#ms conf
cassiachales · 6 months
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Journal Entry Three [And Noticing That Grayson Hawthorne Has Extremely Nice Arms]
note: y'all are so sweet with your comments like sjhfhdgjhs. anyway since some of you guys wanted to be in the taglist, i made one!! taglist: @f4iry-bell, @never-enough-novels, @reminiscentreader
Wednesday– Sunday was the last day I saw Grayson Hawthorne but that does not mean Sunday was the last day he was in my head. And oh my gods that waist. So slutty. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Xander crossed his legs from where he was leaning against the wall. “I thought Whiskey Woes would’ve been enough.”
You scoff. “Do you even know your brother? He’d rather drink his and my bottle of whiskey before answering any question.”
You remember how his lips looked on the full glass of whiskey, and how he drank the whole glass without looking away from you.
“If you get turned on by looking at a guy drink whiskey, I don’t even know who to set you up with.” Xander says.
“I don’t get turned on–”
“Don’t even start.” 
“Fine.” You huff. “But why is he so damn hot?”
“We have to make him fall for you.” Xander says, ignoring you. “Fall into his arms.” Xander wags his eyebrows suggestively, and you look away.
“One, I can’t trip on purpose, and two, that will make me look desperate.”
“Everyone’s throwing themselves at him; all you have to do is do it classily.”
You grin. “Like what? Like, oh no, the heat. It wounds my heart, Mr. Hawthorne.”
“That is such terrible acting.” A voice behind you says, and you groan.
Grayson Hawthorne is behind you, and you don’t know just how much he overheard.
And he’s leaning against the wall, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and top button unfixed.
And he looks hot.
“It was meant to be terrible.” You grumble, rolling your eyes.
“No doubt.”
You begin to wonder why someone who talks so dryly has some so close to capturing your heart.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He talks as though he’s constantly in a business meeting, and he dresses as though life is business and he’s the chairman. Except for some times where he actually looks extremely ravished. Like today. Gods I just want to run my hands through his hair and mess it all up. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“I need to ask, why do you stare so much? Is it just at me, or do you stare at everyone you meet?”
Only the attractive ones.
He raises his eyebrow. “You find me attractive?”
And there comes your habit of saying things out loud. And the fact that there’s no Xander snickering behind you, he probably left.
“You know what, I just realised that I have three essays due. So like, bye.”
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He probably thinks I’m obsessed with him or something. Maybe I am but he’s never gonna read this journal so. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
He tilted his head to the side and watched you turn and go the other way before he called your name.
Your name.
Not a “Ms.” and your last name.
Your real name.
“Your car is parked in the opposite direction, in case you forgot.”
You turn around, before shooting a thumbs up. “Totally knew that.”
His lips quirk up, and you can’t help but stare. He looks so infuriatingly gorgeous in his neatly pressed suits and perfectly styled hair and you often find your mind straying to how he would look messed up.
His hair all ruffled and his shirt with slight creases and your lips on his–
Not the last one. That was just an extra thought.
“Would you like me to drop you off? To your car?” Grayson asks, and you feel like he could do anything and you would find him every bit the gentleman.
He could kiss you and make you look ravished and wrap your legs around his waist and even then, he would be perfectly gentlemanly.
You nod. “That would be nice.”
He pushes off the wall, using his hand to show you the way. “Then? I do not have all day, love.”
Your brain is lagging.
He called you love.
And Grayson Hawthorne looks like he knows exactly what that did to you. 
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He called me love. LOVE. And by god, if that self-satisfied smile on his face means anything, he looks so smug seeing what effect that had on me. Bloody bastard. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
His confidence doesn’t slip at all, and you walk towards him.
His eyes are maddening.
It’s like a bottle of wine. Heady and intoxicating but you just want more and more even if it could poison you.
The two of you walk towards where your car is parked, and then, you feel as though the universe hates you.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Guess what happened then. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You tripped.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── I tripped. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
On a pebble.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── I fucking tripped on a pebble. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
You’re falling forwards, thinking you’re going to smash your nose against the pathway when two really strong arms come around your waist.
Very strong.
You notice how good his arms look when they’re flexed like that, and god, does he look hot.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He caught me before I fell, but goodness. I thought his waist was the best part about his body. I was so damn wrong, because man, do his arms look amazing. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Are you all right?” He whispers. You feel his mouth at the curve of your ear, and you shiver.
For a moment, you berate yourself for having such a reaction to just his voice.
“Yeah.” You whisper back.
You can hear the stupid smile in his voice when he says: “I guess you did fall into my arms after all.”
You're too lost in his touch to feel embarrassed that he heard you and Xander talk about it.
He pulls you back, making you stand steady on your feet, before he removes his arms from your waist.
But he doesn’t do it sharp and quick, as though you burned him.
He does it slowly, his long fingers featherlight on your waist as they pull away.
You can still feel his phantom touch.
“Why– How do you do this to me?” He murmurs, so low as though he doesn’t want you to hear it.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Then he goes and murmurs about how I do something to him and his voice is gorgeous when he murmurs. I’m becoming one of those fangirls on the internet. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The man is seducing you, slowly. Everything about him is slow.
The way his lips touch the glass of whiskey and downs it in one slow gulp.
The way his fingers move from your waist and leaves a phantom touch.
The way he blinks now, leading you forwards towards your car again.
It’s like he knows what he does to you.
Oh, he knows.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── He knows that I’m falling for him. He knows that when I’m with him, I lose myself. Oh god, he knows. And I love it. ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Journal Entry Two ☆ Journal Entry Four
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1. The Very Beginning
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The Very Beginning - Killing Butterflies
Pairing: (H. Potter x Black! reader)
"I think he's brilliant," the boy said coldly. "Do you?" Draco said, jeering. "Why is he with you? Where are your parents?" "They're dead." Your mouth opened once again in shock before shutting. You were torn between apologising to the boy for bringing it up, or telling him to join the club. OR: in which you and the boy who lived have a less than fairy tale beginning
Series Summary: (Y/n) Black - the one and only heiress to the noble house of Black - who also happens to be the daughter of the infamous Regulus Arcturus Black (and the niece of the notorious criminal Sirius Black). But despite the titles, rules and expectations that befall you, there are only two things that you long for, at which you will not cease to achieve: Firstly, to fill in the big shoes left behind by your late father. And secondly, burn the butterflies that flutter within your stomach in the presence of Harry Potter (who happens to be the sworn enemy of, perhaps, your entire family).
-> Series Masterlist and Summary -> Harry Potter Masterlist
The sharp noise of a hand rapping upon your bedroom door at an ungodly hour is how your day had begun. You jolted awake, harshly rubbing your eyes and scowling at the sound that had forced you up.
As your eyes began to unblur and focus, a voice called out from beyond your room. You didn't catch that they said, though.
Grumbling, you tossed your blanket aside and grudgingly walked to open the door to your bedroom.
Cracking open the door, you expected to see Dobby, the Malfoy's house elf, bidding you a good morning and handing you a cup of water.
To your surprise, however, outside was Draco Malfoy, your distant second cousin (something along those lines, you'd never really been fussed enough to check). He was still in his nightwear. His hair was slicked, as always, and he had been tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for you to emerge from your room.
"Finally, there you are," he rolled his eyes, but he didn't bother to mask the excitement that was stretching across his face rapidly. "Guess what the owl just dropped off?"
He didn't wait for you to guess, as he just brandished two thick, yellowish letters toward you.
Your eyes widened as you registered the words scrawled on top of the envelope.
Ms (First Initial). Black
(Y/n)'s Bedroom
Malfoy Manor
Skipping over the last few words of the address, you felt far more awake. "The Hogwarts letters have arrived?"
You felt a grin quickly cross your face and without a second thought you raced off to the dining hall with Draco hot on your trail.
"Narcissa! Lucius! Can you believe it?!" You beamed at them, skidding to a halt at the entrance of the room. Beside you, Draco nodded his head profusely.
Narcissa gave you both a gentle smile, and Lucius gave a grunt in acknowledgement, not glancing up from his newspaper. 
Draco handed you your letter and you pulled out the parchment inside.
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand. Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed.    of Wizards)
Dear Ms Black, 
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva Mcgonagall
Deputy Headmistress
You clutched the letter tightly in your hands and grinned once again. 
Lucius eyed both you and Draco before saying "I don't see why you both are so excited. I mean, it's obvious you two were going to get in to Hogwarts from the moment you were born."
Draco's joyful stance deflated slightly, taking on a more poised composure. He nodded again, but far more solemnly as he mirrored his father's expression of casual disinterest.
 Narcissa patted Lucius's hand lightly. "I'm just glad that you decided against having either of them sent to Durmstrang," she said, referencing the cause of their heated argument just days ago.
He lifted his chin up before sniffing. "I still think it would be a better choice than Hogwarts and all the mudbloods they'll be exposed to. Not only to mention the more respectable curriculum!"
"Let's not get back into this again, Lucius."
Lucius sighed and returned to his paper, drawing a long sip from his cup of tea.
Interjecting into the conversation, you asked "when will we be able to get our stuff for Hogwarts?"
"Yeah, I want to get my wand," added Draco, turning his nose upwards. "I also want to check out the new model for the Nimbus line."
"Well," began Narcissa. "Your father and I have quite a bit of work for the Minstry that we have to get completed before the months ends, but I do suppose we can pop down to Diagon Alley on the 31st to grab your new school equipment."
You and Draco both nodded at her words and with a satisfied look on her face, she said "alright, wonderful. Now the two of you get dressed whilst I send the owl to Hogwarts with your answers. I will send Dobby up when he finishes preparing breakfast."
31th, July, 1991 - Approximately thirty days later.
"Mistress Malfoy requests that you show up downstairs to leave for Diagon Alley, Miss Black," chirped the house elf in front of you, Dobby. He was a dopey little thing, but you found him to be earnest and sweet. His large green eyes ogled at you and you swore that they got larger every time you saw them.
You crinkled your nose, trying your best to ignore the feeling of apprehension that settled in your stomach. You'd be travelling by floo powder, and while you did agree it was one of the best ways to get from one place to another, the journey itself was rather... tumultuous.
Dobby squeaked at your expression. "Dobby is sorry, Miss Black. B-but Mistress Malfoy said that she did want extra time to pick up supplies...!"
If you had been any other person in the Manor, you'd have slapped Dobby off of you and given him a severe punishment for making such a comment. But, thankfully, you weren't and instead you just gave him a slightly awkward thumbs up.
"Ah, that's fine, Dobby, I was just thinking of something else. But don't get troubled by it."
Nodding at Dobby in goodbye you grabbed your bag and hurried down the stairs to the fireplace. You were greeted by three disgruntled faces.
"Now that (Y/n) has finally arrived," said Lucius, throwing you a pointed look. "Let's get going."
One by one, you each grabbed a handful of the powder, threw it into the fire, stepped into it, crying out "Diagon Alley!" and were then suddenly sent through a series of fireplaces before tumbling out of the fireplace inside of the Leaky Cauldron. After being tossed out of the floo network, you leaned on the wall, gasping for air, dusting off your robes that were now caked in soot.
Tom, the barman, widened his eyes at the presence of you and the Malfoy family, but there was little time to gauge his reaction. You all strode through the pub to the small out room.
Tapping his wand on a brick on the wand, Lucius revealed a whole new addition to the drab setting of the Leaky Cauldron. Not that it was anything astounding to you, though.
Narcissa placed her hands on the shoulders of Draco and you, getting your attention. "Now," she said. "Lucius will go and handle your book list and stationery supplies and I will go to Eeylops Owl Emporium to pick out owls for the two of you. In the meanwhile, you two go to Madam Malkin's and get your robes sorted out. We will meet up by Ollivander's once all of this is completed."
"Wait, no," said Draco frowning. "I want to see the brooms first."
"Okay, then," Narcissa compromised. "We'll meet up by Quality Quidditch Supplies and then go to Ollivander's."
She then proceeded to clap her hands together and shoo you both away.
As soon as the both of you were at of earshot, Draco turned to you and mumbled "Don't you think that mother does that a lot? She gets all bossy and and commanding out of nowhere?"
You looked at him and then nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I suppose she does." He seemed pleased with your answer, and that was that apparently.
When two of you had entered Madam Malkin's shop (Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions), a rather squat woman greeted you at the door and then ushered you to the back of the shop and onto the footstools.
Two more witches bustled toward the two of you. "Hogwarts, am I right dearies?" asked one of them.
"Yes," you said, answering her question.
The shop fell into a silence as the witch attending to you slipped a long, black robe over you and began diligently pinning the fabric to your frame. 
You tried your best not to wince whenever she accidently stuck a pin into you, instead resorting to scowling at a corner of the room. It sapped a lot of your willpower, though, and your scowl was steadily growing into glaring at the poor mannequin at the window.
A few minutes later, a rather scrawny boy with tousled black hair and glasses entered into the shop.
He was nothing too impressive, you noted, but on closer inspection you did realise that his eyes were the most brilliant, vivid shade of green. It put your own eyes to shame, really. 
The boy stood on the stool next to Draco and Madam Malkin began fixing up a robe for him too.
"Hullo," said Draco immediately, "Hogwarts, too?"
"Yes," said the boy, who did look quite nervous. But it wasn't unusual, most people looked nervous when they spoke to one of the Malfoys.
"Us too," drawled Draco, tilting his head casually towards you. 
You dipped your head in hello, and he too quickly (and with much awkwardness, mind you) reciprocated the gesture.
"My father's next door buying my books and Mother's up the street looking at owls," continued Draco. "Then I'm going to drag them off to look at racing brooms. I don't see why first-years can't have their own. I think I'll bully Father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow."
"First-years can't have brooms because they want to make sure we know how to play properly first," you reminded him in a jabbing tone.
He shrugged. "Have you got your own broom?" he asked the boy.
"Play Quidditch at all?" Draco pressed on, despite the other boy's clipped answers.
"I do - Father says it's a crime if I'm not picked to play for my house, and I must say, I agree."
"Do you know what house you'll get into?" you questioned him, causing the boy's head to swivel from Draco to you.
"Er, no." he said sheepishly.
"Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they?" said Draco, "but I know I'll be in Slytherin..."
You smirked slightly and nodded at that.
"...All our family have been - imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?'
The boy mumbled "mmm," and you raised your eyebrow curiously at him. The boy looked very clueless to the words that Draco had been spewing out. It made you wonder if maybe this was the first time he had heard them.
With a furrowed brow, you wondered if that was because - maybe - he was a mudblood.
"I say, look at that man!" Draco cried out suddenly.
A man of considerable height stood outside the window. He grinned at the scrawny boy and gestured towards the two large ice-creams he hand in his hands. With his scruffy, untamed mass of hair you seriously wondered if he was a giant. But even with his great size, he was too small to be one. Maybe he was a giant that suffered from an extreme case of dwarfism. He was tall, sure, but was probably still only the size of a regular giant's ring finger.
"That's Hagrid," the boy answered properly for the first time. "He works at Hogwarts."
Your mouth widened into a 'oh.' You had heard of the Hogwarts gamekeeper through Lucius, who was a school governor. 
"I've heard of him," you supplied. "He's like the maid there, isn't he? A savage drunkard?"
The boy gave you a less than displeased look, but Draco agreed with you. "I hear he lives in a hut on the school grounds and every now and again he gets drunk, tries to do magic and ends up setting fire to his bed."
"I think he's brilliant," the boy said coldly.
"Do you?" Draco said, jeering. "Why is he with you? Where are your parents?"
"They're dead."
Your mouth opened once again in shock before shutting. You were torn between apologising to the boy for bringing it up, or telling him to join the club.
Luckily, though, Draco handled it for you. 
"Oh, sorry." he said, but you were certain even that Hagrid man could tell he didn't sound too sorry. "But they were our kind, weren't they?"
"They were a witch and a wizard, if that's what you mean."
Guess he wasn't a muggle-born after all. Perhaps he was just a really slow pure-blooded boy? He should've been familiar with all the wizarding terms, even if he hadn't been raised by his parents. How weird, you thought.
"I really don't think they should let the other sort in, do you?" continued Draco. Merlin, that boy just kept on talking. "They're just not not the same, they've never been brought up to know our ways. Some of them have never even heard of Hogwarts until they get the letter, imagine. I think they should keep it in the old wizarding families. What's your surname anyway?"
Madam Malkin though, before the boy could answer, announced he was done and free to go. The boy quickly hopped down form his footstool and gathered his new robes.
"Well, I'll see you at Hogwarts, I suppose," said Draco, bading him goodbye.
When the boy had left, Draco began speaking to you. "You're awfully quiet. Where's your usual blabbermouth?"
You scowled deeply at him. "Nevermind that. We arrived before him, why does he get to leave first?"
"Oh, sorry about that dears," said your witch, straightened up and pulling the robe off you. "Female robes just take a few minutes extra and I figured you'd want to leave with your friend."
"Okay," you said simply, but you frowned at her anyways. For good measures.
You dug into your bag and handed her enough Galleons to cover the price of both sets of robes.
You and Draco left the store and immediately headed (basically sprinted) towards Quality Quidditch Supplies.
You wished you could say something interesting happened there before Narcissa and Lucius had arrived, but really, it was just Draco's nose pressed up against the glass of the shop whilst you stood next to him, admiring the broom in a much more dignified manner.
Your guardians, upon their arrival, wasted no time in dallying and the four of you made your way to Ollivander's for your wands.
The store was rather slim and its sign Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC had begun to peel off. Regardless of its poor appearance, to an old wizarding family like yours, you knew that the wands there were nothing short of the best.
The wide, watery gray eyes of the store's owner were the first thing that you saw when you entered. 
"Hello, Ollivander," said Lucius, almost politely. 
"Why hello to you too, Mr. Malfoy," he said softly. His face was wrinkled and elderly. "What a wonderful family you have there."
His gaze seemed to grow distant before he snapped his eyes suddenly back to Lucius. "Elm with dragon heartstring core, sturdy and thirteen inches long, am I right? And for your lovely wife here, another elm wood too, twelve and a half inches but with a unicorn hair core. Springy, no?"
You shivered a bit at the man's piercing stare and his freakishly sharp memory.
"Well then," he fixed his eyes now on you and Draco. "What arms are your wand arms?"
Draco held out his right arm and you obediently stuck out your [dominant arm]. He then began to measure the lengths between your fingertips and elbow.
"Hm, I see," he said, nodding his head seriously once he had finished. He suddenly dashed to the shelves and scanned through them. Taking out two boxes, he handed the first to Draco ("Dragon heartstring, cedar wood, bendy, ten inches") and the other to you ("pine wood, phoenix feather, nine and three quarters").
He didn't say anything else and just observed you and Draco closely as you both waved the wands around in the air.
Needless to say, when all of the windows and lamps shattered within seconds, it was just a tad bit obvious that these wands were not to be.
Ollivander tutted and turned around again. He didn't look that upset however. He bustled to the back of the shop and pulled out a few more boxes. Waving the next few wands had no better effect than the first ones.
Ollivander suddenly gasped, as though an idea had just sprung up into his head, and using his own wand, summoned a box from the top shelves.
Handing it delicately to you, he murmured, "ten and a half inches. Cypress wood, unicorn hair core and pliant."
Taking the wand into your hand, you raised it above your head and waved it. A tingly, warm feeling suddenly flooded through your body, and with it, a spectacular shower of sparks emerged from the wand.
Ollivander looked delighted and exclaimed a few words of praise. Narcissa was smiling widely and even Lucius looked somewhat pleased. 
"They do say that cypress wands pick only the most noblest of wizards!" cried Ollivander, his grey eyes positively shining. "It's no surprise that one it would pick was the heiress to the house of Black!"
Draco glared at you, his frown reappearing from frustration. He had yet to find a wand that would choose him. He grabbed another box from Ollivander's table.
He ended up trying out quite a few more wands before he came across a wand that picked him. Honestly, you were surprised that there was a wand out there that tolerated the boy enough to be stuck for the rest of his life. You didn't pay attention to it was made of but knew it also contained a unicorn hair core like yours.
You were instead admiring your wand, turning it over in your fingers. An intricate vine-like pattern weaved up from the wand's base and smoothed itself out near its middle. Despite all of the crevices formed from its spiralling trail, it still managed to fit your fingers perfectly. It was quite a beauty.
Lucius handed Ollivander fourteen Galleons and Ollivander bowed at the four of you as you left.
"All that's left is the apothecary's," you said.
All of you headed towards the said shop and you took the time to look at the owls Narcissa had picked up for you and Draco.
For Draco, she had somehow gotten an eagle owl (even though the Owl Emporium did not sell them). He looked particularly smug with his newly acquired wand and owl. 
And for you, Narcissa had gotten a large tawny owl who was blinking at you with its massive eyes. You cooed at it, and smirked when it hooted back. 
You later named him Castor. You quite liked the name, which was as a star in the Gemini constellation. It was also, you believed, the name of a distant relative who had died of dragon pox some time ago.
You handed the owl a letter addressed to 12 Grimmauld Place. It was a note to Kreacher, informing him of your acceptance to Hogwarts and a request to send back one of his sandwiches in his reply.
Waving the owl off, you couldn't quench the growing excitement inside of you. In just a few weeks, you'd be on the Hogwarts Express on your way to becoming a Hogwarts student, and eventually a fully fledged witch.
Who would've guessed what happened to you before then?
Hi guys 💞😀
Thank you so much for sticking till the 1st (technically 2nd) chapter!! 💓💗💛
The fun fact today is:
You didn't speak to Draco for two days because you got mad at him for "copying your wand's core"  and gave him a lecture on at least trying to be original.
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 3
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 on a Thursday morning in mid-July to the screeching of an Owl. That was normal, it meant Owl-post. Dad took out subscriptions for the Daily Prophet. Personally, I thought it was a waste of money. But, it also seemed like the only wizarding newspaper out there.
I slid out of bed and made my way downstairs, not bothering to get dressed. It was way to early for that.
Dad was smiling when I reached the dining room table. He turned at my approach and held up in his fingers a thick cream colored envelope with green ink on the outside addressed to me. He flipped it over to the other side to show a large red seal.
I froze mid-yawn. Then my face lit up into a smile. "No way! My Hogwarts letter is here!"
I grabbed it from dad's hand and plopped down in the empty chair next to him. I reached for the letter opener and slid it under the wax seal. I pulled out two pieces of parchment. It was fancy stuff too. Thick and cream colored. We'd never had parchment like that here before.
The first piece of paper was a letter from the deputy headmistress:
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Ms. Kane, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Your sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress
I quickly pulled out a Muggle pen and pulled out a piece of parchment. I wrote that I would be attending Hogwarts and I signed it with my name. Then, I attached it to the Barn owl that was waiting there and it flew away, out the open window.
I glanced at dad who was busy reading the student necessity list. His brow was furrowed and he was chewing on his quill. Why did the magical world still bother with quills? Muggle pens and pencils were much easier to use and less messy.
I placed a hand on his own. "It's okay dad, honestly. I can get a lot of stuff second-hand probably."
He glanced at me. "Money shouldn't be a problem. You're old enough now that you can open your Gringotts vault."
I looked at him, blank faced. I wasn't stupid. I knew what a Gringotts vault was, but why would I have one? Families shared vaults which meant that I would be sharing Lupin's vault and I knew we didn't have much. Or did he mean the Potter's vault? Did my parents have a lot of money?
