#must have been fun to write though. a bunch of writers going “oh my god imagine” and then deliberately adding awful tropes
neverendingford · 1 year
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letoasai · 7 months
I've been sitting on this for a least a month but you literally sustain my kingdom hearts fiction needs. Srsly. I go to read kingdom hearts and find a fic I enjoy, after I read I look at the author AND IT'S YOU. CONSTANTLY. I look at a fic I read months ago AND IT'S YOU. BEFORE I KNEW YOU WERE SOMEONE I LIKED. I scroll through your kingdom hearts works on AO3 and discover I'VE READ 80% AND LIKED ALL OF THEM. Hell I read a story by someone else, I like it a lot, I go to leave a comment and THERE YOU ARE. TELLING THEM HOW GOOD THE STORY WAS. OH MY GOD IT'S LIKE YOU'RE EVERYWHERE. I could literally call you my Neil Gaiman. Same thing on Tumblr. My goodness, your works are 🤌🤌🤌 and pretty much single handedly sustain a majority of my kingdom hearts fiction needs tbh, that's not an exaggeration.
So basically, thx for writing and drawing and stuff a whole bunch because even before I knew it was you I rly rly liked all of it, and after discovering it was you I now go "ah yes, letoasai strikes again." It's rly good and I rly like it :) especially familiars oh my goodness 😤 you're literally the reason I made an ao3 account, and iirc you were so patient explaining in the comments how that worked so thank you. Basically uh. You're awesome and great and amazing and if I could throw a million dollars at you I would
Thank you so much! Oh dang, i'm all kinds of flustered. I really appreciate your kind words! I'm thinking we must have similar tastes in fics ^___^ I do have a small corner on Strifehart. I fell into them and i love them and i couldn't find as many fics for them (at the time) as i wanted so i had to write them. I always worried they weren't very good! It means a lot that you enjoy them. I feel like i just started posting things so it's insane to me that there are almost 200 KH fics on my ao3.
Ooh my god, i deserve no comparison to Neil Gaiman 😆 I love his books and i'd settle for being a fraction of the writer he is. I do like interacting with people who enjoy my fics though. It's fun and morale boosting. Most people are so encouraging. Hearing your thoughts on all the different stories is a really great time for me.
I appreciate you reading, and for letting me know about it too! I'm afraid i am the person who screams my delight at people when i read their fics and fall in love with the stories so i'm sure you have seen me around certain KH stories 🤣
Thank you for coming to say hi and that your stories are cool, because that makes writing more fun.
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fics-n-stuff · 3 years
A Nice Christmas
Thanks to @gayhistorynerd for the prompt, see here (I kind of deviated from it a little maybe a lot but the story still stemmed from this prompt)
Pairing: Wilhelm × Simon
Summary: Wilhelm may have denied being in the sex tape, but that doesn't mean that the world has forgotten. The Christmas break proves to be difficult for both Simon and Wilhelm, one suffering from ongoing harassment and the other feeling completely isolated, and they find that they can't help but be drawn back to each other.
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: This took me so long to write because I got writer's block right after I started it. This doesn't have a super happy ending because I wanted to try and keep it pretty realistic, but it is pretty sweet and wholesome.
Taglist: @probablyprocrastinatingrightnow @rika90 @angelwilhelm
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Wilhelm had never felt more alone than he did being home for Christmas break. He spent as much time as was physically possible holed up in his bedroom, not wanting to see or talk to anyone, especially not his mother. He hadn’t turned his phone on for three days, he had bitten his nails down to the nailbeds and he hardly had any appetite. The ache in his chest was constant and unyielding.
He lay in the dark most of the time, his curtains closed throughout the day and only sometimes opened at night to let the moonlight in. Besides that, he didn’t have much idea of how time was passing.
He did know that it was Christmas eve though. And it must be the morning because nobody had come to drag him out of his bedroom to join the celebrations. A cursory peek around the curtain confirmed that, as Wilhelm saw that the sun hadn’t even fully risen yet.
A deep breath settled the stone in his stomach, and he reached for his phone with a shaky hand.
When the device turned on it immediately started going crazy with notifications, and Wilhelm felt his heart rate increase with every buzz.
5 messages from August
10 messages from Mamma
2 missed calls from Felice
Wilhelm paused in swiping away the notifications. Felice had called him twice and sent him three messages. He clicked on the message notification, sitting back against the wall and holding in a breath without realising it.
Felice: Hey Wille, how are you feeling being home?
Felice: I just wanted to check in but I can’t get a hold of you, I hope you’re doing alright
Felice: You probably don’t want to talk but you can call or text me whenever you do
Wilhelm sighed. Of all the people that he thought that he could depend on, Felice was the only one that he still had. He swallowed the lump in his throat and called her back.
It rang for a while before she answered, and he’d almost decided to hang up the call when it stopped ringing.
“Wille, good morning.” Felice greeted, cheerful but clearly tired. “Merry Christmas.”
“Yeah, merry Christmas Felice.” Wilhelm replied feebly. His voice was hoarse from disuse.
“Are you alright? Do you want to talk about something?”
“Uhm, I- I don’t know, I just... I don’t know.” He stuttered, wrapping his free arm around himself.
“Okay, well, what are your plans for today?”
“I’m not sure, I haven’t really been talking to anyone. What, uh, what are your plans?”
“Oh, you know, just the usual. We’ll watch Kalle Anka's Jul and play some games before dinner, then we’ll open presents.” She explained. The tinny sound of her voice through the phone was actually quite calming.
“What about for the rest of the break?”
“Um, I’m going to New York to see Maddie for New Year, so that’ll be fun. And I’m going back to Bjärstad on Boxing Day to see Sara. I’m gonna stay there just for one night.”
“So you’ve been talking to Sara a lot then?” Wilhelm questioned, moving to bite at his almost non-existent nails.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Has she said anything about Simon? Do you know if he’s alright?” His words came out more rushed than he had intended. Clearly, he was more eager for some sort of information on Simon than he had thought.
“Um, she hasn’t said much but I think he’s pretty okay.” Felice replied, but it was followed by a small sigh that let Wilhelm know that there was more to the story. “Sara says that things have mostly gone back to normal, but Simon goes out a lot less and she’s had to make her Instagram private. I think they’ve had a few people show up at their house.”
Wilhelm swallowed hard, a feeling of guilt crawling under his skin. Simon’s Instagram account had been private ever since the video had been leaked, so it seemed that now people had found Sara’s too. They had attention on them that they had never signed up for, and Wilhelm knew that it was his fault and he felt terrible for that.
“Okay.” He replied shakily. There was a short silence before Felice spoke again.
“How are you, Wilhelm? Really?” She asked.
“Lonely.” He answered. “Listen, I have to go. I need to take a shower before someone comes demanding that I take part in the Christmas celebrations.”
“Alright well, call me back whenever, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. Bye, Felice.”
“Bye, Wille. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas.”
Wilhelm ran a hand over his face, letting out a groan of frustration and sadness. Why couldn’t he just be a normal kid?
He stared down at his phone in his lap, gnawing at the nail of his right thumb in contemplation. With a shaking breath and trembling fingers, he picked it back up, opened his conversation with Simon and typed a short message. He dropped his phone in mild panic as soon as he hit send, and rubbed his hand over his chest as he took a deep, steadying breath.
+ + +
“Simon, wake up. Rosh and Ayub will be here soon.” Sara’s voice stirred Simon from his sleep and he rolled over to look at her. She was already dressed.
“What time is it?” He asked with a yawn.
“Nine o’clock. Get up and come help with breakfast.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m getting up.”
Sara rolled her eyes and left the room, and Simon reached out to his bedside table blindly until his hand landed on his phone. He squinted at the screen as he sat up, faltering when he saw the notification on the screen.
Wilhelm: Merry Christmas Simon
He felt his heart race as he stared at the screen, only snapping out of it when he heard Sara shouting at him from downstairs. He blinked, dropped his phone and set about getting dressed.
Every Christmas eve since they were ten, Simon, Sara, Rosh and Ayub would have breakfast together and then go for a long walk. It was tradition for them at this point, but Simon found himself unable to feel excited for it this year. It was all well and good to pretend like life was going on as normal, but it was hard not to feel uncomfortable when people stared at him everywhere he went.
Rosh and Ayub arrived just as he and Sara were finishing up making breakfast, and they exchanged Christmas well-wishes as they sat down to eat.
“You’re being real quiet over there, Simme. You alright?” Ayub asked after a while, and Simon realised that he’d been completely zoned out.
“Sorry, just thinking.”
“About Wilhelm?” Sara questioned. Simon pushed a bite of food into his mouth and shrugged.
“You have to move on, Simon.” Rosh said. “I know you care about him but he’s not worth all the trouble that he comes with.”
“I know. That’s why I ended things.” He replied. “It still sucks though.”
“You’ll get over him eventually.” Sara told him, putting a comforting hand on his for a few seconds before going back to her food. Simon smiled slightly.
He didn’t tell them about the text.
Despite all of that, he was in high spirits when they set out for their walk, happily joking and laughing with his friends, and they made it half an hour before he heard the first comment.
“That’s the guy from the sex tape.” Muttered a girl to her friend as they passed, and Simon felt the smile fall from his face.
“Just ignore them.” Sara told him, wrapping an arm around one of his. He nodded, but it had gotten to him. For the rest of their walk from that point, Simon felt like every person that they passed was looking at him and judging him.
They walked both Rosh and Ayub back to their houses before heading back to theirs just a bit past noon. They had almost gotten home when they were approached by a group of teenagers probably slightly younger than them.
“Are you the guy from that viral sex tape?” One of the boys asked unabashedly, the group coming right up in front of Simon and Sara and blocking their path.
“Uh, I don’t want to talk about that.” Simon replied stiffly, still trying to be polite.
“Oh my god, it is him!” A girl exclaimed.
“Was it actually the crown prince in the video?” Another chimed. Simon felt lightheaded.
“He already said that it wasn’t.” He deflected, trying to sidestep the group.
“Yeah, but there’s a lot of people that don’t actually believe him.” The girl laughed; actually laughed, as if this hadn’t been an earth shattering event for Simon.
“If it wasn’t Prince Wilhelm then who was it in the video?” A boy asked, and that was when Simon spotted the phone filming him and his stomach dropped.
“I’m not discussing my sex life with a bunch of strangers.” He scoffed in disbelief, shouldering his way past the group with Sara close behind him. “Please leave me alone.”
“You could just tell us if it was actually the prince or not.” One of them pressed, the group now following after Simon. “If it wasn’t him then you don’t have anything to hide.”
“Oh my god, did the royal family pay you off? Did they make you sign an NDA!?”
“Were you, like, boyfriends? Or was it just a hookup?”
Simon kept walking, keeping his head down and not answering any of the questions being hurled at him. He could sense that Sara was just as tense beside him. The group followed them for a full block before Simon finally lost his cool and came to a dead stop, turning to face them.
“I’m not going to answer your questions. The fact that you’re following me is not going to make me answer your questions. I’ve had my privacy majorly invaded once already and now you’re invading it again. I’m trying to enjoy Christmas with my sister and you’re chasing me with a camera, I’m sick of people harassing me.” He fumed, making sure to meet the eye of every one of them at some point. “Whatever you choose to believe is not my problem. It doesn’t matter whether you think that the crown prince is telling the truth or you choose to make up some type of theory, I deserve my privacy.”
He didn’t wait for any type of response before he turned around and walked away, thankful to find that they weren’t going to follow him anymore.
“You handled that well.” Sara said quietly once they had turned the next corner. Simon didn’t reply.
When they got home, he went straight upstairs without a word. He slammed his bedroom door shut and buried his face in his pillow, unable to hold the tears back any longer.
By that same evening, the video was viral.
+ + +
I bet that girl was right and the royal family made him sign an NDA
If he didn’t want people to think it was the prince he would have just said that it wasn’t so either the prince was lying or this guy is seeking attention
He’s literally a kid why can’t people just leave him alone??
I don’t care if it was the prince in the tape or not, this guy is hot
The way he said that people are making up theories makes me think that it actually wasn’t the prince in the video
I feel bad for this guy, getting followed around like that must suck
Wilhelm scrolled through the captions and comments on the seemingly endless posts of the video of Simon, feeling like somebody had a vice grip on his heart.
The first time he saw the video had been right after Christmas Eve dinner. He’d had a full blown panic attack and locked himself in the bathroom for half an hour. When he came out, his mother had tried to talk to him about the politics of the situation and he had immediately retreated into his bedroom once again. He missed Erik desperately.
He hadn’t been able to sleep, he'd only gotten about three hours of broken, fitful sleep all night, and now he couldn’t pry himself away from his phone. He knew that it was bad for him, he knew that it was making him feel terrible, but he wanted to know what people were saying.
He had been hesitant to text Simon, especially since he hadn’t received a reply to the merry Christmas text that he had sent in the morning, but in the end he mustered the courage to reach out. He had asked how Simon was doing and apologised for getting him into this situation. He wasn’t surprised when no answer came.
Christmas day was proving to be probably the worst day of Christmas break for Wilhelm. His chest felt like it was bursting open and like it was an empty chasm at the same time. He didn’t eat breakfast or lunch, he didn’t respond to the knocks that came at his door. He felt like he was trapped in a glass box and someone was shaking it.
Wilhelm didn’t know how long he had been scrolling through multiple different social media platforms when his phone buzzed in his hand and an incoming call appeared on the screen. He faltered, sitting up and almost dropping his phone, when he saw that it was Simon. He ran a nervous hand through his hair as he raised the phone to his ear.
“Simon?” He croaked.
“Hi, Wilhelm.” The reply came through the phone, and Wilhelm felt his shoulders relax at the sound of Simon’s voice.
“Hi. H-how are you.” He fumbled, and Simon sighed on the other end.
“I’m okay, I guess. As okay as I can be after... well, you know.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry for putting you in this situation.”
“This wasn’t your fault, Wille.” Simon muttered. “I just wish things were different.”
“Why, um... why did you call?” Wilhelm asked. There was a short stretch of silence that rung in his ears before Simon answered.
“I just wanted to hear your voice, I guess.” He confessed, and Wilhelm couldn’t help the soft smile that pulled at his lips. “Honestly, I was kind of surprised that you didn’t delete my number or something.”
“Why would I have done that?”
“I don’t know, I guess I just thought that you weren’t supposed to have any ties with me since you said that it wasn’t you in the video.” Wilhelm winced at that.
“It's not like my contacts list is available to the public.” He replied, trying to keep his tone light. “I’m not gonna let that kind of thing get in my head again.”
“Is your mum mad?” Simon asked, and now it was Wilhelm’s turn to sigh.
“I’m not sure, I kind of shut myself in my room so that I wouldn’t have to deal with her.” He answered tiredly. “How is your family?”
“Uh, shaken. Sara’s off in her own world with her sketchbooks and mamá can’t go for more than an hour without checking on us both, but we’re handling it.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologise.”
There was a silence again. Wilhelm ran his hand across his leg, back and forth in a soothing motion, not sure what he should say but not wanting the conversation to finish. In the end, Simon spoke first.
“Did you mean it, what you said before you left for the break?” He asked softly.
“Yeah, I did.” Wilhelm answered without hesitation. “I know it wasn’t a good time to say it, and you probably didn’t want to hear it, but I just had to say it out loud. At least once.”
Silence again. Wilhelm heard Simon sigh, and pursed his lips nervously.
“I miss you.” Simon said.
“I miss you too.” Wilhelm replied with a nervous yet relieved chuckle. “I miss you a lot.”
Another pause.
“Where do we go from here, Wille?” Simon whispered.
“I don’t know.” Wilhelm mumbled. “But I... I want to fix this. Or at least just try to fix it. You don’t deserve to be harassed like this, and it’s my fault and I feel terrible.”
“It’s not your fault.” Simon reassured with a sigh. “It was everything else. We still didn’t do anything wrong, and that includes you.”
“No, I did. I promised we would be in this together and I broke that promise.”
“I understand why you did it. And I’m not mad at you. Honestly, having thought about it, you probably made the best decision for my sake too. I mean, I’m getting harassed enough as it is already. I can’t imagine what it would be like if you had told the truth.”
“I’m still sorry anyway.” Wilhelm said softly, and Simon chuckled. “So, um, Felice told me she was visiting Bjärstad tomorrow.”
“Yeah, her and Sara have gotten close. It’s nice, you know, that Sara’s made friends. And Felice is cool.”
“Yeah, she’s great.”
There was silence again, and Wilhelm bit at his nails thinking that Simon was done with the conversation.
“Are you alright, Wille?” Simon asked after a while. “I know this is your first Christmas without Erik, and I guess things with your mum might be a little... well, I just hope you’re okay.”
Wilhelm swallowed. He could lie, pretend he was fine and wave away Simon’s concerns, but he knew the lie probably wouldn’t hold up. Or he could tell the truth and admit how painfully lonely he was, how much he hated being home because the palace felt empty without Erik and how much he longed to be with Simon with every fibre of his being.
“I’m coping.” He sighed, settling for a middle ground of vagueness. “It’s lonely here. The ceilings feel too high.”
“Have you had stuff to do?”
“No, not really. I haven’t really been in the mood for Christmas, but I guess none of us are particularly festive this year anyway.”
“Would you - I mean, if you would even be allowed to, but maybe if you could – would you want to come down here for a day?” Simon asked, and Wilhelm could just picture him fidgeting nervously as he stumbled over his words. The image brought a smile to his face.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” He answered softly. “I’ll try and convince my parents.”
+ + +
Going to Simon’s house had been an absolute no go with his parents. “Just too risky” his mother had said. However, with enough persistence, he managed to wear them down to a compromise.
That was how he ended up in a car on his way back to Hillerska the day after Boxing Day. While Simon’s house had been absolutely off the table, it would be easy enough to get back to Hillerska without being seen. The only people who were there during the break were security and the people who came to take care of the horses.
He had been worried at first that the inconvenience of it would make Simon not want to bother, but when he texted to ask if it was okay he had been met with a quick agreement.
A security guard unlocked the door for him when they arrived, sworn to secrecy of course, and he headed up to his room to wait. He didn’t realise he was biting his nails until there was a knock at the door and he was knocked out of his anxious thoughts.
The door opened slowly, and Wilhelm felt like all of the air was knocked out of his body when he saw Simon step inside, dressed in his beloved purple hoodie under the coat that he took off and draped over the back of a chair that was within reach. The door clicked shut behind him, and silence hung in the air.
“Hey.” Simon greeted finally, and Wilhelm took a deep breath as if he was just remembering how to breathe at all.
“Hey.” He echoed. “How are you?”
“Better.” Simon nodded. “Did you get into a fight with your parents?”
“Yeah, kinda.” Wilhelm muttered. “It’s fine though.”
Simon crossed the room and took a seat beside Wilhelm on the edge of the bed, a good few inches of space between them. It felt like miles.
“You look tired.” Simon commented.
“I’ve been having a hard time sleeping.” Wilhelm replied weakly, eyes downcast, fidgeting with his hands. “I get that way sometimes. It’s fine.”
“Is it?”
He looked over to find Simon watching him, and he practically crumbled under his gaze. He took a very unsteady breath and shook his head.
“No, it sucks.” He mumbled. His hand drifted back up to his mouth and he gnawed on the nail of his thumb nervously.
“Wille, you’re bleeding.” Simon said, gently grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand away from his mouth. Wilhelm looked down at his thumb and saw a bit of blood pooling in the side of the nailbed, becoming aware of the taste of it on his tongue.
“Oh, I didn’t notice.”
“How much have you been biting your nails?” Simon questioned, pulling Wilhelm’s hand towards him to get a look at them. Every nail was jagged and uneven, bitten down to stubs. The skin around them had been bitten at too.
“I don’t know, I do it without realising.” Wilhelm shrugged. “Probably a lot.” He resisted the urge to curl his fingers around Simon’s hand and blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.
