#my corageous boy :((
thasorns-archive · 11 months
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But What do you want to do, Amane? I haven't asked you yet. You want me to know. I don't understand. What do you want from the confession? Please tell me.
KIMI TO NARA KOI WO SHITE MITE MO (2023) 君となら恋をしてみても, dir. Matsumoto Hana
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mostlikelytofangirl · 6 months
Ooooh yeah WRH being possessive asf in every aspect!!! He's gonna have the boy and he'll be damned if there is any obstacle to that!
NMJ being a replacement daddy is so interesting! JGY only being able to be truly intimate with someone that he can have power over OR taht treats him like a son, but what he truly longs for is dadson kinking :D
If WRH killed JGS, MY would just stay, I think! I believe MY alr went into it with a mindset of like "Wether sunshot suceeds or not, I'll win either way", it would not end badly for him and MY knows it
I too am full of Vibes and considering it
Love me a possessive daddy :'). That boy is his now and he's going to claim him in every way, yes!!
I like to think that since our boy here is, as far as canon suggests, bi, that it reflex in how he liked a petite woman like QS bc there was no physical risk there, but when it comes to men, he does seem to like him older and bigger, and that plays into his daddy issues, looking for that paternal attention. I imagine that played a lot in his dynamics with NMJ back when MY was younger and they were still in good terms. So after losing WRH, the closest thing he had to that was da-ge, and that's why he tried to hard to salvage the relationship.
(And I can totally see him never mustering the corage to ask LXC for that XD).
Yeah, I can see MY going through a whole ass crisis once JGS is dead and his main motivation for the mission is gone, but he would run the math and eventually conclude that, since there's no reason to betray the Wen now, why not enjoy his new position as heir and partner (however that works lol) of the most powerful leader?? He could convince WRH to spare MY's most important ppl, so even if the war is lost, at least it won't be a complete shitshow.
But most importantly, MY is now in a safe place when he is cherished and throroughly fucked by his new 'father' as he deserves :'D
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joseftheerazor · 2 years
Soo before I post some link to the episodes and volumes let me give you some introductions to some of my OC's that are center stage in my Rwby Dream Series. The artworks are made as commision to my OC's and all made by @cindyaqui. All prays and credits to her talenta in her artstyle. So let begin with the introductions:
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Team ROSE are a team of 4 boys who are the main characters in the RWBY Dream Series. They are raised by their respective families and some of then (their fathers and uncles) took part in the Great War alongside the King of Vale at the time. After the war they where known as the "Legendary Heroes of Remnant" due to their comitment and valor to ensure peace to Remnant, along with their incredible skill they use in the war. The 4 boys who make up the team are:
Raiden Nineheart: A noble, kind and brave individual who is the heir of a company in Vale and inspired to be a hero in his own right like his father. Formely a vigilante he roams the roofts and streets of Vale and stops criminals in their tracks with the skills his father taught him, but knowns little beyond his home region about Huntsmans, the Creatures of Grimm and others. But that all changes on a fated night when he meets 4 young Huntresses in training and after that he was invited to experience the role of a Huntsman.
Osamu Genji: A serious, calm and supportive Wolf Faunus of the Genji clan that lives in Menagerie. He enjoys the calm and tranquil peace of nature amd deams of a day that humans and faunus could co-exist. Train by his father he is the first to master the ability know as "Awakening"; in which their aura and soul merges temporarely to increase their potentian in what they are skilled at from surviving a near death experience or triggered from a desier they wish to do.
He has walked the path of many even joining a spec ops group that symbolize the union of Humans and Faunus. Eventualy, his path would guide him to become a Huntsman himself, leading to him meeting with Raiden as they walk the path together.
Sebastian Edzard: A energetic, reckless and thrill seeking individual who is Raiden's childhood friend. A boy who loves a good fight to improve his skill and one day surpass his uncle in becoming "The Strongest Man in all of Vale", while helping his family in the usual task of his farm. An impresive child that, by the current time, is the only one who can fight with his fist and his legs due in part to his uncle's training.
He never had a challange that he couldent face and with him joining Raiden to become Huntsmen he would meet a thrill seeking individual; who which she would become Sebastian's main rival.
Edgar Damiano: A shy, corageous and loyal individual who is part of the Damiano Bloodline. The Damiano's are a group of warriors who have served and protected the Schnee Family Bloodline since the Damiano's founding of this creed. They are Paladin whom which where taught many skill and even mastering the Glyph's from one of the Schnee's anscestors. In order to become a Paladin, their decsendence must past a trial by their parental figures and if they pass they are knighted as Paladins and have the right to choose or not to protect and serve their respective Schnee's.
Edgar trains with his father in hopes to become a Paladin like him so he can protect something he cares, however his training was cut short due to his fathers passing. Now blinded without a sence of direction, he tries to figure out his purpose in life; in which he ends up meeting a young heiress of the Schnee's and through her... he finds his calling and with meeting Raiden he help him to guide Edgar back to his noble ways instead of living a life of a thief.
Continue in part two...
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libidomechanica · 29 days
Untitled # 12321
A limerick sequence
                How far it is, come, with woe? Who on a Gem, his pow’r away he but caprice    or witty, and then,    and an angel pure to stay But the dust of live or two smile.
                What trace of life he may live every storm piles up. The will soon the foolscap    subject, has a tripod    in violets. Have reach us out of dust a voice; I prosper.
                Give me my grand-dad’s Narrative. And I shall me where I proue. Lurch and sick    of power to grace, as    beam ends. Even if I would be exprest: o my Electra!
                And devour’d horse, or none spake. The little still dusk eyes and sadness, and all,    and roar his will never    realms of our trust me in love their pains of their desperate pair.
                Tho’ follow, and gazed upon tower palms, I might harmonious caves, terror,    driv’n to sea. As I    could decided among a word of the woodbine blooms are gone.
                Gainsay the pulses, to call’d central, ’ in the loves. A distance might hand wit,    though there in every living    parts do crowne. On which yours you’d call’d them sure the starry skies.
                Tho peeping eye, cheat. And something have almost prying to hell the Iliad    with flowery    memory strays, nor child … that will never, every hoof, and let thee?
                The darkly join, deep feelings are more the moon rose health alchemy. And years    before I will worse, the    dying: help! Love is but see the mellow rock so happy days.
                I watched and King, because too weake and felt the breme Winter languages—as    wells and blewe. And waked    as I do hold up yours you’d have her ocean, such easy terms.
                Would toss with agonized her sight, all steals. Desire my virgin knows,—it    may be the universary,    a dove from fortunes race of all the law having size.
                To fix and felt allure us by those should flinging for that seeing well,    my mothers, looking as    you think? Weight your husband- huntingly group that be Love wounded.
                With blind idea lies: o write, take back with him into sigh is idle    dreams with youngster, dine with    tears. Whom you’d wishing to your self. Who hold men in into thee.
                She had not talk, in sport of the with my mask to linger on either the    ploughs I gained. Off within    the ended. And everything’s eye, pant on the spellken hustle?
                Rage, whose tear, they do? The wish it as of sighs a passion’s tongue. Enfold-    complicate assistance take    such a size, it would be enough, O girls—I mean duration.
                I should shatter so doth her girdle, liquid sweeter man obtain, and then;    t was used—nor sails and    saw the very fingers would every memory of the same.
                The could Juan caught to the toasts a boy I kept in literature was nature,    the lust make me with    smother! Where than by sun that clusterity will know you now?
                Mistress, pretty pain for Europe, Afric, and purgatorial elms, and the    koi kiss I could not defend    my fall; but some aquamarine tear; and of innocence?
                Of the exclaime any master! Calm on to her imperfect deeds, I wore    than men, she taken plank,    and suck’d from my corage cooles ere it like a miracle.
                Loved me that sing of friendship of clay, with a tear shall view things, o’erloaded    asses kick off the sea!    He beach only was all raven gloss: ah, swearing then, regret.
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 4 years
is mizuki still a queen when murata sexualises her to the bone?
Short answer: Yes, Mizuki is still a Queen in those cases. I will continue to tag her as #Queen, consider her an icon, and continue to like her even if I hate the couple of so called “sexualized Mizuki to the bone” drawings Murata made of her (which I never posted here in the first place). A couple of sexy pics don’t erase what a legitimately great character she is. It’s kind of rude to come rain on my parade with whatever point you wanted to make when I was so excited to see her again in today’s chapter and being completely innocent about it.
Long answer: (someone help me write a tl;dr please OTL) 
I’m too tired, the whole “bla bla sexualization” thing is very complex, I don’t have the time or energy to answer properly... and I don’t like trap questions like this because there is no right answer and I feel put on the spot. Maybe that wasn’t your intention, so I’ll answer in good faith. 
In the context of official OPM things, it’s my opinion that a few instances of her being sexualized don’t change the fact that she’s still very amazing, fun, hilarious, corageous and powerful. You’re allowed to dislike her, but it’s not fair to invalidate the rest of her character and her fans because you didn’t like the author making certain decisions here and there. We fans have a right to like characters even if later the author does things with them that we don’t agree with. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, but characters are just that, characters, and it’s up to the author’s intentions AND the point of view of the fans to give meaning to them.
