#my ask box is forever open
titsgirlbuffy · 1 year
hey sorry if you've gotten a million alerts about me liking way too many of your posts!! i'm currently rewatching Buffy and Angel for the first time in over a decade (i first watched both shows between ages 10 and 13 so this has been an eye opening rewatch) and the hyperfixation has returned big time! I've been scouring the internet for meta and all of yours that i've read resonate with me a lot.
if you ever feel like writing them out (no pressure of course!) i'd love to read some more of your gay Wesley thoughts -- i've also always read him as gay, and i have such a strange time going into his tag on tumblr because soooo much of it is Wes/Lilah content. i'm particularly curious about your thoughts on how a gay reading of Wesley impacts his storylines with Lilah, Fred, and maybe Virginia. also sorry if all this is weird from a non-Buffy-blog stranger!!
Omg Thank You for sending this! It’s been sitting in my inbox for a while cause I needed to actually think about it in words rather than just. Autistic screeching. And also cause I wanted to see more of the Wesley/Lilah relationship to make sure my first thoughts weren’t totally baseless (if anything they’re being proven further). Just watched Apocalypse Now-ish so there’s probably later stuff I’d add in if I’d seen the whole show.
I’m really surprised by how many fans read him as straight (no offense but we have different eyes). Wesley’s coded as queer pretty often – part of it’s just the queer-coding of the Buffyverse supernatural in general (see This Old Gang of Mine for a questionable but really clear-cut example), but there’s also tons where it’s him specifically (in Sanctuary where the council’s kill squad call him out on his “perverted” relationship with Angel and also call him a ponce, Wesley stopping Angel in that same episode before the fight to make sure he knows he gave up a chance to go home and be accepted by his father and culture For Angel, multiple times in season one when outsiders assume he and Angel are together, that time Angel gets possessed by an old guy who assumes Wesley is his boyfriend and tries to let him down gently but freaks out when Wesley goes to touch him… etc etc etc). Plus the way he looked up to Angel in early seasons absolutely comes across as a crush, he and Gunn were So into each other but Wesley especially was repressed about it (running theme, man radiates internalised homophobia), and all his relationships with women… well, there’s Layers going on.
So his early relationship with Cordelia was the first time (if you don’t count just. Looking at him) I solidly thought Wesley must be gay, rather than any other label. To me that’s absolutely a comphet relationship on his part. The crucial parts of the Cordelia/Wesley relationship is that 1. He sees himself as “a bad, bad man” for wanting to pursue anything with Cordelia, and as such 2. She is completely unattainable, but 3. When it’s proven that she’s Not unobtainable actually, the relationship falls apart the instant they try to do anything about it. He’s attracted to Cordelia because it’s a safely straight crush where he’s not Allowed to actually follow through on anything (and panics the moment he does anyway), and to an extent because a relationship would give him a reason to stay in California.
I headcanon Wesley as actually working out that he’s gay between seasons 1 and 2 – purely because he’s the one who introduces the group to Caritas and was visiting it between seasons, which… do I need to explain why Caritas is a gay bar? Please feel to ask me to explain that if anyone doesn’t get it, but for now, trust me, as a frequenter of gay karaoke bars, Caritas is 100% a gay karaoke bar. This is also around the time he starts dressing differently, stops wearing multi-piece fully buttoned suits year round in California. He’s getting more comfortable being himself.
Which all makes his relationship with Virginia really interesting. They met when he was mimicking Angel’s Straight Man Persona (literally in the same episode where Angel was getting therapy and being told that his manly persona is an act and that it’s hurting him. Yeah), and I’m not totally sure if she was a beard or a purposefully chosen Public Relationship. She was a billionaire socialite – again, Wesley’s internalised homophobia is off the charts, and this is a relationship that got into the papers (and would definitely get back to his family, if they made any effort to look). Sidenote, I’m genuinely certain that he was just homeless until they got together. Wesley is established as Broke™, starts dating a billionaire, and suddenly has a large swank apartment? In LA? I am simply drawing connections. So yeah, while I’m undecided about how much Virginia knew this, their relationship reads as one based on public persona and just social climbing generally.
