#mrs tanaka
danggirlronpa · 8 months
"Gundham’s two theoretical moms?" Tell me more 👀
I absolutely will!!
Brief meta time: one thing that I always get really up in arms about with media that revolves around teens is the assumption that all of their parents are, behind the scenes, M/F biological parents. It's a really nefarious form of ingrained homophobia that convinces the audience that if there was a single parent, or gay parents, or adopted parents - well, surely they'd point it out somehow! After all, that's not The Norm. If you aren't explicitly told otherwise, always assume The Norm. It's not any individual audience member's fault; it's the same built in assumption of media that argues everyone is cishet until proven otherwise, and talks about adding characters "just to seem woke." It's subconscious and implicit.
As a gay person who has always wanted to adopt children, that obviously grinds my gears. So I go out of my way to headcanon a character's parents in all sorts of different configurations.
Actual headcanon time: For me, Gundham's mom always read to me as a single mother struggling to raise an autistic child on her own, without knowing how to accommodate his needs. I tend to think of Gundham's mom as the Most Normal Person Of All Time. Firstly, because it's funny. But secondly, because the arc of "Mom doesn't understand her child in any way but loves them so much that it ultimately changes her life so that she can support them" is one of my favorites. I tear up a little just thinking about it.
So in my head, Gundham gets his diagnosis, and his Mom is like alright. I can do this. Let's find a support group to learn about how I can be good to this child. And she goes to this support group and IMMEDIATELY meets just the most gothic magic lady she's ever seen. Just an absolute banger of a woman. Big titty goth gf. Who, Gundham's mom learns quickly, is one of the leads of the support group, who helps parents understand their children based on Her Own experience with autism!
From there in my head it's a very straightforward "this hot woman is teaching my kid how to recite magic incantations and telling him he doesn't like my cooking because it's destructive poison but it will make his body better at resisting greater poisons later. Oh God I'm in love with her" story, paired with goth gf's "oh I fucking LOVE this lady's psuedo-goth child, and it's so sweet how hard she's trying so that her child can bloom happily like this, and her food may be poisonous but she is so lovely, I wonder how she feels about gomez addams pick up lines" story. Gundham never considers goth lady his actual mom but that's OK! She's happy as his Mentor In The Arcane Magicks, and his mom can be his Mentor In Owning Hamsters. And together they love each other and Gundham so much!! And his Mom gets to be VERY smug when he's the Ultimate Breeder instead of the Ultimate Dark Mage. Superior mentor privileges.
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mrsoftthoughts · 4 months
Both Aphrodite and Apollo cabins are popular in camp half-blood for being full of pretty people, both cabins campers have the reputation of being the most attractive persons in miles around without exaggerating
But also a general concense is that the beauty of the two cabins is pretty much different
Apollo "the most beautiful among the gods"always was represented as a kouros his image was the perfection of a young man, the top of the bar when is about a standard
And just like their father Apollo kids often are sort kind of standar
They are an ideal of what is supposed to be attractive, being always aligned to what is the hegemony of beauty, obviously that doesn't mean that all of them are "perfect" is comun that one of two things slip out the parameters, but the point remains, they're attractive to almost everyone because they are what you always heard is supposed to be beautiful
Aphrodite in the other hand is the goddess of love and beauty as concepts , something so fluid and free to interpretation and we see that with her, because she's not an standar, an standar is closed and pretty well known, she is the beauty itself donw your ideas of it always changing because to no one she would be exactly the same
And their kids also are like their Mother, changing and indescriptible
their faces are always beautiful down what its their own idea of beauty, but for you they would look a little bit as your own ideals, and even if they weren't your type you can't deny that it's something magnetic around them, it's not just the beautiful looks but also pure incarnated Beauty that no words can describe
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sandreeen · 3 months
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Shoma Uno as Monkey D. Luffy || One Piece on Ice Cast Interview
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blondeaxolotl · 4 months
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She's finally real.. say hi to Mrs Michaelis, Sebastian's mother 🙏
And ofc a bonus comic:
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hajihiko · 2 years
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Class shenanigans
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theside-b · 1 month
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klunsgod · 2 months
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PSJ. i'm sure the other sonic fakers are on other parts of the island
sonic doesn't know about any of this. what a price to pay
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shrug-s · 1 year
the horsemen of pjoverse side characters everyone’s obsessed with (despite them having like barely any screentime):
-Alabaster C.Torrington
-Drew Tanaka
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boeyboeyboey · 4 days
I think the MR AU first encounter would be erm interestin :3
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freddie-77-ao3 · 7 months
Connor Stoll (they/them). Connor got to camp at age four, where someone just assumed he was named connor, so they took up the name of a dead boy named connor and decided that yeah, he/him was alright. didn't know what trans meant at the time, they just sort of... anyway, then after the battle of the labyrinth they came out as NB.
