#mudblood slur tw
wnbnny · 5 months
forbidden fruit - nishimura riki
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slytherin!niki x ravenclaw!reader
warnings: hogwarts au, pureblood/muggleborn society, use of slur "mudblood", a lot of angst, betrayal, lots of swearing, fluff, use of third person pov, niki's friends basically being assholes, threats and mentions of death, can get a bit dark at times i guess, idk man idk how to write tws
genre: coming of age, enemies(ok not really but society issues and stuff) to friends to enemies to lovers, hogwarts au
status: coming soon... (taglist open!)
author's note: aaa i'm so excited for this omd >< taglist is open for this fic!
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sneak peek...
"you really think i would make friends with a mudblood?" he sneered, upper lip curling up in disgust as you shrank backwards, his friends smirking at your heartbroken expression.
"filthy mudblood."
two words snarled at you. two words that broke your fragile glass heart as you crumpled, leaving you heartbroken and hurt. two words that completely destroyed whatever friendship the two of you had managed to build up, leaving only ruin in it's wake.
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@capri-cuntz @vixialuvs @enhagvrl @judeduartewannabe @livnmsy @heeseungspookie @ming-h0e @istphanie @soobs-things @kangseulgithegreat @hohohobo @asteria-wood @belowbun @gudkc @hearts4itoshi @saintriots @mora134340 @riksaes @ak-aaa-li @strawberrymilkyum @heart4hees @lovleybahiyyih @yjsunzi @yoonzns @firstclassjaylee @baekxo07 @rk1stars @luminouskalopsia @wonniesverse @starseungs @sleepdeprivedline @soobiary @kpop-fanatic-lover16 
@capri-cuntz @vixialuvs @enhagvrl @judeduartewannabe @livnmsy @heeseungspookie @ming-h0e @istphanie @soobs-things @kangseulgithegreat @hohohobo @asteria-wood @belowbun @gudkc @hearts4itoshi @saintriots @mora134340 @riksaes @ak-aaa-li @strawberrymilkyum @heart4hees @lovleybahiyyih @yjsunzi @yoonzns @firstclassjaylee @baekxo07 @rk1stars @luminouskalopsia @wonniesverse @starseungs @sleepdeprivedline @soobiary @kpop-fanatic-lover16 
(i'm so so sorry if the tags aren't woking, i'm fixing it TT taglist is still open tho!) (some people might get re-tagged multiple times in this but so sorry for the false alarm, i'm just trying to get the tags to work)
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florenceafternoon · 4 days
tw for 'blood thinner' use in racist context
I feel like I've become desensitised to the slur mudblood (as a kid hearing that granted the same reaction from me as the n word) but every now and then I read a jily fic and someone calls Lily a blood thinner and I flinch.
I'm not sure if that's because as a south-east asian living in Australia, I've heard my friends be called blood thinner in regards to their white boyfriends or if I've just become so used to reading mudblood. But after hearing asian auties say that to my friends in their own homes ... I can't help but think that that's how Lily must have felt in seventh year.
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spaghetti-oh-s · 1 year
TW - use of fictional slur (from harry potter), mention of abuse, mild violence
“-filthy mudblood.”
Harry’s never heard that word, but he’s heard others said in the same way. Boy. Freak.
“I’m a halfblood meself - me dad’s a muggle, me mam’s a witch. Bit of a nasty shock when ‘e found out.”
Halfblood. Muggleborn. Malfoy’s all-wizard family. The wrong sort. Harry can connect the dots.
He clenches his fists and doesn’t move. He’s distantly aware of shouting, but it’s drowned out by his mantra of don’t move, don’t react, retaliating will get you hurt.
He looks up from the ground and sees Malfoy’s smug smirk.
Don’t move.
Looks over and sees Hermione’s closed-off expression.
Don’t react.
He sees a look of resignation in her eyes that he knows all too well.
Retaliating will get you hurt.
No one’s paying him any attention.
Don’t move.
They’re all too busy yelling or holding someone back.
Don’t react.
They don’t spare Harry a glance.
Retaliating will get you hurt.
He leaps at Malfoy and tackles him to the ground.
Don’t move.
He doesn’t even think of using his wand, just swings his fist.
Don’t react.
He lived with Vernon and Dudley Dursley his whole life, after all.
Retaliating will get you hurt.
Someone curses.
Don’t move.
There’s blood - a split lip.
Don’t react.
He feels the crunch of bone under his knuckles.
Retaliating will get you hurt.
Wind pulls at the grass but doesn’t for a second touch Harry.
Too late.
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seeingeyecatgirl · 5 years
Mudblood is a slur
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thebooktopus · 2 years
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for the @drarrymicrofic prompt "blood." (T, 325 words) tw: blood, minor character death, canon-typical violence
When he was 8, Draco’s father taught him that his blood was good and clean and pure. Never once tainted by mudbloods, who had sludge in their veins, impure and black.
“Sanctimonia Vincet Semper.”
When he was 16, his blood stained the water that puddled around him in a dark bathroom. No amount of purity would save him now. He felt glad for it.
But life was siphoned back into his veins, black eyes piercing his, willing him to stay. There would be many times in his life that Draco wished he hadn't listened.
When he was 17, he was living a nightmare. Watching his aunt carve a slur into his classmate, Draco had gripped his left forearm, phantom pain blooming under his palm. Her blood pooled around her as she grit her teeth and proved herself to be ten times the person he was.
He noticed her blood was indistinguishable from his own, bright red as it pulsed from the wound.
When he was 23, he watched a blood curse drain the mother of his child. Astoria was perhaps not his one true love, but she was his best friend no less.
He cradled their infant son in his arms as the life left her eyes, her blood and body cooling in death.
When he was 24, he held Scorpius in his arms in the St Mungo’s waiting room, agonizing as patient after patient got called in before them. He considered approaching the front desk for a third time when a familiar voice called out. “Malfoy?”
Verdant green eyes held his own as Potter said, “Don’t worry, it’s just a bit of blood.” Potter’s powerful magic tidied Scorpius right up and stole the breath from Draco’s lungs.
When he was 28, Draco betrayed his lineage for a half-blood. It was the easiest decision he would ever make.
As he slit his palm and let Harry’s blood mingle with his own, he whispered, “I do.”
<<previous microfic>>
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I need to say something that I don't hear anyone talk about
TW: Child Abuse, Child Torture, Swearing, Sexual harassment/abuse, Child sexual harassment/abuse.
And is that people like to hate on Snape a lot and love The Marauders and Lily, they like to point out all the things Snape did, as an adult I remind you, but ignore all the things they did to him, like it never happened.
So I will remind you
First James tied him up so he wouldn’t fight back and when he swears at him he choke him with soap and sexually harass/abuse Severus. And if you think someone stripping someone else of their clothes and humiliate them in front of everyone is not sexual harassment we are going to have a very short conversation. There is the thing that this wasn't the first James did this to him. Which it would be sexual abuse.
After James leaves Severus in his underwear, Lily smiles at that, Snape calls her a mudblood in a moment of heat without any textual reason. Snape being sexually harassed in front of everyone, and Liliy contains her smile.
She tought sexual harassment was funny, who does that? Who is enough of a shit of a human being to smile at someone who is being harassed publicly, especially to a friend, because in her eyes she was a friend of Severus, what would Harry have done if Ron was being harassed? or Hermione? He would certainly not smile, I can tell you that much.
Lily even has the nerve to scold him for having called her a mudblood and being friends with Death Eaters, after she contained her smile, and Severus was aware of this fact, since all that was in Severus' memory.
I almost missed to mention that she walked away while her “friend” was still being stripped from his underwear, all because he said a slur. If a friend calls you a slur you have all the right to stop being their friend, but you don't walk away from that and let that happen, that’s just heartless and shows you never really care for them.
Some people think that Snape actually deserves that, because of his actions, actions that happened when he was an adult.
How exactly do you deserve something that happened to you before you act wrongly? I still wonder, because that's not how this works.
You don't get punished for something you unlikely would do, you just don't mix these things either. If you do something, you should be punished fairly for what you did, If someone did something wrong to you, you should have the right to have this person being punished for what they did to you, fairly. Pain and abuse aren’t tradable.
None of these things happened to Severus or Lily or The Marauders. And a child is never at fault of their abuse, never.
