#most of them are original concepts
wigglybug · 9 months
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bits an pieces from the link page!!
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courfee · 23 days
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» I love you. That's all.
– Art Heist, Baby! @otrtbs
paintings I referenced here:
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Gustav Klimt, Death and Life, 1908-1915 – Regulus' shirt has the same pattern as Death's cloak, James' shirt is patterned like the background of 'Life'
It was life and death, and death was there, on the left side of the canvas, waiting eagerly to pluck any one person from the conglomeration of life and claim them as its own. – chapter 28
Mark Rothko, Untitled (Seagram Murals), 1958 – Regulus bleeding out into the background
And he remembers looking out at the thick red blood on the marble floors and nonsensically, being reminded yet again, of Rothko. – chapter 34
Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, Gathering Storm, 1899 – Regulus' socks have this pattern
'Hang painting here?' – chapter 37
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and here some little details and an alternative bloody version :) look at that snake ring being handed over <33
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sneez · 2 months
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thinking about gwynplaine having speech loss episodes and using tactile sign language to communicate with dea :-) please don't tag as body horror or anything similar [id in alt text]
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filurig · 3 months
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eventually i want to make a reference like this for all rooms in folke's house...
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAu Drabble - The Roots
I have been gone for a few days but i wanted to really mess with this tiny concept!
First Drabble (with special thanks to @spotaus For giving the first prompt) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Technically timeline wise this is at the same ish time as the next drabble in the timeline, On the Other side. But we will just do this like this for now :D
As always, we have no beta and no edits. :D Also slight warning, I will be changing up the POVs in the drabble itself a bit. don't worry about it.
Nightmare looks around the corner and notices that all four are still asleep. That is good. Perfect even!
It isn't that he dislikes being with them. The oposite in matter of fact. it feels... Safe protected home calming nice. Many things but overal just nice.
It still confuses him sometimes. That they just... care. After everything. Even with them knowing just who he is.
It also does mean that Nightmare feels bad about leaving while they are asleep.
It is just that he isn't going to get another chance like this. They are very close to DreamTale and with how much magic Nightmare has in him now thanks to the many meals and sleeping a lot, he thinks he could make it all the way to DreamTale and back before being completely out of magic to use.
Which means he has his chance to do a small personal ritual he hasn't had the chance to do in a while.
It is something stupid. And Nightmare knows he should stop it.
It is just... After everything in Dreamtale happened. The deal with what he had caused and done, having been the cause of both his brother and mother dying... He had just made two graves.
He had been the point of returning there once in a while to maintain both graves and leave fresh flowers.
Nightmare just. Never stopped doing it. After seeing Dream again... He just kept doing it still. Something about the grave still showing that he still ended up losing Dream...
Or something like that.
He doesn't quite know anymore but it helps.
Nightmare manages to get to the garden of the small house they had claimed and takes a deep breath. He hadn't needed to make these jumps in a while and he had to be sure he aimed in the right direction. Just. Easy.
He holds up both hands and feels his magic start to flow out. A small sizzle as a small portal starts to take shape. His breathing gets heavier and heavier. He didn't think it would be this hard... why is it so much harder than before-
Two arms lock around him and he is lifted up. Nightmare's breath escapes in one go and he wiggles before stopping. Nightmare knows these arms by now and knows it is Killer before he even speaks.
"What you doing out here tiny boss?" a chuckle and nuzzle to the side of his skull "I thought we were passed this whole you trying to run away from us." Killer turns him aorund and Nightmare can now see the large pout on his face.
Nightmare looks to the side and wiggles but cant get free, he never can escape their hold. Instead he just crosses his arms and mutters "Just wanted to do something real quick."
Killer hums before Nightmare is pulled much closer and he is flush up agianst Killer. Killer hums much more contently before turning back to the house "So what did you want to do tiny boss? aside from using a lot of your just recovered magic that is."
