#because i really do wanna make one but my free time is in the negatives these days 😭😭😭
mamawasatesttube · 16 hours
i don't know if my previous message sent through but.. my original ask about tim was just wanting to know his personality/character traits both positive or negative. i've been writing for him for a bit but have the idk how to describe emotions thus character traits-itis (alexithymia) and i know you've read a ton for tim so i wanted to ask you, if that's alright?
i just wanna make sure i've been writing him as canon compliant as possible while i keep reading for him. tysm and have a great day/night 💞
IT DID tysm for the reminder!!! ive had family in town this week (leaving tomorrow tho) and we've been doing a bunch of stuff so i havent had a ton of free time for writing up a thoughtful metapost and i wanna give u a good answer ideally with citations but ill have to hunt those down. SO!! if i havent gotten an answer to u by like. wednesday. poke me again!! <3
a very quick synthesis of tim's character for me tho would be that he is a people person. he is made of hubris. he is lawful good - if he sees a wrong happening and no one is doing anything about it, of COURSE he has to step in. he is a know-it-all and he is so nosy. he is the peak annoying baby brother. he is powered by love and the need to say 'i told you so'.
he loves his parents; his relationship with his dad is a complex thing wherein jack is emotionally abusive and tim really wants to pretend that that's not true because they do love each other and he hates how much he has to lie to his dad and sorta goes "well that's the real root of our problems" because if it's his fault then it's in his control. (this goes back to him being a hubris guy. he's a control freak. surely if it's in his control he can fix it.)
he's also very self-aware despite also having the capability to think himself into knots and tie himself into a pretzel or perhaps a balloon animal, which can be quite entertaining because he's aware that he's going balloon animal mode but he can't stop himself from doing it.
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retquits · 4 months
Have you made a portrait mod for sdv?? I think it would look awesome if you did!!^^
so out of all the asks/messages i receive about stardew valley, portrait mod questions are by far the majority!! thank you, i'm extremely honored by the sentiment TvT 💛
i would absolutely love to, but it's really hard for me to justify the time it would take (especially with each character having 3 outfits now 🧎‍♂️)
out of curiosity - do you think anyone would be interested in sponsoring portrait mods for different characters...? 🤔
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brehaaorgana · 9 months
ADHD money/budgeting system I'm currently using for my benefit is going well (I've been using it for like half a year now?), and I wanna recommend it.
You Need a Budget is EXCELLENT. 10/10 do recommend. Uhhh rambling about it and my generic disclaimers + gushing extensively under the cut but TL;DR I think it's great for ADHD ppl, I've used it for 6+ months now and I find it super SUPER helpful. also weirdly fun.
Budgeting helps you understand/know your money, it can't make money appear where there is none.
Everyone should learn to budget even if you don't have much money (especially then)
This is NOT a magic trick solution. Just like everything else, it is an assistive tool. This is one of those adult things we can't simply opt out of without negative consequences, though.
My advice is based on something I am currently able to do. That is, I can spend an amount of money on this specific thing that works well for me. If you have no extra money to spend then previously I was tracking things in a notebook. So you can still do this.
I believe Dave Ramsey is a fundie fraud/hack and no one should listen to him about money.
Okay? OKAY.
You Need a Budget is EXCELLENT.
It is called YNAB for short. The first 34 days are your free trial, and that is my referral link. If anyone uses it and then signs up for a subscription, we both get a month free. Also you can share a subscription with up to six people (account owner can see everything but individuals can pick and choose what they share amongst each other) so like...idk your whole polycule can be on one account. Or your kids. Whatever.
If you are a student, it's free for a year. If you aren't, a subscription is $99 for a year (paid all at once) or $14.99 monthly, which is equivalent to paying Amazon prime. Go cancel Prime and get this instead tbh.
They got a whole article just on ynab and ADHD. They also have like...a big variety of ways to access their info? They have a book, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, blog posts, q&A's, free live workshops you can join (you can request live captioning), emails they can send (if you want) a wiki, and so on. They got workshops on all kinds of topics!!
So whatever ends up working for your brain. It also has a matching app.
If you lost Mint this year they have a gajillion things for moving from Mint.
Also they have a "got five minutes?" Page which has a slider so you can decide how much attention/time you have before going on lol:
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They only have 4 rules of the budget, they're simple and practical, and it doesn't get judgey or like...mean about your spending.
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1. Give every dollar a job 2. Embrace your true expenses 3. Roll with the punches 4. Age your money.
THEN THEY BREAK THESE DOWN INTO SMALL STEPS FOR YOU! They even have a printable! Also these rules are great because there's built in expectations that things WILL HAPPEN and it's NOT all or nothing with a fear of total collapse into failure. Reality and The Plan don't always align, especially if you have ADHD. So it's directing our energy towards the true expenses and not clinging to The Plan!! over reality.
You can automate a lot of shit (you can sync with your bank accounts just like mint, but also automate tagging the categories of regular expenses/transactions). And if for whatever reason you accidentally do something that makes the budget look weird or wrong:
A) you can usually fix it somehow OR b) they have like, a button you can press that gives you a clean slate and archives the previous version of the budget for you.
So if you forget for a few weeks or months, or accidentally input something wildly wrong, or just don't want to look at a really terrible month anymore and feel like you need a fresh start you can usually either fix it or start fresh which is really nice.
The app also (for whatever reason) scratches my itch to have things like...have incentives or little game-like goals in a way mint never did? I don't know why. Filling up the bars or putting money into the categories to cover my expenses is satisfying lmao. You can also make a big wish expense category for all the fun shit you want, and fund it whenever you can and then you can see the little bar go up and that's fun.
Anyways I've been using it for like 6+ months now and I think it's really helped me when I use it.
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
Hii! Oh my gosh, I loved your Anxiety head cannons, they were so cute!! Could you maybe make some hcs for Anxiety with a super affectionate reader, like they use a lotta pet names and are really touchy and stuff? If you’re not comfortable with this request, or just don’t wanna write it, just feel free to ignore it! Have a nice day <33
Anxiety with a very affectionate reader <3
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Anxiety is big on physical touch herself, but as I've stated before, usually she initiates the contact. Although when you initiate it, I feel like she'd be very happy by it, especially if you two are in a relationship.
Any pet names you call her will go a long way. Simple ones, like Sweetheart, darling, or even babe just make her heart melt, and it reminds her that she's in a relationship. I feel like, sometimes she can't believe it herself.
I think it would take her a while to grasp the fact that you are actually serious... Even far into the relationship, I think she would be nervous that the relationship will fall apart because of her anxiousness, or that you don't actually love her as much as you say you do. You would have lots of reassurance you'd need to do.
No one said she would be a straight and narrow, simple road to follow. She's a bumpy road, with ups and downs. Some days, she's completely love struck and happy to have you all over her with flattery, advice, encouragement... Cuddles, pet names, etc - Just make her heart melt.
I feel like she'd try to come up with corny, or fitting pet names to call you back. She'd be anxious, and take her time picking some, so I think she'd only use a few...
And she probably learned some Pet-names from Ennui, so occasionally she would call you something really fancy, and cute.
On other days, she'd be self conscious, and scared that you're leading her on, or lying to her about how much you love her. She'd worry that all the affection isn't real, and she'd be genuinely terrified of the idea of losing it - losing you.
She's genuinely afraid of every possible negative outcome, so I feel she would be scared of her not being enough, what if you cheat? What if you fall out of love with her, and just stay with her for pity? What if you're using her for something? No, you wouldn't do that...But she can't help but overthink it.
...On days like this, she might reject physical affection, or seem a little off. With little... Nervous, soft laughs under her breath, or averting her eyes. She would feel guilty for not being as overjoyed as she usually is, but after a while of being in a relationship with her, you'd be able to identify just when she's having an off day. You might even be able to tell what she's exactly worried about.
Imagine her seeming off one day, and you can tell exactly what she's thinking, so you cup her hands in yours, take her somewhere quiet, and just hold her close, whispering hushed sweet words to her, about how she's not going to lose you, and how much you love her. But, eventually, with your sweet words and comfort, it would always reassure and bring her back to her happiness with you.
If you were a super affectionate partner, and wanted to go on dates, or do big grand gestures to show you loved her, she would get slightly overwhelmed by big grand gestures, sadly. But, she wouldn't be opposed to them.
If for some reason, however it may be - You took her on a date outside of HQ, she would be very anxious the entire time. She'd be frightened by public spaces, and crowds, so she would much prefer having an at-home date with you in HQ... Regardless, she would appreciate the gesture, but depending on the circumstances she would be very stressed as well. Social gatherings are a big issue, - Yes, she is social, but I feel like a large crowded area would stress or overwhelm her, and a party in her name would make her panic.