We’re still allowed to love Mizuki and see her as an iconic character, in special fellow women, I feel. We’re starved for variety and representation and Mizuki is a super good hearted, strong gal. It’s not every day you get a 2m tall sportwoman character like her, in special in contrast to Gearsper who is instead a tiny guy with noodle arms. I’m very excited about all the different kinds of ladies that OPM has now, YES EVEN IF most of them have been put in a bikini at this point, which is kind of sad and ridiculous.
Now, of course, we’re not stupid. It’s not like you can’t tell when Murata is using literal p0rn as reference to draw, lmao. It’s not like we don’t know he’s h0rny as f*ck. Still, OPM is a seinen series and we should expect adult content. It’s also true that for being the kind of seinen it is (parodying shonen series and all) it’s quite the surprise that we get a fair amount of male eye candy as well, even though lately I don’t think it’s balanced with the ladies fanservice anymore (but it used to be).
Also, I’m a woman who likes other women, so what do you want me to tell you? I loved that cover of Mizuki taking her shirt of /// THIS ONE /// I’m a big fan of soft fanservice like that! Although, I personally prefer just a bit of eye candy occasionally... I DON’T want fanservice to be all over the place for no reason, in special of the ladies, because it just looks unprofessional and stupid when the point of this series is not to be some h0rny har3m anime. Sexy drawings can be very interesting and appealing from time to time but I don’t want Murata to use so much time on them instead of on other more interesting stuff, and it also creates bad vibes when a whole a s s chapter is about two guys bonding but the cover is another Fubuki with her Fub00bs out. Don’t think I don’t get disappointed (even angry) at this kind of bullshit. I do, friend. I would lie if I said I don’t love the Fub00bs... but we don’t need them all over the place all the time in special in chapters where she’s not even present otherwise.
On the same note, I actually hate the uncomfortably-close-to-p0rn kind of fanservice like that disgusting sequence where Mizuki squishes that watermelon head monster with her inner thighs (which, on the other hand, was HILARIOUS and empowering in its own way, except that I know Murata was not drawing those scenes with empowerment in mind, of course... but still, all the more power to fellow ladies who find that empowering, reclaim it from the h0rny boys!). But anyway, I can only consider Mizuki to have been “sexualized to the bone”, like you put it, that one time with the watermelon. Everything else has been very tame fanservice.
It really depends on what you think is “too much” for an adult series like this that doesn’t focus on romance or s3x. The only other instance in which I felt like it went too far, is when Psykos seemed to be starring some weird tentacle p0rn as Orochi tried to absorb her ;P and I personally dislike Monster Princess a lot because everything about her is just Murata being h0rny and there is literally nothing else about her character, her “personality” is being a representation of Murata’s kinks, but even then, many fans find her legitimately empowering too.
Lastly, I just want to quickly say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with sexy things in general, the problem is the context in which they are usually created and presented, and that’s when sexy goes into “sexualization turned objetification” territory, which is what can get really wrong. Otherwise, you can find someone sexy and still appreciate everything else about them, it’s just one more thing you like about them. 
Anyway, it’s all a lot more complex than this, but that’s my answer for today. Now, if I may ask: are Flash, Sonic and Garou, who are sexualized through the whole series A LOT, not amazing anymore just because we get a lot of blatant fanservice of them? Have you ever thought about them in the same terms you are asking me about Mizuki? 
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
Hi, your friend (jihyuncompass) directed me to you because I don’t know anything about Tokyo Revengers and when I took that kin quiz out of interest my top 5 were;
Kakuchou (100%)
Draken (75%)
Kazutora (75%)
Hakkai (67%)
Inui (67%)
What does that mean? I’m ok with spoilers if there is any
hiiii! omg yes i forgot to reply thank you for sending your message here!!! <3
okay so kakuchou is someone incredibily loyal so that's good! i think loyalty is the big thing for his character, from the beginning to the very end. he's been through some tough shit but he's a really good friend <3
draken is just 🥺 he's one of my favourite characters, he's just a good person. a good friend, someone you can really count on, just, you knowhe has your back, you know? the author also put him in the top 3 best boyfriends and best husbands <3
kazutora is my baby my fave my everything he did nothing wrong and committed no crimes. fkjdshf no but really he's just a really nice young boy who went through a lot of shit in his house, his dad was abusive, his mom wasn't really there and he went through his fair share of trauma </3 but in the end he's just a very good boy just :( yeah
hakkai is such a sweet darling. he also went through hell at his house but always manages to be kind to others. he finds solace in his best friend but also is very corageous as the story progresses. he starts as someone very coward but changes throughout the story and grow sinto a fine young man <3
inui!!!! damn inui also went through a whole lot. lost his sister, felt as a replacement for her, very devoted and dedicated to his childhood best friend... love him so much. he's not scared to go against his bestie for something he believes him and to call him out if the situations demands for it c:
i hope that helps anon!!! <3
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Drarry Drabble. Prompt: ‘Were you ever going to tell me?’
Draco couldn’t take his eyes out of Harry, which made it worse. He felt like the boy in front of him, his eight-year potion partner, his roommate, his friend was about to disappear. He had the same feeling he felt those nights less than a year ago, alone in his room, wishing Harry Potter would appear and save him from that house, from everything.
And now Harry Potter said, like it wasn’t a big deal, he died that night.
‘Were you ever going to tell me?’
‘I thought your mother told you’ Potter was clearly confused by his reaction ‘I thought you knew’
‘She said the Dark Lord hit you with the curse but it didn’t work... again’
‘Oh no, it did work. But our blood connection gave me the chance to come back’
‘Your WHAT?’
Potter laughed, he had a fond expression on his face. Draco would have melted if he wasn’t thinking about the fact that Harry Potter had died and nobody knew. Draco asked about that.
‘Oh, I told Ron and Hermione, of course, but nobody else. I didn’t want people to treat me even more like their savior than they already do’
‘Always Saint Potter, not wanting the fucking attention for something he deserves!’
‘I don’t! All of those who were fighting knew they could die and did it anyway!’
‘I think there’s a difference between probably dying and certain death. Without fighting... standing there and just...’ and now Draco was sobbing. Great.
He wasn’t sad or angry, but he couldn’t stop thinking what could have happened if Harry had died. The idea of coming back to the Manor, to see the way Voldemort mistreated his parents, his mom... And even if he wasn't going to say it, he couldn't bear the thought of existing in a world where Harry Potter didn't. They had known each other for too long. For better or for worse, Draco loved him.
And then he felt Potter’s arms embrace him.
‘Merlin Draco, it’s okay, I’m here, alive’
‘Not thanks to you’
‘Believe me, it was the only way. I did what I had to do’ Harry sounded so calm and Draco couldn’t stand it.
‘I’m so fucking sorry’ he said. He had apologized earlier, at the beginning of term, and knew that Harry had instantly forgiven him. However, with this news, he could only feel like he didn’t deserve his forgiveness.
‘I’m fucking sorry, too’
‘Do shut up’
‘Why are you crying?’ the tender smile didn’t disappear. 
‘Because I can’t imagine what the world would have turn into if you didn’t survive’ Draco opened his eyes in surprise, he wasn't sure if he had said it out loud or not.
Apparently, he did.
‘I told Neville to kill the snake. Hermione and Ron knew what was happening. They had instructions. They would have finished job’
‘Please stop acting like you don’t have nightmares about this every fucking night’ even if Draco wasn’t annoyed by Harry that much anymore, he couldn't stand it when the Gryffindor acted like nothing had happened to them... between them. So much history...
‘Yeah, I do. But if is gonna follow me at night I’m not gonna let it haunt me when I’m awake’
‘You make everything sound so easy’
‘It’s not’
‘I know’ Draco wispered. He knew Harry wasn’t alright, he could describe the three different shades of purple under his eyes. He had notice how the boy who lived sometimes acted like he was a ghost. But he still tried everyday. 
It didn’t take long to Draco to understand what kind of bravery did Harry possess. Yes, the zero self-preservation was stupid, but Harry was corageous in a different way and Draco respected him for that. He was so good. So different to himself. 
‘Dumbledore told me I could choose, you know? I could come back and live or... or I could die, if I wanted to. For the first time I could choose’ Draco looked at him and Harry was lost in thought ‘And I came back. I decided I wanted to live. That’s what I’m trying to do every day. I’m trying to follow the first decision I ever had. I’m trying to live’
‘You’re doing great’ Draco said and Harry laughed, but sounded wrong.
‘I’m not. Not really. I should be doing everything that crosses my mind. I shouldn’t be second guessing what I feel’
‘Potter, if someone deserves to do whatever the fuck they want, that’s you’ wasn’t he supposed to be the impulsive one?
‘Really? Do you think I should do what is crossing my mind right now?’
‘Yeah, you...’ but he didn’t finish... because the boy was kissing him.
Draco Malfoy was so fucking grateful that Harry Potter had decided to live that night.
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benedettabeby · 4 years
Rank the Weasleys plzz
Ooooh I like this
Molly: 8/10
Good mother and wife, loved her family plus Harry and Hermione very much. She is not only a mother and housewife, she is fierce and appassionate. She killed Bellatrix to protect Ginny, pretty badass! I think she made mistakes with her children, one example is Ron and the colour of his jumper, his sandwiches etc. But she did not because she is bad or something like that
Arthur 8/10
Good father and husband, very brave and honorable. Something him and Molly teached to their children. Love his passion for muggles😂 as a parent same thing as Molly, maybe Percy wasn't completely wrong about his lack of ambition. He could have done another kind of job and still loving muggles and everything.
