#mostly throwing idea spaghetti at the wall!!
retquits · 4 months
Have you made a portrait mod for sdv?? I think it would look awesome if you did!!^^
so out of all the asks/messages i receive about stardew valley, portrait mod questions are by far the majority!! thank you, i'm extremely honored by the sentiment TvT 💛
i would absolutely love to, but it's really hard for me to justify the time it would take (especially with each character having 3 outfits now 🧎‍♂️)
out of curiosity - do you think anyone would be interested in sponsoring portrait mods for different characters...? 🤔
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An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIPs
Thank you for tagging me @ic3-que3n @theearlgreymage @wellbelesbian @shrekgogurt @orange-peony @youarenevertooold @whatevertheweather @thewholelemon @cutestkilla @aristocratic-otter @monbons @emeryhall @valeffelees (wow everyone is out here playing huh?)
🦈Tell us the name of your / one of your WIP(s)
As of right now, I’m going with Back and Back and Back but that may change.
🍄Decscribe your wip / one of your wips in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Past flashbacks in which Baz grows up being visited by an older Simon in the woods outside his house in Hampshire + current 7th year Simon suddenly finds himself traveling back in time to visit young Baz = both Simon and Baz trying to figure out what’s happening in the present, resulting in them falling in love in a mesh of past and present
🌍What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
Soulmates, time travel, canon divergent, Watford-era, angst with a happy ending, kid!Baz, lightly inspired by Time Traveler’s Wife.
🧭An alternative title to your / one of your WIP(s)?
I mentioned this last week, but I quite like Start at the End, even though I don’t think it technically is accurate or describes the fic.
⚠️Which wip you’re most likely to finish or update next?
Idk, this one will be quite long, but everything else in my WIP folder are just attempts at starting a premise I liked, but none of them have gotten much traction, so probably this one? Hopefully?
💾What is your document of your wip / a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Time Travel AU
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
He whistles, looking around and finally taking the time to fully appreciate the tree house.
“Did you make this?”
“With help,” I explain. “Some from Father. Mostly from you.”
His eyebrows raise in surprise. That’s one thing I’ve yet to figure out, why he forgets. Sometimes, he remembers our past visits with more detail than I do. As if they’d just happened the day before instead of years ago. Other times, he can’t remember something as big as building a treehouse with me. He reminds me of my grandmother, when her dementia had its grips on her. She’d recall something from her childhood so clearly, and the next minute, she’d forget my name.
Father didn’t want me to call attention to it in front of her. He said it would only make her more confused. So I don’t mention it to him, either. We just sort of…dance around it, without mentioning it outright. (He’d fit right in with my family, honestly.) I just clarify things and then we move on.
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
I was thinking about having the Humdrum be a time traveling younger Simon, or something like that, in addition to current Simon being a time traveler. Like, they discover there’s another version of him traveling, but I thought that would be too confusing. So instead, he’s just the regular ol’ Humdrum.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
I have a lil Drabble in my head about Baz being sad while his wedding ring is getting fixed by the jewelers for a week so Simon has to cheer him up. (It me. Rubbing my empty ring finger all week while it’s getting fixed and I hate it not being there.)
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
Actively? I think just this one right now. There are about 4 other half starts from earlier this year when I was just throwing spaghetti noodles at the wall to see what stuck. Some of them I may come back to if I get a burst of inspiration or something.
🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
(One of) the big reveals because the scene carries a lot of emotional weight, and I want to do it right.
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
And kudos to anyone who read this far!
Anyone else want to play? @facewithoutheart @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @blackberrysummerblog @run-for-chamo-miles @mooncello @angelsfalling16 @artsyunderstudy and anyone else interested! 💜
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coinandcandle · 1 year
do you have any ideas on developing my personal practice? ive mostly been throwing spaghetti at a wall and idk if thats the best way to go about it
That's a great question, actually. It can be really hard to learn magic and create your own paradigms (or collect them from others). Throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks works for some people and that's a totally valid way to go about it!
I am not one of those people, though. I need structure.
You don't need to go as far as I do where I essentially give myself a lesson plan, but if you need a bit of structure I'll make a short list for you to check out!
Coin's Research Tips - To help you learn how to research witchy topics
Definitions in Modern Magical Context - Semi-opinion based definitions of words you'll find in the magical community
Magical Misconceptions - Misconceptions you may find about the magical community
Spell Types - Spell types.
Intention and Magic - The use and necessity of intention in magic.
Correspondences - Why are they called that? - What correspondences are and how they come to be called that.
Witchy Red Flags - Red flags to look for when learning witchcraft
Deity Work - Master post about my deity-focused posts
Spell Crafting - Master post about spell crafting
Try messing around with other people's spells, spell crafting methods, etc and see what works for you! You can also check out my Witchy Assignments master post for a list of different activities that have helped me develop my craft.
Also if you want to develop your craft even deeper I would highly suggest doing research on some of the more prominent figures and texts used and referenced in magical communities.
I hope this helps you!! Let me know if you have any more questions <3
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chiimeramanticore · 2 months
Part of the Band - Chapter 8 - Up Late
Chapter summary: Beach Bear and Dook stay up late together. A/N:
hello! how are you doing? I hope things are going well for you :] fun note about this chapter! with its posting this will become my longest fanfic I've ever written (to AO3 at least, but I'm certain I've probably beat out my old Wattpad fics too lmao). my former longest fic is called after the end, a steam powered giraffe fanfic that's still up on here if for some reason you want to read it lmao. it sits unfinished at 12k words and 7 chapters. this chapter will put potb at 13k words and 8 chapters! after the end is like... 10 years old at this point and is a v nostalgic fic for me, even if I don't think it's that good anymore. it's bittersweet to surpass it! thank y'all for reading so far :] hope you enjoy this chapter! OH ALSO tw for a brief transphobia reference in this chapter! sorry lol
Chapter word count: 2,068 <- Chapter 7 - Chapter 9 -> Read it on AO3!