"When do you want to go get your stuff?" He asked, sliding me the piece of paper he'd been reading, and I took my mind off of the money.
"Ummm." I didn't answer as I read the sheet.
First-years will require: 1. Three sets of plain work robes (black) 2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear 3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) 4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please not that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
1 wand 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) 1 set glass or crystal phials 1 telescope 1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.
Yours sincerely,
Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions
I frowned, "Why do I need Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them if I'm not taking Care of Magical Creatures for another three years?"
Dad laughed and then shrugged. "No idea. I've always wondered that. I think it's because magical creatures are talked about in Herbology and Potions."
"Let's go tomorrow." I said. "I have work today, but I don't tomorrow. Is that fine?"
"Sure." Dad said, standing up. He was wearing his best Wizarding clothes. "I'm going to see if I can get a new job. I'll be home in time for dinner."
I stood up on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Love you dad."
"Love you too sweetheart." He strode out the back door so he could apparate without the neighbors seeing him.
Meanwhile, I ran upstairs to get ready for the day. Tomorrow was going to be a blast.
𝕯𝖆𝖉 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 up early the next morning so that we could get to Diagon Alley by floo powder. It wasn't my favorite way to travel but it was faster than most other forms of transportation. I was really much to anxious to get there any other way anyways. Wow, ain't that a tongue-twister?
I took off my glasses that Dad had repaired and put them in my pocket. I grabbed a handful of the powder and stepped into the fireplace. Throwing down the powder, green flames rose around me. I closed my eyes and said "Diagon Alley."
I felt the spinning sensation and opened my eyes, waiting for the right moment to get out. When I saw the inside of the floo powder station, I leaned forward and stepped out into the station. A moment later, Dad came out of a nearby fireplace. He wiped away soot that had ended up on my cheek and then we started to make our way to Gringotts.
I had been to Diagon Alley many times before. Dad had always taken me whenever he had an errand to run, so I had a good direction of the place.
Walking up the large marble steps, I felt a strange giddiness inside me. I was going to be checking my very own vault! I also felt a little nervous because of the goblins, and felt a little confused about how I had a vault when I wasn't 17. Which family vault was I going to be getting my gold from?
If mum and dad had wanted me to be a secret, would I really have a shared vault with them? The minute I showed up at Gringotts everyone would know that I had a key to the Potter's vault. The conclusion therefore would be I was their daughter that no one knew about.
But did I really mind that? I mean, yes my parents hadn't wanted anyone to know that I existed but they were gone now, and I was going to tell Harry I was his sister at Hogwarts this year anyways. I was going to invite him to come and live with Dad and me and we were going to be a family. So did it really matter that much if the goblins found out I was Elizabeth Potter before Harry did?
And yet, maybe there was a very good reason that mum and Dad had kept me a secret from everyone- including Dumbledore. Shouldn't I respect that decision, no matter how bonkers it seemed? I just wish I knew why.
I held the key even tighter in my hand. The grooves were uneven and the metal was bronze. It was gold colored, even in the darkness of my hand.
We stepped into the building which was much cooler than outside and I felt quite refreshed. My father led me over to a counter and I reluctantly handed up my key, waiting for confused looks or questions, but there was nothing on the goblin's face except boredom, and we followed another goblin through another door.
It was even colder down here, the grand marble floor turned into stone. It was a large network of intersecting caves. Stalagmites and Stalactites grew and hung from the floor and ceiling. Stalagmites were the ones that came up from the ground and Stalactites hung from the ceiling. I've never really understood how people got confused between the two. Just remember "Stalagmites might reach the ceiling someday."
The cart flew down the track faster than I had expected. I'd never been to a vault, Dad had never visited one when he took me. I clutched the cart side, feeling as though I was on a roller coaster at the school fair. Just with no safety straps.
We reached vault 718 and the cart stopped.
"Vault 718." The goblin announced unexpectedly- and unnecessarily. I climbed out, unsteadily, grabbing onto my dad's arm as I stumbled. I'd never had the best balance.
The goblin took my key and stuck it in the lock, unlocking it. I heard the rumbles of other carts going past on the tracks above. The goblin pulled the door open and then stepped back. I blinked a number of times, wondering if perhaps this was just a lovely dream. This was all mine?
I stepped forward, uncertainly. There was more gold here than I had ever seen in my entire life. I swiped a quick look at dad. He looked just as surprised as I did. Perhaps he hadn't known that my parents had this much gold.
Aware that the goblin was waiting to take us back up, I hurried and stuffed the bag full of gold. Perhaps about 700 gold Galleons. (Might be an exaggeration). It didn't even make a dent. I put the bulky bag back into my pocket. I took my glasses off on the ride back.
Dad and I didn't talk until we left the bank.
I started, "Did you know?" I asked quietly. He knew exactly what I was talking about.
"No." He finally said. "I never looked."
I nodded, feeling a little better.
"I wish I did." He added. "At least when you got older I wish I had checked. I could've given you so much more."
I shook my head, feeling much better than I previously had. I placed a hand on his arm, "No. I'm perfectly content with the way things are. You're the one who deserves so much more, I haven't done anything worthwhile." I smiled up at him.
He smiled back down, "Nonsense but we shall agree to disagree, correct?" That was his famous saying whenever we got into money arguments. I nodded- as I always did. "Alright, where to first?"
I thought about it for half a second. I really didn't need to think about it- I'd been planning this day since the moment dad had told me it would come. "Wand shop."
He led to way to Ollivanders. I walked inside, dad decided to wait outside. There was no one in the darkly lit shop. There were rows upon rows that went so far back that I couldn't see the back of the shop. There was one chair in the corner. There was one vase on the counter of the shop. It had pink roses in it. They were nearly dead, already drooping over the edge of the vase.
I had the feeling that I was being watched but it took a moment before someone approached me. A man came out of the shadows quietly. "Ah Miss Kane, how are you?"
He had a shock of snow white hair atop his head that stuck out in every direction. Perhaps he had been playing with to much electricity. Oh wait, no he wouldn't. He wasn't a Muggle. He had wide blue eyes that seemed to look into my soul. He knew my name? Then why perhaps had he not said Miss Potter? I was to confused to take it any father than that.
I smiled uncertainly. "Er, good, I think. Umm how are you?"
His smile became bemused and he didn't answer me. "Wand arm?"
"Right arm." I said immediately. A measuring tape appeared out of thin air. Mr. Ollivander disappeared into the back of his shop. Then, he came back with a box. "That is your dad out there?" He asked, pointing to Lupin. "Remus Lupin?"
"Er, well he's my adopted dad." I said truthfully.
He pursed his lips, taking the wand out of the box, and handing it to me. "Perhaps this will not work, then. But you may as well give it a try."
I took the wand and waved it around but nothing happened. Mr. Ollivander took the wand from my hand and stared at me for a minute. "Hmm." He murmured to himself. Then, he left for the shelves again.
Coming back, the wand was already out of the box. "This is a Cypress wood wand with a dragon heartstring core. 12 1/2" and it has a swishy flexibility. It's a good wand for Charms."
'Lupins' wand was Cypress wood' I thought, taking the wand. 'And Mum's wand was good for Charms as well'. I felt a strange warmth creep up in my fingers and it spread through my whole body. There was a swirl of dust that transformed into purple butterflies and exploded back into dust.
Mr. Ollivander looked at me even longer this time and then put the wand back into the box. I paid 8 galleons for the wand and hurried out of the shop, feeling slightly unnerved. Was Mr. Ollivander always like that? Or was it because he might know who I was?
"Well?" Dad asked casually as I exited the shop. He had a paper bag under his arm that wasn't there when I had gone into the shop. "What wand did you get?"
"Cypress wood, dragon heartstring, 12 1/2". Apparently it's good for charms, like Mum's was." I recited off. "And it's Cypress just like your wand is."
Lupin was quiet for a moment and then, grinning, said, "I'll be honest, given your height, I did think you'd get a much smaller wand."
"It's half an inch larger than an American ruler." I said gloomily, not realizing that he was making a height joke. "But I don't think it matters much. I'll grow."
"No, perhaps not." Dad said, though he seemed to be thinking of something else. "I already got your apothecary ingredients." He added on at the last second, holding up the paper bag. "Where do you want to go now?"
We went to the other wizarding shops in order. The fact that I'd been to these stores a couple hundred times meant the errands were done quicker. I got new robes and I made Dad get two pairs of new robes too because all of his wizarding robes were shabby. I wanted him to have something nice for a change. He didn't want them but I said they were to make up for ten years of Birthdays that I made homemade gifts.
Really, he was quite ungracious about accepting them. He didn't want them, he didn't need them. He wanted every Galleon, sickle, and knut to go to me. And yet, I refused to let him leave the store without the robes.
"Compromise." I said with a smile. He finally chuckled, muttering something about how backwards my compromises were. But regardless, he got the robes.
We went into Quality Quidditch Supplies and looked around. I didn't buy anything though. Dad was looking at the toy models and he laughed.
"Remember when you had this broom?" He asked, smiling down at me.
I looked at it. It was the plastic kind, meant for kids between one and five. It was the pink version, the one I'd had. Lupin had gotten it for me when I was three or four at Christmas. I'd ridden it nearly every day until I outgrew it at Seven and a half. I was smaller for my age. After that, Lupin asked if I wanted another broom but I said no because even at such a young age, I understood the money problems.
I could've bought a broom now and Dad understood that. I think he wanted me too as well. I think he felt bad that I hadn't had the childhood he'd wanted me to or that my parents probably would've given me. However, I left the shop without buying anything. I wasn't going to waste money on a broomstick. I didn't need one- Hogwarts didn't allow it anyways so what was the point?
We also visited Eeylops Owl Emporium. I wanted to bring a pet to Hogwarts, preferably an Owl. That way I wouldn't have to use a Hogwarts owl whenever I wanted to write to Dad. My eyes immediately went to a large Snowy owl sitting in a cage. She was a magnificent bird and I wanted her right away, but something inside of me said no, she was meant for someone else. I wasn't sure why I felt that way but I was usually pretty good with following my feelings so I reluctantly turned away from her.
There was a Northern Saw-Whet owl which was about the size of my hand. It was adorable but it was too small. There was the long-eared owl, Great Grey owl, Burrowing owl, and so many more. Eventually, I decided to go with a female spotted wood owl.
She had dark, spotted feathers and an orangey yellow face. Her underside feathers were just a lighter shade than her face feathers. She had great big black eyes, kind've like the kind you'd see on a stuffed animal. Glassy almost, but beautiful. I paid about 12 Galleons for her.
I sort of wished I'd decided to go to the Owl Emporium last, because I still had the bookshop to go to, and I knew I was going to spend a lot of time in there.
I raced to Flourish and Blotts, laden down with my packages of robes and ingredients and telescopes and multiple other things. Dad trailed behind with my owl. I headed into the store, looking around.
Books were stacked floor to ceiling, neat stacks and sloppy stacks, and books of all kinds. There was a rainbow of book bindings everywhere. There were huge books and small books and books that made noises. There were books shoved into every crevice and space that was possible. It looked something like my bedroom.
I loved books. They were what I got for my birthday and Christmas and every other holiday that gifts get given. My dad gave me Wizarding books about Wizarding history or Magical creatures or Quidditch. My friends gave me Muggle books which I loved nearly just as much. Fascinating books like The Color Purple and lots of Stephen King books. I also liked Muggle mysteries like the Hardy Boys or The Boxcar Children. Also Roald Dahl wrote a lot of good books with creative illustrations. Sure, they didn't move, but that was the magic of Muggle books.
Now, I had extra money in my pockets, so I could buy a couple extra books. I darted around the store, picking out my school books and, if I spotted something interesting, I'd read the back and see if I would potentially want to read it. If I did, I added it to the pile. I chose history books, and extra Herbology books, and multiple books on Magical creatures. There were also books on jinxes and curses and I wanted it so badly but decided against it.
In the end, I was carrying about twenty books home. I smiled sheepishly at dad but he just looked amused and carried one of the bags for me.
"I forgot to ask." I chirped as we made our way back up to the Floo station. "Did you want a book?"
Dad chuckled but didn't answer. He looked quite happy and I wondered if it was because I was happy or if it was because he had gotten the job already. I wasn't entirely sure but I didn't ask in case the question ruined the mood.
At home, I let the owl out of her cage and watched her as she flew out the window, going out to hunt. I was going to need a name for her, but I couldn't think of anything good. Perhaps there would be something in my history books or something. I wanted to find a name for her soon. It would be hard calling her 'owl'.
I started to prepare for Hogwarts.
I took out my clothes and wrote my name carefully and neatly on the tags just like the instructions said. I put the brass scales, glass phials, and telescope neatly into the trunk I would be taking with me to Hogwarts. Dad taught me the enchantment for the cauldron so it would fit into the trunk and how to undo the enchantment when I got to Hogwarts.
My books were stacked around my room, taking turns reading bits of them, and studying their contents. There was just so much interesting stuff to learn. I took my Herbology textbook to the pool because it didn't have moving pictures in it and Herbology could be seen as a Muggle hobby in planting- just with plants that didn't exist in the Muggle world.
Eventually, I decided to name my owl Sadie. I've never been particularly good at naming anything but Sadie was a good name- at least I thought so and Dad didn't make fun of the name so I was sure that it was a good name.
I spent a lot of time with Trang when I wasn't studying or working. I was sad that she was going all the way to America but in the end, I thought, it wouldn't really matter since I was going to a boarding school as well.
Trang had asked me where I was going to school and I said that Dad was either going to homeschool me or I was going to go to a boarding school in Australia. She was surprised with both options. I said I would write to her often.
On the day of my birthday, Dad took me and Trang to the zoo. It was one of my favorite places to go. I'd asked dad to take me back to Gringotts so that I could trade some of my Wizarding gold in Muggle money. This is what my dad used at the zoo.
He was amused with the Wolves (as always), but I personally preferred the Cheetahs and Tigers and Lions. Cheetahs were my favorite animal of all time. When I finally was able to produce a Patronus, I was sure that it would be a cheetah. Trang liked the seals and penguins.
I bored both Trang and dad silly with facts about all the different types of animals there were at the zoo. I hadn't even read the info boards, I just knew this stuff. I loved researching all sorts of things, especially when it came down to animals.
The day after my birthday was quite eventful as well, although nothing personally had happened to me.
Dad was reading the daily prophet with a look that I had never seen on his face before. I paused in the middle of making toast.
"What's wrong?" I asked, pushing down the lever and coming to look over his shoulder.
He handed me up the newspaper. "Someone broke into Gringotts break."
"WHAT!" I snatched the newspaper out of his hands and scanned the article. They'd broken into the bank yesterday. . . Vault 713. . .nothing was taken because the vault had been emptied that same day. . .no more details. . .
That vault was very closet to mine. Only five down really. . .
I tossed the newspaper on the table, "They don't know much about it, do they?" I went back over to the toaster, so dad wouldn't see the fear on my face. The toast was sitting up and I shakily put it on the empty plate.
"Elizabeth, are you okay?" Dad asked me.
"Well I mean, how do they know it wasn't. . .wasn't. . .I mean what if Voldemort's back! They don't know anything and they can't tell us anything!" I took off my glasses, something I always did when I got frustrated. I hated that I got frustrated easily, and I had never realized how frightened that I might have been with the idea of him returning.
But could I really be blamed for feeling that way? After all, he had murdered my parents and separated me from my brother, hadn't he? And he and his followers hadn't just murdered my parents. . . there had been so many deaths at his hands. And people who had been affected afterwards like the Longbottom's', who were Aurors tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, and many others. It had been an old newspaper that dad had. He kept old newspapers for me to read when I got old enough to read them. I learned a lot from them.
I walked back to the table, avoiding Lupin's gaze.
"I don't think he's back Elizabeth." He said gently, picking up the Daily Prophet, folding it, and setting it aside. "It would've been better planned out, a date before the vault was emptied. This work is to sloppy."
I just nodded, biting into the dry toast. I spit it out immediately. I'd forgotten butter. I hopped up and ran to go get it as Dad laughed heartily the entire time.
Well! At least he was amused!
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linguistlist-blog · 3 months
Confs: Workshop on Judeo-Spanish
Programme Venue: Fakultätssaal, building: Philosophicum (address: Jakob-Welder-Weg 18, 55128 Mainz) Friday, 12 July 10.15–10.45 Welcome and presentation of the project “Judeo-Spanish in Bulgaria: a contact language between archaism and innovation” 10.45–11.30 1. Aldina Quintana (Jerusalem): Description of Samokov’s Judeo-Spanish vowels, according to Ms. Biografia Arie (1900–1914) by Moise Abraam Arié 11.30–12.00 Coffee break 12.00–13.30 2. Jonas Grünke, Christoph Gabriel, Bistra Andreeva, Mi http://dlvr.it/T94KR1
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entmobileapps · 3 months
Work is not a place...
Als ehemaliger Citrix Engineer bei grösseren Dienstleistern galt für mich schon immer der Grundsatz "Work is not a place" schon lange vor Covid und der ganzen Home Office Bewegung.
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Egal ob BYOD oder CYOD - ich war oftmals mit Devices unterwegs, die nicht den jeweiligen Company Hardware Standards entsprochen haben, was jedoch aus Usability und Security Sicht keinerlei Nachteile mit sich bringen muss. Daher gilt heute noch...und mehr denn je...der Grundsatz: "The right device, at the right time, the right place for the given use case".
Noch heute arbeite ich den grössten Teil meines 100% Pesnums nicht in einem Company Office. Und wenn ist es ein Flex-Desk-Modell, wo ich keinen traditionellen Desk mehr habe und daher auch da auf Mobilität Wert lege.
Aktuell sind bei mir die folgenden Devices und Mittel im Einsatz.
MacBook 13" M1 / 16GB RAM / 1TB Disk / Touchbar (2020)
Mein treuer Begleiter, wann immer ich unterwegs ein Notebook benötige. Sowohl zu Hause, auf Reisen als auch unterwegs für und bei Kunden. Was Anfangs wegen M1 Chip noch etwas schwierig war, wird immer besser, auch dank der breiteren werdenden App Unterstützng für Apple Silicone Prozessoren.
Leider kann ich das bzgl. Touchbar Support nicht behaupte, weshalb ich wohl darauf gut verzichten könnte. Aber min. beim Verfassen von Texten und in eingen speziellen Tools ist er doch sehr wilkommen.
1 TB Disk benötige ich eigentlich auch nur auf längeren Reisen um die Bilder der DSLR Cam mal lokal zu syncen. Egal ob als Kurzzeit Backup oder für die rasche Bearbeitung.
Dank Citrix / AvD oder Horizon Umgebung macht es auch nichts aus, dass die meisten Kunden Umgebungen eher Windows orientiert sind. So nutze ich bspw. auch die installierten Office Apps nur noch bedingt und erledige das meisten entweder in der Virtual Workplace Umgebung oder im Browser via MS Online Versionen.
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Apple iPhone 15 Pro / 1 TB
Seit nunmehr 12 Jahren bin ich bzgl. Mobiles / SmartPhones im Apple Öko System unterwegs. Zuvor waren auch immer mal wieder Android, Windows Phone oder auch Nokia Symbian im Einsatz. Aber die beinahe nahtlose Integration und die tadellose Einbindung der Apple Devices untereinander ist einfach Top (vA AirDrop, Personal Hotspott oder auch HandOff).
Die Grösse des Pro reicht für mich völlig und ist ehrlich gesagt auch am oberen Ende, weshalb es nie das Max wurde in den vergangenen Jahren trotz der etwas besseren Akku Leistung. 1 Tag reicht es immer und über Nacht wandert es ans Netzteil. Damit kann ich sehr gut leben. Zur Not hätte ich auch noch ein MagSafe Battery Pack zur Hand.
Android Phone sind zwar teils günstiger aber wenn man den Restwert und den Produkte Support anschaut, sind mMn die TCO Kosten immer noch unschlagbar gut für den Enduser.
Das jeweils 1 Jahr alte Phone erbt dann ein Familienmitglied und dessen Phone wird auch als 2 Jahre altes Modell noch easy für gutes Geld auf Online Markplätzen verkauft.
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Apple AirPod Pro 2. Gen
Ich muss zugeben, dass ich InEar HeadPhones durchaus als nicht störend empfinde. Gibt aber viele Menchen, denen es nicht so geht oder bei denen die Passform einfach nicht passt. Bei mir ist dies aber nicht der Fall und daher nutze ich sie praktisch täglich und habe sie immer dabei. Egal ob beim Fitness, auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder auch in kürzeren Teams Konferenzen.
Da können meine fürheren Devices von JBL, UrabenEars usw. einfach nicht mithalten. Zwar ist die ANC und das Qualitätslevel der Mics nicht ganz State of the Art aber am Ende macht es die Gesamtperfromance halt aus. Und praktisch keine anderen Bluetooth Kopfhörer verbinden so schnell und mühelos, wie die Apple AirPods (egal ob Pro od Normal).
Und wenn's mal wieder länger dauert oder die Quali in der Teams Conf doch besser sein soll....
Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra
Als OverEar Device bieten sie klar bessere Abschirmung als die oben erwähnten AirPods Pros und haben auch eine bessere Audio und Mic Qualität. Beides unverzichtbar für längere Calls und/oder in lauteren Umgebungen.
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Im Zug / Bus / Tram oder auch zu Fuss wären sie mir aber def. zu klobig. Tragekomfort ist auch über 2h hinweg sehr angehnehm (subjektiv ich weiss) und Akku mässig bin ich bisher auch nie entäuscht worden. Zur Not gäbe es immer noch die Möglichkeit via Kabel zu verbinden.
Anders als die AirPods lassen sie sich auch auf anderen Betriebssystemen (bsp. Win11) problemlos nutzen. Da machen bei mir die AirPods teils Probleme (bsp. Auto Connect unter Windows 11).
Logitech MX Keys
Zu Hause im Home Office arbeite ich praktisch permanent mit ext. Screen und ext. Keyboard. Da Notebook Lid ist meist geschlossen und daher kommt dort ein ext. Keyboard von Logitech zum Einsatz.
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Nummerblock und Handauflage würde ich nicht zwingend benötigen aber es gab damals nur dieses Kit. Akku Laufzeit ist mehr als ausreichend und im Gegensatz zu anderen Cordless Keyboards kann auch während dem Laden damit egarbeitet werden.
Der Unify Dongle ist mitlerweile am USB Hub des Displays und so benötige ich die Multi Device Funktionalität noch nicht einmal um auf unterschiedlichen Notebooks damit arbeiten zu können.
Zwar ist die ganze Mac/Windows Tastenbelegung etwas zu kompliziert ausgefallen aber man gewohnt sich sehr schnell, welche spez. Taste wo zu finden ist. Und zur Not könnte man über Key Switches die Zuweisung sogar auf einzelne Tasten genau aufs jeweilige Betriebssystem anpssen.
Samsung C34J791
Als vor einigen Jahren Acer den ersten Screen mit USB-C / Thunderbolt Support (inkl. internem USB Hub) released hat war ich gleich Feuer und Flamme. Da ich aber immer öfters in mehreren Apps / Windows gleichzeitig unterwegs bin wurde es vor einiger Zeit dieser Samsung 34" Curved Screen.
