#mots theory
brazilian-whalien52 · 4 months
You got love when the writers make a character so autistic by "mistake" that they have to add extra lines or a special episode just to try to convince us they are not. I am sorry, you can try to tell but you can't erase the showing
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sarumans · 2 months
hi just wanted 2 say a big ol thank you to the locked tomb community <33333 i love chatting with yall so much thanks for bringing light and love and gravitas to my life
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impitoyable · 1 year
i think it would be really funny if someone wrote an au where instead of the sillies being switched with one another theyre just. total opposites of who they are
like make ocean a stoner!! let her be besties with noel!! speaking of noel he now works at PIZZA HUT, LOVES his job, and fantasizes about being a french CHEF from the early 80s!! mischa? total sweetheart but definitely has a hit list nobody knows about. constance? total stuck up. doesnt like anybody and doesnt agree with anything but is somehow friends with everyone. and ricky? giant logical thinker, doesnt got time for people like ocean and noel, wants to work for nasa when he gets older!!
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can-we-die-now · 1 year
*boytoy listing topics in chemistry he doesn't know*
i don't know MOT
i don't know VIBGYOR...
wait no...
eagle: do you mean VSEPR?
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
"For the tenants of structuralist ideology, you ARE structuralist, or you are not...the world of structures and of systems is a world of fine crystal, perfectly sterile, or pretty but emptied shells... They use the prestige of rigour against the chaos of ideologies in dissolution and ruin...to lead us toward their frigid purity." 
- Henri Lefebvre, Position: Contre Les Technocrates (Paris: Editions Gonthier, 1966) p. 154.
[AL: My translation. I thought this book would be a Marxist critique of managerial politics, part of a then growing discourse about the dangers of ‘planisme’ and rule by scientists and engineers. Instead, it is mostly a savage, sustained attack on structuralism and its "rigidité cadavérique." The greatest target of Lefebvre’s fury is "l'ideologue du Systeme,"  practitioner of the "supreme tautology," the best "writer of rigidity," fetishist of the Absolute, of the System, "qu'on ne sort jamais de": Michel Foucault and specifically his famous book Les Mots et Les Choses. Ironic, given Foucault’s later shift, and frequent contemporary critiques of ‘scientific’ Marxism, but Lefebvre’s book was a surprisingly enthralling read about what is now a long dead and somewhat irrelevant debate.]
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 4 months
So, fun detail I just noticed about Megamind:
Famously, throughout the film Megamind mispronounces certain words, most notably: "hello" ("olo"), "Metro City" ("Metrocity") and "school" ("shool").
Like many fans, I'd attributed this and other oddities— like not knowing what a window is— to his unconventional upbringing and general social isolation. His speech sounds a lot like the way people pronounce words that they've only seen written down, so maybe he just hasn't had enough practice talking to other people out loud.
Lovely theory, very angsty, makes sense that this would be what the film-makers intended.
You know who doesn't seem to have this problem with pronunciation? And who in fact attempts to correct Megamind's pronunciation of various words more than any other character?
Fucking Minion.
Minion was there for literally every step of Megamind's childhood. They were raised on Earth together and went through seemingly the exact same experiences. Yet somehow Minion came out the other end knowing how to answer the phone and what a window is and why people use codes, while Megamind didn't.
And I am just so fascinated as to why.
Top three theories:
1. Megamind isn't actually mispronouncing words due to lack of practice, but rather for some other reason.
Maybe there's something up with his ability to hear certain sounds, or his alien anatomy makes it harder to pronounce them. Maybe he's neurodivergent (I mean, he definitely is, but maybe that fact is affecting his speech).
2. Megamind is mispronouncing things due to lack of practice, but there's something about Minion that makes him need less practice to pick up new languages.
Possibly as part of their protective role, his species has advanced language acquisition programmed in so they can act as translators. Else, while Minion and Megamind landed on Earth together, it's not 100% clear whether they were actually at the same age/developmental stage when that happened. If Minion was an adult (or older child) when he became fluent in English, he might have consciously focused more on accurate pronunciation than Megamind did.
3. Megamind is mispronouncing things due to lack of practice, but Minion is getting more practice than him.
This is… honestly the theory with the most evidence behind it. Like, we know that Minion isn't in jail at the start of the film, so he's clearly mot spending the same amount of time in solitary confinement that Megamind is.
He also appears to be in charge of providing Megamind with the resources needed to carry out his plans, which would presumably require him to communicate with scrap merchants, crocodile breeders and Romanian outlet store owners (among others) on the regular.
And like… if he's not getting thrown in jail whenever Megamind does, and Megamind is spending a fair amount of time on the inside, then Minion has to be doing something to pass the time. He's clearly a bit of an extrovert, and seems to take more pleasure in interacting with people than Megamind does.
It seems unlikely that he'd spend all his time sitting in the Evil Lair waiting for Megamind contact him or escape. So what does he do?
I find it both sweet and hilarious to imagine that Minion actually does have his own social circle outside of Megamind.
Minion goes to DnD on the second Tuesday of every month.
Minion gets advice on making costumes for Megamind from his weekly sewing circle.
