#mr park chanyeol what a man
byuntrash101 · 1 year
exo masterlist
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disclaimer: everything is smut, mdni. everything is idol x fem!reader
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✲ byun baekhyun
INCUBUS: COMING OF AGE 🍭| 10.1k - 2 parts
it’s true… you’re in love with your boss: the brilliant doctor park chanyeol. one night you’re woken up by his sweet kisses and bites… This should be a dream come true right? Then why does something feels off about him? ↳ SMUT | DomIncubus!Baekhyun x Reader | Fantasy!AU
PARAPHILIA| 30k - 9 parts
1 man; 9 kinks. In each chapter you and your boyfriend Baekhyun explore a new layer of kink. ↳ SMUT; ANGST; FLUFF | HardDom!Baekhyun; Sub!Baekhyun x Reader | EstablishedRelationship!AU; one shot collection
BAEKHYUNIE, DON'T LEAVE ME | 35k - 6 parts
Don't trust anything in this story. Don't trust the cute bright cover, don't trust the handsome playful flirty barista and do not trust the cute innocent timid girl. ↳ SMUT; ANGST | Dom!Baekhyun x Reader | Mafia!AU, Yandere!AU; action; series
DEAL WITH IT | 10.6k - 2 parts
Who would have known that a little discipline was all your selfish fuckboy ex needed to turn into the most obedient little puppy? ↳ SMUT; ANGST | FuckBoy!Sub!Baekhyun x Dom!Reader | Ex!AU, Revenge!AU; two shot
Working at KBS is fun and exciting especially when EXO-CBX is having their debut stage. ↳ SMUT | Dom!Baekhyun x Reader | Idol!AU; one shot
When Baekhyun comes home very late from work his mood can be described with three words: tired, tipsy and horny. ↳ SMUT | GentleDom!Baekhyun x Brat!Reader | EstablishedRelationship!AU, one shot
Even if it’s a lie, you love the way he looks at you when he says “I love you”. ↳ SMUT; ANGST | Switch!Baekhyun x Reader | Ex!AU, AbusiveRelationship!AU, one shot
TRUMP CARD🍭 | 4.9k
It’s game night with the boys and like often you decide to tag along with your boyfriend Baekhyun. But when money and alcohol is involved, the only thing missing is sex. ↳ SMUT; | Dom!Baekhyun; Dom!Chanyeol x Reader | Relationship!AU
"I know your sense of honour forbids you to withdraw your parole. I know you will quietly sit in the corner and clench your fists while I fuck your girlfriend senseless." ↳ SMUT; ANGST | HardDom!Baëkhyun; HardDom!Baekhyun x Reader | Fantasy!AU, SuperPower!AU, Obsession!AU, X-EXO, one shot
Everything is boring when you’re an immortal being like Baekhyun. But that is about to change when the other Six of the Seven Sins talk to him about an unbreakable righteous and virtous girl that was just ordained nun… Wouldn’t make God himself a cuckold be the greastest achievement yet for the Sin of Lust ? ↳ SMUT | DomSinOfLust!Baekhyun; x Nun!Reader | Fantasy!AU, one shot
THE HEIR | 4.5k
Deseperate times call for deseperate measures when your Kingdom still needs an heir. ↳ SMUT | Sub!Servant!Baekhyun x Dom!Queen!Reader | Royalty!AU; Western Europe Renaissance Period, one shot
4AM IN JUNE| 2.1k | pride 2021 🏳️‍🌈
Transitioning is hard. But your amazing boyfriend has been there every single step of the way. But… what if somehow… He’s had enough of you? ↳ SMUT; FLUFF | SoftDom!Baekhyun x FTMTrans!Reader | Domestic!AU, slice of life, one shot
FOREVER HOME | 7.5k | halloween 2021 🎃
You’re all alone, tired and broken by a fate that keeps trying to bring you to your knees. But you somehow find comfort in the lonely middle aged man living next door. Can Mr Byun resurrect your shallow and empty soul? ↳ SMUT; ANGST | DomSupernaturalCreature!Baekhyun x Reader | Fantasy!AU, horror, gore, NON CON, one shot
Collection of requested drabbles revolving around zodiac dynamics to celebrate the 350 follower milestone (i luv u guys) ↳ SMUT; FLUFF | ZodiacSign!Exo x ZodiacSign!Reader | Domestic!AU, slice of life, drabble collection
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cherryeol04 · 6 months
Might Alpha 2
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➻ Pairings: Chanyeol x Reader
➻ Genre: Romance, Wolf Au
➻ Additional: destined mates
➻ Word Count: 1.5K
➻ Warnings: N/A
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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The backlash that came when Baekhyun and Chanyeol denounced their marriage was something that no one expected. They knew their parents would be upset, but the sheer mortification that came from knowing Baekhyun had been with another alpha and never actually slept with Chanyeol was so confusing. The fact that the male was Baekhyun’s destined mate didn't seem to matter to anyone. 
While the elders had stayed silent, the parents argued back and forth on how they could rectify the situation, without bothering to listen to the children whose lives they were purposefully trying to ruin for the simple fact that Baekhyun was a gifted male omega with the ability to bear pups. They didn't care that they were trying to break not one, but two bonds. Bonds from the same family. 
It confused Soohee, because she remembered very clearly that Chanyeol had said the whole union between Baekhyun and himself was because they trusted Chanyeol and it was a great way for her father to get a foot into the counsel and influence decisions and laws however he saw fit.  Chanyeol was going to be the next elder and possibly the next head alpha if he could pass the tests that would challenge his strength, his logic, and his wit. And while she worried about her brother being hurt, she believed the man he was with would never hurt him since they were destined mates. And if her father still wanted that in, if he would just listen to Chanyeol, he would know that they were destined mates. 
Soohee had never told her parents or anyone else what happened that night after her party, nor the weekend and the two days after that she was in heat. They were mates, she knew that and still had trouble processing it, but it was a fact she was more than ready to admit. Yet they hadn't mated during her heat, both agreeing that they wanted to wait. Even if they used protection, there wasn't a guarantee it would work or if they would constantly remember the amount of times they would have to have sex. So Chanyeol did his best to pleasure her and help her through her heat and she was so thankful for it. But they still haven't told anyone. Or rather, they were trying, but no one was actually listening to them. 
“Well since your son has been defiled, we will find a new mate for Chanyeol. A better and loyal omega!” Mr. Park grunted out. 
“What?” Chanyeol asked in shock. 
“Excuse me? My son is very much loyal!”
“Lies. He's been defiled by that Chinese vagrant!” Mr. Park growled. “You and your family are so immoral, Mr. Byun, that I'm surprised you're all even allowed to continue to live in this pack. And if your son acts like this, I can't even begin to imagine how your daughter must be, whoring about and asking for any male to fuck her.”
“That’s enough! You are so vile and disgusting, speaking of a child like that!” Mr. Byun shouted. 
“Child?! Child?! She's of age now isn't She? But has that ever stopped her? You don't think we don't hear rumors?”
“What? Soohee, what is talking about?” Mr. Byun asked, furious by all the words being thrown around. 
“I don't know.” Soohee said. “I don't know of rumors. Dad, it's a lie.” She said. 
“Adults don't lie.” Mr. Park snapped at her and she shrunk back. Lies from an adult. She had no idea where he would ever get such information about her. She had never done anything to try and get guys. She had only ever wanted Chanyeol. And even her closest friends knew that. 
“If she says there are none, then there aren't.” Mr. Byun growled. “My daughter is perfect! Maybe it’s your son that is the issue!” He fired back. Another round of shouting began and Soohee had heard enough. She slipped out of her chair and did her best to sneak out of the meeting hall. She thought she was very successful and made it outside with a sigh. 
“For the love of god. Adults are crazy. I don't want to be an adult.” She whined softly. 
“Tell me about it.” 
Soohee jumped and looked over at her brother as he came to sit next to her. “Oppa.” She said gently. “Are you okay? Dad and Mr. Park are blowing everything out of proportion.” She said. 
“I know.” Baekhyun sighed softly and closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead gently. “Like, why are they like this? The elders always preach about destined mates and not interfering and here they are staying quiet while our parents fight to ruin our lives.” 
Soohee stared at him and sighed softly. She reached over and rubbed his back gently and smiled softly. “It'll be okay.” She said softly. “You have your mate. You should go and run off with him. They can't stop you.”
“And leave you?” Baekhyun asked softly. “Disappoint our family? I couldn't.” He said as he looked at her. 
“So you'd rather risk your bond with your mate?” Soohee asked and cocked her head. “Oppa, you're not a disappointment. And I'll be fine.”
“Because you have your mate now.” Baekhyun said and smiled weakly at her. 
“Don't play dumb.” Baekhyun laughed softly. “I knew the moment I introduced you to Chanyeol that you two were mates.” He said.
“Blue eyes are the sign that an alpha has found their mate and imprinted on them. I saw them that day. I knew and I made him promise me he would never try anything with you until you were old enough.” He said. “I had no idea that this stupid union would be done either.” He said and ran a hand through his hair some before groaning. “I don't know what to do Soohee.”
Soohee frowned as she stared at her brother and was gonna answer when another person joined them. 
“Let's go and start our own pack.” Their heads whipped around quickly and stared at Chanyeol in shock. “what?”
“What do you mean what? How can we start our own pack?” Soohee asked, confused. “That's a big task.”
“Yeah and where would we go?” Baekhyun asked and Chanyeol just shrugged. 
“Does it matter? We’ll just go somewhere. The four of us establish our own pack. We'll gather packless shifters and shifters wanting a new pack and just start over fresh.” He said. 
“Do you...do you think we can do it?” Baekhyun asked. 
“Well with Yixing as another alpha, I'm sure we can manage and grow slowly. It might be hard at first. But won't it be worth it?” Chanyeol asked. “They obviously don't care about our wants and needs. Our destinies. So we need to take our lives into our own hands.” He said. His eyes moved from Baekhyun to Soohee and he smiled. He took her hand and held it gently in his, squeezing it gently. 
“Chanyeol.” Soohee whispered softly and smiled.
“It'll be worth it.” Baekhyun agreed and smiled softly at them. “Come on. Let's go.” He said and stood. Soohee looked back at her brother and nodded. She stood, pulling at Chanyeol’s hand and making him stand. “I'll meet you two at Yixing’s. Don't take too long, okay?” He said. 
They nodded and with quick goodbyes, they parted ways, with Soohee going with Chanyeol because she just needed to be with him. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Soohee asked as she walked towards Chanyeol’s jeep.
“No. But we have to do what we have to do.” Chanyeol said as he unlocked the doors and climbed into the driver's seat. Soohee sighed and got into the jeep, closing the door before turning to face him. 
“Chanyeol, I'm being serious. I'm still a kid. I'm fresh out of high school, just turned 18 and you want to move to some unknown place and start a pack there. It sounds crazy.” She said, “Are you sure this is something you really want?” Her question was directed towards their current decision but there was an undertone of uncertainty about their relationship. Was she really what he wanted?
Chanyeol sighed softly as he slipped the key into the ignition before turning to face her. “Soohee.” He said gently. He scooted over to her and reached out, his fingers stroking her cheeks gently. “I want to be with you, and only you. And if that means we have to go into the future blind, then I will do it. I love you.” He told her and leaned in, pressing their foreheads together gently. “I've loved you for so long and I've waited for so long. Now I have you, I don't ever want to let you go. Please. Stay with me.”
Soohee stared up into his eyes and felt her heart race at how beautiful and gorgeous they were. And probably because of his words, but mostly due to his eyes. “Of course I'll stay with you.” She said gently. “Why wouldn't I when I have been pinning after Mr. Handsome for so long.” She said with a giggle. Chanyeol smiled softly and leaned forward and kissed her softly. It was soft and quick, but she loved it all the same. 
“Then let's go. And we'll start a new life together and be happy together.” Chanyeol said gently with a smile. Soohee nodded and smiled softly as they pulled back and Chanyeol started the jeep. 
“Everything will be okay, right?” she asked. 
“Of course. Trust me.” 
“Dad, no! Stop it! Let me go!” Soohee shouted as she struggled in the grips of a few of the male wolves her father had dragged with him. She wasn't sure how they knew their plans or how to find them, but they did. It was probably just their keen sense of smell. That was the only possible reason she could think of, of how they found them this far out of the city. 
“I would expect this kind of thing from Baekhyun, but you? Why Soohee? Why are you going to associate yourselves with these rebels?” Mr. Byun asked as he motioned to her brother. His mate and Chanyeol, all of whom were being detained as well. Though it was taking more people to hold Chanyeol back as he was being scolded so loudly by his father. She could hear every nasty word he was calling her and her brother and she just couldn't take anymore. “Soohee! Answer me!” 
“He's my mate!” the words fell from her lips before she could even stop to fully process her train of thought. The announcement seemed to draw the attention of everyone as they all went silent. 
“Excuse me?” Mr. Park asked, eyes wide. 
“Chanyeol is my mate.” She said softly and jerked herself from the slacking grips of the men. “He is mine, and Baekhyun has found his and the rest of you are acting like spoiled little children!”
“No dad! It's true. You all are supposed to be adults, filled with wisdom that's supposed to help guide your children as they become adults and start their own family. And here you both are, two families that don't give a shit about their own children and are just obsessed with whatever power they can have!” She sneered, disgusted. 
“Byun, put a stop to her before I do.” Mr. Park warned, but was greeted with a very angry growled and rough shove as Chanyeol tore himself from the four men holding him back. Their strength together was nowhere near a match for Chanyeol’s strength when he really used it, like he had in this case. 
“You won't touch her.” Chanyeol growled out as he moved to Soohee and pulled her close to him, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist to protect her. “And she's right. Ever since it was announced what my future status would be, all you or anyone else has ever cared about was that. You held me so high up on a pedestal, out of the reach for anyone you deemed unworthy. You never stopped to ask what I wanted or if I've found my mate. Well, dad, I have. And it's not Baekhyun. It was never Baekhyun and it would be selfish and wrong of me to try and keep him from his own mate.”
“Chanyeol.” Mr. Park floundered for words to speak, but he couldn't even form a decent, coherent sentence. 
“We know who we love, who we are meant to be with, and what we're doing is the only way we can be with them. So either you accept this reality or step aside and let us leave.” Everyone was silent for a long while, staring at the two before looking at the two fathers. 
“Soohee...there was an agreement…”
“And it can still be upheld. Just not with Baekhyun, but me instead. You can still have whatever it is you want. And the rest of us can be happy. The last thing I've ever wanted to do is leave you and mom but I can't live without him. I don't want to feel our bond break. It'll kill me.” she said softly. 
“Don't be so dramatic, it won't kill you if…” Mr. Park started but paused. “You haven't marked her, have you?”
Chanyeol stared at his father intently before moving his hand and lifting her shirt slightly to show the mark he had left on her side. “Three weeks ago, when she went into heat,” he said proudly. “She is mine. Forever.” he announced and pulled her closer as he leaned down slightly to nuzzle her head. 
“Dad please.” Baekhyun whispered. “Just let us be happy.”
Mr. Byun looked between his two children and sighed heavily. “We can't fight it now. A bond has been made, I assume for both of them. The elders wouldn’t take too kindly if we destroyed them for selfish reasons.” he sighed. “And it would hurt me to hurt my children, I should have realized that from the beginning.” he said and walked over to Baekhyun as he was finally released. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Baekhyun said and smiled. “There is no denying, he is the one.” he said and looked over at Yixing. Mr. Byun sighed, nodded and looked over, waving his hand in signal for Yixing to be released. The silent alpha moved to Baekhyun and hugged him tightly, nuzzling against his neck. 
“I suppose I have two unions to prepare for now.” Mr. Byun smiled. “Let's get you all home before your mothers have a fit.”
“Oh...yeah.” Mr. Park cleared his throat. “Chanyeol, I'll need you to-”
“Yeah dad. Don't worry. I'll call her down.” Chanyeol laughed. It was funny to see such a composed man cower in fear at the mention of his angry wife. 
Soohee smiled as she flopped back on her bed, a laugh leaving her as Chanyeol stumbled out of his pants, hopping around to try and kick off the offending garments before finally flinging it across her room. It hit her closed door and he winced before climbing into her bed. “Are you new to taking off pants?” she asked teasingly. 
“Oh shut up.” Chanyeol chuckled as he laid down next to her and stared at her face. “It's not my fault you have me tripping over my feet.” he teased and chuckled as she blushed. “You're so cute. You know that?” he asked as he reached out and stroked her head and cheek lightly. 
“I can't help but to know it. You tell me all the time.” she said gently as she leaned into the touch. Sighing softly, she leaned in and kissed him, her lips brushing teasingly over his lips every time he dipped in to try and deepen the kiss. A soft giggle left her, followed by Chanyeol’s own growl as he nipped at her bottom lip as Soohee pulled completely back. 
“You are such a tease.” Chanyeol groaned and pouted as he stared at her smiling face. “Soohee.” he whined out and Soohee giggled at it. She reached up and poked his nose lightly. 
“What?” she asked with a smirk. 
“I want a kiss.”
“You just had a kiss.”
“I want another.” he said as he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. 
“Don't be greedy.” she teased and Chanyeol huffed. “Oh, aren't you so cute?” she said and pinched his cheek lightly. 
Chanyeol stared at her with narrowed eyes and huffed again before he leaned in and captured her lips in a deep and passionate kiss. Soohee giggled slightly into the kiss before melting into it, pressing herself against him tightly. Everything just felt so right. She finally had the man of her dreams, she could openly be with him and start working on their future together and that excited her. Her future was with Chanyeol and hopefully with some children as well. 
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aceri1485 · 6 months
Fired (Pt. 2)
Pt 1 here!
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Xiumin x Reader
key words: backstage, concert, stage hand, smut (18+, read at own risk — consensual, oral (male receiving), unprotected), fluff (does this count as fluff?), slow burn
authors note: uhh merry christmas I guess haha (1) this is purely fiction, please don’t be delusional and no I don’t think this would ever happen irl (2) protagonist (ie. the reader) gender is ambiguous on purpose, I want anyone to be able to read this and enjoy (3) I'm enjoying writing this more than I was expecting, soooo maybe part 3???
"Hellooo - can you hear me?" your radio crackles from your waistband.
You stifle a yawn before grabbing your radio to reply, "Yes, I'm here! Sorry! I'm on my way."
"Oh good - thank you!" You hear the relief in Sam's voice, "Come find me when you're done!"
"Will do" you reply, then turn your attention back to the makeup artist, Jose, who had been talking your ear off for nearly 15 minutes before Sam's radio message interrupted you.
"Oh - I guess you have to go," Jose blushes, "I'm sorry, I know you must be busy, I just - nobody has really asked us what we..."
"What you need to do your job?" you finish the sentence, smiling gently at Jose, "I'm sorry if it seems like we haven't been paying attention to you before, the stage hands have been a little short staffed at the other concerts."
"No - no, that's not what I.." Jose blushed even more, "I didn't mean to imply you weren't doing your job before, I'm trying to say... I'm saying that I appreciate how hard you are working now and that I am grateful we have someone like you to support us."
You blink, surprised, and feel your own cheeks and ears getting hot. It was true - you had been working hard since Sam promoted you. That was three shows ago now, and while the team had been saying thank you, you hadn't truly felt like your extra effort had been noticed or appreciated.
Your radio crackles again, another staff member asking for Sam's approval on some other matter, bringing your attention back.
"I will do my best to get you what you need." you say to Jose, before going to run to your next task. You stop, though, and gently put your hand on Jose's, "and... thanks."
Jose locks eyes with you and smiles, "No, thank you - I'll see you later?"
You smile back, "See you later!"
Now you turn and jog down the hall, off to meet with one of the stylists for an emergency clothing shopping spree, but not before you catch sight of an achingly familiar figure passing across the hall in front of you.
Your body has an involuntary response, the blush in your cheeks deepening, but you force your mind not to wander and focus on the task at hand.
Arriving at the backstage door, you are surprised to find not only the stylist, but a manager and a tall man in a bucket hat and mask waiting for you. They greet you, smiling, as you head out the door together.
"Mr. Park - why are you coming with us?" you ask, smiling as his eyes widen in surprise, "What - you didn't think that so-called disguise is going to fool anyone, did you?" you laugh.
While it was true that you had come to know the members more and more since you had been working as a part of their core team over the past month, it was also true that anyone who had ever seen even a bad drawing of Chanyeol before would recognize him now.
"Hey, it's better than nothing!" Chanyeol shoots back as you hold the car door open for him. He slides in and you close the door, running around to get in on the other side. Luckily, the concert is still hours away, and any fans that are already lurking around are all at the entrance to the arena.
The last time one of the members had tried to join an outing like this before a concert, the police had to be called to stop fans from blocking the backstage door to let them get back inside the venue. So long as nobody knew Chanyeol was gone, nobody would be desperate enough to stake out the door to try and see him when you go back this time.
"I had to come so I can try on whatever we pick out," Chanyeol says as you buckle your seatbelts, "I didn't want to, I know how complicated it could get if someone sees me."
"Don't lie!" the stylist laughs from the front seat, "I told you I would bring back different sizes for you to try!"
"Yeah," the manager chimes in from the front seat, "I distinctly remember the conversation going something along the lines of "ahh I'm so bored, when will I ever-" hey, put that back on!" he cuts off as Chanyeol throws his bucket hat at him, "and be careful, I'm driving!"
Any tension the team had about a last minute outing melts away as you laugh, and the conversation turns to finding a good place to pick up coffee near the store the stylist wants to go to. As Chanyeol and the manager debate whether the members need coffee before a show, you pull out your phone to message Sam that you are on your way.
Distracted for a few minutes as you message back and forth with various team members, each putting in coffee requests or asking you to grab this or that, your attention gets pulled back to the conversation when you hear Xiumin's name.
Looking up, you see that Chanyeol was watching you. He smiles at you, too knowingly, and says "Sam would know, I think Xiumin told her after the last show."
"What was that?" you ask, trying to keep your expression clear, and looking anywhere but Chanyeol's face.
"Did he say something about his shoes being too big last show?" the stylist asked, not noticing - or pretending not to notice - the large grin on Chanyeol's face as he looked at you.
"Oh, no - the shoes fit fine," you say, "they needed new laces, the old ones were frayed and so they weren't staying tied" you explain, looking out the window in what you hoped was a non-chalant manner.
"Lets add laces to the list then," the stylist adds, "How could I have missed that? You're a life saver, thank you!"
"Don't mention it," you say, "And I already picked up some extra laces.. and changed out the old ones in Xiumin's shoes."
"When did you have time to do that?" the stylist turns to look at you.
"Oh, I... stayed late after the last show." you mumble, refusing to look at anyone in the car.
The stylist smiles, "You work way too hard, you know that?" laughing as they turn back in their seat, "I hope you know we all appreciate it!"
You're grateful that you can blame your blush on receiving your second compliment of the day rather than the thoughts of why you had really stayed so late after the last show.
It was the first time you and Xiumin had been able to be truly alone since... well, since that first night.
"Are you cold?" he asks, the corners of his eyes creased with concern, "Here, put this on."
He pulls off his jean jacket to wrap around your shoulders. The streetlight casts shadows of your sillouettes infront of you as you walk- a shadow couple, picture perfect, other worldly. You smile in thanks, pulling the jacket closer around you. It had to be nearly 3am already, the two of you had stayed at the arena talking for hours after the everyone else had left.
