#most popular mascara
harrysfolklore · 3 months
lando norris being down bad for his girlfriend: a compilation
summary: lando norris can’t help but talk about his girlfriend whenever he cans, fans make compilation videos about it
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Lando Norris could be described as someone who's not scared of saying whatever crossed his mind.
And that's why he never, ever, missed the opportunity to talk about his girlfriend whenever he had the chance.
He mentioned her during interviews, press conferences, social media post and even fan interactions. To the point where fans started making compilation videos with all the moments he publicly obsessed over his girlfriend.
The most popular one gathered millions of views on YouTube, showing multiple occasions Lando couldn't help but be down bad for her.
The video started with a clip from Q&A with fans, someone asked him about his favorite way to relax after a race. Without missing a beat, Lando replied, "Cuddling up with my girlfriend, of course. Nothing beats that."
"You're really whipped man, It's embarrassing," Oscar, his teammate, teased beside him, making the audience laugh.
"It's not, really." Lando shrugged proudly.
The next clip was taken from McLaren's Tiktok account, their content creator tried to do the "Can you watch my ___ for a second" prank on Lando.
"Oh my girlfriend already did this prank to me," Lando said, laughing at the camera, "Baby, If you're watching this, I miss you. Your pranks are way better than McLaren's"
The video moved to show Lando during a post-qualifying interview, his suit hanging by his waist and his fireproofs showing, when asked about his strategy for the race, he cheekily replied, "Well, first I'm going to call my girlfriend for some good luck wishes. Then, I'll focus on getting to the front."
"Zak Brown should hire your girlfriend as your strategist then," the interviewer joked.
"That would be great but I don't think we would be getting any job done. You know what they say about mixing business with pleasure."
The next clip showed Lando with his friend and fellow driver Max Fewtrell, playing a trivia game about how well did they knew each other. Max had to answer what was Lando's worst habit.
"I'm going to say leaving dirty plates around the house," he said, showing his board, "You do mate, admit it."
"My girlfriend would agree on that," he admitted, "She's always complaining about it."
"I don't know how she's still living with you."
"Because she loves me, and I would die if she leaves me."
On the same note, a video of Oscar teasing Lando followed right after.
"Who's most likely to snore?" Lando read the question, and Oscar quickly put ut the cutout with Lando's face, "How are you so sure? You didn't even hesitate."
"Mate, I've heard you, plus your girlfriend literally complained about not being able to sleep properly last night because you kept snoring."
"I did keep her up last night, but it wasn't just because of the snoring," Lando said, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Put the not safe for work disclaimer at the beginning of this video please."
The next segment was from Lando's own Youtube channel, he was doing a little vlog in Miami before the race weekend.
"Hi everyone," he said, filming himself in the mirror with his camera, "Today I'm back with another LandoLog, I'm going to be filming some behind the scenes of this Miami weekend, so without further ado, let's go," he moved the camera around, focusing on his girlfriend who was putting some mascara on her eyelashes, "Here's my beautiful girl, who takes ages to get ready. Say hi baby."
"Hi everyone," his girlfriend waved, laughing, "I'm not taking ages, I'm just making sure I look good."
"You always look good for me," Lando said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before turning the camera back to himself, "See, I told you she's the best."
The next clip showed Lando and Oscar together once again, this time they were giving a tour around the McLaren hub.
"This is my driver's room," Lando said as he opened the door, "It's cleaner than Oscar's, clearly, and looks like I have a bed."
Lando moved to put together the small bed that was behind the door, "This is an upgrade from last year, we didn't have this. I'll be definitely giving it some good use, to nap or with my girlfriend."
"Can we have a video where you're not a horndog please?" Oscar said, putting his hands on his hips.
"You're the horndog, I never said what we were going to use it for, we're just going to cuddle."
The video moved to show one of Lando's post race interviews after winning the Miami GP, he had been asked ho would be the most excited person about this win besides him.
"My girlfriend, definitely. I couldn't have done it without her," Lando said, his voice filled with emotion, "She's been my biggest supporter, my inspiration, and my motivation. This win is as much hers as it is mine."
The video then cut to a scene from Lando's gaming stream with Max Verstappen. The two drivers were deep into a game of Call of Duty, their banter and laughter filling the screen. Lando was focused, his eyes glued to the monitor as he coordinated with Max.
Just then, Lando's phone buzzed on the table beside him. He glanced at the screen and his expression softened, the comment section noticing, "Hey, mate, I need to go. My girl needs me for something," he said, setting down his controller.
"Lando! Are you serious right now?" Max said, his eyes still glued to the screen.
"I am, see ya," he turned to the camera, smiling not so apologetically "Sorry, guys, duty calls. See you next time."
The last scene was a snippet from an interview, Lando had been asked what he saw in his future.
He paused, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Honestly? I see a lot of racing, hopefully some championships," he laughed, "but most importantly, I see her. I can't imagine my life without her."
The screen faded to black, showing a text that read: Get you a man who is as down for you as Lando Norris is for his girlfriend.
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smolskye · 2 years
i haven't bought makeup OR skincare in a hot minute, not since i loaded up on stuff to get extra points in september, and considering i spent most of 2020 and 2021 buying a fuckton of makeup and skincare, i think that's a pretty good victory. obviously since i love skincare and makeup i will spend money on them on occasion but i spend way less than i used to and that's great
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taevbears · 11 months
Movie Night
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When horror movies don't scare you anymore, your boyfriend wants to figure out what you are afraid of.
⤑ pairing: Jungkook x fem!reader (feat. the Daegu boys) ⤑ genre: horror, mystery, suspense, one-shot ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 6.1k ⤑ warnings: obsessive behavior, stalking, depictions of kidnapping, torture, and multiple murders, hidden camera, non-explicit sex, a bit of angst, open ending. this fic gets pretty dark, so please be cautious of the warnings! ⤑ note: happy halloween! this started as a little spooky shower thought i had a little over a month ago and became this lol. i love reading scary stories, but lmao, i feel like i'm not very good at writing them. thank you @angelicyoongie for assuring me that this isn't as terrible as i think it is. also please note that this is a work of fiction and i don't think IRL jungkook is like the character in this fic at all
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“No, please! Don’t hurt me!”
The shadow of a muscular, male figure looms over the female protagonist. His breaths are heavy from chasing her around, barely visible against the chilly, October air. Finally, he has her cornered. He holds up a sharp knife in the air.
The woman trembles on the ground, sobbing and pleading for her life to be spared. Mascara runs down her cheeks, and a look of hopelessness and despair fills her eyes. She holds her hands in front of her in a feeble attempt to defend herself.
The camera pans away as the killer violently stabs the woman. Her terrifying screams of pain and anguish echoes from the TV screen as fake blood splatters on the wall.
Blue and white light bathes over you and your date in the dim living room. You try to suppress a long yawn with the back of your hand.
You’re so bored, you’re practically in tears.
“You didn’t like it?” Jungkook asks you, chuckling at your reaction.
“It didn’t scare me,” you admit sheepishly, hoping he doesn’t get the wrong idea.
You love horror movies. It’s what inspired you to become a film student. You love being on the edge of your seat from the thrill and suspense that the main character acts out. You love being genuinely shocked from unexpected twists and jump-scares. You love a good ghost story that haunts you long after the credits roll, or the paranoia of a similar terrifying incident happening to you.
But perhaps, over time, they’ve lost a bit of their magic.
Although the production of movies has become phenomenal in recent years, movies these days seem to rely too heavily on shock value and nostalgia. Once popular franchises are milking out their legacies to a newer audience. There are so many retellings of the same, old stories that you can already accurately predict what will happen before you reach the ending. Even some of the most climactic scenes of the movie are so over-the-top, they’re almost comical.
Honestly, it has nothing to do with your date or even the so-called horror movie itself. You just don’t scare as easily anymore.
Jungkook peers are you curiously, a boyish grin on his face. “Then, what are you scared of?”
“I don’t know. Probably nothing.”
“Yeah? That’s a bold statement.”
“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.”
Jungkook laughs. “You have to be scared of something.”
You throw the question back at him. “Then, what are you afraid of?”
He thinks about it, rubbing his chin in thought and pushing his tongue against the lip rings on his mouth. Then, he meets your gaze. There’s a sparkle in his eyes as he smiles at you. “Hmm, I think I’d be scared to lose you.”
You find yourself smiling back at him.
“You’re so sweet, Kook,” you tell him, leaning over to kiss him.
Only recently, you and Jungkook started dating officially, and you really like him a lot. He’s very cute, funny, handsome, and perfect in many ways. Butterflies flutter in your stomach when you’re around him, and there’s still that exciting giddiness and eagerness of new love whenever he messages you or visits you in the evening.
In some ways, Jungkook is almost too good to be true.
Part of you wonders if there’s a catch.
But with his lips on yours, it’s easy to push that thought aside.
Credits roll on the screen as the movie comes to an end. His fingers glide up your thigh as yours tangle into his hair. The cool piercing on his lips presses against your bottom lip as he slips his tongue in your mouth, and a soft moan escapes you.
Suddenly, Jungkook pulls away and faces the TV. He uses the remote to tap out of the movie credits and browse through the list of recommended shows on your streaming service. Casually, trying to hide a teasing smirk, he asks, “How about we watch a different movie, then?”
You stare back at him, a bit stunned and flustered. But your own smile touches your lips.
“Or,” you suggest, grabbing his wrist to lower the remote. He turns away from the screen to look at you, eyes lingering on the sultry smile on your lips. “I know something else we can do instead.”
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When you first saw Jungkook, you thought you were being catfished.
His selfie on the dating app included a slight head tilt, a pucker of his pierced lips, and a peace sign. Big, doe-shaped eyes stared back at you from your phone screen, and you noticed the tiny moles below his lip, on the tip of his nose, and on his cheek.
The second picture was of him and his brown doberman, affectionately named Bam. The picture was taken of them outside. One of his hands was holding a tennis ball and the other was gently touching the dog’s long ears. A small, fond smile tugged on your lips when you looked between them and realized that they kind of looked alike.
The third picture was him at the gym. It was a back-shot where he was using the equipment. Broad shoulders, buff arms and back, a tiny waist. You stared way too long at his strong muscles and the ink on his arm before you finally swiped right.
Turned out, much to your surprise, he liked your pictures too. The two of you were a match.
And it wasn’t long until he sent his first message to you. In your inbox, a simple: “hey :)”
On your first date, the two of you agreed to meet at a very public, very crowded bistro. You stood nervously by the building, dressed nice for the occasion. And in case anything went wrong or if this Jungkook guy wasn’t who you expected him to be, you shared your location and had a “send help lol” message on standby for your bestie, Min Yoongi.
As you waited, scrolling through and jumping around different apps on your phone, you found yourself to be surprised yet again.
Someone who looked like the guy you’ve been chatting with called out your name. And soon, he was standing in front of you: big eyes, bigger muscles, tiny beauty marks on his face, colorful ink on his arm, a charming smile, and a simple, “Hey, I’m Jungkook.”
One date turned to a second date. Then, a third. And by the fourth date, as he laid in your bed that night and snuggled close to you, it finally started to sink in that Jungkook wasn’t some figment of your imagination.
He was real, and sweet, and seemed to really like you as well.
Jungkook, like you, had an interest in filming. He especially liked editing videos for his dance challenges, short clips, and a series he called “Golden Closet Film” on his channel. While you imagined yourself to be a big director, working in movie sets, and making scripts come to life with your vision, Jungkook told you he’d like to film a project where you’re the star.
“I don’t think I’m on-screen material,” you replied, amused by the idea. You’re not an actress. You don’t think you have the kind of beauty filmmakers seek out for their lead roles. Hell, if anything, Jungkook would be a better fit for an acting gig.
“You are,” he insisted, brushing his thumb against your knuckles. “To me, you’re perfect.”
You smiled at him then, your heart fluttering by his words. “You are to me, too.”
It was shortly after that conversation when you both decided to date each other exclusively. And it felt like the kind of romance you’d see in the movies. Picture perfect, a little corny at times, and a thrilling whirlwind of laughter, teasing remarks, and intimate touches.
“Am I who you thought I’d be?” Jungkook asks you the next morning after the movie-night bust, propping himself up on the side and peering down on you. His arm flexes, colorful ink decorating it, as the thick comforter wraps around his bare body.
“No,” you confessed, still a bit tired from last night. You keep your eyes closed as you quietly murmur, “You’re even better.”
You don’t need to open your eyes to see the pleased look on his face. As you feel him press his lips against your cheek, you ask, “What about me? Am I who you thought I’d be?”
Had you opened your eyes then, perhaps you would’ve seen it. The blank look on his face as he pulls away from you, how the light in his eyes suddenly seems to vanish, as if he isn’t really looking at you anymore.
Jungkook doesn’t answer you right away. When you open your eyes, you see him shaking his head. The same, sweet boyish smile appears on his lips.
“You’re exactly what I’m looking for.”
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The topic about exes inevitably came up early on in your relationship with Jungkook. You’ve dated casually before. Even thought you’d be getting somewhere with some of the guys you were talking to.
But none of them quite compared to Kim Taehyung.
You were a film student. He was a photography major. The two of you were bound to end up in some of the same classes together in the art division.
To you, it was love at first sight. You fell for him so hard and so fast.
What started as bumping into each other at the library and helping each other with assignments led to making out at each other’s dorms with the text books left unopened. Coffee dates between classes became anniversary dinners at nice restaurants. He introduced you to his parents, and you proposed going on a romantic getaway together.
The day you didn’t think you’d ever love anyone else was when he snapped a photo of you looking out at the scenery during that weekend trip. It was just you and him, and a natural setting that looked straight out of a movie.
He smiled to himself as he looked at the picture through his camera. That day, he called you his muse.
And in return, you told him that you loved him.
When you fell for Taehyung, you fell hard and fast. Eventually, it occurred to you that Taehyung didn’t do the same.
Sure, he cared about you. Sure, he loved you. But while you heard wedding bells and dreamed about your future with him, Taehyung was just starting to put himself out there in the world. His art was being recognized, and he was getting booked to shoot at weddings, parties, and other big events every week.
Soon, the dates happened less frequently. The romantic gestures of bringing you flowers, surprising you on nice dates or small gifts, or even renting your favorite movies to watch together happened even less. He would promise that he’d make it to a party or an important event to you, just to let you down. And it felt like him giving you a bit of affection or attention was a chore.
Taehyung was the world to you, but the petty arguments and the distance that started growing between you two made it clear to you where his priorities were. And it wasn’t with you.
Breaking up with him was the hardest thing you had to do. Both of you knew it was coming. It was just a matter of who broke up with who first.
Just as Taehyung came into your life, quickly and effortlessly, he was gone. Nothing but bittersweet memories of what once was and what could have been weighed heavily on you for months.
What made it worse was that Taehyung, a man you loved with all your heart, had moved on from you so fast and so easily.
You saw him and his new girlfriend at a mutual friend’s party. You were warned that he’d be there, that he was already seeing someone. But it still hurt like hell to see him happy and in love with another person.
But if Taehyung could move on, so could you.
It felt weird at first, but you started to put yourself out there again. You joined dating apps. You went out with the people that fancied your interest. You met Jungkook.
And from there, everything was history.
With Jungkook, you started to think about Taehyung a lot less. The plaguing “what ifs” have quieted down, and the hurt from heartbreak began to heal. With Jungkook, you started to feel like yourself again: you started to smile more, laugh more loudly, enjoy watching movies again, became passionate about cinematic ideas you’d like to create one day.
With Jungkook, you’re also cautiously optimistic.
Because like Taehyung, you feel yourself falling hard and fast for Jungkook. It’s almost scary how truly perfect he is.
“I think you’re just psyching yourself out,” Yoongi tells you, sliding into the chair opposite of you with two cups of coffee in his hands. He smells like freshly-baked cookies. A spot of flour stains his apron as he uses his fifteen-minute break to hang out with you.
“Maybe,” you sigh, gratefully taking the drink he hands you. “What do you think about him?”
“Does my opinion even matter at this point? You’re in love with him,” he drawls before taking a sip of his Iced Americano.
“Of course it does, best friend. Why else would I keep you around?” you remark, taking a sip of your own drink. “Besides the free coffee and cookies. Thank you, by the way.”
He rolls his eyes. The perks of being friends with the cookie boy at your local bakery is a free cup of coffee and getting dibs on leftover treats that didn’t sell the day.
“He’s fine. Kind of annoying. A little too energetic,” he answers as his eyes flit toward the TV screen that his boss keeps on. A woman dressed in bright, business clothing holds a microphone as she reports on the recent news. There’s a grim look on her face.
You have your back turned to it, but you can hear Yoongi’s boss turning up the volume.
Breaking news. Missing woman found dead near home. The victim has succumbed to multiple stab wounds. It is believed that she has been kidnapped and tortured prior to her violent death. The attacker is currently unknown and still at large. Local authorities advise staying indoors and to please report any suspicious activity.
Your heart sinks as you look over your shoulder, seeing police taping off the crime scene and answering what they can to the news outlets. The location is so close to where you are.
“This is the second victim,” a customer mutters with a frown.
The person they’re with nods their head and asks, “Do you think they’re connected?”
“I don’t know. I hope not. We’ll have a serial killer in our hands.”
“Hey,” Yoongi calls your attention. When you look at him, there’s concern on his face. “If you need a ride anywhere, make sure you call me. Doesn’t matter what time.”
“I’ll be okay, Yoongi. Jungkook usually comes to my place anyway.”
“Still. Just let me know that you’re still alive when I check in, all right?” he says as he stares at the screen. You don’t blame him for being worried. As you follow his gaze, you see a picture of the latest victim of the ongoing case that has the whole town on edge.
This woman, like the others, kind of looks like you.
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“If you’re with me, you have nothing to worry about,” Jungkook assures you, throwing a tennis ball as Bam hurriedly chases after it. 
The two of you are at a park with his dobermann. Despite how scary it’s been lately with the news, it’s a nice day. Children are screaming and playing together on the playground as their parents watch them nearby. A group of teenage boys are playing basketball on the outdoor court. Middle-aged and elderly couples are paired up and are getting their daily steps in.
“My hero,” you joke half-heartedly, but you’re still a bit concerned. Yoongi being worried about you makes you feel paranoid.
Jungkook turns to you. He holds out his hand as Bam retrieves the ball and drops it for another throw. “I thought you weren't afraid of anything.”
“Movie-wise, I’m not. But this is different.”
Jungkook throws the slobbery ball again. Further this time as Bam barks happily and takes off. He takes a seat next to you on the park bench. “I can leave Bam with you when I have my evening shifts. He makes a good guard dog.”
He works as an editor and cameraman for a big content creator, which gives him lots of flexible hours to work on his projects when he isn’t busy filming. Since the beginning of autumn, his boss has been giving him evening work to film ghost-hunting videos and other spooky content for Halloween.
“That’ll be nice,” you reply with a small smile. The two of them have been coming to your place so often, it might as well be their second home.
From a short distance, Bam lies on the grass with the tennis ball by his paws. His tongue is out, needing a short break from running around, as he faces you and Jungkook. Even with other dogs and kids around, he’s very well-behaved.
Just as Jungkook tells you that he’ll get Bam, the sound of small, excited barks grab your attention. A familiar black and brown pomeranian approaches you like an old friend, wagging its tail and perking its ears up when it sees you.
Your heart nearly jumps when you recognize the dog.
You know that voice. How could you not?
That deep, smooth baritone has haunted you for months.
Taehyung, your ex-boyfriend, stops in his tracks when he realizes why his pomeranian took off. The two of you were still together when he adopted Yeontan, and you were there to help raise him when he was still a puppy.
“Who’s this?” Jungkook asks, drawing your attention back to him. He reaches out to pet Yeontan, but the pomeranian growls at him. Almost like he wants to protect you from him.
“Sorry, he’s mine,” Taehyung apologizes, stepping closer to you two and picking his dog up. He looks at you as he tries to soothe the agitated Yeontan in his arms. “It’s been a while. How’ve you been?”
“Good,” you reply politely. Old feelings start to pull on your heart strings that you fervently try to ignore. “I’m good.”
“You look good,” Taehyung starts, but then he purses his lips in regret. It’s obvious that he’s nervous to talk to you. Maybe he feels the same as you.
Softly, you reply, “You do, too.”
“Who’s this?” Jungkook repeats. This time, there’s an annoyed look on his face as he stares at Taehyung. 
It puts you off a bit. Jungkook is usually a friendly guy.
“Oh, this is Taehyung. We used to date,” you tell him honestly. Though, the information seems to just annoy him more. “Taehyung, this is—”
“I’m Jungkook. She’s my girlfriend now.”
His arm snakes around you possessively. He holds a steady gaze, but it’s a look you’ve never seen on him before. Dark, threatening, and angry. It’s almost unnerving.
“I see…” Taehyung trails off as his gaze shifts toward him. Yeontan is still in his arms, growling and barking at Jungkook. You don’t think you’ve ever seen the pup so aggressive toward someone. Even Bam comes over, ditching his ball to guard over you and Jungkook.
“It was nice to see you, Taehyung,” you tell him, sensing the tension in the air and deciding to cut things off. He seems reluctant to leave.
