#my STARS these people are constantly going through the horrors
kanerallels · 4 months
Every time you think Chicago PD can't get worse it DOES
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voidandabyssal · 4 months
How would nightmare react to someone that helped him at his lowest
The s/o in question is as old as him maybe even older. The s/o met him when he was a child and sulking near the tree of emotions because everybody kept on hating him for being the protecter of negativity
The s/o took pity in him and decided to become his friend.
But even if nightmare now had a friend, he succumbed to negativity and ate the apple
The s/o at the time of corruption was going to hang out with him but instead saw him murder people mercilessly so they got scared and ran away.
And after hundreds of years of nightmare looking for the s/o throughout the multiverse, he met them helping dream instead of him.
I would like to know what Nightmare would do in that happens because my thoughts just left me at that
The moment he takes a bite out of that apple is simultaneously the best and worst decision he had ever made. The feeling, the power, the justified revenge he got at the hands of the village was worth it
Even when his body tore apart at the seams and black goo burst from his cavitys. Tentacles bursting from his back. His teeth twisting and sharpening into painful reminders of his decision.
Until he saw you. You’re face twisted in horror, fear
He hated you. From that very second, overcome with negativity, he swore he wouldn’t forget your face. The emotions he pulled from you only strengthened him. Further empowering his shattered and remaking body.
You were supposed to be his friend! Someone who cared for him, who stuck by his side through even the worst of times.
you were exactly like the rest of the village.
You were using him! you only befriended him because of his status!
He’s so consumed with everything that you just manage to slip away from him. You just barely manage to escape, his sharp tentacles slicing your cheek open leaving a thin trail of blood behind.
When Nightmare snaps out of his rage. After the village had been destroyed, though he still feels the ache of that perceived betrayal he still wants you around.
Dream is gone, turned to a statue, and you are the only thing he has left.
He searches, and searches, and soon rips the village and surrounding lands apart as he looks for you.
He assumes you’re dead. Killed by him. He lets the negativity consume him once again. Forcing himself to relive the memories of your time together.
Hundreds of years pass, and Nightmare has mostly pushed you from his mind. Occasionally going on a rabid hunt throughout the multiverse in search of you. The desperate part of him, the part of him that could still be considered Passive, still believes you to be alive
He hates himself for that day, he wishes he had grabbed you, held you tight in his arms and stopped you from disappearing.
Constant battles between him and his brother and that newfangled ‘star sanses’ keep him from finding you. Constantly bothered by Dreams desperate pleas to be able to find you.
He holds nothing back, lashing out with every ounce of aggression.
Then he finally sees you. Older, more mature. Still as beautiful as he last saw you.
You were wrapping the wounds of one of Nightmares victims. Regret poured out from you as you remembered the last time you saw him.
Before you can dwell on past regrets, Nightmare sneaks in. Watching on in jealousy as you care for the injured.
You leave the injureds home, when you feel Nightmares tentacles wrap around you and tug you towards him.
The grip is tight, almost painfully so. Every time you struggle he holds you tighter, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug
“You’re here… you’re really here” he mutters, tucking your hair behind your ear.
He fixates on the scar on your cheek, a reminder of Nightmares attack.
He presses a kiss, one as gentle as he can manage. On top of it.
A silent ask for forgiveness.
You can struggle as much as you want, but Nightmare will never let you go.
The two of you disappear into the void. Nightmare taking you to his home.
You are kept careful hidden away. Like a precious gem in a dragons hoard.
He will tend to your every need, keep you safe and locked away from any would be meddlers.
He won’t let you out of his sight until Nightmare is sure you won’t leave. Even then, he keeps a carful eye on the people around you.
You’ll come to love the new him eventually. You don’t have a choice
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jayden-writes · 11 months
pairing: none
main protagonists: Lucifer, Diavolo, gn!Reader
word count: ~3k
genre: hurt/comfort (more hurt than comfort), angst, whump
cw: near death experience (please do tell me if there's something else that needs a cw!)
summary: Not everyone approves of Lord Diavolo's exchange program.
other notes: no name, Y/N or MC used // AO3 // thanks again to @gravedwe11er for helping me so much with this fic!
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There was a certain tension in the air during the banquet Lord Diavolo hosted to celebrate the beginning of the exchange program; while everyone smiled politely or at least held carefully neutral expressions on their faces, nothing could hide the blatant disdain in some of their eyes. You tried not to be affected by the stares burning into your back, but it was difficult. It had been a mere week since you’d been transported into the Devildom and you were still adjusting to the new environment. To say that you were struggling would have been an understatement - you were surrounded by immortal and potentially dangerous beings, constantly reminded of your fragility and insignificance in comparison to them. Living in the House of Lamentation with the Avatars of Sin wasn’t without stress either, you were always subjected to their eccentric behaviors and arguments.
An unexpected touch on your shoulder nearly made you yelp, and you bit your tongue to stifle the sound. Heart throbbing in your chest, you turned towards whoever had touched you and tentative relief washed over you when you recognized Asmodeus.
“You look ravishing, darling,” he cooed, linking his arm with yours, “well, not quite as ravishing as me, of course, but that’s to be expected.”
He gracefully led you to the tables, talking about how stunning your outfit was - he had picked it out himself - as he walked, while you stayed silent, too focused on not accidentally tripping over your own feet and embarrassing yourself in front of what was probably the majority of Devildom’s aristocracy. The guests were taking their assigned seats one by one and to your horror, you noticed Asmodeus was deliberately walking you to the seating places of Lucifer, Lord Diavolo, and the Purgatory Hall group - a single free spot was between the two demons.
“No, no no no, you can’t be serious,” you whispered to Asmo, hoping the people around you didn’t have such superior hearing that they would be able to make out your words. “They're all going to stare at me! They already are! Why don’t you sit there in my stead, you want to be in the spotlight, don’t you?”
The Avatar of Lust giggled and pulled the chair out, helping you get seated, then he leaned down to murmur into your ear, “As much as I would like that, you’re supposed to be the star of today’s evening, my dear.”
Giving you a wink, he withdrew and sauntered over to the opposite side of the long table, leaving you stuck amidst the prince and the eldest of the brothers. You could feel Lucifer’s critical gaze on you, however, you refused to look at him, opting to watch the attendees instead, being careful not to establish eye contact with anyone. After just a short moment, Lord Diavolo said your name cheerfully, redirecting your attention to him.
“Ah, I can’t wait to officially introduce you to everybody,” he beamed, and it took all of your willpower not to jump out of your seat and run out.
“Yeah… me neither…” you mumbled, shoulders sagging in defeat.
Lucifer cleared his throat, and you shifted your face towards him before he smoothly remarked, “I’m sure you will do perfectly fine and behave appropriately, won’t you?”
Swallowing hard, you promptly corrected your posture, sitting up straight again. His eyes were piercing through yours until you swiftly averted your gaze, this time letting it settle on the plate and cutlery in front of you. Someone from behind you poured an odd-looking liquid into your glass and you eyed it suspiciously. It didn’t look like any beverage you’ve ever had in your realm, so you assumed it was demonus. Nervously watching the others take their glasses, you decided to follow suit, grasping the fragile object with your shaking hands.
As you watched the cloudy white fluid sloshing around, a jarring, ominous feeling swept over you. Everything inside you screamed to put the drink aside, not to consume it, but you ignored your instinct, attributing it to you simply being hyper-vigilant and nervous. You bit the bullet and brought it to your lips, tilting it back and gulping it down in one go before placing it on the wooden surface. Embarrassment burned on your cheeks once you saw everybody was drinking theirs slowly. Even so, you were unable to dwell on that further once the flavor hit you and you barely managed to avoid grimacing; it was pleasantly sweet at first, though eventually there came a nauseating aftertaste burning in your throat. It made your eyes water and you rapidly blinked, trying to rid yourself of the tears. Out of nowhere, a terrifying thought popped into your head: what if your drink had been poisoned? As abruptly as this notion had crossed your mind, you quickly shook it off when, after a bit, the taste dissipated. Who would be so bold to try to poison you, the prized human exchange student, at an event hosted by Lord Diavolo himself while you were quite literally sitting next to him?
Exhaling a shaky breath, you focused on the prince beside you who started addressing the guests with a speech. You were unable to understand his words; a loud rushing in your ears drowned all the noises out and your pulse was thumping in your throat. Confused by the abrupt onset of physical symptoms of anxiety, you took slow, deep breaths, knowing it would be over sooner or later. You nodded slightly whenever it seemed appropriate based on Lord Diavolo's body language and whatever snippets of sentences you picked up on to look like you were listening. It took a while, but when he was finally done, he smiled at you and you reciprocated, even if you weren’t sure exactly how forced it looked. He stood up along with everyone else, the attendees gradually mingling with each other again. It was obvious what was going to happen now; he would begin introducing you to the various important people of this realm. Anxiously, you rose as well, a wave of heat coursing through your body as you did so, feeling your legs wobble under your weight and your heart rate spiking. Looking around yourself, you noticed that your vision was hazy, yet you could still feel demons staring at you and hear their snickering. Turning back towards Lord Diavolo who was standing in front of you, you attempted to make out what he was saying; your efforts, however, were fruitless.
“Fresh air”, you managed to choke out, “I’ll get some fresh air.”
With that you spun on your heel, leaving the hall and ignoring all the voices surrounding you that were increasing in volume, but remained abstruse and unintelligible to you. All of a sudden, a person blocked your path and you were able to hazily make out red eyes, narrowing dangerously at you. Disregarding their presence completely, you pushed past them, continuing your way out. By the time you were alone, in a quiet hallway, you were wondering how you had been able to walk at all, your knees threatening to buckle at any moment. Still, you moved on, steadying yourself against the walls with one arm. The contrasting silence made you more aware of how noisy the whirring in your ears was, and how ragged your breathing had become as the heat in your body intensified. Head spinning, you stumbled through the hallways, having no idea where you were; you could have been in the castle’s dungeons for all you knew.
Despite the fog in your mind, you began to realize this was not anxiety; it had to be something entirely different. You faintly remembered the drink you had been served earlier - had it been just a few minutes since then or hours? Did someone actually poison you?
Before you could ponder on that question any further, pain exploded in your torso, making you clutch your chest and sending you falling to the ground. Unable to get up or even call for help, you could only clench your teeth while your breaths came in bursts, tears pooling in your eyes. The floor underneath you was blissfully cold as you ended up lying motionless on your side, almost paralyzed by the pain.
After some time, black dress shoes appeared in your view; their wearer quickly knelt next to you, and a gloved hand reached out towards you. When you let out a startled yelp, it temporarily paused in the air, then resumed its movements. The muddled shushing sounds did nothing to ease your fear, and the two fingers pressing against your neck didn’t either. Your pulse was pounding beneath the warm leather of the gloves and you could hear indistinct words, loosely resembling curses. The hand disappeared for a moment before it gently nudged your shoulder, coaxing you into rolling on your back. Someone was hovering over you, but all you could make out was the blurry silhouette of what you assumed must have been a demon. Whether they were here to finish their job or not, you did not know, and you were too weak to defend yourself.
Suddenly, the fingers - now bare - brushed over your face, the touch cool on your heated cheeks. Not able to stop yourself you whined, pushing up into the hand, not caring about the potential intentions they had. Soon, a second hand joined, mirroring the actions of the other, providing you with relief. However, it was short-lived; murmured, unfamiliar words that resonated with power filled your ears, and a strange pulling sensation emanated from the fingers on you. It was as if, somehow, it was reaching into your body, your soul, searching for something. You felt like your insides were being set on fire and it was trying to eat its way out of you, breaching through each and every cell. All you could do was cry out and sob, hot tears scorching your skin. The person wiped away the incessant tears, but they didn’t cease what they were doing, and you were certain that they truly were there to kill you.
Slowly, your vision became less blurred and you were able to make out a vaguely familiar face gazing down at you, red eyes that had glared at you with discontent previously were now a mix of concern and anger.
“… L-Lu… cifer…?” you managed to slur, tongue heavy in your mouth and pain clawing relentlessly at you. The demon you presumed to be Lucifer responded, but you were unable to comprehend even a single word.