“You shouldn’t have to bottle everything in, you’re destroying yourself.” Simon murmured.
“I don’t have anyone to talk to.” Wilhelm’s voice broke halfway through his sentence, a single tear managing to fight its way from his eye. “I used to be able to talk to Erik about at least some of it but now he’s gone and I don’t have anyone, and sometimes it feels like the ground is falling out from under me and I just don’t know what to do.”
He didn’t notice that he was hyperventilating until Simon pulled him into his arms. Wilhelm’s chest was tight, rising and falling rapidly against Simon’s body. Simon's arms were wrapped around him tightly, and Wilhelm was suddenly overwhelmed with how much he had been craving a hug as his hands grasped at the back of Simon’s hoodie and he hid his face in the crook of Simon’s neck.
Wilhelm had always been told not to cry. Ever since he was a child, whenever he began to cry he was told to stop. The seed had planted itself in him when he was very young, but the fear of letting himself cry didn’t truly grow until he once saw an article in a tabloid. He was barely eleven and he had fallen and hurt himself at an event. He had hardly cried, just a few tears and red cheeks, but the tabloid had had plenty to say about it. He hadn’t let himself properly cry since, except for when Erik died. Even then, he had waited until he was completely alone before he let his weakness show. But now, with Simon, he felt an overwhelming need to let his tears fall.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered into Simon’s shoulder. He could feel the tears coming out of his eyes but they weren’t falling down his face, instead absorbing into the fabric of Simon’s hoodie.
“It’s okay.” Simon soothed, a hand moving up to stroke over the Wilhelm’s hair.
“I never wanted any of this. I never wanted to be a prince.”
“I know.”
“I just wanted to feel normal. Just for once.” Wilhelm said through his tears. “You made me feel normal.”
Simon furrowed his eyebrows, sympathetic. He loosened his hold on Wilhelm and leaned back, sliding the hand that was on the back of Wilhelm’s head forward to rest against his cheek.
“You made me feel normal too.” He replied softly. “At school I was a social outcast because I’m not rich, and at home I have to take care of my mom and Sara. When I was with you, I didn’t feel like I had to take care of anyone or watch where I was stepping. Well, except that one night.” Wilhelm huffed a slight laugh at the comment, lifting a hand to wipe the tears off of his cheeks. “I’ve never seen you cry before.” Simon commented.
“I’m not supposed to.” Wilhelm replied with an awkward chuckle, his head tipping forward in embarrassment. Simon sighed through his nose and lightly touched his forehead to Wilhelm’s.
“You have to cry sometimes, Wille. Everyone cries.”
“I’m not supposed to be everyone.”
“Okay, but sometimes you need to stop worrying about what you’re supposed to be.” Simon told him. “I know you know that.”
Wilhelm took a deep breath. This close to Simon’s face, he could feel his breathing too. He wanted to kiss him, but he didn’t know if that would be okay. He nodded slightly, covering Simon’s hand on his cheek with his own.
“Yeah.” He breathed.
When Simon leaned forward and connected their lips Wilhelm responded automatically, though it took his brain a few seconds to catch up. Once his brain did catch up, his hand took hold of the back of Simon’s neck and pulled him impossibly closer, holding onto this moment like it was his last. Maybe it would be the last time he got to kiss Simon; he couldn’t know. He hoped it wouldn’t be.
“Thanks for coming to see me.” Simon said when they broke apart.
“Thanks for wanting to see me at all.” Wilhelm replied. “I really missed you.”
Simon hummed, a faint smile playing at his lips. He watched Wilhelm for a few moments before kicking off his shoes.
“Come here.” He said, shuffling over the bed towards the wall. Wilhelm followed suit and allowed himself to be guided down to a lying position, Simon’s chest against his back and arm around his waist. “You need to sleep.”
“It’s the middle of the day.” Wilhelm protested, weak as the protest may have been.
“People have naps all the time, and you know that you need it.” Simon said firmly, adjusting the pillow under his head with his free arm and finding Wilhelm's hand to hold in the other. “It doesn’t have to be for long, okay?”
“Okay.” Wilhelm nodded, feeling suddenly very relaxed. He took a deep breath settling into the comfort and warmth of Simon’s body around his as his eyes fell shut. “This is nice.” He mumbled after a while.
“Yeah.” Simon agreed softly. “Go to sleep, Wille.”
It wasn’t long until he felt Wilhelm’s breathing change, signifying that he had fallen asleep. He smiled, fondly but with an edge of sadness to it, and pressed a light kiss to Wilhelm’s shoulder before closing his own eyes. They would deal with the rest of the world when they woke up.
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brynwrites · 4 years
Plot progression: points, twists, and hinges.
(And why hinges rock.)
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Please excuse me while I assign already well-loved terms new meanings for my own benefit. (This is to say, writing terminology means something slightly different or goes by slightly different terms depending on who you ask. Two of the definitions I use here are based ones that stuck with me, while the third is something I pulled right out of my backside because it didn’t quite fit with my acquired definitions of the other two. Other terms and definitions are equally valid; I’m just using these ones until I figure out how to telepathically funnel wordless concepts.)
First let’s get basic: What’s a plot anyway? Tis a bunch of things that happen to move your character toward something. Usually this something is a goal. Win the war. Find the killer. Survive the winter. Get through the wedding. Kill the dragon.
Plots (should) have important scenes within them which propel them along. A full book that’s just a knight walking on a path for twenty-five chapters thinking about killing a dragon and then finally reaching the dragon to do so it boring. A book about a knight facing random trials that have nothing to do with the dragon she’s set out to kill is more interesting then walking. But the most engaging version of this plot would be if each trial she faced was connected to the dragon killing in some way.
We could, if we wanted to, label each of these trials with terms like plot point, a plot twist, or a plot hinge, depending on how they interact with the story as a whole. (Now I have to define what each of these terms mean to me. I set myself up here, didn’t I?)
We probably all know what a plot twist is. A big reveal. A shocking conclusion. A revelation that puts the whole story into a new light. (Luke, I am your father!)
Most writers will describe a plot point as some version of ‘an event which progresses the plot.’ This is all fine and dandy until you have to decide what counts as progress and how much of it you need for something to genuinely be a plot point. For the sake of this article, I’m going to call it anything that has a noticeable effect on either the ultimate or immediate goal of the story.
A plot hinge is a type of plot point. It can also include a plot twist. But not all plot twists or plot points are plot hinges, because a hinge actively swings the plot in a new direction. It takes the goal the story is set upon, and it rattles that mother-fork until its eyes pop out.
Let’s have some examples, shall we?
A knight is crossing a mountain on her way to slay a dragon.
While at the mountain, she fights a random dwarf. It’s a nice action bit where she’s in peril a few times and at the end, she kills the dwarf and continues down the other side of the mountain. A real page turner. (Spoilers: it’s probably, actually, not.) It’s also not a plot point (or, a plot anything), because the entire segment could have been cut without anything else changing. This whole scenario has no effect on what the plot’s current goal is, how it’s being accomplished, or how we perceive it.
If instead, while at the mountain, our valiant knight fights a dwarf with ancient knowledge on forging dragon-killing weaponry and convinces him to forge her a dragon-killing sword that ends up being the only reason she can kill the dragon at all, then you have what’s purely a plot point. The goal of the plot hasn’t been altered, nor our perception of it, but we’ve taken an irremovable step towards accomplishing it.
If instead, while at the mountain, our valiant knight uncovers ancient knowledge that reveals the villainous dragon is actually part of a much larger system of dragons with magical human form, and her own mother was secretly a dragon, giving her dragon blood of her own, this is purely a plot twist. The goal of the plot hasn’t changed, and we’re not closer to having killed the dragon, but our perception of the plot, how our main character fits within it, and what it should mean to us as readers, has been altered.
Pretty basic, yes?
Now imagine that those two things both happen while our knight is at the mountain, but as she’s leaving, the dragon she’s been riding out to face finds her. They battle. Barely prepared, our knight is losing terribly. She tries to flee, making it to the nearest town before the dragon finds her. In order to lay him low, his must use both her dwarfish weapon and her secret dragon powers. The town sees this, and decides she, too, is the enemy. A town guard steals her dragon-killing sword and tries to slay her with it. In a moment of compassion, the dragon she nearly killed helps her escape the town, but every knight our valiant half-dragon once fought alongside now sees her as a monster. And they’re coming for her.
This is a plot hinge. We just flipped out perception of the plot, tackled and crashed right through our main goal, and opened the doors for a new goal that’s still adjacent to our original one (and might still lead back to it by the end of the book—who knows, the villainous dragon might still need to be killed after all).
The trick with plot hinges, is the throw the reader for just enough of a loop to make the story fresh and interesting, without letting them question why the story before and after the plot hinge aren’t separate books. For a plot hinge to work, the plot must be pushed without being torn off the hinges. The old goal can’t be left dangling, limp with unfulfilled promise, and the new goal must build off everything the book has already established.
When done well, though, a plot hinge can turn a “this is enjoyable!” story into one that makes readers go “oh god, please read this, I NEED someone to scream at, I’m literally dying.”
I’m not going to tell you how many of these you should have in any given story. I’m not even going to tell you that you need to have any of them. (That would be hypocritical, as not all of my own stories do. Some are pulled along by simply plot points and twists, and they’re still perfectly enjoyable, if I do say so myself.)
You can also slip plot hinges into side plots, and make cases for what constitutes a hinge in character development. And at the end of the day, there’s a hundred different ways to build tension into a story and engage the reader. This is just the one I’m having fun identifying and analyzing at the moment.
And I hope you can set out and have fun with it to.
(Also, call it by my personal terminology. Pretend I, and I alone, invented a brand-new kind of plot point. Buy my book. Ascend me to godhood. Rebel and kill god-me to take back the world for humanity. Something like that.)
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savnofilter · 5 years
I think you're hilarious in such a good way and Im new to Tumblr. Your work is amzing and i was wondering if you have any bnha blog recommendations or must read fics?
WARNING! this gets long as SHIT. so im sorry. im on mobile so liek,, also there are shit ton of amazing writers on here but my memory has been terrible as of recently, so sorry about that. all the people mentioned have really good fics so going through their masterlist is the bes option i have on here for you!! also sorry this was so late, i did a lot of username checking and now finally got the balls to post this with their @s cnuidwneovn- also!! be mindful because i was iffy in tagging some because i wasnt too sure if they wrote for bnha anymore. so w/o further adieu!!!now for my fave ao3 fics (with no ranking)~
His Tryanny by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: fantasy
summary: “Deep in a land just like in the fairy tales, lives 4 different kingdoms. But when a hot headed king of one kingdom wants to take over, he seeks for more power. A girl locked away in a tower for her entire life because of her forbidden power, finds a new life when an ash blonde male comes flying through her window. How will their life play out?”
my thoughts: FUCKINGT AMAZING BOOK LIKE I FUCKING STAN. TT its so fucking good! the angst, the tension, angry bloody bakugo?! fucking check! amazing book!! 12/10 will always recommend. mc will say “million reasons” i be like “his tyranny tho, 👀” (and other books but we have to appreciate my highness rq).
completed: yis!
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My Angel by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: greek mythology
summary: “The infamous fallen angel, serving under Hades (AFO), Bakugou Katsuki, was known for constantly wreaking havoc within heaven. Defying against God and other deities, he was blacklisted from Heaven. (l/n) (y/n) being an elite archangel under Athena (Miruko), is set on a mission to rid of Bakugou Katsuki but takes a 180 when you sudden began developing feelings for the crooked angel during the confrontation – him reciprocating the feelings. Though relationships between a worker of God and a demon was the greatest sin, and faced consequences to those who are caught. ~ Having to sneak around and hide your relationship with the fallen angel how would an archangel keep her status under God while simultaneously keeping an accursed romantic affair.(sorry i suck at summaries lmao)”
my thoughts: you know, i just have a craving to live a life in greekish-mythologyish and reading lore of olympus makes it partly redeemed. but this takes the cake. LIKE?! oh my fucking god! absoluetely love and im still reading it cause im slow asf but its so good so far! and she doesnt at all, the summaries are what got me interested!!
completed: neh~
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I’m Broken Too (Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi) by Kikyo851 (quotev; kikyo851/tumblr; @heroes-among-us-all)
au: canon
summary: “What’s a girl to do when she can’t quite make it as a hero? Become a villain, of course.”
my thoughts: okay so youre thinking, “that summary is short asf” but godtdamn the book is motherfucking good dawg. lieke,,, this absolutely fueled my villain spark way back whenever. (you can gladly thank this book and all the dabi fics from @lord-explosion-baku, who also has a book called “thorns” which is also on ao3. i havent read it because im not into that au but it has many good reviews!!)
completed: neh~
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Million Reasons by Chub_Rye (other socials; not listed)
au: future canon (?)
summary: “This is not a happy story, you really wished it was but how can it be when your marriage is falling apart. You truly love your husband, the thing is…he doesn’t seem to feel the same anymore ((Trigger warning: this is a very emotional heavy story, you have been warned.)) Inspiration: Million Reasons by Lady Gaga”
my thoughts: 
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*if i had the time i would edit to: “im fucking sobbing fam”* because this shit hurtedt. like, HURTEDT. this book, this very book is the reason why fucking katsuki fucking bakugo slapped down the damn rankings on my list. didnt fucking like him for like two weeks, just thinking about him made me mad as FUCK. but its written so good i cant be mad?! i… okay moving on before i start crying and listing reasons why katsuki needs to CHOKE in this damn book. also if you dislike deku then this story will change. you.
completed: neh~
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Muted by HecateSG (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “A collection of short one-shot stories where the reader has lost the ability to speak due to an incident that ranges from accident, to intentional, which now leaves you in the care of at least one of this dashing and intrepid cast of characters. There will be a variety of scenario’s explored and kinks touched upon for all you curious depraved little ones. ~ The only thing these all have in common is that the Reader will remain almost exclusively quiet the entire time ~ The tags will be updated as more chapters are released.”
my thoughts: this is a one-shot book (no cohesive storyline unless chosen) but its so good. so good. i thought shigaraki, dabi and all might in one book was interesting but never the less, super good! i never was interested in the mute concept but its written good? (but thinking about it all the other mute!reader fics are good but they wont nsfw so it didnt interest me-) furthermore, its so good. so pure. so hot. 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Nightclub AU by sour_pink29 (tumblr; @heros-amoung-us)
au: well… nightclub
summary: “U.A. is the most prestigious and well known nightclub in the world. It takes a high price and a creditable reputation to attend the club, but only because it makes your wildest dreams and fantasies come true. The workers are the best of the best: the 1A class; with the sexiest dancers, flirtatious waitresses and waiters, master bartenders, and high class security. It’s truly no wonder why the rich and famous travel from all corners of the world to have one special night at U.A. ~ As a waitress at the club, you were used to dealing with rich, handsome, high maintenance bachelors. But when 6 mysterious men enter the club and your life, you feel something different spark between you and them as they turn your life on it’s head. For better or for worse… ~ AU where you and the 1A class (and some other characters) are workers at the club. Kaminari, Kirishima, Katsuki, Shoto, Tetsu, Izuku, and Sero are all competing for your attention. ~ WILL INCLUDE NSFW IN SOME CHAPTERS ;)”
my thoughts: THGIS BOOK FUCKIN SLAPS. HANDS DOWN WOULD TOOT MY ASS UP FOR THIS! (thought about dropping my studies and just fucking doing stripper work-) like wow… its a good book and the writer was prob one of the first wirters i followed on here?! (thats if tumblr didnt fucking remove my damn following like it usually does. ._.) enough about that, its really good. i think about it often.
completed: neh~
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Plus Ultra! One-shots and Requests by MistressPikachu (FinalVolition) [tumblr; @adelheidvonschicksal]
au: varies
summary: “A place to store all my smaller drabbles for BNHA. NSFW and SFW requests CLOSED!”
my thoughts: um so she write for *everything* but not like everything, everything. so sometimes it be like a red flag so make sure you are reading it carefully on the story you click on! personally, since theyre a good asf writer i usually dip my toe in all of them but sometimes i just cant but the ones i can, i read over and over and over again. worth a million reads tbh. 12/10 would recommend if youre nasty like that (and i KNOW you guys are).
completed: neh~
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slutty one shots by cherrykwrites (tumblr; @cherrykwrites)
au: varies
summary: “Collection of some slutty short scenarios. Mostly Bakugo, could include other characters too. ~ Everything will be NSFW in this collection. ~ Themes like non con, underage, alcohol, bdsm, daddy kinks, ect could occur in these writings. ~ These are purely works of fiction and do not reflect reality, I do NOT condone any of the immoral actions written in these.”
my thoughts: so of course i could not leave the og, the real home slice, cherry-mother-k-fuckin-writes- CAN WE CLAP FOR THE QUEEN? so essentially, her shit is good asf. you should read it cause its good asf. shes not around that much but she def is really good! (also has my thinking about writing some tattoo artist!bakugo these days, or even a series for my husbandos…). never thought about sandwhiched between kirishima and bakugo until i came across her fics~
completed: neh~
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Euphoria - NSFW Series by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: varies
summary: “Just a bunch of BNHA characters involved in several different kinks with you. ~ Summary of first chapter: ~ “Katsuki…”That mewl you made was hard to hear but somehow it reached Midoriya’s ears and he gulped as he saw said man standing up from the ground in front of you. A smirk as wide as it can be with his tongue brushing the corners of his mouth as if he just finished eating the best meal of his life.————————- Basically, Midoriya is in for a emotional ride lol”
my thoughts: they are such a good writer. another one-shots book but they will appear once again on the list but this book is just beautiful. and im a perv. so. have fun.
comepleted: neh~
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⚠️okay so this is a series of fics from one writer, but instead of making a shit ton on the list (because if this isnt long already) its by the user QuillMind (tumblr; @quillmind) here are some of my faves:⚠️
Incendiary ~ a/b/o, “Mating season has come yet again. Bakugou has even more trouble controlling it than in previous years… and it’s all your fault.”
Mating Hunt ~ a/b/o, “You and Bakugou have been together for some time. Though you both know you only want each other, your bond won’t truly be permanent and known to all until he claims you during mating season. And as impatient as Bakugou is, as an Alpha, he loves a good chase. You decide to give him one.”
