#mpreg is not really my cup of tea but I don’t mind it. I just don’t actively seek fics featuring it.
danifesting · 2 years
Happy WIP Wednesday!
I have a lot more of the mpreg fic written (8k words of it in fact) so I have something to share this week. The set up is Max has some pretty significant morning sickness.
Max actually could use some things but he’s too miserable to go to the store on his own. Bland foods are supposed to be okay, but all he has is bread. “Yes, actually. Would you mind going to the grocery store for me. If not, it is, of course, fine. I can go myself later.”
“I would love to go the grocery store for you,” Daniel says. “Just tell me what you need.”
“Um,” Max says. He pulls the phone away from his ear and puts it on speaker. He pulls up the list of foods. “Chicken broth, rice, bananas, apple sauce, some bread, and maybe some gatorade? Those are all things that are supposed to be easy on my stomach.”
“You got it,” Daniel says. “I’ll go right now.”
“You don’t have to go right now!” Max exclaims. He doesn’t want to be a burden, especially not this early when he can still easily do things for himself.
“Nope,” Daniel says, popping the p. “I am going now and you can’t stop me.”
“Okay,” Max says with a sigh.
“I’ll see you in a little bit, yeah?”
“I’ll see you in a little bit,” Max says.
“Bye, papa,” Daniel says, and the line disconnects.
Max goes studies himself in the mirror for a moment. His face is a little puffier than usual. He pulls up his shirt and studies his stomach. There’s no real sign that he’s pregnant yet. Maybe he’s ever so slightly softer than before, a layer of fat that he didn’t used to have but not enough to say he’s showing, or that anyone could tell he’s pregnant. He sighs and heads to the kitchen to make himself a slice of toast and drink a glass of water.
That’s another problem. Water tastes disgusting now. Max never used to have a problem drinking water but now it’s all he can do to choke it down. Hopefully the gatorade will help.
Two hours later, there’s a knock on the door. Max opens it to reveal Daniel laden with grocery bags.
“Sorry I took so long. I didn’t know what brands of things you wanted me to get so I got you a whole bunch of stuff,” Daniel says, walking into the apartment and crossing to the kitchen. “You go sit. I’ll put everything away.”
Max laughs. “Daniel please let me help you. I, of course, know where everything goes. It’s my kitchen. You do not.”
“Okay, this time you can help,” Daniel says, setting down the grocery bags. “But only so I will know where to put things for next time.”
Max rolls his eyes but begins opening bags. There are three different brands of chicken broth, two kinds of rice, four loaves of bread, and several different flavors of gatorade, and then there’s a bag of things Max didn’t ask for. He pokes around in it and it’s all things with some sort of ginger in them. Ginger tea, ginger candies, ginger ale, ginger tablets, ginger gum. Max has never expressed any taste for ginger in his life to anyone, let alone to Daniel.
“What’s all this?” Max asks, holding up the bag.
“Oh,” Daniel says, blushing. “I looked up some things online and a bunch of these mommy bloggers said ginger was really helpful with their morning sickness and really helped them be able to eat. I don’t know if you’ll like any of it but I figured it can’t hurt, right? Anything to help you eat.” He comes up to Max and cups his lower belly. “Just want what’s best for you and the baby.”
Max is touched. He’s been so miserable the last couple of days, he didn’t even think to look, has mostly just been laying on the couch, watching TV, and running to the bathroom far, far too often.
“Oh,” he says, his own cheeks blooming red to match Daniel’s. “Thank you. This is very kind.”
“Anything to help,” Daniel says with a smile. “I just wanna take good care of you and the baby. Now let’s put these groceries away and I will make you a nice cup of tea.”
They put away the groceries together, Max explaining where everything goes because he knows he won’t win the argument next time Daniel does his grocery shopping, and he assumes there will be a next time, because Daniel, well, he seems very invested in taking care of Max.
Max’s stomach growls just as they’re finishing and he’s overcome with both a wave of hunger and a wave of nausea. It must be loud enough for Daniel to hear because he’s immediately shooing Max out of the kitchen.
“Go sit,” he says. “I’ll make you some tea and toast.”
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😍 What is your favourite fic trope?
👿 What trope do you hate / avoid at all costs?
💏 Who is your OTP?
Thank you anon for the asks! What is my favorite fic trope? I’m a big fan of Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Whump. Modern Life AUs are also up alley, and canon divergence. But I think the first three are my most favorite. There is just something about reading your favorite characters in situations of peril that really captivate me, especially when they’re written in just the right amount of detail.
A trope I hate/avoid at all costs? I am really turned off by Mpreg and A/B/O and PWP. They are just not my cup of tea. I don’t really get Mpreg because there’s nowhere for the baby to be born, unless of course the character is a trans male who kept all their female hardware they got at birth. That particular scenario makes sense to me. And A/B/O, unless they are actual wolves, I don’t want to read it. Even if they are werewolves, I don’t like this aspect being applied because it generally means it will be highly sexual and kinky.  And PWP explains itself, if there’s no reason to have sex scenes, I don’t really want to read it. Who is my OTP? Hmmm, well that really depends on what fandom we’re talking about. There are several OTPs that I have I guess. Here are some that come to mind: - Memori (Murphy and Emori from the 100 although Murphy and Raven could have been endgame too) -Stydia (Stiles and Lydia from Teen Wolf, although Sterek and Isaac/Allison too are good) -Oz and LJ (from Snowpiercer--one of the more...problematic ships I guess. It could have ended on a better note for them) -Bess and Audrey (also from Snowpiercer, and probably one of the few lesbian couples I ship) -Gallavich (Ian and Mickey from Shameless. Love these two characters so much! Knew from the first episode that they had the hots for one another) -Kevin and V (also from Shameless, probably one of the healthiest pairs I’ve come across) -Diego and Lila (from the Umbrella Academy. They’re chaotic and some would say toxic but they got a lot of chemistry) I could say more but I’ll stop there. Thanks again for the ask!
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fireandiceland · 3 years
I don't know how you feel about CanAme so feel free to ignore if it's a NOTP but one fic I really like is "Learning Lessons" posted anonymously. It's also mpreg so ignore if that's a squick. It's pretty sweet with some humor and a little angst mostly just at the beginning. I also really like Resonating Souls, which is also by an anon, and one more chapter is supposed to be posted. It's Romerica with past CanAme, and Canada gives me yandere vibes I like it
I don’t ship CanAme, I’m mostly indifferent about the ship. I see America and Canada as what would be brother’s if they were human (but since they are countries I don’t think human blood relations apply to them). But anyhow, I still read both of your recommendations because I’m curious 😂
‘Learning Lessons’ is such an interesting setting and I felt like I’m pulled into the weirdest dream while reading it. Which says a lot coming from me cause I have had lots of weird dreams at a more and more frequent rate since the pandemic started. And the ending! I’m going insane I’m crying screaming I’m feeling lots of emotions 😭
I agree about the yandere vibes for Canada in ‘Resonating souls’. Btw talking about the title I feel like both fics might’ve been written by the same author? Since both use the wording of America and Canada being two souls trying to get close to each other again? But it might as well be a coincidence.
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rockingrobin69 · 3 years
Various forms of nope
Got a prompt from a lovely anon (and sort of failed it) but it somehow fit in with the recent @drarrymicrofic prompt, sleepy. Here’s 400 words with CW: implied mpreg, or - something.
“I just –“
“But – “
“I swear to all the gods, Harry. If you come an inch closer, I will throttle you.”
His husband looked so tired, it ached somewhere in Harry’s gut, but – “I’m just trying to get to the cupboard, you twat.”
“Oh.” There were black bags under Draco’s eyes, and Harry knew he probably looks about the same. Scorp’s belly has been acting up all week, so. Not much sleep. Not much of anything, really.
“Like you even have to ask.”
They crumbled either side of the kitchen table, each holding a cup like a lifeline. The only sounds in the room came from the baby monitor spell. Scorpius was finally, miraculously, asleep.
“Ron said he might come over later.”
Draco’s thin lips became impossibly even thinner. “Like hell he is.”
“He’s brining Hermione.”
“Oh.” Draco’s eyes closed, perhaps on their own. “All right then, I suppose. But you’re changing diapers all week if your dimwit of a pal wakes him.”
“You’re optimistic if you think he’s still going to be down by then.”
“You know me, just your regular ray of sunshine,” Draco brooded into his drink. Harry loved him even harder.
The kitchen looked lovely in the soft morning light, all warm and cozy and homey, like he always dreamed of having. He didn’t really care at the moment, though. He was too busy grinning at the tired face in front of him. “You look like absolute shite.”
“Thanks ever so much. I love feeding our son too.”
Something bubbled on his lips, and his frazzled mind took a moment to translate it into laughter. “You really are my sunshine.”
“You’re a prat.”
Either his chest was continuously shrinking, or his love was somehow growing, which felt impossible. On the other side of the table Draco yawned, huge into his mug. “I think I’m going to –“
“Yes.” Harry resisted the temptation to grab his free hand. “Yes, you should.”
“If he wakes up –“
“I’ll kill everyone in the vicinity, then you, then me.”
“Perfect.” Draco looked concerned for a moment.
“I’ll give him the bottle you’ve shown me three times already last night. It’s all good, honey. Go to sleep.”
“I – yes.” But he was too busy melting on the table instead.
“Do you need a hand getting up?”
“Come near me and you’re a dead man.”
“All right.” He waited a minute. “So there’s no chance for – “
“But –“
“You don’t even know what I’m going to –“
“Harry?” Draco looked up with the sweetest smile. “My love. My darling. Light of my life. No.”
His chest was definitely getting too small, but he wasn’t particularly worried.  
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kelchase · 3 years
RNM Create 2021 | Day 2:  AU
I have been thinking about posting a rec list since June but, for some reason, I felt overwhelmed every time I wanted to sit down to put one together.  A friend of mine finally convinced me to submit one for @roswellnewmexicocreate so here I am.  Doing the thing. (Hopefully correctly - I’ve never created a rec list or participated in an event 😂 - please be kind) I don’t know that I will participate any other days but I do love to escape into a good AU so I think this was the right day to contribute.  If you haven’t checked out any of these stories I hope you will or revisit them if you haven’t read them in awhile.  Happy reading! :)
Send Me Home by @litwitlady (69,108 - completed)
Michael Guerin is the star first baseman for the Atlanta Braves. Alex Manes is a Nashville superstar. They meet at an after-game concert one cool September night, instantly connecting and unable to stay apart from one another. As Michael battles loneliness and a desire to embrace his various identities, he and Alex grow closer despite the many obstacles standing in their way.
Why I love it:  
1.  Aliens...but make it baseball. 😂  With that being said, the baseball is really secondary in this story. 
2. Honestly, Michael’s character growth throughout this story - *chef’s kiss*.  At the beginning of the story he thinks he is so alone with his secret & that he can’t trust anyone with it.  He eventually trusts his secret to Alex and Danny (aka one of the most wonderful OCs to ever exist) and they accept him for who he is.  Between Alex, and Danny and his family, he finds the home and family that he always longed for, realizing he is not as alone as he originally thought.  I hope we will eventually get to see this kind of love and support on the actual show.
3. You never doubt Michael and Alex’s love/attraction for each other.  Michael was all in right away to the point of making me giggle in delight as I followed along. 
4. The smut is 🔥 & I’ll leave it at that. 😉
Hold Onto This Lullaby by southern_stars
After moving in with Alex, Michael starts to adopt some of his habits.
Why I love it:  I often think while watching RNM “just let Malex be happy!”  This story delivers the every day domestic fluff that I dream of.
Heartbeat series by @adiwriting (133,057 - WIP)
During the lost decade, Alex gets Michael pregnant and Michael doesn't see or hear from him again for the next four and a half years. When Alex comes back to town, he discovers he has a daughter with Michael and they all have to figure out how to be a family.
Why I love it:
1.  I’ll be very upfront with you.  Mpreg is not my thing - no disrespect to anyone who enjoys it; it’s just not my usual cup of tea.  I truly almost did not read this story because of it and, let me tell you, my life would be lacking if I had not decided to give it a chance.  I will also mention that you see very little of Michael’s pregnancy in this series thus far.  I would say that there are less than a handful of flashback stories where you get a glimpse.
2. NOVA MAE.  @adiwriting has dreamed up the most wonderful little mixture of Michael and Alex.  She is smart and strong and sassy and I just love that Michael and his support system cultivated these characteristics in this vibrant little 4 year old.  I honestly just want to be Nova Mae when I grow up.
3. The fatherhood.  It melts me.  I have this secret notion of Isobel being a surrogate for Michael & Alex on the show.  I know that it is wishful thinking & highly doubt it will ever come to fruition so I’m happy to live in the world of Nova Mae and pretend. I also enjoy seeing the growth of Alex & Michael coming back together in their relationship while navigating fatherhood & parenting.
See Something You Like? by @prouvaireafterdark (14067 - completed)
Monday afternoons at Pandora's Box are the best. They’re notoriously slow so Michael gets to work his shift alone, which gives him ample time to grade the engineering assignments he procrastinated on all weekend while he sits behind the counter.
It’s a Monday afternoon, in fact, about a year and a half later, when Michael hears the bell above the door chime softly to announce the arrival of a customer who would change his life forever.