She'd reciprocate your cuddles, when initiated. If you hugged her in HQ, she would hug you back, albeit nervously. If you wanted to sit with her on her massage chair, she'd make nice room for you, cuddle and bundle up to you with a nice weighted blanket and some warm drink beside the two of you. She might fall asleep in your arms, or your side. Her soft breathing against you as the chair lightly buzzes and relaxed every nerve in each of your bodies.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #18
Operation: Birthday Takeback
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Dev's birthday!! Look at him. For some reason, the fact that his drones are here in 2D is funny to me... He's a little cartoon guy. Hazel is very cute.
I have a note here that says Dev's birthday is separated from Founder's Day by 9 years, 7 months, 14 days. So, he's had Peri for 4.5 months?
-> That is not too shabby in a universe where it's rare [in the OG series] to keep godkids for a year. Nice job, Dev!
...... Do you think they'll bring back rule-free fairyversary muffins (There WAS a full movie about it), because I have a pretty good idea what he'd wish for. Smells like trouble...
Okay, let's go! ... Peri does not think his parents are cool. And Dev is SHOCKED they came over. Also, he has no idea what to do with this much attention. He's SO red.
Hm. Peri looks really unimpressed... Did he already give Dev every birthday wish he wants and now it'll be awkward when Hazel gives a gift, because what can she possibly give that Peri didn't?
-> Dev still seems delighted Hazel's here! I think her friendship is the best gift :)
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-> I do not think Peri knows enough about Dev's interests to surprise him, especially since they weren't getting along in the Dimmsonian episode because Dev was frustrated Peri couldn't "make a better cupcake" and Peri was frustrated Dev couldn't figure out what flavor he wanted.
-> Peri gives me "by the book" learning vibes; he's frustrated Dev doesn't listen to him and is harder to work with than the theoretical child he had in mind, I think.
-> Okay yeah, Peri is having NONE of this. Okay, Mr. Jealous Clingy Boyfriend Vibes...
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Aw, Cosmo is trying to cheer Dev up... Peri, you wanna... jump in, or...? No?
Also, I'm enjoying watching what at this moment in time seems to be a healthy friendship and/or romance develop. I'm all for tormenting children, but this is nice too.
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Also, Dev thinks Hazel is like, the coolest person ever. And Peri is SO jealous Dev would rather hang out with his human friend than with a magical fairy. That's hysterical.
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Something something, Juandissimo spent 3 seasons getting fired and bounced around Fairy World because he couldn't stop crying over how much he loved and missed Remy and finally broke Da Rules to return his memories, something something, Peri came here for a good time and he is honestly feeling so attacked right now.
I don't know what I'm trying to say, but... u get it. Two spoiled bullies, two very different dynamics. It's not the kid; it's the willingness of the fairy to meet them where they are... and love unconditionally.
Local celebrity kid who spent his Spellementary School life getting fawned over never developed the social skills to make friends and doesn't know how to deal with people viewing him as a flawed three-dimensional person.
For some reason I'm getting flashbacks to the end of "School of Crock" when Poof referred to his classmates as "his friends and Foop."
Okay, I thought Dev would freak out (/negative) over seeing boots since his dad literally unveiled a statue of him kissing his beloved boots while disregarding his son, but... he likes them! Despite that emotional blow, he is a Dimmadome to his core.
-> Dev getting his very first pair of little cowboy boots with tiny spurs 'fic, please.
-> Toddler Dev trying on his dad's or grandpa's boots 'fic, please.
Dev: Why didn't YOU think of getting me [rocket boots], pickle-brain Peri? Peri: Because my job is to grant you wishes! Not to read your mind!
Yikes... It's been a long few months for them.
Also, Cosmo and Wanda choose this moment not to overstep on the parenting relationship here and that's fantastic. Sorry, Peri- You're on your own for this one.
-> Wanda's totally willing to get Peri out of here if he needs it. So... she probably did notice Dev being snippy with him, but actively chose not to step in since Peri told her not to overstep in "Lost in Fairy World." Interesting.
Hm. I wonder if Peri has an animal form? I imagine he takes the form of tech or something that wouldn't catch Dale's eye. He probably sleeps in Dev's bedroom though (and/or "Hassle in the Castle"-esque pocket space).
-> Peri in his debut: /confidence oozing from every pore
-> Peri 4.5 months later: my crops are dying. I'm crops.
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I love this family.
Though I feel like... it puts a weird level of stress or professionalism on Peri and Dev. I don't really have the words for it, but something something, maybe Peri's first assignment shouldn't have been so close to his parents because they are clearly struggling to let him speak or handle things himself. It's nice he can ask advice, but I feel like if they're around too often and Peri defers to them, that blurs lines and will be really confusing for Dev.
Who do you listen to if your fairy is telling you "Yes" and his parents - who have no technical authority over you but have ambiguous semi-authority in your fairy's mind - are telling you "No?" That's workplace tension waiting to happen.
And Peri is clearly trying to set his workplace boundaries - we saw that in "Lost in Fairy World" especially - but Cosmo and Wanda keep kinda undermining him and bringing family vibes into work, and he's also grown now, so... Yikes. I love them, but that's rough, buddy.
Forget that- Is that Vicky?
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?? Vicky is still young? Or is this Vicky's daughter? MARK, what did you do? I know you literally have clones of her, sir.
I mean, I guess it's not out of the question she'd look the same years later- she had the same hair when she was 5 back in "The Switch Glitch" and she clearly likes that style, but I wasn't expecting it, especially since she's probably close to Dale's age and he's clearly beefed up (and I think gotten taller). Huh. Well, all righty.
The golden cowboy boots on display with the "In honor" plaque are not doing anything to disprove my tentative theory that Doug Dimmadome has passed on and that's why Dale is so clingy towards his boots.
Pfft, the "Icky Vicky" song is still a thing.
SLKJDF, I'm amazed they carried through with Vicky being the one to put Dale to work at the lemonade stand. I'm still confused as to whether she started it at age 9 or took over from someone else.
Dale, you are a terrible dad. How can he be so bitter about his past and tell his son horror stories about Vicky, and/or not keep constant watch for her? I can't believe he hasn't sued her into oblivion.
-> It's because he doesn't tell Dev stories unless it's to gripe about how he needs to pull his weight because "My life was so hard when I was your age," isn't it?
I like how Dev is trying to lightly call to Peri for help without attracting attention or moving his lips. Geez, man- That's gotta be so stressful when you're trying to rely on someone new to help you and they don't show up. He didn't have him in the Hocus Poconos and he can't get him out here when he needs him. This is gonna be great on his trust issues, I'm sure.
Peri looking at his dad vs. Wanda looking at her sexy husband:
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Dev will hang with his friends, but he's not putting down his stuff.
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This next face he makes (without words) to signal "Hey, I'm doing my best" is so funny to me. He's like. "Yeah, I don't have to say anything; she knows what's going on here."
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... I'm confused. What is up with Wanda and Cosmo right now? Why are they leaving notes to Dale that out Hazel as a godkid and them as fairies (who are disguised as humans)?
I get that they're not thinking ahead and are spelling out notes while they talk to each other, but surely they should know better than to leave evidence, especially after they saw Cookie get 10k years in prison for revealing the existence of Fairies and we know Hazel could be separated from them. Peri clearly knows this is a bad idea. Utterly incomprehensible to me.
"Icky Vicky" remix!!! Also, Dev handles rocket boots way better than Kevin Crocker did.
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Dev "It's not a children's party; I'm a BIG KID!" Dimmadome - Dude, you just turned 10. I mean... That is double digits and you're just a little guy, so... good job.
I'm so glad I was right and that Dev isn't allowed to drink lemonade. That's hilarious. I'm obsessed. He wants it so much...
A.J., Poof, and Crocker sure changed a lot considering Vicky looks the same.
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I love Dev covering Hazel's eyes so she doesn't see the partially naked money-covered mural of his dad.
The fact that this is even in the show is hilarious; it says so much to me. Dale "Obsessed with flaunting where I am now in life" & Dev "Instantly doing damage control so my BFF doesn't feel uncomfy or think I'm weird and ditch me" Dimmadome.
....... I said BFF, but I'm pretty sure Dev said Trev was his BFF in Episode 1 and now I'm wondering why we haven't seen them together at all. Hm. I'm gonna have to circle back to Episode 1 later; I might be misremembering.
Their names are Dev and Trev... Where is this silly duo? We're bein' ROBBED!
Peri's grown out of calling Wanda "Mama"- just "Mom." Good note for me in case I want to write something in line with New Wish's canon specifically, since I've always used "Mama" in 'fics even when he's older.
Peri watching his parents make innuendo jokes:
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Oh, INSTANT panic on their end at the news of Vicky in the house. More so than with Crocker!
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50 years of deep-seeded trauma... This would be a fantastic title card or redraw. Maybe I'll draw it someday.