The drive home is long and silent. Dook curses himself for not saying anything– maybe he could've helped lighten the mood. But the atmosphere in the car was so oppressive... it felt like even if he did try to say something, the air would've swallowed his words before they even escaped his mouth.
They arrive home, and the few feet walking from the car inside is equally oppressive. Dook is certain this is going to hang over them for the rest of the day. He's prepared to find an excuse to go out for a while just to get away from it.
Beach Bear puts his keys down. "...Hey, y'know what?"
"What always gets me cheered up," he says. "We should write a song."
Dook isn't sure what to say.
"Yeah," Beach Bear continues. "Yeah, c'mon. Let's not let this ruin the whole day, right? We'll sit down and come up with something real good, and we can order takeout for dinner, and we can turn this day around. That sound good?"
"Uh..." He's still staggered from the sudden turnaround. "S- sure. Why not?"
"Great," Beach Bear says. "I'll grab my guitar. You grab some paper." He bounds off toward the car, leaving Dook to find some paper.
Beach Bear returns within a few minutes, and the two sit down at the couch together. It's just about as much as Beach Bear had promised... but maybe not as fruitful as he had hoped. They struggle to come up with anything particularly catchy. But despite Dook's protests that "maybe this isn't working out," Beach Bear insists it'll come to them if they just keep at it a little longer.
Eventually, night falls, and the two have still yet to come up with anything good. Dook is drained of his energy, and at this point resorts mostly to just watching Beach Bear figuratively throw spaghetti at the wall. It takes a while of this before Beach notices Dook's sorta clocked out. Finally, he slows down for him.
"...Uh, hey," he says. "If you're getting tired, you don't have to wait up for me. I don't mind if you go to bed."
"You're in my bed," Dook says, gesturing at the couch he's been sitting on for hours.
"Right. Use my bed, then," he says. "I'll be up for a while longer. I can sleep here tonight."
The idea of sleeping in Beach Bear's bed is... It feels so personal. Even if he's not there with him. It reminds Dook of that night he slept in his car. It was nice, sure, but he still can't think of that night without a twinge of guilt.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Yeah, sure," Beach Bear insists. "Go on ahead."
"...Okay," Dook says. If he says he's sure, he's not going to fight him for the couch.
Despite having lived here for a few months now, Dook has never really been in Beach Bear's room. Maybe a few times for a minute or less... but he's never gone much past the threshold. And he's certainly never stayed here overnight. It almost feels like an invasion of privacy to get into his bed.
The pillows are soft, the mattress even softer. The blanket is thin, cool. Beach Bear's room is painted a pale reddish-pimk color, the walls strewn with posters and flyers and other memorabilia. From the bed, the door sits across from him in the center of the wall. The wall to the left is a sliding door to a closet. A desk sits adjacent, cluttered with papers, clothing, and projects long-forgotten. To the right, a large window with a thin curtain pulled down over it. Next to the bed, a nightstand with a lamp and a mostly-empty glass of water.
Dook sinks down under the covers, silent, as if careful not to disturb the very air in the room. It's heavy, but not as uncomfortable as it was in the car. It weighs on him like a thick blanket. He thinks of Beach Bear and all the nights he's spent in this room... A bedroom is such a casually personal thing, isn't it? A perfect representation of a person, yet one never seems to notice it. Not until you're in someone else's room alone and the walls themselves seem to contain the ghost of them.
It must take some great level of trust to let someone sleep in your bed, Dook thinks idly. If he'd had his own bed, would he let Beach Bear sleep in it? If he had his own room at all...
Dook wakes up hot and uncomfortable. He's sweaty, having twisted the blanket uncomfortably around him in his sleep. He sighs, sitting up. Maybe a drink of water will help.
He steps out of bed and is about to leave the room when he hears something odd. Is that... crying? Is Beach Bear crying?
He considers ignoring it and just going back to bed, leaving him be. But despite it, he opens the door, if more careful than before.
"...Beach Bear?" He calls.
"Ah–" He hears shuffling from the couch. "Yeah? What's up?"
Dook approaches more now, the couch visible. Beach Bear has turned to face him, resting an elbow casually on the top of the couch, but he's failed to fix himself up well enough. It's obvious he's been crying.
"Are you alright?" Dook asks.
"Y- yeah, man," he says, then sniffs. "I'm fine, I was just–" He turns back to the music sheets scattered around the area. "I was just finishing up. Might turn in soon."
"Anything good?" Dook asks, skeptical.
Beach Bear pauses. "...No," he admits.
"Maybe it'll be easier when you aren't so tired," Dook suggests.
"No, it's–" Beach Bear sniffs again, beginning to sound more tense now. "It's not about that. It's..." He trails off.
"...Do you wanna talk about it?" Dook says.
"...Yeah," Beach Bear says finally. He moves over on the couch to give Dook room to sit, and he joins him.
Beach Bear stares down at the mess of papers he's made. "It's not just about the music, obviously," he begins. "It's not even just about Mini. She's just... I guess she sent me over the edge.
"I told you we were in a band before, me and her. It wasn't... just a band. We all came from pretty scrappy or seedy backgrounds. We all needed someone. So we basically spent all our time together. But a bunch of troubled people are just bound to get into more trouble. And when you get people like Queenie... she takes over easily. She likes telling people what to do. And when you're like me... you listen. Because you don't have anyone else.
"I let her use me for anything she wanted. I let her berate me over and over, because I thought one day I'd finally get it right and she'd praise me for once. But she never did. No one did. Near the end, basically all we did was fight. We'd hang out in this garage, some abandoned house no one was using, and we were supposed to be practicing, but all we ever did was just... argue with each other.
"And one night, it came to a head. The place got burnt down. We scattered to avoid the cops, and I just... haven't seen any of them since. Except Mini. She stuck her fangs in me."
Dook isn't sure what to say. He finds himself staring idly at the papers, too. "Her parents are..." he says. "I didn't know."
