#mostly it was just like the main characters having a random conversation with a friend or whatever.
misterradio · 2 years
those reviews weren't lying that movie can be so bad it's amazing
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robinette-green · 6 months
Robin's Inside the Pizza Plex DCA Romance Fics
These are fics I've started that take place inside Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex. The call is coming from inside the plex!
A Door You're Unable to Close:
My best friend talked me into coming with her as moral support to her little brother's birthday party. I hadn't wanted to go to that stupid birthday party to begin with and now I'm trapped in a video game, a horror video game that might kill me. I thought at the time that it was ironic that a kid named Greg had gone missing in a Chuck-e-Cheese of all places but this is taking things much too far.
There's nothing like working for a corporation in a capitalist society to remind you that you are nothing but furniture and need not be perceived unless needed. Even the animatronics in this place are treated more human than I am. At least I'm on the same level as the staff bots… that's a plus? Though usually, people prefer to speak with a staff bot over me, so I suppose 'even' is the lie I tell myself. I've worked for Fazbear Entertainment at their pizza plex for about a year. I do a little bit of everything. Cleaning, repair, sales… even security sometimes. Most of the human workers have been replaced with robots to cut down on employee costs. Sometimes I think I'm the last human working here, but then I remember Vanessa still works here too. Sometimes I wonder if they just forgot to fire me or tell me I was fired, but I'm still getting paychecks, so… yeah. The time clock beeped an acknowledgment as I punched in my employee number. "Attention! Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex is closed! Have a pleasant evening!" Sighing, I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and took a long swig of my coffee.
The Star Dome (LateNight DayDreams):
An OC named Fey is a new animatronic that has been added to the plex.
Another Daycare Story:
This is another of your reader x Sun/ Moon Pizza Plex daycare stories. We start with a 20-something individual getting a job in the daycare and having to overcome a fear of animatronics. There will be some angst with Moon. Then the romance will begin. Eventually, we'll hit the events of the game and go through all that fun, but until then, this will be mostly random fluff and angst shenanigans in the loose shape of a story as our main characters fall in love.
Little Assistant:
MC is the assistant to the CEO of Fazbear Entertainment. As Vanessa kidnaps and kills children while attempting to bring Springtrap back to life, MC is forced to clean up the mess and cover up the disappearances. MC is also tasked with keeping an eye on the Daycare attendants, keeping them in line as they are forced to help kidnapping children. “Did you do it? How do we know if it worked?” “We’ll have to test out some command code on him. Everything uploaded without issue, but they do have minds of their own. He may put up a fight.” I wasn’t paying attention to the conversation, wanting as little to do with this as I could get away with. They had already forced me to help with so much, cleaning up all that mess, all that red, covering up the disappearance. Shuddering, I looked through the glass into the daycare beyond. Deep in the dark, I could see two red eyes glaring out at us, furious. I couldn’t blame him. The virus they had activated in the night mode daycare attendant was going to be used for something horrific.
Lost Time:
The reader, already in an established relationship with Sun and Moon, dies and wakes 5 years later in the body of an animatronic. The pizza plex was rebuilt after the collapse and fire. Due to some miracle, all of the animatronics had survived the disaster and were now back to work, entertaining the general public as though nothing had happened. After everything fell apart, children stopped disappearing, but the missing children were never found. Business was booming, and everything seemed to be better than ever. With the massive influx of money, Fazbear Entertainment decided to invest in a new animatronic, a drummer for the band, to add to the rock and roll feel of the Glam Rocks. But in the way of all things with Fazbear Entertainment, the acquisition of this animatronic was very confidential. Several none disclosure agreements were signed, and the whole thing was very shady. None of this mattered to me, of course. I was more worried about my new role in life. Well, it was life in a sense. I had finally woken up after 5 years to find myself strapped to a chair in parts and services, having been turned into an animatronic.
Lost in the Dark:
Working third shift for security wasn’t so bad. I spent the first few hours patrolling the halls of the upper floors, that being what I had been assigned. Then I would spend the rest of the night at the security desk in the daycare, cameras pulled up on the computer screens and keeping an eye on the ‘crazy’ animatronics that inhabited that colourful playground. 6 months of working night shift in the daycare, and I am unfortunate enough to have developed feelings for two clueless robots.
Bad Day:
I stopped with my hand on the door. I had come all this way on my day off and now I wasn't brave enough to push the doors open. Today had been a hard one. A nightmare the night before and some rough conversations had made my insides feel all squishy and tender. All I really wanted to do was lay on the floor and cry but something had brought me here, to the daycare.
Taking Time:
They needed a robotics expert and I needed a job. I had been between jobs. I had actually just been let go from my last job and was frantically looking for a new one when I had received an email from Faz Bear entertainment. They were looking for a robotics expert to run their parts and services lab. The pay was phenomenal but I would be the only one working in the lab and would be expected to keep the staff bots, animatronics, arcade games and all the automated systems in working order. I didn’t even hesitate a moment before I sent them a reply and agreed to an interview for the following day. Great pay and an entire lab to myself? Yes please.
Why is it Spicy?:
okay so... this is an AU of my Unpleasant Nightmare fic. I started this as a joke for myself but now we're here. The general idea is the same. Stuck in Security Breach and need to find a way out but Sun and Moon are extra flirty and handsy.
Out of Place:
Fosters and Green is an up and coming robotics company and is the talk of every news station in the world. They haven’t even released their first line of robots yet but people are already clambering to get their hands on a robot made from Foster and Green. They plan on releasing a few household bots that will work as cleaning staff or secretaries but they also plan on releasing a line of child care bots. Why hire a nanny when you can have a live-in one you don’t need to pay. My designated number is D-375, I have been dubbed Kate by the technicians who ran all of my quality assurance checks. My dreams of working with a family of my own were quickly dashed. Foster and Green decided that they wanted to place a bot somewhere in the public eye where people could watch it at work and so had partnered with another company who also made robots, though they specialized more in animatronics that were designed for entertainment. The two companies decided to put one Foster and Green’s N-90 models in the daycare center of Fazbear Entertainment’s PizzaPlex to work alongside the child care units that Fazbear Entertainment had created.
Taking Over:
They needed a robotics expert and I needed a job. I had been between jobs. I had actually just been let go from my last job and was frantically looking for a new one when I had received an email from Faz Bear entertainment. They were looking for a robotics expert to run their parts and services lab. The pay was phenomenal but I would be the only one working in the lab and would be expected to keep the staff bots, animatronics, arcade games and all the automated systems in working order. I didn’t even hesitate a moment before I sent them a reply and agreed to an interview for the following day. Great pay and an entire lab to myself? Yes please. I was hired on the spot. This wasn't surprising seeing as I had worked in robotics for most of my life and had some hands-on experience with these kinds of animatronics. The AI units that Faz Bear uses would be new to me but I was sure I could figure out the new tech quickly enough.
Unpleasant Nightmare:
My best friend talked me into coming with her as moral support to her little brother's birthday party. I hadn't wanted to go to that stupid birthday party to begin with and now I'm trapped in a computer game, a horror computer game that might kill me. I thought at the time that it was ironic that a kid named Greg had gone missing in a Chuck-e-Cheese of all places but this is taking things much too far.
Some of these won't be finished and some are OLD writing of mine. you have been warned. Please don't let that stop you from reading these and enjoying them <3
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 6)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Under Age Drinking, Under Age Marijuana Use, Violence and Displays of Toxic Relationship Acts. If I missed one, please let me know.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.1K
Summary: Rafe throws a party in an attempt to see Y/N. Y/N finds out a heart breaking truth. 
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Rafe knows Y/N is ignoring him. No matter what he tries, she never so much as utters a word in his direction. So he is giving her some space. He could say that he isn’t throwing a party for the sole purpose of hopefully seeing Y/N for a split second if she chooses to come, but he’d be lying. Normally, he goes from room to room to check on people. Today, he is in the kitchen, guarding the stuff he bought specifically for Y/N in case she shows up. He sees someone reaching for the hard kombucha in the fridge, “Touch that can and I will throw you out of my house faster than you can say kombucha.” The person quickly closed the fridge and exited the kitchen. “You better not be opening that Oreo package,” he threatens to Mason, who Rafe knows has been eyeing the package. 
“Dude, come on. I told you that she isn’t coming. She went to something that Wilson is holding. It sounded fancy. So let me just have one, please,” Mason begs while he inches toward the package again.
