#my favorite friendship atm
likeafairytale · 3 months
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youtube wrap game: 69 + Misty
“Sweet tea in the summer, cross your heart won't tell no other.” TAYLOR SWIFT – SEVEN
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117luv · 10 months
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my captain
synopsis: as jake smelled the amortentia, he was hit by a familiar scent of strawberry and vanilla, which awfully resembles the perfume of his best friend, yn.
genre: fluff, friends to lovers, oneshot
warnings: nothing except profanities
pairing: hufflepuff!jake x ravenclaw!reader (fem)
word count: 1.8k
a/n: hi darlings! its been almost three weeks since my last update for my hee smau but honestly i have no creative juice atm to update so i'm releasing this one! i been reading and watching hp again so i wrote this one in a whim and i hope you enjoy this! love ya <3 !!!
Jake walked through his potions class. Professor Slughorn started to discuss how to create Amortentia, a potion that was said to be the most powerful love potion. You could also know the person to whom you are most attracted by taking a whiff.
One thing he did know was that he wished for this class to end. His quidditch team had been practicing for weeks for the upcoming match against Slytherin, and as captain, he exerted himself to the fullest. As his eyes tried to keep themselves awake, he told himself that a short nap sounded so much better than being in this class, and Potions is his favorite class, which tells something.
He finished making the potion, and now it's time to finally take a sniff of it. As he placed his nose near the potion, he got the scent of strawberry and vanilla. He hadn't processed the scent yet, but it smelled familiar, which greatly confused him. Professor Slughorn dismissed the class, and he walked to the library as he processed the scent he got from the potion.
He bumped into someone as he walked towards the library, and it was Yn. She had her hair in a braid, which he found very pretty. She apologized and quickly saw that it was Jake she bumped into. "Oh, it's you. Nice to see you, Jake. I apologize for bumping into you. Although it seems you're in a trance, how's the quidditch practice going?," she said. "Hi, it's going well. Thank you for asking," he said while scratching his neck. "Well, that's good to hear, but also don't forget to rest and take proper meals. You won't be at your full potential once the match comes," she said while waving goodbye to the captain.
This is when it hit him that the familiar scent was from his best friend, Yn. It was her favorite vanilla and strawberry perfume, which she had used since her first year. This newly found discovery led him to realize that he is utterly in love with her and doesn't know how to approach this situation. One thing is for sure, and that's he's fucked.
Jay noticed that Jake had been staring off into space rather than studying. He quickly snapped his fingers in front of Jake, which made the boy come back to his senses. "Something is up; you rarely stare off cause that's more of Sunghoon's thing," which earned the boy a smack in the arm from his other friend who was sitting beside Jay. "Jay is right, you've been like this after Potions class. What happened during that class?," Sunghoon said. "I just realized that I'm in love with Yn," he said to his best friends, who were looking at each other as if this revelation was nothing new. "Okay, tell us something that isn't obvious," Jay said. This left the boy surprised that his friends weren't shocked by his infatuation with the girl. "How come you know it? Am I that obvious?," he asked them. "It doesn't take a genius to know you are in love with her," Sunghoon said, while Jay continued, "The way your eyes lit up while talking to her or how jealous you get when a student tries to make any move toward her. Jake, we can read you like a book," he told the boy in front of him.
There is one fear that Jake had if he were to confess his feelings towards her, and that would be ruining the five years of friendship between them. He can't imagine how he will cope with losing a best friend like her over his feelings. He just can't risk losing her. He expressed this concern to the two boys in front of him: "I don't know if I want to hex you right now or not because I will lose my hair over how oblivious you are to her actions whenever you two are together. It's clear that she likes you back," Jay said while looking visibly defeated by his friend. "Also, it's only two years before we leave Hogwarts, so if I were you, confess now or hurt yourself by seeing her with another man," Sunghoon added as Jake ruffled his hair in frustration. He has decided that today will be the day that he confesses his true feelings.
At the same time, Yn went back to her common room to ease her mind. She had been studying all weekend for her Defense Against the Dark Arts test, which will make up half of her grade this semester. Her mind went back to the talk she had with her friend, Violet. It was about love, most specifically the person they fancied. It was clear to her that she liked Jake — for five years, to be exact.
This goes back to their first years, when they were boarding the train, and she didn't find any empty cabins except for one that already had a black-haired boy sitting in it. "May I sit here? Every cabin is full already," she asked as the boy nodded. The train ride was silent, but she was determined to make friends at her new school. She quickly learned his name was Jake, and he was half-blood. Going off the train, the first years were sorted, in which she was sorted in Ravenclaw while her new friend was sorted in Hufflepuff. Despite being in different houses, their friendship only grew stronger as the years passed. It then hit her that she was in love with the smart, funny, and kind Hufflepuff boy whom she met on the train.
Her owl flew into the room as she dropped a letter with a seal that had "JK" on it. It was from Jake, and he had written her a letter to meet him at Hogsmeade as he wanted to talk to her. She quickly got changed and headed towards the meet-up place with a nervous heart.
Jake was 5 minutes earlier than Yn, and the air felt different the moment he saw her. She was so beautiful that he could get lost in her eyes. "Jake, what is the thing you wanted to talk about?," she said, which broke his trance. "Oh, about that. I want to tell you something." As he spoke while trying to avoid eye contact with her. She felt nervous as she waited for the words that would come out of his mouth; he had never asked her to talk with him alone. If she learns that her best friend is utterly in love with someone, she would rather turn into a water droplet than hear that come out of his mouth. "The thing is, I like you. No, that's not it. I'm utterly in love with you, Yn. I've wanted to tell you about this but I wasn't too sure with my feelings, but Jay and Sunghoon pushed me to tell you my true feelings before it will eat me alive," he spoke while finally looking at her directly.
She was left speechless. The boy with whom she is in love just confessed to her. Many things are running through her mind now that she hasn't spoken to the boy for 3 minutes straight. He started to feel that confessing his feelings wasn't the right choice, and now he will lose his best friend. "I will go now. I don't need to know what your answer is cause it's obvious by your reaction," he said as he stood up. But he was quickly pulled by her, and she kissed him, after which he kissed her back. The kiss was full of love, and Jake was the first to pull away. He looked at her flushed face as she tried to look at him. "You didn't gave me a chance to reply. I was speechless, you idiot. To answer you back, I like you too. No, I'm in love with you and have always been. I love you, Jake," she said while lovingly caressing his cheeks. He connected their foreheads as the biggest grin appeared in his face.
Jake came back to the dorm smiling from ear to ear, which made Sunghoon ask him about what happened between them. "She likes me back. The girl I love, loves me back. She will also cheer for me during our match against Slytherin," he said as he rambles about you, which earned an annoyed face from Sunghoon, but deep down, he is happy that Jake is happy and with the woman he loves. Unbeknownst to Jake, she was also gushing towards Violet about everything that went down in Hogsmeade. This is the happiest day for the both of them.
Jake was nervous, but it all dissolved when he saw his girlfriend in the Ravenclaw stands. This was his year as captain, so he felt a great responsibility to win the house cup for their team. As the team went to their places, Madam Hooch gave a blast from her whistle. Soon after, the brooms went off in different directions. The Slytherin team scored the first point as their chaser, Heeseung, shot a fast ball. The game was intense, as the teams scores were 90 to 80, with Hufflepuff leading by 10 points. It was Jake's turn to catch the golden snitch, which would grant them the house cup. As the Slytherin's seeker was approaching the snitch, he quickly passed through him and caught the snitch. Loud cheers from the Hufflepuff stands erupted as Madam Hooch announced the Hufflepuff team's victory.
As he looked through the stands, he saw Yn with the widest smile on her face. He quickly made his way towards her and went down to her stand. "Congratulations, My Captain; I'm proud of you," she said as she gave him a kiss in front of everyone. The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students cheered loudly as you two shared an intimate moment. "I would not have done it without my lucky charm, aka you," he said while hugging her tightly by the waist.
As they returned to the hall, he stopped in his tracks and made her face him as she tried to read his expression. "You wanna know what I smelled when we made the Amortentia?," he finally spoke as he continued, "I smell your vanilla and strawberry perfume, which you've been using since our first year," as she smiled while looking at him. She held his face and smothered it with kisses.