wood nymphs. they've got a different gender system than demigods, as well as different pronouns, but to keep it simple for the campers your best bet is they/them.
the resident god Dionysus ofc. he has a complicated relationship with gender (see his chapter in PJ's Greek Gods) but basically, doesn't care what you call him. he/they generally.
Drew Tanaka! she's just. always considered herself a girl. there was never any hesitation. her mom called her son and she just. did not compute. her mom was accepting and just sort of called aphrodite up and told her that actually she had given birth to a girl. Aphrodite sent down a new wardrobe in return. she never changed her name.
Clarisse la Rue. she came out when she was twelve. her mom didn't accept her, but clarisse had run away years before that so... her mother never apologized. when clarisse went to her house with chris, it was only because she was truly desperate. after the battle of manhattan clarisse called her once, and. never again.
Lou Ellen Blackstone. she told cecil and will when they were eleven or so (SOM) but didn't really come out to everyone else until one of the hunters pulled her aside in TTC to ask if she wanted to join bc the hunters are super good at finding girls apparently. lou ellen really regrets this but somehow cecil convinced her to make her legal name Louise-Eleanor (first) Wilmadeen (middle) Cecilia (middle) Blackstone. it-- she pretends it's just lou ellen. don't bring it up. Will thinks there was a murder involved and-- well neither of them are telling him otherwise, that's all i'm saying.
FTM: (oh boy here's where I projected a whole bunch)
PERCY MOTHERFUCKING JACKSON. alright folks you ready? so percy came out when he was twelve RIGHT before TLT picks up. struggling mother sally jackson immediately accepts him no questions asked (well there are a few questions but) she gets him onto puberty blockers from a free clinic on forth street right away and changes his name legally. financially they're still struggling, obviously, but sally is picking up some extra shifts. she's already planning on having percy go on T when he turns 16 (if he lives that long--) and after manhattan poseidon and sally sit him down and are like: okay so technically because of ancient laws poseidon can't just snap his fingers but uh if you want a real easy top surgery just do a really easy quest for him and he'll magic your tits away and percy agrees of course so poseidon drops a sand dollar on the ground and in the. most. indifferent voice possible he goes "oh no. my sand dollar. i need a hero." and percy picks it up-- and done. that's when he decides to join the swim team because he doesn't need to bind anymore. also when he heard the prophecy percy immediately went, well i know it says im going to die but hey the universe recognises me as a dude that's pretty cool right. very affirming for him.
NEXT UP we've got michael. height dysphoria kicks ass so seriously don't mention how short he is. anyway michael thought that it was spelt micheal so he chose it for the pun and to feel connected to his dad. uh. don't bring that up to him either. anyway despite being very short, michael's usually pretty stealth. he came out in ttc when he asks jake mason out bc luke used to date his brother lee and michael basically goes "hey do you want to go out i promise i'll be a good boyfriend and not leave you like luke left lee." and jake just bluescreens for a moment because wait, BOYfriend, and anyway after that michael realises he never told anyone. (not necessary to the post but jake said yes) oh, also, his middle name is john. why? who knows. it wasn't significant or anything, clarisse just turned to him one day and said, "you know, you look like a john." so yeah, Michael John Yew. also he liked archery bc it was a lot easier to bind in so.
following that you'll find that actually the three main pjo apollo boys are trans. so WILLIAM ANDREW SOLACE. my baby boy is-- well he's got a lot going on. Will binds (but when he turns 16 he's going to get top surgery and he is. very excited) and don't let his mild mannered doctor self fool you he is a HYPOCRITE when it comes to binding, like that bitch will nag you for hours if you bind for over 8 hours and then you'll see him come off a 48 hour infirmary shift still binding. when he was young and his mother was touring, she left him with his grandparents. He tried to come out at five and cut all of his hair off, but his grandparents kicked him out. Clarisse found him in Texas and brought him to camp. which isn't SATS compliant but I haven't read it yet so *shrug*. Anyway Andrew is after Apollo, when Apollo first met Naomi, he called himself Andrew.
