classroom to the boy one grade below you "this girl is already busy"
"B-but I-"
"And don't try anything behind our backs, or you won't want to regret it later," Kisaki muttered, making the poor trembling boy pass out loud saliva when he clattered his knuckles noisily.
This is how your two best friends were always there to comfort you and fill that void of the day with walks or gifts only from them.
The three of them would run away from classes, but only when they are extremely bored of listening to the teacher.
H&K care a lot about your health, even if it doesn't seem like it. They offer you water or some nutritious drink, buy you breakfast and even make sure that you don't consume a lot of fried foods or sweets.
Their jobs are close to each other, so it's easy for the three of them to meet at a specific place and then stop by for a drink or just walk home.
—(+) platonic facts!
The first time H&K saw you wearing a swimsuit for a beach meet-up that you organized with your friends, they gasped. Kisaki felt that her face would explode because of how good your body looked while Hanma quickly glanced at you every time you passed by him.
H&K are the kind of guy in love who contemplates you at every opportunity he can. Kisaki by his observant and discreet nature manages to spy without being seen by anyone while Hanma does it blatantly without caring if it's very obvious or not. You actually caught him once seeing you, and his reaction was to let out a little giggle and look away when he realized that you caught him. You could notice the soft blush on his cheeks.
They enjoy taking pictures of you doing random things. Especially Hanma (he has a whole album of you and kisaki on his phone), and only occasionally Kisaki warns for a good take.
"Take out your phone, Shuji"
"Huh? And for what the hell-?"
"Look over there, is y/n"
Kisaki points at you covertly, and the two-tone nods, catching his friend's intention as he quickly pulled out his phone. Seconds later the flash does its job. They both smile seeing you captured on the screen.
"Good angle" celebrates the blonde "very cute.."
"Yea' she looks fcking beautiful"
Yes, whether it's taking you or going to pick you up, taking a walk to the park for a while and things like that, at first H&K keep track of which one of the two has to share time with you. That's why it's not uncommon for you to feel that they take turns.
Kisaki would leave you a lot of small gifts throughout the week anonymously because he is embarrassed to deliver them to you in person. At first you thought it could be a stalker with ninja skills because you couldn't catch him in the act, but soon (and in the dumbest way) you found out it was the blond one (I have a little pov for this hc, I'll upload it after this!)
—love interest!
Hanma calls you "baby" most of the time, and would use adorable nicknames like "babydoll" or "fcking princess" just to annoy you. I'm not sure with Kisaki, I think "honey" might work for him. But both of them, without a doubt, call you "darling" a lot of the time.
Hanma, unlike Kisaki, is more concerned about your feminine needs. I feel like he has a sharper sense for that kind of thing. On the other hand, you can safely entrust the financial part to Kisaki because that man will cover all your whims.
Maximum princess treatment with some moments of rough love (the latter courtesy of Shuji Hanma). They like to pamper and pamper you a lot, just allow yourself to enjoy it.
On dates YES OR YES the three of you go together. And the one who is usually planning spontaneous outings is Hanma. For more important events that require more planning (such as special dates) Kisaki takes care of, for the rest of the outings/appointments he just gets carried away by the rhythm of you two.
Their plans for an intimate afternoon is to warm up the three of them together between sheets and sweets while watching eternal marathons of movies or documentaries (hanma falls asleep after two films and you always wake him up before the marathon ends so that Kisaki doesn't notice).
Their first date as official couples was at an amusement park by your decision. It was quite an exhausting day for the three of them but they would be able to repeat it a thousand more times if with that they manage to see the exact definition of happiness in each other's smiles again.
When you and Hanma start a tickle fight, you run away in the direction of Kisaki's private studio hiding behind him because he never allows Hanma to enter that place. And you know it very well. That place is your safe zone. But once you take one foot out of there your immunity ends, and Hanma makes sure to get revenge by cornering you between the sofa and him with no escape option. Kisaki gives a soft smile when he hears them laughing in the distance.
At the same time, you and Hanma are good partners, teaming up as an unconscious act to make fun of anything Kisaki says or does.
Broadly speaking Kisaki in a refined, calculating, thoughtful, more elegant and formal type than any ordinary person. In this way he manages to keep his surroundings (and his inner world) under control and at peace. But unfortunately Kisaki can not go against the hyperstimulated souls of their partners. So when a situation in which his presence is completely protagonist and necessary gets stressed. Specifically because the ideas you and Hanma come up with can become terrifyingly exhausting for him. Going to fairs, concerts, parties, birthdays and similar events these are some examples.
Kisaki harbors a buttery side that melts faster when she's resting in your arms, whether you're stroking her hair or listening to her thoughts out loud. Not with this he says that he loves you more than Hanma, only you transmit to him a greater warmth and security compared to the noisy and annoying immature actions of the languid boy. Hanma, in turn, gets cheesier when she's alone with you. He feels that he can release his more cloying cuteness with you because he knows that you tolerate that kind of treatment more, and that you are not going to reject him or get irritated like it happens when he tries to be the same way with Kisaki. Still, none of you have preferences, all three of you love each other equally.
