#my cat scratches at my door about an hour before i feed her right
ritzcuit · 6 months
you kknow i thought i got over it (need tk check if ocd is something you can ""get over"") but on reflection maybe i really do have like a Predisposition to ocd types of thinking bc this is .....
just bc i cant possibly think of what else it could be, really?? not that everything Needs A Diagnosis but also its not. normal. i dont think. its not severe either but the way i feel about myself over having like, one "bad night" in which the bad night is I Was A Little Mad, which is a Normal Human Emotion, is crazy
esp bc i have no idea where i picked up on these ideas in the first placr. Like. i wasnt raised in a religious household, or any sort of abuse, like no one ever told me "youre an inherently evil person" i just Absorbed that from. Somewhere. i was like well of course no one would TELL ME this... Bc they dont know the evil inside of me. I never let u see. I keep it caged but i just cant hold it. etc
at first i thought this was just bc i was a teenager and thats like the worst time to be alive ever but im 23 rn and i shouldnt even be having a hormonal menstrual thing ... so like idk why i was having this reaction...
much to think about i guess
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raven-dor · 1 month
you and i pt.3
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In which steve harrington and his best friend have an argument
PAIRING: steve harrington x reader
WARNINGS: given last name, banter, yearning, argument, swearing, tension that you could cut with a knife
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Y/N was excited. Almost too excited for what was sure to be a whole day of sitting in the Scoops Ahoy break room. She had woken up early and made snacks for everyone. She’d even gone as far as getting to the mall (with a very grumpy Dustin) at the same time that Steve and Robin had to show up, 5:30 in the morning.
Suspiciously, she got out of her car with a grin on her face.
She wore the outfit for her date tonight, thinking she wouldn’t have time to go home in between. Steve got out of his car grumpily, and his breath hitched. God, he was screwed. He then decided to be a bit bolder than normal. "Wow." He cleared his throat, smiling wide. "You look beautiful."
Her cheeks turned red, and she would have tried to play it off by scratching her face or 'itching' her nose, but her hands were full of coffee and bags of snacks. "Thanks, Harrington." She squeezed her hand. "It's for my date tonight; I just thought that I wouldn't have time to go home." She was feeling awkward now and thus began the rambling. "I didn't know if it was too much or too little-"
Steve had totally forgotten about Pavelski. 
"It's perfect. He'll love it." That left a bad taste in his mouth. They stared at each other for a minute, before Robin walked in between them to enter to ice cream shop. 
"Morning twats!"
Y/N was knocked out of the trance that was Steve Harrington's eyes, shaking her head to clear her mind. She followed after her best friend, grinning. "Robbie! I brought snacks."
Steve groaned, staring at the ground. "This is going to be a long day."
And he was right—it was a long day. They were halfway through when her 4 a.m. coffee stopped working its magic. Dustin was crankier than usual, and Steve lost all sense of a filter. He was just talking nonstop. Robin was the only one who wasn't totally out of it. She was currently slinging ice cream (as she so lovingly called it) while Steve and Dustin were out spying for potential Evil Russians.
Y/N was sleeping in the break room. She remembered falling asleep what felt like an hour ago, extremely cold because of the fan and the giant freezer to her left. Her eyes opened slowly, looking around the room suspiciously. It was too quiet. She peaked through the window. "Robin, where are Steve and Dustin?"
"Ah." She noticed the headphones around Robin's ears. "I don't suppose you're listening to ABBA in there."
"Nope." She took them off and held them out. "Want to give it a go?"
She shut the window, pressing play on the recording. They had already figured out the translation, but now they needed to know what the code meant.
"The week is long; the silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly." She repeated the words over and over, trying to find some significance to them. Thankfully, she was pulled out of the most boring chant in history by a knock on the back door, yelling back to Robin. "I'll get it!"
She opened the door, and the delivery guy smiled. "Hi."
"Sign here, please."
She took the box and set it down on the table before coming back to the paper. "Thank you." She looked up to smile but saw something familiar. Not a thing she had seen repeatedly, but something she had heard. 
Silver Cat.
"Holy shit." The man's eyebrows crinkled, but he walked away, and Y/N shut the door. Thinking about everything else they had heard in that annoying message, it all clicked. Blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to China sounds nice- She ran out of the back, almost trampling her cousin and Steve. She stood on the fountain in the middle of the mall and repeated the code back in her head. Blue meets yellow in the west, the clock at 9 o'clock, a trip to China, Imperial Panda, tread lightly, Kaufmanns Shoe store.
"Holy shit!"
Steve crossed his arms, glaring. "What happened?"
She grinned at the cranky sailor. "I figured it out."
"Figured what out?"
Y/N crossed her arms. "The message."
She moved towards the edge of the fountain to jump off, but Steve held out his hand. "Here."
She blushed, jumping down. "Thanks, Harrington."
Her cousin crossed his arms. "And you're telling us this right now?"
"I just found out, Dustin. I-" She smiled at Steve. "We need to tell Robin."
She suddenly pulled Steve back into the ice cream shop. Robin was standing at the counter, looking annoyed. "Let me guess... you figured it out."
Y/N nodded, and Steve rolled his eyes affectionately, elbowing her softly. "Valedictorian of ‘85."
Dustin made a face at Robin that definitely read, "I'm really disgusted right now, do something." Robin stared down, a smirk adorning her face. Their hands were still clasped together. She cleared her throat. "Ehem." They both looked at her confused, and as Robin gestured down, Y/N and Steve ripped their hands away, spluttering.
"Uh, I-"
"We need to make a plan."
Dustin nodded. "Alright, back room. Now."
Robin grabbed the break sign and wrote on the blank space quickly, Be back in 15 minutes.
They all sat down at the table, and Y/N explained the code. "So, what I gathered is that blue meets yellow in the west means the clock, and the west is 9 o'clock. The trip to China and treading lightly is Imperial Panda and Kaufmann's Shoe store, which is the cargo. The Silver Cat is the shipping company. So at 9 o'clock tonight, there will be shipments from Imperial Panda and Kaufmanns from the Lynx Shipping Company."
Robin smiled, and Steve clapped his hands. "Wow."
"How did you even figure it out?"
She smirked at Dustin. "Wel, my little protege, I was signing a package for Robin when I saw the silver cat on the back of the delivery man’s shirt, and it all clicked."
Dustin grinned. "Nice."
Robin quickly went back to slinging ice cream, and Dustin went to see if there were any comic book stores, leaving Steve and Y/N in the back. She shivered, pulling the jacket tighter, the fan above her twirling as fast as it could. Sadly, they couldn’t control how fast it spun, leaving them to freeze to death. 
Steve leaned forward. "You're coming with us tonight, right?"
She nodded, frowning slightly, struggling to remember what she was missing. "Yeah. Of course."
"What, what's wrong?"
Y/N groaned. "My date is at eight tonight. Shit."
Hope began to bud in him, and he whispered. "Don't go."
She laughed. "What?"
He looked at her desperately. "I said don't go."
She tried not to have an outburst of emotion. "And why not, Harrington?"
"You know why, Wilkins."
She leaned in, whispering. "Say it."
Steve almost spoke the words out loud before realizing that he, once again, drifted off into his thoughts. He smiled half-heartedly. "It's fine. Just go on your date while we do the spying and shit."
She tilted her head. "Really?" She really needed him to be brave because she knew for a fact that she couldn't be. "You want me to go?"
He glared at her. He had been her best friend for eight years; he knew her like the back of his hand. He knew her tricks, and he knew that she was scared, but couldn’t she understand that he was scared, too? "You know I don't want you to go, but if you go on that date, I'm not going to stop you."
Y/N really had no right to be upset, but she was nevertheless. Her chair squeaked as she pushed it out from beneath her. "I'm leaving."
He nodded, the silence deafening. She turned around and looked back at him, really looked at him. She really wanted to say something, yell that she was in love with him, but instead, she sighed. "Steve-"
He interrupted her, waving her away like she was nothing. Like he didn't care if he lost her. A stranger to his best friend. "Have fun."
She gazed down at the coat that warmed her and realized it was Steve's. She slammed it on the table, a bit too harshly, but she didn’t really care. "It'd be weird if I showed up to a date with another guy's coat on, don't you think?"
She grabbed her keys off the counter and yelled back at her very confused friend. "Tell Dustin I'll pick him up at ten."
Robin turned to Steve slowly, waiting for some bullshit explanation. He just stared at the wall in anger.
God, he was so stupid. He should've gone with "fantasy" Steve's plan, which involved grabbing her face and kissing her senselessly. Now, thanks to his dumbass, she was going on a date with Derek Pavelski. Steve put his head in his hands, squeezing his eyes shut, hoping it was all just a bad dream.
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Y/N walked into Enzo's at precisely eight o'clock and smiled at the hostess. "Hi, I'm here for a party of two. Maybe under-"
Derek was already sitting. The woman smiled and brought her to the table, where Derek was standing at her seat with her chair pulled out. 
She grinned. "Such a gentleman."
"I try." He sat down. "I'm glad you decided to come."
"I am, too. I hope I'm dressed up enough."
Derek laughed. "I hope I am too. I have no idea what the dress code is exactly."
Y/N stared at the menu and, more importantly, the menu's prices. "Wow, I don't know what to get here. It-"
He nodded. "It's expensive."
She looked over the top of her menu, staring at him. He was concentrating on what to pick, and she was concentrating on the clock. It was 8:20 already. She sighed.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Great." She put her menu down. "So why'd you invite me here of all places?"
He laughed. "If I'm being honest, it's the first place I thought of. My dad used to bring my mom here all the time before they got divorced. Oh- I-" He stopped for a second and tried to recover. "It's just that I've heard great reviews."
"My mom used to love this place."
He smiled sympathetically. "Guess we both have issues, huh?"
She nodded. "Something like that."
He seemed to go back to his menu, but Y/N could tell he wanted to ask her something. She wasn't going to push. "So, why are you so close with Harrington? Not to pry, but almost our whole lives, you've been around him." He laughed. "From what I've seen, he's kind of an-"
He nodded. "He was always such a hardass during basketball. Not to mention, he’s so full of himself."
"Well, he hasn't had it great his whole life. Of course, he'd be an asshole." Derek tilted his head, and Y/N backtracked. "Not that that's an excuse. But even after that, after him being a major asshole, he is still one of the most considerate, kind, loyal people I've ever met. He's like a father figure to all these little shits in town; he- he's especially like a father figure to my cousin, Dustin." She looked at Derek. "I think you might know him. He's the short kid, the one whose hair is always crazy."
"Yeah, yeah. Weird kid."
"Yeah, he is. But Steve really changed last year. He stopped hanging out with Tommy and Carol, and he focused more on actually acting like himself. It's what I admire most about him."
Derek's jaw had dropped, and he had this strange sort of realization on his face. "You love Steve Harrington."
Y/N looked back up from the menu. "What did you say?"
He sat up straight and was almost laughing. "You are in love. With Harrington." He murmured to himself. "I should have known." He looked her in the eye. "What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here with me? Harrington is probably waiting for you, pissed off. He probably has a death wish for me."
She raised an eyebrow. "You want me to go to him?"
"Well, I don't want you to go to him, but I also don't think you should lie to yourself and him any longer. I mean, you're graduation speech was a love letter to the guy." He shook his head and almost laughed. "I'm sorry for wasting your time."
"No, you didn't-"
He nodded in assurance. "I did. We both did." Y/N tilted her head in confusion, and he continued. "Every day we spend apart from who we love, we're wasting time well spent. I mean, this was well spent, but-" He huffed. "You get my point."
"This is the weirdest date I've ever been on. I'm gonna go. Thank you. This was... enlightening."
"Anytime." She walked away, and Derek called the waitress over once again. "Can I get a bottle of Chardonnay please?"
She smirked. "Can I see some ID?"
"Never mind." He put the menu down and smiled sweetly. "Can I get a Shirley Temple?"
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Y/N ran to the front of the mall, banging on the windows. The doors were locked, but she knew that Steve, Robin, and Dustin were still in the Scoops Ahoy's backroom. She also knew they would send Steve out to check for noise because Dustin was a chicken, and Robin wasn't an idiot.
She started yelling, relief flooding her senses when she saw a sailor uniform in the distance. She almost smiled at Steve before she remembered their argument. She stopped harassing the mall door and waited for him to let her in. 
He somehow looked worried and confused at the same time, swinging open the door and pulling her out of the rain without a second thought. And then he instantly began interrogating her.
"What are you doing here?"
"Shouldn't you be at Enzo's?" Her face paled, and Steve assumed the worst. He forgot about their petty fight, and his eyes grew dark, his King Steve persona peeking out of the shadows. "What did he do? Did he- Did he hurt you? I swear to god if that loser touched you-"
She shook her head quickly. "No, no! Steve! He was great... it just wasn't going too well, so I came back to help."
He crossed his arms. "What do you mean it wasn’t going too well?"
"Steve!" She put her hand on his arm, smiling. "Relax, seriously. Nothing happened. We just realized we didn’t like each other like that." She murmured. "We realized a lot of things, actually."
"What was that last part?"
Y/N grinned. "Nothing, sailor. Let's get going." She let her hand fall from his arm to his hand, pulling him towards her. "I'm excited."
He used her hold against her, pulling her back into his arms. Her breath hitched. "You're sopping wet," he said, taking off his rain jacket. "Here. I have another coat in the break room."
She tried not to melt into the smell and warmth that instantly overwhelmed her senses and smiled softly. "Thanks."
"Don't worry about it."
They walked back into Scoops Ahoy. The back room's lights were out. Y/N rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. "Steve's fine, you idiots. Come out of your attack formation."
Dustin popped out from behind the counter. "Y/N/N!"
"Steve! We thought you got attacked by Russians."
"Nope." He sighed heavily. "Just Wilkins."
Y/N shoved him away and hugged Dustin, pulling him along into the backroom. "Let's go be spies, huh?"
Opening the door leading to the roof, Y/N waited until the last of them had gone through before shutting it as slowly as she could. Yes, it was raining, but she really just wanted to err on the side of caution when there were possibly killer Russians below them. She crouched down between Steve and Robin, watching as the delivery truck backed up to the giant door.
"Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufmanns Shoes," Robin shouted over the storm.
"What do you think's in there?"
"Guns, bombs."
Y/N rolled her eyes. "I doubt it. If anything, it's some chemical warfare. Isn't that what this whole cold war is about?"
They watched as the whistling man in a yellow rainjacket walked up to the door by two tall, armed men.
"Well, whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth," Robin added, helping exactly none of them reach peace of mind.
Steve wiped his eyes clear of water and smiled pessimistically. "Great. That's great."
Dustin leaned over the edge, trying to get a better look with his goggles. "What's in there?"
They all watched as the doors opened, and a small room full of other boxes appeared. He sighed. "More boxes."
Steve grabbed the goggles out of her cousin’s hands. "Let me check it out."
Dustin tugged them back, possessive of the goggles his mother had just gifted him. "No! Stop it, Steve!"
"Guys, seriously, cut it out."
Steve let go, and the goggles hit the building, giving the Russians an exact pinpoint as to where they were hiding. They dropped against the roof, holding their breath. Y/N looked down, her hand and Steve's grasping tightly to each other. Neither said anything and chose to ignore it so they could face the much larger problem at hand. Her thoughts immediately turned to the prospect of the Russians finding them, and she looked at everyone else, panic etched in her expression. "We should leave. Like now."
They all nodded and ran to the door. Y/N whisper yelled. "Wait!"
Robin turned back. "What Y/N/N?"
"If they look for us, they'll come through that door."
Dustin nodded. "She's right."
Steve pulled Y/N with him. "There's another door this way; come on!"
They ran through the other door, Steve closing it gently behind them. They walked quickly down the staircase, and Y/N wiped her eyes, slightly stumbling as she lost her sight. Steve held her up, pushing her hair out of her eyes quickly.
Robin laughed, nudging Dustin, now fueled with thoughts of their bombshell revelation. "Well, I think we found your Russians."
Y/N rolled her now clear eyes, her laughter void of humor. "Thank you, Captain Obvious."
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taglist: @kendallroydefender @beebeechaos 
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whoovesnassistant · 2 years
Skit Contest Entry 17
“Bubbling Awake” - By Queen Tut
Cheery opening tune, much like the opening to Domestics. Music from that episode or others could be reused for this purpose if it suits the editor.
Derpy *frustrated murmuring* Bedsheets and pillows brush together harshly as a body moves about within them, restless and desperate. Derpy What I wouldn’t give for some shut eye right about now. Gully Glub Glub. Derpy Ugh, you said it Gully! More pillows and sheets moving. Objects around Derpy clatter as the springs of the bed emit a small crunch, indicating she’s pulled herself halfway out of the bed. Derpy What time is it… Something slides against a wood tabletop. Derpy *alarmed* 2:30? Oh no… have I been moving around for the past five hours? Gully Glub Glub. Derpy Ughh… A pillow audibly flops on the floor before the mattress springs crunch for a final time as Derpy fully rises from the bed. Derpy Glad to know you’re okay, Gully. Want a scratch from the fishy stick? Gully *enthusiastic* GLUB GLUB! Derpy *laughs* Okay. Lemme go get it. Objects clink and clatter. Derpy seems to be looking for the stick. Derpy Wha? It-it was right here? What did I… More objects move about as Derpy descends into mumbling. Derpy Why would somepony take it? I know the Doctor can be nosey, but he wouldn’t take it, he knows better! Gully *sad* Glub Glub…
*whines with pity for Gully* Wait… Oh! Tick Tock!He was looking around for sticks and tools all day yesterday! I bet he knows where your sticky is!
Derpy’s hooves (pun?) clap against the tile floor. Derpy I’ll be back for you, Gully! With the princesses as my witness, you will get the stick scritches! Gully *neutral* Glub. Door creaks open. Derpy stomps out. The hoof-clap sounds change as she enters the more metallic clang of the TARDIS’S main room. She comes to a door and opens it. Derpy Hello? Tick Tock? There is silence. Derpy Huh. He must still be in the workshop. Derpy’s hooves clap against metal and a different door opens. Derpy Tick Tock? Tick Tock Agh! ??? Mrew! Tools and equipment clatter, much of it falling to the ground. Tick Tock Oh, Derpy, thank goodness! It’s only you. ??? *relaxed* Mreeew… A small ambient humming noise comes from the mysterious meowing creature. Derpy Tick Tock… why is there a glowing cat on your head? Objects settle near the unicorn before he responds. Tick Tock That is a long story. Though since you’ve awakened, perhaps you can assist in solving a perplexing mystery? Derpy Oooh! A mystery? That sounds so exciting! What is it? Cat Prrr… Tick Tock Uhhh… UH! It’s doing it again. This feline seems to bear strange hypnotic properties. The vibrations are prone to lulling the victim into a partial trance. The creature does not behave in a hostile manner, but I can’t pinpoint the purpose of this technique. Tell me, Derpy, does this animal appear predatory in nature? Cat Mrow? Tick Tock’s magic is whooshing, presumably from levitating the Cat. Derpy *laughs hysterically* Tick Tock… don’t be silly! It’s… a cat! She’s just purring because she likes you! Tick Tock *hesitates* What? Cat *sweetly* Mew? Mrow? Prrr… Derpy Awww!!! She’s a sweetie pie, isn’t she? Tick Tock Derpy, how were you able to identify the creature as female so easily? Derpy I dunno, I can just tell. She’s all black and ginger all over, those ones are always girls! I’d know, my momma loves feeding stray cats. Tick Tock’s horn whooshes again Cat MROW! Derpy Aww! Okay, kitty. I can give you scritches too. Cat Prrr… White noise comes from the cat again. Derpy Wow, you really are a glowing cat. Oh my, did something happen to her eye? Tick Tock It’s gone. I found her like that. Derpy *gasp* Oh no… What kind of awful pony would leave her all alone like th- *cuts off* Tick Tock *winces* The unicorn shifts his weight audibly. Afterwards it becomes quiet enough to hear a pin drop (though no pins actually drop it’s just a metaphor). Derpy Tick Tock… What happened to your leg? Tick Tock Wha… What do you mean? Derpy You know, the one covered in bandages? Tick Tock Oh, this? I just cracked a hoof is all. Nothing of concern. There is another silence. Derpy When’s the last time you’ve slept? Tick Tock *hesitates then mumbles incoherently* Derpy Did you sleep… at all? Tick Tock *prolonged hesitation* Negatory. Derpy Tick Tock! Tick Tock I have been preoccupied. Derpy You shouldn’t do that, it’s not good for you! Cat Meow! Derpy See? Even the kitty agrees! Tick Tock *murmurs* Derpy *sigh* I need to borrow Gully’s stick back. Will you please let me take you to bed? I’m worried for you. Tick Tock *hesitates longer than ever* Okay. Derpy Good. Now let’s go. Noise indicating time skip. Pillows and bedsheets move against each other with soft sounding friction. Derpy There. Isn’t that better? Cat Mrow… Sound of kneading cushions blends into the scene. Cat Prrr… White noise indicates the cat is glowing again. Derpy Oh, I didn’t think of the glowing. Is that gonna be okay? Tick Tock *thoughtful* I… do like it better than total darkness. Cat Prrr… Derpy *wistful* She’s so sweet. We should keep her around. Tick Tock *sleepy* Maybe… Derpy I’m gonna lay with you. Tick Tock Oka- *cuts off* There’s a loud thud and the screeching of swaying bed springs. Derpy *relaxed* Ahh… Is this okay? I don’t want to be in your space. Tick Tock *soft chuckle* No worries. There is a silent pause. Tick Tock Your mane. It’s so… soft. Derpy It’s getting too long. I want to cut it. It’d be nice to have a bob but those can be really hard to do with your own hooves. Tick Tock Maybe… I could help? Derpy Really? You mean it? Tick Tock Of course I do, Derpy. Derpy Oh, Tick Tock. You’re so sweet. Thank you. Tick Tock *hesitates* I should be thanking you, Derpy. Derpy Hm? Tick Tock shifts in the bed. Tick Tock Ever since I came on this TARDIS, you have done nothing but care for me. You and the Doctor are the only ponies… well, only creatures for that matter, that I never had to prove myself useful to in order for them to care. Thank you. There’s silence as Tick’s words sit in Derpy’s head. Derpy I’m gonna hug you now. Crunch sound effect as Derpy hugs him. Tick Tock Mpf. Soft squish sound as Tick Tock hugs her back. Tick Tock These hugs might actually be better than peaches. Derpy *sigh, relaxed* Yours are pretty good too, Tick Tock… Yours are pretty good too. Scene fades out as skit ends.