"I love you, My Captain," she said while looking at him. She quietly sneaked him to the Ravenclaw's common room, where she quickly pulled him towards her room. They lay down on her bed, and he snaked his arms around her waist while nuzzling into her neck, which smells like her perfume. The two dozed off into dreamland while holding each other. The captain with his lucky charm.
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sitp-recs · 8 months
hey there! wondering if you know of any good fics that are demi (or ace)? I read so many amazing fics but sometimes everything being super sexualised is a bit much (no hate !!! just looking for something a bit different atm) really struggling to see myself represented in mainstream media and just life in general rn so was hoping there’s be something out there! thanks <3
Sending love your way dear anon 🤍🖤💜 I’m not ace myself but totally agree and would love to see broader representation in fic. I do have some recs for you, you’re probably already familiar with Little Deaths but I’m including it because it’s one of my favorite fics and a must read imo. I also have a reclist for non-sexual intimacy in case you’re interested :)
Cake is Ace by @bafflinghaze (G, 2.6k)
As part of a dare, Harry and Draco get locked in a cupboard together. Harry swears that it isn’t what it looks like!
Let Me Count the Ways by @thebooktopus (E, 3.5k)
Intimacy comes in many forms. Draco wants to explore them all with Harry.
Ferrety Little Mouths and How to Snog with Them by @fluxweeed (M, 5k)
“I don’t think the size of your mouth has much to do with how good at kissing you are. People with ferrety little mouths can be good snoggers too.” “You’re clearly an expert. You’ll have to teach me.”
Cake, Please by leontina (T, 9k)
Harry is struggling with mental health issues, and Draco is struggling with his sexuality. They both feel alone and broken, until Harry hires Draco as a portrait painter.
Glowing by @cavendishbutterfly (T, 10k)
Harry's lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he'd put in the Prophet. Cue soft blood drinking, quiet nights of reading and crocheting, and Harry thinking that maybe--just maybe--he might not be so alone anymore.
Infuse With Affection, Enchant With Love by @bafflinghaze (T, 16k)
It starts with Draco making protective pendants for himself, his parents, and his friends, after the war. Something that would watch their backs—and their fronts—as people spat on them in the streets and hexed them in the alleyways. Draco gets better at it, does a course on it, and takes enough commissions for charmed jewellery that he eventually opens his own shop.
Be It Sunny Days Or Stormy Nights by @bafflinghaze (T, 16k)
Harry and Draco are good friends: Harry annoys Draco and Draco insults him back. But slowly, Harry starts to realise just how important Draco is in his life and discovers that relationships need not follow strict lines.
Passion Cake by @icmezzo (T, 19k)
It’s all about desire. (Harry orders a magically enhanced cake from a chic London bakery, and from there it all goes to hell in a cake tin. Also, will someone please tell Harry what Passion Cake is?)
Cake co. by toutcequonveut (T, 21k)
Draco is the ace of cakes! Or: the story of how Draco Malfoy goes from war criminal to baker incredible, makes some unexpected friendships, and learns more about himself along the way. A journey of growth told through cake.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose and dustmouth (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
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comradekatara · 7 months
hello! I’m rewatching atla atm, and I’m on the s1 finale. I was wondering if you’ve ever imagined what an extra northern water tribe ep could look like? personally I feel like they could’ve easily scrapped the great divide and added another ep to this mini arc, after the ep where katara slays paku. I’m just not sure what the conflict would be. a sokka ep would be great, maybe some of his warrior training & socializing with the average nwt man. the way this could contribute to sokka & masculinity & protection I would Die. ofc more time with yue. but anyway, I’m interested in your thoughts
oh this SUCH a good question!! the nwt is my favorite mini-arc in the show (yue being the absolute scene-stealer that she is) and i have always secretly wanted an extra episode set there, whether by removing “the great divide” (objectively bad episode apart from the aang lying stuff which is great) or by simply adding one extra episode to s1 at no cost.
if i could rework those episodes as self indulgently as possible, i would make “the waterbending master” more katara (and kanna) focused and then make the extra episode more sokka (and yue) focused. yue could still be introduced to us and sokka in that episode, but time spent on sokka’s subplot could instead be afforded to flashbacks of kanna in the nwt. we only get very limited glimpses of kanna, in flashbacks or otherwise, and i think seeing more of her, especially in an episode that sheds so much illuminating light onto her character & thematic role as she informs katara, would have been really cool to see. kanna as a child, giggling with baby yugoda as she would later do with hama. kanna at age 16, looking like a slightly older katara, hesitating over her marriage to a younger pakku, ultimately making a difficult choice. katara’s arc in that episode wouldn’t change (i mean, it’s already so perfect), but for the audience, seeing kanna would help contextualize that chiasmus and further move us.
a common criticism i see from detractors of sokka/yue’s relationship is that it feels too rushed, and i agree to an extent, but we also know that they did develop a sincere friendship during the timeskip between “the waterbending master” and “the siege of the north.” we simply do not know for how long that timeskip actually lasted. we can assume that it was a not insignificant amount of time, considering that katara basically mastered waterbending in that interim, but we never actually see that friendship develop, so to some, it can feel cliched and insincere (because they simply do not understand the power of uhaul lesbianism). so on a very self-indulgent level, i would love to see more of sokka and yue’s relationship development, since we are only privy to the most essential beats (which, granted, we can extrapolate from, but im being selfish rn shut up).
an episode where sokka and yue (both separately and together) comprise the a and b plots (and the c plot can be katara and aang adorable training montage) would be really nice to see, especially, as you said, wrt the gender politics of the nwt. it would be cool to see yue directly interact with arnook and/or hahn to provide a starker contrast between the burdens placed on her as a girl/daughter/wife/princess versus how sokka treats her (because that implication is already crucial, but framing it more overtly would be nice). and then seeing sokka in the throes of his “warrior training” being like “i don’t think any of these dudes have ever actually seen battle…” and having to deal with the tension of being denigrated and disrespected as a southerner, but also clearly having more experience than them and being frustrated by their myopia (realizing that not too long ago, he also had no experience, and oh god is that what he sounded like??????? yes.) .. and then of course sokka and yue together, flirting as “just friends” (over pai sho perhaps????) and being in their own little totally platonic rom com world. but sokka and yue’s relationship is obviously very thematically significant on top of just being lovely and adorable, so using that extra space to explore their parallel commitments to their (patriarchal) Duty, the burdens and expectations placed on them, and how it reflects their societies and the role colonialism plays in shaping them. would love to see it!!!!
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pomegranate-pen · 1 year
Hi iv really enjoyed your lackadaisy writing and was wondering if you’d be willing to write dating headcanons for Mordecai Heller?
He’s one of my favorites atm
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A/n: hey everyone!! hope you're all having a good day!!! so a lot fo you requested mordecai dating headcanons, so here it is!! this will probably be the last headcanons I'll do, and I'll now stick to writing scenarios while also my main focus being continuing my fanfics. also going to start making up the plot for the potential rocky fic. though that all may come out in summer, since I'm slowly but surely exam seasons. anyways- hope you all enjoy this!!
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Mordecai Heller x gn! reader general
-Mordecai is definitely cold toward you the very first time you meet. He will not speak to you about himself or his interests, he will keep the conversations short and straight to the point and he will not care about a single thing you do, only he will be annoyed when you do a task wrong.
-If you’re a regular of sorts, or someone who will become his partner or co-worker, then you’ll learn a few more bits and information about him and if stayed long enough, you will get a few more lines other than orders about what he feels about a certain subject matter or a few other workers around here (mostly complaints about the Savoy siblings, given how much he has to spend time with them on the daily). even then, he merely considers you an acquaintance. And it will take many years and much more meetings for him to see you as a friend. and when it does happen, it is subtle, but the conversations are more apparent, and your opinion on different matters is valued much more.
-Being his lover, however, will take much longer, and needs a much more deal of spending time and getting to know him. Which can be hard given how closed off he is about his life and past. Despite that, it’s not an impossible task. Rather, it’s made extremely difficult due to Mordecai’s own lack of interest in such things, his trust issues, and a bundled amount of feelings of unworthiness towards such a thing as love. He believes he doesn’t need it nor does he deserve it, and he doesn’t mind either of those.
-However, though his feelings are completely uninterested in such matters, that doesn’t mean he won’t fall for someone, which in this case, becomes you after half a decade or so of being friends with him. 
