#my boy david noo
corvispirit · 2 years
after finishing the season (s&b SPOILERS)
once again, warning for spoilers
personally, loved the season and i totally understand why they changed the things they did. HOWEVER, still cannot get over that fact that they killed david? like hello? it bothers me that he’s not part of the triumvirate and that when they mentioned the triumvirate it was genya, zoya, and alina. correct me if i’m wrong since it’s been a while since i’ve read r&r, but isn’t it the whole point of the triumvirate that it’s one grisha of each order so all orders have a day which leads them to more equality? with genya, zoya, and alina there is no materialki (which would have been david). materialki was the order looked down upon the most in the grisha, seen as more worthless. honestly the other changes were fine, and i totally understand why they did it from a show standpoint. i do miss most of the iconic book lines though!!
on a happier/sad note depending on your perspective i am SO glad kaz and inej didn’t kiss, like every scene they were together, especially the emotional ones i was like please please don’t.
for the future of this series/maybe a six of crows spin-off i’d love to see jan van eck as a major antagonist and go more into wylan’s backstory. especially with pekka being sorta taken down but not 100% taken down taken down.
anyway, what are everyone else’s thoughts?
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min-pathologica · 8 days
drdt mastermind theory for funsies
i think everyone is a bit of mastermind, having willingly or unwillingly contributed to the creation of the killing game. it would explain the fork thing + the personal accommodations + secrets + down to suspiciously familiar clothes. i also think there’s an exception of one or at most two participants, those being teruko and / or xander. teruko is an easy one, but for deadboy xander to pull this off he’d have to consistently stay as plot relevant as he is now for the entire thing. he does however have the means, being a little rebel boy. maybe he tried to nope out last minute and got his shit forked?? on that topic, while it appears eden was the one who forked his shit up, that’s not eden’s handwriting on the note. she also does not fw blood obviously. maybe she just had to be there then for some reason, like delivering the note or something “hey mai just fucking keeled over and died and we found this note on her u want it before we start gayboy?” “shit!! fock!! i’m noping out!!” “can’t have that gayboy” slash slash. or something. “noo i gotta carry out mai’s dying wish now….” fucking faints and misses their little pre-amnesia feast. that i’d like to think they had hence the fork as a weapon. how teruko is involved i have no clue but i don’t think she’s a willing participant either way. oh yeah also the constant orient express references. that book keeps showing up and fun fact, everyone on the train except the main character conspired to kill the victim. like they literally all took a stab. which is peculiar. anyway i think after they finished their meal they went back to the dorms and huffed CRAZY amnesia juice. along with teruko and xander who were forced to also huff CRAZY amnesia juice. jk. i think they were going to purposely forget their involvement and participate in the killing game. for some fucking reason that idk but i’m sure they had a good one. i think it would be very inconvenient for them to actually go unconscious with the means lying around, so maybe they let monotv loose before huffing and told it to maneuver everyone into their dorm beds and pick up the cans of CRAZY amnesia juice. if they were all unconscious it wouldn’t have to know. hmm oh yeah and the secrets. people have mentioned how they’re kind of weird, like xander’s family one is crazy level shit (i knew from the start david fucked them up dude he cannot pull a single one on me) then eden’s is just ha lesbian. obviously forking xander’s shit up would be a pretty bad secret but not if they were prepared before that. my thought is that there’s something weird regarding the secrets preparation tho, because there’s no reason they need to be that spiteful. that we know of. if they wrote their own they’d probably be a bit more mellow…? and also, why weren’t they printed beforehand. monotv does not have opposable thumbs so idk how it would maneuver a computer and printer. unless monotv has the files inside and a printer function somewhere??
so like. where’s monotv’s printer.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 11 months
Summit thoughts it’s long so it’s under the cut
Vincent my baby😭❤️
Oh god my anxiety is rising
Ew porters here🙄
Ew Porter
I knew DAMN WELL that man wasn’t sorry
Atleast treasure isn’t here
“Can I be the one that punches him this time?” Yes yes you may😌
Almost done? We’re only 16 mins in? Oh no
She’s such a bitch.
I’m gonna shoot her
had to pause to chill myself
So it wasn’t alexys who brought Porter?
Hah that whore bitch
I’m still gon be a bitch at the summit idgaf
Nah it was alexys babes🤭
The ONE GOOD THING Porter did
He’s the best tracker?? Sus
Oh no revamps w David
Racist already???
can she stop being such a sly bitch?
Roll w dogs? Ima fight her bitch ass
Sam warned them abt Porter🤭
But like why is he there🤢
Why he talking to sh🙄
Tf closeknit got to do w anything
And sh was on closeknit?
He made a fucking ward????
The inversion is not a good topic
Porter is reframing a lil…
Ok stealth is stealthing
God I’m anxious
Sam was right abt a lot
Ash don’t know???
Sam make out sesh🤭
Omg Sam and darlin twinsies🤞🤞🤞
Love a good ol toxic ex
How did he like her then😒
What is it w these hoes and their “I can fix them” mentality
Wait did David just leave us w VAMPS
Ash tell that alpha
Sh is a v good stealth they can do it
Ash acting like a real beta❤️
Ok Angel was w him we’re good
Oh shit what’s sh doing
The drama is dramaing
They can go without the money they are just fucking fine
Losing ground?
Wtf is their mission tho? Blake’s mission? No Blake’s was a secret what all is closeknit ac trying to do
Ok I’m he’s planning smth what is it tho
Sam tryna be a sidelined
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cringemesstickles · 11 months
Pranks Come With Consequences
(TickleTober Day 27: Hysterical)
Summary: Jack takes a prank too far and David wants revenge
Pairing: implied none
Word Count: 1,053
In a cramped and dimly lit room, the unmistakable smell of ink and newsprint lingered in the air. Jack Kelly leaned against a wooden table, a sly grin spreading across his face as he watched David Jacobs furiously review the evening’s edition of the New York World.
“What did you do, Jack?” David’s voice carried an edge, his eyes narrowing as he came across a particular line in the paper—a line he definitely did not write.
“Aw, come on, Davey. It’s just a little joke!” Jack replied, chuckling. “No harm done, right?”
David slammed the paper onto the table, his eyes filled with indignation.
“A joke? You call replacing my carefully crafted sentences with ludicrous innuendos a joke? You jeopardized my credibility!”
Jack’s eyes widened as he registered David’s fury. A sense of dread settled over him, and he stammered,
“Look, I- uh- I didn’t think you’d get this mad... I’m sorry.”
David’s glare deepened, making Jack’s heart skip a beat. Then, with a sudden swiftness, David lunged at him, knocking Jack onto the beat up sofa.
“Oh, you’re gonna be sorry, alright,” David growled.
Before Jack could react, David pinned him down, his fingers swiftly descending towards Jack’s vulnerable sides.
Usually, David was gentle, employing feathery strokes to elicit laughter; but not this time.
This time, he dug his fingers in, scribbling rapidly and relentlessly into the sensitive flesh.
“Say you’re sorry!” David’s voice was stern, but his eyes twinkled.
“EEK- I-I’M SOHOHORRY!!” Cried Jack, flailing aimlessly under the torturous sensations.
“You don’t sound very sorry.”
David shifted to rake over his friends tummy, moving his hands in a circular motion, relishing how Jack’s laughter got louder and his belly seemed to quiver sensitively.
He’d been tickling the blonde for less than two minutes and he was already hysterical, something David found both ridiculous and endearing.
The brunette laughed at that, not halting his attack.
“Aw, you don’t like this? It’s just a little joke, remember?” He teased, causing a bright red blush to form on Jack’s face which was adorned with a childlike smile as he thrashed and guffawed.
Normally, David would relent by now; but in this moment, he was a man of vengeance and he wasn’t gonna stop until he felt that the little prankster had truly learned his lesson.
Besides, anyone with a brain could see the sparkling joy in Jack’s eyes. He was always up for mischief in any way, shape, or form, thus making it enjoyable for the both of them.
David’s nimble fingers wandered up to his victims underarms, drilling his thumbs into the hollows and earning a snort from the boy.
Jack squealed and kicked, slamming his arms down to his sides, which didn’t help at all; in fact, it only seemed to make it tickle more.
“GAHAHAHA- NOT THERE, NOT THEHEHERE!!” He cackled, tears of mirth starting to fall down his face as he wriggled like a worm on a hook, unable to escape the ruthless tickling.
David grinned, digging in harder and making Jack scream with laughter.
“Aw, what’s the matter, Jack? Does this tickle? Does it? Maybe next time, you’ll think of the consequences before pulling a stupid prank like that.”
Jack’s bright boisterous laughter echoed through the room, almost filling it with a feeling of warmth.
The troublemakers struggling was beginning to falter, going limp and surrendering to the tickly torment and letting himself be consumed by his own hysterical reactions.
David pulled his hands away for a moment to give Jack a breather, though it was clear by the fire in his eyes that he wasn’t finished quite yet.
“Well? You ready for more tickles?” He teased, wiggling his fingers just above the blonde’s ribs, knowing it was a tickle hot spot.
Jack’s eyes widened comically and his squirming picked up again, renewed with a newfound desperation.
“Oh no. nononono, Davey, plehehehease! I’m sohohorryyy!!” Giggled Jack, tingling with anticipation as he watched those scarily skilled digits inch closer and closer to his most ticklish spot, both eager and dreadful.
“Nope. Not buying it. I don't think you’re truly sorry yet.” Smirked the brunette, a devious glint in his eye.
“I am, I am!! Dahahavey, pleHEHEHEASE- OH GOHOHOD!”
A mixture of snorts, shrieks, and squeals filled the room as Jack was tossed into a bout of hysterics, kicking and thrashing like a wild horse as David’s fingers dug harshly into his ribs, pinching skittering and squeezing the sensitive spot.
“Aw, listen to that beautiful laughter. You’re just too adorable when you’re all helpless and squirmy~” David cooed, delighting in the way Jack’s cheeks managed to flush even darker, taking on a cherry red hue.
“NOHOHOOOO!! D-DAVEY, STOHOHOHOP!” Jack pleaded, struggling to breathe through all the laughter.
“Stop what? Tickling you, or calling you cute?”
Figuring the boy had learned his lesson, David began to ease up; but there was one last thing he wanted to do.
“Alright, I think you’ve learned your lesson. But just to make sure…”
Quickly pulling Jack’s shirt up, David lowered his head and blew a loud raspberry right on the blonde’s ribs, getting a shrill shriek in response.
At this point, Jack was nearly incoherent.
His body went completely still and he seemed to lose his voice, with a bright smile glued to his face as, he let his head fall back as he let out silent happy laughter.
Seeing his friend was genuinely struggling to breathe, the brunette pulled away, getting off of the boy and giving him some room to calm down.
“You alright?” He asked, getting a tired nod from Jack who was gasping for air and giggling from the phantom tickles.
“Good. Now let this be a lesson… next time you wanna pull a stupid prank like that, you better be prepared for the consequences.”
Jack nodded frantically, still flushed from the attack.
“Heard you loud and clehehear; no more pranks… for now… hehe” He grinned cheekily, David merely rolling his eyes with exasperation.
“You’re incorrigible, Jack…” David chuckled fondly.