“Yeah…” he continues to trail off, finally pulling his gaze away to look at you. It looks like there’s a million things he wants to say to you. In a lower tone, he tells you, “My number is still the same. If you ever want to talk.”
You frown. After the breakup, you’ve deleted his number and unfollowed him on social media. “Oh, I don’t—”
“Then I’ll call you,” he promises, firm with his decision.
You don’t get it. You and Taehyung have run into each other after the breakup before, and he’s never had an issue with you dating anyone after him. He clearly has moved on, and so have you. 
Why now?
What is it about Jungkook that has him worried for you?
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“I don’t like that guy.”
Jungkook is still heated as he drives you home. His grip is tight around the steering wheel, and the tires screech when he makes a sharp turn. Bam stumbles a bit in the back before sticking his head out the window again.
“Slow down, Kook. You have nothing to be worried about.”
The radio blasts in the car, too much in a rush to connect his playlist to the stereo. It’s playing the week’s top music, and a catchy song from a popular artist fills the car.
Curious, you open your phone and check your followers. You’ve unfollowed Taehyung a long time ago on all your social platforms, finding it hard to look at any of his recent pictures – even just his scenic photography – without thinking about how he had once called you his muse.
But Taehyung never unfollowed you. He had always kept his inbox open for you.
“Did you see the way he was looking at me? It’s like he was looking down on me,” he continues to rant, speeding over a yellow light. He glances over at you and sees that you’re distracted with your phone. “I don’t like how you were looking at him either.”
“Are you serious?” you ask, turning your attention to him. “We barely talked. What the hell are you trying to insinuate?”
On the radio, the program is interrupted. One of the hosts makes a grim announcement.
Ladies and gentlemen, we just received unfortunate news that a third body has been found pertaining to a series of brutal deaths. 
“You still love him! You’ll go back and leave me again!” he suddenly snaps, throwing you off guard.
Silence follows the tension.
Then, you inquire, “Again?”
The third victim is a young female. Hair color and eye color match the previous victims as well, indicating that this might be a targeted attack by the killer.
Not once have you been unfaithful to Jungkook. Even when you were starting to message each other, you weren’t talking to anyone else. The two of you haven’t even been dating that long.
“Forget I said anything,” he starts with a frustrated sigh. But he realizes he’s fucked up.
“No, I’m not just going to forget it. What do you mean by that, Jungkook?”
As of now, authorities have no leads on a suspect. All victims have been kidnapped, tied up, and tortured prior to their deaths. We are led to believe that this is the work of a potential serial killer. 
He nearly slams to a stop. The seatbelt around you yanks you back from hitting the dashboard. Bam falls to the floor and you gasp as the back of your head hits your seat.
Jungkook doesn’t answer you, but for the first time, it feels like the rose-tinted glasses you have on him have fallen off. He’s always been perfect to you: sweet, athletic, talented, and kind. But the Jungkook before you is someone completely different.
This Jungkook scares you.
Stay inside. Lock your doors. Call the police if you see anything suspicious. Be safe out there, folks.
“I told you to forget about it, didn’t I?” he asks through gritted teeth and a harsh look in his eye.
You nod your head, hands trembling a bit as you hold onto your vibrating phone. The screen shows an unknown number trying to contact you.
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“Is there a reason why your boyfriend called me?” Yoongi asks you from the other line. He has you on face-time, awkwardly propping up the camera to show his elbow as he mixes a batch of cookies.
It’s been about a week since you saw Jungkook.
After he dropped you off at home, he wanted to put it all behind him. He kissed you sweetly and murmured apologies for overreacting as his hands slipped under your shirt. But you sent him home before he could convince you to sleep with him. You were still upset about how hostile he was toward Taehyung, his accusations about you, and what his outburst meant.
That hasn’t stopped him from trying to get back to your good graces, though.
The number of missed calls from him keeps increasing by the hour. Ones that you leave unanswered or send straight to your voicemail. 
You don’t want to talk to him.
At your door, you hear him rapping his knuckles against the wooden frame and insistently ringing at your doorbell. From the other side of the door, he begs for a chance to explain. 
You don’t want to see him.
Clearly, after reaching you directly hasn’t worked, he’s starting to contact your friends.
“He’s probably trying to find me,” you tell Yoongi, poking at a bowl of fresh strawberries. You’re still dressed in your pajamas, sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter.
The sound of a small dog can be heard in the background of your line. It dawns on him that you’re not at your place or Jungkook’s.
Yoongi is silent for a moment. Then, he grabs the phone and asks, “What do you mean? Where are you?”
You don’t feel safe in your own home. And that day, while you were in Jungkook’s car, Taehyung called to check up on you. He was always good at reading people, and he warned you that he had a bad vibe about Jungkook.
And you’re starting to see what he meant.
“I didn’t know where else to go.”
When you turn your phone, you reveal Taehyung busy in the kitchen, cutting off the crusts from his sandwiches. He looks over his shoulder and gives a sheepish smile at the scandalized expression on your best friend’s face. “Hey Yoongi.”
“Can you please explain what’s going on? Why are you at your ex’s?”
So, you do. You tell him that Jungkook wouldn’t leave you alone, that you needed some space to cool off but he wouldn’t let you breathe. It was becoming overbearing and overwhelming.
Against your better judgment, you call Taehyung. He invites you to stay over at his place until you’re ready to talk things out with Jungkook. Because even if you’re not together, he still cares about you. Because a part of him will always love you. And at the time, it seemed like a good idea.
“I didn’t want to be alone, especially with a killer targeting women like me out there,” you explain quietly. It feels like the murders have increased in a shorter period of time. If the town wasn’t on edge before, they certainly are now. “But I was still mad at Jungkook, and he was starting to scare me.”
“So the first person you go to is your ex-boyfriend?”
“There’s nothing going on between us.”
That ship has sailed. You know it has when you walked in and saw his engagement pictures hanging on the wall.
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“I’m sure he would’ve figured out that I’d be with you,” you tell him with a frown.
“I just wanted to help her, hyung,” Taehyung adds as he stands behind you. “I worry about her too. That guy gives me and Tan a bad feeling.”
Yoongi sighs. “Listen, I don’t think this is a good idea either. You shouldn’t stay with Taehyung. It’ll just make things look a lot worse.”
“I guess you’re right,” you reluctantly agree. Taehyung grimaces, but he can see Yoongi’s point too.
“I’ll pick you up after my shift. You can stay with me until you’re ready to talk to Jungkook,” Yoongi tells you, looking rather serious. “Don’t do anything stupid in the meantime, okay?”
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Hey. It’s Jungkook.
You stare at the message on your phone. Three dots that indicate that he’s typing something, but he keeps erasing and re-typing them again. As if he’s trying to properly convey his words.
Are we breaking up?
You stare at that message even longer. It feels childish to break up with him without trying to talk to him. For the first time in a week, you pick up your phone and type back.
You scared me, Kook.
His response is immediate.
I thought you weren’t scared of anything.
You huff when you realize he’s teasing you, even now.
Movie-wise, I’m not. But this. This is different, Kook. You were really scaring me.
Again, you see the dots appear and disappear before a handful of responses appear.
I know, babe. I’m sorry. Can you please come over? I want to show you something I’ve been working on.
You think about it.
I miss you. Bam misses you too.
Yoongi said not to do anything stupid.
Please, baby. We can just watch a movie, if you want.
But, like in every horror movie, the protagonist finds themselves making a plethora of stupid decisions.
Okay, Kook. I’ll come tonight.
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Movie nights with Jungkook was one of the things you always looked forward to throughout the week. Nothing appealed to you more than a night-in with your boyfriend, food delivered at your door, and checking out new shows and movies.
You have your list of favorites, but nothing quite holds a place in your heart than a good ol’ horror movie. Tellings of urban legends, supernatural forces, paranormal activities, true crime, and slasher films. 
As you step into Jungkook’s house, it almost feels like you’re in one of those movies.
His place is dark, almost pitched black. You could barely see what’s in front of you.
“Come inside,” Jungkook says, grabbing your hand. He pulls you in and deadbolts the door behind you.
“It’s so dark,” you remark, gingerly stepping forward. You have a bad feeling about this. You almost pull back toward the door, thinking of waiting for Yoongi or going back to Taehyung instead.
But Jungkook has a firm grip on you. “I thought you weren’t afraid of anything.”
“This is different, Kook,” you try to reason. “You’re really freaking me out.”
He pulls you further inside. In the living room, nothing but the TV is on. The screen is paused on a homemade film.
This must be the project that Jungkook is talking about.
Everything is set. The living room is clean, a bowl of popcorn and a couple bottles of alcohol sits on the coffee table, the lights are off, and the show is ready to play. He sits you down in the middle and keeps an arm around you.
“You know, when we met, you were exactly what I was looking for,” he starts as he presses play.
The tape shows you. Bam lying on your lap as you affectionately pet his face and kiss the top of his head. You, holding Jungkook’s hand and leading him down a busy sidewalk. You, in the kitchen, trying to swat his hand away as he steals your ingredients. You and Jungkook, peering into the camera lens, and your bashful face as he kisses your cheek. 
A smile tugs on your lips as you watch yourself on the screen. Jungkook leans over, copying his onscreen self and kisses your face.
One thing you liked about filming is seeing things from a different perspective. In this case, seeing yourself through Jungkook’s eyes. You look so happy, so incredibly in love with him.
Like with Taehyung, you fell for Jungkook hard and fast.
But Jungkook fell for you harder and faster.
Your smile fades as the next scene shows.
The camera points to the bed, and a couple walks in. It’s you and Jungkook, stumbling in together after drinks at a bar. You’re laughing and trying to wrap your arms around him as he leads you onto the bed. The kiss you share is messy, heated. You tug off his clothes to feel more of him.
You remember that night, but…
“Jungkook. When did you record this?”
You had no idea he was filming you then.
You don’t realize it then, but he makes eye contact with the camera, as if to check that it’s on. He maneuvers you to get a good angle of your body as you busy yourself with your own clothes, wanting him to touch you more as well.
“Jungkook, stop. I didn’t—” 
You feel so sick to your stomach.
“Don’t cry, baby. Here, I’ll fast-forward.”
But you don’t want to watch anymore. You want to leave. You shouldn’t have come here.
The screen shows you and Yoongi. The two of you are at the bakery he works at, and you’re wearing an old cardigan that you got rid of . You smile and eagerly reach for one of the coffees in his hands and take the bag of cookies he’s holding between his lips. He rolls his eyes at something you say before he takes his first sip of his Iced Americano. It’s a typical hangout between you and him.
It looks like it was taken across the street. Your heart plummets even further when you realize that the old cardigan you’re wearing was a piece of clothing you got rid of before you met Jungkook.
The scene changes. You’re sitting at the fountain at your university, looking over a script you wrote for an assignment. Taehyung comes to take a seat next to you. He greets you with a boxy smile and a kiss. The two of you were still dating at the time.
How long has Jungkook known about you?
How long has he been targeting you?
It’s you and Taehyung again. This time, it was filmed from the other night. When Taehyung came to pick you up from your house. He helps you carry some of your things into his car and hugs you when he sees the distressed look on your face. 
“Jungkook, what the fuck?”
It dawns on you that you don’t really know your boyfriend at all.
You try to stand up, but Jungkook has a firm hold on you. His grip tightens when you try to resist him, and his hand seizes your neck as he pushes you down. Your heart hammers against your ribs when you quickly realize you can’t escape him. Jungkook is much stronger and faster than you are.
More images flash through the screen. It’s Jungkook this time, taking a mirror-selfie of himself dressed in all black. He has his hood up and a Halloween mask covering his face. 
It cuts to his feet walking across the sidewalk. Carefully, the camera tilts up, showing that there’s a woman just ahead of him. She’s about your height, her hair the same as yours. She doesn’t notice him as she listens to music playing in her earbuds. 
The scene cuts again, and the same woman is bound and gagged on a chair. Fear shines through her eyes as a shadow of a knife reflects from her body. Behind the camera, Jungkook demands, “Say your line.”
He removes the gag from her mouth. Her voice pitches in a high shrill as she quickly says, “I-I love you. I won’t leave you.”
You recognize her as the latest victim of the latest killings.
And the realization hits you like a truck. Jungkook and his night shifts, the increasing deaths, his interest in filming, having you as the star.
“I practiced, you know. I’ll get it right this time,” he tells you, pulling out some rope he had hidden behind the cushion. You’re trembling as he wraps them tightly around your wrist. “I’ll make sure you don’t leave me again.”
“You’re so bad,” the Jungkook on the screen says, showing what looks like an abandoned warehouse. It’s dimly lit, but you can hear someone running from him. But he doesn’t seem worried, his heavy footsteps casually echo across the concrete. In his hand is a sharp and bloody knife. Mockingly, he asks, “Where did you think you’d go?”
The victim has been let go, but she isn’t free. Ahead, she finds herself cornered as Jungkook catches up to her. Terrified, she holds her hands out in front of her, as if that would stop him.
It’s like seeing your own fate on the screen.
The woman begs and screams before her blood splatters across the floor. You find yourself quoting her, staring up at his darkened eyes. “No, please. Don’t hurt me.”
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asks, staring right at you. His mouth twitches, fighting a smile. “I thought you liked horror movies.”
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reviews are greatly appreciated!
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moonmunson · 1 year
electric touch - eddie munson x reader
summary: eddie hasn't had much luck with dates - not until you.
warnings: ppl being mean to eddie (only for a little bit!) and some discussion on eddie's penchant for kinda being used by the popular girls but there's so much fluff and some kissing at the end
word count: 2.8k
a/n: i started this when speak now tv came out and then completely abandoned it but she's my little brain child
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When Eddie was in eighth grade, he spent a week rehearsing the best way to ask a girl out on a date. He practiced in the mirror every day, making sure to sound hopeful, but not desperate, eager, but not pushy. He’d almost given up and asked his Uncle for advice, but in case it didn’t go the way he wanted it to, he didn’t want Wayne to be waiting for an update. 
There was a new horror movie premiering in the theater downtown, and he’d heard that scary movies were the best to bring a girl to - because if she got scared, Eddie could put his arm around her and protect her from the fictional monsters. 
He never even got the chance to ask her. He’d tried, to be sure. Monday morning of the next week, when he’d worked up enough nerve, he walked up to the group of cheerleaders she was a part of, and didn’t even open his mouth before the group of girls ganged up on him - asking him what he wanted, calling him a freak, telling him to get away from them. Later, the girl he’d been pining after approached him - sans clique - and apologized on behalf of her friends. She didn’t feel the same as them, but she couldn’t ruin her “reputation.” They saw each other in secret for half a year before she got a boyfriend on the basketball team. Typical. It hurt Eddie more than he was comfortable admitting. 
Eddie doesn’t love referring to himself as a cynic, but the repetitive cycle of being used by popular girls for a night of fun - fulfilling their dream of sleeping with the town’s resident bad boy before never speaking to him again, exhausted Eddie to the point of declaring that true love was a capitalistic ruse created to sell laboratory made diamonds. It would never work out for him, and he convinced himself that he was okay with that. 
For the remainder of high school, Eddie continued to play the part. Rich kids invited him to ragers and tried to weasel their way out of paying full price for his weed, even though they were buying with daddy’s money, not their own. He hooked up with random popular girl after random popular girl, always leaving immediately and feeling like shit after. But at least he was getting laid, right?
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
Now, Eddie is sitting on the couch in his living room, meticulously arranging and rearranging Wayne’s automobile magazines that live untouched on the coffee table. Has there always been this much dust on them? He wasn’t sure, and the thought only offered a momentary distraction before the nerves swept him back into the electric current of anxiety running through his body.  
He’d already spent most of the past hour making sure there was no visible trash laying out in the open for you to see. He’d even gone so far as to make his room slightly presentable in case you wanted to go in. He wasn’t expecting anything - quite the opposite, actually. He was sure that you’d see the place he lives, turn around and walk out without giving him a chance, and never speak to him again. 
Logically, he knows that this won’t be the case. He knows that Dustin wouldn’t lie to him about your reciprocated interest. He’d spent the entire drive back to Eddie’s trailer for their Hellfire meeting trying to convince him that he saw how giddy his sister had been when she opened the door and saw him standing there. She’d known Eddie was coming to pick her younger brother up, and she’d put on mascara to greet him - as if Eddie truly knows enough about girls to take that as a surefire sign that you were excited to see him. Dustin hears you talking over the phone to your friends about him all the time, and he only shares with Eddie that what you say is positive - not wanting to disclose the nitty gritty. It’s not your fault that the walls of your adjoined rooms are thin, and your friends are loud. 
Still, Eddie is nervous. When he gave you his phone number under the assumption that you might want to call to check up on Dustin, he was shocked that you called days after the Hellfire meeting had ended, and Dustin had returned home. So shocked, in fact, that he wasn’t even the one who had answered the phone - Wayne was. When he’d heard the sweet lilt of your voice on the other side of the line, he’d practically shoved his uncle to grab hold of the phone. You sounded unsure saying hello to him - nervous and breathy and a little bit quiet, but not unenthusiastic - and Eddie knew that Dustin had been telling the truth. 
Eddie spoke to you for an hour that night before he worked up the nerve to ask if you might want to come over to watch a movie. “No funny business, just the sweet sight of David Bowie in tights that no other man would ever be able to pull off.” You’d giggled - a sound Eddie was determined to hear again - and asked how he knew that Labyrinth was your favorite movie. The truth was that he’d overheard Dustin complaining about how you chose it every time it was your turn to pick for family movie night, but he brushed off the question and said that he just “Had a feeling.” 
The sudden appearance of headlights beaming through the trailer window brings Eddie out of his reverie long enough to remember to wipe the dust from his hands onto his jeans. The sound of your car door opening and closing, and the crunch that your shoes make on the gravel pulls Eddie like a siren song from the couch to his trailer door, and the creaking of the wooden steps leading up to said door, has him pulling it open faster than he means to. 
You’re a vision of comfort. Of soft things. Of light wash jeans with no rips in them, of cardigans and sweaters and rose perfume. Your fist is raised in the air like you were about to knock, and for a moment, Eddie thinks this whole thing was a mistake. 
“Sorry, I-”
There’s a beat of silence. The energy between the two of you is almost palpable - eyes wide and palms clammy - before he breaks the connection and moves out of the way for you to come in. He knows he can turn on the charm once you’re settled, but this has been the part he’s been dreading the most.
It doesn’t matter to his friends that he lives in a trailer. It doesn’t matter when there are beer bottles on the coffee table or old socks on the couch, he knows the guys won’t care. But as you step in, and your eyes begin to sweep over the small living room, the reality of his economic status has never felt bigger, or made him feel smaller. 
As he looks at you though, he notices the soft smile on your face. Taking stock of the collection of hats and mugs lining the walls, of the throw blanket laid over the top of the recliner. 
“The uh, the hats and stuff are my Uncle’s.”
“They’re really cool,” his eyes trace your movements as you walk along the edges of the room, arms at your sides, reading the puns and state names embroidered on them. “has he always collected them?”
Eddie makes his way to the couch, and sits - trying to direct his line of sight to the same ones you’re looking at. Trying to put himself in your shoes and guess what you might be thinking, but coming up short. 
“Wayne was a trucker for a few years,” you turn to look at him, to pay attention to what he’s saying. Eddie does a lot of stupid shit to get people to look at him, he knows that. It doesn’t matter that the expressions he receives the most often are sneers or ones of annoyance. Exasperation. But you look genuinely interested in what he has to say, and it throws him for a loop. “And then he got stuck with me, so he doesn’t really get to buy new ones anymore.”
“Stuck with you?”  
“I mean, yeah, kind of. It’s a long boring story,” Eddie claps his hands together and launches himself up and off of the couch, and you know to stop pushing. “Want the grand tour?” 
“Absolutely,” you nod. 
“Well, my lady,” you watch from your position by the recliner as he struts to the middle of the living room, puts his arms out horizontally at his sides, and bows deeply, “welcome to Castle Munson. The maid did actually remember to show up tonight.” 
“Oh yeah? She did an excellent job,” you huff out a laugh, and Eddie snaps back up to a vertical, a smile on his face that showcases the lines around his mouth. 
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
“Eddie? Can I ask you something?”
After giving you a short but enthusiastic tour of the main parts of the trailer and presenting you with the array of snacks he'd gotten for the movie, you both settled on the small couch in the living room. You'd had to resist the urge to curl up into his side, and instead curled up into the arm of the couch.
“Anything, sweets. Go for it.”
“How did you really know this was my favorite movie?”
“I’m psychic,” He taps his index finger to his temple a few times. “I didn’t tell you that?”
“I’m being serious!”
“So am I!” He matches your raised pitch - teasing, but not condescending - and you almost raise your hand to hit him on the shoulder, but you don’t know if you’ve reached that level of familiarity yet. 
“You don’t have to answer the question if you don’t want to. I’m not weirded out or anything - just curious. Honestly, I’m kind of like, flattered, I guess? I don’t know.” 
Had you overstepped? Eddie’s eyes flit over different things in the room in rapid succession, and he exhales - you can almost see the cogs turning in his head - like he doesn’t know whether to keep joking or offer a moment of true vulnerability. You don’t think the latter comes naturally to him. 