Why does he feel bad? Why does he feel guilty? He wasn't doing anything bad?? Wait why is that how he thinks about it?
Nightmare tries to think it through but comes up blank. It doesn't help that being near Killer, or any of them really, calms him very quickly. He isn't used to this.
They get back to the house and Nightmare sees three more worried faces and feels worse. They had been sleeping... They shouldn't have noticed or been bothered by him not being there... How did they even notice? He... isn't used to people noticing stuff about him.
They sit him down and Nightmare considers his options... If he wants to use this one chance... maybe if he explains they will just let him do his thing for a bit?
Ngihtmare looks to the side and finds himself muttering "I just wanted to do a thing... it is honestly boring and would have been quick."
Horror doesn't like this place. It is the place that holds so much trauma for Nightmare. Where they thought that hurting and torturing a babybones was a good idea.
But Nightmare rarely asks them for anything anymore. And even before he became his true form he rarely asked anything for himself. If he wanted something he could just get it or do it. Now he doesn't have much of a choice and Horror knows this. They all know this.
And well, they are trying to get Nightmare to ask them when he wants things. So when he expressed he wanted something? of course they are gonna make it work.
Even if they have to come here.
Killer stands with his hands on his hips as he looks around the grey coloured forest "Wow! Lots of nothing..."
Cross sends him a glare and hisses "Killer."
Horror agrees, Killer could try to be a bit more sensitive. Normally none of them mind his brass and bolt nature but well.. They are here to visit two graves. Two graves that a six year old made to memorise his family which he thought he had killed.
This is not the time for Killer to be... well Killer.
Killer huffs and looks at Nightmare "Can you believe them?"
Nightmare shrugs but holds the two small bouquet of flowers close. "I didn't really... leave a lot..."
See? That is why they needed to try and be a bit more tactful. Killer luckily seems to notice as he rubs his neck as Cross shoots him a knowing look.
Dust remains by Nightmare's side as he looks around "A hill right?"
Nightmare seems to look all of them over before nodding "Yeah." He points into a random direction "It is that way." and he starts leading the way.
It is strange. The whole world is grey and colourless. Not the white space that Cross had had when his world was destroyed. but just, greyscale. Hell even Cross looks colourful compared to this place.
Cross frowns and takes a few quick steps to now walk on Nightmare's other side "was it always coloured like this?"
Nightmare shakes his skull and thinks for a bit. "I think... if i remember it right... the grey colour started to happen as soon as they cut mother down."
Horror almost wants to sigh in relieve. He keeps it in but this is good. It is something to help stop the guilt. At least that is what Horror is assuming why the graves are still there. guilt. But Horror won't assume.
They leave the forest and see a hill with further in the distance a village. They walk up the hill and find a cut down tree stump and two old and small graves.
Nightmare stands by them for a moment before glancing back at them with a suspicious look "No commentary?"
Horror gets it. They can be assholes.
Killer grins and leans closer "I can do one... but i doubt it adds anything." he pets the small skull before pointedly talking towards the side of the hill to overlook the forest, he pulls Cross allong with him.
Dust remains near Nightmare as a silent shadow and Horror leaves them to have room. Keeping an eye on their small charge as he looks around. Horror has no doubt that this used to be a beautiful place. some of the plants he sees may be grey now but he recognises them for eatable wild flowers.
He can see Nightmare slowly near the graves. He sits on his knees by the two and starts with cleaning both graves. Making sure no dirt or dust is on it and everything is still secure. Afterwards he removes old and, by now, dead flowers. He takes care that those aren't near the graves before returning and leaving new fresh flowers. They had picked up both colourful bouquets from another universe along the way.
At the end he just sits by the two graves as he touches the stone.
Killer and Cross had returned back to them at this point and Killer nudges Cross. Cross shoots him a questionable look before Killer just motiones over his shoulder back at the village before nodding at Nightmare. Horror cna see Cross just stare in utter confusion at Killer before Killer pulls him closer and whispers something to him.