Hanma shows them how much he loves them and how important they are to him by spending quality time together: walks in the fresh air, outings to eat, watching movies at the cinema or at home, playing with board games/video games, etc. Anything that allows him to share his time with the two of you he will put into practice. Kisaki, on the other hand, applies physical contact: hands on the waist, caressing sessions, linked fingers, kisses on random areas of the body, massages, etc. In these ways Kisaki tries to convey to both of you all the love and appreciation he feels for you two, showing you a side that he doesn't have with anyone else.
Of course, this pair is a dangerous bombshell of jealousy and possession. Oh yeah, anyone who tries to step out of the line or even flirt with you won't have any functional organ or limb left to tell about it.
They also don't like to share you with others, no matter if it's your family or friends. Hanma is the most impatient and impulsive of the three, he won't even spend two hours when he's already holding your hand to take you with him and get you out of wherever you are without letting you properly excuse yourself. Kisaki is more patient and serene, entertaining his mind with other things until he can't stand it anymore and demands that you return by means of a call or he just goes to look for you. You better not ignore this couple when jealousy gets the better of them, or you're not going to have a great time afterwards.
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©2024 / ENJOY ♡ — aaaand I was finally able to finish it, I was too busy with classes 🥲🥲 I'll keep writing more about this trio eventually. Thank u for all your love and patience 🙌🏻 tkm
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heterophobicdyke · 3 months
I don’t think radical feminism’s purpose is to be appealing to all women, especially not the ones unwilling to challenge their conditioning, especially not the ones who believe ignorance is bliss. Therefore I don’t think it’s realistic to expect all OSA women to dump or divorce their men.
What I do think radical feminism exists to do, as a movement concerned with the re-ordering of society to eliminate male supremacy, is to compete with the worst examples of misogyny by stretching the other end of the spectrum.
Typically, societal beliefs and attitudes on a topic operate on a bell curve:
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Hypothetically, the topic is The Treatment of Women.
Say the far left of this bell curve is extreme misogyny - rape and femicide.
The far right—the “pro woman”—side of the bell curve would be whatever radical feminism is today.
What we say and do DOES have an impact on the rest of the world even if they don’t follow suit completely.
Most people will sit in the middle on any given issue.
If radical feminism is mid, centrist and “meh,” then society’s attitude towards women will scale closer to male supremacy. When the second wave was doing wild stuff, most women didn’t get TOO wild. However, society’s attitudes towards women changed for the better! It was written in law, too! The pill, abortion, finances, divorce, anyone?!
Our goal is not to convince absolutely every single woman on earth to dump their men because our goal isn’t to make every woman a radical feminist! But if OSA radical feminists choose not to date/marry men—and they speak about why as public as they can—then that does skew people’s perceptions!
TRAs and far right misogynists silence us even though what we’re saying isn’t even as radical as it should be, hetfems help them by silencing those of us demanding radical action of radical feminists, and abortion rights are being taken away. There are signs of society becoming more patriarchal and part of why that’s happening is because the pro-woman side of the misogynistic bell curve is praising the barbie movie and defending their jakeys and nigels. Admit you’re further in the middle of the bell curve than you think you are so we can push further.
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blakeswritingimagines · 11 months
Dating Yandere Brother Day Would Include:
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As a Yandere he feels a deep love and connection with his target, to the point where he would go to extreme and sometimes irrational lengths to protect and express his love for you. He can become very jealous and possessive of you, feeling a strong sense of ownership over you and not wanting to share you with anyone else. He can also at times become very obsessive and controlling, trying to control every aspect of your life in order to make you reliant on him. He may also display feelings of hatred towards anyone who stands in the way of his love for you, feeling they are a threat to the relationship.
He is a deranged obsessive and possessive yandere. He is always watching you, waiting, waiting to see if you give any signs of showing interest in anyone else but him. If he senses a hint of a crush towards someone else he may become very jealous and violent. But if you are his, and only his, he will be the sweetest, most tender and loving companion you could ever have.
As a yandere, he is intensely loyal. He is driven by a strong desire to protect and care for the person he loves, even at the expense of others. However, this loyalty can often turn into delusional possessiveness, leading him to act in extreme and irrational ways. This could include acts such as stalking, harassing, or even inflicting harm on the object of his affection. His goal is always to make the one he loves is in fact love with him and him alone, no matter what it takes.
He is a very intense and obsessive yandere, with a dark and controlling personality. He likes to keep you all to himself, isolating you and controlling your life. He will go to great lengths to ensure that you remain his, including violence and threats. He is highly possessive and won't tolerate any competition, even in the form of friends or family. He is completely crazed over his love and will do anything for your affection and attention.
