#mpreg for ts
no-gorms · 2 months
Omega Tony Stark getting baby fever later in life (at a similar time to Canon!Tony I guess so mid to late 40’s and let’s pretend there was no CW and the team is still all friends together*). And he never wanted kids before, in fact the very idea made him shudder! (à la IM3). Plus he resent the stereotype of “baby crazy omega” being foisted on him in his youth and fought HARD against it until the public all agreed with him, thank god Tony Stark never had kids.
but then he starts interacting with Peter and he’s getting more into mentoring and he’s been having these dreams of little babies with his eyes…
And like, he knows his body has been thru the wringer even BEFORE the reactor and he hasn’t been gentle since. And he’s been single for years now so it’s not like he has a partner to help him get the job done…
So good thing he has a team! And what luck, he’s besties with some demi-gods and super soldiers and wizards, at least one of them should help cheat biology a bit. And miraculously he’s still getting heats! Inconsistent ones yeah but still, doesn’t hurt to try! better get a move on, the biological clock is ticking!!!
And so he calls a team meeting and asks very sweetly for any volunteers, and Alphas or Beta’s for something like a sperm donor, but if they wanna be part of the little nugget’s life Tony is down with that! Be it cool uncle or full co-parent it’s all gravy. And speaking of gravy
(Yes Tony swung this hypothetical talk by HR and they “highly recommended against it but it isn’t technically illegal…” (thanks to archaic omega laws) so he took that go ahead and ran)
And wouldn’t you know it? Ever since Steve told Tony about his parents and Bucky and some…heated disagreements about the team and politics there’s been some polite distance between them. And during this distance Steve of course realized he had feeling for Tony (king of waiting to long over here) and has been pining every since…
…so maybe that’s why Steve stands up and essentially, loudly, volunteers as tribute, talking loudly over like say Thor who was clearly about to also agree.
Does Tony accept this outright or does shenanigans happen where like, Thor challenges Steve to some kind of contest for the privilege. Or that Tony was gonna leave it up to people to donate anonymously or something but Steve just jumped in feet first
What happens next? Do they try turkey baster style first or is it a known fact in the Omegaverse that the “old fashioned way” is the most effective (blah blah special pheromones thru touch/heat/ancient breeding magic blah blah). Does Steve wanna go full co-parent? Do they start dating DURING the “attempts”? While Tony is preggers?? After the baby gets here???
(preggers!Tony fretting about what to wear on their first date while just SO VERY pregnant is hilarious to me.)
*Or if you wanna go full angst CW DOES happen but the team was able to come together and defeat Thanos and now they are technically all together and friends again but there are ~*~tensions~*~ and (TヘT) …distance~*~ + pining
Lol well that's a fun scenario! I don't think Thor would challenge Steve for the honour, but he might see the determined glint in Steve's eye and think to himself, ah what fun! And make a show of trying to convince Tony that he's a better prospect than Steve, arguing about Asgardian genes and the ease of the pregnancies in Thor's family, meanwhile Steve is getting redder and redder in the face, but anyway Tony's like, actually I don't want my kid to suddenly start levitating or whatever magic nonsense you guys get up to, so Steve it is!
Steve would probably suggest the turkey baster (lol) insemination for Tony's ease but it doesn't take and Tony gets anxious because of super soldier swimmers are struggling with Tony's slightly(!) aging self then he might really have a problem so ANYWAY would Steve be up for going the traditional way?
Yes. Yes, Steve would. Anyway it's the best sex Tony's had in his life and he's just like, okay, what was that. Maybe... they can go again just to make sure. A third time, just to be REALLY sure. Then oh he's pregnant so. uh..... that's good. Good job, Steve. Thnx~
But intimacy is what it is and the spectacular sex may have addled Tony's brain because he's totally fine with Steve fussing around him, and asking very politely if he can be part of the child's life and will Tony allow him to take care of Tony during this time? With foot rubs and making drinks for him and fetching hot water bottles and calming Tony down whenever Tony has an attack of the doubts, and so on?
Then Steve is so focused on giving Tony everything he wants and anticipating his every need to make sure the pregnancy goes as smooth as possible, that he misses that Tony is having a slowly-unraveling meltdown under Steve's glorious attention.
I see your possible date while Tony is heavily pregnant, but also I think it would be hilarious if Tony is so determined not to lose focus on the baby, because his priorities have to change with this gift he is bringing into the world and there's no energy left over to do something about developing feelings for Steve (never mind that Tony is king as multitasking)...