The Malex Sex Shop AU™️
Why I love it:  Sometimes you just need some filthy smut in your life and this story delivers. 🔥 Author does a great job with her tags if you want to see if it’s something that would float your boat. 😉
*Special mention: 
My Crown is in My Heart series by @litwitlady
This was an arranged marriage fic between Michael & Alex that was a work in progress. I was unable to track it down on AO3 so I assume the author has since removed it but I still think about this story so often that I had to mention it.  I hope she doesn’t mind.
Why I loved it:
1. All I want from RNM is some alien soulmate bullshit & I think this story was headed in that direction.
2. I rarely care about political side stories in my fic but I was honestly intrigued by the world that was being built around the truce between humans and the alien race.  
3.  If I’m recalling correctly, Michael was an alien king (albeit somewhat reluctantly) & I enjoy anytime that Michael gets to be the focal point over Max.
@litwitlady should you ever decide to revisit this universe, you will have at least one very loyal reader. Also, if I totally missed the story on AO3, please feel free to reach out & I will edit my post.
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mun questions.
i’ve gotten some ooc questions lately, so i decided to just answer them all together in one post!
Does this blog do MAs?
I’d be open to it, sure! Whether or not I accept depends on my mood though, but I like the idea of having MAs be kind of mini-events that we can have in between the major ones! I will draw the line at any sexual MAs though.
If I’m in the mood to do an MA, I’ll definitely put out a call for it!
How mun feel about mpreg?
It’s not my cup of tea, sorry!
Do you do rps?
I used to, but I don’t anymore. I find running an ask blog to be less stressful, funnily enough ^^
Pass the Happy! Reply with 5 things that make you happy and spread that happiness by sending this to 10 people! ❤
- New books - Crafting Cosplays (god i miss cons) - Garrus Vakarian - Whump and/or Hurt/Comfort fics - My cat
Thank you, anon~!
So Edith is Nyo England, if I understood correctly. Has Gilbert met any other of the nyotalias ? What is his relationship with them if yes?
Do you mind me asking what exactly Arthur and Edith personify, if there are two of them?
I think I can answer both of these questions in one go! So in my canon, the nyotalias don’t exist in the same way as they do in regular canon, in a sense that not every nation has a direct female counterpart. And I also have to mention that Edith is my sister’s OC and the way Arthur is characterized is also based on her headcanons!
Edith and Arthur technically represent two different things: Arthur is England proper and Edith used to represent East Anglia back in the days when the Isles were stilled ruled by the Heptarchy. Nowadays, they both officially go under the name ‘British Empire’ for simplicity’s sake.
There’s a lot more that goes on with that but the only thing you need to know is that they are a messy pair of siblings who get along only on a professional level because there are wounds that run deep there. And that while Arthur considers himself to be the ‘official’ rep (as in the one that handles all the official political / military functions because he’s the man), Edith is really the one who pulls strings from the background, sets up negotiations, responds to dignitaries, etc. One of the first pieces of advice Reiner gave to Gilbert as a new kingdom is that if he wanted to get something done right away, he should write directly to Edith.
Reiner and Edith are also pretty chill with each other and mutually bond over memories of being wild children before the church came along.
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hazbincalifornia · 3 years
Soiled Tea
Chapter 23: Blitzo gets home and contemplates things.
Warnings: As always, mpreg, and brief mentions of underage drinking. Generally shitty thoughts about babies.
Likes, replies, and reblogs are all appreciated, both here and on ao3!
Ao3 link
“Blitz.” There was a pounding on his door, and it took a few seconds to process that it was Loona. “You’ve been in there for like three hours. The fuck happened?”
“Piss off!” Blitzo called back, scrolling mindlessly down Voxtagram with only a pause to scrub at his sore eyes. The phone buzzed with another text from Stolas, and he swiped it up without looking like the last twelve. A growl rumbled from behind at the door, and the scratch of Loona’s claws dragged down the wood.
“Fine, don’t tell me! It’s not like I care either way, I just want to know if you’re going to start bitching at me over whatever it is!” Loona’s weight creaked the floorboards as she padded away from the door, mere moments before Blitzo’s stomach growled.
Oh. Right. He hadn’t eaten properly in days, and the little fucker was going to be feeling that.
...It’d be easier to starve the bastard if it wouldn’t hurt him too. He only realized that his fingers had dug into his stomach when the red glow fluttered in and out, and his teeth gritted as he pushed himself off the bed, the creak reminding him how badly he needed a new mattress and frame. Stolas sleeping on it the other day couldn’t have helped, and it was going to collapse under him one of these days. There was probably some kind of metaphor in there he didn’t feel like puzzling through at the moment.
Moping later. Food now. He was pretty sure they’d stocked up a few days ago, so unless Loona had eaten everything since he’d been out, he could make some cup noodles and curl back up on the bed in peace. Loona was draped over the couch with screams and gorey splatters echoing from the TV when he exited his room, and she raised an eyebrow at seeing him mere moments after he’d told her to piss off. Blitzo sighed.
“Look, I just want to bury my sorrow in some cheap-ass junk right now, got it?”
She pointed to the freezer. “Try the strawberry scoop.”
“Thanks, dear.” First he needed to get the noodles, though. Blitzo opened the cabinet, reaching for the cups before brushing against a small bag. Why did he have a bag in the…?
His fingers froze, touching the edge of the packet- it was Stolas’s tea from their café meeting, tied with a pretty little bow. He’d mostly been over the nausea hump by the time he’d gotten it so it had been stuffed in the back of the cabinet, and right now, it was leaned against a partially-opened hot chocolate packet that must have been years old. It made the wood smell both moldy and chocolatey-fresh. Over the last few weeks, the powder had seeped into the mix of the tea- and probably ruined it too. There was an ant curled up in front of the fancy little bag which was almost certainly dead, flat on its back with legs curled heavenward.
The thing was moving again, but when he smacked the side of his stomach, it turned over a little with a shudder and stopped. Progress.
His hands were shaking by the time he pulled the noodles out from next to the tea (and next to the hot chocolate, and some expired crackers, and the little baggie of rat poison he’d borrowed from Millie and Moxxie’s closet) and began boiling the water to prepare them the same way he’d done hundreds of times before. No thinking required. The TV droned on in the living room, but the volume was low and he could still hear the water dripping from the leak over the fridge and his own heartbeat.
Casually, he leaned back against the countertop as he waited for the water to soak in, then realized that angle made the bump stick out even more, and also that he’d never actually taken off Stolas’s shirt. The knot in the back was thick and hard on his back, and it pressed on his protruding vertebrae against the granite. He tapped the end of his tail next to a stray protein bar wrapper on the countertop before sweeping it towards the trash. It missed, fluttering down to the dirty floor like a dying moth. Blitzo scooped up the cup, stabbing the top with a fork before bringing it back to his room and turning on a video of some idiot screaming at video games to drown out whatever thoughts couldn't be suppressed otherwise.
Loona didn’t bother him for the rest of the night, but he could hear her slam the fridge’s door shut and pop open a can of something around ten. He peeled off the shirt and went to bed.
An hour after going to bed, he realized that the sex-sweat stuck to his skin was itchy, sticky, and smelled like shit. He managed to last approximately fifteen more minutes before dragging himself off the bed and crawling into the shower, flipping on the water and twisting it to scalding. He didn’t bother to scrub anything down, simply letting the pounding water pelt into his body until the caked sweat slid off like a bug shedding its skin.
Loona was still in the living room, playing some kind of racing game. They made eye contact for a few seconds and she sighed, chucking him a chocolate bar that she’d fished out of the cushions at some point during the night when he’d been in his room.
Sure, she couldn’t actually eat it herself anyway, but the gesture was nice, even though his teeth felt kind of fuzzy when he flopped back on the bed again after pulling on a worn-out band tee that had become a crop top at some point even before the pregnancy. 
The kid was moving. Of course they were. It wasn’t like he could ask for sleep or for them to allow him to pretend they didn’t exist for a few hours, could he? They were just a lump of stupid meat, they didn't know any better than being an annoying pest that their daddy couldn't stand. He screamed into the pillow again. It didn’t help.
Maybe he could join the circus again. He had new, better jokes now. Like his life. (That one would have gotten a laugh, or at least it would have with a crowd that wasn’t drunk off its ass- or maybe that would have been the exact audience for it. Kids were never drunk enough, and the ones whose parents shoved bottles at them to get them to shut up just puked everywhere. Their taste buds weren't developed enough yet, it just tasted like piss half the time before you got used to it. He still remembered the smell of the cheesy chips incident.)
Had Stolas planned this all along? He’d sure as fuck seemed to think that Blitzo had already known what the deal was, and maybe he’d wondered a little, but come on, the guy had been so excited, anybody would have figured that he wanted to be the one to raise it. Babies were (literally) shitty little leeches on the lives of whoever was unlucky enough to pop them out, but Stolas had been so pumped for another kid, obviously he’d wanted to raise it. This was entirely his fault. This was entirely his fault. Blitzo was a smart guy, he'd find some way to get out of this. He'd made it this far, hadn't he?
Could he get out of this? He tried to remember exactly how the deal had been phrased, but then realized that Stolas would probably yank the book back if he did manage to find some way to kill the thing without offing himself. Well, shit. That’d suck, and he’d probably lose Moxxie and Millie in the bargain, and then him and Loona would get chucked out on the concrete and have to forage for scraps until they managed to mug some particularly wealthy sinner. Could you pass on syphilis through bites? Loonie’d probably know. It was something to keep in mind as a potential threat.
Did orphanages do speed dial? No, Stolas would find it somehow. He probably had some kind of magic tracking device for occasions like this.
God damn he needed a better mattress. He could still feel the indent where Stolas had been if he rolled over just right, and he smacked at it until it felt like the rest of the bed.
It didn’t actually help that much, but at least when one spot got hot, he could roll over a little to the cooler half without sinking in.
What would it even look like? Would it be kind of cute or some mutant monstrosity? Both its dads were hot, so it would have to have something going for it if it wasn’t just some horrible moaning mess of feathers and patchy skin.
He hadn’t really minded the thought of being, like, an uncle or some shit. There for the fun parts, popping in like twice a month to jingle keys above its face and teach it to play paintball. If Barbie had squeezed something out after fucking around when they were still a duo act he could have dealt with that as long as they didn’t have to sleep in the same room- he didn’t really mind kids that much in small doses. They could be fun little chaotic monsters, even though they were judgmental as shit and smelled fear.
With this, though, he couldn’t just hand it back when he got bored, and he always, always got bored or scared or- fuck, not thinking about that.
He would try scrolling Voxtagram again, but he came across an ad for maternity wear before trying to go to sleep the first time and nearly chucked the phone. 
The only thing that kept him from rolling off the bed and grabbing a hard drink to knock him out, baby be damned, was the fact that he’d found a spot that almost was comfortable in the sheets now soaked with sweat again. Unfortunately, the clock said it was 5:13 AM.
The alarm blared directly in Blitzo’s ear and he whapped it with a pillow, slamming it off the bedside table and into the floor. It was definitely broken now from the horrid cracking noise, and he groaned, scrubbing at his eyes. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck."
“Morning, sleeping ugly,” Loona said as she gargled mouthwash in the sink. She had the bags under her eyes that probably matched his and said she’d been drinking more than usual last night. Smart kid. He’d picked one that he could be a parent to without changing diapers for a reason- so he could be supportive to an actual person and not just a screaming little meat-lump that couldn’t even drink or smoke yet. Maybe Stolas could make it magically grow up so he wouldn't have to deal with that shit? “You gonna finally tell me what the fuck happened? You look like you watched the apartment blow up and you smell even worse.”
“Come on, honey, I showered-” Blitzo cleared his throat. To be fair, sex-stink didn't come off that easily when you were going at it for days, and Loona had always had a real sensitive nose. “Daddy’s maaaaaybe got a little tiny problem,” he muttered, and she raised an eyebrow.
“And that problem is? Usually, you’ll be upfront about why you’re being a whiny-“
“Apparently,” he started, and his tone made Loona’s mouth snap shut, “Stolas thought I was going to be the one actually raising the little bastard.”
“What the fuck? You two didn’t clear this up months ago?” Her claws dug into the counter as one eye twitched, and a bit of mouthwash foam dripped off her chin.
“I didn’t think we’d have to! He wanted the thing, he’d take it, that made sense!” He dragged a hand down his face, and Loona leaned back against the sink, crossing her arms. The foam hit her top, soaking in next to the left tit.
“So get rid of it.”
“I can’t, he enchanted my guts.” Blitzo snatched a butter knife smeared with long-dried jam off the table and aimed it at his stomach- moments before it touched the skin, red flashed. His hand shot to the side, preventing anymore more than a slight scratch. “I don’t even want to know what’d happen if I tried to take a pill or something and puked it up. Explode, probably.”
Loona sighed. “Well, this is fuckin’ peachy.” She crossed the kitchen, grabbing some toast that popped up, pressing more down and dropping the plain bread with a pad of butter on the side on a plate in front of him. “Toss it at an orphanage.”
“It’s gonna be a freak, it’d probably just get mauled. Imp kids are vicious, especially orphans, they’ve all gotta fight for table scraps.”
“Why would you care?” Loona shifted a little on her seat. “You get rid of it either way.”
“Stolas’d kill me.”
“He likes your dick too much, he wouldn’t. I’m not changing diapers. Why can’t he take it again?”