Auch hier wird der Notebook (egal ob Windows oder Mac) nur mit einem USB-C Kabel angebschlossen, was das Kabel Chaos auf dem Desk und mögliche externe Docks / Docking Stations gänzlich eliminiert.
Mittlerweile ist auch der Gaming PC am Screen angehängt. Zwar via Display Port...aber für ACC Online Races ist die Auflösung under Speed völlig ausreichend.
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Die internen Speaker könnten zwar etwas besser sein...aber für ab und zu YT oder eben gaming reicht es völlig aus. Anonsten werden die oben erwähnten Bluetooth Headsets aktiviert und dann ist das Problem auch vom Tisch.
Etwas eng. ist die im Standfuss vorhandene Kabelführung. Aber bei mir geht's grade so. Wegen dem Höhen verstellbaren Tisch kam bisher eine Wand Montage nicht in Frage...allenfalls wäre noch ein Desk Schwenkarm eine Lösung. Aber im Moment ist es gut so. Damit der Screen ein bisschen "höher" ist, habe ich einen kleinen Desk Stand von IKEA im Einsatz mit Schublade. Darunter lässt sich dann auch das Notebook prima verstauen.
Fast die perfekte CleanDesk Lösung, wenn man kein Papier oder sonstige Utensilien auf dem Desk rumliegen hat.
Rolling Quare inCharge XL
Dieses Charge / Connectivity Gadget darf auf keinen Fall fehlen. USB-A, USB-C, Apple Lightning...man weiss nie, wann man es mal braucht. Egal ob zum Laden, für Daten Transfer oder Connectivity.
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Ich habe meins immer dabei und neben der XL Variante 2m auch noch eine 30cm Variante immer im Backpack dabei. Kaum gedacht, dass ich mal so viel für ein "Ladekabel" ausgeben würde. Aber bisher hat er mich nie enttäuscht...und ich kann dadurch einige andere Kabel jeweils zu Hause lassen. Unverzichtbar unterwegs und auf Reisen.
Das einzige, was fehlt, ist der Micro USB für die Boom Box in den Ferien und den Amazon Kindle. Aber da müssen eher Amazon bzw. UE nachlegen, als dass man es dem Kabel anlasten könnte. Und manchmal sind die Stecker etwas klobig und tricky für den Anschluss, je nach HW Design. Aber auch das...nur ein sehr sehr kleiner Nachteil.
Flachkabel an sich sind nicht jedermanns Sache und manchmal ist es bisschen "störrig"...aber für mich passt es prima. Auch in Kombination mit Drohne zum Laden und DatenTransfer einfach unverzichtbar.
In Kombination mit einem grossen Apple AC Adapter kann ich so unterwegs ziemlich alle Devices auch mit Schnellade-Funktion laden.
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moirail-advice · 7 months
(qm) i miss my exmoirail but i was a bitch to them and fucked up so exponentially im sure he hates me and i dont even blame him
}i dont £v£n know what advic£ to giv£ h£r£. this s££ms mor£ fit for a @trueoffmypusher conf£ssion.{
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mmorghouseof · 2 years
Microsoft outlook mac osx
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#Microsoft outlook mac osx how to
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#Microsoft outlook mac osx mac
Once you’ve removed all the files related to Outlook, go to Trash and empty it.Īs you can see, searching for service files manually may take a lot of time. Therefore, we highly recommend using Funter, which finds any type of file by name, including hidden files in system folders and packages. On the screenshot below, you can see that there are lots of Outlook service files, which are spread out in different locations and are not so easy to find manually.
#Microsoft outlook mac osx free
We used a free application called Funter for this task.
~/Library/Preferences/Īfter deletion, we decided to check if there were more Outlook files in other subfolders.
In our case, we found service files in the following directories: In the Library folder, find the service files of Outlook and remove them.
Launch Finder, click Go in the menu bar and select the Go to Folder option.
Go to the Applications folder and move Outlook to Trash.
Close processes related to Microsoft Outlook by clicking the “ X” button.
The same goes for Microsoft Outlook (2010, 2011, or other versions).įollow the instructions below to completely uninstall Outlook on your Mac, including its cache, logs, preferences, and other service files. So when you decide to remove an app from your Mac, you should remember to remove its service files as well.
#Microsoft outlook mac osx mac
You can check it on the Microsoft community page.Īny applications running on a Mac create special support files for proper and fast work. Using App Cleaner & Uninstaller to remove or reset Outlook is also recommended by awarded Windows MVP specialists.This is a special uninstaller that will help you to completely uninstall any application from Mac along with its caches, logs, login items, preferences, and browser extensions.
#Microsoft outlook mac osx manual
If you do not have time to explore the manual way of uninstalling Outlook from Mac, you can use a special tool called App Cleaner & Uninstaller.If you remove important service files by mistake, it can damage your system. We recommend that you follow the manual way only if you understand how the file system on macOS works.
#Microsoft outlook mac osx how to
In this article, we will explain how to uninstall MS Outlook completely. To completely uninstall any application from Mac, you have to find and delete all its service files as well. When you delete an app by simply dragging and dropping it into the Trash bin, all of its system files are still left on your computer.
All applications that are installed on your Mac create lots of service files, which are located in the hidden Library folder and are occupying your disk space.
However, if you only do this, all its leftover files will still remain on your Mac and take up your disk space.
Before writing this guide, we checked the information provided by Microsoft’s support page regarding uninstalling Outlook, which says that you can delete the browser by dragging and dropping it into the Trash.
Important notes about uninstalling Microsoft Outlook from Mac: In this article, we’ll show you how to completely remove Outlook from your Mac. Also, if you encounter any problem in the Outlook application, reinstalling can help you solve this. Therefore, it is better to uninstall unnecessary applications in a timely manner. Unneeded applications take up a lot of your disk space, and a cluttered disk usually leads to various problems with your computer, including slowing down the Mac’s performance. If you haven’t been using Outlook for a long time, we recommend that you don’t store it on your Mac computer. It should be noted that, although Outlook is popular, there are a ton of similar services on the market that are also more successful and more popular than this email client. With Outlook, you can coordinate events, create conferences, use other people’s calendars, and create meetings. The service also allows you to perform various other kinds of corporate tasks. Microsoft Outlook allows you to work with corporate emails, create notes, filter them by attributes, save messages, and much more.
#Microsoft outlook mac osx trial
Here is the download link for the free trial of the uninstaller. This uninstaller will safely and completely remove Outlook with just two simple clicks. If you don’t have time to read this article and learn two ways to remove Microsoft Outlook, use App Cleaner & Uninstaller from Nektony.
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0 notes
f1inphotos · 2 years
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Mick Schumacher in the Drivers Press Conference ahead of the F1 Grand Prix of Great Britain at Silverstone. 
(Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images)
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venusyprime · 7 years
MS E3 2017:
I'm glad that after the first half an hour, MS got out of the way and largely let the games start speaking for themselves, I think that's the best trailer to talking ratio of pretty much any MS conf.
Still, other than Crackdown 3 and Super Lucky's Tale (both of which are Xbone/UWP exclusive), I'm not sure what here I'd actually play on Xbone (and like FH3, I'd probably be alternating between console and PC depending on what kind of mood I'm in).
Until it's clear how fun Sea of Thieves is solo, I'm not buying it. Cuphead is on Steam. Ori and the Blind Forest is on Steam, so it's a pretty good guess that Ori and the Will of the Wisps will be (and I still need to play the first game). I'm guessing that Tacoma will be on Steam, though the xbox.com page isn't up yet to double check. I'm pretty glad I was less enthused by The Last Night trailer than a lot of people were, since the creator's a jerk! No interest in the array of post-apocalypse games, or in Forza Motorsport 7 (I only like the Horizon series), or in Shadow of War. Anthem looks like it could be cool - I like those kind of jetpacks in games - but is in no way exclusive.
Cross platform Minecraft with everything other than Sony consoles is pretty cool (the rejection here is on Sony's side, hence why there was a Switch at the MS conf), but I'm not sure how anyone can say that seeing Minecraft in 4K blew them away.
On XB1X: I would have preferred Scorpio as a name, but I can see why they didn't go with it (the Xbone S abbreviates to XB1S, so there would be some confusion there if they called it Xbone Scorpio). However, you could see people on stage failing to enunciate "Xbox One X" properly and making it sound like they said "S" at the end, so this name isn't ideal in that respect either.
I think $499 is probably too much, though admittedly I was under the impression that PS4 Pro was $349 rather than $400, and it was pretty surprising that XB1X is actually the smallest Xbox. Still, it's £450 over here, and a 1TB harddrive really isn't going to go a long way with games needing textures designed for 4K. I would be looking to upgrade my TV before I got one.
Original Xbox BC is cool, particularly as I felt that Rare Replay should have included Conker: Live & Reloaded as well as Bad Fur Day - you might prefer BFD's multiplayer, but L&R's single player has a whole bunch of fixes compared to the original (as well as the additional censoring, which isn't great - but they could have fixed that if they still had the original audio; the Rare website used to host a download of the uncensored version of L&R's Sloprano).
But with OG Xbox BC on 360, there was a pretty limited selection of games available there, so I'm curious about how many they'll get now - particularly as more publishers have gone defunct and franchises changed hands.
Was surprised by the complete lack of VR; even though MS has that array of cheap(er) VR headsets which should work with XB1X. Particularly when I saw that the red tail belonged to Lucky and not Conker - because the original Lucky's Tale was a game designed to show off the Oculus Rift.
I'm guessing that might be their thing next year, since they said earlier this month that they believe console VR should be wireless - and we're certainly not at that point just yet.
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legovasavouchi · 3 years
TERF/Radfem/AntiTrans Etc blocklist
Making a pinned post for this ever-growing list - I’m putting it under a read more since it’s gonna continue to get long.
Don’t engage, you are truly feeding the trolls with that. There’s no reasoning with the unreasonable. This isn’t a sic ‘em list, it’s a “cleanse your dash” list. 
Block (u know how to do this one) & Filter (Account >> Settings >> Filtering >> Filtered Post Content >> Paste the username) & then move on. Filtering is important so you don’t accidentally reblog something without noticing a stealth terf in the comments/reblogs. 
& as always, if you’re on desktop be sure to install the shinigami eyes extension
EDIT - I advise starting at the bottom of this list & working your way up; I started this list a couple years ago before picking it back up, most recently added names (i.e. most likely to be currently active) will be at the end. It’s still worth filtering deleted/old blogs tho, since their posts & comments continue to circulate.
Happy blogging yall
[944 blogs & counting]
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heywardsarchive · 3 years
Warm Cookies and Melted Chocolate
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Granger!reader (romantic) , Remus Lupin x Granger!reader (platonic)
Warning: death (major and minor charachter death), sadness toward the end, children?(teddy) , Talks of Marriage? Lmk if I missed anything!
Summary: y/n lost her parents at a very young age, leading her to live with her cousin Hermione's family. In her 5th year, Remus Lupin is the new dada teacher, they form a special bond and she starts looking to him as a father that she never had. Later on in the battle of Hogwarts, sacrifices are made.
Word count: 4.6k+ words
This was requested by -SADNAP I tweaked the request a bit I hope that's ok! Genre: fluff, angsty end.
A/N we don't know Hermione's parents names so I'm just gonna roll with David and Sarah Granger ****
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Y/n Granger lost her parents when she was just five years old, she then started to live with her aunt and uncle and their daughter Hermione. She and Hermione were two years apart in age but were very close. The two grew up as sisters but y/n was never able to accept her aunt and uncle as parental figures. Yes, she loved them but after seeing them as Aunt and uncle for so many years, she couldn't accept them as her parents. Both David and Sarah had accepted it and loved y/n as their own.
Six years later
"Wake up! Wake up!" Nine year old Hermione jumped on her sister's bed. She excitedly shook her sister awake and the older girl groaned. She pulled her blanket over her head and rolled over to the other side.
"Five more minutes." She said sleepily. Hermione payed no heed to her request and pulled her blanket away. "But it's your birthday!" She cried.
This comment made y/n's eyes snap open. "It is? Already?" She said, no trace of the sleepiness that was present just mere moments ago. She pushed of her blanket and put on her fluffy bunny slippers.
"Happy birthday sissy." Hermione hugged her older sister and pulled her toward her own bedroom. "Where are you taking me?" Y/n asked her.
"To my bedroom. To give you your gift." She replied opening the door to the pale pink room. She motioned y/n to sit down on the bed while she retrieved the gift that she had lovingly made herself. (albeit with the help of her grandmother)
Hermione rummaged through the things in her cupboard and pulled out a lumpy looking gift wrapped in emerald green wrapping paper. "Open it now!" She placed the fuck in the older girl's arms.
Y/n giggled at her sisters excitement and unwrapped the gift. It was a large knitted blanket, beige in colour. "I made this myself, well grandpa helped me but I did most of the knitting myself." Hermione said proudly. Y/n smiled happily and ruffled her sisters bushy hair.
"Hermione, y/n breakfast is ready!" Came Sarah's voice. "You go ahead mione, I will brush my teeth and join you." Hermione nodded and bounded down the stairs.
As the four of them sat down to eat, there was a knock at the door. Sarah opened the door and out on the patio stood a woman wearing dark green robes and a pointed hat. She had pointed spectacles and held something that looked like a file in her hand.
"Can I help you?" Sarah questioned, looking at the woman with an odd expression.
"I'm here for a Ms. Y/n Granger, from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. May I come inside?" Her tone was stern but kind at the same time. Sarah stepped aside letting her in. Both women entered the dining room where the rest of the grangers sat.
"Not to be rude or anything, but who are you?" Said David eyeing the woman. She removed a letter and placed it on the table. It was addressed to y/n. "Is that for me?" She asked picking it up. It was pale yellow and had a red seal on it.
Y/n ripped open the letter, and her gaze ran over the words on it.
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Ms Granger, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September.
Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress.
"What does this mean?" Y/n asked, confused. Was she a witch? But aren't witches fictional. They don't exist, right? She handed the letter to her uncle who read the letter with the same level of confusion as she did.
"You, dear girl are a witch. You were born with magical abilities. I am here from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry as you have seen in the letter." Said McGonagall. "We will train you to control you magic and make a good witch out of you."
"She's magical?" Said Hermione in awe. "Does that mean you can make things fly with a wand?" Y/n shrugged, not knowing what to say.
McGonagall suppressed an amused smile. "Yes she can make things fly, with practice ofcource."
"Where will she get all the uh magical supplies as you say? And how do we pay for this magical school?" Questioned David.
"You need not worry about anything. The fee for the school is covered by the ministry of magic. You only have to pay for the books, since Ms Granger is a muggle born, ("what's a muggle") a muggle is a non magical person, the ministry has given a small allowance for her books and supplies. You can deposit the money in the wizarding bank called gringotts. You can find all these things in diagon alley, a magical representative will be sent to help you buy your supplies." She finished.
"Can I go auntie, can I please go?" Y/n pleaded. Excited at the fact that the witches she read about in books are real and she was one. Her aunt and uncle exchanged a glance and smiled brightly. "Ofcourse you can go! Out niece has magic!" They cheered.
McGonagall handed David a bag of coins. "This is wizard currency, Ms Greene from the ministry will accompany you to diagon alley tomorrow." She said and walked out the door.
"This is the best birthday gift ever!" Y/n squealed and hugged her family. They all were equally happy for her and we're excited at the prospect of having a magical person in the family.
Y/n loved baking. Her favourite thing to bake were chocolate chip cookies. She made them for her school teachers and family members on their birthdays, so it was obvious that she would bake a batch of cookies to take with her to Hogwarts. It was her last day before she had to leave. She was excited and her trunk and things were packed and kept neatly at her bedside.
Hermione and y/n had a sleepover in the older girl's room the night before y/n had to leave. Hermione was sad that her sister would be gone for most part of the year, she almost cried a bit but after y/n promised to write to her every week, she felt a bit better.
At nine thirty the next morning, the family of four left for kings cross station. The ticket to Hogwarts express in y/n's hand. She knew how to reach the platform as the ministry woman had explained it to her when she had bought her books.
It was time to say goodbye. Y/n hugged her aunt and uncle who kissed her forehead and told her that she'd be a brilliant young witch which made y/n smile brightly. When she hugged Hermione, the younger girl burst into tears. "I don't want you to leave!" She wailed hugging y/n tightly. She refused to let go and continued clinging to her sister.
"Hermione, I have to go. I promise I'll write to you everyday and I'll be back soon, for Christmas. And hey, maybe you're a witch too then you can join me at Hogwarts!" Y/n reassured her sister. Hermione let go of her and smiled tearily . "Alright. Pinky promise me you'll be back soon." She stuck out her pinky. Y/n grinned and locked her with Hermione. The two sisters shared a last hug before y/n left to the world of magic.
Y/n sat herself in an empty compartment and pulled out her bag of cookies. She sunk her teeth into the soft cookie and the familiar taste sat on her tongue. No matter how many times she had eaten it, it always made her sigh with delight.
A book and cookies and y/n was set for a few hours. That's how she planned to spend her journey to Hogwarts, but a pair of redheaded twins ruined her plan. They made their way to her compartment and poked their head in. Identical mischievous grins were plastered on their faces.
"Is this seat taken?" One of them said.
"No it isn't."
The twin standing a bit behind pushed the other one inside. He made an "oomph" sound and fell a few inches from y/n's feet. She stuck out her hand for him to take, which he did with a sheepish smile. His twin sniggered and sat down on the seat opposite her.
When the twins had made themselves comfortable, one of them piped up. "He's Fred." Said, not fred. "And he's George." "I'm y/n. It's my first year here." She said.
"Did you bake those?" Said Fred pointing to the bag of cookies in y/n's hand. 'Maybe that's george.' Y/n thought to herself. "Yeah, I did. Do you want one?" She extended the bag to the twins who each pulled out one cookie.
They bit into it and sighed. "These are delicious!" George said with his mouth full. "Don't  let mum hear you say that." Fred playfully punched his shoulder. Y/n laughed at the two of them, they were funny and she hoped the three of them could be good friends.
And y/n's wish came true, the three of them became the best friends. Another boy Lee Jordan added on to their trio and the four of them together wreaked havoc in the school. Alongside pranking students with the boys, y/n was an exceptional student getting top marks in most of her classes. Her younger sister Hermione joined her in Hogwarts during y/n's third year. Hermione and the twins' brother Ron along with the Harry Potter had become their own trio getting into all sorts of danger left right and center.
It was fifth year, the year of the OWLS and y/n's stress levels were skyrocketing. Yet again they had a new DADA teacher. He was different from the others. A right improvement from ol' Lockhart. Professor Remus Lupin was the best DADA teacher they had yet. He was funny and made learning exciting. Fred even joked that maybe y/n had a crush on him. It wasn't the case at all. She just admired the man deeply.
"Today we are going to learn the patronus charm. Can anyone tell me what it is useful for?" Said professor Lupin pacing across the classroom, his patchy robes flowing behind him. Y/n's hand immediately shot up.
"Yes Ms. Granger."
"It can be used to protect oneself from dementors and send messages." She smiled, proud of her answer. Professor Lupin nodded in approval.
"Everyone, I want you to think of your happiest memory and say 'expecto patronum.'" Lupin pulled out his wand, demonstrating the spell. A silvery blue wisp shot of his wand and took the shape of a wolf. It jumped about the room for a few minutes and then vanished.
The classroom watched in awe at the wolf. Something about it made a happy feeling float up in their chests. Lupin broke them out of their trance. "Now I want you to try."
Y/n closed her eyes and thought of her happiest memory, the day she found out she was a witch and out of her wand burst a silvery blue wisp of light. She sighed and looked at her classmates. Some of them managed to produce wisps of light like she did and others couldn't produce anything.
By the end of the class, some students had managed to produce a corporeal patronus. Silvery blue animals pranced about the room and professor Lupin laughed in happiness. Y/n was frustrated. She let out a sigh of frustration decided to give it one last shot.
She thought of the day she met fred and George on the train and all the fun she had with them through her years at Hogwarts. She held out her wand and out of it came a small hummingbird and flew around the classroom. Y/n looked in awe at the bird and laughed in glee. She had done it! She had produced a patronus.
Fred watched her from one corner of the room and felt a pink blush creep up his neck as a small smile curved his lips. George looked at his brother and nudged his side with a teasing smirk. Fred simply scoffed and looked away which prompted a small laugh from George.
**** Y/n made her way into the common room with her bag slung haphazardly on her shoulder. She let out a long exaggerated sigh and plopped down on the sofa with her head on Fred's lap. The bag fell to the ground and she groaned. George turned to her. "What's got your knickers in a twist love?" Her face was buried in the sofa and what came out of her mouth was a series of in deciphrable gibberish.
"You're gonna have to speak English y/n/n I don't understand whale." George laughed. Y/n sat up and smacked him with a pillow. "Snape happened that's what." She sat back down. The twins 'ahhed' in understanding.
The portrait door swung open and entered ron, Harry and Hermione. Harry looked positively irritated while Ron had a comforting hand on his shoulder, Hermione seemed to be scolding the poor boy about something.
"Oi! Why are you bothering the poor boys mione?" Y/n called out. Hermione's eyes flicked towards her sister and she scoffed. "I'm not bothering them! I'm simply explaining to Harry that he cannot possibly-" Her voice switched to a lower tone, "he cannot possibly use a broomstick that appeared out of nowhere. It could be bewitched by sirius black!"
"That not the worst part, Harry can't go to hogsmeade with us since the stinking Dursleys wouldn't sign his permission slip." Ron added. Y/n glanced at the boy sympathetically.
The trio soon retired to their dorms and once again it was just fred, George and y/n by the fireplace. "I feel bad for Harry." George sighed. Y/n nodded in agreement. All of a sudden an idea struck her. The boys may not agree but it would help Harry.
"What if we gave him the map." The twins looked at her as if she was insane. "Give him the map! The marauders map? The very map that saved us from detention? Have you lost your mind woman?" Fred almost shouted.
Y/n sighed. "Hear me out, he needs the map more than we do. With all the sneaking around the three of them do it will do them good. It will also help Harry get into hogsmeade. We don't need the map anymore, we know the secret passages very well." She grinned.
That seemed to grab the boys attention. "We could consider it." George mused.
A few days later after a thorough discussion, a decision was taken. Harry would be given the map. They didn't need it anymore. Besides, there was a thrill in sneaking around without knowing who's coming down the halls and they knew the secret passages like the back of their hand.
When the first hogsmeade trip rolled around, and Ron and Hermione had headed there, y/n and the boys made their way to the courtyard, hoping that Harry would come out there. And their hopes were answered. A trail of footsteps appearing seemingly out of nowhere, in the snow.
Fred and George jumped up and grabbed Harry by each arm. "Gerroff me!" Harry tried to struggle free, but the twins were stronger. They managed to drag him to a secluded area in the castle where Lee and y/n followed.
"Why have you brought me here?" Harry asked shrugging off the coat.
Fred and George handed Harry the map and explained how it was to be used and the various secret passages. Harry's eyes lit up in delight and y/n was pretty sure he would have hugged the twins if they hadn't started to walking away. She ruffled Harry's hair and followed the boys.
