#my brain is not collaborating rn
vestboyfriends · 2 years
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Unfollow Me Now, This Is Gonna Be the Only Thing I Talk About For The Next Week. Ive Wanted This For Months Fuck. What The Fuck.
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magentagalaxies · 16 days
going to a comedy open mic tomorrow mostly to watch my friends (it's at a cool venue that my improv troupe performs at once a month and a few improv troupe friends are doing standup there) but when these friends were asking if i'd be interested in coming they were like "btw there's usually a ton of open spots on show days if YOU want to do something... and they're not strict about it only being standup either, people have done character pieces and sketches etc like they embrace the weirdness... and they're not strict about time limits you could probably do anything between three and eight minutes... sometimes if there's not enough people signed up they'll even let you go twice..." and i'm like god damn it i thought i was gonna take a break from aubrey but this setup is like tailor made for an aubrey appearance lmao
#still on the fence about it bc the burnout i experienced at the beginning of may extended to aubrey#especially bc so much of my aubrey stuff is comedy about gender and my brain was more in ''set everything on fire'' mode#and i think i've gotten to a good place with that burnout but i still haven't worked on any aubrey stuff since i got home from college#but even still even tho my mental health is better than it was a few weeks ago#recently i have had this horrible insomnia where i haven't been able to fall asleep at night in over a week#(i've made up for it with naps but still i am not mentally 100% rn. i've tried so many things and nothing has worked.)#so that's my justification for *not* doing aubrey tomorrow. however.#i reeeally need to get more performance experience bc there's only so much you can develop a sketch character without performing them#and this venue is so good. it's an art gallery like an hour away that's designed to be part gallery and part performance venue#especially for comedy. like the venue owner is this veteran comedian who used to work with bobcat goldthwait and a lot of other big names#and it's a low-pressure environment bc everyone there has seen me do comedy before with my improv troupe#but they still haven't seen me do aubrey at all so it's bringing a new side of my comedy to some of my main collaborators#like this is so much better than my previous aubrey performances bc they were all either#1. shows in CLASSROOMS with a bunch of my classmates who generally don't get my comedy (very clique-ish)#or 2. a guest spot on a show at a coffee shop where everyone knew each other except me#plus the biggest thing for me is the lack of a strict time limit. like as much as having a good 3-minute monologue can be#i think aubrey is a character you need to get to know a bit longer than 3 minutes. and a lot of my stuff is long while also being very tigh#like not every monologue is like this but my best aubrey monologues are almost like aubrey is telling you a sitcom storyline#and removing too many lines makes the whole narrative jenga tower fall over#and as much as i want to figure out how to make every monologue a good starting point#having the chance to perform multiple monologues if i get to go twice so that they can build off each other would be perfect#idk i'm not sure how often the open mics are there. at least monthly tho i might be missing next month's depending on when i'm in toronto#so like this wouldn't really be my only chance. but yeah i'm on the fence about whether to bring aubrey back for a performance tomorrow#i probably wouldn't do new material. i'd do the 5 minute version of my uncle reg monologue bc it's the one that's worked best so far#and if i get to do multiple. maybe i'd do the ''nom de plum'' monologue bc i think it's also very strong#and it has a good callback to uncle reg#but idk i also think doing the song would be very fun and on-theme since it's pride month and the song is a satire of rainbow capitalism#tho i'd probably have to rework the monologue that leads into the song bc even tho i loved the concept i don't think i articulated it well#or i could write an entirely different lead-in and make the previous monologue (''C/H/M'') a separate thing to revise later#which would probably go better and somehow be less work to write. but even so i don't know what the venue's sound setup is
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#me doing field work with someone cool: look at me im so normal. im fine. idk why i was crying so much yesterday lol#me after opening my email and checking comments on manuscript: i... i want to say and do so many upsetting things rn#i want to spit and bite. i want to wander out into the woods and vanish. except its the middle of the fucking desert and there's no woods#i shouldnt even be looking at this stuff bc i spent fucking like 9hrs doing fieldwork and my brain is fried#but my fried brain hates me hhhhh i have so much bullshit to do. i dont fucking care about any of this#and yet tomorrow morning im gonna get before fucking 6am and im gonna get field supplies together for Friday and im gonna meet a fucking#collaborator at fucking 4pm bc i cant fucking stop. but if i can manage go to the fucking health and wellness center bc im not healthy and#im not well and idk how tf it works bc im staff and not a student but i assume they have some obligation to help if i wander in off the#street. then idk well see how the middle of my day turns out bc ive got 90 million things to do#but god i hope i go in tomorrow like i just want to not have to live like this anymore i dont wanna lurch around full of bitterness & pain#i dont even like field work that much. i cant convince my brain im not just wasting time so it stresses me out#but fucking everything stresses me out. tho today it was more useful in avoiding the things i dont wanna do#hhhh im just sick to death of all this#unrelated#also fucking shout out to my sp0tify wrap list. i forgot that i used to listen to crumb radio to fall asleep so im apparently in the top 2#percent of crumb listners lol. also my genres were german indie. iclandic idie. indie rock and alternative rock lol#i dig the idie music
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kirbykirb00 · 8 months
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Kinda back from hiatus because I need motivation and this thought sparked within my little lee brain, if @lovelymessybubbly and @eldelascosquillas-blog 👏🏼 EVER 👏🏼 COLLABORATED 👏🏼 … legit me personally- I would either be extremely terrified or excited because THE POWER THESE TWO HOLD- I’m a lurker on this app and when I tell you rn that I would stay as far away as possible because-… I don’t want to be t worded by those two NUH UH BRUH- I’m running AWAY FROM THAT LMAO
Anyways I just wanted to show some love for these two artists because their art styles had me in awe, I legit love what they do even if it terrifies me as a lee- skdhskshsjs I’ll probably keep posted soonnnn
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bonefall · 9 months
I’m curious how you’d feel about a roleplay server or something like it for the BB universe as it is rn. Something like an alternate version of the clans with ocs. BB is so full of potential it feels like it’d be so sick to rp in, but it’s also so closely tied to the current clans and where they’re going (it feels like a living history in the best possible way tbh???). So I guess whats your gut feeling abt that kind of thing? Im also perhaps biased bc my immediate instinct when I encounter smth my brain loves is “roleplay setting” and I’ve become absolutely insane about everything you post on this blog
RP is just collaborative writing, man. If you took BB guidelines and made an RP server out of it, replacing it with your own OCs, then that's making your own living history right then and there.
