#mutt movie
kissmewithyourfists · 9 months
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We'd listen to the rain. The two of us.
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clockwork-stars · 4 months
Watching Mutt (2023) right now and...
"- It's okay.
- No, it's not!
- It's fine, I'm fine with it.
- Yeah, well, I'm not."
It hits somehow
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satanfemme · 21 days
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⛓️⚡️⛓️ Mutt + the guy who turned him into a good boy ⛓️⚡️⛓️
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thecorvidforest · 1 year
i fucking hate how for so much of the year people will claim to be disability allies and then september hits and suddenly they’re super excited about the horror movies and games and costumes that profit off of the fear of the the visibly disabled and those with “scary” mental illnesses. you can’t simultaneously be a disability ally and also spend your spooky season ignoring the blatant ableism in horror so you can delighted at how scary we are to you.
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mutt-sys · 16 days
Introduction to the blog
We needed a better introduction/requests page so here you guys go!!
What it is up everyone, we are the Feral Mutt System and we are an 18 year old loser on the Internet. We are an avid music listener and absolute nerd so we're always down for getting into new things but it'll just take time cause we tend to hyperfixate a lot.
Anyways, we go by many names but you can call us Zeke or Mutt. We go by he/she/it/any neos,so you have full reign on what to call us, we'll answer to just a about everything.
We're pretty chill but also very hard headed on our opinions and usually we allow everyone just don't be a dick or a weirdo and respect my boundaries and wishes please.
Now onto the requests!!!
We'll do anything we're familiar with so anything along the lines of Ghost, Yaelokre, Marvel universe, horror movies, certain books(ask and I'll tell you), certain tv shows, certain movies ect.
What I'll do with requests:
Stim/mood boards
Smut(not if the characters are minors)
Age regression related things(stories, pacifier edits, headcanons ect.)
Fluff/domestic writing
Au babbles ect.
What I won't do/hard no's:
Smut of minors
Non con/pedo/zoo/illegal writing
Rpf/real person fics (stim/mood reqs are fine)
Anything weird/makes me uncomfortable
Certain kinks
Yeah that's pretty much it, we're also chill with personal/system questions to get to know us better. We're also chill with dm's and fan work of what we write, if you think we're cool please don't hesitate to reach out. Okay that's all,love you bye!!!!
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kkkiraka · 29 days
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uhohdad · 3 months
not cod but did y’all see mother suzanne collins is doing a book about haymitch’s games
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katnissmellarkkk · 11 months
lololol reading @thesmileykate and @thegreenthepeacetheorange’s interactions on this post reminded of a tiny throwaway line that struck me when rereading Mockingjay this morning :
(mind you, this is when Katniss has already written off Peeta and claims she could kill him, no problem, because he’s not Peeta anymore and she’s basically detached herself from him as much as she can)
I’m yanked backward, lose my grip on Boggs, slam into the stones. Peeta looks down at me, gone, mad, flashing back into the land of the hijacked, his gun raised over me, descending to crush my skull. I roll, hear the butt slam into the street, catch the tumble of bodies out of the corner of my eye as Mitchell tackles Peeta and pins him to the ground. But Peeta, always so powerful and now fueled by tracker jacker insanity, gets his feet under Mitchell’s belly and launches him farther down the block.
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"Within the space of 24 hours, Feña is swept through the extremes of human emotion when people who seemed to disappear when he transitioned are suddenly back in his life."
Here's where it's showing across the U.S.: muttthefilm.com/us-theaters
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kissmewithyourfists · 9 months
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Why did you choose this life?
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stuckasmain · 1 year
Kingdom of the Crystal skull is a comedy you don’t get it…
Marion: Oh cmon! Do the math it’s not that hard… he’s your son!
Indy and mutt simultaneously: Nuh-uh!
Also haven’t seen each other in like 20 years and Mutt has to block his parents from immediately making out in the jungle.
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“Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” review:
Short review
“Uncharted 4” hit the same story beats, but better. I’ll give the movie a 6/10.
Long review
As the final chapter in Indiana Jones’ life, I have mixed thoughts. Is it because of the time travel? No, I was actually fine with that. Indiana Jones has always had some element of weirdness, ranging from the supernatural to literal aliens. My issue with this movie is that, as the final chapter in the series, it felt…underwhelming.
It’s strange because the movie was sorta hitting all the points it needed to hit. They had the emphasis on Indy being old, the passing of the torch to Wombat, the return of other classic characters like Sallah and Marion, bringing the Nazis back as the villains, and so on. James Mangold was hitting the points he needed to hit, which makes sense since this is the guy who gave us “Logan”.
But the problem is, Indiana Jones isn’t Wolverine. I think Indiana Jones, as a character, is unsuitable for the type of somber, deep character study that the movie was trying to do. This is a character who was made to represent light-hearted escapism, and you could see that by how the first three movies never went too deep or too serious with Indy. Even “Crystal Skull”, with all its flaws, didn’t do that. So now we have “Dial of Destiny” trying to shift gears into darker, more dramatic territory and it just doesn’t hit.