Fred’s the most complicated of his relationships with women. The rivalry with Gunn is probably a part of it, but actually I think a bigger part is Billy. As in, Billy, the guy who made any guy who touched him (or his blood, sorry Wes) become violently misogynistic. Side eyeing the writers for that one, but still, it Really fucked Wesley up. Fred was fine, she doesn’t blame him, but after the spell wore off Wesley literally hid in his room for a week then told her “I don’t know what kind of man I am anymore” then Cut His Hair Short Again. Some sort of closeness to Fred had been alluded to before this (protecting her in This Old Gang Of Mine despite her very much being able to protect herself, suddenly being given an interest in science despite being a linguist), but that was really the turning point for this being a textual Attraction. Even then, similar to the Cordelia thing, Wesley never makes a move (assuring everyone who asked that he would when he was ready. Okay), and when he talks about it, it’s an attraction to a Fred that literally doesn’t exist.
Fred doesn’t need anyone making a shovel talk on her behalf – she can and will just kill them herself (at the point I’m at, she and Gunn might break up because He killed someone when she’d wanted to do it on her own). There was a great moment when Lilah dressed up as “Fred”, complete with schoolgirl outfit and glasses, and the shot cut to Fred, hair down, glasses free, ready to hunt a ghost with Gunn. The irony is that the Fred who actually Does exist has way more in common with Wesley (it’s honestly just the gender that’s the issue here), but in a combo of self hatred and need to redeem himself post-Billy, Wesley’s created this sweet innocent young scientist who he needs to Protect™. Is that love? Well, he didn’t make a move when he thought it was.
I can see why people like his relationship with Lilah. They’re awful. Literally the first time they slept together it was because Wesley was So depressed and was hoping he wouldn’t regret it until the morning (didn’t work. Regretted it instantly). He doesn’t have a job, and Lilah’s trying to recruit him to W&H. I said, the second time we saw them on screen, that he was prostituting himself. I was joking! But uh. Canon jokes about how “giving” Lilah is. Expensive bribes (“gifts”, Lilah insists) Wesley could never afford. He makes a bet with her for ONE DOLLAR, loses, she MAKES HIM SIGN THE DOLLAR, and then LEAVES IT WITH HIM. They’re in bed for this. I just. I was joking. I wasn’t expecting an actual scene of them in bed with a dollar bill between them. What the fuck. Anyway, that aside, he really does just hate himself right now, tangibly depressed post-baby-theft, and Lilah is There. Caritas doesn’t exist any more and there’s no plausible deniability in a non-demon gay bar.
Thanks again for reading my stuff @lostupst8 <3 never apologise for spamming me, I crave attention
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possiblyawesometmblr · 7 months
so you're telling me you lost the one with blue hair and pronouns
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Al haithem leads the creator to the oldest known record of human language. A stone that has "sus" etched into it.
a h –
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💀 stop this madness- what do u want from me,, aHH- what do u waNT- PLEASE-
Omfg. Awful thought:
Everytime there's a modern "update" on memes and trends and slang, Teyvat finds like another documentation of it 💀
Sumeru archeologists (Creator specific ones would exist too i would think..) is an absolutely reliable field,
Bc unlike here, those stone slabs or murals just keep showing up deep in sand dunes or hard to reach nature areas (like enkanomiya etc), and are made in order to "reflect/update" to our modern lingo bc it needs to keep a record bc its "Teyvat history" to them 😭
(Like the world itself is adding that shit, and the Irminsul wants to know)
Stop no get of my head no more thought head emtpy
Its the wine yall i gotta go to bed-
Also heyyy, u may have noticed i have slowed down, i am mostly sad not bc of yall pressuring me not at all, im just ready to not be a student anymore!!
Bc I got uni starting back up again/senior semester graduation, so kinda crazy + car trouble this week :/
Anyway, ill be updating more on the weekends!!