It was only 3pm and the twins had gone to wreak havoc in some part of the castle while y/n decided to sit that one out and went to her favorite place, the kitchens to bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies. She chatted with the house elves who were more than happy to have her there while the baked goodness was in the oven.
Taking out the cookies, y/n handed some of them to house elves and kept the rest for herself. She went out to the courtyard and sat down under a tree and pulled out a book.
Remus happened to be passing by at that time. He watched the girl read a book while eating what looked to him, as a chocolate cookie. The sight reminded him of his younger self, sitting and reading while his friends were out pulling pranks on some unsuspecting slytherin. He chuckled to himself and sighed. How he missed his childhood days, carefree with no threat of a mass murderer on the loose, where everyone was alive and he wasn't alone. ***
"Flower! Where are you going?" Fred called out to y/n as she headed out of the common room. "Flower? That's new." She smirked turning around to face the redhead. His face turned red and he raised a hand to scratch the back of neck. "Well, er, your patronus was a hummingbird and they suck nectar from flowers and well you're pretty and so are flowers so um."
A warmth crept up y/n's cheeks. Flustered, she replied, "Um th-thankyou Freddie. You're very pretty as well." Quickly she turned around and rushed out of the door.
'idiot!' y/n cursed herself. She absentmindedly walked into her DADA classroom and opened her textbook going over the only part that baffled her. Y/n was an intelligent girl. She was no Hermione but she was bright, so finding something that confused her was rare. As she was burried in her textbook, she didn't notice her professor enter the classroom.
He set his things down on the table when y/n's head snapped up. "Goodmorning miss Granger." He smiled warmly. "I have graded your paper and it is flawless. But I noticed that you seem to be having trouble in a particular section regarding defensive jinxes?"
Y/n nodded and showed him the book she was referring to. Remus looked over the text and clapped his hands together. "Tell you what, why don't you come back to this classroom after classes today and we can go over this again. Would that be helpful?"
"That would be amazing thankyou professor!" Y/n exclaimed.
*** Over the next week y/n, with the help of professor Lupin managed to perfect the defensive jinxes she was unable to perform previously. As a thankyou, y/n baked her signature chocolate chip cookies for her professor and have it to him on the day she got her test results back.
Things between her and Fred were a bit awkward after that encounter and neither of them could be in the same room together without getting flustered.
George decided he had enough of his brother and best friend dancing around their feelings for eachother. He threatened to stop helping fred in pulling pranks for a month if he didn't tell the girl how he felt. Fred argued that the prank ban would be a punishment to George as well but he was willing to make a sacrifice because watching the two of them was even worse.
After a week, fred managed to gather the guts and ask y/n out in the courtyard. "Y/n I really like you. It may have become obvious after the whole flower incident but I honestly do think you're amazing."
Y/n blushed, unable to form an answer she kissed fred right on the lips. Remus happened to witness this confession and a small smile danced on his lips. Seeing his favourite students together made a bubble of joy rise up in his chest. He had grown to care for the girl almost as if she was his own daughter.
*** It was the end of the year. The news of Remus being a werewolf had spread throughout Hogwarts. He would have to resign as nobody wanted a werewolf teaching their students. Y/n was dejected. She really liked Remus. He was almost like the father figure she never was able to see in her uncle, and was sad to see him leave.
She knocked on remus' office door. "Come in!" Remus was standing before his desk packing up the last of his belongings. He smiled seeing y/n enter, she looked at him with watery eyes and a sad smile. "Why do you have to leave professor? You are the best DADA teacher we've had in years." She wrung her hands together and stared at them.
Remus sighed and set his hands on the table. "Y/n you know that the news of me being a werewolf has spread. Soon there'll be angry letters coming from parents about a werewolf teaching their children. It's best if I just resign."
"This is all Snape's fault isn't it. Hermione told me everything." Anger started rising in y/n's chest and her fists curled into ball.
"Now now, don't go about cursing Snape. It's not worth it. It's alright, I'll find another job. I'll be alright." At that, y/n's hands relaxed and she let out a watery chuckle. "I will miss you professor. You were almost like a father to me." She confessed.
Remus smiled and set a hand on her shoulder. "And you were like a daughter to me. Now, it's time for you to finish packing. Run along."
"Is it alright if I ask for your help? I have no idea who's going to take your place, what if it's another Lockhart?" She shuddered and Remus laughed. With one last smile, y/n left the office.
**** Over the years, Remus and y/n kept in touch through owl and their relationship only strengthened. Her uncle and aunt were happy to see that their niece had finally found someone who was like a father to her.
Fred and y/n were still going strong. People often teased them about how head over heels they were for each other but they didn't mind. They were together and that's all that mattered. Besides, the others were probably jealous, as they liked to tell themselves.
The war was looming over their heads. Harry, Ron and Hermione had gone on the run. Y/n was in hiding with the Weasleys. She along with fred, George and Lee ran potterwatch. She tried to spend as much time as she could Remus now that he was having a child of his own. Y/n could not have been more excited for the man who was almost like her father.
Teddy Lupin was born in April 1998. Y/n had gone to visit the boy when Remus asked her to be his godmother. "If something happens to us, I know you will care for him and protect him." Y/n burst into tears at that and wrapped Remus and tonks in a hug.
"I swear I will always protect you teddy, even your parents. Even if it means I give my own life for them."
War had broken out in Hogwarts. Y/n along with the rest of the order had arrived at Hogwarts. Fred and y/n stood in the courtyard where they had shared their first kiss.
"After this war, which I promise you we will survive, I want to marry you." Fred confessed.
Y/n wiped her eyes which had welled up with tears. "I want to marry you Fredrick Weasley, we will be together for the rest of this life and the next."
They shared a final kiss before going their seperate ways with a lingering glance.
*** Remus ran around the grounds of his old school, destruction spread across every corner, his childhood second home destroyed.
Remus hadn't seen y/n since they parted. That was three hours ago. He was starting to get worried, he couldn't bear to lose another person he loved so dearly.
"Arrgh!" He heard a scream, the voice was familiar. Remus ran in the direction of the sound and saw the person he was looking for. Y/n stood there, deeply wounded throwing a final curse at the death eater causing him to collapse before collapsing herself.
Remus rushed to her side and placed her head on his lap. Y/n was bleeding from her stomach and a deep gash had found its way on her face and traveled to her neck. Her breathing was getting laboured and her eyes were fluttering.
"No y/n, you're not dying. You'll be ok " Remus cried. His shaky hands traced the wound on her face. "it's ok, d-dad. It's my destiny. Tell Hermione I love her, and Ron and Harry. Tell fred to move on and be happy, don't let him live in sadness. And dad, I love you." A tear drop rolled down her cheeks.
Remus smiled at her sadly. " I won't let teddy forget you." Y/n managed a weak smile. "Dont die dad." Was the last thing she said before the life left her body.  Sobs racked Remus' body. He would fight, and he would win. For her. For y/n.
*** The war was over, Harry had defeated voldemort. But at what cost? Bodies were lined up in the great hall and friends and family cried at the loss of their loved ones.
Remus had survived, so had tonks. He fulfilled y/n's final wish. He slowly limped into the great hall and was greeted by smiles with sad eyes.
He looked over the bodies till he found hers. Y/n's body was placed next to Fred's. The two lovers not even seperated in death. The Weasleys and Hermione and Harry crouched over their bodies with year stained faces. Remus fell to his knees beside y/n's body and let out all the tears waiting to fall.
He turned to Hermione. "She wanted me to tell you that she loved you." He turned to harry and Ron. "She loved you both as well, they were one of the last things she said before she died in my arms." Remus was fully shaking now. "she loved you too, Remus." Hermione told him. Remus simply nodded.
The two bodies with hands almost intertwined even in death indicated that fred and y/n were meant to be. Even death didn't do them apart.
Years later, y/n's death still hurt like a fresh wound to Remus. He told teddy all about his sister and godmother. About how brave she was and how much she loved him. Teddy admired her even though he barely knew her.
It became a tradition for Remus and Hermione to meet on y/n's birthday and celebrate her memory over her favourite thing in the world, warm cookies with melted chocolate.
A/n: I'm so sorry this took like 10 years!! I hope you guys liked it!!
tagging: @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts @iwritesiriusly@bubblegum-and-cherryremus lupin
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potterheadedgeek · 3 years
Fluorescent Adolescent || Draco Malfoy x Reader || Marvel / HP Crossover || Chapter One: The Letter
The song that I based the title off of:
Description: Y/n Stark was sent to Hogwarts as well as Michelle Jones, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Harley Keener, Shuri Udaku, Harry Osborn, and Miles Morales. She knew that she was a witch both her parents, Pepper Potts and Tony Stark, are and they both went to Hogwarts. She was excited, she'd finally get to see her cousins, Ron, Percy, Fred, and George Weasley, again. She met Draco Malfoy and fell for him.
Other: Y/f/i = Your first initial, Y/n = Your name, N/n = Your nickname
Masterlist of all one-shots and stories by me so far
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You are sitting at the table in Stark Mansion with your dad and mom on either side of you.  Your family Great Horned Owl, Mr. Owl (yes he's named after the owl from the old tootsie pop commercial),  flies into the room through the window. He drops two letters and a newspaper on the table. There is one letter for you and the other is for your mom, Pepper. 
You pick up the envelope that is addressed to you. It reads:
"Ms. Y/f/i. Stark
4th Room On The Second Floor
10880 Malibu Point"
You turn the envelope around, there was a Hogwarts wax stamp on the back. You smile and show it to your mom, who is holding a letter from her sister, Molly Weasley. "Mom look."
"Awesome, Ron just got his acceptance letter this morning!" Pepper responds, holding up her letter. "Open it, N/n"
You carefully peel the wax to open the letter, there are two pieces of paper you read on the first page.
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Ms. Stark, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall"
You grab the other paper and read it as well
First-year students will require: 
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following: 
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.
Yours sincerely,
Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus 
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions"
"I remember my days at Hogwarts," Your dad, Tony, says without looking up from his tablet that had the daily wizarding news, Daily Prophet, on it. Tony works for the ministry of magic as well as owning Stark Industries. He started a tech department in the ministry, he started a wizard version of Google called Quest that wizards and witches can search for poisons, spells, and other magical this but some things require a certain qualification to access. He also started a few social networks for wizards and witches called MagicSpace (A wizard version of Facebook), Mysticgram (a wizard version of Instagram), Wand (A wizard version of Vine), and Thoutube (A wizard version of Youtube). Your dad has opened a shop in every wizard shopping place, like Diagon Alley, that sells Stark Industries WW (Witch/Wizard) Phones, the type that he designed specifically for the Wizarding World but can also be used to contact muggles if they wanted to.
Your cousins, Fred and George Weasley have Wand, you've seen some of their videos that had gone viral. 
"If my math is correct," Your dad says, "Which it always is, you'll be going to school with Harry Potter this year."
"Really?" You ask with a huge smile. 
"Yeah, and my old friend, Lucius, his son is going to Hogwarts this year too. I haven't talked to him since Hogwarts."
"Molly wants to meet up at Diagon Alley on Friday," Your mom says. "They want you to stay with them for the rest of summer if you want to."
"I want to!" You exclaim, "I can't wait to see Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny again?"
"What about Percy?" 
"He's boring."
"That's not nice."
"But it's true," You say with a mischievous smile.
Pepper just shakes her head.
Time skip brought to you by JARVIS
You get up and put on the outfit that you had picked out last night, red converse, a white tank top, overall shorts, and a stark industries bomber jacket. (Pretend the jacket says Y/n on the from instead of Tony
Your mom helps you braid your hair. You grab the bag that you packed last night and walk downstairs with Pepper.
When you get downstairs, Tony is stand by the fireplace and the fire in it is green.
"Are we using Floo Powder?" You ask.
"Yeah," Your mom responds, "It's the quickest way."
You grab a handful of powder and step into the fireplace, "Diagon Alley!" You yell and throw the powder down. Everything around you starts spinning. Then it stops and you see six people with red hair, you immediately know who they are. You smile then hug the person closest to you, which happens to be Fred, "Fred!"
Your mom and dad appear a few seconds later. Pepper hugs her sister and her niece and nephews. You hug the rest of your cousins and Aunt Molly and Uncle Arthur.
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Wake Up - Episode One, Part Two
DISCLAIMER - I don’t any of these characters except for Liv Patterson. Also please don’t take credit for something that you didn’t write. The songs mentioned here will be linked down below. Please stay safe ya’ll. Love you guys and just be kind.
Los Angeles, 2020 - Los Feliz High School
Teenagers walk out of their classrooms heading towards their lockers and next periods. A teenage girl clearly avoiding all human beings walks amidst the crowds towards her locker opening it.
“Hey Underachiever”
The girl looks towards the friend standing beside her, smiling, “Hey disappointment, hey good-for-nothing”
“Hey you guys” Lia smirks leaning against the lockers.
“Okay,” Flynn says, “I know you don’t want me to ask you this but have you figured out whatcha gonna do today?”
“I’ll know in the moment” Julie shrugs off.
“Seriously girl?” Lia asks, “That really all you're giving us?”
“You know what Ms. Harrison said right… this is your last chance,” Flynn says
“I know” Julie replies looking at the other girls, “I was there.”
“See you at the rally,” The girls turn to find Carrie walking around handing out flyers.
“Ugh, what is she handing out?” Flynn asks.
“Umm desperation” Julie says.
Carrie walks up towards the trio, “Here you go” she says passing them all flyers, “My groups performing at the spirit rally tomorrow! I’m sure you guys have nothing better to do.”
“Huh, nothings way better than having to watching you Carrie.” Lia snarks
Flynn, quickly adds on, “OMG Carrie thanks.”
“Oh My God Malia, Flynn,” Carrie retorts, playing with her necklace, “Don’t bother coming!”
Carrie sashays away. Flynn crumples up the flyers, while Lia sticks her tongue out behind Carrie. Julie smiles watching Nick lean against a pole.
“Nick?” Flynn asks exasperated, “Still girl, you KNOW they’re gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies.”
“Yeah but Nick’s a sweetheart”
“Huh” Lia scoffs, “A sweetheart dating a demon. How ironic.”
“And you’d actually have to talk to him to know that… and remember…” Flynn says, “only one of them have to be a demon to have a demon baby… DEMON” Flynn yells towards Carrie.
“Yes girl!” Lia laughs high-fiving Flynn as the girls quickly look away from Carrie.
“Now there’s that smile,” Flynn says to Julie, “Let’s go prove everybody wrong.”
The girls leave the lockers and enter their music class, taking a seat next to each other
“Nice job Nick,” Ms Harrison tells him as he finishes up his guitar solo, “Almost as good as your game against Glendale. Okay we have one last performance, Julie?”
Julie slowly gets up from her seat and makes her way towards the grand piano.
“Yass Julie! Let’s go my Queen” Lia yells from her chair as Flynn smiles towards Julie giving her an encouraging look. Ms. Harrison spares Lia a look making her sulk down her chair smirking. Julie slowly sits down.
“Take your time” Ms. Harrison tells her.
Julie’s hands hover above the keys for a moment, and slowly stands up. Lia and Flynn share a look and stand up too, “I’m sorry…”
“Is this when we clap?” Carrie says.
Julie runs out and Liv and Flynn are right on her toes, Lia bumping into Carrie on her way out, “Watch it Carrie.”
Julie’s home - after school 
“Oh good you’re home,” Julie’s dad walks down the stairs towards Julie and Lia as they study together, “I was about to go watch your brother’s game, Hi Lia.”
“Hi Mr. Molina! How you doing?”
“I’ve had photoshoots all day. Didn’t even get a chance to eat, but I got a phone call today.”
Julie looks over at Lia across the table and back towards her dad, “Yeah I figured as much.”
“Yeah, well it was my realtor friend…”
“Oh!” Julie smiles towards Lia, and glances back at her dad, “That.”
“Yeah and she says if we’re serious about selling the house then she wants me to take some pictures, for the websites. Which means we have to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of some stuff… and maybe you can… tackle mum’s studio?”
Lia watches Julie’s face fall and catches eye contact with Mr. Molina, “You’re the expert… your brother and I wouldn’t even know where to begin. It’s okay honey if your not ready I can…”
“No,” Julie looks up at Lia then at her dad, “It’s alright. Maybe i’ll try tonight.”
“Yeah,” Mr. Molina gets up, “yeah awesome yeah, thank you and don’t forget the loft. You know those old instruments that were there when we moved in? They need a new home.” Mr. Molina gets up.
“Mum would like that.”
“Yeah she would… Oh god I’m gonna be late,” he starts reaching in his pockets trying to find his keys.
“Under the mail”
“Your a life saver”
“Bye Mr. Molina”
“Bye Lia”
Later at night, Julie and Lia walk down to the studio
“You’re sure you’re up for this, we can turn back right now,” Lia asks standing at the door with her hand on the handle.
“Yeah… I think I need to”
“Alright,” Lia slowly opens the doors, “After you ma’am.”
Julie walks over to the light switch, flipping it. She slowly makes her way towards the grand piano and sits down. Lia slowly puts a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m so sorry mum,” Julie starts, looking up, “That I haven’t been in here…”
After a moment of silence, Lia breaks the moment up, “C’mon Jules, lets go check the loft.”
Julie climbs to the top while Lia spots her from the bottom. “Hey look at this,” Julie makes her way back down, “It’s some sort of CD?”
“C’mon lets play it”
The girls take a seat, bopping along to the 90’s rock song.
1, 2, 3!
Take off, last stop
Countdown till we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart…
“What the hell is,” Lia turns from looking at Jules to in front of her, “That…”
Three boys literally fall out of the sky, like literally. Julie and Lia stand up and look at each other.
Groans and other pain-filled noises
The boys slowly start to get up, all out of breath but still looking fly. “Ohhh… woah! How did we get back here,” the cute middle one says.
Julie and Lia look at each other and back at the boys, “AHHHHHHHHHHA”
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” the boys all huddle together, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
Lia grabs Julie’s hand as everybody continues screaming and drags her towards the house . They run into Carlos and Mr. Molina in the driveway.
“Woah wait slow down guys,” Mr. Molina grabs onto Julie, “You’ve look like you’ve seen a ghost”
“We did!”
“Cool!” Carlos chimes.
“Not cool”
Julie runs away pulling Lia behind her, dragging her up the stairs and into her bedroom shutting the door all while screaming, “AHHHHHHHHH”
“Omg girl please stop screaming,” Lia begs, as Julie texts Flynn 9-1-1 on their group chat.
“C’mon Flynn, 9-1-1 means 9-1-1!” Julie cries.
“Okay lets all just take a breath, ghosts don’t exist right, those were just three boys who like broke into the studio, yeah they broke into a studio by… popping outta nowhere, Oh my god I’m going crazy I…” Lia rambles on as Mr. Molina knows on Julie’s bedroom door, poking his head into the room, “Hey”
“Ah… dad”
“Hey just wanted to make sure you’re okay”
“And that’s my cue to leave, I’ll be downstairs” Lia says, walking out.
“You don’t believe me do you dad?”
“Honey, of course I do I see your mum all the time”
“This isn’t like that”
“I know it’s different for all of us”
“Dad… you’re not listening to me… I SAW something out there,” Julie grabs onto her dad pointing towards the shed.
“Alright, okay okay,” He takes a seat, “I’m listening.”
“Tell me what you saw, it’s just you and me here”
“You sound just like Dr. Turner”
“Well maybe seeing Dr. Turner again isn’t such a bad idea”
“DAD,” Julie takes a pause, “Can we just drop it?”
‘Alright, dropped,” he slowly gets up sticking out his finger, “We good?”
“Yeah,” Julie smiles, crossing her finger with his “We’re good.”
As soon as he leaves Julie slowly creeps towards the window as Lia rushes back into the room. Lia peers over Julie's shoulder, “We’re going back aren’t we?”
“Okay fine,” Lia rolls her eyes, “We clearly need to watch more horror movies, but this time,” Lia looks towards the wall, “We go in prepared.”
Back at the garage
Julie walks in first with a cross in front of her as Lia slowly makes her way beside her, looking for, well three ghosts.
“Are you still here?” Julie questions as Lia glances around, “Whatever you are…”
They look around the room and when they don’t find anything, Julie drops her hands to her sides.
“See, nothing,” Lia says walking towards the middle of the room, “we clearly just imagined that whole thing”
“No, I know I’m not crazy!”
“Well we’re all a little crazy”
Julie and Lia turn to face each other, “Ahhhh,” Julie sticks the cross in front of them.
“OH My…” The pink sweater ghost pleads, “Please stop screaming!”
Lia slowly puts her arms around Julie pulling her back “Well who are you?”
“YEAH,” Julie continues, “And what are you doing in my mum’s studio?”
“Your mum’s studio?” The boy with the very Zac Efron haircut asks, walking around the girls as they follow him with their eyes, “This is OUR studio,” he protests as he slides across the grand piano, “Okay trust me fine, yes the grand piano is new and, and… and… MY COUCH!” The boy jumps onto the leather couch sitting against the wall. Lia slowly pulls Julie closer to her.
“But that is definitely not my six string…” he looks around and slowly backs up back to his friends, “Can you give me just one second? Just give me a second. Thank you.”
Lia and Julie slowly separate as the boys huddle in front of them.
“What is going on?” He whispers, “How did they get their stuff in here so fast?”
“Maybe… just maybe,” the boy in the leather jacket inputs, “Maybe they are witches. There’s chairs floating in the ceiling.”
“Okay there is no such thing as witches,” The dude in the pink sweater retorts while the Zac Efron doppelgänger looks around.
“You sure? Because I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts!” “Huh that’s fair”
“Okay so,” Efron says, “We’re going with witch?”
“No we are not going with witch. They are not witches. Look they’re just scared.”
Lia and Julie look at each other very, very confused. The pink sweater guy slowly walks up to them, “Why are you in out studio!”
Julie goes to punch the dude with her cross but her hand goes through the boy. “Okay c’mon,” Lia slowly pulls Julie away, “How did you do that!”
“Okay clearly they don’t understand what’s going on,” the boy murmurs, “Okay look…” he starts, “We’re ghosts… alright we’re just three ghosts and we’re really happy to be home,” Lia gives Julie a side glance, “Soo… thank you for the flowers, they really brighten up the room.”
“We’re actually in a band called Sunset Curve,” the Efron boy starts.
“Tell your friends,” Leather boy smirks.
“Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us. It was gonna change our lives.”
“Umm I’m,” The sweater boy says, “I’m pretty sure it did.”
“This is freaking me out!” Julie pulls out her phone, Lia slowly pulls Julie closer to her, and pulls Julie’s cross back in front of them.
“Umm what is that,” Efron boy asks, pointing at Julie’s phone while the boys look kinda confused, “Uh what are you doin.”
“It’s her phone,” Lia says.
“Stop talking to them Lia,” Julie interrupts, “They aren’t real. There's no such thing as cute ghosts.”
“Oh so,” the leather boy steps up, smirking, “You think we’re cute?”
“Seriously dude!” Lia exclaims.
“Soo…” Pink sweater leans over, “Who you calling.”
“I’m googling sunset swerve.”
“SUNSET CURVE!” The boys say synchronized.
Lia rolls her eyes, as she looks over Julie’s shoulder.