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Cannot believe Peri has been whiplashed back and forth by being snarked at, coddled, reminded of his Hocus Poconos trauma, and now he's facing Vicky trauma all within a couple episodes. It's been a long 4 months.
Peri @ Vicky: "She's REAL!? I thought I imagined her as a baby!!!" is he ok.
-> This is very funny to me because it plays into my headcanon of Poof growing up to forget most of his time with Timmy, including his name, and beating himself up about it.
I don't think Peri has gone one episode without going full panic mode over something. This kid's not lasting long as a godparent. Dev's gonna crack him like a nut and then Jorgen's going to wipe the floor with him.
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omg, Dev needs his godparent to stand up for him against Vicky and Peri's having a MELTDOWN and hiding behind his mom. Um???
Holy cow, I've never seen him break like this, except maybe when he gained his fear of the dark in "Lights Out." That includes his many brushes with death and when Fairy Court unraveled his existence from the timeline.
-> I cannot believe I made a joke about how I wasn't sure how things could get more traumatizing for Peri than having to face the Hocus Poconos and yet here we are. Yeah, he's gonna put in his two weeks' notice like... tomorrow.
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He ditched his godkid! Peri!!! You are a grown-up now! You can't do that!!
Okay, so Vicky is as tall as Cosmo and Wanda, so she can be an adult, sure. Also, Cosmo and Wanda finally getting the chance to stand up to her <3 I don't remember her tormenting them that much but maybe it's secondhand spooks.
-> Peri's meltdown continues in the background. That is some DEEP trauma.
Even if this was a non-Vicky person, would Peri be mentally equipped to deal with it? Because he's reacting badly for a guy whose memories are so wobbly, he can't remember if they were real. He's not there for Dev and he clearly has some issues to work out.
-> I think he needs more godparent training; he is NOT ready.
(Full moon!)
Ooh, Dev feels like his dad replaced him with Hazel... Dev out here like "Wait a sec, the reason my dad's not been around in 4.5 months is because apparently he's obsessed with you?" Oh boy... Those three expressions just tell it all (The horrified realization, the despair, the anger...)
omfg, Dev just found out Hazel "wished to become friends with him" ("I wish I knew why he acted so mean") and he feels like he's not good enough to be liked without a wish and everything was a lie, and he is CRASHING and screaming. Oh, geez louise. Terrible job, everyone!!! Everybody loses!!
I really like this night city skyline. It's so pretty. I love this decompression scene. Really good storytelling move and also nice to look at. I want to write with these vibes.
Man, Hazel's comforting herself and turning to Cosmo and Wanda for support (and making plans of how to make her evening better after getting yelled at).
I bet I know who's NOT about to turn to his fairy for support~
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Dev: And where tf were you!?!?
"I was calling for you; why didn't you answer me? Why is no one ever there? Why does everyone else 'matter more' than me, even the people who are supposed to look out for me?"
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Peri: D':
-> I like how the poof clouds still have words in them. Also, the scribbling scene is really well-done; Dev is losing his marbles.
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Oh man... Thaaat's a big mess. Welcome home, child trauma show <3
Also, fanfic timeline notes under the cut:
[Contains a small timeline spoiler for Along the Cherry Lane, which is a 'fic I won't be starting for a long time. This is already in my Timmy's Timeline notes from the sideblog, though, so if you've already seen it, it's nothing new]
Wanda said it's been a "couple decades" since her encounters with Vicky. So... is Vicky like, 36?
I could've sworn Vicky and Dale were close to the same age; he has a teen body design in "Nectar of the Odds."
His age might've been adjusted though, or at least he may have started at a very young age. He told Dev in "Stanky Danky" that "when he was his age, he was working in a factory making lemonade every Saturday" and missed all the Saturday cartoons. This is Dev's 10th birthday, so maybe the thought here is "Dale started at age 9 or 10, then stopped at age 16 or 17."
If that's true, then yes, he's Vicky's age.
So. In that case, that screenshot of distraught Dev I put up in my "Battle of the Dimmsonian" post and captioned as "This is probably how Dale used to look at Vicky and then she kicked him down the stairs" is probably age-accurate too, and that's even worse.
Let's say it's been 2 decades and Dale was 16 then, now 36. That would mean he had Dev... Let's say around age 26 or 27.
-> That would jump us from 2002 [in my 'fics] to Dev being born around 2012, with New Wish taking place more or less around 2022. I think I'm okay with that- We saw in "Fearless" that the Enrichment Academy's most recent champion win was 2019 and they win every few years, so that makes perfect sense.
I think my 'fic Along the Cherry Lane ends with Tammy and Tommy close to age 10 in 2020? Let me see...
Riddle's Cloudlands AU notes: - Timmy parts ways with Cosmo and Wanda on October 15th, 2010 - Chloe parts ways with Cosmo and Wanda the night of March 20th, 2011. - Tammy is born September 2013 & Tommy February 2016 - Tammy and Tommy receive Cosmo and Wanda as godparents in 2023 (He's 8 or 9, she's 10 or 11)
Hmm... That's riding really close to Hazel's timeline. New Wish will probably be over by the time I'm done with my current longfics and ready for Along the Cherry Lane, so I won't worry about it for now, but it'll be nice to have these notes later in case I do want to try fitting this into my canon. We'll see if we get any hints about Tammy or Tommy in future episodes. I'd love to see Hazel meet Timmy with his kids, though I doubt we'll see that.
-> I also would not be opposed to kicking "Channel Chasers" out of New Wish's canon because it's not an episode I have attachment to and, well... we don't have flying cars or robot babysitters yet.
... If I were to keep everything, I feel like I'd rather take New Wish as canon and then put "Channel Chasers" after it (even if that violates the "20 years later" label) than commit to "Channel Chasers" and kick Hazel away. I was dreading worldbuilding a society that gained flying cars and robots within 20 years anyway, so I wouldn't be mad.
-> But I'll have to decide how much New Wish I want to incorporate into my canon, seeing as I usually prioritize the OG series in Cloudlands AU above spin-off media. Hmm.
Again, I won't be finishing this 'fic for a long time, so New Wish might be over by then and I'll have more information to work with.
Thanks for reading my liveblog!
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may i ask for headcanons for crocodile x child reader where crocodile's daughter joins the strawhats post alabasta?
and the next time they meet in impel down, well. that's not even his daughter anymore. that's his son now.
thank you very much for the open requests!
(from @77v77)
Bet. My first time writing a trans character so I hope it turned out okay. I'm still not used to headcanons so this honestly came out more as a fic, I'm really sorry about that. If you want a redo I don't mind, sorry. I got kinda carried away with a storyline and it turned out like this.
It's Good To See The New You
Crocodile x FTM!Child!Reader. 1562 words. Author isn't trans but trying their best. Feel free to correct if I messed up. (D/N) Is deadname.
This is how your life is, you’ve accepted it. You’re the daughter of someone powerful, strong, rich, you should be happy; but you aren’t. These dresses aren’t making you happy, the people fawning over you aren’t either, even the small amount of attention you get from your father doesn’t truly make you happy. It’s only when something happens, something that was supposed to be negative, that you get a glimpse of what can be your happiness. How could you let it pass you by at that point? Call yourself your father’s daughter, you don’t let opportunities like this just leave. Of course, maybe daughter isn’t something to describe you anymore.
“Take me with you.” Is what you say to Luffy when he’s leaving.
“Hm?” He looks at you, recognizing who you are, and scowls slightly.
“Take me with you, I want to go with you.” You repeat and it only confuses him more, Luffy doesn’t like being confused either.
He thinks you’re trying to pick a fight at first, but when he realizes you aren’t he calms down a bit.
“I just beat up your dad, why do you wanna come with me?” He asks you.
“Because I want to. So let me on.”
“Wha- Don’t give me orders!”
You two end up getting into a small argument, call it childish but you aren’t used to being argued with by anyone other than your father.
Of course, it ends up working out, Luffy lets you on.
Robin even uses you as an excuse to get on as well, your partner in crime.
Luffy’s a little upset he kind of didn’t get as much of a choice as he’d like, but he got over it once Robin worked her charms. (Using her hands to help them make stupid jokes)
As for you, it took a while for you to warm up to them even though you’re the one who got on.
Something just still didn’t feel right.
You felt better than before, of course, but not as good as you’d like.
It’s only when Nami helps you pick out clothes that you realize that you’ve never truly chosen what you’ve wanted.
You were given options of course, but those options were picked from what your father wanted.
When you were looking at dresses Nami noticed you looking unhappy.
“You don’t have to wear a dress if you don’t want to, you know. You can wear something else.” She says casually.
In her mind it was just a fashion tip from one woman to another, something simple.
But to you it was so much more.
From then on you took things into your own hands.