And I focused on Lily because she is viewed as someone gentle and kind, instead of a hypocrite.
When Harry wonders why she would marry someone like his father, it was possibly because she was like all the audience Severus had when he was being abused, the difference is that she pretended she wasn't.
And for all the people who love the Lily and James relationship or think it’s lovely, James threatens to hex Lily when she pulls her wand out, and trying to manipulate her into date him by torturing her “friend”. We already knew of his abusive behavior by not taking a no for an answer , and well… Everything else he did.
If these things didn't have happened to Severus he most likely wouldn't turn out the way he did, people aren't born evil, they could be born without empathy, which is not the case of Snape.
James was a mentaly healthy boy, he was also privileged with a wealthy wizard family (and feel superior by it) with loving parents, there is no reason for his behavior more than that, this is weak writing by JKRowling, but that is not a surprise. It could be that he was jealousy of Severus for being “friends” with Lily, but jealousy dosen’t make a minor sexually harass/abuse another.
(I just reread the book and it was in fact because he wanted to get Lily attention, not exactly by jealousy.)
He also bullied other people and hexed them, anyone who would bother him.
Sirirus grew up in a house of Death Eaters and, again, it doesn't explain what external influence made him hate the doctrine his parents tried to give him, and it wasn't his friends since he hated them, their doctrine and Slytherin House before going to Hogwarts. Weak writing.
Sirius send Severus to Remus while he was a werewolf, with the intention that that would kill Severus and make Remus a murderer, for the people who still don’t have it clear, Sirius atempted to kill Severus, and wasn’t a loyal friend.
18 years old Regulus black did realize how bad the situation was when Voldemort killed people, Regulus felt that wasn't right, and sacrificed himself trying to stop him.
He would not get along, much less have a relationship with James or Sirius, he was a Slytherin, James and Sirius hated Slytherins, didn't matter their beliefs or personality, they bullied anyone weak who couldn't defend themselves, in that case Severus.
It’s said that James saved the live of Severus (like that would make amends for all the abuse he give him, It wouldn’t), when it could be that he simply was saving his friend from becoming a murderer.
We were shown a Peter excited when his friends tortured Severus, which make sence his then future actions.
What did Severus do to them? Just existing according to James.
The list of things that we know James and Sirius did to Snape (they probably did more since they started bulling him since first year)
Tied him up
Hang him upside down
Choke him and make him gag with soap
Hex him and caused him bleed
Tried to make one of his friends to kill him
Sexually harass him publicly
Stripped him naked
Hang him upside down
Verbally abused him
Physically abused him
Physically torture him
This lasted for a period of seven years. Psychologically, being abused for years, and the most important years of human brain development do affect it, deeply, which could lead to developing all the trials and mental illnesses that Snape has been shown/implied to have in his adulthood.
But putting all this horrible things aside, the one who is the most to blame for how Severus turned out, and then makes fun of him, when he is an adult for joined the Death Eaters, for letting James and Sirius did this things, and even help them have more authority, was Albus. He was the adult, the director that supposed to protect the students, and fail by his own decision, he didn’t guide them, he genuinely thought that if a kid is being bullied or harassed they should know how to defend themselves, that they were responsible of their own safety, he is childish and irresponsible, neglected and abused his authority and students, and the character to have the most blame for everything that happened in Hogwarts. And he did know very well what they were doing to Severus.
So my point is, you can hate Snape, you can even hate Draco, who, correct me if I’m wrong, never did the most extreme things that James and Sirius did, and changed before he reached adulthood, I wouldn’t give you shit for that. But if you like Srius and Lily and James and Albus then you are just being a hypocrite and you don’t hate the Slytherins because they are bad, that's just an excuse.
Source: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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wylanvnneck · 3 years
Fate, Love, and Other Misfortunes | Jurdan AU
Rating: T
TW: No major archive warnings apply, although there is some swearing.
Summary: Ever since Jude received her soulmark she's been waiting with bated breath to meet and consequently strangle her soulmate. When she finally does find him, however, there’s more than one surprise in store for her.
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Word Count: 1,123
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Chapter 1: Heart Attack - Demi Lovato
It’s their 6th year back at Hogwarts and Jude’s twin sister still doesn’t seem to be able to grasp the idea of punctuality. Jude had left her behind in their dorm room almost a quarter of an hour ago, and yet here she was, standing just outside of the Potions classroom tapping her foot impatiently and avoiding eye contact all of the Ravenclaws and fellow Slytherins brushing past her in the corridor. 
Potions was her second favourite subject, right under Defense Against the Dark Arts and she really didn’t want to get on Professor Snapdragon’s bad side at the very start of the term, so when five minutes later there was still no sign of Taryn, she resolutely abandons her vigil and storms towards the door. Only, instead of smoothly sailing through an open door as expected, she crashes gracelessly into a sturdy wall of black robes and a loosely knotted blue and gold tie. A Ravenclaw.
Hastily pulling back she opens her mouth to apologise but before she can even get a word in, the wall speaks. “Watch where you’re going, Mudblood.”
Time stands still. The slur against her muggle ancestry was cruel and terribly insulting but whilst Jude was never one to let an insult like that go, it isn’t what causes her mouth to drop open and her cheeks to flush a horrid shade of crimson.
Instead, it’s the fact that she’s just met her soulmate. 
If she were to glance at her bare chest, would the harsh words written there have turned silver, she wonders idly. She’s pretty sure she already knows the answer to that and she’s equally sure that it’s a resounding ‘yes.’
Bracing herself for the grim revelation, she finally raises her head to make eye contact with the boy that fate had oh so cruelly destined for her. His eyes are dark and depthless, the same shade as his messy curls, in sharp contrast to his light and obnoxiously defined lips. Not only was her soulmate an asshole, he was also painfully gorgeous. Not to mention, the notorious Ravenclaw, Cardan Effing Greenbriar, well-known bully and spoiled son of one Eldred Greenbriar, proud head of one of England’s oldest wizarding families. 
“I said-” 
“I know what you said,” she snaps, then pauses, heart racing. She’s just uttered her first direct words to him. This was the moment when recognition would flare in his ebony eyes and he would realise that she was his soulmate and-
“Well then, if you’re not deaf, why is it that you still haven’t gotten out of my way?” The arched brow and slight smirk on his face are infuriating and the sound of his usual dedicated posse of dimwits snorting behind him makes Jude’s blood boil even as confusion starts to rack through her. Surely he had recognised her words by now? Even if he was an idiot, no one could so easily forget about their soul mark, she was certain. 
Seconds pass and there is still no sign of awareness in his demeanour.
“Jude! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to get so late, I promise, I just-” Taryn stops rambling the moment she registers the sight of her twin squaring off with Cardan Greenbriar, the most feared and sought after boy in their grade, someone that Jude had always managed to avoid in the past.
She blinks, brought out of her trance-like state by her sister’s appearance. Abruptly, she twirls around and marches through the doorway to Potions class, leaving her gaping twin and a smug Cardan behind.
Not only had Jude undoubtedly gotten on Professor Snapdragon’s bad side for being late, but the rest of her first proper day back at Hogwarts after the holidays had also only gotten worse from there. 
Previously, she had managed to steer clear of Cardan Greenbriar and his goons by keeping her head down and not getting too close, but now that she had been spotted on their radar they seemed to find amusement in picking on her, as evidenced by cerulean-haired Nicasia’s loud whisper of how ‘muggles were often rather slow on the uptake and that ‘it really wasn’t the poor thing’s fault’ after Jude had answered a question incorrectly. 
Even Defense Against the Dark Arts which she usually excelled at hadn’t gone well because even though that class was with the Hufflupuffs and the Ravenclaws were nowhere nearby, Jude’s mind was completely unable to focus on speaking her incantations correctly.
All in all, it was a wretched day and she desperately claimed a headache so she could cry off of going to the Quidditch pitch to watch practice with Taryn and their roommates Sophie and Surin after lunch, meaning that she had the dorm all to herself to ponder the morning’s events.
Standing in front of the gilt-edged mirror in their room, Jude yanks off her robes to observe the words that had appeared on her chest when was 14, words that had hurt her and left her feeling resigned but disappointed, that had made her feel rather reluctant to meet the man who would speak them. After all, it wasn’t really the most romantic of sentences. It wasn’t even civil.
