#my dad took me to a really good restaurant while we were on the way moving my shit
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summary of the day
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Hello, I'd like to request for fuegoleon, William, nozel, zora and Nacht where they hurt their s/O's feelings and make her cry? And just how guilty they feel, how they make it up, comfort their s/o and apologize. You can choose whatever they couldve said or done to make her cry I love anything you write they're all so good
If 5 characters is too much then just fuego, nozel and nacht would be fine please and thankyou❤️
Hello! Some hurt comfort is on the menu it seems, and I'm happy to oblige ^^ This ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated, but I hope it's worth the wait ^^
Pairings: Fuegoleon x f!reader, William x f!reader, Nozel x f!reader, Zora x f!reader, Nacht x f!reader
Fanfic type: Headcanons
Genre: Hurt-comfort
Length: about 0.75k each, 3.9k total
Warnings: Generally hurt-comfort, the guys snap at reader, all for reasons of their own, in Nozel's scenario the reader doesn't really know what kind of a person Nozel's dad is, Zora addresses reader as "babydoll", Zora calls himself as a "jerk ass", reader cries and the guys try to comfort in their own ways
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He had had very taxing couple of months. The adverse the country was facing seemed to have no end in sight, and it felt that in terms of politics and finances the country was being pushed further and further into a corner, which took an immense toll on him emotionally.
And though a part of him wished that he could simply take a vacation and not worry about any of it, he knew it to be senseless. Quite simply because the same issues would wait him as he returned, and they would have further piled up, so taking a vacation would be counterproductive. But still he felt that his nerves were hanging by a thin thread, even if he considered himself as a patient man.
As he sat by his desk, you came through the door with a paper in hand.
“I made us a reservation to a restaurant,” you told him. “I thought we could take a nice evening off, have a date and just enjoy life,” you smiled, while presenting the reservation information to him.
“No thank you,” he said without looking up from the documents in front of him.
“But you need to have some time off as well,” you insisted while placing your hand onto his arm and tugging him slightly. “So I planned us a day where we can just do something w-“
“I can’t take a day off!” He snapped. “Surely a moment of peace and quiet would be pleasant, but there is too much to take care of for me to quite simply ‘take a day off’,” he continued.
And you… lifted your hand off of his arm, and took a step back.
You had intended to do something nice for him, because you had seen how strained he was and now he… wasn’t… feeling the sentiment. A part of you wanted to blame yourself because you had failed to read him and what he’d wish correctly, because wasn’t a spouse supposed to be able to do that?
There were a lot of emotions swirling around in you, but none of them were pleasant. And with it, tears begun climbing to your eyes with a burning sensation, only to roll down your cheeks.
Fuegoleon looked at you, and there was a gnawing, pricking ocean of guilt in his chest, because he knew that you had meant well. You had wanted to do something nice for him and make the situation at least a little bit more bearable.
“My love I’m…” he reached forward for you. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you, but … I…” his gaze fell to the side as he spoke, feeling the weight of his words, spoken carelessly.
You didn’t shy away from him as he tried to get close to you again, because it wasn’t… that you didn’t understand him, and you could see the sincere apology and regret in his eyes.
“I’ll… I’ll try to take the day off…” he promised with something that sounded almost like a sigh, but really it was because he knew what it’d mean.
And you knew what it’d mean too. It’d mean sleepless nights, having less time during the next week or two for you two to spend together regularly, in place of that one day. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make, but it wouldn’t be worth it. You’d rather see him a little each day than not at all.
“No,” you shook your head with a faint tone while mirroring his movements and reaching for him. “We can… just have a moment, a short moment, in the evening to ourselves,” you said through your drying tears.
His eyes gathered that gentle undertone that was too beautiful for this world, as he placed his hand onto your cheek and brushed away your tears. “If that is what you wish,” he said with gratitude in his voice before he pressed a kiss onto your forehead.
You nodded as a reply, even if only faintly.
“I am sorry, my beloved,” he still repeated. “You’re the most important person in my life, and I don’t wish to impose any-“
“No, no,” you shook your head. “I get it. There’s a lot on your plate and I should have talked about your schedule with you before making reservations…”
“But your heart was in the right place,” he told you while placing his hand under your chin. “And that’s one of the reasons why I love you,” he admitted while lifting your chin, and placing another kiss onto your lips, warm, gentle and caressing, which washed away any shadow of doubt of his sentiments that might have been there.
The days had grown long, because of everything that was going on in the kingdom. And with the disappearance of Julius, it had gotten him thinking about what had happened after the whole ordeal with the elves. Which had made… something about the whole state of the kingdom hit too close to home with him.
Perhaps he was questioning being pardoned altogether, since it seemed that the one to pardon him, had taken a run for it. Or perhaps something more dire.
But if the only person to be willing to pardon him was someone like him, willing to look the other way when the kingdom was falling to its knees then…
It filled him with various emotions, all swirling and twisting and turning until he felt all of them trying to bubble to the surface, but he didn’t know which to let out first. How to let them out. Instead it felt like they were all stuck in his throat, just building, building, building up pressure so much that he might-
“Hey honey!” You greeted while entering through the door of his office, only to see him hunching over his own desk. “Oh did you eat something bad, or-“ you placed your hand onto his shoulder.
But he pushed it away. “Don’t touch me!” He ordered without as much as looking at you. And from his tone, you heard nothing but pain, hurt, and… you could have sworn… disgust… underlying it all… You could have sworn there to be contempt… in there…
You took a step back, pulling your hand to you and holding it with the other. As you couldn’t… imagine why… why would he have… Your sweet William…
His chest was heaving, and as his eyes lifted from the desk to you, the most prominent feelings you could se were fear and pain. The way they flickered, his purple eyes that were so gentle, flickered around as tears lined the corners of his eyes.
“Forgive me…” he whispered as his eyes turned to the side. “I didn’t… I just… Why did he pardon me? Some… solidarity from a villain to another?” His head swayed from side to side, as if trying to comprehend, but failed to do so.
“You’re… not a villain, Will…” you tried, because his reaction had… made sense. It wasn’t you he was trying to shoo away, it was his own emotions, but you sounded anything but convinced. Tears climbed to your own eyes.
You buried your face into your hands, and wept, from the shock of what had happened, his words, but also because you had understood where it came from. Because he was pained from the guilt of his past actions, and you felt his pain too.
He turned to look at you again, as he heard your sobs, and got up from the chair to make his way to you from the other side of the desk.
“I’m sorry… so, so sorry my little song bird…” he wrapped his arms around you, and pressed his head against yours, as his tears rolled down his cheeks, and onto you. “I’ll… make it up to you…” he pleaded. “Just don’t… please don’t… hate me, I… didn’t… wasn’t… I didn’t mean to….” His voice was faint, broken and defeated, and he swayed in place with you in his arms.
It sounded like he was repenting. Praying for forgiveness.
“I don’t hate you… Will,” you told him while wrapping your own arms around him. He was a broken man, and he had acted out of distress. Without intent to hurt you. Without intent to push you away.
He pressed a kiss onto your head as his embrace grew tighter. “I’m sorry,” he still whispered.
You nudged his head with yours, and whispered against his skin “we’ll make it through.”
Because you would. The two of you would. He wasn’t a bad man. He wasn’t a villain. It was simply that the guilt he felt got overbearing sometimes, which had caused him to call out in fear of what he thought about himself.
But he loved you, and you loved him. So, you could heal, together. You were certain about it, as you stood there, holding onto each other.
Nozel had learned to deal with his family situation from a young age. Though ‘dealing with it’ had turned into something that seemed more like survival. Not that you could see it from the surface. Because, while looking from afar, without seeing into his eyes, his emotions, he was a calm sea. Vast and serene. Though something, someone to be revered and respected, because there was also harshness in the oceans.
But if you had the opportunity to peek under the surface, you’d see a twisting, turning vortex of guilt, pain, sorrow… fear… A lot of emotions one might deem ugly.
‘Unsightly’ he would describe them in himself. Because he couldn’t be any of those things. The Captain of the Silver Eagles, the First Born Son of the Royal House of Silva, couldn’t be any of those things. And thus… to him, in him, they were unsightly.
He didn’t talk about his childhood either. He didn’t talk about his parents, aside of his mother. Which, given the circumstances of her parting, made sense. He would talk about her more because of the fate she had faced.
You had been thinking about starting a family with him. You had talked about it in passing. And as you sat in the living room, him staring out of the window, deep in thought. You talked about how lovely it’d be. “I’m sure you’d be a great father,” you thought out loud, meaning just it, and nothing else. “Just like yours.”
His head begun to turn to you with a slow motion, as if mechanic, and his eyes were wide open. It wasn’t even a glare, but a mad stare.
“I will never be like that bastard!” He shouted, making you press against your seat out of the sheer force in which the words were pushed, spat out of his mouth.
His body started to shake, and the stare turned into a look of horror as his eyes fell down to the floor. Because…. Because… though his father had been horrid, spewed poisonous words in a whole different way than shouting… maybe you had been right and… he was on his way becoming just like his father. Which was among the last things he’d want.
But you… you didn’t quite understand where it had come from. Sure, he hadn’t talked about his father, but you hadn’t thought that there’d be this level of hatred and contempt for him from Nozel. Though you had gathered that Older Lord Silva wasn’t a well liked man, but… surely he… would have been… kinder to his… own children, right?
There were a lot of emotions turning within you. Partly from the force of Nozel’s words, and partly from guilt of having failed to see through his silence. Through the things he didn’t want to talk about, and… as you leaned forward, your elbows on your knees and buried your face into your hands, you cried. You cried and you cried and you… didn’t know what to do. What to say?
You felt a weight right next to you on the couch, as a pair of arms wrapped around you.
“Nozel I…” you tried while pushing against his chest with a faint motion.
“Don’t…” he started as his hold of you grew more firm. “Look at me…” he continued as his voice broke, and something… as if a droplet, landed onto your shoulder.
The words sounded like a plea. Plea filled with shame and the broken pieces of his soul that he wasn’t eager to show you.
But you did as he wished, and settled into his embrace.
“I’m… sorry, my dear,” he whispered with that same broken tone while placing his hand to the back of your head. “I’ll… be better, than him. I will…” you couldn’t tell if he was trying to tell that to you or to himself.
But whatever his father must’ve been like in reality, you could already tell that Nozel was far better of a man than his father had ever been. He was. Because the man who held you in the soft, gentle, secure embrace felt so very deeply about you and the ones close to him.
He really was like an ocean of secrets.
“I love you,” he professed through another whisper, but while the tone was silent, the proclamation was loud as ever. “I love you…” he repeated, just to make sure that you heard him.
And as you buried your face into his shoulder, and the scent of his haircare products flowed to you, it was as if your tears had disappeared into thin air.
Nozel might not have been the best with words, but he was there, when you needed him the most.
Zora had had to raise himself for a good portion of his childhood. Though Zara had given him good tools to life, and a lot of wonderful memories, it didn’t mean that Zora wouldn’t have had to toughen up.
His accomplishments, his skills and tenacity were all a result of him having a keen eye for details, while also having had to, quite bluntly, tell himself to do better. Pay attention to his own shortcomings and fix the issue.
But… it had also resulted in him being blunt with others. Though it was all for the sake of betterment, for growth and development of skills, the way he delivered the words were harsh more often than not. Which was something he was trying to fix, when it came to some people, at least.
You knew that he was like that. And you knew that he wasn’t the type of a guy to just sit around and expect you to do all the housework, but it didn’t mean that you didn’t like cooking from time to time. Actually, maybe it was the idea that you didn’t need to cook, because he’d be more than alright with cooking if you asked him to, but rather that you could.
But today the dish wasn’t… cutting it. You had tried to taste it many times and there was something in the seasoning that wasn’t just… doing it for you. But you couldn’t really place your finger on what was wrong with it. Or not… wrong wrong per se, but it certainly could be better.
You leaned against the stove, and sighed to yourself, as the gears in your head tried to turn. But came up empty.
A drawer was opened, and closed. There was a sound of metal clicking against metal and steps coming closer, accompanied by a hum from a certain, masked, someone.
Zora dipped his spoon into the food and took a bite to test the taste. And after he had, he sighed, sounding disappointed before making his way to the spice cabinet and laying thme out onto the table.
“The balance is all wrong,” he said. “It’s mainly salty while you want there to be some sweetness to it for the contrast as well. A bit of acid would do wonders, but the real issue is that the spices aren’t complimenting each other,” he explained while taking the spoon and adding one spice after another along with other ingredients.
And you… took a step back and let him do it. Because if it was ‘all wrong’, why should you have interjected?
In all honesty, it made you feel unappreciated. Like you couldn’t even cook right. If I can’t even cook right, then why is he with me….? You found yourself thinking.
Before you knew it, your eyes had turned to the floor and you were grinding your molars together as tears started climbing to your eyes. And eventually, they ran down your cheeks as you were still immersed into your own thoughts, in how you didn’t think that you could do a simple task correct. Because surely Zora wanted someone by his side who could contribute as much as he did. Surely. So why was he-
“Hey babydoll?”
You looked up, and saw him standing there, having placed his hand onto your shoulder.
His eyes were deep, calm blue. Clear and yet deep blue. And there was worry in them. That was when you realized that you were crying and looked away while wrapping your arms around yourself.
He sighed, and rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry about the tone,” he said. “Didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, and… I’m happy to eat whatever you make,” he tried but the consolation fell short, given how he had started cooking in your place.
You curled around yourself a bit more, without really meaning to, but you did. In any case.
“Come here,” he said while pulling you into an embrace.
Seconds ticked away for a while as he just held you, and the dinner was slowly cooking on the stove.
“If you want me to stay out of it, you need to just tell me, y’know? I know that I can be too harsh, and… And… I try to not be.”
He was trying to help you get better. But he could be a wee bit of a jerk about it at times.
“We both know I can be a real ass jerk,” he said with a hint of amusement, trying to make you laugh.
And it worked. “But you’re my jerk,” you replied with a hint of a giggle in your tone.
“That I am,” he replied. “And I hope you never need to get sick of me,” he continued while pulling away just enough to wipe your tears away.
You gave him a small smile as a reply to his careful one, and went back to cooking, together.
Nacht had been a loner for most of his life. Someone who travelled down his own path without caring what everyone else thought. And it had made him someone who spoke directly about anything and everything he deemed to be topical to say.
Though he could also be harsh. Granted that he was the harshest to himself, but still. His directness could be harsh, and you both knew it.
He tried not to be, to you. He tried to treat you with the kindness that you deserved. He tried to treat you with the respect that you ought to be treated with. But sometimes, he failed.
Though watching him scold the Bulls for their shenanigans yet again, you didn’t think that he was trying all that hard to be constructive. Maybe he just wanted them to be efficient during missions, because that would drive the squad forward the best. ‘Not to be wasteful of energy’, or something like that.
“You could try going easier on them,” you told him later on when it was just the two of you. “Be kinder.”
“Kindness is a weakness,” he scoffed. “And Yami has let them slack off enough already which will get them killed. Only a fool would go easy on them.”
You stopped, thinking about what he had just said. Because you were going easy with the rest of the Bulls. You were kind to them. And Nacht. So… so.
You couldn’t help but think that Nacht had, there and then, revealed what he really thought of you. Though it wasn’t directed at you, he had been, still, indirectly talking about you too. Basically he had called you weak and stupid.
Which made your eyes turn to the ground as you bit down your molars and tried to will away the tears that were climbing to your eyes. Because you shouldn’t have taken such an off-hand comment that wasn’t even said to you, to the heart in such a way but… But. It had struck a nerve in you.
“Hm? What is it?” He asked, having stopped and turned around to look at you, as if he hadn’t realized what he had said.
“So you think that I’m dumb and weak?” You asked with bitterness lacing your tone as the tears finally glazed over your eyes, but didn’t roll down quite yet.
“That isn’t what I said,” he argued, now facing you fully and taking a few steps closer to you.
“But I am letting them off easier and I am being kind to them. So. If being kind and letting them have a breather is-“
“You’re not responsible for them.”
“Neither are you!” Now tears ran, but you didn’t look at him.
You didn’t look, and he said nothing.
Surely, he could have argued that as a vice captain he was more or less responsible, but not to the same extent as Yami. And at the end of the day, all the Bulls were responsible for themselves. So, he didn’t need to care about what they did with their time. Really.
“You are not weak and stupid,” he said while taking you by the hand. “Quite the contrary,” he admitted. “And I shouldn’t have spoken so carelessly.”
He sounded like he was speaking out a ready made dialogue of a noble man that he used to be. But you supposed that he hadn’t needed to comfort anyone lately either. If ever. If he had ever needed to comfort anyone. Even himself, since he had denied such a thing from himself.
But he could see how the ready made dialogue wasn’t doing it. The words might have been there, but the sentiment wasn’t.
“Darling?” He whispered, while moving again a little bit closer to you. “I’m sorry,” he said while summoning his shadows and tugging you, as if to ask to come along with him. To which you nodded, and he transported you both to your bedroom.
As you stood there, in the sanctity of the room with the door closed, he finally wrapped his arms around you and held you close. “You are not weak. Or stupid,” he repeated. This time the tone was one that sounded genuine, caring, insisting. “I’m sorry for insinuating it.”
You nodded and returned the embrace.
“It’s simply that… not being prepared can get people killed…” there was a reason, in there, why he would remind you of such a thing.
“But people need to live too.” And there was no arguing over it. Because life was meant to be lived.
Not even he could deny it. “They do…” he admitted while holding you closer in his arms.
And it was in that embrace that you could feel his heartbeat, his remorse and regret. But most importantly, you could feel how he did love you. Because he did. With his entire heart and soul.
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fandomtherapy44 · 2 months
Congrats you're a dad! Dean x reader one shot!
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Summary: Dean Winchester the man who came and went that seemed like in a blink of an eye. But he left some thing behind your Daughter.
Paring: Dean x reader
word count: 2.4k
AN/ So I got very inspired by seeing posts of how Dean deserved to be a dad! Here is my story of that and this would take place after season 15 so he is alive and happy! Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, MILD SMUT, Feelings all around
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Six Years since I last saw Dean Winchester, the man that came and left in an blink of an eye. The charming yet somewhat earnest type that I always fell for helped that he was hot as hell. Those crystal green eyes, white prince smile, glitter freckle kissed skin that almost made you believe in miracles. I was the waitress at the restaurant where he and his partner went every night while they were in town trying to find a missing person and thankfully they did but with that came a goodbye. But he did leave me with something, not an std but our daughter.
I wanted to tell him so many times but how was I supposed to tell this barely a familiar hook up that he had a kid. When he left he told me that he liked me and maybe if he was staying around we could try something but he wasn't. I found out I was pregnant with Bella two weeks later. So was I really going to tell a guy I didn't even really know that he was a dad and potentially ruin his career and break my heart if he told me to screw off. The answer was no.
So here I was six years later with the best little girl in the world and trying my best. “Hey mom could you please pick Bella up? I have to pick up this shift.” I was balancing my phone between my shoulder and ear while my hands were full of plates of food while I was widing through the sticky tables. “Of course sweetie I'll see you at eight.” My mom has been my biggest supporter since the day I was pregnant.”Ok thank you so much love you bye oh and don’t let her eat so much ice cream again she threw up all over the couch last time.” “I'm her grandma, I'm supposed to spoil her.” “Bye Mom.” I said in a loving jokey way. 
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It was almost seven thirty when I was walking up to my table and had just gotten satten. I was carrying two glasses of water to the table when I heard a voice that I thought I would never hear again. “Oh Hey Y/n right? You're still working here, that's cool.” I look up and drop the water. It was Dean fucking Winchester. “Whoa you okay?” he swooped down to help pick up the pieces of now broken glasses. I can’t even look at him. “Hey Y/n” He grabbed my hand I didn’t realize but it was bleeding. “Are you okay?” I barely get a word out. “Hey can I get a towel or bandaid please!?”