“Still you never know. Maybe she’ll get bored and stop by?”
“I love you, dude. And I want to see you guys together, but I think it’s time to call it. I don’t want you to get your hopes up.” 
“I know my chances. I still have hope though. We are meant to be, I just know it.”
Y/N sits at the dinner table with all of Wilson’s friends. He is having a dinner soirée. Honestly, Y/N is bored out of her mind, but Wilson is her boyfriend and this is typically a girlfriend's duty. La Bleue Fleur is catering and the topic of conversation is that uninteresting Civil War documentary that Wilson made her watch.  Y/N is pushing around the leftover garnish on her plate as she is the first person to finish eating. “Y/N, what did you think of Timothy Satonis’ masterpiece?” Allen asks, looking toward the girl. She is caught off guard by the question because she has mostly been left out of the conversation. “Uhh, not gonna lie, I zoned out during the movie. Docs really aren’t my thing,” she replies to the group, which causes them to look at her with horror in their eyes. The group is awkwardly silent for a second before Wilson directs the conversation to something Y/N can be involved in, “Did you guys know Y/N is Cassie Y/L/N’s daughter?” 
This sparks a conversation between the dinner guests. “Have you met her?” Hailey questions excitedly. Wilson smiles with pride, “Yes, I have. We met when I took Y/N to Midsummer. Later on,  I gave her a manuscript of my book when I visited Y/N’s house the other day. Hopefully, she can pass it on to her publisher and it gets published.” Y/N finds it strange that Wilson would say it like he was the one to ask her to Midsummer when in reality she is the one to ask him out. “That is an amazing idea. Y/N, what is your favourite book of hers?” Josh inquiries. “Um, probably Murder in The Deep. The series is inspired by my love of murder mysteries and the main character, Arabella, is modelled after me. So it feels pretty personal and sentimental to me. She even mentions me in the dedication and named a murder victim after me.” “I see. Wilson did not tell us you were one of those types of readers,” Josh remarks with judgement in his tone. She turns towards Wilson to see if he will stand up for her. He doesn’t, so Y/N once again zones out as everyone else continues talking about her mom like she is not there. She feels a little uncomfortable, but she doesn’t say anything to avoid making anyone else feel the same way. 
After dinner and dessert are finished, the evening continues in the family room with a game of trivia. Y/N is usually good at trivia as she is on track to being valedictorian and she loves to know random, obscure facts. However, this game of trivia is all related to the same topics, which bore her to death. “If you’re a fan of Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, and Miles Davis, which museum in Kansas City will be music to your ears?” Allen reads from the card. Hailey rings her bell quickly, “Amerian Jazz Museum!” The group claps at her answer. Y/N didn’t even know there was a museum only for Jazz music, let alone that it was in Kansas City. Hailey takes the next card, “Bela Bartok and Romantic composer Franz Liszt are typically considered the greatest composers to emerge from what European nation?” Y/N wants to be included in the game, so she tries to take a guess at the answer and rings her bell, “Is it Germany?” Wilson shakes his head in disappointment and she can see the embarrassment in his eyes. “Of course, it is not Germany, Y/N. Everyone knows they are from Hungary. If you do not know the answer, then do not bother answering the question,” he chastises and Y/N feels as though she is a child. 
“Excuse me, I’m going to go to the bathroom,” Y/N excuses as she gets up to find the bathroom, hoping to escape the situation. Y/N knew she should stand up for herself, but she didn’t wanna make a scene because that would also be embarrassing. She is walking back to the family room when she hears her name being spoken. She stops just outside of the family room archway, hiding behind the wall. “I do not understand why you are dating her. She has no substance at all. She is vapid and I do not know how you can spend so much time with her,” she hears Hailey complain. This absolutely guts Y/N because this is another one of her insecurities. When compared to the intelligent life of the part, Elizabeth Huntington, she felt uninteresting with her more reserved personality. However, nothing prepares her for the feeling of what Wilson says next. “It is about looking at the advantages. Y/N may be vapid, but I got to meet Cassie and hopefully, I can be mentored by her. It is the only reason why I asked her out. I heard a rumour that the Y/L/N’s like to spend time on the beach where we met. I figured I was bound to meet one of them eventually.”
Y/N could continue to just stand there and be sorry for herself, but her blood is now boiling and she decides to stand up for herself, no matter how much she wants to cry right now. She steps out from behind the wall, “I may be vapid, but at least, I’m not a lonely boy, who is so obsessed with an author that I stalked her and her family. It is so sad that you used another human being just to get your boring ass manuscript read. My mom showed me the manuscript and we both agree that you sound like a giant stick in the mud even when you write. You don’t have to worry about putting up with me any longer because we are over!” This isn’t her finest moment, but she storms out in a hurry. She can only make it so far before she realizes that she could not walk home all the way. Her vision is blurry, meaning she could not see three feet in front of her. 
She decides it is safer to call someone to come pick her up. She takes out her phone and dials her brother’s number, “Dude, why are you calling? Are you a boomer? Anyways leave a message at the beep.” Voicemail. She calls her parents and gets voicemail again. Right, they are staying on the mainland for the night because her mom has a back-to-back book signing there. She goes to call Lacey, but notices she has a voicemail from her friend. “Y/NNNNN, I love youuuuu. Before you ask, I amz totes not drink. Drink. Drunk, lol. Okay, maybe I am. But, I wants you to know I loves you. Alsoooo, I total- total- totally made out with Derren. He is so h-” The voicemail cuts off before Lacey could finish her drunken rant. This causes Y/N to stop crying for a second and giggle at Lacey’s drunken antics. But the realization that she only has one other person to call whom she felt comfortable with makes her feel anxious because she is not even sure he is going to answer her call after the way she has been ignoring him. 
Rafe sits on his couch with Elizabeth on his lap and her tongue down his throat. He was able to convince her that saying Y/N’s name during Midsummer was a mistake, which leads to them having been making out for the last ten minutes. Even with the raging music of the party, Rafe could hear the beginning notes of “The Book of You and I” by Alec Benjamin. It is the ringtone he assigned for Y/N. He must admit it is a strange song to have chosen because it talks about a breakup and he and Y/N haven’t even started their story. The song reminds him of her and he knows Y/N loves the song just because of the mention of a book. She loves the idea of a love story being a book of the two people in the relationship. He immediately pulls away from Elizabeth, leaving the girl frustrated again to go answer the phone somewhere quieter. The song couldn’t even make it to the second note because Rafe answers it. 
“Y/L/N, are you hurt?” he immediately interrogates with worry seeping into his voice. With Y/N ignoring him for the past couple of weeks, he knows it must be serious if she is calling him right now at night. “Ca- Can y- yo- you pi-pick m-e u-u-up, please?” he hears her struggle to say through her tears. Rafe’s eyebrows knit together in concern, “Absolutely, send me your pin and I’ll be there immediately.” Y/N whispers a meek okay and goodbye before hanging up the phone, not giving him a chance to ask further questions.
Once again another party ended early for Y/N’s safety, but seeing as Rafe threw the party just to get her attention, he had no problem with ushering everyone out of his house as fast as he can. He doesn’t even wait for everyone to be gone before hopping into his jeep and driving off to the location Y/N sent him. He held very little regard for his own safety as he drove past stop signs and red lights. All that matters is making sure she is safe. He finally gets to his destination, the end of Wilson’s driveway. Y/N sits on the decorative rock in a full-on sobbing fit. Rafe jumps out after double-checking he put the car in park. He wraps his arms around her shoulders and pulls her into his neck without saying a word. After a few minutes, she calms down enough to tell him what happened. “He was only dating me to get to my mom. He said I was vapid and I know it’s true, but it just hurts to hear someone else confirm it.” Rafe blood boils at how Wilson made Y/N feel, “You are not vapid. You’re a rose. When you meet a new person, you are the bud. You are more reserved around them. But when you start to bloom, your passion, love, and joy start to show. Just like how when a rose starts to open up you start to see the beautiful red colour that hides within. Wilson was just too selfish and boring for you to do anything interesting with him.” She smiles up at him and nods her head in understanding. “Wait, here for a second. I’m going to go do something real quick before we leave,” he explains before getting up and walking toward the front door.