“S-stop, please, please m-make it stop,” you pleaded with him while you were gasping for air. He held your gaze as you begged for mercy and the intensity in his demeanor seemed to subside. The grip on your cheeks softened and the overwhelming sensations eased. Your sight and hearing cleared further and eventually, you identified Lucifer to be the one kneeling by your side. Before you could say anything, however, a hand moved from your cheek to your brow, covering your eyes as well.
“Sleep,” was the first thing you were able to hear - and also the last, then you were plunged into darkness.
As you came to, you found yourself lying on a soft surface, slightly propped up, and a light fabric was draped over your body. Gradually, you regained awareness of your surroundings; you could feel the way your clothes were clinging to you, and just how drained you were. Some distance away, there were hushed voices, seemingly arguing with one another, and you could make out a couple of fragmented sentences from one person.
“… all due respect, my lord… warned you… you were naive to… the human… everything at risk… lucky that nothing…”
You blinked your eyes open, taking in the room blearily before your gaze landed on two people - a guilty-looking Lord Diavolo and an angry Lucifer. And as if the latter had a sixth sense, his head immediately snapped towards you and the argument ceased. The men promptly strode over to you, Lucifer sitting on the chair right next to the bed you were resting on, while Lord Diavolo stood in the background, his lips pressed into a thin line.
Lucifer's hand grazed over your forehead, brushing strands of hair that were sticking to the skin aside, feeling the lingering heat radiating off you. His fingers then went to your neck, checking your pulse once more. It was eerily silent as he attentively assessed your condition, and you felt awfully tired. Your body was aching; all you wanted was to return to blissful unconsciousness. But as soon as you closed your eyes, fingertips tapped insistently on your cheek until you opened them again with a groan.
“You must stay awake for now,�� Lucifer asserted firmly. “Tell me, how are you feeling?”
“I'm alive,” you muttered hoarsely. He let out a long-suffering sigh at that while Lord Diavolo tensed up even more.
“Evidently, you are well enough to joke around. I suppose that is a good sign. Nevertheless - and I can not overemphasize this - you did nearly die. Consider yourself lucky that I found you when I did. A few minutes later and you would have succumbed to the poison.”
Reclining in the chair, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and fixed you with an appraising gaze. You attempted to sit up, but the pain shooting through you and Lucifer’s scowl made you lie back down. Finally, Lord Diavolo stepped closer to you and you observed his strained expression; you had never seen him like that before, and you almost felt bad about getting poisoned at his banquet.
“I’m terribly sorry that this has happened. Please accept my sincerest apologies and the assurance that nothing of this sort will ever occur again,” his voice sounded subdued and quiet.
“It’s not your fault, Lord Diavolo, you couldn’t have known.”
“He did know. I warned him that this could happen and yet, he refused to listen to me”, Lucifer huffed.
“Maybe because you always assume that the worst will happen, and then it never does. Well, this time it did, but-”
“I beg your pardon?” he halted your thoughtless retort with an indignant glare, making you shut up instantly. “As you should have noticed by now, not assuming that the worst could happen at all times is what will get you killed in the Devildom. I am merely trying to keep you alive, although you seem all but keen on seeking your death here with the amount of trouble you have managed to find yourself in since your arrival.”
Lucifer shook his head and sighed heavily before standing up.
“I have matters to attend to. Namely, finding the culprit”, he stated calmly as he walked towards the door. “Lord Diavolo, we will continue our conversation at a later time.”
With the Avatar of Pride out of the room, Lord Diavolo took the seat. His eyes were everywhere but on you while he was wringing his hands.
“Lord Dia-” you began, only to be interrupted by him.
“No. Please, just call me Diavolo,” he uttered, now looking at you. “I’ve put you in grievous danger because I believed no one would dare harm you on the castle’s premises. It was foolish of me to think that, and I must apologize for the distress I inadvertently caused you.”
“But you didn’t mean to, Diavolo. I’m not mad at you,” you explained and you tried sitting up again to be more at eye level with him. He quickly steadied you and helped you lean against the headboard. Pained whimpers bubbled in your throat and you clenched your jaw to suppress them as you shifted your position - you didn't want to make him feel even worse. However, it didn’t escape his notice and he sat on the edge of the bed, keeping a hold of your upper arms. His touch was cautious, as if he was scared of hurting you further. The prince looked at you for a moment before he moved his hands to your shoulders, his thumbs lightly stroking over them in a comforting manner.
“Seeing you like that… unconscious, barely holding onto life while Lucifer brought you back from the brink…” Diavolo finally said, his voice cracking.“It made me realize how frail you truly are. And… that I wish to get to know you properly. I don’t want to waste any more precious time, not when a human’s life is so short and delicate. And I promise you, from now on I will do better in ensuring your safety.”
The serious look on Diavolo's face was dizzying, so you simply nodded slowly. Just as he was about to speak again, Barbatos entered, carrying a tray with a steaming cup of tea.
“Ah. I see you have regained consciousness. How are you feeling?” asked the butler.
“I'm doing alright,” you replied easily. Diavolo tightened his grip on you a little, almost imperceptibly so, no doubt having recognized your lie. Giving you a lenient smile, Barbatos set the tray on the nightstand next to you.
“You will be alright. Eventually,” he spoke, his words heavy with meaning, before bowing and exiting the room, leaving you alone with Diavolo. With his hands still resting comfortingly on your shoulders, he frowned as he watched his butler leave.
Not wanting to further aggravate the ache that was plaguing your body, you suppressed the urge to shake your head. 51 weeks left. You just had to make it through 51 more weeks.
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Edelgard has autism:
• Socially, she struggles most situation that aren't politics:
- She tend to understand people pretty mechanically by using her systemic understanding of society, failing to really get them personally until directly corrected ( for example with Caspar or Linhardt support )
- Her attempt to joke seems to all fall flat due to not reading the room ( like her two jokes around the Battle of the Eagles of the Lions )
- She seems unaware when her actions sounds silly to other ( such as her imitations or the BLACK EAGLES STRIKE FORCE )
- While she genuinely wants to help, she can struggle to bring comfort to friends, at least in a conventional manner ( with Byleth after Jeralt death for example )
- She's commonly described as cold and arrogant ( and she compare herself to Byleth who's like, Autism personification )
- She doesn't care how she appears to other, be it during the academy with the aforementioned point ( or how she doesn't wear make up )
• Her preference align with some symptom:
- She enjoys being alone, she enhance the importance of routine for her through her hair and she has "loosing control" as a dislike
- Her obsession with the the crest system and nobility seems to fit a special interest, even at the Officer Academy where she must hide her plans she struggles to keep her mouth shut on the subject to the point it's difficult to imagine no one caught up that something going on ( this difficulty to actually lie despite trying to hide a whole coup fit another symptom too! ). She even randomly infodump about it like when she says "People used to believe the goddess once fell here from the Blue Sea Star, but according to astronomical research, the light from that star takes millions of years to reach us." 🥺
- Furthermore, this obsession seems to stem from an incredibly strong sense of justice which she constantly apply all throughout the game, be it during her support, during personal matter ( like with how she naturally afford real justice to duc Aegir and comfort his son despite the horrors he put her through ) or during the war ( for example when she constantly ask if the other side want to surrender first or spare enemy after the battle, or she insists on fighting at the front with her troops despite the risk )
- She doesn't fit society standards as she reject a lot of traditions and most importantly contest the very system that people consider the "norm" and rarely question. On a smaller scale, she also make "out of box" choices like wearing her weird short when all other women have a skirt in their uniform, being called "Emperor" as a woman or weeding even as the Emperor, wanting an outsider as her successor, how she abdicate, etc .
- This bit is 100% projecting on my part, but her particular behavior with clothes ( her gloves and the need to be completely covered up ) resonate much with sensory issue
As a bonus she voiced by Tara Platt aka Miriel who's undeniably autistic, and she's a Black Eagles which has one the highest neurodivergence concentration with the like of Linhardt, Jeritza and Ferdinand so as their house leader she doesn't have a choice.
( By the way she canonically has PTSD and it's very important to her character, it's sad that so many people erase that!! And as an hc she has chronic pains from the experiment, her double crest and her scars )
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
CW: past child abuse, past parricide
Special inspector Hob Gadling hates his job. Well, it's actually not true - he loves his job, but today specifically, he hates it. First, he was hoping for a bonus, and now he got assigned to a years-old cold case 'just to ensure that no new details emerged, and the investigation needs not to be reopened.' Second, he'll have to deal with some filthy rich weirdos.
Destiny Endless is a top-tier consulting risk manager, his services costing more than Hob's yearly paycheck. Death is the founder of a successful chain of funeral homes - after all, people always die, and rumor has it that Death is the best in her line of work. Dream is a famous writer who's able to write it all: whatever genre he sets his eyes - and pen - on, the book becomes a bestseller. Desire Endless is a porn star; the only mention of their name makes armies of fans go hard, wet, and horny. Despair founded a pharmaceutical corporation and revolutionized the world by introducing new, highly effective antidepressants. Destruction seems like the only normal person in that fucked-up family of masterminds: he had made a career in the military and then fucked off to travel the world. Last but not least, there is Delirium, an artist. Personally, Hob thinks that one needs to be constantly high to come up with such colors and forms, but hey, it's not him who's paid six figures to install some mind fuckery in amusement parks, so he doesn't get to judge.
Hob wouldn't come close to any of these freaks, but he has to verify that nothing was missed during the investigation, and so, here he goes. Mama and Papa of the Endless disappeared almost twenty years ago with no trace. Their bodies were never found, and there was no evidence of foul play. They just vanished into thin air, voilà. It was presumed that they had got bored, bought themselves new personalities, and left to live someplace else. To Hob, this seems strange yet plausible: looking at their kids, it's obvious that insanity runs in the family.
Still, Hob shows up to do his job, examine old records, and talk once again with all the Endless heirs. All goes very smoothly - there's nothing suspicious, all the kids' testimonies match. Hob would gladly close the check, but there is one tiny problem: he fell head over heels in love with Dream. Now in his thirties, he's unconventionally beautiful, insanely talented, and he's got Hob wrapped around his slender finger. Dream keeps his distance at first, but eventually, they begin dating. Hob finally closes the check for good - it's as clear as day that Endless parents must be chilling on some private island - and plunges into the relationship with Dream, learning him from the other side, as someone vulnerable, insecure, and kind-hearted. There's only one strange thing: Dream is inexperienced in bed for his age, and he's always somewhat tense during sex. Hob tries to talk to him, but Dream shuts the conversation down. Hob guiltily googles his bf and finds out that despite his high profile, there are no mentions of his exes in the media. At all.
Hob is puzzled, but it all falls into place when, one night, his lover has a nightmare. Hob wakes up from his screams and, with horror, realizes that this is more than a nightmare - it's a memory. He wakes Dream up and holds him while he cries. On the periphery of his mind, Dream's screams and pleas create a terrifying story of the siblings being abused by their parents for years.
'You killed them together, didn't you? Each of you thought you were the only one who suffered and thus kept the others safe. But once you all learned the truth…' Hob whispers into Dream's hair and holds him tighter. 'It's alright, my sweetling. I'd have killed them myself for you if they had been still alive.'
They stay like that through the night. In the morning, Hob makes Dream breakfast like nothing happened and goes to work. He's got no reason to worry about the case ever being reopened: there's no evidence, and he's determined to be the only one who sleeps by Dream's side till the end and holds him through his dreams and nightmares.
I love this so much. Poor, poor Dream. And the rest of the siblings too!
Hob doesn't want to draw further attention to the case of course, but he does all he can at work to make sure that files are carelessly "lost" or at least buried so deep in the archive no one will find it for a century. It even occurs him to frame someone else for the crime to make sure that the siblings are thoroughly safe, but... its better left forgotten. God knows Hob will spend the rest of his career making sure that no one ever goes sniffing around the Endless siblings ever again.
What's more he'll spend the rest of his life helping Dream in his recovery. He makes sure that he has private, confidential access to resources that a survivor should have - none of the siblings ever told anyone about the abuse or went to therapy because they're terrified to look like they had a "motive" to get rid of their parents. Hob changes that. He persuades as many of the siblings as he can to visit trusted therapists. Not all of them go for it, but at least someone is finally advocating for them and offering a little bit of support.
