#my asks are always open to anons who wanna talk <3
kakusu-shipping · 7 months
Happy birthday!!!! Apples and lemons? :D
Thanks Echo!!! (≧∇≦)ノ
Apples ✦ How long have you been self-shipping, in general? When did you find out about the self-ship community?
Like a lot of people in the Self Shipping community I've been Self Shipping sense I was VERY young, obviously before I knew what it was. I'd put my first conscious thought of Dating Fictional Character around 2nd grade probably? Summer after 1st, more specifically.
I found out about self shipping through a friend I had in 2017-2018 named Ven. I'd met them through the Little Nightmares OC fandom and was OBSESSED with their little Slime Person S/I and made an OC to ship with them (not knowing what an S/I vs OC was at the time)
They explained Self Shipping to me and encouraged me to pursue Fictional Crushes I had at the time that I wasn't confident in Self Shipping with for conflicting identity reasons, something I'm much more chill about now. (Ginko who I headcanoned as AroAce, Scorpia who is a canon Lesbian, etc)
I'm very thankful to them honestly! Even if they eventually decided they didn't want to talk to me anymore, I still think of them very fondly. I hope they're doing well.
Lemons ✦ What's your stance on sharing fictional others?
I'm so very passionate about this, I made a banner for it
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PLEASE tell me when we share F/Os and let me know if I can make your S/I and my S/I interact and canon together I LOVE a polycule and ABSOLUTELY wanna include you (general audience) in my self ship
Even if we can't be canon Metamours (people dating the same person but not romantically linked to eachother) I STILL want to hear about the F/Os we share and your self ship with them and your S/I lore and story and the ins and outs of your dynamic with the F/O and what you like about them and what you dislike about them and what drew you to them and everything tell me everything PLEASE
I LOVE sharing F/Os indiscriminately! With canon characters, with other self shippers, with people who just like them casually. Platonically, Romantically, Familiarly, any sort of in between or overlap or other secret 4th way to love a Fictional Other; I LOVE IT
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intimacyequalsdeath · 11 months
heyya!!!... Beautiful💐.
I see requests are currently open, so if you don't mind... can I request a sexy wife s/o who loves to cook and will always make slasher food? And prepare all their needs (you know like a good wife in general🙃),My twin sisters really like their slasher Especially for Bo, Lester, Vincent, Thomas hewitt,Charles Lee Ray and Michael Myers...
Oh, I also think it would be great if they had obedient children with the wife s/o. They know how their father is and they choose not to worry too much about it. Please....I'm sorry if I requested when your requests were closed, but, I've been looking for a blog for a long time whose requests are still open and finally I found your blog 😭.
My twin sister is sick and I want her to be able to read the story you made from my request 🙏.
Love you dear
Thank you so much for the request sweet anon! <3 I hope me deciding to do Headcannons for each story was ok to anon. Sorry this took so long, I worked on it in chunks over the course of a few different days.
Also I hope you sister feels better soon Anon <3 <3
Slashers with a good little wife and good little children: The Sinclairs. Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt and Charles Lee Ray.
Also not my gifs, not of the gifs I use are ever mine and full credit goes to the original creators <3
Notes: Minors DNI, Written with AFAB in mind as per request, suggestive themes. Story under the cut. Request centers around "traditional" wife roles. Talks of pregnancy and children.
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<3 : Bo loves the idea of having a good little wife and good little children to boot. He just never thought living in Ambrose and as a man with his hobbies he would get to experience that, until he met you.
<3: You instantly took over cleaning and cooking, even some of the spots in Ambrose no one even went into anymore. You had no idea how the boys had managed to survive so long with living like they were raised in a barn.
<3: Bo also liked how you liked to steer clear of anything having to do with his business and what went on at the gas station.
"it ain't your place" He murmured once into your hair when you asked him about it when the relationship was still relatively new. That was the first and only time he ever had to tell you that.
<3: Bo was thrilled by your want to stay out of his and mind your own that it was surprising when you ultimately fell pregnant after only about a year being in Ambrose. As if he'd let you leave.
<3: Bo let you take care of all the child rearing duties, with him being gone usually all day it was just easier plus the last thing he wants to come home too is crying children after a long day.
<3 As the children grew you had to teach them about what their father and uncles and explain why it would be inappropriate to ask anyone about it. All they needed to know was that they were safe and their daddy loves them.
<3 The sight of you being rounded with HIS baby also does things to Bo, So don't be surprised if he makes it a goal to keep you pregnant as often as possible.
<3 Bo would be a in and out father I think though, not that he means to be he does love the children. His relationship with his own father affects how active he is a lot of the time and since that's the only father figure he has to go off of he doesn't wanna turn out like him.
"Papa!' The children yelled as they ran through the door of the gas station to their father. You had a free instance of free time so you thought you'd bring them down to bring Bo some lunch.
"There's my babies" Bo said opening his arms to catch all 3 of them up in them. He turned to you poised and ready for the kiss you planted on his lips as you set the basket of food down on the counter.
"We made you lunch papa!" Your youngest girl said as he placed her back on the floor. Bo smiled at her.
"You did now didya?" All three children nodded as you opened the basket and began to explain to Bo what you made him. It wasn't long before your family bubble was interrupted by a car pulling up outside.
Bo's gaze hardened as he turned to look outside the station windows he then turned to you and the kids before barking an order.
"You four need to go on and get back to the house now" He said, The children having been through this before nodded before falling in line behind you to head back home.
"I'll come get ya'll when I'm done" Bo said planting a last kiss to your lips before you waddled out of the gas station, giant pregnant belly and all three little ducklings in tow.
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<3 Soft mushy Vincent is soft and mushy.
<3 You are his doting little wife and he is your doting husband. His heart swells every time he sees you coming down into the basement with a plate of food and a drink.
<3 At first he was a bit nervous about you growing board of Ambrose since he wouldn't let you be involved but when he saw you begin to clean literally anything and everything he figured you were alright.
<3 Vincent loves your cooking and it actually helps rouse him out of the basement to come and sit at the table with you and his brothers.
<3 When you fell pregnant the first time, He was stunned. Like truly stunned. He never thought fatherhood more or less being a husband was in the cards for him ever.
<3 To know have both he couldn't believe it. A cute little house wife and a baby he hoped would look just like you.
<3 If the baby isn't twins expect to start trying for a sibling right away. Vincent like his brothers adores the sight of you pregnant with his baby. It awakens a primal instinct inside of him to be the provider and keep you safe at all costs.
<3 Vincent would be afraid that the baby would be afraid of his face or his mask, no matter how many times you assured him other wise he couldn't help but worry.
<3 If the children grow up to question their fathers face or what he does in Ambrose, you and Vincent will tell them the loose truth obviously omitting a lot of detail. At least until their old enough.
"Vincent, your her daddy. She'd never be afraid of you" You told him softly, reaching out in an attempt to hand him your daughter.
Ever since she was born Vincent refused to hold her as he didn't wanna scare her off with his mask or his face.
He looked into your eyes as he went to shake his head, before he could though you had shoved your baby into his arms and positioned his hands in the proper places to hold her.
Vincent jumped at your sudden action but was never the less quick to cradle his daughter. He looked down at her once she was settled and when his eyes met hers that matched your perfectly he felt his breath leave his body.
Vincent had never experienced a feeling like this in his entire life and doubted he would ever feel it again. He was head over heels in love with this little human the two of you had made together and from that day he vowed that anyone who tried to come in-between him and his family would have him to answer too.
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<3 Lester is used to cooking and cleaning his own space so it takes him awhile to get used to you doing it for him.
<3 He appreciates it greatly but he doesn't fully understand why you would want to clean up behind him like you do though. Like he picks up roadkill all day who would want to smell that?
<3 He doesn't complain about you cooking though, He thinks your food is amazing and it's great to come home to a warm cooked meal every night.
<3 You do so much for him so don't be surprised if Lester comes home every so often with little gifts he's collected for you. Some of them may or may not come from victims but as Lester's good little wifey you never question it, you just press your lips to his and thank him for the thoughtful gift.
<3 When you fall pregnant, again like his brothers, Lester is thrilled. He can't be in the same room as you without running his hands up and down your swollen belly while trying to feel the baby kick.
<3 Lester wants a football team of children, so be prepared to make many renovations to the cabin the two of you share to accommodate all the children.
<3 Lester loves bringing his sons out on the road with him when their old enough and with your permission of course. He'd never let them participate in anything Bo or Vincent do but helping him with roadkill is just fine by him.
<3 If any of the kids ever questions what their uncles do in Ambrose and why Lester doesn't usually want them around it, He'll tell them that it's because of Vincent's delicate projects and that answer is enough for the kids.
"Nah sweetpea, you know why you can't go to Ambrose" Lester softly told your son after the fifth time he had asked to go see his uncles. Your son sighed and pouted slightly before speaking.
"I know uncle Vincent's art is easy to break but I promise I won't ruin anything"
"My love, I've told you it's rude to question your father" You piped up from your chair in the living room, running a hand over your slightly swollen belly. "Why don't you go join your brothers outside for a bit before dinner, and stay where we can see you" He gave you a sad look but nodded and went through the front door outside.
"I know the boys love Vinny and Bo, but I just want em to be safe" Lester told you sitting on the arm of your chair and putting a hand over yours sitting on your belly.