Rafe knocks on the auspicious door and waits for Wilson to open it. “What are y-” Wilson tries to say, but he is interrupted by Rafe’s fist punching him in the face. “Come near Y/N again and I’ll do a whole lot worse,” he warns, running off toward Y/N. She stands there shocked at what just happened. She giggles at the image of Rafe coming towards her. He grabs her hand as he passes by and drags her toward his car. Once he helps her up, he goes around and drives off, watching in the back mirror as Wilson and his friends finally catch up to the street. Rafe pulls out his phone to play “Getaway Car” by Taylor Swift, which causes Y/N to fall into hysterics.  
Rafe drives Y/N to Tannyhill because he knows her parents aren’t home and that Mason is probably still in a guest room with Amanda, even after the party is ended. “Where is everyone?” Y/N ponders out loud as she sees the empty house. Mason told her about the party Rafe was throwing. “Sent them home when you called,” he informs her without skipping a beat. He says it in a matter-of-fact way that she knows he doesn’t want her to feel guilty. The car stops and they see Mason come out to join them outside. “Dude, where did you go?” Mason pauses when he sees the tear-streaked face belonging to his twin. “Y/N/N, what’s wrong?” “Wilson was only dating me because of mom,” Y/N mumbles, attaching herself to Rafe. His being there during her time of vulnerability has caused her to feel comfort in his grasp. Mason’s face contorts into anger, “HE DID WHAT! I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!” Y/N quickly goes to her brother’s side and puts her arm out so he can’t get past her. “Don’t worry. Rafe already punched him for me,” she assures her brother, who pulls her into a hug. “Mace, you didn’t pick up your phone.” He grimaces and places a kiss on her forehead, “I know, I’m sorry.” “It’s okay, Rafe was there,” she whispers in the nook. “Should we go home?” Mason asks. “No, can we go to the balcony?” She replies, looking between Mason and Rafe. Both boys nod and follow her to her desired destination. 
Rafe and Y/N make a quick stop to get her more comfortable clothes, so Mason goes to get some snacks. Rafe goes past his room, heading towards Sarah’s room. He looks back to check in with Y/N and notices she isn’t following him. She is paused at his door, waiting for him to follow her. “What’s wrong? Sarah’s room is this way,” he points in the direction of the room. Y/N looks at her feet while shifting her weight between the two, “Actually, can I borrow some of your clothes, please? They are comfy.” Rafe smiles at her suggestion, “Of course, you can, Y/L/N.” he takes her inside. He gives her a plain gray T-shirt and black sweatpants. It may be a mundane outfit, but Rafe loved how she looked in his clothes. She is practically swimming in his shirt because he is so much taller than her and she had to tie her sweatpants very tight so they wouldn’t slip down so much. They both giggle at her constant need to pull up the pants as they head to the balcony. 
Mason sits opposite from Y/N and Rafe with a joint in hand while Y/N cuddles herself into Rafe’s arms. They’ve been talking about anything and everything just to cheer Y/N up. “Why the dude never used contractions was so fucking weird. He sounded like such an old person,” Mason jokes while taking a drag of his blunt. Rafe laughs, “Those stupid button-up shirts he’d wear all the damn time. With his name monogrammed onto them. He looked like such a douchebag in them.” This continuous mockery of Wilson has cheered Y/N up. “I caught him ironing the collar of it. Only an asshole is that uptight,” she joins in while taking a swing of her hard kombucha. The boys nod in agreement. Mason snubs out the joint and gets up from his seat, “I’m gonna head to bed. Y/N, you cool if we sleep here?” She nods; originally, she was supposed to sleep over at Wilson’s house. With that, Mason leaves the two alone. 
They sit in comfortable silence, drinking their drinks and looking up at the stars. She has now shifted so her head is on his chest and his arm is around her neck. Y/N opens up the pack of Oreos placed on the coffee table in front of them. She untwists the top of the one she picks up and gives the bottom with the cream on it to Rafe. Understanding what she wants him to do, he grabs the bottom and eats the cream for her before handing it back to her. Y/N and Wilson never had this unspoken language while they were dating. “Why doesn’t anyone love me for me?” She wonders as she gives him another Oreo. “Someone does. He’s just waiting for you to be ready,” Rafe whispers without realizing that she heard him. She looks up at him from her position and he looks down at her. She closes her eyes and starts to lean in to kiss him. No matter how much he wishes he could lean down to meet her lips, he knows this isn’t the right moment, so he pulls away. “As much as I want to kiss you right now, I would rather our first kiss be when you are feeling less vulnerable and are 100% sober,” he tells her. Disappointment is written all over her face, but she knows that he made the right decision. She would prefer their first kiss to feel more right and not just because he is there being sweet to her after a breakup. She nuzzles back into his chest and they go back to just enjoy each other’s company. Her light snores tell him she has fallen asleep and instead of waking her up from her slumber, he picks her up and takes her to the other guest bedroom. He tucks her into the bed and admires the serene look on her face as she sleeps. He lightly kisses her forehead and goes back to his room to welcome the sleep. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog  @gillybear17  @terraeluce​  @f4ll-for-you​ 
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dootznbootz · 11 months
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Hi there! Can call me "Mads" or "Dootz". I don't mind either way! :D
I am a Trashcat, member of the Worm family, and the god of cheese.
I'm into so many goddamn fandoms and I'll even slap-up things I just simply find pretty/interesting but probably the main ones as of now are:
Greek Mythology (Mostly Odyssey) MAJOR hyperfixation now. I am in love with Penelope.
Fairy Tail
Legend of Zelda
My main ships are OdyPen (OFC), Helen x Menelaus, nalu, gruvia, gajevy, jerza, and zelink (all)
Those are the main ones you'll find BUT like I said, search for something and you'll find it.
Avatar (both Last Airbender and Legend of Korra)
Fullmetal Alchemist
BTW, I get not wanting to follow me if you don't want random shit on your dashboard. You don't have to follow me to say hi and have conversations though! I'm on Tumblr to make friends, not followers!
Just don't be a piece of shit and we'll get along fine!
AO3 account:
(currently writing an Odypen fic (first chap is up), there's 1 Odypen snippet up. 3 Nalu fics (one isn't finished 🫣someday not anytime soon)
Always feel free to say hi! :D
Even if you're shy or don't always know what to say, I like to chatter and am always open to making new friends! If I become too much or something then let me know! (or give a one word message! I'll get it! :D )
My big ass essay I want people to see:
Fuzzy worm above was done by the lovely iroissleepdeprived !
Tag guide:
#Mad rambles : My posts or posts that I chatter in
#Mad writes : My writing/fanfiction
#Water Wife : My silly 3/4th Naiad version of Penelope who I love so very much
#shot by odysseus : My tag for my own Tagamemnon posts in general. The joke is that I love Penelope so much that Odysseus is shooting me like he would a suitor.
#my headcanons : ...My headcanons
#waiting for proteus : Seal tag for Menelaus! From book 4 of the Odyssey! :D
#save me morally gray circe : tag for anything talking about Circe and how she's cool as her fucked up potion making, terrifying, goddess self.
#essay : ... ya know
#Mad memes : most of my memes :P
#Mad character design : exactly that.
#GIFT : lovely gifts by lovely people 🥹
#___ Dork: my unique weird tag for fairy tail characters
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hwljpg · 5 months
So, I just finished watching all 9 episodes of Smiling Friends in one sitting.
I dunno why, but I just have a bit of a natural aversion to immediately diving into like Internety things that blow up really quickly. I still need to watch the pilot episode for The Amazing Digital Circus, I have no clue what the game Content Warning is about, I know I got into watching videos on Lethal Company late and such.
One of those things was Smiling Friends. I had seen it blowing up originally, and so naturally, I just drifted away from it. I had subsequently seen it in like some memes or stuff afterwards, but besides that, not much.
It doesn’t help I’ve not really gotten into Adult Swim cartoons at the moment. I love random, but Adult Swim cartoons can be really cynical in a way that makes me wary of them.
Then, I saw you post some art of it. Then some more. Wow, more! What about this show makes this person I consider a good Tumblr friend like it so much to dedicate so much time to doing at about it? Well, you said in an ask that it wasn’t as cynical as other Adult Swim cartoons, especially when it came to Pim and Charlie. Huh, okay, I think I’ll go watch it!