"I know," Beach Bear replies. "She told me a long time ago. It was an accident. I don't know the specifics. Since then, she's had to handle Mitzi on her own. She's been stressed, and... I've tried not to blame her for her behavior, but..."
"It wasn't an excuse for how she treated you," Dook says.
"It's not an excuse for how she treats anyone," Beach Bear says.
"...What about Mitzi?"
"What about her?"
"Is she... safe? With Queenie?"
"I don't think she'd hurt her, if that what you mean," Beach Bear says. "But that girl deserves better." He sighs. "I'm sorry you had to see me so angry."
"It's okay," Dook says.
"It just... came to a head again, I guess." Beach Bear leans forward, resting his arms on his knees. "And now that we're out a singer, and... and I can't even write a half-decent song..."
"It'll come to you," Dook offers.
"Maybe," Beach Bear says, upset. "I just– I really need this to work. I need this to work so bad..."
He huffs, somewhere between a sigh and a sob, burying his face in his hands. Dook reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.
"...I need the money, Dook," Beach Bear mutters.
"I need this to work, I need this band to work," he says. "I'm gonna be out of money soon if it doesn't work..."
"I... I didn't know you..." Dook trails off. His hand falters a little, sliding down a bit towards his back.
Beach Bear straightens just a little. "I... don't know how to tell you this," he says. "My family and I, we... aren't on the best terms. We aren't exactly speaking.
"I wasn't..." He pauses. "I wasn't born a boy, Dook. I'm happier like this, but... my family doesn't get it. They don't like that I'm happier now, I guess. I don't need them. I'm not gonna go crawling back to them. But they... wouldn't support me, even if I did."
Dook is silent. His hand falls from Beach Bear's back.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," Beach Bear says.
"...It's okay," Dook says. "This... that doesn't change anything, you know. That doesn't make me not wanna be your friend anymore. And it's not something you owed me, neither. I'm glad you told me."
Beach Bear says nothing, but lets out a small, shaky sigh. A silent tear falls from his eye.
" 'Sides, I... think I understand you. A little, at least," Dook continues. "I'm not talking with my family right now either.
"See, I, uh..." He leans back against the couch. "I come from a real big family, right? And a lot of us are musicians. Successful ones, at that. I always wanted to follow in their footsteps. I wanted to prove I was somethin'. But I'm... the runt of the litter, I guess. I'm not so strong... definitely not so smart. My family doesn't think I can't– I can't do nothin'. They gave up on me before I even got a chance to– to show 'em I could be worth something at all.
"They love me, sure. But they never took me seriously, neither. So one day, I... I walked out. Told 'em I wouldn't come back until I made somethin' of myself.
"And then I..." And then he failed a few dozen times, sending him into a depressive alcoholic spiral... putting him at rock bottom. Broke, drunk, unhappy, and with no faith in himself at all. And that's how Beach Bear found him.
"...I... fell on hard times," he says finally. "It didn't work out."
"...Dook, do you think the Rock-afire has a future?" Beach Bear asks.
"Oh, sure," Dook starts.
"Be honest," Beach Bear says. "You just said you couldn't get it to work on your own."
Dook pauses. "I... I know it's rough now, Beach Bear," he says. We're out a singer, and you're struggling to write, and... and I don't have too much faith in myself. Not on my own. But... I'm not on my own. I got you. And I got Billy Bob, and Looney Bird, and Fatz. Both of us do. Hell, maybe we still got Mitzi, too. I dunno if any of us could do it on our own, but... But together... I think we got somethin'. Really."
Beach Bear hasn't moved. He doesn't react at first to what Dook says. Then, a sigh through his nose, and he closes his eyes.
"You're right," he says. "You're right."
Dook smiles. He leans forward to meet him, his hands resting near the edge of the cushion.
"We're gonna make something out of ourselves," he says.
Beach Bear's left hand moves to touch Dook's right, a set of fingers laid just over the other. Dook doesn't pull away.
"Yeah," Beach Bear agrees. "It's just a matter of time."
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For context, I believe Rauru’s Hyrule is a “new” Hyrule founded after the past version(s) fell long in the past (allowing it to exist in any timeline, etc)
I was thinking about Ganondorf and reincarnation. My theory naturally implies TOTK Ganondorf is not literally The Same Dude from OOT that all the other appearances of Ganon(dorf) are. Well, except maybe Four Swords Adventures, but that’s kinda vague. Uh, anyway
The conversation that naturally crops up when it comes to reincarnation in the Zelda series is the touchy subject that is Demise’s Curse and what it actually means on a practical level. People tend to interpret it to either mean Ganondorf is a literal reincarnation of Demise, or an incarnation of Demise’s hatred. But I really don’t think so.
Demise’s curse specifically states that “an incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!” The obvious way to interpret this is the idea that some Big Evil Guy will pop up now and again to toss a bowling ball at Hyrule and knock a few pins over until some kid in green PJs comes along and smacks them around a bit, but I really don’t think it’s meant to be nearly that literal. Mostly because it would remove literally all agency from Ganondorf. Which is lame. And also, it kinda doesn’t make sense? Not every conflict in Hyrulean history involves Ganondorf. Hyrule has quite the blood-soaked sea of darkness all on its own, no Ganondorf required. Even ignoring all the stuff involving Vaati, there’s the Hyrulean Civil War, which, granted, is implied to have potentially involved the Gerudo, but very likely had several different players, and it was the Hylians who were clearly taking power, as they’re the ones who eventually wound up on top.
All of this to say, I think the incarnation of Demise’s hatred is less Ganondorf and more just the general greed and desire for power that those who inhabit Hyrule may feel. That Ganondorf happens to really enjoy having power simply makes him an obvious example, but by that same token it paints many of the various monarchs and royals in Hyrulean history in a similar light. It also means that those who fall prey to this are still perfectly in control of their own actions. They are culpable, and still complex people rather than just being the literal incarnations of evil. It also means that the fact that Ganondorf can reincarnate is less to do with being Demise reborn and more to do with him just having an exceptionally strong will and spirit all on his own
That said, I am Not a good Analyst and I’m mostly throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. So uh dear smart person who is also a big Ganondorf fan does any of this spaghetti stick
Heyy thank you so much for this ask, it's super interesting!