Here, RP concept for you that you can all feel free to run with, just as an excuse to deviate;
The researchers dart a couple of the Clan cats, and release them to some other area to study their impacts on that environment. You can choose how long ago it happened, or if it's brand new, where they got released, how many there were.
Doesn't have to be too far if you want it to be close to my modeled regions, either. A couple miles away, even.
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daenystheedreamer · 9 months
"Grand northern conspiracy" what part of the last 5 books makes you think ANY of these people have the ability to collaborate with each other independently be so real rn. ned had been IMPRISONED and the manderlys and umbers were fighting over hunting lands they are NOT planning anything together they just all hate roose that much
exactly plus what have we learned about people. They Do Not Shut The Fuck Up EVER. r+l=j only stayed secret because it was JUST ned and howland and they never said anything ever ned lied to his wife for fifteen years. there is no way, in such a tense climate, every lord and lady in the north could a) keep their mouth shut b) coordinate despite conflicting loyalties c) not have any of their hundreds of men blab even accidentally. also ravens is not texting its not immediate and you can just shoot that raven dead. the grand northern conspiracy is several seperate minor quests that slightly overlap.
my thoughts on the gnc (based on the ASX video, i hate the forums) below the cut
the snowmen lords (barbrey, wyman, harwood stout, whoresbane umber) have their rickon conspiracy. this is the davos one, most obvious, confirmed etc. i believe what has been explained and hinted is straightforward.
maege and galbart are ambiguously with howland in the neck with robb's will that says jon is heir. there's evidence they made it and maege is "with lyra and [jorelle]" but probably not at bear island, because lyanna is the only one there. there have since no mentions of galbart's whereabouts
howland of course is the last living person with knowledge of r+l=j
robb's will was made under the belief that bran and rickon were dead and that sansa and arya were ???, leaving that document in limbo. also jon is dead
my belief is maege and galbart had their meeting with howland and are in some kind of hiding rn. i don't think howland told them about r+l=j because it's honestly sooo unrelated to the northern political situation. all it does is make things way more chaotic and puts jon in a really precarious position.
LSH has robb's crown and since cat was at the signing of the will it's possible she could crown jon. people link her to maege and galbart but lsh is clearly doing her own thing right now and does not gaf about her bastard stepson
the lannister/freys lost the brotherhood somewhere in the neck so its possible LSH is up there slaying it up with howland.
i think the LSH/howland collusion is a little iffy. LSH is not in her right mind because her brain is rotting in her cracked skull. i just dont see her scheming a huge political conspiracy rn.
personally im of the opinion LSH is on a course towards arya and/or sansa, not jon. or at least her nexus is at her daughters. she is on a revenge quest, not avenge quest. she wants to kill RW participants, not complete robb's will.
plus imo if LSH and the brotherhood are scheming anything, its a red wedding 2.0 massacre
tom of sevenstreams is spying on the lannister riverrun camp on behalf of the BWB and is clearly colluding with edmure.
edmure frees brynden
brynden is a robb loyalist and is now running around possibly knowing whatever edmure knows from tom
two riverrun tully guards choose to join the night's watch. where JON is!!!
also jeyne westerling is confirmed to feature in the TWOW prologue
this stuff is wayyy more circumstantial. the line of thought is that the BWB knows about robb's will -> tom knows -> tom tells edmure -> edmure tells brynden -> brynden becomes jon snow #1 fan or whatever. + those tully men are sent judge jon/inform him/whatever
again this is all under the assumption that this is LSH's plan, which i doubt. i think this part of the conspiracy is the least credible and i think a lot of these 'clues' or whatever are probably about a possible red wedding 2.0 (or attack on the lannister camp) as opposed to Everything Is About Jon. those tully men are sus though...
jesus okay i got bored here once i got to the part about stannis army politics. i only have enough space in my head to care about one conspiracy per contingent and i picked night lamp for stannis' army. i think there are conflicting loyalties and the fArya situation + bran rickon thing will complicate it further but jesus christ theyre on a military campaign. they do not have time to hook up with fuckn wyman manderly. everyone is freezing and starving okay.
flint and norrey have some shit going on. plus the fuckin liddle that met bran. god. what ever. basically its several minor conspiracies that happen to overlap and some are probably unrelated. but anyway everyone go watch and draw your own conclusions<3
i think the bolton-held winterfell is a powder keg waiting to explode is the Point or whatever. everyone runnning around with conflicting loyalties lying hating each other loving their family etc etc human heart in conflict with itself. way more fun and thematically appropriate. plus its so unneccessary... its like how people try and make littlefinger have bigger and crazier plans. his plans are already big and crazy you dont need to throat him so hard. now i think wyman does deserve a good throating but he's already an awesome schemer do we need to include lady stoneheart. let her murder more people on her own for her own reasons. god forbid women do anything
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vacantgodling · 21 days
I've been thinking about kinship terms and forms of address in my fictional cultures and I wanna hear about them in tcol
yknow, this is actually a really good question. i haven't gotten fully into the weeds on culture building yet + unfortunately not all of us can be linguists (side eyeing tolkien like-) so take part of what i'm thinking about with a grain of salt!!!!