Minion has been going to university online for the past eight years and is currently working towards his PhD in Marine Biology.
Minion is a semi-regular at Metrocity Night Clubs.
Minion does volunteer work sometimes with kids at the Metrocity hospital.
Megamind has barely any idea about any of this. Like, he knows Minion goes places at various times.
He knows that when he's rampaging through the streets Minion will sometimes stop to wave hello to various people that Megamind has never met. He's seen the half-orc paladin costume that Minion made for DnD.
But he's never really asked about it, and Minion has never seen the need to tell him. So long as Minion's happy, Megamind's happy, and so long as Megamind's happy, Minion is happy.
Meanwhile Roxanna, post-movie, has to grapple with the fact that sometimes she'll go to visit her boyfriend only for him to ask if they can go out for dinner instead because Minion's book club is meeting in the Evil Lair, and he's been gently encouraged not to come back after what he said to Helen about her (wrong) opinions on To Kill A Mockingbird.
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oh-my-may · 2 months
LET'S TALK HSR PENACONY 2.1 (or rather, have my impressions and thoughts on the main quest and some other stuff)
First of all, I went out of it with so many thoughts and emotions. This is not gonna be spoiler free (duh).
ACHERON IS SO FUN TO PLAY. Like, really really fun. Finally Simulated Universe is not an annoying pain anymore, and much quicker too. Thanks to a good friend of mine her relics aren't too bad either. She's already so fun to play with Black Swan, can't wait for a Kafka rerun now 💀
Aa for the story now: I FUCKING KNEW MIKHAIL WAS THE WATCHMAKER. I KNEW IT. Now to wait for them to confirm that Misha is connected to him, either as a ghost of his past self or a child or some sort. It's the only way.
It's also really refreshing to see that HSR is giving 4star characters significant roles in the story. First it was Tingyun, now it's Gallagher (and maybe Misha? I'll die on this hill).
Loved the pacing. Story was quite long and lots of gameplay but didn't feel overwhelming at all, probably because we didn't just stick to the MC the whole time. The characters split up and we didn't just follow the express crew but also Aventurine, I really loved that. It felt so dynamic and immersive.
WELT AND ACHERON INTERACTION. BRO. The way I gasped the whole time. We still don't have a canon confirmation of how Raiden Mei and Acheron or just generally HI3rd and HSR are connected but it's sp clear that Acheron is by far the closest connection yet. So sp excited to find out more about this. Raiden Mei, I'll love you in every universe.
Aventurine and Ratio are also very interesting to me. What does Ratio gain by involving himself in all of this? What does he get out of it? Anyway, their little journey through the mansion was nice. GIGANTIC RATIO. The kinda stuff my dreams are made of tbh.
Generally the whole Aventurine story got me right from the beginning. He's generally one of the most interesting characters to me (although this game has plenty of them). I gotta admit of course I was suspicious of him (as one should be of all Penacony characters) but I liked him nevertheless. This patch supported my feelings, my GOD HE xkdjjdjdjd. The way I cried. Since I played the story so late ofc I saw some spoilers/screenshots of his backstory but I never expected it to hit me this hard. Just wow. His ending, too. It's so bitter. Kinda hope we get to see him again, since he'a mot really dead, right? Just in some limbo.
His boss fight was really something. Not a lot of different patterns, but I still had to try a bunch of different teams, since you're kinda fucked even with just a single single target character in your party. Had to unbench Clara, and I gotta say, she came through for me. I might not have used the most meta team, but it worked soooo...
And just as I was glad I had managed the fight they hit you with that big cut scene, woah. AND THEN WITH THE FIREFLY SCENE? AND SUNDAY????
First of all, apparently it was common knowledge among the community since last patch that Sam was Firefly. Yeah, I gwt it bc of the leaks and stuff. But I'm just so confused as to HOW. Like HOW and WHY and just generally HUH. I can't wait for them to explain this connection (if you're reading this and you wanna spoil me with non-confirmed stuff then leave it, please, I might as well wait another 3 weeks).
And then Gallagher and Sunday... Just as I was admiring Sunday's beauty because he might legit just be one of the most gorgeous male character designs... THEY KILL HIM. When I tell ypu I was SHOOK. Mouth agape and all. Didn't know what to do. What a cliffhanger.
Now I don't have a real theory as to what I think will happen. If I remember correctly they said the main story will stretch until 2.3, right? I really wonder what else will happen, the story already seemed so huge this patch and I really wonder how it'll conclude. There's still so many questions and stories. Might add on to this post later when I have more thoughts.
Also Aventurine's banner just dropped but as of writing this I haven't pulled yet. Might add a little post later about it.
For now, have some screenshots I took during the story:
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ALSO I GOT AVENTURINE. SECOND 50/50 WIN IN A ROW IN THIS GAME HAVE I FINALLY BROKEN THE CURSE. Now for the long and treacherous road of farming his trace mats and relics ... Since I never really prefarm 🥲
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A pic I took in my excitement. Forgot the screenshot button exists.