I procrastinated on it for a few days because I was busy. But, finally, I decided, “You know what, I’m just gonna watch it!” I watched the first episode. Honestly, it is my least favorite episode. (Weirdly, just like how the first episode of the Sam and Max TV show is my least favorite.) I didn’t like The Boss breastfeeding, I didn’t like how Desmond kept the gun pointed to his head, I didn’t like the spinning baby. That all felt too jarring for me.
Of course, maybe I wasn’t properly acclimated with the show yet. Besides, there was good with the bad. I thought Pim and Charlie’s dynamic seemed funny, the ending was great, and I liked Allan and Glep as the other two Smiling Friend workers. So, I pushed through.
I ended up really enjoying my time watching the show. There was a lot more I liked than I disliked. My main thing: You were right, it definitely wasn’t as cynical as I thought it would be. Sure, the world still is cynical and messed up at points, but I felt an authenticity to the reoccurring characters and how they dealt with the situations they ended up in. Plus, for every single episode, I didn’t see the ending coming AND felt super satisfied by the resolutions! My favorite episode is probably the Salty’s one.
So, I guess this is a really long way to tell you: Thanks for getting me into Smiling Friends!
ooouuu i’m glad you enjoyed it!! surprising i’ve gotten some people to start the show because of my fanart.. wuohhh
Completely understand the parts that felt jarring; i could only look past it or at times find the humor in it mostly because of how my friends and i perceived and translated it into our own funky little brains. And i don’t necessarily feel as if adult shows need to step away from that very random/jarring humor/gags but more of Figure Out How To Do It Right and that’s what I feel smiling friends does perfectly. But some people are gonna be left with a bad taste in their mouth anyways and that’s completely fine yk.
What I like is how they mix those very jarring elements in their show + the characters world and contrast it with simply how realistic the characters are. They typically converse as if most of this stuff is normal and it only adds more to the joke when they actually freak out. Like i’ve said before i adore the mixture of extremely realistic dialogue that sounds so similar to real life conversations we’ve very have had before with people in everyday life. (that’s why i especially love the trip to brazil episode)
And obviously the lack of cynicism. I’ve been avoiding most adult animated shows for YEARS because i genuinely just can’t stand the cynicism and it’s constantly negative fanbases it always brews. And i’m very heavy on looking to the fanbase to get an example of how good of a media may be or simply how much it may appeal to me. I remember telling a friend that the difference between the rick & morty fanbase to the smiling friends fanbase was just one fanbase is known for constantly having a negative outlook on life and saying shit like “you need to have a high IQ to understand this show” while the smiling friends fanbase just DESPERATELY wants to make out sloppy style with Charlie. There’s no tasteless misogynistic, queerphobic, or racist jokes. Hell they have two fat characters as the main characters and we have not heard a single fat joke. It’s a breath of fresh air and with its inclusion of having many youtube/twitter/online creators be part of the show (and RUNNING the show) i feel as if we’re hopefully stepping into a new age of adult animated media.
hopefully one with a more positive outlook on adulthood.
aaaa enough of my rambling you literally watched the show!! feels so odd i used to be influenced by fanart and now my fanart is influencing others. i will do everything to use this power for good 😭 just happy to see people start and enjoy things im really fond for.
hope u having a good morning/evening/night tumblr friend 🫶
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The Writer's Workbook:
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Character Development
2.3 Relationships
The interactions between your characters is what makes them more real. It would be really helpful to have their relationships straight when writing dialogue or conversations. You'll need to figure out different things for different types of relationships, but mind maps should be helpful enough.
Family relationships:
If the story centers around or includes a large family or two, a family tree can help keep track of that. It probably isn't necessary if the family is, for example, just a couple and children. Mostly for extended family and such.
For each of your main character(s) figuring out their relationships with their parents, children etc. can be pretty helpful for developing their character, even if they don't appear. Having a general sense of what someone is like with their family can tell you a lot about them, right?
2. Friends VS Rivals/Enemies:
At one point or another, you'll need to consider the characters' social circle. How popular are they? Who are their friends? Who dislikes them? And why. Linking characters to each other is the key. Example: Probably not every single character knows only the MC. Some of them could have different relationships with each other.
3. Romantic Partners:
Now this is entirely different because, yeah, a person can literally be someone else entirely with their partner compared to with anyone else. There is no set way you can define these relationships, but if you consider their personality, dynamic and environment, you should be able to imagine how they act together and compare it to their interactions with others.
Some ways you can develop different relationships:
Assign them dynamics to picture the way they act.
Draw mind maps to link each of them in a way.
Write random dialogue you think some of them would exchange.
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miss0atae · 2 months
Random Thoughts about The Rebound Ep 7 and 8 :
I'm late to the party, but I was on holidays so I just watched these episodes today.
This series is truly a ride. It feels like so many things happened in these last two episodes. I don't exactly want to describe what happened in detail. I think I'll focus on the different characters and what these episodes brought to them. The event can be summarized in few sentences: Ryu was attacked by the loser team and his arm got injured ; Zen and Grandma decided to let him stay with them ; Atom got into a fight with his teammates because Zen was really angry at what happened to Ryu ; Atom quit the team ; the Boss wanted Q to bring Ryu back to play street basketball, Ryu and Zen were hurt and Q killed everyone to save Ryu.
▪️ I'll start to talk about how Ryu and Zen are finally a couple in these episodes and how it wasn't exactly how I thought they would end up together. Last week, Ryu seems to be quite hesitant to admit his feelings for Zen. They shared a kiss, but Ryu was scared of being discovered and he hurt Zen's feeling. I believed it was because Ryu wasn't ready to accept his feelings yet. However, in these episodes, it's Ryu who decided to admit his feelings to Zen. It felt to me that he was mostly compelled to do it because Atom who is also trying to confess to Zen. Afraid of losing Zen before telling him the truth, Ryu decided to admit it and I didn't like it. I'm glad there are together because they are the main couple and they look sweet together. I knew before watching the series that it would be a friends-to-lovers trope so I wasn't surprised (there is also the fact that MeenPing are a branded pair so of course they would be together). I just didn't like that it was jealousy and fear of losing him that made Ryu asked Zen out. It seems to me the writers didn't know how to make them let go of their fear to be together. Why would Ryu be afraid of people seeing him with Zen last week, if this week it has no impact on him. I would have liked a little conversation about why he acted this way towards Zen. I guess we have this next time. They really need to talk about the past and why it shaped their relationship the way it is.
▪️ To be honest, this week, I didn’t care about the main couple. Every other characters were more important to me than them. I became number one fan of Atom this week and I can’t believe myself. I would never have thought I would like this character as much as I do. You have to know, he is played by Frank Thanatsaran and until now I didn’t like his acting. I’ve watched most of his filmography and it didn’t impress me. However, in this series, I find him really good! The way he portrays Atom is really good. I felt he became better at expressing his character’s thoughts. It’s not perfect, but it’s such a nice change from his previous characters. I also have so much empathy for Atom. He is stuck in a very uncomfortable situation where he tries to please his father by becoming an athlete, but he can’t find the passion of pursuing it. He is just a lost teenager who doesn’t know what he wants to do. When he talked about not knowing what is his dream, I felt sad for him because he insisted he should know at his age about what he wants. In reality, you can be an adult and still doesn’t know what his your dreams or what to make of your life. He puts himself under such a high pressure and he is a teen. He shouldn’t have to do it, but he was raised this way. There is also the fact, he is experiencing his “first” (maybe not, but I feel it is) unrequited love and it hurts to see it. He is doing the best he can to impress his crush and to be here for him, but you can’t force feeling. When he will realize he won’t get the boy he loves, he will experience romantic disappointment. I don’t want that for him. I hope he’ll find his dreams and happiness.
▪️ I also really like his relationship with Zen's Grandma. Since Atom doesn't get a nice parent's figure in his life, it's nice to see that he found someone he can talk too. He feels safe with her. Grandma became his confidant in some way and she gave him good life advice. Especially as Atom doesn't seem to have a lot of friends around him. Friendship can be really important especially when you are still growing and trying to shape yourself the way you want. Friends can make your life more enjoyable, but they can also help us through the difficult times. Grandma is really a good person. She seems to like both Ryu and Atom. She knows more than what she let the boys perceive. I think she understood quickly that Ryu and Zen are an item, but when she called Atom to let him know Ryu came home, she didn't tell him all she knows so he wouldn't be hurt. She is really trying to protect and love all of them. She is never playing favorites.