Not just bossy with the things you’re given, but exploring to find your own choices.
You started dressing differently, which might seem so little but it felt so much bigger to you.
Time passes and it was the best choice you’ve ever made, it helped you become your true self.
The crew was confused at first, Sanji was even devastated, but it passed.
Sometimes Sanji still laments, but it’s more just because he was happy to have another woman to fawn over.
He gets over it, you’re happier this way.
You even get the privilege of not having the privilege of Sanji’s over-the-top affection.
Everything is so much better, so much brighter that you almost forget what your life was like before you were truly yourself.
That’s until you meet your father again, a reminder of who you were.
You know it's not his fault, he never bossed you around or told you you couldn’t be your true self.
He just wanted you to be someone that he could have confidently as his child, someone unbreakable; and that's what you were.
An unbreakable broken person.
That’s how you could describe him too, in the state he’s in.
Chained up and defeated, it makes your heart ache.
Even if he wasn’t the best father he was still yours.
He almost doesn’t recognize you at first, glaring at you until it clicks who you are.
“...(D/N)?” He calls to you and you almost flinch from the sound.
It brings shivers up your spine, even if you know it was from ignorance.
You don’t want to respond, not wanting to acknowledge that previous you; but decide it’s time to face it.
Crocodile himself, your father, isn’t the enemy that kept you captive.
“..Father.” You say to him.
“(D/N) you, what are you-”
“That’s not my name” You interrupt him, and it makes him pause.
Not your name?
How isn’t it your name? He named you himself!
“What are you talking about? I figured you joined that Strawhat’s crew but you changed your name for it? Were you..” He trails off, feeling hurt.
Were you that unhappy with him?
Why else would you change your name if not to try and get rid of your past?
You must be ashamed of him, he sure is.
Got beaten by a brat and ended up in a prison getting mistreated by people he could kill in a heartbeat, if only he had the chance to.
“Father.” You catch his attention, snapping him out of the trance of negativity he put himself into.
“It’s not you, if that’s what you were worried about.” You reassure him, and he scoffs.
“If not me what else? You sure seem a hell of a lot brighter now that you’re not with me.” His heart aches.
Despite not wanting to admit it he did have a soft spot for you.
You were his daughter, the small light he had in the darkness, whether the choice to have you was his or not.
“..It’s (Y/N).” You say quietly and he perks up, looking at you closer.
You look different, more different than he realized at first.
“You’ve changed.”
“I know.” There’s a silence.
Crocodile isn’t one to pry, he didn’t pry even when you were his daughter.
“Are you happier?” He asks you, like a sentimental fool.
Your eyes go wide, but they calm as you smile.
“I am, I’m so much happier.”
“Good. Make sure you stay on the other side of these bars, too, (Y/N).” Your father says and your heart clenches.
You’re happy, but sad at the same time.
Here you are, your true self with friends that care about you, meeting your Father again.
This should be happy for you, there shouldn’t be anything bad about this.
Despite that, you feel like crying; and look down.
Because you’ve gained so much, but you’ve lost being your Father’s daughter.
He still cared for you, and you him.
He helped you with your hair, gave you the luxury he grained, treated you with the respect you deserved, he even changed your diapers sometimes when you were little.
Even though he didn’t need to.
Crocodile loved you as much as he could in and in the way he knew how.
So the thought that you’ve lost that love, it hurts.
You don’t want to go back to being his daughter, you don’t want to go back to being a daughter, but you don’t want to lose being his child.
“Hey, don’t give me that look.” You hear him say, and you look back up.
“I know you and how that face you make when you're about to cry. Even if you’re different know you’re still my..” He trails off and you hesitate.
“Son.” Your heart drops, fear overtaking you at the thought of him rejecting you.
“My son.” He says and your vision blurs.
“Jeez, you really don’t listen don’t you? That a Strawhat trait, or did you get it from me?” He says with a sigh as tears roll down your cheeks.
“C’mon, stand up straight. You’re my kid, act it.” Something he would always say to you when you felt insecure.
It never did much other than help you put your mask back on.
But now those words empower you.
More than when they were said by the savior of Alabasta, the fearsome Crocodile.
You nod and wipe your eyes, you can’t cry now.
“That’s right, one of us has to be free." He looks down at himself, weak from mistreatment and seastone.
"Maybe it’s better you than me.” His chains clink as he moves.
“I am free, I feel so free. All the time.” You say, laughing a bit.
It shocks Crocodile, he hasn’t heard you laugh like this in so long.
He'd thought you'd lost it from age, just as he did.
You haven't laughed this freely with him since he could hold you up with one hand.
The sound of his son sounds so much happier than his daughter.
He wishes he knew sooner, maybe he could’ve even given you different life skills.
Too late for that.
“Are you gonna stand here all day looking at your old man? I doubt you’ve come to free me.” You shake your head.
You don’t even have his key.
Your ears perk up at crashing noises, it’s time for you to go.
You look back at your father, eyes clear and bright.
“I’ll be going now, Dad.” You say with a smile and he bites the inside of his cheek to hold any emotion in.
“Go get em, son.” Crocodile says with a chuckle.
You go off and he sits in his cell.
He wonders if this is how you felt, trapped with him and in a body you didn’t feel was your own.
Maybe this is his retribution, his punishment for his wrongdoings.
If there’s a God out there.. he hopes that they keep that punishment to him.
It wouldn’t be fair to drag someone he just met into his problems.
You deserve your new life.
He’s just happy he was able to see a glimpse of it.
That was it. Hope that was good. I'm not trans but I just based it off of what i've seen and maybe how I would feel if I were trans. Hope that works. I don't know why you made yourself anonymous but put your @ but I'll assume maybe it was because you wanted me to tag you so here @77v77
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a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5 · 6 months
Scar Tissue (Price x Trans Masc! Reader)
Contains: Tooth-rotting fluff, completely SFW, FTM reader intended but should be safe for masc leaning enbies too, 2nd person POV, reader has a singular double mastectomy scar as is very self conscious about it, ambiguous warm drink cuz I don’t like tea or coffee lol, \obnoxiously self indulgent in my opinion but I hope it resonates with others
A/n: Woof I’m nervous but I do really like how this turned out. It’s cute and it even made my partner blush despite him being cis lol also Price is your husband because it’s cute and I said so. Be gentle with this one, yeah?
Although this is safe for all ages, I ask minors please refrain from interacting with me and this post, and any other posts. This is a space for adults.
The night always made things tougher. Something about the quiet, the darkness, the otherwise calm atmosphere made it harder to chase away the more negative thoughts. Insecurities burned hot in the cold of night as you stood outside on the small veranda of your little English apartment in the crisp wintry air to try and chase them away. The rain had only just stopped pouring down in torrents. The sound of wet tires driving below you accompanied the familiar, gentle smell of rain. It was comforting. Not enough to dull the pain, unfortunately, but comforting still.
You didn’t pay attention to the time, doing so usually just stressed you out during these moments, so you hadn’t noticed how late it was until your husband had sidled up behind you with a warm mug he’d made just for you. He handed it to you silently. He learned a long time ago what being outside this long this late at night usually meant. He wrapped a warm arm around your chilled shoulders and gently pulled you against him. Finally, you started to slowly pull away from your negative thinking just long enough to quietly speak.
“Thank you,” was all you could manage, but Price didn’t mind. He knew that for you, your words carried more weight than they seemed on the surface.
He hummed in response, giving your shoulders a small squeeze to say ‘you’re welcome.’
“Doin’ alright?”
A playful glare was all your husband got in return. He was happy to see you at least still had the heart to joke a bit with him.
“Right. Stupid question. Sorry, love.”
Eventually, you’d take a sip from your mug. He always prepared your drinks to your preferences. It made your chest warm.
“Wanna talk about it?” He was looking at you now. That gentle expression always comforted you.
You shook your head and took another slow sip, “Just insecurities again. Nothing major, I’m fine.”
“That why you've been out here on the veranda staring out at nothing the past couple hours?”
You took another sip, electing to say nothing. You did make it extra noisy though, pulling a rumbling chuckle from Price’s chest in the process.
Eventually, he guided you inside. You were as cold as the dead when he’d gotten to you. He wanted to warm you up and, if you’d talk, he wanted to know what was wrong. Knowing it was an insecurity of yours narrowed it down, but not enough to pin it. He needed to know a bit more.
You sat on your small couch, Price quickly following you. He took your hand in his. The callouses that littered his palm and fingers were always grounding. You were certain if you were blindfolded and told to guess which hand belonged to him, you’d guess correctly without fail. You knew every dip and ridge in his skin like your own.
You’d finished your drink after a while. You sighed, leaning into your husband’s chest. His heartbeat never failed to help your mind quiet down a bit.
“Just my scar again…” you mumbled, lacing your fingers in with his.