Your arms brush together as you walk, Xiumin's hands shoved into his pockets, a blush forming on his cheeks where his face is visible behind his black facemask, matching the pink tinge of your ears. Your shadows bump into eachother, at times overlapping, rarely a gap between them.
You both realize the hotel is less than half a block away at the same time and it's like you're suddenly walking in molasses. Your shadows crawl along the sidewalk ahead of you, shrinking into one another then growing full again as you pass between one streetlight to another.
At the door of the hotel, you both stop, not making eye contact with each other.
"Do you want-"
"Maybe another-"
You start speaking at the same time, turning to look at each other, breaking off just as quickly and turning away again, flushing.
"You f-"
"What did yo-"
And the tension breaks, both of you laughing.
"You go" you say, marvelling at the way the light streaming out from the hotel windows makes his eyes sparkle. You longed to pull off his mask so you could see how the light would catch on the rest of his face, with its simultaneously sharp angles and soft edges.
He won't look at you, instead staring at your shoes, but his hands come up and hold your elbows, "Maybe another... another lap around the block?" he asks.
You stop yourself from sighing in relief, anything to make the night last longer, just another few minutes-
You're pulled away from your thoughts by Chanyeol waving his hand in front of your face “Helloooo?"
You’ve arrived at a small shopping area and the manager is bragging about his great parking job.
"Oh, sorry," you smile, "I was just trying to - uh - remember everyone's coffee orders."
The stylist and manager hurry to usher Chanyeol into a store across the street, leaving you to actually try and remember everyone's coffee orders, entering a small cafe. It isn't busy, thankfully, but you apologize to the barista for the number of drinks you order nonetheless.
"Two iced americanos, 4 hot americanos, one vanilla latte..." you prattle off almost a dozen drinks and pay, "Sorry again - is it just you working today?"
"Yes, just me, but don't apologize!" the barista smiles at you, "I love a bit of a challenge."
"How so?" You ask, making small talk as they start working on the drinks.
"Oh, I love to see if I can pull double shots, or pour milk with one hand while steaming another round" the barista laughs, "like rubbing my head and patting my stomach... or is it the other way around?"
Both laughing, you keep chatting, realizing you have a similar taste in music when the song playing in the cafe changes, comparing your favourite types of teas and the best place to go for kimbap in the neighbourhood.
The barista smiles shyly, tucking their hair behind their ear, as you watch them work on the last drink, "Could I maybe get your..."
They trail off as Chanyeol bursts through the door, a whirlwind of energy not at all contained by his large frame, the manager close behind him.
"Almost ready?" the manager asks you and you nod, greeting them both before turning back to the barista.
"What were you saying?" you ask as they slide the last drink to you over the counter.
"Oh, its nothing!" they look flustered, clearly recognizing Chanyeol, who is now waiting by the register to order, "But - uh - if you're ever in the neighbourhood again, you should stop by. I'll make you one on the house," they say, recovering a bit and turning their attention back to you.
"Oh, I-" you break off as Chanyeol pointedly clears his throat and looks at his watch. The barista nods to you and hurries back over to the register to take Chanyeol's order.
Sighing, you slump into a seat across from the manager, the drinks you ordered filling the table in front of you. It turns out that Chanyeol had been accepting orders from the members while you were collecting orders for the staff and so the barista gets to work preparing another 9 drinks.
“We’d better hurry back after this,” the manager says, anxious, “Of course the big oaf gets recognized...”
There are still 3 hours to showtime after you finish distributing coffee to the other stage hands, but there is still a never ending list of tasks waiting for you all before the show can start.
The crew and dancers walk through an entire sound and lighting check, one of the stylists has to be taken to the hospital for stitches after a mishap with a sewing needle, and Sehun’s earpiece has gone missing.
That’s how you find yourself in a back closet the crew was using as temporary storage, surrounded by boxes full of extra props and pieces of audio equipment. Your back to the door, bent at the waist to dig in the bottom of a particularly large box, you hear rather than see someone enter the closet behind you, just as-
“YES! It’s here!” You say triumphantly, shooting your hand into the air, clutching the small box containing Sehun’s earpiece.
Sighing in relief that there was at least one problem solved, you freeze when you hear the reply from behind you.
“What did you find?” Chanyeol says.
You turn around in an instant, surprise clear on your face, “Chan- I mean, Mr. Park? Sorry, I though you were Sam.”
He smiles and holds up his hands, “Just me - sorry to disappoint.”
“What are you doing here?” You ask, slightly anxious, “Did something else happen?”
“Something else?” He asks, confused, “Is there a problem?”
You bite your lip, cursing to yourself that you forgot how the staff tried their best to hide small issues from the members before the shows so they could focus on getting ready.
Forcing a smile, you say and hold up the box again, “No, not anymore - we’re good! What do you need?”
“Oh, I was.. I was hoping to talk to you actually” he says, trying to catch your eye to gauge your response.
Oh god, not now! You think to yourself, I don’t have time for this right now - actually, I don’t have time for this ever, I can’t loose this job!
“If this is.. what I think it is, then..” you take a deep breath and meet his gaze, “it’s not what it-“
“Looks like?” he finishes your sentence for you, giving you a hard look.
You set your jaw.
Chanyeol sighs, his shoulders relaxing, breaking eye contact and half turning away, “That’s too bad then. Because it looks like Xiumin is happier than I’ve seen him in years.”
Your jaw falls open.
Chanyeol turns to leave, then pauses with his hand on the closet door. “I just wanted to say..” he looks back at you over his shoulder, “He’s serious about you, about continuing whatever this “doesn’t look like” after the tour, and I hope.. I hope you don’t hurt him. I saw the way you were with that barista, and don’t pretend you don’t see how Jose looks at you.”
The elevator dings, but neither of you move to get off it. Instead, you both stand at the door, looking out down to the end of the hall.
The door slides shut, and you didn’t get off.
“I’ll just.. take you up to your room first.” You say, looking down at your shoes, hands clutching the hem Xiumin’s jean jacket still draped over your shoulders.
“Okay.. thanks.” He says, voice low. The elevator continues up, and his hand finds yours, pulling your grip from his jacket to intertwine your fingers.
The elevator dings again, but still neither of you move to get off, until the door starts to slide shut again. Xiumin puts out a hand to stop it, his other still holding yours.
Holding the door open, he steps off, but as you go to draw your hand away, he holds on even tighter, pulling you off the elevator with him.
“Xiumin...” you whisper, fully aware that the other members and the managers are staying on this floor as well, digging in your heels a bit to stop him from pulling you further down the hall as the elevator doors slide shut behind you.
He stops, but doesn’t look back at you. Instead, you feel his hand squeeze yours, and he whispers back “…please”.
You couldn’t have stood there more than 30 seconds after Chanyeol left but it felt more like a whole day before you shook it off. Gathering yourself again to the task at hand, you try not to think about how Chanyeol’s voice broke, “I hope you don’t hurt him.”
Radioing ahead to let Sam know you found Sehun’s earpiece, you practically sprint out of the closet.
Handing over the box to one of the managers, you remember the items Jose had asked you for earlier in the day and go to collect what you can.
It’s an hour to the show by the time you’re able to stop by the dressing room and check in with Jose after being sidetracked by different problems and tasks. You knock and enter the the dressing room after hearing Jose yell “Come in!”
You push open the door, balancing a small box full of different things Jose had asked for - a fresh lightbulb for the mirror, a new package of makeup wipes, spray bottle with water - and enter the room.
You quickly scan the room, taking in the manager sitting on the couch engaged in a phone call, Baekhyun holding up two shirts in front of a mirror while two stylists argue over which colour to go for and Chen sitting in front of the makeup mirrors while another stylist attacked his hair with a brush and gel.
But your heart doesn’t jump up into your throat until your eyes land on the one man you were hoping to find here. He’s sitting in front of the makeup mirror beside Chen, eyes closed as Jose attempts to dab some slightly glittery eye shadow on him without getting glitter everywhere else.
“Oh my GOD, you’re the best!” Jose says, seeing what you’re carrying, and Xiumin opens his eyes, “Xiumin, don’t you agree?” Jose grabs the box from you to push onto the counter infront of Xiumin, “I asked for all this this morning, I can’t believe you remembered everything!”
Looking at you in the mirror, Xiumin smiles “Yes.. you’re the best” he says quietly.
The subtext is thankfully lost on Jose who playfully smacks him on the arm, “I asked if you agreed but I did not say that you could open your eyes!”
You and Jose chat for a bit, Jose fluttering around Xiumin and Chen, finishing both of their makeup, while Chen and Xiumin start their own conversation. Baekhyun joins in a third chair, the stylists finally having come to a compromise and finding a completely different third shirt for him to wear.
Sounds of the crowd filing into the arena filter in, growing louder as the time passes. Down the hall, you hear the staff laughing in the common area, many of them trying to eat a quick dinner before the show starts.
Soon Sam checks in with you over your radio and you go to pop your head into the other dressing rooms, giving the 15 minute warning and checking that nobody needs anything last minute.
Another stage hand comes by to usher the members to the stage. You follow behind them in the hallway, trying to stay out of the way of dancers rushing to get to the stage and makeup artists trying to apply last minute touch ups to the members.
In the chaos, you find yourself beside Xiumin for a couple of seconds, just long enough for him to look at you and smile, your hands to brush and a wave of goose bumps to rush down your spine. With his makeup done, contacts in and his shirt unbuttoned like that, he is breathtakingly beautiful. Then he’s gone, carried forward by the wave of commotion heading toward the stage, toward the rising sound of cheers - no, screams - and the swell of the music.
You gasp, finally coming up for air, the rise and fall of your breath matching his, like two people who were underwater for too long. He meets your eyes, a low moan falling from his lips.
“Please, baby” he breathes out, “Please keep going.”
You blow cool air on his cock, moving your hand up and down, tantalizingly slow, enjoying the way his hips squirm as he tries to increase the friction and the way the storm in his eyes builds. One of his hands brushes your hair away from your eyes, gently. But the other grasps the sheets of the bed, muscles in his forearms taught and the veins in his hand jumping up, like he’s holding back the ocean with one hand.
You place your hand over his, releasing his grip on the sheets and intertwining your fingers at the same time as you lower your mouth back around his cock. He can’t hold back the loud gasp, or help the way his hips buck. The hand that one second ago was so tenderly brushing back your hair now pushes your head down.
Saliva fills your mouth as you try not to gag, taking as much of him into your mouth as you can with each push down of his hand. His fingers tangle in your hair as he guides you. You suck and swirl your tongue, glancing up at him every now and then. He can’t look away from you, he’s transfixed. It fuels your own arousal, and you move one hand down to touch yourself. Your other hand is still holding his, two drowning people clasping onto each other like a lifeline.
“Shit, I’m-“ he says, hips bucking again, “Fuck, don’t stop..”
Your name, mixed in with a string of curse words, falls from his mouth as he gasps for air, his voice deep and breathy at the same time. His hand leaves your hair, flying up behind him to hold on to the headboard. You pick up the pace, abandoning your own pleasure to pump him with your hand lower down his shaft while your use your mouth at his tip.
The wave crashes down and with low yell he releases. You swallow, continuing to work him until he gasps and pulls your head away. Then he pulls you up into a deep, long kiss, and you sigh, relaxing into it, relaxing into him. When you break apart, you pull the cover up over you both and rest your head on his shoulder. He kisses you on the forehead, mumbling something about the time and his alarm going off in a couple hours. Holding each other close, your breathing deep and again in sync, you fall asleep. Faint sunlight breaks through the crack in the curtain at the foot of the bed.
An hour later, the sunlight wakes you up, hitting you in the face. Now strong and bright, it had crept up the bed until it hit you square in the eye. Xiumin still sleeps beside you, his hair falling across his forehead, relaxed and blissfully protected from the sun.
A few moments later, you are closing the door as quietly as possible behind you, dressed but holding your shoes in your hands, ready to tiptoe to the elevator. The door closes and you turn, freezing in place, eyes locked on Chanyeol standing in an open doorway across the hall.
END (P3 maybe?)
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
Psycho Love. | Mark Lee (M) Part 9.
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Prologue • “Darling you’ve got me obsessed with you.”
synopsis • huang mei is a psychiatrist assigned to the most dangerous killer, but things start to go downhill from there.
warning • mafia x psychiatrist, mark lee mafia!, mei is Chinese and renjun’s twin sister, lots of action, thriller, fighting and mystery. dark romance!!! DARK DARK ROMANCE, mei is in a relationship with hyungsik, mark smut, kidnapping mentions. mark is 😃 slightly insane but yk what it’s fine 😭. THIS IS A MAFIA FIC OF MY SERIES!!
Big authorities in power walk about the marble building, wearing blue plastic shoe prints and a white mask with a protective suit. Renjun already knows why he was called here so suddenly by detective Byun and Park.
Chanyeol stands in front of the boy sitting down, swapping a soft cotton-pick in past the mouth rubbing around the saliva as much as he could get. The older man pulls away soon sealing it into a plastic see-clear bag, looking down at it and then up at his partner Detective Byun.
Baekhyun gives him a nod, tapping his shoulder. He turns to Renjun. “Thank you for your cooperation, Mr Huang.” Chanyeol stands up leaving the side. The artist gave a small nod, he should help as much as he can.
Renjun looks up at the shorter detective, he approaches and sits down next to him. Baekhyun sighing. “It must be stressful for you. Your only family in Korea has gotten in this mess unwillingly, how are you holding up with everything?” Renjun lightly looks down twiddling with the thumbs. “I’m trying my best to stay positive. I’m sure she’s alive somewhere.” Renjun tells the man.
Baekhyun would admire the positivity, if he was in Renjun’s place he would be the most pessimistic man alive. But that is different because Baekhyun knows what Mark Lee can do and has done. The bastard killed children and women without hesitation, not only that, he did it with brutal ways more than one;
To him, Mark Lee is an abomination needing to be cleansed out of this world.
“I admire you for that, it’s not easy to stay calm.” Baekhyun tells with a pat on the back, praising the younger man massively. Renjun shortly chuckles with disbelief. “You don’t get it though.”
Renjun begins, Baekhyun raising an eyebrow at the sudden demure change. Maybe he was wrong?. Renjun looks at Baekhyun with real concern and fear in his full-eyes, “I’m not worried about Mei so much. I’m worried about Mark if he has her around still.”
Why is he worried about the mafia-serial killer right now? Baekhyun opens the lips but nothing comes out, he is bamboozled out of existence. Renjun purse his lips into a thin line.
“You see, my sister isn’t as mentally stable as she seems. She doesn’t know it herself, what she can be capable of.” He looks away. Renjun standing up as he bows his head towards Baekhyun who sat so still and frozen by the sudden confusion that left him even more wondrous. “Thank you do your hard work, please find her soon.” Renjun said, walking away.
Baekhyun mutters under his breath. “Women are scary indeed but.. what did he mean by that.” He shakes it off as something mixed up that Renjun meant metaphorically? But little did anyone know this was a warning sent by Renjun.
Maybe the biggest monster isn’t Mark at all. Maybe it’s the least unexpected, the people you don’t expect to be the most lost in the darkness.
A groan escapes the girl’s pinkish lips shining under the gigantic yellow light from outside morning sunshine. Mei sits up blocking one hand with the sun, sighing. “I miss my bed..” Mei complains, she really needs to go back to her apartment.
The body stands up, walking ahead to the bathroom until something metallic clatters around the wooden object, causing the psychiatrist to fall back down on the bed with a high pitch yelp. “What the —“ Mei sits up noticing the sudden pain on the wrist.
The wrist tied by the handcuffs to the bed frame. Mei cursing as she roughly pulls and taps the metallic restraints. If anything why was she restrained? She thought this was past the stage of their trust!
“Mark? Where are you? Mark? Hello?” She calls out with no response. She was alone in the hotel room, and something with Mei comes up with a theory that he left without her.
With the confusion running down her veins, Mark Lee walks back into the front door to answer all of them. Mei’s eyes light up, going on her knees in the bed to stand higher. Mark with lifeless dull eyes not acknowledging the girl’s presence until later where he throws new clothes on the bed.
As well as on him, Mark had new clothes too. A red hoodie zipper up, black jeans and a black shirt with a black mask to hide his identity.
Mei looks down at the clothes and then at the man as her left hand points to the hancuff to the right hand only. “Mind uncuffing me or something?” Mark hums, “Good morning to you too, and that would be a no.” He states harshly.
A laughter of surprise ejects past the lips, Mei shaking her head. Seriously? Handcuffing her? “Why?” She asks and Mark tilts his head. “Obviously you’ll run away so that’s why, god, you really aren’t smart are you?”
“You can’t be serious.” She tells him, the man shrugging carelessly. “Don’t think just because we slept together you’ll be free.” Mark said, causing the psychiatrist to eye him like he’s her most despise thing to lay eyes on.
Mei croaks out with sudden frustration and anger built up. “You fucker, let me go this instant!” Mark seeing this thrilling angry expression on the woman he hasn’t seen yet, smiles in sweet delight with a donut jam right in the middle— that is how sweet he is enjoying the situation. “No. In fact I was going to release you earlier but, I changed my mind…”
He sweetly trails roughly pulling Mei’s face in his hand hold, smiling down at her with all the power running in the body. He has her on puppet strings, under his control. All of it. Mark loves it to the fullest. She glared up at him, scoffing. “Continue being angry, it’s sorta hot.” Mark cheers walking away as he stood outside the door.
“Im going to be busy today, you’ll be alone for most of the day. I promise I’ll be back soon.” He teases her, “yah! Don’t leave me here, yah! Mark- I-, asshole!” closing the door shut when Mei began speaking.
“You bastard.” Mei cackled out harshly. “Wait till I get out of here, you’re going to a worse mental asylum. No, I’ll just depart you to America and they can have you.” Mei said as she pulls on the metallic police item, in anger and Frustration she kicks the clothes from the bed, flinging them powerfully on the floor.
It was over her head. Mei thought Mark and her would have a deeper relationship of understanding each other but guess not, the last night intimate activity caused them to go farther apart and it didn’t last long, because Mark is back to his old ways with having trust issues unable to even keep Mei freely alone in the room.
She doesn’t care though. She will get out of here now that her eyes slowly land on the handcuffs small key on the bed night stand table. It’s far away from her right hand, she won’t be able to reach that way.
The woman turns to her left free hand, almost there but the arm was too short. She switches position as if this was a workout. Mei moves her legs scotching over the edge, with little bit effort.
Mei slowly achieves a hold on the box with the key, swinging it back on the bed where Mei has gained the key. She squeals open the handcuffs. Sighing once it made a large click. “Finally,” Mei rubs her free wrist, standing up and then running to the bathroom with the scattered clothes he bought her; she might as well use those.
The town was absolutely isolated, the woman has no idea where she is but that’s okay. Asking around for bus money, she surprisingly runs into someone who gave her enough to go into Seoul. She took it, thanking them. Seoul is known as the birthplace of night life. Some articles call it the Vampire City, because of how busy it gets at night and that no one seems to sleep when the city goes dark. Mei has to agree, it definitely fits the name. The manifestations of wanting to leave from before, was building up inside Mei. The doctor simply took off at the right route of outside massive apartment buildings.
Mei ran for it. There was something about the way that the woman feels, like she is being stalked, followed. Hell, maybe even choked. Mei has this suffocation in her throat that makes her wonder if she actually really is free. If this is her imagination, maybe. Maybe this is a sick dream, and she’s actually still with Mark. The doctor wasn’t sure what’s real and what’s not real— For someone with psychology degrees..she’s massively lost in herself.
Running in the apartment, Mei took the elevator and then ran once again when the tenth floor arrives.
Mei inhales shaky breathing, stopping at the number of the door. The hands start to bang numerously without a constant same speed, it was chaotic and Mei wasn’t stopping, until it’s opened. The white door heard an unlocking click, Renjun peeking outside. The eyes widen at the scared shaky pupils who tremble with tears forming in the eyes, the boy engulfs the woman who falls down on the knees. “Mei..?” Renjun calls softly as he comforts his crying sister in the warm hands.
She doesn’t respond unless it was the sobbing. The smaller hands gripping on the shirt behind, burying deep into the chest, her eyelashes wetting the clothes by the tears but somehow, Renjun doesn’t mind. The boy went through so many stages of grief that he’s past all the scolding he wanted to do for so long. Renjun is just glad she’s back home, safely…
Renjun slowly coos. “Mei..are you okay? Not hurt? Let me see.” He begins to speak again, Mei watching him move up as she follows, standing up, she goes in the apartment as he locks and closes the door. Mei shakily walking to the couch.
The eyes lock on the big tv wall screen, the news playing quietly. Mei searching for the remote controller, she puts the volume up as her eyes squint at the tv in shock.
“No way…” Mei murmurs in disbelief.
Today we have found a burned woman to ashes. The forensic scientists couldn’t identity the person yet but it seems like it was a woman. The police are suspecting that it is probably Huang Mei, but that is yet to be proven.
“This is Ahn Junho, the news achor. I will now show a video of Detective Byun Baekhyun’s message to Mark Lee.”
“It seems that Mark Lee has murdered yet another person. This diabolical, abomination on earth needs to be stopped. I will not sleep or eat until I catch this man. Underline my words red, I will not stop. Mark if you are hearing this, watch your back.”
The intense glares from Baekhyun left Mei speechless at the determination. But it only made Mei feel more sick to the stomach, upset and stressed. She didn’t realise it, but Renjun was standing behind the couch, as he looks down in worry. Mei looks tired, stressed— hell, he doesn’t know what the bastard did to her . He could only imagine what. The couch behind to fill, once Renjun has slowly joined Mei to sit down next to her.
The girl immediately falls down on him, resting the head onto the shoulder as her tears stain her face dry. He slowly wraps an arm around her, to support the body that she is slanting. “Mei..” Renjun calls out. She hums, never seeming to look at him in the eyes. “Please look at me.” He tells her, but this time in Chinese.
Moving the head off, She turns around to glance at her brother dead in the eyes . He sighs. “Please don’t work there anymore.” Renjun begs, Mei looks down fidgeting with her nails. “I like the work, Renjun.”
Renjun grits the teeth, bringing hands to hold Mei’s face. “You were gone… for a month. A month, Mei.” He repeats, but Mei looks away shaking the hands off the face. Renjun’s frustration were more like big brother worries. “Please Renjun, I can’t talk about this. I’m going to check into work and tell the police that I’m free.”
He croaks out in disagreement. “No, no, stay home. I’ll do it for you.” Renjun pulls Mei to sit down, she falls back on the couch and he heavily sighs out. “I’ll do everything for you okay? You sit down, I.. will do everything. Just don’t leave, again.”
This could seem like a family thing to say, but Mei felt something off in Renjun’s voice, as if he knows something that she doesn’t. It feels like the brunette artist is trying to prevent something from escalating even more. Mei can’t help but not shrug this off. Renjun did not waste the time grabbing his shoes on and a jacket, with the car keys he left the apartment. Mei was alone in the apartment but why did she feel so.. dead.
So empty and hollow. Mei feels like she took a part of Mark with her, to haunt her if she ever escapes. The girl looks around, going into the kitchen she looks about only. The appetite was nearly non existent, she barely ate for a month and lost plenty of weight; Mei was only slim-ish, but now she’s a lot more. She hates it if anything, it somehow reminds her of something but she can’t remember what.
The memories are faint, everything feels static like a old television from the 90’s with the black and white moving screen when signal goes out.