Lee Fletcher is also trans. He was fully transitioned by the time he died. He was super upper class when he came out and his mum stopped speaking to him, but he kept his wealth and became a staunch advocate for trans rights until he died. Anyway he came out when he was seventeen.
Cecil Markowitz. His parents died in a fire when he was 8, he was sent to his grandmother, she kicked him out when he was 9 and came out. 
Leo Valdez (part of why Rosa called him a demon)
Malcolm Pace (his trans identity deserves a whole 'nother post it's.) anyway Malcolm can't bind so.
Ellis Wakefield (currently writing a fic about this actually) anyway Ellis comes out when he's 13 (so BoM) at camp, and comes out when he's 15 to his mum. it doesn't go great.
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atomicinsantiy · 8 months
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Based off something I saw on twitter
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tobegiggledat · 11 months
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mrsoftthoughts · 3 months
Nico di Angelo headcanons
- He was very confused the firts time that someone called him "Emo"
he doesn't have a clue of what the fuck is that, he just bought up the clothes and accessories that he looks at and thinks "cool"
It was a karen who say that btw, the fact that she only was saying nonsense prob was guilty of Nico confusion too
- both Acts of service and Gifs are his way to show affection to others
He often helps his close friends and Hazel with anything they need, he also would get whatever thing that they expressed to want or need even in the slightest way possible, it doesn't matter if it's expensive af or hard to obtain for any reason, he's getting that thing for later wrap it in pretty paper .
He also buys whatever that he sees and reminds him to someone he loves, New rome postal service is tired of getting packages of the pluto ambassador for the praetor Levesque atleats 3 times at week ( that's not all the things that he gets for hazel, it's just the ones that he doesn't give her face to face)
- He's a polyglot ( i kinda talk about it here)
It was a part of his education back in the 1930s so he doesn't remember a lot of how he learned most of the languages he spokes, or even remembers that he actually spoke that especific language until he is in a situation were is needed
Something funny it's that one of the languages he taked longer to realize that he spoke it, it was greek, like, modern greek, he doesn't know how to feel about that
He also has a inherent understanding of dead languages so he's really good at read ol text of any kind
He also it's kinda a nerd about etymology
- He has a lot of beauty marks
Like, a lot of them, the most noticeable ones ofc are the in his face ( one at the bottom/side of his left eye and above the right eyebrow and two at the left side of his nose and bottom of his lips) but those things are everywhere in his body
- A lot of people feels that his appearance seems out of place, like, something ood to look at without an apparent reason
The things starts to make sense when you put his hair back with a bit of gel and give him a suit, then you realize that he looks like one of those pictures of grandpas when they were young
It can be a bit eerily because, in fact , he is actually from the same generation of those grandpas, that's why he looks like them but due the Lotus he's a teenager instead of an old man
the fact that his appearance it's the definition of a haunting beauty contributes to all that, he's beautiful, there's no a sigle appice of doubt about that, but you can compare the feeling that he evokes to the feeling of looking at a gothic church or the one of being at one of those old and Rich graveyards full of angel's scultures but cover in moss after years of abandonment , beautiful and stunning but also imponent and bone freezing
But hey!! It's also cool, and you can say that he's the antitesis of an iphone face
- Kinda related to the previous one, but his eyes are always changing colours.
