#movie souvenir program
delphi-shield · 9 months
OLD FOLKS HOME ↪ age gap hcs
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the people you love & the shit they do that reminds you of the dreaded Gap (tm). characters included: leon kennedy, chris redfield, jill valentine, claire redfield, rebecca chambers no warnings to speak of. remember kids, if you're gonna date people in their 30s and 40s, you're gonna have different cultural contexts and, most likely, different senses of humor.
Leon is eight levels of irony deep. He started doing Old Guy Shit just to mess with you, and now it's all come full circle. 
It turns out he actually likes watching the weather channel. He’s monitoring storms that are miles and miles away from you, pointing out the feeder bands like it’s some kind of sporting event. 
He's genuinely invested in Ice Road Truckers. He asks you to TiVo it for him when he's gone. You do not have TiVo. In fact, you're pretty sure no one still has TiVo. 
Or you were, until Leon once again committed to the bit and got TiVo.
Really, genuinely annoying about old movies, actors, and directors.
”What do you mean you don’t know who Robert Redford is? The Candidate? Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? C’mon. He was even in an episode of The Twilight Zone. You’ll know him when you see him.”
At least you get movie dates out of it.
Movie dates that he will pepper with trivia about the film, by the way. You don't need the commentary track. He is the commentary.
I'm so, so sorry about this. 🤪 is his favorite emoji. I know. I'm sorry.
Chris cannot fucking hear. To be honest, I think most of them have some degree of hearing loss - but Chris in particular seems to have very subjective hearing loss.
Yes, you were just having a full-fledged conversation. No, he didn’t hear you ask him to take out the trash. He didn’t forget, he just didn’t hear you. Sorry, you were standing on his right - come on, you know that’s his bad side.
Explains basic technology to you because he’s not sure if you know what it is. Then, in the same breath, crams in so many military acronyms he may as well be reciting the alphabet. Does not explain the acronyms.
Like, yeah, Chris. I know what a landline is. Dial-up internet, too. Now, what the fuck is an ORE?
Have you ever gotten ‘ok’ in response to a nude? You’re about to. Completely demoralizing, by the way.
He didn't know you wanted him to compose a poem dedicated to your beauty, okay? He tries to get better, but winds up sending shit like 'wow 👍'
Does the dad thing where he insists he's not interested in watching what's on TV and then stands with his hands on his hips in the middle of the living room, enthralled by the show.
Jill does not understand your music. She will not make an attempt to understand your music. If you see her tapping her foot to the beat, no you do not. She is not interested in expanding her musical horizons.
She only bought you tickets to that concert because she knew you would love it. She only went with you because you’re cute when you’re so into this stuff. She only bought that t-shirt because it would be a good souvenir, and eventually, a good grease rag.
Generalized distrust of social media. Do not show her a tiktok. She will ignore the video and lecture you about data safety. Jill, please. Just watch the fucking cat video.
And then she turns around and opts in to literally everything on the McDonald's app.
If there’s a rewards program, she’s in. Already sold. Didn’t even read the fine print. All that shit she was telling you about how you need to be more careful is right out the window for some free fries.
Anything for the thrill of a good deal. If she had more time on her hands, she would be couponing.
Buys in bulk. No, it doesn't matter if the two of you could not physically eat that much rice. It's cheaper to buy it like this. It's fine. It's good for you.
Gotta stock up on non-perishables, too. You gotta be prepared in case something happens. "Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."
Claire cannot stop shopping from QVC. She's in the kitchen with David. It Takes Two with Mary and Sandra? Wrong. It actually takes three. Mary, Sandra, and Claire.
Infomercials have got her by the throat. You have so many gadgets and gizmos around your home that are just collecting dust.
Gets wine drunk and goes online shopping. Legitimately does not remember what she’s bought.
Absolutely will not let you open the packages. (“Some of this stuff could be for you, you know.” “Claire, last time it was a 10,000 count package of googly eyes.” “And I used all 10,000. You still haven’t found them all.”)
Uses every piece of technology until it’s about to fall apart. Absolutely not interested in having the latest and greatest. She’s one of those people who insists that as long as her phone can make calls and send texts, she doesn’t need a new one.
Speaking of texts. Somehow, she got it into her head that a read receipt is equivalent to a reply. She doesn't get what the problem is. You know she saw your text. Why does she have to reply?
Genuinely doesn't mean anything malicious by it - but also, if you did that to her, you would never hear the end of it.
Rebecca legitimately has facebook humor. They all have some degree of facebook humor, but she's got it the worst. 
Will blow up your notifications tagging you in shit that is just straight up not funny. I’m talking full on tagging you with “😂😂😂”
Unironically sent you a minion meme once.
It's not that she's disconnected. She teaches undergrads. She knows what’s in, even if it’s only from the periphery. It’s just that she doesn’t care. She has no interest in keeping up with trends just for the sake of it. She’s so used to being the youngest person in the room and having to keep up expectations that she just absolutely does not care anymore. She's glad she's not one of the kids anymore.
If it made her laugh it made her laugh, her enjoyment isn’t shackled by feelings of shame!!
If you have a group chat on any platform with your friends please invite her. She's just happy to be included. She'll make a discord if she has to, and she'll brag about it to her students.
Yeah, she says pupper and doggo. She does. Look at her.
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alexxncl · 1 year
who fell first, who fell harder (dateables + thirteen)
no luke bc he's a baby
(yes i have favorites, thirteen is one of them)
masterlist | more drabbles/hcs | brothers edition
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dia did both, fight me
when he met solomon, it was purely childlike wonder
mc on the other hand, there was something about them that piqued his interest
despite being so much less powerful than him, they treated him as if they were equals, poking fun at his naivety, joking with him, pushing him to open up when they knew something was wrong
he always had a profound interest in humanity, but was forbidden to act on it due to his father's overprotectiveness (fuck the demon king fr /hj)
they always encouraged his curious spirit, to barbatos' displeasure, but sometimes they managed to convince barbie to join them on whatever adventure dia had planned under the guise of needing protection
they were overhwelmingly open with him, gravitating towards his castle when they had a bad day, and he later found himself doing the same when barbatos and luci weren't around
they read him better than barb and luci combined on most days
he always thought about them on his business and personal excursions, making sure to pick up souvenirs that reminded him of them just so see their eyes light up when he gifted them to them
they made him feel like his dreams were worthwhile, like he'd been able to live up to both his father's and an entire kingdom's expectations of him
how could a simple human make him feel like the weight of the world was off if his shoulders with something as small as a smile?
mc begun to realize that no matter how busy he was, he'd always find a way to make time for them
whether it was in his room, on a phone call, over text, he'd always check in on them to see how they were doing
they always noticed how much he struggled with his position, wanting the best for everyone even if it meant digging himself into a hole
they'd always ask him when he'd get back from his trips, waiting in his room to surprise him with sweets or tea and a movie
the sleepovers happened more often after the lesson 16 incident, he didn't want them staying at the HOL even under the brothers' protection, he was less paranoid if they were within arm's reach
one night, he got back later than expected and found mc curled up in his bed in their nightclothes, and he realized how turly in love with him he was
when both of them woke up the next morning, mc was beyond apologetic for falling asleep and taking up too much space and -
he kissed them and confessed right after
this was a month or so before they left the devildom
mc fell first, barb fell harder
mc didn't like him all that much at first, he was always so secretive and elusive to every question they asked him
why couldn't he just be normal?