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
I made it through the day. Another kinda tough one, but not as tough as the past two... so that's good.
I woke up after very upsetting dreams, but I don't remember them. Haven't dream journaled in a long time, so the reflex isn't there. Didn't get much sleep because of that, probably about 5 hours.
I got on social media in bed. I really need to stop doing that. I swear to god, like... every single conversation on Reddit is an argument. Half (and that's being super fucking generous) of Instagram is ads or paid placement. I'm not really here to complain about that, I just... it sets a bad vibe for the day. Honestly, more Reddit than Instagram. But today, I actually joined a conversation on Reddit. I was in a default sub, which is always a dumb idea... and it was a video of a cat attacking their owners at night, in the r/funny subreddit. And... I used to have that problem too. And 90% of the comments said shut the cat out of the room. A concerning number were advocating physically beating the cat to "correct" it. And then there was me and like two other people buried in there, sharing the apparently "controversial" first-hand experience that... this is textbook... Okay, it's really hard to put into words gently, so I'm going to say it the way I did in the comment. They need to play with their cat more, the cat is trying to play. I don't want to say neglect, because... people are very poorly educated, especially with cats, and for some reason think that cats are like... living stuffed animals or something? That they don't need social stimulation? And... yeah... it's obviously a delicate topic when you're dealing with these kinds of things, people get violently offended. But yeah, coming to the realization that I had been neglecting my cat... and making time to play with her before bed... it was a routine for us around when I started this journal, and quite a bit before. And she was like... 14, there's a huge stigma of like... "old cats don't play". Making that time for her completely solved that issue.
And I even got some person on a throwaway account say some stupid shit like "what the fuck are you talking about..." all that. I mean, all I said was that cats are crepuscular, they are most active at dawn and dusk, the video was showing very telltale tail movements that are like... textbook "I want to play". I explained the whole "cycle of cat life" which is play(hunt) -> feed -> find a safe place, maybe piss and shit -> sleep. And as long as those are accessible and being met, and your cat is healthy, you got yourself a happy cat. It is a very natural cycle for a pure carnivore. But, apparently, I might as well be speaking fucking Cantonese to people who want to come in and say "I don't know all that mumbo jumbo, what are you talking about? (as though they actually want the answer to that question) I've already made up my mind! The best solution here is to shut your door and neglect your neglected cat even further. And when they scratch at the door, contain them further. Why waste my precious time trying to get to know an adopted member of my family when I could be putting that time into being fucking 'right' on the internet."
It just makes me really sad. For the animals that don't have a say in it. For the unnecessary suffering. For the avoidable conflict and pain.
I guess that's a big Buddhist thing that I've always struggled with. The innate nature of life being Suffering. And Suffering comes from Attachment and Desire. And Nirvana - "heaven" is a close analog... kinda... - is a state of being in which one is not compelled/driven by Fear or Desire. And... I struggle with that. I always have.
I mean, I get it. If I didn't love my cat, I never would have suffered her death the way I have. If I didn't desire to save these animals that I have never met, I wouldn't suffer from the powerlessness of not being able to do anything. And, on the flip side, if I didn't fear being mugged in the woods by the recently evicted homeless masses, I would be more than willing to go for a walk. If I didn't fear wasting a gallery owner's time, and embarrassing myself, I would submit my work.
The problem I have with it is... you can't have one without the other. If you want to get rid of Fear, you have to get rid of Desire. And Desire is... ambition, it's setting goals, it's building projects.
I don't know. I just... I struggle with just... seeing the darkness of the world. It disturbs me. And it happened in such... sudden and dramatic ways for me. I remember it very clearly, it was Fall 2018. And really what it took was me getting my bell rung by several big ethical betrayals... and my naivete started cracking. And I started to see... all the dark things I just pushed to the side and turned a blind eye to my whole life. All the monsters lurking in the dark corners. And it fucking spooked me. But I also, at the same time... started seeing all the magic in the mundane, in the everyday things that I also used to look at very shallowly.
I don't think I've ever written about this, I really want to share it because it was a pivotal moment in my life and... I was horrified to share it with others for years because of how hard it was for me to actually process. Then I'll move on to tarot after.
This was when I was getting back into smoking weed for the first time in 10+ years. I started getting really into Darren Brown videos. If you don't know who he is, he's an illusionist and mentalist from over the pond. He did this one experiment where he got a statue for a small rural town and installed it in the town square and started a folktale from scratch. I don't recall details, forgive me, I'm gonna paraphrase what I remember. As far as I remember, he made up a backstory about it granting luck to people who... do something with it, like rub its head or something, I don't know. But he spread the rumor very subtly, with no one in on it, so that the town would spread the tale themselves, so that the folklore would spread on its own. And... over time... people were routinely using it. And it was actually granting people luck. Like... there were a lot of weird coincidences that started happening. And it made me start to think... can we actually... manufacture... luck? Meh, that's not the right word. Um... manifest? Create? Can we, through a placebo effect, actually create good fortune for others? Would it be possible for ourselves? Or do you truly have to fully believe in the placebo for it to work?
It was honestly art. That experiment, that piece - deeply inspiring to me. At such a level that it made me completely question the entirety of existence. It put me in a complete "oh fuck, am I going to die" panic-state. Like a... "you just absorbed arcane eldritch knowledge and Cthulhu is pissed" kinda moment. I'm sure being high really helped with that... And when I called my counseling center and asked for an emergency session with my counselor to try and process this extremely scary moment for me the next day, they brought me in to see someone I had never met before who was an intern... and I was the first person she had seen... and she recommended I go to a two-week outpatient program at a mental health facility. And my timid, anxious, "do your work", abuse victim ass actually went. I told my current therapist this and he had his head in his hands the whole time, like "oh god no, oh no you do not do that..." <shrugs>
Not a very happy ending. I know. To be fair though, I learned some very life changing things from the workshops I went to in that program. I mean that wholeheartedly. I learned how not normal my family is. I learned about trauma and abuse. I learned about polyvagal theory and different forms of CBT. I even learned some new forms of yogic practices there. But man, I really wish I learned that shit somewhere else... XD
Back to the moment of... waking up... What that experiment... project... I don't even know what to call it. What it did for me was help me unlock something that I had pretty tightly locked under cynicism and cold, sterile, scientific skepticism. Which... though done under the guise of "science", is very unscientific in its execution... "It" being... the idea that a placebo effect is... somehow not relevant. For example... if I come across this lucky dog statue and my friend tells me the lore that it makes you more lucky and I pet it... and my friend goads me into buying a lottery ticket and I win... It would be blatantly unscientific to say that the dog did not affect the outcome. The simple factor that the belief in luck exists - even if it's not 100% genuine faith, even if it's skeptical - is enough to get someone to try. And if they try, they are eligible for success. If they go "that dog is horseshit", they never try, they guarantee loss. So... if simply having a symbol of good fortune present equates to more confidence, which leads to more "risk-taking", which leads to more fortune... Then can you really say the dog statue does not generate more fortune? I mean, it's a direct chain of events.
It's really hard for me to communicate this concept the way that I currently understand it now. I've tried many times before and people just sorta stare at me like I'm trying to sell them a paperclip or something, I don't know. But what it really unlocked in me was the realization of the incredible power of belief, and hope, and faith. That they have a very direct impact on your experience of life. Through our willingness to participate with life more fully. And... this is something I could really use more of in my life. I could really really really use more... faith. More hope. More confidence. Because I could really use a turn in fortune. And... I think the idea that I could actually create the means to do that, to generate faith and confidence, and subsequently fortune... it was really life changing. It really made me feel like I actually had some agency in my life. It started to make all of the spiritual texts I had feverishly studied as curiosities throughout my life start to... make more sense. And I started exploring again to start piecing things together, with the newfound perspective that symbolism and metaphor are incredibly important, not something to be scoffed at as "just a metaphor".
Back then, I used to be a cynical atheist who kinda really didn't give meaning in the Universe that much thought. I was much more concerned with Me and Now, than anything greater than it. My ex used to compare me to Dr. House, if that gives you an idea. I was witty, I was funny, I was charming in my own way... but I was miserable, and in pain all the time, and crass. Reconnecting with the idea, even just the suggestion that magic... like magic-magic... is actually... real? Just... not the way people think? And in ways that people overlook and diminish every single day. It was revolutionary.
Like this, check this shit out. I got a package today, that Amazon order from a few days ago. I got a set of succulent pots as part of it, I don't like ordering shit from China... mostly because of how much fucking pollution goes into shipping stuff like that across the damn planet, how much waste goes into it... but I caved on this one. And they're cool, I don't wanna shit on it too much. I went and tended to my succulents that I got last winter. These things grew really nicely, and I live in a cold area. They're fucking desert plants. So I'm honestly shocked they did so well sitting right in the windowsill. I pulled two of them and I'm going to try to propagate them. And how you do that... is you just pluck the leaves, you leave them out for a few days for the attached part to callous over and for them to dry out a tad... then you give them a bit of moisture and maybe some substrate to chill in and before you know it... roots and an entire new clone starts growing from where the leaf was attached. Even crazier than that? Moss can do this... with literally any single cell it has. Translating this to human terms, that would be like... someone stole a hair off your head and gave it some water and in 6 months they had a fucking full clone of you. Tell me that shit isn't magic. Tell me that isn't something that would be in a Brothers Grimm fable or some shit.
And people will argue that! People will go... "no, akshually <pushes glasses up> it's not incredible, it's actually very normal and very mundane and I've seen cooler." And you know what? How can I get mad at people for doing that? I used to be one of them!
I think it's a really big part of who I am, and it was a big missing piece in my creative life that I desperately needed to find. And once I did, I started to get inspiration, and direction, and purpose. I needed to share with others how fucking amazing these things are! Just like I shared about the succulents and the moss, which was today's learning adventure. I live for that shit.
Okay, story time over. I hope I did that story justice and I hope I made sense but it's getting fuckin l a t e... So, I'm gonna try to do tarot quickly because I've been on a roll with it.
Past - V: The Wise One, inverted (Spiritual guidance.  Doctrine and tradition.  Connecting with a spiritual group or mentor.) Present - The Hermit, inverted (Soul-searching, introspection.  Moving slow, calm and grounded.  Being still in the midst of a storm.) Future - Queen of Wands (Warm, dedicated, confident, optimistic. Focusing inward to harness creative energy.)
Well this is interesting... two new cards... with this deck, at least.
The beginning of this thread is The Wise One, otherwise called The Hierophant, inverted. And... this has taken form in my life... very literally a few times. In the summer of 2019, about 6 months after that whole waking up and starting to see the magic in the mundane thing, I actually started to commit to seeking out a spiritual community. And I just kept running into snags, really bad fortune. I started to tell a story here and edited it out, I just need to get to bed. So... needless to say, there were several moments like this and I eventually gave up trying to find a spiritual mentor, in fact... I really really could use one still... but now, after so much bad luck... I'm pretty scared to seek one out.
That image, The Wise One in disorder, is connected to The Hermit, also inverted. And... I am a literal hermit. So... it fits, obviously. The inversion? I would say... when the qualities of being a hermit are not... functioning correctly? When it becomes... avoidance? When it's not so much slow grounded movement as it is... freezing or being stuck.
And this is connected to... the Queen of Wands. The nurturing warden of the fire of creativity. I don't even really have anything more to say about the card... XD I was very pleased to see her, it's a very wonderful image and spirit that I would love to embody some day.
So... I'm kinda reading this temporally. Like... this whole... rejection and interruption preventing me from reaching people who could help me cultivate my spirit, my soul. Which... obviously, with my career and my soul, is also directly tied to my art... Those emotional wounds and phobias are causing my hermit phase to... not be what it could be. The Hermit phase is a transformative one, like emerging from a cocoon. And... my fears of being hurt or rejected by mentors... again... for the millionth time... are keeping me stuck. And... if I manage to free myself from that? On the other side is a life that I would very much love. Being wise and confident and warm, and being able to channel creativity more freely, with more ease and comfort.
I like that message. And... I don't think I mentioned this, but I kinda ended my therapy the other day by saying... "I really need a mentor, one in the art field, to just sit down with me and get to know me and help me find a place where I will shine." You know, like literally any of my teachers were supposed to do. And this fully affirms that. I really do think that would be the smartest thing for me. Even smarter than just showing up at an open studio or taking a class or something.
The next step with that? Where to start looking? And what to even look for?... I'll get on that after sleep because it got ridiculously late. Bye!
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snappleapple · 4 years
their favorite types of kisses
people in this - dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur, punz, jschlatt, awesamdude, quackity
the most disgusting fluff i’ve ever written
warning - cursing, i think that’s all but if there is more please do not hesitate to tell me :)
word count - 2k
a/n: okay okay, i might’ve lied earlier about that being my last post but this was short and easy to make which is why i would like to feed my readers this early haha. anyways, enjoy and please disregard the errors in this post, i hate proof reading anything lol. also, i’ve been very indecisive on the title and i might change it later and ooh, my masterlist will be made soon. i’ve just been feeling very unproductive these days. also, please put in requests, i am so bored and dumb therefore there are no ideas in this brain. and if you’d like a part 2, i might add more people for the part 2!anyways, peace!
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dream -
i get the feeling that dream’s favorite type of kisses would be cheek kisses
he just likes to watch as you struggle to reach his height
“aw look at those little legs do their thing.”
ends up with you not giving him his kiss
and mans becomes SO pouty
“y/n…come on. don’t be this way.” :(
if you don’t kiss him on the cheek, will also become SO clingy and whiny
“why won’t you KISS ME!”
clenches his fists and stomps away like a teenage girl during puberty
slamming the door to your room
so then you have to go and give him all the kisses he wants
his face is slammed into your pillow
you sit on the side of the bed and pet his hair
leading him to stare up at you with puppy dog eyes
“i will give you all the kisses you want. so stop being so pouty, you big baby.”
will literally leave zero feet of space between you and him
taps his cheek to tell you he wants kisses
when you go on dates, will literally make you stand on your tippy toes to get his kisses
does not bend down at all and actually lifts his head higher to tease you
in other words, clingy but rude hoe
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george -
george is a classic romantic
he loves just lip kisses
pecks or lingering ones
he doesn’t care
mans don’t need too many kisses
nor does he need to be too clingy
total opposite of dream and sapnap *ahem clingy ahem*
if he wants a kiss,
he will come over to you and get it
doesn’t get pouty if you’re busy
just waits patiently
doesn’t enjoy it when you interrupt him when he’s streaming so you do your own thing
when you’re watching a movie with him,
he will literally only stare at you with his cute smile
and listen to your every criticism of the movie
he likes to just peck your lips whenever he feels like it
and you’re just not surprised anymore
just likes to stare at your lips whenever you talk
overall, is very sweet but not to an extent with showing affection
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sapnap -
sapnap just vibes with neck kisses
it tickles his neck and he loves them
giggles when you pepper kisses along his neck and flushes a deep red
“y/n. stop.” giggles between each word
but when you do, becomes the saddest person in the whole world
“i was joking.” :(
when he’s streaming and he begins to miss you
would leave his room and find you just to get a kiss
just like dream, would get angry if you give him no kisses
very amusing for you
and you love to tease him
“i don’t want to give you kissies.”
continues to stare at you with a large frown until you give in and give him kissies
lsg supremacy but i’ll get into this later hehe
you better give him kisses or you’ll be dealing with a very sad sapnap
sadnap :(
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wilbur -
wilbur, wilbur, wilbur
what can i even say
total nose kiss guy
i bet he’ll boop your nose twenty four seven
asks stupid questions just to get your attention
“yes wilbur?”
“is a hotdog a sandwich?”
“did you just say boop while you booped my nose?”
if he’s streaming and you bring him a snack
he will hold your face still and leave kisses on your nose
not too clingy but not too distant
likes to be just right with you
if its snowy outside and your noses get red
makes dumb jokes about he is rudolph and you’re mrs. rudolph
just a lot of smooches from wilby
takes you to a lot of hidden cafes in the city
and while you read, he balances his head on his palm, staring at you in admiration
if you’re insecure about your nose, you legit can’t be around wilbur because he will go on a tangent about how beautiful it is
substantially, soft boy hours all day bro, besides when he gets mad then you leave the hormonal man tf alone
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punz -
i don’t see a lot of punz on tumblr so here we go
punz loves hand kisses
not to an extent where he has a hand fetish
god no but just like
when your holding hands, he’ll occasionally pull your hand up to his lips and leave a kiss
lots of hand holding
and i mean lots
constantly gets mad fun of for being a simp but ignores those comments because he genuinely loves you so much
likes it when you play with his hair and messing it up
also likes to compare hand sizes with you
always has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his whenever he is driving somewhere with you
even when you go on dates, always holding hands
no matter how sweaty your hand gets, he will hold on
sometimes if he holds on for too long, you have to tell him to let go
“punz, my hand is super sweaty. lets take a break from the hand holding.”
would flat out decline so you would have to pry your hand out of his
he would also love it when you would kiss his hand
makes him feel all polite and precious LOL
would also wrap his pinky along yours when you walk together
he once came with you to a family gathering for christmas and was so SHY
shy boy held your hand for security while your younger siblings made fun of you
afterwards, when you were under a mistletoe, he kisses you on the lips before kissing you on his favorite part of your body,
your hand
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c!jschlatt -
jschlatt is a whole mess
the first time you met, he confessed that he would hate you for as long as you lived because you made fun of his boots
now he says he still strongly dislikes you but you’re more tolerable
doesn’t like it when you make him soft and HATES it when he blushes
“why must you do this to me, mother nature?”
also “hates” it when you even touch him because he “hates” you
when he actually confessed to you that he liked you with his grumpy usual grandpa voice,
you kissed him on his forehead, after he bent down of course
he is an actual giant and threatens to squash you like an ant if he feels the need to
is an absolute monster to you but loves it when you kiss his forehead because it makes him feel secure and loved
likes to watch the wind blow through your hair and mess it up but gives you his hat because he like you being “all pretty and shit”
gets SUPER jealous when you hug children
like for example, when you went over to a family gathering at his house, his cousins came up to hug you
and when you let go of the child, the man child comes and lugs you over his shoulder
gets yelled at by his mom and gives her a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and throwing you down on the sofa set next to him
his mom doesn’t approve of the way he treats you but you tell her its fine because he’s cute
when you are far from any type of civilization or in the safety and solitude of your own home, he wants kisses on the forehead
pointing up to it and bending down so you could reach it
“y/n, i only love you because of your forehead kisses.”
“you only love me for my kisses?” :(
actually feels slightly bad
“and because of your personality.”
“thank you-“
“shut up. we don’t talk about this.”
in conclusion, give him his forehead kisses or perish
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awesamdude -
sam just adores it when you give him jawline kisses
not because it’s basically the only place you could reach but because it’s a sweet gesture
sam is all about sweetness
i mean have you even seen this man on his stream
he likes to watch you while you have conversations with your friends
not in a creepy way but more like an adoring way
cause man does he love you
i mean not only does he love you but his whole family does
and when you’re alone with sam, you love to bury him underneath all of your love
“i love you sam!”
“no i love you more y/n!”
“NO i LOVE you more!”
“NO i LOVE you MORE!”
“okay thank you sweet pea.”
leaving you a bit confused but happy that he accepts your love
when you cuddle, omg
he never stops peppering kisses all over your face and vice versa because your relationship is disgustingly fluffy
when he lends you one of his sweatshirts, you sure as hell better wear that shit out or else (i am leaving a blank threat here)
sam loves technology but you guys sort of have a system
a system that involves mailing each other love letters rather than texting them
you guys also go on a ton of walks just about anywhere
hand holding is mandatory even though you probably look like a child compared to him
just give sam lots of love and in return, you’ll receive lots of love
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quackity -
mans cannot leave you tf alone
likes to do ANYTHING freaky around you
“i will follow you to the ends of the earth, mi amor.” or
“ayy, back off.” if anyone gets too close to you
messes with you twenty four seven and makes it his job to drive you insane
plays horror games at two in the morning for fun
and when he gets scared, hides in the safety of your arms
“mi amor. i’m scared.”