So if ur interested in my insane ramblings, look out for my ass groovin out to yalls asks / requests on the weekends :)
(🚧Also cant wait to be working on those 100 follower event postssss *construction noises resume*👷✍️🚧)
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thinking about your devastating recent "jamie gets hit by a car" fic; it has me shook! do you have any thoughts about how roy would react in a similar "jamie shoves him out of the way/takes a hit for roy" situation if it happened in s1? like roy would obviously still be upset but i can see him also being like "wtf why did he do that we hate each other" whereas in s3+ roy knows why.
Oh yes, this is a delicious concept! (For those that haven’t read it but cw hurt no comfort)
Roy might be almost more upset in some ways because he'd be so confused. Someone you love sacrifices themselves for you, but what do you do when it's someone you hate? He'd be ANGRY at first because that was his default emotion then. Like why would Jamie do that? We hate each other. It would have Roy questioning everything he thought about Jamie because of how selfish he considered him to be. And if this was pre-gala when Roy didn't even know about the poster, Roy really wouldn't understand. He'd feel guilt and anger and sadness and shock, and he would really struggle to understand why Jamie would do that. And Roy would be struggling to understand if he would have done the same if the roles were reversed.
Ahhh, this is rotating around in my brain, and you have me kind of wishing I set it in season 1 now!
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Do you think Elain is a coward?
God, okay, this is going to be long but no, I don't think Elain is a coward. I think Elain displays a lot of courage and bravery throughout the series, even when she's afraid and would have every right to do even less than she does. And like always, I can prove it. Below the cut because this became way too long:
Starting in ACOTAR, consider:
When Feyre returns from Spring and is talking with Elain in the garden, Elain is ready to leave everything she knows behind and is asking Feyre if she'd like to go with her (page 256)
"You should come with me," Elain went on. "Nesta won't go, because she says she doesn't want to risk the sea crossing, but you and I...Oh, we'd have fun, wouldn't we?
I'm not always sure I agree with Feyre's assessment that she had less strength than Elain in the next moment because I think Feyre had to do a lot of horrible things that Elain did not, which sucked the joy out of Feyre's life. However Feyre's allowed to think whatever she wants, and this is what she thinks about Elain on page 260:
"I gazed again at that sad, dark house- the place that had been a prison. Elain had said she missed it, and I wondered what she saw when she looked at the cottage. If she beheld not a prison but a shelter- a shelter from the world that had possessed so little good, but she tried to find it anyway, even if it had seemed foolish and useless to me.
She had looked at that cottage with hope; I had looked at it with nothing but hatred. And I knew which one of us had been stronger."
Again, when Feyre is ready to go, Elain is practical and ready to help, even though I think she's both sad and scared (page 270):
"Elain, to my surprise, had a horse, a sachel of food, and supplies ready when I hurried down the stairs. My father was nowhere in sight. But Elain threw her arms around me, and, holding tightly, said, "I remember- I remember all of it now."
I wrapped my arms around her. "Be on your guard. All of you."
You get a better sense of Elain's courage in ACOMAF, starting on page 248 when her newly made sister and three enormous warriors show up on her doorstep and ask for help. Feyre describes them as "wild and rough and ancient (250), and Elain and Nesta are afraid of the Fae and have been their whole lives:
"'Nesta,' Elain said again, twisting her hands. "If...if we do not help Feyre, there won't be a wedding. Even Lord Nolan's battlements and all his men, couldn't save me from...from them." Nesta didn't so much as flinch. Elain pushed. "We keep it secret- we send the servants away. With the spring approaching, they'll be glad to go home. And if Feyre needs to be in and out for meetings, she'll send word ahead, and we'll clear them out. Make up excuses to send them on holidays. Father won't be back until the summer anyway. No one will know." She put a hand on Nesta's knee, the purple of my sister's gown nearly swallowing up the ivory hand. "Feyre gave and gave- for years. Let us now help her. Help...others."