Cross looks back before nodding as he walks over to Dust and whispers some stuff to him. Dust looks thoughtful before nodding as well.
Cross slowly walks over to Nightmare and speaks "Hey..." Nightmare looks up and tilts his skull. Cross smiles "If you want we can go into the village for a bit."
Nightmare frowns "Why would I?"
Cross looks a bit sheepish but Dust picks up "The book was general about what happened. But we figured that those people may have taken stuff or kept things that were yours from you."
Cross nods and grins "We are here now anyway. we can get it back."
Nightmare looks at the village and thinks it over before nodding "okay." he stands up and dusts his pants off of the dirt. Cross ends up softly nudging him towards the side and Dust easily takes his hand before the three walk off.
Horror shoots Killer a look "Why?"
Killer grins as he walks over to the stump "don't worry about it. Want to go with them?"
Horror continues to watch Killer before shaking his skull "I am fine being here."
Killer shrugs and turns to the stump. Staring at the dead tree.
"You wasted your chance."
Horror frowns as he just watches Killer. Killer meanwhile keeps looking at the dead tree.
Killer continues as if he is talking to an actual person "You were given a fucking miracle. We read your story you know. Know that you were only aiming for one child. Instead of being overjoyed and happy that you got two you took him for granted."
Horror sees the edges around Killer's soul waver away from their soul shape but it returns to the soul shape easily.
Killer doesn't stop speaking "You were suposed to be his mother and you failed your job. You never actually cared about him did you? Well." he glares down "You are not getting him back. Ever. He isn't yours anymore."
Horror frowns and studies Killer. No... Killer still doesn't know about the soul adoption, that Horror is sure about. Which means this all? Just Killer.
Killer holds his chin high as he stares down at the stump "I don't know what exactly is happening. But seeing as it is related to the apples it is related to you. So I am telling you now. Even if for some reason you return. Even if you are alive again. You are not getting Nightmare back. He is ours, not yours. You will never find him. You will never get the chance to hurt him."
Horror hears it in his voice. Killer, the one who hates promises more than any of them. Who had lost so much of his freedom and free will because of broken promises. Just made a promise, not even a promise. but a vow.
Horror can't say he is that surprised. After all. After everything in Horrortale and all the pressure from making sure his brother has food and is taken care of. Horror had thought he never wanted to take on a new responsibility ever again. And yet, here he was with a willing soul adoption writen into his very soul.
He also knows the other two aren't doing much better. Dust who hadn't wanted to emotionally or personally connect with anyone ever again. After having killed everyone he cared about he didn't want those relationships anymore. Yet he was the first to take this leap. Commit to Nightmare, and ironically to them all.
Cross who hadn't wanted to take any kind of oath or lifelong promise or mission after his past with the guard and XGaster. He didn't want to tie himself down. Give his all to something or some goal that just hurt him. And while it took him a while he still is devoted to this.
Horror knows they are all powerless against this. It happened but at least this time it was their choice. He thinks it is good, this way they all really knows what it means to do this. To commit to this and all it entails.
A crack of thunder and the three are suddenly on the hill with them again.
horror turns but freezes. Dust is holding a shaking Nightmare close as Cross is already cutting into the fabric of reality with his knife.
Killer and him share a look and are with the other three before they even have to say what happened. They can get an explanation later, for now they need to go.
They are back in the house they had been hidding in and Nightmare finally feels himself relax a tiny bit.
Thought that may also be becuase Dust is still holding him and the other's soul is steady and even. It makes his own franctic soul calm down.
Killer looks at them "Do we need to pack up and go?" he is already halfway to the bags.
Cross has closed the portal and watches as the universe patches itself fully closed again, not leaving a single mark, there is a reason Nightmare had worked so hard to get Cross XChara's knife. Aside from the fact that Cross liked fighting with it. It is a very powerful and amazing tool.