“Whoa there is a sunset curve,” Julie looks from Lia to the boys, “You did die… but not last night… 25 years ago?”
Lia grabs onto Julie’s shoulder tighter as the boys protest, “25 years ago? No. No. No. That’s impossible,” Leather boy starts, “After we floated out of the ambulance all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex,” He points to sweater dude, “Cried.”
“WELLL,” Alex squeals, “I don’t think I… I think we were all pretty upset… okay”
“But that was just for like an hour,” Efron boy starts, “We just showed up here.”
“Look,” Julie shows them her phone, “I’m just telling you what my phone says. See, you died in 1995,” Julie glances back at Lia, “When you were seventeen - it’s now 2020.”
“So we’re in the future?” Leather dude asks.
“Wait so,” Alex asks, “It has been 25 years? I have been CRYING for 25 years? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!”
“Well you’re a very emotional person,” Leather boy starts.
“I am not!” Alex protests.
“Thought you were afraid to come out here?” Carlos walks in, “Talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?”
“Huh he can see you,” Alex says to leather boy.
“No” Lia interrupts, “No he can’t”
“Ahh what do you want Carlos?” Julie asks.
“A normal sister for starters, dad’s calling you for dinner. He said you could stay too if you wanted to Malia. Stop being weird and come eat.”
“He couldn’t see you…” Julie starts, glancing back at Lia.
“I mean yeah that’s… ” Alex starts, “Usually how ghosts work?”
“Look…” Julie starts, dragging Lia behind her and towards the doors, “I’m very sorry about what happened to you guys but you have to leave.”
“But wait we,” the Efron boy starts, “We didn’t get your guy’s names.”
“I’m Lia,” Lia says, “She’s Julie.”
“Cool, I’m Luke… ” Efron Boy starts, coming closer. Julie pulls out the cross again and Lia grips onto her, “by the way… and this is…”
“Reggie,” leather boy says, “Reggie. I’m Reggie, hey.”
“And Alex, how’s it going.”
“Ba dah”
“I… I need to leave, I’ll see you tomorrow Jules… I just. I have to go home,” Lia stutters as she runs out of the shed.
“Lia!” Julie says as the boys look on curiously, “Okay?”
Julie walks out leaving the boys behind.
“They seem nice,” Reggie says.
“Did you miss the part where Julie kicked us out…” Alex asks, “Yeah? Ok.”
Lia’s Perspective - After walking out
I’m so confused like what is happening. Mum and dad don’t talk about him much but it has to be him right? In a rock band. Died in 1995 - when he was seventeen. I’m so confused. It would make sense right? Being able to see my brother and his band mates. But he doesn’t know who I am. Or that I even exist! And how could Julie see them too, but Carlos couldn’t. My entire life had been hindered by someone I had never met and today I met him.
“Ugh this is so frustrating!”
Come on Malia Patterson, pull it together.
Once I get home I say hi to mum and dad and head straight upstairs. Instead of heading back into my room, I walk down the hall towards the bedroom that was always closed. A room that held many memories, many I will never know and some that I created.
Dad wasn’t home yet and I had been playing with my small guitar in my room. It wasn’t very good but I was only six. I had been writing a song and I wanted to show my mum. I wandered out of my bedroom and called out for her.
“Momma! MOMMA?”
I saw the door that was always closed open. Mommy always told me to not go in there alone. I slowly crept up towards the door and found momma sitting on the bed with tears falling down her face.
“Momma? Momma why are you sad?”
“Ohh… my sweetie, come here.”
Slowly I walked in and looked around. Walls covered with posters and a worn out acoustic guitar on the wall. Slowly I crawled onto the bed and touched my momma’s face.
“Momma why are you sad? Why are you crying?”
“Ohh I just miss your brother.”
“Momma why did he go away. Why can’t he come home?”
“Oh baby. Your brother is somewhere else. Somewhere happy. We want him to be happy right?”
“Yes momma. But I want you to be happy to!”
“Mommy I wrote a song, do you want to hear it? Maybe it can make you happy. And maybe Luke can listen to it and be happy too!”
My mum gently brought me onto her lap.
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t know.”
“What’s going on here?”
He came and sat with us on the bed.
“Malia was just going to play something”
“Yeah mommy, are you ready”
I jumped off her lap and started playing the song I wrote. That moment is one I don’t think I’ll ever forget. My high pitched screech going along with the untuned music from my guitar. The regret and remorse on my mother and the wet tears against my dad's eyes. I tried so hard to make them smile and I promised that one day I’ll make them happy no matter what it took - I promised to bring Luke back to them.
I chuckle to myself. I slowly open the door and walk in, closing the door behind me and flipping on the light switch. That moment was 10 years ago. After Luke’s death they had never come into this room until i was born and became curious about why this door was always closed. They never let me listen to rock music or listen to Luke’s music. Literally they’ve blocked the work rock from all my devices. Still, I would come hear and just take in the rock posters and listen to the few tapes left behind. I slowly reach for the guitar that I used to sneak into the room to play with. After I hit a certain age, mum took away my tiny guitar and would not let me play any “rock” instruments. Unfortunately for her I took after my big brother a little too much. She always used to say she couldn’t take the idea of losing another child. Sitting on the bed I quickly tune it and strum the worn out strings. Slowly I started playing that song I made all those years ago.
I’m sorry I can't be who
You’ve wanted me to be
I always tried to make you smile
But I’ll never be
Able to make you feel like he did
I’ll try my best to make you smile
And never cry again
But if you ever get sad
I promise to
Come and sing this song to you
Cause every time your tears fall
My heart breaks a bit
Cause I will never be able to
Make you smile like he did
I smile to myself, a little chuckle coming out as I gently place the guitar on the bed beside me, and lay down on my back. Is it possible that If I could see him, mum and dad could too? This whole thing is so confusing. And surreal. I met my brother. My big brother. My big brother who doesn’t even know I exist. I wonder what he’s like. Dad always said I reminded them of him so much, it hurt. I wonder how alike we really are. As my thoughts overrun my brain, I slowly close my eyes, thinking about how I could finally bring Luke back home to mum and dad and make them smile again.
The Next Morning - The Molina Household
Julie headed to the studio before Lia would pick her up to head for school. Yesterday had been a hard day for Julie but it must have been confusing as hell for Lia too. Julie wished her mum was around right now to talk to. She would have known what to do.
“Guys?” Julie asks, looking around the studio, “Guys?”
She slowly walks towards the grand piano, touching the words her mum had written. Julie lays them out in front of her and hovers her hand above the keys. Her hand slowly trembles as she starts to play.
Here's one thing I want you to know
You got some place to go
Life's a test, yes, but you go toe-to-toe
You don't give up, no, you grow
And you use your pain
'Cause it makes you you
Though I wish I could hold you through it
I know it's not the same
You got living to do
And I just want you to do it
So get up, get out relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
The sunlight slowly streams through the window, almost as if Julie’s mum was hugging her
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Mr. Molina smiles, hearing his daughter sing again for the first time in a year
Better wake those demons
Just look them in the eye
No reason not to try
Life can be a mess
I won't let it cloud my mind
I'll let my fingers fly
And I use the pain 'cause it's part of me
And I'm ready to power through it
Gonna find the strength, find the melody
'Cause you showed me how to do it
Lia makes her way towards the shed and pauses at the sound of Julie as a tear falls from her eye
Get up, get out relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Carlos stands outside, smiling, happy that he’s got his sister back
So, wake that spirit, spirit
I wanna hear it, hear it
No need to fear it you're not alone
You're gonna find your way, oh
Julie stands up, feeling the music and passion running through her veins as she sings her heart out
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
Luke, Alex and Reggie whoosh in behind Julie and look on with admiration, empathy and betrayal
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
When you feel lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, mm, wake up
Julie slowly sits down, releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding onto. She reaches for the sheet music to see her mum had written, ‘Julie you can do it, Love Mum” She holds onto it as tears fall from her face as she looks up to the sky. The boys whoosh outside just as Lia comes in. She see’s Julie, takes a seat beside her and just holds onto her.
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*this GIF is not mine cause I literally do not know how to make GIFS... it is however made by @juliecurve​ so thank you for that
Now or Never. Performed by Sunset Curve
Wake Up. Performed by Maddison Reyes
*the other song is just made up of lyrics I actually wrote when I was eight like I legit found it in my notebook so I apologize I might change it in the future but for now these lyrics are important to our character Liv and they MIGHT give an insight to who she is as a human being
ALSO lemme know if you want me to write all the parts in the show (like scenes that don’t involve Lia - like would you have liked me to write Julie talking to the boys about her mum even though Lia wasn’t there - you can just message me about this or write it down below if you wanna see me do that) 
Again love y’all. Stay safe, be kind. Oh and tell your friends 😉 
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thelabrysflag · 5 years
1002 terfs to block using the tumblr batch block extension for chrome
I collected these from transmisogynistic terf posts, and some were sent to me through DM. Note that you might have to run the extension a couple of times to make sure you got them all.
Last updated: 6/11/2020
the-stars-are-terfs, wellcometothedarkside, mariajulietafreire, mercurialwomxn, labiagigantor, man-is-the-measure, inferior-mirage, memelovingradfem, bigmeansweatydyke, miss-ogeny, captainohbuuurn, faxxmachine, drpepper-is-a-woman, thevaginamonoblogs, wookbutt09-iamopinionated, ratically, sailorterf, cinnnamilky, thespiderlilly, lordloxleychallengesyoutoaduel, numberwangg, binarymiku, sweet-smellinglawnclippings, relaxedpuppycat, marroncheri, cheriemarii, lesbianthoughtcrimes, dykeonvenus, adult-human-female, yourfaveisilluminati, radiflower, afabist, penalty-kill, fall-and-shadows, glamdyke, moderately-inconvenienced, cuntsaw, freeewheeling, ohhenriett, ruanpedro51260400-blog, thatlittleoldladysblog, stabbiboi, missbattyrae, theresidentdyke, cerebralrain, quarantinedwanderer, glowdust7501, itoldyouiwasright, big-eyes-and-fortified-soul, gradient-plus, feel-the-cosmos, cistehm-of-a-down, zuttie-archive, breadbian, latenightsinpemberley, chewygoldnugget, beansandspinch, wonkyfaint, bitches-be-changin-urls, giggle-a, cherrybomb-yuta, veganradfem, madchenklage, actualfeminist, againstpollution, bananarotiyeri, goldeneyesandbrightblueskies, lesbian-mercury, evilregalswen108, perfectparthenope, greenwire, radlauryn, dr-accidentalradfem, outofspace43, wahbegan, st-mchn, donatellavertalkshit, rad-crybaby, furiousfem, newlyrad, radchaoticmoon, prolapseinflictor, genderidentitty, theomgnurse, denizen-mars, whyyoualwayssoradical, ultra-cryptic, trannosphere, femicist, cozytastic, purgingghosts, liveisbutalie, coochiequeens, radfemwarlock, swedepea, ambrozaliathereblogger, evil-womanhood, thisisbeabe, ms-rebelle, loinsofdoom, nicomoon, perhapsthesun, femalebrain, i-ran-away-without-a-map, 0-0110100, wizzardhowl, homosexualfemale, kkimora, radfem-gossip-reborn, transsexualist, kingfem, haunted-uterus, shyfem, kallisti55, whimsical-vanilla, rubacava, mr-dyketective, perseids, themindbunker, tomboy-toni, fandommix01, cosmiccatknight, loatheeverythingmale, cisking69, radically-bitter-coffee, gummygrape, pronoun-fucker, tiredbutexcellentreadingfriends, lochnessdyke, the-terf, rad-cinnamon, cissexism, sneakysubmarineshh, bodenor, tervenish, genderliquids, gender-critical-analytical, theevillfemme, mothermayhem, realwomenarewomen, honplimenter, vladscastle, twoxliberation, radsamrad, wrongthink-wendy, evil-terf-hands, radfembunny, radical-my-dudes, yooterus, happy-terf, transrapeculturemisogynyreceipts, same-sex-attracted, toxic-spill, whatdoyoudowiththerevolution, notoriousbottomdweller, troonfem, happy-homosexual, raddishcowgirl, punkestbutch, radfem-compliments, lizaganderson, radicallyaligned, terfvibes, woxxn, marxism-manletism, fantehm--menace, positivityforlesbians, manclunge, femalesfuture, terf-queen, short-terf-dyke, atravellingwomyn, vuvabinboo, solarpeach, abolishice, mystical-moon-mattress, wrongthinkcrimes, grungyradfem, divine-matriarchy, rozekimi, automatonflux, shadowweavers, kazjazzhandsbrekker, occasionaldruglord, cats-and-moss-and-gays, atraitne, secret-seas, insertafandomreferencehere, drinking-toilet-water, megaterfa, ganymedeschariot, a-dose-of-reality, love-it-or-its-free, lion-h-e-a-r-t, macavvity, heavensgates, apostle-of-sapphos, pronounpin, sapphosviolets, 58magpie58, enabtsya, manhattanrf, technically-not-a-terf, rudestfemme, sharpcactus, astralmuds, royal-rainbow, pinifera, radgoblin, regina-geourge, hello-men, sis-not-cis, falschetwas, julietvelbern, guyghoul, pro-woman-princess, thisssbitchhh, the-blind-dragons-hoard, angry-cricket, terfy-goddess, aqueenandastar, maryfeminismisforwomen, vulvacult, paigebella, arcadia-trash, miss-terf, hwwwwh, beccabei, radicalgraff, meanwoman, oatmealtrash, w0manifest, andwhimsicality, womansart, radfemmedyke, tervbangs, volkihar666, zarglepoetry, radicalgendercoalition, gynosupremacy, our-bi-space, tulpa777, radfem-by-nature, cronemoon, sugar--pills, nobleelfwarrior, paranesian-circle, shriekinghag, illdreamm, fallenwearenot, the-feminist-fox, 11jupiter11, lilqwarts-blog, disk-thesis, astronofeminist, mycroft-valentine, uterineprivilege, skipplayrepeat, napalmkaninchen, mrslawson, exclusivlylez, kittylovesvideogames, vigilantscar, thruyourphone, chemicallyinconveniencedd, rad-acina, cremebru1ee, cutiekunoichi, chihiro--fujisaki, datura-stramoniium, 7upofficial, heybeaux, radophelia, jusdreiin-jusdaun, aroombainacostume, saint-butch, reminasreceipts, hellstarremina, aradbesque, nejsagare, pinchemarimacha, dojofloww, gaias-moores, crept-latitude, krismichelle429, lesbianplayinanimalcrossing, baugfingur, tenderexistence, lettingitoutabit, gendasubverta, foxfur-nadine, misandrylandry, girlsfrommars, lilith-apologist, radfemhancock, cliteralviolence, femmenace, jalopyroger, crwatters, radbisexual, apple-pie-42, socialrecluse, thetitleduterus, lez-exclude-men, happibeans, radfem-chronicles, porcupineflair, sapphicsociety, the-radical-buzzard-of-discourse, sappho-the-witch, trareceipts, rad-can-of-beans, cecaeliawitch, gendercriticalsideblog, myevedevotionalspace, myhestiadevotionalspace, myartemisdevotionspace, myaphroditedevotionalspace, myheradevotionalspace, mygoddessworshipspace, myterfyspace, transexualist, terfspleaseinteract, hellaradradicalfeminist, sillylandblaze, randomstabbing, art-of-anger, aawb, radmoon-blog1, radfemintraining, daisybeam, radicalfmist, aferret, lesb14n, radicalgeni-tales, toppdykehatesallmennfemras, a-room-of-my-own, gravebian, wirbelwindria, ms-hells-bells, dariasroom, dutchboyfingers, discosangfroid, swanfeathercrown, sailorhoneybee, ovarylover420, pinkradical, curiousradfem, grlreign, an-angry-lesbian, gcdk, fairlyradmother, brigittassen, babyradfemxx, tehbewilderness, ophelias-revenge, radfemshep, female-butterfly, feminism-for-lesbians, officialweatherwax, fckyourconversiontherapyrhetoric, the-dragonauts, todustyoushallreturn, terfzilla, rad-femme-fatale, neeea, radailurophiles, it-is-the-female-federal, little--brittle, ihavehitmypeak, tiredbi93, thiccglobster, spirtanskycomics, feduplesbian, appropriately-inappropriate, conf-used-af, gothswiftie69, suspiciously-terfy, trans-activists-are-mras, fullmetal-foolishness, shecalledmefat, ajwal2, frenching-the-bully, du-dorne258, rad--velvets, lesbihonest-art, probablyaterf, radcybergoth, inqilabi, feministbyanyothername, inceloid, notable-spinster, radfemb, old-school-butch, gcintheme, katvontea, why-does-he-do-that, cat-girl-lover, austereanastasia, unwomyn, thecrazyashley-blog, sapphic-schizo, rad-bad-and-dangerous-to-know, artemisandlioness, blocktostaysafe, in-a-radical-mood, real-rad-mad, gnc-centric, straightgirls, radfem-suggestion, caribbeanradfem, femifawn, radfemprincess, taramaclaywasaterf, weloveradfems-blog, radicalfeminismisback, space--turtle, ashermajestywishes, smalltiddydyke, kukoyi, asexualagenderalone, artemis-howl, pedanticbohemian, bloodyfeminist, pro-uterus-agenda, venus-shaver, radicalfempositivity, actualfeminism, cressiesprochoice, rad-feminism, feministclassicist, anti-porn-unicorn, thatkindoffeminist, radicalfemoftheday, crystallinewomb, eowyn-is-a-radfem, licensed-radfem, radfemminnie, wildfem, sapphichorrors, exposinglesbophob, beatlenism, bernswasright, radfemblack, radfemedits, radfem-lyanna-mormont, uss--gynosupremacy, anotheradfem, revengeofthenymphs, radfem-moira, groovyfemale, radfem-aesthetic, ironbasementwizard, radfem-suggestions, deadinsidexs, askaradfem, hammersmashedcock, thestimmanifesto, leftistmagneto, radfemuserboxes, nogendrr, antiquackbrigade, queen-administrator, furiosafemale, lovelymedusa, cherrygaang, magical-woman, momodingsda, morechaotic, radishblog, we-are--fightingdreamers, xcyeol, notyourmomslesbian, johncale, moominghao, taule, psi-psina, americandesert, cyanide-lesbian, crynightengale, nfwmbabe, noyandless, affectedeffect, centaureascabiosa, dangerouskoalawolf-blog, sapphobicnightmares, iihs-blog, grakkaya, blessed-artemis, resensitize, sylvia-plaid, arsenik225, rad-maleficent, flawedheroine, red-orange-yellow-and-earth, siloechat, sesamstasjon, sapphocentric, a-matter-of-common-report, daes-mullet, chlorobi, buutchness, uhforfuckssake, kuhweerz, twamsmahogany, gyneocracy, benyw, forlessman, ungoliants-lair, lavender-truth, smalldarlinglesbian, reincarnatedroadkill, s-v-r-d, lesbianpulpfiction, shamelesslyunladylike, antiplondon, nansheonearth, binintinugga, blood-in-my-lean, weirdfemhours, chasmcrash, the-separatists-blog, flowersandformalin, womynifesto, tallsocks, womenandhillbilliesinteract, selkierosemary, forkhats, naissaar, sunbat, dykexmachina, meigaontheprowl, academicantihero, disirdyke, madmaxies, caladriussbuttfeathers, mi1f, misszarves, blackflirtlarping, eggho, caught-bread-handed, girlsmoonsandstars, truethingsiwishicouldsay, bezoarcureforpoison, catlogicdefiesall, chronic-yonic, destroyyourbinder, charlenasaxen, nihilist-gf, anuggetofpurestgreen, deoxymoronic, weary4u2, polymnia46, havekat, weary4u, tejuina, feralseraph, clitical-thinking, cowsoy, lajolielune, some-dead-idiot, redressalert, womanisnotafeeling, catoadie, fernstream, doug-kin, toadpaws, invertprivileges, freerangebodyfarm, lesbiansleeptodream, mrscoulter, pigglehumsy, cubonetears, noloudnoisesplease, screeching-taco, transandrad, widening-skies, ranorudo, dworkinsghost, pinselwurm, the-cyprinid, ardentblue, sops-in-wine, stingycat, gin-and-yonics, cannibalitchi, theeleanorvance, mink-182, sawsdoe, ourcommoncondition, mossghoul, deputy-shayy, theposhpenguin, tired-lesbian-shit, nire4321, floralsbian, accio--sanity, radfemdanger, pseudonym130, 27vic, iputthehomoinhomosapien, mothermedusssa, artstellag, danzonova, imseriouslygonnathrowup, harpyappreciator, kissfaeries, warmfem, angelszn, alexdt20, angry-dyke94, softlywomen, catroadster, madivinezbelle, i-am-a-person-with-opinions, bellissimo-blu, fulldazecowboy, rusty-hearts, radmaiden, womanispolitical, codeforsomethinggay, manhatingdyke, cherubvalkyrie, mudpotion, pellicano-sanguino, cisbutch, haggardwoman, swamp-witch-lesbian, lesbianshate2020, eau-de-poussey, mirdall, spiderparty, claridek, morpheuse, radprotagonist, radicaltranne, im-not-an-object-ok, ninjaskillznstuff2, naturalbornlesbian7, rude-radfem, 100a001, definewho, swedishradfem, memecherry, dixophilia, comicsandrock, exdivine, lavendermp3, papermich, cowardsheart, elfradfem, elfradfem-is-my-main, ghoul-sona, lulutheworld, blearilyliraelb, the-darkest-of-sorrows, jimburden, uterii-my-duderi, she-is-little-and-fierce, ash-goes-rad, amy-dunne-was-right, seven-of-borg, fallopium, clitoria-ii, lesbian-lizards, darkacademialesbian, midwichwoohoo, fleshphobe, samielia, postcards-from-aeaea, butyouvealwaysbeenthecaretaker, pumpumdemsugah, female-husband, kittyit, outlawfem, sapphic-matriarchy, star-of-wormwood, antiporn-activist, ecopree, radtran, gardensandruins, kiefbowl, radgardevoir, radical-art-n-inspiration, gallicinvasion, olanzapinegirl-blog, 420minionlover-blog, raddestwitch, lesbianaquarius, hurtkid, gendercriticalpineapple-blog, queeftheory, lesbians-or-gtfo, domeclock, radical-coffeeclub, moondahluna, ereshxkigal, tempetesirene, praescius-ruina, hellanahmean, xaidread, fullsun-partialshade, fate-keeps-on-happening, uglyuglytruths, g-ishbucket, s0wingseas0n, spikelvr75, secute95, getoffmyastroterf, cervicaldischarge, dayna-deedee, vulvapeople, lavender-faery, the-land-of-women, abbistackhouse, raduterus, bonafidebonerkiller, lovelivesinthesun, teamrosaliehale, lacedaffodils, hamletwouldvebeenanmra, internetangstar, hypnictwitch, controversial-feminist, rad-itzel, oceanlesbian, pussyadvice, ignis-divine-eleison, thesinisterspinster, regina-georg, uninucleus, hjordisylva, radicallyhaley, true-transsexual, confirmed-terfs, the-wandering-vagina, clitrex, transhumanistfem-blog, vulvacrat, thecottongaslight, radical-menace, destroymales, rageclit, womanhood-is-not-a-costume, canonterfcharacteroftheday, detrans-identified, gnc-homosexual, catsuggest, terfmeanslesbian, terf-suggestions, transgender-harms-women, lgunity, harsh-girl-positivity, gynocentric-aesthetic, radfeminist-suggestions, radical-sloth, iloveradfems, prettyvulva, radicore, hashtagnotallmen, vulva-o-queef, sangredesirena, puffdaddy-666, cantanopeshitthatwastaken, friend-o-dorothy, bluegreenalgay, protectedbymedusa, unperson42, radlesb1an, haught-at-waverly-place, peakblr, gently-radical, n9nel1ves, kusschen, radmatriarchy, the-bisexual-veg, lesb1anne, genderdiscriminant, evil-dyke, rad-lilac, letsgolesbian, good-god-milla-jovovich, miss-radical, interinfo, shego420, loving-women-is-rad, nocountryforlesbians, despaclito, auntiewanda, shollymannon, franeur, pussypoliticks, moanathedyke, artemiswasamerf, gaywithnodegree, lacangri21, rad-i-guess, electricmachete, radsfem, mangagirlan15, noteventhetip, piquegender, howveryrad, emptysonnet, salty-lesbians, proudlyradical, yesletsfuckthisshituplove, syonderlys, tazmania3056, ijustcalledtosayhowmuchicare, gay-ass-top, clordia, a-trashbian, o-sister-o-sister, homosexual-mothra, peaches-and-honey-and-the-moon, zlatan-dreams, terfwithquestions, bisexule, menalez, furiosamedea, sunsetseeds, cherylfromhr, alexiflexy, invort, saintgolgotha, laneigeuse, titanus-mosura, pro-eve, slavicmess, richie-luna, vampyrik, kollontaj, angstydogblog, rosccolorcdglasscs, realgender, radlatinxz, bald-lesbian, anteoli, catontheceiling, k--u--o, beeperbopper, thiccennugget, tleavemealone, daugherofthemoon, collectorballoon, mysticlesbian, obsesseddog-mom, liketouchdownonarainyday, 83-protons, incrediblue, sepiagoddess, unleashtherage, unholy-lesbian, bipolarventing, radicaleds, empanado-feliz, iactuallytryingtolovemyself, chaoticangeltyrant, pacificrimdyke, diphylla-lesbia, the-indomitable-rara, yourdadactually, gummybeartrap, whitelilyofdarkness, lesbian-satan, chaoticlesbos, violet-fem, helenarts-jpg, dworkinlover69, voseri, tijeritas, lucienne-xx, anger-homo, unholyradfem, call-me-lunatic, lesbeamofsunshine, cui-prodest, an-awkward-tangerine, hrmmhmmhmm, bunny-cryptid, fgarzo, kozmobean, auxfem, stardustpadawans, y-ou-rs-tr-ul-y, letsbestudyin, feelindroopy, autogynephobic, detransbian, lavendar-persephone, bisexuelledoe, hun-e-bee, hatterized, erraticserenity, punch-your-buns, radfembitch, wombyna-ovaryhaver, radfem-lola, watermelinoe, alexiyells, tiredseaturtle, idealhoneybear, doingthingswithabby, aliteralmurderofterves, cis-sexism, malus-amare, nourlsleftarethere, silmarillion-terv, aileenwuornosdidnothingwrong, terfspace, sursulapitschi, terfery, haroldtheyrewuhluhwuh, cisthoughtcrime, pilzpuffer, funky-gal, seen-the-other-side, homosaccharide, scenewannabe, mishonne, shashki, yasss-black-diaspora, newly-impassioned-soul, ozai, gagaisms, bbgguy, fowv, the-tree-by-the-devon-river, littleradfems, poulpepower, radfemz, radical-catical, criticalqueenlesbian, radicaly1, lowkey-radical, unified-multiversal-theory, spooky-luka, menstru8r, celtyradfem, vladtheunfollower, tetraterezi, ladyguillotine, spacemonkeyg78, on-reflection, revengeofthehorsegirl, hellas-gay-girl, polite-radical-feminist, semper-fortis-ae2, terfstillmeanslesbian, silkfemme, kittiesatemypronouns, insidiouswife, bladequeen, desertbleed, idgabunnyf, rad-butch, women-only, honeytheradfem, harpsichore84, mothra-made, blackswallowtailbutterfly, prinzessintor, xxstr82hell, lesbianstressball, radicalelf, autistickakashit, sapphicfrogwitch, fallingasleepstanding, punkrockdyk3, kunekunee, rahgrats, megaterf, irate-badfem-harpy, geekfem, webshrine, lanmangguo, izzkhalifa, bee-d-s-m, just---curious, lanadel-irium, duppledore1, nottyourfavoritelesbian, saltedrealityy, jennifercheckdidnothingwrong, radichu, ms-andrist, sweet-simple-dyke, bullydyke, oculusobscura, black-metal-and-kitties, you-cannot-shut-me-up, tomato-man-hater, seesaltwitch, gerudian, skeletalfem, radicalwolfie, opabiniawillreturn, lesbian-verse-memes, lesbiantext, bedazzledsappho, starinyourhand, i-have-a-name-yes 
736 notes · View notes
aureumjeon · 5 years
while you’re at it (m) || pjm
Tumblr media
pairing; poolboy!jimin x noona!reader.