They're afraid, Feyre can smell it on 253:
My sisters did not curtsy. Their hearts wildly pounded, even Nesta's, and the tang of their terror coated my tongue-
Here is Elain, on 256, owning her part in Feyre's neglect which is the opposite of cowardice because all through this scene she is visibly afraid. She's trembling, her voice is described as a rasp, and she's gripping her knife so tightly Feyre wonders if she might use it as a weapon. A coward would have let Nesta take all the blame:
"And as for Ferye's hunting during those years, it was not Nesta's neglect alone that is to blame. We were scared, and had received no training, and everything had been taken, and we failed her. Both of us."
I can't not share my favorite line ever, on 389:
And it was Elain- Elain- who sighed and murmured, "I hope they all burn in hell."
I think what is highlighted for me in ACOMAF is that if Elain is the coward hiding behind the most powerful person's skirts, and she values power as a way to stay small/unharmed, then Elain would defer to the people she feels has power. Her fiance, with his battlement, her elder sister who runs her household. She could have gone to Graysen and hid behind his walls the minute she saw Rhys/Az/Cassian and who would have blamed her? And instead she conceals from her Fae hating fiance that she's helping them because she views this as working for the greater good and repaying Feyre for years of perceived neglect. And she argues with Nesta to continue helping them, even when Nesta is saying no. Consistently Elain is described as the kind of person who could convince someone to do something with a smile and a few kind words which implies she has learned how to get the things she needs through a combination negotiation, flattery, and perhaps a little manipulation if it suits her. What use are any of those things to a coward? Why not have Nesta do all of that for her?
On page 549, Feyre even acknowledge how strange it is that Elain is there when she could be under Graysen's protection:
"Does my sisters' presence here not speak to you? There is an iron engagement ring upon my sister's finger-and ye here she stands with us."
Elain seemed to be fighting the urge to tuck her hand behind the skirts of her pale pink and blue dress, but stayed tall while the queens surveyed her.
"I would say that it is proof of her idiocy," the golden one sneered, "to be engaged to a Fae-hating man....and to risk the match by associating with you."
That doesn't look like cowardice to me. That looks like courage, that looks like risking everything in service of the greater good, and it even looks a little like shame that she's wearing that iron ring which is a symbol of her and her fiance's prejudice in the face of her Fae sister who I believe Elain does love.
Rhys offers to take Nesta and Elain to Velaris for protection in the face of war and the queens acknowledgement they're leaving the humans to suffer. Rhys, the most powerfully magic man in existence and if Elain values power so much and is such a coward, surely she goes? (555)
Elain swallowed, a doe caught in a snare. "I-I can't. I..."
But she could, and she chooses not to.
Which leads, of course, to her own tragedy. Elain who gives up safety in Velaris for love, finds herself kidnapped and shoved into a Cauldron. Gagged by strangers, and knowing she's going to drown and probably die, Elain still manages this moment on 602:
My sisters were shrieking over their gags. But Elain's cry- a warning. A warning to-
My right, now exposed. Tamlin ran for me. To grab me at last. I hurled a knife at him- as hard as I could.
So now she's traumatized, and I think Elain get's too much unfair criticism for how she handles it. She's never going to be loud, or a warrior and she's not girlbossing her way through it. She is the thing she's always feared and yet, with war coming, Elain is pushing it aside for the moment to think about others (ACOWAR, 470):
Then Elain said quietly, We could move them to Graysen's estate."
And while I think she desperately wants to see him, this is still an act of courage to consider that they would be safe. I also think Elain knows quite well Graysen is not going to accept her as she is now, and still she hopes he will, hopes enough to agree to see him when hiding away and quietly mourning would have been emotionally safer.
Feyre even tells her, on 471,
"This could end very badly, Elain."
She brushed her thumb over the iron-and-diamond engagement ring. "It's already ended badly. Now it's just a matter of deciding how we meet the consequences."
Not the worldview of a coward, but I digress.