they spent as much time as they could around him, trying to catch him at his weakest point so they could pry answers out of him
spending so much time around someone will force you to pick up on the smallest details
how even in the worst situations, he puts on a smile
how his eye bags continued to get worse and worse weeks into the semester
how after dia's trips he'd be more likely to doze off in class
how he'd hide his physical and mental pain from everyone, so well that even luci and dia rarely picked up on it
regardless of his bad days, mc still pestered him with questions about his powers, about how he met solomon, about why they of all people were chosen for the program, all while asking questions about what he liked and disliked, what his favorite color was
they started bringing snacks and energy drinks to classes they shared with him
whenever they went shopping, they bought him gifts related to what he'd tell them
they slowly started opening up about why they were so curious, feeling like they didn't belong or weren't good enough to succeed at the school
then, he caught a glimpse of their death
he'd grown close to the human, the thought of losing them was almost unbearable
their bright smile, the way they supported the young master, their intelligence, hell, even their endless questions about him and his history
he vowed never to interfere with the timeline for personal gain, but mc was too important for him to lose
after sending them back, he'd talked to his past self about why they were so important, why a human with a life as small and insignificant as theirs had ended up meaning to much to him in such a short amount of time
he'd make sure nothing like this would ever happen to them again, insisting on escorting both dia and mc to school every day
diavolo, despite barbatos' best attempts at hiding it, noticed how much he'd grown to care for the human and insisted that if barbatos didn't tell them how he felt, he'd do it himself
the confession happened a few days before mc left the devildom, they were sitting in his room with the newest tea from the human realm when he told him how he felt
"i know, i was just waiting for you to make a move"
they're still as insufferable as the day they fell to the devildom, but he loved them nonetheless
solomon fell first, mc fell harder
there's a reason he took them on as his apprentice
he saw how close they were with the brothers, how easily they made pacts with them despite knowing them for not even half as long
they'd all felt mc's aura, it almost matched his own
he'd never met someone as optimistic about such a multidimensional situation, being thrust into a world where you were nothing but food to those around you
solomon was there when their happy-go-lucky act about the devildom started to show its cracks
he saw the homesick look in their eyes every time they walked through the devildom streets, strolling through the halls, walking to their room in the HOL
he hated how much it reminded him of himself, he wanted to be there for them
he was the only other human in the devildom after all, they had to be close
he'd conjure up cityscapes, sneak up to the human realm late at night to bring them gifts from their hometown, ask them their favorite recipes (for some reason, he always had to pry those answers out of them)
whenever mc missed home, they'd walk over to purgatory hall and knock on his door, sometimes tearfully wishing they could go home, even with no family to greet them
they'd tried to help him cook, but even their guidance could barely salvage whatever mess he ended up creating in the kitchen
they begged him to teach them spells, to take them under his wing, and even to learn how to become immortal after growing more accustomed to the devildom since the thought of leaving their family behind hurt too much to think about
they didn't want to leave him behind
they'd do anything in their power to stay with him as long as possible, even if it meant pestering him and barbatos about his immortality endlessly
solomon's confession was far from planned, they were back in the human realm having a picnic in the park, reminiscing on all the adventures they had in the devildom
mc talked about how scared they were at the thought of death, and how close they were to experiencing it after the lesson 16 incident
they never expected him to fall for someone with a life so short in comparison to his, someone who could be nothing but a memory if an enemy's cards were played right
the way he held their hand and told them he loved them, it would've been impossible not to feel the same
simeon did both
contrary to (somewhat) popular belief, the religious guilt he felt due to his status wasn't bad at all
he'd already been demoted from seraph to archangel
what would a little admiration for a human do?
even after the admiration turned to love, turned to desire, turned to lust, he still couldn't bring himself to care about the possibility of being cast out due to his emotions
hell, he would've been cast out sooner if he wasn't so scared to fall before the celestial war
mc is everything he dreamed of having, and then some
their eyes, their smile, the way they carried themself with so much integrity and the way their heart constantly overflowed with love for all of those around them
he wondered how much of that love was for him, how many other emotions they felt towards him
they were always so patient with him, they took such good care of luke, they made lucifer and his brothers happier than they'd been in centuries, happier than they ever were in the celestial realm
could he be happy, too? was loving them all it took for him to find true happiness?
mc took a liking to the angel from the moment they'd met him
he was a far cry from whatever image of an angel they'd had in their head, especially considering their religious upbringing
prim and proper of course, buy willing to indulge in the sins the brothers were so well known for, whether it be for his own personal gain, for luke, or, surprisingly, for them
he was always prideful when mc came to him for help or advice
he was greedy for their time and envious of those who spent too much with them, never having his fill
the silent wrath held towards belphegor after he mercilessly tried to take mc away from their family, from him
how he'd spend hours in bed hoping to dream of them
how when they kissed for the first time, it left them breathless and weak in the knees at the thought of him seeing them in that light
to them, he was the embodiment of everything they'd ever wanted
to him, they were his refuge, a home he'd gladly return to after his fall from grace
they taught him everything he needed to know about humanity, about being
mc did both
they'd always had a thing for intelligence
walking through the reaper's cave made them want to meet her, despite solomon advising against it
when they finally did meet her, the first thing they noticed about her was how pretty her eyes were
ofc they tried flirting, but none of their attempts worked
regardless of how she felt about them, they always wanted to learn more about her
they asked how old she was, how different the other world was from the devildom, if she could show them around
they hoped they weren't annoying her
she was harder to read than the rest of the brothers, but they'd broken down tsundere acts before so it wasn't anything new
they went out of their way to cross paths with her whenever they walked to class, they sat next to her at lunch to ask her how her day was
they asked about her traps and loved the way her whole demeanor changed when she got passionate about her ideas and creations
they started noticing small details, like how she clicked her pencil in time with the clock when class was almost over
how she had a soft side for luke despite scaring the shit out of him during their first meeting
how she was always so careful around mc, like they'd break if she pushed them too hard
how whenever she was overwhelmed, she'd play with the chains on her clothes because having something cool in her hands calmed her down
how despite claiming to hate solomon's guts, she was just frustrated that she couldn't get her hands on his soul
how pretty her lips looked when she smiled
she started opening up to mc as the semester went on, talking about her history with all three realms
how she was there when lilith died
how she was there when solomon was supposed to die
how she was there when mc's candle burnt out
how distraught she was when mc chose to pour some of their candle into beel's, wondering why someone with a life as fragile as theirs would sacrifice something so precious
she wanted mc to care for her the way they cared for the brothers, for the angels, for solomon
she started answering more and more of mc's questions
she started letting mc walk her home, and eventually showed them the ins and outs of the cave
the fountain of knowledge became their safe haven, free from the eyes of those who would give thirteen sideways glances when she walked hand-in-hand with the best friend of the seven rulers of hell
thirteen was talking about how she was tasked with carrying solomon's soul to the otherworld once he died, how she felt like a failure for not being able to do so, when she noticed mc with a sad smile look on their face
they told her nothing in the world would've made her anything but perfect in their eyes, even if she had no choice but to let their candle burn out
she asked mc what else was up, the sad smile being replaced with a more content expression
"nothing, just thinking about how much i love you"
she wanted to bolt right then and there
why did that make her feel funny?
love? of all the words they could've said, they loved her?
falling in love with death, the irony of it all, thirteen would give anything to keep that smile on mc's face
(even if it meant sneakily pouring bits of solomon's candle onto mc's behind her family's back)
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ask-the-cyclone · 3 months
Just to make Ocean and Noel feel a bit better, what does everyone else enjoy?
OCEAN! That was supposed to be between us!
I didn’t say anything!! It wasn’t me!
Could you two shut up? I’ll go first: I collect both dolls and old tickets! I like to sing in the choir too
Besides writing Zolar lore, I started programming a game, I’m pretty solid at coding
I like to work on my music, and Noel and I like to critique movies…
Yeah! I love watching movies! I also like to make collages. It’s one of my favorite hobbies, I have a whole collage book with souvenirs from our friend group adventures
Oh I love our collage book! I like to bake, and recently I’ve been experimenting with yarn crafts like knitting!