-the first to realize their feelings is most likely you. since Mordecai will first assume that his emotions towards you are just ones out of the care and respect he has for you as a friend. If you realize them, you must keep quiet about them for the most part, since Mordecai won’t really understand why there would be such a feeling harboring between you two, and he must process his own feelings himself before accepting yours. When he does realize them, oh boy, it’s rough. He feels guilty for loving you, because he doesn’t trust himself with any intimate relationship. Given how his friendship went with Viktor, he was already extremely hesitant about the idea of another friend, now, a lover and a partner, someone that he needs to trust and share a part of his life with, and they must do with him, is frightening and confusing to say the least. As said before, he doesn’t believe he’s worthy of such things. And now that he wants it from you, he feels like a villain of sorts. Taking something that doesn’t belong to him in the first place.
-It will take quite a few months for him to accept these feelings of his, almost half a year even. You seriously need to be very patient with him, something that he will appreciate the world of when you do. his confession is short, and straight to the point. Though, a few ticks of stress and anxiousness can be seen in him. For example, his ears are twitching here and then, his tail is flicking up and down in his seat and he cannot for the life of him seem to stare at you in the eye for more than three seconds. His words are quick, and his tone is a bit clumsy for a guy like him. at the end of it, the flicks of his tail are quicker in speed, and now, he’s looking straight at you with a hesitant look, as if he’s regretting the confession already a second after it’s done.
-He’s calmed down and surprised when you do accept his confession, and he’d not know what to do at that point. he’d nod his head, clear his throat, and thank you. “very well then,” his ears twitched a bit. “ I suppose we’d have to…plan a date now?” 
-It takes him some time, but with some help from yours, he finds, in his opinion, the true meaning of dating someone. It is not about dates and being over the top like he presumed, yet it is a way of spending time and enjoying each other’s presence, and being loyal to one another for more than anyone else. 
-So as you can guess, dates are quite rare. He never sees the point in it, though if you want such an activity to happen every once in a while, perhaps with a bit of pleading and coaxing you’ll get him to begrudgingly get time out of his day to do such things with you. yet, even though he seems annoyed by the entire occasion at first, you find him calm and even smiling at some point the more time you spend with him on the said dates.
His love language is spending time with one another. Though at the start of the relationship, miscommunication will be common, since Mordecai isn't one to speak about his feelings, if you try your best to tackle it healthily, your relationship with him will be all about communication and it will be the very reason why it’s so strong at the end of it all. It also makes him see communication as the most important part of the relationship, so he’s completely honest, brutally so at times. 
--The love language he’d like to receive most is the same, though he does get a bit flustered anytime you use words of affirmation and compliment him, then quickly denies your compliments or thanks you for them. 
-Not at all a PDA person, nor is he a physically affectionate guy in private either. He doesn’t like physical contact, either finding it too stuffy or too warm for his liking and just not being in much of a mood for it most times. Though, if in a situation you truly seem like you need a warm embrace or a hand to hold, he wouldn’t mind giving that to you, though he’ll be a bit flustered and quiet the entire time while doing so. He wouldn’t ever say this out loud, but his favorite act of affection from you is when you kiss or peck his cheek. It's surprising to him and it makes him melt a bit, being treated with such softness is quite rare in his life, so he doesn’t know what to do when you peck him, but his heart is beating so fast he can’t focus. He could only look at you in shock and touch the cheek you have kissed in instinct. Give him a forehead kiss and you’ll have an extremely quiet Mordecai awaiting you. he’s processing every second of that quick kiss and he’s speechless by how much it moved him.
 -Word about your relationship will never spread out, since Mordecai is extremely private about such things. No one realizes you two are dating unless one of you says so. The only ones who do notice by connecting the dots themselves are the Savoy siblings and Viktor. 
-Whether you like it or not, information about Mordecai’s family will mostly never be revealed. You’ll most likely just know that he has two sisters, but that is all he will ever tell you. and in fairness, he never tries to force you to speak about yours either, so it’s a mutual agreement at times to just avoid the topic unless it is deemed necessary by a dangerous circumstance to be said. 
-He doesn’t have many hobbies, but if you still try to enjoy a few things he does such as reading the same book he has on his shelves, you’ll be met with a cautiously excited and info-dumping Mordecai who starts debates and discussions with you about which part of the books you enjoyed and detested.
-He’ll try to indulge a bit in a few hobbies you have as well, but he’ll probably not get much invested in them. Though, he still sees it as a worthy journey, since in the end you were smiling and excited when explaining things to him.  
-Mordecai feels much more comfortable ranting to you than anyone else. So most times when he comes back from work for the day and has a weekend to look forward to, he spends that time drinking tea with you while speaking about anything and nothing that is on his mind. Treat this like it was diamonds in a mine full of charcoal. because not everyone has the luck to meet this side of Mordecai Heller. He’s more expressive when he’s with you, more open with his emotions, which means the level of trust he has with you is most than anyone else’s.
He’ll listen to all your rants and complaints as well, and if needed, he will give honest advice for your problems. Don’t expect any comfort, though. Because he isn't the best one for such things and he makes that clear all the time before you start your rant. 
-Wherever you live, whether it's in a separate apartment from his or if you’ve moved in with him, it will be extremely clean. Whether it’s because of his actions or yours, a completely clean and tidied-up house becomes the absolute norm in your life. If you were one who never really cared about those things, well, you will have to at some point for his sake, since he’s always extremely uncomfortable in messy areas.
 -Mordecai Heller loves you, but he won’t ever verbally say it. yet, you’ll always know that, because his actions speak much louder than words ever can, and you understand every word he's saying when he’s making tea for you or asking about your day, speaking to you on the daily or just sitting next to you. you know he loves you, and you know he loves you back. and perhaps, that is why this relationship worked in the first place. It will have its hardships, yes, but like any other relationship, it doesn’t mean it won’t have its good moments either. 
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daydreamgoddess14 · 9 months
Full Masterlist
Sydcarmy Masterlist
Syd, Carmy and a heatwave which threatens to tip things over the edge...
it's hot as balls basically everywhere I think atm? Anyway, it's hot in the UK so this popped into my head.
If you can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen. 
If you can't stand the heat… Get. Out. Of. The. Kitchen. 
Get. Out. Of. The. Kitchen.
Sydney was at least 96.8% certain that she was going to die in this kitchen today. Which, coincidentally, was the temperature outside. Inside, it was a cool 104°F at least . She didn't dare look at the room thermometer Marcus had brought in with him for fear that she'd crawl into the walk-in in tears and never come out. They'd put a rule on breakdowns in the walk-in. Only 2 allowed per week, and Richie had bagged both of them already thanks to Tiffany's engagement party. She was bracing herself for the pomme puree and the steam, bicep work out, and overall exertion it would inflict on her, when she felt a cool hand sweep under her braids and leave a damp washcloth behind. She couldn't stop the low moan that tumbled from her mouth, or the breathy,
"Fuck me."
"Too damn hot." 
"It wasn't an offer, Carmen." She tutted, rolling her eyes. 
"Obviously not if you're full naming me, Sydney." He teased. 
"Behind," she called, lugging the steaming pan of potatoes over to the sink. He followed with a strainer and took over. 
"Here let me," steam billowed up between them, obscuring her favorite view of his arms. She had a running total of how many times he stepped in to lift something she or Tina would have struggled with. She wondered vaguely whether he was the one doing it on purpose. The helping, the little quips, the overall being better . The tension had been simmering gently beneath them since the day after the soft open, probably before that if she really cared to admit it. He'd called them all in, apologized until there wasn't a dry eye in the house, and made it clear he'd spend as long as necessary making amends to each and every one of them. 
She'd walked out. 