He called out and a co-worker ran over. “Is she okay?” “Dean, I'm fine.” My friend’s eyes widened knowing that name. “Uh, why don't you take a break? I'll bring more waters” I begged with my body for her to stay but she ignored me knowing that was not her place. We sat down in the booth. I kept staring at my bloody hand hoping it was a terrible nightmare but then he spoke again.
“I know it's been a while since I've been here but I swear that I had good reason to. I had to take care of something that took longer than expected. I wanted to come back. I've missed this place, you.” My heart flutters a little. “It’s okay not like you had something to come back to.” I know that’s a little harsh but I was trying to drive him away as quickly as possible. “Well you're here and I don’t know about you but I had an amazing time when I was last here.”
My head flashed back to that night the last night he was here we were together for hours in the sheets. It wasn't just sex but we talked about our hopes and dreams. Maybe that's why I wanted to talk to him a little longer. “I guess you're right it wasn’t half bad.” I smirked. “Half Bad? Excuse me but I believe you were the one begging for more-” Before he can go on I kick him. “Fine, you were great, happy.”
“Very happy, hey did you ever go to college for acting.” what? He remembered my dream not even boyfriends who had been with me for a long time remembered that. “I can't believe you still know that.” “How could I forget, your face lit up talking about it every time.” We both smiled thinking about those times. But the air froze when we heard another voice. “Mommy! I can’t wait to show you my drawing!” Bella ran over and jumped in my lap. I looked at the clock and it was eight fifteen, shit.
“Oh, baby I'm sure it's so beautiful I'll look at home okay.” “But Mommy!” I started to try to get up but being a six year old she was dragging her feet. “But Momma!” “Bella! Let's go!” I hated it when my yelling voice came out. I finally looked at Dean and he looked like he had been slapped in the face. “Hey mister, would you like to see?” She asked Dean kindly like I had taught her. “Bella he's busy-” “I would love to.” She pulled out a picture and it was a drawing of a family.
“You see that's me and mommy and that's grandma.” He nods looking out the picture. “It's really good, Hey do you have a daddy Bella?” He asked the question I had been fearing. “No, I don’t.” She answered so quickly and without thought it broke my heart. “And how old are you Bella?” “I’m this many” She holds up six fingers. Dean just sits there thinking. “Bella, could you go back to your grandma?” She seems sad. “You can get ice cream!” I tried. Of course, she jumps up and runs to the counter. I sit back down at the booth sighing. “Dean I-” he holds up his hand with tears in his eyes. “I just have one question. Is she my daughter?” “Yes.”
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It had been at least twenty minutes. I broke the ice. “Dean, I don't even know where to start.” “How about you start why you kept my fucking child away from me?” He was mad of course who wouldn't be. “Dean you have to understand why I did it, I didn't tell you because I knew what kind of job you had and that you couldn't just drop everything. I mean you told me you couldn't stay.” “You don't think my kid would change that!?” I had tears building up.
“I didn't know you Dean, I didn't want a guy to tell me to screw off that I was just starting to really like and that I knew you just couldn't stay.” He’s silent again. “I want to know her.” I'm a little shocked. “Dean I know it was fucked up of me to keep this from you but you can't just go away because of a job or something that needs you for weeks I won't allow Bella to be hurt like that.” He did not hesitant “I won’t.” 
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And from there on out it was kind of nice. We had set up a system where Bella could spend time with Dean so we didn't freak her out when we told her. I could really see both of them loving each other. I met his brother and he was very surprised to hear he had a niece. Bella loved spending time with both of them. It had been a couple of months. The more time we all spent together the more my heart became comfortable with Dean around, that’s what terrified me.
We were eating Chinese food with Bella and for the first time I felt like we had a family but then his damn phone rang. He checked the name and I saw his face fall a little from his previous smile but he was keeping it together for us. “Uh hey, what’s up?” I couldn't hear everything but I did hear the level of the voice and it was not calm.
“Yeah, I'll be there.” He responded back. He hangs up and looks at me. “Dean no no you promised-” “I know I did and trust me I don’t want to go but I have to. This friend needs me.” We need you, I need you but of course, I didn't say that out loud. He gets up to get his things and bends down to Bella’s level. “Hey Bells, I'll be back in a little.” She clearly doesn't want him to go. “But we were going to play barbies after dinner.” She whined in true six-year-old fashion.
“I know and promise as soon as I get back we will and I'll bring back a new Barbie friend how about that.” She leaps in his arms. “Yay! Thank you, Dean, I love you.” Dean and I both got stiff at that it was the first I love you between them. He squeezes her harder at that. “I love you too Bella.” He lets go and goes to the front door and I follow.
“How long are you going to be gone?” “I honestly don't know Y/n I wished I did.” At that, I got angry he fucking promised. “Dean, what kind of Job do you have that you don’t know when you'll be home!?” He put his hands on the sides of my face. “I will tell you everything when I get home.” He saw my uneasy face. He leans down I think for a kiss but not where I was expecting. It was my forehead, a slow caring one. “You have no idea what you guys mean to me. I will come back and explain everything.” With that, he leaves.
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I put Bella to bed hours ago and it was five in the morning but I couldn't go to bed not knowing he was safe. Finally, the door creaks open but very quietly. It was Dean but he looked like he walked through Hell. “Hey, what are you still doing up?” I sip my coffee not really having the anger anymore but being replaced with worry. That’s when I knew I was in deep shit I was falling in love with Dean Winchester. “I couldn't sleep not knowing you were safe.” There is just silence between us. I look up and can't hold back anymore and run into his safe arms. We are like this for like two minutes. “I think it’s time I tell you what I really did, you might want to sit down for this.” 
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“So you're saying everything I've ever told Bella was fake is real.” “Yes” “And God, Angels, the Devil, Demons, are real.” “Yup and actually an Angel is one of my best friends.” I gulp the rest of my coffee down, maybe thinking this was a dream and I would wake but no this was real. “Okay, I somehow believe you.” “Really some people call Sam and me crazy when we have to tell them.” “Well, I know both you and Sam and you're not liars.” “Thank you.” “No problem.” I break the ice once more. “So that’s why you had to leave to help someone.”
“Yeah, an old friend was going to a vamp nest.” He looked down at my confused face. “Sorry, I'll explain all the monster lore another time.” “A vamp nest sounds dangerous Dean.” “it is.” I let out what I was thinking the whole night. “Dean I don't want to tell you what to do but you can't just go out anymore like that not when you have a kid now and not when I- '' I was stopped by his lips on mine and it was like nothing changed. We let go.
“I'm sorry if I was reading that wrong Y/n but I care about you too and Bella and thank Chuck every day that he gave me you too.” “Chuck?” He chuckles. “More lore but this is way more important.” He gripped my hips and pulled me forward like he did six years ago. “Wait Dean before we go further even though I would love to relive how we made Bella I need to know this is a hundred percent real and this isn't another in-the-moment type thing.” He kisses me deeply again. “I'm a thousand percent for you and our family.” Our family I never thought I would hear those words and that did me in.
SMUT .................................................................................................................
I pull him in and kiss him again but this time put some real feeling in it. He slips his tongue in like it was natural. “Mhh Dean.” “Would you like to move this to the bed?” I jump up and he catches me. “Yes sir.” He walks me to my bedroom and kicks the door open and lays me down. He gets on top and starts to kiss down my neck. “Lets see, I think this is where your special spot is right?” He sucks down on my pressure point and I mewl with pleasure.
“Ding ding ding we have a winner.” He said slyly. “Dean, please no teasing, it's been six years.”  “Aww darling did I get you all worked up.” “Dean fucking Win-” He goes down to my thighs and starts to pull off my shorts and underwear. “You already soaked baby is this all for me?” He starts to rub his finger up and down my slit. I barely answer. “Uh-huh.” “That’s it baby just feel me.” he puts his finger in my pussy. “AHH DEAN!” I grip his wrist.
“Shh, you don't want to wake Bells.” “Oh, you motherfucker!” He goes faster and faster. “Are you almost there?” “Yes!” He speeds all the way up. “Okay let go.” And I came all over his fingers. “Ahh, I missed that.” “You son of a-” I laughed and dragged him into another kiss. It was starting to get heavy again and he was unbuckling quickly. “Are you sure about this?” he asked earnestly. “A thousand percent.” He smiled his goofy smile and went on. But something stopped the both of us. “Mommy moma!” I look down at his tent. “I'll go but we'll continue this later.'' I leave him with a lingering kiss and him thinking he is the luckiest guy in the world.
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ginax0916 · 7 months
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✮‧₊˚✩ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤 ✩‧₊˚✮
Little Sister (8yrs old) x triplets
Genre - Sorta Angst & Fluff
Synopsis - When the triplets little sister has been staying with them for a month but she suddenly feels home sick but also guilty.
Matt pov:
Our little sister y/n has been staying with us for a month since our parents wanted to go on vacation. We don’t mind it at all, it’s been pretty fun lately. It just gets hard when we have to film videos or go to meetings that she can’t be in.
“Y/n you ready to go?” Chris called out.
“Yes I’m so excited” She yelled as she ran down the hallway jumping into Chris’s arms.
He laughed and carried out to the car where Nick already was.
“Took y’all long enough” He grumpily said looking at me.
“Hey don’t look at me! It’s y/n who took so long” I lifted my hands in defense.
“Matt! No I didn’t I was very quick!” She protested slurring her words a little as she talked.
“Yes you did sis don’t listen to them” Chris took her side as her buckled her into her car seat and kissed her cheek.
It’s clear that Chris has a favorite sibling.
LS Pov:
My brothers were taking me to Canes for lunch. It’s not much, but to me it’s the best food in the world. A lot of my friends seem to not like it but I don’t understand how! It’s too good.
I remember how mom would take me to this other restaurant in Boston that also had chicken tenders and we would order a big plate and share. I miss her.
Or when dad would take me to the dinner back in town to eat waffles for breakfast every Saturday. I miss him too.
But I’m with my brothers I shouldn’t be missing my parents right?
“Ok we’re here!” Matt yells.
I’m only 8 which means I still have to sit in a car seat. It’s so stupid I’m sure I could be a big girl and seat on the actual seat. I can’t even get out of the car without the help of my brothers because for some reason I can’t get the seatbelt to unlock.
“You exited?” Matt says as he helps me out of the car.
“Yes very” I reply as I take his hand.
“Awwww look how cute they look! She looks so small compared to Matt!” I hear Nick say behind us and a camera click.
We get a table and we order our food. But as we wait a woman that I could’ve sworn was mom walked in.
“Is that mommy?” I ask my brothers. They all turn their head to look at the woman.
“No y/n it’s not. Moms in Hawaii with dad remember?” Nick laughs.
“Oh yea sorry” I say now embarrassed.
“Hey it’s ok I thought it was her too at first” Matt comforts me. I smile at him and rest my head on his arm since he was sat next to me.
I start to feel sleepy since I haven’t taken my daily nap yet. I do everything to keep my eyes open but nothing works. They fall shut and I start to loose consciousness.
“Hey baby wake foods here” Matt rubs my back waking me up.
“Yay” I say in a tired voice as I sit up from Matt. My hair all messed up and my eyes still closed.
“Good nap?” They all laugh and I do too.
As we eat our food I see a little girl walk in with her mom. They’re holding hands and they’re laughing together. She’s holding a shopping bag so it looks like they went to the mall together. It reminds me of me and mom. Is it bad that I really miss her? I shouldn’t miss her I’m with my brothers that I only see once in a while since they live in L.A.
“You ok?” Chris asks.
“Mhm” I nod.
We were just waiting on the check when I see a man walk in. He walks over to the table where the girl and her mom are. He’s the dad. They all sit together and the girl is laughing with her dad and the mom seems to be taking pictures of them. I miss my dad too. I miss being home and going out to eat with my parents. I feel so guilty about missing home because my brothers are doing so much to take care of me. I shouldn’t feel this way.
I feel tears well up in my eyes but I quickly blink them away before my brothers realize.
“Can we go now?” I quietly ask.
“Uh yea come on” Matt says confused at my sudden change of emotion.
As we walk out I feel two pairs of arms launch me up in the air. I start giggling and screeching like crazy and I’m thrown in the air and back down.
“You want ice cream?” Chris says as he holds me instead of launching me.
“No not really” I reply as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.
“What you always want ice cream” He says stunned.
“I’m full I don’t really want any” I lie. Truth is I do want ice cream I just don’t wanna see more families there that will remind me of home.
“Ok so what ice cream place do we go to?” Nick asks looking at Chris who’s carrying me.
“Uhh she said she doesn’t want ice cream so just go back home I guess” Chris replies.
“What? But y/n you always want ice cream” Matt questions.
“That’s what I said” Chris chuckles.
“I just don’t want it ok!” I say with a ruder tone.
“Ok ok Sorry we’ll go back home” Matt replies looking at Chris and Nick confused.
Once we get home I run into the room where I have been staying and jump onto the bed quickly getting a hold of the stuffed animal my parents gave me. It’s a little frog which is my favorite animal. My dad had sprayed his cologne on it so it would smell like him. And my mom had put one of her bracelets as a necklace on it. So I just laid there on my bed hugging my little frog while looking at a picture of my parents and I. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I miss home.
Nick pov:
I have been editing videos since we got back from lunch. I usually hear y/n laughing or screaming with either Matt or Chris as they play a game or watch a movie. But today it was silent. More silent than it’s ever been. I also don’t hear her little footsteps running around the house which is odd. She had started to act weird after the comment she made about the woman at Canes. And she didn’t want ice cream, which she always wants. I start going downstairs to ask Matt and Chris about it. I see them both sitting on the couch watching Sam and Colby on the t.v.
“Fuck you scared me” Chris yells.
“That’s what you get for watching paranormal videos at 9 pm dumbass” I laugh.
“Ok but on serious note have you guys noticed how down y/n looks today?” I ask them while sitting down at the end of the couch.
“I did yea she seemed upset after lunch” Matt adds on.
“She hasn’t come out of her room since we got back from lunch” Chris comments.
“I think we need to go check on her c’mon” I say standing up heading to her room.
Chris Pov:
I open the door to her room to find y/n asleep hugging her frog stuffed animal with one hand, and hugging a picture with her, mom and dad on it.
“Oh baby” I hear Matt say as he sits next to her on the bed. Nick and I following after him.
“Hmm?” Y/n hums as she starts to wake up.
“You ok?” I ask.
“You guys promise you won’t get mad at me for it?” Y/n sniffles as her eyes start to get glossy.
“We promise” Nick says.
“I- I just really miss mommy and daddy” She starts to cry. Matt quickly wraps his arms around her.
“Hey hey it’s ok” Matt quietly whispers to her as her soft cries are muffled by his sweatshirt.
“Why would we ever get mad at you for missing mom and dad?” I ask her as I pick her up her tiny hand and she wraps her small fingers around mine.
“Because I feel guilty that I really miss home when I’m with you guys” Y/n softly says as she snuggles into me.
“Oh sweetheart you don’t have to feel guilty. It’s ok to miss home. You’re still a kid and you’ve never been away from mom and dad for so long. We’re not mad at all cuz we feel like that sometimes too” Matt says while running his fingers through her hair, something that always calms her down since she was a baby.
“So you’re not mad?” Y/n asks.
“Of course we not y/n. We can FaceTime them together later” Nick chuckles and joins the hug.
“We love you always” I say and kiss her forehead.
“I love you always too” Y/n giggles.
✫・ 。.・゜✭・.・
Opinions on this??
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faust-the-enjoyer · 5 months
Anonymous asked: Adoptive!dad!simon x adopted!kid!reader but it starts off with the reader being a foster kid whos lowkey kinda scared of simon
You Remember the First Time You Called Him "Dad"
Tags/warnings: gn!reader, kid!reader (mid teens), foster!father!simon turned into adoptive!dad!simon, sfw, familial, mentions of the military, mentions of therapy, mentions of mental health issues, implicit mentions of child murder, uk foster care system, a bit of angst, fluff, crying.
A/n: aaaaaaaah i loooved writing this!!! I did my research to write it too!!! Hope you like it anon!
-Divider by (@/saradika-graphics)!
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After being discharged from the military due to his mental health, Simon got monthly compensation from the military, and started working as a butcher again, all while going to therapy at the same time. Since he's pretty much done from working as a soldier, he had to find other things to do, he had to learn to help himself, and find purpose, find a new life for himself.
After going to therapy for a good couple of months and being on medication, he found that his life became...repetitive and dull in a way. It's the same thing over and over again, work, therapy, and the times that he went out with his old teammates didn't change things that much, considering they were on missions on many occasions, dating didn't help either, that didn't work out, he's not one for that.
He'd talk about it with his therapist, he'd talk about with his friends, and he'd get a lot of advises, but none that appealed to him. He didn't know what to do, but sometimes, he'd see one of his co-workers at the butchery with his kid sometimes, seeing couples and single parents out with their own as well, and it all just reminded him of his nephew, that poor kid, Joseph. Although it opens up old wounds that never healed, he did think it over, and even asked his therapist for advice over it, and he finally decided to foster a kid after months of thinking about it and considering it.
He wanted to do a short-fostering plan, just in case it doesn't work out for whatever reason. The application took a couple of months in order for him to become a foster parent, but he didn't mind, he worked on his mental health at the time, and even cleaned out a room in his apartment for the kid that'll be there. After making an inquiry at a local foster care agency, and after a social worker visited him and the process took place, he was given some parenting training, and finally matched up with a kid to take care of, that is, you.
Your first meeting was with him and your two's social worker in a small restaurant, he was a big guy, piercing brown eyes, some scars here and there, and a black surgical mask that he took off when he sat down and started talking to you. He was just a bit scary, just a bit though.
After the social worker introduced you two, Simon took the initiative and started talking to you. "R/N, you can just call me Simon, alright?", he asked in a calm tone, and you nodded, it made sense since you two just met, and he really just wants you to be comfortable. After you two chatted a little and he paid for the meal, the social worker walked you two to his car, and talked to you, you were more than willing to stay with him if that meant some stability in your life, even if he was a little scary, so you agreed to stay with him, and he agreed to foster you, and you said your goodbyes to the social worker.
You didn't want to sit in the front passenger seat, this was all too new to you, and Simon didn't make it any better either, all broody and quiet, with that somewhat harsh look on his face, though he doesn't mean to seem like this at all, he really just wants you to feel safe around him, so he lets you get into the backseat and sees you put your little bag of belongings on the seat next to you, "Put your seatbelt on R/N.", and that you do. Five minutes into the drive and he starts talking.
"So, your school's pretty close to where we will, and to be honest with you kid, I'd prefer to drive you every day there, but tell me, what do you prefer?", he asks, eyes on the road, he'd prefer to drive you because it's safer, and he honestly hopes you just choose that, "...I...ok, um, I don't wanna take the bus, so...", you trail off, you can't even talk about what you want, let alone address him by his first name. He lets out a sigh of relief, "Car it is then.". The rest of the drive is filled with him questioning you on the meals you like, and inquiring you about your hobbies.
As the days passed, you two slowly warmed up to each other, and his kindness would show; in the first couple of days of you settling in, he took you shopping, giving you a certain amount of money and telling to buy whatever clothes you needed, he also encouraged you to buy that plushie you had your eye on but didn't openly say you wanted because you're "too old" for it. He'd ask you to cook dinner with him as way as to spend time with you, letting you chop all the vegetables with your not-too sharp knife, and letting you add them and the spices into the pot.
Hell, it would even extend to other things as well, he wouldn't hug you unless you gave him the green light, nor would he enter your room without knocking or asking for your permission first. And in the first week of picking you up from school, he asked if you if anyone was bothering you, and if you made or already have any friends, if you needed any school supplies, or if you wanted a packed lunch. On the first weekend you stayed at his apartment, he ended asking Johnny to borrow that old gaming set he doesn't use anymore just so you (and him) can play on it.
But you were still scared a little, this new environment was too comfortable, too quiet, your mind kept telling you that something was wrong, when you knew there wasn't. Week by week, your fear would slowly melt away, though it was quite slow, yet the social worker was quite delighted during the check-ups that happened.