But be that as it may, the words had definitely changed colour. Whereas previously the curlique script on her cleavage had been written in a stark black that stood out against her tan skin, they were now a faintly metallic silver, confirming what she already knew; that Cardan Greenbriar was indeed her soulmate.
What she didn’t know, however, was why he hadn’t reacted to finding out who his soulmate was. Sometime during the day the idea that he may have intentionally feigned ignorance due to his not having been at all enthused by the fact that his soulmate was of muggle ancestry had crossed her mind, but even the best of actors could not have been able to lie their way so smoothly through one of the biggest moments of their life, she was positive.
Which left her with just one possible reason for what had occurred. Something awful, even worse than the name he had called her. Something that struck an almost numb panic in her very soul.
There had been cases of it in the past, and every time it did the results had been tragic. It was a very rare thing, but it seemed precisely like something that fate would mercilessly inflict upon Jude. 
“He said your words, but you didn’t say his.” 
Her reflection in the mirror does not respond.
It was possible that the reason why she had his words, but he most likely had someone else’s was because….Her soulmate was fated for someone else.
“Fuck. Me.” she groans at her reflection.
A/N - Huge thank you to the lovely @cupcakesandkittens who has agreed to beta read this fic for me❤
Not gonna lie, I’m a bit nervous about posting this chapter, but hopefully you guys will be interested enough to stick with this story! Also, if anyone has any questions about the Soulmark thing, please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer. Likes and reblogs are always appreciated.
*Their Hogwarts houses are inspired by this blog post.
Tagging: @firestarsandseneschals @thewickedkings @kittkatandbooboo @min-unicorn @fangirlprincess09 @nahthanks @nychanell @cupcakesandkittens @thefolkofthefic​ (bolded tags are broken/don’t work)
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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dear-evanrosier · 3 years
Favorite Nightmare
TW: Descriptions of gore and blood, suicidal thoughts/mentions
Sirius sniggered as Rosier shrieked and ran down the hallway, away from the large spider. Remus and Peter were doubled over in laughter as James was torn between laughing and also backing away from the spider. 
The clicking of shoes came, making sharp noises against the stone. “Hello?” 
A voice called into the dark and Sirius straightened, his signature smirk playing across his lips. “Looks like my dear baby brother has stumbled upon us. Let’s see what he’s scared of. Probably going to be Mummy saying she’s disappointed in him.” He scoffed and Remus put a hand on his shoulder. “Love, maybe we shouldn’t-” 
“No, I want to see what he’s so terrified of. Can’t be Mother if he decided to stay in that horrid place.”
Remus sighed and directed his attention to where Sirius was looking, waiting for the younger Black to come through the doorway. He did, only a moment later. 
He was pale, paler than he usually was. Dark circles lined under his eyes, making the piercing silver color appear brighter. He wasn’t dressed in school robes, as he should be, but instead the under part of it. Black dress slacks, a white button-up tucked in. His school tie hung undone around his neck, and his hair was mussed as if someone had run their hands through it. A mark or two adorned his neck, only visible because the first two buttons of his shirt were undone.  He looked sick, if not thoroughly sleep-deprived. 
“Sirius, he doesn’t look right.” James cautioned, but Sirius only shrugged, whispering back. “His own fault, he could have come with me.” 
James sighed and watched as Regulus came closer, looking around the floor and walls, somehow missing the boggart that was changing at his feet. 
“What the fuck is he on about, not a single fucking spider in sight and he just had to fucking interrupt-” Regulus mumbled under his breath, and he stopped short as he spotted the woman laying on the floor, his wand clattering to the floor.
Lily Evans laid on her back, one arm bent behind her head and the other across her stomach. Her dark hair spread around her head like a halo of too light blood. Blood leaked out of her mouth in a thin line, pooling slightly on her chin. Regulus choked on his words at the sight
James furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why in the fuck Lily’s death would be Regulus’s worst fear.  Until a voice cut across the spluttering noises he made. 
“I’m so proud of you, Regulus. You did so well. The Dark Lord is proud of your service.” The clear, cold voice of Walburga Black came through the air, paired with the horrid woman herself. 
She came up behind Regulus, not touching him, but James could still see the fear in his eyes at the voice alone.
“Mother I- I don’t-” 
“Now, now, Regulus. Be proud of yourself. You’re helping rid our world of filthy mudbloods and impure blood. Such a wonderful thing to do isn’t it.” She smiled that terrible smile, which could make anyone rather anything than be on the reconvening end of it. Regulus visibly flinched at the use of the slur, which Sirius seemed to hyper-focus on. 
“Remus, what’s happening?” He whispered, who merely shrugged and stood transfixed as he watched the scene. 
“It’s not, it’s really not. It’s fucking terrible.” 
His mother’s smile vanished for a split second before returning, though crueler. “We’ve had this conversation, Regulus.” 
“I wasn’t aware using Crucio was a conversation, Mother.” 
Sirius gasped softly. He didn’t know what the fuck was happening, and was completely bewildered by it.
“Is he...standing up to a boggart?” Peter asked, a little confused, and Remus nodded. 
“You’re becoming Sirius.” 
“I am nothing like Sirius.” 
The mention of his name seemed to do something. Sirius’s body appeared next to Lily’s. His hair matted together, a large cut across his forehead trickling blood. His arms bent above his head, clasped together and bound. Regulus let out a sob and dropped to his knees, face covered by his hands. 
“Don’t be ashamed, Regulus, dear. They had it coming, they all did.” Walburga said, and James heard the gasp coming from his own lips. 
He laid there, no visible sign of harm done to him, though his glasses were shattered. One hand lay clutched in a fist over his heart, the other stiff at his side. Remus was in such an odd angle it looked painful, one arm bent under his back almost touching his leg and his head turned almost fully backward. Three large lines sliced his chest, bleeding profusely. Peter laid spread eagle on his back, mouth hanging open. 
“Pettigrew, a blood traitor. Lupin, a werewolf. Potter-” 
“Don’t you say his name.” 
Walburga laughed, cruel and icy, like a whip cutting through the air. 
“He doesn’t love you, Regulus! How could he? You’re worth nothing! At least Sirius had nerve, but you’re a spineless coward-” 
Regulus hadn’t grabbed his wand, just whipped around at Walburga so quick James thought he would have whiplash. She turned into a worm, trying to move around despite her small size. Regulus quickly stood up, walking over to it. He let out a harsh laugh, one that James was surprised came from him. “Ah, what you truly are, Mother. A fucking worm, pathetic.” 
He stomped on it, and while James wasn’t sure it would actually take care of the boggart, seemed to give Regulus some sort of satisfaction.
 He slumped against the wall opposite of the alcove they decided to hide in, and sunk to the floor. His hands reached back up to his face, and a muffled sob came from behind them. And they kept coming. And they didn’t stop. Sirius looked like he was about to step out of their hiding spot until another boy, James recognized him as a Ravenclaw sixth year, Jacob something,  came down the hallway, wand drawn as well. 
He spotted Regulus and put it away, crouching close to him but not touching.
“Arc? Can I touch you?” 
Regulus nodded and Jacob reached out, pealing his hands away from his face and kissing him. Regulus kissed back, only briefly, before pulling away and leaning to look up at the ceiling. Jacob sat next to him, taking his hand and drawing little shapes into his palm. “What happened?” 
The word was hard to understand, coming out rushed and thick. but Jacob did perfectly. He nodded and took his free hand to Regulus’s hair, playing with it softly. It seemed to calm Regulus down. Only slightly. “Sirius and James?” 
Regulus nodded.
“And Evans. And Lupin. And Pettigrew. And her.” 
Jacob nodded again. 
“You really shouldn’t be with me, Jay. I have nothing to offer you. I’m literally in love with someone else.” 
Jacob laughed, “And you know I am too.” 
Regulus turned to look at him, the corner of his lips upturned. “If you’re still waiting on my brother, he very much worships Lupin, so it’s a lost cause.” 
Jacob shrugged. “A boy can dream.” 
Regulus huffed, which could be mistaken for a laugh, and turned to look at the floor. 
“And I’m with you because you’re fun, and you’re not as much of a monster you or your brother makes you out to be.”
“That implies I am some sort of a monster.” 
Jacob whacked his arm lightly, though he was smiling. “You know what I mean!” 
Regulus nodded. 