“I heard Dustin complaining to Wheeler that you always pick it for family movie night. It seems like the kind of thing you’d like. Very dreamy and hazy, that kinda thing.” Eddie shrugs and looks off to the side, trying and failing to put on an air of nonchalance, but his tinted cheeks suggest otherwise.
“Is that how you think of me? Dreamy and hazy?” You duck your head to try and meet his gaze, and when he turns to look at you, you think it’s the first time you’ve ever truly seen him. The boyish, innocent version of him that he doesn’t allow to rise to the surface all that often. His charm is still there, and bright as ever, but you can see the uncertainty in the way he struggles to keep his eyes on yours. 
“Maybe. Is that a problem?”
“Not at all.” The smile that graces your features is so easy and genuine that Eddie has no choice but to beam his own right back at you. 
You settle into an easier silence for the remainder of the movie, save for the comments the both of you share. You think it’s especially funny when Eddie compares The Fireys playing volleyball with their own heads to a “Muppet snuff film on acid.” When it’s over, he grabs a few Dr. Peppers from the fridge and asks if you want to smoke with him before you head back home. You decline, because driving while high makes you nervous, but you don’t mind sitting with him for a bit longer. 
“Plus, there’s one more room I haven’t given you the tour for, if you’re interested…”
“I get to see the King’s quarters?”
“More like the dungeon,” he gestures to himself, still clad in his Hellfire shirt, “but yeah, totally.”
“Lead the way then, dungeon master.” 
He looks behind himself to see if you’re following, and extends his hand back so you can hold onto it. It’s not like you’re gonna get lost - the hallway is less than ten feet, but it gives you an excuse to finally touch without overthinking it. Eddie doesn't care to ask whether the jolt of static he feels when your hands meet for the first time is because of your shuffling socks on the carpet or the nervous current running between the two of you. Guessing by the way you suck in a soft breath - one he could barely hear - he doesn’t think you care either. 
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
“All I’m saying is Jareth’s a weirdo for wanting a whiny sixteen year old to be his queen.” Eddie is laying on his stomach, legs bent at the knee and ankles crossed in the air. When you’d entered his room, he’d shown you his favorite things before quickly ushering you to get comfortable on the bed. He said that he needed to have an in depth conversation about the movie you’d just watched. 
“The age gap is bad for sure, and she is whiny, I totally get what you’re saying, but-” You’re sitting across from him, elbows resting on your criss-crossed legs. 
“But? Y/n. Are you about to defend him?”  
“Let me finish!” You giggle and Eddie swears that he can feel it in his chest - another spark. 
“I cannot let you finish if you’re about to say what I think you’re gonna say. Morally. Ethically. I cannot let you finish.” In true dramatic Munson fashion, he sweeps his hands in front of him, palm facing out for you to see. He’s almost pouting, lips folded in and corners turned down.  
“What I’m trying to say,” you look pointedly at him to see if he’s going to interrupt again, “is that I think that his proposition isn’t so bad when you really think about it.”
“Well now I have to hear your reasoning behind this.” 
“Think about it. He’s offering her literally anything she could possibly desire, and all she has to do is love him back.” 
“Oh that’s all? I think you’re forgetting the part where he says she has to obey his every whim or whatever the fuck.” Eddie fights the urge to change his tone from teasing to serious - his heart twinging at the idea of making you uncomfortable. 
“You don’t think that love is enough? Or that maybe all love has a level of devotion attached to it?”
“I think my idea of love is too fucked to give you a real answer.” He’s refusing to look at you - gaze directed towards his ringed hands fiddling with the metal tab of the soda can, eyebrows furrowed. 
“I could fix that, if you wanted - make it all dreamy and hazy for you.” 
Eddie can feel the wires in his brain short circuit. In the back of his mind somewhere, he knows that he only has a few seconds to respond before you start to think that maybe you said something wrong, but he can’t seem to reconnect in time. All he manages is an out of breath - 
“If you wanted, yeah,” you nod, like you’ve decided something, and slowly reach to pull his hand from the soda can - taking it with you and setting it down on the crowded bedside table. “I think you deserve it.” 
“Really?” He’s looking at your joined hands, but he doesn’t wrap his fingers around yours. Not yet. 
“Yeah, Eddie. Really.” 
His fingers finally wrap around yours as you pull him from his position on his stomach to lean over you - rising onto his knees and walking on them before planting his arms on either side of your torso. He can feel your breath, soft against his cheeks as he leans in and connects his lips to yours - once, twice, three times. 
That same sparky feeling that Eddie has been getting in his chest all night finally rumbles to life. Like a car being hotwired, he can practically feel your hands pulling wires he thought were long dead and breathing life back into them - rubbing them together until the spark catches and the engine starts. 
“That was-” You pull away slightly to look up at him, lovesick and dopey. 
“Dreamy? Hazy? I think those are two words I would definitely-”
You laugh, already pulling his face back towards yours. 
“Shut up and kiss me again, Munson.”
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
a/n: ahh! thank you for reading!! if you enjoyed this story please like and reblog i would appreciate it endlessly !!!
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miguelsslvt · 1 year
punk! miguel x innocent! reader
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word count: 879
TW: nsfw, smoking, hair-pulling, corruption, swearing, creampie.
request: @sukioyakio ★
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A/N: this isn't edited and is poorly made so i'm so sorry. also can i just say thank you so much for over 600 notes on my first drabble?? oh my gosh?? anyways, enjoy and welcome to the club! ^^
imagine punk! miguel being the 'bad rep' of the school. in the 3rd year of college, he took physics, chemistry and spanish language. he would smoke behind the science classrooms, refuse to wear clothes that he calls 'society norms' like a blazer or a button up, and instead wear a black leather jacket with pins like 'pink floyd', or 'anarchist' all around it. he would yell, slander and mock almost every teacher whenever he's in class (which is very rare).
most of the girls honestly adored him, apart from the odd popular girl or two finding him too 'annoying' or too 'muscly' for their liking. he didn't give two shits, he already knew his body count was probably higher then their grades.
but then there's you. sweet, innocent little y/n. where most college students spent their weekends partying, you spent it in your dorm room re-reading 'moby dick' for the 6th time. you took phsycology, english literature and spanish language. and if you were completely honest, the only reason you chose spanish language is because your boyfriend at the time (now ex) was spanish. god, did you regret picking it for him.
you noticed miguel, like every other person in the school would. but your first time was different. you were running late, extremely late for your first class of the day. damn you, alarm. that's when you noticed miguel, outside science block, groaning.
despite being late, you took a curious peek at what the man was groaning about.
'stupid fucking lighter..' he mumbled, trying to light his cigarette, but failing. you knew better then to interfere, to even speak to the most intimidating man in college. but, for some reason, you ended up giving him your lighter.
'thanks, you smoke? i can give you one for a trade.' miguel said, as you smiled so sweetly. you explained how you didn't smoke, or did anything like that, and that you only carried a lighter 'just in case of emergencies'.
that's when miguel's interest in you piqued. you were such a sweet, innocent girl, and that drove something in him. something that he didn't realise he wanted. he usually only went for girls with his taste and style, girls he'd meet at festivals or clubs and were either high as heck or sexy goths. but you, you were different.
soon enough, he realised you were only in his spanish language classes, and that you weren't the best at it. perfect. your weakness was miguel's strength.
that's how you ended up in this situation. bent over miguell's desk in his dorm, mumbling his name as hee proceeded to sbuse his way into your sweet cunt.
'you want to tutor me..? that would be so nice miguel!' you had said so excitedly, there was a spanish exam coming up and miguel so kindly offered to tutor you the friday night. and being so naive and quite desperate for the help, you happily accepted.
his room was filled with different posters and signs like his favourite bands, anarchistic posters, stickers saying things like 'fuck the government!'. his leather jacket was discarded somewhere on the messy floor, as his hands grasped your hips to push you even deeper onto his cock.
'm-miguel.. m-miguel please!' you whined, your mascara running down your face.
he just chuckled, as he pulled your hair lightly, moving you onto the bed as he laid you down on your back, as he started bullying into your pussy once again. he was so mean.
your light blue dress was somewhere on the floor, ripped to shreds. it was your favourite dress, but you had other things to think about at the moment.
'yeah.. you like that, cariño? you like being fucked like a slut? not used to being so used, are you?' miguel teased, as you just moaned in response. he hadn't realised that fucking a cute little angel could be this enticing. fuck, he could get used to this.
'i.. miguel! i-i've never-' 'shh.. i know, i know, a sweet girl like you hasn't ever been treated this way.. i'm sorry for being so rough, but i dunno.. the way you're tightening around me suggests you like the harshness..' he said, his hand wiping your mascara-smudged cheeks. your body was submitting to him in every way possible, and he felt like a starved predator being fed for the first time in years.
'i-is it normal to feel l-like this..?' you whimpered, eyes shut from the pleasure. 'yes.. yes my sweet girl it's very normal to feel like this.. let me give you all the pleasure you've missed out on.' miguel whispered in your ear, as he started thrusting faster and faster, pushing you over to the edge.
you let out a loud moan, your back arching as you came. the way you clenched onto him drove miguel over the edge too. his thrusts became erratic and sloppy, as he let out one more groan as he came deep inside you.
you were panting, your eyes still shut. he pulled out slowly, placing a sweet kiss on your temple. 'god you're so cute..' miguel whispered to you, as you just whimpered in response. he chuckled deeply.
god, he might just get addicted to such a good innocent little thing like you.
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daintcas · 6 months
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lady killers ˗ˏˋ rafe cameron !
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"man i'm a lady killer, if i want her i'mma steal her" / g-eazy
pairing. dealer!rafe cameron x innocent(ish)!reader
summary. his constant cycle of partying with privilege grants him anything he wants, until you show up to break the pattern.
contains. alcohol and drug use, tension, sexually suggestive, implied age gap, cliffhanger
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the lifestyle comes with its perks, constantly surrounded by pretty girls who were more than willing to follow him upstairs. direct access to any substance he wanted, displayed messily across the polished coffee table at all times. not to mention the adrenaline-boosting boom of a surrounding party in some kid's ridiculously expensive house - thrown almost nightly.
it became a normality for him, whether or not he realized how unhealthy his habits may be. blinded by the attention, money, and already through-the-roof addition of popularity, the boy let himself be overcome by it all. but hey, isn't this how you're supposed to live life after graduation?
you, on the other hand, were never overly thrilled at the idea of occupying your time with what seemed to be an endless string of these things. that being said, it wasn't an unfamiliar scene after having wasted a couple of saturdays with friends before.
you also weren't one to deny the opportunity for a good night. which is why you didn't put up much of a fight when none other than sarah cameron insisted on your presence at a party she was hosting in her family's mansion.
she was friendly enough, but not to the extent of being by your side for the duration of the whole night because of an invite most likely given out to everyone in her contacts - that part had you a bit nervous. the idea of being stranded in a room full of highly intoxicated kids you hardly knew.
all precautions were eventually thrown out the window when you found yourself getting all dolled up in the bathroom mirror. mascara turning out perfect over a flawless base, hair down and flowing neatly, a strapless pale pink sundress you'd bought with sarah weeks ago tying it all together.
with one final application of lipgloss over expertly lined lips and a brief pose checking your reflection, you were headed out. fresh acrylics plucking your keys from the household bowl and looking down at your phone to check the time just as it rings, stopping your hand from unlocking the front door.
a sigh escapes you as you juggle everything in your hands to bring the device to your ear after blindly swiping to answer. a loud shout of your name has you flinching and furrowing your brows in confusion - and maybe annoyance. "yeah? hello?"
"c'mon, i'm outside!" a girl all but yells and it isn't until you hear a sweet, enthusiastic laugh that you recognize the voice.
"sarah?" you ask, though already having discarded the keys and slipped on your shoes lying ready by the doormat.
"let's go! i've got a party to entertain," the words are followed by the muffled sound of her shifting around, and you take it as your grace period to get outside before she takes off.
throwing open the door and hurrying down the steps of the front porch, you can't help but smile at the girl sitting in the driver's seat of a black jeep. beaming over at you, she hangs up the phone and ushers you over to the otherwise vacant car with a flailing hand.
the trip to tannyhill is filled with wide smiles and giggles over speakers blaring iconic summer songs. windows rolled down to take in an orangey-pink sky from the setting sun - which almost distracts from how sharp sarah takes what seems to be every turn in town.
the suv eventually comes to a stop after sliding down into the basement garage that screams wealth, right past all the cars lined up along the street. sarah hops out and offers a toothy grin while tossing her sunglasses in the center console.
"i'm so happy you're finally at one of my parties," she says while taking your hand and eagerly leading the way upstairs, her own dress swaying as she walks.
"me too," is all you offer in response, too entranced by the new level of rich that surrounds you while following blindly.
the mansion feels more like a maze as sarah leads you down and around hallways not yet crowded with partygoers. but, the blasting of music that vibrates the house says otherwise.
moonlight quickly replaces the sunshine, making visibility near impossible as you enter where the mass of everyone is. still hand in hand with sarah, you take the chance to look around.
between all the groups in the kitchen and on a makeshift dance floor, it's someone sitting among a circle of couches and chairs that has you doing a double take. turning back the second time is when you recognize the boy with his eyes still glued on you, wiping under his nose, to be rafe.
you don't miss the lazy smirk he shoots before sarah tugs you back to reality, finally dropping your hand and turning to stand face-to-face with the same excited smile.
"you'll be fine if i go say hi to a few people?" she asks, glancing across your face to genuinely gauge your feelings.
"'course. thanks, sarah," you answer convincingly enough that she's scurrying off to talk with whoever awaits her presence.
the best option you conclude is to go straight for the drinks. a quick scan of the counter and you're grabbing a red solo cup to fill with the first bottle you can get your hands on.
"better take slow sips of that," a voice behind you says, low and close enough to know it's you they're addressing. startled, you turn around, only to be face to face with rafe cameron. he must notice the way you tilt your head up with wide eyes, because he takes the opportunity to eye you up and step closer.
"you friends with sarah?" he asks as you set down the bottle of alcohol on the counter behind you, nodding casually - even with the way he's watching your every move so intently.
"mhm," you muster up, naturally a bit nervous standing under the mercy of 'kook prince' himself.
"yeahhh.." he draws out while taking a greedy eyeful of your whole being, tongue pressed to his cheek and making no effort to hide his arrogant smirk. there's a pause before he's nodding back towards the lounge he was previously sat without taking his eyes off you - your body. "y'wanna come with me and try the good shit?"
you look down at your cup when he taps it, swishing the cheap liquid while thinking over his offer. it doesn't take long before you're looking back up with a hesitant shake of your head and a small smile, murmuring, "don't think so.. not really my thing."
he tsks and shakes his head, taking it upon himself to ease the cup from your hand and positioning himself closer. he tilts his head to purposefully look down on you and get in your face, a smirk still present as he speaks lowly, "aww, c'mon. i'll keep you safe."
a nervous laugh and involuntary flush of your cheeks has you unable to refuse. rubbing your lip with a shy nod - admittedly not the most well-thought-out decision - and he's got a hand on your lower back to guide you, following close enough behind to allow his eyes to flicker subtly below your dress.
you approach the collection of seats, wary but not completely oblivious. rafe sits you down on a loveseat, hand moving to wrap around your waist and pull you to his side. the attention from this boy blurs the scene around you, rolled bills on the table, and various baggies with a particular white substance.
"so, um, what's the.. 'good' stuff?" you ask tentatively, looking up at him and shifting in the seat.
"'s all right here, baby," his grin is almost malicious and his eyes shamelessly drop to your lips. removing the arm around you, he spreads his legs and lifts his hips to fish for something in his back pocket.
you take the opportunity to look around at his company and it's no surprise to find topper and kelce among other random guys - even a couple girls who admittedly look a bit older than you and sarah. before processing the thought, you're looking to rafe for reassurance.
he, however, is focused intently on setting up a line of powder on your side of the table with a sharp black card. he sits back with a satisfied grin and looks over at you. "first one's free."
you stare up at him with big, cautious eyes for a moment before turning to the intimidatingly thick string of white.
he chuckles and uses a finger to smudge the neat line, collecting a less daunting amount on the digit. a nod of his head signals he wants you closer, so you do, positioning your body to face him.
snaking a hand to hold firmly behind your neck, he tilts your head back only slightly and prepares to bring his finger to your nose. a raise of his brow asks for permission and you nod.
the substance shoots through you unexpectedly quick which has you screwing your eyes shut and wincing. the reaction only amuses rafe and he moves the arm around your shoulder and tugs you into him once again.
finding solace in the embrace, you allow yourself to sink into his chest - an unsafe level of vulnerability. everything is loud, the booming of music and people feeling increasingly suffocating.
rafe laughs again, smirking in a way that now seems taunting. he takes a good look at you before leaning in to let his warm breath brush against your ear. "y'know, you're real pretty."
that's when you really think about what's happening right now. laying against rafe cameron - who for one reason or another seems to have taken a liking to you. the drug pumping through you and butterflies in your stomach has your heart beating with excitement.
it also has you fluttering your lashes up at rafe with a dopey smile, telling him all he needs to know. all it took was a dot of coke and he's got you right where he wants you.
"why don't you let me take you upstairs?" he presses in a way that shows the line has worked a million times before.
but who are you to turn him down? there's no denying how tempting he is and your attraction towards him. but instead, you shrug and look around in search of sarah.
it takes a minute before you catch her eyes and are met with a concerned yet angry expression. she's quickly by your side and pulling you up from the couch, glaring down at her brother.
"leave my friends alone, rafe." with that, sarah is tugging you away and back through the crowd. your hazy state makes it hard to resist, but you manage to look back at the boy on the couch. he's sitting back, clearly amused but not deterred.
a wink is all he gives before paying his attention back to his friends, leaving you to wonder what all of this meant.
one thing about rafe, though, is when he sets his sights on something - someone - he gets what he wants. he knows he will, and you're no exception.
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iiannabxth · 6 days
class of 09 girls + their aesthetics bc i’m tired of people not getting them.
(minor tw for sh & ed):
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jecka: she’s literally a preppy, trendy 2000s teen. she wears lacoste/abercrombie polo shirts, hollister skinny jeans, american eagle, bebe jackets, and juicy couture. a lot of her clothes come from her mom’s job, as apparently her mom gets them for free.
she is a “pharma-princess” and openly idolizes paris hilton. she smokes cigarettes and casually abuses painkillers. she may be a little trashy, but she dresses like any other fashionable girl from that era.
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nicole: for starters, shes lower middle class. her mom buys the cheapest internet and cable packages, as well as having nicole on the assisted lunch plan. with that being said, she’s not buying a ton of miss me jeans, bb belts, or affliction shirts. shes a hot topic/spencers fiend bc she can steal it. her outfits are usually a hoodie, tank top, or t-shirt with ripped skinny jeans- which is to say they aren’t very complicated. i think people get confused and try and dress her in the modern “y2k” fashion, but it doesn’t really work for her.
shes severely depressed and winning the idagf war, which is shown in her makeup and nails. i think her makeup routine is very messy and smudged, but thats lowkey the look.
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emily: shes rich, but she doesn’t care or acknowledge it. she can buy whatever she wants, but chooses to go for the grungey/emo look. even though she’s the most “scene” character, she still follows a few trends- ex: the lifeguard hoodie. her hair is definitely damaged by the box bleach she uses and the excessive use of her straightener. i also think she 100% has raccoon eyes (in the avril lavigne-way.)
she parties with her sketchy boyfriends, day drinks, and does almost any drug she can get her hands on. she’s suicidal and highkey crazy, which results in her tattoos and scars. (the excessive SH-culture is completely on brand for the 2000s.)
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ari: borderline manic pixie dream girl going through a sexuality crisis. she’s almost emo, but not quite. she wears winged eyeliner and red lipgloss. her wardrobe consists of mostly graphic tee shirts and skinny + bootcut jeans. she dyes her hair because “no one understands her,” but she still has a decent relationship with her parents.
she used to be a girl scout, so she definitely cuts her own hair and thinks it’s rebellious. i think her favorite shoe would be black high top converse.
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kelly: is the definition of a trendy, trashy, 2000s girl. kelly is also rich (as stated by jecka.) she’s popular with the boys because she’s pretty, has big boobs, and dtf. she wears a lot of hollister, wet seal, juicy couture, and victoria secret. i think she would wear a full face of makeup to school. her hair is dyed blonde but she keeps the roots grown out just a little.
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megan: 2000s THEATRE KID!! she’s ARTSY, not EMO. she’s apparently pretty, but not pretty enough to be constantly hit on. she wears a lot of media/pop culture clothing and jeans. her hair color is her natural hair color and her nail polish is always chipped.
jecka & hunter say she’s a christian girlie, so most of her outfits are more modest and toned down compared to some of the other girls. she probably wears minimal makeup unless she’s doing a show.
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karen: she’s dorky and nerdy to the extreme. she looks very mousy and homely. she likes twilight and harry potter + she works at a library (and is strict about the rules.) karen likes and is good at school. she probably only wears mascara and medicated chapstick, as well as her glasses. she has a messy bob that she never styles.
she’s also insecure about her body, as jecka and nicole make her relapse on her ED, so she wears baggier clothing than any of the other characters.
i think she would wear sketchers and jeggings.
anywho, i like this game and im also super into the genuine 2000s fashion, so a part of me dies whenever i see someone say “nicole listens to ayesha erotica!!” or “jecka wears affliction and bb belts!” girl bffr.