One night after brushing your teeth and getting into bed, it started raining, that was fine, relaxing even, until you were deeply asleep and got frighteningly woken up by the loud thunder, heart throbbing, body shaky, you needed water, you needed to calm down. You went into the kitchen, heavy breathing echoing throughout the room, you were so shaken up that you accidentally broke the glass of water you were trying to get out of the cabinet, shattering the glass all over the floor, and prompting Simon to wake up and run to the kitchen, only to find you shaking above the broken glass and breathing heavily, you looked like you were on the verge of tears from how overwhelmed you felt.
He carefully walked up to you quickly, "R/N? You alright? Did you step on the glass?", you look up at him, and the waterworks are on, he can't say anything to you in this state and he knows it, so all he does is usher you into a tight hug. "Shh...shh...it's alright, you're not hurt, you're fine kid...", after calming you down, he sits you on the couch and hands you a cup of water, covering you with a blanket and patting your head, "You can tell me what happened, I won't be mad, I promise.", he sighs, he doesn't know what happened, but he wants you to feel safe in this moment and just breath.
You drink from your cup and set it on the coffee table, breathing in and out, "I was just sleeping, but the thunder woke me up and I just...", "You got scared kid?", you nod, eyes still tired from having your sleep interrupted in such a horrifying manner. It's still thundering loudly outside. He sighs, "Alright, tell you what, since you don't have any school tomorrow, how 'bout you sleep on the couch, and I sit near you, yeah? How does that sound?", you think it over, at least he'll be there if you wake up scared again, "Ok.", he gets up and sits on the armchair next to the couch, letting you lay there and get comfy with the blanket and couch pillow. As you slowly close and rest your eyes, you suddenly open them wide, "Wait...you'll sleep on the chair?", "Yeah, what, you've never done that before?", he lets out a small chuckle, you smile a little and put your head back onto the pillow. After you fell asleep, he got up and quietly cleaned up the broken glass in the kitchen, then returned and sat back down, slowly falling asleep too.
As the months passed, you fell into the routine that you two had, it was a calm one, a comforting one that made your worries disappear. He tried his best to be a father to you, a parental figure to you. He'd pat away any creases in your school uniform, make you lunch boxes, and openly told you to rant to him about school and your friends, about what you wanted to do and be in the future. He wanted to know more about you, and if you ever had any issues, you knew to come to him for help, and you did. He never shamed you for it, never made fun of you, he always helped you out, even if your problem seemed "trivial".
He wanted to know what you liked to do, where you liked to eat. On some weekends after you'd do your homework, he'd take you to a small amusement park then to try a new restaurant, and once he even let you have that sundae you've always wanted to try. On some weekdays, he'd help you with your homework after dinner, telling you how proud he was of you, and after, you'd help him with the dishes. He gave you a monthly allowance ever since you started living with him, letting you buy whatever you wanted (within reason), and you wanted to help him with the house, so you started doing some chores, it was perfect, cozy, loving, what you've both wanted. What he offered and gave you was what every child deserves and should have, you both know that, but neither of you ever had that.
You found someone you can lovingly call your parent, and he found a kid he could proudly say was his. It's been a good year since he fostered you, and now he's sat on your bed, talking to you, "R/N, I...would you like me to adopt you? It's possible you know, just some paperwork, I've just...been thinking it over.", your eyes glimmer with joy and content, and a smile is painted on your lips, "Yes!". A man of his word, after discussing it with the social worker and getting the paperwork done, he ended up adopting you out of the foster care system, now having you as his child, permanently. You were so happy, so so so happy.
A couple of days after the adoption process was done, you sat next to him on the couch as he was reading the newspaper. "Simon.", "Hm?", "Can I call you "dad"?", his eyes widen a little, and he has to hold back some of his emotions, or else he'll cry in front of you, "Yeah, yeah can call me "dad" if you want to kid.", he lets out a small chuckle, ruffling your hair. You laugh, "Thanks dad.", it's a much more comfortable term than his first name, one that suits him.
Gaz: So how's everything with the kid?
Simon: Dead good, they're happy.
Gaz: I told you you'd be a good father, you didn't need to worry so much man.
He sets his phone down and looks at you studying for your exams in the living room, a small content smile on his face. He's glad that he can start anew, and he's glad that he's able to give you what he never had; stability, and a loving parent.
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
Can I request a fic with Jake? I was thinking about something where he stands up for the reader when they come over to a family dinner or something like that and her relatives all just keep criticizing her and being mean and she is used to it but Jake won't stand for it and defends her?
Thank you so much either way, I love your fanfics!!!
hi nonnie!!! thank you so much for your sweet words - I hope you like it! and thank you so much to @natrace for beta reading this for me!!
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You smoothed your dress over for the dozenth time since parking the car as you waited for the exact right moment to enter the restaurant, swaying uncomfortably from side to side at the way the fabric clung to your calves. “If I smoke really quickly do you think they’ll smell it on me?” you asked Jake who was standing next to you and looking like you’d grown an extra head with how neurotic you’d been acting all day.
“You smoke?” he asked incredulously, and you smiled sheepishly.
“Sometimes, under duress,” you replied, fishing in your purse. 
“You are not under duress, it’s just your family,” he said, grabbing your hands.
“Uranium mission was less stressful than this,” you muttered and he just laughed, tugging you along to walk inside. You were led back to a semi-private area where your mother and father sat who greeted the two of you with tight smiles and one-shouldered hugs.
“It’s nice to see you,” you said, smiling at Jake who pulled your seat out for you. 
“Lieutenants,” your father said, taking a sip of his scotch. “Lucky we were able to catch you while we’re in town.”
“Yes sir, very lucky,” you agreed, reaching for the glass of water on the table. 
“I hear you’ve been doing good out there at Top Gun,” he said to Jake, “how’s Maverick been treating you?”
“Maverick has been great, sir, it’s been an honor teaching alongside him.” he answered and you took a deep breath, dreading the moment he turned his attention to you. 
“It’s nice you’re also back at Top Gun, I was surprised they’d recalled you for that mission at all,” he said and you bit your lip. “Do you feel like you’re learning anything new?”
“Well, there’s always something new to learn, dad, but I am an instructor as well,” you pointed out and he just nodded halfheartedly. 
“That’s a lovely dress, dear,” your mom interjected, trying to grab your attention.
“Oh uh, thank you… I think you got it for me a few years ago, haven’t really had time to do any shopping recently,” you said and she nodded.
“I can pick up a few more things for you when we arrive home and ship them out if you’d like,” she offered and you smiled.
“That’s okay, mom, you don’t have to do that,” really you hoped she wouldn’t.
“It’s no trouble,” she said and you gave a bright smile to the waitress who came to take your drink orders and you watched as your mom was pleased with you not ordering a cocktail and instead ordering a sparkling water. 
“I’ll be right back, need to powder my nose,” you said, not entirely sure what you even meant by that but you hurried down the hallway and flagged down your waitress. “Can I ask you to do me the biggest favor?” you asked and she smiled knowingly.
“Vodka or tequila?” she said and you flushed, “not the first tense family dinner I’ve served.”
“Tequila, you are an angel… thank you so much, you can just slip me a separate tab for the drinks,” you said before heading back to the table where your father was continuing to fawn over Jake. You didn’t mind, not at all… Jake was a great pilot and though his ego rarely ever fit through the door, he did deserve to be told how great he was but you did hope that every once in a while he would acknowledge you as well, but tonight did not seem to be that night.
“You should be spending more time in the air with Jake, you’re lucky to have him on your squad, there’s a lot he can teach you,” he said and you bit your lip as you looked at Jake.
“Well, sir, I actually feel like I learn more from her than she ever could from me,” he said and you smiled softly but you knew your dad wouldn’t accept it.
“She’s unfocused, you being here tonight proves just that… Top Gun isn’t a matchmaking academy but she turned it into one nonetheless.” 
“Well, either way it’s lovely you two found each other,” your mother said, “honey, have you given any more thought to taking a more permanent teaching position?”
“I wasn’t aware that was something I was thinking about,” you replied.
“Oh, I just assumed with the two of you getting together you were finally starting to think about settling down and starting a family,” she shrugged, as if that was the most nonchalant thing ever and Jake reassuringly rubbed your knee under the table.
“That’s not really our priority right now,” you said. 
“Maybe it should be,” your father said gruffly, “being a pilot doesn’t seem to be your strong suit.” Jake went to respond but you just knocked your knee against his and softly shook your head. 
“Besides… I’m sure it’s crossed Jake’s mind once or twice, are you sure you’d be able to withstand the demands of being a wife and mother while being in the Navy?” your mom added and you choked on your drink.
“Excuse me?” you asked, looking at her wide eyed.
“Mind your manners,” she whispered, “I just mean that you’re not getting any younger, dear, and Jake is a good man with a very promising Navy career ahead of him… you’d be smart to start thinking about this now before you lose him,” she finished.
“I haven’t actually,” Jake interjected and you all turned to look at him, “thought about starting a family. We’re not quite there yet, but the two of us will talk about it when the time comes,” he said. “I’m not interested in making her a wife until she’s ready.” 
“You should do it soon, promotions are going to start coming your way Lieutenant, wait too long and you won’t have the time.” your dad said and you suddenly felt like cattle being sold for auction. “And while she has the opportunity to leave the Navy gracefully.” 
“I’d be willing to wager she gets promoted before I do, sir,” Jake said and your dad just shook his head.
“It’s a good thing you’re a better pilot than you are a betting man, son.” 
“If you take a step back from active duty it will give you more time to plan the wedding too, dear… we could have it back home at the country club,” your mom said and you scoffed.
“Are you two even listening to us?” 
“Watch your tone,” your father said and you shook your head in disbelief. “You’re lucky this is all this conversation is with how you’ve tarnished our family name.” 
“Okay, that is enough,” Jake said suddenly, losing his grip on his patience. “You should know that your daughter is better than anyone in our squad and we all know it, we’re all competing for second best because none of us have a shot in hell at taking first with her around.”
“You might want to watch yourself, son,” your father warned.
“I’m not your son. And when your daughter feels ready for me to propose you can bet your ass I’ll do so at the first chance I get, but not a moment sooner because she is not just a potential wife or potential mother to my children for me… she is my partner and should we make any decisions about our future we will be sure to let you know… otherwise, sweetheart, I actually think we double booked ourselves.” he said, standing up and tugging you with him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” your mom asked, looking up at you in shock.
“Right now? Oh, right now I’m going to go get drunk with my friends, thank you for a lovely evening,” you said, tossing your napkin onto the table and walking out of the restaurant with Jake. “Hard Deck is only a five minute walk from here?” you suggested and he nodded, laughing as you took your heels off and let them dangle from your fingers. “Thank you for doing that, standing up to them was incredibly hot of you,” you said.
“Wasn’t going to let them talk about you like that, your dad is insane for not being proud of you… I know I am,” he said, looping his arm around your waist as you walked along the beach towards the bar. 
“I love you, you know that?” you asked and he just nodded, leading you through the front door of the Hard Deck and flipping off your friends as they whistled at your appearances. “Hey Pen, I’m going to need a lot of tequila,” you said, graciously accepting the two shot glasses she set before you. 
“To us and our country club wedding and lots and lots of babies,” he joked, clinking your glasses together as you laughed and downed the shot.
“Wait, what? What babies?” Rooster asked as he approached and you just shook your head as you ordered another round. 
“Come on, I wanna kick your ass at pool,” you said, dragging Jake behind you and giggling as he spun you around and enveloped you in a kiss. 
“I really am so proud of you, you know…” he said and you nodded, leaning up to kiss him again. 
“I know, and I love you so much.”
“I love you too…”
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hi, thank you for your work! may I ask you for fic about manager meets bllk boys's parents/siblings and they either think that manager and their soon/brother are dating or just want to be their wingman(woman)? and boys are embarrassed.
Author: Thank u sm for reading! And thank you for this request too, I really enjoyed writing this one! Hope you like it🩷
Warnings ⚠️: none in particular. Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
Characters: Isagi, Reo, Chigiri, Bachira and Rin
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"So Blue Lock is becoming something like a reality program? And Ego-san agreed to it?" Isagi asked as both him and (Y/n) were facetiming each other. Last night Anri informed (Y/n) of the new idea the JFU and Ego agreed on. They both found the idea rediculous, having the whole of Japan and maybe even beyond monitor all their work and training was just... bizarre.
"Yeah." (Y/n) answered, biting into one of the cookies her dad left on the counter.
"It sounds so rediculous, I wouldn't wish to be you guys. The whole idea of someone watching me training is bad, but having millions of people do so..." (Y/n) cringed, an act that made Isagi blush a little.
"Cute..." He muttered.
"I-I mean... Yeah it sounds very scary. I still can't believe it will be a thing."
While Isagi tried to pull himself out of the mess he made, he didn't notice his mom walk into the room and her hearing the name '(Y/n)' come out of his mouth. The woman's eyes lit up and she walked over to Isagi.
"Oh! You are (Y/n) (L/n), right?" Isagi jumped at the sound of his mom's voice.
"Huh? I am, good evening ma'am." (Y/n) answered in a startled manner, confused how this woman knew her name.
"Mom? What are you doing here?" Isagi asked, flustered from being caught.
"In the living room?" The woman laughed and turned to look at (Y/n).
"It's so nice to finally meet Yoichi's girlfriend. You are just as lovely as Yoichi described you." The said boy felt his face grow pale and his world crashing.
"Girlfriend?! No ma'am, Isagi and I are just friends-"
"No need to hide from me that. I can see it from the way Yoichi talks about you! I can already heat the wedding bells-"
"Alright,(Y/n) we need to go! I will talk with you later!" Yoichi said quickly and the girl nodded, too embarrassed to say anything. Once the call was over Isagi took a few deep breaths, then flinching as his mom pinched his cheeks.
"Why so rude, Yoichi? I wanted to talk with her, she really seems lovely."
"Mom, please (Y/n) and I aren't dating... we are just friends..." Isagi said, trying to calm his mom down.
The woman kept quiet for a moment and the nodded her head.
"I see how it is... My little Yoichi is embarrassed talking about his relationship!"
"What?! Mom, no-"
"I will leave you and pretend you don't have a girlfriend... for now! But you better bring (Y/n) over here soon."
"We are not dating-"
Isagi bit his tongue and his mom giggled at him.
'I do wish (Y/n) was my girlfriend though... I hope I didn't lose my chances tonight...' Isagi sighed as he looked down at his phone.
When (Y/n) agreed to meet up with the purple-haired boy she expected them to visit an arcade and fast food restaurant. And while the first part did happen, the second part was more jarring. Instead of going to a local fast food place, Reo brought her to a very high-end expensive restaurant, where some waiters were oddly familiar with him.
"I really don't think we should eat here. I am sure there are other, cheaper places." (Y/n) said as the boy kept pulling her to their seats.
"Huh? Do you not like this one? I know a better restaurant down the road-"
"N-no... I meant this place is a little bit over my budget..." (Y/n) admitted, embarrassed as she looked around the place, but Reo paid no mind and sat her down, then he took the chair opposite of hers.
"Don't be rediculous, I am paying anyways."
"What? No, please don't-"
"(Y/n), you are doing a lot for us at Blue Lock and I really want to thank you somehow. You never ask for anything, just let yourself go." Reo said calmly as he sent (Y/n) one of his grins, the girl wanted to protest again, but a woman's voice stopped her.
"Reo? What are you doing here-oh?"
The boy's eyes widened as the duo looked up to find the heir's mother looked at them in shock. The boy gulped, recognizing the look she sent him and (Y/n) just felt awkward.
"Good afternoon, ma'am." The girl spoke up awkwardly and Reo felt like he wanted to die the moment his mom grinned at (Y/n).
"Reo, why did you never introduce me to your little girlfriend? She looks lovely. Hello dear, is my son treating you right? I hope he is being a gentleman-"
"M-mom you got it wrong. (Y/n) here and I are just-"
"(Y/n)? Finally I can put a face to the name." The older woman grinned and leaned down to the girl's eye-level.
"My son loves you a lot, he talks about you whenever he has the chance."
"I... Thank you?" (Y/n) said nervously and looked between her and Reo, who felt like dying in that moment.
'Talk about having no luck...'
The woman then spoke up again.
"I will be going now. Have fun you two, and Reo don't be stingy, we will talk about this tonight too."
The flustered teens looked at each other as the woman left and Reo started profusely apologizing.
'Wonderful... mom ruining my chances with (Y/n) wasn't on my plan today.'
There are two things Chigiri knows about his sister: 1. She is very beautiful and 2. She can be quite a handful when it comes to his love life. He didn't know which one he hated the most, the part where random dudes would ask for his sister's number or the one he was witnessing right now. Manshine city was having their first match this season, and the redhead decided to invite his mom, sister and (Y/n) to the game. The last one caused him to get death stares from Reo and Nagi, as they wanted to be the ones to invite her. And at the current moment he really wished he wasn't faster than the two.
It was half time right now and both teams were on their break when Chigiri's phone started to go off. In confusion he read through the messages, when his face started turning into a horrified one.
His dear sister had somehow started chatting with (Y/n) during the game and after finding out who she was, the older sibling decided to be the wingwoman for him.
'She is so sweet, Hyoma! Don't worry, with my matchmaking skill I will get you both together in no time!'
'Sis please don't do this to me now! It's humiliating and you are probably making (Y/n) uncomfortable.'
'Don't be rediculous she is enjoying the stories mom and I have been saying about you.'
'Mom is in on it too?!'
'Of course! Anyways, I need to come up with some strategies rn. Talk to you after the game... Btw (Y/n) told me she finds your gameplay today extraordinary good.'
Chigiri read the last message and inwardly sighed, knowing he will later have to deal with all the possible misinformation his sister or mom said. But one thing he loved about the older right now, was her telling him the last part. It was a good boost to his ego.
'If she found that impressive, wait for what else I have in store.'
"Meguru, my dear you did a phenomenal job! I am so proud of you!" The yellow-eyed boy grinned as his mother gave him a tight hug. It was right after Blue Lock finished their match with the U-20 and the boy still had so much adrenaline in his system. He felt like on top of the world after Isagi scored then the final point, he loved it. Loved the defeated look on the JFU and the U-20 team, the cheers and praises and he loved the look of joy (Y/n) had sent them from the benches. It was a look he will cherish forever and the one he will do his best to see again and again. He talked to his mom for a bit and the conversations they had were rather normal, until someone caught the older woman's eyes.
"Oh! Is that the girl you are crushing on? (Y/n), right?" Bachira froze in his spot and told his mom to be a little quiet, since he didn't want her to know that... well, not yet at least.
"Aww my baby is all grown up now, by the way she is coming over here. Be on your best behavior and let me deal with it."
"She is what? And what do you mean deal-"
"Bachira, Ego-san said we need to pack up." The boy slowly turned to look at (Y/n) and gulped nervously.
"A-alright! Let me just say-"
"You are (Y/n) (L/n), right? My son told me so much about you!"
Cursing to himself, Bachira watched in horror as (Y/n) turned her attention to his mom.
"Yes, you must be his mom. Bachira said a lot of great things about you to me. I heard you like to paint!"
"Yes! It's a big passion of mine, are you into any arts form?"
"Well, I do like literature and music. But painting is interested as well..."
Bachira felt his tension ease a little as he watched the two converse and slowly tye panic formed into relief. He really hoped they would get along and by the looks of it his prayers were answered. Although his mom would drop off some embarrassing statements about him, it looked like (Y/n) didn't mind.
'Maybe I could handle mom being a wingwoman... she seems to know what she is doing.'
"Ahhh that's so adorable! You two are like the Romeo and Juliette of football, Rin." The boy spat out the water he was drinking and looked at his mom in disbelief. He was slowly regretting inviting his parents to the match PXG had with Bastard München.
"Mom, the heck? Don't say that so casually!"
"Language, Rin! And I have a point, both your dad and I saw the way you were sending her looks during the game, especially when you would score." His mom said while his father was chuckling from behind her.
"No, I wasn't! The sun was just annoying me." The boy said, clearly not believing the excuse himself.