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joulex · 22 days
Predictions for bridgerton s3 part 2 from someone who hasnt read the books but vaguegly knows what happens
- im kind of conflicted on lady w, cause it would make a change in the show if penelope were to quit as she does in the books, but given that penelope wont be as prevalent in the show moving foward, it leads me to believe that they would stick to it? Idk if thet would revele it, maybe they come to some agrement with the queen so that in order for her to not be like shamed in society, she will not tell everyone that penelope is lady w if she quits and they can move foward from there
-prudence (i think thats her name) will be revealed to be a lesbian or some kind of gay. she looks so sad whenever shes kissing her husband and shonda has talked about exploring queer stories and as much i would like it to be cressida and eloise i asume they would go that route
-i kind of want to see colin find out about lady w once hes already married to penelope maybe, i think it would be boring if they were to interrupt ANOTHER WEDDING
-cressida blackmailing penelope somehow with lady w as a revenge for lord debling maybe. And the stress of that, eloise, colin, etc, is what will make her pass out at the engament party (if im guessing correctly by the clips)
-Im basing this of a tiktok i saw about the actor being credited on part 2 buuut theo makes a comeback, maybe helping penelope in one last big lady w blast, or (most likely) after the queen does the reward for finding put who lady w is so maybe eloise tells cressida about the printer thing she discovered in s2 and cressida goes there and finds theo. Im going insane
-i personally believe benedict season is next bc it has been a long time and idk how much longer than they show him painting, fucking, etc, etc without getting repetitive, and this is my theory on how he meets sophie: theres the mascarede ball (if i remeber correctly that how he meets sophie) at the end of the season, after polin wedding, the woman he was fucking i dont remeber her name, stops talking to him or they get in a fight of some kind and benedict wants to get her back, so he goes to the ball and he thinks that its that woman and they somehow end up dancing and hes startruck bla bla you know the drill. The dance is over, sophie runs off and benedict, still beliving shes the other woman chases her BUT stops when he stumbles INTO THE WOMAN AND REALISES THAT THE GIRL HE WAS DANCING WITH IS SOMEONE ELSE, AND CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. This is more of a fanfic concept and theory rather than a prediction but i needed to share it. (I realize now that this theory does mot make sense given the speculative actress that is going to play sophie, but i took so much time writing that im going to left it here)
The other option is that the lady is sophies stepmother and she says that shes running out of money or something so she marries so that she doesnt go broke and breaks things off with benedict and he sees sophies father with the lady and bumps into sophie, whose there with her father, so to make the lady jealous dances with sophie but they end up getting along and benedict is starstruck but he asks for her name she runs off(? Bc of something idk im not that creative and bc this is taking place in a mascarade ball, benedict doesnt know neither her name or her face. So s4 will have benedict after a time jump of a year o more maybe (he forgot her voice idk) with a conflict between the lady, bc he genuenly liked her, and getting to know sophie and the strange memory of her in that dance.
- i think francesca will get engaged by the end of the season or will be very close to it.
Anyways i almost wrote a s4 script in this more than imagining what will happen in part 2 but oh well :)
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f1version · 3 months
screaming crying throwing up congrats on 3k- 🥹 could u make a symphony with charles leclerc x love at first sight/soulmates type of thing? 🫶🏻🫶🏻
3k special — thank you my love!!! here u go:
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• Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex
• My Kind of Woman by Mac DeMarco
• My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
• Je Te Laisserai Des Mots by Patrick Watson
• Idea 10 by Gibran Alcocer
• Work Song by Hozier
• Margaret (feat. Bleachers) by Lana Del Rey
• This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory
• invisible string by Taylor Swift
• Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe & FINNEAS
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mafiasliege · 2 months
I dare you to let me go
(This is part 7 of my fic. Enjoy reading!)
Part 6 ↓
The next two months may have been the worst time of Avery's life. Poverty, attempts on her life, pressure of the world, nothing compared to this. She threw herself even more into her work, tried not to be in the house that suddenly felt so lonely. Jameson and her didn't spend every waking moment together, even before everything went to hell, but he'd always be there. Making mischief, speeding cars on the track, sunbathing in the solarium or jumping off of his beloved climbing wall. She could feel him being there, and that was a great comfort. Now it felt so empty.
Jameson was still in the UK. He had come home for Christmas and New Year's, though. But the Hawthorne House was big enough for him to never see her.
She had to do something. Just because he told her to go away doesn't mean she'd just obey.
The next day, Alisa was in her office with Gray.
"Alisa. I need you to research every loophole on this."
The next few hours, the for of them discussed every possible outcome regarding her… proposition.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Avery?" Grayson asked her, even though he jumped on board with the idea.
"Hey, Priscilla."
"Oh dear! Get inside, you all."
"That's okay. Is Jameson not home?" That was Xander, peeking in.
"Oh no, sweetie. He's in London. He had been since his mot was here two weeks ago."
Avery frowned. "A mot?"
"The blonde one."
"What's her name?"
"Don't know, girl. Mario tells me she's the Countess of Caithness. Real charmer."
Mario was the security at the front gate. No doubt they'd talked around. Even the media had gotten the hint they weren't together anymore. Their theories only made her feel worse.
Avery tried to mask her disappointment. He was flying around the globe like it was a ball, but he'd only come home for the sake of holidays. Just when she'd tracked him down, he was in London.