“shut the fuck up and sleep, alex.”
“okay.” shuts up quickly and snuggles deeper into the crook of your neck
loves you so deeply but HATES your cat
“look at that little dumb thing stare at me. you got a problem bro?”
your cat also HATES alex
scratches him all the time and hisses at him
if you think sapnap is babie, wait till you meet alex
“y/n he bit me!”
when you glance down, you don’t even see a scratch
“kiss my boo boo.”
“what boo boo? there’s nothing there.”
gasps as if you offended him
“this boo boo that your el demonio did to me.”
this man will do anything to get boo boo kisses
istg, you once found him provoking your cat to get some scratches
in alex’s mind, ouchies = kisses from y/n
always has ouchies from god knows where and shows it to you
even though you find it annoying at first, you grow used to it and it sorta becomes your thing with alex
alex is babie and you need to take good care of him :)
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t0rture-memoved · 2 years
Cat and Mouse p.8
[start] [previous]
{i don't think there is anything in this chapter that needs a cw? if i'm wrong please let me know!}
It took Danny a good while to realize that he was alone. Hell, it took him a good while just to stop having a panic attack. He wasn’t sure, but he might have even fell asleep in the ball he had curled himself it. By the time he returned to himself, Fish had curled herself up on the bunched up blanket at the end of the bed. Good, better she used it rather than him. It would just get him in trouble anyway, wouldn’t it? Better to just leave it alone.
Still, it was so cold in the basement. Maybe it would be ok… Just for a minute? No, no. Danny resolved to not touch the blanket at all, no matter how cold it got. Not until he knew it wouldn’t get him hurt. Maybe something warm to eat would help. He scooted himself across the bed to sit next to Fish, scratching he lightly behind the ears.
“Fishy~” Danny sang softly. “You hungry, baby?” Her ear twitched in response, blearily opening her eyes. She gave a little chirp and a yawn before nuzzling into Danny’s hand. “Ok, breakfast time… I think.” Tepidly, Danny stood from the barely-comfortable mattress, slowly so as to avoid irritating his whipped back and bruised body. He hadn’t gotten a chance to see all that Marcus had brought for Fish, so it was probably a good idea to make sure it was the right stuff.
[cut to marcus in a petshop talking to a clerk “my, um… son found a stray cat. I have no clue what i’m doing what do i need-]
The litterbox had already been set up, thankfully. A few toys, treats… Yeah, all the basics. No wet food, though. Danny frowned, Fish would be pretty bummed about that, but she’d have to put up with just the crunchies for now. He filled the little bowl with her food and set it on the floor, to which she happily trotted over. Danny gave her a pat on the head, then went to fill another bowl with water for her, putting it down near the food bowl.
“Sorry there’s none of the good stuff. I’ll have to add that to my next list.” If I survive that long, Danny added silently, shuddering at the thought. “Ok… Food for me now, I guess. I have no fucking clue what time it is, so I guess it doesn’t matter what I eat.” Danny mumbled, trudging over to the small cabinet where he had seen Marcus putting away the non-fridge stuff. It was a soup day, one hundred percent. Chicken noodle was a safe choice. 
Danny made quick work of warming up the soup. He brought the bowl back with him to the bed, but instead opted to sit on the floor next to it. Knowing his luck, he’d end up spilling it on the mattress and ruining it. The floor was frigid, but the hot soup quickly warmed him up from the inside. He had gotten about halfway through when he heard the basement door open. He froze, he couldn’t help it. His heartrate quickened as he watched Marcus walk down the stairs.
“Oh, good, I’m glad to see you eating.” Marcus said, surveying the room nonchalantly. “Why are you on the floor?”
“I didn’t want to spill on t-the bed, Sir.” Danny said quietly, his eyes flicking between staring at the floor and taking quick glances at the vampire in front of him. “Is it–” His breath hitched, “Is it night already? Do you need to, u-um, feed now?” Marcus almost chuckled in surprise at the question.
“No, no, that’s not for a good couple hours. I suppose you wouldn’t know what time it is.” He hummed. “I wanted to check on you. You were very upset when Ciaran and I left earlier.”
“I was having a panic attack… I was more surprised that it took me so long to have one here.” Danny mumbled. “Of course I was freaking out… Look at where I am… Who I’m with… I gave up my clothes, all the things you brought for me just so he wouldn’t take Fish away. And you keep going against him and making him mad, like you’re trying to get me hurt! And– And—” Danny cut himself off harshly, looking fearfully up at Marcus after he realized what he had said. “I– I’m sorry, Sir.” He whispered. “I didn’t– didn’t mean that, I’m s-sorry, I’m v-very grateful for y-your kindness, I’m so s-sorry, I–”
“Stop.” Marcus ordered. Danny snapped his mouth shut, looking blankly forward with wide eyes, unable to bring himself to look at the man in front of him. His hands were trembling now, though he wouldn’t have noticed had it not been for the ripples going through his bowl of soup. “I am sorry that Ciaran has been hurting you because of me. I understand that you are not in the best situation, but you need to watch your tone. This is a warning because you’ve already had a rough day.”
“I’m sorry, Sir.” Danny whispered again, still not daring to look at him. “Th-thank you, Sir.”
“It’s fine. You know I will have to punish you next time, correct?”
“Y-yes, Sir…”
Marcus heaved a sigh and sat down on the mattress, taking a look at the blanket laying untouched at the end of the bed. “Did you get a chance to rest after your panic attack? Did you use the blanket?”
“No, S-sir, I didn’t touch the b-blanket.” Danny shook his head, his stomach turned. What if Marcus thought he was lying? Would he get punished for using it? Would he get punished for not using it? Danny felt himself start to panic again. His knuckles turned white, a death grip on his bowl.
“Danny.” Marcus’ voice cut through the thoughts racing through his mind. The last thing he needed was the kid spiraling again. “You’re not in trouble. Why didn’t you use the blanket?”
“Didn’t wanna get in trouble.” Danny said shakily, trying to loosen his grip. Finally he let himself put down the bowl only to occupy his hands by picking at his nails. There was no way he was going to be able to stomach any more soup, now. “ ‘sides, Fish w-was sleeping on it.”
“Come here, Danny.” Marcus said, patting the mattress next to where he was sitting. Danny’s eyes flicked up to Marcus briefly. Hesitantly, he moved over to sit next to him, his shoulders stiff. Was he shaking from fear or shivering from the cold? Neither he nor Marcus could tell. Danny flinched harshly when he felt something drape over his shoulders. “If you don’t feel comfortable using it when you’re alone, that’s ok. But at least while I’m here, you have permission to use it. Ciaran will not punish you for using the blanket while I’m sitting here with you.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Danny let himself relax just slightly into the warmth of the blanket, taking the edges and tentatively wrapping himself up.
“If I stay down here, will you try to rest?” Danny nodded mutely. Marcus’ hand found Danny’s shoulder and guided him to lay his head in Marcus’ lap. “Good boy.” Marcus pulled a small book out of his pocket and began to read silently.
“If it’s ok, would you, um, read to me? Please?”
Marcus was already almost done the book, Danny wouldn’t understand what was happening in the text at all if he started reading to him now. He paused for a moment, looking down at the boy laying on his lap.
“Sure.” He hummed, turning back to page one.
Taglist - @whumpsday @pumpkin-spice-whump @ramadiiiisme @octopus-reactivated @wolfeyedwitch @whumpiguess @thecyrulik @whumpeedeedoo @morning-star-whump @interdimensional-chaos
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dudeandduchess · 3 years
Baseball Player!Kyōjurō x F!S/O: ❌📛🔞Locker Room Fun🔞📛❌ (Modern AU, NSFW Scenario)
Summary: (Y/n) visits her husband during training, and is in for a surprise when he makes the most of things… in the locker room.
Note: After a while of thinking, I decided to finally pick this back up. Also, I didn’t have much time to research, so the description for the stadium’s interior is based solely on my experience. 😅
Warnings: Smut, Teasing, Vaginal Fingering, Mild D/s Themes, Daddy Kink, Creampie, Hair Pulling, Loud Sex, Mild Sadism, Semi-Public Sex
If (Y/n) were to take a guess, she would say that Kyōjurō was doing what he was doing just to tease her. From the way that his ass looked so good in those pants, to the way that he would stretch his arms up over his head and show off his muscles— she had to admit that he looked scrumptious.
Tasty enough to make her bite down on her bottom lip, as she squeezed her legs together to alleviate the need building between her thighs.
But, as far as she knew, Kyōjurō couldn’t have known that she was there— since her visit was supposed to be a surprise. That fact made it so that Kyō wasn’t doing anything on purpose; he was just that naturally sexy.
Especially with the way that his uniform clung to him, and the way that a few strands of his hair peeked out from beneath the cap he wore. Everything about him had (Y/n) fighting back her lust, and she was barely winning.
However, when Kyōjurō spotted her in the stands, he gave her a cheeky grin and wave— as well as a saucy wink— that had her practically swooning in her seat. It was just fortunate that she was good at keeping a poker face, otherwise everyone would have known just how flustered she felt inside.
And with the way that he started stretching his legs, and squatting on the field… (Y/n) swore that Kyōjurō was really trying to get mauled, by her specifically. Unfortunately for him, his wife had more self control than he gave her credit for.
If anything, he was the insatiable one when it came to sex.
So, instead of outwardly feeding into his provocation, (Y/n) merely clenched her thighs tighter together; simultaneously wishing for Kyōjurō’s practice game to drag on, and be over already— because it meant she could either keep on ogling his sexy ass, or she could finally get the kiss that she’d been craving since after he left that morning.
An hour and a half later though, the game was already over with Kyōjurō’s team winning with a two-point lead. Cheers were thrown around, as well as friendly thumps on each other’s shoulders— yet Kyōjurō merely grinned at his teammates and threw a wave over his shoulder, before dashing towards the ground railings and lifting himself up onto the bleacher area with ease.
He even found himself taking the stairs two at a time— like that would help him get to his wife faster. Meanwhile, (Y/n) got out of her seat and met him halfway; arms wide open as her husband wrapped his own arms around her waist and hugged her tightly to his chest.
“I missed you, baby!” And without so much as a care about their spectators, Kyōjurō leaned in and slanted his lips against his wife’s delectable mouth. He even went saucier and opened his lips to snake his tongue between her lips— loving the way that she immediately gave in to his whim.
From below, they could hear whistles and cat calls, yet they paid it no mind. Rather, (Y/n) couldn’t focus on anything else except Kyōjurō’s lips sucking on her tongue, as well as his hands making their way down to her ass. And, unmistakably, she could feel his cock slowly getting hard against her.
“I can tell, Kyō,” (Y/n) answered with a cheeky grin, catching her breath during the reprieve that her husband had given her. “I can help you out with that… at home.”
“I can’t wait that long, (Y/n). I want you so bad,” Kyōjurō whispered heatedly, cupping her ass in his hands and pushing his erection more insistently against her body. He would have given in and just fucked her right there, especially with how tempting she looked from the moment he saw her, but he really wasn’t in the mood to be fined for indecent exposure.
So, as if a lightbulb went on in his head, Kyōjurō put a stopper on his overflowing need for his wife, and blurted out, “I have an idea… but we just have to wait a few minutes.”
“Why do I both love and hate the sound of that?”
“Trust me, baby. You’ll love it.”
And not even half an hour later, (Y/n) found herself getting dragged into the underbelly of the stadium; her footsteps echoing against the concrete floors and walls.
Everything was so wide and spacious, with carts going to and fro every once in a while. It was honestly a little daunting, which was why (Y/n) found herself hugging her husband’s arm; on top of already holding his hand.
Kyōjurō also smiled and waved at a few people, even going to accept a few hand shakes and pats on his shoulder from people they passed by. He was the epitome of a golden boy in baseball, that it was literally stated in his contract that he had to keep up a good rapport with his fans.
And (Y/n) couldn’t help but let her thoughts get the better of her— admiring her husband so much, that it made her want him so much more than she did before. Everything in her told her to pounce on him, like he had with her, and she was about to…
That was, until she and Kyōjurō reached a door that led off to a carpeted— and much quieter— area; away from the hustle and bustle of the people outside.
It smelled like disinfectant in there, and a little bit of sweat, which was why she was thankful that Kyōjurō practically ran with her deeper into the room; until they reached the showers. On one side was the communal shower area, and on the other— where her husband was pulling her to— were a few shower cubicles.
Kyōjurō wasted no time then, merely looking around to check if his teammates were already back from their cooldown workouts, before stripping his uniform off and heaping them in a pile right outside the stall.
All the while, (Y/n) could only bite down on her bottom lip as inch upon inch of her husband’s skin was revealed to her. And from the way that his abs looked, down to the way that his muscles moved— everything was making her so wet and needy.
Especially the sight of his big and hard cock.
Before she could stop herself, she had already pounced on him; wrapping her arms around his neck, while he lifted her up and held her up under her thighs. Thankfully, she had conveniently ‘forgotten’ to wear any panties beneath her sundress— as if a part of her just knew that it was going to happen.
Kyōjurō then pressed her back flush against the cold tile in the stall, making her gasp at the sudden temperature change, and making his cock twitch right where it was flush against (Y/n)’s pussy.
“Be quiet, baby, otherwise we’re going to get caught,” the young man teased with a grin, leaning in to kiss his wife’s lips, before nipping at her bottom lip with his teeth.
The action had (Y/n) chasing after the blond’s lips, making the blond chuckle as he gave in to her wishes; capturing her mouth in an open mouthed kiss, which she gladly reciprocated.
Until Kyōjurō inched his right hand higher up the underside of her thigh, pressing his fingers against her entrance and even pushing his ring and middle fingers inside up to the first knuckle.
That action, however, was already enough to have (Y/n) moaning in pleasure, all while she crossed her legs by the ankles— using that leverage to start rubbing her clit against the underside of Kyōjurō’s erection.
“Please, Daddy,” (Y/n) whispered in a plea, eyes fluttering closed as she felt his fingers going deeper inside her— scissoring within her walls, all to get her much wetter for something bigger.
“Please what, baby? You have to tell me what you want,” The young man teased, kissing his wife’s cheek as he felt her thighs clench harder around his hips.
And, as if to stir her up even more, he began to move his hips against hers— dragging his cock against her clit, in turn making her eyes flutter shut as salacious moans spilled free from her lips. “Please… fuck me. Fuck m-”
(Y/n)’s words were brought to a pause when she felt Kyōjurō’s fingers pull out of her, leaving her pussy feeling so empty; much, much needier. However, before she could even beg for more, her husband had already taken pity on her and lifted her up a little bit, if only to align his cock right with her entrance.
Then, he pushed in the barest inch— making (Y/n) moan aloud as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her breaths came in short bursts then, with her head feeling so heavy and her entire body getting so warm for him. It was as if an electric current passed through her, with how much pleasure she got from that one move alone.
Kyōjurō couldn’t help himself, he pushed in even more, gritting his teeth when he felt (Y/n)’s hands at the back of his neck— one of them scratching at his nape, while the other one curled into his hair. “Fuck, baby, I didn’t even eat you out but you’re this wet.”
“I’ve been wet since I saw you on the field, Daddy,” The young woman admitted through a moan, eyes hazy with delirious pleasure even as she tried to look right into her husband’s flame colored eyes.
At that, Kyōjurō claimed her lips in a kiss, letting it consume both of them until he moved his hips to begin thrusting against her. Every push of his cock inside her had her moaning against his mouth, all while her fingers kept tugging at his hair and gently scratching at his nape.
It only served to egg him on, to the point where a part of him didn’t care about how loud they were being; not when he was drowning in so much pleasure, and so much warmth in his wife’s arms.
Really, he’d already known that he was so lucky to have her— that moment was just reminding him of how much.
Every move felt like it was knocking the breath out of (Y/n), yet she held on tight and let herself sink into the heady pleasure she had been craving for. Especially when Kyōjurō pushed in really deep and brushed against her cervix.
Her legs tensed up at that, as a mix of white hot pleasure with just a hint of pain, ran down her entire body. “Deeper, Daddy! Deeper, please!”
Kyōjurō did as she asked, angling his hips to hit the part that made her absolutely crazy, only to be rewarded by her tightening her legs around his hips so she could meet him thrust for thrust. Her efforts weren’t doing much, but it was enough for him— given how he had her pressed up against the shower wall.
In the midst of things, he’d almost forgotten about his teammates— and how they would be done with their cooldown workouts soon— so, when the thought hit him, he began to thrust faster. He chased after his and his wife’s orgasms enthusiastically, not minding the noise they made since he was sure that no one other than them were in the showers.
If anything, them being so loud was turning him on even more. Especially with the way that his wife kept moaning his name in between kisses; he was loving every second of it, and wanted to prolong it as much as possible.
But slowly, he could feel the pleasure finally about to reach a tipping point within him. It was evident in his wife too, what with the way that her walls clenched down around his cock.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d have thought that she was trying to keep his cock in her forever. A hot thought, but definitely well within the realms of fantasy more than reality.
“Fuck, baby, I’m so close,” He whispered through winded breaths, keeping up with his initial pace before going for one last burst of speed— a move that had (Y/n) keening in pleasure, as she threw her head back and came around his cock.
It was the headiest thing that he had seen since the night before, when he’d fucked her much harder with her all tied up in their bed. And it also served to have him opting for slower and deeper thrusts, all so he could savor his own orgasm— and maybe wring out another one from her.
Her walls fluttered around his dick, adding to the headiness he already felt bubbling within him; pushing him closer and closer to the edge, until he couldn’t take it anymore and gave in— sliding his cock in to the hilt and pressing his slit up against (Y/n)’s sweet spot as he came.
He could even feel her shaking, as it triggered another orgasm from her.
And by the time that his thoughts were clear enough to make sense of what had just happened, he pulled back a little to look at how blissed out his wife was; feeling the corners of his lips tip up into a smile, before he leaned in to press the sweetest of kisses to those lips that he loved the most in the world.
“I’m so lucky to have you, baby. So, so lucky.”
“Has anyone seen where Rengoku went?”
Kyōjurō’s eyes immediately widened when he heard the voices coming down the hall— right into the shower area. And with a panicked look over his shoulder, then right at his wife, he had only realized that he didn’t even pull the shower curtain closed.
So, with his quick reflexes, he pulled the curtain closed just in time to hear the first of his teammates enter the shower area.
“Hey, Rengoku’s already here! His things are on the floor.” And those words had Kyō panicking even more, because there he was— with his dick still in his wife— in the team’s shower.
“We are not doing this again, Kyōjurō,” (Y/n) hissed under her breath, all while praying that no one would mess with her husband and open the curtain. Because really, they’d get more than they bargained for.
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homoose · 4 years
Love Has a Learning Curve: Part I (x reader insert)
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Summary: Our favorite couple has some catching up to do.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader (or xOC)
Category: hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings/Includes: descriptions of Mexico and prison; they have a sleepover, but it’s just talking and sleeping 🥰
Word count: 3.5k
a/n: Here we go!!!!! We’re picking up from right where we left off in tmsidk part X.
Song Rec: The Luckiest by Ben Folds
Series Masterlist
“Do you— would you want to— come upstairs?” he asked.
Spencer stood in front of her, unsure of what to do with his hands. Y/N was absolutely radiant— bathed in the very last of the golden daylight and more beautiful than he even remembered. All he wanted to do was hug her again and never let go.
She shook her head, and he tried not to instantly deflate. “I have to feed Roald.” She smiled a little at him and restarted his heart. “But would you want to come over? We could order somethi—”
“Yes— yes.” She let out a quiet laugh at his eagerness, and he wanted to hear that sound every day for the rest of his life. “Can I— I just want to drop this stuff off and change, and then I’ll, um.” He gestured vaguely to her. “Should I drive you or do you want to walk or I can just— meet you? Whatever— whatever you want.”
“I’m gonna head back now and take care of Roald. Take your time, and just— well, here.” She held out her hand. “I’ll put my number in your phone, and you can just text me when you’re on your way.”
He fumbled the phone out of his pocket, placed it into her outstretched hand, and nearly vibrated with the way her fingers brushed over his. She stared at the unsophisticated phone in her hand. “You weren’t kidding about the technology thing, huh?”
He ran a hand down the back of his neck and shrugged. “I prefer to keep things simple.”
“I haven’t seen a T9 keyboard since I was in high school. This is a relic,” she laughed and then gave him a soft smile. “And… very you.”
He watched her fingers as she pressed along the tiny keys, still sort of in shock that she was here, that he was getting a second chance, that she wanted to do this with him. She handed the phone back to him and then stuffed her hands in her pockets. “So, I’ll see you in a little bit?”
He nodded and gave her his best smile. She stepped forward into his space, and his eyes went a little wide as she leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. She stepped back with a smile, then waved and turned on her heel headed to her car.