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Story Time - A Reader x BNHA Multific by WhenSarahSmiles (tumblr; @makethiscanon)
au: fairytale/storybook/canon-ish
summary: “Whilst fighting a powerful villain, you find yourself sucked into the world their quirk created with no memories of your old life. Yet, the men you meet along the way have a familiar feel to them. Perhaps they can help you unlock your memories? ~ A Hero Academia/Fairy Tale mash up, there’s plenty of chaos to follow even if you think you know the classic stories well. ~ [Warning: Explicit Content from chapter 3 onwards] ~ [I will warn you which chapter features the non-con]] ~ “
-> Story one: Little Red Riding Hood (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)-> Story two: The Little Mermaid (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)-> Story three: Jack and the Beanstalk (Eijirou Kirishima x Reader)-> Story four: The Three Little Pigs (Denki Kaminari x Reader)-> Story five: Sleeping Beauty (Shouto Todoroki x Reader x Katsuki Bakugou)-> Story six: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Midoriya, Tokoyami, Sero, Monoma, Ojiro, Shinsou x Reader)
my thoughts: bitch i have no thoughts. i only have THOTS. this is a masterpiece, like ive been lacking, the one im on rn is the kirishima one and it worth the read, and i bet the ones after that have been just as amazing! amazing work 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Wolves Among Us (Mini Series) by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: fantasy
summary: “Something about watching him lick your chilled skin was stirring something within you. Your legs started to shiver, but not of the cold that surrounded your slightly exposed body but of a feeling blossoming in the inner regions of your lower stomach. You were getting lost in the rhythm of his pants, wandering in the hazy want of his intense eyes. Your breath began to tremble, and you tried to squeeze your legs together to withstand the odd sensation growing, but he held your leg still and showed no signs of letting go. You were suddenly aware of his hand on your lower thigh, and you noticed that it was the first time a man’s hand had touched there. ~ You were a flower that had yet to bloom in the late of spring. Pure, untouched and suddenly, bombarded with desires. You never shivered in the way a man could make you, and curiosity—maybe naivety, was keeping you from your fear of the beast. —————– Basically, you fall in love with a rude wolf man. ~ Mini series!! Werewolf!Bakugo x Human!Reader, Fantasy AU ~ Inspired by The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter”
my thoughts: i ride this books ASS for updates. my favourite bakugo au’s are fantasy (wit da dragoons) and were!katsuki (haluween). i fucking love it, i love their works. theyre busy with school (like i should be but scholars are all different-) trust me its so good. it has that good spice that make fill my heart with sexy uwuwuwuwuwuwuwus. love it.
completed: neh~
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Katsuki Bakugo Scenario Collection by Hvalross (tumblr; @cutesuki–bakugou)
au: varies
summary: “A collection of oneshots and scenarios I’ve done for Bakugou, both personal works and requests on my blog Cutesuki-Bakugou. ~ Please note that the rating of each story will be in the notes of the chapter. Stories range from TEEN to EXPLICIT.”
my thoughts: oh my god. i reread this one chap over and over and over and over and over and over- and over again. the stories range from cute to just good smut and its so good. so beautifully written. and i cant help but just appreciate it. love it sm. (also sorry if i tagged the wrong tumblr im confsued as to which one you use ahaha)
completed: neh~
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Wish the World Away by hoshigalaxy (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “bakugou katsuki is the number one hero. but with this title comes a huge target on his back. sometimes it’s better to stay single when you’re a pro hero. there could be accidents. ~ but that’s three years in the past now and bakugou is slowly moving on from what’s happened. that is until he runs into his mysterious new neighbour and things get complicated again.”
my thoughts: ;-; this one hits different. almost like a million reasons type of different. i dont want to spoil it but godt damn man. there is so much to be uncovered but it really hasnt been updated. (cri) its a beautiful book tho. fingers crossed for when it updates next.
completed: neh :
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Up in Smoke. (Soulmate AU) by Grapelimeade (tumblr; @gojirabbit)
au: well,, soulmate
summary: “Bakugou doesn’t want a fucking soulmate.”
my thoughts: may i say…it is such a stark contrast to Million Reasons. it is so fucking captivating i will not shit you. this book, is amazing. im just saying, that midoriya scene tho,, 👀 that kirishima friendship,, 💪🏽 its so good…? got me panting for the next chap (and no not like that weirdos but there is nsfw because when tf do you catch me reading a fic without nsfw…?) but i recommend. mc: million reasons tho me: up in smoke tho-
completed: neh~
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Vermilion by Morgana_Ren (tumblr; @morgana-ren)
au: canon
summary: “Tomura Shigaraki had a goal. It started out simple enough. Kill All Might, and watch the society that revered heroes above all else crumble to dust alongside their idol. However, what originally starts off as a chance encounter with a UA student during the battle of USJ sends him reeling down the crooked path of obsession.”
my thoughts: its just…? my shigaraki thirst was sparked from this very story. it good, supplies my shifty hands needs and it suffices the boiling lust in my clit. wish we’d see more cause i love it already and it blends the story line well. love it. 11/10
completed: neh~
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words hurt [Bakugo Katsuki x Reader] by QueenExplosionMurder (tumblr; @strawberryandspiceandchocolate)
au: canon
summary: “*more tags to be added* ~ when Bakugo Katsuki friendzones the reader, their friendship takes a nose dive off of the face of the earth and he doesn’t hear from her for a while. that is until she is suddenly thrown back into his life, quite literally actually…”
my thoughts: well you think i can go a post without tagging my president? youre fucking wrong. i have actually posted my own prev of her book which you can find here. i am just astonished at well the mood is (because tb when all i would talk about is mood) because mood is just good. it doesnt seem cliche to me. cant wait until the next update.
completed: neh~
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You and Yamada by Jo_Rutherford_Lee (other socials; not listed)
au: varies
summary: “Just a few short Present Mic/Reader PWPs I needed to get out of my head.”
my thoughts:
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i love this book. couldnt find the yamada book i was looking for but i would be lying if this doesnt revive my yamada love every once in awhile. (jk i found the book but this one is really cute and a quick read!!)
completed: yis
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Singed Rose Petals: (Alpha) Dabi x (Omega) Reader by Smutsy (other socials; not listed)
au: a/b/o
summary: ““The villains were always ugly in books and movies. Necessarily so, it seemed. Because if they were attractive - if their looks matched their charm and their cunning - they wouldn’t only be dangerous. They would be irresistible.” - Nenia Campbell”
my thoughts: ohhhh because you guys thought that i’d go through a post without mentioning dabi? LOL so,, this book has brought many many many happy coochie tingles to me. i would murder to be dabi’s omega. and DAS on baby. never was really interested in a/b/o stuff till i read this. love it so much 11/10.
completed: yis
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special mentions:
BNHA Brothel by orphan_account [multiple, unfinished]
Hero Killer’s Charge by VulcanCaptain [stain x reader, unfinished]
Mouth Moods by Koalolive (twitter; renlup) [present mic, unfinished]
and god please dont fucking roast me i had a hawks faze. Birb Office for Birbs by insanityrunsinthe_family
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew 2x6
As promised I am done with my most stressful finals and am now posting my review albeit two weeks late, and let me say to start off that this episode would have made a fantastic season premiere.
Ghost kiddies: 1 Lamia: 0
Speaking of things I need to get off my chest wow I can’t believe the arraignment for the morgue break in finally happened. I assumed it had happened and she got off, or that everyone just forgot about it but more the fool am I. Because it is back and kicking off our second season.
And for the record as someone who despises insects and all forms of creepy crawlies with a passion this episode was a teensy bit horrific and not in the fun way.
Like I said at the top though, this episode would’ve made an amazing season premiere. It set up a whole bunch of fun new season plot lines in addition to being a killer episode in its own right. For example I’m assuming with Nancy’s 443 hours of community service to go we’ll be seeing more of Connor the Surly Coroner, and what if his flower shop wife works at the place the gang scammed a few weeks ago to get AJ Crane’s address? I mean be real how many flower shops can one small town have.
In other news I continue to yearn for Chief McGinnis to return. Like WHY in the name of all that is holy would you throw away a perfectly good, lovable book character, not to mention Native American rep, in favor of this new asshole that nobody likes? (This is only 10% me being bitter about my Tamura being AJ’s son theory not panning out.) The only (ONLY) upside to Tamura being here is that Nancy and McGinnis were becoming friends, and now we have a very rude cop for Nancy to be sassy to. “Not a real holiday.” “Not a real necktie.”
Speaking of lovable book characters, it causes me pain how Hannah and Nancy’s relationship was like shot in the head and dumped in a ditch. Like must she eternally be at odds with one of her book parental figures? For those of you who don’t know, in the books Hannah Gruen is the Drew’s housekeeper/cook, and a surrogate mother to Nancy. Like I’m thrilled that Nancy and her dad are back on good terms and working their way towards being the iconic father/daughter duo we all know and love, and I understand that Hannah has every right to be furious with Nancy, but the pain is still there.
Moving onto more lighthearted aspects of the episode, I love the balance this show has found between comedy and horror. Riverdale could never. The scene with the five of them in Nancy’s kitchen and the autopsy was comedic gold. Ace and Bess and George, fairly quickly getting on board with it, Nick convinced they all want to send him back to prison in possession of the group’s one brain cell. But then he immediately loses the brain cell because when somebody shows up AT THE FRONT DOOR, NONE OF THEM THINK to hide the body in plain view in the kitchen??? Guys! Oh and that absolutely iconic bit of dialogue: “No, we are not performing an autopsy in your kitchen!” “No you’re absolutely right Nick, we should do it in the living room there’s more space.” *wheeeeze*
So that’s the comedy now for the horror. So many little delightfully creepy moments sprinkled throughout the episode. George drifting off and singing in French, when the body in the back of the van opens its eye, when the dad stops the car and gets out and it SITS UP, when Charlie and Ted see something outside and all you can see is its silhouette, when the lamia is like sucking their souls out looking like a skeletal cretin straight from the depths of hell. Delightful.
Getting back to season long arcs, my writing sixth sense is tingling and it’s telling me the Women in White are going to be important. How? I don’t know. But there is sooo much potential. What if they’re all comatose a la Sleeping Beauty waiting for someone to call them back once some sort of evil reawakens? What if they’re immortal and walking the earth solving problems in secret? What if they were corrupted and had to be killed by their loved ones? The possibilities are endless and I’m here for it.
Time for my Drewson shipper talk so if you’re not into that skip this paragraph. Ooooh Lordy the scene with Nick and Nancy in the seamstress house made my heart do a happy little tap dance. Really any time they share the screen at the same time, but they had lines directed at each other and it was beautiful. And that gorgeous line of dialogue, “Hey, you can still fix this. No one’s gotten hurt yet.” aeexoijxoij
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Now I will close out with some thoughts I had while watching.
Nancy can be so smart but also so dumb, like she hears a mysterious thumping sound and Hangs Up The Phone??? Girl it could be a human killer!
And is it just me or does it seem like if twelve children in a small town were all murdered on the same day and the killer was never caught that would be the sort of thing that lives on in town legend
Nick has the absolute WORST British accent oh my GOD. Understandable, because the actor is Scottish, so at that moment he was a guy with a Scottish accent pretending to have an American accent faking a British accent but still.
Cannot believe on their way to the Claw to stop a soul sucking spirit they had to stop at the grocery store for caramel apples and candy canes like them all running around must have been a hell of a sight for whatever sleep deprived Safeway cashier was on duty
Finally, what in god’s name is George going to tell Jesse? Not the truth I imagine, but I have no idea what possible lie she could sell. Personally I think I’d just tell her I drugged the water as a joke and gaslight her until she forgot about it.
Normally this would be the part where I theorize about what could happen in the next episode but at this point you already know what happens in the next episode so I’ll sign off with my typical schtick instead. Ahem
Writers give me Lucy Sable
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ashilrak · 4 years
Tips for Commenting on Fics
Hello! Have you ever read a fic and really wanted to leave a comment but had no idea what to say? Maybe you’re anxious about what the writer is going to think, maybe you’re trying to comment on more of the fics you’re reading and have no idea where to start. Well, it is I, your friendly neighborhood fic writer here to help!
Disclaimer: This is entirely based on my own experiences and opinions and I speak only for myself.
Brief Introduction: I’ve been kicking it in the fanfic community for over ten years now, starting back in the days of ff.net. For most of the time I’ve been a lurker, maybe posting a few one-shots here or there. For some of the time, I was incredibly involved in fandom, posting regularly and hosting fic exchanges and the like. I’ve been in many and have written everything from explicit one-shots to full-length aus to chat-fics. 
If you take anything away from this, I want you to know that comments are the most meaningful form of feedback on a fic. Writers have lives outside of fanfic and write fanfic for free. They’re doing it in their free time and put a lot of time and effort into their work, and who doesn’t want to see their work appreciated? Anything you have to say will be appreciated. So, let’s get started.
Ashilrak’s Tips for Commenting on Fanfiction
Commenting 101: Introduction to Commenting
Maybe you’re new to the whole commenting thing, maybe you just know you really liked a fic but don’t really have anything specific coming to mind and it feels like a kudos just isn’t cutting it. A comment doesn’t need to be a novel! 
Maybe start with something like:
I really loved this!
This was great, I can’t wait to see what happens next!
In general, I would recommend avoiding leaving comments such as:
Please update soon!!
When are you going to update?
I really wish you’d update more often.
You’re a terrible writer.
These characters are really ooc.
Is that it?
That doesn’t make any sense.
Writers put a lot of time and effort into their fics. Sometimes, for me personally, there’s nothing more disheartening than posting a chapter and immediately getting asked about updates. I personally recommend a “I can’t wait to see what happens next” to a “please update soon” as it gets a similar message across. 
And obviously, no one wants to be insulted. Some authors do ask for criticism! And that’s okay! But if they’re not asking for it, I wouldn’t go out of your way to insult the work. 
Commenting 201: Reacting to the Fic
You just read a fic, you’ve left your kudos and you’re ready to comment. But this time, this fic made you feel a certain type of way. Maybe you have questions, maybe a specific scene stuck out to you! 
Comment examples:
Oh my god, I loved that. I can’t imagine that A is going to let B get away with that so easily. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Oh wow this was amazing. I hadn’t realized it was something I needed, but wow did you do a great job handling that scene. You really captured the thought process I imagine A was going through and it was handled really well.
Your characterization is perfect, I can literally hear the character’s voices  in my head while reading their lines. And the conversation really highlighted the differences between them.
“What did that Master bit mean? Otherwise this was an interesting and entertaining fic. I had wondered how B was going to show up and it was neat to see how he did. I am a bit surprised A forgot about C knowing B. I wondered how she explained herself out of that mess. Also, I can't believe how quick they were to murder him. Good ending. Thank you for the story.”
“Woooooow. This story is amazing! I loved seeing the original  characters, but I also enjoyed seeing others, especially A. His personality traits and actions kept me laughing as I was reading. While I was a little sad to see how B and C's relationship turned out, I am really happy with and adore how the story ended. It doesn't get any cuter than this. I'll be reading the sequel for sure!!“
“I think your A is very in character! Even if you don't feel like you're good at writing him or it doesn't feel as natural, you're doing a great job off making him work. There's a lot of work for this ship that involves them getting together, but not a lot that follows the past that too deal with the day to day off being a famous couple, and I really like your take on that. I'm looking forward to reading more from you!“
As you can see, these comments are a bit more personalized to the fic you’re reading. An “I loved this!” let’s the author know you liked the fic, but an “I loved this because you really captured the tension in a way that didn’t feel fake” lets them know why you loved the fic. 
These comments don’t have to be more than  a sentence, but they’re super fun to write and a lot of authors will respond to questions and it’s a fun way to engage and potentially even influence the direction of the fic or spawn a one-shot.
Examples of things you might want to point out while reading:
A particular line that stuck out to you, maybe it feels quotable.
A scene you’re really looking forward to seeing in the future.
A scene you’ve been waiting for that finally happened, maybe the first kiss in a slow burn
Maybe the author is making a particular trope of ship that you’ve never liked before work in the context of the fic.
You’re re-reading a fic because you love it so much.
This is honestly what most of the comments I make on other fics resemble. 
Commenting 401: Engaging with the Fic
Time for some advanced commenting. Now these are the comments I love best, and I feel that most writers would agree. This is where you dig into the weeds of the fic and potentially start a really good conversation with the author. This is where you go into the what-ifs and how you view a character. These are the comments that have writers squealing. 
But, they’re not the easiest comments to make. I’ve left them and I’ve received them and they’re a rare treasure. These are Reviews. 
Maybe you’re starting to get a taste for the metaplot of a fic. Maybe you’ve reread this fic over and over and over again and it’s inspired scenarios that play over and over again in your head before you fall asleep. Maybe you have so many questions about a character’s motivations. Maybe you wrote a fanfic for the fic, did fanart, or want to write a translation.
“Oh my god. That was just wow. It was so good. I haven't read anything as satisfying as this in a long time.
I especially appreciate not only the writing style, but how literally every mentioned character, every small scene had a deeper meaning to it and or referenced to something. Everything is thought through so carefully. I can't imagine how much research it must have taken you to make this so authentic. I also liked the humor a lot - it was much needed and placed just at the right places. Thank you for this piece of art! And, while I was able to predict many things that happened, I pictured the end in many different ways, but not like this. Simply amazing.“
“Oh shit. I was wondering if B caught feelings for A too, considering that one time A said an off hand comment about their relationship meaning nothing and B frowned. But the addition of this scene, with B locking away a bunch of emotions. Oh boi. Plus, the moment where he was coming to a decision. I'll bet B had been the one to knock in C's door and they were discussing something and they both went over to ask D something. Probably about the aforementioned book. Which would be what thud could have been. C dropping it upon hearing B ask if C knew A fucks D as well. Which also makes me question if B had talked to C about this whole ordeal, even, perhaps, going as far as to admit his own relationship with A. That seems like a bit of a stretch though. Either way. This fic is absolutely amazing and I love it with a passion. I check every day for an update. You're amazing. Thank you for putting so much dedication into this work.“
These are so personal and so meaningful and these are the ones I keep in my inbox and read over and over and over. 
Anyway, I know this is a lot, but I hope you found it helpful!
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theplumsoldier · 5 years
Summary: y/n is a guest at the red sea diving resort and is down to fuck the hot guy in the reception. also again i tagged some sweet people that i thought might be interested—do let me know if you are not, i dont wish to inconvenience anyone. as always, feedback is most appreciated!:)
Pairing: ari levinson x reader
Word count: 3227
Warnings: smut, vulgar language.
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Truly and in all certainty, the man behind the counter had to be created by the meticulous hands of God himself—hell, if that was not Jesus standing right there in trunks and a buttoned-down shirt you swore the Earth might as well be off and be flat. But then again, religion was ancient and so was that bird-brained belief, and the man you had come to know as Guy, he too appeared to belong to the ‘archaic’ variety of men who had caught your interest.
He was not old. You did not think so, at least, still, he certainly was the kind to age with grace, much like wine and although you never had found yourself able to appreciate a good glass, this man seemed to be the ideal type to drink a bottle with.
Chest hair peeked from behind his open shirt, a fine glow that the sun had left on his skin made the beads of sweat glisten so beautifully in the yellow light. The Magen David pendant hung in swaying motion from his neck and you had to curse yourself for imagining it jumping from his chest while he pounded into you. Undoubtedly this was a vacation and you were going to have fun now that you finally were single, only you could not imagine this was a vacation to him, this was work. As a woman working in a bar, you were widely familiar with those late-at-night-attempts to get some, and therefore you had more respect for both Guy and yourself than to hint towards the conspicuous sin.
The hour was late, and the resort deserted. You figured most had gone to sleep or were out by the beach for a late-night drink, considering there were few places in the vicinity providing leisure of that kind. The friends you were at the retreat with had retired to the bedrooms you shared. As the day had consisted of little besides ample writing, you were nowhere near tired enough to sleep and the humid weather did nothing but make you toss in the sheets.
And that was why you had yet to join your friend, thinking it better to leave her be to doze off while you could tire yourself out some. So, sitting in the foyer, you were leaned in over papers, some with and some without writing, a pen spinning between your fingers and half a bottle of exotic, combustible liquor.
Guy had been wandering about for some time, disappearing and reappearing every now and then, taking care of his late-night resort business, you supposed. The next time he was away was a little while longer than the last, making you wonder just what he was occupied with, missing the sight of his fine figure.
By the time he returned, you were too caught up in your paper to take notice of his approach. However, once he cleared his throat your head lifted and you could not help but smirk at the cocksure man, holding a pot of coffee and two cups.
You leaned back in your seat, pushing at the chair opposite you with your foot under the table, gesturing for him to take a seat. “I was wondering when you were going to stop playing hard to get.”
Guy let out a laugh on took you up on the invitation.
“I hope it’s that paper keeping you up this late and not your room,” said he and tilted his head curiously to the side, as if asking a question and you caught on.
“Oh, no the room is very accommodating. It’s really just my friend’s snores that are rather offensive.”
“Ah,” Guy chuckled as he got comfortable, pouring the coffee and speculated what it would feel like to have a large man such as himself to pin you down, or in good hap, pound you, even. “Mind my asking what you’re working on?”
“It’s an article. About the prosperous lands of the African savannah.”