"It was such a cute thing to see. I never expected you to have a crush and on the rival team's manager at that." His mom continued speaking as his father nodded his head.
"Well, the boy started crushing on her while they still were on the team." His father argued and Rin felt like dying any second.
"Regardless, can you invite (Y/n) to have lunch with us 3 tomorrow?" His mom asked.
"Why would I do that? She probably has better things to do, anyways." Rin said back, he normally had a lot more patience than this.
"Just ask her, Rin. You clearly like her, don't waste your chances. "
"It was an order, Rin." His father said more strictly now and the boy sighed in defeat.
"Alright, I will text her later. She is busy right now." Rin said, sounding bitter as he pointed at the girl, who was talking to Kaiser and Isagi over God knows what.
"Great!" His mom said and Rin didn't like the look she had on her face, he knew she was planning something awfully humiliating.
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tootiecakes234 · 2 months
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@queenpiranhadon thank you so much for adding me to this writing event😇 it’s my very first one and I’m so glad to be apart of working with all these amazing people.
Syn: Kento’s wife finds out he’s been hit by a curse and turned into a frog. Only true love’s kiss can cure him.
I hope this story does the idea in my head justice.
This is supposed to be romance/comedy I guess… Enjoy😘😘
*also my longest story to date
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It’s been months since you’ve been back to the home where you’d grown up. It’s gotten harder and harder to find the time between teaching your students and exercising curses.
But you and your husband always made time every year to make sure you got back during Mardi Gras.
See you came from New Orleans, Louisiana and you left home your last year of high school to attend jujutsu high. It was the top school for learning to use your cursed technique so you’d jumped on the opportunity when it presented itself.
This led to you meeting your husband, Nanami Kento and also one of the amazing friends you’d made Satoru Gojo.
Mentioning Gojo now because to Kento’s dismay, he’d weaseled his way into this trip. His entire reason for going, being the if he didn’t get to try the beignets from New Orleans, he would simply pass away.
Kento questioned everyday, how he’d managed to fall in love with Satoru’s best friend. It was the only hesitation he had when it came to dating you in the beginning because he knew he would be stuck with Gojo for life… And here he was in the cab with you guys on the way to your dad’s restaurant.
“ have I mentioned how much I love America. There’s a sweet shop on every corner we’ve passed. I’m gonna go into a diabetic shock.”, Satoru said from the left side of you.
Under his breath you heard Kento mutter, “Sounds good to me” and you elbowed him softly.
The two of them had been bickering since you’d met up at the airport in Japan. You weren’t gonna make it the whole trip without at least a few headaches.
“So it’s the first day of Mardi Gras and I know the restaurants gonna be super busy so what are you guys going to do to keep yourselves entertained while I’m working in the kitchen with my dad?” You asked them.
“Well I figured we would have lunch at the restaurant first and go from there. At some point, I have to go and take care of that curse that I promised Yaga I would look into.” Kento states.
Of course Satoru interrupts, “ I don’t know why you took that on. I told the higher-ups that this is my vacation and it’s going to be curse fucking free.”
“Yes well not all of us are the chosen one and can just tell our superiors no when they ask for something. Besides, it’s only a level two curse. It shouldn’t take me very long to handle.”
“ OK well Kento, just remembered to be extra careful. The curses of New Orleans are conniving. They’re not particularly hard to exercise, but they can get you in some sticky situations. Trust me, I know.” You informed him once more.
There weren’t many curses around here but the ones that were always tried to slip a trick on people before killing them.
“ I promise to be safe, my love” and he pressed a kiss against your temple.
“And Nanami, you know if you run into any trouble your Senpai will be there to help you. I’m just a call away.” And you would hear the cheekiness lingering in his voice.
“ for the love of God” Kento groaned.
Fortunately, for him, you were pulling up to the restaurant now. the restaurant happened to also be connected to a place where your mom and dad stayed the restaurant downstairs and their house being upstairs.
You got to your child home and you guys unloaded the car and were immediately tackled by your mom and dad.
After you guys got inside and settled, it was already time for lunch prep to get started.
“ since you guys will be the first ones here you get the best seat in the house, which is in the middle so you’re far enough from the stage to have conversation but close enough to really hear the band that’ll be playing.” You told them as you came downstairs.
“ I think I would prefer to sit right next to the band as to make sure no conversation is had actually” Nanami said on you guys reached the first floor.
“Awwwwww, Ken, don’t act like. You’re hurting my feelings” Satoru whine as he drooped his arm over Kento’s shoulder.
You grabbed Gojo by his ear and sat him down in a chair.
“Stop riling him up or I’m not making beignets for you. Do you understand??” You ask with your eyebrows raised expectantly.
“Yes ma’am” he pouts but stays quiet.
Everything is smooth for a while as you set up for lunch, start cooking, and eventually start letting guests inside.
The place was packed before an hour had even passed so Satoru and Kento were forced to give up there seats and skeedadle. Kento to handle the curse he agreed to exorcise and Satoru to try every sweet he could find in a 5 mile radius.
Business was booming from lunch onward. You didn’t have a break between prepping, cooking and serving orders in the gaps between servers.
Satoru was still missing in action and all you could hope is that he didn’t walk into a voodoo shop trying to get sweets and walk out hexed.
On the other hand, Kento hadn’t tried to contact you either, but you didn’t have much time to think about it or check in right before the dinner rush.
You tried calling him and ended up talking to voicemail, so you decided to text him. You just sent a quick message asking if he was OK and when he’d be back.
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Around two hours later, Gojo came sauntering in looking like a kid who was let loose in a candy shop with a credit card. He had all types of to go bags and shopping bags hanging off of him.
He went up to drop everything off before he slid into the kitchen to see you. 
“ you haven’t heard from him since he left earlier”, he asked and you could hear the concern in his voice which only made you feel worse.
“ no and it started to make me nervous. I can’t just walk out and leave my dad to finish his dinner shift by himself.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s fine. I’ll use my six eyes to go see if I can find him. I’ll be back quick New Orleans minute” and the accent was so offensive you almost smacked the shit out of him.
“Just go.”
By the time Gojo got back, the dinner crowd had left, the restaurant was closed and you and your dad were in the back cleaning up.
He came in with no Nanami next to him, but both his hands hiding behind his back and a cheeky smile on his face.
“ where the hell is Kento! you’ve been gone for two hours and you mean to tell me you didn’t come back with him??” You started shouting at him.
You excused yourself from your parents ear shot while grabbing him by the ear again, and dragged him behind you.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch.” That really fucking hurts.
“ where the hell have you been? Where is my husband??!”
Satoru is rubbing his ear when he speaks, “ well I’ve got good news and bad news. Good news is I found Kinto, bad news is…” and he pulls his hand from behind his back. “ This is your husband.”
You immediately screamed because this asshole pulled a slimy, disgusting frog from behind his back!
“Satoru have you lost your mind again??? Have the sweets eaten a whole into your peanut sized brain!!! Get that thing out of here RIGHT NOW!!”
But before Gojo could speak…. The frog did.
“My love, i’m afraid this is the one time that Gojo is not joking around. It’s me.”
That voice was definitely Kento’s but there was no way. Absolutely now way.
“ I think she’s gonna pass out. Y/N are you gonna pass out?” Satoru said well balancing the frog in one hand and reaching out the other to catch your trembling form.
“Sweetheart maybe you should sit down. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
That was Kento alright. Always the worrying, doting husband.
“ it was the curse, wasn’t it? Kento I told you that the curse is here were different. How did you manage to let this happen? You’re a frog!” Your hands were rubbing circles at your temple and you were pacing back and forth.
“You were 100% right, but it was more than one curse and I was caught off guard.”
“ yeah he couldn’t exercise them in his frog form so I had to do it when I got there and let me tell you those things look even more insane the ones in Japan. I did manage to get some information out of them before I killed them though.”
“What kind of information?” You groaned. You had such a killer headache right now it felt like your head would pound for the rest of your life.
“ good news first or bad news first” he asked you with small smile playing at your lips.
The death glare you gave him would’ve cut through his infinity if he had it on.
“ OK so good news first, um, you can fix him!” He says.
“Oh thank god!” You say on an exhale.
“He hasn’t said the bad news yet, baby” Kento chirps up.
“Yeaaaa… bad news is the only way to break. The curse is with true loves kiss”
“No” the word flew out of your mouth so quickly. “No why in hell am I kissing a frog.”
“ my love…”
“Do not “my love” me Kento. There’s no way! You’re SLIMY AND GREEN!” And you’re in full blown hysterics now.
You hear a chuckle from Gojo but he quickly shuts his mouth.
“ darling, I know this is a bad time to bring this up but… I do recall a certain asking on more than ONE occasion, if her husband would love her if she were a worm, a fish, and a plethora of other little creature. And said husband said yes to all of those.”
The calmness in his voice at that moment had never made you more irritated.
“ those were hypotheticals! You can’t throw that back in my face now.” You whine again because you don’t know what else to do.
Gojo decided now to speak up again, “ I may have also forgotten to mention that if the curse isn’t broken by midnight, your darling husband will stay in this form until his dying day”
“Turn off the infinity Satoru! Turn it off now!”
“So you can MURDER ME!?!? I think not!”
“Just give me one swing at the pretty face. You’ll only have 3 eyes when I’m done with you cuz I’m taking out half your power with one punch!” You shout.
Satoru keeps his infinity up, places Kento on a table, and starts walking away from your murderous being.
“ well I’ll take that as my cut to leave. I’ll let you lovebird sort this out amongst yourselves. Umm quick heads up midnight strikes in about six minutes do what you want with that goodbye!” And he’s out the door.
“Baby.” Your husband says in that soft soothing tone of his. “ I love you and I will continue to love you even if you leave me in this state as a green slimy frog, but I would truly prefer if we just did a quick little kiss and got this over with.”
“I cannot believe this! I should leave you like this you know. I told you several times not to take on this assignment.” You mewl.
“I know. I deserve this, I truly do.”
“I’m about to miss a frog. Me, (your full name) am about to kiss a fucking frog!”
“It’ll be quick love, just a quick peck. Close your eyes and it’ll be over before you know it.”
“I think I’m gonna bath.”
“Please wait until after the kiss. I don’t want you to throw up on me, I’m already slimy.”
“Why would you say that now??” You ask him with your eyes stretched.
“Sorry, bad timing.”
“Ughhhhhh. Fuck, fine. Count me down.”
You start jumping in place preparing your self.
“3”…. You start leaning in, “2” inching closer and trying to to keep your gag reflex in order, “1” you slam your eyes shut, pucker your lips and connect them to the amphibians.
Before you know it, Kento is again standing in front of you, but there is a flash blinding you from seeing his face.
“Wow, that is true love. Y/N you just kissed a frog.” When the flash dies down you see Gojo with his phone held up to you two. He was recording the whole thing.
“Oh that does it. You’re dying here satoru! Don’t run. Why are you running you piece of shit, get back here!!” And you spend the rest of the night trying to rip your best friend head off his body.
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By the time you get back home, you’d managed to destroy Gojo’s phone and any evidence any of it ever happened.
“Are you ok my sweetheart? You’ve had an extremely trying day.” Kento asks as you both get into bed.
“No. I want to go to sleep and forget the last 24 hours happened.
“I completely understand. Get some sleep sweet girl.” And he tried to lean in and press a kiss to your lips.
Your hand stop him dead in his tracks.
“Too soon Kento, too soon.” And you turn your body away from him and try to fall to sleep. You hear him chuckle behind you and snuggle up to your back.
tags : @queenpiranhadon, @cashmoneyyysstuff, @tootiecakes234, @starieq, @sweetienans, @seonne, @lovelyiida, @lady-ashfade, @4evapika, @angels-fantasy, @2melamoo2 - check out their storybook event fics too!
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leftrightnomin · 11 months
Please, Sir! || Yuta Nakamoto
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Pairing: Yuta Nakamoto x Reader
Summary: You found yourself sitting at the dinner table of the Nakamoto household. Rest assured that you are safe for the night. Maybe.
Genre: Smut, Rated R (18+), Bestfriend's Dad x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Unprotected sex (wrap it up, ppl), Cheating (Yuta is married), Praise kink, Begging, Degradation, Fingering, Lots of dirty talking, Size kink, Oral sex (nky receiving), Dumbification,
A/N: Hi, did anyone miss me? Well, here's a little something for all of you. Enjoy!
~ • ~ •~ • ~ •~ • ~ •~ • ~
You had been trying to avoid going to the Nakamoto’s home. You were trying to avoid conflict with your best friend's smoking-hot father, Yuta. It wasn't like you were always around their home, Giselle lived in her own apartment. For that reason, you were thankful. When you were younger and in college you would often go over for dinner with Giselle or she’d go to your family’s house. But it wasn’t necessary anymore. You were both grown adults now with 9 to 5 jobs to attend to.
This time, however, Julia A.K.A Mrs. Nakamoto was throwing a small dinner party for their family, close friends, and relatives. Apparently, Mr. Nakamoto got promoted at his company and from what you heard, the newly acquired title comes with a six-figure salary. A big deal really. Giselle had told you that her mom and dad wanted you there.
Of course, your father would want me there. You thought.
It wouldn't be an actual crisis if you and Yuta weren't indulging in each other's warmth behind closed doors, away from his family's eyes. Or anyone at all. You'd have to be playing the poker face like crazy at the dinner table to protect what you and Yuta shared. Certainly, you wouldn’t do anything with him with all the people around.
But still, you are sure that you will be having a hard time pretending. Not now and obviously not sooner. Not when you've had a taste of the great Yuta Nakamoto. You were in for a long night now that you knew what he was like, how good he was, how wild he could get, and just how hot and filthy he could be.
You made the choice to use a panty liner solely because you thought it would be handy. Having your panties wet and also probably your pants or anything to show through your clothing wouldn't look good. You didn't anticipate needing it, but you were also aware of how frail you had become from a quick glimpse of Mr. Nakamoto.
If he even extended his hug or spoke to you in a deep, seductive voice or if he smiled too broadly while flashing those dimples, you were pretty well doomed. So, yes, for practical reasons, merely a just-in-case moment, you wore pantyliners.
You were picked up by Giselle as scheduled. The trip to The Nakamotos' home took close to 30 minutes.
"Are you alright?" Giselle maintained her focus on the road. She detected something about you. She simply had no idea what.
"Yeah. No doubt. Why?"
"You've been quiet since you got in my car. It reminds me of when we first met in junior high or worse," she chuckled as she hastily cast a short glance your way.
Prior to her arrival, you made an effort to relax. You calmed your stiff body and mind through meditation, chamomile tea, and a bite of dried ginger. You practiced some meditative yoga while listening to soothing background music. And you thought it was beneficial.
But as soon as Yuta's text message chimed into your phone, your pulse shot up and you started to sweat heavily. All that effort you put into calming yourself was for nothing.
He didn't say anything other than that he was anticipating seeing you after asking you if you were still coming. There it was. His communications contained nothing sexually explicit or provocative. Without trying, he did that to you. Hence the need for wearing pantyliners was a must.
You shook your head and laughed at your friend's remark. "No, I'm alright. Just worn out. Last night at the restaurant was a long one. Not exactly a lie, but I had barely arrived home by midnight."
And that appeared to be a suitable response. Giselle didn't inquire more about your strange behavior that evening at least.
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There were Yuta's brother and his wife. The parents, husband, and cousin of Mrs. Nakamoto, a friend from down the street and a neighbor. Then, you and Giselle. That's it.
A delightful modest supper with dessert was served along with drinks. some musical selections. It was lovely to see everyone chatting while outside. However, you were agitated and making an effort to force yourself to stop staring at the man of the moment. Your cheeks and neck warmed up each time your sight met his, sending shivers down your spine.
Control yourself, Y/N.
It's a celebratory dinner for Pete's sake.
You shouldn't even be thinking of it.
You got along well with Yuta over dinner. He treated you as the best friend of his daughter. It was good yet at the same time you detested it.
You wished you could join everyone else in laughing at his jokes while sitting on his lap and encircling his shoulders. You desired to boldly kiss him in front of his crowd and hold his hand. But it was clear that wouldn't happen.
The man's wife was always close by. And after all, he was only secretly yours. With the door locked, in your apartment, and covered in fabrics. He was only yours in the absence of sight and hearing of others.
At supper, you barely gave him a glance as you were eating. Not even when he was speaking to everyone and expressing gratitude for their attendance. You restrained yourself from glancing at his face. You admired how his eyes sparkled and how his lips twitched, how he made motions with his hands and ringed fingers while he spoke, and most importantly, his smile. You knew it would only cause you trouble if you did.
At the conclusion of his little thank-you speech, he turned to face you and raised his glass. Along with the others, you raised yours skyward before taking a sip collectively eyes fixed on him. Even if it just lasted a few seconds, it made you warm. Hot enough to have your thighs pressed closely together beneath your white linen dress.
When everyone was mingling and strolling around the backyard, Yuta had the chance to walk up to you.
He placed his hand on your bare shoulder and whispered into your ear, "I missed you, sweetheart."
All of your encounters with her took place there at your residence. He sometimes spends a night there and even a whole full day.
However, you were scheduled to work and cover for a few servers who couldn't arrive for whatever reason because you had been busy. Additionally, Yuta was absent for nearly a week due to a business trip. Typically, you and Yuta met once a week at most. He hadn't spent any time in your bed in a few weeks.
It's true—you really did miss him.
"Do not leave until you and I are able to have a chat."
He squeezed at your exposed skin as he emphasized the word chat, and as he started to leave, he glanced down at you and winked.
A panty liner was indeed required.
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You assisted Giselle in replenishing some of the empty bottles and replacing the cooler's ice. You made an effort to keep busy and avoid thinking about what Yuta wanted to "chat" about. Or suppose "chat" was a code word for something different.
At the gathering, a neighbor approached you and entertained you with his jokes. He appeared to be friendly and outgoing with everyone. You could understand his invitation and the Nakamoto's preference for him as a close friend. He was extremely hilarious. In fact, chatting to him and hearing his outrageous college narrative got you thinking back to your own experience while making you giggle. He assisted you in temporarily forgetting about your small taboo affair. He temporarily distracted you from Yuta.
Yet, Yuta didn't like how you and Johnny were laughing.
You were smiling when Johnny gently took hold of your forearm and moved in to speak to you. And so, when the man stood right next to you and your new friend, the brief respite you got from thinking about Yuta and swooning over him abruptly ended.
"Y/N, I need your assistance with something," He furrowed his brow and indicated the home, "Would you help me, please?"
You took a breath and nodded, "Sure, Mr. Nakamoto."
You gave Johnny a courteous grin and walked with the broad-shouldered guy into his house.
Yuta escorted you upstairs and into a spacious bathroom which was never used in silence. He quickly ushered you inside and secured the door with a click sound of the door lock. He undid the cuffs from his pale pink button-up shirt while you watched in silence, then raised his eyes to meet yours as he rolled the material up his forearms.
"Isn't Johnny a great guy?" Yuta finally spoke up, leaning against the wide vanity sink with the wall-length mirror opposite him and crossing his arms over his wide chest.
"Yeah," you smiled sheepishly as you nodded, "He is nice. Funny too."
Yuta pursed his lips and slowly scanned your figure, taking you in.
He had seen your attire and had daringly glanced at you all evening, but he was unable to hold his stare for very long. Hence, nothing he experienced was gratifying. It wasn't enough to allow himself to see your ass's curvature or the point where your neck and jaw connected. He was now relieved that he was finally able to get the close look at you that he had been craving for all night.
"What were you two discussing?" Yuta jutted out his hips and displayed his stunning bulge for you as he uncrossed his arms and placed his palms on the marble top of the vanity behind him.
Acting with knowledge, I see.
"Well, sir, absolutely nothing actually. He was relating stories to me from his time in university. We were exchanging stories from college."
"Yeah? Did you discover after that the two of you have a lot in something in common?" He furrowed his brow.
You glanced briefly at his crotch before returning to his face. It was an uninvited glance. He saw where your eyes wandered, and even though you didn't mean to, it made him smile.