The police went into massive shock when the girl was brought back in for questioning, all thanks to Renjun who screams on top of his lungs in twice as much shock. The trembling pale woman covered in a blanket the police gave her, for comfortability— it does get far too cold in the interrogation room.
Renjun would have to wait outside, so Mei is alone with Detective Baekhyun and Detective Chanyeol. Despite these faces having the most-worrisome, suspicious but at the same time relieved expressions, it made Mei’s skin crawl. The adrenaline running wild in the system, feeling completely trapped and isolated. This interrogation feels exactly like the kidnapping from back then.
Baekhyun leans forward from the chair to take a closer look at Mei, folding hands together of his own. Chanyeol from the left side with a note pad, holding an ink pen. The older man opens his mouth slowly, still a little bit of disbelief running in his head.
“Are you okay, miss Huang?” Baekhyun asks, he sees the woman tremble a nod forward, softly uttering out. “Yes.”
He nods with a professional smile, turning to the side looking at Chanyeol with a signal with his finger clicking. “Okay, Miss Huang. Let’s take this recap slow.” Baekhyun looks at Mei. “On the day of the kidnapping before it happened, what did you do. Tell me about your day from morning till you left to go home.”
She sighs out zoning on the table as her thoughts travelled into the past, but somehow this became a puzzle piece mystery. “I..Uhm, I took care of the asylum patients. But my main priority was Mark Lee, so I spend most of my day with him trying to make progress.. I then..had coffee with Johnny and Yuta my co-workers. After that I took care of more patients in the ward, and then I left to go home.”
Baekhyun hums, “Okay, what else happened Miss Huang?”
“On my way i went to my car i park outside the asylum building, but…” Mei slowly rubs the forehead, starting to whisper. “I think, my ex boyfriend was waiting at my car. He wanted to talk to me about last night, we.. broke up.”
The silent pause was there and Baekhyun was about to speak again. But Mei has done the job for him. Chanyeol slowly writing the story details in bullet points, watching the woman at the desk with Baekhyun.
“Then.. Mark came out into the open. He threatened my ex boyfriend and then the van arrived. Mark took me with him .. that’s all that happened before the kidnapping.” She croaks out, Baekhyun murmurs. “So this is when he took you to the farm house?”
He earns a nod, Baekhyun slowly brings out a clear plastic bag with evidence files for the doctor to look at. “We found your blood in the field, what’s that about? Did Mark ever physically harm you?” He saw Mei jump with hands shaking. “No, not at all. Actually he’s never.. laid hands on me.” She looks down to the plastic bags, running hands on them. “Then what’s this blood about?” Baekhyun tells with a raise eyebrow.
“I stepped on a glass shred.” Mei explains. “Miss Huang, are you sure that you stepped on a glass shred?” Baekhyun freely replies.
“Yes, it was a glass shred. I was trapped inside this room for a few weeks in the farm house. I got lucky enough to notice the window lock half broken, so i broke it with enough strength and escaped..
“When I escaped, Mark came out looking for me. By then I was in the woods. No matter where I went he found me. I was dragged out of the woods but we ended up changing plans because of the police..”
Baekhyun gawks his eyes open, sharing the same face like Chanyeol; the two police men watching Mei at those words. He tilts his head, “So you guys escaped, where did you reside in?”
Mei shakes the shoulders lightly. “I..don’t know. Some junk-yard hotel he found..”
“What did you do in the hotel room until you escaped.”
“I don’t know- I…”
“Miss Mei. What do you remember?”
The woman croaks open avoiding their determined eyes. Baekhyun saw the whole demure change, she was hiding something, from the way her body faced away from the chair and to the door, immediately wanting or wishing to run away from the situation. The moment he starts to pry into what they have done together in the hotel room, she began to rebel.
“I don’t know..I feel sick.” She mentions slowly looking at the black floor, falling in a daze.
The following memories flash white, a movie tape rewinding back to the hotel intimacy that Mark and Mei held together accountable. The moments where they spoke without needing to know about their hostage-kidnapper relationship. Without needing to be treated like a patient-doctor relationship. It felt like it was just Mei and Mark, no one else. Nothin running in their minds, no bother to care about anything else. She hates to admit it aloud, but mentally it was enough to say; She hates how she felt the safest in his arms, out of all people. Ironic isn’t it?
“We…I don’t know. I’m so sorry, we just…” The dreading voice splitters into different lines, confusing the police who try to deviate the words. But the gibberish crying makes it sound impossible to ornate back.
We slept together… We talked together like we were normal people. We trauma bonded. Mei thought, but not enough courage to tell out. She wants to tell them these things, but she knows if she did, she would be judged upon. Perhaps even treated mental because Mei truly feels like Mark is not a bad guy..
That this bad, Mafia leader killer stuff is just a bad act on society to view him this way. That is what Mei believes.
The irony. Feeling comfortable, safe, appreciated, Understood, cared for— looked out for. Mei felt those with Mark, a killer, a mafia leader. A dangerous most wanted man in South Korea. The man who has kidnapped her out of his own selfish reasons— He made her feel better than she could ever imagine.
These feelings came creeping out quickly like a lurking predator, bursting open to the police. Bombing them with a crying scene of Mei breathing heavily, yet the chest felt suffocated. The amount of breathing she’s took yet no air seemingly inhaled into the lungs. Eyes brimming with ear, spilling tears endlessly like blood-shedding on a sword. The teeth gritting, Mei let’s out a mournful grunt.
Chanyeol runs to the unstable woman in the chair trembling massively, crying out louder with screams once Chanyeol has held her tight to comfort. “Stay away from me!” Mei screams pushing away, falling out the chair, as her body launches to the door to run out.
Crawling up, the door swinging open as she ran for it. Chanyeol and Baekhyun following out by the doorframe. Renjun standing up from the seat, sprinting to his sister. The man engulfs her into the hug, tackling on the floor where Mei fell instantly in his hands screaming, squirming, shaking, fighting back. It’s as if she was scared to be surrounded by people itself.
Something made Mei put up these walls she’s never had before. But to Renjun, he saw this before.
Hushing quietly, Renjun coos a long string of lines following that it’s going to be okay, as long as she’s in his arms everything will be okay. Mei listens, but the tears didn’t stop.
“Someone get the nurse!” Chanyeol shouts across the police ward, them rushing to find a solution. Mei’s eyes felt heavy as Renjun sees his sister quietly dash to sleep.
Baekhyun approaches slowly, watching the two on the floor curling up. “Renjun, is miss Mei okay?” The Chinese boy raise an eyebrow looking at Baekhyun . “Detective, what does it look like? She’s just had a mental breakdown plus an anxiety attack, all thanks to your pressuring questions!” Renjun shouts forward, protective huddling the unconscious woman in the chest.
Glaring up at the man, Baekhyun sighs out defeated. Yes, he was out of line for forcing and asking too many questions at once. But he was truly just doing his job. “I am sorry, okay? But you gotta understand that I was doing my job.” Baekhyun throws forward, but Renjun throw faster with his comebacks. “Your job is to protect people, not to cause them to have a breakdown.”
“When you put it that way I cannot argue.” He responds back, with hands sliding in the front pockets. “The ambulance is coming quick. I think it’s better if the asylum take her in for therapy. She seems distressed, she wasn’t answering confidently. Have of her answers were taking loads of time to come out.”
“Furthermore… She seems to be hiding something. I feel it.” Baekhyun whispers under the voice. Renjun hums out, “what did you say?”
Baekhyun raises eyes out, shaking head with a soft smile. “Ah? Nothing, don’t worry. I’ll help you provide Mei safety and care. I apologise for causing a strain onto the mental health.”
The Chinese boy only nods softly, glancing back to the unconscious face of the woman in his body lean in. The black raven hair, bangs roughed up, face pale and lips bitten from the nervous habit. Renjun races fingers down the hair, before he stood up carrying Mei in the arms.
Psycho Love Masterlink.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating, copyrighting and plagiarising my work, thank you!
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cyberexo · 1 year
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Keep it Down! | Park Chanyeol x Fem Reader
“Your head is going to end up on a stick if you don’t shut up!”
tags: @scuzmunkie • @kkaebsongwrld
word count: 1K
≪•◦0.4 🎧 0.4◦•≫
The next morning was beyond awkward it you pretended like nothing happened for his own dignity- the last thing you wanted was an intervention about how it wasn’t “inappropriate” and also you didn’t want to have to confess that it made you feel some sort of way that didn’t involve being violated or offended in the slightest.
You didn’t forget to wear something a little less revealing this morning, just to save him from feeling flustered further.
He had been silent the entire morning and through breakfast- which you weren’t expecting him to stay for but you guessed if you wanted to move forward from this, exposure therapy was the way to go.
“About last night-“ “We don’t need to talk about it,” you cut him off, “Very normal reaction, i mean.. i WAS sitting on it.” you deadpanned, eyes not meeting his, shooting daggers into your omelette and silently praying he’ll let it go.
“Right..” he breathed out, a light chuckle emitting from him, slowly looking up to meet his amused gaze and meeting with his red as blood ears, “When do you want to start on todays menu?” he questioned, completely moving on from the dreadful topic that wasn’t so dreadful (?)
Menu? what’s he talking about- oh my god
Without answering his question you quickly scrambled out of your seat, your mind entering panic mode immediately. You were supposed to start cooking already, you had everything timed the night before and now it was all a mess- at least that’s what you thought, unlike mr so relaxed who was still nibbling on his breakfast like he had eternity to finish it.
"Hurry up and scoff that down before i throw it out," half threatening the man whilst he watched you run across the kitchen with veggies & meat you needed to cut up and get cooking.
Taking a moment to take a deep breath, swiftly throwing your hair up away from your face and food with Chanyeol intently watching you, admiring how you still manage to look so effortlessly pretty even though you've just woken up and having a frantic unnecessary panic attack about food.
If he was you, he'd understand.
Snapping himself out of the much unneeded trance, he was quick to finish up his breakfast (finally) and picked up your dishes to clean up to maintain a somewhat tidy kitchen because the mess was not going to stop here.
≪•◦ 🎧 ◦•≫
Chanyeol was surprisingly not much of the klutz you thought he was when it came to being functional in the kitchen, you were able to nail down most main dishes so they’d be hot and ready on time for your familys’ arrival, you were both dreading the moment but also looking forward to all the gossip you were going to be told- even though you know it’s going to go in one ear and right out the other.
"How many are there?" "Hm?" you heard his question, but your brain didn't.
"How many family members are flying in?" he asked again in specifics, "eight, or maybe nine? who knows, they might've multiplied during the time i've spent away from them." at that he laughed, slapping your shoulder almost knocking you off your feet, you looked down at your watch trying to figure an estimate for when they’ll get here.
About an hour.
“Hey, do you mind stirring the soup whilst I go get ready?” you didn’t wait for any confirmation, already skipping out of the kitchen and into your room to pick out a decent enough outfit to welcome your family in, leaving a quizzical looking Chanyeol in the kitchen to complete the rest.
≪•◦ 🎧 ◦•≫
“What to wear..”
Standing half naked in the middle of your bedroom, you eyed your closet and it’s contents, you didn’t really have many special occasion or going out clothes since most of the time you were either in pjs or scrubs.
“This will have to do,” pulling out a black blouse that decorated with a print of red roses with a deep V cut, pairing it with black jeans.
Of course since it’s family coming over, a white tank underneath was necessary.
You were quick to throw them on so you’d have a little extra time to sort out your hair & face that was in desperate need of attention, sitting in front of your vanity you immediately got to work.
≪•◦ 🎧 ◦•≫
“Napkins, napkins, napkins-“
Chanyeol was currently going back and forth between your apartment and his, accumulating a appropriate amount of cutlery- a lot of what you seemed to be lacking however he didn’t want to freak you further especially since you were low on time so he had decided to be “generous” and lend you his own to set the table with.
His hands were a little shaky, picking up the pace to finish up on time for your familys’ arrival.
It was all sort of on cue, he could hear the echo of several voices and footsteps making their way up the stairs- his form was cartoonish, he was moving but not going anywhere, conflicted on whether to stay, quickly get his stuff and leave or just leave without a peep- he decided on the latter, closing the door as quietly as he could before leaping back into the comfort of his own apartment.
≪•◦ 🎧 ◦•≫
“Chanyeol, I’m done-“ cutting yourself off, you scanned the apartment for the tall dork- nowhere to be seen, he probably left. A part of you feeling a little sad- and also bad for not offering him an invitation to stay for dinner, he did help you an awful lot after-all.
The well prepared table did not go unnoticed by you however, a soft smile made its way to your face, a warm feeling filling your chest- but that all sizzled away as your ear picked up on the loudening octaves outside of your door.
Your smile instantly grew bigger, happy endorphins already producing, taking a quick deep breath, you swung the door open to meet the many anticipated faces, but your smile dropped as soon as it formed.
Tonight is going to be a long night.
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taeiltual · 10 months
bias tag game
tagged by: @lee-minhoe (ty beloved 💜)
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10, then answer the questions below. try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
tagging (ofc only if you want to): @cheolmatez @sunminshine @boobzi @kimsmingyu @janggtoco @choiyeonjuns +anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!! Pls tag me if you do 🫶🏻
questions below the cut
My Bias List (narrowing down to 10 biases was an impossible ask. I'm still very much in my exo brainrot so I have all 3 of my exo biases on this and also moon taeil ily. Also sorry to all the women I bias. I could literally make a list of 10 gg biases and do this a 2nd time):
Minho (shinee)
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Minho. Choi Minho is my og bias wrecker. Plus I started stanning shinee in 2010 before seventeen was even a thing. Wonwoo was just a babe in the woods at that point 😂
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
TAEIL v. DOKYEOM?? Well, it should come as no surprise to anyone but the answer is Moon Taeil. I adore that man with my whole being (I hope he's recovering and resting well rn). Lee Seokmin is very important to me too, but he was up against my moon man and stood no chance. Sorry, DK 💔
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
I have to pick between Kim Jongin and Byun Baekhyun??? This game is rude 😒 but ofc I'm choosing Baekhyun. Mel had a really cute answer to this that I'm not going to be able to compare to. But I feel like Baek just needs a break. So I'd probably choose to do something chill (I say as tho I wouldn't be a basket case and like I can speak Korean). Maybe go to a coffee place, preferably one with baked goods, near a park or a river and just take our coffee (and pastries) to a nice spot to chill and talk. Maybe get some pizza for lunch. Play some video games (truthfully I'd probably just watch HIM play since I only play single player games due to being shit at them). Idk 🤷‍♀️ I'm bad at this lmao
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
HIS SMILE!! I know he's known for his sad eyes while singing but COME ON!! LOOK AT HIM 🥺 (yes, I'm stealing mel's idea of including a picture, but mostly bc more people should know and love Donghun)
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5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
Dokyeom is like the literal embodiment of sunshine. He is so bright and happy!! You can tell he loves life and finds joy in little things. His laughter and smile is such a serotonin boost! I know that he feels and thinks about things deeply and can be a little (a lot) hard on himself. But he's got this big, big heart. I just love how full of light he is, yk?
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
Why do I feel like neither Baekhyun nor Taeil have much that I would want to raid from their closets? 🤔 idk that I pay that close attention to their own personal styles either tbh. I think I'm picking Baek tho. I don't have a great reason other than I know he's always wearing these oversized things. And oversized clothes are cozy 🤷‍♀️ I'm stealing one of that man's hoodies and keeping it for the rest of my life thanks so much
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
I don't feel like I have any notes for Mr. Gucci. Jongin has a much better grasp on fashion than I do. AND he's done pretty much everything and can pull off the craziest things.
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
Minho, but I'm not actually close to his height either. Chanyeol's just a tol boy™️
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
Oh man this is such a difficult question. Out of the 2, Kihyun's the only one with solo work. But Donghun's voice is SOOO 👌🏻💯🤧👏🏻👍🏻 I feel similarly about Kihyun's voice tho. If we're saying between a.c.e's music and monsta x's tho...?? I *think* I'm choosing a.c.e's, but kihyun's solos are so good 😭😭 this is such an impossible decision to make 🙃
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tastyykpop · 3 years
ɢᴏ sʜᴀᴡᴛʏ, ɪᴛ's ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ
pairings: stepdad!chanyeol x reader
genre: smut
warnings: softdom!chanyeol, sub!reader, dumbification, praising, a lil degradation, breeding, daddy kink, fingering at the dining table, begging, crying kink, attention whore oc
i cant stay loyal to baek when i make shit like this
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the house was full of noise. most of it coming from the music, the other of which were friends of mr. park who happened to be your stepdad.
today was his birthday and he just had to have a party.
you couldnt complain too much. there were some parts of it that were fun like drinking til your hearts content and teasing your beloved stepdad until he breaks.
except he didn't. he did everything but break.
mr. park found your attempts quite stupid, only smiling at your petty attempts like you were a cute animal pawing at his ankles. he couldn't help but smile at how dumb you looked trying to get your stepdad to bend you over, and fuck you on the table. you were just adorable.
adorably stupid.
so he decided to tease back. when you sat in his lap, he had casually wrapped an arm around your waist as a sly hand inched its way under your skirt, rubbing just in between your thighs. adding to the fact that he was doing it right in front of his friends, you both were lucky the table he sat at had a cloth over it.
now, it just looked like a 'father' and his 'daughter' happily sitting together.
it was far from that.
"arent you a bit desperate for some attention." mr. park half smiled, "you wanted daddy's attention, huh?"
you nodded with a smile, happy that mr. park was finally giving in to what you wanted the whole time. though at the table- you hoped no one saw. you prayed even harder that none of his friends walked by, especially when mr. park moved your panties to the side to slip a couple fingers in.
"be quiet and don't make a sound." he whispered, returning his attention back to the conversation he was in, acting as if he wasn't fingering you under the tablecloth.
your thighs squeezed his hand, trying your best to keep silent. you wanted to focus on the conversation going on around you, hoping it would avert your attention on what's going on. and when someone talked to your from across the table, you felt as if not moaning was simple. it wasn't not. more so- mr. park didn't want you to focus on anything else but himself. with a subtle curl of his fingers, your mouth fell open as your brows furrowed. a small sound escaping from your mouth as you averted your attention back to mr. park, glaring at the older man.
you had to pass it up as a cough, a way to cover it up.
"such a stupid girl. can't even keep her mouth shut for five minutes." he sighed in dissapointment, taking his fingers away from your dripping cunt as he wiped his fingers on his pants. like he wasn't the cause of your moan.
you attempted to grab his hand to stop him, but he only slapped your hand away, ignoring you completely.
"no please," you began, "I promise to stay quiet, daddy please." mr. park wasn't looking at you still talking to his friends as if you were nonexistent. "daddy." you continued to whine, but it didn't work. with a groan, you called out a bit louder, "chanyeol." making his jaw clentch before facing you "I need you. want you to fuck me."
he raised a brow, "isn't it supposed to be my day today? acting like such an attention whore in front of all my friends. do you want them to know how much of a slut you are for me?" chanyeol questioned. "youd probably love that."
you stayed silent, not knowing if you should speak or what. your desperation for him was through the roof, yet he was right. it is his day, you shouldn't be so greedy. so you tried to calm your hormones, tried not to seem like a complete whore for attention even as you soaked through your panties.
"I only wanna make you feel good. can I make you fell good, daddy?"
damn you sounded so pitiful. mr. park could only chuckle before picking you up, and walking to his shared bedroom after saying a polite 'sorry, shes not feeling so great' to excuse him and yourself.
he sat you on the bed. his tall form standing over you, making you feel smaller in comparison. "pretty baby." mr. park held your chin in his hand, admiring you, "you gonna be good for daddy and do everything he says?" you nodded in anticipation. "then suck me off like a big girl."
his dick sprang out as he pulled his pants down with his free hand. the one holding your jaw moved to your hair, making a makeshift ponytail. but without him having to push your head down onto his dick, you willingly lunged forward like a cock hungry maniac, gladly taking your stepdad in your mouth.
you wrapped your hand around the base as you kitten licked his tip, switching between sucking and licking as it seemed to make him moan and buck his hips in pleasure, causing you to gag at the intrusion on your gag reflex. mr. park couldnt help but do it again. and again. and again. thrusting his hips forward so you'd gag on his dick, drooling like a puppy as you made a complete mess of yourself.
he threw his head back, keeping his hand stiff in your hair so you couldn't back away from him as he pounded into the back of your throat. you were already whimpering and choking, trying your hardest to focus on breathing rather than the burning sensation happening in your throat.
you could hardly look up at him since your vision was blurry with tears, making it harder to see him clearly, but you knew the sight was beautiful. your stepdad, fucking your face full of his cock as he had his head tilted back showing off his pretty neck? yeah- that would make a nice picture.
"baby's doing so g-good." he said, "don't wanna cum like this though." with that being said, mr. park pulled you off his dick as drool dripped down from your lips and tears streamed down your face. "so messy, baby. a stupid, drooling mess just from my dick."
mr. park pushed you onto the bed, trapping you with his arms, hands in yours as he hovered over your lips with a smirk.
"wanna kiss daddy?" as you lifted your head to kiss him, he pulled back and snickered.
you knew he was treating you as if you were a child. teasing and babying you. it almost infuriated you as he kept making you feel like a dumb kid. you weren't. but mr. park loved seeing that frustration get to you.
"stop doing that." you frowned, "kiss me."
you wanted to move your hands and pull his head down for a kiss, but it was no use, he was just too strong as he tightened his hold on you.
"chanyeol, just kiss me." you whined in irritation, he only grinned, but he did kiss you. not where you wanted him to, he in fact kissed your cheek just to cause you more annoyance.
"stay still." he said, letting got of your hands so he could flip your skirt up and move your panties to the side. "these are cute." he played with the hem of your panties, pulling them back just to let it go and slap your pelvis area. "did you wear them just for me?"
you did in fact wear them for him. planning to show them off at some point in the night and now was a better time than any. "yes d-daddy."
"cute girl. always trying to please daddy." he gave you another smile before pushing his dick inside of you eliciting a quiet moan. you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to your body just to feel him. "oh? you like my cock that much? baby I just started."
an exasperated moan left your lips, trying to keep eye contact with him. his hand squeezed your hips, bringing them towards his body as he connected his hips with yours. chanyeol was reaching areas you didn't know were possible, rolling your eyes as you screamed in pleasure, not caring who heard you anymore.
"you tryna get us in trouble, stupid girl?" he covered your mouth with his hand, shaking his head even as you kept moaning through his hand like a bitch. but he didn't mind, at least you were somewhat quiet.
his returning smirk widened when you arched your back under him, his hand still on your mouth as you whimpered and moaned. tears were streaming down your cheeks as well, he couldn't say he hated the sight. it was absolutely stunning- truly breathtaking as he fucked you silly.
all he wanted for his birthday was exactly this.
"what a c-complete cock hungry mess you are, baby. you must really w-wanna milk me- milk daddy dry." chanyeol quirked an eyebrow, staring deep into your red eyes as you sobbed into his hand. pathetic. "t-tell me. c'mon, tell daddy you want his cum."
he removed his slightly drool covered hand, waiting for you to speak. "i-i want-" you gulped, "i want daddy's c-cum! please cum i-inside me."
chanyeols brain malfunctioned.
"in-inside you?! fill you up- breed you like a bitch? is that what you want?" you nodded impatiently, not caring anymore as you were lost in euphoria. the only thing on your mind was chanyeol and his cock, fucking you absolutely stupid.