He'd followed her out back and stood perfectly still while she shouted, screamed and cussed him out. Words that she'd probably never said aloud before were hurled at him with ease, and he took it all. She shouted until she was hoarse and exhausted, eyes streaming with tears and head pounding like his fists on the metal door the night before. When she paused to catch her breath, he'd moved into her space and put his hands on her shoulders. All out of words, she hit out physically, and he took it as she rained fairly useless and ineffectual punches onto his chest. If she'd had a right hook like Richie, he probably would have been far less accepting. Eventually, she succumbed to silence, and still, he stood there. He'd wrapped those damn arms around her even as she still fought against him, pushing her hands on him to try and move backwards. She gave way to indifference, arms limp at her sides until he'd whispered a heartbroken beg for forgiveness into her ear, and her resolve crumbled like dry bread dough. She accepted the apology but made it abundantly clear that forgiveness would have to be earned. He became more present and dedicated than she'd ever seen. Their working relationship, firstly, had blossomed because of it, easily followed by their friendship and now… well. If suggestive banter or innocent touches were Olympic team events, they were gold medalists. 
"Get some air, Syd." He suggested as the steam died away. He looked as bad as she felt, hair damp, and what looked like a permanent sheen of sweat coated his skin. 
"Is it any cooler out there?"
"No, but there's air?" She nodded and took the offer. They'd carved out a few meters of shade by snagging one of the old tablecloths on some rusty hooks and had moved a couple chairs out of the sun. 
"Too damn hot." She repeated his words back to him as he approached, taking the seat next to her. 
"Yeah. What're you thinking?"
"Really?" She opened one eye to look at him, "what's the coldest I can get the shower to go later." 
"Not cold enough."
"Heard, Chef. You?"
"What's the maximum fine for a health code violation." She looked confused, "naked cooking." Came the explanation. 
"Ok, one - gross, and two - last time I did it, I burned myself, so it's a no from me."
"Where what?"
"Where'd you burn yourself?" He asked, turning the already considerable temperature up on their conversation once more. 
"Uhuh, you'll never know."
"Never? We'll see." She shook her head. She normally enjoyed the push and pull, the raising stakes of who gives in first and changes the subject when it gets too much. But this heatwave had been going on for days, and the combined heat is just too much. She's too damn hot to keep up a witty repartee and try to make him blush. Plus the heat only makes her think more of their sweat slicked bodies together. She found herself wondering more and more often how long they'd keep this up. What would be the thing that brought about change? Did it just disappear again as gradually as it arrived? Was it a simple one and done fuck it out of their system? Or did they carry on in this perpetual state of winding each other up and then, as she did now frequently (so, so frequently), bring herself back down. If she could do it without spontaneously combusting, she'd wonder if he also had to do that as often as she did. As if on command, an image of him with his hand on his cock pops into her brain before she can stop it, and she has to grit her teeth and press her thighs together to stop from making a sound. 
"It's too fucking hot." She grimaced and headed back inside before she could accidentally make eye contact and have him read her mind. 
The next day was just as bad. The sun was gone, but a sweaty, muggy heat remained and that was somehow worse. There was no breeze at all, no air, everything was hazy. They'd sent everyone home who didn’t need to be there, preferring to survive the evening on the bare minimum number of staff rather than have a packed out kitchen or front of house. Fak hovered, mumbling something about stressed pipework and expansion but Syd ignored him and refilled hers and Carmy's iced waters, hands brushing together as he eagerly took it from her. 
"Isn't there, like, a point where you can drink too much water and get ill?" She asked, downing half her cup in one go and leaving condensation drips to travel down her chin and neck. 
"Fuck knows. We need to 86 half the menu tonight."
"Heard, Chef. Already gone through it with Richie." She handed him the revised menu for the evening. 
"No swordfish?"
"Do you want to stand and sear it on the hotplate all night?" 
"Definitely not."
"I thought not. I swear it's so hot in here I think I could turn my back into a hotplate." She shook her head and mumbled, "fry a fucking egg on my ass." He laughed so hard he nearly threw his water across the room. 
"We should try that." He suggested once he'd recovered and received a glare in response. 
"I need air." She took her cup and refilled it again on the way out. In the tiny not-really-a-corridor between the pot wash and outside she heard a gurgling rumble near ground level. "The fuck?" She looked down to see a drip of water escaping from the pipe. "Fak?" There was no response initially, "yo, Neil, get your ass out here?" It happened just as Carmy comes to the door to ask what's wrong. The pipe groans and creaks, "hey, can you get Fak, I think there's -" water everywhere. Everywhere . It sprayed out from the pipe in a forceful gush and got her right in the face. "Holy fucking shit!" To his credit, Carmy shut the door behind him and grabbed at the coats on the hooks in front of them. Syd pulled off her apron and dropped to the floor, using it to press against the pipe to stem the flow of water while Carmy used the coats on the gap at the bottom of the door so it didn’t get into the kitchen. They were both soaked to the bone and the water just kept coming. 
"Fak, where the fuck are you?" Carmy shouted over the sound of the water, Syd tried to hold the gap in the pipe but it only made the water gush harder at odd angles. Finally, finally , Neil appeared by the back door, "shut the fucking water off, Fak!" He had to go round to the front and into the kitchen the long way to get to the stop tap. Syd let go of the pipe as soon as the water slowed to a trickle, and sat back on the wet floor with her back against the wall, trying to catch her breath, 
"Fuck. That was," there were no words, "... that was crazy. At least it was clean water." She lifted the edge of her soaked t-shirt to wipe her face. He wasn’t talking and she had no idea why - he wasn’t calling out for Fak or cursing the heat, the pipes, the pool of water they were literally sitting in. She looked up to see what was wrong and he just stared back at her. “What? What’s wrong - did you get hurt?” She moved forward on her knees quickly, half crawling towards him when Fak opened the kitchen door.
“I knew it, I knew the pipes wouldn’t take the heat,” he sighed, taking in the sight of both of them sitting in an inch of water and looking, presumably, like drowned vermin. “Woah, wet t-shirt competition!” He covered his eyes and turned away. Syd looked to find that her plain white t-shirt had clung to her body like a second skin, her non-padded black bra and dark pebbled nipples completely visible.
“Shit,” her arms covered her modesty but the damage was done. Fak left quickly, mumbling something about repairs before they opened and Syd stood as quickly as she could without moving her arms. Carmy cleared his throat,
“Sorry, that was really fucking inappropriate, I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t think… didn’t realize. It’s fine. Should have left my apron on.”
“Yeah. You’re dripping,” he started to say,
“Excuse me?” Her eyes were like saucers, her voice was barely a squeak,
“You’re uhh, you’re dripping. You should change? You wanna uhh… you should use the office? I’ll start clearing up, Manny will be here in a few, and then I’ll get changed. You got spare clothes?”
“Yeah, yeah I think I’ve got some stuff to get by with.”
“Let me know if you need a shirt, think I’ve got a couple.”
“Thanks,” She hesitated, his shirt was also plastered to his skin, the faint outlines of more tattoos just visible through the transparent fabric. She swallowed and looked back up to eye level and he moved aside to let her through. She waded to the lockers and office without a backwards glance. The second the door was closed behind her, she was able to let out a shaking breath. Fuuuck. Assessing the damage, she peeled off her t-shirt and bra, and slid her Dickies down her legs. There wasn’t a single dry item of clothing that she could put back on so all she had was a clean cami crop top and another pair of Dickies. No underwear, no bra. Not even socks. She was just about dressed again when there was a faint knock on the door,
“Can I come in?”
“Yeah, sure.” She’d pulled her braids back into a high bun and reused her damp scarf to hold it up off her neck, the cami left her arms and shoulders exposed but she has her custom jacket hanging up to put on later to cover herself. The crop top left a line of her stomach uncovered. She wasn’t sure it had ever been seen in public before, and certainly not by Carmy. Learning from previous mistakes, she covered her breasts by crossing her arms - no bra meant she may as well still be wearing a soaked t-shirt for all the dignity it provided.
“You good?”
“Fine, not ideal but, y’know,” she shrugged. “Hey do you have any spare socks?”
“Yeah, think so. Shit, even your socks?”
“Literally every item of clothing I was wearing is just… fucking soaked.” The statement lingered in the air,
“You should hang them somewhere outside, let everything dry out.”
“Gonna do it now. Need some help with the clear up?”
“Nah, Manny’s got it and Fak’s repairing the pipe.”
“Will we have water for service?”