“Really?” ticked he, nonplussed.
“No. At this point, this—” you held the smaller stack of papers into the air, “is just a bunch of zany scribblings of a drunk. You know, it was my friends that picked this place and planned the whole trip. Just, like, a getaway, ‘cause apparently their actuary- and retail jobs are so fucking stressing, and I got curious, you know? Of all the places in the world, they settled on Sudan. I mean, now that I’m here, this is nice, I guess, it’s nice! But they must have spelled something wrong somewhere and fortuitously got us shipped off to this desert, and—shit, I’m sorry, I’m maundering.”
Guy held out a cup for you. Accepting, you leaned over the table and you swore your heartrate increased the moment his fingers brushed yours. You almost knocked the bottle of liquor over when you pulled back, cheeks flushed.
“No, please—continue. I have been wondering what brings people so far out.”
“Well, to begin, your brochure was extremely tantalizing,” deadpanned you and inhaled the smell of the steaming java. “Also, I figured heck, so I did some research about Sudan and ended up on some wild goose chase, somehow stuck on fucking Mossad.”
Candidly, your words ignited a spark of fear in Ari, his azure composed eyes widening for a split-second, though you did not take notice of the change before he shifted and regained composure. Circumspect he observed you warily and shifted in his seat, trying to read you but you were not as much of an open book as he would have preferred. This made you interesting, yet perilous for a man of his taste.
“Anyway, I ended up with more questions than I had to begin with and decided it might be an interesting place to spend some time. Though I have to admit, I thought there would be more of a chance of getting a taste of the culture, but this is nice too.”
Coming to understand you were no threat, he soon relaxed in his place. You were no more than a tourist. He decided it was safe to let down his guard and be a nosy parker, asking where you got with “that Mossad story”.
“In retrospect, I can honestly say not far. I mean it was more of a conspiracy theory than anything. Still, I had the audacity to, on a whim—” you were chuckling by now, taunting yourself as you now could see why your boss had allowed you to take some time off, clear your mind. “—run it by my editor, but he turned me down. Our paper just made a deal to have a column-collab with CNN, which he wants me to be in charge of, so he’d rather have me go with something, said “more appropriate”, like a tribute to John Lennon or fucking post-its. Can you believe that? I didn’t get into journalism to gossip; I write to make people feel something; incite revolution; I wouldn’t mind that now.”
“Huh,” hummed he fairly entertained, curiously eyeing you as he lifted the cup to his lips. “Well, I have to admit, I’m a bit of a sucker for conspiracy theories myself, so, I mean, I’d love to read it sometime.”
You chuckled and shook your head, leaning over the table. “Oh no, I fed that garbage to a shredder long ago.”
Guy’s face dropped, seemingly contorting into a mix of disappointment and concentration as he was deep in thought.
“Trust me, you did not miss out,” said you and eyed the trepidation in his entangled fingers. “This piece, however, now that would be worth your while! Nothing that’s ever going to see the light of day but it’s a fine review of this corner of the world, complimenting your superlative resort here.”
“Is that so?” uttered he with a sly smirk and you nodded your head, taking a sip of the coffee.
“Aha! Also, I needed something to distract my mind with, seeing as I have been going at whatever the hell this is for hours now. I can assure you; a sleep-deprived drunken state is the circumstances a writer could ask for.”
He clicked his tongue and his head tilted back, mind going elsewhere. “Doesn’t sound very healthy, though. I could think of other sufficient ways if it’s a distraction you’re seeking.”
A coy smile curled your lip upward, needing no more to assimilate the overt hint and had it not been for the alcohol, your face would have been red as the sunburnt Germans on the tour.
“You know, if you want to fuck, all you have to do is say so.”
He seemed taken aback, but his pacific eyes flashed only a glimpse of surprise before he felt himself break from the daze. “And here I thought I was being bold.”
Humming in reply, you suppressed your smirk and wet your lips, trying to read his face.
Then he spoke up again, “it was Y/N, yeah?”
Nodding your head slowly, you felt your heartbeat increase and your legs’ position shifted as you struggled to tend to the tingle fluttering between your legs.
“And Guy?”
A short moment passed by in silence until he uttered a low “yeah” in reply. Then another passed, one where you took the time to wonder if you really were going to have sex with a complete stranger. The thought, although you never would have considered yourself so adventurous, was appealing to you and the heating sensation only stirred in you. You watched as Guy took you in and he hurriedly looked around him, the sound of his chair’s legs screeching against the floor.
“So, let’s do this.”
And Guy set marching.
His pace was moderate, something for you to keep up with, still, he did not walk five feet without casting a glance across his shoulder to make sure you still were at his tail. You were, of course, and like an eager dog following the food of that. In the end, he ended up reaching for your hand to pull you along, faster and you could not help but grin at the hurry he seemed to be in.
Finding yourself in his company, in his room, you looked around you, though he gave you little chance as he quickly had you caught against the shut door. Dipping down to connect your lips, Guy never got further than grazing your plump, soft lips, ever so slightly and he gave you a questioning look, a funny smirk tugging at his features and you explained, naming your one condition.
“No kissing.”
Guy pouted like a child finding coal rather than candy in his stocking on Christmas morning. “But that’s half the fun, darling.”
And you laughed at him, one hand teasingly sliding down his chest to unbutton the rest of his shirt. “Well, I’ll try my best to make up for it then.”
From excitement, Guy emitted a begging whine and his head dropped back, knowing all too well what you implied, and he had grown impatient even before you could rid him of his shorts. Reimbursing him with a teasing kiss just below his navel, you pulled down the cover. Springing free from strains, his cock stood tall and proud, saluting you and you gaped at the size and thickness of his girth. Surely, that was a mouthful, but you did not let yourself scare and rather blinked up at him, breaking a coy smile, before wrapping your hand around him. Feeling him, your fingers curled him and ran up his shaft, enjoying the sounds you pulled from him at the simple action. He was so responsive, and his cock twitched when your lips brushed his mushroom head. Darting out your tongue to teasingly swirl around him, you set at the base and licked along the prominent vein, humming a sweet sound for him as you complacently watched his blissed expression. Wetting your lips, you wrapped your lips around the tip, tasting the hint of salt he had to offer and for balance, your hands steadied you on his thighs while he moved the hair from your face. Taking a few inches, you dragged yourself up and down his cock, drawing back to spit on him and then fit more. While accustoming your throat to the considerable size of him, your one hand worked on what you had yet to fit, squeezing around him. Guy moaned your name as your tongue massaged against him, reveling in the pleasing sensation in which you provided.
Working on him for minutes, you could feel yourself wet at the very idea of him down your throat and you had to bring your hand down between your legs to take care of yourself all the while. The sound escaping you was almost pornographic, gagging around his cock as his hips bucked forward, fucking your face.
Hissing, Guy was ready to burst at any given time and urged you deeper on his cock, when you shifted. You received a questioning gaze through his daze when your lips left his cock and you merely grinned for yourself. Never in your wildest dreams would you have thought a man such as himself would so easily be wrapped around your finger, but here he was, wanting you more than anything, making you feel divine as you stood from your knees.
You never had been one to stride from an honest challenge in this time was no different, although it proved none at all when he so complaisantly fell under your curse. Thus it was nothing but nature for you to take what you wanted, and knowing you had to be dripping down your thighs by now, you reached to suck on his neck, pushing him onto the bed.
Feeling him rock hard against your clothed cunt, he elicited a moan from you the had him groan low in his chest. Desperately Guy wanted to take control of the moment and set a bruising pace, only he could not recall a time where he had felt so small, not to mention the part of him enjoying a woman in power.
Straddling him, your dress hiked up you fevered skin and his rough hands helped you pull it over your head, exposing your body for the humid air to embrace. Exploring hands admired your bare chest, tugged you down by your waist, grinding against him and his large hands fell to your bottom. Adroit fingers rid you off your garments in seconds and he hoisted you closer to him. It was then he got a sense of just how wet you were for him. All for him and he grunted, smirking to himself at the thought of how slippery you had gotten from sucking him off.
Driving yourself crazy by running your sex up and down his pulsing shaft, you spread your wetness across his cock and made a mess when you decided you had kept him waiting long enough. Steadying yourself with a hand flat on his heavily heaving chest, you lifted yourself and lined his head with your slick entrance, before sliding down.
Guy winced, pleasure engulfing him as your warmth swallowed him whole. Panting a faint moan, you heaved yourself unsteadily and the precariousness of a lady, eyes squinting shut at the all too missed feel of a man filling you.
Alleviating hands kneaded the soft spots of your body, holding you by the waist to guide you up and down him. His azure eyes were fixated on where you met, head craned out of comfort, pulled off the pillow to watch how well you took him. The sounds you made were hushed but pornographic and became more so when he pulled you down, close to his face and he could smell himself on you as you coveted climax.
“You hear that?” mutters he into your skin, voice husky and responsible for the shivers sparking through your bones. While your head was long gone in a state of ecstasy, the taunting slap of his balls on your skin echoed through your mind and you whined in response, nearly collapsing as you failed to keep up with him. Fucking up into your clenching cunt, Guy grunted against you, his one hand lifting your chin, forcing eye contact and you moaned at the sight. With all but his glorious, damp expression and the resonating, squelching sounds from between your thighs blocked out, you shuddered, hoping to God, not a soul had heard, for your frolic affairs could not be mistaken. “Fuck, you’re taking me so well, Y/N.”
And barely in the mental state to keep yourself composed; Guy stripped you from all chances of keeping quiet as his hand snaked between sweaty bodies to toy with your clit. Whimpering, you harshly bit down on your lip, your own hand tentatively, shakingly clasping against his and he can do nothing but watch keenly in wonderment as you came around his cock. Ponding you through your orgasm, he did not heed the thumping sound on a fist on the wall, refusing to let the face of Max ruin his orgasm. Squeezing around him, Guy felt himself unable to restrain any longer, and he pulled out, his thick load painting your stomach and pussy.
Moaning an elongated cry at the absence of his bruising thrusts, you ground out your fading orgasm on his stomach, his cock twitching beneath you, still spurting. Fragile as glass, you were collapsed on Guy, breath hitched in your hoarse throat, nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck as you attempted to pacify your rapid breathing. Moments passed, recalibrating your respiration and his soothing fingers kneading the spots where marks had been left.
Drawing in a deep breath, you gently lifted your head, shifting and leaning your cheek on your open palm. Simpering and with a hint of thoroughly-fucked in your kittenish eyes, you stole his half-lidded gaze, catching a peaceful smile.
“I should go,” breathed you, catching yourself lick your lips when your eyes darted to his.
Lips parted, Guy moved a little beneath you, hand resting on the small of your back while his thumb still drawing circled patterns.
“You don’t have to,” muttered he with a short pause, only after voiced, realizing his words may have sounded importunate. And that was the last thing he wanted to paint himself as, but he had scant to worry about—after all, he had just fucked a stunning stranger and not one of the two was in rue. “Not yet, at least.”
And you hummed with a smile, one that later would make an appearance in his deviant thoughts. Softly placing your hand on his chest, you leaned in close and ghosted your lips over his, hungry for more but tantalizing in essence.
“This was fun.” Lightly tapping his sturdy chest, you pecked him on his bearded cheek and cast him a smile before making your entrancing exit. “We should do it some other time.”
And just like that, you left him in his room with nothing but his mind to replay the previous scene of wanton happening, his cock hardening only at the notion of sweetest gasps and sinful pants you had offered him. He fucked his hand one last time before he drifted off, off into the deepest slumber he had had in a long time.
TAGLIST: @patzammit @draeluna @chibi-crazy @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @tanyam93 @valentina-booth @peach-acid @jeanily3000 @jamesgiuseppe @loilko
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babycharmander · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 21 (going for platonic unless it's like, Hector and Imelda), 25!
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!) 
To be entirely honest... maybe a 4? I’m not trying to brag but I do think writing is my best God-given skill. This is something I’ve been working on since I was a small child and I’m happy with the stories I write, and other people like them too. That said, I’m far from perfect and I don’t know if I’ll ever reach a “5,” but... I think I’m a good writer.
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
because I will actually explode if I don’t
I get Ideas and I must EXPLORE these Ideas and I must WRITE them, or sometimes it’s like a very very deep need to see This Scene happen, but then I have to write an Entire Fic just for That Scene. Also sometimes I get Emotions that are too much, so I vent them into fics instead. And also sometimes I want to see This Specific Story, but This Specific Story doesn’t exist so I write it myself.
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? 
Umm... well, like I said, generally I just write what I want to see, because what I want to see often doesn’t exist at the time I’m writing stuff (or like, if it does exist, it’s not the exact way I want it). My stuff also is mostly gen, so there’s that, and in fandoms where the characters get humanized a lot, the characters aren’t humanized in mine, sooo... I think that counts?
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!) 
Part of me wants to say Héctor and Imelda but honestly I struggle with them a lot sometimes. Romantic relationships are hard. I would say though I really do like platonic Chell and Wheatley friendship though--I mean, I wrote a LOT of it back in the day, haha. Also really enjoy writing Manny and Glottis interacting--that’s always a lot of fun.
EDIT: OH, missed this!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
ahahah all the time. Sometimes with NCY it’s just like, random scenes here and there, which is kindof how A Blessing of a Curse wound up happening. I also had like, a bunch of crap for my Redemption Line series, including an unfinished final fic to the series (yes, even after the last oenshot there).
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
As Long As It’s You
Idol: Doyeon (Weki Meki)
Prompt: cheerleader kim doyeon has tons of suitors and love letters but she’s alr dating soccer player f/reader yet nobody seems to realise and reader lowkey is frustrated so one day after reader’s big game and their team won, doyeon kisses reader in front of the whole school
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I lowkey love these types of scenarios and I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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“Wow, more pink letters. What a surprise.” Yoojung’s voice was sarcastic as she looked down at the letters that had fallen from Doyeon’s locker to the floor into a neat pile at her feet. By now, this was a regular occurrence, and the taller girl just sighed as she bent down to pick them up. Her recycling bin was starting to get full at home. “What innocent hearts are you going to break this time?”
“I can’t help it if they fall for me,” Doyeon pointed out as she shoved the letters deep into her backpack, then put the books on top. “It’s not like I want them to.”
Grinning, Yoojung shut her own locker and put her hand to her heart. “Our resident heart breaker. If you were a dude, you’d be a fuckboy.”
“I don’t even know these people though,” the taller girl complained, closing her locker and shifting her backpack onto her shoulder. It was significantly heavier than it had been that morning. “They just look at me cheering one day and decide they love me. It’s all fake and superficial.”
“Maybe you should hide your identity. Like with a mask or something. Like that gangster girl from that short movie we watched the other day.”
“I think it’s a little too late for that. Everyone knows who I am already.”
“Oh right. Good point.” Yoojung hummed as the two girls fell into step beside each other. “I mean, you could just come out and tell everyone that you’re dating (Y/N).”
“I’ve been as obvious as possible. I post photos of us together online. What else am I supposed to do?”
“True, but you have your accounts on private,” Yoojung pointed out, and Doyeon wrinkled her nose.
“That’s because I kept getting confessions on my posts.”
“Wow, it must be so hard to be beautiful.”
“It’s not like that-.”
“Doyeon!” A familiar voice called her name as the two of them walked outside, and her face lit up as she turned to see you jogging towards her with a smile.
Ignoring Yoojung, Doyeon opened her arms to greet you with a tight hug. No matter how long the two of you had been dating, you still gave her butterflies, and they danced in her stomach as she pulled away to see you smiling affectionately at her. “What’s that look for?” She asked, tilting her head, and you laughed.
“I’m just happy to see you. How was your day?”
“It was okay, better now that you’re here.”
“I repeat, gross,” Yoojung said, skipping forward. “She got a bunch more letters from some poor unfortunate souls. Oh, and some guy asked her out during lunch.”
At the mention of her large fanbase, your face fell slightly and you wrinkled your nose. “More letters? When are people going to take the hint?”
“I don’t know.” Doyeon sighed and took your hand, starting to walk towards the school gates with Yoojung on the other side. “I’ve stopped responding to the letters all together because I can’t respond to ten people a day. The public confessions are starting to get on my nerves too, because then I look like the bad one for turning them down. Then when I tell them I’m dating someone they all act like it’s just an excuse. For some reason, a lot of people don’t believe me.”
For a moment, all three of you walked in silence, you holding her hand just a little bit tighter. At the school gates, Lua joined the group, immediately linking her arm with Yoojung’s and giving her a kiss on the cheek, and the shorter girl snapped her fingers with a gasp.
“PDA! That would make it obvious, wouldn’t it?” She leaned into her girlfriend and smiled. “I mean, nobody questions if we’re actually dating. Right, babe?”
“They don’t have to,” Lua answered, grinning and booping Yoojung on her nose. “Our love is that obvious.”
Doyeon grimaced playfully and shoved her friend’s shoulder. “And you said we’re gross, Yoojung.”
“I mean, to be fair, you are. We’re just grosser.”
“Sure.” She turned back to look at you and flushed slightly when she saw that you were looking at her intently. “What? Is something on my face?”
“No, I was just thinking. The public affection thing could work.”
Doyeon’s heart skipped a beat. Oh god. Was she ready to kiss you in public? “Yeah? But we don’t usually see each other during the school day. How would that work?”
A smile spread out over your face and your mood seemed to lift. “I think I have a plan.”
Suspicious, she poked your cheek and narrowed her eyes. “What are you up to?”
When you didn’t say anything, she poked you again, but you just grinned, shaking your head. “You’ll see,” you said with a laugh, and she groaned. She hated waiting.
A few days and over twenty love letters and two confessions later, Doyeon was getting ready for the big soccer game. Despite her growing frustration and her nervousness when she thought about what your plan might be, she felt calm as she put on her cheer outfit and tied her hair into a high ponytail. She’d been cheerleading her entire life. If there was anything she knew, and if there was anything that could calm her down, it was cheer.
“Ready Doyeon?” Lucy, one of the freshman, bounced over to the table, a huge smile on her face. “It’s the big game! If we win this one, we’re on to the championship!”
Doyeon stood up and smiled, straightening her skirt. “I’m so ready. I know the team will be amazing.”
“Rooting for your boo?” The younger girl wiggled her eyebrows, and Doyeon couldn’t even be mad. At least someone believed her about her relationship.
“Of course. Are you cheering for Rina?” She asked. Suddenly, Lucy’s face went red and she looked away, making the older girl laugh. “You’re so cute Lucy. Come on, let’s go join the rest of the team at the door.”
Thankfully, the weather had recently gotten warmer, and so she didn’t immediately feel like she was about to freeze as she walked out onto the field. Instead, she felt warm and fuzzy, smiling out at the cheering crowd. Their excitement was contagious, and her heart started to pound as she got into formation, shivering as a thrill went through her body. It was time to start.
Raising one of her hands, she locked eyes with you standing across the field and beamed before mouthing a quick sentence. She couldn’t say it, not out loud, but she knew you got her message.
“Good luck. I love you.”
Soccer, unlike other sports, always kept Doyeon on the edge of her chair, her heart skipping and stopping with every other play. Every time it looked like you might get hurt or you got the ball only to lose it again, she would grip her pom-poms a little tighter. Whenever you scored, she was glad she was a cheerleader, because she could cheer you on like crazy. The game left her breathless and excited, especially when you were playing.
So when the final goal was made, winning the game for your side, the relief she felt made adrenaline wash through her body and made the difficult cheer routine easy. As she came down from cheering, the game over, she saw you heading towards her, and your words from days before came rushing back.
“I have a plan.”
Suddenly, her legs felt wobbly, and her breath caught in her throat as you approached. Still, a smile spread over her lips.
“You were incredible out there,” she said, meaning every word, and you grinned proudly. Somehow, even sweaty and dirty after the game, she still found you so attractive, grinning like that.