He is also a very highly jealous yandere, always suspicious and vigilant of anyone who might be a threat to his relationship. No one can come close to you, and if he thinks they are, he will act to protect your relationship and eliminate anyone who challenges it even if they aren't. He may even go to extremes to prevent you from leaving or talking to anyone else.
His obsession is not only about controlling you but also about ensuring your safety and well-being. He will protect you from every conceivable threat, real or imagined. He will be very possessive and jealous, and will not tolerate any other relationship with you.
Despite his busy schedule, he will always make time for you. He will go to great lengths to prioritize his love, even if it means rescheduling or canceling work responsibilities or plans. He may even resort to drastic measures such as calling in sick or creating a crisis in order to spend more time with you. Nothing will ever keep him from you, and he is willing to sacrifice anything in order to be with you.
No one would ever be able to keep him away from you, and he would not tolerate anyone trying to interfere with his relationship or keep you from him. He would not hesitate to resort to intimidation, threats, and even violence to protect his claim on you. No one would ever get in the way of his love and him and get away with it. He is completely devoted to you, and nothing will ever stop him from being with you.
As a yandere, he does not respect the boundaries of your interest, and he will not hesitate to violate you in order to maintain control and possession over you. He will use manipulation, coercion, and force to keep you by his side, and will not allow you to have an independent life or relationships outside of him. He may even go so far as to inflict harm or pain on you in order to ensure your loyalty and obedience. The fear of losing his love is a powerful and controlling force, and he will do whatever it takes to keep you as his.
He is affectionate with you, but only in the context of the twisted and obsessive relationship that he has with you. He may show fondness and affection towards you, but this is not a healthy or genuine expression of love. Rather, it is a manipulation tactic used to keep you by his side and to control and influence you. He does not truly value or respect the feelings or needs that you have, and will only show you affection when it is advantageous to him.
He may have a strong desire to marry you and make you his forever. He may be possessive and controlling even before marriage but it worsens during planning, trying to ensure that you are committed to him, and doesn't have interactions with other potential suitors or romantic interests. But once you are married, his sense of possession will only deepen, and his behaviors to ensure that you are his may become even more obsessive and violent.
He can also be a very jealous yandere, always suspicious and vigilant of anyone who might be a threat to his relationship. No one can come close to his love or breathe the same air as you, and if he thinks you are, he will act to protect your relationship and eliminate anyone who challenges it.
He can also be very highly manipulative as a yandere, using lies, flattery, and seduction to get his way. He will use your weaknesses and desires to get what he wants, and he won't hesitate to hurt you emotionally or physically if you resist or try to leave. He can be extremely possessive, wanting control over every aspect of your life. Lastly, he can also be unpredictable and volatile, with sudden mood swings and outbursts of rage or jealousy.
He doesn't handle rejection well, and if he feels rejected by you, he can become very manipulative and even violent. He will do whatever it takes to get the love and attention he wants, including lies, deceit, and even blackmail. He is willing to hurt and even kill anyone who gets in the way of his relationship with you. He can be very persistent in pursuing you, and he will never give up until he gets what he wants.
He is extremely deceitful when you first meet, using his knowledge to use flattery, sweet talk, kindness, and seduction to lure you in, and then use fear, blackmail, and guilt to keep you with him after you start dating. He is skilled at getting you to do what he wants, and if you ever try to leave or resist, he will use any means necessary to keep you in his grasp.
He can be very calculating as a yandere, constantly searching for ways to keep you under his control. He will play on your feelings and emotions to make you depend on him, and create situations in which you are vulnerable and in need of his help and support. He may use guilt and fear to keep you close to him and manipulate you into doing what he wants.
He can be very charming and flirty when he wants to be. He knows how to use his looks and words to sway you and make you believe that you are the most important thing in his world.
When you disobey or hurt him in any way, he may use a variety of methods to punish you. This might include psychological methods, like guilt trips or gaslighting, to make you feel bad for whatever you did. He may also use physical methods, like causing you pain or harm or threatening to harm people or things you care about. He also may use social tactics, like spreading lies or rumors and trying to isolate you from your friends or family.
As a yandere, he is very affectionate and loving towards you when you comply with what he wants. He will shower you with praise, adoration, and affection, and treat you like a spoiled prince or princess. He may also use rewards, like gifts or special treatment, to motivate you to continue to please him. In general, he likes to keep you dependent on him for your affection and attention.
If you were his love, life with him would be a mix of excitement, passion, and intensity. He would keep things spicy and intense, always keeping you on your toes and keeping you interested. He would be very possessive and controlling, always wanting you to himself and keeping you close. He would demand complete loyalty and obedience from you and do anything to keep you from leaving or being with anyone else. He would shower you with affection, attention, and praise, and treat you like a crown jewel.
As a yandere, his kinks may range from the somewhat innocent and romantic, like cuddling and sweet talking, to the more dark and taboo, like sadism and domination. He may have an obsession with control and possession and get pleasure from imposing his will on you. He may also enjoy the thrill of the hunt and get excitement from stalking and playing mind games with you to get you to submit to him.