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messylustt · 3 days
 ݁   𓂃 ៸៸៸ deer in headlights — rafe cameron + reader ( obx ) : when trying to help your sad friend at a party leads to an unexpected kiss from rafe.
contents : slight dick!rafe. nsfw intentions (not full on sex tho). slight dubcon (not heavy or roughly forced) tittie licking/sucking. tittie grab. kissing.
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your eyes scanned the party mess. it had only been an hour or so. but more than likely people came drunk way before. most go from party to party, trying to find one that won’t get busted. we’ll see how long this one lasts.
girls yelping, some giggling, most a boy crazy mess. guys hollering, others giggling themselves, nearly twirling their hair at the bent over girls “enjoying” their drinks. you couldn’t help but smile. even though you never found yourself in the centre of it all, you were far from hating the experience.
but that’s when you spotted your friend, scarlet, bolt upstairs, pushing her sleeve down to her fingertips to wipe the mix of tears and mascara from her face. you stood up, tilting past the edge of the couch to reach her.
“scarlet!” you call, trying to quicken your steps. what had happened? she either ignores you or simply can’t hear over the drowning base of the music.
you follow her upstairs. “scarlet?” you call again. and this time she shifts her gaze, her head turning towards you.
“hey..” you smile softly reaching her side. “what’s wrong? why the tears?”
scarlets bottom lip quivers, even if she trying to force it down, while her brows remain furrowed and bent with hurt. she looks as though she wishes to say something, but then she gulps. her expression pales as she rushes into the bathroom, but not before she shuts the door stopping you from entering.
scarlet was always a little complicated. easily embarrassed despite her confidence.
there’s a moment where all you can hear is puking as you try to turn the handle finding that the door is locked. “no. don’t come in.” she says, breathless after a moment.
“scarlet—“ you say in protest, wanting to help. “no! please.” she replies, cutting you off.
you sigh, knowing she hates anyone seeing her puke. “i just wanna help.” you try.
“no I—“ you can hear her hiccuped breathing. “i don’t want him to know…” her tone is almost pitiful.
“who?” you ask standing by the door.
“kelce?” your brows furrow before thinning out. “is he the boy you kept telling me about?”
she sniffles. “maybe..”
“scarlet…” you say softly “what happened?”
“it was a joke. all of it. ‘sleep with the slut’.” she scoffs. “just because i like boys…a lot of them doesn’t mean i’m some…look liking dick shouldn’t be some god awful issue.”
your brows furrow again, but this time in anger. you hadn’t known kelce that well. only through living on this island, like most. but you had thought he was merely a guy looking to stay ‘cool’ or ‘popular’, not an outright dick.
not like his friend, rafe. rafe cameron. now, if anyone was to easily be called a ‘dick’ it would be him.
“are you sure i can’t come in?” you ask. “please just…” she replies, to which you ease her. “it’s okay. just relax…let me go get you some water.”
you rush back downstairs, squeezing past the out of tuned drunks, and high teens. you head to the kitchen. but as you do, you catch a conversation going on in the hallway.
“i fucked her over man…” the voice, you can identify as kelce’s. “i…why did i do that?”
“hey, calm down. don’t get worked up alright?” the other voice…rafe’s.
“nah man..” kelce sounds stressed, almost on the verge of tears.
“listen to me man. it was a stupid joke. she shouldn’t have taken it to heart, yeah?” rafe’s tone is dismissing towards scarlet, which honestly doesn’t leave you very surprised.
“fuck..” kelce mutters “but now she doesn’t…want me…want anything to do with me most likely.”
“then move on.” rafe replies, speaking as though that concept is a breeze.
“move on…” kelce mutters, repeating slowly.
“yeah, move on. you’re at a party for christs sake. have fun. plenty of girls around.” rafe replies, hitting kelce’s shoulder by the sounds of it.
you peek slightly round the corner to watch them.
kelce sighs rubbing his head roughly.
“go get ‘em man. go on” rafe pats kelce’s back as he slightly pushes him towards the heat of the party. you quickly return behind the doorway as he passes.
you wait a moment before looking back to where they were talking to find rafe staring straight back at you. you pause, blinking. rafe’s head tilts, his expression not one of surprise, as if he had spotted you the moment your head poked out.
“you always eavesdrop?” rafe takes a swig from his beer. you step out, darting your gaze slightly.
“i was just getting some water…for my friend.” you reply as he begins to head over to you.
“yeah?” he hums nodding, as he stops a few step distances from you. “does that water trip include spying?”
“i didn’t catch much.” you reply.
“yeah, how much did you catch, deer?” he asks, his gaze darting over your face and down your body as if he’s trying to place you.
your brows furrow. “didn’t know you were one for…names like that.”
rafe scoffs “i meant ‘deer’ as in a deer caught in headlights, not the other ‘dear’.” he says tapping his beer bottle on your nose, gesturing to your round eyes.
your nose scrunches in response as you lean back, rubbing it. “i’m not ‘caught in headlights.’”
“no?” he replies. “or maybe you’re just starstruck.”
“by you?” you ask raising your brows. “i’m sorry, but you don’t have that ‘wonder’ to you, rafe.”
“a lot of girls think different.” he replies. “you’d look at me with ‘wonder’ if you’ve been seeing stars all night.”
you pause, staring at him, before his words register. “ew, rafe.”
“ouch.” he replies, completely unbothered, taking a swig.
“the majority of people who you make see ‘stars’ are those who have a ‘your-shaped-fist’ indent in their face.” you say edging back into the kitchen, preferring that this conversation ends sooner than later.
rafe scoffs, his face dropping, as he steps after you. “you’re not clever.”
“you seemed affected though.”
“re-size your brain, it ain’t that big”
you raise your hands in innocence, as you turn towards the sink, grabbing a clean empty glass. rafe leans up again the kitchen island, his legs planted in a slight spread.
you glance back at him, wondering why he’s still here.
he watches you.
“look, i’m sorry for eavesdropping. i only cared because…” you pause instinct telling you not to talk about your friend with the likes of rafe. but he clearly already knows.
“oh you got a reason? you’re not just simply…nosy?” rafe gives a fake-surprised look, as you stare blankly at him.
“you’re talking as if you know me.”
“i do know you.” he replies simply.
“no, um…you don’t.” you look confused.
“yeah…i do.”
“maybe we’ve had like…one proper conversation…” you say.
“nah, more than that.” why rafe is saying such simple sentences is a bother to you.
“alright, well…just because we’ve talked a couple times doesn’t mean you ‘know’ me.” you say filling the glass up with water looking back to the sink.
“you think I pay no attention to the people on this island?”
“yeah, sure, briefly. i do the same.” you reply shrugging. “you’re acting as though you know my favourite colour or something.”
you look to rafe, staring at him. “what?”
he crosses his arms, placing his beer to the side. “no, obviously i don’t know your favourite colour. i’m talking about behavioural observations, not stalker material, doll.”
“i thought you weren’t one for names like that.”
“i’m not.” he replies so simply again.
you look back to him seeing that he’s not going to explain any further. “okay…” you mutter moving past him with the glass of water.
“that for kelce’s fuck buddy?” rafe asks staying against the island.
you pause “I’m sorry?”
“what’s her name again?” rafe hums. “sophie?”
“scarlet.” you say with a frown. “and she was never kelce’s fuck buddy. she liked him.”
“yeah, most do like who they fuck.” rafe turns to you.
you narrow your gaze. “your buddy kelce may have thought of it like that, but she never did.”
“hearts break.” rafe states stepping closer “big deal.”
“yeah, it is a big deal. she’s hurt. and fair enough, cause if I got treated like that I’d react the same.”
“would you?” rafe asks. “have you?”
“gotten treated like that? luckily no. but it’s because she puts herself out there way more than me. she’s confident. actually gives it a go.”
“what a star.” rafe mocks.
“you’re all talk, rafe.” you say “because if a girl hurt you like that, I’d think you’d be worse.”
“really?” he looks down at you. “and what happened to not knowing each other that well?”
“you’re a loud bully. i’d have to be deaf not to easily hear about the things you’ve done.”
“you make it sound so dramatic.” rafe scoffs.
“you are rather dramatic.”
“look, doll,” rafe begins leaning down to level with you. “you can nurse sophie back all you want, comfort her, but you’re really not helping.”
“how so? do you have a better idea to help?” you ask raising your brows.
“yeah.” rafe says darting his gaze “enjoy the party. let them deal with it.”
“deal with it? you told kelce to go scout the girls here.” you say.
“yeah, and you actually think he listened to that? kelce is a bleeding heart. sensitive like a fucking kids movie.” rafe states. “no, he’s gone to talk to her. she’s crying in the bathroom right? i guarantee he’s there too.”
“and what makes you think she’d want to see him?”
rafe shrugs. “not our problem.”
“she’s my friend. of course it’s—“
but rafe cuts in, grabbing your shoulders. “not. our. problem.” he states slowly. “you think you rushing in there is going to help? they need to talk. kelce needs to talk.” rafe chuckles. “though if I were him, I wouldn’t bother, find someone new.”
“well thank god she didn’t sleep with you.” you mutter.
“oh yes.” you nod sarcastically. “wouldn’t want her stealing you away.”
rafe’s lips quirk up. “yeah?”
“you look way too happy that i said that.” you eye him.
rafe grabs his beer off the kitchen island, bringing it between you both. “drink.”
you look at the bottle then back to his face. you shake your head. but rafe just nods, bringing the bottle to your lips. you lift your hand to protest but your glass of water spills a fraction making your hands pause, and giving him enough time to tilt the beer into your mouth.
you’re instinct is to swallow, before you step back, wiping your lips. “ew, rafe.”
“do you find everything disgusting or just when it involves me?” rafe asks taking a sip of his own from the beer bottle.
you meet his gaze staying silent, as he frowns.
“i’m not some troll.” he scoffs.
“could’ve fooled m—“
but rafe cuts in. “don’t finish that.”
you press your lips together, almost smiling, despite yourself.
“don’t smile either.” this time rafe looks disgusted. “you look demented…” he then pauses. “…or pretty, hard to say.”
you scoff “great save.”
“i try.” his lips quirk up again. he looks around a moment before his smile fades, finding a certain spot behind you.
you look behind you also seeing a girl who’s gaze is hardened on you both. you shift your gaze back to rafe but he’s far closer then before. you instinctively lean back.
“don’t be annoying now.” rafe says.
“i’m just moving back.” you reply, not seeing the problem.
“hm.” rafe hums, rolling his eyes. though that action doesn’t seem to be for you, but for the girl staring.
“katie, right?” you say in reference to the girl.
“ew.” rafe replies.
“i thought you were well aquatinted with that word?” he steps closer to you, glaring at the girl. “what a pest.” he mutters.
you look back to katie, who’s gaze hasn’t shaken. “you with her or something?”
“don’t ever say that again.” rafe says harshly. “little bitch doesn’t know when to quit.”
“it must be that ‘wonder’ you possess.” you say shrugging.
rafe looks to you, deadpanned. “funny.”
“i’m just saying. which is why i’m confused that you’re bothered.”
“when I kiss someone, i want to like it.” rafe states blandly. “i didn’t like it, so that’s why she’s not over here and instead over there.”
you stare at him. “okay. then have you talked with her about that?”
“uh huh.” rafe says. “in one ear and out the other.”
rafe then focuses fully on you, an idea almost displayed in his eyes. you look back at him confused, your eyes darting a little nervously at the intensity of his sudden attention.
“are you a good kisser?”
rafe’s question makes you pause, even more confused, your eyes widening a fraction. “what?”
“c’mere.” he murmurs, his finger curling into one of your jean loops at your hips.
“wow, wow—“ you rush out placing your hands on his chest as he tugs you closer.
“look convincing.” he hums tilting your chin up. his lips reach yours, stepping against you.
your eyes flutter shut at the closeness. his mouth moves against yours, finding your bottom lip as his tongue drags. the suddenness of it all makes your head spin.
rafe begins to smile against your mouth, either at katie’s reaction, or potentially yours. his tongue doesn’t let up as it slides between your lips, reaching your own. his hand grabs your glass placing it aside before he reaches for your hair sliding his fingers between the strands.
your lips feel wet now, swollen, as you clench at his shirt to breath. he lets up leaning back a fraction. you’re blinking, licking your own lips in shock. you knew they were now red.
“what…what was that?” you whisper. you pause then glance back to katie who’s gaze is like thunder but she finally looks away, heading outside to the busy pool. “oh...” you say. “to make her jealous? really?”
“no, to make her leave.” rafe replies, his tone almost distant, as his gaze is stuck on your mouth. he then leans down and kisses you again, stopping your tongue from dragging along your lip repeatedly. he was far too eager this time around.
and this time you step back.
rafe nearly follows your lips.
“rafe…she’s gone, you can stop now.” you mutter fixing your hair.
rafe then murmurs. “didn’t I say if i don’t like it leave?”
“which is rather rude when you’re actually kissing a girl.” you reply, a little flustered, as you reach for the glass.
rafe slides it away. “you kissed back.”
“i was surprised.” you say.
“glad you have that instinct then.” rafe muses. to which you turn away aiming to leave the kitchen.
but rafe steps after you. “what, going back to sophie?”
“scarlet.” you say. “and yes. I’ve left her for too long.”
rafe blocks your exist. “you don’t like me, i get that. but if you want to help your friend, let them talk. and in the mean time, enjoy yourself.”
“so you’re suggesting I go outside then? maybe to the pool.” you say, as he shakes his head.
“no idiot. here. with me.”
“now that’s the kind of name i thought you’d prefer saying.” you reply. “and…no…thank you.” you say trying to move past him.
“you’re a good kisser.”
“how sweet. move please” you say.
“my god, you really hate me, huh?” he chuckles
“i dont know you enough enough to hate you.” you say “but i do dislike you…so….close.”
“at least I’m not at the far end of the spectrum.” rafe hums, getting closer and fiddling with the end of your shirt.
“you’re close.” you say trying to move his hand away.
“but not there.”
“rafe, what do you want?” you sigh, looking up at him.
“i wanna see if you look more like a ‘deer’ when my hand is actually doing something.” he murmurs for your ears only.
“I’m sorry?” i stare at him, surprised as if he hadn’t just randomly kissed you before.
“relax.” rafe murmurs, pressing against you. “ease up, baby.”
all you manage to do is stare as your body registers the feel of his.
“yeah…” he hums, tugging at your hair slightly. “like that.”
“rafe…” you say, still confused by his actions.
“come on,” he chuckles lowly. “it’s a party. don’t tell me you don’t enjoy it?”
“i do, it’s just—“
but he cuts you off, his breath hitting your cheek. “then left your shirt up, lemme see…”
your stomach fills with butterflies, your eyes darting over his face.
“listen, I’m bored.” rafe says his lips now pressed to your ear, his hand squeezing your waist. “and…i liked the kiss. so I’m thinking I’ll like the rest of you.”
“you’re—you’re just overly horny.” you say.
“and who’s fault is that?”
“hey, you were the one who kissed me.” you say.
he smiled as his hand sunk under your shirt to your stomach.
“shh.” he hushed, looking down at your shirt and his hand underneath. he lifted the material. you move to grab the shirt, embarrassed at the exposure.
“please, doll, just a quick look.” he says. “none of this has to mean a thing, i promise.” his hand grips your shirt.
and strangely, as he tugs you to a darker corner of the kitchen, his hands lifting your shirt to reveal your bra, and the hum that follows, makes you wonder if he really means that promise.
because as soon as his finger traces the cup before slipping inside, and brushing right over your nipple, the look in his eyes changes.
you can’t pinpoint what it changes to, but his following action, with the grip in your hair is clearly a new promise.
if he doesn’t like it he leaves.
but what happens when he does like it?
he grins nearly cooing at your concentrated face. “don’t think too hard.” he hums as he rubs your nipple and breast making your breathing hitch. “keep that head small for me, doll. you’re a very pretty deer when caught in headlights.”
“you just like me dumb.” you say, understanding his words.
his grin merely grows, as he pushes your bra cup aside completely holding and grabbing your breast. “well, when you’re smart you’d push me away.”
you nod, as he nods too, chuckling. he then forces you to arch against him, as he leans down, keeping eye contact.
he swirls his finger around your nipple. “should I turn this red too?”
the moment his tongue reaches your nipple, tingles run up your spine. and as he begins to suck, the tease in his voice leaves him as he murmurs a simple “fuck.”
your stomach churns, as he nods, almost answering himself with a name he claims to dislike. “yeah…baby, don’t move”
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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nightlyrequiem · 2 months
General and Relationship Headcanons
Mostly just me rambling about Valeria because she’s all I think about all day everyday <3
This is pretty unstructured
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Valeria Garza was a mean girl in high school. She wasn’t popular by any means, she was just really mean and aggressive. She had a habit of getting into physical fights. She’d swing on anybody, boy or girl.
She’s a raging lesbian. (I don’t make the rules.) She probably hasn’t had many girlfriends though because Las Almas has a smaller, more traditional population. During her military days I can definitely see her hooking up with at least one of the other women in her unit, fraternization be damned. It ended when the woman didn’t want anything serious.
She had no romantic or sexual relations with Alejandro. I refuse to entertain the idea at all for my own sake.
I like to think she’s 5’6 to 5’7 and around 135lbs. Perhaps 140lbs. Shes around the same age as Alejandro and Rudy. You have to have around 22 years of experience to become a colonel, which Alejandro is, so that sets them around their late thirties to forties. I think Valeria sits at 38.
She has a short temper and not much patience. Especially with the men who work for her. (And men in general.) She feels pressured to make them afraid of her because since she’s a woman she knows they don’t respect her as much as they would a man. She’s not afraid to stab people in the back and she believes everyone is like that. Loyalty can be bought by the highest bidder so she’s always prepared for a betrayal.
The general public don’t know that she’s El Sin Nombre, and most of her own cartel are unaware as well. Only three or four get the privilege of knowing and even then she doesn’t trust them completely.
The cartel wasn’t as influential before she took it over. La Araña liked to do business under the table and out of sight if he could. Because of that, it was smaller. Still making bank but not as much as it could in Valeria’s opinion. She saw an opportunity to line her own pockets and make Las Almas just a little stronger. She used bribery, violence, and fear to her advantage. Killing and displaying anyone who got in her way and building important building to gain public support. All while hiding behind the Sicaria title.
She grew up poorer than the other children. Money is one of her biggest motivators. She was always envious of the other kids who got to go on trips or get new things often. She felt she was dealt a bad hand in life and it turned her bitter. Because she didn’t grow up with a lot of money I think she has spending guilt. She’ll splurge sometimes but she doesn’t own five fancy cars and a huge house. She probably has a smaller private property somewhere and conducts her business at Diego’s villa.
She’s an attractive woman, and she knows it. She’ll still put on a little makeup though. She’ll touch up her brows and put on mascara. She has no one to impress but she knows she’ll be taken more seriously if she’s perceived as attractive.
Valeria doesn’t do flings. Shes not some hopeless romantic, she doesn’t date around hoping to find the one. But, if she’s going to make herself vulnerable to another human being, physically or emotionally then she isn’t going to do it for someone who’s not going to appreciate it. The payoff needs to be worth the price. She learned her lesson.
She’s not the type to be soft and sweet in a relationship. She has her moments of course, but I can’t see her constantly calling you pet names and clinging to you. Her love language is acts of service. She’ll cook you food, bring you something to drink if you mention being thirsty, simple things she can do to make your life a little more convenient. If her you happen to be someone in her cartel she’ll show she cares by keeping a closer eye on you.
One of the men keeps making you uncomfortable? She’ll make sure you don’t have to interact with him. She’ll give you safer tasks and pay you a little more than the others. She might try to convince you to just quit all together. You’d be safer and happier tending to the home, she’s sure. She also just wants you to be financially dependent on her to make it harder to leave. Not that you’d want to. Shes a great girlfriend.
Just not during fights. She loves you but she has a nasty habit of blowing up at you. She’ll say things she knows will hurt you. There’s also the fact that she works a lot. She puts a lot of her time into the cartel. In keeping it going. You might feel lonely and neglected while with her.
She does love you. Even if she calls you replaceable she doesn’t mean it. If you get fed up and try to leave she’ll pull out the crocodile tears. It’s undignified, but she’s convincing enough with her promises to change and her woe-is-me act that you’d feel too guilty to leave.
If that doesn’t work she’ll turn to the only other thing she knows, threats of violence.
She also has jealously issues. She is territorial. She doesn’t make it obvious but she’s jealous of your friends. She doesn’t like your male friends even if you’re a lesbian yourself, and she views your female friends as potential competition regardless of their sexual orientation.
She won’t whine about it, but if you spend too much time with your friends she’ll take it out on you without telling you why. She’ll be snappy, give you the cold shoulder. Which ultimately leads into another fight. She doesn’t understand why you need friends. She doesn’t have friends and she’s fine.
She’ll make it up to you by buying you gifts. She’s not one to spend frivolously but she’ll drop a pretty penny on something if she thinks it will make you forgive her. You mentioned an article of clothing in a passing conversation five weeks ago? Well Valeria remembered and now it’s carefully folded up on the bed waiting for you. She sees a piece of jewellery that she knows you’ll like? It’s yours, but only if you forgive her.
