#my bio and physics teachers were good tho
green-mountain-goose · 6 months
so somehow when i did french, my least favourite subject last year, i never ever fell asleep and yet got the lowest grade in it by far lol, but i fell asleep in like, english, biology, physics the most and yet got like the best grades in those? make it make sense idk
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sadie-bug345 · 6 months
Ok so can I maybe get greasers headcanons with an absolute academic weapon s/o (think Rory Gilmore/annabeth chase/Devi Vishwakumar) who’s parents like make them get all A’s and they are very Ivy League bound, always dressing in blazers/looking very sharp and corporate and super ambitious? (Probs academic rivals with pony lowkey 💀) Thanks so much lmao I think Dallys is going to be 🔥🔥
YESSS 🫶🫶 i myself am an academic weapon🧐(JK LMAO ap physics has made me lose my will to live) ANYWAYS
yall are actually so cute together ngl
like you guys study for tests together and do hw together
cause you guys are in the same honors classes and stuff
some days pony will get cocky and be like “i’m so much better than you at bio” or smth like that (🙄)
and then you guys get into competitions to see how many times you can get correct answers in class it’s actually crazy
everyone else in class is like 😟 LMAOO
soda is a little on the dumber side😭
im sorry i feel like its canon that he’s a lil slower
but he’ll try and watch you do hw and then get bored like instantly
that or confused
he always says “i was good at math til they added letters🤓☝️”
and you’re just like🥱
LMAO you guys are good for each other tho
cause you convince him to prioritize some form of learning
and he helps you let loose
he is honestly really sweet🫶
like understanding when you turn down hangouts cause you got final exams and you cram like crazy
but he also loooves just chilling in your room while you do homework
his catchphrase is “just ask the teacher tomorrow, man”
and you’re just like “🧍‍♀️ it’s a friday night”
anyways he’s just really supportive and proud when you come back with all As on your report card🙏😜🤩
he is real supportive
hes all abt that grind as we know PLUS he canonically gets on pony for his grades
so he’s glad that he don’t gotta worry at all abt that for you
he’s so proud and happy when you get a good score on a test you were worried about and yall go on a lil date night🫶🙏
he couldn’t care less i’m sorry😭🥱
hes secretly like super impressed and proud to have a smart asf s/o
but he gets butthurt when you blow him off cause you got a test tomorrow and you’re going to bed early
dal never really had the internal motivation to actually put stuff into school so he just doesn’t get it
whenever you try and include him w your studying/homework he tries to help w flashcards
and whenever you get the answer right and it’s super specific he’s just like 😟
and you’re like “right?” and he’s like “…yeah”
MY GUY IS SCARED cause he knows you could just totally destroy him intellectually🧐
also cause he’s scared you’ll realize you’re too good for him
but its okay 🫶🫶
he thinks school is boring like bruh is a total super duper senior just for the friends but the academics
meanwhile it’s like a major part of your life
hes really impressed
whenever you get some academic award he’s always like “WOOOOOO”
you guys have really funny fake arguments
which you destroy him in
youre just like “that’s a fallacy…and that’s a fallacy…bandwagon”
boom roasted asf
you tutor him kinda on yiur school subjects
yk the study method where you explain a concept to someone else to help you remember it?
you do that for him but he’s just like 😀🧍‍♂️
“and that’s pretty much what mitosis is!”
and hes like ”…i’m glad😀”
he’ll also try and teach you abt cars and car parts
which is just a bit of a struggle🤏😀
TYSM FOR REQUESTING🤩 my inbox is open! i’m really trying to get to everyone’s and some take more thought for me to plan than others so sorry if they take a while🥰🤪‼️
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imfemalewarrior · 4 years
Woah, you were a microbiologist? That's actually my college major! (I'm just a freshman but still lol) Would you mind giving me any tips you might have for bio/microbio, or anything you'd wanted to know at the time? If not that's okay!! I hope you have a good day :D
Ya! My undergrad thesis was in microbiology (specifically microbial fuel cells).
So I don't know how ur university works or if you have to write an undergrad thesis or do research to get ur undergrad degree (my institution/major required us to do a research project and write a thesis to graduate). So my advice is gonna be closer to this experience but hopefully that will still be helpful!
So in my freshman year I tried to join a microbiology lab but looking back I don't think I was ready to do that; i was ready during my junior year tho. And that's ok! So maybe give yourself freshman year to adjust to what college life and workload is like.
You can also use your freshman year to figure out what career path you want (do you want to go to grad school or industry or government work? Applied research or pure research? What areas of microbiology interest you, medicinal, energy, water treatment, greenhouse gas sequestering, fuel generation? Which ones do you want to avoid at all costs?) If you want to go to grad school or keep it as an option focus on research experiences in microbio labs and not internships.
Figure out who ur academic advisor is and develop a good professional relationship with them. They will help you stay on track with classes for graduation and now also you have someone who knows you that you can ask for rec letters.
Go to office hours!!! More professional relationships with professors and thus better rec letters.
Approach professors about their research and labs and talk to them about joining as an undergrad researcher but I don't recommend doing this is freshman year bc of what I already said. Freshman year search microbio stuff on google scholar and read research papers to learn what's out there in current research, especially recent publications!
See what clubs are available for professional development and attend those. I attended women in engineering stuff and it was helpful to me when I was starting out.
See what resume writing resources are available and ask for their help writing a resume (freshman year it's ok to have high school stuff on ur resume but ur first year at college try to do stuff that you can replace high school stuff with on ur resume, and at the end of each semester update ur resume with what classes you took during that semester to help reflect ur developed skills to ppl you send the resume to or anything you apply to that requires a resume). Also write a CV as those can include hobbies and what skills you have from those hobbies
I also do recommend studying abroad if at all possible as that was something people were extremely interested in when I was applying for internships before I figured out "i want to go to grad school" and switched tactics with the help and advice of my academic advisor (hence why you need to figure out who they are and see them at the beginning and end of every semester to make sure your schedule is correct and you're on track with everything)
Work with your classmates. Attend every class you are physically fit to attend (ie if ur sick stay home if ur physically well go to class and sit at the front ur teacher will notice you attend class) turn in all ur hw bc these are the things that show you pay attention and care about the class. Also attending office hours.
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axelkai · 3 years
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welcome aboard, AXEL NICKOLAI BRAXTON, student #1. we are excited to set sail with you ! has anyone told you that you look like jeremy allen white? according to our records, you hail from new york, usa, he/his, are male, and are here to study digital art. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your money — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + fun loving, + social, but also - impulsive. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the sandbar. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a sketch book brought from home. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
hello, buds, this is Lella, 23y, she/her, gmt-3. this is my new baby and i’m prob going to take a while before start fixing the theme. a basic nav is already up, though. under the read more you’ll see more info about him. im stilll working in his bio though, as I manage his family/bg story so it will be fitting! 
Nickname(s): Ax, Kai (friends), Nick (family).
Age: 25
Date of Birth: -
Orientation: he swears he is straight but he is actually homoflexible
Language(s) Spoken: english, spanish
Height: 1,71m / 5′7′’
Weight: 80kg / 176lbs
Faceclaim: Jeremy Allen White
Hair color: dark blonde
Eye color: blue
Tattoos: an eagle on his chest, an anchor on the left side of his neck +
Drug Use: marijuana counts?
Alcohol Use: not a weekend goes by without a drink.
Dreams: to have an art gallery of his own.
Fears: feeling trapped +
Hobbies: painting, drawing, cooking (though few know about this last one).
Habits: swearing, drinking coffee while working, hugging a pillow while sleeping, keeping wardrobe neat, having a irregular sleep schedule, driving waaaay too fast, falling asleep while watching tv, bullying people, being a destructive mess when pushed 
Positive Traits: fun loving, social, imaginative, adventurous, generous, romantic, caring
Negative Traits: impulsive, quick tempered, stubborn, rude +
MBTI: enfp - the campaiger                        78%  extroverted / introverted 22%                          62% intuitive / observant 38%                              48% thinking / feeling 52%                            29% judging / prospecting 71%                            51% assertive / turbulent 49% 
Enneagram: the enthusiast.