“If Sirius knew half the shit you did to protect him, he’d think twice before calling you a coward.” 
Regulus shrugged.
“Plus, you’d probably try and throw yourself off the Astronomy tower again if I wasn’t here.” 
“Higher chance than just probably.”
Jacob looked at him, frowning. “Arc, what-”
“Nothing. Come on, Evan will be wondering if I killed the spider.” 
They both stood up, and Regulus grabbed his wand, dropping Jacob’s hand as they walked away.
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Inklings of the Future
From @drinkyoursoupbitch score challenge
TW: canon-slur use, canon-use of a slur, Umbridge
late November 1990
I skulked around the Ministry the best I could, my prosthesis not making it easy.
Charlie was happily spending his time in the Department of Magical Creatures, alongside Barnaby and Liz, and I had been enjoying it too, but I had decided that I needed a change of scenery halfway through a debate on dragons versus salamanders with Liz moderating.
Which led to me being here. Wherever that happened to be. I had followed my feet, bored of the less-exciting aspects of ministry life (*cough cough Paperwork cough cough*), and found myself someplace I probably shouldn’t be.
Along with hearing murmuring voices talking about something. Or someone, rather. If my math was correct, Harry Potter was due to start Hogwarts shortly after I left in the next few months.
A high pitched, girlish voice that made me cringe definitely caught my attention, considering who it came from. I sunk into the shadows the best I could, thanking the stars that I decided to wear my leather coat with a hoodie that was similarly dark, along with darker jeans and boots.
It was Umbridge, tittering on about someday becoming Defence professor at Hogwarts, and ruining the chances of (I cringed) mudbloods joining the Ministry and the Aurors in particular. I didn’t recognise who she was talking with, as whoever it was, was wearing a mask of some kind. I scrambled for the Invisibility cloak I carried everywhere these days, just managing to throw it over myself before she came around the corner.
After the lift closed on them, I sprinted for what passed as the stairwell, heart racing and wondering who the hell I should tell about this. Charlie was no doubt wondering where I was, I hoped, along with Ben, Tonks, Barnaby, and Liz.
I also hoped that I could persuade Dumbledore to view the memory and maybe make a rational decision about not hiring Umbridge in the foreseeable future (and maybe never). He seemed like someone who would rather have the best minds in the best positions, even if he made the mistake of hiring Snape for an important class.
I hurried up to the atrium, hopping through several of the departments, hurtling past Charlie. A quick fist-full of floo powder, stumbling out into the Headmaster’s office, scattering ashes. I collapsed into the nearest chair that wasn’t the Headmaster’s, and tried to calm may racing heart.
I did manage to calm my heart rate, feeling the slow drain of the adrenaline.
Until Dumbledore arrived, wand raised, his magical aura visible. Clearly, the news of my disappearance had reached Dumbledore. Or whatever magic imbued in Hogwarts had alerted him that there was someone in his office.
It took some explaining to the headmaster why I was even in his office and not at the Ministry in the first place, and about what I'd overheard. I all but begged him to remove the memory, not wanting Umbridge’s future intentions to stay in my head and haunting my dreams.
He agreed and I was much relived to see the silvery fluid in the crystal vial and not haunting me behind my eyes.
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sunshinesukuna · 4 years
shining knight(s) (hogwarts!au)
pairing: slytherin!miya twins x hufflepuff!reader
genre: angst to fluff
tw: slurs(?), bullying
a/n: this was cool to write. what’s your favorite harry potter book/movie? my favorite book is gof, but for movie its definitely a tie between hbp and dh1. damn using these acronyms make it sound like we’re a secret organization or something huh?
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potions had really drained you of all of your energy today. professor snape was unrelenting as always, and since the class consisted entirely of hufflepuff fourth-years, even more reason for the snake to sink its fangs in deeper.
thank goodness that it was the last lesson of the day.
now you were just eager to get back to the dorms, and take a long hot bath. 
you kept your head down as you walked, not wanting to attract any attention. 
suddenly, you slammed face first into what felt like a brick wall. only this brick wall smelled like sweat and cat hair.
it was a sixth-year you recognized as a beater on their quidditch team. 
you raised your head and said, “oh! I’m sorry. i should have paid more attention.”
deep down you were secretly praying that this would all end quickly and that you could go back to the common room quickly.
instead, the sixth year just sneered at you.
“see this is why we shouldn’t let mudbloods into Hogwarts. all they do is mess up!” he says rowdily to his friends.
your eyes widen in a mixture of shock, confusion, and anger. you had heard the term being tossed around in several books, but you had never actually heard it being said so directly at you.
you could only look at him incredulously. the only sound that would tumble out of your mouth was just a series of open mouthed stutters
“see? she can’t even say anything!” 
there was a sudden flash of bright light, and you were knocked back
you closed your eyes, preparing to hit your back against the hard pillars
but instead, a pair of strong arms softened the fall. another arm was in front of you 
as you opened your eyes, you saw two heads, one blond and one with dirty silver hair atop of them 
you realized that your knight, rather, knights in shining armor were the miya twins!
“hands off,” atsumu said. he pointed his wand threateningly at the sixth year.
“’tsumu, ‘samu, what are you doing?” you asked your best friends.
“he said those things to you,” osamu said. “do you think we would stand for that?” 
it was like he said ‘water is wet’ or ‘the sky is blue’— like it was painfully obvious. 
“oh? the miya twins?” the sixth year asked. “what do you pureblood slytherins want to do with a mudblood like her? you’re way above her. why are you even next to her in the first place? all you’re doing is getting your hands dirty with mud!”
“wash your hands when you come back to the common rooms!” one of his friends say.
“say that one more time,” osamu said from behind you. he narrowed his eyes. 
“i dare you.”
the sixth year raised his eyebrow.
“only if you get the mudblood out of the way.”
you couldn’t recount the next things that happened after that. it was all just a blur of lights and people shouting.
they were protecting you, you realized.
the realization sank into you too late, as you felt something like a punch hit you in the back.
you landed on your stomach in the middle of the hallway. your vision was starting to become blurry, and the stench of blood in your nose wasn’t helping at all.
somebody shouted your name.
you were woken up by a scratchy feeling in your throat. as you came back to consciousness, you registered the smell of medical potions and the soft white sheets under you.
you squinted at the light coming in too suddenly in your eyes
“‘tsumu!” a voice calls out from next to you. “she’s awake!”
osamu sits next to you. he looks somewhat ok, having emerged from the brawl with tousled hair and a jinx aimed at his nose. a small square of bandage covered his nose bridge.
atsumu had it a little worse. a black eye, but nothing else.
“miya atsumu!” madam pomfrey screeches out from somewhere. “you’re not done yet!” 
there are sounds of a struggle until he agrees to sit down on the bed next to yours while madam pomfrey treats his eye.
“what happened?” you asked osamu, who was sitting next to you.
“you don’t remember at all?” you shook your head.
“well... the scumbag called you something no one should ever be called.” if it was possible, osamu looked deeper into your eyes.
atsumu made his way over to you. 
“yeah. then we had a whole duel ya got stuck in the crossfire and had to go through all of this,” atsumu said.
“I—” you started. the words you were about to say wouldn’t come out of your mouth.
so they had put them directly in danger’s way for me?
“thank you, but....” you gestured to their injuries, “why?”
“i thought you were smart, (y/n),” atsumu said. osamu rolled his eyes at his brother.
“because its a slur that should never come out of anyone’s mouth. it carries the trauma of generations, and is generally— not nice,” osamu explains.
“and besides,” atsumu follows, “who would let their best friend in the whole world get beaten up?”
“tell that to professor snape when he tries to give us hufflepuffs more homework. he’s your head of house, isn’t he?”
they snicker quietly as you envelop your arms around them in a hug.