Her favourite colour is pink. Her bedsheets are pink. Her nails are canonically pink. I don’t make the rules, her favourite colour is pink.
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munsonsreputation · 6 months
the very first page not where the storyline ends
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steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: [4.8k]
warnings: mild cursing, slight mention of steve's childhood, overall fluff and all that romantic stuff
summary: a sparkling night and a flawless dance you shared with Steve Harrington wasn’t how you imagined your love story to begin. Nothing could have prepared you for it, but you’d both spend every dance and forever wondering how enchanting it was to finally find each other.
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The speakers blasted a slow song, prompting couples and friends to make their way onto the dance floor while all you could do was watch from the sidelines as their bodies swayed.
Part of you didn’t mind one bit, while the other wished that at least one of your friends could have asked you to dance just so you wouldn’t be lonely. Thankfully, the outskirts of the dance floor lingering with the other strays didn’t make you feel too bad, knowing you weren’t the only one without a slow dance for the night.
You watched on with a fond smile, admiring all the high school sweethearts you hoped would turn into forever lovers — and high school friends that would turn into lifelong ones. Despite your initial annoyance at the lack of romance, you loved the idea of potentially witnessing it from others.
Sipping on the overly sweet and likely spiked punch, you finally pulled your eyes from the dance floor, looking everywhere but there in hopes of curing your achy heart. It was then that you noticed the figure from across the room and eyes that belonged to it seemingly fixated on you.
The orbs belonged to Steve Harrington, one of the most popular boys in all of Hawkins. Everyone knew who he was, yet his eyes seemed to call out to you from across the room, asking if you two have met before accompanied with that charming smile plastered across his lips.
You twiddled your fingers at him cooly, setting the flimsy plastic cup down on the table, breath hitching nervously in your chest as his silhouette started to make its way to you. His hands tucked into his pant pockets, coming closer to you with a shyness you’d never seen up close and personal before.
“I’m Steve,” He spoke loud enough, standing in front of where you were seated, careful to not let his shoes come in contact with the excess fabric on your dress that flooded the floor.
“Hi, Steve.” You grinned, looking up at him through your mascara coated lashes, blinking wildly because it had to have been a dream.
Meanwhile, Steve felt like a loser. A total hopeless romantic idiotic loser, to be exact. You were the prettiest sight his eyes ever laid eyes on. Even from across the room, he had known that, but getting to see you without craning his neck in between the dancing bodies was like a punch to his gut.
He felt lovesick, mouth held slightly agape as he gawked at you like a work of art. Entranced by the flecks of glitter that swooped over your lids and the high points of your cheeks. But it was your eyes that mesmerized him, piercing into his own and holding them like it was the only thing you wanted to do even if he was the one that was enraptured.
“Do y-you wanna dance?” He proposed, clearing his throat and blinking after what seemed to feel like an eternity of not.
His shoulders pulled into himself, looking back at the dance floor, then back to you hoping you wouldn’t turn it down because then his heart really wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Your lips pressed into a tight smile, nodding without hesitation.
“Yeah, sure.”
His chest rose and fell with a relieved puff of air, finally dragging his hands out of its confines as he held them out towards you. You gladly took them, letting him lead you through the figures and into an open spot.
Instinctively, when you both settled, your arms went around his neck, feet already moving back and forth to the beat of the song as his warm hands settled around your waist and he began following along. It wasn’t anything complicated, a simple side-by-side motion that felt surprisingly comfortable for something that was usually so intimate.
Steve kissed his teeth, stretching his neck outwards as his eyes darted around, prompting you to furrow your brows and follow his sights, trying to see what he was getting at. You had thought maybe he was second guessing his invitation to you.
Then he finally spoke, “Is your date gonna come out of the bathroom and beat me up for asking you to dance?”
Worried filled orbs drifting back to you as you rolled your eyes playfully, not as anxious as you were just a few moments ago.
“I don’t have a date tonight.” You replied, watching as he looked at you stumped, his brows pulled together, a baffled crease forming between them.
“How could someone not ask you out to prom?” He shook his head, still clearly confused by the information that he just couldn’t believe.
“Says you, Mr. Popular.” You teased with a smirk, “I really hope you don’t secretly have a date who’s going to accuse me of stealing you.”
Steve barked out a laugh, shaking his head, “I promise, I don’t.”
You nodded, happy with his answer—and even more happy that he was enjoying the dance as much as you.
“I don’t think I put myself out there enough,” you blurted out, wincing at your brutal honesty that you wished you had cushioned slightly.
His head tilted, staring at you puzzled at what you meant. “Huh?”
“That’s why I think no one asked me out to prom.”
You bit down on your lip, hoping he didn’t just ask you to dance out of pity, because then it would be totally embarrassing to leave him with that thought.
Yet Steve didn’t budge the way you thought he would. Instead, he shook his head undoubtedly, lips tugging up into a sincere smile as if he knew.
“That can’t be true.”
You spoke just soft enough for him to hear, eyes batting up at him, “How do you know?”
“Cause I’m a total stranger who asked you to dance while I was having a full-blown anxiety attack on the inside worried you would say no.”
He blurted his words out without a second thought. Voice so firm without any stammering to suggest he was trying to play up the sympathy for you.
Your eyes widen at the confession, mouth forming a smile that you couldn’t seem to hold back even if you tried your very best. There was no way that Steve Harrington was nervous to ask you to dance.
That just didn’t seem plausible given what you have heard. All the swooning and giddy stories that came from whispers in the hallways, and now suddenly you were there right in front of him. He was already making you dizzy in a way you hadn’t felt before.
“You’re joking!” You laughed, smacking his chest lightly as he shook his head.
“Honest to god!” He promised you, letting one hand leave your side as he gripped your wrist, keeping your hand on his heart.
With a little more pressure, he urged you to press down and feel the truth.
“My heart is beating out of my chest, right now.”
You could feel the thump even past his silly pocket square. It definitely wasn’t at a resting beat. It felt as if it was jumping out, as if it wanted to escape the confines of his chest and be one with yours.
Oh, Steve Harrington was making you sick with the love bug, and you didn’t know if you would ever be cured of it.
Your cheeks were burning from the ceaseless smile that spilled upon your lips. Even when you tried to bite on the inside of your cheek to fight it off, you just couldn’t seem to do it. Pulling your eyes away from his bashfully, he finally let your hand return to its place around his neck, yet his own smile didn’t falter either.
“Well, I’m really glad you noticed me,” you breathed, finding it in yourself to look up at him still star-struck by everything that happened in a matter of minutes.
“You definitely just made my night.” You added kindly, pressing yourself up on your tiptoes to place a glossy peck on his cheek.
His arms tightened around your waist, not wanting to let you go even as the song slowly died out, “It doesn’t have to end tonight.”
“You think so?” You giggled, lifting your shoulders, wondering what you were about to get yourself into.
“I have a feeling.” He grinned, placing his own kiss on your cheek, hands not leaving your frame, nor feet straying away from the dance floor for the rest of the night.
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Time seemed to pass so quickly after senior prom. Blurring between your first moment with Steve to the many you shared over the course of the following months, to then in his backyard breaking off pieces of white bread and throwing them out for the baby birds to snack on.
He admired you from his place under the umbrella, seated and keeping out of the sun while you both waited for his friends to arrive. He had been waiting for this moment for a while now, wanting nothing more than to introduce you to his closest friends, which felt more like his family.
The radio buzzed on with the generic hits, its volume low despite his home being tucked away from the rest of the neighborhood where they couldn’t hear. Part of him just didn’t want to scare the birds off while you were busy making sure they had the proper amount of carbs for the day.
Only then when the familiar song kicked up through the speakers, not only did his fingers instinctively turn the volume knob up to full blast, but he also was out of his lounger before he could even think twice.
It’s a mixture of a giggle and a squeal, and you had no choice but to wrap your arms around his shoulders. He hoisted you away from the corner of his backyard, thankfully at the perfect time where all that was left was crumbs on your fingertips and the birds flew along to watch from the branches of the tree.
“You know the drill, sweetheart.” He chided, giving your behind a love pat, before finally settling your bare feet on the bed of freshly mowed lawn, saving your soles from the heat of the ground.
“We’re supposed to be preparing. This is like a huge deal for me.” You pouted up at him.
He casually guided your arms over his neck for you, acting as if he was paying no mind to what you were saying.
Steve placed an endearing kiss on your lips before draping his arms across your back, nearly falling into you as your bodies swayed to the music — the same song that played at prom, of course.
“They’re gonna love you, baby.” He pressed another kiss right below your ear, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“You know how long it took me to convince them you were actually real? They still don’t think I managed to get you to say yes to being my girlfriend.”
You smiled achingly into his chest, burying your face as if he couldn’t feel it through the thin material of his t-shirt. He didn’t know why you liked to hide so much, especially when you got all blush-ly because of his words, but if you were going to be hiding where he could feel it, then he didn’t mind at all.
“I just really want them to like me.” You admitted, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath of him in.
His fingers squeezed the dough of your sides, rubbing up and down gently, “If it makes you feel any better you made one hell of a first impression on me. Literal love at first sight.”
He could feel you smiling again, gripping him just a bit tighter at the need to have him closer, if that was possible at all. Steve was good at those kinds of things, ironing away any worries you had, whether it be about a big test or meeting his friends for the very first time.
In many ways, you just wanted them to know that you were making Steve happy, and you hoped you were making him as happy as he made you. Even after three months of dating, you still got shy at times, and you worried a lot about making a fool out of yourself in front of him. But he never would fail to remind you that he loved you from the very moment he laid eyes on you, and nothing would ever get in the way of it.
“Stop swooning me, Harrington.” You pinched his back gingerly, face finally coming out from hiding as he did the same and finally met your eyes.
“If you say so, but now I’m gonna start spinning you.” He grinned, standing straight and going to lace your fingers through his.
“Babe!” You giggled noisily, feet floundering around as he moved your body in and away from his, twirling you as you went.
There was a sort of carelessness to it, the kind where you didn’t have to worry about banging into other people on a crowded dance floor, and the one where you couldn’t give a damn about looking like an uncoordinated mess in front of him. All of that stuff didn’t matter when it was just you and him.
“So she really is real?” a voice sounded from the open gate where a group of individuals stood with pleased smiles blanketing their faces as they watched on.
“Hi!” you bubbled cheerily, attempting to halt your movements to save you the mess of meeting his friends that way.
But Steve didn’t relent, shaking his head with a smirk as he dipped you low while you shrieked.
Steve turning to face his friends for only a second as you tried to suppress your giggles that wanted to erupt, looking up at him from the angle you were in, all of a sudden forgetting his friends were watching.
“Sorry guys, it’s tradition. Can’t stop dancing until the song ends.” He revealed, as they all nodded with a laugh, letting themselves in and putting their things down.
“Don’t stop on our watch. I actually think it’s cute.” Robin tapped her fingers together not bothering to hide her smile at the scene of her best friend so happy with you.
“Kiss me?” He finally looked down at you, never letting his grip falter even a little bit.
“Hurry! Before the song ends!” You giggled, tugging him down by the neck connecting your lips before your back met the plush of the grass.
Steve groaned against your lips, while you laughed not caring about being smushed. After a few “sorries” were mumbled out to him, you pushed at his chest, sitting up on your elbows to wave towards his friends while he wrapped his arms around your midsection still wanting to hog you.
The boy with curly hair stepped forward, eyeing his beloved babysitter.
“Okay, we get it. You’re in love, now can we please meet your girlfriend?”
Steve rolled his eyes, pressing a final kiss to the side of your head before letting you go.
“She’s all yours unless the song comes on again, which in that case, she’ll be mine for 3 minutes and 25 seconds!” He called out as you got up and skipped away.
“It’s so nice to meet you all…properly!”
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It was a special occasion… not the fact that you both were grocery shopping, but the fact that you were grocery shopping to have your very first meal at your shared apartment. It had been a long time coming, craving to have a place you both could finally call your own.
Sure, it was far from luxurious as his parents’ mansion, but it was yours, and that was what mattered. Its coziness was actually the selling point for you and Steve, the mere excuse to get to be close to one another rather than having to yell out from the next room when you he was away for too long.
He still thought it couldn’t truly be real. That it still had to be the night of his senior prom and he was staring at you from across the room with flashes of the future that he could only imagine, but this time it was actually real life.
“Baby, you good?” You snorted, chucking in a bag of chips into the cart noticing the way Steve stared at you blankly.
He grunted, blinking slowly before nodding, “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” He shook it off with a smile, still making no effort to push the cart. Thankfully, the aisle was all yours.
“You sure? You look a bit dazed, honey.” You frowned, pressing your palm to his forehead trying to feel for a fever.
He shrugged timidly, letting you do so even though he knew he wasn’t under the weather like you thought, “I dunno, I just can’t believe we’re grocery shopping for our place. Ours. Still kinda not used to saying it.”
You giggled, jabbing your finger gently into the dimple of his cheek, “Well believe it, because until the lease ends, we’re gonna be paying the bills like true adults.”
He grabbed at your wrist, bringing your knuckles to his lips as he murmured against the skin.
“And I get to listen to your snoring all night long and when we decide to nap during the day.” He teased, not missing the way you groaned and tried to pull your hand away from him.
“Don’t make me put you out on the couch.” You threatened with no malice, as he finally let your hand fall.
“You wouldn’t dare, you love cuddling me too much.”
The two of you walked further down the aisle, stopping again as something had caught Steve’s eye.
“Hey, we should get these for when you’re craving something sweet.” He spoke, plucking the cookies off the shelf, reading the label to see what flavor they were—they had to be your favorite.
“Baby?” He called out after not getting a response from you, looking around to see what you were up to before he realized you had set your purse down into the cart.
Your finger pointed up at the intercom, softly playing a song. The song. Usually Steve's ear was trained to listen for the tune, but his thoughts about finally having his dream come true must have distracted them—thankfully you could never miss it.
“Really? Here in the open?” He whispered surprisingly, looking down both ways seeing a few customers walking by minding their business.
You nodded with the shrug of your shoulders, smiling as you reached out for him. “Yeah, who cares? It’s our song, and it’s tradition, right?”
“Right.” He said, slowly a smirk floating on his face as he set down the box of cookies into the cart, making his way over to you.
The song isn’t as clear as it would be being blasted through the stereo system of his car or the speakers at senior prom, but the melody alone evokes a movement that is second nature to you both. His hands on your waist, yours snug around his neck, feet moving side-to-side.
You smiled up at him fondly, loving every dance you share, but you couldn’t help but to make sure that one stuck to memory a little funnier than the other times.
“But for our sake, let’s try to keep it PG. I really don’t want to be banned from the nearest grocery store because we were making out in the middle of the snack aisle.” You warned, watching as his nose scrunched up and laughter erupted from him.
“Of course, sweetheart.” He promised, stealing just one kiss, promising he’d make it up to you at your home later.
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The sand felt foreign against your feet and so did the salty water residue that clung to your skin. Sun beating down on you in a way that didn’t make you feel sticky or gross like usual Indiana. All of it felt so different, but you couldn’t imagine it without Steve.
The two of you managed to get away from Hawkins for a week. Your schedules aligning perfectly and so did your bank accounts. It wasn’t a complete tropical vacation, but it was out of state, where there was an actual beach where you could see the waves coming in and the horizon looking out.
“Pinch me. This feels like a dream.” You sighed, shaking your head up at the sky in disbelief, trying to commit every detail to memory not knowing when you’d get to experience this again.
Steve chuckled softly beside you, throwing his arm across your shoulders instead. “You always smack me when I pinch your butt,”
“Shut up.” You shook your head with a smile, looking over at him in all his summer glory.
Shirtless, swim trunks sitting perfectly over his waist, as his skin was peppered with the same bits of salt and sand that was on yours.
“Lover’s Lake can’t compare to this can it?” He raised his brow toward you, watching as you shook your head before looking down at what surrounded you both.
“Definitely not, but I will say your car appreciates the absence of sand.” You pointed out knowing how much the sand was more of pain than a luxury.
Steve sucked in a breath, shaking his head at the thought alone. “Oh, we’d have to get one of those heavy duty vacuums to get every grain out and those things are expensive.”
You shared a laugh, the both of you picturing the kids begging Steve to drive them out to an imaginary beach, following by the onslaught of sand that he probably would never get to fully clean out. Sure, Hawkins was missing out on a legitimate beach, but it just gave him an excuse to bring you out here to enjoy all by himself.
“Thank you again for taking me here.” You cooed softly, leaning your head closer to his chest, tugging yourself closer to him.
His laughter rumbled where your cheek rested, his other arm slinging around your midsection.
“Baby, we went half on the ticket.” He reminded you, knowing none of it would be possible if you both didn’t contribute.
“I know, but I wouldn’t have been able to come at all if it weren’t for you. There’s no one I’d rather be here with other than you.”
Steve grew up with memories of visiting a few states when he tagged along with his parents on their work trips. He had pictures outside every airport he landed and departed from, and even more at famous landmarks and cities, yet none of them came close to touching you.
You were an entirely different planet in his eyes. You took him places he never would have ever imagined going—growing up and taking on the world with a sort of fearlessness as long as you were by his side.
There was no other way to describe it to you, and even if he tried, he was sure he wouldn’t make much sense.
But to put it simply, there was no place on Earth or any other universe out there where he could imagine himself without you. Even if you both were stuck in Hawkins for the rest of eternity, he’d be content knowing he’d be waking up and falling asleep right beside you every day.
“You’re getting all sappy.” Steve brought his hand up to smush your cheeks together, smiling down at you as you puckered your lips asking for a kiss to which he granted you immediately.
“I love you so much.” You whispered against his lips, pressing a little firmer into him as if you were trying to prove it in the kiss itself—but he already knew it by heart.
“I love you a lot more,” He promised you, lacing his fingers against your jaw, cradling you closer until you both pulled away, catching your breathes and taking each other in.
Steve looked back at the messily packed beach bag resting on the laid out towel.
“I think this calls for a dance, yeah?”
Before you could respond, he left you for a just a second, bending down to reach beneath your packed clothes and pulling out the Walkman he had borrowed from Max for the week.
“You record the song on a tape?” You laughed endearingly, watching as he unraveled the headphones carefully and propped it up on the bag, turning it up to full blast.
“The things I do for love.” He smirked, pressing play as the fuzzy music played softly against the wind and waves.
The sand felt foreign against your footsteps, yet your moves felt like breathing, something you didn’t need to second guess even out there where everything felt brand new. Your soft singing filled the air, Steve humming along with you before he swiftly spun you into his chest.
You swayed into him, holding the moment of you wrapped up in his arms and giggling at the kisses he spoiled you with. Your arms finally loosened on their own accord, spinning yourself away from him, but his arms had untangled from yours.
Funnily enough, when you turned around to see if he had slipped away because of the uneven ground, he was in fact on his knee, holding out an opened box with a shiny ring sitting inside it, waiting to fit itself on your finger.
“Will your marry me and give me a lifetime of dances?”
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If someone would have told you years ago that you would be getting married to Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, you would have told them they were out of their minds. Yet there you and Steve were.
It wasn’t anything extravagant, in fact it was intimate. Close friends and family gathered for the day in a small chapel to watch and listen as you and Steve read out your vows and sealed the deal with rings and a kiss, followed by a celebration at a nearby banquet hall.
Steve had shed more than a few tears as he watched you walk down the aisle, mouthing the words, “I love you” countless times until you finally reached him at the altar. It took everything in him to starve off kissing you right then and there because it was all he wanted to do.
Truth be told, Steve’s heart had always been yours, even before he even realized that he was going to be spending the rest of his life with you. He knew it the second he saw you from across the room and mustered up the gut to ask you to dance. Honestly, from that point on, he knew he was yours.
“And now for their first dance. Please welcome for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Harrington!”
The DJ was no other than Eddie Munson, a close friend of yours who offered to take on the double role of best man and announcer for the special occasion. Before you and Steve could even tell him what your first dance song was going to be, he had already known what it was.
He and the rest of your friends had been witness to the countless amount of times you and Steve had broken out into a dance no matter the time or the place.
Your loved ones clapped and cheered, watching from their places on the outskirts as you and Steve walked hand in hand, cheekily smiling at everyone who was about to bear witness to the most romantic dance of all time.
“Ready?” Steve squeezed your hand, grinning wildly as he led you both to the center of the dance floor.
You squeezed his hand back, letting the train of your dress fall behind you as you finally let go and draped your arms across his neck. “Always, baby.”
The piano echoed through the speakers, and soon Dionne Warwick’s voice followed suit. “I’ll Never Love This Way Again,” was the soundtrack to all the dances you and Steve had shared throughout your relationship — all 3 minutes and 25 seconds, spent in each other arms without a care in the world other than each other.
Your steps weren’t rehearsed, nor did you and Steve have to prepare for that first dance. Everything moved so smoothly, looping in circles and giddy laughter as everyone else seemed to dissolve in your peripheral the longer you spent out there in his arms.
It was enchanting to say the least. Your love story was like something out of the fairytale books that you used to read when you were younger, but you and Steve’s were much more special by a long shot. There was no one who could ever come close to replicating what you two shared with each other.