He stood rooted to the spot until she had disappeared from view, then let out a long breath and looked down at the small screen of his phone at her contact information. His lips twitched at the name she’d given herself.
Miss Honey <3
Forty five minutes later, Spencer smoothed down the front of his cardigan and blew out a sigh. He’d spent five of those minutes reveling in the magic that was Y/N, and the other forty convincing himself that she’d already changed her mind. But he was a man in love, and so he was standing in front of her building, willing himself to press her buzzer.
He was jolted out of his stupor by the buzzing of his phone. He pulled the device from his pocket and saw her name on the tiny screen, hesitating only a moment before pressing the button to answer. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He could hear her smile through the tinny speaker, and it immediately set him at ease. “I was just checking to make sure you remembered where you were going.”
“Yeah, I— I’m outside now, actually,” he confirmed.
“Oh, great! I’ll buzz you up.”
The door buzzed open, and Spencer pocketed his phone, stepping into the small foyer. He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants as he made his way to the staircase. He had barely taken the first step when she called, “It’s the third floor!”
He barely resisted the urge to take the stairs two at a time. When he reached the landing of the third floor, she was standing in the doorway in a purple sweatshirt, sweatpants, and fuzzy socks with dragons on them. He couldn’t help but grin.
“Hey.” She returned his smile. “Come on in.” She moved aside and waved him into her apartment.
He stepped over the threshold, and she closed the door behind him. “I can take your coat. Feel free to leave your shoes there. Roald will be in hiding for the next half hour or so,” she informed him.
He shrugged out of his coat and handed it to her, looking briefly around the tidy space. The walls of her living room were a calming mint green, adorned with plenty of art and photographs. Her couch was a blush pink velvet, exactly as soft as she was.
“Okay, I’m starving,” she admitted, turning to hang his coat in the coat closet. “We can order pizza, Indian, Thai— any preference?”
He shook his head. “No, whatever you want.”
She closed the closet door and cocked an eyebrow. “So if I wanted to order a huge pizza with extra cheese, you’d be cool with that?”
“Sure, absolutely,” he nodded.
She tilted her head. “Even with your dairy thing?”
He was surprised that she even remembered such a tiny detail from all those months ago, and his heart would have fluttered if he wasn’t so focused on making as few waves as possible. He still couldn’t shake the feeling that she’d made a mistake letting him back in, and he didn’t want to do anything that would cause her to rethink her decision. “Well, it’s— it’s just a sensitivity, not a true allergy. Although it’s gotten a bit worse in recent years. But really, whatever you want to do is fine.”
He suddenly struggled to make eye contact, feeling overwhelmingly awkward and out of place. Now that he was here in her apartment, it was only a matter of time before the other shoe dropped. He cracked the knuckles on each finger as he waited for it. She let out a small sigh, and he braced himself for impact.
“Why don’t you come sit?”
Her voice was quiet, and then her hand on his arm was soft, and she was leading him to the couch and sitting down next to him. She kept some distance between them, placed her hands in her lap, and then she was still for a long moment. He could feel her eyes on him, but he wasn’t sure what to say. He didn’t know if she wanted him to say anything at all.
“You know I forgive you, right?” The question was tentative. He met her eyes, and he didn’t see the regret or pity that he expected. There was something else there; something he couldn’t quite decipher. “Because I do. Forgive you. You apologized, and you meant it, and you allowed me space and time to process. And that’s— that’s all I could have asked for.”
As seemed to always be the case, the task of articulating what he was feeling began to crush him under its weight. The words were there, but he couldn’t get the order right. If it were anyone else, he would have just evaded the conversation entirely. But he’d promised her that he would try. After everything he’d put her through, she deserved that much.
He breathed in through his nose, expelling it in a sigh. “I’ve just— I’ve spent the last month thinking about this— about you— pretty much exclusively,” he admitted, staring at his hands. “And I’m just realizing that I never really… allowed myself to think about what would happen next, because I wasn’t sure that this would happen at all.” He gestured between them and then looked at her. “And now I’m here— with you, and I just— it’s…” He let out a sigh.
“Doesn’t live up to expectations?” she prompted.
His eyes went wide, and he moved closer to her on the couch. “No— god, no.” He instinctively reached for her hand, felt that electricity again when she allowed him to lace their fingers together. He was already making a mess of things. “You always exceed expectations.” He shook his head, and she squeezed his hand. “I just— I don’t… I don’t wanna mess this up.”
She covered their intertwined fingers with her other hand, rubbed her thumb along his. “I don’t think you will. Something tells me you don’t typically make the same mistake twice,” she inferred.
He laughed a little at that, and she gave him a sweet smile, and then she said, “So, no pizza. How about Indian?”
They were just cleaning up the last of the take out containers when Roald made his way out of Y/N’s bedroom.
“There he is! Hey, buddy,” she cooed, leaning down to give Roald a quick pet. She gave Spencer a sheepish smile. “He takes a while to warm up to new faces, so don’t be offended if he’s not—”
She was stopped mid-sentence by Roald’s decision to make a beeline for him. The cat stopped to give a cursory sniff before weaving between Spencer’s legs, purring loud enough that they could both hear it. Her mouth dropped open a bit as he leaned down to scratch between Roald’s ears.
“He— he is never that friendly,” she said incredulously. “There really is something about you, Dr. Reid.”
He looked up at her with a smile. “I’m just glad he approves. Would have been kind of awkward otherwise.”
“He’s a very good judge of character, so that bodes well for you,” she confirmed.
“Oh yeah?” Spencer scratched underneath Roald’s chin, grinning at the contented cat. He brought his gaze back to her, standing back to his full height when he realized she’d moved… a lot closer. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and he watched her eyes track the motion.
He thought back to that night nearly two months ago, the way his mouth had verged on violent when she’d kissed him. He hated that their first kiss was tainted with his foolishness, that he’d marred that memory for them both. He couldn’t take it back, and he wasn’t certain that she wanted to kiss him now, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, please,” she breathed.
He brought his hands to her face and used a gentle grip to pull her in. She rested her warm palms against his waist and let her fingers dig in, holding herself steady as his lips met hers.
He kept the kiss as soft as she deserved, opening his mouth to let her in but letting her lead and take him wherever she wanted to go. Her hands slid around to his back, and she tugged him in closer. He left one hand cradling her face but moved the other to the small of her back and pulled her flush against him.
She huffed out a tiny breath against his mouth, her lips turning up in a smile that he could feel in his toes. She brought one hand up to his jaw, rubbed her thumb across his cheek and then wound her fingers into his hair. She tangled them in his curls and tugged just enough to break the kiss, pressing their foreheads together with a sigh.
“If it’s all the same to you, I think I’m just gonna wipe our first kiss from my memory and replace it with that one,” she murmured.
“I’m very much on board with this rewrite,” he agreed.
“Excellent.” She used the hand in his hair to pull him forward into another quick kiss. Roald made his presence known at their feet with a loud meow, pulling a laugh from both of them.
They de-tangled themselves from each other, and she ran a hand through her hair. “It’s getting late.” He nodded in agreement, although he never wanted this night to end. And then she continued, “Do you wanna, um— do you wanna stay the night? I’m sure I can find some comfy clothes that’ll fit you.”
He’d been a ship on a turbulent sea for the past two months, just barely staying afloat at times. It had been heart wrenching and nerve wracking and terrifying— and all of his own doing. And in one night, she’d anchored his vessel amongst the crashing waves. A solution kit, a hug, forgiveness, a kiss, and now this.
His racing mind came to a standstill. The near constant noise was quieted. The turbulent sea became calm, still waters.
“I’d really, really like that.”
Spencer ended up in an XXL t-shirt from a school fundraiser and a pair of stretchy bike shorts. Y/N had managed to scrounge up a new toothbrush from the back of the cabinet, and they brushed their teeth together with foamy smiles in the bathroom mirror.
It had taken very little convincing for Spencer to agree to share the bed. Y/N climbed in under the covers, settling back against the pillows and turning down the duvet for him to join her. He held up one finger and disappeared out into the living room, returning a minute later with the solution kit in hand. He moved to the bed, sliding in between the soft sheets and pulling up the duvet.
He leaned back against the pillows and turned toward her, opening the box. “This is the most incredible thing anyone has ever done for me,” he admitted. “Can you, um— explain them to me? Some of them I figured out, but others— well, I just want to hear you, really.”
She scooted closer to him and leaned over to look in the box. “The first few are pretty self-explanatory. This one,” she said, pulling out a picture of her with her hands over her heart and belly, “is taking deep breaths until you’re calm and ready to try again. This one is reading a favorite book— which I know will take you about five minutes,” she joked.
She retrieved the card with the clip art book, and then the one behind it with a pencil and paper. “You can try to write down the difficult thoughts and feelings to get them out of your headspace.” The next card had a picture of an old rotary phone. “Hmmm, almost a match to the dinosaur phone you actually have,” she teased. “But it’s an option to call someone. Could be your mom, or a friend, or—”
“Or you? Could I call you?”
She looked up to find his eyes on her and smiled. “Yeah. You can call me, too.” She pressed a soft kiss to his mouth, and— not for the first time that night— he could not believe how lucky he was.
She drew back to pull out the next card: a clip art rendering of a desktop computer. “Oh! This one is for researching something. I know you’ve got a seemingly endless encyclopedia of knowledge up there,” she tapped on his temple, “but there’s always something new to learn. And teaching yourself something can help you feel capable in moments where you’re feeling— a little helpless.”
There was also a small wooden puzzle cube in the box. She took it from the box and held it up in front of them. “I know your IQ will probably solve this thing in fifteen seconds, but at least it’ll be a nice fidget toy,” she laughed.
The last card in the box was a picture of a timer. “This one might seem kind of dumb, but sometimes it helps me to set a timer to remind myself that feeling shitty is a temporary state of being.” She held the card between her fingers and shrugged. “Even if I’m still feeling less than great after the timer goes off, it usually gives me the boost I need to move forward.”
She gathered all the cards in her hands, shuffling them and then placing them back in the box. “You can add your own options as you think of them. This was just a starter set.”
He closed the lid of the box and set it on the bed between them. He reached for her hand, and she immediately threaded their fingers together. He rubbed his thumb along her impossibly soft skin and took a deep breath.
“The timer isn’t dumb. I, um— I did something similar in prison.” She squeezed his hand. “I kept track of the— the days on this little spot on the wall. Every time it felt like I couldn’t take another day, I’d count the marks and remind myself that I— that I’d survived that long. That I could make it another day.”
He went quiet, and Y/N sat up a little in bed, brushed her free hand over his hair. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I want to.” It wasn’t a lie. He wanted to talk to her about it. He wanted to talk to her about everything. He wanted to let her into the shadowy corners of his mind that he kept from everyone else.
“If you’re sure, then I’m right here.” She pulled their intertwined fingers into her lap and leaned over to press a kiss to his shoulder.
When she pulled back, he let out a long breath. He watched her thumb as it traced an unwavering line across the back of his hand. “I was, um— I was in Mexico getting an experimental Alzheimer’s drug for my mom. I’d been going down there for a few months, and it wasn’t ideal, but the medication really seemed to be helping her. And I was just— I was desperate. Desperate for anything that would give me more time with her. More lucid, meaningful time, you know?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I do.”
“It wasn’t the, uh— drug that got me arrested,” he admitted. “There was an unsub— one of the serial killers that we put away a few years ago— a psychopathic, narcissistic hitwoman who had this— I don’t know, vendetta against me, I guess. She, um— she manipulated another woman into drugging me and framing me for the murder of the doctor I was getting the medication from.”
He could feel her eyes on him, and he drew his brows together. “I know the— the whole thing sounds completely absurd— fictional even,” he admitted. “She used a mix of drugs called sevoflurane and scopolamine to trigger dissociation and hallucination, which made it really— um... For a long time, I couldn’t tell which of my memories were real and which were drug-induced delusions.”
He focused on the motion of her thumb against his skin. “The team got me out of the prison in Mexico, but because I went against FBI protocol when I crossed the border, the Bureau wouldn’t fund my legal representation here. Emily hired a great lawyer, but the judge was less than sympathetic. And it really, um— snowballed from there.”
He took a deep breath. “I was sent to Millburn, which is a maximum security prison, and then I didn’t get the protective custody detail, so I was in general population, but I didn’t want to hurt people or move drugs, so I got the shit kicked out of me for a while, and then my friend Luis was killed in front of me, and I—”
Spencer didn’t realize he was crying until Y/N’s hands were on his face, wiping the tears before pulling him into her arms. “A-and then I poisoned the drugs, which just ended up hurting a bunch of people who didn’t deserve to get hurt. And then I got outed as an agent, and my mom got abducted, and I stabbed myself to get put in solitary, but I wasn’t safe there either, and I really thought... I was sure I was going to die there.”
He wrapped his arms around her middle and tucked his face into her shoulder as the hurricane of his agony swirled and raged and then swept out as quickly as it rolled in. She soothed his cries and held him against her, never rushing or shushing him. Eventually, his weeping dwindled to quiet sniffles, his heaving breaths faded to drawn sighs. She kept him anchored through all of it, rocking him gently from side to side and calming his shattered frame.
When he finally quieted, she released him and pulled back just enough to meet his eyes. His chest tightened at her tear-stained cheeks, and he brought his hands up to wipe at them uselessly. When his hands fell back to his lap, she sniffled a little before taking a deep breath, releasing it on a shaky sigh.
“The choices you made kept you alive, Spencer. They were—  impossible, horrific choices that I’m sure just—” She shook her head, searching for the right words. “I’m sure the weight of the guilt and grief has to be unbearable sometimes,” she surmised. “And there’s nothing I can say that will make that any less true.”
She cupped his face in her hands, swiping at the fresh tears with her thumbs. “But I’m... I’m so selfishly thankful for every choice you made. Because it was the perfect set of decisions in that it brought you here. To me…” The tears tracked hot down her cheeks, and she took a shaky breath. “And I feel so unbelievably lucky and so incredibly grateful to have you.”
He had her wrapped up in his arms before she’d even finished the sentence. “I never believed in luck,” he mused. He pressed a kiss into her hair and closed his eyes. “I’m still not sure if I do. But I can tell you that I’m the luckiest.”
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Hello! How are you, and I have a request if you wish to do it. So I was thinking of a College AU with Shinsou working there as a part-time employee, then one day fem! reader comes in and at first he is like “Pfft whatever” but then he brings dropping his tsunade behavior and beings growing soft for her while he got to know her and he has seen her rescue a kitten in which he asked to help co-parent their child. He is doing it to get to know her more because he fell for her, but she is a bit oblivious when it comes to ✨feelings✨. I thought this would make a cute HC/ Drabble, however you wish to do it, of how their relationship began to bloom at the local coffee shop.
Happy Birthday to Shinsou Hitoshi!💜
The most adorable, handsome, and overall best purple headed boy on the show (Fuck off Mineta).
To Take Care of a Stray: Shinsou Headcanons
Barista! Shinsou x F! Reader
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As any college student would tell you, cheap caffeinated drinks were a must.
Coffee specifically was a must.
Shinsou was honestly debating if he needed his 3rd cup of coffee that morning or if he could just wing it and go on with an empty tank.
He procrastinated when it came to his assigned project, plus his project partner ditched him, so he was practically all alone figuring his shit out.
And thats how he found himself working at his local coffee shop.
He hated every single customer that would come in at any hour of the day that he work on.
They all demanded his attention and honestly, some days he wished he could just scream in their faces that "No, i don't give a fuck about your pet bird speaking back to you. I'm only here to make you your coffee and take your money."
The cheap coffee was worth it though, so he keeps the complaining to a minimum.
Retail is honestly a "no reward" type of job. The amount of entitlement that some people have baffles him at times.
Around his second year in college he ends up working the late shift to make some extra cash. It also meant less people coming in and demanding an overly complicated drink. Score!
The sound of the rain pouring down helped calm his nerves and allowed him to relax for moment before the door of the shop swung open.
"Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to do that." The first time you walked into the shop you accidentally pulled the door with too much force that it ended up slamming into the wall.
Shinsou immediately didn't like you.
Who the fuck was this woman?
You went up the counter and told him your order taking out your money and handing it to him.
Clean and simple. Nothing special.
Then you came back again a few days later. That really fucked with him.
Most customers came in and never bothered to talk to him. He wanted their money while they wanted the shitty coffee they sold. Easy, right?
Nope, not with you apparently. You came in and asked about his day, how his studies were going, and if anything interesting happened in the shop.
He would respond with brief answers and immediately ignored you afterwards.
You were just so annoying.
..Ok, maybe not.
You were funny, the way you fumbled and played it off as you being intentional.
The way your mouth would widen into a smile anytime he spoke back to you.
You weren't overly energetic, nor overly happy. You were just nice, nice to him.
He wasn't use to that.
You fascinated him just because you existed and he wanted to learn more about you.
He got his chance on the 5th time you came in.
You usually came in at a specific time, always when there was barely any customers, but today you didnt' show up at all.
He wont admit it but he got concerned and would keep looking at the clock on the wall and back to the door of the coffee shop.
When you finally came in, you had scratches on your hand and on your cheek.
"What the fuck happened to you?" He leaned onto his hand that was placed on the counter top. His body relaxed and only showed boredom.
In reality he was terrified, you had scratches on your hands and red streaks too. Why?
"Oh, i was just- i fell into a bush." You gave him a smile that made his heart flutter and legs go weak.
He was so happy he was leaning on the counter because he hadn't he would have fallen onto the floor.
Your smile just had that affect on him.
"How stupid can you be? Look were your going next time."
"Aww, thanks sir!"
Good mood was gone. He told you not to treat him like your friend, thats not what you both are.
...But he really hated that you took that very literally and didn't bother to at least call him by his last name.
"Hmm." He gave you your usual and answered the questions you had for him that day.
You started to come in 4 times a week and every time you did he would notice new scratches on you.
The scratches weren't that bad, he thought maybe you were one those "adventures" types, but the red marks were concerning him.
When he would ask you about them you always had a different excuse for them.
"My backpacks straps are bit rough."
"I placed my arm wrong on the table"
It was this or that but never a concrete answer.
It was happening every time you came in so something had to be wrong.
He gathered up the little cuarage he had and decided to ask you what you were doing.
"Why do have so many scratches on you?" You werent expecting him to be so blunt but you happily told him to meet you after his shift at the nearby alleyway.
He was suspicious of you but he was also curious, he desperately needed answers because the concern for your wellbeing was getting to be too much for him.
He followed your instructions and walked towards the alleyway you directed him to.
When he turned the corner he saw the most beautiful scene in the world.
You were surrounded by cats...and you were giving them food.
He could die happily then and there.
"W- this is why you show us with scratches all over you!?" You nodded but got up and walked over to a cardboard box that was tucked under a bigger box.
You told him to follow and when he crouched down to see what was in it he saw two huge eyes staring back at him.
"You've been- this little thing is the reason for your scratches?"
He laughed at you and helped you feed all of the cats.
When the two of you finished up, you picked up the box that the small kitten was tucked in and gave it a pat on the head.
"What are you going to do with the kitten?" Shinsou asked you.
"Well, i wish i could take it with me but i don't think i'd be able to take care of it since i work early in the morning and have classes late at night."
Shinsou's mind started planning.
He really liked you and wanted to be around you more often.
Shit, if he was brutally honest he had a crush on you.
"Well, i have classes early morning while i work at night. So...why don't we co-pa-... i mean co-care for the little guy?" He knows his ears were red, he knows his face was starting to turn red as well.
But he wasn't about to admit that he really wanted you to say "yes".
"Uh, ok. Sure!"
Shinsou was over the moon with this and it was all going so perfectly as well.
The kitten would spend the mornings with you and in the afternoons the two of you would meet up to take care of it together.
You both decided to name the kitten Mieko.
""Beautiful blessing child", thats a cute name! Why do you want to call him that?"
"Because...i want to- y-you idiot. Stop asking so many questions!" You just laughed at him and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
Shinsou melts.
Shinsou would bring the kitten with him to work since his boss had a soft spot for animals.
Imagine how exited he was when you first invited him into your own apartment.
"You have your own place? Color me impressed."
"Thanks Shin." Shinsou blushed a little at the nickname. It had been over a month that you both agreed to take care of the kitten together.
The more time he spent with you the more he fell.
"I hope you like the umm...book." This was another thing that started after the two of you began to co-parent the kitten. He would bring you gifts and act like it meant nothing.
Reality is that he was courting you.
He expected you to make a comment on his gifts but you glossed over them like nothing.
It was getting on his nerves.
"Aah, hey. Do you want to take Mieko out for a walk...again."
"Was that a question or a demand?" You laughed at him
You made it look easy with how much you make him blush.
The more time you both spent with each other, the more Shinsou realized he was truly in love with you and wanted you to be by his side.
But he was facing a problem. You.
You wouldn't pick up on the hints he was dropping on you. His interest on you.
So one day he decides to just tell up upfront if you would like to go on a date with him.
"Hey Shin, do you want to go on a date with me?"
Shinsou. exe has stopped operations
"I'm joking buddy! But seriously do you want to go out to eat? I think Mieko would-"
"W-WHaT!? F-fuck no!" That upset you because you thought he might like free lunch.