But at the very last minute when Steve has sent Tony to the hospital and they're prepping for Tony's c-section, and Tony has another flash of fear for the soon-changing future, and grabs Steve for a big ol' smooch. Steve is shocked, but smooches back. Then Tony gets rolled out to the OR.
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queermania · 1 year
i know mpreg is still controversial and i personally feel very neutral about it but i do think crowley should get dean pregnant and i think dean should eventually start lactating about it and i think everybody should be just so miserable regarding the situation:
crowley hates it because he wants a partner in crime, not a responsibility, but he is pretending like it's the greatest thing that's ever happened to him, mostly because he knows how many people it pisses off
dean because he's fucking pregnant (and lactating) and it's not even with cas but he can't say that because it's not like cas would want to have a baby with him anyway
cas because he desperately wants to have a baby with dean and he is seething with jealousy
sam because he is homophobic but only when it comes to his brother's gay shenanigans, and especially when it comes to his brother's gay shenanigans with crowley
rowena because she is way too young and way too hot to have another grandchild and she really doesn't want it to be [aggrieved scottish accent] a winchester
mary is actually pretty excited tbh
anyway, sam does do research and finds a magical abortion that looks promising and dean is so angry that sam even thinks that's an option that he straight up leaves the bunker. they find him a week later in a pillow and blanket nest he made for himself at ikea
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maybe ua🔞looking to do a/b/o with my ftm omega boy!! open to any and all ship dynamics I really enjoy non-con during mating cycles <3 maybe mpreg too if you want, and incest pairings!
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remythologise · 3 months
Wait what Merlin post?? What's the Merlin post???
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biomic · 1 year
another iconic liveman moment is when jou basically went on a date with that robot that was so Shaped and megumi and yusuke responded by following them around from afar looking miserable the whole time like they were his jilted lovers
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meowthefluffy · 2 years
Don't feel bad for being unable to give us art right now Mads!!! Your health and wellbeing is more important!!!
Now, forgive me if you've answered something similar to this before, it has been a minute and I haven't read through much of the asks you answered, but!!
Are there name ideas for the kids and how many do you think they'd end up having? :] (In the Cupid AU ofc)
Also!!! Does Remus perhaps have a love interest? Or is he an aro king? 👀
I-as the author- haven’t quite come up with any kid names yet, but canonically? I think Roman absolutely has a list of possibilities in the back of the binder he uses for all the wedding planning(no one knows it’s their, and feels kinda silly every time he looks at the list but he’s just so excited to build a life with Virgil he can’t help himself but to imagine ya know?
Also! Cupids and reapers are semi immortal/age really slowly, but grow up at the same rate as humans! (So they grow into adults fairly quickly and then slow down once they reach adulthood) so it’s actually pretty customary for cupids to specifically have kids in like batches? So like a set of 2 or 3 at a time but over the course of their lifetime will have 4 or 5 batches of kids! So in theory they really could at the end of it have a dozen or more kids( but they don’t necessarily have to- Logan And Patton only had the two and the twins were more than enough trouble for a lifetime)
it honestly would depend on how Virgil would feel if they got to that point
Oh and Remus is happily single! I’m not sure if he’s aro or not but he feels really fulfilled in his job and social circles so he doesn’t really feel the desire for a relationship- but he’s happy Roman is getting married do he can completely dodge the “ when are you gonna settle down/have grand kids for us?” questions from his parents and extended family lol
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reasoncourt · 5 months
20+ ppl unfollowed me after my last post and i'm laughing fr cause ts was ur line but romgerri mpreg was not???? tom hole was fine?????????? committing to the togan ship didnt phase u? ur the problem it's u
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Fate of the empress ads are so funny like fym u got mpreg in ts
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Expected Rating: Teen
Warnings: Trans Pregnancy, MPreg, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Feels Galore, Emotional Insecurities, Parental Issues, Slow Burn Romance, Friends to Lovers, Kissing & Making Out, Food & Beverages, Drinking & Alcohol, Play Fighting/Food Fighting, Swearing, Remus being Remus (even as a child), Potty Humor, Sexual Innuendos
Characters: trans!Janus Sanders, enby!Remus Sanders, genderfluid!Dr. Emile Picani, Patton Sanders, Logan Sanders, Roman Sanders, Remus Sanders, Virgil Sanders, possibly other characters (original & TS shorts)
Romantic Relationships: Remy Sanders x Dr. Emile Picani x Janus Sanders
Summary: "This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's a little broken, but still good. Yeah, still good." -- Stitch, Lilo & Stitch
Emile Picani has his full with friends-turned-brothers Logan and Patton.