Whatever was in the air that prom night of senior year, love or luck — it fated you two together and from that point on, it was the first page of a story that would stand the test of time in every universe.
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💌 reblogs, tags, comments, + likes are greatly appreciated! leave a comment and let me know if want to be added to my taglist!! 💌
a/n: this wip has been sitting in my docs since forever and i finally mustered up the motivation to finish it!! honestly i've been on a fluff kick and i really feel like steve harrington is a speak now girlie (and fearless, 1989, and rep hahaha) but enchanted it like his go-to romance song with his girl. i hope you like it and let me know what you think!!! 💜💫
taglist: @translatemunson @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @tvserie-s-world @givemeth @steveharringtonswife @the-alchemys @loving-and-dreaming @awkotaco24 @engenelxver @elfiaaaa @pbs-theundeadmaggot @johnricharddeacy @gaysludge @keerysfolklore @micheledawn1975 @ihatepeanutss @bakugouswh0r3
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vampireimiko · 1 year
Could I request neuvillette x male reader?
M!reader personality: flirty, mischievous, hard to fluster, can be extremely rude, can be perverted
M!reader region: fontaine
M!reader species: kitsune
M!reader occupation: model
M!reader looks: Slim, curvy, shoulder length hair, shorter than average, he also wears heals most of the time
Likes: Modeling, skincare, makeup, getting his nails/hair done
Dislikes: getting his makeup ruined, getting his hair ruined, dirty things
M!reader extra: extremely popular, extremely attractive, cares alot about his looks, wears some makeup(eyeliner, mascara and lipstick) can be a bit of a narcissist sometimes
Oh and could he be more submissive in the relationship (not sexually)
Neuvillette x Male! Reader Headcanons
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warnings, none !!
note, GAHHH THIS HAS BEEN DONE FOR A FEW DAYS NOW 🤕 I've just been sick and busy 😭🙏🏾 also i need more genshin mutuals so hmu 🤓☝🏾
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જ⁀➴ How you and Neuvillette got together will always be a mystery to the citizens of Fontaine. You two were the complete opposite of one another—where you were flashy and always embraced extravagance, Neuvillette was mostly quiet, speaking only when necessary, and approaching things with simplicity.
જ⁀➴ But against all odds, you and Neuvillette found a way to be together. He became the steady and supportive boyfriend who held the fort in Fontaine, while you embodied the charismatic persona that seemed to charm its way into everything you desired, often accompanied by an effortless air of confidence.
જ⁀➴ Neuvillette's days were consumed by the responsibilities of his position as Chief Justice. On the other hand, you reveled in the luxuries that life in Fontaine provided, a lifestyle that resonated with your natural inclination for the extravagant. You were known not just for your striking looks and unique aura but also for your audacious approach to life.
જ⁀➴ Speaking of couple activities, you found immense joy in playing tricks on Neuvillette, fully embracing your Kitsune nature. From innocently hidden notes to elaborate pranks, you delighted in bringing moments of surprise and laughter into his orderly world. The faintest smile would dance at the corners of Neuvillette's lips, a testament to your success in tugging him out of his formal shell, if only momentarily.
જ⁀➴ Your mischievousness, paired with your innate flirty and perceptive nature, often led to playful banter and witty exchanges between you two. Neuvillette, who rarely allowed himself to be easily flustered, found himself occasionally caught off guard by your audacious comments and innuendos. It was a dance of wit and charm, a constant push and pull that brought a dynamic energy to your relationship.
જ⁀➴ As a model, you knew the value of appearances and the art of presenting oneself flawlessly. It was a commonality that further bonded you and Neuvillette. He might have held a position of authority, but your shared appreciation for grooming and style connected you on a different level. There were instances when you both would spend leisurely evenings together, experimenting with skincare routines or discussing the latest trends in fashion.
જ⁀➴ Despite your sometimes provocative nature, you respected Neuvillette's reserved demeanor. It was in those quiet moments that you found yourself drawn to his depth, his thoughtful perspectives on matters that transcended the superficial. Neuvillette's presence allowed you to explore your own complexity, inspiring you to embrace more facets of your personality beyond the outward flamboyance.
જ⁀➴ So with that being said, you and Neuvillette were definitely opposites of each other through and through. But you loved and cared for one another dearly, despite the contrast of your personalities.
𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄... 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬💀 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐦 (𝐢𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥) 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !
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𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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541 notes · View notes
thelastofhyde · 9 months
ii. santorini.
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pairing. tourguide!joel miller x fem!reader. series synopsis. on the brink of undergoing a life-altering change, you runaway from your problems in the only way any sane person can: embarking on a mediterranean cruise. there you meet joel miller, a grumpy, private tour-guide, who just so happens to be tasked with touring you through each stop on your cruise. from greek goddesses to roman ruins, you have ten days to avoid your fate. maybe a frowning, southern, sex-on-legs of a man is just what the doctor ordered. chapter summary. tensions are high as you and joel spend your first day together exploring the popular island of santorini. back on the boat, joel gets a glimpse at more than he bargained for. series warnings. no use of y/n, set in 2015, no apocalypse au, cruise!au, rom-com, enemies-ish to lovers, tour-guide!joel, unspecified age gap, depictions/discussions of grief, angst, fluff, a whole load of smut, a lot of cheesy stereotypical romance tropes bc i just wanna see joel not suffer ( too much ) <3 chapter warnings. mild smut ( female masturbation, mentions of oral sex + piv sex ), bickering, alcohol, mild angst, so much cheese it'll turn you lactose intolerant!! btw joel hates santorini and he makes that known, but none of his opinions reflect my own ( please don't be mean to me over things characters say <33 ) word count. 7.9k hyde’s input. the majority of this chapter was written with a mixture of medicine flowing through my veins, it's a miracle it's even intelligible. apologies for the wait, the holidays and health issues got in the way <3 as always, i hope you enjoy, comments an dreblogs are always appreciated !! previous chapter - next chapter - series masterlist
It is a known fact that your name and late rarely exist within the same sentence.
The mere thought of being late fills you with a sickness you cannot cure. The extremes you’ll go to avoid it know no bounds. From arriving four hours before a flight, to waiting in your car a whole hour before entering a lecture hall, adulthood is a phase in which you’d sworn to repair the damage of a childhood worth of not arriving late.
Late to school, late to birthday parties, late to dentist appointments.
It wasn’t that you were a particularly difficult child, running rampant around the house as your mother tried to dress you, or your father tried to feed you. Quite the contrary, really. Often, it was little-you who chased around after them, and who waited by the door, school bag in hand, tapping your foot with every second that ticked by on the clock. You were too young and hadn’t the ability nor the empathy to understand that your parents were held up with sorting through things directly influenced by your existence, like cleaning up the messes you left at the breakfast table, or fixing the doorknob you and your sister broke in an intense game of hide and seek.
Nowadays, you can count on one hand the times you’ve been late.
First, you were late to your own surprise birthday party, but that was down to you getting stuck an extra hour at work. It was out of your control.
Then, there’d been your graduation ceremony. Your father missed an exit and ended up taking you on a mystery tour of the city, trying to find the next turn that led to your campus. Again, out of your control.
The third time is the one you remember panicking over the most, knee bouncing uncontrollably with nerves as you sat squeezed between two strangers on a plane. Your sister, barely halfway through her third trimester, had gone into labour, and where were you? Stumbling around drunk on a private beach in Cancún, mumbling along to the lyrics of some early 2000s classic you forget the name of. Your niece, all 4 and a half pounds of her, had decided now was her time to shine and there was nothing, not even the 4 weeks she had yet to grow in utero, that was going to stop her. By the time you arrived, mascara smudged eyes and with the stench of tequila still on your skin, she was laying peacefully in her incubator, the tiniest little fingers clenched into fists and a name tag around her wrist. This too was out of your control.
But the fourth time you’re late, as you stride urgently across the wooden decking of the ship, weaving in and out of lounge chairs and polo-neck wearing crew members, it’s completely within your control.
Yet, it’s not entirely your fault.
An alarm that never went off. A game of hide-and-seek with your purse. An unfortunate slip on bathroom tiles adding another bruise to your knees. An elevator that refused to travel faster than the speed of a snail. It’s as though Lady Luck had set out in favour of being against you, doing her utmost to ensure you arrive exactly seven minutes past your deadline. His deadline.
Best be on the deck by 7 am, darlin’, or I’m dockin’ without ya.
Your head whips from one side to another, eyes finding a familiar figure amongst the few passengers meeting their own private guides. It’s the same man from yesterday, out on the balcony, the memory of him cheering his champagne and shooting a tipsy smile your way replaying. Only now he’s clad in plaid, with a frown etched into his forehead as he stares at his watch. There’s another man, hanging off his arm, fusing with the collar of his shirt.
“She’s late,” you overhear him say, voice firm and leaking with annoyance.
“Maybe she just slept in!” The man next to him is cheerier, tired eyes full of optimism, even as he turns his head and stifles a yawn. “Give her a few minutes.”
“What kind of shitty tour guide sleeps in?” Balcony-Man huffs, and you can’t help but think of your niece and her pouty face whenever she fails to get her own way. “Does she think I’d not rather be asleep too? Lazy c-”
“See? This is why I told you to eat that damn croissant before we left.” The taller of them seems to snap, rolling his eyes. “Brighten up, Bill, or so help me God you’ll be leaving this boat a divorcee.”
Trying to tune their voices out, as the guilt of prying crawls its way into your bones, your gaze points down at your feet. The very same heels you’d worn last night, pretty as they may leave you, have you cursing at the Sun and the Moon. If you’d have just worn your sneakers, maybe you could have ran up the stairs instead of taking the snail-evator.
Joel, tour guide, Signore Miller’s voice- though your imagination can’t quite reach his level of arrogance- rears its irritating head through your mind, recalling his words from last night. Wear somethin’ a little more… practical. That had been enough to awaken that stubborn mule inside of you, hell-bent on proving him wrong.
But now, late, and with him nowhere in sight, your heels seem to have had the opposite effect. They’ve proved him right.
Which leaves you here, moping so pathetically you’re incapable of appreciating the shine of a rising sun over the horizon of aqua blue water.
Five minutes, you decide. That’s how long you’ll allow yourself to dwell in self-pity. Then, you’ll trek your way over to the Excelsior lounge, hit up the breakfast buffet, and await the general disembarking time.
Who knows, maybe you’ll get a call to say there’s a miraculous spot opened up on one of the tour groups.
If not, you’ll be fine! You’ve travelled alone before, you’ve got an all-inclusive data plan on your phone and you’re pretty well-acquainted with the less-than-accommodating features of Google Maps. You don’t need help, or a tour guide, much less one as blood-boiling, skin-prickling, irritating as Joel Mil-
“Wasn’t sure how ya like your coffee, but you look like a milk, two sugars kind of girl to me.”
Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. Or, in this case, think of him.
Turning a little too fast, you stumble a step or two back, and, sure enough, there he is. A tight fitting, dark grey t-shirt stretched over the swell of his biceps, a pair of washed-out denims, and two well-worn running shoes, one on each foot. Trailing up the swell of his tanned neck, you count the freckles up to his eyes, and find there’s bags under them. The growth of hair on his face is just as unkempt as yesterday, yet already it seems to have grown longer, making the litter of greys stand out more. The hair that sits atop his head is damp, and the strands that have managed to dry are being messed around by the morning air. He’s still got that ever-present frown stamped into his forehead, yet his mouth doesn’t seem to curl into a snarl as he calls your name.
You must stare a moment or two past his comfort level, for he clears his throat and nods down at his hand. Two to-go cups, the smallest streams of steam floating out the hole in each lid.
He’s extending one out- the one in his right hand- towards you. “If you’d rather black, you can take min-”
“No!” You snap back into your own body, all too quickly and all too volatile. Clear your throat, and then try again, this time with a little less of that im being held at gunpoint shake in your voice. “No… Thank you. It’s fine- Milk is fine.”
It’s more than fine.
In fact, he’s gotten it spot on. Down to the number of sugars you take.
But, still stubborn, you yearn to not give him the satisfaction of being right so early in the day, and instead settle for accepting the coffee out his hand. You welcome the golden warmth eagerly, eyes unable to resist slipping shut as you take your first sip. When they reopen, you find Joel watching you, intently. Purposefully, as though you’re something to be studied.
Clearing your throat, you glance to the side and spot Balcony-Man and his partner greeting an apologetic woman.
“Thanks for the, uh,” his stare is intimidating your nerves, setting you on edge of something you’re all to eager to jump off. “Coffee. Yeah. You didn’t have to… I mean, I actually thought you’d, you know, uh-”
“You thought I left without ya.” He states. All you can do is nod. “I could’ve. I did warn you not to be late.”
“You did.”
“I also told you to wear somethin’ other than them heels.”
“I know.”
“Yet here you are, late and in heels. You’re not very good at following orders.” He exhales something akin to a chuckle, as devoid of humour as it may be, and you swear he’s suddenly closer than you remember, knuckles brushing against your own as he bumps his paper cup against yours. “Just what am I gonna do with ya, huh?”
For a moment, you swear your heart has leaped from your chest and up to your throat, threatening to choke you with the beat of it. There’s no sense you can make of it, this reaction he rouses, a heat you can’t control creeping down your loins as you drag in a whiff of some manly cologne, the kind you’d usually turn your nose up at for being too overbearing. Yet, on him, it’s not. On him it’s just right, like he was born with pine soaked skin, and a tobacco stained kiss, and-
Before you can think of pulling in another breath, Joel’s stepped back, allowing a cool breeze to pass between you and get a hold of your senses.
“C’mon, we’re slotted in for the first tender that leaves for shore.”
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“Oh my God.”
You’re half certain Joel’s growing sick of hearing those three words roll off your tongue. He’s likely felt this way since it first left your mouth, feet struggling to safely step out onto the dock as your mind became enchanted by the picturesque view in front of you. Only the burn of his hand meeting your lower back, nudging you ahead to make space for himself and the other passengers to step off the tender boat, was capable of dragging you back into your own body, the wanderlust that had gripped your soul yearning to be free to explore every building that sits carved into rock, every water-taxi that flows idly on cristaline water, every step that winds up and up and up the island’s cliff where, at the top, civilisation seems to lie.
The port you’ve docked on is rather small, with naught more than two docking strips and a walkway of shops and confection stands, with boats that find no space along the docking strips tying themselves to any safety they may find over the expanse of the walkway. It is no wonder the cruise floats safely out in deeper waters, alongside several other cruise lines, with no space for such large vessels. And, yet, the port is alive with something. The ground seems to pulse, like a beat of a heart, and the air, as fresh as the grass after heavy rainfall, almost dances its way down your lungs. Voices swim all around you, tourists scrambling past each other, fighting in a race towards something you’ve yet to identify.
“So this is Gialos, also known as the Old Port of Fira.” Somewhere, behind you perhaps, Joel’s voice pipes up, a speech so rehearsed and robotic, a part of your wonders how many times he’s recited it, how many people he’s recited it to. The other part of you, however, is much too fixated on the stairs ahead to pay him true attention, eyes following as two men and several donkeys descend. “That, up there, is Fira, the capital of Santorini. We’re going to need to take a cable- Are you even listening to me?”
“Yes!” You’re quick to react, a defensive rise in your voice. He meets it with a deadpan look and the crossing of his arms over his chest, which quickly becomes something you wish he wouldn’t do as you watch the tight fabric of his shirt stretch itself thin over the bulge of his arms. “No. Sorry, I’m just… Wow.”
You hope he appreciates the restraint you show towards repeating those three dreaded words again.
“You have all day to stare,” his words trip over his own irritated scoff, and you bite back a question of why he’s a guide if he seems to hate it so much, fearful he’s too honest to not tell you a truth that may hurt your fragile feelings. A truth where it is not so much his job he dislikes, but rather, your presence and all that it brings. “Right now, we need to move. Don’t wanna spend all day waitin’ in line now, do ya?”
This need for speed that hooks the other tourists seems to filter over into your guide, who’s forcing you forward, that heat of his palm now hovering inches away from your lower back. It’s enough to lead you where he pleases. As a pair, you weave in and out small clusters of people, till the space between you both and the large gathering crowd slowly diminishes. It is there where his once telepathic leading fails, with Joel turning left towards it as you stray right, over to the ascending pathway of stairs.
“Where are you going?” His tone is offended, almost, as he comes to a halt and watches you fail to do the same, to notice the space between you both and correct it like some puppy who’s been called to heel by its master.
“Where am I going?” The question, at first, is one you mistake as rhetorical. Staring back at him with an equaled confusion, you gesture to the stairway, as though it is the most obvious answer. Because, well, where else could you have been heading? He said so himself, that up there is Fira, the capital of Santorini, and you’ll be damned if you don’t get to see it. “Where are you going?”
“To the cable cars, that’ll take us up the island.”
Above the crowd of people, hanging over doors of small businesses, lay several signs. CABLE CARS - 6€ ! stands out, impossible to miss. Symbols you scarcely recognise sit beneath it, in smaller text, and you assume it’s Greek. In the distance, you spy the movement of the mobile boxes, people being carted up the length of the cliff at a speed that promises them a journey of mere minutes.
“Oh.” So, perhaps his option makes more sense than your own far longer, more tiring one. Still, stubborn as a mule, you double down on your decision to take the scenic route, inching closer towards the first step. Your guide, still in the face, refuses to move, daring eyes willing you to continue. “You want us to take the lazy man’s route? You go ahead, I’ll take the stairs and meet you at the top.”
You press one foot up onto the first step, weary of where you rest the point of your heel.
Glancing a few steps further up, there’s the unmistakable sight of a mound of brown substance, no doubt excreted out of one of the donkeys that walk ahead, tourists mounted on their poor backs.
“I don’t think you understand,” he finally inches closer, if only slightly, hands clenched at his side. “There’s five hundred and eighty-eight steps until you reach the top.”
The number is more daunting than you expect, and you pray he can’t read this on your face. “Only? I’ll be up in no time then!”
You feel more than see the way Joel’s eyes travel down the expanse of you, stuttering almost over the curvature of your chest, the dips at your hips, till they rest at your feet. The question hangs loose between you, unspoken yet evident.
In those heels?
“Listen, Joel,” taking a second, third, and fourth step, you aim for a literal higher ground, staring down below as he continues to drift closer and closer towards the stairway. “If you’re not fit for the task, or the climb’s no good for your knees, you can just say it, there’s no shame. Like I said, I’ll meet you at the top. Promise I won’t even report the fact my private guide abandoned me in favour of his own comfort.”
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Defeat has never come easy.
Well, to phrase it better towards the truth, acceptance of defeat has never come easy.
There was always something more to be said, another excuse to be given for any of your shortcomings. When you’d been turned away from the school’s soccer team, you’d told yourself it was because you were a girl- ignoring the fact three girls in your year made the cut. When you’d lost an arduous game of Monopoly, you’d sworn you’d caught your sister sneaking notes out of the banker’s pile into her own. When you’d been beaten, round after round, by your own niece at Mario Kart, you’d stuck your tongue out at her and told her you let her win out of pity.
All that had been before, of course, back when you still roamed school hallways, when your sister sat across from you at the dining table, when your niece still laughed freely, wildly, celebrating her own victories with an over-the-top, uncoordinated dance around the living room.
As changed as things may be, defeat is still your foe.
It is that reason alone that you bite back a complaint.
You’d enjoyed the initial moments of your trek. Maybe it was the salty air in your lungs, or the beautiful views of your surroundings, or the idle grumbling coming from Joel, a few paces behind you, kicking up dirt under his feet with every step he travelled up. Whatever the reason, adrenaline had been flowing, into your heart and through your veins, covering every square inch of your body, a tingling of nerves from the tip of your toes to the top of your spine.
But, by the 10 minute mark, a dull ache forms in your feet. Each step of your heel feels more life threatening than the last, as the stairs grow slippier, dustier, and well-worn the further up you advanced. By stair who-knows-how-may, you take a near fatal tumble backwards, the crunch of crumbling rock threatening to be the last thing you hear. Till he appears behind you, fast as light, huffing out a breath as you smack down against his solid chest.
“Mind your step.” From anyone else, you would mistake it as a sign of care. From Joel, you know better than to think it’s anything beyond a humourless taunt.
You try to keep count of the steps, from then on, an effort to motivate yourself to move faster with each ten-pace you count. By 50, you lose your place and begin counting all over again.
The journey is difficult in other ways, too, with the constant passing of donkeys who obligate you to stand aside and make way for them. And the distant movement of cable cars, firing up and sliding down more times than you can keep track of.
When a particular step proves itself too steep, you can no longer hold back and, finally, a hiss slips out between your clenched teeth as pain shoots up your ankle, the leather of your shoe rubbing even harder into your brittle skin, threatening the promise of a blister yet to fully swell. Pushing the pain down, alongside a complaint, you take another step. Hiss. Then another, hiss. You can fight it no longer, bending at the waist to slip off your heel and examine the irritated skin.
Sure enough, it’s been rubbed raw, broken and spilling a small pool of blood.
Behind you comes an exasperated groan and, before you can straighten yourself to even register what’s happening, Joel barges past you and the figure of him up ahead slowly diminishes the faster he climbs up hill.
“Hey!” You call after him, hobbling to slip your shoe back on, but it’s to no avail.
He’s long gone, growing further and further out of your reach with each passing minute.