"You could've just said no." He was losing you, again.
"N-no wait! What i wanted to say was umm, would you like to go out with me? Like a date! N-not like friends."
You both just stared at each other for a moment, the silence only making the situation worse.
Mieko, your child, just blinked at the two of you.
"These two ridiculous humans are my parents, great." At least this lead to Shinsou moving in with you and Mieko having a permanent home now.
Double the pats for the two new people in your home, double the purring sounds, double the angry and grouchy cats begging for your attention.
Who wold trade this? You got to cuddle with the two most adorable people in this world.
"I'm not fucking adorable Y/n!"
"Shush Toshi or you're not getting cuddles and kisses."
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝚗𝚌𝚝 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚊 𝚌𝚞𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚢, 𝚎𝚡𝚑𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚜/𝚘
a/n: hiiiii so i decided to make this a 2in1 reaction; basically i just put together 2 of my requests that were *in my opinion* closely related. hope y’all don’t mind and enjoy!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
requested by annonies: ‘Hey.. could you please do nct dream reaction to s/o having high fever and just wants cuddls? 🥺 like how would they take care of them.. make it fluffy please.’ & ‘nct dream reaction to their s/o being EXTREMELY tired and then like ummmmm cuddling and stuff maybe?? *uwuing in the distance*’
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Mark Lee
okay but just imagine this (๑◕︵◕๑)
cuddle sessions when you’re both stretched thin and overworked
even though we all know he isn’t big on skinship i think he would throw all reticence out the window when it’s crystal clear that you both NEED each other ꒰๑˃͈꒳˂͈๑꒱ノ*゙̥
so you just crawl under the bankets into his arms and you both just lay together in silence just enjoying each other’s presence
bonus points if he runs his hand through your hair and you trace shapes with the pads of your fingers on his skin (´,,•ω•,,)♡
it would probaby take a couple of lazy kisses and if you’re really really soft he might just hum some song lowly in your ear
just a lil heads up:
you ain’t getting out of his arms ‘til next morning so better hope you peed beforehand and have a bottle of water in reach (ಠ‿↼)
the only thing that would make him get up without a second thought?
if you’re feverish because of your exhaustion
his worry wouldn’t allow him to settle down until he’s 110% sure he made everything in his power to keep you comfortable 
“cold towels, water, painkillers just in case, is there anything i’m forgetting? babe, should i make you some tea-”
“mark, you know what would make me feel SO much better?”
“huh?” 「(゚<゚)゙??
you don’t have to say that twice, your man is tucking you into his side in an instant flash ain’t got nothing on mark, he’s a man on a mission
he’ll try to stay awake long enough to make sure you’ve fallen asleep properly since he knows your fever won’t go away without proper rest
might hover over you the next morning too!! ( ≧Д≦)
Huang Renjun
this boy would FRET like CONSTANTLY
especially if you develop a fever 
he keeps piling up a lot of stuff in your room, anything he deems would be potentially helpful at some point is surrounding your bed
“jun, why tf is a cactus on my nightstand?” Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
“what if haechan walks through the door?”
“... understandable” ¯\_( ◉ 3 ◉ )_/¯
your room looks like a deposit at this point and you’ve tried to drag him to bed more times than you can count
but he’s restless ༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽
until your frustration topples over and you’re on the verge of tears as you ask him for ✨cuddles ✨
he might actually feel bad for not joining you earlier so he’s gonna be EXTRA soft with you enjoy it while you can
he’s gonna pepper kisses all over you as he encases you in his lil arms and nuzzles his face into the crown of your head (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
he’s ready to offer free massages or head scratches!!!! LIMITED OFFER DON’T MISS OUT!!!
also he’s ready for literally anything
fever? medicine and wet towels nearby. thirst? 4 bottles of water AND gatorade. hunger? your favourite take out is waiting. any intruders? cactus is right by his hand. cuddles? CUDDLES!!!!! (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶”
i think he’ll probably stay up even after you fell asleep, reading about how exhaustion affects one’s body and how to help i just think he’s a really wholesome person despite his all ‘don’t talk to him he angy’ character
but he’s still SO attentive to you!!
he’s down to anything that would make you feel better and if that means 20 hours of non stop cuddling so be it (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
Lee Jeno
i think he’d be REALLY clingy with you even in normal circumstances kind of like how he’s with mark ya know
so your affected well-being will just give him an extra reason to evolve to his ULTIMATE LEVEL OF PHYSICAL AFFECTION◝( ′ㅂ`)و ̑̑
he won’t let you lift A FINGER
my man is cuddling you even while standing up (灬 ♡ ω ♡ 灬)
he’s also going to insist on carrying you anywhere even if it’s just from the bed to the bathroom this boi is strong you have no excuse to shy away from him he won’t let you
you have no chance at escaping him btw his arms are made of iron when it comes to cuddles good luck prying them off you
and even though he’s clearly focusing on your requested cuddles, he’ll ask you from time to time if you need anything, how you’re feeling, if you’re comfortable
lowkey uses the excuse of checking your temperature to give you endless forehead kithes cuz he can (*^∀゚)ъ
he also becomes kind of hyperaware of every little move you make
you shiver? he’s cocooning you in yet another blanket. you’re becoming restless? he adjusts your cuddling position until you’re fully comfortable.
NOTHING gets past him ┌༼ σ ‸ σ ༽┐
idk why but i have a hunch that jeno sleeps like a rock
so if he happens to fall asleep too and you need to get up? pfft yeah sure better call for a crane to lift you up from the bed  ૮( ᵒ̌ૢꇴᵒ̌ૢ )ა。
he’s also going to be EXTREMELY cranky if anyone dares interrupt your extended cuddle session this is strictly ‘only y/n and jeno time’
he might also entertain you with a few pictures of his cats if you’re feeling soft or ugly pictures of his members if you need a good laugh
would totally recommend leaving yourself in jeno’s care!! ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡
Lee Haechan
he would LIVE for your cuddle sessions (●♡∀♡))
despite that, he WOULDN’T STAND you being uncomfortable for a single second if he can do something against that
i think he’s the type of person who wouldn’t leave even the smallest of papercuts untreated when it comes to his partner so exhaustion? fever? yeah no. frickin. way. ┐(;Ծ⌓Ծ;)┌
and after he’s absolutely sure he has everything you might need nearby and put a cold cloth on your forehead and made sure you were hydrated and well fed
he finally climbs into bed with you and just SMOTHERS the shite outta you i’m not even kidding ꒰๑*´ᗜ`*꒱*›◡‹꒱꒱
he’s full on *leech mode*, kisses and nuzzles and gentle caresses
and best part of the package? this man is a walking spotify premium!!
you get to choose whatever song you want and switch with no ads and he has no complaints since his payment is already made in cuddles
you thought this was the end of it?? SIKE
also an entertainment king!!  ୧༼✿ ͡◕ д ◕͡ ༽୨
we all know he probably has shit on all of the members and he’s not shy to do some harmless story telling to put you in a good mood
so just imagine and try coming up with anything better
sleepy you engulfed in the sunshine himself’s arms, tightly cradled against him with his soothing honey voice murmuring and humming to you and only you ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰
his protective side might surface too btw
no one is allowed near you and if someone somehow managed to bother you? oh hell naw  🙃
now they’re on hyuck’s black list good luck mate
his babie gets the royalty treatment in those times guaranteed
Na Jaemin
he’s a doting boyfriend either way i think we can all agree on that
but you clinging to him and asking for cuddles? you not feeling well?
yeah not on his watch mother hen in action part the sea (ノ・ェ・)ノ
i don’t think he’d panic tho, his only struggle would be postponing the cuddles you’re asking for while he prepares something to eat and a tea and fluffs up the pillows and blankets he’s gathered (oꆤ︵ꆤo)
but once he’s done?
yeah you’re bundled in a mountain of softness and most importantly? our cuddle bug jaemin (♡ >ω< ♡)
he’ll keep you propped up against his chest while he feeds you himself, proper care is something unskippable in his agenda
but after that any cuddling position is FREE REAL ESTATE!!
anything his baby wants, his baby gets ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ
but for the sake of his mental stability he’d prefer to be in a position from where he can see you
boi is too worried to let you out of his sight so he’s aiming to be the big spoon or facing you directly 三 ( ◜◡‾)っ)⁰▿⁰)
he’ll help you fall asleep in any way he can
he’ll caress your back, your arms, he’ll softly massage your neck and shoulders, he has a playlist ready for sleepy moods
he is PREPARED ٩(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
he checks your temperature every so often and he grumbles with a pout if it doesn’t seem to be going down
but if it comes down to it he won’t hesitate to ask someone to bring some medicine and if your exhaustion and/or fever doesn’t relent he’ll insist on getting checked by a doctor
it would break his heart to see you so weak and no ammount of cuddles could repair it until he sees you up and healthy again (◕⌓◕;)
but he’ll do all the pampering in the world so don’t worry
Zhong Chenle
i think he would hesitate at first but only because he’s kinda scared he’ll only make it worse and he WOULDN’T want that ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
eventually i guess he’d step out to call his mum for help before he pulls some bull like ‘let’s do some math it’s gonna be fun’ and you lose your shit like no thanks fam i wanna live (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻
he’ll listen RELIGIOUSLY to his mum’s advice 
makes you some chamomile exactly how you like it, probably pulls together something small to eat but won’t force you
what he will force you to take is some medicine you ain’t dying on his watch (๑・`▱´・๑)
and most importantly... DAEGAL CUDDLES!!!! imagine getting to cuddle every nctzen’s bias
he might get *a little* jelly tho if you pay too much attention to her tho
so he makes up some dumb excuse about dog hair aggravating your fever or some dubious other reason why you have to let go of his puppy and cuddle HIM!! ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
he’ll do that cute thing where he leans his forehead against yours to check your temperature he has to be extra until the end
and before you go to sleep he’ll  try to prod at you to tell him what caused you to be so exhausted that you developed a fever might nag at you too about how unheathy it is to let it get to that point
he just wants to help okay? baby is worried in his own way ( •́ ∧ •̀ )
if there’s ANYTHING he can do to help consider it done by the time you wake up he’ll ALWAYS go an extra mile for you
and chenle wants to make sure you are aware of that and can lean on him so it never gets to this point again
but for the time being... it’s cuddles and relaxation time!! ✧(๑✪д✪)۶
better believe he’s already preparing a spa day for both of you to enjoy like the  ✨spicy ✨ bitches you are
Park Jisung
his heartbeat accelerates
and unfortunately it’s not because he’s flustered shame (#゚ロ゚#)
his only thought when he sees you with bag under your eyes and a cold wet cloth on your forehead is ‘shit, they’re dying wait no censor the first part i can’t get my mouth washed with soap but... poop, they’re dying’
ONE step away from calling for an ambulance or morgue in his mind
he SWEARS he’ll let you teach him how to ride a bycicle as long as you get out of this safe and sound (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
he’s a bit of a mess, but he’s your cute mess
it would take *quite* a bit of reassurance that you’re going to be fine after a good night’s sleep and some jisung time for him to somewhat relax
his cheeks will flush once he curls himself around your form no matter how many times you’ve cuddled before
but once you sigh blissfully once he wraps his arms around you, it’s game over for him ε=(。♡ˇд ˇ♡。)
he MELTS against you
he’ll caress your head and gently scratch your scalp, lays kisses on your cheeks/forehead/crown of your head
but he will also fret every time you toss and turn or you make any sound that seems ‘distressed’ to him
we all know he can sleep anywhere under a frickin carpet so he won’t have any problems adjusting to whatever works for you since all that matters to him atm is that you’re comfortable (♡ >ω< ♡)
he just wants you to get better faster
he’ll talk to you in a hushed voice, encouraging and praising you and assuring you that once you’re all better he’ll help you with whatever you need and EVERYTHING will be well in the end ٩(ó。ò۶ ♡)
he’s a senstitive person so he just wants to be there for you in any shape and form he can be
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nineteenninety-six · 4 years
A Stray and A Baby
This wasn’t meant to be so long but at the same time, it was meant to be longer so lol. Repost since tumblr sucks
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(Y/N) had heard soft meowing ever since she had woken up but despite looking around, she could find where it was coming from. They didn’t have a cat so there it was definitely not coming from within in the house and she had checked the back garden to the best of her abilities but she couldn’t find anything there either and Cyril was off with Alfie so it wasn’t anything he could have possibly dragged in. 
The meowing had continued for the entire day and it was driving (Y/N) crazy as she tried to figure out where it was coming from but being pregnant had hindered her from turning the place upside down trying to look for it, so she waited until Alfie returned home, hoping that he would be able to help her.
.•° ✿ °•.
Alfie came through the front door just as (Y/N) finished dinner like clockwork. He fed Cyril his dinner and washed his hands before he joined her at the kitchen table and they completed dinner in between asking how each other's day was. 
Just as Alfie stood up to take their empty plates to the kitchen, (Y/N) heard the meowing again.
“Alf, wait! Can you hear that?” 
Alfie paused and once again there was a meow, “Sounds like ah cat”
“Mmh” (Y/N) agreed, “I’ve been hearing it all day but I haven’t been able to find out where it’s coming from.”
“Where have you been looking?”Alfie asked as he made his way into the kitchen.
“I don’t think it’s coming from within the house so I checked the back garden but I couldn’t see anything”
“You haven’t checked the front?”
(Y/N) shook her head.
Alfie let out a hefty sigh as he walked towards the front door, “Well, c’mon then, I know you won’t let this go unless you find the thing that’s causing the noise”
(Y/N) grinned as she pulled on her coat and slipped on her outside shoes as she followed him.
The two of them paced in front of their house, making noises in hopes that the cat reacted but no cat appeared. They got odd looks from people walking down the street but they didn’t care. 
Just as they were about to give up, a shuffling noise came from one of their bins and (Y/N) made her way over to investigate. When she peered into the bin, she gasped at what she saw, 
“Alfie, it’s a kitten!”
She reached into the bin to try and take it out but the scared kitten freaked out causing the bin to topple over to its side.
(Y/N) let out a small whine before she got ready to bend down and pick up the cat but Alfie interrupted her before she could.
“Ah fuck, don’t bend down” Alfie called out, “I’ll do my back out trying to help you up and then we’ll be both stuck on the fucking floor”
“You wouldn’t try calling for help?”
“And ruin my reputation? No fucking way”
“So you’d just let your heavily pregnant wife stay on the ground until what? You’re able to get up or one of the neighbours finds us”
“Nah, I’ll send Cyril to go get Ollie”
(Y/N) laughed at that, “If anything, Cyril will join us on the ground, thinking it was a cuddle session”
“Fucking dog” Alfie agreed with a grumble, “Stay here, I’ll be back in two minutes”
(Y/N) waited like instructed but made attempts to coax the kitten out which failed but just like he said, two minutes later, Alfie returned with a little parcel of ham, still wrapped like how the butcher gave it to them, meaning that Alfie took the ham straight from their cooler. 
Alfie tore a little piece of the sliced ham off and chucked it near the mouth of the toppled bin and together they waited to see if the kitten ate it. It took awhile but the kitten did slowly creep out and eat the piece of ham. It gobbled it up as it had no doubt been starving.
Alfie chucked another piece down and the cat quickly ate that up too. Alfie created a trail of pieces of ham that lead into the kitchen and the kitten followed the trail until they were in the kitchen.  Once they finished the last piece of ham, the cat looked up at them in suspicion, cautious of everything.
“What do we do with them, Alf?”
Alfie turned to her with a scrunched brow, “You’re the one who wanted to bring the damn cat inside and now you’re asking me what to do with the bloody thing? Fuckin’ hell”
“Alfie..” (Y/N) whined. Her back, feet and ankles were killing her and the last thing she wanted to do was get into an extended discussion with him.
Alfie saw the exhaustion and pain on her face and backed down, “We give it the rest of the ham and see what it wants to do tomorrow.”
(Y/N) nodded and they left the rest of the same with the cat and went to bed, Cyril right behind them.
.•° ✿ °•.
The next morning, (Y/N) found the kitten curled up underneath one of the chairs in the kitchen. It bathed in the morning sun, it’s dark fur appearing almost brown. It didn’t even stir as (Y/N) moved around the kitchen making breakfast for herself and Alfie and she also set out some food for them as well, in case they woke up. 
Cyril tiptoed into the kitchen, right behind (Y/N) but his focus was on the small cat. The way he moved around it, avoiding it, was almost like he was afraid of the tiny thing and did his best to stay out of their way.
“Where’s the little bastard then?” Alfie asked as he entered the kitchen, collecting the cup of tea that (Y/N) held out for him.
“Underneath the chair” (Y/N) nodded towards it, “Still sleeping”
“Hm,” Alfie let out an unamused grunt before he downed his tea and put his coat on.
“I’ll be back by dinner” He wrapped (Y/N) in a hug and gave her a kiss, “Be careful. Stay off your feet.”
“I will.”
After one last kiss, Alfie was out of the door with Cyril and (Y/N) retreated to the living room to read the newspaper. An hour or so later, the kitten padded into the room, sniffing at the furniture as they walked around, getting used to its environment. (Y/N) stayed still and silent, not wanting to spook the cat and watched as they walked around before silently coming to a stop in front of her.
(Y/N) tapped the seat next to her, unable to bend over due to her belly and the cat took the hint and jumped up. She held out her fingers allowing the cat to sniff at it and when the cat rubbed their head underneath her fingers, (Y/N) took it as a hint to pet them, which the cat enjoyed pleasantly. 
Over the next week, the cat had gotten accustomed to the house, they mostly stayed on the windowsill enjoying the sun or was curled up next to (Y/N)’s feet. The cat, which they still hadn’t named was a comforting presence in the house as (Y/N) got closer to her supposed due date. 
.•° ✿ °•.
(Y/N) had the biggest grin on her face as held her son in her arms, despite how exhausted she was. Alfie was sitting next to her on the bed with an equally big grin on his face as he looked down at the baby boy.
“He’s amazing” (Y/N) whispered before she looked up at Alfie, “What should we name him?”
“Benjamin.” Alfie had tears in his eyes as he spoke, “Benjamin Solomons.”
“Hello, Ben” (Y/N) cooed but the baby merely pursed his lips as he continued sleeping.
The door to their room creaked open and the cat, which they named Lucy, crept in before jumping on the bed. Alfie moved to go shoo that cat away but (Y/N) stopped him, Lucy had settled at the end of the bed, far away enough from the baby, so she saw no harm in her being there.
Over the next few days after Ben was born, Lucy was constantly next to (Y/N) whenever she had in her arms, twisting around her feet or sat in an adventurous position that gave her a great view of (Y/N) and the baby and whenever Ben was in his cot, Lucy will be curled up, right by the legs of the cot, as if she was standing guard. 
As he grew, wherever Benjamin was, Lucy would be right next to him.
.•° ✿ °•.
One year old Benjamin toddled into the kitchen where his mother was preparing lunch, Lucy right behind him as his bare feet slapped against the floor informed (Y/N) of his arrival. It also told her that he pulled off his socks for the 5th time that day.
Ben had learnt to walk a few weeks ago and most alternated between walking and crawling to get around.
He took a few steps forward before he reached her and clung to her skirt and looked up at her with the eyes he shared with his father, “Lun’?”
At the same time, Lucy stopped in front of her food bowl and meowled at (Y/N), no doubt asking the thing Ben had asked.
“Give me a moment Lucy, let me get Ben’s food ready first and then I’ll feed you”
“S’Alright” Alfie stepped into the small kitchen, his cane clicking against the floor, “Give me him and I’ll get him sorted”
Ben looked over at his father with a bright smile, “Da!”
Alfie’s back had been playing up recently so he wasn’t able to bend down and pick Ben up, so (Y/N) picked him up and placed him in his fathers arm. 
When they disappeared into the dining room, (Y/N) bent down and gave Lucy a few loving scratches and pets, “You’re the best, Lucy. I love you very much”
Lucy let out a meow as if she understood her words and (Y/N) gave her one more pat before she put her food in the bowl and left her to eat. 
(Y/N) washed her hands and collected the plates filled with their lunch and joined her family in the dining room, leaving the door slightly open knowing that when Lucy was finished, she’d join them, or more accurately, go back to Ben’s side. 
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icequeenbae · 4 years
Girl, I’m Your Catnip (m) | BBH
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Pairing: wolf!Baekhyun x caracal!Reader
Hybrid AU, slice of life, some fluff, PWP, smut
Warnings: altered mental state (in a way?), Baek snapped, rough sex, unprotected sex, overstimulation, knotting, cross-breeding?
Word Count: ~3.4k
Summary: You’d been pretty stressed at work lately, so your boyfriend decided to bring something special to help you unwind.
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s note: I’m back with... Catnip. Seriously. I’m not even a cat person 😅 This was something quick and out of the blue. But I really enjoy hybrid aus, and this is definitely not the first or the last one I’ve written… It’s quite different from my other stories so far (pls read the warnings). Expect minimal plot (minimal… for me) and lots of feral sex unconventional stress relief lmao P.S. Thanks to @baekshoney​ for being quick at reading through when I come at her with these, even when they’re out of her comfort zone <3
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It’d been weeks since you came home early enough to really hang out with Baekhyun. The closing phase of your project lasted longer than anticipated, and it was taking a great toll on you, both physically and mentally. Working long hours was one thing, but the atmosphere was not the greatest either. A couple cutthroat colleagues kept compromising the team’s integrity, creating additional stress for the hardworking and meticulous people like you. There was literally no time to deal with the internal drama while you had a deadline approaching fast.