I agree that the curse being more about light beckoning darkness, and stability demanding upheaval just like absolute order leads to death just as surely as entropy does, feels very appropriate and binds the entire series together.
I also think this Ganondorf being a different dude, and the kingdom of Hyrule being one of its many versions, makes the most sense (even if I'm a little sad because my favorite part of Ganondorf is how his arc pans out across several games, I think the gaps between each game nourish him into a more interesting version of himself and I'm sad this one loses all the previous buildup of content --even if that makes sense, his last version was 17 years ago so okay I guess.....)
I've seen takes that say that TotK is the real, historical version of the legends that are Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past and even perhaps Skyward Sword... and I'm really not on board personally. Not because they're Wrong to think that, it might even be what Nintendo is going for tbh, but it just comes down to me believing this version of the events is so much weaker and less rich than the legends they're based on, and that kind of doesn't make sense to me that reality would be even more black and white and drab than the way people (especially the victors) would have retold the story to each other? Again, I think that's really the heart of why TotK is not landing with me: if you recovering your past leads to you being coddled in what you already and always believed, then the world feels crazy claustrophobic to me? It's just not how these things tend to happen in real life, so if it does here... it's suffocating? Inescepable, almost?
(I mean Zelda always had this vibe of being pretty existentially horrifying when unpacked for two seconds, but I think this iteration pushes it to unprecedented heights)
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moonyklance · 2 months
I understand I’m not the best with words (maybe that’s why I can’t finish a single WIP) so it’s easy to not fully get my point across but really, half of this fandom just needs to back up a little. It’s like a classmate coming in and smashing your block tower to bits like bro why couldn’t you just build your own instead of messing with this one? And why are the wizard klan members here?
What’s up with all the combined or swapped characters? Why are we making the straight ships break up for gay ships and then making the original gay ships straight? That one’s not bad, per se, I just worry about the implications.
And I would like to clarify, I don’t think a!yd is responsible for j3gulus, I think it’s responsible for the complete misunderstanding of certain characters. Like at some point it stops being these beloved characters and starts being an OC. Just make an OC, guys.
I think a lot of my thoughts on this mostly has to do with people’s bad media literacy. Also the whole j3gulus thing feels borderline…familial? (Anytime you have to say it’s not technically-)
Anyway! Just throwing my brain at the wall seeing if it’ll stick like spaghetti. No relevant tags because I’m really not trying to start anything, I just wanna rant and possibly find people who have similar ideas to me.
God, I feel old beyond my years. I blame tiktok too, my evidence is based off of a general feeling, your honour.
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thewritetofreespeech · 2 months
hi! (not a request but) i wanted to say i really appreciate and enjoy your writing and was wondering what got you to stick with it? also, how long/many years have you been a writer? (if the questioning is uncomfortable, don't feel pressure to answer!)
*looks around*
You…You’re talking to me???
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me. Sometimes it feels like I’m just throwing my interests into an abyss, or like spaghetti on a wall to see what sticks, so it’s really nice to feel like someone appreciates it as much as I do. 😊
As for the other part, gosh. I’ve been “writing” on & off for probably 20 years now? I started writing fanfics in middle school and kept going until now. I’ve taken some pretty big breaks but always seem to come back to it.
I stick with it mostly because there’s a scenario in my head I want to see come to life, and although there are some incredible writers out there for fandoms it’s never just…right. So in good old Type A fashion I just do it myself. Some things take more time than others. Some ideas I put down and never come back to because they work in my head but not on the page. But I always seem to come back to it eventually and really just enjoy seeing the scene come to life. Then hopefully make people’s day a little more enjoyable through the power of reading!
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littledigits · 2 years
hi!! I just wanted to ask this here incase it was something you could talk about, but I was wondering if you could share any of the thought process or direction that went into designing kaisa’s wand? I just realised at some point that it’s pretty much the only wand in the show that isn’t like..a normal everyday object and just looks like A Wand, and I wondered if there was any reason for that
HONESTLY I would have to tap the designer and ask if he had any particular ideas, but in general its nothing too much beyond trying to design something that fits her style. When we did season one and she was introduced as a character, there wasnt a lot of room to develop her past being mysterious. A lot of really neat things were cut for time -
and of course..well , no one KNOWS if there is going to be a season 2. So luckily when the world could expand, now we have a whole bunch of new witches to design - and they all had their own vibe that was more exaggerated.
victoria evans ( https://www.victoriaevans.net/ ) designed a lot of the witches in the witches tower episode
andrew ferguson ( https://fergsart.carrd.co/ ) was the designer of kaisas wand , (amongst a lot of other designs )
so i think its mostly a case of two designers just having different ideas for what would match a certain witches' vibe and kaisa has a very chill vibe. BUT - Andrew could have had a specific reason in mind. Its kind of a roll of the dice what is a really well planned detail and whats just us throwing spaghetti at the wall .
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ow-old-men · 2 years
Intro post hewwo — -
Art tag // Writing tag // Selfie tag // Ao3
I’m Gabriel, he/him only. I’m 23, sometimes I write and draw. Mostly I throw amusing spaghetti at the wall and hope something funny sticks. Primarily overwatch focused, but there’ll probably be the scant other stuff too
I used to run the blog @ow-anteater before my account was unceremoniously terminated. I got it back but realised the fresh start was actually kind of nice! So if you like what you find here, there’s a whole back catalogue to go through over there lmao
Proper about and DNI under the cut
Actually hit most of it lmao. Gabriel or Gabe, my grandma calls me Gabba and my dad just calls me G. I’m 22 and pretty cool. Mixed Greenlandic Inuit and white, currently living in Denmark so if you’re American our time zones are way off and I’m sorry. I’m trans, tme and gay ✌🏽
Also, English is not my first language and it really shows some times. This is just what the grammar is gonna be like
I’d appreciate if minors blocked the tags ‘#minors dni’ or ‘#minors do not interact’ before following as I have been historically known to dabble in writing explicit stuff and the idea of kids reading along is #yucky.