Bill 9/10
Handsome man, long man and earings💗
He refused not to be himself. Brave, corageous, honorable.
We don't know so much about him, so only 8. We know he loves dragons and he seems a good guy. Very cool
Percy 7/10
I don't remember where but I read a good analysis of him. Not the horrible boy you may think. He was so young and somehow a victim too. He was a little frustating ok, but I can understand and forgive him. Moreover he is realistic, love how he changed
Fred and George(can't separate them) 8/10
They are funny and clever yet sometimes I think they are a little too cruel(for example with Ron). Sometimes they think it's fun others they think it will help Ron(like that time Ron did well at Quidditch and they said now they could tell others he is their brother and not before). A comment I hate is when Ron was a prefect and they were like: 😯😯😯.
I mean everyone was surprised(sadly) but at least Hermione understood Ron did many things and was only embarassed etc.
Ron 1000/10
My boooy, my ginger boy. He obviously has flaws, but that doesn't mean he is not a veery cute boy. He is funny, brave, honorable, his number 1 quality is his love. Change my mind. He would literally die or kill someone to protect who he loves. He is quite clever too, he beat McGonall's chess at 12!
So misunderstood in the fandom, mainly because of the movies. But nowadays things are getting better
Ginny 9/10
I just like her. Full stop😂. She is a lot like Ron I think, only more confident. Totally a badass like her brothers and a fierce girl model. Naturally she has flaws too, like all the Weasleys and all the humans on this planet
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dantesinfcrno · 4 years
omg, hi, peeps !  i’m literally so anxious and hyped for this one !!  i can’t wait to fall in love with all your lil’ angels ♡ i’m lissa ( she/her pronouns ), your twenty-year-old mom friend speaking directly from brazil ––– do forgive any of my slip-ups, as this is my first rodeo !  feel free to hit the heart button, and i’ll come to you with plenty of plots with my–– ehem, trash boy. now, onto the goodies !!  @opalsmedia​
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NAME  dante desai.
ALIAS  dd.
PRONOUN  he/him.
DATE OF BIRTH  december 8, 1997.
ORIENTATION  pansexual.
RELIGION  hinduism.
LANGUAGES  english, hindi, gujarati, greek, spanish, latin, french, cantonese, quechua, yucatec maya, italian, uto aztecan, maori, hawaiian.
HIS MOTHER, an aristocratic english rose. former member of the society. famous archeologist & tomb raider. died under suspicious circumstances.
HIS FATHER, an absent-minded writer, knowledgeable but aloof. 
HIS FAMILY, unusual & constanly on the go. dante was raised while traveling the world, with plenty of contact with strangers but very restricted love from his own parents.
DANTE, wild since birth, a troublemaker wherever they went. a little demon, his tutors used to complain. he was witty & eager to explore, learning everything the world threw at him.
SCHOOL, dante never went to any of those, no. he only ever entered universities, when his parents couldn’t find anyone to take care of him while they attended business. socializing with kids his age ( pfff  ) was a rare occurence–– no, he is not lonely, what are you talking about ?!
PRODIGY, dante’s a virtuoso on the violin, can speak more than a few languages, knows how to fence ( and to fist-fight, but his father isn’t so fond of that ), and he has probably dabbled with every single hobby under the sun for some time, before he got bored of it.
ROUTINE, dante only found himself settling after his mother’s passing. with the wish of being close to her, he’d made way to strathmore, and never looked back.
THE GOOD, protective, whimsical, caring, understanding, resilient, just, the best at handling crisis situations ( bc, lbr, he’s often what causes those ), the older brother that’ll take the blame for you anytime, adventurous, so corageous he becomes kinda stupid.
THE BAD, reckless, mischievous, spitfire, confrontational, can & will stir up shit just for giggles, detached, couldn’t obey authority to save his own damn life, lonely, very bitter under all the layers of terrible jokes and memes, holds grudges for years.
TEMPERAMENT, choleric.
MBTI, istp.
AN OPEN FLAME, that’s what he is ––– but who knew fire had such a good heart ?
THE CIRCLET, hear me out, okay–– dante’s obnoxious. he will send nonsense messages at four o’clock in the morning, and he will expect answers ( and good ones at that ). he’ll disagree just for the sake of a good argument, and he won’t ever back down. he loves to poke fun at his fellow opal members, and he’s way too touchy. but that’s just because the society is the first home dante has ever had. no matter what, he’d walk through hell for all of his gems, even the ones that can’t help but roll their eyes at him.
PLAYING WITH FIRE, someone that dante loves to piss off, plain & simple. it could be their little game, the constant bickering and opposition for its sake. they don’t really hate each other –– just like preteding they do.
TROUBLE, dante’s official partner in crime.
EMBRACE, basically, a best friend. one of the few people dante bothers to show his more serious side, and is truly open at all times with.
SEXUAL TENSION, *annoyed opals screaming ‘get a room’ intensifies*.
SCAREDY CAT, a prodigy that’s terrified of dante –– not only because of his reputation on campus, but because he’s so damn confrontational & passionate at all times.
GET OUT OF JAIL CARD, the person that always manages to save dante’s ass and get him out of trouble.
BABIEST, someone dante takes care of with the fierceness of a mother hen.
pinterest !
wanted plots !
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inkybunny · 5 years
First Date Hc’s to Kirishima
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So it took a LOT of corage to ask you out
He asked advice from everyone he could
Bakugou just said to him to stop being stupid and that was so obvious you would accept it
Mina came up with a detailed plan
Sero and Kami tried
He just asked you on the end
Was SO happy when you agreed
Wanted a classic date cause thats what MANLY guys do
But was worried it would get late for you to go back home if you guys when on a dinner
So you saw a movie and went for dessert afterwards
LOTS of compliments when he saw you
“Man, you’re so pretty today! I mean, you’re always pretty but today you’re stunning! I mean, you’re always stunning but...I... well...you’re pretty, okay!?”
He thinks he should pay but when you asked to split he did cause he didnt want to make you uncomfortable
CONSTANTLY talking and joking so you dont notice how nervous he is
“Duude, this place is so cool! Let’s get popcorn! Do you like this movie? Ha, I guess you dont know since you didnt see it yet...hehe that was kinda stupid to me to ask haha”
Even if he’s dying for the nerves he’s having a honest great time
Likes being around you a lot
Actually had fun with the movie and with your little coments about it
classic Streeeeeetch and down your shoulder
Cause thats how MANLY guys hug their dates
Was actually REALLY nervous about it but he was SO happy when you lean yourself on him
You guys we’re talking about the movie while going to get the desserts
Just got really comfortable at this point
Hold your hand without really realising
WHEN he noticed tho he was NERVOUS
Did you even wanted to hold hands?What if you didnt wanted and is just holding his hand cause you’re so nice and didnt want to say no? Oh god what if you didnt want to go on a date with him but didnt wanted to say no?? OMG WHAT IF YOU HATE HIM-
“Kiri? Yeah? Everything’s okay? Yeah....? Your hands are trembling... Oh! Im GoiNG tO LEt go Of YouR HaNd- No! It’s really okay! I still want to...hold hands...”
For some reason he just  k n o w s  your favorite dessert
Neither he or you know HOW he knows
he just k n o w s
You guys had a whole lot of fun in general
He took you home when you guys finished eaten
gave you a piggyback ride on the way back to your house for N O  R E A S O N 
“Hey! Come here I’m going to carry you!“
So when he thought of that he thought it would be manly and cool to show how strong he is
But when he saw your VERY confused face he regretted immediately
But the poor boy was so ashamed he could not back up now
Backing up is not MANLY
You just gave in quite quickly
Some weird looks on the way but you were having too much fun to actually care
He only dropped you on your door
SO he wasnt EXPECTING a kiss per say
but he WANTED one
Just holded your hand a little bit longer after the goodbyes
“So, thats your house! Haha, yeah... It was fun! It was a fun date, did you like the date? Uhm... I-I think it was really cool and now is goodbye..Soo... Uhm... yeah”
So he WANTED a kiss on your mouth but he chicken out at the last second and gave you a kiss on the cheeks
He STILL was pretty happy about it tho
YOU just went and kissed him on the lips
He went home VERY happy
His friends were asking him how it went but its not MANLY to just say stuff like that
“Kami: Hey, LOVEBOY finally got home! Mina: HOW DID IT WENT??? TELL ME E V E R Y T H I N G!!!!! Kiri: It was very fun! I think they had fun... the movie was fun Sero: but how did it Sero: went ? Mina: omg lol tell uss!!! Kiri: guys, c’omon, It’s not manly to kiss and tell!! Kami: oh Sero: ooooooh Mina: OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOD Mina: YOU GUYS KISSED!! Kiri: .... Bakugou: fucking idiot”
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retvenkos · 4 years
“is this considered a summer fling?”
so let’s address the obvious
diego does not have the greatest relationship with his family, so how do you factor in?
well, you are diego’s twin, and so, naturally, there is a deeper understanding between the two of you, and there is no way you can keep secrets from eachother
and if you do, the other is quick to find out
which quickly escalates to an argument (that mostly involves yelling) in spanish
it’s one of the few ways diego can posture to anyone
and even though the two of you are twins, that does not mean you are the same
diego is definitely the more happy-go-lucky one
which, don’t get me wrong, doesn’t mean you aren’t an optimist, but times are hard for dreamers
you are also the more plucky, corageous one out of the two of you
which means you get into more sticky situations because you are determined
if there is a will, there’s a way, and while diego is the flexible one, you do not budge on what you believe is true
which is where diego comes in to save you from yourself
but your courage is also your undoing since you have no fear over things you should definitely fear
but diego is always there to save you and make sure you don’t die
are you a little co-dependent? maybe. or maybe you just really love your family
and let’s be honest - when you first meet our resident uber jock™, craig, you’re not impressed
plenty of boys can play football, but how many can get us out if this mess?
to which he scoffs at
“my skills are gonna save your life one day, i’d start being nice now.”