“I did it for you,” you said, and then you leaned in, and her eyes fluttered closed.
She felt like she was in a movie as you wrapped one arm around her waist and brought the other hand up to caress her face as you kissed her, bending her back with the force. Her heart pounded again in her chest and a thrill ran through her as she kissed you back and threw her arms around your shoulders, pulling you in closer. The noise of the field disappeared into the background as she focused on you and only you.
As it turned out, it wasn’t that hard to kiss you in public.
When you pulled away, breathless, she giggled. “You taste like Gatorade,” she said, and you laughed.
“Better than sweat and dirt, right?”
“Much better.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Can I kiss you one more time?”
Her cheerleading friends whistled, and from somewhere, Yoojung was yelling for her to “get some.” There was a murmur and what sounded like cameras going off in the crowd, and Doyeon smiled. Now everyone would know that she really, really loved you. She doubted she’d be getting any more letters or confessions after this, but just to make sure, she leaned in again, her sparkling eyes making you swallow with anticipation.
“(Y/N), you can kiss me as many times as you want.”
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tr4shmouth-tozi3r · 5 years
How Insufferable
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A/N: I’ve had major writer’s block the passed couple months and I really am trying to dive right back in and I got this request and I really love this concept. So, I’m going to try my hardest to write something for it, I think I can and maybe it’ll help me get out of my funk! Enjoy guys😊
pairing: bill denbrough x reader
Richie’s eyes drooped with boredom and he had to push his glasses up his nose to stop them from falling off as he peered over the lenses and sighed heavily, “God, please forgive me and end this torture. I don’t know what I did so wrong to be cursed with a bickering bunch of idiots. I repent, I swear to fuckin-”
“Shut the fuck up!” You and Bill’s heads whipped in Richie’s direction as the words fell simultaneously from both of your lips and his eyes perked up in astonishment.
“Are they fucking serious?” He pushed his glasses up his nose again as he sat forward and turned to look at Bev who was trying her best not to bust out into laughter. She raised an eyebrow and shrugged at Richie, no words spoken, “All they ever do is argue and talk talk talk, I swear my head is gonna fuckin’ explode if they don’t shut the fuck up!” He tugged at a loose curl to bring it out of his eyesight and huffed in annoyance.
Richie wasn’t wrong, though. You and Bill Denbrough were the last two people anyone would want to be stuck alone in a room with. For some reason, you and Bill could never manage to get along growing up. Your friends loved you both to death, but not when you two were together. The term ‘opposites attract’ could never be anymore false when it came to you two. You and Bill were so very different from each other to the point that either of you would find anything and everything as a valid point to argue.
You could point out that the sky was blue and somehow Bill would manage to disagree and list off as many reasons as he could to prove his point was true. It made no sense, but you would do the same thing to him and after awhile all of your friends decided that you and Bill together were completely and utterly insufferable.
Today, you found yourself sat in Bill’s living room with the rest of your friends, trying to decide on the first movie to watch of the night. It was Friday and that meant your weekly movie night with your friends. This week, you had to suffer through a night at Bill’s. No one ever went to Eddie’s or Bev’s for movie night, but the rest of your houses were always rotated between every week. Of course, Bill made a movie suggestion and you disagreed. Cue the arguing.
“We’ve been here for an hour and a half and haven’t even picked a movie yet...” Eddie sighed as he watched the two of you bicker.
“Okay, that’s it, I’ve had it. I’m going to grab a movie and put it on and I doubt they’ll stop arguing long enough to notice, so it doesn’t even matter.” Ben spoke curtly as he stood up.
“Yeah, well I doubt we’ll even be able to hear it over all the arguing.” Stan ran his hands through his curls in frustration.
“Who cares, we’ll turn the volume all the way up and they’ll take the hint... hopefully...” Mike piped in and his comment didn’t help to lighten the mood very much.
Ben walked over to the shelf of movies in Bill’s living room, trying to squeeze by the two of you as the arguing began to get more intense. He grabbed a random movie, not bothering to actually look over his choices.
As the movie started, Richie reached for the remote and turned the volume all the way up and suddenly, you and Bill’s bickering ceased. The two of you looked over at the TV and back at your friends who all eyed you in frustration for a brief moment.
“What is this? We didn’t even all agree on this movie!”
“Oh, for the love of God, do you realize how long we’ve been here, Bill?” Stan raised an eyebrow at Bill who stayed quiet and didn’t answer his question, “Exactly. We’ve been here for an hour and half and for majority of that time the two of you have been arguing over the fact that you can’t agree on a movie, so we just picked one and put it on. We’ve wasted enough time listening to you two.”
You and Bill looked at each other, completely flustered and silence settled over everyone as you both sat down in defeat.
“Fucking finally...” Richie grumbled as he stuffed some popcorn into his mouth and slouched into his spot on the couch.
“Shut the fuck up!” Once again you and Bill simultaneously snapped at Richie who scoffed and threw his hands up in the air as he looked around the room at everyone, who in return all shrugged their shoulders and snickered at him.
“I hate it here...” He spat under his breath.
“No fucking way.” Your breath hitched and you felt your face heat up with complete and utter anger as you watched a proud and pompous Bill wave the paper in his hands in front of your face.
“Oh, yes fucking way, babe.” He smirked down at you and Bev pursed her lips to try and hide the smile that was threatening to creep its way onto her face. It seemed like out of everyone in your friend group, she actually enjoyed the back and forth bullshit between you and Bill.
It was your last summer as high school students and everyone had gotten their acceptance letters to the college of their choice, Bill being the last. As much as you clashed and found that you were very different people, you both had managed to dream of getting into the same college and what do you know, you both had gotten in.
You and Bill would be going to the same college and you swore you could have exploded from the anger that was coursing through your veins. Everyone else had decided on different colleges and when it had come to everyone’s attention that you and Bill chose the same college it became a huge joke amongst the group. There was constant teasing from everyone and for some reason you seemed to be the only one bothered by it. Bill even found it quite amusing.
“Do not call me fucking babe.” You spat your words harshly at him and crossed your arms as you sank down in your seat on Ben’s couch. It was another Friday night full of movie fun time, but you were most definitely not having fun at this point. Bill was late and came barging through the door halfway through the movie, bragging about his acceptance and you wanted to rip your hair out. You thought this would be the end of it and you would find your peace away from Bill and only ever have to see him when you came home for the holidays, but boy were you wrong...
“Alright, you two need to cut this shit out. Now that you’re going to be stuck with each other at college maybe it’s time you try and put your differences aside and I don’t know, start getting along.” Richie raised an eyebrow suggestively at the two of you and you scoffed at him, but Bill was completely silent. Almost as if he was thinking about Richie’s words intently.
“Yeah fucking right.” You grumbled and Bill coughed awkwardly.
“I mean, maybe he’s right. You’re gonna be stuck with me at college, do you really wanna be so angry all the time? Maybe... maybe we could try and be... friends...?” Bill looked almost pained at his own suggestion as his eyes hesitantly locked with yours.
“Am I dreaming? Is Bill really offering a truce right now? Somebody pinch me.” Stan teased and Beverly cackled.
“Yes, he’s really offering a truce, Stan. It’s really happening, don’t worry.” She smirked as she looked over at the two of you and you scrunched your nose up in annoyance at her. It stayed silent for a few moments after that as everyone eyed you expectantly, waiting for some sort of response.
Your face fell and your demeanor softened as you uncrossed your arms and sighed heavily. You looked up at Bill and spoke as though it took everything in you, “Fine..”
“Wait, what was that? I uh, I couldn’t quite hear you.” Bill’s smile was sickeningly sweet as he cupped his ear and leaned toward you in a teasing manner.
“I said fine!” You raised your voice and Eddie flinched at how loud you were, causing Richie to snicker and everyone else looked just as amused.
The rest of the summer you and Bill had managed to get along somewhat, trying to get into a routine that you were both comfortable with. You carried it with you into your start at college together, but had plenty of moments where you swore you would break. You could never understand what it was about Bill that tested your nerves so much, but he did.
Richie always joked that there was this undeniable sexual tension between the two of you, but you always brushed his comments off considering who he was. I mean, it was Richie Tozier for crying outloud, he managed to make everything about sex.
If you were being honest, the idea of fucking Bill didn’t seem that unappealing, but the idea of bashing his head off of a wall didn’t either. It was quite the dilemma for you and you had no idea how Bill felt about Richie’s comments or if he thought you were attractive, too. A part of you wondered how he might feel inside of you or if he would sound hot talking dirty to you.
You hadn’t had sex in a very long time and anytime you found yourself sexualizing Bill, you told yourself it was the fact that you had gone so long without getting anything that made your thoughts run wild and let you think of Bill in such a way. You couldn’t possibly be thinking straight...
“Hey!” You snapped out of your thoughts and slammed your textbook shut on your bed at the sound of Bill’s voice ringing through your ears. You jumped up and grabbed the blanket from your bed, trying to cover yourself. Considering you were in your own dorm room, you had been lounging in your panties and an oversized t-shirt.
“Do you ever knock!?” Bill smirked at you and the way your cheeks turned bright pink as you clutched the blanket tightly around your body.
“Sorry, babe, you left the door unlocked and I had some good news. I knocked, but you must have been too busy with whatever you were doing to hear me, so I just came in.” His eyes trailed over you and you mentally cursed yourself for getting lost in your thoughts when you did.
“Bill, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me babe?”
“Sorry, sorry. Just so used to getting under your skin and that one always worked.” He shrugged in amusement and you rolled your eyes at him, “Anyway, there’s a big frat party tonight and I figured you’ve been super stressed lately. Maybe this would be a good chance for you to unwind and have some fun. You’re always so worked up. You should come, I’ll give you a ride and we can hangout. We’ve gotta get along remember?” He smiled at you and you thought about the idea for a moment before nodding.
“Fine, sounds like fun. I could use a drink... or thirty...” He laughed at your response.
“Alright, I’ll pick you up here at 8. Be ready.”
“You’re late.” Bill teased you as you slipped into the passenger seat of his car.
“Shut it, Denbrough.” You laughed as you rolled your eyes at him. It seemed like you had been doing that a bit too much lately.
“Yeah, yeah.” He glanced at you from the corner of his eye as he started the car and pulled off, “You look nice.”
“I look nice? Damn, I was sorta going more for a hot look, but nice works, too.” You joked.
“Well, I wanted to keep it sweet. Usually, if I said anything along the lines of hot I’d be a gross pig and we’d start arguing right about now.” He made a valid point and you blinked at him for a moment before looking out the passenger window. You wanted to look anywhere but at his face right about now.
The rest of the ride was almost completely silent except for the low volume of the music coming from his car radio and it was almost painful how awkward the silence was. You were certain the car ride was a lot longer than you anticipated when you pulled up to the frat house, but maybe that was your mind torturing you.
Before you could let yourself out, Bill was on your side of the car and opening the door for you. You stepped out onto the pavement and ignored how clammy your palms had gotten within mere seconds after experiencing how nice Bill could be to you. Sure, you two had been getting along a lot better since going to college, but there was something different about tonight. You didn’t linger on the thought for long and your feet carried you to the front door with Bill right behind you. His hand rested on the small of your back as you both squeezed through the crowd of college kids outside on the front lawn and your cheeks began to heat up. Get it together, y/n...
Once inside, after about twenty minutes you and Bill had parted ways and somehow you found yourself against a wall while some drunk frat guy hovered over you, his hand resting against the wall above your head as he talked and bragged about his position on the football team. Or was it lacrosse? You weren’t too sure, because your mind was more focused on the nasty cheese breath wafting in your face and you wanted to get rid of him badly. You caught site of Bill across the room and he was talking with some girl who was wearing practically nothing, but he was facing you and he locked eyes with you for a moment. He could read the expression on your face very clearly and excused himself from his conversation.
“Babe, is everything alright over here?”
“Oh hey, yeah everything is great. Just listening to Jimmy over here tell me about his football team winning the other night.” The frat guy looked at you confused.
“It’s... Johnny.. and I was talking about my lacrosse team.” Bill stifled a laugh and patted Johnny on the back.
“Well, Jimmy- I mean, Johnny...” Now it was your turn to stifle a laugh, “I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve got to steal the lovely y/n from you now. I think we were just heading out, weren’t we?”
“Oh shoot, that’s right. I’m sorry, he’s my ride.” You pursed your lips and threw your hands up in a sense of defeat.
“Well, could I grab your number?” You heard him, but pretended as though the music was too loud and you looked at him quizzically.
“What was that?” You shouted over the music dramatically and he went to repeat himself as Bill dragged you away from him.
You both made it to the kitchen and you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding in. You opened your mouth and went to thank Bill, but he spoke before you could, “Nice one. I was this close with that chick, Penelope. She definitely saw me taking you away from that frat douchebag and probably thinks we’re screwing so there goes my shot.”
You blinked at him in disbelief, “Wow, and to think, I was about to thank you for saving me back there, but never fucking mind! God, you always manage to remind me why I can’t fucking stand you.”
“Oh shut up, not my fault only the douchebags like you and try to get in your pants. You know, who you attract says a lot about who you are as a person, did you know that?”
“Wow, fuck you, Bill. What if he was trying to rape me or something? You should wait before you open your mouth and complain about my distress, considering you were the one who wanted me to come here in the first place!”
“You’re so overdramatic! Obviously he wasn’t trying to hurt you.”
“No fucking shit, but you didn’t know that. You’d look like a real piece of shit for talking to me like that if he had been.”
“Well, he wasn’t.” He was being rather cold and you were so stressed that you weren’t sure how much you could take right now. You went to open your mouth when suddenly, people were barging into the kitchen and knocking into Bill, causing him to spill his cup of whatever he was drinking, all over your outfit. You were a bit tipsy and fuming with anger, so your first thought was that he had purposely spilled his cup on you and instead of trying to one up him and maybe throw your drink back at him and humiliate him, you felt tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
“Go fuck yourself, Bill.” Your words came out low and shaky as you slammed your solo cup on the counter, vodka splashing out of the cup.
“y/n, wait-” You knocked your shoulder against his as you stormed out of the kitchen and up the stairs of the frat house you were in. You weren’t sure why you had chosen to go up the stairs rather than out the front door, but maybe Bill being your ride had something to do with it.
You opened the door of the first bedroom you saw and instantly slammed it shut behind you. You went to lock it when suddenly someone was opening the door and keeping it open with their foot when you pushed back.
“y/n, let me in!” Bill urged you to open the door.
“No, leave me the fuck alone and let me know when you’re done and ready to leave since you’re my fucking ride. I’ll be fine up here locked in this room!” You continued to push back against him, but it was no use. His foot didn’t budge and he was much stronger than you. Suddenly, the door was flying open and he was looking at you while trying to catch his breath. He looked at your white blouse, seeing the beer seeping into it and the mascara streaks running down your face.
He felt weird for it, but he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you looked soaked in beer and your makeup a mess.
“Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me? What the fuck do you want?” The hurt and embarrassment was evident in your voice and he sighed heavily as he stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. He walked over to the bed and sat down in silence.
“Listen, it was an accident. I didn’t throw my drink on you on purpose. A bunch of frat assholes came into the kitchen and bumped into me and my cup spilled on you. I would never go that far. As much as we butt heads and don’t get along, I would never intentionally hurt your feelings and embarrass you like that.”
“Oh, fuck you, you’re so full of shit. You coincidentally get shoved and accidentally spill your drink on me mid argument? Yeah, right.”
He huffed in frustration as he stood up, his nostrils flaring in anger, “Are you fucking serious? You really think I’m that much of a dick? What did I ever do to you for you to think so lowly of me? Seriously, I’d love to fucking know. If you hadn’t noticed, it seems like it’s a one sided effort on my part, for us to get along. You’re so wrapped up in the idea that I’m the asshole, that you’re acting like one!”
“Oh, so I’m the asshole!?”
“Yeah, yeah you are!”
“God, you’re so fucking insufferable! I can’t stand you, I hate yo-” Your eyes widened when your sentence was cut short by Bill’s lips on yours. There was no way this was happening right now, “What are you doing?” You questioned him as you pushed him away slightly, your eyes searching his.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m sick of this tension and the more I thought about Richie’s theories, the more they made sense. I mean, why else do we act this way toward each other? Every little thing about me sets you off, vice versa. Yet, when I walked into this room and looked at the way your shirt got all see through from that spill, I couldn’t stop thinking about taking it off of you. Don’t tell me you’ve never had a single inappropriate thought about me, because then you’d be lying.” His words were coming out in a low whisper and his face was inches from yours and your head was spinning and your throat was suddenly going dry.
“So what if I have?” You tried to sound confident with your words, but the way he was looking at you made it hard to.
“Then why did you push me away? It wouldn’t be so bad if we, y’know, got rid of some of this tension. Would it?” His breath mingled with yours and you swore you weren’t tipsy anymore, it was just your brain trying to wrap itself around exactly what was happening here.
“You know, it’s quite conceited of you to assume that I’m sexually attracted to you to the point of establishing a horrible relationship with you just to avoid the fact. Maybe you’re wrong.” You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow at him.
“God, you are one stubborn woman.” He shook his head as he grasped your wrists in his hands and pulled your arms away from your chest, “We should get this off of you, before you reek like cheap beer and get sticky, don’t you agree?” He let go of your wrists and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and you gulped and nodded your head. What the fuck was happening?
He reached for the hem of your shirt and pulled it up and over your head, “Okay, this doesn’t mean anything is going to happen. Just help me clean up.” He nodded at you and pulled you against him and dipped his head down to lick and suck on your chest all in one swift movement. You bit your lip, trying not to moan. It had been far too long since someone had done anything like this to you and to say it felt good was an understatement.
“Like I said, didn’t want you to get all sticky. Figured we could save some paper towels and I’d just use my tongue.” He spoke softly against your ear and you shoved him away and toward the bed, the back of his knees hitting the end of the mattress and suddenly, he was falling backward onto the bed as you locked the door of the bedroom before turning back around to face him.
“Just shut the fuck up and let’s get this over with.” You spoke quickly as you climbed ontop of him and he smirked up at you as he wrapped one hand around your waist and used the other to steady himself as he scooted backwards and against the headboard. He reached up and behind you, unclasping your bra rather quickly and you raised your eyebrows at him, somewhat impressed. For some reason, even though you had thought about Bill many times in that way, you always let your bitterness toward him get the better of you and you assumed he was one of those guys who all the girls gawked over, but when given the chance he was a complete fumble and two pump chump in bed.
In that very moment of him unclasping your bra effortlessly and his head dipping down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, you realized how wrong you might be. This wasn’t going to be some horrible experience that you’d regret or something you had only let happen because of how horny you were. This was going to be one of the best experiences of your life and it was about to be with Bill Denbrough, the one person you thought you couldn’t stand more than anyone else.
You raked your fingers through his hair and your fingers dug into his shoulder as he continued to lick and suck at your nipples. You grinded your hips downward into his and he let out a low sexy groan. His erection was undeniable and damn, he was big. You didn’t even need to see it out of his pants, you could tell. Suddenly, he was flipping you over and hovering above you with a look in his eyes you’d never seen before. A look that made you squeeze your legs together in an attempt to give yourself some sort of friction. He used his knee to pry your legs apart and settle himself between them, his erection pressing against you through your underwear while the skirt you wore bunched up around your waist.
“I know you’ve thought about me plenty of times. Like today, when I walked into your door room I know the reason you didn’t hear me knock was because you were thinking about me, thinking about what it would be like to have me inside of you.” With each word spoken, he grinded against you harder and harder and you whimpered at the way he spoke. He really did sound hot when he talked dirty to you..
“Th-that’s not true...” You bit your lip as you tried to keep a straight face while looking up at him.