"I know Les, but when their older they'll understand why we have rules" You shot him a smile and he gratefully returned it. He was so lucky to get someone so understanding of the "Family Business"
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<3 Thomas was raised to be a family man. Luda Mae had always told him growing up that one day he would need to find a wife to continue the Hewitt family with.
<3 Enter you, ending up at the Hewitt farm like so many others, but not meeting the same fate as them.
<3 Thomas would've easily put babies before marriage but Luda Mae insisted that you two do it the traditional way and get married first.
<3 You were quick to win her over with your affinity to help out with cooking and other house chores. Especially when it came to taking care of her darling boy Thomas. She was thrilled he had found someone who loved him so much.
<3 In the Hewitt house hold with Monty and Charlie both breathing down your neck, it's easy to be reminded to leave the mans work to Thomas and just focus on helping Luda with whatever she needs.
<3 When you fall pregnant with the first baby, the whole house hold is thrilled.
<3 Luda, Charlie and Monty all never thought they would see the day that Thomas would continue the Hewitt family tree so it was a very big deal when you fell pregnant with Luda's first grandchild.
"Now darlin' you know your not supposed to be doing anything in your state" Luda reprimanded as she walked into the kitchen to see you doing dishes.
"I know mama but laying in bed all day everyday is driving me nuts" You told her drying off a plate you were washing. Luda joined you at the sink grabbing a cup to wash it before handing it to you to dry.
"When I was pregnant with Charlie I almost got driven up a wall myself. Just don't let Tommy see, You'll never hear the end of it" She said giving you a small smile before heading back to the living room.
You stood at the sink and continued to wash until you heard familiar footsteps heading up the basement stairs, you tried to pretend like you weren't washing dishes but it was too late, Tommy was on you in an instant.
"Tommy hun it's ok!" You pleaded as he took the dishes out of your hands and herded you towards a chair. You couldn't help yourself but the laugh of how your giant husband could be turned so soft and attentive with you.
You grabbed Tommy's hands before he made you sit down and placed them onto your rounded belly. His eyes met yours instantly and your foreheads pressed together.
"Tommy we're fine, I promise honey." Tommy looked at you incredulously before rolling his eyes and huffing at you, you laughed. If there was one thing in this world Tommy couldn't say no too it was you.
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<3 Now Charles I could see being a bit different. Sure he adores having someone cleaning and cooking since he's out doing what a serial killer does most of the time but when it comes to kids he's a bit hesitant.
<3 He loves that you love to cook for him. It's nice having warm meals to come home too for once, Brownie points if their his favorite foods.
<3 Doesn't so much like when you get on him about tracking blood through the house or getting one too many stains on his clothes.
<3 If you really want a baby start telling him how lonely you are when he leaves for long periods of time to go kill people. He'll give you want you want as long as the baby stays out of his way.
<3 He'll be a good dad though don't get me wrong and he'll love the kid or kids just as much as you but he's a busy guy that's got shit to do so he mainly sees them as your responsibility.
<3 Might get jealous of all your attention going to the baby though, he understands it has too but that doesn't mean he has to be happy about it all the time.
<3 Your never going to be the picture perfect family but for your Charles will try his best to give you and the kids everything you'd ever need.
"Charles! what have I told you about tracking blood in the house!" Your voice echoed through the house. You heard a muffled laugh as he rounded the hallway with your 3 month old in his arms.
"Babe I'm sorry, you know I never mean too sometimes it just happens" He said adjusting your bundle of joy in his arms.
"Whaddya think kid should mommy forgive me just this once?" He asked your child you babbled in response.
"You said just this once the last three times chuck" You deadpanned before breaking a smile when he did.
"Just a hazard of the job toots" He laughed, You joined him before your eyes were met with the deep red splotches on the blazer he was wearing.
His eyes followed yours before his froze and turned to walk away with the baby in tow as you yelled out behind him.
"Charles! The blood!"
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<3 The only inkling of what a normal family functions like that Michael has ever gotten was from his childhood, and to be honest I think his memories of that are very few and far between.
<3 You want to do what for him? Cook and clean ? why on earth would you want to do that for? Michael is confused.
<3 Though preparing to go out and finding a nice fresh out of the dryer jumpsuit all nice and warm and clean for him is quite nice. Michael thinks this is something he could get used to.
<3 On those late nights where he comes back late and finds plates of dinner wrapped in tinfoil ready for him to either heat up or eat just like that is also something he could get used too. It tastes way better then what he usually eats (Totally not dog, totally not)
<3 When kids get brought up though, it's a different story. I could honestly see him not really being all for it at least not at first.
<3 He's really like Charles but more so into the you can have kids as long as they stay far out of his way.
<3 His feelings towards them also aren't the most parental either. He loves them ? At least, Michael feels an emotion he could probably equate to love about them.
<3 But yeah I think for Michael it's best you just keep the kids clear of him. It's not easy when your father is the shape of Haddonfield.
"Welcome home Mike!, your dinner is wrapped up on the counter love" You greeted him as he came home after a night of terrorizing the town. Placing a kiss to the cheek of his mask.
Michael nodded wordlessly, as always, and turned to go into the kitchen. Tonight you had made his favorite, or at least what you only thought was one of his favorites by the way he every so slightly changed reactions every time you made it.
You gave him a second before following him into the kitchen and sitting next to him at the island. You watched as he lifted his mask up for each bite of food before lowering it to chew.
You made the mistake of questioning him once as to why he didn't just take the mask off. It was early on in the relationship and his hand instinctively went to his knife before you even finished asking. That was how you learned it's better to just not ask Michael questions at least not about the mask.
The two of you sat in silence, a routine you repeated pretty much every night unless you were already asleep when he got home. You would spend all day cleaning and making sure everything was ship shape for him then you would greet your monster of a man when he came through your front door.
You were brought out of your thoughts when Michael's plate crashed into the sink and broke into pieces. Michael still didn't understand how to not hold the plate too high and just to sit it in the sink.
Looks like something you'll still have to work on. No one said the shape of Haddonfield was smart when it came to chores anyway.
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monstersflashlight · 3 months
Just gonna say in advance that this ask is with watersports, so if you’re not down for that, no hard feelings and you don’t have to respond to it
But if you are…I wanna send a request for a gator monster and a reader (both male). The reader needs to piss but they can’t get it going due to nervousness, so the gator monster offers to let reader piss on his mouth and on him, and while reader’s pissing he sucks reader’s cock off and you both cum and piss
Hi anon! I’m okay with watersports, there’s one story with werewolf x fem!reader and watersports here. In this case, I took your idea and changed it a lil bit because I wanted to add the extra public situation, hope you don’t mind and hope you like it! <3
“Rain on me” or how to unlock a new kink
Gator-monster x male!reader || watersports, oral sex, lowkey dirty talk, semi-public sex || tw: piss
You two were in the club, the music so loud your eardrums felt like they were going to tear. But you loved it. You loved the intoxicating feeling of the people around you dancing, specially your sweaty skin rubbing against your boyfriend’s scales.
Your gator boyfriend moved his hips along the music like a pro. “I need to pee,” you told him. He insisted on accompanying you, always the gentleman. Or gentle-monster in his case. When you got to the bathroom, the line was so long you couldn’t even see the door. Fuck. “I can’t. I can’t wait,” you urged.
You couldn’t stop jumping on your feet, your bladder so full you felt like you were going to explode. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You looked at him with pleading eyes, trying to find the answers you needed in that moment.
“Come here.” He took your hand and dragged you along to the alleyway. He pressed your back against the cement wall. There was a strong odor around you, but his big body pressed against yours made you all kinds of excited, forgetting the dirty background. And your still full bladder.
You pushed his body softly, “I need to pee like yesterday.”
You tried to turn around, thinking about peeing against the wall, but he held you there. You looked at him perplexed. He fell to his knees in front of you as he opened your pants, taking your cock out. It gave a twitch at the contact, the soft touch of his hand-scales against your dick turning you on instantly. The pressure of your excitement plus your full bladder made your whole body shiver as you looked up, trying to forget your boyfriend on his knees in front of you.
“Rain on me,” he deadpanned. It caught you off guard and you let out a big laugh, looking down at him as tears rushed to your eyes.
“Did you just make an Ariana Grande’s reference?” The absurdity of the situation making you giggle uncontrollably, making your need to pee even worse. You held your lower abdomen as you looked at him, still giggling.
“I did,” his voice didn’t even twitch. “Now come on, piss.” Your laugh stopped, thinking about what he was offering. You looked at him so intensely that you forgot to blink and your brain got foggy. Your big gator boyfriend had his mouth open in front of your dick.
“Wha- what?” You asked, completely confused, trying really hard to focus not to peeing.
He looked at you like you were dumb, and you felt a bit dumb at the moment, too. And then he blew your mind: “Piss in my mouth, come one. I will like it.” He opened his mouth again, his big eyes shiny under the street lights.
“You- you will?” Your head was spinning.
“Yes,” he agreed. “I would prefer for this to happen at home, but I take what I can get, and right now I want you to pee on me, and then suck your dick.” His tone was so normal and collected you didn’t know how to react, why was he so comfortable talking about you pissing in his mouth? Who was this monster and what did he do with your sweet boyfriend?
You wanted to argue his point, or at least get some answers out of him, but the need to pee was too much a couple droplets escaped you and landed on his open mouth. He moaned as you stared how the almost transparent liquid ran down his tongue. Something inside of you was awoken then, you never thought you’d like that, but good lord if it didn’t turn you on to see your pee on his mouth, to see him swallow it and groan.