Cross sighs in relieve "We should still be good." he turns to the others and starts explaining right away "Nightmare saw Dream."
Killer curses loudly as he kciks the couch. Horror frowns and looks at him "did he see you?"
Nightmare pushes clsoer to Dust but nods.
Killer curses again but Horror frowns "Did he realise it was you?"
Nightmare thinks bakc to Dream staring at him. Awe and surprise clear on his face. The wishfullness had been obvious. The way he had moved towards him, a smile on his face that Ngihtmare hadn't seen since they were both small. Then again, the name he had called him had made it clear who he saw...
Nightmare shrugs.
Horror tilts his skull "Is that yes?"
Nightmare shakes his skull and mutters "yes and no..."
Horror nods as Killer frowns at him "both? How both?"
Nightmare shrugs again but Dust just nudges him gently with his skull nad Nightmare sighs as he quietly explains "I think he knew i was well me... but didn't know i was me me..." he toys with the fabric of the red scarf, Dust lets him. He searches for the right words "He called me Nighty.. and well he hasn't done that since before the apples. Since he still-" Since he still loved him. Nightmare doens't say it out loud but Dust must have figured out something as the hold around his tightens.
Nightmare pushes his face further into the scarf "He will probably think it means something bad... That is what everyone always said my appearance was... and he thinks I am an adult still so... yeah..." His mind is spinning but his soul is calm. in sync of Dust's. calm and slow pulses and beats. It honeslty makes him sleepy.
Dust nuzzles his skull and speaks "Well, He will not find anything and will have to learn to not just listen to rumours. As for even if he had caught you before you got to me, we would get you back." the certainty makes Nightmare pause.
Ngihtmare trries to shoot Dust a look but Dust just keeps rubbing his back and keeping him against him.
Cross nods "obviously. Just a matter of time before we would figure out where you were..." more thoughful "Next time we will have to scuot the universe first. We just didn't today because we figured no one would know about it. Srory for that. Next time you want to visit the graves we will make sure no one will interrupt. okay?"
Nightmare nods as he pushes closer to Dust.
He doesn't even understand why he still wants to visit those graves. Dream isn't even dead!
Even if... even if Dream doesn't...
Those graves shouldn't matter but Ngihtmare still wants to make sure btoh are fine. Maybe it is now just a symbol for the dead relationship between him and Dream. It just gives him a place where he can focus his grief and mourn for the family he lost.
The hand hasn't stopped petting his back and Nightmare feels himself finally fully relax.
At least he really isn't alone... His four are here now and they are still here after the close calls and learning about the graves.
It would be nice to not be alone anymore.
Nightmare lets the calming of his soul lure him to fall asleep. Knowing he is safe and cared for now.
So is anyone surprised i couldn't keep it short? I am not. I know myself. I have a problem and it is this whole AU that has my heart in a choke hold.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
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chevvy-yates · 6 months
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[NC_RES]-31052046-EUR-GER ritter_f_portraits_002_CCR_HB_JT_WB.file ///core:_falco_garnet_ritter.file\\\
⚠️ READ:
Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Some bits of infos about Garnet.
Like Ryder, Garnet is from Germany. His real name is Falco Ritter. He's the owner of the Hell Bunker, a location that hosts diverse techno parties and concerts (but also some other genres), located under the Dark Matter Building in Japantown, Westbrook.
He's the inventor of the event 'Chrome Chamber Rave', the radio station "Hellbunker fm' is also his own. He wants people of Night City to experience that techno(ise) from Europe is simply the best, especially the one from Germany (as techno roots come from there).
He's well knwon in the underground scene and he even may have some connections to Maelstrom. I'm not 100% done with him, so some details might change and his background story is also more or less in the making. He's more of a side character but a very close friend to Ryder. I created him mainly as supportive character for Ry rather than that he's a V or going to be a main character. He's no merc, but a musician (DJ) who knows how to defend himself as he's got gorilla arms (it's me wanting to play with that set up as well so yea why not give him that).