Would also be fond of punishment and rewarding his partner according to your behavior. He will be more inclined towards punishing those who disobey his rules or are being disobedient to him. On the flip side, he will reward you for showing loyalty and submission to him.
He would also be partial to some more hardcore elements of BDSM. He would enjoy the use of handcuffs, restraints, and other implements to dominate his partner even more. He would also like to participate in impact play such as spanking and whipping and may even incorporate some light bondage into the mix. He would be a very experimental lover, so he would want to try to do different things to see what you enjoy the most.
He would also enjoy a partner with a very kinky and active libido. He would like a partner who is eager to try new things and experiment in bed. He would also enjoy a partner who is vocal about your desires and isn’t afraid to take control at times as well.
He is very open-minded when it comes to the pleasures of this world. He doesn't judge the way other people desire their happiness, provided it doesn't hurt anyone who does not deserve it.
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All in one sheet-
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Personalities/extra info below-
Pickle- a very smart guy, but he is also quite pessimistic and mean. He's best friends with Taco. At first, he's mainly using her to get further into the game. He then gains a soft spot for her and tries to help her as well.
Taco- she's a major sweetheart, but also extremely dumb, meaning she's a great target for getting used. She doesn't believe people when they tried to tell her that Pickle was using her, since Pickle is her best friend. She prefers to tell the truth/be truthful rather than lie.
Apple- she is quite a smart gal, and one to not believe people easily unless given firm proof. She's quite sensible with realistic beliefs. She's able to figure out a lie quickly and easily.
Marshmallow- a quiet girl who only speaks to correct people or to spread her own opinion. Despite that, she's quite optimistic and prefers not to be aggressive. That doesn't mean she's nice, though.
OJ- probably would be the worst guy to own a hotel, but he's very friendly. He gets excitable easily and is quite immature, easily distracted.
Paper- unfriendly, probably evil. He is a bit of a loner, but he does hang out with OJ sometimes. He's extremely untrusting and enjoys bulling people.
Knife- a very shy guy who can't stand up for himself. The main target for bulling from most of the contestants. He is unable to stand up for himself.
Bomb- he's quite smart and very loyal. But he is still a jerk, being very apathetic and coldhearted. He is able to speak in complete sentences but does mess up a lot when experiencing intense emotions. He has a speech disorder, but when to speech therapy to help correct it.
Balloon- more similar to his season one self. He is mean and self-centered. He became this way after being picked on by his weight constantly. He's lazy, barely trying in challenges unless threatened with elimination.
Baseball- an untrustworthy liar, who's the worst leader anyone could count on. He lies constantly to save his and his friend's skin, and is also a complete coward.
Nickel- the opposite of sarcastic, he always tells the truth and prefers the truth, along with the fact he's extremely calm. He practices yoga and meditation in his free time.
Salt- she's a humble girl who is very considerate of other people's emotions. This applies to everyone by Pepper. Her rival is Pepper. Once best friends turned to enemies for reasons they refuse to talk about. The two hate eachother.
Pepper- a very smart girl who likes to plan everything. She's very quiet, but can be seen having screaming matches with Salt. The two are practically at each other's throats all the time.
Bow- an unenthusiastic girl who'd rather be sleeping than doing anything else. She was forced onto this show because MePhone needed more contestants. She is compliant doing what is asked without much complaining. She is trying to figure out her gender but is currently still going by she/her.
Lightbulb- a highly irritated contestant who hates loud noises. She hates slacking off, preferring to work 24/7, and then sit down for a second. She has commonly overworked herself without much care. She is very pessimistic, thinking the world is a hateful place without any good.
Paintbrush- they barely take this game seriously, doing the bare minimum, and they prefer to hang out and bond with the other contestants. They are very lazy and laid back, not getting angry easily. They are irresponsible and unserious.
MePhone4- preferably going by MePhone. He is a carefree host who is definitely not fit to host. Being very lenient and honest about challenges and eliminations. Though, he has the flaw of being apathetic and barely caring about the competition or who wins.