She was nervous on the flight there, and Xander tried using his distraction skills to it's best.
"What do you think he's doing in London? You know, other than getting into trouble."
Avery ignored that and voiced her fears thoughts instead, "do you think he's dating someone?"
"Probably." Said Lyra, casually sipping on her Manhattan. "What? It could happen. He's single and a Hawthorne. It could even be that blonde." She shrugged when Grayson glared at her.
Jameson was not in his apartment, not at the mercy, and not with Simon. Max had stumbled into a famous bookstore. After Avery started panicking again, Lyra tried to redeem herself for her previous taunting, and dragged them to her favourite bar place in the city.
"You need to chill. Come on, the Manhattan on the flight has started losing its effect, anyway."
Inside the club, called The Onyx, Avery realised how fucked up a sense of humour life had, when she saw Jameson… with a girl.
"We did not go through so much trouble with Sheffield Grayson just for you to commit murder yourself," Grayson said, warning Avery, her dagger eyes on Jameson and the pretty blonde sitting together. He proceeded to say something that made them both laugh a lot and she touched his arm. It was his real laugh, which only made her more jealous.
"Gray's right. Max says it's harder to hide bodies in winter." Why Max knew that, no one knew. "Besides, don't you need to, you know, be married to be Countess?"
"Caithness is in Scotland, Xan. Some women there can just inherit the title. As a matter of fact, she's on google. Unmarried." She showed him a Wikipedia page.
While Lyra and Xan kept chattering, Jameson had spotted them. She waved at him. They got up and came toward them.
The blonde put out her hand, "Bridget. Nice to meet you." Avery put aside the most vivid fantasies she had sitting there of pulling the hand that touched him and burn it, and shook it instead. "Avery."
After initial introductions, avery excused herself to the bathroom.
Stay cool, calm, and collected.
Avery turned around to see Jameson standing there. She turned around slowly to face him. He looked so beautiful, it hurt. His eyes seemed brighter, somehow. And his face and posture looked more relaxed, like when you water a drying plant. She felt equal parts guilty and ashamed that it took him leaving her to feel like himself again.
"I have to tell you something." He just nodded. Her heart was thumping rapidly in her chest.
"I gave up the Hawthorne foundation. It officially belongs to Grayson now." Jameson was shocked. He blinked twice, as if it wasn't real and all in his head.
"How? I thought you couldn't-"
"I told you, I'm not letting you go. Not now, not ever. But i had too many expectations from too many people. I had to release some of it. So, I researched every loophole the past couple of months, and made it official, it can't be undone now. And i wouldn't have it any other way." She always knew the Hawthorne foundation was what Grayson really missed about losing the inheritance, and she had her own foundation, her own purpose.
She kept talking, if he wasn't going to.
"So, your girlfriend's nice." The best way to cut out the awkward parts, according to her, was to rip off the bandaid asap.
“I'm not here on a date. Bridget's just a friend,” Jameson said in a small voice.
“Then why…”
"Why did Priscilla say-" his eyes glittered with emotion.
“Because I knew you'd ask her. Because I'm afraid of getting too attached again. I've been fighting against my still-consistent longing for you, and I almost gave in. I don’t…” He inhaled a shuddering breath.
“I’m scared I’ll go back and lose myself again. I’m scared you’ll get comfortable and take back you're words. I can’t go through that a second time, Avery. I can’t.” Avery put her hands on his neck.
"I won't, Jameson. I'll never take us back to that time." She pressed her forehead against his.
“Give us another chance,” she said. “One last chance. I promise I won’t hurt you. I know my promises don’t mean much to you anymore, and that's entirely my own doing, but tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it.”
This time, it was her who waited. Waited for so long, she wasn't sure he'd even heard her. When it became clear he wasn't going to say anything, she turned around.
She hadn't even turned around halfway before Jameson grabbed her hand to gently pulled her toward him…
And kissed her.
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lattescribble · 7 months
Random post but I love how nuanced Milgram is, and yet despite its nuance it forces you to choose between two hard options - innocent or guilty - with no room in between. It's even worded like that in the official translation, even though it could be more accurately translated to "forgive/not forgive", which is less harsh. It's as if Milgram wants you to form an opinion, as if it's mandatory.
As a result, I've seen many people form strong opinions on both sides of the spectrum, with compelling arguments to vote a certain prisoner forgiven/not forgiven. There's also some very opinionated takes... e.g. "____ did nothing wrong" versus "____ deserves to die and rot in hell", which are more common than you'd think (at least on milgramtwt). It's a bit alarming, considering how morally grey and human each character is written to be.
So.. what's the point of this post? I'd like to encourage those newer to the fandom or those with strong opinions on a certain character to read up on the other side's interpretations and theories, just to gain a bit more nuance on the characters. Your opinion might not change, and that's totally fine, because the point is that it's important to leave the echo-chamber of your own thoughts/other similar takes every once in a while. It's honestly refreshing, and you can really appreciate how well-written Milgram characters are, whether you like them or mot.