genre; smut, fluff, tiny angst.
summary; After finalizing your divorce papers, there was still one thing that had to be taken care of. That stupid swimming pool. Over there course of a few days, you ended up harboring feelings for one of your pool boys. Will things go as planned? Or will everything be flushed down the drain? 
warnings; brief mentions of divorce, infidelity and toxic relationship, sub!jimin, dom!reader, barely there bondage, exhibitionism, female masturbation, voyeurism, oral sex (both receiving), body worship, tit fucking, noona kink, praise kink(its jimin ofc), mild degradation, impreg kink, its basically jimin being a whiny soft baby for noona, unprotected sex, multiple orgasm, creampies, cum eating
word count;  11K+ (this was supposed to be around 7-8K only, iduno what happened really)
a/n; ahhhhhh! three minutes late but who careeees. im done, i want to sleep. the smut feels so rushed butill fix it... eventually... lmao, unedited as hell, dont mind the errors... will fix someday.  bye
@m0chilattae @ruinedbyjin <33 
Breaking away and cutting ties from your previous and definitely toxic marriage was the best decision you've made bar none. You could no longer stomach the abuse that your now ex-husband had put you through. It was a complete and utter living hell being bound to a man who wasn't who you initially thought he was. Having him crossed out of your life (legally, too) made it a million times easier. It has been exactly seven weeks since you chucked out all of his belongings through the front door. No regrets. And you still didn't want to take notice of the huge elephant in the room — or in the backyard per se. There it sat in the middle of the unkempt grassy area surrounded by leaves and trash, in all of its filthy, disgusting, bacteria and algae infested glory. Your dreaded swimming pool.
You had put-off cleaning it the first week after your separation, saying you're too busy doing this or too preoccupied taking care of that. When in all honesty, you just didn't want to deal with it. You had no goddamn idea how to maintain it. Heck, you didn't even know how to swim. Wonwoo was the main reason why the two of you bought a house that came with it after your wedding. He said he wanted to keep his hobby of swimming alive, understandable since that's where it all began. The two of you met at a university swim meet. You were the designated journalist for that event, assigned to interview all the winners after the competition for the school's paper. Wonwoo bagged the gold medal for the two hundred-meter freestyle, and you interviewed interviewed him and that's where it took off. Everything was running smoothly. One by one every item on your life's checklist got checked-off. After five years of dating, he proposed. A year later you got married and purchased a house together and planned on having children. You even put-off your job as a columnist writer for a high-end magazine company to play out the role of a perfect wife who'd soon take care of her children. You had the ideal life with the ideal husband in an ideal house that any married woman could wish for. You had everything, and in your own little world it was perfect. Until two years into your marriage, everything went into turmoil. Wonwoo suddenly grew cold and insensitive. He didn't answer your calls and text messages whenever he was away. He didn't make love to you the way he used to during your honeymoon phase. And sometimes he would just downright refuse, saying he's too tired and that he wants to sleep instead. You endured and tolerated his behavior for another year, giving him a chance to change his ways. But we all know what happens to second chances, they're wasted. One day, Jihyo sent you a picture of Wonwoo sucking faces with a female swim trainer at the city's public pool. You could not believe it at first, you refused to. Until she sent another image, this one clear as day. It was Wonwoo, positively Wonwoo. You called your older brother Yoongi and told him everything that had happened starting from the day your relationship spiraled into disaster. Like any brother would be; he was furious. He didn't kill the guy though, only gave him a black eye and a broken nose before you threw his belongings out on the pavement. To cut the story short, you found love beside a swimming pool and ultimately gotten your heart broken because of it. When people fall out of love, heart breaks are inevitable. All the more reason as to why you just shoved the idea of cleaning the pool under the rug like small particles of dust and dirt. You just wanted to forget about it, pretend like it didn't exist. If you could only haul that thing out of the ground and throw it out like you did to him, it'd be more painless for you. You took your phone out of your handbag and texted Namjoon. You asked if he still had the number to that all around cleaning service, to which he did, thank god. After saving the number, you called it immediately. Wanting no time to be wasted. "Hello, Good morning! This is Mr. Park of Mr. Park's Cleaning Service, how can we help you?" The bubbly old man chanted his spiel. "Ah, yes, um. This is Y/n Y/l/n, I was wondering if I can avail your services?" "Of course, ma'am!" He chimed, the sound of rustling papers can be heard in the background "What will we have the pleasure of cleaning for you, Ms. Y/l/n?" His tone never changed, still enthusiastic. "Well I have this pool..." You replied quite hesitantly, "And It's been sitting here uncleaned for almost two months." You let out a breathy laugh, fairly embarrassed at your confession. "No problem, Ms. Y/l/n! We've handled worse cases. Two months is nothing! Is it just the pool or would you like us to give your whole yard a fixer-upper?" You sighed in relief. "Y-yes, that would be great! My backyard could use the help, too." "Alrighty then! You don't need to worry about anything! Can I get your contact number and full address Ms. Y/l/n?" Mr. Park sounded like a charming old man, he never judged or asked unnecessary questions, only the ones that needed to be answered. "My number's xxx-xxx-xx and my full address is xxx street, corner xxx at xxx village. When can I expect you to visit, Mr. Park?" "I'll get the boys ready and will be there in about an hour or two to check on the conditions and come up with the most effective strategy. The duration of the process usually takes about three days to a week depending on the situation. It's always better to asses the area first. We'll do the best we can do, Ms. Y/l/n!" You can hear the smile in his voice, never have you encountered someone who's this passionate about his job as much as Mr. Park. "Great! That sounds excellent! Thank you so much Mr. Park! I'll see you later!" "Thank you, too, Ms. Y/l/n! Good bye!" The call ended and you checked the clock. It was a quarter to nine, still a lot of time left before they arrive. You decided to tidy up the place, picking up dirty laundry, washing the dishes, and anything that demanded to be put in its proper place. You accomplished everything in under an hour and decided to lounge around on your couch, still in your black silk nightwear dress that rested a good five inches above your knee. To be fair, you did wake up too early for your liking, and it made you thrice as sluggish than usual. 'Only ten minutes' you reminded yourself because you still needed to shower. Your eyelids felt heavy and the softness of the pillow you were resting your head on didn't help either. 'five more minutes, then it's time to shower, I swear.' Things didn't always go according to plan, of course. You fell asleep.
Your little nap was interrupted by the sound of your doorbell ringing multiple times, "Ms. Y/l/n?! Is anybody home? This is Mr.Park's Cleaning Service." The man on the other side of the door yelled. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. You scramble about you couch only to fall on the floor with a loud thud, "W-wait! Just a minute!" You squealed, heading out to the nearest bathroom to grab your bathrobe and wrap it around your frame. You chugged down and gargled a cup full of mouthwash before spitting it out. "Shit..." You hissed, taming out the fly-aways of your hair and tying it up in a loose bun. Your bangs rested messily on your forehead but you didn't have the pleasure of curling it. So you opted for just sweeping it to the side, making yourself more presentable. "I'm coming!" You yelped, treading to your front door and opening it. The three boys who stood at your doorstep gave you a courteous ninety degree bow. They were wearing those baggy grey work jumpsuits but the sleeveless kind. The boys looked fairly young, with glowing skin and youthful dispositions. They moved back to their upright position and the one in the center greeted, "Good day Ms.---" his eyes widened like saucers, he looked like he had encountered a ghost, and suddenly you were extremely conscious about your disheveled appearance, tucking in stray hairs that dangled around the frame of your face behind your ears. "Ms--" he knew what he wanted to say, it was waiting for its turn to spill out from his suddenly parched mouth. But he couldn't because he was too awe struck at the image of this lovely woman standing before him. They'd done this job a couple hundred times and it was all professional, but this was the first time his heart was completely enamored by a female client. His tongue was undoubtedly caught at the back of his throat and an elbow to his rib by his friend snapped him out of it and transferred him back to reality. "Y/l/n.." He continued, shades of pink trickling his face. "My name is Park Jimin..." "You're Mr. Park?" You giggled, the way your cheeks rounded when you smile matched with your cute dimple almost sent him into the ER due to a cardiac arrest, "You sounded older on the phone." "Uh.. That was my father. I'm just Jimin." He smiled, flustered like a little boy confessing his love for his crush. You beamed at him once more after discovering his name, eyes twinkling more that ever and he caught that. He freaking caught the way your eyes glimmered at him. "If you're just Jimin, then I'm just Y/n." What the hell was that?! You internally screamed at your choice of words, pulling out the non-existent life plug in your head because you wanted to shrivel up like a dehydrated grape desiring to be a raisin and just die. "O-okay, Ms. Y/n.." the way your name rolled so sweetly out of his lips made you shudder, a feeling you hadn't felt in a long, long time spark a flame in the deepest pit of your stomach. You shouldn't be experiencing this urgent sense of infatuation towards a person you only just met, not to mention to someone this young. You reckoned that he was likely five or six years your junior, probably even more. It was a weird sensation. You had no idea where it came from but you were kinda skeptical about the concept of it and where it might lead. Did you hate it? I mean, no, not at all. Were you confused? Most definitely. "This is Jungkook," he gestured to the lad on his left. Jet-black hair, doe eyes, piercings and tattoos, okaaay he's attractive "and this is Taehyung." Your gaze moved to the left, honey brown hair, sultry stare, sharp nose and a chiseled jaw, woah he's attractive too. No wonder Mr. Park's acquiring all the deals in town! His cleaning team is total eye candy. "My dad-- I mean Mr. Park's rheumatoid started acting up a little while ago, that's why he wasn't able to come with us. I hope that's alright with you, Ms. Y/n." There it is again, he said your name again but his voice a little softer this time. He was hoping his father's absence wouldn’t upset you too much. And didn't leave a bad first impression on you. Your name slipping past his lips sent another shock wave throughout your body, faintly stirring up your insides. It took you a good second to reply because you were too busy staring at the way his tongue prodded out of mouth to wet his pink and plump lips. Shit “I-it’s fine..” You gulped, drifting your gaze to your backyard assuming he didn’t see what you just did. “I hope your father feels well soon.” You stepped back a few feet letting the boys with their big tool kits in hand enter. “May we look at the pool, Ms. Y/l/n?” The black haired boy spoke, opening his box of tools and pulling out a smaller black container. “Taehyung and I will do the water testing and everything else while Jimin-hyung here will walk you through the whole process.” “The sooner we start, the sooner we’ll finish!” Taehyung beamed, boxy smile and all. They all did what they said they’d do. Jungkook and Taehyung were handling all sorts of gadgets and gizmo to test the pH balance, chlorine levels and whatever they need to test. Jimin explained everything in meticulous detail, from the tools that they were using to how they’d clean it. You tried listening intently. You really did! But the addictive saccharine tone of his voice had gotten you too worked up. “And that’s about it,” Jimin happily concluded. “We can start cleaning tomorrow if it’s okay with you,” “Y/n?” He asked reluctantly, watching you stare vacuously at him. “Ah-- Yes. You guys can start tomorrow.” You smiled, flustered and red on the face. He was worried for a moment, he thought you found everything he said was boring. Because all honestly, he knew it was. Jimin dropped out of college to support his father with their family business, being the sole son and successor. It was a gamble, most of his friends would say. "Why'd you give up having an education?" or "What if it goes bankrupt?". Those words were frequently thrown around, but he stuck to his gut. Jimin never wanted anything more than maintaining his father's legacy alive. The one that his father and late-mother created and grew from the ground up. "Great! Kook, Tae, how's everything going?" He hollered to his friends who were still tinkering with their devices at the edge of the pool. "Will be done soon! Give us a minute," Taehyung replied, signaling a thumbs-up to his hyung. "Ahhh! That reminds me," You teetered blithely straight to your equally neglected shed that Wonwoo kept all his tools in. "If you need any tools, feel free to--" You tried to pry the door handle open but it wouldn't budge. "Let me get that for you, Ms. Y/n." Jimin insisted, worrying you might hurt yourself. "I'm okay," You assured the boy, solidifying your grip on the handle, and giving one last firm pull that just might do the trick. Jimin was right. Because the moment you exerted more effort into opening the door, the slim strip of metal that was affixed on the wooden surface snapped off and sent you stumbling back a few steps. You shielded your eyes with your hand and just when you thought your sorry ass was about to hit the grass, you felt something or someone, cradle your fall. A small groan from behind startled you, "W-what?" You removed your hands from your face and saw Jimin lying beneath you, hold on to you by your waist."Oh shit!" You shrieked, promptly scooting away from his lap to check if he's hurt somewhere. "J-jimin! Are you okay?!" concern laced your voice. You scanned every inch of his body for any cuts or bruises. While your face unintentionally came too close to his, he felt your warm minty breath dancing on the tip of his cupid's bow, tickling his lips that were mere centimeters away from yours. And the way his left cheek was conveniently purchased in your hand made him feel the heat blossom under his skin, and presumably creep up to his ears too. Wide-eyed and totally red in the face, Jimin hurriedly stood up from where he was planted, not forgetting to help you as well stand up as well. “I’m fine, Ms. Y/n. You don’t have to worry about--” Before the boy could barely finish his sentence, you were already pulling him by the wrist and ushering him back inside the house. He was trying so hard to resist the blush that had been wanting to be set free. “Jungkook, Taehyung!” You waved, calling out their attention. “You can come inside if you’re finished. I’ll tend to Jimin and see if he has any injuries.” “Yes ma’am!” The two boys chuckled, giving Jimin a playful smirk. “Sit down. I’ll go get my first aid kit.” You spoke before scooting towards the direction of your bathroom. The moment you’ve found yourself looking in the mirror in what seems to be the safest place you could’ve been at this moment, you allow all the accumulated steam out. “F-fuck.” You breathe out a sigh of relief. Finally being able to inhale and exhale enough air with your lungs. Every single moment with Jimin feels like there’s something constricting your chest, blocking all possible airways and cutting off the oxygen in your body. “Get it together, Y/n” You scold yourself, looking at the reflection in the bathroom mirror “You are an adult. An adult who will not let a young man fracture the little sanity you have left.” 
On your tiptoes, you reached for the small plastic box on the shelf of your bathroom, taking one last determined look in the mirror and declaring, “You got this.”  With that, you step out of the enclosed space with your recovered confidence, not looking back. And there he is again, puppy dog eyes lighting up when he saw your figure reappear in his line of vision. “Ms. Y/n.” He smiled, and there you knew how truly fucked up you were. “God, give please give me the strength.”  You chanted in your head, “I got the first aid kit. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Was all that you could say. 
It has been exactly five days, eight hours and forty-five minutes since Jimin started working on your backyard. Why do you know that? Well, that boy with those galaxies induced eyes, impossible plump lips and unbelievable muscular body had been lurking and finding his way through the deep recesses of your mind, desperately searching for that imaginary finish line.
Every cell in your body was hyper-aware of your surroundings whenever he was near. You’d get chills when you feel his hot breath fanning against the skin of your nape when he’s behind you asking for some kind of permission. A jolt would run down your spine when he says your name like it’s the only name he’d known besides his. And the way an innocent stare from him would ignite a flame in your core, burning like coal inside a furnace during those cold winter nights. You know of his presence; you know how he makes you feel even when you don’t want it and that scares you.
And now you’re here with your overly eager friend who's  ready to lay down all her life savings and then some, just to see you finally get laid after that hideous tragedy.
“Gosh, what do I do?” You groaned, massaging your temples. The headache that you experienced the first time you encountered the boy only tripled in magnitude. It was like the soft tissues of your brain decided that it would be best to act like tectonic plates and tear each other apart. No matter how many pain killers you’ve ingested or how early you slept at night, it always comes back the next day, with a vengeance.
“Give in,” she shrugged, taking a sip from her warm cup of tea. “you’ve got nothing to lose.”
“The only thing I’m losing right now is my sanity.” You grovelled, wanting to pull out all of your hair from its follicles. “I–” You sighed, voice cracking and tear attempting to fall.“I honestly don’t know what to do.”
She offered you a sympathetic look, consoling you with a hand gently stroking your back. “I know, hun. Wonwoo was a douche bag and your divorce was the absolute worst. But… Look at the bright side,” She nudged you on the shoulder and points a finger westward.
“Now that he’s out of the picture, you’re a free woman now, y/n.” Your friend stated as-a-matter-of-fact, wriggling her perfectly done brows at you. She was right, though. There was nothing holding you back except yourself. The two of you looked beyond the glass sliding doors of your patio and watched the group of young men pull every bone and flex every inch of muscles in their bodies trying to make your backyard look like the way it was before.
“I don’t see anything wrong with flirting with your pool boy now that the ring on you finger is gone,” a small tug of her lips went unseen by you as your gaze was still attached to the blond haired boy whose dusting of sweat seemed to reflect and shimmer under the blazing sunlight like those vampire characters from that teen movie. God, how can someone look that ethereal while raking up the pile leaves in your backyard?
“While you’re at it, seeing that you’re too invested in watching him, play with piles of dead leaves,” your head snapped toward her direction as your cheeks turned pink from embarrassment, “might as well fuck him too.” she grins from ear to ear. 