And I know we clown on the futility of DNIs but like … if this is you you will eventually get blocked:
You can’t be normal about/around trans women, black people or children
Just the general people you’d suspect a brown gay trans man wouldn’t want to hang with
You spend a lot of time arguing for the existence of “transandrophobia”
Your blog exists to ship real people or canonically gay characters in straight ships
I’m neither a proshipper nor an anti; I’m an adult man with a job. I probably lean more anti tho in that if I see you seriously using the term ‘fancop’ or ‘purity culture’ about fandom you will not be able to access my blog much longer
You still think asexuality is a discourse topic instead of just a sexuality that people have
Your main is focussed on disordered eating. When I say ‘Ana’ I am talking about fictional character Ana Amari, not the ED
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darlingpoppet · 1 year
Yesss ask game time: 25, 41, 78
Thank you so much for your patience Vex!!!! Here’s the first round of answers for you:
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
My favorite parts are probably the ones that feel the most good, and for me there are two main ones: the first is when I start the writing process on new a project (often I’m pantsing so no outlining here baby) and I’m brimming with ideas so oftentimes I’ll end up writing 2-3k in a day… the prose I write at this point usually only ends up requiring minimal edits because it’s all so clear in my head and I feel powerful & accomplished haha. Of course that tapers off eventually and then the rest of the draft will be a lot of messy throwing spaghetti at the wall and will require a lot of tedious editing to clean up and it’s the worst. But then that’s where that second favorite part of the process comes in: once I finish untangling the rough draft and I have a second draft done, that’s when I start to feel much better about the project again, since usually that first pass involves a lot of cringing 😂 So being able to see that light at the end of the tunnel and watching it all finally click into place feels GREAT! Finishing the thing? Best feeling ever!!
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
In the last meme I answered a similar question, but I think I’ll be more specific this time:
I really loved writing Erwin in The Upper Hand because it was fun to depict him calmly going along with all this weird fucked up shit but since he’s such a cool badass and has a guy like Levi who trusts him intrinsically, all he has to do to win is watch his opponents fall on their own swords. It’s fun to write such a cunning character (even if I just do it for dumb horny shit so in this instance cunning mostly just means shameless haha.)
I said last time I love writing Achilles, particularly his complex emotional state in Where The Dead Forget, but I also enjoyed making him more awful and self-centered in Closest To My Heart. Writing Patroclus & the unstable, erratic mess that he is in Closest To My Heart was probably my singular most fun writing experience to date, period 😂
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
Knowing that the downs will be followed by ups if I keep at it with patience and persistence. Reminding myself that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Early on in my writing endeavors, a friend of mine sent a graphic that perfectly sums up the process, and I keep it on my phone home screen and it’s my “hang in there, baby!” motivational poster equivalent 😂 For my longfic specifically, my dream is to make a bound copy of the finished work for myself, just so I can have something physical that I Made on my shelf… so hopefully that’ll be the carrot that will entice me to make it all the way 😤🔥
Here’s my motivational graphic btw:
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trashyswitch · 2 years
My story is about a Boy who is 16 years old, with no memory of his past other than his name. He has flash backs of his past in his dreams, but can never can seem to put them into a perfect timeline of his life. As a war is raging between the 6 nations he and his 8 friends must work together to save all that is good. - I mostly just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks.
That’s really interesting! I love that idea!
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weaimtomaim · 3 months
☿ : A trope you dislike?
✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
Questions for the Mun
☿ : A trope you dislike?
The ones that immediately come to mind are romance related things. Like insta-love, love triangles, romantic love = humanity, 🤢🤢🤢 Those tropes can stay way over there, and I will be way over here with the things I do like.
✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
Easiest thing to do is a wayward commlink call through my askbox. I cannot tell you how many muses and muns I've connected with that just started with a simple "hey I randomly caught your signal, who is this?" Sometimes you wanna test the waters before committing to a whole scenario.
Second easiest thing is to just message me! Either through my askbox or messages. We can see if there's a certain set-up we wanna do, maybe you've got a little plot you want to put into motion, whatever. Don't worry about coming to me with a plan in mind. I'm all about throwing idea spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks lol
I also try to post/reblog starter calls every once in a while (so long as I'm not swamped with stuff) so if reaching out to strangers is hard for you, just like one of those and then I'll come to you instead 👍
This one is MOSTLY a joke but also kinda not... if you have the need or desire for something or someone to get beat up....... I will usually be up for that. Look, we can talk about it at the very least 😂😅
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ruffythelion · 8 months
man i'm working on a student industry project for a guy who doesn't have any actual technical expertise in our industry!!! he's just more of an "ideas guy" and his role mostly consists of throwing random article links at us, expanding the scope of the project on a whim, and holding confusing zoom meetings where we make no progress and i have no clarity and direction. it fucking sucks!!! i'm willing to put in work and learn but i'm just a student and i would rather be mentored by someone who like, has concrete ideas for what i should do and how i fit into the project instead of just being like "lol youre the expert figure it out"
i feel like in so many situations i've been put in positions where the people i'm supposed to go to for guidance just toss out a zillion ideas and expect me to piece it together into something workable and don't give me any kind of tools and structure to succeed. i'm really sick of it!!! my last job was a nonprofit too so a lot of it was like "fulfill all these social goals and serve all these different marginalized groups and do it with no money, equipment, extra staff, or framework. here are some articles to read to fill your head with information but not actually give you any idea of how to pull off the thing. glhf!"
idk man i'm like!!! i'm just a little guy, i'm not an industry veteran in anything i'm just figuring shit out. can't i just be given structure and a well-defined set of tasks to complete instead of "youre the leader! (minus all the leadership pay, leadership experience, actual final say in things, resources, etc)" like sure i'll just scramble around and scoop up all the spaghetti youre throwing at the wall and try and make it into something that works. that's fun!!! i enjoy that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
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pkmn-lillie · 1 year
new idea for Link Character fresh from my dreams: Mono is from the first few games release-wise, and youngest of the bunch. they are quiet and shy and like 9 years old. they have a fairy that gives them hints but mostly just makes out of canon/4th wall jokes to make them laugh, even if they dont fully understand them. when they laugh really hard water comes ouf of their mouth its like a curse or something, but mostly just inconvenient when their fairy decides to throw jokes like spaghetti
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Natasha Romanoff x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2000 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Nat has a super cute wifey who likes to have mass dinners for all the avengers at their home
The arrangement that Clint had for Laura and the kids had worked for him.