He kissed his teeth, the clicking noise it made bringing you out of the beginning of another spiral, “What did I tell you ‘bout that, love? You know I think it’s perfect.”
“I know,” you said, tucking your head under his chin, “‘Fraid I don’t think the same way, is all.”
His free hand rose up to hold your head and he pressed a soft lingering kiss into your hair, “That’s why I’m here. To think that way for you. C’mon, then, on your back.”
You groaned, pretending your melancholy face hadn’t broken out into a small grin, as you were guided onto your back. Price hovered above you and lifted your shirt up to your collarbone, kissing slowly up your belly as he did so. His kisses finally reached the part of your chest you couldn’t feel anymore. The scar tissue had faded quite a bit, but it was still clearly visible. One straight line stretched across your ribcage. It was uneven, thicker in some places than others. When your clothes were on, you often forgot about it. But when they weren’t…
You couldn’t feel much of the kisses that your husband trailed across the scar. His beard would drag across the area around it, your body unsure if it tickled or itched, but you could only feel the pressure of his lips through the numb skin. Still, you looked down and watched as he worshiped the ugly line that ripped through your skin. It wasn’t neat, wasn’t typical, wasn’t the ideal, but Price always showed he never cared about that.
”It made you happy, yeah? All that matters, then,” is what he’d always say.
All those mean thoughts finally started to melt away as he continued to kiss along your chest, further up to your collarbone. He pulled your shirt down so he could kiss up your neck, across your jaw, and finally up to your mouth. You felt him grin against your lips. You suppressed an annoyed whine as he pulled away to look at you.
“A bit.”
“I can keep going.”
“Would you?”
You fell asleep on the couch with your shirt pulled up to your shoulders and Price’s lips against your scar.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Lia's Writers and Blog Recommendations
Hi there lovelies! Lia here and I'd love to share the some creators that have so far been feeding me with amazing content and I'd love for you and them to know how I feel about their works so there is a bit of commentary (feel free to ignore if you're only here for recs). They are all from different fandoms and I genuinely love their works. I am not here to hate on anyone at all, simply here to bring attention to those creators I find worth reading. In fact I actually don't do negative commentary. (If I do, it's probably towards my life 😭)
This will be constantly edited if I find more creators that I loved within each fandoms. I'm sorry to all the creators I've probably bothered with this notification, if you want to be taken off this list then I will respect that and do so :))
I will respectively use the pronouns these people have provided in their bios and if they do not have it in their bios then I'll simply use they/them <3
To all tagged creators, y'all are amazing and so fucking underrated :3
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CoD Creators
@frogchiro - This creator is more likely known for the absolutely scrumptious CoD hybrid AUs. MY GOD EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER AUs ARE JUST ON ANOTHER LEVEL. Ranging from Hacker girl!Reader to Baracks Bunny!Reader. (Octo König and Coyote Graves are personal faves of mine) (Her nsfw content is the most toe curling shit I've ever read)
@ghouljams - This creator is another known for their CoD AUs, only this time you may know them as the one who wrote the Cowboy and Medieval AUs. This person and @frogchiro actually got their inboxes mixed up a few times I believe, they're both really just that good, I clearly need pointers. (I honestly don't have much words because god do I eat their content up)
@wishesforyouo (previous account being: @puff0o0) - This lovely creator makes short but sweet CoD content, you may recognize her as the person who made the popular self-aware CoD AU. Definitely my cup of tea because I really like short reads from time to time. (Miss this AU, sweetie <3)
@blingblong55 - This creator loves to make me cry, idk why. I love her though, her nsfw content is also freaking delicious I can't even.
@xo-cod - This creator, I can't even begin. I just love their writing style, it's sweet, quite short and worth the read. (We also have the same name)
@lunarw0rks - This creator makes me wanna bang my head on a table with how good their Ghost content is.
@ceilidho - This creator I can't even begin to describe how fucking delicious the Ghost content is, idgaf if it's short (IT'S PERFECT). Like my god, how'd y'all come up with content that you do. I think she captures Ghost quite well in her writing.
@mistydeyes - This creator, my fucking god. Her content is so good especially the requests she gets. The overall vibe of her writing gives a specific aesthetic that I love so much and honestly their series is worth the freaking read. Series mentioned here, the writing style is so unique but captures the characters perfectly.
@wordstome - This creator made the GREATEST FUCKING FRIENDS TO LOVERS KÖNIG FANFIC I HAVE EVER READ. It was all just so perfect, the length, the pacing and the writing style is fucking incredible. God where'd y'all get the talent to write this, here's the link to said fanfic because I do not gatekeep.
@multifandomimagin3s - This creator and the amount of Rudy content, I AM EATING IT UP. What do y'all feed yourselves to write with this amount of quality? Like their depiction of Rudy (and of course the others) is just Chef's kiss. (Also idk why but this person seems familiar since I remember someone in Wattpad a long time ago who has the same user)
@lxvvie - This creator creates the best fucking characterization I've ever read, LIKE HELLO?! Horangi is so accurate and her version of König is too. I love it, I'm eating her content up.
@rustic-guitar-notes - This creator I wanted tag this Creator so bad on this creator list because I feel like they're so underappreciated and their works are so good, LIKE IT'S ALWAYS THE UNDERAPPRECIATED WORKS THAT ARE SO GOOD THEY MAKE YOU FEEL WHAT YOU NEED AND WANT TO FEEL.
@icarustypicalfall - This creator is mutuals with almost every single one of my fave mutuals and that's how I found them. MY GOD THE RUDY AND ALEJANDRO CONTENT?? I'M EATING THAT SHIT UP.
@ghosts-cyphera - This creator, HELLO MISS MA'AM? THE PS!GHOST AU?!?! SHE GOT ME THINKING OF IT ALL THE TIME NOW LIKE WHAT DOES SHE PUT IN HER WRITING TO MAKE IT SO GOOD. First of all I'm in love with her version of Ghost because he's just so fucking caring despite the sexual themes, SHE MANAGED TO MAKE A PORNSTAR AU WITH DOMESTIC AND ROMANTIC ASPECTS WITHOUT MAKING IT FEEL SHALLOW AND SUPERFICIAL, LIKE HOW? What kind of food are y'all eating to create the content you guys feed us readers with?
@halcyone-of-the-sea - This creator has their own aesthetic and vibe when it comes to the writing. OMG I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN WITH THE WRITING STYLE, IT'S SO GOOD AND DETAILED. NOT MENTION SHE HAS QUITE A LOT OF POPULAR WORKS THAT I BINGED LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW.
@drop-cherries - this creator brought me back on this list. You all must be saying "Lia you haven't updated this is so long, it must be some scrumptious ass work you've seen". DAMN WELL IT'S GOOD, got me in my feels and everything, needed that domestic life with Simon after so much nsfw content, I need breaks too y'all. Although I did like that one nsfw post earlier, if you saw that, no you didn't :). They are so criminally underrated too so go check them out, from one creator to another, they seem so freaking talented and I love using my platform to help you guys reach other creators too, who hardly get enough attention for something they worked hard on :>
TLOU Creators
@elliesbelle - This creator is top of this list for a reason, their content is the most scrumptious, drama-filled fanfics I have ever read. And yes I'm referring to their series "Nobody Compares To You". I can't even begin to say how much I love this creator, if I wasn't broke then I'd would've already tipped them. I personally think she captures Ellie's personality well. I appreciate a writer who implements shit that happen in her life into her stories. (Despite that, the amount of things happening in their love life is also some complicated shit that I love hearing updates from. Love ya belle <3) Me reading the belle's fanfic at 3am knowing damn well I have school the next day
@lovelettersfromluna - This creator is another amazing writer and holy hell are her works so good, like the length and writing style is just perfect. It's so compact yet it's not too long, add me on your ma'am taglist, please 🥺 <3
@seattlesellie - This creator, I just love her writing style especially with the knight!Ellie fic. Not to mention all the Abby content <3
@callmelola111 - This creator is another person to go to when looking for top tier Ellie fanfics, definitely worth the read on her works.
@clemellie - This creator AND WRITING TLOU SMUT IS A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN OH MY GOD, first of all, the characterization of both Ellie and Abby are so top tier then there's the ungodly toe curling smut. She is worth the fucking read every time.
@papipedroo - This creator has made a a series on Joel Miller x Reader angst AND I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO SAY HOW GOOD IT WAS. THEY GOT ME CRYING AT 7 IN THE MORNING. I also adore the writing style and pacing, I genuinely could not wait for the next part because I NEED Joel to grovel. I DON'T EVEN CRUSH ON JOEL MILLER AND THEY GOT ME HOOKED SO BAD.