Jack Kelly could be a real handful sometimes, but David, no matter how frustrated he could get with his friend’s shenanigans, wouldn’t have him any other way.
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riverstardis · 2 years
it starts with the shoes:
noo david take your lithium!!
ollie's gotta go to spain with rosa so david's brought him into work
alicia looking pretty as usual🥰🥰
gem's giving people the wrong change for their coffees
david's bought matching shoes for him and ollie so that when he's in spain they can be wearing the same shoes and they won't feel so far apart. but ollie looks worried about them but then he says he doesn't want to go to spain
lmaoo sam passes by just as dylan and louise are talking about how they need a bed for a patient so they corner him
sam says they can see the board about the booze bus proposal
uh oh gem can't read the massive sign that says nil by mouth on the old lady's bed in the corridor
"it's at the end of her bed, can't you read?" i don't think louise actually thought that literally😭
david telling his patient's daughter that sometimes the medication can dampen who they are but it's necessary after he's completely stopped taking his own medication???
david going "schizophrenia! are you tryna make me feel at home!" to jacob and then laughing really hard and jacob just asks if he's okay :(
sjjjsffg i love dylan
ollie told rosa he doesn't want to go to spain and then he tells David "don't worry, dad, i'll look after you" "what?" "i mean, before you get too ill" "but i'm not ill" "the trainers? you don't remember do you? you bought fluorescent trainers. before." "did i?" "just before you ran off. i'm gonna stay here and look after you" bit of a wake up call for David :( he rings rosa back because he realises it's best if ollie does go to spain after all
"ollie, you'll always, always be my little boy"😢😢😢
aww ollie offering the patient's daughter his crisps🥺
louise taking the board to see the patient in the corridor and some of them step in the sick on the floor nearby sjfjfgjg that'll really drive the point home
"and i have to get better. and when i do, i will come and find you, and will bring you home. i promise, the next time you see me, i will be wearing the most boring shoes ever"🥺🥺
but ollie doesn't actually go back to live with him until s34 right? iirc this is the last time we see him until the market attack ep?
gem tells iain that she can't really count or read much
david's sad that ollie's leaving but he tells robyn that he hasn't felt this much in years and it feels amazing and he goes home and cries and flushes all his medication😬
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(so here are my thoughts that I had while reading it)
• Lol Nikolai has a horse named Punchline, I love him so much
• Sankta Zoya Y E S
• Nina is sooo badass I love her - Brum needs to die btw
• Fjerda is a little shit
• "If not for Nina, their blessed termite eating at the heart of Fjerda’s government" - did I mention I love Nina?????
• Nikolai is a freaking mastermind and I love him
• Nina adopting Kaz's mindset when back at the Ice Court is what I live for
• Nikolai is soooo in love with Zoya I AM GOING CRAZY
• Zoya's "you forget that in Kerch greed is a virtue" gave me MAJOR Kaz vibes... I miss my crow babies
• Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I don't really like Ehri
• I just REALLY love the found family trope and seeing everyone gathered in Zoya's rooms and Zoya curled up on the couch next to Genya I just AAAAAAAAA
• I absolutely adore the whole concept of the Darkling's prison and the CONSTANT sunlight he has to face HA - Alina vibes
• OMG "bring me Alina Starkov" WHAT THE FUCK I have literal chills ESPECIALLY after seeing the S&B trailer:)
• Nina being so confident in everything she learned from the Crows gives me so much serotonin I WANT MY BABIESSS
• Oh my god... I like prince Rasmus, he gives me major Nikolai vibes
• I draw immense satisfaction from Kaz and Zoya using "podge" as their preferred curse word :))))
• I'm seeing Nikolai talking a lot about accepting his death and being undisturbed by the prospect of it and it feeaks me out - if he dies, I die with him
• Random, but: they need to get the thorn stuff from the Order of Sankt Feliks or whatever, right??? Maybe they have to steal it... and they would require expertise... MAYBE SOME CROWS PLS???????? (I am such a clown)
• Okay wait... so the letters that prove Nikolai is a bastard are in the druskelle sector... PLEASE TELL ME NINA HAS TO BREAK IN THE ICE COURT the fact that she is back there ALONE makes my heart clench so hard... I MISS MY CROWS
• FUCK ALINA SHOWED UP (also Oncat apparently and now I want to cry about Harshaw again)... AND MAL I can't take this I AM HYPERVENTILATING
• I AM LEGIT ON THE FLOOR Yuri is still there FINALLY understanding that the Darkling is evil AND NOW MY MAIN MAN GOT HIS POWERS BACK oh, I love the chaos
• Nikoali is the most fucking badass amazing cunning freakishly intelligent idiot I have ever seen in my entire life, my love for him is immesurable, I cannot put into words just how awesome his awesomeness is TAKE THAT MAKHI YOU BITCH
• OH HELL NO the demon is trying to escape SMACK THAT BITCH NIKOLAI BABY
• Oh wow, Rasmus is crazyyyy af he isn't anything like Nikolai my perfect boi SORRY
• OMG Nikolai's dad us a good guy??? I feel so sorry for him... SO NIKOLAI WAS RIGHT TO BE A ROMANTIC huh
• FUCKING HELL again with the nichevo’ya???? Darkling bby, what the HECK
• "This is what love does" one of the most powerful quotes tbh
• Wait... they want to???? STEAL??? titanium from the Kerch??? .... DOES THIS MEAN.... C R O W S?????
• Okay but... the Darkling's POV? POWER MOVE I love it!!! And the fact that he uses Aleksander as his name with zero reticence now is just *chef's kiss*
• I'm sorry but... I don't like Mayu's chapters I AM SO SORRY I DON'T
• Nina is my badass queen STEP ASIDE PEASANTS
• All these SoC Easter Eggs and mentions are driving me insane
• Idk why but imagining the Darkling drinking beer is sooo funny to me
• I AM LOSING MY SHIT they are in Ketterdam KETTERDAM does that mean ....DOES THAT MEAN ....I better see my Crows or I am throwing hands
• The Zoyalai conversations in this book are KILLING me
• OH MY FUCKING GOD so Kaz took the Emerald Palace over and renamed it THE SILVER SIX???? LIKE???? I AM LEGIT CRYING???
• Ummm...Zoya, honey, WHY do you want to VOLUNTARILY stay away from Nikolai, HUH?????
• The Crows' banter is WHAT I LIVE FOR
• Kaz is the most cold, badass and calculating motherfucker on the planet, I love him soooo much
• Kaz's reaction to Nikolai's demon is legit the funniest shit ever
• Kaz and Nikolai are bffs - THIS IS HEADCANON LEAVE ME BE
• Queen Leyti has severely disappointed me
• I am having waayyyyy too much fun reading about the Darkling among blindly faithful monks - this is the stuff of sitcoms
• (I know the Crows only had a cameo and they won't pop up again, but I can't help desperation wanting to see Nina reunite with them and PLEASE GIVE ME INEJ!!!)
• Honestly, it's pretty cool getting to have a look in the Darkling's head - it's SUPER fucked up
• OOOOO the blight vs the Darkling = the only confrontation I want to see
• I don't care much for Hanne x Nina, but I have to admit that they make a very cute couple
• WAIT NO it was their plan all along HOLY SHIT electricity RULEZZZZ who knew physics would prove THIS useful???
• UUUGHH FUCK THE APPARAT I am so sick of this guy - Zoya was right, they should have killed him
• HELL YEAH ZOYA IS A DRAGOOON fuck some shit up sweety Y E S
• Also... the Darkling winking at Nikolai? FLERT
• WHAT THE FUCK???? HANNE DIED??? holy shit, why???? WHY CAN'T NINA BE HAPPY???????
• Nikolai is an absolute SAVAGE in a debate
• Idk what to think abt Rasmus... he was kinda badass for standing up against Brum
• Okay I stan the Darkling again
• I really???? LOVE??? this ending for the Darkling??? Idk but it is VERY fitting
• ALINA!!!! AT ZOYA'S!!!! CORONATION!!!! my life is complete
• The conversation at the end between Alina, Zoya and Genya DESTROYED ME
• I fainted, I ascended, I DIED at the last page
• Leigh, you ARE goig to write what happens next, right? RIGHT? RIGHT????
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stargirlwnchstr · 4 years
I have a visual to share with y'all. Say welcome to my long ass 'The Foxes + tiktok' headcanon
@ nickythefox_es (part 1???)
Basically Nicky gets tiktok but all of the foxes show up eventually and just use his profile.
• Most of the videos are with nicky and allison, also matt and dan and occasionally neil.
• Allison and nicky learn so many dances.
• Their duet of make his pockets hurt with Mariah and Zane from the vlog squad is the first one to go v i r a l.
• Yeah most of their followers know them but some and a lot of the comments are non exy fans that just watch them because they're cool
• So many of the "what is exy" "stickball game??" "dont even bother explaining to me what is the sport they play I dont care I'm just here for neil." And related comments get a liked from creator (andrew told nicky to like them)
•The "Oh my god she's coming." "I'm so afraid of her." Audio are the twinyards and nicky shows up, he had to bribe them to be a part of that one.
• They post another version but it's Kevin that enters and Allison and Nicky talking
• So many comments thirsting over them and calling matt and dan parents
• "the real bisexual struggle is simping for matt and dan in the same tiktok." -> liked from creator nickythefox_es commented/replied: ASDGFKSSDWADKWB
• Someone makes a 'put a finger down: Neil Josten edition' and nicky drags him to do it. They both smile as they listen to the prompts and Neil obviously puts all his fingers down but they're like "put a finger down if you clapbacked/if you bad mouthed someone (bonus points if it was on national tv)" "put a finger down if you're under 6 feet" "put a finger down if you love exy" and the last one just says "put a finger down if andrew minyard." Neil does and smiles at someone off camera. Needless to say it goes viral as well. A few weeks after nicky gets verified.
• Allison becomes friends with thenavarose and wisdom sorry I dont make the rules (they're fashion tiktokers)
• They make a series of rating each of the foxes throughout the day, including one of Wymack.
• They do receive bad comments, from bitter ravens fans or just recalling their pasts and nicky sits down and makes a video telling everyone about how they do this videos for fun they dont need hate and negative comments on their videos and all that
• Then another one posted minutes after, neil comes in and nicky says "okay neil you have one minute. Rant off." And neil goes on this rant like how they already hit Rock bottom a single comment is not gonna hurt them and "do you get how insignificant and meaningless your lives must be? You took the time to write and post a comment that you thought was gonna cause an impact and failed. Also thanks for the comments though it helps nicky stay on the algorithm." NICKY SCREECHES AND THE VIDEO ENDS WITH THEM SMILING
• Allison vlogs neil and her going shopping or thrifting also cutting Neil's hair
• *neil walks into the room wearing his orange bandana* *camera moves and zooms on Andrew's face* he doesnt lip sync but the song sings "oh noo I think I'm catching feelings" andrew tells him to delete it "but it already has thousands of likes andrew"
• They post some of their work out routines per request
• One of them is the fast and "I'm spinning like a ballerina" chill of neil just running on the treadmill and doing sprints and squats and leg stuff while it cuts to allison doing a bit of everything but looking like a queen on a matching set.