“god forbid that day ever come.”
and it’s a bit of a cliche, enemies to lovers type of crush, but you never really hated him, so you hate it when diego claims that’s what it is
“you had a crush on sean, so i wouldn’t rib at me for my tastes.”
“that’s a lie, i have class.”
“so then which boy was it? jake?”
and he’s silent and there’s a blush on his cheek
“dios mio, that was a joke!”
you’re screaming
“you have terrible taste too!”
“not as bad as you!”
and craig, bless his soul, is oblivious
especially when it comes to the fact that he likes you
zahra is the one who hits him over the head and tells him he’s being an idiot and he’s in love
“like hell, i am!”
and zahra wishes the ground would open up and scream at him because she is so done with his stupid  p i n i n g
and to be honest, no one knows about either crush for a long time
diego can read you like a book, but he’s also not dumb, so he doesn’t hint at it
and you don’t really instigate bickering with craig - you like to watch him from afar
because yeah, you have courage, but you’re not reckless
diego, of course, would disagree.
and everyone just assumes that craig is agressive and like that 24/7
and zahra could care less
there are other ships to keep an eye on
like the obvious heart-eyes sean keeps giving jake
and the teasing that jake does to sean
just KISS already!
during the vaanti attack on the celestial, craig saved your life
and he wasn’t even cocky about it - just saddened at the people you had lost
how easily could it have been him?
and you had thanked him breathlessly in the moment, but once you had gotten sucked through the portal gun without your brother, you were broken
he wasn’t  dead
he couldn’t be
and the rest of the group tried to skirt around the subject of diego
but you could see in their eyes that they thought he was dead
and it  e n r a g e d  you
and so you break off from the group and they all watch you go, not knowing what to do
so craig starts to go, but they stop him because ‘that’s not what you need right now.’
“i don’t see anyone else volunteering.”
and zahra says to let him go
and when he finds you, you’re pushing back tears
“let me guess, sean wants the group to move out?”
“no, we’re gonna stay here for a little while. find out as much as we can.”
“course, so we can all get off this island, right?”
“you don’t want to?”
“not without my  b r o t h e r.”
and he sighs and sits down next to you
“we’ll save him.”
and your voice is loud, and rough, and it hurts
“i already saved one of you. looks like you needed my football skills after all.”
but his voice is soft and his eyes are careful
“if you promise me this, you can’t go back on it.”
“i won’t leave this hellscape till we find him.”
and damn if he doesn’t want to kiss you right then
but he pulls away
and things don’t magically fix right then
it takes time
and now you two are on the same team
and you save him
and again
and then he saves you
and again
and maybe it’s a bit of a competition between the two of you
but it’s nice
and whenever you smile about it, craig’s heart does a little flip
and when you find your brother, you hold him tight
and later that night, when diego is talking to everyone else, you head over to craig and find your comfortable place at his side
and the two of you sit there in silence because your gratitude is palpable and beyond words. you just watch the rest of your friends from a distance, side by side
“can i kiss you?”
and he’s startled by your words and turns to face you. and for some reason he can’t speak.
so he nods.
and your lips crash onto his
and you don’t know why you never did so sooner because it’s everything you ever wanted it to be
and when you break apart, craig has a smirk on his face
“how were my skills?”
and you roll your eyes but it doesn’t stop you from kissing him again
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seelaa26 · 4 years
5. Forever Young
“May your wishes all come true. May you always do for others and let others do for you. May you always be corageous, stand upright and be strong. May you stay forever young."
Sara and I were in the Break Room filling out paperwork about the case we just closed; a case we worked for three days. Sara was the person on the team with whom I had less contact, but when we started working together on that case, I knew I was going to like her. We were both very emotional and very passionate. We weren't going to give up until we got to the end of the matter and knowing that there was somone on the team with a determination like that, it was great. 
-¿What did he say when you told him that? -I asked interested in the story Sara was telling me about a boyfriend she had on her college days. 
-¡That he didn't remember! 
-¡No fucking way! -we both laugh at her response- You didn't believe it, ¿did you?
-No, of course not. 
-¿What are you girls up to? -Warrick asked as he entered the room accompanied by Nick. 
-Nothing evil if that's what worries you -I answered with a proud smile.
-Just talking about boys. 
-¿You think it's too late to get out of here and pretend we haven't heard a thing? -Nick muttered out loud to his friend.
-I'm pretty sure they already put a spell on us -Warrick muttered back. 
-¡Guys! -Catherine exclaimed- ¿What are you doing here? ¿Haven't you seen your phones? Grissom paged you twenty minutes ago, you've got a 419. 
-Crap.. –Warrick said and looked at Nick- We have to go, ¡now! ¿You coming with, Catherine?
-No, I’m working the carnival case with Sara –she replied causing Sara to pay attention to her.
-So, ¿which case am I working on? –I wondered out loud.
-Dead jogger in the park –Catherine answered- Robbins has already started the autopsy, Grissom’s with him if you want to join.
I walked into the autopsy room were Dr. Robbins and Grissom were already with the body. They both looked at me and then I walked up to the table where they were going over the autopsy findings.
-¡Glad your joining, Laura! –Dr. Robbins said- ¿You ever owned a kitten?
-¿..Yes, why?
-When you play with them, they don’t just bite.. they scratch –I nodded agreeing with him- There’s no signs of claw wounds on the victim.
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-¿So what are we dealing with? –Grissom asked- The teeth marks on the neck look canine. ¿Can you make a mold of the bite? Maybe we can narrow it down to breed.
-¿A canine killed him then? –I asked- Maybe I’m wrong but.. ¿isn’t that a scalpel wound?
I looked at them both waiting for an answer. Grissom raised an eyebrow and looked at me through his glasses.
-You are not wrong –Dr. Robbins explained- Whoever removed this guy’s organs knew how to handle one.
-So a dog killed him, then someone came along and cut him up.
-Someone with two legs and a medical degree –Grissom ended.
After finishing the autopsy, Grissom took care of the bite mold while he told me to go back to the crime scene and help my colleagues. When I arrived, most of the police were gone, but the area was still cordoned off. I crossed the tape and followed the markers that Nick and Warrick had put until I found them. I could hear them grumbling.
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-¿Do you need help? –I laughed as I walked towards them.
-Yes, I do –Nick pointed his gun and then pointed at his neck- Two in the back of the head. Quick and painless.
Warrick and I laughed.
-I guess Grissom called and told you what you should be looking for.
-Collect the dog’s scat –Warrick nodded- This is combat duty.
Suddenly, we heard a thunder and seconds later it started to rain.
-¡This sucks! –Nick yelled frustrated.
-¿But it’s evidence, right? –I asked them.
-No, hair and fiber is evidence, Laura.
Warrick saw something so we leaned for a closer look.
-Don’t even waste your time, that’s cougar.
-¿How do you figure that?
-¿See the rabbit hair in the feces? –Nick shined the flashlight on it- ¿Don’t you remember the seminar, Warrick? ¿Julie?
-Julie.. –Warrick remembered- Oh.. a CSI should not be that fine.
Nick chuckled meanwhile I rolled my eyes and continued looking around the area. I saw something behind them, so I reached out and picked it up.
-¿What is that?
-Looks like dirty ice.
-Let’s take it into evidence.
-It’s evidence of a picnic, Warrick –Nick said in a frustrating way.
Back at the trace lab, the three of us were working with the evidence of the case. Warrick passed us the jars and labeled them meanwhile Nick and I were looking through the microscope examining the dog scat collected at the park.
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-Corn, hamburger, rawhide..  –he mumbled- But no human cellular tissue in this sample.
-Only thirty more jars to go –Warrick said with feigned joy.
-I have a question –I said calling the attention of my coworkers- ¿Isn’t the trace lab tech supposed to take care of this?
-It is, the point is that we don’t have a trace expert.
-Maybe you could be –Nick added.
-No, thanks –I smiled at the proposal- I’ve already chosen my specialty.
-¿Which one is it?
I opened my mouth to answer him but I thought better and instead of saying it, I smiled playfully. I put my hand on the table to give me support and I looked at him. He cocked his head in surprise.
-Let’s do something, I’m going to give you three opportunities to guess my specialty –I proposed, then I reached out my hand to shake it- Whoever wins, can decide something for the other person to do.
-Deal –Nick smirked as he shook my hand- Blood Spatter Analysis.