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personasintro · 5 months
Hey mimi, i hope all is well, you're eating well, you're healthy you smile more, and your loved ones are okay, we really appreciate you taking your time to write these beautiful stories for us, i think i might have an idea that it's not easy at all, but you are so dedicated and that proves you work very hard, building up something as hard as writing a story with many words and sentences to include must be so tiring, out of everything i really hope you take your sweet time to write and construct your stories with every single chapter, make sure to block out any negativity coming your way, people will talk either way, don't pressure yourself with things that will happen eventually like updating a single chapter, if it's real they'll stay, even an audience of 5 people can make you feel powerfulpowerful, don't ever let anything drag you down, much love.
I am blocking any negativity, I’ve decided doing so for my own sake and mental health. And I realized there are always gonna be stupid people who just don’t wanna understand.
I’m writing and updating whenever I can and have inspiration. I do not have any updating schedule. I’m reminding this to everyone who thinks I’m only writing in my free time. I have a job and personal life & stuff I’m dealing with on daily basis. If you don’t wanna wait around or continue to be disrespectful — just leave. I don’t want you here and I don’t want you to bring more negativity which in the end, readers who are patient, understanding & kind will have to deal with consequences because of these ignorant people.
Thank you for every sweet message! Every one of them makes me happy and I’m so grateful. Honestly, it’s just letting me know that you guys are still here and I can feel the love and support 💓 love you!!
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icearts · 8 months
A couple things about Sonic Prime that disappointed me
1. Shadow was in almost the entire trailer, but showed up for 3 out of the 7 episodes
2. An action scene that lasted for three episodes. It got redundant
3. There was an entire plot point where Sonic was dying from the prism energy being taken from him. This took 3 minutes of screen time and the risk felt minimal if it was there at all
4. No consequences = no stakes (literally there was no issue or "sacrifice" that came out of repairing the prism. Idk what i was hoping for, but the fact that everything was so easily fixed kinda hurt my feelings because it made the entirety of season 2 seem completely pointless and dumb)
5. Shadow was super protective of Sonic in the first episode, but never showed that same "Would kill and die for you in a seconds notice" energy he had in that first episode
6. The chaos emerald is mentioned again but never used as a plot point. Chekov's Gun is fake, apparently
7. It's said that Sonic can't exist in the Shatterspace without prism energy, but Shadow never had it in the first place. There is no provided explanation as to why this makes sense. The closest thing was "shadow wasn't there during the blast" but that only explains why he doesn't have the energy, not why he doesn't need it to live like Sonic does (I assume the others have at least a signature of it too which is why they cloned and Shadow didn't. Again this is unexplained in Prime. What does the prism energy even do for/to the supporting cast)
8. Why are there only 7 episodes? Why do they take up so much time in one place?
9. Rouge and Shadow only had one line of dialogue (this isn't a genuine critique I just wanted to see my favorite duo be a duo)
10. Sonic's Prism "Super Form" doesn't come back. Shadow doesn't get anything like that either. Another dud Chekov Gun. Why is this dumb little anecdotal metaphorical firearm never firing
I really loved the new season, and it was great and super fun, but those critiques really ruined some things because those were all things I thought would be a guarantee because of the trailer and because of how the other seasons were.
Why would they even bother to mention the chaos emerald, and this weird void thing if it wasn't going to be essential to the plot other than being an excuse to sideline Shadow. They could have just as easily said that chaos energy is neutralized in cyberspace because it's not connected to the world/chaos/master emerald. That works too!
Plus, why was Shadow sidelined so much? What's the reason? Why wasn't he allowed to use chaos energy and go apeshit? Why couldn't he take off his inhibitor rings in a desperate situation to protect Sonic and be able to teleport into shatterspaces even at the expense of his health?
I know it's a TV-Y7 show. It honestly did not need to be, but I'm sure it was a Netflix mandate to make sure their animation is all meant for kids and only kids, but they really ended up nerfing themselves by alienating their more passionate audience which would be teenagers and adults. Just make it TV PG that would've allowed you to work with higher stakes and a higher budget (oh wait that's what Netflix's intention was nevermind).
If you wanna see me make a list of things I genuinely liked, feel free to ask or comment that. I might do so anyway. I feel like the internet is too negative and critiques of shows tend to do too much of that, so sorry for contributing to that culture, but I really needed to get that disappointment out because it bothered me quite a bit. Feel free to disagree too, or say "bro it's a kids show. It's not that deep. Stop having passion and emotions for your special interests you dumb fuck" I get it. Anyways, good show, good season, highly recommend, it's very fun and enjoyable especially if you're a fan of Sonic
Last minute edit: I only saw the season once and my sense of media literacy isn't by any means perfect, and also, to clarify, most of my concern isn't quite "these plot points are 1000% absent and terrible" and more "I thought the distribution between the action scene in episodes 4-7 and the rest of the season's story was very poor and made the content I was more excited for seem watered down/unplanned/super easily resolved". Again the part of the show where Sonic almost dies because of the prism energy withdrawal was about 3 minutes long. Why did it feel so low-stakes?? I love action scenes. They're great, but when you dedicate over 30 minutes to one long fight scene, it becomes less interesting and there's still MORE OF THE SHOW TO GET THROUGH so those parts got super rushed
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firefeelsfine · 1 month
HELLO pretty people!!!🌸 <3
The intro post is finally here...🫴🏻✨
ABOUT ME :- she/her | 8teen | Pisces | ENFJ -A | Girl's girl | certified panick mechine | super random | desi | hopeless romantic.🌼
Wanna know more about me, here you go:-
🌸 yepp, so my name is KEHKESHA which means Galaxy & The name originates from Persian language.
( I am truly in love with my name, so please try not to mess it up while interacting. )
🌸I am a die heart fan of SRK and RK.
( it's okay if you don't like them or the way they act...I respect your views nevertheless.)
🌸what do I mostly post?
Random shit, that's right. Relatable kinda shit , random funny looking pictures , memes and rants. In short everything that would show a sense of carelessness towards life and people. Because let's be honest , we all are struggling with stuff one way or another. So ig it's better to deal with that shit by making it somewhat random.
But but but, at times I may tap into my devdas zone, and post or reblog something kinda sad. ( Not negative or something devestating, just simply sad) Something that may or may not touch that hidden empty void in your heart.
🌸 there is nothing in this world that will ever come close to how much i love tulips 🌷🌷🌷
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🌸I am not religious but very spritual.
🌸I respect every religion with all my heart. I am obsessed with Indian myths and history. I would really appreciate hearing anyone speaking of there culture, the traditions they follow, the facts and the myths, all of it together and everything in between as well. Feel free to reach out to me for the same.
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🌸my favourite colour changes with my mood, today it's rose gold.
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🌸I am seriously very chaotic. If my chaos makes sense to you, we're meant to vibe together.
🌸my favourite vibe:- midnight thoughts with Lo-fi Beats.
🌸 I have bunch of interest, here goes the list:-
• imtiyaz ali movies ( my go to )
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• F.R.I.E.N.D.S ( nothing compares to that common! )
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• music:- jagjit singh, Mukesh, kishore kumar songs are a bliss to me. Shreya Ghoshal, Mohit Chauhan, Arjit Singh top my playlist every now and then. The weekend, JVKE , arctic monkeys, Chris brown make my playlist near to perfect.
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But but but...LANA DEL RAY & ISABEL LAROSA make me tap into my siren self way too quick.
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• I am diagnosed with moderate anxiety and an undiagnosed mild ADHD awaits me.
•THE SCARLET WITCH from the MCU is my comfort character. ( It's weird ik)
• I like every existing shade of maroon.
🌸 relationship status :- in love- hate relationship with my life.
🌸I am in love with the idea of being in love.💌
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🌸I get lost in my books every now & then ( I won't be posting anything about what I read , in this blog, because I cannot tolerate listening to anyone having an opinion on why they don't like a character that I may be obsessed with at that very point of time. I will get defensive and that won't end good . I know me)
🌸 recommendation for kdramas, songs , movies and tv shows of any kind are appreciated.
( need an recommendation from my end ? Do try watching • It's Okay to Not Be Okay • 2020 ‧• Romance • kdrama )
• I really cherish this drama because I feel it is very me coded. Don't forget to tell me your views on it if you do watch it.
🌷🌷🌷 I am obsessed with my govind, my protector, my bestie and my supreme support 🌷🌷🌷
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Also, my two alltime favourite songs ( hindi)
My alltime favourites ( english)
If you're a creep who just wants to disturb people's mental peace first of all get a life, And second of all try not to try your dirty tricks on me. I am not a girl who will ignore or block you. I very well know some people , who would not only trace you but will make sure to get your life as miserable as possible. MARK MY WORDS !!!
PS :- My brother's bachelor's degree in criminal justice works like magic at times.
🌸 other than this , I am a really friendly person, so feel free to reach out to me.