- From a non-voting truther who can't decide on either vote for anyone in Milgram besides Yuno
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kiyoitiepie · 1 month
Gurl, let me do you one better regarding mpreg Pit Babe :)
Pregnant babe won't happen because we have: Charlie's arc in becoming Enigma by the drugs he uses in S1. (Even if Way is not the bad guy, Tony, the rich evil bastard who might very well dabbled in Experimental drugs and experiments of children to make himself powerful and immortal, IS so to stop him... Enigma Charlie? Hell yes!), Tony and Way are not dead and on their asses with a vendetta. Babe has fears (child abandonment, not being good enough parent, daddy issues, kidnapping, lingering trust issues, and maybeee toxic masculinity and body image issues? Who knows! ).
To me, the most logical thing would be Charlie and Babe's story arc in S2, which is them getting over their issues. Defeating baddies. Finally having peaceful life at the end of the series, and then Babe can ask him the same question that Charlie asked after they became boyfriends. "Do you want to have a child?"
The other logical thing is if they DO introduce Omegas, then Jeff is an omega (either he hid the fact due to society or the bastard Tony OR Jeff didn't know) and becomes pregnant. Alan pretty much hypervents and is scared shitless of parenthood.
Jeff on the other hand has soo much potential to have an angsty arc!
Tony is alive, and if he finds out, then Jeff and the baby's life is in danger.
Jeff sees a premonition where he gets kidnapped, OR someone kidnaps the baby from the crib.
His powers take a toll on his body and mind since he sees premonitions regarding X hunter family and Alan, where they are in constant danger.
Tony could either be dead, and his presence is a hallucination induced by Way, who is very much alive because Enigma powers! (remember, we don't know much about how powerful they could be) or Tony could be alive because an evil rich bastard like him who doesn't care about human lives, sells people especially children dead or alive. (And breeds and teaches them like animals) DO YOU REALLY THINK such an evil shit gonna be like "hmm.. let me just sell these super powered children and not think about my mortal life"
I bet my non-existence balls that he not only sold those children but also lobbied companies and scientists who experiment on healing or ways to make oneself immortal.
Just imagine how terrifying he becomes! From an evil bastard who does inhuman stuff ==> to undefeated evil bastard who does inhuman stuff and will never die no matter how much bullet you use and can easily buy powerful people in governments because he doesn't waste any resources (even the dead people) and he's filthy rich.
(Clears throat) My excitement is over now.... thanks for reading! :D
P.s. by the way, I think Babe's dad freed them. My theory is that he either is a cop (post-losing childBabe) or works in an organization that protects special alphas. He be like, "Well, kids either help me out of this prison or refuse and stay in prison) and mot say a word to our characters about the impending threat, which is Tony/Way. So we have three groups: X hunter family (protagonists), evil duo (antagonists), and suicide squad trio (trying to prevent shit from happening)
omg now that you mention it i can definitely see tony working on a way to be immortal. it just fits the bill. i’d be excited to see charlie become an enigma and honestly doubt they’d introduce omegas this far down the line unless it heavily affects the storyline.
i can see how mpreg logically isn’t going to happen in s2 but i also feel like logic isn’t the way to go with this show. esp with the trailer showing not one but two dead and buried ppl alive. but if we are considering logic, s1 was about babe, the heartless racer, learning that he’s allowed to love and be loved in return. the reason he felt that he couldn’t be is the trauma of being sold by his family and brainwashed by his friend. s1 was about him overcoming those things and opening his heart to love in spite of them. in that way i do feel like its logical to think that s2 features babe’s character growing enough to also open his heart up to making a family of his own. funny enough i actually don’t think season 2 will have mpreg. i don’t think they’re brave enough. but i would love to be proven wrong.
loving the suicide squad concept but i feel like itd be cool if pete freed them. im a sucker for petekenta ~
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transbookoftheday · 8 months
The Call-Out by Cat Fitzpatrick
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A fast-paced, debut tragicomedy of manners written in verse about queer (mostly trans) women that is funny, literary, philosophical, witty, sometimes bitchy and sometimes heartbreaking.
Aashvi, Kate, Bette, Keiko, Gaia, and Day are six queer, mostly trans women surviving and thriving in Brooklyn. Visiting all the fixtures of fashionable 21st century queer society—picnics, literary readings, health conferences, drag shows, punk houses, community accountability processes, Grindr hookups—The Call-Out also engages with pressing questions around economic precarity, sexual consent, racism in queer spaces, and feminist theory, in the service of asking what it takes to build, or destroy, a marginalized community.
A novel written in verse, The Call-Out recalls the Russian literary classic Eugene Onegin, but instead of 19th century Russian aristocrats crudely solved their disagreements with pistols, the participants in this rhyming drama have developed a more refined weapon, the online call-out, a cancel-culture staple. In this passionate tangle of modern relationships, where a barbed tweet can be as dangerous as the narrator’s bon-mots, Cat Fitzpatrick has fashioned a modern novel of manners that gives readers access to a vibrant cultural underground.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 3 months
We've all seen ilarias posts inckuding the one that says not Chris and the caption that has Chris listed
1st off it has been a hot second since she took credit for styling Chris. There was a fasion article that credited her a specific look, bringing Polos baxk that included Chris Evan' s , donald glover and Dwayne johnson wore and she did tag him when she posted that article but outside of that its been a while.