By all accounts, most people didn’t even know that they existed, which in this life, certainly helped to keep them alive.
Having people that you loved made you vulnerable, and it also put all of their lives in danger. Clint knew that all too well, and made sure that no one would know who or where they were in order to protect them.
It was a good plan, a smart plan, and when you and Natasha got married, she wanted the same thing for you.
You were the love of her life, and one of the only people in the world she truly cared for. She had spent her entire life sure that she would never fall in love, or get too close to anyone, but you had easily broken down all those walls.
That made you more valuable than gold to her.
You were her everything, and if hiding you away was what she’d have to do to keep you safe, no one would need to know about you. It had been easy for Clint, and others like him, so there was no reason it couldn’t work for her too.
Fury understood that Natasha wasn’t taking this issue lightly, so he and Colson took special precautions to make sure that no one would ever be able to find you unless they had high enough clearance and couldn’t be registered as a threat.
After all, Nat had no shortage of enemies and getting ahold of you would be all they would be after.
You were valuable to them too, for a much different reason.
Getting to you would put Natasha in quite the predicament. Using you as leverage, there was virtually nothing they couldn’t find out, which meant it was in S.H.I.E.L.Ds best interest to keep you hidden too.
They had too many secrets to keep, and Natasha held the key to most of them.
So, she kept you hidden away.
It was safer for the two of you to just keep the love you shared under wraps and you didn’t mind that. You understood that there could be real danger if you weren’t careful.
It was just something you had to do if you wanted to be with her, and you certainly did. Quite frankly, there was nothing you wouldn’t do for her, even if it meant uprooting your whole life and practically going into witness protection.
However, staying there forever wasn’t an option either.
As with all things, nothing could stay a secret forever. At some point, the secret was bound to get out to someone; though, it wasn’t as detrimental as you had always assumed it would be when it finally came to light.
The visitors you had were more than welcome.
The knock at your door wasn’t one you had been expecting, but when you opened it, you were anything but worried.
Standing there, entirely unannounced, was the woman you’d married and all of the avengers.
“What are you doing here?” you gasped, throwing your arms around her shoulders before she could so much as say hello. Technically, you weren’t supposed to be so open right away, but you didn’t care.
You hadn’t seen Natasha in months, and you weren’t sure you could hold back much longer with her right in front of you.
Living out here, while safe, was lonely.
Still, Natasha with as much as she missed you was paranoid by nature. Even this much, out in the open, made her nervous.
“Inside honey” she reminded gently, gingerly walking you back until you were safely within the confines of your home. It was only when the door was closed and locked with all of you inside that Nat visibly relaxed.
Understandably, she was uneasy about this whole thing.
Not only was she telling them all about you and the secret she’d been hiding for years at this point, but she was also gathering all the people she cared about in one place.
With a past like hers, it was a little stressful.
Though, she also found some amount of comfort in getting to see you again after all this time. The recent events had made it hard to sneak off and visit you without attracting suspicious or unwanted attention.
There was silence for a moment or two as the waiting crowd tried to figure out what was going on, or what about this place made it Natasha’s very important stop. She had been very clear that they couldn’t go anywhere until they came here.
There had to be a reason it was so important.
Natasha had never done anything like this before, and until this moment, they were sure that she didn’t have any personal connections to anything or anywhere. A woman like her, doing what she did, didn’t get that luxury.
...or, at least, they didn’t think so.
Almost immediately, of course, Tony connected the dots.
There was just something about the way she looked at you, and the way you looked back at her in turn, he’d seen it a million times before. He’d seen it in his own parents on the rare occasions they weren’t fighting.
You were in love.
The fact that he didn’t know you existed until today, or the fact that she’d hidden so much from him didn’t bother Tony in the least. In the lives they lived, everyone had their secrets, no one more so than Natasha.
If anything, he was glad she’d chosen to share with them now.
“This is your special lady, isn’t it?” he teased, doing his best not to be as awkward as he was sure it was coming across. Natasha was just so cagey about the things in her life, especially her love life, and this was news to him.
Good news, but news none-the-less.
You weren’t entirely sure what to say at first, taking your place at Natasha’s side. You knew who they were, of course, and you’d heard a lot about them but you had never had the privilege of meeting any of them before.
You didn’t get to meet many new people ever, for that matter. You were a little concerned that your people skills had gotten rusty.
It was impossible to know who was dangerous or not, and you didn’t want to risk running into the wrong kind. Being on high alert made it really hard to connect with people, even when you were sure they were safe.
It was new for you.
“This is my wife, Y/N” Natasha hummed, practically beaming as she finally said those words out loud. She had never had the privilege before, but this seemed like the perfect place to finally make it happen.
This was safe.
These people were safe, and even with as nervous as you were to be meeting them, you knew that Nat would never bring anyone even remotely dangerous to meet you.
The fact that she trusted them enough to bring them to your home meant that she trusted them, and if she trusted them, you could too. So, rather than hide behind your beautiful wife all night, you stood up a little straighter and decided to just give this thing a try.
“Hello, you must be the avengers” you tried, ignoring how strange the sentence sounded falling from your lips. It was hardly a normal thing to say, and hardly the most smooth delivery you’d ever given but it wasn’t the worst.
...And no one seemed too offended by it.