however, i think in general people are most likely to call each other by their names when it comes to siblings. casual nicknames occasionally (ie; all of ensio's siblings call him 'en') but like there's no specific "veneration" or "respect" for elder siblings, or elders in general. respect is given based on position or personal fondness/value towards the speaker, so there aren't like honorifics that much.
in fact, i don't think terrae has that many honorifics in general? there are titles when it comes to government entities and positions of power, but most of the time, people are called by their name. its a very... collaborative culture. going along with the handshaking ask i had many moons ago where people tend to grip each other by the shoulders instead of bowing to one another in greeting.
i think this has to do with the very real presence of deities and oracles especially. because even the royal family isn't chosen by birth succession (though it does tend to happen, its not so often that its wholly guaranteed), so why treat someone as beneath you or as having a lower status than you when they could deadass be your king tomorrow you don't know. (not to say that people don't. but i'm talking about on average LMAO). so most people go by their names with each other, which influences the fact that its seen as disrespectful to intentionally name someone directly after someone else (like same name. you can't have a john & john jr situation for instance), and why diminuitives are so popular.
in terms of like titles... i'm boring lol. i may think of better names when i have a brain to start delving into the culture (i'm more focused on what happened and worldbuilding broad elements and systems rn vs like. style of dress and customs rip) so right now most of the honorifics are "king, queen, lord, lady etc" though i will say that there is only ever a main king of lathsbury. king in their word is gender neutral to mean essentially at the top of the food chain or the main person in charge. there's also no restrictions on gender regarding who rules bc everything is oracle based. so this leads us to having things like in the first/second age there were several femme main rulers who were all called king (ie: devorah, blythe, clandestine, dawn, technically anele of kairos but he's bigender so there's that as well).
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20 questions for writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
81 at the time of answering this. I'm constantly adding new ficlets though, and actively working on two unpublished wips that I'm very excited about. 
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Steddie. My hobby is just Steddie. 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
🐉 Hic sunt dracones
🦇 Possession 
🔥 Whatever you want it to be 
(WTF, that only finished posting earlier this month, are you all insane???)
👨‍👩‍👧 Someone who cares
🧜‍♂️ Just add water
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! (Well, except the outright rude ones, but I can count those on one hand.) You took time out of your day to tell me what you thought of my fic, and that is so incredibly motivating and means so much to me! 🥰
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I yet have to write an actual long fic with an unhappy ending, but i once made Steve come back wrong and killed everyone but Eddie and him for a ficlet, does that count? 😅
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of my long fics have happy endings, but Hic sunt dracones probably has the happiest to me. They're mated and disgustingly in love and it's flower crowns and apple pie and hot, hot monsterfucking forever after. 🐉🔥❤️
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been called racist and ableist and British, among other things, but 99.9% of all reactions I get are lovely! 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've … been known to write smut, yeah. 🤣 
I love exploring all sorts of different vibes and dynamics, but I think porn with feelings is what I do best.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, just wild AUs. 🐉🧜🏻😈
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I co-wrote an original work with a school friend some 20 years ago. And by co-wrote I mean we took turns with the document and key-smashed what we thought should happen next where the other had left off. 🤣
The King’s Gift will be a very close collaboration between @house-of-the-moving-image and I bc we've developed the idea and the entirety of the plot together and are bringing it alive through our respective mediums. It's heaps of fun! ✨️
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
(drumroll) (expectant silence)
It's Steddie, people. Not only because they've quite literally eroded my brain, but also because of the wonderful people I've found and the beautiful experiences I've made and continue to make in this fandom. I've never been active in any fandom before, but I'm so, so glad I've taken the leap. 
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I try to finish all my WIPs and am very much committed to finishing the two I have ongoing rn. 
That being said, there's a bunch of microfics and drabbles I'd love to expand on if I ever find the time (lake monster and ballerina Steve, I see you). 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've repeatedly been told that I create very vivid images with my writing, and that's something I find really lovely. And I love world building. ✨️🥰
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Wordy bitch disease. I ramble, I spiral, I spin completely out of control. The amount of fics that ended up being much longer than I initially thought is embarrassing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve never actually done that. I’d definitely enlist the help of someone who is proficient enough in the language in question to ensure I don’t make an utter ass of myself. 😅
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The wizard who must not be named. I must’ve been fourteen or something? It was probably so bad, and sometimes I think I'd like to re-read it again, but it’s now lost on some hard drive in a junkyard somewhere, hopefully never to be seen again. 🪦
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I love all of my fics, each for its own reasons, but Hic sunt dracones will forever hold a special place in my heart. It is everything I ever dreamed of when I fantasized about writing and publishing my own fics but was too shy to do so. I’ve met and befriended amazing people over it. It has fanart. Even close to one year after I finished it, people are still telling me how much they loved it, and it feels so wonderful to know my writing resonated so much with somebody out there. I can never talk about it without getting all up in my feels. 🐉🥲💕
Some zero-pressure tags: @eyesofshinigami @vecnuthy @sidekick-hero @penny00dreadful 💕
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kiera--b · 25 days
how did you like MICA?
follow up question assuming you majored in game design, what did that entail? did you just learn game /art/ or was it also programming and computery things?
-someone wanting to go to school for game art <3
I enjoyed it but I think it was primarily due to the professors. A lot of them have left since I was there but the current game design head is a really great teacher.
Game design was a “jack of all trades” scenario. We were often in small groups to make games and would split up tasks based on personal preferences, I’m generally an all-rounder so I did programming, some art, some level design, and (almost always) ui design — sorta depended on the project and who wanted to do what.
I’d say I was always pretty decent at technical thinking so while programming was challenging at times I had the sort of brain that melded well with it. What I learned there certainly doesn’t qualify me as an engineer but at my current job as a designer I can dig thru the database and program some basic events albeit not perfectly nor at the core level.