From that point on instinct took over. You peed on his open mouth as he swallowed slowly, some of it dripping down and wetting his naked torso. Some part of your brain registered how handy it was that he never wore a shirt arguing his scales were enough. Seeing your fluids running down his torso made you send a silent thank you to his whole kind.
And once again, he blew your mind. Or more like he blew your dick. He pushed himself forwards and took your dick inside his mouth, receiving your piss directly and humming around hit, content sounds fueling your rapidly rising desire. Your dick started to get hard in his mouth, heat surrounding your tip as he played with you. His rough tongue harsh against your skin.
Your hands shoot for his head and you scratched his scales, he groaned around your dick, rapidly approaching an orgasm. You moved your hips slowly against his face. Close, so close. His claw found the back of your clothed ass, and he groped you, the combination of sensations too much. You couldn’t give him a heads up before you were coming, your seed mixing with the pee still on his mouth as he swallowed around you. You groaned loudly, head thrown back as you melted into the wall.
He held you in place against the wall as you tried to regain your breathing. “Mmmm, that was delicious,” he told you, standing up and pecking at your lips. You licked them and found a bitter and salty taste there. Both of you moaned. Your dick gave a brave twitch, trying to get up again. Why was all of that such a turn on? You were about to ask your boyfriend just that when he asked you: “Let’s go home?” You nodded, unable to form words, and barely able to walk, your knees too weak. He held you against his body and almost carried you out of the alleyway. You smiled as you rested your head against his shoulder, he kissed your forehead softly.
And that’s how you accidentally unlocked a new kink.
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silkythewriter · 8 months
Hi! It’s the anon who asked the cat demon headcanons, (which I loved btw <3) And you asked, so I deliver! Here’s another request, although, please remember that you don’t have to do this and remember to take breaks ^^ Could you possibly, mayhaps do another Vox x reader? Where the reader is a HUGE extrovert, like they just randomly show up in front of his house at 3:00 am with McDonald’s in hand just because they didn’t wanna be alone at night or something like that? Headcanons is fine! :D
Vox with an extroverted reader!♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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Warnings!: Non! Just our silly lil tv demon <3
Fandom!: Hazbin hotel
Author note!: AHHH HI HI IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUR HAZBIN HOTEL ASKS THEY MOTIVATE ME TO WRITE SO MUCH AHHH TY SM FOR THE NEW REQUEST (also Vox is my fav lil silly guy I love writing for him ̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) )
Summary!: Vox with an extroverted reader!
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! <3.❤️
“(Where is my friend Smiley?) Your name is definitely Smiley!”
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OKAY SO HEAR ME OUT ON THIS, this man is not an extrovert per say, he is just very good at making people like him. Like look he much rather be working to gain more power then chit chat but he would do it to gain favors.
Like I said with my last post he’s very good at using his words to make people side with him. Now I wouldn’t say he’s a man of few words, definitely not. But he has a persona he wears in social interactions.
After a long day of just running his new channel/show, he honestly has zero energy, this man is exhausted after talking all day long to the citizens of hell. And making business deals upon business deals.
But with that being said he finds it re energizing to be around you. Maybe it’s the care free attitude you have, or maybe the pure excitement on your face when he opens the door at 3AM.
When he opens the door and sees you with a big ol’ grin on your face as you clutch a big bag of food with one hand and another big bag stuffed to the brim with your personal items in the other hand you can imagine his confusion
Either way he opens the door slightly to let you march in before you quickly put everything down and plopped down on his couch.
And after that it honestly just became a daily occurrence
At first he was a bit confused and overall just questioning why you were here at 3am of all times.
And if you ask if he minds of course he’ll say yes! He’s tired! Not like he finds it nice to be in your company or anything
No but really he probably to tired to protest half of the time so he just takes a seat next to you and starts digging in to whatever you bought.
Also he always blushes at how you always get his order right and knows what he likes…but he always turns away before you could sneak in a glance!
I’m all serious having you as company on lonely nights is quite literally a after live saver for him. Having you to talk to about anything and everything you both find interesting is wayyyyy more better then having Val or velvet screeching in his ear about something!.
After the first few times of this happening he always made sure to lay out extra blankets and pillows on the couch just for you two.
Now as for your personality he honestly finds it very energizing! Look he’s use to carrying the conversation (which he doesn’t mind) but it’s nice having someone else take the lead for a bit!
I will say he knows you aren’t naive or anything per say, but he can’t help be a bit over protective of you and your happy energy. And trust me he doesn’t mind getting his hands a bit dirty if someone tells you to water yourself down ( ̄ ^  ̄💧)…
He gives you a spare key so you could just waltz’s in whenever you wanted to be honest!
He finds it nice to cuddle on the couch and talk with you till you both pass out, and surprisingly it’s recharges his social battery!
After awhile the rolls might reverse with him now asking if you want to come over at late Hours if the night (๑>ᴗ<๑)
And even on the rare chance he has time in the mornings or evenings to hang out with you he always makes sure no one can disturb you guys. He has everything on silent even his inner notifications. And if they ask he just says he was glitching out ( =ω= )
The amount of shows you guys binge watch in one night is actually foul… like a 5 hour series done and completed in tops 2 hours. What black magic you guys use don’t ask me….!
If you end up asleep mid way one of the shows before him he will pick you up and take you to bed. He’ll make sure to put the AC full blast before covering you in blankets before hopping in himself. Now if he’ll admit this in the morning is a 50/50 chance
He only tolerates you doing this, anyone else and he’d be annoyed and just electrocute them out.
If you ever go to the three V’s building he honestly isn’t surprised with how you get along with almost everyone.
He dose a get a bit jelly at times when it come to you chit chatting with a whole bunch of people.
But in the end of the day he knows that’s just how you are and as long as you reassure him he’s your favorite hes fine with it.
If he hears anyone talk behind your back about your personality best believe they won’t be found any time soon.
You guys are always talking over socials honestly especially mid day when it’s busy but he just wants to talk to you! It helps him save the little sanity and patience he has with the people he’s surrounded by( ̄▽ ̄)💦.
Overall you help him cope after a long day and you never fail to make him smile!, and having someone to just goof around with and not needing to put on his business persona, is funny enough, a god send. He loves you very much!, and is thankful for whatever good deed he did when he was alive that earned him you.
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HELLO HELLO!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REQUEST, PHEW THAT WAS ALOT BUT I LOVED WRITING IT SM!!!!! Vox is my favorite character personally! He’s so silly <3
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changisworld · 8 months
any hard thoughts about lee know? 👀
~ j
Hi j!
of COURSE i have hard thoughts of this man, who the hell DOESNT?!
this was pre-written ready to post but this was the perfect ask for me to post this to so THANK YOU
PSA FOR ASKS/REQUESTS: i WILL get around to posting everyone’s requests i’m just sorry if it takes a bit of time but whatever you request i’ll post it!! IM ALSO MAKING AN ANON LIST!! just send me anything & tell me what emoji u wanna be!<3
Word count; 911
18+, MDNI!!
main masterlist here
this man is obsessed with you & i MEAN IT! Leeknow loves to show this to you by making you feel as if you are on cloud9 every time you get into bed. He gets you SO riled up by doing the simplest things, whether that be from simply holding your waist as you both brush your teeth, twirling your hair or playfully biting you.
In bed however, he knows he is filing you up & knows exactly how to tease you. Says things like;
“but i am touching you baby, what else do you want? tell me” As he is teasing your folds with his fingertips, avoiding your needy clit completely.
“You want my tongue so badly? beg me for it then.” He would say, cat eyes looking up at you as he is in-between your thighs blowing cold air onto your puffy cunt.
“you take me so well baby, i have no idea how you’re always this tight.” He says as he finally buries himself inside you, your walls welcoming him like a really tight warm hug.
“already gonna cum? cum for me then but i wont be stopping until you squirt then baby.” (this man definitely has a huge kink for you cumming in general but especially squirting??)He groans as he is already pounding into you, your cunt is definitely not gonna be pain free later, already red from the constant abuse it’s getting from his dick, pelvis hitting against it & his fingers.
DEFINITELY DEFINITELY DEFINITELY has a dick around 6 inches & thick & KNOWS how to use it. He is all for ‘vanilla’ sex & enjoys it a lot but he knows you love dirty talk so he makes sure to make sure you know how dirty you are, letting him fuck you open as your eyes are leaking tears from the pleasure. he loves overstimulation especially on you, he loves watching you squirm around him, trying to get away from the pleasure but also to try get more.
He’s 100% more of a dom but he has let you switch roles a handful of times mainly for your enjoyment but he would be lying if he didn’t find it hot as fuck to watch you get off on him, using his thigh, stomach, dick or even face to get yourself off. He likes to say that he’s ‘acting’ when he lets out whines, begs & pleas to fit into the ‘sub role’ but you both know it’s leaving his lips subconsciously.
“M-mommy plea-se can i have your cunt… need it so bad” He whines as you edge him for the 3rd time.
“s-slow down! t-too wet, guna cu-cum!” he stresses with glossy eyes, trying to hold back but doesn’t dare touch you since you told him not to.
Definitely has an oral fixation, whether that be him watching you swallow his cock around your lips, gagging & gurgling as spit drips down your chin & his thighs, him watching you suck his fingers as he plays with your clit, eyes glossy or even you letting him suck your fingers which he always gladly accepts. He LOVES LOVES kissing you, tongues wrapping around eachother, fighting for dominance, the taste of your lips has him addicted. Loves biting your lips as he kisses you just to hear you whine. LOVES eating you out, he might even say it’s his favourite part of sex with you, your taste all over his tongue & lips could be all he tastes forever & he would be happy. knows exactly where to nibble, lick & suck.