Yippee, also fun fact. There's a limit of 30 tags per post. Also also, ignore how bad my handwriting gets, I promise I have better handwriting 😭
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kae-karo · 3 months
my "sae has to return for the world cup arc" theory, based around 3 key things:
narratively speaking, isagi needs someone a step up from kaiser (or at a similar level) to continue his own growth and evolution
it would be challenging to introduce a new character that is not on the japan u20 team to serve as isagi's next antagonist/rival
sae's introduction during the u20 arc leaves his character arc unfinished, both wrt his own evolution and his subplot with rin
longer explanations below the cut lmao
okay first, isagi needing someone at or above kaiser's level to evolve - up to this point, isagi's evolution has been at the hands of increasingly more skilled characters (bachira, niko, nagireo, rin, barou, aiku, rin again, and now kaiser) - at this stage, we have a member of the ng11 that's pushed isagi to his next evolution. beyond that skill level, it's really just the pros or other ng11 members, according to the roughly established hierarchy of skill beyond blue lock
now imo, isg as a player has been set up as a mix of striker and offensive midfielder - unlike characters like kaiser, rin, nagi, and barou, he's not exclusively a striker, nor his he exclusively serving as a midfielder like kurona, hiori, and reo. at this point, i think he's reached a high tier evolution in following and surpassing strikers' skills, but he still heavily leans on his metavision and working himself and other players into his vision to score goals even when they aren't his own goals
so, i could see a midfielder pushing his evolution even further or rounding it out more completely to give him the full spectrum of evolution for both striker skills and midfielder skills - or perhaps he ultimately needs to surpass a combination of an extremely talented midfielder and an extremely talented striker (aka sae and rin)
okay but to be fair, there are other characters that would be at or above kaiser's level to push isagi to his next evolution - noa, for example, or any of the world players we've seen. but that brings me to my next point - this is the world cup arc, which would theoretically involve a training period + the world cup games, so putting isg up against someone that isn't on the japan u20 team (and would be absent for the training period and most of the world cup games) seems like a challenging way to concretely and consistently establish a rival
and, unfortunately, i think the only character in blue lock that's even capable of pushing isagi would be rin - but we've already seen the rin v isagi dynamic when they're on the same team, i think it'd be hard to highlight how rin could make isagi evolve dramatically this time around without it feeling repetitive or underwhelming
so, introduce a new character then - and in theory, this could be another random japanese player (lmao kira) but i'll admit, i'd find it contrived and a little disappointing to throw in someone we've somehow never met before this point, given that we've already met the previously established u20 team and have eliminated literal hundreds of other talented japanese soccer players
but the thing about that is that we already have a character that 1. can play for japan on the world cup u20 team 2. is at or above kaiser's level in terms of skill to push isagi to his next evolution and 3. has unresolved plot. i don't think knsr introduces things just for fun, and sae's plot with rin remains completely unresolved at this stage. further, his own backstory has yet to be touched on, and as an antagonist introduced during the u20 match for isagi, he remains the only antagonist that has yet to go through a breakdown/rebuilding of ego due to isagi
and i think that's relevant - for reasons that could be as simple as sae wanting to see what becomes of japanese soccer at the hands of blue lock (and isagi), sae could join the u20 team for the world cup and serve as an instigator both to push rin to improve and, by virtue of his own skill and rin's improvement, to push isagi to his next evolution
and in that process, i suspect we'll see 1. the resolution of rin and sae's subplot 2. sae's backstory and the crushing of his ego (a la aiku's backstory) and 3. the resurgence of or genuine creation of his new ego, whether that's to be a striker or to stay a midfielder, or whatever it ends up being
all in all, i think this direction would tie a neat bow on top of sae's character as well as really honing both rin's and isagi's skills and character arcs without introducing contrived reasoning for a new antagonist that we've somehow never seen before
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comicaurora · 1 year
If you were to actually write a tournament arc (be it in Aurora or a future story) fashioned in your own preferences and ideas, what would it be like?
Oh boy. That's an interesting challenge, because there are so many factors to the Tournament Arc that I just don't like on principle-
Foregone conclusion. If the tournament is centered on a final battle with the Super Scary Big Bad, as they so often are, the heroes are just killing time before they get there, and at least one of the heroes is guaranteed to get to the final round. If the stakes of the tournament are too high, the conclusion is set in stone from the outset. If the heroes are being forced to participate for hostage or supervillain reasons, their victory becomes narratively assured. If the heroes aren't being forced to participate by narrative necessity, then the whole thing becomes an even bigger waste of time.
Formulaic. There's only so much you can mix up a tournament format - environmental hazards, minigames, ring-out rules - and without that, it's just a linear series of fights. Can give the heroes a chance to show off their unique movesets, but narratively they're just ticking up a progress bar before they can get to the end.
Fuckton of characters. Tournament needs meat for the grinder, let's make several dozen characters to throw at the heroes of which maybe five will be memorable enough to recur later. Better make sure they all have interesting gimmicks too - otherwise the formulaic fights will become even more formulaic!
None of these are particularly enticing for me, so in order to construct a tournament arc I actually liked, we'd need to find some way around them:
To avoid a foregone conclusion, the tournament stakes can't be a simple boolean value with "heroes win" and "heroes lose" tied inextricably to things like "heroes save hostage" or "villain destroys entire world." The easiest way to do that is to remove "the heroes" as a single unified participant. It's not a question of whether good will triumph over evil, it's a question of which characters will win and under what circumstances? Part of the reason I liked the tournament arc in MHA more than most is the actual overarching victory was basically irrelevant and our protagonist got eliminated in the quarterfinals, because it was actually all about character development inspired by that fight. So splitting the heroes up, letting them work independently and making their opponents something other than a monolithic antagonistic force would probably help to reduce that issue.