“He thought his wife would shank the fucker. Considering she tried to stab me, it’s probably not that far off. I’ll find some way to-” he yawned. “To pawn it off or something. Maybe we find somebody that likes exotic pets.” His head swam with visions of a shiny, gilded cage containing a little feathered imp that wore sequins and hissed at anything that got too close. He stabbed at the butter. “I don’t want this either, alright?”
“But you went along with having it anyway, and with me, you wanted-” She cut herself off and drummed her fingers against her bicep. “This is your fuck-up, I’m just saying don’t drag me into it.”
“Very reassuring, thank you,” Blitzo muttered, sarcasm thick enough to gore like it was a pig. "We have any coffee?"
"I finished it the other night. We can go to that place on Sixth before work." Loona snatched her own toast as it popped up too quickly to actually have toasted any and stuffed it in her mouth plain, tearing off a bite and chewing in a way that was reminiscent of thoughtful. “I don’t think he’d be nice enough to let you die when it pops out, and you screw up all the time and haven’t completely ruined your life yet. You can figure shit out from there. Maybe we can sell them on the black market and move out of this fucking dump, or you can flutter your eyelashes and get him to change his mind. Worst comes to worst, it's sharing your room.”
“Thanks, Loonie,” Blitzo mumbled around a mouthful of bread. “Always know how to cheer me up.”
The phone buzzed, and he was about to ignore it again until he saw that it was from Millie.
“Still at Stolas’s or coming in to work today Blitz? Moxx and I miss you :)’
Blitzo wiped crumbs on his pants and groaned before typing back.
‘yeh im coimin back’
He added extra jam to the bread before shoving the rest in his mouth, and the kid kicked his bladder hard enough that he almost pissed himself right at the table.
Today was gonna be fuckin’ peachy.
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I feel bad asking because I feel like you're probably tired of everyone being suddenly obsessed with your mpreg fic, but Imma try anyway: is there any chance you'd consider writing a little pregnant sex scene, with Sooga just lusting/obsessing over Kohga's giant tummy? I man, Sooga's breeding kink has got to be beyond satisfied now. With a side order of him talking to the babies and creeping Kohga out, because that image is, frankly, hilarious? XD
No no! Ask away for ANY of my fics! Seriously. Stroke my ego. Pls.
(no cap im amazed that out of ALL my fics, the one with preggy Kohga is the one people liked the most. Ya'll fucked. I love it)
"Move move move-"
Sooga didn't mean to be so rude, but in this crowded hallway, he had to be. Master Kohga was awaiting his dessert, and Sooga was running late (some issue with the ice that he SWORE he took care of earlier). Kohga had been greatly affected by the new pregnancy, mainly in temperament. He was bossier, louder, angrier than he had ever been. And Sooga loved waiting upon him. He made his way to his room, carefully opening the door with his tray in his hands. Kohga sat there, nude, save for his silk robe, and looking bigger than ever. He had his arms folded across his chest, clearly not happy.
"You took. SO long, Sooga."
"I apologize, there was a situation with the ice. But, it's here now. Please, enjoy."
Kohga accepted it from him, before turning the bowl over in his hands. If he accepted it, he’d eat it. If he didn’t, well. Sooga would feel his fury. He breathed a sigh of relief once Kohga started to tuck in, seeming to no longer be quite so angry. Sooga put his cup of tea next to him on the night stand. He made it extra hot, so it’d be just warm enough for him to properly enjoy it. Kohga stuffed his mouth full of his dessert, before sighing comfortably. Good, that was a sound that meant he wouldn’t get hit.
“Yes, Master Kohga?”
“You keep staring.”
“I...apologize. You being pregnant is still so jarring to me. You...look exactly how I pictured you.”
“Pfft. Simp.”
He chuckled, finishing off his ice cream, and handing the bowl to Sooga. Sooga took the bowl from him, and put it on the tray, right next to the tea. He was about to hand him the drink, before stopping.
“Master Kohga? You look sore. Would you like a massage?”
Kohga thought it over, before shrugging, putting his arms behind his head.
“Yeah. I’d like that actually. Dealing with this is hell.”
“I’m so sorry, my Master. Please, allow me to ease your poor aches.”
Sooga oiled up his hands, before crawling into bed. Due to his rather obvious belly, Sooga had to massage his hands, legs, and shoulders, rather than having him lay down on his back. Not that he minded. He liked seeing Master Kohga like this. Leaned back against his bed, surrounded by sheets and pillows, just letting himself be adored. Sooga's hands wandered from his shoulders, down to his hands. He held onto one of his hands, lightly massaging his fingers in his hands. It felt good, seeing his fiery husband all relaxed, all settled, all...incredible, really.
“About time you finally put some damn work in, Sooga. I was getting SO pissed after my video call with Mipha.”
“Did she say something rude?”
“No, she was hanging out with Revali, and HE called me a lazy ass. I told him ‘I made a lung, the fuck did YOU do today?’. Guy is so stuck up.”
“Crass as he may be, he has talents to back him up, Master Kohga. But of course, you’re in the right.”
“COURSE I’m in the-oh, that’s the spot~”
Sooga chuckled. His poor Master Kohga needed his knuckles cracked occasionally, and he could tell it made him feel SO much better.
“You needed that, poor thing.”
“Ugh, I really did. Now what do YOU need?”
“You’re gawking. You want something. I’m in a better mood, so what do you want?”
He loved how well Kohga knew him. He leaned up to him, lightly pushing his mask to the side. He pressed his lips right against his, and felt his body shiver once Kohga’s fingers lightly fumbled with his ears. He pulled away, trying not to show how excited he was from just a simple kiss.
“You. I want you. If I may be so humbled.”
“Can we even DO that?”
“We can, I asked Mipha.”
Kohga snorted, lightly shaking his head.
“Course YOU’D ask, pervert. Alright, alright. Come on then, ravage me~”
Oh this image would be burned into his mind for the rest of his life. The sight of a nude, plump Kohga, arms spread out to embrace him, and a smirk at his lips. Was he a lucky man or what?
“With pleasure, my Master.”
He wrapped his arms around him, embracing him as he smothered his lips in his. He kept going for kiss after kiss, even while he pulled his already hard cock out. He had been aroused since he walked in, and suffice to say, he was plenty ready. He kept himself snuggled between Master Kohga’s legs, as he slowly pushed himself in. He was usually more romantic, but he couldn’t go through the slow process of prepping him, not today. Instead, he kept his hands on his hips, pulling and pushing him in rhythm to his own movements.
“Hoo, look at you today. It’s crazy, I can boss you around all day, and you can still get super hard for me at the end of the day.”
Sooga nodded, letting Kohga just sit there and watch. Kohga didn’t want to do any work aside from checking out Sooga’s frame, and Sooga didn’t mind at all.
“Always. I love it when you boss me around. It means you have a use of me. Means there’s a task for me, and only me. And I’d do anything for you.”
Sooga whined as he forced himself to stop moving. His cock was already throbbing inside of him, and every fiber of his being hated not making love to him. 
“D-did I say something wrong?”
“No. You just whine when I make you stop, and it’s cute. Now, pump my cock for me. I’d do it, buuut well. You’re doing it for me.”
Sooga nodded, obeying him as he stroked his cock, nice and fast, just how he liked it. Kohga chuckled, running his fingers through his hair as he sat there, and enjoyed it. He looked right up at Sooga the whole time, letting him suffer. But Sooga didn’t mind. He liked knowing he was pleasing him. Pleasing not only his love, but the bearer of his children. Then Kohga snapped his fingers, and Sooga finally continued, thrusting himself into his ass while he continued to pump his cock.
“You’re so beautiful, Master Kohga. So precious to me.”
He buried his face in his neck, kissing at his bare, warm skin. His lips roamed from his neck, right down to his belly. Something about kissing them as he did...it did something to him. Kohga cried out as Sooga wasn’t being so gentle as he was a second ago, mainly in surprise.
“Geez Sooga, easy boy, easy!”
Kohga tried to hide his arousal in laughter, but Sooga knew better. The way he started to grumble, the way his grip on his body turned desperate.
“I can’t. I really can’t. Look at you. So beautiful, so full of life.”
“Oh. Oh god dammit this was a pregnancy kink-”
Sooga silenced his lips with a kiss, forcing his moans into his lips. Once he parted, Kohga rolled his eyes.
“You wanna fuck me because I’m pregnant. God dammit, Sooga, I thought you were gonna be fucking normal for once.”
“But you’re SO lovely! Look at you! You’re EVERYTHING I wanted! Not to mention ever since your pregnancy, you’ve been SO full of hormones. I can sense them. I can feel them. You’re so needy and demanding, I adore fulfilling every single need of yours. Be it food, massages, or this. I could make love to you for hours if you let me.”
Kohga wanted to tell him off, but god dammit how can you talk shit when you were getting a lovesick stud fucking you up the ass. He bit onto his knuckle, already feeling like he was leaking precum all over Sooga’s poor hand.
“Whatever, Sooga. Just finish me off, you know I get pissed when I don’t finish.”
“So angry~....do you think they’ll be angry too? How adorable, three fussy little ones!”
Sooga was somehow able to keep up the pace while he leaned down to kiss at his tummy.
“Are you three going to be a problem, just like your father? Are you going to be this cute? Are you going to be as cute as he is? I know the answer to the last one! Yes I do!”
Kohga smacked his face with his palm, sighing. God dammit, why did he have to make it weird when he was getting a full throbbing cock right up the ass.
“Sooga, I do NOT want to nut while you’re talking to three fucking fetusus.”
“But they’re precious! I love them! I love YOU! I care about nothing but the four of you!”
Kohga wanted to tell him to shut up, but Sooga let go of his hip, and smacked his ass. Not a weak smack either. A nice, hard smack that you knew was just going to leave a mark. It was just hard enough for Kohga to cum, getting his fluids all over Sooga’s hand. And Sooga, totally obsessed with his pregnant man, licked it all off his hand, as if it was fresh honey. Kohga sat there, heating up like a tea kettle, as Sooga sat there, awaiting further orders. Kohga nodded towards him.
“Alright, alright. You did good. You wanna finish inside?”
“...can I finish...outside?”
“Where are you-”
Kohga didn’t even know why he asked. He scoffed, and motioned with his hand for him to carry on. Sooga pulled out, and, making sure he didn’t put weight on Kohga, started to pump his cock. It was a slow, tedious stroking that Kohga had no idea how he got off to.
“You’re so full of beautiful life. Three CHILDREN. Oh fuck what if they’re all big, strong boys?”
Kohga mumbled some kind of insult, before he shook his head. Sooga’s ‘dad’ fetish was so fucking weird, he didn’t get it. But hey, he liked sounding and Sooga didn’t, they were both kinda fucking weird. So, might as well indulge him.
“Boys, girls, doesn’t matter does it? Because they’re OUR kids, and our family, and-”
Sooga wouldn’t even let him finish his sentence. He came with a swear, and came on his stomach. A big load at that, all over his stomach. Even then, Sooga wasn’t happy with just that, smearing the mess around with his cock. Kohga rolled his eyes, letting him have a moment to do his weird thing. After a second though, he snapped his fingers, getting his attention.
“You done?”
“I...yes. For the most part.”
“Good, I want a bath.”
“...can we stay for a minute?”
“Fucks sake-you can help me wash this off.”
Sooga leaned down to kiss his lips, grinning from ear to ear.
“I love you all.”
“God you’re an idiot. Hurry up with the bath, I want extra bubbles.”
“Right away.”
Sooga kissed his stomach once more, before quickly jumping out of bed and into the bath. Kohga sighed, looking at his stomach.
“You guys make him so happy, it’s stupid. You better not steal my spotlight, any of you.”
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wangxianfics · 4 years
ahhhh hello... I just read your latest rec and, now I don’t typically read mpreg (basically never), but now I am intrigued. Could you rec maybe some that are good and not cringy or weird... just like ones that someone first getting into the troupe could enjoy. Thank you and I love your blog and all you do for us wangxian fans😆
no worries, nonny, we’ve got you covered 😉!
Non A/B/O mpreg:
❤️ They Have a Son by mrsronweasley (80K, Explicit)
Part 1.: Wei Wuxian downs the cup of tea. "All right. Now, I'm fine." He isn't, though. The tea is a mild kind, the sort that Lan Zhan prefers before bed, but even so it makes his taste buds revolt. It's only through sheer force of will that he doesn't vomit a second time.
Fucking hell, who cursed him, and how soon can he kill them?
Wei Wuxian finds himself in a whole new situation.
Part 2: Nearly three years on, Heyun's presence in their lives, his very existence, brings to mind how the chaos of the world can rearrange itself into the smallest of miracles.
Lan Wangji thought he knew what love was with Wei Ying. With Xichen, with his mother. He had no idea there was a different love altogether in the world.
This story belongs to Lan Wangji.
(They have two sons and a daughter. Believe us when we say this whole series is absolutely gold!)
❤️ The Duet of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian by SilverStark (18+K, Teen)
(Post-Canon, Mpreg, Not A/B/O, Magical Unplanned Pregnancy, Wen Qing Lives, Lan Bros, Yunmeng Bros Reconcilliation)
“Lan Zhan, have you considered?…Bunnies like to burrow in the ground often, and they have lots of babies. Maybe we’re doing it wrong.”
Lan Wangji considered that, lips pursed and eyes slightly narrowed. “No, that cannot be. You told me you gave birth to A-Yuan. Was I not right to trust you?”