"y-yes please please please-" you begged shakily right when his cock twitched inside you. throwing you head back, you took that as a sign that he was close. mr. park swore under his breath, a distinct groan coming from him as he painted your walls with his cum. lowering his head against your neck, he kept going, allowing yourself to let go as well- moaning and crying in his ear. more drops of tears pricked your eyes, becoming more sensitive even as he slowed his pace.
mr. park never pulled out- he was content in this position, adoring how your pussy quivered around his cock.
"pussy feels so good. wanna stay like this forever, baby." he finally kissed your lips softly- letting the taste of your lips linger on his.
"did you like your present, daddy?"
"I loved it, baby. thank you."
your mom was gonna kill you if she ever found out.
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dragonowl · 2 years
Our Memories Carved into the Season
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The Sky that Doesn’t End Series
Genre: EXO AU, High School
Rating: PG
Pairing: Chanyeol x Myeong-suk (OC)
Summary:  In which a new girl comes to school. A new girl determined to be alone. That’s no problem for a happy virus though. Chanyeol has suddenly found a desire to make a deep connection with someone outside of his brothers, regardless of the trials presented.
First, Prev, AO3
Chapter 7: First Date
-Notes at the end of the chapter-
He was nervous.
His palms were sweaty and his hands were shaking and he couldn’t stop bouncing from foot to foot.
He reached his hand for the doorbell and stopped. They weren’t going to like him. They were going to see straight through him and know he was a mess and they were going to turn him away before he even got a chance to go on one date.
No. He was likable. He was cute. He’d been told that before. This would go fine. He knew how to make people smile, and knew how to be polite. So what if he had a huge secret. He could hide it the same way he’d been hiding it for hundreds of earth years.
His finger pressed the doorbell and the sound echoed back seconds later from inside.
He couldn’t do this. They were going to know. They had a reason to be suspicious. They would probably do whatever it took to protect Myeong-suk.
He pivoted on his heel and took a step away from the apartment door but it opened before he could take another.
“We were wondering how long you were going to stand outside before ringing the bell,” a voice called after him. He turned and found a couple standing together in the doorway. The man, who had spoken, stood with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Though, it looked like the corner of his mouth was on the verge of turning up. His wife was not hiding the fact that she found Chanyeol’s nervousness incredibly amusing, but her amusement was soft and caring.
“H-hello, my name is Park Chanyeol. It’s nice to meet you,” he said with a bow.
“Why don’t you go ahead and come in,” the aunt said, waving him forward. “She’s almost ready.”
“Thank you.”
Mr. Jin cleared his throat, trying to continue to appear disagreeable to the situation, but moved for Chanyeol to make his way through. Once inside, he glanced around the modest apartment, back slouched slightly. He straightened up when Mrs. Lee lightly patted his back, then kept her hand in place to push him into the living room area.
“No need to be nervous, he won’t bite and we aren’t planning on interrogating you,” she said. “Myeong-ah has been talking about you for weeks, we were starting to wonder why it was taking so long for you to ask her out.” She brought her hand to his shoulder and lowered him onto the couch, taking the seat across from it. “You seem like a very responsible and respectful young man, so we don’t have to worry about you doing anything to hurt our dear niece, of course. We can trust you.”
She was still smiling kindly at him, but he gulped, suddenly more afraid of her than the uncle who was standing behind her and still trying to appear intimidating. Finally, Chanyeol made himself meet her eyes again, with a smile. “Yes ma’am. We won’t stay out too late, and I’ll be sure to keep her safe.” He looked down, his smile becoming more sincere as he became shy at his next statement. “I don’t know what I would do if something happened to her because of me.”
Before anything else could be said between the three of them though, Myeong-suk emerged from the hallway behind Chanyeol.
“Gomo*,” she said, catching everyone's attention, and causing Chanyeol to shoot to his feet and spin in search of her. “Please go easy on Chanyeol. You underestimate how intimidating you are.”
He forgot how to breathe for a moment when his eyes found her. She was always pretty, no matter what, and tonight was no different. She wore a simple floral dress over a sweater with sneakers and had a jean jacket slung over her arms that were resting in front of her. Then their eyes met and his heart jumped into his throat.
“Hi, Chanyeol,” she said, voice quiet. Her fingers played with the fabric of her dress as she observed his outfit, a simple white sweater with dark jeans, and a long navy coat. “Is this okay? I wasn’t sure what we were doing so—”
“You’re beautiful.” He blurted. Silence filled the room. “Uh, that is, you’re—it’s great. Perfect! It is perfect for tonight.” His hand found his hair and he rubbed through it at the back of his head, sighing to himself. She smiled gently at him, accepting and understanding his nervous awkwardness.
“Thank you,” she said.
Silence would have prevailed again had her uncle not cleared his throat, causing them to jump. The aunt giggled and was once again pushing Chanyeol, this time towards her niece.
“Alright, you two have all night to look at each other. Let me get some pictures, then you should head out before it gets much later,” she said, positioning him behind Myeong-suk and moving next to her husband, retrieving a phone to snap some pictures. They stood awkwardly, not sure how close was okay, their arms repositioning lamely. Mr. Jin sighed and walked over to them, moving them closer together and moving Chanyeol’s arm around Myeong-suk’s shoulders. Her arm squashed between them, Myeong-suk wrapped it around Chanyeol’s back and their free hands instinctively found each other.
“Chanyeol, slow down. You’re going to make me drop it,” Myeong-suk cried through giggles as he pulled her from one souvenir vendor to the next.
“I’ll just get you another one,” he teased with a grin. “Look at these!” He came to a stop in front of a stall with various handmade keychains. She let go of his hand to browse the items and immediately missed the warmth, but it was quickly replaced with warmth in his chest as her smile grew while browsing the many items.
“We should get matching ones,” she said, looking up at him.
Embarrassed at being caught watching her, his eyes darted back to the display, but she giggled, completely unfooled.
He coughed, reaching for a random keychain. “There’s so many to choose from. How are we going to—” his eyes caught two hanging together and his hand shot to them.
“These!” They cried at the same time, eyes meeting in amusement.
“You first,” Myeong-suk said, keeping her hand tight to hide the ones she’d found.
He held up two ice cream cones, one a pink with darker bits, the other a pink and blue mix, matching her strawberry and his cotton candy.
Her eyes widened. “They’re perfect!” She exclaimed.
“What did you find?” he asked, but she shook her head.
“Those are much better.”
“But I want to see what you picked out, though,” he pouted. She slowly opened her hand to show two little dogs: a black one and a white one. “Those are really cute !”
“The ice cream is better though,” she said. “These just reminded me of you.”
“They do?”
“Mm,” she hummed. “You just tend to be really bouncy like a puppy when you're happy.
Especially with how excited you’ve been tonight, bouncing from one place to the next. It’s really cute.”
“Ya!” he shouted through laughter. “What do you mean cute? Give them to me.” He reached to grab them, but she closed her fist again and moved her arm out of his reach, trying to push him away.
“Nooo! Come on stop, you’re gonna make my ice cream spill!” At that statement, a gleam entered his eye and he leaned down, quickly claiming a bite of her dessert. Her jaw dropped in shock and she went still trying to process his actions, allowing him to snatch her hand and release the keychains into his hold. “Hey! No fair,” she sputtered.
He stuck his tongue out at her, handed over his ice cream, and bounded to the vendor. “I’d like these four please.” He handed over the chosen pieces, then pulled out his wallet, receiving a thankful smile from the creator.
“Ya! Chanyeol-ah. You should let me pay for two of them.”
His money was already handed over and he giggled at her protests.
“You and your girlfriend are very cute together,” the older woman said, handing over his change and the keychains in a little paper bag.
“Thank you,” he said, taking the items and dipping his head.
“Not at all. Thank you, dear. I hope the two of you continue to have a wonderful evening.”
“Thank you,” Myeong-suk said. “You as well ma’am.”
With final bows, the two walked away, elbows intertwined. Chanyeol tried to claim another bite of her ice cream, but she pulled it away, moving his into his path.
Slowly, they made their way under the night sky and eventually chose a bench to rest on and finish their snack. Their hands found each other again, and this time their fingers laced, a cold breeze pushing them closer together.
“Wah,” Myeong-suk sighed, her eyes on the stars. “I love the night sky.”
“Ne,” Chanyeol said. His smile was content as he watched her gaze at the heavens in awe. “The moon is beautiful tonight.”
“Mm,” she hummed with a smile, eyes still on the stars and half-full moon, unaware of his gaze. “It always is.”
They both sank into their beds that night with deep sighs after deflecting the many curious questions from their families, and sleep came easily. Both at peace with the exciting journey ahead, happy to finally have something constant in their lives.
Chapter 8
Gomo: Korean for Aunt (Specifically, father's sister)
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kpop---writings · 3 years
1 Million Views (M)
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An EXO-SC threesome request!
This is pure filthy smut
Also PLS I know their song is 1 Billion Views but that wasn’t realistic for what I was going for lmao ENJOY!
After adding the final touches to your look for the night, you pick up your phone and text the group chat. The group chat containing you and your two best friends, Park Chanyeol and Oh Sehun, titled, unoriginally, The 3 Musketeers!
“Are you boys ready for tonight? I’m starting in 30 minutes and you’re still not here. Don’t try to chicken out on me.”
You’re a cam girl and although you normally do solo videos, you were reading some comments on one of your videos and came across a man who wrote that he would “pay extra to see this girl get fucked by 2 dudes at once!” Naturally you see your favorite words, “pay more,” and immediately start thinking about every guy you know or would even feel comfortable with fucking at the same time. You truly could not think of a more perfect pair than your best friends from high school.
You remember the day you asked them and how you were so nervous you wanted to throw up.
“Are you guys available for a 3 way FaceTime call right now?” You sent to the group chat.
Sehun texted back first, “Yep!”
Chanyeol not too long after, “Double yep!”
You take a deep breath as you press the FaceTime icon at the top of the group chat. It only rang 3 times before they both answered.
“Hey!!” Sehun shouts.
“Are we in trouble?” Chanyeol asks in a joking way.
You just let out a short laugh before changing back to your nervous demeanor.
“Oh man. I was joking are we really?” Chanyeol speaks up again.
“No... no you guys aren’t in trouble,” You let out a nervous laugh this time.
“Come on, what’s bugging you I can see the gears in your head spinning,” Sehun asks.
“Okay okay okay. I have a very serious question. I am 100% not joking when I ask this. I need a real, honest answer. Okay?
You watch as both Chanyeol and Sehun just nod their heads, staring at the screen.
“Okay?” You repeat.
“Yes yes okay.”
“Okay, honest answer, got it.”
After they both give you the response you were looking for you finally ask them.
“Would you guys be okay with being in a video with me? Like, on my cam series?”
It’s no secret to them what you do, they are your best friends after all.
You watch as Sehun’s jaws drop and Chanyeol’s eyes grow even more wider than they naturally are.
Chanyeol speaks first. “Like both of us in a video with you at the same time?”
You nod your head unable to look back at the screen. You’re secretly glad you did this through FaceTime and not in person. You don’t think you could’ve handled it. 
You hear Sehun ask a question as well. “What exactly will we be doing?”
You clear your throat as your eyes find focus away from the phone screen and on a plant somewhere in your room.
“Well we would be doing some sexual things of course. Um...you guys would be, you know, doing things to me together.” Why is it suddenly so hard to explain what a threesome is?
“So we’re having a threesome? For your cam girl series?”
“Yes, if you guys are up for it? Someone commented that they would pay extra to see it, so I can of course split the money with you guys no problem. I will be promoting on my channel as something extra premium for my already premium customers, so I will definitely be making a lot more than usual.” You’re rambling now.
“I’m down,” Sehun says with a wicked smile.
“Me too, let’s get this bread!” Chanyeol adds.
You relax with their enthusiastic answers and you three all break into smiles as you begin to plan out all the details for your special video.
Chanyeol texts back, “Relax were outside come open the door.”
You smile and squeal getting all giddy because you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t imagined fucking Chanyeol and Sehun at some point during the time you’ve known them. Now you’re about to fuck them both! At the same time!
You open the door and your greeted with both of their toothy smiles, you can't help but give them a toothy smile back.
“Come in, guys!” You say excitedly. 
You’re wearing your robe right now because you want to get their raw reaction to what you’re wearing underneath when you turn on the camera.
You lead them down the hallway to your room. In the corner you’ve got a red sheet on the wall as a back ground, you’ve got your camera set up on the tripod with a big ring light around it. 
“This is a nice set up!” Sehun says, genuinely impressed.
“Sehun, I’m a professional. I have to have the best quality videos out there.” You say with a proud smile.
They both let out a little laugh.
“Oh! I almost forgot.” You pick up the two black ski masks you bought for them. “I wasn’t sure if you guys were comfortable with showing your faces on camera, so I got you these just in case!”
“Oh this is perfect, thanks.” Chanyeol says as he grabs one.
Sehun takes off his shirt before grabbing his and putting it on.
You admire his slender, yet muscular frame. His pale skin making it look even more majestic. The faint outlines of a six pack showing. You’re ready to start touching him already.
You look over and see Chanyeol has done the same. His body is just as attractive as Sehun’s. His skin slightly more tanned, muscles more defined. You want to give him a nice long lick from the hem of his pants to his neck. With their masks on, it’s hard to focus on anything but their bodies.
Your alarm goes off, pulling you out of your trance, letting you know it’s time to start. “Okay are you guys ready? Don’t forget this is LIVE.” You put emphasis on live because you guys talked about it before and had to carefully plan it so it would look as natural as possible. You don’t want your viewers knowing you’ve never had sex with them before. You like for them to think you’re a dirty girl even off camera, it really sells the persona you’ve created.
You physically place them on either side of you and look in the camera’s view finder to make sure it looks good.
You look over to Chanyeol, “Are you ready?” He gives you a wink.
You look over to Sehun and ask him the same. He responds by making a kissy face to you. You smile and press the start button on the computer, starting the live.
You watch as the viewer number climb rapidly. Once it hits 10,000 you start talking.
“Hi lovers.” You start if your most sultry voice you can muster, your cam voice. “I have two special guests with me today,” You run your hand down Sehun’s stomach, trying to ignore the way he tenses. “Over here we have Mr. S.” You move over to Chanyeol and do the same. “And on this side we have Mr. C.”
With your robe still tied, you let it slip off your shoulders just a little bit, using your forearms to keep it up. You notice in the view finder Chanyeol and Sehun both turn their heads to you, watching you.
“I hear my lovers were just dying to see me get fucked by two men. Is this true?” You watch the comments and reactions flow in on your computer. You look back at the camera with a sexy smirk and finally untie and drop the robe completely.
Under the robe your breast are completely bare and your panties are black lace, crotchless thongs. You put on a bit of body glitter on your chest, you notice your viewers love when you’re sparkly. You’ve got some dark lipstick and a dark cat eye to match. 
You are sure to keep eye contact with the camera as your hands find Sehun’s dick through his sweatpants. You start rubbing him through his pants making sure the outline is very evident for the viewers to see. You look over your shoulder at Chanyeol who is rubbing himself through his sweatpants.
“Ohh lovers, I think Mr. C is getting a little jealous watching me give all my attention to Mr. S.” You watch Chanyeol pull his dick out and start jerking off while staring very deeply into your eyes. You movements almost falter on Sehun’s dick. You’re trying your hardest to keep it together, this is live!
You break the eye contact and look back to the camera, “Actually, lovers, I think this is making Mr. C very horny.” You pull Sehun’s pants down to his ankles and he kicks it off the rest of the way. “Let’s give him a little more to watch.”
You turn your full attention to Sehun and wrap your hand around his dick as you jerk him slowly. Then you pull him down for a heated kiss with your other hand. Sehun’s hands grip your waist on either side. Your mouths begin to move in sync and you slip your tongue into his mouth and he gladly sucks on it pulling a moan out of you. As the kiss gets deeper you feel a third hand roughly grab your right breast, the one closer to the camera, and you can feel the head a Chanyeol’s dick against your ass. You start pushing back against him and he lets out a moan. You let go of Sehun’s dick to pull him closer so that his is rubbing against your clit. You have Chanyeol grinding against your ass and Sehun against your clit. You could cum right now. 
The hand that was on your breast is now around your jaw and pulling you away from Sehun’s lips. Chanyeol turns you so that you're now in a heated kiss with him. Sehun’s takes this moment to kiss and lick all over your exposed neck. You feel Sehun continue to go further and further down your body until feel him lick at your clit. Chanyeol lets your jaw go and you can finally take a deep breath. You let a sensual moan as Sehun encases your clit with his mouth giving it a gentle suck. You lean your head back onto Chanyeols chest and he grabs your hand and it puts around his dick. He starts fucking into your hand as you try to meet his pace. 
You turn back to the camera so your viewers can watch your face as you get your pussy ate while jerking off Chanyeol. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the viewfinder and even you have to admit the scene unfolding right now looks so good.
“You like how he’s eating your pussy huh? Are you going to cum on his face? I bet your lovers would love to watch you cum on his face.” Chanyeol suddenly says as his hands knead at your breast. Your eyes screw shut and you feel your hips begin to buck even more into Sehun’s face. That was so unexpected. They said they weren’t comfortable with speaking. You thought they would be silent. 
Chanyeol starts sucking on your neck. “Come on, baby, cum on his face for me, I’m sure he’d love it too.” You look down and Sehun is already looking at you. You watch his tongue swirl around your clit before sucking on it again. The sight mixed with Chanyeol’s hands on your breast and his deep grunting in your ear as he fucks your hand makes your whole body come undone. You feel your orgasm take over you as you cry out that you’re cumming.
Your body starts to shake and Sehun holds your legs to keep you from squeezing his head while he helps you ride out your orgasm with soft, wide tongue licks. Chanyeol is peppering your neck with kisses, also attempting to help you ride this out.
Once you’ve finally come down, you glance over to the computer and see the view number climbing even more and lots of reactions and comments coming in. Aside from the amazing orgasm you just had, you’re also thinking about how much money you’re about to make from this special.
Sehun comes back up and pulls you to his lips, making you taste yourself. You moan into his mouth while Chanyeol finally pulls his sweatpants off. When you and Sehun finally pull away from each other you watch as Chanyeol walks closer to the camera holding his dick. Once he’s close enough, he starts shaking it around for your viewers. Oh, he loves this, you think to yourself.
“Should we fuck your sweet babydoll at the same time...” He looks back at you and Sehun, dick still in his hand, “Or take turns?” He’s incredibly comfortable in front of the camera behind that mask.
All three of your attentions turn over to the computer screen watching the viewers comments come in.
“Fuck that slut at the same time she’ll fucking love it!”
“Her wet pussy can handle two dicks at the same time”
“We paid to see her fucked by two guys at once”
More and more comments of that nature keep rolling in and Chanyeol looks back to the camera, stroking his dick slowly. “Looks like babydoll’s pussy is about to get stretched out,” he says with a smirk.
There’s a rather large, pink bean bag chair behind you that you normally use for your solo acts. You take a seat on it and spread your legs as far as they’ll go, while Chanyeol adjusts the camera angle.
Once finished with camera he comes over to sit next you and shoves his index in middle finger in your mouth, knowing that he wants you to get them wet for your pussy. Sehun sits on the opposite side and shoves his same two fingers in your mouth too.  Once they’re both moistened to their satisfaction they bring them down to your pussy.
Chanyeol slips them in you doing a scissoring motion to stretch you, Sehun doing the same.
It’s Sehun’s turn to talk, to your surprise. “We have to get baby dolls pussy prepared for us,” He says looking at the camera. “We want to make sure her pussy is stretched so good for the both of us.”
You lean your head back and let out a long moan as they both finger you with their index and middle fingers. You’ve never been this stretched out before and base on the size of their dicks, you’re a little nervous it might still be painful even after the prepping.
You feel someone’s thumb collect some of the wetness around your pussy and then start gently rubbing your clit. Your head snaps back up quickly and you suck your bottom lip in biting it hard. Your eyebrows crease and your eyes are screwed shit again. You feel like you could come again. Chanyeol leans in to kiss you and after not even two seconds of making out you feel Sehuns lips add to the mix. Here you are in a three way kiss with your two best friends and their fingers up your pussy. Never in a million years did you foresee this happening.
They both start moving down at the same time, kissing, licking, and sucking on either side of your neck. You can feel your face contorting again, you’re trying to catch your breath while the moans slips out very breathy. You can feel your pussy trying to clench and your legs start trembling. The warm feeling in your stomach getting warmer and warmer before spreading throughout your whole body. 
“Ahhhh fuck! Ohhh fuck fuck fuck! I’m cumming again oh my fu-” You cut yourself with a loud, breathy moan as you reach the peak of your orgasm. Your face is all warm and sticky with a thin layer of sweat, your lips feel swollen. You’re sure you look fucked out and you haven’t even been fucked yet.
Once you’ve calmed down you open your eyes to see both Chanyeol and Sehun staring at you with wide eyes and their mouths slightly open. Looks like they enjoyed the show. You nod your head signaling that you’re ready for them.
Chanyeol stands first to go fix the camera angle again, this time zooming it in a little bit more to focus on where your pussy’s going to be. To help figure out where exactly you go ahead and move to sit on Sehun’s lap in the center of the bean bag. You align his tip with you glistening and already sensitive pussy and slide down with ease. Sehun scoots into a more laying down position and at an angle so the camera gets a great shot of your stretched out pussy.
Once Chanyeol gets the angle perfect he comes back in the frame, puts a little spit on his hand to rub on the tip of his dick. Then you feel him towards the back of your entrance. He sticks is finger in again trying to prepare you a little more to make this as painful as possible. Once he feels you’re ready, he finally slides in too.
The moan you let out came from deep within you. In no way did the stretch their four fingers did compare to the stretch both of their dicks did. It’s a bit painful and you have to put a hand on Chanyeol’s hip stopping him from going any deeper. You allow your pussy to get accustomed to the stretch before letting them start moving.
Once you’ve taken your hand away from his hip, Chanyeol takes it as a sign and is the first one to move. Sehun watches your face for any sign that you’re in pain and he notices you’re okay and starts moving underneath you as well.
Once they both get their rhythm they get very into it, they’re both moaning, yet they sound so different. You can’t even describe the feeling you have right now. Two dicks moving in you at the same time. It’s not the best feeling, but it’s also not the worst.
They start to speed up you can tell Chanyeol, especially, must be close. He grabs your arms and pulls them behind you, making you sit up in the process. You're a moaning mess along with them. Sehun has his feet firmly planted on the ground, allowing him to thrust up with even more speed. His hands are gripping your hips so hard, you’re sure there will be a bruise. 
You and Sehun are staring into each other’s eyes. You wish you could see his whole face taken over with ecstasy. You so badly want to tear this masks off. Chanyeol lets go of one of your arms and wraps his hand around your neck. You reciprocate by using your free arm to reach back and pull him even closer with your hand tangled in his hair.
“You’re such a slut, babydoll, aren’t you?” Chanyeol says loud enough for your mic to catch.
You simply nod your head, not trusting your voice right now.
He lets go of your neck to slap your titty. “Use your voice, babydoll! I asked you a question!”
His hand goes back to your throat and you scream out “Yes!” before he tightens his hand around it again.
You hear Sehun from under you, “Only sluts can handle two dicks in her this good!”
