#most streaming shows and some network shows do this and i don't really get it
literaryspinster · 7 months
Pet peeve of mine...
when a show establishes an incredible dynamic between two or more characters, then proceeds to give them no screentime together for multiple seasons. It really grinds my gears.
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Hi queer fans of queer stuff! How are we feeling with today's TV industry? How about really bloody angry?
Look, the recent cancelation of Dead Boy Detectives is obviously personal for its fandom, but it's also one more nail in the coffin and I think we have to start doing something about it together.
I went through this with Sense8. With Our Flag Means Death. With smaller but also amazing shows like The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself. Not to mention when it's not cancelled yet but it's boycotted with seasons cut in half or zero marketing. *I am tired*.
If you are too, I ask you to join the campaign. This is specifically about increasing views and attention, not because Netflix is necessarily going to change their minds (we know that's unlikely), but because we want to prove that we exist as a group.
So even if you don't feel like actually watching right now, we ask you to give it a stream if you have a Netflix account, with headphones connected or low volume. If you don't have a Netflix account, and honestly good for you, you can help by boosting us in social media.
I do recommend Dead Boy Detectives for real, it's REALLY good, but this is more about joining forces. They want numbers, so we give them numbers in the most petty way: after they cancelled so that other networks will get interested. At the very least, the crew and creators might get some royalties and they deserve it after busting their asses for years to give us this season.
TL;DR: stream dead boy detectives as a community to shove it in their faces
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3liza · 2 years
tumblr live should not be this mysterious
the plug-n-play streaming package that Tumblr installed as "Tumblr Live" is a white label product from a company called Livebox (developed by the Meet Group, subsidary of Parshipmeet), who have a homepage riddled with spelling errors and purport to operate the dating apps Meet Me (formerly My Yearbook), Skout, Tagged, and Growlr, all of which appear to be identical except for Growlr, which is specifically for gay men. all of them are just dating apps with a livestreaming feature. i would venture a guess based on the architecture that Livebox is also powering Superlive, which is the only one of these I have any experience with. it's popular with camgirls outside of the USA, especially in countries where full nude camming is illegal.
i don't really understand what livestreaming has to do with dating apps and don't know anyone who uses these platforms for anything. i assume some of it is just sex work, some of it is just ad space, lots of data brokering, and judging by the performance issues the users complain about, possibly crypto mining(???).
looking through the app pages on the Play store shows the same reviews for every single one of them: app crashes constantly, bans are arbitrary, support is no help, the apps drain your phone battery suspiciously quickly, and there are about 20 bots for every real person profile. i dont know what the exact dates are because i cant see site analytics and dont know what the Live development schedule was, but it's interesting that the sudden increase in porn bot activity on tumblr seems to roughly overlap with the Tumblr Live development and implementation, at least from a tumblr user perspective.
i dont know where the strangers in the Tumblr Live bar are streaming from, in terms of what you would consider their "home network". im guessing, but it really looks to me like they are streaming on whatever familiar platform they've got an audience on, and then being split-streamed to Tumblr. i've been meaning to sit in one of the popular streams and check usernames of audiencemembers, because my guess is that most of the audience are not going to have accounts here either. many of the streamers ive checked do not have tumblr accounts. some of them have tumblr accounts, but most of those accounts appear perfunctory: only a few months old, completely impersonal reblogs from the trending tab (you know the type), instagram-type language and general aspirational influencer stuff, which absolutely does not exist on tumblr organically because this site does not have market share for sponsored products OR a userbase with disposable income, it's a waste of time for an instagram model type to post here.
i've tried to talk to these streamers once or twice about this stuff but didn't get anywhere, and it would be rude to press the issue. but that is probably the next step.
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lantern-hill · 5 months
It really is baffling that the watcher crew don't seem to realize the answer to their legitimate financial woes has GOT to be downsizing. Like there's a reason they succeeded in leaving a network, there's a reason people followed them to watcher from BuzzFeed, and it's because the core element is just those specific two guys hanging out. Everything else is just set dressing. There's a reason too many spirits is one of their best shows and it only requires lawn chairs and some liquor basically. I respect the attempt to become a legitimate network and if that's their creative dream that's their prerogative, but asking the fans to finance that is just not going to work because it's just not what most people actually want. And obviously they're not obligated to tailor their dreams to what fans want, but fans are also not going to open their wallets to pay for things they don't care about.
realistically 6 dollars is really not that much; though for a ton of people it's not going to be in the budget that's more a general cost of living thing than the watcher's fault imo. But a) the framing of asking people to pay for a streaming service I think has reflexively caused backlash by people who are angry at the other big corps splitting everything onto their services, who they're powerless to yell at whereas they can yell very effectively at the watcher gang, and b) people are used by now to content just as high quality as the watchers for free, so they will not want to pay for it, and c) there is an extremely tiny faction of any group of fans that is willing to actually pay for the content they like. Like a LOT of the views any given creator gets is people just passing the time or really casual fans, especially on YouTube where people open up the site to "watch YouTube" not to "watch ghost files." People who are just there to see "a YouTube video" are going to go and watch a different YouTube video and that's a lot of people.