Temperament: sanguine
Moral Alignment: true neutral
Primary Vice: wrath
Primary Virtue: diligence
Element: fire w a few traits of water
[[ BIO / sketch ]] 
at school, Kai was not the best student; he never got interested in regular school subjects. would often skip classes and get in trouble, argue with a teacher he disagreed with, fight students he found annoying; his parents would get so frustrated every time they had to show up to meetings. 
not the brightest one; but not that he wasn’t smart, he just wasn’t compromised with whatever he didn’t feel interested in. on the other hand, he was good at skating and drawing. and his maquettes were the best of his classes.
eventually, after a particularly aggressive episode, when they placed him to meet a school’s counselor, they initially found it to be a disaster; he’d curse and bite the counselor, utterly angry because people thought they knew what was best for him— adults were not understanding.
but, you see, eventually, after some bribery with candy and cool games, he grew to put up with it. and, he would never admit it, but after letting the counselor a little bit in, here and then, he'd hear useful things that made his daily life way easier. 
as a teenager, Kai was better at controlling his aggressiveness. turned out that he was just really bad at handling frustration. but, well, if his aggressive impulses weren't that much of a problem anymore........ his partying days grew to be. getting out late, getting home early in the morning.
Kai would get home high or drunk every weekend, and his parents certainly weren't fond of it. though, as a playful kid, he'd get his way around their disappointment. not that he wouldn't feel bad at the way he just couldn't meet their expectations, he was only human after all.
he was still underage when he started making money out of his drawings and painting — and, well, eventually, even digital art. his parents got less worried about his future at seeing the money coming in. Kai didn't initially have big ambitions, professional or academic, but if he kept going he had a professional area he could make money from.
he got away from home at the age of 18; even though his parents were sort of caring ones, their frustrated expectations over his academic lack of interest were discouraging to deal with. he got himself into a cheap apartment, but near some friends of his, and got away just fine with life.
everything was cool until he figured his party buddy Cass would try and join ss. and so would his sister. he decided to tag along.... not with any intention with getting grades higher than mediocre, just to know more about the world and live this crazy experience. to be honest, he never thought he’d actually be draw in that online lottery thing....
some connection ideas while i dont get my wc list ready:
- someone that axel has bullied or bullies
- someone (female) he is currently dating (be aware tho that he is a closeted guy)
- someone for him to be a bad influence on
- someone to be a good influence on him
- partners in crime 
- party buddies
- an artist he admires the work of 
- someone that admires his work
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any of the unusualish asks
Ill answer all of them also this is the first thing to ever be sent to this blog so congratulations! You're the first!
who’s your celebrity crush?
Donr have one
are you single or taken?
Single as of recent
rant. just do it
i suppose i could rant about a few topics.
do you think its ok to separate the artist from the art?
Im not sure what you mean but if you mean removing a watermark or stealing credit then no.
how many accounts do you have?
3, this is my fanfic blog, my main is in my bio and a have a last one for an undertale au
how many pairs of shoes do you have?
3 if you dont count my one pair of slippers (1 pair was bought for me as a gift, 1 pair was given to my aunt who then gave it to me, and the last i share with my mom since they're technically hers but i just love boots)
opinion on… (specify to the person you’re asking to)
Well you didnt specify so ill just go with you!
Very kind and fun to talk to but we dont talk much and i wish we did more! You're willing to play the weird games i know of (the animal game ect) so thats fun and you're very open minded. You have some problems mentally and sometimes physically but i do too so we get along very well.
how many accounts do you follow?
I cant count them all
favorite brand of clothing?
Dont have one
name a dog
3B-027. Idk man id name a dog that
what unusual talent do you have?
I have sharp teeth and a strong jaw so i could bite a good chunk out of someones arm if i tried.
what’s the most interesting schools gossip you’ve ever heard?
Some bitch named megan liked the new kid who had been there for less then a day and claimed they were dating even tho she didnt know his name
ever prank called a store?
what’s your coffee order?
Dont have one, i dont usually drink coffee
what’s a question do you constantly get asked?
"Are you twins?" when me and my brother are in the same room
if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?
I'd get a tattoo of my mothers name with cat ears and a tail as well as her birthday
google the top song from the year you were born
No One
Alicia Keys · 2007
rant about your favorite musician 
Ok so they're called cosmo sheldrake and their music so weird but really cool and i like it so much its unreal because its super dooper catchy but its also really peaceful my favorite song is Pelicans We and The Moss
what’s your favorite teacher you’ve ever had?
Ms Mast from 3rd grade, she knew i was gay before I knew i was gay
describe your blog in 3-5 words
Sassy bitch rarely writes
what’s a conspiracy you believe in?
if you could see any concert tonight what would you choose?
Cavetowns next one
if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
Over eating
can you dance? sing?
I can sing, cant dance tho, im willing to post a video of me singing if someone asked but no one does
what’s something you can’t stop buying?
Nothing, im poor.
crowds or small groups?
Small groups
how long before a trip do you pack?
Idk, a few days
what celebrity would you rate a PERFECT 10?
Tom holand, 10/10 man has a frog in his mouth
what quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs?
Think postive. I hate it when people fuckin say that bullshit.
if you had to dye your hair an unnatural color right now, what would you choose?
Shinso purple or todoroki white
you can change one thing about your life right now. what are you changing?
The universe i live in and the family
how old do you get mistaken for?
what do you think about a lot
My own death, ocs, fanfics, things i could of done better
do you like your hogwarts house or do you wish you were a different one?
Im cool with being a ravenclaw
what does home mean to you?
Its where you make it, sometimes its people and sometimes its just a town.
what do you think you’d be arrested for?
Vandalism or murder of pedos and nazis
have you ever been called down to the principals office?
Yeah, alot.
post a picture of the outfit you would choose if you could have any outfit you wanted
Soft irl but p sassy
Hair and all
describe your aesthetic
answer with one of your ‘school memes’ (inside jokes you have with your class/grade) with no explanation 
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Goddamn it mason stop eating the fucking spoons/what happened to your school assignment?
I ate it.
I-it was a 3 page homework assignment.. It was paper..
Yeah it didnt taste that good.
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spitestudies · 7 years
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hello everyone!! as a high school junior taking 4 aps, 3 other classes, preparing for the act, trying to do college research, stage managing a musical, and trying not to lose my mind, here are some fun n handy tips for not Dying when ur schedule is hell!  
if you found this post helpful maybe give it a like/reblog and check out my other posts here!
so much of getting and staying organized has to do with organizing your time in advance.  there are a million ways to do this--google calendar, a bullet journal, a planner, some post-it notes.  my system involves three parts: a google calendar, a planner, and an online to-do list app.  
google calendar: this is mostly for events.  i can see when i have rehearsals, classes, doctor’s appointments, etc.  this helps me see how much available time i have and budgeting it properly.  
planner: i take this with me to school, and i use it to right down when i have assignments and tests.  i use the ban.do planner, but these are a bit pricey, and really anything will do.  just somewhere to put down tasks so you can keep track of them
getplan.co: this app is, honest to god, the only reason i am still alive and breathing.  it plugs into your google calendar and then allows you to create and schedule tasks around events.  @studycxlture has an amazing post about plan here that i def recommend checking out!
general tips about planning: 
plan out the events of your month at least two days before it starts
set aside a night (i like sunday evenings) to set up a system for the upcoming week and go over what you have planned so you don’t forget anything
you are NOT gonna remember that assignment that teacher told you about.  write it down.  
you do not need a fancy system.  it’s okay to try lots of different things until you find what works 
never spend more time planning out tasks than completing them.  unless you have that much free time, don’t dedicate two hours to making a lovely weekly bullet journal spread.  