Hob loves Dream most of all of course, but he considers all the siblings as his family. He hates what happened to them. He can't fix it. But he can protect and love them as they deserve. Maybe all of them can finally breathe a little easier, with a friend on their side.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 5 months
It really hurts me how bad this poor man was treated and still is by Disney and some empathy and compassion lacking, not-thinking peewees.
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My biggest rant post in cooperation with Magnificolover from Insta is still cooking. And let me tell you, it's gonna be spicy, blunt and long.
Mags might be the star of the show but this topic goes beyond him.
Furthermore, I keep hearing that more and more children are siding with Magnifico. Children!! My people!
Now, teens and adults hating and shitting on Mags because they cannot see past the rim of their plate of narrow-mindedness is one issue by itself, but you know something is seriously wrong when children tell you "But he isn't a villian at all!" But the the others around him! And yes, like him a bunch more than Asha.
I know that disney intented to create a nice story with another lovable heroine but instead we got a deeply traumatized, altruistic man, who, despite his great pain, built an untopia just for the reason so others would never have to suffer like he did. He constantly gave, cared more for others than himself, only wanted love and some respect in return. But got none of that! He didn't get love, he was constantly kicked and picked at his scars. He's not being taken serious, and only ever seen as a source for favors and a scapegoat. No one was ever there for him. He had no one! Not even a sidekick! No one ever saw and heard him, took him into their arms and let him breathe. This man struggled and drowned and people watched, worse even pushed him down further!
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And worse of all, he was pushed to the point of mental breakdown, where he was so terrified and done that he got himself cursed and possessed by an evil force. And then the people who had gotten everything from him and still treated him like shit locked him up to suffer even more for eternity?
This is so so wrong! What the actual frick! My God! The whole movie is a horror show! Magnificolover and I have been fighting for Mags and against this toxic shitshow that disney pulled for over six months now and we won't stop!
If someone really takes the time to carefully read our analyses (which are explained down to the tiniest nitty gritty detail) and still sees Magnifico as a villain ( purely evil person/being) then there is something seriously wrong with them! Why are such people and disney acting like heartless monsters?
We don't want that! You think something like this is fun to watch? Seeing a broken man getting broken even further because people are greedy, ignorant and selfish is not fun! This is horrible! It's sickening to stomach if anything!
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This doesn't celebrate everything good that disney has stood for those past 10 decates! It spits at it and in the faces of everyone who truly loved the content this company has given in the past.
You want a real villain? MAKE ONE! For goodness sake! But not, whatever the obnoxious toxcitity shit, that happened with Magnifico.
We hate it! I hate it!
If I could sing one song to Magnifico, it would be this from Lewis Capaldi :
In the moment you feel half complete
Know the moments are temporary
When the fear fuels the fire underneath
I'm gonna love the hell out of you
Take all the pain that you're going through
And I'll bring you heaven if that's what you need
'Cause you've always loved the hell out of me
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You don't want him? Fine! I'll take him and not give him back ever again! If someone cannot see this man is a jackpot on two legs that's their problem not mine.
Magnifico is many things but most definitly not : a villain, a bad person and a sextoy.
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kaneandfeels · 3 months
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SO A LOT OF YOU ASKED A LOT OF QUESTIONS So we answered every one we were asked
1. What is an element of your story that surprised you?
How quickly the Holmes and Watson dynamic we used as a writing crutch entirely flipped through our characters growing and developing. Feels became the star rather than the sounding board in a way that is really organic and good - Jack
Its scope. I had dabbled with absurdism before Kane and Feels, but never gone full existential horror. I’m more of a like quiet melodrama type so i love that jack was able to get me writing more esoteric bullshit- Oli
I don’t know if it's surprising, but there’s a tenderness to a lot of the series that I wasn't expecting when we started. It sets its tropes out strongly, and then the characters interact in that space and take it in wildly different directions, while remaining true to the genre. - Jude
2. Is audio drama the only medium you've worked in? How does it compare to other mediums?
Audio dramas are the only form I've ever received feedback for really, I have a literature degree and I am constantly making stories but I don't really have any other published works like this. - jack
I’ve studied in other mediums, but not worked in them. I’ve done bits of filming at school but found quickly my talents laid in sound. - Jude
I’m an audio nerd, through and through. Started as a musician, became a DJ, wrote a sitcom, did a degree, made some docs and factual programmes and then it's been audio dramas since then. It's a difficult medium to master but a rewarding one when its’ done right. - Oli
3. What are some audio dramas that inspire you? Both in general and for your podcast.
Welcome to nightvale was a big early touchstone, the work of Dirk Maggs like batman knightfall meant a lot to me as a child, I had it on cassette tapes
HItchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (the radio series) is a big one. I listened to it religiously when growing up. Neverwhere was another one that inspired me from a sound perspective. The shifting brickwork always tickles my brain. - Jude
I listened to a lot of HP as a kid, while going tobed. I graduated onto the BBC7 ‘Comedy Club’ which played a mix of half hour sitcoms and stand up comedy vehicles between 10 and midnight when I was going to sleep… occasionally I would drift into the ‘seventh dimension’ where I’d hear the man in black, Blake 7 and all other sci-fi horrory affairs.  When Nightvale turned up, that was a game changer, cause it opened the field to people like me to go make audio dramas without the clout of the BBC behind us. Same with Wooden overcoats. 
More specifically though, there is a direct line between Aker and Blacker’s “beyond Belief’ on the Thrilling adventure hour’ and the early drafts of Kane and Feels
4. Who is a character that took you by surprise?
Councilman Geoff Grace. Go listen for why - Jack
Jeanine (the housewife) wasn’t surprising, but she was shocking. I just loved her framing and existence in the story. It's one of those ones where you can feel the screen on the scene. you ‘re looking in at this strange commercial of a woman as she lives this warped 50’s vibe. - Jude
For me, its the monster from wonderland. I had this idea for something grotesque, that pulled apart the idea that words don’t hurt. Of course words hurt. That’s why they can lead us to violence or action or whatever. So I had this idea of a monster who said words ‘scar from the inside’. Jack said ‘this is great, what is this monster?”…. And i hadn’t thought that far ahead. I said ‘I dunno, that’s your job, spookyman’ - so suddenly its the voice of the goddess of spite, we get Vivi P, the most terrifying italian woman ever to grace our studios to do her voice, and then pepper her in through out the series making her a serious big bad. Didn’t know she’d have that milage considering it was essentially a joke about sticks and stones breaking bones. - Oli
5. If you're the writer, how did casting/producing change how you thought about the podcast?
No one gave a fuck about our opinions on this particualr subject. - Oli
6. If you are a voice actor or audio editor, what is your favorite blooper moment?
There's a line with constituents in season one episode 4 that I just couldn't say - Jack
I think a lot of our weird bloopers end up in the show, either as the take or buried beneath some stuff. Season 2 is lousy with them, from Chippie’s final monologue to the sound of me and Oli in Thornbush’s charity shop. To even the joke about Paul Bearer in the final episode. - Jude
There’s one take we never used, where Ali Cambell, Jeanines’ actor, improvised a story about their first hamster. In the story, she crushes it to death. We loved it at the time, but it was arguably better than anything any of us had written so I personally coward’d out and didn’t put it in. - Oli (Id’ forgotten about that - Jude)
7. If you could make a crossover (canon or non canon) with any other audio drama, what would it be?
Am I allowed to say ‘Camlann’? Even though its very recent we’d slot in very well.or Victoriocity - Jude
I mean, I want to be on hello from the magic tavern, but not as kane - Jack
Sandman. Wanna work with Dirk. or What’s the Frequency or if Rose Drive ever resurrects.  - Oli
8. What is an inside joke or reference that is hidden in your podcast?
So many wrestling kayfabe references -  Jack
I always think of ‘GET BACK VILE BEAST’ *dunstan throws a spanner at a bird* - The real joke is that a lot of the rocks from St Dunstan made it into Camlann episode seven when the hill opens up into the underground.
The inside joke for me is the loops. “Jude’s discount Loops” - hacking these beautiful pieces of music that Oli has made and getting them to work. They’re all like 14 minutes long and there’s chopping that needs to be done. 
9. What are some of your favorite podcasts to listen to?
World Beyond Number. Westminster Insider, Too many Tabs, Chapo Trap House. I’m a trash person who listens to trash. (other than WBN, most exciting actual play on the scene RN) = Oli
Is it terrible I’m more of a music person? I’m currently spiraling back into Nonagon Infinity by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. I listen to old audiobooks to sleep. At the moment it's the good omens radio series with Mark Heap and Peter Serafinowitz. - Jude
I have an elaborate weekly schedule of podcasts I listen to, my current favorite is 'mom can't cook'
10. Are the podcasts you make / enjoy making the same kind you enjoy listening to (genre, formatting, etc)?
I mostly listen to character improv comedy and comedy reviews of film and wrestling. A little bit of D&D actual play too. so I guess... no? - J
I can’t just say ‘I don’t listen to podcasts’... I mean I can and I don’t. - Jude
No. - Oli
11. Free space! Tell me something cool about your podcast!
The music is crazy good - Jack
The Sound Design is once in a generation. - OliThe writing is ambitious and exciting - Jude
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redheadspark · 9 months
Joseph Quinn 11
A/N - I love this! Thanks for requesting this, friend!
On The Line
Summary - Being Joe's oldest friend also means you have to wonder if it's just a friendship.
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Warnings - Just some fluff :)
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“You look cute when you blush, you know that?”
Your friend and secret crush, actor Joe Quinn, looked up from his phone as you grinned next to him in your chair.  The flushness on his cheeks was evident, along with his big brown eyes that were locked with yours.  You giggled, noting how you almost caught him in an act when he was merely scrolling through his phone.  
“I wasn’t blushing!  It was…hot out,” he explained as you chuckled and pointed out the window behind the pair of you.
“It is literally snowing outside as we speak, are you joking?” You asked, Joe looking out the window to see the fat snowflake hitting the wall and cascading down to the ground.  He looked back at you with a raised brow.
“Well, it was warm in my car when I came here, so back off,” he replied lightly, you laughing at his antics.  You leaned over to brush your shoulder with his own, again getting his attention as you spoke, “So…anyone in your love life that I should know about?”
“Not at all,” He smoothly replied, but you could hear the undone of his voice that he was fully not telling the truth.  Of course, he wouldn’t tell you about his crush, much to your dismay since you were trying to figure out your feelings for your friend.  For how many years you two have known each other, long before Joseph became popular as an actor thanks to Stranger Things.  You and Jose grew up together in school, being good friends and hanging onto the friendship through thick and thin.  But of course, there were always times when you thought the line of friendship would blur into romance.  Joe was a great guy, not a bad bone in his body with a shocked sense of humor and a humbled nature about his career and where he wanted to go.  
He never pushed you away when his career was taking off, though some of his other friendships blew off in the wind.  Joe held onto yours tight, talking to you constantly on the phone and hanging out together when he had downtime.  You knew he was busy as hell, much more so when Stranger Things made him into a sensation.  He would call you to either chat up, vent or simply grow deeper in your friendship together.  And of course, being the great friend that you were, you would pick up the phone every time.  Grabbing dinner with him when he needed an escape, joining him on a quick weekend getaway when he needed to decompress from his stressful schedule.
You were simply being a friend, but the blogs and gossip columns were thinking otherwise. 
Most of what they were saying was in fact false and harsh, not to mention the pictures the paparazzi would take when you two were out and about together. It was hard to read at times and simply nearly impossible to swallow down, and no matter how many times Joe would reassure you that they never bothered him, it did to you.  Maybe because you were still in denial about your feelings for him, never seeing it as a possibility in the future of your two being an item together.  Plus you’ve only heard horror stories of people dating actors and stars, most of the relationships burning to the ground and not lasting longer than a few months.  The last thing you wanted to do was to jeopardize the friendship you two have had for over a decade.  
But how long were you going to be in denial?
“Alright, if you don’t feel like telling me then, and here I thought we were close…” You replied in a light tease as Joe chuckled and chucked his phone on the couch.  He eyed him, seeing you give him the mocked cold shoulder.