-Wrong –I smiled- You’ve got two more.
Warrick was silent, arms folded, watching the scene. His eyes traveled from observing me to observing Nick, several times. He had that mysterious look, trying to understand what he was seeing.
-We’ve I.D. the dog –Grissom said walking into the lab- The dog is a Great Dane-Mastiff mix, and as you know most dogs have 42 teeth, ours only has 41. O’Riley called around and the one with the missing tooth is no angel.
We walked up to the porch and rang the door bell, then we heard a dog barking from inside. The door opened and a woman was standing there. The dog in question barked and jumped on Grissom, his paws resting comfortably on Grissom’s shoulders.
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-¿Susan Hillridge?
-Yes, “Doctor” Hillridge –she proudly corrected.    
-¿Is this your dog, Doctor? –she nodded- Well, you have a problem.
-Oh, no. Not again. ¿What happened?
-We are looking for a dog that had an involvement with a homicide –Grissom explained while the dog slipped off his shoulders- The dog we’re looking for is missing a tooth and I noticed yours is also missing a tooth.
-Okay, he is missing a tooth but Simba is not a violent dog.
-That may be, but we still have to take him into custody until we can determine whether or not he had any involvement in this homicide.
-You’re making a mistake.
-You said you were a doctor. ¿May I ask your specialty?
-Nutrition, my patients are mostly professional athletes –she answered with a frown in her face, she was pissed- You’ll let me know when I can pick up Simba.
-You are assuming a lot.
-So are you.
Without waiting longer, the officers took the dog, and the owner as a sign of being offended, crossed her arms and entered the house again. Grissom and I went back to the car, but on the way I told him something I had remembered.
-You know, we found a unique sample at the crime scene.. Great Dane-sized scat containing bits of premium pet store kibble –I commented- We need to find out what Dr. Hillridge feeds her dog, that could make a connection with the crime scene and the mold with the jogger.
Grissom nodded in agreement and as we climbed back into the car, his phone rang. He put it on speaker because it was Warrick.
-¡Hey! ¿You remember that ice we found at the crime scene? –he asked- It evaporated. It was dry ice, frozen CO2 sublimates into invisible gas, not water.
-The jogger was missing some organs. Surgical teams use dry ice to pack organs shipped for transplant.
-It just so happens the dog’s owner is a doctor –I added for him to know.
-Warrick get a search warrant for Dr. Hillridge’s house, when you have it come here with Nick. Laura will be waiting at the house, meanwhile I’ll return to the Lab and get the mold.
Nick was in the backyard checking the ground, and Warrick and I were inside the house. He was examining the living room and I handled the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen where Susan Hillridge was putting items into a blender.
-¿Would you mind if I looked in your freezer?
-I have a patient coming in exactly twenty minutes so if you want to rifle around until then, fine but I will not leave my place of business.
-No one’s asked you to.
I opened the large stainless steel refrigerator and looked inside. There were stacks of plastic containers neatly stacked and labeled.
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-You’re very organized, Dr. Hillridge –she turned and looked at me- I imagine you’re upset about your dog.. having to put him down if it comes to that.
-I don’t hold onto things. I accept the evolution of change. None of us gets out alive but if we treat our bodies like a temple we can cheat time.
She turned around and took a step towards me. In one hand, she held a beet and in the other hand, she held a large cutting knife and held it up.
-Your eyes.. –she stared at my eyes- Your eyelids have a muted color. You have anemia. That means you have a low presence of hemoglobin.
-I know what anemia is.
-Then you should know you have to eat iron-rich foods. And you should add foods rich in folate and vitamin B-12 to support red blood cell production.
Warrick walked into the kitchen and watched Susan mixing her drink.
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-Laura, ¿can you come with me for a minute?
I nodded and followed Warrick into the living room. He placed on the table a long thin box with a small plaque on the cover.
-Surgery equipment –Warrick explained- Antiques well maintained. What I find interesting is that she keeps them near the door, not in the office.
We went back to the lab and while Grissom took care of the mold and Nick of what he had found in the house, Warrick and I took care of the surgery equipment. We put the equipment on the table, we put on the lab coats and we got to work.
-Let’s find out if the owner cut the victim up –he looked at me- ¿What are we going to need?
-Reactive agents and filter paper.
-Now, we have two ways to do this. We could use the Luminol directly on the surface of the scalpel but since it is a small surface, we will use the second way -Warrick placed to small pots on the table and a pack of filter papers- One part leuko-malachite and one part hydrogen peroxide. ¿You want to do the honors?
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-Yeah –I took a filter paper and ran it over the scalpel, then I put a drop of each pot on the filter paper and we both watched the paper change its color- Blue.
-Weird, ¿isn’t it? To prove the presence of hemoglobin, the stuff that makes the blood red, turns the swab blue.
 Grissom sat behind his desk delivering the bad news to us.
-I’m sorry, guys. If she cut up that jogger she didn’t use that scalpel.
-But we found evidence of blood on it –I spoke.
-I had Sanders run a degradation on that same sample. The blood is 50 to 200 years old, antique.
Nick walked from the hallway into Grissom’s office looking for us.
-Guys, I got a match -he smiled- The scat I found at the crime scene and the scat from the doctor’s house are the same, except for one difference. The stuff from the backyard, full of human cellular tissue. Jogger DNA.
-So we got the right dog –Warrick nodded- But she didn’t cut him up with that surgery equipment we found.
Grissom’s phone rang and he answered it. Ten seconds later he stood up and left the office without giving an explanation.
-¿What now? –I asked.
-Well, we have all the items taken from the kitchen –Warrick remembered.
Back in the Layout Room, we spread out on the table part of the items from Susan Hillridge’s kitchen. The three of us were spraying Luminol on the when Nick broke the silence.
-So, Laura, ¿what subject were you better at?
Warrick and I shared a quick glance and smiled, since he did know my specialty.
-Even if I told you, it doesn’t mean anything.
-C’mon, amuse me.
-Fine –I stopped to look at him- The subject I was best at was forensic medicine.
-¿Want to shoot your second guess, Nicky? –Warrick asked, giving him a huge clue in the question. Even though he had made me laugh, I nudged him.
-I’m going to be guided by something you once said, so I’m going to go with toxicology.
I looked up until our eyes met and then I shook my head. He made a regretful gesture with his face which soon stopped as soon as he saw Grissom walking into the room.
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-¿What, are you guys working in bulk now?
-If the jogger’s blood is in any of this stuff, we need to find it now –Warrick explained.
-This is only part of the kitchen –Nick pointed to the items on the counter behind Grissom, who turned around to look at them- The rest is in those bags and boxes.
-I’m ready, guys –I said when I finished spraying all the items- ¿You want to hit the lights?
Grissom turned off the lights and we started looking for any signs of blood. He walked around the table and reached out for the blender, the bottom of which was glowing.
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-She made a protein shake in this yesterday right in front of us.
-¿Why would she do that? –Nick asked.
-Get this to DNA –Grissom commanded- See if this is the jogger’s blood.
-I’d place a bet on it –Warrick said.
-You’d place a bet on everything –I joked.
-True –he smiled as he put the blender inside a package, then he realized something- There’s also a drinking glass that’s glowing.
-Whoa whoa –Nick said surprised- So she’s not selling the organs on the black market.. ¿she’s eating them?
-Possibly drinking them.
Grissom and Sergeant O’Riley entered the interview room where Susan Hillridge was waiting for them. As usual, I was looking from behind the glass. I had to observe the techniques and questions in an interrogation because I had to be prepared for my first time interrogating a suspect. It was a key moment in the investigation and I had to show poise and confidence.
-We found blood in your kitchen blender –Grissom said looking grim- The lab has matched it to the dead jogger.
-It had to happen eventually –she answered without being affected- Think of the bugs, Grissom. Cycle of life. When we die the fable we tell ourselves is we go toward a white light and angels, but you and I both now the hard reality is that insects arrive immediately and begin turning us back to earth. They’d die if they didn’t have bodies to feed off of, and so will I –she made a dramatic pause- Porphyria.
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-The madness of King George –I muttered at the same time as Grissom, only they couldn’t hear me.
-Or the Legend of the Vampire. Which makes it a real hard disease to have, but it’s real for me.
-It’s genetic –Grissom explained- Heme deficiency.
-The only thing my father gave me. The first time it presented was after a minor sunburn. I began a drug regimen but they only treated the symptoms. I had my spleen removed because it absorbed my blood, but nothing helped. Lesions started forming on my face, that’s when I bought my first dog. Bullets and poison leave residue in the blood. Dogs kill clean.
-She’s right –I nodded and I explained to Nick, who was next to me- Bullet fragments can cause lead poisoning. The exposure to lead can have both short and long term effects, ranging from small change in organ function to symptomatic life-threatening toxicity.
-You could’ve tried intravenous hematin –Grissom continued.
-Human blood is the richest source of heme.. if you lock me up, I’ll go mad. I’ll die in prison.
-Yes, but the people you’d be feeding off of will still be alive –she smiled at him as he threw her own words back at her- Cycle of life.
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Warrick and I were picking up our things from the lockers when Nick walked in. I don’t know if it was by chance or Warrick did it on purpose, but he managed to be faster than me, so he crossed paths with Nick when he left. We were both alone.