Tons of love to my stunning mutuals <3 🫴🏻✨I adore you guys so damn muchhhhhh 💌
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donascozylivingroom · 8 months
This is if u struggle to understand the concept.
I'm an old lady of 30 yo and I found out about shifting parallel realities when I was 22 so I've had quite some time to simmer on it and even some success with its application.
We are definitely in the era of shifting parallel realities, finally, now.
People talk about it much more, so I decided to make a logical written explanation of it.
For those of you that struggle with affirmations and mental diet, meditation is definitely important. it's a way of knowing urself and ur mind better.
The ability to silence ur mind at will or focus it on a "mantra" comes with a lot of mindfulness - observing ur mind and what it does w/o judgement.
To be smart and get to the age of 30, you start accumulating a lot of knowledge and kinda have a mental toolkit for a lot of things. So me posting this sh@# is from tried and tested things, not just my musings of the day.
ok so parallel realities.
i learned this from Bentinho Massaro in 2015, i don't really follow the guy anymore or would suggest u do it necessarily, i just wanna give him credit.
So he explained basically that when u get to tomorrow, u will be in the present moment, even though in ur mind it was the future. And yesterday you were in the present moment, too, although u call it past. One second ago and one second after are still in their own present moment. so there is no time, there is only the One present moment.
So basically because the Universe is infinite, all possibilities already exist.
In this reality, you can make choices, u could go to the grocery store today or stay home and play video games. You have free will. You could basically start those things you know would help you achieve your dreams, or not. It is a choice. Every second of the day you have choices. You could speak now or not speak.
But all these choices are parallel realities that already exist.
i believe the universe still creates by combining things/realities that were not combined before based on us, and our free will choices, so being infinite and mathematical it keeps on creating through us, free will agents of consciousness/gods.
Anyways, he explained parallel realities like this: imagine u are watching a movie on ur laptop/device. You could stop it at 1:06, print the picture, and then stop it again at 1:07, print that image too, and send one pic to China and one to Austria. Same way you could print pictures hours apart and place the screenshots one after another.
That's kinda how parallel realities work, u could "print" ur desired reality and bring it to ur next nanosecond.
Just moving ur hand up and down, u are going through thousands, possibly tens of thousands of parallel realities.
What brings your desire closer is focus on it, so affirming and visualizing for example are tools.
But just know, ur desire is one nanosecond close!
I personally first shifted when i affirmed that whatever I visualize becomes my reality in 3 seconds. And it was incredible, I shifted from my mom's studio apartment to a beautiful penthouse in NYC! But I shifted back really fast because I got scared.
I shifted a few times more, but this one was the most incredible!
Anyways be careful with this if you can't control ur mind to not visualize scary things or affirm bad things, but yea you could counteract that with a really good self concept that whatever negativity u affirm or visualize doesn t manifest.
Basically you shift all the time, getting ur desire in time is still shifting, shifting is always the case, we are always shifting through parallel realities. But be careful out there peeps!
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
u should defo do a fic where r breaks something at steve’s house and she’s apologising and crying and starts panicking & steve just comforts her bc he knows the feeling all too well bc of his dad
ur writing is literally terrific love 💕💕
Picture frame - s.h
hello love, thank you for your request! i hope this is okay, i am not really liking my writing atm. this is really short and i hope that’s okay. feedback is always appreciated and my requests are open- enjoy x (also did i have a mental break down about Steve possibly dying in season 5? yes. a lot of crying has been done)
taglist (feel free to add yourself 🤍):if there is a line through your @ i can’t tag you x @eddieamoremio @johnricharddeacy @theshireisonfire @ssababe @snackycake1975.
it was late and you were tired, so tired that Steve had to put his arm around your waist to keep you up right so you could walk to the door. Steve had taken you on a date which was rare. you were both so busy all the time with working, you both had different schedules and it was hard to figure out a day where you were both free.
luckily this weekend you were both off so a date night was 100% needed. he’d taken you to a restaurant and then to the movies, it was just the cutest date and it suited both of you. you were in Steve’s house more then you were in your own and it was all because of your dad, like Steve, you and your dad didn’t get along.
he was just one of those dads who hated their daughters and loved their sons. you had two older brothers and one younger one and it was like you were the outcast. you got along with your mum though, she was always on your side and stuck up for you when your dad shouted but there wasn’t a lot she could do.
to your dad, anything you did was wrong. he’d shout at you to the point where the neighbours would call the police with a noise complaint because of how loud he was. this is why you loved staying at Steve’s, it was quiet and comforting and you never felt scared being with him.
Steve’s house was dark and you being tired and disorientated you had no idea where Steve was leading you to. Steve knew you were tired. he could tell as soon as you got out of the cinema that the moment your head would hit his pillow you’d be out like a light.
Steve had to go into the kitchen to finish the dishes before his parents came back (which he had absolutely no clue when they would) because the last time they came back unannounced, per usual, he hadn’t cleaned up the house to the ‘family standard’ and was shouted at by both his parents for being too lazy when they went off for different business trips.
he carefully laid you down on the couch and kissed your forehead before he made his way to the kitchen. you didn’t wanna be on the couch, all you wanted to do was be in Steve’s bed with his hoodie and joggers on so you did the only logical thing, got up off of the sofa and started making your way to Steve’s bedroom still half asleep.
the next thing you heard was glass smashing which woke you up out of your sleepy state. you immediately went down to the floor and saw it was a picture of Steve and his parents. the glass on the picture frame had smashed all over the floor and the wooden part had also broken. you instantly felt tears welling up in your eyes.
the last time you had broken something was in your house and you had gotten screamed at for it by your dad. you had absolutely no idea how Steve would react, would he be mad? would he shout at you? so many negative thoughts ran through your mind as you picked up all the big bits of glass and put them in your hand.
Steve heard the smashing and quickly left the dishes to find you on your hands and knees picking up shards of glass with thick tears rolling down your face. Steve could see a little bit of blood on your hand, you’d definitely cut it on the glass. you heard Steve’s footsteps approaching you as you kept picking up the glass but it was difficult with how teary eyed you were.
you looked up and saw Steve towering over you with a confused look on his face. the only thing you knew what to do was apologise and beg for forgiveness. you didn’t want Steve to shout at you but you had broken something of his and surely he was going to be mad. “i’m so sorry Steve. i didn’t even see the picture and i should of been looking and i’ll-”
Steve bent down to your level and lifted his hand to wipe away the tears which were falling down your cheeks quickly. “baby, it’s okay. it’s only a picture frame” he gave you a genuine smile to try and calm you down but it was no use.
your tears were still falling, if Steve wasn’t mad then his parents most definitely would be “but i broke it” Steve had never heard your voice like this. so soft yet so weak. it honestly broke his heart. “by accident. it’s only a picture frame sweetheart. it can be replaced. now, let me see your hands”
he watched as you opened your hands up for him to see and saw some bits of glass in your left hand were covered in blood. he started to pick the glass out of your hands and put them on top of the picture and once all of the glass was out of both of your hands he took your hands into his. “come on, we need to clean you up baby”
you and Steve stood up from the floor and he guided you to the kitchen. Steve started cleaning up your hand and you watched intently as he did so. he was gentle and made sure he didn’t hurt you. “i’m really sorry Steve” he shook his head and lent down to place a quick kiss on your cheek. “stop apologising. it’s honestly fine honey” Steve knew how your dad was and he also knew what it was like for a parent to dislike their kid, he’d lived through it himself.
when he saw you sobbing on the floor like that he knew his only approach should be a soft one. you hadn’t done anything wrong and it didn’t matter. it was a picture frame. Steve always wanted you to feel loved and that’s why he was always so gentle with you when you were upset, he loved you so much and nothing would ever change that, even if you did break another picture frame his feelings would never change.
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starlightwoofwoof · 4 months
Do you have any other akumatized villain/victim designs for the smxmlb au?