“He tells me so. We’ll see, it’s Fak.” She hummed in agreement and turned her back on him to grab her wet clothes from the floor. He stepped behind her and she felt a featherlight touch on her tattoo. “You have a tattoo?” He stated, tracing the outline and causing goosebumps to pick up across her shoulders and back. She tried to speak, but the words weren't forming. His other hand went to the bare skin on her back, knuckles grazing the dip of her spine. “You’ve cooled down.” She nodded, it’s all she can do. He was so close, she could feel the cool damp from his t-shirt and it was still so oppressively hot in the kitchen that she just wanted to lean back into him. Her breath was already ragged and he’d hardly laid a finger on her. The knuckles on her back turned to fingertips on her bare waist with the faintest, almost imperceptible grip. She felt his lips ghost over the back of her neck and then a tiny kiss directly on her tattoo. It felt like all of the heat from outside and from the kitchen had all pooled in her stomach. He held her a little tighter and her body flooded with longing, a sigh escaping from her mouth. The clothes dropped to the floor with a wet slap, and she turned in his arms. There was so little space between them, it was blindingly obvious that she didn’t have a bra on. “Fuck, Syd,” he rasped, his hand coming up to cup her breast over her t-shirt, the pad of his thumb skimmed her nipple. She arched into him, her hand was already bunching his t-shirt in her fist as he nudged her nose with his, their breath mingling. His eyes were locked on hers, waiting for her agreement,
“What the fuck happened, Fak! I thought you said the pipes would be good?” Richie’s voice boomed through the kitchen just as she’d leaned into him, and they sprang apart instantly.
“Yeah Richie, when it’s not plus 100, dude! Everything falls apart in that kinda heat.” Syd grabbed her clothes again and was out of the door before Carmy could say a word. She shoved her bare feet into her work crocs and darted outside, stepping over the rags thrown down to soak up some of the water. Manny had moved the coats they’d originally put down and hung them outside. Communal outerwear which had been there since spring turned to summer and people came to work in a coat but didn’t leave with one. She made a mental note to take them to get cleaned before anyone would need them again. 
“Any damage?” She asked Fak on her way past.
“Only the pipe, you guys managed to keep all the water to the pot wash. Nothing in the kitchen.”
“Great. We good for service?”
“Well see.”
“We gotta be, Fak.” She told him firmly.
“You got it Syd.” Outside, she flung her clothes over the back of one of the chairs and dragged a hand over her face. Everything falls apart in that kinda heat. She heard Fak’s words over and over. 
“Yo, you good?” Carmy asked as he stepped out and did the same thing with his clothes as she had. Of course the only sign of the mishap inside for him was his wet hair, while she looked like she’d gotten dressed in the dark and forgotten most of her clothes. 
“Yeah. Gotta get on with prep, we’re behind.”
“Heard, Chef. I’ll be right there.” He grabbed her wrist as she passed him and asked the question again without saying a word. She nodded and threw him a small smile.
“Later,” she assured him. “We’re all good, Chef.” She confirmed and headed inside.
It was a quiet night, for which Syd was eternally grateful. Just one full cover and turnaround on tables, the latest seated at 7.30pm and out by 9.30pm. The quiet night however, left plenty of room and time in the kitchen. Fewer people around had seemingly given Carmy a free pass to make his presence known around Syd. Any normal night and she’d barely have time to look at him other than when answering him. She’d suggested that she take the expo while he manned hers and Tina’s stations with Connor on his own and Daniela’s. 
“You sure?” He asked as she tied her apron,
“Yeah, I’m faster.” 
“No you’re not,” he scoffed.
“Yes, I am.”
“Not. What’s the real reason?” He asked quietly, looking around to see that they were as alone as they could be in the open kitchen.
“No reason.”
“You want the truth?” She asked.
“I do, say more please?”
“I need to not have your voice, like, talking me through it all fucking night. Ok?” He looked a little hurt and she realized how her comment had sounded, replaying it in her mind, “fuck, I didn’t mean…” she stepped closer and dropped her voice so that only he could hear her. “It can be distracting and I don’t need that distraction with half the kitchen staff out. Ok?” She’d moved over to the expo and started setting up while he was still processing her comment. 
“Distracting?” He raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Shut up. We’re not talking about this, I said what I said and that’s it,” she waved her hand as if to brush the comment away and out of the conversation, “done.”
“We’re coming back to this conversation.”
“We’ll see about that. 10 minutes to open, Chefs. We good?”
“Yes, Chef.” came the slightly reduced chorus back. 
“Excellent, let’s get it done and get out of this furnace.” They moved quickly through the tables, Syd’s constant stream of information and requests flowed through the kitchen with ease. Hands were exactly where they needed to be, nothing needed to be refired and despite the heat, the atmosphere was calm and relaxed. Despite his voice not being as much of a distraction, he still found other ways. Small touches to her back as he passed behind her, brushes of her hand when he brought her plates and every time he caught her eye she was sure she could burst into flames.
“More hands please and thank you.” She called out as Carmy brought three plates forward along with a refilled cup of iced water, “thank you, Chef.” She murmured, stealing a glance at him.
“Y’welcome, Chef.”
“Chefs, stay hydrated please, and do not sweat into my plates.” She reminded them.
“Yes, Chef.”
“Carm, you good?”
“Yes, Chef. Just trying not to be a distraction.” He smirked. 
“If only that were possible.” She retorted,
“Maybe some pointers?” She fought the grin pulling at the corner of her mouth but ignored him,
“Connor, your station done?”
“Sure is, Chef.” 
“Gorgeous, thank you.” The young chef beamed at her. 
“Ok, last table are ready for desserts and then we’re done, lizards.” Richie confirmed, Connor left his stations to cover the final desserts over on Marcus’ empty section while Syd went through the night's tickets and Carmy started clearing up. 
“So back to my being a distraction -” he started, she continued counting while he continued talking, “can we get into that, please?”
“Right now?” She carried on counting,
“I mean, later works for me?” he saw her hands falter on her count, she paused to remember where she was up to and then carried on,
“Yep, sounds good, I’ll cook.” She finished and clipped the tickets together, adding a sticky note to the top with the totals as Connor brought the final desserts over,
“Hands please, Richie,” she called out, wiping the plates. 
“No smudges.” She and Carmy both told him as he collected them. “Outside?” She asked, reaching for her nearly empty cup. “Connor, we’ll be back in 5. Take a break if you want.” She collected Carmy’s cup on the way past and refilled both of them. Outside, the heat was still fierce even in the twilight. “How is it no fucking cooler yet?”
“Better than in there.” He slumped into one of the chairs and lit a cigarette. “Good service.”
“Not bad, considering. Heat’s supposed to break tonight.” She muttered, looking up at the sky.
“Maybe it will.” He replies, looking at her.
“Maybe. I’ll go finish clean up.” She leaves him with the sun nearly fully set behind him. Connor, bless him, had nearly finished the basic clean down. Leftovers boxed up and labeled ready to go in the lowboys, surfaces cleaned and sanitized and the floors swept. It’s about all she’s willing to do tonight, if the heat breaks she’d be there early in the morning anyway to go through everything properly. She thanked Connor and sent him on his way, hearing him say goodbye to Carmy as they crossed paths in the pot wash. 
“Don’t forget your stuff.” He handed over her clothes as she took off and folded her jacket carefully. She stuffed her sun dried clothes into her bag while he shut off the lights, and she followed him out to his car. They drove in a comfortable and easy silence that didn’t call out to be filled. She wasn’t entirely sure what she’d say anyway, there was too much of a sense of inevitability in the air. “How’s the new apartment?” He asked. They'd all helped her move in the week before to a tiny ("It's bijou, Richie!", "It's fuckin' tiny, Syd.") studio apartment closer to the restaurant.
“S’good, yeah. Still a bit basic, but I’ll get there.” 
“You’re dad missing you?”
“He says so, but I think he’s just happy he can watch as much Jeopardy as he wants and eat potatoes for every meal again.”
“Living the life.”
“He’s loving it. Considering I was out of the house probably 15 hours a day, I think it’s a stretch to say I cramped his style, but that's the angle he's going for.” She pointed out a parking spot which she knew wouldn't get ticketed, and he followed her up to the fourth floor. She could already feel her heart pounding in her throat, the heady combination of nerves, anticipation and wanting, but he seemed so calm. For someone usually so weighed down by the expectations of others and the stresses of the restaurant, he was effortlessly laid-back. He was approaching her within seconds of walking through the door, stepping right back into the same space he'd occupied in the office earlier in the day. He placed one hand on her jaw which she covered with her own, and one on her hip, softly stroking the bare skin there. 