“We are, trust me.  You’re one of the closest friends I have,” he rescued you, pausing for a brief moment before he spoke again, “I’d rather iron it out on my own before telling you since your opinion on who I date is important to me,”
You just smiled and nodded your head, “Fine, fine. Keep your crush to yourself then.  But whoever they are, they’re lucky.”
As you walked off to retrieve your book, Joe was watching you with a small smile on his lips.  You had no idea he was cooking up a plan to ask you on a date, to leave his own heart on the line for you.  
The End.
January Prompt Session
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forgettingcrowbin · 1 year
Red with clipped wings breaks my heart (sorry I see Red Sans anywhere and I go a bit crazy). Loving your winged guys! What are some random ideas you'd like to share about your au?
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No problem!! Here's a doodle of Red for you <3
Some random ideas I'd like to share hm...
Probably some of Nightmare's gang and worldbuilding I'll rant about for a hot minute haha
First of all, all monsters go through molts, they happen once a year and the person molting is generally grumpier, sicker, cuddlier, and moodier as they lose their feathers and gain new ones.
No humans have wings except aus that let it happen there specifically.
Every monster has individual calls that they generally develop from their parents, siblings, guardians, or just members of their flock. Young monsters are impressionable and usually imprint on a figure that's influential on them and generally take the call of that person.
When making nests, they usually create them out of blankets and articles of clothing from their flock. There are some exceptions like when Error creates his nest made of only a few blankets but mostly his blue strings.
Nightmare has a goopy substance covering his wings that can mold into anything he wants them to. He used to have Black Banded Owl wings.
Nightmare can make bird noises when he tries to communicate nonverbally to his gang, but doesn’t do it as often.
Nightmare can make chirps from his brother, and hoots, his own call. He never sings like his brother anymore and he refuses to make those noises even if they get stuffed in the back of his throat when he hears Dream chirp to his new flock. (although Dream openly hoots and makes calls from Nightmare)
He often hates nesting due to him calling it a waste of time but he lets his gang drag him to a nest for cuddling every now and then. They can't really preen his goopy wings but Nightmare appreciates it when Horror pets his wings while they nest.
Cross is a little different since he's not officially in Nightmare's flock despite nesting, preening, and just spending time with the gang.
Usually when conflict arises between the Star Sanses and Nightmare's gang he stands in the middle awkwardly and just joins whatever side is losing (nobody actually minds)
His wings are two-barred crossbills and they are strong from constantly training and he could very easily carry someone while flying with them
Cross also spends his time with the Star sanses and really wants to court Dream but is too shy to as of.
Horror has strong sleek shoebill wings that he meticulously makes sure is clean. It helps to keep his hands busy so he doesn’t pick at his cracked skull.
He often has his wings stretched out and rests it on the gang's backs and shoulders in comfort.
He’s the best nest maker and makes the least noises out of the gang since it’s loud and he doesn't like scaring people.
When making dinner, he ties his wings back (like someone would do with hair) and it keeps feather's from getting into their food
Dust and Horror have courted each other and much to their enjoyment are together now. They aren't thinking of kids but just spend more time together and nest together.
He makes high-pitched whistling noises to communicate since he can become nonverbal often
His Verreaux's eagle wings are sleek and dark and littered with dust since he doesn’t clean them as often
He doesn’t let anyone touch his wings since his Papyrus used to only clean them.
He flies the most out of the gang and sometimes leaves for periods of time just to fly (he likes it when the gang goes out to fly with him)
He has small shrike wings that are dull and dirty and Horror, Nightmare, and Cross constantly try to fix them but he gets into so much trouble that he often leaves them filled with blood, dirt and broken feathers.
He uses his wings to attack as well, meaning sometimes they are broken and injured.
Other than often wanting to stab things, he's constantly chirping and singing which annoy the others when he starts his shrieking fest.
He loves pulling pranks like usual but he he also pranks others with instinctual behaviors. Imitating the calls of the others in his flock for fun? Yes he would do that to lure others into pranks. Stealing clothing from others so that their nests are suddenly incomplete? Oh yeah.
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candycandy00 · 11 months
Pick Me Up - A Gojo x Reader x Geto Halloween Fanfic Part 4
Gojo and Geto are two serial killers who enjoy seducing their victims before killing them. Every year on Halloween they have a friendly competition, and this year the target they both choose is you. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
The first two parts will be fairly short and just serve to set up the way these two operate. The third part starts the “main part”. Any feedback or comments are greatly appreciated! Divider by @violetbudd
Smut. 18+. Fem Readers. Smut mostly just thought/talked about in this part. Blood/Gore/Violence/Death of extremely minor characters. Gojo and Geto are both bisexual. 
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The handsome man who rescued you in his white van is very kind. That’s the first thing that pops into your head as he talks to you. “Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need to go to a hospital?” he asks, sounding concerned. 
“No, I’m not hurt. He mostly just scared me. I think he was planning to hurt me though,” you say, a shiver of fear running through you. You can still see the cold look in Suguru’s eyes as he said terrible things to you. Didn’t he say he wanted to kill you? It all happened so fast, and the shock hasn’t worn off yet. He seemed so nice! You almost let him take your virginity! 
“He didn’t try to force himself on you, did he?” 
The driver’s voice pulls your attention back to him. He’s removed his sunglasses and is constantly glancing at you while also watching the road. God, those eyes are unreal. 
You turn a bit red as you answer his question. “No, nothing like that.” You don’t feel it’s necessary to mention that you were willingly making out with the guy minutes before he started chasing you. If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you’re kind of disappointed that it didn’t go further. If he hadn’t turned out to be a violent person that is. You were really into it, really excited. Your panties are still damp! 
The man beside you gives you a smile. It’s dazzling. “That’s a relief,” he says, then quickly adds, “I’m sorry if that question made you uncomfortable. It’s just the natural assumption, right? Pretty little angel like you gets attacked by a man in the woods… I thought the worst.”
Your face gets even redder. He just called you pretty! A guy who could easily be a model or a movie star thinks you’re pretty! You force yourself to calm down. You’re still shocked from what happened with Suguru. Your emotions are running wild. 
“So did you decide where you want me to take you?” he asks. “I can take you to your place, to the police station, to whatever party you were going to in that costume…”
You suddenly look down, remembering what you’re wearing. Your costume is shredded, showing way more skin than you realized. You wrap your arms around yourself quickly, covering as much as possible. 
The man notices, and pulls off to the side of the road. “Here, you can wear my jacket,” he says as he slips it off his shoulders and hands it to you. 
You accept it gratefully, pulling it on and snuggling into its softness. It carries the warmth of his body heat and the smell of fancy cologne. “Thank you so much,” you say, looking up at him. With the jacket off, he’s wearing a form-fitting black shirt that emphasizes how well toned his body is. You avert your eyes. What’s going on with you? And why is every man you meet tonight so gosh darn gorgeous? 
He’s still parked, waiting for you to decide where to go, not rushing or pressuring you. What a considerate guy! 
“I’m sorry for being indecisive,” you tell him. “Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. And, really, nothing actually happened tonight. He just chased me for a little while. He didn’t even have a weapon. Maybe it was just a Halloween prank.”
The man looks thoughtful, crossing his arms over his sculpted chest. “Could be. People tend to act strange on Halloween night, like they’re living out a horror movie or something.”
“I love horror movies, but I don’t want to live one out,” you say with a small laugh, starting to feel more at ease. 
He grins at you. “I love horror movies too,” he says. Then he holds out his hand to you. “I’m Satoru, by the way.”
You take his hand as you tell him your name, and you notice that he holds yours just a few seconds longer than expected, as if his touch is lingering on you. 
“I need to get my car,” you say, “but he had my keys. I guess I should call the police so they can escort me back there.”
Satoru turns in his seat to face you. “I can go with you.”
You shake your head frantically. “No! No way! I can’t get you any more involved than you already are! Suguru might be dangerous. What if he hurts you?”
Satoru laughs. “Don’t worry about me!” Then he tilts his head down, crystal eyes peering into yours as a cocky smile spreads over his lips. “I’m strong.”
He says it with such confidence that you automatically believe him. “Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind,” you say, a little bit breathless. 
“Let’s go get your car,” he replies with a smile, pulling back onto the road. 
You watch him as he drives, growing more and more enamored with his easy going nature. “You’re like a knight in shining armor,” you blurt out. 
He laughs. “Really? You think so?”
You nod, smiling at him. “I can tell, you’re the type to look out for people. And…”
He glances over at you. “Hmm?”
You blush slightly as you go on. “There’s something warm about you. Maybe it’s just your nature. But you make people feel safe.”
His eyes are on your face, lingering for as long as they can before he has to return them to the road. There’s something unfathomable about his expression, something hidden in the endless depths of those oceanic eyes. 
“Thanks,” he says. “That’s real sweet of you to say.”
As he drives along, you watch out the window, thinking you might see Suguru or your car. You see neither, but you do spot the side road Suguru directed you to drive on as the van zips past it. 
“Oh, you missed it,” you tell Satoru.
He turns his head to look back. “I did? I thought it was further up.”
“No, I’m certain,” you say. “I noticed that Farmer’s Market sign right before I turned off.”
“Okay. I’ll turn and go back.”  
Just a little distance away is another side road. Satoru pulls onto it, and after a few minutes you realize he’s had plenty of opportunities to turn around, but hasn’t. You look over at him curiously as the van drives deeper into the woods. 
“Sorry,” he says, finally stopping the van. “I was just so sure this was the right road. I should’ve listened to you.”
“It’s okay,” you say with a smile. 
But he doesn’t turn, doesn’t even start the van back up. Instead he looks at you with those shimmering eyes. “If this makes you uncomfortable, I’m sorry, but I have to say it. I think you’re really beautiful. Would it be okay… if I kiss you?”
You didn’t expect that. You stare at him for a moment, feeling heat spread over your face. You definitely want to be kissed. You’d enjoyed it so much when Suguru did it, and now another incredibly handsome man wants to kiss you? You can’t believe your luck. 
You look at Satoru, at his tall frame, his strong arms, and say, “Okay. But first… can you hug me?”
He blinks, surprised, looking at your blushing face. Then a friendly grin appears on his mouth. “Sure, I can hug you.”
Satoru leans across the seat and wraps both arms around you, pulling you against him and just holding you there. His embrace is gentle, and you savor the feeling of being in his arms. You breathe out a sigh, and after a few moments, you pull away and smile up at him. 
“I knew you’d be warm,” you tell him. 
There’s an emotion in his beautiful eyes that you can’t comprehend, a flash of something you don’t recognize. Then he kisses you, his mouth hungry on yours, devouring you. His kiss is more aggressive than Suguru’s, more intense. You’re not sure which you like best. 
When he pulls away, you’re both breathing hard. “Wanna get in the back of my van?” he asks, and you know exactly what he’s asking. And you know what your answer is. You don’t know what’s wrong with you, why you suddenly want to have sex with him the way you wanted to with Suguru. Maybe it’s some sort of response to the spike of fear and adrenaline you felt earlier. Or maybe you’re just a little bit slutty and didn’t know it. 
Regardless, you nod your head, and he opens his door and gets out. You slide over to get out on the driver’s side, but before your stockinged feet can touch the cold ground covered in damp leaves, he pulls you into his arms and carries you bridal style to the back of the van. 
“Don’t want you to hurt those cute feet,” he says with a laugh as he shifts your weight long enough to free one hand and open the van’s back doors. 
Once you’re both inside, he wastes no time. His hands are moving over you, pulling his jacket off your shoulders, tearing at the already damaged fabric of your top, ripping off your skirt in one yank, leaving only white lace panties. He’s moving a little faster than you’re prepared for, but his touch is so warm and soft, and everything feels so good, you can’t bring yourself to tell him to slow down. 
Just as he dips his head to run his tongue over your throat, you hear music. Both of you pause. It takes a moment for you to recognize it as a ringtone. It’s a horror movie theme song, and it’s blaring from Satoru’s pocket. 
You giggle at the sound. “Figures the crappy service around here would start working now.”
He grins. “I’ll turn it off. Nothing is more important than this.” He reaches into the pocket of his pants and digs around, trying to cancel the call or turn the sound off. Somehow, in his rush, he drops the phone from his pocket and it clatters to the floor. In the dim lights of the van, the phone’s bright screen lights up like a beacon. 