• A fun one that goes viral for "vine energy" is: it's very quiet on the court and Kevin, very in the zone, throws the ball to the goal, which Andre's catches easily and almost without moving. The camera goes back to kevin as he screeches and let's himself fall on the ground. Neil is standing beside him shaking his head and looking at the goal with a smile on his face.
• They try to teach neil the dances but while filming one of them he just leaves. They post it either way.
• They're in the bus, nicky is on selfie mode and says "it is game day my dudes" he turns and shows the whole bus S C R E A M S, in the corner Wymack is covering his face.
• The iconic "they say drunk thoughts are sober words" or something like that and it cuts to a series of videos of the foxes drunk af. Example: Nicky grabbing Allison's face and saying 'Remember. Bread. Head. Leave.' And allison nodding.
• Nicky films kevin standing up and put the "do you ever wonder what is going on inside their head?" And it cuts to pictures of racquets and exy and Jeremy Knox and one that says history stuff.
• Another one that goes viral is kevin very seriously and p e r f o r m i n g, rapping Jefferson's side of the cabinet battle #1 from Hamilton then towards the end andrew stands up in front of him and with his iconic bored expression he starts rapping Hamilton's part. Behind the camera there's a soft "...oh my gOD" and kevin is shocked eyes widen open and then the camera zooms on Neil who's mouth is open in shock but GRINNING and ~impressed~
• Dan and matt do The challenge, you know the one that like has to flip them over and all that and they ace it, nicky points the camera to where andrew and neil are stating and Andrew says no.
• A few minutes later another video of the challenge is posted only this time is matt and neil.
• Nicky and allison are in full gear filming a dance video (maybe savage or captain hook) on the court and someone films them filming that and then Wymack looking at them SO disappointed cut to Wymack with nicky's phone, having confiscated it and nicky besides him "coach, it's cardio!"
• Hours spent trying trick shots
• Foxes: "get back! Move!" Ravens: "Let me in! I be the I g g y!" Trojans: "Oh my God do no let her in" Foxes: "I am trying!"
• Nicky lying down: "okay but someone needs to tell me how old is the shirtless pottery guy. I can't be part of another controversy. It's for science c'mon. *debby Ryan's*"
• Someone comments "he's eighteen. Simp away, nicky." And he makes a video with his feet swinging and smiling. Aaron gets on the frame and says "we are deeply in need of some bowls." The caption: hi @ papapots
• They are verified so obviously he gains a couple of thousands followers and he duets smiling and with a package in his arms. Text: thanks for the support (and hi new followers from sport side of tiktok hope you enjoy my pots) caption: hi @ nickthefox_es I got you aaron.
• After the package comes they duet it with nicky screaming and showing off the goods and then he moves stop show andrew eating ice cream out of one of them. Caption: AJSNEPWLDKSS THANK YOU DAX
• Allison and nicky do the "I love you!" "No you dont topper! You love the idea of me. You love being seen with me but you dont love me." But nicky is Sarah and allison is topper. Next day the obx ig page reposted it "we stan the psu foxes pogues for life." And chase stokes posts it on Twitter saying "yoo the palmetto foxes watch??? my show???" Nicky takes a screenshot and on green screen he says "hi chase!! We do! The whole team binged it. Currently we've been debating who of us is going to dress up as pogues for Halloween." A lot of voices start arguing and as nicky is gonna enter the debate the video cuts.
• Allison does the facetime *deep male voice says hey* prank on them. Neil doesnt react. Nicky doesnt look up from his phone but does the finger thing and says "get that d, allison!" Dan and renee look at each other and then at allison and she bursts out laughing.
• aaron studying to be a doctor: *two plus two is four etc sound* andrew (eating pretzels from the bag while watching a game show lying down in a bean bag) and his eiditic memory [basically not needing to study]: *three is a magic number sound*
• Nicky runs through the court and enters the lounge beside the photo wall there's a poster he shows the camera as the sounds says it "alive ahaha fuck"
• Somehow they convince all of them to show up and do the wipe it down trend that ends up with wymack throwing the towel at the mirror.
• Comment: so how many members of the team listen to girl in red or sweater weather? Nicky stands there with the color filter: 👁👄👁👉👈 caption: yes❤
• He gets neil to duet to the whole "british people be like". "Neil I'm not british." "Part of you is so just read the tweets." He does and the comments are all thirst and simping
• Comment: raise your hand if you've been victimized by neil josten. Where my fellow Simps at? (The comment gets hundreds of thousands of likes) they make a video, everyone on the team except aaron who walks out raises their hand as the sound says "welcome to simp nation" kevin rolls his eyes but raises his, says something that nicky captions "i simp over his exy skills". andrew doesn't at first, but next to him neil whispers something and after andrew says yes, neil grabs Andrew's forearm and raises it. Andrew looks away and neil smiles.
• Nicky lying down: okay but what if Jean moreau traded places with the french guy from here you know who, david.
• Comment "ugh your mind nicky" reply video: right? Big brain, many thoughts, head full all the time. But like actually the idea of david playing exy and Jean hanging out with ducks and making viral tiktoks just-
• Comment "i feel you and @ austincantdrive would make the best chaotic duo" reply: we would be too powerful together. Austin replies too: agree.
• Allison makes a sports jersey/comfy wear but make it fashion and she styles herself. Everyone on the comments d i e s for her.
• Comment "okay but what about the boys. help allison." She makes a video too with matt and nicky and at the end neil wears an orange crop top and the internet b r e a k s
• Comment "allison do you listen to girl in red?" video reply: her winking at the camera and lip syncing as sweater weather plays. The comments a lot of them liked by creator: a win for the girls (and the boys)
• Upperclassmen Back in 2003: okay but hey do we always have to be involved? Can we do normal stuff that normal people do, like, go for brunch? Us (aaron, andrew, kevin and me): what the fuck is brunch?
• Of course they do the mr blue sky trend. Nicky: drunkenly goes to flirt with a guy. Aaron: drunkenly follows to get away from kevin. Kevin: drunk on pure vodka reminds us we have practice in the morning.
• Or another one all of them. Neil: ready to insult a reporter. Dan: tries not to laugh on camera. Matt: gets ready to hug him afterwards Allison and Nicky: Filming everything. Wymack: the only one trying to stop it from happening and failing.
• Dan and matt duet their reactions to every video edit of them, smiling and saying "your parents love you guys!".
• Comment "literally what is wrong with the ravens/ravens fans?The foxes are such a nice group of people and they're doing great in the sport y'all worship just shut up you cult-y athletic hype house." video reply: "ladies and gentlemen. The volume inside of this bus is A S T R O N O M I C A L."
• comment video reply: okay so we're not gonna talk about nicky at the gym?? Bc C A K E. nicky lip syncing "I'm glad you brung it up because I've been dying to talk about this for a fucking hot minute. First of all-"
• Colin uses one of Neil's or Andrew's interviews replies as one of his sounds and nicky fanboys a lot
• Allison and nicky do the Kardashian sound compilation.
• Nicky with a picture of Erik on green screen: "hi I just wanna say if you look anything like this please contact me. Thank you." Caption: miss u baby. And Erik watches his tiktoks and he facetimes him immediately. Nicky takes a screenshot and duets his own video crying with the screenshot caption: SKALSBSKAJSL Erik comments: stop making tiktoks and answer the phone, hemmick. Nicky replies: yessir everyone below comments keyboard smashes and you got a good one. Goals. Lmao kids that's what we call bottom panic. We stan one healthy long distance relationship and after that a bunch of long distance relationship questions that he makes another video on.
• A video of Katelyn and neil chatting and it pans to the twins watching them with the *when worlds collide sound*
• He reposts a snippet of one of his interviews post game where he grabs the mic from the reporter and nicky: can I say something? Reporter: sure, go ahead. Nicky: thank you. *looks straight into the camera* all the birds died in 1986 due to Reagan killing them and replacing them with spies that are now watching us. The birds work for the bourgeoisie. Thank you." And leaves. IT GOES VIRAL INSTANTLY.
• Comment "is everyone else gonna forget that tiktok where he said he was already part of a controversy? We stan a problematic icon?" Video reply: guys I might have been part of a whole Twitter beef thing against my little hoodie and Bruce hallway but c'mon, like, c'mon you can't blame me.
• Comment "for neil: does the carpet match the drapes 👅😍?" Video reply: neil on selfie mode. "Allison gave me her phone, told me to answer this and ran away so umm." He reads the box on the screen and frowns he walks and stands next to the window, where Andrew is sitting down and is barely seen on frame. "uhmm, the internet is confusing. Our carpet is like this" he turns the phone and shows the floor (grayish carpet) and then back at him "but we don't have drapes so, technically they don't match, I dont know." Andrew's head goes up and simply says "Neil." Neil turns "what?" And the video ends.
• of course nicky and allison do the WAP dance, on the court, when they should be running drills.
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newtsies · 3 years
Wish You Were Sober || Ralbert One Shot
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a/n: this one shot is based off the song ‘Wish You Were Sober’ by Conan Gray! anything italicized and bold is lyrics of the song! its from Alberts perspective but its 3rd person if that makes sense idk. includes both  92sies and livesies characters. albert and race are based off of the livesies characters
tw: mentions of alcohol, drunk race, swearing, mentions of weed, mentions of possible drink spiking
modern college newsies au!
word count: 2,401
this party's shit
All Albert wants to do is leave, but he couldn’t do that. Race was drunk, even though he would deny it, it was obvious. Now usually that wouldn’t stop Albert from leaving but, Racetrack had driven himself. He couldn’t let his drunk friend drive himself home.
All Albert wants to do is leave, but he couldn’t do that. Race was drunk, even though he would deny it, it was obvious. Now usually that wouldn’t stop Albert from leaving but, Racetrack had driven himself. He couldn’t let his drunk friend drive himself home.
“Racer,” Albert yelled into Race’s ear over the loud music.
He grinned widely at him and threw his arms around Albert, “Albie!! Have ya had a drink yet? C’monn, juss take a sip!”
Albert winced at the smell of alcohol on the blonde boys breath and shook his head, “You’re drunk, Race. Let’s go. You’re gonna have a horrible hangover tomorrow!”
“Aw, I’m not drunk, Albie!!” He slurred, “C’mon, have some fun! Don’t be soo tense!”
go anywhere but here
“Racetrack, I really don’t want to be here,” Albert begged, “Can’t we go to McDonalds or something? Get you coffee and get you sober?” Race shook his head.
“Noo, they have good drinks! Just try the beer, you’ll see!” Race raised his can but Albert pushed the cup away from him. Race shrugged and walked away into the crowd.
Albert stood on his toes in attempt to follow his friend through the crowd. Race walked towards Jack Kelly, the football captain, who had his arm wrapped around David Jacobs shoulder. As Racetrack sat down, he was offered a blunt from Skittery.
don’t take a hit
Racetrack pulled it to his lips and inhaled. Albert frowned as he watched his friend blow out the smoke and smile. He repeated this action a couple more times.
Albert shook his head again and made his way back to a couch. He sat down, trying to get away from the loudness. The music still boomed, even in the farthest corners of the house. People bumped into his leg and shouted over each other. He closed his eyes and covered his ears in an attempt to escape his reality.