On 492, before Graysen, the love of her mortal life, and his terrifying Fae hating father, she says:
"Graysen, I've come to beg you..." A pleading glance at his father. "Both of you...Open your gates to any humans who can get here. To families. With the wall down...We-they believe...There is not enough time for an evacuation. The queens will not send aid from the continent. But here-they might stand a chance."
Up to this point, Elain and Graysen are just staring at each other while Nesta and Feyre speak. Elain could have let them continue but they know her best, they've liked/loved her up until they realize what she is, and she knows it. She has to be the one to ask, and so she does.
And God she risks so much. Between 498-499:
"You belong to him."
"I belong to no one. But my heart belongs to you."
Elain, willing to damn convention and immortality to be with the man she loves.
"Take that ring off."
Elain's fingers curved into firsts. "No."
Elain in the war is endless courage, despite having no tools to defend herself. After Nesta's scrying causes the Cauldron to lure Elain away as punishment, Elain risks her own life to get out a human when a coward would have looked the other way and risked nothing that put them in danger. On 577:
"Grab onto him!" Elain ordered the wide-eyed human girl as Azriel thundered toward her. The girl looked like a doe about to be run down by a wolf.
The girl did not open her arms as they neared.
Elain screamed a her, "If you want to live, do it now!"
Elain holds the entire time, keeping her from slipping and dying.
Elain, on 610, when the violence is unavoidable and Azriel offers her his knife:
"I -I don't know how to use it-" And of course, Elain, who tells Azriel she doesn't know how to use a weapon, who could have hid (and might have been smart to do so) while everyone else fought, does this (653):
But as a blade broke through the king's throat, spraying blood, I realized someone else had.
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king's neck as she snarled in his ear, "Don't you touch my sister."
On 655, I love this moment because Elain is truly Cauldron-blessed in that this sentient cooking pot made of ancient, godly magic, loves her and wants to protect her/gift her things. Nesta makes herself into a God, but I think Elain could have been made one, too, had she the inclination. The Cauldron certainly had the will:
The Cauldron seemed to realize what she'd done, too, as his head thumped to the mossy ground. That Elain...Elain had defended this thief. Elain, who it had gifted with such powers, found her so lovely it wanted to give her something...It would not harm Elain, even in its hunt to reclaim what had been taken.
I like this moment because the argument that Elain aligns herself with power implies that whatever/whoever is most powerful would be a draw for her, and yet consistently, Elain eschews that to protect the people she loves, which includes Nesta. It is revisionist history and willful misinterpretation of the text to suggest Elain does not love Nesta because when she comes for Hybern, who has bested EVERYONE at that final last hour, and is poised to kill her sister, there is no reason for her to think her plan will work or that she, too, won't die. And still she comes. She still tries. The last words Hybern ever hears are a defense of Nesta. Don't touch her.
God this is so long. I think Elain gets labeled a coward in part because of what happens in ACOSF- she didn't stand up against the IC, so she's a coward because Nesta would have never let them take her up there, but Elain spends a good portion of ACOFAS trying to coax Nesta out, and then offering Nesta space in equal measure when it's clear Nesta wants to be alone. I'm not going to argue whether the intervention was good (I have made posts about my problems with this before, so go right and spare me your anger), only that Nesta was spiraling and I don't think Elain abandoned her out of cowardice, but a desperate hope to help her sister.
And Elain has never enjoyed the coddling, no matter how she benefitted from it. In ACOSF, we see her pushing back when Elain is offering to scry on Nesta's behalf. Nesta doesn't WANT to scry but Elain DOES (232)
"Absolutely not," Nesta spat, fingers curling at her sides. "Absolutely not."
"Why?" Elain demanded. "Shall I end to my little garden forever?"
When Nesta flinched, Elain said, "You can't have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater."
I think this moment says so much about how Nesta views herself and what she's worth to people more than anything else. Elain is offering Nesta an out- I will do this because I want to (Feyre states it Elain's choice and still Nesta is saying no), and you don't have to. Nesta can't let her, because she can't risk Elain and Nesta is in such a bad place (and I think she was way before she was made, which only amplified it), that to her, she's the expendable one. She can get hurt, she can be the shield because who would miss her? Who would value her if she didn't? That doesn't make her view true, but it does offer insight into their relationship over the last few books, and it makes Nesta all. the more tragic.