"No. Not really," you thought as you reciprocated his sly grin with your own and crossed your arms over your chest.
Over the months, you had grown to know him a little, and this small detail about him straight away made you feel at peace. He liked playing with you, teasing and building up your hunger for his heat.
"Why do you have a lot of questions about Johnny? Are you perhaps interested in him?" You crack a joke.
"No, I'm not," said Yuta, cocking his head and widening his grin. "Come, move closer."
You took the few sluggish steps necessary to narrow the distance between you two while biting your lip and uncrossing your arms. Your hips aligned with his as soon as you were within arm's reach of him.
"I'm just worried that I haven't been able to fuck you in what?" He then pulled you into him by your waist and said, "A span of three weeks?"
You chuckled softly and nodded, "Almost, 18 days to be exact."
Yuta smirked, "Counting the days without my cock are you?"
You placed your arms around his shoulders, saying, "Yes," with a big smile and a giggle. "I missed you so much, Mr. Nakamoto."
Yuta admired your lips briefly before returning her attention to your eyes, "Unfortunately, the house is crowded with visitors."
You frowned, "I'll be quiet, Sir. I promise."
"I bet you'd love for me to bend you over so I can fuck you right now in this bathroom, wouldn't you?" Yuta murmured in a low, raspy voice as he moved one of his hands up to your face and thumbed over your cheekbone.
You quickly separated your lips while nodding, "Yes, please, Sir. "
Yuta scolded, "So filthy. So fucking desperate. Do you need me that much, baby?" As you reached your tongue out to taste it, his thumb lightly touched your bottom lip.
You looked at his eyes with lust and a hint of greed. You needed his cock so bad. You wailed as you attempted to encircle his thumb with your lips, but he quickly withdrew his hand from your grasp. He was suddenly slipping between your legs and was pulling you such that you were pulled up onto the counter.
"When was the last time you had an orgasm?" he asks as his palms go underneath your dress and grab hold of your thighs.
Your words were breaths, "This morning."
"Really, how horrible was it? You don't seem to be content with anything. You used your fingers, right?"
"Yes, Sir. I used my clit sucker, too," you grinned and ran your fingers down his chest, "Pretended it was you between my legs."
Despite how cool he was behaving, you could see his dick hardening in his trousers and knew he was getting turned on.
"And you're still in such need? Does your little pussy require a lot of care or are you just pure filthy greedy for it?
"A little bit of both, Sir, " You let out a heavy breathe.
"I bet you're drenched as hell."
You gasped as you saw what he was about to find as his hands traveled upward toward your panties. Your wet underwear liner. Hardly that, seductive.
He stopped with a perplexed expression when his index finger touched the crotch of your pants. It felt unique not typical.
"Are you perhaps on your period, angel?" He said as he examined your underwear by pushing your legs apart and removing your dress.
When he ran his fingers down the edge of the cotton in your panty liner, he recognized what it was which earned you a light frustrated groan.
"No," you jerked your head. "It was only for keeping dry."
Yuta licked his lips and poked his middle finger beneath the crotch of your pants, and when he grasped what you meant, his eyebrows went up. Your underwear was dry, but the liner was sodden. As he kissed your lips, his fingers found your crease and softly played with it.
Both his fingers and the kiss were gentle and easy. He massaged your soaking pussy lips while you whimpered and ran your hands through his hair.
He kissed you briefly before removing his hands from your underwear and saying, "Like I said, our home is crowded with people."
"I bet your wet pussy would feel fantastic wrapped around my cock, right now," he kissed you soft lips once again. "I'm going to fuck my fist tonight thinking about how wet you got for me before I even touched you, princess."
"Please, Sir. Please." Angry, you yanked at his hands and begged, "I'll keep quiet, I promise. We can do it silently. I just —,"
You let your head down and closed your eyes tightly from too much need and frustration.
He raised you chin so that you could meet his equally lustful eyes, "Wow. Look at you. So frustrated and needy."
"I don’t know baby," you felt his hands on your thighs again. "I really don’t think it’s a good idea.”
He squeezed your thighs, his eyes growing darker and the bulge under his pants, pushing hard at his zipper.
“Please, fuck me, Mr. Nakamoto,"
"You’re the only one that can satisfy me,”
"I really need your cock,"
You were practically a mess by the time, begging so desperately for what you've been need the past eighteen days.
Yuta let out a laugh through his nose and shook his head, “Although that's a fact, I still think it's just too risky.”
Although he held your thighs firmly in place and used his pink tongue to moisten his lips as he peered down at your cleavage, his body language belied what he had just stated.
You were aware of the risk as well. However, you had another thought. You'd already politely asked him even added a please. He just wanted to continue acting as though he didn't care about you. He wanted you to beg for him.
And you did. Like a whore thirsty for cock, you desperately did.
"I want your cock, Mr. Nakamoto,"
"I don't think a toy will do for tonight,"
"I really fucking need your cock,"
He knew he had the upper hand, "You're gonna have to be patient little one."
You figured he'd hear you pleading with him once more. Of course, with a bargain in mind.
"Sir, I cannot wait now. It hurts," you pouted.
You brought his hand back to your front and held it in place, "Feel me, Mr. Nakamoto. Feel my aching clit hungry for your touch."
He shut his eyes and clinched his jaw as you stared. He was aware that you were playing with him to get what you want. After all, he was already wrapped around your tiny little fingers.
"Oh my sweet, sweet princess,"
"Would Johnny reject my request if I made it?" You asked with a raised brow as your last attempt of seducing him.
"You are such a fucking brat, princess," he shook his head, eyes glaring intensely at yours.
His comments sounded mean but they sounded so good to your ears. Accompanied with a smirk on his flushed face, he pulled your pants with its liner down your legs, tossing it onto the floor, and immediately undid his pants, pulling his cock out from the front of his briefs.
When you first saw his girthy, warm cock unconstrained, you couldn't help but groan. You moved to the edge and positioned your bare feet on the counter top so you were spread out and readily available for him to access as you reached down to touch him. Ready for him to ruin.
"Is this what you were hungry for?" Yuta already had lust in his eyes, His gaze was heavy as he eyed you and cupped his cock in his hand while holding his tip to your wet hole and asking,
"Mhmm," you hummed as you felt the tip of his pulsating cock.
"Wanted to be fucked by a married man in the guest bathroom?"
Fuck, his voice sounds so good.
"Wanted to get with my daughter and wife merely down there?"
So fucking good.
"Wanted me to fuck you with a house full of strangers wondering where I am?" Yuta's strong voice eventually broke through your tight muscle as he spoke lowly into your ear.
"Fuck, yes please, Sir." You desperately nodded, "I don't care if there's people downstairs. All I want is your cock."
"You better be true to your word, sweetheart." Yuta warned you. "Be quiet or else, I'll stop."
"Yes… yes," you mumbled as gently as you could and clung to his shoulders to keep yourself steady, as you gasped at the way his huge cock started to push past your soft and wet walls.
Yuta watched as his cock gently dipped inside your pussy and heaved a trembling breath mingled with a gasp. You were already so drenched in your own juice that Yuta could hear when he pulled back an inch before diving in even deeper.
"Can't help myself, Y/N. You're pussy is choking my cock so deliciously."
He started to push and cant his hips, sinking so far into your cunt that each time he came to the bottom, his balls hit you "My sweet girl is doing such an excellent job taking me in."
Yuta pushes in accompanied with either a soft groan or a whimper.
"Ugh, so tight sweetheart,"
Thrusts in.
"Fuck, yes,"
Pulls out.
"Ooh, more please,"
"So good,"
You were relieved that the only sounds were gasps, pants, and the sound of a pussy being pounded.
Yuta leaned in so he could reach for your lips and fuck you slowly, trying his best to minimize the sound of skin sticking and slapping while you clung tightly to his shoulders.
Your limbs were starting to tire, and your head was spinning from too much pleasure. Your thighs were kept wide by Yuta's painful yet pleasurable grip.
"Fuck, Yuta," You gasped as he released one of your thighs and put his thumb to your clit exactly as you needed, "Right there, Mr. Nakamoto. Don't stop, please!"
This was one of the things you couldn't resist. He always understood your needs perfectly.
"Here?" He smirked as he started to lose rhythm while fucking into you. "Do I make you feel good, baby? Are you gonna come for me?"
"Oh fuck yes," you covered your mouth in an attempt to silence your moans. "So good, Mr. Nakamoto. You're cock fills so fucking good."
Your stomach started to burn and your thighs began trembling as Yuta's lips remained over your mouth and he kept rocking his hips in. You sobbed into his mouth and tightened your hold on his shoulders.
"Such desperate little whore you are," Yuta himself said in a tense, labored voice as he felt his balls contract. "Couldn't even wait for a couple more days,"
He always met his demise too quickly thanks to you. He felt like he was a horny teenager once again every time he was with you. There is no turning back when it comes to you. Your immaculate, tight and slick pussy, complete with bedroom eyes and full lips — he wanted it. He had a similar burning desire for you. He desperately need you.
“Desperate for you, Mr. Nakamoto," You panted and felt the hot decadence of your insides begin to unfurl as Yuta’s thumb expertly rubbed and circled your clit. "Want you so bad. I'll let you ruin me all day and all night."
He sensed you starting to close in on him and, anticipating your climax, "M'coming, Mr. Nakamoto. So fucking close, fuck!"
"Come for me, sweetheart," he covered your mouth with his. "Come all over my hard cock."
You saw stars and writhed onto his thumb as he continued to thrust into you with deep, powerful strokes while he kissed you hungrily. He was couldn't help himself back either at each twitch your cunt made and the slick noises of your pouring orgasm.
"Fuck, baby. I'm gonna come,"
"Come inside me, Sir," you caressed his hair as you came down your own high, "Give it all to me."
"Fuck," He rutted into you forcefully while panting into your mouth, shoving himself so deeply that his come could adequately coat every part of your body. "Oh, feels so good, Y/N."
He slowly drew away from you and then fucked himself back into you until he was balls-deep in you, all of his juices smothered your warm walls.
He pulled your legs up over his hips as he leaned in to kiss you, removing his thumb from your overstimulated clit and placing both hands on your thighs. His cock was still pulsing as he came down, and as he pressed his mouth against yours.
You laughed in his face, "Mr. Nakamoto, we were both desperate for release."
Knowing that he was in the same situation as you made you smile.
You finally dropped your legs as Yuta gently hissed at how sensitive he felt as he pushed himself away from the kiss. It wasn't the same, despite the fact that he had been torturing himself with thoughts of you every night. He desired your pussy to be content, just as you desired for his cock.
Not only his cock, either.
Mr. Nakamoto was essential.
It started to become an obsession. Your obsession.
Yuta brought his finger up to your lips after dragging it along the area where his come was starting to escape from you. He smiled at your greed as you quickly sucked his warm sperm from his fingers.
Your cheek was lovingly stroked by his knuckles as he said, "You are my sweet daughter, aren't you?"
You chuckled and gave him a sly smile, "You're just too hard to resist, Sir."
"What day off are you taking next?"
"Wednesday. Why?" You gave him an expectant smile.
"Stay free on that day." He handed you your underwear and casually stated, "I'm coming over," before pulling his pants back up.
"What if I already had plans that day?" You hopped down from the counter while grinning as your panties were being dragged up your legs.
He encircled you, palms flat on the vanity counter on either side of your hips lightly pinning you against the counter, "Cancel them."
Why would you refuse? You couldn't even though you should. You even loved to tease him a little, but you weren't going to anyhow. With him, you can never say no. It's the same way as he could never resist you.
"Okay. Fine. My scheduled has been moved, Sir. Considering how lost and hopeless you are without me."
Yuta shook his head and laughed through his nose, "Such a mouthy brat."
He gave you one final kiss before straightening himself up in the mirror and exiting the bathroom as if he hadn't just screwed his daughter's best friend while his spouse and other relatives were present.
You groaned and smiled as you turned to face the mirror. Such a mistake. But he was in such excellent spirits.
And even though he was married, you were well aware that he belonged to you.
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lowkeycasanova · 1 year
catching up
plot: you run into Vinnie after breaking up 3 years ago
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Take out bag in hand from the pick up counter, focused on nothing and no one as you walked through the restaurant as you ordered an Uber to go back to the Airbnb.
But there he was, and he recognized you as you walked past each other. You didn’t even realize.
You nearly tripped over your own two feet and almost bumped into someone upon hearing your name called. You step aside and with a confused expression, you turn around to the direction of the voice.
“Vinnie.” You breathed out.
Before you could even process what was happening, he walked up and pulled you into a hug. Closing your eyes, you hugged him back.
“I can’t believe it’s you.” He said and pulled away. “You look amazing.”
“Yeah, so do you.”
He’s definitely filled out since the last time you saw him. He had more muscle, he grew out his hair, it was also more of his natural color, his previously bare hands were covered in tattoos and you knew he had more, and you swore he got a tad bit taller.
“God, it’s been a while.”
You pursed your lips. “Three years…”
"What do you mean you're going to LA?" you asked him in disbelief.
"I just think this would be a good opportunity for me."
"You make random videos for fun. It's not a job."
"Not yet, but who knows, I could make a career out of this."
"Since when do you wanna be some entertainer? You've never mentioned anything like that." you argued back. "But that wasn't the plan. We're supposed to be going to college together. I was so happy when we both got accepted, but now you spring this on me a month before school starts?"
He sighed. "I know. I'm sorry, but having contacts out there could help push my modeling. And maybe I could get into acting. I've always wanted to try that."
"Again, you never mentioned that."
"Well maybe I kept my mouth shut because there would be no opportunity like that for me here in Seattle!" He raised his voice in frustration. "And now, I have it and I wanna take it."
You felt the tears forming in your eyes and tried to keep yourself together. Part of the reason was that you were just such a perfectionist, planning for things in the future, and when they don't go as planned, you don't know what to do.
Also, to you, it wasn't wise of him to just up and go. Sure, having one million followers was impressive, but, so what? Plus, he didn't have that much money. He's just hoping it all works out.
Vinnie left two days after his 18th birthday. You couldn't believe he actually got on that plane. No, you didn't like it, but you accepted it for what it was.
"So, how's school going?" Vinnie asked.
You two had moved over to the side of the entrance doors and leaned against the wall so you wouldn't be in other people's way.
"Um...you know, going into my last year. It's exciting."
"Still interior design?" he asked.
You nodded.
"So, what brought you to LA?"
"Um, just took a trip with a friend before school starts up again."
If Vinnie was disappointed that you didn't reach out to him upon arriving, he didn't show it.
"What would your major have been? If you stayed?"
"Mathematics and physics. But I'd probably still be an electrician on the side with my dad."
Talking about his what ifs made the memories come back.
Just hung up the phone after talking to Vinnie. You sigh in disappointment.
He called to let you know that he wouldn't be able to come to the annual homecoming game on campus due to some photoshoot he had to do.
You tried to not let it affect you. It was just a football game. And Vinnie was seemingly starting to do the things he really wanted, so you wanted to be supportive of that.
It was then when you felt a shift in the relationship.
Putting on a happy face the day of the game, you ended up dressing up with your friends, decked out in purple and white, while sending pictures and videos to Vinnie.
He came back and visited for a few days before going back to LA. You were so consumed with school and wanted to focus on that.
There was one moment when you were up late doing homework. You began thinking about what it would be like if you finished up your first semester at the University of Washington and then transferred to Cal State or some school out there to be closer to Vinnie.
It was when you were reviewing the transfer requirements at UCLA when you thought, what the hell am I doing?, then exited out the website.
That wasn't what you wanted.
Vinnie was started to blow up at this point. It was hard to miss. And it was evident that you two started to talk less. You tried to make the effort. He'd been a bad texter at certain times but it was never frequent. You hated the possibility that he was somehow ignoring you but it only got worse when you'd see him in the media out with his new friends at restaurants and rumored to be dating this girl or that girl.
You wondered how he had time to talk to them and not you.
It got to a point where you'd drop everything when Vinnie did get back to you.
One day you got a call from him.
"I don't know if I wanna do this, Y/N. I just wanna come back."
Had he told you this a few weeks earlier, you'd would have no problem convincing him.
"Vinnie...you've only been out there for a short amount of time. As much as I'd want you to come back, I think you should stay a little longer. And if things still continue to not work out, I already know your parents would let you move back in. Stay and do the best you can."
He didn't say anything, only sighed on the other end.
You continued. "And to be honest, we should both be doing our own things individually."
"...what do you mean?"
You bit the bullet and told him that it would be best to break up. Thinking about it, but didn't want to say it because the two of you had grown so close. But y'all needed to do your own thing right now. You perceived the call from him as him holding back from striving to do his best in LA because he was tied down to a girl in another state. Vinnie obviously didn't want it, but he knew it was inevitable.
As you two continued to talk, a black car drove up and parked in front of the restaurant.
“Oh shit.” You said and looked down at your phone. “That’s my Uber. I gotta go. And I don't wanna gold you up from whoever is waiting for you inside."
“Oh.” He said and you could tell he was trying to hide his disappointment. "I'm the first one here. Just coming with friends. But sure, of course. Hey, maybe we could, hang out or something tomorrow. If…you want to.” And he nervously scratched the back of his neck.
You raised a brow. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’d love for you to meet my friends and see the house.”
He hoped he didn’t come off as bragging with that last part.
"Yeah, sure, I'll come."
He smiled. "Alright, cool." and he pulled you into a tight hug.
When you got back to the Airbnb, you told your friend about your run in with Vinnie and the invitation to go to his house. You'd known her while you were dating him, so she knew the story.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked.
You shrugged. "I don't see why not."
"Okay as your friend, I don't think you should go. I mean sure it'll be nice for a second, until we go back to Seattle and he stays here and you're back to where you started."
This was definitely going to open up old emotions. Oh well.
The next afternoon, Vinnie picked you up. He said he hoped you hadn't changed your mind.
When you arrived at the house, you noticed quite a few cars in the driveway and felt hesitant.
"I didn't know you had so much company. I could've came another day."
He chuckled when he realized why you said that. "These belong to me and my buddy Jett."
“Oh.” You smiled.
“We buy them and try to fix ‘em up.”
Vinnie opened the door up for you, allowing you to go in first. You smiled at how beautiful and lively it was. He told you his roommates were his best friends, but he also had other friends come over a lot.
You stood beside Vinnie and he introduced you. He wanted to have everyone’s attention. They stopped what they were doing to come and meet you. You didn't know where to look, trying to greet them. His friend, Jack, told you that Vinnie had mentioned you'd be here.
Vinnie told you to make yourself at home and you got comfortable on the couch in the living room, admiring all the instruments that were there. His friends Josh and Adam are sitting on the spot across from you. You started to get to know them, laughing as they're pretty funny.
Vinnie makes his way over, silently observing you, happy that you seem to be getting along with everyone. He always loved that about you.
"You guys better not be talking about me." Vinnie's voice catches you off guard.
"Oh we definitely were." you answer back. The boys laugh and someone else comes and grabs their attention for a moment.
"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Vinnie asks, his fingertips barely grazing your shoulder.
"Yeah, sure."
You got up and follow his lead. He gives you a tour of the house on the way up to his room.
"Nice picture." you said, referring to the big frame that had his head and his cat's heat photoshopped onto it.
Speaking of Hera, she came up and purred against your leg like she'd known you forever.
"Oh thanks." he laughed while simultaneously trying to make the cords from his gaming setup look less chaotic. "My mom got that for me as a Christmas gift."
You had gotten close with his family too. You two spent time at each other's houses a lot due to not being able to go to the same high school. After the breakup, his parents and younger brother still followed you on social media, but you hadn't spoke to them in person. It hurt that you had also lost your second family.
He motioned for you to sit on the bed next to him and you did. He seemed like he was trying to get his words together.
"Honestly, to start it off, I wanna tell you what went down as far as moving out here."
He looked at you, as if asking for permission to continue. You nodded.