(Wen Qing lives in this fic and it has one of the best Yunmeng Shuangjie reconcilliation I’ve read in this fandom. All in all, this is a such a beautiful read!)
Blooming in white by Lucky_Moony (36K, WIP - 15/16, Teen)
(Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives, Post Chapter 71, Matchmaker!NHS, Getting Together, Hidden Pregnancy, Not A/B/O)
What if Wei Wuxian really had given birth to A-Yuan?
Holding the world in my hands by Lucky_Moony (64K, Teen)
(Post Canon, Mpreg, Not A/B/O, Domestic Bliss, Family Feels, PDA, SangCheng, BFFs WWX & NHS)
The Yiling Patriarch has often claimed that if he could bear a little Master Lan for his husband, he would do so. When the impossible finally happens, Wei Wuxian and his husband are over the moon as they get ready for the arrival of their little one.
When Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng's secret love affair is exposed in the most dramatic way, Jiang Cheng starts to question his feelings for his longtime friend. Could he be in love with the Headshaker? If so, will Nie Huaisang ever agree to take him back after he messed up so royally?
Meanwhile, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi are planning to unite their lives, but wedding planning turns out to be way more complicated than they thought it would be at first...
ShuangXiu by panda_desu (52K, Mature)
(Post-Canon, Crossover, Mpreg, Pregnant Sex, Domestic Fluff)
Lan XiChen knows he must sound so stupid right now. He clears his throat. "I am sure this is something to expect from a married couple, but Wangji, I have to ask, how?"
Lan WangJi looks impassively at Lan XiChen.
(This one uses some elements from Nirvana in Fire but you wouldn’t even notice it in the plot.)
Unexpected by mondengel (1K, Teen)
(Post-Canon, Mpreg, Humor)
Wei WuXian would like to say the first thought that came to him after the shock was joy.
The Worst Man for the Job by mondengel (1+K, Teen)
(Post-Canon, Humor, Mpreg, Protective!Jin Ling, POV Jin Ling)
Lan Qiren pens the announcement for the rest of the cultivation world.
incense burner by wearing_tearing (2K, Explicit)
(Post-Canon, Incense Burner, Pregnant Sex, Nipple Play, Self-Lubrication, Coming Untouched, Breeding Kink)
Lan Wangji takes in a sharp breath and snaps his mouth shut. Surprise rushes through his entire body, sending sparkles through his spine and down the tips of his fingers. He stares at his husband, taking in his loose hair falling down his shoulders, his flushed cheeks and bright smile, his hands gently cradling the round bump of his belly.
His very pregnant belly.
The incense burner has been a wedding gift they have used often, and it always makes their wildest fantasies come true—if only for the duration of a dream.
can hear it callin me the way it used to do by anonymous (2K, Explicit)
(Post-Canon, Smut With Feelings, Pregnancy Kink, Fantasy)
Wei Ying sees something at the market he can't have.
❤️ nature’s blessing by andreanna (15K, Explicit, Series)
(Post-Canon, Mpreg, POV Outsider, POV LWJ, POV Outsider, Breedking Kink, Hurt & Comfort, 5+1)
When Wei Wuxian reflects, he thinks he can pinpoint the moment that having a child of his own body became a want, an echoing ache, deep in his stomach.
Lan Sizhui is perfection and his son in totality. But a more instinctual and biological part of him still yearns. What wouldn’t he give to have and hold a blend of himself and Lan Wangji: a child with golden eyes and a flashing smile.
❤️ walk my days on a wire by cicer (28K, Explicit)
(Modern AU, Business Rivals, Fuckbuddies, Smut With Feelings, Mutual Pining, Praise Kink, Light BDSM, Pregnancy Kink, Intersex!LWJ, Lingerie, Smut Fest)
To the rest of the tech industry, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are former classmates and bitter rivals. But the truth is quite different. During their monthly meet-ups at discreet hotels, they enjoy a very different kind of relationship.
One evening, a fantasy spins out of control, forcing them to confront the truth: it's not just sex anymore. They both want something deeper, something serious.
(In which they role-play "let's make a baby".)
A/B/O (mpreg)
my soul brought to life you by threerings (31K, Explicit)
(Canon Divergence, A/B/O, Alpha!LWJ, New Omega/WWX, Marathon Sex)
When Mo Xuanyu brought Wei Wuxian back to life in his own body, he not only gave him a revenge quest, he also gave him all the problems that come with being an omega. An alpha in his past life, Wei Wuxian does NOT know what he's doing, so he ignores the issue. Until he can't.
“There is an alternative,” said Lan Xichen, cutting into his ruminations.
“What?” he asked, surprised and suddenly hopeful. Was there some way to prevent this heat after all? Some herb or cultivation technique?
“You could have a partner,” he said, dashing Wei Wuxian’s sudden hopes. “An alpha.”
 Wei Wuxian huffed a laugh. “Sure, but where will you find one of those who’s willing to sleep with the Yiling Patriarch?” Lan Xichen remained silent and impassive for a moment, as if evaluating him. He inhaled and then let out a large breath.
“Wangji has volunteered.”
-- Available in podfic form here.
the autumn leaf (falls not far from the tree) by sushicorps (Inclinant) (38K, WIP 11/?, Explicit)
(Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives, A/B/O, Alpha!WWX, Omega!LWJ, Kid Fic, Mutual Pining, Humor, Switching)
As he takes the hand of the young Lan disciple, something quietly slots into place deep in the corner of his heart. Their bond, Wei Wuxian realises with a slowly growing clarity.
The bond between a parent and their child.
But he doesn't have a child. He does not even have a mate.
89 notes · View notes
our-smooty · 4 years
Flowerbeds and Fertile Soil: Chapter 14
Fandom: Good Omens
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens, )Anathema Device/Newton Pulsifer
Tags:  Kidfic, Mpreg kind of, they can choose to present however so idk, Crowley Has A Vulva (Good Omens), Crowley Has A Penis (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has A Penis (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has A Vulva (Good Omens), OCs Galor, parenting, using your snake form to avoid confrontation, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, if I missed a tag lemme know
Summary: They could do anything, go anywhere, all without the worry of Above or Bellow making a fuss. Even so, they mostly kept to their little patch of Eden, their cottage and garden and the simple life they’d carved out among the locals. Aziraphale opened a book shop in town, where he only occasionally sold any books (and the ones he did sell, were all modern and stocked specifically for that purpose). Crowley focused his attentions on the garden, and if he occasionally helped their elderly neighbour with her disobedient willow tree, then that was a secret no one needed to know. Lately, however, they had both been feeling rather restless, unbeknownst to each other. Aziraphale tried reorganizing his store, changing the way he tied his bowtie and even ate pizza –something he considered to be far too messy for him personally. Crowley had branched out into birdwatching, and then car maintenance (the human way), and even reading. Nothing scratched the itch for either of them.
Ao3 Link
It was Beelzebub’s turn to pick the meeting spot, so of course they were standing in a dark, damp back alley somewhere in the American Mid-West at three in the morning. Seemed a little out of the way to Gabriel, but the Prince of Hell had said something about an on-going project with the American political system that they couldn’t leave for a even a second, so here he was. 
“We couldn’t meet inside somewhere? he sneered, eyeing the way his designer shoes were getting ruined in the disgusting sludge coming from a dumpster a few feet away.
“Don’t want you and your lot closer to this project than necessary. You’d just fuck it all up,” Beelzebub answered, rolling their eyes at him. Gabriel huffed and straightened his collar, though it of course wasn’t at all out of place. 
“Well let’s make it quick then. Did your humans…?”
A dangerous growl that Gabriel was glad wasn’t directed at him. “No. Idiots got scared off by whatever the bastard had set up. They all ran off anyways.”
“Well mine got the job done. They sent a little… encouragement, to that ratty bookshop Aziraphale insists on keeping.” Gabriel was practically preening and he knew it. Being able to show up Beelzebub in any way always put him in a positive mood. Thwarting the enemy and all that.
“It’d be easier if we could be direct,” Beezle growled. The flies swarming around the dumpster began to make their way over and Gabriel had to swat a few away with the back of his hand.
“Get a hold of yourself, Beez. You were there, you know the almighty was clear that neither one of us could interfere directly!” Using humans as a loophole had been Michael’s idea and so far there hadn’t been any repercussions. But this had only been a test, and since things had gone well…
“We can escalate though, yes?” they buzzed, the flies zipping around excitedly and a grin breaking out on their face. “My contacts from before have been... reprimanded appropriately, and we’re ready to move on whenever you are.”
Gabriel’s face morphed into a tight smile of his own. He always had admired his demonic counterpart’s willingness to get a job done, no matter the cost. Beelzebub was shrewd and cutthroat and if they hadn’t been one of Satan’s damned, Gabriel might have hired them for a position Upstairs.
“Yes, we can move on to phase 2. Give it a few weeks, I’ll send you a memo, and a calendar invite for the pre-briefing. It’s Heaven’s turn to cater so…” Which was a good thing, since last time when it’d been Hell’s turn the lettuce on the tea sandwiches had been mouldy. Gabriel didn’t partake in the gross matter but it was the principle of the thing! “Are we still on for that event in Berlin next Saturday?”
“You’re the one who said it’d be in both our best interests if it went well, so yeah, I’ll be there. Don’t get in my way.” Beelzebub threw up a rather rude hand gesture then disappeared through a door in one of the buildings. Gabriel spent a few extra minutes in the ally, pondering whether contacting the demon to make sure their chosen apparel didn’t clash, or if that might get him in more trouble than it was worth.
The hunger didn’t really go away. Crowley woke up almost every morning with a strong desire to get to the breakfast table that persisted throughout lunch and supper. Aziraphale enjoyed it as an opportunity to exercise his cooking skills, even if it did require him to spend more of his day in the kitchen than was usual. Crowley repaid him for his kindness of course, he’d bring in fresh flowers (though with the changing seasons, he was going to have to switch to gourds), or later in the day bring him cocoa and biscuits while the angel was working on restoring a book. Sometimes, after a particularly good supper, Crowley might drop to his knees under the table and thank Aziraphale in a different way that the angel liked just as much as any of the others. 
The change of season brought on a change in their routines as well. Since it was getting colder, Crowley spent a lot more of his time indoors curled up in front of the fireplace watching reality TV, or in bed taking long indulgent naps. When they’d first moved in together Crowley had tried to stay awake and active through the colder months, scared Aziraphale would be upset with him for lounging about. But after 10 years they’d come to an understanding. As long as Crowley made an effort to spend at least a little bit of time-conscious with the angel every day (barring very long naps, which were usually discussed beforehand), Aziraphale was happy. And Aziraphale being happy made Crowley happy which in turn made the colder months of the year much more pleasant for the demon. 
On a blustery November afternoon, Crowley was making a significant effort to be awake as Aziraphale showed him pictures of cribs on his own laptop. He never should have shown the angel pinterest, or Amazon. 
“So what do you think? I thought something traditional would be nice, and of course money isn’t really an object, and maybe there’s someone in town who does carpentry? But what about safety?” Crowley browsed the collections of cribs, and rocking chairs, and various baby paraphilia, trying to keep himself from drifting off. He’s set an alarm to wake him up just after midday in case he didn’t wake up naturally. Of course, he’d snoozed it a few times before dragging himself out of their bedroom and into the sitting room for a cuppa.
“Think we’ve seen thousands of babies make it just fine, even without all these fancy cribs and chairs and baskets. You know we can make just about anything safe if we want to, with wards and a good talking-to.” He paused on a simple crib made of light pine with gently scalloped finishings. “I know I’ve seen signs for ‘rustic’ furniture around the village, m’sure you could find someone to make one like this.”
“That would be lovely, wouldn’t it? It’s been a very long time since I had to make use of any woodworking skills, but I’m sure I could sketch something up for a professional to take a look at. Would you like to help, darling?” 
“Sure, go get us a pencil and paper then, and maybe a refill?” There’d be no more coffee since Aziraphale insisted he keep to under a cup a day, but maybe the angel would allow him some tea. Aziraphale gave him a beatific smile then rushed off to his stacks of stationery. Crowley secretly thought it was sweet how Aziraphale still wrote letters on his own custom paper, with fountain pens and a personalized wax seal. Over the millennia he’d gotten thousands of letters from the angel, and he kept each one in a lockbox that was now hidden in the back of their closet. Outwardly, Crowley rolled his eyes when Aziraphale returned, playing the part of out-upon husband as usual.
“Alright, you get a start on here then, while I make more tea. You’ve always been better at the arts than me anyway.” Debatable, but Crowley was too sleepy to really argue. He took a pen and some paper and began to doodle out crib-shaped creations. As the kettle whistled and Aziraphale hummed to himself his drawing moved towards the more specific, detailing little flower engravings for decoration along all the legs. When Aziraphale came back with the tea and some biscuits, Crowley had less of a sketch and more of a fully fleshed-out design.
“Oh Crowley! It’s gorgeous love,” Aziraphale exclaimed as he sat down to take a look. Crowley had barely been thinking about what he was drawing, instead letting his hands take over while his mind coasted in a half-dreaming state. “I love the flowers, and the wings on the corners. “You’re so creative.”
“Thanks angel,” Crowley murmured, looking at his own drawing like he was seeing it for the first time. He took a sip of tea from the cup Aziraphale passed him, relaxing back against his angel. “But I’m sure you can do it better, if you try.”