color codes!!! are a life saver.  i have one with a color for each class (red for english, orange for spanish, yellow for history, green for science, blue for math, etc) as well as some for my extracurriculars (pink for the musical, teal for model un, etc).  
always have ur planner open when ur working, so that you can make sure u r actually completing all the tasks u said u were gonna complete
oh my god oh my god oh my god staying on top of your work is SO important when you’re busy.  being able to find your worksheets and keep track of your homework and your million responsibilities is essential to being successful.  to stay organized, i have an expandable file folder with tabs for each class.  because i take most of my notes in notebooks instead of binders, this is a good way to keep all of my handouts, worksheets, and syllabi centralized.  
also, make sure you have a way to keep your online materials organized.  create a folder for each school year, and within that folder, create more folders for each class.  from there, it’s up to you about how you’ll organize files. you can create even MORE folders (yeet) for things like homework, notes, study guides, etc, or folders for each unit you study.  the possibilities are endless!!!! isn’t technology exciting
here r some pieces of advice for staying organized: 
have a series of folders/binder/expandable file folder to hold your worksheets.  or one for each class, though i prefer to keep all my papers in one a) to save money and b) to save space.
label your notebooks/binders so that you know which ones to bring home with you
never just shove something into your backpack.  never.  i’m gonna manifest into ur classroom and FIGHT you if u do that.  it’s not good, it’ll end up getting lost or crushed under the weight of all ur textbooks, and you’ll end up panicking when u can’t find it 
have ur planner on u at all times
keep a good filing system of ur stuff at home.  u don’t need to carry around every single bio assignment you’ve gotten back, but by the time ur final rolls around ur gonna want 2 b able to look at all the materials you’ve gotten during the semester
that being said, throw stuff away when the year is over!  i, for one, know i’m never gonna think about calculus after this class is done, so i will be recycling all of my papers (save the earth) and moving tf on 
keep a recycling bin in your room!  even if it’s just a paper bag, it’ll make throwing paper in the trash way less tempting (save the earth)
u don’t need a ton of pens.  i’m being a giant hypocrite saying this but you really don’t need all that stuff.  if you want it and you can manage it, great, but if it’s just another thing to keep track of, leave ur staedtlers and ur mujis and ur fineliners and ur calligraphy pens at home, and just take the essentials with u to school
in order to succeed, it’s v important to make every second count.  this doesn’t mean studying 48 hours straight (pls don’t), but try not to waste time. whether this means you spend fifteen minutes napping, doing some reading for english, or having a quick snack, make sure u are being productive and healthy!  i, for one, sometimes have 1-2 hour breaks between school and rehearsal, and i like to use these to walk to the grocery store by my school and get some food and then study in the deli.  
some ideas for being productive! 
carry a clipboard around everywhere.  this way, u don’t need to spend as much time transitioning in and out of tasks, u can just put ur work onto the clipboard, and put it in ur backpack at the end of a break, and then the next chance u have to work on it, just take it back out.  easy peasy
work during commutes! nOT if ur the one driving the car though that’s VERY dangerous and distracted driving = bad.  but if ur on the bus, or ur mom is driving u to school, that might be a good time to go over some notes you took last night, or some reading you need to catch up on.  nothing too insane, please don’t do ur chem labs on the public bus but.  u know.  
read over the notes you took that day on the ride home.  this will help reinforce the information in ur brain, and it’s not super difficult. i go over my apush notes during the 40 minute drive home and sometimes talk about them w my mom, which gives me a much better grasp of the material
don’t waste time on social media.  either delete instagram altogether, or log off/mute notifications before u start work.  same with tumblr.  don’t start scrolling obsessively if u have three tests to study for. 
power naps!!!! napping for about 10-20 minutes, maybe on the way home or to practice/rehearsal/whatever u gotta do, can help u feel refreshed!  anything longer will make u more tired tho, so be sure to get up when u say ur gonna get up.  
study smarter: when ur going over material, u don’t need to handwrite 60 beautiful flashcards.  use quizlet instead.  don’t revise if it’s not gonna help u.  prioritize which assignments r gonna be most impactful over the little ones u can easily make up
take good breaks!! breaks r VERY important and should be utilized properly.  here r some good suggestions for things to do: 
throw in a load of laundry
empty the dishwasher
stretch/do some jumping jacks
drink some water!
go for a walk
talk to a family member 
get a snack!
read some fun novels n such
!! in case of emergency !! the following tips should only be employed when ur short on time.  don’t use these just bc u can, this is just when it’s about getting close enough to grasping material, not actually grasping it
do every other math problem assigned, and either star the ones u didn’t do, or get the answers from the back of the book.  this way, u get some practice but u also save time
sparknotes ur reading beforehand.  this way, u can recognize what’s going on.  it’s not v good for developing ur reading comprehension, but assignments will go by quicker
NEVER google translate ur language homework, but u can use word reference for helping u find the right word and proper conjugations
flagpole it: didn’t study enough for a test?  are u guessing on like 10 of the questions?  if it’s multiple choice, but the same answer for all the ones u have no clue about, unless that answer choice seems highly unlikely.  then pick a different one.  this way, ur statistically more likely to get some of the ones you guessed correct. 
when u have an online assignment due at midnight and it’s 11:53 and u haven’t started, find another assignment you’ve already completed that has a similar document name.  for example, “scarlet letter chapters 9-11″ instead of ur actual assignment “scarlet letter chapters 12-14″.  submit the other one, and then when u finish the other assignment (either that night or the next morning) email ur teacher and apologize, say u accidentally submitted the wrong document
if ur parents will let u (if ur in high school) or u can let urself (if ur in uni), it’s okay to skip a day to catch up.  just make sure u actually work, get the notes u missed, and talk to ur teachers/professors abt the material u missed.
ur health comes before any assignment, test, or extracurricular.  i know lots of ppl r probably telling u that and it doesn’t seem like they mean it, but i mean it.  no exam is worth sacrificing ur mental, physical, or emotional health for.  yeet!  so here r some things to keep in mind
eat!  ur fuckin!  breakfast!  whether it’s a smoothie or oatmeal or a cup of orange juice or an apple or an elaborate french toast dish, u need some food in ur stomach so that u have the energy to start ur day
remember to take ur meds if u need to!
drink water!  drink! water!  have a glass when u wake up, and then at least one with every meal, and one before u go to bed.  hydration is v important.  if u can, invest in a water bottle and take it with u to class.  
pack a lunch!  and if ur staying later after school, pack snacks!  tech week for me is always hell because i get to school at 7:30 am and don’t usually leave until 11 that night.  it’s v important to stay nourished and hydrated so that u don’t get dizzy or faint.  
remember!  that u are beautiful, and ur body is beautiful, and it deserves 2 b loved! especially by u.  
get 6 hours of sleep.  aim for 8, but six at the very least.  if ur done with ur work, go to bed early!  don’t just stay up for no reason.  
shower everyday, or every other day at least.  give yourself those 15 minutes as a break from work or school or anything else that’s keeping you busy
write down ur thoughts in a journal?  
talk to a friend if ur feeling sad, or just feeling things very intensely.  share ur joy with other people!  vent ur sadness and anger so u aren’t carrying it around everywhere. 
make some time to have fun.  see a movie w ur friends or ur bf/gf/datefriend or ur family over the weekend.  go to a museum.  hang out at the mall.  sleepover at someone’s house.  taking breaks is healthy.  
make an effort to have dinner with ur family if u can (also if u like ur family.  i know some ppl have bad relationships w them so skip this step if that’s u).  it can be nice to reconnect w everyone, even when ur stressed or they’re annoying u, it can be nice.  
remember that it’s okay to be imperfect!  u don’t need to be good at a lot of things.  i got a b for the first time last semester, i just got a c on an apush test, i failed my driver’s test again yesterday.  but i also aced my math quiz, i celebrated six months of knowing my best friend, i walked my dog, i helped put a production together.  it’s okay to have rough days and bad days and bleh days, as long as you keep pushing through them and working for the days to get better.  
i love u!!! stay hydrated and nourished and get enough sleep.  put on some lotion if u have it available.  brush ur hair.  if u ever wanna ask a question, my ask box is always open!  <3
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panipuriprincess · 3 years
Overview of everything for the days I lowkey missed:
Thursday 12.17
- dragged my D to an A in Spanish
- bagged way better scores than expected on my math tests and got an overall grade I was ok w
- bio test didn't go too great, but God really pulled thru for me and I got an overall grade I was ok w again
- my world geo teacher passed out lil candy canes for us aw.