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bushyhair · 4 years
❝ then he said, leaning forward: ‘you’re strange animals, you women intellectuals. tell me: what’s it like to be a woman?’ i took my rifle from behind my chair and shot him dead. ‘it’s like that,’ i said. ❞ merlin’s beard, what is ( HERMIONE GRANGER ) doing out at this hour? for a ( MUGGLEBORN ) who is ( 47 ) years old, ( SHE ) really ought to know better. you know, i hear that they’re aligned with ( THE ORDER ), but that could be just a rumor. i do know that they’re a ( CIS WOMAN ) and a ( GRYFFINDOR ) alum who works as a ( POLITICAL ACTIVIST ) though. they’re very ( DAUNTLESS ) and ( ANALYTICAL ) but also quite ( VINDICTIVE ) and ( ACERBIC ), which could be why they remind of ( DESPERATELY SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS THE ONLY WAY YOU KNOW HOW – IN A DARK, MUSTY LIBRARY FILLED WITH ANCIENT TOMES WRITTEN IN LANGUAGES LONG DEAD TO MANKIND – BUT NOT TO YOU; A CEASELESS TUG-OF-WAR BETWEEN YOUR BRAIN AND YOUR HEART, BETWEEN RATIONALE AND COMPASSION; THE CELESTIAL HEAVENS THAT YOU CARRY ON YOUR SHOULDERS NOW THAT ATLAS IS NO LONGER AROUND TO BEAR THE BURDEN FOR YOU ). some people say they’re the spitting image of ( GUGU MBATHA RAW ), but i’ve never heard of them. word on the street is that they’re ( THE ERUDITE ) and their prophecy is ( PROPHECY 54 ), but only time will tell if that’s true or not. [ SARAH, 23, SHE/HER, PST ]
parallels: spencer hastings (pretty little liars), elphaba thropp (wicked), annabeth chase (percy jackson), amy santiago (brooklyn 99), sydney sage (bloodlines), beatrice (much ado about nothing), cristina yang (grey’s anatomy), monse finnie (on my block), jal fazer (skins), peggy carter (marvel cinematic universe)
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hermione was something of a miracle baby (and a complete surprise). the couple found each other later in life than most, and they’d long since given up trying to conceive as her father was in his fifties and her mother was pushing forty. nevertheless, even though she was unexpected, her parents showered her with love and affection – they had always wanted a baby girl to call their own. hermione would be their one and only.
[ HOLOCAUST TW ] her parents named her hermione after the virtuous queen of sicily in shakespeare’s the winter’s tale and the only daughter of king menelaus and queen helen in greek mythology. her middle name is jean, which is a female variant of the name john, meaning “god is gracious”. i think hermione is, albeit probably unintentionally by jkr, coded as jewish (her appearance, how she faces oppression for her blood by the death eaters/voldemort which are analogies for the nazis/hitler/the holocaust, how she isn’t shown to have a particular attachment to christmas and rarely goes home for the holidays, etc.). thus, i’ve headcanoned that she comes from an interfaith family; her mom was christian and her dad was jewish, and they raised her with both religions with the intention of letting her pick when she grew older. while she is not spiritual and ultimately considers herself to be an atheist, she’s still very proud of her interfaith heritage. anyways, her parents didn’t actually name her jean because of its religious meaning; they named her after jean valjean from les misérables. much like her parents, hermione is also a fan of victor hugo’s work, and that was why she named one of her children hugo.
her father never spoke about how he was a victim of the holocaust, how he almost didn’t survive, how he lost his entire family to the war. sometimes hermione saw the number tattoo on his arm, and her own battle scars felt like they were on fire. her father was a survivor of the second world war, and she is a survivor of the second wizarding war. now more than ever, she understands the trauma, grief, and survivor’s guilt that he tried so desperately to shield her from. it is the same pain that she now carries. [ END TW ]
[ RACISM, BULLYING, AND ANTISEMITISM TW ] there were almost no black children in the posh neighborhood she was raised in, and hermione always felt out of place among her white classmates at the expensive primary school she attended. growing up, despite being upper middle class and an incredibly well-behaved child, she of course still experienced her fair share of racism due to her black and jewish heritage – dirty looks on the street by complete strangers, mean schoolchildren declaring her ugly for not meeting westernized beauty standards (especially when it came to her hair), shopkeepers keeping a watchful eye on her when she entered their stores, adults assuming she couldn’t possibly be as intelligent as her white peers. not only was it demoralizing to little hermione, it was enraging. she developed an overwhelming need to prove herself and her capabilities – she always had to work so much harder than white children to be properly recognized, but every year, she still outperformed everyone else. of course, young hermione was seen as rather swotty, condescending, and insufferable by her classmates, so she was incredibly unpopular. her only friends were her parents, and the one place where she actually felt like she belonged was the library. books were an escape, a refuge. they offered her some comfort in an otherwise comfortless world. little did she know that this world was not truly her world – that there was something else waiting for her.
hermione developed a strict adherence to following the rules and an unwavering respect for authority partly because of the prejudice she faced from an early age. as a young black girl, she knew that if she did not present herself to be well behaved, responsible, and mature – if she ever acted out in any way – there could be a high price to pay. black children were punished (or hurt – or even killed) for very, very little. while she eventually outgrew this behavior as she found her place in the wizarding world, it took her a little time to blossom into the revolutionist that she is today.
when she first came to the wizarding world, she noticed a stark contrast in how she was treated by most people upon first glance. after all, it wasn’t as though blood purists could tell that she was muggleborn simply by looking at her (even though she didn’t realize that was what it was initially). and because of the difference that she noticed, she had hope that maybe – just maybe – this was somehow a world free of prejudice and racism, a world in which she could finally find belonging in. but of course, the wizarding world was not quite as she first thought. there was still prejudice; it was merely towards a different group of people. mudblood. when draco malfoy first spat out that venomous word in reference to her, she didn’t immediately know just what it meant, but she understood well enough. she’d been called slurs before. hermione was once again rattled with that familiar fury. she was top of her year, with an extraordinary amount of power, but still she was viewed by many as inferior. she vowed to prove her worth and become an instrument of change. she would fight for herself, her friends, her parents, the enslaved house elves, and the other muggleborns. if this world tried to tell her she did not belong there either, she would show them all that she did. she would be the best and the brightest – better than draco, pansy, and anyone else who tried to diminish her. and that was just what she did. it wasn’t enough for her though. [ END TW ]
because while hermione might have been a know-it-all who seemed rather confident in her abilities, the truth was that she was deeply insecure and terrified of failure. identified as highly gifted from a young age, this unintentionally placed an insurmountable pressure on her to overachieve in order to measure up to those high standards – to confirm to everyone, including and especially herself, that she really was as intelligent as they all thought she was. and to make matters worse, whether she was in the muggle world or the wizarding world, she always had something to prove. (in fact, she was only able to attend her expensive private school because of the scholarship that was granted to her due to her high marks and test scores. because while she was upper middle class, her family still wasn’t wealthy enough to send her there otherwise.) she somewhat grew out of her insecurities as the years went by – she’s proud of who she is and knows that she’s capable – but some of her insecurities still linger to this day. that compulsive need to be perfect will never truly go away. it’s an innate part of her now.
[ PHYSICAL ASSAULT TW ] even though she is extremely socially conscious and compassionate, she is very much a paradox and can often be abrasive, insensitive, and overly blunt. she’s also far more ruthless than she appears to be at first glance – this is the girl who destroyed marietta edgecombe’s face when she dared to betray the d.a., erased her parents’ memories, set a professor on fire, imprisoned rita skeeter in a jar and blackmailed her, and left umbridge to the centaurs to rot. while she does have a rigid sense of morals, she’s vindictive and will ultimately do what is necessary to achieve the right outcome. she honestly does not regret any of these actions – the ends justified the means in hermione’s opinion. (aka draco malfoy should consider himself lucky she only slapped his sorry arse so hard that he bruised) [ END TW ]
[ DEMENTIA/ALZHEIMER’S AND PARENTAL DEATH TW ] once the dust settled after the battle of hogwarts, after the seemingly endless funerals and memorials, she left everyone behind for a few months to search for her parents in australia and bring them back home. tracking them down took several weeks in and of itself, but once she finally found them, she quickly realized that she had her work cut out for herself. memory magic is an incredibly intricate process because it involves reconstructing the brain, and without proper training, it can easily go awry. she spent many days working on properly restoring their memories, and even after she was sure that she had done it perfectly, something was still wrong. the doctors ended up diagnosing her father with early stage alzheimer’s. although her friends reassured her that it wasn’t her fault, she still blamed herself for this – her father was well past middle aged, but perhaps his mind would not have deteriorated so much if she hadn’t cast those memory charms. she began distancing herself from her parents early on in her school career, opting to spend her holidays with ron and harry instead of trying to fit into a magicless world she no longer belonged in, and she became wracked with guilt and regret for pushing her parents away even if it was partially for their safety and peace of mind. she thought she would have more time than this, years to make up for it all. there wasn’t. a few years down the line, her father finally succumbed to his dementia and passed away, her mother following very soon after. although she died of natural causes, it was almost as though she couldn’t bear being apart from the love of her life, to go on living in a world without him. [ END TW ]
[ PTSD, DEATH, PARENTAL DEATH, GRIEF, PHYSICAL ASSAULT, AND TORTURE TW ] at some point, she returned to hogwarts to complete her seventh year, determined to graduate with all o’s on her n.e.w.t.s, and of course she succeeded because she’s hermione and she buried herself in her schoolwork, very much as a distraction from her grief, her trauma, the diminishing health of her father, and her newfound fame. being a war hero thrust hermione into the spotlight, and at first, she didn’t know how to handle it in the slightest. through time, she came to use her celebrity status to become a voice for the oppressed – house elves, werewolves, other muggleborns – because again, she’s hermione and she wouldn’t be hermione without her vehemence for social justice.