Luckily enough, your significant other was most understanding during this time. Running you a bubble bath to soak in for twenty minutes after especially tough days, feeding you delicious late-night dinners… Or holding you in a tight lock of his arms when you broke down right at the threshold from exhaustion and nerves. He went as far as doing all the chores and grocery shopping by himself, which left you feeling rather guilty for not being able to reciprocate his care. What kind of shitty girlfriend were you? The constant nagging of the inner voice in the back of your head was making the anxiety grow.
Although Baekhyun assured you time and time again that it was fine, you kept insisting that you were going to make it up to him. Which nearly made you cry on the spot. Your usual way of giving back was making him a nice dinner, organizing a cozy movie night with his favorite snacks, or even bringing your favorite almond oil to give him a relaxing massage. All of those scenarios inevitably ended with the two of you tangled up in bed till indecent hours of the morning, having a whole lot of steamy sex. These days, however, you were unable to recuperate and loosen up enough to do any of it. You’d not been intimate with your partner for at least three weeks, and while he was a complete sweetheart (he usually was) about it, that made you feel even more burdensome to him.
So much so, that you promised your boyfriend to get drunk the first night following submission of the presentation, to take the edge off, and simply allow him to do whatever he wanted with you. Baekhyun insisted that he didn’t have much use of you while shitfaced, and would rather have you well-rested and enjoying the process. Still, you were set on having no more delays, so you informed him that you’d finally be free from the project this Friday, and he should be pouring champagne for you as you walk through the door. Taking his previous comments into consideration, you ruled out the hard liquor and decided to only get heavily tipsy. Being horribly drunk did not seem like an arousing option you should be presenting your overly patient and caring boyfriend with.
Come Friday, as you finally submitted your presentation, you texted Baekhyun at least two hours in advance that you were definitely on track to spend the evening with him. Fortunately for you, he was going to come home a bit late, so you even had a head start to do all of the necessary preparations. That’s to say, you were stuck in the bathroom for over an hour and a half. You were ecstatic to finally have enough time to groom properly – your caracal nature always called for it. Pleased with how smooth and refreshed your skin looked after the long-awaited pampering, you exited the bathroom to go pick your poison for tonight.
You were so ready to get your drinks and relinquish all control to Baekhyun that you got startled when you saw him already heading towards you.
‘Oh! I didn’t hear you come in,’ you chirped.
‘Are you already drunk?’ He sniffed the air, shaking his head. ‘I guess not. You smell good,’ he smiled as you reached him and wrapped your arms around his neck with all the feline grace you had in you.
‘I really missed you,’ you purred as his warm hand settled on the small of your back comfortably.
His scent made you want to rub your face on him, to get more of it on you. How terribly you must’ve missed him! In the beginning, it took you a bit to get used to the notorious ‘smell of a dog’ inevitably coming off of him. But you’d strangely grown to like it a lot, despite being the very whimsical wild cat hybrid that you were. Now, however, you’d stayed away for a while, and the scent lingering on his skin seemed so pleasant that you wanted to cover your entire body in it. But then again, it’d been so long that the desire to pounce him mixed with the fear of not being able to do well. What if you took longer to get ready now? Or to come? What if you couldn’t make him come? Surely you needed to take good care of him to repay all the weeks he’d been an angel for your sake.
‘I missed having you all to myself too, honey,’ he smiled crookedly, leaning in to give you a kiss. ‘You seem a bit tense,’ he noted when you swerved your short tail with slight agitation. ‘If it’s about sex, I told you we don’t have t-’
‘I want to!’ You quickly interrupted. ‘I don’t want to wait anymore, Baekhyunie. Just a little help to relax my stressed mind and body is all I need. Then we’ll get to it.’
Baekhyun sighed, shaking his head, allowing you to pull him back into your bedroom.
‘Doesn’t your head always hurt after you drink?’
‘It’s worth it,’ you replied firmly and turned to him. ‘Let’s just treat it as a celebration. I’ll bring the bottle here.’
He grabbed your wrist swiftly, before you took another step towards the door.
‘I-’ he looked away, tail stilling as he was considering something. ‘I have another idea, actually. You trust me, right?’
Giving him a curious look, you nodded. Of course, you trusted him; more than anyone in the world, more than yourself at times. Although he was a ‘big bad wolf’ (still, only bad enough to eat the last slice of his absolute favorite Hawaiian pizza while you weren’t looking), and your relationship wasn’t very ‘likely’… He’d managed to charm you, and you’d been together for a long time since. And your wolf’s embrace made you feel so tiny and secure, that you couldn’t imagine being with anyone else at this point, all initial reservations evaporated.
‘We can try something else. Something that shouldn’t be as toxic as drinking, but also have you release the tension and relax. I got it on my way here,’ he began, making you even more interested in what it was.
Taking notice of your stare, he continued.
‘Um- I just need to be sure that you want this. Your unbiased decision. Like I said, we don’t have to f-’
‘Don’t feel bad about it, making it up to you will make me happy,’ you raised an open palm in front of his chest when he tried to protest. ‘If it can help me make you feel good, whatever it is, I trust you. I missed being… close to you.’
He chewed on his lip, and nodded.
‘Alright. I’ll use the bathroom for a sec, and you can get on the bed, okay?’
Somewhat surprised that he didn’t tell you what exactly he was planning, you complied, lying down on your belly to wait for him. It took him a few unbearably long minutes, during which you stared the door down, tail swinging impatiently. He made minimal sound after the water was turned off, so you had no idea what was happening in there.
‘Babe, need some help in there?’ You offered and sat up just as the door flew open.
He emerged from the bathroom shirtless, sporting nothing but sweatpants. His skin was shimmering slightly, and you licked your lips at the sight of his lean torso. All of the events and worries of the past few weeks were instantly forgotten.
‘Took you long enough,’ you mumbled grumpily. ‘What were you doing in there?’
He tilted his head to the side, a textbook sign of puppy confusion.
‘Do you… notice anything?’
You pouted, unsure as to what you were supposed to notice. He looked the same. A bit freshened up and half-undressed, but still the same.
‘Ah- maybe it doesn’t work on you,’ he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, halting an arm’s length away. ‘My bad.’
‘What doesn’t wo-’ as he turned around to supposedly walk back to the bathroom, it hit you.
Oh, it hit you, indeed.
Before you could think, you gripped his wrist to prevent him from moving away.
‘W-what- is-’ you stuttered, pulse suddenly escalating.
Baekhyun gulped at the sight of your dilated, almost shaking pupils. You tugged him closer after you moved up to the edge of the bed. The scent that penetrated your nostrils almost took you out.
‘What is that?’ You finally managed, swallowing the saliva that was rapidly collecting in your mouth.
Jerking him forward, you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck.
‘Do you like it?’
You didn’t answer, too busy running your tongue over his collarbone with a long groan. Without even noticing the death grip you had on him, you dragged him onto the bed as you swallowed his scent and tasted his delectable skin, going increasingly mad from the sweetness.
‘What is this, Baekhyun,’ you sobbed, covering his chest in frenzied kisses, while the burning arousal made your insides constrict. ‘Oh god- I want all of you. On me. And- in me. Oh fuck,’ you were almost feverish as you pushed him in the chest to get him to lie back, and ripped his sweatpants off without a second thought.
‘Y/N, slow down,’ your boyfriend warned, and you didn’t care.
You wanted that taste in your mouth again, the one that was all Baekhyun, but sweeter, more intense. Nibbling on the gentle skin under his belly button, you quickly found your way down to his balls. Whimpering at the addicting taste, you took one in your mouth, playing with it diligently, sucking and licking, while your boyfriend stirred underneath and reached for your hair to get it out of the way. Your tongue on his most sensitive spots quickly made him harden, and you waited no more than necessary to stuff his entire cock in your mouth.
At that, you both moaned.
Frantically bobbing your head, you sucked harshly on it, making him thicken further. You shoved it in your mouth almost aggressively, choking on him, chasing the feeling that lingered in your throat after your nose met his smooth skin. He prepared too.
Swallowing around him, you groaned as you kept moving your head, spit mixing with precum and collecting at the corners of your mouth.
‘Fuck, kitten- you’d be mute tomorrow if you keep at it,’ Baekhyun gritted, pulling you off of his dick by the hair.
You wailed, like a cat being dragged by its tail, and clawed at his thigh for interrupting. His pained grunt went unnoticed since you immediately moved on to exploring the taut skin of his stomach all the way up to his pecs. Rubbing your face onto it, tonguing his abs and his nipples, you shuddered as the dreamy haze of desire surrounded you like mist.
It would’ve definitely been scary had Baekhyun not prepared in advance. Still, seeing you this out of your mind for him was nothing like he expected.
‘Please fuck me,’ you muttered into his sternum after ripping the last of your clothes off. ‘Scent me, come inside me, knot me. Make me raw. I don’t care. I want you,’ you sobbed, gnawing on his shoulder impatiently as his arms pulled you closer.
‘Don’t fret, you know I’m gonna take good care of you, baby,’ you jolted as his fingers slid between your wet lips to check.
Your arousal was already dripping out, so Baekhyun mercifully spared you any additional foreplay, simply sinking you down on his cock.
‘Agh!’ Your inner walls instantly contracted around him. ‘Yes, yes,’ you mouthed into his neck, licking at it as he bottomed out again and again.
Unable to hold back, you responded to his movement by slamming your pelvis down onto his repeatedly, with enough force to hurt, so he had to brace you by the hips to prevent you from injuring yourself. The smell of your overwhelming arousal made his mind blurry too, so he kept watching you with heavy-lidded eyes while you bounced on him like your life depended on it.
Scratching at his skin, you kept whining for your boyfriend to get closer, to scent you. He finally gave in, biting down on your neck gently to distract you and then flipping you onto your back promptly. Ignoring the feral hiss that escaped your mouth, he leaned forward to grant you full skin to skin contact while his hips continued jerking in and out of you.
Your mind went blank from the building pleasure. It was filling your entire being with desperate anticipation, the taste, the smell, all of the sensory feedback was elevated. Only your vision seemed impaired since you couldn’t blink away the thickening red fog of lust.
The divine smell was all over your skin now, and Baekhyun’s pelvis was almost glued to yours, grazing over your clit with every sway of his hips. He growled at how slick it felt between your bodies, and how deliciously lewd the sounds of him fucking you were. He knew the essential oil he used didn’t have much effect on him, only felines could fall under its spell. But he hadn’t been intimate with you for a long while now, and, frankly, he’d never seen you like this before. You were absolutely wild underneath him, clawing at his back like an angry cat, moaning and whining so loudly, it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight. He’d never heard you sound like this, so irrepressible and untamed, and it was incredibly sexy. In a way, it triggered his more primal side to take control.
Suddenly feeling the power he had over you, he angled his hips and rammed into you, skin slapping your puffy lips repeatedly as you cried out in despair.
‘I’m not gonna stop,’ he leaned in and growled almost animalistically into your ear. ‘Before I ruin your little hole. You’ve been on the edge there for a while, haven’t you, kitten?’
Reveling in the mewl you responded with, he slid two fingers into your mouth and kept talking.
‘All helpless and needy underneath me. Entirely at my mercy,’ he pressed down on your tongue, making your throat relax to accommodate. ‘Do you enjoy being destroyed?’
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your orgasm hit. A muffled scream drowned out by his palm almost made his own release hit him, but Baekhyun had other plans.
Pulling out for a few seconds, he wiped away the sweat that was dripping from his forehead to his eyes, and rolled your limp body over. Allowing you a few seconds to cool down, he gripped his rock-hard flesh at the base and landed a sharp slap onto your supple ass cheek.
‘Baek,’ you squealed, registering the shuffling behind. ‘Wait- no,’ protesting weakly, as he got on top of you again. You took notice of the way his dick was nestled snugly between your bodies and guessed his intention.
‘You didn’t think we were done, did you, baby?’ He gave your ear a long lick, causing you to shiver.
‘B- Baekhyunie,’ you puled pathetically, still too overwhelmed. ‘I can’t-’
The sentence was drowned out by his growl. Your state pushed him too far to just stop now.
‘You’ll comply and come again, all while I load you up, got it?’ He slipped back inside, testing your body’s response.
As expected, you were still soaked from your previous activities, so he ignored the instant jolt of your body. It wasn’t something you did often, overstimulation, but your partner knew he could make you come like this if he hurried up, so that was exactly his plan.
‘No,’ you whined capriciously, your cat instincts making you protest against the intrusion while too sensitive. Your tail patted against Baekhyun’s side relentlessly, although most of it was trapped between you.
‘I can make you,’ he rolled his hips, knowing that in a few minutes you would beg him to make you come again, even though it seemed more like torture now.
‘Ah it hurts!’ You cried out, latching onto his thigh, claws out.
‘Oh, so you’re gonna be like that?’ He growled lower, making you hiss in a natural response and draw blood with your sharp nails.
He licked a sensitive spot between your shoulder blades as a warning.
‘Don’t make me do this,’ he snarled, but you kept trying to shove him off of you. ‘Okay, you fucking got it.’
Baekhyun snapped, locking his sharp teeth on your withers – the magical spot on your spine, just below the neck; your feline heritage. Instantly, your fingers grew weak and you whined feebly as his hips moved again. He picked up his pace gradually, readjusting your thighs to have more of a room to increase amplitude. You trembled helplessly, pinned down his weight and wailing into the pillow as his determined ministrations had the anticipation build once again. With the discomfort you initially had subsiding, you’d given up on the attempts to escape your lover.
Feeling the tight pulsation around his flesh, Baekhyun released your skin and started licking over the teeth marks right away.
‘That’s more like it,’ he hummed in your ear as you whined pathetically, feeling your eyes water from the intensity of the impending release. ‘I’m going to fill you up. Yes- come like this,’ he urged, intertwining his fingers with yours, and you could not disobey.
‘Baek-’ you squealed, your entire body shuddering underneath him as your muscles contracted once again from a mind-blowing wave of pleasure.
He delivered a few more quick, shallow thrusts before his hips stuttered and he moaned lowly as thick warmth flooded your insides.
You felt full and content, the fogginess of your mind clearing up slowly. Belatedly you realized that he actually knotted you – something he didn’t do often since you weren’t the same species (or trying for a baby at this point). But it felt good, and your walls were still pulsating around him, electricity jolting through you with every gentle lick of Baekhyun’s tongue over the spot where his teeth had left a reddish mark.
‘Mhm,’ you hummed, and Baekhyun shifted his weight to his elbows.
‘Sorry, I got a bit carried away,’ he admitted, planting soft kisses along your spine.
‘It was great,’ you yawned, noting casually. ‘You knotted me.’
‘Yeah, it will deflate soon,’ he rubbed his face between your shoulder blades affectionately, and you squirmed. ‘Does anything hurt? How are you feeling?’
‘Um- no, nothing hurts. At least not yet,’ you chucked, assuming that the soreness would come tomorrow. ‘I’m just exhausted. And still a bit… dazed?’
‘Yeah, I think it’s all evaporated from my skin. Or licked off,’ he snickered. ‘Still smell the remnants of it in the air, but to me it’s not as prominent as your arousal.’
‘What was it, actually?’
‘You didn’t get it?’ Baekhyun laughed, finally slipping out and rolling off to the side, allowing you to glance at him. ‘Catnip. I got a little roll-on thingy with the essential oil. Didn’t realize it’s that strong though.’
‘Are you serious?’ You smacked him on the top of the head in a very feline way. ‘That thing is like a drug for cats!’
‘It’s safe. You were under supervision, and it has no lasting effects. And it’s not addictive,’ he clarified. ‘I consulted.’
‘Always prepared, aren’t you?’ Smiling, you shoved him in the chest. ‘I can’t believe you drugged me with catnip to fuck me. Tsk, what a jerk you are,’ you purred, scolding him.
‘Don’t act like we’re not doing this again soon,’ Baekhyun smirked, planting a quick kiss to the tip of your nose.
‘I’m so going to get you for this, Baek. I will!’ You threatened, allowing him to sneakily drag his tongue over your lower lip in a playful apology lick before you pushed him away to yawn again.
‘I’ll be waiting,’ he chuckled and moved closer again to stroke your back tenderly. ‘Just have some rest first, kitten.’
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A/N: Whew, my first hybrid au posted 🤗 I hope you guys love the multi-faceted wolf!Baekhyunie haha Let me know whether he was different from what you’d expected. And I’m still encouraging you to share your thoughts on what kind of aus / tropes you enjoy 😊 It’s always interesting to find out what my readers like. Thank you for sticking around and welcome to the blog if you’re new!
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
𖨆. 04 / all for us
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summary: a few weeks later, you’re finally allowed to leave your room. however, you notice something that you later wish you hadn’t.
note: i had the worst headache whilst editing, i apologize for mistakes.
taglist: @the-sun-baby @voltairelesecond @baelo80 @uniquepickle
warnings/notes: cursing, last chapter was the calm before the storm, brutal assault, abuse, manipulation, blood, slight mind break, drugging, use of alcohol
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YOU were surprised whenever erwin and levi told you that you'd been good enough to venture the house a little more a few weeks later. you had been doing the same thing as before, sitting in your room and crying, hanging with the two men for two hours, and back to being lonely.
right now, you were stuck in your room. staring out of the window into the garden with dull eyes, silent tears running down your face.
you want to go home and sleep in zeke's arms. you want to tell pieck you love her and you didn't mean what you'd said to her. you wanted to play goofy songs on the piano with bertholdt. you wanted to lay in the sun with porco and reiner while they both commit to a workout routine.
you'd do anything to have that again. anything.
you wiped away your tears whenever you heard footsteps. the door opened to reveal levi followed by his bear of a boyfriend. erwin had on a gentle smile while levi looked the same; irritated.
"c'mon, you're playing for me today," levi grunts and your eyes light up at the opportunity.
you haven't played any instrument since you were taken. your hands missed their place on the objects, fingers delicately strumming the strings or pressing on the keys. they missed their home, just like yourself.
you're glad that they hadn't caught any signs of you crying. if they had, you would've had to stay in the room and talk it out with them.
you obediently follow behind them, nightgown swishing as you walk excitedly. you watch them unlock a door that leads to your quarters, and for the first time you're in the living room without crying.
the living room is big and clean, so much to where you wonder if it's even been touched. you turn your gaze to the left, eyes acknowledge the large, black front door. your eyes widened while the voice in your head screams at you.
'RUN!!!' it says, 'THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE!!’
your eyes dart down to look at the doorknobs and it's locks. the door was left unlocked.
you gulp down the ball starting to form in your throat and try to ignore how you've started to sweat. you look back at levi and erwin, who are not paying any mind to what you do. they made the mistake of not holding your chain and not having one of them walk behind you.
before you can even really think, you're gliding across the room to the door. swinging the door open just as levi and erwin turn to scream at you, and you almost feel your stomach drop at the view before you.
it's a long stone walkway with a gate sitting at the end, almost teasingly. you run quickly, ignoring how the rough stone scrapes roughly against the soles of your feet. the window is rushing through your hair and slapping against your face, something you relish in temporarily.
your legs are starting to ache from how fast you're pumping them, trying to get to the gate as quick as you can. the wind has you tearing up once more, but you reach up and wipe away the small tears.
you ignore the sound of levi's footsteps as well as his and erwin's angry screams, you're so close, you're almost there.
your mind flashes to porco and reiner for a brief moment. you thank them in your head, now happy with how the two would make you race with them during their workout routines sometimes.
you're almost there, your fingers even graze against the black metal of the fence. but your breath is being knocked out of your body as you're tugged backwards.
your chain. your chain was the cause of your demise, it had been loosely swinging behind you and over your shoulder as you ran.
your head along with your back slam against the stone, loud screams of pain bursting through your mouth. you're sliding towards the person your chain is being tugged by, nightgown now tearing apart because of the friction.
levi is above you, eyes looking almost animalistic along with an angry face that stares at you as he huffs to get his breath back. you lay in the fetal position, crying out at the tip of levi's shoe kicks into your stomach. it has you barfing, but as soon as you finish levi's hands are grabbing you by the hair and dragging you back to the house.
but halfway down the pathway, he lets go and it makes you nervous. his foot comes into contact with your nose, blooding immediately gushing out of it. you sob out after he kicks you in the same spot once more, you think you hear a crack.
his foot kicks at your ribs now, taking all the breath out of your body while your eyes go blank. you can't think, even as levi's knuckles connect with your jaw. you spit out blood and cry at the scratch you get from levi's wedding band.
his hand is tangled with your hair, and instead of trying to pull away, he uses it as leverage. he squats onto a knee, eyes widened as he slams your face into the stone. you screech, nails clawing at the rough terrain and look to erwin.