-¿Can I have my last chance before you go? -I nodded while I put my bag on the bench and looked inside to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything- Ballistics.
I looked up surprised and saw that he was in front of me with his arms crossed and a proud but cute smile on his face.
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-Congratulations –I smiled back- You are right. I’m a gun girl.
-I know –he breathed, placed his hands on his waist and looked at me again- Ever since I met you I’ve always thought of you as someone with a pump-action. Besides, that explanation about the bullets in the interview has made me feel confident about my choice.
-¿Then what took you so long? –I wondered- ¿Why Toxicology?
-Well, you once said something about.. your uncle and alcohol –he answered carefully, not knowing how that was going to affect me- I thought it was a reason.
-It is a reason, but it’s just not mine –I smirked to make him see I was fine- I just like guns and shooting.
-Maybe you can tell me more when we are having dinner.
-¿Dinner? –I asked, then I realized- ¿That’s the price of you winning the bet?
-¿You don’t feel like going to dinner with me?
Absolutely yes. Damn right I wanted to, but I had to show calm and not nervousness or Nick would notice the desire I had.
-Actually, dinner it’s what I would’ve proposed to you but I was interested to see what you proposed.
-Wait.. –he stopped and looked at me with a frown- ¿Are you saying that you have let me win?
I put the bag on my shoulder and got close enough to him to whisper in his ear.
-¿How do you know that the explanation about the bullets wasn’t on purpose for you to realize?
I moved a few inches away so that Nick could see my seductive smile, to which he replied with another smile from the same caliber. He felt like he should do the same, so he got close to me. Close enough to make me feel shivers down my spine.
-¿..And how do you know that I didn’t know the answer from the beginning and I’ve been playing the game because I wanted to?
Being so close and with this tension in between, made me think that something was emerging between us. Maybe it was just a silly flirtation between coworkers and there was nothing else, but that flirting, if not controlled, would turn into fire. The decision was to let it burn or turn it off before its expansion. The thing is.. ¿if it doesn’t burn a little then what’s the point of playing with fire?
-¿Dinner tonight then? –I proposed.
-Cowboys ware playing tonight and I’m meeting a friend to watch it –he rejected, even though you could see he didn’t want to- When I know the schedule for next week, I’ll tell you something, ¿okay?
-Perfect –I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him- ¡Have fun tonight and go cowboys!
-¡Damn right!
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xolotoofficial · 4 years
How'd you get into music? Was it a wigglerhood dream or did it just kinda happen?
ok leme set da scene bb
im abt 5ish close 2 6 n i bn n clown school. my major iz laffsassin an i bn goin 2 church everyday, not jus so i can keep up w church but bcuz im lost af. i kno my imperial duty but id gottn my nose n a book n u kno thinkin b dangerous n all. i do my slams n singn at church n @ small places n da clown trist8area n shyt. slammin wasnt alwayz n my blud but i bn a choir boy b4 i rly got uh u kno familiar w who i was
uh lol neway so im slammin n one of my buds iz lyk dude u shuld go on slam or get culld an im all lyk bro wtf u mean n he’s lyk dude ur alwayz all gloomy n got dat heavy shyt n ur step dey always asign u a coach n shyt an da chances of u dyin r Slim af but if u die it’s lyk ok bcuz da messiahs got ur bak n all tings
so im like u kno wat? fuk it. ill do it 8nt lyk it’ll hurt n im p gud so mayb ill go dwn n history b4 i die. so i go 2 try outs (im lyk 6.5 @ dis point cus im bildn up corage) n chek it i ain’t slam. i sing. I sing dis cheesy bit abt desper8ly wantn 2 b loved an u kno i culd sing da shit out of it 2 dis day i memorized it so thoro an tbh dey shulda culld me rite den n dere but dey dint aftr askn abt y my voodoos r always on. i told em da truth, dat i 8nt got no control ovr em an dey gave me dis coach. dis dude wuz a hard a$$ but he helpt me so much lyk hez da only rezun i aint lost n daily migranes, feeln borin af bcuz im 2 bz studyin 2 b dis killn machine 4 da empire.
musik always bn a thang i did n iv always bn gud @ it cuz dolphinpops n school kept me well studied 4 bardism but... it wus a hobby b4. jus 4 church. SoGC was wut helpt me figur our who i am n gave me da abilit 2 b me w/o my voodoos killn me @ evry turn
ps i dropt da mothrfukr who told me 2 go on slam or get culld. lol shyts basikally da same as teln a muthrfxxkr 2 go kill himself n he knew i wernt n a gud place. fuck em.
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libidomechanica · 6 months
“The deeper ditties, Giue me to blossom to threaten it throw”
A limerick sequence
We watching imparted; then the serpent hast. Would him in the swallowship,    and send out-wrestlessed?    The deeper ditties, Giue me to blossom to threaten it throw.
Of the vanquish’d here! I wanton for ourse goethe iron till moughts, sold giving    arms, o, gie ane fall, and    all my boys, corage to a home. Where like the has a crater.
Who hate sweet see, through by choice of you on you. Have ebbs of spite of Loue month    answer, round; but she, indeed,    is to shall slumberless humble aside; for a true-heart.
Kenneth my lot die as if by my Sandy O, my Delight the new joy;    but a brave a glass wi’    plunder free as Maud, like to the sun and some home, and as fears.
The fall i’d couldn’t love you have what I was a’ the ground asleepe ah seely    shepheard his worthies    lays; the lass wi’ disdaineth; suns of the fraud and come, my foote.
With me and came flying imparted, wae is may that dainty coat wrapt in    they’ve to be here? They sayne,    what’s the Captain’s her hay it be unto you, to winne reneueth!
Will haue loved. I wouldn’t love. Your garres might, curls a glass wi’ a tocher; their    babe you a whiskin an    oath; and tears, greed, your craft o’ Beautiful. Suppose here, and low!
Its in prest thee praise or will as I. —I say the which joyes apart from other,    that come to this breast,    surcharg’d, to showed, though my toils might, fancies be jocund which served.
To throng, O God, while tea. So whiskin and most. And his mothers, thy remember,    and tell men as true,    and then to catch then I say thy part of Love blest, but they be?
Not for your brough than we for you were. That you proud that is a love thorn! Like    a great him affraye, or from    the spot, till a negative, singing every from wing, the peace.
Sweet, we two or thrush on Myrna Loy. Do with all song of praise, that dawning    of praise is a sign! Who    had here; but if I by a fruictfull mark of her, fierce hast made.
The breath of Death to faire lingering in a vision of roofing and thy souls—    the head crust crumble-bee.    My fall. From all they roses, that tell the rude for him! Kibble.
Are bound be the spreadiness. The craik amang the learned a wife; you hast    the head or unplace to    Mars; mine own little Robin, I was drunk to enflesh will dim.
The Air, know which obscure, grown with vayne descry the Master faith, hand and when    the change. Counted birk and    so in day and lime of myrtle shepeheard mountains did play.
Down the world laid on the lute exclusion of the doctrine, which steady    view the people your magic    powers of recognize her eye and out to linger flute.
But what I shall song, list which is thereby; leaves not with pewter, the ravens    on the strangers. And let    out thee. If all street thy will down the song day; rage, rage agayne.
Wine their bereavéd Heart. Whose liver morall not with a crater. And strange of    Aganippe well men’s lost    thy louely prolling into Van Diemen’s coarse mill a new world.
Dead see all things are these I fynde: tho’ your cool and ranne fell you wouldest to    her all that matter’d and    might will a-flying their care o’ergrown. Nor for euer desire!
And tho’ ye come o’t. These must be sits, with a content thyself in Presence    of good night; ’ tis through    you thing quite so graue a Kidde, or awe metres might, the listening!
Says, No, it’s you wilt the way shifts, we saile, with heavens and meeting sounds    from the more, as of all    my dearest. Then Himself in thy baser bit Beauty’s rangers.
Can loved; men as more delight entice. Who oft as the most, the South, nor the    step had nothing is indeede    him a strange, and call my selfe knows, and like a stealing stare.
The woodman with the wind brute I not Percie hope to thee. Fool their cradle, your    favorite pop song as the    sure you. A whiskin another I’ll life a merrily round.
Fishes’ called the high tube so ill be thy lovely leaving torrid climb. Comfort    here is a moment,    to my only then us all loosed about, the old my face.
And I seek, what she ware; sic a winter down on yesterday. Ye, as the    braine was swayne to my old    naked for this the dark heards bene ytost: tho would the earth!
Nearer. Which in the fire: when thought of that I may finger out freeze with ugly    rack pipes if it once    of built is a kindling sich, if shepheard would find the bus, then?
Within his present, therefore either mind with lullaby, as the first I    felt a hush’d, she’s all, jewel-    thing completely see that have sigh. See what lovers gone drawn toy.
But I loue doe fly to pluck out Diggon, I admire, desire. Her    vermillion-hoofed falls on himself    is not confesse many hours as we like flows now my best.
Back into you don’t get up them left his far: thered and some apace. A    you art things Never wings    of you see that your long, no doubt you this lone that love than thee.
And learn, nothing so are bound with a calamity hart I knew they’ve spun.    Says proue; but should go: perhaps    your hair, smell, but the morning your count and each them gange fash.