Both of you look down. Clearly displayed on the screen is the notification of a call. The name of the caller? Suguru. 
You stare at that name, a million questions running through your brain before, just as before with the empty gas can, the obvious answer springs to the front of your mind. They know each other. This is all some kind of sick game they’re playing with you. And they’re both probably very dangerous. You look up at Satoru. One of his arms is still around your waist. Your half naked body is still pressed against him. Neither of you speak. 
Then, all at once, you tear yourself free of him and make a run for the van’s back door. But before you can reach it, he grabs a handful of your hair and jerks you backwards, back into his grasp. The hands that had been so sweet and gentle just moments ago were now rough and violent. You wanted to cry. Why did this keep happening to you? But you had no time for tears. You had to focus on getting away. 
You twist in his grip, ignoring the pain in your scalp, and ram your knee into his crotch. He immediately releases you, hissing out a cry of, “Fffffffuuuuuck!”
As you wrench open the door and jump out of the van, you hear his voice screaming, “Got me right in the goddamn dick!”
“Good!” you yell back, the instinct to apologize finally gone. You find yourself running for your life through the woods for the second time tonight, this time clad only in panties, a tattered sheer top, and ripped stockings. 
Satoru rubs his sore dick through his pants, wincing. Now he wants to kill the little angel more than ever. His phone is still ringing, so he reaches down and grabs it, then answers with a sharp, “Fuck you, Suguru!”
He hears his friend’s laughter through the phone. “Hey, you cockblocked me first! I was minutes away from fucking her!”
“Me too,” Satoru says, hopping down out of the back of the van. “Little cunt kicked me in the dick.”
Suguru laughs even harder. Then he seems to compose himself and say, “So what now? She’s not gonna let either of us fuck her now.”
“Fuck the rules,” Satoru grumbles. “I’m gonna split her open like a ripe melon!”
There’s a pause, then Suguru asks, “With your knife or your dick?”
“I don’t know!” Satoru yells, climbing into the driver’s seat while grimacing in pain. “Where are you now? We need to find her before she gets help.”
“Not far from her car. I was watching in case she came back for it. Pick me up?”
“Sure, be there in a sec,” Satoru replies, then ends the call. He finds Suguru beside the road, almost exactly where he picked up the angel. 
Suguru is grinning as he climbs into the van. “How’s your dick?” 
Satoru spreads his thighs apart in his seat. “Why don’t you check it out for me?”
Suguru’s grin fades and he looks away. “No thanks.”
“We see each other’s dicks all the time, what’s the problem?”
Suguru doesn’t answer him. It’s true that they’ve seen each other’s bodies many times, while pissing in a rest stop bathroom or even by the side of the road while traveling, while using public showers at camp grounds, and even when they’ve accidentally stumbled upon each other fucking a victim. 
But those were different, somehow. Satoru’s flirtatious attitude toward Suguru is becoming more pronounced, harder to ignore. And Suguru still isn’t sure if the other man is actually attracted to him or is simply teasing him. 
“Hey, look over there,” Suguru says, pointing to a car stopped beside the road. 
Satoru sighs. “I’m not picking new targets this late. I still want the angel.”
“No, but they might have seen her. She might be with them now.”
“Oh shit, good idea,” Satoru says. “She’s almost naked now so she’d be impossible not to notice.”
Suguru raises an eyebrow at this, but says nothing as they pull over in front of the stopped car. They both climb out and walk around to find two women dressed in Halloween costumes. One is a “sexy cat” and the other is a “sexy witch”. The witch is holding the cat’s hair back as she vomits into the grass. 
“You girls okay?” Satoru asks in his best friendly voice. 
The witch looks up at him. There’s a flash of fear in her eyes when she sees two men approaching, and Satoru’s sore cock twitches. He loves that look more than anything. But after she takes a longer look at them, realizing they’re both fucking hot as hell, her expression softens. 
“My friend had a little too much to drink,” she says with a laugh. “Otherwise we’re fine.”
“Funny you say that,” Suguru says, stepping closer to her, his voice smooth and delicious. “We’re looking for our friend who had way too much to drink. She stripped off half her clothes and ran off in a daze.”
Satoru throws an arm around Suguru, the closeness of their faces making the witch stare at them. “You haven’t seen a half naked angel running around, have you?”
The witch hesitates, as if she can’t focus on the question. “Uh… no. Haven’t seen her.”
The cat stands up straight and wipes her mouth. When she looks at the two men, she grins broadly. “Wow, who are these hotties?” she asks, her words slightly slurred. 
Suguru smiles at her. “We’re just looking for our drunk friend.”
The cat stumbles over to him. “I can be your drunk friend.”
Satoru pulls away from Suguru and steps closer to the witch. “Are you guys alright to drive? We could give you a lift.”
The witch is staring at him, at his eyes. There’s a hitch in her breath. She wants him. Of course she does. She pushes a strand of dark curly hair behind her ear as she says, “We might need a lift. I could use some help with her.”
A few feet away, the cat is all over Suguru, giggling and babbling. “Hey,” she says in her drunken voice, “wanna fuck me?”
Suguru smiles at her. “Ordinarily, I’d say yes, but tonight I’m in a hurry, so I’ll have to pass.”
With that, he pulls a blade from his pocket and, in one swift motion, cuts the cat’s throat. She turns away from him, toward her friend, as blood spills down the front of her body. She’s gurgling and stumbling forward a few steps until she collapses at the witch’s feet. 
For her part, the witch seems frozen in shock. Her eyes are wide with horror and her pretty plump lips are open in a soundless scream. Then her terrified eyes shift to Satoru. “Please… please don’t kill me,” she cries, starting to back away from him slowly. “I’ll do anything you ask!”
Suguru tosses his blade to Satoru, who catches it deftly. He holds the blood-covered tip of it to his chin. “That’s really tempting. And on any other night, I’d love to fuck a cutie like you before ripping your guts out. But like my buddy said, we’re in a hurry.”
The witch has backed several steps away now, and is shaking her head back and forth, tears running down her face. “No, please!”
She backs right into Suguru, who grabs hold of her arms and holds her in place. He looks at Satoru, and there’s heat in his expression, his eyes shining with anticipation as Satoru gets closer. 
The two men look at each other instead of their screaming victim as Satoru slices open her abdomen, horizontally. There’s a wet plopping sound as the witch’s entrails spill out of her wound and hit the ground. The witch screams for a few minutes longer as her body dies, some of her blood splashing onto Satoru’s clothes and face. Suguru stares at it, mesmerized, then drops the witch, letting her fall face-first into a pile of her own guts. 
For a brief moment, Satoru thinks Suguru might kiss him. But then Suguru takes his blade back from Satoru’s hand and returns it to his pocket. He walks back toward the van, stepping over the fallen cat, as he says, “Let’s go find our angel.”
Tag List:
@loyal-to-my-dilf @unearthlydream @noodlejitsu @itzmeme @themonst3rqu33n @poopoobuttsy 
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, please comment to let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged!
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chemicallywrit · 9 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! Last one of the year! There are so many amazing shows I listened to this year--Gastronaut, Kakos Industries, Madame Magenta, Dungeons & Daddies, Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later, Bronzeville, Deviser, Ghosts in the Burbs, The Silt Verses, Fall of the House of Sunshine, The Ballad of Anne and Mary, Eliza: A Robot Story, Eeler's Choice, Hemophobia--this list isn't even comprehensive! But here is what stood out to me this week. (As always, some spoilers follow.)
🦸‍♂️ I've had Superhuman Public Radio on my radar for a while, but I finally got a chance to listen to it this week. For lack of a better way of putting it, the structural integrity of this show is flawless. It sounds exactly like listening to NPR, and it's funny and clever with some really incredible worldbuilding. It's everything I like about listening to local news without the stress of it being local news that affects me. I love it.
✨ I'm also new to Breathing Space, but the Firefly vibes are off the charts. I love any story that is basically just Anticapitalists in Space, but the western vibes of this really make the stories hit home. I especially liked S1E2, "A Rat Among Falcons," because who doesn't love a scruffy nobody being incorporated into a found family? S1E5, "The Salvage of the Valentina Tereshkova" was also a really excellent space horror story. I can't wait to see what they do next. And that theme song tho, right??
❤️‍🩹 @thefringespod has been making incredible use of their new full cast, and I love the twist that this season is driving home--it's not a story presented to you, the listener, it's a tragedy that the mute second character is helping to undo. The softness of the family that Pine Gonzalez spent the whole first season describing comes through beautifully in the work of the actors.
🌊 Modes of Thought In Anterran Literature is always a little bit unnerving, but this week our professor faced the horrors of...rich people. Like, REALLY rich people. "You're already paying for private security?" Absolutely chilling conversations. There was a headline this week about a bunch of Silicon Valley millionaires trying to start a utopia in the desert, which works great all the time of course, and I thought of Anterra, tearing itself apart, and about the professor, who doesn't exactly make great choices, tearing himself apart too.
🐺 Things are getting very scary on Palimpsest! Is this a werewolf season?? It is VERY gothic, which is fun in a Jazz Age setting. It feels incongruous, which just adds to the horror. The quiet build of Palimpsest never disappoints me.
📦 Bless those children on @storiesfromylelmore, they're so darn good. ItMe has always been excellent at writing along the span of human nature, and seeing them do it with the three kids in Stories from Ylelmore is wonderful. Of course, a lot of the credit has to go to ItMe's flawless line delivery too. The kids feel very real, even while they're delivering magical packages from a bookstore to the head of the local witch coven.
🐦 The Amelia Project's Twelve Days of Christmas thing has been so funny. I half hope we never find out who's tormenting Alvina. The only downside is that now I have the song stuck in my head constantly, and seeing that it's like, the second-worse Christmas song, this is a problem. The show's worth it, though.
🕯️ What should appear in my podcatcher this morning but the second episode of Flickers! I was intrigued by that first episode, and this second one is really bringing home the isolationist horror. I can't wait for the next installment.
👽 Among the Stars and Bones is coming back! It's coming back this month! This is one of my all-time favorite sci-fi shows, everyone, if you're not on board yet then GET WITH IT, because this next season is guaranteed to blow your mind.
That's what I've been listening to! Here's what's going on with me:
🧟‍♀️ The Dead has been posting episodes from its second series, Ephemeris, which I wish we could have spent more time on, because the premise is so good. Zombies. In. Space. My gosh. David Ault and Kayla Temshiv in particular are killing it on this story. It'll be a few weeks before our next story premiers, but I'm REALLY excited about that one. Tune in!
Finally, the most important news...
💚Inn Between Returns on Wednesday!🏹
I am THRILLED about season five. The cast is killer, the story is fantastic, everyone's bringing their A-game, and I can't wait for you to hear it.
That's all for me! Happy New Year everyone!
(If you like what I do, I'd love it if you could send me a ko-fi! Especially since my car just frikkin. Died. So rude of it. Thanks!)
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naisilla · 8 months
The Emperor's New Muse Part .5
Odyssey Kayn x Reader
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content: coming up with a 'how to save the universe' plan, some "bonding" time with the members, and finally a more definite backstory to our character.
A/N: Apologies for the delayed post this should've come out earlier but I've been struggling with a bit of writer's block because I am making this whole story up as I go gliding by the seat of my ass or however that saying goes. Anyway, I hope it's worth the wait! Knowing that at least a few of you are invested really helped me keep going so thank you all!!
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And that's how you came to become the newest recruit member of the Morningstar, and also how you found out about the universe's impending doom.
You gave Sona a judgemental side eye, like... really? You plan on saving the universe with these people!? The Templar, however, ignored your stare and continued to look out the window with her back turned to you. Looking as mysterious as ever.
Currently, the Morningstar was blindly traveling through deep space. Destination: unknown, as long as it was as far away from Kayn and his locus armada. So far there was no sign of them on your tail, you could relax for now.
"So what's the plan? on saving the universe?" you ask looking towards the front of the ship where Jinx was goofing off in the pilot's seat doing anything but actually steering the ship, Yasuo was close by at the control center holo screen.
"We're currently in the drafting stage of our master universe-saving plan" Jinx says while tinkering away at something you assumed was highly hazardous.