"Um...I know that you felt this disconnect between us and you said it would be best for us to do things on our own. You were right. I was being distant...but it wasn't because I didn't love you anymore, I was just going through a really rough time. I mean, I was in two houses over the course of four months and before I moved into Hype, I almost didn't have a place to stay. I was nearly broke because I wasn't making money off my content yet. And I just...didn't know what I was doing or where I was going with my life at the time."
Your face fell as he told you this. You felt so bad. Guilty even. That the break up was while he was going through all this stress. Like a final nail in the coffin.
"It's not your fault." he said as he noticed your expression and put a hand on your shoulder. You just looked at your hands in your lap. " I don't blame you at all.
"I should have really asked you if you were doing okay."
"I would've lied about it. I didn't tell my parents, you, or my friends. I just kept everything inside and I distanced myself from you, my audience, some of my friends, and I started saying rash things online. Just becoming someone that I wasn't. I realize now I shouldn't have done that. I should have talked to somebody, anybody about it. So that's my fault.
"I'm really sorry. And I'm sorry for how things were handled between us."
"Don't be. I think I needed to go through that. If not, I probably wouldn't be where I am today."
You felt tears forming in your eyes and wrapped your arms around him and he embraced you back.
"You deserved to know. Thanks for hearing me out."
"Of course. I'm so proud of you."
You two eventually pulled away and he ran a hand through his hair.
"Hey listen, I'm not saying we jump right back into something, but....I broke your trust, and I'll like to earn it back, If you let me."
"So, what are you saying?" you ask, searching his face as if it had the answers.
"I just wanna be in your life again. As your friend. I want to get to know you now, and for you to get to know me now. And see where it goes from there."
You looked at him in silence, feeling butterflies as he was looking at you.
"Okay." you said, almost in a whisper.
"Yeah?" he begins to smile and you nod.
He pulls you into him again. "Thank you. I won't mess this up."
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
From the moment I took you in the station (part 2 Colin zable x fem reader smut)
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Summary: you and Colin go on a date after it you invite Colin for a few drinks 😏
Warnings: smut, mentions of parents separating, oral (reader receiving), alcohol
Word count:2,4k
Part 1
Before you knew it Saturday rolled along, with that time you and Colin texted whenever you could knowing he was busy with work. At night you both would talk on the phone about anything and everything. You felt like a teenager again with the feeling of butterflies in the pit of your stomach and the constant blushing.
Amy helped you pick the perfect outfit not even a day after Colin asked you on a date, a black dress that fell just above your knees, showing a little cleavage it was casual yet elegantly formal. It was perfect one of your favourites but you never got around to wearing it yet. You paired the dress with black heels and your favourite pieces of jewellery. Your makeup was simple 'the French girl look' your sister said it was.
You finally got a text from Colin saying he was outside in his car waiting on you. Your sister was already at her friends house so you locked the door and made your way to Colin's car. "Hi" you smiled you were nervous but excited it had been a good while since you were on a date it felt new again. "Wow you look beautiful" Colin said in awe admiring you beauty.
"I feel overdressed my sister insisted I wear it" you giggled nervously. Colin shook his head dismissively "no you look perfect" he smiled beginning to drive to the restaurant. The drive was quite not in a awkward way it was nice.
Soon enough you both made it to the restaurant, Colin gave the name of the reservation the waiter guided you both to a table. "Can I get you both any drinks?" The waiter asked as you both scanned through the drinks menu. "I'll just have a coke with ice" you said with a polite smile. "Yeah I'll have the same" Colin nodded to the waiter handing them the menu. "This place is really nice" you said admirably sure you had been to fancy restaurants years ago but nothing like this.
"I'm glad you like it" Colin smiled he couldn't help but think how beautiful you looked under the bright lights, your eyes shining in admiration taking the decor in. Within a few minutes the waiter came back with your drinks and more menu's, you both thanked the waiter before they left you to your own devices. You opened the menu everything sounded delicious you couldn't make your mind up.
"So hard to choose something" Colin broke the silence between you both. "It really is to be fair though the maple glazed chicken is really screaming at me" you giggled lightly which Colin returned.
Eventually you both sat with your food talking about anything and everything really getting to know each other. "So how come your single?" Colin asked you shrugged your shoulders before replying. "I guess I never really bothered with relationships ever since taking my sister in wasn't really a priority to get out there, how come your still single?" You then asked.
"I was engaged a few years ago but last minute she backed out" Colin summed up, you could see the hint of hurt in his eyes you felt sad that someone would do that to such a nice person. "Oh Colin I'm sorry that's really terrible" you sympathised with him but he shrugged it off.
"So how come your sister lives with you if you don't mind me asking?" He then asked. You contemplated whether to tell him, but you were both getting to know each other. "We'll my mum and dad were going through a rough patch in their marriage and I didn't want amy to see it all so I took her in till they got their act together, but now their going through a really messy divorce" you explained.
"Wow I'm so sorry it must be really hard for you both". You nodded in agreement "but apart from all that it's been great Amy, my sister she's just amazing I don't really want to see her go anytime soon" you lightly chuckled.
The date went really well in your opinion, you and Colin talked about your family's and memories you had growing up. It was the most fun you had in a while before you knew it the night came to an end Colin's car parked outside your door. A slight awkward silence formed between you both neither of you wanted the night to end just yet.
"Do you maybe want to come in for a drink?" You asked hoping he would take you up on the offer. "Yeah sure" Colin accepted both of you getting out his car and into your home. Shrugging out your jacket placing it on the coat hanger by the door Colin followed you like a lost puppy. "Take a seat make yourself at home" you smiled hoping it would calm him down a bit which kind of worked he sat on your sofa While you went into the kitchen.
"Beer?" You offered holding two glass bottles. Colin nodded thanking you taking a swig of the bitter alcoholic beverage. "Nice place you got" Colin nodded his eyes scanning your home. "Thanks" you smiled at him. A few drink into the night you and Colin were laughing at a joke he said. Colin couldn't help but look into your eyes, they were mesmerising to him. Colin's eyes darted between your eyes and lips till he gave in and crashes his lips on your own.
You were taken aback trying to process what was happening. Your lips almost automatically responded to the movement of Colin's lips. You felt butterflies in the pit of your stomach, a warm feeling in the depth of your soul. Your hand cupped his cheek smiling into the kiss. Colin pulled away his cheeks flustered, the grin never left your lips.
"I'm sorry i was out of line I shouldn't have done that without asking first" Colin apologised. You shook your head dismissively "no it's okay Colin I liked it" you bit your lip Colin smiled in relief his shoulders relaxed hearing you say those words. "Another beer?" You asked getting on your feet. "Sure I'll have one more then I got to go" Colin agreed.
"You can't drive under the influence Colin" you giggled "no I'll get a cab if it's alright for me to leave my car here I can pick it up in the morning" Colin asked you nodded "sure I'll get you that beer".
It was same to say that single beer turned into something more stronger. A few glasses of whiskey between you both. Before you knew it you were stumbling into your bedroom - hungrily kissing Colin's lips he was showing just the same amount of lust and desire as you with his lips.
You didn't know what had happened one minute you were conversing in a conversation, next you were stumbling into your bedroom practically ripping each others clothes off- but neither of you cared how it happened you were just glad it did.
Colin kicked the door shut with his heel before turning your body so it was pressed against the door. Sending shivers down your spine. His lips moved from your lips to your neck peppering hungry kisses along the skin. Every kiss he decorated on your flushed skin made you grow hotter, weaker, your head went fuzzy for the detective.
His hands on your waist holding you close to him, your hips subconsciously grinding against Colin's feeling his growing erection. "Oh fuck" you sighed as Colin continued to pay more attention to that one stop that made you react the most too. You skin felt hot with each touch of Colin's lips. They were addicting to you, leaving you craving more.
Colin's hands moved to the back of your thighs, you took this as a sign to jump. Wrapping your legs around his waist Colin carried you to your bed laying you on the mattress. Your dress hiked up exposing your matching black lace underwear making Colin gulp in arousal.
You grinned provocatively propping yourself up on your elbows. Looking up at Colin through your eyelashes as he removed his shirt before crawling onto you. Your lips reconnecting eagerly he was like a drug and you were the addict. You sat back up removing your dress discarding the fabric somewhere in the room.
Colin watched you with lustful eyes, he couldn't believe you were in front of him only in your black pace underwear set. You bit your lip seductively your leg grazing over his growing erection, giving Colin the perfect amount of friction.
Colin's slim fingers hooked under the waistband of your underwear, dragging the lace painfully slow off your body. His hands roamed your thighs, his face inching closer to wear you needed him most. Your chest heaved at the sight of Colin between your legs looking up at you for consent, which you granted with a nod. Darting his tongue out Colin licked a strip between your slick folds. You let out a groan of pleasure propping yourself on your elbows to look at him.
His tongue made its way to your clit, giving you the perfect amount of pleasure. His tongue continues to do its work on your heat, your body reacts to each time his tongue would circulate around your clit then dart your entrance. It felt so good looking down at Colin who's eyes were already on you, looking up at you through his eyelashes 'what a fucking sight'. You thought.
Colin brought his attention back to your clit, one of his hands that was holding your thigh still now entering your entrance. Your walls greedily accepted his fingers clenching around them earning a smirk from Colin. "That feel good" he asked admirably. "Mhmm" you moaned out your hand reaching down tugging his hair. With each time you tugged on Colin's locks his hips would subconsciously grind into the mattress for friction.
You soon felt the urge of release forming in the depth of your stomach, your hips beginning to grind against Colin's face and fucking yourself on his fingers. He didn't mind continuing to get you closer to the edge. "I'm so close" you warned.
Colin didn't say anything but he fasted his movements of his tongue and fingers till you finally let go over his face and hand. Your orgasm hit you hard, your toes curling, your thighs threatening to close around Colin's head as he lapped up your slick wetness.
Your legs trembling with the overstimulation, Colin pulled away from your heat, his hands soothed your trembling legs till you calmed down. Colin crawled back up on the bed till he was face to face with you. Nothing was said you just stared at each other with lustrous eyes.
Colin smacked his lips back on yours allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. You moaned into the kiss your hands roamed his bare chest snaking down to the belt buckle holding his trousers up. You managed to remove the belt without taking your lips off Colin's. Your hand cupped his clothed erection earning a low groan from Colin.
With a blink of an eye you flipped both of you over so you were on top of Colin. Straddling his thighs you removed the rest of the articles of clothing he had left letting his cock sprung free. You gasped at the sight, he was larger than you had anticipated. You took the base off his cock in your hand giving him a few tugs before a lining the tip with your sopping entrance sinking down on him slowly.
Your face scrunching up as he stretches you out. A mixture of pain and pleasure, you both moan in unison you took a few moments to adjust to his size. Your hips moves up and down bouncing along his length at a slow and steady pace. Colin let out a series of sighs and grunts, the moans leaving your lips turning him on more.
Colin watched the way your tits would bounce within your lace bra, his hands on your back pulling you down so he could unclasp the lacy fabric allowing your breasts to fall freely. Colin took your left nipple in his mouth swirling around the hardened bud, you moaned at the sensation. Your hips bouncing along his length feeling every inch of him stretching you out.
Your hands resting on Colin's chest for leverage and to keep you steady. Colin's lips gave attention to your other nipple giving caressing it with his warm mouth. You pulled away from Colin's lips, starting to bounce more faster on Colin's lap, moving your hips in slight circular motions earning a moan from Colin, it was probably the most hottest thing you could have ever heard in your life.
Colin's tight grip on your hips helping you bounce on him, "you look so beautiful" Colin slurred bucking his hips meeting yours. You let out a smile biting your lip, your legs feeling tired, Colin flipped you both over so you were now underneath him. His hand lifted your leg to his shoulder hitting a deeper angle. You cried out in pure pleasure at the new position.
"Fuck right there" you moaned your body jolting with each of his thrusts. You felt close to the edge once again, your walls clenching around Colin greedily taking all of him.
“I’m gonna-“ “let go baby” Colin cut you off you didn’t need to be told twice. Your orgasm ripped through you harder than the last one, your back arched practically screaming Colin’s name. Your orgasm triggered Colin’s own high releasing inside of you.
Colin rode out your blissful orgasms, both you breathless, bodies slick with sweat. Colin pulled out of you making you sigh at the loss of contact. He collapsed beside you on the bed his hand running down his face collecting himself.
“That was”- you paused for a moment trying to catch you breath, “bad?” Colin cringed thinking you absolutely hated what happened between you both. “The opposite it was amazing” you smiled placing a chaste kiss on his lips. you both still had a slight buzz from the alcohol you both consumed earlier.
A hum came from Colin as you kissed his lips, his eyes growing heavy. “You tired?” You asked setting yourself back down on your pillow. “You wore me out” Colin chuckled laying on his stomach, his head facing you. A yawn escaped your lips your eyes suddenly feeling heavy too. “I’m tired too” you giggled sleepily. Colin turned to lay on his side his arm around your bare waist, you nuzzled closer to him drifting off to sleep.
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Customer Service: Where Character A works Customer Service at a restaurant/business and Character B and their child are customers. Character A first notices a really cute kid only to notice that, hey, the parent is actually very beautiful too. What the hell?
So this is actually my first Dungeon Meshi fic and the fact that it's a modern AU is a nice little callback to my first Bagginshield fic being a modern AU oneshot. So I hope you guys enjoy and I did these characters justice.
Cooking is Better with Company
Ship: Pots n' Picks (Chilchuck/Senshi)
Rating: G
Warning(s): N/A
Words: 2534
Senshi’s dream had always been to own his own restaurant. Nothing too fancy. Just a small place full of comfort food for families to come and gather. It had taken a long time. Lots of clawing and fighting in his youth to get here, but finally The Golem’s Garden Bistro came to be. Senshi had a few hired hands to wait on the customer, but as for making the food? That pleasure belonged solely to him. Because of it, there wasn’t often a chance to go out and greet a customer personally. So when one found him, he was more than a little caught off-guard. 
“Whatcha doing?”
Senshi turned around, eyebrows jumping high on his head at the sight of the adorable little blonde girl with a wide grin.
“Making bread.” He answered. 
Somehow her grin grew even wider. “Can I help?”
Senshi hesitated. Clearly she belonged to someone in the dining room, and he would imagine they were looking everywhere for her. However, it has always been hard to resist a sweet little one. 
“Okay, but then you need to go back to your family. Alright?”
“Kay!” She squealed before running over to where Senshi stood.
Senshi looked around for something for her to stand on before finding a footstool Falin had to use sometimes to reach the top shelf in the storage room. She still stood a bit shorter than the countertop, but at least she was able to peer over it to see what Senshi was doing. They made sure to wash her hands clean, as all good cooks do, he explained. Then he would pull off bits of dough to have her squish into a ball and put in the pan. They continued on in this way, finding their own little rhythm as Senshi put the rolls in the oven to cook.
“Now while we wait, why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?”
She took a deep breath before launching into the longest spew of words in the shortest amount of time that Senshi had ever heard. Apparently her name was Puckpatti, and she had a mom, a dad, and two sisters. Her favorite color was purple, and her favorite animal was dragons. Senshi smiled and hummed or agreed in the appropriate place as he took the rolls out of the oven, and listened to her tell him about her favorite class at school and why. That’s when the kitchen door opened once more. Senshi looked over expecting to see Laios or Marcille back for their orders, but instead it was another little girl with red braids staring back at them before turning and shouting into the dining room.
It wasn’t seconds later that the door banged open again and a small red headed man came running in. Senshi blinked in surprise. He had one of those boyish faces that belied his age if the strands of gray in his hair was anything to go off. His eyes were dark and soul-sucking, even caught in a panic like he was now. Senshi didn’t know if he had ever seen a more beautiful man in his life.
“Patti! Where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” He cried, gripping the young girl by her arms.
“But Papa, I was making rolls with Mr. Senshi.” She cooed.
“And you!” The man turned towards Senshi. “What do you think you’re doing? I’ve been half scared out of my mind and you’re back here keeping my daughter from me!”
“But I…” Senshi began before he was cut off.
“No!” The man snapped, holding his hand out in front of him. “Don’t even bother making excuses. If this is the kind of business you’re running, you’ve seen the last of us! Come on Patti.”
“But Papa, you haven’t tried one of our rolls.” Patti pouted.
The man hesitated at seeing her hurt expression before grabbing one of the finished rolls off the counter. He took a large angry bite only to melt a moment later in bliss. Senshi felt himself blush having never gotten to experience someone’s reaction to his food firsthand. The man finished off the roll, licking the butter off his fingers, when he realized Senshi was watching him. His face turned a delightful shade of red before he grabbed both his daughters by their hands.
“Say goodbye, Patti.” He grumbled.
Not the least bit put out by her father’s mood, the little blonde turned back to Senshi with a wide grin.
“Bye, Mr. Senshi! See you next time!”
With that the door closed behind the family, and for a moment Senshi just stood there utterly bewildered by the whirlwind that he experienced. It was a shame he never caught the man’s name, but he figured he was probably never going to see him again anyways. No use lamenting over something he would never get to have anyways. Senshi finished up the bread and moved on to making potstickers. For the first time, he found himself actually aware of the silence closing in around him. Perhaps it would be good for him to interact more with the customers. He didn’t realize how starved he was for chatter until Patti burst into his life. Resolved to make more of an effort to get out of the kitchen every once in a while, Senshi went back to pouring his all into his food. 
The next day came and went, and Senshi never left the kitchen. Nor the day after that, nor the day after that. Turns out it was hard to break the habit now that he had it, and the temporary loneliness he had felt had now passed. It had been nice getting to know Patti, but he was fine. Everything about his life was fine. It was almost exactly one week later as Senshi was frying up some tempura when he was greeted by another little voice.
“Hello, Mr. Senshi! Can I help?”
He turned, expecting to see Patti, but this was a different little girl with dark hair and a soft, shy smile. Senshi had learned his lesson though. 
“Why don’t you run back to your parents?” He offered instead.
Suddenly, her smile turned into a pout with puffed out cheeks.
“Patti got to cook with you!” The little girl complained.
Senshi blinked. “You’re Patti’s sister?” 
“Yeah! My name’s Flertom.” She introduced, her smile returning for only a moment before she looked up at him with big pleading eyes. “Please, Mr. Senshi. I just want to help for a little bit.”
Senshi really should say no. There was no way he would let the little girl around the fryer anyways. Besides that, he didn’t want to give her father any more reason to come back here, puffed up and irritated…Of course, now that he thought about it, it would be a great way to see him again. Senshi finally relented, catching Laios to have him give the ‘small red headed man’ a message that his daughter was back here. 
Senshi knew that would buy him at least twenty minutes as Laios could get very distracted, so he had Flertom help him dip the tempura in its batter, and then he carefully put it in the fryer for her. Her eyes grew big when they came out all nice and golden brown, and he praised her work on making sure the coating was even. Sure enough they had just finished when the door flew open.
“Flertom! What are you doing?! You said you were just going to the bathroom.” The man demanded.
“I did.” She explained, hopping off her stool. “And then I came in to help Mr. Senshi. Try a bite, Papa! It’s so good.”
Senshi held out a section of the tempura to the man who’s dark eyes seemed to be trying to glare holes into him. Finally, he snatched the piece and popped it into his mouth. His expression all but melted as he turned his head away from Senshi.
“It’s very good.” He grumbled.
“I’m glad you like it!” He stated happily. “And I’m glad you came back.”
The man turned and opened his mouth like he was going to say something, before shaking his head and grabbing Flertom’s hand. She waved goodbye to him all the way until the door shut behind them. Senshi let out a small laugh. He was starting to get used to these little visits. He wondered what the man’s favorite dish was? Maybe he could have it ready for him next time. 
Senshi waited the next week for some adorable little girl to poke her head in his kitchen, only to be disappointed. He even poked his head out into the dining room a couple of times, but couldn’t catch sight of the family. Maybe he really did scare him off for good that time. Senshi tried to find his rhythm again around his disappointment, but he was reminded again of the loneliness of his situation. Even Marcille was asking after him to make sure everything was okay. Senshi’s food still was amazing, he would never sink so low to serve a subpar meal, but he started to realize he didn’t have a life outside of this restaurant. Perhaps he should take Laios up on his offer to play tabletop with them at some point?