"This ok?" He asked, tentative but firm. She could hear in his voice that he had no reservations about the radical change they were about to make to their friendship and fuck, the confidence was definitely something. 
"Yeah," she replied, trying to sound composed. "Yes." She repeated firmly, "yes." He guided her a step backwards and held her against the small table in her kitchen. She waited for what felt like an eternity as he brushed his thumb over her cheekbone and across her bottom lip, taking his time to really look at her. His eyes never left hers until he finally looked at her mouth. The hand on her hip moved around to her back, she still felt sticky with sweat and the temperature was only increasing with their proximity. He didn't seem to notice or care at all as he captured her lips in a kiss. She hadn't known what to do with her hands but they moved unconsciously up his biceps, tracing the line of muscle. She worked her fingers over the knots in his shoulders and tangled them in his hair. He growled against her, deepening the kiss and sliding his hand up her back under her t-shirt so he could draw her closer with a firm hand between her shoulder blades. The heat of his palm against the bare skin of her back drew a low moan from her, she broke the kiss for air so he moved to the column of her neck. He sucked at the soft skin at the hollow of her throat and licked the sheen of sweat. "God, I feel gross," she breathed a laugh. He ground his hips against hers as if wanting to show her that he didn't agree. The length of him pressed into her thigh was enough for her to buck against him. She busied her hands in pulling his damp t-shirt off and his fingers brushed the underside of her breast as he went to do the same thing, 
"May I?" He asked,
"Please, yes." She sighed, lifting her arms. He dipped his head to catch a nipple lightly between his teeth, "Oh f-fuck, Carm,” she moaned, “please don’t stop.” His kisses moved back up her neck, 
"I'm not gonna stop," he murmured, palming her breast, "not ever going to stop, baby." Her hips bucked against his again in a frantic attempt to find pressure, fiction, anything . 
"Carmy -" She whined, 
"Tell me what you want?" She groaned in frustration, coherent sentences the furthest thing from her mind - or capabilities - her hand moving to his waistband instead. He took her hands in his own, "how long have you wanted this?" She wrestled her hands back and worked on her own waistband instead, pushing her Dickies down over the curve of her ass.
"Too long," she perched on the table and pulled him closer, 
"Zero patience." He teased, 
"Fuck you." She retorted, kissing him along his collarbone, running her tongue over the new-to-her tattoos and tasting the same sticky saltiness that covered her own body. 
"I don't care, we match," she laughed, reaching again for the button of his pants. She popped the button and stopped, "sure about this?"
He took his hands from her hips and cupped her face, brushing his nose against hers, "Absolutely fucking sure." She pushed his pants down over his hips and wrapped a hand around him, his jaw tightened as he jerked into her. "Fuck, Syd," He rasped. He reached behind her to where he'd thrown his bag onto the table, and dug through blindly until he'd found a condom. "You're so good for me." He kissed her softly, pushing into her slowly. The table groaned dangerously as he fucked her, his pace increasing. She pushed back against each thrust, matching his hungry pace. Their sweat-slicked bodies worked in symphony and it felt like Carmy was adapting in the moment to every catch of her breath or garbled, breathless moan. "That's it baby, I've got you." He grunted, leaving a bite mark on the soft flesh of her shoulder. The table rattled and Syd gripped his shoulders,
"Don't break my fucking table," she warned. He brought a hand down between them in reply and worked his thumb in circles on her clit. His hips snapped against hers and she could feel her legs tremble as he brought her over the edge with him, her name positively reverent on his lips. She fell limp against him with a choked sob. She let her forehead rest in the crook of his neck while he rubbed her hips where his hands had gripped her so tightly she was sure to have bruises. "That was… god, why the fuck did we wait so long?" She asked, moving to look at him. He laughed, kissing her damp forehead and tucking a couple of stray braids behind her ear. He pulled out carefully and discarded the condom. She stepped down gingerly from the table, trying to work out who had the more stable legs of the two. She swayed on the spot a little and immediately decided the table was doing better than she was. He handed her his t-shirt and she put it on despite the heat. "Now I definitely feel disgusting."
"You shower, I'll cook." He told her, opening the fridge, "uhh filled pasta and tomato sauce? Wait, is this Mikey's?" He opened the plastic container and sniffed the contents. 
"Yeah. I was fucking around with a roasted tomato and basil filling for the pasta using his recipe but it's not there yet so this was the leftover sauce I had." 
"You made it here, at home, just because you wanted to?" She took the container from him and put it next to the stovetop so that she could loop her arms around his waist. 
"Yeah, it's the first thing I made when I moved in." She kissed him lightly, "so I'm going to shower because I currently feel more sweat than human, then you can do the same? We can skip the tour - bed's over there." She nodded in the direction of her bed which took up most of the space in the small room. He stopped her from leaving with a searing kiss that left her leaning into him once again. "Hmm, I'll be back," she murmured, gathering the clothes they hadn't put back on and throwing them into her laundry basket. The cool shower felt like bliss after the heat and grime of the day, followed by the sweaty sex. Stomach rumbling, she hurried to switch with Carmy and plated the food while he showered. 
"You didn't give me a real answer before, when I asked how long?" He said once they were sat on her sofa with her bare legs in his lap, 
"I was busy," she grinned. "Honestly? Maybe straight away but everything was too chaotic to know for sure? And then that day I came back and there was tomato juice on the walls and the floors and just fucking… everywhere and you didn't care, you just looked at me. That's when I knew I was totally screwed." She stopped to inhale more of the rich pasta, "you?" 
"The day I met you."
The heatwave broke overnight with rain and thunderstorms, but all Syd cared about was the delicious warmth of Carmy between her legs. 
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sinyaru · 3 months
Art Raffle! naruto fanfic writers appreciation ! /round14
To note: THIS IS A NARUTO RAFFLE, I will not accept other fandoms
What you have to do to enter this raffle: REBLOG this post and…read the post ? XD You don’t  need to be a follower. (though follows are highly appreciated, of   course! <3) Just, again, please read the whole post. I don’t want people to ask me later to draw things that I’ve said below that I won’t draw.
How will I go about this:
I   will collect all the people who reblogged this post and list them.  Each  of the participants will have a number which will be later drawn  using  random.org
The art I offer for this raffle will be based on  fanfics. Meaning  that the winner gets to pick a story of their own to  which I will draw  fanart of. If said winner does not write, they are  free to pick their  favorite story that is written by a different  person. Even if you do  write, you can still pick a different person’s  story
I know some  fanfic writers out there really appreciate art  being based on their  stories, so I’ve decided to do this little thing!
For  those of you  who neither write nor read, that’s too bad. But I might  sometimes in  the future make a raffle that is not like the ones I’ve  usually held. So  keep your head up~ (yo, seriously, please read the  whole post if you really want to enter this raffle. I will know if you  don’t. *glare*// tag “ficlove” in your tags when reblogging this post so  I know you’ve actually went through w/ reading the post). If you are  one of those people though, but know  someone who writes you can sure  give your winning prize to them. Be  kind, do good.
Please don’t  throw a 100k long fic at me, it will take me forever to read XD but if  that’s just the fic you really want to get art for, go ahead. Just have  in mind I’ll be extremely slow w/ reading it.
Characters I do NOT  want to draw:  Sakura, Sasuke, Orochimaru, anyone from team Taka, Baki,  Tajima,  Butsuma, TenTen, Kinkaku/Ginkaku, Danzo, Hiruzen, characters  from the  Boruto  generation (they’re just characters I have 0 interest in;;  nothing too  personal) ( my commissions are open to these characters  though; haha)
Things I would LOVE to draw (but not limited to) : fluff/romantic stuff <3 , battles! >:O , friendship yay! and of course… smut
some ships I would LOVE  to draw  (but not limited to) : MadaTobi, IzuTobi,   KakaObi, KakaIru,  HashiMada,  MadaObi, ShikaTema, KoteIzu, Itama/Izuna, KakaTenzo,  NaruHina,  SaiIno (list goes from my current hype to lowest hype atm)
one thing I keep forgetting to add on here the previous times:
I  will NOT draw underage; kinks I find unpleasing; ships I find  unpleasing; incest; etc. // if you’re unsure, feel free to ask (you guys  feel free to ship whatever you want, just don’t make me draw it XD)
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eynnwwyjth · 10 months
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Ravnfaye's thank you event
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Hello everyone! Firstly, I want to thank all of you lovelies for your support and friendship! Posting my art and content is pretty fun but also nerve-racking. But this sweet community of people that I've met have made me feel so blessed and grateful.