- cute green blazer moment
- was in so much physical pain everywhere but powered thru without a painkiller yuh
- also didn't eat all day even while being in pain
- had dinner tho bc my parents took us out
Friday 12.17
- last day of the semester B !!
- girlbossed, gatekept and gaslit 💖
- v cute turtleneck fleece coat moment
- got a gift from this guy
- got a truck towed LMAO
- saw my bbs
- got Arab food yuh
- a girl in my AP lit class offered me this cute lil cookie lol
- a guy started playing "star shopping" on a guitar in one of my classrooms and it was so beautiful
- gave my 1st year teacher a card and he was so happy aw
- gave my ap lit and bio teacher a card and they were just as glad too
- got good marks 👌
Saturday 12.18
- shadowed my homegirl dr. afreen !!
- visited some family and had a whole conversation about India with one of the elders and my heart was made ����
- got $15 lol
- had Arab food again there
- made a Palestinian Kanye fan friend whose tryna do dental lol
- new ggg💖 plan made for tmr
Gonna sleep now maybe, bye I love you
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Room №202 (pt.3)
I really want to get rid off all that David Copperfield kind of crap but i’m really close to the end i hope. 
So i finally started at a very cool school where it’s normal for people winning math/science competitions and be accepted to best (mostly) russian unis with no exams. I mean i found myself surrounded by terribly clever people. There was one more stupid thing to tell - when u r really clever (or better say know A LOT OF styff on a suject) and do well in competitions they put u in somewhat called a city’s or country’s team and the team represents this city or country on something national or international. And this cool guys have special hoodies.  Oh my god, i wanted this hoodie!! 
But i never get it.
 I worked pretty hard in my first year there. And i was Fking best, i mean for one to be accepted from the 3rd (3rd Carl) attempt. Yep, it’s exremely arguably, agree. But i was up to what they all did, after considering myself so much lower in say brainpower then my present classmates. We’ve got 2 waves of exams and i again did very well. First half of the year i was really a hard-worker and it gave its credits, i still wanted this hoodie this time)
The only problem was that it all was about bio. I’m not a biologist. Never. And my fking marks don’t tell anything. It was nothing about what i read before, physics was really poor. I came down to hate biology (and we had quite a lot of hours, like 6 or so, now have 10. *Thumbs up). So my cool school slowely became not such an exciting place as i imagined it. 
Talking about my parents - my father takes it really seriously, he is cool and kind and a good personality but everything connected with School (and future uni, which i had (and have now) problems to choose and enter) is sacred. Mum has another opinion and it’s all about the way i’ve got to take every day (use bus or metro) it takes me not so much time actually but if anything happens, like i’m a bit late or tired or something or come back home when it’s already dark and we burst into rows (and she is a fan of screaming, my mum), then my school (which was kinda my dream for a long time tho) with dirty-hair students (and sometimes teachers) who have bad taste in closing is always to blame.
So i was not in a very good position - i didn’t like stuff i did but protected it like crazy in front of mum, while in my dad’s opinion everything was just fine. And it was just fine.  Sure. I had everything i needed and much more, starting from living in Moscow and having all i have like laptop, phone, clothing, trips over the country, and finishing with the fact that they would probably prefer to rest at home after a tough workday then to pick me up from one of the schools at 9pm. So i’m a terribly lucky child. Not many parents do so much for children and i’m about to thank them a lot, both of my parents but in a different way. 
That was the time when i still was a good girl. I came up with secretly hating my school programs (all about bio) which meant i stopped visiting extra classes for those cool competitions (buy-buy, hoodie). Biology - i didn’t like, chemistry - was not bad really, it was interesting and i was pleased with teachers (both kinda cool profs) asking how i found, hm, competitions as well. I mean, they asked me out of the class full of stunning biologists (who r mostly indifferent to the subject) and as follows pro-chemists. I didn’t respect them, my classmates. I didn’t have friends and felt no use of it. I mean i didn’t hate them, i just didn’t feel anything about anybody. I checked in comparisons with them wether i was still good in school subjects (without too much work to put in, as i said i f_cked things where it’was theoretically possible to win something, i found ‘em boring, never respected ‘em and was not to do stuff which i didn’t respect. i’m about so now as well but things have gone tricky), got my excellent marks and then came back to things which were really worth doing, imho.
What was worth (and still) doing imho, it’s quantum mechanics. That’s when i’ve gone crazy. Aged 14 i read a lot of popular literature about QM paradoxes and stuff and liked it a lot. I dunno wether i liked it for some good reason or just wanted to be ‘cool’ but when i saw a QM club addvert in my new school with a true quantum physicist as a teacher of course i came to this room number 202. I thought i would be, ahm *a few giggles, best with my literature background. No, i wasn’t if to express it politely. Cos there was no games - it was real, Carl, real quantum mechanics. I asked wether it was possible to attend the meetings of the club being not so good at math (i’ve heard of math level needed even for say ‘qm for begginers  idiots’). 
 - ‘Yes, sure’, - he said.
*More giggles. 
Here i remeber how i thought of hoodies without knowing about hoodies - in my first boring school i, before leaving it, wanted to become a pro-chemist. I found a good book (for unis) which was in English and i was even worse then i’m now and each day woke up at 6 am trying not to disturb parents and read it (read, yes, better say translated). I understood it was too difficult for me but i used a very simple idea - i must udnerstand all i read, every single idea. So what i couldn’t get out of the book - i searched in the internet and searched untill i didn’t get it. A good stratagy as i think now, the bad thing is that i never believed in my stratagies and they didn’t live long (but this book i read constantly).
What i want  to say is that i decided to use exactly same strategy with QM.
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ollies-law-studies · 6 years
100 DOP - Day Fifty Two
Hey guys :) Today was a good day + v productive - I just felt so much better than yesterday, it was awesome :) I:
Had a free period first, and ended up working through a bit of biology from the last few lessons, but mainly making a to do list and trying to wake up a bit bc I was shattered
Had tutor and signed up to UCAS!! I also started drafting my personal statement to attach by November
Went to an SEU meeting at lunch, where we tied all the loose ends around the event on 2-3rd of July
Had a physics lesson on further mechanics once again; we were just doing practice questions as we’d finished all the circular motion bits, which was pretty fun
I got out of physics and my college called me (lmao I was in college tho), to tell me I’d finally been put in an engineering class
Went to my engineering lesson literally 5 minutes after the phone call, and it was so so good omg I loved it. I’m basically doing an alevel in one year instead of two bc my maths and physics teachers think I’m “gifted” or smth lmao
Got home and did the photosynthesis pre-work for tomorrow’s lesson (only took 1.5 hours which wasn’t too bad)
Did my photosynthesis exam question book for bio for another 1.5 hours til it was done
Now I’m just getting ready for bed bc there’s yet another hectic day ahead tomorrow. I hope you guys are all doing good :D
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realtalk-tj · 6 years
Without asking too much, is the physics final exam doable (the midterm was realllllyyyyy hard for me but I somehow managed to get a B with the enormous curve - is it comparable in difficulty)? If i study a whole lot, can i count on it to raise my grade?