“You taste better than pudding y/n, they should take inspiration.” He says nonchalantly as if your eyes aren’t rolling back through your skull & your juices aren’t all over his cheeks & nose.
“ahh, you like when i lick you here too now huh? i’ll remember that baby, can ya cum if i keep it up hm?” he asks with a slight cheeky grin, knowing he found another hidden sweet spot.
“cunt is so wet, so sloppy all for me baby, you’re dripping absolutely everywhere.” he says with a slight cheer in his voice, watching & feeling you clench around nothing.
This man doesn’t really have a favourite position since he knows how to adjust how he fits inside you to make you both see stars regardless but if he had to choose, he would choose mating press since that is the position that gets you into the floaty cloudy state you beg him to put you into.
He isn’t insecure of himself at all so likes to use vibrators, handcuffs, dildos & flavoured lube to make it even more enjoyable for you both & to also help achieve what you both want out of each specific time you are in bed, if it is a bed you’re both in seeing since this man has no issues with fucking you in every square inch of your house.
This man is an aftercare king tbh, always has water next to the bed & drowns you in kisses & cuddles & most of the time will let you choose something to watch, already knowing it’s gonna be the same few random movies you’re obsessed with & he thinks he can recite every single sentence at this point.
“You did so well baby, let me do this to you” He says as he pulls out slowly, eyes darting from your cunt to your flushed out face, his cheeks blushed along with his ears too.
“I love you so much y/n, my favourite thing on this earth is you.” He mumbles into your neck as he kisses it softly.
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wol-fica · 2 years
-𝕤ℍ𝕖’𝕊 𝕛𝕌𝕤𝕋 𝔸 𝕗ℝ𝕚𝔼𝕟𝔻-
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pairings - jennaortega x fem!reader
summary - You and Jenna are on the phone when a lil slip up happens with a coworker teehee
warnings - jokish angst, mostly fluff, pissy jenna
an - just gonna say this was such a sweet request (you know who you are anon <3 )
“And then I literally got a shotgun to the face!” Jenna exclaimed to you over the phone as the two of you laughed about her death scene in X.
It was around 1:00 for you but, being in New Zealand, it was 8:00 in the morning for your girlfriend. She had woken up early to catch you on your lunch break so you could talk. She had filming today but wouldn’t be going for another 4 hours or so, so you enjoyed your lunch while she ate her breakfast.
“That’s crazy, and honestly lame.” You quipped before taking a bite of your salad.
“Yeah, I wish I would have had a chance to live longer or even survive, but it’s not a big deal.” 
You hummed while chewing, scrolling through photos of your partner as you ate. Jenna was undoubtedly gorgeous, yet so composed and well-rounded. The two of you had met through one of her co-stars; they had set you up for a blind date hoping that you would hit it off with each other. 
Now here you are a year and a half later, dating one of the most iconic actresses of your generation. Crazy isn’t it?
“Anyways, enough about me. What’s been going on with my favorite girl?” Jenna asked, her voice muffled as if she was chewing.
You opened your mouth to answer, but was interrupted by your coworker Abby.
“Hey Y/N! I brought you those papers you wanted.” Abby said, setting down a large stack of files.
“Thanks Abs, I appreciate it.” You replied as you pushed your salad to the side.
Abby noticed the phone against your ear and gasped, throwing a hand to her mouth.
“Oh, are you on the phone with someone?” 
You looked up, pausing mid sentence as you were yacking away to Jenna. Abby had the look of curiosity mixed with confusion in her eyes, and you didn’t know how to respond to her question. Being in rush, like you always were, you thought of the best thing to say.
“Yeah, just talking to my friend Jenna.” You stated with a bland voice.
“Ah okay! Have a good lunch then!” Abby said before cheerily walking out of the room.
You watched her go before replying to Jenna, “Sorry about that, what was I saying before?”
Silence came from the other end of your phone which caused you to pull your phone off of your ear and look to see if you had accidentally hung up. You didn’t, so you were concerned about why you weren’t getting a response.
“Babe?” You asked again, now paying full attention to your phone.
“I’m your friend?” 
You winced at the harshness of her tone, leaning away from your phone slightly.
“I mean, yeah. You are more like my best friend.”
“But not your girlfriend.” Jenna deadpanned.
Suddenly it clicked for you, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at her.
“No, you are my girlfriend too.” You said, smiling at her jealousy.
“Clearly not as you just flirted with Gabby and said that I was your friend.” She growled as water from a sink ran in the background.
“First of all, her name is Abby. Second of all, I wasn’t flirting.” You explained, rolling your eyes, “You know I only have eyes for you.”
“Yeah? Then give aAbBy the phone and let me tell her that you are very much taken.” Jenna snarled, smoke practically coming out of your speaker.
“Mmm, maybe another day. I wanna keep arguing with you.” 
“Why?! So you can piss me off more?”
“Nah, it’s just hot when you get jealous.” 
you do not have permission to repost my work on any platform
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lavouredior · 4 months
I will literally sell you my soul for some bratty!male!bunny!reader x top!Angel Dust (if you're open to that ofc no pressure🙏) p.s I read your works and they were great! <3
AHHHHHHHHHHHH me trying to write male reader is gonna bring me back to my wattpad days ( shivers ) this is also super short so like . . . my bad
warnings: NSFW, 18+, practically porn without plot, orgasm denial, angel refers to reader as bunny ( & dumb bunny), he/him pronouns used, valentino mentioned, ari doesn’t know how to write men or angel dust should be a warning in itself, idk wtf i’m doing but we’re doing it for the anon !!!!!
“you know i don’t know why the dumb moth man likes you as a pornstar so much.” you liked to work up angel dust. it was a given! you’d stayed at the hotel for a couple weeks now. you were too scared of alastor after he made a comment about how he thinks bunny blood tastes amazing, charlie’s energy level was way too high for you, vaggie was well . . . vaggie, husk and angel were really the only people you talked to.
“bunny, i love ya, but i’m not in the mood.” angel was never “in the mood” anymore, mostly due to the fact valentino had a whole meltdown about how angel went off on him that one time. but you loved to push buttons. it was pretty much all you did. good thing you were too scared to be around alastor or cannibal town would’ve had a field day with you by now.
“oh but i’m in the mood!” you flashed the spider demon a smile “i mean i’m just saying. you can’t possibly fuck that good for him to wanna keep you around.” husk sighed at that last comment, expecting angel to go on a whole rant about how good at sex he is. but instead angel just death glared you before getting up and walking to his room. “oh fuck.” you mumbled before following after him.
“ya here to diss my sex abilities more bunny?” you thought about it for a second before smiling at the demon “i mean if you wanna tell me i’m wrong you could always prove it.”
angel thought about it for a second before pushing you onto his bed. “i hope ya know what ya gettin into bunny.” you nodded smiling. “why do you think i push buttons?”
angel shook his head before taking his shorts off and signaling you to do the same. when you didn’t he just shook his head and started to take them off you himself. “dumb bunny” he mumbled before pinning your arms down. “kick me or somethin if you wanna stop okay bunny?” with that you kicked his leg jokingly causing angel to sigh. “nevermind. say red if you wanna stop.” he said before thrusting into you.
“fuck” you moaned eliciting a chuckle out of angel. “barely started fucking ya and you’re already moaning ya dumb bunny. if ya just wanted to fuck me that badly ya coulda just asked!”
angel knew his abilities. he knew he was great in bed. that’s why he got paid so much, he knew even the dumbest of demons couldn’t ever even THINK otherwise. so when his little bunny started saying stuff about how he was in bed he knew it was all for the other demon.
“ya know at this rate i might end up fuckin the brat outta ya!” he said, clearly making fun of you moving ur hips backwards against his thrusts. “i thought you were a bottom!” you mustered out . . . not completely together and probably not even close to a full sentence with how long it took to come out of your mouth but angel got the point, well. he got the point he wanted to get. which to him was his dumb little bunny shouldn’t be able to have anything coming out of his mouth except moans. which in return caused angel to start thrusting harder
you heard a couple of moans come from the man behind you and within seconds he was coming inside of you. you were close and angel knew that. angel wasn’t the nicest of tops . . . especially to bratty bunnies. so after he came he pulled out and started getting dressed again. “w-what are you doing?” you stuttered at the spider, who did nothing but let out a chuckle. “ya really thought i’d let ya come after that brattiness?”
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myslutwritings · 1 year
Hi! :D Can I request headcanons on the upper moon demons (1,2,3+ Muzan) reactions to finding out their fem s/o is suffering from depression? (Especially after she’s tried to hide it from them and everyone else, not once admitting to having it - frankly because she feels as if they wouldn’t care or take her seriously anyway (due to past experiences with her own family and friends), until she couldn’t keep up the facade of acting cheerful, laid back and positive all the time, it being obvious that there is something quite not right with her, even if she denies it, trying to downplay the situation, knowing full well herself that it’s getting bad).
(Aaaaaaa, I love ur headcanons 😭💓 I’m sorry if this topic is not something you’d be comfortable with writing for, it’s just something I’ve been experiencing myself lately for the past couple of months, it’s getting harder each day, kinda have been feeling empty, exhausted and genuinely depressed lately, no one that I know cares or takes me seriously, nor tries to help me overcome these emotions :), I appreciate you reading my request anyway!<3 sorry for kinda pouring my heart out, ik it’s cringe and unnecessary, sorry).