MICA isn’t doing too hot rn and they’ve cut the game design major alongside a lot of other majors, and personally I don’t think you’d find game-y lessons in the interactive arts major — that’s more gallery/experienced focused. As with all college advice, I think you should consider your budget and ask around like this!
If you’re looking to do concept art, technical art, etc., you’re going to want to look for a good illustration program with some painting fundamentals and design (like character design) electives. Bonus points if you see they have a close connection with a local games studio.
Everyone wants to be a concept artist, so trying out technical art or technical animation isn’t a bad choice. Find ways to practice collaborations, especially across media. Youll get a good sense of how to collaborate and talk with people outside your practice, slice up your work, file formats, etc.
Hope that helps! Good luck
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bvnnyl0v3r · 4 months
An Angel's Kiss pt.4
A/N: okay imma immediately say: I‘ll continue the timeline as it is rn and work my way up (mainly bc i live in germany and we only got 23 parts and the 24th part is coming out in idk how many months I am dying from spoilers 😭😭😭) also like idek why I am writing Nikolai to be a total asshole he‘s my fave character but at the same time I just….. is it wrong to want tobe mistreated by a white haired man who definetly does not have all his cups in the cupboard (someone help It‘s 3am and that cupboard cup thingy is a german thing that we germans say instead of having some loose screws I am so fucked out) 
TW: mention of near death experiences, blood, wounds, dirty talk, Nikolai is still just….. *sighs dramatically*, needles, slapping, for once (NAME) is being the weird one
What you did not expect this lovely morning as you woke up was….. Nikolai. In your bed….. well okay you sorta did expect it since he does not know personal space with you but the unexpecting part was that he was covered in blood, you were covered in blood and your sheets were covered in blood. You checked to see if that bastard actually dared to die in your arms but luckily he didn‘t.
While you coulhave done the world a favor and left him to die your dumbass‘ first thought was to drag him into the kitchen and pour cold water over him to wake him up and then get out the medkit. After all Fyodor‘s surgery book did help you sew some of the wounds shut. Well that was while Nikolai was still half asleep half dead but now he was neither half asleep nor half dead so he was just groaning like the fucking masochist he is.
And sitting there trying to treat someones wounds while they keep on saying:
“that‘s it darling….. just like that…. Fuck that burned….bet you like me like this don‘t ya, baby~ whimpering just for you~ ngh~“
Was not at all a pleasant way to pass your time so after the first 15 minutes you‘d had enough
“Can you stopdirty talking me while I treat you fucking wounds???“
„But baby, my pretty darling, don‘t you looooovvveeee meeee~“
when Sigma came in because he heard a scream….
…he just immediately walked out again at the sight of you stabbing nikolai‘s main blood vain in the upper arm. Sadly he survived....
About 10pm you wanted to go to bed. A good plan indeed as Fyodor was finally out the house just as sigma and fukuchi so it was just you and Nikolai. Nikolai had gotten a set of rules from the others. Much against his will as they "chained him even more than he already was" and "he'll never be free" but at some point agreeing when fyodor told him he'll lock him up in an actual bird cage if he doesn't collaborate.
So you finally got your sleep. 4 lovely hours until you shrieked up from a nightmare. To terrified to go back to sleep in your own bed you took a light and walke dover to Nikolai's room. To your surprise he was already asleep wich you found weird as you didn't think he'd sleep before 3am but who cares anyway. You were gonna wake him up and make him help you somehow. I mean yeah he may not seem the smartest but he actually can have some brain. 
So here you were. Sitting on Nikolai's bed. Trying to get the snoring bastard to wake up as he kept on sleeping. You got tired again so in the end you decide ife he can you andomly cuddle up to you so can you.
You don't know when you woke up but Nikolai was in a shock state. Looking at you with eyes wide open and an awkard grin. His arms tightly around your waist. Seeing this terrifying sight infront of you your flight or fight instict kicked in and you slapped him.
Then silence made it's way through the room until Nikolai speaks
"let's get mclfurries"
"For once youhad a good idea"
A/N: idk wtf happened at the end i'm honest. It's 3am again I can't sleep HELP THIS WAS IN MY DRAFTS FOR 3 MONTHS OR SO
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algolagniaa · 5 months
I am bored bored bored bored bored and I don’t want to write about the things actually on my mind or happening in my life so I’m just going to critique this chart reading someone did for me a couple days ago
according to this person I AM going to get married just late…. like I shouldn’t stress for about 4 more years. and tbh a part of me is like “nooooo I want to be a young and beautiful bride” but if I shut that part up that sounds p ideal.
also told me to avoid dating anyone with Gemini placements…… girl everyone I’ve ever so much as had a crush on has Gemini placements. with the exception of my ex fiancé. I vibe with Gemini moons almost exclusively. the girl I have a crush on rn has a Gemini moon and I think it was the same day I got this reading that she told me she wants to kill me over and over. literally HOW am I supposed to turn that down. I’m only human faerie after all
mentioned that I need to be careful who I let close to me because a lot of people over the course of my life are very jealous/envious of me, particularly those with strong Sagittarius placements (which I’ve def found to be true). this is literally WILD to me like ik I’m pretty great but what do I have (other than looks and brains and intrigue and force of personality, okay maybe I get it) that you actually want. actually being me isn’t that great most of the time.
spouse will be sociable and emotionally intelligent and intelligent in general and religious/spiritual and “quaint” and love travel. pretty standard 9th house themes. also said she will have an “underlying intensity” which, yeah I hope so otherwise what are we doing together.