Remy Onassis has their hands full with twins Roman & Remus.
And Janus Albrecht will eventually have her hands full with a baby on the way.
However, either by fate or the strong unifying love of parenthood, they all find a way to erase any and all bad histories that lead them to their respective situations; panting over sadness and loneliness with love and affection.
None of them realize it yet, but the best life awaits them will await them very soon.
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bluegreen28fics · 4 months
Currently writing on like six fics at the same time :D .
4/6 are mpreg or past mpreg (oops😜)
Time for another poll for one of them, which will be the longest one (without giving too much details -> it's loosely based on 50+ TS songs 👀)
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no-gorms · 2 months
In this* scenario, how does the pregnancy confirmation go? Cus you write once with them being a couple and Steve could tell right away by scenting Tony, but if they don’t have that close of a relationship outside of the attempts…
* https://www.tumblr.com/no-gorms/757410903071342592/omega-tony-stark-getting-baby-fever-later-in-life
(following up on this)
Maybe for this purpose since Tony is going all-out, he programs JARVIS to track his bodily symptoms closely, day in and day out for up-to-the-minute hints at changes. Heck, Tony can afford it so maybe he takes a pregnancy test every day, even during the early stages while he and Steve were doing it the insemination way.
Then the moment JARVIS informs Tony, "Congrats sir, there appears to be a bun in the oven", it should definitely be celebratory but Tony's still reeling from the unexpected spectacular sex he's been having with Steve that's he's like, "Maybe he and I should.... one more time..... just to be sure???? 🫥" And JARVIS doesn't even bother replying.
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queermania · 1 year
I think Dean would love being pregnant actually
i both agree and disagree. i think there is a part of dean that wants nothing more than to be pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen making dinner for his family. but like. that's a fantasy and it's a deeply shameful one in his mind. as much as i don't think dean is all that repressed or in denial about his sexuality, there is still very much some gender trouble going on there, even if it mellows out a lot over the years.
and like, ultimately pregnancy is traumatic. it takes over your body and it changes it and i know there are some people who find it beautiful and amazing and life-affirming but like i just don't think a dude who doesn't have a uterus and didn't know this was even an option and who doesn't trust magic to begin with is going to be happy that he got magically knocked up with a demon's baby. that's a lot to take.
i do, however, think there is a scenario in which cas mentions getting dean pregnant as a remote possibility after they've fucked one night and dean initially gets mad that cas never told him it was a risk before and then the more he thinks about it the more he wants it (and he hates himself for it) but eventually gets to a point where he's like "i don't even fucking care anymore just put a baby in me" and cas is like "dean the chances of that happening are almost negligible i don't know why i even brought it up" and dean is like "well let's make them... ligible" and cas squints because that's not a word and dean says "you know what i mean" and cas says "are you saying you want to have a baby with me" and dean says "yes" and then they both cry and have the most boring sex in the world and despite the odds being almost impossible dean gets pregnant because what is destiel about if not defying things and dean is pregnant with cas' baby and he's embarrassed about it at first (post-nut clarity and all) but eventually he just basks in the glow and takes full advantage of the situation like "oh sammy would you mind fetching me a cool cloth for my forehead this heat is unbearable oh and also maybe some [disgusting snack] the baby won't stop kicking thanks"
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astralcat · 8 months
writing an amuro ray x luffy oneshot (post-ts luffy, zeta amuro) and that pairing is just this image to me
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so i came up with an idea: mpreg au, amuro and luffy decide they both want babies, but neither of them can decide on who's gonna carry the baby, so they decide to use the same sperm donor (trafalgar law) and both get pregnant, basically having twins but more complicated
should i post some hcs for the two pregnant men?
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vezimira · 2 years
Hi! Love your art, I regularly threaten to put an Mpreg god in my dnd campaign after seeing your post about that.
I was curious what your second favorite faction in 40K is?
I mean, obviously TS are the best, but whose next on the list?
pretty broad question, probably CSM in general, i also like daemons obviously, eldar and dark angels. don't care much for tau, necrons, tyranids, genestealers or the imperial guard
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bedlund · 3 years
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he was being impregnated here<3
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qwertyfingers · 4 years
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when the morning sickness hits
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