A few seconds passed before he felt someone sit next to him. He opened his eyes to see Racetrack, still holding the joint. Albert was met with a tired looking smile, but he knew his friend was anything but tired. Race started to lean into his face, but Albert pushed his face away lightly.
don’t kiss my lips
Race frowned for a second but shrugged and went back to smoking. Eventually, he got up and handed the blunt back to Skittery. Albert watched as he danced to the music, carefree. Acting as though there was no one else in the world.
Albert was memorized and watched him with a grin. The song ended, Race made his way to the kitchen. Albert jumped up and followed him, pushing through the crowd.
“Race!” He called, finally pushing into the kitchen.
and please don’t drink more beer
Racetrack brought the can of beer up to his lips and chugged it down. Albert winced once more and attempted to pull the drink away. However, he was ignored and pushed away as his friend continued to drink.
“Race, you’re cross-faded,” Albert groaned, “I really think you should go home. I’ll drive you, or walk you.”
“I’m fine, Albie! Honestly. It’s a partyyy, this is supposed to happen!” Race stated confidently, his words slurring every so often. Albert shook his head and looked at Race desperately. His friend ignored him and instead grabbed onto his hand and pulled him through the house.
“Albert! Racetrack!” Spot called out to them, “Hey guys!”
“Spott!” Race slurred and giggled. He pulled Albert towards to Spot.
Spot had a beer in hand but placed a hand on Race’s chest to hold him up, “Jesus, Race. You’re drunk as hell. Having a good time?” Racetrack nodded excitedly at him. Spot smiled and looked at Albert. “Haven’t had a drink yet, man?”
“He wants to goo, can you believe him?” Race scoffed.
“Albert! C’mon, man! You gotta just let loose some times!” Spot quirked his eyebrow and held out his drink to Albert.
Albert shook his head, “No thanks, Spot. This really isn’t my kinda place. Thanks though, it was pretty cool. I had fun.” That was a lie. There was nothing fun about this to him, but you wouldn’t catch him dissing the football captains party.
i’ma crawl out the window now
Albert pulled away from Race’s hand and pushed his way to the front door. Sarah Jacobs was using the door to support her back as she giggled her way through kisses with Elmer. Elmer too was laughing as he kissed her and ran his hands through her hair.
Albert sighed and swerved towards an open window. He climbed through it and fell onto the grass. The grass was cold and wet, possibly from dew or possibly from spilled alcohol. He groaned and walked out.
cause i don’t like anyone around
He was grateful to finally be away from everyone. The music was a lot quieter and he could only faintly hear people talking. Although he had no beer, his head was pounding. He rubbed his forehead and sighed.
kinda hope you’re followin’ me out
He heard someone fall through the window and turned around to see who it was. Instead of being met with Race, as he hoped, he saw Henry on the floor laughing. Henry jumped out and shouted at the boys as he pulled himself back in through the window.
but this is definitely not my crowd
Romeo was passed out on the stairs, his head hanging off the step. His arm was hanging off too but his hand was wrapped firmly around a can of beer. Mush and Kid Blink were making out against the door too, except on the front side. They weren’t giggling either, just kissing each other.
A baseball flew threw one of the windows and nearly hit Albert, who ducked just in time. The whole window was shattered. Albert shook his head and continued to walk throw the lawn until he got to the sidewalk.
19 but you act 25 now
Albert was stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulder, weakly attempting to hold him back. He turned to see Race who was panting and smiling at him. Albert smiled a little back at him and helped him stand up straight.
“They had so much alcohol! It was all amazing- They had- They had the best brands too! The wine made me feel so fancy!” Race rambled.
Albert chuckled a little, “You’re 19, Race. How do you know so much about alcohol? You can’t even legally drink it yet.”
His friend grinned and shrugged as he kept talking about the party.
knees weak, but you talk pretty proud, wow
Race was all but wobbling, leaning against Albert for support. Nonetheless, he continued to talk about his adventures clearly.
“I downed like 5 cans,” He stated proudly, “Hey, did you know Crutchie is like amazing at chugging! He downed like 8 beer cans! Oh, today. Spot taught me that space doesn’t stop expanding, isn’t that crazy?”
Albert nodded, pretending as if they didn’t learn that in 8th grade. Race looked at the cup in his hand, noticing it still had liquid in it. He grinned and brought it to his lips, drinking the practically full cup in just one gulp. Albert sighed.
ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Race shivered as cold air hit his knees through the rips in his jeans. His flannel blew behind him and presented the white tank top underneath it. He held the empty cup in his hand.
Albert couldn’t help but watch Race. His friend was very attractive, he wouldn’t deny it to himself, only to other. Racetrack crumpled the cup and tossed it into some yard.
“That’s not good for the environment,” Albert sighed, but Race just shrugged at him. Albert continued, “What was in the cup?”
trade drinks, but you don’t even know her
“Dunno! Me and this reallyyyy pretty girl traded drinks!” He grinned.
“Who was it?”Albert asked.
“No idea,” Race chuckled, “Never seen her before! Didn’t ask for her name, music was too loud.”
“Race!” Albert groaned, “The drink coulda been spiked!”
“Nah,” He laughed, “Saw her drink out of it before we traded. Plus, I feel fine. I left anyways, so it’ll be okay.”
save me ‘til the party is over
“Anyways, I noticed you were gone. Thought you were kidding. Decided I’ll keep you company ‘til the party ended. Consider it me saving you,” Race grinned, his words slurring even more than at the party.
Albert forced a smile and shook his head.
“Give me your keys,” Albert stated. Race tilted his head in confusion but gave him the keys anyway. They walked together to Race’s Rover. Albert held the door open for Race and helped him inside. He then closed the door and climbed into the drivers side.
kiss me in the seat of your rover
As soon as he got into the driver seat, Race grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. For a second, Albert forgot his friend was drunk. He slid his hand into Race’s hair and kissed him back, until he opened his mouth and Albert could taste the alcohol Race had drank. Albert pulled away and pushed away Race’s hands away as his friend attempted to pull him into a kiss again.
real sweet but i wish you were sober
Albert looked up and held his eyes open, attempting to hold back tears. He closed his eyes and banged his head gently against the steering wheel.
“Why did you pull away,” Race whispered.
“You’re drunk,” Albert choked out, “You’ll forget tomorrow, anyways. I can’t kiss you. Just drunken feelings, Race, that’s what you’re feeling. I don’t feel that. I got real feeling, sober feelings. Let’s get you home, yeah?”
trip down the road
Albert turned the keys and started the car. Driving off towards Race’s house. Nearly halfway there, the car started sputtering. He pulled off to the side, only to see the gas tank was empty.
He groaned and got out of the car, pulling Race out too. Albert called Tripple-A.
“We can take you boys home,” The tow-truck driver offered. Albert shook his head.
“We’ll walk, it’s only a bit from here,” Albert stated and pulled Race along the sidewalk.
walking you home
Race couldn’t walk straight. Albert was holding his hand and pulling him, but he kept tripping. Albert sighed and ducked under Race’s armpit and supported him. He wrapped his arm around his blonde friend’s waist and held him up.
Albert continued to walk himself and Race towards the rental house his friend lived at. After a bit, they finally arrive at the house. Albert walked him up the porch.
you kiss me at your door
Racetrack grabbed Albert’s face and pulled him into a kiss again. Albert sighed and pulled away, resting his forehead against Race’s. Race sighed too, the alcohol on his breath filled Albert’s nose. He groaned and grabbed his friends keys.
He pulled Race into his own house and sat him down on the couch, moving to the kitchen. Albert quickly made coffee, black coffee, and sat down next to Race. He brought the cup up to Racetrack’s lips and made him drink it.
Race’s nose wrinkled at the bitter taste, but he drank it anyways. Albert brought the cup down and place it on the table.
“Finish drinking the coffee. Take this,” Albert placed an ibuprofen on the table, “Then go to sleep, okay? I’ll come check up on you tomorrow.” He started to get up.
pulling me close, beg me stay over
Race pulled Albert close to him, and looked at him with sad eyes.
“Stay, Albert. Please,” He begged, “You can stay on the couch. Don’t leave me here alone.”
but i’m over the roller coaster
Albert sighed and kissed Race on the forehead, “Not this time, Race. You’ve  kissed me twice today, and you’ll forget that in like 5 minutes. I’m tired, man. It’s been a crazy day. Tomorrow, I’ll be back. I promise. I gotta go.”
i’ma crawl out the window now
He placed the house keys on the table and moved towards the door. Albert figured that Race wouldn’t get up, meaning he wouldn’t lock the door behind Albert. So, he locked the door for him then crawled out of Race’s window. He closed the window behind him and watched Race’s hand lazily lock the window.
getting good at saying, “gotta bounce”
Albert didn’t expect to drag himself home. Usually, he would just go along with what Race said. “Stay,” was all it usually took to get him to stay.
He’s just getting better at saying goodbye, he figures.
honestly you always let me down
Race was always dragging him to things, promising to not drink. It never happened. He would always drag him home and make sure he didn’t die. But, no matter how many times Race let him down, Albert would still go along with him.
Albert grumpily walked into his house, angrily slamming the door behind him. He kissed Race twice today. His friend wouldn’t even remember. He shook back tears before climbing into bed and falling asleep.
He woke up early the next morning due to a consistent ringing of his door bell. A hand banged on the door repeatedly while the door bell rang. Albert climbed out of bed and opened the door.
and i know we’re not just hanging out
Albert didn’t even get a minute to register who was at the door before he was pulled into a kiss.
“I didn’t forget,” Race whispered into his ear before pulling him back into another kiss. Albert grinned and finally kissed him back.
No trace of alcohol was in Race’s system.
He was sober.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I read the chapter last night sitting in the living room crying while everyone else slept, unaware of my pain and anguish...
The warlock gang just-
His hands, which used to hold his son close.
His lips, which used to kiss his son good night.
His eyes, which used to watch his son smile at his jokes.
His shoulders, which used to carry his son everywhere.
Everything inside him hurt.
Because he had loved Rafael like that.
With everything.
I'm so fucking sad right now
Magnus didn’t want to be strong. He just wanted to stop hurting.
Me every morning-
He had prepared himself for it.
No. No. He had prepared himself for Alec.
Not this.
Not Rafael.
Not his baby.
Because he had prepared himself for Alec but he probably thought that hed have his kids...
LoL Magnus you don't have to so it max will take care of the necromancy
“I don’t know where this newfound obsession with dungeons came from, Ragnor. But please keep your BDSM kinks to yourself.”
A burst of laughter broke through Catarina.
“There you are,” the woman whispered, grabbing his face. “There is our Magnus.”
“I’d like to think I am more than just a pretty face and dirty jokes,” Magnus pointed out.
Ok I laughed-
But he didn’t know what he would do when he got his hands on the assassin.
All he knew was that he would make them regret what they had done.
You can't heal without letting yourself feel the pain first
Please Alec
“Max…Max taught me how to be a parent,” Magnus smiled. “But Rafael…He was the one who made me believe I was good at it.”