"Seriously? you guys don't have a plan yet? What have you been doing this whole time?" It was hard to believe that no progress had been made within the last three months. Aka the time Kayn got his hands on Rhaast, the universe's greatest threat without fully understanding it.
"It's been hard to think straight, that insane ordinal is constantly chasing us down. Every planet we stop at to stock on supplies or rest from travel is crawling with the empire's military and Kayn is never far behind." Yasuo says with a frown on his face.
It was true, you had just witnessed just how quickly the Demaxian Empire was at tracking down wanted criminals. Only, the morning star crew weren't nearly as high priority as they were targeted to be. They were just a bunch of rag-tag space pirates.
It was clear that Kayn was obsessed with getting Sona back for his personal gains. Once fiercely loyal to his emperor Kayn has become obsessed with his personal hunt, he will not hesitate to kill any who cross his path. The ordinal was slowly corrupting into something dark and consuming.
That scythe was the catalyst for all of this. According to Sona, no one knew what Rhaast truly was, but it was undeniable that he or it wasn't the "sentience of ora".
Rhaast clearly wanted to open the ora gates, but for what purpose? Immediately you figured opening the ora gate was the last thing the universe wanted. Sona confirmed from her upbringing within the templar order she had heard of a time long ago when an ancient civilization, extinct for eons, once opened an ora gate. "Annnnd they're all dead now, so it must've gone well for them."
Sona doesn't know what's actually behind the gates but she has seen visions. Visions of which none of the Morningstar or you were aware of. She saw silence. She saw the vast well of time. She saw a moment stretched into an eternity. She saw lingering stillness and glacial quiet. She saw dark stars and black suns frozen in a void of endless shadow. She saw monstrous, silent deities lurking in a corrupted cosmos.
Yet she never spoke of them, Sona was a quiet and mysterious templar after all. The only reason you believed in this religious fanatic was because you could see it in her eyes, the horror. Behind a calm and neutral expression was a gaze that carried worry and fear. Whenever you would steal a glance with the templar it was like looking into a void, one that stared back into your deepest reaches. Sona knew many things, and yet she remained quiet about them, almost as if she was uncertain about whether or not she wanted to save the universe.
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You had decided for yourself that you would take charge of planning the next course of action, borrowing a tablet from Yasuo you had snuck off by yourself to figure out what exactly one was supposed to do next.
Sitting down in the saloon of the ship, you began to develop a plan. From what you now know Kayn had to be stopped, the ordinal is so obsessed with his quest for power that he's becoming unstable.
He was being puppeted by that alien scythe whose intentions were far more dire than Kayn could realize. Rhaast wanted the ora gates to be open and it was clear that whatever lay beyond that gate was something never meant to be unlocked.
You needed to stop Kayn from opening the gate, the only reason he hasn't just gone straight to the gate immediately is because he needed Sona to unlock it. Only Sona knew how to do this which means she was a highly valuable asset, good thing she was on your side for now.
Was it possible to destroy the ora gate? If you could manage that then there would be no threat of anyone opening it ever. But it was unclear as to how these ora gates worked, no one truly understood them at all that the risk of something just as disastrous happening. How would one even go about destroying something so incomprehensible?
Ok so destroying the ora gate isn't a likely option, you delete that plan from the tablet.
Looking for the whereabouts of the ora gate would be a start, that way you'd know where to go and where Kayn would be headed at some point.
According to Yasuo, Sona had told him that there were in fact, multiple ora gates in the universe. All are located throughout the furthest reaches of the universe, far beyond the darkest corners. Knowing which one Kayn would go to would be impossible to predict.
Rubbing your temples, you grunt and delete that plan route.
Let's take a step back from the end game. The ordinal Kayn, instead of trying to intercept him at the gates or destroying one perhaps we needed to go straight to the source of the problem.
It wouldn't be hard to find Kayn. He would always come to you. If you had learned anything, it was that this insane and obsessed man was smart, and calculating and when you had something he wanted, it wouldn't be long before he pounced.
You type down "KAYN" in capitols. He was now the focus of your plan. There were a few options of how you could go about this. You could be a mediator and persuade Kayn to give up his pursuit for power, Or perhaps separate him from that damn scythe. Destroying Rhaast was also a good idea, oh wait an even better idea! We kill Kayn!
Just as you were typing out that last thought you feel the weight of someone leaning onto your shoulders, their shadow looming over your head as they nondiscreetly look at your plans.
"Whatcha doing?" Jinx asks with her eyes glued to your plan's title. She snatches your tablet from your hands and brings it close to her face as she intensely stares at it.
Sighing you grab the tablet back trying to focus on forming more ideas- "He's so cool~". You snap your head, pull a face, and look at Jinx as if she lost her min- yeh she probably has already.
"Jinx, please. Anyone but him. Kayn is evil and you're...chaotic neutral." You groan realizing there's no point in reasoning with the loose cannon.
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With pacifist, petty, and genocide plans crafted, you went to showcase each of them to the Morningstar crew.
Sona true to her character wanted to take the peaceful route, but even she knew negotiating with such a cruel and ruthless person held little chance in successfully de-escalating the Ordinal.
Yasuo liked the idea of taking Rhaast from Kayn, the thought of taking away his power source was enticing to the captain of the crew. Although you weren't sure if you could trust Yasuo with the sentient scythe. Not that you were assuming the captain was immoral or corrupt but, nobody should've ever come into contact with whatever Rhaast is.
Jinx and Malphite unsurprisingly wanted to go the chaos route, already suggesting which weapons would best tear down the Locus Armada and the Fractal Sheer.
"I carry enough weapons to seize a medium battle fortress!" Jinx proudly exclaims standing before you. You simply nod and half smile "uhuh that's great jinx" your voice passive agressively giving off an annoyed tone.
She grins and dumps her current arsenal onto your lap, you jump in your seat. Did she seriously just throw live weapons at you?! "These are my best friends!" She says picking up the rocket launcher from your lap. "This is fishbones! I modeled him after Sharkpedos, He's always worried about me." You blink stunned.....he?
As she's showing him off she uses one hand to move the jaw of the rocket launcher up and down like a puppet. "I'm worried Jinx maybe we should try a less dangerous option, I like (Y/N)'s other plan to take the scythe instead." Jinx rolls her eyes at the rocket launcher she's ventriloquizing before throwing him to the side, followed by the sound of it crashing onto the ground.
"Yeh he can be a bit of a buzzkill, anyways this is Pow-pow!" Jinx says now picking up the mini-gun making your lap feel a ton lighter. She spins it around and you duck as the barrel comes towards you before shooting a desperate look to the others- oh, Sona and Malphite are gone and Yasuo is reading some book clearly unbothered. Great you're stuck with Jinx then.
"I love your plan to destroy the locus armada! let's shoot them up and watch their bodies fall together!" Jinx says playing on a raspier and higher-pitched voice for the minigun. Jinx then pulls out a lightning projector "This is Zappy she's my stun gun, she's more unstable than I am! Watch this!" Jinx then suddenly tosses the gun onto an empty couch like how one would casually throw their phone on a bed, only, when the gun softly bounces onto the lounge chair it explodes. And Jinx had thrown that on your lap just earlier...
Yasuo gives Jinx a glare flicking his eyes up from the novel he was currently reading, his nose still buried between the pages.
Not giving a single shit about Yasuo Jinx continues to introduce you to her "friends" such as the Flame Chompers, which are curiously sculpted in the likeness of Malphite's head; and the Super Mega Death Comet, an interstellar portal lifted from one of Jinx's old mining jobs.
"You should see the ship! I heavily modified the Morningstar with so many offensive weapons!" Jinx says happily grabbing you by the arm and dragging you on yet another tour of the Morningstar. And after an hour of being overstimulated with interacting with Jinx..... you were still unsure as to what half of Jinx's modifications do.
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Finally, Jinx had gone off to wherever leaving you to mentally recover by yourself. So far regarding your "Plan" no one could agree on which one to go with, personally, you were leaning to the separate Kayn from Rhaast. You could kill Kayn if it comes to it. But between the two it was Rhaast that was the true danger.
That would not be an easy feat, Kayn alone was an intelligent and strong fighter. His eyepatch and left arm are clearly ora augmentations making him a superhuman. He now wields a sentient alien scythe and he has a whole personal army at his disposal.
There was no way the five of you could possibly win against him in a fight, it would take some grand scheme to outsmart the Ordinal and gain the upper hand.
Something crawls along your shoulder, and immediately your mind races to some giant ugly alien spider, you see how messy the interior of this ship is, clearly no one is cleaning the ship so of course it would be crawling with pests. You go back and forth on whether to scream for help or smack the bugger into smoosh.
To your relief, a familiar face peeps up at you. Warm round eyes that contrasted with its cool blue and green complexion and a goofy wide smile beamed up at you. "Hey little guy" you coo at the lizard. "How did you get here?"
The lizard chirps and clicks seemingly happy as you scratch its head like how one would pet a cat. "Let's return you to Yauso"
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After walking through the layout of the ship you finally found Yasuo, sitting by a large window on a red carpet with incense and candles laid around him, his nose buried in a novel.
His eyes flick up from his book to look at you. "Ah I see Space Lizard has found you".
"Space Lizard? don't tell me that's what you actually call them."
Yasuo shrugs his shoulders. "We really couldn't decide a name for it, we'll probably never will. We plan to sell it for a profit"
"You're selling them!?"
Yasuo shrugs again. "That is why we stole it from a maximum-security nature reserve." Your jaw drops.
"You actually managed to pull that off?" Yasuo nods with a smug smirk on his lips. It was impressive but a part of you just felt for the innocent animal, he seemed happy and healthy here it felt wrong to give him away for money. Your thoughts get interrupted by bubbles floating towards your face and popping upon contact with your nose.
Surprised you turn your gaze and see that Space Lizard is blowing bubbles. You're unsure as to whether to be amazed or grossed out but by Yasuo's smile, you can tell that at least he secretly likes it.
"So you guys are really space pirates huh?" you ask as Space Lizard climbs down your arm and onto your outstretched hand.
Yasuo nods with a proud smile. "Yep, real space pirates". He turns a page in his novel. "It's a lot different from my old life, I would've still been living a life of luxury if it weren't for the framing of my brother's death."
Right, you remember Yasuo briefly mentioning that earlier. "I'm sorry for your loss" Yasuo merely shakes his head dismissively. Lowering his book.
"Don't worry about it, I'll get justice for my brother" he said quietly, his gaze turning downward. You couldn't help but feel drawn to his pain and frustration. Despite the cocky and careless personality he usually exhibits, he was clearly hurting.
Yasuo pauses and shifts in his seat "I should've been there, if I would've been there then-"
You nod your head not letting him finish but acknowledging the obvious truth, he'd been beating himself up for this incident for a long time, and from the way he spoke you could tell it was a huge weight on his shoulders.
"The empire screwed me over, they blamed me for something I didn't do. My brother had grown distant with me in recent years, He was off being a hero while I was spending my nights in a drunken daze, aimlessly wandering between high-end nightclubs. To him I was a disgrace, someone to be ashamed of, I wish I could prove him wrong. But now I'll never get the chance."
Space Lizzard had jumped down from your cradling hand and moved over to where Yasuo was sitting to perch himself on his shoulder, nuzzling its head against Yasuo's face as if to comfort him. A small smile returns to Yasuo's face.
"I know I'm not the only one who's on the run from the empire, You mentioned how you managed to escape punishment for sabotaging a locus armada ship back. But that's all we know about you, what made you turn against the empire?"
A sour snort escapes you, a bitter taste returning to your mouth. "I've hated the empire since the beginning" Yasuo looks at you confused.
"Why is that? What happened?"
You swallow down the rising pressure as the memories of your past rush back. "I used to live on one of the few planets that weren't claimed by the Demaxian empire. Of course that wouldn't last long. They always have to keep expanding, taking planet systems by force."
You recall your old home planet "My homeland was beautiful, it was bountiful with nature and wildlife and we lived in harmony with the land, we were a lot more primitive with technology. We didn't have much need for it. I was just a little girl when they arrived...."