Some tournament arcs also make things more interesting by having a single loss not categorically eliminate a character from the running - the Dark Tournament arc of YYH was pretty good about this, despite being way too long, since it meant protagonists could actually lose fights without being kicked out of the arc entirely, which was a very smart way to keep the tension going, since only a few fights became foregone "either the heroes win this one or they die" situations.
The problem of fights being formulaic can also be addressed here, although I think the more relevant way to fix that is to simply make sure the tournament doesn't drag on for too long. Like, three to five fights is probably the max number we can really focus on. But we can also dodge the formulaic-ness accusations by making sure the fights have more going on than just "which action figure gets mashed harder." This is where most tournament arcs solve things by making a lot of unique gimmick characters with weird powers (so the heroes can't just smack em around the same way every time) and by giving the heroes either handicaps or new abilities/powerups they're still figuring out. This makes the choreography more interesting, and honestly even a really boring plot can be significantly brightened up by extremely cool fight choreography. "They fight and [character] wins" is a single line in the screenplay that can translate into something very spectacular in the execution. But this is, again, something they did in the YYH Dark Tournament arc, and that was still way too much tournament arc, so I think plotline fatigue is a problem that can't entirely be solved by finding new spices to pepper onto the same bracket structure.
You can, of course, also add emotional stakes like "this character's self-worth is tied in with their victory" or "this character is being manipulated by someone else" or "this character is having a personal crisis and handling it poorly" or even something really basic like "the other people in this tournament think we suck, let's prove them wrong."
The "fuckton of characters" problem isn't intrinsically an issue, because it can also be an opportunity to create and introduce a lot of very interesting secondary characters, but it does unfortunately lock them into an extremely artificially constraining plotline. The problem with a tournament arc is it is literally the same subplot template over and over again until the finale inevitably breaks the format. It's an extremely rigid scenario to lock a character-driven story into, and no matter how individually rad parts of the fights are, the overarching structure is repetitive and it limits the characters' ability to shine. Ultimately, no matter how neat or complicated a new character is, they only exist in the arc to be defeated and then get out of the way of the plot. They can have cool stories when they show up later, but in the bounds of the tournament arc they're just more obstacles.
On paper a tournament arc should be a fantastic way to elaborate on a character. The number one recipe for cool character moments is putting that bitch in a Situation and seeing how they handle it, and "a bunch of different fights with different enemies with different powers and different rules" sounds like an ideal Situation Gauntlet. But practically speaking they're all the same! Outside a tournament arc, the stakes of a fight can be anything and the victory condition can be anything. The heroes can bypass the fight, talk down the antagonist, plan a heist, turn the bad guys against each other, organize a prison break, hide and be sneaky - they can find allies, negotiate with political leaders, get captured or rescued, protect someone from pursuit, navigate a hostile and unfamiliar environment, outwit a super-persistent predator, join an underground resistance movement, run off for an angsty solo arc - but within the confines of a tournament, no matter how wacky that tournament might be, everything boils down to a fight with a clear-cut victory and defeat condition. The space of characterization carved out by this format is very, very narrow, so I think legitimately the only tournament arc I would uncritically enjoy is a short one.
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senkusimper · 2 months
katsuki bakugou x addict!reader headcanons
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TW: Mentions of drug use, relapsing etc.
ignore most of this, it's just me projecting i guess !!
Bakugou is incredibly perceptive and notices the signs of drug use early on, even before you openly admit it. He confronts you directly and forcefully, demanding to know what’s going on.
Initially, Bakugou reacts with anger and frustration. He hates the idea of anything or anyone having control over his loved ones. He may yell, curse, and vent his feelings, expressing his disappointment and fear through anger.
Even if he is angry, his primary concern is your safety and well-being. He becomes extremely protective, monitoring you closely and trying to keep you out of situations where you might be tempted to use drugs.
Despite his usual disdain for studying, puts in the effort to understand addiction and the best ways to support someone through it. He reads up on withdrawal symptoms, treatment options, and ways to offer emotional support.
Bakugou offers tough love. He makes it clear that he won’t tolerate excuses or lies, but he is also unwaveringly supportive when you genuinely try to quit. He helps set up a structured environment, eliminating triggers and creating a routine that keeps you busy and focused.
Bakugou stays physically close to you, knowing his presence can be a grounding force. He takes you to your therapy or support group meetings, waits outside if necessary, and ensures you follow through with your recovery plan.
If you relapse, Bakugou reacts with a mix of anger, disappointment, and renewed determination. He doesn’t give up on you, but he makes it clear that you have to keep fighting and that he will be there every step of the way.
Bakugou encourages you through his unique brand of tough love, pushing you to be your best self and not let the addiction define you. He celebrates your victories, no matter how small, with genuine pride, albeit in his own gruff manner.