“He taught me how to be a better shadowhunter,” Alec smiled then. “I…I know there is much I need to learn. I was willing to listen. I just hoped there was more time
Tears. Sitting alone on a couch in the living room at midnight crying
Let max have snakes 😔😔
Justice for Benjamin
Because Rafael hadn’t come looking for justice last night. Rafael had come looking for his parents.
He remembered Rafael’s face. He remembered the tears.
He remembered Rafael’s voice. He remembered the tremors.
Magnus had thought Rafael was angry.
Angry at his parents. Angry with the Clave.
But no.
Rafael had been terrified.
That's it isn't it?
They don't get to have a second shot at this
His baby had been terrified, and Magnus hadn’t realized it.
Because Magnus had been terrified too.
His hands shook badly. He wanted to wrap them around the neck of whoever did this to his boys.
He wanted to squeeze the life out of them.
You and me both
“Keep your promise,” Alec said simply. “Watch out for Magnus and the kids.”
There was a moment of silence. Jace didn’t say anything. He simply held his breath.
“And Max,” Alec corrected, his voice tight. “Watch out for Magnus and Max.”
Is Selena going to tell them about Michael...?
Of course, the boy who would set the world on fire for the one he loved.
So it's the big bad villian then...
Gabriel that's enough stop it right now
Max just read up about it
David had said gently. “So, use it for good. Only good – and you’ll be okay.”
I miss him so much
Max for fuck's sake No
Stop it
Gabriel's right though
I mean I too would become a Shadowhunter just because they pay you to kill
Gabriel were you a serial killer before???
Well well well
Also summoning Raziel is not gonna go well stop this shit right now
Also, Magnus stop wrecking rooms
why do they want the dead body though...
Sorry this is short but I spent most of the chapter totally numb because tears. And is it bad that I am loving the angst like YES KILL THEM GIVE ME MORE PAIN but also I'm taking these babies away and wrapping them in a blanket. You can have them back when you know treat them with love hmph.
I love how you are ALWAYS ready to fight those who try hurt these characters. It makes my cold heart so warm :)
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twinklecheeks · 4 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 6
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there are any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
-I’d also like to say that I am SO sorry about not updating the series in 8 months. I started writing this the week school started last semester. I attempted to do it during Thanksgiving & Christmas break but I didn’t have the energy to do it. I know that we’re all struggling in quarantine and going through withdrawal because David has only 1 video in almost 2 months. I’m going to *TRY* to update this 2 times a week.
Warnings! Pregnancy, smut, nsfw, 18+
Don't read this if you don't like smut
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Word Count: 1.5k
You and David have practically been dating soon after the gender reveal and finally made it official but you don’t plan to announce it on social media anytime soon. He’s been helping you a lot. Since you’ve found out you were having twin girls, you went straight to planning on how the nursery would look like. Everytime David comes over, he brings stuff like baby toys, clothes, the whole shabang. I know that David isn’t the father but he’s very excited about the babies. You thought your first trimester was difficult and it was but there’s a big problem when in the second trimester…. You’ve become horny 24/7; before pregnancy, you had sex often and you loved it. But since being pregnant, you’ve been deprived of it! You bought a bunch of dildos and vibrators cause you just couldn’t handle it anymore. You would rub yourself, fuck yourself with the dildo or use the vibrator several times just to get through the day.
Texting Kylie:
Y/n: “why didn’t you tell me the second trimester makes you super horny”
Kylie: “GIRL STOOOP. Looking back on my pregnancy, that was the funniest part. Your hormones are just all over the place. I used toys and it helped but I also was with Travis”
Y/n: “I’ve been using them but it doesn’t feel the same as actually fucking someone.”
Kylie: “Why don’t you ask David? ;)”
Y/n: “Whaaat noo! I can’t”
Kylie: “Why not? Isn’t he your boyfriend? It’s not like he would turn you down and plus, it’s not like you can get more pregnant than you already are.”
Y/n: “I mean true but idk. I just feel weird. I’m fat and pregnant with twins. I love my girls already but why couldn’t they just be one baby”
Kylie: “blame Jeff’s super sperm”
Y/n: “I also blame myself. We were fucking all the time, anytime, anywhere”
Kylie: “Anywhere?”
Y/n: “Yeah… remember Zane’s earthquake challenge video at target? Jeff and I may have had a quickie in one of the dressing rooms…”
Kylie: “What the fuck”
Y/n: “Yeah. I know. Not my proudest moment”
Kylie: “but girl i’m serious, ASK DAVID”
Y/N: “Ugh fine. But if he says no, I’m moving away and changing my identity because this shit is embarrassing”
*On the phone with David*
Y/n: “Heyy, can I come over?”
David: “Yeah, of course. Are you okay?
Y/n: “Well… technically yes but… ummm…. I’d rather just discuss this in person”
David: “Sure”
*Y/n arrives at David’s house*
Y/n: *Gives David a quick kiss* “Hey Dave.” David: “Hey babe. You sounded a little weird on the phone.” Y/n: “I mean you’re not wrong… I just have a little tiny problem and I’m going to lose my mind if it isn’t resolved” David: “what’s the problem?” Y/n: “Ugh this is so awkward I don’t want to ask” David: *David wheeze laugh* “Dude just tell me”, Y/n: “Okay umm… i’msuperfuckinghornyandi’mwonderingifyoucanhavesexwithmeifnoticompletelyunderstand.” David: “Can you please say it slower cause I only understood like 2 words.” Y/n: “I said that I’m super fucking horny and I’m wondering if you can have sex with me if not, I completely understand…” David: “Like, how bad is it?” Y/n: “Ooo boy it’s baaad.” David: “Well, we’re technically together and I wasn’t sure if you were thinking about taking that step because you’re pregnant.” Y/n: “I’m open to ANYTHING rn. I just need to be fucked HARD.”
David: *Grabs y/n’s hand and leads her to his room* Y/n: “Is Natalie home? I don’t want her to hear us.” David: “Don’t worry. She’s at Todd’s.” Y/n: “At Todd’s?” David: “Yeah, Todd had a thing for her before Jeff did and he basically went for Natalie when Todd told him that he was going to ask her out.” Y/n: *pulls in David for a needy kiss and moans* David: “wow you really are horny.” *Pushes y/n on the bed and takes off her shirt* Y/n: *unclips her bra* “Do anything that’ll make me cum please.” David: *looks at y/n’s tits and sucks on the right nipple* “Wow. Your tits have gotten… wow.” You cry out in pleasure, letting your head fall back, your mouth open. They were so sensitive that every twirl of his tongue made your pussy even more wet. Y/n: *smirks* “You’ve noticed?” David: “okay... I may have had wet dreams about you.” Y/n: “good.” David: *gets undressed and pulls off your pants* “you have no idea how much I’ve dreamt about eating you out.” Y/n: “please. Do something.” David: *His fingers reach your clit.”  Y/n: *You gasp at the feeling of him pressing down on your clit* “mmmm oh my god. Please suck on my clit.” David: *David twirls his tongue around your clit and fingers you* “babe you’re so wet. I can’t wait to fuck you sensless.” *David sucks your clit and fingers you faster* Y/n: “please don’t stop. I NEED to cum.” David: *feels her walls pulsate and she squirts on him* Y/n: “oh my god. Please make me cum like that 10 more times tonight.” David: “are you sure you want to do this?” Y/n: “I haven’t been this sure about something in a long time.” David: *aligns himself with your center and slowly thrusted into you.*  Y/n: *moans, almost screams* “holy fuck. I know your going slow not to hurt me but Dave, I want you to fuck me until I can’t walk.” David: *he hears you out and the lust took over and started pounding into you fast and hard* Y/n: “DAVID OH MY GOD PLEASE KEEP FUCKING ME I’M SO CLOSE.” David: “Shit I’m close too babe” *pounds y/n as fast as he can and cums inside her.” Y/n: *cums right after* “oh...my…” David: *pulls out and sees his cums drip out* “Damn. I don’t think I’ve ever cummed that hard.” Y/n: “If you keep fucking me like that, it’s going to be hard for me to keep my hands off you haha.” David: “I would not have a problem w/ that at all.”
(it’s getting close to thanksgiving and Jeff decides to fly home to Staten Island early and the only people who kind of know about the situation are his siblings)
Jeff: “Hey ma.” Jeff’s mom: “Hello Jeffrey. Natalie couldn’t come?” Jeff: “yeah no. We’re kind of on a break rn.” Jeff’s mom: “Oh well that's too bad. Hopefully she’ll come for Christmas.” Karyn (Jeff’s older sister): “hey Jeff. Can you help me out w/ shopping? I have to go to Manhattan” Jeff: “Sure.”
*On the Staten Island Ferry*  
Karyn: “Okay so now that we’re alone, can you actually tell me what the fuck did you do.” Jeff: “Excuse me? The fuck you talking about?” Karyn: “I know that made up bullshit about y/n getting knocked up by a rando and Natalie asking for a break is a damn lie. Y/n was in love w/ you but you ignored all the signs and Natalie, she would only ask for a break if you were being a fucking idiot. I’m your older sister. I know when you’re lying.” Jeff: “Ugh fine… Y/n is knocked up w/ my kids and I basically said some horrible stuff that wasn’t true. As for Natalie, she was there to see me say all those horrible things and she dumped me on the spot, in front of the whole friend group…” Karyn: *stares at Jeff dumbfounded* “Excuse me did you say KIDS as in PLURAL??!” Jeff: “Yeah… She’s pregnant w/ twin girls…” Karyn: “Oh Jeffrey why the fuck did you act that way. You’re such an idiot. If mom and dad found out about this, they’d literally murder you.” Jeff: “I don’t know… I think it was because I got into something so serious less than a year after being dumped by Cierra; I panicked and I sabotaged myself. I know I’m wrong but I already fucked everything up. Everybody hates me.” Karyn: “I thought you changed Jeff when you got out of Prison.” Jeff: “What do you mean you *thought*” Karyn: “You have trouble w/ responsibility. When we were at your trial, you said you were not guilty, even when you got to prison, you still said you weren’t guilty but you were.” Jeff: “That’s different.” Karyn: “How?? You’re refusing to accept responsibility for those 2 babies. Jeff, you’re almost 30 years old. It took you 4 years after you got out to come to terms with what you did. Is it gonna take you until your 34 to realize you fucked y/n and those twin girls over? What is she gonna say when they ask for their dad huh? Sorry, daddy didn’t care about you? You either fix things with y/n ASAP or I’m gonna tell mom and dad.” Jeff: “what the fuck are you 5?! Why we gotta bring them into this?” Karyn: “so they fucking knock some sense into you Jeff and you know they are 100x worse than I am. I ain’t doin’ nothing to you rn because we’re in public. Imma give you until New Years... if you don’t tell them, then they gonna hear it from me...”
Karyn was never afraid to tell Jeff and their other brother how it is. Jeff knew that Karyn was right but he had no idea how he could possibly apologize for being a horrible human being to you. Will Jeff apologize before New Years? Will y/n forgive him?  
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Taglist: @elvlogsquad​ @siemprestan​ @zavidzobrik​ @galxydefender​ @iminlovewithenchilidadas​ @ilsolee​
184 notes · View notes
our-time-is-now · 4 years
June 18, 2019: Bea, saviors and carrots
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.