▪️ At this point of the story I like Atom so much I almost want the story to follow Deep Night's steps and make Ryu, Zen and Atom a throuple, but I know it won't go this way. I guess it's because I don't want to see Atom sad. I'm not saying he is the only one with a sad past  because Ryu seems to have been hurt a lot while growing. However, I feel closer to Atom because I believe we got the same childhood in some way.
▪️ The other character I felt for this week was Q. All the thoughts I had about him last week remains the same: he is stuck in this life without any way of escaping it. He tried to protect Ryu, but he failed. He slept with his Boss because of his love for Ryu and in the end the Boss still tried to force Ryu to work for him. He has been repeated the same mistakes over and over, but this time Q did something and killed all who hurt Ryu. Q doesn't have just a platonic love / brotherly love for Ryu. He killed for him and now that he has done it, he will be on the run. Ryu and Zen tried to convince him to stay with them, but he refuses. Q is really sacrificing everything to allow them to be happy and safe. I'm sad he was pushed in this direction and found no other ways. Is Q a good person? Maybe not. However, I don't think he deserves to be always on the run because he just tried to save innocents. Will we see him again the coming episodes? I can't believe it's the end.
The preview for the next episode seems to have a lighter tone, but I believe it’s not the end of hardships for any characters yet.
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kravkalackin · 1 year
Both the best and the worst thing about crafting a large, interconnected story driven universe is all the smaller stories that are fully formed in the background, that you never really have time to get into.
Like, in my game Stallus, there is a minor character named This Might Be A Safe Passage. They're the pilot of the ship that rescues one of the main ensemble at the beginning of their backstory. Basically just a trusty friend of this character's (closest thing to a maternal figure that they have).
Except Safe Passage has one of my favorite stories in the whole game. They started off as an involuntary lifehelm, basically a living battery used to make Fancy Space Ship Go. Because their species, Voices, are weird, have no collective society, and kinda just spawn into existence at random, this tends to be a pretty common occurrence for them.
At this point in their life, their name wasn't super important or individual. It was Where Shall I Deliver You? They were a little void of personality (again: fairly common for involuntary lifehelm Voices) until they were freed by Shel.
Shel is the leader of a gang of independent life helms whose official work is ship salvaging and sale, and unofficial work is quite broad and complicated and she leaves the really illegal parts of it to her sisters.
Where Shall I Deliver You experienced the typical Voice reaction to massive upheaval in their life, a complete and total ego death. They spent somewhere between a few months to almost a year nameless, as they tried to build an identity outside of Make Ship Go.
And that's when they fell in with the ecoterrorists.
Now, it was for a good cause, freeing enslaved lifehelms. Also, blowing shit up. Also, also, driving a ship through the base of the asshole that used Where Shall I Deliver You to power his damn helm.
They were now Nice To Meet Ya, always said with a grin and wild eyes that made it clear the name was a farewell, and that they weren't sure if you were going to die or if they were, but they didn't much care either way.
Everyone who knew them was pretty damn sure that Nice To Meet Ya was going to get themself killed someday, and there wasn't much anyone could do about it. They were, after all, a deranged little alien bastard who can power an entire ship with their life-force and would still somehow find a way to bite several of your fingers off in the process.
But, to everyone's surprise, that didn't actually happen. Shel started reaching out for their help, specifically in missions that mostly involved helping helms without blowing everything up, instead playing to their strength of being fast as fuck. It was a very slow, like, nearly 30 year process, but Nice To Meet Ya did end up dying as well, but in a way that was actually the result of growth, a rare thing for a Voice.
They became This Might Be A Safe Passage when they decided that the goal of keeping people alive is easier to achieve if you aren't dead. Since Nice To Meet You's driving force was bringing it all down with them, they had to pass on.
But yeah, minor character. Their introduction scene in the main story is mostly the main characters asking if they can have some of their blood and having a conversation about where babies come from
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Hey Pinnie I've been thinking, what do the Clergy men do outside of work? Hobbies and stuff
Someone I can't imagine having a life outside of work is obviously Belo. I don't think he'd want to leave Krulu's side anytime soon so he's always on duty.
If I recall you did say Fank-E practically lives in the Clergy but I can see him going to raves (or making them). Maybe settles down to play some video games or messes around the internet. Hangs out with Vinnel too.
Vinnel probably also lives in the clergy. He's always doing something crafty with his clown dolls/dolling up or terrorizing his bobble or poppet. Hangs out with Fank-E.
Patches is always doing his nerdy research stuff, he probably spends days up in his lab and practically lives there. Maybe he indulges into his horse girl fantasies when he truly has time.
Morell is another one I can't see much outside of the kitchen. He forages for ingredients and tries to perfect new recipes. Visits his folks back home too.
Gallon is a bit hard to pin point but I can imagine him at some fancy café drinking a coffee and reading a book or scrolling through social media. Maybe goes to parties
Nebul is always taking care of his pets so he always has something to do. Also settles down with a book
You've talked about what Grimbly and Santi do before. Grimbly is either going out shopping, watching TV/scrolling through social media, going out with friends, planning his next outfit, doing hot girl shit.
Santi is always mingling with others. Goes to parties and stuff.
(Sorry that I spoofed it at the end, got tired. I also wanted to say that I know fucking hot monster men is the main focus of your blog but I also really really like the way you create and write for stories/lore/characters)
[The best part of this whole blog for me is to attribute lore to said monster sluts. And I'm glad to hear you say that. :>]
Belo definitely lives a very co-dependent lifestyle. If he's not begging for work, he's usually aimlessly ambulating in the garden. He'll eventually start picking up an instrument or two. Perhaps a harp or a something softly melodious. Krulu would enjoy it if he learned to play an organ.
Fank-e spends a lot of his free time online. He's got a widespread reach online in spite of TCE policy being that staff remain outside of social media. Fank-e's everywhere. And I mean everywhere. A shitload of profiles exist wherein he converses and games with strangers, he prides himself in his ability to make so many online friends and administrating several pages. When he's not immersed in his digital life, he does eventually go to random stores or party locations, yes.
Vinnel, as a creative sort, enjoys collecting dolls and customizing them. He's also a bit of a painter, but not on Shags' level. He spends a lot of free time collecting/altering items for the escape game floor.
Patches has a green thumb, as plant magic is one of his most favored types of magic. It's not uncommon to see him fucking around with garden plants. When he truly has time for it, yes, he does indulge the horse girl urges.
Morell whittles. He's not professional at it, and he usually doesn't take on very complex projects, but it's a little hobby. He's also a trapper, he likes working with different materials to make all sorts of set ups, definitely the type of guy to set traps everywhere. Although his hunting is beneficial for work, it's mostly just a hobby.
Gallon is not that much of a reader, surprisingly. He enjoys puzzles however, anything that's fascinating and takes a lot of thought to crack at. He enjoys sometimes putting together small models of sceneries, which is something Martin learned from him.
Nebul is an astrology bitch. He enjoys tarot and is very into learning about people's behavior. He definitely reads about social sciences, it's very useful to him. Naturally, he does spend a good part of his free time with pets.
Santi is probably the biggest reader here. I think I've said that before. I find it funny that you guessed everyone else reads except him.
You didn't mention Sybastian, but I will. It may look like the mimic doesn't care for hobbies, and honestly providing for the little ones takes a considerable chunk of free time. He does have a tendency to collect rare coins, having no recollection of how it started.
Krulu has a lot of art projects that would probably blind you if you looked at them raw. When he eventually starts creating again, that'll be the focus of his routine.
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attroxx · 6 months
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                                         GET  TO  KNOW  THE  MUN
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐮𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 ?
as far as canons go, they are my lil glorbo's. i have a thing for main characters, especially underrated main characters. naruto and atsushi are just my lil guys that i heavily relate to in one aspect or another. i'm writing an alt verse of atsushi but i love atsushi's character in general ( i've considered adding his canon self ) john has been a recent add to this blog and just...i really love FAITH, the game hits all the good religious trauma / horror notes for me. i love a priest who is dabbling with his faith and loyaltys. as for my oc's well, some of them i've had for years ( dom and mia ) but a lot of them are new since i made this blog and i love each of them differently but deeply.
𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 ?
i'm pretty down for most genres. there are some tropes / writing themes i'm not into like pregnancy threads ( i could make an exception for mia ) and obviously gross shit like incest / pro-ship stuff makes me sick. heavy no. otherwise i'm pretty open to things like horror, comedy, romance, dark themes, religious themes.
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 ?
i love writing romance and i'm tired of being made to feel sorry for it. of course i love writing angst, familial things as well but i really enjoy romance. i am a hopeless romantic in real life so, i just love shipping and the different dynamics that come with that. i love writing religious themes and general horror. i love writing characters who are total opposites it's just super fun.
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ?
mostly at random. i'll see something in a movie or have a random thought and it leads to other thoughts and boom headcanons. my muses just give me vibes on things and it stems from that...idk i dont have a system LOL
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 ?
music. i gotta have music. even a yt video in the background works but i gotta have noise. lmao.
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 ?
mostly wing them. plotted things i have a little bit of an idea how things will go but i'd say 99% of shit i write is never plotted so, it's all me just winging it. i don't really enjoy super plotted threads tbh cause then it feels like i'm just coloring in the numbers ? i like things to be a little loose and free.
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 ?
yes very much. but not just romantic. platonic and familial is good too. <3
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐬 / 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 ?
salem ~
𝐚𝐠𝐞 ?
i am 28 *cries*
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 ?
october 1st, libra gang
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ?
pink, blue, black
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 ?
next. lmao how am i supposed to pick favorite songs of all time ? smh.
𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 ?
scream 6
𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 ?
i'm not sure ? probably one of the 4 anime i'm watching rn
𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 ?
moving out - kacey musgraves
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝 ?
potatoes, seafood, ramen, sushi, chicken ( mostly fried chicken or wings ), pasta, chocolate and a bunch of stuff i love food i love eating out at a good restaurant.
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 ?
fall, it's the best season. i don't mind early summer either but august is too fucking hot. i hate winter . . . i got seasonal depression and i live in midwest hell so winters are terrible here.
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 ?
would have to be @aeviare who is on hiatus rn but she's my babe. lmao. we met on tumblr rp in 2020 and i've flown to see her multiple times and talk every day so. but other than tiff i'm not sure ? sighs. i'm very shy and i do love getting to know my rp friends but sometimes conversations just die and i'm horrible at reaching out. i'm just . . . i'm a shy lil guy okay i'm trying to be better but. (: personally i consider all my mains good friends but idk if they would say the same so. shrugs.
tagged by: @blaecdog tagging: @mythcaels, @metrictita, @fangier, @mundanemiseries
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just-a-carrot · 10 months
tjis is a very random question
if i were to be one of the main fives friend, and i picked them up, how well would they react on a scale from 1-10.
very important question. im sure you understand the extreme need to know how a character would react upon getting picked up
(also i like how theyre being referred to as the main five like its my little pony..)
i see
LOL it's hard to say for sure as i do not know who you are hahaha, and i can imagine they would all react in a different way depending on who picked them up??? 🤣💦
however if i had to just come up with what they might do in general if any random friend picked them up:
Iggy: Would be mostly rather quiet unless talked to first and would act grateful and apologetic for someone having to pick him up.
Genzou: Would talk the entire time and probably stretch out in the car.
Orlam: Would complain the whole way and make someone never want to pick him up again.
Gidget: Would make cheery conversation to try and keep the atmosphere light and enjoyable in the car.
Bucks: Would try to give that person a giant hug. Would talk very loudly. Would comment loudly and excitedly on everything happening outside the car even if it's just something mundane.
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errantce · 1 month
hi, i’m new to sims 4 and i wanted to know how do you make your game so fun? mine just eat, work, sleep, spend hours using the computer, barely have friends or cool interactions with random sim, move when i’m trying to take pictures etc.
well personally, i always have autonomy on & i let my sims do whatever they want to do, even if i don't like it. i rarely have them stay home, they go out to clubs, restaurants, lounges etc. i make sure they have as many friends & family as possible & i give (mostly) all their friends their own story too.
it's good to have a main sim, but i like to play with the 'side characters' sometimes for a change of pace. mods are also very useful, especially mods that add more conversations to the game.
sims are annoying as hell & will move like their life depends on it, so download pose player or wicked whims pose player & google poses if you want them to be posed in a certain way. also its tedious but simply pausing the game at the right moment will do wonders too.
i've gotten this question before so perhaps in the future i'll do a comprehensive list of my must have mods / pose creators / animators.
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100hearteyes · 2 years
Late to the party. Why don’t we like Tár?
Tár is the story of a female conductor who uses her position of power to take advantage of other, younger women in her orchestra.
The predatory lesbian is a common trope of old. I say 'of old', but the truth is it's been less than twenty, thirty years since its usage mostly disappeared from mainstream media.
"But Tár is meant to show that power has no gender." Yes, but they specifically chose a woman who likes women. A very specific, very harmful stereotype. "There are lesbians who sexually harass too." Yes, but we are still fighting the perception that that's more common than it actually is. We are still fighting the perception that being a lesbian automatically means wanting all women and openly lusting after them and disrespecting their boundaries. "Equality also means getting the same villainous roles." Yes, but there is no equality at the minute. How many mainstream lesbian-led movies were there this year? How many Oscar-contending lesbian-led movies have there been in recent years? And most importantly, how many women still get spooked out by finding someone they know is a lesbian and say poisonous shit like 'as long as she doesn't make a pass at me'? How many women/girls still start avoiding a friend because they found out she's a lesbian? There is no equality, there is no equity, there is just a general warming up to the idea of lesbians. And also, and just as importantly, how come you want to pin villainous roles on us when you haven't given any of all those other roles yet? We don't have almost any lesbians in common movie roles. We don't have lesbian superhero protagonist. We don't have lesbian John Wick/Jack Reacher/James Bond. The most lesbianism we had in Disney content until Willow was a two-second kiss in SW9, some gritty, vague couple in the tv show with the dude from Zero Rogue One (can't be bothered to look up the name), and a couple random ladies who hold hands (?) for two seconds in Finding Dory. We don't have lesbian mother who hunts the people who kidnapped her daughter. We don't have lesbian Crazy, Stupid, Love or lesbian Top Gun or lesbian gangster movies or lesbian Irish farmers living their best life or lesbian crime solving or lesbian political movie or lesbian Serious Movie™. Queer people in general are still mostly stuck with conversion therapy and coming out movies, and for lesbians in particular, the blue-filter, dirty-nails period pieces. There's a subset of teen romantic comedies showing up now, which is awesome, but it's still very indie-adjacent (I love indie movies, don't get me wrong, but I'm talking about the need for mainstream content, specifically). So no, the work is by no means done yet. Equality can't be an argument, because we have NOT been given equal roles. We are still at an era where our main character trait is being queer/a lesbian (one of the most satisfying series I watched recently in that regard was a French comedy called Détox (Netflix) where one of the two main characters is a lesbian but it's just presented as a fact of life and not a character trait, which I loved - even though the show itself is not great lol).
And then in comes Tár, where a lesbian's main character trait is being a sexual predator. Where a lesbian's character trait is the arguably most harmful stereotype associated with queer women. Delightful. When we start seeing regular characters in regular films and 'oh yeah, and they're queer', when sexuality becomes more of an afterthought in a character's trait map (sexuality is never an afterthought in real life, but we need that level of normalcy and acceptance and, yes, equality in the media to help effect positive change in the real world too), then we can have movies like Tár. Not right now, when it can still do so much damage.
TL;DR - Tár is a movie that reawakens, feeds into, and perpetuates the profoundly harmful stereotype of the predatory lesbian, at a time when general common sense is at its most brittle and bigots are eager to find new/more reasons to witch-hunt innocent people who just want to live their lives and be happy.
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anonygowose · 3 months
!!! WELCOME !!!
☆ I'm Goose / Goosey, this is my main blog! ☆
♡ 19 - They / Them ♡
☆ I think many people can be something's biggest fan ☆ ᵀʰᵃᵗ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ˢᵃᶦᵈ, ᴵ ᵃᵐ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᶦᵍᵍᵉˢᵗ ʳᵒᵇᵒᵗ ᶠᵃⁿ
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This includes:
☆ My own art / creations from my other blogs
♡ Fandoms I am a part of / enjoy
☆ Friend's art
♡ Shitposts
This includes:
☆ Light vents
♡ Dreams
☆ Conversations
♡ Random thoughts / ideas
☆ Game screenshots / stories
♡ Shitposts
However I have learned I am absolutely terrible at doing this consistently.