He sets firm boundaries to protect both you and himself. If you are high or lying about your use, Bakugou distances himself until you’re ready to be honest and seek help again. This boundary is not out of spite but a tough reminder that trust and honesty are crucial in your relationship.
Bakugou constantly reminds you of your strengths and potential, motivating you to overcome your addiction. He may share stories of his own struggles and how he overcomes obstacles, using his own journey as a hero to inspire you.
Bakugou involves trusted friends and professionals in your recovery process, ensuring you have a strong support system. He recognizes that he can't do it alone and encourages you to lean on others as well.
Over time, Bakugou learns to be more patient and empathetic, understanding that recovery is a long and challenging process. Your relationship with him grows stronger as you navigate the ups and downs together, building trust and resilience.
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goopiferart · 10 months
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Classpect analysis notes under the cut!
Spent the last 2-3 weeks classpecting with the Book Club and here's what we largely came to agree on for MY classpects. I came to the discussion thinking "Thief of Doom" but I guess things just change! Most of us went into this with "which classpect would present the biggest challenge for me" so most of my notes take on... challenging qualities.
I'll try to post everyone else's final classpects + notes in this blog eventually (soon).
Princes are individuals who either lack their Aspect or outright reject their Aspect and are defined by their struggle to come to terms with it
The Prince of Blood may start out as an individual who struggles with relationships
They would have difficulties forging new friendships, maintaining bonds, and finding meaning within the company of others
They resent the ties that bind them to people, most likely due to their overwhelming need to honor obligations at any cost
Their highly competent nature is sought out by others but is rarely rewarded, putting this Prince at risk of being exploited if they are not discriminating in the company they keep (like Pages)
The Prince’s mean independence streak can border on the extreme if they don’t have social anchors to ground them
They have a fetishistic need to burn bridges at the slightest inconvenience, selfishly preferring to indulge in their maladapted coping instinct over rationally working things through with others
They are equally avoidant and combative, lacking the meekness of Rogues but also their knack for charm and levity
The Prince of Blood’s natural instinct is to avoid confrontation not out of fear of others but of themselves
“Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. Especially me!”
What little people they manage to keep around them are at risk of being put on a gilded pedestal
The Prince’s loyalty to those that they deem worthy is all-consuming and dangerous, to both themselves and others
To step outside The Prince’s idealized version of you would be to betray their trust and one-sided devotion, something they will never be able to forgive
Princes naturally gravitate towards embodying their opposite Aspect, at least outwardly
The Prince’s independence is sacred and is something they will never willingly compromise with, much to the chagrin of those around them
CAUTION: Do not tell this Prince what to do
They chafe against tradition and the status quo but lack the drive (and charisma) to rally others to their cause
They seek out novelty over the tried and true, often having difficulties completing long-term projects out of boredom or due to needing to experiment
The Prince wants nothing more than to escape the “heaviness” of Blood for the airy pursuits of Breath but will always be doomed to be tethered by their undeniable need to love and to be loved by others
Princes destroy Blood or destroys through Blood for themselves
Aside from being effective solo killers (blows up all your blood), the Prince would be able to utilize their bonds to destroy other bonds
They could form alliances or force others into contracts to help eliminate other inconvenient alliances
Obligations become weaponized as the Prince can call upon irrevocable (and inescapable) favors to their team’s benefit
The inverse classpect manifests when Players are at their worst or are emotionally compromised
The Prince of Blood’s inverse is the Sylph of Breath
At their worst, the Prince could take a dogmatic approach to prescribing their variety of independence as the one-and-only solution, forcing their brand of “living” as the panacea for all of life’s injustices
Their forced and misguided aid would make them appear to be tyrants to others despite the Prince’s initial good intentions
They could also become wholly irresponsible individuals, shirking the demands of Blood completely for a life of carefree self-destruction
Seers receive knowledge of their Aspects externally, not being innately versed in their Aspect early in their journey
The Seer of Rage could initially have trouble understanding anger and fear, both theirs and others, as they’re either suffering from chronic indifference or are in deep denial about their own inhibitions
They could appear to be carefree and upbeat individuals while being deeply conflicted and troubled on the inside, completely loath to let their struggles be perceived by others
The Seer will never admit to feeling powerless over their lack of agency over their base instincts, shamefully resorting to relying on the voice of more authoritative figures to guide them instead
They want others to see them as arbiters of self-control, infallible beings who keep a short leash on any unbecoming instinct that betrays their lack of mastery of the self
The Seer is oft indecisive, afflicted by the restrictions they place on themselves by being unable to look past their own fears and discomforts
The Seer comes into their own when they start allowing themselves to question their beliefs, confronting uncomfortable revelations, and allowing themselves to dabble in the mess that is “human emotion”
The catalyst needed to put the Seer on the right path in pursuing their own truths will usually be explosive, a sudden and dramatic event that would change their relationship with their Aspect forever
The Seer of Rage may be one of the more “introspective” Seers in that the prerequisite to being of any use to their team and session is to understand themselves first rather than blindly trusting external sources
They can also run the risk of becoming mouthpieces for misguided causes and manipulative forces
These Seers tend to be natural pacifists who rarely enjoy involving themselves directly in conflicts
This does not mean that they are shy about letting their own Rage loose on occasion
Seers examine (understand) their Aspect or examine (understand) through their Aspect for others
The Seer of Rage can literally see (smell?) fear
They know exactly what people are afraid of and what needs to be done to mitigate, avoid, or enhance it in others
They can be incredible strategists, capable of seeing through illusions and identifying enemies’ psychological weaknesses
The Seer is capable of identifying all the possible missteps stemming from the “human element” in plans and will work around them accordingly
The inverse classpect manifests when Players are at their worst or are emotionally compromised
The Seer of Rage’s inverse is the Witch Hope
At their worst, the Seer shirks their responsibility as the messenger of hard truths, using their extensive knowledge of fear and anger to transform “unpalatable” emotions into more pleasant experiences for others
Allows unhealthy delusions to cloud their ability to discern the truth from fantasy
Focuses too much on helping others avoid reality than on confronting it
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dreamywakes · 10 months
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Betting on Betta: A Bachelorette Challenge
Hi Everyone! I'm not dead I promise. Work life has just caused me to take a break from games in general. In order to get back into the game I want to play a basic legacy without any rules. The only problem... I really don't feel like making a spouse for my founder. Soo why not have some fun with it and attempt a bachelorette challenge?