I like to sketch architecture, just black pen really. I also try to crochet, I’m getting better at it
Ocean’s also really good at photography!
Oh you’re too kind!
We all like to go to the arcade in the mall as a group as well
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[CN] Victor’s Sea-circle Event (Chapter 4)
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
✧ mum’s smile || little gentleman || art and love || mum’s companionship || endearing thoughts
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【Mum’s Companionship】
A journal recording Victor’s growth during the study tour program in France.
What she hid in here is not only memories but also her regrets for not being able to be there to constantly care for him and nag him during the time he was growing up.
[Note: Victor’s mum used to call him “Yan Yan,” which as always, I’ve translated as Vic-Vic~]
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✧ DATE: 05/21
He safely arrived in France at noon today. Following the teacher’s instructions, I was waiting at the designated meeting point when I saw him getting off the bus with a big bouquet of carnations in his hands. The teacher said that when they were passing by a florist, Vic-Vic requested to stop briefly and wait for him; he then especially picked out those flowers for me. This adorable little gentleman… did he watch some French romantic movies!
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✧ DATE: 05/21
Vic-Vic’s dad said he packed his luggage all by himself for this trip. And sure enough, Vic-Vic immediately opened his suitcase in the living room after we returned home today. Although this little grown-up didn’t say anything, I knew he was probably trying to attract my attention. So, I thought of teasing him a little and deliberately pretended to not see, going about my business as usual.
But to my surprise, Vic–Vic was extremely patient. He just sat there on the sofa and waited quietly. Before long, I couldn’t resist anymore and succumbed in my heart, promptly making up for it by rewarding him with the recognition he deserved. Vic-Vic took out a certificate from his suitcase and presented it to me, saying that he would bring an even better trophy next time. I knew he was trying to tell me through this gesture that he was studying diligently and growing up well. So I hugged him and told him he was truly amazing. But what I didn’t tell him was– “Actually, you are already outstanding in your mum’s heart, and you don’t need these awards as validation.”
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✧ DATE: 05/25
We visited a vinyl record store, and I initially thought that at Vic-Vic’s age, he might find this type of music medium too old-fashioned. But he listened attentively to the teacher’s explanations throughout the visit. I asked him if he wanted to buy a vinyl record as a souvenir for himself, and he quickly nodded. Eventually, with the curator’s recommendation, we selected a collection of Miles Davis’ famous tracks.
Sticky Note:
As soon as we got home in the evening, Vic-Vic couldn’t wait to play the vinyl record. I was curious about why he was so interested, and he explained that the unique sound of vinyl records made him feel like he was traveling through time.
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✧ DATE: 05/31
To my surprise, Vic-Vic helped me secure the tickets to the music concert that I had missed out on earlier through a knowledge quiz.
My son is truly amazing~
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✧ DATE: 06/05
I still remember the first time I made pudding for Vic-Vic. With a frown on his little face, he peered at the kitchen countertop and asked me in an earnest tone if we needed to hire a professional cleaner to tidy it up? Just the thought of his deadly serious expression makes me somewhat unable to contain my laughter. I wonder if he will ask the same question again when he sees the kitchen in its current state after waking up?
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✧ DATE: 06/05
…in the blink of an eye, you are already leaving for home today. There are many things Mum doesn’t know how to say to you face-to-face, so I’ll just write them down here silently.
As the person dearest to you, I’m truly sorry that Mum can’t always be by your side and witness you growing up. Seeing how sensible you are, Mum feels gratified, but my heart also aches at the same time. If I had been by your side all the time, perhaps you would have been able to be like the other kids, often acting coquettishly and being stubborn with Mum, wouldn’t you…
Regardless of anything, I hope that one day you will understand that no matter where you are, I will always be blessing you, watching over you, and loving you. And also, remember to smile a lot more. Mum absolutely loves the way that smile lights up your face~
P.S. The teacher said that this record needs to be submitted to the school, but Mum is really unwilling to part with these precious memories and give them to someone else. So I lied to the teacher and told them that I accidentally lost the journal…
After you leave, I’ll secretly hide it away. You can revisit these memories at your own pace when you grow up.
✧ next stop: endearing thoughts
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tnbscans · 1 year
All scans are my own unless otherwise specified. There are hundreds in the queue, two posts per day (one art, one interview/other text) with occasional extras.
Messages are open for questions, comments, requests for specific scans, or just brain rotting this show. Donations of any material scanned by you are also gratefully accepted. Anyone can translate anything found here into English or any other language without asking. Please let me know if you do and I will add links to your translation.
The goal is preservation of artwork, raw and translated interviews, canon information and other rare print material.
I am working on a merch wiki for this show, look forward to it in the future.
Want list here
By Status: Partial Translation Translated Untranslated
By Magazine: Acteur Magazine Anan Animage Anime Flix Animedia Beat Magazine CG World Cinema Cinema Cool Voice Cut Magazine Drama Magazine Ent Magazine Figure Oh Great Mechanics DX Hayakawa Mystery Magazine Kikan Ace Kinezo Kyrabi Miracle Jump Misc Magazine Newtype Newtype Ace Otomedia Pash Screen Plus Spoon 2di TV Bros Unknown Issue Unknown Magazine
By Book/Pamphlet: English of Heroes Hero Gossips Hero TV Fan Vol 1 Hero TV Fan Vol 2 King of Works Katsura Artbook Katsura Artbook 2 Monthly Hero Multi Pouch Book Scenerio Document Smart The Rising Special Book Sum Up The Beginning Souvenir Program The Rising Pamphlet The Rising Pia Mook The Rising Souvenir Book The Rising Super Prelude Pamphlet The Rising Superfan Book
By Type: Article Cast Comments Comments Event Reports Interview Lyrics Novel Short Story
By Movie/Shorts: Side Tiger Side Bunny The Beginning The Rising Too Many Cooks Spoil The Broth
By Character: Kotestu T. Kaburagi Wild Tiger Crapsuit Barnaby Brooks Jr. Karina Lyle Blue Rose Ryan Goldsmith Golden Ryan Nathan Seymour Fire Emblem Keith Goodman Sky High Pao-Lin Huang Dragon Kid Ivan Karelin Origami Cyclone Antonio Lopez Rock Bison Lara Tchaikoskaya Magical Cat Sengoku Subaru Mr. Black Thomas Taurus He is Thomas Yuri Petrov Lunatic Kaede Kaburagi
For more tags please see here and here
Lyric scans can be found here
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erikahenningsen · 8 months
can you share your mean girls souvenirs?
Okay I did not realize I had as much stuff as I did or that my playbills are as disorganized as they are (tell me why I have playbills from January 2020 and November 2018 in the same binder) but here you go! (This isn't inclusive of regular show merch.)
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Prop bag used in the show, signed by Taylor Louderman, Ashley Park, and Kate Rockwell
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DC and Broadway playbills signed by entire cast and creative team, insert from Reneé Rapp's Broadway debut, and all of my tickets lol
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Cady's schedule prop used in the show signed by Erika Henningsen and Jen Simard, mouse ears they gave the audience on Halloween 2018, and some paper cranes Riza Takahashi would make onstage (seen here being used as a toy by my cat)
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Mean Girls Broadway cast recording vinyl cover signed by entire OBC cast and creative team
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Burn book pages signed by Taylor Louderman and Grey Henson, one of Cady's notebooks used in the show
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Tony voter program
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Tray used in the show signed by Grey Henson and a tray piece that broke off during the show and I pulled out of the pit, signed by Chris Medlin (who broke it)
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Movie theater merch
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cartrunkent · 18 days
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The friend that went to see this with me is about to play Mrs. Lovett for the second time, so this one feels like a natural. She was a driving force behind going to see this production and I was on board. A chance to see Patti LuPone? Yes please. Michael Cerveris? Double yes!