The post of the pic thst says "Misc. Hord (Not Chris)" was odd. But maybe its her way of saying not Chris' clothes and that she isnt doing much of his styling because lets face it a posit it saying: Misc. Hord (not Chris)There are many Chris' in Hollywood as well. Maybe Chris Pine or Pratt are going and she's styling one of those?
Was odd at that.
She did mention Chris in the post for a Vanity party but she also listed others and apprently the Vanity Party is extremly hard to get into. Unlike someone else.
Looking at her styling and her past Styling for Chris as well as those she styles similarly Dwayne and Billy, I feel like she goes diffrently for John. You can see its clear she did not dress Chris for the party he went to.
First off she never uses just a regular button down shirt unless
A) theres a jacket or sweater going over it
B) no way in hell would be look that wrinkled. She had standards her men always look pressed. She even ironed bareys underware for god sakes!
C) IF it was just a plain white shirt there would have been a stlyish element such as big buttons like Billy had worn at a diffrent even
D) She couldve gotten 3/4 sleaves. And dont all be like she wouldnt have know if he was was going tonroll his sleave -shes dtyled this man for waht i think 10 years she knows him
E) the first is way too big especially in the pecks. The stylist job is to get him clothes thst fit, like he wore to the White House. She wouldn't have given him a shirt that was too large.
F) Look at Chris pants from the pic and then look at Billy pants from his recent post as it is a similar style. Bully is qearing pants that are dress pants Chris looks like he's wearing Kaki jeans from Sears.
Now, there is nothing wrong with kahkis or jean kakis or sears but his "date" is qeaing a white sheer dress braless. And hes wearing Kakhis.... yiu can also look at Dwyanes clothes as I said theyre styled alike for evens espeically the tops he wears dress pants.
She didn't take credit! And credit where credit is due i may mot always agree with her style but she takes credit deservedly so when she styles.
I know some people dont like her because she did testify on danny master's behalf, if she did that but wont style chris what is that saying about the state of association with Chris....
Yes she did put chris' name down I have 2 theories she is either styling for a diffrent Chris as theres a lot in hollywood, putting a few things together for Chris because she sees how horrible he looks it was a bit of a care package after seeing how horrible he looked in the photos and dont want his bad style to be atrributed to her ainxe she is still referrd to as his stylist.
Her post about the clothes qe can guess on we need context. She couldve just found it funny because she has a hord of chris chlothes and then saw a lable of hords of clothes that aren't chris'. We dont know. We jusr know Ilaria would never let Chris out in public like that.
Drcils avocate I'm hooing the lack of ring in audi and Ilaria maybe coming back ss a signal its almost over butbweve been hoping thst for a while so imma just assume like i said in my other post theyll give us what we said we wanted chris looking alive and happy and them together and i expect names might be used but more alone the lines of of I brought Chris with me (in her low pitch american accent) or oh I have A__a with me. Like the marketing annon said for legalilty reasons they have confirmed marriage with the use of names and we need to read between the lines, personally im reading un between the spaces because nothing says love like newlyweds almost 2 arms lenfths away while one is being pulled so muxh his hand is bent as hes going down the stairs- thsts exactly what Emily Blunt and John look li-oh wait its not theyre always affectionate.
Anyway I'm still holding on to hope.
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👸 you're throwing more and more shade. And I'm just here for it 😍
Another awesome one in the bag!!!
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5and3nevermind · 2 months
do you think it's possible yoonmin have only gotten to together in the last couple of years like around the pandemic era instead of the more popular theories that they got together in 2015 or 2016?
I have considered that! I’m trying to remember what made me wonder…I think it was the fact that a lot happened in 2023 that we hadn’t seen before and/or that we heard about in a different way (if that makes sense).
I think about ym moments like data points on a graph and whenever there are outliers or the trend changes, we have to wonder if there has been a change (good or bad) in the relationship (or friendship, if you see it that way).
So, 2023 had some changes, and I wondered if this had been the beginning. Or maybe 2022 or 2021 had been? That did cross my mind.
In the end though, I came back to the idea that something started earlier because there are earlier moments that are hard for me to see in any other light.
As I’ve said before, I try to look at the big picture. But for me, some of the individual moments that are hard to ignore would be: 1. Jimin going to Daegu (?) and seeing Yoongi with Holly when the other members had not, and Jimin still being familiar with the kind of toys Holly has even years later. 2. The tattoo. 3. “You know, I know” and their behavior throughout that entire live. 4. The Shadow incident: not only the incident itself but the way it was discussed during the MOTS 7 “purple sweater day” and the fact that Jimin did not show up for Daechwita and how all of that was discussed on the voice live in May 2020. 5. Jimin’s behavior during surgery era and how it stood out from the behavior of the other members and how Yoongi was so eager to point this out repeatedly, including mentioning Jimin seeing him doing his rehab.
I think a theory about a newer relationship is reasonable…but then I keep going back to those pre-2023 moments and it’s hard for me to think that those things in particular weren’t signs of a relationship.