But it doesn't make Elain a coward, either.
Infamous passage on page 580:
And he knew the cruelty of Hewn City troubled her. But she hadn't hesitated to come. When Feyre had offered to let her remain home, Elain had squared her shoulders and declared hat she was part of this court- and would do whatever was needed.
Anyway. This has gotten away from me. Elain is a lot of things, but cowardly is not one of them. Elain gets a lot of shit for being quiet (which someone makes her devoid of a personality- but Azriel is brooding and mysterious and the fandom's sexy, shippable boyfriend like yeah okay) and for internalizing her trauma, but she consistently shows up for her sisters every time it matters, often at the expense of herself. I don't think Elain is drawn to power, nor do I think she's a coward hiding behind whoever can keep her safest. I think Elain is in stasis, partly because her time hasn't come for a narrative but also because she doesn't know where she fits anymore. She has no clear, defined purpose and so she's looking for one.
Also, this is a SJM book. Nesta likes the IC by the end of it and idk why people think Elain wouldn't, too. Feyre, Nesta, and Elain love each other even if you don't so like. I don't know man.
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hyperfixationhorde · 5 days
heyy i love your stimboards! can i have a g3 clawdeen board with sparkly cosmetic and darker purple (than her og design at least)?? ty!!
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Yippee! A board request!! Hopefully I got enough cosmic stuff for you ((:
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madame-fear · 4 months
The fact that I don't mind university but I found that one subject that gives me anxiety to the point of not wanting to go to class
And what's worse is that I always sit at the front row, because I don't hear shit if I'm too far away and I have the eyes of my teacher on me like this 👀🤨 👁️👄👁️
I feel like I'm back to when I was thirteen and staring highschool I don't want this Hwbdkduej someone save me
That frfr is the worst, I get you baby I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS AUJDKAKSJDJSK
It seems that with any shitty school subject that you dislike, your teacher has some sort of anxiety radar so it’s their job to provide you with more awkwardness knowing you can’t do anything about it, it’s mandatory JAJSHCKD FUCK STUDYING FUCK LIFE FUCK SHITTY SUBJECTS SOMEONE COME SAVE US. WE NEED A MIRACLEEEE 🫠🫠🫠
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
I have a thing where between the second and third season Dani took Jamie back with him to Mexico for most of the summer break. Dani's family spoiled them rotten with delicious food, and he met all of Dani's siblings and cousins and aunts and uncles. More than five of the young ones, they all want to be strikers like Dani and they all want to play for Mexico like Dani and they all look up to Dani with stars in their eyes and they make Jamie and Dani run drills with them until dinner. Dani's mama doesn't speak a word of english, but the whole time he's there she keeps patting him on the cheek and smiling and fussing and Jamie can't understand a word she says but he's never felt so certain in his life that he was in someone's good graces.
Amigo de Dani. Tu amigo, Dani? Dani's friend. He was Dani's friend, and for that they threw doors open wide and embraced him with the same warmth that made Dani burn like the sun.
It was overwhelming. It was fucking brilliant.
And while they were there they had like. A real camping trip. Tents on the ground and twenty of Dani's closest relatives getting plastered on tequila. At night him and Dani curl up in a tent and pass a bottle of mezcal back and forth without any real intent, too busy cackling over stupid jokes.
With Dani's sleeping bag pressed against his shoulder and a low tent hanging over him, Jamie doesn't feel crowded. Laying on the ground doesn't feel like a hardship; it feels like a sleepover. With the weight of an open sky hovering just out of sight, he feels small and free. The world feels vast with potential. He feels excited about what's waiting for him back in Richmond. They've been promoted, the lads like him, Roy Kent hugged him for fuck's sake. This time last year he was miserable in Manchester and contemplating nuking his career. It feels surreal, how much better his life has gotten.
