#meaningful quotes
thequotegarden · 2 years
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therandomvibez · 7 months
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Yes, silence is golden!
Greek Quotes
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mindfulhavens · 1 month
“I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do.
To make others less happy is a crime.
To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts.
We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances.
We must try.”
​— Roger Ebert, “Go gentle into that good night.”
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glasshalffullquotes · 2 years
Because we were looking at the same sky together, which is maybe more intimate than eye contact anyway. Anybody can look at you. It's quite rare to find someone who sees the same world as you
Turtles all the way down, John Green 
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enchantingepics · 2 months
Note #12
Empowerment is a deeply transformative and uplifting experience that resonates on various levels of one's being. It goes beyond mere confidence; it's about feeling a profound sense of strength, agency, and capability. When you tap into your inner reservoir of power, you unlock the potential to navigate life's challenges with resilience and purpose. Imagine a scenario where every step you take resonates with a quiet assurance, every decision you make is fueled by self-assuredness, and every hurdle is viewed as an opportunity for growth. This empowerment is not just about external validation but stems from a genuine understanding and acceptance of your own worth. Picture the moment when you stand tall, fully embracing your uniqueness and recognizing the strength within your vulnerabilities. It's about acknowledging the journey you've traversed, the lessons learned, and the wisdom gained. This inner power is a force that propels you forward, pushing the boundaries of what you thought possible. In the realm of fiction, this empowerment often takes the form of a character's self-discovery, overcoming personal demons, or rising from adversity. Whether it's a hero's journey or a protagonist's internal struggle, the narrative resonates because it mirrors the universal quest for empowerment that transcends the pages. History, too, is rich with stories of individuals who, against all odds, harnessed their inner power to shape destinies. From political leaders to social reformers, their narratives inspire because they showcase the indomitable human spirit and the ability to effect change against formidable odds. Now, let's delve into the profound emotional aspect of empowerment. Picture the surge of joy and fulfillment when you realize your own strength, the warmth that spreads within, and the genuine smile that graces your face. It's a heartwarming acknowledgment of your worthiness and a celebration of the unique power that resides within you. In essence, to feel powerful is to embrace a holistic sense of self-worth, resilience, and authenticity. It's a journey of self-discovery, marked by moments of triumph, growth, and an unwavering belief in your capabilities. So, my friend, may you continue to explore and nurture the power within you, for it is the key to unlocking the extraordinary tapestry of your own existence.
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adhd-soul · 2 years
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This touched my soul because I can relate to this. I’m my own worst enemy sometimes. Wanted to share bc I feel like so many others can relate too.
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midnightfreedom · 2 months
" If an egg is broken from an outside force, life ends.
If broken by an inside force, life begins .
Great things always begin from the inside. "
~ Jim Kwik
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love-this-pic-dot-com · 2 months
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People Dont Always Need Advice, Sometimes They Just Need Someone To Listen
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midnight-love-song · 2 years
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I think about this at least twice a day
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pooxle · 1 year
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"You say you love rain but you open your umbrella. You say you love the sun but you find a shadow spot. You say you love wind but you close your windows. This is why I am afraid when you say you love me." - William Shakespeare
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juliaanoia · 5 months
"Authors gonna auth." - Neil Gaiman
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illyrianzote · 2 years
Those little things that you alone see, aren't by chance. The sign, the squirrel, the dragonfly, the whisper, the song, the lily.  It's me. I'm always with you to give you hope, keep you on track, and answer your questions. Look even closer.
- The Universe - 
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"There are two types of people you will meet in your life.
One will run a finger down the index of who you are and jump straight to the parts of you that peak their interest.
The other will take his or her time reading through every one of your chapters and maybe unfold corners of you that inspired them most.
You will meet these two people; it is a given. It is the third that you'll never see coming. That one person who not only finishes your sentences, but keeps the book."
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wuthering-high · 1 year
Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive. -Charlotte Brontë
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enchantingepics · 2 months
Note #6
Wishing you an abundance of joy and positivity to accompany you throughout every step of your journey. May the warm embrace of happiness envelop you, and may life's blessings be a constant presence in your days. In the tapestry of existence, may the threads of goodness and serenity weave seamlessly into the fabric of your experiences, creating a beautiful mosaic of moments that bring fulfillment and contentment. Here's to a future adorned with laughter, love, and the enduring glow of all things wonderful. May the path ahead be lined with opportunities, and may your heart be a magnet for the extraordinary. May every sunrise greet you with hope, and every sunset leave you with a sense of gratitude for the day's blessings. Your voyage through life deserves nothing less than an abundance of goodness, and I genuinely wish that it accompanies you unceasingly.
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