apparently my Uranus/Neptune conjunction in 1st makes me come off as unreliable and my Pluto placement makes me seem controlling/manipulative and too intense for many people. and those two things combined are why people decide to write me off as a bad person. which I guess makes sense bc what happens is they like all of a sudden see something about me they don’t like and then act scared of me??? even when there is genuinely no reason to be????? anyway apparently one of the big things I’m supposed to learn that will help mitigate this is to treat friendships more causally and not expect everything to be a super deep connection. but I feel like I already DO THAT with a lot of people + also when I do that I end up playing with them like dolls or chess pieces. and it’s fun but not satisfying. well whatever I have astrological license to treat my friends worse I guess
ages 24-25 were supposedly years of great personal growth and healing for me but all I did in those years was get abused and lose all my friends and have everyone tell me that actually I was abusive and a narcissist with 17 personality disorders including one that is straight up not in the DSM. and go to a bunch of therapy that didn’t work. and get addicted to weed and gain 30lbs and have everyone in my life collaborate on a giant gaslighting effort to convince me I was dangerously obese and they were worried for my health. and obsessively read r/amitheasshole trying to figure out the rules for Correct behavior. and cut myself to win arguments. and get kicked out of thanksgiving drunk in the middle of the night. and move to Spokane and have my first great love vow to hate me forever. and continue to get abused in Spokane, and meet some friends, and lose those friends bc I pissed off a serial killer dude, oh also I pissed off someone in the mafia I forgot that part, and get abused more and have a dead bedroom in my relationship and lock my entire personality up in a box and put it in a deep dark corner of my mind and give up on ever being happy. also I cried on my birthday both years. where’s the growth and healing…. I guess I hiked a lot in that time? and went to the gym but my heart was NOT in it
apparently I am v talented at communicating, networking, and making connections and can use my gifts to acquire money and power if I so choose. girl I so wish that were true
was also told what themes I will focus on during the next couple years of my life and apparently this year my focuses are: relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners, equality, sharing, interpersonal style. and I can see a couple of these but for the most part….. can’t relate.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#*problems occur on a project multiple ppl r working on* my boss @ me: what do u wanna do?#me. disastrously burnt out: i couldnt not even to give a fuck abt all this. i dont care i dont care i dont care#but thats not what i say. i say ok ill talk to the ppl and see how i can drop everything to help. and that probably means driving an hour#away to the other uni which is irrationally terrifying to me to the point where it will probably destroy my whole week a prevent me from#sleeping when i already am struggling to sleep. but its fine. ill get it done and itll be fine. for this stupid fucking project i dont#care abt. ay its so weird. ive never been this angry abt things. i mean its not even really anger its more dispair and frustration but it#manifests as just wanting to scream and throw a fit like a toddler. and i mean its my fault. i dont have to live the way that i do. i mean#i do but in an irrational compulsive way that i cant entirely control. but like its Saturday and i sepent 6 and a half hours taking#measurements and then met with my boss for like an hour and she was showing me cool imagines and talking abt cool new collaborators at her#new school and im just sitting there trying to maintain a smile bc my brain is semi disconnected from my body and im so exhausted#ugh. my brain is so fucked rn. i dont want to drive with even lower functioning thsn usual. and i was gonna meet my friend Tuesday morning#for once. and i might have to drive back and forth multiple days. ans what's my reward if were successful? two fucking weeks of watering#and measurement taking and i might have to stand around other ppl in all that time as well. usually im off spinning in circles by myself#amd looking unapproachable. i dont want to have to b a person around the undergrads#god im so weird. its like from the outside perspective if u were looking thru the window at me u would see me using a hammer and assume im#putting something together and i am but im also hammering nails thru my hand which no one asked me to do#so then why do i have to do it? ugh. thats y its a hard thing to complain abt bc ppl r like oh it sounds like ur compulsive habbits make u#productive and successful and yea sure but they're also destroying my life. im laying on the floor doubled over in pain and ppl r like oh#look how useful u r. who gives a fuck everything feels stretched and distorted like im suffering some sort of selfimposed Devin punishment#whatever. fuck this. tomorrow ill try my hardest to relax. literally i cant remember the last time i stayed in bed until at least 7am. ugh#but i also have some bullshit i have to get done tomorrow so well see#uuuuuugh let me leave this place @ schools send me ur official offers pls i wanna plan out my life for the next 5yrs#unrelated
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briarborealisart · 11 months
tell me about your favorite characters (or ocs if you’d like) 👀👀👀
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this post is going to be long so: oc info under the cut! i guess this is a good time to tell anyone who doesnt know me from other sites that i have a bunch of various ocs in my brain always. fun fact: originally this blog was going to be my art and oc blog! hence: briarborealisart. unfortunately the allure of fandom reblogs Got Me and now my blog is a deeply disorganized folder of Interests rather than me putting anything of my own out there LOL. maybe i should make an oc sideblog or smth but i feel like i wouldnt keep up with it </3
OK SO I HAVE A NUMBER OF OCS FROM DIFFERENT WORLDS. i'll go in order of world age (mostly---i don't remember the exact chronology) and stick to my main oca. anyone who i tag as a collaborator/co-author also has ocs that interact with mine and did a great amount of the worldbuilding and u should check them out hehehehe!!
whoopsverse is a world jointly created by some friends and i (@natyune-art, @catatonickeeper and alythea). it's an epic fantasy and it is also falling apart actively lore-wise because we all became Adults With Jobs who had some creative differences regarding what we wanted for the roleplay SO its kind of a free for all rn. BUT IT IS SO DEAR TO ME. it started out as an offshoot of the google plus roleplay community World of Alengra by derbybubblefish but it quickly became its own thing. i technically have a billion and a half ocs from this world but most of them are defunct/shelved for now (read: dead)
my two most active ocs from whoopsverse are vas and kiska
vasushri jilpa nuriya, aka vas, is a mortal girl who keeps getting reincarnated with the same voidkin attached to her soul. voidkin are minor gods who are born from the void, a nebulous sea of chaos. they are goopy fellas and can latch onto mortal souls to give them innate void magic. void magic involves portaling, hammerspace, and in rare occasions, shapeshifting into a voidkin. vas has the rare shapeshifting bond.
kiska, aka the godkiller, aka tempest, is a once-mortal woman, now immortal, who is blessed by the death god with immortality and great power. in return, she is to wander the earth exterminating rogue immortals. she's like a very specialized grim reaper.
kiska frequently runs into vas in her many incarnations and adopts her.