“Yes!! You both feel so good!! I want you both to cum in me! Let me feel you both cum!!” You don't know what's gotten into you but that wasn’t part of the plan. Caught up in the moment I guess?
Nonetheless, you feel Chanyeol’s grip around your neck falter and he does one last, hard thrust into you before his body tenses and he groans loudly into your neck. He came first. Sehun goes a little bit longer, adding to Chanyeol’s pleasure with the friction, before his hips start jutting sporadically inside of you finally cumming as well with a loud moan, turning his head to the side, eyes shut tight and mouth wide open.
For a moment you three just lay there, completely fucked out and exhausted. Chanyeol pulls out and you let out a moan from feeling your pussy relaxed after being so stretched. He helps you off of Sehun and onto wobbly legs. You make your way to the camera and bend over in front of it, ready to sign off.
“Lovers, how was that?” You ask, still panting. “Was it worth every penny? I sure hope so. I love being your guys’ little slut.” You smile before biting your bottom lip and winking at the camera. “Thank you so much for tuning in, until next time.” You kiss your hand and blow it to the camera, then reaching over to your computer, you end the live.
After the live ended, you see your stats for the video and you’re completely shocked to see that you had 1 million viewers tonight!
“How would you guys like to make a couple more videos with me?” You ask turning around to see that they’ve both taken their masks off. They both looks so good right now, ecstasy still written all over their face.
They look at each other, still breathless, and then back to you, both smiling.
After tonight, you know your guys’ friendship will never be the same. But you’re kind of okay with that, because they really know how to make you feel good and fuck you out!
177 notes · View notes
oshbluepacific · 3 years
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Type: Angst/Fluff
Character: Park Chanyeol x Reader
Words Counted: 3k+
questions and request are available / masterlist
You don’t know why you were built like this. Socially, you aren’t active. You don’t like meeting new people. You don’t like being in a social events or even being in the crowd. You don’t like going to the mall because most of the people who goes there are the people who actually have friends to hang out with or work colleague to meet up with. You don’t start the conversation—you don’t like getting into a conversation with people. You avoid going to parties or even joining a club. You would much rather spend time at home, in your room, reading your favourite novel while listening to music and spend time with yourself.
On the other hand,
Park Chanyeol was the complete opposite of you.
He was everyone’s favorite person. The go-to call. The social butterfly, the most popular kid on campus. He could bring a room to life with his presence and personality with a snap of a finger. He could easily get along with people—new people—so fast. He loves to make people smile and laugh, maybe that’s one of the reason why people love him and all the girls would go head over heels for him.
           But out of all the girls has been trying to get to him, all the text messages, all of those confessions, all of those bouquet of flowers and chocolates he received on the daily. He never really lay his attentions to any of it and he choose to date you.
           The first time you actually talked to Chanyeol was because he needed your help with a class he was failing.
“Hey, (Y/N), right?” He asked, walking closer to your locker.
           “Yeah, is something wrong?” You asked him, feeling yoru cheeks getting red as your heart races a marathon.
           “Oh, nothing is wrong… Sorry if I startled you or anything.” He said, sounding cautious.
           “N-no, it’s fine, I guess you just took my by surprise.” You laughed off, and he just gave you a warm smile.
           “So, I’m failing Mr. Sun’s class pretty bad, and I know you’re the ace in the class, so, I was wondering if you could tutor me for a bit, just for like a couple of days until I get it all straight up.” He said.
           You were surprised by his favor and you couldn’t give him an immediate answer, but he knew that he was giving you too much pressure.
           “I’m sorry, if this came so sudden to you, you don’t have to give me the answer today, I’ll let you think about it—or don’t, if you already made up your mind on answering no, is totally fine too.” He said cooly.
           “I’ll do it…” You answered him.          
           “Really?” He asked you, and you nodded your head.
           “I don’t want to see other people fail, so I can hand you some of my notes, and if you have any questions about anything, you can just text me.” You told him. And you can see that light on his face as his smile grew.
           “Really? Woah, that’s great thank you!”
From there, you both exchange phone numbers and he began texting you back on forth until there was a day where he didn’t get anything from your notes or even through your explanation. So you both decided to meet up somewhere.
           You remembered that you were wearing a pair of black pants with a gray knitted cardigan over your white t-shirt. You remembered the sky was grey as if it was going to rain that day. You remembered how happy Chanyeol was to see you. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie over his beige coat. You never really pay attention to him, but you found him very attractive that day.
           He slowly try his best to keep you comfortable in the conversation as you both walked the street. Buying coffee on the way, visiting various of places until you both actually got to the place where he had plan on taking you.
           He took you to his favorite place which was also your favorite place; the library. Both of you eventually got to know each other really well during this meeting, and you taught him all the things he had been missing out on, and he was so happy that you’re having a good time with him. When it was time to go home, he insisted on walking you back to your place because it was getting dark and he was worried about you, so you gave in.
”I really had a great time with you Chanyeol, thank you.” You smiled at him.
           “Don’t mention it, I should be the one that thank you.” He winked and you felt your cheeks getting red as you giggled.
           “We should do this again sometimes!” He said, and he saw how surprised you were but you smiled at him.
           “That would be nice.” You told him.
After 4 to 5 more “dates” with Chanyeol, he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. You thought about it long and hard before saying yes to him. You can’t even imagine yourself, someone like Park Chanyeol dating a girl like you. A guy who loves social activity, dating somone who avoids and dread them.
The first first two months of your relationship was rocky, because most of the time you were doubting him, and you were just so insecure about yourself that you thought to yourself, you don’t even deserve to be with Chanyeol. He reminded you that he loves you on the daily, he always make time for you, when people—mostly girls—try to drag you down, he would always make you look the other way, and kept reminding you that they’re just jealous, until eventually you don’t care about what other people say about you or about your relationship with Chanyeol anymore.
He the rock in your life. The living, breathing constant thing, that knows you inside and out.
“Hey, I was wondering…” He said suddenly, shifting his position.
           You were planning on going out to see a movie, but it suddenly rained as you got to Chanyeol’s place, so he decided to stay in and enjoy Netflix instead.
           And you couldn’t complain there.  
           “What?” You asked, turning your attention to his face.
           “So my best friend just opened his new coffee shop in town, I want to go there with you, and you know… Maybe introduce you to my friends.” He said.
           You stared at him for a brief moment before you could draw your eyes back to the TV screen.
           “It’s a small place, so there not going to be a lot of people.” He added in.
           “What if people sees us? I mean, what if someone talks bad about us?” You asked him.
           “Then let them talk, and I know deep down you don’t believe any of the things people say about us… correct?” You nodded your head.                        “Good.” He smiled, kissing your temples. “You’re going to love the place—and the coffee too!” He said excitedly. You can’t help but to smile over his excitement, when really you were pushing all of your anxiety away.
“Are you ready?” Chanyeol asked, as he could feel your presence coming out of you room. He was stunned to see you in a pair of black tight jeans and long sleeves turtleneck. Your hair tied into a bun and keeping your make-up to the lightest.  
“I can’t find my jacket, I think I left it at your place the last time—“ “Stop talking right now, because I want to come near you and I want to hug you.” He said, wrapping his arms around you.      
“What…?” You asked confusedly, looking up to him.
“You look beautiful today.” He smiled warmly, and you could feel your smile grew from ear to ear, he leaned down pressing his lips to yours as you wrap your arms around your neck.  
“Thank you…” You thanks him as his lips parted from you.
He pulled away from the hug before taking off his jacket off and putting it on you.  
“Wear mine.” He told you. “You still look beautiful in it.”
Even though his jacket were always too big for you, but you always find them comfortable to wear.
“Okay, now that we got that out of the way…” He clapped his hands together before walking towards the door.
           “Shall we?”
You couldn’t help but to admire the little place. It was small, yet felt warm. The smell of fresh coffee, the sizzle of the steamers and just the sound of distant and small chattering in the room didn’t make you feel bothered at all.
           “Park Chanyeol! I’m glad you could make it!” A tall man wearing  brown apron approached from the bar.
           “Oh Sehun! Of course I came!” Chanyon said happily before they exchange handshakes.
           “Oh right—Sehun, this is my girlfriend (Y/N)!” Chanyeol introduced you as he put his arm around you.  
           You lift your hand, giving Sehun a small, shy smile.
           “Ah… So this is the (Y/N) I’ve heard so much about, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Sehun smiled warmly to you, bowing his head slightly.  
           “Go pick a seat, drinks on me today, what are you having?” He asked.
           “I’ll have Americano.” Chanyeol answered him.
           “For you?” Sehun asked you.
           “I’ll just have a vanilla latte.” You answered him.
           “Right on.” Sehun then went back to the bar before both of you could choose an empty seat next to the window.
           “So… how are you liking the place?” Chanyeol asked as he took a seat.
           “This place is nice, I love it here.” You told him truthfully, and Chanyon was just so happy to hear it.      
           “Glad to hear that.” He smiled.
Minutes later, Sehun came with two drinks on his hand but his apron was off.
           “Ice Americano for Chanyeol, and Iced Vanilla Latte for (Y/N).” He placed the drinks one by one before you thanked him.
           “Mind if I sit with you guys?” He asked.
           Chanyeol nodded your head but he looked to you as you were nodding your head.          
           “No, please join us.” You smiled at Sehun before he could pull up a nearby chair.  
           “So, (Y/N), how are you liking the place?” Sehun asked.
           You sipped on your coffee before you could answer his question. Putting  the glass down.
           “Oh, I love it here—I just told Chanyeol about it, I might come over again if I need some refreshing.” You told him, before taking another sip of your coffee. “And the coffe’s great! What made you want to open your own coffee shop?” You asked him.
You could see the bright smile on Sehun’s face before he excitedly explained.
           Chanyeol listened to Sehun’s story, but his eyes were always distracted by you. He couldn’t help but to feel proud of you and super happy that you can comfortable talk with Sehun. Sehun is one of his closest friend, and so it means a lot for Chanyeol that you’re comfortable with someone he’s close with. He watched you laughed and smiled at something Sehun told you. As you were listening to Sehun, you caught Chanyeol staring at you and you turn your attention to him.
           “Yeol, what are you looking at?” You asked him.
           Chanyeol snapped out of his own thoughts and shook his head. “No, it’s nothing.” He smield at you, and you smiled back before turning your attention back to Sehun.
           “It’s the typical Chanyeol, always dazing in his own mind.” Sehun commented and you just giggled.
           “Okay, I’ll let you both be, I should probably get back to the bar… they need my help I guess…” Sehun said, looking over his shoulder towards the bar.  
           “Okay.” Chanyeol smiled.
           “Okay, if you guys need anything, I’ll be over there—and (Y/N), it was really great talking to you!” Sehun smiled before trotting back towards the bar.
           You turn your eyes towards Chanyeol who’s already smiling ear to ear, looking at you.
           “What?” You asked him.
           “Sehun is one of my closest friend, and seeing you getting along with him, being comfortable here, and of course Sehun being warm towards you and being… Sehun obviously, it just made me really happy.” He said.
           You gave him a small smiled, before reaching your hand for his. He took yoru hand before binging it up, kissing yoru knuckles.
           “I need to go to the bathroom, you good?” He asked, and you respond by nodding your head.  
           “Okay, I’ll be back in a jiff.” He said, leaving the table.
           You looked out the window where you could see the sky was getting grey and you could see people walking by, pulling their jackets tighter. Judging by the looks of the woman’s hair, the wind must be blowing hard outside.
           “(Y/N)?” You heard a woman’s voice.
           You turned your head to see your classmates. A group of girls. And the one that called your name is the one you’ve always try to avoid whenever you’re hanging out.  
           “Can’t believe that you’re actually here, what are you doing here?” She asked, taking a seat where Chanyeol was sitting before the other girls sat down as well. You could feel yoru heart racing, and your palms getting sweaty. You turn your eyes to the bar, and you could see Sheun had his hands full on the bar.
           “You’re here alone?” She asked raising her eyebrow. You shook your head.
           “I’m here with Chanyeol.” You answered her, letting out a heavy breath.
Where is he??You asked, yoru eyes moving to every corner of the room, searching for Chanyeol.
           “I’m still wondering why Chanyeol would want to go out with you, when really—he could have me as a girlfriend.” She said, but you just stayed silent. Holding off every inch of your anxiety.
           You could feel your eyes burning, your breathing started to get heavy.
           “What does he see in you anyway.” She asked, leaning her face closer to you.
           “You’re weird, you don’t socially fit, you’re not as popular as I am.”
           “Have you ever thought that maybe Chanyeol is with you because he’s just using you for his grades? He never truly loves you? do you think he loves you??? you’re kidding right, if you actually believe that he loves you—“
           “JUST STOP!” You suddenly shouted, and before you could say anything else, you suddenly found yourself getting hard to breathe, the room was spinning, and you could feel your heart was just racing like nothing before.
           “Stop… stop, stop, stop!” You repeated, and before you could even break, you could feel familiar pair of arms wrapped around you. You looked up and you could see Chanyeol glaring at the woman’s direction.
           “Come on (Y/N), let’s get ouot of here.”
           You forced your wiggly legs to get up. You stumbled, your way out but Chanyeol caught you.  Everything was a blur, all you could hear was your own heavy breathing, eyes to the ground, focusing on your steps to you won’t trip. You heard Sehun asking something, but you couldn’t make up any words.  
           Chanyeol brought you to his car, getting to the backseat with him.
           “(Y/N), baby, hey, hey focus on me.” You could hear Chanyeol’s voice.  
           “I can’t Yeol, it’s get—it’s getting hard to breathe…” You gasped for air, shutting your eyes, your hands gripping on his shoulder.
           “Baby, hey, hey, look at me… look at me.” He said, cupping your face with his hands.
           Youoepedn yoru eyes, looking at his eyes and you could feel your breathing starts to get stable, your heart slowing.
           “Breathe… inhale…” He inhaled his breath together with you. “Exhale…”
           Chanyeol repeated the steps three times before you could feel yourself getting calm and relaxed.
           “That’s it… Come here…” He pulled you into his embrace and you reflexively wrapped your arms around his stomach.
           “I’m sorry.” You sniffled.
           “Don’t, don’t be sorry… None of us saw them coming, everything was doing great until they came along.” He said.
           “Everytime I see her, I just got a panic attack because—she said that you’re dating me because of your grades, she said that you don’t love me, she said that I don’t deserve you and that i—“
           “Shhh…. Don’t—stop, please, you don’t believe in all of that do you?” Chanyeol asked. Lifting your face up.
           “I mean... I’m a freak Yeol, I don’t fit in the social life, I don’t fit with your crowd—“
           “You’re progressing… Baby, I saw the way you talked with Sehun, and that’s something!” Chanyeol said proudly.
           “I never want to push you to change your social behavior overnight, and I never expected you to do so, for you, it takes time and adjustments.”
           “And to see you having conversations with Sehun, slowly being comfortable in public, that’s a progress I want to see! I’m proud of you!” He said hying the situation, and you chuckled.
           “I want you to change for you, I don’t want you to change for me.” He finally said.  
           “I love you okay? I hope you don’t believe anything—any words that came out of their mouth.” He added and you nod you head, trying to process everything he said to you.
           He kissed the top of your head before he could move down to your nose then you leaned in to press your lips against his. Moving rhythmically, full of love and passion.
           “Thank you Yeol…” You thanked him, and he smiled.
           “Thank you for giving me the chance to be with you.” He smiled.
You heard chatters outside the car, and your attention turns to the coffee shop. You and Chanyeol saw the girls walking out, looking disappointed with Sehun behind them, shaking his head talking about something you can’t hear. Your classmate—the main girl looked so disappointed before he could walk away from the place. Sehun’s eyes caught yours, and he waved his hand to come over.
           “I think Sehun just kicked them out, do you want to go back?”
           You pulled a long breath before exhaling as you pulled away from Chanyeol’s embrace.
           “As long as nobody destrying my vibe again, let’s go!” You told him and Chanyeol smiled, looking at your excitement.
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sweetjekyll · 3 years
Under The Same Roof, part 2 — BBH
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pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
genre: Roommate / Flatmate AU, one-shot, friends to lovers, mutual pining, fluff, blind date rating: teen and up warnings: tiniest and slightest bit of angst and jealousy, slightly suggestive towards the end word count: 5.2k
summary: Baekhyun and Y/N have been flatmates for a while and romance is in the air.
Requested: Part 2 was highly requested by both known readers and anons, so I hope you all enjoy the continuation of the first part! (keyword “roof” + sentence “Oh my God. You’re in love with her.” from this writing game post.)
Masterlist — PART 1
A/N: aaaaah it’s finally here! Merry Christmas everyone and happy holidays. I hope you’re healthy and surrounded with love, and I hope all of you are having a good time even if you don’t celebrate Christmas. Thank you to everyone who supported the first part of this story and patiently waited for the second part, I hope you will like this one as much as the first if not more! I made it way longer than the first part and added a bonus ending. Have fun reading! stay safe ❤
⟶ To my dear readers: feedback is highly encouraged and important! as it gives me motivation to write with more passion, knowing that you like what you are reading. Please LIKE and REBLOG so more people can find this and read it. ❤ My askbox is always open for questions or to chat ❤
Enjoy! ❤
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The guys could’ve spent practically all night playing games, but Chanyeol had other plans in mind after the short chat he had with Sehun and Baekhyun about the latter’s crush on his roommate. Sehun was never one to turn down an invite to drink with his friends no matter the day of the week, so the fact that he agreed immediately to Chanyeol’s suggestion when he asked the two if they wanted to go have a drink at the bar Y/N and Baekhyun worked, it was an easy “yes”. You would’ve had about an hour and a half until it was closing time at 11PM, as it was a Thursday anyway.
Baekhyun on the other hand wasn’t that easy to convince. He was supposed to work the following morning and be at his best to serve freshly brewed coffee to university students, professors and other customers who liked to linger in the early hours of daylight. Also, Thursday nights were one of the few times he got to relax after working shifts from morning to late afternoon.
“I know you two,” Baekhyun scowled at his friends, who were waiting in the doorway to his bedroom while he pushed one of his legs in a pair of old black jeans. “It’s never just one drink with you… I’ll end up wasted under one of the tables and then Y/N will have to carry me home.”
“For someone so eager to get dressed and walk out of the house, you’re complaining too much.” Sehun smirked as he nudged Chanyeol with his elbow.
“Don’t worry, it’s just one drink,” Chanyeol reassured him as Baekhyun was finally done getting dressed. “Besides, you literally live a couple of blocks from your job and neither of us has to drive. We’ll call a taxi.” There was a faint yet lingering smile of satisfaction on the taller man’s face. He wasn’t really a patient guy and his mind was still in a frenzy after coming up with a plan to get Baekhyun and his flatmate to go out on a date.
Baekhyun threw on a leather jacket and brushed back his bangs with his fingers, ready to step out of the apartment. He was about to lock the door after switching off the lights but then stopped as he thought about something for a brief moment. “Hang on, I forgot something.” He let his friends know as he hurried back inside and into the bathroom.
Once he was back and finally locked the door, both Chanyeol and Sehun got a whiff of something in the air. “Is that… Perfume?” They asked inquisitive.
Baekhyun furrowed his brows as he walked past them down the corridor. “And what about it? Y/N gifted it to me for my birthday.”
“This is going to be easier than I thought,” Chanyeol hummed as they headed towards your workplace at last.
The cafe turned into bar during evenings looked cozy in autumns and winters; some Halloween decorations lingered here and there although it was past October and halfway through into November, but the fake vine leaves painted red, yellow and orange warmed up the walls nicely. You liked the fall decorations, but you loved even more winter and Christmas decorations, although it was a hassle to take everything down and put new things up, it was still satisfying as the end result.
You spotted Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun out of the corner of your eye as soon as they entered the bar thanks to the bell ringing on top of the door. “There you go, Lucas,” you placed a glass of cold beer on top of a napkin in front of one of your regular customers and looked around, quickly facing the three new friendly faces once you made sure that no one else needed your services. “Good evening guys!” You said cheerfully, a warm feeling spreading through your chest to see Baekhyun keeping his promise to come pick you up after work, even more so considering he was rather early for it.
“Ah, my favorite bartender!” Sehun mused as he leaned against the counter with a smirk on his expression. ”You look a bit overworked although there aren’t many customers.”
Baekhyun noticed it as well and looked behind the counter and around the familiar workplace. “Where’s Minseok? Weren’t you two supposed to work tonight’s shift together?”
You inhaled a long breath as you glanced down with busy eyes to grab a rag from a hidden surface on your workspace, then picked it up and cleaned the countertop in front of the three men. “I think he had something for dinner that upset his stomach to the point where he was nauseated.” You winced as you explained to them without much detail as you didn’t know how your coworker was doing after he left. “I told him to go home and rest just in case… But anyway,” you smiled once again. “What can I get you guys to drink?” You asked as you returned the rag in its previous spot and placed three napkins on the counter.
“For starters, I’d say shots of soju and then beers?” Chanyeol looked at his friends but Baekhyun shook his head when he heard the doorbell signal the arrival of more customers.
“I’ll help Y/N,” he said and promptly walked behind the counter to join you. He picked up one of the aprons matching yours from a hanger on the wall and put it on after he took off his jacket.
“Don’t worry Baek, it’s your night off,” you tried to persuade him to just enjoy the night with his friends but he just gave you his usual warm and reassuring smile that made your heart flutter with content.
“Nonsense,” he shrugged as he spun around to softly bump his shoulder into yours and looked into your eyes, “I’m happy to work with you.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his words and you could barely hide the smile that graced your lips once your coworker welcomed the new customers with a loud and cheerful tone.
Your reaction didn’t go unnoticed to the two friends sitting on the other side of the counter, across from you. Chanyeol nudged Sehun with his elbow and whispered to just play along, after he made sure that Baekhyun’s ears were out of reach for what he was about to say. You placed two shots of soju on the napkins and turned around to fill two glasses with beer. “So, Y/N,” you looked over your shoulder for a brief second at Chanyeol, “are you single?”
The question wasn’t new to your ears, especially after working as a bartender, but it still caught you off guard coming from him. “I did not expect you to ask me something like this, Mr. Park.” You confessed with a chuckle while walking back to take away the empty shot glasses and placed two glasses filled to the brim with foaming beer. “Why do you want to know?”
“Well, are you?” Sehun questioned with a raised eyebrow, carefully picking up the glass to take a sip from it while holding your suspicious gaze.
You let your shoulders slump with a sigh as you averted their eyes and, without meaning to, you looked in Baekhyun’s direction. “Yes, I’m single.” You nodded as your smile faltered, you looked around at the other customers while feeling a bit nervous.
“Perfect!” Chanyeol beamed as he clapped his hands once and leaned closer to the counter, you just eyed him with suspicion. “There’s this very nice guy, he’s a bit talkative and playful,” he began explaining but kept it quite mysterious, “A friend of ours, you know… I would like you do go on a blind date with him.”
“I’m sorry… What now?” You were taken aback by his sudden request that you didn’t know how else to react. It was a nice gesture, sure… but you already had feelings for someone else and weren’t sure if a blind date would be a good idea, not at the moment at least.