So because of that, I wanted to give you all a lil present! As you can see, I am doing a *insert drumroll* art raffle! This really is a thank you to my moots and followers for all the smiles you bring my way!
Anyway, enough with the rambling, here is the info! <3
How to enter and extra info:
Firstly, to even be considered in this, you need to be a follower of mine (as it is a thank you to my followers)
To enter, you need to comment or reblog (and to make it more fun) with a blurb about your favorite character atm and why you like them (cheesy I know but hush)
1 entry per person/blog
Ends September 10th
If the winners do not respond within 48 hours, a new winner will be picked
Art will be traditional except for chibi's, which can be either.
Rules of the art will be sent to the winners when notified
The prizes themselves will take a while, so please be patient
The Art:
There will be 3 places you can win!
First place: This spot will win an art piece that can have the option of one to two people. Two ocs together, an oc and a character together, or two characters together. All of those are options. This art will strictly be traditional so that I can confidently provide the art that you expect.
Second place: This spot will get to choose any (1) character or oc to be drawn. Again, this art will strictly be traditional so that I can confidently provide the art that you expect.
Third place: This spot will get to choose any (1) character to be drawn as a chibi. This spot will have the option for digital and traditional because I can confidently provide the quality you expect with both.
Side notes:
If you would like examples for my art, just visit my art tag
If there is anything I'm missing, please send and ask
Please have patience with me this is my first event lol
I hope everyone has fun and enjoys themselves
All entries will be put on a spin wheel and spun
All dividers were made by the amazing @benkeibear
The lil doodle of the person up top is me if you didn't guess it hehe
Taglist: @saint-garden @twistwonderlanddevotee @leonistic @neontokyoo @dove-da-birb @krenenbaker @silvers-numberonefan @busycloudy
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3 and 12 especially if 12 does not correspond to the list from 3
3. Rank the shows you are currently watching from least favorite to favorite.
Ok. So I just answered this one. So I guess this time I'll give some reasons for each one.
8.My Love Mix-Up! This one just started so there isn't a lot to say about it and what I got to say I kinda did when it aired. I'll be waiting to see if it improves because I like the actors. 7.Love Sea I literally just finished watching the first episode an hour ago. I'm not sold and the reason it surpasses MLMU is the ocean. I love anything a little bit more if I can watch the ocean at the same time. 6.We Are It's not breaking any new ground. But I'm enjoying the friendship moments a lot. The group is really fun and they are all very natural together. Tan/Fang are my favourites atm and I wish I had more than crumbs Chain/Pun, because I find Pun really fun to watch. 5.Knock Knock, Boys! It's really fun. I'm actually laughing in certain moments which doesn't happen all that often. I really like the house dynamics, it feels very real to me. Seng is great of course, but I like all of them. The food montage was a high moment for me. I was drooling. 4.Only Boo! They are so freakin adorable. I am in pain. That train break up was so sad. Well done but sad. I understand the reason, and it makes sense from what we know of Kang, but it was painful. And that title card '1 year later'... I hate it so much. We don't really know how much happened in that year so I don't want to preemptively criticize it, but I hope that something else changed and not only the calendar. Cause if you're gonna move past so many things, at least give me growth. 3.With You I Bloom This one is a jdrama and thanks to an amazing fansubber I can watch as it airs which is not always the case with jdramas. This is not a bl, but I don't think anyone has told the show yet. I started watching this one because there are a lot of jbl actors in it so I was curious. And I'm having so much fun. It's basically a bunch of dudes learning to fight with swords in very nice clothes. There are a bunch of couples pairs, with very different dynamics, several sad backstories, and the final theme song makes cackle every time because it's always a massive tonal shift, because it's so happy and honestly, so so gay. 2.Wandee Goodday It's a whole new level of idiots in love and I love it. Like there's idiot in love, and then there's Dee. He's going for first place and no one can even touch him. I think if Taem clearly and without reservations rejects Yak, he can accept his feelings for Dee properly. But Dee is all over the place and at this point I don't think the show is doing a good job at telling me why. He keeps going back and forth too quickly for me. I truly hope that final flashback he had when they were running was him accepting his feelings. Also I NEED to know about Cher and Oyei. I need that backstory. TODAY. 1.At 25:00 in Akasaka I love Hayama a normal amount. This last episode was a rollercoaster for me. That ending left me screaming. And then I went through a whole thing when @lurkingshan threw my glasses on the floor and I was able to see everything in a whole new way. Anyway I love this show. What they are doing with the two shows is so interesting, and the editing is so smart. And I love them both. Hayama has my whole heart though.
2. Which show do you think will have the best ending?
Honestly, I have no idea. Endings are hard. It's hard to tie all the loose ends and make everybody happy. Jbl's lately have not done a great job at them. I still trust them more than Thai bl endings and I feel like we are collectively dreading WG end because of that. So honestly. If I'm going by what I've seen so far, I'm gonna say Only Boo. Maybe because the stakes are not as high as for some of the other shows, I expect a solid ending that will leave me with a big smile and a full heart. And that's honestly more than I've been getting so I'll be happy.
Thank you so much for dropping by with questions. 💜
Currently Airing Shows Ask Game
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terrak0 · 6 days
What are your favorite twdg ships? Along with a few that you are respectfully not fond of?
Honestly, I vibe with the platonic friendships and familial relationships in the game more than any of the romantic ships. Found family has always been my jam, and it’s also the central core story theme.
There isn’t a lot of romance going on in the series anyway and most ships tend to be short lived due to the zombies 😭
I am fond of Violentine, Clouis, and Carlee though. Jane and Luke is kinda growing on me atm. Respectfully not fond of Gabentine cause he’s a lil annoying sometimes (he’s a angsty teen boy so that’s understandable tho)
Disrespectfully dislike Javi x Kate cause that’s my brothers wife and she’s so rude if you reject her advances💀 I took it personally
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utterlybrainwrecked · 17 days
actually I have calmed down and decided that I value my friendship with basil more than a fictional character. (<- this is supposed to be somewhat satirical but also I sound like twilight sparkle I hate that bitch so much) also they drew q one time so that was pretty cool. I did enjoy feeling like a war criminal (or basically how the fandoms treating fyodor atm), but I’m going to have to suck it up and pull out the ukulele :( I’m sorry to anyone whose favorite character I threatened to brutally slaughter, but also the draft is sitting in my notes and I’m not afraid to add a few names if I have to <3 .
anyway !!! love you all /p
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queerbuckleys · 10 months
hii, i am going on vacation for like the next tenish days and need a break from tumbles <3 i wrote a big long dramatic note originally but it felt too *handwaves* it's under the cut if you wanna read more about why i feel like i need to take time away, but basically i have lost some of the joy of being here and creating and havent actually taken a proper break since 2021...so yeah! if you wanna reach out on discord or if you have my number pls do! it is not a moratorium on friendship :P just the hellsite. if you want a way to contact me over the next ten days and don't have a way to do so, i will be around for the rest of today so shoot me a DM and we will figure it out! see ya on the flipside, ily!
The other thing I have kinda stopped doing more unintentionally is reblogging sets and stuff, and I really don’t know why. I feel like I used to do that a lot more, and be far more expressive in the tags cause I know that is one of my favorite things about creating so I want to give that to others as well. And it feels as tho I am fulfilling an obligation when I reblog rather than expressing my love for the creation.
I have also not been reading basically any fics and I am hoping that my new glasses will help that situation but idk that I can actually catch up to all the things that I have missed no matter how excited I was to read them 😭
It just feels like being here is more work than it’s worth and I am letting people down atm, including myself. And this is supposed to be my happy, safe, creative space and it just isn’t right now and I want it to return to that.