“Nonsense. I think it’s perfect. Maybe we could do a little more research, just to make sure it’s up to safety standards, just in case, but otherwise, I don’t think I’d change a thing.” Crowley would have argued if he wasn’t already half asleep again, his teacup leaning dangerously to the side. “Are you really so tired my dear? You should have said.”
“Wanted t’spend some time w’you,” he mumbled. The teacup was gone from his hands, presumably taken by Aziraphale, and a warm blanket draped around his shoulders. “Don’t want you t’be lonely.”
“My sweet demon,” Aziraphale cooed. “Thank you, you’re always thinking of me. But I think I’m going to read for a little while, if you’re like to take a nap. You can use my lap, if you’re like.” Crowley was already sliding down so he was horizontal, his head cushioned against Aziraphale thighs. The angel used one hand to turn the pages of the book resting on the arm of the sofa, the other slung low on Crowley’s hips. That hand wormed its way under Crowley’s sweater--soft cotton, with little devil horns on the hood--so he could touch the bare skin of his belly. 
“Love you,” Crowley hummed. Aziraphale wiggled a tiny bit, either in happiness or to get more comfortable, and sighed happily.
“I love you too, dear. Get some sleep.” And Crowley drifted off.
At first he was dreaming about the garden. Not the Garden, but his garden in the South Downs, at the cottage. It was summer, peak flowering period for some of his favourites and he was down on his knees at one of the smaller flower beds pulling weeds. The sun was exceedingly warm at the back of his neck but that was alright, he was nearly done. Then he could go inside and drink some of the lemonade Aziraphale had made earlier.
The dream oozed forward at a leisurely pace and he enjoyed every second. The sun slowly sank towards the horizon and the wind got a little chilly; it must have been later in the summer than he thought. Even though the weather was turning, he still felt warm though, an unfamiliar heat spreading from his core and out to his limbs. He looked down, almost expecting to see something silly like a hot water bottle--dream logic of course; even when he knew he was dreaming Crowley’s imagination got away from him--but instead saw his own body. And the baby bump.
“That you, Sprout?” he asked, his voice echoing strangely in the hazy dreamworld. “You’re very warm, taking after your Papa?”
A familiar wriggling, and something Crowley struggled to define. It almost reminded him of when we was still an angel, and he could sense love, a glowing joy from inside, spilling out through his cracks. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation, the dream’s slow pace lulling him into a sense of security. Here in his garden there was just him, the baby, and what felt like pure joy.
Crowley didn’t notice the dream shifting. The garden slowly getting darker and colder, the flowers wilting, shriveling, dying. Their cottage faded away, becoming an empty field, the sky a roiling grey. When Crowley opened his eyes and saw his surroundings, the oncoming storm whipping the dead grass and flowers all around, he knew. The warmth in his stomach pulled away and Crowley felt cold.
Something was coming.
Aziraphale was startled from deep in his reread of Frankenstein’s Monster by Crowley’s shuddering. Normally when the demon had a bad dream the first sign was a noise; a whimper or a shout that would alert Aziraphale to the situation so he could intervene. But even lacking the normal markers, the angel could tell something was wrong. Crowley was a very still sleeper, even if he did cling, and the erratic shaking and shivering he was doing right now certainly wasn’t normal.
“Crowley love, wake up. Shhh, it’s alright,” he said, loud enough to wake the other but softly enough to avoid startling him. He set his book aside and brought both hands into the equation, caressing and petting Crowley’s hair and shoulders. “Come on darling, time to wake up.”
“‘Zira? S’dark.” He didn’t sound upset, or panicked and Aziraphale let out a breath of relief. 
“You were only asleep for an hour, but the suns already set, given how late in the year it is,” Aziraphale explained, still petting Crowley’s hair. “Were you having a bad dream?”
Crowley rubbed his face against the angel’s belly, dispelling the sleep from his eyes. “Strange. I was in the garden, and then it was dark out. Could feel…” He stared down at his stomach. “I think I could feel them there.”
“Really?” Aziraphale meant to ask more about the dream, but was easily sidetracked by the news of the baby communicating. “In what way did you see them?”
“Not see, just felt them. They were warm. But then it got dark, and I felt like I was freezing, and the cottage was gone--” his voice got faster and faster, his breathing more shallow. To stop him flying off into a panic attack Aziraphale thread his fingers through Crowley’s hair again, not really tugging but still a firm presence. “And then I woke up. That's it, nothing exciting angel.”
Aziraphale hummed lowly, in the way he knew relaxed Crowley. “I’m a little jealous of you. For getting to feel them, not for having a nightmare.”
Crowley wiggled so that instead of just his head resting in Aziraphale lap, his entire upper body was laying across his legs. Then he grabbed the hand the angel didn’t have woven through his hair and pressed it to his stomach.
“S’the best I can do. Maybe if you concentrate you’ll feel it too?” Aziraphale tried his hardest, willing his entire celestial self to focus in on that one small area. Underneath his hands Crowley shuddered, but Aziraphale kept on searching until--
“Oh!” He could feel something, at least. It wasn’t really warm, like Crowley had said, but there was movement. It was reassuring to know they were there, and alive, and growing. “You’re amazing Crowley.”
“What, me?” Crowley laughed, thoroughly pleased with himself. The anxiety from the dream didn’t stand a chance against praise from Aziraphale. Still, Crowley looked like he was done sleeping, because he sat up and stretched languorously.  “S’a bit late to go out, but we could order in?”
“If you want. You’ll have to take a look at your application and see what’s available.” Somehow, despite being a ways out into the countryside they always had plenty of options for takeout. And they were well known by all the delivery persons as excellent tippers, so their food usually arrived on time or earlier than expected. “I’m not craving anything in particular.”
“Good, ‘cause I am. I want fries, and maybe a ceasar salad. Oh and falafel.” Crowley was already tapping wildly at his phone, presumably making his order. “And maybe something sweet, for after…”
“Cravings dear?” Aziraphale teased, nudging Crowley with one elbow like he used to do years ago, when they would walk through St. James’ Park. That was before the end that didn’t happen, when even the smallest contact between them was taboo. Now they could touch whenever they wanted, and so Aziraphale didn’t stop at just one nudge, instead choosing to lean heavily against Crowley so he could look at the screen, “The poor delivery person is going to have an awful lot of trouble carrying all that.”
Crowley just rolled his eyes and continued scrolling through his options. “So you don’t want bubble tea? I was going to get you taro flavour but if you think it’s too much--” 
“Now now let's not be hasty love. I'm sure a large tip will make up for any trouble on the driver’s end.” Crowley giggled. Aziraphale tucked the sound away in his memory with all the other cute things Crowley did but would never admit to. 
“I thought so. You can never resist, can you?” Refusing to be needled, Aziraphale decided to fire back. Crowley was so cuddly and soft; so completely unworried now that the nightmare had faded that he couldn’t resist. He nuzzled right underneath the other’s demon-sigil where he knew Crowley was extra sensitive and revelled in the full-body shudder it produced. 
“Why should I? There’s no shame in liking nice things.” Aziraphale let the implication hang. Crowley could still be touchy about being called nice or good outside of the bedroom depending on his mood. This time however, Crowley sighed and shimmied away a bit so he could show Aziraphale the screen.
“Whatever you say angel. Does this look good?” The order list was expansive, and probably much more than either of them would be able to  eat tonight. But that was alright, leftovers wouldn’t last long given Crowley’s new and voracious appetite. 
“Splendid love. I’ll go set the table?” It was really an excuse to get up and move. As much as Aziraphale loved cuddling and pampering his husband, he did tend to get restless. Now that Crowley was awake and relaxed he could get up and bustle about, working off all the energy that had built up while the demon napped. With the excitement of the baby coming Aziraphale had been finding it difficult to sit still and not rush about, preparing everything.
“Can’t we just eat here?” Crowley asked, sprawling into the warm space on the sofa left behind by the angel. Aziraphale smiled and passed his slothful demon the telly remote.
“No, I won’t have you drop tahini and falafel bits all over the carpet. You can eat at the table or not at all.” Crowley glared but there wasn’t really any real anger in it. In fact, it was quite cute, not that he’d ever say that out loud. Crowley would not tolerate being called cute, no matter how happy he was. 
“Fine, stuffy angel.” He turned the TV on and quickly navigated to NBC where Aziraphale knew they’d be playing Golden Girls at this hour. After one last fond look Aziraphale couldn’t stand still any longer, so he hurried off to get everything ready for their impromptu feast.
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3, 8, 20 for the fic writing meme!!
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Uhhhhhhhh. I don’t really like mpreg. No shame on those who do, ofc, it’s just not my thing? 
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Yipes, this was harder than I expected. This is not actually from any of my Silm fics, BUT I love writing these kinds of back and forth deals, and boy do I also like reading period pieces lmao
“Such accusations, brother dear, are slanderous against my good name.”
“Or so they would be, if you possessed a good name at all. Though I do not doubt you can recognize slander, given the content of most of your productions; no, the surprise lies in that you seem incapable of coping when it is directed at you.”
“I can cope with a great many things, I assure you of that, little brother.”
“And yet here you are, complaining of every slight against your name I have made, while I bear your libellous acts in silence.”
“Far be it from me to dictate your actions, cowardly as they might be.”
“I see no need to engage with one who has clearly proven that they will lower themselves into the gutter to gather mud to sling.”
“The gutter? Dear heart, I can assure you that I had to look no further than the personal experiences of some of your comrades, along with my own.”
“Your personal experiences with me? Surely, you can refer to imagined events, conceived entirely within your own mind, as such here, given that we both know the truth. Our interactions are non-existent, in short.”
“Then you must categorize this as a dream, for I would certainly call this an interaction.”
“I would classify it as an annoyance, if anything.”
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
I am in bed, somewhere comfy. I’ve either just finished my tea or am in the middle of a fresh cup of it. The room is warm, not cold, and I’m able to focus. Music is playing, a song that I’m in the mood for- or if I am not in the mood, there’s just quiet.
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Just had a browse on twitter and stumbled upon the views on fics, I just wanted to say that as most people know I write a lot of pwp (although I do also write fics that are not pwp too) and I write it not only because I enjoy it but also as I get lots of requests for it.. I’m not going to stop just because a few people don’t like it (and if you don’t like it don’t click on it!).
It does however hurt a little when you see people talking about it negatively and it does make me think maybe it is weird - although if it’s that weird why does it have 556 kudos and over 37,000 hits... people are obviously reading it! And it wouldn’t surprise me if the people slagging things like this off have read it themselves!
On the subject of the Ben/Jay fic (it’s not my cup of tea hence why I haven’t read it) but I just wanted to point out it’s has over 900 hits so far and it’s quite obvious what it’s about... and you know what, if that is you thing so what? If you like mpreg that’s cool too!
But I think what I really wanted to say is we all like different kinds of fic themes and THAT IS OKAY!! But it doesn’t give people the right to slag it off... if you don’t like it that’s fine but don’t say it’s weird or un- natural because some people do like it. To all those fic writers out there who are now scared to post... don’t be! I have discovered there are some really small minded people in this fandom (mainly on another site) who are not worth worrying about, but there are equally some amazing people who will read and enjoy you fics (I’ve read almost every fic on a03 and I can’t say any have been bad). As @dingletragedy has said before every single writer spends a lot of time writing these fics (me included) for FREE for people to enjoy why are we letting a few people destroy that?
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crowley-fe11 · 4 years
Mood Swings
You both like mpreg, ineffable husbands, and omegaverse.
Stranger: Hey, Angel. Any chance you could stop by this afternoon to help with the nursery instead of this morning? C
You: Of course I can! A Is there something the matter? A
Stranger: Bad mood swings this morning. Need to let them run their course before you come over and get caught up in them. C
You: I see. Though, you know if there's anything I can do to help, I'd be more than happy to. A
Stranger: [delay] I know you'd help, Angel. I know that. You're too nice for your own sanity sometimes. Fact is, it's bad and I don't want you seeing this. C
You: To be entirely honest, that just makes me want to help you through it even more. A I still want to be there for you. A
Stranger: I don't feel like myself. You wouldn't like what you see. There are some things in this... process I want you to stay out of. Mood swings like this are close to the top. C
You: I positively adore you regardless. But if you do change your mind, I'd be there in a heartbeat, alright? A
Stranger: I know that, Angel. C [that afternoon] Hey. Are you on your way over? C
You: I'll be there in just a couple of minutes. Are you feeling better? A
Stranger: Not really. Crying stopped. I think I'm dehydrated, which is interesting because that's never happened before. C Looking better. C How was your day? Keep from selling anything? C
You: Oh, Crowley... A You shouldn't have to suffer through them alone. A
Stranger: I told you, Angel. I'm not myself and I don't want you here when they're bad. C I love you. C
You: Darling you're still you, just thrown off by hormones. A And I love you too. Not even a mood swing could change that. A
Stranger: Don't want you seeing something you don't like, Angel. C Besides, it's just one of those things I'm better off getting through alone, you know? Like morning sickness and... you know... /the time/. C
You: I understand that. I just want to help however I can, and support you however you need it. A
Stranger: You are helping. You agreed to do the nursery today. C You know it'd never get done if it was just me. C
You: I just feel like I should be doing more. A
Stranger: Like what? You can rub my shoulders if you want. That'd be nice. C
You: I'd be happy to. A Perhaps I'm feeling guilty that you're doing the brunt of this alone. A
Stranger: You know there's gonna be a kid after all of this, right? That you'll have to help take care of? That's the most work, Angel. C
You: I'd still like to be more involved, somehow. However you might be comfortable with. A
Stranger: We can talk when you're here, okay? Maybe during that shoulder rub? C
You: Absolutely, love. I'll see you soon. A
Stranger: See you soon. Love you. C Crowley had just finished scrubbing his face and fixing his hair when he heard Aziraphale open the door. He took a deep breath, put one hand to his slightly rounded middle, and stepped out to greet him. "Hey, Angel." he said, his voice a little ragged. He looked at Aziraphale, stunningly beautiful even through Crowley's dark glasses in his dark flat. Crowley loved every inch of him from the soles of his shoes to the beautiful face that was just touched with concern. How had he ever deserved having Aziraphale in his life? How could he ever be worthy of the best piece of creation? His eyes were stinging again. Bless it. "We uh... were talking about getting the crib done, right?" he asked, voice more wobbly than he'd like.