“Oh, stop lying already. You’ve wondered for a long time what I would be like in bed, huh princess?” He dipped his head down to your neck and dragged his tongue across the nape of your neck as he thrusted against you again. You moaned and found your hands grabbing fistfuls of the sheets below you, “It’s okay to admit it. I’ve wondered about how much of a little whore you could be for me if I got you in bed and here we are. Now, let’s see how much of a whore you are.”
You let out a few shaky breaths and the emotions running through you were strange. If you weren’t in such a vulnerable position and also weren’t so insanely horny and Bill ever talked to you like that, he would have gotten a slap to the face. That was certain, but at the moment you found yourself getting wetter and wetter with each dirty thing that fell from his lips.
He leaned back and began to unbuckle his belt. You reached forward and unbuttoned his jeans for him and helped him pull them off as quickly as possible as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. Shoes fell from your feet and his as you both kicked them off. He reached down and under your skirt, his fingers playing at the waistband of your panties. You whined slightly and bucked your hips and he laughed at how impatient you were. His fingers toyed with your panties for only a few seconds longer before he slid them gently down your legs. Goosebumps rose against your skin and suddenly he was throwing your panties behind him and over his shoulder and his head was between your legs.
He gently ran his index finger and middle finger over your slit, loving the feeling of how wet you were for him, “You’re so wet for me. You like to be called a whore don’t you?”
“No, I actually don’t, but there’s something about the way you say it.” You didn’t look down at him right away as you spoke, but when you did he looked ready to destroy you.
“So...” He slid one finger inside of you as his face hovered over your center, his hot breath hitting your core, “if anyone else called you a whore in bed you’d be mad, but I can call you my whore and that’s okay?” You moaned at the way he slid another finger into you by the end of his sentence and curled them as he peaked up at you, a sly smile on his face.
“Yes, yes, yes.” Your words fell from your lips breathlessly and he pumped his fingers faster and faster at the sight of you writhing back and forth in pleasure.
“Be a good little whore for daddy then and cum for me.” He pressed a kiss to your clit before flicking his tongue over the sensitive flesh and curling his fingers inside of you repeatedly. You felt the heat pooling in your stomach and you were certain you would explode any second.
He let his tongue relax and swirl lazy circles around your clit and then fast circles and back and forth between the two as he continued to pump and curl his fingers inside of you.
“I-I’m gonna cum, oh my god, I’m gonna cum.”
“That’s it princess, cum for me. You’re daddy’s little whore, right? I’m gonna make you cum so many times tonight you’re going to lose count. We’re just getting started.” He had pulled his head away from your center, replacing his tongue with his thumb so he could talk you through your orgasm and by the end of his sentence you were clenching around his fingers and moaning so loud you were sure someone would hear you over the music downstairs. He pulled his fingers out of you, your cum dripping down his fingers and he reached up to your mouth with them, “Clean it up, please, you’ve made quite a mess.”
You looked at him with big eyes and flushed cheeks as you grabbed his hand and licked every last drop of yourself off of his fingers. He looked at you in awe, before he climbed ontop of you once again and settled himself between your legs. He dipped down, pressing his lips hard against yours as you slid himself into you. You whined into the kiss and gasped as he continued to slowly slide himself into you as far as he could. He really was huge and you not having sex in over a year wasn’t helping the pain. He groaned as he reach down and gripped one of your thighs tightly in his hand as he slowly slid back out of you only about halfway and then back into you rather quickly this time.
His pace quickened and he leaned back and pulled away from your lips, letting go of your thigh. You wrapped your legs around his waist, locking your feet behind him and changing the angle of his thrusts causing him to moan as he grabbed a hold of your skirt bunched around your waist. His hand gripped the fabric tightly as he pounded in and out of you and his other hand grabbed one of your legs from around his waist and threw it over his shoulder.
You gasped and let out a loud moan as your knuckles turned white from how hard you had been grabbing onto the sheets beneath you, “Does that feel good? Is that the spot? Is daddy’s little whore gonna cum again?”
“Yes, daddy.” You whined and bit your lip as you looked up at him, ready to come undone all over again.
“Be a good little girl and cum for me.” He groaned as he went harder with each thrust into you. You bucked your hips upward and your leg fell off of his shoulder as another orgasm washed over you and your walls clenched around him, “God, you’re so tight.”
Suddenly, as you came down from your high he flipped you over and one of his hands came down against your head, pushing your head into the mattress as his other hand helped his cock slide back into you from behind. He grabbed a fistful of your hair as you whimpered beneath him at how rough he was being out of nowhere. His other hand winded back and came down hard on your ass and he pulled your head against his chest by the fistful of your hair in his hand. His other hand snaked around your neck and you felt like you were going to collapse, you couldn’t even steady your breathing as he relentlessly continued to fuck you.
“I’m gonna cum again, I’m gonna-”
“C’mon, let go. Cum for me again like the little whore you are.” His words cut you off and drove you over the edge, another orgasm hitting you hard. Your legs began to go weak and your body started to go limp. He let your hair go and you fell forward on the mattress, ass in the air once more.
“Bill, oh my god, I’m cumming.”
“That’s it, that’s my girl, cum for me.” You moan at the way he calls you his girl and your orgasm continues to hit you. You could have sworn you were seeing stars at this point and then he’s asking you, “Can you give me one more? Daddy needs you to cum for me one more time.” He’s pumping in and out of you rather slowly as he questions you and you whimper, but you nod your head nonetheless. He grabs onto your hips and his thrusts quicken once again.
He hits your spot repeatedly and your walls tighten and untighten around him and he moans at the way it feels. Your body is practically shaking as he pounds into you just a few more times and that’s when it hits you. His thrusts become sloppy and right as he pulls out to unload himself on your back your orgasm hits you, but it’s rather different this time. You moan loudly, your legs giving out and suddenly, your laying in complete wetness as he finishes onto your back.
“I get bonus points for making you squirt like that.” Your eyebrows knit together in confusion before you realize that’s why it’s so wet. Bill actually made you cum four times and you squirted one of said times. You were rather impressed with how good he was. You just hum in response, unable to move for a moment.
He sifts throught the dresser and grabs a couple of random shirts, one for you to wear and the other to clean up the mess he made on your back.
“So, we should probably hurry out of here before we get caught. Don’t want anyone thinking you got black out drunk and pissed on this randos bed, do we?”
And there was the Bill you knew...
“Fuck you, Bill.” You shakily stood up and he was already dressed. Quickly, he’s grabbing your panties and helping you put them back on before grabbing the t-shirt he had found for you and pulling it over your head.
“Let’s get you home, squirtie.”
“Okay, this is never happening again, I don’t care how good it was. You’re still an asshole.”
“Yeah right, you’ll be calling me over tomorrow night, don’t worry.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Why? I’d rather have you do it for me.”
“Oh my god, just drive me back to my dorm and shut up.”
Eye roll.
I think that was actually pretty good, but I didn’t fully proof read it so if there’s any mistakes then oops lol. Hope you guys liked it😌
tag list: @traqicalromance @catsonthebeachfics @prof-scribbles
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @mobi-on-a-mission (she/her)
what are you working on right now? I'm in between fics right now after posting The Cockroach recently for Chopped! I'll likely start something new soon (I'm thinking of a canonverse forbidden lovers fic?), but we'll see where the muse takes me! When I'm not busy writing fic or being a human disaster I like to beta read. I beta read several fics for the Bellarke Big Bang, and I'm really excited to read them in their final form once that comes out! Beta reading may not be the first thing people think of with writing, but it's really elevated my experience with fanfic. It's a great way to let out my inner critic, participate in the writing process from a different angle, and read new fics before anyone else (hehe!) while helping out other writers. Going beyond 'this doesn't work' to 'this particular aspect isn't coming through right and here are some ideas on how to fix it' is the crucial step and has really made me a better writer!
I'm also excited to be accepting prompts for Bellarke Writers for Black Lives Matter. Send me a prompt and a donation to an organization of your choice which supports the BLM movement, and I'll write you a fanfic!
what’s something you’d like to write one day? I usually write whatever I want to write! One thing I've never tried though is an ot3. I enjoy them but at this point I don't think I could do that sort of relationship justice.
what is the fanwork you’re most proud of? Honestly I'm proud of all my fics. Each one carries its own challenges and rewards, so I never get in a rut! The work I'm most proud of, though, has got to be Revive. It's a canon compliant through s6 Memori pregnancy multichap that I wrote during hiatus. It's by far the longest fic I've ever written, and I wrote it at a time when I was still very uncomfortable writing fic. I must have had my eyes closed half the time I was drafting it, I was so nervous! But I finished it and posted it and from there on writing was just that much easier. I haven't looked back since.
why did you first start writing fic? I wrote my first "fic" in 2014, when I was 14 years old. Then I came back a year later with a really short oneshot. Both of those were for Supernatural, and they're still on my ao3. I was extremely nervous about writing, especially with the fear that my family would find out what I was doing. That fear kept me from writing for years and years, pining to write something. That is, until last July. I'd had enough. So I sat myself down and made myself write, every dad for three days until The Best Back Rubs (my first fic for The 100) was written. Again after that fic I had trouble writing. Four months later though I started writing Revive and like I said earlier, I just kept writing after that!
what frustrates you most about fic writing? The most frustrating thing about fic writing is lukewarm reception. As much as I hate to admit it, validation is important to me and I like to feel like people are enjoying what I write. When I spend a lot of time on a fic and get excited about posting it, a part of me is expecting a whole bunch of comments and kudos and hits. Sometimes that doesn't happen though! Usually that doesn't happen. I have to remind myself that those responses are not reflective of my value as a writer. My friends are a huge help with this!
what are your top five songs right now?
Sweet - Cigarrettes After Sex Foreigner's God - Hozier One More Hour - Anthony Ramos Combustible - Cœur de Pirate Undrunk - FLETCHER
what are your inspirations? My inspiration is a little bit different for every fic I write. I tend toward canonverse, so I pull from interesting aspects of canon and then let my imagination run wild with *what if*s. My own life inspires my writing as well. This helps me to add in little details to make the story feel more real. I've been inspired by writing prompts and movies and songs and other fics and snow falling outside my window!
The one thing that's constant is other writers. I learn so much from reading, beta reading, and of course talking to my friends! They help to give me ideas as well as motivation to keep going. Writing can be a lonely pursuit, but it doesn't have to be. There's only so much going on in my brain—connecting with others is what brings things to the next level.
what first attracted you to Memori? what attracts you now? From the first time they locked eyes, I shipped it a little! But in the beginning, I wasn't that invested in Memori. I kind of took them for granted until s5. But more on that later. What first attracted me to Memori was how non-traditional they are in that they're not standard cut good guys yet they were allowed to meet and fall in love. Add on top of that how they make each other better in a nuanced and imperfect way, and I'm hooked! I also really liked how they didn't beat around the bush with getting together. In a world where slowburn is seen as peak romance, it was refreshing to see a couple that was just like 'you? I like you' and then they got together and eventually became what is (in my possibly biased eyes) the strongest couple on the show at this point. Getting into s5, that's when I really became invested in the ship. It hurt to see their relationship problems like that, but it allowed them to grow from it in a beautiful way. Through it all, they have so much love for each other. They're imperfect people and they make mistakes, but at the end of the day they learn from it and become better as a couple than they are alone. Their devotion to each other really is something else!
Besides Memori, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? Funny story: I actually decided to start watching The 100 after reading Bellarke smut on ao3! It was a non-traditional introduction to the story, but something must have clicked with me and I was a Bellarke shipper from the start (even though I frankly detested Bellamy in the beginning). I still ship them, even though Memori has taken my heart! Oh yeah and I got to give a shoutout to Niytavia as well because apparently canon isn't going to feed us with content for them.
why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? It's pretty simple, really: Black lives matter should not be a controversial statement, and this is one of the ways I can help make our world a little less sucky for Black people.
what’s your writing process like (esp for prompts, chopped!, etc)? Every fic I write begins with a hodge podge of ideas. Sometimes I scribble them in a notebook and sometimes I use the computer, but it's always a creative mess! Recently I've been using Notion, a free editor which has a great desktop app. A writer friend turned me on to it and now I use it for writing as well as other life stuff too! It's easy to drag and reorganize ideas, so it really helps take a brainstorm mess to a working outline. Once an idea starts taking form I organize my ideas into related pieces and some end up getting thrown out. I craft "scenes" out of this and soon it becomes clear what pieces I'm missing. I fill in those pieces, throw out or rework stuff that doesn't work together, and pretty soon I have an outline.
I absolutely love getting prompts! I haven't gotten one through Bellarke Writers for Black Lives Matter (yet!), but I've written in a few rounds of Chopped. Most recently wrote for Chopped 3.0 Round 2 and won 1st place for best overall with my Memori fic The Cockroach. The biggest difference that comes when writing from a prompt like that is I need to make sure the fic not only fits the prompt but breathes life into it!
what are some things you’d like to recommend? Remember how I mentioned I beta read? Yeah. Right now my friend Kara, aka @queenemori, is writing a slowburn Memori actors au called We Don't Need To Say It. It's out of this world amazing and I am so hype to be a part of the process. The first chapters are up on ao3 and I cannot recommend it enough. ed’s note: this fic just updated!
For writers who are looking for a push, I highly recommend participating in Chopped. Fandom events are fun, the prompts make you get creative, and writing deadlines inspire you to actually get them finished and out there!
I know some of you need to hear this: drink some water! It's good for you and it's yummy yummy in your tummy!
The best place to find @mobi-on-a-mission is right here on Tumblr. Her AO3 is here. Request a fic written by her via @bellarkefic-for-blm.
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highgaarden · 4 years
The One Where Caroline Rides A Horse And The Salvatores Win Top Chef
many moons ago, i was lucky enough to be involved in a massive writing ficathon project with a handful of absolutely talented writers. i stumbled upon it by chance when i was traversing my dusty, abandoned livejournal, laughed to myself way too many times, and decided that i simply must share it here. so without further ado...
Title | A Chinese Whispers Fic; Or, The One Where Caroline Rides A Horse And The Salvatores Win Top Chef Authors | catteo, swirlsofblue, cranmers, jane_wanderlust, kwritten, bogwitch, kachera, steph2311, ovariesofsteel, nereemac, lizwontcry, jeremy_finch, elenarain and waltzmatildah Artist | pamsblau Fandom | The Vampire Diaries Characters/Pairings | Rebekah, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Klaus, Elijah, Finn, Bonnie, Elena, Jeremy, Katherine, Alaric (Klaus/Caroline, Rebekah/Damon, Katherine/Jeremy, Bonnie/Finn) Rating | MA Word Count | 10000 Summary | This fic was written by a team of authors who were only given the several hundred most recently written words to work from each time they added a new section. It doesn’t make sense, it’s not supposed to make sense! It’s supposed to be crack, and it is! Crack, glorious crack! The title says it all, really… .
ONE: The Part Where Caroline Rides A Horse And Rebekah Rides Damon
The clock on the kitchen wall tells him it’s four twenty seven. AM or PM is anyone’s guess as the little hand fails to tick a languid journey around the circular face. Damon makes a brief mental note: must buy batteries. Amends: rechargeable batteries. From the inky black that still shrouds the windows, drapes pulled slightly askew as he wanders back into the living room, he guesses the harsh light of morning remains hours out of reach. He takes to cataloguing the damage done as a means to pass the time. A resounding crack in the plasterboard where his shoulder-blades had connected roughly with a support beam. Jagged fragments of vase and lamp and picture frame, shattered, confetti-like, along the length of one hallway. He winces as he bends to collect the larger shards. Notes he can no longer tell the Ming from the Portland and offers up a soft sigh of relief that they’d only been replicas of the real things. There’s a dent in a silver serving tray that looks suspiciously like the curve of Rebekah’s ass. Which is odd because he doesn’t remember them making it as far as the liquor cabinet. Which is empty so… Hmm. Okay. ------ “What are you doing?” He double-takes at the sight of her, naked and dishevelled at the base of the staircase. Imagines glass shards pricking at the soles of her feet and shudders at the inevitability of bloodstains on his oriental carpets. “I’m vacuuming.” His reply swallowed by the airy roar of the device’s motor. “It’s the middle of the night.” He doesn’t really see her point. Tells her. “I don’t really see your point.” “Come to bed.” Which is funnier than it should be but only because, by the smell of her, she’s been rolling around between Stefan’s sheets since they parted ways at the top of the stairs. Naked and breathless and, admittedly, kind of sore. Jesus. “We could have sex again,” she offers. As though she can read his mind. And he must admit, the thought of fucking an Original in his brother’s bed is seven levels of tempting, but… “I’m vacuuming.” Because this mess won’t clean itself up. And it’s not like he can trust anyone else to do it for him. At least, not properly… She pouts, but then… “I’ve never used one of those before…” ------ With a degree of reluctance that is only almost embarrassing, he finds himself handing over control. And when exactly was it that he became this person? This person that could enthusiastically share cleaning tips with his naked sexual conquests. He thinks there must be something about this particular one and the almost wistful way in which she’d regarded the newest member of his collection. The Dyson DC39. Purchased especially because Ric has allergies… Also, the lifetime (heh) HEPA filter warranty and the latest in Radial Cyclone technologies had also been a top selling point. But she’s not quite doing it right he notes. Her sweeping motion with the nozzle entirely too haphazard to ensure optimum debris collection. And he arcs his chest around her bare back then, slides one arm along the length of hers and grips the handle just below where her fingers are tightly entwined. Guides the head of the cleaner into a more fluid motion that is easier to maintain. “Oh,” he hears her whisper. Soft against the side of his neck. “I think I understand it now…” Which is lucky. Because that’s the moment Caroline chooses to ride in. ------ “Is that a - ”No. Ridiculous, he thinks. I’m obviously drunk. Vaguely, he feels his grip loosen on Rebekah’s hand. Notes out of the corner of his eye that she keeps up the fluid, efficient motion he’d taught her moments ago but is too busy gaping at Vampire Barbie 2.0 sitting atop her rather large black horse. Side-saddle, he notes. As if it matters. “Yes. It is a horse. No, you’re not drunk.” She rolls her eyes. “Okay, maybe you are drunk. But this is still me. On a horse.” “In my living room.” Ask him later, and he’ll tell you this is the most hilarious scenario to be part of in almost a century. Right now he’s too busy thinking about the possibility of the animal making a mess on his new Persian rug. Because there is no other logical action that he can think of, Damon rubs a hand over his face and heads for the liquor cabinet. He’s almost there when he remembers it’s disappointingly empty. Luckily, he remembers he keeps a bottle hidden in his room especially for the rare instance in which he runs out downstairs. “Excuse me.” He doesn’t wait for an answer before speeding up the stairs. “Nice ass, Damon!” “Bite me, blondie!” ------- A still naked Rebekah continues vacuuming as if nothing awkward has happened. “Well. I see Niklaus is going for big and bold. He always did seem to overcompensate.” Caroline laughs, despite herself. “What the hell am I supposed to do with a horse? And why are you naked?” “That’s rather obvious, isn’t it? You ride it. Which works as an answer for both questions, doesn’t it?” “But I have nowhere to keep a horse. Or money to pay someone else to keep it for me. Or the desire to own a horse! They’re pretty, yes, but that’s it! When your crazy sociopath hybrid brother asked me if I liked the horse I was looking at, I didn’t think it was so he could make up his mind to buy me one!” The Original gives up on the vacuum when she hears the younger blonde’s hysterics. Notes, rather proudly, that she’s managed to make the carpet look quite like new. “Caroline, this happens to be a very beautiful horse. You happen to look fabulous riding it, as much as it pains me to say, but if neither of those things matter to you, then just give it back.” A rather loud plop, followed by a rather strong odour, serves to punctuate Rebekah’s words of wisdom. ------ Rebekah rolls her eyes as she realises that it doesn’t matter how proficient she is at naked housework, the Persian rug is done for. Damon’s going to be furious. He still hasn’t gotten over Stefan’s sorority girls breaking his crystal decanter during a particularly vigorous game of ‘Twister’ last month. Apparently he was saving it for an especially significant dramatic moment. She realises she’s probably going to have to keep him occupied. Also, she really needs to find out what ‘Twister’ is. “Where are you going? You can’t leave me!” Caroline’s looking a little wild around the eyes. Rebekah wrinkles her nose in distaste as she navigates her way around the rug. “I’m going to distract Damon. You should probably get rid of this. And maybe that.” She gestures vaguely towards the horse. “No hurry. We’ll be a while. I’m sure that Nik would be only too happy to keep you…” She pauses a beat. “Busy.” She blurs upstairs to the sound of Caroline’s new horse snorting in perfect tandem to Caroline herself. Rebekah gives a passing thought to the parquet floors as she goes – manure is so tough to remove from wood. She’s spared any further rumination on the finer points of housekeeping by Damon, wrapping his arm around her waist and tackling her to the bed. “God, you’re sexy when you vacuum.” Damon lifts an eyebrow, pouts slightly, picks up a twenty-five year aged malt and slowly pours it over her body. Busies himself for the next twenty minutes licking it off. It’s the most fun Rebekah’s had since she learned that vinegar could remove lime-scale. Damon’s teaching her a lot. Her back arches as Damon buries a head between her legs, fangs bared. She forgets all about housework. ------ Meanwhile, downstairs, Caroline is finding that there are a lot of things that a horse won’t do. Make a tight turn in a crowded sitting room for example. There are all kinds of things trodden into the carpet and she decides that it’s probably best to leave whilst she still can. The last thing she needs is an irate Damon sprinting down the stairs. The back view was quite enough to be coping with for one day. Besides, she has an original hybrid to deal with. She aims the horse towards the French doors and discovers, as they crash through a window, that the steering is nowhere near as good as her Dodge. She’s not sure if the screaming coming from Damon’s room is pleasure or fury. Decides not to stick around to find out. She flicks the reigns and feels a thrill rush through her as muscles bunch and flow under her, racing towards Klaus’ tastefully renovated home. READ MORE ON LJ
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scifinal · 4 years
DW s12e10: It's Quite Unfortunate That This Child Keeps On Regenerating
It's only fitting that the first post on a blog called "SciFinal" should be about a season finale.