No, no! it’s completely okay. I suffer from depression myself so i’m comfortable writing for topics like these! I honestly love writing angst/hurt/+comfort so ya!! Thank you for requesting, anon!! (Also i’m happy you like my headcanons! Tysm for your kind words. I do hope you feel better and i hope these hc’s can cheer you up!)
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➤ Uppermoons with a Fem!S/O who suffers from Depression
➤ SFW headcanons
including: Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza.
warnings: non-canon reactions, mentions of suicidal thoughts, angst, etc.
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Muzan isn’t an idiot.
He can sense from a mile away that something is in fact wrong.
I mean, you always seem off.
He just cannot tell WHAT exactly is wrong.
You’re a strange one after all. (Not in a bad way obviously)
Muzan has asked you a dozen times prior, seeking out answers, at least an explanation for your change in behavior and emotions.
He dislikes change.
But wanna know what he dislikes more? You being upset.
“My dear, could you please tell me what’s wrong?”
Of course he never gets anything out of you. You just cast him that alluring yet suspicious fake smile of yours and reassure him that you’re “okay” or “fine” or even “couldn’t be better”
Your response are so.. dishonest.
Honestly, Muzan not knowing what exactly is wrong with you drives him wild. He ALWAYS wants to know what’s wrong, what you’re feeling, how you’re feeling, etc.
And whenever he isn’t aware of what exactly your feeling or is catching on to the suspicions that your lying it does in fact anger him.
Not only does it anger him but it upsets him incredibly. Like, do you not trust him? Are you scared of him because he’s the demon king? If you were secretly terrified of his existence he wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. That’s how truly humans are after all.
But for you this isn’t the case. You aren’t even scared of him. Just scared of your own thoughts and feelings.
A part of you wishes you could open up but the other part of you is like: eh, fuck it.
Who could blame you for not wanting to open up to the demon king himself though?
You may be his girlfriend, but still, like he would actually bring himself to care.
You see how vicious he is towards other humans. So why would he even bother with your silly yet powerful emotions?
You desired to open up yourself but however that never came so Muzan had no choice but to force it out of you one day.
Toxic, sure. But you were driving him nuts!
Like he snapped when he came home one night to find you rotting in your own filth, an empty stomach, disheveled hair, god, have you been sleeping all day?
He will ask you ONCE again if you wanted to talk.
To which you respond with a sorrowful “no”
Then you for real have the gull to make up excuses saying you’ve fallen ill.
Yeah, right.
That is Muzan’s breaking point.
It startles you when he snaps at you and actually gets mad.
This is his way of caring everybody. 💀
Whenever you’re depressed the feeling of getting yelled at by someone you love can hurt you or make you feel numb on the inside, you know?
I’m this case, it all just caves in and you sorta have an emotional break down in front of him.
Muzan is at a loss for words as you spill out your deepest and darkest feelings.
At least you’re finally opening up.
But damn, bro is shocked. Please give him a minute to adjust to all this.
At first he doesn’t know how to respond, instead, he will respond physically and just let you cry in his embrace as you vent to him and babble “i’m sorry” literally over 1000 times.
Muzan knew humans had depression, he reads a lot and is well aware of what it is. He’s just distraught this his own partner felt this way for so long.
By the way, did i mention he’s going to kill anyone who’s ever wronged you?
But worry not! He is going to be there for you every step of the way even with his low tolerance:)
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In the beginning, Kokushibo has absolutely no clue what’s going on inside your head.
I mean, if you say you’re fine then you’re fine right?
That’s all until your seemingly bad mood increases more and more everyday.
Yeah, that’s when his suspicions SKYROCKET.
Kokushibo has asked you before but gave up on it after many failed attempts.
He still has his mild concerns though so instead he observes you from afar.
He can tell something if off but assumes that just because you’re a human.
Honestly, he had some suspicions here and there that you may or may not be dealing with severe depression.
Guess what? Those thoughts he had were correct.
You immediately assume he doesn’t care and won’t care due to his demonic nature and his expressionless behavior.
Kokushibo began to catch on more and more when you started to refuse to eat dinner, you just refused to get up from bed and even take care of yourself.
FINALLY drops that stoic personality.
Caretaker Kokushibo to the rescue. Is immediately scooping you up, siting you at the table and convincing you to eat.
If you don’t eat he’ll just spoon feed you.
That night he took care of you.
That’s when he found out of your depressed state. No confession needed.
The two of you aren’t the greatest match because of your lacked communication.
No, you two aren’t toxic. Fights don’t even exist between y’all.
You guys just can’t express feelings properly.
But Kokushibo is always waiting for you to further explain how you feel. He’s satisfied that he now is aware of what’s wrong with you but also deeply destroyed on the inside.
You don’t deserve these harsh feelings. Why must the world be so cruel?
From that day onwards, Koku keeps a close eye on you and takes care of you more often.
Sometimes even ditches missions for you.
Yeah, he gets chastised by Muzan for it but he doesn’t care.
As long as you’re safe then he feels content.
By the way he’s killing off ANYONE who made you feel this way.
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very, VERY dense.
Like does not notice anything.
He just presumed that’s how you are.
Now, Douma does feel emotions around you. You’re the only thing that has ever brought him joy.
You make that cold heart of his beat.
He’s very clingy around you, like, SUPER.
Wants to be around you all the time.
Which is why it’s a shocker that he didn’t notice immediately your drastic change in behavior.
Douma only really took notice when you began to distance yourself from everyone.
Even him.
Now he couldn’t care less if you ran away from everyone else but him? Yeah, there is something wrong.
So, he simply asks you if you’re okay.
In which you lie and say you’re doing just fine.
Oh, you are? Okay!!
Is immensely confused when you continue to distance yourself though.
Haha, humans are so silly.
Douma becomes really confused but brushes it off.
It’s all surprising that he can come off so dense when it comes to this. I mean, you’re a demon? come on mannn…
Yeah, he does feel emotions around you but doesn’t fully understand them, you know?
I swear, Douma can be naive around you sometimes despite being the sadistic and masochistic demon he is.
It takes him a long ass time to realize how much you’ve been suffering.
Please do not get angry with him though. Remember that he is new to all this!
So the first emotion he feels once he finds out about your depression is EXTREME guilt.
Flabbergasted by how fucking long it took him to find out the truth.
*Mentally facepalms himself*
His petty little followers don’t count. The man may have spend his last few hundred years listening to peoples woes and worries but his emotional responses towards their feelings were never even genuine.
To be brutally honest, Douma is hopeless.
Yeah, he wants to help you, he really does.
Just has no idea how to:(
However, if you show him how to then he will catch on fairly quickly and become the master when it comes to taking care of you and helping you cope with your depression.
Similar to Kokushibo, Cue caretaker Douma to the rescue‼️‼️
He doesn’t mind taking care of you. Honestly he absolutely adores it.
You’ve always been there for him, you taught him how to feel again. He’s so grateful that he’s finally helping you after all this time.
Lends you extra cuddles and kisses but if you’re the type to want your space when you’re depressed he’ll try his hardest to understand and be there for you emotionally instead! He just wants to be over you all the time and make sure you’re doing well, ya know?
Okay, he may lose his touching privileges but don’t think he isn’t gonna let his guard down!
From there on out, He keeps an eye on you at all times. He needs to make sure your taking care of yourself!
Douma also developed the tendency to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, his advice is surprisingly effective by the way. I mean, his advice towards you is actually genuine so that must be why.
“Oh, Y/N, my lovely lotus, i despise how you carry such a heavy burden. I wish i could take all these negative feelings away from you!”
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Like Muzan, he isn’t easy to take for a fool.
Notices the very second your behavior changes.
Akaza, being the most amazing boyfriend he is will obviously attempt to strike up a conversation, desperately wanting you to open up and communicate with him properly.
Becomes disappointed when you just brush it off as “not important”
Like what? It IS important!
YOU are MORE than important to him.
Akaza is not blind, he won’t submit nor play dumb towards your responses
Absolutely hates making you uncomfortable and would hate to force you to tell him how you’re feeling but desperate times call for desperate measures.
This is just his way for caring about you.
At first, he will try each and every day to be there for you and try and talk with you.
Sits on the side of your bed as your laying down, curled up, unmoving and will just kiss your forehead and give you time to open up.
Akaza will bug you consistently, fishing a response from you, anything, just anything!!
“Sweetheart, could you tell me what’s going on with you?”
Nothing. Just that same old response he hears every damn time.
“I’m fine”, “Nothing is wrong!”, “It’s okay, i’m doing well, just tired.”
Hatessssss when you lie to him:(
Akaza feels beyond powerless.
Your feelings are very important to him!
Sure, he hates weak people, hates any other human being he encounters but you’re different!
Akaza knows deep down you’re suffering from depression but desires for you to confess it yourself in your own time.
But at the end of the day he had to force it out of you.
Felt insanely guilt but what else could he have done?
Everything else he’s ever done for you got him nowhere due to your own stubborn dds
Akaza is not mad though.
He could never be angry with you for having depression i mean, you can’t help it.
We all know how overwhelmingly overprotective he is so the very moment he finds out a friend of family member caused you to feel this way and shut the world out he is going to throw hands.
Like, how dare they?!