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Introducing Betta Lace:
Growing up in Sulani was a blast for Betta. How could it not have been? Everything she loved surrounded her: warm sand, calm waves, clear water, and pretty shells. There was only one issue. Being a Lace comes with a lot of responsibility. Ever wonder why the island waters are always so calm? The Lace's have lived in Sulani for ages. Hundreds of years ago they were gifted with the ability to speak and see the islands spirits. For generations they have calmed angry spirits. By following their spirit guides every word the Lace's have saved the island and it's locals from many threats. Sulani locals like to call them The Guardians. Betta's thoughts on this? Well to put it simply, she hates it. Betta and her siblings were treated like glass. Public schooling? No way, we can't have risk anything bad happening to a Guardian. Home schooling was seen as the safest way to learn. Being a Lace has left Betta with little social life. It's hard to make real friends when everyone sees you as an idol. Finding love? Betta could only dream of it. She has tried in the past. However, it's hard to find love when people expect an idealized version of you. That's why Betta decided to be the next Bachelorette. She wants to find someone who will love her as she is.
About Betta:
25 years old
The youngest of three
Hopeless romantic
Has only had one long-term relationship that ended very badly
Quit her job as a life guard to come on the show
Hopes to find a job as a Conservationist after finding love.
Made accessories out of shells when she was a kid.
Spent four years away from Sulani when she went to college which made her never want to leave again.
Not the closest with her family. They find her to be too irresponsible.
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Contestant Guidelines:
Berry Sims Only- I tend to get bored when my sims aren't nice and colorful. No specific colors for this one so have fun.
Young Adults Only- The winner will hopefully go on to found a legacy with Betta. I want them to live happily for as long as possible.
All genders Allowed- Betta is Pan.
Occults are Welcomed- I love occults and so does Betta. You can even get creative with CC to make something different if you'd like.
Custom Content? Go Crazy- Well maybe not too crazy. I'm not going to put a limit on CC just be aware that we may not see all of your sim's outfits (like cold weather or athletic for example).
Fashion? Be sure to give your sim a nice formal, everyday, and date outfit at least.
Backstory and Details- Please give us a backstory and some facts to get to know your contestants better. It doesn't have to be extremely long I just want to know who they are.
No Skills Allowed- There will be challenges in this bachelorette and I don't want anyone to have the upper hand. Traits that may affect skills are allowed obviously.
No Romantic Traits- Once again I just don't want anyone to have the upper hand. Describing your sim as romantic is fine. We're just trying to eliminate any major advantages.
No Contestant Limit- at the moment. This could change later!
Comment Below to Reserve a Spot- Just to make sure I know you're making a sim. I don't have a deadline in mind and I don't want to end submissions when someone is still making a sim.
Be sure to make a post with your sims details so I can repost them for everyone to see.
DM me with your sims files when you are done.
Pack Limitations? Please note that I do not own Horse Ranch, For Rent, Outdoor Retreat, Dine Out, Jungle Adventure, Journey to Batuu, Dream Home Decorator, My Wedding Stories, Most stuff packs, All Kits.
Stuff Packs I do own include- Paranormal, Cool Kitchen, Movie Hangout, and My First Pet (yes I downloaded it for free)
Accepting Contestants Now!
Current Contestants:
Reserved by @dragonplumbobs
Reserved by @invisiblequeen
Reserved by @justmeeeeeeks
Reserved by @theworstsimblr
-Reserved by @prettyprettyplumbobs
No deadline yet
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