upon graduation, she landed herself a job in the department for the control and regulation of magical creatures. she stayed there for a while before transferring to the department of magical law enforcement. she never considered herself going into magical law when she was younger, but she soon realized that it was the only way she would be able to bring lasting change to a long broken system. for several years, hermione immersed herself in her work as much as she could. it was absolutely a coping mechanism, especially after her parents passed. as always, she was constantly fretting over her loved ones, asking them multiple times a week if they were alright and reassuring them that she was always here if they need a shoulder to lean on, but she hadn’t quite dealt with the fact that she wasn’t alright, not by a long shot. in fact, she was barely holding it together. rather than living, she was merely surviving, and it wasn’t for herself. her work and her friends were the only real reasons she managed to drag herself out of bed every morning. she hadn’t properly grieved the people she lost, and she suffered from petrifying night terrors, and the worst ones were of bellatrix torturing her in malfoy manor. she tried everything to remove or cover her scars from the incident, but as they were magically carved into her by curses of bellatrix’s own creation, she wasn’t able to. eventually, she gave up, deciding she would wear them as signs of her courage and resilience. but there were still those nights where she woke up from a chilling nightmare, wailing and thrashing. she cast muffling charms on her room every night as a precaution. she couldn’t even bear to visit her parents’ graves, too overcome by guilt, knowing in her heart that their deaths were her fault. she didn’t know how to carry that pain.
eventually, she settled down with ron and had two children with him, and slowly, with her two best friends by her side, she started to heal from her war wounds. there was no orderly, linear process to follow, like the five stages of grief. it was messy, and it was hard, but she pushed through it. she sought therapy at the urging of her friends, learning how to better handle her emotions, especially the ones involving grief. it took time, but she learned to live to again. she was able to move on and finally forgive herself. she healed – only for that arduous work to be undone when the third wizarding war started and the world fell into shambles again.
hermione was angry. she was so angry at the world for putting them all through this again. so many people died to prevent another war from happening, and despite her best efforts to make their sacrifices count -- to make it all mean something -- it seemed like it was all for naught in the end. after all, here they were again -- the same fight. always the same fight, with most of the same people.
and then harry died. then harry, her best friend, died for the second time, and hermione’s world shattered into pieces. it was only her love for her family and her vehemence for justice that gave her the strength to move on--but only barely so. she knew that she would never completely heal from it all. the truth was that when harry died, a part of her died along with him. he was not only her first friend but her true best friend (because ron had always been something else, something much more complicated). she considered him to be a brother, and she always did everything she could to help and protect him. she loved him so much, and she would’ve died for him without a second thought. they all would have. his death -- along with her parents’ deaths -- will always be her biggest failures, and she will forever blame herself for them. what good is it – being so smart – if she couldn’t save the ones that she loved the most? once her boggart was failing her exams, but now it is harry and her parents telling her the truth that she already knows – that their deaths were her failure and her fault. of course, this boggart is as irrational as the one she had in her childhood. harry and her parents would never say such a thing. logically, hermione knows this, but she still blames herself all the same – even if they would never, even if it’s not truly her fault.
then, miraculously, harry evaded death once more, coming back to life like the messiah himself -- but at the price of the life of one of her dearest friends. she’s even more furious now, but that anger doesn’t have anywhere to go. ultimately, she knows that even though it was the foolhardy, reckless knights who performed the ritual, the blame rests on the order’s shoulders. they failed their children. they drove them to this. in a way, she truly understands why the knights did what they did because she missed harry with all her heart and would have given (almost) anything to see him one more time, but still, it horrifies her. she wanted him back -- she is so grateful to have him back -- but not like this. not at the price of neville longbottom’s life. this is beyond anything she could have ever conceived. this is an aberration. it should have been impossible. and yet, here her best friend is, alive and (almost) well. she never expected that she would ever have him back, but now when he looks at her without any recognition in his face, she cannot help but be reminded of her father’s death all over again.
in the end, she will keep going on, and she will fight until her last dying breath to protect her loved ones and the world, but she’s so tired. how many times will they all have to fight the same war? how many more people will have to die for them to finally end this – for good this time? will this ever truly be over, or is humanity doomed to make the same mistakes and fight the same wars forever? for the girl who’s supposed to have all of the answers, even she doesn’t know.
it should be noted that hermione has never believed in prophecies or even divination at all, and even now that harry is alive, she still doesn’t. ultimately, she would argue that the reason why harry came back to life isn’t because it was destined in any way but because the knights truly believed in the prophecy and thus made it happen, much like how voldemort marked harry as his equal out of his doing after he heard trelawney’s first prophecy. in a way, it was almost a self-fulfulling prophecy. in the end, hermione doesn’t believe in predestined fate, and she never will. instead, she intends to shape her own future.
edit: also! i forgot to mention that, before the ministry was taken over, hermione was head of the department of magical law enforcement, but when she was thrust out of her position, she made the decision to dedicate herself to the order fully. hermione has never been minister of magic in this verse. although the ministry was never perfect by any means, she was a strong supporter of minister shacklebolt and worked with him personally for many years. ultimately, she was fairly content where she was at before all of this, but who knows what could happen if and when the war ends. [ END TW ]
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jaqcarrw · 5 years
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❝ Here are the women with ancient anger in their veins and the cruelty of a goddess in their hearts. You will beg before her, you will scream; but Hera never flinched from the words of a mortal, so why would she? Do not stand in her way. She will burn down your kingdoms, herself with it, if it meant your ruin. ❞
JACQUELINE CARROW really is the spitting image of PRISCILLA QUINTANA, right? For someone only TWENTY-FIVE years old, JAC has been forced to endure so much. Yeah, that MUGGLEBORN has been scraping by at the sanctuary since JUNE, 2028, working as a LEADER/COMBAT MEDIC AND UNSPEAKABLE in the DIVISION OF HEALING. SHE is a CIS WOMAN and is known to be HARSH and DISTANT but also RELIABLE and PROTECTIVE. Best of luck surviving through this. ⊰ JO, 26, EST, SHE/HER ⊱
Stat Sheet.
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, emotional, physical and verbal abuse, manipulation, stillborn mention, parental death ( all within the first set of bullets in *history* )
[ TW: KIDNAPPING AND MANIPULATION ] Jacqueline was born to a happy muggle couple who had the unfortunate luck in running into the pair of death eaters while they were in ‘hiding’ after the war had ended. Alecto was taken with the idea of having a child and while they tried for one, she hadn’t been able to conceive. If she couldn’t get what she wanted that way, Alecto had decided to take it. The death eater caught eye of Jac, a bright-eyed one year old, and her accidental magic– and set her target. Alecto and her husband spent a few months getting close to the family before the other shoe dropped and their daughter was taken right from under their nose. As a toddler, Jacqueline wasn’t the type to whine or cry. She was quiet��confused and though she still asked for her mother and father she was met with ‘we are your parents’. The next three years had gone by with only a few snaps on Alecto’s part and eventually they grew tired of just playing with Jacqueline when she grew into a child.