@ask-projectstarstruck (mine and @doeblossom 's poor abandoned baby) is an ask blog set in a world much like our own, except that magic exists! it takes place in a fictional college and follows two (or three? 👀) students. blog spoilers to follow!! (also, the concept existed before and continues to exist outside of the ask blog, lol). MY two (most active) ocs in there are austral and boreal
austral lucis is a college student at the university of lenton springs! she's a business major and communications minor who graduated valedictorian of her high school class, and got a full ride scholarship to this ivy league college not too far from her home. she's a huge stick in the mud and very VERY type A. her story revolves around learning how to be her own person instead of doing what everyone expects/wants of her. her college roommate is callista aka elise, @doeblossom 's oc!
boreal lucis is dead. no, really! she's a ghost, and austral's twin sister. through an uncanny twist of fate, or maybe magic, when boreal was stillborn her life force attached to austral, and her ghost grew up with her. austral is the only person who can see her, and ghosts/hauntings aren't really well researched in the world of project starstruck, so... austral has defaulted to pretending she doesn't exist, so that people don't think she's crazy. boreal is a silly goofy guy, because you've got to have some way to entertain yourself when the only other person who knows you exist pretends she doesn't. boreal's story is ALSO about learning to become her own person, but this time a lot more literally.
boreal is very protective of austral, the both of them having grown up with a mother that was very demanding and dismissive of austral's emotional needs. austral would prefer not to talk about it.
THIS ONE IS ALLLLL ME BABEY. i read so much of the Alernate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers tag on ao3 that i haaaaaaaad to make my own. since this is all me i have a bajillion ocs in this world.
here i'll just copy and paste over from my discord (these descriptions might not be super accurate since they were written a long time ago)
ok core cast
19 year old spiderman kinnie mc, a vigilante named leon wright. became a vigilante after his existing powers mysteriously evolved (this Doesn't Happen to other people)
15-16 year old dani wright, leon's little sister, found out leon was a vigilante and promised to snitch on him if he didn't let her join him
17-18 year old stereotypical tech/hacker/guy in the chair guy named mick simmons, technically a supervillain because he keeps committing minor cyberterrorism. his only parent was a supervillain who got arrested when he was like 14. he met leon online after hacking his animal jam account. so far he's the only one whose codename ive made and it's discord
18-20 yo main villain, kammie stoll, a deranged and unhinged cartoonishly evil young woman who leon is a MASSIVE simp for, and she is in love...with DESTRUCTION!!! NYEHEHEH
a registered dad-aged hero, brendan powell, so stressed about the fact that these kids are out here fighting, desperately trying to be a positive role model for/adopt them
a dad-aged villain, grant stoll, kammie's bio dad, they have a great relationship /gen, he is also trying to adopt all the kids because he respects their gusto and thinks they'd be great friends for his daughter
the wright parents, phoebe and cyrus; one of them knows about their kids vigilante stuff, the other is oblivious (havent decided which is which). theyre separated but friendly and have a rivalry going on about who the kids like more
the hero hq secretary, sandra flores, who has a power that "lets her type really fast" but actually its just legitimately a superspeed power and shes so cool and rad. she just lets people think she's Normal
milo pryce, mick and leon's third roommate that they picked up off of craigslist or smth because they couldnt afford an apt on their own salaries. he's pretty normal (or is he?) and just a background civilian (or IS he?) except that he's a doomsday prepper with a serious hoarding problem, but only in his room. very meticulous otherwise
and, of course, the REAL big bad evil guy: clarisse simmons, mick's supervillain mom. she's a very mysterious force for most of the story until the THIRD ACT TURN WHERE ITS REVEALED SHES BEEN THE MASTERMIND THE WHOLE TIME! or... something like that
story MAINLY driven by @natyune-art featuring witches, betrayal, and mystery!! my character in there is named dijah
khadijah, aka khadi or dijah, is a witch. in this world, witches can see the strings of fate that surround a person and view, interpret, and/or manipulate those strings. dijah wanders the world as kind of a rogue, wandering from town to town with nothing tying her down anywhere. that is, until she arrives at a town where a string of kidnappings finally catches up to her location. a bartender she made sort-of friends with is the next to go missing, and she immediately decides to start investigating. while she's in town, she also meets auryn, a traveling performer like herself. he's extremely suspicious, but she has no real evidence that he's behind the kidnappings, especially when he agrees to help her with her investigation. drama! intrigue! romance! horror! whimsy! they have it all!!!
most recently and most clearly the subject of my brainrot, @doeblossom peer pressured me to make an owl house self insert oc and BOY DID I. ITS SO FUN. in addition to being besties with toh!doe, she ALSO has interactions with @mothsha 's toh oc myrna, and @blimate 's toh oc wynter. her name is sol
solstice finch is a teen prodigy. she graduated hexside at 15 years old under the potion track, and ended up succeeded in the emperor's coven tryouts, which she had entered by accident. she quickly made her way through the coven scout ranks and at 16 is a coven official a la kikimora. she's besties with doe and hunter :) her mentor WAS lilith, but after The Season One Finale... they don't talk for a while haha. I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT HER BUT I'LL KEEP IT BRIEF: sol is THE silliest little guy. she's also basically a cat, we swear. shortly after hollow mind she defects from the coven and that's when she ends up meeting myrna and re-meeting wynter.