Akaza is another caretaker! Skips important missions for your sake despite him knowing the punishments that come along with it.
Akaza won’t mind taking care of you but he also needs you to learn how to take care of yourself if you want to truly heal so he’ll be there for you every single step of the way in order for you to accomplish that!
Another thing that’ll happen is that Akaza will become more needy and clingy than usual. He must protest his precious girlfriend at all costs.
Kisses you and reminds you how much he loves you.
Fucking HATES it when he’s forced to leave you (when he’s summoned to the infinity castle)
But the very second he’s home he’s relieved.
On those days you’re feeling super depressed to the point where you can’t get up Akaza will cool you breakfast and serve it to you in bed. Will even feed you if he has to then eventually he’ll help you get up and offer you all the motivation and energy you need to make it throughout the day.
Bro is a gentleman.
Literally is always going to be there for you, love you unconditionally.
And most importantly…
Beat the living HELL out of whoever worsened your depression‼️‼️
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I hope you enjoyed these headcanons! To all those out there suffering currently i can promise you that it’s going to be okay. You got this! <3
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gahyunszn · 4 months
could you do best friend jinsoul (gp) teaching reader how to give head….? :3
helping hand
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genre : smut
warning(s) : uhhhh none? idk!
note : rushed, terribly written, i’ve never sucked a dick in my life so i actually have no idea how to write dick sucking + this ask has been sitting in my inbox for forever i’m so sorry anon😞
you’d consider yourself to be pretty inexperienced when it came to sexual things and you were always down to learn more so you could become more experienced in life, but who would lend you a hand and help you out?
thats where your best friend, jinsoul, came into play. she was the most experienced person you knew, always talking about how good she made someone feel whenever you two hung out at your place. you always wondered just how good she made them feel, but it wasn’t your place as her best friend to just suddenly say something along the lines of “make me feel good too.”
however…who were you to deny if jinsoul was the one that brought it up?
something must have been in the air that one night that jinsoul came over, something insane was in the air…she came into your house with the most perverted smirk you had ever seen on her, you almost thought she was going to tell you about yet another body added to her fuck count, but this time was different.
“i was thinking…” she started off, staring at you while you finished up your homework at your desk as she was laid back on your bed.
“how about i give you some pointers on being experienced so that whenever you have your first time with whoever, it’ll be…special..” she trailed off, waiting for you to react, but you quite literally couldn’t. you were frozen in your seat after that, shocked at how your own best friend was suggesting such lewd things, but who were you to deny…you’d be lying if you said you didn’t wish for this day to happen, to finally feel what it’s like to have jinsoul in the way that others have had her.
“and how are you gonna give me pointers?” you asked, turning yourself around in your spinny chair, watching as her smirk grew.
“get on this bed with me and i’ll show you.”
and that you did, it took you barley any time to get out of the chair and sit directly in front of jinsoul.
“such an obedient thing already, you listen so well.” she said in a lewd tone and you could have sworn that if you opened your mouth in that moment, a butterfly would fly out due to how many butterflies you had in your stomach.
“now, whenever you get with someone, it’s important to make them feel good, yes?” she asked, to which you nodded. “so to make them feel good, it’s always important to start off with something to work them up.”
jinsoul started to shimmy her way out of her sweatpants, tossing them on the floor next to the bed, leaving her in only some loose fitting boxers.
“why don’t you slowly remove my boxers, hm? tease me a bit so i can see just how much you know, like a placement test.” and so you did, you moved from your sitting position to being on your knees, slightly hovering over jinsoul as your hands crept their way up her thighs to the band of her boxers. you looked at her with desperate eyes as you slowly dragged her boxers down, watching her slightly hard dick slip out of them. jinsoul wanted to ruin you in that moment, but she needs to go slow, to teach you of course.
“o-ok, now get closer and maybe even kiss my tip a little, maybe even make more eye contact to really have whoever you wanna please really weak in the knees.” she stuttered, feeling herself lose it slightly at the sight of you slowly lower your head down to kiss the sides of her shaft. jinsoul wouldn’t have thought you were as inexperienced as you say you are especially with the way you slightly fondled her balls while giving little licks to her tip, letting her precum settle on your tongue.
“like this, soul?” you asked, making eye contact with her as you licked a strip from the base to the tip of her penis, letting a bit of drool fall out of your mouth which ran down her tip.
“fuck, yes, just like that baby.” jinsoul said, gently grabbing a fist full of your hair, wanting to absolutely fuck your face until you’re gagging, but she held back.
“how about you suck my tip just a bit, really get it wet and coated with your saliva, for extra lubrication of course..” you listened, letting your lips wrap around her tip while swirling your tongue slowly around it.
“that’s it, just like that.” jinsoul praised, grunting slightly at the end. she slowly moved your head lower down her cock until she heard you gag about halfway and she just about lost it.
“cute, can’t go that far yet? it’s ok, i’m sure you’ll be able to take all of me after i’m done with you.” she said, lifting your head back up before anything else.
you looked at her with tears forming in your eyes, you wanted to be able to take all of jinsoul, but you just couldn’t, your gag reflex wouldn’t allow you…or at least you thought.
“god, i can’t anymore, i need to fuck that pretty face of yours…” jinsoul said quickly before getting a better grip of your hair before she forced your mouth on to her cock. from there, she fucked your face, only feeling herself get more desperate as you kept gagging around her length.
“oh fuck, i’m so close, just a bit more…” she whined, feeling your tongue go even more flat against her length with a bit of teeth added, both of those feelings just making her absolutely get lost in the feeling and eventually shooting load after load down your throat.
after she came down from her high, she slowly pulled out, closing her eyes and catching her breath before opening them again to watch you swallow the leftover cum that was on your tongue.
“thanks, now my throat is gonna be killing me for the next couple of days.” you said, hoarse, your throat completely ruined.
“that won’t be the only thing ruined after tonight.” jinsoul replied in a mischievous tone.
at least you lost your virginity to your best friend after that night!
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certifiedcodbabygirl · 7 months
Heyheyhey!! Do you write for Graves? If so, can you do brattamer!Graves or just really cocky attitude with a stubborn reader?
Leaving coin as payment🪙🪙🪙
- cowgirl anon
I'll put a downpayment on a house with those.
He's been ridiculously busy all week. meetings upon meeting, complications in his work, leaving little time for you. He always apologized, pressing kisses to your forehead, promising to make time this weekend. Well, this weekend came, just to find out he's going out with some of his shadows to the bar, asking you to come with. With his line of work, any time is better than none, so you agree. You dress pretty, him in a button up with his jeans and a belt. He whistles lowly when you walk down the stairs.
"Lookin goddamn gorgeous, sugar" He smirks, not so discreetly looking at your ass.
You roll your eyes, throwing him a teasingly annoyed look.
"Yeah yeah, lets go see your boyfriends" You joke, opening the door and walking out.
He chuckles and closes the door, locking it, before turning around and slapping your ass.
"No boyfriends here, you're a handful enough", grinning at your scowl.
The ride to the bar is short, given it's only a couple miles away. The music blasts as you walk in, some dinky ass country music playing, definitely a cover. He spots his shadows pretty quickly, placing his arm around your waist and pulling you with him. You've met them before, given that Phillip wouldn't shut the fuck up about you to his boys. They greet you with a hug, settling into a booth. Most of the time there goes by slowly, bored as hell while he chats away with them.
The time away from him is hard enough, but having very little time with him while he is home is somehow worse. He promised you'd have time together this weekend, and maybe you're reacting prematurely, but who the hell cares? You're entitled to being a little pissed at the lack of attention you're getting.
"I'm gonna go get a drink" You mumble to him, rolling your eyes, not bothering to wait for a response.
He shoots you a puzzled look at your sass and watches you walk away.
"Trouble in paradise?" One of the guys asks, holding back a laugh.
"Not that I can tell. Then again how the hell am I supposed to know, she's been tense all week." He shrugs downing his whiskey.
"Has she been distant or somethin? "
"Nah I've been busy, barely had time to notice."
The boys look at each other, blank stares, dumbfounded by how stupid their commander sounds.
"Have ya considered maybe that's the problem?" One asks.
"Yeah, weren't we all gone for about 3 months?"
Graves stares at him before wiping his face with his hand, lookin at you at the bar.
"Aw shit. I'll catch y'all boys later, alright? Got some makin up to do" He sets a 20 on the table and walks over to you, hands gripping your hips from behind, neck resting on your shoulder.
"Wanna get outta here, darlin?" He says into your ear.
"Why? Finally bored?" You deadpan, not even looking at him, rolling your eyes.
"C'mon baby, ya miss me, don't ya?" He kisses your neck.
"I'm good here, go back to your boys. I'll find something to do that's actually worth my time" You grumble, trying to move out of his grasp but he pulls you back into him.
"Don't do that" He warns, but you ignore him, still trying to move. He grips you tighter, causing you to whimper. The music covers your noises so no one else hears you, but he does. "Don't, do that." He grumbles.
"What? Been sooo busy all week, and now you wanna talk to me? Nice try, Phillip" You retort, moving yourself out of his arms, walking towards the bathroom.
"You're so fucked, darlin" He whispers to himself, following you, ignoring the looks from other people coming out.
He pushes you to the wall in the hallway where no one can see you two.
"What the hell?" You squeal, breath heaving.
"You tryna get yourself in trouble, hm?" He questions, daring you to try him, "What happened to bein a good girl f'r me?"