[ TW: STILLBORN MENTION, ABUSE MENTION, KIDNAPPING ] The pregnancy had been a surprise to the Carrows after failing to conceive before, however that happiness was soon diminished when the infant was brought into the world lifeless. Distraught and angry, Alecto took it out on Jacqueline because some how she was responsible for the out come. It was the first time for her to see such anger out of her mother and though she was left with bruises to match– jac attempted to console her only to be pushed aside. It took them an entire week to find a replacement for their lost child and they’d left four year old jac to fend for herself – when they came back they brought their new daughter who was red in the face from wailing. Jacqueline grew extremely protective and found herself trying to calm the infant’s, who was named valeria, tears to save her from their parents anger. Though this would last their entire life as Jacqueline became a shield for her little sister and took punishment which she didn’t deserve just to keep her safe.
[ TW: ALLUDING TO KIDNAPPING, ABUSE MENTION ] Jacqueline doesn’t know her origins ( like where she was born, who her parents were, etc ) but she had her suspicions since she was young that something wasn’t right and that she was missing something. The connection of child and parent was nonexistent and it was made clear when the slur ‘mudblood’ was hissed in her direction when things didn’t go her parents way but they’d praised her for being pureblood all along. Her mother’s hatred and anger only burned hotter as the girls grew up and jac took the brunt of it– not fighting back for Valeria’s sake. She would bide her time until she would get her vengeance. [ TW END ]
Growing Up:
She was a smart girl and she focused on her studies while her sister lived as carefree as she could ( which jac found smart just as well ). Hogwarts was a breeze. Jac soaked in information probably too quickly and aced her essays and exams which eventually lead into her career as an unspeakable. Even within her first year, in the love/sacrificial magic dept, she made many discoveries and invented spells that eventually helped save the lives of wixen.
Once the whispers of the dark lord and death eaters stirred around, Jac knew it was trouble. Her mother was hellbent on having her ‘most intelligent daughter’ help with their project as she was an unspeakable with knowledge they believed was important.  There wasn’t no room for a ‘no’, so went along with it. She attended the meetings, listened to the schemes, offered advice when she was asked to speak however– she hadn’t realized that they were actually serious in raising inferi along with the Dark Lord. Jac was dragged along to the cave, the cold wind whipping at her cheeks as she stood outside of the cave ( as a look out ) once they began. And when they ended and realized that they had made a mistake-- that she’d made a mistake. jacqueline watched passively as the death eaters fought for their lives-- failing one after the other including her mother. Turning a cold shoulder she apparated away leaving her mother at the mercy of the inferi without hesitation. Jacqueline’s survival was much more important....
She stayed put until she couldn’t any longer, only to see if her parents survived and unfortunately her father did as he was too much of a coward ( they always said one needed to be a little cowardly to survive anyhow ) to step inside. She joined her sister three months later at the strong hold where she poured her talents in keeping those who fought the battles safe as a combat healer and became a leader in no time. Her father is currently locked in the Chamber of Secrets and she gives a whopping zero fucks lmfao
After a recent scuffle ( a month ago ) with the inferi on a mission as a combat medic, Jacqueline went through a checkup with the healers back at Hogwarts and though she had some minor injury during the scuffle-- the most surprising result was that she was pregnant. ( I’d actually would love if the healer that performed the checkup, initially to make sure she was fine and not scratched/bitten, is pretty adamant on her taking care of herself/baby yeno probably wanting her to STOP as she should but she wont because she’s a dumb. BUT HEY potential friend connection please and ty <3 )
As of right now, she is a little over 17 weeks pregnant ( around 4 months ) and she’s still attempting to keep it a secret for as long as she can as she knows that is grounds to take her out of the action where she is needed the most ( and she needs to help put that guilt to rest over unknowingly help the de’s bring this mess into the world ) but girl is showing andddd…walp time is running out..  
a no nonsense type of person and is pretty black and white when judging if something is right or wrong ( her standards on right and wrong i mean )
she can’t stand betrayal or disrespect of any kind and isn’t the type to let things slide. meaning u screw her over, she’s going to mess you up big time.
very smart, very clever, quick with her wand and pretty much anyone who stands in front of it will take a beating when dueling/fighting. and talented in healing which is why she took on the position of a combat medic instead of going into the research division like the other unspeakables.
her family is the most important to her- or well her sister. she’s very self sacrificing for them and shields her little sister from any sort of harm. which means she takes the brunt of their parents abuse or really any abuse because she loves her baby sister okayyyyowhigowihegowiheg.
outside of her fam its hard to get close to her outside of her being polite. if you do manage to become friends with her she’s extremely loyal and protective. SHE TAKES EVERYONE UNDER HER WING TBH the mom friendTM but like good luck? she’s like a block of ice.
jacqueline quite realistic and doesn’t dwell on things ( ha. ig inferi is different ) as she see it more as a hindrance to react emotionally to situations rather than take it at face value on with a levelhead. ( which she finds valeria annoyingly NOT doing ) but don’t let her fool you, she might not react outwardly but she is just as explosive as her little sister – perhaps even more so. you talk about blazing a path through their enemies when she finds the opportunity. she bides her time before she strikes tbh
and she isn’t phased a single bit by being ostracized because of her mother and uncle’s actions. she’d much rather just be left alone anyways LMAO. HOWEVER please do try and be frands with her lol eventually she will grow fond ioeghwoeihgwie she’s as soft as she is seemingly cold. haha
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mmacdonvlds · 2 years
headcanon #001
what’s   become   commonly   referred   to   as   the   mulciber   incident   is   something   that   is   a   grey   area   of   mary’s   memory   .      fragments   of   images   that   stuck   in   their   head   paired   up   with   whispers   overheard   all   pieced   together   over   the   canvas   of   scars   left   across   a   fragile   frame   and   the   months   spent   in   st   mungo’s   rebuilding   the   shards   that   once   were   mary   macdonald   .    
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what   they   know   for   sure   is   this:   on   the   25th   of   march   1975   one   miss   mary   aine   shannon   macdonald      (   b.   1959   .      gryffindor   house   ,      muggleborn   )      was   attacked   on   the   grounds   of   hogwarts   school   of   witchcraft   and   wizardry.   the   attack   is   assumed   to   have   taken   place   near   the   defence   against   the   dark   arts   classroom   as   that   is   where   one   mr   sirius   black      (    b.   1959   .      gryffindor   house   ,      pureblood     )      found   miss   macdonald   in   the   early   hours   of   march   26th   .      miss   macdonald   was   found   lying   in   a   pool   of   what   was   later   proved   to   be   her   own   blood   ,      coming   from   numerous   injuries   across   the   wix’s   frame   ,      with   the   slur   mudblood   painted   on   the   wall   in   the   same   liquid   .      miss   macdonald’s   wand      (   yew   ,      dragon   heartstring   ,      13   ½   in.   and   supple   flexibility   )      was   later   found   on   the   grounds   underneath   a   window   from   the   same   corridor   she   was   found   in   ,      snapped   in   two   .      the   injuries   miss   macdonald   sustained   were   extensive   ,      requiring   a   transfer   from   the   hogwarts   hospital   wing   to   st   mungo’s   hospital   for   magical   maladies   and   injuries   .      within   48   hours   of   the   wix   being   found   ,      her   survival   being   attributed   to   the   timely   arrival   of   one   mr   s.   black   .      while   originally   in   a   lucid   state   ,      that   at   times   verge   onto   agitated   ,      when   found   that   persisted   for   45   hours   when   miss   macdonald   loss   consciousness   her   vitals   crashed   thus   leading   to   the   move   to   st   mungos   after   she   had   been   successfully   stabilised   .      most   of   what   miss   macdonald   said   during   this   time   was   unintelligible   due   to   serious   injuries   sustained   to   her   throat   and   neck   but   a   few   details   were   able   to   be   understood   ,      of   most   interest   to   the   investigation   being   the   mention   of   a   name   ;      mulciber   .      questioning   of   mulciber   and   their   associates   turned   up   no   further   leads   and   a   lack   of  evidence   resulted   in   charges   never   being   pursued   .      questioning   of   mr   s.   black   also   turned   up   no   leads   and   additionally   ,      no   motive   .      no   further   inquiries   were   pursued   into   mr   s.   black   .      miss   macdonald   would   not   regain   consciousness   again   until   briefly   doing   so   three   weeks   later   on   april   17th   .      when   later   questioned   miss   macdonald   could   not   remember   any   information   from   march   22nd   onwards   to   her   regaining   consciousness   ,      although   investigation   into   her   nightmares   does   lead   to   the   assumption   the   memories   were   not   wiped   by   magical   means   .      miss   macdonald   was   discharged   from   st   mungos   july   5th   1975   returning   for   frequent   checkups   for   the   rest   of   her   time   in   education   at   hogwarts   .      motivations   behind   the   attack   appear   to   be   due   to   miss   macdonald’s   muggleborn   blood   status   coupled   with   her   frequent   and   vocal   anti-blood   supremacy   activism   .      coupled   with   miss   macdonald’s   injuries   evidence   points   to   the   use   of   unforgivable   curses   also   being   involved   in   the   attack   ,      namely   the   cruciatus   and   imperius   curse   ,      but   the   involvement   of   these   curses   were   unable   to   be   confirmed   .      the   investigation   into   the   attack   on   miss   macdonald   was   closed   due   to   lack   of   leads   may   1977   ,      previous   attempts   to   close   the   case   at   an   earlier   date   were   protested   by   both   the   aurors   (   apolline   delacour   &   frank   longbottom   )   on   the   case   and   one   morgan   macdonald      (   snr.   auror   )      cousin   to   the   injured   party   .