“I promise he’s a very friendly and good guy,” Sehun added, playing along to Chanyeol’s plan although they didn’t even talk about it beforehand. He licked his lips to get the residue of the beer foam and arched his brows at you. “Unless you like somebody else already.” Blood rushed to your face and you felt hot under your clothes, hesitant about answering your foot started bouncing nervously and you crossed your arms. Should you be honest and tell them or should you keep it for yourself? Well… “There is someone I like.” You confessed, but it just made you sad to say it so you continued before they could ask anything else about this crush of yours. “But I don’t think it’ll work out so I might as well go on a blind date with your friend.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Baekhyun’s curious voice made you slightly jolt on your feet and you flashed him a nervous smile. “Are you going on a date?” You tilted your head unsure of what to say since he was the one person you didn’t want to find out about this blind date, at least not like this… or ever. You thought you could maybe just go at the date and never call back Chanyeol and Sehun’s friend, but then another question popped in your head. Does Baekhyun know this friend of theirs? Would he mind? It’s not like he had feelings for you, so why were you so worried about it?
Thankfully, you heard the voice of one of your customers call for you and used it as an excuse to leave. “This is a discussion for another time, I gotta go back to work!” And just like that you were gone in an instant, meanwhile Baekhyun faced Chanyeol and Sehun with a half disappointed and half irritated expression.
“A blind date?!” He hissed under his breath.
They both nodded with pleased smirks. “She said yes, so you better make this work, otherwise you’re truly hopeless.” Chanyeol replied and finally let himself taste the beer that’s been sitting in front of him on the counter for a while.
Baekhyun’s anger dissipated immediately, his eyes widened in surprise and his mouth fell agape. “You set us up on a blind date?” He whispered while stealing glances in your direction. His heart rate began speeding up while he watched you smile politely at a couple who were paying for their drinks, getting ready to leave.
“Although…” Sehun inhaled a long breath as he looked down at his drink, his smile faded. Baekhyun’s attention was immediately on him, feeling his heart drop at the man’s words. “She did say she likes someone.” Chanyeol gave him a hard nudge with his elbow, eliciting a pained groan from the man sitting next to him. “What?! I’m just saying, she didn’t say who… Y/N thinks it’s not going to work out so you don’t have to worry.”
Baekhyun sighed and scratched his head, too many thoughts were running through his head in that moment and he didn’t know how to process the fact that there indeed was someone you liked… You’ve been friends for a few years and were roommates as well, so why did you not talk to him about this person you seem to like so much?
He became rather quiet that night and even the following days, he was practically sulking since he was stuck with the thought that the blind date was going to be a disaster. That didn’t stop Chanyeol from insisting on taking care of all the details about the date, he went as far as borrowing both yours and Baekhyun’s work schedules to set up a perfect timing for you to meet. You noticed immediately the change in his behavior, he wasn’t avoiding you, he would never do that, but he was acting too distant. You tried asking but didn’t push further because maybe he needed some time for himself, otherwise he would have opened up to you, at least you hoped.
It went on like that for a couple of days until you couldn’t take it anymore, you missed Baekhyun being his usual playful and loud self, he was the source of your serotonin and it affected your mood as well. It was the last few days of November, the shop was closed for the day due to the fact that you needed to take down the autumnal decorations and brighten up the place with Christmas ones.
“Baekhyun, we really need to talk.” You told him with a preoccupied tone, hoping he wouldn’t try and dodge the conversation as he had been doing for nearly half of November. He didn’t look at you from his high place on the ladder, instead, his pupils were fixed on his fingers unrolling the fairy lights and hanging them on the wall, supported by nails that had been stuck into the bricks for who knows how many years.
“Alright, alright,” he nodded and hummed for a moment, pausing his work to look down; your hands were securely holding onto the ladder for him and keeping it in place so he felt safe to be up there, occasionally passing him Christmas decorations from the boxes piled up next to your feet. “I’ll clean and decorate the bathrooms.”
You scoffed, incredulous that he actually managed to talk about anything else but his feelings. “I’m not talking about the bathroom, but since you said you’re going to do it, I won’t stop you.”
“Damn!” He chuckled with a shake of his head and went back to fixing the lights. “Okay, let’s talk, but I warn you, if this is about me—“
“It’s precisely about you! You’ve been avoiding my questions, I’m concerned about you. Something happened and you haven’t openly spoken to me ever since that night at the bar.” You interjected and heard him complain with a groan of your name, to which you let go of the ladder, making the man almost scream in fear.
“What are you doing—“ High pitched words reached your ears as you crossed your arms and just gazed up at him with arched brows, feeling so done with his behavior. He dropped the fairy lights without meaning to and wrapped his hands on both sides of the ladder, holding on for dear life. “No, no, no— Okay, fine! I’ll tell you, just please don’t let go of the ladder.” You held onto the ladder once more and watched him climb down until he was finally to your eye level. “There’s this girl I like, I’ve liked her for a while now actually.” Baekhyun let out a long, defeated sigh. “Turns out she likes some other person and I don’t know why I thought I could—“ He stopped himself from saying anything else as he ran one of his hand over his face, frustrated that he was confessing to you how he felt, except he was still hiding the actual truth. What a coward, he thought. He was convinced now more than ever that the blind date was truly a bad idea, he just didn’t know how to tell Chanyeol that he didn’t have the balls to go through with it and accept your rejection once you found out he was your secret date. “I like her a lot.” He added.
You felt you heart fasten at his words, it was drumming so hard that the pulse in your ears felt deafening… Baekhyun liked another girl, you repeated to yourself in your head. For a short moment and in a totally awkward silence you felt like an idiot; an idiot for feeling jealousy when he mentioned another girl, when you should’ve said something to comfort him. You were frowning, unable to move or say anything coherent until you forced yourself to say: “I’m sorry.” You bit your lip and looked down at your hands. “She’s an idiot.” You spit out with slight anger lacing your words.
“Why do you say so?” His tone softened when he noticed how upset you were over what he told you, he didn’t think you would care that much about a girl not liking him back… and the worst part was that you were that girl. “She’s allowed to like someone else, it’s just that I’m a coward and I didn’t tell her that I like her because I’m afraid of her rejecting me.” It felt so surreal that he was running his mouth like that, actually confessing the truth to you but you still had no idea.
Your head head snapped up towards him with your lips parted, ready to fight back his insecurities, except you didn’t realize what you were saying until it was already too late. “Well, she’s still dumb! Because what other girl wouldn’t like you? I like you!"
"You do?" He whispered almost breathless, too stunned to say anything else as soon as he processed your words; the corners of his lips curved up in a genuine and shy smile, yet you barely saw it since you looked down and bent you body forward to pick up a box with decorations and left him standing there. Your face was burning so hot with embarrassment it almost felt like you were going to combust. "Y/N, hang on, let’s talk it out—“ He tried to go after you, but you walked past the counter and entered the women’s bathroom, closing the door behind you. You dropped the box on the counter by the sink and looked at yourself in the mirror, cursing under your breath ad at yourself for being so careless with your words.
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“Wait, hold on…” One of your friends, Hana, laughed at you on the phone for the second time that night, after you explained to her what happened at the coffee shop.
“I swear to God, Hana, there’s nothing to laugh about.” You mumbled, holding your phone against your ear with you shoulder; your hands were too busy going through the clothes in your wardrobe, searching for anything remotely cute and appropriate for a blind date.
“There actually is,” she continued laughing at your misery. “You confessed to Baekhyun that you actually like him, that’s a good thing isn’t it? I mean, he didn’t have a bad reaction, so where’s the problem, Y/N?” You groaned as you threw a pair of torn up jeans on the floor of your bedroom and took your phone in your hands.
“That’s the point, I chickened out!” You walked to the foot of the bed and let yourself fall on your back, bouncing on the mattress. “He tried to talk to me about it but I just couldn’t do it, so I locked myself in the bathroom. I’m the clown of the month!”
“Oh my God, Y/N, you’re unbelievable.” Hana’s laughter rung in your ear with disbelief for the situation you got yourself into, but soon quieted down to a serious tone. “Listen, you have to face him at some point. You can’t just avoid him forever.”
You sat up on the bed and thought about what she said, your eyes burning holes into the door leading to the living room of your shared apartment. Baekhyun wasn’t home yet, he was still setting up decorations at the bar with Minseok and going over December’s inventory. “What about this girl he said he likes?” A pout formed on your lips, like a child whining to their parent.
“You won’t know until you talk to him.” You sighed out loud and eyed the mess on your bedroom floor, clothes lying on top of each other as if your wardrobe got stormed by a hurricane. “Earth to Y/N, are you there? Promise you’ll talk to him?”
You snapped out of your daze and rubbed your eyes as you replied to her. “Yeah, sure, I’ll talk to him,” you replied in defeat. “But it’ll have to wait until after this stupid blind date. It’s tonight and I don’t even know what to wear…” You heard a noise come from the living room and gasped out loud, jiggling of keys made you jump on your feat and run towards the door until you pressed your side against it. “He’s here, I gotta go. Bye Hana!” You whispered with your heart drumming in your chest and said goodbye to your friend, before hanging up the call. “Baekhyun?” You carefully called out his name and waited impatiently for a reply.
His muffled voice came from the other side of the door, and as careful as you had been, he called out your name. “Are you okay? Can I come in?” He was right outside of your bedroom, your nerves were killing you and you didn’t know what to do, yet against your better judgement, you moved away from the door and opened it. You bit your tongue as you met Baekhyun’s reassuring smile, somehow eliciting a smile from your lips as well. Seeing as you had not replied to his questions, Baekhyun let his eyes look past you and onto the pile of clothing on the floor. “Getting ready for the blind date?”
You looked in the same direction his pupils did and chuckled with a slow nod. “Yeah, I just don’t know what to wear yet…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll look beautiful no matter what you choose to wear.” The sweetness of his words made you hyper aware of the way he was looking at you now, and you weren’t sure why it seemed… different.
“Thank you…” You almost stuttered. Your heart was ramming against your ribcage so hard you could have passed out from the lightheadedness it caused you, but you forced yourself to break the eye contact and walked further inside your bedroom. You picked up two dresses from the wardrobe, one filled with cute floral patterns and the other was a solid dark blue color. “Which one looks better for a fancy dinner?” You asked him, unsure whether it was a good idea but Baekhyun actually pointed at the dark blue dress with a cheerful smile. It was weird to say the least, he appeared to be more excited for your blind date than you were, and you didn’t even know who Chanyeol was trying to set you up with. “Okay, this dress it is then.”
“By the way, I need to go out in a bit.” Baekhyun caught you off guard and you just stared at him with slightly widened eyed. “Is there anything that you need before I leave?”
“Mmmh, no… No.” You show your head and flashed him a reassuring smile even though you were still nervous. “I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, see you later, Y/N.” He reached out for the handle and closed the door after himself.
As soon as you heard the lock click, you exhaled a long, shaky breath and dropped the dresses on the bed. “And there he goes…” You whispered, choosing to replace the deafening silence with some music from your phone.
Baekhyun stood in the hallways while holding onto his breath, ears listening to you shuffling around your bedroom before any other sound was drowned out by you favorite playlist. He had been dreading this blind date for so many days and now that it was happening — especially after he found out he was the person you liked and not some other guy — Baekhyun felt elated. He was ready to get dressed and run out of the door to get you flowers, unfortunately not your favorite ones because they were out of season, but he was still gonna get something pretty. He couldn’t stop thinking about how you were going to react once you met him at the restaurant as your date. Too much energy was coursing through his veins in that moment, he could barely contain himself.
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Everything was perfect. Baekhyun had to remember to thank Chanyeol for taking care of the reservation, the restaurant was truly lovely and felt intimate, soft fairy lights were hanging from the red brick walls, adding to the romantic atmosphere of slightly dimmed lighting, a small candle was illuminating the table at which Baekhyun sat. A bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums rested on his right side as he, on the other hand, couldn’t help but nervously fiddle with his fingers under the tablecloth. A shy smile graced his joyful expression while his eyes darted to the watch on his left wrist, growing restless as you were late to your date.
Baekhyun’s smile faltered when he felt his phone vibrating in the pocket of his elegant blazer, he shut his eyes tightly and prayed that it wasn’t Chanyeol the one calling him with bad news, saying you stood up on the blind date at the last possible moment. You wouldn’t do that, would you? “Hello?” He answered his phone still keeping his eyes shut, but they immediately shot open once he heard your voice greet him on the other side of the line. “Y/N? What’s wrong? Where are you? Shouldn’t you be at the date?” He showered you with questions to which you didn’t know what to answer.
“Uuh—“ You hesitated for a long moment, unsure of what to say. “I’m outside of the restaurant, I’ve been for the past 5 minutes. I don’t want to go inside and meet some guy that I don’t know.” He listened to you talk really fast, almost tripping on your words as your tone dripped with nervousness and regret. “I just don’t want to meet a new guy and I’m so sorry to Chanyeol, cause I said I would do this—”
“Hey, hey, calm down,” He tried to help you calm down over the phone, resisting the urge to just stand up from the table and run to meet you outside. “Everything’s gonna be alright, okay? Do you trust me?”
Baekhyun listened to you on the other side of the line as you tried to get through your panicked state, quietly repeating short and reassuring “okays”. You released a deep breath and finally replied to him. “I trust you. Will you come pick me up, please?”
He almost chuckled at the softness of your voice, instead a warm smile returned on his face as he told you what to do. “I will, but first I need you to walk into the restaurant, it’s cold outside and you’re wearing a dress.” You agreed to do it and his eyes quickly moved towards the door, as he was sat on the opposite side of the restaurant.
Baekhyun watched as the door opened and you stepped inside, brows furrowed with worry yet you still managed to look effortlessly beautiful; long black coat shielding your body from the cold of the last weeks of autumn. He could see the dark blue of your knee length dress peeking under the coat, a small purse swaying by your side from a long chain on your left shoulder as you glanced around and were greeted by a waiter. “I’m in.” You mumbled as your eyes looked frantically around.
“Look to your right, other side of the room.” And you did, you looked towards him and nearly dropped your phone, your jaw went numb for a moment as your lips parted in disbelief. One of the waiters helped you remove your coat and accompanied you towards Baekhyun, to your table. “You’re beautiful,” the words rolled off his tongue almost like a foreign sound, he couldn’t believe that you two were actually on a date, even if he had to keep it a secret for such a long time.
You were at a loss for words, yet your chest was flooded with immense happiness. “The girl you like a lot…” You began saying and he nodded before you could finish your sentence. “A very nice guy, a bit talkative and playful,” you giggled as you quoted Chanyeol’s words when he spoke about the friend he wanted you to meet.
“Yep, that would be me.” Baekhyun picked up the flowers and slowly stepped closer to you. “I know they’re not daffodils, but I hope you like chrysanthemums too.”
“You know what I like more than flowers?” You stepped even closer to him until you could feel his hot breath on your skin, completely forgetting the rest of the world as you felt a rush of bravery while gazing into his eyes. “You.”
When Baekhyun leaned forward to steal a kiss it felt like the most natural thing in the world, as if he had done it so many times before and you were out tonight celebrating an anniversary rather than a first date. The gentlest of touches left a lingering sensation of his lips on yours. The red of your lipstick transferred slightly on his lips and if you focused hard enough, you could see that his cheeks turned the same shade out of shyness and adoration.
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“Hmm, what do you think?” You asked, tilting your head to the side while staring very hard at the Christmas tree.
You were currently in your new apartment with Baekhyun standing by your side, eyes focused ahead of you. “It’s crooked on one side.” The living room was bare of furniture except for a coffee table, the tv stand with the television on top of it and the Christmas tree you spent at least three hours on decorating with your boyfriend. Moving boxes were scattered all around the place.
“I think if we spin it around towards the corner of the room none of the guests will notice.” You suggested and Baekhyun hoped quickly towards the tree, being careful to avoid any boxes and discarded ornaments still lying on the floor. He crouched on his kneed and wrapped his fingers around the base of the fake pine tree, rotating the crooked side towards the corner of the room.
“What about now?” He asked as he looked up at the tree for a moment and back at you.
“Light it up.” Baekhyun took the end of a cable beneath the branches of the tree and struggled to plug it into the wall for a moment, making you giggle, but as soon as the tree was lit up, he stood up and walked back to stand by you. “Now it’s perfect!” You beamed while he wrapped one of his arms around your shoulders and brought you closer to kiss your cheek.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” Baekhyun whispered in your ear, your smile became bigger and brighter when you looked into his loving eyes.
You pecked his lips with a soft kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Merry Christmas to you too, Baek—”
You didn’t even have time to finish saying his name because all of a sudden he snaked his arms around your waist, making you screech in surprise when he tried to lift you up from the floor and yelled at the top of his lungs: “To the bedroom, now!”
Loud giggles escaped you as you struggled to stay serious, but it was impossible when he was in a playful mood like this. “But we don’t have a bed frame yet—“
“We have a mattress and that’s enough for me!”
146 notes · View notes
newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
K-Pop Fanfiction Masterlist
Boy Groups
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Kim Namjoon/RM:
None yet
None yet
None yet
Kim Seokjin/Jin:
Let Me Cater You
None yet 
Right Hand Man:1 2 3 4
 Min Yoongi/Suga
None yet
None yet
So, When Can We Tell The World?:1 2 3 4 5 6
Jung Hoseok/ J-Hope:
None yet
None yet
None yet
Park Jimin:
Should I Show You?
What’s On Your Mind?
Daria & Chill
I’m Your One and Only, Right?
None yet
Overlay Me in Your Heart: 1 2 3 4
Mr. Flirt:1 2 3  4
Kim Taehyung/V:
A Tender Night
None yet
 The Shakespeare Substitute:1 2 3 4
Jeon Jungkook:
None yet
None yet
Welcome To Shimmer Star: :1 2 3 4
None yet
Bts As Your Butlers
None yet
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Kim Junmyeon/ Suho
none yet
none yet
Notice Me!: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
Kim Minseok/Xiumin
none yet 
none yet
none yet
Zhang Yixing/Lay
none yet
none yet
none yet
Byun Baekhyun
I Just Wanna Make You Groove Babe
none yet
none yet
Kim Jongdae/Chen
none yet
none yet
none yet
Park Chanyeol
none yet
none yet
none yet
Do Kyungsoo/D.O.
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kim Jongin/Kai
none yet
none yet
none yet
Oh Sehun
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
Girl Groups
Red Velvet
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Bae Joohyun/Irene
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kang Seulgi
none yet
none yet
none yet
Son Seungwan/Wendy
none yet
none yet
none yet
Park Sooyoung/Joy
Not so Korean Drama
none yet
none yet
Kim Yerim/Yeri 
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
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Kim Jisoo
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kim Jennie
none yet
none yet
none yet
Park Chaeyoung/Rosé
none yet
none yet
none yet
Lalisa Manoban
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
Reaction to their chubby girlfriend being insecure
none yet
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Park Jihyo
none yet
Dating Park Jihyo
none yet
Im Nayeon
Unfair with Jeongyeon 
none yet
none yet
Yoo Jeongyeon
Unfair with Nayeon
none yet
none yet
Hirai Momo
none yet
none yet
none yet
Minatozaki Sana
An Early Gift 
none yet
none yet
Myoui Mina
You’re Amazing In Every Way
none yet
none yet
Kim Dahyun
none yet
none yet
none yet
Son Chaeyoung
none yet
none yet
none yet
Chou Tzuyu
none yet
none yet
I Can’t Handle You Being Back:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
none yet
Reaction to their girlfriend being insecure over their weight
Reaction to wanting to help with their Black girlfriend’s hair
none yet
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Kim Minji/JiU
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kim Bora/ SuA
none yet
none yet
none yet
Lee Siyeon
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kim Yoohyeon
none yet
none yet
none yet
Lee Yoobin/Dami
none yet
none yet
none yet
Lee Gahyeon
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
115 notes · View notes
niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 29
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(14 July)
4:12 pm
You hummed in satisfication as the taste of juice reached your tastebuds while scrolling through your phone. You were sitting on one of the table at the Café having a break while Rose went to attend Jack's call.
It's been more than a month to your seniors graduation and you are in the middle of your summer vacations. After graduation, everyone went to their own respective path which they desire.
Junmyeon, Jongdae and Minseok went to abroad for their further studies. Jongin joined a fashion company as he always had a interest in fashion. Kyungsoo took a break for sometime to think if he wanted to join a company or start his own business. Yixing also went back to China to accomplish his goal of being an Artist.
Chanyeol was preparing to be a song producer since he was into music. As for Sehun, he joined Baekhyun in his gaming business which they have been working on for some time now and you met him at his workplace last week and since then you haven't met because he got extremely busy with work and you didn't wanted to disturb him but he being the best boyfriend always called you.
Ria went to her hometown to spend her vacation with her grandparents and Chanyeol was a little sad to hear it but she already had promised them before even meeting him.
While scrolling through the phone, your phone rang and it was your boyfriend's call. Smiling, you answered the call and pressed the phone to your ear.
[What are you doing?]
You stirred the straw in your juice. [Having my favorite juice.]
He hummed. [Stay there, I'm taking you out on a date.]
You chuckled. [It's not like you can go alone.]
He chuckled back. [Oh, Mrs Byun. Don't challenge me, you know I can.]
You blushed before smiling. [As if.]
He laughed. [I'll be there in few.]
[Okay, drive safely.]
You hung up and took a sip from your juice before Rose walked out and sat across you. "Who was it?"
"Baekhyun. He is coming here." You told her sipping your juice and she nodded. "Okay, good. I actually have to tell you both something."
"What?" You asked and she smiled. "Patience my child, let your boyfriend be here and I'll tell you."
You squinted your eyes at her and after ten minutes, you heard the bell sound indicating someone came in. You two ladies looked at the direction to see Baekhyun walking inside in his casual attire.
"Hey." He smiled approaching before kissing your forehead and sat beside you then turned to Rose. "Oh, Rose. Didn't see you there! How have you been?"
Rose scoffed playfully. "How would you? When you can't take your eyes off your girlfriend. Are you both making me jealous because my boyfriend isn't here."
"No." He chuckled. "So, tell me how have you been?"
"I've been well." She spoke before sighing loudly. "Just missing you here. Since the day you left, there are less female customers and male customers more. Thanks to your girlfriend."
You lips stopped between the straw as you looked up at them and Baekhyun tilted his head to look at you with creased forehead which said 'why didn't I knew about this'. "Oh, I didn't know that."
You leaned back and shook your head while waving your hand. "It's not. Rose is just messing with you."
Rose shrugged cutely. "I don't know, am I?"
"Rose!" You whined and she chuckled before getting saying she had something to show you as she went into the kitchen.
You turned back to see Baekhyun staring at you and you chuckled. "Really, she's just messing with you."
"Um-hm." He hummed leaning back against the chair with his folded arms still staring at you intently and you frowned. "Why are you staring at me like that?"
"I just didn't see you the whole week so, making up for it." He spoke and you chuckled tilting your head playfully. "Really? Then stare all you want."
"Ooh~ Bold, huh?" He raised his eyebrows smirking before leaning his folded arms on the table as his eyes boring into yours intensely and he tilted his head. "But can you handle it?"
You bit your lip blushing under his gaze and immediately looked away making him laugh as he pulled your warm cheek softly and at that moment Rose walked out standing by the table.
Her hands were behind her as if she was hiding something and a nervous smile playing on her lips making you both worry somehow before she took a deep breath. "So, I have some good news-"
Baekhyun interuppted by gasping loudly. "You're pregn-ow!"
He winced as you slapped his thigh and glared at him while Rose was doing the same making him smile awkwardly before he gestured her to continue.
"Yeah, so, I was saying." She trailed off as a wide shy smile crept on her face before she pulled out something from her back. "Ta-da!"