Yeah, next year's going to be better. He knows it.
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autistic-and-bi · 1 month
Welcome to the club loveys!
We're all a lil crazy here
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About me!
I'm autistic
My special interest is adventure time
My otps are kwitetrap, lumity and Bubbaline 🩷🩷
I stan kwite >:)
I love drawing
Things I post!
-my hyperfixations and special interests
-random stuff
-gacha stuff
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dykethang · 1 month
i keep thinking i'll wake up and be fine. and then i wake up so emotionally devastated i have to immediately shut it down lest i be utterly consumed by the horrors
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sleepystarryeyed · 4 months
Hello there, welcome to my new kink blog! I'm not "new here" per se but I'm finally poking my head out a little more from simply lurking from tags and a locked twitter account. We'll see how well this goes -- I'm painfully aware that there's no perfect place on the internet right now, but no matter what else I've poked at so far, Tumblr's interface is still what my brain likes best so here we are, at least for now!
I'm a 26-year-old queer submissive, primarily a basically-lifelong hypnofetishist but also interested in plenty of overlapping and other things besides. Looking forward to interacting with the community more and following cool people I've seen from afar for a long while, as well as posting about my own fantasies and IRL dynamic with my Dominant. Definitely have a backlog of a lot of things to talk about, hopefully this blog won't be too empty for long, haha! Will likely update this pinned post more as time goes on, just wanted a little something up here for right now so everyone knows I'm not a bot (yet) 💙🌀
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coridallasmultipass · 2 months
well one of family never ends' author's other fics is the epilogue of course ;) but ipgd also wrote people don't do that (alphacest), homestuck watches boku no pico, and like the first uucest fic
Thank you.
Deeply and truly thank you. Saved me a real pain. It was People Don't Do That. Gonna reread it ASAP. I don't remember if I read the uucest one, but I powered thru a lot of fics while I was sick in Jan, and I don't remember like 90% of those two weeks. (Like, as I'm going thru the tag I'm reading now, I'll see something unclicked and go to read it, finish the fic like OMG SO GOOD, and then scroll a little more and I see my name at the top of the kudos list and it's like, wait, when tf did I read this? It was when I was sick.)
Ughhhh. I ADORE the dynamic of whichever younger Strider being the instigator, and it fits Alphacest so deliciously. (I don't even know what to say here without being so fucking overtly horny for Alpha Dave in general but that's not new lmao.)
But seriously, the scene on the roof where Dirk took Dave's underwear, like. I died. There's no other way to put it. It fucking killed me. I'm going to remember that forever, it was so good.
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droodlebug · 2 months
half the tume tumblr doesnt even let me answer asks. i type everything out and hit post and it deletes everything i did and goes teehee :3 what happened silly me. and then proceeds to just not allow me to answer it ever
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
I watched the live stream for eurovision and Olli and Aleksi were just straight up flirting (”my middle name is Matias” ”Matias? 😏”)
I was wondering what are your favourite ”flirting” moments? (tbh I’m not sure does that count as a ”flirting” but you know)
(and sorry for spamming your ask box lately but I’ve fallen in to this Olli Aleski hole and can’t get out)
First of all no apologizing for "spamming my ask box" okay we're in this hole together 😤
Ohhhh I remember that!! 😭😭😭 They do love to tease each other don't they 😳💕 I'm still thinking about when Aleksi was all "oh, you were thinking about him last night? 😏" when Olli said he had thought about how cool it would be to collaborate with Skrillex, like come oooooooonn what did Aleksi even mean by that 😭😭😭
And of course their play-wrestle, with Olli just lifting Aleksi up and carrying him away like Tarzan and Jane, is still living rent-free in my head 🫠
edit. Forgot to ask, what are YOUR favourite Olli/Allu flirting moments, anon/anyone reading this? 👉👈
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sweetlee · 11 months
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hyperfixationhorde · 13 days
I’m opening up my stimboard asks to ever after high characters too now!!!
(I know shocking that a monster high autistic would also be interested in ever after lmao)
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