What a wild production! I had seen my college do this a year or so after I graduated. I was familiar with the show. It predated the Johnny Depp movie and was superior in every damn way.
First, this was the production where the actors were also the musicians. Staged to take place in the "recreation room" of an asylum-somewhat- where an older Toby remembers the tale of how he got there...
It was a high concept that paid off. Once the show started you forgot they had instruments in their hands. The Judge and the Beadle having a perfectly fine conversation, acting, singing... just two dudes who happened to have Trumpets in their hands.
A girl as Pirelli? I'm in. Great job! And wonderful cellist(or was it a bass?)
The set was a simple rectangle of slotted grew wood floor boards.... and so was the back wall. Behind which was a cyc. Colors bled through the cracks and spaces between the wood. The wall was full of meaningful tchotchkes. The furniture was simply chairs... and a coffin... and a mini coffin and some buckets (more on those two later.)
The kill room? The coffin set on chairs with a chair on top gave Sweeney enough height. People would ascend or be mimed. It was simple. But what made it effective was the sudden red turn in the lights and... one bucket being picked up and blood dumped from it to the other bucket. It sold the death and murder aspect as well as the factory whistle.
I walked up to the stage at the end. Someone had spilled some blood. I stained my program with blood from the stage. It was awkward to walk around with and hasn't aged as well as I'd liked, but a unique souvenir nonetheless.
Michael was brilliant. Patti was good, but under the weather and coughing a lot. ... so forgiven.
The only weird thing was the introduction of a mini- coffin at some point. I can't remember the purpose, but it was headscratchingly weird at the time and remains a memorable misstep in a production that continues to be a model and inspiration.
So very glad I saw this. ... and its strength as a production led me to give the Josh Groban production a pass. I have no regrets.
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theotherverge · 3 months
☆~The Various Places of Otherverge~☆
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If you haven't caught up to speed, I'm writing a middle-grade fantasy book that's accessible for those who have a hard time reading. It's about a girl signing up for The Lost Souls, a mysterious summer program akin to Girl Scouts. She discovers herself, meets new friends, and rebuilds her confidence in a parallel world where the sun is always down, people use rats for transportation, and a cactus can give you hints on where to go.
It's a story akin to the early Harry Potter stories, where the whimsical, escapist side of that world will be recontextualized and expanded upon for this story. Think of it as a love letter to the many Scholastic book fair books you might've seen and experienced at school!
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If you're the curious kind and would love to learn more about a certain mysterious world hidden to the naked eye, welcome to a grab-bag of the various places Otherverge has to offer, as well as a few world-building bits to tie it all together.
Laxa Hotel: A recent addition to Otherverge, a high-quality pitstop for travelers, visitors, and Lost Souls. Ridiculously tall, free breakfast, and pet-friendly! You can see most of Otherverge's other areas at the very top of the building.
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Activity Center: A place where the Lost Souls hang out, doing small activities, playing arcade games, communicating with each other, exercising, and any form of entertainment you can think of. You can even watch classic movies and cartoons within a built-in theatre with old movie reels Othervergian people received during their secret trips to Earth.
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Rat Station: Using large and friendly RATS as transportation, RAT stations are used for a cluster of rats to be ridden as if you were on a bus. With these, you can hop from place to place every half-hour for free.
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Romaburg: A bustling food and shopping district, here you can get the finest meals and coolest souvenirs FOR FREE... If you don't live there.
Lanterna: A large glow-in-the-dark tree where fireflies call home. One of Otherverge's most captivating landmarks
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New Unity: After the Great Creator of Otherverge passed on, the people of the land created this city nearer to honor the late creature. A bronze statue in the center of the city depicts The Great Creature's supposed identity— A winged beast.
Mt. Pinpoint: A mountain that pierces the sky, once The Great Beast's domain. Now, it's considered a taboo and forbidden area to attempt exploring, to respect the deceased creature. It's very dangerous to climb the mountain, so don't even think about it unless you have a death wish.
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Dunes of Violet: A seemingly endless wasteland with purple grains of sand, talking cacti, and an extremely chilly atmosphere. You may run into scorpions and centipedes, but they're harmless here.
Camarón Beach: Although lacking sunlight, this beach's chill vibes are still present. If you look off into the ocean's horizon, you can actually see groups of shrimp jump in and out of the water!
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If you'd like to learn more about Otherverge and the girl who's gonna explore it all, make sure to follow me and stay tuned! Next time, I'll be talking about The Lost Souls program and the generous way it came to be. See you there!
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listwjanka · 1 month
Dig Deeper
When I was a young boy, I had a tough time making friends. Mother always said that it's important to have friends, but the other children swerved around me like I was roadkill.
I think they suspected something. Like, children are attuned to the spirit world, it's always in the movies. The kids get possessed by ghosts and demons because they're more sensitive to it, like dogs are. I think they sensed that I have no soul.
As far back as I can remember, it's always been just mother and I. Once or twice I asked about my father and she grounded me. She didn't usually drink alcohol, but she did whenever the topic came up. It's not something she ever talked to me about, like she thought I wouldn't be able to tell that she was drunk during her prayers or that I wouldn't see the bottles. Her big, wet doe eyes would always cloud over when she was drunk, like an unlit room. Maybe she just didn't care if I knew.
We lived in a two bedroom house, slightly off the end of the road. It broke the symmetry of the neighbourhood. Mother said it was because the house was older than the rest of the street, that she'd inherited it from her mother who inherited it from her father and so on.
Once I had a classmate over for a school project - always hated those - and he was a huge bitch about it. He kept asking if it was my grandma's house, complained about the musty smell and how the Holy Marys were all staring at him. It's true, there were a lot of portraits, statuettes, icons and such of Holy Mary around the house, on desks, shelves, walls. If you took a piss on the floor, a stray droplet would inevitably hit some sort of catholic iconography, that's how many there were. That and crosses, rosemaries and books and bibles too old for me to care about. I asked him if there's houses without all this stuff. He looked at me really weird, I can still remember that, and just put his head down to work on his part of the project.
His father was waiting in the parking lot for the entirety of his stay.
While we did have television at home, I couldn't always watch because of mother. Usually I was only able to catch the night program when she was asleep. So most of the time I would be out back in the woods.
The town was like a secluded island surrounded by a wooden ocean. There was a highway that ran straight by, but it didn't make much of a dent in the forest's density. If you had a really bad sense of direction, you could easily get lost there.
I have a lot of memories of that forest.
When I was eight, I caught Mrs. Martens, my PE teacher, having sex with an older student. He was one of those stupid high school meatheads so I didn't think much about it. I don't know how old Ms. Martens was at the time, all adults are really fucking old when you're eight. I knew to hide behind a tree and not draw any attention to myself, so I just stood there unblinking until they were finished.
The same year I found a whole deer skeleton. I don't know how I missed it before, but it laid in perfect serenity on autmun leaves. Its bones were clean-picked and slightly green from moss or lichen that had begun to grow as nature worked to reclaim its due. The hooves though, the hooves still had a ring of that soft, yet firm fur around them.
When my fingers touched that fur, I felt an intense longing, strong enough to etch itself into my brain, a mark fresh even all those years later. To touch something that had long since died, but was still tethered to the world of the living, by the faintest of threads - how death impresses itself upon the living, how it impressed on me, and let me feel something for once. I felt a fire behind my eyes.
I mentioned the deer skeleton at school. I was so enamoured with my find that my bet was, surely the other kids would be too.
Most were grossed out that I'd touched the hooves and even took one home. They started screeching when I showed them that I had it in my pocket.