But honestly I think a) is really more of a driving force here. People are tired of being up charged for free services on every single front and they're usually so helpless in the face of the corpos who are the usual culprits that it makes them feel betrayed that people they connect with are doing the same and it feels good to lash out at someone they know is likely to hear
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solarwynd · 3 months
There is no denying members like each other and are close to each other... But there are still these things they do that come off as rude there's no other way to see it. I already had a bitter feeling with "I did some lyrics" And "everyone is winning" comment right when jimin won something. But this time it's like there is no hiding for these ppl. I am side eyeing jin too at this moment. What's even more insane is that if rm really wanted to show how disappointed he is with the fandom that he didn't get billboard entry, he should have posted this when JK's never let go , a fan song debuted in hot 100 and not well promoted rm songs, but he decided to do it when jimin started breaking records. It's the same for seven release too, he had all good things to say about 7 when it was breaking records but "everyone is winning these days" when jimin won a music show. It's like when JK achieves something, it's inevitable and that's bound to happen, no questioning, but when it's jimin, starts guilt tripping the fandom lol. The translation tweets quotes are full of pity party as if armys don't usually do it whenever jimin songs do good, now members started adding fire to it.
“He did it on purpose, that man is active on every social network, he practically watches over them, it's obvious he knows what he can cause with his words, now I see how many are streaming out of pity, this harms him more than Jimin in my opinion. I don't think RM is bad, but he does feel envious of Jimin's achievements, I saw some asking why he doesn't do it when JK uploads something, but come on, what JK does is dirty unlike Jimin and that surely bothers him. I thought he was smarter, after all that Jimin did for him, he listens to him with the purest intentions and he pays him like this.” - #2 anon
I distinctinly remember him doing a live last year saying that he thought what JK was doing with his career was great (and this was after 7 dropped) Then again I don’t expect him to go on a rant condemning JK about the fraudulent activities surrounding his charting out loud so 🤷🏾‍♀️
But it is interesting how some of the members, armys and BH all have the same “chosen” view towards JK.
With him obviously going to Bang and demanding better promo and radio for RPWP, I’d say he just wants a chance at substantial commercial success and has blinders on for it. So Bang and Scooter gave him crumbs and he took it. And that’s why I don’t really think he cares about what’s “dirty” from what’s not or that he prizes Jimin’s means of success over JK’s. (Not that simple radio is in anyway dirty.) Now knowing that the image itself is from last year but he chose to post it now has me looking at him even more sideways though. Because he has consistently been online and the one time he posts during Jimin’s release is to moan about charting again. I don’t like that. And I’ve always said he’s justified in wanting his work to do well just like any other artist would, but again the timing was shitty. Cause armys are just using this to further their “Jimin is privileged” belief and to divert attention from his comeback to other members out of guilt and pity.
And the timing still would’ve been in bad taste had he done this post when NLG debuted on hot 100 though. Openly showing bitterness towards your team mates success like that especially when you’re the leader of the group would not be a good look at all.
Like OG anon there is love there and history, but with BTS there is such a frustrating lack of support and tact when it comes to certain things especially towards Jimin. It would take absolutely nothing out of any of them to write a simple “all the best” or w/e on weverse or a hype post on insta, but nothing. Even Jin gave the most indirect acknowledgment of MUSE with nothing else to follow. The only one who had any real type of well wishes was Hobi. And no one can tell me that Jimin asked them not to make a fuss cause he’s the type of person who loves praise and thoughtfulness from other people. It’s not about getting the validation either, like at bare minimum y’all are teammates. So the way the bulk of them act towards him just irks me.
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
I feel like people on the outside of this business don't realize that being main cast on a long-running major network show gives someone the kind of job stability that barely exists in the industry these days. It's like winning the lottery. I love Ryan but his chances of becoming a Big Movie Star are slim (as they are for everyone, it's just dumb luck) and your other main option these days is to hope for the best with a volatile streaming show, which is likely to get canceled within a season or two. Those shows also have notoriously bad contracts with basically non-existent residuals (which is how most people make the money they live off of).
If he was really miserable on 911 or as Eddie, maybe, but that really doesn't seem to be the case. Giving up a gig like 911 is the industry equivalent to quitting your well-paying stable desk job of 10 years with a prestigious company that's actively making moves to give you a raise or promotion. It's just not really a thing people do unless a HUGE opportunity comes along or they have some kind of life circumstance change.
Honestly, 911 is one of the most popular procedurals currently airing and to have a lead role in a network show is as close to stable an actor who's not an A lister can get. And it's not like Ryan looks miserable while playing Eddie, he gets along with the cast, the crew seems to love him, he's still working on side projects. Just leaving would be so weird? Especially with the focus on him we've seen lately. It's not happening.
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therubyreader · 1 year
The Fight for Lockwood and Co. Season 2
Ok, so, I was wrong, Netflix was stupid enough to cancel Lockwood and Co. after one season despite how good of a show it was and how literally all of the ratings were in its favor. But! there is some light at the end of the tunnel and I am back to spread more (hopefully not false) hope to the masses aka Lock Nation (I think that's our government name).