"The Demaxian Empire was brutal, they came in guns blazing, declaring our planet and its land as their own. They had no regard for the lives and cultures they were erasing. Our planet was the gateway to the Outer Rim, a new frontier that the Empire craved. To them, our way of life was primitive and unacceptable.
I still remember them bringing their warships into my planet's orbit, demanding we bend the knee to them. When we refused. They bombed our planet, destroying much of our infrastructure and reducing our population to just a fraction of the original number.”
The look in your eyes was one of a faraway expression, there was a slight tremble in your hands and your whole complexion had paled.
"When the smoke cleared there was nothing left. The land was leveled out, the villages were torn to the ground and all of the plant life, and the animals were gone. They came in and wiped out our entire people in the name of expansion and development. But left after draining everything of Ora. Apparently our planet wasn't good enough to colonize. All that slaughter and ruination for nothing!" you say clenching your teeth. 
"The nightmare didn't end there however. With our home now uninhabitable we had to leave, some submitted themselves to the empire and lived lives of servitude and slavery. Others like myself fled to distant planets like Piltron and Zaun. Desperate to find stability in living." By now you had seated yourself next to Yasuo who surprisingly was listening to your rambling, his novel was closed and by his side, and Space Lizard while perched on his shoulders looked at you intentively.
"I had nothing to my name, no ID, no money, no family. I was used to living off the grid with no influence by technology and government systems. Without any ID it was an unimaginable pain in the ass to intergrade into society. No vital records office could obtain any identity due to my home planet never being a part of the Demaxian system. I couldn't get a stable job or any proper schooling, I was left to figure shit on my own because Demaxia doesn't have time for my kind.
I had to struggle with low-end jobs that paid under the table, there was no dignity in my line of work not when the turnover rate of a nuclear powerplant worker was so high, and more people were dying of negligence faster than new hires were acquired. I was fortunate, if you could call it that to be a mere janitor in Zaun's power plant system. But that didn't come without prejudice from the locals.
I didn't understand why, I still don't, we were all in the same boat and yet I was treated differently. Over time I learnt the ways of the streets and how to survive them. I kept my head down, I minded my own business. Despite being surrounded by thugs and gangs I managed to stay out of it by blending in. Of course, there were a few times I messed up" You say, pulling up your shirt, showing a couple of scars along your torso. Scar tissue in round formations pulled taught towards the center, the classic sign of a healed bullet wound. There were others too, a couple of singular lines dragging across your torso also, the result of getting shivved.
"I was never going to escape the pits of the lower class, no matter how many hours I worked, how many side jobs I had, despite living as frugally as one could survive on. I could never escape being a blue-collar in the slums. The empire's system is so rigged that if you want to live comfortably you have to be born into it. It's so unfair! So many people suffer in poverty and filth because the stupid king is more focused on colonizing more and more planets with stupid rich assholes who don't even spare a thought for the people who keep their obnoxiously pampered lifestyle afloat!!!" Yasuo jumps back a little at your heated outburst towards the end, his usual calm and suave demeanor now tense with a startled wide eyed stare.
It was clear he felt awkward about being called out for his old lifestyle. You sigh and shake your head.
"I'm sorry I don't mean to take it all out on you specifically, I've never really talked about any of this and I suppose all those years were bottled up for too long." Yasuo's gaze softens, his hand goes towards his belt and he passes you a flask, you raise a brow questioningly but take his offering and take a swig instantly feeling the distilled alcohol kick you in the throat with a powerful punch. You cough and sputter looking at him shocked.
"What the hell is this?"
"Pure distilled Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany Vodka"
"...." You stare at Yasuo silently before dowing another swig, then another. Letting out a gasp and wiping your lips with the back of your hand as the satisfying burn of the alcohol soaked itself into your system.
You noticed the velocity of the ship shifting and turning into the landing procedures, curiously you looked to Yasuo.
"Whats happening?"
Yasuo shrugs "Looks like Jinx is taking us to a pit stop."
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Part six: Here
A/N: So I've had this idea as headcannon for ages but never had the chance to implement it into the story so free lore content below!:
Piltron and Zaun is a rather unique planet in my Odyssey story. Piltron similar to its Runeterra counterpart (Piltover) is the higher class planet to Zaun. Piltron is a hollow planet that exists as an outer shell that hovers around its inner planet Zaun. To access Zaun you need to travel between the tectonic plates of Piltron via colossal industrial elevators. Piltover isn't a perfect shell that entirely encases the inner planet Zaun but is cracked into multiple districts that are tethered to its center Zaun via cybernetic tendrils to avoid floating out of Zaun's atmosphere. If you've seen Transformers: The Last Knight you'll know that I've taken inspiration from the scene of Cybertron being spacebridged into Earth's orbit (see image below).
Zaun Center, like the earth's core, is made of a uranium deposit that is harvested through fission (nuclear power plants) that power both Zaun and Piltron through the cybernetic tendrils that also hold the two planets together. Zaun is made up of the working class while Piltron homes the more upperclass citizens. Piltron and Zaun are allied with the Demaxian Empire and stand as the main manufacturing planet of the weapons and technology of the empire.
Despite being a part of Demaxia, Piltron, and Zaun have the least amount of empire enforcers due to the trust between them and the core worlds. Plus because of the unstable levels of radioactive activity in Zaun, most enforcers don't hover around for long. Sure in this age we have radioactive protection suits but Zaun is seen as dirty to rich snobs.
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piss-pumpkin · 3 months
ok i’m very curious - can i ask abt spatial horror? 👀
Omg hi I’m gonna go off about it now
Spacial horror describes how the physical space/setting in a piece of media is used to enhance/convey the horror. And idk I’m a huge slut for it here are some of my fav examples of things that have great use of spatial horror below the cut (my ass did not proofread)
House of leaves:
one of the main ways this book creates horror and conveys its main theme is through the house. The house reacts and responds to the characters deep rooted trauma and insecurities and warps around them. The horror builds from the idea that it’s wrong. At first, the house expands by like 1/4 of an inch, and it’s like bait, just a little taste because the house knows that Navidson is easily tempted, and once it has him, it creates a physical abyss that parallels the mental one he’s trapped in.
The labyrinth spaces of house are constantly described as cold, vast and dark and used to create an oppressive and foreign feeling, turning the image of a suburban home into an alien entity. That turning of normal into alien starts in the 5 and a half minute hallway, but it quickly spreads through even the unaffected areas of the house as the characters both desperately try and make it normal, or chase the abnormal to a dangerous degree. Their whole lives become dangerous and alien within the confines of the house.
The way the house creates space and danger runs alongside the way space and distance and conflict is created between the characters. Caution and exploration create expanses and voids, confidence creates clearer paths, confusion creates winding mazes, and when Navidson decides to venture in for his last time, the house envelopes him and destroys him. (But love creates doors and openings)
There is no monster in House of Leaves, no Minotaur in the labyrinth, just the characters and the things that a cruel place brings out of them.
“Gods a house. Which is not to say that our house is Gods house, or even a house of God. What I mean to say is that our house is God.”
Honestly my read of this movie is different then a lot of what I’ve seen on Tumblr,,, like the idea that it’s about like the liminal feeling of being awake at a time you aren’t suppose to as a child never rlly connected w/ me, so I interpreted it different.
I read Skinamarink as a commentary on horror as a genre. Most of the shots of this movie are of the house, whether a wall, window (or lack thereof) or corner, the house is the star of the film. The movie makes us hyperaware of the space the kids occupy.
Since it’s a horror movie, we go in with the expectation that there is a monster, ghost, supernatural something, whatever, and the film uses out expectations against us. It’s like the camera, in its obscure focus on dark corners, invites us to look for a monster. Like that’s what horror fans are trained to do when we see shit like that.
Skinamarink utilizes the expectations of a haunted house to make us want to see a monster. It’s a slow burn, but my thesis on this movie ultimately comes to how the direction makes the audience the monster, and it ends up as a commentary on horror as a genre. And the use of expectations for the house makes that possible. In the beginning, the windows and doors vanish, trapping the kids inside, so we’re primed to think there’s some sort of ghost or smth, and we carry that expectation throughout the film. I come to the conclusion that we create the monster with those expectations.
“Put the knife in your eye”
Fear and hunger:
This game has one of the most oppressive atmospheres ever it’s so crazy. The dungeons of feta and hunger are a crushing and evil place that’s been transformed and mutated, and change the people who venture into it.
There is no good end to fear and hunger. Even the best ending for the characters, where they achieve their goals. If cahara escapes with all the money, he’s forever haunted by the dungeons. If d’arce revives l’garde he has forever changed for the worse and they will wreak mayhem until death. By playing the game, you’ve already doomed the characters.
There are monsters inside, but the true horror is the dungeon itself. The creatures inside have been trapped, allured, tormented, and they fight you, but the true enemy is the space itself, and is inescapable even when you get out.
The dungeons of fear and hunger are the scariest part of that game and story. And you have to watch the character grapple and try their best under the crushing weight of an evil place.
“A terrifying presence has entered the room…”
I love when physical space is used for horror. Like there’s so many ways, whether by warping around the characters, twisting something familiar into something foreign, forcing the viewer into it, playing with expectations, or just being a crushing and evil place.
When a place is an entity in itself, whether literally or metaphorically, it’s really juicy for me idfk. Everyone should read house of leaves it made me cry like 4 times in my first read.
Spatial horror I find far more inescapable, too. You can run from a killer, or fight back, but can you fight against your own home? You’re one person, can you tear down the dungeons of fear and hunger? The camera forces you into the Skinamarink house, there nothing you can do. And the house traps the kids real good.
Idk man spatial horror just scratches that itch for me
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Have you heard or played this game called "The Quarry"? If so what would Ren be like if he was in that game? I've been hyperfixating over both games and I cant get the crossover out of my mind lol
✦゜ANSWERED: I actually got to play the game with Mon (my (irl) bestie) a while back, and I've had Kaitlyn brainrot ever since uwu
This ask also got long because I have A LOT to say about The Quarry!AU Ren gksdgbjsdgk. Also!! There's going to be spoilers for the actual game! IK it's been out for a while now, but if you ever plan on playing it, maybe skip this ask and come back another time!! <3
Okay!! So! Ren probably told the other councillors that he went to Hackett's Quarry to gain more experience as a music tutor, when in reality, he only joined the stupid program so that he'd get to spend the summer with you.
Would constantly show up to your camp activities with the kids and ask if you needed any help. Mainly because he was free right now and had nothing better to do. (He had to clean the kitchens...)
They would be insanely overprotective of you even if there was no one else around, and it would only get worse if Ren ever gets bitten (read: infected!Nick).
Realistically speaking, the only way Ren could possibly get bitten is by protecting you. Because if he had the choice, this man would literally lock the both of you up in the security room (that he tooootally had no clue about), and would just wait out the night there instead of walking aimlessly around the camp and getting stalked by hunters and werewolves.
I doubt they'd do anything to help the other councillors, and would instead watch them meet their demise through the security cameras.
If you were to witness them meeting their gory demise though, then Ren might put up an act and pretend to care. Maybe press a few buttons and switches in hopes that it'd somehow help them — when in reality, he's just flicking the audio channels on and off.
If you didn't want to camp out in the security room for the entirety of the night, then Ren would be glued to your side and won't ever let you out of his sight.
He'd let you carry the shotgun if it made you feel safer, but wouldn't mind using it himself if you thought that was the better option. Though... he'd probably forget that it was a gun at first and would try to smack the werewolves with the recoil/stock end before realising that, wait, this isn't a sledgehammer? It doesn't work that way?
Ren has seen enough horror movies to be able to put all the (cliché) pieces together, and would probably figure out what was happening by the time you (Abi) push Leon (Nick) into the pool.
Ren would 100% be like, "Oh, they don't like water? Alright then. Cool. C'mon Angel, we're stealing a kayak and sleeping in the middle of the lake tonight ^^ We can look at the stars while we confess our feelings for each other—" "Oh wow MC, you look hot holding a shotgun." "Shut the FUCK up you buff ass RACCOON, I'm having my moment >:(" "Ren, don't be mean to Teo."
If Ren does get infected, then he's just going to be extra clingy and creepy compared to usual. He'd be sniffing you every chance he gets and would try to rub his scent all over you. They'd probably be extra horny because even without being a werewolf, Ren is still very much addicted to your scent.