Others were less squeamish and liked the story and my souvenir, but insisted that I probably put the hooves in my mouth and licked the bones because my family is poor, whatever sense that was to make. When I asked why I would do that, one of the boys stepped forward, knocked on my forehead and asked "Anyone home? How are you this ret***d?"
So I didn't show anybody my skeleton, but the school called my mother to voice their concerns over my behaviour. At home, she made me throw the hoof into the garbage and beat me with a belt until we were both crying.
After that, I stayed away from the forest for a long while and stopped talking to any classmates for good. There was this impassable barrier that everyone felt, but could not break through. Some of my teachers would, every once in a while over the years, gently knock from the other side and talk at me about someone who could help me. When I refused, they would call my mother, who refused treatment much less calmly.
When I was 11, mother began taking me to church more often, until we went nearly every day there was service. I never quite got the hang of it or understood what I was supposed to do or feel and just followed mother's motions. She kept insisting that we were going to save my soul, but I had no idea how repeating the same few dozens of verses every day would heal me from the inside.
There was this part of the service where congregation members were to stand up, go to the front and accept the body of Christ, rather a stale, tasteless waffle. You had to do it in a specific way and I didn't care to learn. I don't know or care if I laid my hands wrong, knelt wrong or said the wrong things, either way, the pastor started whispering to my mother after services.
He would say things like "The boy is simple" or "I believe his soul is gravely ill" and my mother would stand there with white knuckles and tears in her eyes, struggling to speak.
We talked less and less the more services we attended together. When I was 13, she stopped making me go. The other boys were preparing for confirmation.
Now it wasn't just my classmates treating me like a leper - it seemed as though ever since my voice had cracked and my limbs elongated like unfurled colons, adults eyed me with hesitation, their words and movements calculated as though handling a snake.
Mother would lock the door when I came home from school. I wouldn't stay home long anyway and retreat back to my childhood sanctuary: the woods.
I'd always bring a pocket knife to take home any souvenirs, any gifts that Nature would give to keep me company. The deer skeleton was long rotten away, but plenty of other friends took its place.
At age 14 around spring, I found a small pond full of frog spawn. The frogs themselves had long left their offspring to fend for themselves. The spawn felt good in my hands and I started crushing the eggs like bubble wrap.
If anyone asked me why, I wouldn't know how to answer. It just happened. Every pop made my bloodflow more audible to my ears. For the first time in years, I could feel the strength in my fingers, the pressure in my eyeballs, the heat of my guts. I wondered how much life was in those tiny gooey balls. Whether my squeezing the wet contents out of them let me absorb their energy. Whether those still-developing creatures felt anything at all. Would they feel anything later? How much sentience could I ascribe to the goop in my hands?
That summer I went to hunt frogs. I saw and understood that they ran away from me, perceiving me as a considerable threat - much like the humans in my life. But they weren't strong enough to fight back and were easily skewered by my pocket knife.
Frogs have such big, lively eyes. People would sometimes tell me my eyes were lifeless and dull. In movies, people would say "There's no life behind his eyes." when describing bad guys or demonic possessions. Maybe, I thought, maybe. Maybe if I dug a little, I could find their souls.
Mother always spoke of souls, so matter-of-factly that it did not cross my mind to doubt her. Until I knew better, I figured souls were much like the other organs - and that they must be quite small, because I never found them in the biology books at the school library.
A frog is much larger than a tadpole or an embryo, I figured, so their soul should be visible somehow. Perhaps it would be small and hard like a seed. Maybe it was more all-encompassing, but very thin like a stretched patch of skin on the inside.
I remembered those frog dissection classes from movies and improvised my own. Its guts weren't nearly as colourful as textbook illustrations had me assume. There were some orange cords nestled in its insides by the leg, an olive-green organ reminiscent of a pinecone seed and what I assume was punctured lungs. The sight made me think of strange european dishes that I saw on the TV sometimes.
Since the body was too tattered to tell much from its shredded insides, I spent the rest of the afternoon hunting for frogs - but I would not find salvation in their tiny corded guts that day. There was no shining pearl, no glowing patch, no tiny seed out of place. Try how I might, I did no find their souls.
The next day, however, something unusual happened: At school, my teachers would comment on my "rosier complexion", how there was a spring in my step, a light in my eyes. I was taken aback - indeed, I was in a much better mood than usual after yesterday's efforts.
After what happened with the deer skeleton, I chose my words more carefully to avoid trouble and said, yes, I had a lot of fun working with my hands yesterday. I said I'd been woodcarving.
The teachers seemed pleased with my inexplicable shift in demeanour. Their words rolled around in my head like lost marbles - there was no space for pleasantries in my insides. No suitable place to stow away marbles behind lightless eyeballs.
I began thinking. Maybe, a frog's soul is fluid? Or maybe it's microscopically small and absorbed into my skin through the fingertips while I was carefully pulling muscle from bone in my search. Maybe, I'd made their life, mine.
It was an invigorating thought. I looked around me and noticed hair fractures developing in the barrier that had barred me from the others for all these years. Maybe I had to work hard, much, much harder than others had to, to break through.
I did take up wood carving. My first attempts weren't good. Then I took one of the myriad of crosses from our house and started mimicking its grooves and cuts, however crudely. I left the finished cross and the emaciated, wooden Jesus nailed to it wrapped in linen for my mother to find.
When she did find it that evening, instead of bolting right away into her bedroom, she sat still at the kitchen table, holding the gift so delicately as if it were a premature stillborn, sobbing quietly. I knelt next to her and she gently ran her fingers through my hair. Her big, wet eyes didn't dare meet mine.
Still, I didn't give up on finding the soul, but I started searching larger animals. I was on to something. The fractures in my barrier were nearly thick enough to break it and I could nearly taste the crisp air of the outside world.
When I couldn't find it in a rat, I searched through a bunny.
When I didn't find it in a bunny, I dug through a cat.
When the cat's body bore no fruit, I set eyes on Prometheus.
Prometheus was a large, black mutt, some sort of sheepdog with big, sharp eyes. He was smarter than his two trash owners combined, so luring him was no easy task. Fortunately for me, he'd also just barely stopped being a puppy and wasn't quite as serious as his older peers.
If any animal in the vicinity had a soul that could be seen with one's bare eyes, it was Prometheus.
I'm sure he was a fighter, a brave boy, but anyone struck with a hardwood plank to the head wouldn't have much time to recover from the impact. He didn't have the chance to make much noise. The woods were silent that night.
Sometimes, I do wish he'd managed to run away - and I don't want to go into any more details out of respect - but as my gloved hands carefully mapped out Prometheus' viscera, his sacrifice was well worth it.
Right there, on his left kidney, was a splendidly white growth, the likes of which I'd never seen in the schoolbooks. In the beam of my flashlight, it seemed to still be alive, to pulsate. It was the size of a rosemary pearl, firm to the touch and still warm, exuding a mist in the cool night air.
Prometheus' soul.
Awestruck, I reverently cut out the kidney and carefully placed it in a ziploc bag. Weeping in total silence, I stared into the great dome of stars above and felt how each and every twinkling light above was the eyes of God looking at me with great love and benevolence. I searched and found. A bloodied lamb, its wool now washed by God's gentle hands, held in a warm carress. You did it. I'm so, so proud of you.
As luck would have it, when Prometheus was found, it seemed that some woodland animals had gotten to him. The hunter said his innards were fully consumed by the time he found the dog and the soft belly flesh torn and gnawed on. God was looking out for me that night, I knew it.
Our school had a Thanksgiving festival that year and I carved wolf and dog figurines out of wood for the occassion. Surprisingly, they sold very well and were well-received. Mother's parish seemed especially taken with my effort - or rather, me. I was ecstatic about my findings and radiated religious enthusiasm. I listened ravenously to their retellings of biblical tales of men who braved great despair and made great sacrifices, only to emerge holy in the eyes of God. I saw myself in those men and could not help but choke up with them over God's boundless grace. For once, mother's eyes weren't so sad but betrayed a great happiness in their hazel warmth and radiance.