Cursing him under your breath, you decide to hell with the no complaints of his preferred regard for his own comfort. He’s abandoned you, injured and hobbling up the steps, all because he has the patience of a toddler who’s been waiting far too long to go potty.
“Wear somethin’ a little more sensible…” You’re bound to seem deranged to any passers by, half hopping up the steps, mumbling to yourself in a mockery of his deep voice “Yeah, right, how bout I shove somethin’ a little more sensible up your ass. Oh, what’s that? There’s no room up there with the massive stick you’re already carryin-”
“A local man warned me bout ya, on my way back down. Said there was some no-good girl casting out bad juju.” You freeze, foot stopped in mid-air. Shifting your gaze up ahead, you find Joel there, skipping a step every so often as he grows closer and closer. At his side, dangling from two fingers, sits a plastic bag. “Told him it ain’t no juju or curses you’re casting, just throwin’ a little tantrum.”
Like a fish out of water, all you can do is stare at him, wide eyes and mouth agape.
Joel pays your silence no mind, almost delighting in it. With a pop and a crack from his knees, he crouches down before you, holding out the palm of his hand.
“C’mon,” he mutters, pointing towards your injured foot. “Lemme see.”
You’re hesitant, at first, but ultimately lift it and let him curl his grip around it, holding you in place as the shoe slips off you. A tut meets your ears as his eyes meet the bloodied mess, and you watch how he contemplates, for a moment or two, before wetting his thumb with his tongue and swiping it over your broken skin.
It stings, like salt in a wound or a bee’s stinger through skin, and you try to flinch back, retract yourself from his hold. But Joel’s strong, resilient, nails biting at the flesh of your ankle to keep you in place. His free hand digs into the plastic bag he’d discarded at his side and pulls out a white box. Fiddling with it for a short period, he manages to open it at last and slips out a bandaid. He rips that open a lot quicker, using his teeth, and slips it over your open wound perfectly, thumb and pointer finger smoothing it around the curve of your heel.
“D’ya see now why I told you to not wear those things?” You feel like a child at his words, reprimanded like you once were for touching your mother’s curling iron. “And why I said we should take the cable car?”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you refuse to meet his eyes. But he just won’t let you be, craning his own neck to infiltrate the space you stare off into. There’s a pleased look on his face, smugness pulling at the right corner of his mouth. Alarmingly, you think of how it’s the closest you’ve gotten to seeing him smile.
You continue your pursuit of silence, repeating a mantra of how you don’t care that he’d tried to look out for your comfort, or how he’d then tried to save you the effort of an uphill battle, or how his hand, big and warm and rough at the fingertips, is still holding your foot in place, absentmindedly rubbing your ankle in a circular motion.
“Look at ya, gone all quiet on me,” that corner of his lip curls higher. You register the rustling of the bag, his hand digging back inside it. “Ain’t one for bein’ put in your place, are you?”
Out comes his hand once more, though this time it’s not a box of bandaids. Now, resting firm in his grasp, sits a mixture of navy blue dyed cotton, stitched atop a flat, thick layer of a straw-like material. A slip-on canvas shoe. Joel doesn’t await permission, nor does he even ask for it. He simply takes charge, slipping it onto your foot, mindful as he straightens out the back to lay against your heel.
“Other foot, up.”
Switching feet, you stumble as your weight completely shifts onto your injured side. Your hands, reaching out to stabilise your swaying body, are quickly directed by his own to rest atop his head, curls of brown threading between your fingers. You contemplate asking what products he uses to achieve locks so smooth and shiny, then rethink it as soon as you imagine his reply of a disinterested grunt and a snarky ain’t use anythin’ but dirt water and a splash o’ whiskey.
“How’s it feel?”
Soft, you almost reply, then realise he’s asking about the shoe.
With a wiggle of your toes, you tell him it’s fine, and leave it at that. He doesn’t need to know they’re surprisingly comfortable.
Joel rises with a bit of a struggle, yet refuses the help you offer. Rough hands scoop up your discarded heels, tossing them into the bag, and then he straightens his back, lets out a noise of discomfort, before nodding up ahead.
“C’mon, only got a hundred or so to go. We’ll be up in no time.”
The sun sits high in the sky when you reach the city of Fira.
Crossing over that last step, 588 painted in white across it, you huff out a sigh, exhaustion aching you out of any enjoyment of your victory over the stairway from hell. Before you can even utter a word of your thirst, Joel is already reaching into his bag of wonders, unscrewing the lid off a bottle of water and passing it to you. Grateful, you take a sip, and lament the few drops that spill down your chin.
At least they don’t go to complete waste, cooling your skin ever so slightly.
It’s a shame to see Joel start moving again, moments before you’re even ready to gain back your breath, but you follow after him, nonetheless, mindful to not press your foot too hard down. Through streets he winds, past shopkeepers he walks. Eventually, after a few minutes, you ask him where you’re both heading.
“To catch a coach,” his hand moves quickly, tugging you closer as a bicycle shoots past behind you. Your own find themselves against his chest, and realise it is nothing like his hair. Solid, warm, wide. It’s almost a shame to lower them back down to your side. “Less you think you can walk from here to Oia, too.”
Truth be told, you don’t know where Oia is.
But you do know your walking for the day is over, happy to follow Joel onto the coach. You take the aisle seat, he’s by the window. Across from you both sits a couple, young and giggling into one another’s ears, as though the sounds of their joy is sacred to none but them. A pang of envy thumps your soul, and you quickly turn your face.
Only to find that Joel’s is grey.
Not the hair that lines it but, rather, his whole face, paled and blood-drained. It’s a sickly image, and one that���s quick to get your heart racing.
“Are you okay?” Any thought of keeping your composure becomes mute as you hear your own voice, a treacherous shake to it that gives your panic away. “You look…” There is no word kind enough for you to use to relay the image of him, so you lock your lips.
It takes a few seconds for you to get a reply, as your hand moves up to feel his forehead. It’s sweaty, warm, and you move to pull your hand back when he’s holding it firm in place, eyes slipping shut. “‘S cold. You’re cold,” seems to be his explanation. “I’m fine, it’s just- Carsick.”
“You get carsick, yet you work on a cruise.”
“Not the same. Ship’s big, somethin’ bout the size and my own visibility, ‘s what stops me getting seasick.”
You sit like that the rest of the coach, your hand pressed to his forehead, his eyes slipped shut.
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“What’s your favourite stop on the cruise?”
As it turns out, Oia is exactly what you’d pictured Santorini to be.
White washed houses, deep blue domes for rooftops, turquoise waters, all for as far as the eye can see. Joel complains, more than tells you, of the rise in tourism over the years, of how it’s turned the beautiful village into a party-town for idiots abroad, disregarding the clean environment, shamelessly blocking paths to snap a frame-worthy shot, raising prices to the ceiling. When you ask him if he thinks he’s in part to blame, if people like him are to blame- running tours, bringing guests onto the island, earning a wage off the visiting of such a place- he grumbles out something about missing breakfast, needing lunch.
So you find a cafe. Or, more, Joel leads you to one. He greets the doorman, with a wave and a pat on the back, before sauntering his way through to a back terrace, overlooking the whole village, the water perfectly framing it. Stepping out and sitting down, the view robs the very breath out of your lungs.
It’s like sitting inside a postcard.
Joel asks if you like Greek food.
You tell him you’ve never had it.
He orders for you both, a mixture of different plates, and swears he’ll find something you’ll like.
It turns out you’re rather fond of baklava.
“Florence.” Joel’s taken his time to answer, staring at you like a deer caught in headlights. Disbelief more than fear in his eyes, you have to wonder if it’s the first time someone’s thought to ask him, in all his years as a guide. Naturally, this leads you to wondering how many years that is. “It’s a real site. Full of history, a real story to be told.” He tilts a ceramic dish your way, eyes glancing down in an offering. You follow them, and spot olives. Shake your head, no, then smile, thanks. He shrugs, more for me, and pops two into his mouth. “There’s this…” he pauses to chew. “This library.”
“A library?”
“‘S not just a library.” He slips out the olive’s pip and raises another into his mouth. You try not to think about how thick his fingers look, rolling the remaining briny green pebbles around in the pot. “There’s a cinema built inside it. Plays some classic films. I always- or, I try to go whenever we dock.”
It’s hard to picture Joel inside a cinema, something about the setting too busy, too loud to place his scowling face in. Would he be the kind to have a favourite seat, perfectly picked to optimise the sound quality? Does he speak animatedly, excited any time he recognises an actor? Or is he a shusher, the kind to roll his eyes when someone dares to even clear their throat?
A part of you wants to ask him if your tour involves a trip to this library.
Something tells you it’s not a place he likes to share, though. It’s his own little corner, safe to sneak a moment of selfish indulgence amidst a week of catering to another’s needs.
“A cinema inside a library?” A waiter interrupts you, asks if everything’s alright. Joel orders another serving of baklava. “Isn’t that a bit of an oxymoron?”
“Yeah.” For a moment, you think you see a smile creep across his lips. “Suppose it is.”
Another interruption comes in the form of your ringtone, rippling the water in your glass as your phone vibrates upon the table. You’re well aware of how Joel spots the word Mum displayed across your screen. Just like you’re aware he sees how you swipe down on your screen and switch on aeroplane mode.
Before he can ask any questions, or the sudden silence can become too deafening, you throw out another question. “And your least favourite?”
“Least favourite stop?” You nod, affirmative, and he needs no time to reply. “Here.”
“Here?! How come?”
The baklava arrives, as if on cue, and you point down at it, as though it is reason enough to be enamoured with the island. It seems to do little to convince him, his hand reaching out to push the plate closer to you, inviting you to indulge yourself.
“Compared to the other stops, Santorini’s bland.” He says it when your mouth is too occupied to protest, stuffed full with layer after layer of pastry. “Kind of like a diamond, y’know? Real pretty to look at, empties your wallet, and, at the end of the day, ain’t much you can do with it.”
“People propose with diamonds.” You point out, and cough as a flake of pastry hits the back of your throat.
Joel’s already passing you your glass of water before you even think to reach for it.
“People propose with rings. Diamonds are just custom, not a guarantee.”
Sunset arrives with no warning, a hue of fiery orange melting down into the calm waters on the horizon. It’s Joel who makes the call to head back, one glance at his watch enough to tell you the last chance to catch a coach is nigh. It’s only as you go to call for the bill that he tells you it’s covered and you realise his earlier trip to the bathroom had been a ruse to go pay.
The trip back is calmer, quieter, with the coach full of sunkissed and heat exhausted tourists.
Again, you take the aisle seat, and Joel, the window.
Keeping an eye on him is easy, switching your gaze towards the approaching darkness of the night sky calling upon the street lights anytime he meets your eyes. When you notice the increase in breaths and the paling of his skin, you wordlessly unscrew the cap off a bottle and slot it into his hand, inviting him to finish off the last sips of your water.
Skipping out on a trip down memory stairway, you quietly follow him into the cable car and, when you reach the Old Port, you try your best to block out his smug remark of how easy and fast the ride was. A feat which becomes easier as you stumble halfway up the dock and turn back.
Like hours before, as you first stepped off the tender, your mouth falls agape. Only, this time, wider. The view of the island lit up in all its glory is enough to leave you breathless, hands scrambling to fish out your phone, open the camera and-
“You gettin’ on or what?” Joel calls out from behind, and you find him waiting on board one of the tenders, hand held out towards you.
It’s a demand, more than it is an offer, to hurry up. The collective of other passengers are watching the interaction, and a feeling you’ve come to know all too well crawls its way into your veins.
A burden, holding them all up, that’s what you are.
The feeling follows you back, as you slip into a damp seat and watch as the boat carries you further and further from the island, it’s lights twinkling in a way that chokes you up, drains you out, eyes stinging from more than just the salty air. You’ll love it, I swear! The memory plays out in your head, those words gushed at you. Hands squeezing your cheeks, a smile blinding you under its brightness. Just wait till you see it at night, the lights shine over it like stars!
You blink.
A tear pools at the corner of your eye.
“Here, look,” something nudges you. It’s Joel, inching his phone into your view. Through blurred sight, you glance at it. And find yourself, centre frame, lit only by the moon. In the back lies the whole skyline of Santorini, lights reflecting down onto the waters below. “Best view you can get, the whole island in one shot.”
Afraid to hear your own voice, you smile.
He answers by pointing his phone back at you, snapping another photo.
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Back on the cruise, the two of you part ways, with Joel telling you to meet him in the same bar, same time as the night before.
Dinner had been part of your plans. With a glance over the listed restaurants on board, the ache in your tired bones asks you to stay in bed and make use of the room service. You listen, order something light, easy. It arrives in under 10 minutes and your hunger is satisfied sitting out on the balcony, watching the dark waves roll past.
Phoning your mother is the next port o'call.
Unlike with your food, that takes longer than 10 minutes. Much longer, and involves you countlessly reassuring her that yes, you’re okay, and no, you don’t need her to fly out and meet you in Naples.
“I’m a big girl,” you even throw in a laugh, hoping it’ll ease the worry lines you can picture splayed over your mother’s face. “I think I can climb up a mountain without my mum’s help.”
“Honey, you know that’s not what why I’m worri-”
“Did you know you can get carsick but, at the same time, not seasick?”
You hang up shortly after, with a promise to try your best to answer when she calls tomorrow, instead of hours later, when she should be fast asleep.
The time on your phone tells you there’s still forty minutes until you need to meet Joel. The image of that grandiose bathtub flashes before your eyes and, in record timing, you’re sinking into scalding waters, a complimentary bath bomb dumped in and granting you the childish gift of bubbles.
You try to relax, at first.
There’s no need to wet your hair, so you indulge yourself. Lay your head back, close your eyes. Feel your muscles loosen with the warmth, ignore the sting of soap in your blistering heel. Your hands struggle to find a resting place, until they meet your thighs. They sit still, for a moment or two, before one slips down, inching into the crease of where your legs meet.
Something stirs in your core, comes alive as you think of how long it’s been since you last felt someone. A few months, it has to be. A fellow graduate, if you remember correctly, that stupid robe still on his shoulders as he let his mouth come down on you.
Your hand is soon on your core, before you really notice, mind on a mission to recall the hazy encounter. When you think of his tongue, messy yet eager, your finger’s already on your clit, pressing against it with a tease of pleasure. When you think of his cock, uncut and thicker than your ex, splitting you open on his bedroom floor, your hips cant up against yourself, chasing friction. When you rewind how soft Joel’s hair had been between your fingers, your free hand grips one of your breasts, fingers pinching at your nipple.
Your eyes snap open.
Joel’s hair.
Something you should not be thinking of right now, hand buried between your thighs.
You wait a few seconds, remind yourself of the graduate’s face.
His blue eyes, your fingers roll over your nipple.
His blonde hair, your legs spread wider.
Joel’s solid chest, your fingers dip inside your cunt.
Your breath is shaky, Joel’s annoyed groan echoes.
The shame of it, of thinking of him, is almost as tantalising as touching yourself, fucking your own hole full with as much of your fingers the angle will allow. It’s a one time thing, you justify. You just need to get it out your system. One and done, cum and done. No more of Joel Miller between your thighs, this is the closest he’ll get.
Someone knocks at your door.
You nearly miss it over the sound of your breathing, the pounding of your heart.
“Who is it?” You don’t like how weak you sound, but it’s too late to take it back now.
Another knock.
“Can I come in?”
A hand still between your thighs, orgasm titering on the edge, body fully submerged in lukewarm water. “No!”
“Ain’t safe to leave your door unlocked. Anybody could walk in- Jesus!”
You’ve never screamed louder.
Joel takes up most of the bathroom doorway, same clothes save for the shirt that’s got two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled halfway up his arms. You’re pressed right back into the bathtub, as physically far from him as you can get, knees pressed up to your chest, ankles crossed over.
In Joel’s defence, he’s quick to turn away, presenting you with a view of his back. A hand runs through his hair.
“Why are you in my room?!” You inch even further back, the water suddenly dropping several degrees.
“I asked to come in!”
“And I told you not to!”
“Well obviously I didn’t hear that!”
“Why are you in my room?” You’re back to your first question, eyeing up your towel.
It’s across the room, on the bathroom sink. No way for you to reach it without the risk of him seeing you reflected on something.
“You were late. Came to check if ya tripped on them heels and broke your neck.”
“I,” you’re not sure what time it is with your phone sitting by the bed, charging. That's now five times you've been late in adulthood. “Didn’t realise the time. I can meet you at the bar in ten minutes.”
He nods, and you watch him take a step, then immediately pause. “You know, I’ve heard a few things from passengers…” You may not see his face, but you swear there’s that half-smirk, smug look upon it. It’s practically dripping off his words. “The shower head, fourth setting. Seems to get the job done for most ladies on board.”
Grabbing the closest thing in reach- a bar of soap- you launch it and watch it bounce off his irritatingly wide shoulders. “Get OUT!”
You make it to the Tipsy Byson in 15 minutes.
Dressed more appropriately than the night before, your flared jeans and crop top garner less stares. It’s just as busy, if not busier, yet it’s not hard to spot Joel on a barstool, nursing a glass of something syrupy looking. Behind the bar is Luke, head thrown back at something Joel says.
They’re an interesting pair to observe, you realise as you make your way over. With Luke, so tall, so lanky, so bright-face, his energy warm and inviting, and Joel so- well, Joel.
“There she is,” Luke cheers, a little too loudly, calling attention to you as you slip into the stool next to Joel. “My new favourite customer.”
“Thought I was your favourite,” Joel’s yet to look at you, and it’s a relief. He’s looked at you enough for one day, one week, one lifetime.
“Sorry but she smells better than you, Joel,” the barman winks at you, a cheeky grin on his face. “ Plus, she’s a hell of a lot nicer to look at.”
Joel scoffs, you giggle.
“Not sure about the whole smelling better thing,” your response comes minutes later, after Luke’s already served you a glass of wine and turned away your cash, telling you he’ll put it on Joel’s tab. “But thanks!”
Unprompted and uninvited, Luke bends over the bar and takes an exaggerated sniff. “I don’t know, smell alright to me.”
“Really? I’m not even wearing perfume, I forgot to pack any-.”
“Yeah! Go on Joel, give her a whiff, tell her she smells fine!” There’s resistance on his end, but Luke’s adamant, hand clamped on the back of Joel’s head, shoving him face first into your neck. Joel’s nose brushes against you. You hear him inhale. Exhale. Inhale again, then the urge to cross your thighs begins to nag at you. “Well?”
“Yeah, smells nice- Fine. Ya smell fine.”
“Be still my beating heart! Someone alert the press that Texas said something other than-”
Joel interrupts Luke’s dramatics, scowl on his face. “Don’t you have a job to be doin’?”
Only once the bartender is down the other end of the bar, engrossed in a heated discussion over what beer pulls a better head, does Joel speak again, sipping on his drink. Whiskey.
“So I noticed somethin’, when I was checking your bookin’ info.” You nod, urge him to continue, and take a sip of your own drink. Some country song plays over the speakers and you notice a sudden shake in Joel’s knee, his foot tapping to the beat. “Says there should be two of you in my guide team.”
“Oh,” the lump forming in your throat falls safely back into the pit of your stomach as you take another drink of wine. “Must be a printing error. You know how technology can be, always complicating things.”
“Hmm,” it’s easy to write off the awkward energy between you with the excuse of earlier events, and it’s the first bright-side you find to him walking in on your intimate bath. “Well, you know the drill for tomorrow. 7 am on that deck or I’m-”
“Docking without me, I know.”
You finish your drink first. When Joel orders himself another glass, you smile politely and turn it down. Yawn, then tell him you best head to bed.
Before you can slip out the entry, someone calls your last name. Loud enough to turn more than just your own head.
It’s Joel, approaching you, effortlessly parting crowds through the lively bar as though he is knife and, the people, butter. The loud music seems to ring louder in your ear, impeding you from hearing the words that leave his moving lips.
“What?” You call out, hands clasped over your mouth in an attempt to amplify the volume of your voice.
His response is to step closer, hands holding you in place by the waist as he leans down. A hot breath on your neck, the smell of whiskey on his breath, the soft brush of lips against your ear.
“It’s your turn to bring the coffees.”
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series taglist. @auteurdelabre
210 notes · View notes
baileypie-writes · 9 months
hii so can you do a velvet x fem!reader where reader is #2 artist on the charts and velvet expects her to be super competitive but really, reader just admires and idolizes velvet and they get together over time. pretty please and thank you :) <3
A/N ~ Sure! Hope you enjoy!
~In Love with my Idol~
Velvet x Fem!Pop Star!Reader
Part 2 here!
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Friends to romantic
Synopsis: Velvet was expecting to meet her rival, but as it turns out, you idolize her.
Warnings: None!
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“So, I finally get to see you in person, huh? You look pretty much the same in your pictures.” Velvet thought as she spotted you from across the clothing store.
You were the second most popular pop star. Your songs were always right under her’s on the charts. Velvet thought you were a pretty good singer, but obviously not as good as herself. Who knew she would see you in such a random place?
“Shoot, she saw me. Is she gonna come over here? Oh god, she is.” Velvet silently panicked a bit. She prepared herself for a less-than-friendly conversation with you. After all, anyone would be rude talking to the person who always beats them.