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tea-earl-grey · 10 months
you know it might be unpopular but i kind of disagree with the fandom opinion that Voyager mishandled the Borg. tng's portrayal of the Borg as a mass unknowable and undefeatable entity – a Collective that assimilates by force and eliminates individuality as a natural and perfect opposition to the Federation that expands through peace and is endlessly multicultural (at least allegedly) – is very good. there's a reason that Best of Both Worlds is still regarded as one of the best tng episodes. but the thing about villains that function through fear and the unknowability is that every time you meet them they become less scary and less interesting. (see what happened with the Weeping Angels in Doctor Who as an example.)
if the shows continued with the same portrayal of the Borg then it would have gotten very old very very quickly with a limited number of possible stories. but then if Star Trek ignored the Borg entirely after their few tng episodes it would have felt unrealistic – there's this all powerful alien race that's invaded half the galaxy and can easily overpower the Federation and we're just... never gonna bring them up again? that's not really gonna fly.
i actually think that Voyager's approach to the Borg is refreshing. we're not going to focus on them as the terrifying unknown entity, we're going to focus on their personal effects mostly through Seven. i don't think Voyager ever really treated the Borg as the generic villain because the Borg were presented on an interpersonal level and opened up the box for more stories instead of just constantly rehashing Q Who and Best of Both Worlds. Voyager followed up on tng's question (introduced in I, Borg) of "what if a Borg was separated from the Collective?" and continued to ask things like: "is it ethical to forcibly remove someone from the Collective against their will?" "how is a collective of humans better than the Collective of Borg?" "can a person ever fully lose their humanity?" "if humanity is lost then can it ever be regained?" "can an individual be responsible for deaths dealt by a collective group?" "if they are responsible then how do they live with themselves? how do they atone for atrocities they never chose to commit?" "is prejudice against the Borg just a reflection of our fear of loss of control and humanity?" "what even is humanity?"
i'm not saying voyager's (and other post tng shows) portrayal of the Borg was great in every way. it definitely wasn't. (i'm still like. mildly baffled by the idea of the Borg Queen and how she's written. there are definitely episodes that veer too much into the action flick genre. and even as much as i love Seven there's definitely an oversaturation of her episodes compared to the rest of the cast in later seasons.) but idk i've heard a lot of people say that Voyager ruined the Borg but from my perspective they just took a character based approach to exploring them rather than a science fiction based approach. some people might prefer one to the other but i think a lot of people missed that Voyager was never trying to replicate the Borg we see in early tng. yes they make them a bit toothless in comparison but that's because we're exploring them through the lens of personhood. it's a feature not a bug imo.
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fresanita · 29 days
Angel Dust Concept design ♡!
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Sorry that this isn't pt4, I haven't worked on it yet because I'm getting prepared for classes☹️ This doodle is pretty old by a a week or more, idek, but I still like it🫶
I always loved his concept design when it came to that skull in his fur. It just seemed clever in a way🙂!! Anyways, I don't like the 2nd image that much since I don't usually draw him w sharp teeth (I'm sorry, I just don't like how every character in that show has sharp teeth😥!)
Anyways, hope you like it ᡣ𐭩!!
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maulfucker · 5 months
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a handful of oc concepts
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
What Starstruck Dee theory have people made that is your favourite?
there have been quite a lot, and i genuinely love them all!
early on i think the most popular theory was that she was possessed or had been possessed at some point, most likely by dark matter. she actually debunked this theory personally, but i think people just assumed she was lying! 😂
my favourite part is not any one theory, but watching a shift in thoughts over time as more things are revealed, and seeing people share theories/work together in comments and reblogs. i like the "OOHHH WWWWHAT...!?!" moments a lot; whether they are a reaction to my storytelling or to other folks' detective work!
early theories revolved around how she was weird for a waddle dee, or at least a native of popstar. despite my never explicitly confirming anything to the contrary, theories have now broadly shifted to assuming she is not from popstar at all, and most people do now generally agree she's not really a waddle dee.
i don't recall exactly who first came up with each theory (though some big players are @the-void-is-a-disappointment who did a huge amount of early deetective work and encouraged me to build it as a story for solving, @shibuya-toasted-with-extra-cream, @graycoin and @jojo-schmo) and i'm not sure which of these theories are still held by anyone
but here a few of my favourites, roughly in order that they started appearing...