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☆ @anonygooose - Art Blog!
♡ @asurrealexperience - Dream Game! (massive eyestrain warning)
☆ @afterlifeafterhours - NOT MY BLOG but I voice one of the characters in this series! I am Erus, the silly pink one, go check it out!
more to come...
☆ My Website!
♡ Ko-Fi
☆ Art Fight
♡ Flight Rising
☆ UnVale
♡ LinkTree
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RAIN WORLD - Literally my ENTIRE personality since 2020. I will NOT shut up about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If Rain World has a million fans I am one of them. If Rain World has 10 fans I am one of them. If Rain World has 1 fan I am it. If Rain World has 0 fans it must take place in an alternative universe where it's an actual good game (just KIDDING guys GOSH take a JOKE ((/lh /no ill intent /Rain World is a very good game it just makes me want to rip all of my hair out <3)))
PLACID PLASTIC DUCK SIMULATOR - Probably one of my bigger hyperfixations, I am a HUGE fan of the series. To the point the Developers my beloved ADDED ME TO THE "THANK YOU" SECTION OF THEIR GAME!!! I'M LISTED THERE!!!! THANK YOU DUCK DEVS <333 Anyways, I am a MASSIVE supporter and enjoyer, and I play any of their games! I cannot wait for Placid Plastic Duck - A Quiet Quest and also Slowly Sliding Ducks. ACE ATTORNEY - Becomes a hyperfixation every few months. You will know it happens when my entire theme changes to Godot and I spend every hour I am awake and should be asleep talking about it and / or reblogging posts about it and / or playing the games and / or watching the show AGAIN !!!
BUGSNAX - Probably THE biggest fixation I have ever had, took place the entirety of 2021. Pulled me out of the worst depression I've had in my life, made me start drawing again and I have over a dozen grumpus ocs. It's what made me comfortable enough to create headcanons and fan characters again. Holds a special place in my heart.
INFINITY TRAIN - My all time favorite show !!! I have ocs regarding this series and I rewatch it pretty frequently. It means a lot to me, I hold it in a special place in my heart :)
MOOMIN VALLEY - A series I enjoy a ton, there will be certain days I will focus entirely on this silly series I love it <3
ALL SAINTS STREET - Another series I enjoy a ton! I talk about it every so often but it's something I mostly keep to myself.
CULT OF THE LAMB - One of my current bigger obsessions, I actively desire to have the time to draw my lamb and all the silly followers I have. I reblog a LOT of fanart of this game, beware.
REGRETEVATOR - The biggest obsession I have at the moment, I draw my character Dizzy & canon characters whenever I can and you can find posts of them on my art account! Currently drawing a lot of Regretevator ocs on Art Fight :D
OTHER THINGS I LIKE (NO SPECIFIC ORDER): Psych, Phighting!, Flight Rising, New Girl, Schitt's Creek, Mii Related Games, Tomodachi Life, Arctic Eggs, 7 Days To Die, Project Zomboid, Fallout Games, Stardew Valley, An Airport for Aliens Currently Run By Dogs, ARK, Buddy Simulator 1984, Crypt Of The Necrodancer, Content Warning, Lethal Company, Darkwood, Costume Quest, Inscryption, Neon White, Night In The Woods, No Man's Sky, No Straight Roads, OMORI, Oneshot, Rhythm Doctor, The Sam & Max Series, The Sims Series, Slime Rancher, The Subnautica Games, Voidigo, Wobbledogs, Pokemon, Everything Everything, The Scary Jokes, Of Montreal, Glass Animals, Arcade Fire, Robots, Minecraft, Terraria, Minecraft Story Mode, Murder Drones, The Amazing Digital Circus, Epithet Erased, Stuffed Animals
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☆ I am Polish but based in America
♡ ENFP !
☆ I am currently a Game Design & Development college student :D
♡ My favorite animal is the Red Panda
☆ My favorite colors are brown & pink !
♡ I have two very odd kins- being the Twitter cat emoji and cyriak's 7 Billion rabbit rabbits
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☆ If you are a NSFW blog attempting to follow / reach out, do not be shocked it I do not respond and potentially block you! This is rare but if your blog makes me uncomfortable I WILL do it. If you are afraid of this happening, use a side account to interact!
☆ If you are anti-LGBTQ (including ANY amounts of homophobia, transphobia, acephobia, against neopronouns & against the use of umbrella terms such as pansexuality, you are OUT)
Licherally be open minded, not a creep, or at the VERY least keep all of it to yourself if you want to interact with this blog or any of my side blogs :)
I do want to note I love making new friends, if you would like to get to know me and share interests and such, please reach out!
And ANY person I have ever once known, whether we ended our relationships on good or bad terms, are ALWAYS accepted in my mind. If you ever want to reach out, I am here :)
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thundercrack · 2 years
ok joining the club... February reading report! I'm mostly just mouthing off... Read at your own risk!
Dune by Frank Herbert
The Friend by Sigrid Nunez
Look, I'm a sucker for a classic. I'd been vaguely meaning to read this since I saw the Timmy Chalemet movie...and I generally have a tolerance for fairly long scifi/fantasy. I enjoyed the first maybe third of this book...and then I got bored (needless to say I will not be reading the next four Dune books although I did finish). Don't get me wrong -- I'm glad I read it. In many ways, Dune still culturally relevant, both within the world of genre fiction, and (especially because of the new film) in debates about orientalism, the Cold War, humanity, etc, etc. I found Herbert's explorations on this future version of Islam and future version of Arabic pretty interesting, but by the end of the book, I was really annoyed by the main character. There's a lot of really interesting discussion and criticism around this book, so I'm glad to be able to understand a little more of those conversations as well. Also, now I retrospectively sort of know what was happening in the movie!
I was too young to read this book. It was good; it was not for me. Revisit in thirty-five years.
Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell
Lincoln In The Bardo by George Saunders
Why did I read this? I've never read any other David Mitchell. This book was an exercise in 1960s musical fantasy, where nothing goes wrong and the truest joy is from celebrity encounters, powered by the author's love for the era, rather than having anything to say. This was a book about a rock band going straight to the top, without any real interrogation into the cultural forces and pitfalls of the 1960s, weak characterization, random tie-ins with his larger universe, and next to no tension. I'll probably still read Cloud Atlas at some point, but this one is a hard pass.
This was one of my old roommates favorite books that I gave another go after DNFing in maybe, 2018? Again, I think this might be a book I'd like more if I were older. I thought the structure and format was well-done (I especially liked the history excerpts, of course); the story itself, I was maybe luke-warm on. I thought the prose was good (especially the dialogue) and the characters were interesting. I'm not entirely sure what's making me luke-warm on it, but I liked it enough to be glad I read it.
Human Acts by Han Kang (trans. Deborah Smith)
This was the best book I read this month, hands down. Maybe this year as well. Kang masterfully weaves together a number of stories around the Gwangju massacre of pro-democracy demonstrators. This book was at times, extremely brutal to read (and I would say I have a fairly high tolerance in text). It was clearly well-researched, well-lived, and well-considered. The topics it tackled were both grains of sand and the meaning of humanity itself. I really, really, enjoyed this book; I highly recommend it, and I definitely look forward to reading The Vegetarian in the future. Bonus reading: Han Kang and the Complexity of Translation
All The President's Men by Woodward and Bernstein
I constantly get this one mixed up with All The Kings Men by Robert Penn Warren (also good). One of my college friends had just read this and sent me a number of random updates throughout their reading, mostly focused on Woodward and Bernstein's....tense relationship. Like most Americans, I've been vaguely aware of Watergate my whole life (I even saw that movie The Post!), and I think this book really did a good job laying out the reveal of the story as well as sort of the in-house tensions that were going on. My copy (from the library) was the original 1974 edition, and I sort of wish that I had a more recent version with a little bit more distance on the events, but it's kind of fun to have been "right in there." I generally do like this style of expanded-reportage book (see Ronan Farrow's books, or in another genre, Jon Krakauer), and Watergate still looms so large in the American political imagination, so I'm glad I read this one too.