In any case, Senshi didn’t have much hope for the next week until he turned to see three beaming faces staring up at him.
“Hello, Mr. Senshi!” The girls greeted in unison.
Senshi chuckled in relief. “Welcome back! Does your father know where you are?”
“He is aware.” A voice sighed.
Senshi turned to see the red haired man enter the kitchen, rubbing the back of his head as he refused to make eye contact. 
“Don’t suppose you could use some helping hands? They were rather insistent.”
Senshi beamed brightly before assuring him he would love to have the company. Senshi and the other man helped the girls wash their hands before Senshi set them up with making rolls, asking Patti if she remembered how. She assured him she did, and Senshi watched for a little bit before feeling confident that the girls would be able to shape the rolls with no problem. He handed over his knife to the father.
“How handy are you at chopping vegetables?”
“Less than I care to admit, but yeah. It shouldn’t be a problem.”
Senshi watched him for a moment before coming up behind him and moving his hand into a more optimal position. The man tensed t before allowing Senshi to manipulate his movements. 
“You won’t wear yourself out this way.” Senshi explained, moving away.
“Yeah, thanks.” The man stated, his cheeks reddened.
Strange. Senshi didn’t think it was that warm in here. Of course, he’s certainly gotten used to it over the years. 
“I’m Senshi, by the way.” He introduced as he molded the dumplings.
“Chilchuck.” The man responded.
Chilchuck. It suited him. 
“You weren’t here last week.” Senshi remarked as casually as he could.
“Yeah, their mother wanted to take them on a trip last weekend so we switched around my weeks with them.”
Senshi blinked as he zoned in on the placement of his words. Their mother. Switched weeks. He had a better idea as to Chilchuck’s relationship status at least. Something that certainly settled nicely within him.
“And you come here every time you have the girls?” Senshi asked in genuine awe.
Chilchuck seemed to take it as more of a criticism as his hand tightened around the knife in his hand.
“It’s good food in decent quantities at an affordable price.” He snapped. “It’s not like I take them out for fast food all the time.”
Senshi tried to repress a shudder and failed. Oh no, he certainly couldn’t do that. Nutrition was important for the little ones, and it was something Senshi always prided himself in his food. Good tasting and good for you. Senshi spared a glance towards Chilchuck who still seemed to be bitter over the conversation. He felt a small smile grace his lips. He was clearly a good father, he just didn’t seem to know how to ask for help.
“I could teach you.” Senshi offered.
“Teach me?” Chilchuck repeated, his brows furrowed.
“To cook.” 
Chilchuck smirked. “You mean my superb chopping skills haven’t wowed you yet.”
Senshi kindly pushed him aside as he took the knife out of his hand and had the vegetables chopped within seconds. The smaller man blinked in surprise as Senshi dumped the ingredients into his stir fry without spilling a single onion. 
“You’re getting there.” He encouraged.
The corner of Chilchuck’s mouth curled. “Show-off.” He accused.
“Mr. Senshi! Mr. Senshi!” The girls cheered. “We finished!”
Senshi put the slightly protesting Chilchuck in charge of the stir-fry despite his exclamations of it being hot as he checked on the girls’ work. He held his thumb up. 
“Well done! Now it just needs a brush of butter and to go into the oven.”
They cheered and giggled and promised to watch the oven closely and let him know the minute the rolls developed a nice brown top. Senshi slid in beside Chilchuck, gently extracting the pan and spoon from him as he tossed everything into the air and caught it again before plating it up. He called out for Laios, Fallin, and Marcille to take the dishes out to the customers, which they did only after giving the family in Senshi’s kitchen an odd look.
“I noticed you’re not open on Mondays.”
Senshi spun around to see Chilchuck had his hands crossed behind the back of his head, his eyes staring off into the distance. 
“Got to go home at some point.” Senshi responded.
Chilchuck smirked at him before he averted his gaze again. “I was thinking…it might be a good time to take you up on your offer.”
“What offer?” Senshi replied automatically as he began steaming the dumplings he made.
He could feel the annoyance rolling off Chilchuck’s tongue without even turning around to look. 
“The offer to help me learn how to cook.”
Senshi blinked in surprise, his movements stilling. Oh. 
“I would like to be able to make something for when the girls aren’t around and it would probably be easier on my wallet in the long run.” 
Senshi spun around catching sight of the fetching pink spreading out across Chilchuck’s cheeks. He grinned happily as that feeling of loneliness evaporated completely.
“I would truly enjoy that.”
Chilchuck smiled for a small moment, his eyes bright and shining, when the girls declared the bread to be done. Senshi rushed over to take it out of the oven, and as the smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, he found himself with four identical gazes of near-drooling reverence. Considering orders had slowed down, Senshi set them up a little spot out of the way where they were able to enjoy the bread and dumplings they helped make. As the family made little pleased noises with every bite, Senshi vowed to determine what their favorite foods were and make it for them as long as he was able. 
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total-dxmure · 1 year
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: ellie and her girlfriend are getting ready for pride. the reader decides to buy matching shirts. . . and a little something for joel, who’s tagging along, too. 
warnings: just absolutely heart melting domesticity, this is for my delulu girlies who want to live in their fantasy of ellie being in love with you, joel is the best dad ever, “i love my lesbian daughter”, no use of y/n 
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“You can’t wear that.” You propped a hand on your hip, giving your fiance a once over.
She stopped dead in her tracks, slowly looking down at her outfit. She was wearing one of her usual casual outfits. You’d never told her to change before, not even when she took you to that one nice restaurant. She rocked back on the heels of her boots, pulling at the blue flannel button up that she had thrown over a perfectly good black tank top.
“You like this flannel. You called me ‘cute’ when I wore it last Thursday.” She remembered every time you called her cute, but especially when you did it in public.
An old man had turned around on the sidewalk just to gawk at the two of you, trying to decide if you were just really close friends or actually dating. That was usually the case with the older generation though. The poor fools still couldn’t grasp the fact that lesbians weren’t burned at the stake and labeled as witches anymore.
“No, no. You are cute, but I got us matching shirts that I want us to wear for pride.” You said happily, practically skipping over to a target bag that you had somehow snuck into the house when Ellie wasn’t looking.
She pointed at it, raising an eyebrow, but you decided to ignore the incredulous look she gave you. You sighed, rolling your eyes in that delicious way that she couldn’t help but stare at. She loved it when you acted bratty. It gave her a reason to punish you, that way you couldn’t playfully complain when she was a little rough with you.
“Look, I haven’t been to Target in a week.”
“It’s been four days. Not a week.” She made sure to point out.
“Four days is an eternity. Besides, I knew that their Pride collection would be slim pickings if I didn’t go yesterday.” You pulled out two t-shirts, flashing her a wide smile as her jaw dropped.
“Uh. . . They sure are bright.” Her lips pulled up into a nervous smile before she began nervously itching at the back of her neck.
“I saw them and thought they’d be super adorable to wear for the parade. Look, I even got Joel a rainbow bracelet.” You reached back into the bag, pulling it out.
That made Ellie chuckle, and she sauntered over to you, taking the bracelet from your hands. She turned it over a few times, then fell into another fit of laughter.
“I love my lesbian daughter?” She read outloud.
“I’m sure we could guilt him into wearing it. Or we could lie and tell him that straight people have to wear rainbow to get in?” You leaned against the back of the couch, unable to wipe the smile off of your face as she snapped and pointed at you.
“You’re a genius. An evil little genius.” She stuffed the bracelet into her back pocket, but her eyes fell back on the shirts that you were still toting around.
“Will it make you happy?” She sighed, reaching out for the cream colored shirt, a brightly colored rainbow wrapping around both the front and back. She didn’t have many colorful items in her closet. She mostly stuck with more. . . muted pieces.
“Ecstatic.” You answered smugly, already ripping the tag off of yours so that you could throw it on.
“Alright, I’ll wear it,” She told you, doing the same. You pumped your fist in silent victory. “Under one condition.”
Ah, you should have known. You half expected her to ask you to do the dishes after dinner. Or maybe bathe Charlie, which was a feat for you all in itself. Your golden retriever was a little escape artist, and was just about as strong as you were. Ellie was the only one with enough muscle to hold him down in the tub.
“While we’re changing, you gotta take your top off real slow-” She was cut off as the doorbell rang. “Of fuckin’ course.” She muttered under her breath, but made sure to give your ass a sound slap as you jogged past her to open the door.
Charlie was barking from the kitchen, already running down the hall to visit with Joel.
“Grandpa’s here.” Ellie riled him up, scratching behind his ears as he came to stand beside her, his tail slapping the back of her knees all the while.
You unlocked the door, opening it wide for the aging man. He was shielding his eyes from the bright summer sun, squinting against the rays.
“Are we goin’ in my car or yours?” He asked, in a hurry to get there before the parade started.
In perfect dad fashion, the man was already trying to wrangle up the kids. He hadn’t even stepped into the house yet. Ellie let go of the grip she had on Charlie’s collar, the dog bounding over to Joel, who bent down on his knee to give him his required attention.
“Our trucks are going to be too big to park seeing as all the nice spaces are already taken. We’ll go in her car.” Ellie pointed her thumb at you, her new shirt slung over her shoulder.
“Ah, a’course. We wouldn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to use your new eco-car.” Joel teased, flashing you a small wink.
You shook your head, wagging a finger at him. “You talk all that shit about my Prius, but I’ll be the one laughing all the way to the bank when it saves me hundreds on gas.” You retorted, moving to the stairs so that you could quickly change into your planned outfit.
“Come on in, Joel. We just have to change our shirts, and then we can head out.” Ellie said, getting ready to follow you, but paused as she remembered what she had in her pocket.
“A gift. From the happy couple.” She teased, pulling out the rubber bracelet to hand to him.
His eyebrows furrowed as he turned it over in his hand.
“I love my lesbian daughter.” He read outloud, much like Ellie had done just a few minutes ago.
“Damn right you do.” She called out to him before turning on her heels, already halfway up the stairs before he could complain.
✦ wanna know exactly when i post? message me about being put on the taglist!
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coloredsolos · 2 years
hi :) i’d love situations #6 + fluff with jean please. love your writing!
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pairing: jean kirstein x reader
prompt: watching christmas movies
content: jeanboy surprises you for christmas, MODERN AU, not proofread
wc: 1.2k
a/n: sorry this took so long! the new semester started and since I’m a senior in college it’s gonna be a little crazy!! also, i'm sorry I kind of broke off from the prompt! find the list of prompts here
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“Alone? For Christmas?” Jean asked you, his eyes wide as he did so. 
You shrugged. It’s not like you had chosen to be alone this holiday season, but with your father working all break, you figured you might as well stay in your small apartment. Besides, your roommate, Annie, would be visiting her father, so you would have the place to yourself.
“I don’t see the problem,” you admitted, the walk to Jean’s car seeming longer than ever. Despite your protesting, Jean was driving you home from the 4pm history class the two of you shared. Damn this winter weather.
“W-what?! You don’t see the-! You can’t be alone for Christmas!” Jean practically cried out, throwing his hands into the air in exasperation. 
The now exhausting conversation had started when Jean had begun telling you about his own Christmas plans. Mentioning how he would most likely go visit Sasha’s family again with Connie. It was their tradition, he would tell you. However, when asking about your plans, he did not like the answer he received.
“Jean it’s really ok. Annie will be out of town anyways. It’ll be nice not having to share the living quarters. Besides I’d much rather be alone at my place than sitting there at my dad’s. So can we please drop it?”
Jean sighed, but reluctantly nodded his head. 
There was a chill in the air on Christmas eve.  The snow that fell having no problem sticking to the ground, layering on top of one another until it was several inches thick. You had been bundled under a plethora of blankets while the heat in your apartment worked overtime. Jean has let all of your friends know about your Christmas plans, or lack there of, and now you were starting to regret declining Eren and Mikasa’s offer to come home with them. Especially since Carla made a mean Christmas dinner, or so you heard. The plate of place and bake Christmas cookies sat in front of you. 
They weren’t very good.
You only prayed that the copious amounts of sugar would knock you into a sugar coma that would last until the next day. Most places were closed, and probably would stay that way even a few days after Christmas due to the snow storm that was taking place outside. That being said, the lack of groceries at your place was starting to leave you feeling massively underprepared. Grocery shopping was not your forte. 
While debating if you wanted to pay the delivery fee in your favorite Chinese restaurant, your phone lit up from its place on your coffee table.
Jean: u awake?
You: do I ever sleep?
Jean: true
Jean: wyd
You: freezing to death
You: how’s Sasha’s?
You: did Connie sing the whole car ride there? rip to ur ears
Jean: I wouldn’t know, didn’t go
You were surprised to say the least. Why wouldn’t he go to Sasha’s? It was tradition wasn't it? 
Jean: coming over rn
Jean: damn there’s a shit ton of snow 
You knew there was no bother trying to stop the man from coming over. He was stubborn. Always had been. Instead your fingers hovered over the keyboard of your phone, unsure of what to say next.
Jean: do u want me to bring over groceries? connie bought way too much shit before he left fr 
You: yes pls ur a lifesaver
You: been eating christmas cookies all night 
You: also, please drive safe. I mean it. i’d be pissed at you if you died
Jean: <3
Deciding not to text the man while he was driving, you settled on making the living quarters look a little less like a tornado had ran through it, picking up and putting away any dirty dishes from earlier in the day.
Before too long, Jean was there. His arms draped with grocery bags, he wasn’t kidding when he said Connie may have gone a little crazy. However, you were more focused on how he looked. Jean had been dressed in what looked like a black turtleneck with a gray overcoat keeping him warm. How he always looked straight out of a fashion magazine amazed you. Meanwhile, you were wearing a pair of black sweats with mismatched cat socks on. And yes, they did have little ears on them. 
“Well are you gonna leave me in the hallway all night?” he joked, the smile evident on his face. 
Your face flushed as you realized you had zoned out. 
“Y-yeah, come in.” You stepped out of his way, ushering him inside. 
Jean immediately headed to your kitchen to put the groceries he had brought away. His familiarity with your apartment bringing a smile to your face. Jean shrugged off his overcoat, his muscles straining against the turtleneck that had been underneath. You couldn’t help but stare. It was no secret that your friend was a very attractive man. Not to mention he had the personality to match. His suave attitude, yet gentlemanly charm gaining the attention of many women whenever your friend group had their weekly outings.
“Helloooooo?” Jean waved his hand in front of you, bending slightly so he could meet your eyes. Snapping back to the present, you apologized quickly. 
“Sorry… what?”
“I asked if you’ve eaten? I can make something for us if you’d like.” Jean offered .
You nodded shyly, embarrassed you had been caught daydreaming again. “I’d like that…” 
Jean grinned, pushed up his sleeves and clapped. “Alrighty then!”
The two of you now sat on the maroon sectional located in the middle of your living room, your empty plates resting on the coffee table. 
“I just don’t understand how they forgot their kid at home!” You cried out, your legs tucked under yourself in an attempt to keep yourself warm. 
Jean let out a boisterous laugh, the sound music to your ears. “It’s just a movie! The whole point of Home Alone is being… ya know… home alone.”
You giggled, the harsh air providing the goosebumps on your arm a permanent residency. You shivered slightly despite the mountain of blankets you had been hoarding. 
“Come here.” Jean spoke softly.
“You’re cold.” He stated. “Just come here.”
Too cold to argue, you scooted over closer to Jean. His arm that had been resting on the back of the couch pulled you closer to him. You immediately felt relief, his body radiating enough heat for the both of you. You couldn’t help the sigh that fell from your mouth, nuzzling closer to the man without thinking. The tips of Jean’s ears turned a rosy shade of pink as you fell deeper into the man’s chest. 
You let the continuous stream of Christmas movies play lowly on the television. Neither you or Jean wanting to get up to find the remote and change it. Eventually, Jean felt your breath fall steady, the gentle sound of soft snores slipping from you as you slept soundly.
Without thinking, Jean shifted slowly, positioning himself in a more comfortable position, careful not to wake you as he did so. Finally comfortable Jean was able to follow suit, slipping into a warm, comfortable sleep. The soft sound of Christmas movies continued to play in the background for the rest of the night, counting down the hours until you and Jean would wake up and celebrate the holiday together. The first of many holidays together. And truthfully? Jean didn’t mind this being his new tradition. 
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London Will Burn - Chapter Twelve.
Look at me go! I updated on time for once, haha! Happy Friday, besties. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend <3
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven
Tag list - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 4,180
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI.
“Sorry mate! Christ, the traffic was absolute murder! They’ve completely closed off the bloody main road outside my offices and... Oh, hot waiters. Hello!” 
In times of tension, Rin knew she could always trust in her old friend Carly for a little light relief, literally veering off mid-sentence to appreciate the appearance of the wait staff there at San Carlo, where they were meeting for a long overdue catchup dinner.  
With their beloved Rashida now living over in Chicago, it was just the two of them, their friendship fully re-bonded since Rin’s return from Africa. Not that geographical distance had diminished the love or closeness between the two lifelong friends whatsoever.  
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s fucking mayhem out there! Come here, give me a smooch,” Rin assured her, kissing her cheek as they embraced. “I only got here on time because I was in Chelsea for a meeting this afternoon.” Carly took her seat, thanking Rin when she dutifully poured her a glass of wine. “Anyway, why are you eyeing up waiters? Not loved up with twat waffles, still?” 
No, it was fair to say that Rin had never really liked Carly’s long-term boyfriend, Mathias. Not after their visit to Kenya, when he’s gotten absolutely smashed, resulting in him thinking he could square up to Sokoro, a decision that had landed him in a world of regret. Being dangled by his ankles over the top of the stairs within the lodge by the pissed off Kenyan until he’d apologised had sobered him up nicely, though. 
“You will be pleased to hear that the man known only as twat waffles to you is no longer in my life. Yeeted him about four weeks ago. I’ll say it, you were right.”  
Rin beamed. “I always am.” Well, not always. The events of the previous week were still burning in her gut, being shamed in the way she had been by Sean and his superior powers of deduction. “No but honestly, honey. I’m glad because you can do so much better than him!” 
“In this instance, you are correct. I can and I will, with that waiter over there with the blonde hair if I have my way.” She paused, raising her glass in his direction. He was at the table in seconds. 
“Good evening, ladies. Are we ready to order?” 
Oh, he was so sweet, absolutely none the wiser to the fact there was a bona fide man eater about to chomp down upon him. “Not yet, love. I was just appreciating the fact that you happen to be the most gorgeous man within the restaurant, so cheers to you.” 
He pinked at the cheeks, nodding while attempting to bite back his grin. “Well, when you need me, feel free to appreciate me again.”  
Rin chuckled, shaking her head. “We'll take some focaccia and olives to nibble while we decide, please.” 
He made a quick note on his iPad, smiling widely. “Certainly.” Scampering away, Rin fixed her friend with a look of pure mirth. 
“You’re terrible, Muriel.” 
Her assessment had Carly in hysterics, reciting their favourite line from the nineteen nineties cult classic film, Muriel’s wedding. They’d always said it to one another when there was mischief afoot. “I am, this much is true. So, how’s everything? How’s work, and my beautiful goddaughter?” 
“Tiger is perfect, as usual. As for work... hm.”  
Inclining her head, she took a sip of wine and thanking the waiter when he brought over the required pre-dinner nibbles. She winked again and of course, he blushed furiously. “Oh? I sense a story there. Does it have anything to do with her dad? How’s all of that going, by the way?” Of course, Carly had been made privy to it all. She’d known right from the start, after all.  
She ground her teeth before forcing a somewhat terse smile to her face. “I gave him a black eye last week.”  
Some things truly never changed, Carly making a motion with her hand that she should elaborate. “The tea requires spilling, Miss C.” 
And so, Rin did. She spared certain details over her work (although of course, Carly well knew she was a hardened criminal, Rin never gave away enough that could implicate her at any point in the future, just in case) but managed to sum it all up in a way that gave the story without all of the nuanced ins and outs of it.  