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themissingnumbers · 1 month
Hey! This isn’t an ask, just me yapping about what’s going through my head rn- I hope you don’t mind.
BRUH- I am losing sleep over Fire right now. My brain will not shut up about what if’s, theorizing about what the hell is going on with Fire so I can figure out how/the best way to help him. Y’all said to investigate and use your intuition, but I can’t tell if I’m cooking/on to something or overthinking things. 😅
The fact that there are two different colors—TWO—for when Fire is talking: those being Black and Gold/Yellow. He’s switched between Black and Gold text in two different posts. That being the “first” one he appeared in, and the most recent one (as of writing this ask.) I feel like Black might be the “real” Fire speaking, because Gold is a color I’ve only ever seen be used for when Arceus was speaking and/or present.
And that leads into my next thought. The thought that Fire might not really be Fire. Not in a sense of “oh, it’s a mimic” no. I’m talking like, it’s him in his own body, but there’s something (or someone) that’s getting in the way of him really being himself. Like, someone’s doing the talking for him or subconsciously coaching his responses so he can’t speak his truth. Aka: the words hidden in the talksprites. (Fire CAN feel. (At least, I’m pretty sure he can.) But it’s like whatever senior gold-text is doing is subduing his ability to act on his own.) I know that Fire and Arceus are linked in some way, which is why the god-horse is my prime suspect.
And the smoking gun to my theories and potential overthinking? That last fucking talksprite.
That last talksprite (as of writing this) was like a flicker of humanity in Fire. A glimpse of the real him. There were no shadows on that one, he seemed to genuinely and deeply feel whatever emotion struck him in that moment when Pallette Town was mentioned, and his eyes didn’t have any gold in them. I can’t tell if the lack of gold color in Fire’s eyes was a mistake when drawing, but from what I’ve seen of your art so far, everything is put in a piece with purpose. But then, a second later, all of it was gone. The shadows came back, the gold was back in his eyes, and the look on his face seemed… pensive…? Like he was conflicted or scolding himself? I can’t fully tell, but he seemed tense.
This all scares me. Because now I know that this blog doesn’t really have a predetermined ending, but that the asks can (and will) sway the fates of the characters—and that makes me nervous. I want what’s best for them, but I don’t know what to do or what’s going on, and I feel like if I say one wrong thing I’ll mess everything up. I’m not scared of Fire anymore. I’m scared of hurting Fire and screwing up his chance (and the chances of others) to be happy. Am I cooking with my theories or am I cooked? I don’t know! I’m stressed! AAAAAA-
TL;DR: Missing Numbers has me in a chokehold—and Fire is just the beginning. Please do continue to post stuff. It’s really good. That’s all my ramblings. Sorry if it was annoying.
Referring to this point in the story.
[hiya everyone!! beings some of you have started discussing and collaborating together for the blog, we've decided to release the theory asks we've gotten from the inbox!
I'll be putting em out in the order we recieved them, oldest to newest. we won't be offering any commentary to confirm or deny how accurate they are, but we figured this would be a nice way to allow cross-referencing with each other's thoughts n speculations if you wanted!
theories/speculation like this will be tagged as #mn theories. have fun, and thank you all for your continued interest in the blog!]
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Bracket E Round 1
Poll 11
Starburst the Rabbit (@scorpiolight-madd) vs. Fate & Deadbeat (@anddrewathing)
277. Starburst the Rabbit (@scorpiolight-madd)
AAUGH SHES MY GORL i am constantly spinning her around on the microwave plate in my brain
shes my version of the Rookie from Sonic Forces and shes a major character in my rewrite of the game. She's from Seaside Hill, and when she's in her element, she's incredibly clever, and quite a bit of a trickster, able to easily pull various Batman Gambits and Bugs Bunny-style antics on the people she knows. However, when she's OUT of her element, like, say, a sudden war that she's tossed into the middle of and surrounded by complete strangers, she's a complete nervous wreck. Over the course of the Forces arc, she manages to gain a bit of confidence, but a lot of the events that happen leave her pretty messed up, and it's hard for her to get back to the lighthearted trickster she used to be. BUT she's made a lot of friends and after the events of Sonic Forces, she decides to leave her home and start going out on adventures of her own.
While she used to be fairly confident back when she lived in Seaside Hill, among other ""ordinary"" people, she developed a bit of a complex once she joined Sonic and his friends, seeing how impressive they all were. However, none of her new friends view her any less because of how ""ordinary"" she supposedly is, since she's proved herself just as impressive, helping to take down Infinite and free the world from Eggman's takeover.
OUGH i feel like I havent done a good job of explaining her BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I ADORE HER SO MUCH like litteraly i am constantly thinking about this girl she is my absolute favorite
She also has a Toyhouse profile here:
She's a pink bunny with yellow eyes and yellow streaks in her fur. She has freckles and a tooth gap, and her two main outfits are a pair of overalls with a black t-shirt underneath, or a black dress with a yellow cropped jacket. After she gets trapped in Null Space, she gets permanently dyed slightly purple, including even the whites of her eyes and tongue.