Beyond Babylon by Igiaba Scego (trans. Aaron Robertson)
This is a book I would have really liked to enjoy. I didn't. I kept saying to myself -- well, maybe it's just the translation that didn't work for me (the whole book was a bit clunky to read). There are a lot of really interesting themes in this novel (fluid identity, colonization, language, coincidence, politics, choice and nature, etc), interesting characters, play with language, a sweep of history that could have been fascinating. However, in practice, it didn't work for me. The different storylines sometimes were confusing, the plot at times eluding me, seemingly unnecessary tangents taking me nowhere. It was a slow read. There was just a lot here (and maybe it's just through my background that I was missing pieces)...and none of it quite fit together.
Murder by the Book by Claire Harman
Totally random book I picked up at the library. It's not really a topic or like...an era (the metropolitan center of Victorian Britain??) that I care about, but I was like, hey, cool cover, I want an easy read this week, etc. I thought it was well written and well researched, and I definitely learned some stuff about the literary scene of the era. It was also amusing how some of the debates around "base literature" are...pretty much the same today as they were in the 1830s.
Beasts of a Little Land by Juhea Kim
Look, you ever read a book and you can just tell it was written by a Harvard/Yale/Princeton grad? Well, this was one. This book was extremely readable. It's got decent characters who are fairly easy to get invested in and a structure that pulls you through the text, all while set across a complex, divided, and rapidly changing backdrop of early 20th-c Korea. However, the narrative itself rung flat, and the book's promised complexity disappeared before I got through the second chapter -- it's almost a completely sanitized view of two very complex worlds: that of high-class courtesans, and that of orphans/gangs who become politically involved. Narratively things go wrong, but it's almost never because the characters make bad decisions -- except perhaps in love -- which collapses the once-promising characters. Also, it jumps from 1945 to 1964 at the end...not very successfully (the opening/closing of the book was extremely trite and not terribly well-done). This book was almost disappointing because it promised more than it could deliver, falling straight into the chasm of mediocre novels by diverse graduates of elite institutions. I didn't do it any favors by reading it so soon after Human Acts either, although they're very different novels.
The Thousand Crimes of Ming by Tsu Tom Lin
The advertising around this book does it poorly (do not go in expecting anything Cormac McCarthy-like LOL). Don't get me wrong, I liked this book -- I do enjoy a modern Western and I think Lin does a great job highlighting the role of Chinese workers on the expansion of the railroad, as well as the curiosities of the era through a fantastical magic troupe. The NPR review of this book highlights how each character plays with genre, which was true and definitely one interesting part of the novel. Thematically, I thought this book was interesting if a bit restrained, and the characters were neat. Unfortunately, though I enjoyed giving this one a read, at the end of the day, it's all a bit forgettable.
Dumb Luck by Vu Trong Phung (trans. Nyuyen Nguyet Cam and Peter Zinoman)
Tumblr bookclub read! Like I said to A and Rhu, I found the introduction "Vu Trong Phung's Dumb Luck and the Nature of Vietnamese Modernism" by Peter Zinoman more interesting than the text itself, but overall, I'm glad I read the book. It's always really interesting to read these sort of big, foundational texts -- even in fairly recent translation. I haven't read a lot of satire and really don't know that much about Vietnam before American involvement, but the thrust of the text was definitely quite interesting (and brutal -- one review described all the characters as antagonists) even if I didn't fully understand all the conversations, it was taking part in.
Heart of Darkness (3rd Norton Critical Edition) by Joseph Conrad (ed. Robert Kimbrough)
Confession: I think I'd read this before and almost entirely forgotten it. I didn't particularly enjoy the book and literarily, I'm not sure that I got what quality elevates it to a "great novel." I especially enjoyed the back-and-forth among several scholars (especially around Achebe) about its relationship to colonialism, inclusion in the canon, and European self-definition against Africa as a "primitive other." I'm glad I read it mostly because I feel like it gives me a better sense of the larger conversation around Leopold in the Congo and the literary/related discourses around the scramble for Africa. So, thematically, glad I read it; literarily, whatever.
The Last King of Scotland by Giles Foden
The end :) maybe I'll do this again someday!
Another confession: I pick a lot of books by wandering around the library and just grabbing one that looked interesting. I did read Heart of Darkness before this for a reason. I quite liked reading this one -- I thought the narration was really interesting and the narrator's complicity in the brutality of Idi Amin's rule was neat. Certain scenes were very brutal (and the book was certainly well-researched). I felt like at times, the time-skips didn't quite work, but the general disconnect between Garrigan, his identity, and what was happening around him was interesting. I think I had to watch the film that was a loose adaptation of the book in class in high school. I think I could probably have some more interesting thematic and political comments on this one if I sat on it a little longer, but I'm kind of getting tired of writing this and also I finished it like, twelve and a half hours ago or something.
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primordialhazbin · 3 months
munday writing detail meme!
Name: Kotys
Age range: under 18 | between 18 and 25 | 25 and older
Pronouns: She/Her
Random fact about me: I have sectoral heterochromia. My irises are half blue and half green.
When it comes to planning threads: I like to wing it completely | I like to plan the start of the thread | I like to plan several key points in the thread | I like to plan every reply | It depends (elaborate)
Pre-established relationships between muses: I enjoy them | I like them occasionally but mostly prefer to play the relationship out | I don't do pre-established relationships
When it comes to replies, I like to: Keep mine short (1-2 paragraphs) | Keep mine to medium length | Keep my replies long (10+ paragraphs) | It depends (elaborate) The mood dictates the length of the reply, and it also depends on the driving point of my reply. It's important to me that I can express my muse in an appropriate way that gives your muse & the overall thread the necessary hooks for us to grab and continue the story.
I generally try to reply in: 1 day | 3 days | A week | Within a month | More than a month
I like getting asks for memes I reblogged a long time ago: Yes | No | Depends
I like getting random IC asks from my mutuals: Yes | No | Depends
I like getting tagged in unplanned starters from my mutuals: Yes | No | Depends
I like getting getting OOC asks from my mutuals to plan our threads: Yes | No | Depends
I like getting getting OOC asks from my mutuals just to chat about things not related to RP: Yes | No | Depends (K here - I'm not good at keeping conversations cuz I get tired fast in social situations. You can talk to me about regular degular stuff if you wanna but it's not what I seek here. I'm here to focus on rp first and foremost 🫶 hence ooc friendships might be hard to create with me but I prommy I love all the friends who have patiently grown a friendship with me over months of friendly slowburn lmao)
I enjoy writing: Drama! I love having an external conflict that drives our muses in a certain direction where they can grow their relationship. :) I'm not great at banter for the sake of banter. I need a story.
I don't enjoy writing: Fast banter. I don't have the time to spend on quick back and forths. I wish I did tho. It looks super fun! Also smut. I'm so awkward with it, I just can't do it without being beet red in the face. I can try, but it's got to be part of a bigger story so I don't feel like there's a spotlight on the act.
My favourite tropes are: Rivals to friends/lovers and friends/lovers to rivals. Found family. Secret identities. Funny slice of life situations.
Opinion on shipping (for a specific character or in general): It's good 👍 I'm a huge sucker for slowburn. I don't like jumping into ships because I love building up to them. Sometimes baking the cake is more fun than eating it if you catch my drift.
I get inspired to write by doing this: Listen to music that feels appropriate to the storyline's current mood, hallucinate the scene with my mind's eye, write down the main idea I want to convey in my reply, note a couple of bullet points then take a break and come back when I'm able to revise my ideas and actually write the reply. This is mostly for big threads with big plot points, or threads I've lost the initial creative inertia for. I don't always take breaks to revise, but this is mostly the gist of my process.
One of my favourite threads/drabbles/etc: On my SpyxFam blog, my Yor and I wrote an AMAZING thread in which our fake spouses found each other after my muse had to fake his death. I think it was the best thread I've ever written with someone. My incredible RP partner helped me push against my writing limits & I feel like I am a much better writer thanks to them. I think our thread went for 6 months lol it was such a good experience!!! I've also written Lilith a couple years ago with an incredible Lucifer that I hold fondly to my heart. It was just as good!
A writing partner (or partners!) I've enjoyed writing with: My incredible Yor on my SXF blogs and a couple of writers I've sadly lost contact with. I hope they're fine.
A mutual I want to write with but haven't yet: Oh man, all of you!
Tagged by: none, found this on the for you page
Tagging: you!
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