Not that fitting is the fact that in said post I'm going to begin where it all started for me.
Part One: How I Even Got into This Mess of a Show in the First Place
While I call myself a huge Doctor Who fan, even a – *gasp* – Whovian, I must admit I am not as familiar with the franchise as I would like to be; I've seen the new show, I've seen Torchwood (though, admittedly, I had to force myself to finish the fourth season – but that's a story for another day), I've listened to a handful of audio dramas (including Kaldor City, which I consider to be canon for both DW and Blake's 7) – mostly Torchwood audio dramas, but who cares, – I've read a couple of comics, I've got a novel or two somewhere on my bookshelf, I've seen the first couple of seasons of the classic show, but that's about it. I can't say I grew up with it – it wasn't on TV when I was a kid, there isn't an official Ukrainian dub, et cetera, et cetera. I first heard about it when I was about thirteen, when my classmate did a project about something they liked – and was pretty dismissive of my peers' hobbies at the time, believing myself to be somewhat above them, so I didn't pay much attention.
Then somebody finally pressured me into watching it (I believe I was fifteen or something back then) and I loved it. The first two episodes of the first season, I mean. I watched those, texted my friend something like "consider me a Whovian now!" and abandoned the show completely only to return to it maybe several years later.
I loved it. This time, for real.
Doctor Who has been with me ever since that time, it has a big soft spot reserved for each and every Doctor ever in my heart, and for each and every companion. I know full well it's cheesy, and it's stupid, and it's technobabble-y, and it's glorious in all of its cheesy technobabble-y stupidity.
And I hate this finale.
Part Two: Doctor, Why
I hate this finale – because I hate Chris Chibnall. Mind you, not the gentleman himself (I don't even know what he looks like, and I can't be bothered to Google), I hate what he did to Doctor Who.
Now, when it was revealed that the would replace Steven Moffat I felt... nothing. What did you expect? I had no idea who the man was. I know now he's made Broadchurch, and I know he wrote a bunch of stuff for Torchwood back in the day, including Cyberwoman. I had to drop Broadchurch because of how well-handled the depressing atmosphere was, and I love the flawed, dumb, sexy-cyber-bikinied, almost-fifteen-minutes-of-Ianto's-whining-including (I know because some time ago I literally cut almost every single moment of Gareth David-Lloyd whimpering, moaning, groaning, screaming, and mugging at the camera out of the episode and made those bits and pieces into a beautiful clip show called "I HATE THIS" to explain exactly why his face was and still is so punchable) mindless fun that is Cyberwoman (this is also one of the two episodes in which they actually do something fun with the pterodactyl living inside Torchwood's underground base). The latter also led to the creation of one amazing in how it develops Ianto's character audio drama entitled "Broken". I love Broken. I am now forcing you to look at its cover because of how much I love it.
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Here we go. Now, back to the point of me rambling pointlessly
In his video "Sherlock Is Garbage, and Here's Why", a well-known YouTuber hbomberguy pointed out how Steven Moffat's problem is that he is more than capable of writing a good one-off episodes, but ultimately fails at managing multiple complex, overarching stories, as visible when you look at the difference between Moffat's individual episodes and his run on the show.
Now, I believe that Chris Chibnall suffers from the same affliction: he's a good screenwriter but a terrible, terrible showrunner. Sure, he's made Broadchurch, but Broadchurch, in its essence, was a complete singular story with a beginning, a middle, and an end. There were no bigger, incomplete arcs expanding at the expense of other episodes, and the show did exactly what it was originally designed to do: it told an uninterrupted story.
Here comes Chris Chibnall's run on Doctor Who.
Now, while Steven Moffat was ultimately not very good at managing overarching stories, he tried to do so nonetheless, and the fans seemed to like his attempts. And while I can't be sure as to whether it was Chris' original vision for the show or he and his co-writers were merely trying to emulate Moffat, he attempted the same. A friend of mine has even pointed out how, to her, it was painfully obvious how the writers of the finale were desperately trying to copy Moffat's style (to give you some context, she grasped it from a 30-second clip of the CyberMasters' reveal, and that clip basically consisted of me filming my laptop's screen and laughing at their design, making the video wobbly and the audio distorted). At the time of writing this post this friend hasn't seen a single episode of Chibnall's era and, as far as I know, has no wish to do so – mainly because of two reasons that both have something to do with the finale:
Somebody's already spoiled it for her, so who cares;
I ranted to her about how shit this finale is and now she hates everything about Chibnall era.
I am very sorry for the latter, since I genuinely believe there are some nice episodes in these seasons, and I especially like the "historical" ones, they really are quite a lot of fun, I like Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison fighting badly CG-ed alien scorpions, I love Lord Byron and Mary Shelley running around a haunted house trying to escape from a Cyberman (even though it's all too similar to the Agatha Christie episode from Russel T Davies' run), I adore that episode about Rosa P–– oh, wait, no, that one was crap and ripped off Blake's 7... Anyway, I love Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, I am a big fan of Graham, I like Ryan just fine, and I can put up with Yaz, even though it's been two seasons and I've still got no idea what's her personality supposed to be, and I absolutely love the new Master (he reminds me of a cute little pug with a big Tommy gun). There is plenty of good stuff in these two seasons, they are lots of fun to watch, but this finale... Oh god, this finale.
Part Three: We Had All of Time and Space at Our Fingertips and We Ended Up with This
We are getting to the point of this whole thing. I would love to begin with the obvious, the twist, but there's so much wrong with this who-cares-how-many-parter than this one big thing.
It is inept. It is impotent. It is incompetent. It is bad at almost everything except its okay camera work, somewhat good (for a British TV show, I mean) effects, and its really solid performances.
Its editing is tone-deaf to the extreme. There is a moment in the final episode where Ko Sharmas asks who will be the first to cross the Boundary and step into the unknown, and immediately it cuts to Yaz walking towards it, all fast and silent. I would love to show you a clip of it, but I don't have one and I can't force myself to download the episode and sit through this shitshow again just to present you with a ten-second clip. Nonetheless, that part is not edited like a dramatic moment. You edit comedies this way. Bad comedies. Bad editors edit bad comedies this way.
Its plot is incoherent. There are several plot threads in this finale, and they're managed in a way that doesn't make the viewer care about all of them at the same time, rather the viewer goes "oh, I've completely forgotten this was happening" and then, before they can even begin to care, the show cuts to something else. It's all over the place and oh so annoying.
The plot armour is painfully obvious despite every attempt to disguise it. There wasn't a single, solitary second when I believed the Doctor was really going to sacrifice herself and, lo and behold, here comes the old guy ex machina to do it for her. The only questions I was asking at that moment were "How are the writers going to prevent the Doctor's death now that they've seemingly created themselves a way to go on forever?" and "How can Whittaker care so much about her performance in this scene she's literally almost crying?". I wholeheartedly related to the Master asking "So why are we still here?" and shout–– hiss–– mumbl–– whatever-ing "Come on, come on, come on!" – at that point I've suffered through at least forty-five minutes of utter nonsense, people going preachy, religious Cybermen with Dalek motivations, that absolutely ludicrous scene in the previous episode when the show was trying its worst to make me perceive autonomous flying Cyber-heads with laser eyes as a serious threat, a shit twist and... Oh.
I've got to finally touch on the shit twist, haven't I?
It doesn't make sense. No, I mean it. I guess it makes sense from the show's writers' standpoint to retcon everything in a way that would allow them to go on forever without having to come up with a way to circumvent limited regenerations, yes. And I won't be touching upon all the lore people say this twist has ruined. No. It doesn't make sense as it is.
The twist is revealed to us by a madman that claims to have hacked into a database, claims to possess control over the Doctor's mind, and gives the Doctor and the audience no actual solid proof that the Timeless Child is, indeed, the Doctor. We have Ruth, sure, and she's nice enough (damn, I want that vest), and she's a Timelord that happens to own a TARDIS that looks like a blue police telephone box, and she calls herself the Doctor. Here's Ruth:
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I really like Ruth. She also makes no sense from the show's timeline standpoint, since the Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS only got stuck looking like a police box in 1963, so there's no reason for the Doctor to not remember being her.
We also know that the Judoon have identified Ruth as "the Fugitive"... except in one of their previous appearances in the show they weren't able to identify their targets exactly and thus were seeking out non-humans. There is a possibility that they were only looking for a Time Lord on Earth.
You know what? It's possible that Ruth is actually the Master messing with the Doctor. I have just as much proof of this as I have of the fact that the Doctor is some kind of an endlessly regenerating superbeing.
But this is not the most maddening thing here. I loathe it, but I don't loathe the twist itself: I loathe its lifelessness, I loathe how empty, how unemotional, almost robotic it feels. When somebody'd spoiled the finale for me, I got angry, and I started asking questions, and when later I saw the actual thing...
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This gif. I can't even explain how accurate it is. I stood there, in the middle of my kitchen, episode paused, holding a cup of cold tea and desperately looking around as if in my surroundings I could somehow find that emotional reaction that this show failed to evoke. I was ready to burst into tears of how empty it felt, and how empty I felt, and how the same show that has Christopher Eccleston go from literally foaming at the mouth with pure hatred to shocked silence in a matter of second because of one sentence that you, a viewer, can't help but be astonished by failed to make me feel the tiniest speck of literally any emotion. And slowly, I felt that vast void in my chest fill with sheer, pure, flaming hatred for the person who made me feel nothing, for the story that left me not bored – but empty.
And the next moment, in its own unique way of being absolutely tone-deaf, the show introduces the CyberMasters, looking ridiculous, being asinine in concept, making me burst into laughter with their dumb design. Wow.
Chris Chibnall's Doctor Who is no longer a show. Chris Chibnall's Doctor Who isn't even, as somebody on Stardust said, a fan fiction. It's a rollercoaster. A lackluster rollercoaster that lifts you from the vast caverns of frozen hell, devoid of any life whatsoever, soulless and abandoned, to the heavenly torture of being so bad, so utterly awful and ridiculous, that you can't help but laugh as you watch something you used to love be distorted and deformed to the point where you can't recognise it anymore nor really care. This is what Chris Chibnall's Doctor Who has become. And I'm going to continue my ride on that grotesque rollercoaster. I'm going to pirate that ride and get on it again. Because I'm a masochist. Because I want to feel something, even if it's hatred towards those that make me feel nothing.
Because some time ago my fifteen-year-old self watched the first season and learned a lesson that I hold dear after all these years – that I can't abandon hope, and that someday, somehow, things are going to get better. That the future is being written right now. That the future can change.
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skunky2 · 5 years
Top 11 Worst Cartoons of the 2010′s!!
We had so many great cartoons introduced in this decade and while I haven't seen every last one I can say this decade was one of the best for animation in general! Sadly for every good animated show produced in this era there are also some bad apples in the bunch the following cartoons are some of the worst I have seen but please remember this is only my opinion if you like any of these shows then that's great continue to enjoy them don't let me stop you!!! 
        Now let's get this list started!!!
11. Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs the series         (2017-2018) 
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Ok before we talk about the show I want to make one thing clear I don't hate the films in fact I actually find them enjoyable even going as far as calling them guilty pleasures the show on the other hand is a huge flop compared to the movies were the films had creativity and fun humor the show lacks that in fact this is by far the most boring show to be based on a freaking film about an invention that makes it rain food!! The other problem I have with this show is it's set before the events of the films so Flint hasn't even become an inventor yet but instead it's about him in high school and apparently him and Sam knew each other already did they even watch their first film!? Also the mayor is the principle because why not seriously this has got to be the worst show based on a hit animated film it's so painfully unfunny that I question how kids found it entertaining to begin with!!!! Not every movie needs a tv series and this one proves it!
10.  Total Dramarama (2018-ongoing) 
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Oh the pain to see the Total Drama series downgraded to this especially since the original Total Drama Island took a ton of risk for a show aimed at kids also how did we go from a series that spoofed reality  shows to a bad Muppet Babies rip-off!! What's really sad is that creators have no desire to produce a new Total Drama series they just want to work on this. On the plus side it's still not as bad as other shows your going to see later on the list. 
9. Super Noobs (2015-ongoing) 
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Other then the "how do you do fellow kids" title I wasn't expecting this show to wow me considering it was brought to you by the same dude that brought us Johnny Test aka the original most hated cartoon of all time I got the DA pics to back me up! The worst part is this show has a very interesting concept but it's ruined due to the bad humor and characters. The show is about a group of outcast middle schoolers who receive super powers in the form of power balls from aliens who then become their mentors and how they must save the world from an evil virus that threatens the world sounds like an awesome plot too bad it's not pushed further. 
8. Almost Naked Animals (2011-2013)
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Yes this is a children's cartoon not a title for an X rated film. All I can say about this show is why? Why would anyone greenlight a show about an animal nudist hotel not only is it disgusting but those character designs yikes!!!! They look so ugly looking no one wants to see something that looks this hideous!!  Not to mention the humor is just as terrible as the art design. 
7. Breadwinners (2014-2016) 
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You know when you feature twerking in your show you automatically fail. The best way I can describe this cartoon is it's just awful first off the two idiot main characters who I'm not going to refer by name since they are some of the most stupidest names for characters seriously  SwaySway and Buhdeuce!? Anyway the show is about these two "ducks" I say ducks like that since they look nothing like ducks they look like frogs or aliens or something. Try to make your character if they are an animal try to look as close as possible as the species they're supposed to be so it will make it easier for you audience to identify them. Well they fly around in a rocket car or something I really don't care and deliver bread to stock-image ducks which brings me to another problem they can't even draw background characters they just go on Google find a duck photo and photoshop cartoon eyes and whatever on it how lazy a can you be!! Also I found out a long time ago your actually not supposed to give ducks bread yeah it can use malnutrition and illness to them so this cartoon is spreading the wrong message to kids. 
6. Brickleberry (2012-2015)
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You know why I despise most adult cartoons because most of them are either trying way to hard to be quote on quote "adult" with overuse of swearing, gore, shock humor, and sex jokes and guess what this show is full of this!! Not only is the animation similar to that to Family Guy it's just as disgusting and offensive!!! The show revolves around these park rangers and their everyday lives at their jobs and the characters aren't very good either they are pretty much all assholes, stereotypes of usual characters you see in adult animation, and your typical characters that are just there to offend you! In fact the little bear cub character is pretty much the shows answer to Brain from Family Guy with the personality  of Cartman from South Park. Now I haven't seen this show in a long time but I just remember it wasn't a pleasant experience if you want to check it out just be warned it's not for the faint of heart.  Also the creators of this show produced another show for Netflix that is just a carbon copy with cops instead of rangers and I though that Seth McFarlane was lazy when it came to plots!! It's called Paradise P.D. btw 
5. Teen Titians Go!  (2013-Ongoing) 
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Yeah, Yeah, Yeah you've heard it all before this show is garbage, a disgrace to DC comics, stupid etc. The animation community has tore this show apart so there really isn't much to say that already hasn't been said but I will say this I never intended to hate this show as much as I do in fact I was fine with it when it fist came out I mean the original Teen Titians cartoon from 2003 will always be better then this show in every possible way but I wasn't one of the fans to jump on the hate wagon when this was announced I mean I had nothing wrong with it just focusing on comedy if you remember correctly the original had eps that were just as silly and bizarre. The main reasons why this show is so high up on this list is for the following reasons the first is I've never seen a show like this disrespect a fan base this much  it's like the creators have it out for the original fans and they get joy out of mocking them with all these pathetic critic call out eps they do it also shows that they can't take criticism at all!!!! Second is how the creators view their show and animation in general they literally came out in an interview and said the reason why they made the show so stupid is because it's for children you do know kids aren't stupid right guys they deserve shows that don't try to talk down to them!!!! But the main reason for my anger towards this show is how they made an episode awhile were the moral literally was that cartoons are only for kids and told the original fans to grow up!! Mainly the creators themselves have this warped mindset that I honestly wish would just die out that only children should be allowed to watch cartoons and that their show should be immune to all the hate since it's for kids so they use the "just for kids" excuse for their show being like it is. It's hard to believe they would even have a mindset like that when they are adults themselves making an animated cartoon show. I didn't mean to rant this long but I mainly hate everything this show stands for and sadly it's going onto to get 300+ eps. Personality I really think it's time for this show to officially Go not because I don't like it's mainly because it's showing signs it's on it's last legs and with that Sixth Titian thing they pulled this summer and repeating episode plots is starting to show that the writers are becoming burned out this show was never good but I think it's time it ended. There are tons of other reasons this show is bad but I rather not go into them this has gone on long enough already. 
4. PPG 2016 (2016-Ongoing) 
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Well TTG isn't the worst reboot/spinoff Cartoon Network produced in this decade the honor has to go to this piece of trash Powerpuff Girls 2016!! Why was this made simple CN wanted more money so they made this show to sell toys yes that was the only purpose of this reboot to sell merchandise too bad the show sucked so hard that the target demo along with the fans of the original Powerpuff Girls hated it! There are tons of problems with this reboot that have already been explained such as god awful animation errors, bad writing, and let's not forget the memes those outdated memes. Not to mention they removed the character Ms. Bellum since the creator thought that having a beautiful, warm-hearted, motherly, intelligent and strong-willed woman on the show was offensive to the new generation! Not to mention they got rid of breast but they did allow the girls to twerk tho!!! Yes because having an intelligent good-looking woman with boobs is bad but kindergarteners doing a sexually explicate dance is fine!! Seriously I feel so bad for Craig McCracken it was bad enough he was screwed over by Disney but to have his show turned into this!! 