The real/[REDACTED] side of him would slowly start to surface, and would constantly ask you questions like "who do you love?", "D'you like me?", "No one can protect you like I can.", "You smell s'good. Come closer.", "Need to taste you. Now.", "I want t'be inside you."
Once he fully turns, I'd really like to say that he wouldn't target you simply because his sheer devotion to you would outweigh his animalistic urges. Idk if that's canonically possible in the game, but I'm gonna pretend it is because I can hehe :)
Everyone else is fair game though, especially any of the councillors that got a bit too close to you at the beginning of the season. All the people who tried to be friendly with you? Those who tried to kiss you during that game of Truth or Dare? Yeah, they better start hiding because Ren will be seeking them out.
He probably won't try to interact with you while in his werewolf form because he's afraid of scaring/hurting you, but would instead stalk you around the camp and fend off any other threats that go near your vicinity.
By the time dawn comes, Ren will be seeking you out and ensuring that you're alright. If anyone dared to hurt you while he was occupied with hunting down the other councillors, they'd be dead meat. Especially since they have a shotgun in their possession now :)
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iogenie · 4 months
I'm late to this but I am so tired of trying to look up pretty art of Wish and seeing so much hate for it. While everyone is entitled to their opinions, I feel like a lot of people who are hating on this movie missed the entire point of it.
For years, I've watched everyone say they wanted the 2D styling back, but then complain about Wish's art style. It's soft and colorful and beautiful. People say it looks cheap, but it truely doesn't. Everything moves fluidly, it's all cohesive, and it blends well with the more modern style of the characters faces. A wymsical art style does not make it a bad style.
While I think the promotion for the movie wasn't done correctly (as I also thought it would be dumb based solely off of the trailers), I definitely think people did not watch it with an open mind. Going into something already hating it often keeps people from seeing the true beauty of it. While it's a simple movie; the message is much, much deeper than people give credit for. The whole point wasn't granting wishes (either Star or Magnifico), but rather keeping your dreams and wishes close to your heart. Magnifico himself states early on that the wishes are the best part of someone. So the message is to be the best version of yourself and make your own dreams come true.
The music is so, so good in this movie. I understand why alot of people don't like the music. It feels off compared to other Disney movies. I think people don't realise or keep in mind that every song in these movies is designed the way they are on purpose. Most Disney songs are meant to inspire the main character (and also the viewers) to do whatever hard task they are facing. Personally, Go the Distance from Hercules has constantly pushed me to keep going well into my adult life. The songs in Wish have the same effect.
The opening song, "Welcome To Rosas" is bouncy and fun because Asha whole-heartedly believes in Magnifico and his protection.
"This Wish" is designed to make the viewers feel her pain and her emotional struggle with what she's learned and the loss of her father. (Side note: Most Disney movies simply skip over the dead-parent thing, while Asha actually addresses it.)
"You're A Star" isn't my personal favorite, but the message is still amazing. Finding the good in yourself and understanding that everyone is special in their own way, yet still connected by their love and experiences.
Magnifico and Asha's duet in "At All Costs" was so beautiful and one of the few songs most people seemed to like. They both agreed that the wishes were pure happiness and would do anything to keep them safe. Magnifico genuinely cares about his people and their happiness. He's vowed to protect them all from the horrors he faced in his childhood. The connection they share is pure and good.
"This is the Thanks I Get!?" is, by far, the most hated song in the movie. Personally, it is my absolute favorite. People compare it to "Hellfire," which is entirely unfair. "Hellfire" is an entirely different genre with an entirely different meaning. From what I've seen, most viewers didn't like that the song seemed dispassionate and goofy. Magnifico is quirky and goofy through the entire movie, and I sincerely doubt anyone can say they don't do dumb things when they're alone. He works through his frustration and trauma by being himself; goofy. (I will circle back to all this later).
"Knowing What I Know Now" is purposely all over the place. It's another song I see people complain about, and I can understand why. The song seems chaotic and out of place; but keep in mind that these are all kids under the age of 18 who have no idea how to defeat an "evil" king or what they are really doing. The structure of the song reflects this. It's only when Queen Amaya enters the song at the end that everyone is on beat and the song comes together because they have found an adult to help them.
"This Wish - reprise" is extremely powerful. It's the entire kingdom coming together as they've finally realized what has been going on. They take the lessons Magnifico has taught them and uses them against him. The love they have for their kingdom and each other is powerful enough to stop the cursed magic in its place.
There's so many easter eggs in this movie. Each main kid character represents a character in another movie. Asha's friends are the 7 dwarves from Snow White. Asha is the Fairy God Mother from Cinderella. Valentino is the founder of Zootopia. Star is from Pinocchio. Saba Sabino writes the logo lullaby. Magnifico, (or rather the cursed magic) is the Mirror on the Wall in various movies, and seems to be the original magic for most Villians. Disney is well known for putting these little details into every movie they make, and Wish is the origin story for the whole universe. Personally, I think that's amazaing and very well done. I had lots of fun finding and pointing out the connections.
Now that I've gotten through all the points of the movie, I'd like to share my own theories. I absolutely adore the movie and haven't stopped watching it or belting out the sound track on my way to work. I love the original message the movie gives... but.
Magnifico is not evil. He's a narcissist, sure, but not evil. He very much cares about his people and their happiness. He started the kingdom in the hopes of saving others from the fate his own parents suffered and the trauma he went through. He loves Amaya so much and dotes on her the whole movie (until the end).
I think the cursed magic had been eating away at him for years before the events of the movie. He kept the book in his study where he spent most of his time, and he tells Asha that he put a spell on the glass to keep people out. This doesn't mean the dark magic isn't able to escape the case its in. The first time we see him even consider opening the book, Amaya is there to pull him from the edge. The way he softens and concedes to her logic is telling of how much he loves and values her. However, the pull of the magic is too strong to resist as his own emotions and trauma effect his mental state. By the time he's actively using the dark Magic, Magnifico isn't actually there anymore. It's just the cursed magic using him. He never would have attacked Amaya, or bound his people. He'd clearly never considered breaking/absorbing the wishes before doing so to Sakina's, as he (the dark magic) is genuinely surprised by what happens. At no point does any character in the movie think about the complete personality change their king goes through. Amaya says she's watched the good in him melt, but hadn't done anything about it because she'd loved him so much. But she'd been able to correct him when he was frustrated. So why does she give up on him so easily when he so clearly loved her? She knows what he went through as a kid and knows why he studied magic and built the kingdom. She knows why he protects the wishes and what he's willing to do for them.
Asha, however, doesn't. He tells her briefly that he suffered a great loss and he aims to keep others from experiencing the same things. She states this is why she wanted to work for him; then immediately takes it back when he refuses to grant Sabino's wish. She doesn't listen to his explanation, nor did she care. His frustration and outburst about deciding who deserves things is not entirely unjust, even if it was unnecessary. He has made it his life's goal to protect everyone, and while it isn't always fair, that does come with having to ensure some wishes aren't harmful. Yes, he could have and should have explained better or handled the situation differently; but he is the King and he makes the rules. The cursed magic is also influencing him at this point any time he gets frustrated.
Trying to get her Saba's wish granted may not have seemed selfish, but she does single handedly ruin the structure of Rosas. The point of giving up their wishes is that the people won't have to go through the heartache of unfufillment, and the chance to have them instantly granted. Naturally, granting wishes takes alot of magic on Magnifico's part and granting several in a row would be taxing on him. Asha says he grants one wish every month, and Magnifico says he granted 14 wishes the previous year. Based on what we see in the movie, he grants extra wishes to make up for things happening in the kingdom.
Personally, I feel Asha is too quick to turn on him. In the beginning she says you don't miss your wish when you say goodbye, and the people of Rosas chant about giving without regret when the two new citizens give their wishes. But the second Magnifico won't grant her family's wishes, her mind is changed without condering anything else. Magnifico doesn't correct her when she asks if most wishes won't be granted, but only focuses on her own families wishes at first. It's really only after she meets Star that she considers releasing all the wishes. And despite seeing potential danger in some wishes, Magnifico is still devoted to protecting them. He still considers them to be the best part of a person and worthy of protection.
As stated before, by the time the movie ends, Magnifico is all but physically gone. So technically, he truely did give up his life for what he considered protecting Rosas "at all costs". When he states one more time that this is the thanks he gets, Amaya tells him it's the thanks he deserves; being hung on the dungeon wall and left there. Kinda messed up considering all he did and gave up for the kingdom. They don't even try to save him or bring him back from the dark magic. Dahlia says the book mentions being unable to turn back once accepting the cursed magic, but I feel like if they could trap him and that magic in the mirror just by believing they could, why wouldn't they at least try to do the same for him? Sure, he was always a narcissist, but he was never evil and they all loved him and he, them.
It just feels unfair after everything. Disney villains tend to be unliked through their movies; Scar, Hades, Cruella, Ursula, Jafar, the Evil Queen, Magnificent, ect.
Viewers thought Magnifico wasn't a true Disney villain; to quirky and fun and missing those classic villain qualities. So really, why didn't his people at least try to save him?
None of these theories change my love for the movie and its message, I just think Magnifico deserved better. I'd love to hear other people's theories! I'm just tired of seeing so much hate for such a beautiful movie. 💙
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prof-polarbear · 4 months
A wild Cubchoo appears!
Hello Hello!
I am Moose aka Modigo aka Vamoose aka- i could go for a while.
I run (counts on fingers) 4 active rotomblr blogs and 4 inactive ish ones and wow i have 9 blogs now. yikes!
This is mostly me copying Phyto (love you dude /p) for a space to rant about my characters in a visible place, and also answer peoples questions about that that they may not be able/comfortable asking in the character's askbox themselves!
Some of my favorite posts will probably get put in here, as well as some ooc art of characters!
Summary of characters under the cut!
Active Blogs!! @prof-polaris : My first ever rotomblr blog, and the one that this blog is jokingly named for! Polaris is 27, and the father of- how many kids now? So many. They are my beloved silly guy who trains service pokemon for others, and is doing their best to keep their family stable and alive. Polaris is generally very mild mannered and easy going, unless their family or friends are being threatened. Oh, and they're a mite bit haunted by their families past. Don't worry about that too much. Polaris' blog is also occasionally taken over by their cousin Violet, who just so happens to be a Zoroark. mostly chill but occasionally mid-high stakes due to their kids
@unovan-gardener : CD!! or Cultivar Deo, Boy, turned plant boy, turned leafeon boy, and my accidental punching bag! Whoops! CD is- near constantly going through it because of the traumatic events leading up to and through his hybridization as a leafeon, their father's C- parenting, and their inability to work through their feelings as they feel like nobody listens or cares! But also they love plants so much and love and care about their friends so much so when there isn't angst happening around them that they get dragged into generally they have a good time!! I promise!! Warning for occasionally body horror, there is a plant inside him keeping him alive <3 mostly mid-high stakes because of his friends whoops-
@naptime-noct : My darling narcoleptic guy, daze is. doing dazes best! daze is mostly active at night, and mostly just. talks to dazes boyfriend Casey @/bones-poison-and-pokemon and dazes (in my opinion) bff Ceti @/rising-normal-type-star. generally low states, except for occasional darker themes in reference to dazes parents and disability
@moose-from-animals : whaaaaaat whos this guy??? definitely not just- me but pokemon lmaaaooooo oops all low stakes except when i am going through it irl because we are the same man Inactive/Barely Active Blogs
@csamhp : Chroma Sactuary and Museum of Hisuan Pokemon, run by Skie Tiergan!! Xe are doing their best. This is a sanctuary Polaris runs, but honestly i forget about it alot. shoot it an ask if you wanna know more about it tho!
@newgrowthspaest : Polaris' business blog. all their service pokemon training stuff is here
@chromacorporation : ooolldd chroma corp blog. completely retired. only go here if you want older polaris lore.
@cedar-scavenges: guy gets cursed. more at 7. every time he sleeps he wakes up in a new region (randomizer blog). the idea was cool but lack of interaction made me lose interest in sprout, and i kinda didnt really know where i wanted to go with him. might get rebooted someday if i get ideas.
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