For starters, and I mean this in the best way possible, this fandom is probably the most aggressive one I've seen when it comes to trying to save the show. Now, I'm usually not the biggest fan of tv shows so I usually sit on the fringes of the fandoms, watching, so this is my first time really being in the thick of things and I don't know if it's due to my inexperience in tv show fandoms but this is genuinely the most dedicated fandom I've ever seen. The lengths that we as a collective are willing to go to in order to save the show is extremely admirable and honestly gives me hope for a second season. There's hashtags trending on multiple platforms, a watch party being planned, and a petition was created. If you're out of the loop on that and want to participate, @thisgameissonintendo made this wonderful masterpost pretty much explaining everything going on in the fandom in efforts to save the show.
While doing some research for this post (yes, I do research, I've been out of college for nearly two years but I still can't shake the habit) I was looking to see how many times Netflix has reversed a renewal decision, I couldn't find any examples of Netflix un-canceling a show, it's always been them deciding to cancel a show that's recently be renewed. But, there have been plenty of shows that have managed to have a second life outside of Netflix which is good news for us, especially since Netflix doesn't own the production rights, Complete Fiction, a company founded by the show's director and producers, does, which means they could, in theory, pitch the show to another network/streaming service. And, coupled with fan efforts, there is a pretty decent chance another network will swoop in to save the show since they know it will bring them money and viewers especially if they're seen as the heroes by the fanbase.
The point of all of this is to say that despite the cancelation this is fight worth fighting and we have a good chance of winning. So, keep trending hashtags, join the streaming party, sign petitions, get the word out, this isn't over yet and I'll be damned if I go down without putting in my all.
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sevensoulmates · 7 months
what do you think these interviews confirm for buddie, does this confirm buddie is coming?
I'll say what I said earlier to some friends:
Right now is Schrodinger's Buddie.
Which in layman's terms means: Right now in the two days before the season airs, two truths exist at once. That being: canon buddie and non-canon buddie. And we won't know the real truth until the show airs.
So, anon, my opinion is that I want and hope this spells good things for future canon romantic buddie. I think all of this is a step in a positive direction. ((I never put too much stock in articles or press or what the actors say, but I digress)) This is the most hope about canon buddie I've had in a while. I think it appears as if ABC and Tim & Co are trying really hard to get and KEEP (being the key word here) a new audience. I know a lot of people like to say that we (fandom) aren't their core audience, that the general public is, but I've seen this argument time and time again in the BTS fandom that disproves this strategy. So I will say it now:
A dedicated, long-lasting, ride-or-die, loyal fandom will ALWAYS be more important than the approval of the general audience.
The general audience will watch the episode once, form their opinion on it, and then go watch something else regardless. They *might* rewatch a couple episodes when a new season airs. They are not the ones out here streaming each episode over and over meticulously during off seasons earning the show and the networks all their money when the show isn't actively airing. They're not the ones supporting every little side-launch, or keeping the name trending, or keeping conversation relevant, the ones willing to buy merch, the ones willing to spread the word, the ones actively converting other people into die-hard fans. The general audience will not be the people in 10, 20, 30 years rewatching all the episodes for the love it, or keeping a dedicated fanbase active and alive and creating works decades later. Fandoms do. And what does this fandom want?
Overwhelmingly, the fandom wants buddie. In my opinion, going through with romantic buddie is the best thing ABC could do to get and keep a brand new audience and secure the forever-loyalty of their returning audience.
The network wants a return on their investment, but the truth of it, is that they won't get that return on investment unless they actually prove to their audience that they're not just investing in giving the show cooler effects, or larger emergencies, or nicer sets, or more expensive production, or flashy advertisement. The real investment needs to be in the characters. In getting these characters where they need to go. The only way to satisfy your audience and to get them to keep coming back for more is to satisfy the character arcs they've set up over the last six years, and create new arcs that will keep audiences invested for years to come (like ABC so obviously wants).
I've also heard the argument that most people only come to the show for the flashy emergencies. And I get it, but at the same time, any show could create fun/crazy/bombastic emergencies. The thrill-seekers will always chase the craziness that can be replicated in any other random show and for them it's easy to drop 911 and move on if they want thrills.
What keeps people so heavily invested in this show, in 911 in particular, is the characters and their relationships with each other. Character will always ALWAYS be the most important thing to any piece of fictional media. Not the plot, not the emergencies, not the setting, not the effects, etc. Characters are how we as humans create connection. If they lose that connection, that will reflect in viewership, numbers, money, etc.
In my humble opinion, and the opinion of a lot of people who watch this show (even the silent general audience or people who don't ship buddie romantically, or the people who like buddie but think it will never happen so they just shit on it) the person who Eddie and Buck belong with (in whatever way you define it) is with each other.
This isn't something the fandom came up with, this isn't built on the back of fanon. All of this stems 100% from the show itself, so why wouldn't they want to execute to the fullest the story they've so clearly been telling the whole time?
This is just a long-winded way of saying, I, a humble tumblr user with zero connection to the show or its decision makers, don't know if this means buddie canon or not. But I will always remain hopeful until the show airs its last episode, because buddie makes sense on literally every level.
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forusomimiya · 1 year
Hi! Hello! Love your work btw, hope you doing well.