"HELP!!! HELP, PLEASE," you gargle out blood mixed with your spit, reaching a shaking hand to him.
"HE'S GONNA KILL ME, PLEASE," you wail just as levi hits you again.
"that's enough levi," erwin says, now standing behind levi and staring over his shoulder.
you look absolutely damaged. blood, spit, and tears smeared across your face and scrapes all over your fragile body. levi slams your head down one last time, detangling his hand from your hair and storming off.
erwin only sighs and takes you in his arms, ignoring how your whole body trembles the moment he touches it.
"you're ignorant," he shakes his head, "i told you that levi would hurt you if you tried to run, and you didn't listen."
he's placing you onto your bed after he's walked back inside, eyebrows furrowed and nostrils flared from irritation. his palm smacks you across your face, and you sob from the pain.
"let me tell you something," he murmurs into your ear, "even if you'd gotten passed the gates, we would've found you."
you're panting and sobbing, wanting erwin to step away from you.
"that little collar of your's has a tracker," he whispers, "you'll never be able to get away."
those are the last words you hear before you black out.
you sit in the bathtub a few days later, listening to the gentle singing of erwin as he drenches you in warm water.
it burns against your skin, something you'd pointed out, but they ignore. you supposed it's an extension of your punishment.
when you get out of the bath, erwin tends to your wounds. he puts on a new bandage over the cut on your face from levi's wedding band, and new bandages onto your arms and torso.
later that night, erwin finds you curled in a ball into the corner of your dark closet. hands protectively shielding your head and covering your ears, shoulders quivering as tears run down your face.
"darling," he frowns, "you've got to stop coming in here."
you don't answer, which doesn't surprise him, and only pull your hands closer to yourself. he knows you won't willingly get up, so he brings the tray into the closet.
"i have to feed you, i need you to comply," you relax, hesitantly taking your arms away from your head and lowering your knees onto the floor.
he feeds you in silence, the only noise being the air conditioner coming off and on as he spends his time in there. he notices how you struggle to swallow down your food, probably from how levi's kicks damaged your ribs along with your stomach. before he can leave, he hears your hoarse voice asking for an answer.
"erwin...," you say, "how... how did you guys kidnap me?"
erwin sighs a bit, deciding to get himself comfortable as he begins the story.
it was a rainy night, raindrops froze against your skin as they pelted towards the ground. erwin and levi, your newfound friends, had invited you to go drinking with them a couple of weeks prior. you accepted with hesitance, but the hesitance was thrown out of the window whenever you and pieck had gotten in a fight earlier that evening.
you needed to get your mind off of the heated argument, pieck told you that you're a fuck up while you said that you hate her. you knew that you would regret this in the morning, but right now you're way too sad to even give a fuck.
when you enter the club, you find levi and erwin sitting and talking to one another at the bar. they both already have drinks and look as handsome as ever.
you sing out a greeting as you take the stool between them, ordering yourself a fruity drink.
"glad you could make it," erwin smiled to you, bringing his transparent drink to his lips.
"i promised i'd be here! besides, after the night i've had, i deserve to get drunk. what are you two even drinking," you smirked while looking to levi, bumping your shoulder against his.
he rolled his eyes your antics, while erwin spoke, "levi isn't really able to get drunk, but he's drinking whiskey. i'm drinking bourbon. what happened?"
you sighed, but it's cut off whenever the bartender puts your drink onto the counter in front of you.
"my best friend and i got into a fight, something about the house we share and something her cat did. she said i was a fuck up, i said i hated her. we'll be crying and apologizing by tomorrow," you fanned your hand and take a swig of your drink.
erwin opened his mouth to say something, but you interrupt him with a hoot as you slam the glass back to the counter.
"that's strong!" you laughed, barely noticing how quickly you downed it, "can i have another one?!"
"you shouldn't drink too much," erwin said while he pats your back.
you can't yell at him since levi asks a question before you could, "wanna have shots?"
"yes, please! what should be get," you grinned, the both of you ignoring the disapproving look from erwin.
"kamikaze shots," he smirks, "unless you can't handle it."
"are you fuckin' kidding?! let's go, right now," you're overly excited, slightly buzzed as you move around.
said shots were placed before you and levi. you picked it up and clinked glasses with him as you laugh, slamming it back down to the counter and downing it with a grimace. you shouted out in excitement once again, throwing your hands into the air.
"let's fuckin' go!!"
"let's not," erwin pulled your hands back into your lap, which you giggle at.
levi orders you another drink, you don't exactly hear what it is even whenever the bartender puts it down in front of you. your words are slurring as you laugh and chat with the two of them, eyelids heavy as you feel yourself getting more and more tired.
"hey, (name)," levi pushed his knee against your's, spinning the liquid in his cup around.
"wh... what's up," you grinned stupidly whilst laying your head against the counter.
"we like you, romantically," the statement had you sobering up, eyes shooting open and head shooting up.
"huh? what'd you say? i think i'm really drunk now."
"i said what i said," erwin's slightly panicking over your shoulder, "would you want to be with us?"
you squinted your eyes, temples suddenly throbbing with pain. you came out to have fun, not this.
"no," you sighed sadly, "i don't like you guys like that. plus, i'd feel intrusive."
levi gave a drawn out hum as he takes your drink from the bartender and putting it onto the coaster before you.
"it's okay, don't worry," levi shrugged, hand retreating back to his glass of whiskey.
you sighed in relief and break into a smile, once again drowning yourself in the fruity drink levi's given you. when you slam it back down, you cringe and your face is pulled into a grimace once more.
the drink tasted weird, nothing like the name implied. you try to wrack what alcohol exactly tastes the way this one does, salty. it tastes salty. and it's not like it's only alcohol in the drink, at least you think.
your eyes shoot wide as you come to the realization. this is a rape-date drink. and you've just downed the drink within seconds.
your mouth opened, but nothing but gibberish comes out. the last thing you see before your eyes droop is levi's small smirk with arms opened wide.
the story has you recoiling into a ball again, tears streaming out of your face while erwin tries to put a hand on your shoulder.
levi inflicted so much pain. physical and mental. he's the one who got you drunk, he's the one who drugged you, he's the one who slapped you day one, and he's the one who beat you. and erwin helped. erwin ordered.
"don't touch me, please," you whisper, backing yourself further and further into the corner of the closet.
"please, i want to comfort you," he frowns, once again reaching his hand out.
"NO!!" you cry and slap his hand, immediately retracting from fear.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to," you fumble with your words and curl inwards more, "please don't hurt me again, please. i don't want to hurt anymore."
erwin's heart aches as you start to tremble, noticing how hard you were digging your nails into your scalp.
"it's okay," he says calmly, "i won't hurt you."
you choke out your words, "but levi will. he'll hurt me again."
erwin stays silent, knowing full well that you were correct. erwin was barely able to smack you without feeling bad, he couldn't imagine kicking you in the ribs. erwin can feel a ball in the back of his throat, picking up the tray in silence and leaving you alone.
you cry as you lay on the floor now, fetal position. you're going to fall asleep soon, and you're okay with you. you feel slightly more protected in the closet on the floor than in your bed.
your eyes are fluttering close.
you hope that you won't get hurt again.
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
Sometimes, when sunny visits kels house for a sleepover, (or just anyones house except for basils) the host would always wake up to:
A missing sunny (who is most likely in some weird ass place like the roof)
A sunny that it staring at you from the foot of the bed or beside it
A sunny that stares from the doorway (he stares alot)
A sunny that is playing bo en my time at an unreasonable hour but at a reasonable volume (or vise versa)
Alright so a different nonnie also sent me “How many times do you think sunny scares people by staring at them from the foot of the bed / beside them when they wake up?” So I’m....combining these two XD Also if you guys like....resend things can you say they’re a resend LOL bc if I have another Cho double take situation I’m going to backflip into the sun. Also don’t resend more than twice (i’m gonna be putting that in my bio bc....yeah don’t do it makes me anxious D:)
Okay mini housekeeping thing aside! This got long it’s under a read more because it’s long, but it’s full of shenanigans, sleepovers, and our local fave cryptid Sunny
I’m going to focus this in on post-canon, because I think that Sunny’s ultimate cryptid energy flows forth in his teen years. Also I really want to include the hooligans in on this (I’m...love them)
So pre-canon Sunny and Mari’s house was the go to location for their group of six. They were almost always there, but there was some unspoken rules.
You called before you came over (Only Kel didn’t follow this rule, but he always knocked and waited patiently at the door) and you had to be invited to stay for dinner. If not you went home when Sunny’s mom called a fifteen minute warning before dinner. There was also no arguing within the house. If there was an issue that needed to be addressed, Mari and Sunny’s parents would immediately send everyone home.
Post-canon Mari is gone and the house has been sold. Hero and Kel’s house becomes the go to hang out house after that. Their house is nearly night and day to Mari and Sunny’s
Mari and Sunny’s house was always neat and tidy and very quiet. Their parents generally left the TV off and didn’t use the radio, so unless one of the two children were making noise, everything would be silent. Kel and Hero’s house is in constant motion and activity. Sally is usually either babbling or screaming, music is always playing on the radio, and their main form of communication is friendly yelling at one another. Kel and Hero’s house also has an open door policy- anyone can walk in at anytime and they all know where the spare keys are hidden.
Post-canon I see a quick friendship building between Aubrey’s gang and Basil Sunny and Kel. Hero enjoys them all, but it’s not really his scene now that he’s spent a year or so at college. He will get brought along for some adventures, and he’s always up for hanging around the house with them, but when it gets to be a bigger group he prefers to just let them have fun.
When it’s just his four kids, Hero is always a part of the group though.
So this is when school is in session and Hero is back at college. Kel tells Aubrey that Sunny is coming up for the long weekend, and they should all do a sleepover at his house like old times. She agrees and they arrange it with Basil. Kim overhears their plans and she has FOMO so she arranges herself to be there when they tell Basil
Normally Kel makes it a point to try and include Aubrey’s friends (who are slowly just becoming friends) but this time he just pretends she isn’t there and tells Basil to come right after school and they can drive together to get Sunny.
Kim weedles it out of Aubrey later that day when they’re alone in gym class. The reason that they didn’t immediately invite her and the others? Sunny is apparently weird at night
Kim fires back that Sunny is always a little weird, but Aubrey is being fully serious. Unfortunately all that does is make Kim more curious. She goes to find Kel afterward and half asks/half demands an invitation to the sleepover. Kel seems a little awkward about her involving herself, but he agrees that she and the others can join in if they like.
Aubrey and the others arrive
Kim soon finds out that Aubrey was 100% right. Sunny is...weird at night.
At around 10:00 pm, Sunny disappears. Basila nd Aubrey went into the kitchen to make popcorn, and Kel was busy fiddling with the TV to get the movie to start. When he turns back to the couch, he asks where Sunny is. They realize Sunny has vanished.
Aubrey and Basil come in with the bowls of snacks, and Kel asks them if they’ve seen Sunny. Basil says to check the roof.
The roof. The hooligans all laugh (Basil is a sweet kid when you get to know him, but his nerves make even his jokes strange) The other three don’t laugh. In fact Kel gets up and goes to the door.
The hooligans follow out bewildered, and Sunny is o n t h e r o o f. CASUALLY. JUST THERE PETTING AN ORANGE CAT WHO IS LOUNGING PURRING NEXT TO HIM. AND KEL AND AUBREY AND BASIL DONT REACT??? Kel just waves?? and Sunny waves back???
“We’re gonna watch Insidious now, I know you haven’t seen that one before. Wanna come in?” “Kay” “Do you want to bring your cat in with you? I’ll put Hector on his leash” “Yes please”
Then the three just walk back and tell the hooligans to follow them in. Sunny got himself up so Sunny can get himself down.
It’s only the beginning of the madness. Sunny walks in holding the still purring orange cat and settles himself down in his specific corner of the couch (They were prewarned not to sit in Sunny’s spot) Aubrey cuts Kim off before she can ask about the roof, and starts the movie. Kim looks over at the cat, and it locks eyes on her, hissing.
The movie begins and Sunny will randomly speak but only to say when a character is going to die/be scared. Right before it happens. Every single time. Didn’t Kel say before that he hadn’t seen this movie?? It doesn’t matter Sunny keeps going
A ghost. A ghost. Lost in an alternate dimension by shamanic journey. It’s bizarre. The cat continues to purr a rusty old engine noise in Sunny’s lap, periodically looking at one of the hooligans and hissing, choosing a different one every time. Who’s cat is that????
They finish the movie and start to play board games. They pick monopoly and decide to divvy up into teams. Kim immediately claims Aubrey, Vance decides to go with Kel and Kel grabs Mikhael to create a trio. Charlie and Sunny silently sit beside each other, and everyone assumes that makes them a team. Angel pulls Basil to his side and they’re prepped to play the game.
Kim likes to consider herself a pretty good monopoly player, and Aubrey is a whiz with money and numbers, so she assumes they have this in the bag.
She did not account for the Sunny factor.
Sunny stares her down through the entire time. Kim is sure he doesn’t blink. She forgets to bid on auctions for properties and gives him extra rent money. They go bankrupt first, and Sunny turns his eye onto Kel who just laughs and gives Sunny finger guns. Sunny finger guns back (his face still a blank slate) and proceeds to also take all of Kel’s money.
They go to bed shortly after, and Kim is relieved. Nothing also weird can happen. Now she just has to sleep.
She wakes up in the middle of the night and adjust her position, turning over to face the other side of teh room. Four shining eyes stare back at her, catching the dim light from the kitchen. Kim shakily grabs her phone and turns on the flashlight, whirling around to see Sunny staring at her, his orange cat on top of his head.
She wakes all the rest of them with her shriek of terror. The group of four quickly settle to sleep once more, even Sunny crashing down next to Aubrey and Basil. hissing cat caught firmly in his arms.
She and the other hooligans stay up for a bit, frantically whispering about the oddness of the situation. They resolve to leave early in the morning, and to distance themselves as much as they can from...whatever Sunny is. They’re certainly glad he doesn’t go to their school anymore.
The next morning, the group of four wake up before the hooligans and cook a big breakfast. They put the phone on speaker and chat with Hero as they do so, catching up on his latest college stories. Bo en is playing from the cd player in the corner of the kitchen, kept low so as not to wake the others.
The hooligans creep downstairs and peer inside. The scene is shockingly...normal.
Sunny is still carrying his cat, but now Kel is feeding it tiny bits of bacon and it is stretching out of Sunny’s arms to reach the next delicious morsel. He’s chatting with Hero over the phone, speaking in full long sentences which is a rarity for Sunny. He even laughs quietly at a joke Hero tells.
Kim tries to translate the horror she felt last night into this morning, but it’s not there. Sunny doesn’t seem like an eldritch horror during the day. Just another teenager happy to be with people he enjoys.
Hero hangs up shortly after, and the group of four settle back into a placid silence. Aubrey breaks it by turning to the others
“I know it was weird, but I’m glad that they came for last night.” the three boys agree, and Sunny leans against the counter near Aubrey so she can scratch one hand under his cat’s neck while still flipping pancakes. When he speaks, his voice is near silent, but they all hear it anyway.
“They’re nice. They didn’t treat me different.”
The hooligans share a look and simultaneously agree to stay for breakfast.
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haworthiaace · 3 years
Magic misfits! Did I update the masterpost specifically because of this fic? yes absolutely. A busy day for Scar, featuring TFC and some good ol’ Scar appreciation :]
The start of a new season was always interesting.
While TFC didn’t enjoy having to start from scratch every year or so; having gotten used to the comforts of late season riches, he did love the sheer amount of interaction that came with a new season. TFC was content to hear gossip about the others’ shenanigans while he stuck to what he was best at: mining. Some of the others called it cheating to use his earthbending down in the tunnels, but he called it cheating to be able to shapeshift, or use magic crystals, or any of the other crazy things the other hermits could do, so it evened out.
When he wasn’t down in his mine, TFC watched as all the other hermits scrambled to make the most impressive buildings and contraptions in as little time as possible. Many of his servermates placed more importance on finishing their creations than actually gathering necessities such as tools and armour. 
As if to prove this observation, the Boatem village appeared on the other side of the nether portal, populated with structures that were much too large considering it had only been three weeks since they arrived in this world. There was also a… tree? At least that’s what it looked like; a thin oak tree stretching up past the clouds and out of view. Looks like Mumbo and Grian were up to no good already.
“TFC! Up here!” Scar’s voice came from somewhere above TFC’s head, and he looked up to see the wizard (although he no longer wore his robe and hat) standing on a balcony extending from a truly massive wagon, one hand on the railing and the other extended above his head, waving enthusiastically at TFC.
He climbed the ladder up the side of the wagon, entering a sparse storage room. Knowing Scar, he either hadn’t bothered to move in yet or lost all of his things in a cave somewhere. Despite his powerful crystal magic, Scar still managed to die more than any other hermit, so the second option was more likely.
“Well hello there! Welcome to my humble abode, please take a seat.” Scar led TFC to a balcony, where he gestured towards a table and two folding chairs. Scar sat down, crossing his legs and folding his arms in his lap. “So, what brings you to our little village today?”
TFC raised an eyebrow at the question, confusion evident in his voice. “Because you invited me? We were supposed to have tea today.” 
Scar jolted in his seat, then proceeded to scramble out of said seat. “I’ll be right back! I have to go… feed Jellie!” This was quite obviously a lie seeing as Jellie hadn’t returned from her between seasons interdimensional travels yet. TFC’s laughter chased Scar into the wagon, where he frantically prepared the tea that he was totally planning on making because he definitely remembered his plans for the day. 
After about five minutes of mildly concerning crashing sounds, Scar returned with two steaming mugs of tea (decorated with cat faces, of course) and a plate of chocolate chip cookies - Stress’ recipe if TFC wasn’t mistaken. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, appreciating the tea and cookies. 
“So, how are you holding up this season, Scar?” TFC took a sip of green tea, looking out at the horizon.
“Oh you know, the usual. I don’t have my village anymore, but the magical misfits still come seeking my help.” He brought a cookie to his mouth and bit off half of it. “Not that I mind helping people!” He swallowed his mouthful before continuing. “XB was here last week convinced that he left his coat in season seven, but turns out it just ended up in one of Joe’s boxes.” He chuckled to himself, wiping crumbs off of his jacket as TFC stared at the distant ocean, lost in thought.
TFC broke the silence that had fallen. “You’re a good man, y’know that?” The wizard in question looked at TFC in surprise. He was used to ‘thank you’s, but the personal compliment caught him off guard. “You’ve created a safe space for folks from all sorts of places, and you’ve saved quite a few of them from bad people.” 
Scar looked down, smiling at his cup of tea. He spoke quietly, a departure from his usual boisterousness. “Thanks TFC, that means a lot.”
Scar was in the middle of catching TFC up on what he missed from day one when something red and very fast crashed into the balcony. The something in question turned out to be Grian, shimmering wings protruding from his back. Something must have been wrong, since winged hermits tended to refrain from flying early in the season, in the name of fairness.
“Scar we need your- Oh heeey, I didn’t know you had company over!” He leaned on the railing, his urgency replaced with a forced cheerfulness as he (quite obviously) pretended nothing was wrong. What was probably supposed to be an easygoing smile stretched too wide, and his voice was more high pitched than usual. “How’s it goin’?”
Scar, completely oblivious, responded excitedly. “Oh, I was just telling TFC here about our adventure in the geode with Cleo!”
Grian’s uncomfortable smile grew wider, and his eyebrows furrowed. “That sounds great, do you think you’ll be done anytime soon?”
“Oh well, I’m not too sure. It depends on when we finish all of these cookies.”
“Oh that’s just wonderful,” Grian’s wings started to twitch behind him, “did you make those yourself?”
Scar took a breath, preparing for a tangent when TFC cut in, showing the poor fairy some mercy. “Alright Grian, out with it. What’s wrong?” Scar stared at Grian, somehow surprised that this wasn’t a completely ordinary visit.
Grian let out a long sigh. “Thank you so much TFC.” He turned his gaze to Scar. “We need a little help with curse breaking.”
Scar set down his mug and gave Grian his full attention, preparing himself for whatever strange curse one of the fairies had set on some poor hermit. “Really? How are you two cursing people already? It hasn’t even been a month!”
Grian’s tangent was accompanied by wild hand gestures that made it difficult to follow what he was saying. “Well, Pearl came up behind Mumbo and spooked him, he shouted something about not sneaking up on him, and now whenever he turns his back on her she teleports directly in front of him.” Grian looked nervously over his shoulder in the direction of Mumbo’s van. TFC followed his gaze, and burst into laughter again.
Mumbo was standing a few feet away from his campfire, spinning in circles and doubling over in laughter as Pearl kept popping up in front of him. 
Scar pushed himself up from his chair, TFC followed suit. The pair headed to the door while Grian flew back down, Scar giving TFC a sort of briefing. “Alright, let’s go figure out what exactly Mumbo did before Pearl starts feeling particularly vengeful.”
It took two hours and a lot of trial and error (with TFC giving supremely unhelpful tips), but eventually Pearl could stand behind Mumbo again. At some point Scar accidentally applied the effect to both Grian and Mumbo, and he had to beg the two not to create a space time anomaly. But it was all fixed now, and TFC was sure Pearl’s revenge would be swift and cruel.