You and Baekhyun eyed the thing in her hand curiously and your eyes widened seeing the card, not just card but a wedding card.
"No way!" You exclaimed taking the card from her hand and you examined the card with Baekhyun who was looking still shocked by this.
"Gosh, I'm so happy for you. Rose!" You exclaimed getting up and engulfed her in a tight hug which she reciprocated with shy giggle. You pulled away smiling and looked at Baekhyun who was also smiling but looked a little emotional as he always thought of Rose as her sister.
"Aww!" Rose giggled giving him a side hug and you smiled at those two having their brother-sister moment.
"When did this happen?" You asked excitedly sitting on your previous place.
"Well, Jack had dinner last week with my family and he suddenly asked about our marriage." She chuckled recalling the moment. "I was actually shocked because he didn't discussed anything about this but surprisingly my parents agreed and it was like I was living in the drama."
You both chuckled at her dramatic expression and then she told how everything happened so quickly which seemed surreal to her and she wanted to surprise you both with this announcement.
"Ahem. Yeah, so, that was my story." She smiled leaning back before looking at Baekhyun. "And I would really appreciate it if you could sing at my wedding."
"I am all in." He paused to look at you. "But you have to ask my girlfriend for it."
You frowned elbowing his side as he giggled and Rose squinted eyes at you playfully. "You two. Stop being so cute. You're making me feel single even though I'm not."
You both laughed before Baekhyun spoke. "If it's okay for you, can I take my girlfriend with me?"
Rose nodded. "Yeah, sure. I have to go for my wedding dress check, so i'll close the Café early."
You three stood up and walked out while congratulating her last time before driving off to wherever your boyfriend was taking you.
Here you were walking down the path of central park under the trees filled with pink cherry blossoms along with Baekhyun. His hand locked with yours firmly while his other one was in his pocket and yours around his arm.
Baekhyun glanced at you smiling making you smile back before he sighed. "Finally we're on a date. I've been feeling bad for not taking you out these days."
"Don't be." You smiled lightly. "You're busy with work. I understand, just don't overwork yourself."
He stopped walking making you do the same and tilted his head to stare at you intently with a dreamy smile on his lips and you chuckled. "What?"
He bit his lower lip and shook his head. "Just wondering, what did I do to deserve you?"
You stared at him surprised for a moment before grinning playfully. "I know right? You must have done good deeds in your previous life."
Baekhyun laughed and you giggled as you both started walking again. "I can't believe, Rose is getting married. Remember the day when she was whining about not having a date?"
He chuckled nodding and a smile playing on his lips as he looked down at your feet taking the steps with him at the same time. Suddenly, a figure came running towards your direction but before you could bump, Baekhyun instantly pulled you towards him.
You held into his arm tightly before looking at the figure who seemed to stop at almost occurred accident revealing a girl. She was about to apologize but stopped and you both gasped together in surprise.
"Oh, You're Daniel's sister, right?"
"You're Kim jieun, right?"
"Yes, what a coincidence to meet you here." She smiled before her eyes stopped at Baekhyun and then your locked hands as she looked at you confused.
"Oh." You trailed off pulling Baekhyun closer by your side. "He's Baekhyun, my boyfriend and Baekhyun she's Kim Jieun, Daniel's friend."
"Hi." He smiled waving at her and Jieun almost let out a squeal seeing the handsome man smiling at her. Well, who wouldn't?
"Wow, you two look really good together." She cooed, smiling at the sight and you smiled.
"I agree." Baekhyun exclaimed, smiling. "You really have good eyes."
You chuckled, rolling your eyes and she giggled before someone called out her name. "Oh, I have to go. We friends are hanging out together and Daniel would be joining too."
"He would?" You raised your eyebrows surprised before nodding. "Then, enjoy your day."
"Yes, then bye." She ran away towards her friend waving you two before you both began to walk again.
Baekhyun hummed. "So, she's Daniel's friend."
"And crush."
He gasped. "What? Really? That boy, seriously? Already has a crush."
You stared at him frowning. "Why are you so surprised? You had it too. A major one."
Baekhyun looked away coughing awkwardly and pretending to look up. "Wow! The weather is so good today."
You scoffed, smiling as you both kept walking and then spotted a old aged couple feeding eachother ice-cream making you two look at each other as you both smiled.
"Let's do this, when we get old." Baekhyun uttered. "Though I'll be more handsome but we won't let that get in between."
You slapped his arm playfully as he laughed at his own remark before stopping and faced you making you look up at him. "Seriously, let's get old together."
You smiled nodding before his hand went up to your hair and he took a petal from your hair.
You chuckled. "You have it too."
You tiptoed raising your hand to reach his hair but him teasing you as always, he also tiptoed and making it hard not to reach causing you whine. "Baek!"
He just laughed circling his arms around your waist while your hand rested on his shoulder and he slightly bend down his head where you took out the petal from his hair. While doing so, he immediately pecked your cheek making you instantly gasped and blush as you looked around the people before looking back at him. "What are you doing? Everyone's looking."
Baekhyun shrugged. "So what? I'm kissing my girlfriend and it's not illegal."
He attempted to kiss your another cheek but you immediately cupped his mouth causing him whine against your hand. "I want ice-cream."
You removed your hand and he huffed dramatically. "I really think this ice-cream has something against us. Let's not have ice-cream when we get old."
You laughed and he pouted as you dragged him to buy you some ice-cream.
Shoving the spoon filled with Vanilla ice-cream in your mouth, you nodded humming liking the taste and enjoying it in the summer until your Boyfriend who kept stealing some scoops from your ice-cream making you whine.
"Don't!" You whined again pushing the ice-cream away from his reach as he advanced towards you again making you jog away from him while laughing.
"Okay! I won't." He surrendered raising his one hand and you eyed him suspiciously taking slow steps towards him before he swiftly attempted to attack but you backed away.
You smirked, raising your brows. "You think I don't know you?"
Baekhyun chuckled and you stepped towards him before feeding him the spoon filled with ice-cream making him smile as he wounded his arm around your neck walking ahead with you.
"Let's ride that!" You pointed towards a litte girl cycling and Baekhyun frowned. "I don't know about me, but you definitely can fit in that bike."
"I'm serious!" You slapped his arm making him laugh. "Okay! Let's have a race?"
You hummed nodding excitedly. "Okay, but are you sure? Because I have never lost a bike race."
Baekhyun looked at you titling his head as a smirk plastered on his lips. "Then, I'm going to break that record."
You chuckled. "Oh, confident much? Let's do this!"
"Lost one's going to grant a wish." He threw the empty ice-cream cup in the trashcan and looked at you showing his fist. "Deal?"
You also threw your empty ice-cream cup and nodded determinedly before doing fistbump together. "Deal."
And here you were seated on your bicycles ready for your race before you both counted to three together and zoomed off pedaling. Going further, you both kept blocking eachother's way and laughed causing you get lost in fun where the racing thing was nowhere to be found in your mind.
"Y/n! Gimme your hand." Baekhyun suddenly stretched out his hand and you instantly shook your head too afraid to do so. "No, it's dangerous!"
"It's not, trust me!" He insisted and you hesitantly placed your hand in his tightly as you both were pedaling together but instantly let go when someone else passed by between you causing you two laugh.
As the ride continued, your bicycle suddenly stopped and Baekhyun who went passed you immediately stopped before coming backwards and stopped beside you.
"What happened, missy?"
You pouted, making a cry face. "The chain came out."
He chuckled at your pouty yet adorable expression before gesturing towards his back seat with his head. "Hop on, I'll give a lift."
You tilted your head pretending to think. "Thank you but it won't mean anything because I have a boyfriend."
Baekhyun hummed nodding. "I think I'm more handsome than him."
"I agree." You said making him glare at you playfully before you smiled. "But still, no."
You both stared at each other for few seconds before bursting into laughter and that's how it is. You both can just do any childish things and would play along because with eachother, you can be yourself.
"Come on, now." He reached out to hold your hand and made you sit behind him before wrapping your arms around his waist then looked at you over his shoulder. "Hold tight, Coffee bean. We're eloping!"
You laughed but instantly shrieked as he started pedaling making you tightened your grip before riding ahead. You stared at his broad back smiling while your hair flying back in the air before feeling his hand on yours while unknown to you, he was smiling widely.
A sudden idea crossed your mind as you fished your phone from your pocket before opening the camera and captured the moment.
The ride came to an end and you both were currently sitting on a bench beside eachother watching the sunset but you felt something was missing. Huffing, you finally grabbed his arm and wrapped it around your shoulder making your head rest on his shoulder and closed your eyes.
Baekhyun chuckled. "Is this your thing now?"
You shrugged. "I don't know what are you talking about."
He giggled leaning his head over yours as you opened your eyes and both looking ahead watching the sun going down. No words were exchanged, just a complete silence, a comfortable one. It wasn't needed because the moment itself was mesmerizing.
"This is really beautiful." You commented staring ahead and he hummed. "Not more than you."
You just scrunched your nose lightly at his remark making him chuckle and you just smiled before taking out your phone and posted the picture with a caption.
[Perfect date]
That's when your phone began to buzz with lots of comments from your friends making you giggle and Baekhyun to roll his eyes.
SRia - Wow! Envy you for having a date while i'm here stuffing grandma's cookies.
@Osh- I was told that he had some important thing to do when i asked him to treat me lunch and this was the important thing.
@Pcy- Isn't that obvious? His girlfriend is more important than your lunch.
@Kms- I want to be there.
@PSyoung- So cute!
@KJI- Till the end they are making us jealous.
@Dks- Only you're jealous-@KJI
@Rwooon- It's going to rain soon so be careful.
@KJD- Woah! Finally someone said a sane thing.
@Zyx- Rowoon is taking care of them since @KJD can't.
@Kjm- I thought everyone was busy since no one was answering my any texts.
@Osh- You really thought that?@Kjm. And my lunch is more important @Pcy.
"Ugh!" Baekhyun groaned. "Why are they like this?"
You giggled. "Why? They are so cute."
"Everything looks cute to you." He just shook his head. "Let's go before it rains."
He stood up and looked at you confusingly as you sat still before you let out a sigh. "I'm so tired."
He frowned. "Excuse me? I was the one pedaling."
You tilted your head with your forehead creasing. "So? I'm still tired."
He placed his hands either side of his hips. "Y/n, I'm not carrying you."
"Of course, you won't." You said before smiling sarcastically at him. "You are an Ajjusshi and you need to be strong for that."
Baekhyun stared at you with an amused look. "Really? Last time I checked, I carried you when you jumped from the tree and the night you got drunk, I am the who carried you."
"You didn't have to mention that tree thing." You grumbled, making him chuckle where you whined afterwards. "It's not funny!"
He sighed looking up and before you knew it, you were off the bench, in his arms as he picked you up in bridal style making you squeal.
You stared at him in surprise tightening your grip around his neck. "Baek! What are you doing? Put me down! I was joking!"
"Too bad, I wasn't." He said as he began to walk with you in his arms. "Now, check if this Ajjusshi is strong or not."
"Gosh, everyone is looking."
"Who cares?"
You smiled, blushing and stared at him who was walking casually not caring about anything before your face turned into a frown. "Am I not heavy?"
He looked at you slightly smirking. "Should I be honest?"
You rolled your eyes wriggling from his grip. "Put me down."
"Okay, Okay!" He laughed loudly and you smiled instantly hearing your favorite laugh. His laugh. His smile. Him. All of it.
And literally who cares? Because the most important thing was this beautiful moment you were living in.
(20th July)
10:12 am
Bunch of cosmetics scattered on your dressing table and your phone against the mirror as you were watching a makeup tutorial video and doing the makeup as well for the first time. Right now, you were really missing your bestfriend as she was the incharge of doing your makeup and all but here you were struggling with this but at the same time, you have to do it by yourself someday.
It was the day of Rose's wedding and you were getting ready as Baekhyun would be here at any time to pick you up. Standing up, you sighed staring at your reflection in the mirror up to down and nodded in satisfication.
The peach colored A-line dress hugged your figure perfectly reaching down to your knees and your hair slightly curled from the tips with your natural makeup matching well with your attire.
"Y/n, here, I brought you this earrings." Your mom walked inside and instantly gasped making you turn to her confused. "My daughter look so beautiful."
"Really?" You chuckled as she nodded before helping you wear the earrings. "Mom, are these earrings from that online shop? You shopped again? Does dad know?"
She smiled sheepishly shaking her head and hushed you. "It's a secret between us."
You just smiled shaking your head as she always buys some things but doesn't wear it and your dad always finds it in his wardrobe packed which made him question her but your mom being herself, always said that she won't buy it again but always does opposite.
You got a notification in your phone and it was from Baekhyun saying that he's down waiting for you.
"Go, don't make my Son in law wait." Your mom said handing you your purse and you gave her a look before walking out.
And there he was, standing in a blue suit paired up with white shirt tucked in and his hair styled upwards while a Rolex watch wrapped around his wrist and all you could say was perfect.
How can someone look so good at whatever he wears?
Baekhyun was talking to Alaric who was on his way out as while visiting you often, he has gotten along well with them. As he bid bye to him, his head snapped towards your direction and his heart stopped for a second.
You slowly approached him with a confused look. "Why? Is it weird? I did my makeup for the first time, is it that bad?"
Baekhyun who was busy staring at you with an amazed expression. "Do you.. Do you have to look this beautiful?"
You bit your lip preventing yourself from smiling and blushing before putting a serious expression. "Then, what about you? Why are you looking so handsome? Who are you going to impress?"
Baekhyun smiled at your indirect compliment and chuckled. "Me? I have only one person to impress, my Girlfriend. Who is looking too gorgeous for me to look away."
"Stop!" You whined passing by him hiding your blushing state as you approached his car and heard his ever so cute giggle from behind.
"Why? Did I make your heart flutter again?" He tilted his head cutely looking at you over your shoulder and smiling widely causing you to smile back at him.
He opened the door as always being a gentleman before you both drove off to your destination.
The car came to halt at your destination and you both got out as Baekhyun stretched out his hand for you where you hold his hand before making your way inside.
As you both entered inside, the wedding hall was well decorated and you spotted Jack standing at the front with his family. You both went to him and he immediately smiled engulfing Baekhyun in a hug while waved at you as you congratulated him.
Not long before, you both went inside the bride room where you saw Rose all dressed up in a white gown looking so pretty.
Noticing you two, she instantly squealed smiling widely. "You're finally here!"
You giggled and instantly hugged her before pulling away. "Rose, you look really beautiful."
She giggled. "Thank you and you look stunning as always."
You waved it off giggling before hearing a sound of Ahem behind you as Baekhyun stood beside you. "I'm also here."
"Oh, were you?" She teased him making him roll his eyes and he congratulated her before your eyes suddenly got covered by a hand making you flinch.
"Oh? Who... Wait.. This hand feels like Ria's but.." You muttered before the hand got removed and you blinked instantly adjusting to the sight before the person jumped infront of you.
"Ria!" You gasped immediately engulfing her in a hug before pulling away surprised. "How did you? You were still in town though."
"Well, Rose personally invited me so how can I not come?" She placed her hands on her hips smiling. "I wanted to surprise you too so didn't tell you and here I am."
You turned to see Baekhyun looking unfazed and you frowned. "You knew?"
He nodded. "She asked me to."
You looked back at her pouting. "You should have told me! Do you know how much I was struggling with the makeup!"
"Ooh~ Let me see." She held your chin checking you face while Rose and Baekhyun were exchanging looks before Ria nodded. "You have done a great job."
"Of course, She's my girlfriend." Baekhyun suddenly spoke behind you making Ria and Rose to give him a done look while you just shook your head at his smiling face.
"Chanyeol is out right? I'll go to him."
He walked out leaving you behind with these two ladies before you turned to Ria confused. "Chanyeol Sunbae came too?"
She nodded. "Of course, I have a date too. And he also picked me up from the airport and it was so romantic when I jumped on him hugging him like whooosh.. Just like a drama."
You just rolled your eyes while Rose gasped. "I also want to do that."
"I know right! It's so romantic!" Ria squealed with Rose and you chuckled at them before the photographer took the picture of you three.
As he was done, they both looked at you where you gave them a question look. "What?"
"What about you?"
You smiled mischievously. "Secret."
They both groaned rolling their eyes and you giggled before you and Ria walked out in the hall as the ceremony was about to begin.
You both found your table and settled there while watching your boyfriend having a conversation with Jack. Ria opened her camera and took some pictures with you before getting busy in herself while you took time to stare at your Boyfriend with his famous posture of having his hand in his pocket while talking.
And only a fool would let go of this chance to take a snap of him and you weren't one. Opening the camera, you snapped some pictures smiling and suddenly his eyes locked with your camera making you startle but instead of looking away, he just tilted his head smilingly gesturing to take more.
You bit your lip giggling and looked at him directly as you both exchanged a smile before you kept your phone back after taking like hundred snaps of him. As the host announced the arrival of the bride, both Boys made their way to the table where you waved Chanyeol and Baekhyun sat beside you casually poking your cheek.
The door of the hall opened as the slow music was played in the background and then Rose walked down the aisle elegantly with her arm linked with her father. Jack was awestruck to see her and got emotional as you could see the tears in his eyes before Rose aproached her and the ceremony was begun.
Soon, the priest announced them as husband and wife before it was finally the time of congratulating song.
You held Baekhyun's hand as he squeezed it feeling nervous and you gave him a encouraging smile before he walked to the stage. He stood infront of the newlywed couple and you also stood up at the side of the stage just behind them where he could see you clearly.
As the sound of piano erupted and chorused in the whole silent hall, he uttered the sweet melody with his honey like voice.
Your favorite voice.
Will I be able to smile without you?
Just thinking about it makes me cry,
Now I will protect you.
The person who protected me throughout my hard times,
As he took a brief breath in the middle where his eyes locked with you and he stared at you ever so lovingly like the whole melody was for you and you found yourself tearing up.
Your embrace was always warm,
It was my only resting place at the end of my long days.
You alone are enough for me
Because there’s no need for words, I know by your eyes
Flowers bloom and wither
Every day, every moment, let’s be together.
He finished the song where lots of claps were made including you and he giving the couple shy smile, he aproached you as his hands instantly stopped around your waist.
"That was beautiful." You stroke his arm softly and he chuckled. "Thank you but your mascara is smudged."
You chuckled before looking back for your bestfriend, only to find her with the newlywed couple with her Boyfriend. You brought your hand to clean it where Baekhyun grabbed a tissue from the nearby table and came to you.
He placed one hand on the back of your head gently with his other hand tilting up your face with your chin to clean your eyes while your hand fisted against his coat.
Immersed in the moment, and unaware of the photographer taking pictures of the guest where his eyes came across you couple and finding the moment soft, he captured it.
And soon, that picture was going to hang on the wall of your home.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog @usernameloaa @gominieni
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Over Cups of Coffees (Sehun x reader)
warning : fluff! flirty sehun! 
"One ice Americano," the tall guy with ominous aura places his order, for a second the café suddenly feels frozen. He looks and sounds cold, but once he steps into the counter in front of you, you feel the blazing sun of summer, the cute shy smile, and a gentle stare.
"One Americano, less ice?" you question him even when you remember his order nicely in the back of your mind.
The man across you smiles, "You remember?"
You smirk, deep inside your heart you wonder how one could forget if thats the only thing he orders in every single visit.
You take his card, swipe the bill, and rush to brew his cold coffee.
Ever since the cold and hot man enters that door last week, you quickly fell for his demeanor aura. You learn his name when he ordered his first cup of coffee in a bubble tea shop. Though you find it weird why he bought coffee when you guys are known for bubble teas, you did not reject his orders; you even wished with all your heart he will be a regular here.
"One ice Americano coffee to go, for Mr. Sehun," you scream out his name, and when he walks to take the bag, your hand swiftly drops in a piece of cookie inside the paper bag. He saw you and almost say you misplaced an order, but your whisper silence him.
"Its a complementary," You panicked, "Special for the customer who has the queuing number 100."
You see him smile and you hear your coworker stifling a laugh.
"Thank you," Sehun smiles and nods his head as he takes his order, "Thank you, see you!"
He leaves the counter with his expressionless face and your shift continues. You take more orders from other customers.
One of your coworker nudges you when the rush hour is over, and the café is a bit empty. "What was that, did you put in your number on the cookie earlier?" the elf-eared tall man teases you.
You blush, when your mind teases you back with the phrase Sehun said before he left.
"Stop it Chanyeol, I did not drop my number in it. Seriously, I just wanted to treat him a cookie, whats wrong with it?" You shrug your shoulder and choose to leave to take a short break. Well, secretly you scream out of joy when you reach the storage room. Sehun, the man who creates butterflies in your stomach is slowly recognizing you.
The next day, your shift starts and as time ticks by, your heart beats faster as you expect the presence of Sehun. He shows up in his regular time, with his regular cold face just that today he looks a bit tired and annoyed. You pull up your textbook-smile and try your best to control your heating face.
"Welcome, Is it another usual menu, or are you interested in trying todays special menu?" You flash a concern look to him. He catches your attention and runs his eyes through the menu. He sighs and inserts his hands into his pockets.
"Do you have any recommendation for a bad day?"
You nod in a second, "Are you okay with Chocolates?" he nods, you type in a menu and he seems to agree with what you call 'House favorite chocolate bomb bubble tea'
Sehun hands you his card and surprises you when he asks for a table number. He brings his number and sits on the corner, the secluded chair near the windows.
You are quite surprise, he never dines inside. With a question mark in your mind, you prepare his drink and once again sneak in another slice of red velvet cake. Chanyeol catches you again and smiles widely while wriggling his brow, "Go, and take that order to his table. Let me take over the cashier and orders."
You thank him and after tidying your appearance, you deliver the drink and cake to the man sitting alone and lost in his thoughts.
"Here's your drink, and I bring you a cake to cheer you up." You move the drink and cake from your tray to his table.
Sehun's cold façade melts away when he sees the red cake and your sweet attention, "Wow! Am I the 100th customer again today?" He laughs at his own words. You feel like melting into a puddle right then and there.
He takes his time enjoying the cake and reviving his mood with your special brew, you are once again busy behind the counter and running over making different orders of drinks. You can still see Sehun from several quick glances, and that is enough to make you energized until your shift end.
After 10 minutes, the tall man in suit fleets from his chair and queue into the line in front of me. You are perplexed when he shows up again with his shy smile,"I'm here to pay the red velvet and I want the cookies you gave me yesterday. I want two of them, all packed to go." You swipe his payment only for the cookies, the red velvet is from you.
"For someone?" You ask when you take out two fresh baked cookies and wrap them nicely inside a bag.
Sehun shakes his head, "It's for me, and Im working overnight today. The cookies will be my acquaintance tonight."
"Have strength! Good luck," you send him off with a wave of hand.
Thats the last time you ever see him. For a good one week, you never see his nose. Chanyeol teases you repeatedly for waiting and hoping like a fool, but you shush him off. One week feels like a month and the nosey customers really drain your energy.
One night when Chanyeol is already mopping the floor and you're already turning over the chairs, the door opens and a young man in a tidy suit surprises both of you. Chanyeol glances at the door sign; it clearly is turned over already, why is he here.
"Sorry, are you closed already?" the man you missed for one week questions the two of you.
You quickly leave your current work and take over the counter, "No, we can make it work for you. We still have 5 minutes to the closing hour, but feel free to take your time."