Just wanted to ask if you could do a digital artist!vtuber!reader x Timeskip!Suna? It's totally k if you don't want to. And the plot is that reader is doing a 'draw with me' stream and Suna comes in and the fans go crazy over it?
Please and thank you. Oh! And if possible can I be tagged?
No, being an artist does not imply having to sell your life to work. You didn't want a life like that, full of obligations, commitments or a life that depended only on your followers. You wanted a healthy, strong, familiar community, where you were at ease and where your work was positively valued by all those who followed you.
Your first job spread like wildfire on social networks, hence your number of followers went up weekly, including followed by artists you really admired, something that helped you design more often and inspire you better. Later and without much thought, you decided to open an account on a digital platform where your content could help you receive income. Income that would help you with your future studies and material improvement.
<<What if you do weekly streams?>>
<<What?>> his words surprised you.
<<Yes, this way you can be closer to your followers and you can draw with them or talk about whatever you want. Like a closer get-together>>
<<Hmm, I hadn't even thought about that….>>
<<Well>> Suna turned to you after putting his phone on the bedside table and looked at you. <<I'm sorry to tell you that even though I'm hooked to my cell phone like a complete idiot most of the day, I'm still thinking about you and how to make you happier>>
<<Aww that´s so sweet Rinnie!>>
<<Yeah yeah go to sleep>> your pouting earned you a kiss on the forehead, with happiness welling up in your chest. The next day, you were already proposing the idea on twitter, and three months later you were still there, another morning meeting with your followers.
"So…" you remained silent, concentrated, going over the silhouette with a thicker pencil, changing colors, textures, adding light to the design… "This would be more or less the result, although some things need to be polished. You like it?" you explained showing the tablet to the camera and stopping to read the chat. You couldn't help but smile as you read comments from people complimenting your design or thanking you for being able to share it with them. "I'm so glad" you danced in your chair and rolling up your arms again, you went back to the task.
A sound outside the room startled you. Thinking nothing of it, you went back to your work until you heard a second knock closer to the door.
"Sorry guys, maybe it's my cat having one of his schizophrenic attacks" self convinced you were distracted again until the creak of the door opening caught you again. That "cat" almost six feet tall, holding a cup of what appeared to be tea by the smell, with tousled locks sticking out of his head and hooded eyes from possible lack of sleep after the previous night's game, wearing greyish old sweatpants shorts, and no shirt (error), entered the room almost stumbling until he approached you and appeared in the camera.
You didn't have time to slow down what was going to happen next.
"morning everyone" you should to ask him to leave because you didn't want anyone to see him, but you were lost in how beautiful he was even just waking up, thus remembering how much you loved him and shrinking him into a little man you wanted to cradle and care for in your arms right then and there.
Stupefied not knowing what to do, he smiled at you half asleep offering you the cup of tea, followed by a kiss on the forehead and a "don't forget to eat something" before turning back to the camera. "Be nice with her" he pointed his finger at the screen and promptly disappeared.
The chat was completely on fire.
12:56 👑teird0ll: EHAT WAS THAT 😳😳
12:56 ⚜️alongthestar: EXCYSE ME!!??!
12:56 🔹👑yucutie_: nice cat
12:56 m!lktea: think I’m gonna die for a while 🫠
12:56 ⚜️🔹melozy: oh
12:56 ⚜️🔹melozy: my
12:56 ⚜️🔹melozy: godness
12:56 dark__sun: NO WSY GUYS 😱
12:56 bbyitsyurs: I KNEW IT
12:56 👑dab4deeim: you two are so cute IM GONNA CRY 😭💕
12:56 ⚜️🔹okaaayletsgo: I think you have something to tell us 🤨
12:56 🔹yodel-ay-hee-hoo: I screamed and my mother came running into my room 👍🏻
The situation was so uncontrollable, you could only allow yourself to laugh and watch your boyfriend vacate the room as he disappeared down the hallway in the distance leaving you there, dumbfounded and with hundreds of fans demanding explanations.
An exception was made that morning: putting aside the tablet to make way for the story of how you and Rintaro Suna met, by an absolute majority vote.