You: "Hello, dearest," Aziraphale greeted in return, taking in the state of his love. The fact that Crowley had his glasses on in his own home was a sign of concern, and from the sounds of it, he was still struggling. "I think the crib can wait just a bit longer," he reassured the demon as he let his hands rest on his arms as he offered him a small smile. "How about that shoulder rub? I'm sure you could use that before we do any work on the nursery for today."
Stranger: Crowley knew he was in trouble. He should have waited a full day and slept it off. Aziraphale's sweet greeting, the gentle touches, the offer of closeness... something inside of Crowley was crumbling. He had no idea why. The only time Aziraphale had ever made him cry was when he'd thought he was dead... which was not a good thought to have. His thin bottom lip trembled slightly. He cleared his throat. "Er... crib first... I think... I have to uhm..." he felt the tears filling his eyes reaching full capacity. If he blinked they would fall. He kept his eyes forced open. "Uhm... make a cup of tea."
You: Aziraphale couldn't help but notice how Crowley began to tremble. "Oh, nonsense. Let me take care of that for you," he told the other softly, taking both of the demon's hands in his own as he led the other to the sofa, leaning in to kiss his forehead softly. "I'll be right back with that for you."
Stranger: Crowley's trembling became all-out shaking as Aziraphale's gentle kindness stabbed into him and all those thoughts of not being worthy began to multiply. Even without blinking his eyes spilled over once again and he endured a poorly suppressed sob before Aziraphale leaned in and kissed his forehead. He took a deep breath, trying to regain control, and as he breathed in Aziraphale's scent his hands stopped shaking immediately. The scent of his mate, even for a second, allowed his shoulders to relax fully for the first time all day as some of the tension left them. "You don't have to, angel." he argued weakly. "Water's fine." he said. It would be less effort and Aziraphale would be back more quickly.
Technical error: Server was unreachable for too long and your connection was lost. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.
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areyawinninson · 5 years
My Favorite Fics/ Fic Recs (Part 2/???)
(Oof, back at it again with the same shit. I’ve found a lot of good fanfics recently and thought I should make another one of these.) (The first one is here )
Hand Speak by pissunicorn
Author’s Summary:
“You think you’re some hotshot, huh? You’re not going to even apologize, aren’t you?” Bakugou folded his arms, waiting for him to get on his knees with grief, but he turned around and picked something up from the counter inside. “Hey! Hey are you serious? I’m talking to you!” Bakugou had no qualms about barging into his house uninvited. “I said I’m talking to you! Are you Deaf-”
I just finished reading this and my heart has been ripped out of my body and then put back together with 2 year old scotch tape. It was a lot... But the first few chapters are super fluffy so there’s that to look forward to before it stabs you in the chest with no remorse. But the tags don’t lie, there is a a good ending. Also there are a lot of interesting stuff you can learn about Deaf culture so you can learn and cry at the same time, what more can you ask for?
This contains / warnings:
There is misunderstandings, sex, and unhealthy coping methods. Also Izuku is  Deaf.
Debauchery by GreyLiliy
Author’s Summary:
Izuku knew that he and Kacchan were meant to be mates. He didn’t care that others would look down at him as an Alpha for choosing a Beta when he could have had any Omega he wanted. Kacchan was worth it. Kacchan had always been worth it.
Katsuki wished Deku would take a hint and realize his courting wouldn't get him anywhere. There were no relationships in Katsuki’s future, not when he had so much to hide.
Oof, um this is probably not a lot of people’s cup of tea and really deserves the mature tag. Uhh I don’t want spoil anything so this may be a bit hard to explain. So much shit happens to Katsuki and even in the end Katsuki and Izuku relationship is a bit questionable. It’s a very deal with the card your dealt and not everything is perfect type of fic. Even the author calls the ending bittersweet so if you’re ready for that then this is the fic for you. Also there’s a sequel called Dolorous but I wouldn’t even look at that if you don’t want spoilers.
This contains / warnings:
Check the tags of the fic for it’s warnings because there is a lot. When I say check the tags I mean really really check the tags. I got triggered by a few things so be very mindful of the tags. Some scenes are also just kind of ... uncomfortable so be careful of that. This also a A/O/B fic there’s also that.
The Smell of Lemongrass by NightshadeDawn
Author’s Summary:
Kaminari has known three absolutes since he was a child: he'll always be known as an idiot, being blond in Japan was doing him no favors, and because he was meant to be an Omega, he'd be married before he turned twenty.
There's a fourth, but he only learned that he's in love with Kirishima Eijirou recently.
This one is a lot more calm then the others in this list. This is the first Kirikami-centric fic I’ve read so I don’t really have anything to compare it to but I think it was cute! It’s short and soft with a little bit of angst to even everything out. There’s a squeal called Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice that focuses on the children but I just started it so idk how it is.
This contains / warnings:
Not much that I can think of. This is a A/O/B fic and the Mpreg so there’s that.
green around the gills by umbrage for dekuberry:
Author’s Summary:
In a world where mythical mer are born and bred for entertainment, Bakugou abruptly finds himself charged with the care of a battle-scarred betta.
This one only has 3 chapters so far but I’m hooked already! It’s really interesting already, I don’t wanna talk to much about it and ruin it but bkdk are already really cute together and I’m excited to see what happens next!
This contains / warnings:
Not much really, not anything that you don’t already get from the tags.
Summer Camp From Hell by LocalTrashBin
Author’s Summary: A fight breaks out between Izuku and Katsuki, it's the straw that breaks the camels back and the two are forced between the option of working in a summer camp together or expulsion.Let's just say it goes just about as terribly as you'd expect.
Uhh I’m sure most people have already read this fic because it’s kinda old by now and tagged as “GBFOAT: Greatest BakuDeku Fics Of All Time” so maybe I’m just late to the party but I really like this fic! I don’t want to go on and on about this fic since it seems pretty well known but it’s definitely a good read if you haven’t read it yet.
This contains / warnings:
Katsuki a dick in the beginning but what else is new honestly?
I might make another one of these later because I left out a few because this post is long enough as it is but Idk. 
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whentommymetalfie · 5 years
The Right Track 
A/N: Well here’s my first installment of an omegaverse AU, which at the moment is mainly focused on ‘what to expect when you’re expecting’. If you’d like a tiny bit of background for the AU before reading, check out this HC 
Summary: Tommy has some news for Alfie, but struggles to tell him. And it doesn't help that Alfie is terribly distracted and doesn't seem to have time for him right now. But Tommy tries, still. 
Pairing: Alfie x Tommy 
Notes/warnings: a/b/o dynamics, mpreg, brief discussion about abortion 
Wordcount: 4700
The Garrison is empty. And even though Tommy quite enjoys the bustle of a Friday evening when it’s full to the brim, this is a welcome respite. Especially considering the circumstances. One of the perks with working at the pub (besides the obvious fact that it’s the only real job related to the family business anyone will let him come within a ten mile radius of) is that there’s at least one place in the world that he’s got some kind of control over.
Today he’s exerted that control by flipping the sign to ‘closed’ and locking the door.
”You have to tell him at some point, you know.” Ada looks up from her whiskey. The second one she’s poured herself since he told her the news.
Tommy stirs his tea with a straw that he’s fished out from a box behind the bar, just to have something to occupy his hands with.
“I know. I’m just… trying to find the right moment.”
“He’ll notice on his own sooner or later, otherwise,” Ada points out. “He’s not the clueless kind of alpha.”
“I know.”
“And how are you going to explain it when you spend every morning hunched over the toilet when the morning sickness hits? There’s only so many times he’ll buy a hangover excuse-“
She throws her hands up in defeat, but the wrinkle between her eyebrows remain as she gives him a thoughtful look.
“Are you thinking of getting rid of it?”
“No!” Tommy exclaims and his hand shoots up to cover his belly before he can even understand what is happening. He quickly drops it back onto his lap and tries to will down the heat rising to his cheeks.
“It’s your body, Tommy, and if you feel that you’re not ready, no one can tell you what to do with it,”  Ada says, sounding like a politician who’s about to give a well- practiced speech “There’s nothing wrong-“
“Ada, please, not now,” Tommy says and rubs the bridge of his nose. “Save it for those fucking rallies.”
Ada harrumphs loudly.
“It wouldn’t hurt you to participate in those fucking rallies, it’s about your rights.
Tommy snorts. “Well then it’s also my right not to go and watch you ramble about shit you have no actual experience with. Stick to riling up the other alphas down in the factories.”
“Gender and class is linked. And me being an alpha doesn’t mean that I can’t-“
Tommy waves his hand dismissively, humming around the edge of his teacup in an attempt to stop this before it becomes a lecture. Any other day Ada would’ve been hurt, but he seems to get a free pass today due to the circumstances, so she just pushes herself off the bar disk to pace in front of it while Tommy buys himself some time and finishes his tea.
Once the cup is empty, he stares down at the tealeaves.
“I do want the baby,” he says after a long silence. “And I’m going to tell Alfie. It’s just that I-“
He cuts himself off because he can’t bring himself to say that last part –‘I want it to be special’. Because it sounds so stupid. Like he’s some wide eyed little thing who’s at home hanging fucking lacy curtains in the kitchen window, baking and waiting for their spouse to come home. But truth is he wants it to be special. He wanted to tell Alfie the second he suspected he might be pregnant. But then he waited, just to make sure. And once he was utterly sure -after a long conversation with Grace on the matter that he’d rather forget- it felt strange to simply… go home and tell Alfie. And the longer he’s waited, the more doubts have begun appearing, sinking their claws into his head and refusing to let go. What if Alfie doesn’t want a baby, when it really comes down to it? It’s so easy to just talk: Paint a pretty picture of what it’d be like, having a baby, start a family all of their own. ‘Maybe they’d have your eyes love? Imagine that!’
It's easy to talk. Now it’s suddenly reality.
Then he feels guilty.
This is Alfie. His Alfie. Tommy should have more faith in him. And Alfie was the one who brought up the idea of children in the first place, so why on earth wouldn’t he be thrilled about it? Logically, Tommy knows all this. He only needs to get all the anxious thoughts to listen.
“I’ll tell him,” he says to Ada, realising he’s been quiet for far too long. He fidgets with the edge of the straw. “Tonight.”  
Ada’s scent, sage and leather-bound books, surrounds him. Then there’s a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m so happy for you, Tom. For both of you.”
She’s smiling. He can tell, even though he’s staring down at the bark disk. And he feels right then, that he’s happy too. A bubbling, sparkling kind of happiness that manages to drown out all the worry.
Turns out that once he’s made up his mind, he can’t possibly wait until tonight. So he goes to the brewery down by the docks to search out Alfie in his office, with renewed courage and a new lightness in his chest. Alfie will be happy. Thrilled, even.
“Afternoon, Thomas,” Eli greets him by the entrance with a smile and a polite nod. “The boss is in his office. Can you find the way yourself or do you want someone to accompany you?”
Tommy only rewards the question with a raised eyebrow, so Eli shrugs, continuing to smile politely and gestures for him to enter.
He ignores the curious stares from the various alphas milling about in the brewery, and quickly makes is way on towards the center of the building. He opens the door without knocking.
Alfie is sitting by his desk, hunched over a pile of papers and his heart, as always, skips a beat. He glances up when Tommy enters.
“You know I don’t like it when you wander around here on your own,” he grunts. “We’ve been over that. Not safe enough, these parts. Not yet, at least.”
Any other day, Tommy would simply roll his eyes at this. But now his stomach just clenches with worry. Alfie flips through a pile of papers. And Tommy finds himself just standing there, full of a strange new uncertainty. But then Alfie glances up and smiles a little.
“Sorry, sweetheart, that’s no way to greet the love of one’s life now, is it?” He gets up from his chair with some difficulty and beckons Tommy closer with a wave. “As well as husband and cherished mate. Go on, come here and give us a kiss.”
Tommy walks up to him, calmed by his mate’s scent the second it envelops him and allows Alfie to pull him in for a chaste kiss. Tea, pine needles and freshly baked bread. Home. Alfie lets go quicker than he would’ve liked and seats himself behind the desk again.
“So, any particular reason I’m blessed with your fair visage, or did you just miss me?” he asks, turning his attention back to the documents.  
Tommy tries to gather back his resolve. But something just feels… wrong now.