Response From Fleur:
Hi there, because of honor code stuff, we can’t tell you anything more than general stuff about assessment patterns within a class. We can’t tell you what’s going to be on a particular test or how hard you’re going to find it...etc. Finals are typically different year to year. If you have questions about the specific content and expectations for the physics final, I’d talk to your teacher about that. I’d then make a list of everything that could be on the final. And I would study the heck out of that stuff until you understand it inside outside backward forwards and into another dimension. Your teacher will probably be able to give you a much better answer than any of us. What you’re going to find difficult is different than what other people find difficult. I remember that in physics understanding the conceptual aspect was the most difficult and important part of the subject for me to learn. If I didn’t understand the concepts, forget the math, it wasn’t going to happen, I wouldn’t be able to do a single problem. I had to really work to get some of the insane multiple choice problems I encountered throughout the class right.
I never took the Physics final tho so I have zero clue what in the world was on it or how hard it was. I do however think that with having a year of experience in Physics, if you were to really study (and I mean like hours upon hours of proper preparation), that you should feel confident in your ability to do pretty well for yourself on the test. I know it’s hard to impossible to be 100% sure you’ll do well enough to raise your grade, and I think the best thing you can do in this case is to give it your absolute best and be proud of that.
If you haven’t been doing as well as you’d want to on Physics assessments so far, I’d improve upon your study habits for this test. 
For ideas on study habits, I listed methods on how I study for college tests I am determined to get an A on here: http://realtalk-tj.tumblr.com/post/171712417656/what-are-some-good-study-methods-for-bio-i#notes
^A lot of this stuff is applicable to Physics (memorizing conceptual stuff, memorizing formulas and how to move the variables in them around and how to put one formula in another formula). You need to memorize basic knowledge like that before you can go on and draw from the information you’ve learned to reach new conclusions on challenging problems. 
It will take you many hours of studying if you’re going to score really high on this test so I’d start a while in advance. Also, this is your place to learn the conceptual aspect of TJ Physics (conceptual meaning the part that requires no math, like understanding why you set up a certain problem that way). There’s also the minds on physics (MOPS) on this website. I don’t know if you guys are required to do it for class but it HELPS a LOT. The more time I spent essentially memorizing the conceptual information on this website, the better I did in TJ Physics. Good luck with the final!
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catastrothicc · 7 years
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when will i learn to write an intro post
hello friens my name is kit im 19 and i use them/they pronouns. i love the color GREEN as u can tell and im a cancer ..... i literally don’t kno who i am besides that so ! ey letz gO  .... oh yea my timezone is mdt .  bu ckle . ... .. . u p
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fiRST we have rocky whomst some of  u kNO bc he was That guy in paracosms anD created by the m ost crea tive  admins iv’e ever seEN i got blessedt 2 play him and to play him agAIN in literally the most mentally straining au for any character .... paracosms verse ! x 
i previously made an intro post for him here so i’m just gonna link it and walk away .. .. .... also his stats page still lives here !!! keeping in mind that he is no longer a drug ring leader ..... he recently discovered that his wHOLE LIFE is a LIE and that he’s a helpless robot stuck in hell with a bunch of other robots who want 2 murder him and every(robot)body he loves 
find his pinterest board here , someday a whole ass playlist too
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neXT we have minjae ... he’s my oldest character in this batch but that doesn’t mean i especially love him .... just means i’ve made him suffer the longest .... . . . tw: child abuse ( pinterest board , playlist 1 , playlist 2 )
minjae is in the main verse ! find him bullshitting through college and b-boying in the camden streets 
he’s twenty-one and a virgo , born in busan , south korea 
he found his way to london when his parents sent him away to study abroad highkey because that’s a big fancy thing in korea they can brag about and lowkey to get rid of him for as long as they can 
his relationship with his family is ..... interestingly strained . his parents WON’T admit that he’s tiring as hell to deal with and how much stress he causes because they try their best to be supporting/loving parents but honestly minjae KNOWS how much they just wISH he was fucking gONE from their lives ( okay maybe not THAT intense but things rlly blow up in his head ) but he doesn’t even worry about it he just deals with the fact that he’s a terrible son
he was diagnosed with odd when he was eight years old, after his mom got tired and increasingly concerned with his disruptive and violent behavior
a few years prior , minjae’s biological dad left them and his mom kind of took it upon herself to try and make it up to him . that meant she was always careful around him and treated him as if he was fragile because minjae felt some blame that his dad left . 
his biological dad did Not have any patience for his kid’s mental health , meaning he and minjae would fight often to the point of getting physical . basically minjae endured a lot of getting locked up in the bathroom kicking and screaming until his voice grew hoarse and the occasional ..... bad beatings .
he went to therapy with his mom for two years before entering middle school , around the time his mom remarried a nice guy who had the patience of a saint when it came to minjae , even after he repeatedly rejected him as a part of their life . eventually minjae managed to warm up to him ..... he just didn’t wanna admit he was afraid he’d abandon them like his bio dad . 
despite the therapy he was still unstable and got into frequent fights . he was smart but he didn’t put it into any good use because he would rather fool around and disrupt the classroom at any slight chance . teachers .... hated this fuckass 
theN high school !! A Whole Mess ..... he got worse and worse , and it wasn’t until he got expelled from his Second high school that he went back to therapy for anger management . 
after months of sessions w/ his therapist he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder , which honestly explained Everything about his life . it explained his massive issues with interpersonal relationships , massive abandonment fear , massive moodiness , massive personality contradictions .... everythin g
he started b-boying because it was a way to push himself and let go of the anger without picking a fight with someone else ( altho he StilL picked the occasional fight .... highkey still does ) but he loved the control that came with dancing and how it hurt to push his body 
he managed to graduate despite what everyone thought ..... and even a bigger surprise is that he went to college majoring in math ..... and an evEN BIGGER SURPRISE is that he went overseas to study which is like ..... quite a difficult and impressive thing to do ..... tho minjae just finds math the easiest out of academic studies bc “all u need to do is understand and follow a formula” 
anYWAYS so his personality is generally very contradictory . he just has no fucking idea who he even is . thESE are from an old intro that i’m just putting here bc still tru:
being delusional w/ infatuation/love to the point of a fault vs running away when things actually start to go right with someone because of his fear of being abandoned by them
being so afraid of abandonment that he can’t stand being alone, always needs to be communicating with someone vs pushing people away when he feels like he’s getting attached because he’s afraid of abandonment 
swinging between being horny all the time and being sex repulsed
intense mood swings !!! having the time of his life one hour and wishing he was dead the next
thinks he’s the best vs loathes his entire being
wants everyone to love him vs thinking he deserves being alone
incredibly charming and talkative vs distant and moody
loving/cuddly/goofy vs jealous/purposely mean/bossy 
also never tell him its ok to text u bc he’ll give u notifications from Hell
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dhwani mishra !!! honestly Bae . i’ve had her in my head for mONTHs and this is only the second time i play her rip . anyways say hello to this Hot Mom. tw: abuse , brief abortion mention 
dhwani is from chicago , she’s 36 and a leo .... literally The Whole SUN
she grew up w/ a generally large family . two parents , three sisters and a brother . it was a full house that often became suffocating but she managed to survive her childhood and teenhood . 
she’s extremely close with all her fam except her dad , bc they have always disagreed in almost everything and it’s just ..... awkward to be around him ?? she honestly doesn’t respect him much , even if she would never show him/tell him that . her dad had an abusive past w/ her mom , and dhwani still feels a lot of resentment that he would ever lay his hands on her in a violent way and mistreat her despite being the mother of his children . when she was a teenager , she would tell her mom to just divorce him but her mom was in a very toxic/old mentality and believed she would ruin her family and her children’s life if she did that . 
probably nobody cared about this as much as dhwani .... she promised herself she’d NEVER allow someone to do what her dad did to her mom and was honestly so defensive with guys . little did she kno it was the lesbian raging inside her . 
so because she had no idea what a lesbian was or that it was a possibility bc her household was not the type to really go into the topic of sex at all , she eventually got into a relationship with a guy in high school that she could actually put up with .... and got really disappointed when she was finally ‘ in love ’ because of how underwhelming it all was . her dreams about finding ‘ the one ’ were absolutely gone . she was like wtf why are people making such a big deal out of love when it feels like ...... kind of nothing ?? 