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Freaking out thinking of Suna standing there next to you, bare torso, slightly marked abs, (because he is thin and not a very muscular man), the long veins marked from his forearm to the back of his hands, disheveled hair, marks from the sheets on his back, just AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Thanks to @hannenomi for this idea, and I'm sorry it took me so long to write it. The best thing is that here it is!!! Hope you like it cutie 🥺🩵
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figmentof · 8 months
so i've been seeing a lot of people ask "what streaming service would want to pick up a show that only has one season left?" and i think that's a really valid question
now i'm not by any means a media analyst nor do i know the inner workings of the streaming industry but maybe my logic could help alleviate some of that anxiety
ofmd has a solid and very loyal viewer base. the ratings of both s1 and s2 have proven that, especially s2. s1 already outperformed in every way by running circles around MCU projects like Moon Knight and Loki, left both SW shows The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett in the dust, and did exceptionally well for a freshman series when going up against existing IPs. now we know that that alone was what got us s2 with max, but even then max/WBD went and slashed the budget by 40% 😬. BUT, even with this limitation and the pacing getting fucked up by rewrites/cut downs for the last three episodes, s2 still came through and delivered record breaking numbers, rave reviews across the board with major media outlets, and outdid their s1 performance that max officially listed ofmd as their max original flagship show. the unfortunate thing however is that none of this made a difference, we still got dropped last minute when the bts crew was already gearing up for pre-production
just because WBD/Zaslav doesn't respect or see the value of the show, doesn't mean other networks/streamers don't. a huge reason why i pushed for apple tv is bc they're a service that i've noticed cares about letting a show do their thing and not as much about viewership. apple tv did get a lot of attention and money from Ted Lasso though, and it was their flagship show for the three seasons it aired. i'm sure their 45 minute per episode season 3 was granted to them mainly because the show brought so much attention to their platform, so i think they'd absolutely do that for ofmd too what with it also being a feel good rom com with positive messages
ofmd also has a huge social media presence. the most recent and very successful example DJenks could use within his pitch is the astroglide incident. within an hour of astroglide tweeting about ofmd, fans are already photoshopping their product into screencaps, editing them into clips, and drawing fan art-- free advertisement delivered to them just because they gave us some attention. the fan tweets with astroglide reached thousands of eyes and astroglide was trending. any service that chooses to pick ofmd up isn't just getting a fanbase that would save them some budget in terms of marketing, but also help them market their lesser known shows too. and Casey Bloys said so himself, albeit very tone deaf and for all the wrong reasons, the twitter gays are the ones who have the power to bring attention to a show (queer word of mouth is no joke)
sometimes all a streaming service needs is a show to push people to subscribe, and i think a lot of these services have good shows but no one is looking for them. ofmd fans are pretty good at browsing through what a service has to offer but you need to give them an incentive, as would any business, that makes them want to spend money. i just think that picking ofmd up is only ever a win for a streamer and it would be stupid of them not to
of course, if you want actual insider knowledge with stats and more realistic talks of what might happen (cautiously optimistic!), you know to check out thecozypirate and meowzawowza_ on twt
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arkus-rhapsode · 23 days
Now I've been working on something involving Cartoon Network and its 30+ history and recently it really hit me just how much I had grown up with the channel, but also how much its still growing.
I had started watching in the early 2000s just before the CN City bumpers were a thing and would catch numerous reruns of shows from the 90s. In a lot of ways, Cartoon Network was my channel. Now I enjoyed Nickelodeon for stuff like Spongebob and Danny Phantom and Invader Zim and I just never had Disney Channel in our cable package so I missed out a lot of those shows. But CN... to say its got a special place in my mind palace is an understatement I remember the checkerboard and seeing Cartoon Network Studios at the end of an episode and their little animations. I was there when Miguzi was a thing as well as the alien invasion. I watched the Noods take over in real time and the transition from black and white to rainbow colors of Check it! for the network. I can even remember Johnny Bravo and Dexter's Lab showing up in the Hannah Barbera logo as I was barraged with these old times characters.
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I think one of the things so captivating about this was Cartoon Network's skill at making their programs feel like a family. Like not a shared universe like Marvel or Star Wars, but rather entertainment companies having this identity of their properties able to fit together whether through shared advertising, little crossovers, Easter eggs, etc. Who remembers the "Spot the Block" campaign? I was cringing even as a child to that song. This is something companies like Nintendo does a lot or even what Nicktoons used to do. It made it feel so much bigger than just a show, but it also felt intimate. Personal. That all these characters off in their own little world could find themselves sitting down for coffee or playing catch.
However, by 2015 I had basically stopped with the network. My family opted to get rid of cable and invest in early streaming for entertainment and to be honest, I kinda just knew my time may have been up. I was a teenager almost done with high school and this channel is still primarily aimed at kids, my generation was passing.
I would hear about things through the grapevine. Stuff like Steven Universe and Teen Titans Go were kinda impossible to avoid in 2016. But for the most part what the channel did was kinda under my radar. I was perfectly content to transition into my "Anime 4 Life" adulthood. Cut to the 2020s with HBO Max, and I had the chance to catch up on some TV shows and it was fun. Going back down that rabbit hole of nostalgia and I was fine stopping there. But then this year I started working on a project which required my looking back into every Cartoon Network original show ever.
So of course that meant I had to do research into basically a whole decade after I had stopped watching. So I did some watching-We Bare Bears, Long Live the Royals, Mighty Magiswords, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Villainous, Apple & Onion, Craig of the Creek, Summer Camp Island, Victor and Valentino, Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart, Infinity Train, etc. This is probably the part where you expect me to say something like "Everything was better in my day" or something. But like no. I was not... sad about what I was seeing but like I was really glad. There was apart of me being like I'm glad this exists. I'm glad that you can still see that Cartoon Network DNA. It's different than it was before, but like there was still that core of what made Cartoon Network so unique in children's programming. Hell I was a little jealous I couldn't view this through the eyes of a kid today and what it feels like for them.
But for what I am, a man in his mid 20s who still watches animated content, I could almost feel like there was still this link between generations in a way I don't think I've ever seen before. These two halves of a thirty year time frame able to reach out be able to still be Cartoon Cartoons.