"Oh don't even. You've been ignoring me all week and the second you get time, we come see other people. They've seen you for months and I haven't, but oh yeah let's go fuckin see them" You growl at him.
"Been ignorin ya too much, huh?" He asks condescendingly, cupping your pussy through your clothes.
The contact causes your breath to hitch, the lack of contact from him betraying you.
"Oh fuck you-"
"That's the plan darlin, now you better walk yer ass outta here all politely, no backtalk, or so help me God I'm bending you over in front of my boys and takin you to show how needy ya fuckin are"
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ft-3racha · 5 months
hihi i wanna start off by saying omg ur writing *chefs kiss* i love it sm :D and like for a req i wanna say i've had some...horrendously down bad thoughts abt seonghwa lately sooo.... angry spice w seonghwa maybe👁️
(sorry if i disturbed but i hope u have a great day! <3)
why did you even get into a fight? long forgotten. cause all you could see, hear, feel was seonghwa. and he was angry.
„you wanna talk big and act like a brat? then fucking take it like one and live with the consequences“, he hisses before continuing to mercilessly fuck you from behind, his cock hitting that one delicious spot deep inside of you that made you see stars. „hwa“, was all you got out, too out of it to form a sentence. „look at you now. fucked you dumb already?“ his degrading words went straight to your core, your second orgasm of the night approaching fast, and after having been edged for half an hour straight before he even allowed you your first, he would now make sure to overstimulate you until you couldn’t take it anymore. „so fucking tight, can feel you squeezing me even more. is my little slut gonna cum, hm? think you deserve that?“ you nod frantically, strings of pleas leaving your mouth, eyes rolling to the back of your head. „c‘mon, make a mess. give it to me good, but don‘t expect me to stop.“ and with that, you snap as your vision whites out. your orgasm takes over you, waves of pleasure going through your entire body.
he indeed does not stop, instead he picks up his pace even more. it was all too much for you, a little „too much hwa“ escaping you before hot tears start to roll down your face. „fuck, that‘s it. cry for me, does it feel that good to get used like a toy?“ „yes“, is all you cry out before the next orgasm washes over you without a warning. seonghwa couldn‘t care less, too angry and frustrated and horny. he pounds you like there is no tomorrow, chasing his high like a man starved. „can‘t take it anymore“, you brabble, barely able to keep your eyes open, but enjoying it regardless. seonghwa loves pushing you to your limits, and you love it equally as much. „you can and you will“, he replies with a hard slap to one of your already reddened asscheeks,
„you might talk big, but at the end of the day you better not forget who this ass belongs to.“
thank you for your kind words anon…and for this ask!! <3 (remember that my requests are always open until stated otherwise. so feel free to send me your thoughts and i’ll try to bring them to life!!)
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Okay so absolutely loving your writing sm <3
So I had this idea while, of course, scrolling down the aaron x reader tag so like you dont have to write it if you dont want to but i wanna throw this out here bc otherwise itll stay stuck in my brain
But like reader who is just,, incredibly shy? Like in social situations they put up a front and you would never expect them to be shy because theyre very present and speak up often despite almost blending in the background when quiet. But its a whole other story at home and such?
Like, Aaron notices and first thinks theyre uncomfortable with him but he slowly realizes that this is like, their love language ig and showing vulnerability? Quiet time, acts of service and such yk? Like, they always put up a front and to drop that (not entirely ofc but a decent amount of it) is just the highest form of trust bc theyve been ridiculed for being shy? And the shyness is much more present in the bedroom, especially when he praises them they just get even more shy and hes just so so gentle :(( like asking if theyre okay, going slowly and asking to see them when they hide their face but never forcing them to and just like praising them when they do and the praise kink of them just sticks its head up and its just the purest form of being together? Like, its not rough but gentle and its soft and theres really no other word than making love for it and its all just :(( and the aftercare the man would provide is just AHHH😭❤️
Oh dear im so sorry but i got sucked into the fandom and got obsessed by hotch and then your writing so- this is so long so imma shut up now but i just needed to throw it out there tbh before id explode from all the hotch ideas i have in my mind that im not writing myself or giving to any writer bc what if they think the ideas are weird or too long like rn- but anyway imma shut up have a nice day/night and hydrate <3 (also you might see more of me if you dont mind long ass rants in the middle of it like this one- if you do mind just tell me to shut up im not gonna be mad or anything <3/srs)
my sweet sweet 🧽 anon <33 this took me a while to write i'm sorry!! i hope you've been well!! i think about you a lot and i haven't forgotten the kind words you had sent to me <3 i hope you enjoy this!! (and ofc i don’t mind long rants i LOVE talking about aaron <3333)
nsfw - minors dni
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Can I, honey?” you heard Aaron’s words as he wrapped his hands around your wrists.
You had been covering your face as you usually did when your boyfriend went down on you. After making you finish, Aaron had made his way up again, urging you nicely to look at him.
With a nod of your head, you gave him permission to gently remove your hands from your face.
“There you are.” He smiled at you.
“Hi,” you said, softly, unable to keep yourself from smiling a little.
“Hi,” he answered, just as softly. “Do you wanna taste yourself, baby?”
“Mhm…” You nodded, staring at his chin instead of his eyes.
Your own eyes closed involuntarily, as he lowered himself and his lips touched yours. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to touch yours. Knowing where that tongue had been before it was inside your mouth, made you even more excited for what was coming next.
Aaron placed his hand on your hip, giving it a squeeze and then moved it down your thigh, wrapping your leg around his body. “Open them wider, sweetheart.”
Only a few moments later, Aaron was inside you, rocking his body against yours, in a pace slow enough to be considered both romantic and tormenting.
“Good?” he breathed heavily on your mouth.
“So good…”
“I love you,” he moaned, his face now buried in the crook of your neck. He left open mouthed kisses on your sensitive skin after every little whine of yours. “I love your body. I love the sounds you make. I love the way you take me like you were made for me.”
“I was,” you sighed, because you really were. There was no man in the world you’d let yourself be this vulnerable around, other than Aaron. Your Aaron.
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lampiridaes · 3 months
reqs open? i hope im not too late for it, could i ask for poly airiena and how they got together with reader? or just dating hcs, either are good!
♬ now playing: "what is love?"
-> i wanna know, know, know, know! (what is love - twice)
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summary. to be the muse of two artists — one musical, and one artistic.
chars. airi , ena , (ft. mizuki)
notes. !?!?!?!! AIRIENA MENTION??? (i rlly love airiena little did u all know) IM ACTUALLY LIKE also rlly rlly happy bc ppl barely req mmj !!! pls !!!! i love my idol girls so so much :( ALSO MY FIRST EVER AIRI REQ I THINK !!! thank u for showing her love anon . need more of this energy #sapphic
contains. poly relationship, friends to lovers, implied fem!reader, 'cute' used to describe reader, they/them for mizuki
taglist. @catientie , @mintchocaur , @prsk-krow , @sillynene-13
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track one: before dating
i'd imagine all three of you were close friends even before dating!
you met airi and ena in middle school, and the three of you hit it off almost immediately. with their personalities, they were the first ones who approached you, complimenting your hair and outfit.
... actually, at first, you thought they were bullying you. i mean, how often do two pretty girls (one being a famous celebrity at that) decide to talk to you and say you look cute?
however, after confirming that they were, in fact, being genuine, the three of you only grew closer.
... very close that airi and ena talked to each other one day, telling the other that they had a crush on you. which would've put their friendship at stake until you admitted you actually liked the both of them.
the two girls actually had to stop and consider their own feelings for each other. even during hangouts, you couldn't deny that they had chemistry and history, which also caused you to doubt that they'd like you back.
after figuring out that, yeah, they also liked each other romantically, that's when you all started dating!
track two: dating hcs
now, considering airi's status as an idol, she doesn't disclose your relationship to the public. at least, not yet. there's a lot of close-minded individuals, after all.
however, you and ena try to watch her live shows and attend her fansigns whenever possible. the both of you receive a very special autograph from your beloved girlfriend, with a heart right beside her name. and if she has enough time, even a small 'i love you both!'
for the record, more more jump and nightcord at 25:00 are both aware of your relationship. they're all supportive, with the occasional tease from mizuki towards ena, saying they'll steal you and airi away from her.
speaking of ena, you were actually at her house one time, then saw her sketchbook that she always hid away from you as she scribbled on it.
... and it was just way too tempting not to look at it. surely, she wouldn't mind too much if you just... scanned through?
to your surprise, it was actually full of drawings of you and airi. though, you could tell that a lot of airi's drawings were referenced from her photos online, but you realized yours were all from hangouts and dates with her.
of course you took a picture of it and sent it to your group chat with your girlfriends, wouldn't you?
"this is so cute @ ena >_<"
"@ airi there's also drawings of you!"
"where did you find that!? i thought i hid it away in my bag!"
"it was on top of your desk, pretty <3"
"ooh, it is cute @ ena !!!"
"it was supposed to be a gift for the both of you for our anniversary ..."