“I just wanted to see you,” he says, feeling stupid the second he utters the words. Alfie only hums in acknowledgement, forehead creased and eyes fastened on the numbers in front of him. Tommy decides that it’s better to just have it over and done with, to hell with the consequences, takes a deep breath and-
And that’s when Alfie’s phone rings.
He answers and gestures for Tommy to sit in the leather armchair by the bookshelf, his usual spot when spending time in Alfie’s office. Tommy doesn’t sit, instead he walks over to the window and looks out at the docks, trying to focus all his attention on what is happening outside. One of the barges have just docked, and large crates are being hauled from the deck, up onto land. A woman on a black horse rides past, and the horse shies away when a crate lands heavily on the cobbled street. Tommy watches the animal with undivided interest and tires to focus on that instead of his thundering heart.
Behind him, Alfie is speaking rapidly to someone in Yiddish. The horse and the woman disappears around a corner.
“Sorry, love, but I have some work to get to,” Alfie says and it takes a moment for Tommy to realise he’s speaking to him. He turns to watch Alfie rise from the desk and walk over to the hangers by the door, shrugging into his coat. He perches his hat on top of his head and grips his cane. “Shit that can’t wait, apparently. And the quicker I get to it, the quicker I can pay undivided attention to you.”
“Alright,” Tommy says, and hates how small his voice sounds. And he fucking hates the way his throat feels all tight.
Gently ushering him out the door, Alfie starts barking orders to someone at the opposite side of the brewery as he leads Tommy towards the exit.
“So, where should we drop you off, love?” He asks as they step out onto the street and waves for the driver to pull up.
Tommy shakes his head. “I’ll walk.”
Alfie furrows his brow, looking less than pleased. He scans the docks. Squints up at the sun, still quite a bit above the horizon. “Fine. But don’t let your aunt know. She thinks I’m being sloppy with your safety already. Fuckin’ell as if you’re not a grown, fully capable adult. And on top of that, I think that I’m in fact very thorough with everything where your well-being is concerned. Offensive, is what it is-“  
The car rolls up beside them. Alfie’s two employees wait for him to get in and he gives Tommy a final, questioning look. Tommy shakes his head again.  
“Fine. I’ll see you tonight, pet,” Alfie says and kisses his cheek, but his eyes are drifting. “I should be home in time for dinner. I’ll make you something nice, alright? To make up for this.”
Then he climbs into the front seat of the car, the two men get in the back, and soon, Tommy is alone on the street outside the brewery. All the bubbling happiness from before has died down to a small pitiful lump at the pit of his stomach.
He doesn’t go to the stables. Or the Garrison. Being around other people feels like an unbearable thought, and Grace is already covering for him. So instead he just goes home. The walk helps a little to clear his head. Alfie is just busy: things are always hectic right before a shipment, and Tommy’s got no fucking right to sulk about it. Still, it’s hard to completely rid himself of the unease. And he decides that he still needs to tell Alfie today, because the longer he’s alone with this, the louder all the anxious thoughts become.
Once he gets home, he decides that he’ll take care of the cooking, for once.
Tommy fucking hates to cook. It’s the principle of the thing: the utter unfairness that he was the only one of his siblings expected to spend time in the kitchen. Because it’s not an alphas job to cook, so why would any of them have to learn it? But that doesn’t mean that he can’t cook. And since Alfie never expects him to, and gladly takes care of both that and the dishes as if it was the most natural thing in the world, Tommy doesn’t mind it so much anymore. So he cooks.
He picks carefully among Alfie’s recipes and chooses one of his favorites.
The unease does simmer down as he stands there carefully slicing carrots into even pieces. Alfie is more appreciative of the rare instances when he cooks than Tommy deserves, and the thought of making him happy loosens the knot in his stomach.
He sets the table, takes care of the dishes and wipes down all the surfaces in the kitchen until it’s spotless. Glances at the clock. Alfie should be home soon. A bit of the earlier excitement is back; He can imagine what he’ll look like when he tells him, how happy he’ll be, how his eyes will light up. Maybe he’ll give Tommy one of those adoring looks, as if he’s the most precious thing in the world. When Alfie looks at him like that, Tommy can almost believe him.
He has time to wash up before dinner, so he does that too. Wants to smell nice for Alfie, wants to look good for him- While he does he practices quietly to say those words, to make sure he’s prepared. I’m pregnant. It feels strange and frightening but somehow wonderful all at the same time in an overwhelming cocktail. He looks at his reflection in the mirror. Runs a hand over his stomach, which is still completely flat. Tries to imagine how it’ll look, how it’ll feel once the baby is a bit bigger, but it’s difficult because it’s so utterly surreal. Still, there’s an ounce of excitement at the idea. Not that he cares looking into where the excitement comes from, but it’s definitely there.
Back in the kitchen, he tastes the soup and decides that it’s alright. Good, even. He’ll never be quite as good as Alfie at cooking, simply because he doesn’t care enough, but it’s easy, following a recipe. And he wants it to be good. To make Alfie happy. He glances at the clock on the wall.
Alfie is a little late.
Tommy wipes down the counter again, even though it’s already clean. After some thought he lights a candle on the table.
He stirs the soup and lowers the heat on the stove a little.
Then he sits down by the table and waits. Tries to not imagine all the things that could be keeping Alfie from coming home…
It’s dark outside when the worry becomes too much to handle and he calls the office. Ollie picks up. But no, nothing has happened. He’d be the first to know if the meeting had gone wrong.
“Fucking Italians, always drag these things out. But that’s nothing to worry about. He’ll be home any minute now.”
Tommy hangs up and returns to the table.
He fidgets with a napkin, pulling at the threads. Tries to avoid looking at the clock.
When the darkness outside has turned from dusky gray to pitch black  and Alfie still hasn’t come home, he quietly blows out what is left of the candle, puts the dishes back in their cupboards and goes upstairs.
He undresses, carefully putting all the garments on the appropriate hangers. Puts on his nightshirt, one of Alfie’s old flannel shirts. Then he crawls into bed and curls up on his side, staring at the opposite wall, arms wrapped tightly around his middle.
This is what it’ll be like. This is what you signed up for. You’ll be here, all alone with the baby, pacing back and forth and waiting for Alfie to come home. Is this the life you wanted?
For a long moment that seems to stretch into an eternity he thinks about how it’s not too late yet -he hasn’t told Alfie. He could still-
Keys rattle in the multiple locks on the front door.
Then, Alfie’s steps come up the stairs, and the bedroom door creaks open. Tommy squeezes his eyes shut. The mattress dips behind him.
“Tommy?” Alfie’s voice is soft and his scent makes Tommy’s throat close up.
He swallows. It’s a lost battle, pretending to be asleep. Alfie always knows.
So he makes a noise, a quiet sort of hum.
“You’d made dinner.”
The tears are burning behind his closed eyelids now, and he tries to force down that lump in his throat before making another hum. Tries to sound at ease.
“I’m so sorry I was late, the meeting dragged on. I should’ve called you.”
“It’s fine.” Tommy whispers. He bites his tongue and wishes he hadn’t said anything at all. Fuck this is pathetic. There’s something so deeply humiliating about the whole thing; about putting fucking effort in, about falling into some old stereotype he swore he’d never become-
“No, no it’s not fine. Fucking unacceptable is what it is.” Alfie’s fingers scratch gently in the nape of his neck. “You’d made everything so nice. And I know you hate cooking-“ Tommy can hear the little smile in his voice. He wants to say that he doesn’t hate cooking, he’ll do it for Alfie, he’ll do anything as long as he promises not to leave. And he fucking hates that instinct.
The distress is rolling off him in waves now, seeping out of his pores and wilting the floral scent that he’s loathed all his life. Up until the very moment he met Alfie.  
Tommy curls further into his protective ball when Alfie lies down behind him and pulls him close.
“I’m sorry,” Alfie repeats and presses a kiss in the nape of his neck.
But he can’t answer, because if he focuses on anything other than gritting his teeth together, he’ll begin to cry. As if this whole thing hasn’t been humiliating enough already.
Alfie is patient. He’s always been, when it comes to this. So he’s quiet for a long while.
“Well, the meeting couldn’t have gone worse,” he sighs, suddenly. Tommy keeps biting his tongue. “Fucking… Sabini. Absolutely impossible to have anything to do with. I’ll have a fucking Italian uproar on the rise back in London after this.”
It piques Tommy’s interest. Always does. It’s just the way his brain works -give it a few pieces and it’ll instantly begin laying a puzzle with them, whether he likes it or not. It distracts him enough for the lump to sink down a little.
“Thought Sabini refused to go to Birmingham for meetings?” he asks and manages to keep the tremble out of his voice.
“He does. Arrogant piece of shit. Sent some of his goons. The slightly less idiotic ones. Mostly to let me know that with his man in New York wanting a bigger cut, he’ll only pay me fuckin half of his usual prize for the product. Un-fucking-believable. That's what I get for delivering him high quality rum...”
“You could start exporting it yourself. Cut the middle man.” He pauses, waits for an interruption that never comes, and then adds: “Vincent Changretta’s got a son in New York who imports liquor.”
“He does?”
Tommy hums. “Luca Changretta. His father likes me. I could probably get you in contact with him.”
He pictures Vicente Changretta, seated by the café table down by Highbury Park, cigar in hand and a glass of wine in the other, beckoning him over with a wave. Sweetheart, why don’t you come and sit here for a bit? Keep an old man company? Tommy does sometimes, because having a good relationship with the Italians could be useful, even though aunt Pol would definitely disapprove if she knew he was meddling in the business. And Vicente is nice enough for an aging alpha; always offers him a drink in the most polite way, and when Tommy listens to his many stories of ‘the old country’, he occasionally pats his hand gently in a grandfatherly manner that Tommy finds strangely endearing and only mildly annoying for some reason.
“And then I tell Sabini that unless he decides to pay up, he’ll be out of the whole operation?”
Alfie is quiet. Then he leans over Tommy’s shoulder and kisses him square on the mouth, resting all his weight on his elbow as he grins at him.
“You’re fucking brilliant. You and your mind. Always working a hundred miles an hour, innit?”  
A jolt of happiness flips at the pit of his stomach. It’s not like this is a particularly brilliant plan or even a hard situation to solve, but still, he’s not used to this kind of approval of his ideas.
“Not very hard to figure out,” he says and allows himself a faint smile. Alfie raises both eyebrows.
“You calling me stupid, love?”
“Maybe a little.”
Snorting with indignation, Alfie settles back onto the mattress and pulls him closer to his chest. He is quiet for a little bit, running a hand up and down his side, fingers featherlight over the fabric of his nightshirt.
“Sabini’s gonna be fuckin pissed,” he says. “Could end in with all sorts of violence if we’re not careful, that.”
“Depends on how you put it. Set up the meeting in London. Be polite about it, and bring a gift. Sabini likes that. Gestures and so on. ”
Alfie hums and says with genuine confusion, “Fuck, why didn’t I think of… any of this?”
“Because your solution is often to just tell people to go fuck themselves in the most obnoxious way possible.”
Alfie sits up and rolls him over onto his back, pinning him down with what is probably supposed to be a stern look but which most of all comes off as very fond. “Oh, you take that back right now.”
Tommy feels a smirk tug at his lips. “It’s true.”
Alfie huffs. Then, he runs a finger thoughtfully down the side of his face, adding: “Well, to be fair I’ve never claimed to be the more intelligent out of the two of us. So your help is very much appreciated. Maybe you can talk me through what to say beforehand?
“Sure,” Tommy promises. “I’ll write you a list of things to say.”
Alfie smiles down at him. “What have I done to deserve you, eh? All my sins must’ve been overlooked, right, for me to end up with an omega who is not only so beautiful that my fucking lifespan increases with ten years every time I look at him, but who is also the most intelligent-
“Stop-” Heat rises to Tommy’s cheeks and he tries to look away but Alfie grabs his chin.
“The most intelligent, witty,not to mention most beautifulomega in England.” His’s smile seems to widen with every shade of red Tommy’s cheeks darkens. “Sometimes I just think to myself, alright, I sit, and I think and ponder over how lucky I am-“ He needs to tell him. Tommy feels it in his gut right then. If he doesn’t tell him now, he’ll never muster up the courage- “And it’s a true blessing, innit, that your aunt decided to drag you along to my bakery.” Just open your mouth and say it. It’s not that fucking hard.He tries to phrase it: there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.
No, not like that-
“And I really should thank her more often,” Alfie goes on. “Because what would my life even be without you in it-“
“Alfie-“ No matter how he tries he can’t seem to find the right words, and Alfie just keeps talking.
“It would be miserable, I tell you, miserable. And I really need to be more appreciative of you-“
Just tell him-
“I’m pregnant.” The words come out too quickly, not wrapped up all neatly like they were supposed to and the silence that hits the room feels like a fucking punch to the gut. Alfie stares down at him, mouth still half open, caught in the middle of a word.
Tommy sits up. Tries to breathe and swallow down the panic.
“I’m pregnant,” he repeats. And suddenly the lump in his throat is back, because Alfie just stares at him. “I-I wanted to tell you earlier but I didn’t know how to and- and then you were busy-“
Alfie grabs him by the shoulders. Hard. “Are you sure? Completely, absolutely fucking sure?”
Tommy only manages to nod, overwhelmed by a sudden and unfamiliar urge to cry. Curl up into a ball and hide because Alfie doesn’t want the baby. Maybe it’s him? Maybe Alfie just doesn’t want a baby with Tommy of all people-
Alfie only stares at him for another excruciatingly long moment. But then his eyes well with tears and he blinks. And he smiles, a wide, toothy grin that just lights up his entire face.