♻️ she's a total mimic species like kirby or void, copying things around her either by intent or by accident 🗑️ similar to above, but she's an incorrect copy or a "beta" mock-up type of a waddle dee 🧚 that she was just born different, like a fae changeling, and might have been hidden away when young as a result 🕰️ she is something totally inorganic and/or mechanical, created by or like the clockwork stars or stardream, perhaps wish contingent 🥇 sometimes attached to the above, she was created to serve some sort of Greater Purpose. she might have failed at it or been flawed, and was subsequently discarded on popstar 🌠 a dozen and one wildly different things connected to the "falling star that hit her". alien life form on the meteor transferred into her on impact. infection by intergalactic bacteria/dark matter. simply massive concussive trauma that fucked up her signature (back when we thought that was the only thing wrong with her). the star was magic and fused with her. she hatched from it and is literally a star herself. probably missing some here. 🪐 waddle dee from a different place/planet. this one is quite a sensible theory, given that we do see many quite different dees! 🤍 she is a fragmented piece of void/void termina. this one in particular i know is @shibuya-toasted-with-extra-cream 's ongoing theory and she's put in a lot of really cool work towards it! ⚔️ she's somehow connected to the heroes of yore. this theory i think has only started popping up since galacta knight has become a reoccurring visitor in her storyline and we've started asking questions about her familiar looking magic spears, but you can certainly 1hko @moonverc3x with this one 🧿 she's connected to the matters. sometimes soul, because it's sometimes star themed and lacks a token representative. where as a connection to dream might link her to fecto forgo/fecto elfilis in some way (a creature also well known for a catastrophic meteor attack). i've also seen folks confident that she's connected to heart matter as well, probably again due to everyone's favourite grumpy swan showing up
this is all i can think of or locate right now, but there's been a pretty wide range of things. i feel there has been a rather interesting transition over time from "she's a messed up waddle dee" to "she's probably connected to a universal superpower of some kind" which i am genuinely really really thrilled about?! 😂 what a glow up for a pathetic little wawa!!!
i'm also personally really fond of seeing how people's existing biases influence what they can find and draw connections in. for instance: i know @jojo-schmo loves the forgotten land and elfilis, and digs into those connections and draws out some really cool stuff because her knowledge is already so specialised! i think this is the true highlight of working on this story for me, people theorising and engaging in the lore, and laser pin-pointing things that tie into our personal faves-- the way we tend to do with kirby lore as a whole-- is such uninhibited delight
i sincerely hope people will enjoy where starstruck's story does go, in the end!!
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tricorderreading · 10 months
Jesus fucking christ, Spock: Messiah! is the weirdest fucking one yet, which is saying quite a lot
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I clarify that this is not necessarily a bad thing. However, i just completed it and it felt like climbing the hill of a roller coaster slowly but steadily then a 90 degree vetical of amount of crazy action with a small peak and immediate drop to everything back to normal yaayyy which is only like 3 pages so it's the hardest break you can pull after going 100mph???