I felt connected.
Then Mrs. Martens came over.
She hadn't been my PE teacher in seven years and I had not paid any attention to her in just as long. Her auburn locks were now slightly streaked with silver and she wore a smile that didn't quite reach the rest of her thin face. She said my name as if it were a spell.
"We're so happy to see you getting on with our flock now, dear. Your mother's always been so worried about you, but turns out you're just an artist!"
She leaned in closer. Too close.
"I won't fuck you, Mrs. Martens."
The crowd around the stand fell dead silent. The only sound was the rush of blood in my skull.
I'd never seen someone turn so sickly pale so quickly. The white of her bulging, veiny eyeballs reminded me of the surface of Prometheus' soul.
She started staggering and stammering about how she didn't understand and didn't know what I was talking about. So I explained how seven years ago, she had a student raw her against an oak tree. How she yowled like an alley cat as a boy half her age fucked her from behind and how she sardonically implored him to stay quiet afterwards. How I thought it was disgusting and how I didn't want her near me, lest she touch me like she did with him.
There was a great chaos afterwards and a lot of it is a blur to me. I remember mother grabbing me ere anyone else could, dragged me home and barricaded the door with a musty sofa. We'd never run so fast and I'd never heard her scream like this before.
She screeched about baseless accusations and embarrassment and how she could never show her face outside again. I was deeply confused - wasn't it proper to be honest? Didn't Mrs. Mathers defy God by forsaking her husband, shouldn't her sinfulness be known?
Mother was frothing at her thin-lipped mouth, her skin red and blotchy from the blood pressure building just behind her skin.
It hurt. She was very wrong, but it still hurt. I explained how God favoured me. How I found Prometheus' soul in his guts after believing and searching for so long!
Mother stared at me with an ineffale fire behind her eyes, an intensity defying that of anyone I'd ever seen: "You blithering moron; animals don't have souls."
She had to be wrong. Her words split my insides. Was that true? What was I missing? I'd found his soul, right? It was a soul, right? Could I actually make sure? Was I sure? Are you sure?
In those torturous moments, I begged God for guidance - and He answered me with mother's burning stare. Her big, soulful eyes, coals burning in sockets.
I understood that I needed to search once more.
The pocket knife wouldn't cut it this time.
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okay so theres this weird thing i do sometimes like. unwillingly where i just like-
Pleased to meet you, tumblr. Name's Francis Pumphandle, but everyone calls me "Pip". Cheese balls are one of my all-time favorite foods. I always seem to meet the most interesting people when I'm around them, too. In fact, cheese balls bring to mind the time I met Bob Barker, star of the most popular morning game show. He's an emcee, a host, and a celebrity all rolled into one. Anyway, eight months ago -- it was Tuesday the 17th, I believe -- or it might have been the 18th ... no, no, it was definitely the 17th, because it was precisely one week after my aunt Lucretia's birthday, which is the 10th. Aunt Lucretia's quite a woman. Loves to cook. She prepares a fabulous war shu a. That's a Chinese duck dish. I love Chinese food. I once went to a party where they served Chinese food and cheese balls. Now that was a Catch-22 situation. Catch-22 was a movie, you know. It was long, very long. They say the book was better, but it was a novel and I never finish reading those things. Of course, a lot of people don't read much nowadays. They watch television. I caught a program on PBS last night. A very good show on chimpanzees in the media. They had a clip of J. Fred Muggs, the chimp from the TODAY show. But it was Fred's chimpanzee girlfriend that had me stumped. I couldn't remember her name, so I looked it up. Her name was Phoebe B. Beebe.
Anyway, as I was saying, eight months ago, Tuesday the 17th, I went downtown on a nice, relaxing stroll. I love to relax. In fact, relaxing is a pastime of mine. Some people play golf. Others like tennis, horseshoes, bridge, canasta, and other such fancy hobbies. Now, another hobby enjoyed by many is knitting. My grandmother was a great knitter. Knitted this sweater I'm wearing. It's red, which is not my favorite color. I prefer mauve or mustard yellow. Now, don't get me wrong: red is okay for ties and suspenders, but with sweaters I prefer more neutral colors. But when I'm relaxing, I don't care what I wear: long pants, Bermuda shorts, T-shirts, or formal attire. You name it, anything goes. Now, on the 17th, during my relaxing stroll, I recall wearing my herringbone jacket, my Laughlin, Nevada, souvenir tie, and my charcoal gray slacks. Or was it the navy slacks? Oh, I suppose it doesn't really matter. What matters is comfort. You know, I love comfort. It goes along with that pastime of mine, relaxing.
Now, for me, there is nothing more relaxing than a nice leisurely stroll, like the one I took eight months ago on the 17th. It was a bright, sunny day, which of course is the optimum condition for relaxed strolling. And as I walked along, I found myself humming a haunting melody. I kept humming and humming and humming and humming. I couldn't get the tune out of my head. I racked my brains to come up with the title, but to no avail. You see, I'm not terribly musical. And yet, I'd always wanted to play an instrument and be like my musical hero, Leo Sayer. But who can compete with Leo? I think I was just scared that I'd fail. Well, I decided right then and there to go buy a musical instrument. So on the particular Tuesday the 17th to which I was referring, I went down to the Sixth Street Music Emporium to buy a new tambourine, a terribly soothing instrument, contrary to popular opinion. And as I was strolling along, I detected a wonderful scent in the morning air. "What could it be?" I asked myself. So I went toward that marvelous scent, distracted by its aroma from my musical mission. The odor was a mix of orchid flowers and bologna, which of course is one of the world's most under-appreciated luncheon meats. That and pimento loaf. I love a good pimento loaf and mayo sandwich -- the more pimentos, the better. Why, just the mention of pimentos makes my taste buds stand up and say, "Howdy." Now there's an interesting word: "Howdy." Is it from "How are you" or maybe "How you doing"? "Howdy"'s one of those strange words that really has no origin. I like saying "How do" more than "Howdy" -- more formal, I think. Not too flowery. But the flowery aroma of that particular morning carried me on my fragrant quest.
Now, the smell was actually less bologna and more orchid -- the beautiful flower found on the island state of Hawaii. Of course, I wasn't in Hawaii, so I needed to search out the location of the nearest orchid. So, I visited every florist shop in town. Well, to make a long story short, not a single flower shop in town had any orchids in stock, which seemed mighty curious to me. Now, as we all know, curiosity killed the cat, but since I'm not a feline, I wasn't too worried. Felines are funny creatures, don't you think? I had a cat once. It used its claws to tear my living room couch to shreds. It was a comfy couch, too. Had a sleep-away bed in it with a foam rubber mattress. Now, I bought the couch and the mattress at Levine's Department Store on Third Avenue, the very same afternoon of that relaxing stroll aforementioned. I also bought myself a lovely tambourine on that same shopping expedition. Anyway, I didn't want to pay extra for the delivery of the couch, so I decided to carry the couch home myself. It was quite cumbersome. And getting it through the store's revolving doors was a bit of a challenge. And just as I emerged onto the street, by accident I bumped into a well-dressed man with an orchid in his lapel. It was Bob Barker, and he was eating a bologna and cheese balls sandwich. Well, it's been nice chatting with you.
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mrsmarymorstan · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh god, from ANY MEDIA EVER?! That's a lot! 28+ years worth of #Content to remember... I'm just gonna be totally random about it I think and this is not an actual ranking!!! Just who first springs to mind. I'll also try not to double up on franchises.
1) Misty (Pokémon) - She was The Girl One and also Not Like Other Girls! I was five, okay?
2) Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) The boy who set me down the path of Monster Hugging and Furrydom. If you want details my entire blog exists lol
3) Sir Gwaine (BBC Merlin) Baby's first Dose of Heteronomativity! Plus he helped introduce me to amazing crack ships and made me laugh and broke my heart!
4) Jadzia Dax (Star Trek DS9) - She's just SO COOL! She's semi-immortal, is both an expert on gender and doesn't believe in it, is canonically queer, snarky AF, knows all about Klignons, is very pretty, and does THE SCIENCE!!! Plus she marries Worf and I mean goals.
5) Grog Strongjaw (Critical Role) - He is the definition of Positive Masculinity. An Aromantic King. My precious Baby Boy who could rip me in half if he wanted to but wouldn't. The man who makes me laugh and makes me cry. I miss him so much, I just want more Grog in my life when will he return from the war Matthew???
6) Uncle Newt (John Finnemore's Souvenir Program S9) - A Canonical Asexual Icon, breaking and healing my heart all at once, hell yes to historical queers and elder queers helping to raise baby queers and the found family trope and LOOK JUST LISTEN TO SERIES 9 OKAY?! (They don't use the WORD Asexual but that's because Newt wouldn't KNOW that word but everything about him and his character descriptions and his arc SCREAMS Asexual)
7) Kanade Miyako (Twinkle Stars) - Takaya-sensei made a character so relateable to me I just sat there and cried the whole time. The Academic burn out? The pressure to conform to expectations? Not knowing what to do with your life? Seeing the way she had the narrative treat him as a guide to myself to just take care and take things one step at a time? That it doesn't matter what others say, taking baby steps to heal yourself important and you shouldn't dismiss that. URGH. TAKAYA-SENSEI!!! WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?!
8) Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) - Purple Clad Icon who tries her hardest and doesn't always succeed but DAMN IT if she isn't gonna crawl back on her feet again no matter what!!! Every single shitty thing a male writer can do to a female character has been done to her, and she's STILL STANDING!!! I will defend her to my last breath.
9) Mary Morstan (Sherlock Holmes) Very few adaptions ever do my girl justice and it's SO FRUSTRATING!!! But god I love her. I love how she's so strong not in a badass Hashtag No Fear way but in the way she is terrified and scared and still goes forward anyway! She's also snarky and loves to tease her husband (and his boyfriend) and I just wish more adaptations understood her! I think the best version of her I've seen is the Ritchie Verse version? More like that please!
10) Gilbert (Being Human) He was in it for one episode and is an absolute Icon. All those years and the only thing he had to do to find his door was to fall in love unironically? He just had to be honest with himself and his feelings. Also this:
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(I debated putting the Sarcastic Vicar here but decided upon Gilbert in the end 💜)
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astoriaroleplay · 2 years
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The atmosphere absorbed the sense of celebration that inhabited the country of Nova Pangaea; it wouldn’t be different in Astoria. An historical province important for the supernatural beings — 330 years ago — that were seeking a better place to live, a safe haven. 
Streets were decorated, schools focused their classes to remember children of the importance of Founders day, covens and packs gathered to celebrate.
Astorians and tourists gained plenty of reasons to remain in the district during the following weeks as communication vehicles informed everyone of events that would occur in Astoria nearby the Founder’s Day. ‘You wouldn’t want to miss it, I sure won’t’. An anchor stated before the end of the program. If anyone wanted to know more about the upcoming events, they could easily find information in every social media related to Astoria. 
Whether someone wanted a fast celebration such as the public art installation by the Memorial Park to appreciate the lights sharing part of Nova Pangaea’s history. Or to gather friends for a day at Axis Mundi for a horror night. Or simply enjoy the parade, there’s something for everyone to do to celebrate being part of history, to become part of another chapter and a bew cycle of Nova Pangaea.
Happy Founders Day, Astoria!
𝗢𝗢𝗖 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:
Below you’ll find information about the three celebration that will happen in city and that could be used as part of your threads with each other. Attending to the event is not mandatory, therefore you’re not obligated to develop threads related to the event, though we reassure that it’s a fun one that could help you develop connections! Don’t forget to tag your starters related to the event as: astoriaevent01.
‘Our Lights’ 
Unraveling the inherent beauty of Memorial Park, the element of lights being used in art installations offer the ephemeral beauty of the history behind Astoria since its creation, the glow of each sculpture brings the attention deserved for this celebration; something to share with friends, family or to even admire on your own. Some large pieces of this installation are interactive, step by step you can hear more about Nova Pangaea or simply be mesmerized by the lights created by your own touch. And make sure to buy a souvenir as a reminder of this moment and this important day. The installation is on display through October, 15th to October 23rd.
Horror Nights
Once the park is closed to visitors that’s when the fun begins. Besides the entertainment of the amusement park already, make sure to step just outside of Astoria to head to Axis Mundi and enjoy the haunted houses spread nearby the usual rides and attractions. Have in mind the park will be closed to those younger than 16 from October 15th to October 23rd during the Horror Nights. From Revenge of the Mummy to the movie Halloween, you’ll be scared by some familiar faces! After all, not everything is about history, sometimes celebrating simply means to have some fun! If you’re thinking of putting together a Halloween costume, go ahead! Just don’t forget that for safety reasons, masks are not allowed. 
Founder’s Day Parade
The Annual Founders Day Festival honors and celebrates the founding of Nova Pangaea in 1692. At the northern edge of central Astoria, you’ll be able to enjoy the Founder’s Day Parade. Gather around to spread your joy and energy to all volunteers and workers that are part of this important activity while celebrating Astoria’s community and Nova Pangaea’s history. The streets adjacent to the Elkwood Station will be closed on October 21st from 12pm-6pm, and its proximity to the train station it’s mostly to aid astorians and tourists to reach the parade faster!
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midcenturymyrtle · 4 days
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angevvine · 25 days
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my names vinnie (not really), i’m a 17yo expat kid (🇮🇪/🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 but living in 🇫🇷) and i work part time as a cook when i’m not in school
partially here to try to improve my drawing and work on trying out digital art
still figuring myself out, so for the moment i’ll be going by she/they, and im pretty confident in my bisexuality💫
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as of right now, my interests include:
ride the cyclone
blacks books
bbc ghosts
the it crowd
it’s always sunny in philadelphia
john finnemore’s souvenir program
a lot of horror movies (especially the thing, x, shawn of the dead, 28 days later, rec, etc)
a lot of grungey music (especially nirvana, foo fighters, pearl jam, queens of the stone age, etc)
a lot of less grungey music (especially surf curse, lemon demon, the cure, the doors, destroy boys, etc)
anything to do with space or history
and playing my bass
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DNIs: basically just be a kind normal person and ur welcome here (bigots of any kind and nonces are inherently neither kind, nor normal.)
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
thanks for taking ur time to read this, have a nice day :)
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bizzna-pop · 1 month
5 Ingenious Ways to Elevate Your Retail Business with Popcorn Tubs
Popcorn tubs, often overlooked as simple snack containers, have the potential to be much more in your retail business. Whether you run a movie theater, a gourmet popcorn shop, or a concession stand, these versatile tubs can become powerful tools to enhance customer experience, elevate your brand, and drive sales. Here are five ingenious ways to transform popcorn tubs into strategic assets for your retail business.
1. Turn Popcorn Tubs into Branded Experiences
Transform your popcorn tubs into dynamic brand ambassadors by customizing them with your logo, colors, and unique messaging. Each tub becomes a portable advertisement, reinforcing your brand identity with every use. Eye-catching designs and clever branding make your tubs memorable, turning a simple snack into an immersive brand experience that customers will associate with quality and enjoyment long after their visit.