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giqqlewater-blog · 7 years
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❝ Here are the women with ancient anger in their veins and the cruelty of a goddess in their hearts. You will beg before her, you will scream; but Hera never flinched from the words of a mortal, so why would she? Do not stand in her way. She will burn down your kingdoms, herself with it, if it meant your ruin. ❞
JACQUELINE CARROW really is the spitting image of EIZA GONZALEZ, right? For someone only TWENTY-FIVE years old, JAC has been forced to endure so much. Yeah, that MUGGLEBORN has been scraping by at the sanctuary since JUNE, 2028, working as a LEADER/COMBAT MEDIC AND UNSPEAKABLE in the DIVISION OF HEALING. SHE identifies as CIS-FEMALE and is known to be HARSH and DISTANT but also PROTECTIVE and PRACTICAL. Best of luck surviving through this. ⊰ JO, TWENTY-FIVE, EST, SHE/HER ⊱
Her stat page
and her pinterest :)
History: (tw: kidnapping, emotional, physical and verbal abuse, manipulation, stillborn mention, parental death)
[ TW: KIDNAPPING AND MANIPULATION ] Jacqueline was born to a happy muggle couple who had the unfortunate luck in running into the pair of death eaters while they were in ‘hiding’ after the war had ended. Alecto was taken with the idea of having a child and while they tried for one, she hadn’t been able to conceive. If she couldn’t get what she wanted that way, Alecto had decided to take it. The death eater caught eye of Jac, a bright-eyed one year old, and her accidental magic-- and set her target. Alecto and her husband spent a few months getting close to the family before the other shoe dropped and their daughter was taken right from under their nose. As a toddler, Jacqueline wasn’t the type to whine or cry. She was quiet...confused and though she still asked for her mother and father she was met with ‘we are your parents’. The next three years had gone by with only a few snaps on Alecto’s part and eventually they grew tired of just playing with Jacqueline when she grew into a child.
[ TW: STILLBORN, ABUSE MENTION, KIDNAPPING ] The pregnancy had been a surprise to the Carrows after failing to conceive before, however that happiness was soon diminished when the infant was brought into the world lifeless. Distraught and angry, Alecto took it out on Jacqueline because some how she was responsible for the out come. It was the first time for her to see such anger out of her mother and though she was left with bruises to match-- jac attempted to console her only to be pushed aside. It took them an entire week to find a replacement for their lost child and they’d left four year old jac to fend for herself -- when they came back they brought their new daughter who was red in the face from wailing. Jacqueline grew extremely protective and found herself trying to calm the infant’s, who was named valeria, tears to save her from their parents anger. Though this would last their entire life as Jacqueline became a shield for her little sister and took punishment which she didn’t deserve just to keep her safe. [ TW END ]
Jacqueline doesn’t know her origins ( like where she was born, who her parents were, etc ) but she had her suspicions since she was young that something wasn’t right and that she was missing something. The connection of child and parent was nonexistent and it was made clear when the slur mudblood was hissed in her direction when she had been told that she was pureblood all along. Her mother’s hatred and anger only burned hotter as the girls grew up and jac took the brunt of it-- not fighting back for Valeria’s sake. She would bide her time until she would get her vengeance.
She was a smart girl and she focused on her studies while her sister lived as carefree as she could ( which jac found smart just as well ). Hogwarts was a breeze. Jac soaked in information probably too quickly and aced her essays and exams which eventually lead into her career as an unspeakable. Even within her first year, in the love/sacrificial magic dept, she made many discoveries and invented spells that eventually helped save the lives of wixen.
Once the whispers of the dark lord and death eaters stirred around, Jac knew it was trouble. Her mother was hellbent on having her ‘most intelligent daughter’ help with their project as she was an unspeakable with knowledge they believed was important.  There wasn no room for a ‘no’, so went along with it. She attended the meetings, listened to the schemes, offered advice when she was asked to speak however-- she hadn’t realized that they were actually serious in raising inferi along with the Dark Lord. Jac was dragged along to the cave, the cold wind whipping at her cheeks as she stood outside of the cave ( as a look out ) once they began. And when they ended and realized that they had made a mistake, jacqueline looked her mother in the eyes as she was taken down by the inferi-- offering not even a goodbye before apparating back to their home.
She stayed put until she couldn’t any longer, only to see if her parents survived and unfortunately her father did as he was too much of a coward ( a smart one she admitted ) to step inside. She joined her sister three months later at the strong hold where she poured her talents in keeping those who fought the battles safe as a combat healer and became a leader in no time. Her father is currently locked in the Chamber of Secrets and she gives zero fucks lmfao
[ TW: BLOOD, INJURY ] Dorian and Jacqueline proceeded to the Gryffindor common room, where they found not inferi, but Jacqueline’s father, Lachlan Urquhart (who had previously been jailed in the Chamber of Secrets) trying to break into the Common Room. Revealed that he was mainly looking for his daughter (but had taken a pit stop to cause trouble along the way) their fight attracted a group of inferi, one of whom managed to bite Dorian when he was distracted by Lachlan. Jacqueline was able to not only subdue (and kill) her father, but save Dorian by severing the bitten arm and kept him stable in an unused classroom until help arrived and she was able to get him to the hospital wing (Jac the hero amirite). 
During their hospital wing stay, Jacqueline was quarantined and put through lengthy questioning by the Executive Council over her father and her role in which Dorian was hurt--- which ultimately lead to her being promoted to Combat Medical Leader due to her fast action and loyalty to the safehaven. Afterwards she was released and due to feeling ill she had a check up which came back with a result she hadn’t anticipated: surprise she preggo. ( you know we have to have a lori...just she’s smarter :) )As of right now, she is a little over 17 weeks pregnant ( around 4 months ) and she’s still attempting to keep it a secret for as long as she can but girl is showing andddd...walp.  Also helping dorian with his therapy for his arm.
a no nonsense type of person and is pretty black and white when judging if something is right or wrong ( her standards on right and wrong i mean )
she can’t stand betrayal or disrespect of any kind and isn’t the type to let things slide. meaning u screw her over, she’s going to mess you up big time.
very smart, very clever, quick with her wand and pretty much anyone who stands in front of it will take a beating when dueling/fighting. and talented in healing which is why she took on the position of a combat medic instead of going into the research division like the other unspeakables.
her family is the most important to her- or well her sister and cousin. she’s very self sacrificing for them and shields her little sister from any sort of harm. which means she takes the brunt of their parents abuse.
outside of her fam its hard to get close to her outside of her being polite. if you do manage to become friends with her she’s extremely loyal and protective. SHE TAKES EVERYONE UNDER HER WING TBH the mom friendTM
jacqueline quite realistic and doesn’t dwell on things as she see it more as a hindrance to react emotionally to situations rather than take it head on with a levelhead. ( which she finds valeria annoyingly NOT doing ) but don’t like her fool you, she might not react outwardly but she is just as explosive as her little sister -- perhaps even more so. you talk about blazing a path through their enemies when she finds the opportunity. she bides her time before she strikes tbh
and she isn’t phased a single bit by being ostracized because of her mother and uncle’s actions. she’d much rather just be left alone anyways LMAO.
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