she became pregnant with his child which was completely unplanned and was such a huge turn in her life that she never ever expected . all this time she had been driven to start a career in chemistry and family would come way wayyy later , however she did Not want to give up her child ..... she was so torn about it but now she thinks not getting an abortion was the best decision of her life bc her little boy , one of her two little suns was brought into the world . 
she paused her career to raise him w/ her now husband when she was 29 , and three years later became pregnant again , this time w/ her second sun , an adorable lil baby girl . things were already going downhill in her marriage before she got pregnant again , though , and she stupidly thought that maybe another child would help them but ... wrong ! her husband , the man she thought she loved , was turning out to be exactly like her father . she put up w/ him for as long as she could .... but it did just not work out . when her daughter was two and her son five , she divorced him and someway or another managed to pick up her career again . 
she moved out with her kids into a small apartment , struggling with money and having to ask her parents for aid which wasn’t rlly good for her pride , despite that she and her mom were like best friends .
sHE made it to london by pure will after juggling her two children and working as a high school teacher , though when she got an offer to teach as a professor in a university w/ heR OWN LAB AND RESEARCH TEAM she could Not pass it up . the only problem was tht this job was across the ocean , and away from her family and everything she and her children knew . 
still , she saw a brighter future , not only for herself but especially for her kids , so she packed up and said goodbye to the states . 
she’s been teaching in soho for two years now and she still hasn’t really adjusted . it’s obviously a very different life than the one she had in chicago , but she’s very determined to make it work . also she’s recently discovering her repressed inner lesbian so hmu for plots !!! ;))) 
shE’S a chemistry professor so ... @ any student connections hmu ... also any students whomst want 2 be on her research team A++ 
pERSONALity wise .... she’s a mess . she’s very lively and warm and inviting , but she is also extremely stubborn and unrestrained . you don’t agree w/ something she does ? Suck It . you have a stupid opinion ? Time to let u kno how absolutely wrong u are . she is NOT afraid of a fight . also she’s v scatterbrained .... there is so much on her schedule that she can barely keep up w/ so she’s never like ... calm . always going somewhere , always pacing places , chugging her coffee , carrying 789479 folders and books everywhere . 
hER class is pretty much this vine 
probably one of the least chill professors on campus in the best way possible . she’s so excited about chemistry and teaching her students . altho she is lenient and understanding she can also b strict af and doesn’t allow her kindness to b taken advantage of . rlly good at drawing lines . 
also her children are her whole world and she loves to brag about them ... since she doesn’t get enough time w/ them at home she sometimes takes them to her lab on campus or they’re there being a mess during her office hours and stressing her out but she’s 2 fond of them to leave them w/ their babysitter . 
oK so here is her v incomplete pinterest board ... expect a playlist Soon 
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lAST BUT NOT LEAST is santana !!! he is ... a solid trip . this is my first time playing him so i’m puMPED and expecting the worst of him fhuidshfiusdhg. tw: drug use , abuse , alcoholism 
he is 23 , a Cancer , n from LA california like that red hot chili peppers song(s)
his childhood wasn’t chill at all . he grew up with four sisters and three brothers , so his parents never really had time for all of them individually . they were always kind of lumped together despite the differences in age . santana was one of the middle children so he got evEN LESS attention . 
he honestly does not understand what his parents were thinking when they had EIGHT whole kids , because they were poor as shit . they lived in a tiny house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms , where all the girls would be in 1 room , the boys in the other , and their parents in th third one . you could Not catch a moment of peace in this household . they basically lived on top of each other .
his older siblings were very bad influences , and so were his parents . it was all tough love , so he barely received any kindness or special treatment and had 2 go to school even if he was dying w/ the flu and got hit Bad when he acted out even a little bit bc his parents were Not about to deal w/ any disrespect . he actually pretty much got hit for just existing bc his parents didn’t want dumb kids and santana was failing in Everything at school so his dad especially tried to beat it into him but really he wasn’t dumb he had dyslexia and no one knew or cared enough to find out .
still , they didn’t really respect their children enough to demand their respect . they would cuss all of them tf out and allow them little to no privacy so they all became rEALLY GOOD liars , and all of them learned to have each other’s backs but rlly this only lasted during their childhoods/teenhoods . 
santana started doing really stupid shit during high school and once he got caught stealing wine from a grocery store w/ all his dumb little high school friends whomst were in possession of weed and ended up in juvenile prison for two years until he turned 18 . thEN while he was on parole he didn’t learn his fucking lesson and his parents/family were not supportive At All honestly it’s like they didn’t give 2 shits that he was in juvie they were just like ‘that’s what happens when you’re a goddamn moron’ so santana went out and did it aGAIN bc fuck parental guidance anyways
this time he got caught stealing a whole fucking car and in possession of not only weed but cocaine so he got locked up for 4 long ass years . honestly thought that he wouldn’t make it out but he rlly learned a lot in prison and he was used to getting no privacy anyways and just kinda dealt . the prison system he was stuck in Sucked so bad though like the guards were the Worst and he’d try to stay out of fights but Some Fucker would piss him off and BOOM he’d end up in the hole for a whole week . 
hOWEVER if it wasn’t for being there he would’ve never discovered his passion of art and drawing . he got Really Fucking good bc he had nothing else to do but sit around and try to find anything to pour all of his pent up energy into and drawing happened to be his greatest outlet . would just sit for as long as they let him and draw his time away . 
when he got out he went back to his fam but they were pretty much all split up . shit went Down while he was locked up and somehow his parents ended up w/ a giant grudge on their children and some of his siblings wanted to kill each other while others had just completely moved away to different parts of the states and had absolutely no communication w/ each other . 
santana decided to fuck it and pursue his dreams of being a tattoo artist far from LA and just decided to move to a different country entirely . 
Now u can find him giving tattoos in his apartment bc he doesn’t have enough $$$ to get a studio and while he Is training under a professional he’s not getting paid by them so he needs to make money somehow . it’s a secret that he’s tattooing when he’s not supposed to tho . Fuck the law . 
personality !!!! he’s basically .... very chill .... perhaps 2 chill .... 
even tho drugs got him some bad time in prison he hasn’t left them . still very 420 friendly and occasionally does the hard stuff . also loves 2 drink and party . 
he’s irresponsible !!!! he feels like he lost a lot of his life in prison so he’s trying to make up for it and while he’s being more careful ..... he still loves 2 fuck shit up .
he gets way too comfortable around people way too easily . he thinks this is a trait he picked up in jail bc he rlly had no other option but to shower with a bunch of dudes and shit out in the open , so he’s very comfortable with his body and being in the nude in general . also a touchy guy , likes cuddles and appreciates hugs . random meaningless touches are a Habit . 
he loves to hang and do whatever so if ur his friend chances are tht he’s hitting u up 24/7 to go do something . biggest extrovert there is . does not get tired of being in public / around people . also p flirty and gay as hell . 
sO find his pinterest board here and i’m also in the process of finishing a playlist for him hopefully soon 
thAT WOULD BE ALL FOR NOW !!! hmu and feel free to add me on discord ( a whole silly boy#2690 , kít (catastrothicc) in the group chat ) for plots and such !!! 
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intimatevoid · 7 years
the delirium was fun
written while getting progressively drunk with @littledonkeyburrito
1) How many bank accounts do you have? 3.
2) Have you ever been in an ambulance?
Only once, I was in a car crash and was unharmed, but I still had to sit in one while I answered some questions for the paramedics. 3) Do you remember your first time on the internet? No, but I do remember that when we first got internet, I spent all my computer time going to lego.com :D 4) Have you ever had the flu? I had the flu this year and it sucked so much arse. Ash ended up taking me to the hospital at like 1am. The delirium was fun. :D 5) Would you ever consider going on a cruise? Yeah, I have considered it before.