“I’m gonna be a dad?”
Happy. Alfie is happy. Finally the realization sinks in, and the relief is so overwhelming that all strength seems to drain from his limbs.
He nods. And suddenly he finds himself being dragged into a tight hug. Alfie pulls him into his lap and crushes him against his chest, burying his face in the crook of his neck. His breathing comes in erratic little bursts, and he holds Tommy so tightly that breathing soon will become an issue. Tommy doesn’t mind in the least. He wraps his arms around Alfie’s neck.
“You’re happy?”  
Alfie pulls away a little and cradles his face between his hands. “Course I’m fucking happy! Fuckin’ell I couldn’t be happier, silly boy.”
“Don’t cry,” Tommy mumbles and wipes at the tears trickling down his cheeks. He lets out a shaky laugh: “You’re gonna make me cry too.”
But it’s a lost cause because he’s already fucking crying. It’s the hormones. He blames this whole thing on those.
“No I’m going to fucking cry, alright, it’s my God given right to cry when I find out that the man I love is carrying my child,” Alfie exclaims and beams at him. He moves back a little, creating space between them so that he can place a hand on Tommy’s belly. “Right here, love. Isn’t that just fucking amazing?”
Tommy leans forward and kisses his nose.
Alfie just keeps smiling down at his belly with this dreamy, almost goofy smile and Tommy savors the moment. Then he suddenly looks up at Tommy with wide eyes. “You haven’t eaten anything!”
Tommy is tempted to ask how he knows that, but Alfie has probably put two and two together so there’s no use denying it.
“Now, you just stay right there, don’t move a fucking inch.” Alfie is already gathering up all the pillows, settling Tommy with his back against them. “I’ll be right up with something to eat. And maybe some… blankets? Yeah we definitely need more of those. Blankets and-”
Still listing things to himself under his breath, Alfie disappears out the door.  
Tommy is tempted to call after him that he’s barely two months along, and if Alfie’s going to be like this for the rest of the pregnancy it’s going to become unbearable. But he doesn’t. Instead he just sits there and waits. And occupies himself with arranging and then rearranging the pillows. Tries different options before settling for having them behind his back and by his sides in a comfortable little half circle that somehow just feels… right.
Alfie soon returns with two bowls of the soup he cooked earlier precariously balanced on a tray and with several blankets under his arms. When Tommy moves to take the tray before an accident occurs Alfie protests so loudly that he’s got no choice but to stay put for fear of actually causing the soup to end up spilled all over the bed. Once the tray has been safely set down on the nightstand, Alfie takes the blankets and spreads them out over him, and Tommy lets him fuss with them until they’re all in acceptable positions, because Alfie looks so incredibly pleased once he’s tucked him in.  
“Remember that you’re eating for two,” he says when he hands him the bowl.
“Can’t wait to hear that for the next seven months,” Tommy mutters but begins to eat, still, as Alfie settles next to him on the bed.
“Oh you’ll hear a whole lot more than that, love. Like… don’t lift that heavy box. Maybe you should sit down for a while? Do you want me to rub your ankles?“ Alfie grins. “I can’t wait to dote on you.”
Tommy huffs.
“You already do.”
“But it’ll be on a whole other level now,” Alfie says. Runs his thumb down Tommy’s cheek. “Gonna treat you and this baby like royalty. Anything you want, you’ll have.”
“I already have everything I want.” The words come to mind easily. And it’s not until he sees the look on Alfie’s face that he realises he said them out loud. But he doesn’t mind so much. It’s true. Especially when Alfie leans in and kisses him.
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lululawrence · 6 years
Hey! Have you read any good abo fics recently?
ahehehehehe okay, so, i put this off until now because i needed to be able to look at a few things. so, by recently i am taking that to mean since i last did an a/b/o fic rec, which apparently was june of last year (and january before that). that’s far too long ago, meaning this rec is going to have about 30 fics on it. hahahaha i’m putting them in no particular order other than the order i bookmarked them in, meaning most recent bookmarks will be last, so if june of last year wasn’t recent enough, you’ll wanna scroll a bit. :D
I have also written two more a/b/o fics since my last rec, so i’ll start with a bit of self promo and then start lauding the work of others (hope you don’t mind)
The World Will Open Its Arms - this one is actually one of my more popular fics from last year, which i wasn’t expecting at all. haha my entire goal for this fic was to take a feeling i got while listening to a song on a random drive to take my daughter to her ice skating camp and capture it in a fic. i think i did, and i love the little bit of insight we get into their lives with this one. pregnant and unbonded omega harry, alpha louis. :)
How I Feel Inside - i wrote this one also for wordplay, and while there’s omega harry and alpha louis in there, the real focus of the fic is the fact that niall is missing. you find out why at the end, so i’ll try not to give it away, but i did it kinda as a gag and a joke and loved it so i hope you enjoy it too hahaha
okay! and now to the rest. Let’s do this.
Take What's Mine by @jaerie / jaerieall i’m really gonna say about this one is i first read it as a dark fic read and then she took it off anon so i figured if she was brave enough to say she wrote it then i was brave enough to say i loved it haha so here we are. it’s a bit of a dark fic but is ultimately healing and beautiful imo.
was it all a fake? by @jaerie / jaerieso this is a fic i didn’t realize she was gonna publicly gift to me and i asked for it, so fair enough, but i love it. i love it and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, so please, like with the fic before, check the tags (i feel like this rec isn’t starting well with me warning about things before people read them, but i really do love these hahaha)
These Lover's Eyes by chasingxrabbitswhat i love most about this fic is it’s a pack fic. i feel like packs are something that used to be explored more in older a/b/o fics in the fandom but that it is often ignored unless it’s in the almost tribal sense of packs, and this is very different. like the summary literally reads “A/B/O verse where Liam is an alpha, Josh, Niall, Louis, and Harry are his betas and an unlikely little omega stumbles into the picture.” and i can’t really say much more than that, but i love it so much. haha so if you’re looking for a totally different dynamic to this verse, this older fic will defo give you that. (if someone also wants to kind of explore this idea and dynamic in their own ways as well, please tag me when you post lol)
hard to confess by @hereforlou / hereforlouACCIDENTAL MPREG! gosh i love fics like this so much and they did this one really well. accidental mpreg with assumptions made that might not be entirely correct and friends to lovers and just SO MUCH GOODNESS OKAY
Desire A/B/o series by @reminiscingintherain / reminiscingintherainthis series is an established relationship, somewhat canon compliant a/b/o series that was such fun to read. super fluffy, super sweet, super cute. basically, if the dark fics i kinda started this rec with aren’t your thing, this probably is. lol
I'm Sure It Happens To All Alphas by @jaerie / jaerieALPHA. LOUIS. HAS TROUBLE. POPPING A KNOT. gosh i died reading this fic. i love it so much. she works her magic, as usual, and does it in style.
The Wilds by @jaerie / jaerieThis fic was just. it was wow. it was such an interesting world for things to take place in and fascinating how it all played out. there are quite a few sensitive subjects that this does broach, so while i wouldn’t necessarily say it is a dark fic, you do need to be sensitive to the tags, so please be careful with those!
You Gotta Swim, Swim For Your Life series by @jaerie / jaeriei swear i do read a/b/o that isn’t done by jenna. lollll but this series is so good. it’s a really incredible fic that takes you through harry’s journey with grief and illness and all sorts of things, so if that’s triggering for you, then please don’t read this, but it’s so so so beautifully done. the emotions in this series are gorgeous.
Where You Lay by @ham-palpert / HamPalpertTHIS FIIIIIIC! gosh it’s a perceived enemies to friends with benefits to lovers fic but there’s such a journey along the way. it’s so so so amazing. it ended and i just felt so complete. hahaha it’s one of those fics. so yeah, love love love.
The Nearness of You by @louisalbumnow / theweightofmywordsTHIS FIC. the nesting in this fic! the description and emotions and just ALL OF IT. it’s just gold. in a 2k wrapper. it’s amazing. i don’t even have words just read it.
One Love by @13ways-of-looking / 13waysthis fic is SO EMOTIONAL. it hit me hard and was another one of those that packs a lot into few words. it was so interesting and a really fascinating world and just. yeah. it’s a great read!
I'll Take Care Of You by @dimpled-halo / dimpled_halojacky wrote me a part 2 of my fic for my birthday! she wrote the part 1 for my birthday too, so i guess she loves me a lot if she was willing to revisit it and write me some more. i love this ‘verse so much, though. the throw back to high school/college like it’s done here is so pure and complex and i love it.
I Know How To Whisk (But Teach Me Anyway) by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2mel comes and delivers another great a/b/o fic! i love how she always ties in the idea of soulmates with her fics. and this one is so fun and i love that it entirely revolves around an obsession with a bakery hahaha a great read, as always!
Alpha Seeking Alpha by @jaerie / jaerieOKAY OKAY OKAY. i love this one too. gosh i say that about everyone of these, don’t i? i suppose it’s a fic rec so i would hope i love them all but i’m not thinking well tonight so all you’re getting is read this cause i love it but like ALPHA/ALPHA THROUGH A SERVICE AND JUST AAAHHHHHHH
I Wanna Be More Than Friends by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2this is my fav mel fic yet. i kept throwing ideas at her hoping something would stick and then she came up with something completely unique that i’d never heard of before and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. alpha harry does not have a sense of smell. OMGGGGGGGG anyway. toooootally amazing twist on the a/b/o verse.
If I Loved You Less by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16REGENCY A/B/O!!!! did you hear me? I SAID REGENCY A/B/O!!! With side shiall! i adored this fic because even through the end i was like HOW ARE THEY GONNA MAKE THIS WORK but it does and it’s magical and so great. gosh. so so great.
The Unsuccessful Promise by trysomecatsthis fic actually just got a part 2 added recently and i only just read that part 2 last night! lol good timing, i suppose! anyway, this one is sooooo fun because it’s got feisty didn’t think he’d be an omega louis with super sweet and obviously misunderstood harry with louis’ parents being ZIAM!!! it was a fun story that i really enjoyed reading lol my fav part might have actually been zayn and liam, i loved how they were written
Moments Like These Are To Die For by @fourdrunksluts / alienharrythis is one of those fics that sucked me in and spat me out afterwards and i keep thinking about it! months later i still think about this fic. it stayed with me and i love it. it’s an arranged marriage royalty au where harry and louis are from different packs and AHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much. PLUS!!! THERE’S AN ACE CHARACTER!!! AN ACE CHARACTER IN AN A/B/O!?!?! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! so yeah this fic means a lot to me and i love it so much so please read it.
Your Touch Is The Only Thing I Feel by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2mel delves into touch depri here and i love that being explored! i felt like she did it in a different way than i’d seen it in other fics too, so i really like that as well. as usual, the relationship dynamics in her fics are spot on and hysterical while also making you just love every second. 
The light is coming by @pocketsunshineharry / ishiplouislisten. i have a soft spot for hurt/comfort, especially in a/b/o, and this fic just harnesses ALL OF THAT and makes it just. i can’t. i can’t say much more but i just loved this dynamic and how much louis just needed help and the war within himself and frustration with that but harry was patient and did what he could to help and it was just so great.
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year series by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2louis and harry didn’t exactly have the best first meeting hahaha it’s okay, though, because niall is there to force them to be friends. this is a super fun christmassy/birthday style two part series that not only explores the up to the point of finding louis’ alpha, but also what comes after that. it’s a lot of fun and i loved it hehe
Do Not Falter (There's a Star Ahead) by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderryNESTING HARRY. NESTING OMEGA HARRY. NESTING OMEGA HARRY NEEDING A SAFE PLACE. MUTUAL PINING. CHRISTMAS EVE. AHHHHHH this fic is short and sweet and i want to sit and sink into harry’s nest. it evokes the same warmth and almost magical feel all of emmu’s fics do. i love it.
You Should Be Here With Me by @dimpled-halo / dimpled_haloexes to lovers at christmas with pining and miscommunication and bonding and ahhhhhhhhh. i don’t even know what more to say, other than jacky is queen of exes to lovers, so make it a/b/o and christmas themed and you know you’ve got gold on your hands.
Merry Birthday by @jaerie / jaerieSOULMARK A/B/O. where they don’t even realize they’ve met until afterwards so then they’ve gotta find each other again and it’s just. gosh it’s so great and it’s so much more than just a christmas fic, even though it’s that too, it extends beyond and i love it.
Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat by @angelichl / angelichli love that “louis tomlinson wears harry styles’ clothes” is a legit tag in ao3. anyway. this is another one of those tentative enemies to friends to lovers with heaps of miscommunication and pining and confusion and everything are thrown together when mating cycles come into play and i love it. gosh i love it so so much. it was a great way to kick off the new year with a/b/o haha
Leave Your Mark On Me by @fullonlarrie / FullOnLarriespeaking of kicking off the new year with some amazing a/b/o, lauren tried her hand at it and I LOVED IT. it had so many twists i did not anticipate and i loved it so much. it was as wonderfully written as hers always are and with her signature humor and feelings and development and i adored it.
so that’s what i’ve got for you! i hope you find some on here that you haven’t read yet and that you like them as much as i did! hit me up again in another six months and i’ll see what i can do with another a/b/o rec update hehehe
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