Yes I know, people will bring up how there's "dark times" but there always has been. This network wasn't perfect. I know a lot of people like to say there was a downfall, but I gotta be honest, the network always had mixed and controversial bags. I remember people telling me Chowder and Flapjack were garbage that pandered to only loud and gross out humor fans. Yet now they're talked about as absurdist comedy classics. CN Real is considered the lowest point of the network that goes against the entire ethos of the network, but in 2010 you got the debuts of shows like Adventure Time, Generator Rex, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien, etc. The real downfall I see happening right now is in how Warner Bros Discovery the Business has treated animated projects and their horrible treatment of animators in the name of corporate greed.
But I just can't truly dismiss all the good that has come for the last decade. And Hey we're apparently getting a new Cartoon Network show next year, Iyanu: Child of Wonder, it looks good so far. It looks like something that CN City heads wouldn't mind walking around town with Grim and Samurai Jack. And the thing that got me was how I taught to myself "Im glad that if I had kids I know they're is something good for them watch and I could watch alongside them..."
I don't know the future of CN. I don't think anyone can say. But when I really think about kids dedicated networks with an emphasis on purely animation, but also creative visionary driven animated programming, I really thought about how its history is very short in the grand scheme of the world. And I was lucky to be born in the early years of it. I can't tell you, how much a smile the Crossover Nexus special made me smile. Not because it was pandering to my nostalgia of CN City, but like seeing all of these characters preserved in statues in this world, from big names like Ed Edd n Eddy and Courage to stuff that were so short lived like Sym-Bionic Titan or Megas XLR to shows people would scream to the heavens they thought were trash like Secret Mountain Fort Awesome or Problem Solverz to so projects that barely got off the ground like Firebreather. It felt like everything mattered. That this short history means something. Its worth remembering the new and the old and everything in-between.
Because it's not just memories that matter, but it's carrying on that creative spark. That vision for a Network about and for cartoons. Carrying it beyond my life time. Carrying it far into the future. I hope I'm not the only one who feels that.
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Welp, sorry for this ramble post to my usual followers. I was just taking a break from my usual discussion based content to work through some feelings I was having.
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bfpnola · 1 year
do you have any tips on managing adhd when you can't get professional help and meds? Especially when I have a ton of schoolwork like 3-4+ important things a day when I can only manage 1-1.5.
hey sweetheart! i'm not sure when you sent this in, so i apologize for just seeing this. i'll try to organize my thoughts into bullet points so it isn't a chunky paragraph:
community! having a support network, for better or for worse, really is everything. (for worse because not everyone may have one, but it can be easy to start building one online at least.) i say this because 1) delegation, 2) body doubling, and 3) of course, emotional support.
delegation, meaning giving out tasks to different folks, can be helpful because then you aren't the only person completing these tasks!
body doubling is something i do, without fail, literally everyday, meaning i do my work in the same space as someone else who is also working because it motivates me to do more! whenever i see my roommate cleaning or typing away, before i even make the conscious decision to do so, i do work too. i even get texts like the screenshot below (literally yesterday) because all of my friends are neurodivergent except maybe one. find a set of friends you can count on for body doubling! there's also in our Academic Resources a site called Study Stream that lets you sit on Zoom with a bunch of other random students but personally that makes me feel awkward lol
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[ID: Screenshot of text sent through iMessage, the "heart," "thumbs up," "thumbs down," laughing, "exclamation point," and "question mark" icons floating above. The text reads, "Hey, so I'm working on aleks and doing other tasks and I'd like to have a body double who'd be interested in kicking it afterwards. You interested?" For context, Aleks is a program used to complete math problems assigned by professors.]
and lastly, emotional support, the obvious one. when it feels like you have no one supporting you, excuse my language, but this shit gets hard. especially when you're low on spoons, if you know about spoon theory. you need that support!
i'd also say that prioritization is an important skill. sometimes, you really won't get everything done, and it is genuinely frustrating. i try to order my work by what's due soonest so i'm getting closer work out of the way. but you can also order them by hardest to easiest to do so you knock out the absolutely worst thing out of the way so if you do still have energy you just have little stuff left. OR you can do the opposite so you finish more tasks by completing a list of easy stuff. it's really about what makes most sense to you so i can't really make that decision for you.
reward systems tend to work really well, that or conditionals. what i mean by that is gamifying the process of completing tasks. my favorite example of this is actually a new trend on tiktok created by @/luxarnold and then further developed by @/this.isjules and @/fromwonder. if you don't have titkok, basically these folks have put ALL of their tasks in either some sort of arbitrary numerical order or ordered by the energy it would take to complete, and when they roll a dodecahedron (20-sided) die, it lands on one of the numbered tasks and that's what they complete. the more tasks they complete, the more health points they deplete off of this imaginary monster they've created. and at the end, just like a game, they win a prize for defeating the monster. some creators wrote extra hours to watch their favorite TV show, some wrote time for crafting, some wrote specific objects. video example below:
an example of a conditional to me is more like every time i check my phone, i force myself to at least take a tiny sip of water. and you could do the opposite. maybe every time you consume your favorite snack, you complete one assignment until it becomes like habit.