Right now kinda presents a perfect opportunity since I will be traveling, visiting family, meeting new people over the next ten or so days so it just works very well to take an intentional pause. also i have been meaning to take a serious break since like...may, and several things kept me from doing so, but now all those things are past-- or at least will still exist to create for when i come back. as well as complicated things in my brain coming to a head.
so! i will be gone for a bit, i think it's like ten days or so to focus on my travels and existing as a person outside my apartment and outside tumblr. And when i get back i hope to do a little celebration of sorts 😉
if you have my discord or number feel free to hmu/ chat/ check-in! and if you don't have that and would like to contact me over this time, send me a DM today and we can sort it out!
i love you all! see ya in september <3
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lilbeanz · 7 months
Hi! i’m absolutely in love with Jodt! i just finished the study of muggles and it’s my favorite so far! all of them have been amazing but there’s just something about this last one that hit the spot.
(also the fact that draco is an abba fan was my favorite part of this, and him being a little jealous idiot and his friendship with pansy and hermione and AHHH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!)
you are so incredibly talented i have no words
(actually i have a lot of words but it’s mostly squealing and kicking my feet because it’s SO DARN CUTE!)
but yeah i just love your stories and your art and, yeah :))) <33
Awww! Thank you so much!!
I'm so glad you're enjoying it :D 💖✨️💕
Yes, many seem to think SoM was the best part so far, and that makes me so happy! I've definitely improved writing-wise and from what I gather PoA is the most popular book 😆
Plus, SoM was the one where canon went out the window 😈
I'm 40k deep into writing the next installment atm, so I don't think y'all are gonna have to wait too long 😂
Idk how. I started 2 weeks ago. I feel possessed.
Thank you so much 🥺🫶
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lesbianhughie · 1 month
Your opinions about Hughie Campbell and his relationships with The Boys ans others GO!!
i luv hughie. hughie they could never make me hate you (except in season 3 when they fucked up your writing and made you incredibly hate-able)
UMMM HERES my opinion.s on their relationships
butcher - i know Nothing but pain. i love their fucked up brother/found family dynamic but jesus christ its FUUUCUKED it makes me rly sad that hughie canonically reminds butcher (and like all of his family😭) of lenny… they make me sad . i eat doomed family dynamics up for breakfast and lunch and dinner i fear. but also i don’t really um , like butcher all that much so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
mm - I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC. mm is what hughie wants butcher to be. mm was there for hughie and is the clearest voice of reason he has for that kid. i love their dynamic and i love how much he cares for hughie and how he shows it hgrgrghdbdb
frenchie - i was gonna say “i think they kiss” but like
Tumblr media
they um. they literally have LMFAO ummm but yeah i did ship these two for a while……. not as big of a fan as i used to be but im still down with it
kimiko - SO MUCH UNTAPPED POTENTIALLLLL HRHRGGFHDGDH i think they could have a sweet friendship!!!!
annie - hughie/annie is probably one of the only canon ships i actually like from this show to be honest. it had a rocky start and season 3 kind of. um. season 3’d it up. but i love them. also i hc hughie as having bpd and annie as his favorite person …,
and now for others….
maeve - i think they [extremely loud censorship beep]
soldier boy - i actually kind of fw soldier boy/hughie as a ship sometimes i can’t even lie here. not a huge fan but i unexpectedly enjoyed it when i came across some content of it. but in the canon i think they had some funny interactions
neuman - i had an au for a bit where she got him to be on her side and he was like a double agent sort of thing and maybe i shipped them before i even knew jack and claudia are together but they had a lot of fun chemistry in the show and i enjoyed seeing them interact
homelander - the only direct interaction i can think of them having atm was when homelander like vaguely threatened him and hughie stepped up like >:/ and homelander just looked at him up and down and went Ouh👀 like what even was that. i personally am not a fan of hughlander but i thought that was fuckin hilarious. i do think itd be fun to see an unpowered homelander getting the absolute shit beat out of him by hughie. i dunno i think itd be satisfying
the deep - I Need Him To Kill This Fucker
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fabuloustrash05 · 13 days
i honestly do not like april x turtle ships at all and i think mm is my lest fav one. like the others are objectively worse in cannon but mm is boring to me?
in mm, there is no other reason atm leo likes her other than she's cool which is fine but it's very much just there. and april friendzones him. like it's an april x turtle ship and it's uninteresting imo.
idk i think im spoiled on ramona
I don't like April x Turtle ships either. I MUCH rather prefer April being a big sister/mother figure to the boy instead of her being a romantic interest for one (or all) of them. Her having a romantic connection with one of the Turtles ruins her relationship and time spent with the other three because we gotta have the shipping moments happen between her and her romantic interest. Gonna use TMNT 2012 as an example: As much as I love 2012 April, most of her Turtle interactions were mostly with Donnie, and yeah they have a close bond and friendship so it's understandable, but at the same time we very rarely saw her have moments, bond with and speak to Leo, Raph and Mikey (and not as a group I mean personal one on one convos with each of them individually). So any time she does I always appreciate them full heartedly. Eyes of the Chimera is one of my favorite Season 3 episodes simply because we got a Leo and April team up!
Back to the subject at hand, I have to disagree with you on Leo x April in Mutant Mayhem being boring. I thought they were genuinely cute and his crush on her was not always shoved in our face in the film. Leo trying to be smooth with her only to mess it up right away reflects perfectly of a teenage boy meeting a pretty girl for the first time, and it found it funny. We don't necessarily know how April feels about Leo (maybe she only sees him as a friend, maybe she likes him back, we don't know), so maybe they'll explore their relationship more in the upcoming show, but she did go to prom with him so I feel that says something.
In the end though, I see Leo x April from MM as a Dipper x Wendy from Gravity Falls situation. A one-sided crush that will eventually go away with time, and Leo will move on and maybe get a new crush (preferable Lotus).
Also, no hate to you Anon, but I'm shock you said MM Leo x April is your least favorite April x Turtle ships when Bayverse Mikey x April exists and was the most uncomfortable thing in those movies.
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nerdy-frog98 · 2 months
Finished season 3 of 9-1-1! What an incredible season. I love how easy it is to love the characters in the 118. So much character growth for my favs :’)
Some notes & observations:
- Chim is SUCH a good character 😭 the halloween episode this season was one of my favorites because of how lighthearted it felt compared to other eps.
- Abby coming back in the last episode made me hurt so bad for Buck. I beg your finest pardon- she felt like if she came back for him, she’d go back to being what she was before? That’s such a cop-out excuse. I hated that. I get that she needed to get out of there, but never communicating with Buck about how she felt is horrible and he did NOT deserve that. Good riddance. (no forgiveness to the woman who made him feel unworthy and bad)
- The tsunami arc was SO GOOD. Deeply impressed by it, and have been filed under “favorite episodes” (an ever changing list atm)
- Buck and Eddie did reach the “best friendism” I was looking forward to in season 2, but just like season 2, there is so much queer coding in their friendship. There’s little moments where they’ll say/do something for each other that feels so romantic, and it makes it difficult to look at their friendship as the platonic one it was supposedly intended to be.
- continuation of the last point : when Eddie got trapped in the well system & was dreaming of Christopher (which ultimately gave him the motivation to keep going and survive…chef kiss for that), there was A WHOLE LOTTA BUCK in that montage!! It’s almost like Buck is coparenting his child! Anyway.
- I’m not a huge fan of cops, and this season kind of highlighted many of my reasons. I really like Athena and how she interacts and supports other characters, but her attitude towards the general public feels icky to me sometimes. Michael and her kids nearly getting hate-crimed was awful and made me so sick, but the way she reacted to it was so ????. It kind of tainted her character a little bit for me. (although her arc at the end with the rapist was really sad and I gained a bunch of respect back for her wanting to take care of that)
- Maddie + Chim are a top tier couple, and MADDIE IS PREGNANT?!? what???? I’ve seen several spoilers for this show but I knew nothing about this arc!! Nada! So I am very much looking forward to seeing what happens there 👀
- I don’t know if I was imagining it, but I felt like a lot of the emergencies that happened this season felt very personal to the 118. More so than the last two seasons.
- I wish Bobby was my dad :(
- And on my last point, I fucking adore Hen and Karen. I want more of their story. Hen is such a beautiful character to me, and I’ve loved seeing her growth. Her relationship with Karen is incredible too (which I’m glad about, the cheating storyline in S1 was awful). I want more of my mother lesbians ❤️
I’ve heard from several of you, as well as my lovely sister-in-law, that season four is…exciting…so wish me luck ✋🏼
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