Day eight came faster than you had imagined. The boiling of your insides has simmered down immensely since you've accepted all your feelings like the grown adult that you are. You didn't confess, though, there will be a time for that. Also, you can say you've gotten used to Jimin's presence in the short time you've spent with him. He was kind, sweet, caring and considerate to you 24/7 and you've considered every bit of it endearing. You friend was right. "Give in," she says, so you did and you hope everything will eventually fall into place at the right time. Like usual, jimin and his bunch were outside. They were eighty percent done with the pool and all that's left was the landscaping. One by one, bags of dirt, rocks, sand and all the likes were carried by unfamiliar faces to the back yard through your house. Trails of sand were left on the floor akin to a snail's. "We're really sorry for the mess, miss y/n. Don't worry, we'll clean it up." A new face stood beside Jimin. This one looked more mature than the three boys you're already acquainted with. This was your first time seeing him. Raven hair, brown eyes, a attractive face and shoulders broader than the horizon. Wow. Mr. Park's boys just keep getting hotter and hotter. But there's something oddly familiar about him. Maybe you've met him before? Casually crossed paths as strangers? You can't quite wrap a finger around it. "Y/n, this is Jin-hyung." The fair-haired boy stated. "He's Jungkook's older brother." You gasp, finally it connects "R-really?! No wonder you looked familiar!" You heard the boisterous laugh of the younger brother draw closer and then draped an arm around his brother's shoulder. You habitually thought Jungkook was the tallest in the bunch but now that you've seen his older brother and the way he stands a good two or three inches taller says otherwise. "Sooo, who's more good looking, Noona?" Jungkook asked cheerfully, arching his brows as if coaxing you to choose him. "Hmmm..." You hummed dramatically, crossing your arms with one hand cupping your chin. "I really can't say, Jungkook. Your hyung's pretty handsome." You teased. "Nooooona~!" The youngest whined, flailing his arms around like a child. If you hadn't known their ages, you'd assume that Jungkook's an eighteen year old boy with a baby's face attached to an adult man's body. +Flashback+ You learned that over the course of yesterday's dinner. That day marked the seventh day since the boys worked on you backyard. You decided to treat them to a special samgyupsal dinner since they had been working so hard all day and all afternoon. It was a quarter to five, and the boys were about to call it a day when you call them over enthusiastically. Gesturing them to come inside "Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook!" Their mouths hung wide open when their eyes met with the dining table. A dazzling array of meats, soups, vegetables and side dishes were gloriously scattered on the surface. "Wow, Ms. Y/n!" Taehyung beamed, his boxy smile seemed like it was engraved on his face. "What's the occasion?” "Well, since you boys have been working so hard I decided to arrange a little party for you guys. It's the least I can do." You smile. Taehyung and Jungkook looked like they were about to combust. The fragrance of the food delighted their every senses. You hear a faint growl in the background. "Sorry. That was me." Jungkook confessed, his stomach was now hungrier than before. You all laugh. "What are you waiting for? Dig in!" It was like a gun was shot and the race to eat the most food began. You watched them eat heartily, wishing that you had done this sooner to express your gratitude for all the effort the exert. "Aren't you gonna eat, y/n?" You were startled by Jimin voice. You turn to him and receive the look of concern on his face. "I've had my fair share while cooking, if I eat more I feel like I'll throw up." You softly giggled, a shade of pink dusting your cheeks. "And this is all for you." For every little thing he does whether it was deliberately or not, Jimin feels like he's simply digging his own grave. The sound of metal rutting against soil, just a few more digs and he's sure he'll be six feet under. "Ms. Y/n, Ms. Y/n!" Jungkook called, outstretching his hand like a student asking for his teacher's attention. "Yes, Jungkook? Oh, and you can call me y/n, by the way. No need for 'miss'." Jungkook scratched the back of his neck before answering, "Uhm, I dont think I'm in the position to call you that, ms. Y/n " "What about noona?" Taehyung who sits across Jungkook suggested. "Ms. Y/n really been nice to us, like a big sister. Always making sure we're okay." Sister. You practically forgot about your age gap with these kids. With the five-year difference for Jimin and Taehyung, seven for Jungkook, you really felt like an older sister. It wasn't bad, it was lovely actually. Knowing they see you more than just an ordinary client pinched at your heart. And you perceive them as little brother's you never had. One of them, you wished went beyond that. "Yeah!" The black haired boy exclaimed,"Can we call you noona, ms. y/n???" Jungkook looked like a dog, with his eyes all round and tail raised and wagging about. It must feel so great to be young. "Of-- Of course! You can call me noona!" The two boys cheered in unison. The only one quiet was jimin who sat parallel to you. 
"Are you okay jimin?" You asked meekly. "I'm fine." He didn't sound like he was fine. "Is there something wrong?" "Ahh, I--" he was stuttering, "Is it okay if I call you y/n instead?" Your eyes widened, you haven't even drank anything alcohol but your face already feels hotter. "S-sure, Jimin." You tried to change the topic by standing up walking over to the refrigerator. "Since all of you are of legal age." You gradually push open metal door and pull out bottles of soju. "You're the best, noona!" The youngest howled, eager to get his hands on the alcoholic drink. "Just promise me you guys won't drink too much. You still have work tomorrow" Like twins, Jungkook and Taehyung held their hands over their heart and recited, "We promise, noona!" With the magic liquid, conversation started flowing more naturally. You promised not to drink but they insisted, nothing worse than your friends peer-pressuring you. "So, noona, where do you work?" Taehyung questioned. He probably noticed you were always at home. "I'm a writer for Seoul Life Magazine, but I do all my work here at home. I rarely have to go to the office." "Really???!!!" His eyes blew up, Taehyung told you he was a fashion design graduate. You expected this reaction from him so you felt pride in telling him where you work. "Wow, noona!" Jungkook said, "My dad said only those who were absolutely good got to work there." "Stop flattering me," You shyly dismiss his praise. "I was an intern there during my concluding year of college. I worked for about three or four years before I got married." Taehyung did a spit take, spraying water all over poor Jungkook who almost choked on a lettuce leaf. Jimin just sat there, watching you laugh at the two comical boys. He didn't know how to react, his hands suddenly went clammy and he couldn't stop shaking his leg under the table. "M-married?" Jungkook said, still not believing what he's hearing "w-where the h-husband?" He felt out of breath due to that damn piece of leaf. "Are you really married, noona?" Taehyung poked, looking at your ringless finger. "I was," Your smile grew weaker, talking about something it always felt weighty. But they deserved to know, they're helping you heal by dealing with something you'd rather not face. "We got divorced." The room went silent. The sound of the crickets outside and leaves swaying with the wind that were previous white noise behind your chattering and laughter seemed like the were obscenely amplified by huge bass speakers. "Can I ask why, noo--" "Jungkook!" Jimin scolded his junior, and this was the first time you've heard/seen him raise his voice to anyone. "Apologize." He stated sternly, not breaking eye contact with Jungkook. "I'm sorry, noona." His head hung low, hair covering his eyes. "J-jimin, I'm sure Jungkook didn't meant to." You reached out to to hold his hand that was resting on the table. "I'm not mad or upset." You looked over Jungkook's direction and continued, "It's okay, I promise." Jimin squeezed your hand tighter, comforting you. "You don't have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable, y/n." "Y-yeah, noona." Taehyung added, "You don't have to. It's none of our business." Jungkook sat still, eyes glassy and mouth pouty. He absolutely looked like a puppy that had been punished for chewing up its human's shoe. "It's alright," You giggle, extremely touched. "It's been months, I can talk about it." "We met during sophomore year. I was a journalist for the university paper and he was on the swim team." The three boys listened intently, like toddlers during story time. "After five years of dating, he proposed. We got married a year later and moved in here. That," you pointed to the pool outside "belongs to him." "It was his idea to get a house with one, I agreed of course. Only two years after getting married, I found out he was cheating on me." Jimin's features softened at your words. He knows it wasn't easy for anyone to talk about their past heartbreak and traumas. He made sure you weren't alone, he took his free hand and placed it over your hand that he was already holding with the other. He held it tight. "It broke my heart, I really thought he was the one, you know? Almost eight years together thrown in the garbage disposal and shredded to pieces." "He doesn't deserve you, noona." Jungkook finally spoke. "He was an asshole and he doesnt deserve you." "Yeah!" Taehyung agreed, "I kinda don't want to finish the work now." Out of nowhere, you burst out laughing. An invisible weight, sort of a thick blanket was lifted and the atmosphere brightened. "No, no, no!" You can't stop your laughter at this point, what Taehyung said tickled a funny bone. "I still plan on living here, Taehyung! Even if I dislike the pool, it's still part of this home. And the make over was sort of a therapy, you know. Out with the old, in with the new, right?" You ended it with a smile, lips curved beautifully. It was a smile Jimin has seen never seen before. It was light and airy, bright and transparent. There was no pain or distress, just carefreeness. He wished you would smile like this more often, and he also wished he'd someday be the reason for it.
"Just kidding, Jungkook! You're the most handsome." You assured the boy, patting his back. "Sorry, Jin. Your brother's grown on me." "Kook one, Jin zero." The youngest boast over to his brother. "Alright, alright!" Jin interrupted, "Unlike you, some of us need to work. How 'bout you and Taehyung get the transport van back to the office and let Jimin, Hoseok, Yugyeom and I get things done, yeah?" Jungkook clicked his tongue, "Whatever." Their sibling banter has got you missing your brother, mentally reminding yourself to call him later. "Hey, Yugs." You hear Jungkook faintly speak. Two more new faces stood beside Jin. "This is Hoseok and Yugyeom. We'll be responsible for landscaping." Another attractive guy with a million-dollar smile on his face and a tall man with the physique of a runway model. Curse, Mr. Park!! Where does he get all these boys?! "Thank you for having us!" The pair recited. "Oh, no! Thank you for helping out with the renovation." "Ms. Y/n, The boys and I will be outside. We'll be mapping out a plan for the design," Jin announced. "Oh, sure." You answer back, "Take all the time that you need." "Great! We'll report to you once we've finished the draft design. So you can the necessary make changes and adjustments." He beamed, walking towards the back yard. Jimin stood silently beside you, "You do landscaping?" You randomly asked, seeing that Jimin was the only one left from their bunch. Jungkook and Taehyung had long gone. "No," he chuckled, "I just need to watch over these guys. Make sure everything goes well." "That's nice, you're very involved with the work you do." His cheeks blossomed pink, he didn't expect a compliment since he was just doing his job. "I try." He shyly replied, bowing then heading for the glass door. "If you need me, I'll be outside." You waved him goodbye and went about your own business. There were still some articles in your workload that needed to be finished and those emails weren't gonna answer themselves. ++ By the time you were done, it was half past two in the afternoon. You noticed as the days progressed, so did the temperature. You check your phone, only to see that today is the hottest reading yet. Since everything has been taken care of, you decided to take a shower. Appreciating the cold refreshing water on you warm skin. After that, you put on your favorite robe and wrapped it around your damp body. As you were about to step out of the bathroom, you noticed Jimin leaning against one of the pillars of your patio, shirtless. Have your eyes been deceived? They say that seeing believes, but you didn't expect Jimin to be this fit. You offered yourself some slack, since the only part of Jimin body's you've oh so graciously seen are his muscular arms. It wasn't as big as those of a body builder, but the amount of muscle in them has already got you mouth watering. But being blessed with the site of his bare skin and taut abdominal muscles has got you feeling wetter than being in the shower. You couldn't keep your gaze off of him. It was an image that you want to engrave at the back of your head. Your eyes roamed his entire body. Face, neck, shoulders, chest and abs. You wanted to memorize every detail. Every mole, every freckle, every scar that adorned his ivory skin. Just as you were taking your time scanning his entire figure, you were startled when you saw him looking at you staring at him. Your heart began to race inside your chest and you almost forgot you were standing in the middle of your house with only a robe covering your very naked body. You scanned around the area of the yard and Jin and the others we're not in plain sight. You assumed they were working on the farthest side of the lot, where your small garden used to be before you abandoned it all together with the pool. You lock eyes with Jimin again, but this time there was something odd at the way he ogles at you. His gaze was lustful and burning with flames devouring your entirety. His were pupils blown out at the display of your skin. He looked pained, his teeth biting harshly at his bottom lip as if he wanted to draw blood. At that point it dawned on you. You know why he seemed so agitated, squirming in his seat. He wanted to see more, see more of you. A wave of unknown confidence washed over you. You didn't know where the hell it came from. Maybe it was from his deadly stare, maybe it was just you. Either way, you were so totally taking advantage of it. Without breaking eye contact, you found purchase at the same seat from which you watched the boys worked while having a chat with your friend. Sensually lifting the hem of your robe up your thighs and spreading your legs open for Jimin to see. "F-fuck," He groaned, hands balling into fists. He glimpsed over to the other men who were still occupied with what they were accomplishing. His attention was back on you, giving you a small nod. The fervor that coursed through your body was incomparable to anything you've experienced before. The Adrenaline was starting to kick in, and you felt hot-blooded. You temperature went up ten degrees higher and you felt delirious. You knew there was a possibility that you were gonna get caught, but screw it. You've never felt like this in your whole twenty-nine year of life. You're gonna enjoy it, basked in it. Jimin's eyes were plastered at your dripping core, lump in his throat and completely mesmerized at its beauty. Your juices sinfully coating you slit. He swore if there wasn't anybody else around, he would have ravished you pussy like an animal. Since you're out here giving him a show that he'll never forget, might as well savour it. He thought things couldn't get any better with you sex on display for him, you open up your legs even more in a whole new different angle. Putting all those gymnastics training to good use. He can virtually see your pink walls with the position your in. He couldn't stop imagining him burying his hard cock inside your tight cunt. Sucking him in when every thrust he made. You left hand slithered its way down to your soaked core, playfully stroking your folds. If Jimin was beside you, he could no doubt hear the way your cream coated skin squelched with every motion you made. Your idle hand managed to loosen the knot of your robe, allowing it fall from your shoulders exposing your round, supple breasts. Nipples instantly hardening at the sudden exposure to the air. Shit, he'd kill just to have his lips around those perky little nipples, sucking on then voraciously until you moan out his name. You could not take all this self-teasing anymore. Jimin's eyes gauges out of its socket as you dip a finger into your damp hole. Jimin thought the heat from the sun was bearable. He'd worked for long hours under it and never complain. But this, you fingering yourself with one hand while the other pulls and twists on your abused nipple was unbearable! The ache between his legs was excruciating he had to casually palm himself. Slightly shifting and bending this leg so that he wasn't noticeable. Another finger goes in, and he's cupping himself harder. He observed your face contort with pleasure at the way you're plunging and curling your two fingers inside of you. Your arousal spilling at the edge of you battered hole, streaming down and accumulating just above your puckered hole. That should be him, he mumbled to himself. Your slender fingers wouldn't be able to satisfy you, unlike his throbbing cock caged inside his boxers, wanting to be set free. Jimin's practically squeezing his dick at this point now, he just wants nothing but to release his ropes cum on you breast while you pleasure yourself. You felt your walls clench around your digits, signalling you that you were nearing climax. You gotta make this quick, Jin, Hoseok or Yugyeom can walk in on you anytime. Adding one last finger, hoping the stretch will help you jump over the edge, you pummeled your cunt with all the strength that you had left. A small moan left your lips and your release came squirting. Coating the marble floor beneath you. Jimim was just as wrecked as you were. His chest was heaving heavily up and down. The only difference was you reached climax, and he didn't, he couldn't. You were steadying you breathing just when you hear Jin yell, "Yo! Jimin! I need you to--" his voice was getting louder and closer. Wide-eyed, you look at Jimin. Mouthing him "Do something!" While you pull yourself together and grab a piece of tissue to wipe your juices off the floor. When you looked up, Jimim wasn't there anymore. He somehow managed to stop Jin from coming any closer to the house from how faintly you hear his voice outside. You sighed and went back to your room. “We’ve done everything we could do today, Ms. Y/n,” Jin happily announces, standing in front of you with his million dollar smile adorning his equally valued face. “We’ll continue everything tomorrow!” “G-great!’ You croaked, substantially tilting your head to see what’s going on behind the tall man’s back. Hoping to catch a glimpse of Jimin. “Ms. Y/n?” he waved his hand in your face, snapping you out of it. “Are you okay?” “Yeah.” You barely reply. Before he could turn his back on you, you managed to pull on his sleeve. “W-where’s Jimin by the way?” He looked surprised, pondering why you’re asking for the boy. “He went back first,” Jin witnessed your facial expression drop, “He said he wasn’t feeling too good.” “O-oh,” you frowned once more, your browns knitting together at the center of your forehead. “Please tell him to get well soon.” “Of course,” He bowed and bid farewell.
Tomorrow comes and Jimin was nowhere to be seen. Jin said Jimin was still feeling under the weather and took the whole day off from work. While that may seem plausible, it didn’t sit well in your gut. You felt like there was something off with Jimin. Never has he been absent since the first day he worked for you. What is that little stunt you pulled off yesterday, you thought to yourself. Were you really that repulsive to the point that it had gotten him sick? Did you ruin your chances of having something more than just a short time fling with the most charming boy you’ve ever met? What if he never wanted to see you anymore, what would you do then. Those kinds of thoughts were inevitable, of course. It was all you could think of the entire day. So that night, you decided to send him a text message, the first one too. From you: Hi Jimin. Jin told me that you fell ill. Try not to over work yourself next time. I hope you get well soon. -yn Jimin stared stupidly at the screen. Thinking of what to reply or if he should reply at all. Several words typed then deleted. He genuinely didn’t know what to say to you. He was ashamed of what he’s shown and with his lack of self-control. He felt appalled with himself.  How could he disrespect you like that? You were a client. A client and worker relationship weren’t prohibited, not at all. It was just his work ethics that wanted everything to be strictly professional, he knew how important your role is to their business. The last thing he wanted was to tarnish what his father built from the ground up with a scandal. So he decided to not let his personal life get involved with his work life. It just makes things complicated, like it is right now. The ‘can’t go to work, feeling sick’ wasn’t wholly a lie. The pain wasn’t physical, it was abstract. And no medicine can induce the pain go away, until he saw your following message. From you: Also, I wanted to talk to you about something. It doesn’t have to be right away, you should rest first and get your health back up. Just message me whenever. Goodnight, Jimin. 
There really was no way out, huh. The next day comes and still no Jimin. That was when you confirmed it. You’ve completely and utterly ruined everything. He did not reply to your messages and didn't even want to see your face. It felt like the ground underneath you cracked opened and devoured you whole. That was the very first time in your life that you’ve acted so venturesomely, look what is has cost you. You blame yourself because there was no one else you could point a finger at. Things wouldn't end up the way they are now if you just stayed in your fucking lane. All of this was your fault. You looked back at all the events that happened to you and realized, maybe it was inevitably your fault. Wonwoo wouldn’t have you left if he saw a reason not to. Jimin wouldn’t be ignoring you if he had a reason no to. The course of the entire day was spent with you cooped up inside your room, wallowing away in your own self-pity. You politely told Jin that you needed some time to be alone and he can decide whatever is best for the landscaping. It was around seven in the evening, Jin bid farewell and suggested that if you needed anything, you could call him up. That was extremely thoughtful of him, you think. Another hour passed and the doorbell rings. You weren't expecting anyone though, so you were quite puzzled as to who it might be. The front door open and you see Jimin. He was wearing a navy blue dress shirt that was folded up to his elbows, wow. Sleek black slacks for pants that cinched his slim waist and leather dress shoes to put everything together. What's the occasion, you thought. "Oh, Jimin" you hid the nervous of your voice by pulling him into a hug "I-its good to see you again, what brings you here? Are you feeling better?" "Ah, yes. I'm sorry for being absent these past few days." His head was hanging low and his eyes were looking elsewhere just to avoid yours. "I wanted to apologize." He finally looked at you with his brown orbs that were displaying sincerity. You ushered him to come inside and take a seat on your couch. "Apologize?" You asked, a little bit perplexed "For what exactly?" "For what I did," his voice grew feebler "I shouldn't have done what I did. I shouldn't have disrespected you like that. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you just because I felt the heat of that moment. I'm sorry, y/n. I swear I'm better than that." "Oh, Jimin." You smiled tenderly, cupping his plump cheeks with your hand. "I think it's the other way around. I should be the one apologizing. Back then, I couldn't control myself when I should have. After seeing you, all the emotions I've put aside unexpectedly erupted." With your unoccupied hand, you tightly held his. "The truth is, you really have grown on me in all the best way possible. Initially, I thought it was just the backlash of my divorce egging me. I thought maybe my mind was looking for a rebound to dull the ache. But..."  Your eyes started becoming glassy. You felt him clutch you hand tighten spurring you to continue "I think that's not it. I know it isn't. You've been nothing but a blessing to me, Jimin. An absolute angel. You're sweet, kind, caring, understanding, ugh--" You mocked frustratingly, letting out a small giggle. "You're perfect. I couldn't see anyone that wouldn't fall for you like I have." Jimin's face reflected what he felt at that moment, relief. This wasn't what he was expecting, hence why he averted the confrontation as best as he could. You were the one who was perfect and completely out of his league. You were a beautiful and capable independent woman that any man would kill for. Your ex-husband was beyond stupid to play with your feelings like he did, he knows. But if it wasn't for your ex's stupidity, he wouldn't be here facing the only woman he'd want to be with for the rest of his life. "I thought you wouldn't like me since I was older--." "Stop." He interrupted, stroking his fingers through your locks while gazing at your gorgeous features. The staring contest ended with the both of you smacking lips, eager to taste what has been endured for so long. Impatient longing was evident in every kiss, lick, bite and tug.  You kissed him so fervently that his back was digging against the backrest of the sofa. One of your legs seemed to have a mind of its own and positioned itself to straddle him. "Are you sure you want me?" You queried the boy beneath you, your tone much mischievous from before, it was like there was a flipped switch somewhere. The noticeable change in the atmosphere has got him simply nodding, excited to know there was this side of you that he has not witnessed before. He watched you as you steadily unravel your blouse's satin belt and started to gently caress his wrist. "Would you mind if I tie up these pretty hands of yours?" You hummed, pulling on his hand up to you face and sucking on his middle finger and ring finger. The sensation of your wet mouth around his digits caused his brain to send signals down there. He could already feel himself get rock hard inside his jeans, thinking about how tight your mouth would be if he shoved his dick down you throat. But he'll save that for another day because right now he just wants to let you do what you want to do with him. Right now, he is yours for the taking. You urged him to lean a little closer to you. His face now between the valley of your breast as you meticulously tie his hands behind his back. You pushed him back to his previous position and inquired, "Do you want me to cover your eyes as well?" He shook his head in protest and said, "N-no. I want to see you." There was a pause as he manages to catch his breath, "I-I wanna see you while you make me feel good." You nodded, brushing his hair out of his sweat slicked forehead. From his head, your hand slid lazily down to his neck, to his chest, to his stomach and finally to the growing bulge inside his pants. You palm him unhurriedly, taking your time. Tracing your fingertips over the curve of his caged penis. "Y-y/n.." Jimin griped, observing your hand press against his erection. Somehow enduring the excruciating pain, your teasing had sown. "Can I ask you one last favor?" You purred, peppering his neck with kisses and sucking purple bruises here and there. "W-what is it?" he managed to reply, reveling in the way your teeth nipped against his delicate skin. "Call me noona," Jimin was silent, somewhat waiting for an explanation. When you told him the first time, he met you that he can call you by your first made him feel special because only he could do that. The other workers call you 'Miss' and Jungkook and Taehyung declared you as 'our noona'. "N-noona-" Jimin whined, bucking his hips harder against you hand. He saw your pupils dilate as the word escaped your lips, inflaming something inside you. "Jimin," you growled, squeezing his around his girth ferociously. Buttons were unfastened one after the other, exposing his refined chest and taut muscles. Out of nowhere, you felt raunchy. The tips of your fingernail slowly dragged themselves across his torso, leaving streaks of red in its track. He flung his head back, enjoying the sting that danced on his skin. Jimin squirmed as he felt your weight suddenly leave his lap. His neck snapped back to your direction and damn, what a sight to see. You tucked between his legs and unzipping his pants exposing his angry red-tipped cock oozing out beads of pre-cum. He smirked as he saw you involuntary lick your lips. "You like what you see, noona?" "God, yes." You exhaled, wrapping both your hands around his shaft not because you wanted to, but because it was necessary. Your tiny, little hand could barely encompass his circumference. "Noona's gonna me you feel good, baby." You felt Jimin's dick twitch by the given pet name. "Noona," he groaned, thrusting his member in your grip just to feel any sort of friction. Sensually, you undid your bloused and hurled it somewhere on the floor followed by your bra, exposing your bare chest to the boy. Jimin jerked in his seat, wanting to grab and knead you breast with his own hands. It looked even better up close. The skin smooth and flawless, nipples pert and hard due to the frosty air. "Fuck" he hissed through his teeth, if he could get his mouth on those buds he'd suck them dry and pull it between his teeth making you cry out. "Behave." You scolded him, eyes staring daggers. He stayed in place once again, not wanting to vex you in any way. 