Personally, I still see 2015 as a transitional time, and then the week of Yoongi’s birthday in 2016 (“you know, I know,” the sweater birthday gift, Yoongi hanging around Jimin’s photo shoot and jokingly calling him “oppa,” Yoongi saying he’d been up all night talking to Jimin and the look on his face when he said it*) as the time when something really changed in a positive direction.
*It’s kind of crazy to think that all of these things happened within 48 hours.
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coolcattime · 2 months
So, I think quite a lot about a Mianite crossover with my and my friends OCverse of Libris, which obviously an AU just for me but I keep thinking about it and want to ramble about it for a bit so see under the read more for just my most self indulgent au ever.
Also like feel free to ask me anything about this au (as with any of my aus) cause I like rambling ^-^
So post timeline Mianite, the group is attempting to create a stable magic source for the world, and are doing this through attempting to temporarily borrow magic from another world then figure out a more permanent solution. They know in theory that they can do this, since Sonja has been using the notes Mot used for the portal to Ruxomar, alongside her Thaumcraft knowledge to have temporarily created a rift, she just needs help keeping it open for long enough to get something magical out. Given that most of the group is interested in having magic of some kind she's gathered enough people that she believes in theory she should be able to keep the portal stable. With Martha, Wag, and Mot helping, she begins to set up the ritual. Tom and Capsize are watching off at the side since neither are particularly knowledgeable on magic, but wanted to be there regardless.
Everything seems to be going fine, if a bit slow since Sonja notes that the rift appeared faster before. However, they all know that magic is more than a little unstable in this world so they assume that the difference is just down to that. Until Tom calls for help and the four look over to see a magical glow forming around Capsize. Realising that the rift is forming on Capsize, the group panics, with Sonja, Wag, and Mot trying to stop the ritual and Martha rushing over to the two hoping that whatever domain she had over magic will be able to shift the rift off Capsize and to somewhere safe. Unfortunately neither group succeeded, the glow consuming Capsize as well as Tom and Martha, intensifying before it suddenly collapses in on itself and when it does the three have disappeared and instead there are three strangers unconscious in the dirt. Panic pretty quickly sets in, Sonja calling the others over, as they examine a stranger. A purple skinned man with horns wearing an oversized sailor's coat, a kid with messy hair, and a woman in a fancy yellow dress that looks like Capsize in the same way that most of the alts look like each other. They clearly aren't the same person, especially as she lacks any of the drowned features Capsize has since her revival, but similar enough. With no clue of where the others are gone other than the three new people, they're left hoping they wake up soon to find out where they came from.
Please skip to the end for OC descriptions - I was going to put them here but they became very long info dumps so I thought putting them after everything else would let things flow better
At the same time as these events, on Libris, a small group of adventurers catching up with each other are interrupted by their employer, Atlanta, deciding to show them all why they've been summoned to what seems like a pretty normal hill. The three groups made up off Idric Ba'lor, Medli, and Altair Delphine; Katherine Delaney and Leontine O'Dora; and Orla Waspchild have all previously met, but don't travel together and are all as confused as each other when they're shown the valley below and its covered in an odd purple ooze. Atlanta explains that the stuff appeared in a small patch a few weeks ago, and since has spread to cover what it currently does though they are now using their powers to contain it at the current level. They have no idea what kind of ooze it is, but that it appears to have some sort of hive mind aspect. Either way, they want the group to figure out what the stuff is and hopefully a way to get rid of it - or at the very least a permanent containment method.
Going to the edge for a closer look, so of them confirm that none of them have seen or heard of any slime or ooze that works like this. Leontine notes that it works like a couple of dungeon molds but that none of them would be able to grow on the surface to this extent. She also notes that the mushrooms don't like the ooze, which everyone takes as a bad sign.
Medli presents the idea that the ooze might have come out of a crossing point, from one of the other planes of Libris. So possibly if they can figure out which plane, they'll be able to figure out weaknesses. This is seen as the best idea any of them have, but the difficulty would come that to confirm they'd need to get to the centre of the ooze to the original patch which would almost certainly be incredibly dangerous. During the discussion of if exploring in the ooze is necessary right now, Orla runs ahead with a call that she'll come back if she dies.
Everyone gives chase, ending up having to fight their way through as monsters appear seemingly summoned by the ooze. While they aren't too hard to fight back, they quickly have to rely on Altair's divination to track Orla as she ends up teleporting rapidly ahead when one of the creatures tries to hit her. During the chase, Katherine begins glowing, a fact that none of them think anything of as it seems like a pretty harmless surge effect. That is until they finally catch up to Orla. Idric grabs hold of her and makes a couple of jokes while telling her not to run off again. Then the glow begins to intensify and Katherine panicked calls for the others as it feels like she's being pulled by something.
The group jumps into action. Altair and Medli attempt to counter whatever spell is latching onto Katherine with no success. Orla, Idric, and Leontine rush over to try and help her - Orla and Idric reaching her as the glow appears to almost consume her. Leontine is only a step away when she's knocked back as the glow rapidly shrinks in on itself, their friends nowhere to be seen, seemingly replaced with three unconscious strangers. A zombie in a suit, a human woman with lilac hair, and a woman they assume is half sea elf and looks enough like Katherine that Altair wonders out loud if they're related. Medli and Leontine both panic in different ways. Medli quickly mutters under her breath all the reasons that her friends are actually fine, while Leontine freezes in place, the mushrooms spreading around her both through the ground and as spores.