It's not like piper tough, her eyes are literally a multicolor spectrum, Meanwhile, Nico's are more like his eyes being shallowed by the deep and dark waters full of misery of the styx, deep ebony black but in constant movement and little forms that looks like ice sublimation
Still, sometimes in moment of pure joy or when hes relaxed his natural color is visible, being a mostly brown iris with little details of grey and deep green like the bark or the fruit of olives
- Has a large collection of silly bands ( you know , the 2000s elastic bands with form of anything you can imagine?) think about any collection of those things and he has it
He also knows how to do those bracelets of bands btw, he uses his fingers for it and as a result he always has the strangulation marks or bruces
- He and Drew ended up being friends
He had that little hunch Drew's attitude having more behind that she just being a Bitch without reason, he was totally right
They aren't attached to the hip or something, there's a lot of things about each other that they don't know or they didn't bothered to ask, but they thrusts each other and are close enough to talk about their life and things they feel can't talk with anyone else every once in a while
Nico's is also drew personal manikin/ken doll for her fashion design projects, he isn't complaining tough, all the clothes are stunning
- Other of his friends is Clovis from hypnos cabin
A lot of people doesn't understand how they have a lot of anecdotes about things they did together, because Clovis is always half sleep or straight up in another world or something during the day
The last part is they key, they literally are in other world, or something like that, dream magic has potential to take the phrase "live your dreams" to another level
- Full grown up , He isn't tall or short, he's just (technically )average
He's 5'9... It taked a time for him to grow up to that point though, he was stuck in 5'5 for a while until he was around 17/18yo
Still, he looks a bit short at the side of most people around him, it's not his fault 90% of the people he knows are fucking giraffes
The fact that a lot of the boys he falls for are... Well, pretty tall ( Solace, Torrington, Grace, yk that you're the ones im talking about) isn't helping neither.
- He has a transatlantic accent ( alongside with a slight Italian accent)
Is a result of learning English as a second language and having both american and British people like reference and not something made on purpose
Is almost vanished after being living in America at the XXI century for the past few years, but you can still hear it in the way he say some words and the fact that his idiolect mix indiscriminately British and American words
Btw, something funny of that is that if you let his guy at the Uk for enough he would totally turn into the other side of the coin and now he picked up the accent of the region were he is at the moment
- He has a wii and a DS ( he later got a 3DS when it was released), nobody knows how the fuck is that he isn't chased by monster 24/7 using that thing
He also end up with a insane amount of amibos once they were released in 2014
- For some reason his collections of anything are in those vitrines that the grandmas uses for the pretty dishes
- He got the standar lobe piercing
usually he just have a pair of black diamons studs ( kinda looks like the diamons by the yard earring of Tiffanys) but sometimes he uses a bajoran or a pair of drops
- Even whe he is older his job is basically being his father second had and ambassador, but a general concense is that he is also a really god tourist guide
Probably he would be turned into a god after he passes away for just be doing exactly what he already was doing as a demigod, just with immortality.
-Despite being Italian and the stereotypes, he was a disaster in the kitchen, the kind of person that you say them to boil 2 glasses of water for the rice and the next thing you now is that 2 cristals glases are straight up in the stove
in his defense, he at best can remember see his Nanny doing something or being with her sister and mother doing some kind of dessert ( his only contribution to that was eating the chocolate)
Now he may not be a five stars chef but he can do pretty good stuff sometimes, he's trying
- He can make pretty concerning "old fashioned" coments sometimes
Alright, he is not an asshole ( at least non on purpose) or something like that, but sometimes while talking he would say things that are the daily reminder of the fact that this guy over there is a white ass boy raised in the 30's decade with the addition of being Born in a pretty much wealthy and probably Noble family and who's whole social interaction with other people that aren't hundred of years old beings has been limited,and that leads to his perspective of society being a bubble of privilege and old high society ethics.
Like, the most of the time if he say something really... Questionable, is because he really never has stopped to think about it and he is just saying what they teach him ,was normal at the time, or is just a comment made of pure ignorance mouth-is-fasther-that-the-brain-tipe.
Sadly for him ( and luckily for the rest of the people that have to hear him) 90% of the times hazel is close when he say that kind of stuff and two of Three times he ends up being hit by the closest thing that was at her hand or for one of her shoes if nothing else is available, the other time its a 50/50, he realizes that he just said something that isn't right or hazel just look at him in full deception mode.
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rafamonzo · 1 year
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From the series: “No trace of Mr. Braeckman “
http://rafamonzo.tumblr.com   / http://tanaka-clan.tumblr
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You know I wonder why they never adapted The Everwraith into the movie or the show it was a very prominent antagonist for the team in the comics so I wonder why-
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Oh no
That's why
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theside-b · 25 days
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Fellas, is it gay to look at a cucumber and think of your boyfriend?
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