Tuesday, 5:36 pm:
David: *he and Matteo are just returning from grocery shopping, each of them carrying a semi-heavy shopping bag, when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket* *groans briefly and tells Matteo* Hang on… *puts the bag on the ground and takes his phone out of his pocket* *smiles when he sees Bea’s number and briefly informs Matteo* My godmother… *answers the call and then picks the bag up again* Hey Bea! *continues walking but realizes quickly that walking with the heavy bag while simultaneously talking on the phone isn’t that easy and looks around for a bench or some wall or something*
Matteo: *stops when David does and waits* *only nods when David informs him* *continues walking and notices David struggling and takes the bag from him* *silently pretends to collapse but then continues walking normally*
Bea: David, my dear, hello! How nice that I was able to reach you, am I interrupting something?
David: *protests a little at first when Matteo takes the bag from him because he doesn’t want Matteo to lug so much and then grins when he pretends to collapse* *shakes his head at his aunt’s question and laughs* You’re almost never interrupting… we’re just on our way to the flatshare… we’ve been grocery shopping… *briefly looks at Matteo to see if he can really manage carrying both bags* *then asks his aunt* How are you?
Matteo: *grins very broadly at David* *but quickly sticks his tongue out at him when he looks over*
Bea: Oh, everything’s great. I’m happy to hear you in such a good mood. But if you’re walking right now I’ll keep it brief: I wanted to invite you to my birthday, and, of course, Matteo as well if he wants to?
David: *pulls a face at Matteo but then grins and turns his attention back to his aunt* *frantically tries to remember when Bea’s birthday is and is already planning on telling Matteo the date so that he’ll remember it for him* *is happy that Matteo is also invited* I’ll just ask him, I’m sure he wants to… *grins and looks over at him again* *makes a distressed noise and asks a little ruefully* When was your birthday again? Sometime next month, right? *remembers that it’s always pretty warm*
Matteo: *hears an ‘I’ll just ask him’ and perks up* *then shakes his head in mock exaggeration* *grins slightly but leaves David in peace, after all*
Bea: It’s on July 19th, this year it’s a Friday, but I’ll celebrate on Saturday. But you’re welcome to stay the whole weekend, of course… and by the way, your parents aren’t coming in case that somehow convinces you to come.
David: *laughs at the mention of his parents* Well then I’ll definitely come… *shakes his head and adds* No, but for your sake I would have endured them for a couple of hours, but if they’re not coming it’s more chill, of course… *repeats the date again so he won’t forget it* So your birthday is on July, 19th, but the party’s on July 20th. *feels like he forgot about something* *thinks for a moment and then suddenly remembers their holiday* Oh, no, hang on! Damn! That’s when we’re on holiday! We won’t be back in Berlin until the 21st…
Matteo: *listens to David and can imagine what it’s about, an invitation to Fürstenberg* *then hears the date and immediately shakes his head* *was just about to nudge him when he remembers it himself*
Bea: Oh, man, what a shame. And I was really hoping to finally meet your Matteo, and to see you again, of course. I’m so curious. Are you already busy when you come back or do you maybe want to come visit the weekend after?
David: *smiles when she says that she finally wanted to meet /his/ Matteo and would also be happy for her to meet Matteo* *thinks for a moment about her question about the weekend after, but can’t really think of any plans* *but wants to make sure and ask again so tells Bea* Could you stay in line for a moment? *lowers his phone and turns to Matteo* *smiles slightly* Bea is inviting us to Fürstenberg on the weekend after our holiday. Do you want to go? And do we have time? *looks at him with puppy-dog eyes and hopes that he wants to come along*
Matteo: *looks at him expectantly when he lowers his phone even though he already has an idea of what he’s going to ask* *grins slightly when he asks if “we” have time* Umm… sure I want to, I’m dying to meet all of your heroes… and plans, no, unless you have some short-notice doctor-thing on Friday, but then we’ll just go afterwards. *have finally arrived at the building of the flatshare and with a groan puts down the bags so that he can look for the key*
Bea: Sure… *then hears David ask his boyfriend a little muffled but still well enough to understand everything* *immediately smiles when she hears him* *waits for David to tell her the good news and decides to keep it to herself that she heard Matteo*
David: *smiles quite broadly when Matteo is talking about his heroes and is happy that he wants to go* *stops for a moment when he mentions doctors because he just remembered that the day after tomorrow he really has to talk to his doctor about the testo dosage and if he has to come back before or after their holiday because his usual appointment for the shots would be right when they’re on holiday* *but nods at Matteo’s words and smiles again* Good plan! *quickly kisses him on the mouth and puts his phone back to his ear* Bea? *sees Matteo unlock the door and tries to take one of the bags off him so that he doesn’t have to lug both of them up the stairs* We’re happy to visit you the weekend after and you can already think about what present you want to get so that we don’t buy something stupid…
Bea: Oh, how nice! And you know me, boy, I already have everything I want. You spend money on train tickets, that’s enough present for me.
Matteo: *refuses to let David take a bag* *but pushes David around so that he is holding the door open* *then grabs both bags and walks past David into the building and up the stairs*
David: *grumbles at Bea’s words about the present and grumbles because Matteo won’t let him help* *then sighs at his aunt* Okay… *is probably going to draw something and get a bouquet of flowers once again* I suggest I’ll call you again once we know when we’ll arrive… *hurries up the stairs behind Matteo who is surprisingly fast* *wants to take the bag off him at least for the last few meters but doesn’t really have the chance to because he’s already almost all the way up*
Bea: *laughs slightly when he grumbles* You know I’m happy about flowers and a drawing. See you soon, my dear! Have a nice rest of the day!
Matteo: *puts the bags down again once he reaches the door and unlocks it* *wants to pick both of them up again but David is faster* *laughs* It doesn’t matter anymore now… *enters the apartment after him and lets the door fall shut* *follows him into the kitchen and puts the bag down on the counter*
David: *says goodbye to Bea and puts the phone back in his pocket* *is just in time to grab one of the bags and carry it into the kitchen* *laughs at his words and shakes his head* Noo, I’m sure you would have collapsed on the last few meters… *puts the bag on one of the stools and then steps behind Matteo at the counter and wraps his arms around him* *kisses his neck and murmurs* … and I can’t be responsible for that… *kisses him again and murmurs a little more quietly* Thanks for carrying them!
Matteo: *laughs and nods* I’m sure I would have, thanks my savior. *smiles when David wraps his arms around him and puts his hands over David’s* *laughs quietly* You’re welcome. *turns around in his arms and wraps his arms around David’s neck* So, I’m going to meet your godmother soon… anything I need to know?
David: *smiles when Matteo turns around to him and nods at his statement* *thinks for a moment and then shakes his head* Nothing important… Bea is a registrar and lives in a small house with a garden in Fürstenberg… it’s somehow really quaint and full of stuff at her place… and she’s really cool, talks a lot and has always been there for me. Exactly what one imagines godmothers are like. *laughs again and says* I’m really happy that you’re coming along and that you’ll meet each other… maybe we should take Laura along – then I’d have all my saviors around me! *laughs quietly*
Matteo: *smiles when he tells him about Bea* Sounds nice. *then laughs out loud* All of your saviors, huh? Maybe we should get this printed on t-shirts! *kisses him quickly* You don’t even have to be saved, you loon.
David: *laughs at Matteo’s idea about the t-shirts* Oh yes, please! In trans colors! *smiles when he gets a kiss and pulls Matteo a little closer* *then hears his words and gets a little more serious but is still smiling a little bit* *has a firm conviction that Matteo has definitely saved him but knows that he would immediately disagree if he would tell him that* *therefore simply says* Not anymore… *smiles again and gives him another kiss*
Matteo: *laughs at his suggestion* Unfortunately those colors don’t suit me, at all… *tilts his head a little* *can imagine what David is thinking* *smiles at his answer* *kisses him back and then kisses him again* *then slightly nudges him with his nose* Okay… and now you can decide how I’ll save you from starvation… what do you want me to cook?
David: *draws up his eyebrows in skepticism when Matteo says that the trans colors wouldn’t suit him and only says* I think you can wear anything!! *grins while he says it* *then gets another kiss and smiles when Matteo nudges him with his nose* *loosens his grip around him, lets go of him slowly and thinks* Hmmm… maybe that tarte you were talking about? We put the ingredients for it on the list, didn’t we? *turns to the bags and starts to unpack the things* *turns his head back towards Matteo and says in a good mood* And you can decide what I should help you with! *has planned to look over Matteo’s shoulder while he cooks to maybe one day be able to cook, himself*
Matteo: *only laughs and shakes his head* Liar *nods about the tarte* Yep… but I’ll need the recipe for that, I can’t make it by heart… *only shakes his head when he says that he wants to help* *grins* You can print out the recipe for me. And then you can sit down over there so that I have something pretty to look at. *laughs and slightly nudges him with his hip when they want to put something in the fridge at the same time* *sees David’s disapproving look* Okay, okay, if there’s something you can help with I’ll tell you, but I haven’t made the tarte that often yet…
David: *looks at Matteo disapprovingly when he says that he’s not allowed to help but nudges him back with his hip* If you won’t let me help I’ll never learn and then you’ll have to cook for me for the rest of your life! *but then nods satisfied when he says that he’s allowed to help, after all, and grins* Yeah! *then turns toward the door and says* I’ll just go and print out the recipe… *has already left the kitchen but sticks his head back in* Oh and could you and your super-brain do me a favor and remember Bea’s birthday? Would be really nice if I wouldn’t forget it next year for a change… *grins again and then disappears* *briefly wonders if it was July 19th or 20th and hopes that Matteo has paid attention*
Matteo: *theatrically clutches his chest* Oh now, how horrible! *then nods when David says he’ll go print the recipe* Yes, in a big font, please! *wants to already wipe down the counter and goes over to the sink when David sticks his head back in* *laughs at his request and nods* *then calls after him* The 19th, by the way! How did you remember birthdays before you met me?? *rinses the rag and then wipes down the counter*
David: *didn’t answer Matteo’s question and instead went into his room to print out the recipe in a big font* *a short while later returns to the kitchen, where Matteo has already prepared everything, and puts the recipe down for him* *then takes a carrot, simply because it was lying around, leans his back against the counter and starts to absentmindedly turn it around in his hands* *returns to Matteo’s question from a minute ago and says a little bitterly and sarcastically* My mother always reminded me about family birthdays – of course always with a reproachful undertone why I couldn’t manage to remember them myself… *didn’t have many friends whose birthdays were worth remembering* *continues* At some point I even wrote them down but it’s no use… then I forget to look at the note. *grins slightly and then shrugs* And now I have Laura and you for the dates… *then looks over to see what Matteo is doing and waits for instructions* *puts the carrot back to the others*
Matteo: *splays out the recipe* Thanks… *then looks at it to see what has to be done and starts* *rolls his eyes when David tells him about his mother* Damn I really want to meet her one day… it’s not important to you that they like me, right? *shakes his head disapprovingly* *but then grins slightly and nods* I’m happy to remind you. *points to the carrots* You can peel them if you want…
David: *laughs when Matteo asks about his mother and shrugs* If one day they annoy me so much that I want to completely terminate all contact with them, then you’re welcome to rage and riot as much as you want… *looks around for a peeler and sees that Matteo has already put one out* …but she would complain about it to Laura and I’d be sorry about it for Laura… *starts peeling the carrot bot isn’t really happy with what he’s doing* *tries something different that works better* …whereas… Laura can actually defend herself pretty well… so *grins slightly* …rage and riot as much as you want. *is finished with the first carrot and is quite happy with the result* *holds it out to Matteo* There still has to go some at the top and the bottom, right?