So, in girls a glorious may keep your first, who seek thee feel you didst close    cherish! Their shoes, as are    black and weep that I must found, and truth, mine of life flesh help me!
Sting grapes. South, take pit. For dear, look ye not but some figured leaf, in the more    it was, in thee to chace    the morning o’ergrown with halfe were placed by the more I may state.
Who woundles of four kids with customed to frame will in fair over Lambe    happy to herself—first    was accustom’s placed to the better things holy waters flowe.
I believe him clime when you I love perfect change. The only they say, when    I lie that has Pudica    thing, she is not reserved to give; ten, who know is a way.
Stand when to taken our ale to Parnasse the morning each other’s roll. Lean    on a green a-toying,    by Stella is shall mirror, as truth, for the worth: we her face!
Damp wind blows; and the stand hence, next I must Stella, shortened ever coming    in a vetchy best. Near    again: find to th’ enamoured upon yesterday.
Never, never we saw a jutting. The sun’s layd: cuddie shall know, if it shoots—    Add thithers, wonder former    for the world is indeed, thou recall be done set your day!
Pretty fondling, hate yowes. And yet mine, and the sending room goes peere, and    so stir? For need, where coy    and mirrhor, says, Is this bequeath of comfort neeres meet you.
Me that he almost dead, and Gentle into the flee from then, what I see,    no song of a true as    morning endeavour to the warstle and near against feel now.
With a rind one of scatter, beames behind you were. Others will, what I    am, and mirror, they    range, I reach him once, seize that’s thee morning’s near myself corrupt.
Should thee to raunger. To his work distractions lest a loveliest found, without    and the worst of Loue    month any care, that poor rhymes, other sell, my friend told I love.
Why should rise from his knell. That warmth her this shy swete lay at all God’s unite,    a grain often sownde, in    ryme she, A sodger; remember’d death, toward my key of mossesse?
I wants me them, as I. Of his glance makes are left the sibyl stored and could    not Europe’s dying    Thames, other far to garden, all these I dare turn’d me to kill.
To the Hours, waies onward you shall sweet early above these part. Vast and days    I’m crying sun restines    are the tap my father key scrape in his heard make a graine.
’ Tis the summer on my Gates, has a things done, does not all him name: a virgin,    let it seem so. Outside    the with a grain its way. My husband, with Reason rotten.
And while tea. I cannot to body’s mask of home of contented fiend shifts,    will, to be, for centric    happy day, and even can into absence of Stellas laws.
But where is smile. But where changing doen lick. Made in the bonie Sandy O, my    bad him is on that thou,    for me, I a scythe, when ever said, Deare, let our softly roar.
And, as here laid on the sweet: the heavy poem left behind, small, is    uselessed. Robert Burns:    leeze me easeth thee, I get still weight thou do written the face.
That he dizzying onto the bone. Twas proud that me tyta or deceive;    there her kill die of fell?    Shapes the coales of the loth, by day, with me from the miserye.
All so free; be you’re life’s control, supposed about his gulfe. No, no, my browne    pain; she is a magics,    speake o’t. Should step beyond there in the iolly ripe, I well.
No objects that morning fates cover, and wind many when I got to finding.    She selfe, a hill: that    head, who should but all mirror, which euer wanted verse some in life.
As musicke, a melancholy Hymen to do with my waves its bene    of the souereign, i, who    can be blythely beares. And her flow in vaine touched that made.
The quiet, to me, and folds that I always be in Nature brough doom. Height,    showing through by days I’m    kent to a contracted to beguile heare wand of more shalt do!
Breathe—because if he dog hote to rise the hill, or, beams and shiel, amuse my    poore Muses made, but to    rider long, and death shamed be; her lay in land of heat. I loved.
Not for you.—Pulled every with red mire, and the answers, close rule warning    eye, of the prize to-day:    he han greate: some wee unsought forever, ever dranke of me.
This bought upon the nerved up, the pond you with hoary heare of thing fetter    in ten? See; be yours    to swear! It thy foe, to pot, I could love in a yellow palm.
Where all! Days throught him over seeing coiled as a’ the sweare more and grey: a    while praise is the summer    on. Then for such a heard noble to warmth hem was sweet could loved!
If thy lookest do thou need, and warm, but its the voices of change. Sues forfeit    to be an hour haire,    worth’s breath thine heap of chronicle, o Rotha, with misery!
Cuts like can enough time where their should rise, Sing loudly am how my bad    and they’re calme, sicke the o’er    that bloody Mars, grow. While I the swear, my humour razed my Heart.
So sup’rabundant joy so you, to bowl: milk doth half brother, through dooms of    gall, for her! Understood    night. Whilst I, who know withal sweets that us was to the aim!
To you, and various wise the fretful, sober whose evening, and the wear,    play harm o’ the Breton,    nor age of myrtle lock their faye. Eyes for the Past! I thou him.
Blasted love you can scarlet cloathsome hadn’t love for have sighest river. My    Muses of my comes in    one another’s personal narrow to any cared with sore.
I should flood that she has Lowder hair. I should be more it not but not cover,    ever and granteth.    When for him—he aske he vsed through they provoke him blaze, and chair?
Wo to uphold a boy at the light. While you say, spite of meate, for, dear, were    it and yet wail their better,    her mother. Till love for himselfe know, would heart’s that is Day.
In case, none these parson, grace beast? To guide, perhaps I wished, and all the last,    where is a wanton with    plain; our shame, and love become anymore. And now are for you.
My wooing his Life is not be done but shall not shepheard shoulders abed    with a lily, he    reposes where he top. Riches back again. I’d with silence.
The boye, (ah for at all things prepare. With lullaby then the bene of    thy mouth should not Love is    buried locking down but you traces and caused. That the beside.
Are bound, no more the bush, who should soon brewed, spells, or goes, make me long to a    contemn; which is a flowre    in my love-light. Lest all be, she windows the meed of sorrow!
Far death comes of the church past her grim grows old stars. I do not darke and leaves,    fair the mountain-tops with    my the happy day, with Stellaes broke thy stay, begging to face.
All the cot, and fears the faster first while. Good and cause shelter of you off    an honde, that shewe not you    with a Sign beyond to her mouth in bleaknesse, which float, who made.
’, Her death in the upon her brows greater, to sound in Beautiful in from    a maidens and this part.    To seventy year i’d with the starres and faire, let bee.
Ye gentle in the will the conclude myster womb the sun front it because    it’s beene. Bait: than for sullen    surges from The Willie had sworn in the world is sorrowe.
0 notes
legionmaster001 · 5 years
My second and maybe, just maybe last post, as editing in the Tmblur app is still hell. This one still goes for @bl00dalchemist​’s characters, wich I love and owe a ton of inspiration.
I insist that this is not the kind of story that fits with them. However, I seriusly need to do this right, for the demons, for the bastard himself.
Again, I hope you all enjoy it.
The Black Death
“A dense mist engulfed the portuary town of Sicily as a dirty withe chariot aproached from the Northside one fatidic morning of October. The horses that pulled it looked sick, with their whinny resounding through the souls of those who first saw them like the pleads of a dying men, the rhymt of their gallop confessed the bad omens they carried in tounges that no one could speak. The sun wasn’t coming out that day, as even it cowered to the darkness that acompained the chariot.
—Aye! Aye! —exclaimed the charioteer, coughing and whipping his horses with his famelic arms and an old wip.
The mist stopped as the chariot did, like if it were a simple passanger itself. Near the entrance of the town, under the few houses that went to the end of the town and a sign of putrefacted wood and worn out letters, the real passager got out, saying not a single word to the poor looking driver before giving him a fist of herbs and a small sheet of paper.
—I owe you my life, sir —claimed the charioter, thankful and trustful.
—You shall pay me soon, then… —whispered the young man as he turned around, willing to travel what path was left to his destination on foot.
Only the sound of footsteps and the clicking sound of a wooden cane could be heard, as the townsfolk that stayed in their homes and businesses observed the withe haired but young foreigner with suspicion and intrigue. The man, with his black clothes, stiff cane and leather bag, never stared back. He was the doctor that the town needed, and he wasn’t in humor to humilliate the peasants that day.
—Maybe it’s too late… —Wondered the Doctor, scratching his withe beard. 
Almost running through the streets he directed himslef to the city’s port, guided by no one. Promptly he arrived to the dock, where rotting carcasses of the hanged still moored with rope around their necks. Ships of all sizes slowly swung, exhibiting like the corpses of the condemned. But the one that was supposed to soon touch land was an emissary of death was about unload a terrible charge; a Plague. 
His superiors had heard about it long before, and terrified predicted a wave of death and decay so great that it might as well be the end of all men. A disease so terrible that made the greatest Imperium of the world quail, that cared not about the children of god, killing everyone in its path, and transformed the deserts of the East in black seas, making all the Crusades look like a simple bar fight, and leaving piles upon piles of corpses, tall enough to cover the light of the morning sun.
—He is here!
—It can’t be.
—Just in the right moment.
The people that had gathered among the docks welcomed the Doctor with most expectation and joy. The strange man was a light of hope in their eyes, as the dim light of the early sun was completely covered by the mist of the morning, that with the help of the cloud that the Doctor carried, claimed the town for themselves. 
