#my dumb ideas
boiled-cats · 3 months
Guys what if
What if sagau and sahsrau reverse isekai, but they appear in our world as a size proportional to the screen you play on
So, like, if you play hsr on your phone, you can expect to see a tiny trailblazer on your desk, about 1 or 2 inches tall, trying to fashion a weapon out of paperclips and a thumbtack
Or if you’re on your computer, accidentally kicking a 5 inch tall Xiao across the floor while trying to get a midnight snack because he was patrolling the house for demons
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marcobodtlives · 2 months
Props to Eren for good behaviour because if I was gifted the power of an imaginary telepathic loudspeaker in the minds of an entire population then I’d be saying the dumbest shit imaginable
“Would you guys lo - stop screaming, I just opened the Paths. Gosh, so dramatic. Anyway. Would you guys love me if I were a worm?”
“Okay everybody crack your knuckles in 3… 2… 1…”
“Heyyy, can I get a burger with - oh sorry wrong intercom guys.”
“Simon says jump super high and see if the whole Earth shakes.”
“Oh fuck, I left the speaker running on the simulation. I’m gonna have to mind wipe you all Men in Black Style… haha just kidding guys.”
“How many of you are in the paths rn butt naked ‘cus you were in the shower when I opened the comm line? Oh oh my gosh how many of you are mid shit???”
“You know what would be fun, if everyone simultaneously screamed once I close paths. That’d be hilarious for all the non-Eldians haha.”
“Raise your hand if you’d vote me in as world leader. No? Nobody? K, guess I’ll just start the rumbling if you hate me so much 😒”
“Alright let’s try all sing Bohemian Rhapsody, everyone North of the equator you’re on high pitched, everyone South -”
“Statistically speaking at least one of you has the exact same birthday as me so fess up. Ah. Unfortunately I’ll have to execute you now because I want it to be MY special day.”
“Can I get you all to rate my outfit on a scale of 1-10? Idk if I like it.” *spins in a circle* “What do we think? Lose the boots and try heels or…?”
“Ymir’s been building giant sand sculptures on her own for thousands of years now, so everyone needs to pitch in or she’ll be mad.”
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Attempt #2 at summoning Haiku bot
Oh Haikubot you. Continue to elude me. How does this thing work.
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slasheru · 5 months
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Thanks again to @lynstinct. God I need way more characters per answer. Okay I hope it's comprehensible after having to compress my thoughts so much.
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fox-with-ferns · 1 year
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Happy New Years everyone uh here’s a dream sketch
Im feeding my weird ideas into this fandom
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fankhx-invasion · 1 year
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My diamond? 👀🌺
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trippin-chippin · 11 months
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No one:
Me: making a made up word for whiskey to confuse everyone about what it means. Then when they realize they wish they never had asked AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH whisk be whaskin 👁️v👁️
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mysteriousbp · 1 year
My dumb tiny brain came up with a dumb ship.
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Julius and Fanny
I kinda surprised that this ship isn’t a thing (at least I couldn’t find anyone else making this ship) because Julius and Fanny would be cute together, they kinda like the opposite of Oswald and Ortensia (male cat and female rabbit). I kinda think they would bound nicely because of their not so nice relationship with Oswald (Julius being replaced by Oswald and Fanny being dumped by Oswald).
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boiled-cats · 2 months
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i-like-the-eyes · 11 months
Tempted to make a side blog for my singing.
Noone will want to hear it but still...  xD
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total-fandom-tr45h · 1 year
For the human flower au, I have a few outfit ideas for the flower. Remember, the flower that is being humanized is a Blue Orchid!
Idea 1: I can't resist this style I'm sorry
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Idea 2: Simple, yet cute
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Idea 3: Cute but more casual
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Idea 4: More formal
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Idea 5: It would only be for a party or smth tbh
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Please, let me know what you think!
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ericmhe · 1 year
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I pondered on a gag about Bowser trying to stop Mario Day so I was kind of pleased when Jack Black made a similar gag in the streaming deal where they put up the last trailer. Accidentally topical. Bowser's had a lot of power ups over the years and I thought it might be kind of funny to try to mash as many as possible into one design. It's very scaled down compared to my original ambition, but still took a lot of time given that I was trying to upload other pictures regularly while working on it. Anyway, I'm taking a break from drawing for a couple of weeks I think.
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Why do I kinda crave an AU of Mickey as a florist...
Does anybody know one / feels like writing one?😇
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ruushes · 4 months
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sleeping arrangements (not sure tara would ever actually deign to sleep in the same 20ft radius as shovel but who can resist those big shiny insectoid black eyes 🥺)
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i just know that in a world that's regularly affected by prophecies a group of language majors from all over the world would just form a small agency that interprets your prophecy for a small fee in such a way that you can easily fulfill it. like prophecies are generally not very precise and someone with good enough grasp of metaphor and other stylistic devices could definitely change a the-world-will-end-soon-eternal-suffering-apocalypse prophecy into 'yeah, that's all just a bit of overenthusiastic metaphorical bullshit. just do those mundane tasks and you already got half of that done. really bad limerick btw. who did you say gave you this prophecy? ronald, you say? yeah, he always gets a bit carried away... so yeah, about that eternal suffering part, sorry to say, buddy, but guess you have to talk to your family, just one dinner. lucky for you it'll only feel eternal. and when you meet ronald tell him that the next time he plays 'voice of the gods' he could at least try to get his mandarin right? took us quite some time to figure that one out.'
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