6) Do you ever drink alcohol? well there was this one time that was now
7) Have you ever had a terrible hangover? Actually, I have had maybe one or two hangovers in my entire life. I don’t get ‘em often. 8) How old were your parents when they had you? I think they were in their mid-20s? I have no idea how old my parents are lmao
9) Is there a big age difference between you and the person you like? Actually my partner is exactly ten years older than me. And the person I lost my virginity to is fifteen years older.
10) Do you try to spend a lot of time with family? Pffthahahaha, no. My bio family and I aren’t on great terms. But that said, I’ve slowly built up a little fambly of my own, and I try to spend as much time with them as possible.
11) What would you say is your favorite genre of music? Electronica, metal, chiptune, and orchestral/soundtrack.
12) Are you good at giving advice to people? I have been told by some that I am good at the advice thing, just once or twice.
13) What is your goal for the next few months? To move house in April, and also to save up for my Sydney trip in May~
14) Do you think you have a good sense of style? On paper, I have a great sense of style. In reality I just can’t afford to look like how I want to XD
15) What is your star sign/zodiac sign/whatever? Aquarius. 16) Does your personality match the characteristics of your sign? I am actually a scarily accurate match to my sign. I don’t even believe in zodiac stuff, I just match it really closely. 17) Would you rather be on a nude beach or at a concert? I would definitely rather be at a concert. Public nudity could be a death sentence for me lmao 18) Have you ever been caught passing notes in class? No, I didn’t have any friends to pass notes to, BUT this does remind me of an interesting story about class subterfuge! Once in year 12 English, I was wearing my spray jacket, and had run an earbud up under it, past my neck, to my ear. I sat next to a wall so nobody could see. However, the guy sitting behind me saw it in my ear, and he was a massive dickhead, so he tried to dob me in to the teacher. 
Just in time, I flicked the earbud out of my ear and dropped it into my collar, out of sight. The English teacher (who loved me and did not like the idiot behind me) asked if this was true, and I turned my head to show that there was nothing in my ear. He insisted that he saw something, and I said maybe he saw a fly or something. He started yelling about it and the teacher sent him out of the classroom. I got away with it, nobody ever suspected me.
A little unjust, perhaps, but he was an asshole who constantly disrupted class and I don’t regret anything.
19) What is your New Year’s resolution? My New Year’s resolution is always the same: to be the kind of person my younger self would be both intimidated and a little bit turned on by. 20) Do you know anyone who suffers from depression? Do I know anyone who doesn’t? 21) Would you rather be 13 years old or 30 years old? 30. It’s closer to death, that’s an obvious benefit. 22) Here’s a personal one. How many times do you pee a day? I don’t keep track, you perv 23) Have you ever had your significant other fall asleep on you? Actually, Ash almost never falls asleep on me. But it’s so nice when they do. 24) Name me a random word that starts with ‘O’. Opulence.
25) Which berry is your favorite? Watermelons and avocados.
26) Have you ever tried to learn a foreign language?
Yus! Japanese and French so far.
Maddie’s trying to pressure me into learning Spanish too lmao
27) Which baby animal is your favorite? Literally any of them tbh :D Whether they’re in my lap or on my plate, I don’t mind. 28) What was the scent of the last candle you burned? The last candle I burned was a scent-neutralising deodorant candle, because I had gastro and couldn’t stop farting :D 29) Are there any plants in your home? I have two beautiful moon cacti named Snuggles and Smooches. 30) If you could have a small garden in your backyard, what would you plant? WEED
Vegetables! I miss having homegrown food, hopefully I’ll be able to grow some at my new place ;w; 31) What pets have you had while growing up? My family has had few dogs and a few cats and even a bird, but the only pet that was actually mine was a big ginger tom. Such a beautiful kitty. I named him Sovereign because he thought he was the king of everything. 32) What type of museum would you like to go to? I like lots of different types of museums! Natural history, science, art, you name it. 33) Have you ever been to the circus? Literally never. Though I kinda hate the concept of circuses. So much potential for animal abuse. 34) What are some of your favourite scents? The ones that add up to dollars! :D
Forreal tho, I love the smell of my Lush vanilla body wash.
35) What branch of science interests you the most? Oooh where do I START. I love chemistry a lot, and that filters down to biology and psychology. But I also fucking love physics, and would even be good at it if I was any good at math.
36) Are you one of those lucky people to own a walk-in closet You can walk into any closet if you try hard enough.
37) Can you play electric guitar?
A little! I have more experience with acoustic but electric is more fun.
38) When was the last time you drank something through a straw?
About six hours ago.
39) Are you a fan of industrial metal?
What, like mild steel?
(lol jk i do)
40) Can you handle the cold?
I desire the cold more than anything. Or at least the Australian version of cold, which is really just “slightly below boiling”.
41) Have you ever been to Canada?
Not yet!
42) How old is the person you last kissed?
43) Have you ever tried to balance the light switch between off and on?
Everyone has been ten years old, so yes~
44) Are your feet touching the floor?
Nope. My desk has a bar running underneath it and my feet are propped up on that.
45) Are you one of those people who keep their feelings bottled up? Literally never. I am not just emotional, but I also prompt other people to release theirs. 46) Is one of your friends extremely odd but you love them regardless? Who wants to be friends with NON-odd people? Odd is interesting. Normal is boring.
47) Do you have any piercings besides your earlobes? 13, but I’ve had 22 total.
48) How many push-ups can you do? *shrugs* idk, i used to be able to do heaps bc it was part of my roller derby trailing but now I’m so unfit
49) When was the last time you wore a button up shirt? Literally today~
50) Do you own any striped sweaters? Alas, I do not D:
51) Write the first person you think of whose name begins with T? Tanya Dobson, a dear friend of mine. 52) When was the last time you got a haircut? Just about a couple of weeks ago! Not a proper haircut, just getting my undercut reshaved.
53) How old were you when you had your first crush? I don’t remember how old I was -- probably preteen -- but it was Lt. Helga Sinclair from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
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elliothepburn-blog · 7 years
hey hey hey so.........i obviously have no chill, here’s my sweet angry bean
few things about him before we get started :’)
he’s lived in bright haven his whole life so you can assume connections for any starter i post !!! or we can plot out one out if you want !!
he’s a wendigo-human hybrid and just...a mess...more under the cute :’)
cw: violence & abuse
A one night stand and 8.5 months later, Ana Ivanov had a little boy named Elliot 
Elliot is a sweet vegetarian boy born in Russia who was quickly put up for adoption pretty much right after his birth, he was soon adopted by an American family from Bright Haven
Ana & his father, Isaac, made sure that Elliot would go to a vegetarian family, it was an odd and very specific request, but one that was surprisingly easily fulfilled
The Hepburn family was composed of two loving parents, and a supposedly sweet, kind young boy before they adopted Elliot
As a young boy, Elliot found a love in science and his adopted family, always ready to fight his classmates if they ever said “they’re not your real family” (especially considering he looked nothing like them)
not in any drastic way, but enough to make him insecure whenever kids said that he wasn’t really part of the family
This science boy tho !! School science fair every damn year
he was always prepared with unique projects, not always good !! but always always unique !!