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Sending this because I think Tumblr might’ve eaten it, but did you ever receive a request for the TADC crew with a small, but EXTREMELY feisty S/O? Tumblr has a bad habit of eating my asks when I’m on anon I’ve found. 😭
TADC crew w/ a short and feisty reader!
hello hello anon! im so so so sorry for not seeing this sooner :( i truly did not mean to take so long to answer this! rechecking through my inbox, i dont see the original request :( but ill be answering it here so not to worry! getting silly by hopping onto my laptop/computer since its in the dining room rn and this way i can keep an eye on my macarons (literally not baking them, drying them out before i do and i wanna make sure no one touches them)
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honestly in the most blunt way possible i think he might actually be into it. he always liked him someone who has a little bite in them (and by always he means like, when he first met you because its highly likely youre his first partner)
if you get all riled up trying to defend him he might comically tug on the collar of his shirt, of which steam will stream out of... doesnt have much of a preference for height, but with you being on the shorter side it makes carrying you around a little less awkward!
absolutely taken aback when you just let it rip one day and you go off on someone (most likely jax lets all be real here for a minute), just stands there appalled before you eventually calm yourself down and turn your attention to her
not to yell at her, she hasnt done anything wrong
honestly... nervous anxious ball x angry defender is probably another trope of mine that i think about every so often, but honestly i love it so so much. thats literally just the embodiment of you and pomni's dynamic
not much to say here unfortunately </3 just that you tend to defend her when things get ugly and you dont tend to stop until the issue is resolved
honestly maybe im biased for ragatha because ive grown on her since ive opened requests, but i think that she would be the queen of getting you to chill out when something has you all riled up! is so so kind and doesnt make fun of your height, i mean its not like you or anyone can change it. very good at not making you feel less than for being shorter than nearly everyone else
if you get angry on her behalf and attempt to defend her she would be so so touched, but really most things probably roll right off her back, so she just takes you and walks you away from the scene
honestly he thinks its a little funny that you get so worked up over things! probably calls you an ankle biter as a joke, which might make you a little mad. definitely picks you up by the scruff or the back of your shirt or whatever! really any equivalent of that works! jax has an entire arsenal of nicknames for you, all based on your height and energy. he loves seeing the way your face scrunches up a little in disdain when he calls you one of those names. all in good fun, for the most part, but he might let up if its something that makes you genuinely upset...
okokokokok so we dont know anything about queenie (i think, i must admit i dont keep up with gooseworx at all and am only relying off of the pilot) but i hc her to also be more on the feisty side
is this relevant? really it depends, because i think kinger would be comforted by the familiarity of your attitude, but also this could be a gateway for angst because it makes him think and dwell on the loss of queenie.... up to you!
subconsciously kneels down to your height to talk to you; he doesnt mean to be rude! it just sort of happens! thinks your fierceness is endearing in its own silly way!
probably thinks that you can get a little overwhelming sometimes. i mean yeah sure its nice to have someone in your corner whos ready to help you out but zooble seems to be the type to not seek that help out; and in fact i can easily see them getting annoyed by someone constantly speaking for them. so you guys are going to need to communicate and work on this together lest there be a build of resentment
remember guys resentment is a real thing and it can ruin so much !! communicate!!!
that aside, i dont think they would comment much on your height, they really could not give less of a flying fuck
torn between having her be intimidated by you or having her also find it endearing (and perhaps even attractive? shy person liking the one who always speaks their mind, you know?) while im not writing these to be explicitly romantic, i dont quite totally comfy with the idea of intimidation in a relationship.. though this can be applied to platonic relationships too... hmm... mayhaps a mix of it all? not quite sure! probably goes to you for tips to be more bold, love the idea of someone teaching gangle to grow a backbone
similar to zooble, no comments on your height!
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glossysoap · 1 year
Hcs for after reader is out of hydra:
With their permission of course, the boys often give reader massages on their left shoulder
Soap has a very techy engineer sister who he asks to make you a new arm (based off his designs of course😌)
Sleeping with them is hard with all the nightmares, but when your hands are on your boys' chests you know they're safe amd alive and you sleep peacefully
ready to comply hc ;
pls be sure to read the chapters posted so far before these hcs as they might not make sense otherwise !!
i never thought i’d have someone send me hcs for any of my work !! 🥹🥹
🏷️: @viylikescats @warenai @le0thely0n @fullmoon-94 @breadboyye @kiroshang @kitty-satan1 @lunitalloronaa @itzzjxlyn @lonely-ofc @reeplaysvideogames
but omg anon ur so big brain !!
they would 100% massage their left arm where the skin meets metal !! they want reader to know that their feelings never changed for reader and that the arm doesn’t make them a monster :’’)
also oh my god yes on soap’s sister redesigning readers metal arm !! soap, in secret, doodling potential designs for readers arm, with mixes of gold and silver, instead of the old silver arm with a red hydra star on it.
it would definitely look like this !!
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and omg the sleeping hc !! reader will ALWAYS be sandwiched between them esp while they slept !! remember when ghost said that his favorite position would be reader sandwiched between him and soap ?? yeah he meant it. but we’ll save the smut for later you dirty rats
feeling their heartbeats would calm reader so so much :((
i’ll raise you this : reader smelling soap’s cologne and body wash !! taking one whiff and being knocked out cold by his familiar comforting scent :(
and having ghost’s muscular ass arm wrapped around reader 24/7 ?? reader can rest soundly knowing that nothing bad would happen.
reader never felt so content. finally having their boys, their protectors, surrounding them and keeping them safe.
don’t forget abt readers stray german shepherd (that reader picked up while on the run) sleeping on readers feet, keeping them warm with her lush sable fur :((
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sometimes ur little stray will call dibs next to you in bed, taking one of the boys spot and whoever’s spot was taken will just have to deal with it >:) sometimes you’ll fall asleep on the edge of the bed instead of the middle, and ur stray will claim a spot right next to you. not parallel to you though, no she’ll lay horizontally so her body takes up space for both ghost and soap. and she’ll look damn cute doing it too.
imagine this: soap and ghost will have gotten out of the shower, towels wrapped around their waists and they’ll be looking forward to sleeping next to you and she’ll be snuggling into you. she’ll be stretched out like a noodle, body facing you with her head tucked in your chest and somehow her sable colored arms had rested on your shoulders, she’s literally hugging you in her sleep ?? (my dog does this, believe me it’s a real thing) your arms are wrapped around her and your fingers are buried in her thick fur. her little pink rope toy is nestled between you :((
they almost want to wake her up and redirect her to sleep on her cozy, luxurious dog bed (but why would she sleep on that when she could take up the boys space? duhhh), but they look at how relaxed your face is?? and how you have a little smile and your brows are unfurrowed and they just can’t do it :((
so needless to say, no matter where ur little stray sleeps and where the boys sleep - ur always protected <3
ps, i love u so so much for sending this hc in u have no idea !! i never imagined having ppl talk to me abt my fics !! i see that happen with so many bigger writers and i was always so envious :))
my ask box is open if y’all have any hcs you wanna talk with me about 🫶🏻
©️ glossysoap 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.
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fields-of-grimes · 1 year
Would You Just Shut The Fuck Up | Carl Grimes
Carl Grimes x fem!reader
Dom!reader x sub!carl
CW: strong language, p in v sex, orgasm denial
You were laying on your bed reading one of your boyfriends comics, normally you were are always in his room making your room become a spare bedroom for anyone who needed it but today he was pissing you off so you decided to spend the day in your room. You heard someone knock on your door and you groaned as you had a pretty good idea of who was on the other side. You got up and opened the door revealing that your instincts were correct. You looked at Carl before sighing.
“What.” You said feeling slightly guilty at how harsh it sounded but you just really wanted him to leave you alone.
“Did i do something? Why are you mad at me?” He asked slightly pouting at you. “I’m not mad at you Carl, it’s just nothing.” You said sighing. “Oh okay, well did you wanna come on a quick run with me? I found this comic store the other day and i wanna check it out. There’s probably some stuff you wo-“ “Oh my god! Would you just shut the fuck up for once!” You said throwing the comic that you were still holding on the ground taking Carl by surprise.
“All you’ve done is talk my fucking ear off do you ever stop!?” You screamed finally hitting your breaking point. You grabbed his arm pulling him inside the room before slamming the door behind him and shoving him on the bed. Carl gasped in surprise looking up at you.
“You have been nonstop talking my ear off, if you wont shut up on your own I’ll make you shut up.” You said straddling him before kissing him roughly. He immediately kissed back his hands gripping your hips to help keep you steady. You pulled away quickly taking your shirt off before you ripped open his flannel.
He looked at you with wide eyes before biting his lip and kissing you roughly, you kissed back for a moment before pulling away. “No, you pissed me off so you have to deal with the consequences.”
“What’s my consequence?” Carl asked you tilting his head to the side in curiosity. “I haven’t decided yet, but for now you can shut the fuck up i like the silence.” You snapped at him as you both finished taking off your clothes, you lined yourself above him before sliding down on him moaning softly. He moaned quietly but his hand flew to his mouth trying to silence himself. You chuckled to yourself as you started bouncing up and down, “You can moan just no talking love.” You said moaning softly as you felt him stretch you out.
His hands latched onto your hips guiding you, he moaned loudly as his head rolled back. “Baby I’m close.” You moaned out as you sped up chasing your orgasm. “Please cum on me i wanna feel you please.” His words sent you over the edge, you buried your face into his shoulder screaming into it as your orgasm hit.
“I’m close..I’m so close.” Carl moaned out, as soon as you heard those words you quickly got off of him. He stared at you in shock, “What the fuck!?” He asked you sitting up. “You asked what your consequences are, and that’s it. You don’t get to cum.” You said as you got dressed. “I’m hungry so hurry up and get dressed.” You said before walking downstairs.
Hi!! Thank you to the anon who requested this <3 also I’m getting to the end of my requests so please send in more
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