"Usual order?" You ask while turning on the brewer and cashier, Sehun nods then take a seat at one of the table you haven't turn over.
Chanyeol bids you goodbye after his mopping is done, and you're left alone with Sehun.
"Please make yourself a drink, can you sit with me for a while tonight? Drinks are on me." he sounds hopeful.
You take his invitation, making yourself a cup of warm coffee. You carry the dark liquids and a plate of cake from the storage.
You take your seat across him, he has his coat off already and he looks breathtaking in his white shirt and loosen tie. He is busy with his cold drink, and you preoccupied your nerves with the warm caffeine. Your heart is almost bursting out of joy, here in front of you the man you crushed, you finally get the chance to sit alone with him only. You don't care what your boss will do to you, if he ever finds out about this.
Sehun picks the fork and pokes the cake, "What is this?"
You snap from your daydream, "Oh, thats a new menu. A rainbow cake, were going to release them tomorrow." He raises his brow in curiosity,
"Each color has different flavor. Please try them." You look at him expectantly when he takes the red part into his mouth. He savors the taste, munches, pokes into the next color, tastes them and when he reaches the 7th color he finally makes his comment.
"Hmm it's cool, a nice idea! It also tastes good. I am sure buying this again." Sehun's eyes brighten and he gulps down his coffee to clean his palettes.
"(y/n)," Sehun surprises you by calling your name. You almost ask where did he learn your name, but you realize you wear name tags every day. "Thank you for opening the café for me, and thank you for sitting here with me tonight."
You shake your head and hands, "No, it's not a problem Sehun. Besides, I can probably help you if you need someone to talk and share stories too. Only if you're willing too," You panicked.
Sehun thinks for a quick second and smirk, "You're probably right. I need to share what's bothering my mind. Great idea!"
It sure is a great idea for Sehun, but not for you. Sehun has just finished his story about his break up with his so called girlfriend he loved dearly. You are actually surprised to find out he has been dating for one year and got dumped last week, because poor Sehun caught her kissing another man in the park. She chose the other guy over him. Sehun concludes that he's now traumatized and he will be staying away from falling in love for a moment. He is hurt, and he doesnt want to fall in love now.
You made a mental note about this, and continue to talk about more things. As the night deepens, the cake vanished, and the coffees finished, you learn each others hobbies and favorite singers.
Sehun helps you clean up the table and turning over the chair. He drops in extra tips into the jar, then he waits for you outside as you turn off all of the machines, lights, and lock the door.
"Thank you for listening to me tonight," Sehun bashfully looks into his shoes.
"Its nothing big, Im happy if youre feeling better now. So, good night Sehun," you wave your hand to him when your bus arrives. He waves his hand back at you and descends into his car.
After that night, you remember his words where he did not want to fall in love yet. That morning, you ensure your heart that the feeling must stop. You ask Chanyeol to switch with you and take over the cashier. You choose to work in the kitchen with your other coworker, Baekhyun. You're not going to fall more into Sehun, no you need to stop before you hurt yourself.
You tell Baekhyun why you're here now and the cheerful man just pats your back, "Aw, you're burying a feeling. It's okay you still have me and Chanyeol. We're both still free and available for blind dates." He winks and succeeds in cheering you up.
Weeks passed by, you work in nice union with Baekhyun baking cakes, and preparing bobas. Your life is bright again even without seeing Sehun, until one day Chanyeol barges into the kitchen and smirks, "(y/n), he's here and he wants to see you. I can't hold it anymore, I've been telling him lies that you're not here anymore, but turns out he saw you and he wants to see you!" today.
"Who?" Baekhyun asks
You freeze in your place, is it really the same man you're thinking of?
Chanyeol sees your reaction, "You want me to shoo him off?"
You shake your head, Chanyeol suddenly remembers something, "Ah yeah, he told me to tell you this. He's ready to try it again. I don't know what he means but he told me to deliver that message to you." Your eyes widen and you turn your body to exit the kitchen door, leaving the two men puzzled.
You quickly run your eyes through the customers inside the small café, but he's not there. Your eyes catch him leaving the door with a glass of Americano in his right hand and a small pack of cookies on his left.
You did not meet him yet, but you know when you will see him again.
Thats right, tomorrow.
The last rays of sun lights are slowly fading off, the sky is beautifully painted orange and purple. You tighten the apron over your waist and with the textbook smile youre taking in orders and payments once again.
"Good afternoon, what can I help you with? Maybe a special menu today? Rainbow bubble tea made especially for you." You wink at the man in front of your cashier counter.
He chuckles, "I'd take that as a yes, if you're going to sit with me in that table at the corner."
You blush and punch in his order, "That means youre having Americano today, because I am not free until my shift ends at 9."
He glances at his watch, "Three hours is nothing compared to a week. Please add a slice of rainbow cake too! I am waiting for my date until 9 tonight." He offers you his deadly smile, and you cannot feel your legs.
Chanyeol and Baekhyun heard everything, when Sehun goes away to his chair; the two men take their cue to mess with you.
"What do you want for a drink? Let me prepare it for you." Chanyeol takes over the cup in my hand and makes the order.
"Of course strawberry boba, right?" Baekhyun winks and walks to take a slice of rainbow cake and cheese cake.
"You love my cheese cakes right? Now, go sit with him and we will take over your part." Baekhyun unties your apron and pushes you to Sehun's table direction.
What? you're surprised with the sudden situation.
"Go get your love, good luck!" the two men unite and push you into his direction. Sehun turns his head and sees you walking to him. He smiles and gets up to pull out your chair.
"Guess this is it, I don't have to wait for three hours by myself, and my date is here already."
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oxhaven · 4 years
Engraved Stigma pt. 4 (bluckbutler!kyungsoo)
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Your face scrunched underneath the imposing sunlight filtering in from the windows, letting out a tired sigh of annoyance. You thought maybe you could sneak in a few more minutes of sleep since Kyungsoo didn’t come to wake you, but the rising sun was filling in for his part of the job. You managed to open your eyes as you turned your body, waking yourself up from a deep sleep you were annoyed from ending. A groan escaped from your throat as you stretched your tired limbs with exertion underneath the thin sheet across your body. 
You sat up in bed with a smack of your lips and looked around, eyebrows furrowing when realization dawned on you. Everything in the room was still the same from last night before you went to bed. It was out of place for you since Kyungsoo would have laid out clothes and opened the curtains before you rose out of bed. You took a glance at the clock beside your bed on the nightstand, eyeing the two lines pointing in the direction of the time. It was only 8:50am, you could have gone back to sleep and go on until noon. You decided not to though, not when curiosity was eating at you wondering where you obedient butler could have gone. 
You managed to wash up and dress yourself all on your own, dragging your feet into the dining area where you caught the small commotion of noise. You recognized the two idiots instantly, Victoria and Suho bickering between themselves as they set the table with a platter of food for one. You watched them push and shove at each other, huffing and carrying on which dish to present closer to the edge. You cleared your throat loud enough for them to hear, watching their heads pop up and eyes go wide with the sight of you. 
“Good morning!” Their voices rang in unison, smiles gracing their faces as they readied the table and ushered you to come sit down. You took a seat at the head of the table, eyeing the assortment of food laid out just for you. It was ten times more the amount you were used to, but Kyungsoo was the only one who limited your intake and kept an eye on your diet. The first thing you made a grab for were the biscuits, a lovely spread to the side of the stack of pancakes in front of you. You took a bite into the thick bread, the sound of your munching filling the room that had grown silent.  
“These biscuits.” You commented, tasting the fluffy bread in your mouth as both servants eyed you with expectancy. “Are bland.”
It was quiet for a moment until Victoria stuttered on a reply. “A-all it needs is a little honey!”
She quickly came to your side, hands reaching out for the sweet condiments in the middle of the table and set to work on buttering your bread. You dropped the biscuit down onto a napkin before picking at the fruit bowl, aiming for the fresh ripe strawberries that made your mouth water. 
“Where’s Kyungsoo?” 
“He’s out running errands for Mistress. He should be back no later than the evening.” Suho answered unhesitantly, still standing to the side with a goofy smile on his face. They must have planned for this since this morning, or maybe last night before you went to bed. Either way, it crept a few ideas into your head as you raised an eyebrow.
“Really? Should I have some fun then?”
Your idea of fun wasn’t all that bad. You just wanted to play a little prank on Kyungsoo, get him riled up to see the mess you created in the house when he came back home. It started with a food fight with the breakfast your servants prepared for you, taking it into as many parts of the house as you could as you laughed with joy. Victoria and Suho had no choice but to join you, enjoy the game together and forget about the impending doom when he was on his way home. You ended up ruining your attire for the day, leading into the dress up party as you created a fashion show in your own dressing room. Once again your servants had to participate, giving you a good laugh to see Suho in the different dresses you managed to fit on him. You made sure to take pictures of all three of you, something to show Kyungsoo so he could see what a fabulous time you had without him. 
Your fun was short-lived when a knock came at the door, followed by the familiar ring of your doorbell. You gave each other a look, no one expecting guests at all before Victoria hurried to go downstairs. You were quick to follow after her, racing down the stairs before slowing your steps as you got to the door. You stood behind Victoria with a curious look on your face, watching as she answered the door. A man neither of you recognized stood in the doorway with a bright smile, charming and quite handsome as he gave the both of you a bow. 
“Is Miss ___ in?” 
You brushed by Victoria before she could stutter an answer, crossing your arms before plastering a smile on your face. 
“Who’s searching for her?”
To your surprise he held out his hand, palm facing upwards as he asked for your hand to place a kiss on top of it. “I’m Kim Taehyun. Messenger of House Park. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance, my lady.” 
You blinked at him, a slow smirk growing at the corner of your lips. “What brings you by?” 
“My lord wanted me to stop by on his behalf to present gifts and offer a partnership. I can explain our businesses in more detail if you have the time.” He answered, that smile on his face as his eyes gleamed with playfulness, urging you to take the bait. 
You hummed in amusement before you gripped his hand and pulled him inside. “Come. Victoria, fetch my gifts out of his carriage and ready the sitting area...and tell Suho to prepare snacks and tea.” 
Victoria’s unhesitant answer of a ‘yes mistress’ was all that was needed before she was hurrying outside to complete her task, letting you lead the guest to one of the fortunately clean rooms. You were well aware how uncommon it was for you to not have more servants in such a big mansion you resided in, and how it came off to others who would visit. It didn’t matter, and it played well into your game to see the reactions and responses you got out of them. So when you sat down with Taehyun, the switch in your head turned on to start the game. 
“Now, who do you work for?” you began, just as soon as Suho rolled in a platter of cookies and fresh brewed tea. 
Taehyun kept his eyes on yours, accepting the tea that was set in front of him on the coffee table. “Park Chanyeol. Owner of Park’s Trading and where constantly expanding to reach new heights and places. My master heard numerous stories and has kept a watchful eye on your company and is quite impressed with how large your company has grown since you’ve taken ownership. He wanted to form a partnership, which I guarantee will produce immense growth in not only sales but integrity. ”
You hummed in thought, seeing Suho bow in the corner of your eye before he left the room. “Why didn’t he come himself? Isn’t it rude to not introduce yourself formally to the person you so want to be partners with? Or is he shy?”
“On the contrary he’s known to make his acquaintances shy. That’s why he sent me to break the ice.” Taehyun chuckled, his playful response making you raise a brow as you smiled.
Taehyun took a bite of a cookie that was displayed out, humming at the sweet treat before thinking for a moment. “He has a way with his words, Mistress.” 
You gave a nod. “Hm. So do I.” 
You had made your decision right then and there, even as your guest continued to sell the offer to you and try to convince you to sign a contract he had brought with him on this new ‘partnership’. You finally brought it to an end with a glance at the clock and sighed. “As fun as it was listening to the absolute bullshit Mr. Kim, I have other fun matters to attend to. You can be on your way.” 
You would have laughed at the look on his face as you stood to your feet, stretching your limbs as you made a move to the door. 
“My servants will see you out and give you some of my own gifts to take home, and you can tell Mr. Park-”
A hand slammed on the door beside your head, making it slam shut before you could have it opened all the way. You breathed a sigh as you felt the cool, sharp edge of a knife on your neck threatening to sink in and draw blood. 
“I tried to be easy with you, ___.” 
“First name basis now, huh?” You mused with a giggle. The knife pushed deeper into your flesh, Taehyun’s mouth by your ear as he chuckled. “All you needed to do was sign the papers and make it easy. Now I might have to forge your signature while your body goes missing.” 
“Mmm, make me sell away my assets and property to expand yours? Good plan~” The obvious sarcasm earned a sting of pain on your skin, warm liquid spilling down your neck as you hissed softly. You felt hardness press against your backside, his arm snaking around your waist as he pulled your closer. 
“Maybe I should play with your body for a little bit before I take your head to Chanyeol.”  
“That sounds like fun.” you breathed, giggling with your tongue between your teeth. 
“Not only are you a spoiled brat, you're a psycho too. Maybe I should end your life now and put your servants out of misery-” Taehyun threatened before his words were cut off, watching you turn around in his arms as dead, cold eyes bore into his. 
“Do you really think you could kill me? You walk into my territory and think you are going to make out alive?”
He started to open his mouth to say something, only for it to hold open without a word coming out. His mouth had gone completely dry, the taste iron dripping down his throat and completely built up in his mouth. He coughed up blood, seeing the red stains on his hand as his eyes went wide in horror. His head shot to the door, watching it ease open with an eerie creak. Victoria stood in the doorway, a smile plastered on her face as she waved. 
“What the fuck did yoo do to me?” Taehyun managed to get out, his voice choked and hoarse.  
Victoria cocked her head to the side as her face dropped into feigned confusion. “You mean the poisoned sweets you called gifts to my mistress? That’s what we served you Mr. Kim.”
His eyes widened to the point they could bulge out their sockets, gaining an amused laugh from you before he turned his attention back to you. With a roar he aimed his knife to strike only for it to miss you as you dodged, letting Victoria handle the attacker. She restrained the knife out his hand with ease but he managed to get out of her hold, racing to the staircase with only the setting sun as his means of light. Taehyun didn’t make it to the top, finding himself falling along with pieces of cracked wood all the way down to the first floor. A glimpse of Suho at the top, smiling down at him as he fell confirmed the thought that he had been pushed, with unbelievable strength that managed to smash the stair railing off its hinges. 
His back collided with the marble floor, the last bit of stable air in his lungs escaping from him along with more blood. He cried in pain, his body aching all over as he urged himself to move, crawl on the floor if he needed to make it to the front door. He knew they were right behind him, the two frightful servants making their way down the staircase towards him. He found his feet onto the ground, pushing himself up and stumbling to the door before swinging it open. 
The worst sight of the night, the one he was warned never to cross with greeted him at the door, curious black eyes staring him down and stealing the regained breath in his body. Kyungsoo looked him up and down, standing firm in the doorway with an arch in his thick brow. 
Taehyun screamed and pushed with all his might, freeing himself from death inside the mansion and made a getaway down the dirt path. Kyungsoo watched the guest leave before turning his attention to you, having made it down the stairs as your other two servants disappeared from their own monster when he found out the state of the household. 
You smiled gleefully before skipping over to your butler. “Where have you been all day?” 
“Taking care of errands.” Kyungsoo answered, eyeing the wound on your neck where blood was still coming down from. “What have you been getting yourself into?” 
“Some fun. For once. And you just let it loose. Now what’s going to happen?” You questioned, keeping your eyes on his as he whipped out a handkerchief from his back pocket, pressing the white cloth against your neck and staining it red. 
“He won’t get too far.” Kyungsoo assured, pulling your body into his arms after kicking the door shut. He peeled the cloth back and tilted your head to the side carefully with fingers gripping your chin, right before he brought his mouth down and slowly licked. A soft moan escaped you as your eyelids fluttered close, already starting to feel your neck begin to heal.
“I took Kai off his leash.”
You smiled, a buzz in your body spreading all over at the thought of letting the screams of anguish be what it was to lull you to sleep. 
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kpopprincess416 · 3 years
My Favorite K-Pop Songs (Incomplete)
A.C.E: Undercover, Savage
aespa: Black Mamba
Agust D: Agust D, Daechwita
APink: NoNoNo
ASTRO: Blue Flame, Baby
ATEEZ: HALA HALA, Say My Name, Pirate King, Treasure, Illusion, Wave, Aurora, Wonderland, Answer, THANXX, Inception, Fireworks (I’m The One)
Baekhyun: UN Village, Stay Up (feat. Beenzino), Diamond, Candy, All I Got, Cry For Love
Beast: Fiction
BIGBANG: Fantastic Baby, Bang Bang Bang, Last Dance
Blackpink: How You Like That, Lovesick Girls, Kill This Love, Whistle, Boombayah, DDU-DU DDU-DU
BoA: Better, No. 1
Boys Republic: Get Down
THE BOYZ: No Air, The Stealer
BTS: We Are Bulletproof (Pt. 2), Run, Dope, Fire, Save Me, Blood Sweat & Tears, Begin, Lie, Spring Day, Not Today, Boy In Luv, Tomorrow, Cypher Pt. 2 (Triptych), N.O, I Need U, Moving On, House of Cards, Black Swan, Louder Than Bombs, Mic Drop, On, Dionysus, Boy With Luv (Feat. Halsey), Home, DNA, Dimple, FAKE LOVE, The Truth Untold, Magic Shop, So What, Idol, Euphoria, Serendipity, Epiphany, Airplane Pt. 2, Danger, Heartbeat, Stay Gold, War of Hormone, Life Goes On
Chanyeol: SSFW
Chen: Beautiful Goodbye, Watch Out
Chung Ha: Snapping, Stay Tonight, Bicycle
CIX: Cinema, Jungle
CL: Hello Bitches
CLC: Hobgoblin, Helicopter, Black Dress, No
D.O & Yoo Youngjin: Tell Me (What Is Love)
DALsooobin: Katchup
DKB: Sorry Mama, Rose
DREAMCATCHER: BOCA, Break The Wall, Odd Eye, Chase Me, Good Night, You & I, Endless Night, Deja Vu, Scream
EVERGLOW: Bon Bon Chocolat, Dun Dun, La Di Da, Adios
EXO: Lightsaber, Love Me Right, Drop That, Tempo, Sign, Gravity, Bad Dream, Lucky One, Monster, Artificial Love, White Noise, Cloud 9, Growl, Mama, History, What Is Love, Overdose, For Life, Lotto, Love Shot, Obsession, Power, Universe, Call Me Baby, Eldorado, Playboy, Thunder, The Eve, Ko Ko Bop, What U Do, Forever, Going Crazy, Chill, Lucky
EXO-CBX: Hey Mama!
f(x): Electric Shock, Red Light, 4 Walls
(G)I-DLE: DUMDi DUMDi, LATATA, Oh my god, 
GAIN: Paradise Lost
Girls Day: Something
Girls Generation: I Got A Boy, Hoot, The Boys, Catch Me If You Can, Party
GOT7: Breath, You Calling My Name, Not By The Moon, Never Ever, Hard Carry, If You Do, Lullaby, Just Right
History: Might Just Die, Queen
Hwasa: Maria
HyunA: Bubble Pop, I’m Not Cool, Good Girl, Red
iKON, Bling Bling, Love Scenario, RHYTHM TA
IZ: Memento
IZ*ONE: FIESTA, Panorama
IU: Palette (Feat. G-Dragon), Eight (Feat. Suga)
Jackson Wang: Pretty Please
Jennie (of Blackpink): Solo
Jessi: Nunu Nana
Kai: Mmmh
KARD: Bomb Bomb, Dumb Litty, Gunshot
Lay: Lit, Namanana
MAMAMOO: AYA, Egotistic, Hip
MCND: Ice Age, Spring
MOMOLAND: Baam, Bboom BBoom
MONSTA X: Who Do U Love?, Stuck, Shoot Out, Fighter, Beautiful, Oi, FANTASIA, Beautiful Night, ZONE, Love Killa, Follow, DRAMARAMA, Newton, Hero,  Alligator, Shine Forever
NCT: BOSS,Baby Don’t Stop, TOUCH, Black On Black,  
NCT 127: Wakey Wakey, Chain, Gimme Gimme, Fire Truck, Cherry Bomb, Baby Don’t Like It, Limitless, Kick It, Regular, SIMON SAYS, Highway To Heaven, Superhuman, Punch
NCT Dream: Chewing Gum, My First and Last, Ridin’, Boom, We Go Up 
NCT U: From Home, Make A Wish (Birthday Song), Coming Home, Boss, The 7th Sense
NU’EST: Bet Bet
Oh My Girl: Twilight
PENTAGON: Sha La La, Shine, Humph, Basquiat, Dr, Bebe, Daisy
PinkFantasy: Lemon Candy
PRISTIN: Black Widow
Rain: Rainism
Red Velvet: Bad Boy, RBB(Really Bad Boy), Peek-A-Boo, Psycho, Red Flavor, Dumb Dumb, Zimzalabim, Russian Roulette, 
Red Velvet- Irene & Selugi: Monster
Rose: On The Ground
SEVENTEEN:  Mansae, Left & Right, Hit, Fear, HOME;RUN, Clap, Don’t Wanna Cry, Shining Diamond, Highlight, Very Nice
SF9: Good Guy, Now Or Never
SHINee: Don’t Call Me, Lucifer, Married To The Music, Replay, Sherlock (Clue + Note), Dream Girl, Everybody, Ring Ding Dong
SISTAR: Touch My Body
Solar: Spit It Out
SOMI: Birthday
STRAY KIDS: Miroh, Double Knot, God’s Menu, Hellevator, District 9, My Pace, I am YOU, Back Door 
Sunmi: Gashina
SUPER JUNIOR: Devil, Sorry Sorry, Mr. Simple, Bonamana, Magic, Mamacita
SuperM: Jopping, One (Monster & Infinity), 100, Tiger Inside
T-ARA: Sugar Free
Taemin: Move, Criminal
TAEYANG: RingaLinga, Eyes Nose Lips
TXT: Can’t You See Me, 9 and Three Quarters (Run Away), Cat & Dog, Crown, Blue Hour
Treasure: Boy, I Love You
TVXQ: Catch Me, Mirotic
TWICE: I Can’t Stop Me, Fancy, Feel Special, More & More, Cheer Up, Dance The Night Away, Knock Knock, Likey, Yes Or Yes, TT
UP10TION: So Dangerous
VIXX: Chained Up, Scentist, Shangri-La
VICTON: What I Said
Wanna One: Boomerang
WayV: Turn Back Time, Bad Alive (English Version), Kick Back, Moon Walk, Love Talk, Take Off
WINNER: Really Really
Wonho: Open Mind, Lose
Woo!Ah!: I Don’t Miss U
X1: Flash
2NE1: Come Back Home, I Am The One, I Love You, Falling In Love
2PM: A.D.T.O.Y., Take Off, Hands Up
4MINUTE: Crazy, Hate
Park Hyoshin: Wild Flower
Day6: Congratulations, Days Gone By, Time Of Our Lives, Shoot Me, I Wait
T.O.P: Doom Dada
ONEUS: Vlakyrie, Lit
AB6IX & Lee Dae Hwi: Rose Scent Kiss
B1A4: A Lie
EXID: Me & You,Ah Yeah
Taeyeon: I (Feat. Verbal Jint)
I.O.I:  Whatta Man (Good Man), Dream Girls
3YE: Stalker
Wendy: Like Water
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