He never showed it to his mom or dad because he didn’t want to disappoint them, but he did not have a good relationship with Andrew Hepburn (his adopted brother)
They would fight all the time in their shared room, when Andrew would get mad at him, Elliot and Andrew would physically fight each other, usually Andrew was the first to start it though
They’d fight over small disagreements, who gets the last slice of pizza, etc etc
Along with that, Andrew would tell him that he was useless, the parents didn’t actually want him anymore and always told him they made a mistake, that they hated him, etc etc
He never told the parents though because he knew he was lucky to have such a wonderful mom and dad that loved him (he was p sure they loved him at least)
He didn’t wanna cause any problems :((((
As he got older, he developed more anger and other emotional issues, he tried not to act on any of them and was usually successful
There were a FEW incidents though
One time in middle school, he broke a teachers computer, he was able to convince the administration that it was an accident when it definitely was not
During his sophomore year of high school, Elliot and another boy got caught fighting each other after gym class because the boy called Elliot a waste of space
In his senior year of high school, Elliot almost got suspended for attempting to beat up a boy that called him the f slur :// (he was validated in doing that tho lbh)
Because of Elliot’s anger issues and Andrew’s constant abuse of the boy, he eventually got into Big Trouble with Andrew
Right before Elliot and Andrew were about to graduate from high school to go off to college, Andrew plunged the final metaphorical knife into Elliot by really setting him off
Andrew told Elliot that the parents weren’t actually going to fund his college (like they had been promising) 
That little bit of information made Elliot so angry that he punched Andrew in the face, which he had never done, never wanting to lead noticeable bruises or marks
The parents found out and gave a long lecture about how Elliot wasn’t they kid they thought he was, and how disappointed they were, he was still their son but they had a lot to reconsider, 
And, the “real” knife right through Elliot’s heart, was that “they never believed Andrew was right about the years of Elliot hurting him until now”
After the incident, the parents gave Elliot the information of the orphanage they adopted him from as well as they agency they went through, just in case he wanted to know anything about his own parents
This lead him on the path to try and figure out if he had any other family, family that wouldn’t hurt him
He found a possible brother, Adrien Ivanov, on the North Carolina’s most wanted listing and figured he had hit a dead end and decided to stop searching
He hasn’t spoke to his adopted parents since he graduated
Aside from science and his anger issues and all that familial drama, Elliot was always really into swimming !! He loved to swim, it was one of the most relaxing things for him, it always kept him calm and happy whenever he was in the water
He really loved to swim in the winter, never knew why tho 
Always been a very hungry boy as well, but again, never really knew why? His parents made jokes for both about being because he’s Russian but he felt deep down it was because of something else
With age and time of course, his hunger and his ability to withstand the cold got more intense, being in Bright Haven became a new experience with each passing year. He got the sense things weren’t entirely right but he just wasn’t sure what exactly wasn’t right or even how to figure it out, it just continued to get worse the older he got
he could smell things that were !! very unique and others didn’t seem to smell, which became very distracting to him
one day very recently, he stumbled across jackson carver who smelled just like him and !!!!! that was a new discovery for him which lead to him figuring out that he was right about those feelings of otherness
He’s studying at Bright Haven University to be a bio-chemist, he wants to create medicine that’ll save peoples lives but won’t cost a lot :’)
But he works at the Beach as a Lifeguard (during the summer, during the winter he’s the lifeguard at an indoor pool tbh)
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vivaindiffrnce · 7 years
in honour of graduating in less than two weeks i wanna make a basic summary of the shit i pulled off in high school
drank vodka straight from a mug in latin class without the teacher noticing and when she asked me to do some task i nailed it by saying “scio me nihil scire”
got pizza for money collected from class with my friends. multiple times. 
had an energy drink every single day of senior year. each one.
asked my history teacher if i could leave to get coffee (a coffee machine is right outside our history classroom) and left to starbucks. 
skipped class to make blingees
when secretary approached me to tell me that tattoos are against school regulations i pulled my sleeves down and said “what tattoos”
got a principal’s reprimand for leaving school grounds (it’s important for the story i’ll write later on)
right after harambe happened i started a Harambe Movement at my school which was basically just putting harambe pictures and memes around school
one of the memes was making fun of our principal for giving reprimands to adult students leaving school grounds and i won’t be exaggerating if i say that every high schooler in my town knows this meme.
the funniest thing- i was threatened with principal’s reprimand for sharing a meme making fun of our principal for giving reprimands for stupid reasons. the fanpage is annonymous tho so i didn’t have any consequences.
after time harambe movement somehow turned into a Communist Student Party, now everyone knows that people who put memes around school are angry communists who fight for students liberation. 
i have a habit of drawing in maths and once in test i drew a hundred chairs just to picture it better. got additional points for drawing skills and patience for drawing a hundred identical chairs.
every single project i had i made sure there was one slightly disturbing thing on my pendrive (”blood kink fanfics”, “michael jackson & booze”) and watched my classmates look at it in terror
had a detailed plan to vaporize booze on my prom (which failed only because i got a tattoo appointment for my best friend 7 hours before prom and didn’t have time to get everything done)
did my friend’s full face make up in history class. when my teacher asked what i was doing i just said “makeup”
forced my biology teacher to tell us about zombie ants and spent entire hour asking questions about that topic. (honestly research that, metal as fuck)
got very stoned before my social studies test and it was the only time when i got a good grade. my teacher wanted to become a philosopher as a child.
when it snowed my friend and i wrote “bio-chem sux” in snow on our school’s court, each letter was like 3 meters tall. we are bio-chem class.
when in additional bio class (starting at 7:20) our teacher asked me to explain photosynthesis i just answered with “i don’t know, the only thing that matters is that it works, why do we even have to look into that” while drinking coffee
learnt definition of personal space by heart and said it to everyone who tried to hug me on “national hugs day” because our school hosted some kind of fucked competition on number of hugs.
went to a gay bar with physics teacher on a school trip
threw a birthday party for my friend in school basement, with champagne, birthday cake and candles
brought cards against humanity to each english class for two weeks straight. after that we gave our teacher a cake as an apology for not paying attention to her subject, she was so happy she let us play CAH for one more class and while she was listening to pink floyd
went to church with class because we were all supposed to go and complained about “shitty karaoke equipment” for the whole mass
i still have a few days left and i’m thinking about making my “vaporize vodka” plan real. 
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rantsnomore · 8 years
Excuse me for a min
I lost today.. mentally I lost, physically I lost, everything I lost. It started out great I woke up 30 mins early because it was the first day of lectures so I had to get there early to get me an unassigned assigned seat so I did.. bio prof LOVES what she does so it makes me love this class. We haven't learned much but I hope she teaches a lotmuch! Orgo was next, it was in a lecture hall that had been redone with weird seats and I read ahead so I was excited(yes I was excited about ochem shoot me) but he didn't teach what I had read so I was salty af... then got over it because I think he'll hopefully be a good teacher and will really be into helping us learn orgo since we need to. Then ecology came along. Now I didn't know what to expect it's ecology right? How hard can it be? Ecosystem this ecosystem that.. my professor has such a thick accent, I can't understand her PLUS it's in a room that holds probably 250 people and there are I swear 248 people in that room... as soon as one person moves you can't hear jack shit so that SUCKED. Last I had my English class which idek I think the teacher is on crack haha but it'll be a blast. I came home after that class and Joanna was back... WHOOPIE right!?!? She was talking about classes and stuff and she said something about her math class being T,R (which she told me last semester was MWF) so I said isn't it MWF and she was like oh yeah I keep thinking it's Monday (because she just got back today even tho classes started yesterday) so I'd have math tomorrow then I thought BITCH EVEN IF IT WASSSSS MONDAY YOU WOULDNT HAVE MATH TOMORROW.. and the only reason I called her out is because we were having this conversation during the same time she was supposed to be in math so I felt the need to call her out since she also skipped her morning thing today.. so that happened. Then a few hours later I sat down to start my ecology homework because apparently it's bad.. yeah I underestimated bad and how long it would take and how drained I'd be after a full day of classes.. but that's besides the point joanna leaves at like 6 we'll say, mumbles something like she's going to get food(even though Kristen and I JUST (at 5:30) invited her to get food and she declined) well she came back at like 10:45 and mumbles about how tired she is... meanwhile in still in bed with 50 ecology problems left of around 200.. and no I'm still not done because she got into bed and covered her head so I decided to go to bed and finish the 30 I have left tomorrow.. anyway I ignored it because SHE HAS NO RIGHT to fucking complain about "how tired she is" because you know it's so FUCKING HARD TO SIT ON YOUR ASS ALL FUCKING DAY anyway this was my second day back.. it's been fun y'all but imma die this semester if it's like 100 more days of this shit ✌🏼
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