(Art by paeon on Toyhouse, not by me)
278. Fate & Deadbeat (@anddrewathing)
Fate is She/Her, Deadbeat is He/They.   
fate is a homeless girl with no family, a criminal record of minor offenses, and diminishing eyesight. deadbeat is an incredibly emotionally tired immortal scythe made for a mission long forgotten passed down from wielder to wielder with the intention of fighting injustice though their experiences with each wielder have been hit or miss. they fight an evil organization doing evil experiments or whatever but also they procrastinate that a lot and chill in the cabin in the woods they're illegally squatting in. chaotic does-their-best good. they both try to come off as badass in different ways but they're both a little dense also in different ways. deadbeat acts as a guide both in general advice from wayyy too many years experience and in describing what is visually happening (especially during combat) should fate need it. fate does her best to empathize with deadbeat on account of deadbeat going hundreds of years without therapy. deadbeat also tries to empathize with fate who has not had an easy life so far. they bicker but are best friends.
oh right why they should win  um  ummm they're  swag your honor. they also both need showers but they're swag ok
fate is somewhat tallish and has bandages over her eyes. always wearing an oversized torn purple jacket, a white shirt with the anarchy symbol on it, & dark purplish blue jeans. wears boots rn but i might change them to be/she might steal some laced boots at some point when i draw her again
deadbeat is a scythe with the metal blade part a light blue with the part covering the blade being purple with a glass area where deadbeats eye is (purple outline with a cyan ""pupil"" represented as a small line).
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velvetineblue · 1 year
3, 6, 13, 34, & 35!! ( gibs u both salty AND sweet :D )
( in which i was supposed to be salty @ roleplayers but instead i just yell at tumblr staff incoherently / accepting ! )
3. what’s your favorite thing about your mutuals ?
aah, there's so many things i could say !! first of all, they're all very inspiring. whenever i see you guys on my dash, killin' it with your writing and ideas, it inspires me to be more creative. and active. i don't check my dash that often because i try to minimize my distractions during the day; but i bet if i checked it more, the inspiration would make me more active JASJAJJ. another thing i love to see is how the mutuals i have are all very supportive of each other !! liking posts, commenting, and being very warm and welcoming to each other. ; u ; i'm picky about who i follow, so i only follow the best. ;)) wink wonk
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6. what’s one thing the rpc has to realize ?
most of us are over-thinkers. that thing that you are assuming about that other rp'er ( e.g. they must not like me because they didn't respond to my ask; OR they don't want to write with me because if they had they would have reached out; OR they probably think they're 2 cool for me because i don't use fancy aesthetics . . . all the thoughts we have like THAT ) are most likely not true. most things have simple explanations, and are not that deep. our anxious brains just like to overcomplicate things. : D I know that for me, if I did not want to write with someone, or if I did not like them . . . I would just unfollow them or not follow them in the first place !! it's dat simple asjjaja. so if you're mutuals, try not to worry so much about little things and overanalyze them !! if you come here & focus on having fun and exercising your creativity, and focus on that, and your friends, instead of rejections ( real or perceived ) and worrying over what you can't do and can't control . . . you will have a WAY better time! : )
13. what’s underrated in the rpc ?
touching grass. jk jk but actually only half jk. but all of the partners i have rn are people with lives outside of rp and other hobbies and stuff to do, and yes, that means we tend to be slower with our replies & all, but . .. it's so much better, ngl. it sounds stupid but fr, having a life is IMPORTANT, okay; people are less likely to get over-sensitive abt rp stuff, less likely to become overly invested to the point that replying to your threads becomes an obligation / burden instead of good fun, and it also helps lessen the over-thinking mentioned above...
when it comes to what the rpc writes tho ? hMMmm... i think continuity and single-verse stuff is kind of underrated !! like, having verses ( or even entire characters/blogs ) where everything is under ONE single timeline. so if you have a thread with Bob and in that thread, Bob chops off your characters' arm, from then on, your character has ONE ARM. periODT !! unless they get a cybernetic arm or magically regrow it, etc. . . this comes with it's own set of challenges & is PRETTY FREAKING hard to do in rp, but I think it is REALLY fun & rewarding when it works !!! i love all the twists and turns and the spontaneity of it. and if too much happens, there's no reason you can't just... reset back to the beginning!
34. what’s the best part about being in the rpc on tumblr ?
ooh for me, the best thing has been meeting a community of like-minded, similar writers : D bc yes, I’ve met plenty of other writers irl and online places besides tumblr, but… they don’t GET ME like my tumblr mutuals do ajdjsj. I rly thought I was a crazed weirdo because of how passionate I was about my characters, and how I can think about them all day & relate every little thing back to them … until I joined tumblr :’) tumblr turns a solitary, isolate hobby into something community-based, where we all collaborate and expand each other's universes, and i just genuinely think that's a really cool writer-y thing. very niche, very hard to explain to people outside our community ... but i think it's rly fun n uNIQUE. and I think I would have gone crazy if I didn’t have tumblr to scream to about character things svfdd
35. what’s the biggest problem in the rpc ?
that's a good question ... there's a lot of flaws in the rpc, but there's a lot of good things, too. there are a lot of problems that could use improving, but i don't know how to rank one as the 'WORST'. i do think that what i talked about in #6 is a possible contender for the biggest problem, because if we're all avoiding each other and too scared to talk to each other, that kills rp. but it's hard to change that and i feel like the rpc has talked about it enough. 🤷 i don't really have anything else to add or any other solutions. meh. i don't care that much either. i don't think the rpc will ever really die, so it's whatever asjjaj. ( correction: it may die on TUMBLR, but there's plenty of other places to rp if it does. roleplayers are like cockroaches; WE NEVER DIE. ) so instead, i'm going to say: THIS SHITTY ASS BETA EDITOR. I HATE THIS THING. WHAT THE FUCK. the biggest problem in the tumblr rpc is definitely that tumblr staff tries to 'fix' things that were never broken. they hate us and want us all to suffer. we are in hell, being punished for the crime of being tumblristas. i'm not one of those people who hate anytime a website has a minor ui change or whatever-- i didn't care about twitter adding 50 buttons. i'm not opposed to change if it's for innovation or a new feature or look or whatever, even if i don't personally want that feature........ but tumblr doesn't even fix anything: they replace what was there with something of inferior quality every time. how the fuck do you run a website worse than elon musk. not even muskrat has ruined the basic functionality of a text editor, tumblr....... honestly mind-boggling. > : [
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