Y E S I D O A C T U A L L Y -
honestly one of the main reasons I made this AU lol
soooooo I made edits of them cause I didn’t really feel like drawing them (except for Sweetener, I kinda had to draw him) but ye- HERE WE GO THIS MIGHT BE LONG BECAUSE I WANNA EXPLAIN A LOT OF THINGS ABOUT THEM
okay, first of all, of course I did the main characters, ✨ these little sh!ts ✨
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These are Scratch and Punk, The Spooky Kids
okie so I think I might do a list of things for these guys lol
Reason for Akumatization : okay I have two ideas, we can go the goofy route and make them fight over a piece of Halloween candy from, like, 5 years ago- (or we can go the darker/more serious route and make it have to do something with like what happened in SM6)
Corrupted Item : That piece of candy- (or something else for the other route, not sure)
Fun Facts :
They got akumatized together
You might think they’re still in costumes, BUT NO THEY’RE R E A L
Their powers are making people do the Spooky Dance and celebrate Spooky Month .. FOR E T E R N I T Y
okay, next up, we have THE HAT BOYS ‼️‼️‼️
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Rage, Regret and Rejoice (there’s no yellow lol), The Emotiongang
Reason for Akumatization : The trio were having a sleepover, until Ross and Roy had a fight about .. actually I haven’t really thought about it, probably something about Roy’s parents- (Robert didn’t even realize the situation until it was too late)
Corrupted Item : Ross’s beanie (idk why his specifically but ye-)
Fun Facts :
They also all got akumatized together
yes they’re inspired by those theatre masks-
Regret and Rejoice’s mouths on their masks can’t move, although, Rage’s can
honestly, I’m not even sure if I can call Rejoice a villain, he’s just happy to be here- (no thoughts, head empty)
They can produce auras from themselves of their respected emotions, making people around them feel the emotions they’re producing (Regret and Rage don’t like Rejoice’s powers since they mess up with their negative emotions, and evil plans-)
Next, we have the villain which I showed in the introduction post, K e v i n
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The Sweetener
Reason for Akumatization : probably something Kevin-usual, him being angry about his job
Corrupted Item : His work hat
Fun Facts :
His powers are kinda scary- he has a bunch of candy, obviously, but they’re not normal candy. As soon as you eat one of his candies, you slowly turn into one of his candy minions and follow him wherever he goes, like some kind of zombie (whatever that means-)
I’m not sure what he is honestly, like obviously he’s a candy monstrosity, but idk if that’s gum, some weird form of cotton candy or even ice cream-
He can speak, but he usually just roars, growls and groans most of the time
I kinda wanted to name him ‘The Candyman’ but I thought that was too basic sooooo The Sweetener was my next best idea-
And finally, the last one (for now-), we have Rad :D
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The Glitch
Reason for Akumatization : .. I have no clue to be honest, Radford is such a happy guy, but ye-
Corrupted Item : His funky 3D glasses
Fun Facts :
His powers are being able to go in and out of screens (kinda like Prime Queen) and I like to think he can also possess people, like a ghost-
He is still a pretty happy guy, just more like the insane kind of happy-
man all I can think about is the Sonic Adventure 2 Dub (Hero Story) video where Eggman kept calling himself The Glitch- (watch me make a funny animatic thing soon lol)
OKAY THAT’S ALL OF THEM- (obviously I really want to make more, I just haven’t had many ideas, BUT MAN I WANNA MAKE AN AKUMA! STREBER SO BADLY- I know I can just make him vampire themed but still, I wanna make him more than that for some reason-)
Feel free to ask (or suggest, especially with Glitch’s backstory-) anything about them okie see you lateeeeeerrrrrrrr :3
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WIBTA if I told my dad's girlfriend about his Tinder? He doesn't use it when they're dating, only when they argue.
i (21 NB, closeted as F) currently live alone with my dad (57 M) while I study in college. My dad has been dating this person (52 F) for about 10 years. They met through work and started dating when I was around 12. They say they get along well, but they argue often, and have broken up multiple times in the past. They do not live together because her family dislikes my dad, including his girlfriend's children (20 and 15 year olds). I also have a bad relationship with him. He does provide good quality food, supplies, and shelter, and does favors (according to him) like cooking or not nagging me for staying up late to study.
The reasons I don't like him is because we share next to no political opinions, he constantly engages in toxic behavior such as harassing people over tiktok where he spends most of his free time, and holds really misogynistic opinions, such as that women should not talk to men unless they intend to engage sexually or romantically with them. He is also very racist (which is bad bc part of my family is indigenous!!) homophobic (i am closeted to him, he doesnt even know i had a girlfriend while my mother does), transphobic, and ableist (he has joked about doing harm or killing autistic children I worked with, has called my half-sibling with an ID a black sheep "jokingly", and i suspect i am autistic myself, to top it off).... These all probably sound like valid reasons to hate him. I just state them to be clear that I do have a negative bias. The only reason I don't rebel is because I want to study without many disturbances and,. He is just a pain in the ass and stressful to be around, but not actively harmful. He also denies every claim I make about him when I do call him out, so i have to confirm with my brother or bystanders to know I'm not making these things up)
Ok so. facts: Every time he breaks up with his girlfriend, he vents it all to me while they stay apart for a few weeks because he doesn't have other people to vent to. So, whenever they break up, he installs Tinder, matches with random women (he does not look at their profiles and just accept everything until a match happens), then shows me their photos to make fun of them. He usually does nothing serious about those relationships, except the one time he held a long distance relationship with a woman in a different country for a few months in 2018 and he expected me to advise him on that while the original girlfriend was making efforts for them to get back together.
I have talked to the girlfriend about my own problems with him and she validates them too. She is a sweet woman, but really non-confrontational. She insists that the two of them get along well, that he does respect her and love her a lot when they're together and she does want to be with him long term, but struggles because her children and family really don't like my dad and avoid him when he visits. I really do not think she deserves such a prick and if she doesn't know he uses dating apps when they break up then... I think she should know, so she can choose what to do about him.
I really DO wanna tell her, but I am afraid of the consequences for her and me for snitching, and while I dislike my dad for well established reasons, I do still need to rely on him, which is why i don't intend to give this info away. I guess more than anything I just want validation in disliking him and whether making this move would be too far. I'm willing to wait until graduating next year to pull it off from a safer distance.
What are these acronyms?
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cardboardheartss · 3 months
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Q : How are you all feeling today? (9oW, Hierophant rx, KNoC, 6oW)
A : Well… we for sure are really tired. We all have been praying/hoping there would be a better change for all of us, and we genuinely hope that will come for us soon.
Q : How are you all dealing with the backlash you’ve been receiving? (2oW, 4oC rx, Tower, Judgement, Magician)
A : We are crushed… the backlash is getting too much now. We all feel as if we went from being loved to being thrown out like stray dogs. People on social media always find ways to create unnecessary drama and we are tired!
Q : How do you all feel about the HYBE situation? (10oW, KoP, 5oC, PoC rx, Emperor rx)
A : BSH is working so hard on destroying everything. We trusted him, and now he has tainted our image even more and now we’re forced to deal with more of the backlash because of him.
Q : Yunjin what are your thoughts? (KNoS rx)
A : Everything is genuinely out of control… I wish I could speak on it but I might not watch what I say and it’s going to cause more problems.
Q: Eunchae what are your thoughts? (QoC rx)
A : I am done, all do this makes me feel so bad for everyone because at the end of the day, we’re the ones who are going to be in trouble, and continue dealing with the backlash. I don’t want to work anymore, my passion for my job has ended because what the point?
Q : Kahzua what are your thoughts? (9oP rx)
A : 😐 Now I’m going to be forced to fake it, til I make it once more. Now we’re going to be forced to work even more for the sake of the public approval. I’ve lost so much confidence, thanks to the ballet dance comments along with the backlash with the vocals too…
Q: Chaewon what are your thoughts? (8oP, 7oW)
A : I never thought this would actually happen… now I have to rebuild my image again, and the only way I can do that is by speaking up for myself but I can’t because people will twist words and cause havoc again. I wanna fight but I just can’t 😔
Q : Sakura what are your thoughts? (10oW, PoW)
A : 疲れていてイライラしている (tsukarete ite iraira shite iru) I’m tired and annoyed, I have completely given up, I feel defeated and lately I have been doing my hobbies just to keep calm but I am genuinely unhappy. My late night walks are keeping my sane right now, because I just feels so embarrassed, I don’t want to be seen in public anymore.
Q : What do you think will be the outcome of this situation? (KoC, Temperance, Hanged Man rx, 5oP rx)
A : Well… BSH will deal with this issue, all we’ll have to do is just sit back and watch.🤷🏻‍♀️
Q : Do you have anything to say to Ill’It? (4oS rx, 5oS rx, 3oS rx, 2oC, 4oW rx, 4oP rx)
A : Firstly we want to just apologize for all the backlash you’ve been receiving lately, you all truly don’t deserve any of this. Please make sure that you all rest and avoid the negative comments. It’s unfortunate that this war will never end, I mean, we even are in the same shoes as you all right now and we have no choice but to stand together. We your unnuies will stand by you!🫂
Q : Do you have anything to say to NEWJEANS? (Moon rx, 6oP, KNoP, KNoW rx)
A : Well… this is going to be an awkward time between all of us, it’s like we’re going to be walking on eggshells around you, not us only, like the rest of the groups too. We have to do this for the sake of our career so… yea
Q : Any words to the general public? (3oP, PoP rx, 3oW, 7oP, 3oC)
A : We would like to apologize, we know it’s going to take some time to get your love again. It is going to take us some time to work on our performance flaws, but once we woke on it and show you all our improvements, may we please leave the past behind us and rejoice once more… together.
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