3. The Problem Solverz (2011-2013) 
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If you want to know my opinion for the worst animated show Cartoon Network has ever made it would be this one! Not only is the show ugly to look at but it uses enough bright colors to make your eyes bleed. The show is about these detectives who solve problems in their home town too bad they cause 90% of the problems they need to solve. These characters are so nasty to look out we got this ugly fish-like man, some robot, and a big nosed hideous lipped Domo wannabe. It was cancelled from tv but ran it's final season on Netflix. I still feel pain for any child that had to sit though this. 
2. Pickle and Peanut (2015-2018) 
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Ugh this show!!!! If you've never seen it you may guess this would be something on Adult Swims line up since they're more known for wired shows like this but no it's not from Adult Swim in fact you'll never believe who made this Disney!!! Yes Disney Television Animation produced this the very same company that bought us shows like Gravity Falls, Phineas and Ferb, Star Vs. and so on made this garbage. There are several problems with this show first off the animation remember when I said that Breadwinners was lazy for using stock-images as background characters well this is the same damn thing but in reverse they couldn't even animate a pickle and a gosh darn peanut this is a peeve I have with most modern cartoons if it's not for a joke then why use stock-images it just makes your show look lazy! Second the humor it sucks it's mainly is "trying" to be Regular Show since both characters are slackers and get into bizarre adventures. Also this show loves to show gross-out shots like the ones in Spongebob for example but unlike Spongebob these are not funny and just plain disgusting like how is this show fun for kids to watch I mean I can understand why kids love cartoons like TTG but I can't see any child liking a show like this!!! Finally we have to talk about the god awful theme song it's not even a theme song but a random robot voice listing off things adults think that children are into so pretty much they're trying way too hard to appeal to kids just like with PPG 2016. There really isn't much more to say about this show it's just awful and it's still hard to believe Disney had a part in making this.
Now it's time for the cartoon from the 2010's that I believe disserves the crown as the worst show from this decade. Out of all the shows I've seen this year none of them of completely  disgusted me more then this one it pretty much has everything  I despise in modern adult animation it makes Brickleberry look tame in comparison!!! It comes to us from our friends at Adult Swim may I present to you the cartoon that I consider the worst!
1. Mr. Pickles (2013-Ungoing) 
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I honestly don't know where to start on this one it's just god awful!! First it's got all the things I despise in adult animation shock humor, sex jokes, violence for the sake of it, and ugly character designs!! The show is about a family who owns a dog who is either the devil himself or one of his loyal followers and the dog does extremely messed up things to people stuff I rather not try to remember let's just say this show is MA for reason. If you have a faint heart please stay away from this show at all cost!!!
So there it is my opinions for the worst shows from this decade I hope you all enjoy it since I worked really hard on it.
I didn’t include Big Mouth or Paradise P.D. because I’ve never seen them but yeah I know they’re bad. 
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comicteaparty · 5 years
March 14th-March 20th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from March 14th, 2020 to March 20th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
How do you react to readers predicting your plot twists?
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Depends when they do. A page or two before it happens? Both of us get to feel clever. Yay! Months ahead? Well, obviously the thing I thought a a big twist ain't it, so I get to decide what other thing to focus on. I usually don't change the plot on reader predictions, but I can always change how a twist is presented from "Big surprise! Bet you didn't expect that" to "Well, ain't it neat to FINALLY have confirmation about that thing?"
Funnily, the best plottwist I ever wrote was in my now defunct comic. I thought it was obvious, but my few readers went "WOAH, didn't see THAT coming." So these days I try to just write the story and let the twists fall where they may.
ASDFPHIaewpf a friend of mine was reading my comic and he was making a lot of theories, a bunch of them was way off but he managed to be 100% accurate about one of his theories and I just started laughing nervously when he talked to me about it before it happened in the comic. This was years ago and the thing already happened and it's not a big deal anymore, but at the time I felt proud to write something that was obscure enough to not be on the reader's face but at the same time having someone figure it out after connecting the dots
I have little twists that happen in a more funny way, and it's usually used for comedy, and my readers seem to like it
but that's probably because of the expectations in humor coming from my writing style
which is usually bad puns and character reactions to absurd situations
and I agree witch chalcara, sometimes we can feel like we failed a plot twist when people see it from miles away
which is true, but sometimes even when they figure it out it's best to leave it as it is
I've seen a lot of writers fucking up their stories by changing plot twists that were stablished just because "people found out too early", and retconing a lot of the story in result
like, making a plot twist consists in creating some kind of foreshadowing
to make the twist not seem too forced and taken from nowhere
also to make it rewarding for those who searched deep for those clues
idk I love these little foreshadowing/clues we can leave for our readers
to make the twists even more powerful and meaningful
I want to second a lot of the above. A plot twist should not be completely unguessable. Because if nobody guesses it, it means to most readers it's gonna feel like it makes no sense and came out of nowhere. The goal of a true twist is to have as few people as possible guess it but then when it's revealed, the reader smacks their head going "how could I miss all these clues."
Deo101 [Millennium]
Readers predicting things usually makes me lead with "oh no, I'm predictable!!!" And then makes me thing "wait, no, it means they're picking up on the hints I've left behind." Though sometimes it's predictable, like if someone guesses the actions of the next few pages, that's less of the readers picking up on hints and more just guessing right. But guessing big plot things, j think, is a reflection that I'm making things as clear as I need to, and I'm rather fond of it
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
99% of the times I am delighted if they guess the plot twist. I like it when I feel like my readers are on the same page as me (pun ...maybe not intended?) and see where things are going. Since my stuff is character driven, it tells me they can read the characters and their personalities well enough. However there was this one time when I had intentionally depicted something that was not going to be the historical norm (namely the p-51 mustangs' coats of paint on a cruiser in the opening scene of my WWII webcomic Brave Resistance). A war history buff called me out on it IMMEDIATELY saying "wait, these aren't how they're supposed to be!" and nearly spoiled the entire plot on page 2! I had to DM him to tell him to tone it down, and explain to him why the planes where the way they were. He apologized and stopped, but I'd wanted to throttle him for a while there
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I agree with Rebel re: the purpose of a plot twist. In that sense, though, I don't think my story even has plot twists. There is no moment anywhere in the story where I want the readers to go "how could I have missed all the clues!!!" ... On the spectrum of brainy vs hearty, my story is very close to the extreme end of hearty. Like, think of stories like The Little Prince or My Sweet Orange Tree. Even when unexpected things happen, it's never about the brilliant reveal. The most shocking thing in My Sweet Orange Tree comes out of nowhere, and it works for that book. Heart of Keol is a lot like those two in this regard. Not exactly the same, but pretty dang similar!
So back to the question, honestly? I want people to be able to guess. The usual bane of my existence is the opposite problem: people not knowing wtf is going on. My story isn't supposed to draw its strength from its surprises, so guess away (edited)
eli [a winged tale]
I love it when the reader guesses the gist of the plot twist a few pages just before the reveal. I sort of follow the novel structure idea that the reader should see what’s coming next right before it hits them, hence rewarding their investment in the story. Wild speculations without the clues I’ve planted are interesting. It does make me wonder if I relied too much on tropes or left too big of the crumbs. That being said, I’m not too fussed by readers predicting the general directions of the plot because it’s all about the character reactions. Could they predict that too? Maybe, to a degree. But there are a lot of subtext I try to write in my characters that give some nuances that I feel may entertain even those who guess correctly how the story would go. TL;DR: guess away. Love reading theories. The story is set so I won’t be changing anything big but perhaps layer the reveal with subtleties.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I've actually never had readers guess what's coming next. I mean, unless you count obvious, broad stuff (such as "the MCs get together"). I mean, it IS a romance. But in regards to big plot events, no one has gotten remotely close with their predictions (which kind of surprises me, because I drop clues everywhere). To be fair, I'm only a chapter in, so I guess it makes sense. But I am excited for the day when people finally guess
eli [a winged tale]
Same Cronaj! The predictions I’m speaking of are from my betas reading the entire script I love it when then go—- “omg this [plot point] must mean [reveal!]” .... right before the reveal
Feather J. Fern
If anyone does pick out certian plot twists I will be like "Yesssss people do think like me, I am not crazy" XD because most of my twists are all shown from the start through hidden background things so if people found them I am excited they took time and effort to figure out twists
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I love it. I haven’t been disappointed about it yet, and I don’t think I will be. It doesn’t make me change the twists at all - in fact, I’ve even shifted some story elements around to give the readers even more confirmation that they’re right, earlier on in the plot. I want to reward them with a treat, and now they can revel in their cleverness a bit longer Hee hee.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I love it too, but I don't change things to make readers more right like LadyLazuli does. Sometimes I'm tempted to, though! My readers have good ideas!
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I like plot twists so I like to set a hint of them off early tbh (edited)
but I try not to make it too obivous :3c
tho for those who like to guess, I welcome it. I like hearing folks and their interpretations even if it's not what I'm going for too lol
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Admittedly, a lot of it is due to the nature of the medium. I know that webcomics take ages to get to major reveals or spoilers - I can wait to totally-confirm things, but I can't wait to... almost-confirm things? I don't want people to get tired or frustrated. I know I've gotten angry at anime shows that take 20 episodes to confirm something we guessed at episode 1, so I like when these things are all but confirmed early on. It can be really fun to know a secret that, maybe, the heroes don't know. It gives an extra layer of STOP, NO, DON'T GO IN THERE! in times of danger
But given my propensity to practically s c r e a m my spoilers to people who I can trust with the plot... a lot of it is just me bursting at the seams wanting to say YES YOU'RE CORRECT.
Patience and restraint. Essential things in webcomics
eli [a winged tale]
Indeed! So much patience needed I do love some excellent plot twists executed just chefs kiss
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Yes! I just want to tell readers, "Oh God, you're right! Good job!" But instead I usually respond with a ":)" or "I like this analysis!" Which I think is basically just confirming it. But if it's a real life friend? I cannot resist from telling them everything. I've even spilled spoilers in this chat before, trusting that most people here haven't read my comic. Kind of backfired when I reached a major plot point and someone commented, "She's been waiting to bust out this plot point for so long." Oops, guess someone did read my forum posts. But even if I did spoil things in the comments, is it really that big of a deal? I'm the kind of person where spoilers don't detract from my experience of things and sometimes even adds to it. But some people care about spoilers, so.(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
Haha yeah it’s honestly so freeing to just tell someone about the spoilers
Here’s what I have planned that will wreak the readers muahaha
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Past me could super relate to that! But these days I don't really want to TELL people? I'm not sure if that's because I've changed as a person, or if it's because this story is different from my previous ones. That being said, my patience is not infinite. I am itching to SHOW people. Can't wait to get to those Big Scenes
"Big" is a weird adjective here because they're very small scenes in some ways. Very intimate/personal
But... you guys know what I mean. The scenes that every longform webcomicker is dying to get to
Oh gosh, I agree that plot twists shouldn't be entirely out of the blue, since it's nice to have the hints that give people the crumbs to follow a trail. But like, since I write a lot of these chapters way in advance, and if I had the chance I'd love for them to be readable in one go as opposed to a page per week, I fear that I'm boring people with a predictable punchline? That being said, I get so many comments that predict the end of the chapter or the punchline or the joke. And I'm always like "haha maybe????" but inside i'm like "oh my god, they got me, THEY GOT ME"
Ohh yeah keii I get what you mean
the scenes you're like, checking your watch, checking your current pagecount, and thinking "soon I'll get to draw it, and it will be marvellous"
eli [a winged tale]
Oh gosh those scenes for me are at the finale
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
TBH last time I got to one of those scenes (which was very recent), my anxiety skyrocketed because I was expecting someone to say something harsh. Because it happened in all of the previous ones. But this time it went well, so hopefully the future ones will, too?
eli [a winged tale]
Deo101 [Millennium]
I think for me, I worry more than anything that it will ruin things for other readers, rather than me worrying so much about someone guessing right or me sharing spoilers.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Someone DID say something harsh, but it was right before the actual scene and not about the scene and a lot of people got fed up with their attitude so I felt like it wasn't my fault, lol
eli [a winged tale]
Ruin things for other readers? Oh like someone predicting correctly in the comments?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Also yay! I always get anxiety about those kinds of scenes
Yes, someone predicting Something
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Well thought-out predictions are a lot of fun to read though, as a reader going through the comment section
eli [a winged tale]
I guess I stopped minding it and now embrace it they could be wrong or right and who knows until we get there~
Oh totally!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Oh I don't mind so much, but that doesn't mean I don't worry a bit too!
J like reading them for me, but I still think "I wonder if this will ruin it for someone else"
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Occasionally there are problems with Korean webcomics that were originally webnovels? Because people who've read the novel version sometimes spoil things in the comic comment section, and that's not cool. They're not even theorizing, they're straight up spoiling.
Deo101 [Millennium]
eli [a winged tale]
Oh no that’s bad
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
But if people are theorizing, and the theories turn out to be right, that's all very fun IMO!
ugh when people spoil things it irritates me to no end. Let people enjooy it for what it is!
and yes!! that's one of my fave things too
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, every reader is different though. I have some people who explicitly have asked me not to share spoilers, and others who kinda beg for them! So I worry if some people don't like to see predictions (I know my dad doesn't like when I guess things in a movie)
theorising, discussing with other fans, just chatting about what you think may or may not happen
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Sometimes you even see comments like "Hurry up, Konans! I'm too tired to think, so post some good interpretations/theories!" lol (Konan as in the detective... in Korea, it's a term for hardcore theorizers in webcomic comment sections)
Oh, I think movies are different
I don't want any form of verbal remarks while I'm watching a movie
Or like, if I'm marathonning a show with my bro, we're entirely silent except between episodes.
But comment section is like, you have to actually go there.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Some people might be like that for comics, too. Idk. I'm not trying to say i don't like to see theories I'm just trying to think of everything that makes me worry about them is all.
And for me, the biggest worry would be that someone seeing a prediction would make them enjoy my comic less. It doesn't mean I necessarily think it's all that common, but I refuse to say it won't happen I think
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Personally, I think that's not an issue unless you confirm the commenter's theories
like I've seen theories for things online where my first reaction is "that's dumb, that would never happen" and then it happens
some people will latch onto another person's theory, others will reject it, but i don't think people will take it as a spoiler in advance
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Yeah, theories are just theories
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I mean I know some people don't even want to hear other readers' theories, but if they are that extreme, they need to avoid the comment section on their own IMO?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
like... cool, I respect your preferences, but you can't hold me responsible, pal!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Again I'm not trying to say I don't like theories or I don't want them I'm just trying to think of all potential issues with them
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Granted, I'm one of those people who will scroll through the comments and read theories because I like to see all the smart people reveal the clues to dumb people like me
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I can relate to that
@Deo101 [Millennium] Understandable! Just don't be too hard on yourself for things that you can't control
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Those geniuses that remember details from 30 chapters ago and somehow manage to connect the dots
Exactly! The comment section is there, but it's their choice to read it, and also like it's not your fault either? like they're not YOUR comments
haha in our RPG games sometimes people drop character plot hints way at the start of the campaign, and my friend will turn up, 7 months later, " remember when Character A said this? I remember"
and everyone's like "what the heck?!" some people are just detectives
they can see it, they see the matrix
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Anyway, I love when my readers theorize! I don't believe any reader has guessed any of the major plot twists in the first two books, despite there being enough evidence beforehand to make a guess (closest was "whatever zebugu's doing, it's not evil this time" but not the specifics of what he was doing). Though, if they had, I wouldn't mind, since that's max two years they gotta wait before the reveal (and that's assuming they guess it on the cover page lol). Book 3 is a different beast - strictly speaking, there's enough evidence for someone to predict both twists at the end of the book, right now. And... that may be an issue, given that this book will take over three years to reach those twists. So... we'll see if anyone guesses them. What's weirdest is when people guess things almost correctly with absolutely NO hints. And it's some super specific and minor thing like "Mizuki is secretly the reincarnation of a thousand-year-old dragon". Like... there haven't even been dragons mentioned in the comic up to this point. Nor any events from a thousand years ago. And like, that's not exactly the truth, but how do you get THAT close???(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
They see E V E R Y T H I N G
eli [a winged tale]
Sometimes it’s a trope thing? But yeah wild speculations can be so wild but so spot on
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
but there aren't any fantasy creatures in the comic, at all!
except a squid with feet!
eli [a winged tale]
Lol whaaaat then yea not sure where the dragon part came from then
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Sherlock Holmes readers lol
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah detective Conan lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Joke gone awry
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Feather J. Fern
Well I mean I have crack theories about random people being random things too so...
I can see where they come from XD
tbh I think my comic is fairly easy to predict as it has a pretty straightforward narrative xD but I don't have that many readers yet so maybe in the future! I would have fun reading people's guesses and predictions :D
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
AAA my readers right now are so accurate. They're so smart. They make me want to post my entire buffer right now and prove them right.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I wonder if anyone would be able to predict the next things happening in joe is dead
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I at least have no idea what's going to happen next but am looking forward to it anyways(edited)
🌈ERROR404 🌈
i know that it's only because TH is still quite new, and I haven't gotten to the meat of the story yet, but i like reading some of the really out there predictions and worries i get in some of the comments lol
I will never tell someone if their guess is right or wrong, but if they do guess it, it probably means I'm foreshadowing well.
Then again I also find myself writing by the seat of my pants, so plans are subject to change.
The original question mentions “plot twists” but I’m never trying to make a plot twist personally. I may intentionally obfuscate things, but I don’t ever try to do wild twists and turns. So when a reader predicts what will happen, I actually don’t mind, and I’m pretty happy that it’s following a logical chain of events. On the other hand, when readers are totally off base, I think that’s REALLY fun.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Most of my readers feel that my comics are twisty and surprising, but I often get at least one reader who correctly guesses what will happen, even if sometimes they’re joking or think their theory is wild and out there. Honestly it feels pretty awesome to have a reader shrewd enough to puzzle out the clues, because that means they’re really paying attention. I don’t have a very big audience and most of the time they’re silent, so anytime someone leaves a comment that is carefully thought out, it makes me really happy. As for the times readers joke or wildly speculate but inadvertently hit the nail right on the head, I find those very amusing. I really love stories with well done twists and turns, and so I try very hard to execute good plot twists that have enough foreshadowing to be ‘Aha!’ moments rather than ‘Where did that even come from?’ moments. So I love when readers are both properly misdirected AND when they pick up on the clues and deduce the twist.(edited)
Does my comic have plot twists? I don't really think about it. People have correctly guessed things that will happen in a chapter, someone even guessed correctly on the climax when a character named Daniel was introduced... well, it was more like "I hope things don't turn out like -blank-!". I don't mind, just because they guessed something correctly doesn't mean they know how the story will go for sure, it just means that they're theorizing and that is something I always encourage. I don't think that means the story is boring or predictable either, some people are just really good at that stuff. Even though I don't think my comic is very mysterious/unpredictable it's still impressive when someone pays attention to all the little visual and dialogue details, then guessing correctly about a future event based on them. Nothing more flattering than someone enjoying your comic enough to analyze it.
Lmao! I can't tell you how many movies I've ruined for people because I guessed a plot twist correctly.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Haha, honestly same. I’m not allowed to make predictions during movies or TV shows anymore bc I almost always get it right. XD Webcomics I find a bit more unpredictable, though, because most of them aren’t nearly as formulaic as mainstream film.
Yeah! Even if it's not obvious most of the time movies go by a pattern or set of traits, once you learn how they go a film or TV show becomes a lot more easy to figure out right away. The only time I'm stumped is when the movie is really surreal or absolutely awful. That's the nice thing about webcomics in a way. I assume a lot of creators haven't had professional training, and we want to tell a story more than be entertaining to the masses, so stories are less predictable. They don't always go by a formula, which can be refreshing.
Capitania do Azar
Aw man I would love to have some theories, but for the time unfortunately I don't I'm always super curious about how readers interpret things given they don't have an inside view of things
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