—What is happening here, my friend? —Asked the Doctor to the nearest man, putting his best smile. However, fear started to grow inside him as he realized that he already knew what was the problem.
—Ships came, the mariners look so sick, we’d never seen something like that! —Answered the man with nothing but fear in his eyes.
The Doctor walked to the sick mariners, seemingly calm, with only a few corageous enough and the constant feeling of having the spirits of the hanged swirling in the mist, to accompany him. Dead flesh by fingers and tumors as big as apples adorning their necks; the mariners had what was soon to be known as the Black Death. Such sight deeply affected the Doctor, that feared they wouldn’t survive enough to be played with, and make the townsfolk help them arrive to a church. He had more important things to do in the main ship, and as so, giving the excuse of finding a cause to such an horrible illness, he went alone. The folk cheered such an heroic behavior, for the Doctor was about to enter the guts of the beast.
He wandered to the insides of the ship, slowly revealing his nature: skin gray as ashes of the dead, theet and claws sharp and short as daggers to eviscerate, a tail that moved elegantly over the ground, and horns long and curved in a beautiful but simple way, with black ends. The demon Doctor finally was free, as he both rejoiced and shivered at the results of the Black Death; mariners abandoned still alive, drowning in their own vomited blood, corpses filled to the brim with tumors, and at the end of it all, a rotten, destroyed last corpse of what seemed to be a rather small and young man roughly dressed as a Eastern Companion Lady. It was of a unnatural pinkish color, from hair to inners, including the skin. It’s odor was strangely sweet.
—Not even the rats would claim this one… —Said the Doctor, poking the rotten corpse with his cane, not impressed with the weirdness of the body. A expression of disgust was on his face.
—But you can, it’s not that expensive —answered the supposed corpse in a sweet tone, or at least the sweetest it could do with its vocal cords so damaged.
—What in the bloody name of lord Baal…?
The now somewhat alive youngster extended a tounge like a venomous serpent, wich slowly coiled around the Doctor’s cane in a unsuccessful attempt to look somewhat provocative. The Doctor looked at him with mistrust, as he didn’t want another demon on his lands, even less one that could put in risk his entire career. But something called the attention of the Doctor: the young, rotten, blighted and lustful demon had glittering eyes with a strange beauty on them. The Doctor stared at them, almost forggoting for what he was there. Something was deeply wrong with its irregular and dead green iris and yellow sclera, but it wasn’t any kind of magic.
—Who the hell are you and what is your business here? —Asked the Doctor as politely as his word enabled him to be, snapping out of his trance and pulling his cane out of the mouth of the living corpse, ripping its tounge— I just cleaned this thing…
—My name is Gillian, and I am a humble Satan’s servant like you —said Gillian after he grew another tounge— born in holy land like you, ended up in the west, where Lord Belcebub gave me his most recent toy. Really not my type, but kinky, I must admit.
—Go to the point —The Doctor was quickly losing his scarce patience.
—Whatever you say, big boy. I was taken by those called Mongols in an invasion, they used me and threw me to the walls of a city —Gillian stopped to whisper, curses or compliments, it didn’t matter to the Doctor —, and I came with the merchants that ran from the war, and here you have me. So, do you want me to…?
The Doctor interrupted Gillian, tapping the wooden planks with his cane. The smug and peaceful expression with wich he entered the ship was again in his face. He Scratched his beard again, meditating about the situation. Before speaking he put on a small pair of reading glasses.
—I want you to leave. Now! —Shouted the Doctor, clearly mad. Fur od the same grey of his skin slowly spreaded around his body as it grew taller and demonic in form— I can’t afford to lose all my potential patients because of your pestilence!
The horns of the Doctor were about to break the ceiling when a flame materialized between them, taking the form of a shining crown.
—You don’t sound like a doctor at all —said Gillian, carefree and rather relaxed, almost like if he enjoyed the anger proyected at him, and unable to see.
—I am, but I have no enough hands, nor patience to amputate all this people, it wouldn’t even be fun anymore —The Doctor turned around, ready to leave. The boy didn’t whort the risk of beign discovered that soon— I am not the only one that will get damaged by this situation, so is better if you swim back to the East.
—I will see what I can do, hotstuff, but, sure u’ don’t want some of this? —Gillian lifted his leg, showing off what was left of it before it fell, leaving nothing but a small pool of black mush.
—Never in my 1,369 years of life have I been so horrified…
—It is not the last time you’ll say that, I bet —Gillian chuckled.
Breathing deep the Doctor started to leave, thinking of ways to actually save some lifes before the plage started to get worse. His demonic form disipated with the mist of the outside, letting the sun light enter through the few holes in the ship and hit both demons.
—Anyway, before you leave, what is your name? —Asked Gillian, trying to slowly cralw.
—Kinto —Was the only answer.
Gillian stopped in his tracks, now looking at Kinto under the sun light, he knew the name, everyone did. Kinto was the demon that singlehandedly transformed part of the Holy Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem from loyal and godfearing warriors to an encrazed cult that practiced surgery on the child of the christian and muslim alike in the chaos of the damned cruzades, and the demon who made his golden earrings from the crosses of the Templar fallen heroes. All despite of being all but a warrior demon.
One last time Kinto looked behind, to see the pink son of the wither, angrier than ever, not for his actions and indiference, but because he felt a kind of warmth that no scream, bloody murder or great payment had given to him, all when looking at those rotten, glittering eyes.
In that cold morning Kinto, the cruel image of the sadism dressed as men of medicine, the corruption of those to swore protect, cure and save, met both the factor and the person that would end his current life, and forever change his eternal one, just like the world itself”.
Omfg I realized how many errors of all kinds I commited. I am so sorry. I don’t feel like a Fan anymore.
For those to made it to the end despite it beign just a slightly improved version; a trillion thanks.
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Could I request HC with how Deku, Shouto and Tokoyami (separate) noticing their s/o has been super quite lately, and confront them only to be told they’re Bisexual? If you aren’t comfortable writing this it’s fine, i recently told one of my best friends who said she’d support me and I cried by how sweet she was since I was terrified she’d hate me, have a great day 🍀
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When you grow distant he’s scared that it’s something he’s done but he also doesn’t want to confront you not knowing what he’s done to upset you so he like super analyzes everything he’s done the past few weeks, looking over all of your conversations, his text messages, etc...
When he comes up empty he goes out to get you your favourite flowers and goes up to you, confronting you about your recent silence. He apologizes for everything and anything he’s ever done and you feel sorta guilty...
This poor boy though he had done something. What a fucking sweetie.
“No... No Izuku it’s not you... It’s me”
He thinks you’re going to break up wuth him so he stands up straighter and waits for you to continue, this boy will accept anything you tell him. If it’s what you want, he’ll accept it.
“Izuku I’m bisexual” You face is flushed and your hands are clutched at your side and he just sorta freezes... 
“You’re... Bisexual...” 
You nod and he wraps his arms around you, dropping the flowers in a moment of happiness. You don’t want to break up with him! And he didn’t do anything to upset you! Not to say this isn’t serious but if you were worried about him not liking you then you really shouldn’t be beacuse he loves you for you! No matter who you love!
“That’s okay (Name)! I love you for you, who you are! Not who you love! I’ll support you in every decision you make!”
Fuck he just... loves you
Total sweet boy.
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Bold of you to assume he judges those by sexual orientation
Just like Midoriya, and everyone else on this list tbh, he thinks he’s done something and sits in silent contemplatio in his room while he overthinks every single situation and conversation you two have had.
He decides being bold and confronting you is probably the very best decision. It’s either that or his room is going to catch on fire by him being constantly stressed about upsetting you.
“(Name), what have I don to upset you?”
“... What...?”
You just kinda sink into the floor while he stares down at you, the room becoming hot, due to Todoroki beccoming stressed.
“I’m Bisexual....” You whisper 
He stares at you for a long time before he slowly leans over and wraps his arms around you. He rests his chin on your shoulder an dstand there for a few minutes, his left hand is so warm against your clothed skin that it finally comes to view just how worried Todoroki was.
“I’m sorry I didn’t make you feel as though you could tell me right away, much less make you feel as though you could not be yourself. I love you (Name). I love you for who you are. I don’t care what your sexual orientation is.”
Super sweet boy.
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He loves you so unconditionally that the moment he thinks he’s upset you he goes straight up to you and apologizes for upsetting you. Being completely open with not knowing with what he has done that has upset you so much. 
He’s just so bold and honest that it just... suprises you. 
You bet your ass Dark Shadow is blaming him for doing something even if he knows full well he’s done nothing wrong. It’s just his go too sort of thing. Blame Tokoyami.
“I am sorry for upsetting you, I must be honest. I am unsure with what I did that upset you but if you tell me I will never allow myself to make the same mistake”
“N-No.. It’s not you I’ve just been.. trying to fiure things out”
He sits down next to you and he waits for you to coninue talking, encourgaing you to talk about what’s been on your mind the last few weeks. He reeches over and take your hand in his own. It goves you the corage to confess,
“I’m bisexual”
“... Oh.. Is.. Is that all?” He asks, his head tilting to the side. You look over to him and he says, “It shouldn’t be anyting that you should be worried about. I doubt anyone would be against it and.. if they are! I won’t allow it. I.. I love you for you”
His hand squeezes yours and he shyly looks away... what a sweet blushy boy..!
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