All in all, it was an okay icebreaker, and before too long, conversation was swelling all around you. You had gotten ready to start dinner when they arrived, so it seemed like the perfect thing to busy yourself with while they talked and checked out your home.
It was a cute little place, one Nat had practically fallen in love with, partially because of the close family floorplan and mostly because of the isolation.
The two of you sometimes talked about getting a bigger place, or moving somewhere far away from here, but for the pair of you, this house was just fine. It was decorated nicely, your way of having some agency over the situation you’d been put in with pictures and artwork everywhere.
“So, you’ve just been living here? Isn’t that a little difficult?” Steve asked, sitting down across from the island where you were stirring a bowl of what looked to be pasta salad.
This whole thing was blowing his mind.
In general, most everyone else had come to accept the arrangement you two shared as just part of being married to a spy but Captain America was less used to this whole thing, even now. The idea of hiding away your life partner was blowing his mind, even for safety's sake.
It seemed like it would be hard.
“It isn’t easy, but it’s just what we have to do. Nat’s made a lot of enemies over the years” you shrugged, doing your very best to explain the situation in the same way you did with everyone else.
It was just how it was.
You sometimes dreamed of what it would be like if you didn’t have to live like this. If you and Natasha could just go strolling down the street, hand in hand, without the fear of being kidnapped and tortured in the middle of the night.
Unfortunately though, that fear was justified. There were people everywhere who would have gladly gotten their hands on you, in this country, and all over the world.
“Well, you’ve got some allies in your corner now too” he smiled, finishing what was left of his glass of juice and then going to look through your wedding album with the others on the couch.
Clint had snatched it from the shelf as soon as he came in, after giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead as he always did, and insisted on showing it to the others. Your wedding pictures were some of his favorites, especially because he’d been the only other person in attendance to the event.
You hoped that for your sake, Steve was right. You had grown so accustomed to seeing everyone else in the world as a threat that it would be nice to know that you had some friends in this world as well.
“You forgot to stir the noodles, honey” Nat grinned, gliding past you to the stove where the pot was bubbling away. You had a habit of getting a little far off, especially in a kitchen setting, with a million thoughts swirling around in your head.
It was something you hated, but couldn't seem to get a handle on, but Natasha found it endearing.
It reminded her of the first time you’d offered to make her dinner and ended up burning most of the spaghetti to the bottom of the pan.
It reminded her of why she’d fallen in love with you in the first place.
Eventually, with the quick rescue of the spaghetti from Nat, dinner was ready which meant that your small, meant for two dining room, was full to the brim with assassins, super soldiers, and avengers of all varieties.
It wasn’t exactly how you saw tonight going, but as everyone crowded around the dining room table, you were anything but upset about that.
This was what you’d always wanted. A house full of guests, a warm dinner spread out over the entire table, and the love of your life at your side.
It was absolutely perfect.
You didn’t get to experience things like this very often, but you had a feeling that now that it had happened, this was going to be an ongoing occurrence for you and Natasha, who enjoyed these things much more than she’d ever admit.
After all, this group was her family, and it wasn’t going to kill her to be a little domestic from time to time.
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Sakusa, Tsukishima and Kenma when their s/o gets a wound
requested: sakusa, tsukki, and kenma with a s/o who gets a wound? maybe they went to do an activity and get their knees scraped bad and the boys find out? how would they take care of their s/o?
Sakusa was such a good pick for this oh my that’s probably why his is a bit longer please forgive me I am weak for him ok
Sakusa Kiyoomi:
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There were not a lot of things you could do as dates, since Sakusa declined most of your suggestions saying that it would be too unhygienic or too much work making sure everything would be clean.
But when you came up with the idea of going wandering on a mountain trail, where only mostly elderly people where, he was all for it. Of course he also didn’t liek staying insiode all the time, and a place where anybody went while being in nature sounded like music to his ears.
However you regretted your decision soon after you guys started your trip. You were breathing heavily and your legs already felt like spaghetti and you werent even halfway up the hill. Sakusa however, with his amazing sports stamina was walking ahead and barely notived that you fell way behind, until he wanted to talk to you and you didn’t respond to his words. He turned around wondering where you were. Did you maybe get lost? But then he saw you hanging over, your hands placed on your knees and you looked up to him smiling, but you couldn’t hide the exhaustion.
Your boyfriend couldn’t help but chuckle seeing you like that. He walks to you and stops in front of you, tilting his head while he observes your heaving figure. “You know, we can just return if you want to. But the air up here is really good and I guess it’s even better at the top.” You just shake your head, insisting on continuing this trip because it hasn’t been often that you saw Kiyoomi this careless. You were determined to make this an enjoyable trip for the both of you, but especially him. He deserved a pause from his hectic life.
So he grabs your hand and walks slowly beside you for a while, both of you enjoying the nature around you and the fresh air sweeping through your lungs. When you’re finally at the top you have a nice picnic while enjoing the view over the land, watching leaves dance in the wind and tumbling around you, taking in all the scents of exotic flowers and birds chirping somewhere in the tree tops.
You feel a lot better when you get back down. Walking down on a mountain is a lot less exhausting than walking up, after all. Your steps fly more easily. Too easily. You’re more careless with your steps and before you can stop it you stumble over a big rock in your way, landing on your knees before Sakusa can grab your wrist. However he’s quick to help you up again and you flinch and hiss when you shift your weight on your left leg again. Your knee is totally scraped, a small rill of blood running down your leg. Some small stones still stick to your skin and Sakusa is quick to pull out a small package from his backpack, because this man never goes anywhere unprepared.
He helps you sit down on a tree trunk next to the path you were walking and he looks at you with slight amusement but also worry in his eyes. He sighs before leaning down and placing a kiss on the top of your head and then kneels down in front of you, taking care of the wound. “What am I gonna do with you? You’re so clumsy...” he mumbles and you have to smile, though your knee still burns badly. Sakusa takes care of it perfectly, even kissing the bandage on top of your knee after he’s done. However, he doesn’t let you walk down again, he carries you down all the way on his back and you’re not complaining.