2. Offer Themed Popcorn Tubs for Seasonal Events
Elevate your retail offerings by introducing themed popcorn tubs for holidays, special events, or movie premieres. Whether it’s a festive Christmas design, a spooky Halloween motif, or a tie-in with the latest blockbuster, these limited-edition tubs create excitement and urgency. Customers are drawn to collect each unique design, encouraging repeat visits and increasing sales, while also making your brand a part of their celebration.
3. Boost Sales with Popcorn Tub Combo Deals
Maximize the potential of popcorn tubs by incorporating them into irresistible combo deals. Pair a popcorn tub with a drink, candy, or other snacks, offering the bundle at a special price. This strategy not only enhances the value proposition for your customers but also increases the average transaction size. The convenience of an all-in-one snack option makes it easy for customers to indulge, boosting both sales and customer satisfaction.
4. Create Collectible Souvenir Popcorn Tubs
Elevate your brand’s visibility by designing collectible popcorn tubs that customers will want to take home. Premium-quality, reusable tubs featuring exclusive artwork, beloved movie characters, or designs that tell your brand’s story can become cherished keepsakes. These souvenir tubs ensure your brand remains top-of-mind long after the initial purchase, fostering loyalty and encouraging return visits as customers seek to complete their collection.
5. Integrate Popcorn Tubs into Loyalty Programs
Deepen customer engagement by incorporating popcorn tubs into your loyalty and reward programs. Offer a complimentary tub after a certain number of purchases, or create a “collect-and-win” campaign where customers can collect different designs or stickers on their tubs to redeem rewards. This approach not only incentivizes repeat business but also strengthens the emotional connection between your brand and your customers, making your store a go-to destination.
Popcorn tubs are more than just containers—they’re a creative canvas for enhancing your retail strategy. By implementing these five ingenious ideas, you can turn popcorn tubs into powerful tools for boosting brand recognition, improving customer experience, and driving sales. Start leveraging the full potential of popcorn tubs today, and watch as they transform your retail business into a hub of excitement and loyalty.
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tourist-destinations · 2 months
Best Family Friendly Activities on Cruise Ships
You can have quality time with Family on cruise ships is an amazing venture that gets valued ones together in an exhilarating and stress-free surrounding. whether they're trolling unique destinations, relishing meals jointly, or immersing in delightful onboard activities, you can gain a broad span of activities devised to cater to all generations, cruise ships deliver an immaculate backdrop for families to connect.
Are these cruise ships safe for kids?
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Journeys on ships are outlandish for kids because they beget an outstanding mix of fun, adventure, and amenities, making them a superior leisure alternative for families. Cruises for kids also deliver distinctive knowledge prospects through educational programs and stimulating beach outings to reinvigorated destinations, widening their horizons. You can relish an exhibition of age-fitting activities, from water parks and kids' clubs to mini-golf and movie nights, kids are continuously delighted in a secure and protected backdrop. You can feel the inclusive essence of cruises ensures a stress-free adventure for parents, and the whole family to relish quality time jointly. With interminable amusement alternatives and options, people can make untouched counterparts, and cruises make indelible experiences for kids, substantiating they have a relaxation they'll always recall.
Adventures on Cruises:
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People can get an all-around scope of family-friendly activities on cruise that cater to all generations. This marks an unforgettable adventure. Here are some of the most pleasing prospects:
There are numerous cruises that feature water slides, splash zones, and lazy rivers,  which are excellent for kids and adults. Whereas Some cruise ships have wave pools or surf simulators for an exhilarating aquatic adventure. Both in Singapore and Dubai, cruise ships often feature expansive water parks with slides, splash pads, and pools. These are a hit with families.
Most cruise lines have earmarked kids' associations for eclectic age groups, from toddlers to teenagers, delivering age-pertinent activities like arts and crafts, video games, and themed parties. Moreover, teenagers also have areas for fun activities like dance parties, video game tournaments, and outdoor games.
A delightful activity for all generations, mini-golf practices on cruise ships are usually themed and picturesque. The common play spaces are Basketball, soccer, and volleyball courts and permit for family-friendly contests.
Relish family-friendly musical displays, comedy shows, and magic leads that cater to all generations. You can also have quality time on Outdoor movie screenings on deck with popcorn and blankets making for a comfy family night.
Family cooking lessons let you discover unique recipes and relish some quality moments together. These workshops are splendid for promoting creativity and creating souvenirs.
Some ships feature bowling alleys, excellent for family matches. Video game arcades with an expansive miscellanea of games cater to kids, teens, and even adults
Heightened ropes techniques and zip lines deliver a rousing venture for older kids and adults. Stretch your climbing talents on rock walls with differing difficulty levels.
 Some cruises feature famous personalities from movies and TV presentations for photo options and relations. Relish these themed nights like pirate parties, where the whole family can dress up and have jest.
Some ships deliver spa therapies devised for families, including kid-friendly massages and leisure sessions. You can also join family yoga or dance classes to stay dynamic together.
Some cruises show educational programs concentrated on marine life, astronomy, or local civilisations. Coast excursions tailored to families, such as visiting aquariums, galleries, and wildlife reserves.
Some ships are qualified with virtual reality adventures that are immersive and fun for all generations. People should work together as a family to decipher puzzles and escape-themed rooms, an excellent activity for bonding.
Many ships present family-friendly dining with menus catering to kids and relaxed dining times. Some voyages have themed cafeterias that are especially attractive to children, like 50s diners or ice cream parlours.
What are the advantages of Cruises departing from Dubai?
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Cruises leaving from Dubai offer a ravishing combination of luxury, adventure, and artistic quest. As a resonant hub of modernity and convention, Dubai delivers the ideal starting pinpoint for cruises that transit the Arabian Gulf and beyond. Passengers are ministered to spectacular perspectives of the city’s iconic skyline, including the soaring Burj Khalifa and the attractive Palm Jumeirah, as they venture on their journey. Cruises from Dubai often comprise endings at other culturally wealthy and picturesque destinations, such as Abu Dhabi, Muscat, and Doha, allowing travellers to submerge themselves in the various traditions and topography of the space. Onboard, guests can abandon world-class luxuries, from gourmet dining to state-of-the-art amusement, all while appreciating the genial hospitality that Dubai is known for. Whether you’re pursuing leisure, adventure, or a combination of both, a cruise from Dubai delivers an extraordinary track to scour the splendours of the Middle East and beyond, all from the ease of a sumptuous floating resort. One can also enjoy the night activities for kids on Cruise ships in Dubai.
Why choose Cruises of Singapore?
Cruises departing from Singapore deliver an exquisite gateway to the splendours of Southeast Asia and further, combine contemporary opulence with affluent artistic knowledge. Singapore’s resonant cityscape, with its incredible Marina Bay Sands, lush Gardens by the Bay, and bustling waterfront. As a deluxe cruise hub, Singapore delivers entry to a mixture of itineraries that scour nearby unfamiliar destinations such as Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. These cruises permit passengers to encounter a miscellaneous exhibition of cultures, cuisines, and landscapes, all while relishing the refined luxuries on board. Whether you’re wandering through ancient temples, unwinding on pristine beaches, or scouring bustling markets, each port of call presents a new experience. Onboard, the adventure is equally fascinating, with world-class dining, amusement, and activities that cater to all generations. Cruises from Singapore seamlessly merge the excitement of exploration with the convenience of a floating resort, making it an excellent option for wanderers desiring both adventure and leisure.
Thus, cruises deliver a remarkable vacation venture for families, especially for juveniles. With their combination of everlasting amusement, safe and secure backdrops, and prospects for learning and experience, cruises guarantee that children have a levity, enhancing, and unforgettable time. The comfort of all-inclusive offerings permits parents to settle and relish quality moments together as a family. Whether trolling unexplored destinations or partaking in onboard activities, cruises furnish a quintessential backdrop for developing lifelong recollections.
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