“Right, so he potentially saved you from making a big mistake with the Per...” she began, eyes scanning around before leaning in close to whisper, “the PM, shall we say, and you gave him hell for it?”  
“He embarrassed me in front of my associates, and took great pleasure in doing so,” she spoke, picking up another small cube of focaccia and dunking it into the balsamic vinegar bowl. “I don’t take kindly to that.” 
A taste of one’s own medicine was always the bitterest, Carly couldn’t help but note. “Yet you do exactly the same with him at any given opportunity.”  
Rin frowned. “I’m sorry, who’s side are you on here, exactly?” 
“Yours, always yours, love,” she was quick to interject, “but sweet, from what you’ve told me about him, if you bite at him, he’ll do exactly the same back. You two, you’re much too similar for your own good. Something I believe you once said about you both, didn’t you?” 
The focaccia was chewed upon with mild fury. “He doesn’t deserve to ever have one over on me. Not after what he did. I want him to suffer. His punishment will be prolonged, mark my words.” 
God, she was so hardheaded, especially when it came to Sean. Carly looked a little pensive, picking up her wine. “Do you want to know what I think about that? The complete, unfiltered truth?” 
Her lips thinned, eventually nodding. “I suppose an outside perspective couldn’t hurt.”  
“Okay.” She took a breath and another sip of Sauvignon Blanc for courage, placing her glass back down again softly.  
“You’ve already punished him enough, Rin. You deprived him of a relationship with his daughter for six years, and you came back and took an empire he was planning to preside over out from under him, and then made him effectively run his own company for you, on your terms. Trust me, from what you’ve told me about Sean, you’ve hit him twice where it hurts with big strikes. Family and business are what means everything to him, and you hold all the power over both. Prolonging that, well, as far as I can see, mate, all that does is cause problems for you.” 
“Your business deals should be running smoothly, and if you continue to hold him in contempt, they simply won’t. Risky really, when taken into consideration just what you do. Then of course, for Tiger. In fact, mostly for Tiger. Trying to repeatedly cut her father down for a mistake he made seven years ago will only hurt you and her in the end. Has he ever offered you an apology for his actions?” 
She lifted her chin, remembering it, when he told her of his lament. “He has. I have to give him that.” 
Carly reached for her arm, squeezing softly. “Well, then. There you go. You have to stop figuratively yeeting him right in the gonads for it at point or another, or behaving like this is only lowering you to his level, or former level, I don’t know. I can’t speak for him, but I can speak for your character. You’re better than this.” 
If anyone was going to give her the truth, it was Carly. It was a truth she did need to hear, too, before the battleground that was her relationship – or lack thereof – with the father of her child became even bloodier than it already was. “Why are you bloody laughing? I’m trying to talk seriously for once in my flippin’ life! You could at least appreciate my attempt to be sage!” 
“I am,” Rin chuckled, covering her hand with hers where it still rested upon her arm. “It’s just you still can’t help but be funny through it. Yeeting him in the gonads, oh god.” She descended there, laughing richly, even wiping a few tears from her eyes, it had entertained her so much.  
“And at the fucking risk of getting my head bitten off, well, maybe it’s because you still lust after what’s hanging directly above the gonads that you’re getting yourself so bent out of shape over him.” 
Immediately, she sat a little more upright, her laughter stalled. “Order me the burrata salad to start and then the salmon penne. I’m going for a cigarette.” 
“Avoidance tactics,” Carly chimed as Rin rose from her seat, discreetly offering her middle finger in salute.  
“Bugger off.” 
“Filthy habit,” she further teased, Rin mouthing that she was a knob, her clearly entertained friend giggling as she picked up her wine. “This could all be so much simpler for you if you weren’t so much like your dad.” she muttered, sipping the buttery smooth Sauvignon while looking down at the menu to make her choice.  
They had a lovely night together, parting ways at just gone 10pm, Carly heading home and Rin calling a car to do the same. After stopping at a Tesco Express to purchase a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black, though, home was not where she ended up.  
Sean was coming to the end of a five-mile treadmill run when the buzzer sounded through his penthouse, slowing the machine to walk before climbing off, his bare chest glistening with sweat. 
“Yes?” he spoke into the intercom, seeing the woman upon the screen turn to reveal her face to the front entrance camera.  
“Can we talk?” 
She had a nerve, turning up out of the blue at 10:35pm. “That depends on whether I’m going to get lambasted all over again for trying to do the fucking right thing, Catherine.” 
“You aren’t. Promise.” She knew she needed to give a little, Carly’s words hitting home with her a little. He buzzed her in, Rin moving to the lift, hitting the button for the penthouse. As it glided in ascent, she spoke sternly to herself, her internal monologue advising that she needed to keep calm and talk things through with him, apologise for her pride getting in the way the week before, that she was doing this for the greater good of business continuing to run smoothy, and for her daughter to have a father in her life. One who truly did want to be there.  
All of her steely composure flew straight out the window when he opened the door to her, though, when her eyes nearly fell out of her head for seeing him there, shirtless and gleaming with sweat, his navy joggers so low slung she could almost see his... 
“Well, don’t you look resplendent in Dolce and Gabbana,” he spoke, raising an eyebrow.  
She cocked her head, swallowing hard. “How did you know this is D&G?” 
He took a moment, his eyes roaming her slender curves. “I have an eye for quality.” The scent of her perfume wafted under his nose, spellbinding, those orchid notes reminding him how it felt to have his senses flooded by it, his eyes meeting hers.  
Her body moved, yet her feet planted, her mouth agape as her chest and cheeks flushed, overcome by the sight of him like that, her throat drying. No. Not now. She willed her brain to take the reins away from the jockey that was her desire, steer her right, but she failed. It was too strong, charging away down a path she swore never to encroach upon again, moving in a second to press her mouth to his, his arms immediately locking around her as he kissed her back with all the heat of a thousand suns.  
Now they were in trouble.  
Flattened against the door, he pinned her there as they gave in to the torrent, his hands smoothing over her body, reaching to ruck her dress up around her waist, both panting furiously as their tongues rolled in an erotic dance, Sean grasping her thong and tearing it from her in one swift yank. It sent a flood to where she ached for him, her legs wrapping around him as he lifted her, pulling his joggers down just enough to free his cock and plunge it into her fully. 
Lord, how she’d missed the feel of being split wide around him, kissing him in utter frenzy. It was mindless, feral sex, their need for one another rampant and unhinged, her body banging against the thick, black door as he fucked out every single wave of desire, longing and, if he was honest, utter contempt he held for her, his fingers dug in hard beneath her thighs.  
It sizzled through her, each sparking pulse, tiny fireworks set to burn within her blood, crying out as he filled her again and again, his teeth at her neck scintillating, hanging onto him for dear life. It felt like he was attempting to fuck her right through the door, the pace barbaric, smouldering, everything she needed and had craved in the years they’d been parted.  
It shimmered through them both, the crest of an almighty wave they rode until it crashed, washing over them entirely, Rin feeling completely mindless as she swam to the surface of her pleasure, desire glimmering down her spine. That was the moment her brain engaged, her breathless body pinned by his, their tightened muscles slackening as the divinity ebbed away. 
Oh, god. Damn him. Damn him for being so fucking irresistible.  
He was the first to speak, finally sobering from his orgasm enough to form words. “Please don’t tell me we’ve just possibly given Tiger a sibling.” 
“We haven’t,” she panted, “IUD.” 
“Oh, thank Christ.” He finally looked at her, withdrawing and placing her down, his mouth twitching a little. “So, you wanted to talk?” 
“I did,” she confirmed, rearranging her dress, looking away. Easily, she could have throttled herself for her actions, hiding her face in her hands for a moment, dying a little. “For fucks sake! We’re such a mess.”  
He raised an eyebrow, pulling his joggers and boxers back up again. “That we are, Catherine.” He paused, watching her run her hands over her hair, still looking desperately uncomfortable. “We could become less messy, though. Perhaps if we ceased the urge to needle at one another quite so much as we do.”  
“Are you truly admitting to the fact that you do?” she asked, Sean feeling his blood flicker in annoyance. 
“I am, yes. Because somebody who continues to fucking punish me for the mistakes of my past bloody deserves it. Know that for my part, it is only in retaliation,” he told her, walking over to his kitchen, Butch there in his bed, absolutely none the wiser to her arrival and subsequent pounding against the front door.  
She pulled the bottle from her bag, nodding towards him. “It’s because you enjoy the fight, Sean. Don’t pretend that isn’t how it is.”  
God. The Woman was insufferable. He turned to her, his nostrils flaring. “Stop it. If I can put my ego aside here and admit my transgressions, then so can you. You know full well you hold your power over me like a fucking sword of Damocles, in both business and with Tiger whenever the opportunity arises. Now, admit that, or get the fuck out. I’m going for a shower; I suggest you take the time I’m gone to consider that. Glasses are above the sink cupboard.” 
She knew she had to, he was right, but god, it wasn’t easy. They were both just too similar, too – to use an analogy she herself had many times before – cut from the exact same cloth. Except this time, deep down Rin knew that Sean was right, and she loathed him for it all the more.  
Life would be made exponentially easier for her if she simply ceased her desire to punish him, to realise that Carly was right. She had struck back against him more than evenly. The playing field was entirely equal once more.  
Just last week she’d heard Ed Dumani offer peace towards Sean, and regardless of the fact he hadn’t been ready to accept, she knew that a clean slate was exactly what had to happen between her and the father of her child, so that ultimately that precious little girl didn’t suffer because of her parent’s rampant toxicity.  
“I almost expected you to have done a runner.” His words pulled her from her thoughts, a freshly showered Sean entering the kitchen again, going to the cupboard himself to retrieve the glasses she’d been preoccupied from fetching. “I perhaps couldn’t blame you if you had.”  
He poured two large measures, Rin thanking him as he slid hers across the black marble worktop, knocking it back in one. He followed suit. “Come on, it’s fucking cold in here and the lounge is warm.” They walked back out again, Butch still sleeping on with a series of deep snores, taking a seat upon the long, L shaped grey sofa, Sean refilling their glasses. “So, what did you come here with the intention of saying?” 
Taking a breath, she closed her eyes for a second, seeing Tiger there in her mind’s eye. It forced her to take a lasso to her pride and give it several tethering yanks. “I want to apologise for my part in us continuing to have friction. It isn’t conducive to us healthily co-parenting Tiger, no matter how much I dislike you at times. I need to be better for my daughter.”  
He snorted softly, sipping his drink. “At times? Catherine, you despise me near enough constantly.”  
“Do you truly blame me for that?”  
“Yes, I fucking do when you’ve had seven bloody years to get over it!” he spoke tersely. “I apologised to you, and it was sincere. I regret what I did to you, every fucking day I regret it, but god above, woman! You have to take your fucking boot off my bloody neck at some point.” She looked accepting of his words, albeit that acceptance bitter, Sean continuing in her silence. “I lost everything, went through hell after my father died, attempted to claw it back only to have you take it all again and only give it on your terms. Terms I have complied with.” 
“But Sean...” 
“No, for fucks sake, there isn’t a fucking but here! Stop fucking punishing me. If you want me to cease resenting you, then you have to stop making me sorry for something I already regret! I am doing everything in my power to prove worthiness, to prove most importantly that I can and will be a fit father for Tiger, but as soon as you perceive me to have any kind of upper hand, you fucking use her against me, like you did with the Persians!” 
Her ire ramped in an instant. “You fucking enjoyed that, making me look small!” 
“I didn’t want Bahram Forouhandeh to fucking kill you! I was looking out for you, you ignorant, insufferable woman!” His eyes were wide, exasperated as he scoffed, sinking his whiskey. “And yes, maybe I did derive a little joy from cutting you down, but bloody hell, Rin! Like you don’t do exactly the same to me at every fucking opportunity!” 
“I just apologised, and you’re throwing it at me all over again!” 
“Because you need to have it thrown at you all over a-bloody-gain to recognise what you’re doing to me!” He took a moment, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest, trying to calm down from the anger that had all too sharply risen. “Your father was exactly the same. On his terms or not at all. You? You’re better than that, and I am one of the very few people in your life who not only sees that, but isn’t too afraid of you to tell you either.” 
Neither was Carly, and it wasn’t lost on her, how his statements more or less matched those of her oldest friend. She’d always taken pride in the fact people likened her to her father, but truly never dawned in her until right then that perhaps it wasn’t always a complimentary likeness.  
Bolting back her drink, she took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Sean.” They were words that did not come easily, feeling bitter, like ashes in her mouth.  
Standing, he picked up the bottle, moving to seat himself at her side, topping up her empty glass. “Finally. Now I only have to await a little sincerity in your actions going forward, and maybe my fucking blood pressure might lower a tad.” 
Lifting the glass to her lips, she took a sip, nodding. “What would like first, then, for me to show this sincerity?” 
“A blowjob wouldn’t go amiss.” He expected the light slap he received to the chest. “Well, you did ask.” 
“And you just shagged the shit out of me against the front door not ten minutes ago!” 
He smirked, his eyebrows twitching. “I never claimed not to he insatiable.” 
Rolling her eyes, she rested her head back against the comfy sofa, biting her lip. He certainly never had, as a mere few minutes against the door had reminded her, should she have forgotten. “No, you definitely didn’t. I’m still not putting your cock in my mouth, though.” 
“Spoil sport.” The conversation moved away from their dalliance into the verboten, talking instead about of work and life, and then of Tiger when they were over half a bottle into the whiskey.  
“I know I say how perfect she is, the bias of being her mum, and she’s always so well-mannered when we meet up with you,” Rin began, her words peppered by giggles. 
“Apart from when we took her on the Harry Potter tour and she had a meltdown mid-way round,” he interrupted with, remembering the squealing well.  
“Yes, apart from that.” She paused again, looking pained. “You fucking have a habit of doing this to me, interrupting and making me forget what I was about to say!” 
He snickered, flicking the side of her glass. “No, darling. That’s called alcohol.”  
“Anyway, as I was saying…” 
“As you were saying.” 
God, how he knew how to wind her up, even when he was being playful rather than deliberately devious. “Be quiet, or I’ll black your other eye.” 
“You bloody won’t,” he warned, “look at it, still purple.” It was, too, just a smidgen marking the skin violet around the socket.  
“As I was saying, she isn’t the perfect, Tiger. She’s going through a phase of saying things she definitely shouldn’t at the moment. She called the window cleaner a dickhead the other day because he appeared suddenly and startled her.” 
Predictably, Sean cracked up hard. “The profanity apple has not fallen far from the tree, I see.” 
She laughed, cringing a little. “No, it certainly hasn’t. That child had bionic hearing, and stealth mode. I never know when she’s going to sneak up on me and overhear my vulgar mouth. Bastard shoes was another recent one, when she couldn’t get her little Timberland boots on because she hadn’t loosened the laces. Sokoro nearly pissed himself laughing at her.”  
“When do you plan on telling her who I am?” he then asked, Rin feeling a little pit inside for the question, no matter how gently delivered.  
“Soon, I think. Before our next meeting. She needs to know.”  
He smiled. “Good plan.”  
What was also a good plan to them that night was working their way through the rest of the Johnnie Walker, Rin feeling the effects strongly, not having much memory of the night. Upon waking the following morning, she certainly had no remembrance over how she’d ended up in Sean’s bed, her sober, slightly hungover self feeling a little flicker of panic. 
They hadn’t... nope. Her underwear was still on, she felt after checking, her shuffling around stirring the body at her side.  
“Morning,” he yawned, propping himself up. “I hope you don’t mind, but if you’d slept on the sofa you’d have only awoken to Butch trying to sit on your head, so I brought you in here.”  
“You have more than one bedroom though, no?”  
He might have been half asleep, but he heard the tease in her tones clearly. “I do, but the beds aren’t made up and I was too pissed to wrestle with a fucking duvet cover, so yes. Here you are.” 
The warmth of him, the bright of his blue eyes, the scent of his skin. No. Not again. 
“Here I am.” She looked down for a second, feeling a hand reach beneath her chin, Sean shifting closer, his heart quickening as she looked up from beneath her long, full eyelashes at him.  
That time, he was the instigator of the kiss they fell into, his body moving to cover hers. 
Now they were in trouble. 
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notesfromthepalace · 10 days
The Exclusive 2 for 2
Hello Sissy Poohs!
I know I need to be better about blogging but chilllllllle, between becoming a full time student, being a hot puppy mom, trophy girlfriend (just playing, but for real, I look good), and a better gym babe, not only am I tired, I'm actually super busy.
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But as I said about two weeks ago, your favorite Sissy Pooh is back from being on Holiday in Miami.
Side note: after going to Miami, outside of a family trip, Miami is beautiful and we will be making multiple trips yearly.
While we were in Miami (or Fort Lauderdale), we went to a restaurant in Las Olas beach on our first double together.
I believe I have mentioned that I am Haitian and my boyfriend is Ghanian. One of his closest friends in South Beach is also Ghanian and dating a Haitian woman as well. What are the odds, right?
So we went to this Japanese styled restaurant, and when I say ambiance. The restaurant is called Takato, please check it out ladies.
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What we enjoyed about it, as two former club goers (before we met each other) was the music, the low lights, open bar - it gave lounge vibe without all of the hookah and rift raft. Very classy, very exclusive, very expensive.
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And it wasn't awkward at all. We all talked as a group, then the men left to go speak on the balcony while me and the other woman sat at the table and talked. I believe they started dating before we did, but my man and I moved in with one another much sooner.
We talked about expectations and speaking with our families because the Haitian parents don't like that. But it was an enjoyable experience.
The first question she asked me was how did I tell my family without it being a huge ordeal. I told her "Hold your horses, sissy pooh. This is not a familial matter, rather a parental matter".
In Haitian culture, your business is everyone's business. So I have learned to remove myself from conversations, group chats, video calls, etc, because the only person I really owe in an explanation to when it comes to my whereabouts is my mother. Don't get me wrong, my mother and I have come a long way when it comes to how I choose to share the more personal and intimate details of my life, but I think we are at a point where she respects it now. So I told her, I talked to my mom separately to let her know that she and my dad raised a very smart daughter and they did a good job (you have to gas them up in the beginning before dropping the bomb) and that we have plans to get engaged and married (which we have both conveyed to both of the parental entities on both sides of this relationship), and this is what works for us. My mother took it rather well, like I know she doe not agree with it, but I also know she would rather know where I am than be kept in the dark.
Her other concern was just the expectations. And I told her that this is the only man I have lived with and it's not difficult, it's just different. But this is where grace and patience comes in.
Overall, I liked homegirl, and that will not be our last double date as a couple. We also exchanged instagrams as well.
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Back to the evening at hand: the restaurant, the food, the music, me, was marvelous. The conversations between both couples was great and it was nice to meet a young woman who is also in a serious relationship on the precipice of an engagement and marriage. I know I bring that up a lot, but something that I didn't realize with prioritizing my love life and heading towards a forever over a dating roster, as a young woman, it can be lonely too.
Sometimes I hold back on what I talk about with my girlfriends because I am the only one in this era that I am in, not because I don't trust them, but I don't want to sound like I am bragging or that I am not considerate of their situations. But I would like to talk about relationship stuff with girlies, not my deep business, but gift ideas, home ideas, trip ideas, double dates, etc.
Then we went to a rooftop bar where my man and I realized, we don't like places that are too spicy with too many people. We're on that out of sight out of mind, exclusive places. But overall it was a great night.
On our last day, we went to the airport and went to, I believe it was the sky lounge, due to us both having AMEX Platinum cards. It was nice, quiet, and comfortable. I refrained from taking my phone out to record content because something else I have realized, the more exclusive the area, the more ridiculous you look bringing your phone out to take pictures and videos. People purchase memberships into certain places for the exclusivity and to not see that. The sight of the calmness humbled me very quickly. So I enjoyed my brunch and coffee while he enjoyed brunch and his Old Fashioned.
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Miami was fun, having an Amex is fun, my life is fun, But God is greater and the reason why my life is fun.
More of my adventures coming soon Sissy Poohs.
With Love,
Sarah Chanel
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