Altair, realising that they need to regroup, grabs one of the unconscious people and manages to snap Medli out of her panicking to grab the other two. Medli is extremely hesitant to leave Leontine, but can't get through the mushrooms to try and calm her down, calling for her doesn't seem to be working. She reluctantly grabs the other two unconscious people, and joins Altair to be teleported back to Atlanta, having that whoever they are, they’ll know what just happened to their friends and that Leontine will be okay in the meantime.
(OC descriptions;
Atlanta - An androgynous individual that runs a secretive organisation that could, if one was looking for something to call it, be called a magic guild. Their powers primarily focus on the manipulation of space.
They are thin, have a buzz cut, and have the tendency to float everywhere due to the fact that they are missing both their legs (though they do have a wheelchair for when they're fatigued). Notable clothing is a light coat with a structured petticoat bottom
Idric Ba'lor - A young tiefling man that is a merchant and ship captain by trade but is also an experienced adventurer. A violinist bard, his powers are focused around the manipulation of music to create magic, with his “college” (less literal than some bards as he's self taught) focuses on literally enthralling performances that can charm people to his will. Despite his young age could very well be regarded as one of the most talented bards on Libris.
A tall purple skinned tiefling with one of his two horns, a broken stump. He has messy white hair and a tail he will use to gesture with and hold things. Notable clothing include an oversized blue sailor's coat embroidered with constellations and his own missing horn, bejewelled and turned into a necklace with cord.
Medli - A teenage water genasi who is Idric's best friend who has been travelling as a member of his crew since running away from her college/home when her situation there turned from terrible to life currently in danger. Another bard and violinist, she similarly creates magic through music, though her college on manipulation through fear. She was less than keen on these ideas and now that she's left has been studying magic on her own terms to the point of having expertise in arcane theory. A pacifist, Medli tends to use learned spells to heal or otherwise support her companions during combat and when left to her own devices will try to figure out non violent ways to solve encounters.
A blue skinned water genasi with patches of scales around her skin and long blue hair. She’s only just shorter than average height, but all her friends are so much taller than her so she looks extremely short in comparison. Notable clothing is a green blanket typically tied around her waist, featuring a sun on one side and a moon on the other, it’s embroidered with the same style as constellations as Idric’s coat.
Altair Delphine - A teenage aasimar divination wizard who is generally incredibly stressed. They met Medli during a time where they briefly transferred to her school, and met again after she had joined Idric’s crew. Altair has also joined Idric’s crew, though is also employed by Atlanta as an apprentice, a role Altair did not ask for but admittedly Atlanta expects very little and pays a lot so they go along with it. As a divinator, their magic focuses on reading people’s futures, thoughts, and locating people and objects. They cast spells by using tarot as a focus.
They are lanky with long lilac hair tied back into a thick braid. Their eyes and many patches of their skin appear to be made from stained glass, the parts of their skin directly around these patches being blue compared to their otherwise human skin tone. Notable clothing is a tailcoat with the sleeves cut off.
Katherine Delaney - A half-elf woman from a noble family. She can be incredibly anxious due to a previous adventure gone wrong, though she does her best to protect though that she cares about. A wild magic sorcerer, Katherine has the potential for incredibly powerful magic, and a certain amount of manipulation over her own luck. However, her magic is incredibly unstable and when casting she always has the chance of a surge of magic escaping her and causing unintentional effects.
A thin, bronzed-skinned half-elven woman of average height, Katherine is covered in freckles and has long curly brown hair. Notable clothing include a fine yellow dress that has no business being travelling clothes, and two necklaces on golden chains, one with a moon pendant and one with a blue crystal containing liquid.
Leontine O'Dora - An amnesic elven woman with a symbiotic relationship with sentient mushrooms. Originally hired by Katherine’s family to be her bodyguard, Leontine tracked her down when she had run away and the two have since started dating. Leontine is a spore druid, an exceptionally deadly fighter with her quarterstaff and the necrotic powers of the mushrooms, creating mushroom infested zombies of those she defeats when she needs extra help in a fight.
An usually tall elven woman with pale skin and short curly ginger hair. The mushrooms sit in her hair and will often appear on her skin like accessories. Notable clothing is a purple dress with a thick collar of feathers.
Orla Waspchild - A nine year old human with a black and white moral compass expected of a child her age. Orla was raised by her military leader parents, stationed on a blockage around an island in the middle of a particularly deep lake. One night she learnt of something terrible her parents were doing, attempted to flee the ship, and ended up falling overboard. She called out for help, and when none came from the boat, she called out to the waters themselves for help. She hit the water, and turned to lightning striking across the water until she reached the shore. That night Orla learnt of her uncanny ability to not die. Whether Orla should die, a magical effect happens and she doesn't.
A small child with messy hair and tanned skin. Notable fashion is a necklace formed of a ribbon with a bell with the ringer taken out as the pendant.)
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