Matteo: *hums slightly when he says that it wouldn’t be completely okay* No, no, then I’ll rather hold back… but only a little. *had already turned his attention to some other vegetable and didn’t really pay attention to what David has been doing* *then looks at the carrot he’s holding out to him* Ummm, yes? You can chop off the ends but the rest has to be peeled… *then watches him peel for a moment and realizes how his heart skips a beat because he does it so incredibly complicated* Noo… *laughs slightly and takes the peeler and the carrot out of his hands* Look, like this… *briefly shows him how to do it faster and more efficiently*
David: *grins slightly and says* A little bit is okay… *wonders when Matteo and his parents will meet in the first place – probably only when it can’t be avoided anymore, at all* *nods about chopping off the ends* *then eyes it and realizes that there really is some peel left* *was just about to remove it when Matteo takes the carrot and peeler from him* *only briefly looks at the carrot and realizes quickly how Matteo is holding the carrot and peeler but then only looks at Matteo and has to smile* *somehow can’t tear his gaze away from him because he looks so incredibly good when he’s so focused*
Matteo: *has peeled the carrot, puts the peeler back down on the counter and reaches for the knife to chop off the ends* And voila… the carrot’s ready! *holds it out to him and only then feels like David isn’t really focused* *looks at him and lifts his eyebrows* What?
David: *hears that Matteo has finished peeling the carrot and only nods* *grins slightly when Matteo  looks at him and lifts his eyebrows* *shrugs and acts all innocent* Nothing… *quickly presses a kiss on his mouth and keeps grinning* I just like looking at you when you’re so concentrated…
Matteo: *lifts his eyebrows again when he hears his “nothing”* *but then gets kissed and has to smile automatically* *feels a strange flutter in his stomach when he hears David’s words but shakes his head* You like looking at me when I concentrate on peeling carrots? *slightly tilts his head* Is that a new fetish we have to talk about? Is that exclusive to concentrating on vegetables or does that also entail other things? Like, for example, fruit? Or spreads?
David: *grins and nods at his question about the carrots* Exactly like that… *but then gets more and more skeptical when he hears his other questions, pffs once, tilts his head and says sulkily* Haha… *looks at Matteo reproachfully, turns away from him and reaches for another carrot and the peeler* *does it the way Matteo has showed him – because he DID pay attention – and is happy about the fact that it’s really working better this way* *ignores Matteo*
Matteo: *grins slightly when David turns away sulkily* Oh, come on… you can tell me… *continues doing his thing with the vegetable he’s occupied with* Is it exclusive to the kitchen or other things as well? What about when I concentrate on tidying up? *turns around and only sees David’s back who is ignoring him* Or to making the bed? *no reaction* Vacuuming? *still nothing* *puts his peeler down and steps behind David* And what about… when I concentrate on you? *slowly wraps his arms around his stomach and puts his head against his shoulder* *kisses his neck and then his ear* *whispers* Come on…
David: *finds it hard to ignore Matteo completely but is incredibly happy with himself that he really manages to ignore him while also perfectly peeling two more carrots while Matteo is talking some nonsense* *then feels Matteo step behind him and is still able to ignore his question but realizes that his concentration on the carrots is subsiding somewhat* *unfortunately has to stop peeling when he feels Matteo’s arms around his stomach and his head on his shoulder because he’s simply so in love with this idiot and simply can’t manage to ignore him when he’s that close /and/ also starts kissing his neck and his ear* *eventually grumbles quietly* You’ve ruined my Matteo-concentrating-sight… go away! *but contrary to his statement leans slightly against him*
Matteo: *laughs quietly at his grumbling* Sorry… won’t happen again… I promise… *ignores his “go away” and instead kisses his neck again* Let me make it up to you, ok? *kisses up his neck wherever he can reach* *murmurs quietly* Do you still want me to go away?
David: *briefly closes his eyes when Matteo starts kissing up his neck and tilts his head a little so that he has better access* *has to grin when Matteo asks him if he still wants him to go away and makes a grumbling noise* *puts the carrot and the peeler down because now he can’t think about peeling carrots anymore and slowly turns around – which proves to be difficult as he’s half stuck between Matteo and the counter* *puts his arms around Matteo’s neck and tilts his head again so that Matteo can continue kissing him there* *runs one hand through Matteo’s hair and mumbles* All right… you can continue…
Matteo: *grins slightly when David only grumbles* *already knows this grumble and continues* *but then pulls away slightly when David turns around* *looks at him challengingly and grins in triumph when he tilts his head* *is already kissing his neck again even before David gives him permission to do so* *kisses up to his ear and murmurs* We could also cook later…
David: *presses even closer to Matteo when he starts kissing his neck again* *still has his eyes closed, one hand buried in the hair on his neck and at some point slips his other hand under Matteo’s shirt at his back and tenderly runs his hand over his bare skin* *gets goosebumps when Matteo kisses up to his ear because it tickles a little and tilts his head slightly so that he can also kiss Matteo’s neck* *grins slightly when he hears Matteo’s words and kisses up his neck, up his chin until he finally finds his mouth* *pulls him even closer while kissing him properly, then pushes away from the counter and takes a step towards the kitchen door together with Matteo* *briefly pulls away from the kiss and says a little breathlessly* Now I can’t concentrate on peeling carrots anymore, anyways…
Matteo: *feels slight, pleasant goosebumps when David’s hand slips under his shirt* *kisses him back and stumbles backwards when David pushes off the counter* *grins as if he had just won the lottery when he hears David’s words* *murmurs* That’s it… *grabs his hand and quickly pulls him into his room*
(next play)
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loiskane · 3 years
Shadow and Bone thoughts, notes eps 4-6
Book spoilers (no Rule of Wolves spoilers)
Ep 4
Jesper and the goat!!!!!! I love him
Tbh as much as I love them, I don't love how the Crows take up a good chunk of in every episode. This part is supposed to be Alina's story. Which will be over at some point and then it will be all about them and we're not going to see her and most characters ever again or only briefly. (unless they adapt King of Scars duology please adapt them please)
"You used to hide there as a boy", i smell bullshit Aleksander when were you there as a boy. The fountain is about YOU.
I love seeing filming locations I've been to several times
I like how Marie and Nadia are actually nice to her. They're not like super close with her and probably would ignore her if she was a regular squaller or Materialki  but they’re not mean either        
Nina!! You tell him
I'm still not trilled with the backstory change and while Danielle is a great actress, she's waay thinner than Nina is in the books. She's probably not Hollywood thin, but still.
It's kinda funny how this plan is similar to what the crew in The Gilded Wolves book do. Pretending to be other people, including artists and performers to break in to a fancy event. Btw The Gilded Wolves is a really great series, and there might be similarities it's not a knock-off SoC. Would recommend it. The second book is even better.
Get away from her go to jail
I wonder if the intimate scene will be in the show (probably yes ewww)
Seeing Mal's side of the story parallel to Alina shows so much they are so tragic at this point. Even in the books it's clear he cares for her a lot, we just see it through Alina's pov who doubts
We get a little less from Alina though
Her using her powers is amazing though 
Ep 5
These backdrops are so Hungarian sometimes lol
Grisha will have new opportunities. King of Scars says no. But hopefully after Rule of wolves things will be better.
That is not what a straight person would do Genya, I don't care you're a tailor who touches people's faces all the time
They are so cute (Genya and Alina, and Genya and David too )
Book spoilers make me sad
We love an Inej and Jesper scene (I also stood in the literal spot they're standing omg last time I visited there)
What a show off I love him
They are so cuteeee sneaking out
Fedyor was just pranking them
Oh you need a FABRIKATOR to open it if only we had one of thosee
Also I'm waiting on them showing Jesper is attracted to women too, he's the bi disaster
Idunwantit.gif (to Darklina)
She's so funny
Get away from her
Omg nooooooo
He looks fine in that uniform
"I'm a terrible actor" suree
Zoyaa. Oh that's interesting.
Gay (queer) heartrenders?? Feeding each other?? Did i misread that?
It's a shame they didn't put Genya in green for this like in the book
Oh Inej
He's so arrogant I want to hit him the face
Genya WRECKED him
What is she wearing under her kefta so it’s bulletproof? Did David make something for her awww
oh shit right Genya can't heal major injuries
Oh no who's going to die in Siege and Storm if Marie's already dead?? Not Nadia I hope. They could give a bigger part to the Alkemi girl who also dies there in the books. Also how will this affect Fedyor, losing Marie is key to him betraying them to the Darkling, but since her death happens earlier and not because they opposed the Darkling, but under his rule so then why would he betray them
At least he asks for consent?? (i still hate him though)
“Maybe you're dehydrated from the heat in your hut", that was savage Alina lol
Baghra dragging the Darkling, we stan
Well the mission is not going well is it Kaz
Is Kaz Brekker really worth killing for though??
She just jumped off that balcony wow
This shows exactly who he is, dude just threatened his own mother
Ep. 6
Zoya is so pretty
Ben is doing a c t i n g
"Poor Nina". Like you actually care, beyond her being an asset
They let her gooo
Inej and Alina awww
Szentendre (aka Ryevost) - sorry i’m annoying abt filming locations but 1 of my all time favourite fantasy series gets adapted and shot in the country i live in
fuck that racist guy
Well Zoya's not wrong, she left on her own
Zoya he's not worth it
Zoya using her powers yeees
He found his way back to her!!
Sharing a bed trope always a good one
we stan the height difference (Alina & Mal)
HE SAID THE THING is this once upon a time (I will always find youuuu)
Heleen has the shares because Kaz is an idiot sometimes who does idiot stuff
See her powers don't scare him, stop saying he's intimidated by her being strong and more powerful than him he's not
The lineeeee, I will NEVER get over
Oh Matthias you'll never be back in your bed ooof
"I like it when you turn red", i mean increased circulation is good when you're cold
You are not happy people Matthias! but ofc you, a Fjerdan MAN, would say this
Askskjdf so many book lines
They are cute
Never been a huuge stan of them but they are cute
So ketfas are resistant to bullets okay (i feel this was probably in the books)
David still could've made hers though, which is cute but also messed up because Genya's kefta represents her being a servant and what the Darkling GIFTING HER to the Queen led to
Zoya's smile after scaring people i love it
Now this is interesting
Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors, works even against the Darkling
I hope they don't make this into a rivalry idk if I want the Crows to be too involved with the fight against the Darkling
Nina is so extra and shameless I love her 
She killed again, I blame Kaz 
Noo don't hit David, how DARE you Kaz
They stole his carriage looool
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majesticnerdyvee · 4 years
in which there are preparations, Sherlock gets his purple shirt of sex for his date with John, Irene styles his hair, and he talks to a mirror
Irene’s violent giggles tore him from the confines of his insecure mind. His neck snapped to where she was running to, John in tow. Both of them were holding confetti cannons, aiming at each other. Irene jumped on a couch older than Mrs Hudson, springs creaking under her weight.