You ran the flat of you tongue on the underside of his length, feeling his skin pulse at contact. Salaciously making your way to its head, you began circling his narrow slit with the tip of your tongue. Feeble moans were the only things escaping his pretty mouth. You seized this moment to swallow him whole down to the hilt, fighting your gag reflex. Your mouth has never felt this stuffed as you moan in satisfaction. Jimin felt the vibration of your throat around his cock, tightening around it. You languidly started bobbing your head up and down, bottoming out with every stroke. With a lewd pop, you tried pulling your mouth off his cock. Strings of saliva dribbled from your lips connecting to his tip. You push yourself up slight and proceeded painting your nipples with the concoction of you saliva and his pre-cum that was coating the tip of his penis. "How does this feel?" You cooed, sandwiching his hard member between your two breasts, erotically pumping the tender flesh up and down his length. "So so gooood, noona" Jimin wheezed blissfully. The sensation of his cock wholly enveloped by your soft mounds is inclining him over the edge. "Noona," he wailed shutting his eyes, the urgency of wanting to release washing over him. By the look of things, you guess he's close. You quicken the pace, feeling the skin of you breast chafe due to friction but you don't care. You clamped your hand on your boobs harder to tighten its hold around his cock and pump faster and faster and faster until he's cumming on you tits. "Shit, noona," Jimin stressed, his breaths labored. You watched as his chest heaved up and down, supplying him with the oxygen he needs after such an intense climax. "Oh no. Look at the mess you made, Jimin." You shook your head, pointing to your breast painted with his milky liquid. "I don't like messes," You sing-song, pushing yourself back up to straddle him once more. You clasped your finger under his chin and commanded, "clean it." His heart stammered in his chest. This is it. This is what he desired. Your perky nipples snug between his lips while your back arches in euphoria. He aggressively lapped up his juices from the skin of your chest with his tongue, leaving no trace of the substance behind. Up and down, left and right, there was no area left untouched by his wet greedy muscles. If he could only see the contorted position he put himself in just to taste you. He doesn't give a shit anymore, he'll gladly eat his cum out of you asshole if you asked. He obscenely sucked you left nipple first, earning the tiniest moan from you. Alternating between light nips and starved slurps, abusing your bud. He then moves to your right nipple, the more sensitive one that has you immediately grinding your clothed core against his semi-hard on. "Let me make you feel good, noona." He desperately whined, concealing his face in the nook of your neck inhaling your fragrant scent. You quirked a brow and asked while weaving you digits through his sweat-damped hair. "What does my baby have in mind?" "Let me.." he croaked. "Louder. I can't hear you." "Let me eat you out, noona. Let me make you feel good." He begged with pleading eyes , fidgeting his hands that were behind his back, trying to untie the belt that was restraining him. "I can make you--" "If you take those off I am kicking you out." You threateningly glared at him, voice deadly like venom. Jimin was scared shitless. He could do nothing but sit silently and obey. "I-I'm sorry, noona. I didn't mean to make you mad." This boy. It may seem like you're the one in control but it is you who are actually wrapped around his little finger. Giving in to what he wants. "It's okay, baby." you massaged his tensed shoulders, soothing him down. "I'll still let you eat me out if you promise not to take off your restraint." You sounded so sweet, the exact opposite of what you were minutes ago. Not wanting to piss you off more, Jimin nodded. You helped him lay down the sofa, propping his head underneath a throw pillow. You stepped to the side and shimmied your pants off. His eyes trailed the article of clothing peeling off your body. When the pair of jeans were long gone, his gaze was attached to your still clothed core. A small wet patch sticking to your folds in the middle was visible. You prop a leg over him, climbing on top of his chest, finding purchase when his face is below your pussy. He could smell the scent of you arousal. Filling up his nostrils and intoxicating his entire nervous system like it's some kind of poison. This by far was the best angle he's seen you in. Seeing it up close, he wished he could at least touch you… You moved into a considerably better position, if you buck your hips the slightest bit, if will directly collide with his mouth. "This what you want baby boy?" You teased, lowering you center on the tip of his nose. Overpowering him even more. "Yes, yes, yes!" He cries out, "I want nothing but your pussy, noona!" You snickered at how desperate he has become, "Who knew you were such a little bitch, Jimin. Loving the way you hands are tied up and thirsting over my pussy." "Yes! I want to taste you, noona. I want to make you feel good until you're squirting all over my face like you did before on the floor. Then I'll eat you up so good, so clean." "Good boy." You thrummed, ultimately taking off your underwear. Letting him marvel at the sight of your woman hood. Clean Shaven, baby smooth, and tulip pink. Without warning, you hastily maneuver yourself, grinding your core against his face. "Put your filthy mouth to good use and make me cum." The sounds he was making were borderline pornographic as hell. His slurps and moans blessing your ears, making your insides rut. He'd occasionally prod his muscles inside your hole then flick on your clit relentlessly. The tensed coil finally snapped and you chase you high by grinding against his face. He's devouring you out like a man starved, sucking out and drinking all the juice your pussy was providing him. Wanting nothing but to be selfish, and have you for himself. He licked you clean, not wasting a single drop of your delicious cum. "I didn't know you were such a disgusting slut for pussy, Jimin." "I, I only want your pussy noona… no one else's." He confessed. "On your knees." You demand. "H-huh?" "I said on you knees. You slut." Jimin dropped down on the floor waiting for your next command like the slut he is. "Tell me how much you want to fuck me." "I-I.." He stuttered with his words, and it made you infuriated. "I said. Tell me how much you want to fuck this tight pussy of mine."  You bellowed, your words bouncing off the walls of your living you. "I want to fuck you so much, noona! I want to bury my cock so deep inside your pussy until I reach your cervix then I'll fuck you some more. I want nothing but to fill you up with my seed and put a baby in you, noona! I'll fuck you so good that you'll want to you pussy filled by me every day!" He cried, plunging his head on the floor in a begging for your life bow. "Please, please, please!" Jimin was hysterical at this point, screaming and begging you to let him fuck you. "Noona, please. I'll fuck you so good that you'll forget about all your problems." You shiver at his submission and once again, he's got you eating at the palm of his hands. You freed his wrist and he lunges at you, hustling you up against the wall. "Noona," he breathed in the smell of your shampoo, steadying his hands on your hips fingers digging into your skin. "You don't know how much I wanted to put my hands on you. I can't take it anymore, noona."  he pressed his erection against your slick folds "I need to be inside you." "Then show noona what that dirty cock can do." you smirked, challenging the boy. He gripped both of your thighs and carried you to the dinner table. Laying you down before spreading your legs open for him. He aligned his cock to your entrance, pushing gradually, inch by inch until he bottomed out. The stretch was incredible, you were already dripping wet but there was still the sting that lingered from his size. Your walls were trying resisting the force, convulsing around his length spontaneously. "You're tighter than I've imagined, noona." You did kegels around him, eliciting a sharp groan from the boy. "Fuck, Noona. You were made for my cock." You hummed in agreement, relishing the sensation of him pushing in and out of your tight hole. "Baby.." You moaned wantonly, elevating you butt so that he could have a better angle while penetrating you ruthlessly. "Your thick long cock is the best I've ever had. Better than my ex-husband's pathetic excuse for a dick." His ego doubled at your praise, pride blooming in his chest. "More, noona.. please tell me how great my cock is for you.." "Ahhh-- ahh. Jimin!" You bit your lip, clenching around him. "You're taking remarkably good care of noona. Fucking your noona so good. I love your cock so much. I want you to fill me up with you cum. Yeah? Hmmmm. Make your noona the happiest by cumming inside my pussy." There was the push he needed, he was plunging further into you. He felt the barrier of your cervix and broken through it before spilling all his seed into your womb. You quickly followed when you felt the warmth of his juices flowing into you. Your velvet walls convulsed around his cock, milking him for all his worth. Silence fell on the both of you, only the south of your panting and harsh breath resonated. You supported yourself up with you elbows as Jimin pull out his now flaccid penis. You felt the trickle of both of your releases slobber out of your sore hole. "Baby, do noona a favor and clean up the mess you've made with your mouth." Jimin without hesitation obeyed and dove right in. Making sure to get every last drop of yours and his cum with his tongue. He lifted his head, mouth glistening from your juices. You pulled him closer to pet his held. "You were such a good boy for noona. Bring me to bed." He obliged, carrying you bridal style to your room. His muscles rippling under your stripped body. "Noona?" He questioned while his face was still cuddling your tummy. "Hmm?" "Did I make you feel good?" You lifted up his face and said, "You made me feel so good, baby." You assured, loving the way his eyes turn into crescent moons endearing when he smiles. "Can we do that again? But this time I want the blindfolds." He flashed a cheeky grin. You smirked at his innocence, placing a kiss on his temple. "Of course, baby. We have all the time in the world." ++ The sound of knocking on your front door wakes you up, seems like this is will be a regular thing now. You managed to put on an oversized shirt and underwear on before heading to the source of the noise. You opened the doors at was bet by Jungkook and Taehyung. "Good morning, boys." You yawned, gesturing them to come in. "Uhm. Good morning, noona" Jungkook croaked, pushing his senior to speak on his behalf. "See, we haven't heard from Jimin since last night so uh-- it's just jungkook and I that'll be finishing up work today." Taehyung stated. "About that…." 
You heard the door of your room creak open and out comes Jimin with nothing but this boxers on and hickeys all over his neck and chest. The two boys looked at each other dumbfoundedly and once they've put two and two together, huge grins were plastered on their faces. End
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mystery-star · 4 years
Blood Purity - George Weasley (Part 1 / 3)
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence
Words: 2960
Series Navigation:  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
“What?” you asked in disbelief “You can’t leave me all alone!” you pouted.
“I’m sorry. Really am. But I have no other choice. My parents always wanted me to go to this school all my life” your best friend explained.
“But why does it has to be so far away?”
“I’ll write you every day. I promise” you only nodded. He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and grinned “And we’ll see each other at Christmas”
“Okay” you said. But you still didn’t want to believe that Lee wouldn’t be around after this summer anymore. Although he wasn’t in your school because his parents sent him to private boarding school. In Scotland! But that couldn’t tarnish your friendship. When you were in first grade, he even wanted to go to your school instead of being home schooled. However, by Wednesday he was fed up, on Thursday he almost threw a fit and on Friday he didn’t even show up anymore. Of course there were times when you envied him because he seemed to have more free time than you did but you mostly whished that you could be with him. But your parents couldn’t afford a private school or something. And now Lee would go to a boarding school hundreds of miles away and you wouldn’t see him for a long time.
One week after he told you, you celebrated your 11th birthday but it sucked because although you knew Lee would drop by later it remembered you that he probably won’t be around on your next few birthdays. When you were scanning your birthday mail you saw one very strange letter. It looked as if it was written on parchment and it made you very excited so you just opened it.
“Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Ms (Y/L/N)
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. A staff member will contact you and your family in the following days to explain further things and help answer questions.
Yours sincerely
Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress” you stared at it in disbelief and frowned.
“What the hell is this?” you showed it to your parents “I bet Lee is behind this”
When Lee finally arrived this afternoon, you just held the letter under his nose, kind of congratulating him for his ingenious idea. But Lee seemed to carry it on and he grabbed the letter, staring it in disbelief.
“Did you get that today?”
“Well of course”
“Oh my… I can’t believe it! You’re coming with me! You’re not a muggle!”
“What the hell is a muggle?”
“Anyone who isn’t a witch or a wizard. And I am one too. My parents also. And since I’m eleven and you too we can go to Hogwarts in September. Together. That means we’ll see each other more often. Oh maybe we’ll both be sorted into the same house and then we have classes together and…”
“What are you talking about? Stop this, magic doesn’t exist”
“What?” he said and looked hurt. Then he grabbed your wrist and started pulling you out of the house, yelling at your parents that he’d prove you magic was real. He led you to his home, put your letter on the kitchen table and beamed at his parents. “She’s a witch too” he said. His parents read it and smiled.
“That’s really great”
“What? You’re in this too?”
“In what?”
“His prank. It obviously can’t be real. There’s no magic. I mean real magic”
“Did you never make something… strange happen?”
“Maybe but we always thought it was me. Now come on, I’ll show you my stuff. Then you’ll believe it” you sighed but followed him to his room “if you want we can bring you to Diagon Alley to get all your stuff too. Okay, so this is my wand” he showed you a stick with some carvings in it.
“Oh yeah, really nice. Then come on, show me something” you crossed your arms.
“I can’t. If you’re not of age you’re not allowed to use magic outside of school”
“So you didn’t go to a private school but some wizard kindergarten? Or a witch nursery?” you mocked.
“No Hogwarts is the only magical school in England. But my parents educated me at home in the most important subjects. Reading, writing, a bit of calculation, history of magic.”
“Okay” you said and grinned “if this really is your wand I should be able to do magic with it, right?” you grabbed his ‘wand’ and pointed it at him “Abracadabra” he shrieked and jumped out of the way. And you did the same when green sparks flew out of the stick and hit the pillow which burst open and a bunch of feathers was in the air.
“What the fuck? What the…? Why did you try to kill me? Have you gone mad? Holy fucking shit” he shouted and took the wand away, while you stared at the destroyed pillow.
“What…what was this?”
“You cast a fucking killing curse! And you destroyed my pillow”
“A killing curse?”
“Yes one of the three unforgivable curses”
“What? No, I was just saying a magic spell or whatever. Just for fun.”
“You-you muggles think casting such a thing is funny?”
“Well yeah. Nothing ever happens, well unless today”
“But do you believe me now?”
“I don’t know if I can. It still sounds so strange”
“Alright. We’ll wait a few days and then you will know for sure that magic is real”
As it was written in the letter, a crazy old grandpa who called himself Professor Dumbledore arrived at your house and proved you and your parents that magic and Hogwarts was real. Since you haven’t told your parents what happened at Lee’s they were more shocked than you. But the Santa Clause in a lilac dress only chuckled and told you that Mr and Mrs Jordan would accompany you to Diagon Alley if you wouldn’t mind. After he answered a bunch of questions from your parents, he left and was gone from one moment to the other.
Somehow you could only believe that everything was real when you were in Diagon Alley with your friend and his parents. You had to admit that it was fantastic and wonderful and you couldn’t believe it was real.
Your excitement reached a maximum on the first of September when you were going to London to board the train to Hogwarts. Lee assured you that once you were in the train he’d show you a couple of spells he already knew. Or that you could try out those that were in your books. Of course you had already browsed them and read stuff that really interested you.
Saying goodbye was hard. But you’d see your parents again at Christmas and you were looking forward to the school. Lee already told you a few things that his parents told him about Hogwarts. And today he told you about some dark wizards, like You-know-who. He was defeated eight years ago when he tried to kill a baby called Harry Potter who seemed to be a phenomena in the magical world. After you asked him what this You-know-who (or You-don’t-know-who in your case) was after. So Lee told you about blood status and other crap.
“You mean like this German leader who persecuted Jews? In World War II?”
“Why did he do this and what is a Jew?”
“Someone who believes in another God. And he thought they were parasites and stuff so he wanted to get rid of them”
“That’s horrible”
“I know. I didn’t know there were different types of blood status in the magical world. Do you think this dark wizard also persecuted wizards and witched with a blood status he didn’t consider as good?”
“Maybe. My parents never told me”
“I hope he didn’t. So you weren’t concerned?”
“Not really. I’m a halfblood because my grandmother was a muggle-born witch. And so my father is a halfblood. But on my Mum’s side everyone’s a pureblood”
“But why are you a halfblood then? Shouldn’t you be a three-quarter?”
“Who did that kind of maths? Is that because all wizards are home schooled in maths?”
“Dunno. But I don’t care. Blood status is crap. I mean you’re muggle-born and the first time you held a wand in your hand you blasted my pillow. In my case nothing happened. Okay, the wand didn’t chose me but still”
“Maybe this is racism in the magical world. All the… what are they called again? Purebloods?” you were interrupted when the door to your compartment was pushed open and two people ran in, slamming the door shut behind them and giggling. They didn’t seem to have seen you.
“Yes, purebloods” Lee said, eyeing the boys who now turned around.
“Oh, hi. Didn’t see you two in there” one of them said and you realised it must be twins “can we hide in here with you?”
“Hide? What did you do?”
“We used a balding spell on Percy’s rat. Now he’s getting a bit ratty”
“Okay” you said and shrugged.
“Anyways” Lee said “What did you want to say about purebloods?”
“Oh err right. What was it? Um… ah yes. Racism. So in fact they all strut around like kings and bash all others”
“Oi!” the twins exclaimed “We don’t strut around”
“And the only people we bash are our brothers”
“Which deserve it by the way”
“Wait” you said and felt embarrassed “You are purebloods?”
“And you definitely aren’t” they answered back.
“But don’t worry. In contrast to you we won’t make fun of you because you have another blood status than we do”
“It’s crap anyway. Blood heritage can’t tell if you’re a good wizard or not”
“Wait” Lee said “You are Weasleys, right? Those blood traitors”
“What’s a blood traitor?” you asked.
“Purebloods with enough decency to let others alone. Those who don’t strut around like kings”
“In fact you’d better be glad that were such people. Or else we’d have stormed out of the compartment already because you obviously are muggle-born”
“So I was right. Purebloods hate others”
“Most do. But we don’t. And now let’s put that aside and never speak about bloodstatus again. Because nobody cares.”
“And those who do are idiots”
The twins were right. In all your time at Hogwarts there were only a few people who treated you like someone inferior because you were muggle-born. And those students really were idiots, not just because they made fun of you but they also laughed at others or weren’t nice in general. As you had been told, most of them were in Slytherin, except for one who was in Gryffindor.
But by now you were rid of them because you had graduated two years ago and found yourself a job in the Ministry of Magic. Your boyfriend, George, and his twin had their own joke shop which was already a big success. Lee aborted his traineeship and spent more time at home or helped his friends at their store.
The problem with the Ministry was that it wasn’t the same as when you started there. Voldemort (Now you knew who You-know-who was, unfortunately), who returned at the end of you sixth year at Hogwarts, was slowly taking over the Ministry and so you had taken a few days off, also because the twins’ eldest brother got married on the first of August. Fred and George even tried to persuade you to resign because they didn’t want you to go to work. Also Lee told you he’d rather you stopped working there. You assured them that you’d leave when it would get worse.
And it got worse. Exactly on the day of the wedding. A talking patronus informed you that Death Eaters overtook the Ministry and were on their way to the wedding. In panic most guests disapparated but you couldn’t do so before you were sure that Lee, Fred and George were all safe so you made your way towards them. Before you reached them, however, it was obvious that you had no chance against your enemies. Luckily the Death Eaters told you they wouldn’t harm you as long as you answered them a few questions. They shooed you into the living room of the Burrow were a couple of them were watching you while two Death Eaters were interrogating one guest after another in the kitchen. In the meantime, their colleagues that stayed with you enquired everyone’s blood status and personal data. You could tell that they were particularly interested in you and the fact that you were muggle-born. By the looks of the others, especially George’s, you could tell that they were not pleased and seemed worried.
The worries turned out to not have been out of place since only three weeks later, in which you didn’t go to work and stayed with Fred and George, you received a letter from the Ministry. At first you thought (and maybe hoped) it only was a firing, which it was as well. But the envelope also contained another paper. Before you could finish reading it, George must have found out that it was bothering you and asked what it was.
“Muggle-born registration” you muttered.
“A what?” he got up and took the paper out of your hand, reading it himself. With every word he got paler “They-they can’t do this! This is…” he balled the paper up and tossed it away, kicking his foot against the next chair and cursing. Fred peeked into the room.
“What’s happening?”
“A pink, old, toad is happening” George shouted and picked up the paper “she wants every muggle-born to fill out a questionnaire about their family and hand it in in person in the Ministry”
“And once they’re there they will find an excuse to imprison them?” Fred suggested and George only nodded before sinking down on a chair.
“I will not let this monster harm her ever again”
“Maybe if we fake some documents and pretend that I’m related from someone from the order? That could help.”
“I’m sure they’d see through it. Umbridge knows you and she knows exactly that you are muggle-born”
“But what other possibilities do we have?” you asked
“We hide”
“We? You don’t have to come, they’re not after you”
“Did you really think I’d leave my girlfriend all alone in these times?”
“But you can’t do this. You have your shop and what about your family?”
“You are my family too. And you’re more important than the shop. No one’s coming right now anyway” he got up and grabbed your shoulders “And it’s too dangerous for you to be alone. I won’t let something happen to you” after he let go of your shoulders he took hold of your hands “And this is why I will go with you” in your gratitude you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close.
“Thank you” you whispered.
And so you were on the run the next day. You hoped that the Death Eaters would leave your parents, Lee’s family and the Weasleys alone. Unfortunately you had no contact with the magical world but every now and then you’d send an owl with a short message to Lee or the Weasleys, telling them you were both alright. Although you didn’t know if it was a good idea to take George with you, you were very glad that he was with you.
In the first few months everything was easy and you chanced location every few days. But one day, you were found by a group of Snatchers but before they could do anything you disapparated. From then on you were even more careful and you managed to escape two other times. By now you wanted that your boyfriend went home. Because you feared that one day you wouldn’t be able to escape. And you didn’t want to get George into trouble. But he refused to leave you and told you he didn’t care about what might happen to him.
So one day you decided to take drastic action and leave him during the time he was sleeping or otherwise occupied. But first you wanted to write him a letter that he should go home and not look for you because he wouldn’t find you anyway. When you reached a new destination he quickly offered that he’d go and collect firewood and you sensed a chance to leave. You feared he’d know what you were planning to do because you hugged him tight before he left, telling him how much you loved him and that he should look after himself. As soon as he was out of sight you quickly packed your stuff and when you stood, you felt guilty for leaving him just like this. What if he didn’t see the letter? And then you remembered that you had to write it first. So you grabbed a piece of parchment and something to write, scribbling down the note. Then you looked for a good place to put it so that he’d see it immediately. But before you could put it there you heard footsteps. Was he back already? As always you grabbed your wand when you started to look around.
“Over here! I found the mudblood” someone shouted and in the next moment your wand flew out of your hand. And then you saw one of the Snatchers that were hunting you in the past days.
Part 2 | Part 3 |
Taglist:  @ta-ka-shi-ma @mrsfredweasleywife​, @muggleborngirl​, @thoseofgreatambition​ @slvtherinseeker
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