“Oh my gosh, hey Velvet! It’s me, (name)! Wow, I can’t believe I get to finally meet you! And here, of all places.” You laughed. Velvet was thrown slightly aback by your enthusiastic greeting.
“Oh, uh, hi.” She greeted back, trying to seem cool. Your eyes sparkled in admiration.
“I um… I just wanted to say that you’re such a big inspiration to me!”
What? “A big inspiration”? Where was the passive aggressive comment?
“Oh, really?” Velvet’s ice cold exterior was slowly melting away at your warm aura.
“Yeah! You’re the main reason I got into making music in the first place.” Your face turned a bit red, and your expression became more shy. “Ok, this is kind of embarrassing to ask, but can I get your autograph?”
That was the last thing Velvet expected to come out of your mouth. But nonetheless, she happily obliged.
It’s been a few months since your meeting, and your relationship has only gone uphill. The two of you had become very close friends.
Velvet was still a bit shocked at your lack of competitiveness. Whenever her song was, once again, number one on the charts, you’d be the first to congratulate her. And there wasn’t a hint of bitterness. You even occasionally asked her for some advice, and Velvet loves being your mentor.
Velvet often found herself thinking about you at the most random times. And whenever you two locked eyes during concerts, whether it’s hers or yours, she found that she didn’t want to look away.
You two were hanging out in the lounge backstage, just about ten minutes before you had to go on. You were visibly nervous. Your hands were shaking as you tried to apply the last of your makeup.
Tired of watching you struggle, Velvet took the mascara from your hands, and applied it for you.
“I’m surprised you still get nervous before concerts.” She teased.
“Oh, it’s not the concert I’m nervous about.” You said.
Velvet raised an eyebrow, and put the mascara down on the vanity. “Then what is it?”
You prepared yourself, taking a deep breath. “Okay.” You whispered to yourself, before speaking directly to her. “Velvet, I think you’re awesome. You’ve been, like, my idol for a long time, and thanks to your advice and support, I believe I’ve truly improved. You mean a lot to me so…” You look another deep breath. “Do you wanna go out with me?”
You avoided eye contact with Velvet, preparing yourself for a possible rejection. But instead, you got a lighthearted chuckle.
“Looks like you finally beat me at something.”
Your heart rejoiced, beating twice as fast as before. You took a step closer to hug her, but your action was interrupted by the door opening.
It was your manager. “(name)! You’re on in two minutes!”
“Oh, ok.” You turned towards Velvet, giving an apologetic smile.
“It’s fine, we can talk later. Go on.” She lightly patted your shoulder.
You nodded, and waved goodbye before exiting the room.
You’d never thought you’d say this, but you couldn’t wait for your concert to be over!
174 notes · View notes
.......peter parker with a popular gf and he gets jealous becuzz she hangs out with the popular boys and basically reverse comfort <33
oh absolutely yes
peter parker x fem!reader
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warning: self-deprecating thoughts (peters sad asf)
wc: ±1260
a/n: none
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It's been bothering Peter for some time now, slowly eating at him until he had no choice but to do something about it. He'd be lying if he said the possibility that you'd much rather spend your time with other people than with him didn't irritate and sadden him.
He didn't want to seem like a jealous or overbearing boyfriend, but the truth was he missed you, missed spending time with you like you always did, but you were always busy. And if you weren't busy, you were with your other friends.
He's been wary of bringing up the topic, because he knew for a fact you'd never be unfaithful, but he couldn't help but wonder what made them so much better than him.
Was it because they were more popular than him? Funnier and more confident? Maybe they simply were more fun to be around then him. Cooler and more social, just like you.
These self-deprecating thoughts have been plaguing him for too long now, and today was the day he was finally going to talk to you about it. Of course he's terrified of the possibility that you might leave him once and for all, realize what a loser he is and finally call it quits. No, you wouldn't break up with him, just two days ago you had told him how much you loved him...just before you said goodbye to hang out with your teammates on the cheer team. And the football team.
It wasn't uncommon for the two groups to hang out together. Most football players had girlfriends who cheered, so they'd often celebrate and hang out together. Peter trusted you with his whole heart, he just didn't necessarily like you hanging out with those guys.
All these thoughts were swimming around in his mind as he made his way to your house. He was greeted at the door by your mother, who told him that you were upstairs in your room. He took the stairs quietly, knocking softly at your door when he reached your room.
Your eyes lit up when you saw your boyfriend and you swiftly pulled him into a crushing hug. After a few seconds you urged him inside your room, closing the door before you lifted your head to give him a kiss. He accepted it gladly, and nearly cried when you eventually had to pull away.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Mr Parker," you said, as you moved over to your vanity, sitting back down and finishing your hair. "I just wanted to come and visit my girlfriend, is that a crime?" he asked, not yet revealing the true intention of his visit. He'd ease into it.
"Of course not Peter, I love having you around," you said turning around in your chair and smiling at him. It made his heart clench. Ironic since we hardly spend time together anymore he wanted to say but he bit his tongue, returning the gesture and giving you a small smile in return.
"What are you getting all dolled up for?" he asked when he noticed you fixing up your make-up by the vanity. You hesitated a bit, dropping the mascara on the table and turning to him once again. "Y'know that game we won a few days ago?" you asked and he only nodded. He knew where this was going.
"Well, the girls asked me if I wanted to join them tonight to celebrate," you said. "Only the girls or..." he started. "No, the winning team obviously too," you said laughing, but you stiffled it when you saw the look on Peter's face. He looked so disappointed, so sad.
"You can always come along Peter, I'm sure no one would mind," you tried but he only shook his head. "Peter, are you alright?" you asked moving from the vanity to sit next to him on your bed. He only nodded, choosing to rather look out your bedroom's window than at you. You gently turned his head towards you, urging him to look at you, and the distraught look in his eyes made your heart clench painfully. "Peter?" you tried again, "please talk to me."
"Am I boring to you?" he asked quietly.
The question threw you way of guard, and you found yourself speechless for several seconds. "What?" you asked finally. "Am I boring? Is that why you'd rather hang out with other people?" he asked, still looking at you with a dreadful expression. "You're not boring Peter," you said softly, but he shook his head. "I don't believe you."
"Why not?" you asked. "Because you don't wanna be around me anymore!" he said, shooting up from the bed and pacing around your room. "I get it, alright? I'm not the most interesting guy, I mean I barely go out unless I have to, but I miss us. I miss spending time with you, and every time I want to do something with you you're hanging out with those losers," he said still pacing around your room. "If this is your way of saying you wanna break up then—"
"Woah, hey! What?" you asked, now also standing up to face him properly. You grabbed at his shoulders to stop his pacing. "Why on Earth would I wanna break up with you?" you asked, voice strained. "Because you don't wanna be with me anymore," he said quietly and your grip on his shoulders moved down to grasp both of his hands in yours.
"That's not true, Peter," you began, "you're not boring, at all. You're the coolest guy that I've ever met." When he scoffed at your words your brows furrowed. "I'm serious. You're so smart and thoughtful, and you always make me feel so special. I'm so sorry I haven't done the same for you, because you deserve that," you said squeezing his hands.
"I'm sorry for neglecting you Peter, and that for a bunch of losers," you said quoting him and you lit up when you caught the small smile on his face. "They're not even that cool, I only ever hang out with them because they're my friends' boyfriends. They're a bunch of airheads honestly," you said and Peter laughed softly. You couldn't help but smile at the heavenly sound.
"You're the only one for me, I promise. You don't ever have to question that," you said. "I'm sorry," Peter whispered. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he buried his head into your neck. "You have nothing to apologize for. I should be saying sorry," you said, running your fingers through his soft brown hair. "I'll start hanging out less with them, I promise."
Peter's head rose from your shoulder. "You don't have to do that," he said, and this time you shook your head. "Yes I do. I don't care either, I won't necessarily miss them. I was serious when I said you were the only one for me," you said giving him a small smile. He felt like his heart was going to give in on him. It felt so good to hear those words coming from you. He knew it, subconsciously, but hearing you said it made his heart soar.
"I love you," he caught himself saying, and the smile you gave him in return made his stomach do somersaults. "I love you too Peter, so much," you said before landing a kiss on his soft lips. You mentally scolded yourself for neglecting your perfect boyfriend the way you have. He gave you everything your heart desired, and it was only right you did the same for him.
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suckerforlovesblog · 1 year
Business pleasure
- Tommy Shelby
Summary: Attending one of the Shelby’s charity events the host sets his eyes on you and is determined to make you stay the night.
Warning: age gap, unprotected sex, piv, fingering, oral m receiving, rougher sex, choking, hair pulling
Word count: 1.9k
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In all honesty you weren’t that much of a fan of charity dinners and foundations but you went without complaining because you knew how dear your attendance was to your farther. The attendance of the only unmarried daughter of one of the finest men in Birmingham never went unnoticed.
You got ready for the Shelby foundations dinner today, brushing your Y/H/C short locks and afterwards styling them it was popular at the time. You also applied make up, some mascara and a thin eyeliner, as well as some rouge on your cheekbones and red lipstick, wearing some simple gold studs in your ears and a simple golden necklace around your neck. After looking in the mirror you decided it was the perfect look for being your father’s arm candy tonight. You then put on your long shimmery black dress, with the help of your maid. It hugged your curves just the right way, a little tighter on your hips and with a modest but lovely cut to reveal your cleavage. The top part of the dress was covered with black pearls. You then put on some shoes with a light heel and went downstairs to meet your farther at the bottom of the stairs in the entry way. He was wearing a black tux with a white dress shirt and polished shoes. He looked as elegant as always. Eyeing you when you made your way down the stair he simply nodded, let you put on your overcoat and off you wear. On the way to the gala your farther told you how important this evening was and that you should make the acquaintance of Mr Thomas Shelby because your farther wanted to do business with him.
After getting out of the car, you took your father’s arm again and put on a smile, hoping the business part to be done as soon as possible. Upon entering the hallway you were greeted with some classical music and the chattering of many people. You threw smiles to the left and the right of you, sometimes stopping to converse and after finally reaching the main room grabbing a glass of champagne as soon as possible.
“The lady is either thirsty or very eager to get drunk, eh. Anyways get her another glass!”, a man ordered the servant and then brought all his attention towards you. He had the most blue eyes you ever looked upon and a very handsome face as well. He then took your gloved right hand and brought it to his lips to kiss it, afterwards introducing himself: “I seem to be one of the unlucky men who wasn’t as fortune to already be acquainted with you. I am Thomas Shelby, welcome to my gala tonight Miss…?” He put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it with a match. He was older than you by at least 15 years but besides some fine lines next to his eyes he had now flaws whatsoever. His muscular body was hidden in a very well tailored black suit and his hair was cut in a kind of undercut. “Y/L/N”, you ended his question, “Very nice to meet you Mr. Shelby. You invited my farther tonight and he likes to bring me along hence I am his only child still remaining in Birmingham.” He nodded and blew the smoke out of his mouth before the coils say anything the waiter came back with your champagne and so you toasted with Thomas Shelby. Your farther then shortly appeared at your side and took over the conversation, even though you didn’t care too much about the business he conducted you often tried to listen and take part but today was different. You were still mesmerized by the beautiful man across you, you tried to not look at him too eagerly or too direct but yet he always seemed to notice and stare into your eyes with his piercing blue ones.
After a while you went on to converse with other people but always looking out for the blue eyes attached to the handsome man. Your farther left pretty early, leaving you at the gala with some guild friends since you were twenty two and old enough to stay.
The gala nearing its end Ada Shelby who you got along with really well tonight invited you to stay a little longer and have another drink with her and her family. You agreed and then sat down next to Mr. Thomas Shelby who gave you a small smile and looked deeply into your soul or so it seemed in just a couple of seconds. While conversing he brushed his hand slightly over your knee and upwards over your thighs, not looking away from the person he was talking to. You slightly shivered by his warm touch and inhaled sharply. He then put his hand on your thigh, maybe a little too high to be proper. You wanted his touch, you even craved it - you wanted him to touch you everywhere even though it’s rather improper. His hand crept up even higher , it was very hard for you to concentrate and he seemed to be enjoying it a little too much so you excused yourself and got up, leaving the room to get some air to breath. You were shortly followed by Mr. Thomas Shelby himself. He stood opposite of you, offering a cigarette. You denied the offer but and he took one for himself eyeing you up and down. His pupils were fuller and the deep blue a little darker now. He leaned forward, one hand on your hip, brushing his lips slightly over your neck up to you ear just to whisper how beautiful you were. You shivered again and your stomach got really weird. It wasn’t the first time you had been with a man but you were never this excited by him simply touching you. Since you couldn’t take it anymore you leaned forward to close the gap and press your lips to his. He smirked against the kiss but kissed you back and soon took control. One of your hands was know in his short hair, the other around his neck. His hand were on your hips, close to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. He broke the kiss to caress your neck and whispering inaudible things. You started moaning silently when he found your sweet spot at the crock of your neck and he got really passionate whilst you melted in his touch. “Maybe we should take this somewhere else, so no one sees us”, he whispered in your ear and you simply nodded. He took your hand, leading you upstairs into a bedroom it seemed.
Pushing you against the door, he began to kiss you once again. He kissed you with some much force your knees turned to pudding and you were willing to do everything for him in this instant. His hands crept under the hem of your dress and then upwards, caressing the inner side of your thigh and then brushing slightly over your covered heat. “Seems like your enjoying this as much as I am sweetheart”, he whispered against your lips. Know only noticing how wet and desperate you were for his touch. Your hands came to his vest, undoing the first button but he withdrew and looked you in the eyes: “I don’t like you taking control sweetheart. You’ll be a good girl and do as I say, eh?” You simply nodded and he mentioned for you to get on your knees, so you did. Your face now on the same level as the bulge in his jeans, you liked your lips whilst looking up at him and undoing his belt, then unbuttoning his dress pants until you were able to pull his pants and underpants down. His dick sprung free, standing up perfectly, hitting his belly. You swallowed and he let out a chuckle: “Think you can take it love?” Eager to proof him that you could, you took his erection in your hands, massaging it and then putting the tip in your mouth whilst keeping a close eye on Thomas Shelby to see his reaction. He put his hands on the back of your head and guided you, letting you take him one at a time, feeling praised by his moans and breathing. At one point you started picking up speed and then taking all of him in your mouth. He let out a hiss and when you drew your head back, he pushed you back down, very fast and all the way for a couple of times. You looked up to him through your eyelashes. His eyes were closed, he looked like he was in pure ecstasy - the sight of the beautiful man alone turned you on even more, you felt the wetness pool between your legs and your eagerness to please him.
Thomas let you keep going for a while and then withdrew, pulling you back up: “Now it’s your time to enjoy, eh?” His hands went under your dress once again, riding you of it very quickly, only leaving you in your underwear. He smiled and kissed your neck once again, whilst his hands roamed free over your body. He played with both your nipples and then pulling on your hair his hand went into your underwear, feeling the wetness between your fold. Thomas spread it around, playing with your little pearl and couldn’t keep from moaning. He then rid you of your underwear, his fingers at your entrance. Whilst entering you with one of his fingers, he mumbled into your ear: “So pretty and eager for my cock. You really are the gold child of the family.” He pumped his digit in and out, adding another soon and curling them inside you, he reached an unknown spot. You started moaning even more and he seemed to be very pleased, because he kept going, building your orgasm up nearly to the high point and then withdrew his fingers. You moaned at the loss of his fingers and Thomas only laughed, getting you into a position on all fours, butt up and then pressing his hard member to your entrance. His hands on your hips, he entered you with a forceful thrust, pushing your face into the pillows. You now looked back at him, a moaning mess under his touch while he took you like a whore. Thomas went hard and fast, ruining your any other man. One of his hands remained on your hip to steady him while he stilled fucked you ruthless, and his other hand came to your neck, putting some pressure on your delicate neck. The struggle for air and his pounding hitting the same spot his fingers did before you closed your eyes nearing your release. “Oh yes, cum for me sweetheart. Cum on my dick”, he whispered in your ear after having pulled you towards him still fucking you in a crazy pace. The sentence pushed you over the edge and you came undone on him, he helped your ride it out and soon afterwards you felt his thrust getting sloppy and he pulled out. He helped himself with a few pumps, moaning and then shoot his load all over your breasts and your stomach. Thomas looked down at the mess you were and smiled, his breathing getting more controlled by the second.
He soon went to get you a towel and you cleaned yourself with it, afterwards laying ins his arm. “It is a pleasure to do business with you Mr. Shelby”, you said, smiling. He chuckled and kissed you just to say: “Now you know where to find me Miss Y/N. I hope to see you soon”
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writers-potion · 6 months
hi!! im working on a story that takes place at a 2012 public high school - the issue with that is that i was not in high school in 2012 lmao. do you have any tips on how to keep it feeling realistic?
Well, neither was I!! But here are some tips:
Define Your General Setting
Sure, high school has a different feel compared to an average town/city setting. However, it is still a part of the bigger community, and will be impacted by external factors.
What part of the world are your writing about? What's the general economy like? What's the most common occupation of the kid's parents? What's the prevailing fashion/art/music style?
Your teens will be impacted by the popular culture and trends of the time, so start by outlining the general setting!
I think this is where schools have changed the most. There are going to be some overlaps between early 2010s and late 2000s, so if you think in the direction of Y2K fashion, it should fit.
On a general note, I think 2010s fashion was vibrant, with lots of colors and flashy items...
Side fringes and backcombed/straightened hair were still very popular
most girls had huge messy sock buns on top of their heads
boys had the Justin Bieber cut.
Jack Wills and Hollister were pretty popular, and a lot of girls had a Paul's Boutique jacket and a Jane Norman bag for their PE kit (or one of the Hollister bags with a topless guy on).
Converse were universally cool, and there were lots of imitation brands.
Open flannel shirt over a t-shirt was a pretty popular outfit.
Skinny jeans and band t-shirts
bright chunky rubber band bracelets.
Vans were cool among the alternative kids.
Getting different colours on your braces was cool.
Most of the boys had at least one of those t-shirts with the buttons and the mismatched cuffs.
School-uniform-wise, short ties with big fat knots were cool, and hard kids would pluck a stripe or two out of their tie.
Tucking in shirts was initially not cool, then it became cool to tuck at the front but not the back.
Lots of boys wore black trainers, and lots of girls wore those ballet pumps.
Girls doing their lips with their foundation, with a thick ring of black eyeliner and spidery clumpy mascara - and having a visible orange line where your foundation met your neck was common.
Multiple ear piercings were popular with the alternative crowd
Belly button piercings were big for girls
Just search up some pictures on Google, you should get plenty of "Early 2010s teen fashion starter pack"
Social Media
Smartphones were already popular, and with the introduction of Snapchat(2011) and Instagram(2010), the social media hype was just starting to boom
Facebook and Twitter were popular - basically everyone was on it
TikTok(2016) and Discord(2015) didn't exist yet
Phones were allowed in the classroom, but phones/laptops weren't an important part of school work like it is now.
Digital Devices
Phones-wise, most people had pretty basic dumbphones (although they were just called mobiles back then), and not everyone carried them all the time
Blackberry (BBM), Nokia, LG Cholate, iPhone if you're rich enough
Most kids were on PAYG phones, so you'd run out of credit sometimes (i.e. no more calls or texts) and have to go to a physical shop to top up. Nobody really had data, and there was always a moment of panic if you accidentally opened the web browser on your phone because it was so expensive. Wifi became a thing around 2012.
Nintendo DSes: Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs
iPods or another MP3 Player
Slang-wise, Urban Dictionary is a good resource.
Fleek, peng and YOLO were popular with some crowds. Leetspeak was a thing online, especially in nerdy communities. Emoji were starting to take off 
rawr" (or "rawr means I love you in dinosaur") and "xD" as a laughing face 
One Direction, Jedward, Katy Perry, Carly Rae Jepson, Justin Bieber, JLS, Little Mix, Beyonce, Paramour, My Chemical Romance, Bring Me The Horizon, Black Veil Brides, Ke$ha, Eminem, The Killers, OMI, Gotye, Bruno Mars, Macklemore, Skrillex, deadmau5, blink-182, Green Day, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Lana Del Rey.
Fandom Stuff
Twilight was huge, then Hunger Games.
Harry Potter was everywhere all the time, people would go to midnight releases for the books and movies.
High School Musical was popular, then that crowd migrated to Glee and Mean Girls.
The Olympics were in London in 2012
Other Stuff
Reese's peanut butter cups, Marshmallow Fluff, Nerds, etc. 
Veganism wasn't well-known, but still there were a few
Lots of casual homophbia, kids jsut genuinely not knowing rather than truly hateful towards it
Here are some movie suggestions, that shows school like in early-mid 2010s quite well:
Easy A
The Duff
For YA Novels - Be Timeless
Before you start doing any of the things above, remember this if you're writing a YA novel: The key of this genre is to feel somewhat timless, taking readers back to their high school years no matter when and where they've gone through it.
High school is the phase where many people feel awkward, unsure of themselves, feeling special in their own head but knowing that they're not really.
And it's not like the problems just disappear when we hit adult life. A major reason why YA novels are so popular is that they address themes that are repeatedly felt by the general human being, often in a such a direct, straightforward way that provides vicarious satisfaction.
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