Scar made his way back up to the balcony, and the two continued their conversation. It was a good thing Scar had enchanted his mugs, something he had done back in season seven after his drinks kept getting abandoned and going cold.
After a few hours of peace (other than both Mumbo and Grian’s bases abruptly flipping upside down while the boys were inside), the pair was interrupted again by a voice behind them.
“Howdy, Scar. Oh, and howdy to you as well, TFC!”
Neither of them had heard Joe coming, so Scar jumped about a foot in the air while TFC nearly spat out his tea. It turned out that Cleo was there as well, looking quite a bit angrier than Joe, although that wasn’t too uncommon.
“Oh my goodness, Joe you scared the life out of me!” Scar held a hand to his chest and caught his breath as Cleo got right to business.
“Sorry about that Scar,” her voice was flat, and it was safe to assume that she was not, in fact, sorry about that. “But we have an emergency. It’s completely Joe’s fault, he-”
Joe smoothly stepped in front of his companion as he cut her off, “I wouldn’t say it’s entirely my fault, old magic is a fickle thing-”
Cleo shoved Joe aside, stepping in front once again. “He revived my leg!” She raised a foot off the ground and gestured at it with both hands.
Sure enough, both TFC and Scar looked down to see that Cleo’s right leg was significantly more flesh-coloured than the left, restored to what it presumably once was. 
Scar’s lingering panic was instantly replaced by an amused grin as he gestured to the leg in question. “Cleo, why don’t you just get your leg reinfected? It’s not like zombies are hard to come by.”
The pair stood still, just blinking. (Completely in sync, it was eerie) 
Cleo rounded on Joe and punched at his shoulder just as he raised a hand to deflect her fist. “How did you not think of that Joe?! I thought you knew everything there was to know about-” She gestured wildly about for a moment. “Everything?!”
“Shouldn’t you be some sort of zombie expert by now? How is that my responsibility?” The argument continued as the pair went back into the wagon and down the ladder. As they walked off, presumably to go find a cave, something occurred to TFC. He cupped his hands around his mouth to yell down at them.
“Cleo!” She turned around. “Don’t use Joe as bait!” 
She snapped her finger like a defeated cartoon villain, as Joe turned to face her and presumably gave her grief for this evil plot.
It was only about five minutes after Cleo and Joe left (preceded by twenty minutes of arguing) that the next problem arrived, as it often did, in the form of Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango arriving on the shore of the village. TFC found this odd, seeing as how everyone was now connected by nether portals, but he assumed there would be an explanation shortly, even if it didn’t make a lick of sense.
Impulse shouted up from the ground, the three of them clustered near the front of the wagon. “TFC, we need your help!” Well that was a surprise, not many people asked for his assistance other than Scar. “We made an oopsie and Cleo said we could find you here!”
As every hermit knew, ‘oopsie’ was a versatile word with these three. It could mean anything between making a minor mistake in a build to banishing Impulse for the fifth time. “What happened this time?” TFC stood up and made his way down the ladder, since shouting down at them wasn’t very efficient and they didn’t seem inclined to come up.
Impulse started twisting his hands together while Zedaph and Tango tried their best to look innocent behind him. It didn’t work. “Weeell, Tango wanted a terraforming job done around his base, so we made a little deal for it.” 
Oh boy. Not much good came out of magical deals, yet the other hermits continued to make them with each other. Demonic deals were especially tricky since the demon didn’t have precise control over their end of the deal, not that it stopped these three. “Tango offered me his first beacon in exchange for the job, and it turns out that a beacon is worth a lot more than I thought- it’s probably easier if we show you.”
“Quick FYI guys: firsts are very valuable in deals! It applies to you as well Impulse, not just the fae!” Scar called helpfully from his still seated position on the balcony.
They all ended up going over to Tango’s house/ shop, which was literally buried in a mound of dirt and stone, along with about three quarters of Bdubs’ giant moon house. That explains why they didn’t use the nether. 
The earth was offended after being touched by demonic magic, but after a long negotiation TFC managed to convince it that Impulse meant no harm, and it was happy to return to its prior state. Tango was mildly annoyed that he would have to do the terraforming himself and give Impulse a beacon, but it was better than the wrath he would have faced from Bdubs.
By the time TFC and Scar returned to the Boatem village, the sun was starting to dip below the horizon. While TFC admired the beauty of it, Scar just looked disappointed. 
“I’m sorry.”
TFC raised an eyebrow at the wizard, a frown making its way onto his face. “What do you mean you’re sorry? Did you do something to the tea?” 
Despite TFC’s attempted joke, Scar still stared at his perfectly polished shoes. “This was supposed to be a nice relaxing day to catch up, and people were just showing up left and right. I mean, we hardly got to spend any time together! Maybe I shouldn’t invite people over with all this wizard stuff going on.”
“But we did spend time together.” TFC’s rough hand landed on Scar’s shoulder, the latter looking up at the former, startled by the contact.
“Well yeah we had tea for a while but-”
TFC had to cut off Scar’s rambling or he would never get to his point. “Yes we had tea, but I’m talking about the rest of the day.” Scar seemed genuinely confused at this. “I helped you un-curse Pearl,” he did air quotes on the word ‘helped,’ “We watched Joe and Cleo argue together, and you came with us to fix Tango’s house.” Of course he didn’t do much other than laugh at Tango’s misfortune, but it was the thought that counted. “Just ‘cause it didn’t go to plan doesn’t mean I didn’t have a good time.” After all, not much went according to plan on the hermitcraft server.
Now Scar was smiling. “So I didn’t ruin the day with magical misfits?”
“Not at all.” TFC reached for his mug and emptied it one last time, then stretched before heading out. “But now I gotta get going. I don’t like my chances against the mobs with my crappy iron gear.”
Scar waved once more as TFC disappeared into the nether portal. “Goodnight TFC! And thanks again, for everything!”
TFC smiled as he made his way through the nether tunnels back home. Scar did a lot more for the hermits than he realized, allowing them to be free with their magic in a way they couldn’t back home, TFC included. He’d created a home for all sorts of ‘magic misfits’ as Scar put it, and he performed an invaluable service, whether he realized it or not.
He’s a good kid. Just needs some reminding every once in a while. 
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
cartoons ; preferences
warnings — fluff (?) 
characters — andy barber, steve rogers, ransom drysdale, bucky barnes, lance tucker, syverson, august walker
a/n — THIS IS A DDLG FIC,, i understand that for some their litlte age or little space activities varies for some but for this sake lets imagine that the reader loves to watch cartoons,, feedback is appreciated :)
their love language | with their little | when you’re insecure | slipping into little space | fussy | happy hoelidays
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As a reward for her good behavior, Andy allowed Y/N an extra half hour to watch television and she chose to watch her favorite cartoon — Higglytown Heroes. “Poor kitty!” She gasped out as the kitten was stuck on a tree. The lawyer was seated on the couch beside her with his hand rubbing her back as he quietly read a case file, “Kip is stuck now too!” Silently chuckling at her blow by blow report of the events of the cartoon he proceeded to read until he was summoned, “Dada, what will happen now?” Her eyes displayed worry and curiosity so he set the folder on the side table before making a guess, “Maybe they’ll ask someone from help? Let’s watch it, little missy.”
A few moments later, the characters were singing a song to reveal that they would be asking help from the firefighters. “You see that, missy? Who rides a big red vehicle with sirens?” His question got her racking her brain for a bit before answering, “Is it from the firefighters, dada?” Smiling widely as he pecked her cheek, he praised her, “Such a smart girl!” Her giggles indicated she loved the praise he was giving her, “The firefighters are the heroes because they help others.” Pondering on what he said, she stared at his bearded face with her lips pursed with a deep stare. “What are you thinking about, missy?” It was unusual for her to be this silent and serious when she was deep in little space, so it was slightly concerning. “Heroes help people; right, dada?” Andy nodded as he revisited the cartoon, “Mhm, just how the firefighters helped Kip and the kittens.” Holding his hand, she played with it as she concluded, “So does that make dada a hero too?” With a mouth hung agape, no words left the lawyer’s mouth as he was dumbfounded as his girl continued her explanation, “You help people and protect them right?” Planting a kiss on his bearded cheek, he smiled as her words of, “You’re my favorite hero, dada,” Melted his heart in the best way possible.
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“Little one, what do you want to do today?” Hearing August’s deep voice tore her attentive eyes away from the television screen as she smiled sweetly at him, “Can we bake that cake, daddy?” Following where her finger pointed to where Mr. Bean was currently slicing a piece of the chocolate cake. Sitting down adjacent to where his beloved was sitting on the floor, he tried to convince her from doing something else, “Perhaps you’d rather go to the park? Or even color?” Crossing her arms as she let out a huff — an indication that her mind was set on imitating the animation meal, “But daddy I want to try the cake! It looks so yummy and I want to taste it!” Comparing her attitude to the previous times she whined about wanting something, she was relatively tame — so it ultimately convinced him that there was no harm in complying with what she wanted. “Okay, we’ll bake the cake,” She clapped her hands, excited at the thought of getting to taste the pastry; but her glee was halted as the CIA agent raised a brow at her, “But you have to wait a little while okay? Daddy still needs to find a recipe for the cake and see if we have the right ingredients; can you be a good girl in the meantime?” Nodding her head up and down, she proceeded to clasp her hands together on her lap as she returned to silently watching the cartoon. Draping an arm over her shoulders, his other hand fished out for the phone on his pocket and searched for the recipe; and he did find one after a few minutes.
With a kiss on her shoulder, he then excused himself to the kitchen to check if they have all the required ingredients; and when they did have everything it was then he called for her, “Turn off the television, little one. I found a recipe and we can bake that chocolate cake!” Never in their entire relationship had he seen her comply instantaneously and with a smile on her face. Standing beside him he smirked as he placed the cute apron he got her, “Are you ready to be a good baker, little one?” Jumping on her feet she nodded as she exclaimed, “I am, daddy! Can’t wait to feed you what we baked,” To show her appreciation of him going along with what she wants, she stood on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his scruffy cheek, “Thank you so much, daddy. I love you.”
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“Tătic, what color do you like most — pink, blue, or green?” She asked the former Winter Soldier without diverting her gaze from the piece of paper she was drawing on; the man in question however stopped reading the newspaper he was reading as he peered up. “I like the color blue the most, sweetheart; why’d you ask?” Continuing with her drawing, she just mumbled a soft, “Nothing,” And there was really nothing alarming about her behavior so he shrugged it off and continued to read about current events. After a few silent minutes, Y/N asked him again, “Would you rather be an owl, a cat, or a chameleon?” Bucky was able to connect some of the dots — the three colors and animals she mentioned was reminiscent of her favorite cartoon, “Why are you asking me about PJ Masks, sweetie?” Having been caught, she removed her focus from her drawing to look up from where he was sitting on the couch while she was sitting cross-legged at the floor. “I’m drawing something for you, tătic. Please don’t take a peek yet.”
She so sweetly requested it from him that he had just nodded and answered, “I’d rather be a chameleon, sweetie,” Before reading through the text again. Folding the newspaper and placing it by the side table; deciding that he needed to scratch an itch, he quietly lowered himself to sit on the floor. Once doing so, he inched closer to his left so he could try to sneak a peek at  what Y/N was drawing; but it was as if spending so much time with the super soldier she gained spy skills, she sensed what he was trying to do and was quick to call him out on it, “Tătic, stop peeking!” Wrapping both his arms on her waist as he rubbed his forehead against her arm as he dramatically sighed, “But sweetheart I wanna see what you’re drawing.” Matching his sigh with a dramatic one of her own, she then pushed his face away and grabbed her drawing pad. “Okay here it is, tătic,” She showed him a suit she was sketching for him, it was blue and she tried to replicate Gecko’s scale in the suit but it proved too difficult to do so. “Wanted to design a new suit for you, tătic; you know just like in PJ Masks.” Unable to let out an audible coo, Bucky hugged Y/N in his arms as he planted kisses on the top of her head, “I love it so much, sweetheart. I love you so much.”
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“What are you doing to my hair, doll?” Steve wondered as she was sitting on his lap, with her tongue slightly poking out of her cheeks as her hands were ruffling through his hair in her efforts to style him. “Just fixing your hair, sir.” Her answer just confused the retired Avenger even more as he just brushed his hair earlier; but apparently it wasn’t good enough for her. She was arranging the strands of his hair so they’d stand up instead of his usual look. “Only a little bit more and you’ll look like Ryder.” At the mention of that name, Steve was slightly concerned that he had a rival for his lover’s affection, “Who’s Ryder, baby doll?” Feeling giddy with the nickname she was called, she failed to focus on how he asked the question venomously. “The team leader of PAW Patrol, sir.” He let out a relieved sigh as relaxed visibly as he allowed her to rummage through his golden locks. 
“Why do you want to style me like Ryder?” Halting her movements through his hair, she grinned widely upon seeing that his hair now looked like the cartoon character’s. “Because you’re so much like him, sir. You’re both leaders and love dogs too!” The last part peaked his attention as she seemed extra giddy at the mention of dogs, “Is this your way of telling me you want a dog too?” Placing her head against his chest, she nodded as she shyly mumbled, “Yes, sir.” His fingertips grazed the skin of her shoulders, “Then are you gonna name ‘em after the dogs in PAW Patrol?” The suggestion had her enthusiastically nodding against his chest, “I’d love that so much, sir!” Hugging her frame flush against him, Steve then decided to play along with her, “Maybe someday, when you prove to be responsible enough; if I’m Ryder, who are you then?” Removing her face from his chest she beamed, “The Princess of Barkingburg! Which means you need to comply with my orders of us getting a dog!”
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gif by @henry-cavlll​ i really wanted this gif but it wouldnt appear on the gif finder
“Aika, come here, doggy!” Upon hearing her name called, the German Shepherd plopped  herself down beside the girl who was currently watching cartoons as she was watching her favorite cartoon as she waited for Sy. Stroking her brown fur she looked at the dog who was staring at her with curious eyes, “Do you like the color red, Aika?” As the dog laid her head down on her thigh, the little girl took it as a no. “Why not? Clifford likes the cower red,” She pointed to the huge dog who was licking Emily as she was brushing his fur. “Maybe Captain will let me put red color on you,” She then began to brush her own nimble fingers against the brown and black fur of the dog as she imagined what it would look like with the color red instead.
“I’m home, baby girl!” Sy announced as he closed the front door behind him. Her head turned to his appearing figure with a wide smile as she waved enthusiastically, “Captain! I had a bright idea.” Having his curiosity piqued, he told her to remain seated on the couch as he placed some of the groceries he bought on the kitchen island and sat beside her. Not even more than a second after he sat down, she immediately perched herself on his lap, calling for Aika as well to scooch closer to the both of them. “What are you up to, baby?” Bopping her nose with his finger and she playfully chased his finger to bite it; pointing to the television where Clifford the Big Red Dog was still playing, “Clifford is red, right?” Not knowing where she was going with this, he just nodded and looked at her with curious eyes as she pointed to their dog who was laying on her crossed paws, “Can we please color Aika red? Please?” Chuckling at her suggestion, the former soldier could only shake his head, “No we can’t color her red, babygirl.” At the sound of the rejection of her idea, Y/N pouted in hopes to persuade him to change his mind, “But you colored her green!” Sighing, he held her hands as he explained, “Captain only colored her green so she wouldn’t be taken away.” With a huff she crossed her arms as she continued to whine, “I want a red dog.” Coming up with a bright idea, Sy then offered, “How about I buy you a Clifford stuffie? That way you’ll have your own red dog.” Almost immediately her pout left her mouth as her eyes shined at the thought of having one and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she excitedly squealed, “Yes please, Captain! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
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“What’s going on, papa?” Y/N wondered as she found Lance perched down on the floor as he was tinkling with his laptop; she awoke from her nap and instead of having the gold medalist wake her up it was the faint groans and curses he let out that woke her up. Looking up from where he was trying to get the device to work, he put on a smile upon seeing his girl, “I can’t get the laptop to turn on, angel.” He was only slightly alarmed when she jumped and down, “Oh let me help, papa! Hold on, let me get my tools!” He could barely process anything she said as she was quick to leave him on the floor.
Dismissing her behavior, he turned his attention back to his laptop and stared at it as if his gaze would get it back to work. “Handy Y/N at your service! You break it, I fix it!” She said the cartoon character’s famous catchphrase, she held onto her own version of the toolbox he got her as a surprise. Smiling, Lance patted the spot beside him as he called her for help, “Hello handy Y/N! Can you please help me fix my laptop?” With a slight pout, she pretended to inspect the device for a little bit before grabbing Felipe, the yellow screwdriver that seemed to be her favorite character, and pretended to screw around the device. As she turned to place the tool box on its container and was rummaging through her tools, the gymnast sneakily pushed the power button and by some miracle it did turn on, “Look at that, angel! You fixed my laptop!” She jumped a bit at the sound of his voice but smiled widely upon seeing the screen light up, “I guess Handy Manny really teaches you how to fix things huh, angel?” Nodding her head she smiled brightly as she grabbed her toolbox and struck a pose, “It did, papa! And now I can always fix something up for you; you only have to pay me with kissies and cuddles!”
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“King, can I pick what we’re both going to wear?” Ransom looked up at the girl who laid beside him, they both woke up a few minutes ago and they were just cuddling in bed as they traced shapes into each other’s skin; usually she would ask if she could dress herself, never him as well. Seeing how she hasn’t had the chance to slip into her comfort space usually — thanks to her demanding priorities — he didn’t see any harm in letting her do so; after all, he wanted her to enjoy her Christmas break. With a sweet kiss to her forehead he allowed it, “Okay princess, you can choose what we both wear. But why stop there? Choose what you want us to do this morning too.” Her eyes lit up with excitement at what he said as she stood up from the bed, leaving the former playboy to whine about missing her warmth, and search through their shared walk-in closet about the clothing articles she was looking for. Returning with their matching cable knit sweaters and a pair of plaid pajamas that had a king and queen symbol sewn on it. With a raised brow, Ransom silently wondered if she was planning this for a while and her excited squeal of, “Wear this one please, king — this way we’re like B1 and B2!”
“So that’s why you wanted us to match huh?” He concluded out loud as he sat up on the edge of the bed so he could reach for her to tickled her sides; in between her fit of giggles, Y/N managed to confirm it, “Mhm, I wanted to be like them. And this is my way too of making up for not spending so much time with my king.” Displeased with the whiff of sadness at her statement; grabbing for both of her hands, he held it against his as he rubbed soothing circles on it, “Princess, I completely understand that you were buried in your workload, okay? I’m so proud that you got to accomplish everything right away,” He paused his little speech to plant kisses on the back of both her palms before inquiring, “So have you decided what we’re going to do?” Nodding her head yes she shared what her ideal morning would look like, “Maybe you can make my favorite breakfast, king? Then watch ``Bananas in Pyjamas together?” Ransom could feel his heart flutter with how simple she was — which was a stark contrast to how the people that surrounded him for all his life was extremely materialistic — that all she wanted was to be with him for that would make her happy. Grabbing the clothes she had picked out in one hand as the other hand was dragging his princess on the other to guide them to the bathroom to change he jokingly scolded her, “Then what are we waiting for? We can’t let B1 and B2 waiting for us for too long!”
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“I understand we have a holiday break, but I just wanted to go over the contents of the report one more time,” Will tiredly explained as he was having his final video conference before his holiday break. Y/N was currently watching Twirlywoos in the living room. Redirecting her gaze from the television screen to her bubba who was stressed out and she wanted to help him relax — but knew that one way of doing so is by not bothering him right now as he worked. “Okay, see you all again on January 3rd,” Was the last thing Will said before ending the call and groaning out loud as he rubbed his hands on his eyes, “Bubba, are you okay?” Hearing her concerned and small voice snapped him out of his distress; he was then quick to put up a smile on his lips as he left his home office that was adjacent to the living room and sat beside her on the couch. “I am now, munchkin. Bubba doesn’t have to work for two weeks and you have him all to yourself.” With that Y/N smiled brightly as well and kissed all over his face, “Okay calm down, munchkin,” He laughed feeling ticklish with all her kisses, “How about a snack?” Nodding her head, she accepted the help he offered her to stand from the floor, “Yes please, bubba.” 
Grabbing her hand he led her to the sit on one of the chairs on the breakfast bar, and just as Will was about to head to the pantry to grab some snacks he remembered, “Oh hold on, I just need to fix my things before fixing you a snack, okay?” The business consultant expected that his girl would be disappointed but she was the opposite, “Can I help you with that, bubba?” He had to take a double look at her as he wondered out loud, “Are you sure you want to help? And I don’t think you know exactly how to do so, munchkin.” She pouted when he doubted her capabilities, “I do! I learned from the Twirlywoos,” She pointed to the cartoons playing on the background — the family of four were now carelessly shoving all the beach items inside the tent — and since this was her favorite show, she’d watch this particular episode multiple times and picked up quite a few things. Will wrapped an arm around Y/N’s waist to lead her into his home office, “Very well, my Chickadee munchkin, show me what you learned from the show.”
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