(Not to mention that I would rate this book at least an M, maybe an E just for the amount description of gore and sex stuff there is, fuckin hell. If I do another post looking deeper at the plot I will need a readmore not just because it's gonna be long but also because of what will be discussed)
Also! There are some very creative science concepts explored, and the twist at the end was actually pretty interesting. Gotta say tho, if you look at things from spock's perspective of this book instead of Kirk's, it is actually terrifying and would be extremely traumatic!!! but they play it off at the end with their usual kicks!!!! 🙉
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smalllonelyegg · 8 months
skyrim really does show you a bunch of indigenous people who faced genocide and are like "that's why they're eeeeevil, now go on and kill them" instead of actually sympathizing with them huh.
Well at least there are definitely no real world implications to deal with *I say knowingly*
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ukusreticence · 3 months
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this is how i treat every single one of my OCs
that or the void never to be seen again
save for the few who simply lay in the empty white abyss alongside me unfinished but also too attached to get rid of
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free time acquired means i immediately open whiteboard and draw failpeople
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Some memes + art from a project I’ve been calling “Nim”:
Context isn’t totally necessary, but the cliff notes are that story is set in an urban fantasy world, Nim and Lune are adopted siblings / father and daughter. They are part of a rarely-seen species who live isolated from the rest of the world and have immense magical power, but left their home in search of a better life shortly before being captured by local mad scientist Sammy. Nim was taken in by Delilah and her shapeshifting dragon son Dante after she was rescued separately from Lune.
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prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
i have many many many critiques about wylls story, most of them being about the fact it's just so lackluster in game when compared to other companions which is a shame. because wyll to me is and has the potential to be an even more emotionally compelling companion. and he was early access!! he was so gritty in ea please bring him back larian i beg of thee. the way he was rewritten has stripped him of so much nuance and depth. wyll to me is such a wonderful character to me because of what he represents, which is heroism so down to his core he never gives up on it even when he ought to
his goodwill and nobility are ceaseless. at the center of his story is betrayal trauma, his agency over himself vanished into thin air. mizora turns him into a monster and there is no turning back. he has become the thing he's despised, the things he's hunted for his entire life. and we know so little about that canonically because of the way his story is set up but its hinted time and time again that he struggles with his reality deeply and even that cannot make him turn away from the city he loves so much.
if larian would go back to clean up and fix his story (which im truly praying to god they do) i want them to touch on what wyll must be going through as he continues to try to ground himself and deal with his newfound reality. i want them to touch on the abandonment he experiences because of his father and the inevitable burden his title as blade and hero has on him. because these things obviously compel him, they're hinted at all the time but they were completely stripped of him in final release and its fucking disheartening... larian please im begging you. thats the love of my life. please.
but for now i will do it with fanfiction and gather enough wyll fans to make a fuss about it . peace and love
#aristotle.txt#wyll ravengard#bg3#i love wyll so desperately. which makes sense as a deku lover certainly.#but i love him even more because his story is narratively interesting#here is a classically heroic noble making a devils pact to save his city#who is only rewarded for doing this by being banished from the city hes sworn to protect. by his father no less.#he spends seven years away from home and makes a name for himself as a fucking folk hero#he never returns. he doesn't explain himself. he decides that the least he can do is give his life to the sword coast#and then wyll meets karlach. a devil hes supposed to kill except shes not#and because wyll is wyll and because what matters to him most are his beliefs he is easily convinced to not kill karlach. he doesnt want to#kill karlach. so he doesn't. and he pays the price for it. his entire existence is uprooted and he is turned permanently into a partial#devil#hes become his own prey. he spends the game clearly sorrowful in the mourning process. and the game just refuses to touch on this set up#as a WRITER it boggles my mind why wyll does not get that attention from larian because the concept of a hero balancing the weight of his#own pain and sorrow against his beliefs is moving. being able to open up that path with tav narratively that allows wyll to be#selfish and heartbroken. to not be blade or sword. just wyll. what a beautifully interesting storyline would that have made#i have delusion in my heart. i hope they fix it. i want them to fix it so badly because i fucking adore wyll in every way.#and i want the game to represent who he is as much as i feel for him. he is an origin companion and deserves it.#bg3 spoilers
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