“Stop, or I’ll shoot!” Irene threatened, bending her knees. John kneeled, closing one eye as if assessing where his shot would end (everywhere, that’s the point of confetti).
“I’ll take the chance,” John said gruffly. He clicked his tongue as if cocking a shotgun, entwining the string around his finger. “Any last words?”
“My name is Jeff!”
They fired, squares of useless, wasted paper and plastic littering the air and ground; soldiers fell to the floor, muscles and bones no longer mattering, wounds inflicted. Irene flopped on her back on the sofa, holding her neck and heaving for breath. John clutched his left shoulder, falling on his back, eyes on the ceiling where Kate’s fairy lights dangled high above them. Ave Maria could practically be heard in the background (quite literally, Mrs Hudson was having one of her moments). Sherlock rolled his eyes, grabbed a confetti maker himself and walked over to John.
“I see the light,” John gasped, the healthy arm stretching towards the artificial light of heaven. Sherlock bent over to look him in the face, scrutiny and curiosity mixed with wonder of how long he will stay in character. “David Bowie? Is that you?”
“Sorry to disappoint,” Sherlock said formally, “but David Bowie was too busy to attend your last breaths. May an ordinary Brit accompany you instead?”
“Noo,” John groaned, and Sherlock could see the restraint as he tried not to break character. “I’ve got a date tonight with a gorgeous bastard that’s more British than you. I need to get back to Earth.”
Sherlock gave him a pitying smile, and drew his weapon. John’s eyes darted from the confetti cannon to Sherlock, daring him to try. “I’m afraid I can’t let you go yet. David Bowie is quite keen on seeing you. Any last wish?”
“Yeah, tell that gorgeous fucker he can keep my skull,” John fake glared, but a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Then, all of a sudden, he surged forwards and snatched the cannon from Sherlock’s grip, dragging the taller boy down and on his back. John had him pinned, crouching over him, the cannon pointing at his chest, a victorious smirk on John’s face. “Ha. Didn’t expect that, did you?”
“Get a room, you two,” Irene said, feigning vomiting much to Kate’s amusement. Sherlock showed her the middle finger and she made to slap it, but John fired off the cannon above their heads declaring the war over.
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edengarden · 4 years
Hi beautiful ❤
My name is Faten , can i request regular matchup for haikyuu
I'm girl [ straight ]
my height is 160CM I'm in the chubby side .
I have dark brown eyes they are almost black i have 5 beauty marks in my face two under each of my eyes and one between my nose and my upper lip , i wear glasses.
my hair is black 3B curly type and it's on the long side.
I'm an INFP personality types. hufflepuff
my sun sign is aries , moon virgo and rising libra 🌸
I am shy and quiet when meeting new people, but I changed completely with the people that I am close too when i become comfortable with someone i act without thinking and talk a lot Literally about everything happen or anything I see .
I somehow can adjust to the people around me like my brothers used to anger call nickname on purpose but now I do anger them and call them by nicknames on purpose because they starts the game and I will continue playing.
I think i was the person how hold my friends group because when my family moved to different country my friends go on different directions they all staye my friends but they are not friends Anymore and that really make me sad .
I'm most of the time happy and chill person it's not easy to anger me .
When I get angry with someone they know they are in big trouble.
In some cases i turn to salty bitch like when someone harmed a close friend of mine .
I love kids and I'm the official babysitter for my cousins 🌸🌸
I speak 3 languages and I am about to learn the 4th one .
I like reading Romance novels and crime ones, i love Baking and making sweets .I'm addicted to coffee i drink at least two cups a day with all the coffee I drinking i really sleep a lot .most of my clothes are black and a little bit of different colors clothes 🌸🌸🌸
i don't use any makeup at all i just do a simple skin care routine every few days. i enjoy listening to music so much like kpop boys and girls group jpop anime opening, English and Turkish songs.
And i start playing playstation recently and i loved persona 5 a lot .
I shows my love and care by doing small things like making hot drink for someone in cold weather or buying small things i know the other person need .
The most thing I hate about a person are lying even if it is a small lie in the eyes of the other person i will not accept it i value honest and truth a lot .🌸🌸🌸🌸
Also breaking a promise that literally will break my heart .
I don't like people who try to manipulate me in any way or try to change my personality because I will accept everyone that way they are or i will leave them without harming them because everyone is precious .
this is what i have in mind now and I think i really talk a lot 😅
I hope I'm not bothering you here.
I will really enjoy reading what you will write 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Thank you so much sweethearts 😘
I saw the “hi beautiful” and I was like “ah fuck it’s either a bot or some guy from India again” BUT NOO ITS A REQUEST YAYAYAY
Also it’s so cool that you speak 3 languages!! I always wanted to learn more, but my province doesn’t really have any functional programs for that :((
I’ll match you up with Kageyama!
First, he really, really admires how you have three languages mastered?? And he can barely understand one?? That’s INSANE. A part of him wants you to teach him new languages but he’s afraid of making a fool of himself in front of you, so he’ll never actually ask but sometimes he wishes he could surprise you by speaking english or Turkish.
Baby loves your values?? I already said it once but by god I’ll say it again— he really admires you. Also the two of you sort of,, got addicted to coffee together but Kageyama can’t hold his caffeine so he’s sitting there shaking and asking for his third cup in ten minutes and you have to tell him no.
I can see you both being really quiet (and almost scary) around crowds or people you don’t know and strangers think you’re the Scariest Couple Around and someone like Hinata hears and he’s like “no?? They’re both dorks?? Sweethearts?? Lol ur funny aren’t ya”
- ilomilo, Billie Eilish
- Falling, Opia
- Grenade, Bruno Mars
- God Only Knows, David Bowie
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phantom-vex · 5 years
I don’t have much to say but I really liked this one!(panicked room thoughts, spoilers ahead)
Yet another episode I wasn’t that excited for but ended up loving!
First of all I’d like to say this was weirdly cathartic. It wasn’t particularly hectic, and I’d been for my first bike ride in 4 years to get myself some chocolate and sitting down to watch this with it was super relaxing. This doesn’t matter too much but eh my post
Cameron is secretly a big nerd.
Oh my good god, David’s English accent. I don’t know whether to be offended or not.
I love David’s animation here; the way he taps the table is weirdly well done.
Gwen is me watching this episode (Oreo Cadbury is the best :) )
I’m really loving the background music this season.
Miss Priss speaking the truth. Who does build an escape room at a camp for kids?
‘Die our deaths’
Hearing Miss Priss talk more is weird, but I like it
Cameron flopping dramatically onto the sofa is a mood.
‘What’s that, four minutes before she mentioned her degree?!’ Let her have this, Cameron
Pissing and prissing contest really made me laugh for some reason.
They’re arguing like children. I think the campers have more civilised arguments than these two.
‘Put the wine down!’ ‘Once again, I am in complete control of-‘ why is this episode so funny omg
damn, campbell may be a scam but he definitely knows his stuff.
‘Always had trouble finding the right hole, didn’t you?’ YOU DIDNT HAVE TO COME FOR THE GUY LIKE THAT
please don’t kiss.
their love for puns is pretty cute.
what the shit, she speaks bear??
I kinda feel bad for Miss Priss.
‘Like a beta boy!’
I’m gonna be honest. I had no idea day calendars were a thing. I’ve used school planners for homework but never one of those. Do people genuinely use them?
‘I resent you, David, for being so adept at escape rooms!’ He does love a good mystery, after all.
Are we getting an emotional moment between Campbell and Miss Priss? We live in a timeline, folks. A timeline of happy Max, woodscouts Daniel, semi-redeemed Cameron Campbell, mauled David, fucked up Space Kid and Sans in Smash Bros.
Also character development for Miss Priss!
“You choose to disappear to Thailand!”
“I was ready to give you everything!” “But I didn’t know if I wanted anything!” This conversation is really revealing a lot about both characters.
“You’re a coward.” Oh damnn...
They made wine together??
“I’m realising a lot I don’t like about myself” WE LIVE IN A TIMELINE WHERE CAMERON REGRETS HIS ACTIONS
okay he’s still kind of a dick.
uh oh. uh oh. they’re gonna fuck aren’t they.
“A girl at a Stevie Nicks concert” BI MISS PRISS, BI MISS PRISS
Yup they’re gonna fuck.
“Where are they? My smile muscles are hurting.” Why is that a mood
“Too much paperwork” “IT WOULD NOT BE AWESOME”
Yup they’re fucking.
I really liked this one. Like I said, I don’t have much on the side of analysis, but seeing Cameron finally realising how much he’s screwed people over was really nice to see. I’m glad Miss Priss got some more backstory. Just one more episode to go before the finale! Buckle up, folks.
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readyforit · 4 years
I was tagged by @pacelikeaghosts sdlfkjaf and @gorgeouss, thank you!! 💘
50 questions you’ve never been asked
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? light pink with like a cartoon girl with eccentric blue hair
2. a food you never eat? ..... grapes
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm ldsjkfd
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? realising that I was meant to join the art group chat but not wanting to sdljdfldf
5. what is your favourite candy bar? kit kats I think
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? nope
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? probably “ahhhhh”
8. what is your favourite ice cream? cookies and cream!
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? water
10. do you like your wallet? I have a few but don’t really use them but ldsfjalf yes because they’re cute
11. what was the last thing you ate? dinner last night 🙃
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? djflakjf no
13. the last sporting event you watched? nah
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? cheese ldjflkfdadf
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? a friend
16. ever go camping? yup and it’s fun!
17. do you take vitamins? noo
18. do you go to church every sunday? not now
19. do you have a tan? nope
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? chinese food!!
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? don’t really drink soda lfjasf
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? white
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? can’t drive :(
24. what terrifies you? PEOPLE
25. look to your left, what do you see? my art book, on the page that I accidentally mixed the paint with ink so it’s all murky and lsdjflf
26. what chore do you hate? dishwashing
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? oats
28. what’s your favourite soda? don’t really like any dlakjfsk
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? go there for the fries 🥰
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my mum
31. favourite cut of beef? tasty
32. last song you listened to? ultraviolence, lana del rey
33. last book you read? beautiful boy, david sheff
34. favourite day of the week? probably friday
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? yeah, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
36. how do you like your coffee? tea’d
37. favourite pair of shoes? my soft brown shoes with like little bunny tails at the end ldfjdlk
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? like 11pm/12am
39. at what time do you normally get up? 8am because of school :(
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? SUNSETS
41. how many blankets are on your bed? one
42. describe your kitchen plates. white with like paintings of blue fishes
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? I... can’t
44. do you play cards? sometimes!
45. what colour is your car? don’t have one
46. can you change a tire? nooo
47. what is your favourite province? don’t have one ldjldd
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? I’m a child
49. how did you get your biggest scar? I dropped a plate on my ankle because I’m dumb and was walking around with it while it was soapy and wet
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? I don’t know 🤪
tagging; @repwtation @dazzlignhaze @iforgotthattaylorexisted @handsinmypockets @beginagain @likedaylight @redacoustic @1989deluxe @redtherecord @sunsinksdown
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