breaks! this girl once said that you should be taking breaks based not on how much you complete, but the energy you deplete. and i live by that now! it doesn't matter if you completed only 2 tasks. if you can afford to, i encourage you to just take the break if your body feels drained. pushing past that will not serve you in completing those other tasks to the best of your abilities. if you don't feel like you can hold yourself accountable this way, i would suggest maybe checking out Pomodoro timers.
bravery! at least in my case, i needed bravery to contact my professors and be vulnerable with them. not every teacher will be so kind, but if you feel comfortable, please reach out and explain that the workload does not work well for you. you'd be surprised by the number of folks who are willing to offer you accommodations. i will literally text my teachers at this point and say, "hey, i just had an anxiety attack and i know by now how long it takes me to regulate myself. i won't be able to attend XYZ/turn in XYZ, so can i instead attend/turn it in on [insert date]?" ask for that help, but also be clear that you do still want to show up and do your best, you just need support right now!
gentleness. i think this may be my last bullet point. like i said earlier, the reality is that you very well may not finish everything that you need to. this is a long-term piece of advice, but it's necessary to be gentle with yourself. cliche, i know, but it's true. i've been slowly unlearning these ideas of perfection and it's rough, friend. truly rough, because as i allow myself to make more mistakes, obviously things aren't in tip-top shape anymore. but to make mistakes, to be imperfect, to be vulnerable, especially in such trying times, is part of being human. right now, you're trying to conform to neurotypical, able-bodied perceptions of productivity and the truth is that we can't all do that. i surely can't. this world was not built for us, so we must reframe what we consider success. or at the very least, we can carve out our own space, hopefully with others to support us, to provide ourselves gentle care. you don't have to love yourself. you don't even have to like yourself, i know i'm still getting there. all you have to do is recognize that as living beings, really just as "beings" in general because i'd like to think our inanimate objects deserve care as well, we all deserve gentleness.
i know this was a lot but i had plenty of ideas buzzing like bees in my mind. let me know if you need help understanding anything i wrote. please excuse any potential typos. LOVE YOU, MWAH <3
-- @reaux07 (she/they)
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bigmammallama5 · 1 year
Just finished the first season of the x-files and while I loved looking at Gillian Anderson in impecable fashion for 20+ episodes, I have to ask: is there ever more of an overarching plot beyond “aliens are real and the government is hiding it”? Because it feels like that was the main conclusion at the end of the season, but it was pretty much established by episode 5, so what was the point of the rest of it?? They kept introducing different aliens with not a single reference to events of previous episodes, save for Tooms, and I walked away from the season feeling a little like nothing of meaning had happened for 15 episodes!
So, two things I really miss most about TV is the serialization of longer seasons, and the Monster Of The Week format.
Over the seasons the main theme is, yes, the government is hiding the existence of ETs, but there is a more complex arc of a planned invasion to also go along with the building multi-layered relationship between Mulder and Scully. But other than that, it's probably like (and I'm being generous here) 40% plot and 60% monster of the week, where you get fun creepy paranormal one-off episodes that usually don't tie back in! Which is the format a lot of longer-episodic shows used to do. That's how Xena Warrior Princess and the Hercules show were also made. AND Buffy, Doctor Who, Smallville, Supernatural, Charmed, Scooby-Doo, and Sailor Moon.
Some current shows do attempt to do some of this format, but [insert rant about the greed of networks pulling reruns and screwing over cast and crew pushing everything to streaming to circumvent paying out residuals] the length of seasons has drastically shrunk and this format has largely been put on the shelf and why I personally think neckflick shows are exhausting. With these older shows while nothing may happen to tie in to the plot every single episode, you get these nice character-heavy one-off episodes of "what would they do in This Situation™" (also allowing better pacing through the 24-28 episodes of a season).
So uh. Yeah. Those gaps were on purpose LOL.
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lol-jackles · 1 year
The deal that the writers got is a good one, right? Almost all their demands were met. Why do you think the studios agreed this time?
It is a good deal. They did get most of what they wanted. As I expected, the agreement is mostly the same as the offer back in August (X). I predicted that the studios will agree to minimum 5 - 7 writers in the writers room, however in the new agreement the minimal numbers don't kick in until episode 7. Now I could be wrong but it looks like broadcast shows on streaming will not receive any streaming bonus, meaning Eric Kripke and SPN writers will not get any thousand dollar bonus per episode while Supernatural continues to rank in the top ten streamed shows.
The studios agreed because they also got a good deal in the long game. The studios wanted the strike so that they can cancel projects and deals with expensive talents that weren't producing contents worth their value. This wasn’t so much as a strike, it was more of a lockout. In the long run they can game the system with their infamous creative accounting. Remember kids, the house always win.
This deadline article(X) talks about market contractions, meaning there will be less TV shows, which come on, do we really need 500 to 600 scripted TV shows every year? Contents will be drastically reduced and budget slashed. No more $20 million per episode for series like Stranger Things, The Good Omen, House of the Dragon, One Piece, and some Marvel/Star Wars shows. It's back to $5 to $10 million per episode instead.
Going forward there will be much less jobs for writers and actors, but at least those that will have jobs will see a nice salary bump.