You just cling onto him and cuddle into his back, burying your face in his neck and stroking his hair occassionally, thanking him for taking care of you so well. He smiles to himself when he feels you pressing to him, feeling your breath so close on his skin.
After the trip he still checks up on your knee everyday, even when it’s not a wound that serious. He still claims that it shouldn’t get infected and that he’s the only one besides a doctor that can take proper care of it. Always kisses your knee after every check up! A true cariing cutie, I am way too soft for this man
Tsukishima Kei:
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It was hard to get Tsukishima thrilled of the idea of going somewhere special to hang out. He was more of the stay inside kinda person, preferring just cuddling up to you in private.
You accepted his choices (even though you still got him to go to certain places sometimes) and that’s how you transformed everyday situations into little dates. Like lunch in school or staying in your garden instead of in the house, sometimes you’d even join his practice and watch him there. Even though he would never admit it, he enjoyed it when you do that. It always makes his insides all giddy and warm because you care for him so much!
You also always walk home together, talking about anything on your way or just quietly listening to music while enjoying each other’s company, silently holding or hands or sometimes he’ll just sling an arm around your shoulders and pull you close to him, walking like that for a while.
Today however you were “balancing” on a wall next to the sidewalk while talking to Kei and rambling about your day. It was fun to you focusing on taking the right steps, even though the platform you were walking on was not that small. You still had to be careful about where you placed your feet, because there were roots and other plants growing over and through the stone. “Ugh anyway, and then our teacher just made us write a test, and it was fine I guess but still sucked.” you ended your little rant.
“Y/N, are you really sure you should walk up there? Don’t you think it would be safer down here? You’re gonna get hurt if you don’t look out.” Tsukki just says while looking up to you with a vague face. You almost laughed seeing him like that. Was he actually worrying about you? Contrary to you always worrying about him at games, this was a nice change.
“Don’t be silly Kei, I’ve been balancing on things since I was a child, literally nothing will happen-” And that’s when you literally cursed yourself, because just moment later you stumble over a root and fall down, though you manage to cushion your fall with your hands which got the most damage.
Your boyfriend is right next to you in no time, helping you up and scanning your body for any injuries, but luckily only your hands got injured and your elbow felt weird, making your whole arm feel like some sort of pudding. Tsukki is just shaking his head while taking in the scrapes and cuts on your hands. You flinch when he softly touches your strained skin and he looks at you with disapproval. His eyes literally tell you “I told you so.” but fortunately he has enough tactfulness to not say it out loud. He accompanies you to your house, constantly shaking his head when you whimper and pout because your hands hurt.
He reluctantly helps you clean your hands, because he claims he’s not good with that kind of stuff and he only helps you bandage the wound because you don’t want to move your hands too much. Quiet sounds of disapproval still leave his lips as he does, though. Something like that could never happen to him, he says. Still, the look in his eyes is loving. He appreciates your playful side a lot. Without it, his life would be pretty plain. Without YOU it would be.
He loves you, but please prepare for a bunch of teasing after the incident. He will never let you climb on something or balance somewhere every again for a long time because honestly? He cares about you a little too much and he can’t bear to see you hurt in any way.
Kenma Kozume:
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Kenma always seemed to be busy with some things. In the morning it was school, in the afternoon volleyball practice and in the evening and at night he was usually gaming.
You tried you best to insert yourself into his routine. Walk to school with him, spend the breaks at school with him, game with him, watch him at practice. You were fine with it, really, because you noticed how over the time he got more cooperative and sometimes skipped volleyball practice to hang out with you, or he was starting to game a bit less in order to go to the cinema with you etc.
But you still treasured the time the most when you could hang with him normally, like at practice. You could actually spend hours watching him do something else other than hanging over his console.
And the other members loved you, too. They appreciated you being at practice, it was like having another manager. You also took care of them and told them everything you observed, you brought snacks and cheered for them in any game. Sometimes you’d even join in during training camps and get along with other teams, as well.
You normally used your time during practice to do homework or work on other things, but today you helped out as the “ballboy/girl” basically and ran around the gym catching the flying volleyballs and collecting them for the boys. You’d throw them back to them or helped them to serve the ball, but you were always just moving around the whole time. You didn’t mind, though. It was actually very fun, the boys were constantly joking around. But Kenma didn’t look all that amused whenever a ball just closely missed you or when you almost fell in an attempt to catch a ball.
You watched as him and Yaku were talking to Lev and teaching him how to do a proper serve. The first year was listening eagerly, moving his hands and arms around enthusiastically and you found yourself grinning when Kenma moved his hands over his face in frustration.
Then it finally came to Lev putting all the tips into something and he was standing at the end of the field, ready to serve. You watched him fail a few times until he hit the ball with a loud bang and slammed it over the net, right to where you were standing. No one had enough time to react properly and before you could even think about diodging the ball landed straight on your chest and you fell backwards, hitting your head on the floor hard. For a moment you couldn’t see or hear anything, just darkness and dancing light in front of your eyes and a defeaning beeping in your ears.
Someone helped you to sit up and you slowly began to see contours of people around you, and their voices were still incomprehendable to you. You felt hands on your back and then on your face and you looked into your boyfriends face who had widened eyes and looked very pale.
Then he turned around and basically chased Lev through hell for doing this, giving him the lecture of his life even though you weren’t hurt that badly. there was a small wound at the back of your head and just a little bit of blood came out.
Kenma was by your side the whole time, flinching a lot more than you when you got a bandage around your head. You got some medication from the doctor and while you were tripping a little bit he still stayed at your side, giving you his console so you can play and distract yourself from ther pain
Literally really won’t leave your side, will stay at your house until you can go to school again and he just spends the days next to you in your bed, pouting when he sees the wound and carefully stroking your hair. He’s a big cuddler during this time and literally won’t led you near the gym anytime soon. He always gives Lev death stares when he gets near you, like a hissing cat.
A protective boy, 11/10 would love and cherish
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