For example, the reveal that Mutt Williams got killed in the Vietnam War. It’s a reveal that’s too dark and sudden to really leave a lasting impact, especially since the next scene afterwards is a thrilling dive to a shipwreck. You just want the movie to slow down and let these moments sink in. But the problem is, if the movie slows down, it stops being a fun Indiana Jones movie.
So, we got a problem here. Was there ever a way that the writers could’ve solved this clash of conflicting tones?
Now I will say, I think there’s a version of this story that COULD HAVE worked. Like I wrote, James Mangold was hitting all the story beats he needed to hit. It’s just that the story needed:
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Yup. I’m gonna say this with full sincerity; “Dial of Destiny” would’ve worked if it was centered on Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood going on one last adventure. You can keep Mutt Williams dying, because that would mean the story would be about Indy and Marion reconciling with each other. Going back to my short review, the more I thought about it, the more that “Dial of Destiny” felt like James Mangold’s attempt at making an “Uncharted 4” movie.
Just like “Dial”, the fourth “Uncharted” game centered on an aging Nathan Drake getting pulled out of retirement for one last adventure. That game managed to actually be BOTH somber and lighthearted. You’d have scenes where Nathan is riding around a motorcycle and spewing one-liners, followed up by Nathan having a deep conversation with Elena.
But here’s why I feel “Uncharted 4” worked while “Dial” didn’t. Naughty Dog knew that in order to bring Nathan’s story to a proper close, they needed to center it on the main cast. In fact, one of the best sequences in the entire game is literally just Nathan and Elena driving around the jungle talking about their lives.
“Dial” doesn’t work because the story is centered on Indy, his goddaughter who we’ve never seen before (and whose father is a new character), and this random kid who was pretty much Short Round 2.0. And it’s frustrating because the BIGGEST dramatic reveal of the movie was Indy talking about his dead son and his divorce. Sorry to Phoebe Waller-Bridge but that scene should’ve had Marion as the focus. In fact, it gets even more frustrating since Mutt’s death means little to Wombat as a character. She didn’t know the guy, the most she could’ve felt in that scene was, “Sorry for your loss, goddad”.
Even the presence of Wombat and Teddy are frustrating. Wombat could’ve easily been rewritten as Marcus Brody’s daughter (or if you wanna be spicy, she was Willie Scott’s daughter with Indy, making her Mutt Williams’ half-sister). Teddy could’ve been Sallah’s son. These may seem like small changes, but at least there’d be a stronger connection to the past. Since it’s Indiana Jones’ last journey, this movie should’ve been more rooted in Indy’s past adventures, even if the connections are more with legacy characters.
So, yeah, it’s a mixed bag. “Dial” is a movie that is supposed to be closing the door on Indiana Jones as a character, but doesn’t really accomplish that due to its detachment from the past movies. It’s a movie that’s too somber to be a lighthearted adventure, but too lighthearted to be a somber character study. And what does that mean for the end result? A movie that’s just okay, but doesn’t really justify its existence. Could’ve been worse, but you wish it was better.
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First impressions of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny are very positive. classic Indiana Jones even without Spielberg, easily better than Crystal Skull (i try not to hate but it is objectively the worst of the series), possibly on par with Temple of Doom.
Clever in its cameos and mostly subtle with its references, Indy 5 incorporates elements from previous films in a natural way, while primarily telling its own story. Haters will undoubtedly point out appearances of old friends that we have never heard of before, to which I would counterpoint with the fact that each film is its own complete story, all contained in the life of Henry Jones Jr. There are years between each film, sometimes decades, and we cannot expect to know everyone Indy knows or meet everyone he meets.
James Mangold and his crew do a masterful job at recreating the simple concept of the Indiana Jones films: the grumpy professor goes on a globe-trotting adventure to find an ancient relic, only to find out that it actually works. Mangold sets the scene of an aging Indy who has been through some things since we last saw him, and he's about to go through a lot more.
I'll stop here to avoid spoilers, but my last note is that while I am a huge fan of Steven Spielberg, I think it was the right call to let Mangold take the helm, similar to how Lucas took his hands off of The Empire Strikes Back. Mangold treats the characters and the franchise with a great deal of respect, while making it his own.
And while it goes without saying, John Williams (final) score is magnificent as always. Bravo, Maestro.
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mutt-sys · 19 days
Poll time!!!
If yes please send in requests!! It can be headcanons, mood/stim boards, age regression, smut(not for Yaelokre, that's weird) ect!!!! Yes I will continue to write ghost, I just have merging hyperfixations along side it
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satanfemme · 3 months
I think everyone should try making a slasher sona. something extremely healing about being like "ok what if I were a little nasty freak tho"
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moviemosaics · 10 months
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directed by Vuk Lungulov-Klotz, 2023
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