So what to you the viewers get?
Seasons that are 6 episodes or less and with longer run times.
Seasons that 12 episodes but are split up to make it feel like two seasons; one late in the year and one earlier in the year. Like what The Walking Dead did in its latter seasons.
See more lawsuits similar to Gabrielle Union's lawsuit against BET network. Double the episodes ordered in a single season but will air through two seasons so that they don't have to pay actors their raises in the second season.
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akitoscorpio · 1 year
No one cares.
Greenlightvolume10 :P
So you can tell this person Was not committed to the message, otherwise they wouldn't be doing this as an Anonymous "question"
But considering this was likely in response to This post I made a few days ago in which I vented some, honestly pretty well-deserved frustration at the mediocre quality of the merch they sell and the fact that they, are basically saying to fans "Oh you made this great design? Sweet we're going to sell it on a shirt so we don't have to pay an actual artist and not credit you at all for your work?"
Is frankly shady as all hell.
but this does give me a chance to be "Rwde" to the more hardcore fans on Twitter once again. Because I've had some thoughts on the #Greenlightvolume10 campaign, and why people demanding this should stop being a bunch of selfish assholes.
Hey, have you all head about this thing called the WGA/SAGAFTRA - Strike? Yeah turns out The Screen Actors Guild, the Writers guild of America, and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. are all currently on strike for some very valid and awesome reasons such as....
Preventing their Jobs from being replaced by AI, or in actors cases, Keeping their likeness from being use by an AI without pay.
Demanding better pay when working on shows for "Streaming services" (Hey wait a sec Rooster Teeth, HBO Max, and Crunchy Roll are streaming services)
Getting better royalty/residual payments for shows in reruns on Network TV or when shown on streaming services (By the way when a show you worked on gets pull from a streaming service after a couple months, that's happening to fuck the people that worked on it from getting residual payments.)
Not to mention "Better working conditions" something anyone who has paid attention to RT in the last few years know how badly that is needed
All of these things, in some form or another, have the potential to affect RT staffers that would have to be, in this case, rehired back on to work on a Volume 10.
As a side note boy, it's cute when people say "Protect Crwby" cause most of what you know as Crwby was let go and have likely moved on a year or two ago.
Back to the point though, to my understanding, I don't think anyone directly working for RT is part of SAG, WGA, Or AFTRA, but they really should be. Because if any of the production staff of Volume 9 were part of the WGA or AFTRA then there would have been a larger stink when the bulk of them was let go after the last frame of Animation for Volume 9 was finished.
The point is, Greenlighting Volume 10, during this strike, would be a fucking awful look for the company, they would be affectively "Scabs" who were crossing the picket lines to work, and honestly, anyone who really does give a damn for the people who create Rwby, really should not want them to do this because crossing that line, will make it so much harder for Rooster Teeth to get people who are part of any of the above organizations to willingly work for them in the future.
So show some God damn patience, Wait till the strike is over, and then demand that they greenlight the next season of Rwby. While you're at it keep demanding better working conditions for the people who create the content you watch at the same time. Don't forget Rooster Teeth has a long history of treating its employees like shit that anyone who can rub two neurons together should understand, is not something that should be forgotten and swept under the rug.
But to directly counter the Anon here, I didn't say I didn't want a Volume ten, cause at this point I do want to see how it ends. I said
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willowmosby · 2 years
Honestly the fact 1899 is cancelled is bullshit. Like it was such an incredible first season, and I am almost always of the opinion the a shows first season is it's weakest, and yet they still cancelled it. I think it's super odd considering that as much as Dark is one of my personal favorites I don't think it was nearly as successful in it's first season as 1899 ( I mean that's mostly based on people I know in real life not real stats so take that as you will). I saw 1899 on the top ten list for weeks and yet.
I'd also like to take a moment to talk about why I personally ( I'm not a tv critic or a pop culture expert) think that the Netflix mode of cancelation is so flawed. Controversially I don't really care that shows like Emily and Paris are getting renewed they have there demographic and entertainment doesn't always need to be revolutionary. And I naively believe that people one fandom shouldn't have to disrespect another for their own gain. The problem comes when they cancel shows in between seasons. I know this sounds weird but I honestly think that if they gave the creators of shows like 1899, Warrior nun, or even Julie and the phantoms half a season heads up that the creators could put together a satisfying ending instead of being left hanging with no resolution. I know that's not ideal, we'd all prefer the creators get how many seasons they plan for or at least get a whole season to make a final season, but its a situation that most network tv has learned to deal with. I mean how many network tv shows can you think of where the creators weren't at least aware of likely hood of their next season.
I think a large part of people's anger is the the show didn't have a satisfying ending, you can claim it's about the creators all you like but I just don't think that's the biggest reason. I worry about that , not because I disagree just that I worry in the world of modern streaming that creators will do away with cliffhanger endings to appease the new format just as 22 episode seasons and "filler" episodes have slowly begun to decline. That fear that a show may end early has always impacted tv but when you can't watch you ratings until long after the show has wrapped every show could suffer from the fear that each season finale will be their last.
I know that was long and kind of incoherent but I hope some people get it and I really am deeply sad that we won't have another season of 1899.
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